#but now my brains is just like hey man. why d- why don't we just like. sit here
Sonadow Incorrect Quotes 🖤💙
Sonic: I like your new pants!  Shadow: Thanks, they were 50% off!  Sonic: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*  Shadow: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.  Sonic: Thats’s… not what I meant.  Shadow: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Sonic.
Sonic: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?  Shadow: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Shadow: What do you want to be for Halloween?  Sonic: Yours.  Shadow: Shadow: …yeah, that would be pretty scary.
Sonic: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?  Shadow: Whatever bitch, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.  Sonic: Yeah, that's the point shithead!
Shadow: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...  Sonic: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?  Shadow: Holy moly-
Sonic: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Shadow!  Shadow: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Shadow: Look, last night was a mistake.  Sonic: A sexy mistake.  Shadow: No, just a regular mistake.
Sonic: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?  Shadow: Nope, there's 26.  Sonic: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.  Shadow: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.  Sonic: You'll get the D later ;). Shadow: …
Shadow: Well, it finally happened. Rouge and Omega: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*  Shadow: That's right... We kissed.
meanwhile with sonic:
Sonic: Well, Shadow and I finally did it!  Tails, Amy and Knuckles: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*  Sonic: That's right... We fu-!
Shadow: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.  Sonic: That's great, Shadow. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Sonic: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?  Shadow: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Sonic: How do I tell Shadow that I want him to yell at me like he’s Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Shadow: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.  Sonic: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Sonic: Are you trying to seduce me?  Shadow: Why, are you seducible?
Sonic: Are you sure Shadow's even gay? He’s only looked at me for 5 hours.
Sonic: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!  Shadow: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.  Sonic: Stop.
Sonic: Shadow is playing hard to get.  Sonic: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Shadow: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.  Sonic: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*  Shadow: That one. I want that one.
Shadow: We both look very handsome tonight.  Sonic: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."  Shadow: I couldn't take that chance.
Sonic: Shadow and I are no longer friends.  Shadow: SONIC THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Waiter: What would you like?  Sonic: Bring a milkshake with two straws.  Shadow: ??? Sonic: *puts both straws in his mouth* Watch how fast I can drink this!! Shadow: I am married to a man, with the brain of a 5 year old child.
Shadow: Wow, they really hate us.  Sonic: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic.  Shadow: But we’re not gay, Sonic.  Sonic: Shadow: Sonic: We’re not?
Shadow: Wow, Sonic, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.  Sonic: We literally slept together yesterday.  Shadow: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Sonic: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—  Shadow: We’re married.
Shadow: How much did you spend on this date?  Sonic: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
(thank god shadows immortal then 💀🙌)
Shadow: *angrily presses Sonic against a wall* WHERE'S THE CHAOS EMERALD?!  Sonic: ...  Sonic: Are we about to kiss-
Shadow: Go fuck yourself.  Sonic, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch
Sonic: My hands are cold.  Shadow: Here, let me hold them.  Sonic: My lips are cold too.  Shadow: *covers Sonic's mouth with their hand*
Sonic, throwing his head into Shadow's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!  Shadow, lovingly stroking Sonic’s quills with a demonic smile: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Shadow: I feel like doing something stupid.  Sonic: I’m stupid, do me.
Sonic: This date is boring!  Shadow: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.  Sonic: Then why did you invite me?  Shadow: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Shadow I'll do whatever I want!
Sonic: You look good in that hoodie.  Shadow: You know where else I'd look good?  Sonic, zero hesitation: My bed.  Shadow, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
*Sonic comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Shadow’s bedroom.*  Shadow: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?  Sonic: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a boyfriend called Shadow.  Sonic: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*  Shadow: ... Why do I do this to myself.
Sonic: Shadow and I are no longer dating.  Shadow: Sonic, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Sonic: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.  Shadow: Aren't you forgetting something?  Sonic: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Shadow's forehead before running out.*  Shadow: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Shadow: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?  Sonic: It was autocorrect.  Shadow: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?  Sonic: Yes.
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keeps-ache · 2 years
technically, i'm better now! woo!! but my bones say no, ykno?
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oxymorayuri · 2 months
❞𝐍𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬❝
Part four
If you haven't read the first part yet, you can find it here or the storys masterlist. ♡♡♡
✦ Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Reader ✦ Warnings: language, suggestive ✦ Spoiler: talking about dressrosa and doflamingo
A/N: I don't know why but I've been listening non stop to 50 Cent - Ayo Technology ft. Justin Timberlake when I was writing lol.
wordcount: 2743
tagging: @lazyninjatheorist - @sassyyassi
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Without knocking, you barge into Ace's room. You have completed the preparations and drawn up a rough plan. Now all you need to do is discuss the matter with Ace. To your surprise, he doesn't seem to be in his room, as there is no sign of Ace.
Strange. Marco said he was in his room… It seems he was mistaken.
Just before you were about to reach for the doorknob to go out, the bathroom door opened behind you. You turn around and see the dark haired man coming out of the steaming bathroom with a towel around his waist. He doesn't even notice you because he's rubbing his hair dry with another towel.
When you clear your throat, he freezes and rips the towel off his head, grinning broadly when he sees you.
"Hey y/n what's up?" He puts the towel around his neck and stands casually in front of you. You're a little distracted by the sight of him. A few drops of water roll down his muscles… You take a deep breath and close your eyes quickly.
This is nothing you haven't seen before, girl…
"Get dressed and come to my room, we have something to discuss." And without letting him answer, you walk out of his room.
If you had looked at him again, you would have gone insane. Even if it was only for a moment, the sight of him has carved itself into your brain. The way his wet black hair fell and clung to his face and neck. The towel that was just barely on his hips but so deep that you could clearly see his waistline. His slightly reddened face… he must have had a hot shower.
Mhmhm.. Having a soaking.. hot shower with Ace? You bet that would be fucking enjoyable…
You bite your lower lip and grin to yourself as you make your way back to your room. You don't even recognize yourself, since when do you only think about sex? But you can't stop having these thoughts about him either.
"Why are you grinning so stupidly to yourself? That's scary, stop it y/n…" Marco nudges you lightly with his shoulder, so you look up at him.
"Nothing…" you say with a convincing voice but Marco watches you warily. You walk quietly across the deck side by side, his gaze stern on your face and he snorts a little. You stop and put your hands lightly in the air, like; what's your problem, dumbass?
He turns to face you. His gaze is getting on your nerves… He always looks like that when he knows you've done something wrong or are hiding something. You cross your arms, if he wants to get on your nerves, let him talk.
"I saw you come out of Ace's room…" He raises his eyebrows and approaches you.
"You told me he was in his room. I asked you where he was or have you already forgotten, duh?" You roll your eyes. His interrogation is poor... He looks at you a little surprised.
"Come on y/n, you know what I'm referring to…" - "Nah, no clue what you're talking about." Bored, you look down at your fingernails.
"You like him, admit it." he points his finger at you. The question annoys you. Why does he even care?
"So what?" you put one arm on your hip. Is he being a big brother now? Watch out, soon comes the love talk…
"AHA, I knew it!" he raises his other hand and points both fingers at you, making you laugh.
"Listen, Ace is a really good guy, but if he's mean to you, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll help you sort it out…" you snort a little and shake your head, putting your hand on your arm. There it was the love talk...
"You know, Ace wasn't the problem…" you look around slightly anxious, to see if anyone could hear and continue quietly. "…It was me."
"You?" He leans back a little surprised.
"Yes, me…" you look around in panic because he was getting a bit too loud.
"Listen, now is not a good time. I'll explain later, but right now I have to get back. I just wanted to pick up Ace to discuss the plans for Dressrosa but he just got out of the shower…" You falter a little as you remember the sight of him… Marco misunderstands your facial expression and reacts with disgust.
"Ughh save me the details…" You give him a mean look
"It wasn't like that at all! I just briefly told him to get dressed and come to my room… That's it!!!" You're still not that convincing in Marco's eyes.
"Still, you were grinning quite obviously to yourself…"
You groan in annoyance.
"Fine! I was grinning because Ace was standing in front of me in a TOWEL… and I just had to think about that. Happy?!" - "Ah no stop!" He puts his hands over his eyes as if to protect himself from the pictures.
"It's your own fault!" Stubbornly, you stride past him and flee to your room.
You close the door behind you and take a deep breath. You actually have other things to do right now than deal with something like this.
On your desk, you spread out a map of Dressrosa and pin a few locations of interest. You have kept a neat notebook of your travels. You wrote down everything your ears could pick up, even if it had nothing specifically to do with your mission, but based on your experience, it might come in handy again.
You don't know much about Dressrosa itself, only that Doflamingo is the king. But what you do know about Doflamingo is, that he is said to be the man behind the name 'Joker' and runs the black market in various ways. You had heard people talking about it, apparently customers, and their words matched Doflamingo perfectly.
Whitebeard became aware of him through one of your reports from Alabasta. As mentioned, your ears are everywhere… If it turns out that he is the broker, you should know about it. It could be a chance to eliminate an important role in the world. Before, there was only the name, a character who supplies your enemies with resources. Now you have a suspect, so you have to turn Dressrosa upside down.
But it's a difficult game. First you have to find out where it all goes down as well as discover all players involved.
You look intently at your little notes. That's going to be a bit difficult. Where should you start? You don't have a single contact in the area.
You try to remember what people said about the King of Dressrosa… He is said to be quite extravagant and a man of pleasure. He's also one of the seven Shichibukai and works with the World Government… The world government doesn't like you guys but you also have your ways to maintain your control and this time your mission is to gain control of the black market, to destroy it.
You are responsible for gathering enough information to get the upper hand and then Whitebeard sends out his divisions.
The sickening face of Doflamingo appears before your eyes. He seems to be doing a good job as king and Dressrosa is a popular destination for spring and summer…
After meeting him only a few times, you are certain that he is in fact a horrible tyrant. He is an unpredictable and dangerous man. You'll have to be careful since you don't have any insiders…
A knock on the door brings you out of your thoughts.
"Come in." you call to Ace and turn to the wall where your pinboard is. There you've put up all the 'family members' with their most important details and you consider who could be a serious threat.
He steps in front of your desk and examines your detailed and neat plan. Small notes are attached to the map, where the important places are pinned.
"I see we have a lot to discuss." You turn around with your hand on your chin.
"We'll be busy for a while… I'm very sure he's the broker." You present him a report of the shipping traffic, from Dressrosa. Ships from many different kingdoms dock and stay for only a few days at most. Passenger ships dock and there are always far less passengers arriving than the ship could accommodate. Ace runs through the digits and you can see in his face how he compares the numbers.
"I agree with you about the ships of the other kingdoms, the length of stay is suspiciously short… but long enough to make a deal… but the passenger ships?" He looks up from the document at you.
"Slave trade." you say confidently, pointing to a line in the report.
"According to the ship's blueprint, it can carry 25 passengers, but strangely enough, only 20 tickets are sold per day…" - "You're pretty good at this shit…" Ace grins at you with his signature smile.
"I know that's only two things, but I suspect Doflamingo is running his trades on Dressrosa and Father wants us to confirm that and gather enough information to take him down." - "That would get some big enemies off our backs, looking at the list of countries…" You put your hands on the table and smile at him with satisfaction. Ace has a keen eye… There are some annoying enemies, of the Whitebeard pirates, on the list…
"Considering the fact that these countries frequently dock in Dressrosa, they seem to do a regular trade. If Doflamingo is taken down, that will be the end of them too."
"I like the sound of this… What are we going to do first?" You turn to the overview of the members of the Donquixote family.
"We should gather information about all the opponents in the area and find out who we really should avoid." Ace stands next to you to read through the notes relating to the members.
"There were places marked on your map, what are they?" You both turn back to the table and your shoulders touch. Your eyes are focused on the map and you point your finger at two dots on the outer edge of the map
"These are the two public harbors and we will dock at one of them after we arrive with a passenger ship." - "You want to go on a passenger ship?" he looks down at you in surprise. "Yes, of course. Being conspicuous is usually the least obvious, isn't it?" you grin playfully at him.
"Being undercover doesn't just mean operating in the background, it means infiltrating. We board the ship on another island as normal passengers and travel to Dressrosa for our honeymoon… remember?"
You smile at him. Ace certainly didn't think you'd be fine with Whitebeard's suggestion, but it's a pretty safe move per se. After all, you don't have any allies there to make it easier for you to get into the country. The fact that you're posing as a newly married couple is something new for you, but it's actually a pretty good cover.
"We have to dress up and act like a natural couple, of course, and for the sake of the mission, I'm prepared to act accordingly." You've already slipped into every role and fooled people. As a woman, you have your very own tricks. Men are so easy to influence when the right woman is sitting in front of him. You're used to getting close to men and playing your role. As soon as they eat out of your hand, you shoot their back.
Since you're a good actress, your feelings for Ace won't stop you from doing a great job.
"Oho, you're ready to act accordingly?" He leans down slightly but you don't move a bit.
"So does that mean we might be kissing?" Despite your smile, you furrow your eyebrows a little. He's naughty.
"Depends on the situation, of course." You remain professional, but even your cool manner doesn't discourage Ace. He's obviously staring at your lips. When you start to speak, he quickly looks you in the eye.
"Since I'm a fan of a good show, I've also chosen a good place for us to hide." You look at the map.
"The spot next to the Coloseum is a hotel. This hotel is famous for being romantic. It's known to be constantly booked out for newlyweds or couples…" - "The famous Hotel Mirabell???!" he looks at you, a little shocked, as he reads the name on the note under the pin.
"Are you somehow filthy rich?" He grabs the note to check whether he might have misread it, but it's true. The luxury Hotel Mirabell is the most popular hotel of all. You toss your hair back arrogantly.
"You know Ace, I've stolen from quite a few people in the casinos of Alabasta over the last few years…" He interrupts you because he bursts out laughing.
"I have to say that's pretty impressive. You're one hell of a pickpocket if you can afford a hotel room like that!" You blush and try to hide behind your hand, but Ace stops you. Without putting up a fight, you let him do his thing and show your flustered side.
"The Mirabell Hotel has a casino, I bet we could meet some important guests there since it's popular with the royalty… besides that, you should teach me a few tricks on robbing people…" - "Some other time, but not on Dressrosa. That's too risky. If we get caught, we can pack our bags straight away because our identity will be exposed." Your mind is back on your mission. As tempting as it sounds to hit the casinos with Ace, you should keep your hands off the gambling and rather observe.
"Too bad, but you're in command."
You discuss a few more details for a while… On which island you will take the passenger ship to Dressrosa, how you will dress up and what you should do for the first few days. After it's been quiet for a while, you realize how late it is.
Ace lies on your sofa with your notes and studies their details and your eyes meet from time to time. Ace doesn't mind when you catch him looking at you and gives one of those little smirks. Although he irritates you so much, you refuse to get flustered.
You close your notebook with a dull sound and get up from your desk. You think you've planned everything you need to do and, as it's quite late, want to snuggle up in your warm bed.
"Hey Ace, it's getting late, we should stop now and go to bed," you say as you grab your sleeping clothes from your closet.
"Oh is it that late already?" he looks out of the window in surprise. It's already pitch black.
"I think we've done enough and should present the plan tomorrow to Dad and start the mission." You change behind a room divider and come out in your sleeping clothes. Ace's eyes follow you as you walk past him in just a shirt that barely covers your ass. You wait for him at your bedroom door and Ace says his goodbyes, wishing you nice dreams.
"Sweet dreams to you too, Ace." He looks you up and down, your shirt is short enough to tickle his imagination.
"Thanks, I'm surely going to have them."
His brazen response makes your face flush and you slam the door before your face turns completely red.
But Ace, who is still standing in front of your door, has indeed seen the blush on your face. He can tell from your reaction that you like him. You're the one who's fooling herself.
He smiles to himself. The red on your cheeks suits you, he thinks it's a shame that you want to hide it so badly...
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A/N: bruh. It's 4 in the morning… why am I not tired??? I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time ♡
➽ Next chapter
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
We Don't Talk About Bruno, But It's The Delphic Family
The Discord made me do it. :3
This, predictably, is LONG. I don't often change lyrics/make up lyrics so it may be clunky in spots but. yeah :3
Song Link Here! if you'd like to listen along :3
Asteria: We don't talk about Koios, no, no, no! We don't talk about Koios... but It was my wedding day
Perses: It was our wedding day!
Asteria: We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Perses: No clouds allowed in the sky
Asteria: Koios walks in with a mischievous grin-
Perses: Thunder!
Asteria: You telling this story, or am I?
Perses: I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Asteria: Koios says, "It looks like rain"
Perses: Why did he tell us?
Asteria: In doing so, he floods my brain
Perses: Abuela, get the umbrellas
Asteria: Married in a hurricane!
Perses: What a joyous day... but anyway
Both: We don't talk about Koios, no, no, no! We don't talk about Koios!
Hecate: Hey! Grew to live in fear of Koios studying or pond'ring I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling I associate him with the sound of falling snow, hs-hs-hs It's a heavy lift, with a gift so humbling Always left Abuela and the family fumbling Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand Do you understand?
Lelantos: A seven-foot frame Snake at his back When he calls your name It all fades to black Yeah, he sees your dreams And feasts on your screams (hey!)
All: We don't talk about Koios, no, no, no! (We don't talk about Koios, no, no, no!) We don't talk about Koios (we don't talk about Koios!)
Oceanus: He told me my fish would die The next day: dead! (No, no!)
Prometheus: He told me I'd lose my gut! And just like he said... (no, no!)
Epimetheus: He said that all my recklessness would undo me, now look where we're at points at Prometheus (no, no! Hey!)
All: Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read!
Phoebe: He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine He told me that our love would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the vine... Óye, Boreas's on his way (Alder: HAHAAHAHAH)
Leto: He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach Betrothed to another It's like I hear him now
Asteria: Hey sis', I want not a sound out of you (Leto: it's like I can hear him now)
Leto: I can hear him now
Apollo, most likely: Um, Koios... Yeah, about that Koios... I really need to know about Koios... Gimmie the truth and the whole truth, Koios
Artemis: (Apollo, your boyfriend's here)
All: Time for dinner!
Lelantos: A seven-foot frame (Asteria: It was my wedding day) (Perses: It was our wedding day) Snake at his back (Asteria: we were getting ready) When he calls your name (Asteria: and there wasn't a cloud in the sky) It all fades to black (Perses: no clouds allowed in the sky!) Yeah, he sees your dreams (Asteria: Koios walks in with a mischievous grin-) And feasts on your screams (Perses: Thunder!)
Asteria: You telling this story, or am I?
Perses: I'm sorry, mi vida, go on (Phoebe: óye, Boreas's on his way)
Asteria: Koios says, "It looks like rain" (Lelantos: a seven-foot frame, snake at his back) In doing so, he floods my brain Married in a hurricane
All: He's here! Don't talk about Koios, no! (Apollo: Why did I talk about Koios?) Not a word about Koios!
Apollo: I never should've brought up Koios!
enjoy the brainrot :3
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Hi! I’m not sure if your doing requests or not but if you are can you do one where Hotch’s daughter is acting weird lately where she where’s his clothes and stuff and he just thinks that she misses him when he’s on a case but really is because his daughter is transgender and wants to be a boy but didn’t have enough confidence to come out to her dad but told all her friends and they call her a male name and she respond to it and Hotch gets all confused
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Aaron Hotchner X Trans Son Reader
Hey its been a while but here is a new oneshot!
Request: Hotch’s daughter is acting weird lately where she where’s his clothes and stuff and he just thinks that she misses him when he’s on a case but really is because his daughter is transgender and wants to be a boy but didn’t have enough confidence to come out to her dad but told all her friends and they call her a male name and she respond to it and Hotch gets all confused
I love it I need more trans readers I aill gladly write them.
Y/D/N - Ypur dead name as Hotch don't know the name you want to go by yet.
Third person pov...
Hotch is getting ready for work, as he stands in his trousers in his room he is currently searching for a shirt, it was one of his whites and couldn't find it.
Confused the man looks in the laundry bin but still couldn't find it, thinking of the last possible reason he knocks on his daughters door. "Hey Y/D/N, have you seen my white shirt?" He asks walking in to his daughters room.
The teen is on her bed reading a book, she freezes a second before Hotch sees her eyes wonder over to her wardrobe, confused the man looks over and sees a large white shirt sticking out, it was his shirt!
The man then takes thr shirt back, he folds it and looks at his daughter whos eyes don't leave her book, his face softens. "If you miss me that much just ask and I will give you something only honey" he tells her, Y/D/N just smiles trying to hide her face embarrassed she was caught.
'That's the fifth time she's taken my clothes, strange' thinks the man before going downstairs to make breakfast for his kids.
Once Hotch leaves Y/N let's put a sigh of relief his Dad didn't seen him trying kn the shirt to see how it looks. Y/N was Trans, he's known he was a boy since he was 12, now being 15 he wants to tell his dad but doesn't know how.
Sighing the boy stands up and begins getting ready for school, he wears his less girly clothes and walks out of his room and downstairs for breakfast.
"Foods on the table Y/D/N eat up we leave soon" Says Y/N dad as the Man rushes around the room tidying up Jack's mess and making sure the food wasn't burning.
Hotch takes a sip of coffee before noticing his daughters clothes, of course being a profiler he has noticed how his daughter had been acting strangely, it worried him.
He then checks the time "oh shi- come on kids time to go" he exclaims just seeing the time, once both kids are in thr car Hot h drives off thankfully he didn't have to get to work early.
He drops Jack off first then drives down to the highschool, Y/N kisse shis dad cheek then jumps out, just as Hotcb goes to tell her he loves her, the man hears one of her friends call Y/D/N another name.
"Hey Y/N!" Exclaims tbr teen making Y/N smile, Hotch sees the smile it was a genuine smile on his daughters face lately she doesn't smile as much.
"Y/N? Who's Y/N?" Mutters Hotch even his profiling brain was confused, once the man got tk work he got to searching up why his daughter was acting funny.
After an hour of going over everything he finally understands why his daughter is acting to strange. "Is she Trans?" He questions himself.
He then thinks of everything that's happened with his teen, the drastic change of clothes, the now short hair, not liking anything feminine, thr subtle flinches when called her name.
Hotch smiles "I have a trans kid" he mutters to himself smiling.
After they finish the case Hotch texts Jessica telling her he will be back soon and that she can leave to go home.
Once the man arrives home he finds his 'son' sitting at the kitchen table cup of hit chocolate in his hands very anxious expression on his face.
"Hey Bub, what's going on?" Questions Hotch making sure to not use anything feminine nicknames for them. He visibly notices them relax at the name.
Y/N taps his nails onto the cup nervous before answering, he was going to tell his dad he was trans. "Hey Dad, yeah i-can I talk to you?" He questions this made his dad serious.
The man then takes a seat infront of his child hopefully having a reassuring look on his face as he waits for them to start talking.
"Okay, so I have been thinking in telling you this for years but never knew how, but here I go I guess, I'm Trans Dad. I'm not a girl I'm a boy, I've known since I was 12 and did lot sofa research, my friends know and have helped me to be able to finally tell you." He explains all in one breath breathing deeply after trying to catch his breath back.
Hotch just smiles, he was happy his son finally came and told him himself. Hotch takes his sons shaking hands in his, this makes the teen jump red blotchy eyes look at him.
"I know Son, I did my own research at work and it all fell together, I'm proud of you for telling me and of course I love and support you I'm sure Jack would love an older brother and me another Son-" before he finishes his words he had his arms filled with his new 'Son'.
The man comforts the boy but rocking and kissing his forehead letting him cry, he must of been so worried waiting for Aaron to get home from thr case.
When he finally calmed down Y/N spoke. "I have chosen a name that I want to be called" he mutters, He feels his dad rub his back helping him relax.
"And what that Son" Says Hotch, he once again sees his sons face light up at being called 'Son' from now on the dad only wants to see that expression on his kids face.
Y/N looks down at his hands and nervously picks at his skin. "Y/N" he mutters. "Sounds great, Y/N Hotchner it is" Says Hotch.
He is then once again hugged tightly by his son he hugs back just a tight. "Anytbing else you want me to know son?" He asks the boy in his arms.
Y/N sniffles before pulling back and shuffling on his Dad's lap. "Can we change my name in the school system and tell Jack tomorrow?" Askes Y/N.
"Of course we can do that Son, and Jack will know tomorrow, we will be happy to have an older brother" Says the man, soon enough his Son had fallen asleep so he took him upstairs and tucked the boy in.
"Good night Son" he mumbles before leaving.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot I loved it as usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are Open!
Word count: 1211
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arctichotch · 11 months
hey, i saw your send request post, currently im not feeling well so can you write captain john price taking care of sick reader? also they have some cuddles, just a very fluffy fic! thank you!! :D
hey, hope you feel better soon!
(i haven't written anything in donkey's years so excuse the potential mess below)
pairing: john price x gn!reader
warnings: sickening FLUFF, sick stuff nothing gross though, short and sweet
whilst you're here check out my character list and feel free to send me more requests
You felt like your insides were on fire. That your brain was knocking on the backs of your eyes trying to bust out of the confines of your skull. You felt like a sweaty mess and judging by the looks of sympathy you got from your colleagues walking out of your office after your boss sent you home, you looked like one too.
The journey home was a total blur and you nearly collapsed onto your couch the second you got through the door, only just having enough energy to kick off your shoes. You heard the shrill ringing and buzzing of your phone dumped by the door but there was not a single part of you that felt you could go get it.
Your eyes slipped closed, and that was that. One final thought before you fell to sleep - John will not be happy that you went to work feeling unwell this morning...
The bang of your apartment door closing woke you suddenly.
Oh shit, you are definitely not in any position to even think of some of the self-defence John taught you, let alone using it.
Luckily, you heard one of your favourite sounds (although as much as the sound was appreciated, it still made your head throb.)
"Love, I'm home."
Shit, he was home. You had a vague remembrance of him letting you know he'd be home from his month long mission and having told him you'd take him out, treat him to dinner.
So much for those plans.
"M'here," You grumbled from your place on the couch. John rounded the couch into the living room turning on the lights, making you squeeze your eyes shut in an attempt to alleviate the pounding in your head. "Think m'sick."
"You look sick, yeah. This why you didn't pick up your phone, was calling you. Got worried, love." He knelt down beside you, his knees groaning at the movement.
"You shouldn't kneel like that, you'll hurt yourself, old man."
"Oi, watch it, cheeky." He placed his always freezing cold hand on your forehead. "Could fry an egg on that head of yours. Have you taken anything?"
You shook your head, burying your head into the pillow. "Okay, I'll go get some ibuprofen to try get your temperature down, then I'll get you something to eat. I assume you've not eaten anything, right?"
"What would you do without me, eh? Just wither away from the common cold." He chuckled as he moved towards the kitchen.
After he had loaded you up with ibuprofen, some toast and a whole lot of water, he set you up on the couch all tucked up with blankets and the TV loaded up with Netflix, while he took a shower (only allowed to leave after he had promised you with cuddles after he was done.)
When he came out you immediately commandeered him and his attention, snuggling up practically on top of him while watching your favourite show for the billionth time.
"I'm sorry that we couldn't do dinner. I promise this isn't just me trying to get out of paying."
He laughed, his big belly laugh that you miss every single day he is gone. "It's okay, love. I know you're really sick, poor baby."
"I feel gross and sick, and I don't want to make you sick but I really can't think of anything worse than you not being right here."
"I don't get sick, my immune system is undefeatable and you know it. You ever seen me sick, love?"
"There's always time, babe." You slipped your hand under his shirt resting it on his stomach, trying to leach some heat off him.
"You're shaking. You cold?" You nodded and he was quick to pull a blanket from the back of the couch to cover you both.
"I missed you, lots and lots." You said, just now feeling the relief of having him back safe with you.
"Missed you too, love. Hopefully got a few days off now, so I can nurse you back to health." He gave you a big sloppy kiss on your forehead, "I'll take my payment in kisses and cuddles, please. No other currency accepted."
You smiled looking up at him, "I'll see what I can work out."
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popponn · 1 month
hi dear, hru? if i could eat your theme for breakfast, lunch and dinner I'd die a happy human it's super cute and crunchy even though i forever will memorise the green themes you'll still manage to pull it off
BUT i genuinely need your opinion on bllk side characters (shidou, ness, aiku, barou and maybe karasu) rate them spell your favourite and last favourites because I'm ready to set up a chair with side of tea and listen to them rambles :3
im currently running away from deadline hello. pls don't tell them im here bae : D (i really need to lock in);;;; my love, as someone whose country is full of sour strawberries you kinda scare me. but i heard overseas strawberries are sweet tho so!!! also girl :(( im :((( wait im bad with praises but pls know i love ur themes and u especially skskdhfsf
now. to my bullshit. (please do know YOU are asking for this okay ^^) so while i put my yappings down the read more to spare some poor souls, tldr: honestly i cant really pick faves simply because my ass is indecisive as hell and i constantly switch rankings lololol and like when it comes to fictional character honestly as long as they manage to catch my eyes (whether by being amusing, complicated and so on) they are immediately an okay to me. and bllk is pretty good at making entertaining charas no matter how much of an asshole they are. so, yeah, this ranking rn is more of "what i can see from whatever spotlight was given to them and how much it makes my personal taste raises an eyebrow character-wise rn": aiku > shidou > ness = barou > karasu (give crow man more spotlight im begging)
shidou: honestly he is like. a force of nature himself. and also remember that one trivia on why he cries? yeah, that trivia honestly raise him up so much in my eyes it's kinda insane. but he is hard to write because i do n o t get him. i wish i do tho, he seems interesting and he praised isagi. already a pretty cool guy in my book, if we ignore the whole other package on the side but hey what is someone without spice. solid 8/10. the fact the first person he really kinda gets on with was sae is also hilarious. like talk about not seeing it coming. common knowledge that bllk side charas deserves more screentime bUT BOY. does this guy really deserve and need it (going back to isagi for a bit but i really want to see isagi work with types he really clashes with like shidou and reo. not even as a simp, but isg is our main pov so. like. isagi dissect this guy's brain pls. or hey light novel pls)
ness: despite his whole relationship with isagi i don't wanna deck him the same way i do to kaiser. absolute soggy wet meow meow to me, whoever calls him babygirl has taste. if i have to say anything is that i really hope his growth will be outside of kaiser. when a character is connected to much to another character in a canon setting, let's just say i can see why people like it but i prefer it when the narrative forces them to face the horror and save themselves in one way. honestly, a goofy guy who i wish to see develop more in the same way barou did. like we know kaiser will (unless the plot twist is twisting) but seeing a character like him who gets stereotyped as a "masochistic, dependent sidekick" by most getting more dimension and spotlight? yeah honestly i really want that. but for now... yeah im sorry but my personal score is 6/10 (but i really hope he will rise up because him being a dark horse in the narrative will be a breath of fresh air honestly)
aiku: i left bllk the first time right before u20 so let me tell you how amused i am when this guy is more than what i expected. if bllk wc team doesn't have him as captain im asking ego WHY. like as a captain? aiku really got my respect. like his canon cheating aside, one of the most decent dudes who can admit their faults out loud. if bllk was about defender instead of striker he would SHINE as a main rival. he kinda already does tho. the whole cop roleplay with isagi was so funny in an amusing way. honestly i really like his writing as a character. very mature, but his selfish bet was really telling of the another side of his character too. 7.5/10. minus point because i cant write him and im mad about it!!! (aka in all serious: 8.5)
barou: first time reading bllk, when isagi chose him i think it becomes one of those moments that really cements bllk. like?? the canon fodder villain who usually was just relevant in the first arc???? become one of the main rivals now???? also he is so housewife and why lmao. also put him and rin in a room. it will either end with a massacre or just them ignoring each other. honestly tho, he is funny to me because this guy has the Deep Voice but then he opens his mouth, call himself king, also dye his hair before uber vs bm match, and i remember how he truly is lmao. also the bowling and his whole dynamic with nagi are so entertaining. like nagi doesn't have to try to piss him off. hilarious. as a chara, 7/10, minus point simply because while dating him in rl sounds like a healthier option, i like my man a blaring red flag. on field a 9/10 because his whole asshole personality comes out and things get interesting
karasu: this guy is like. i am really mixed about him because i think fanon give him more dimension and raises more interesting points than canon has done him so far. but honestly, considering self aware he was and the rare moments the series gave him? he is an interesting character to have in a sport manga. this guy is realistic as shit, and he is also very self-aware of his own downsides. like. read his trivia. this guy is interesting honestly. another one i wish will work with isagi simply just to see more of him. also he is such a little shit but he is funny about it so it's okay. so, yeah, canon wise i don't really can say much about him (yet? idk). but there is this version of him i seen in a gen fic from the red white holy websites of fanfic that just makes me: yo. i wanna see more spotlight on this crow. so uhhhh 6/10 too?
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lyssified · 8 months
HEY GUYS HERE'S PART 2 OF THE HEMINGWAY RANT ! ask and you shall recieve :)
you can read part 1 HERE and also read the trigger warnings there before you start, this one also has a lot of war trauma talk nothing too bad though
people that read the first one and I think wanted to be tagged in part 2: @mister3127 @crayonssmellgood @mack-anthology-of-noise @vampireboywife
okay welcome back to episode 2 of why the fuck am I hooked on the life of an american writer from the 1930s. so I have a couple more interesting facts about him because tbh this man was insane :D
so let's do a little compare and contrast game. hemingway grew up in the great lakes area and enjoyed big game hunting, solo fishing trips, had a father who was a doctor locally famous for performing c-sections whom he worshipped, was injured passing out cigarettes and chocolate to Italian soldiers in WW1, and spent time recovering in Milan
hemingway's most famous short stories are his Nick Adams stories. he created this character that he called Nick Adams and wrote stories about Nick's entire life. here are some things about nick: he grew up in the great lakes area and enjoyed big game hunting, solo fishing trips, had a father who was a doctor locally famous for performing c-sections whom he worshipped, was injured passing out cigarettes and chocolate to Italian soldiers in WW1, and spent time recovering in Milan. are we seeing the similarities???
so Hemingway was out here basically writing self insert war fic. most critiques will tell you that he based Nick Adams on himself, but they fail to tell you to what extent. like the similarities are INSANE. Nick Adams was literally Hemingway as a book character. and he very obviously wrote these stories as a coping mechanism for his war ptsd. the stories are often extremely plotless and sometimes rambling- you can tell it's just an expression of his brain to the point where while reading some of his work, my only thought was literally "go to therapy. talk this out with someone." like it might not help but also it might because some of these stories are insane.
the ones that I think best demonstrates this are "a way you'll never be" and "now I lay me," which you can read in THIS PDF, just ctrl+f for the titles. a way you'll never be is about Nick Adams being sent out to the front lines of Italy in American uniform to spread morale. he also has a head injury and also some mental issues and ends up going on a rant about grasshoppers to all the soldiers (because grasshoppers are significant in his childhood of fishing and whatnot) and just generally while you read it you can tell it was written by someone extremely mentally ill to the point where it's like. hard to read. "now I lay me" is a similar idea except this one is mainly about how Hemingway, for much of his life, could not sleep without another person in the room or a light on because he would get horrible nightmares. this one is pretty hard to read as well, and there's some dialogue at the end that makes very little sense out of context of the other Nick Adams stories.
essentially reading Nick Adams stories is like weaving a huge web of plot points and similarities of hemingway's life, and along the way you start learning the significance of things like trout and grasshoppers and the different representations of trauma and it all comes together in a huge pile of what the fuck did I just read please talk to someone about this, I am concerned and this seems really unhealthy. and also the wildest part is he literally did this, published these nick Adams stories, and people ATE THEM UP. they were like yesss hemingway another banger plotless ramble about war traumaaa!!! like people ATE UP his work. and even to this day I don't see anyone talking about how insane it was that he literally did this. someone please tell me i'm right about this I feel like a crazy person.
anyway on a happier note, to end part 2 I would love to tell my favourite Hemingway story.
so if you're familiar with f. Scott Fitzgerald (the guy who wrote great Gatsby), you might be surprised to learn that him and hemingway had a kind of love/hate/friends/kind of homoerotic but Hemingway was homophobic (read the Mother of a queen) relationship. they used to write letters to eachother and edit each other's work !! Hemingway once sent a draft of a story to F. Scott and F. Scott sent back 10 pages of edits. Hemingway sent a letter back that only said "kiss my ass." Hemingway also wrote a really sweet letter to F. Scott at one point that you can read HERE in which he wrote "you are twice as good now as you were at the time you think you were so marvellous," and also "anyway I’m damned fond of you" and then signed it "always your friend." which was cute. Hemingway also like. DESPISED f scott's wife with a passion. do with that what you will.
anyway here's the interesting part !! this is a pretty famous story that Hemingway wrote about later after it happened. so this one time hemingway and f. scott were having dinner in Paris and F. Scott expressed his concern that his dick was too small. so Hemingway said hey, come to the bathroom and we'll compare dick sizes don't worry. and then they did. and hemingway's response was "you're perfectly fine". so uh. here's some articles about that one time F. Scott Fizgerald and Ernest Hemingway compared dick sizes in a Paris bathroom...... 1 2
and YEAH !! thank you for reading part 2 of my insane Hemingway rants!!! hope yall learned something !!!
here's my list of recs of Hemingway stories if you're interested and want to read some of his shit, again all of them can be found HERE
so the 2 most entertaining reads are "the short happy life of francis macomber" and "the undefeated", those have the most plot, if you read short happy life please hmu send me an ask and tell me if you think margot was guilty or innocent
some concerning nick adams stories: "in another country", "a way you'll never be", "now i lay me", "big two-hearted river" parts 1 and 2
i wrote an essay on this one, it has some homophobic undertones: "the mother of a queen"
and finally my personal fave "a clean well-lighted place"
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Also I want to request cuddles hc with Tetora and Koga!
And... can I be 🔮 anon :D?
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Cuddle Headcanons!
w/ Tetora Nagumo & Koga Oogami x GN! Reader
omg my first anon that makes me happy ofc u can be 🔮anon!
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Warnings: Nothing in particular, it gets a bit sad at Koga's part but nothing major!
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Tetora Nagumo
✩ Tetora would absolutely LOVE cuddles. But there is one key problem, this man would not know how to ask for it, he wants to be a man among men after all! And cuddles aren't exactly... the manliest.
✩ The first time you two cuddled was after one especially tiring RYUSEITAI practice for Tetora, he basically jumped into your arms and was begging to be spoiled.
✩ Poor boy didn't realize he'd get hooked on it. Feeling your body so close to his, intimate yet still innocent and sweet. Your hearts being right against each other, the feeling of slotting his head right against your neck, all of it was just too perfect!
✩ If he could, he'd love to cuddle everyday! Being Ryusei Red was no easy task after all! But just jumping into your arms and acting like a baby isn't very manly, is it?
✩ His inner turmoil over something so simple was INTENSE, let me tell you. As much as he wanted to just squeeze you as tight as he could, never letting you go and just admiring how (literally and metaphorically) close you two are. It certainly goes against the code of manliness he's been trying to uphold all this time.
✩ Then, he realized just how he could get his cuddle fix without ruining his image of being a manly man.
Classes just ended at Yumenosaki High, and Tetora was so amazed by what he thought that 'rushing to you' couldn't describe just how fast he made his way towards you.
Tetora slammed his hands against your desk, "(Y/N)! I just had the greatest idea!" Certainly, your curiosity was piqued with such words. You egged him on, wondering where he was going with this. "If it's just the two of us, we can cuddle all we want!"
You stifled a laugh, wondering if that was seriously the great idea he came up with. "So, why's it such a good idea? I didn't even know you liked cuddling THAT much." You could only think of how adorable he was as his face flushed a light pink.
"W-well you know... If it's just the two of us... Then it's like... I don't have to worry about how others would see me? Yeah?" He sounded unsure towards the end, but he continued before you could press him on it. "So that means, I get to show you a side that only you can see. Or something? Haha?"
Tetora himself did not understand what on earth he was going on about, panicking at the thought that you might not appreciate his word soup either.
"Hmm, we're all alone in the classroom right now." You state, giving a cursory look just to make sure. You reached out your hands to him, inviting him in for a hug.
Before you knew it, Tetora practically jumped into your arms. Wrapping his arms around your body too. Ah, it was at this moment that Tetora understood why he liked these cuddles so much.
"Hey, (Y/N), I really love you. I feel like... I don't have to be tough when I'm with you." He started, your warmth making him feel so comfortable to be this vulnerable.
✩ Don't get me wrong, Tetora is still plenty manly. But after realizing that he loves you so much, that he can just, show his truest self to you without fear of rejection?
✩ He's become a REAL cuddlebug. Even if for just a few seconds of solitude, he'll wrap his arms around you, taking in your warmth and just being so grateful for how lucky he is to have you.
✩ Little does he know that he's not actually that good at hiding this affectionate side of him. Pretty much everyone knows that Tetora loves nothing more than cuddling with his S/O, but telling him that would probably make his brain short circuit.
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Koga Oogami
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✩ Koga does not cuddle. He's a self proclaimed lone wolf after all! He'd never do something so... like that!
✩ Don't even try it with him, a sneak attack won't work no matter how hard you try! Then he'd probably tease you about it real bad.
✩ Sure you might be his S/O, and he loves you almost as much as he does Leon and Rock, (okay maybe you're on the same tier) but no way would he be caught dead cuddling.
✩ He can already hear everyone getting on his case for it, and he does not want to bother with that.
✩ Absolutely no cuddles! This wolf doesn't need that kind of affection! He's the strong and independent alpha of the pack!
✩ But see, even lone wolves have their off days, and Koga is no exception. Everyone has their moments where they mess up.
✩ Koga messed up pretty bad this time though, getting way too absorbed into a performance and disrupting the balance that UNDEAD usually have in their lives. UNDEAD might seem like a chaotic and wild group, but it's not like any of them can just go crazy and try to outshine the other members in a live.
✩ Being scolded by the likes of Rei was definitely not a good feeling either. In moments like these Koga would really like nothing more than to be alone, playing his guitar or messing around with Leon in hopes of alleviating his stress.
✩ Sadly, both of those weren't available to him right now, seeing as he was all alone in a practice room. Koga was a diligent boy after all, he always wanted to make sure he wouldn't make the same mistakes twice, so he was out here practicing by himself.
"Hi, Koga!" He almost jumped at the sudden intrusion, seeing you just bust into the room without so much as a knock on the door. "You've been at this for quite a while now, don't you think you should take a break?"
Koga realizes that he did in fact lose track of time, seeing as it was already dark out. "... This aint' your business." Sure he was happy to see you, but he didn't think he could face you the way he is. Still immature and brash.
You definitely picked up on that, taking a more serious tone as you sat close to where he was practicing. You didn't say a word, just sitting down with your arms stretched out.
It didn't take long before Koga was inbetween them, burying his face into your shoulder. Neither of you were saying anything, but it was as if you truly understood each other at moments like these.
Koga was frustrated, how could he not be? He works so hard everyday but he's still no match for Rei, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, even Kaoru has a leg up on him in some stuff. He loves them both, but he oh so wants to show them how much he's grown.
He understands full well too that his personality isn't the most palatable one. But that's really just how he is, and he's truly grateful that you still decide to stick with him despite that.
Koga didn't even flinch when he felt your hands start patting the back of his head in a soothing rhythm. The distinct feeling of hot tears staining your shirt.
And just as quick as it started, he practically leapt off of you. Turning the music back on as he psyches himself up to practice some more. His golden eyes held a fiery determination that sent a message that didn't need words to be conveyed.
"I'll make sure you never regret falling in love with me."
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Likes and Reblogs are Greatly appreciated!
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dysaniadisorder · 11 months
[Transcript: Link: –Oh, man. Normal: Look, Hermie, I just, like... So, first of all, I'm still mad at you. And you're still my archrival and enemy now. Because I found out that you're a dirty Chaparral student. That said, we still care about you, and I just wanted to check in. It seemed to me like the vibes were good with your dad, but now you're saying they're bad? What's the deal? Hermie: You don't like me, you idiot. Normal: What? [Freddie laughs] What do you mean? Hermie: What you like is someone who withholds… validation. What you need is somebody who tells you that you're a good, good boy. And no one in your life believes that you're a good, good boy, so you looked at me as this one person who seemed to show any amount of affection towards you, platonic or otherwise, and you said, "Ah, that's the guy I'm going for!" You don't want me—  Link: Hey, we all think he's a good boy. Hermie: —you want to self-validate— Normal: W— Hermie: —and I can't do that for you.
Normal: I– Look, okay! All right! That's fair. Okay! Okay! Okay! You're kind of... Scary: Yeah, I mean, that seems… it seems pretty valid to me. Normal: You’re kind of melting my brain a little bit, but... Hermie: And my dad doesn't love me, my dad loves Goops and Jafery. Normal: Hermie! Hermie: I was a means to an end. Normal: That's what, but—  Hermie: [Darkly] And I'm gonna be the means to his end. [Freddie laughs]
Normal: No, okay, Hermie. Hermie. Yes, you are right. That's how I felt about you. But! Then I saw how much school spirit you have, and that you did all this stuff to, it’s like—. Do you know how long I've been looking for someone who cares about their school as much as I care about my school? I've never met— E-everyone thinks like, [mocking] "Oh, a mascot, so dumb! [mocking, wobbly noises] Who cares? [wobbly noises] Shut up, Normal, uh, you're stupid! Ugh!" Scary: [laughs] That's exactly what I think! Normal: [mocking] Yeah, I know, Scary! [wobbly noises]  Taylor: Wow, it's like there's two Scarys in here.  Normal: So, I jus—  Hermie: Which one do I shoot? [Beth chuckles]
Normal: It’s just, I feel like, you and I are like a lot alike! We got a lot in common, you know? You, you play all these different parts, I got my part that I play, and I just, y’know, I just like want to get to know you better! And yeah, y’know, it’s, we're young, and y’know….. it'd probably be like five years before we get married, but like, y’know. [Freddie laughs]  Hermie: Whoa…! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa—  Normal: What? Hermie: [rhythmic] –Whoa. Whoa, whoa-whoa, whoa. Link: Yeah, that's a long time to wait. [everyone laughs]  Hermie: Oh, my G-d. Normal: Look! I'm just saying I have real feelings for you, I think, so, y’know…!  I don't know where I was going with that, but there it is. And even th— and even though…! Taylor: Even though he betrayed you? Normal: Even especially though he betrayed me, cause it showed that he believes in something bigger than himself, [kinda out the side of his mouth] which is more than I can say for, uh, some of the people in this room. Link: [pause] Woah, hey buddy. Taylor: Wait, wait, what do you mean? Scary: Wait, yeah, why is that? Taylor: Yeah what happened.  Link: We're all in this together, man. Normal: I don't know. I kinda… maybe I threw that out there a little too quickly. Link: Oh okay.
Hermie: I didn't do what I did for the sake of the school, you buffoon, I don't have any school spirit. [Normal gasps] I'm like Scary, I make the “duh-d-duh-d-duh” noise when people talk about school spirit. [Normal gasps as Scary laughs] I did all this because my dad. My dad wanted a scam, and so a scam he shall get. Well I mean– I did it before I even knew that he was my dad, or that that's how you got to him. But I just always had this, this desire in me to scam, to pull off some big coup. And I did it and it was easy. It was, frankly...
Anthony: And he strokes your chin. He goes—
Hermie: You were an easy mark, my friend. And… I thought it would bring me... happiness! and I thought getting in his good graces would bring me everything I wanted. Like Succession. But then he didn't give it to me. Like Succession. [everyone laughs] And now I feel nothing, except for the desire to kill him. To get vengeance upon the man who stole my childhood away and stole my innocence.  Link: Well you have—  Hermie: And so now… you can be the instrument of that. So uhhhh… I'll go on a date with you, if you help me kill my dad. [Normal gives a big gasp and Freddie begins laughing]
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
s5 ep13 heart pt 2
it's 1:21pm and I have laundry to do AND Easter Vigil service starts at 8pm, can I get this all watched before 7pm?
Or am I gonna sit there in church vibrating in place for two hours knowing I have three minutes left on the episode or some bullshit lol
(That's longer than usual, yes. Easter Vigil is actually one of my fave services of the year--we start outside lighting candles (the ones inside have been out since Thursday night, even the one we otherwise never put out), then walk into the dark church, then sorta speedrun bits of the old testament (with a hymn after every reading) and then we decide OKAY IT'S EASTER NOW :D and turn on the lights and make a lot of noise and sing a few more hymns--we don't sing or say alleluia during Lent so all the hymns have that in it. There's often MASSIVE amounts of church incense, too. Anyway by the end it's a bit of a party. Apparently some churches have an actual party after the service.)(side note if you're new-ish to these posts that I'm Episcopalian, like, the priests at my church are a gay man and a woman, we're cool people mostly I promise)
See this is why these posts take forever. Why do I keep infodumping shit. This is what it's like to watch things with me in person, though.
If I get through this episode before Easter Vigil my reward is gonna be coming home and taking an edible and rewatching the last two episodes without screenshots so I can just cry over them.
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eh? that's new. like putting that on screen like that in dead silence. No intro sequence.
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oh right Adora is injured. :( And it's some kind of magical monster thing that did it--a security thing put into the Crystal Castle by the First Ones
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when she touches her wound the Failsafe glows, and it's making static-y noises and looking glitchy, that can't be good
the nasty tentacle monster thing is still there buT SO IS CATRA YAYYYY she shatters at least one of its eyeballs? I think?
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my brain: this is like Caitlyn helping Vi after she got stabbed by Sevika, the wound is even in the same place :D me: wrong person has the red jacket on also Catra isn't going to buy some illegal potion thing to dose Adora with
(you should watch Arcane)
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DOES SHE EVER SAY IT LIKE THAT BEFORE THIS?? oh god she sounds so breathless and relieved
Adora: "You can't be here! It's too dangerous"
And she stands up and starts to fall over and fucking Shadow Weaver helps her stand up, uGH
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oh god so Shadow Weaver basically drags off Adora, Catra's like "I'll catch up, okay?" and Adora's like "no no Catraaaaa" her voice is cracking and everything, she doesn't want to do this without her and also worries about Catra and that tentacle monster thing
I'm not gonna screenshot it but poor Glimmer is fighting her dad, who is still chipped and Evil.
Bow is fighting Scorpia, also chipped and Evil. Oh hey Melog shows up and makes Bow invisible.
Micah is MEAN when chipped. He calls Glimmer a failure.
Glimmer: "My mother raised me to be brave. My friends taught me to be kind. And I'm stubborn. I get that from you. I will never stop fighting! And I won't lose another parent! I love you, dad."
She blasts him with enough magic that he collapses.
Bow, invisible, types away on Entrapta's computer she set up in the Horde thing, but when he gets it to start to do its thing he gets excited and says "I've got it!!" and Scorpia hears it and blasts him and is standing over him about to get him.
Bow: "Prime may have made you do a lot of things, but he can't turn you into something you're not. So, right now, all I need you to do is trust me."
Her eyes get normal for a second and she yells, and Bow slams a button on Entrapta's computer. There's a bright light.
Where Sea Hawk is holding Mermista, her chip goes dead and falls off. We get a lovely montage of other characters from all over Etheria, like Huntara and the folks at Elberon, who'd been chipped having their eyes go back to normal!
Scorpia: "oh my gosh I am so sorry!!"
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yeah she's definitely back to normal lol
up on Horde Prime's ship:
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"My device worked! I knew it would!"
Bow: "Hey, everyone. I'm Bow."
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(lol there's so much story in just this frame alone)
But yeah they show people from all over Etheria stopping to watch him speak, including his dads.
"Right now, we're the only thing standing in the way of him controlling it forever. You might be feeling hopeless. You might be thinking "We don't stand a chance." And maybe we don't. Prime's too strong. His army is too powerful. But that's not gonna stop us. We need to show Prime we're not afraid of him, because we have each other. And we have love. We can't give up. And if we go down, we go down together. We need you. All of you."
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"It's time to fight. For She-Ra, for our homes, for each other!"
Broadcast over, back to Horde Prime. "Put an end to this mockery."
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Catra injures the tentacle monster thing, but now that green is spreading into the room, and as Catra runs down the hall towards the Heart, she stops as Horde Prime shows up in hologram form
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"I had such high hopes for you." like what, dude. keeping her around and chipped like a fucking puppet as an example? eugh. (something something about how her speeches to Adora while chipped were an obvious reference to people proselytizing high-control faiths)
the moment of distraction is enough for the tentacle monster to grab one of Catra's legs and she screams in pain D:
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also there's still a bunch of earthquakes happening as these two limp towards the Heart
Poor Adora is just weakly going "No...no...wait" Shadow Weaver: "Don't lose your focus. We're so close."
What's this WE shit.
But also damn one thing Shadow Weaver and Horde Prime (and Light Hope!) have in common is they both believe love and affection and "attachments" are weaknesses. Shadow Weaver just cannot seem to get it through her head that Adora's love for Catra (and vice versa) is helpful here. Not a detriment. Love isn't a distraction!!! It gives us a stable ground of security and safety from which to do hard things!!
Meanwhile poor Angella told Adora "take care of each other."
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This is pulsating, and so is the Failsafe on Adora's chest
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OH NO oh god Okay being near that much hardcore magic is making Shadow Weaver powerful--her hair does the floaty thing for the first time since, what, s2? And she starts reaching for it, but THEN--
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Adora yells Catra's name and starts walking back towards her, and Shadow Weaver's hair falls down again and she says the most weirdly desperate-sounding "Adora, wait!"
Prime's hologram is still torturing Catra along with the actual tentacle monster
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(someone has drawn rule 34 of that thing but I'm not looking for it. I am content to know it exists.)
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about time she was useful amiright
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okay so is this Shadow Weaver actually realizing she's been wrong about The Power of Love, or is this just her begrudgingly accepting that these two are Sold as A Set, Do Not Separate, and unless Catra's there Adora won't be able to use the Failsafe because she'll be looking for Catra the whole time???
Like is this an emotional epiphany or just pragmatism?
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oh god so she magically shoves Catra away (towards Adora), but Catra runs back to Shadow Weaver
And y'all I know I talked about this a LOT way back in earlier seasons but I cannot tell you how accurate this keeps being in regards to dealing with an abusive parent. Like if you'd asked me, even after I cut off contact, if I wanted my dad to die, I would've said No! Of course not! At that point I didn't know whether the no-contact thing was temporary or not. I just knew I needed time and space to not be constantly stressed and anxious, for a notification on my phone to not immediately fill me with so much adrenaline my hands shook.
Anyway Shadow Weaver puts up a magical shield to keep Catra back
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Shadow Weaver's response is amazingly calm and quiet. "Please, Catra. You need to make sure Adora reaches the Heart. The magic must be set free."
Her fight with Tentacle Monster isn't going well.
Catra's voice is heartbreaking here. "Stop it! It's going to kill you!"
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"But you, this is only the beginning for you."
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Catra's crying "no...no..." and a hand reaches out and grabs hers
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LOL FINALLY HIT THE IMAGE LIMIT okay going to reblog
what a moment for it pfft
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loser-brain · 1 year
If you have not seen this post goin' around about not giving permission to allow people to take your work and put it into an ai against your wishes. There's the post.
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Let's talk about this user's close-minded brain that they left in the replies.
The fact that they believed they are saying "Facts" is pathetic. They even answer a question from anon who believes they are saying facts.
Hey come here, have you ever heard of... plagiarism? It's a fancy word for theft. Especially in a creative field mostly used in writing.
My fellow lovelies, it's that time again.
Ai aka Artificial intelligence, what the hell is that? Glad you ask, I don't know, but in simpler terms, it's code that replicates and learns. The more you interact with it and correct its errors the more it will realize and perfect its code. IT'S NOT ALIVE. It's simply following a code that involves something along the line like us which is growth.
Using ChatGPT for fun is alright. Using ChatGPT or OpenAi to finish a story that is not yours... is not alright. That is where a line has been crossed. A line that violates Fair Use.
And since the majority of AO3 users are not putting their work behind a paywall, it still falls under fair use.
OH but it's a fanfic, we can do whatever we like with it!
WRONG. Fan-fictions falls under copyright laws. So in other words. Y'all are violating our rights by putting them into an Ai. get fuck.
BOOM! BANG! AND HERE'S ANOTHER THING! Ai, in the US, have to have the permission of the original author to have their work used in the testing to improve the Ai ability.
Okay now that the facts are done. Like I'm serious, it's done, got any questions, shoot me an inbox. Now we dissect this person's close mind dumb reply.
FYI, everyone is like, destroying this person. I'm serious, oof I do not want to be this person. I still kinda remember the last person that spoke dumbness, but about art. Remember that person, damn, they really got my blood boiling at like... oh hey, it's 3 in the morning... This must be fate.
"I mean alright but at the same time, Maybe it's a sign you should finish your fanfictions 🙃"
Damn, someone has a lot of time on their hand. And as someone who does has a lot of time on my own hands, I still can't fully finish a fic. Wanna know why, because I'm tired. Like there would be days where my brain goes somewhere and I'm left with trash. I'm feelin' trashy, I'm feelin' moody, I'm even feelin' lost. It's normal to feel empty and want to fill it but don't have the energy for it. So maybe instead of being an ass to people and forcing them to finish something they can't at the moment. How about, maybe, you should stop being an ass and let people take their time 🙃.
"Like, if a fic has been abandoned for at least over a year, I feel like it's ok"
Everyone, repeat after me, fan fiction is protected under the copyright laws.
"Cause like, you clearly aren’t gonna finish it, why should it be left unfinished?"
Who's gonna tell em'? Anyone? *sees you raising your hand in the back, ignores you* Alright, I will! So like, do you not have imagination? Like do you not just, lay there in the grass under a big tree, letting the wind touch upon your cheekbone, and just... dream about the story. Like, don't you just read a volume of a book and just, imagine what happens next. Once you are done reading that volume of the book, don't you just anticipate what happens next in the story? Don't you have those moments where you thought about whether a character was going to die or live? Whether they save the day or not? Cause if you don't then damn, that's sad. You're sad. Like shit man, I'm sad but oof, that's even sadder than me.
"Now I don't think anyone has the right to post that work anywhere cause it's not yours."
"But getting an AI to finish a work that *you have no intention of finishing* isn't really wrong in my opinion."
I WAS SO PROUD OF YOU AND NOW LOOK AT YOU. YOU IDIOT. Once again, say it with me now, fan fiction is protected under the copyright laws. So in other words, THEY CANNOT PUT YOUR WORK INTO AI WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT/PERMISSION. god fuckin' damn it. So close, you were so fuckin' close.
"If you are gonna finish it, make that clear"
HOW!? No, tell me how. How the fuck is someone who is using their free time to write a fic is gonna make it clear for you to understand that is their work and they get to choose whether they can work on it or not. Huh? It's fanfic, it's one thing when a users ask the author to continue the story because that is a thing that writers do. There is a group of people that would take over the fic and finish it for the author if the author just does not have time to finish it.
It's another when a user just blatantly takes it and shoves it into an Ai because AHAHAHA IT'S A FANFIC IT'S NOT PROTECT UNDER ANYTHING. WRONG BITCH IT COUNTS AS A FANWORK. Therefore it falls under fair use and copyright.
Writing is more complex to tell whether plagiarism exists in it. But we're no longer talking about plagiarism if you are just shoving it into an ai machine. You see, that is a violation of OUR copyright. OUR fair use. OUR work.
Oh but what about intellectual property? Are y'all putting your work behind a paywall? no, then it's fine. You still have the power to protect your work. So instead of believing this person thinking they are spilling facts... do a simple Google search. Is fanfiction protected by copyright law?
It's fanwork. Therefore, yes. Yes, it is.
Just gonna casually edit this: The commentators have learned what they did/said was wrong.
This is not a debate post. I'm stating facts that your work is protected and in the US you got to have the author's permission to put their work into Ai tech/machines. If you don't have their permission then it's a violation of their right.
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silphwave · 2 years
Hi! That other anon that asked you if you've taken classes about pixel art made me wonder what other experience you have with art. Are you self taught? What kinds of art have you practiced before pixel art? I'm curious because your style of pixel art and use of color is so unique and striking.
Hey, I appreciate the interest. I studied Fine Art at university, although I learned zero knowledge about any traditional techniques such as colour theory, composition etc. The art school was sadly obsessed with conceptual art. They didn't care if you could draw, paint, sculpt or craft with skill and beauty; only the message mattered. In hindsight I should have expected this, I didn't really have a message, just a mood.
I still remember one of the senior lecturers looking at the work hanging up in my art studio and he sighed "Hmmmm, it's just a bit too nice isn't it?". Then he sat me down and began asking "What do you hate? You should make some art about that..." He then proceeded to try and get me to make social and political art, which has never been in my nature. Art is a relaxing hobby for me, a form of escapism, a happy place away from the world. So I continued what I was doing regardless, making surrealist collages from vintage magazines and old books and scraped a bare minimum pass.
I went under the online alias of "Dharma_Collage" from about 2014-18. Maybe there's still some remnants of work online (I'll see if I can find any to add to this post). It slowly transitioned into the work I'm doing now as I used the old collaging techniques to make my first Pokémon art. I don't think I learned anything practical from art school that's helped with the art I make now, it's just been purely led by following my own interests and making what excites and motivates me. The Internet has endless help and resources for anyone willing to learn on their own.
As for pixel art, I seen some pixel art online and just instantly thought to myself "Wow, I want to make that!". So I briefly studied and researched and then jumped head first into it and just kept putting in the hours. Started small, using pixel apps on my phone etc and gradually upped the scale and complexity. I had another page called "Pixelad" for about 6 months before Silphwave, I'll add a few of those earlier images here too for comparison.
When something doesn't look right, whether it be colours, composition, texture, font etc it really offends my brain. There's some kind of OCD factor that compels me to fix what I'm looking at. Most of my art is rearranging and recolouring things until it no longer annoys me. Almost like some feng shui process, especially for the cluttered album cover type designs I make.
I always liked drawing things as a kid, we didn't have much money for toys, game consoles or Pokémon cards etc; so I'd make my own. I filled a notebook with my own Pokémon gameboy experience, I drew locations on every page and made teams for dozens of trainers and gym leaders I'd fight along the way and had extensive stat tallies for all my Pokémon that were constantly getting erased and updated. It was basically a one man D&D adventure 😅 I'd make my own Harry Potter wands and Witches and Wizard cards or LotR weapons and maps. This kind of lore expanding, creating fan art was pretty much ingrained in me from an early age. Maybe that's why the nostalgic theme is ever present through my art as that's essentially what I'm doing, reliving and continuing my childhood.
(Sorry for the long convoluted answer, I found it helpful for organising my thoughts. You've prompted me to think of some things I hadn't considered before, thank you)
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mostlikelytofangirl · 8 months
Hey hey hey do you have any thoughts on WRH and ruoyao that you'd care to share
Asdfghjkdfgh w-why yes, I may have one or ten thoughts about them, hi!! Thank you for unleashing my unhingedness :'D
Btw I'm gonna be using mostly the novel for reference here.
So, WRH. First of all, I'd have liked canon info of him, and I know he's just there to fulfil the role of the evil villain during the first part of the story, but I have honestly come to enjoy his character and how ridiculously OP and unapologetic he is. Just a good old classic bad guy that thrives being one.
That being said, I do like that the few info we have also shows that he can care about others. It's very rare and god knows what even are his standards or requirements for that, but something I have discussed with others before is how little he seemed to care about social conventions of his time, like the fact that both MY and WQ were high ranking members of the sect because of their talent and capabilities, and despite being a son of a prostitute and a woman, respectively.
In this vein, i think CQL did him a great diservice putting her and WN in pretty much a hostage situation. That's not to say that he would have take kindly to that branch of the family going against him, but there's a difference between betrayal and actively harming valuable elements for no reason.
(Also the fact that donghua made him a DILF lol)
NOW, going back to the matter of MY, it is very much stated in the book itself that when every other servant had to fall to their knees in WRH's presence, MY was allowed to remain standing and look him in the eye. I know this was just to show how good a job he did earning WRH's trust but asdfghjsdfghj it still does things to my brain!!!
Just how impressed and pleased was WRH with MY to allow him to be so close and take so many liberties??? Also when NMJ was captured and MY was taunting him, WRH intervened when it seemed like NMJ could harm MY. LIKE. I think we can all agree that WRH would be very capable of just letting a random drone be killed for his entertainment, but ACTUALLY and ACTIVELY getting MY out of harm's way??? And they even joked about that together afterwards AAAAHHHH!!!
I don't think it's a stretch to assume that WRH could have seriously considered MY as his new heir since his sons were dead. I mean, the guy probably thought that he would live forever but STILL. And in any case... MY could have been Wen furen.
Like. C'mon!! MY is the poster child of daddy issues (alongside JC), you telling me that he wouldn't have thrived with an older man that recognized his talent and encouraged his natural drive and ambition instead of looking down on him for not staying as the bottom feeder he was "born" to be??? If MY would have changed sides, they would have conquered the world!! And THAT'S what I love so much about this ship!!
Ok, I'm a crazy allyao multishipper, but I have a HUGE soft spot for the ship that would have given MY everything he wanted: safety, power, recognition and care without him having to either give up his ambitions or turn the other cheek and be diplomatic bc society was never going to see him as a worthy person. But as the partner of WRH??? No one would ever be so stupid as to look at him weird ever again!! That's something no other ship can do for him: give him the head of anyone who disrespects him or his mom!!
Also there's this post iirc about how the good guy love interest would always choose what's right over you, but a bad guy love interest would set the world on fire for you and honestly? My poor little meow meow deserves that level of insane devotion after everything he had to go through and how devoted he can be in turn ;u;
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Seventeen P5-8
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I had basically been in this lovey composed state for the rest of the day utterly smitten, once classes were over I walked along with Zart and Fry to the nearby seven eleven store, where Zart and I worked part-time he sat on the counter leaning his head on his arm waiting for potential customers, and I did some stocking. I kept an eye on Fry as he stood by the wall of slushie machines watching them rotate the icy drinks, I know He and Zart went out before my shift and they both now had a signature smell about them so I knew they'd pretty much be like this all night but I kept an eye on them both just in case... I heard the bell on the door but didn't think much of it continuing to stock the shelves but I stopped short as I noticed the familiar blue and white uniform of the cheer team They were all here clearly on their way home from practice today, they came in grabbing some snacks, some bags of chips, some chocolate, gummy worms and other such stuff I looked but I couldn't see y/n so I just focused on working 
"Uhhh excuse me" Teresa Snapped to Zart as she and the girls wanted to get some of the hot snacks from behind the counter but he was just kinda out of it 
"Did you not hear me?"
"I heard you... Perhaps if you said please I'd wiggle a little faster" he says 
"Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that!" she snapped 
he glanced down at his name badge a moment "I think...I'm Zart. Or I'm reading his clothes. Fry! who am I?"
"This ladies asking who I think I am"
"I think you're a wizard man..."
"Ohhh so zart, or wizard you can choose madam," He told her
"I'm telling my father about this!"
 "You want a hot dog or not?"
I did my best not to laugh as he actually served them and they paid, I focused on my stocking
"Hi" I heard behind me making me turn and there she stood
Y/n, in her cheer uniform with her bag over her shoulder holding the strap, her pompom's leaking from the bag a little 
"Oh uhhhh -" I jumped doing my best not to panic or blush but where I jumped I knocked the display and knocked everything I just stocked onto the floor "Hi, how can I help you?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spook you," she says coming and helping me pick everything up
"It's okay, Thank you"
"It's alright it was my fault."
"No no it's okay, How can I help?"
"I wanted a cherry slushie but it doesn't seem to work"
"Ohh Cherry?"
"Yeah the cherry handle is always a little funny" I explained so I headed over with her "What size?"
"Just a medium" 
"Okay" I smiled grabbing the medium cup and having a small argument with the handle for the machine with the cherry flavour but eventually I got it to actually come down and fill up the cup, once it was nice and full I added the lid and a straw "Here you go"
"Thank you very much" she smiled "You uhh you're in my physiology class right?"
"Yeah, I am,"
"I thought so, well I best go pay" she smiled
"No no uhh don't worry about it, it's on me"
"Awww that's so sweet, thank you" she smiled sipping her slushie "We'll I'll see you around"
"Yeah see you... be uhh be careful. Not to freeze your brain" I told her and she giggled 
"I'll try, thank you" she smiled giving me a little wave before she headed off out with the other girls 
I smiled so widely so so happy! I talked to her! 
"You gonna pay for it then?" Zart asks 
"Alright, I'm coming" I sighed 
I headed home through the darkness kicking the front door shut behind me and I saw my dad sat much as I saw him this morning reading at the table but the paper had now been replaced with a book dinner on the table already
"Hi" I smiled
"Hey kiddo, you're late tonight"
"yeah, we had a delivery at work and Zart was zonked so" I shrug unpacking my lunch bag into the kitchen and such like 
"When isn't he" he laughs "But you know my rules"
"No partaking" I laughed "Until I'm twenty-five"
"When you're brain is finished developing do what you want. not until"
"I know," I laughed "I'm pretty convinced Fry and Zart may have erased some brain cells" I laughed "Where's mum?"
"PTA meeting"
"Ohh okay" I shrug gathering a drink and my dinner to take upstairs "I'll be in my room"
"Hey! Not so fast. Physics" he says snapping his fingers at me 
I sighed getting it from my bag and handing it over he checked it often glaring at me 
"Not too bad, go on you're clean"
"Yes! Thanks, Dad" I smiled grabbed my stuff and bolted upstairs to my room I had dinner at my desk as I did my homework and any reading and such I needed to do all with my headphones in listening to the Heathers soundtrack thinking of my sweet little y/n, as soon as I was done with my work and dinner I climbed into bed and hugged my pillow "Ummmmm y/n" I smiled squeezing the pillow tightly giving it some little kisses 
I woke up fairly quickly which was unusual, but the reason was I was being beaten up! 
"Ahh what the hell!" I yelled kicking Sonya off me "The fuck are you doing in my room!" 
"Don't ever do that again!" she says before going to leave
"I don't even know what I did!"
"Don't talk to y/n"
"How do you know about that?"
"The rest of the cheer squad told me."
"You're a flag girl. You're not on the cheer squad"
"No! but I will be when either Lisa transfers or Teresa kicks Alexandra out. But even still you can't talk to the cheerleaders so don't!"
"I'll talk to whoever I bloody want to!"
"No, you can't! because now the track team is coming for your ass and the whole school knows what you did, you can't just talk to the cheerleaders and expect to be fine" she says 
"She spoke to me, we weren't at school what am I supposed to do?"
"you nod and be silently respectful," she says "I'm serious do not. do that again" she says heading off for her shower 
I sighed and turned over hugging my pillow. 
I sighed and eventually forced myself out of bed and got dressed grabbing my stuff and already putting a headphone in before I even went downstairs, 
"Hey somebodies grumpy this morning," My mother laughs as she served my dad his eggs 
"You alright kiddo, something up?" my dad asks as he immediately notices I was in a bad mood
"Ask Sonya" I snapped "Bye," I told them before heading out shoving my other headphone in and going to wait by the road and soon enough Sonya joined me 
"I'm-" she began
"You're not sorry. you're only saying it because Mum made you. if you don't mean it don't say it"
"Fine" she snapped as the bus arrived so we got on and I just ignored her leaning my head against the window and trying just to get myself through the day, Once we got to school I was again the last one off and I just headed through to my locker and grabbed my stuff for the day I noticed Thomas wasn't here but I didn't question it I just headed to my first class and immediately I sighed as I saw the chairs in a circle I found my seat and collapsed in it watching as everyone else headed in and found their seats too and soon enough the lesson began even if I wasn't at all listening and after a while, I saw a small bit of paper fall onto my desk, I picked it up before the teacher saw and unfolded It 
'You R Dead Newton' 
I glanced around and saw who wrote it as he was glaring at me 
Ben Smith, he's the smartest guy on the track team which is sort of like being the tallest drawf, while also being class clown the humour of the team as it were and no that's not a compliment, he and y/n used to date given that most of the track team dated the cheerleaders but they broke up last Christmas.
He sat in his seat four or five around from my own glaring at me in his track pants and blue and white letterman jacket with his name on the back. 
I just stuffed the note in my pocket zipped up my hoodie, putting up my hood and pulling the strings hard so I could basically hide myself inside. 
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abigailfantasy · 1 year
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Hey sleepy how are you feeling.
I know you're wondering why it's morning even though you were just at a club in Miami. Well let's just say if a pretty lady way out of your league buys you a drink, she isn't trying to sleep with you lol.
Don't freak out, it's been a couple of months. We took your ID and traced every part of your identity. Legally you are now dead, every institution your part of, your bank, your driver's license, etc has been closed. You for the most part are a ghost. Well the old you anyways.
Let me explain
We took the liberty of reconstructing you to my specific desires. We first began by pumping a steady stream of estrogen into your body as well as putting hormone suppressants for that pesky testosterone in your body. We made sure not to massage your muscles so you have atrophied quite a bit. We wait a long time before we add breast implants. We waited on you and we found that your body naturally developed perfect double D tits, like you were always meant to be a girl. We couldn't leave you malnourished so we have a feeding tube with foods and supplements that specifically made your skin smoother and more vibrant, we also saw another side effect that your ass became incredible.
We then began to laser off all your hair, trim and manicure your fingers and feet. We let your hair grow out long and we maintained it. We began subliminally playing messages in your brain to give you more feminine thoughts and desires.
For surgery we gave your vocal cords a nice scraping so now its incredibly high pitched. We also reconstructed your face to become more feminine. The most exciting surgery you had was a vagina replacement surgery; we found a transman that wanted a penis and we gave them yours, he now has a fully functional penis and testicles though he was a little sad at how small the penis was, but was still glad, you now have a fully functional vagina and womb, also a plus its a virgin womb. Sadly your organs began to die in your medically induced coma, so now you can't process any meat, luckily you can still get protein by eating eggs and cum, the perfect meal for a feminized slut.
To do all this cost us nearly 500,000$, it was long and arduous but I fully expect to get my money back plus more. From now on you owe the company femcorp that money with interest. You can't declare bankruptcy on these loans either, and they will follow you no matter where you go in the world. If you need to be extradited out of America we will take you to a private island where we can do whatever we want to you. So be a good girl and listen.
You are now a fuckdoll model for femcorp. Your identity is that of a beautiful Arab woman. You will go to parties and clubs and find and fuck the richest men you can find. You'll quickly learn the hunks aren't that wealthy. Your a piece of property, a tool for generating money. You will become the best asset we have I know it.
You will learn to strip tease and dance. You will take daily sex lessons in oral, vaginal, and anal sex. You will study every kink and desire a man has. You will learn to walk and talk in the most seductive way possible. You will become a dominatrix and a submissive slut. You are nothing but a tool for sex.
P.S. you can get pregnant now, so don't be to slutty
You may ask yourself why I do this. Well I like looking for lonely pathetic porn addicted losers with small cocks. Men like you take girls in porn most vulnerable moments that destroy our lives and reputations and jerk off to it. So I wanted to turn you into the object of your desires and make you feel vulnerable and isolated like I did.
So go out slut enjoy the perks of your new life of whoredom. You are going to suck a lot of dick and take a lot of dick in your new pussy and your sculpted ass. You are going to make me money till you become an old ugly used up whore.
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