#but oh man do i want to see some really dramatic makeup looks on these girls
jungkookschin · 9 months
think i need someone older, just a little bit colder, take the weight off your shoulders
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synopsis: all your friends say you're delusional for thinking you have a chance with jungkook, the handsome older man you've known since forever, but you just can't seem to let him go. word count: 18k
pairing: older!jungkook x afab reader
genre: age gap au (seven years), social media au!!!, childhood acquaintance au, fluff, comedy, angsty, outta pocket, alludes to sexual innuendoes warnings: character death (not jk or y/n), cursing, nudity,
author's note: i am so overwhelmed with the support i've gotten for this fic!! obviously this isn't going to be the best written fanfic, but i genuinely enjoyed writing it!! and yes, there will be a part 2!
“Girl.. be for real. He doesn’t want you.” Beomgyu’s opinion bounces off your bedroom wall but shoots into your heart like an arrow; you subtly glare at him through your vanity mirror. Though, the Snorlax plush headband and unblended concealer in triangles under your eyes is far less than intimidating. 
“Okay, fuck you-”
Beomgyu shrugs. “You can wear all the makeup in the world and you would never get his attention,” he nonchalantly utters, not caring enough to even look at you while he addresses you. You pout, sulking as Beomgyu’s very real assertion settles into your system. 
Jeon Jungkook would never see you that way. 
He adores you because you’ve been acquainted since childhood- your parents being close friends. He’s seven years older than you and has witnessed you blossom from a childish boy-crazy kid to an equally boy-crazy adult, the same way you’ve seen him go from a prepubescent pre teen to a hot, older, rich, man. 
“Look, and that’s not to say that you’re not pretty or whatever because you are pretty and a lot of guys want you, but Jungkook… he’s just too old for you,” he offers you an empathetic smile before attempting to assuage the petulance in the air.  “Honestly, I would be even more concerned if he responded to your advances because that would be.. hella weird.”
Beomgyu’s claims often transform your brain into a philosophical battlefield. Would it really be all that inappropriate for Jungkook to see you as a woman? An age gap of seven years holds no real significance if you were both in your 20’s, right? But does Jungkook knowing you since childhood completely nullify any chance you have with him?
“Oh fuck off with that. I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m already 19 years old, almost 20-”
“The delusion is never escaping this one…” Beomgyu mumbles. He finally looks up from his phone when you spring up from your chair and stomp over to him. You hold your manicured claw up to scratch his face, but Beomgyu grabs your wrist before you can do any damage. 
“You’re such a horse girl, don’t try to scratch me- wait are you crying?” Beomgyu’s gaze melts after noticing the tears accumulating in your waterline. 
“No!” you respond, the tip of your nose becoming slightly red. You raise your sleeve to wipe your nose. 
“Wait Y/N! You’re going to get makeup all over my hoodie!-” 
Beomgyu halts when he sees your unblended concealer transfer onto his very white and expensive hoodie. His lips form into a straight line while he stares at you blankly. 
“Sorry?” you squeak. He gestures dramatically- blinking at you like a pissed off owl.
You bolt to the door, sprinting from Beomgyu before he quickly follows in pursuit of you. You run through the house, tumbling down the stairs frantically, and when you turn the corner, you stub your toe against the wall, stumbling over and falling flat on your face. 
You shriek in pain, holding onto your toe. Your eyes immediately tear up, sobbing through the pain blistering in your toe. And for some reason, Beomgyu is nowhere to be found. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” 
You freeze when none other than Jungkook pops out of his room, completely shirtless with nothing but gray sweats on. His abs are literally ripping in your face and his entire sleeve of beautiful tattoos are practically mocking you- especially the mask one. It's laughing in your face because it gets to be on Jungkook’s body and you don’t.  
You begin to cry even harder. No physical pain would ever compare to the pain of not being able to have him. 
“Whoa, whoa, what happened?” Jungkook kneels down and takes your foot in his large hands. 
Thank God you got your toes done the day before. His thumbs press into the balls of your feet while he carefully inspects your toes. “Not fractured, I think. Think you can get up, baby?”
Baby. He’s been calling you that stupid nickname since forever. That’s what  everybody used to call you when you were younger; you were the youngest of all your parents’ friends’ kids after all. But for some reason, the nickname only seemed to stick with Jungkook. He has this horrible tendency (not really) of doting on you, taking care of you, and spoiling you to oblivion. 
You sniffle, shaking your head. 
Jungkook’s handsome face crinkles into a subtle laughter, an amused expression etched onto his features.  He takes his pointer finger and thumb, pinching your nostrils and wiping your snot onto his sweats. 
You smile sheepishly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. 
This man will literally touch your feet and boogers as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. That has to mean something, right? 
Jungkook scoops you into his arms bridal style and takes you into his room. 
Why Jungkook has a room in your house is beyond you. It seems like he was always over doing some errands for your parents- not that you were complaining, of course. He sets you down on his bed and uses his large palm to smooth over the frizzy hairs that are sticking up. 
“Just stay here for a while. I’ll take you to Urgent Care if it hurts in a few hours.”
Truth be told, that shit didn’t even hurt anymore, but there’s no way you were going to pass this opportunity up. You nuzzle into Jungkook’s sheets, his masculine smell absolutely amplifying your will to live. His cologne smells so good, the musky elegance of his scent making you dizzy as you bask in his essence. 
Anyways! Looks like you’re canceling your plans with Beomgyu. Apparently, he already knows that. 
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Shutting your phone off, your eyes drift towards Jungkook, owlishly blinking at the computer code projected onto his large monitor. He’s got everything going for him: rich, hot, smart, successful. You want to cry again. “Jungkook, can I ask you something?”
His focus remains on the screen, eyes still boring onto the monitor before he absentmindedly responds, “Sup?”
“What would you do if a bear, a lion, and a gorilla just walked into this room right now?”
Jungkook’s fingers pause, hovering above his light up keyboard. He swivels around in his chair, his handsome features crinkling in evident confusion. 
“I’m serious. What would you do if a bear, a lion, and a gorilla showed up in your room? If you aren’t able to answer the question, then I don’t really know if I feel safe here,” you elaborate as you gesture with your hands, the bratty tone laced in your voice attempting to guilt trip him for not having a backup plan for this very specific specific situation. 
“Easy. I would feed you to them and then escape,” Jungkook bites back a cheeky smile  before spinning around and returning to his work. 
You gasp dramatically, pouting before you pull his covers over your head. 
Jungkook hums to himself, laughing at how obnoxious you can be.
Later on, another question is conjured in your imaginative little mind, and Jungkook’s lip twitches when he hears your classic Jungkook, I have another question. 
“Do you think you could put me on with your piercing guy?”
Jungkook swivels around in his chair once again. “Thought you already had your ears and belly pierced.”
“It’s not enough. I want more. Wanna be like you,” you murmur, eyes settling on his five piercings decorating his left lobe, the one in his eyebrow, and the two on his lips. 
“It is enough,” he immediately counters, “You shouldn’t put holes in your body.”
You cock a brow at him.  “I know you’re not talking.”
Jungkook’s lip twitches upwards at your cheekiness. “Yea, I’ll send you his instagram. Tell him you’re with me and he’ll squeeze you in as soon as possible.”
“And I told Soobin to not piss in the water bottle, but he did anyway. And guess what? I almost drank from the same water bottle. Can you believe that? I was so fucking pissed at him I almost threw his piss back on him…” Yeonjun can tangibly feel that you’re not all there, your eyes occasionally drifting off- so his eyes follow your train of vision until-
“Oh c’mon Y/N!” Yeonjun’s fingers release the grip on the gym equipment, causing the weights to thunderously slam back into place. You yelp, flinching a bit before you swat Yeonjun’s biceps. 
“You scared me you bitch!”
“You scare me! And what the fuck are you wearing? What kind of basic bitch wears a pink set to the gym?”
You gasp dramatically. “You did not just say that.”
“And stop drooling over Jungkook! He doesn’t want you-mmmphh!” You clasp your palm over Yeonjun’s mouth mid-sentence, your boba eyes glaring up at him. You release your hand, pouting at him dramatically when you feel you’ve tortured him enough. 
Hands on your hips, you continue glowering at him and he gladly reciprocates the scowl on your lips. 
Yeonjun acquiesces from the glare-off almost immediately, too entirely soft to hold a grudge against his best friend. “Did you only agree to come to the gym with me to see Jungkook?” he asks, sincere disappointment laced in his words. 
You immediately soften, disheartened to hear the crestfallenness in his tone. You shake your head at the notion. “No- I wouldn’t do that. I swear he’s here by coincidence,” you explain thoughtfully, “I’m sorry for being an inattentive friend. It wasn’t intentional. I just get distracted whenever I see him. I’m sorry.” Your eyes return to Yeonjun’s who smiles knowingly at you. He opens his arms, offering an embrace and you gladly accept, hugging all the problems away. 
“You’re such a lovestruck girl,” Yeonjun teases. 
“I can’t help it. He just looks so good. Look at his arms and his tattoos- oh Yeonjun, I’ll never get over him. What should I do?”
“We just have to kill him. That’s the only option left,” your eyes meet his, his empty gaze boring into your skull before you both burst into giggles. 
“You’re right. That is the only option left.” You take a step back to stretch your arms, releasing the tension in your limbs until you sense a very familiar walking pattern approaching you.
“Hey Y/N,” Jungkook casually greets, creeping behind you to wrap a single arm around your shoulder. He pulls you closer to him from behind, nonchalantly nuzzling his forehead into the back of your head. You use both your hands to grip onto his thick forearm. “Um, hey Kook.”
Yeonjun bites back laughter, watching how you practically become hysterical at Jungkook’s casual gesture. 
Jungkook uses his vacant hand to dap up Yeonjun- over your head. “What’s up Yeonjun?” Jungkook grins. Yeonjun reciprocates the friendly greeting. “Hey, how’ve you been?  You looked great with the tricep presses.”
Jungkook beams at that. “Oh, you saw? I’ve been bulking so I’m trying to go super heavy with the weights.”
“I can tell. You look fucking enormous,” Yeonjun comments. 
Jungkook immediately dismisses the compliment with a wave. “Don’t say that. You look good too…”
Tuning out of the interaction, your brain begins to malfunction when you realize that Jungkook is extremely familiar with all of your friends. You definitely aren’t the most social person, often opting to napping in your cozy bed instead of going into the harsh, unforgiving world, but you are lucky enough to have great friends like Yunjin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Jungkook knows all of them. That had to be indicative of something deeper, right? Perhaps his underlying affection for you? Or a sign that he was possibly in love with you? 
“What are you giggling about?” Jungkook teases, gently using his vacant hand to ruffle your hair. 
You crimson intensely. “Nothing,” you sheepishly respond, skitterishly ducking under Jungkook’s arm to scurry behind Yeonjun, using your friend as a protective shield. 
“What’s up with her?” Jungkook asks Yeonjun, to which Yeonjun feigns ignorance. “Not a clue.”
“Well then, I’m gonna head out. I’m actually staying at Y/N’s for a bit because her parents are out of town. Can you believe I still have to babysit her?” Jungkook says to Yeonjun, giving you a teasing glance. 
“It’s just in case someone stalks me or tries to kill me! I don’t need to be babysat,” you emphasize, scowling at Jungkook and he can’t help but to reach out and pinch your cheek. The casual gesture sends you over the moon. 
“Whatever you say. You need a ride home though? I can wait so Yeonjun doesn’t have to waste gas on you,” Jungkook suggests, eyes darting towards yours then Yeonjun’s to detect any traces of reticence or hesitation in his features. 
You do the same, glancing towards Yeonjun who actually sports a look of indifference. You playfully link your arms with Yeonjun’s before sending Jungkook a downward smile. “It’s okay Kook.  Wanna spend time with my friend today.”
A touched gasp leaves Yeonjun’s lips as he holds his hand over his heart, gesticulating dramatically to convey his surprise that you would choose him over the man you’ve been salivating over the past thirty minutes. 
Jungkook has no protests about your preference. “Alright Y/N, see you at home. See you Yeonjun,” he gives you a little squeeze before he departs. 
Yeonjun waits until Jungkook is out of ear shot to provoke you, mocking you in an obnoxious, high pitched voice, “I don’t need to be babysat! You’re such a baby- but thank you for choosing me, you know.”
You tilt your head, eyebrows pinching before you subtly frown at Yeonjun’s comment. “Of course I would choose you. You’re my friend.” You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world- because it kinda is. Bros over hoes any day. 
Yeonjun’s lips quirk up at the sentiment, “Oh how touching, thank you so much for gracing me with your presence, my queen.”
Jungkook thinks you can be such a princess sometimes, especially when you drag your feet back into the house, a sour expression consuming your pretty features. Particularly receptive to your emotional fluctuations, he doesn’t hesitate to ask you what’s up. 
He leans against the kitchen counter, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows as his eyes settle on your moping figure. “Who made you sad? Bring them to me right now,” he muses. 
You pause, letting your light green gym bag (with little Snorlax’s decorated all over it) fall to the floor with a thud before gazing at him with a vacuous expression. “Why are you dressed up?” you point towards his work attire- a simple white button up and slacks. The buttons on his dress shirt are undone and messy, giving you access to his chest and it makes you want to roll around on the floor and cry. His slacks are tight- accentuating his long, muscular legs and you decide that you’d be okay with dying only if  you were suffocated between his thighs. 
“Had a work call,” he responds, indifference laced in his voice, “Now who made you sad? Want oppa to handle it for you?” he teases, releasing a breathless laugh at the way your nose scrunches up in disgust. 
Nonetheless, you spill everything to Jungkook- because you always spill everything to Jungkook and because you trust him with everything in you. He makes you feel safe. Plopping yourself down on the seat by the dining counter, you wordlessly slide your phone across the counter. Jungkook effortlessly stops your phone with a single hand, his eyes scanning across the array of text messages popping up on the screen. 
“Not this guy again,” he mutters under his breath, gauging the situation. 
“I know!” you concede, “Wish he would leave me alone- but I feel like I have to respond.”
The text messages were from none other than your ex-boyfriend, telling you how much he misses you, how he’ll do better for you, and every other generic I want you back text in the book.  
There are various reasons why you feel obligated to respond to him: (a) the whole breakup was a mess and (b) it was your fault. You were in a long-term, committed relationship with your high school sweetheart until you recognized your exponentially growing feelings for Jungkook. The guilt of breaking your ex’s heart haunts you- his crying, tear-stained face often popping up in your mind when you feel shitty, making you feel even shittier.  Though you were no longer emotionally tied to him you do feel obligated to give him closure, or at the very least respond to his text messages.  
But you’ve had this conversation with your ex numerous times. How much closure does one need in order to move on?
“You don’t have to respond to him,” Jungkook’s sonorous voice pulls you from the thoughts plaguing your mind. “You’ve already told him how you feel,” Jungkook is the rational force in your life, always tugging you towards the right direction, especially when your susceptible mind feels the need to please everyone and everything.
“I know,” you sigh, “I just feel bad. He was my first kiss, first boyfriend. It feels like I just abandoned him.”
A look of contemplation blankets Jungkook’s handsome face, evident by the way his fingers trace over his chin and lips. “That’s true,” he eventually asserts, “but no one as young as you should stay in a relationship out of obligation.” He approaches you and settles himself down on the vacant seat beside you. “Actually Y/N, I’m proud of you for building up the courage to let him go. It would be more painful if you forced yourself to stay.” 
You purse your lips and nod, allowing yourself to enjoy the sensation of Jungkook comfortingly rubbing your back. “t’s just sad. I used to love him.”
“I know Y/N, but sometimes you just have to start living in the present instead of the past. If you respond you’re just going to give him false hope. Just let it be,” he articulates, using prudence to assuage you.
You nod, craning your head to sustain eye contact with him, making the conversation feel all the more intimate and personal, “How would you feel if you were him? I mean- if your girlfriend broke up with you and you were still like- in love- with her?”
He tilts his head, thoroughly contemplating the question because he takes your feelings seriously, and he wants to give you the right answers. “If my girlfriend loses feelings then she loses feelings, there’s nothing I can do about it. I definitely wouldn’t beg for her back, I’d go out and make a lot of money instead,” he smiles, “But I wouldn’t know how it feels. I’ve never been dumped before,” he adds. 
“Seriously?” you interject, not believing that Jungkook has never been dumped in his 26 years of living. “What about that one girl you brought to Thanksgiving Dinner a few years ago? What happened to her?”
“Ahh her?” he somewhat grimaces at the thought of his ex-girlfriend, “She was getting a little too suffocating so I let her go. She was really pissed off- tried to key my car and shit,” he states. 
You gasp. His ex-girlfriend was so sweet to you- she even bought you a Snorlax plush keychain. But you can imagine Jungkook trying to hold her back while she jostles out of his grip, trying to key his car- his baby. “No way? If she ever comes back, just let me know. I’ll throw hands for you,” you enunciate, showing him your fists to which Jungkook just scoffs in amusement. 
“Yea, I’ll definitely call you,” he remarks sarcastically before getting up, “So are you good, baby?” he asks, casually resting his hand on your shoulder, and you nod. 
“‘M good. I’m not gonna respond to him.”
Jungkook’s lips quirk up at that. “Good.”
 Jungkook is livid. You can tell by the way he spam calls you even after you repeatedly reject his calls. You quietly sneak out of the lecture hall and answer his call once you’ve reached the hallway. 
“What? I’m in class,” you impatiently mutter. 
“You’re fucking kidding, aren’t you?” he scoffs through the phone, “I canceled your appointment, by the way.”
The color drains from your face once you realize what this is about. “He told you?”
“You’re out of your fucking mind if you thought you could go through me to get your nipples pierced! I can’t believe you thought I would let you do that!”
“Why? What’s wrong with it?” you whisper shout into his phone, “I’m an adult, I can do whatever I want!”
“No you’re not. Baby, you can’t even drink,” he reiterates, a little more calmly this time. 
“Who cares? You’re not my mom! I can do whatever I want. Even if it’s through someone else!” you bark back. The silence that ensues intimidates you.
“Baby.” His voice is low, and it’s kinda hot but you don’t pay attention to it because of how angry you are at him trying to monopolize your actions.
“I’m not a fucking baby anymore so stop calling me that!” 
“You’re not a baby?” Jungkook laughs lowly into the phone, as if the claim itself is ridiculous.
“‘m not.” He can practically hear your pout through the phone.
“You can’t even get on a plane by yourself.”
You gasp at Jungkook’s low blow. That was one time. A month ago, you took a flight to Vegas for EDC to meet up with Yunjin, who flew out the day before you. But you had no clue how to check your bag in, and were far too intimidated to go through the security check by yourself. What if they thought your ID was fake? Or worse what if they sent you to jail? There was just no way you could go through by yourself.
You remember the way Jungkook shook his head at your preposterous notions but nonetheless still agreed to take care of you.
So Jungkook drove you to the airport, carried your bag for you, weighed it, and checked it in. He also stood with you for the entire thirty minute wait at security and only left the airport when called and told him you were waiting at the departure gate.
You don’t respond, and he takes it as an opportunity to further his point. 
“That’s what I thought. End of story. You’re not getting it done.” 
He hangs up and you blissfully sigh. This literally takes feminism back 32904098 years, but you kind of love a man that can put you in your place. 
Jungkook goes to the gym everyday solely so he can beat the shit out of Taehyung and Mingyu, who get off on tormenting him for his extremely complex and profound feelings for you. 
Hooking up to the bluetooth speaker and blaring the sound of police sirens, going “Ayo! He’s right here, officer!” every time they walk past a policeman- they even go as far as putting handcuffs on him while he sleeps- hooting and howling in laughter when Jungkook wakes with his hands restrained.  
Initially, it made his intestines twist and turn with pure guilt, guilt about harboring feelings for you, the little girl who used to prance around his room and do cartwheels in futile attempts to impress him. 
His friends make him feel like shit, but they’re his friends for a reason. 
“Hey, so how’s Y/N?” Mingyu casually asks, sinking into the welcoming leather of Jungkook’s sleek, black sofa. He props his feet up on Jungkook’s coffee table-  mahogany brown and custom designed to suit Jungkook’s meticulous and elegant taste. 
Jungkook narrows his eyes at the nonchalance of the comment, half expecting Taehyung to pop out of nowhere in policeman cosplay, ready to put him in cuffs. “Why’re you asking?”
When Mingyu detects the hostility blanketing Jungkook’s features, his jaw drops in realization of the reality of the situation. “Wait.. you don’t take us seriously when we tease you about that shit, right?”
Jungkook cocks his head in confusion, settling beside Mingyu, chopsticks in hand as he blows on his ramen. “I mean, kinda. I feel guilty about it.”
Mingyu eyes his friend for a while, and Jungkook slowly turns his head towards Mingyu when he feels lasers boring holes into his skull. “What, asshole?”
“Ah, sorry man. I didn’t know it bothered you. I kind of thought it was a given that you and Y/N are cute together. Didn’t know the age gap bothered you.”
Jungkook pauses, setting his sizzling ramen back into the plastic container instead of into his mouth, and Mingyu feels the need to further elaborate. 
“I mean, you’re always helping her out, taking care of her,  that’s pretty cute.”
Jungkook blinks at Mingyu, raking his tattooed hand through his hair. “Doesn’t that just make me look like a dumbass?” he mutters, before letting out a bitter, light-hearted laughter at the reality of his assertion.  
His emotions for you run deep and intricate, but one thing remains unequivocally clear: he doesn't do these things because he expects something in return. That would be selfish. Obligation doesn't factor into his decisions either. Jungkook doesn't subscribe to such motivations when it comes to his personal life. He views it as unnecessary and cumbersome—except when it involves you. Whether it's looking after you, lending you money, helping you with homework, or driving you to the airport, he does it all because he genuinely loves you.
He acknowledges the peculiarity of his natural inclination to care for you. In the past, he's ended numerous relationships due to girls he found excessively clingy, suffocating, or overbearing, all attributes he easily uses to describe you- but he lives for that shit when it comes to you.
Mingyu’s forehead wrinkles in confusion. “What? That girl loves you, Jungkook. If she does good in school and gets rich, you’d be bathing in that shit,” Mingyu jokes, causing Jungkook to sputter out laughter at the absurd thought. 
“Right now though?” Mingyu continues, “She wouldn’t be able to change your tire or some shit, but she brings you this sense of peace, and that’s something every guy needs in his girl.” 
Jungkook pauses at that. 
Jungkook is abruptly awoken by the blaring sound of his ringtone. Groggily, he reaches for his phone on the nightstand, eyes barely open. 
You, the only person that would call him at 3 in the morning, and you the only person he would answer at 3 in the morning.
Babysitting is the last word he would use to explain why he’s at your house right now. He’s at your house because, well,  he would do anything for you, even if you aren’t aware of the lengths he would go to keep you satiated and happy. 
He’s aware that men find you charming for your ditzy and oblivious nature, but Jungkook likes you regardless of whether or not you possess such an arbitrary trait. But it is true that there are a lot of things you aren’t aware of, like how utterly lovely you are. Jungkook knows you- sees how oblivious you are to the men who shamelessly ogle at you, or the boys who practically break their necks to get a glimpse at you. 
You have this resonating effect on him. You drive him crazy and you don’t even know it.
Initially, Jungkook had never truly focused his attention on you, yet as time passed, an irresistible attraction began to pull him toward you. He vividly recalls an incident in particular that left him dumbfounded.
Jungkook’s mom visited yours to drop off some vegetable. Gifting fruits and vegetables from their gardens are the way the aunties demonstrate their love and appreciation for one another. Jungkook reckons you didn’t know he was there because you pranced down the stairs with the tiniest boy shorts and  camisole top. Jungkook isn’t the type of man to become disoriented over the sight of a woman’s body, practically desensitized from all the women he’s been with, but he stiffens at your presence.
“Wow baby!” His mother giggles, using your classic nickname as she ogles you shamelessly, “You’re getting really sexy!” 
She playfully nudges your mom, “Are you ready to have grandchildren?” The joke makes your mother roll her eyes, though a smile lingers on her lips, infinitely proud of her beautiful daughter.
“I wish someone would marry my daughter!” Your mom jests, “All she ever does is sleep! I just wish a man would even look her way!” 
Jungkook’s eyebrows pinch in bewilderment. He knew your mother was only joking, teasing you as per usual- because clearly, you are captivatingly gorgeous. You make a sly comment in return to make his mom giggle, always so smooth and sociable with the old ladies. 
Suddenly, you randomly swivel around, yelping at Jungkook’s presence. “Oh hey,” you greet, fidgeting in place, “I didn’t know you were here. Sorry- I should cover up a little.”
For the first time in his life Jungkook is speechless in front of you. You. You just look so pretty standing in front of him, your manicured fingers twirling a single strand of hair, gazing at him and gnawing your lips like he makes you nervous when in reality you make him tremble with just one look. It makes his chest tighten and he inhales deeply to compose himself.
“No. Not at all, you should be comfortable in your own home,” the smile he offers you is forced, polite, and you’re bewildered at the tension accumulating between you and him. Your eyes glint downward; you can’t even look at him, and suddenly a bold wave of impulsivity washes over you.
“Hey Jungkook, can we talk in the other room?”
Jungkook’s eyes flash towards his mother’s then rapidly back at you. Subconsciously, his eyes trace down your body and he feels like has to physically gouge his eyes out to prevent himself from looking.
“Yea, sure.”
He follows you upstairs into the guest room, taking extreme measures to keep his pupils focused on the ceiling lights above your head. However, his efforts work against him because the ceiling lights shine on you like a spotlight, illuminating your gorgeous figure as you make your way up the stairs.
Your fingers wrap around his forearm and you pull him into the room.
You waste no time getting straight to the point.“Jungkook, I think I’m pregnant.”
Jungkook blinks, processing what you just said. “Huh?”
You bite your lip anxiously, crossing your arms while you look down at your toes. “My period is late, and I don’t know what to do- you’re the only person I trust to talk about this.”
Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to confirm the sentiment. “You can trust me with anything. I’ll always take care of you- ‘m just a little shocked because I thought you were still a virgin.”
Gasping dramatically, you pout at him and stomp your foot. “I’m not a little kid anymore.”
Yea, clearly not, he thinks. “Just act normal. After I drop my mom off at home I’ll come back with a pregnancy test.”
You nod and give him a downward smile. “Thanks- ‘m just really nervous and I hope I’m not pregnant because I don’t even remember who the dad is and-“
Jungkook frowns at that, perturbation morphing onto his features. “Y/N, you don’t remember who the dad is? Please don’t do that- only sleep with people you trust. Please.”
“I trust you.” 
The words tumble from your lips immediately, before you can even process your thoughts. You clasp your hand over your mouth, a small gasp leaving your lips as you gaze up at him in pure horror. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what to think- doesn’t even know if that was just a fragment of his imagination. He blinks at you, brain too fused to even conjure a proper response.
“Wait- I didn’t mean it like that!” you blurt out. At that moment, you give up on any attempt to salvage the situation and scurry out of the room, stumbling back down the stairs. 
Jungkook runs his hands over his face. 
He’s going to hell for the thoughts running through his mind.
Thank God you weren’t pregnant but after that night Jungkook just never looked at you as just a family friend. It’s complicated . It’s morally conflicting, and it frustrates Jungkook like nothing else.
“Hello?” he speaks into the phone
“I bled on my bed,” you sniffle into the phone, “Just please come upstairs,” you say before abruptly hanging up.
He begrudgingly rises from his bed. Though tired, he doesn’t hesitate to throw his black t-shirt over his head to look presentable for when he checks up on you.  Rubbing at his eyes with his knuckles, he shoves his hands into the pockets of his black sweats as he makes his way up the stairs. He gently opens the door to see you sitting idly under your covers, clinging onto your Snorlax plushie for dear life. You’re wearing 
He sits on the edge of your bed. “You ran out of pads?”
You don’t say anything, remaining stiff like an ice sculpture, not melting under Jungkook’s warm touch like you usually do.
He nods at you and gently tugs on your oversized T-shirt, urging you to get up as he sticks out his hand. “Change the sheets and I’ll go out and buy you some pads-“
“Jungkook, I'm in love with you.” 
But you feel like you just have to say it.  With a radiant glow on your rosy cheeks, you purse your lips in a demure manner, physically unable to look at him. You have to look at Snorlax to get your words out instead. 
You inhale deeply. “I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, and I’m sorry if it creeps you out but I’ve always had feelings for you- and I hate you for it because I don’t think I’ll ever have the capacity to love anyone else like I love you.” With glossy eyes you finally peer at him just to see an entirely indecipherable expression- you’re not sure if it conveys shock, bewilderment, or horror but it evokes the most unsettling and humiliating sensation in the pit of your stomach. 
Just as day transforms into night, humiliation morphs into anger, and anger morphs into nonsensicality. Outrage bubbles within you and you chuck the Snorlax plushie at his face. 
“Fuck you! How can you treat me the way you do and expect me not to feel anything?! I emotionally cheated on my ex with you! You’re the fucking worst and I hate you. I hate you so fucking much!” Your hands frantically search for every single squishmallow, plushie, and teddy bear you have and you violently chuck your beloved squishies at him.  From zero to one hundred, you’ve escalated rapidly and you feel like you’ll die if you don’t convey everything to him right now, in this moment. 
Jungkook remains stoic, somewhat resembling the statue of a Greek god: handsome and stagnant, not even flinching at the impact of your squishies hitting his built body or the way you nonsensically scream at him.
“This is all your fucking fault Jungkook. You ruined my life! You ruined love for me! I’ll never get a boyfriend, never get married, never have kids because of you! I’m going to die alone and it’ll be all your fucking fault! How could you do that to me? How could you do that to me?” You erupt into sobs, pushing your face into your hands as you violently cry. Snot, tears, and saliva leak from your face as the chagrin completely consumes you. 
“Y/N.” The sound of Jungkook’s deep, baritone voice is barely audible over the sounds of your heaving. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He does sound sorry, but you can’t help but question the authenticity of his words because he didn’t do anything wrong in the first place. It’s like he’s merely uttering an apology to appease you. 
But for Jungkook, he’ll apologize a million times if it helps dry your tears.  He never let his pride get in the way when it comes to you.
He sits at the edge of your bed, using his finger to tilt your chin up, revealing your disheveled, snotty, and glossy face. You whimper when your vision clears and focuses on him. 
He wipes your face with your own shirt, tugging up the hem to absorb your tears, still gentle and attentive. You swat his hand away. “You need to stop doing that,” you mewl, blinking more tears from your eyes. 
“You need to stop crying. It makes me sad,” he retorts, passing you the same Snorlax plushie you violently launched at him. You cushion the plushie on top of your thighs and bring your knees to your chest. You inhale and exhale deeply, trying to settle from your emotional high. 
“You don’t even take me seriously,” you mumble, peeking up at him. 
“I always take you seriously,” Jungkook responds, “but I want you to stop crying first-
“Jungkook, kiss me,” you breathe out, “If you don’t hate me, then kiss me,” you say, your eyes fluttering shut, delusionally- as if he was about to kiss you. Instead, you feel his large palm on your head, softly caressing your hair. 
“I’m not gonna kiss you. You should get some rest.” His voice is deep, calm, and composed. How can he be so normal when you’re on the brink of losing your mind?
Your face scrunches up in indignation before you erupt in tears once again, practically screaming. “Fuck you! I hate you! I hate you!”
“Y/N.” He calls your name repeatedly.
“Shut the fuck up you asshole!”
“Y/N,” his voice becomes more stern with everytime he calls your name, but you don’t let him get a word in. You keep screaming at him, calling him every name in the book of insults, shaking him off every time he goes near you.  
When he attempts to sit by you, you violently push him away. “Go away! I’m not a little kid anymore! I don’t fucking need you anymore! I’m gonna be single forever because of you! If you don’t want me to be single forever then just fucking leave and never come back!” 
You’re aware that your words are horrible, but the overwhelming sense of embarrassment and shame erupting in your system prevents any rational train of thoughts from developing in your mind. You’re embarrassed and devastated that Jungkook doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, and it sends you spiraling.
He attempts to calm you once more by sitting on your bed, but you push him even more violently. “Don’t fucking touch me! I’m never gonna find love because of you! Just fucking die, just leave forever if-”
He staggers on his feet, caught off balance from the force of your push, and for the first time in his life Jungkook yells at you.  
Giving you no time to say or think anything, he seats himself on your makeup chair, tattooed hand gripping onto its top rail. “Y/N,” he scowls deeply at you, features blanketed in exasperation,  “We’ll talk about this later, but you need to calm the fuck down. You’re hurting me when you talk like that.”
Your eyebrows furrow deeply in horror, your cheeks tear-stained and your eyes filled with sorrow. The haunting realization of what you just said settles into your system. Your quivering lips barely enunciate your words. “Kook, I’m so sorry,” you blubber out. “I shouldn’t have said that, I didn’t mean it. I promise I didn’t mean it!” You shoot up, stumbling over your own feet and collapsing onto the floor. You’re a mess. Your face glistens with a layer of your own snot, and your hair is matted and tangled, the result of the countless times you tugged at it during this interaction. 
Unbeknownst to you, there's a red blotch near the lower hem of your T-shirt, and droplets of blood escape you and drip onto the floor as you stumble out of bed.  Jungkook notices though, eyebrows pinching in concern as a very disturbed expression morphs on his face when you collapse to your knees, your trembling hands holding onto him for support. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t leave. Please don’t leave. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it! It’s all my fucking fault!”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything. 
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” you sniffle. “I’m so sorry I said that. That was so horrible of me. Please don’t die. I’m so sorry.”
A sigh of vexation leaves his lips, but nonetheless he remains patient, compassionate towards  the devastation that consumes your face. “I’m not gonna die.” He cups your face with his tattooed hand, and uses his thumb to wipe the idle tears on your face.  “I forgive you. It’s okay.” 
“Promise? Promise it’s okay? I’m so sorry,” you cry even more, desperately latching onto his hands, using the side of his fingers to wipe your eyes.  
“It’s okay,” he confirms, tilting your head upwards before wiping your face with a makeup wipe from your vanity. “‘M really tired. I’m gonna go get your pads then I’ll be back. 
You sniffle. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” The smile he gives you is forced, and it makes you feel horrible.
He motions his head towards your bed. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when I come back.”
You tiredly listen to his words, getting under your covers and holding onto your Snorlax plush. “Good night Kook.”
“Night,” he says, somewhat emotionlessly, flickering the lights off and vacating your room. 
Horrible. You wake up with puffy eyes, infinite eye boogers, and an awful pit in your stomach. The memories of last night come flooding in and you immediately check your phone to see if Jungkook texted you. There’s nothing there. 
Why would he want to talk to you after what you did?
You decide to send him a text message to further emphasize how sorry you are. 
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You throw your phone on the bed and scream into the stomach of Snorlax. 
Dry. He’s being so fucking dry and it’s all your fault. 
The next few weeks are spent with you attempting to redeem yourself. 
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You have no idea why you’re in front of Jungkook’s work, let alone with a lunchbox cake in hand. Begrudgingly, you stumble inside the tall building, awkwardly smiling when you come face to face with the sweet old security man. Jungkook’s work place is fancy as hell. Every floor of the tower hosts the office of an aristocratic company. There are even enormous, airport-esque x-ray machines stationed towards the entrance. You have to walk through a metal detector to be granted access into the building.
“Why hello, young lady! What business do you have here today?” 
“Um, I have a cake for someone. H-he works at HYBE Tech Solutions.”
“Alright, go ahead and put your bag and belongings here,” he says, motioning towards the tray on the X-ray machine conveyor belt. You watch as your belongings pass through the machine and come out on the other end. Then, you step through the metal detector, holding your arms up to be properly inspected. You bid the security man goodbye and walk towards the elevator. 
An ominous feeling of stupidity washes over you as you press your fingers onto the elevator buttonsYou feel stupid. You feel dumb. You feel silly. You would never do this for a man, but here you are. 
You take a deep breath before you stumble in, coming face to face with the lady that works at the front desk. Your eyes settle on the badge on her blouse. Dorothy. You vaguely remember Jungkook ranting about this woman, venting about how she crossed professional and ethical boundaries-  often sneakily creeping her fingers up his chest while they spoke and even going as far as to dig into the company’s database for his personal information. 
You clear your throat. “Hi, how’s your day been?”
“I’m great! Thanks for asking, hun. How can I help you today?” She asks, voice bubbly and uplifting, perfect for customer service.  
“Oh! Um- I have something for Jungkook. He works in the tech department.”
Her bubbly and friendly atmosphere immediately diminishes, and she raises her eyebrows at you before eyeing you conspicuously. With a vacuous expression, she picks up the landline, pressing her thin fingers into the numbers. “Hey, can you let Jungkook know that there’s a child here for him?”
You purse your lips at that, rocking back and forth on your heels. You try to avoid eye contact with this woman by looking elsewhere- pupils frantically darting to the daisies on the front desk or  the grandfather clock that sits idly against the beige walls- but she’s persistently staring you down. 
Thank God Jungkook appears from the end of the hallway. 
He sports a light blue button up and brown slacks, a stack of papers in his tattooed hand while the other rakes through his short hair. He looks delicious as ever and clearly Dorothy agrees because she practically moans as he walks down the hallway.
“Y/N?” He narrows his eyes in your direction, confirming that it’s really you.
“Um hi Kook. I brought you something.” You use two hands to present the styrofoam box to him.
Jungkook’s eyes scan from the lunchbox to you. He places the stack of papers on the front desk before accepting the box and popping open its lid. “A cake?” he questions, and you nod shyly, fidgeting in place. 
“Thanks,” he plainly says, giving you an awkward smile before his eyes dart towards Dorothy, who is intensely scrutinizing the interaction. There is tension in the atmosphere, and Dorothy’s presence isn’t helping. 
He clears his throat. “You didn’t have to, you should be studying,” he says, his words a little more light-hearted this time.
You shake your head. “I wanted to do this for you. I’m sorry for last night, Koo.”
He stares at you before letting a sigh escape his lips. “t’s okay Y/N. Told you I‘m not mad. We’ll talk about this later.”
You twiddle with your fingers, your puppy eyes flickering towards him. 
“Hug?” he asks, cutting the tension, tilting his head while he holds his arms open. You pout, nodding before running into his arms. He holds you tight, and whispers into the top of your head so Dorothy wouldn’t catch heed of the conversation. “You made me sad last night, you know.”
“‘I’m sorry.”
“‘It's okay. I can never be mad at you for too long,” He subtly releases you from his embrace and pinches your cheek. “Now go home, okay?”
You take a step back and offer a nod. And for some reason, Jungkook feels that you’re looking at him as if you’ll never see him again. “Enjoy your cake.” 
Jungkook smiles back, waving you goodbye. You turn to the office lady, who quickly averts her eyes once you notice her blatant eavesdropping. “Thank you auntie. Have a nice day!”
Jungkook has to physically restrain himself from laughing.
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A heart emoji. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at his most insignificant actions.  You hold your phone to your chest and bite back a smile. 
Loud music booms and vibrates through the walls of this massive mansion. There’s a huge pool, complete with a waterslide and waterfalls spilling into the pool. You’re surrounded by tons of other like-minded college kids, clad in nothing but a white lace bikini. You’re able to acknowledge that it isn’t the most tasteful outfit, but you feel good and you look good. 
After jumping in the pool and violently pelting water balloons at each other (effectively scaring away all the hoes), you and Yunjin lie under a cabana mindlessly scrolling through your phones. You only look up from your phone when you sense Yunjin holding up her phone for a selfie. Jungkook would have rolled his eyes at the sight.
“Can I show you something?” you abruptly blurt out, eliciting a cynical look from your friend. “Is it bad?”
You immediately shake your head, composing your posture so you can properly show Yunjin your texts with Jungkook. Her eyes rapidly scan over the phone in moments and she shoots you a sly glance. 
“So do you think?-”
“I don’t know… but I really, really, really hope that it means something. I don’t want him to see me as a little kid anymore, you know?” Bashfully, you smile at her, your demure expression a complete juxtaposition to your practically naked figure. 
Yunjin cups your cheeks making your glossy lips pouty. “Y/N! You’re about to pull Jungkook!”
“I am?”
“Yes you are-”
Yunjin flinches dramatically when a harsh stream of water unexpectedly drenches you. You both whip your head to the culprit in question: Beomgyu standing directly in front of you with a massive water gun. 
“You bitch!” Yunjin shoots up and runs after him with you rapidly following your partner in crime’s lead. But as you’re running towards Beomgyu (who maniacally screams and dashes), another stream hits you from the back.
The second culprit. Soobin. You sprint towards, latching your claws onto his white T-shirt him while you tug him towards the pool. “Wait Y/N! I just dried off. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” 
No mercy for this bitch.
You position yourself behind him, using your whole body to push him into the pool. Splash! You jump and squeal in excitement when he emerges from the water wiping his face with his hands. You laugh hysterically in his face, childishly pointing your finger at him, finding it even more hilarious when he gives you the stink eye. “That’s what you get, asshole!-“
You pause and shriek in horror.
Somebody just pulled on the strings of your bikini top, exposing your boobs to the entire party.
You instinctively crouch, shoving your chest into your knees.The gasp of horror that leaves Soobin’s lips mirrors yours, and he immediately springs into action, rapidly lifting himself from the pool and sprinting after whatever asshole just violated you.
“Y/N!” Your savior, Yeonjun appears in front of you, crouching to your level. He rapidly rids himself of his shirt and pulls it over your entire figure. “You’re good, you’re good,” he whispers calmly to you, trying to prevent you from having a full blown panic attack. You stand up reticently, folding your arms over your chest, eyes trained on the ground and only looking at Yeonjun’s feet to gauge which direction you’re heading in.
“You okay?” Yeonjun settles under the cabana. “That guy is such a dick,” he mutters to himself. 
You nod and sink into the cushion of the outdoor-couch. “I’m so fucking embarassed.”
Attempting to salvage the situation, Yeonjun immediately shakes his head. “No, no. Nobody saw anything.” You shoot him a skeptical look, knowing damn well everybody in the party saw your bare boobs. 
“Is that Jungkook?”
You immediately whip your head towards the left, and indeed Jungkook is walking your way. You can’t believe he’s real. All heads whip in his direction as he makes his way towards you. He flicks his head back to prevent hair from falling in front of his eyes, barefoot, black T-shirt, and gray shorts. He looks so handsome you can’t even comprehend it. 
“Y/N!” He shouts, quicklyducking under the roof of the cabana before he positions himself in front of you. He inhales and exhales deeply, the blistering sun forming particles of sweat on his forehead. 
You look up at him and your heart melts. The sheen of sweat on his face, the way his eyes fixate on you. Your heart skips a beat. You want to cry. Again. Out of embarrassment, and how emotional you become at Jungkook’s mere presence.   
You bury your head into your knees, making Jungkook's eyebrows pinch. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Yeonjun opens his mouth, hesitatingly glancing at you to confirm if telling Jungkook is okay.
You shoot up and practically catapult yourself onto Jungkook, latching onto him like a Koala. “Nothing happened,” you say, nuzzling your face into his shirt. “Come swim with me. Please.” 
Jungkook sighs, using his large palm to tame your frizzy stray hairs. “Y/N. We need to go home.”
You cock your head in confusion.“Wait why?”
His voice becomes oddly stern. “Y/N. It’s important and we have to go home.”
“To your place or mine?”
“My place. Just follow me.”
You haven’t a clue as to why Jungkook is behaving so urgently, but you follow him nonetheless. You pick up your purse and give Yeonjun a quick hug, running after Jungkook who cooly breezes past everyone, not a single person missing the hot guy who suddenly showed to the party. 
Jungkook opens his car door for you and allows you to step in. 
“Jungkook… is something going on?”
“Yes, there is,” he says grimacing slightly, shutting the door for you before he climbs into the driver’s seat. 
This nauseating anxiety bubbles inside you and sends chills up your spine, making you flinch when Jungkook closes the car door on his side. Jungkook doesn’t say anything, just looks behind his shoulder to reverse from his parking spot before zooming out of there. 
“Is this because of what happened the other night?” you ask, and he glances at you quickly. 
“No, it isn’t.”
“Well.. are we going to talk about it?” you push, twiddling with your fingers. 
Jungkook shakes his head, noticing your trembling fingers in his peripheral view. He reaches over and puts his hand on top of yours. “Not now.” 
You don’t respond, shifting in confusion.
“Here,” Jungkook starts, throwing his phone in your lap, “You can play whatever song you want.”
You purse your lips and silently nod. 
Sooner or later, you arrive at Jungkook’s apartments, and he leads you up the stairs and sits you on his black leather couch. 
He cups your face with both hands, caressing the apples of your cheek with his thumbs. With your eyebrows pinched, you peer into Jungkook’s eyes, conveying your confusion through your scrunched facial features. 
“Y/N, before I tell you what I want to tell you, I want you to take a few breaths. Just know that I’m always here for you.”
You nod steadily, pretty facial features still crinkled in confusion. 
“Y/N, your parents were in a car accident, and they didn’t make it.”
And as the haunting realization settles into your system, all you can remember are your shrieks of terror echoing throughout his apartment and the way Jungkook holds you against his body while he wipes your tears and assuages your loud cries. 
The few days that proceed are a blur, but Jungkook takes care of you and is far more attentive than he ever has been. You cling onto him like fragile glass ornament hanging from a delicate thread- like he was all you had left because he was all you had left. He was your spring solace after a harsh winter, and the way he treated you indicated as much.
Jungkook works from home so you aren’t alone. For the entire day, you sit on his bed and watch him work. You eavesdrop on his meetings, falling asleep to the sound of his voice and whenever you wake up Jungkook ensures that he feeds you, constantly worried about your inability to eat. 
You’re queasy just thinking about going back to your house, so your daily and nightly attire consist of pieces from Jungkook’s wardrobe. You haven’t verbally acknowledged what has happened- not ready to talk about the death of your parents. You’re just trying to survive, and you feel like you’re barely making it. 
Thankfully, all your friends and family have been extremely helpful trying to get you through your grief. Jungkook’s mother stays with you for a few days, and after that Yunjin sleeps over with you for a few days- but you know that a piece of your heart has been ruthlessly ripped form you.
“Y/N, you need to take a shower,” Jungkook expresses, obstructing your view of the TV. His toothbrush hangs from his mouth, toothpaste residue bubbling around the perimeter of his lips. You owlishly blink at him, observing how his expression hardens at your look of indifference. 
You scoot towards the left end of the couch, hoping to get a clear view of Ever After High projected on his flat screen TV. 
“Y/N you haven’t showered in three days,” Jungkook interjects, “Please take a shower.”
“I will. Later.”
He pushes up his glasses, staring at you with intense disapproval. “Y/N,” he says sternly, trying to be gentle despite his qualms. 
You acquiesce, pouting at him. “Okay, fine. Later.”
His frown deepens. “Y/N.”
You chew on your bottom lip, deeply contemplating what Jungkook has asked of you. His large frame remains frozen in front of you. No matter how you position yourself on the couch, he renders you unable to watch the princesses prance around on the TV.
“Okay… but will you at least come with me? I don’t want to be without you.”
Jungkook pauses. 
“I don’t mean like getting in with me, but will you just sit on the toilet and talk to me?” You ask, sinking into the leather of his sofa and using your sweater paws to sweep your hair back. 
“Yea, I’ll do that.”
Once you step in the shower, you close the curtains, and strip yourself from your clothes, handing the pile of clothes to Jungkook. You turn on the water, yelping at the sensation on your body. Jungkook was right. You needed this and you kind of do smell like butthole. 
“Wait Y/N, do you want me to go to your house and get you underwear?” 
After folding up your (his) T-shirt and boxers, he notices that you haven’t been wearing any undergarments. 
“No!” you call back, “I don’t want you to go there! Not yet,” you call back. 
“Then do you want me to buy you some?” he responds, placing the folded clothes on the bathroom counter. 
“Um, maybe we can order some on Amazon.”
“Just send me the link and I’ll place the order.”
A wave of silence washes over the bathroom, and you peek your head from the shower curtain to see what Jungkook’s up to: scrolling on Instagram. On his screen is some instagram model’s bikini pic, his fingers pausing on the screen so he can look at the photo.  
“Who is that?” you ask, making Jungkook jump in his seat. 
“What the- Y/N, just take your shower!” Jungkook feigns annoyance but can’t help himself but scoff in amusement at how petty you can be.
“Is she prettier than me?” you ask, glaring at Jungkook with disapproval. 
Jungkook purses his lips and tugs the shower curtain past your face and holds it against the wall, preventing you from peeking your pretty head past the curtain. He holds it there for a good minute, unfazed by the thrashing against the shower curtain. 
You swipe open the shower curtain from the other side. Your eyes bore into Jungkook’s and Jungkook thinks you’re foolish not to realize how alluring and sultry you are. Your bare body is akin to a sculpture of the goddess Aphrodite. Water drips from the crevices of your body and you gaze at him with anticipation etched onto your face. You’re just standing there, but your posture is so seductive- or maybe it’s just the natural curvature of your body. 
“Why don’t you join me?” your sweet voice makes his Adam's apple bob in his throat. 
When he doesn’t respond, your features morph into humiliation, regret consuming you. You nod your head. “Sorry Kook, I’ll just-”
“Y/N, you’re gorgeous. Any man can see how lovely you are. Honestly, you take my breath away every time I see you,” Sensing the trepidation on your face, he solidifies his claim, “I mean it Y/N. You’re beautiful, and I want to join you but I’m not going to. You’re hurting right now and I don’t want to do anything to take advantage of you.”
And he isn’t lying, he yearns for every kind of contact with you, but he’s not going to go through with this. Not when you’re traumatized from the death of your parents. Not when you’ve been so unhinged for the past week, refusing to even shower. 
You stare at him for a second, dazy eyed and your eyes darting around the room. “Okay Jungkook. I’m sorry.”
He smiles sweetly at you and gently closes the shower curtain. “It’s okay Y/N. I’m gonna head to my room. You’re welcome to come visit me anytime.”
Boys’ night. Jungkook being the handsome stud he is, happens to have friends that are also handsome studs. Jungkook offered to postpone boys’ night but you declined his attempts to make you more comfortable. Jungkook has exerted so much effort to take care of you. There’s no reason for him to forgo time with his best friends. Besides, you can always hide in your room. 
You crack your door open slightly ajar, peeking through the crack to spy on Jungkook and his friends. Antisocial is the perfect word to describe you. 
The sound of the doorbell ringing was your cue to lock yourself in your room. Jungkook knocked a few times, but you were too scared of other people that you didn’t even grace him with a response. 
Clearly Jungkook got the message because he opted to leave a greasy piece of pizza outside your door, sending you a quick text message about it.
You just wanted to scout the scene, see who was there. Mingyu, Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoon. Soju bottles are scattered around the table, and there’s some music blaring from the TV. You’ve met everyone here a few times- they all know you, but you aren’t close with Jungkook’s friends like he is with your friends. 
“Oh Y/N! Come join us!” You freeze at Mingyu’s words, and all eyes in the room whip towards your direction.
 “Umm..” you close the door gently and leap into the safety of your bed.
You overhear their banter through the wooden door. “Hey! Why are you making little kids uncomfortable!” Jimin yells, slapping Mingyu on the neck. 
Your lip quivers, and you inhale deeply, gathering the courage to step outside of the room. You quickly put on deodorant, and step out stealthily, taking a seat next to Namjoon on the couch. No one seems to notice you, and you tap on his shoulder. Namjoon whips his head towards you, the confusion on his face melting into fondness. 
“Hi,” you squeak out, fiddling with your fingers. 
“Hi Y/N,” Namjoon greets, the kindness laced in his voice assuaging the trepidation bubbling on your inside. Jungkook’s red lava lamp  illuminates the room with shades of crimson, and your eyes flutter shut when a ray of light shines on your face. 
“Are you okay?” Namjoon inquires, holding his hand up to shield you from the light.  
“Yea, I’m fine,” you blink a few times. You don’t say anything, just awkwardly take a bite of your pizza while your eyes dart around the room. 
Namjoon doesn’t seem to know what to say to you either, so the two of you just sit and eat pizza in silence. For a moment, your eyes lock. You owlishly blink at him and he blinks at you for a good minute.  
But then, to your surprise, Namjoon sets his pizza down, opening his arms. Your features scrunch up, and you let yourself melt into his warm embrace, glossy tears rolling down your face. 
“I’m so sorry about what happened,” he expresses, gently caressing the back of your head with his palm. You sniffle. “t’s okay,” you sob, “but I’m so sad. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“You’ll get through this. We’re always here for you.”
His words invoke a tornado of intense feelings in your system, and your strong facade crumbles as you become vulnerable in Jungkook’s friend’s embrace. By this point, everyone has noticed your presence, and suddenly the night becomes about you. 
After wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you find yourself sitting in between Jungkook and Namjoon in a “friendship circle”. It’s quite cute that these grown men still sit criss-cross applesauce in a circle, but you’re overjoyed that you’re welcome to the group. 
“I brought you a cake Y/N,” Taehyung announces, handing you a lunchbox cake. With your doe eye, you look towards him before opening the lid of the cake. A lunchbox cake with Snorlax’s face iced on the top.  “Jungkook mentioned that you really liked Pokemon, so I thought you’d find this cute,” he continues, slightly trailing off.  You’re Strong! Is what it reads, and you fall into pieces, your features crumpling up before you burst into tears. 
Jungkook laughs in fondness at the vulnerability of your reaction, wrapping a single arm around your frame. 
“Th-thank you,” you sniffle, offering Taehyung a crooked smile. “Can we eat it together? I don’t want to get f-fat.”
At that, a chorus of no’s echo through the room, and you giggle a bit. 
Your heart is incredibly full. Family. Friends. People who care about you. This is something your soul desires, something your soul needs. 
The night meets its unfortunate end, and you stand in front of Jungkook as you bid his friends goodbye. Before the boys walk away, you find your fingers clinging onto the hem of Jimin’s oversized shirt. Before he ventures off, he turns around and graces you with an endearing look of confusion. “What’s up?”
“Can I come with you?” you spout. 
“You want to sleep over at our place?” Jimin questions, gingerly scratching the back of his head. 
You shake your head steadily, “I just want to talk to you,” you clarify, gazing up at him shyly. Jimin’s eyes dart towards Jungkook’s for approval and Jungkook nods his head. “Go ahead. I’ll give you guys privacy,” he pinches your cheek affectionately before closing the door. You stand on your tiptoes, peeking through the window of the apartment to ensure that Jungkook isn’t eavesdropping. 
Jimin leans against the railings, observing you carefully. 
You tug on the hem of Jimin’s tee, urging him to follow you to the lobby of Jungkook’s apartment. He follows in your stead, not questioning you until your actions pause. You shift around uncomfortably for a bit, and you look up at him. Taking a deep breath, you find the courage to ask him the question that’s been lingering in the back of your mind. 
 “Do you think Jungkook and I could ever.. be a thing?” you finally question, shifting your weight between your feet, a crimson sheen sweeping over your cheeks. 
Jimin’s eyebrows pinch, and he repeatedly opens and closes his mouth, looking for the right words to say. “Like romantically?”
Your eyes cumbersomely drift towards the painting behind Jimin. “Y-yea. I really like him, and I want him to be my boyfriend- and I know he’s attracted to me but won’t act on his feelings because of his ethical qualms,” you stutter out, pursing your lips after seeing how Jimin’s face morphs into astonishment. 
“Well, I don’t think Jungkook is seeing anyone right now- but Y/N, if I’m going to be totally honest, I don’t think you and Jungkook being a romantic pair would be appropriate. I mean, he’s known you since you were a kid. Even if he does like you, I don’t think he would cross those boundaries.” he very gently explains, meticulously finding the correct wording to not hurt your feelings. 
You bite your lip bitterly, sinking into the realization of his assertion. “Yea, you’re right. I don’t know. I guess it’s just a stupid crush,” you dismiss your confession with a wave and offer Jimin a shy smile. 
Jimin pouts at your invalidation of your own feelings. “Don’t say that. I know you’ll find someone who cherishes and loves you. Someone you deserve,” he asserts. You smile at him, nodding before he ruffles your hair and leads you back up the stairs. 
Someone you love. 
Would you ever find it in yourself to love anybody that wasn’t him? Jungkook has successfully monopolized your heart, your soul, your very being. 
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Tonguing his cheek, Jungkook impatiently and abruptly brakes at a red light, accelerating rapidly when the light turns green. He changes from his casual clothes to a black sleeveless shirt, loose leather pants, and a beanie. Mingyu sits on the passenger seat, frantically typing on his laptop as Jungkook zooms down the highway at record pace. 
Breaking into a frat house to terrorize some dumb college kids definitely wasn’t a part of the plan tonight, but Jungkook was down for some last minute terrorism.
“So what are you gonna do? Threaten the kid? Call the cops?”Taehyung questions from the backseat, both hands gripping on the headrest of Mingyu and Jungkook’s seats. 
“Look, I’m really trying to not sound corny, but I’m going to torture him,” Jungkook enunciates, which evokes a few seconds of silence. 
“This bitch-”
“He’s lost his fucking mind,” Mingyu mumbles. 
Jungkook laughs to himself, amused by the comments of his friends. Jungkook is an intelligent, rational person. Normally, he wouldn’t take it this far but he deems it extremely necessary for this particular situation. 
“What the- now he’s creepily laughing to himself-”
“If we tell Y/N about this she’s going to be scared of you,” Mingyu abruptly comments, shooting Jungkook a pointed look. 
Jungkook pauses, seemingly deeply considering the utterance of his friend, toying with his lip ring for a while he finally makes a comment. “I won’t do anything bad. I’ll just intimidate him a little.”
His friends sigh, not pressing further on the matter because Mingyu and Taehyung were pissed off too. Instead, Mingyu rolls down the windows of the car, allowing the breeze of the cool night to consume the interior of the car. 
Jungkook considers this very night a milestone in your healing process. You isolated yourself in his apartment for two consecutive weeks, your grief severely limiting your social capacity and ability to normally interact with people. His friends were privy to your situation, purposely not coming to Jungkook’s home out of respect for you. But tonight, the color that reappeared in your aura overwhelmed his heart with joy.
While you were on the couch, talking to Namjoon about something, Jungkook got an alarming text from one of your friends- Yeonjun. Jungkook is cool with your friends, but not close enough to be sending private text messages, so his eyes brows pinch in concern when he sees the notification pop up from his phone. 
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Mingyu’s eyes drifted towards Jungkook, who was noticeably brimming with indignation. Jungkook scoffed to himself, a macabre smirk on his lips before he laughed erratically at the message. He repeatedly wiped his face with his hand, chuckling in amusement. Jungkook discreetly passed his phone to Mingyu without a word, with Taehyung looking over his shoulder, both of them gasping at the message.
This whole time, you were oblivious to the scheme Jungkook was contriving and Jungkook intended to keep it that way. You were carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and Jungkook would cut his limbs off to lessen that burden. The indignation and resentment bubbling within him threatens to erupt because he’s so fucking pissed off. 
You’re everything to him, and the thought of you being violated makes him want to indulge in his violent impulses.  He can’t imagine how you would feel knowing that video spread around, and usually he would confide with you about these things but right now he needs to sweep this under the rug and make sure it never comes back up. 
Luckily, he and Mingyu both have degrees in computer engineering and know how to hack into technical infrastructures. 
Jungkook pulls up to the frat house, rolling the window down steadily before he rests his elbow on the ledge of the window. He sits there for a second, toying with his lip ring while his eyes bore into the interior of the house. He’s sure he looks creepy as hell- just staring into the house.
After a few minutes of waiting in silence, some guy arises from the house and approaches the car. 
Jungkook keeps his lips sealed until he’s close enough to perceive his features. 
“Uh is there something yall need?” the guy asks, innocently scratching the back of his head. 
“Yea,” Jungkook responds, voice firm and somewhat chilling, “Your name Josh?”
“Yea? What’s up-”
Jungkook kicks the door open, knocking Josh over until he’s rolled on the floor, clutching his leg as he shrieks in pain. 
“Oh shit, are we really doing this?” Taehyung mutters before joining Jungkook outside the car. 
Jungkook sits on top of Josh, continuously punching the shit out of him before he spits on the kid’s face. He uses a single hand to lift him by the collar, and violently pushes him against the car. “You mad Y/N rejected you? So you pulled that shit?” Jungkook menaces, his face centimeters away from Josh’s. 
Josh whimpers, crying- too horrified to coherently respond. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he pleads, tears and snot streaming down his ugly face. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Jungkook repeatedly bangs Josh against the car. “I’m gonna say this shit once and I’m not going to repeat myself,” he seethes, satisfied by the way Josh whimpers and nods his head pathetically. 
“You’re not shit. You’ll never ever be good enough for Y/N. You’re the same as the shit on the bottom of my shoe,” he breathes against Josh’s face, who whimpers and cries, “If I ever see you messing with Y/N ever again- I will ruin your whole life.”
Josh nods, unable to do anything else. 
“Got it?” Jungkook seethes, pushing Josh’s head against the car door.
“Got it!”
“Good. We’re going inside, and you guys are going to watch us go through all of your iClouds, and we’re going to delete every single copy of the video there is, alright?”
“Yes! Yes! That’s fine! I’m sorry!”
Jungkook scoffs in amusement at his despicable demeanor, before he throws Josh on the ground and enters the house. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Mingyu mumbles, following Jungkook’s lead into the house.
You anxiously wait for Jungkook to return home, absentmindedly toying with the Switch to distract from the hysterical thoughts frantically racing through your mind. You’ve done everything you could to distract yourself, your restless heart aching to do something of substance.
 You’ve been isolating yourself from society for the past month simply because you can’t bring yourself to leave Jungkook’s home, as if it was your safe haven. 
You dread the moment you have to return to your home, memories of your family coming to mind. You’ve been trying to avoid thinking about everything, and you reckon that it’s time to process everything. There are aspects of grief that you find unfathomable- questions you have that make you want to throw up. 
What will happen to the home that holds the memories of your family within its walls? How will you assimilate back into society without your father, without your mother? You’re not confident that it will ever be the same, and your heart sinks into your stomach at the notion- but you have to be resilient; you have to face it. 
It feels worse to avoid the reality of your life than to face it head on. 
You’re pulled from your thoughts by the sound of the doorknob turning. 
“Jungkook!” The way you call his name is breathless, and his eyebrows pinch in concern when you pounce on him. Nonetheless, he allows you to nuzzle into his embrace and he soothingly rubs your back- like he always does. 
“Wasn’t gone that long,” Jungkook absentmindedly comments. 
“I know- just missed you. I’m sorry for being clingy,” you murmur, to which Jungkook shakes his head at the absurdity of your words. 
“Not at all. Stay here for as long as you want. I’ll take you with me wherever I go,” he adds, settling into the leather of his sofa. You shuffle after him like a cute little penguin, sitting your ass directly next to Jungkook despite the vacant empty space on your right side. 
“Then am I allowed to sit next to you?” 
Jungkook’s features crinkle up in amusement, nose scrunching as he laughs lightly at how cute you are. He pinches your cheek, “It’s one thousand dollars for every minute you’re within a five foot radius of me,” he comments, tone stoic and firm. 
He doesn’t have to look in your direction to visualize the way your pretty lips fall open, swatting at his bicep for his cruel words. “Jungkook, I don’t have that money! You know I only have 35 cents in my bank account!”
“Okay, then go sit over there,” Your eyes follow the trail of his pointed finger, the corner of the room. 
“Fine! You fucking asshole,” you mutter bitterly, jumping up from the couch and stomping away with a hmph, until Jungkook slyly wraps his hand around the circumference of your wrist and pulls you to him. You collapse onto the couch, your back against his chest, and your butt between his legs. 
He clings onto you, almost suffocating you with the way he wraps his arms around you, grabbing his elbows as he locks his arms over your head. “‘M just kidding- you know that. I can’t survive without my baby either, y’know?”
Your chest erupts with butterflies, and you hold onto his forearm with both of your hands. “I know.”
The next day, you return to school. Your professors were so empathetic and understanding to the nuance and confusion of your situation, allowing you to complete your coursework from the comfort of Jungkook’s home. 
Grief isn’t a linear process. Though you’ve found it in you to return to school, it’s the mundane and the typical that you’re becoming increasingly bothered by. 
No one in your Philosophy class is paying attention to this movie, clearly. You can tell by the lit up screens scattered within the clusters of students, and you aren’t diligent enough to not be one of those students, doodling flowers and Snorlax’s on your paper. 
For the second you do look up at the movie, your heart stops. It’s always the most mundane, irrelevant details that get to you. The scene barely occupies a minute and it makes your chest tighten in the worst way possible. 
The main character walks down the wedding aisle, her arm linked with her father’s. The haunting realization settles in your system- you will never ever experience that. You begin hyperventilating, your hand crumpling the paper, and you quickly rest your forearms on the table before shoving your face into your forearms. People are already looking at you and you can’t fathom the humiliation so you stay like that until class is dismissed. 
You finally lift your head, rubbing your eyes to adjust the blinding ceiling lights. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
You shriek at the unexpected voice and whip your head to the left. 
“Hey hey hey- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he breathes out, rolling his chair towards you before rolling back so as to not scare you further. 
“No no, you’re good,” you breathe out, inhaling and exhaling to bring you down from your petrified high. “Just having a shitty day,” you explain, sweeping away the hair dried to your face by your tears. 
He seems to be unable to conjure a proper response, peering at you with an empty gaze and you sink in your seat, feeling the need to further explain yourself. “Well there was that part in the movie where Emma got married, and that made me feel horrible because I recently lost my dad.. And my mom.”
“Wait, I’m sorry. You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” he articulates, “I just noticed you  haven’t been in class for a while and was kinda worried when I saw you crying. I’m sorry if I pushed your boundaries.”
“You know me?”
His lips tug up in embarrassment as he gingerly scratches the back of his neck. “Well we usually sit next to each other so I thought we formed an acquaintanceship or something,” he mumbles. 
“Oh I’m sorry,” you pout at him, “I usually tap out during class so I never noticed you. What’s your name by the way?” You shyly stick out your hand, and he gives you a straight lined smile before shaking your hand gently. 
“Sunghoon. I-I’m really sorry for your loss by the way,” he adds, and you find his nervousness quite endearing. You shyly smile at him, and he gazes back at you with similar amity. He ever so softly pulls your wrist towards his and scribbles his number onto your forearm. “Feel free to text me if you ever need help with homework. You missed a lot of school,” he offers, and you find yourself giggling at his forth forwardness. 
“Thanks Sunghoon."
When  Jungkook returns from work that night, the first thing he’s met with is you shoving your boots on, seemingly ready for a vivacious night out. Your figure is adorned with a white satin slip on dress, and your hair is put up in an elegant updo. Jungkook pauses, eyes settling on your figure before scanning up to your face; he thinks this is the first time he’s seen you with makeup on since he wiped away the mascara running down your cheeks the day he broke the news.
“Hey daddy,” you purr, “Where have you been? The kids have been waiting for you,” you giggle, sliding your mini purse down your arm. 
Jungkook narrows his eyes at you, humorously scoffing at your corny choice of words. 
You giggle, skipping towards him before jumping onto him, latching around his neck before you whisper in his ear. “‘m going out with my friends, don’t wait for me to get home because I might stay the night with Yunjin.”
Jungkook stiffens, remaining frozen while you back up from him. 
“So, do I look like an angel, or what?”
“Always look cute,” because despite the infesting irritation bubbling in his system, he would never not tell you how it is. You are cute, always cute, always like an angel. 
“Thanks,” you giggle, skipping towards the door but before you can skip past him, he latches onto your wrist. “Wait.”
You tilt your head, slightly confused. “I bought something for you.”
He digs in his backpack and pulls it out. Nipple pasties. “You never wear a bra, so I thought you’d be safer if you put these on before you go out.”
“You were the one who said I had small tits!”
“Okay, well you still have nipples- so at least put these on to keep you safe.”
You narrow your eyes at him, but he doesn’t back down. You snatch the pasties from his hand and march into the bathroom. “Fine!” 
Jungkook lounges on the couch, eyes trained on you before you bid him goodbye and skip out of his apartment. He inhales deeply to settle the erratic palpitations in his chest. He needs to stop being so protective of you. 
Your arms linked with Yunjin, you skip around from one club to the next, dancing and partying your little hearts out. When the night comes to a close you prance to the local ramen shop around your campus. From a distance, you can already make out Jungkook casually speaking with his friends. He’s always so animated when he’s with his friends, dramatically gesturing and hip thrusting in the air while his friends laugh at his immature jokes. He’s got a cigarette between his pointer and middle finger, taking slow puffs, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs before he tilts his head to exhale a long plume of smoke into the atmosphere. 
That’s right. Jungkook smokes occasionally but never lets you do it. What a hypocrite. 
His eyes drift off for a second until they land on you, and his lips curl up in your presence. 
“Well look, if it isn’t my favorite girl,” he teases, letting out low laughter at the way you crimson when all his friends’ heads whip in your direction. 
You narrow your eyes at him, giving him a dirty look that Jungkook cooes at. Even when you were trying to intimidate him you akin to a cute Snorlax, so adorable, eyebrows pinched and lips pouted- how could he feel anything but adoration at that? 
“Aw angel,” he jests, throwing your words right back at you, “Don’t ignore me, ‘m sorry for teasing you,” he catches you as you walk past him, pulling you towards his chest before resting his chin on top of your head. 
He casually smiles at Yunjin. “How’s my angel been doing? Has she been behaving?”
Yunjin’s jaw drops at the bold statement and you attempt to wrestle out of his firm embrace to berate him. 
Just kidding. It’s getting late, though. Do you girls need a ride home?” he asks, finally letting you go just for you to stumble out of his grip and almost land on your face, but luckily Jungkook pulls your shoulders back without even looking in your direction. 
“Jungkook, it’s literally 10,” you deadpan. 
“Oh c’mon, I don’t want you girls to get kidnapped or something,” he snarkily responds. 
“How about you give us some money instead?” Yunjin jests, clearly joking, but Jungkook takes it so, so seriously. He raises a brow at both of you. “How much do you need?”
“Wait no- I was kidding,” Yunjin quickly clarifies, her ears becoming slightly red, “you don’t have to..”
Jungkook looks from you to her, then back at you before whipping out his phone, taking another puff of his cigarette before blowing the smoke upwards, careful so you don’t inhale any smoke.
Your eyebrows pinch in confusion when you get a notification, and you unzip your mini purse to grab your phone, allowing the screenlight to illuminate your pretty features.  
“250 each, alright?” Jungkook laughs, taking another puff of his cigarette before he saunters off, his friends pushing him around and teasing him. 
“Ayo, when did Jeon turn into a sugar daddy?”
You and Yunjin are left dumbfounded, even more so when Jungkook turns around and makes kissy lips at you. 
You fall to your knees. 
The next morning is the weekend.
You absentmindedly chomp on your cereal, eyes still crusty and mind still hazy from the morning daze. Jungkook arises from his bedroom, hair still messy and sticking out in various directions- but he still looks as handsome as ever, the tired and morning glow suiting him wondrously. 
“So, I’m planning a trip with my friends at the beach. We’ll stay in an AirBnb. You wanna come with?”
You pause, features crinkling up in confusion. “Which friends? The ones from last night or Mingyu and them?”
“Mingyu, Tae, Jimin, Namjoon,” he counts off, before shrugging, “I already planned to take you with me so it’s not like you have a choice anyways.”
You scoff to yourself in amusement. “Aren’t you being too forceful?”
Jungkook narrows his eyes and graces you with a look of skepticism. “So you don’t want to go? or..”
“No!” you rapidly interject as you shoot up, clearing your throat and regaining your composure at the way Jungkook smirks at you. 
You settle back into your seat. “I do want to go,” you exhale, “but do I have to pay for my own room or something? I’m broke.”
“Oh, I was just gonna have you stay in my room,” Jungkook responds, trailing off as he tries to detect any trace of apprehension on your features, “Is that alright with you?”
You don’t even realize you’re holding your breath until you breathlessly exhale. “That’s perfect.”
So that’s how you found yourself at the beach, in nothing but your black bikini, prancing around the waves with Taehyung.
“Jungkook watch!” you call as you swivel around towards Jungkook, who’s applying sunscreen to his legs, not really paying attention to what you were doing. 
You stand in front of the upcoming wave, holding your arms out as if you were going to embrace the wave. “I’m going to stand against the wave!”
At that, Jungkook whips his head upwards, eyebrows pinching in worry as he shoots up. “Tae! Get her! She’s gonna get swept in by-“
And on cue, the wave collapses over you and you tumble into the unwelcoming water. “Motherfuck-“ You thrash and scream, powerless against the unforgiving currents until a pair strong arms pull you from your armpits and drags you to the sand.
“Holy shit Y/N, are you alright?” Taehyung asks, crouching beside you as he pats your back, allowing you to cough the water up.
“Y/N that was so dumb,” you hear Jungkook’s voice as he approaches you, crouching beside you as he hands you his black steel water bottle. “Take a sip,” he urges, and you nod shakily, grasping the bottle with both hands before you take a sip from it.
“I’m okay. Thanks for saving me Taehyung,” you smile at him and he releases a sigh of relief. “You scared the shit out of us!”
You gulp down the water and close the cap, returning his bottle to him. “Sorry, I won’t do that again, but can we get back to playing now?” you smile as you playfully fling a ball of wet sand at Jungkook.
Jungkook closes his eyes on impact, scoffing in amusement before he grabs you by your legs, signalling  Taehyung to grab your arms before they both lift you and run into the ocean.
Jungkook waits outside your shared room, knuckles softly knocking on the wooden door. A towel loosely wrapped around his lower waist, water drips from every crevice on his body, but he can’t enter until you’re done changing.
“Oki! I’m done!” you call out, opening the door for him, a towel in your hand as you use it to scrunch up your damp hair. 
“Wow. You’re really muscular,” you giggle, fingers hovering over his abs before you look up at him for approval to feel, to which he gently pushes your head aside and waltzes into the room.
When he’s done changing he beckons you back to the room, and you plop in the king sized bed, belly down and legs swinging back and forth in the air. 
Jungkook lies down beside you, resting his head on the pillow as he scrolls aimlessly on his phone, only looking over when he hears your ringtone go off.
You answer the call almost immediately.
“Oh hey Sunghoon!” you greet, shooting up from the bed to touch up your appearance in the facetime camera.
Sunghoon. Jungkook knows all your friends and he hasn’t heard that name before.
“Hey Y/N, how’s your vacation going?” Sunghoon asks, and you take a seat at the desk, propping your phone up against the wall. You twirl an idle piece of hair around your fingers. “It’s really fun here, I feel great,” you explain, “so what’s up?”
“You look like you’re having fun- wait, is there someone in the room with you?”
You rapidly turn around and look at Jungkook, then tilt your phone at an angle where he isn’t visible. “Oh, he’s just a family friend, do you want me to go somewhere more private?”
“Oh no that’s cool, I was just wondering but I called to ask you about the homework…”
A family friend? Jungkook scowls at that. Wordlessly, he breezes past you and exits the room, closing the door and sits next to Jimin on the couch. 
Jimin takes a few moments to acknowledge Jungkook’s presence. “Hey, is there anything going on between you and Y/N?” Jimin finally asks, eyebrows furrowing in concern when he perceives Jungkook’s sour face. 
Jungkook pauses. “Why are you asking?”
Jimin shrugs. “I don’t know. Don’t you know she has a crush on you? Isn’t it inappropriate for you two to be sharing a room?” Jimin continues, nudging Jungkook with his elbow. 
At that, Jungkook buries his face into his palms. He’s let this go on for far too long. “I know,” Jungkook murmurs, voice projection muffled by his hands. 
“You know? The other day she asked me if it was possible between you two and I straight up told her that you wouldn’t go for it.”
Jungkook remains wordless at that, and he thinks he’s developed an idea of the reality of the situation. 
Jungkook was too scared to address the subject with you; he let it linger for far too long. He didn’t want to burden you with anything else besides what you already had on your plate, and you got in your head about it. He never explicitly stated that he more than reciprocates your feelings, leaving you dangling on a string. 
He’s going to fix that. 
“No Jimin, that’s not it,” Jungkook clarifies, wiping his face with his palms. “I like her too, and I’m going to tell her tonight,” he states firmly, slightly craning his head to gauge Jimin’s reaction. His reaction isn’t what Jungkook expected. Instead of a look of concern, worry, or horror, Jimin looks over the moon. 
“Well shit! I wish I knew that before! You guys look perfect together!” he exclaims before eagerly patting Jungkook on the back. 
Jungkook raises his eyebrows at his friend. “Really? Don't you think I should wait a little longer? Until she's ready?”, to which Jimin simply shakes his head.
“Y/N's an adult. She can handle herself. I thought you wouldn't go for it because of the age gap, though. I guess I shouldn't have told her that," he says gingerly, scratching the back of his head. ”Sorry Kook."
Jungkook doesn't say anything, seemingly in deep contemplation. "It used to bother me,” Jungkook clarifies, "but it doesn't anymore."
“So what’s wrong with it?"
That’s right. There is nothing wrong with it.
A cool night on the beach. You feel the cool breeze through your air, the lunar radiance of the moon illuminating the beach. You’re adorned in a lovely, summer-esque two piece set with floral patterns running along the fabric, The top piece is cropped and strapless, exposing your collar bones and belly button piercing, and the bottom piece is a long, flowy skirt that blows marvelously against the wind. 
You gingerly step outside the beach house, enjoying the cool sensation of the night breeze. The guys are all hanging out in the yard, soju bottles and beer cans scattered on the wooden benches positioned on the beach. Namjoon and Jimin are posted up on the benches, chowing down on meat whilst engaging in pretty animated conversation. You spot Mingyu and Taehyung running around the beach, slapping each other and chasing after each other, their dirty heels slipping against the coarse sand. 
Jungkook is stationed at the grill, frying meat for his friends. His tall and built figure is concealed by his loose black T-shirt and black sweat shorts that you have worn a few times during your extended stay at his place. 
You creep up behind him, swiping away the stray hairs that the wind blew into your face. Tapping him lightly on the back, you coyly skmile at him, a bashful glow illuminating your face. 
Jungkook sensed your presence the moment stepped foot from the house, but still acts like it’s the first time he’s ever seen you. He does a double take, eyes scanning up and down your face and body- you look so lovely and elegant in your little two piece set. “Hey,” Jungkook finally returns your greeting, a little breathless. 
“Can I have some?” you ask, pointing to the grill. 
“Uh yea, I actually made a plate for you a second ago,” Jungkook takes the prepared plate of your favorite meats, but pauses before he hands it to you. He hasn’t a clue if you’re doing this on purpose, but you’re looking at him with the sultriest of eyes, and it drives him crazy. His Adam’s Apple bobs in his throat, and he collects himself before handing you the plate. 
You tilt your head, sending him a look of confusion at his hesitance, but Jungkook sees it as a gateway to talk to you. “Y/N, can we talk? Like now?” Jungkook asks, rubbing at the nape of his neck. 
“Sure, what about?” you solicit, setting the plate on the table.
Jungkook immediately shoves his hands in his pockets, and motions his head towards the beach, obliging you to follow him. “About what you told me at your house..” he trails off, “that one time in the middle of the night,” he adds. 
He perceives the way your features morph into embarrassment, so he decides to take the lead on this conversation. He approaches you, standing beside you momentarily before smoothly lacing his fingers through yours. “Let’s go.”
Unable to conjure a proper response, you follow his footsteps in silence until your bodies appear as distant figures by the ocean. With your toes kissing the water washing up on shore, he turns back to look at you, fingers still intertwined. But you stop him before he can open his mouth. 
“Wait- Jungkook. Let me explain myself first,” you begin, thankful that the night sky conceals the obvious bashful glow on your cheeks. 
Jungkook who is seemingly expressionless nods his head, signaling you to let your words out. 
You gently pull your hand from his, twiddling with your fingers before you can speak. “Firstly, I just wanna apologize.. to you,” you begin, ignoring the way his nose scrunches in confusion, “I feel like you’ve been so good to me- you always take care of me. Your family is the only family I have left,” you continue, bashfully tucking an idle strand of hair behind your ear. 
“So I’m sorry for forcing myself on you, and I’m sorry for mistaking your care towards me as romantic affection,” you continue, subconsciously gesticulating with your hands. “I know you said you don’t like it when girls are clingy but I’ve been nothing but clingy, and you still take care of me and care about me.” Your words are passionate, and they’re true. “Everyone told me that a relationship with you would be inappropriate.. but I was too persistent and too selfish. I’m so sorry Kook. You must’ve been so shocked when I yelled at you and when I.. opened that shower curtain,” you finish, shaking your head in embarrassment. 
When you finally complete the sentiment, you tilt your head upwards to gauge his reaction. His eyebrows pinch in confusion, and his mouth is slightly agape. “What?” he asks breathlessly, eyebrows pinching even further. He runs a tired hand over his face. “Y/N- just- I can’t believe you said that. Y/N, I love you. And I don’t care if you’re clingy, and I don’t care what anybody else thinks of us.”
You gasp at his words, a profound sense of emotion absolutely overwhelming you.
“What I care about is what you think of me, and whether you’re happy,” His fingers find yours, and he holds your hand and looks right into your eyes to properly convey his sincerity. “Y/N, I’m so sorry for not telling you sooner. You were just going through so much shit and I didn’t know if you were in the right headspace or if you were even serious about how you felt for me-”
He stops when you yank your hands away from him, using the back of your hands to wipe the tears streaming down your face. The shapes of his eyes turn into little crescents, petrified at your reactions. He removes your hands from your face, holding your wrists. 
“Y/N, don’t cry. Please say something.”
“Jungkook, it’s too late. I-I don’t think I can do this- with you- I mean,” is all you’re able to say and Jungkook’s chest tightens impossibly.
His heart drops to your stomach, a crestfallen expression morphing onto his handsome features. “I-is that how you really feel?”
Another tear streams down your face and Jungkook itches to wipe it but suppresses that urge.
“I love you Jungkook. I do. I really do!” you cry out, “But I can’t date you, ever. I never want to lose you,” you sob between sniffles. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m sure of it!”
The situation is bitterly ironic. Jungkook spent months tiptoeing around his feelings, your feelings, because he wanted to ensure he was what you wanted. Even when you blatantly threw yourself at him, he made the conscious decision to not pursue you. He spent months deciding your feelings for you- and now you’re telling him you don’t want him and he can’t do anything but accept it. 
“Y/N, you’ll never lose me. I’ll always be here. Even if you change your mind.. I’ll always be here.”
“Jungkook, I lost my whole family. You’re all I have left,” you explain, trailing off a little bit, “If I lose you then I have nobody.”
“No, I swear- Y/N, you’re it for me, and I mean it.”
You sniffle, wiping your cheeks, eyes, and nose once more. “What- hiccup- does that mean?”
“It means… whatever you want it to mean,” he concludes. 
“Jungkook…” you trail off, “Don’t wait for me. If you find a girl you like, then you should go for her. All I want is for you to be happy. It’s what you deserve,” you offer him a soft smile, a direct juxtaposition to your tear stained cheeks.
His chest tightens at that and he shakes his head. “You’ll always be my priority. Me? I’ve dated enough girls, I can be single for the rest of my life.”
You immediately swat his chest at the sentiment. “No, Jungkook. You should be with someone who takes care of you, not someone you have to take care of all the time. I’ll just always be your family friend who had a stupid crush on you in college.” Your attempt to lighten the atmosphere is futile and makes Jungkook’s scowl deepen. 
“You’re more than that to me. You’ll always be.” His hand latches onto yours, and you pull yourself from him. 
“No Jungkook.. I’ve made up my mind. I really don’t think we could ever…” When your voice breaks and more tears accumulate in your waterline, Jungkook stops you, not wanting to cause you any more pain. 
“I got it, Y/N. But just know I’ll always be here… in any way you’ll take me.”
taglist: @babycandy111 @jk97bam @bellagrayson-wayne @honeeybunneey (can't be tagged), @talyaaas-blog , @jjeonjjk7 , @lovingkoalaface , @rvck0lover (can't be tagged), @kissyfacekoo , @dontcribuyabag (can't be tagged), @ash07128 , @cinnamonbambii , @jeon-ruby , @starlight-1010 , @hellbornsworld , @dodoneck, @papiibuprofen , @canyon-lwt , @appleh4ad , @screamertannie , @jeonjenny (can't be tagged), @ahgasegotarmy116 , @badaismygf (can't be tagged), @oopscoop , @gabsrecs , @hiii-priestess , @junniesoleilkth (can't be tagged) , @caro134340lina , @ellesalazar
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samandcolbyownme · 1 month
Ngl I kinda wanna see how Zach is with a pregnant reader. Is he more laid back with the witty comments/jokes? Does he just make different comments/jokes?
I love absolutely everything you do. ❤️
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Warnings: Pregnancy talk, pregnant!reader, girl dad!Zach, some crying, major fluff
Zach would be shocked at first, literally almost like he didn’t know how it happened, he would even say that, too. But, he would be happy and reassure you in every way.
You stood staring down at the hotel’s bathroom sink. The test lighting up with a dark second line that, in all honesty, you weren’t ready to see. “Zach.” You call out, slowly turning towards the door and your nose is met with his chest. You look up at him and he leans against the door, “Need help with somethin’”
He smirks, and raises his brows and you laugh slightly, still in shock about what’s sitting on the other side of your makeup bag, “Um, I mean..” And that’s when it hit you. Tears are instantly blurring your eyes and Zach pulls you into him, “Hey, hey, hey.” He shushes you, rubbing your back, “What’s happening right now?”
He wipes the tears from your face and you motion towards the sink, gasping as you start to cry again. He maneuvers around you to your other side, keeping on hand on you as he looks down to reach for the test, “How the hell did that happen?” You can’t help but laugh, giving him a slight push, “You know how this happened.”
He fingers rub over your hip while he stares down at the test in his hand, “We got this.” He shrugs, looking over at you, “I mean, I can already guarantee you that you’re going be the best mom ever.” You start to cry, laying your head on his chest and he hugs you tight, “It’s okay. Do you want to call Tara?” You nod and he laughs slightly, “Okay, come on. We’ll call Tara.”
Zach would totally lay in bed with you, his head rested gently against your growing baby bump, and just tell jokes. He would have you laughing so hard sometimes, you get a few punches and kicked to the belly every so often and he’s amazed, and slightly freaked out each time.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Zach whispers and you look up, “Hmm.” He looks up at you, “Not you, the baby.” You raise your brows, “Okay. Sorry for interrupting.”
“Yeah, you should be.” He tries not to laugh as he looks back at your belly, pointing lazily towards you, “get a load of this heckler back here, huh.”
You shake your head, laughing quietly as he continues, “Alright, kid. Riddle me this.. why didn’t the chicken cross the road?” He pauses, both of your eyes are on your belly, “To get the other side.”
Zach laughs and gently pats your belly, which finally gets baby girl to kick and he cheers, saying, “That’s right, funny like your daddy.”
Zach would definitely [playfully] pick on you about your midnight/early morning cravings and everyone would defend you.
“Yeah, all because these two-“ he points to you and your baby belly, a smile fighting to appear on his lips as he reminds dramatic, “-had me up at four am to go get breakfast.”
Tara leans over, laying her hand on your belly, “Oh shut up, zach.” She laughs, “You did this to her, so you need to oblige to every request y/n has.” You look over at Zach and he rolls his eyes, “We need to give that baby a clock or something.”
“I don’t think..” Jared sighs with a laugh as he shakes his head, “How do you plan on-“ Jared goes to ask but Zach cuts him off, “Do you really want the answer to that? Because it’s the same way the baby got in there.”
“You do realize that you can say no, right? I mean.. I wouldn’t like saying no to a pregnant lady, but you do you man.” Alyssa laughs. You laugh, looking over at Zach and he slowly shakes his head before nodding, “I love you.”
Zach would definitely stack stuff on your stomach and get sad when baby would kick, knocking his tower over and he would pout.
You glance down, lifting your sunhat a little to see Zach, stacking seashells on your growing baby bump, “Baby. What are you do-“
You gasp when you feel a hard kick from inside your stomach and the small tower Zach was building, falls. He lets out a small scoff, “You’re supposed to be on daddy’s side, sweetheart.”
He sits up and you look at him, “Where are you going?” He stands up and looks down at you, “To find more shells. This isn’t over, yet.”
When you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy and just overall done with it all, Zach is always your safe space, even though he’ll crack a joke or two, you know he can’t help it. It’s just in his nature.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Zach greets you as you walk out of the bedroom. You look over at him, the look of over being pregnant clear on your face. You whine as you walk over to Zach, ““Why won’t she just get out already?”
He welcomes you with open arms, “Come here my babies.” He gives your shoulder a little squeeze before he places a hand on your belly, leaning down close, “Now you listen here little miss.”
You can’t help but smile and lay a hand on his back, “Your mama..” he stifles back a laugh, trying to keep his mood a pretend serious, “..Already has me to deal with, alright? She doesn’t need you having her stubbornness either.”
You look up at him and he presses a quick kiss to your lips, “shhh you didn’t hear that right now.” As much as your hormones want to cry because he called you stubborn, Zach calmed you more than anything else could ever.
Thank you so much for reading. As always, let me know what you think! I love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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lustfulslxt · 6 months
hii can u do a smut femxmatt fic where they meet at a party and they like are kinda drunk and matt’s really flirty and touchy and they just end up fucking!! ty!!!
(kinda like ur party revelations one but maybe they’re both influencers or u could even do chris!)
Under The Influence - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : alcohol consumption, smut
a/n : i wrote this for chris bc as you said, i have party revelations for matt, and a friend of mine received a request just like this for matt. xx
Tie it up, put a chain on it
Make you tattoo my name on it
“Will you please come?” Sage begs, shaking my hand up and down, on the verge of a temper tantrum.
“You’re literally being ridiculous.” I chuckle, shaking my head. “I don’t see what difference it would make if I were there or not.”
Sage has been asking me to go to this party with her for weeks now. However, my answer has been a constant no. I’m not a fan of parties, much less big influencer parties. Too much drama always stems from them; whether it’s so and so cheated, whoever’s beefing, they did this, they did that. They never fail to have some dumb shit pop off, hence why I’d just rather not go. I don’t need anyone attempting to ruin my reputation and career just for their own benefit, I’m good.
“Because you’re my best friend and I need you. You’re my hype man and wingman all in one. Please! Just this once! I’ll do anything!” She continues to plead.
I sigh, ultimately knowing I’ll cave, “This is the only party you’re going to convince me to go to. You know how I feel about being around a bunch of fake and dramatic fucks.”
She instantly starts jumping up and down, cheering whilst shaking my hands again. “We’re leaving in three hours, so make sure you’re ready. Also, we’re gonna uber so we can get fucked up.”
I just shake my head, not really looking forward to the night ahead of me. But maybe, just maybe, I can get drunk and enjoy myself. Dismissing my thoughts, I turn on some music and head to my bathroom to begin getting ready.
I take a long shower, thoroughly washing and exfoliating myself. I shave and do a hair and face mask, prepping myself for tonight. After getting out, I dry off and apply vanilla scented lotion to every part of my body.
Next, I slip on my undergarments and apply deodorant, then head to my closet to choose an outfit. It doesn’t take me long, before I choose a plain, black mini skirt and tube top with a long sleeve mesh dress paired over it that had gems scattered all over. I stick with a pair of black lace up pumps to go with my outfit. Sitting down at my vanity, I go through my makeup, debating on what kind of look I want. After pondering for a moment, I just choose a dark smokey eye with a basic beat. I line my lips with a medium dark brown and apply clear lip gloss, blending it all together flawlessly. For hair, I just stick with a basic blow out.
“Great! You’re ready!” Sage suddenly cheers from my bedroom door.
I look over and see that she’s fully dressed and ready to go, holding a bottle of vodka in her hand. Upon seeing that, my eyebrows raise.
“Why the face?” She asks, before registering it. “Oh, this! It’s for a little pregame. So, come on.”
I shrug and gather everything I need for tonight, placing it in my purse, then follow her downstairs. She already has two shot glasses set out on our dining room table, ready to be filled. Without another word, she fills both glasses to the rim with vodka, smirking at me as she raises her glass.
“Cheers to a great night!” She grins, clinking my glass with hers, both of us downing the harsh liquor.
My face contorts in disgust as the liquid flows down my throat, and I can’t help but cringe at the awful taste. Immediately, my chest is hot and I don’t want anymore. I’m not really a drinker, but I already know I can’t be sober in order to get through this night. We both take two more shots before our uber arrives and we’re heading to the party.
The driver talked our ears off the whole ride, so when we finally shut the doors of the black suv, we both sigh and fall into a fit of tipsy laughter. We’re not drunk, but neither are we completely sober.
Upon walking into the party, we’re met with a glowing red light, loud music, the smell of alcohol and weed, and a ginormous amount of people all chatting and dancing throughout the house.
“Y/N! Sage!” A voice calls out, directing our attention towards them.
It’s one of Sage’s friends, one I personally am not a fan of, but I know how to be nice. I shoot her tight lipped smile, leaving Sage to greet her.
“Hey! It’s been so long, how are you?” Sage asks, pulling her into a hug.
Before she can respond, I quickly interrupt, “Sorry, I’m gonna go get a drink.”
And with that, I’m making my way through the crowd of people, in search of the kitchen. It takes me about five minutes to get through everyone and I’m already slightly disgusted at the sweaty bodies and the lack of personal space. I’m not lying when I say parties aren’t my thing.
Finally being able to breathe in the less packed room, I deeply inhale and exhale, ridding myself of the building nerves. I walk over to the counter, grabbing a solo cup from the stack and browsing through the bottles of alcohol. I opt for an unopened bottle of vodka, not wanting to risk anything that may or may not have been tainted. I fill my cup up a little over half way, then turn towards the cooler to grab a chaser. More people have already piled into the kitchen, there now being less room to roam around. I reach into the cooler, grabbing the last can of pepsi, only for it to come up with another hand attached to it. My gaze trails up the veiny hand, following the arm it’s attached to, to observe who it is.
Bright blue eyes, pink lips, a sharp jawline, and wavy hair. A silver Vivienne Westwood chain hanging from his neck, sitting atop a white t-shirt that had a bear in a watering can, surrounded my grass and little flowers. Blue jeans and, last but not least, white air forces covering his feet.
He looks familiar. Hot, yet still familiar.
“Oh, hi.” He grins, snapping me from my thoughts.
That’s when I realize we’re both still holding the can, but I don’t let go.
“Hi.” I reply, my gaze set on his face.
“I think this is the last pepsi.” He points out.
I nod, raising my eyebrows at the obvious statement. “Yeah, I noticed.”
“Pepsi’s my favorite.” He adds.
I can’t help the smirk that tugs on my lips, “Do you want a cookie?”
He shakes his head, chuckling, “I can’t have it?”
I only repeat his action and shake my head in return, pursing my lips to keep the smile from forming.
“Can we share it?” He asks, giving me puppy dog eyes.
And just like that, I’m folding. With a shrug, I pull the can from his grip. I open it up and dump some of its contents into my cup, then bring the can up to my lips, taking a drink all whilst holding eye contact. I notice him intently watching me, before grabbing the can and taking his own drink, licking his lips afterwards.
“You’re Y/N, right?” He questions.
I nod, biting my inner cheek, “And you are?”
“Chris.” He smirks, eyeing me and up and down. “Well, Y/N, we basically just kissed.”
I can’t help the loud laughter that falls from my lips, nothing less than amused at his statement. I can see the smirk on his face turn into a full blown smile as I try to catch my breath, recovering from the fit of giggles he put me in.
“That was corny.” I say, smiling at him with a shake of my head.
He tosses his hands up in defense, shrugging, “I mean, did we not?”
I don’t say anything, and bring my mixed drink up to my lips, downing all of it in one go. His eyes widen as he watches me. I don’t like alcohol, but I can manage. It doesn’t take long for it to take effect, on top of the shots I had earlier, I can already feel the warmth coating my insides. With a surge of boldness, I lean forward and place a small peck to the corner of his lips, swiftly pulling away and making my exit.
Just before I slip away, I turn back and flash him a smile, “See you around, Christopher.”
As the party goes on, I can tell the alcohol I’ve consumed has fully kicked in. The loud music is no longer bothersome, I don’t feel suffocated in the sea of people, and I feel good. It’s been around an hour since I’ve been here, and I’ve only ran back into Sage once. She’s off with her other friends, mingling around, and I’ve just been vibing.
I’ve seen Chris around, more times than I’ve seen anyone else. Unless I’m just fixated on him. It’s like every time I turn my head, my eyes are meeting his, and I never want to look away. Though, to save myself from embarrassment and humiliation, I force my gaze elsewhere.
After downing another shot, I make my way to the makeshift dance floor, and let loose. Under the Influence starts playing, and I can’t help but move my body to the beat, letting the rhythm flow through me. My hands make their way into my hair, my hips swaying in sync with the beat booming in my ears. Suddenly, I feel a warm presence directly behind me, causing me to spin around.
Hot and delicious.
“Hey, mama.” He slurs, a goofy grin showcasing across his lips.
He’s definitely invading my personal space, but I don’t even care. Especially when his enchanting scent is filling my nostrils, winding me in closer.
“Hello, Christopher.” I reply, my speech slightly incoherent.
“I knew you knew who I was.” He stammered, his body damn near pressed against mine.
“Mhm.” I hum in response, turning around and backing into him.
“You look good like this.” I hear his voice in my ear.
I grab his hands that were just barely grazing my waist, bringing them to fully grab my hips as I move into him. His large hands guiding me back and forth.
“You’re so pretty, it’s distracting.” He mumbles, his breath fanning my neck.
I can feel the goosebumps spreading, the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
“You’re drunk.” I softly say.
He shakes his head, “I’m not drunk. I’m just intoxicated by you.”
Again, I’m bursting into a fit of giggles from something he’s said. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m drunk or if he just makes me nervous.
“You’ve been stuck in my head since I first saw you earlier.” He admits, stumbling over his words a bit.
I turn back around, looping my arms around his neck as we continue rocking to the music. His hands go up to my waist, pulling me into his chest.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask him.
He licks his lips and shakes his head, a slight chuckle escaping, “You don’t wanna know.”
Instantly, my eyebrow raises, “Try me.”
“I see you flipping your hair around and all I want is to wrap my hands in it while you’re taking my cock.” He states, his voice low and husky.
I immediately feel heat rush to my core, the sound of his voice and the words he’s saying, turning me on. I bring my bottom lip into my mouth, biting down on it to prevent the large smile that’s close to taking over my face.
“What if I was thinking the same thing?” I ask, the grin breaking through.
“Will you freak out if I kiss you?”
Looking up into his eyes, I subconsciously scoot closer to him as I shake my head. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, then he slowly leans in. The second his mouth meets mine, my eyes flutter shut and I’m savoring the feeling of his soft lips on my own. One of his hands reaches around me and cups my ass while his other one is wrapped around my throat, pulling me impossibly closer. As our lips mold together, I find my hands in his hair, my arms holding him into me. The kiss is desperate yet soft, passionate yet hot. He pulls away, his face only centimeters in front of mine.
“Follow me.” He says, his breath slightly heavy as he intertwines our hands.
I do as he says, following closely behind him. We walk through the kitchen, dodging everyone in our way. We round the corner to a staircase leading downwards. He pulls me in front of him, ushering me to go down.
“After you.” He says, holding his arm out for me.
I shoot him a look, before grabbing his hand and walking down the stairs, him following in suit. We get to a door that he opens for me, nodding to enter. It’s a large bedroom, quite tidy in itself, and I can smell his scent wafting through the air. Only now did I realize this is his house. As he shuts the door, I walk around, taking everything in. My hands trail across the edge of his bed, feeling his comforter beneath my fingertips.
“Do you like my room?” He asks.
I turn around to face him and he has a soft, innocent look upon his features. However, I can already see right through him. I know what’s about to take place.
“I do.” I nod, “It’s very neat, and it smells good.”
“Thanks.” He grins, strolling over to me.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was your party?” I ask him, sitting on the end of his bed.
He shrugs, “Why did you pretend you didn’t know who I was?”
I toss my head back, soft giggles pouring out of my mouth. I look at him with a cheeky smile and low eyes, shrugging my shoulders. He just grins at me, before kicking his shoes off and nodding towards mine. “You can make yourself comfortable if you want.”
Within seconds, I’m unstrapping the uncomfortable heels and setting them aside. He lays back on his bed, his legs dangling off the side. He grabs my hand and gives it a soft tug, so I copy his actions, and lie back. We’re both facing one another, drunk and happy.
“How come I’ve never seen you at any parties?” He questions, his fingers playing with mine.
“I’m not really a party girl. Definitely not an influencer party girl.” I admit, warmth building in my stomach at his soft gesture.
“Well I’m glad you came to this one.” He says, staring into my eyes.
“Why’s that?” I smirk.
“Because who knows if I would’ve met you had you not.”
I can’t help the blush that pools to my cheeks at his response. He’s flattering and he knows it. I don’t say anything, I just take in his features for the millionth time tonight. His hair slightly out of place from my roaming hands, his face flushed from the heat upstairs, his eyes lidded from the alcohol in his system, his pretty pink lips looking oh so kissable. He looks so good. Without a word, he pulls me closer to him, my body flush against his.
“Is this okay?” He asks me, trying to read into my facial expression.
“It’s perfect.” I nod, enjoying the warmth he’s providing.
“You’re so pretty.” He whispers, his breath fanning my face due to our short proximity.
A smile sneaks onto my lips as I look down, attempting to hide the red color that’s now adorning my skin. His large hand grabs my chin and lifts my head so that he can see my face. Our eyes meeting in an intense gaze, holding it for what seems like forever. He only breaks the eye contact when he puts his lips on mine again. It’s only a soft, chaste kiss.
“So pretty.” He says again, his voice low as he continues to press gentle kisses onto my lips.
The delicate kisses turn into feverish ones, our tongues now gliding in and out of one another’s mouths, lapping each other perfectly. Our lips move together so well, like we cannot breathe without each other. My hands return to his hair, softly tugging it, eliciting low groans from him. One of his hands cups my cheek, the other one resting on my lower back, pulling me even more into him. He flips me over onto my back and hovers above me, staring into my eyes once more as a small smile takes over his face.
“God, I can’t get enough of you.” He groans, smashing his lips into mine again.
One of his hands rests on the bed by my head, the other one rubbing my outer thigh. Just his soft touches are enough to make my skin hot beneath his fingertips. My hands connect with the hem of his shirt, lifting it slightly and running my hands up his torso. He breaks from the kiss and removes his shirt, tossing it on the floor, then reconnecting our lips. He’s positioned between my legs, his groin inches above mine. My hands continue roaming along his torso, feeling his hot skin. I bring my legs up, hooking around his waist, pulling him down into me. His clothed erection presses into my heat, causing a low moan to leave my lips.
“Are we really doing this?” He pulls back and asks, his fingers playing with the hem of my dress.
“Yes, please.” I answer, my voice soft and breathy.
He grinds down into me, his hard on hitting exactly where I need him, causing another moan to leave my mouth.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to feel you.” He groans into my ear, leaving a wet kiss on it.
I shudder in pleasure as he continues down my neck, sucking and biting, marking me up. I reach down for his dick, palming it over his jeans. He lets out a low moan, bucking into my hand, before harshly grabbing both of my hands and pinning them above my head.
“You first.” He mutters, holding my wrists with one hand while his other one travels down my body.
His hand swiftly makes its way between my legs, my dress riding up as he kneads my thighs. Then, he’s rubbing my core through my underwear. Hums of pleasure come from me, and I can feel them growing wetter and wetter.
“Can I take your panties off?” He asks, his voice raspy as he looks into my eyes.
“Y-yes.” I answer, moaning louder as he presses harder into my heat.
“So good using your words, mama.” He groans, licking my neck.
He then pokes his fingers in the waistband of my panties and slowly pulls them down my legs, discarding them to the side. He spreads my legs again, my dress and skirt now sitting completely on my hips. He throws his head back at the sight of my pussy glistening with my arousal. Without another word, his face is hovering above my center, his warm breath hitting it. I can feel myself clench around nothing, desperate for any type of stimulation.
“Look at you. I haven’t even done anything and your pretty pussy’s begging for me.” He smirks, his fingers now prodding at my folds.
Now coated with my juices, he runs a finger over my clit, rubbing in soft circles. I’m physically writhing beneath him, so badly needing more. He then thrusts a finger into me, causing my body to jerk and my mouth emitting a loud gasp. He continues pumping it in and out of me, then adds another and doing the same with it. My hands squeeze the bed sheet beneath me, attempting to release the tension building. His fingers are moving so fast in and out of me, curling in the right places. My mouth falls open, my brows furrowing as pleasure overcomes me.
“You look so pretty coming undone like this.” He says, peppering kisses all over my thighs.
“Feels s-so good, daddy.” I moan out, clenching around his fingers, unaware of the name that slipped from my mouth.
His eyes are completely black as he stares up at me, watching me fall apart. His dick is rock hard, throbbing and impatiently waiting to be inside of me. Without a second thought, his lips are wrapped around my clit, sucking on it as his fingers fuck into me. That alone is enough to push me over the edge, my legs shaking as I let go, giving into the building pressure. I feel my cum ooze out of me, quickly being slurped up by Chris, tasting every drop of me as his fingers help me through my orgasm.
“Mmm, you taste so good, ma.” He says, licking my lips.
He pulls his fingers out of me, coming back up to hover over me, shoving them in my mouth. I moan around his fingers, sucking my own juices from them. He harshly grips my jaw, slamming his mouth onto mine, the taste of me lingering on our tongues.
Breathless, he pulls away and stands up, pulling me to the end of the bed by my ankles. His hand travels up my leg from my foot, tenderly squeezing along the way.
“Can you stand up?” He asks, softly rubbing my hip.
I nod and scoot to the edge, standing up on shaking legs and looking up at him. He cups my face, brushing my cheek with his thumb. He plants a sweet kiss on my lips.
“Take your clothes off.” He says, his tone firm.
I happily oblige, stripping from my clothes as he does the same. I watch as his dick springs from its restrictions, hard and throbbing. Just from the look of it, I know I’m in for a treat. He strokes himself as he looks over my body, licking his lips. He steps in front of me, his member poking into stomach. His hands run up and down my body, pressing kisses into my neck.
“On the bed, on your knees.” He demands.
I do as he says, and he follows behind me, holding me up with his hand on my throat. His lips meet my neck, sucking and biting all over it, causing soft whimpers to leave my mouth. He pushes me forward, laying me flat on my stomach. He leans over me, licking and nipping my back, leaving a warm trail of saliva. His hands part my thighs, squeezing himself in between them. I can feel him run his tip between my folds a few times, causing me to push back in anticipation. He pushes me back down, slowly sliding himself inside me.
“Ugh, fuck.” He moans, bottoming out.
“You’re so big, daddy. Feels so good.” I moan, feeling him slowly thrust in and out, filling me so nice.
His strokes start slow and hard, before the speed picks up. His hands are on my back, holding himself up as he fucks into me at a delicious rate. I can’t help the moans that continuously fall from my mouth, feeling nothing but never ending pleasure.
“You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock, mama.” He groans out, fucking into me deeper and deeper.
It doesn’t take long for me to feel the buildup in my stomach once again. His hand wraps around my hair, tugging back as he leans over me once more. His mouth comes to my neck again, leaving wet kisses. I can hear his heavy breathing and low moans in my ear, and they’re driving me insane.
“Feels like you were made just for me.” He whispers. “I knew you would feel good, but this is better than I imagined.”
“All yours.” I babble, ridden with pleasure.
“You’re so tight, I can’t take it.” He moans, his voice holding a rasp to it.
I clench around him, feeling seconds from giving into my orgasm. A string of moans and curses fall from my lips, pure bliss coursing through me.
“You’re about to cum, I can tell.” He says, “Let it go, baby. Cum for me.”
And just like that, I’m releasing all over his cock with the loudest moans. His thrusts start to grow erratic, indicating he’s close to finishing as well.
“Such a good girl. Taking my cock so well, mama.” He moans out, thrusting harder.
Within a few more strokes, his dick twitches and his hot load is spurting into me, lewd groans emitting from his mouth. He pumps a few more times, riding out his orgasm, before slowly pulling out and watching his cum drip out of me. He collapses next to me, breathing heavily, looking me in my eyes with a goofy grin. His face is flushed red and his hair is sweaty, sticking to his forehead.
“That was amazing.” He breathes.
Unable to form words, I nod in agreement. His hand interlocks with mine, gently squeezing as his other hand brushes my hair out of my face.
“God, you’re so pretty, Y/N.”
I bashfully smile, “Thank you.”
“Will you stay with me tonight?” He asks, his eyes shining with hope. “We can shower and you can wear some of my clothes.”
I ponder for a second before shrugging with a nod, “That sounds perfect. I’ll just have to let Sage know.”
He smiles, brightly, pecking my shoulder over and over as he pulls me into him.
“You’re never getting rid of me now.”
a/n : this took me entirely too long to finish, so sorry ab that!! also not proofread, as per usual. hope you enjoyed this!! continue sending in reqs and i promise i’ll get to them eventually <3
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joelsmochi · 2 months
honeypie - joel miller
summary: part 2 to honey (can be read as a standalone, doesn’t have much to do with the original plot!) warnings: not proofread, 18+, slight angst?, age gap (everyone is legal!!!!!), bickering/arguing, double date trope womp womp, degradation, dubcon, creampie, joel is a smidge misogynistic insecure and possessive wc: 2.6k a/n: this is mainly just some self indulgent yet rushed storytelling (so sorry, i wrote it in an hour because i was bored at work lol)! i wanna write a part 3 and actually include the beekeeping a little more but i have nooo idea how i’m gonna do it but we WILL get there one day babes!!! until then, enjoy this fluffy angsty sex 😽!!!💓
“If you guys are gonna bang when I’m in the house the least you could do is be quiet!” You heard Sarah shout from the other side of Joel’s bedroom door after banging on it.
Joel grimaced, his body tensing beneath you but you were almost oblivious to the complaints of your best friend. Almost.
You didn’t let up on your movements or noises whatsoever and as much as Joel loved those sweet little moans spewing from you as you humped against him, he loved his privacy much more especially when it came to his daughter.
You shook your head profusely when he attempted to get you to stop, insisting on how you were almost there.
“Soclosesoclosesoclose—just w-wait, I’m cu—fuck. Ahh, fuck, I’m cumming. Oh yes! Yesyesyesyesyes! Ohh—oh, my God—“
Joel covered your mouth with a clammy hand, feeling torn from his mixed feelings of lust and embarrassment.
Going downstairs didn’t help him feel any better either, especially when Sarah began berating you both, not that he blamed her for it.
“Call it payback for all the times I let you and your boyfriend have sex in my bed,” you retorted.
“In your bed?!” Joel mumbled to himself.
“Yeah yeah, could have at least waited until I was gone,” Sarah muttered.
“Sorry, Sar,” you hummed, “your dad is just really hot.”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Come on, man.”
“I didn’t even know you were home,” Joel complained. “You’ve been with Jared or whatever his name is all week.”
Sarah’s squinted her eyes, annoyed by the lack of care from her father. “Alex. His name is Alex dad—see, I hate this!”
“Oh, by the way, Sarah,” you said, pattering behind the kitchen counter, “wouldn’t use the open jar of honey if I were you.”
“UGH! EW! Fucking ew!”
“Other than the obvious,” Sarah mumbled, “how’s my dad taking care of you?”
You wore a bright smile and looked away from your reflection momentarily. Joel was… Joel. Rough around the edges but he was a genuine person, confident in the external reality but a little insecure. Not unbearably insecure though, just enough to make you know he was trying his best.
He wasn’t the most romantic but you figured it was just from him being out of the game for so long and you knew you could train him to be more romantic if it was needed.
He didn’t push you aside or make attempts to subtly suggest you needed to leave after sex either; he’d pout real big and give you those gorgeous puppy dog eyes until you held him. He loved making you laugh.
But it definitely still felt like just sex rather than a relationship. You weren’t particularly complaining, but you weren’t bragging about it either.
“Good,” you answered.
Sarah could tell from your tone how honest it was. Good meant great, happy, damn near perfect.
“Good. I’m glad,” she said. “I was worried he’d be like one of those incels that get real creepy and pervy after thirty-five.”
“No, no, he’s great,” you reiterated. “He’s very funny. Smart. He asks me to tan in my bikini while he’s working on the hive or the yard.”
You watched from the corner of your makeup coated eye how tightly she grimaced.
“Images. In head. Don’t want them there,” she dramatized.
“I have to hear every last detail about you and Al up to where he’s shoving your cervix into your stomach. You can deal with a little sexiness from us,” you said.
“It’s just so weird,” she whined.
“Do you want me to stop seeing him?” You asked.
You had slowly began to worry about how this would affect your best friend over time, you knew it was a weird situation. You had no issue cutting Joel off if it meant Sarah got to be happy. There were other men in the world, there weren’t other Sarah’s.
“No, God! No. It’s just not as simple as I was expecting. You know?” She explained kindly.
“Totally! I’d be weirded out if you were hooking up with my dad while I was across the hall. I’m not blaming you there, or anywhere for that matter. Just know you come first.”
“Well, yeah, who else is going to wax your back hair and not judge you for it?” She teased.
You rolled your eyes at her.
“Lots of men with weird fetishes.”
“Can’t believe I agreed to this,” Joel huffed.
He adjusted the waistband of his jeans making his shoulder briefly flare. You let your mind wander while Joel complained about the double date you had arranged with Sarah and Alex. You were currently waiting in the parking lot for them to arrive.
“It’ll be fun. You’ll get to meet Alex and see he is a respectable man and you and I get to pretend we’re a couple for a few hours.”
“Pretend?” Joel questioned. “W-what do you mean pretend? Are we not together?”
“Uh, no?” You said.
Joel didn’t appreciate your amused reaction and questioned you a little more.
“You never asked me to be your girlfriend— you haven’t even taken me on a date,” you explained. “Did you really think that conversation wasn’t necessary?”
“So if we’re not together then what is this?”
You sucked your teeth before simply saying, “Sex.”
Once the four of you were inside Sarah and her boyfriend felt the tension between the two of you.
You watched Joel punch in all of your names into the keypad before pressing ‘start game’.
“So Alex, what do you do for work?” Joel asked.
“Oh, well right now I’m working at a café downtown, but I’m majoring in political science to become a lawyer.”
“A lawyer?” Joel sounded impressed.
“Lawyers are great at communicating,” you antagonized. “They know what questions are… Important to ask.”
Joel rolled his eyes and motioned between you and the bowling balls. “Just go. Good God.”
“Dad, what did you do?” Sarah asked.
“Why do you assume it’s my fault?” He defended.
“Girl, what did he do?” She asked you.
Shrugging, you said, “I don’t know. Since Joel thinks he’s so great at communicating, maybe he should answer. I’m gonna go bowl.”
“Hope you gutter!” Joel shouted after you walked away. “She told me I needed to ask her to be my girlfriend.”
“You thought she was your girlfriend?!” Sarah said with wide eyes.
“Well… Yeah? Do I really need to verbally ask her that?”
“That’s why I got a strike, bitch,” you said while slapping the back of Joel’s head.
Sarah and Alex awkwardly stood up so that he could pretend to teach Sarah how to bowl properly. But the bickering between you and Joel didn’t end there.
“I thought it was obvious,” Joel told you. “I have you over all the time. We fuck. We laugh. Did I really need to ask?”
“So what would have happened if I pissed you off and you were to say ‘it’s not like you’re my girlfriend’?”
“I do not sound like that!” Joel scoffed. “And I would never do that to you, you know that. I just kinda figured you were mine, you know?”
You squinted at his unearned possession over you, feigning offense and scoffing obnoxiously.
“Yours? I’m not your property, Joel. You don’t get to claim me.”
“Oh yeah? And what are you goin’ to do about it? Fuck some other loser?”
You grinned, and immediately he regretted his words.
“That’s exactly what I’ll do,” you whispered.
Alex and Sarah sat back down and you asked if they wanted anything to eat or drink before walking away to go to the bar.
“Hi, what can I get for ya?” The boy at the counter asked.
“How old are you?”
“Nineteen, why?”
“You see the older man on lane twelve?”
He looked and then nodded.
“Well, I wanna make jealous so if you could just smile and pretend to flirt with me I’ll give you ten bucks,” you explained with a sly smirk.
“Fifteen,” he negotiated.
“Ugh, fine. Can I get two lemonades, a beer, and a water please?”
“That’s not coming out of my tip, is it?” He questioned whilst punching the order into his screen.
“It will if you don’t start looking at my boobs,” you said through your faux smile.
You leaned onto the counter and gave the employee a clear view of your cleavage, which he seemed to appreciate very much.
But Joel wasn’t only focused on the teenage boy behind the counter, he noticed the numerous men gawking at your short shorts that showed off too much of your ass with you bent over the counter the way you were.
“Dad,” Sarah’s voice brought him back to reality. “Your turn.”
By the time Joel managed to spare you had returned with everyone’s drinks and Joel didn’t give you the satisfying reaction of jealousy like you’d hoped.
Wondering if you went too far, you drank a bit of Joel’s beer to imprint a lip gloss stain for Joel to taste in between sips. Something you noticed he loved to do over the past few weeks whenever he made you coffee or tea. You never finished your drinks and Joel always lined his mouth up with your lip print to taste you every chance he got.
And as you gave him the cheap plastic cup that held his beer, you watched as he habitually sipped right where your lips had been. Occasionally licking the rim of the cup before taking his next swig.
A couple of games later, you and Sarah managed to team up against the boys and kick their asses each and every frame. They sulked while you two gloated from the ending of the final game all the way back to the cars.
“Okay, okay. We get it, girls rule, boys lose,” Alex said.
“It’s boys drool,” Sarah corrected before turning to hug her father who placed a kiss on her forehead. “Night, dad. I’m gonna stay at Alex’s.”
“Okay, babygirl. Call me tomorrow.”
“Oh, and word of advice,” Sarah whispered after you got into Joel’s car. “Girls like what boys consider pointless communication. Take her out a few times, make her feel special, and ask her to be your girlfriend. She really likes you, she’s just making you earn it.”
Joel softly smiled and nodded. “Mmkay. Thanks.”
Once he got in the car he didn’t acknowledge you in the least bit, finally free to punish you for letting those men get a free show.
“Not a word?” You nudged his arm as he drove. “You could ask me now.”
He snickered, the most noise he’s made in the last ten minutes.
“You don’t get to just fucking claim me, Joel!”
Joel sped up before pulling into a rest area.
“Come’ere,” he hoarsely demanded.
He unclipped his seatbelt and began undoing his belt and jeans.
“Don’t get all fuckin’ shy on me now, girl. Come on.”
You hesitated but unbuckled your seatbelt and climbed into his lap; he moved his seat all the way back and pushed his jeans low enough for his cock to spring up and slap his belly.
Instinctively you reached for it, but he removed your hand from his hardening length and held your wrists tightly behind your back with one hand. Using his other hand to grab your face by your cheeks he forced you to look into his cold eyes.
“Do you not want to be with me?” His voice strained as he asked that, a hint of hurt glaring in his dark eyes.
“Of course I want to be with you,” you answered.
“I don’t play games,” he said, gripping your wrists even tighter. “Don’t fucking—“ A soft smack landed upon your cheek. “Don’t fucking do what you did tonight ever again. Get on your knees.”
He slightly shoved you back as he loosened his grip on your hands and face; you submissively sank to the rough carpeted floor of the car and he wasted no time pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail and shoving his fat dick into your wet mouth.
He tasted so fucking good, the mix of his clean flesh and salty precum like honey dripping onto your tongue. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned along his shaft as you eagerly bobbed your already hazy head up and down.
Joel’s hips rolled up in pleasure, gurgling out helpless moans as your nose rubbed the wiry hairs along the base of his shaft. Despite the aching and soreness, you loved having your throat full of Joel.
You took initiative and pushed against his hand, nonverbally telling him to make you suffer, and he shamelessly did so.
He couldn’t tell if the slick that was coating his balls was your spit or tears and he didn’t give a fuck. If you were going to show some loser teenager your tits and some loser bachelors your ass the least you could give him was some fucking remorse, right?
Joel felt powerful, in charge in ways he never experienced before. Your flooded eyes looked into his and saw how contorted his face was, so even if he was the one telling you what to do you knew you had him wrapped around your finger.
“Give me that fuckin’ throat, baby,” he moaned. “Oh, fuck! That throat is so fucking tight—mnh. God…damn baby. Feels so fucking good.”
He smacked your wet cheeks as encouragement before slowly pulling you off of his dick; you coughed at the gust of oxygen that flooded your lungs, giggling as he smacked his fat tip against your puffy mouth.
“Look at you, baby,” he whispered. “So pretty when my cock shuts that smart fuckin’ mouth a’yours up.”
“You love my fucking mouth,” you smugly said as you climbed into his lap.
“I do, but I think you forget what it’s supposed to be used for,” he whispered.
“You can stuff my mouth all you want, I’m still gonna give you a reason to use it.”
An eyebrow of his cocked up and a grin spread across his face at your confidence.
“Take your pants off,” he instructed seductively. His rough hands ran up your arms and back while you did what he said. “There you go,” he moaned when you slid down on his wet cock. “You’re such a good fucking slut for me, honey.”
“Just—just ask me, and I’ll s-say yes!” You shakily moaned as you relentlessly bounced on his dick.
Joel gripped your neck and began fucking into you from below, pushing deeper than he needed to, definitely bruising your cervix.
“You know you belong to me. All that fucking shit about claiming you and how I don’t own you, fuck was that?”
“Joe—elll, ugh!” You screamed into his chest, not sure if you were cumming or if your cunt was just overwhelmed with sensitivity. “Just ask, just ask baby I promise I’ll be good I’ll never misbehave again.”
He popped your ass and chuckled cruelly when you flinched and moaned. “Be my girlfriend, babydoll. Hmm? I want you to be my girl. You’re already my slut. Will you be my girl, babydoll?”
Your eyes gawked up at him and you couldn’t suppress the smile that tugged against your lips.
“Yes! Yes, yes, baby! Oh fuck, oh fuck!”
“Say it,” he begged. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours Joel! Fuckfuckyes I’m yours! I belong to you! I fucking belong to you!”
Joel felt the familiar deep stretch in the peak of his belly at your cries. He listened to you submit to him, let him claim you as his, ultimately marking his territory as he began to cum inside of your warm cunt.
“Thaaaat’s my good girl,” Joel growled as he fucked the last of his spend into you.
“Fuck,” you exhaled, climbing off of him. “You’re such an ass.”
He chuckled at this, the softness in his laughter coaxing a giggle from you.
“You love me,” he mumbled.
“Mmm, not quite,” you said as confidently as your tired body would allow.
“Oh, honeypie… You’ll get there soon enough.”
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
boyfriend drabbles (pt.1)
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pairing: Jungkook x reader
summary: fluff omg, jk being a cute bf, painting each others nails and its just basically cute stuff HAHA
word count: 600+
boyfriend drabbles masterlist!
Ever since you and Jungkook had started dating three years ago, he became a major part of your daily life, and even on days where he would not be able to see you in person, your boyfriend would always make the effort to give you a call and whisper sweet nothings into the phone.
One of your adopted habits was to include your boyfriend in every aspect of your life. Whether it was a casual get-together with your own circle of friends or any other social event, you had an inclination to bring Jungkook along with you, a gesture that he wholeheartedly embraced, never once expressing reluctance or complaint.
In this case, Jungkook finds himself trailing behind you and your best friend, Sohee, as the both of you enter the familiar shop. A subtle wince crosses his face as he observes the two of you quickening your pace, your excited squeals filling the air upon reaching closer to the rows of products displayed before you.
Jungkook watches as the both of you light up upon noticing a small booth, remembering you had mentioned once about that particular brand. A quiet hum leaves his mouth as he watches the both of you excitedly swatch the different shades of eyeshadow, but to him, they look exactly the same shade.
“___, I’m gonna go to the toilet, wait for me here okay? Don’t you dare to try other stuff without me,” Sohee raises a finger at you playfully as she walks off. Now it’s only you and Jungkook, and your boyfriend is more than content to finally get some of your attention.
“Jagi,” Jungkook whines as he leans down to peck you on the lips, you chuckle as you reach up to ruffle his hair in sympathy. Poor boy, you thought.
“If we stay here any longer I’m literally going to go insane,” He whines, eyes adverting to your hand filled with various makeup products smeared onto your skin.
“I promise we’ll be quick,” A laugh sounds out from your mouth at his exasperated state, as Jungkook sighs, mentally cursing at himself for not charging his phone the night before, now that it’s battery had gone flat.
You begin to test out more shades where you and Sohee had left off, not leaving anywhere else, but it seems as though your boyfriend had other plans.
“Hey!” You gasp as Jungkook gently tugs on your arm, forcing you to follow along behind him as he trudges towards another aisle.
“Baby, what are you doing?” You question his sudden actions when your boyfriend reaches for the nail polish tester and raises your hand to paint your index finger oh-so-gently, his brows furrowed as he tries his best to paint within the nail. You begin to laugh at Jungkook’s sudden actions, but he cuts you off, “Jagi, stop moving, you’re gonna make me mess up,”
After he’s done painting your fingernail, Jungkook looks contented at his little artwork on your nail, and then he proceeds to attempt to paint his own finger too, but it’s harder for him when he attempts to use his non-dominant hand to paint. A disgruntled sound emits from his mouth, eyebrows furrowing as you grab the nail polish from his hand to do it yourself.
“I should have known you would betray me for you man,” You hear Sohee dramatically sigh as she approaches the both of you, Jungkook sticking his tongue out at her as she rolls her eyes.
Even though you and Sohee had spent at least another good twenty minutes in that store, your boyfriend didn’t mind as he held your hand the whole time, sometimes hugging you from behind and leaning his head on your shoulder as your best friend clearly annoyed from the third-wheeling.
a/n: hello!! i kinda wrote this in a rush without really planning so it might not be the best but its really short anyways haha, i realised i havent been putting a note at the end of my fics recently 😭 and i want to talk with you guys more! i also def need more inspo to write more scenarios so if you guys have any pleasee send an ask to me ❤️
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pinkandlilacroses · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Angel - Paige bueckers
part 1
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• summary {when an unsuspecting girl falls for the basketball star}
•warnings {none (for now)}
•comment if you would like to be added to the taglist
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bellas pov
“Im just saying, a rom com romance would be fantastic tight now” I state to my best friend, Avery. “i mean everyday is the same thing over and over” i continue. I can tell she doesn’t care, Avery’s been in a relationship with her high school sweetheart, Jake since freshman year.
“you need to stop being desperate” she says scooting closer to me on our couch.
this may sound rude, but thats just how Avery is, ane i guess ive gotten used to it
“nobody understands me” i say dramatically as i get up and walk towards my room.
“remember, we are going out tonight” Avery yells
fuck. i forgot.
i hate going out, theres to many people
i feel like sometimes Avery relyes on me, i mean sometimes i wanna hang out with other people, not just her. Avery on the other hand, im her only friend and i understand why, i love her but she is so mean to any and everyone that she comes across.
a few hours pass and i begin getting ready. i put on a matching pink set with a tube top and a mini skirt, i feel cute, i cant wait for this to get ruined by a bunch of drunk, sweaty college students.
i know i take a while to get ready, i mean its taken me two hours to pick my outfit and do my hair and i haven’t even started my makeup yet. my excuse is that you can never rush perfection.
“bella cmon we gotta go” Avery yells, ‘how is she ready so early’ i think to myself, finishing my coat of mascara.
“ok, ok, im ready” i say 20 minutes later. i can tell shes pissed, but it doesn’t bother me.
“your so dramatic, its a 5 minute walk” Avery says, annoyed, as always.
“i am not made for walking”
its only been 5 minutes since our arrival and i want to leave
“hey baby” a clearly drunk guy says, while he slyly brings his hand to my bare waist.
“who are you” i say, bluntly
“hey loosen up princess” he says, getting closer
i do like that nickname. but i hate him.
“im gonna go now”
i dont know if im straight, to be honest. i was raised in a household where anything but straight was a sin, so i never really questioned my interests. but whenever i see a girl who is tall and strong, my straightness goes out the window, and i feel like im sinning. ive never done anything with a girl before and im scared, i dont know if i ever would.
i walk away from the drunk man and towards the bar
“oh my god im so sorry” ‘fuck. why am i so clumsy’, i say to the girl i bumped into
“nah your all good” she says, looking down at me
i hadn’t looked at her, but now that i am. i never wanna stop. shes tall and blonde.
“hi, im paige” she says, breaking my admiration.
“im bella” i say, shamelessly checking her out
she has on grey sweatpants and a black tshirt. hot.
“do you go here” she says, continuing the conversation.
“uh, yeah, im a junior” i say, stuttering. why am i stuttering
“are you nervous?” she says, bringing her face closer to my own. yes, i am so nervous, you make me so nervous, ohmygodohmygodohmygod
“no” i say, unconvincingly.
“you sure?” she questions again. im not ok
“your on the basketball team, right?” i say, attempting to shift the conversation
she chuckles
“yeah” she states, moving back to her original position, further away from me. come back
“have you heard of me” she says, cockily
“i think everyone has here” i say, to be honest, i dont know anything about basketball. but ive heard of her before and her eyes have me trapped, there so blue and inviting.
what am i saying
“i wanna know more about you though” she whispers, moving closer than before.
“what do you wanna know” i say wrapping my arms around her neck. i dont know where all this confidence has came from
“yo paige” some girl says, she turns around and breaks the position we were in.
“iceee” she says, dapping up her teammate
im offended.
i make my way from her and towards my friend group. i want to go home
“was that you flirting with paige bueckers”
“we were just talking, shes not interested”
“girl, paige would be interested in a tree if it had a pussy, she is definitely interested” chanel says
everyone laughs. but me
im confused, why am i attracted to her, i like men, not women.
“bella cmon, lets get you home” Avery says, i mentally thank her from saving me from this conversation.
i tuck myself into bed after taking my outfit and makeup off and get ready for my favourite activity. sleep, until.
- hey is this bella?
what the fuck. do i have a stalker
- yes
- hahah thank god
- this is paige
what the fuck
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A/N - first fic, how do we feeeelllllllll
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OMG OMG OMG OMG OKAY IMREALLY EXCITED NOW!!! HERE WE GO BINGO: Dark Fic with Jimmy Keene with "Oh my darling girl, I have to mark you -- I need to show everyone who you belong to."
For the quick description I was thinking maybe Jimmy's girl is the type of girl that always turns heads and attracts ppl so one time when they're out (could be a party/bar/club) and Jimmy sees some guy talking to the reader and laughing then he gets jealous and yknow...😩 gets all possessive and shows her she's his
—𓆩[give me the word]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Jimmy Keene x Fem! Girlfriend! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 2.8K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Everyone knew you were Jimmy’s girl, everyone. It didn’t stop them from trying to steal you away, though, not that it ever worked. Besides, tonight was the opening of a new club, you both might as well give everyone something to look at - right?
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - in this, I am only writing Jimmy as a rich boy who runs with the wrong crowd. The only reason I am attracted to this man is because of Taron Egerton and nothing else, and it is not set in the universe as Black Bird but the character of Jimmy Keene as Taron Egerton. || I do not remember the names of his friends, so I made them up- || cursing and foul language || sub! reader || girly reader || reader wears makeup and exposing clothing || kinda whiny reader || definitely a dom/sub dynamic || breeding kink || raw sex || multiple rounds || multiple orgasms ||
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“What about this for tonight?”
James had been watching you come in and out of your walk-in closet for hours, trying on dozens of different outfits that all did the same thing — to show off your amazing body. He didn’t care what you wore, you would walk in under his arm tonight and no matter how many people looked and ogled, you were his.
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“It’s nice.” He was way too focused trying to control his dick rather than pay attention to what he’d say about your outfits.
You looked beautiful in all of them, he didn’t care what you wore because in all honesty, it’d be off in a matter of seconds. His friend was opening a new club downtown, and it was the grand opening, so of course you had to go all out.
“For fucks sake, James, you’ve been saying the exact same thing for every outfit! You know what, how about I just don’t go, huh?! Nothing in my closet seems to satisfy you, bastard!” You sobbed, stomping into the closet and slamming the door.
“Fuck- Y/N!” He was quick to stand, fixing his cock as he tried to open the door, the lock making him groan. “Y/N, honey, let me in!”
“No! I don’t want to see you!” Your voice was muffled, but he could hear your sobs. Oh you were so over dramatic, but he loved it.
James groaned, leaning his head on the door. “Baby, come on! I think all of them were really nice!”
“Yeah, I know! That’s all you were saying, I don’t want to look nice, I want to look perfect, hot, amazing- anything other than just nice!” You sobbed even louder, wailing as you pressed your face into your hands.
Why was he so short? Why did he keep saying the same damn things over and over again? For fucks sake, he could’ve said something else besides, ‘It’s nice’ for every single damn outfit!
“Oh baby, I didn’t mean it like that! Come on, how about I buy you a new outfit, hm? I’ll take you to that shop you love so much, does that sound good?” He could hear your sobs pause, smiling. You always loved it whenever he took you shopping, this would be no different.
You whimper, his smile widening. “As many outfits as I want?”
He laughed, nodding. “As many as you want.”
“And some lingerie?”
“How could I forget the lingerie, baby?”
“And perfume?”
You were going to make him go broke, but he didn’t care. Not when everything he was about to splurge on was for you.
“How about two perfumes?”
He didn’t even notice the door opening, quickly catching himself before he fell and you ran into his chest with a loud sob. “Don’t ever tell me I look just nice again!”
James laughed, nodding as he stroked your cheeks. “Whatever you say, my love. Do you want to wear that to the store?”
You paused, looking down at your black dress that was way too short but James loved, a smile on his lips as you bent your leg back, looking down at the bottom of your Louboutins. “Yes.”
It makes him laugh again as you walk out, your strut perfectly swinging your hips from side to side before you stop and look back. “Are you coming?”
“Yes ma’am.”
He followed you out the door of your shared room, stepping over the mess of clothes you had made trying to figure out outfits, smiling as you reached back and grabbed his hand. “I’m hungry. Get me some food too?”
“Whatever you want, baby. From the food court or the way back?” It was a simple question, but you pouted like it was the biggest decision on earth.
“I don’t know. They have that really good place at the food court, but I’ve been craving that restaurant too… Can we decide later?” You lead him down the stairs making James nod, smiling.
He could never stop smiling around you, it was impossible. “You just tell me what you want me to do, baby, I’ll pick up whatever you want.”
“How about both?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“That’s what I want! Now come on, we have to go!” You giggled as you pulled him out the door, groaning as you tried to tug on his hand to get him to go faster as he locked the door. “Come on, Jimmy!”
It didn’t take you both to get to the shopping center, James lounging on one of the expensive futons while you changed in the dressing room. “Jimmy, are you ready?!”
“Yes, love!” He sits up, smiling as you walk out of the dressing room onto the platform, the entire dressing room like your own personal runway.
You walked down toward him, showing off the black dress that he was sure you had just tried on earlier back home. “Darling, as beautiful as you looked, didn’t you just try that one?”
You started giggling, nodding. “You passed the test! I wanted to make sure you were paying attention.”
“How could I not when your tits look so good in that dress baby?” He begins to stand, already walking toward you before you pressed a foot to his chest.
“Behave, James, I’m not done with my fashion show. I still have to find an outfit for tonight.” You giggled, pressing your foot against his chest to push him back into the futon. “I’m thinking red.”
“Oh, I don’t care what color it is, as long as I can take it off of you quickly.” He winked up at you, watching as you giggled and strutted back into the dressing room. “Still love that dress, baby!”
In the end, you did settle on a red dress, and he loved it. Oh, he loved it.
As soon as the both of you walked into the club, he squeezed your ass firmly and pressed a kiss to your temple. You were already swaying your hips to the music, giggling as you looked around at the strippers on the pole like how you were looking around at the clothing store.
“Oh, they’re so pretty! James, do you have some bills?” You looked over at him making him nod, not even looking at the women. He was sure they were beautiful, but no one compared to how pretty you were. So instead, he watched as he handed you a lot more hundred dollar bills than he expected and watched as you giggled. “Thank you, baby! I love you!”
“I love you too, darling.” He pressed a firm kiss to your temple and watched as you ran off to join your friends. He slipped through the crowds easily, quickly going up to the main pavilion where everyone was, quickly getting a drink and sitting right on the edge where he watched you throw money – both his and your own – at the very pretty dancers before being dragged to the dance floor with your friends.
He smiled, already taking a sip of his drink before Shawn sat down next to him, letting out a loud cheer that made you look up. He could practically hear your giggle as you waved up at him, James softly kissing his hand as you smiled widely before starting to dance again.
“Oh for fucks sake, Jimmy, you’re fucking whipped.”
James rolls his eyes in annoyance, scoffing. “Yeah, I’d rather be whipped than be getting STDs-”
“Oi, keep it down!” Shawn laughs, leaning over as he takes the next two drinks offered by a server. “Want a drink?”
“I’m good.” James raises his own, shrugging. He didn’t trust Shawn enough to take a drink from him, even if he invited him to the opening. “Can you blame me though? Look at her.”
He watched as you threw your head back, mouth open as you laughed and smoothed down the sides of your dress. Your friends were dancing with each other, one behind you before someone tugged you away making James shoot up.
“Hey, calm down!” Shawn laughs, looking up at James. “That’s Kingsley, man, you know him. He’s a trust fund kid. You can’t do shit to him.”
“Fucking watch me.”
James was already basically running down the stairs, shoving past everyone to get to where you were, yelling at the guy to keep his hands off of you.
“Hey, don’t you fucking hear her?! Get your hands off!” James shoved him, pulling you behind him not even a minute afterwards as Kingsley stumbled. “Get your fucking hands off my girl, you fucking bastard.”
“Oh, hey Jimmy,” Kingsley laughed, pushing his hair back. “Didn’t know this was your girl, she’s prettier than the last time I saw her. You don’t know the meaning of sharing, Keene, come on- fuck!”
Jimmy really couldn’t have been happier when searing-hot pain developed from his knuckles, watching as Kingsley fell back and you yelped loudly. “Jimmy-!”
“Come on,” Jamese grabbed your hand, pulling you back toward the private rooms as you gasped. “Come on, baby, let’s go.”
“Where are we going? Jimmy, what if someone calls the cops-”
“You think I care about some cops?” James walked into the first room with no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, pulling you into the room with a smile. “Gonna make sure everyone in the club knows your mine.”
You whimpered as he easily lifted you up, hands holding your ass that was basically falling out of your dress, your hot cunt grinding against his cock as the two of you fell back against the bed. He laughed, his hands groping the fat of your ass as he fixed himself.
“Fuck, darling, you’re already so desperate. What, were you getting wet on the dance floor?” He could feel the wet patch developing on his slacks, hands shaping your thighs as you roll your hips against nothing.
“N-No, no of course not!” It was embarrassing how wet you got just from him punching Kingsley, but it was so fucking hot.
“So when did you get this wet, hm baby? Tell me.” His thick fingers slide up and down your slit, his open mouth sucking and biting against your neck, your mind already blurring as you bucked into his digits.
You weren’t even able to speak at this point, whimpering loudly with his fingers the only thing on your mind. Why hadn’t he pushed them in yet, why wasn’t he fucking you?
“You think you’re still stretched out from last night?”
Well for fucks sake, you were about to find out.
He merely pulled your underwear to the side, his mouth never stopping its assault on your neck, continuing to bite and lick and suck marks all over your skin. Your body was hot, hips bucking uncontrollably as his thumb starts to rub firmly against your clit and his cock slides up and down your slit.
“Y-Your… you’ve already covered my entire neck, J-James, it hurts,” you whisper, gasping as his hot tongue delicately trails over the hickies and bite marks as he slammed his hips forward. It makes your vision go white, a gasp falling from your lips as he groans loudly. “J-Jimmy!”
“Oh my darling girl, I have to mark you — I need to show everyone who you belong to. So that no mother fucker like that ever gets near you again, so everyone knows you’re mine.” He basically growled against your skin, his hips rolling slightly to get his cock deeper inside of you, his balls sliding against the bottom of your cunt, smearing your arousal. “Maybe I should do some more things to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
“What, like putting a baby in me?” Your voice was strong now, your hands rubbing against his chest as you slipped open his shirt by undoing the buttons. “You want to have kids while being a drug lord?”
“And I’ll spoil that kid fucking rotten,” he whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours as he sighed. “I’ll spoil you and that kid fuckin’ rotten. Just give me the word and I’ll give you that baby.”
“Y-Yes,” you whisper, ducking down to press a kiss against that mole on his neck. “Yes baby, yes. Give me that baby, get me pregnant.”
That was all he needed to pull out of you before slamming back in, just that one thrust making your mind blur and a loud moan fall from your lips, your first orgasm of the night coming quicker than you thought it would. “F-Fuck Jimmy!”
“Did you-” he paused, staring down at your cunt as he felt you clench around him, over and over again as your hips rutted upwards into his own. “Did you just cum?”
“I-I did, I did, please be gentle-!” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he flipped you easily onto your stomach, straddling your lower thighs as he held the back of your head, thrusting into you from behind. He was humping against your butt, the pubes on his pelvis rubbing against the globe of your ass as he held your hips to help you stay kneeling upward for him. “Fuck, James!”
“Come on baby, I haven’t even cum once and you're already so sensitive? Fuck, you’re always so desperate for me darling, so fucking desperate for me,” he groaned against your shoulder, his other hand that wasn’t holding your hip going up to intertwine with your own. “How would I not get you pregnant, baby? What would keep you from not getting pregnant from the amount of times I’m about to cum in you?”
His large hand held your hips, his pointer and middle finger rubbing against your swollen clit, his dirty words making your stomach twist. Or maybe it was the amount of times his tip was ramming into your cervix, his cock fucking you like a fleshlight. You could feel sparks running up your back, his hot breath fanning against your skin making everything just feel so much more.
You could feel every stutter of his hips, every sharp breath he took as he groaned against your skin, the sharp thrust that finally concluded his first climax of the night. It wasn’t like he was done yet, though, gently settling your body against the bed and slipping a pillow under your body to help support you.
You could feel the soft material of the pillow case against your puffy clit, your hands digging into the bed as he hoisted your red, two piece dress higher up your body and stared at the movements he made your body do. He watched your knuckles turn white as you gripped onto the sheets, your body bouncing with every thrust as he moved both hands to intertwine his fingers through yours.
“Fuck baby, I’m going to cum inside of you so much, it’s going to leave a damn bulge. There’s no fuckin’ way you won’t get pregnant after this.” He groaned against your skin, gasping as your cunt fluttered around his shaft.
Were you going to cum again? You had felt your stomach tighten so many times, so many fucking times, which orgasm was this? How many times had you cum around his cock?
“F-Fuck!” You screamed out as he thrusted forward, groaning as he rutted against your ass, the both of you cumming at the same time for the first time that night, even though it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
He groaned against your skin as he kissed up your neck to your ear, humming softly. “I’m going to cum inside of you so much that when you walk out of this club, my cum’s going to run down your thighs. Does that sound nice baby?”
“Y-Yes, fuck, yes.”
“Good fucking girl.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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The males or ladies seeing you really dolled up, like to the 10s make up and all.
I like to think the Farmer looks pretty beat up and dirty most the time so seeing a dressed up farmer would be different XD
bachelors seeing the farmer all dolled up || headcanons
seeing you all dolled up is enough to floor some of our handsome men <3
warnings: feminine! farmer :) pronouns are gender neutral but the farmer is definitely in touch with their feminine side!
requested by: anon! hi, thank you so much for the request! i decided to just do the guys this time around for simplicity's sake since you said or, but i would absolutely do the bachelorettes if you sent in the request! anyway, hope you enjoy! :)
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• Alex would be absolutely floored. As someone who was so in touch with his masculinity that it consumed him at one point, he adored how you looked. The toxicity was behind him, finding solace in his own identity. Watching you find solace in your own identity warmed his heart. Plus, you were gorgeous! Of course he couldn't keep his eyes off of you!
• When he was going to bring you out to a fancy dinner in the city, he was surprised to see you so dressed up. His jaw was dropped, staring at you in awe. He rested his hands on your sides, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. He then moved his hands to your cheeks, giggling like a mad man. He was so excited to see his partner all dolled up.
• “God- look at you. You're so gorgeous- I mean, you're ALWAYS gorgeous, but holy ... you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and I just ... I love you. And I'm so glad you put all this effort into lookin' all pretty for me. Now, let's go to the city. I'm gonna show you off, gorgeous.”
• While out on the town, Alex was proud to be by your side. He was enthralled by your appearance, happy to have such a gorgeous person on his arm. All throughout dinner, he complimented you. Every single thing he could think of slid out of his mouth, taking your hands in his and kissing your knuckles. He was absolutely enamoured by you, regardless of how you look, but this was just something new about you.
• Elliott is obsessed with you in general, but when you put effort into what you wear or how you present yourself? He kisses the ground you walk on. Of course he wants to appreciate how hard you work, even if it's not necessarily for him. You're so beautiful in his eyes no matter how you look, but he cannot get enough of you when you look like this. Absolutely floored. Awooga, if you will.
• You two were getting ready for an event regarding his latest novel. He asked you to dress nice, but he didn't expect ... wow. You walked out in the most amazing outfit, and your makeup was absolutely phenomenal. Elliott stared, slack-jawed. After a moment of staring, he cleared his throat. He got on his knees in front of you, kissing your knuckles and not even daring to blink. He certainly has a dramatic flare.
• “Oh ... my ... goodness. I have been blessed to witness such a sight. The gods themselves have sent you down to me. For the first time in my life, you have rendered me somewhat speechless. You ... you light up my life every day, and you keep giving me blessing after blessing. I couldn't ask for a more beautiful human being in my sight.”
• While at his book signing, his focus was almost entirely on you. You were just so beautiful, all of his attention was toward you. No one noticed, aside from you. He read an excerpt from his book with a smile, although he did have to peel his eyes away from you. They were planted on you there after, and when he took you home, he showered you with compliments. He was always affectionate, but this just made you even more gorgeous in his eyes.
• Harvey is an incredibly respectful partner, so he tries to compliment your personality over your looks. You're gorgeous, of course! He would just rather make you feel good about yourself mentally rather than physically, no matter how much he enjoys both aspects of you. But when you look so gorgeous, he can't help but short circuit.
• He wanted to take you to Zuzu City for a date, he thought about taking you to the newly opened aquarium. So, he mentioned the idea to you and you agreed. He didn't expect you to dress so nicely for the event, but when he saw you ... his face was bright red. His jaw was slightly agape, before clearing his throat and attempting to keep his reaction to a minimum. He didn't want to make you think he hated it, quite the opposite.
• “My dear ... you are- ... stunning. I didn't really uh- expect this tonight, so pardon my reaction, but ... you amaze me more and more each day. Your outside beauty certainly matches your inside ... I don't tell you that enough. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I mean that with every fiber of my being. You are so, so gorgeous. Tonight, and every night.”
• Harvey was more than happy to have you on his arm all night. You looked even more gorgeous in the soft blue light of the aquarium tanks. The way your eyes glistened as you stared at the creatures made the shade Harvey's face grow deeper and deeper. It is very easy to get Harvey flustered, you didn't even have to try this time around. He couldn't believe he was with someone so pretty.
• Sam is such a devoted partner, so he tries his hardest to show you affection 24/7. But when you look so beautiful ... it comes out at a rapid pace. He has no filter, and it shows in moments like these. But why would you want to stop the compliments that he throws at you? His intention is to make you feel good!
• He had been invited to a music event, which had a black tie dress code. Of course you were his plus one, and you planned out the most amazing look for the event. And when he saw you ... he didn't really want to go to the event anymore. He just wanted to stare at you for maybe the rest of his life.
• “Holy. Fucking. SHIT! How do you look so good?! Why haven't you shown me this sooner?! My GOD I am the luckiest man on the whole entire PLANET! If I weren't with you right now, I would ask if you're single! And then I'd probably fumble the bag because I don't know how to hit on people- I don't know how I got you in the first place- which is still insane because LOOK AT YOU! Holy FUCK!”
• You two do end up going to the event, but his eyes are entirely on you. Every time the camera panned over to him, his eyes were always on you and talking with you. You were his muse, and the cameras definitely saw that. He loved shooting soft compliments your way, holding your hand and giving you cheek kisses. He is really in love with you.
• Sebastian is a pretty nonchalant person, trying his hardest to stay on the "cool" side. You're definitely his soft spot, though. You are strangely good at warming him up. Your personality, your looks, your ... everything. But seeing your looks turned up to ten? Oh, he would not be able to comprehend how amazing you looked.
• Sebastian had asked you to go to the movies with him, there was something in theaters that he thought you both might enjoy. But when he saw you all dolled up for the first time, he was absolutely stunned. Sebastian had a whirlwind of thoughts that wouldn't come out properly. His face was blank at first, before slowly growing pinker and pinker. He tried to turn his head to the side, shielding it from your view.
• “... you look really, really pretty. All this for a movie date? I-I didn't really go all out, but I can go back and change ... sorry, I shouldn't be hiding my face. I'm just flustered and shit ... you're too gorgeous to handle, I guess? God- that was stupid ... you've got me fumbling with my words again. I can never be cool around you ... maybe that's why I like you so much ... now- let's get going, gorgeous. Don't wanna be late now, do we?”
• During the movie, it's safe to say Sebastian couldn't concentrate. His fingers were interlaced with yours, trying to watch the movie. However, he made several glances your way, taking a peek at his lovely partner. He was down excruciatingly bad for you, it was pretty obvious. He made sure to give you a few kisses on your cheek and forehead, a token of silent appreciation for the work you put in. He was so happy to be with you, regardless of how you look.
• Shane would probably not give much of an external reaction. He's not a very expressive person, but his mind ... oh, he would be exploding at the seams. He loves you regardless of how you look, and he finds you remarkably beautiful either way, but he can't help but feel his heart pump a little bit faster when you're so gorgeous.
• When you two were about to go out for a date night, he didn't give you a dress code necessarily. He didn't tell you what you two were doing either, he decided to surprise you. So, you'd rather be overdressed than underdressed. But when Shane saw you ... his face flushed a gentle pink and a soft smile lingered on his lips. He couldn't speak for a moment, taking in your beauty, and letting his mind reset.
• “Wow ... aren't you somethin'? ... I didn't expect to see you all dolled up tonight, but ... wow, I am so glad I am. You're beautiful, by the way. If you didn't know that by now, you're fuckin' stupid. And I'm fuckin' stupid for not matching you. Let me change into something a little more fancy than just some jeans. I know, you're making me step outta my comfort zone ... but you deserve it. Especially when you look so beautiful.”
• While on the date, he tried to keep his comments on your appearance to a minimum. He didn't wanna be too overbearing, but he didn't want to make it seem like he didn't care. He was definitely overthinking this, but ... when he made eye contact with you, he realized everything was fine. You were just so gorgeous, his mind was absolutely boggled. He couldn't believe the person he loved the most had the added bonus of being so stinkin' cute!
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Thank you so much 🥹
Would you be willing to write a fic where Eddie and his girlfriend have been dating for a while and they both decide it's time she meets Wayne? She’s a little nervous to because she knows how important he is to Eddie, and he reassures her it’ll be okay that he’ll love her.
They have dinner together at the trailer and maybe they watch a movie together? During the movie, she falls asleep on Eddie’s shoulder and Wayne takes the opportunity to talk to Eddie about how he thinks she’s good for her and maybe she starts to wake up overhears some of it? Even though they think she’s still asleep?
Whatever happens next is up to you, I think some cuddles in Eddie’s bed, and having them talk about how it all went would be sweet. And maybe she mentions something about overhearing some of their conversation and Eddie gets all shy? 🥰
I know this is long and super specific so I understand if you don't want to do it!
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AN | Did someone order soft…with a side of soft? Bone app the teeth 🥺🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.6k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You loved Eddie Munson, you knew that much. 
You loved everything about him, and you already knew that he was going to be a huge part of your life forever. He’d become your family as much as you had become yours, neither of you having much family in general. So, naturally, at some point in your relationship Eddie was going to ask to meet his uncle Wayne, the man that had raised him and loved him. And you were excited for that…but also incredibly nervous. What if Wayne didn’t like you? What if that led to Eddie breaking up with you? What if -
“You alright, sweetheart?” Eddie was lying on your bed, starfished across it as he watched you finish your makeup in the mirror. He could see from the look in your eyes that something was wrong; you thought you might have been able to hide it, but nothing escaped Eddie, “you look…worried.”
“I’m nervous,” you groaned before your pretty lips formed a pout as you caught his eye in the mirror. There was a small smile on his face, but you could see the shake of his shoulders that he was holding back silent laughter, “Eddie! Don’t laugh at me!”
“‘m not sweetheart, I swear,” he rolled off the bed and scooted over to you on his knees, stopping at your side and resting his head on your thigh, “I’d never. You’re just really cute, nervous and all. But…why are you nervous?”
“Because,” you waved your hands around, as if trying to make it all make sense, “I’m going to meet your uncle! What if he hates me? What if he tells you never to see me again?”
You only heard him snort in amusement before he slowly stood up and looked down at you. He bowed his head and pressed a kiss to your lips, “there is no way that he wouldn’t love you. He’ll probably love you more than he loves me. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Easy for you to say,” you sighed dramatically, causing him to grin at your silliness, “you’re not the one that’s being offered to the wolves!”
“Dramatic much?” 
“Not dramatic enough!” you insisted, grabbing your lipstick and swiping it onto your lips as a final little touch, “if I somehow die tonight, that’s on you! I hope you can live with that.”
“I’ll say I can live with that, only because I know nothing is going to happen,” he promised as you nodded shyly, “I swear it.”
“But now we have to get going…”
“Oh no.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The drive from your house to Eddie’s wasn’t long, which normally you were thankful for, but today you wished it was at least three times as long. Eddie kept the conversation going, attempting to ease your nerves and help you relax. It was helping but not much; not to Eddie’s fault of course. 
When he pulled into his parking spot and turned off the van, you let out a long sigh. His hand had been on your leg, and he gave your thigh a reassuring little squeeze. He climbed out of his side and puttered over to you, opening your door and holding his hand out to help you step out. You took his hand, letting his much larger one dwarf yours as you slid out of your seat. You almost managed to fall due to your anxiousness but he quickly righted up.
His hands went to your shoulders as he gave you a reassuring squeeze, “it’s going to be alright, sweetheart. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
“Okay,” you nodded, taking a deep breath in before exhaling slowly, “this will all be fine.”
“Ready tiger?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you agreed, and before you could protest or do say anything further, Eddie kissed you gently, emptying your mind of any thoughts other than the feel of his lips on yours. He pulled back and gave you a cheeky little smile, “I know what you’re up to Munson!”
“Not a thing,” he laced his fingers through yours before starting the slow trek to the trailer. You trailed ever so slightly behind him, reminding yourself that Wayne was just a person like you - how bad could it be? Eddie unlocked the door before letting go of your hand and stepping inside, “Wayne! We’re here.”
You froze for a moment before stepping inside after, encouraged by his gentle nod. As soon as you stepped foot inside of the small trailer, you felt yourself relax. It was small and cozy, currently filled with warmth and delicious smells. You watched in amusement as he kicked off his sneakers and you followed suit, taking your own shoes off with a little more grace. Eddie couldn’t help the fond smile that grew on his face at the gentle care you displayed. 
���It’s about time,” you heard a gruff voice call from the kitchen, “I was just wondering if I needed to eat all of this food myself!”
“Like I’d ever miss an opportunity for food,” Eddie snorted in amusement as he walked into the small kitchenette, and you caught your first glimpse of Wayne Munson. He was a rough looking man, but there was a gentle smile on his face and he had kind eyes. Eddie held out his hand and motioned for you to come over. After swallowing the lump in your throat, you came over, letting him take your hand. He said your name softly before introducing the two of you, “this is my uncle, Wayne. Wayne, obviously this is-”
“The lucky, or perhaps unlucky, lady,” a moment of silence fell over the room, but then suddenly you and Wayne broke into laughter as Eddie dramatically scoffed. Wayne held out his hand, which you eagerly shook; he had a kind aura around him, “it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many things about you, it almost feels like I know you already know.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you grinned before turning to tease your boyfriend, “Eddie, you talk about me?”
“I mean yeah,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously, but you could see the pretty flush of pink rise up in his cheeks, “you come up every now and then.”
“Every now and then,” Wayne raised an eyebrow; you really enjoyed the dynamic between the two of them, “more like all the time, kid. Who are you trying to fool?”
“I….” Eddie knew that he wasn’t going to win this one. He sighed dramatically before hanging his head and nodding in defeat, “alright, he’s got me there.”
“Well, I think that’s very sweet of you,” you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his rosy cheek, “glad to know you think about me.”
“Duh,” he playfully snarked back at you, “you better be doing the same. Better be talking about the best boyfriend ever.”
“When the two of you are done being all lovey-dovey, would one of you mind giving me a hand? Dinner ain’t gonna finish itself,” the two of you snapped into attention, exchanging shy smiles. 
“I’d love to help,” alright. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all…Eddie had been right - there was nothing to be worried about, “whatever you need.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Dinner with the Munson men turned out to be a very fun affair. The two of them were almost too funny for their own good, and while they teased each other relentlessly, you could see the unspoken love that flowed between them. And the nice thing was that you felt so included in their conversations, almost like you were a part of the family. 
After dinner was done, you offered to clear the table and at least get everything into the sink while they picked out the movie for the evening. Wayne had insisted that you didn’t have to do anything, but you quickly put him in place and told him that it wasn’t up for debate. Wayne knew better than to argue with a woman, and let you have your way. 
Once you were done and satisfied with how clean the kitchen was, you made it back into the living room. Wayne was in his recliner and Eddie was on the couch, grabbing the blanket off the top of it as he patted the space next to him. You wasted no time in curling up and cuddling into his side. Eddie draped the blanket over the two of you, his arm settled around your shoulders and you rested your head on his chest. That might have been your favorite spot in the whole world. 
Once the three of you were settled, Eddie put on the movie that they had picked out. You weren’t surprised at all to find that it was some random horror movie; luckily you liked them just as much as Eddie did.
Unfortunately tiredness had settled in your bones and you found your eyes started to grow heavier and heavier. Before you knew it, you were fast asleep, all cuddled up into Eddie. He almost wouldn’t have noticed that you were sleeping if it hadn’t been for the soft snores that escaped you. He sighed wistfully before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
“I can see why you like her,” Wayne said softly, keeping his voice down so you wouldn’t be woken up. Eddie looked at his uncle, a soft smile on his face as he nodded slightly, “she’s very sweet and kind. And it looks like she doesn’t put up with any of your bullshit.”
“She doesn’t,” oh no. You kept him thoroughly grounded, while indulging his whims. The two of you balanced each other very well, “she keeps me level. She’s….I really like her, Wayne.”
“I don’t think you just like her, son,” the older man had a knowing little look on his face as Eddie’s face burned with realization. He knew that Wayne was right, but he hadn’t been able to admit it out loud just yet. It almost felt as if he were to say those three little words out loud, he would wake up from a dream and find that you had been a figment of his imagination all along. It was silly, yes, but he’d been deprived of so many things in life, of so much love, that he was afraid to do anything that might cause you to leave. Not that you ever would - you were just as lovesick for him, “I think we both know the truth on that one.”
“Wayne…” he curled his hand into a fit and gently hit against the arm of the couch, “you’re right, I know you’re right. I just…I don’t want to lose her, you know?”
“You won’t,” he promised, giving his nephew what he hoped was a bit of reassurance, “just be good to her and take things as they come. That’s all you can do.”
You’d woken up at some point, eyes fluttering open as you  took in the darkened room and the movie that was still playing. It took a moment to gather your surroundings, but you quickly realized you were still at Eddie’s, still curled into his side. When you heard him and Wayne talking, you decided that you wouldn’t say anything - not yet anyway. Maybe it was wrong of you to just listen in on their conversation, but you couldn’t deny that you were incredibly curious.
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded and it was then that you realized that he was gently stroking your shoulder, “I guess you’re right. All I can do is try. And for her I really want to try. She’s very important to me.”
“I can see that,” he agreed, “don’t think about it too much. That’s the worst thing you can sometimes, is worry about things too damn much. You just gotta trust your gut and go with it. It’ll all work out in the end. ‘sides, anyone with eyes can see that she’s in love with you.”
You smiled at that; he was right. You just hadn’t realized how obvious you were.
“You think so?” Eddie sounded so adorable, his voice filled with happiness and hope. 
“I know so,” he insisted, “gotta trust me sometimes. You should know that by now.”
“Yeah, yeah,” but there was affection behind his teasing, “now let me finish this terrible movie.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next time you woke up, it was somewhere different from where you had originally fallen asleep. You were definitely warm and toasty though, under several blankets and resting on a pillow that smelled oddly familiar. You blinked away the bleariness in your eyes as you sat up and looked around. Eddie’s room. 
“Hey sleepyhead,” you looked to your side and found sitting at his desk, feet propped up as he read through a well loved copy of some book. You didn’t even bother to hold back the smile that crossed your features, “have a nice nap?”
“Very much so,” you turned so you were sitting crossed legged and looking at him, “you’ve got a comfy shoulder and an even comfier bed.”
“I knew you only wanted me for my body,” he clutched at his heart as he sighed dramatically, “the truth finally comes out.”
“What a dork,” you stuck your tongue out at him, “but you’re my dork.”
“Hmmm,” he mused as he closed his book and tossed it onto the desk, “I suppose you’re right, angel. I am all yours.”
There was a smile on your face, but he could tell you were about to say something serious. He knew that look well enough by now, “Eddie? Can I tell you something and you promise not to freak out?”
“I love you,” you whispered softly, wanting to finally get it all out there, “so very much.”
You watched as his face shifted through a series of different emotions before finally settling on a huge, pretty smile that displayed his teeth and dimple - magical. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, taking a moment to process what you had just said, “really?”
“Of course,” you held out your arm and made a grabby hand at him, wanting him to come and join you in the middle, “I would never lie about such a thing.”
He came right over and sat next to you, wasting not a single moment before pulling you into his lap, his hands settling on your hips in a warm embrace. You studied his pretty honey brown eyes, and you could see that was definitely feeling a hundred emotions at once. He brought his hand to your face and gently stroked the apple of your cheek with his thumb, “I love you too.”
You leaned in to kiss him, capturing his lips with yours in a soft, saccharine little kiss. You pecked his lips a few more times before pulling back, practically beaming at him, “will you say it again, Eddie? Please?”
“I love you,” he took your face in his hands and peppered kisses all over your face, causing you to giggle happily, “my sweet, precious, angel.”
“I love you, my honey boy,” you brought his hand to your lips as you pressed a kiss to his knuckles, “thank you for bringing me tonight and letting me meet Wayne. I had a lot of fun.”
“I hate to say I told you so…”
“Oh yeah, I’m so sure you do,” you brushed your nose against his softly, “go ahead and say it. One time only!”
“I told you so,” he smiled triumphantly, “but also - I love you.”
“I love you, Eddie Munson.”
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luvfy0dor · 8 months
hear me out. how abt nikolai as a dad!!! other parents gender can be up to you <3 thank you so much, feel free to reject !
"Tea Parties and Tiaras" - Dad!Nikolai x Reader ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Warnings; None, just fluff!!
Description; Dad!Nikolai headcannons and a cute little scenario revolving around a very dramatic tea party.
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A/N; Tysm for the request!! I have a lot of thoughts about him tbh, I'm glad I get to post them! Also omg u guys since Halloween is coming up what do you think nikolai would be??? I know he's definitely not sitting out in every day attire to hand out candy; brother has gotta be costumed up and causing mischief I just know it.
Headcannons !! ༊*·˚
★ I could go on all day about how he uses his ability as a father rather than a villain. He uses it to quickly fetch things from other sides of the house, like a bottle or a blanket, stuff like that.
★ But he also definitely uses it to mess with them sometimes. If they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing and he finds out, he's gonna stick his arm through the portal, grab their shoulders and laugh when they jump. Then he'll tell them to knock it off, unless it seems appealing to him at the moment. He might join in if it looks fun.
★ Nikolai also does magic tricks for them. He really likes pulling a rabbit out of his hat. He loves the surprised look on his kids faces. He also robs stores of candy sometimes.
★ However, Nikolai isn't afraid of saying no to them. He really doesn't want them to grow up spoiled little pricks.
★ He lets them dress him up. If he's with the kids while you run errands, you'll come home and see your man with that glittery gel eyeshadow smeared all around his eyes and a tiara on his head. The dresses didn't fit, and neither did the little plastic heels, but the hair clips, tiara, and makeup will suffice.
★ I said this for Fyodor too, but Nikolai does his children's hair. He paints their nails too.
★ Nikolai loves to bring his kids to fun places, water/amusement parks, circuses, fairs, trampoline parks, etc. He has NUMEROUS pairs of the trampoline park socks and he loves walking around in them everywhere.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
(P/T is parental title because I want it to be gender neutral, d/n is daughters name, s/n is sons name)
When you thought about relaxing after work, partaking in a tea party wasn't exactly your first thought. But there you sat, cross legged with a pretty tiara on your head, courtesy of your young son and daughter. You could hear Nikolais little giggles as d/n tried to pull his hair back into a very messy ponytail.
"Oh, papa, you better brush your hair some more, this is way too knotty!" Your daughter exasperatedly says and let's go of Nikolais long hair, making him feign offense and turn to her. "Hey! You're very rude! It's okay though, because my tea party outfit is much better than yours is." He says, a mocking tone of voice as he squints his eyes while talking to her. She pouts and gets up sassily, retreating to s/n's side as he rummaged through their little play kitchen.
"Did you hear that? I can't believe she would say something like that to me!" He says to you with an exaggerated frown. You just scoff and pat his shoulder in support. "I wonder who could have taught her such wit." You sarcastically say. You both watch them search for enough teacups for the four of you, all of them being strewn throughout their play room. They eventually skitter back to the table with only three cups and saucers in hand. S/n places one in front of you, one in front of his sister, and one in front of himself.
Nikolai sits waiting for his, but when both s/n and d/n sit down without getting him HIS teacup and saucer, he's a bit annoyed. "Hey, where's my tea?" He asks them. The kids exchange a glance before d/n speaks up. "Mean, knotty-haired clowns don't deserve tea." She huffs. He's even more taken aback this time. "You guys are so mean! You're gonna make your papa cry." He says, his lip quivering a bit as his hand slaps over his heart for dramatic effect. He starts sniffling and you just snicker, watching d/n expression change to one of slight guilt.
She groans and begrudgingly gets up to grab another teacup and saucer from the kitchen, returning it and placing it in front of Nikolai. He stops pretending to cry and grabs her, pulling her into a hug and swaying her excitedly. "Aw, thank you! I knew you loved me enough to look past my messy hair." He says with a giggle. She eagerly tries to wriggle out of his hug, but s/n runs over and hugs Nikolai too, knocking him backwards and onto the ground. He lets out a soft "oomph" before they all start giggling.
"Hey! Now you're both gonna crush me!" He says, the kids getting up off of him while laughing. He lets out a loud sigh before sitting back up. "Okay, I think we're even now, yeah? I came to your lovely tea party with messy hair and you two just knocked the wind out of me in retaliation!" He says, patting their shoulders. They look at eachother and look back at him.
"Okay, I guess you're forgiven." S/n says, his hands on his hips and d/n nodding in approval. "Okay, good. Now, I think we should continue our tea party before we have to eat dinner." He says, pretending to sip on the plastic glass. They murmur soft affirmatives and sit back down. You lean your head on Nikolais shoulder as you pretend to sip on the tea too, content with the little family that the two of you have made together.
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A/n; when u think of the word 'skitter/skitters' I hope you think of me 💔🫡 credit to @ilovechuuy4 for influencing the magic and candy stealing hcs thank you schmoopie 💞🙏
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
I’m sorry…(Trouble Chapter 4)
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 3043
Warnings: smut, fingering, praise, angst, fluff, possessiveness, jealously, homophobia, secret relationships, R’s parents being assholes
Series here:
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
It had been nearing a week since the last time Nat called you, talked to you or even looked at you. You felt hopeless and alone, she had never been this distant with you, what did you do wrong? Whenever you tried thinking of all the possibilities of what you might’ve done to upset her, you came up empty. It had been dragging you down all week, and everyone had noticed it.
“So, Y/N, I was talking to our neighbor. You know Mrs. Barnes, right?” You nodded with a mouthful of food, putting a finger to your lips to signal to wait.
“Yeah, I know her. Her son is in a few of my classes.” She smiled between bites, giving hinting glances to your father who sat on the other end of the table. You were too caught up in your own mind, you couldn’t notice the clear meaning behind their shared looks.
“Well, she’s told me that her son is single. We thought it’d be perfect to set up a little something for you two.” Your head shot up, your angered expression not matching your mother's cheerful one.
“Oh, c’mon, don’t give me that look. Trust me, you’ll love it! We can go shopping for a pretty dress and you can get all dazzled up, you’ll look so beautiful.” Were you not beautiful without the dress or makeup? Apparently not, that’s only what boys cared about anyways.
“Mom, I appreciate it but I don’t really like Bucky like that.” You tried stating calmly, only for your annoyance to grow the more she spoke.
“Why not? He’s a very handsome young man, you two would look so cute together. Don’t you think, Y/F/N?”
“Your mother is right, Y/N. You need to stop staying inside all day and go out. Make friends, go on dates, have fun for once.” You sighed, your appetite suddenly lessening as the thought of eating alone made you nauseous.
“Darling, you need to do more with your life besides sitting in your room and writing or drawing or whatever you do up there in that cave of yours. You’re 18, you’re not getting any younger.” It hurt hearing the words come from your own parents, the people who were supposed to love you. Nat’s words ran through your head, maybe she was right, maybe she was the only one that actually loved you. And you ruined it without even knowing.
“I’m sorry but I don’t want to go out with him, I don’t want to date anyone. I don’t want a high school sweetheart like you guys, I want freedom.”
“Y/N, no boy is going to want to date you when you’re old. They want a young, pretty girl to have their children, why do you always have to go against everything we say? Why do you always feel the need to start an argument? Can you not just listen to your own parents for once?” You quickly shoveled in the rest of the food, not caring to ask if you could leave the table and immediately standing up to head to your room. Your parents called after you, disappointment and angered words leaving their lips. It brought tears to your eyes, why couldn’t they just love you? Were you that unlovable?
Your body collided with the bed, the soft mattress almost immediately readjusting to your body and hugging you softly. You let it all go, all the frustration and worries turned into tears that quickly turned into loud sobs. You wished Nat would be here to hold you, take care of you. But she wasn’t. She hated you. And it was all your fault. You’d sit here, drowning in your sorrows and hoping that she’d at least call. Some would say you were acting dramatic, but they must’ve never known what love feels like.
Nat sat parked outside of your house, the limited light making it nearly impossible for anyone to see her there. She wanted to talk to you, not apologize, just talk. She didn’t think you deserved an apology after what you did. You knew it would hurt her and you still went out with Kate.
She got out of the musty car filled with smoke looming in the air and walked to the side of the building. She could see your light on and took her chance, using the firewood your father left out to her advantage. She stood on top of it, mentally thanking her height which let her just barely reach the first-floor roof. She was lucky your room was connected to it as she knocked on your window, seeing a figure through the blinds almost jump up. You knew who it was, Nat was the only person who’d ever climb the side of your house so idiotically. You rushed to unlock your windows and open them, seeing Nat’s beautiful face smiling back at yours.
“Nat!” You quickly covered your mouth to try and minimize the sound you made, fearing your parents would somehow hear you. “What are you doing here?”
“What? Am I not allowed to see my favorite girl?” She let herself into your room, knowing you’d let her in anyways. She cupped your cheeks in both of her hands, staring down at you and licking her lips.
“I missed you, baby.” Her voice was hushed and her breath reeked of cigarettes. You feared it was another high of hers, she’d act like she cared for you and then would forget everything she said the morning after.
“Are you seriously high again?” She chuckled and shook her head, grinning at the cute pout that painted your face.
“No, I’m not high. I only had a few cigs, nothing too dangerous.” You let out a relieved sigh, trying to fight the urge to have her in your arms but failing. Your tears returned as your wrapped both arms around her large form, your head resting on her chest as she cradled you closely.
“Shh, it’s okay.” She kissed the top of your head, smelling the sweet shampoo that she loved so much.
“What did they do?” She sat down on your bed, pulling you close to sit on her lap. Your legs were over her side as she used her thumb to wipe the tears pooling out of your eyes. You told her everything, failing to notice the angered expression she held.
“I swear, I’m going to fucking kill them.”
“It’s okay, Natty, it’s not your fault.” You both sat in comfortable silence, the only sound being the sniffling coming from your nose and the hiccups leaving your mouth. She had almost forgotten the entire reason she came to your house until you spoke once more,
“Natty?.” She gave a hum in response, signaling for you to go on.
“Are you mad at me?” Her silence was all the answer you needed. But you still wondered why, why was she mad at you? What did you do wrong?
“I’m sorry for whatever I did, I really don’t know what I did wrong.” She almost broke when hearing the soft and apologetic tone you used on her.
“I don’t want you hanging out with that girl anymore.” She muttered, but you could still hear her. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you had a feeling who she meant but why did she hate her so much?
“With Kate? But, Nat-”
“Don’t ‘but’ me, Y/N, you know what you did. And you couldn’t fucking even tell me.” She paused, releasing a troubled breath and flaring her nose, “Do you like her?” The question took you by surprise but you couldn’t deny there were small feelings there, ones you’d never tell Nat about.
“What? No! Of course not! She’s, just a friend.” She didn’t seem to believe you, but you couldn’t blame her, you couldn’t even believe your own lie.
“I want you to promise me something.”
“Of course. Anything.” She looked you dead in the eyes, her anger settling for something warmer and sweeter when seeing you.
“I want you to promise me that you’ll never talk to, go near, or even think about her. I don’t want you around Kate, she’s not good for you.” Your eyes widened at her words, the thought of losing Kate wasn’t one you liked, but losing Nat would be even worse. You were a wreck without her for only a few days, you couldn’t even imagine how crushed you’d be if you lost her again. So, you had to agree, it was the only thing you could do.
“But, what if I lose you again? Kate she- she doesn’t do the things you do. With her I can actually talk and not just be shut down, it’s nice, you know?” You regretted your words the second they left your mouth, Nat clearly didn’t like them either.
“What, so you don’t want me anymore? I’m too much for you?”
“No, that’s not what I-”
“Listen to me, Y/N, you’re mine. And so what if I have an occasional smoke, at least I’m actually having fun instead of hiding all day doing nothing. Kate is not good for you, she ruins people. I don’t want to see that happen to you. I would hate to see you get hurt because of your own stupid decisions.” Her statement reminded you of your own parents, were you really that boring that you couldn’t even break loose every now and then? Maybe that’s why she’s too embarrassed to have you around. Because she doesn’t want anyone to see her with someone like you.
“Tell me, baby, who do you belong to?” She was standing in front of the end of the bed now, you stuck in your old position. You held your hands in your lap and picked at your fingernails as the emotions that were bottled up started to arise. When getting no response, she tried again.
“I won’t ask you again, who do you belong to?” You sniffled, refusing to make eye contact with her as you muffled your response.
“What was that?” She teased further, your voice only rising as you spoke again.
“I belong to you and only you, Nat.” She hummed, nodding her head slowly in agreement. She cupped your cheeks like earlier, this time leaning in close but not just letting your lips touch, she was waiting for you to make the move. You reluctantly did, pressing your mouth against hers for a short yet passionate kiss. Before you could pull her back in for more, she moved back.
“Shh, just let me do all the work, okay?” You were pushed down onto the bed as you watched Nat remove her leather jacket along with her shirt. Her denim jeans were next to go, leaving her to be left in nothing but her bra and panties. You were still fully clothed, until she sat next to you on the bed, ridding you of your shirt and soon your pajama pants. Your bra was already been removed when you had gotten dressed, your freed nipples hardening as the cold air hit them. Your legs clenched together as she played with the hem of your panties, slowly dipping a finger in to feel your warmth.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet for me.” She whispered, her breath ragged and short.
“Is this all for me, Y/N?” You nodded as it became too hard to speak, the fear of accidentally releasing a noise too loud and your parents hearing overcoming you. She seemed to understand and didn’t push any further. Her other hand played with your neglected breasts, running her fingertips over the buds gently. Her hips thrusted into the air, her arousal pooling in her damp panties when hearing your light moans. You had such an effect on her, she didn’t understand it but you did things to her nobody has ever done before. You made her feel cared for and loved while making her horny as ever, it was unbelievable.
“You’re so beautiful, have I ever told you that?” She had, but this was the first time she seemed to mean it when she wasn’t high. She wasn’t one to give compliments, but whenever she said them, meaningful or not, it made your heart melt.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, and you’re all fucking mine.” Her digits teased your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves as you soaked her fingers. She pulled them out of your undergarments, licking the two digits and moaning at the taste of your juices.
“You taste so good, love.” She pulled down your panties, you lifted your hips to help her in the process. Her eyes widened when seeing you bare, your precious cunt on display for her. She licked her lips as her fingers found their way back to your needy clit, her mouth finding place on your breasts. She circled your nipple with her tongue, your head tossing back as your hands grasped the sheets beneath you. You’d never felt so good before, not even from your own fingers. You had guessed Nat had practice before, the thought only made you envy whoever it was who got to be with her first. You always expected your first to be a man, but you also never expected to meet someone like Nat who’d change everything for you in just a few months.
She could feel how tense you were, and no matter how needy you were, she couldn’t get you to relax in her hold.
“Hey, relax. It’s okay, I’ll be gentle. If you need me to stop I will, just tell me, I won’t be mad.” The soft side of her calmed you down like a breath of fresh air. You needed her and she needed you just as much.
“I’m ready, Natty. Please, I want you to touch me.” She nodded, hesitantly pressing her lips onto yours and savoring the feeling. Oh, how she’d never get sick of those plump lips of yours. She pressed her forehead against yours, the tips of your noses hitting just barely. You felt her fingers prodding at your hole, begging to feel you. You gulped down your worries and nodded, almost instantly feeling two digits slide into your tight cunt. She didn’t move, instead letting you get adjusted to them and kissing you apologetically when you hissed in pain. She wanted to kiss your neck and paint your skin with her marks, but she knew she couldn’t. She could only ever mark you as hers where no one could see, her love for you would always have to stay hidden, even from you.
“You- shit! You can move now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes just- please! Please fuck me, Nat.” She didn’t say anything, instead doing as you asked and slowly sliding her fingers in and out of you. Your whimpers and whines only encouraged her to quicken her pace. As much as she tried to be gentle, it was nearly impossible to hold back.
“God, please! I just wanna- fuck, I wanna ruin you, baby. Wanna make you mine, show everyone you belong to me.”
“Please mark me, Nat, please. I don’t care if they can see it, just want you everywhere.” She compiled, moving her head towards your chest and kissing down to your nipples before leaving a small purplish hickey. She admired it as if it was gold, she couldn’t take her eyes off of it and she never planned on doing so.
“Shh, you don’t want your daddy coming in here and seeing his daughter all spread out for me, right? I can see the look on his face already, he would be so disappointed in you, such a shame.” Her words didn’t register in your brain, you were too out of it to even think. Your mouth formed an O shape as she thrusted into you repeatedly, a pit forming in the bottom of your stomach as you came closer and closer to the edge.
“Nat! I’m gonna-” Her hand covered your mouth to silence you. As much as she wanted to listen to your moans on repeat for hours on end, she knew there was no way she could without you being caught.
“Cum for me, Y/N, cum all over me.” She hid her head in your neck, sucking the skin softly, completely forgetting her rule of no marks that could be seen. Your coil snapped, your juices soaking her digits as she let you ride out your high.
“Good girl, baby, you did so well for me.” She takes a deep breath, the words she wanted to say were begging to get out, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t admit it. She worried that once she let you know how she felt, you’d leave her. She knew it was no excuse to hurt you, but she couldn’t help it. And deep down she knew you’d never take advantage of her, but it still was a fear she’d always have.
“I love you so much, Y/N. So, so much.” It felt relieving to get the words that had been haunting her mind out. She had only told you so when she was high out of her mind, but now, she was sober and she truly meant it.
“I love you too, Natty. I love you more than anything in the world.” She kissed you gently, easing her fingers out of your hole slowly as to not hurt you. She placed her digits against your mouth, dragging your lower lip down and making you taste yourself. You sucked on her fingers, staring up at her as she smiled back at you. You were so beautiful, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you.
“I’m sorry about everything, love, I promise I’ll change. Do you trust me?”
“I trust you.” Before she could lie down next to you, a loud knock interrupted you both. She jumped to try and grab her clothes, but it was too late.
“Y/N, me and your mother wanted to-” He stopped in his steps, staring at the scene in front of him with widened eyes. Anger and disappointment took over him. You and Nat shared a look of fear, you were fucked.
Taglist: @pancakefan7529 @natsxwife @kksalexa @arualdcg
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wyvernquill · 9 months
Finally some more Dreamling Anastasia AU!
(Obligatory link to the masterpost with all the other posts in this AU - it's also pinned at the top of my blog!)
So, it's been... a while... but I've recently finally got some motivation to write a bit more of this. Apologies to everyone really looking forward to the finale/resolution - I've decided to go all the way back to the start of the story, instead. I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless!
(Tag list: @10moonymhrivertam @martybaker @globglobglobglobob @anonymoustitans @sunshines-fabulous-legs @dreamsofapiratelife @malice-kingdom - since it's been a, uh, really long time, please let me know if you're no longer interested in this AU/fandom and don't want to be tagged anymore, I won't mind! On the other hand, if someone else would like to be tagged in future updates, please let me know!)
“Sister… it’s me.”
The man on the dilapidated theatre’s stage shrugs a heavy, moth-eaten velvet coat off his narrow shoulders. It crumples into a dark semi-circle around him, releasing a dramatic cloud of dust.
“Dream… of the Endless~”
“Ah. Hm.” A somewhat fussy older gentleman in the empty space usually reserved for the audience adjusts the small circular glasses on his nose, grimacing in a polite and distinctly English way - which he has, once, after first coming to this realm and taking this form, spent hours practising in the mirror - while checking a long list in front of him. “Mr… Carter, was it…?”
“Oh, please.” The man on stage flicks back his white-streaked bangs. “Call me Hal.”
“Yes. Of course, Mr. Hal.” The gentleman purses his lips. “That was… not, er. Not terrible, I suppose. And we’re pleased to note that you appear to have… brought your own cloak.”
“Don’t get used to it. Zelda and Chantal only let me borrow it for the audition.”
“Well, it is a lovely cloak. Only, ah, while Dream of the Endless was known to have quite striking eyes, I do think that, perhaps a little less eyeliner…”
“I could tone it down, I suppose, but I really think the performance would lose something without the makeup.” Hal sighs melodramatically. “I can sing and dance too, if you need it for your… what is this audition for, actually? Play? Music hall show? Ooo, one of those moving pictures?”
“Er.” The gentleman fidgets with his cane, grass-green eyes flickering around the empty theatre. “Well-”
“Thank you, Hal.” The younger man beside him interrupts with a winning smile that only barely covers the boredom and frustration lining a rather ruggedly handsome face. “We’ll let you know.”
“Hm.” Hal, clearly enough of an old hand in the acting business to know a polite “you’re not getting the role, piss off” when he hears one, frowns, and bends down to gather up the borrowed cloak, stalking off towards stage exit right with his head held high, not deigning either of the two men with even one more look.
“...I really do not think this will work, young Robert.” The older man mutters, decisively striking through Hal Carter’s name on his list. It is the last. “None of them look even remotely like him. And the voice-”
“I know, Gil. I know.” The younger man, Hob - only Gilbert is proper and precise enough to call him Robert - rubs at his temples, as if to stave off a headache. “They never manage to get the voice right, do they.”
“Ah, if it were only that…” Gilbert sighs, setting the list down. His eyes are soft and unfocused, seeing far into a past that has long since been razed to the ground. “His Lordship, he… he had a certain air about him, you understand. An otherworldly strangeness. He was the dream-maker, and dream-made, and to look at him was to gaze upon infinity.”
A soft scoff.
“Even if we claim that he has been greatly reduced by being turned into a meagre human - no offence, dear friend - as long as he does not have some spark of endlessness about him, nobody who has ever met him would fall for the ruse. And we are attempting to con his family. I simply cannot see any viable path to success.”
Hob does not respond, for a moment, picking up one of the flyers on their table.
It reads:
SEEKING Actor, slender, pale, tall, dark-haired, in the 20-40 age range to play the role of Dream of the Endless (method actors preferred). Generous pay and further benefits await. Auditions each weekday at 6pm at the Old Whickber Street Theatre, Soho. Ask for Hob and Gil.
“We’ll find him.” Hob insists. “The perfect pretender. He’s out there, I just know it.”
“We are not the first fools who have attempted a, a caper of this sort.” Gil points out, almost gently. “None of the others ever succeeded.”
“Yes. Well. None of the others managed to find and correctly identify the late Dream’s own pouch of genuine dream-sand on sale at the black market.” Hob shoots back, gesturing at the cord just barely peeking out from under Gil’s collar. (They’ve decided it would be safer if Hob comes into contact with the sand as little as possible, and Gilbert has taken to carrying it as closely to his heart as he can manage.) “It’s hard evidence, Gil, it’s a sign, it’s our chance - and it might just be enough. The trick with a good con is really making it look like you’re giving the mark exactly what they desperately want… and there’s nothing in the world Death of the Endless wants more than to have her brother back.”
(She wants it so desperately, in fact, that she’s offering immortality to any sentient being who manages to procure Dream for her.
And, well.
There’s nothing in the world Hob wants more than to live forever…)
“Your word in- or, well, kept out of Destiny’s ears, young friend.” Gil sighs, collecting his lists and notes and the remaining flyers, tucking them into his coat and reaching for his cane. “In the meantime, how about we go down to the public house and have a bit of a snifter to wash away the memories of all those atrocious performances, eh, my lad?”
“Best idea you had all day, Gil.” Hob grins, clapping a hand on Gilbert’s shoulder. “Are you buying?”
Gilbert raises one grey brow. “At the risk of provoking a joke regarding my non-human status: in your dreams, Robert.”
Hob laughs; and, together, they step out into the winter night, old snow crunching under their shoes and new flakes beginning to drift, gradually, down from the sky.
It has been a decade since the end of the Endless’ reign.
Ten years since humanity tore Destiny’s book from his hands and burned it.
Ten years since Destruction abandoned his siblings, hiding away in his own, separate exile. 
Ten years since Despair’s first aspect was killed, and another took her place.
Ten years since Delight went mad with grief and became Delirium…
And ten years since Dream of the Endless was captured, bound, turned human, and killed.
People still whisper about it. Still speculate, trade gossip and hearsay back and forth. Some insist that the Dream King yet lives, hidden away, turned human, just biding his time, waiting for an opportunity to return to his siblings.
It’s a lovely legend, Hob supposes. A fitting end and non-end, for the Lord of Stories, to live on in one… but that’s all it is. A pretty tale, which will breathe new life into a myth only for as long as it’s being told. It isn’t true…
…but now, ten years later, Hob and Gil will damn well make it so.
Ten years is also, coincidentally, all that a man a few streets down from the old theatre can remember of his life.
Ten years since he was found, naked and emaciated and bleeding, in a ditch next to some countryside road in East Sussex.
Ten years of fighting his way through a life in poverty, with no family, no friends, no-one to care for him, except perhaps the birds.
Ten years of strange and haunting dreams, blurred faces calling out to him with names he can never remember later but knows are his; ten years of waking every morning with tears on his face and a longing for someplace - and someones - he wishes he could remember; ten years of a woman’s voice begging him night after night to come home to her, to them.
Ten years of being much too busy starving and freezing and barely surviving to spare even a single thought to the dying legends of the Endless.
This man turns his face up to the sky, snowflakes catching in his dark hair and on his coat like stars glinting in the night; and he shivers, his breath clouding mist-white in the air, curling thin arms around a narrow torso.
(For a moment, just a moment, his eyes glow dark and infinite, a mirror to the night sky and the endless universe beyond.)
And then, he ducks his head down into his scarf, shivers again, and continues on through the snow.
Ten hard years have taught this man better than to waste his time standing about and daydreaming.
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ai-luni · 1 year
Another anon who is lowkey (highkey) a whore for Hesh here 🥰
Birthday sex followed by a "oh you can't walk?" Sort of next day?
This is a Hesh whore house, you're very welcome here!
It's His Birthday
David "Hesh" Walker x Fem!Reader
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A/N: This became much longer than I thought it would end up. Please excuse how dramatic I get when I have to write smut. Also why there are so many similes, idk i'm sorry. Mystery for the ages.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: smut. Straight up. Overstimulation.
Where it started:
5:00pm, San Diego, Hesh’s birthday. 
You were parked outside of a restaurant with a large dinner reservation for the two of you and the rest of the ghosts. The plan was to meet at 5 but now it was 15 past and you were desperately trying to reapply your lipstick while Hesh spat at the taste of a makeup wipe in the driver's seat. 
“You’re not meant to eat it.” You gave the snarky comment once satisfied with your lipstick, now turning your attention to the boy that was basically sucking on the thing. Snatching the wipe out of his hand, you cleaned the coloured residue lining his lips. Gently, his gaze was fixed, mesmerised by the way your freshly coloured lips parted in concentration. 
You held the cold wipe to his chin as you lifted his head up, allowing himself to close his eyes now that he no longer had a good view of you. Instead enjoy the feeling of your fingers outlined by the rag, over, across, under his chin. Enough to pull an erotic groan from his throat. You couldn’t be any later without raising suspicion but fuck if the way his adam’s apple bobbed didn’t make you want to give up and drive into a alleyway. 
“How’d we manage to get it on your chin?” With a long restrained sigh, he looked back down at you. The silence was so deafening, you had to cough out a giggle to break the tension. The intensity of his gaze didn’t crack though. Instead he gave you that stupid ‘I have you in the palm of my hand’ smirk, eyebrows raised. 
“Let’s do it again and find out.” 
You weren’t going to let him win this one. 
You left him, one foot after the other out of the car. Topped off with a slow spin around to face him once more. Shoulders dipped enough to peak at the boy readjusting his belt. You thought about retorting with some kind of witty comeback but just seeing the man you loved in that suit. That white button up and those navy trousers. It wipes your mind clear. 
“I’m not wearing any panties.” 
Finally you dragged him into the restaurant, all the boys cleaned up real nice. Merrick was still wearing jeans but sometimes you just have to pick your battles. They all stood and made a controllable racket. A soft chorus of “Finally!” “Hey you two!” “Where have you been!” “Took you long enough!” welcomed you as you and Hesh were being guided to the back of the place. 
It was Elias who greeted you two first, giving you a hug and passing you to Logan. When he met Hesh however, he let out a hearty chuckle. You could hear the pat on his back reverberate through him as they both beamed with proud smiles.
“Happy birthday my boy.” 
And down the line until you found your seats. 
To say you had a few drinks would be an understatement, some of you already finishing your third of the night. The waitress for your table seemed a little intimidated by the rows of large men now getting rowdier by the glass, she would approach the table by your side which gave you the perfect opportunity to ask for the cake. She gave you a little nod, taking away as many plates as she could. 
Half of the table was absorbed in a conversation you couldn’t really be bothered to make out but amongst the smiles and cheers, you didn’t really mind. You were certain they were the loudest guests this restaurant would have in a good while. The boys were too hesitant with the flashiness of the place at first but the food was good, the drinks were good, the place was clean and the people were nice. It was all worth the treat. 
You just allowed yourself to sit back and enjoy the ecstasy of the moment. Your left hand subconsciously rests on the back of Hesh’s right tricep, tracing where the bottom star is tattooed on his skin with your pointer finger. His attention squares in on you within a second, phasing out of the conversation and in your bubble with ease. 
“You alright, doll?” He breathes out, dragging the corners of his lips up with it.
“I could get used to seeing you like this. Should take you out more.” 
“You treat me just fine as it is.” With that you cross your leg, skirt riding up in the process. Your nail now trailing over his shoulder blade and he shivered in response, just as you were anticipating. He wanted to retaliate, he wanted to get you back the way you were playing him. You could see it in his eyes as he forced them not to lock on one place too long on you but his mouth went dry. He only licked his lip, considering what he possibly could say from his repertoire of ‘things that wind you up’ that wouldn’t get him in trouble in front of his family and team. 
He was saved by the cake. 
He rolled his eyes as the rest of you raised your drinks to him, all the attention placed on him solely. The waitress reached over your shoulder to place it in front of the man now holding his face from embarrassment. Another waiter pulled out a lighter for the few candles you brought to put on top. The rest of the table was too busy adding fuel to your own fire. 
“Happy birthday to yoOuUuU!” You moved to Logan’s shoulder seeing who could sing the best, most obnoxious riff. Hesh’s eyes - though his face was red - were filled with pure adoration. Adopting the exact proud expression his father makes, like all of his dreams have been fulfilled and preserved on a silver platter. 
“Make a wish, baby!” You yelled once the lot were done singing off key, to which he complied. His smile only grew wider, looking directly into your pupil before blowing out the candles. The waitress took the cake away again to slice it. You finally returned to your seat with a hand immediately resting on your thigh. 
“Thank you, doll.” He gave you a squeeze and your head was sent into a spin. It was the moment you knew you’d made it over the peak of the night and now the thought of him taking you home again was just over the horizon. You couldn’t think of anything else. 
It was another hour of cake and coffee before goodbyes were said. And only one thing dwindled in your thoughts. His hand was on you the rest of the night, under the table, in the car and up to the door of your apartment. 
The warm palm on the small of your back was intoxicating, cologne still strong and suffocating. You could only hold your confidence for so long until the only thing holding your hips up was him holding you up.     
The keys jingled in your grip, you couldn’t control them, your hands were shaking. Somehow you knew the moment that door closed, it’d be the beginning of your ruin. You tried to play the game with him but he was too good, you knew he played you right into his hands. The touches, the looks, the smiles, the smell, the comfortable silence. You were in the eye of the storm and anticipation was never one to calm a heartbeat. 
His hand cupped your hip, moving you over enough to take the key and unlock the door for you. But he didn’t open it, not yet. The sound was enough to wake Riley though, faintly through the door was the sound of scurrying paws across the floor and the thud of his nose to the door.
You felt paralysed as he pushed your back against the door. Hands to hips, the man towered over you, a wicked grin setting across his face, lighting up his eyes. His left hand travelled to your thigh, guiding itself inside the tight fabric to your hip. Confirming there was in fact no strap. He just groaned and dug his nails into you like he teeth did your lower lip. 
Your hands were gripping the growing hair behind his ears. Soft lips over yours like nuzzling your head into a pillow. Neck craning to keep your lips locked longer, just a little longer. A shadow of smoke from the volcano, mixing your warm breaths and the air from your nostrils turns to an eruption, his burning tongue to your upper lip, lapping up the dripping saliva from your teeth to your own tongue. 
A burning metal rod wouldn’t feel as intense as he did to you, hands grasping at the flesh that joins your ass and back. One steadied under and the other over the dress pulling you closer to him. 
You pulled your head back a millimetre and his neck acted on instinct, reconnecting your lips with the clunk of your noses colliding, teeth grazing each other’s for not even a quarter of a second but the nerves on the bottom of your feet could feel it. You needed more, you couldn't stop. A moan partially made it out of your mouth, and the momentum you’ve built endures the more he lifts his head. 
The fingers of his left hand knead your bare skin, the other arm bracing itself on the door. You kissed his chin like it could kissing back, soon dragging your tongue in a straight line down Adam's apple to his collarbone. 
“Shit.” He spat out.  
With your face buried in the crook of his head, his forehead fell forward knocking on the door. Riley’s continuous sniffing under the crack of the door, restless tippy taps reacted quicker than expected, letting out an alarmed bark. The both of you brought back to reality. This was a communal hallway and he almost had you half naked. 
“David, we have to go inside.” Your forehead was now resting on his heaving chest with a clear view of the tent in his pants. He only shook his head, still resting against the door. He slowly dragged his fingertips out of your dress, not bothering to readjust it back down. He brought his own palm to his crotch as you watched. 
He thought about you, his hand petting through the trousers fabric like he has many times before and your name slipped through his lips out of habit. His skin was hot, his skin was burning and any noise he made was more out of impatience than it was from pleasure. 
“It’s my birthday.” Was all he said as he pushed you further into the door. Another knock caused the excited dog on the other side to bark again. 
“Fine.” He sighed, defeated and desperate. 
You pulled away from each other, skin dripping with sin it almost stained the concrete floor you stood on. He couldn’t help it, he glanced at the two other doors on your floor. A smile suggesting they’re in for it just as long as you are. And with a cheeky slap to the ass, he followed you inside. 
“Hey boy.” Hesh greeted Riley, giving his coat a gentle ruffle and a solid pat to the side. The shepherd dog circled him then ran by your side to say hello. Satisfied, he left you two in the kitchen to lay back down in the living room. 
You turned on the kettle. His eyes snapped to you with almost a hint of venom. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, slow tactical steps approaching the island like he was clearing a room. 
“Making a tea.” It took everything within you to keep your composure, your dress barely covered your crotch and was bunched at your waist, your lipstick now a faint haze around your lips. You turn to look at him, arms crossed like he hadn’t just pulled you to bits in the hallway. “You want one?” 
He stood in disbelief, certain he had already won. Certain he had whittled you down to nothing but the prize in the middle of a parcel, yet here you were still playing. In truth, your stomach was completely twisted, you were scared and evaluating what, if anything, you had to do tomorrow and if it would actually be plausible to complete. Even the coloured marks down his stained chin and neck did nothing but make you groan in the back of your throat. 
That was his last straw, he couldn’t stall it anymore.
“You’re fucking ridiculous.” You were over his shoulder, the boiling of the kettle fainter and fainter as you entered the bedroom. You were tossed onto the bed over at least two metres. His footsteps heavy, ripping his shirt off by the button. 
He ate it up, every bit of it. Your big doe eyes, parted lip, dazed eyelids with blown out pupils bound to roll back second. He held your ankle in his hand, undoing the fiddly little strap of your heel. You began on the other foot but he only swatted your hand away.
“I’m a big boy. I can do it.” 
When he was done with one, he threw the shoe over his shoulder and your leg to the side of the bed. Same with the other foot, leaving your legs wide open and dress completely collected on your waist. 
He’d been waiting all day for this, all month. This wasn’t the first time he had you this week but today it just felt different and he had to make sure you felt it.
He held his arms out, gripping your ankles to get a good look at your pantiless pussy. You felt a gust of warm air as he let out a sigh. The man licks his lips, a feral instinctive look in his eye. But he wanted to ease you into it. As much as he wanted it now, he knew it would be so much fun if he took his time. 
What he did want right that second however was that dress off you. Hands now gripping your hips, he yanks you forward off the bed, resting all your weight on him. He was now on his knees as well as he brought you into a searing kiss. A bruising rough.. 
His fingers were clawing at the bottom of your dress, peeling it off until you stopped him at your ribcage. 
“There’s a zipper in the back.” With that you turned on your knees for him. He zipped it without a second thought. 
Just the sight of you stepping out of your dress like it was nothing, like it wasn’t driving him absolutely mad. The sight of you swaying that ass in front of his face.
He needed his pants off. Now.
You hadn’t even turned around to see him before a hand pushed your naked back forward over the bed. With your head now on the bed in front of you, you looked back between your legs to see your boy, unbuckling his belt at rapid speed. He’d just started at the button on his trousers and in anticipation, you swayed your hips a little more in clear view for him. 
“Shit.” He grunted, instantly latching his warm tongue to your thigh. His actions were so impulsive, like it was this or death. Licking a trail of arousal that had been falling down your thigh since you made it into the apartment. Then he dove straight into the layers of your pussy. 
You watched with half lidded eyelids as he pulled his dick out, pants still on and too impatient to yank his boxers down properly. 
“Oh god” you cried out, pussy throbbing against his tongue as it ran across your vulva like sorting through a filing cabinet. The clicking of saliva echoed through the room, moving his tongue at a rapid speed. His breath laced with his vocal chords with every huff and grunt and slurp. Lips enveloping your pussy like a last meal. 
Then his tongue found your clit, his nose nudging your entrance, breathing in your arousal. He circled it, tongue pointed, muscle tensed. 
“Oh my- David!” your hips bucking against him, you needed more.
“Say it again, doll” He shoved his tongue into your vagina, scraping any service he could find. The taste soaking into the layers of his taste buds and you clamped around him. 
You only opened your eyes for a moment to see him jerking himself off with one hand, his other hand was on your ass but you were so enthralled with the pleasure, you couldn’t care to notice. 
The noises were absurd, you were drooling. And yet his name never stayed on the tip of your tongue too long, jumping out whenever it could until you started chanting for more until there wasn’t anything else to ask for. 
“Come on, baby. Come on, doll.” He whispers into your pussy, his breath lighting every nerve like a control board of buttons. You felt him everywhere, the tight rope in your stomach pulling you up and down, tightening and squeezing. Your orgasm coming in as hot as a blowtorch and his kiss broke the creme brulee crust. The sticky, slurping of his folded lips, his tongue lining and carding through you. It was almost a cooling sensation. An anecdote. 
But it kept coming and coming, like a lag in all your pleas for more but each finally being fulfilled one after another. And he drank it all. Any fluid you gave him, he drank it and enjoyed it. Himself almost let go but he pulled his hand off him whenever he felt close to the edge. He didn’t want to slow down so he needed to stay a little more comfortable. 
“David, DAVID” You were clawing at the bed sheets for your dear life. Your spine jerking like a child safety lid turned the wrong way. Cranking to something that had already long happened but kept going. The movement was so involuntary you cried out to him. 
“DaVID I came! I came already!” Your voice was muffled in the sheets, your tears staining the sheets. He only pulled away for a second. 
And he was back at it, one hand still barely working on himself while the other was back on your foot. His thumb deeply massaging into the sole of your foot. 
All you could think of was David, all he could think of was you. 
Your stomach hollowed and you were on the verge of screaming. Your pussy burnt but continued to leak for him. 
He got you again. Your knees buckled and he caught you with both hands keeping you steady. You spasmed and stuttered through your who knows what numbered orgasm, voice desperate to say something, anything, with no breath to do so. 
“Shit baby, almost there.” You could’ve sworn you had squirted on him. Your stomach muscles contracting and releasing by the millisecond, toes flexed. You saw white spots, fluctuating and flashing just for you. 
The soonest moment you physically could, you gasped for air. Climbing onto the bed before the boy could catch you. You were still trembling, hips bucking into nothing, lips wide open and you wouldn’t dare open your eyes yet. 
You only heard him chuckle and felt him fall on the bed next to you.
“You’re done huh?” he asked, voice too amused for his own neglected state. You only nodded your head while trying to catch your breath and regulate the tears falling from your eyes. 
“Sure you don’t have another one in you?” You shook your head with what energy you had left. You knew it was going to happen again tonight anyway but for this moment, you had no capacity to think or speak. He pulled you to his chest, pants still shamelessly riding his thighs. You laid on top of him, fighting against your body curling up on itself. 
He stroked your hair. He kissed the crown of your head and closed his eyes in content. Mouth wet and covered in your arousal. 
You could feel how hot he was, you could feel how hard he was. You were slowly regaining your conscious mind and after all, it was his birthday.
“Just give me a minute.” you sighed out into his chest and joined him in enjoying the satisfaction of the moment. 
There was a gentle clawing at the door. In the grogginess of what you think was just about 4 hours of sleep, Riley woke you up. It’s still pretty early, both you and Hesh being early risers but Hesh still looked completely out cold so you knew you’d have to deal with Riley this morning. 
Your body ached. Sore in places that hadn’t been felt in a good while. You tried to move as slowly as you could, both not to wake David up and because it would be too painful to move too quickly. Your left foot was completely asleep, nerves turned off that it almost made you consider just not getting up at all. But Riley’s whimpers pressured you up anyway. 
One foot at a time you dragged your legs off the mattress. Your hips ached like a raging siren. Any time your panties shifted and grazed you in a certain spot, a gasp left your lips before you could stop it. 
Just take it slow, you’re not that pathetic. 
Holding the bedside table for dear life, you tried to stand up. Right foot taking all your weight. Now take a deep breath. 
Testing the waters, you shift your weight, hoping to balance it out. Tripping over nothing, you are just hobbling into the wall. 
“Ow.” You let out louder than intended. “Shit”
There was a rustling of fabric behind you, you looked over your shoulder cautiously, not daring to make a sound. Your mission failed, Hesh was awake.
“Why’s Riley crying?” His voice was groggy, it was sexy. He didn’t roll over so you felt safe if you kept quiet. 
“He has to go to the bathroom.” You let out, trying not to reveal any of the pain you were feeling. 
“What time is it?” He was sitting up now. You felt so dumb, you knew he would be way too cocky for the rest of the day if he knew just how much he ruined you. He begun to turn around when you didn’t reply, “Hey, are you alri-” 
And there you were, clenching the wall for dear life, legs trembling uncontrollably. Skin hot and red and bruised, hair a mess with residue lipstick colour staining your swollen and bruised lips. 
“Oh.” there was that wicked smirk again. He knew he won the game and took the prize. He made his bed and slept in it. It definitely woke him up though. Who cares if he still had lipstick staining his chin too. 
He got out of the bed, chucking on a shirt and a pair of pants. Passing you with a kiss to the cheek. 
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” With that he left you holding the wall. You listened as he took Riley outside, took him into the kitchen and then like it was in slow motion, you heard every step he took back to the bedroom. 
You hadn’t moved a muscle, you weren’t sure you could. And he chuckled and it made you mad but you laughed with him. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, doll.” The rest of the morning was spent in his arms. He held you up in the shower, he carried you to the kitchen counter. Whatever you thought you might get done today definitely was going to happen. But a day was never a waste if it was spend with Hesh.
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luvblack1207 · 10 months
Reader meeting Kalego for the first time as her possible fiancé
Just to clear out any confusion, in my story, due to them living for a very long time and being immortal, it is common for the age gap considered normal to be, 20 years or more. Of course, it's pretty awkward if one side is underaged and the other is not.
Enjoy. It’s fem reader.
“No father.” "Come on Y/n! Just one more meeting! I promise I picked a good family for you this time!" My father told me as I raised my head from my book.
"Father, the last time you said that, my fiancé-to-be, was a perverted man who was from a family of demons who only wanted me to marry into their family for power and fame." I objected before going back to reading.
"I’m sorry sweetheart. But this one seems to be different! The boy is only 10 years younger than you, and he's from the Naberius household! If he seems shady, I promise you, that I will never bother you with this kind of subject again." He pleaded again.
I was as others could easily tell, never that interested in this kind of stuff. For some reason, every man I seemed to meet, was somewhat crazy or creepy in a way. I felt like I was cursed.
Not that it bothered me much though. What really bothered me was my own father that kept on nagging me to get a husband.
"I am aware that a yodh(10) like you can watch out for yourself, but I want for you to find a man that can keep you happy, take you on vacations, and spend their eternity alongside you. I'm not asking you to continue the legacy. So please, just this once. Go along with my foolishness again." My father told me causing me to feel guilty.
"...Honestly father, you certainly have a way with your words." I complained before smiling tiredly and saying, "Just one more meeting. For your sake and mine."
My father's face brightened as he ran to hug me right in his arms. "Thank you darling! I don't want to waste your time, so how about we meet tonight? The other family said they can meet anytime this week!" He yelled excitedly as I nodded.
"I don't see why not." I answered as he squealed like an excited teenager and rushed out the door while screaming an I love you.
I smiled at his old antics before clapping my hands to get the maids outside to come in. "I want a formal and elegant look for this meeting. I don't care what color. Just make sure it matches my tone. I can trust you with this task, right?" I asked my maids as they huffed while holding brushes and fabrics before nodding.
"Of course my lady!!" "We'll make you the most beautiful lady in the whole entire netherworld!" "Oh don't joke around! She already is!!" "I agree! Her beauty easily beats Amaryllis sama!!" They yelled chaotically making me laugh.
In the end after a long period of getting dolled up, I was wearing beautiful and basic makeup. Since my maids knew me all too well, they knew for a fact that I didn't like wearing overbearing makeup. So, they made my makeup noticeable to others, but comfortable for me. I don't know how they do it.
My dress consisted of a dark grey jacket that didn’t fall below my waist, and a long sleeved and a square cut front black dress that had multiple layers. It was exactly what I had asked for.
My shoes were a pair of black angle strap heels along with a tight pair of grey stockings and I had light grey colored gloves on incase I felt cold.
Despite my clothes looking like I desire to have a cold by going out like that in the middle of winter, every part of my clothing consisted of temperature changing magic.
It was useful really. It made my warm clothes cool in the summer, and my thin clothes warm in the winter. It helped a lot.
I swear I still feel like my maids all have a radar telling them if I feel uncomfortable about something or if I secretly need something. It's helpful and scary at the same time.
"We'll do your hair now my lady." One of the maids announced causing me to sit back down. "I feel like this is more than enough though." I complained as they gasped dramatically.
"My lady! This is your first meeting with your possibly future husband! Of course we have to do your hair!" Another maid yelled as they all brushed my hair and ran to grab accessories.
"Ah! Don't do anything flamboyant. Just a black ribbon or a hair piece will do." I said causing all of them to pout.
One of the younger maids grabbed a black ribbon and did a half tie while tying the ribbon as a bow.
"Simple and pretty, how's that?" She asked me as I nodded in approval.
She smiled proudly and gave me a pair of long pearl earrings and a matching pearl necklace to top it off.
I thanked her before putting the two accessories on and getting up from my chair. I grabbed my purse and stretched my arms before getting out of the room.
I headed to the carriage placed outside the mansion and my father greeted me as I entered the carriage.
"Good luck sweetie!!" He screamed from the top of his lungs making me laugh and wave at him from the carriage.
"The Devilin please." I requested the driver as he nodded and drove the carriage in an instant.
After a while, I had arrived. About 20 minutes ahead of time.
The Devilin was another restaurant that high ranking demons that demons went to along with the Devil’s Ring. Actually, to be exact, the Devil’s Ring allowed people ranked from He(5) and The Devilin allowed from Zayin(7). So it was more desired for demons to have the ability to go there instead of the Devil’s Ring.
I was surprised the Naberius clan appointed a date here. Maybe they were trying to entertain me, or maybe they were trying to show their gratitude. Well, I was about to find out soon.
“The reservation goes by Naberius Kalego.” I flatly told the waiter to gulp and led me to a private room.
When I arrived, the waiter told me, “Kalego sama was waiting for you Y/n sama.” (I made it a headcannon for adults who are lower ranked than someone they don’t know to refer to them as Lady or Lord.)
I nodded and entered to see a raven like purple haired man with two horns of the same color matching his hair. He had a white shirt on with a dark blue vest. He seemed like the best good looking man I had seen on my dates.
He looked away from the window and stood up to greet me with a small bow. “Good afternoon Y/n sama. I am Naberius Kalego. The youngest child of the Naberius clan. It is an honor to meet you.” He said formally as I closed my eyes slowly with a smile.
“Pleasure to meet you Kalego san. I hope we can get along.” I responded with a smile. He nodded and sled the chair for me.
I sat down comfortably and he handed me the menu book.
"Let's order first." I said which he agreed to. He ordered the house's main course and I ordered a salad and a steak. We both ordered alcohol since neither of us were planning to fly ourselves home.
After we both ordered, we talked about ourselves.
"Well, I believe that you are the guard dog of Babyls?" I casually questioned as the waiter handed us some champagne.
"Ah, yes. I am currently the teacher of the misfit class as well." He answered confusing me slightly. "Ara? I took you as a person who would want the least of noise. I suppose it was my mistake." I said while laughing softly.
"Actually, no. Something.. happened due to one of my stupid students causing a havoc so I was late to the meeting where they were deciding which class everyone chose to teach as the homeroom teacher. So I was left with only the misfit class left." He explained as he sighed and looked to the window.
"Oh! Such an interesting story. Is this about Sullivan's grandson summoning you as his familiar? Opera told me while we were talking about Babyls." I commented causing him to cough out his champagne.
"Oh my, are you alright?" I asked as I handed him a tissue.
He took it from my hand and coughed a few more times while tapping the tissue on his face gently. His lower jaw to be precise.
"*Cough* Everything is alright. I.. just wasn't expecting you to know." He told me honestly. "Ah, Opera's my kouhai. They tell me everything. They also tell me a lot about you!" I yelled with an innocent smile causing him to look at me with his eyes wide open from shock.
"Opera senpai.. is your, kouhai?" He asked me as I nodded. "If they are torturing you, tell me. We seem to be on good terms judging by the current mood." I told him and he nodded slowly, as if he was trying to cram in all this new information inside his brain.
Soon, our order was ready and the waiter handed it to us. We ate while chatting to each other about the stuff I liked and he liked.
Frankly, we had a lot in common. He liked to play instruments. I specifically liked playing the stringed classical instruments. That, along with piano.
We had the same taste in food, clothing, we liked the same color, and we liked to be in peace. It was honestly like meeting a doppelgänger of me.
We were almost done with our food when I mentioned this. “Did you know that Opera is ranked an Aleph(1)?” “Yes actually. I asked them what they were ranked. My guess was a He(5) or a Vau(6) since they were so strong, and they never even bothered to rank up!” He yelled making me laugh.
“Yeah! It was so funny.” I agreed. “I thought they were a Zayin(7) when I graduated early but they still remained an Aleph(1)! I was literally a Chet(8) too.” I told him.
He pondered for a second then proceeding to ask, “How do you feel? As the youngest person to be a Yodh(10)? I believe some had called you irresponsible and lazy for giving up on your title as one of the 3 Greats for Levi sama.”
“Hmm? You probably said it because we were talking about ranks, correct?” I asked which he answered with a yes.
“It’s pretty annoying. They’re always saying Delkira sama took a little longer to reach that rank so they’re telling me to becoming the next demon king! How rude of them.”
“Hey, just a question..”
“Do you think I should be the next demon king?” I asked another question.
I was glaring at him, expecting the answer yes. So I didn’t really think he would say no.
“Eh?” I asked, clearly caught off guard.
“Well, judging by your tone and your way of talking, you seem to be not wanting to become the next leader. The previous demon kings became the demon king because they wanted to. Not because they were pressured to do so. It’s your choice, is it not?” He answered while taking a bite of his food surprising me.
“Hm, I like you.” I said bluntly.
“H-huh?” He asked with a red face.
‘Cute.’ I thought as I smiled. “Just saying the truth. I like how you think.” I told him as he looked away out of embarrassment.
“Sorry about that. I tend to be blunt with things. Hey, how about we go now? We’re both done with food.” I questioned as he nodded.
We both left the place with detection warding glasses and headed outside.
“Shall I expect an answer from you within a week?” He asked.
“Actually, no.”
“I never actually got this far with anyone else so now I’m a little nervous. Congrats, you’re the first and only man I actually like. But still, marriage is a complicated thing. So as grown adults, I don’t think it’s something we can just decided with a single date.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Two more dates.” I told him while holding up a peace sign. “Two more dates and I’ll give you an answer.” Kalego smirked at me and nodded proudly and we left on our own accord after that.
That was the best man I met, and the best date I went to so far.
(After two dates they agreed to get married.🥰)
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cainnleacghlovers · 1 year
Stupid Chilly - MM
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Pairing: Mason amount X Fem!Reader
Summary: The famous Ben Chilwell throws a party. What happens when a specific boy catches your eye.
Warnings: Smut
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“Noooooo. Don’t make me go. Pleaseeeeee.”
You did want to go, really, but that time between when you finished getting ready and heading out the door had settled in, and the thought of taking off your slippers, and replacing them with your heels made you shudder.
“I didn’t let you use my charlotte tilbury foundation for you to not go.” Your best friend stated. Hands on her hips as she looked you up and down. You lay on the floor, in a star fish position. She bent down to help you up, and you graciously accepted. She handed you your heels, and you nodded in thanks.
How could you describe Ben Chilwell. He was definitely a character. He bordered the line of his jokes being offensive, and he most definitely crossed the line of not knowing when to just, well how could you say this? Shut his mouth.
You’d known Ben ages, well 2 years. You’d met him after a dramatic sprint in the rain to your car, your Uni books slightly blurring your vision. You couldn’t find your car keys, and deciding that wet hair was better than wet course work, you gave up. He was driving past, and like a gentleman stuck his head out the window, asking if you wanted to sit in his car. Looking back, that was probably a bad idea, but you’d grown to love the boy. And your best friend had definitely grown to love him.
Heels were strapped, and lipstick had been reapplied. Taking a few selfies in the mirror, and quickly adding them to your story, you and your best friend headed out the door. Ben only lived a short distance from you, and you two had just decided to walk. Broke Uni students could not afford taxis.
It was a mild evening in April. Not warm, not cold.
“Do you think Ben actually likes me. Or does he just like my tits?” Abbie said. You couldn’t help but laugh at her. Abbie was the sort of girl who fell in love after one glance. You knew Ben, and you knew what he was like.
“Abbie. Ab. My bestest friend in the whole wide world-”
“Cut the crap. Just tell me.” She said, her words harsher than what she meant. You knew she didn’t mean it.
“As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted.”
You laughed, giving her a light push. As much as she tried not to, she grinned too.
“Ah yes. Abbie. Ab. My bestest friend in the whole wide world. You my dear, are absolutely gorgeous, and if he doesn’t see that. What a fucking loss.”
She smiled. You two knew each other too well. You were grateful for her.
“You always know what to say.” She put her arm around your shoulder, and you relaxed into her. A comfortable silence fell between the both of you.
“Just letting you know, I so plan on getting laid tonight.” You grinned, earning a laugh from her.
“Same here babe. Same here.”
Some random song played, the beat echoing through your whole body as you headed into the kitchen for another drink of whatever Ben had concocted. What was it last time? Oh yes, Chelsea surprise as he called it. Vodka, Gin, and Whiskey all in one. Absolutely rank.
Pouring yourself a drink, you crowd watched. Something you often found yourself doing at parties. You liked her dress, hated his shoes, wanted to know her lip combo, man his shirt was tight. You scanned the crowd, sipping your drink as you watched. You didn’t realise a figure had swept in beside you.
“Yep they’ll definitely have makeup sex when they go home.” Said a voice. You jumped slightly, and turned to face this mysterious person. Recognising him, you two were mutals on Instagram. A like here and there.
Mason Mount. To quote Jack Grealish, ‘the greatest thing since sliced bread.’
“Jesus. Way to give someone a heart attack.” You scold, not really cross.
“And no. She’ll dump his ugly arse, and block him on everything. Including spotify. I forgot to block an ex one time on spotify. He made playlists called ‘Unblock me.’ I don’t know whether that was dedicated or just weird.”
You didn’t even realise you were talking his ear off, one ounce of alcohol and you seemed to tell everyone your deepest secrets.
“Has anyone ever told you, you talk some shite.” He laughed, swigging his drink. You admired the way his throat bobbed when he swallowed. There was a tinging between your legs. Shit.
He caught you looking and smirked.
“Like what you see darling.”
“Yeah Ben’s cabinet. It’s really nice. Top quality really.” You indicated to the kitchen cabinet behind him. He pretended to admire it, nodding and scratching his chin. Like it was some amazing art piece.
“It really is isn’t it. Simply divine.” You snorted at his comment, and covering your face in embarrassment.
“GCSE english all over again. Pigs from animal farm.” You joked, you were thankful he got the joke.
“Major was some lad wasn’t he.” He follows along with the joke, you liked that he didn’t embarrass you.
“He was the man. Or the pig.” He laughed, and the sensation came back again.
“So how’d you end up here? Not saying it’s a bad thing. I’m Mason by the way.” He introduced himself. You of course, already knew him. He didn’t have to know that though.
“Ben’s a friend. I’m Y/N.” He nodded as he listened to you. An active listener. Hmm. Nice.
“A pretty name for a pretty girl.” Anyone else who used that cliche, would have you bent over the toilet bowl in pure disgust, but the alcohol and the sheer fact, this man was hot, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“Well. This pretty girl with a pretty name wants to dance.” You stuck your hand out, and he went to grab it. You pulled away, winking at him. Play the game, or the game plays you. Mason being the game in this weird analogy.
“A teaser? I should’ve known Miss Y/L/N.” He smirked. So he knew who you were.
“Let’s see what those hips can do then Mason.”
He followed you onto the makeshift dance floor, in the middle of Bens living room. Sober you would’ve worried about the mess Ben would have to clean up, slightly tipsy you laughed at the mess Ben would have to clean up.
Somehow, Tammy Abraham got ahold of the aux, and that song from despicable me started playing. ‘Where them girls at.’ What a tune.
You began to sway your hips, probably out of time with the best. But who fucking cares what beats playing when Mason Mount had his hands on your hips in front of you. Tossing your hair around, you catch him staring at your chest.
“My eyes are up here Mason.” You chastise.
“I can stare at both, doesn’t bother me. Both are stunning.” That sentence doesn’t really make sense. But he’s tipsy, and he’s flirting with you. So keep talking rubbish Mason.
You two sway to the music, eventually ending with your bum having his crotch. You feel something press into your back, and smirk as you turn around. A new found confidence.
“Little Mason has made an appearance.”
He practically growled into your ear.
“Little Mason isn’t so little darling.” Butterflies erupted in your stomach, as you felt heat pool between your legs.
“Well. Let me be the judge of that.” He smirked.
Dragging you up the stairs, past who knows who making out on the stair case. Enjoy that back cramp in the morning babe. He checks one room, his hand not leaving yours, as he swings the door open, only to be met with a butt naked Ben Chilwell. Ass hanging in the hair like your mums washing line. Jesus, why is he so pale?
“Sorry man. Don’t let me disturb you.” Ben didn’t even hear Mason, as he shut the door. You wonder if the girl was Abbie, having not seen her downstairs. Probably was her.
He checks a second room, and finds it empty, and pulls you in. Slamming your body against the door handle, as he fumbles with the lock. His lips find yours, and you become dazed from the passion of his kiss. He bites your bottom lip, a way of saying ‘open that fucking mouth’ and who were you too decline?
You open your mouth, and he slides his tongue in. Exploring your mouth. You groan into his mouth, and you feel Little Mason, sorry, not so little Mason become even harder under you.
“Keeping moaning like that baby, and the whole house will know what I’m doing to you. Making you feel this good already.” You moan at his words, not used to someone talking to you like this. And god, you like it.
As his tongue continues to explore your mouth, his uses his knee to spread your legs, and puts his thigh in between them. Letting you use his thigh for leverage. And you needed it, his kiss making you weak. His hands left your hips, and found the back of your thighs, tapping them slightly. Signalling for you to jump. You obliged, and his large hands grubbed the back of your thighs. Your dress hiking up to expose even more skin to the boy.
His lips leave yours, as they find your neck. Moving up and down feverishly like he can’t get enough of you. Your hands find his hair, and you tug slightly on it, guiding him to where you want him. He find that sweet spot, just above your collar bone, and earns a groan from you.
“Fuck baby. You’re making me feel like i’m 16 again.”
He groaned into your neck, and your legs found the edge of Bens spare room. You’d slept in here, and now you were going to, well. Have sex with Mason in here.
Lying down, he climbed on top of you. And began to push the sleeves off your dress off of you. Looking at you for consent. You have him a nod, which he didn’t take.
“Gonna need you to be vocal with me baby. Tell me what you want, but tell me what you don’t want. Can you do that for me?”
Unable to answer him, you have him a nod.
“What’d I say about using words hmm? You going to be a baf girl. You know what we do to bad girls don’t you baby.”
Not wanting him to stop touching you, you breathed out a response.
“Yes Mason. Please keep going.” Pathetic that you’d resulted to begging, and he hadn’t even touched you properly yet.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it baby?” He shot a devilish grin at you, as he pushed your sleeves down. You shimmied out of your dress, it getting caught at your hips.
“Dress has to come off over the head.” You said.
He helped you get the dress off, struggling to get it over your head, you both laughed a little. As you lay there in front oh him, in your bra and pants, you cursed yourself for not wearing a matching set.
“So damn beautiful.” He whispered against your stomach, as he began to kiss up and down it. His hands rubbing your hips, and he worked his way to the top of your panties.
“It’s hardly fair that i’m half naked and you’re not.” You pouted, and he struggled out of his shirt.
“Happy now baby? Hmm?”
You moaned in appreciation, as he slipped his jean covered leg between yours. You rubbed yourself against his jeans, the rough fabric of the denim making you moan.
“So needy baby. Use my thigh hmm. Keep going doll. Just like that.”
As you continued to move again his thigh, he gave you another feverish kiss. Grabbing his hair, to pull him impossibly closer he moaned into your mouth. You wanted to record the sound, and never ever stop hearing it.
He moved his thigh, and before you could complain about the lack of contact. He slipped one finger in you, and began to move at a steady pace. Your hips bucked up against his, and your back arched to get, again, impossibly closer to him.
“Mason, p-please.”
“Please what baby. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.”
You groaned, knowing he wanted you to beg.
“Please Mason, a-another finger.”
“Another finger where baby? Your hair? Your arm? Your back?”
You groaned again, as he slowed his movements, and used his other hand to push your hips back into the bed.
“You know where.” You managed to get out, seeing stars at the pleasure this man was giving you.
“I don’t know actually.” He had you around his finger, well quite literally.
“Another finger here. P-please.” You moved his and into your throbbing pussy.
“That’s all you had to do. Wasn’t that easy?” He teased you, as he plunged another finger into you.
You moaned loudly, grabbing his bicep for support. You thought you were gonna pass out as he found your sweet spot. Hitting it perfectly every thrust of his hand. He curled his fingers in you, and your back moved off of the bed, as his chest met yours.
“Cum for me baby? Cum all around my fingers and show me how good I make you feel.” He whispered into your ear, and his lips found your neck. He definitely was going to leave a mark, having to find some sort of hack on tiktok to cover it. Newsflash, whisks. Do. Not. Work.
His thumb found your clit, as he moved a third finger inside you. Rubbing in a circular motion, you gave one last moan, and came all over his fingers.
He took his hand out, licking his fingers clean, not giving you anytime to catch your breath as he attacked your lips once again. You were gonna die. Imagine that on your gravestone. Cause of death, Mason Mounts legendary fingers.
You worked on the zip of his jeans, getting impatient when you couldn’t figure it out. Curse your foggy brain, from the way he made you cum.
“Let me help you darling.” The way he said darling made you moan out loud, earning a light chuckle from him, as he kicked off his jeans. That’s when you seen Little Mason, and little Mason was not little, at all. Wasting no time, he rid himself of his boxers, and threw them somewhere. Who knows where; who cares where.
You traced the line of his abs, to his v-line. Hearing his breath hitch as you got closer to his dick. You palmed him a few times, and he leant down to moan in your ear.
“Baby. God. If you keep doing that i’m not gonna last. W-wanna be inside your pretty pussy.”
You moaned at his words, moving your hand into his hair, and he lined himself up with your entrance.
“This okay?” He asked you, looking at you with his dark eyes. Pupils completely blown out.
“More than okay Mason.” That was all he needed, and he pushed inside you. Allowing you to adjust to his length, he lingered, before he pulled out.
“Shit. Condom.” He looked at you, waiting for your response.
“As long as you don’t have something that i’d have to explain to the doctor absolutely mortified. continue. please.”
He nodded, laughing slightly before pushing back into you. Both of you moaning into each others mouths.
He moved slowly, and he knew he had you like putty under him.
“Mason. P-please. Faster.” You’d be embarrassed in the morning when you remembered everything you said tonight, problem for another day.
He sped up, his hips moving into yours, as your hands found his hair, and his hands toyed with your bra.
He slid the straps down, and you took your hands out of his hair to remove the back. Your tits bounced free, and he wasted no time attaching his mouth to them. Licking the right nipple, as his hand toyed with the left one. Taking it between his fingers. You moaned into his mouth, breathing deeply into his. You smelt alcohol off of his, somehow you found this pleasant.
He moved his mouth to lick a strip down your breast canal, as his mouth found your left one, and his hand found your right one. Never had your boobs ever gotten this much attention. I’m sure they were loving it.
���You feel so fucking good inside me baby. Could do this all day. Wanna fuck this pussy all day.”
He moaned into your hair, your hips bucking as his pace increased. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Uh no. I don’t think so doll. Keep those pretty eyes on me.” He made you look at him, your eyes meeting his dark, lust filled ones. Your eyes scanned where his dick slipped inside your soaking pussy.
“Mase. You feel so good.” You praised him.
“I know baby. Tell me how good I make you feel.”
You groaned at his words, not able to describe the pleasure he was giving you.
“Making me feel so good Mase. N-never felt like this before.”
He moaned at your words, obviously enjoying the praise.
“No dick has ever been as good as this one. And to think you called him Little Mason.”
He thrusted into you powerfully, and you felt that knot in your stomach again.
“Mase. I’m gonna cum.”
“I know you are baby. I can feel you clenching against me. Taking me well.” His hand moved from your hair, as he rubbed your clit, in the previous circular motion. That was enough, and your back arched off of the bed, as your orgasm washed over you. Your head slightly dizzy. The sight before him, was enough for Mason, and he pulled out of you, cumming all over your body.
He stayed on top of you, his hands at either side of your head as he looked down at you. Smiling. Giving you another kiss. But not like the ones before, this one was sweet.
He fell beside you, taking your hand in his as he rubbed circular motions on it. Bringing it to his mouth, and pressing a kiss against it.
“You look so pretty with my cum all over you.” He teased, giving you another kiss before getting up to find something to clean you with. Ben being on his way too big salary, of course had a walk in wardrobe on every room, so Mason nicked the towel, and cleaned you himself. Pressing kisses against all the spots were dark, purple bruises were forming.
“I didn’t hurt you, did i?” He looked at you worriedly. You simply shook your head, giving him another kiss.
“No. You were perfect.” He smiled, before throwing the towel somewhere on the floor. Lovely surprise for Ben in the morning.
He lay beside you, playing with a strand of your hair. Touching your hair made it greasy, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. A content sigh passed your lips.
“I gotta pee Mason.” You stated, knowing the importance of peeing after sex.
You got up, walking to the bathroom, and feeling a hand slap your arse.
“Hey!” You exclaimed, peeking your head outside the bathroom door:
“Sorry baby. Your arse is really slappable.” He threw you a wink, and as you finished your business in the bathroom, you lay beside him. He turned to face you.
“This was totally a one time thing, wasn’t it?” You asked him.
“Definitely.” He replied, you detected a hint of lies in his quiet voice. Tiredness, making him yawn. He snuggled into your side, and your hand found his chest.
You had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a one time thing. And you were more than okay with that.
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First time writing smut. I refuse to reread this for mistakes because i’ll cringe and delete the whole thing🥰 anywho, hope you enjoyed! Leave your requests for me!
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fieldsofview · 11 days
Tell me about SMH!
SMH!! SMH!! SMH is my magnum opus. It's my baby. It's my pride and joy. It's my feral hyper-fixation. It's my project that proves that I can actually finish something of this scale and I'm not in fact doomed to never cross the 20k word mark (I say "finish" loosely, at 145k and counting, it's so fucking close to being done aslk;djfhas;dkj)
SMH is a story about loneliness. About repression. About sacrifice. About grief. About guilt and self-sabotage and forgiveness and mistakes and learning to let go and accepting love and taking ownership over one's life.
SMH is about how one person's choices spider-web (ha! pun intended) across the lives of everyone around them.
Spider-Man: Homesickness
Plot wise: SMH is set in July of 2029, nearly 5 years after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home. It follows our beloved Peter Parker as he has spent nearly every waking moment, during the last 5 years, either defending his city as Spider-Man or just struggling to get by, not as Peter Parker anymore, but as Peter Strakar. New name. New identity. New life. A life where he won't let himself get too close to anyone, for fear of making the same mistakes again and getting another person he loves killed.
Through a series of choices, a series of mistakes, and a series of happenstance accidents, he's thrown into a network of people who are also, in many ways, just a little broken. He doesn't want to join them, but he's sort of forced too, anyway. Oh, and of course, he's saving his city again, as he always does.
I wanted to write the sequel I don't think the MCU will ever write for Spidey, but that had the emotional weight he deserves. The idea that he has been entirely forgotten by everyone is such a weird little area to play in and I took it to the extreme for this fic.
There are heavy mentions of The Blip and how it affected our cast of characters, as well as grief and power and responsibility. It's told from Peter's perspective, and while he tries to always do what he thinks is best, he's not perfect and he doesn't know everything. And, to top it off, he's pretty heavily in denial about several things that unfold over the story. There are a lot of moving parts amongst the background characters that he's not always privy to, but the echoes bounce around the walls of the story (I'm already considering a sequel or three from other POVs so I can explore those bits more tbh).
The supporting cast is extensive, but it primarily includes Michelle Jones-Watson, Ned Leeds, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Eddie Brock, and Venom.
With that, I leave you with this little snippet from Chapter 3: Adrift
Gwen pushes through the partially opened door into some sort of office/breakroom combination. There’s a desk to the right, piled high with paperwork in front of an outdated computer. To the left, there’s a small table with a few mismatched chairs scattered about.
Leaning against the table is a beautiful redhead. Her hair is braided and fluffy down the center of her head like some kind of faux mohawk, and her makeup is a striking combination of dark and glittery. Sitting on a rusty barstool next to her is a slender, dark-haired man. His shirt seems to have once had sleeves, though they’re absent now, frayed edges accenting his broad shoulders.
If Gwen hears any of the conversation, she doesn’t acknowledge it. Instead, she gives a dramatic bow, bending so low that her nose nearly touches her knees. “I present to you, Peter. He’s our new friend.” She straightens, looking at the two in the room. Peter can’t see her face, but it seems as though something unspoken passes between the three of them.
“Hey,” he says lamely. “I’m, uh, excited to see you play tonight.”
“Peter, hello. Any friend of Gwen’s is a friend of ours.” The redhead walks towards him with her arms outstretched, and by the time he realizes what’s happening, she’s hugging him.
He tries really hard not to think about the fact that this is the first time anyone has hugged him, as Peter, in nearly 5 years. Sure, some people have hugged Spider-Man, especially after some tight rescues, but this is different.
An ache settles in his chest unrelated to this afternoon’s injuries.
“Thank you for coming tonight.” She pulls away from him, looking over his face in a way that makes Peter uncomfortable, though he can’t place why. “My name is Mary-Jane. You can call me Mary or MJ, whichever you prefer.”
Nope, not doing that.
“Uh, nice to meet you, Mary.”
She gestures to the man behind her, “This brooding bastard is Harry. He’ll pretend to hate you, but insults are his love language.”
Harry stands and slings a lazy arm around Mary. “Quit giving away my secrets, MJ. And it’s nice to meet you, Pete. Gwen has told us surprisingly little about you, so I’m glad you’re here.” He holds his hand out for Peter to shake.
Gwen looks a bit sheepish at that, pulling at the cuff of her sleeve as she says, “Oh, well, you know…”
Ah. Well, no sense in embarrassing her. “We’re still getting to know each other, but I’m happy to be here. Jiji over here gave me a pretty good sales pitch.” He reaches out a hand and ruffles between the cat ears on Gwen’s hood.
She bats his hands away playfully and smiles at him. “Hey, mind the hair, Deku, I still have a crowd to impress.”
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