#but rather him in the specific situation of taking care of a child in the apocalypse
boypussydilf · 8 months
so i think all the parts of ice king’s personality & behavior that are from simon/not from evergreen are more or less “Simon With MMS” like that would track right? so in a swap au like… ice crown-betty would clearly be reminiscent of Magic Betty, just influenced by evergreen, and magic man-simon would clearly be reminiscent of Ice King, but without the stuff that comes from evergreen. yeah? theres no point to this it’s just mildly interesting.
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
Can I request Luke castellan dating head canons where reader is the child of hades who is pretty shy, hates confrontation, but is super artistic
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Luke loves being relied upon, especially by you, and would reassure you on several occasions that he would come running should you even whisper his name in a plea for help.
He loves being of help to you and will take advantage of all the times where he got to bring a little sense of peace into your life, knowing that he had a hand in bringing you back from the edge whenever you needed him to be that voice of reason, telling you that everything will be okay.
Luke is protective over you.
Everyone in camp half blood were more then aware of how protective Luke is over you and it’s made even more evident whenever someone -ares children specifically- tried to back you into a corner and dupe you into a position where you’d have to physically fight back against them in order for them to leave you alone.
Luke knew that most of camp wouldn’t intervene for one of two reasons;
a) they were still very much on edge with you being a forbidden child of the big three, Hades no less, and they were terrified of the consequences of their actions should they do something.
B) no one wants to get into the crosshairs of a temperamental ares kid. It was an unspoken rule in camp to never be in the line of sights of an ares kid itching for a fight.
So Luke is the only soul brave enough to step in between you and the Ares kid and defuse the situation with a few choice words and a humiliating fast ass whooping; Needless to say Luke didn’t take too kindly to others engaging in unnecessary confrontations with you, knowing damn well it’ll be one sided on your end as you took great care to reframe from engaging in conflicts of any kind.
Luke knows he’s a well liked and respected guy at camp and will reap those benefits without a second thought for your comfort at every opportunity given to him. For whatever you wished to have, Luke would give it to you in abundance, no hesitation.
Your shyness only fuels Luke’s protective nature as he would more often then not act as your voice in situations where you didn’t feel as though you could access your own voice. Ie: asking for help, making appointments, ordering food/drink, setting up and reinforcing your boundaries when they’re being unfairly crossed, etc.
He’s your biggest supporter and will offer silent encouragement or reminders that he’s with you every step of the way by different methods meant to calm and ground you in reality with him such as;
Taking in soft hush tones in instances where you felt overwhelmed by everything.
Holding hands/tracing your palm to bring your focus onto one thing.
Slinging his arm over your shoulder to make you aware of his close proximity.
or just staying incredibly close to you so that you’d feel his presence nearby and be reminded that you weren’t alone and would never be alone knowing that he was always in your corner. No matter what; He’s loyal like that.
Anything and everything he did was to ease the stress upon your shoulders and make you focus on him rather than the thing that was causing you such internal distress. He doesn’t want you to face anything unsavoury alone and will do anything and everything to prove that with him nearby, everything was going to be okay and that you didn’t need to hurt yourself to feel or act normal in everyday circumstances.
His response to anyone who asked why he was with you, he’d always responded with;
‘They shine. Not brightly, not loudly and whilst you might not see it at first but they do indeed shine in a softer way, as though they were cast within a watercolour painting. They smile soft, laugh quietly and keep to themselves but to me, y/n couldn’t be shinning more brighter in those tender, slower moments and that’s what makes them so unique and enticing that I couldn’t stop loving them even if I tried.’
You defiantly overheard this once by pure coincidence and have never forgotten as a smile was permanently stuck on your lips for the rest of the day.
Quality time in the Hades cabin! Luke often jokes about how gothic and borderline vampiric it felt and one day you replied with;
‘It’s like living in Dracula’s expensively furnished dungeon more so than a windowless cabin meant for the children of Hades.’ Needless to say that Luke loved the moments where he could see you act like your truest self, even if it was within the confines of your cabin, but Luke was more then willing to take what he could get. He thrived off of being quite possibly being the only person in camp who got the honour is seeing you speak above a mutter and see you making dry jokes about your fellow campers.
He loved seeing the you he always knew was there for he only ever saw you for you and never the ever so feared child of Hades. He knows how much you hate the stigmatism that came with such a burden but that didn’t meant you weren’t any less proud of who you were and your god given talents.
Talking about talents, your one talent didn’t derive from your godly father and more so from copious amounts of practice and dedication to the craft of art and its multiple forms and styles.
Luke discovered this hidden talent of yours by mistake but upon seeing the level of detail you put into each art piece along with your seemingly effortless ability to execute beautiful pieces no matter what your style of choice was; which was proven especially true when he first looked upon a landscape drawing of the strawberry fields, made entirely in charcoal.
‘It’s not that great.’ You said once.
‘Not that great?! Babe!’ Luke exclaimed as he took in how you added the Satyrs and their reed pipes alongside the children of Demeter using their magic in making the strawberries grow. It was so detailed that Luke thought he was looking out of a window and out onto the very same strawberry fields. You even went as far as to capture the gleaming lake and the canoes skimming across its surface, even adding a group of Naiads weaving their wicker baskets in harmony. Hell you even managed to draw in the Big House for fucks sake!
‘This is fantastic! You’re so talented sweetheart!’ Luke praised as he swamped you in kisses all across your face, hands and wherever else he could, causing you to smile dopey as you melted into your boyfriend’s never ending affection.
‘Do you have anymore that I can see?’ He asked, not wanting to pressure you into letting him see more of your art if you weren’t comfortable with it, but instead you beamed and left to grab several sketchbooks that were filled to the brim with your other sketches dating back before your arrival to camp, which meant Luke seeing endless amount of the sketches you had of him participating in activities.
Luke saw this and immeditly resorted to teasing you as he nudged your side. ‘I must be quite the muse if I make up half of your sketchbook. Or someone has a crush on me.’ He practically sang as you smack his arm lightly.
‘Pack it in, we’re already dating.’
‘Still I think it’s cute that I had such an effect on you because at least I can rest easy knowing that our liking towards the other was always mutual.’ Luke replied, pressing a kiss to your head as he brought you closer as you both looked over your other sketches of camp and its inhabitants.
He might ask to keep a few sketches that he could look at whenever he needed something to feel closer to you. Or to look at before going to sleep in his cabin at night.
He might try to get you to each him how to draw but whether or not he’s good at it is up for debate.
However creating art together makes for phenomenal date nights.
All in all, Luke is just proving himself to being a caring, sweet and charming boyfriend who will always be in your corner.
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Yandere! Chrollo Lucilfer General Profile
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Yandere! Chrollo Lucilfer x fem! reader
Tw: stalking, kidnapping, heavy manipulation, threats of violence, threats of assault, mind breaks, Stockholm Syndrome, mentions of non-con, non-consensual touching, mentions of somnophilia, mentions of cum, threats, Chrollo has a god complex but what else is new, Uvogin is mean to you but he doesn't mean it I promise!, fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
His darling doesn’t need to be a genius or anything like that, but they do need to posses a certain degree of intelligence.
Chrollo considers himself a well-read, cultured man, and he feels that his partner needs to match his level of worldly awareness, of cognitive ability. It doesn’t need to necessarily lie in the same fields as his own (though he can’t deny that it would be absolutely wonderful to have a darling who enjoys the same types of literature as him, the same philosophers, the same composers), but they must have a certain area that they hold an above average amount of knowledge in.
He finds intelligence attractive, and what initially causes him to develop an interest in his darling is largely due to the showcasing of this knowledge and smarts. He’s entranced the moment his darling opens his mouth, eagerly hanging onto their every word and nodding along, actually finding himself enjoying speaking with them.
He doesn’t have to pretend to be interested in their words for his own gain, rather finding himself genuinely wondering about their opinion on this or that, curious like a child.
He finds his darling fascinating, and a smart darling will get him falling faster, harder, deeper, to the point where Chrollo develops into a love-starved, desperate man who wants to learn more and more and more, aching to become an expert of his own in his favorite field; his darling.
Similarly, a darling who leans more on the creative side is a perfect match for Chrollo. It doesn’t matter where this creativity finds its medium – perhaps his darling is particularly artistic, enjoying expressing themselves with the arts.
Maybe they love to paint, watercolors and acrylics seeming to come alive under their fingers. (He’d melt if he found a work of him, the colors making him sigh and dreamily trace the lines, joy swimming in his heart that they painted him, that he means enough to them that he’s taken a starring role in their hobby.)
Perhaps they enjoy photography, documenting small, beautiful moments in life. (He’s always trying to look his best around his darling, keeping his neck tense and posture strong, so that if they did take a sneaky, candid photo of him, they’d enjoy what they see.)
Perhaps they play an instrument, melodies ringing out and making Chrollo smile and nod along. (Learning his favorite pieces would make him struggle to not reach out and place a gentle kiss to their forehead, letting his hands wander down their shoulders and cupping their breasts, telling them he’d love to repay the favor and learn their favorite things as well.)
Maybe they enjoy knitting or crocheting, making all kinds of creations that Chrollo finds endearing. (He’d expect them to make him something, of course, subtly demanding he receives something so that when he’s away, he’ll be able to keep a piece of them with him, something made with love and care and specifically for Chrollo Lucilfer himself.)
Cooking, sewing, writing, anything and everything can fit into this category – Chrollo really just likes that his darling is thinking of him, that they spend their time doing something that makes them happy, and if he gets to be involved, all the better.
He’ll even push his way into their hobby, learning all that he can about it with eager fingers, wanting to impress his darling and make the activity into something they can bond over – a way to spend time together, a way to get them all by his side and happy, never, ever wanting to leave.
He just loves them so very much, after all.
While it would be difficult to find someone more calculating and cunning than himself, there’s something alluring about a darling who is more observant than those around them.
He likes the idea that his darling is just able to pick up on things, their eye more trained to assess those around them, to understand their motives and notice the things they do.
It’s a sign of intelligence, and once Chrollo’s obsession has formed, he’s purposefully doing things he’s hoping his darling will notice, all with the hope that they’ll spend time wondering why he’s always fiddling with his ring finger, or letting his eyes flick to them. It’s like a game to Chrollo, and he finds it beyond entertaining to watch his darling in action, seeing their expressions flit across their face as they try to interpret his odd behavior.
There’s just something that attracts him towards darling that are able to perceive their world for more than it is – he views himself as better than everyone else, a sort of God among men, but a darling that has this trait rises above the countless below him, standing out alone as a superior being, someone worthy and perfect for him.
He’s egotistical, after all, but a darling that can at least kind of match his observation skills is something that will attract him to them – whether that’s good or bad, one can’t say.
His darling certainly doesn’t need to be a comedian, but someone who can keep up with his thinly veiled banter would cause his interest to spike.
His words are almost always tinged with just the slightest amount of snark, the slightest bit of condescension that seems to be present no matter who he’s talking to.
Perhaps it’s a result of his own pride or self-confidence, but regardless, a darling who can not only pick up on this but also respond with a bit of snark as well would make him momentarily pause, before laughing a bit and wondering just how far he can push them. It excites him to have a darling who can keep up with him, bantering back and forth, and once his infatuation develops, this is one of his favorite things about his darling.
He loves that speaking with them is endless entertainment, hence how often he tries to goat them into conversations. He’s always, always asking them questions, often designed to get them speculating, philosophical questions that he’s genuinely curious to know their answer to, and in the process he gets to have a sort of playful discussion, something that makes his heart race a bit in his chest.
He just likes his darling’s ability to think on their feet, only reinforcing their intelligence and making him fall deeper, harder, more soundly.
It makes him want to keep that wit all for himself, to not let anyone else have the pleasure of indulging in his darling’s words – they’re his, and the longer his obsession festers, the more he believes in that sentiment.
Much of what fuels Chrollo’s obsession for you is selfish in nature.
Initially, he’s interested in you because you make him feel something, some strange emotion he can’t quite place. He’s running through all the possibilities early on, wistfully trying each emotion on before discarding it.
Does he want to use you? No, you wouldn’t be especially useful - you’re not all that developed of a nen user, if one at all, so you’d just be wasted effort.
Does he want to steal something of yours? No, you don’t have anything of particular value, nor are you an important individual.
Does he want to kill you? No, something about the thought leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
He’s stumped at first, genuinely unsure of what you’re making him feel, but it’s not until he spends more time with you that he begins considering options that are more foreign to him - that is, that he may have developed more positive emotions towards you, less manipulative and more yearning.
He contemplates whether he’s fallen in love - the books he’s always perusing make love sound so obnoxious, virtuosic, grandiose, and Chrollo can’t quite say he agrees. What he feels for you is ultimately overwhelming, surely - but it’s also much more subtle, slowly taking root in every aspect of his life seemingly without him even noticing. What used to be hours spent searching out new heists and items to steal becomes twinged with just a hint of your presence.
Small thoughts in the back of his head wonder whether you’d like the diamond necklace displayed in this gallery, or how it’d look against your pretty skin, sitting in the hollow of your throat.
What used to be solitary evenings spent reading in candlelight become small daydreams about what you’d think of his current philosopher’s theories, whether you’d indulge him in hours of philosophical discussions, what your opinions on the perception of self are. What your perceptions of yourself are, and, more importantly, what your perception of him is.
It’s not too overwhelming at first; he’s mostly able to control himself, that ever composed stature of his kept carefully in place.
The thoughts are mostly just fleeting, odd off-handed curiosity about you that he doesn’t worry too much about. It’s interesting, mostly, that you’ve gotten to him at all - and it’s this, really, that drives his desire to learn more about you. The fact that you continue to become more and more intertwined with his thoughts leaves him anxiously aching for more, wanting to see the extent to which you’re able to make him feel - something he’d always thought was more or less impossible.
And what you make him feel is so, so very good; his palms are a bit clammy when he sees you, gaze raking over your figure and noting how well your shirt fits your curves, dark eyes eagerly scanning the title of the book you’re reading out of. He’s a confident man, of course, but at the prospect of approaching you and discussing the literature, he can’t help but swallow, tongue sneaking out to lick over his lips.
He feels a strange sense of peace when he’s looking at you, taking in the way the sunlight shines off of your face, the way your clothes frame your body, how your lips quirk up into a smile when you see the little bunny that hops along the grass in the public park. It’s small things, mostly, that get little butterflies fluttering in his chest – and it’s these little fleeting moments of happiness, of contentedness and fascination that lead him to believe what he’s feeling for you could be the ever famous love – or, at least, some variation of it.
Is it love when he’s letting a smile cover his features as you scrunch your brows and huff when you can’t get that stupid jar open? The way you stick your tongue out in concentration and squeeze your eyes shut is  honestly adorable, forcing Chrollo’s eyes to linger on your face just a tad bit too long.
(He can’t help but imagine how you’d thank him so profusely if he opened it for you; he’d even go so far as to roll up his sleeves, exposing his smooth forearms that he knows women can’t resist. Do you fall into that category? Would you be transfixed by his strength, his physical appearance, his smooth voice when he tells you that next time call me first, please, I wouldn’t want you to struggle…)
Maybe it’s the way you look so disheveled in your oversized t-shirt and ill-fitting lounge pants as you shuffle about your apartment, completely unaware of the camera he’d had Shalnark place in your living room. You look comfortable, and there’s something about seeing you so vulnerable, so raw that gets him breathing a bit heavier.
(More than once a thought has, seemingly out of the blue, surfaced where you’re starring and wearing a dress shirt of his – white, stiff material just barely hiding the outline of your breasts and the curve of your hips, tantalizing and looking so very right on you. If that were to happen, Chrollo has already made peace with the fact that he’d hold out on washing that particular shirt – just until he’s gotten the chance to slip it on himself, occasionally sniffing the collar and getting something heavenly, something that can only be described as you and him together.)
Chrollo honestly isn’t sure what it is about you that’s gotten to him to develop feelings - he’s intrigued, earnestly trying to understand it, but as time passes and he finds himself spending more and more time simply thinking of you, he finds himself caring less.
It’s happened already - he’s in love, he’s certain, and now that he’s in that position, the only logical thing to do is pursue you. And while he tells himself it’s all because he wants to learn more about how you’ve managed to trick him into falling for you, really it’s all because he absolutely has to. The longer his infatuation goes on, the less time he can spend away from you, and the less he can justify the strength of his feelings.
He becomes restless when you’re not in his sight - his hands are shaking slightly, thin brows pinched together, every muscle in his body flexing involuntarily. His temper is heightened, irritation brewing in his chest even if he doesn’t mean it – he’s snapped at Nobunaga by accident, his words just a bit harsher, a bit more clipped when telling him the meeting time for the next month.
When he’s not been around you for long periods (a day or so), he just feels like something’s missing, something he can’t quite place. There’s a you shaped hole in his chest, and it turns Chrollo into something of an addict going through withdrawals - he’s become too dependent on the way you make something warm bloom in his chest, and the moment he’s without it, he’s counting down the seconds until he can return to you, return to the calmness and serenity of being around you.
And when you smile at him, answer his questions, brush your hand against his when he hands you a cup of tea, Chrollo can’t help but shiver slightly, his content smile twitching up at the corners ever so slightly. It’s addicting, the way you make him feel so alive, so strangely happy, so light and bubbly and horribly enslaved to his emotions. But while he’s never known himself to a weak man, he thinks he’d be okay with you being his Achilles heel - as long as you smile at him, let him stare as you talk away about your day, let him brush his knuckles against your cheek and whisper that you’re so warm and frail, Chrollo could care less.
He could care less about most things, really, once you step into his life - as long as you don’t leave him, that is. As long as you don’t abandon him, taking you and the feelings you ignite within him with you.
You wouldn’t dare, he’s sure of it. 
Tying into his desperation for you to stay under his thumb and by his side, Chrollo can’t seem to shake the way anger flares up inside him whenever another man interacts with you. He knows it’s irrational - it’s possible to have interactions with the opposite gender without ulterior motives; he regularly speaks with Machi, Pakunoda and Shizuku without any goals aside from Troupe business.
And yet, he just can’t forget the way he knows some men are - viscous, disgusting, cruel, vile in a way even Chrollo isn’t. He may be a mass murderer, mentally unstable, unhealthily in need of being in control and a pathological thief, but he’s never harassed a woman before. He’s never sneered at one, groped or touched them in a sexual way without their consent, and he’s only ever seduced a woman with the intent of getting information out of her.
But others?
He knows others are probably just as in love with you as he is - you’re beautiful, intelligent, sweet and oh so perfect, truly a naive, painfully unaware little bunny in a world full of wolves. And wolves will pounce, even if the bunny is already in another’s jaws - just the thought of another man attempting to intervene and seduce you themselves is enough to get Chrollo’s jaw clenching ever so slightly, his eyes narrowing a bit and his fingers clasping around his nen book just a bit tighter.
He’s territorial, unwilling to share the way you make him feel with anyone else - only you can bring him the happiness he craves, so therefore only he is allowed to be on the receiving end. He hates the idea that another man could start chatting you up, throwing false compliments and sweet words your way, buttering you up and trying to steal you from right underneath his nose. It makes his fingers itch, the sense of control he harbors over you slipping slightly. It scares him, if he’s being honest – an emotion he hasn’t felt since he was very young, scavenging the streets of Meteor City.
He loves the way you’re able to make him feel, but this particular emotion he very much doesn’t like, nor does he enjoy the way jealousy pricks at his heart when another man glances at you. It leaves his blood boiling, every inch of his body feeling unbelievably hot, his muscles tensing up over and over.
And yet, Chrollo is a man of opportunity – while it may be torture to see you with another man, something excruciating in ways Chrollo has never experienced before, this is a good chance to paint himself in a better light. It’s a good opportunity to sway your perception of him – particularly if the man isn’t wooing you successfully.
Before he’s stolen you away, he’s quick to observe how men approach you, with suave smiles that make you visibly nervous, your high pitched responses to his questions vague and obviously constructed for your escape. It makes some weird sort of protectiveness spring up into him, but he holds himself back. He wills himself to wait just a tad bit longer, to elongate the discomfort you’re feeling because this will only really work if you’re desperate for an escape route. It’s torture, watching, but Chrollo holds on – until he decides you’re fearful enough, his long strides towards you not nearly as quick as he’d like.
Words will slip from his tongue before he can even really think, always placing himself in between you and the man, physically separating you as he quietly but firmly tells the man off, mentioning something about how unchivalrous it is to corner a defenseless woman.
Honestly, as shocked as you’ll be that Chrollo just emerges from the shadows so often, you’ll be incredibly grateful for his presence and intervention - which is exactly what he’s hoping for. He doesn’t like the way his possessiveness eats him up, but there’s something to be said about making sure that he saves you, making sure that you perceive him as your protector and someone to trust.
It’s an insurance thing, more than anything, because there’s nothing that calms Chrollo quite like knowing that you like him, that you’re associating positive emotions with him. It makes pride swell in his chest to think that you perceive him as some sort of guardian angel to you, and while it almost makes him pity you, it just makes his job easier.
It makes it easier to constantly be trailing you (you’ll never catch him, however), and to get you falling for him just as strongly as he’s fallen for you. If you hold him in a position of power, he will be exploiting that power and control - he’ll be subtle when he starts isolating you, the power trip making him giddy because now no one will talk to you. It makes the corners of his mouth twitch up when he sees that notification on his phone, your contact flashing across his screen.
(It’s just your full name, though sometimes he’ll play with the idea of adding a star next to it, or perhaps a diamond or crescent moon - it’s too childish for him, but he’ll often type it out and quickly delete it, only to retype and repeat the process.)
It makes him feel good to know that you’re contacting him, that you reached out to him, meaning you’re thinking of him and not someone else. He’s leaving small hints of his presence in your apartment; a copy of his book that he ‘accidentally’ left there last time you invited him over for dinner, a watch of his (that he stole, of course, but you don’t know that) that you keep neatly on your dresser and glance at every morning, marveling at how pristine and silver it is.
He’ll leave his leftovers in your refrigerator from nice evenings out, internally cooing at the way you finish them off yourself, liking that you’re wanting to finish his food, obviously not disturbed by the fact that his mouth may have touched a bit of it. He’s trying to stake his claim on everything around you, no matter how big or small it may be, just to get you thinking of him.
(Of course, he’s also a fan of staking his claim in ways you’re less knowledgeable about - he’s even spent nights at your apartment, dark eyes appraising your pretty, sleeping face, spending hours simply staring before wandering around your room, picking things up and digging through your drawers. Sometimes, on days when Troupe business has him feeling just a bit stressed, or he has to deal with particularly important but irritating individuals, he’ll even settle himself beside you, sitting in your desk chair and letting his black slacks fall to his knees, palming himself and shakily exhaling. He’ll caress your cheek with one hand, letting a strained, breathless smile slip across his face while his other hand relentlessly tugs and flicks around his cock, eager to see the way you’ll look with white splattered all across your pretty face. He’ll clean it up afterwards, mostly – it can’t hurt to leave a bit on your lips, right? Just so that you’ll taste him in the morning? Just so that he’ll be with you all night, all day tomorrow, so close?)
He’s possessive in the worst way possible, and while it manifests itself as seeming chivalrous and even a bit endearing, it’s anything but. There’s nothing cute about the way he religiously thinks of you, his every free moment spent watching you or speaking to you with the smoothest, most attractive voice he can muster.
There’s nothing sweet about the way his hand lingers on the small of your back, just a tad bit too insistent when he's guiding you through the crowd, making sure you don’t stray far enough away from him to let air flow between your bodies.
There’s nothing flattering about the way he gazes at you as you slowly wake up in his hold, with no memory of how you got there, no memory of where you are, no memory of how you’d changed into a pretty, billowy nightgown, and no memory of him, at least of the tattoo across his forehead or the carnal look in those eyes.
He’s a possessive freak, and once he decides you’re his target, there’s really no chance of escaping. So don’t even try.
He’s good at getting what he wants, and that mixed with his natural charisma leaves pretty much everyone he encounters susceptible to his charms. He’s spent his whole life studying human emotions, interactions and what drives people, and as such he’s got a pretty good understanding of how to exploit others, how to find the cracks in their armor that leave them putty in his hands.
It’s almost fun, in a way, like a puzzle Chrollo becomes extremely skilled at solving flawlessly. But when it comes to you? Well, no matter how adept you are at seeing through people, no matter how levelheaded or careful you are, Chrollo will be getting you wrapped around his little finger, completely bending to his will.
You are certainly no exception to his charms, if only because Chrollo is trying extra hard with you, the genuine drive to get you visibly bashful at his compliments and craving his touch nearly driving him to insanity. And honestly, you probably won’t even realize it – he’s subtle, giving you a small push here or there with little comments about the people around you, or about habits he wants you to break.
When you’re out together shopping around at stores much too expensive for you (courtesy of Chrollo smiling at you and requesting you let him buy you something, because it would mean so much to me, and I know you’ve secretly been yearning for that new dress), he’ll gently chastise you about how you shouldn’t talk to him anymore – don’t you see the way his eyes are on your chest rather than your face?
(The sales clerk who had been helping the two of you was most certainly not ogling your breasts – but even if you bring it up to your companion, he’ll just sigh softly at you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and murmuring that he knows men better than you do, that he can see right through them, just trust me, he would’ve given anything to have you alone.)
The comments will be small but plentiful, designed to get you listening to him and coming to think of him as right, as much smarter and more observant than yourself, something that Chrollo will use to his advantage. He does love you, in some twisted, sick way, but Chrollo’s idea of love is distorted, warped and made ugly by the way he treats you.
He knows it perhaps isn’t the classic method of wooing you, but there’s nothing wrong with twisting the situation just to make sure that his desired outcome sees fruition. He doesn’t like lying to you, and would prefer to always be truthful (to an extent, at least), but he understands that it’s what has to happen in order to make his long term plans a reality – in order to get you unconditionally devoted to him, just as he craves.
It’s unhealthy, but Chrollo doesn’t mind; which is why he’ll be putting to use every possible tactic he can think of to get you returning his feelings, all twinged with just a hint of manipulation, just to get the right seeds of thought planted in that pretty little head of yours.
He’s buying bouquets of flowers every week, sent to your address by hand with a note attached in big, loopy cursive detailing how gorgeous you are; haikus he writes describing your eyes, your hair, your figure and your laugh that get your neck and cheeks feeling warm, the flowers always your favorite colors. (The note also generously makes use of the word ‘my’, preceding nearly everything pertaining to you – my darling, my beloved, my angel, my future.)
He's dressing himself to the nines, with his shirts and pants always pressed and pristine, his cologne noticeably but not too intense, just the slightest touch of gel in his hair, all just to make sure he look as attractive and presentable as possible. He knows women find men in casual business wear attractive, and he’ll purposefully choose white dress shirts with the sheerest material he can get away with – just so that when the light hits just right, you’ll see the hard lines of muscle underneath, his abs and pectorals standing out and straining against the fabric. (He’s always making comments about how other men dress when he’s out with you – claiming that there’s wrinkles in their clothing, that wearing such bright, obnoxious colors are unbecoming of a true gentleman, that their watches and jewelry are obviously fakes, even that he’s seen that shirt for sale and it’s a laughable price – some men must not care much for beauty, and if they’re willing to purchase such low-quality items, imagine how poorly they must treat their partner.)
It’s a constant with him, as if he’s actively looking for every opportunity he can to make himself look better compared to those around him – call it a result of his possessiveness, or maybe some weird, unhealthy craving to get your praise and admiration.
Regardless, it’ll eventually have you slowly seeing what he means, finding yourself nodding along and agreeing with his words, even if you’d never have independently formed such a thought. It’s a slow process and will take a while to work, but Chrollo watches with intent, bright eyes and bitten lips, satisfaction oozing out of him because he’s got you right where he wants you, and sweet little you doesn’t even know.
Of course, once he’s stolen you away and permanently attached you to his hip, his manipulative tendencies don’t just magically disappear. Oh no – if anything they grow stronger, because now that you’re truly isolated, it’s just so much easier to mold you into the perfect version of yourself, all needy and dependent on him just as he wishes. It’s easy to get you believing things about those on the outside, using tactics like ignoring you or limiting your freedoms in order to get you caving to his desires, to get you listening and hanging on to his every word like it’s God himself speaking.
And really, Chrollo likes that imagery – that he’s your god and you’re his devoted little follower, worshipping everything he says and making him feel good, important, wanted in a way he’s never experienced before. (Although, in reality, the roles are more flipped – you’re his god, the one thing he comes crawling back to no matter the situation, his unending devotion to you rooted so deeply inside him that not even his soul is unaffected by you. He’s written poetry about the idea, entertaining it through writing, but he’s always quick to rip the pages out and crumple them, not enjoying the uncomfortable sense of truth in the words.)
So while Chrollo’s feelings for you do resemble love in some ways, his methods and expression very much doesn’t – he’s not afraid to lie t you in order to receive the results that he wants, and really, it’s best not to bother fighting him. He will prevail, no matter how to try and keep your head on straight, and it’s just easier for the both of you to not try, to not attempt to make sense of the mixture of lies and truth he feeds you. It’ll save you both time and energy, and Chrollo would really, really appreciate your cooperation – you’re cute when you’re being defiant, but it grows old.
And while Chrollo would never lose interest in you, he’s not above making you believe that he has – if it gets you obeying and letting him rest his hand on your hip (dipping down to firmly grip and squeeze at your thigh too, if he’s lucky), Chrollo will do anything it takes, no matter how depraved or violent.
Anything at all.
Chrollo, while liking to view himself as being above other men, is only human. He’s still a man, one with an intense, disgusting obsession with you, and the moment that your attention is threatened, the human side of Chrollo becomes very apparent.
It’s difficult to look at him and see it, but internally he’s simmering with jealousy every time another man approaches you, to the point where it becomes difficult to focus on anything else except you, except the way that you’re looking at someone else, talking with them and breathing the same air as them. It’s horrible, and even more so than the idea that you’ll be stolen away from another man, Chrollo doesn’t like the fact that this scum thinks he has to right to even be in your presence.
You’re perfect, in Chrollo’s eyes, and he hates the fact that others get to be around you so freely, even when that privilege is something should belong to him and him only. It angers him how other men don’t seem to understand that you’re already taken and claimed, your fate decided the moment Chrollo decides he wants you.
You’re better than everyone else, a breed above, and he's always just a bit worried that you’ll somehow be tainted by talking with other men, like your perfection will become marred when others look at you.
So, Chrollo does what he feels he must – he must interfere, even if getting closer and closer to the scene has his heart pounding, anger swimming through his veins in amounts he’s never, ever experienced. It’s cathartic, in a way, to have such sudden bursts of emotion, but as his dark gaze focuses on you, he decides that what you make him feel, all the warmth and dizziness and disorientation, is much better than the jealousy sitting heavily in his gut.
He’ll, of course, take his time; he’s opportunistic and wont’ simply waste the chance to further build his positive image in your mind, but waiting is absolute torture. He’s digging his nails into his palms with every moment he’s forcing himself to wait, dark gaze unblinking as he stares at the two of you, mentally berating the man and thinking of the thousands of ways he could torture and kill him. And once he thinks it’s finally, finally time, he’s not wasting a moment and approaching the two of you as fast as he can. It's easy to enter into the conversation, picking up something the man has said.
His voice is smooth and sure, a complete contrast from the stranger attempted to pick you up – your head turns sharply when you hear him, relief flashing over your features at a semi familiar face.
He’s maybe a regular at a café or diner you enjoy – you’ve seen him around, chatted lightly a few times, only really knowing his name and a few of the books he’s always reading.
And while Chrollo knows this, he can’t help the way his heart practically soars when he sees how visibly relieved you are for his presence. His fingers twitch with the intention of reaching out and cupping your cheek, but he refrains himself.
The man, however, doesn’t seem nearly as pleased by his sudden arrival – he’s scowling slightly, brows tucked inwards as he growls out sorry, but we’re having a private conversation.
Your relieved and awed expression suddenly returns to a grim and fearful one, and internally Chrollo feels his anger flare. His face is still neutral, however, as he responds carefully and calmly that he’s making you obviously uncomfortable, and it’s the chivalrous thing to do when I see a woman being harassed. The man splutters slightly, shocked at Chrollo’s forwardness.
He tries to argue back, claiming you were answering his questions, being polite, so evidently you must have wanted him, right?
You’re unimpressed, shrinking back further away from the man and instead subtly getting closer to Chrollo, something he notes with a distinct sense of pleasure. Chrollo doesn’t let up, however, continuing to inform the man that you don’t want to be there, that you aren’t really interested when he offers to show you his apartment that he swears is the best thing you’ll ever see.
You’re grateful, and as weak and lame as it makes you feel to have Chrollo fighting this particular battle for you, you’re glad he showed up. He always seems to show up, really, just when you need him – it’s almost magic, you think, how he seems to know when you need help. The image of him as your savior makes your cheeks feel warm, the girlish thought embarrassing but oddly accurate.
 Eventually the man leaves, huffing and muttering under his breath about how you weren’t even all that pretty anyways, and Chrollo feels his eye twitch, a small flick of the wrist inserting just a bit of nen into his shoulder.
Not enough for the man to feel it, but just enough so that he can keep track of his whereabouts. You’re immediately thanking him profusely, embarrassed about how inept you’d seemed, some small part of you hoping you didn’t look as pathetic as you felt.
But he doesn’t seem to mind – if anything, he’s silent, allowing your rambling to continue on, those dark eyes meeting yours and holding your gaze. It’s intense, but as your voice dies off after the fifth ‘thank you’, he only softly smiles.
Of course, his voice is low and nearly demure, making a shiver roll down your spine, it’s no trouble at all. I’d help you out anytime you need me.
He can tell you’re flustered, and while he wants nothing more than to revel in the sight of you looking bashful, twiddling with your thumbs and stumbling over your words, he knows he has to leave. He needs to leave, really, so that he can check over his book of nen, flipping to the page where that the location of that piece of scum that had bothered you was.
He bids you farewell with a twinkle in his eye, looking over his shoulder as he turns and walks away. You look so pretty, standing there and staring at him, trying to hide the way your mouth gapes open, and Chrollo bites his lip ever so slightly, closing his eyes and reveling in the way his chest feels all warm and airy from just the sight of you. Soon he’s turning off the street where it had all happened, immediately stepping into an alleyway and flipping open the book.
The nen signature leads him to a dingy apartment – surely not the beauty he’d been boasting to you about – and Chrollo nearly snorts as he sees the man throwing back his head, drowning the beer bottle in hand. No one else is in the apartment, he finds as he slips through the front door, which is ideal. He’s quick to conjure up his giant nen fish, a smile slowly spreading across his lips as the man suddenly freezes, unable to move as a fish moves to nibble at a toe, teeth biting and crunching through bone.
It doesn’t take long – maybe ten minutes or so, but Chrollo enjoys every moment of watching the man slowly get eaten alive, those dark eyes wide and excited. It’s euphoric, really, and as he remembers the way the man had nearly had the audacity to touch you, to touch what was Chrollo’s, he can’t stop himself from chuckling slightly.
It’s only after the fact, once all is said and done, that he notices his hands are shaking, his cheeks a bit sore from smiling for such a long period of time. It’s only then that he hears how his heartbeat is loud in his ears, blood pounding as the excitement and satisfaction of seeing the sofa now empty, not a spec of blood ruining the upholstery.
He wishes he could have killed him by his own hand, perhaps stabbed him a few times, burned him alive, maybe even drowned him – but this is better, because now when you watch the news you won’t see some horrible, mangled body.
And once he’s stolen you away, it’s better if you don’t see the gruesome ways that he’s killed – how will you continue to look at him with such adoration and love in your eyes if you do? And Chrollo couldn’t stand to not have you gaze at him with anything short of fondness, admiration, desperation.
He closes the man’s apartment door, making sure to lock it, before tapping into the nen wedge lodged into your own shoulder – seems you’re walking home now. Perhaps you’d like some company from the shadows.
Chrollo is extremely methodical with his approach towards seducing you.
He’s careful to present himself as a gentleman, a classically chivalrous man with his dark features and smooth voice. He’s never tried to genuinely make someone develop feelings for him before – it’s only ever been for a job or to place someone into the palm of his hand, but with you it’s different.
He’s actively trying everything he can think of to make you like him, pouring through romance novels to find common themes, trying all manner of approaches and tactics so that you’ll only associate him with happiness and nerves.
And frankly, Chrollo will absolutely get you falling for him. By the time that he feels he’s ready to steal you away, you’ve probably developed a massive crush on him, your feelings strong and difficult to ignore. Really, you can’t be blamed – he’s a master manipulator, and while his romantic experience is dismal, it’s not so hard to find out your favorite flower and leave a bouquet at your door. It’s not so difficult to send expensive perfumes or jewelry to you, attached with a note detailing what it is about the piece that makes him think of you.
You’ll nearly be in love, something that he’s worked extremely hard to cultivate. It hasn’t been easy, holding off all this time. There’s been more opportunities than he can count where he could’ve so easily swept you into his arms and took off into the night, never to have you seen again by anyone but himself.
He’s had to physically restrain himself more often than he’d care to admit from reaching out and grabbing you, tucking you so tightly against his chest that you can’t breath as he boards the airship, the Troupe standing guard outside your new bedroom to make sure you don’t get any funny ideas. You’re laughably weak compared to him, and while it sometimes causes Chrollo to worry for your safety, it’s ultimately an asset to him.
Because now that you’re completely under the impression that Chrollo is the perfect man for you, it’s all so much easier to relocate you without a fuss. It all happens much faster than Chrollo had expected, however – all too soon you’re seeing blurry images on the television news one night, the cereal you’d been eating forgotten as you take in the familiar earrings, the dark eyes, the forehead tattoo he’s always written off as a family tattoo.
You’re in shock, eyes wide as you listen to the anchor list off the multitudes of crimes the Troupe has been accused of, and for a moment you refuse to believe it’s true. That’s not Chrollo – not your Chrollo, the man who picks you up at 7:00 sharp for the dinner date he’s reserved at the fanciest restaurant in town.
That’s not your Chrollo, the man who opens doors for you and pulls out your chair, almost placing a hand on the small of your back to guide you through large crowds. He could never murder someone – could never be the cause of the some hundreds of lost lives the TV claims he’s responsible for.
But then you hear a sigh, that familiar voice murmuring out that it’s really all just so unfortunate, I was hoping to gain your favor a bit more. Alas, the façade is up, I’ll make sure to pack that sweatshirt you love so much. Please, love, don’t struggle too much. There’s a pinprick in your neck, those dark eyes the last thing you see before blackness surrounds you. Chrollo can only mournfully look down at you, having caught your unconscious body in his arms.
It’s a good opportunity to run his fingers over your lips, to trace the shape of your nose, to press a surprisingly sweet kiss to your forehead. It was inevitable, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me eventually. We’re made for one another, after all.
Once you’re trapped with him, a few things will become very apparent to you very quickly. Firstly, Chrollo is a criminal – the dashing man you thought you knew is not real, his true personality slipping out almost immediately. He’s no longer attempting to hide the reality of his work, discussing new jobs and elimination plans over the phone in the same room as you, not mincing words when he tells the mystery man to make it messy, the more blood the better.
Second, he’s a very important man. He’s constantly being phone called, stepping out for this or that meeting, making decisions you don’t even understand. The very few people he’s ever let you meet almost seem to revere him, unconditionally bowing to his word and only addressing him as Boss.
Third, he’s much stronger than you’d realized, the odd pressure he seems to radiate growing and ebbing at various points in the day. You’d seen the way he’s merely flicked his wrist and a man that had seen the handcuffs initially around you was suddenly headless, sliced clean off without so much as a sound.
Lastly, Chrollo Lucilfer is desperate. Despite being kidnapped, forced to jump from hotel room to hotel room firmly attached at his hip, there’s never been a lull in the way that he demands your attention. There’s never been a free moment where he’s not looking at you, that same small smile quirking on his lips that used to fluster you but now only makes your gut twist. He’s always asking you questions – some are easy, surface level and don’t require effort on your part. He’s asking what your favorite color is, what your favorite breakfast foods are, if you prefer to wake up early or sleep in.
(He already know the answers, but he likes hearing you say it.)
Some are more difficult, making you consider your words before you speak them. He’s asking you whether you’ve ever dreamed of what your wedding venue will look like (he of course pushes for details, mentally noting everything and imagining it alongside you), what you would name a pet cat (either solid black or solid white fur, you pick), asking you to jot down a few of your favorite songs so that he can compile a playlist for you, as you have limited electronic access (the playlist is really for him, so that when he’s away on missions he can still feel like he’s with you, but that’s besides the point).
And then there’s the ‘why’ questions – these are the hardest, his eyes boring into you as he asks you why you claim to love your friends, why you’re fighting him so hard, why you think life itself even exists. They make you think, and while you don’t want to answer, Chrollo will keep pushing and pushing and pushing, using your words against you and slowly taking away any privileges you’ve managed to earn.
It’s not worth the fight that ensues if you ignore any of his questions, so you’ll answer as succinctly as possible, choosing your words carefully and watching for his reactions. Mostly, he just likes to hear your voice – knowing there’s no one else in the room, so you’re talking to him and only him, thinking of ways to respond to what he asked you.
He likes to know your opinion on things, each and every word you utter only furthering his fascination with you, contradictions in your thoughts popping up right and left. Mostly, as a captor, Chrollo is really just omnipresent. He’s always there, dark eyes trained on you and listening to every little thing you say, watching every little thing you do, commenting on what feels like every thought you have.
It’s exhausting, the way he’s constantly hovering, the way he’s constantly on the look out for any kind of interaction with him, and at first you’ll find yourself growing tired, afraid, frantic to be alone.
You’ll eventually explode, yelling at him and telling him to leave you alone, to disappear, to just get away from me, you monster! He’s silent as your words sink in, his face carefully neutral, before he laughs softly, shaking his head a bit.
If that’s what you wish, he’ll ominously tell you, walking out the hotel room door and locking it behind him. It’s wonderful, the first few hours without him – finally some time to yourself, to really cry or scream or just ponder your new life.
But after a day or two passes, thing start changing – you don’t like Chrollo, you promise, but it’s sort of lonely without him. The hotel room is big but empty, his missing presence louder than the silence. You’ll slowly find yourself starting to miss him, wishing he’d come back and continue asking those stupid questions of his, to brush his fingers against your cheeks and thighs, to gaze at you with that deranged but enamored look in his eye.
By day five, you’re frantic for him to come back, taking to sitting in the corner and staring at the door, persuading yourself that he’ll have to return sometime, that eventually he’ll come back to you, that he won’t just leave you alone to die.
And when he does, ten days after leaving you fully alone (minus the cameras placed in the room), he’s shocked to feel the way you rush in for a hug as the door swings open. You’re wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your face into his chest, and Chrollo can’t help but blink widely down at you, lips parted but no sounds coming out. He knew the loneliness was getting to you, but you’d never initiated physical contact like this before. Was it an act of desperation, or was it because you were missing him?
 Did you ache for human contact, or did you ache for his contact?
He’s not sure, but he finds himself humming and returning the gesture, letting a hand pet your hair as he asks you if you missed him, if you’d gotten lonely, if you’d like to lay down for a bit with him. You’re not as clingy after you pull away from the hug, but Chrollo doesn’t care – you lay with him, a good two feet of space between your bodies, but it’s progress.
You’re more open after that, not flinching away and snapping at him when he reaches out to touch you. Instead, you’re almost leaning into his touch, enjoying it – which leads to another key aspect of being Chrollo’s captive; the touching.
He’s not invasive with it in the beginning, but as time passes you’ll notice the way his hand is always lingering at your waist, his fingers drumming against your skin. You’ll realize he’s always shuffling closer to your body, dissatisfied with the space between you. You’ll get used to the way he asks for a kiss before you both fall into slumber, his arms snaking around your middle and pulling you back against his chest as he sighs into your ear.
The rational side of you is enraged, disgusted by his attempts at romantic and intimate touches, but a part of you that grows larger with every passing day stops caring, slowly accepting that Chrollo is all you have left now, and that you should take advantage of every ounce of affection he’s willing to show you. It may not be real (though the obsession that gleams in his eyes certainly is, as is the blood that sometimes stains his pale chest when he returns home from a few days away), but it’s something.
It’s enough that you can almost overlook the way he keeps you trapped in the hotel rooms, stuck by his side, with only your books and himself to entertain you. You can almost forget the way he’s freely admitted to killing for you, nonchalantly threating family members if you try to escape, telling you he’ll hear about anything and everything you do because nothing can hide from him.
Eventually, you’ll stop caring – your life is easier now, all the stress and worries of independence gone, and Chrollo couldn’t be more pleased that you’re settling down, or mellowing, as he likes to say. You’re closer to realizing your true purpose with him – to continue to give him that warmth he craves, to continue to let him kiss and hold you, to let him steal every ounce of your attention and time.
He’s a thief after all, and now that you’re his, he’s entitled to take whatever he wants.
While Chrollo is, overall, a somewhat lenient captor, he does have a few strict guidelines.
Firstly, you are to never ignore him. To ignore him would mean a rejection of his feelings for you, and while Chrollo is normally a cool, level-headed man, the second you even encroach on any actions that could be considered a rejection of a his love, of him, he’s clenching his jaw and doing his best to not lash out, keeping his temper and check and calculating ways to make you recognize the consequences of your actions.
Secondly, do not try to escape. He’s lucid enough to understand that once you’ve first been kidnapped, you’re likely to try everything in your power to escape. It doesn’t matter how deeply your feelings for him have formed – it’s only human nature to not enjoy being trapped, which is why he’ll have to train you, to make sure that you correctly acclimate to your new life with him, to your new future.
And lastly, you must never attempt to hurt him. Of course, you could never do any real damage, but the sentiment will hurt him more than he’d care to admit – by reaching out and wishing him harm, you are, once again, rejecting him. You’re displaying a desire to wound him, and he absolutely cannot have you thinking that you’re in any position of power or control in your relationship with him.
(You are, of course, because Chrollo’s dependence on you is really quite pathetic and sad, but you won’t be aware of the depth of his feelings for you until very, very late into your time with him. He’s good at hiding this, if only because letting you see him vulnerable would mean letting you have a sliver of control over him, a concept that terrifies him to his very core.)
Those three things are really the only ways to set Chrollo off – he’s generally pretty adaptable, able to read you like a clock and understanding what you’re thinking merely by watching your facial expressions, and because of this he won’t often punish you. He doesn’t like the idea of disciplining you, instead preferring to simply manipulate you into thinking and feeling the way he wants you to. But, if any of the three rules are breached, Chrollo finds himself resorting to more extreme measures, doing what he feels is necessary to garner the results he’s looking for.
Even so, he won’t ever rely upon physical means to punish you – he doesn’t like the idea of you being injured or hurt, and it would be a hassle to mend the damage hurting you would cause.
So, Chrollo defaults to more manipulative measures, punishments he knows will leave you crying and terrified, inflicting more psychological rather than physical damage. It’s the only way he can get what he wants, after all, and Chrollo has always been determined to get his way – even at the expense of you, his most prized possession.
When you’re staring at him with such hard, pained eyes, it almost makes him feel bad for a moment. Almost, if only because your words are replaying in his head, the tone and wavering in your voice making pause for a brief moment.
You’d said you hated him, that he was a monster, that you were unhappy being with him. It was all things Chrollo had already known, of course, but it certainly didn’t feel good to hear them come from you, nonetheless.
He just sighs, looking at you with that same belittled, heavy gaze, telling you to calm down, darling, don’t say things you don’t mean.
This just angers you more, it seems, because soon you’re nearly screaming, throwing a pillow or two at him as you yell that you’re not lying, you sick fuck! I hate you, I will never love you, I will never need you! Please, you have to let me go, I can’t stand being with you any longer!
What you’re saying isn’t even particularly harsh – he’s heard much, much worse from his victims over the years, searing words insulting his intelligence, his appearance, his morals, his past, everything and anything. And yet, there’s something about hearing the words coming from you that makes him flounder a bit, a sinking feeling in his gut making him stand up straight, appraising your shaking, heaving form across the room. It’s silent for a few long moments, before he simply adjust his jacket, pulling the lapels slightly and turning his back to you. Very well then, if that’s how you feel. As you wish, my dear.
And with that, he’s slipping out the hotel door, disappearing to who knows where. You’re left trembling in anger, your breathing unsteady, but before you can think you’re rushing to the door, wiggling the handle violently and sucking in a sharp breath when you feel that it’s unlocked, practically begging you to throw it open and leave this godforsaken hotel room.
As you rush away, sprinting down staircases and down never-ending hallways, you’ll distantly know that this is probably a trap. Chrollo wouldn’t just let you go, you’re sure, especially with such suspicious time. But you can’t stop yourself from taking advantage of the opportunity, deciding that even if it is a trap, the few brief moments of freedom that you’ll have will be enough to warrant it all.
And yet, as you push through the front doors and take a look around the busy, bustling street you’ve stumbled upon, you nearly sob. You have no idea where you are, the landmarks totally unfamiliar, but you’re free, feeling the sunlight on your skin without Chrollo’s presence pressed into your side, his cold fingers pushing into your hip or shoulder. You don’t have any money and have no idea where to go, but your legs are moving faster than you can think, wandering through the city along back roads and side streets.
Hours quickly pass by, exhaustion beginning to settle into your bones as the sun dips back behind the horizon, leaving the city in shadows and quiet aside from the hum of cars and the bustle of city goers. It’s only once you’re stumbling through an alley that you hear it – him, to be specific.
At least, you’re pretty sure it’s a man – the footsteps are obviously trying to be quiet, but they’re not doing a good enough job to go unnoticed by you. He’s breathing loudly, too, and as you glance over your shoulder, eyes wide and scared, you don’t see anyone.
You’re sure there’s someone there, that they’ve followed you down this alleyway, and as you press your back against the slightly wet brick wall of the building behind you, you feel your heart practically about to beat out of your chest.
Who was there?
 It’s silent for a moment, before a short laugh is barked out, the man emerging from behind a dumpster. Shadow falls over his face, making it impossible to see his face, but you do see his size. He’s a monster of a man, bulky shoulders easily above your head, muscles bulging along his arms and under his pants. A wild bed of hair sits atop his head, and you feel yourself freeze, fear eating away at your heart.
You can’t move as the man comes closer, face still hidden in the darkness, and it’s only when he comes down to punch at your stomach do you realize what’s about to happen, panic engulfing your senses as his fist comes closer and closer and closer – It sucks the air right out of  your lungs, making you wheeze and gasp for breath, knees slamming into the concrete below you as you gasp and struggle to regain your breath.
The man laughs, a timber, horrible sound, but stops abruptly at the distant sound of sirens. He curses under his breath, and you feel his eyes on you, daring to look up at him in between your fits of coughing.
You’re lucky, bitch, he starts, voice gravelly as he begins backing up. Next time I’ll get you, the cops won’t be coming and I’ll show you why weak little things like you shouldn’t be in alleyways late at night – makes it hard for me to resist ya, and I think you’d look even better without that ugly ass nightgown you’ve got on.
And with that, he’s sprinting down the alley, running away even as the sirens get further and further away. You’re left to lay on the cold, wet ground, having regained your breath but letting tears stream down your face. You don’t want to admit it, but you’d been hoping that Chrollo would magically appear, just like he always does. You’d hoped that he would’ve stopped the stranger’s punch, that he would’ve saved you just like he used to.
The thought of Chrollo makes you flinch, but you can’t stop yourself from wondering if maybe he was right. Maybe he’s right that you can’t take care of yourself, that you’re too weak for this world, that you’re better off with a monster like him (quoted directly from him, with that signature smirk of his) rather than the everyday men.
You curl up, knees to your chest for a while, before your up again, wandering and trying to retrace your steps back to the hotel you’d run out of only hours ago. Eventually you’ll make it back, and as you wait in the lobby, rubbing at your now dirty and bruised body, your eyes will flick across every person entering and exiting, before you begrudgingly make your way to the elevator, riding up tot eh floor you knew your room was on.
It takes everything in you to knock on the door – his door, but eventually you do. And when he opens it, a small hello trickling past his lips, you can’t help but let out an ugly, gaspy sob, rushing forward and wrapping your arms around him. It feels horrible, disgusting, so very good to feel how he returns the hug, gently patting your back and smoothing down your hair, a soft hello my dear making your shoulders shake.
He won’t ask too many questions, letting you inside and nearly forcing you into the shower, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Even when he’s got you wearing a fresh set of soft, lounging clothing (with a neckline just a bit too low to cover your collarbone, something his eyes are often drawn to), you can’t find it in yourself to ask. He’s talking to you, after all, asking you if you enjoyed your time in the real world, if it was as grand as you’d hoped.
 His eyes are twinkling, and although the apology you offer up isn’t as loud or insistent as he’d hoped for, it still makes him smile, his throat bobbing as he loudly swallows.
The conversation is over for the evening, and it’s only after you fall asleep (in his bed, he notes with a somewhat shy smile and a shaky exhale) that he pulls out his phone, pressing the contact name and smiling at the dial tone.
Thank you, Uvogin, he starts, letting a hand run very lightly over your leg under the sheets. This favor won’t be forgotten.
The thing that makes Chrollo a dangerous yandere is less his violent tendencies, and more of the way you nearly won’t recognize yourself after being with him for long enough.
Of course, he loves you – a sick, messy, disgusting love that he quickly grows addicted to. He finds you irresistible, fascinating and growing drunk off the way your body fits with him, but he’s still a criminal. He’s still a mass murderer, singlehandedly responsible for the deaths of more than he can count, and he will not be suddenly listening to commonplace morals once his feelings for you form.
There’s no such thing as bad to him – he views you as his woman, his partner and his most precious, cherished possession, and as a result he has absolutely no qualms about doing what he wants to you. He’s manipulative, lying to you just as often as he tells the truth, making you feel as if you’re going crazy because you have no idea what’s real and what’s fake.
He’s possessive, slowly isolating you and barring you from any contact at all with anyone he deems a threat to your future with him, or anyone at all, really. He doesn’t want you to grow feelings for another man, and has no issues with cutting off your contact with everyone in your life that you hold dear. He’s always got that same look on his face; a small, prideful smile, his dark eyes so impossibly wide and sparkling as he stares at you, every ounce of his attention focused on you and only you.
He’s terrifying, and while you’ll more than likely develop feelings for him before you know of his true self, you’ll begrudgingly find those feelings doesn’t entirely dissolve even once you know that he’s a crook and a perverted, horrible man who’s stolen you away. You’ll probably still find him charming, still thinking his hair looks soft enough to touch, still finding his hands (littered with a fair share of veins) drool worthy, even when you realize how many have likely died because of them.
You’ll hate yourself for it, but you will eventually find yourself growing just as dependent on Chrollo as he is on you – and really, that’s exactly what he wants. He wants you to need him, to yearn for him and crave him, if only because he feels all that for you and more, and he needs to make sure he has you under his thumb, so that your pretty smile and lovely voice and heavenly body are never not by side.
Things would grow ugly if you were to ever be snatched away from him, corpses piling up and his own sanity slipping away until he can hold you in his arms once more, pressing his lips messily, desperately against yours, hearing you say his name with that lilt you always do.
Chrollo needs you, and it’s best if you just give in – you may essentially be ending your own life, but you’re giving meaning to his and saving so many others. So, so many others.
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fatkish · 2 months
I found this post you made and idk how old it is but it was about writing stories to heal inner child to give readers someone who stepped up for them as a kid since they didn’t have someone… idk if ur still taking requests for that, but if you are, any chance you could write smthing related to saving a kid from sex trafficking? Specifically where it was perpetuated by the parents if that makes sense?? Idk. I want Aizawa to come get me outta there lol(I’m okay now). Maybe he was undercover or smthing for a bigger operation and came in contact with.. that. Thanks for reading my whole request ^^;;
Aizawa x SA Victim Child Reader
TRIGGER WARNING: please be aware that the following content contains allusions to rape, the sexual exploitation and abuse of minors as well as unwanted sexual advances. Please be warned
Aizawa goes undercover disguised as a potential buyer for an illegal quirk boosting drug that the reader’s parents are selling and finds readers parents offering reader to buyers as well.
Reader is 12 and still hasn’t developed a quirk yet. They are a late bloomer and their parents decided that their kid needed to ‘help out the family’ since they haven’t developed a quirk
Reader is forced to take lessons on ‘dancing’ in order to entertain the clients. The reader’s parents have made them believe that they are not worth saving and that heroes will treat them like a villain because what they’re doing is wrong and because their parents are ‘evil’
Aizawa was back in his underground days and came upon the house acting as a corrupt hero. He had found an actual corrupt hero who used the drugs and knew about the kid. Aizawa followed the hero and was talking to the parents when they offered the reader to him.
Aizawa, not believing this, actually went to the room and paid the parents before going in alone.
The reader’s parents don’t really care how long people are along with the reader, as long as they pay them good money. The father’s quirk allows him to distort electrical circuits and signals rendering any device that investigators might use to capture evidence of their deeds, to be useless.
Once alone with the reader, Aizawa was revolted by the way the reader was sexualized by their own parents. He talked to the reader and it took some convincing but he eventually gave the reader a phone that they could use to gather evidence from the inside.
After Aizawa left, because there wasn’t anything he could do at that exact moment that wouldn’t make things worse for the reader, he informed the police as well as the other heroes he was working with about the situation and within the next three days, they had all the information they needed in order to get a search warrant and arrest the parents
Aizawa was the one who was in charge of the kid. It was during the raid that the reader’s quirk finally manifested.
Their quirk allows them to build up and store massive amounts of electrical energy and basically turn their body into electrical energy as well as manipulate it. The reader can travel through electrical circuits like landline phones and computers. They can create a force field of electrical energy that fries anything within it as well as control electricity and shape it.
The reader was being ‘used’ by a rather violent man who was being far rougher than anyone had ever been before. It was during all the stress and anxiety that the reader finally had enough. When Aizawa busted the door down he saw the man had been electrocuted to death and had electrical burns all over him.
Aizawa realizes the severity of the situation and instead of using his quirk he decided to have the reader try to control their ability themselves. Aizawa gently removed his goggles and slowly approached the hyperventilating child. He gently talked to them, speaking in a soft voice, he told them that it was over. That their parents have been arrested and that they will never have to deal with this kind of treatment ever again.
The reader obviously wasn’t comfortable with touching others and Aizawa understood that. Aizawa had given the reader the space they needed and made sure to always be within the reader’s sight and also made sure that anyone who had to be near the reader, followed the reader’s directions.
If they didn’t want to be touched, Aizawa made sure they wouldn’t be. If the reader was uncomfortable, Aizawa made sure that whatever was causing it was dealt with. For the first time ever, the reader actually saw and believed that someone was willing to protect them and after a few months the reader was finally comfortable with sleeping in the same room as Aizawa.
The doctors and nurses were worried about the reader since they refused to be touched and would use their quirk to defend themselves. It was only after Aizawa was able to gain the reader’s trust that the doctors had Aizawa be their proxy and do the tests needed. With every test that Aizawa had to do, he would explain in detail what he would be doing, why he was doing it and made sure that the reader felt comfortable and safe, making sure that they understood that they had to give consent before anything would be done.
Eventually a therapist and counselor where provided to the reader to help them deal with the trauma from their experiences. The reader wouldn’t really talk to anyone besides Aizawa
Seeing this the courts as well as the reader’s doctors suggested that Aizawa become the reader’s legal guardian
Aizawa adopted the reader and had Hizashi introduce himself to the reader. After that, the two of them decided to take the reader shopping since this was more of Hizashi’s area of expertise rather than Aizawa’s. They bought clothes for the reader, toys, books, electronics, snacks, toiletries, bedding, furniture, etc.
Once they got to Aizawa’s house, they helped the reader get everything inside and showed the reader their own rood with an attached bathroom. The reader even had a lock on their door that they could control from their side. Aizawa even helped the reader instal one of those chain locks on their door
It took a lot of time but eventually the reader began to trust Hizashi too. Eventually one day the reader had fallen asleep on the couch next to Aizawa. Aizawa was so touched and smiled softly. He made himself, as well as the reader, a promise, he would do whatever it took to keep them safe and make sure that they were happy and felt loved and cared for
(I hope this helps you and that you enjoyed this. I hope that your inner child finds some peace with this and that this helps them heal.)
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mazeruffleposts · 5 months
Hashira's React Pt.1
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Decided to make a series known as "Hashira's React" for different situations. It's more for the giggle factor than much else. I will not be including Muichiro for this one specifically cause he is CHILD. And I will also leave out our lovable big bear Gyomei cause I'm not entirely sure how to write for him yet. Will make another post later just for him! Other than that feel free to send prompts for this, I'd love to work out your ideas regardless if they are dorky, simple, or in this case Slightly NSFW.
Sidenote, the art used here does not belong to me, If I can find the artist I will add it just below.
Content Warning: Mentions of Nudity
Word Count: 1.8 K
Proofread? No.
Hashira's react! to walking in on Love interest!Reader in the middle of changing! They caught you changing back into your uniform after getting a wound checked at one of the Wisteria Houses. They are all goofballs and I love them~
TENGEN (+ Hina, Makio, Suma)
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アイロギ@ilog_kmt on https://twiman.net/
The Uzui's had met you after a rather long mission and almost immediately fell for you. Since then Tengen has been pulling some strings so that the lot of you could go on missions together.
Had heard from one of his mice that the reason you were late for the mission meet-up was because you had been hurt fairly bad in your last one. They all decide it's a great time to swoop in and try to woo you a bit. Ya know, show they genuinely care! (And shower you with some gifts while they were at it. I fully believe the Uzui's not only spoil each other but also any other love interests!)
Suma, being the worry wart she is, came crashing into the room not even bothering to knock. Makio came next chewing her out for being rude. Lastly, Tengen and Hina followed with the gifts. (Flowers and some bento's. Food in any medical setting tends to be bland and that's not very flamboyant.)
Suma cried out as Makio tried to pull her back to her. "Did you forget basic manners?" "Makio, please she was just worried about them!" Hina's voice rand out as she walked into the room, none of them having noticed what they walked into yet. "That doesn't excuse her from busting in!" Tengen follows in quickly, eyes closed with a wide smile as he holds up the ridiculously large bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Pardon the intrusion, we heard you were-" Hina gasps, finally catching sight of you panicked and red-faced as you try to cover your bits. "O-OH!" Everyone quickly looks over to Hina, then to you. Suma squeals as Makio damn near picks her up to get her out of the room as Tengen and Hina quickly turn on their heels and dart out as well. A string of apologies is left in their wake as they slide the doors closed.
They are all blushing madly cause they on one hand felt bad about busting down the door, but on the other hand, got to confirm you are one hot SOB.
They wait until you are fully dressed before they even attempt to make contact. Starting off with apologies and Suma clinging to you saying she was sorry.
Suma may or may not have also let it slip she thought you were hot.
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アイロギ@ilog_kmt on https://twiman.net/
He had heard from a passing friend(everyone is this mans friend, let's be honest) that you were hurt. Right then and there he decided he was going to come bring you flowers to liven up the room while you were in recovery.
Since he really likes you, he took some advice from Uzui and got you a ridiculously large bouquet. Maybe a little over the top, but it's too late to turn around and get a different one. In his slightly overthinking state, he forgot to knock before opening the door.
He fumbles with the rather large bouquet of flowers in his hands as he paces outside your room's door, fretting for a bit if all of that is truly necessary. Tengen had told him to absolutely shower you in, his words, 'Flamboyant' gifts. And he trusts his friend's advice, especially since he had three wives who absolutely adored him. Taking a breath to steel himself, he grinned that bright smile of his and swung open the door without a second thought. "My dear friend, I have brought yo- O-oh... Oh my-" Out of sheer surprise, he dropped the flowers and covered his face. "M-MY GOODNESS! FORGIVE ME I SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED! I'LL LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!"
This man proceeds to turn around, still covering his face and run into the wall a couple of times before lamenting and flailing out his hand to find the door. It would have been endearing and a little funny if you weren't mortified that he had seen your bits.
Does not uncover his eyes till he eventually makes it out of the building, bumping into every wall on his way out and a few people.
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アイロギ@ilog_kmt on https://twiman.net/
Had been keeping tabs on you since he realized he had feelings. The one time he's not out on patrol his crow Sorai comes to tell him that you were hurt pretty bad in a fight with a demon.
Now his mind is racing with all the ways you could have been hurt. And he wasn't there to do anything about it?
Doesn't even ask anyone where you are, just starts opening doors and slamming them back shut until he finds your room.
Recognized you immediately and was about to start berating you until you yelled at him to get out. Why? You're naked.
It didn't even click till your hands shot up to cover yourself. Now he's standing in the doorway frozen. His mouth is opening and closing while he fumbles over words to try and say something about the situation.
"Oh- I... I, uhh..." Sanemi's brain is having a hard time trying to come up with a reply. Out of sheer will, he backs out of the room sliding the door closed uncharacteristically slow behind him. He blinks a few times, then runs his hand down his face. He needs to go find a cave to crawl in and wilt away. There's no way he can recover from this, right?
He's not even three steps down the hallway before a loud thump can be heard. When you, fully dressed now, and the kakushi look to investigate the sound, Sanemi is face first on the floor completely out cold.
And now on top of the headache he has, his nose is bleeding.
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TheCherryBlue on DeviantArt
Similar to Sanemi, he'd been keeping tabs on your wellness and whereabouts since the moment he realized he had feelings for you. He knew you were hurt before you even had the chance to send him a crow.
Almost feel bad for the demon he was in the middle of chasing down when he heard, he made quick work of it though. Now he can focus entirely on getting to you.
Had enough sense to not bust down the door, but was too worried to wait for a reply when he knocked and walked in. Was greeted with the sight of your semi-bare ass as you were trying to pull up your pants.
Thank the gods that he has a mask so you can't see how red his face got. He doesn't even mutter any words before he slams the door and practically rushes out of the building to crawl into a hole.
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Had heard you were hurt and wanted to come check up on you. She didn't even let her crow finish speaking before she bolted for your location. It took her a moment, but as soon as she arrived at the safe house she asked all the kakushi which room you were staying in until one of them told her.
Normally she would knock on the door for a little forewarning that she was there, calling out your name in her normal sing song-y voice, but this time she made the grave error of nearly busting down the door.
Now she's standing there panting, frozen in place as she looks at you. It takes a few moments for her mind to catch up on what she just did.
Mortified she slams the door closed and starts blabbering out apologies faster than you can comprehend that she had even seen you naked.
The staff on the other end of the hall from her are gawking wondering how someone could turn that red and not pass out.
Probably one of the few times you've heard her get close to actually cursing, cause let's be honest this cinnamon roll can't curse even if she tries.
She kept that up until you finally opened the door to let her know she was alright. You're not even sure she saw anything with how quickly she burst in and left. Maybe a single butt cheek, but that was it.
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梅雨音 on Twitter
Had come back to the Butterfly mansion to a nightmare. Damn near every room and bed was filled with injured slayers, her poor staff plus the extra help that was called in rushing around trying to tend to everyone.
She was working on autopilot by the time she got to your room. Hadn't even noticed that the sign on the outside of the private room had been labeled as "Tended" when she walked in.
Knocked on the door and promptly entered without waiting for a reply, only looking up from her patient list in time to utter your name.
She freezes, uttering a small "Ah." She immediately sees you're already bandaged up
"I see you've already been seen. My apologies, I'll leave you be to finish getting dressed."
Tries to play it off as if that blush on her cheeks wasn't from seeing you naked. Promptly takes her leave, closing the door and checking for how she missed that mark on the door. Not entirely upset that she saw you, but wishes it was under better circumstances.
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アイロギ@ilog_kmt on https://twiman.net/
Came in to get some rest after a particularly rough night slaying. Had been running himself into the dirt chasing after that one demon and was exhausted. He misheard that he was supposed to take the second room on the left, not the first.
Our Boy doesn't know what the hell to do. His brain turned off entirely when he took note of your naked form.
His face and neck are so red, he can't help but look cause holy shit you are so pretty... And bare... And he's been staring at you, hasn't he?
He has been, for a few minutes. Your startled squeal didn't do anything but make him look at you and now he's stuck buffering. There's got to be a way to get his attention to snap back to reality, right?
Throwing something while trying to cover your bits at the same time is hard, but it works. So much for Hashira's danger sense cause that pillow hit him smack dab in the face.
Smack! Giyuu's reaction to the pillow hitting his face was a bit slow. Instead of smacking it away, his hand only managed to grab it when it collided with his face. And now he's holding it there while that buffer wheel in his head finally loads. He was staring at you, while you were naked. He ignored your cries to leave the room and that was so bad of him to do. Now that his limbs are finally following orders again, he takes a step back to close the door and give you some proper privacy. Profusely muttering a muffled apology as he leaves.
Runs into you again in the morning and can't make eye contact. His face and neck are red again.
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Question: Why doesn't Peter use his watch to go get Gwen?
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We see Miguel basically dismiss Peter, leaving Peter to his own devices. The scene cuts to Miles for a while - and look at the next time we see Peter:
He uses a portal to get home.
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Okaayyy...... So, your watch is working?
Cause I know you ain't get in the Go-Home Machine. So... Your watch is working??
That's how he got home, no? Typing his universe into his watch and going home.
I mean.. surely.. couldn't he just.. go see Gwen? Like how he could've gone and saw Miles?
Surely, he - one of the only people who knows Miles address - should be looking for Miles. Or Gwen, who was just assaulted in front of him.
We have no indication there's anything wrong with Peter's watch, nor that it's disabled.
As far as we know how watch is fine. There's nothing to imply it isn't.
But he uses his functioning watch to go home - and then he does nothing.
And look, MJ even asks:
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And Peter tries to play it off??? And also 'ANOTHER FIGHT'. He's done this before.
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Why didn't he tell MJ the fight he took MayDay to was AGAINST MILES?
Not only has he 1) brought MayDay in fights MULTIPLE times but he's 2) refused to acknowledge his involvement in what just happened.
He claims Miles saved his marriage and influenced him having a child - but he sees Miles get hunted - most likely goes home with technology that could help Miles, and then fails to even show concern or at least let MJ know what was happening.
Peter has no reason to lie or downplay the situation to MJ. He just wants to for some very odd reason.
Because he doesn't want to look like a bad mentor. Seriously, that's all he cares about.
Seriously, Peter B isn't a good guy.
He made no attempt to help Gwen, he's pretty fine with endangering MayDay, he basically avoids the question when MJ asks - AND his watch seems to be completely fine.
Why didn't he just... Go to Gwen's universe. From what we know Lyla isn't watching ALL the time, because Lyla didn't know how close Gwen got to Miles until Gwen admitted it to Jess.
So we can assume that if that watch can just go places when it's not specifically locked -
Because Hobie randomly turns turn in Mumbattan wearing a Miguel-issued watch, not his own. So that implies that when they travel, Lyla isn't directly monitoring them at every moment/authorizing every jump.
Why not go and see Gwen? Why not try to find Miles? Or at the very very very least -
Why not just tell MJ?
I feel like him lying to MJ - a person with no stake in this race - indicates that for Peter, this whole mentorship is about ego and proving he's competent enough to be a mentor or a dad - rather than actually DOING the things that requires, like keeping MayDay safe or going after Gwen.
It seems every time I think about it I have more of a reason to question Peter B.
So you can take your watch and go home, but you won't use it to go find Gwen AND you lie to MJ about taking your daughter to a fight AGAIN and fail to mention that fight was against a CHILD you personally know.
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That's not very heroic sir.
But no. He's just worried about whether or not he's 'good at this mentor thing' - his words, not mine.
And y'all want me to clap for him. No sir. No no no.
All my Hobies hate Peter B (not a typo).
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radiocrypt-id · 1 year
I think there's something poetic about Pinnochio that's crushing some of us more than others. Like, this little kid, this sweet baby was given life and from day one, minute ONE, was given a short list of rules to follow to earn his fathers affection. Because his father wanted a son, but a son cannot be made of wood, he must be a "real boy" to be a son. He's had to fight tooth and nail, splinter and varnish, to be what his father wants and the tiniest mistake? the ittiest bittiest littlest mistake? BOOM! wood.
By the end of his Story, Pinnochio figures it out. He's found the limitations, the hard lines of the laws of his life. If he is good, and kind, and doesn't ever lie, he gets to be loved, he gets to be a son. It's a solid box, small and ill fitting for a child, with no sign of what it will do to him as a grown up but that's not in his Story, so it doesn't matter. Maybe in his world, in Amanti, with his father, if The Times of Shadow never came, he would have been fine staying in that box. Being a good boy, and later man, and never once telling a lie lest he become unlovable wood.
But the Times of Shadow did come. And Pinnochio looked into the eyes of the Wicked Fairy, after hearing the screams of his friends fathers dying in the night, drowned and eaten and bled by rats and birds and all manner of critters of shadows. He saw the very thing he'd always been questioning stare him in the face with a sweet smile and screams at his back.
He saw the rules c h a n g e.
Before anyone else, Pinnochio saw a damned if he did situation and chose to be wood. He Chose to be an Unlovable, Bad, Little Wooden Boy, because he loves his father more than he fears being unloved. He'd rather be a puppet and with his father than be Real and be alone.
He loved his father so much, he made a deal with the Wicked Stepmother because she promised to take care of his father for him. After he lied to keep his father alive, safe from the Wicked Fairy and knowing he's just a little wooden boy, how could he possible keep his father safe, especially when he won't listen to pinnochio? Of course he'd agree to help the stepmother it it meant his father would be safe. Of course he'd take that sacrifice. Of course he'd die.
Pinnochio loves his father. Enough to be wooden forever. To be unloveable, bad, mischievous, foolish, left behind. Because Pinnochios life has always been harder than other children. He's used to it now. But now it has purpose. Now that repetitive hard line he'll never escape has given him the strength to survive. He's smart, fast, powerful in his own right and growing everyday. He's his own patron now. He wasn't built for the world he was forced into, but he's built for this one.
And isn't it terrible? To be in a world not made for you? Or rather, specifically designed to hurt you and only you? so that the actual end of the world isn't that big a deal at all?
"Sometimes, you have to lie... You have to lie to protect the one you love..."
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pix3lplays · 1 year
can there be an angst ver of the reader giving birth where like the reader dies while giving birth but the child survives and like one of the readers friends gives the hsr boys{dan heng,welt,jing yuan,sampo,gepard,luocha,blade}a letter the reader wrote incase she died while giving birth and the letter said like take care of our child or smt also sorry for this being so specific
Oh snap okay I’ll absolutely try this!
Alternate ending to this, but we’ve added Welt lolol
Cw! Pregnancy
-Honkai Star Rail men and reader who died during childbirth-
Dan Heng: is heartbroken, of course, to hear the news. But his child survived? A little piece of you lives on. I imagine he’d find a way to name the kid after you.
After receiving your last letter, he’s even more determined to raise this kid for you. He wants them to grow up to be like you: kind, compassionate, all of that, so he strives to act like you so his child will imitate. He still struggles with being a distant, and now a SINGLE father, but he makes do with what he has. He also has the Astral Express crew to help him in times of need, and March 7th is a great babysitter when he needs to go on a mission or something.
He misses you so much though. Sometimes he writes you letters, and he stores them in a little letterbox in the archives.
No one else is allowed to read them, but one day when his kid is old enough, he’ll let them look at them.
Welt Yang: Welt Yang immediately asks about his child when he hears the news of your passing. His child is alive, thankfully, the only good news he could’ve hoped for.
He tries to make the best of his situation, without you. Of course he misses you. More than he can say. But he knows he can’t dwell on you forever. Especially once he receives your letter, telling him not to be sad, but to take care of your child to the best of his ability.
And he really does. For himself, and for you. His child is raised in a loving environment, aboard the Astral Express, and Himeko is of great help in raising his child. She becomes a sort of mother figure for your child.
Welt likes to think you would be okay with that.
Jing Yuan: Jing Yuan, for once in his life, is at a loss for words, and he genuinely doesn’t know what to do with himself when he’s handed his baby but told you didn’t make it.
But the General is familiar with loss. It’s not a foreign concept to him. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less to lose you, but he knows for his own sake, and the sake of his child that he must move on.
Yanqing becomes an older brother figure to your child, and with his help Jing Yuan finds coping with your passing a little easier. When he’s not busy raising his child, he spends his time in the gardens, reflecting on his time with you, and how short lived your life together was, and how regrettable it is. But he also remembers all the happy times, those are truly important, he knows this, and chooses to focus on honoring the good memories he shared with you, and he looks forward to when his child is old enough to hear about you. He treasures your letter, and keeps it in a drawer of his nightstand, so he can remind himself of the mission you gave him as a father and not as the General.
Sampo Koski: Didn’t want this child in the first place. He’d much rather have you. But then your letter arrives and he does feel a twinge of guilt in his soul. Alright. Fine. If your dying wish was for him to raise this child, then he’ll TRY. He’s still not a great dad. He’s very busy with ‘work’, but he does make a bit more of an effort to speak to and understand his kid.
He’s surprised, but he actually likes his kid quite a bit. They’re like a little you. That’s so precious. Maybe being a father isn’t so bad?
He has a Lot of room for improvement when it comes to fatherhood. He really does. But he does his best too. The type of father who probably brings you up when his kid is a little too young for the news. It’s hard to blame him. He’s just excited to tell his kid about you.
Gepard Landau: takes the news pretty hard. He’s handed his child and all he can think about is you, and how you should be the first one to hold this baby but No you’re DEAD and you can’t hold your baby and-
He spirals a bit. He has a hard time raising the child on his own. At first. Until Serval comes to him with a letter from you, begging you to please do his best if anything should happen to you.
Well, it fills him with determination. Determination to make you proud. Determination to take care of his child.
Serval babysits while he’s at work, which is often, but even when he’s exhausted from work he always comes home and makes time for his kid.
He really is a good dad. Your letter was just what he needed to pull him to his senses. And he has his sister to help him when he needs that assistance, or a nudge in the right direction.
Luocha: (based on my own assumptions about this mysterious man that will Probably be disproved or something in later game updates lolol) Luocha takes the news…a little angrily actually. He can’t believe you’d go and die on him like that, especially for a child he doesn’t even really want. He receives your letter, resists tearing it to shreds in anger. He knows he’ll regret it if he did that. For him, death is not the end. He’ll find a way to bring you back. And he devotes himself even harder to studying immortality.
He doesn’t necessarily…neglect his child. But he’s not a great father without you around. He’s distracted. Focused on his research and work. He doesn’t really have time to raise his child, but he will, since you seemed to desire it so much.
Let’s just say he does his job, but he’s not a great dad without you around. He’d be much better if you were alive and well and by his side.
Blade: Blade is just as quiet and as impassive as ever when he receives the news. But anyone who knows him can tell he’s taking the news HARD.
He entrusts his child to Kafka and Silver Wolf, and just disappears for about a week, your letter in hand. If this is your last wish for him, then fine, he shall fulfill it, he just…needs a moment to grieve you properly. Hence the sudden disappearance.
He grieves hard. He actually cries over your death, in private, away from everyone. He misses you so much. He can’t believe you’d just…leave him alone in this world.
When he returns, it’s like nothing’s happened, except for the fact he has a child to take care of. He quietly thanks Kafka and Silver Wolf for taking care of them while he’s away, and then takes on the responsibility himself. He’s still distant and cold towards his child, but he’s trying his best, and he has Kafka to help him along.
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chubphoe-linkclick · 3 months
People like to point to a lot of random scenes in Link Click to justify why ShiGuang being romantic is canon. Now, I'm not the creator of Link Click, I have no authority on the subject. So most the time, it's a "lets agree to disagree" situation.
However, there is one scene from Episode 1 that I find down-right offensive for people to point to as evidence of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang being an item:
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There is no doubt that this scene is incredibly beautiful and loving, but romance isn't what makes this scene beautiful, nor is it what makes the bond they share so touching and engaging to watch. The fact that they honest-to-God love and care about each other is.
What makes this particular scene really lovely is information we're given later in the show. Its full tenderness only clicks in hindsight once we know more about the characters and Cheng Xiaoshi's past. Specifically, when we understand more about how their powers work and the tragic fact that Xiaoshi is (effectively) an orphan.
So we need to back up a few steps.
The scene begins with us seeing Emma dreaming about her parents, and we eventually see a visual representation of how Cheng Xiaoshi is also experiencing this dream as her, taking on her feelings.
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Then there's her parents leaving, metaphorical for how out of her life they are now and how much Emma misses her parents (duh).
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The fun part comes from the fact that it's not Emma we see as a child at this point, but Xiaoshi. He is being left behind by his parents.
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Look at this face. IT'S THE FACE OF PAIN, and for me it honestly didn't make sense why this dream was as emotionally impactful for him as it was (on my first watchthrough).
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Afterwards Cheng Xiaoshi wakes up, and Lu Guang notices this. At times like this, I really appreciate the dub for localising what's being said better than the more literal subtitles (even though the dub definitely says some shit that just ain't true). The dub's word choices are:
LG: "You're up?" CXS: "I dreamt that I had spring rolls with my parents." LG: "Folks on your mind?" CXS: "Yeah, and they're on hers as well."
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LG: "When you became her, you took on some of her feelings and her memories. It must be tough." CXS: "... I wonder if they'll come back."
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and then Cheng Xiaoshi rolls over and starts hugging himself tightly because of the unbearable pain
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It takes a hot second for Lu Guang to realise what Cheng Xiaoshi actually means by his statement, that the 'they' in question is his own parents rather than anyone in Emma's life. Naturally, Lu Guang understands that Cheng Xiaoshi is suffering immensely right now because Xiaoshi's being forced to feel the agonising hole is his life that came from the worst thing that ever happened to him.
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And so, he reaches through time and space (metaphorically?) to comfort him, his all-time best friend and, yes, potential romantic partner, telling him that "It will work out, just rest." Because SWEET JESUS, WHO WOULDN'T TRY COMFORTING THEIR FRIEND IN THAT MOMENT!? WHO??
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It's beautiful. It's sweet. It's loving. It shows how in-tune they are to each other and that they care about each other's well being. No macho shit here, only a wholesome connection that we are all jealous of and celebrate.
Bonus analysis: knowing Cheng Xiaoshi's emotional state at this point, his re-suffering of the pain from being separated from his parents, then makes the message from Emma's mother and his reaction to it all the more emotionally touching.
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Maybe the reason he sent the reply "I miss you" wasn't even for Emma's sake in that moment, but a result of the line between his own loneliness and hers having become so blurred in that sleepy moment.
I'd just like to clarify again, if you think they're gay together: cool. If you think this scene is the reason why: not cool.
Romance isn't the highest form of love, and it's not gay or weird to love your friends. What Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have is really beautiful, and I honestly don't think I've ever seen such a great depiction of two men who are so comfortably close to each other.
Whether their relationship is platonic or otherwise doesn't really matter here. What upsets me is the unhealthy elevation of romantic love as the most true and purest form of love over all other kinds -- that you can only care about someone this much and want them in your life ONLY if you want to marry them or something -- an idea that ends up hurting a lot of people.
Romance isn't what makes this scene beautiful, nor is it what makes the bond they share so touching and engaging to watch. The fact that they honest-to-God love and care about each other is.
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lovelybrooke · 8 months
how do you think the strawhat's would react to reader coming out as trans? (Specifically ftm) I think sanji would have the most interesting reaction honestly
You're writing is awesome btw
(Yandere Strawhats with Ftm reader).
In my fics, I try to keep everything gender neutral, but I really like the idea of this. Most of there reactions are kinda the same, so this is short. Keep in mind that I am not trans, so if I get anything incorrect please tell me.
Also, I've finished Water 7, so this will be the first headcanons including Franky, yay!
Since you mentioned him, I'll talk about Sanji first. Like I said, I write my fics with a gender neutral reader in mind, so I've avoided writing Sanji as a complete simp. Rather, I try to write him as a caregiver who just wants to see you happy and taken care of.
That's how I think Sanji would act. He'd be honestly kinda overwhelming, constantly making sure no one disrespects you. Sanji isn't the complete image of masculinity, he cooks and cleans, but he also provides and protects and I'd like to think he'd remind you that there isn't a right or wrong way to be you. He doesn't care how you identify because that doesn't really change his opinion on you.
Because of this, he fully supports you being trans because he cares about you. As long as you're safe and happy, none of that really matters to him.
Luffy is a very carefree person and does not care at all if you're trans. His behavior can come off as him not comprehending what you're telling him, but that's not the case.
A lot like Sanji, Luffy does not care about your gender, he cares about you being safe. I like to think that Luffy doesn't really take things like that into account, you know? Like he respects you and is proud you feel comfortable telling him that but also nothing really changes with him. He's still insanely protective, possessive, and demanding of your time. He doesn't see a point in changing how he, you're still the same you.
Zoro is a little different. Zoro is much more aware of his masculine energy, how people perceives him as a man and how that affects the way he's treated by other people. A lot of people think Zoro is stupid, but I think he'd be aware that people are more likely to respect him because he's a "manly man."
However, he wouldn't have a problem with you coming out. Zoro from a young age was forced to face the reality of gender roles, and how gender roles affect people and how they perceive themselves. As a child, he was very one note, believing woman were weak and defenseless. But very quickly that changed, and it's why he's so cool with you coming out now.
He never once thought less of you when you were a woman, and like Luffy, didn't really care. When you come out to him, his opinion of you doesn't change. I actually think he'd become a little bit more protective, because like I said, Zoro understands the complexity of gender and knows there are people out there who won't respect you. Whenever there are bad days, he reminds you that he'll always be there for you, that the'll all always be there for you.
Nami is very supportive. She honestly doesn't really know how to react, but quickly realizes the venerability of the situation and attempts not to overwhelm you too much.
She really just wants to be there for you. She wants you to know that she can help you with anything, getting new clothes, offering to cut your hair, anything that would make you more comfortable.
Like the others, she's super protective. Less of the "I'll cut your tongue out if you misgender them." but more of the "I'll literally curse you and your entire family out in front of your children if you look at them wrong." She knows she isn't the strongest, but that doesn't change how much she desires to keep you safe.
Robin, the same as Nami, is very supportive and very protective. I think since Robin is literally a genius (she's such a queen, I'm jealous) her and Chopper are the one's who understand things like gender dyshoria the most. She understands that she'll never completely understand what you're feeling, but is sympathetic and offers herself as a person to talk to if you're feeling alone.
Like I've mentioned, she's just as protective of the others, but doesn't show it in front of you. She understands that you're in a venerable state, and that you're most likely overwhelmed with how everyone's been acting. So, she keeps civil in front of you, for your sake.
Chopper is a doctor, and so he takes a more medical approach to everything. He'd never imply that you need things like gender dysphoria to be trans, but will also be a reliable person to go to if you do feel that way.
He's the one who makes sure you're always safe, especially if you're in the process of transitioning. For example, if you chest bind, then he makes sure you're doing so safely. He also remind you that medical procedures aren't always needed, and he doesn't want to push something onto you that you don't feel comfortable with, especially if you're already confident in yourself and your gender.
But other than his professional side, he's also a really good friend, and is happy to help you feel more happy in your own skin. He's always the first one to ask if you're doing okay, especially in public situations where people aren't always as nice.
I feel like out of all of them, Usopp is more lighthearted. He doesn't pretend like he understands everything, and definitely doesn't want to speak over you and your own experiences. So, he tries to lighten the mood by making tasteful jokes, never at your own expense. It's a good reminder that nothing has changed between all you, that they're all still your friends.
However, somethings Usopp feels stupid, upset that you don't come to him whenever you're feeling down. He tries to go to Robin or Chopper and asks them to teach him about everything, until he has a very rare big brain moment and realizes he can just ask you.
He likes when you teach him about aspects of yourself, because it makes him feel as though you're closer than every other person on the crew. Again, however, he doesn't try to cross any boundaries, and won't ask about anything he knows you're uncomfortable with.
Finally Franky, who's like Luffy, he doesn't really care. He's smart, he understands what you're going through, but it doesn't change what he already thinks about you.
He cares deeply for you, and does everything he can to make you happy. He's like a mixture of Zoro and Usopp, he's protective but also jokey. In a way, he's also like Robin, where he's happy-go-lucky and supportive in front of you, but fiercely protective of you when it's just him. He can't stand people being rude to you, mainly because he doesn't really understand it. He doesn't get how people could be rude to you, especially about something that doesn't really affect anyone other than you.
A/n: I didn't mention anything like hormone therapy and surgery because I didn't know how to include it in the headancons, and because I'm cis and don't want to get anything wrong. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. Please tell me if I got anything incorrect so I can fix it, thank you.
(Also sorry this wasn't really Yandere, I tried).
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marveloustimestwo · 22 days
Hii :))) please can I request some general headcanons for platonic tony stark? Sorry I don't have anything specific
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Hello :) I'm always happy to do general headcanons for characters, so thanks for sending this in!
Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of Tony's daddy issues
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I can see Tony getting attached in a few ways.
The easiest way this could happen is if you were his biological child, especially if you came from his Playboy days and he only found out a few years after you were born.
Tony can admit that he never had a good relationship with his father. The man had always been away for work, and even when he was home, he was cold and affectionless.
So in a case where he suddenly figures out that he has a kid whom he didn't have the chance to meet for several years, he will heavily overcompensate.
He never wants to be like his own dad and the fact that he wasn't around for the first few years will have him scrambling to make up for that.
Of course, the easiest way for Tony to do that initially is with his money. Depending on how old you are, he'll get you gifts that range from toys to books to super fancy computers.
And when he finds out what some of your interests are, you'll have far more than you would need to entertain those interests.
If you're an artist, you'll have all that you could need for your medium, such as incredibly expensive paint sets or the most expensive drawing tablet he could find.
If you enjoy reading, you'll have the most extensive library you could ever need, all right at your fingertips.
And Tony would be especially ecstatic if you were interested in science.
He wouldn't be like his father. Whatever interest you have, he'll be more than happy to learn about it just so he can spend time with you.
All those years without him won't mean much now that he's around all the time.
But if you take after him and are especially smart in science/robotics, you will not have a moment of peace.
He already spends hours in his lab, battling insomnia and nightmares, but you make it better. Now, working isn't just something to distract him, it's also something to bond with you over.
Even if the specific branch of science you're interested in is something he doesn't know yet, he would have no problem learning it.
Tony would happily spend hours in the lab with you, either building things with you or doing his own thing while you worked on your own interests.
The only things that would pull him out of it would be Pepper or Jarvis, who would have to remind him to take care of his own and your physical needs.
In that sort of situation, Tony would not take being separated from you again lightly. If your mother has issues with the way he interacts with you, he would have no problem trying to get full custody.
It would be rather easy considering he's filthy rich, but he'd still rather you have your mother in your life.
Another way I could see him becoming like this is obviously with Pepper.
It'd be like a dampened-down version of the last scenario. He'd want to be better than his father now that he has you, except unlike the previous scenario, he has all the time in the world to do it.
Especially since Pepper can and will keep him in check, so he won't overdo it completely. Tony just sees it as him screwing over his father and showing him that it can be done right.
Thirdly, while I think this is a little more unlikely, you could also be someone younger Tony ends up taking under his wing.
Especially if you're a young hero. If you work around or closely with the Avengers in some way, and he finds out that you're in your teens or early twenties, he will do his best to make sure you don't end up like him.
Tony has a lot of guilt, trauma, and PTSD from being a hero. He can recognize he was extremely arrogant when he was younger, and he didn't take things as seriously as he should have.
If he could save you from all of that, he would in a heartbeat.
Plotonically, Tony will try to do everything he can to make you feel loved. He refuses to be like his father. No matter what, you will know exactly how much he would do for you.
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tartsinarat · 22 days
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Meet Till Eulenspiegel, or Tilly
They’re a mischievous little palisman who loves spreading chaos but internally they deeply wish for a person who could fill the gap their original owner left so they’re always trying out new owners until that person gets tired of them due to their strong attitude and lack of interest in being used as a staff because they prefer to be flying about in their animal form rather than be used as a tool.
Their original owner was a huge human folklore nut (specifically German folklore) so when they carved them, he made them be a Wolpertinger which is basically the jackolope’s more chaotic looking cousin and even named them after a famous German folklore character/ possibly real person.
But their original owner got killed at some point (not too sure how but because of Tilly’s name being based on a guy who was famous for hating authority it was probably due to rebelling against the empire) and after attempting for many decades to find the perfect owner who doesn’t give up on them or find them hard to deal with and then abandon them, they ended up in the care of the bat queen.
Until Pip came along because he had to run an errand with Luz for Eda because she was too busy with other stuff to go help the bat queen.
Originally Pip wasn’t even going to come along because the bat queen has tried to kill him multiple times for reasons he doesn’t understand as he avoids being around her and palisman like if they were the plague but it’s because the bat queen senses that he’s a threat due to his curse and how there’s a palisman spirit stuck in him so she wants to kill him to avoid more palisman deaths and save the poor guy who’s stuck there but since this episode is during early season two, they really needed the snails and Pip didn’t want to just abandon Luz so he went over anyway to help out.
The bat queen didnt make too much of a fuss about Pip coming along with Luz because she needs all the help she can get. This is because a bunch of palisman that were under her care were found by scouts and were about to be delivered to Belos and she can’t leave her babies or the rest of the palisman behind just in case there’s more scouts so that’s why she needed their help.
One of the palisman who managed to escape being captured was Tilly, so they ended up guiding Luz and Pip to the rest of them but on the way they ended up taking a liking to Pip due to at first thinking he was a fair maiden (Tilly is slightly blind due to a part of her carving process going slightly wrong) because of his longer hair in comparison to Luz but ngl a funnier explanation is that Tilly immediately sensed that Pip is genderfluid before he even knew it lmaoooo.
But yeah anyways after the rescue mission goes successfully, Tilly ends up deciding to stay with Pip much to both the Bat queen’s and Pip’s disappointment because they really liked how he tricked the scouts by dressing up as one but also decided to play a couple of extremely dangerous (but only the scouts) pranks in meantime to distract the guards from noticing Luz speeding away with all of the captured palisman.
Even though Pip is extremely hesitant about the whole having a palisman thing, they still end up getting along swimmingly as Pip doesn’t really like using staffs or magic in general and so tilly is able to roam around as much as they want but they don’t actually mind being used as a staff by Pip after a while because they both end up having such a good friendship but Pip still always asks them first if they’re alright with doing a spell together or if she is comfortable with him using her to fly
Tilly is also sort of co-owned by Luz as Pip at the beginning didn’t trust himself enough to be around Tilly for long periods of time due to the trauma of being forced to munch on a palisman when he was younger so he has Luz look after them when he feels like he can’t cope with the situation at the moment.
Luz loves Tilly and takes care of them as if they were her own child/ palisman whenever she’s on palisman-sitting duty although Pip thinks she spoils Tilly too much (but to be honest Pip probably spoils her even more but doesn’t realise it.)
So Tilly really likes Luz and even occasionally allows her to use them as a staff when owlbert isn’t around.
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An example of a Wolpertinger so it shows I’m not making this shit up, this one is a mix of a rabbit, deer, a squirrel and a bird but I’m not sure of what type.
In real life they’re a joke mythological creature that was created for tourism so they have the most funniest lore I’ve ever read for a myth, for example the way to catch one of these bad boys is to have a fair maiden because they have an attraction to them but on the other hand they’re also tricksters who make tourists who explore forests lose their direction and starve to death…so uh yeah there’s more to them than that but those two are my favourite traits.
Tilly is specifically a mix of a rabbit, a deer, an owl and a skunk.
The owl part has a specific reason because the literal translation of “Eulenspiegel” is owl-mirror but is also garbled version of an expression for "wipe-the-arse"… This is because of the nature the character Tilly is named after as he was a legendary German peasant who later had a bunch of folklore created due to being a insane prankster who would defy any and all authority which I think fits into Tilly’s species and personality perfectly.
As well I designed her knowing that she’ll eventually ends up as Pip’s palisman hence why theyre a hybrid (just like him) but also I think by them being part bird it’ll be something that helps him feel more comfortable about having a palisman, especially one that’s part owl who hates authority like Eda who he has a great respect for.
Oh yeah and Rip Muffin, aka the original palisman I had originally planned for Pip to have but couldn’t because Waffles was a thing in season 3 and it felt awkward to have both hunter and Pip with Blue jays, but because I’m not bothered to design another palisman oc ever again due to how much it sucks to figure out their staff forms she’s now the Palisman that Pip got forced to eat by Belos when he was younger.
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the-oc-lass · 1 month
Because Dave Filoni really looked at us and said “FUCK YOUR TECH DREAMS!”
Tech did not return and I am screaming.
Anyway, please enjoy Tech and a Baby
Crosshair and a Baby
Wrecker and a Baby
Gregor and a Baby
Echo and a Baby
Full fic below the cut in case you don't want to go to Ao3:
Tech isn’t what you would call a “baby guy.” Babies are illogical and can’t be reasoned with. At least once they reach a certain age, you can start communicating and getting some understanding out of them. Unfortunately for Tech, baby Echo “Ec” Yothia is still just that: a baby. None of this is to say that Tech doesn’t love Ec because, no, no, he does. He just tends to find himself a little…Uncertain when it comes to the child. He prefers to simply observe others interacting with him rather than truly engaging with the child himself. 
So, of course, he would find himself in this situation. Ec’s mother, Rayona, has been working herself incredibly hard for the clone rebellion. As the acting pseudo-General and one of two resident Jedi, she takes what she does very seriously. She’s worked herself so hard, in fact, that Echo, as their resident Rayona-specialist, has taken it upon himself to start enforcing nap times for her. This is fine. Usually, it’s Echo or one of the other Bad Batch squad members that sit or lay with her to make sure she actually rests, some even resorting to lying on top of her. The problem is, Rex has Hunter and Wrecker helping him with a job and Crosshair is preoccupied with Omega. Apparently, Rayona is extra unwilling today, so Echo said it would be best for him to enforce nap time. Which leaves Tech with the baby. 
“Are you absolutely certain that you cannot come and watch over him? I am not equipt for the caretaking of an infant,” he says into his comm. He can hear Crosshair laughing on the other side of the transmission, but it’s Omega who answers. 
“Sorry, Tech. Crosshair and I are busy with Plaa and Ky right now.” Ah, of course. Rayona’s Jedi friend and her padawan/adopted daughter. Crosshair has taken a rather keen interest in them. “Have you asked any of the others?” 
“I have accounted for everyone else in the base. They are all either busy or not currently able to properly watch over Ec. While I am not equipped to care for him, I will not pass Ec off to someone who has more pressing matters to attend to. His safety is prioritized over my own comfort,” Tech says. He adjusts his goggles slightly. “I will attend to him. Thank you for your help, Omega.” 
“Good luck, Tech!” With that cheerful send-off, Omega is gone and Tech is once again alone with his thoughts and the infant. Ec stares up at him with big brown eyes, taking a moment before he smiles and reaches up toward Tech’s face, gurgling. His hand waves toward Tech’s eyes in particular, and Tech quickly deduces that he must be able to see his reflection in Tech’s goggles. He shifts the child away slightly, hoping to avoid getting any small fingerprints on his goggles. After taking a few moments to consider what he could possibly do with the child, he comes up with an idea. 
For the time being, Tech sets up Ec’s feeding chair near his workstation and places Ec in it. This will allow him to monitor the child but will prevent Ec from possibly grabbing something he shouldn’t. With Ec out of his lap for the moment, Tech is able to work on his latest project. It is, however, a project for Ec. A common problem is that Ec constantly needs to be held since there aren’t many good places to put him down. Tech has been working on a solution for that. Simply put, a hovering pram for Ec to rest in. It would make it easier to transport him around while still having one’s arms free. Tech decided to fit it with an energy shield, should the day ever come when they need to move the baby through an active battlefield. He also asked about mounting small automatic turrets to shoot anyone not in a specific scan-related database, but Rayona had very quickly nixed that idea. Despite his well-cited argument about the turrets keeping Ec safe, she’d argued that it was “too dangerous” for the rest of them. A rather preposterous concern, if you ask Tech, but he went along with Rayona’s wishes. She is Ec’s mother and Tech respects her too much to go against her will. It’s easy for him to focus all his attention on the project in front of him…At first. After approximately three minutes and thirty-six seconds, Ec begins to babble. Tech ignores him at first. He can’t expect the infant to be quiet, after all. They’re only quiet when they sleep. However, it quickly becomes clear that Ec is seeking attention and Tech looks over at him. 
“Yes?” he prompts, though he knows Ec won’t respond. Ec giggles and smiles at him, and Tech adjusts his goggles as he considers what to do. Ec seemed pleased that Tech spoke to him, which makes sense considering that infants recognize the sounds of speech. After Rayona had Ec, Tech also read that speaking to infants helps their cognitive development, meaning they’re able to acquire speech and language skills sooner. Perhaps he could help move that process along. Yes, that solution will do nicely. Tech pulls the feeding chair a little closer to his side, turning it slightly so that Ec can watch him work. “Now, Ec, while I understand that you do not currently have the capacity to understand me, I assure you that listening to me will help with your mental development. Now, as you can see, I’m currently wiring together the necessary controls to activate and deactivate the energy shield over the body of the pram. Once that is complete I will finish calibrating the repulsorlift and set it to the inner shell, which will allow your pram to hover, therefore making you easier to transport. I should also incorporate a sensor so that the pram can be summoned from a distance, and the sensor can be synced to your mother and-” 
“Why are you sayin’ all that to him?” Tech lifts his head from his work, turning to look over his shoulder. Ah, it seems that Wrecker and Hunter have returned. Tech adjusts his goggles again. 
“I had read that speaking to an infant helps with their mental development, especially when it pertains to speech skills,” he says. Wrecker blinks, clearly confused, and Tech sighs. “If I continue to talk to Ec, it is likely that he will learn to talk more quickly.” Now Wrecker’s eyes widen with understanding. 
“Oh. I get it. But why all that…Smart stuff? Doesn’t he want to hear about baby stuff?” he asks. Tech glances at Ec, who he finds looking back at him. When Tech’s eyes land on him, Ec smiles and babbles slightly. Tech smiles slightly in satisfaction before looking back at Wrecker.
“I believe my ‘smart stuff’ is plenty entertaining for Ec. Perhaps he will retain some of it and someday have an intellect matching my own,” he says, perhaps just a little proudly. Hunter appears at Wrecker’s side, helmet held against his hip. 
“Does that mean you don’t want us to take him? Omega mentioned that you weren’t sure what to do with him,” he says. Tech once again looks down at Ec, who is still smiling at him. 
“No. He may remain with me,” he says after a moment. Hunter shrugs, then gestures to Wrecker with his head. The two leave and Tech turns back to his project, though not without briefly brushing some of Ec’s hair back. “Now, where was I? Ah, yes. I should consider making some sort of gauntlet or chip to ensure that your pram can be summoned to…”
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tgrailwar-zero · 2 months
... leaving aside the fact that some Servants have categorically, measurably better luck than others... do we even have enough cash to blow on gambling?
... is there a signup fee for the Flaming Bout or can we just put out hat in the ring?
.... Caster, Caster, dear beloved empress, why did you make me think about gambling- now I wanna test my luck... the slot machines are calling to me... the poker tables are calling to me... the roulette wheels- well maybe not the roulette wheels, but...
Rider, please be a voice of reason on this...
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NERO: "I cannot relate to those urges that you and Saber seem to have. I only like games of chance if I win. Who wishes to lose money? Money is to be spent, not wasted."
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CONSTANTINE: "I get the feeling there's no stopping you all. I'll watch the little one and wait in the lobby, maybe ask around. Don't spend too much in one place, like you said we don't know if there's an entrance fee yet. Just… be careful."
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CONSTANTINE: "Not a bad idea. I'll see what I can find related to our Pharaoh, and keep the little one with me. I'd rather the child not get caught up in the gambling."
MUSASHI: "I'll keep them safe, okay?"
CONSTANTINE: "Oh, like it's just them I'm worried about? You stay out of trouble too, Saber."
With that, he stepped off on his own, taking the little guy by the hands.
(CONSTANTINE has temporarily left the party!)
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She feigned a deep gasp, as if gravely offended.
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MUSASHI: "I don't cheat, I strategize. And I'm better at swordfighting. Playing cards would be fun, but I probably couldn't pull a ton off without a plan first. Or... what's it they say in modern movies? 'Casing the joint'?"
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That was about right. The voice matched up.
Your Assassin, OKADA IZOU...
ASSASSIN... he was surly, loyal to a fault, and had horrible gambling luck. Far from the most heroic of individuals, but he wasn't an unpleasant person to be around-- when he was in a good mood at least.
He was also notoriously bad at gambling, and yet notoriously obsessed with it, if your memory served you right.
Outside of the 'black box' prison, he had also died at the hands of KARNA after killing ASCLEPIUS, but considering those memories were much less clear, it was best to remember the good times like 'Grail Force'.
IZOU was a blade, coated with blood and grime, but as effective as even the most luxurious of swords.
Approaching the table, you could see that he wasn't in the best of moods or situations.
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IZOU: "Hey… mind loaning me a few bucks? Not a lot, just enough so I can afford this blind..."
GAUDY MAN: "Wahahaha! Why? What's the fun in winning my own cash back?"
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GAUDY MAN: "However, if you really think you can pay me back… I'll loan it, with interest."
IZOU: "You're downright criminal, you know that?"
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GAUDY MAN: "Come on, what if you win this time? And win big too, so that you actually turn a profit."
IZOU: "Bastard…"
Despite his cursing, you could already see him rummaging around in his wallet.
GAUDY MAN: "Attaboy. You need to spend money to make money, my friend. And see? Your goodwill has been rewarded by a couple of beautiful women and their pet ominous shadow gracing our presence."
They seemed to have noticed your arrival, looking up from the table as you, NERO, and MUSASHI approached.
OKADA IZOU, abruptly stood up, pointing in your direction. Or, more specifically, in MUSASHI's direction.
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IZOU: "Saber? Saber, if that ain't you! Long time no see! I could never forget a pretty face like yours!"
It seems like he didn't pay much attention to you at the moment. You weren't exactly sure what you looked like previously, so there was a solid chance he just didn't recognize you.
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MUSASHI: "I didn't think you'd be here, Assassin. How are things?"
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IZOU: "Ah, the summonin' is a new deal. But... Say, do you and your rich-looking friend have some PPT you can loan an old pal? I swear I'm good for it."
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MUSASHI: "Straight to asking for money? Assassin… take the war out of the picture and you're just sort of a slimeball, huh?"
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IZOU: "C'mon, you're breakin' my heart here."
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NERO: "As far as men go, I'd opt to call them both unsavory in very different ways."
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GAUDY MAN: "Well, 'Assassin', don't just start up a conversation without introducing me. Especially in the company of such lovely ladies and their... well, dark and looming bodyguard, I presume?"
The man by IZOU spoke up, lightly clapping the Assassin on the back. He had a roguishly charismatic air about him, and seemed as slick as he was strong. He had the eyes of a schemer, similarly to CASTER.
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DURYODHANA: "My name is Duryodhana, a pleasure. Though, when I grace the battlefield, the crowds have taken to calling me 'Jishnu'. It means 'Triumphant', where I hail from. I know, I know, it's a lot, but what can I say? The people call it as they see it."
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MUSASHI: "Nice to meet you. You can just call me 'Saber', for now."
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NERO: "I am Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Though Emperor Nero will suffice."
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DURYODHANA: "An Emperor? Well, how about that? I'm royalty myself! How about some drinks for our new friends? I've come into quite a windfall recently thanks to my swordsman friend here, you see. Hahahahaha!"
DURYODHANA flagged down some of the waitstaff as he cackled heartily, as IZOU placed a hand on his blade, smiling wickedly.
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IZOU: "Oh, fuck off… I'll kill you, you know? Stab you right through that exposed gut."
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DURYODHANA: "I'd love to see you try."
The two men, the former with the eyes of a killer and the latter with the glare of a demon, stared at one another.
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There was a moment of tension where you really thought they actually would slaughter each other in the middle of this casino, before they both laughed and clinked their drinks together.
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see-arcane · 10 months
I think the issue with Renfield is that Dracula primarily hunts for young blood. Every single older person, like Mr Swales or [redacted] and [redacted] he simply murders conventionally.
I'd say he does prefer young blood as a matter of either taste and/or preference in collection, but Renfield's situation--specifically wanting to join Dracula in his condition with all its promise of immortality and power--probably rubs the Count's hackles the wrong way for a more specific reason.
We've seen him inhale a ship's crew without any mind games reserved for anyone but the final unlucky survivors, the First Mate and the Captain. However old or young the sailors were, they all got slaughtered. The First Mate may have been intended as a conscripted party; just for the pleasure of inflicting the condition on a victim who knows and fears exactly what that state entails. Hence the First Mate committing suicide by the sea rather than risk Dracula's 'welcome.' We never learn the First Mate's age; only that he chose death rather than risk whatever Dracula intended for him.
We've also seen him work with willing laborers in the form of the men who came to fill and move the earth boxes at the castle. Be it for pay, or under duress, or both, these hired men did the work the Count asked of them and laughed at the sight of a victim of their employer begging for help. However happily or grudgingly, these guys were on the Count's team. Dracula can function in a symbiotic relationship with others when he needs/wishes to...
...but none of those men were vampires. Which brings us back to Renfield.
Renfield is a middle-aged man bound to an asylum cell who promises fealty to the Count as his master in exchange for Dracula's accepting/turning him. As yet, there's no immediate benefit to be gained by acknowledging him. Certainly none to be gained by turning him. Specifically because Renfield wants it.
How old is Dracula? How many times do you think he's encountered those like Renfield, pulling at his cloak like a child at mother's aprons strings, begging for a share of his power without realizing the tradeoff? Or worse, knowing and not caring?
We're going to see exactly what Dracula's version of vampirism does to a turned victim in this book. It's not pretty. It is, as some folks have suggested, a turning up of impulse and id to the highest power, with all the violent carelessness that entails. It turns good, virtuous, self-sacrificing souls into vicious funhouse mirror versions of themselves, enslaved to Dracula, but ultimately as blithely focused on What I Want Right Now as the Brides were in the castle.
Now consider what would happen if Dracula went around turning, say, business moguls. Hedonistic aristos. Gluttons. Cutthroats. Individuals hungry for power at the cost of others' lives, regardless of species. Renfield is thankfully not striking too high on the food chain as of yet.
But Dracula can scent what Renfield has the potential for as surely as Renfield detected his arrival. He will never risk turning said potential into its worst possible form by way of vampirism. If he did, his little binge on the Demeter would look like a mere cheat day compared to what a full-blown vampiric Renfield would do to an entire dock's worth of bodies.
We've seen already that Dracula has a hell of a time just keeping the Weird Sisters in line, and those are just three girls who we can assume he's had a hold of for potentially centuries. Regardless of any oaths of loyalty from the living man, Renfield would be a bottomless pit the moment he turned, taking up all of Dracula's focus in trying to stop him from devouring the countryside in a spree.
And that would just be Renfield. What would he do with a whole colony made from the foundation of less-than-sterling individuals? Even as the biggest fish in the pond, Dracula's would-be conquest would turn into a massacre of merely non-saintly parties turned into outright demons.
All of which is a very longwinded way of saying Dracula is choosy over more than youth, pretty faces, and the fun of a good mind game. He has to be choosy about a prospective new vampire's spiritual status too.
If Jonathan had just been some asshole, or even just a flatly ordinary man, not only would he not have lasted the two months in the castle, he'd never have been targeted for turning. If Lucy was just some snobbish beauty with a lucrative medical condition, she'd have been dead the first night Dracula called her to him. But they were and are good people; and they were and are afraid of him, consciously or subconsciously. They do not want what he means to give them.
And for cruelty, coveting, conquest, and caution's sake, that's exactly why Dracula forces it on them.
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Part 13
*This is part of an ongoing post series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
During the episode where Anya has to give a report on her parents' work, we learn more about Yor's job as an assassin, which sheds some insightful light on the theme of moral ambiguity in the series. During an interview for the Spy x Family fanbook, Endo states that the Forgers should not be seen as shining examples of moral virtue; he doesn't think it's correct to only see their "nice family" side. And he's right of course, as both Twilight and Yor have professions that revolve around immoral things, like deception and killing. But while Twilight doesn't see those he has to kill or manipulate as "bad guys" necessarily – they're either helpers or hindrances to his missions and that's it – Yor's view is much more black and white. In her mind, all of her targets are traitorous villains, and by killing them, she can take pride in knowing that she's helping her country, much like a soldier.
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While she does try to maintain some humanity in her work, like being extremely careful not to kill the wrong person and making sure her targets die a painless death, it's clear that her view of being an assassin is more straightforward than Twilight's view of being a spy. We don't yet know exactly how Yor became an assassin, but we do know that she started as a child, so it makes sense that she'd be brainwashed into a naive interpretation of her job as simply "helping her country by getting rid of bad guys" (unlike Twilight, who was an adult when he became a spy). And, as I mentioned before, she likely had to forgo a proper education because of her work, and so missed out on many real-world experiences that would allow her to think more critically about the morality of her profession. From what we've seen of her work, eliminating the "bad guys" is technically what she's doing, but we also know that there may come a time when someone she's sent to assassinate is not the villainous scum that she's used to…someone like Twilight perhaps? Just as Twilight's worldview may shatter when he realizes he cares too much for Yor and Anya to continue to deceive them, Yor's childlike opinion of her job would certainly be crushed when she realizes she's being sent to kill people who are not always the "bad guys" that Shopkeeper tells her they are.
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Anya eventually decides to use Twilight's cover up job as a psychiatrist for her report. But at the end of their excursion, when she hastily puts together the sandbox exercise, we see another example of Twilight truly empathizing with her. We saw him start to take a less strict approach in the episode where she got her first stella, where he made an effort to find specific activities she would enjoy rather than continue to push her to be a scholar. But here, his reaction to her chaotic creation in the sandbox is anything but his usual standoffish attitude – he panics about how much stress she must have been under, not only from being in the orphanage, but also from being suddenly dragged to a stranger's house. He even starts blaming himself for not realizing it sooner (has he always been prone to this line of thought, or is Yor's imposter syndrome continuing to rub off on him?)
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His fatherly side is forced out again not too long later when a jealous Bond chews up Anya's Penguinman plush. When Anya adamantly cries that she only wants the plush her papa gave her and won't accept a replacement, Twilight complies. He spends time carefully mending Penguinman (while Yor sits by his side watching intently, giving her full moral support. It's just like her to look that concerned as if he's performing surgery on someone, since she knows how important Penguinman is to Anya!)
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Afterwards, Twilight has just the right things to say to Anya to make her feel better about the whole situation, like how honorable Penguinman's "scars" are, and even quoting an episode of Spy Wars when Bond comes over to apologize.
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The Twilight that first adopted Anya and saw nothing but annoyance in her irrational behavior, would certainly not have adapted so well to the situation. Yet another example of how his skills as a father are improving, slowly but surely.
Continue to Part 14 ->
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