imwritesometimes · 2 years
reading all the signs of dyscalculia and being like. hmmmm. yes. ok. yes. hmmmm. yes. and then fucking crying cause. man. I knew all my life it wasn't just me "not wanting to do better" or "not wanting to learn" I tried to explain to every adult that would listen that there was something wrong when it came to math and no one would listen
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
we can send in ideas you say 👀 dark! Cory with a reader who’s not so inclined to behave and listen to him, being bratty, turning him away, embarrassing him in public ….. his frail ego would shatter (and who knows what he’d do to her 🫣🫣)
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pairing: president!coriolanus snow x fem!bratty!reader
summary: you were the daughter of one of the richest couples of panem. everything you’ve ever wanted, handed to you. coriolanus had a short temper and you were stubborn. who knows what could happen?
warnings: arguments, bratty reader, public scenes, punishments, kinda smutty, fingering, not proof read i’m lazy
a/n: stand up and fight back to that rude bitch babe
they’d messed up your order. again.
you’d ordered three dresses, all pink and one was too small. you’d already returned it multiple times but apparently the shop owner was incompetent. did he know who you were? the first lady of panem deserved nothing but the best and this imbecile couldn’t even do his job.
you’d give him another chance you figured. “soreen!” you shouted out as you heard the pitter patter of footsteps on the floor. “yes mrs snow?” you sighed, “pull the car around please. we’re going down to the genevieve store.” she nodded before scurrying away to arrange your mode of transportation.
the car ride was smooth, much to your relief. you needed at least one thing to go right today, and the car ride helped boost your morale as you pulled up in front of the aforementioned store. “here we are mrs snow.” your driver spoke as he promptly exited the vehicle to open your door, “thank you phillip.” he tipped his cap to you before shutting your door, “i’ll be waiting ma’am.”
the store was quite large, for someone who hadn’t been there before it was quite easy to lose your way. but you knew exactly where you were headed, walking a path of determination as you reached the front desk. a young lady, clearly disengaged from her job sat filing her nails at the desk. “what do you want?” your face twisted into a disingenuous smile, this was going to be fun, you thought. you cleared your throat as you placed your handbag down with care.
“mrs y/n snow, here for adina?” the girl looked close to tears as a string of apologies fell through her lips, “let me go get him, again, i cannot express my apologies mrs snow.” you’d already turned around to sit at one of the many chairs strewn about.
adina was frantic.
he sure as hell wasn’t expecting the first lady of panem, in his store, by herself. nonetheless, he quickly nodded along to her explanation of her dilemma, the dresses, the sizes, the unresponsive customer aid line.
you’d walked out of the store were five new dresses, all free of cost. a successful day in your eyes. the whisperings were there, of how the last store clerk who’d kept you waiting went out of business. or how the cook whose meal caused you to choke had his hand cut off. mistakes were made in the process of the workers bending over backwards to produce the upmost quality service for the presidents darling wife.
who was known for her own expensive tastes.
and god help anyone who kept her waiting.
the dress was for a charity event that night. coriolanus of course didn’t want to go, but it was seen as beneficial to his own cause to be seen out and about, especially at a high profile event. whereas you on the other hand? you’d ordered three new dresses, five now, two new pairs of heels and that jewellery set you’d been eyeing up for a while.
coriolanus wanted to get through the night, that was it. the office was as stressful as ever, his secretary was out sick, so a fill-in took her place, stuttering every time he spoke to her and messed up his meetings of the day. but since marrying you, coriolanus knew nothing was ever easy with you.
you prided yourself on your unpredictability. to keep people on their toes. you loved being able to stick out from the rest, keep people guessing. and most of all, you loved being seen, admired. you were never one to be tame, coriolanus knew it. you always tested his patience and temper.
but this?
you’d worn a burgundy gown, off the shoulder, floor length and a v-cut too low for his likes. the one dress out of five he’d disapproved of. you’d disobeyed him purposefully, coriolanus hoped you’d grow out of old habits, but again they die hard.
the eyes were on you like vultures, his wife.
he’d deal with you later, just get through the night.
“and that dress! it’s certainly, something.” you didn’t know the girls name, but her face seemed familiar. “why thank you! coriolanus had picked out some others but then again what do men know about women’s fashion?” the woman’s slack jaw caused you to giggle, “well aren’t you fiery! the president has a lot on his hands with you.”
you tossed your hair behind as you took a sip from your glass, “well i’m sure if he can handle a whole country,” you leaned in before whispering, “he can try his best to handle me.” coriolanus saw red. one night, without your antics was all he’d wished for. the dress and your behaviour had sent him over the edge.
“miss.” coriolanus acknowledged the woman as he grabbed a hold of your hand, “president snow! how nice it is to see you here, and your donation! how splendid.” coriolanus’s charm seemed to switch on instantaneously, “anything for the, good cause.” coriolanus couldn’t give a flying fuck about the cause let alone remember what it was. “it’s time for us to go.”
you had an image, pristine and clear. a lovely woman, kind and respectful. at times naive but overall a caring wife. your slick words, which charmed any man or woman, your striking beauty and sweet personality.
but at your core you, like your husband. couldn’t care less, it was one of the reasons you got along so well. it was all a facade and coriolanus was the only person who knew the real you. much to his chagrin, the real you was a total bitch. a smooth talker with a pretty face who got everything she wanted. you’d never wanted to marry him in the first place, so it seemed to be your personal mission to embarrass the poor man.
“if you’re tired then head on home love. i know you need your hours of sleep, cranky without them!” you made him sound like child without his favourite toy, unable to go on until he had it again. “sweetheart, you know we go home together. now come along.” his tone was nothing like the fake warmth it mimicked, you were on thin ice. “yes i know, honey, but you’re not incapable of returning home without me now are you? i’m sure the driver remembered the directions for you.” you pinched his cheek. pinched. his. cheek.
you may as well have started praying for your soul.
so he left, alone.
you had no clue as to why you wanted to stay. it’s not as if there was someone actually worthwhile to engage in conversation with, but you just wanted to be out of the house. you had to soak up your time outside while it lasted you assumed. coriolanus wouldn’t be letting you out anytime soon, especially after what you’d said that night.
the door slammed shut as you hung up your coat next to corio’s. you took a deep breath in before exhaling. it was going to be a long night.
“did you have fun?” corio was sat in a large, plush, arm chair, swirling a drink in his hand. you could only wonder how many he’d had in the hours by himself. “i did.” your voice was gentle, the house quiet in the dead of night. but the large mansion echoed, he would’ve heard you anyways.
“hm.” he feigned interest in your response. all he wanted was to put you in your place. “corio?” he turned to view you, whilst you walked over before situating yourself on his arm chair. but as soon as you did his glass clattered onto the side table as he rose up. “we’re going to bed.” you weren’t sure if he’d snap if you protested, your feet were aching and you found it best not to argue.
you should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy, which is how you ended up fully exposed whilst coriolanus was fully dressed. “please.” you’d been on your back for the last, ten? twenty? “please what?” coriolanus liked to put you in your place, it was one of his favourite things to do since you forgot it so often. “touch me.” his hand slipped into your panties, fingers sliding into your already soaking hole as you clutched onto his shoulders.
he’d been teasing you for what felt like forever and you felt you were finally done with it. “close your eyes.” he whispered as his fingers slid out, eliciting a whine from your throat, but you listened, closing your eyes, wondering what he’d do.
it’d been a minute since corio spoke and you were feeling restless. on one hand you could wait for him to speak up, allow you to open your eyes. on the other, you opened them to peek at what he was doing and he dragged out your punishment.
and to your right lay your husband, asleep. “corio!” you groaned out before shoving his shoulder, “you didn’t think i was going to fuck you tonight? after the shit you pulled? you have fingers, use them.” and coriolanus fell asleep soundly to your attempts to finish off without him.
now that, would teach you a lesson.
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vampirae · 1 year
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Astrology observations
Capricorn Venus isn't so materialistic, into hypergamy or well-known/respected people. There's more depth to this placement; they look for a long-term relationship or bond, so they're not gonna invest their time, energy, money and love for something frivolous as popularity or a nice income, surely they wouldn't mind an ambitious person or someone that wants more than a simple life, but they look firstly for a safe place, someone that won't let the down, and understands them.
Fire rising with a watery planet (like Moon, Neptune or Pluto) in 1st house or heavily aspected by the aforementioned planets tend to be mistaken for a water sign or rising. Their fiery nature is watered down but if you look closely and patiently you'll notice that fierness, vitality and chaotic positive energy that only fire signs could have.
Planets in 2nd house or Taurus could be accused of being lazy, and honestly they're okay with it, it's your problem not theirs, they just enjoy doing stuff in their own natural pace, unless they have fire placements or abundant fiery houses. They'll take this more as a criticism, and honestly it will get on their nerves, and they would light up that fire and start doing projects one after another, just to show you, that you shouldn't underestimate them.
Honestly, fire placements tend to be really emotional, but not in a watery placements way, but more when you touch their ego, personality or life visions. It's also the only placements (except Scorpio and Capricorn) that could use their rage/annoyance to their advantage, it gives them an extra boost of motivation and energy.
Cardinal moons are the easier to deal with. Like you could persuade them more easily, also they're more open to new perspectives, unless they hate you obviously, then you can't do anything.
Like fixed moons are so so so stubborn about their emotions and beliefs, that it's useless to talk to them. Let's say they're in a toxic relationship, no matter how much you try to convince them to leave their partner, they'll find an excuse for every toxic trait their partner have, it's like talking to a wall.
Same situation but mutable moons, oh Jesus, try to understand what they're thinking, and if they understood your point of view, until they're sure they can manage the situation, they'll stick with it even if, they may realize you're right.
Cardinal moons on the other side, are way more realistic and pragmatic, if you give them evidence and a well thought explanation, they'll start crying like little bitches, but will listen to you and start to think about it, planning what to do, or just looking at the pro and cons. Somehow they're the least delusional moons, even if all this realism hurts them.
Scorpio placements, honestly I don't understand why all this placements are so sexualised, tbh they only Scorpio placement worth it, it's Scorpio mars (hot bitches by default). I've noticed that usually Scorpio placements are so overbearing and borderline toxic. I mean they're a ride or die, tend to very loyal and sincere, gives amazing insights and advices but in love, oh Jesus, too much drama, paranoia, jealousy etc. The only placement I feel safe with it's Scorpio mars, they're just too focused chasing their goals and give all they have to their partner, my golden boy/girl in an ocean of issues.
Talking about Capricorn placements, I low-key hate when people think they're marriage material or extremely loyal, like it's enough to be in their hearts to have the best version of them and the undying love. Sure, they look like the least person to hurt you, but they can be worse and more insincere that a stereotyped Gemini or Libra. Usually they're taken for granted, and people use them a lot, without appreciating them or their efforts, with time, their resentment grows, to a point where they will continue acting as usual, but behind your back, they'll chase pleasures and happiness. Practical example: they could have another partner or just a liaison that would fill their emptiness, or hide their real income, and use the rest for enjoying or buying stuff, or just going out with other ppl, it may be also friends, yet say they had some extra work to do. I've noticed that Capricorn placements ends up with controlling people (family, lovers, friends), so they learned to act well and do stuff in secrecy.
Also, Capricorn placements tend to have few things that sparks joy in them, it's always about responsibility, goals, self mastering, chasing career or social status, whatever they do it's never enough, few are the lucky ones that have a healthy emotional support or enough ego to chase what they really want or love.
To sum up, a Saturnian heart it's like a flower, if you take care of it one day it will become like an Hayao Miyazaki's garden, if you do the bare minimum you'll end up with a lawn full of weeds. They have a lot to offer, really they can be so selfless but to the right people. *I think even some 10th house placements could relate to it*
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the-hungdeli-hermit · 3 months
finally wrote up a somewhat proper explanation as to why Roulette doesn’t like Chai at the start of her rather tumultuous journey. I don’t know if this can be considered a long read post but here’s your warning. Oh, and you can scroll down for some lineart pieces (really proud of those two) and another mention of a NIN album.
because we love NIN in this house
At first glance it might seem like Roulette hates Chai’s guts to an unimaginable degree, but “hate” is too strong of a word here, even in her own opinion. Yes, she does find him rather annoying, arrogant, idiotic in his antics and just in general the biggest dumbass she’s ever laid her eyes on. At the same time, she knows it’s rather pointless to be as nasty as she is to him at times, yet she feels as though she can’t stop now, like she has to be mean to him. Acting all nice and calm towards him after everything she’s said to him would be like admitting some so sort of defeat to herself.
(And she’s can be a stubborn bitch sometimes, even when she knows how she’s acting towards him is incredibly mean and stupid (her first meeting with him basically clouds her judgment; the reason for initially disliking him is really petty, a spur of a moment situation))
The issue runs deeper than that though. Ru is angry with Chai not just because he feels like a caricature of every lazy loser who thinks they’re the hottest shit out there, but because she is extremely envious of him, both his character and position. Seemingly a nobody from God knows where gets a prosthetic for garbage collection and then becomes an ambassador for one of the departments of a multibillion tech company just… because? A literal college-dropout, a slacker who doesn’t take his job seriously and just seems to leech off of the company he works for? And people even like him?!
Is it really because of his positive attitude? His stupid smile? Or… is he just that charming and lovable compared to her? It seems as though everything comes to him easily, without him even trying, that he is just that incredibly lucky.
Of course, Ru doesn’t knows his situation, what he’s been through to get to this point in time and who he had to face. Heck, we don’t even know what his past was like, but we can only assume that it wasn’t that great. She thinks her comments don’t really affect him much, that he brushes them off with ease and just goes about his life being all “rockstar” or something. 
And he does, but some of them just hit way too close to home without even meaning too.
She dreamt big too, you know? Big dreams of her own, that she couldn’t fulfil due to her life circumstances. And here he is, a reminder that more often than not, hard work is not enough. Just one lucky moment can be enough change your life completely, and her hard work couldn’t compare to that. 
At least she got lucky this time, getting accepted into Vandelay Tech as a mere HR-assistant. She thought she could change her life around completely, start fresh in a new and unfamiliar environment.
And she did, but wherever you go, you’ll always have yourself, right? And you can’t really outrun your own problems like that. It might give you more motivation to work on yourself, but in the end… who is to say that it’ll actually help you?
Their relationship will improve eventually, but only after someone will be saved once and at least one attempted murder/voluntary manslaughter? Hard to tell 
Actually JUST LISTEN TO NINE INCH NAILS IN GENERAL. And I’m not just talking The Downward Spiral or Pretty Hate Machine (both are wonderful, of course), but listen to other works too.
And now, the little art pieces:
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Still experimenting with style and how to draw Roulette. The last post with her was leaning more into being somewhat realistic, while this one is just… cute. Which I really like! And of course, the second is more of an experiment with lineart. Still love my Sakura Pigma Micron pens to death, they just hit different. The scratchy look turned out lovely on the second piece.
oh yeah, and these two are the same person
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dilesxpressions · 8 months
Justin Rakauskas
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Justin Rakauskas (Pompompurin’s Poopoo Pudding Pals), 2nd year Human Development major, Los Angeles 
2. What’s your roman empire?
My “roman empire” is lowkey food because I think about it all the time. From the moment I wake up in the morning to when I finish a meal, I am already thinking about what I want to eat next. 
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
The best compliment I have ever received is when people confuse me for a 3rd or 4th year because I look and act more mature than I really am. Even though I am still 18 as a 2nd year in college, some people in the frat thought I was already a 3rd or 4th year, which is crazy to me because I am probably one of the youngest actives. Being told I look and act more mature than my age makes me incredibly confident in who I am. 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
If my life was a movie, it would definitely be a drama because I love being involved in drama. I AM THE DRAMA >:) I love tea and will always be down to listen to people gossip hehe. I would probably play that problematic side character because I usually am never directly involved in drama, I just like to stir the pot and get a good laugh out of it. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Something on my college bucket list is studying abroad with friends because I want to learn about a specific subject in another country with people I know. I do not want to be alone in that experience and I would be super excited to travel the world with my besties. 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
My guilty pleasure is peanut butter. I love peanut butter so much and when it is mixed with chocolate, you will have me eating for ages. I literally eat out of the peanut butter jar because of how good it is. DEBATE: SMOOTH IS BETTER THAN CHUNKY! 
7. What are your bad habits?
My bad habits include procrastinating on all of my homework because I am lazy as fuck, I pick at my fingers and fingernails when I am nervous, I interrupt people sometimes because I am having too good of a conversation with them, and I can be stubborn at times because I do not want things to not go my way. 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Currently, my favorite song lyrics are “bitch I said what I said, I’d rather be famous instead” from the song Paint the Town Read by Doja Cat. That song, specifically those lyrics, have been stuck in my head for about 2 months now and I do not know how to get them out. So, I have just learned to deal with it and now sing the song 24/7. 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
My unpopular opinion/hot hate is I do not like leftovers because they do not taste as good once they have been put in the fridge. I like it when the food I eat at restaurants is fresh, and the moment they are put in the box, I just do not like it anymore for some reason. The only acceptable leftover I will eat is cold pizza in the fridge because it lowkey slaps. 
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
A time where I had to step up to be a leader was when I was on the varsity cross country team in high school. In high school, all of my senior friends graduated and moved on to go to college. That meant that it was my time to step up as one of the senior cross country and track runners. My responsibilities included showing the new freshmen runners the correct form on how to run, the correct breathing techniques and strategies, how and when to warm up and stretch, and how to be respectful to their fellow teammates and competition. I really enjoyed being one of the leading members of my team because it tested my knowledge and capability of being an experienced runner myself and how I could act around the new members who relied on my expertise. I also really enjoyed being a leader with my friends who were also varsity seniors because we all were able to collaborate together and show the new kids the ropes. It furthered my understanding of the sport and taught me collaboration, teamwork, dedication, and friendship. I remember having to teach one of the youngest members on the team to keep his own pace and not compete with the better runners when starting on the team. He would always try to keep up with us, but when I told him to manage his own pace and challenge himself by not competing with the more experienced runners, he learned to maintain his breathing and energy throughout the rest of the practice. I was really proud because he took my advice and became a really good runner in the long run.
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
Y/n looking at Jojos as competitions/rivals (hcs)
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Summary: You consider the Jojos a rival, and competition when it gets to grades and all, they never did anything to you but you’re just generally annoyed at them because you think they’re better than you and you’re annoyed that they are better than you, you’re not jealous just annoyed that they exceeded you. (basically enemies to lover for short) Inspiration: Based on real life thoughts with a person honestly lmaO I really think they are a compeition(they don’t know) but in the end it’s just a friendly thing. Disclaimers: Underage smoking (Just because this action is being done here it doesn’t mean you should do it too, for both my adult and teen audiences i rlly don’t recommend this and just because I used it in this fic doesn’t mean you should do it as well) , and  mentions of violence, or implied violence, drugs are also mentioned( i repeat i do not encourage these behaviours in real life) Header: Orange Other writings: Masterlist/Taglist Requests/questions: Ask/Request Box
Jojos as your Rivals
Jonathan Joestar
  ✧ God. To you he was really annoying, teachers praised him and he was a top student in the rankings and a teacher’s pet, you’d never see him complain, cry, or anything at all.
  ✧ Of course he was the class president and a student council so it annoyed you more since he was kind of like a mary sue in your eyes, the fact that he got good grades and doesn’t seem to have a hard time in the things he does really annoy you.
 ✧ You were in the top 3 top students except you’re in 3rd place and you could never beat Jonathan, moreover he’s also an athlete and you were bothered that girls were practically drooling to him. But despite this you’ll never do anything to seek revenge, you won’t embarrass him or frame him because you still have morals.
 ✧ Though you were just grumpy and passive agressive to him sometimes whenever the teacher asks him to help you, you really didn’t like receiving help from him because for you, you think that’s a sign of weakness.
 ✧ Of course you get parterned up with him a big project that was considered as your examination and you hated it. You treated it more of a individual work, but after knowing him a bit from that project you kinda like how he acted, polite, kind and patient.
  ✧ Everytime he sees you struggle and you decline for help he’ll just go behind you or besides you and either guide your hands to fix it or he’ll fix it himself and he’ll just smile afterwards, it was really cute and you’ll mentally slap yourself for liking him, were you forgetting he was rival?
 ✧ He’ll slowly consider you as a friend and he would really really feel guilty for assuming that you were a rude person base on you act towards him but he eventually thinks that you’re a kind person in the inside but a bit stubborn and he finds that cute.
 ✧ If it’s a love story you and him will secretly date and its not obvious to the world that you two are dating, you were never touchy with him in public, you two still acted the same honestly, a bit stubborness coming from you and stubborness from Jonathan because he’s really willing to help you with everything, eitherway you two only have playful fights and a few REAl arguments here an there but you two eventually make up again a few days later.
 ✧ If it’s a platonic relationship you two would be the bestest of friends and you two would have playful arguments and some people would literally ship you two because of your friendship.
 Joseph Joestar
 ✧ This guy was intelligent but lazy and yet he still gets 1st place in the class as a top student with A+ grades, and you found it also annoying that he was naturally talented and effortlessly got them, you sometimes wonder if he cheats.
 ✧ And because you think he cheats you go out of your way to site his essays and public works to see if he uses references or anything, but no this guy is just naturally talented and you felt like he didn’t deserve especially with his laid off attitude.
 ✧ Now you don’t show your passive aggressive side to him because you know better not to make him think that you’re literally angry at him, for you he’s just a competition and another boss level to defeat, it’s not personal just a fun thing you do so you don’t take out your anger out on him.
 ✧ He is also an athlete, of course the Joestar bloodline and legacy literally revolves around the sports they take, so it was no surprise, you on the other hand is also an athlete and you would most likely take the competition seriously whenever there’s a boys vs girls basketball game, you were the MVP let’s just say, sports was like your whole life.
 ✧ Of course there’s an annual event that the high school hosts where as every student will be competing against each other, the remaining 4 players will be the ones set out to compete to another sports festival in a different school. They will choose 4 players per sport.
 ✧ Of course you chose to marathon since you were honestly swift and that was more on your main sport, running. And it was Joseph’s as well and you two had to compete with each other among other students, he’ll say something cocky to you that is enough to motivate you to defeat him.
 ✧ Eventually you and Joseph were one of the 4 people chosen to compete in another school, and though it took awhile for you two to agree on things you two won the tournament with teamwork and ever since then your friend consists of constant and non stop teasing and playful banters.
 ✧ “What do you mean? I clearly made our team win!” he’d say and you’d just roll your eyes at his cockiness. Though you’d retort with something cocky as well.
Jotaro Kujo
 ✧ You honestly don’t know why this guy was even a top student he often gets into fights and the teachers just shrug it off,  you find it annoying he gets to answer everything before you and finish quizzes before you and you get so pissed and can’t understand why is he quick and he doesn’t seem like a type to review.
 ✧ He’s pissed at every fangirl he has and he is pissed at you sometimes as well because you try avoiding him, yeah he’s aware of your competitiveness and he doesn’t really care that much.
 ✧ But you do so you basically you’re like legit pissed at him and you think that he also doesn’t deserve his intelligence since he’s just wasting it away by smoking cigarettes at the back of the school and fighting people it was honestly annoying and you wish you had his intelligence at the same time.
 ✧ Unlike the others maybe in this one you’re being constantly pressured by high grades so you started smoking as well to relieve your stress, you’d somberly sulk at the back of the school as well smoking your problems away it made you feel calm for some reason.   ✧ He sees you there and mumbles a “Tch” while he adjusts his cap and walk near you and light up his cigarette and doesn’t say a word, he doesn’t honestly care what you were doing, anyone was allowed to do anything they want to do so he left you there.  ✧ Honestly he started getting concerned of you when you were often doing it, even he knew that too much is too much. “ That’s enough” he’ll say and take your cigarette pack away, “Touche” you’ll just roll your eyes and walk away. He’d always stop you from smoking, you were getting addicted honestly and it’s not helping since every minute you were getting stressed out.  ✧ When you’re not listening to him he’ll agressively tell you to “cut it off bitch.” or something along those lines, and you didn’t really know he was a person who hid his feelings so you snapped and scolded him that you were a mess because of him  and took out all of your anger and left honestly.  ✧ He couldn’t care less what you said about him and tried to accompany you at the back of the school or in the rooftops everytime it’s break or the end of classes, he didn’t speak that much but he was a good listener and constantly listened to your problems, eventually this is a routine and you treasured every second of it.  ✧ It became a thing that you two basically  sit on the rooftop talking to each other, from then on he’d accompany you outside of school as well and you two would hangout and it would be nice quiet moments when he’s around, he’s also a very protective friendship. Josuke Higashikata  ✧ This guy really doesn’t care about his grades and yet he gets high score it was also annoying that teachers adore him, and that every girl adores him as well. Unfortunately you two were partners for a spelling Bee. Only professors were allowed to choose who participates, and though Josuke might not be accurate with his english pronounciations and spellings he still had high grades and it annoyed you that he got to participate his weak subjects just because he has high grades.  ✧ Honestly he’d hate it as well and would just play games all day long instead of studying or anything, and during the spelling bee he didn’t help at all and you were pissed at him. Even though you were softly and passive agressively scolding him he didn’t get mad back and just said a “Okay okay! I’m sorry.” he’ll apologize and try to study but he’ll get distracted.  ✧ Teachers still continued to praise him and gave no praise to you at all even though you carried your partner to the finish line, that’s why you hated Josuke, he was loved by everyone and you never understood why, was it his personality? Smarts? What was it?   ✧ From that then you’ll break into his house with no permission and catch him playing video games. You’ll scold him to study the words and act like a strict teacher towards him, he dozed off a lot and was laid back and distracted, yet he was still able to answer some of them.  ✧ This is why you didn’t like him he was too laid back and didn’t seem to take things seriously, because of this you suggested a break and he went back t o playing his video games and getting frustrated, and even though you were tight while teaching him he was kind enough to still offer you to play with him. You were going to decline but you still accepted it.  ✧ This is where you saw his true personality, he talked about a lot of things and you two ended up having fun as you two play, you didn’t mind this moment and you’d want it to treasure it forever honestly. You brought up your personality as well to him, you started showing your true colors and he really liked the fact that you weren’t an overbearing person at all.  ✧ ever since then you two manage to win the competitions and manage to play at the same time. You two became the bestest friends which was unexpected since you considered him as a rival, though you’re still annoyed because everytime you ask him to teach you he’ll teach really badly and you wouldn’t understand anything from him. Giorno Giovanna   ✧ This guy was a quiet yet smart type, he often sits at the back of the class dazing off the window and yet still able to answer questions of the teacher even when not paying attention.   ✧ Though you compete with him you know not to mess with him honestly, though a lot of really negative rumours constantly spread about him. Like his family problem and things like that so you pity him at some times.  ✧ Girls adore him, something about the Joestars getting fangirls annoys you a lot. They baby him, and even though sometimes he gets annoyed and straightforwadly tells them to go away sometimes he’d entertain them and be kind. Teachers always saw him as a role model student it makes you barf.  ✧He’ll also probably hangout with his school gang, nobody knows what this gang does honestly, the teachers just leave him be just because they want to just leave him be and they’re too naive; thinking that it’s just a normal innocent gang where it’s a group of kids hanging out.  ✧ You caught up his ‘gang’ beating up someone and since you were a witness he saw you as a immediate threat(or so you though) and this quiet kid did a whole 180 with his personality and looked at you menacingly.  ✧ You don’t know how to approach him that you won’t tell anyone you’ve witnessed and always ran away everytime he approaches you or everytime his gang approaches you. Now your rivalary and competiting against grades is now ruined because this guy could always beat you anyday when it gets to physical fights, or so you thought.  ✧ You always ate lunch at the rooftop so he kind of took this opportunity to calmly sit besides you and talk to you about what you saw, he just wanted to give you context so that you wouldn’t get the wrong idea. Apparently that guy was an adult selling drugs to a bunch of graduating elementary kids.  ✧ You were relieved he wasn’t gonna beat you up and put you in the sewers, you took this time to also talk to him to actually see he was a nice guy, a gentle man and that you thought he was a cocky student because you always assumed him like that, not only that but you assumed him being a playboy as well since he gets so much attention.  ✧ You confess all of this to him and he let’s out a quick chuckle and you just laugh as you confess all of your thoughts and competitiveness against him, he was a good listenered actually, and didn’t take it really personally, he knew deep inside that you were a good person even though before you used to give him a scary glare when you two didn’t talk yet.  ✧ From that day on you start catching up to him in the hallways and talk and all his fangirls would practically hate you and give you glares as you two are having a good time.  ✧ He’ll make sure you’re out of his school gang businesses and arguments with other gangs, he may not say or sometimes express it but he always cares for you and tries to be supportive in littliest ways such as listening and remembering to every detail you tell him.  ✧ you’d still playfully compete with him and if he wins you’re okay with it unlike before
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Thanks for reading! Reqs are open! My only requirements is no nsfw and probbably not part 5 yet since im not there hihi.(P.s I do canon x oc :) ) Sorry for not uploading for awhile
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emimothvine · 4 years
📁 for the fuckboy anon.
TW: toxic relationships and abuse
Bakugou has a distorted understanding of romance.
His mother is always loud, always pushing and pushing and pushing until she gets what she wants. She’s violent; she’s crass; she hits her husband when she gets mad because it makes her feel powerful, hits her son because that’s just what you’re supposed to do with shitty kids like him, right?
His father is quiet. Unassuming. No one expects much of him, and that’s exactly how he likes it. Honesty eludes him; manipulation is his friend. He lies to his wife when she asks him where he was last night, lies to his son when he asks why his mother hurts him like she hates him.
Bakugou also wants to be the best. He loves a challenge, thrives in spite and winning and the thrill of proving people wrong. So when his friends start teasing him about his lack of romantic life, he takes it like the bait it was never meant to be.
Long story short, Bakugou gets into a toxic relationship.
It’s a general studies girl. She’s been approaching him, flirting with him, constantly for weeks. He’s told her no, told her to fuck off multiple times, but she’s kept at it. And that’s a good thing, right? Admirable. It means she’s serious, persistent, stubborn, strong. Just like his mother was when she’d gone after his dad. This is how relationships work, isn’t it?
Bakugou thinks so. So when she corners him outside the locker room for the fiftieth time, he tells her yes - just two days after his squad’s teasing. The two go on their first date that weekend, and Bakugou tells the squad the following Monday.
They look shocked, and weirdly enough, not nearly as happy about this new development as Bakugou had anticipated. But they’re supportive, despite their strained smiles.
Bakugou keeps going out with this girl. He doesn’t like it much, but he made a commitment and damn him if he’s going to back out now. For a while, she sits with him and the squad at lunch, always clinging to his arm and demanding a share of his food even though she knows she can’t handle the spice. Bakugou honestly thinks it’s cute how she pushes past her limits like that, finds it refreshing how she isn’t afraid to throw his shit right back at him when he’s being a dick. 
(The class is always weirdly nice to him when he fucks up, but she isn’t; she tells him when he’s being lazy or stupid or mean and it’s familiar. It makes sense. He listens when she tells him to shut up because his laugh is too ugly, to stay still when she kisses him even if he doesn’t want to. He listens because that’s what you’re supposed to do in relationships, and he always gives his best no matter what.) 
(His friends... don’t seem to like her very much. He doesn’t know why.)
She starts dragging him away during lunches. Bakugou supposes it makes sense; they’re dating, so they’re supposed to spend a lot of time together. She gets angry at him when he doesn’t text her back right away, and a lot of their dates are scheduled on the same days as Bakusquad hangouts. When Bakugou tries to back out, to explain, she pushes and pushes and pushes, and he lets her.
(His mom is happy with him, too. He let it slip that he got a girlfriend, and she called him brat and ruffled his hair like she hasn’t in years. You’re lucky she has shit taste, she said, told him not to scare her away by being a pest.)
(And quietly, secretly, he wants her to look at him like that again. Like he’s worth something. He wants her to smile at him more and pet his hair and love him, just a little bit. So he keeps at it, keeps going out with this girl as she tells him to stop talking so much and don’t smile, you look like a lunatic and it’s just a hickey, Suki, don’t be such a prude.)
He comes to class and he can’t look anyone in the eye, because he knows they see the marks on his neck and his face. The imprints of teeth and bruises and little crescent moons on his cheeks and his jaw and his nape from her fingernails. She likes to dig them into his face to get his attention, into his neck to keep him still while she kisses him. (It’s almost worse than the hickeys, because they’re proof of how often he fucks up, how often she needs to set him straight.)
She slaps him sometimes, when he’s done something especially shitty - ignored her for too long, said the wrong thing. Sometimes she’ll ignore him for a few days, when she’s tired of dealing with his shit, but she always comes back. She’s nice about it too - doesn’t make him drag himself out to apologize like his mom does.
Meanwhile, his classmates, his friends, his teachers are just. So concerned. Fucking enraged. Bakugou has become subdued in a way that they have never seen before, and Deku, for his part, is terrified and furious. This girl walks all over his Kacchan and he just lets her, and for the life of him Deku can’t figure out why.
(Once, at lunch, when she and Bakugou were still sitting with them in the cafeteria, she told Bakugou to laugh quieter, it’s gross and everyone can hear you. And he’d just listened. That wide, rare, precious grin had been wiped right off his face and he’d quieted down instantly. No one had said anything out of pure shock.)
(Kirishima, Mina, the rest of the squad, Deku, Uraraka, hell even Todoroki - they were seething. Because Bakugou rarely, rarely let himself laugh like that - hell, all of them sans Deku could count on one hand the times they’d seen his little happy-smile - and this bitch had destroyed those few precious seconds of genuine, carefree laughter because she was fucking self-conscious. If they could kill people with a look, half the goddamn class would have been charged with murder.)
They all hate her. They want to grab Bakugou and shake him and tell him to break up with this bitch, but he doesn’t even have the time to talk to them anymore. The squad wants their Katsuki back, Deku wants his Kacchan back, the class wants their friend back. It’s been weeks. They don’t know what to do.
Their savior comes in the form of one Shinsou Hitoshi.
He’s been watching all this go down from afar, and it’s pissed him right off. He doesn’t know Bakugou that well, honestly thinks he’s a bit of an asshole, but he likes him. He cares about him. They spar occasionally (or they used to), and it’s grueling and fun and satisfying as shit. 
There’s this... something in Bakugou. Too big and too bright to call a fire, too hot and too close to call the sun. And this girl - this toxic, abusive bitch - is smothering it, smothering him, and Shinsou is sick of it.
It’s week six of this bullshit and he does what no one has managed to do in all that time: he finds Bakugou and corners him - away from that toxic bitch he calls his girlfriend.
(Let’s all thank Aizawa for that one. Underground hero training is useful as shit.)
He confronts him about it - asks him, pointblank, “Why do you put up with her?”
And all he gets in response is the most genuinely bemused expression he’d ever seen on Bakugou’s face. 
Something in Shinsou’s stomach drops.
“The fuck are you on about?”
“Your girlfriend, dipshit,” he says, like it’s obvious, because it is. “Why do you let her treat you like shit?”
Bemusement shifts into pure, unadulterated confusion, and that thing in Shinsou’s stomach falls right down to his feet.
“I don’t let her do shit, dumbass.” He almost sounds indignant. “Now outta my way, I got places to be.”
Bakugou lightly shoves past him, but Shinsou grabs his wrist before he can leave. The blond glances back at him in irritation. Pale, fluorescent light casts dramatic shadows across his face, darkens the marks and the bruises dotting fair skin.
Shinsou grits his teeth. “She hurts you.”
Bakugou doesn’t even hesitate. “Yeah, so?”
The brainwasher’s grip goes slack. 
He doesn’t fully register that Bakugou has dislodged his arm until he’s standing alone in the hallway, but when he does, the first thought that crosses his mind is I have to tell dad.
(The thing about Shinsou is that he knows abuse. He knows what it looks like, what it sounds like, what it feels like, because he’s been through it himself. And yet for the longest time, he had no idea that what his foster parents were doing even constituted as wrong.)
(Then he met Aizawa, and he learned a few things. It fucking sucked, and for a while, nothing felt real and everything was wrong and he didn’t know what to do. But Aizawa was there for him, helped him through all the nitty-gritty-shitty parts of having your whole world turned inside-out, and lo-and-behold, Shinsou got adopted like four months ago.)
(But the point is, Shinsou isn’t an idiot. He knows this shit, he’s been through this shit, and the fact of the matter is that there is no way Bakugou would think that what he’s going through is okay unless he’s used to it. So what the fuck does Shinsou do now?)
(He goes to the man that pulled him out of the fire.)
(“Dad, I need to talk to you.”)
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jarofstyles · 4 years
Fan Club V
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A/N: We’re sorry in advance for the tears shed whilst reading this part. It hurts. But it ends on a good note 🥺 - n + d
send feedback and requests here
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: ANGST!!!, fluff ✨
word count: 8.5k
Damn. Kendall was stunning in real life, more elegant than Y/N was. But then again, Y/N was the one who got dicked down last night so she walked over to the door with confidence and wrapped her arms around Harry from behind. 
“Everything alright, baby?” She asked, looking up at Kendall with the deadliest stare. She hurt him. A lot. How dare she show up unannounced and uninvited? Knowing full well Y/N was his girlfriend?
Harry wished that he could keep Y/N. He really did because she came to him at a time of rescue. Also, she was very cute when she was angry at someone else. He didn’t look forward to potentially being the reason for that anger after this. 
“Hi, Kiska.” He murmured, kissing the top of her head. Kendall has shown up unannounced as she always did when she heard he was with someone else. After it was confirmed. She didn’t want Harry, but she didn’t want anyone else with him. It was a selfish and manipulative thing but he learned to expect no less. It was embarrassing to think he used to heavily adore her. He was such a good boyfriend to her, and she had laughed in his face. But now it seems she can’t handle the thought. If Kendall really cared about him, her feelings would be crushed right now. It was obvious the both of them had had a wild night of sex. Lipstick was still in his neck and his chest, and her hair was a mess. They both had hickies and she was wearing one of his shirts. More than obvious. “I was trying to figure that out. Kendall decided to stop by even though she knows she shouldn’t be here.”
Y/N looked Kendall up and down, her arms still firmly wrapped around Harry’s waist. She usually wasn’t one for confrontation, but Kendall made Harry uncomfortable and she wasn’t welcome so Y/N would do her best in asking her to leave as politely as possible whilst also telling her to fuck off. 
“Oh? Sorry, I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Y/N, Harry’s girlfriend.” She said, pulling her arms away from him for a moment to shake her hand. “I’m sorry you had to make a trip all this way out here, but now really isn’t a good time.” Y/N spoke as a matter of factly, “tip for next time though, it’s invitation only.” Y/N didn’t mean to be such a snarky bitch, but she felt like she had to be to get the point across. She was the one that showed up to Harry’s door uninvited knowing he’s been seeing someone for four solid months. Y/N felt like she had the right to stick up for Harry, even if he wasn’t her real boyfriend.
Harry was thoroughly surprised with Y/N’s attitude. By god, it was hot as hell. Staking claim on territory, coming down in one of his shirts and covered in his marks. Their swollen lips also clued in to their very rated R results of the night prior. 
“We haven’t met...” Kendall said a little surprised, a bit taken aback with her attitude. 
Not many people gave the princess of reality tv attitude and it was refreshing for Harry to hear. Plus.. not many people stood up for Harry. And Y/N was doing so very easily. It said a ton about her character— which is why what would happen later would suck so fucking much. 
“I just came by to catch up with Harry.” Kendall said, turning to Harry. “You’ve been ignoring my calls, Harry. I just wanted to talk. I know things ended bad...” She gave him a slight puppy face. 
Y/N furrowed her brows at Kendall’s answer. Catch up with Harry huh? What was there to catch up about? She really thought she could stroll in here and win Harry over? Some nerve. What made it worse was that she had no regard for the fact that Y/N was standing right there, asking for another chance from him as if she was better than her. It technically wasn’t Y/N’s business at all, she shouldn’t really be commenting on what did and didn’t happen with Kendall and Harry, but she could tell Harry didn’t want her there and Y/N wanted to do her best to support Harry.
So she stayed quite, watching the interaction unfold before her eyes. Rubbing Harry’s side to show that she was there for him, maybe it would keep his feelings at bay.
“You can’t be serious, Kendall. My girlfriend is right here.” Harry said incredulously. The girl had some goddamn nerve, and Harry wasn’t here for it. “This is really inappropriate. I told you I didn’t want to talk. We have to see each other for things, but I’m not interested in a friendship. Let alone another chance at a relationship. Y/N respects me. Wouldn’t cheat.” A dig.
Kendall cheated on him? That was something  Y/N and many of the fans didn’t know. She couldn’t believe it. Why would anyone ever cheat on Harry? Y/N had just had probably what was the best night of her life last night and Kendall had that at her disposal and just threw it away like that? Talk about a spoiled brat.
“Harry... come on, you know I’m sorry about that.” Kendall groaned. “It wasn’t that big of a deal. You need to get over it. It was a mistake.” It was like she was tired of apologizing but it couldn’t cross Harry's mind. “Listen. I don’t understand why you’re being so stubborn about this. I know that you say you’re happy but... are you? It was a mistake. I was bored because you were being boring. The whole thing was fun for a while but I had a little time of being bored so I stepped out and explored. But now I’m ready to try again.”
Harry was thrown over the edge. How dare she? How fucking dare she? His rage was boiling over. He was more so angry that he was doing this in front of Y/N. What if they’d been dating for real? And in Kendall’s kind, they were. 
“I want you to stay away from me, Kendall. Stay away from both myself and Y/N. If I hear you talking about either of us I will sick my lawyers on you in mere seconds.” He was deadly serious. “I’d never cheat on anyone for being bored. You’re a spoiled brat, so out of touch with this world that it’s ridiculous.” His accent got thicker as he spoke to her, anger making it come out. “You wait until I’m with someone and you come to try and take me away. Don’t want me but can’t let anyone else have a chance. You're the worst type of person.”
Y/N couldn’t believe it, she really had just said she cheated because she was bored. What on earth kind of an excuse is that. Y/N wanted to speak, but Harry spoke first, his voice booming. She had always been scared of making him mad and this was why.  Kendall was just a spoiled brat who had way too much time on her hands and had no regard for anyone’s feelings except her own. She did what she needed to do for herself and continued to do so. Even if it means coming all the way to England to make a point. Y/N stood back, still keeping her hand on Harry’s waist to keep him calm. She sensed that Kendall was about to say something else and Y/N cut her off, taking a step in front of Harry. 
“I think it’s time you leave.” Y/N said bluntly and sternly. No way was she going to ruin her perfect lazy off day.
“I flew out here! I—” 
“That’s too damn bad now, isn’t it? Say sorry to the earth for using that fucking jet and messing up the atmosphere.” Harry growled, stepping back with Y/N and closing the door harshly. He gently removed her hand, walking into the kitchen to grab his phone. He could feel Y/N behind him, but he didn’t look her way as he picked up the phone and spoke into it. “You need to make sure Kendall gets it through her head that we aren’t together and we never will be. I want her blacklisted from my shit.” He was so worked up and angry. 
Y/N followed behind him, still keeping a distance because she wanted to make sure she respected his space. She didn’t know how he was when he was angry and if she knew anything about Aquarian’s it was best to leave them alone. She set her hand on him as he spoke on the phone, trying to gauge whether he wanted her there or not but didn’t get a clear response. 
Fuck. This wasn’t a good situation. He had wanted to calmly talk to Y/N and explain to her that this wouldn’t work as more than just distant friends. Because what if he let her in like he had with Kendall? What if she got bored too? What if she was just excited with his life and the parties for now and then got tired? The fears came running to the forefront of his mind. He felt her hand on him again and turned to her, hanging up the phone. His face was still upset, and he desperately wanted to just hide his face in her chest and never leave. She stroked his hair rather nicely last night. 
“I think I need to be alone for a while.” He spoke and it was hollow. And fuck, he was such a bastard because he saw her face fall with confusion as he stepped away from her trying to reach him again. “Listen I... last night was fun. But it can’t happen again. It shouldn’t. We need to stay as we were. You know? It’s just... I’m not good for you, Y/N. I’ve got a lot of issues and you don’t. You’ve got this great life and I’m here with everyone’s head up my ass and I don’t need that.” He swallowed thickly. He rested his hands on the kitchen island, looking down at his feet so he wouldn’t have to look at her. “I know that makes me a bastard. Maybe I am. It was good, but we can’t do anything else. You’re too nice. Too innocent for someone like me. You can’t handle this type of shit, and you shouldn’t have to.” He wasn’t aware that he was essentially making all the decisions for her. He was just terrified and needed her away. Even if it hurt him. “Who knows. You’ll probably get bored of all the glitz and glamor and get bored and want out too. Everyone fucking does. I’m just not it. You need someone calmer.” He huffed. “So yeah. It was fun but, I need to be alone for a little bit. I can see you when we do the bakery and other things, but we need to keep it to that.”
Y/N’s heart fell to her stomach. She felt heavy all of a sudden, like weights had been put on her shoulders and chest. Of course. Of course she couldn’t have it her way? Why would it ever go the way she wanted it to? No matter what she did. She poured her whole heart and soul into last night, meaning every word she said, and every action was intentional. And he just wrote it off as a bit of fun? It was then that she realized that Harry was no different from any man that she had ‘dated’, that he in fact fit in perfectly. It was the same lines every time, ‘you’re too innocent, you’re too nice, you deserve better than me’. It was like a record that just kept repeating in her life. To say the least it shattered her. It was her own fault to, assuming that just because of one incredible night that she could change him.... this wasn’t a fucking fanfic. 
“Right. I understand.” Y/N spoke, her tone having changed significantly. She felt empty, numb. Being used by men was never fun. She stood there in shock for a while, surprised that he was that blunt with her after what had just happened with Kendall. As if he didn’t just experience the same hurt all over again. He had minimized her feelings, essentially made every choice for her as if she was a child who was incapable. Assumed that she would get bored, that she would leave. Presumed that she needed a specific type of someone because, fuck what she wants right? “You should really stop assuming things, Harry. Doesn’t do you any good.” She spoke, looking at him with an expression that was used to hide her hurt. Y/N was heart broken. 
Y/N went back upstairs to find her dress and pack it into a bag, calling the cab service that Jeff said to use whenever she was at Harry’s house, for safety reasons. She was trying her hardest to hold back her tears, trying to make herself look like she wasn’t doing the most tragic walk of shame ever. Harry had prepared a bag of his clothes to take with her for PR purposes, and she found a pair of old gray trackies to put on as well. She rushed down stairs with all her things, barefoot even just so she could get in the car and leave. She had to go.
“Y/N...” Harry’s voice softened as he watched her run down the stairs. She ignored him though— and that’s what hurt. Suppose it served him well. Looking at her face, he could tell she was upset but she seemed more angry right now. Her tone of voice had had him a little shocked. He had expected some reaction, but this was a new side to her. He hated himself for bringing it like this but it was the better option for the long run. She would get tired of him just like Kendall did, or run out of reasons to keep seeing him like Camille. He was protecting the both of them. 
Of course he didn’t see it as using her. He was a man, and even a man like Harry Styles was a bit stupid at times. He was genuinely thinking he was doing the best, but that tiny bit of him was crying out in agony as he watched her leave. She didn’t respond to his call of her name and it stung because, usually Y/N gave him these incredible smiles that had his stomach fluttering and making him weak knees, but instead she had a cold and angry look on her face as she walked out the door. After she left, he sat at his kitchen counter and stared at his phone. He was so conflicted. He couldn’t stop wondering if she was okay. If she was upset with him because she had feelings or because she wouldn’t get more out of him. He had a feeling that her actual emotions for him were just as much as his were but, he was still paralyzed by fear. 
‘Home okay? H.’
For the sake of Harry’s career and the contract, Y/N left his house smiling. 
An actress she was. Just in case anyone had spotted her, she wanted people to think that they were okay. Even the driver that so kindly drove her home, but she was shattered. Her heart split into a million pieces and she really didn’t think she could bounce back from this. This hurt most of all. She stormed into her apartment, slamming the door behind her and once again rushed to her room the way she did the first time she ever met Harry and cried herself to sleep. This time however, Y/N didn’t debate on taking down all of her Harry and one direction merchandise down from her walls and drawers. 
She found an empty box of hers, tears streaming down her face as she pulled off every single poster from her wall and folded it haphazardly. All her ticket stubs she had hanging on the walls, all the lanyards, the albums she had displayed. Even the bloody Harry Polaroid book. Everything went into that box. 
Hearing him say those things hit hard. Harder than if those words came from any other boy, because for Y/N it was never acting. Y/N had been enamored by Harry for nearly a decade. Every look, every smile, every word, every touch, and every kiss… she meant it. Harry was the one that helped her grow her confidence as a young woman, the one who gave her comfort whenever a guy broke her heart. Harry was the beacon of hope in her life and always had been. Someone that represented everything that was good. She poured every ounce of love into him, everything she could muster, put herself on the line for four whole months. Hell, she didn’t even take the money they were meant to be giving her because she didn’t want it till the contract was over to ensure that she wasn’t doing this just for the money. Y/N loved him with every fiber of her being in a way that wasn’t romantic at all. And that rejection hurt more than anything else in the world. 
She shoved the box to the side in her room, stripping out of the clothes she was in and showered to wash herself of the memories of last night. She didn’t want his cum on her body, didn’t want anything to do with him right now. But she did change into one of his sweaters and a fresh pair of panties, getting a fresh roll of toilet paper to accompany her as she cuddled into her sheets and let the tears flow fully free.
When Harry got a call from Jeff saying that this week’s events for the bakery and their planned date were cancelled, he knew he fucked up big time. Y/N had been so dedicated to it, he had originally thought it was because she wanted them to believe it. But now he was not so sure. 
He had texted her a few times now and was extremely worried and upset because she hadn’t answered a single one. She had had her read receipts on at first, but turned them off— or she kept deleting them. 
They’d been apologies. Begging her to talk to him. Asking if he could come and talk to her but she wasn’t damn answering and he was upset and infuriated. Harry hated not being able to know if she’s okay. Jeff was irritated at him because obviously he hurt her. He had given him the disappointed talk and told him to fix what he had done because she had been obviously upset on the phone. 
‘Y/N... I’m sorry.’
‘Y/N, please talk to me. I really want to talk.”
‘Kiska, please. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be harsh.’
‘I didn’t mean to be.’
‘I just don’t want you to end up having your heart broken by me. I’m not worth it. I just want to talk to you in person. Or even here.’ 
‘I’m worried... are you okay?’
It was hard for Y/N to get up in the mornings to work in the bakery and act like she hadn’t had her heart completely shattered. She tried to focus all her energy into making baked goods instead of the texts she was getting from Harry what seemed to be everyday since. She didn’t want to talk to him, didn’t want to hear what he had to say because she knew how Aquarian’s were. Knew that he would only dig himself into a deeper hole, effectively rubbing salt into the already existing wound. She needed time to heal, time to get over it. 
The texts she had received today alone really struck a chord. She didn’t know why he kept apologizing as if it was his fault that he didn’t like her the way she had wanted him to. It was just sexual chemistry and any hopes of romance were all very much one sided. For a songwriter he was terrible with words. 
Thursday night she locked up and headed home after a very long day. She felt sick to her stomach. She really hadn’t stopped crying since it happened. Tomorrow, she would have a day off to wallow, but for now she needed to get comfy and get some sleep. So that’s what she did. She pulled on one of his most iconic T—shirts, The Rolling Stones one, and cried herself to sleep.
Harry had decided after 5 days of her ignoring him, that he needed to go and see her. Luckily he had a key for her place. 
He was losing sleep. Harry hadn't been affected like this before by anyone else. Y/N’s absence felt like a hollow cavity in his chest. All he wanted was that night back. When she was curled up into his body and he was kissing her every so often. It was more than just sexual. He realized then that he liked her a lot. A lot more than he had liked other girls and that's part of why he pushed her away. Even when he was  being cold, he had observed how kind and soft she was. Generous to anyone, calming, talented. Even with flour on her eyebrows from the cookies and when she got his black trousers messy with icing he didn’t notice on her apron. He loved it. He loved how free he felt around her, even with the restraints of the fear he had. 
Jeff has told him to pull his pants on and apologize but it had been hard when she didn’t answer him. He wanted to just go to her and tell her that he was pulling his head out of his ass. Needed to explain the fears to her that he had and trust in her. She hadn’t done anything, hadn't asked for a single thing, hadn't asked him for shout outs or to post her on Instagram without it being prompted by Jeff. 
So that’s how he found himself at her apartment. He had knocked and she didn’t answer— and it was dealt by quiet, besides the low buzz of a tv. He knew from before that she did sleep with a tv on to drown out other noises— she did that when she napped at his house. 
“Y/N?” He called, opening the door with his key, putting it on the entry table. “Angel?” He couldn’t see her in the kitchen or living area, so he took a step towards her room. Harry had never been in her apartment before, he had only ever been outside the building waiting in a car that came to pick her up. 
Part of the reason Y/N kept him from coming over was how small her apartment was, but also because she had tons of things that she simply couldn’t hide. Y/N’s entire flat looked like the flat of a fan. It was a cute Pinterest looking flat, decorated nicely and sprinkled with little things only fans would recognize among other things she was interested in. Harry would surely notice though, so they often went to his house. Her room looked lived in, not messy, but definitely lived in. She had some things scattered on the floor and on top of drawers out of place. Her closet doors were open, exposing some merch as well as a box full of One Direction and Harry Styles paraphernalia.
Harry found her lying in bed, curled up in a little ball. The worst part was that she was wearing his Rolling Stones shirt. Tear tracks down her face. He was completely and utterly upset just by seeing that. Who knew how many days she had cried? It made his stomach unsettled. However something in her closet caught his eye. It was a pink jumper. He swore his stomach dropped. There was something on the sleeve and he tried to convince himself that it was just random, a different jumper that happened to have embroidered sleeve. But as he got closer his stomach fell further as he saw that it had ‘treat people with kindness’ embroidered one the sleeve. His name in a bold font on the breast front. 
Panicking slightly, he moved the next one which was black— only to feel a little sick. It was his rainbow treat people with kindness one. Stepping closer, he kicked a box accidentally— but his body went cold as he looked down. Falling down to his knees, he began to ramble through it. On top was not one, but two tour tee shirts of his. One for New York, one for London. She had gone to two of his shows. But the real kicker was her One Direction shirts. That made him tear up. They looked worn. Not new. She didn’t just buy these. 
Fuck. Y/N was a fan. A real one. One that had gone to multiple shows. And finding the ticket stubs just about broke him in half. It only worsened when he found a little notebook with his name scribbled all over it in hearts. That, that is what got him to let his tears fall. He had treated her like shit. And obviously, she was a fan. He hadn’t known. He had no clue that Y/N was a fan of him, but it didn’t negate the fact he had been awful. No, it made it even worse. She had gone to his shows, and telling by the photos printed up she had gotten floor seats. Paid money to see him multiple times.
Y/N was in fact a big fan. In her nearly 10 years of following Harry and One Direction, she had never stalked them, had never tweeted hate at them or anyone involved in that world. Y/N had had her fan accounts for a long long time, racking up about 25k tweets and 51k reblogs and that didn’t even include her writing. There was only so much Y/N could do to show her support, but she made sure she did everything she could. When Jeff reached out to her with this deal, Y/N took it because she knew if not her, it would be someone else and she wouldn’t trust anyone else. Y/N knew she was fit for the job, she knew the fans inside and out, she knew how to keep a level mind and not lash out whenever she was hurt. She knew she would be helping so many fans see that they too were capable of living their dreams. Y/N had projected a lot of her insecurities onto being a fan of Harry. It was a little escape where she could insert herself into a story or a dream and suddenly feel loved and appreciated for who she really was. Meeting Harry in real life only amplified those feelings. Y/N knew she couldn’t be upset with him if he didn’t end up being the way she imagined him to be because he was human, the only thing she ever really wanted from Harry was for him to see her for who she was and accept her.
Harry was aching. How hadn’t he known she was a fan? If he had, it would have changed everything. He would have gone into it perhaps with a better mindset. This wasn’t someone out to hurt him. It was someone who had spent money and loved him enough to write his name on old notebooks and wear his fucking face around. She wasn’t out to get him. It was all his fault, too. He hadn’t read the contract. He was sure it had to have mentioned it, but he didn’t know. He knew that Y/N was very happy to be doing what they were, but he didn’t know why. And now he did, and he felt like a complete and utter jackass. So much that he felt like he was going to be sick. 
He spent a good half an hour looking at things. Ticket stubs and notebooks, the drafts of letters she wrote to him but never got to give him, the books they put out, all the perfume bottles, the damn one direction keychain from 2011. She even had his doll. And his heart felt like it was stomped all over and shattered. He never could have imagined how she felt.
Standing up, he sniffled and came to sit next to her. At the edge of the bed, he moved his hand and stroked over the side of her face, cursing himself for the tear stains.
You would have thought all the rustling through the things would have woken Y/N up, but she was out like a light. She was so tired both physically and emotionally that she legitimately knocked out. She was also quite the heavy sleeper anyway, usually ignoring sounds and just going back to sleep. Touches however, were a different story. Y/N stirred a bit when she felt someone touching her face, her brows furrowed in confusion. At first she thought it might have been Katya, but it felt too familiar and too warm. Her eyes fluttered open, sleepily looking over Harry’s expression. 
He was crying? Why was he crying? Was everything okay?
“Harry?” She asked, her voice thick with sleep. “What’s wrong?” Her mind immediately going to the worst possible scenario. She thought maybe something happened, maybe he needed someone to support him so he came to her.
“Y/N... why didn’t you tell me?” Harry’s voice was raspy. Harry’s eyes turned brighter green when he cried, but he felt like his whole world was crashing down. He hated the idea that he could have possibly hurt a fan, and he had hurt her deeply. “I just... you never mentioned anything that let me know. I was... fuck, I don’t even know what to say. I feel sick that I hurt you like that.” He looked at her, and it was made even worse when she had immediately asked him what was wrong with such concern. Y/N was too good, but he wanted to be good enough for her. 
Y/N’s brows furrowed with confusion, sitting up properly with him. “Told you what I don't—” Y/N trailed off, having noticed her closet was open wider and the box of memorabilia had been taken out. So he knew now. Did that change anything? Certainly didn’t take away how hurt she felt. 
“God. I feel like an idiot. I didn’t know you were a fan. Let alone that long— I’m sick to my stomach. I can’t believe I was like that to you. I can’t even formulate sentences to tell you how bad I feel about it. You’re just... you’ve been a fan for how long?”
Y/N listened as he rambled on, her brows still furrowed in confusion because it was really quite simple why she didn’t tell him. In her mind it made complete sense. She had met him and saw how apprehensive he was, how he didn’t really want to speak with her and made the decision that she’d keep that a secret. He didn’t even give her a chance to tell him anyway. 
“9 years next week..” Y/N told him, knowing the exact date she had become a fan. How could she ever forget? It changed her whole life. Harry seemed so hurt by this, hurt that he treated her the way he did because she was a fan. Though she understood where he was coming from, he should feel this kind of remorse treating anyone like that. After all, he always preached about treating people with kindness and though he had been kind to her at times, he ultimately broke her heart.
9 fucking years. 9 years that Y/N had liked him and he had treated her this badly. “Fuck. Fuck me, I can’t…” Harry felt his bottom lip tremble, burying his face in his hands. “Y/N, you’ve got to understand that I thought I was doing the right thing. But I can’t... I knew I made a mistake as soon as you looked at me.” He felt his throat clench and he had to swallow again to keep himself from choking on his words. “I’m scared.” He whispered. “I owe you an apology, and an explanation. Because I never, ever intended to make you feel so badly. When we first met to now. It’s all rooted in my stupid fear and it isn’t an excuse nor a reason you should forgive me but...” He sighed heavily as he shifted to face her again. 
“I am used to people using me. The last 2 times I did this, both of them faked liking me even out of the time we were supposed to be out and about. Camille and Kendall. Camille had no interest but liked to play hours with me. Liked my gifts, but at the end of the contract, she grabbed her shit and said that it wasn’t ever real and she was method acting, that I was a bit annoying and needy and needed to stop. And then Kendall... She acted like we were together. Would stay over and stuff, planned stuff for later. Liked to show off with me. And then she cheated and got annoyed when I didn’t want to go out every single night. I was crushed because I had really learned to like a side of her that was completely fake and it was awful.” It had hit him hard and he knew that. “I didn’t read the contract because I had decided beforehand I’d just do it and keep a distance. And then you came along and fucking charmed the pants off of me and made me want you so badly all the time. I had such a hard time keeping my distance.”
Y/N heard the pain in his voice, her face softening into a more gentle and sad expression. Tears were forming in Y/N’s eyes as he explained, hating that he had ever even for a second thought she would be that cruel. 
“So Y-you genuinely thought I could do that to you?” She wondered feeling like she was about to cry all over again. “Harry, you didn’t even give me a chance to tell you, you just—” Y/N croaked, a sob ripping through her causing her to shake her head and turn away from him slightly because she didn’t want him to see her ugly cry. “I-I spent four whole months trying to get you to let me in... just a little bit so that maybe— maybe you’d trust me and like me enough to be my f-friend.” Y/N struggled to speak when she cried but she was trying her damn best, “and I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but then we went out I had the most incredible night of my life... t-thought maybe you had too, thought that maybe you’d finally let me in and t-that we could start over and you just—” Another sob escaped her, she really couldn’t stop.
Harry hadn’t thought he could hurt worse. But then Y/N started to sob and he felt his own body shrivel you and want to die. He had done this. It was his fault and there was almost nothing he could do to fix it. 
“Baby... please, I’m so sorry.” He nearly whimpered, gathering her into his lap and holding her tight. “I’m a dick. I just... I liked you a lot. And I was scared that you’d be such a good person and then turn into one of them and I couldn’t handle that from you. I’ve cared about you a lot more and I couldn’t figure out why. You just were so good to me and I didn’t think I deserved that so it must have been fake.” He didn’t deserve her anyways. “It was one of the best nights of my life too. I slept all night. Do you know how rare that is? You had me comfortable enough to sleep and I... I can’t even explain to you.” He hiccuped slightly, definitely crying too. “It’s been so scary for me. But I can’t imagine how much it hurt you and I want to be sick thinking about how you’ve just been trying to be my friend and be kind to me and I just... started falling and freaked out.”
Y/N cuddled into his chest, her hands latching on to his shirt and gripping it tight. She hoped he understood what he had done, hoped that she had done enough to explain just how terrible he made her feel. She knew there wasn’t much he could do to fix it now that the deed has been done, so he’d have to make it up to her in time. She pulled back from his chest when he told her he had actually slept that night, looking at him with big eyes. 
“Y-you did?” Y/N asked in a hushed tone, not yet trusting her voice. He was crying yet again, her heart aching at the sight. Her hands lifted up to wipe the tears off his cheeks, gently petting some of his hair back to soothe him. Y/N didn’t say much for a while, there was sort of just this unspoken understanding that she was trying to calm him and he was trying to calm her. She moved her arms to hug him properly and rubbed his back.
“Yeah. I have a lot of problems sleeping. F-Falling asleep and staying asleep.” He admitted. He lifted his own hand too, cautious with his touch for her. His Y/N deserved more than this. He would do anything he possibly could if it meant making it up to her. “Y/N... I don’t deserve your forgiveness okay? I don’t. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I met Stevie at first and she just... was as cold as me.” He felt another surge of the sick feeling. “And then you tried so hard to be my friend and I kept letting all my fear get in the way and make me keep away from you.” She has been such a trooper too. “I don’t know how you even let me kiss you at all. I’ve been such a dick, even though I’ve been feeling bad about it doesn’t excuse it. I like you so much and it’s so terrifying for me. Any type of relationship is terrifying.” He licked his hips, fixing her sleepy hair. 
“You make me want to be a better person so I do deserve you, Y/N. I want to be good.”
As much as Y/N didn’t want to admit it right now, she was feeling better now that he was here. Y/N could tell he was remorseful, that he genuinely felt awful for hurting her the way he did and it eased her pain a little bit knowing that he didn’t mean to. Might have been stupid but at least he was empathetic. 
“I let you kiss me because you’re an exceptionally beautiful man.” Y/N sniffling, trying to lift the mood a little bit. She didn’t want to wallow anymore, she’d been wallowing for days. There was one part of his little statement she had to clarify. Just for good measure. “Wait... so you, um. Like me, like me?” She asked, blushing a bit at the fact that she had to ask. It was important to note because for all she knows maybe he just likes her a lot as a person and the sex was just an added bonus because she was hot. She knew men were weird like that and in denial. “Don’t be scared. We can start over, okay?”
She was an angel and again— Harry couldn’t get over the amount that he did not deserve her at all. Y/N was exactly what a man like him should keep away from as he could possibly make her even more upset but she welcomed him and that had him confused and happy all at the same time. This was a blessing he knew he’d probably never have again in a million years, so he was praying that she didn’t regret this. He sighed a breath of relief, nodding his head at her. How could he ever thank her? He was positive that it would be next to impossible.
“Really, really like you. So much.” That was the easy part, admitting his affection for the girl was so easy he was almost surprised at himself. Normally he would psych himself out but Y/N had him comfortable in that aspect. “Not just because of the sex. I’ve liked you for a while before it. But I think I let myself really feel that night... and then she showed up, and I panicked and made you leave. I knew and still do know you aren’t like that. But it had me nervous and overwhelmed and I should have just cooled down and talked to you.”
It wouldn’t be fair if Y/N didn’t forgive him. She was positive she’d fucked up like this before and of course she liked to follow the golden rule. Treating people the way you want to be treated. That stuck with her when she was younger which was part of the reason Harry’s treat people with kindness campaign was so special to her. And for the first time that week Y/N smiled a proper smile. She brought a finger up to his mouth and shushed him, moving her hand to his cheek like she had done before. 
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Y/N told him honestly. “We can spend whole lives living in the past and worried about things reoccurring, but that’s no way to live. If you’re constantly worried about things that could happen you’ll be stuck with a bunch of what if’s... heartbreak is the worst pain in the world and I understand wanting to prevent it. But you have to give people chances to prove you wrong too. Prove that they aren’t like the others.” Y/N explained, her thumb gliding over his cheek. “And you know what? We’re all learning, all getting through our own baggage and it’s important to support and respect each other. To try and be empathetic whenever you can and treat people with kindness.” She smiled wider. “A really cool guy taught me that.”
Harry turned his face and kissed the palm of her hand a few times, sighing. He still felt like shit. Probably would for a while too, because Y/N was pure and forgiving and he knew that ultimately he would be the one that was going to remember this and the and prove that issue wrong every day. 
“Sounds like a cool dude. Hope you get to meet him.” His smirk was playful, but fell a little bit after. God. He knew that it would take time but he also didn’t like that he couldn’t just take it back. Y/N was pulled towards him and he hugged her for a bit, turning to kiss her cheek a few times. 
“Me too.” Y/N joked, scrunching her nose as she looked at Harry. Her arms wrapped back around his shoulders as they hugged, face nuzzled into his neck and breathed in. He had been through it emotionally and she could tell he was worn out, not as worn as she was, but still worn. 
“Just wanna be with you. For real. And be happy.” Harry hadn’t been truly happy in a long time. “And I know it’s gonna take time to have you truly forgive me but I’m sorry that it even happened to begin with. I like you a lot. I felt like none of what I did was fake. I loved holding you and kissing on you and having you close. None of it was fake to me.”
“None of it was fake. Not from my side either.” Y/N mumbled against his skin, ignoring the first part of his statement because it was too good to be true. He didn’t want her to actually be his girlfriend did he? Something about that just didn’t add up in her mind even though it would make perfect sense to anyone else. “You know my secret now. How do you feel?” Y/N asked, her face still hidden because well... she didn’t want to see his reaction. God she felt embarrassed, she had never intended on him seeing all of it. Maybe some bits, but god he really went through absolutely everything. She was terrified for him to find her socials. 
“I feel both good and bad.” Harry said. “M’happy you’re a fan. But I feel awful because I know that I think about me meeting someone I love so much and for their reaction to be like that... it would wreck me. You’re much stronger than I am.” And that was the truth. Y/N has handled far more than she should have. He didn’t like it, but he commended her for the strength. “I really just want to lay with you for a little bit.” Y/N was so adorable when she was sleepy. He had thought so even before when she had fallen asleep on his couch. But he wanted to let her sleep and be happy in his arms for once. “I don’t know how I’m going to make it up to you. But I want to.” Harry wasn’t going to let it go. He had a feeling Y/N knew that too because she sighed, hiding her face back in his neck with a grumble. “Are you huffin’ at me, little girl?” It was a bit more lighthearted. She was after all, in his shirt and on his lap.
“I told you to stop thinking about it.” Y/N whined, “we’ve both cried enough for tonight.” She sighed and closed her eyes comfortably. She was rather tired, only having slept for an hour when Harry had come over. “but thank you, I try my best to be... cause if you aren’t strong then you can’t carry on.” It was true. Being strong meant moving on full force and taking life by the balls and living it the way you wanted to live it. It didn’t matter how sad you were or how frustrated you were, you took things day by day and figured it out. No point in giving up, you’d just be miserable. “Can you stay the night?” She asked softly, moving her head from her neck to look at him properly. She just wanted a proper cuddle, she’d sleep better knowing he was with her. She huffed when he didn’t take her hint. “You can start making it up to me by letting go and getting cozy. No shoes or jeans allowed when sleeping in my bed.” Y/N told him in a stern yet playful tone.
“God, I’ll do anything you ask me, baby.” At this point Harry would roll over like a good boy if it meant Y/N would giggle. Gently placing her down, he stood and did as asked, stripping the jeans and shoes off before climbing on top of her. It was a playful thing, as he hovered over her kissing all over her face. “Kiss attack.” He whispered before doing it all over again. Y/N was a giggling mess under him and he was thoroughly enjoying making her laugh rather than cry. He places noisy kisses to her cheeks and forehead and nose, avoiding the mouth just in case she wasn’t wanting that yet. It felt a lot better to be with her like this. Allowing himself to be vulnerable, letting her be someone he liked. That was the good thing about it. Y/N had him now. She may not know it completely but she had him by the throat. “Silly girl. No more tears for tonight. You’re so tired, hm baby?” He questioned her quietly, seeing how exhausted she looked.
“Mhm..” Y/N hummed, “I have a day off tomorrow though so if you want to stay up and talk we can.” She said though she yawned a little at the end of it. “Come.” She tugged on his shirt to pull him down some more, tapping the left side of the bed for him to sleep on. “You can take this off too, if you think you’ll get hot.” Men really were like furnaces, always sweating or feeling too hot in the middle of the night while she was usually freezing. She remembered Harry being significantly warm. Y/N knew she’d be warm sleeping next to him, especially if he was holding her all night.
“Trying to get me naked? Come now. Little Y/N... naughty.” Harry laughed, sitting up on the side of her bed and tossing the shirt to the side of the room. He could care less. All the man wanted to do was hold her in his arms and keep her there for hours upon hours. “I was promised cuddling.” He sniffed as he slid back under the covers. Immediately Harry was gifted with armfuls of Y/N, her leg going back over his hip and face smushed in his neck. There was nothing like this. All the money in the world couldn’t buy genuine affection like this. 
Y/N rolled her eyes, “get in you goof.” She chuckled and switched off the light. Her tv still illuminated the room, that 70s show playing on loop on Netflix. She returned to her regular position, leg draped over his hips, arm over his waist, face pressed into his neck. 
“Want you to sleep for a while, baby. You’re so tired. My poor girl.” He frowned, petting her hair and smoothing then hand down her back to rub circles on it. “When you wake up we can talk more. I don’t have anything tomorrow either... so we can just be together.” What they’d both wanted all along.
Y/N pecked a few soft kisses to his neck, humming as he petted her hair. She was very sleepy and was thankful that he was letting her do so. “You can watch whatever you want if you don’t want to sleep just yet, I don’t mind the tv being on.” She mumbled against his neck. “Night night, Harry.” She drifted off fairly quickly afterwards, feeling extremely comfortable and cozy. Y/N was excited to be able to spend tomorrow doing nothing with him. She felt like it’s what they both wanted and needed, they’d properly bond tomorrow. Get to know the real side of them.
[part 6]
A/N: We sobbed while writing this and while editing this. It just HITS. But they’re together now for real 🥺🥺🥺 2 more parts left! - n + d
let us know what you think!
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Jealous, My Ass
Genre- Is raunchy gutter filth a genre? Because that’s what this is. 
Pairing-  Ko-Mun Yeong/ Moon Gang-Tae
Warnings- See the genre. If you are an innocent lamb this is not for you. Also I am 100% a feminist (pussy power af) but I will be using some tropes and such I am only human y’all.  Jealous hottie is hot. I also haven’t written anything in years so you know, be kind. I just couldn’t get them out of my head. 
Summary: Gang-Tae is definitely not jealous. At all. Not even a little bit. 
Bring home food. I’m hungry!
Mun-Yeong delicately presses send on her phone and flips it shut, falling back onto the vibrant red couch with a sigh. She sees the small seen on her phone screen notifying that Gang-Tae has received her message and impatiently waits for his reply. Seconds, turn to minutes and no reply comes and she feels her stomach twist in annoyance. Why isn’t he answering her? How dare he? Could he be busy? Why read her message only to ignore it? 
She picks up her phone intending to ask him all those questions, when the little voice inside her head that always tells her the worst possible answers whispers “He doesn’t want you. You bother him and he only helps you because he feels bad for you. You’re a BURDEN!” She stands up and tries to physically shake off the those gut-wrenching thoughts- mind flashing back to all the times that the prince in question has saved her. 
Riding in on his metal stead in torrential rain. Only to try to dump her back home. 
Twisting the fingers of that politician’s son has he tried to slap her. Then walking away and leaving her on the sidewalk after ripping her to shreds. 
Calling her an empty can. He had apologized for that but just like she told him bad memories had a way of wedging themselves in your heart and not easily coming out. 
Taking that two-faced bitch’s side and telling her that she didn’t own him. Her feelings have changed since she made that claim to Joo-Ri that he was always hers. He was still just a pretty thing then. Now he’s..... more. And his dismissal now hurts more than before. He knows things about her that she has never uttered to anyone. He has seen her in situations that no one else ever has. Not even Sang-In. But she knows that he is also an expert at turning this feelings off. Unlike him, she wears her heart on the tip of her knife. It’s a bloody, messy thing. Locked up for so long that now it just leaks all over him. 
Her phones finally vibrates with his answer and she tries not jump but her stupid body has been betraying her ever since he crashed into her life. 
She picks up her phone and flips it only, eyes scanning when she sees his reply- No. She stares at the phone in disbelief and anger and- “He doesn’t want you. Nobody could love a monster like you!” This time she can’t ignore her mother’s screeching voice in her mind, sledge hammering into her confidence until it shatters under the pressure. That is the entirety of his response and she sits quietly on the couch feeling like an empty husk. Only years of rejections- him being one of the first- stops her tears from falling. Being around him has made her weak, she desperately forces herself to will her armor back up. She knows she has failed when her phone vibrates and her first thought is please be him. 
It isn’t.
A number she doesn’t know pops up on her screen with a message- It was such a pleasure to see you today. I would love to take you out for dinner tonight. Are you free? 
Coffee shop guy. 
She doesn’t think about her answer before replying that’s another thing she started doing since meeting him and look just where that has gotten her. After replying she swipes up the stairs,  dressing down bellowing behind her. She will not be weak. Plus, she’s fucking hungry. 
Gang- Tae stares down at his phone in shock, genuinely surprised that she hasn’t said anything to retort to his short answer. She hates when he replies with only one word and usually follows those messages up with messages demanding more. She always demands everything he has. And then some. 
He lov--- No. Stop. His heart  burns in not jealousy remembering how she sized up that not handsome punk at the coffee shop. Gazing at him like he was something to be conquered and then shoving his hand on her perfect little waist. He scoffs recalling her admission that she was like Sang-Tae and only he could touch her only to then place a stranger’s hand on hi-her waist. 
It’s not until Cha-Young walks in carefree as if he works in an ice cream parlor and not a psychiatric ward that he realizes that he is standing shirtless, gripping his shirt tightly between his fingers. He had become distracted after receiving her message demanding that he bring food. He wanted to give her the food, give her anything she wanted really. It scared him to hell. It wasn’t until he saw the smug smile and hungry stare in  someone else’s eyes looking at her that he realized that maybe he wasn’t what she wanted anymore. 
The way she had whispered “CEO” reminded him that despite what he had screamed at her idiot manager in the parking lot she was a celebrity.  People wanted her. Men who had way more to offer and were’t terrified of taking what she was offering. She was so beautiful it made his jaw clench in frustration and her haircut only made her more beautiful, it was obscene and unfair. Her hair brushed against her define features and made her already long neck- look like it was never-ending. 
“Gang-Tae. Hey, Gang-Tae! Are you listening? What the hell?” 
Cha-Young’s voice broke him free from his internal suffering. He quickly put on his uniform shirt and turned his head, repressing all this emotions until his face was a blank slate. 
“They need your help carrying a new patient. So stop checking yourself out, you narcissist!” He grabbed what looked like a candy bar before leaving to do whatever he thought constituted as doing work. 
With a sigh he slammed his locker shut and left the room. Emotions warring in his mind but he knew from years of practice that none of them showed on his face.  Today was going to be a long day. 
It was a long day. Stubborn patients, lazy coworkers and he could feel Joo-Ri’s gaze on him whenever she thought he wasn’t looking. It all made him eager to leave, he only spared a smile imagining Mun-Yeong’s anger if she were here to see it happen. He was always mine. She was so possessive of him and he didn’t know yet how he felt about it. 
He drove home, not knowing which Mun-Yeong he would get after refusing her and not getting anymore messages from her prior to that. He sighed in relief knowing that her violent tendencies were spared when it came to him. Unless she was violently teasing him until he felt like his skin might combust from the embarrassment and.....lust. He didn’t know how to react around her she made him feel things that he had told himself years ago, he wasn’t allowed to feel.
While others were sharing secret kisses and going on dates, he was learning how to care for his brother. He couldn't abandon him for such trivial things. Eventually girls realized that he wasn’t playing hard to get, there was no getting. Then they stopped. No more coy looks from under lashes, no more pink cheeks and school girl giggles. They moved onto boys that could give them what they wanted. 
His plan had worked. 
Until Mun-Yeong. She was persistent and his desire for her too made it hard to keep pushing her way. Her full lips called out to him, they both had a habit for grabbing the others wrist and her wrist felt so small and delicate in his hand. One good pull and she would come tumbling into this arms and he could see if her bubble-gum pink lips were as sweet as they looked. 
The sound of the front door opening snapped him out of his reprieve- that seemed to be happening to him a lot today. And like a manifestation of his own thoughts there she was, and fuck she looked hot. Unbelievably hot. 
He had never seen her in jeans before and the denim stretched  down her long legs, hugging her petite curves in all the right wrong ways. A black crop top wrapped around her flat stomach and made her breasts look full, small but a perfect handful. Her shoes were the flashiest part of her outfit, red stiletto heels with a heel that looked like it could kill a man. Her hair was wet and tousled for a perfect messy bedhead look. 
Error 404. Error 404. Error 404. 
Her heels clicked as she started moving down the stairs, why was she moving in slow motion? 
His tongue felt heavy in his mouth has she walked up to him. She stopped a few paces from him, not coming into his personal space like she normally would. When their eyes met the same lighting that always sparked between them, lit up but unlike the other times when she would move into his space like the big bad wolf. Her face was passive and she looked down at the keys in his hands. 
“Give me the car keys” she said in that ridiculously sexy deep voice. He willed himself not to get hard, thinking about the patient that threw up on him to stop the blood from rushing down below. Up close he realized that her makeup was heavier than usual too. Dark smoky eyes with a winged liner as sharp as the knives she loved to collect and blood-red lips. He couldn’t stop thinking about kissing and smearing that lipstick everywhere. 
As he stood there fantasizing about her as she stood there, he took a deep inhale of breath as she finally moved into his bubble but she was gone as quickly as she came. Snatching the keys from his slack hands. 
She stepped around him and made to open the car door he had only just closed and he realized she did not intend to say anything more to him. 
“Where are you going?” he asked his voice coarse with desire, she smelled amazing up close. Like cinnamon and something spicy that was irrefutably her. 
She ignored him and opened the car door. His arm shot out and slammed it shut before his brain registered it planned to do that. It was minute but her small body jolted from the force that he used. He felt guilt for a second, he didn’t mean to scare her. He reached out to soothe her but before his hand could make contact, she backed up moving away from his touch for the first time ever. 
“What’s wrong? Tell me where you’re going dressed like that.” He mentally celebrated when he saw her passive mask drop and righteous anger take its place. 
“Move out of my way, I don’t need to answer your questions.” 
“Mun-Yeong stop acting up.” 
“Don’t give me orders!” He wasn’t ready for the bite behind her words. She was puffing with anger, chest rising quickly and he knew it wasn’t right but his eyes descended down to her chest. His mind provided a quick flash of how perfect her breasts would look bare, her nipples would be so pink and delicious. 
It was so fast he almost missed it but he saw an answering flash of lust run across her face. She squirmed under this heavy gaze. 
Her phone ringing cut through the tension like a knife. She answered it. 
“Hello? Yes, I am on my way now. No. I can drive myself. I will see you soon. Goodbye, Daniel”
Daniel. DANIEL. Who the fuck was Daniel and why was he going to see his Mun-Yeong? He reached out and in a move that was completely out of character he grabbed her phone. She raged immediately reaching around him to get it back. Climbing his back in her quest to get it back. She was hot against his back. 
“Don’t call this number again. She’s not coming” he said with finality before ending the call, before that not handsome punk could answer. She slumped on his back before sliding back onto her heeled feet. He turned around with fire in his eyes. 
“You are going to meet THAT guy? Ko Mun-Yeong, he is a stranger. Are you crazy?!” 
Her only response was to growl at him and wow that would sound amazing in bed as he entered her. 
He didn’t know how to stop these thoughts now that they were out. 
“Stay out of this. You don’t own me” she threw his words back at him. She was always doing that. It made him realize how stupid he was sometimes. The shock of hearing those words made him freeze and she used that time to enter the car and lock the door before he could stop her. 
He spun around putting his hand on the glass and trying to make eye contact with her but she refused to meet his eyes. She pulled out of the make shift driveway like a bat out of hell. 
He stood there feeling like the ground was crumbling beneath his feet. 
“Don’t go.” 
She drove down the road before pulling over to breath.  What was it about him that got under her skin? She didn’t think he would care about her going out after refusing to bring her food and basically shutting her down every time she claimed they were more. She knew it was because of his brother but she couldn’t carry this on her own. 
He was great at coming to her rescue but once that was over, she was pushed away again and she would never admit this out loud but it hurt. 
It hurts. 
Her phone began to ring and she started the car and drove off. She was still hungry.  She wanted beef. Rare. The blood would sate her anger. 
She didn’t make any attempts to enter the house quietly. Gang-Tae sat on the stairs eyes piercing into her own. She looked back emotionlessly not sure why he was still up. He never sought her out after fights instead waiting for the next disaster he could save her from.  He seemed different today and she wondered why. 
“You’re home late”
“So? she retorted defiantly, smelling the fight brewing in the air and hungry for it. 
“I asked you not to go. Why can’t you ever listen to me?” 
Flashbacks of her mother scolding her forced there way into her mind. You must always listen to me. Be a good girl and always obey Mother. Her heartbeat was loud in her own ears. Her eyes were burning with her effort not to cry. His eyes softened as if her thoughts were visible. He made her feel naked. 
His arms flexed as he used them to propel himself off the stairs and for another first he gently wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“I was jealous. I am jealous”  he grumbled putting his chin on her hair. And for once she was speechless. Why would he tell her that? Wasn’t he scared that she would use that as a weapon against him? He shouldn’t trust her she was a monster. 
“You’re not a monster. “ 
“Then what am I?”
With hesitation he replied, “I wish you were mine.” Her head snapped up so hard that if he hadn’t moved back she would have headbutt him. 
“Kiss me” She didn’t know what she would do if he denied her now. This moment seemed important, defining. 
He surged forward and kissed her, closed mouth but hard as if he was trying to fuse into her. “Did he kiss you? Did you let him kiss you?” he whispered into her mouth seemingly terrified of the answer but needing to know. 
“No.” He pushed her into the wall and she hadn’t realized that he had been cornering her in for a while. She pressed her tongue into his mouth and felt him melt into her, his body a hard line. His muscles pressing her against the wall. He seemed inexperienced with kissing this way but he made up for it with enthusiasm. He chased her tongue and played with her as she teased him. Licking into her like she was dessert and he was ravenous. 
Should I just play with you? 
“Mun-Yeong tell me to stop. Please. I can’t stop.”
She ignored his pleas instead wrapping her arms around his neck and he instinctively scooped her up. Big hands gripping her ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh. Moaning his approval into her mouth. She had never been this turned on. Nothing had ever been this good. They grinded against each other, she could feel his excitement pressing into her. She felt the hunger consume her again and she pushed him back.
He started to apologize even as his dick pointed out, begging for her attention. She fluidly slid to her knees. He gasped and froze in place. His eyes honed into her lips, watching her like she was both the predator and his prey. She licked her lips, never looking away from his eyes more expressive than she had ever seen them. 
The sound of his zipper descending was loud in the room. The only other sound was their pants for air. 
“Do you want this?” She finally spoke and he shivered at the sound of her voice. She didn’t make anymore movements, for once patiently waiting for his answer. 
She watched the war play across his face and wondered who would win? She busied herself biting at her own lips. His thumb pulled her lip from the grip of her teeth, tilting her face up towards him. “I want this, I know I shouldn’t but....”
She didn’t care about whatever self repressing reason he had. He wanted her. He had showed her before but now he was saying it. 
She tugged his worn jeans down, too-soft from years of being worn and washed. His boxers did little to hide his erection. “Wow” 
His blushed tinted his face and chest in a pretty red and she smirked up at him. 
“You do it” She calmly commanded him and he looked confused, like she had just spoken to him him in English. “You have been holding back for all these years, I want you to do it. Show me what you want” 
At his perplexed face she boldly took his penis out through the slit in his boxers and aimed it at her mouth but that was it, he hissed in pleasure. Breath speeding up at just her touch on his heated skin. She stopped and simply opened her mouth, eyes gleaming mischievously. The moment he understood what she meant was a beautiful epiphany. 
He made no movement, besides the involuntary one his dick made that caused him to close his eyes in embarrassment. “Stop thinking with your head for once and think with this” She grabbed his dick for emphasis. He thrusted into her hand one, two times but seemed to lose his resolve again. 
“He tried to kiss me. He grabbed me by my waist and told me he wanted to give me the world. He said I’m the sexiest woman he has ever seen.” 
She watched every muscle in Gang-Tae’s body coil. His eyes which were always the window to his soul, said what the fuck did you say? and then he grabbed her hair. 
“He can’t have you. You’re mine. I’m yours. You said it we go hand in hand! 
“Then show me I’m yours. Make me forget about everyone but you. Do it!”
She was barely able to finish her sentence before her mouth was full. His taste exploded on her tongue and he was better than all the goods Sang-In had brought her. Once his dick was in her mouth, he was a man on a mission. She opened her mouth wider and let him have fun. He thrusted fast, then slow, then deep, then leaving only the tip. 
He’s never done this before. He doesn’t know what he likes. 
She let him use her mouth, happy to be the first person to do this with him.
He found a rhythm that he seemed to like, deep and slow. She could feel every vein under the thin, hot skin and his precum leaked onto her tongue before she greedily swallowed it. That made his hips hitch forward suddenly and he momentarily slid down her throat. She pulled off  slowly. Knowing the picture she made, on her knees with her red stained dick-plump lips. He picked her up as if she weighed nothing, she loved how strong he was. 
He devoured her lips. dipping and licking his own taste out of her mouth. She felt them ascending and realized they were going up the stairs. He easily held her weight with one arm and used the other one to push open her bedroom door. 
With four large steps, he dropped her on her bed watching her body bounce. His eyes zigzagged all over, seeming unsure of where he wanted to look. She pulled her shirt over her head and heard his gasp and threw her shirt to the side. His eyes settled on her chest, “You’re beautiful” he whispered with revere tinging every words. 
She felt herself blushing, shocked that he was able to have that affect on her. He climbed onto the bed with her, using just his fingertips to caress her skin. He touched the top of her breast before moving down to her stomach, but eventually making his way back to her breast. She sat up and leaned forward silently giving him permission and he didn’t need anymore encouragement this time. He unhooked her bra, eyes wide as her breast came into view. 
Under his intense gaze, she felt a fleeting desire to cover herself. Before doing the opposite and laying her hands to the side, fully displaying herself to his hungry eyes. He leaned down and kissed her breast, too gently. So she whispered “Harder” and his mouth consumed her nipple and she threw her head back from the blinding pleasure. Behind the buzzing that filled her ears, she could hear him as if he were miles away “so pink, you’re so pink” and she had no idea what he was talking about but she needed him to keep going. 
He palmed her breast that wasn’t in his mouth and she reached down to grab his erection, it felt harder than before it that was possible. She twisted at the top gathering the fluid there and using it to ease her way, up and down his length. He bite down on her nipple as she made a corkscrew motion at the top. He ripped her jeans off her body and she hadn’t noticed when exactly he had even unbuttoned her pants. 
He slid down her body and she groaned in annoyance at losing her grip on his dick, it was her new favorite toy. So perfect and hard, she couldn’t wait to have it inside her. 
“What are you doing?” She panted looking down and seeing him just looking , his jaw was slack and his pupil was wide and she just watched him as he stared at her covered pussy. What seemed like a lifetime later, he pulled her panties down. They were white and lace. She shivered at the puff of hot air that hit her and she felt herself get wetter. He curiously tasted her with a kitten-like lick that made her mind short circuit. He must have liked what he tasted because after the first lick, he spread her open and took a greedy lick the second time. 
His strong arms splayed her open to his mercy and he was a quick learner, he quickly dissected that she liked broad licks and extra attention on her clit. This was the best thing that had ever been done to her body. She almost didn’t hear his quiet question, “Can I...Mun- Yeong can I...fuck you?” 
She couldn’t believe that he had been able to say the words. She almost wanted to stop and applaud. But she saved her teasing because when she finally opened her eyes he was hovering above her, his penis so hard it was flat on his stomach and it had leaked an idecent amount of precum. Glossy in the pale moonlight. If only she had been a painter instead of an author. 
“How do you want me?” She continued to press his comfort level, but she was also genuinely curious. She knew he was a virgin before all this, she wanted anything he wanted. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before laying down and dragging her on top of him. He blushed up at her but there was a glint of determination in his strong jaw. 
“I want to see you. I want to see your eyes when we do it.”
She didn’t answer verbally, choosing instead to grind herself down on him. Slipping across his groin, dragging her wetness over him. Feeling him slip into her folds and shuddering at the heat. She lifted her hips up before finding his hard erection and holding it, ready. 
“Wait don’t we need a .....condom?” 
She shook her head no. She had been on birth control as soon as it was allowed. 
“I want to feel you”
That answer rendered him without words and he gripped her hips in his huge hands, helping her lift up before the world momentarily went white. She knew she should take it slow but as soon as she felt him inside, the beast burst out of the cage. She placed her hands on his broad chest and slammed down onto him, riding him hard. Snapping her body back to bring him deeper in. 
He was an absolute mess beneath her, shaking his head no, begging her to slow down while he contrarily met her thrust for thrust and fucked her like the world was ending. She fell on his chest and he immediately wrapped her in his arms and continued to rock up into her velvety, wetness. Panting in her ears. 
“You feel so good. So good, please, please” 
She knew that he was close from the pistoning of his hips, the sound of their skins smacking filled the room. 
“Don’t hold back, fuck me harder. Don’t stop!”
He flipped them over, pressing her arms about her head, she made a mental note that she liked that. Really liked it. 
“Say my name, Say I’m yours”
“Gang-Tae, Gang-tae, you’re mine. I’m yours. I...”
No. Not now.  But it was enough to push him over the edge and she was so confused on his pleasure that she forgot about herself until she felt his fingers rub her clit in a circle motion and she too stumbled over the deep end. 
His body tightened and he pressed deeply inside her, her walls clenching around him. 
“Sex feels amazing.” 
His sudden admission sent her into a fit of giggles, and soon he was laughing too and he fell on the bed from his laughter. Their laughter boomed in the room, now eerily quiet without their sex sounds. 
She looked over and saw him looking down at the floor at whatever was vibrating, before leaning over and picking it up. 
Her cellphone. It must have fell out of her pocket when he ripped her pants off. 
He opened her phone without her permission and they needed to have a talk because only she was allowed to do that. 
“It’s that punk. He’s sad you couldn’t make it.” He looked at her with glaring eyes. “I thought you went out with him”
“I lied. I got beef by myself and then came home.”
He looked upset before laughing again. Then he reached over and flicked her on the forehead. 
“Ow what the hell!”
“I’m deleting his number” and she rolled over and pressed her naked body against him, not caring about whatever his name is. 
She felt his penis plump up after a moment of cuddling him naked, “Stop being so horny,  I’m tired now” she whined. 
He stroked her back before his hand trailed down to her butt. 
“This is all your fault” he answered before dragging her into a languid kiss and rolling on top of her.  “You pulled my safety pin, this is the result.” 
He exploded all night. 
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gottlem · 4 years
pancakes for dinner. (taywhora)
HI i wrote pancake day taywhora fluff while listening to captital fm waiting for them to come on which never ended up happening. but i decided we still deserved some taywhora content after being promised some, so while i can’t give u a radio interview, i can give u some lesbian au fluff. i hope u like it and i hope u had a lovely pancake day !!!
ao3 link
Tayce liked when she didn’t have to wake up to an alarm. She liked staying in bed on a cold February morning as she watched the bitter wind blow the trees around outside from the comfort under her warm duvet, tangled up with her beautiful girlfriend. Except on this specific February morning, despite the fact that she hadn’t set an alarm, she ended up waking up to one anyway. The alarm of course, was in the form of Awhora. While she would never complain about getting to see her girlfriend so often, especially since they moved in together, she couldn't help but let out a pitiful groan of annoyance.
“Let me sleep, bitch” Her voice was monotone, groggy and muffled by the pillow she had dug her head into as Awhora lightly shook her shoulders in an attempt to get her up. This girl was fucking relentless. 
“Please, it’s pancake day! Are we not gonna make pancakes? It’s like, the law. I promise I’ll do all the work” Tayce just chuckled, she was being an annoying little shit, but at least she was being cute about it. But no amount of cuteness was going to get Tayce out of bed. She knew for a fact she would end up doing the work anyways, Awhora would find a way to get Tayce to do the majority of the whisking, and the flipping, and everything else. She rolled back onto her side to face her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around her whispering a “let’s have five more minutes” but not really meaning it. She wanted more than five minutes. 
Tayce managed to fall back asleep within a couple of minutes, and surprisingly, she was not woken up again until she found her eyes fluttering open again completely by themselves. When her senses caught up to her, she realised she was alone in her bed, and she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty even if she knew Awhora wouldn’t actually be mad at her over some pancakes. She pulled herself together with a stretch and hopped out of the comfort of her bed, though it didn’t feel just as comfy without her other half there with her, to actually find who she was looking for. It wasn’t hard. She heard the TV in the living room playing mindless programmes while Awhora sat on the couch contentedly scrolling through her phone. Tayce stood in the door frame for a second, and some people might have called it a bit creepy, but she liked the way her girlfriends lips were ever so slightly upturned at the ends and how she let herself chuckle when she came across a funny tiktok. Besides, she was allowed to look, to admire. 
However, when Tayce took herself out of her trance and stepped into the living room, Awhora’s face instantly fell a little bit, playing into the faux-annoyance she was trying to sway Tayce with. She could tell by just looking at her that the fight wasn’t over yet, and she was going to whine and whine until she finally got her way, but Tayce at least was stubborn, so she would have quite the battle ahead of her. 
“I promise we will make your pancakes later, will you just let me wake up properly first? I feel like I’m still half asleep.” Awhora huffed at that, but muttered a small ‘fine’ anyway, cosying up next to Tayce.
“I’ll tell you what - I’ll go make myself a cup of tea, and we can make pancakes when I’m done, yeah?” That seemed to do the trick. Tayce stood up and left for the kitchen after placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend's forehead, for good measure, and also because she wanted to anyway. She got to making her tea, fully intending to sip it as slowly as possible, and probably avoid actually making the pancakes until way later. But Awhora didn’t need to know that. She returned after a few minutes with a steaming mug and a smug smile. They watched whatever they could find on the TV that wasn’t completely mind-numbing for the twenty minutes it took Tayce to finish her tea and pop it in the sink. When she returned from the kitchen a second time, Awhora stared at her with wide, pleading eyes. She had not forgotten what Tayce had promised her, and by the look on her face she was not about to give up.
Despite her stubborn-ness, Tayce ended up giving in to Awhora after 5 minutes of bickering, deciding on the fact that being this animated about pancakes is honestly not a good look for her. She allowed Awhora to pull her up from the couch and grab her hand to drag her into the kitchen, where she made a beeline for the fridge. Tayce pulled the flour from out the cupboard, and expected an eager Awhora to be standing next to her with milk and eggs from the fridge on the bench, but instead she just heard a frustrated groan from across the room, followed by a “we don’t have any fucking eggs”
The walk to the nearest co-op was quick, but not too easy. The wind bit at Awhora’s face and made it red, but she didn’t care much because she knew she would get pancakes out of it. Tayce shivered when a particularly cold gust passed by them, and it made her walk the smallest bit closer to Awhora, in an attempt to feed off of her body heat. It didn’t work, but she also stayed just as close, purely because she liked it there. They found the eggs easily, and walked back home as quick as they could, desperate to get out of the cold. The heating had been left on before they left, and they both knew it was just waiting for them to return.
When they did get back, Tayce had decided she was finally in a better mood, the cold having woken her up a little from her lazy Tuesday morning. Awhora put their newly purchased eggs on the bench and fetched the milk from the fridge as Tayce took out a pan, some oil and a bowl and started to heat up their electric hob. 
“Should we just eyeball it?” Awhora’s hopeless optimism when it came to pancakes seemingly came out of nowhere, but Tayce decided to entertain it anyway. It couldn’t do any harm and it made her girlfriend happy, so there wasn’t a reason not to. Eyeballing the mixture probably wasn’t the smartest decision in the world, but they had made enough pancakes in their life to know how much flour was too much flour and just how runny the mixture should be. Mixing it took forever, and Awhora insisted on starting, because she had promised that morning that she would do the work, but it took her about a minute to start complaining that her arm was hurting, and she ended up asking Tayce to take over, which she did.
Tayce poured the first pancake into the pan (Awhora had said she was scared of the hot oil jumping up at her) and let herself smile when it sizzled as it touched the pan. As grumpy as she was this morning, it pulled at her heartstrings a little to be celebrating pancake day with Awhora. She was special to her, and this weirdly domestic holiday made her heart flutter a little if she thought about it too much.
After a couple minutes, the time came for the pancake to be flipped. Tayce insisted she could just use the spatula to turn it over. It would be safer and definitely more successful. But alas, Awhora was insistent on flipping it, because “You aren’t celebrating pancake day right if you aren’t flipping the pancakes, Tayce. That’s half the fun!” So she gave in, because of course she did. The ceremonious flipping of the pancakes came with only a small amount of squealing, some defeated groans when the pancake creased up as it landed back in the pan, but thankfully, there were mostly accomplished exclamations of ‘yes!’ and ‘oh thank fuck’. Surprisingly, not one pancake ended up being burned or, worse, on the floor, and for that Tayce was eternally grateful because she knew she would have to be the one to clean it up. 
Awhora adorned her pancakes with fruit and sugar while Tayce opted for the simple but classic option of nutella. They brought their full plates to the living room and sat on opposite ends of the couch, facing each other (because sitting on chairs properly is completely overrated) and a cosy playlist from Awhora’s spotify played from their communal Alexa, filling in the dips of their conversation as the pair nibbled on their pancakes.
“I’m happy we did this. Sorry if I annoyed you this morning, I just, I don’t know, I thought it would be something nice to do together” Tayce felt a little bad for her mood this morning, and she hated that Awhora thought she had annoyed her, even if it did ring true a little bit. 
“Don’t be sorry, hun. I could never be annoyed at you. Well. Not over pancakes at least, could you believe? Besides, these pancakes are so fucking good. I love this holiday” Awhora laughed loudly at Tayce’s change of heart since the morning. She looked up at her girlfriend from behind her almost empty plate with a softness in her eyes.
“Mhm, well I love you”
“I love you too, Aurora.”
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helenaklein · 4 years
Heya, i come across your blog while talking about nelroche etc. I never know anything about l&l since i never play lovestruck, can someone give explanation which part that is similiar? While idk anything about lovestruck, I found their previous work also has similiar with manga yana of the dawn (which i have read the manga, and yes, they are pretty similiar to called it just coincidence).
okay so fair warning... this is long as fuck because there are more similarities than there are differences lol. also as a disclaimer i’m only invested in this whole thing insofar as it entertains me but if the “””””creators””””” want to fight me because i wrote this post.... they’re welcome to but i promise i’ll have more fun than they will lmfao
l&l’s about a young woman from a major city in our world who one day gets sucked via magical portal into a fantasy world filled with magic and races that are only fiction in ours. once there, she gets mistaken for their most notorious war criminal, an insanely powerful witch who committed a genocide and is center of a cult of worshipers willing to kill and die for her.
this is nelroche’s description, straight from their devblog:
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now, if it was a matter of similar basic premises and setups, i’d write it off as coincidence and tell the anons who made me aware of this that i thought they were overreacting. after all, “normal-human sucked into medieval world” and even “mistaken identity” are both very well established tropes that have been done and done again and will continue to be done because many find it compelling. hell, i do too. honestly, if the devs had simply said that they drew inspiration from love & legends, i’d have understood.
the similarities only begin there. and they only get more excessive. coupled with their adamant denial that they’ve never even read it....... it’s just not possible lmfao. even if they decided to change the physical appearances of the characters, the tropes behind them and their personalities are exactly the same.
the nelroche demo has:
1) the lord of a region who’s a massive workaholic to the point of self-detriment, but is very caring towards their people and their inner circle and whom everyone in the group has referred to as a parental figure.
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aka.... l&l’s reiner wolfson, who’s described directly from the app as “Reiner is a fair and compassionate ruler who would defend the people of the human domain with his life.”
2) the prickly knight to said lord, who’s fiercely dedicated to their liege, very serious in personality along with stubborn and prideful, but cares deep down once you get past their walls.
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literally l&l’s august falke. the demo describes them, literally as “...reminds me of the knights in the fairy tales, except, it seems, not quite as charming” whereas august’s in-app description reads “This knight in shining armor is more aggressive than the story books led you to believe...” I’ll let the similarities there speak for themselves.... lol
3) the energetic and bubbly mage who’s super tiny compared to their companions and avoids serious discussion, who happens to be a bit of a trickster and has a mysterious quality.
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l&l’s altea bellerose but make it less pink! altea and “C”s similarities go even deeper but i’ll get into that a bit later.
4) the mysterious and heterochromatic-eyed figure who’s distrustful and initially stand-offish as a result of living through a life of hardship, that is excitable and actually loves to travel.
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look no further than l&l’s saerys! M’s eyes are “ocean blue and purple” compared to his blue and red, but don’t let that difference fool you! their introductions are laughably similar (more on that later)... and the “travel” bit lmfao. not to be mean but they couldn’t at least change up his hobbies? come on now, work for that plagiarized bag!
5) the lazy and flirtatious one who’d rather spent their days joking and taking it easy than handling their many responsibilities, who does care but shows it in ways unconventional.
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just because their hair is grey instead of white doesn’t mean it’s not l&l’s iseul idreis, babes! i’d know that endlessly frustrating man anywhere! lovestruck’s app description for him reads: “The elven prince is beautiful and cunning with a silver tongue, but his lackadaisical lifestyle leaves much to be desired”. corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures they’re the same dot jpg.
6) the complicated and slender blonde who wields both blade AND magic, whose eyes glow, whose power is deemed dangerous, who wears shades of blue, AND is initially described as cold? who seems like she wants to beat the hell out of her compatriots, who she seems to lead, and whose outfit is needlessly complicated?
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you think i don’t know a knock off helena klein when i see one???? ME???????? helena’s in-app description LITERALLY reads “cold as ice” and “wielding both sword and sorcery with ruthless precision”!!!!! of alllllllllll the things i’m most offended by this one motherfucker you can’t just fuck around with helena on a whim okay this shit is personal now!!!!!!
7) the creepy, predatory, and combative pale-but-tanned-but-murky-skinned dude who wears robes and a creepy beast mask.
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l&l’s jinhai jubal i know it’s you!!!! actually this is probably the funniest thing of the whole situation to me bc this dev decided to remove not-alain as a love interest and seemingly replace him with not-jinhai. secondary poster you a hilarious bitch i’m not gonna lie.
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(here’s jinhai in his mask lmfao)
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8) the mouse-looking man who seems not as confident as not-helena and not-jinhai, wears full armor AND a double-sided sword strapped to his back.
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none other than l&l’s alain richter, back from the dead! im gonna let the next image speak for itself.
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still with me? i sure hope so bc it really gets juicy now!!!!! the similarities don’t end with the characters!!!! no, no, no!!!! the plot and progression of the demo are identical to that of l&l’s pilot episode, beat for beat.
in the l&l pilot episode, after the mc stumbles through the portal and into the medieval town, she’s almost immediately accosted by august, a rude mf who essentially acts not very knight-like despite his appearance and forces her into the nearby castle’s dungeon.
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once inside the dungeon, the l&l mc is approached by a figure with hetero-chromatic eyes, who seems intrigued and confused by the mc’s lack of knowledge about the fantasy world.
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once that person leaves, in comes a bubbly woman who seems to be floating. she asks mc if she’s ready to get out of the dungeon, and mc is like!!!! finally someone willing to help me. only..... uh oh.... she takes her to her lord instead of freeing her, wtf!!!!
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once brought to the lord, who seems much more calm and reasonable than his high-strung and feisty knight, he listens to mc’s story and seems to believe her somewhat, but doesn’t want to risk his people.
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(he’s even standing at the window LMFAOOOOOOOOO)
then the last remaining figure (iseul) playfully suggests that the lord (reiner) allow the mc to pick which among the group she’d like to guard her while they all determine whether or not she’s being truthful about not knowing anything. this is literally! literally! LITERALLY! how the PILOT EPISODE! of LOVE AND LEGENDS! ENDS!
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ARE YOU SERIOUS LMFAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO. going through all this is literally fucking HILARIOUS to me like ak;sdfjadsfkl;asdfjlasdf how BOLD and BRAVE do you have to be to so blatantly rip something off and then deny even ever encountering what you stole from adsfkjldfasdfkasd,f. i’m not even super mad bc like.... i torment voltage for funsies. but! LMAO!!!!!!!!
lastly..... as an added bonus to all of the juicy, juicy evidence above. l&l mc has a best friend in the “real”, modern world, who inexplicably has a lookalike in the fantasy world. well..... would you believe it if i told you that the nelroche has one just like it???
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that’s right! even sophie and solaire made the plagiarism cut! gotta love those girlies, i’m so happy for them :)
the end!
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kuronanox · 4 years
A promise in heaven - Julius Novachrono
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"Let me go!"
"No, you know I can't do that."
"I hate you Julius I can't stand looking at you."
Yanking her arm from his grip she cried and screamed. He tried to hold her and comfort her but she refused. The feeling of betrayal overcame him.
"Why don't you trust me!" Julius shouts, letting his emotions get to him. "I only love you and I've proven it so many times! What must I do to make you stay."
(Your Name) shakes her head and looks down at the floor. "Nothing, how could you love a broken person like me?"
"(Your Name)." He says with a crack voice as she looks back at his pained eyes. With one last yank Julius let her arm go as she ran away.
It was 10 years ago and it still hurt him till the present day. At first he laid around his room and neglected his duties more. After a few months he knew she wasn't coming back.
Julius looked out the Clover Kingdom and sighed. She was a troublesome girl and often got into trouble a lot. He just wanted to be there for her and protect her from the cruel world.
They met when she was running away from a group of thugs, she had stole a bag of gold from them out of desperation of money.
"The dumb bitch is running around the corner!"
(Your Name) ran as fast as should could, she was running out of money and by the next week she was going to be on the streets again. Turning the corner she came across Julius and he looked shocked.
Clicking her teeth she advanced towards him and kicked him in the stomach and made a run for it.
Julius was the wizard king but getting kicked by a civilian shocked him that he couldn't move.
"It-it's the wizard king!" The thugs yelled and ran away back to their homes afraid he was going to send them to prison.
(Your name) looked back to see no one as she sighed and smiled. The money would last her months till she can get a steady foot.
"That wasn't really nice miss." Julius says in front as her mouth gasp and she pulled out a dagger.
"Move or else." She says with fear in her voice.
"Hey hey, I won't hurt you. Tell me where are you from?" He gently says holding her hands down safely.
Knitting her brows she scanned him up and down. Shaking her head she shut her mouth.
Julius sighed and took the bag of gold from her. Her eyes widen "Hey!"
"Tell me, why are stealing gold from under ground thugs?"
"Because... isn't it obvious. I need the money."
"Get back to work!" Marx shouts to Julius as he spaced out for the 5th time that morning. "Ahh I'm sorry, I got distracted again."
Picking up a piece of paper to sign Marx gives a sympathetic look and walks away. He knew Julius was thinking about her. (Your Name) the only person to bring out his smile besides when he saw new types of magic.
Julius and (Your Name) were in love but she couldn't handle the life and the people here.
It seemed like everyone was against their relationship at the time and tried to bring them down. They succeeded as she left a part of Julius left with her.
"I'll help you back to your feet." Julius offered as he brought her to safety in his office.
"I don't need help from you." She sneered looking away from him.
"Alright well I guess you won't be needing this either." Julius smirked dangling the bag of gold as her eyes followed in desperation.
"Ugh fine! What do you want me to do?"
"You can get a job as a server at one of our nicest restaurants in the kingdom."
(Your Name) crossed her arms and took a seat across from Julius, listening to the opportunity she has.
"Fine, where will I stay till I can get a place?"
"Um here!" He exclaimed with a bright smile as she gave him a smug look.
"Whatever, deal."
A loud thunder clashed as (Your Name) eyes opened from her sleep. She sat up from bed and pushed her hair away from her face.
"Why do I keep dreaming about him? I left him I shouldn't be this sad."
"(Your Name)! You have your regular!" A coworker had shouted out to her.
The past few months she was working there she became a natural and tips became so easy to make.
Julius also became a regular because he wanted to check up on her to see if she was okay and also because he was entranced by her.
She smiled to herself and turned to see Julius waiting patiently for her.
"The usual?" She asks him as he nodded.
After her shifts he was always there to walk her back safely and at the same time she was still staying in his office.
"You know I can get my own place now."
Julius stiffens a bit and gives a weak smile. "Actually (Your Name) I wanted to talk to you about sometime."
"Um alright." (Your Name) says noticing that he was acting unusual that night.
"I've been feeling this for a while, but I really enjoy your company and would like to have you by my side and would be sadden to see you with anyone else."
"Did you just confess to me?" She laughs as he grabs the back of his neck and lightly chuckles.
"Well lucky for you I will accept!"
(Your Name) gets a message from Marx asking her to return to the Clover Kingdom. Throwing the paper away she goes out and starts to harvest her plants because winter could get harsh.
"Why does that mushroom keep sending me updates about Julius! It's been years and I've moved on!" She tries to convince herself and dig in the dirt planting some tomatoes.
"I'm home!" (Your Name) shouts as Julius hoisted her from behind.
"I'm glad you got back safe. How was work?"
"Ugh I had a table leave without paying but either than that it was good."
Julius smiles and kisses her
gently on the on the lips taking her to the shower.
They relaxed in the tub as he told her about his day and all the new magic he saw.
"Seems interesting, I'm not really gifted in magic..."
Julius notices her sadness and lifts her chin to his face. "You are more than enough to me, I'll be here to protect you."
"But I won't be able to protect you! What if something happens to the kingdom and you can't stop it! I won't be able to help."
Julius sighs and drys his body along with her as they laid in bed.
"Shh, stop. Nothing will ever happen. I promise."
"Julius, don't make promises you can't keep."
"I promise." He whispers to her, laying his head on her as she sadly smiles and lets him drift to sleep.
Julius thought back about that time, he promised to protect her and the kingdom. As he fought licht he had a small feeling of guilt.
He was about to break his promise, he thought about (Your Name). Wondering if she was still alive or in trouble.
When Licht plunged his sword into Julius, he smiled. Maybe it was better this way. He was getting older and a new wizard king was bound to happen.
Then he thought again. "Maybe this time I'll get to be with (Your name)."
Although he wanted to cry no tears came out.
"What are you reading so intently?" (Your Name) asks Julius as he tried to hide the letter but was snatched out of his hands.
"Wow everyone hates me here. I told you Julius I'm nothing but a burden to you and the kingdom!"
Julius sighs and looks out the window, it was the 10th letter that week regarding (Your Name) and how she didn't deserve to be with him and how weak she was.
"No one thinks that."
"Everyone thinks that. Stop trying to hide the truth from me. I know no one accepts our relationship. Especially bird braid Nozel.”
Julius sits up from his chair and brings her to an embrace as she hugged him. "I hate this. I hate myself."
"Shh, stop."
(Your Name) sighed, even when going out alone people yelled and called her names. Some refused to let her in the store or provide service. Although she never let Julius know, he knew.
"We will be okay, I promise."
She scoffed and hugged tighter in his embrace. "You and your promises again."
Opening the millionth letter again from Marx she scanned through it and was about to throw it away when she read that Julius had passed away and her attendance at Clover Kingdom was necessary.
Her mouth went dry as her eyes watered. Packing everything that was important to her she hit the road and left to see him.
It was when she entered, Marx immediately brought her to the body. Holding in her cries she saw his face. He was at peace, no more work no more duties to attend. He was in heaven.
"I wish he could have seen you one last time if we had known he was going to pass." Marx states looking down at the body.
Crying ugly tears she screamed and took his hand with hers. "I'm sorry I left Julius. You know me to well I was to stubborn and I selfishly left you."
The days passed and she lingered in his room and bed looking out the window it had been raining the last few days.
No announcement had been made to the public yet, although everyone had been curious where the wizard king has been.
“Yo.” A gruff lazy voice calls by the door way.
Sitting up she calls out. “Yami.”
“Still see you lounging around?”
She laughs and looks down at her hands. “Yeah it’s been tough. Glad to see you are doing well.”
Yami puffs out some smoke and leans against the door. “Yeah, you too. Thought you were dead if I’m being honest. Julius never told me what happen.”
Sighing she looks up to Yami and gives a weak smile.
“I wish it was me rather than him.”
Silence fold between the two as they listened to the rain fall. “Well I gotta show you something.”
“Just follow me.”
Walking down the hallway they make it to a balcony.
“It’s raining Yami.”
Turning around he was gone.
She saw that the kingdom was a mess, the buildings were destroyed, the people were trying to rebuilt their lives again.
“(Your Name).”
“I don’t have time to see this Yami!”
“Well after all these years you still have some sassy in you.”
“You know I don’t really need-“ turning her body in slight irritation she sees Julius standing behind her with a smile.
The smile that lit up the world and all that was there.
“I’m back (Your Name).”
Giving him a big hug she rubbed her face in his chest. “I’ve missed you, I’m so sorry.”
Julius caresses her hair and embraces her.
“I forgive you, this time you are saying.”
“But how did you come back? I saw you out cold.”
Julius looks away slyly. “It’s complicated, we will get back to that another time. At the mean time we have lots to catch up on.”
Grabbing her hand they walk back to room and sit on the bed.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” She says back holding both his hands looking down ashamed.
“We will fix this (Your Name), nothings ever perfect.”
“I know, I’ll stay and I’ll push past the obstacles that tear us down.”
Julius kisses her hands and brings them to his face.
"I didn't break my promise and came back."
(Your Name) punches him lightly and scoffs.
They lay in bed and look out the window together. "Well looks like we have a lot of work for the kingdom in the next few months."
"I like the we." She says and he kisses her forehead.
"It's always going to be we for now on." Julius says closing his eyes, enjoying this peace of heaven he could stay for a while.
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sortavibing · 4 years
helloo!! i would like to request a male romantic matchup if thats alright :)? there r so fun to make and i wanna know who i'd be best with LMFAO. my name is siena and my pronouns are she/her and im bi! i'm tiny (5'2) and filipina with long dark hair with bangs and dark brown eyes. i'm a taurus and an enfp-t.
oikawa is one of my top kins and i think kenma is pretty high on my list too. my top kin is marceline from adventure time, idk if that really makes any impact but !! im a pretty upbeat and passionate person, id say! i'm social and love to be with my friends, and am the type of person to start a convo easily. and i tend to be on the more talkative and extroverted side? i'd also say i'm very very sarcastic and super stubborn and self-assured. i'd say im a pretty emotional person, or i'm intuitive with my emotions, and try to help others to be the same. i hold myself to a high standard, especially academically, so i tend to do well in school.
i really like fashion and dressing up and putting together outfits overall, as well as music and singing. i've been a singer for as long as i remember and it's one of my passions!! and i've always loved music too. i also like movies and tv, playing guitar, and staying up really late (i'm a huge night owl).
in relationships, i tend to lean towards best-friend dynamic relationships in a way? someone i truly can be myself around and be super lazy and low-key with. just being in their company but still having fun with them is my dream. my love language is honestly insults and a sense of humor; im very sarcastic and appreciate someone who i can insult the crap out of and i'll receive the same energy back. i also really appreciate little acts of kindness instead of big gestures; i'm an outgoing person but always more private with my romantic relationships. i've never been too into pda / mushy (??) type stuff in general but little, private moments together are always really cute. i would love someone who i could go on midnight adventures with but also stay home late talking and listening to music. <333 thank u so much in advance!!!
hi siena! thank you for requesting! i wish i was doing well in school😐 i aspire to have motivation like you- anyways, here’s your matchup!
i match you up with tsukishima!
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what first drew him to you was that you were sarcastic just like he was, so he wanted to get to know you better so you guys could absolutely demolish hinata with just petty comments and shady insults. it also helped that you are pretty extroverted, because you were easily able to help him get to know you better.
you and tsukki do not hesitate to insult each other at every chance possible, and they get so intense that yams is always on standby because he thinks you guys are going to beat each other up, but you and tsukki both know that the insults are your own special way of flirting with each other.
tsukishima isn’t too big on pda either, because he thinks publicly affectionate couples are gross and a little cheesy, but he still likes to hold your hand, or lock pinkies when you guys are walking around with each other, because he wants to show everyone that you are his and his alone, without being too over-the-top about it.
the first time you sang in front of him. he stopped what he was doing and just stared at you, because he was amazed about how good you were. after you noticed that he was staring, he told you to keep singing, and while you were singing, he secretly recorded it, and now he listens to it with his headphones whenever he wants to hear your voice.
since both of you are pretty smart, you guys always study together, taking turns choosing the music, sharing notes and snacks, and reviewing everything you guys need to know. the sessions are actually really helpful, and sometimes yamaguchi joins in to cram on a new topic you guys just learned.
since tsukishima is a foot taller than you, he constantly makes fun of you for being shorter, and if he sees you are trying to reach something that is too high, he will not hesitate to pick it up and take it for himself, or hold it just out of your reach, because this bitch loves to make you struggle and get mad at him.
one of your favorite dates you had with tsukishima was when he wanted to take you out for dinner, but the restaurant he was planning to take you was all booked, so you guys had to take a train to another place to find a restaurant, but when you got there, it was closed, so you guys spent almost the rest of the night trying to find a place to eat, and when you finally did, you found the best restaurant you ever have been too, which made the night actually pretty good, because the entire time you were searching, you guys just talked about whatever you wanted, and tsukki visited a small shop to buy you a little gift while you looked for a restaurant.
please help tsukishima learn how to dress well- like have you seen the official art? concerning i tell you. tsukishima first didn’t really like that you were giving him fashion tips, because he thought he dressed well, but after a while, he finally listened to you, and when he wore the outfit you put together for him, he actually really liked it, so you are now his personal fashion consultant.
every few weeks, you and tsukki have a movie night, where one of you chooses a movie, and for the entire show you guys just roast the hell out of the characters and their decisions. there is only one series of movies he refuses to insult, and that is the Jurassic Park series. you make fun of him for it, but he just ignores you because he thinks that they are amazing movies.
overall, you guys are a couple that don’t have to be super romantic or sappy to still enjoy each other’s company, and you both trust and respect each other a lot. you guys also aren’t afraid to call out each other’s shit, or just make fun of them, because both of you know that you don’t really mean any mean thing that you say to each other, which is a really fun dynamic to have in a relationship.
i hope you enjoyed!
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
All the World's a Stage
Prompt 31: “We never see you two so much as kiss in public but last night we all heard you having sex.” Submitted by Buttercupbadass
Rated E (Explicit): Mainly for language because Johanna is a potty mouth and so are other certain characters whilst mid coitus okay I don’t make the rules here so there’s more than one f-bomb therefore we rate it E. Also sexual content.
Written by: @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Beta reading by: @stjohn27
Act 1
Johanna Mason loves her neighbors. That is to say, she loves the entertainment they provide her with. It’s a rotating show of fabulous, ridiculous, and delicious drama, and she has a window to each and every one of their lives. Literally.
Victor’s Square is not exactly a square. It’s more of an elongated rectangle shaped building consisting of thirteen apartments, a workout room, a community center, and an office, with a hollowed out central area for a pool. Honestly, the pool is the reason she picked this place instead of The Arbor, which is pretty damn swanky but somehow they forgot to include a pool, of all things, when they added their five thousand luxury amenities. Since Johanna likes sunbathing and not golfing (ugh boring!), Victor’s Square won out.
The three story design of the building, and her luck in snagging the single apartment on top of the office, means that at some point in the day, barring sun glare on glass or inconvenient curtains, she can see directly into every other apartment on the rectangle. Hence the entertainment.
She’s been privy to all sorts of great shit, and none of them seem to know exactly what they’ve given her. The best part is, they’re clueless. As soon as she realized they were basically living their lives on a stage for her, Johanna started parading around her own place with the curtains wide open…while naked. Stark fucking naked. Just to see what would happen.
And nothing changed. No one complained. Which granted, she’s got a banging body. Axe wielding will do that, but she can think of at least half a dozen residents who’d be put off by her exhibitionism. And yet… nothing. No one started suspiciously keeping their curtains or blinds closed when they hadn’t before. Since they’re all too dumb to figure out that their lives are her parade, she just popped the popcorn and settled in for the show.
Tonight, however, Johanna is in no mood for the show. After a late night shift ending a bitch of a week, all she’s in the mood to do is swim a few laps to get the grime off of her skin then lay back in one of the lounge chairs around the pool, listening to the hum of the air conditioners in the sweltering Carolina night, swatting at the mosquitos because she’s too damn lazy to light the citronella torches, and stare up at the rectangle of starry sky she can see.
It’s quiet tonight. She swims her laps, and it works wonders to relax her tired bones and even more tired soul. After, she lays out on one of the squeaky lounge chairs. The hum and the warm air make her drowsy. Inevitably, she begins to doze, with only a vague awareness of the passage of time and the sounds around her.
It’s the loud click and the whoosh that wakes her. Just for a moment. Not long enough to place it at all before she fades back out into half slumber. 
Her psyche is a bitch tonight, dropping long breathy moans into her dreams. The sex so good you can’t quite keep it in kind of moans, even though you’re trying. Completely aware that she messed up a truly great thing just days ago, she tells her subconcious to fuck off and stop reminding her of the one she let get away. Because she was stubborn. Unfortunately, her subconscious is not listening to her. Stupid fucker.
Scrunching up her nose, she refuses to move. She’s sticky with sweat and pretty sure that she’ll lose two layers of skin off her back and thighs when she goes to stand up from the lounge. Besides, there’s a low moaning noise that makes her wonder if maybe she wasn’t actually dreaming those sex sounds. 
The moans in her mind grow louder and slightly more frantic until she can place the heavy feeling in her limbs. She’s awake after too little sleep. 
Damn it. She’s not actually dreaming this shit. Which means one of her neighbors is on the brink of a seriously great orgasm. She’s not sure if she’s annoyed by the fact that she herself hasn’t had decent sex in far too long, or if she’s amused at yet another dramatic chapter in life at Victor’s Square.
The real question is… who’s doing the nasty tonight?
Act 2
A slight shiver and a thrill goes through Johanna as she finally opens her eyes and stares up at the canvas of stars above her.
Another moan ends in a slight squeal and fuck it, Johanna is hooked on the mystery. Shame she doesn’t have any popcorn down here, because given the sheer volume, and the way the sounds are magnified by the shape of the rectangle around the pool, she’s pretty sure whoever it is, they’re fucking with the windows open.
And a lot more interesting than her job. She does a happy little shimmy and settles in to guess who it possibly could be. First things first… she glances around the pool and discovers to her dismay that every apartment has at least one window open, but they’re all dark. Not surprising given that it’s well past midnight. But it’s unfortunately unhelpful. The air conditioner must be out again. That’s probably what that loud noise was earlier.
She closes her eyes again, hoping to pinpoint the direction of the sounds to figure out which of her neighbors is getting lucky tonight. But the shape of the building makes it impossible. Sounds just carry weird in this rectangular bullhorn. They could be coming from anywhere.
“Ung, yeah, right there… oh-oooooh!” The last sound is hitched and breathy. That’s a woman’s voice, Johanna thinks. 
“Yes. Don’t — don’t stop! – I –” The word is pinched off in a desperate sort of ecstasy and Johanna smiles. This could be fun.
It can’t be Caesar and Claudius, the two radio talk show hosts who live in apartment 6. They’re gay. And men. And a couple. But truthfully, she’s not at all disappointed that she can rule them out. She already knows more than she’d like to admit about their sexual habits. Usually she’s not one to kink shame, but electrodes on nipples is a little too close to the realm of torture for her tastes.
“Yes! Please!” the woman begs and Johanna feels her body flush with the erotic sounds, she’s half aroused but fully invested in figuring out who this is. She could of course, get up and walk around to triangulate the sound, but what’s the fun in that?
She quickly rules out Mags in apartment 5. She’s the sweetest old lady, surprisingly spritely. From what Johanna has seen from old pictures of her, Mags was a fucking dish in her youth, but now she’s gotta be pushing ninety. Besides the wrinkles (shudder), Johanna would be worried about heart failure if Mags were the one getting her boots knocked around with this much vigor.
The long moans shift to the choppy, catch breath ones that mean she’s close, whoever the lucky bitch is.
Cinna in apartment 3 is out. He’s ace. Asexual and aromantic. Claims that he’s in a love affair with his work. Well if she could design clothes like the ones Cinna does, Johanna would be willing to give up sex too. She snorts a little and turns her ear, hoping for a better angle on the sound. She’s pretty sure it’s coming from one of the upstairs apartments, but can’t be sure.
Whoever it is, she lets fly a single high pitched note. And then a long stuttering moan that just sounds exactly how it feels to come back down from a really good orgasm. Satisfied, relieved, a little sleepy and a whole lotta euphoric. 
Lucky bitch, Johanna thinks again. Her legs feel heavy and her toes tingle in empathy.
Now if only she could catch something of the partner’s noises…unless the woman is masturbating. Possible, but the directions to not stop earlier make it less likely.
A low pitched murmur and a deep masculine laugh helpfully nix that thought almost as soon as Johanna has it. 
Not flying solo, but also Johanna can now rule out Enobaria and Lyme from apartment 2. She’s never understood them exactly. On the surface, you’d think they’d be perfect for one another. Their personalities mesh in a weird kinda way. Enobaria is louder while Lyme is more dignified, but they’re so often bickering about politics… and the truth is, they have an open relationship.
Or at least Johanna assumes they do based on the number of not-Lyme women Enobaria has entertained shoved up against the glass door leading to their balcony…but if not, Johanna is perfectly willing to offer up herself as a rebound to Lyme when the inevitable shit hits the fan. That woman is built like a house and fucking sexy in a domineering sort of way. Like Brienne of Tarth hotness.
She can order me to submit anytime she wants, Johanna thinks with a smirk.
As if confirming her thoughts, a long deep moan drifts down to her ears, slow and almost silky. Delighted and yet a little astonished, like he can’t quite believe his luck. Definitely a dude. Blowjob or penetration? Either way, this guy’s pent up, she thinks. She’s also guessing that the girl’s orgasm was from fingering or cunnilingus, which means the show is not anywhere near to being done.
There’s only so many people left who it could be…
Her phone vibrates on her chest and she finally opens her eyes again, lifting it above her face and squinting at the overly bright screen.
Finnick: I can’t believe you’re sleeping on this. Do you hear this?!
Johanna frowns. The time stamp is right now. Which rules out Finnick and Annie in apartment 4. Damn it. They were the most obvious choice for a man-woman pairing going at it with this much abandon, and while Johanna is pretty sure they have mind numbingly, porn worthy good sex, they’re unfortunately discreet about it. 
It’s maddening.
Whenever she talks about Finnick and Annie, Johanna’s therapist always hums that way therapists sometimes do when they know you’re engaging in something destructive or unhealthy — such as a minor obsession with your best friend’s love and sex life — but the therapist wants you to figure it out on your own. Johanna can’t help it. Finnick’s a walking sexual fantasy for almost every woman out there. Even her lesbian friends find him hot. And Annie’s gorgeous. Johanna can’t help it if she not so secretly wants them to sandwich her. She’s got a good strap on that Annie could borrow to get it done.
But alas, or maybe fortunately, Finnick’s text eliminates them as the current lucky couple. Pity. She was hoping for something new to add to her spank bank.
Johanna: Where are you?
Finnick: Well we were asleep.
Johanna: Boring. You could be giving them competition.
As if to punctuate her point, a steady cadence of low, slow moans begins filling the air. They weave through the humidity and now Johanna is just angry.
Johanna: Do you know who it is? 
Finnick: Nope. I have my theories…
Johanna: Ugh spare me. 
There’s three potential couples left, and of those three, Johanna’s got a good guess who Finnick thinks it is, or at least wants it to be.
Johanna: I’ll gouge out my eyes if it’s them.
Finnick: Say it. Call them the name.
Johanna: I’m not using that stupid nickname, you absolute child
Finnick: Like you’re any better. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, stop. You’re gonna make me come,” the lucky man gasps. The woman must say something because he chuckles and whispers back to her, the tone traveling if not the words.  Johanna sets her phone down then, perked up by shuffling noises that sound maybe like a position change. 
So who is left…
There’s Haymitch and Effie. Those two… residents of apartments 9 and 11 respectively…they pretend like they hate one another, and maybe they really do. While Johanna enjoys their epic fights, she’s not overly fond of their making up sessions. She’s pretty sure Effie was some kind of tantric goddess or pretzel in another life with the way that woman can bend.
Her phone vibrates again and Johanna lifts it in front of her face, this time it’s a notification from Facebook, sent out to all the residents in the group.
Effie: I have already filed a complaint with Mr. Heavensbee in regards to the broken a/c. He says there will be a repairman here first thing in the morning. In the meantime, we should all attempt to be cordial in our behaviors and not disturb the other residents since all will likely have the windows open for the night.
A text almost immediately after let’s Johanna know what her friend thinks of that.
Finnick: Where’s your sense of fun, Effie?
Johanna bites back a snort. Although the notice does rule out the exuberant woman as a candidate for Porn Queen tonight, so Johanna texts Finnick again.
Johanna: My money is on Cashmere and Gloss
Johanna sends the text and waits for the response. She’s not disappointed. She cackles internally at the flood of barf emojis and angry exclamations she gets back. Cashmere and Gloss of apartment 1, or as Johanna likes to call them, The Lannisters. Because they may be brother and sister, but they’re totally doing the nasty. Really nasty.
No one believes Johanna about this, though, and she’s not about to tell the other residents how she knows it’s a fact, not just some cockamamy theory of hers. People get pushed off walls for things like that. 
Not to mention then they’d all figure out that she can see into their apartments as well and there goes that bit of fun. 
“Fuck,” the lucky dude draws the word out into almost a croak, and there’s a soft sigh from her.
Finnick: Something is wrong with you
Johanna: Do you think he’s well hung? Whoever he is?
Finnick: Who cares as long as he knows how to use it?
Johanna shakes her head at this, easily able to picture her friend wiggling his eyebrows. 
Johanna: He sounds well hung. It could still be Haymitch, sans Effie
After all, Haymitch isn’t officially tied down, and at the last residence brunch, Peeta’s good friend Delly was visiting and wasn’t at all subtle about her attraction to Haymitch. The girl was deceptively sweet, bubbly and innocent, but with those knockers on her chest and the way she kept laughing at Haymitch’s worst jokes, Johanna is pretty sure Delly has a thing for the much older man.
Finnick: I’m going to ignore your obsession with Haymitch’s junk for now. And also nope. Annie says she can see Haymitch through our window, sitting on his balcony, drinking.
Finnick: Alone.
Well damn. There goes that theory. Just to be sure, Johanna turns her head and cranes her neck. Sure enough, Haymitch sits on his balcony, lounged back in his chair with a glass in hand. After a second or two, he must feel eyes on him because he looks down towards Johanna and lifts the glass in toast.
Which is when the wall pounding begins and the lucky man’s moans start to grow out of control. Damn. They’re really into it now. 
Finnick: You know I’m right
Johanna: You’re ridiculous.
Finnick: It’s Peeniss. How much you wanna bet?
Johanna rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Finnick has some crazy theory that Peeta Mellark, baker and all around way too nice guy of apartment 8 is somehow secretly dating Katniss-I-Will-Shoot-You-If-You-Touch-Me-Everdeen of apartment 12. Not that the girl doesn’t need a good fuck. If anyone is desperately in need of a body shaking, mind blowing, toe curling orgasm, like the one currently building in the summer night, it’s that perpetually scowling and uptight bitch. 
Johanna just seriously doubts that the woman now moaning in cadence with the steady headboard thumps and the increasing volume is Katniss. She sounds way too into it, relaxed. Whoever she is, she’s getting nailed five ways to Sunday and is ecstatic about it.
It could be one of Katniss’ lovely roommates. Katniss lives with her younger sister and one of her best friends, Madge Undersee, in apartment 12. They’re crammed into it somehow… but before Johanna can suggest it to Finnick, she dismisses the idea. 
Prim’s at college, left three days ago…so it won’t be her. Shame. She’s been living under her big sister’s overprotective arch so long that the poor girl has got some catching up to do in the sex arena. College will be good for that, but it means she’s not the woman–
“Fuck yeah.” A resounding slap and the accompanying whimper make Johanna’s eyes go wide. “Lift that ass for me. Fuck yourself on my cock. Love it when you do that.”
Whoa. Okay.
It could be Madge. Or Gale who lives right next door in apartment 13, but they’re almost as unlikely candidates as Katniss. Johanna is pretty sure Madge is a lesbian. Closeted still, unfortunately, because Johanna wouldn’t mind burying her face between those creamy thighs. And Gale… well it could be Gale, Johanna supposes, with some lucky girl who doesn’t live in Victor’s Square. 
Maybe Delly.
Shame it’s not me, Johanna thinks and risks stretching a little. It has been her before, in her own apartment, because while Gale is usually down to fuck, he’s never down to doing it in his apartment. 
That’s because he’s got a massive boner for Katniss and isn’t willing to risk her knowing that he fucks around with at least half a dozen girls that are not Katniss. Masochist. That’s what Gale is. But it’s also why Johanna doubts that Gale is the guy currently balls deep in ecstasy. He’s too loud for someone who wants to keep his sex life secret from his neighbor.
As for Peeta…well it could be Peeta with a girl who isn’t Katniss. He’s handsome and sweet enough to get plenty of pussy, if he tried—
“No! Don’t stop!”
“You don’t get to come again just yet,” the man growls and Johanna automatically clenches her thighs at the commanding tone.
More shuffling and grunting. One yelp from her, then the pounding resumes. And doesn’t let up.
Faster and faster, his moans keeping pace. The resounding slapping of skin.
 “Gonna – gonna!”
A chorus of “yes’s” and desperate pleas.
“Fucking yes! Peeta!”
Her phone goes off with a stupid amount of speed.
Finnick: I TOLD YOU!!!! 
Johanna types madly at this. 
Johanna: So it’s not the Lannisters, but that doesn’t mean it’s Katniss up there with Peeta. 
Finnick: Oh come on! Who else could it be? You know he’s got it bad for her!
Okay yeah, there is that. There’s also the fact that Johanna shouldn’t be so bitter about this. Just like Katniss is in dire need of a good fuck, so is Peeta. But based on the sounds and the things they said…
Whoever she is, she’s still squealing and the thumping hasn’t let up yet. Damn that’s a long orgasm, Johanna thinks with more than a little jealousy.
“Come for me. Fucking come inside me. Now. Peeta!” 
Those aren’t the words of a sexually frustrated prude talking, Johanna wants to say. Nor are they words of a couple going at it for the first time. Nope. This couple is way too comfortable with each other for it to be a first time. This couple has fucked before. Maybe often.
Go baker boy, Johanna wants to say, but she can’t imagine who he’s with. He hasn’t so much as brought a date home in a year.
A series of texts from Finnick crop up on her phone. Flame emojis and winking faces. An eggplant or two and the three drops of water people use to represent cum. Johanna slouches in her chair, a little miffed that she can’t shut Finnick up yet until…
There’s a deep growling, animalistic sound. A long string of curse words mixed with moans and then— 
“Katniss. Fuuuuuuuuck.”
The curse word takes him about a minute to get out all the way. Damn it, Johanna thinks. Now Finnick will be impossible to live with. She can’t even look at her phone as it blows up again, knowing that he’ll be gloating. Instead she turns it off. 
As carefully as she can, Johanna peels herself off the lounge chair and tiptoes towards the stairs, intent on reaching her own balcony. Not because it sits caddy corner to Peeta’s apartment and if they’re in his room, it’ll be easier for her to hear any pillow talk. Not at all.
She hurries and nearly gives herself away with the door, but manages it. She stands in the shadows of her balcony and nearly chokes on her tongue at the first thing she hears, besides the unmistakable sounds of coming down thrusts or sucks, maybe kissing, quiet aftermath moans.
“Hold still. I’m not done.”
“Feels too good,” he pants. “Can’t take much more, Katniss.” 
“Mmm, you’ll take it and you’ll like it.”
“Yeah, I will,” he says and she giggles. 
“Are you braiding my hair?”
“Can’t help it. You look so gorgeous sucking yourself off my dick… I can stop…”
“No… go ahead.”
Another few seconds of suction noises and then Peeta sighs in relief.
There’s the fwump and creak of a bed under weight. Johanna can practically see them all cuddled up like a cute little couple in his bed. Sighing and kissing and caressing in their afterglow. 
“Such a cute ass, and all mine,” Katniss says and there’s a slap then a gasp.
Fucking hell, Johanna thinks, eyes bulging out of her head.
Who would’ve thought the two of them would be so wild in bed? Who would’ve thought they were actually fucking each other?
Johanna wrinkles her nose then, finally forcing herself to go inside her own place. Just out of curiosity, though, she chances one last peek at Peeta’s place. The curtains are drawn, but a helpful gust sucks them out the window just long enough for Johanna to catch a glimpse of two naked bodies on his bed, illuminated in the soft glow of a lamp. Katniss with her head tipped over the edge in the direction of the window and a smile on her face as Peeta kisses a lazy path over her body. Her fingers plucking absently at the tangled sheets.
Well damn and fuck.
Johanna heads to bed after that and prepares a salvo of taunting for tomorrow morning. There’s no way she’s letting something this juicy go unremarked upon, especially since literally everyone who was home would’ve heard it.
Act 3
In the morning, Johanna is up early and down at the community center well before the once a month residents’ brunch that Effie insists on hosting. Poor thing is pinch faced and pale this morning, flummoxed when Johanna offers to help set up.
“I suppose. Since no one else appears to be out and about yet. Nothing funny with the vegetables this time,” Effie chastises and Johanna salutes. She’s got better things planned than erotic displays with the produce.
Honestly, she couldn’t care less about the flower arrangements or the energy inherent in the order of food laid out on the table. Helping Effie this morning affords her a prime view through the community center windows of each stairwell and of everyone arriving this morning.
And not just for brunch, she thinks with a smirk as she spots Gale, still wearing his work shirt, sneaking up a stairwell towards apartment 13. 
Where have you been all night? Johanna wonders. Not with Katniss, the girl he’s so obviously got the hots for. Even better for the impending drama. She wonders if he’ll find his neighbors present or if Katniss is still cozied up with Peeta in post coital bliss. They’re probably totally morning sex people, Johanna decides.
Slow, sweet morning sex with loving words. Ugh, gag me, Johanna rolls her eyes at her own thoughts.
Preparations move swiftly after that, even with Effie on her case every few minutes. The pending drama is just too great to dampen her mood.
Peeta’s one of the first to arrive, conspicuously alone. He chats with Johanna for a few minutes, friendly as always, and then moves off as more of the residents arrive.
It takes everything in Johanna’s energy reserve to not throw something at the back of his head. He acts like he didn’t have the fuck of his life last night. It befuddles her and also infuriates her because it means Finnick could be right. 
Oh my god, Finnick could be right about them! They might actually be dating. Who’s to say they aren’t if they can keep their sex life together such a secret. If the air conditioner hadn’t failed…
Peeta’s nonchalance this morning throws all her arguments against Finnick’s stupid Peeniss theories out the window. How is that even possible? She had Peeta pegged as a total softie. Hand holding, nose rubbing, and obnoxiously cute, borderline clingy PDA type of guy, not a rail you into the bed then pretend I don’t even know you the next morning type of guy.
Huh. Pegging. Wonder if he’s into that, Johanna thinks then has to forcibly shake the image out of her head. Because not only does it make sense in a way, but the image is also…sexy as fuck. And she doesn’t need yet another happy dappy ass couple to fantasize about and maker her therapist hum at her in that knowing way.
Fuck Finnick and his stupid theories.
When the tenants of apartments 12 and 13 finally arrive together, Madge splits off to talk to Mags. Gale and Katniss are both suspiciously wet haired. If Johanna didn’t know any better, she’d guess that they were the culprits last night, especially when Katniss doesn’t even so much as look in Peeta’s direction.
Her cheeks are flushed, but she’s avoiding her fuck buddy, talking to literally everyone else, twisting the damp ends of her braid around her finger.
“What do you make of it?” Johanna asks Finnick, bumping her hip into his. He shrugs, with that insufferable smirk on his face that he always gets whenever he’s right.
For two people who were so clearly intimate last night, Katniss and Peeta are doing a pretty good job of acting like the other one doesn’t even exist.
“They’re just… both very private people. But the signs are all there for anyone paying attention.”
“But that’s the thing… the signs aren’t there!” Johanna protests. What game are they playing, she wonders.
“I just don’t get it,” Johanna says and Finnick glances down at her.
She waves her hands at Peeta, who looks for all the world like he’s fascinated by whatever Caesar is talking about. But why would he be when Katniss is literally right there.
“They act like nothing happened.”
“Well we know something happened,” Finnick says conspiratorially. Then his smile slips. “Actually, everyone here knows about it.”
“Yeah. Apparently everyone was home last night…”
“Not Gale,” Johanna adds and lifts one eyebrow. Finnick’s eyes go wide and his mouth turns round.
“Oh my. Delicious.”
“Isn’t it?”Johanna says. “But still… you wouldn’t guess it from the way they act.”
“They can’t stop looking at each other.”
Johanna turns her head and motions at them. Absolutely not looking at one another.
“Are not.”
“You missed it. Gotta be quick with these two.”
Johanna shakes her head as she watches Katniss, and Gale who is placing some kind of food on her plate. She’s nodding and listening to him but subtly shifting the food off to the side of her plate while picking up something else and nibbling on it straight away.
And finally, Johanna can’t take it anymore. She stomps over to the tables and loads up her own plate, absolutely not eavesdropping on their conversation.
“Thought you were gonna text me when you got off work?” Gale says.
“Oh. Something came up… Prim. Prim needed to talk.”
“Everything alright?” Gale asks.
And this time, Johanna just catches the quick dart of gray eyes towards blue. Peeta’s shy smile. Katniss’ swift flutter of lashes and nibble on her bottom lip before returning her attention to Gale.
“It is now.”
“Usually is after a seriously good orgasm or two. And by the way, that’s low, using your baby sister as an excuse,” Johanna snorts. She doesn’t mean to, but it just sort of slips out.
Katniss whips around to face her. Dark rouge staining her high cheekbones and her lips pinched together.
“My sister isn’t an excuse.”
“Oh please. Cut the crap.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Katniss hisses.
“I’m talking about the fact that we never see the two of you so much as kiss or even hold hands in public, but last night, I heard you having sex. Loud sex. Phenomenal, shake the rafters loud, sex.” Johanna smirks at the pair of stunned faces looking at her. And the dozen curious faces plus Peeta’s mortified one. All of them focused on her. Center stage, she thinks with a grin and waves a half eaten croissant around at the gathered crowd. “We all heard you. Except for Gale here who was probably out getting consolation tail since you didn’t text him. Really, Brainless, what do you expect if you and baker boy are gonna bang with the windows open?”
There’s ten seconds of stunned silence before Finnick shouts, “I figured it out first, by the way!” Then he grunts as Annie elbows him in the gut.
“Baker boy?” Gale practically growls and Johanna sashays away as Peeta steps over to stand behind a now scowling Katniss. Her hand clenches into a fist as she faces Gale. She leans back against Peeta’s chest, as if she knows he’s there before she even sees him. Good for her. At least she’s not going to shy away from it. But now they’re going to be every bit as insufferably disgusting as Finnick and Annie are.
Love’s a bitch, oh well. Time for that popcorn, Johanna thinks.
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def-initely-soul · 4 years
Some Jin and some soft comedy -if you want!- and with lots of your magnificent fantasy. Please stay hydrated. Prompt: “What’s that? “You don’t want to know. Don’t look.”
ASDFGHJKGFDS aren’t you sweet <3 
with pleasure ;)
pairing: seokjin from BTS x reader (f.)
prompts: “What’s that?” “You don’t want to know. Don’t look.”
genre: humour; angst; supernatural; PG-13
warnings: mature language; mention of minor character death
words: 4.4 (shit why does this keep happening with Seokjin?)
You almost knock the empty cup sitting on your wooden desk with your boots when the phone rings.
It takes you a second to swallow down the rest of your happy faces biscuit before you stretch out your hand to grab at the telephone, too lazy to get up and pick it up properly.
“Yellow?” you answer nonchalantly, without a doubt Yoongi being on the other line to tell you about some other prank he pulled on the neighbour across the hall. You’re pretty sure he’s in love with him really but the fucker would never admit that to you.
Demons’ reputation and such stand in the way.
A sigh comes from the other side, one you’re pretty sure doesn’t belong to your demonic friend.
“Hi,” says a voice, too polite and clipped to be considered Yoongi’s and your eyebrows scrunch in confusion.“Is this-” the man says and then he stops.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this...” he whispers incredulously to himself and you have half a mind to be somewhat offended before he continues.
“Is this the Jaeger Agence? Paranormal Investigation and Extermination Services?”
This time you don’t knock over only the empty cup. Your boots drag some empty papers on their wake, your chair screeches with the added weight and a pen almost rolls off your desk before you stop it with one hand. Holy fuck, someone is actually calling for the first time in months!
Someone other than a certain demon boy ranting about a human across the hall.
“Yes, that’s right, that’s us!” you say entirely too enthusiastic for the first client in what seems like ages. You’ve longed for such excitement for far too long, you haven’t been in any missions and the most exhilaration you’ve gotten these days was when you found out your favourite deli delivered across town.
You sit up straight in your seat, clearing your throat. “And how can I be of assistance?” you say in the most professional voice you can manage. Gotta impress the first client in months!
Although the man’s tired sigh doesn’t seem too impressed. “There’s a problem. In my house,” he responds curtly and you hum in acknowledgement, waiting for him to elaborate. But as the man fails to do so, you realize that maybe he’s not such a firm believer of your services and might need a slight push forward.
“And what seems to be said problem?” you ask calmly, trying to keep a positive outlook.
The man takes a breath. “My plumbing system doesn’t work.”
Oh. Okay. This is a prank.
It’s your turn to take a breath. “Okay, I know this might seem funny to you but I run a serious business here, Sir! People might be in dire need of assistance and your phonecall might be taking away their chance for help! So goodnight and don’t call again-” you grit through your teeth before moving to put down the receiver.
“No, wait!” is the man’s immediate reaction and against your logic you don’t hang up, waiting for what he has to say. After all, you started this business to help people.
“I’m sorry if I sounded... patronizing before,” the man continues, voice suddenly too tired and worn out and you almost feel sorry for him. “But the truth is... I never really believed in any of this stuff so now it’s incredibly difficult to come to terms with this whole situation. My plumbing really doesn’t work, I’ve tried everything and that doesn’t work either, so I’m really desperate for any help you can give me, be it in the supernatural field or not,” he concludes with a heavy sigh, riddled with exhaustion and you bite the inside of your cheek.
Damn you and your psychopathic need to help others.
You take a deep breath. “Alright. I’ll help you.”
After forty minutes you find yourself parking your Jeep Wrangler at the address Kim Seokjin, the man on the phone, gave you.
It took a while to pack all the necessary equipment for what seems to be Mr Kim’s problem. From what he said to you, there’s some weird purple goo dripping down his faucets instead of water. He used any drain cleaners he could find in his house the day after he noticed the leakage and when those didn’t work, he went around town, trying everything he hadn’t used before. But it seemed the drain cleaners only made the goo more prominent, more indestructible instead of toning it down.
What made matters worse is that he kept finding traces of the goo all around his house. On his bathroom, on the living room, on the kitchen cabinets (with pieces of food gone as well), even on his bed on time while he was asleep. It scared him since he never went near that stuff without some gloves and without cleaning himself with bottled water after. So that meant someone else was in his house.
Hence his call to you.
You knock the door twice and you take a step back, waiting for the man to answer the door.
You take in the house. It’s a two-story house, one of those old ones that are scarce around the city, painted dark brown with white windows and a wooden porch. Surrounded by new, tall buildings as if the owner was too stubborn to move and give his property away for someone to buy it and make it into an apartment building.
You think you would’ve liked the owner.
The door opens after a few seconds and the man behind the door, assuming it’s Kim Seokjin, almost blinds you.
That’s how beautiful he is.
He has black hair, falling on top of his almond eyes that seem to spark under the street lights. He’s tall, with broad shoulders to accentuate his figure and he’s dressed in black jeans and a white loose shirt that really help bring out his eyes.
After what feels like an eternity in front of the sun, you blink your eyes back to reality to introduce yourself to who seems to be an angel on earth.
Although something stops you when you see the way he’s looking at you. Eyes narrowed in, gaze suspicious, sceptical as he stares you up and down.
The doubtful looking angel opens his mouth.” You’re...” he says, confirming his voice is that of the man on the phone but he seems to not know how to continue.
Your eyes zero on him as well, as you cross your arms over your dungarees. “What? A woman? That's right buddy, us exterminators come in that gender as well. Possibly even all the genders! -well, if anyone else is actually crazy enough like me to become one-,” you say with a level gaze, before adding that last tidbit towards yourself.
“Let’s face it no one’s crazy enough as you,” comes from your right and you see your friendly neighbour demon, Yoongi leaning on the wall with a lazy smirk over his lips. You narrow your eyes at him, knowing he’s disguising himself so only you can see him. You don’t respond to him, choosing to at least not look totally crazy in front of your new client, even though you just yelled at him.
The man in front of you simply stares at you with an open mouth at your answer, obviously not having a single clue of Yoongi standing a few feet away from him. He quickly shakes his head though to get out of his momentary daze before his eyes zero in on you again.
“I was just gonna say that you’re...”, he stops. His eyes once again rake up your form and you resist the urge to shuffle awkwardly in front of him. Yoongi drowns a chuckle.
When his eyes reach your face again, he completes his sentence. “Short.”
You gasp instinctively, your eyes widening at the insult, while Yoongi is now openly having a laughing fit. You’ll deal with him later but Kim Seokjin? The audacity of this man! Did God give rudeness permissions to anyone with a face close to perfection?
You point at him accusatory. “Well, you’re just freakishly tall so there’s....!” you say trying to come up with a comeback but when you come up with none you’re forced to meet his raised eyebrow with a simple “... that...”
He still looks at you unimpressed and this time there’s a small smirk playing at the edge of his lips. To other people, it would be unnoticeable but you’ve dealt with too many arrogant assholes to know superiority when you see it.
You take a breath to calm your ravaging temper, before Yoongi chimes in.
“Listen, not to anger you or anything but I’m pretty sure he thinks you’re crazy so why not go for the whole package?”
You ponder the thought for a second and truth is your chaotic mindset wants to mess with the beautiful but mean person in front of you.
You turn to Yoongi that’s behind you, Kim Seokjin looking at you suspiciously once more, when you say “Hold me back.”
Yoongi and Seokjin talk at the same time, the demon saying “Oh, I love that joke,” and the man saying “Excuse me?”
You repeat the words once more while looking at Yoongi and taking a semi-step forward as if you’re about to attack Seokjin. The tall man looks at you cautiously, alert in his wide eyes as he takes a step back.
When Yoongi doesn’t hold you back, you turn pleadingly at him. “Will you please hold me back?”
Yoongi looks confused. “Bitch, I’m not really here, how am I supposed to do that?”
You groan before you shoo him away. “Fine, leave you good for nothing ghost!”
Yoongi smiles as he begins evaporating. “Ah, yeah, that’ll scare him,” he jokes before vanishing into thin air.
After that little show, you turn towards the man on the other side of that door who looks at you as if you’ve gone mad. You smile, changing your angry demeanour to a more nonchalant one as you rest your hand on your hip.
“Did that manage to scare ya? I tend to do that to people...” you say in your most suave, proud voice as you flick your hair behind your shoulders.
Seokjin stares for a moment too long before shaking his head and the unimpressed stare is back. “Actually you just freaked me out,” he says earnestly. But nonetheless, he steps aside, making room for you to enter.
You stare at the motion with one raised eyebrow. Is he really giving you the clear? You’d thought your previous demonstration would’ve scared him enough to not want you inside his house, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Maybe he just took it as it is, a joke.
Or maybe he’s just really desperate.
Even so, you enter the premises, feeling the air shift as if the atmosphere inside the house is overstuffed with something.
You stop once you realize this. Magic. It’s all over the air, you can feel it, sucking in the breath of your lungs as if it needs it to survive. That’s what magic does when it’s left uncontrolled for too long. Sucking the air out of everything, making people go mad.
There’s definitely something wrong with the house.
You turn to Seokjin before your eyes fleet around the house. “Can you point me to where the closest leakage is?” you ask, chaotic demeanour put aside in favour of focusing on your actual job for once.
The handsome man quickly nods his head as he motions for you to follow him. “There’s one in the kitchen, although it wasn’t the first one I noticed...” he says as you walk through his living room and into the kitchen. Indeed as you step inside you see the faucet is dripping with purple goo, slowly dying the sink as traces of it spread to the floor, the cabinets and on a path out of the kitchen.
You take a step forward when you remember you’re still in your boots. You look at your feet and then back at the man. “Should I take my shoes off?”
Seokjin blinks at you, unsure for a moment before he waves you off dismissively. “Nah, I’ll have to clean up the rest of the mess anyway...” he responds with an easy smile that has you staring for a moment too long.
Then his eyes fall on a greenish mark your shoe has left behind and his nose scrunches in disgust. “What’s that?”
Your eyes follow his stare only to look at your shoes. You pick your leg up to stare at the sole only to find you squashed what seemed to be excrements and you make a disgusted sound before wiping your shoe with a spare paper towel.
“You don’t want to know. Don’t look,” you say before you throw it into a specially designed trashbag you carry with you on missions. This one is empty.
You shake your head back into focus as you turn on the sink. You examine the goo with your eyes for a moment before you realize your hair is still loose and you grab them up in a ponytail. Then you take out some gloves from your trunk, wearing them and taking another step closer.
You can feel Seokjin looking at you curiously but you pay him no mind even if his stare has goosebumps running down your arms.
You gather the goo in your fingertips, it’s colour a fluorescent purple and as you make a connecting string between your fingers, you find it’s stretchy, like strings of cheese on a pizza.
“Well?” Seokjin finally asks impatient, as you take off your gloves and lean in closer to take a whiff.
Hmm. Smells like saltwater.
You rise up again. “Where did you notice it for the first time?” you ask, disposing of the gloves into the trashbag.
“On the bathroom upstairs...” he responds as his eyes follow your movements. You reach inside your trunk for what seems like a mini aquarium and a water bottle of what seems like regular water. 
You grab one in each arm before you turn your eyes to Seokjin. “Can I?” you say pointing upstairs. Seokjin only nods, once again leading you through the house.
Turns out he’s got an actually really big house, even if it doesn’t seem so from outside.
“Your house is really cool...” you observe out loud, as you pass by the living room again, filled with books on every wall and a very cosy looking blanket throw on top of the couch. The fireplace is still warm, a tiny bit of fire resting inside as you pass by, making you wonder how it’d feel to rest in front of it after a long day.
Seokjin turns to look at you somehow surprised. “I... thanks. It’s my grandma’s actually. Bought it herself with her very first money working at a clothing factory. She once said this house was her first real achievement,” the man reminisces with a soft smile and you find yourself smiling as well.
“Then how come she left you here alone?” you ask curiously as you go up the stairs but when Seokjin’s face darkens you realized you’ve made a mistake.
“She died. Two years ago. Left me the house with a warning she’d haunt me if I ever sold it,” he says with a chuckle, dark aura leaving him immediately at the fond memory and you press your lips together in a kind smile.
“Sounds like I would’ve liked your grandmother,” you joke, and he smiles as you shift your arms to carry up the aquarium and the bottle, which Seokjin notices.
“Here let me help you,” he urges and goes to carry the tiny aquarium in both hands as he moves forward toward what you assume is his bathroom.
“So what is this gonna do?” he says pointing to the aquarium with his chin as he kicks open the bathroom door.
You shake the water bottle at him. “This is saltwater. If I’m right, there’s a sea imp in your house, although it beats me how it got here. These things don’t tend to leave the sea for too long and the city is too far away from the sea for one of them to end up here organically. If it is an imp, I’ll fill up the aquarium with saltwater and remove the imp into it to safely transport it into the sea,” you explain once you step inside the bathroom and Seokjin turns to look at you with wide eyes. As if not expecting your answer.
“You’re not gonna kill it?” he says as if he doesn’t believe you and his wide eyes make him look like a curious child. You can only hide your smile.
Instead, you shrug as he puts the aquarium near the sink and you let the bottle next to it. “Would you kill a stray cat if it somehow ended up in your house even though it made a mess?”
He stares at you for a moment too long, surprised by your way of thinking  before he shakes his head with an incredulous smile. “No, I suppose not...” he says earnestly before moving to the corner of the room to let you do your job.
Turns out your right, there’s an excessive amount of leakage from the sink, the salty smell engulfing the room and you open up the cabinet below it to unscrew the pipes from the side that connects to the wall. When you hear movement inside the pipe you quickly close the open end with your gloved hand, to not let the imp escape and just as quickly unscrew the other side and cover it as well.
You’re at once on your feet, telling Seokjin to pour the saltwater in the aquarium and as he does so, you let the imp fall into the water with a soft plop.
You quickly close the lid as the little fiend seems to struggle for a moment before it realizes it’s covered with saltwater. It’s not the sea per se, but it manages to calm it down. Once it’s serene, the purple goo begins sinking back into the pipes, fading and eventually disappearing.
You smile once you see Seokjin’s shocked eyes as his stare travels between the calmly swimming imp and the clean faucet. He moves to the sink to open up the tap and there it is, clean water at last.
“Voila!” you exclaim with a satisfied lilt in your voice as Seokjin turns to stare at you again.
“You,” he replies shortly and for one second you think he’ll be mad at you. “You’re a genius!” he exclaims with an incredulous chuckle before his eyes travel to the imp in the aquarium. Now that’s it’s somewhere more familiar and calm, it looks cute. Though to be honest, to you all imps are cute.
“Why the tone of surprise...” you mumble to yourself, Seokjin not hearing you in favour of watching the little imp in awe.
“It looks kinda cute, doesn’t it?” he observes with a soft smile that makes the apples of his cheeks rise up. Your face heats up as you find yourself agreeing but not for the imp this time.
“Ah, haha, yeah, they all are,” you respond with an uneasy chuckle, before taking the now more heavy aquarium in your arms and begin walking down the stairs.
Once you reach the kitchen, you turn your face away from Seokjin, fearing he might see right through you. You rest the aquarium on top of the kitchen table as you begin hastily gathering your stuff back into your trunk.
Seokjin follows not too far behind, eyes still trained on the imp in behind the glass.
“Um, would it be crazy if I kept it?”
Your eyes widen as you turn to look at Seokjin that looks softly at the creature currently looking at him with curious eyes.
“You want to keep the imp?” you repeat as if you hadn’t heard right. 
Seokjin doesn’t look at you as he answers. “Yeah. I mean it would be like keeping a pet. He doesn’t seem to make a lot of mess and he only needs saltwater and food right? Plus he seems to really like me, not to brag or anything...” he replies, waving a hand in front of the tiny blue creature that follows the digit around playfully.
He is right. Imps don’t cause trouble and the only time where they’re dangerous is when they feel unsafe. This imp seemed to really not like the running water here, hence the uncontrollable amount of magic around the house. But now that the little guy is in salt water, the magic has already subsided tremendously. He still needs regular seawater to survive but you think you can manage that.
“Alright. I guess I can bring you a bottle of seawater, saltwater isn’t gonna last forever, but those things need extra special care. And you can’t find information like that at your local pet store,” you warn him but Seokjin turns to look at you with a smile.
“Well if you’re willing to teach me some things I’d appreciate the help,” his smile is so bright and sincere, it has you swallowing your next words. What were you going to say? What were you even thinking? No clue!
“So, you didn’t tell me when you first started seeing the goo?” you ask in an attempt to fill the suddenly awkward silence. Seokjin makes a sound of remembrance before he taps his chin.
“I think it was a day after a party I hosted. My friends had gathered here to celebrate one of us getting a promotion and the next day I found the faucets leaking with goo. At first, I thought those hooligans had done something to my sinks so I just tried to clean it,” he says, his voice turning soft once he says the word “hooligans”, revealing how much he actually cares for his friends. It’s cute.
“Only it didn’t work,” you observe with a smile and Seokjin smiles back at you with a nod.
But then your eyebrows scrunch in confusion. That’s weird. Imps hate big crowds. So how did a sea imp that hates big crowds and noise end up here?
When you move to pick up your trunk you find your answer. As you trudge through the living room, your eyes fall on a frame on top of the fireplace. There a large group of people, you assume to be Seokjin and his friends, sit across the camera with large smiles on their faces. And in the corner of the photograph rests one man you’ve seen before.
Though man isn’t quite right.
Demon is more like it.
Yoongi stares back at you from the picture with a cocky smile, as if mocking you even through the glossy film. Your mouth opens in astonishment as you stare at your friend that also seems to be Seokjin’s friend? Is this why he only appeared to you before?
This doesn’t make any sense.
Seokjin sees you staring at the picture and he moves in close to you. “Hey, you alright?”
You shake your head. Seokjin probably doesn’t know Yoongi is a demon, so I’d be best if he didn’t hear it from you. “Yeap, easy peasy, lemon squeezy!” you say overly-cheerful as you make up your mind to call Yoongi as soon as your back at your apartment-turned office.
Seokjin looks at you kinda weirded out but for the sake of all, he chooses not to comment. He simply nods.
You make a move to get a better hold of your trunk before you take a breath.
“Well, this has been nice! I should get going now...” you inform him and simultaneously reminding yourself you probably won’t see him again. Suddenly there’s an ache in your chest but you squash it down. You just met the guy, act normal for once in your life!
Seokjin’s eyes widen in sudden panic, for some reason not wanting you to leave just yet. “Wait!” he shouts unintentionally and you almost drop your trunk at the volume of his voice. You turn around slowly to see him staring at you with what seems like fear in his eyes and for some reason hope blooms in your chest.
“I-” he says, scrambling for an excuse to not let you go yet and his eyes widen when he finds it. “I didn’t pay you yet!” he announces cheerfully, running into the kitchen to retrieve his wallet.
The reason behind his outburst has your hope deflating, face falling as soon as he disappears and brightening again once he reenters the living room.
When he hands you the appropriate amount, there is really nothing else to keep you here. And yet after you thank him, none of you move to step away. You should go, you know that but for some reason, you can bear to leave him.
For some reason, Seokjin also dreads the moment you’ll depart.
“I, uhm...” he begins, losing his train of thought as his eyes bore into yours. What’s wrong with him? He’s seen a lot of pretty girls before, why is he suddenly acting like this?
None like you though, he thinks.
None like you.
So he asks for your personal number. In the pretence of needing to be in touch for the proper care of the sea imp in his kitchen.
From inside the kitchen, unbeknown to both of them a certain demon stares at the interaction, disguised away from both.
Yoongi put the imp in Seokjin’s bathroom. After a lot of time wondering how could he get the two of you close he finally found an excuse.
Before Yoongi was a demon, hundreds of lifetimes ago he was best friends with a peasant boy. A peasant boy named Seokjin. And for some cruel reason, Yoongi’s happiness meant Seokjin’s misery. And Yoongi knew that but he didn’t listen to fate.
He let Seokjin go through immeasurable pain just so he could survive. 
And now that Yoongi found both of you in this life, so close yet so unaware of one another, he knew he had a debt to pay. He knew he had to bring you close for all those years he caused you to spent apart.
The little sea imp stares at the empty space next to the cabinets.
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sope-and-shine · 4 years
My Favorite Kitty
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-> SFW // Shifter!AU // fluff, angst (if you squint) // Shifter!Taehyung -> Pairing: Yoongi x Taehyung -> Word Count:  3.6k -> Summary: What else is Yoongi supposed to do when his best friend gets him a cat but accept it and take care of the fluffy creature. But Jin may not have told him everything about his new pet.  -> Warning(s): mild language, nightmares, avoiding sleep, Kim Seokjin (cause I think he should always have his own warning) 
a/n: Sooo... I’ve been working on this for almost a year... cause I’m a dummy who can’t write consistently... BUT it’s finally done and just in time for @cest-la-tae​‘s birthday. Daija boop I know you been waiting for this since I hard you read is months ago, so I hope you like it!
Yoongi honestly doesn’t remember how he and Jin became friends. Sure he’d tell people Jin had annoyed and followed him so much that he didn’t have a choice. But neither boy could ever think of a time they didn’t know each other. Maybe they met in school before Yoongi’s parents had died in that freak accident. Yoongi remembers being so scared and alone, everything he knew was suddenly going away. And then he found himself living with his best friend and that’s how it’s been since. He’d never be able to forget how much he owed Jin’s family and the man himself.
Growing up with Jin had been an adventure. The two were polar opposites. Jin was a people person, beautiful, popular, the ideal student. Yoongi wanted nothing more than to be left alone, keep his head down and simply do what was needed to achieve his dreams.
But regardless of what he wanted, people knew him. They’d have to be living in the stone age not to know the illustrious Kim Seokjin’s broody best friend. They were nice to him because otherwise Jin would have their heads, and no one wanted to be on the King’s bad side.
Yoongi had never been a fan of two-faced bitches, so anyone who tried to make nice with him simply to get to Jin, well they were in for a rough time. Some could describe Yoongi as nasty and vicious. Once a girl even tried to tell Jin to cut Yoongi out of Jin’s life. That had not ended well.
Even now that the boys had long since become adults with their own lives, they constantly inserted themselves into each other's lives. Jin made no secret that he loves Yoongi like a brother. And, while Yoongi would never admit it outloud, he loves that brat to death. They graduated college together and Jin went off to make a name for himself as an up and coming actor. Yoongi got to live out his childhood dream, creating and producing music. He preferred staying behind the scenes, being a faceless artist but his music was out there now. They even ended up at the same entertainment company.
Jin flourished, making friends wherever he went, just like always. Yoongi kept to himself, just like always, only having two close friends besides Jin. He’d help them with their own music and they weren’t as loud and boisterous as Jin, so he didn’t mind when they stuck around. Well, actually Hoseok was quite loud but his cheerful personality and kind heart made it hard to turn him away. Yoongi’s world was small and quiet and he was perfectly fine.
Mr Kim Seokjin, however, thought that wasn’t enough. He thought his pretty Yoongi should be out there living it up. He made a decent amount of money and was more than smart enough to do great at work while cutting loose. But that wasn’t what Yoongi wanted, and Jin respected that.
He still thought the man should at least have a roommate or a pet or something! Or he should have at least accepted that date Jin had tried to set up for him and Hoseok. Well before Jin had realized he had a crush on Hoseok and went on the date himself. But still, Jin constantly pestered his small friend about expanding his circle just a little bit. He wanted to disrupt Yoongi’s peaceful little world and he wasn’t going to stop until he won.
Yoongi was perfectly fine living alone. He was happy with his handful of friends and his quiet empty apartment. He didn’t want to go out cause that meant dealing with people and people were annoying. He was fine just going to work and staying home. He was a grown ass man and what he did with his life was his own choice.
Besides, Yoongi would rather keep his problems to himself. He felt bad enough that his horrible sleeping schedule was messing with his work schedule and caused Jin to worry, even if he really didn’t need to. He’d feel worse disrupting any little animal inhabiting his small studio apartment, let alone another human. He got sleep, albeit at strange hours, and handled his workload perfectly fine. The man just had a little insomnia and some nightmares from time to time, but that didn’t make him someone who needed to be babied. Jin didn’t need to constantly worry and look after him, it was getting old.
What does it matter if his annoying friend thinks Yoongi needs a pet? He doesn’t. He is perfectly fine on his own. Who cares what Seokjin thinks? Yet he still decides to waltz into the apartment at the ass crack of dawn carrying a fucking cat.
Ok, so maybe the cat was really cute. He’s pretty blue eyes staring up at him made Yoongi’s resolve weaken. But he refused to let Jin be right. Even if this cat had the softest fluffiest cream colored fur in existence. Nope Yoongi wanted nothing to do with this adorable baby.
Jin dumps the poor cat onto Yoongi’s lap before moving about the apartment setting things up for the fluffy creature. “What’s his name?” 
“I’m not keeping him, Jin.” Yoongi grumbles, finding himself regretting giving Jin a key for the millionth time.
“Why not?” Jin doesn’t even falter in his mission, knowing this time he’ll win. “What’s the harm?”
Yoongi cautiously peers down at the cat before shooing him off the bed. Deciding that a large cup of black coffee was the only thing that could help him deal with his dearest friend at the moment, the dark haired man brushed past the tiny creature to trudge to his little kitchen. “I don’t know the first thing about caring for a cat, for starters. I don’t even have the things he would need. And I’m busy with work.”
“I bought you stuff. It’s in the living room. And I know your work schedule, you can’t pull that I’m too busy crap.” Yoongi grabbed a mug only to find Jin sliding him a large cup of coffee from his favorite cafe. He ignores Yoongi’s hard glare in favor of picking up the fluffy feline. “Just give him attention, feed him, and change the litter. Easy. He basically takes care of himself.”
It was a long, hard fought battle, but in the end he kept the cat. Actually, no it wasn’t. All it took was the little fluffy ball curling into Yoongi’s belly and his soft purrs for the small man to know Tata was never leaving his side. 
Even though he’d never tell Jin, maybe Yoongi really had needed Tata. He was the sweetest baby, alway staying nearby or tucked into his side. He was the perfect companion for his lazy ass. And a great cuddle buddy when he went to sleep at night.
Tata was such an amazing addition to his world. So Yoongi really hated it when he’d wake up, tears on his cheeks after a nightmare, only to find his little friend staring up from his place on the man’s chest. He’d say it was fine, more to himself than the cat, but the stubborn boy never listened. Yoongi found it odd. He’d alway heard cats were less caring and standoffish, he’d even been compared to a cat by several people for his blunt and, at times, harsh actions. But this little guy was anything but. He’d watch Yoongi closely until he slipped back into slumber, curled up on his chest the whole time.
Yoongi never remembered the nightmares but they kept coming, and they only got worse. He slowly slept less and less. It had been weeks and the most sleep he’d gotten was 45 minute naps here and there. 
By the time a month had passed, he knew something had to change. But the man couldn’t bring himself to do anything. So Yoongi continued on as if he’d die if he slept too long. And every time he stayed up through the night, the faithful kitten was right there with him. Always looking at his human with a sad glint in his eyes, like he wanted to help but didn’t know how.
By now his coworkers and few friends had noticed the change. Yoongi was a phenomenal producer and, even with his lack of sleep, still was, but his work wasn’t at its best. That and he had to fight to stay awake as time went on. Hoseok had accidentally woken him up after barging into the smaller’s studio to tell him about the progress he had made on his mixtape. Meanwhile, Namjoon had to continually keep him from dozing off while the two worked together on songs for their own releases. Needless to say they were concerned and if Namjoon and Hoseok knew, it was only a matter of time before Jin found out as well.
Which he had, and quickly hunted Yoongi down to yell at him. He made it very clear if the man came into work the next day, he’d get the CEO of the company to ban him for 2 weeks. And Yoongi knew Jin could pull that off, at this point his chaotic best friend owned the company in all but name. Plus Bang PD always wanted to take care of his people, so the CEO would probably ban him without Jin even asking.
So he stayed home. It was easier to stay awake doing chores around his apartment than sitting in his small studio anyway. And he could dote on his pretty kitty this way. 
Yoongi spent his new found free day organizing the kitchen. How on earth some of these things ended up where they did he had no idea. He must’ve thrown his favorite coffee mix on the top shelf while unpacking in a hurry, because otherwise he’d never put it there. Besides the fact he couldn’t reach up there without climbing on the counter, the mix always went right next to the coffee maker to fuel the man’s dependence of the dark bean juice. 
The day dragged on and still Yoongi refused to rest. At one point he thought the sleep deprivation was getting to him when he heard the toilet flush even though he was nowhere near the bathroom. When he walked in and found Tata sitting on the closed lid staring up at him, Yoongi decided it was the perfect time to make a big pot of coffee and move on to scrubbing the bathroom. Tata stayed for a moment before bolting off to the kitchen, probably on a quest for his food.
Before long Yoongi’s phone was constantly going off, vibrating harshly against the ceramic tub. Not wanting to add a headache to his ever growing list of problems, he quickly snatched the annoying contraption to see a multitude of texts from Jin, Hobi, and Namjoon, all with varying degrees of threats. Really it was only Jin making threats, Namjoon and Hobi were simply telling him to rest up and take care of himself. Yoongi rolled his eyes, looking at the time before locking his phone. 
10:33 PM, the perfect time for him to start drinking his fresh coffee and start a Marvel marathon. Grabbing his biggest mug, Yoongi fills it up to the brim, lazily running his hand through Tata’s fur. Setting up his laptop with his first movie of the night. As the intro plays, he takes a huge sip of his warm coffee and cuddles up with Tata.
As the night passed by, Yoongi found himself just getting more and more sleepy, no matter how much coffee he drank. He was tired but he wouldn’t- no, couldn’t sleep. So the small man curled up on his bed, at the point of exhaustion where he just wanted to cry. But crying meant sleep, and sleep meant dreams. So he only curled around his pillow tighter and watched the seconds slip away. 
He’s so tired that he doesn’t question the deep voice humming to him and the warm arms that wrap around his smaller frame. It soothes him in the worst way, making him lethargic instead of more aware. It feels as though a memory is seeping through in his haze and attempts to lull him. Yoongi tries to fight sleep but the second his back hits the warmth behind him he’s gone.
The next thing he knew, Yoongi was snuggling deeper into the bed trying to hide from the sun’s blinding rays. When he finally managed to force his eyes open all the exhaustion from the previous night was gone. 
He barely remembered falling asleep, just the comforting warmth. The man had felt so safe and, honestly, he’d never slept better. No dreams, just sweet beautiful darkness. He’d slept so well Yoongi didn’t even remember his alarm going off.
Maybe that’s because it hadn’t. As he fumbled for his phone and caught a glimpse of the time, the small man felt his stomach drop. 1:33 PM. The numbers glared back, mocking him. He’d already missed about half a day of work, and he wasn’t about to miss the rest.
As he started to rush around, trying to look at least somewhat alive, he failed to notice the confused looking man sitting on his kitchen counter. “What’s the fuss for, hyung? You should be resting.”
“I have to get to work. I’ve already missed enough.” The smaller threw back at the blonde.
His entrancing blue eyes light up as he proudly claims, “I already called off for you!”
Yoongi stopped in the middle of the room, “Called… off?”
“Yeah! So you can get some more rest.” The man’s boxy smile grew larger, despite the slight scowl slowly appearing on the other’s face.
“I’m not going back to sleep.” Yoongi walked past the cute but annoying man, grabbing one of his coffee cups.
“Do you need more sleeping pills?”
“I don’t…” Yoongi paused, shaking his head before continuing to pour himself a cup of coffee from the pot he made last night. He didn’t have time to start a fresh pot, he’d have to settle for warming this one up in the microwave. “I’ve never taken a sleeping pill.”
“Yes you have. Hyung said you had to ingest them but I figured you’d find them in your food. But they disappeared in the black stuff.”
Yoongi stopped and slowly turned to face the man, his happiness not at all affected by the pure stupidity that had just left his mouth. “You put sleeping pills… in my coffee.”
“Yeah in the pot.”
After a moment of dumbly staring at the man, Yoongi grabbed the coffee pot and promptly dumped it down the drain. 
The blonde cried out as he watched the dark liquid go down the drain.  “But I made that for you.” Yoongi knew the man probably had a little pout on his face just from the cute whiny voice.
“I appreciate the sentiment however if in the future you could try not to poison me that’d be great.” The shorter turned back to face the man perched on his counter, and sighed. “And can you stop sitting on the conter like a fucking cat.”
With a sheepish smile, the man slipped off the counter and walked towards Yoongi. He stopped barley an inch away and dropped his head onto the smaller man’s shoulder. He reached to hold Yoongi’s waist but paused, seemingly thinking better of it. “‘M sorry.” He whispered, his breath ghosting over Yoongi’s collarbone and sending shivers up the man’s spine. Yoongi sighed and wrapped an arm around his waist, slipping the other up to run through the soft blonde strands. The taller melted into Yoongi’s touch, bringing his hands to cling on Yoongi’s waist and nuzzle into his neck.
They simply stood there, the blonde practically trying to wrap himself around Yoongi as they cuddled. Yoongi thought they probably made quite the picture at the moment, the tall blonde man with enchanting blue eyes looked quite small now. Yoongi didn’t try to fight the small smile, knowing the only one who could see it was buried in his neck. This moment was so peaceful, Yoongi almost never wanted it to end.
Suddenly the smaller realized a very crucial detail. He had no idea who this man was and how he got into his apartment. So Yoongi decided to do what any logical person would do; shout, shove him off, and throw the rest of his cold coffee at the startled man.
“Why’d you throw that at me?! I made that for you with love!!” The blonde cried, trying to wipe the coffee off his face.
“Get the fuck out of my house weirdo!” Yoongi took his chance to run over and grab his frying pan. He may not be the best at self defense but he could wield a mean frying pan. 
However, Yoongi hadn’t been expecting the blonde to have such quick reflexes. The moment he turns to swing, he feels a large hand wrap around his wrist. Firm and strong, but gentle at the same time. Yoongi tried to use his only hand to get free, only to end up with both hands being held in the blonde’s while he gently took the frying pan and set it down on the counter. “Jin-hyung did say you were feisty but I wasn’t expecting this.”
Yoongi stopped struggling, zeroed in on one very important word. “What did that stupid asshole do now?!”
“Hyung is the reason I’m here, remember?”
Yoongi scoffed, once again regretting giving Jin a key. He really needed to get that back. “No, my loving best friend didn’t say anything about letting a stranger into my apartment.”
“But I’m not a stranger, I’m Tata.”
Yoongi paused to look at the man, finally noticing his hair and eyes match his precious cat’s exactly. That and the feline has been missing the entire time the man has been here. “I thought hyung told you.”
“No, that little shit didn’t tell me anything.” Yoongi grumbled, seemingly done with fighting. Tae hesitantly let him go, pleased when he wasn’t immediately attacked.
“I thought that’s why you called me Tata. Cause you knew.” After receiving a confused and annoyed look, he continued on. “You know, cause my name is Taehyung?”
Yoongi didn’t say a word as he grabbed his phone off the couch. Angrily jabbing at it, he made his way to the contact to call his favorite hyung. 
Jin answered after the first few rings, sounding as cheerful as ever. “Hey, Yoongi.”
“Yeah, hey. WHAT THE FUCK!” Yoongi knew starting a shouting match with Jin would break his ears, but at the moment he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“Yah, you brat! Where’s the respect?!” came Jin’s indignant reply, so loud even Tae flinched from his spot on the couch.
“You don’t get any, you bitch. You gave me a fucking human?!” Yoongi growled out, wishing Jin were here so he could lovingly strangle him.
“You shut up.” Yoongi glared at Tae, causing the blonde to put up his hand in surrender. Pleased that one of the two idiots might behave for the moment, he went back to trying to figure out what the hell his dearest friend was thinking. “Jin I swear I’m-”
“Going to kill me? Yeah I know. But look, you like Tata and Tae is the same person.”
Yoongi flops down on the couch with a sigh, “He is a human. I had a cat yesterday and now I have a human.”
“No take backsies! Love you bye!”
“JIN!!” Yoongi shoots up again, ready to scream and curse Kim Seokjin to hell and back, but Jin had already ended the call. “I should’ve poured that coffee on his fucking head.”
Yoongi sighed, falling back onto the couch and holding his phone up “Hey Siri, add kill Kim Seokjin to my to-do list.”
There’s a moment of silence before Yoongi is reminded of Taehyung’s presence. The shifter softly placed his hand on Yoongi’s smaller one, his expression solom. “Do I have to leave now?”
“... No. I just don’t know what to do,” Yoongi sighed and opened his arms, an invitation Tae quickly accepted, curling into the elder’s side.
“Well you can throw out the cat food. It’s nasty.” Tae mumbled, his disgust causing a gummy smile to appear on Yoongi’s soft lips “And then we can get food and cuddle for the next week.”
Yoongi’s smile dims once he remembers food means money, and money means work. “I have to go back to work.” He made no effort to move from Taehyung’s comforting embrace no matter how many times he repeated that.
“Yeah after you get more rest. Please hyung?” Tae gently pulled Yoongi closer, trying to tempt him to stay, using his best puppy dog eyes and cutest pout for good measure.
“Ugh fine.” Tae’s boxy grin returned as he nuzzled into Yoongi’s side. The smaller tried to fight off the blush rising up and softly placed a kiss on Tae’s head. The shifter perked up at the action, blue eyes staring intently in dark brown ones, before tackling Yoongi and showering his face with kisses. He tried fighting back, but Yoongi has discovered when it comes to Tae, he can’t say no.
“I liked you better when you were smaller.” Yoongi whispered once Tae had stopped, his soft smile showing of his gums and making Tae’s heart melt. They affectionately stare at each other for a while longer, before uncertainty creeps into Taehyung’s gaze. 
“It’s really ok for me to stay?” His voice was so quiet, Yoongi almost missed it. But he didn’t and his face softens, his gaze warm and comforting. His hands move to gently cup Tae’s face, his thumbs running over his cheeks.
“Yes Tae. I’d be sad if my favorite kitty left.”
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