#but not too different from the previous bts pic we got
lesbianikosasaki · 3 months
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youchangedmedean · 3 years
Why Dean’s Heaven Outfit is so Cursed
You may have seen my previous post about why Dean’s outfit in heaven is so cursed, but since then I have spotted even more.
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According to Jared at the Virtual Con after 15x20 aired when asked ‘Were any lines added or ad libbed by you two [Jared and Jensen]?’ (starts at 29:28 timestamp)
... So, when we’re on that bridge and uh, and Dean says, “Heya Sammy” and then it cuts to Sam, and I’m dressed like, as best I could, like uh like the pilot with Dean, y’know. ...
So from this, we know that Sam on the bridge in 15x20 was supposed to be dressed like the pilot. I infer that Dean was also supposed to be dressed like the pilot but based on the wording it’s possible that’s not what he meant. As soon as we got BTS pics from the last day on set however, we all pointed out that they were dressed like the pilot but there is a difference.
So what did Dean wear in the pilot? He had on 2 different outfits. First a dark jacket and a red shirt.
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After Dean gets covered in mud, he changes into a denim shirt and John’s leather jacket.
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Another thing to note is that both Sam and Dean wear sneakers in the pilot. No boots for Dean.
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So it looks like for Dean in 15x20, the heaven outfit is based on outfit 1 with the dark jacket, plain red shirt and jeans.
Dean consistently has plain red shirts through the seasons and continues to wear the dark jacket until 9x03 so I would bet that the very jacket was sitting in storage until s15.
Something to note is that while Sam is in a virtually identical outfit in 15x20 and the pilot, Dean is not. They must have had to source Sam’s outfit specifically for this. Sam does wear a hoodie and a beige jacket in later seasons so they could have built it out of Sam’s wardrobe but they chose not to. He does not wear these exact clothes at any other point in the series apart from in Heaven. Dean’s Heaven outfit is just made out of his clothing from later in the series. They both wore sneakers in the pilot but in Heaven Dean still has his boots while Sam is wearing sneakers.
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If I was building Dean’s heaven outfit out of later seasons outfits, I would have chosen his plain red shirt (note: this is not the Demon!Dean/MoC!Dean shirt, it is a different one).
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By the later seasons, Dean doesn’t actually wear dark dark jackets much. His only black jacket in s15 was this denim one which he has had since 10x04:
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But the wardrobe department decided not to go for these and instead decided on cursed items instead.
So what was Dean wearing in Heaven?
The Shirt
Now this shirt is just plain cursed. This is only seen at 2 other points in the whole series, and it was a new one for s15. 
We first see it in 15x04 Atomic Monsters for the Chuck AU where Lucifer!Sam kills Dean. Directed by Mr Jensen Ackles himself.
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Thanks to him, we also get a good look at the shirt
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So this is the first time we ever see this shirt and its for a Chuck AU where Sam kills Dean.
The second time we see it, its in 15x13 and this is another cursed appearance. It is worn by Huntercorp!Dean while pretending to be our Dean in the bunker.
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And why was Huntercorp!Dean there at all? Because Chuck was destroying worlds.
When AU!Dean leaves the bunker, there is an exchange that is a bit cursed.
Huntercorp!DEAN: Oh, uh, you think we could keep the flannel shirts?
So the shirt actually gets a mention by Huntercorp!Dean.
What we see here is that this shirt is NEVER worn by our Dean. It is worn by a Chuck AU Dean and Huntercorp!Dean fleeing a world Chuck had destroyed while pretending to be our Dean.
We never see our Dean wear this shit until Heaven which seems like an odd choice.
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Dean also doesn’t normally wear red and black plaid shirt. In fact, the previous one he had has an interesting history as pointed out by @wigglebox​ when we were discussing it.
It is first seen in 12x21 and he continues to wear it into 12x23 when Dean has to go into Mary’s mind.
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We then see it again and for the last time in 13x16 Scoobynatural.
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Both of these episodes are sort of AU episodes where he’s venturing into another character’s mind or heading into Scooby-Doo world.
So both Dean’s black and red plaid shirts have a cursed history relating things not being real and for this specific shirt, AUs. They could have chosen a plain red shirt almost identical to the pilot but they chose not to.
The Jacket
Dean has this jacket for a long time. He has a blue one and a black one. This black jacket has been around since s9 and gets worn a fair bit. On the whole, it doesn’t have a very happy history, its first worn for Kevin’s funeral in 9x10 and is worn after Claire is bitten by a Werewolf in 12x16.
However, the most notable thing about this jacket is what should have been it’s demise.
Dean is wearing it in 13x23 when he fights Lucifer and AU!Michael takes over his body.
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At the end of the episode, we see that Michael has changed dean’s clothes and presumably ditched them somewhere.
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Dean comes back at the end of 14x02 wearing Michael’s clothes. He arrives back at the bunker in 14x03 and changes into Dean clothes but is missing his watch for the whole episode, presumably because Michael ditched it. The denim shirt Dean wears in 13x23 is never seen again (yes, I have watched s14 and s15 just to check and have spreadsheets for Dean’s outfits!). His boots are back in 14x03 but I suppose you could argue he had multiple pairs.
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We are left to assume that the jacket is also gone (and it really should be gone) but it makes a miraculous reappearance in 14x13 Lebanon.
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Now this episode is an odd episode. They get their Dad back by messing up time, Cas doesn’t know them until they reset it back again. The shirt in this episode is also notable and I will write a post on it soon. So again, we have part of Dean’s heaven outfit connecting to alternative timelines where it really shouldn’t be at all.
This jacket appears at just one other point in s15. Now if you had to pick the most cursed of cursed times to put it where would you put it on Dean?
The Vamp Chuck future in 15x09 where Sam and Dean die as vampires.
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So this jacket should have disappeared in 13x23 but reappears for an episode where time is altered in 14x13 and when Chuck is showing Sam the future in 15x09 if they ‘win’ and they die as vampires. Dean is then killed on a vampire hunt in 15x20 and ends up wearing this jacket in Heaven. Cool, cool.
This jacket becomes connected to our Dean but in altered timelines and worlds while the shirt is connected to alternative Deans. Both the shirt and the jacket have direct connections to Chuck.
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So we see Dean in Heaven wearing this cursed outfit drinking cursed El Sol beer with the same cursed monkey from 14x13 Lebanon (see above, it was in the roadhouse too).
This is not an outfit that screams happy. This is not an outfit that screams Sam and Dean won. This is an outfit that seems to scream Chuck won. 
I guess we’ll just have to wait until Jackles manages to get a continuation...
One final odd thing to note. We all remember Jensen’s video posted before the finale when he was dressing up as Dean for the last time “at least for now”. Well he wasn’t actually wearing the outfit Dean wore in Heaven although all the Heaven scenes were shot on the last day of filming, the 10th of September.
He was wearing the Heaven plaid shirt, but not the Heaven Jacket. It was Dean’s black denim jacket I pointed out earlier. If you look it has seams that the Heaven Jacket doesn’t and the pocket flaps are a different shape.
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I have gone through all the Heaven scenes and he is wearing the Heaven jacket in all of them. But I can’t think of a reason why on a hot day in September when Jensen is getting changed into costume he would have a different one of Dean’s jackets on over the shirt he needs to wear for the scenes.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 28 May ‘21
Zayn’s rap EP??? Dropped yesterday???!? “Breaking my silence” says Zayn on Yellow Metal- Cathartic (Zayn is Yellow Metal here) and he DOES in 24 minutes of political, personal, complex and lyrically dense rap zoems! It was leaked/dropped whatever you wanna call it by being posted to Z’s cousin’s account (like the cover the other day); but clearly Zayn is behind these drops and that’s what matters, he is releasing this stuff in a way that will get to the fans but not inspire the media uproar (or contract issues) that posting to his own accounts would. As he says “don’t say I can’t communicate, you know I conversate with you in several different ways”, plus “I’ve had enough of being my own enemy, come a long way since 17, I have a few things to say when I get up on a microphone, I didn’t give up on fame I need this time like therapy it’s just to keep me sane… and to be honest it’s offensive, offensive to my still open wounds, trying to ask me questions they know they don’t have I ever replied, I prefer to sit down be online and respond to fanart,” I LOVE THAT. And the political content?! “What a family needs, and the planet bleeds, the damaged trees, it's never leaving to a real sense so FUCK THE FEDS” (or fuck the fence, not clear, either way, YES ZAYN!), “the snake that’s called Biden, none of them abiding by what they put in writing we should be used to it by now say whatever for the vote and then just chose another route say they’ll never kill another unless that brother’s skin is brown” and “been facing the racists back when I was a kid...kicked me out of the schools, they had a problem with me and the kids that would call me paki still sit in the classroom chilling, and now that I’m older I see they treat us different, got me thinking I was the problem cuz they never dealt with those issues, 20 years later I’m still in the same boat, tryna treat me like my grandpa, say I came up off the boat, came to tell you what I stand for, man I think this shit’s a joke. How can I be civil, when they got me by the throat, ‘Boy your skin is so light’, ok motherfucker take my name up on a flight, try to convince immigration that your bloodline’s half white, my name ain’t on the list unless they label it ethnic.” HELL YEAH ZAYN. PLUS: “never lose me to fentanyl, scared when I take a benadryl,” not gonna lie I LOVE to see this GOOD good good, "just became a dad so now I’m taking all the checks" HA yes get it, "trying to be a better person than the world deserves to see," and, “with a cigarette, sun coming up, write my thoughts on the internet, feeling deep, I'm just bored with the silhouette, get fucked up for the thrill of it,” “I’m just here for the rap then I’m leaving.” AND SO MUCH MORE all in Zayn’s excellent voice and accent, a GIFT that’ll take much more than a day to really unpack and appreciate!
And happy 28th, Louis is writing music! Looks like he is working with producer team Rick Parkhouse and George Tizzard in London (they call themselves Red Triangle Productions and put out music as SuperHi)- they posted a studio picture and tagged Louis. He’s just visible in the booth, singing. Also present- writer/ musician, Paul Whalley and songwriter Robert Harvey (The Music, The Streets) who were both posted and tagged Louis in as well. Louis followed Harvey. Hell yeah, what a line up! Not only that, Jamie Hartman answered a ProjectKMM participant’s question about other songs with Louis-- are they still working on new stuff? He says “I’m sure Louis has been working on new songs with lots of people!” [as we see, yes] “But yes we have done some too- who knows what will make the next album but he’s a top man and I would always write and hang w LT.”
Harry won Best Lyrics for Adore You at the iHeart Awards and Best Cover Song for Juice but failed to take the Artist of the Year or Song of the Year Categories, but more exciting than that- he’s listed as the Director of a new cosmetics and perfume company!!! People have been speculated about him doing something with Gucci Beauty for a long time now (he’s been noted to use their cosmetics, and definitely models their nail polish), and he has of course done perfume ads for them- there’s speculation that this could be for something with them, or it could just be a new thing of his very own. Well the Harry Styles palette would be a damn hit and we all know it, bring it on!
Anne Marie’s Big Weekend performance aired today and yes! She did Our Song with Niall! It’s the performance they recorded last week or so that we saw the pics from, yay first time getting to see them play it, but it was very quickly followed by the next time as their Jonathan Ross show performance also aired! And in case you’re sad about Niall’s previous promo buddies being replaced, there’s no need for that, he’s only adding to the pack; he tweeted Julia Michaels just today, “love ya hules” AWWW. He posted a bunch of cute OS video bts pics too, followed Oprah Winfrey and said he’d like to go to space and that he “would have liked to have been” a godfather to a 1D boy’s baby but “maybe the next one.”
Meanwhile Liam is looking at the fanart submissions he asked for- he retweeted a terrific drawing of himself laughing and said “this is amazing!” and liked a couple of other art posts. Feels like it’s about time for a monthly Liam catch up video, perhaps? Something else to look forward to!
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mikereads · 3 years
After they released a first look/ concept art I had an idea. Every season the main poster they release tells you two things. It tells you what the natural disaster will be and how it will affect the main characters. It will probably be what they tackle the first couple of episodes. As I was looking at it I got another idea. Now with the poster out I want to elaborate.
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I knew animals breaking loose from the zoo was happening from bts pics. For some reason I didn’t know how big it was going to be. Which I now think will be one of if not the main problem they face. This is what kicks off the season. Very much shapes the characters in a way. When I was looking at the posters again I noticed something else. Each season poster high lights the main event of the episodes but it does something else too. Each poster in a way coordinates with Buck and Eddies story. With their relationship as a whole. So I don’t want to say this will happen. Or say these posters are about Buddie. In a way I also will so ready to put my clown shoes on.
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In season two it’s the earth quake. The poster is of the building toppling over. Which is the call Eddie and Buck go on. This is the first call they start to get close on. Then Buck asks Eddie who he’s trying to reach in the truck “my son Christopher”. Then later in the episode he drives Eddie to Chris’s school. He watches them from afar. He then drives them home (off screen). The earth quake is the thing to not only start off Buck and Eddies relationship/ partnership. “You can have my back any day.” It also starts off the Buckley Diaz family relationship. Then in season three it’s the tsunami and we all know how that went down. Buck is on a leave of absence. Buck watches Chris the two go to the pier and get stuck in the tsunami. Buck fights for Chris the first three episode. While Eddie is working unaware. They finally cross paths. Buck simultaneously reunites with them moments apart. Episode three ends with them coming over. “Buck there is no one in the world I trust with my son more than you.”  Both these natural disasters affect them personally. In s2 it helps the development of their relationship. In season three Buck is off and looses Chris and Eddie almost looses his son. It only makes their relationship stronger. Him being off duty and in civil clothes further proves this. In affects everyone but we see how it personally affects them. Not just separately but together. In no other way we see this for the other team members. I made a previous post but in the s3 poster you see a little boy with a parental figure (possibly his mom) get stuck in the tsunami while on the pier. A little boy with brown hair and glasses. If that doesn’t represent Buck and Chris I don’t know what will. I also didn’t ignore the significance of the season 2 poster. Which is of a man and a woman ( a possible couple.) Reaching out and holding onto her hand for support. To when Eddie reached for Bucks hand when he almost fell in the building.
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Out of all them season 4 is the most different. Which makes sense considering how this season started. This season in a lot of ways was different. We still had a natural disaster. At first I thought maybe this poster didn’t have anything related to them as directly. The only major call they had together was the bus in the side of the building. Where Buck scales the side of the building. Which even though the bus scene was in the promos it isn’t on the poster. The three prominent things are the helicopter ride, the houses collapsing and the mother and son on the balcony (also the Hollywood sign.) I could make a stretch with the bus rescue but I won’t. I’m going to go over two separate calls. The first being the houses. The call Buck was on with Chim. Eddie and Buck were separated most of them time. Besides s2 its actually reoccurring for them. The call with Buck mainly focuses on Chim. It also focuses on children and parenthood. The call with Eddie at the Hollywood sign is more about the people there helping. One of the calls is a guy falling in love with his roommate over quarantine. (While living with someone else in the process.)  The second thing is the kids. In the posters from 3-5 you can see at the forefront a child with a parent. S3: a mother and son. S4: a mother and daughter (I think.) s5: a father and daughter. Which I find interesting. Especially how they are in the center for 3&5. Facing the disaster head on. Now I don’t want to assume s5 will indicate anything for Buddie. From the few things we know I have a few ideas.
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From the bts pics we know Buck and Eddie will be dealing with a camel at some point. Probably tying to contain in from roaming any further. (Unless that was just the cast but I doubt it.) Its definitely possible Buck and Eddie will be dealing with more animals. Especially if that directors board going around a few weeks ago implies anything for them specifically. (I remember seeing Hen and Bobby on it.) Since the zoo aspect is larger they must be. I can’t see a whole episode but I can be wrong. Maybe 5x01 ends with them arriving/ a cliffhanger and 5x02 picking up where they left off. I am mainly just curious to see how this will affect Buck and Eddie separately and together. Plus their little family with Chris Especially after 4x14. These natural disasters usually affect them in some way. Other than s4 for the main part. I’m hoping season five will have the same pattern. Especially with Brenna Malloy directing. 
Also let the Buckley-Diaz family go to the zoo.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
(star emoji) for Grifting With The Enemy :D
Pumpkin!! 🧡🧡🧡 Hello, my dear friend, thank you so much for your endless interest & support!! 😍😍 And for giving me a reason to re-read GWTE, which I haven't done for a loooong time!! 😂😬 (But, the good news is, it low-key got me inspired to hurry up & finish it!! 😏) BUT - in the meantime - here's some BTS info from my re-read under the cut, which is a lot - fair warning - since it's a 4 chapter fic & counting!! ❤️
LOL I forgot how stressful it is coming up with names for random extra people in fics, I hate doing that LOL But I did think it was important to open with Red NOT being a merciless crime lord who kills anyone who displeases him, cause - while he does have that side to him when necessary - that's not who Red is or wants to be.
I liked including that little moment with Red & Dembe about the parallel parking. I love those father/son & brotp moments for them, they're just the best. I tried to sprinkle those in wherever I could in Red's POV in this fic.
I loved the mental picture of Liz - with glasses & beanie a la The Harem - just leaning casually against a bookshelf the first time Red sees her... & he's immediately captivated, just like in canon. Especially with her eyes, I can't NOT write any version of Red that is not completely blown away by Liz's eyes, I mean, come on I also thought it was important that he thinks she's much younger than she is (intentionally part of her persona) & I'm looking forward to writing the reveal of her true age in a later chapter.
I loved writing a Liz that instantly challenges Red, already having heard about him (& more than that, as revealed in chapter 2) & point blank telling him she may refuse the job bc she has a say too. I liked keeping - & even amplifying a little - that dynamic from canon!Liz of always surprising Red & keeping him on his toes, all while he's trying so desperately to stay ahead of her & impress her.
I LOVED writing the brush pass scene - that moment where Red realizes he has officially underestimated her - & LOL I completely forgot I wrote that part about the condom LMFAO wow past!Coda, mighty daring of you 😂😂😂
Plus, I couldn't help the bonus bit about her stealing his phone & tossing it to him to end the chapter, that was just so fun to throw in there!!
I liked opening chapter 2 with Red still thinking about Liz, just to show how she captured his attention, even before he finds out she's been stealing from him. And I liked writing that revelation without any anger on his part, with him understanding it wasn't a full-scale attack on his empire, she's just a thief taking well paying jobs where she can get them, & instead it just shows him how talented she is. I thought that was an important thing to clarify before moving forward.
I LOVED writing Red & Dembe surprising Liz in her apartment, especially the part with Red's snooping & being confused & surprised by what he sees there. I loved kind of creating/designing Liz's apartment to showcase her true self, not her "young thief" persona that Red falls for at first. I wanted it to be clear that Red is fascinated by her seeming duality from the start (canon LOL) as well as just straight-up attracted to her (also canon LMAO).
Also I gave Liz a loft apartment cause I've always loved those!!
And I LOVEDDD writing Red super confident about surprising her & looking forward to taking her off guard by settling in on the couch & all that macho man stuff, only to be rendered fucking dumbstruck when she comes downstairs with no pants on lmfao & I included that little detail of her usually wearing a knife on her leg to show she's not to be underestimated 😏 & I couldn't help but throw in there Dembe kicking the back of the couch, that made me cackle lmfao
I think the truce was important to establish asap bc I didn't want any secrets or lingering animosity between them. That's for canon 😒 Only flirting & sexual tension here, thank you very much.
I had to include Red being a gentleman & asking if she wanted to get dressed, but I also couldn't resist Liz being confident & careless about it, while still hiding tactfully behind the counter. I thought that was a cute exchange.
lmfao of course, I included their coffee preferences being noticed by the other, I think that's an obligatory thing in any Lizzington fic ever, I'm so guilty of that lmfao
I loved the idea of Red being ready to start on a classic Red's Blacklister Presentation but Liz once again stops him in his tracks (while still secretly being impressed by his presence, of course, & I even accidentally switched POVs for no reason to include that?? nice Coda lmfao) as well as trading barbs & quips with him while Red feels awful & guilty at any accidental slights bc he can't bear to insult her.
AM&R vs. AR&M whoops typo lol
I liked the little snippet of dark!Red we see in their conversation of consequences for his enemies, that way Liz sees a little bit of what he's capable of & Red sees how she's not phased by it.
And that last little flirtation & wink to finish the chapter - lol can't resist
Ooooh, I loved switching to Liz's POV (fully ha) for chapter 3, I enjoyed describing how head over heels she is for Red already, that was fun. I liked writing about her lil movie day & chores she's completed, as well as fleshing out her AU past a little with Sam & her young grifting experiences. And her burning her popcorn while daydreaming about Red cause... same 😏
Ooooh, phone conversations are always so fun to write between them, I love trying to get that perfect mix of joking & sincerity & flirting & pining & pressing the phone close to their ear.
I thought it was important to keep (or rather re-invent, since TPTB seemed to drop it like a hot potato 😒😒😒) Liz's intense interest & respect for psychology, especially as a reason for being attracted to Red, since it kind of mirrors one facet of his interest in her. Not to mention Red thinks at first that it's just a useless, do nothing degree for her LOL
Ohhh, I loved establishing that mutual respect & friendliness between Liz & Dembe early on, that's such a fave of mine, I've always loved their friendship & thought it had a lot of potential. Liz loves & respects Dembe for keeping Red safe & Dembe loves & respects Liz for being so dear to Red.
Ugh, I LOVED writing Liz so completely disarmed by Red's relative state of undress at his safe house (paralleling her pants-less parade in chapter 2, of course) bc sameeeeeeee girl.
I also had fun writing Red blabbing on about some story as he often does, meanwhile Liz has already picked the lock on the safe, once again impressing & surprising him while she admires his different passport pics. That was so fun.
And I loved the quick shift to just a little animosity between them with Red insulting her lockpicks & Liz flaunting her thefts from him. I think those little spats give a little electricity & tension to the relationship, even if they blown over quickly, which they always do. And the fact that Red apologizes & they shake hands & make up is very refreshing to me (since they never fucking do it in canon lol fml) & also it's an excuse to write a little teasing physical contact & sexual tension 😁😁😁
And damn, I forgot how fun it is to throw a little teasing jab in there at the end of a chapter, just for fun - probably bc I'm allergic to multi-chapter fics & never write them lmfao wow
Ahhhhhhhh. I remember how much fun I had writing this whole restaurant scene, partly bc it was a difficult & long process (trying not to make all the flirting & physical movements repetitive while fitting in all the necessary dialogue in a semi-non-boring way lol) but also bc it was so fun writing their back-and-forth while seated at a table alone with nowhere else to go & nothing to distract them. I also wanted to take the opportunity to show Red's genuine interest in her as a person & let them spend some quality time together for the first time. I loved the idea of them losing track of time & Dembe having to come interrupt them with a knowing smirk. Also I def referred to the Olive Garden website for the food they ate cause I'm lame lmfaooo
I thought it was cute to throw in that Liz almost couldn't find Red when she arrived but for the fedora marker he placed out for her & then when she's leaving, she can feel his gaze on her the whole way out. Little parallels like that are my guilty pleasure 😁
Omggg I forgot about the end of this chapter, I remember I wanted Red to surprise Liz yet again & I thought the dessert snuck into her bag was a cute touch. Plus, tiramisu is a favorite of mine 😋 I also tried to make the vibe of this phone call a little softer & more tentative, not so much on tender hooks with lots of tension as the previous ones have been, showing how they're getting used to each other & falling in love at a break neck pace lol
Welp, that's all 4 chapters that are posted buttttttttt a sneaky look at my document that I haven't opened for an embarrassingly long timeeeeeee shows my sketch for the rest of the fic which revealssssss....... a detailed 10 chapter map with an epilogue!! Wow, I forgot I sketched everything out in such detail, this isn't too bad, maybe I should actually write this 😂😂😂 And I promise I will, hopefully sooner rather than later!! ❤️❤️❤️
Well, there you go, Pumpkin, I hope that didn't take you too long to slog through & there was something enjoyable in there for you!! 😂 Thank you so much for your interest again, my lovely friend, & getting me excited about this fic again!! 🥰 Much love to you, always, Pumpkin!! 🧡
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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taekooktimeline · 4 years
June 2 & 3, 2020 (filmed) - Soop Episode 8 -
That night it was Tae’s and Joon’s turn to cook. Shortly after they began, Jk made his way to the upper house in case they needed help. It was a common scene to see Jk in the kitchen during their stay, whether he was called upon or joined voluntarily - this occasion being the latter.
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The first thing he asks is about how well they were handling themselves in the kitchen.
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He continues by making a snarky / teasing comment as he lightly chuckles, jokingly. He’s alluding to the fact that both Tae and Joon are inexperienced cooks. He first looks at Joon and his pasta.
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He then moves to observe Tae and changes to a supportive tone, letting him know he’ll happily eat it no matter what the results are. He’s being realistic but telling him to not be afraid to make mistakes.
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Jk reassures him by saying one can’t mess up meat - it’ll always taste good.
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Tae let’s his insecurities afloat by saying he would never cook again if he messed up such a delicious steak that was so difficult to botch. Jk was well aware of Tae’s lack of confidence when it comes to cooking & that was his way of encouraging him.
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Since there is nothing to help them with, Jk silently watches his phone and stays close, waiting to see if he was needed. This precise scenario is actually unfamiliar - at least to Soop viewers.
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Jk let’s out a couple more compliments about Tae’s meat before leaving to take a nap. He must not be too interested in the aglio e olio spaghetti since it’s a blander dish by nature.
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Later on Jk literally held onto his bed as Hobi woke him up, but once on his feet he checked his phone and then began to run towards the kitchen as he tried to keep on reading his messages. He was apparently eager to eat steak because it appeals to his taste buds, which makes sense. “I really want to eat steak,” he sings.
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He stops running to finish reading his messages before entering the kitchen.
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Heavy speculation: Turns out Tae needed assistance and couldn’t leave the meat alone. Joon had left him around 5-10 minutes ago, depending on how long Hobi had to insist to Jk to wake up. Could or could not be related to Jk running while checking his phone as there is no way to know. Decide as you wish.
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Hobi goes for paper towels while Jk asks what he could do to help - something he has done with other members as well. Tae says he only needed paper towels and plates.
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Tae then expresses concerns about his cooking, seemingly having some trouble.
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Jk stays as his cooking assistant from that moment onwards - a role he excels at. He first finds paper towels inside the kitchen and stays right by his side -
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Then Tae asks him for some help with the seasoning. They cook in harmony -
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Jk is the most wanted -
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Full cooking scene:
Later that night, Hobi and Jk spot Tae just as he started lighting fireworks so they make their way to him.
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Jk quickly joins Tae, who hands him a firecracker, while Hobi asks about other members.
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Taekook are too entertained to worry about the others whereabouts.
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They pass the lighter between the two, heavily involved in the bonding activity. “When else will we ever get this opportunity?” they later said.
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Jimin joins them too and all four enjoy the spectacle.
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Taekook are the only ones setting the fireworks off. They must be the most excited and daring, taking into account Hobi was pretty scared of getting near.
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Tae lights three at once - quite courageously - and runs off. Hobi about Tae: “He’s so eager”.
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Hobi and Jk dance in front of the sparks which Tae vocaly marvels about. They are surely having fun together.
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Tae prompts Jk to do the same as him and light three at once - scary to do as it’s time sensitive, but with beautiful results. He tried to listen but ran off at 2. This is faintly reminiscent of “we always got scolded together, even back then”.
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June 3 (filmed) - Tae wakens Jk to watch the sunrise, which they later mention. He is seen leaving the floating house a little after the first rays of light start illuminating the sky. *There is debate about whether Tae spent the night in Jk’s room or not, but we think the footage is inconclusive. It doesn’t contradict the official story but it’s also compatible with Tae staying over so decide as you wish. Some think Tae must have stayed over because he wasn’t shown entering the room, but remember this was a 1 or 2 hour long sped-up timelapse with many missing frames (many cuts). It was only luck that a single frame of Tae exiting made it into the final footage. The frame can't be seen in the weverse app due to differences in resolution, compression and frame rate compared to weverse’s desktop version (which is where the illegal uploads came from) as a professional explained to us. We checked the official desktop version and Tae’s frame is still there meaning BH didn’t try to hide it. In layman’s terms - there is no conspiracy from BH to backtrack and omit Tae leaving the boathouse. In order to modify Tae out BH would have to reupload the one file, meaning those viewing via Weverse on a desktop computer would also not see Tae. Only one file is processed and encoded to work across as many devices as possible. This means different versions of the same video in different formats with different compressions - but all derived from the one upload (according to the below cited individual who works in tech). Disclaimer: this individual works in tech and had discussions with her partner, who is also in tech. Please fact check. 
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Additionally, not turning on the light is respectful since Jk wasn’t obligated to get up. As previously said, anything is possible in this case (as far as if Tae stayed over / when he arrived at the boathouse).
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https://twitter.com/tkgkurm/status/1316082109253996544?s=21 or https://twitter.com/borahaestreet/status/1316137683958329347?s=21 or https://www.instagram.com/p/CGS8Ub3IovM/?igshid=6ibd8ghe4ens 
The next we see is Tae walking with his selfie camera to Jk to watch the sunrise together. It seems like he was coming back from the main house.
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Adorable, sleepy Hobi joins them. Tae says “you did it!” which implies it had been taken into consideration. The gathering might have been talked about the previous night or it could have been spontaneous where Tae woke him up without a warning and hoped he’d make it out of bed. Both Tae and Jungkook happily greet him.
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Jk is also sleepy and keeps yawning alongside Hobi, unlike Tae who is very much awake. They both made an effort to accompany him. Jk yawning -
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Hobi yawning -
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He asks Jk if he pulled an all-nighter.
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Jk denies and explains Tae woke him up. *Personal opinion: Sara is inclined to think Tae was the one to pull an all-nighter while he hung out in Jimin’s room judging by his state of alertness (I’m used to doing it and they are too) and how there’s footage of vmin in Jimin’s bed from earlier that night. It’s not easy for Tae to wake up early. Anyhow, it’s not impossible he later hung out in Jk’s room. Regardless of what happened Tae chose & dared to get these two out of bed at such ungodly hours just because he thought the scenery was nice - lacking apprehension - which means he feels very comfortable with them.
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Tae disappears and Jk immediately wonders where he went.
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*Just for fun - the editors added an adorable caption for Tae canoeing:
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Jk giggles when Tae reappears and asks him if he’s having fun - happy to see Tae enjoy himself.
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He then compliments his rowing skills.
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This causes Hobi to also comment. Jk agrees with an “exactly”.
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Jk adds onto it pointing out more details about Tae’s good technique.
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More of Jk yawning -
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Jk films Tae with his selfie camera. At the start, he says “V” in a deep, playful voice - presenting him to the public (note the subtitle in the below pic - the English subtitle didn’t show “V” when Jk says it but it’s written in the Korean subtitle next to Tae).
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When Tae softly asks them what they think of the scenery - looking directly at Jk - the younger sweetly replies with the following -
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the original Korean text notes “GCF” (making reference to Jk’s filming skills):
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and https://twitter.com/flirtaeguk/status/1315996054337150978?s=21
and https://twitter.com/taekook1206/status/1316223828985487361?s=21
; Full sunrise clip:
Later on - it seems the members went back to bed after watching the sunrise. Tae wakes up at 12pm and is surprised he slept so little.
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He then walks from the main house to the floating house, where Jk is staying.
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He doesn’t bother changing out of his PJs as he makes his way to the floating house.
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It’s uncertain whether he checks his breath or simply rubs his face as he walks there.
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We find out he is, indeed, coming to visit Jungkook.
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Speculation - There is debate if Tae locked the door when he entered. Decide as you like.
Personal stances: Sara is basically sure that Tae didn’t lock comparing it to the distinctively different & loud sound it made when Jk locked the door while playing with Jimin (Ep 7 behind the scenes, Jk locking the door: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1729xJUd1fvff5MozK0J7meAj4tZEOZ0w/view?usp=drivesdk ; Hobi closing the door without locking which generates the same “clicking” sound as in Tae’s occasion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITikRqRtKYJjVEjCxrF3t42UBu1IcuB6/view?usp=drivesdk) combined with the unlikely context, while Kayla thinks it’s possible (since we don’t see what they are up to for those two hours - maybe Tae unlocks it at some point (not saying they were up to anything but maybe just wanted privacy) + three non BTS listeners seemed certain they heard the door lock when shown the zoomed in clip without context - who Tae is, what room he’s in, etc … but who knows). As we stated above, it’s debatable so please decide as you wish. 
Tae closing Jk’s door -
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It turns out Tae preferred to keep on resting with Jk rather than alone in his own bed, even if he had to go on a little walk. He throws his cap off and leans over Jk, his face close. 
Note Jk’s raised arm as he slowly turns to have an idea of their positions.
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Here Jk’s tattooed arm is blurred next to Tae’s head - Jk still facing upwards.
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Tae says “move over” while Jk sleepily groans in protest.
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Jk groggily rolls to his side, an act that conveniently gives Tae the space he was searching for & that prompts him to climb over to be the “big spoon” in the cuddle. His foot skims over Jk’s as he latches a leg and arm around him.
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some close ups of Tae positioning himself (mostly for their feet since it’s quite intimate) -
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  In a sweet moment that indicates closeness, Tae tries to pull the blanket up on him so he can be closer and warmer as he cuddles.
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Jungkook appears to pull Tae’s arm closer - although it’s unclear. We have differing opinions. Decide as you wish.
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Tae then playfully boops his leg against JK. He may have wanted him to wake up after all but stay in bed, calmly laying together for a while - although they both ended up feeling too cozy.
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Full clip:
Hobi heads their way apparently two whole hours later with the intention of waking Jk up. The below images confirm the approximate timeframe.
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Hobi says he’ll go wake Jungkook up, seemingly unaware that Tae had joined him in bed.
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Once he gets there he first calls for Jk, pauses and also calls for Tae in a higher, slightly surprised tone. Goes to show it was unexpected for him.
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Hobi is insistent, they have to eat and leave the cottage soon.
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Jk stretches and gets up relatively quickly - although looks sleepy. Taking into account the cut, it must have been a couple of minutes since Hobi entered.
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Hobi looks on and doesn’t leave until they get up. He had to make sure. This may be strongly subjective but he seems to have a somewhat wary demeanor, looking at them as if he was studying the situation.
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Tae suddenly sprints out of bed.
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Note Hobi’s face -
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He pauses at the door for a bit before reminding them to hurry up. He might think they are capable of going back to sleep and miss lunch. Maybe that’s the only reason he looks faintly concerned, but that’s up for interpretation.
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Publicly debated topic - There was a clear cut between Hobi entering the room and when he talks to Taekook, finally getting them out of bed. ARMY pointed out that the door was left more closed after Hobi entered, but when we see him again - after the cut - it’s wide open meaning someone crossed it in the meantime, which makes people wonder. Jk’s feet also change position which means there was substantial movement. This has led some to believe that Taekook were cuddling quite intimately and the cut was made to hide it. 
Skeptical stance: Please keep in mind all content is edited, with cuts, and we don’t necessarily believe this is a big deal. It’s just being noted since it was a widely discussed topic. 
Observations(both anticlimactic & open): Contrary to popular belief, Hobi did knock on Jk’s door in ep 7 when he was alone. The cut could’ve just been made to shorten the moment since TK didn’t want to get up. Maybe Hobi went back towards the door after getting a response from them, opened it, hesitated & decided to make sure they got up. Judging by their feet, Tae was already on his back before the cut - same as Jk who was even starting to turn towards the wall. Seeing that their positions weren’t compromising prior to the cut and that Tk were shown cuddling just moments before without a problem, I don’t think BH tried to hide anything with this specific cut. You can decide as you wish. Nevertheless, I think them cuddling before Hobi entered was very possible which is explained below. 
Door looks more closed -
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As you see, prior to Hobi’s entrance it is indeed possible that Jk was hugging Tae if you observe his legs and how he starts to turn the other way around. His left knee is lifted and folded which would be the one folding over Tae (in the speculative case) while the other leg was straightened. Why the need to move right when Hobi enters? Also, in this action one of his legs is left without a blanket to cover him which could indicate he was closer to Tae just seconds before.
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However - still prior to the cut - Jk had already turned towards the wall with both his knees facing that way, therefore, there was nothing to hide anymore - if there ever was.
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Tae was also on his back if you look at his right foot’s toe facing the door (the foot with exclamation points is Jk’s facing the wall).
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In the next scene, the door is wide open and Jk’s position has changed further - rolling more on his side, straightening his legs and fully covering them with the blanket (except his foot).
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or may view footage of this in Korean here -
; Full clip:
Taekook sit next to each other as they eat - possibly the last two to join. They grow impatient when they finish eating and get up. First it’s Jk and then Tae follows suit, surrounding the table to go where he is.
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It seems like they cross a few words - although not heard - and for some reason Jk hands his phone over to Tae. We’ve noticed the editors can alter the volume of their mics as Jimin is heard muffled at some point during this scene.
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Members urge the duo to sit down so they can say thank you.
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Taekook then can be seen walking together towards the main house, but choose to engage in different activities.
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Full lunch + tk walking:
While Jk quietly carved wood -
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Tae searched for playmates for a water balloon fight - clearly still playful unlike what they tried to portray in ep 6. Tae is certainly calmer compared to his younger self, but he still likes to joke around. The pandemic affected his mood and this was a time for healing, but his core personality didn’t drastically change and it was a recent situation. In late 2019 (around early November) Tae said these words: “They say I’m restless, but that’s who I am. I think that’s why they gave me that nickname. I don’t think my personality will change no matter how much time passes or how old I get. I’d like to be considered a playful person to everyone”. As we said, we reiterate they must have used Tae’s recent mood as the perfect excuse to naturally justify the separation strategy they had been using to pretend they drifted apart these last years.
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 Back in Seoul, BTS visit the studio to record the theme song for Soop. Even though there is an empty chair, when Tae comes back from recording his part, he proceeds to sit on Jk’s lap, who doesn’t protest. This is what Tae saw as he was entering the room -
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He walked past Jk playfully smothering Hobi to leave the paper -
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And turned around to look directly at them.
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He hesitated for a second - standing still in front of them without looking around - and went for it, claiming his seat on top of Jk.
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Jk was smiling, maybe about Tae or maybe about the silly singing he was participating in along other members. Regardless, he was in a good mood & unbothered.
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Tae let himself fall flat against Jk, completely relaxed.
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Jk started to feel a bit asphyxiated after a while so he gently incorporated himself, making Tae sit straight but with no intention of pushing him off.
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Tae stays there for a considerable amount of time, both comfortable and smiling whenever something funny happened.
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Note that the members seemed to play a sort of musical chairs. When a member returned from singing, he would take the seat of the person who got up to go record. Therefore, the argument that Tae avoided the seat for Joon isn’t very credible. No one else sits on a lap and no one else had an issue finding a seat when he wanted. (Tae sitting on Jk’s lap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14UhAYnWI4YWrMNoK3wa69m_tod-X7c9m/view?usp=drivesdk) 
When all go in but Yoongi, Joon suggests the members sing in a breathy tone, to which Tae says it’s his speciality.
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However, Vmin then show solidarity in hyping Jk’s voice. Right after they agree to an airy tone for the chorus, both Jk and Jimin start softly singing to themselves, but Tae doesn’t hesitate when he suddenly turns to Jk and grabs him by the arm to pull him to the center. As Tae is doing this action, Jimin asks the rhetorical question “isn’t he the best at it?”
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Tae has a precious grin adorning his features -
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Tae affirms Jk is the best at capturing the breathy tone BTS is striving for as he leads him to the center of the group. The younger shows modesty by questioning their decision as he says “why? why?”.
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Notice Tae’s arm still pulling him -
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Tae then gestures to the mic, insisting.
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He briefly gives Jk’s arm an encouraging pat / light grab as he says again Jk should sing in the center.
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Jimin agrees and says Jk is the chorus.
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Towards the end of the recording session, Tae goes in to record a solo soulful piece (Jk follows after). When Tae begins, Yoongi and Jimin immediately turn to Jk and start laughing loudly, with Yoongi clapping as he laughs (other members also laugh). Jk grins.
Speculative stance: Yoonmin may have turned to Jk because it was expected he’d go in after Tae and “duel” as Yoongi later says. Perhaps they turn to him to gauge his reaction at following in recording his soulful take after Tae. 
Jk introduces Tae with a “Here goes V” - raising expectations.
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Yoonmin look at Jk as they laugh -
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Members really want Jk to record the ad-libs he was doing while sited. They call it a “war” and an “ad-lib battle” (keep in mind neither Tae nor Jk uttered those words).
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Once Jk is done and gave them all good laughs, Joon asks him to go back in to do a final ad-lib. Mirroring his prior actions, Tae excitedly hunches forward to get him off his chair and into the studio, very much looking forward to more of Jk’s hilariously soulful singing.
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TK ad-lib battle:
61 notes · View notes
my blah about Cr3
Crossroads three is the stake in the demon that has been... almost 2 years without Starfury events (or any tbf)
I wanted to start a new review post for each convention but  always seem to get back and feel like i've been hit with a freight train (is it bad I've missed Connui/Con Flu???)
So this is going to be the same stream of conciousness it usually is.
I'll start by saying I wasnt there for any guests after Lisa Berry cancelled, and strangley didnt have any cosplays, but i thre together my old s2 dean and went for it on.
So I spent the weekend helping out stewarding where I could and catching up with people, you could see the bone deep relief on the faces of the Starfury regs at being back.
From where I was I could hear the talks and it al sounded really fun (and sometimes blue, as per SF) but i've not watched Supernatural religiously since aprox end of s6, so i was happy where i was.
alien to me and rather sacrilegiously I was only able to attend Friday and Saturday party, i missed the final party and so wasnt part of the Survivors photo, but the two I attended were awsome enough to keep me going to Enchanted. especially when someone randomly ('m guessing) requsted Shinedown be played.
I know in the grand scheme of things i'm no Convention vet, there are still those who've been to more cons and different cons than me, but some things just make you feel like you've made it, and one of those things for me happened on the saturday night - I helped lead a con dance I always see one for the vets - its called Joe 90 and despite the 'status' i attatch to it, i'm amazed i managed it with my DCD co-ordination issues and didn't seriously hurt anyone lol.
When I decided to go I didnt think many of those I knew or those regulars I'd know would be in attendance, but stood on that door on Friday was like a whose who of Starfury minus a few (who i hope to see at upcoming events) One pair i was suprised and delighted to come across were Kai and Harry, serving cosplay awesomness as alway.
I later found out the duo had brought 'paint stripping' mead with them (morrisons own as it turned out, the non fizzy one) and I think i over did the mock-scolding....see.. Mead is something Ally (and me to a lesser extent) is known for, just like we know we can count on Taz (and Lou, and Gareth) to help us drink it lol, so I ribbed them both and I messaged Kai a link to Ravens Forge mead hall when i had wifi, and reminded them that if me or her were around, there would always be mead offered :D.
During lockdown i'd gotten to know two members of staff better than i'd done before, thats not to say i ignored them before and takes into account the fact w had been at a few none sf cons with them in the past..Taryn and Dean who are 'local' to me (Manchester) have become sort of addicted to a city I love very much (York) and like Taz, Ally and Myself, Dean loves mead and York is.. well its the best place in the county of Yorkshire for mead, even if Hull makes one lol. Dean however has taken his love of mead further than any of us and actualy started making his own, which he brought with him to CR3, apparently they'd made too much so I got a bottle given :D it was delicious but didnt last the first night, because, (and yes i know i'm a fool) for the sake of saftey i thought it would be best to leave anything glass with someone staying at the con hotel. namely Taz and Gareth, but they enjoyed it so i'm sur Dean wouldn't mind lol and it was better for me not to have to carry glass back from Birmingham.
one of my favourite moments of the weekend has to be seeing Julian Riching (Death in SPN) lighting up when I asked him about Murdoch Mysteries and then elbow bumping me (not sur eif it was just precaution or bcause my voice on the mic sounded like i was talking through gravil and Sean, Mr Starfury himself,  had to translate for me. SEAN OF ALL PEOPLE lol
I love detective shows and Victorian things and Murdoch is both (though I guess now its Edwardian lol) , and if i'd had the werewithall to remember I could have brought out a cosplay which won me 2nd place at the masquerade the last time one of the cast came to an SF, as it was i just wnt up and asked him his memory of the show, which was pretty sharp I have to say.
It was a short one for me, like i said i didn't stay for the final night (£££) bt it was sooo worth the time I did get there. I will not go into detail but the week previous had been enough to test the patiences of someon a hell of a lot more saintly than me, I regret that there was a moment when i let the other world (the rl world) slip under my barrier and cause me to freak out a few people with unusual and what I hope others would consider out of charactar bhaviour. Awesome weekend. i feel like i've been hit with a freight train and my voice still sounds lik gravel (Connui/Conflu).
Pictures taken on Camera: 577 Pictures taken on phone: 360 Selfies Taken: 5
see my insta or Livejournal for pics (or Fb if your a friend)
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jonathanrook · 3 years
legally i have to give you intern 2
em you have awoken an ungodly beast inside me so i need to warn everyone that this post is. incomprehensible. but so is mymusic so i guess we're all used to it.
How I feel about this character:
i watched mymusic as it was airing/running/coming out specifically bc i'm a jack stannie, and as a kid melvin was my second favorite character (w scene being in first, obvs) for mostly that reason. he basically hovered around this ranking until my most recent rewatch in the summer of 2020, which was actually spurred by some events in my personal life that vaguely reminded me of scene's season two arc w jeff, and i thought it'd been a funny/nostalgic way to get my mind off things.
(i want to side note here that -- i know you didn't ask, but -- i love jeff. i have since i was a kid. like, obviously not as a person but i think he's honestly the best written character in the series, w indie close in second. idk what it says about the f*nes that their most interesting and well rounded characters are the villains, but i digress. to this day i'm salty that jeff never got added to the theme song and wasn't really included in promotional merch.)
however, in said rewatch, certain things about how he was written started to really get under my skin, and certain moments in particular have really stuck out to me in a negative way. like, for the entirety of season one and a good chunk of season two he's one person, and then he leaves mymusic and we have an entirely different person, but not in a nuanced character building sort of way.
i've said a few of these points before but i'll repeat them here regardless. at the risk of sounding like i've put on a tin-foil hat, it's my sneaking suspicion that scindie was supposed to be endgame, but since fan reception to it was pretty neutral, and scenechart stans were, at the very least, more vocal, changes were made to the intended finale, which is why in the last scene he's basically just. indie. like, if everything about the show was exactly the same but indie was the one who had ended up w scene in the end that would have made so much more sense since a) scene had a crush on indie that he/everyone knew about and b) indie was kind of a dick despite the half-assed attempts at redemption, so both combined make it slightly less weird/out-of-nowhere that he kisses her w/o her consent (since, even though like. implied consent is not real at worst and a fuzzy subject at best but you could argue that scene would want indie to kiss her); and this isn't even taking into consideration that c) melvin is heavily queer-coded in both seasons, with his friendship with nerdcore being, dare i say, homoerotic at times, and his arc about leaving the company and changing his name mirroring nerdcore's almost perfectly (with nerdcore being a character who b*nny [at least] has all but confirmed is actually gay).
i've also been on the fence about melvin's behavior in that final scene making more sense for indie's character being an intentional decision as a way of shoe-horning in a theme about the lasting effects of abuse/cycles of abuse/the corruption of power but i also don't think the f*nes are smart enough for that. however, for the sake of defending my straw theory, i also point to the scene where indie comes to visit the acid factory after melvin told him to shut up, and we see melvin use reggie as a foot-stool, going as far as to say that it feels good to do so (which, in all honesty, i think is a bit that was entirely improvised, since the f*nes were "notorious for never saying cut" [paraphrased from a bts video], but work w me here). he's also given a seltzer mug that perfectly resembles indie's kombucha mug. in these moment melvin is directly emulating the behavior of his previous abuser, purposefully or not, literal moments after being promoted to an equal position of authority, which was totally just included as a joke, but could also be argued is meant to show that he's becoming indie; or, if we acknowledge that the f*nes have no fucking clue what they're doing and were just directing like chickens with their heads cut off, it at least shows that melvin's new position of power is leading him to understand where indie was coming from, which is supported by their conversation in the finale.
the following contains a couple brief mentions of irl sexual assault so if that's something you'd like to avoid skip to the next section!
HOWEVER, that alone isn't what i have a problem with, since i think melvin is completely justified in being a dick to indie (and also reggie enthusiastically consents to being used as an ottoman so good for him i guess). the issue comes completely in how he treats scene in the scenes where the f*nes clearly thought what they were writing was super romantic. like, the fact that the only thing he's got hung on his cubicle wall is a single picture of scene taken from the fucking opening credits (like. how hard would it have been to have. literally any other photo[s] esp since there's an abundance of cute bts pics of the cast in costume that could have been put there) and him scrolling through her twitter at work really creep me out (and at the risk of oversharing the weird, like, social media stalking angle really fucks w me bc that may or may not have been the exact fucking thing i was trying to escape in rewatching mymusic in the first place). also, having him sexually assault scene as a means of comforting her after she had just been sexually assaulted in the same way by someone else was... a choice (which is also, uh, personally familiar).
again, i recognize that demonizing melvin wasn't what the f*nes were trying to do here, and i perhaps seem hypocritical for opening liking jeff, but what makes jeff work is he's intentionally "the bad guy." having melvin do the same things as indie and jeff uncritically only proves further that the f*nes can't write for shit, and ruins his character which had, up until he quit mymusic, been unironically good. like, it's obviously not beneficial that the exact asshole things he does are personally triggering, but the character would still be a mess and i would still dislike him regardless.
i want to say though that jack delivers a surprisingly great performance despite how shoddily his character is constructed and how little experience he has as an actor. like, it's clear he was having a lot of fun on set and i would love to see him in something, like, good; i think he could pull off even like, guest television roles, which is a lot more than can be said for other youtubers.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
nerdchart should have been canon i'm sorry. i know that close, nonromantic male friendships are valuable, esp between queer men, but also gd wouldn't it have been baller to have a canon interracial mlm ship. like. c'mon. and they could have been such a good friends to lovers story! we already got to see how melvin was the only person nerdcore could really be himself around so it would have been so cool if melvin's self-advocacy arc/flowchart arc had revolved more around nerdcore with a little role-reversal! and then they kiss! like god intended!
also i ship him and indie bc i'm a grubby little gremlin man ohoho. enemies w weird sexual tension? sign me up. not even enemies to lovers i'm not saying this one should have been canon i just love the vibes. do you think melvin and indie ever explored each other's bod-- *gunshot*
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i wish him and scene had just been bros. god remember in season one when they were just bros that was the life.
alternatively, i wish we'd seen more bonding w him and metal, as a means of reconciling that. uh. moment from season one. along similar lines i would have loved to see him get closer w rayna in a similar way to how she bonded w nerdcore in season two. i think that could have also worked to show how she'd grown between the two seasons.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
HIM. AND. SCENE. SHOULD. HAVE. JUST. BEEN. BROS. (though i think my general dislike of him is pretty unpopular, lmao).
when the show was coming out i don't think it's unfair to say that scenechart/scenetern 2 was the most popular ship (aside from potentially techstep whatever) but luckily we're all gay and have better taste now. unfortunately i totally fell into this camp and scenechart was even my otp for years (until it was arguably more unfortunately usurped by reddie in 2019) and i didn't even realise that it's a hot mess until, again, the summer of 2020.
when actually watching the show the choices the f*nes made in regards to how the ship actually became canon are so odd and out of place, too? okay, so, on one hand everyone just shipped scenechart bc it was the whitest hettiest ship in the show (esp in season two when idol left) aside from scindie (and we already discussed what's wrong w that). but, on the other hand, lainey and jack clearly also just got along? and i suspect that lainey probably also admired jack's work and was happy to be working with him bc we have so many shots throughout even the first season when the ship wasn't the intended endgame of lainey scene looking really fondly at jack melvin at times when it doesn't make much sense at all, esp since she's smitten w indie? this trend continues into the second season which arguably works but it still seems really out of place for him to be the one to ultimately make the first move on her since it's clear she was the one crushing this whole time and also he's gay! this bitch is gay what the fuck!!
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
at this point i'm struggling to think of anything i haven't covered yet. oops.
i've talked at length before about how he should have been a woman/lesbian, but the tl;dr is that it would have solved a lot of the queer-coding "problems" that just didn't get resolved in the show. if he'd been a lesbian then not only would the friendship w nerdcore still made sense, but scenechart would have as well (not even mentioning that both of scene's other relationships w men make a lot of sense as comphet anyway).
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lovelylogans · 4 years
:o Please please rant about the 100 and Bellamy!! I was only marginally into it so I don't know much but I love to hear your meta on literally everything!!
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all RIGHT. spoilers for the 100 past this point! also i’m gonna go ahead and preface this with a warning about racism, and also that a lot of this is based off stan twitter, but like. they aren’t Wrong.
oh, also, i’m gonna go ahead and drop my stan twitter: i rarely make original posts, but, ya know. it’s a jumble of content. feel free to follow if u want.
also! there’s this whole thread of hiatus drama, if you want a fuller picture than what i’m giving you.
so a quick, general sum-up of some plot that goes into this Whole situation: the sixth season of t100 took place on a different planet, after t100 spent ~5 seasons on earth, so this introduced new characters and also the concept of interplanetary travel. in the season six finale, hope (the daughter of a character, diyoza, who was still pregnant with hope, because ~time travel~) stepped through what’s called “the anomaly,” says “i’m sorry,” and stabs octavia, dissipating her into green mist. bellamy, octavia’s brother (who has had Issues and a Lot of storylines centering around octavia, which is a whole other topic of conversation (ft. bellamy’s storylines centering around white women (bob morley, who plays bellamy, is half-filipino) octavia’s treatment by fandom vs bellamy’s, and you can probably tell which side i’m on by how loudly i screamed “YEEEEEESSSSSSS” when bellamy said “you’re my sister, but you’re not my responsibility anymore” after SIX SEASON of—okay you see, i’m getting off topic) 
anyway, the season closer was that octavia went through the anomaly, which (this is important!) a fair amount of the main characters saw (gabriel, hope, echo, and bellamy, namely) bellamy, in that same season closer, was running through the woods alone, yelling for octavia. season ending. good hook!
and then.... nothing.
seriously. the hiatus between season six and season seven of the hundred (the LAST season of the show, EVER!) there was next to no promotional material. no bts pics, no tweets from cast/crew, nada. nothing. which stirred up quite a bit of complaint in the fandom—one, it’s the last season, can we not have some promotion, and two, it’s the last season, and there’s no promotion by cast/crew/the cw, why is this happening?
seriously. the season seven teaser clip that got aired between episodes on the cw was released before the trailer. it became a meme, how long we were waiting for the trailer. like it was... what, 19, 20 days before the season aired, and all we had was like a stitched-together character poster?
there was also some drama throughout the hiatus, ft. the fandom getting on the news for not getting content in the hiatus, jessica harmon (who plays a guest role, nylah, and whose brother plays murphy) getting snappy at fans on twitter for asking for promotion, and isaiah washington, who played thelonious jaha (a character that died in s5) telling a minor (and also going into their dms!) that he’d call the fbi on them, good times, the 100 fandom is a Disaster and i live a nightmare every day
and then. the trailer drops.
which starts “where is bellamy?” like. people. were SEARCHING for bellamy. people were trying to be optimistic, but rapidly people were also coming to, like, the worst conclusions. however as always t100 fandom did have some jokes, so like, ya know
people were looking forward to other promo: the poster, and also, there’s this tradition of countdown bts photos for the show, and since bob and eliza (who plays clarke, the female lead) just got married, people had high hopes! 
and then came the poster (which had no bellamy, or characters at all) and then the OFFICIAL poster (which had characters, but still no bellamy) which started the hashtag #whereisbellamyblake, because, seriously, he’s the male lead and it’s the last season. also bonus screengrab of this from jroth (the lead writer’s) mom’s twitter lmao
so people rightfully had questions: the excuse that was being given was that including bellamy would be “spoilery,” except, like, it’s a poster? and the only shot of him in the trailer was him being dragged along the ground despite the fact that he was the thumbnail for the trailer? like, okay, which led to some twitter meltdowns, and some more, and again people were fearing the worst, because like, see lexa, jason has a BAD track record when it comes to fan-favorite ships. people were HEATED, people were RANTING, it was a MESS
also. the edited posters were pretty funny, okay, then bob and eliza, bless them, dropped some a+ twitter content, and things calmed down a bit
and then, countdown days started. usually, the order goes bob on one more day, and eliza on show day. except this year? eliza was one more day. which. people were going nuts. because it was a tradition! and keeping BOB out of a behind the scenes where there weren’t any spoilers? it just seemed unprofessional—especially damning, given jason’s past history with ricky whittle, who played lincoln, and was bullied off the set. people were worried that, one, this was affecting bob’s storyline, and two, well. remember that thing about fan-favorite ships? here’s a whole thread of that, btw. and a video of ricky whittle, here.
it is a genuine fear of a lot of the fandom that jason will, in all his pettiness, not give in to bellarke. which is kind of nutty, given that it’s the core relationship of the show, and he himself had said that he’d been foreshadowing it. bellamy and clarke are literally “the head and the heart” of the show.
oh, yeah. so hard cut to the showday pic.
cast. crew. writers. everyone.
except? no bob.
people lost their gotdamn MINDS.
there’s a lot of subsequent drama; the fact that apparently they’re pushing through clarke/gaia (even though there was ??? no previous evidence of this??) still no bellamy for four episodes (seriously, it took clarke, like, two episodes to even cotton onto the fact that he was missing at all)  a lot of criticism of jason (he’s shamed shipping and also, lmao, is trying to push through a spinoff?) and just. Yeah. 
i’m really burnt out when it comes to the 100 fandom; i’ve unfollowed a lot of the t100-centric tumblrs i used to follow, once the show is over i’m gonna unfollow a lot of the twitters and just, yeah. i care about bob and eliza, and i care about bellarke, but the fandom wears me out and the unprofessionalism of a lot of what’s gone down has kind of just? made me lose interest? they’re recycling storylines (esp centering around octavia and bellamy) and continuity doesn’t seem to really be a priority. i just... yeah. i mostly care about bellarke and the fact that i bond a lot with one of my real-life friends through this show. if bellarke doesn’t happen, i’m gonna be like Really... disappointed, mad, irritated? like. imagine. it’s literally So Easy. the actors got married, ffs, you’ve gotten in trouble for ending two ships via very tragic death (in the same season, even!) like how is this Not Clicking
anyway that’s my (entirely too long) rant about t100!!!!
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bang-bangtan-boys · 5 years
In The Late Of Night
{Taehyung x M!Reader}
Warnings: nsfw at the end
Request/Summary: hm I’d like one with v where he gets really upset cause he misses you.. ends up calling and you have to go and see him, maybe ends in some lite smut if possible ( @yzngserpent )
I accidentally made it somewhat fluffy near the end oops—
also the both of you are still in school. it’s like a high school au, but in college and BTS still exists. let’s pretend it’s like an after-school band thing and they’ve just been signed by bighit okay? so maybe the both of you are around 20-21… ok? taehyung is older by a year, so imagine whatever you’d like. i just miss skinny baby-boy BTS tbh (TT)
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*for once it’s edited lmao*
You sat alone in the cold bedroom, typing away on your computer to finish up your school work that was due tomorrow. Biting your lip, you tried to focus on your paper, but it was hard to do with the constant Snapchat text-sounds that you were recieving. It was 11 o’clock at night, what was Taehyung still doing up?! You had an excuse— you were finishing homework. But Taehyung had practice early tomorrow so he should be getting rest. Sighing, you reluctantly peeled your eyes off the computer screen and readjusted your sight to the screen of your phone. Opening up Snapchat, you saw Taehyung had sent you almost 20 messages, and it didn’t look like he was going to stop anytime soon. 
CutieTae♡ sent a snap!
You sighed, finding Taehyung’s clingy-ness rather annoying at this time of hour. You were tired; couldn’t he understand that? Deciding to feed Taehyung some of the attention he so desperately craved, you opened the snap. Almost immediately after opening it, you regretted it.
It’s 11.03, go tf to sleep!
CutieTae♡ sent a snap!
And stop sending me ass pics
Go to sleep for Christ’s sake
I have a paper due tomorrow, I need to focus on finishing that
But I’ve been waiting all day!
I miss you!
I haven’t seen you for a week
Maybe tomorrow night, Tae
Right now I’m too tired to add 2+2
And don’t you have practice tomorrow?
I don’t wanna make you sore…
I don’t care
The other members probably won’t mind either
They might let me off the hook
CutieTae♡ is calling…
You sighed, not really sure if you should pick up or not. On one hand, talking with Taehyung could ease the growing insanity known as college-struggles. On the other, it could lead you to make poor decisions; Taehyung always seemed to get his way no matter what.
“Taehyung-ah, you need to sleep,” you were first to speak up, not even saying ‘hi’.
“Wow, I missed you too,” Taehyung sassed, and you could sense him pouting, “Does [M/N] not love me anymore?”
“No, Taehyung, it’s not anything like that. I’m just—“
“Not even calling me Hyungie or jagiya? Ahh, [M/N] really doesn’t love me anymore!” Taehyung began to use a slight baby voice, trying to be cute and wrap you around his finger.
“Tae, please dont make this any more difficult that it has to be,” you sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
“What do you mean? I just want you to acknowledge me as your boyfriend, not some item you seem to be bored of!” Taehyung said, rather loud. Didn’t he realize he had a sleeping roommate next to him?
“TaeTae, isn’t Hoseok-hyung sleeping next to you? Isn’t the noise you’re making bothering him?”
Taehyung scoffed, sounding genuinely upset, “So what I’m hearing is that my problems are just noise to you? I miss you, [M/N]! It’s been forever since we’ve seen each other in person, and now is a good opportunity for us to meet up.” On the other end of the line, Taehyung had sat up from his position on the bed, beginning to sound annoyed, “And, for the record, no; Hoseok-hyung isnt in the room with me. He, Yoongi, and Namjoon are busy working on some rap lines for our new song. He said he wouldn’t come back so you and I could have some privacy to spend time together, but it seems like I can just call him back over here since you obviously can’t find time for me…”
You hear a slight sniffle on the Taehyung’s end and sighed, disappointed in yourself that you made him cry.
“Taehyungie-” you tried, but he cut you off. “Am I not good enough anymore? Am i boring? It’s because I gained 4 pounds, isn’t it?!”
“No, Hyung, that’s not it—“
“I’m not attractive anymore, huh?!”
“Tae, no, that’s not it either—“
“If you want me to lose weight, I can! If it’s my sounds i make during sex, I can change them!” You sighed through your nose, feeling guilty and agitated at the same time. “Taehyung listen to me, the way you are during sex isn’t bad. I dont care about your weight. Everything about you is fine, I just have this paper to finish up and—“
“It’s okay,” Taehyung said quietly, bitterness laced in his tone of voice, “I’ll call Hoseok-hyung and tell him you aren’t coming...”
Taehyung ended the call suddenly, not even saying goodbye. You knew you had struck a nerve there; Taehyung always wished you a good day or night and made up multiple excuses so you guys could continue your call. He always said goodbye. Sighing, you stared at the phone screen for a while longer, contemplating whether or not you should call him and try to make things better. You glanced at the time; it was almost 12 o’clock. You set your phone face down, turning back to your computer reluctantly.
You spent about 5 minutes typing, but could only type out one sentence before throwing your hands up in defeat. The thought of an unhappy Taehyung kept nagging at you, and eventually you stood up and got dressed to go to BigHit Studios to visit him. You left the small apartment without even brushing your hair, wrapping the jacket you randomly picked out around your body tightly.
You knocked desperately at the door, knowing very well at least Jungkook was up; Jungkook was probably playing games on the computer. Hell, maybe even Namjoon would be up, just for the hell of it. 
Instead, Jimin opened the door, having to look up as soon as his eyes made contact with your chest— since that was your guys’ height difference. He smiled at you, “Oh! Hey [M/N]! How have you been?”
“Great, umm… actually, I came to see Taehyung,” you dropped your voice to a whisper, “We got into an argument.”
Jimin opened his mouth, letting out an ‘ahhh’ in understanding, “In that case, he’s in Jin’s room. He seemed rather upset…” He shrugged, figuring it made sense now.
“Thank you,” you gently pushed past him, and Jimin watched your retreating figure for a bit before closing the door and moving to his previous spot on the couch. You made your way to Seokjin’s room, knocking three impatient times before Worldwide Handsome himself answered. The door wasn’t fully opened, as if he had been expecting you, as he stood in the small crack that barely accommodated the span of his shoulders. 
“Can I help you?” He asked, somewhat sarcastically. 
“Don’t play dumb with me, I know he’s in there.”
Jin sighed, looking inside, as if he needed confirmation, before opening the door fully for you to enter. There was Taehyung, laying on Jins bed as he was curled into a little comfort burrito. You had to suppress a snort at his state— entire body engulfed in a warm blanket with his face squooshed through the small opening. 
“Why are you here??”
“Hm? But I thought you wanted me here?”
“I’ll leave,” Jin says, closing the door behind him so you two could have your privacy. 
“I did, but not anymore” Taehyung said, “Now I don’t feel like seeing you.”
His voice is softer the second time he speaks, like hearing his own hurtful words made him upset as well. “Hyungie,” you start, “I had a school project to finish, its due tomorrow— well, today…” You check the time; 12.44AM. 
“I know, I know,” Taehyung says, “I shouldn’t bother you with it… I know…” He sounds close to crying. You sigh through your nose, “Baby, it’s not like that… you weren’t bothering me…” Taehyung stays silent, not meeting your gaze, “You really weren’t…” you tried to reassure him. 
Sighing once again, you move to rest your head on what you assumed was his arm, wrapping your arms around the baby-blue-burrito-hooman you called your boyfriend, “I couldn’t finish my essay; I came here ‘cause I thought I could finish it before class and convince Mr. Han to let me print in-class… I’m yours the whole night,” you tried to give your best forced smile, wanting to look genuine and comforting, but it wasn’t like there was a mirror near you (surprisingly, Jin only had two— a full length and a dresser mirror…). 
Taehyung still says nothing and you huff, “Hyungie… I walked all the way over here!” You whined, moving to let Taehyung lay on his back so you could hover over his hips. He pouted, “[M/N], get off…” You shook your head, moving to unwrap Taehyung from Jin’s blanket. You undid it gently so now his body was shown to you— a light grey T-Shirt with cute shorts that went down to his thighs. Mmmh, his thighs…
You shook your thoughts out of your head, moving to sit on top of your precious Hyungie as you smiled up at him, “Now that the boundaries have been disarmed, can we fuck?” Taehyung nearly choked on his breath, “You sent me all those pictures— I saved them all and now I’m horny.”
“[M-M/N], I—“
“No, I’m gonna make it up to you,” you said, moving your hands up the male’s shirt to softly caress his hips, going higher and gently feeling each rib through his skin. Taehyung squirmed a bit, red spreading across his face like jam; the feeling tickled him. Your hands eventually reached his nipples and brushed over them, watching as they perked to life under your fingers. Taehyung let out a soft breath, eyes closing as he bit his lip. You smirked; was he trying to conceal his sounds? Was this his way to get back at you?
Your hands eventually left Taehyung’s chest and moved to his hips again, slowly trailing to his V-line, and eventually— finally— you pushed Taehyungs shorts down enough to expose his grey boxers. You huffed; had he changed out of his lacy lingerie after your little argument? You wondered what that must have been like for him— the intent of impressing you when all you did was ignore him. You cocked a brow at him, ignoring those thoughts since— by the look on his face— it seemed to make him rethink and regret his actions… somewhat, “It’s wet?” 
You sounded more like you were stating it, but there was a small raise to your voice to make it qualify as a question. Taehyung moved to cross his legs, only being able to touch his knees together. Your hand hovered above his warm crotch, barely grazing it with the tips of your fingers before you planted them softly on the surface, not pressing down. Taehyung bit his lip again, a soft whine pushing through his teeth as he arched his back. 
Taehyung tried bucking up against you, but your other hand was quick to hold him down, pushing his hip against the mattress. Your thumb traced the top of Taehyung’s erection, moving to the waistline of his underwear (where the tip of his length began to poke out) before pulling it down, setting him free.
Your palm made contact with Taehyung’s member, slowly wrapping your hand around it before pumping slowly, gripping tightly. Taehyung let out a small, broken yelp, back arching even more off the bed. Your hand was squeezed so tightly around him, but going so slow. It was pathetic how much he tried to thrust into you, your other hand trying its best to pin his waist and keep him at bay. 
Suddenly, Taehyung used as much force as possible to turn you over, moving on top of you so your cocks were pressing against each other. He then rapidly began to rut against your clothed crotch, moaning loudly as tears pooled in his eyes. “H-Hyung—“ you called out, startled by the sudden neediness Taehyung displayed. He moaned out— soft, this time; unlike the previous ones, which were long and dragged. 
“I was so needy earlier,” Taehyung admitted, “But you were so busy… I- ahh- I’m sorry I might make you get a bad grade…” Tears fell from his eyes, “I should’ve left you alone like you asked… I’m a bad b-boyfriend…”
You watched as Taehyung cried silently as he ground against you leg, members brushing against each other as if, they too, missed each other’s feeling. 
You sat up, kissing Taehyung’s neck while he wrapped his arms around you, hands running through your hair before staying in place, tugging it every so often as he cradled his forehead against your shoulder. “Baby,” you said, trying your best to suppress your moans so you could speak clearly, “You aren’t a bad boyfriend. You just- hnh- needed me really bad… I ignored you; I’m the bad boyfriend.” 
You both moaned out, Taehyung’s cum splattering across your chests while yours made itself apparent by staining your jeans. You panted in time with Taehyung, making eye contact before Taehyung hugged you, burying himself in the crook of your neck. You were stunned for a bit, before wrapping your arms around him and leaning against him to counter his weight against you. 
You opened your mouth to speak, opting to ask if Taehyung wanted to move to his room and talk things out, maybe even so you could apologize more, but Jungkook beat you to it. 
“Hey, Taehyungah, [M/N]ah,” Jungkook spoke through the closed door before opening it, eyes too focused on the back of a video game cover— reading the summary to himself— while talking to notice your guys’ position, “I just got this new game; feel like playing a three playe-aH OH MY GOD, IM SO SORRY!”
Jungkook slammed the door, and Taehyung tried covering himself with the blanket before Jungkook saw anything. Too late, Jungkook had seen enough. He stood outside the door, still apologizing, “Jimin said you guys were in here talking things out and that a new game would be perfect to try and fix things but I didn’t know you guys were busy—“ he dragged on. 
You laughed while Taehyung cried to himself. “Hey, I’m still down for a threesome!”
“I meant the game, Kookie. I have my own joystick right here!” You said, referring to Taehyung, whose pants were now pulled up all the way. Taehyung blushes and hugged a pillow to his chest and face. Jungkook sputtered, trying to find something to say before whining and running off, “Jiiin!! Taehyung and [M/N] are making porn in your room!!”
“Yah!! You kids get out and do it in your room! My sheets better not have any cum in it— or else!!”
“Yes hyung!” You and Taehyung said together. 
This ended up being about 7-8 pages on GoogleDocs, depending on whether or not you wanna add the A/N’s and request
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mono-kookie · 4 years
Thoughts on Daechwita...
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I’m answering this on my main blog so my fic rec blog remains pure lol so the content on there is just related to fanfic ^-^ thank you for sending me an ask baby anon I hope you’re ready for a rant (that may be filled with typos):
Okay not gonna lie I like agust d and give it to me more than daechwita but it’s still amazing and yoongi did not disappoint on that note my fav lines are probs “pathetic fucks putting on a talent show / not gonna lie what a shit-show”, “that’s your excuse for popping pills, cry me a river, you just got no skills”, and “yeah, what’s next? Here comes my reality check, there’s nowhere higher” although I found agust d to be more savage there were definitely some fire spitting raps throughout daechwita 
And on that note yoongi said that he wanted to use the word for one of his tracks bc daechwita is played for a king’s visit or an army visiting so obviously this was very applicable to bts and the fandom plus I think the the chorus is just really catchy and since daechwita means “great blowing/hitting” it might refer to how yoongi and the other members’ success blew up charts, their songs were hits, this track is a hard hit bc of them fire spitting raps, etc. the word can have many meanings that can all relate to bts and each member’s careers which I love
Now as for the mv not gonna lie I was like awesome cool yg is a king okay let’s see where this goes then I was like ?? okay so he’s like a rebel too ?? agust d vs agust d??? But I went with it and I loved the story like the king is like I was born from nothing but I got here myself by working hard but then the power corrupted him I guess?? and had no tolerance for shit talking “all shit-talk they got no game / off with their heads” (I love that line too gaaah) but then rebel agust d is like yeah I worked hard and got what I wanted (clothes, money, goals) but he’s like but what now? I have things but I’m not grounded in my life (“I only looked up and now I want to look down and put my feet on the ground”) this is the part where the agust d’s confront each other and honestly it’s awesome bc the king loves him until he disses him (king’s thumbs up becomes thumbs down which I pff’d at lol)
WHICH BRINGS ME TO THIS PART yoongi’s comments about how the king is the previous blonde agust d (who talked about wanting fame, dissing shit talkers, rubbed his success in their face, “give it to me”) and the new agust d is the rebel so basically the old agust d got carried away with silencing shit talkers and got what he wanted (the fame and success and skills) but rebel agust d disses him when he says okay but now what I want is to be more grounded in my life and find more meaning and just live so the king didn’t like that bc the old agust d didn’t like shit talkers right but bc he’s corrupted he tells him to cut off his head (which is a great blow aka daechwita) but in the end the new agust d wins and kills his old self with a gun WHICH ALSO GOES BACK TO THE MEANING OF DAECHWITA SO MANY POSSIBILITIES WITH THIS WORD ABSOLUTE GENIUS 
BUT ALSO REMINDS OF HIS OTHER TRACK BURN IT like “there’s someone in the mirror that you don’t know” agust d has lost himself to his previous ambitions and wants to “put his feet on the ground” and be more grounded and true to himself so when rebel agust d shoots king agust d it also reminds me of his lines in burn it “after tasting success / what has changed in me compared to then? / I don’t know, I’m not much different / let’s burn it, my past self”, “no matter what, yeah, set fire to it, you bastard / the past you, the present you / anything is fine, so, set fire to it, you bastard”
THAT WAS A WHOLE ASS RANT BUT YES AS A WHOLE I LOVE DAECHWITA AND THE MV IT WAS FUNNY AND CREATIVE I MEAN DID YOU SEE THE DRAWING OF BANG PD WHEN HE RAPPED ABOUT HIM XD also it killed me too especially when he gave us Yoonji on weverse he is just jinigniegjrgijenreh I love that he doesn’t care about his gender identity (fuck toxic masculinity) and low key does it bc he wants to but also bc he knows we love yoonji he gender bends playfully yet respectfully (like he took his role so seriously in that run bts ep we stan a good man but also let’s not forget the fact that he said that personality matters more than gender when asked about his ideal type hehehe) anyways
Thank you for coming to my ted talk I hope you’re doing well baby anon ^-^ 🖤 
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praphit · 4 years
Another Year, Another Recap - “Have a Coke and a smile... :)”
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So, we're getting to the end, people. We're about to finish off another year. Personally, this year has been immensely better than the last.
I didn't even want to stay up and do any celebrating at the end of 2018. I just wanted to go to bed and be done with that bleepin year. This year has been a hell of a lot better. I hope that all of you can say something similar, but if not, there's always going to bed early, and putting your hope in the next year.
This past Christmas (and all Christmas', really) I spent time doing a lot of hating on Christmas music; it's a valued tradition of mine. I am, however, always surprised to find a few songs each year that don't bother me all that much. This year, one of them was John Legend's "Baby, It's cold outside" ft Kelly Clarkson  
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- a rewritten, sans rapey vibe rendition to boot its 1940's something predecessor.
In this version (at least how I interpret it), both people wanted some action that night. John says all of the right stuff ("I'll call you a car", "maybe you SHOULD go"), creating a safe environment, and most importantly, not coming off as sleazy and rapey. He's also protecting himself with this recording:) But, let's be clear... he wants some, and he wants it bad! While Kelly, also wants some, but doesn't want to come off as being a hoe. Nobody wants to be labeled a hoe.  So, she says all of the right things as well ("My dad and brother are waiting for me", "I've gotta visit my sick grandma", "Gotta get home to the KIDS") But, at the end of the night, they both make a decision to sing to one another "Baby, It's cold outside, so let's stay in and BLEEP." That's how you do it! No guilt! No #METOO! No wife and kids around. All is well:) Divorces are still rising, and more older people (as well as old as bleep people) are on dating apps than ever before. Consider this song a Christmas gift from John & Kelly to you.
Sexiest man alive in 2019 btw
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Congrats. Classic coming-up-out-of-the-water sexy.
There has been some good music in 2019. Good stuff happening. Also some sad and weird stuff happening in music - all things balance out, I suppose.
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I am here for all things Lizzo.
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Maroon 5's Super Bowl performance. It wasn't even really M5's fault; they simply did what they always do. It was more a poor choice by the NFL. A boring and awkward performance. There was a time when all anybody wanted was a shirtless Adam Levine- both women AND men. Even times when he wasn't performing, he would show up places, some random person would announce to everyone "Don't worry, Adam WILL be taking off his shirt tonight." Talk about ME TOO. It was so bad that the old, white, slaveowners of the NFL hired Jay-Z (one of the blackest icons we have) to come and save them. We'll see how that turns out.
Tyler, The Creator - "IGOR"
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One of my fav projects of the year. Tyler, the Creator is an odd dude - I mean this as a compliment. I love how Hip-Hop has evolved. There's a lot more room nowadays to be yourself, no matter how outsiders might deem your behavior as weird (sometimes, others NOT saying this as a compliment). I love his creativity, and hope he continues to inspire other artists (especially in hip-hop) to be creative. Heeeee also says stuff like this "I like girls, but I have sex with their brothers." But, also uses the word "gay" as an insult. Who knows?? There's a lot to unpack there.
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In other news, Camila Cabello might be a racist. Y'all can look it up if you'd like, but some posts of hers resurfaced. I'm a fan of hers, and checked out the posts for myself, thinking "People are prob just overreacting" - they're not, it's bad. She has apologized, saying the whole "I'm older and wiser now" thing. The prob with that is she's only 22.
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It's always good to see Adele out and about. These holiday pics show that's she's still alive (I get concerned, cuz she tends to disappear for a while) and apparently a lot thinner. This of course stirs men to say men type things, women to go on the attack, and all genuine compliments towards her to get lost. The good news is, Adele seems to be getting pretty chummy with Santa, and everyone knows that St. Nick is a heartbreaker. Adele should be spurned and back in the studio writing amazing tunes soon enough.
These pics say it all. 
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... that being said, I love his new music (which is how I stamp all of my conversations about Ye).
Billie Eilish! 
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Now (like many), one of my fav artists. 
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She just turned 18, so of course, us men being ourselves again say things like "She's 18 now. You know what that means." Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what that means. Nothing says crossing-over into womanhood quite like being objectified.
Speaking of 2019 pervs - R.KELLY!
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We can throw MJ and... what the hell, I'll just throw Spacey in there as well (his documentary is coming soon enough, I'm sure).
We were all enthralled by these two docuseries. It's interesting how different races respond to MJ. Both see him as... you know, but most black people are still listening to his music. White people on the other hand are ready to riot every time someone plays one of his songs... except around Halloween - gotta have "Thriller".
We love depressing television.
There was "Chernobyl" as well as "When they see us"
Movies too -
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I love this movie, but it's about a homicidal clown, struggling with mental illness.
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I love this movie, but it's about classism and marginalization.
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It's largely about grief.
It's the best movie of the year, as far as I'm concerned!
It should win all awards!
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Best Horror
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Best Comedy
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Best Romance
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Remember when he sent the message to his wife? Cute, right?
Personally, I think he and Nebula were banging in each other.
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... I think that story is going to come out some day. C’mon... they were up in space, alone... they both thought they were going to die. She was like “OMG, I’ve always wanted to bang Robert Downey Jr. 
He was like “I don’t blame you.”
But, afterwards, he was like 
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 - you know? He felt all bad, because he’d never get to do that again (that was the last of his energy). Annnnd also because he cheated. Which led to that cute recording for his wife. SEE, it’s all connected!
Best actor in Josh Brolin (Thanos) - the range of emotions (satisfaction, terror, humility, revenge, arrogance, beatin ass, defeat) Leo and Brad Pitt ain't have to do all of that!
Best Actress... hmm.. idk about this one. Many say J.Lo deserves an Oscar for her performance in "Hustlers" - a movie made for strippers, by strippers.
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Exotic dancers are making a comeback! Maybe one day, stripping will be going in the same direction marijuana is - just something people do. No more shame! You can actually make a decent living at it - ain't that right, Stormy?
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And who can forget this J.Lo quote "This city, this whole country, is a strip club. You've got people tossing the money. and people doing the dance."
There have also been plenty of things in 2019 that I have not understood:
1) Hatin on Greta
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Greta - trying hard to do what she believes will make this world a better place for us all.
Certain people - "Shut that bitch up! She's crazy!"
2) Hatin on Megan Rapinoe
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MP - leading a soccer team to a World Cup victory, being outspoken for women's rights and gay rights, having awesome purple hair, and trying to be the best leader and athlete she can be.
Certain people - "Shut that bitch up! She's Crazy! Equal pay my ass!"
3) Popeyes Chicken Sandwich
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 - the gov't test for a new crack epidemic. Sadly, I never got to partake.
4) Allison Mack
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- This whole story began being unveiled in 2018, but continued through this year. I still don’t understand how this story has not gotten more attention. Some of y’all don’t even know what I’m talking about.... google it, and be horrified.
5) BTS (and K-pop in general)
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-I love them, but... our country's K-Pop fetish has gotten kinda out of hand. All kinds of artists are trying to share the spotlight with them. Next, we're going to see them team up with Kendrick Lamar.
6) TikTok - I just don't get it. What’s the difference? 
7) Cancel Culture
To me all cancel culture is silenced by Trump being our president. Where was all of this righteous indignation when we voted him into office? You might say "I didn't vote for him." Yeah, but, WE did - Idk what that says about us, but it's prob not good.
It doesn't even really work - Louis CK is currently selling out venues for an unapologetic tour. I'm not even saying that it SHOULD work (in SOME cases). I'm simply saying that it doesn't work (in most cases). But, perhaps the fear of it working is enough. Or perhaps we should think through how we spend our anger.
BUT, enough of that! It's time to pass out this year's PRAPHIE AWARD!
Here are the noms:
Jordan Peele
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Pedro the turtle
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(no need for context, just know he’s awesome)
Baby Yoda
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 (btw - studies show that if you have access to "The Mandalorian" and you AREN'T watching it, you're an asshole. This is not ME talking, this is science)
Megan Rapinoe (who I’ve already mentioned)
Flying Elbow Guy (Again, this requires no context. It’s Flying Elbow Guy! There is a baseball player who’s name I can’t remember. He took on a whole team, and... you know what - that’s too much exposition. It’s Flying Elbow Guy!
  Keanu Reeves
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Annnnnnnd! It’s...
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This year:
Of course JW, Toy Story 4, Cyberpunk 2077, “Always be my Maybe”, plus we found out that he’s down for The Matrix 4, John Wick 4, and Bill & Ted. CRAZY!
Also my BAMF of the year (see previous post)!
We love Keanu Reeves so much, that he's allowed to murder as many people as he wants (as John Wick).
We'll get mad if an actor who's not handicapped is playing someone who is, we'll get mad about whitewashing (as we should), we'll get mad if things are too sexualized, we GOT MAD at "Joker" for predicted violence. But, Keanu can murder all he wants:)
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(See the scene above? - that was a McDonald’s before he showed up)
He found love as well. Women are loving that he chose someone closer to his age. Honestly, Idk why it matters. I'd still love this man, even if he were dating 22 year old, racist ass Camila Cabello.
But, he's viewed by some as the perfect man. I disagree. I don’t think that he’s merely the perfect man, but the perfect human.
His career and popularity paths are unique. No one would call him a... GOOD actor, but look at him! And he seems like a genuinely, awesomely, good person. And whatever "good person" means to you, he's at the top! We should all (men and women) be a lil more like Keanu in 2020.
Let's all be as lovable as we can, so we may all get away with as much as we can:)
With each new year, I challenge myself with a slogan to live by. In 2020, it's going to be this - 
From Eddie Murphy’s “Raw”- Richard Pryor’s advice to Eddie, concerning Bill Cosby 
Telling certain people in my way "To have a Coke and a smile, and shut the bleep up." Sometimes, I might need to be the one to do this, rather than say it - we'll see.
Here was the runner-up slogan (his response)
Happy New Year, Everyone! Enjoy yourselves. Be less of an asshole. And be safe... enough to at least make it TO 2020.
Much love!
0 notes
jinships-ideas · 6 years
BTS Run 40 - The Jin Harem
Happy (Lunar) New Year! 
(I posted this on Valentine’s / Single Awareness Day though...)
My prediction: This post won’t be that long since I didn’t notice too many harem moments. Let’s see if I’m wrong like always :D
Let’s Get It~
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We start off this lunar new year with Yoonjin reaching for their face at the same time
A study on mirroring: it’s been noted that mirroring occurs when A is looking at B and is subconsciously influenced by their actions.
A study on mirroring: it’s also been said that mirroring tends to occur when A is interested in B
A & B = Yoonjin
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I wonder who’s got Jinnie’s eyes on them?
Whoever that is, they are a lucky man
Ft. Tiny looking JK
Ft. Magical Boy Chim looking huge in comparison to Jk and Jin
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Jk CLEARLY looking at Jinnie as he does the old spread and hug
He wants those worldwide shoulders and he wants it bad
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I believe I can fly~  I believe I can touch those shoulders I think about him every night and day Spread my wings and touch away~
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I spy with my pretty eyes, a fineass looking man
How about 3?
Jin’s habit of being more interested in knowing someone else’s team is once again present in this episode.
ft. Tol Jin and Smol Yoongs
Tae looks like a giant though
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Seems like yoongs is interested to know which Team Jinnie is in~
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Yoongs and Tae collectively reaching out for Jinnie!!!
Our Worldwide handsome-him is so desirable
Jk: *pines from the back* That should be me *channels inner Justin Bieber Sunbae-nim Joonie: Bitch, HANDS OFF Chim: These Punks can’t go around touching what’s mine like that! Hobi: NUH UH. FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM HIM ASSHOLES Tae: Let me just cop a feel of that chest  Yoongs: Ooooh his skin feels so soft!
Our man has got all the men
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Congrats Tae!
Also, Tae just naturally went from the side to the middle, to beside Jin huh?
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Tae whispers something to Jin that is muted in the episode
Please look at how his leg is lifted
Isn’t that what anime girls do when they are love struck?
I mean... anyone would be when beside Jin...
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JK: I’m so done with your shit. Trying to get Jin’s attention by being all excessive. I’m SO DONE. Hobi: I looked so damn cool! Hyung must think that too! Jin: Watch me win this punk in rock-paper-scissors like the RPS God I am
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Hobi reaching out to stroke Jin’s face
(Bless you our sweet sweet sunshine)
Tae reaching out to caress Jin’s arm
Tae: Back off bitch, don’t touch what’s not yours Yoongs: Oh yeah, do your ritual for when you are about to get smacked the fck up JK: How dare they touch MY hyung?! ONLY I CAN TOUCH HIM SO SHAMELESSLY IN FRONT OF ALL THE CAMERAS! NJ: *Save Me Plays in his head* I’m with a bunch of fools. Jin Hyung OBVIOUSLY only wants me Chim: All these losers vying for Jin-hyung when I’VE got his heart. Touch him while you have hands losers.
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Top 10 anime betrayals
JK: Why does this hurt so much...yet feel so hot?
JK falling into the depths of shipping hell that is 2Seok
Welcome Jk, you shall NVR escape the 2Seok world
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JK: Really? In front of my salad? Chim: UNACCEPTABLE! *stomps his feet cutely* Joon: OH YES! FRONT VIEW!!! Hobi: IS HE GoInG TO KISS ME?!! Jin: You have some dirt... what? Why are you all looking at me like that?
Jin WOULD be that guy that leans in super close to you, giving off the ‘action-time’ vibe and whispers: you’ve got some crumbs on your face... can I eat them?
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Tae- the overly clingy boyfriend that Jin Loves to pamper
Also, I’m quite sure Jin only won RPS because Tae whispered to him what to throw out before the game commenced
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Taejin makes me feel things
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Yoonjin cuties sitting in the back watching the others
They look like they are Bangtan’s Guardians
They got time-out for being too indecent 
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Jinkook are DEFINITELY the couple that does weird things 
They would also be the couple to start trends
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Ok...I have a confession to make... This pic is NOT the same as the previous one. 
The previous one is edited because they were sitting much further apart and my extra ass when to edit it to make them sit closer
Because this pic here is NOT edited
which means 1 of them moved to sit closer to the other!!!
Yoonjin be here trying my heart
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2 Oldest MY ASS
The way Yoongi sits with his feet pointing inwards makes him look tinier and cuter than he already is!!!
*clutches heart*
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Sha la la la la la My oh my Looks like the boy's too shy Ain't gonna kiss his love  
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The (Magical) Boy settles for a teasing chin stroke instead!
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The Joy on Chim’s face as Jin does his Body Wave
Joonie is also very amused
Jin succeeds in making 2 men fall deeper in love with him
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Chim looking at him like nothing is wrong though...
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So many dirty things I can insert here...
Jin on his knees = A++
I wonder who is the lucky person who gets to enjoy this sight...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Send this photo to all of your friends who are non-bts fans (difficult to find but I know there are some out there)
offer NO explanation
Ft. Yoonjin mirrors
Ft. Perky Ass Hobi
(I low key think he maintained that position so Jin could see his booty
Ft. Camera Man Tae Tae
(He would do a much much better job than those lackluster award show ones)
Ft. Jk and Joon who are super respectful
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Hobi only did this so he could get up close and personal with Jinnie~
Jk and Joonie looking on in the bg
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Chim’s smile as he calls out for Jin
(Without honorifics, mind you, such a brat but he’s Jin’s brat)
Jinnie looking at Chim like he is the most marvelous thing ever
(He is)
Hobi snapping Pics of Jin AGAIN
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다시 run run run 
Jinnie walks
Jinnie runs
Jinnie falls to the groud
All for Chim
The outfits and poses remind me of Avatar...
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This angle makes it look like Chim is petting Jinnie
Too bad Chim was just adjusting the tape on the floor
No on-screen petting from Jinmin but who knows what goes on behind the scenes?
They aren’t called BTS for nothing
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Chim only has eyes for Jin during this game~
Even as his hat fell, he was still focused on looking at Jin
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DAMN IT PD-nim!!!
The Pd-nim probably wants Jin all to himself
Hobi: Damn he smooth Chim: Me Gusta :D Jin: Admire my beauty Yoongs: Imma ninja my ass there to smack a little bird
(the bird is Chim)
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This looks like an overly dramatic play acted out by Chim and Jin
*flashback to the utter mess that was Gayo track 14*
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Such a dramatic pair they are
Fcking bubs
(I use to do this whenever I said bye to one of my friends like 7 years ago... Jinmin are basically kids)
Yoongi praising Jin though!!!
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Also, Chim causally touching Jin’s sleeve~
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Also, this looks like those kung fu movies where Jin is Chim’s master (teacher... FFS Y'all are dirty)
(It’s ok. I’m dirty too :>)
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Chim: *flirts aggressively* Jin: *being beautiful aggressively* Yoongs: *wants to fight Chim aggressively* Tae: *wants to charge at Jin for a backhug aggressively*
Chim complaining about how Jinnie seems to be getting further away from him...
Double meaning much?
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(Please NVR stop)
Chim really only has eyes for Jinnie~
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Chim imitating Jin’s pose
He really loves his hyung huh?
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Finger hearts from HeartMan Jin for Magical Boy Chim!!!
Seriously... Jinmin’s love is just overflowing
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Hobi & Jk & Joonie:  내가 웃는게 웃는게  아니야 (I’m not really laughing)
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Yoonjin sticking together like glue when there’s plenty of space
Also, magically no height difference?
Could Yoongs be a Magical Boy too?
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Jin’s hand on Yoongs’ shoulder 
*ugly sobs*
Chim also praises Jin’s skills at playing the game after this...
Have they played this before??
How TF does Chim know Jin is very good at Flopping down onto a mattress to create a gust?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tae: You see this fist? It’s flying right to your face Jin: I have a pretty fist too! Yoongs: Try me bitch Chim: I don’t want to see this. Not in front of my salad
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Tae helping Jin to get the clothes off
I wonder if he helps him a lot
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Cutie Tae showing off to Jin that they all got 22
(Note: 22 is kinda a thing for couples in South Korea. Couples have something called a ‘22 Day’ <two-two day> that they celebrate.)
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Jin teasing Joonie for his failed attempt at the game
Namjin is definitely that couple that teases each other a shitton
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NOT Jin Harem related but... WTF was Hobi doing? He touched the red clothes and recoiled at it?
Did he also punch Joonie slightly as he was walking by???
I’m genuinely curious
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The sound that escaped Jin was so fcking cute??
Look at how Tae and Chim were so confused at Jin’s result!
They really thought Jin should have gotten more points!
Jin himself is confused af too 
Jin’s eyes were shaking as they were counting cos he was worried they would lose because of him 
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Emperor Tae demands a bow of apology from Jin
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Taejin kids are play-fighting with sticks and while the others are filming for the episode
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Jin being impressed at Chim’s skill
Ways to win Jinnie’s heart: Be skillful at throwing things into a thin cannister
Jin also immediately cheers for Yoongs after this
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This is Jin has Tae gets the second score consecutively
I sense the birth of a new meme
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He looked like such a brat as he threw the slinkie
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Look at him as he gets nagged by Yoongs
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Cheerleader Yoongs cheering for his Favourite Hyung
Jk joined in the cheer despite Jin being on a different team!!!
(He could also just be scratching his head with the toy...but he said ‘hey hey hey’)
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Yoongs cheering for Jin wholeheartedly
Only to be chided by Jin for distrubing his concentration
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Yoongi just submissively keeps quiet
Blame your own ass if Yoongi NVR chhers for you again Jinne 
(No i’m kidding. I love naggy Jin and how he is the only one Yoongi is submissive to)
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Taejin bubs are high-fiving when their opponent scored 
I guess they are keeping their morale up???
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Tae: *looks cool by succeeding at the game* Jin: *Waay too impressed*
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JK: *looks smug AF for succeeding at the game* Jin: *again, waaay too impressed*
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Tae: *I won’t lose to you punk* *proceeds to do it again and impress Jin once again*
Tae: You have just been served. You are very welcome *bows*
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Jin teasing JK for his failed attempt at looking cool
He looked plenty cool already ok?
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Jin: *fails and tries to get Hobi to use his method (which sucks) so he fails too* Hobi: *falls for it*
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Jimin: *enjoys the beauty and grace that is Kim Seok Jin* Yoongs: Extra points to hyung for beauty! And for existing! Jk: That’s my hyung! He’s MY hyung!! Joon: *Excited like the puppy he is* Tae: *Impressed* Hobi: *I’m standing next to him!!
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Tae manages to get a high-five from Jinnie for succeeding~
Ace of the Jin team: Tae
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Jinkook who has no idea what to write
Ft. a shoe
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They keep becoming more similar as the days pass...
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All members either clapped immediately/responded verbally to Jin’s suggestion of clapping for everyone!
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Jk... don’t just look at Jin when you speak...
I know it;s hard to look away from beauty
But... your bais and love are showing too much!
He actually turns to look at Jin as he says: 
Let’s stay by each other forever from now on 
*Ugly sobs*
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The 3 different stages of being bored
Jin: Slightly bored Yoongs: Bored Tae: Borderline falling asleep
Listen to Chim’s pretty words DAMN IT
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Joonie. GET A HINT
Give the boy some food
That’s what you got to do to win his heart you fool!
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Chim: *smirks* And that, folks, is how I got my boyfriend
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Jk complains about how there’s no dumplings
He’s probably used to the one Jin makes where there is always dumplings
Chim and Tae praising Jin’s cooking, wanting the rest of the world to know only they’ve tried Jin’s cooking
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Aww so clueless Joon DID give his food to Jin
Ah-Hope <아홉> you guys enjoyed~
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Until Next time~
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myu21 · 3 years
Hello! I want to say that I love your blog! and Idk really who to ask this since Idk that many people so u can ignore it if you want to.I've seen people in so many platforms saying the same things that it is making me sort of worry and its that 1) gj and zzh are now never ever going to be together again not even on variety shows and ignore their existence. 2) that the c-industry already made the decision to support gj and not zzh for the amount of programs he is invided and sporsons he now has
Thanks for messaging. I think I'll start with some general advice. No matter what the issue is, politics, science, sports, entertainment, social media can be very quick at spreading misinformation or ignorance. Since WOH began, I have on multiple occasions believed in things untrue and spread on the word too. So it's important to judge the source of information or take things with a grain of salt until further verification or go investigate yourself.
Luckily I've been able to slowly find and filter social media accounts that have been trustworthy re WOH and JunZhe, and I think I'm getting better at judging. Now let me answer your points. But remember Im just another fan on the internet and this just what I believe.
1a) not sure if you have seen a previous post of mine about their joint appearance at TF? Here. I talk about this issue quite extensively in that post. I think the reality is that we will indeed see less and less of them together in variety shows or endorsements. The problem is why. These rumours flying around will want to interpret this lack of joint projects as proof that their relationship is bad or that the cp is over for good. But I reject this. I think it's only natural that these two actors will need to move onto their next individual projects and promotions. It's also hard to do variety shows together. For audiences and showrunners, we obviously want joint appearances, it's guaranteed success. But from an individual actor's point of view, every time they have to consider the suitability of a show for themselves, not all actors suit going on variety shows and not all variety shows would suit an actor. E.g in bts for GJ's appearance at Chuang boy band talent show, he said himself that he was out of his comfort zone judging singing and dancing, he had fun but he much preferred acting and filming. GJ and ZZH have different talents. As friends, do you want your partner to feel uncomfortable during your partnership? These two clearly look out for each other, and wouldn't want to do that to the other. They've also got full schedules and it would be very hard to organise this joint appearance. Im not saying it won't happen, just it's totally normal for it to not happen.
1b) no joint endorsements because... They are getting very very expensive. One is expensive enough, and two? Any brand would have to consider whether or not such an investment is worth their money. At the start of WOH, they could still do joint because they were still rising in popularity, and relatively affordable, but it's different now.
1c) nothing that these two have done so far suggests they want nothing to do with each other. They changed their profile pics together, they almost always post announcements of endorsements together. They are clearly having a very good working relationship so far. But their new shows are going to begin soon, so i expect they will start doing more promotion with their co-actors on social media which is part of their job. As to what their relationship is privately? I give you this:
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2a) not sure where that news is from. But it might be based on the fact that GJ seems to have announced more endorsements and had more variety show appearances during April. But ZZH was filming then, and he only just finished filming a few days ago and his May schedule for shows, livestream etc is going to be very full whereas GJ is now filming again and has almost no public appearances scheduled so far for May. Both of them have announced A LOT of endorsements, with just two new ones two days ago from both of them. Either way, their success is not measured by how many they pick up, but what sort of long term partnership they can create with sponsors, much more important than short term profit and quantity. I won't go into the nature of different endorsements here, I might save that for a future post. But let's just say, worst case scenario GJ picks up 30 times more than ZZH. This isn't a thing to feel grief over or feel one has been cheated, this is an immature way of seeing it. They will personally feel happy for each other, no matter who is more successful. They both already are successful. Also, they are actors first and foremost, they want above all to be better actors, not bigger celebrities. This is important to remember.
2b) be wary that lots of social media accounts or news sources or entertainment gossip columns make a living by creating controversy. It has been this way for a long time in entertainment across the world. Just think about magazine news about British royalty, every week a divorce, a spat, a jealous argument, a feud is happening, and it's all true because a "trusted source" said so. Same thing is happening with JunZhe. They're big so people know people want to read about them. And nothing sells better than stories of controversy and notoriety. Not to mention, a lot of people also want to see JunZhe fail for their own gain.
#my two cents
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weheartjik00k · 7 years
Another suspicious tweet.It’s a post, before the previous ones I mentioned. On 04.05.2016 Jimin posted a pic of the group and counted the days until their concert.The caption said, “I wanna see you soon~”.So it must have been for ARMYs.But on the same day, JK posted a video of himself in the car, making a heart sign with his fingers.So yeah.It could have been for the fandom of course.This is not a really big deal.However, I consider it so, because of what happened on the same day after their posts.
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MY OPINION(also based on other jikookers)
Timeline and development of their relationship.Or what I think.
We’ve seen the dynamic between Jikook ever since their debut.The chaser and runner phase.Jimin was seeking his dongsaeng’s attention for a long time and joked a lot about liking him, and them being a couple or trying to steal a kiss, again just as a joke.But suddenly in 2015, this stopped.We saw how the tables have turned in their relationship.Now Jungkook was more touchy and Jimin was more passive with his actions towards the maknae.
Many jikookers speculate that they started being official(or confesses, or started dating—whatever) in the RUN era.I also think so.
To me, the way they started to act around each other was more intense,the tension was bigger around them, like they shared a secret.Of course, we will never know when they happened(if they did for real in the first place, in which I believe with every cell of my body).
In 2016 they started being more obvious.For me, that was the year with lots of things that have happened between them(all of the moments I mentioned in the previous rant were from 2016).
Also, 2017 has been the GAY year not just for Jikook, but BTS.They’ve always supported the lgbt community which makes me respect them a lot.(and many other things about them, but I will talk about this in another post). 2017, especially the end of it was the crucial point.
How MORE OBVIOUS do they have to get to make people start noticing their love for each other(and I am not talking about brother-like love).
I think it makes Jikook really special that they changed, they kind of went through a metamorphosis.That’s why it feels like their bond is so much stronger.
Simply how I see their whole timeline:
Afraid of having crushes, even super small, on each other, they thought it’s just a phase.A weird one, tho.But the more the grew to know each other, the more they matured they noticed that there is something special they feel about each other.JM doesn’t see JK as the cute, younger ‘brother’ anymore.His affection is not excused with the resemblance Jungkook and his real brother had for him.He is not just protective and supportive hyung.He realized he wants to be much more to Jungkook.Joking about having feelings for him was a mistake because it made him think that Jungkook doesn’t like this(gay couples or Jimin as more than a friend). At the same time, Jungkook is confused with his own mind.He had dated before.Girls!He never felt what real love is like, tho(he said this in their debut years in the AHL interviews).So this boy, still not grown up, was afraid if he ruins his relationship with Jimin.-a hyung he appreciates way too much but never shows.So, to hide his feelings, he puts on a mask and pushes Jimin away all the time.But his crush starts to overtake.It’s not a phase anymore.And with Jimin slowly trying to ignore him, Jungkook knows he can’t stay away from his hyung. (this is totally my perspective, and we will never know their real feelings, I just guess, based on how I would have acted if I was in such situation.Because, I admit, I have lots of similarities with JK in character.Even tho I didn’t like him before, it’s surprising now that I find out.I AM NOT SAYING I KNOW HIS PERSONALITY OR ANYTHING!don’t get me wrong)
Sexualities and how complex this is.
If you asked me to point out who I think might be gay or lgbt in BTS, I will go like J-Hope, Suga(he mentioned that the gender doesn’t matter,so..) and maybe Jimin. If you ever asked me about Jungkook I would’ve screamed STRAIGHT from the rooftops..But now.Oh, now…I don’t only observe their actions, but also consider what they say and what sign they try to give us. I will only speak about Jungkook since I don’t want to make this EVEN longer. We know that Jungkook is Troye Sivan’s fanboy.Does this make him gay?No.I also listen to Troye, Hayle Kyoko, and some other lgbt musicians.My best guy friend likes Troye Sivan and even if he doesn’t always act in the manliest way(you know what I mean) he is hella straight.And he’s gonna be a great husband because the way he values women-this is so much MANLIER than anything else. Yep, liking Troye doesn’t make him gay. But at the same time, the Jikook timeline is just such a big coincidence.At the RUN era, when I think they got together, he covered Troye Sivan’s song “Fools”.(he and RM didn’t change the pronouns) In my opinion, this is important, because it’s the first sign he gave us.In Korea being lgbt is really hard.Most young people are fine with it, but even they will look at you like you are different(in a not good way).And what about elders.They think being gay is wrong.Something is wrong with YOU.
I think Jungkook is bisexual.He showed that he is attracted to women and it’s also obvious to me, but I think he has some male crushes.(and one male boyfriend at this time, but anyways xdd)And I think Jimin is just special.Maybe he was this one boy Jungkook really fell in love with.
Also, using his song for GCF without changing the pronouns or cutting off parts of the song and skipping to the chorus,it shows that he wasn’t bothered.In that show this year he said that he feels like he’s wearing a mask when he’s with other people.For me, this is like saying that he hid something about himself.Not just acting idolish, but also keeping the truth.And the fact that in America this year Namjoon mentioned several times, when they asked them about dating, that they don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend.Also, thatlove is not only between genders.(i stan this king and his beautiful mind; I literally fell in love with the small part of his way of thinking that he showed to us.I can’t believe how I’d feel if I knew him personally)
I think BTS gave us many hints that there are lgbt members among them.And I think Jikook is one of them.Also, I think Namjoon is lgbt, but I will not explicit the exact sexuality because I really have no idea.
What I’ve seen on Jikookers’ profiles. 
I have noticed many fans of Jikook saying that they have been in kpop for a long time, but they’ve never seen a ship like this.So real.SO unexplainable.Because even if I remove all the times they look at each other, hold hands, hug, smile, laugh together, tease each other ,the jealousy moments or whatever(photoshoots together, fanservice,couple items) even after I do that (like stop including the moments that ships are based on usually), with Jikook there are STILL moments I can’t explain with brotherhood!I just can’t.So, not just that Jikook really is like any other ship, butmany who ship them study psychology or/and body language.
Me too.I’ve watched videos with other ships’ moments and 'proof’, but never ever found something that really couldn’t be explained.So I believe that Jikook really is different.I don’t hate any ship!They are all beautiful and have amazing moments, no matter what kind of relationship those two people have.(Like.. have you seen Taemin and Jimin.Or Taemin and Kai.They have such cute friendship.) I also love Jessica and Krystal, because I also have a sister and it’s really amazing how close they are.Ships could be for all types of relationship.Shipping doesn’t mean you see two persons being romantically involved.That’s why I don’t ship Jikook. I support them.
And you know what.I always will.And all BTS members.Even if Jungkook and Jimin are not dating.Even if they date someone else(boy or girl/bandmate,co-idol,friend,someone unfamous,a fan even).I will always respect them.I don’t force them to be together and neither I can.I just want to show that no matter what they choose, I will support them.I only believe (my opinion!) that there is something beautiful between them and I believe is that type of love.That’s it.
And finally!How I think their (romantic) relationship is.
I feel like at first, it was scary and unsure, but as time passed by, they got closer.They know that they can always rely on each other.It feels like this couple is very supportive and cute.For me, they might have fights from time to time, be a little possessive, but they would never leave each other.It seems that they have been through a lot about how people saw them(members are 100% supporting them; BH also seems fine about it–but what about their families? I hope the same goes for them),or how they have to hide all the time,how jealousy got them on their nerves or just simple argues.Anyway, I think they will survive all the obstacles and still stand side by side.
No matter what you think, you ship someone else, support them and believe in them as much as I do even more, only spread the love.This is our biggest weapon against all the bad things that happen in our life.Love, after all, is the key to happiness.
Sorry for another long rant, but I just needed to clear myself out and to sort out “the proof” going in my head.I hope you liked it and I hope it helped you get another perspective on this topic.I tried to give the most objective assessment.I am and will always be as realistic as hell.That’s why I judge from both sides.That’s why I never consider as evidence moments where they -look at each other -smile at each other -hug, hold hands, etc. (even tho it’s still cute, this is not what made me believe in them.I was very skeptical at the beginning too and I did my research very well :) )
Since my account is new, I don’t plan to post actively what happens between Jikook.Most would be rants and analysis.Also, if you want to (if you are ready) follow me xd because I have only one friend that ships Jikook, but she is not into kpop so much lately,so..you get me.
Let’s be friends y'all!SPREAD LOVE!LOVE YOURSELF!
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britishchick09 · 3 years
danger force christmas special livewatch
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welcome to the final livewatch of 2020, ‘chapa kills santa!’ ...jk it’s called ‘down goes santa’ (same thing right?). without further ado, let’s dive into the chaos of ‘the best story of christmas’!
the little pre-show channel bumper has a kid skating on tp... ONLY IN 2020!
the theme at the beginning of the ep is ‘deck the halls’ aww :)
chapa: “did you get a job at nacho ball?” bose: “i got a career at nacho ball.” eyyyy ;D (also how does he have a job isn’t he like 12?)
chapa: “i’d say that’s an emergency, MILES!!!!!!!” oh boy will there be screaming chapa in this??
also since she cares a lot about christmas stuff maybe she won’t be the one to kill santa?
chapa: “no i don’t love christmas” BOIIIII
mika: “you took a long time to answer that question.” lol :D
why does ray sound so creepy when he says “oh you wanna hear a... christmas story?”
ray: “do you wanna hear the real christmas story?” the kids: “NO!!” lol :D
also all the kids said ‘ew!’ at the sight of it they really don’t want this story huh
story: “the first one was generous and jolly. the other was hot and fun.” lol
santa’s bro was named crampus wut
OMG SCHWOZ JUST SHREDDED THAT GUITAR YO!!! also hello george harrison’s lucy nice seeing you here :)
crampus wanted a jet ski and spent 1000 years on the naughty list where does this take place
this story is awesome not gonna lie :D
ray got the book from the truth store lol
story: “one day in the mid 90s” CLARISSA IS THAT YOU???
santa was lured to the desert with ‘promises of fish tacos, motocross and illegal fireworks’ lol
‘dill-weebs’ lol
santa and anti-santa fought in an abandoned mall lol
that was such a great story! :D
miles: “i don’t believe any of that!” ray: “CRAMPUS TOUCH!!!” miles: *SCREAMS*
and ray walks away with an evil laugh... >:)
mika’s sweater is so cute! :D
and the audience cheers! :D
schwoz: “the big man will be here soon!” bose: “you mean shaq?” lol :D
schwoz cleans santa’s sleigh how cool! :D
there’s a corn lady in a corn truck ICE CREAM TRUCK WHO??? I DON’T KNOW HER
ooh the gums can be used to transform their civilian clothes too!
awww ray did it for chapa’s christmas love! ♥
ray: “our pants are down. we’re exposed!!!” ???
OHHH IT’S ‘P.A.N.T.S’ :o
is santa gonna land in the man’s nest without protection?
santa’s beard is gray now is he my dad lol
chapa: “WE SHOT SANTA CLAUS!!!” out of context that line is so sad yet still hilarious
why did the meme airhorn just play
crampus: “it’s party tiiiimeee!!!” lol
the intro happened 10 AND A HALF MINUTES INTO THE 22 MINUTE EP what a record! :o
why did ray return with a big af senpai ball of yarn and needles
ooh the kids brought back strawberry ice cream :o
miles’ actor’s name appeared just as he was on screen coolio :D
there’s a sign on santa that says ‘none of your buzyness’ NUNYA WHO
also miles and chapa say ‘buzyness’ like nunya lol
santa doesn’t know who he is HO HO NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
chapa keeps zapping ray when she disapproves what he says YO CHAPA
bose is a mechanic apparently coolio :D
they’re getting christmas day off BUT NOT XMAS DAY
bose: “it could be worse!” *sees crampus* “hey, i was right, it’s worse!”
crampus: “where’s my brother uglies!” his watch: “sick burn, crampus that stings!!” lol
crampus can teleport coolio :D
the side effects of catching crampus are ‘hotness and diarrhea’ why :(
ray: “don’t say anything!” bose: “he left!” ray: “...seriously”
ray: “news is boring” indeed it is
on the newscrawl it says orphans were hit with a sack of presents who
the newsman said ‘in part 2 of our news-’ AND THERE’S A PART 2 OF THE SPECIAL EYYYY ;D
miles and mika transformed to applause! :D
punk bose thinks taco tuesday is the best holiday lol
english orphans are on the news WHY
HOLD UP are those the orphans from one of the previous eps???
the english boy sounds like schwoz when he’s crampus-fied lol
english girl: “percy you know i only have one lung!” ...omg
crampus is putting his hands all over the xmas sack AND IT’S SO WEIRD WTF
news lady: “now that you’ve found the sack of presents you can give them to the orphans!” ray and chapa don’t sound too thrilled with that...
it’s 8:28 pm when ray and chapa are at the news station NOT A LOT OF TIME LEFT TO SAVE SANTA!!!
the news people, orphans and crampus with energy drinks: “TACO TUESDAY LIFE!!” news guy: “LIFE SPELLED WITH A Y!!!” ray chapa GET THESE GUYS BACK FAST!!!!!!
aaand it didn’t work :/
news guy: “looks like this story will be c-c-c-continued!!!!” indeed it will! :D
onto part 2!
the main santa lady almost sounds like nat from bob’s burgers :D
did schwoz just speak russian??
schwoz: “♬ you’re never too cool for the holidays! ♬” yay! :D
bose: “rule number sleighven-“ i thought crampus hated christmas WHY THE XMAS PUN DUDE??
schwoz gave bose a candy cane AND IT TURNED HIM BACK YAS!!!! :D
bose: “♬ i used to love these as a boy... ♬” schwoz: “♬ you’re not a man... ♬” lol :D
bose’s singing isn’t the best but schwoz is great! :D
bose is happily helping yay! :D
the magic of christmas is tossing people a wrench lol :D
did bose just say ‘i still have these gross dimples’??? DIMPLES ARE ADORABLE BOSIE
an hp ad just played TWICE IN A ROW WHYYYYY
mika and miles look great as santa! :D
all the santas think they’re the real santa lol
real santa’s a rapper dj now lol :D
the santa lady just got a text from a 909 number is that the swellview version of 1-800?
santa lady to crampus: “who are you and what’s your number?” WOAH WOAH LADY YOU DON’T WANNA DATE THIS DUDE BRO
the lady didn’t change when crampus touched her WAS IT THE GLOVES???
mika used her shouting powers on crampus AND HE’S IN HIS UNDIES GROSS CRAMP :(
the santa lady likes crampus’ max body spray WHY LADY????
the into for this ep is 7 and a half minutes in and this is more like it! :D
i skipped the intro last time BUT IT’S AN XMAS THEMED ONE YAS!!!! :D
ray: “outta the way poor people santa just got his christmas bag!!” ray stop
also the card for ray’s actor appeared when he spoke cool :D
...no he’s just being ray
santa lady: “why do i get thrown through a door at this party every year?’ either you’re drunk or you just like slamming yourself through doors???
schwoz calls crampus ‘crampooss’ and it’s just his accent but it’s super funny :D
bose: “things can’t get worse!” news guy: “things just got a whole lot better...” bose: “see?” news lady: “for CRAMPUUUSSSSSS!!!!” bose: “...they got me.” lol silly bose! :D
crampus’ message is ‘rap, rock, love and CHRISTMAS HATE’
schwoz called italy ‘itallee’ lol :D
the world wide news anchors are just the swellview ones with accents lol :D
bose sees all those anchors being infected AND ALL HE WANTS IS A RUSSIAN HAT
oh hello ray
ray: “why didn’t anyone tell me lake swellview was frozen?” chapa: “,,,it’s december.” lol :D
bose called the infected people ‘crampas’ lol :D
schwoz pronounces christmas ‘christmuss’ :D
they have to go to the abandoned mall OMGGG!!!!!!!!!
the kids really don’t want ray to take a coal bath
crampus called the santa lady ‘babe’ ARE THEY A THING????
santa: “can i get nexties for a massage?” ...nexties?
YO the lady has cardboard cutouts of bts in her bathroom YOU’RE NOT DAN AND PHIL WITH THE 1D PIC
909 reminds me of ‘one after 909′ and that’s a lot better than this place!
bose got ‘ultra dark sick glasses’ OH NOES
miles is still standing GO MILES!!!!! :D
crampus said he and miles could be friends awww :)
...did crampus just say ‘your call t-mobile’
santa lady: “oh god THEY’RE FIGHTING OVER ME :D’ no they’re fighting for the other santa MS LADY
ray cried at KUNG FU PANDA????
maybe ray can give his jet ski to crampus to redeem him
ray said ‘oh gross that’s mine’ to miles’ (and my) suggestion :/
mika says muffled things and ray completely understands her lol :D
OMG CRAMPUS IS BACK!!! and he kind of looks like henry??
the hp ad played but the 2nd one had text this time so that’s cool i guess?
santa still doesn’t remember oh noes :o
bose could lift the sleigh and miles could teleport to different houses AND CHAPA IS RUDOLLLLLPHHHH!!!!!
bose said the ‘guide my sleigh tonight’ to mika lol :D
christmas is ‘taco tuesday’ but better :D
the kids are great as santa
miles: “merry christmas you filthy animals!” ooh home alone reference
a button down shirt and a ball made the news anchors transform back aww :D
all 7 members of bts are next omg why can’t it be blackpink
and mika is still muffled
crampus looks like freddy mercury
and he’s with ray and santa! :D
that was a fun christmas special and it’ll certainly be a classic! what a way to end 2020 livewatches! :)
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