#but now im motivated
xatsperesso · 1 year
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Sleepover: Gambling edition
It all started with a knock on the door, with a lot of demon children hanging out, and with three adults diligently watching over them.
The atmosphere was kind of tense, and for good reasons at that. Lied took a glance at the adults in the room, and scooted over to where iruma was sitting.
"Hey," he whispered to Iruma, loud enough that the rest of the class will hear, but the adults on the other side of the room won't "Not that I mind or anything, but why are Kalego-sensei and Balam-sensei at the sleepover?"
"Why am I here again?" a very tired Kalego asked Opera who all but kidnapped him into the kids little party. He imagines Shichiro was also kidnapped by their senpai too.
"Last time Iruma held a party it got a little out of hand, so I brought you here-" Kalego snorted at that. "Brought" like he isn't here against his will "-to help me keep this one in check"
"Ah, but Sullivan-sama told me that he wanted me here to help you relax a bit , Opera-senpai" Kalego whipped his head so fast he swore he heard a crac.
"Did you just say that you willingly came here??"
"Well, that sucks," Lied sighed at Iruma answer. "Last time was a mistake! we didnt know that it was supposed to be diluted!"
"You knew and yet you drank it"
Iruma had to agree with what Lied says. It is a bit awkward with the adults being here. There's no rowdy talking or friends daring eachother, they're all just awkwardly trying to quietly make conversation
Except for Jazz, whos's looking very thoughtfully at the adults.
"What are you thinking about, Jazz-kun?" Everyone in the room (except for Kalego-sensei and Balam-sensei, who seem to be having a very lively conversation) turned to look at Jazz.
"Well, I've been thinking," he quickly threw a glance at Kalego-sensei before moving to the centre and lowering his voice even further "isn’t it kinda unfair that the teachers get to gamble over which of us is dating, but we don't?" If anyone wasn't interested before, then they sure are now.
"I bet some of the teachers are dating each other. They all seem pretty close to each other" Allocer nodded as everyone scootched even closer to better hear each other.
"Woah woah wo-" Everyone quickly shushed Lied as to not grab their unwanted companies attention (unfortunately, several kids collectively shushing one of them is very suspicious to not watch closely)
"Sorry!" Lied whispered sheepishly "but are we seriously going to gossip about this in front of them?"
"True. We're going to need someway to distract them while the others places their bets" the second Kerori uttered the word 'bet', a very excited smile carved it's way through every demon's face (ah, purson thinks, this is what everyone felt during the music festival)
"But who knows how to distract Kalego-sensei, Balam-sensei and Opera-sensei?"
Collectively, all the young demons looked at a very not ready Iruma.
"They’re planning something"
"Kalego-kun, let the kids play. We're just here to make sure they don't injure themselves"
"Or drink too much, mess up the house beyond recognition and pass out leaving me to deal with thirteen teenagers having their first hangover"
"...that too"
"I mean, they all seem to watch me intensely whenever I use my spell to float, so maybe that?"
"Alright," Lied took the pencil and paper he asked from clara a second ago "since we all don't have money right now, and because some of you don't trust me-"
"You still haven't paid me back-"
"We're all going to write our bets down here. Do you want to write yours down before your very important mission, Soldier Iruma?"
"What?!" Azz exclaimed very loudly, and right behind him Iruma shook his head showing everyone that he doesn't want to place a bet
"How dare you suggest that Iruma-sama would participate in such cheap-"
"Do you have any bets to place, Azz?" Lied asked, handing the notebook to Azz mainly to spare his ears from one of Azz-kun's lengthy lectures
"Kalego-sensei is married to his work" Azz said with a serious face.
"Ooo! Me too, me too! I think-"
"Guys!" Ix clapped her hand to grab everyone's attention.
"Didn't Iruma want to show us the trick he's been working on?" She continued loudly, to allow the adults to clearly hear what she's saying
"Oh, yeah!" Iruma’s face lit up, as he quietly cast the spell and his body kept rising and rising, far away from hus friends so they would be out of the view of anyone who’s watching him, while Azz-kun and Sabro-kun stood below him in case he fell.
As Kalego watched Iruma floating further and further away from the ground, a question popped into his head.
"Why doesn't Iruma ever use his wings?"
Balam and Opera both slowly turned their heads, one looking at Kalego cautiously while the other looked exasperatedly.
"Kalego..humans don't have wings" now it was kalego's turn to slowly turn his head to his friends
"Yeah," all three adults jumped at a very quiet Purson appearing from nowhere "they also don't have horns or tails"
"Oh yeah," Balam looked at Purson, remembering a very embarrassing week "Purson also knows of Iruma’s nature"
Opera looked at Balam with shock. Their ears were flat against their head as he asked a question they very much feared the answer of.
"How, how many demons know?"
"Know what?" For the second time, the adults were startled this time by Gaap's appearance.
"That Iruma is an imaginary being" Purson answered
"That Iruma’s a human? I'm not sure about Azz and Clara, but I've figured it out during our first year so surely they have"
"Mhmm. By the way, why are you here and not with them?"
"Ah, right! Kerori had an idea for you, Purson!" The little demon quickly whispered to his classmate's ear before both of them went to join the rest of the class.
Kalego pinched his nose and let out a sigh as he foresaw the amount of headache this will cause him.
"We're gonna have to find out who knows of the boy's nature and who doesn't"
"How long have you two known?"
"Kalego discovered it last week, and I've known since the first year"
"...I'm going to have to relay this information to Sullivan-sama" Opera sighed as they watched Iruma descending carefully back to his friends. Sadly, they missed Iruma’s new trick. They’re going to have to ask Iruma-kun to perform it later so they can get a chance to see it.
"Robin-sensei and Kalego-sensei will obviously win!"
"Are you blind?! Kalego-sensei and Balam-sensei know each other since school! Plus, Robin-sensei is obviously with Orias-sensei!"
"I don't care as long as we all agree that Dali-sensei and Suzy-sensei are completely a thing"
"Are you kidding me?! There's no way Suzy-sensei would ever-"
"Hey, Iruma!" Lied waved at Iruma as he quickly floated towards Iruma "we still need more time. Do you know more ways to distract them?"
"Well, I know opera always watches anyone who plays with the hell-kitties like a hawk" Lied snorted, causing Iruma to tilt his head in confusion which Lied quickly waves away (he can’t believe anyone at this age still calls Infernal cats hell-kitties)
"I'm on it" Agares sped past them towards the two cats laying around on the fluffy carpet, adn proceeded to throw himself facedown on the floor, waiting for the cats to lay on him.
In less than a minute, Opera was watching a sleeping Agares who has two purring cats batting playfully at his hair.
"...alright, I didn't get to ask him if he want to bet or not but whatever. Do you know how else to distract them?"
"Hmm, oh! Clara, can you make chainsaws that can't actually hurt?"
"Of course! I can make them like rubber or plastic or-ooh! I can make chainsaw balloons that works!"
"Yes! Those will do great! Does anyone know how to juggle?"
"I do!" Gaap excitedly ran to them, happy that he gets to show his juggling skills
"Can you juggle chainsaws?" That seemed to make Gaap pale a little
"I-I can try?" Iruma beamed at his friend which helped soothe the poor scared boy
"Great!" Iruma took six balloon chainsaws from Clara, Gaap has never been more relieved to see a balloon, and handed three to Gaap "can you help me start them before we juggle? Oh, and let's go juggle over there"
"Is there anything else I need to know about Iruma?" Kalego knew that he should’ve picked up Balam's books on humans, but he was swept with correcting so many assignments that he didn't have any chance to read anything else (he should stop doubling the abnormal class's homework)
"You do know that he's a human, right sensei?" Kalego should really stop being startled by these hellions, or better yet should stop talking about Iruma all together around them (since when can these kid's sneak up on him?)
"Sabro, why do you know this?" A tired Kalego asked
"During our flying test Iruma told me that he healed the leaders leg using his blood, so I did some research on that and found out" That grabbed Opera's attention from the sleeping teens and the cats
"Pardon me, but how did Iruma get injured?"
"He went through the cutthroat valley-wait" something in the back of Kalego’s mind kept nagging at him that something's wrong
"Kalego," Balam's worried voice called him "did Iruma participate in the flying race last year?"
Ah, this is what was nagging Kalego.
"Kalego-IRUMA!" Everyone suddenly looked at Iruma, who was juggling chainsaws with Goemon?!
Sure, Iruma and Gaap got lectured for thirty minutes over safety, common sense and what acceptable pranks to pull, but it was really fun juggling the balloon chainsaws. They actually brought Iruma so many memories.
And surely his classmates are all done-
"I just feel like Suzy-sensei and Raim-sensei would make such a cute couple!"
"And you're willing to bet actual money because of a feeling?"
"I bet Ifrit-sensei and Marbas-sensei are together"
"They're literally wearing wedding rings no one would bet against you on that one"
"So I'm gonna win the bet!"
"That's not how bets work, dumbass!"
"Are you sure this is what you want to bet on, Azz-kun?"
"There’s literally no one who would voluntarily put up with him"
So, they’re still not done.
But Iruma saw Jazz handing money to Purson, which puzzled him. He thought they were gonna write down their bets and hand over the money to the winners directly?
"Hey, Lied-kun," he looked over to a very sulking Lied who's playing in his ds alone on a bean bag "why are they giving money to Purson?"
"Apparently!" Lied threw his arms in the air as he huffed annoyingly "Purson is a much more trust worthy demon than I am!"
"I'll trust you with my money when you pay me back!"
"And I'll pay you back when I have money!"
"You literally bought three new games two days ago"
"Anyways," Lied turned to look at Iruma "they're still not done, so we're going to need some more time"
"Well, if I pull anymore stunts they might actually ground me, but maybe Sabro could tap dance? I saw him do it once and he's very good at it! What do you think, Sabro?"
"Sure, I don't have any bets to place anyway. A cool demon king doesn't place bets on people's love life"
Sabro walked to the centre of the room. He crossed his arms, and jumped into the air clacking his heels three times.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look curiously at what Sabro is doing. He turned to look at his classmates and yelled at the top of his lungs "CHOOSE A SONG!"
"Gyari's new single!" A very excited Kerori screamed
Sabro smiled viciously as Iruma played the song on the room's speaker, and Sabro started dancing. He captivated everyone with his dancing, except for Purson who went around the room asking the demons what they bet on.
"Woah. He really is good" Lied exclaimed, before a very curious question popped into his mind
"Hey, Iruma, how did you learn how to juggle chainsaws?"
"I used to do it at the circus when I was young! But they insisted I use real chainsaws, I almost lost a finger that one time!" Iruma laughed at the fun memories before continuing to watch Sabro who's footwork was starting to get really intense.
Lied was left to watch Iruma in horror as he digested what was just said to him.
"He really is good at this" Balam mused as he continued watching Sabro smoothly dance to the peak of the song
"He is," Kalego commented, watching Sabro a second longer before turning to Balam "Do you know anyone else who knows about Iruma?"
"I know of Iruma’s nature, if that's what you mean, sensei" Kalego closed his eyes and took a deep breath, because really, he should have expected this. At this point it'd be better if he asked who doesn't know.
"And how, pray tell, do you know?" He turned to look at Caim, the fourth person to admit that he knows that Iruma is a human (after this is all done he's gonna have a talk with Iruma this is truly getting ridiculous)
"I was having a chat with Jazz's familiar and he told me that Jazz has been stressing over what to do with such sensitive information" at this point Balam is just trying his hardest not to laugh at Kalego's tired face. He does feel sorry for Opera though. They don't seem to be taking all of this information too well.
"And how does Jazz know??" It's getting too hard not to laugh at Kalego. He shouldn’t laugh at his friend's suffering, but it's just so funny.
"Iruma accidently told him at the last slumber party when he drank too much relax juice"
"Told me what?"
"That he's a human"
"Ah, yeah that. I'm cool with that and all but he told me when he was drunk, you know?"
Opera is just looking sadly at the ground. All this time they've been going under tye assumption that only they, the chairman and Bachiko know of Iruma’s origins. Are they really fit to be called Iruma’s bodyguard if they can't keep track of who knows his most intimate secret?
"By the way, sensei wants to know who else knows"
"Knows what?" Allocer asked Caim curiously, much to Kalego’s chargin
"That Iruma’s a human" and with each kid coming closer, curious as to why their classmates are surrounding their teachers
"Wait, didn't we agree that we won't talk about this until Iruma tells us himself?" Kalego felt his patience running thin
"Talk about what?" Until he just snapped
"Alright!" His voice boomed across the room, startling all the younglings in the room (serves them right for almost stopping his heart multiple times)
"How many of you brats know of Iruma’s nature?!" He screamed at the twelve demons in front of him, and to his annoyance, Balam's amusement, and Opera's Alarm, almost all the kids raised their arm, save for two very confused demon's and one mortified human.
"Iruma-chi's nature?" Clara asked, feeling very left out as she saw that almost all her friends knew something about Iruma that she doesn't.
"Excuse me, but what do you mean by this statment, Kalego-sensei?" Azz felt embarrassment as he asked this question, because almost everyone knows what sensei means except for him! And it's a question about Iruma-sama! How does he not know?
"You know, that Iruma’s a human" Gaap said, unaware of the dumbfounded looks Azz and Clara are throwing him, nor the fact that Iruma’s near tears "I apologise, Iruma-kun, for not informing you that we know sooner, but we thought it'd be better if we waited until you trusted us enough with this information"
"...what?" Azz and Clara asked very, very quietly as everyone in the room slowly realized that Azz and Clara, tha two demons that are glued to Iruma at the hip, are the only ones who don't know.
"Huh?!" Poor stunned Iruma doesn't know how to deal with the fact that all of his classmates mow know of his identity.
He really doesn't knows what to do now?
Deep in the castle, Sullivan sits alone in his room contemplating whether it'd be better to let the youth have fun on their own or if he can go and join them.
He really wants to have a slumber party with Iruma, it's not fair that Opera and his friends get to be there and he doesn't! So not fair!
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damian-lil-babybat · 18 days
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'Dead Poets Society' gang
Headcanon that these four drop poetry and literature quotes on their conversations unprompted.
Jason 'English-major-I-only-visit-the-manor-for-the-library' Todd-Wayne
Damian 'I-master-liberal-arts-unlike-you-plebs-PHD-holder' al Ghul-Wayne
Cassandra 'I-learn-English-thru-Shakespeare-as-god-intended' Cain-Wayne
Duke 'only-title-holder-of-vigilante-poet-and-will-cuss-you-just-as-poetically' Thomas-(future) Wayne
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ziggystqrdust · 1 month
h&m // zero to heroes & baddies who break their hearts by being a great actress n actor (that megara betrayal reveal was so iwajag)
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how rich do u have to be to have that much purple on ur clothes in 21 bce
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anyways i love how most fish out of water stories for boys is because theyre sons of god or smth but when it comes to girls it’s because theyre actually the spawn of the devil like😭
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halfmoonstruck · 2 months
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accumulated enough abandoned wips to dump them in a post again
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that1notetaker · 2 months
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Im calling this au Time doesn't care for Waltzes, in which the prophecy got foretold and a lot of nothing happened for a very long time save for the slow-going, totally not on purpose, yet still ongoing extintion of the lambs. A thousand years later, Narinder and The Lamb meet and Heket knows how to keep a secret.
My askbox is open. If you have questions, it might help keep the story going.
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soranker · 11 months
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vash life drawings hosted by zeet studio sketch!!!🤞🤞🤞
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tullecake · 1 month
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some silly metal doodles because i looooove them ^^
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hiekka · 3 months
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fuck everything else i just drew him with semi-consistent features also this is the immediate aftermath of the last sketch i posted
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sad-leon · 4 months
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(good future) Finding Home Pride edition <3
Trans Leo pride is something I see a lot, but personally, FH Leo wouldn't celebrate his gender. He grew up around Gali, who went through a lot of gender struggles, especially in his younger years, and with the brothers being so accepting, it's just another part of his life
But his lack of romantic attraction? That's something that stands out to him. He sees the brothers with their own attractions and crushes and such and realizes he stands out. He's different. But that's okay because he's still him and he's still valid
anyways~ it's pride month, which means i get to be even more annoying about aro pride ^-^
that final shot without text:
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hyakunana · 10 months
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The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
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nocek · 4 months
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A little continuation in my Gabriella lives au that already happened here and here.
So my another little headcanon, besides that Miguel is awkwardly attempting here to sorta adopt Gwen and is trying to figure out how to convince her to go back to school, is the night routine.
So Miguel (who read too many parenting guides* to catch up quickly and not fuck up this precious child) strongly believes in leading by example. So since he wants Gabriella to have good sleeping habits after her nightly routine he also goes to sleep at sensible hour. But he can't sleep through whole night so when he wakes up at ungodly hour he does some light work not to wake up her.
Then he prepares breakfast and bento (he totally had to learn to cook, you can't convince me otherwise) and with time he started having a little fun with it and then it became kinda hobby. It helps him wind down so that after he sends Gabriella to school he is actually able to take an extra 1-2 hour nap.
(* as in parenting guides for child of Gabriella age, totally clueless what to do with a traumatized teenager but after the denial he probably will do the homework)
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tringstarruuu · 1 year
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✦🌹 Wild Rose 🌹✦ ============ PRINTS
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eldritchparasol · 1 year
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california-112 · 22 days
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I get to put my arms around you. Both of 'em.
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samwise1548 · 11 months
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[ID: Four sequential drawings of Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives as an orange cat.
Panel 1) A closeup of Martin's face sniffing a blue bowl of steaming brown liquid.
Panel 2) Martin moves his head back from the bowl and thinks "Wow this smells nice! But how do I eat it?" Jonathan Sims, out of frame, says "It's just broth. Sorry, I don't have any proper cat food."
Panel 3) Martin looks up at Jon, now partially in frame, and tries to say "Jon, you forgot the spoon." But all that comes out is a small "mew".
Panel 4) A closeup of Martin's shocked face as the realization strikes him. He thinks internally "Crap I forgot I'm a cat!!"
\End ID]
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cold1dead1eyes · 1 year
i love caretakers who used to be whumpees. a caretaker that’s covered in scars, who screams themself awake at night, who sees the marks on whumpee and has to look away because it’s too familiar.
and nobody else knows. caretaker is so put together, nobody would expect it, but whumpee can tell. they see the fear in caretaker’s eyes when whumpee talks about what whumper did to them. how sometimes they flinch when they’re touched. how they wake up shaking and covered in sweat, reaching out in a panic to shove their blankets off.
still, caretaker tries to be strong for whumpee. they know how it feels to be hurt and they want to be there for them, even though they still haven't gotten over their own trauma.
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