#but she hasn't really done anything crazy yet
I have a vague memory of Irey being able to do absolutely terrifying things with the speedforce too? She could make her Impulse costume out of energy like Wally could but couldn't she also like. Wrap people in pure speedforce cocoons and control their lifespans
... no...?
I mean. This is actually super weird for me because my personal headcanon is that she'll grow up to do those things but... uh.. no, she's never done that in canon
The suit thing, yeah. Most speedsters can do the suit thing.
Wally has made lil tiny baby speedforce cocoons to hold arsenic bombs and stuff. But, as far as I'm aware, there haven't been any people sized speedforce cocoons.
It seems doable but it also doesn't seem doable. Idk. Speedsters usually have to be super close to their constructs (like, touching them) for them to exist because (although they don't like to admit it) the constructs are usually more 'extensions of their own body that are too inhumane for them to mentally classify as part of their body without having a mental breakdown' and less 'actual stand alone constructs'. For example, Wally's 'cocoons' were attached to his hands.
Of course that being said, Scouts are speedforce constructs that can exist without touching their speedforce source/creator. But Bart is also on some next level shit with that power. That's not a typical speedster ability. Godspeed made a single Scout for less than a minute and he almost died. Rip to Godspeed but Bart is built different.
So ... Idk. It's a possibility for sure.
Now the aging thing is, again, just a general speedster power. Most speedsters can do this, they just don't know they can do it. Pretty much every speedster controls their own aging and slows down their loved ones aging.
Making someone age super fast or deage is a speedster power as well. It just takes a lot more skill and practice. Not every speedster can do it and, honestly, most haven't tried. I love em but they aren't the most creative bunch. Anyway, it's a power that has been shown before and it's 100% doable. I could totally see Irey being able to do it.
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I know I'm like 7 years late, but I finally got round to watching the first episode of Anne with an E.
So here's part 1 of AWAE memes
The auidence getting introduced to Anne:
Me watching the intro:
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Anne summed up in one picture:
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Anne, every time she experiences a trumatic flashback:
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Anne: Just wanting to be treated with basic human decency
All the adults before the Cuthberts:
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Adult's minds as soon as they see Anne:
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Episode 1 really had everything -
. Gaslight
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. Gatekeep
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. GirlBoss
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What I thought was gonna happen when Anne was running towards that cliff:
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teratosfavouritesnack · 2 months
Hi can you do a part 2 of the ghost lover boy? Like Y/n is being repeatly being bratty and the ghost starts punishing her but of course she cant see him because he's invisible?
Hiii dear, thank you for your request and sorry for the late reply! I already had half an idea how to continue this story but I tried to mix it with your suggestion. Hopefully you like it 💜
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ghost x afab!human - bratty behaviour (kinda), ghost creature doing ghost things, p in v, mirror sex, use of ghost hunting tools, it talks!!! :o
You were wrong. The ghost was no lover boy, just a prankster through and through.
You don’t know exactly how you expected the dynamic to evolve after the events of that day, but you certainly didn’t think it would change so drastically and… not really for the better.
Has this been its intention from the very start? To harass you, play with you and your emotions until you surrendered and offered yourself to it , only to then take it all away? Has it only been having some fun with you and did not in fact care about you at all?
You wish you had an explanation for its sudden disappearance, but you don’t. And you’re so upset about it. So upset that you can’t find peace in your own four walls, because everything makes you think of it and all its stupid pranks. So upset, you can’t even find pleasure in touching yourself anymore because you can’t fuck your cunt the same way its fingers have, you can’t recapture that tingly, almost electricity-charged pressure you felt inside you when it pounded your hole with its hand, no matter how much you attempt to.
You’re losing your mind. It can't just give you a taste of something so delicious and addicting and then take it away a second later! It’s not fair! You need to catch its attention again, try however you can. You exasperate the things that always induced it to harass you; unashamedly bending over the furniture and waiting for it to grind against you, pushing your ass in the air as much as humanly possible whenever you’re doing the laundry, spending a longer time in the shower box hoping it would join you, walking naked around the house more times than not to give it easy access to every inch of you… You do anything to get it to touch you again but nothing seems to work. It’s as if it has completely vanished, as if it’s gone for good from your house. But somehow, you know it ’s still there. You can feel it. Watching you. Maybe laughing at you, at how desperate you look and act. It ’s mocking you, you’re sure.
Resentment merges with desperation, pushing you to buy some of those fancy gadgets paranormal investigators use on their hunts. You place sensors throughout the house and always carry a spirit box on you. You’ll catch its invisible and elusive ass one day or another, you’re sure! To what end? You don't truly know. You didn't think things through. Perhaps you just want to take a win over the ghost, instead. Annoy it, as it has done to you. But as the days pass, the sensors don’t pick up any signal, the spirit box is dead silent and you feel bluer than ever. All is calm...
Until it isn’t.
You invite people over, something you learnt in the past the ghost does not like in the slightest. But the ghost isn't around anymore, is it? You have no reason to be concerned about what it likes or not.
Except you have, because it is still here. Hiding so well from all your stupid tools. Pissed off by their presence, yet even more by the strangers you allowed inside its home. Especially that one fool who seems to orbit around you like a moth to a flame. It hasn't been this displeased in ages, and it can't keep itself hidden any longer. It needs to reclaim its possessions.
The sensors go off all at once, causing everyone to jump in their seats. You told your friends about your haunted house before, but no one believed you; now they all do as the lights go crazy and all kinds of trash is thrown in their faces, forcing everyone to rush to the exit.
Everyone except you.
You’re shocked… but also delighted. You secretly wished something like this might happen. You hoped that disregarding its desires would lead to retaliation. And when you feel that familiar thrilling touch on you again, oh you are ecstatic! Its grasp is a little rougher this time, as it grabs you around the waist and drags you all the way to your bedroom. All the way in front of your large mirror, where you watch your clothes come undone, ripped by unseen fretting hands. Where you can see one of your legs pulled off the ground and your hole stretched open by... nothing. It's mind-boggling to feel so stuffed while being unable to gaze upon the thing that makes your sensitive walls throb so desperately. When it starts to move, you realize it is the ghost who's inside you, with its cock swallowed to the hilt by your cunt. The sensation is unbelievable, so blissful, and unlike anything you've ever experienced before. You don't have any words to describe it. And even if you did, you'd forget all of them. Your mind goes blank when you feel its hand seize your jaw and turn your head downward, forcing you to stare at your hole spreading open and shrinking again as it pushes its length all the way into and then out of you in slow but deep thrusts.
Is this a punishment? Is this a reward? Is this a way to claim you as its own? To make you realize that it is in charge.That it can toy with you anytime it wants, and you have no say in the matter. Whatever does this mean... You do not care. You only care about the pleasure rising in your lower belly, the heat pervading your entire body, the exquisite pressure you feel in your womb as its cock finds that precious spot deep inside you, with one arm wrapped possessively around your waist and the other keeping your leg up.
You’re so out of it, so lost in seeking your release that your ears almost bypass the robotic beep coming from your pants, sprawled at your feet. However, the disembodied voice that follows reverberates through your entire being, instantly pushing you over the edge with a muted scream.
"Pretty. . . . Cunt. . . . All. . . . Mine. . . . . Taking. . . . Me. . . . So. . . . .Well. . . . . Made. . . . For. . . . Me."
You hope it will never leave you again, but if it does... Well, now you know how to make it come out again.
 🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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starzshopoflove · 1 year
Simon "ghost" Riley x Reader
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Notes: fem reader! i hc ghost doesn't wear a mask when he's off duty, this is just whatever rot my mouse brain creates, age gap but not to crazy, sfw mostly ,size kink if you squint, literally just me projecting onto reader sorry
no thoughts just ghost meeting cute little civvie reader in a shop when he's just trying to get his shopping done after coming back from a mission just wanting to fill his fridge with enough beer and groceries that vaguely resemble food
Simon watching you struggle to reach the flour from a set high shelf in the aisle, grumbling to yourself about "who fucking needs flour anyway" still trying to reach it and he just pluck it off the shelf and drops it in your cart before making his way to another aisle and your just left looking stupid watching this giant trudge away with a little blue tesco basket in tow
Simon who notices you at the same book shop he frequents, but your perched behind the counter doing god knows what ( vaguely resembles inventory but hey do what you will) calculator in hand as he peeks from behind a bookshelf trying to remember where he's seen you before.
Civvie reader who passes her days working quietly in a book shop and living in a simple one room flat indulging her romantic needs in fiction too nervous to actually talk to men, fictional ones satisfying her needs better. That is until you see some books on the counter sliding over to scan them.
"Your total's 23.55" you mumble looking at the screen "Cash or Card?" you add before lifting your head to meet the brick wall of a muscle man. Oh OH, no thoughts as you just stare at his pecs in your line of sight thanking whatever god you believe in for the sight before you, better then anything your little brain could muster up even with the detailed descriptions authors would spit out onto the pages you read
You violently peel your eyes away from the most beautiful pair of man tits you've ever seen to see what man was the owner, and by god do you wish you werent so bad around men. I mean the wind practically got knocked out of your lungs as you let out a barely audible squeak watching this man fish in his pockets for his wallet
Messy blonde hair that was in that weird phase of curly but not really, a nose that looks like its seen a good fight, deep set brown eyes, and a few healed scars settled on the skin. Aged but like wine, a really really fine wine
"Right, cash" His hands fiddling through the wallet to pull out the bank notes, while you prayed you didnt look like a hunger dog staring at his hands as they placed the cash on the counter.
Simon who watches the little bookshop employee look like she just got punched in the gut and was trying not groan as she quickly rang him up, Do i smell? he thinks to himself
Simon who watches your smaller hands shuffle the cash into the register, noting how they're free of calluses, nailed neat and slightly grown, soft.
Simon who leaves the bookstore thinking of a excuse to go again tomorrow, not to see the bookshop girl or anything, he has his reasons!! he just hasn't thought of it yet!!
You start looking up from your notes for your class when the shop bell jingles hoping to see the mystery man whos built exactly like your favorite webcomic character but with the gruff and mature aura of that mc from the game your friend made you play that you cant quite remember. Only disappointed when its just another customer , until later in the day the man returns again.
But its much later in the day and you've switched on the shops warm lights, turning off the ac letting the place warm up as you hear the door jingle again, mystery man making his way to the counter your eyes following his every step, meaty thighs
You who perks up when his forearms settle at the counter suddenly eyes locking onto yours and suddenly very glad you tidied up a bit today, tinted chapstick, perfume, cleaner turtle neck, lashes, lipgloss, earrings ahm
"Tesco" he grumbles out unmoving
"what" well thats not what you were expecting to hear
"You were the girl , couldnt reach the flour yeah?" oh that was him
"Oh, that was you? thank you?" oh what the fuck were you supposed to say?? oh thank you freakishly tall man who watched me struggle?? let me take your whole cock in my mouth while you call me a good pet feeding your meaty length down my throat??
"Yeah" Simon didnt think to much on what to do now, gaze getting awkward now that hes got his confirmation
"Did you need anything" you finally broke the silence, god its fuckin tense in here and hes so close, you wanna just get a sniff but thats hardly workplace behavior doesn't matter if its your dads shop or not.
"Mhm, ye got any cook books?"
"yeah, section 12, shelf 9" whos he cooking for? his wife? i dont see a ring? maybe a long time girlfriend?? who wouldnt snatch up this actual beefcake
"Thanks, tryna cook something new for myself. Flats been quiet" He mumbled like speaking too much would give him a headache
SImon purchased his books same stare at the girls hand like last time as she took his money. God do something you look like a creep staring at this poor girls hands.
"Got a notepad luv?" again that same punched face returned, is she alright? he thought to himself
Oh he just called me luv oh fuck dont wheeze dont wheeze just hand him the pen and paper like a good employee, come on. Oh god dont stare at his arms, are those tattoos oh my god
Sliding back the notepad simon made pace of grabbing his cook book a slipping out the shop just as quick as he went in
You who looked at the notepad almost slipping back out of your chair
"Simon 44 xxx xxx xxx"
Children were singing, the angels sang their songs, the trees regrew in that parking lot down the street, healthcare in america was just made free, and you just got the phone number of a man built like a double door fridge that you have every intention of climbing
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reorientation · 1 month
I'm very late to this kink but I think I've been in it for years? Not even on purpose.
I live with my roommates, me and my three guy friends 💗 which is funny because it just worked out that way. Anyway, years ago I went through this awful break up and we'll just leave at that. I was crazy about this girl and it like actually messed me up when she broke up with me. So in a really weird mental space but just trying to move on from it, I keep getting crazy drunk with my friends, partying through the pain lol
One in particular, we're pretty tight, I'll call him Zach here. So Zach and I were really close at that time, like really really close, and one night we start doing kind of sexual stuff while really drunk. This wasn't a thing between us at all before that night and I can't remember exactly what lead to it, but yeah we're doing some fool around stuff and then more and then more. I'd never done stuff with guys really, not beyond little party game things, like spin the bottle. He knew that and at one point that night he put it inside me and to be honest I wasn't sure what to think.
I remember at the time wondering if I should stop him or something? I don't know it's kind of funny to think about now, but I was thinking maybe he shouldn't do this, maybe I need to tell him this is too much? It felt really weird and I guess I didn't know if it was in a good way or a bad way yet. But he was saying things like "I can't believe you're letting me do this" and "you're letting me ruin you" and it was so hot that I let him fuck me. Those things he was saying were making me so wet and I guess that's this kink.
He never says that stuff anymore I just remember that being the point where my mind just silenced all the "should I tell him not to?" thoughts and it just went blank while he fucked me. It wasn't crazy good sex, we were really drunk, but it was hot and it was very different from what I was used to.
So all and all this made my other friends jealous because both of us told them. At the time it was really odd! No one saw it coming! So they all wanted a turn lol and I had told them that I found it weirdly hot so of course they both wanted to prove something. Okay one of them, we'll call Tom, wouldn't say that but it's kind of true.
Anyway all three of them got their chance and it just became a thing that would happen pretty frequently. Maybe a few times a week? I'm a very horny person so being single has always been hard on me and on top of that I'm an attention whore. I wouldn't say I'm not a lesbian because I'm still not attracted to men but I am definitely a big enough attention whore that it doesn't matter lol I just like that they all need to get with me.
So over the years this arrangement has been a thing I guess, when I'm single they can just fuck me whenever because my libido is really high. They don't talk about me being a lesbian while we fuck but I notice every once in awhile I find it kind of hot that they might think about getting to fuck a lesbian yknow like they think it might change something? I think about how Zach said that stuff and it still makes me wet, I think I should bring it up to him maybe? But that might be weird.
One of the really juicy things that happened recently was that Tom fucked me really hard. Tom has always been a very sweet kind of guy and he definitely is that guy in bed, but he also hasn't been fucking me at all for the past... five months maybe because he has a serious girlfriend. But a few weeks ago he came home and we were chilling and he got very intense and held me down and fucked me really hard from behind. Like toe curling hard. It was so hot and I had already found this kink so I kept thinking about it as like him trying to "break" me.
He hasn't done anything with me since but I wish they would get in on this kink without me saying anything. I feel like I can't say it because it'd be embarrassing and weird, but it'd also kind of ruin it to ask for it? Or maybe it'd just turn my brain off again when they actually said something and it wouldn't matter?
What a pure, sweet example of lesbian sexuality: a girl who's been maximum-convenience, any-time-you-want pussy for three different men for years, but "wouldn't say that I'm not a lesbian because I'm still not attracted to men".
As if it matters! As if your little categorization criterion means anything when you spend your life taking cock whenever men decide you will!
The very first time a man fucked you, he said the right words to get your mind blank and your pussy wet - and now it's years later, and you've been fucked hundreds of times.
And the funny thing is, they don't even have to earn it by playing with the dykebreaking kink. That's your idea, that you use to get off, and you're hoping that they'll indulge you in it. Countless guys get off to the idea, but I don't know if it even really occurs to the men fucking you anymore: how do you see a girl as a lesbian when you and your buddies have been emptying your balls in her for years?
But if you're too shy to ask them to think of you that way, the solution is easy enough. Have you ever spread your legs for them on top of a lesbian flag? Worn a "This is what a lesbian looks like" shirt until they took it off?
Just remind them what you claim to be, as you keep being a good fucktoy for them. With any luck, they'll laugh at you for it, as they fuck your little "lesbian" brains out.
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q-starhalo · 1 year
I never thought about it til just now but you can literally tell that Bad did lose 7 children.
Chayanne - While yes, as of recent there hasn't been much interaction between the two, you can tell Chayanne trusts his uncle Bad just like Phil does. I mean, Phil literally said that a big reason why Bad has access to the bunker was because Bad always keeps an eye out for the egg and will do anything to protect them. And Chayanne and Bad spent a lot of time together! Bad had made a dungeon for Chayanne and was planning on making another one. If Phil can't make, he'll just go to Bad and get his quests done. So if anything happened to Chayanne, Bad would feel highly guilty because Phil and Chayanne trusted him to keep him safe.
Tallulah - Tallulah and Bad are just really sweet (and sad) whenever they're together. Heck, Tallulah mentioned how she sees him and Phil as father figures. Whenever Tallulah feels bad and Phil isn't there, she goes to Bad. She asks him for a hug, for him to tuck her into bed, for him to read one of her papa's letters. She trusts him oh so much that if Bad loses her....oh the guilt he'd have
Ramon - This one, if anything, is pretty self-explanatory. Dapper and Ramon are close to the hip. No questions asked. Bad and Fit would spend a lot of time together babysitting them to the point that if Fit wasn't around, Ramon would follow Bad and Dapper. If I remember correctly, Ramon mentioned how Bad was like a father to him. And somewhat recently! Ramon was on and Bad saw he was alone and Ramon showed him the improvements he's done and any cool machine! So yeah, he'd feel guilty because Ramon saw him as a father figure and Bad just let him down
Leo - I don't care what you think, Leo and Bad always have the best interactions DESPITE the language barrier. With Bad only knowing English and Leo knowing mostly Spanish, they still make it work! If Bad says anything in English, he'd make sure to repeat some keywords in Spanish that he knows to make sure Leo understands what he's trying to say and Leo uses the translation bubbles (I assume) as well! Even in the early days, Bad and Leo spent a good amount of time with each other due to bothering mostly Foolish. There's a reason why Dapper, Leo, and Ramon are considered the triplets of the group. Bad and Leo just have that good dynamic. And Bad losing his niece that would teach him some Spanish and was fun to have around....yeah, he'd feel so much guilt
Richarlyson - Don't know what to tell you. They have spent so many nights together that Richas had a crazy amount of time on the server, only beaten by Bad because he is also crazy. Bad considers him like a son and if anything happened to him, he'd feel so empty without the egg that would just run around.
Pomme - That's his daughter. That's his daughter. He'd do almost anything to protect her. And it's incredible to see Bad's paranoia and anger rub off on Pomme like when Bad was angry at Quackity for kidnapping Dapper. If anything happened to her he'd go feral yet feel so hopeless because that was his daughter.
Dapper - That's his porcupine. His sunshine. His everything. They joke but they're still together. Bad would sing "You are my Sunshine" to Dapper anytime he felt down or he made a mistake. Dapper would always hit her father's head with a shovel but hit someone else's once they speak badly about him. They're each other's lights. It's them against the world always. And if his sunshine is gone, he'd be angry, yes, but he'd be so lost. He failed them.
He failed them all. He failed to protect them. He failed to take care of them. He failed. He failed. Sorry sorry sorry sorry. He failed them and he's so sorry
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Matchmaker Draconia (Lilia)
Inspired by this
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NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
Tall! Lilia referenced because Lilia should be allowed to change forms at will like the Bat King he is.
— ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨
"Wait, for real? Lemme see!"
Malleus angles the book so the Child of Man can see the picture. He has to admit, the picture is very flattering. He hasn't seen Lilia's other form (the Tall Form, as Silver calls it) in a long time, but it's hard not to recognize the man. Sure, the hair is much longer, and his features are much sharper, but his eyes are still the same dark pinkish red, and his smile still holds the same chaos loving curve.
"Damn, Mally-o, your Daddy is hot!" (Y/N) whistles, eyes wide as she takes in the image.
"... Lilia does run a bit warmer than me or Sebek, but his temperature is not too much higher than a human's."
"No– oh, God, I can't believe– Hornton, I meant, like—" she waves her hands around, trying to find the words—"he's, uh, attractive. A total DILF."
"... a total what?"
"Oh, God." she groans, a heavy blush settling on her cheeks. "DILF stands for 'Dad I'd Like to Fuck'."
Malleus stares at her, then at the book, then at the silent walls of Ramshackle. Then back at her as it finally clicks.
"You want to bed my father?"
"Oh, God."
"I see," Malleus takes a hand to his chin, thoughts running through his mind while she hides her embarrassment with her hands. "And does your interest end there?"
"Oh, God, Hornton! Hornton, Mally, Malle-o, Mal-Mal, Horns-a-tron, please shut up," the Child of Man whines, still hiding her face.
"It's important, Child of Man. Does your interest in Lilia end in intercourse?"
"... no...?"
"No. I... Please don't tell Lilia, I'll literally die," she asks, finally showing him her face. Once he nods, she relaxes, and he's glad she trusts him so much to do so. "I really really like him. I might even, like... love him? Maybe? I dunno, I just get really happy when I'm with him and I keep thinking about him and just seeing him makes my day..."
Wow. Malleus was not expecting a full on confession, but it is not unwelcomed. Not when he knows Lilia feels the exact same for the girl, and both Malleus and Silver—Sebek hasn't noticed yet—have been wondering what could be done to get the bat fae to confess. They both know, Malleus more than Silver, that Lilia feels unsure thanks to the different lifespans, and that he feels like he'll steal her away from greater opportunities than "an old bat" (his words).
"That's great news, Child of Man!" he exclaims, smile growing at the possibilities presenting to him. "Lilia would be delighted to hear that, you should tell him."
"Absolutely not, are you crazy?!"
Ah. Yes. (Y/N) can be just as stubborn as Lilia when she wants. It takes an entire hour of them going back and forth before Malleus finally gives up and promises—on his horns—that he won't tell Lilia that she likes him. The rest of the night goes without a hitch, and the night air is refreshing as he waves back at her, laughing when she points at her eyes with two fingers and then at him before closing the front door. Malleus lingers for a second outside, before teleporting himself to Diasomnia.
(Y/N) had prohibited magic inside Ramshackle after Ace and Grim almost burned it down. She can't physically do anything if anyone decides to ignore it, but she's so well loved and respected that everyone adheres to the rule.
Also, Lilia, in one of his rare moments of showing his true capacity, had made very clear that he'd have a talk with anyone who broke the rule.
Speaking off, Lilia is the first thing Malleus sees when he finally gets inside the dorm's living room. The bat fae is sitting on the couch with his phone and a cup of tea, as he usually is when Malleus is at Ramshackle. At first, Malleus thought he was just making sure his charge was ok—fae tend to be protective of what and who they consider theirs—, but now he knows better.
"(Y/N) says hello," he starts, taking a seat on the couch right across his mentor.
"Yeah? That sweet girl," Lilia's smile is pleased, dare he say loving, and his eyes, still glued to the screen, soften. "How is she? How was your little study date?"
No matter how many times Malleus tells him that they're not dates, Lilia seems to be determined on calling their encounters as such. If the dragon had to guess, the same inhibitors that stopped the older man's romance did not matter—in Lilia's mind—if it was Malleus.
Too bad for him that Malleus does not see his Child of Man as a romantic partner.
"She's never been better, the break Crowley gave her is doing wonders for her overall well being," the break that Lilia—and Malleus, but mostly Lilia—threatened Crowley into giving her. "Today we went over History of Magic, and her brilliant mind got us beyond the necessary material quickly."
"I'm happy to hear that~"
"There was a picture of you on one of the books."
"Oh?" Lilia perks up. He most definitely knows what picture Malleus is referring, but the young dragon says it anyways.
"A picture of your other form."
"I have many other forms."
"You know which one."
The bat laughs, childishly showing his tongue, and Malleus can only smile. No matter the form, the man's teasing and mischief loving nature always shines. No wonder he's seen as the odd one for his lively disposition when Briar Valley prides itself in it's solemnity.
"She thinks you look really good in that form," at that, Lilia places the phone on his lap and gives his charge his undivided attention. What was that expression humans use? Hook, line and sinker?
"Said you are a DILF."
Then Lilia barks the loudest laugh Malleus has ever heard from the man. It's a mix of disbelief and delight, and it shakes his tiny body so much the phone falls on the floor.
"Did she really?"
"Yes," Malleus admits without guilt, for he is not revealing her feelings, only thoughts. You'd think she'd be more careful with her words after befriending both Azul and Malleus.
"A DILF, huh? I guess that form really has its own charm."
"She also mentioned your current form being just as attractive."
"What are you trying to do here, Your Highness?"
Malleus blinks innocently at the accusation, not at all bothered by the suspicious yet terribly amused gaze of his mentor. He gets up and nods respectfully at the man.
"Just giving you the tea, I believe. I'll retire now, Lilia. Good night."
He leaves with Lilia's laughter as a companion, but soon finds himself alone, no doubt the bat fae going to Ramshackle. Part of him feels bad for sending the tiny agent of chaos (Y/N)'s way. Part of him hopes they'll get closer to a confession after tonight.
What he knows for sure, is that it's time for him and Silver to stop watching and start acting.
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sunnyy3d · 10 months
Bingley Is the One|Thomas Thorne x Reader
A/N: I hope this is good and people like it cause it took me forever to write… Requests open!
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"Thomas, what are you talking about? Bingley is obviously better than Mr. Darcy!" This is so stupid. I can't even believe that we are having this argument, but Thomas just has to be persistent. Of course he would say that Darcy is better; he has been acting just like him!
"Darcy is clearly better! He's much more sophisticated and mysterious than Bingley. Plus, he gets the girl," he argues. Really? That's his point?
"That is so stupid, Thomas. Bingley gets the girl too! You know what? I am done with this conversation, it is pointless," I exclaim before I storm out. I really wish I could slam doors right now. It just makes me so angry! What is wrong with him?! Does he have to be so annoying? I finally reach my room, for once glad that I do not have to change or get ready for bed. With a sigh, I tiredly plop into bed and fall asleep for the night.
I wake up with a yawn and look over to the bedside table. The antique clock on top of it tells me that I overslept. Allison would be having breakfast by now, so I need to hurry because if I do not, I will miss talking to her before she leaves for work.
Allison has been a massive help as of late. She has been listening to me complain about how Thomas has been acting and offering me advice, though it hasn't gotten us anywhere. I smile as I enter the dining room, "Good morning, Allison!" I look around to see no other ghosts bothering Allison this morning. That's perfect. I can talk to her in solitude.
"Good morning," Allison greets, "you're unusually chipper."
"Oh, you know me! A great nights rest after yet another futile argument with Thomas," I retort. Allison sighs and gives me a dejected look as she pours her cup of coffee. "I do not get it, Allison. What ever happened to the old Thomas! That one was just fine! He was nice and considerate. Now this one is trying to say that Darcy is better than Bingley."
She shrugs, "Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion."
"But that is the thing! I heard him talking to Julian about how he liked Bingley more than Darcy. So, why is he lying to me? Is he just trying to start an argument?" I sit in the pulled-out chair with a frown, crossing my legs.
Allison sits across from me with her coffee and breakfast. Oh, how I wish I could eat breakfast. "Hm, that is weird. What's weirder is that he was talking to Julian, of all people, about Pride and Prejudice. I don't know, something is off."
I shake my head, "Is it me? What made him change?"
"No! Of course it's not you. You haven’t done anything but be kind. Well, before he changed… But at the same time, I'm not sure what caused this. Maybe I can ask Julian." She's finished her breakfast now, her chair screeching as she stands up to put her dish in the sink.
I give her a small smile, "Thank you, Allison. You are a big help. I guess you have to go to work now, huh?" She cocks her head with a thin smile and a hum, as if to apologize for having to leave. I walk her to the door, as she makes me promise to update her on the situation when she gets home.
I sigh as I head to the family room. Right before I reach the door, I hear Thomas' voice, which makes me hesitate. Do I really want to deal with another fight this early in the morning? I am already upset about the entire situation. In my moment of hesitation, I realize that Thomas is whispering to Julian. Why is he whispering? There is no harm in listening in, right?
"I don't know, mate, but that's on you. Just go up to her and kiss her or something, everyone knows that you like her," Julian teases. I feel my heart drop. Who are they talking about?
"Are you crazy? Don't say that," Thomas whisper-yells.
"Just talk to her. She doesn't bite," Julian jokes.
"You don't know that, " Thomas replies seriously, "You've clearly never had an argument with her." Oh. They are talking about me. I think I will just go now, maybe to the lake. Thomas may have that window as his sighing place, but the lake is mine. It's so calming to watch the waves.
Why am I disappointed that Thomas does not like me? I should know that by now. I mean, he has been starting arguments with me for over a month now. Do I like Thomas? I cannot; I despise the way he acts. Or at least I do now. I liked him before he changed. I would have considered us at least friends, but he must not have liked me that much. I do not understand what happened though. He acted just fine; he was kind and caring and ever so sweet to me. And then he was not. He started ignoring me and brushing me off. And those are just the tip of the iceberg.
But here I am, sulking because he said he did not like me when he has made it so obvious. How long have I liked him and not realized? Did he ever realize? Is that why he changed? Did he recognize that I had deeper feeling for him that he did not reciprocate?
Before I realize it, the sun is setting. I have been so lost in my thoughts, trying to calm myself by watching the tranquil clouds and rippling waves, but it has not worked. I had no idea that I have been sitting here for hours. To be fair, there's not much else to do when you're dead. Suddenly, I hear a twig snap from behind me. Whipping around, I spot Thomas. Of course. "Not now, Thomas. I'm really not in the mood.” He sits down anyway. "I'm serious," I warn.
"Can I please have just a moment? This is quite important."
"If it is imoportant." I shan’t look at him. I cannot let him see how this is affecting me.
"I have been searching for you all day, you know. I am not sure why I didn't check here first."
"Please, skip the pleasantries and get on with it. I have a feeling I know what this is about anyway." I shake my head, trying not to cry. I had not cried this entire time; but of course, now that he's here, the tears have come. Hopefully, they will fall and blend in with the lake.
"You do?" questions Thomas.
"Yeah, I heard you talking with Julian. I know he was messing with you about liking me. Do not worry, I know it's not true."
Thomas lets out a light scoff. "Then you must not have heard the entire conversation. I do like you."
"I already told you that I am not in the mood for joking."
"I am not joking! I really do like you," Thomas argues.
Thomas ducks his head, trying to put himself in my line of sight. And for the first time since the start of this conversation, I look at Thomas. Tears are rolling down my face. "Then why have you been treating me like this? I do not think there has been a single day where we have not argued."
"I will admit that I made a grave mistake. I listened to Julian's advice.”
"Why would you do that?" I scoff.
"Because I wished to impress you. I was so desperate at the time and I thought you would not like me. So, I tried to be someone that I wasn't. I wish to blame Julian but it is on me. I cannot fathom why I thought that you would like what Julian made me out to be. I apologize for the way I have treated you. I can see how much I have hurt you, and I understand if you do not return my feelings." Thomas reaches his hand to my face to wipe away my tears, and I can't help but lean into his touch.
Holding his hand to my face, I explain, "I will say that the way you have treated me has hurt, but I understand now. You should have just talked to me in the first place." Thomas drops his hand to face me entirely, and I miss the warmth.
"I realize that now. I'm not sure why I ever listened to Julian in the first place. He made me believe that you would like Darcy more than Bingley, and that says a lot."
"How does he even know who Darcy and Bingley are?" I chuckle.
Thomas laughs heartily at that comment, "I had to explain the characters to him. I was trying to explain how I was more of a Bingley than a Darcy."
I look him in the eyes, smiling. "Well, it is a good thing that you now know that Bingley is the one for me."
"Really?" Thomas asks with a broad smile across his face.
"Yes! Thomas, I liked who you were before Julian’s tutalage. If you can go back to being yourself, that would make me more than ecstatic."
Thomas jumps forward, clasping his hands in mine, "Of course, I would do anything for you!"
I laugh, resting my head on his shoulder so that we can watch the sun finish setting together, "That's more like it."
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acotar-taylorsversion · 7 months
More Recent Thoughts and What Not
So, I've been thinking about Lucien a lot lately. I don't hate him, so don't come at me, but sometimes I just feel that there were a couple of reasons why Sarah made him Elain's mate. I'm an Elriel girly for life and nothing and no one but Sarah saying otherwise will convince me that they aren't endgame. That being said, I think that Sarah made him Elain's mate as 1) Elain and Az's "obstacle" and 2) a way for him to stay relevant so she could use him in the overall plot. I mean, think about it. Feysand and Nessian both had these "obstacles" that kept them from getting together right away and Elain's bond with Lucien is a big reason why Az hasn't pursued her or thought more about a future with Elain. Why would he get his hopes up if he doesn't know how Elain truly feels about Lucien? He said himself in the bonus chapter. Elain was more than willing to kiss and perhaps go further and Az said that they had never gone that far. AND HE NEVER ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT THEIR ALMOST KISS WAS A MISTAKE! HE FORCED HIMSELF TO SAY THAT BECAUSE RHYS WAS THERE AND WAS DEMANDING AZ TO STOP! Anyways, but yeah. And I know that Sarah orginally planned for Lucien and Nesta to get together but instead made Nesta end up with Cassian because of how perfect they were when she first wrote them in a scene together. But she needed a way for Lucien to be relevant to the plot, because let's be honest, I saw no place for Lucien after Feyre chose to stay in the night court. I actually forgot all about him until he showed and tried to take Feyre away. I think she always intended for Lucien to be involved with Vassa, but how would he have known about her if he didn't leave the Spring Court with Feyre because of Elain. Elain was the only reason he left with Feyre. Elain was the only reason Lucien didn't blow Feyre's cover the entire time she was back and I don't think that he would have been as close to her as he was if it weren't for the promise of offically meeting Elain. Even being Helion's son hasn't really done anything for the plot, yet. Do you guys see where I'm going with this? I don't know. LOL. The Eluciens might think I'm crazy!
And I want to say that Elain does not owe Lucien anything. Her silence is an answer in itself. I mean, she was about to kiss Az and do God knows what else with him in foyer of the river house while Lucien slept upstairs. She just doesn't care or doesn't care enough to consider him in moments like that. Clearly, time away from him does not affect her and he seems to be just fine away from her as well. Yes, he's being respectful by not pressuring her, but he can also take a hint. I don't think she'd be offended if he never got her a gift again until they both make the decision to accept the bond. And I don't see that happening. I just don't.
It's also suspicious how their bond was instantly recognized. Like feysand and nessian's bond took time to snap but Lucien instantly knew? And why can Az smell it and no one else can? Amren smelled feysand's but she's different and no body else could smell it until they accepted it. Elain and Lucien have not accepted it so what's going on there? Eluciens and gwynriels can call us crazy all they want to but we have legit questions. I still stand by my opinion about how Az acts more like Elain's mate than Lucien does.
Also, can I just say how much I hate all the hate the inner circle is getting on tik tok? Like, I'm sorry. I know we are all entitled to our own opinions but if you hate Feyre and Rhys so much that you create a 10 page slide show about how much they need to die and how horrible they are, then you don't deserve the series anymore. Why are you still reading it? Sarah has stated that Rhys is her favorite and feysand will always be the center of everything so they aren't going anywhere.
Same goes for all the Nesta and Cassian hate. Like wtf? NO. I will absolutely not put up with hate for either one of them for any reason. They are my favorite couple, like more than elriel and that's saying something. I waited years for their book and I am absolutely disgusted that people want her to break her bond and get with ERIS?! That is an insult to Cassian.
Let's see. What else? During my reread of Silver Flames, I realized that all the signs of Gwyn being a lightsinger or having some type of power are there from the moment we meet her. Both Nesta and Az and his shadows all react to her powers, which involve singing and music in some way. I noticed that she is always singing, too. I get the feeling that most of Gwyn's arc was not only proving to herself, but to everyone around her, that she's strong and capable. I think Az triggered something in her and she wanted to prove to him that she's not that girl that he saved anymore. You know? Also, when Nesta described her smile, it was said "Nesta couldn't explain the way she sensed that there was something else mixed into her. Some secret beneath that pretty face." This reminded me of the infamous quote of Az thinking of Gwyn's smile "a thing of secret, lovely beauty." Why are they associating secrets with Gwyn? I have so many questions and I need Sarah to explain ASAP. Like legit questions, someone explain it to me.
What do you guys think?
Now, I know that some gwynriels and eluciens might see this, and that's ok! I am open to discussions as long as they are civil, in the comment section or a message or an ask.
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rxmqnova · 1 year
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Y/N: 28 years old Scar: 35 years old Rose: 5 years old Story: The Marvel cast decides to surprise Scarlett with a birthday party… ——————————————————
Y/N'S POV My girlfriend and I had been trying for a baby for months. We had many fertility appointments and attempts and it finally happened! I'm pregnant! I found out a week after Scarlett left to film a movie which was 3 months ago. It sucks, cause I want to tell her personally, so she still has no idea. However, she's coming back today and it's also her birthday, so it's a perfect gift. I can't wait to see her reaction! Right now I'm watching a movie in our bed, wearing my favorite Scarlett's hoodie and her sweatpants. I miss her so much, so I tend to steal her clothes when she's away. To be honest I steal her clothes even when she's home…
Rose's spending some time with her grandmother this week, so I'm home all alone, but Lizzie offered to pick her up today, so we'll be together soon. It's nice to have some time for myself, but I miss that little demon so much. She's not biologically mine, but we have such a great relationship. She even calls me 'mama' which melts my heart every time I hear it.
My sister Lizzie spent here the entire week. She's so excited to be an auntie to another little human. I'm surprised she hasn't told Scarlett yet, the two of them are best friends.
I stop my movie as I ran out of chips, ready to go and grab a new bag from the kitchen when I hear some noise from downstairs. It can't be Scarlett, cause she's on the plane right now. She called me a few hours ago from the AirPort… Who in the world would rob a house at 2 in the afternoon?! I quickly open my closet, taking out a bat that I'd hidden here when Scarlett left. I quietly and slowly walk downstairs, ready to punch anyone who's here right now.
My heart is about to skip a beat with every step I make and my hands are shaking like crazy. I step off the last step, putting the bat on my shoulder properly and walking to the kitchen where the noise is coming from.
I see a man standing with his back facing me. I tighten my grip over the bat, ready to hit him in the head.
"What the hell are you doing here?" A man's voice says behind me, making me jump.
I slowly turn around to be met with Robert Downey Junior. The man I was about to hit turns around, looking at me. It's Chris Evans.
Seconds later there is literally the entire Marvel cast, except my sister as she's the one picking Scarlett up from the AirPort. Great…
"What are you doing here?" Chris Evans asks me. "And why the hell are you holding that bat?"
"I-I-" I sutter, getting cut off by Robert.
"She wanted to hit you with it" Robert says. The truth is that even though Scar and I are together for a few years, she hasn't come out yet. Her friends have no idea about me, so that's why they're reacting like this. My sister knows of course, she's the only one from Scarlett's friends.
"I-I'm sorry. I… I-I thought you wanted to rob the house" I finally let out some words. I've never been more scared in my life.
"Us? Who even are you? Oh my god, is that Scarlett's hoodie?" Jeremy looks at me with wide eyes. What the hell am I supposed to do now?
"Y-Yeah. I-I'm Y/N" I say.
"Well, Y/N… What are you doing in Scarlett's house?" Robert asks. "I-I'm living here" I answer. Where's my sister when I need her…
"Yeah, there's no way Scarlett wouldn't tell us if someone was living in her house" Evans says. "Call the police" He orders, looking at Robert. "What? No. That's not necessary. I'm living here" I repeat, I really don't want to get into trouble. I haven't even done anything.
"Yeah. I'm calling" Robert says, already putting his phone to his ear. I sigh, pressing a palm to my forehead. Scarlett's gonna be so mad. I bet the last thing she wants is to deal with her girlfriend being taken to the police station…
"Please don't call the police. Lizzie is my sister" I sigh, looking at Robert with hope, but he only rolls his eyes.
It doesn't take long until the police arrives. I show them my documents like they asked me to and they lead me out of the house. They're really gonna lock me up for getting into my own house?? Great, really great, Y/N…
Just before I can get into the car, a little body crashes into my legs. I smile when I see my daughter looking up at me, her arms wrapped around my thighs.
"Hi" I give her a smile which she returns, mumbling a 'hi, mama' back to me.
"Rose, what are you doing? Come here" Evans says, practically peeling Rosie off of me. The little girl starts crying, immediately calling me to help her, but my hands are in handcuffs and I can talk what I want, but nobody listens to me.
I sigh in relief when I see Lizzie walking out of her car, Scarlett following her.
"Mama!" Rosie cries out, reaching her hands for me. Tears from in my eyes when I see my little one crying and I can't hold her.
"Don't you see she's crying for me?! She's my daughter for god's sake! Take off that stupid handcuffs! I didn't do anything!" I raise my voice, tears running down my cheeks. I'm so tired of this bullshit. I just want my Scarly and Rosie to cuddle and my bag of chips.
"What's going on here? Why are you in handcuffs? Where are you taking her?" Scarlett is finally here, my sister right behind her.
"I'm sorry" I say before breaking into tears. I just can't hold it anymore. Stupid pregnancy mood swings… Scarlett comes to me, telling off the police when they tell her to stay back.
"About what, honey?" She asks, cupping my cheeks with her hands and wiping my tears out with her thumbs.
"You must be so tired and you come home to see this" I cry out. "Hey, it's okay, Y/N/N" She smiles. "Tell me what happened"
"Your friends thought I was a theif and a stalker and god knows what and they called the police on me" I explain, tears still running down my cheeks even though Scarlett's wiping them out.
"Y/N/N, I'm so sorry" She sighs. "She's not a theif or a stalker. Y/N is my girlfriend, she lives here" Scar says to the police. They finally take off the painful handcuffs and I wrap my arms around Scarlett's neck.
"Mama" Rosie cries out again. I smile, taking her from Evan's arms.
"It's okay now, baby. I'm not going anywhere" I kiss her cheek a few times, walking back to Scarlett who wraps her arms both of us.
"I missed you" Scar says into my ear while we're hugging.
"I missed you too, so much" I tell her back honestly before we pull away and in a second I get pulled into another hug by my sister. "Are you okay?" She asks with a smile.
"Yeah. All good now" I smile and hug her again.
"Can someone explain to us what's happening?" Downey asks confused.
"You called the police on my little sister, that's happening" Lizzie says annoyed. She's very overprotective over me. I usually hate it, but today it feels nice.
"That's your sister?" Evans asks surprised, pointing at me.
"Don't be so surprised, I told you I was Lizzie's sister when you were calling the police" I give him a glare. I won't forget this that quickly.
"I literally told you about her last week" Lizzie sighs.
"Why is she living in Scarlett's house though?" Jeremy asks.
"Because Y/N is my girlfriend. You could have just called me and I'd tell you it's fine" Scar sighs. "Let's just go inside"
We all move inside, everybody apologizing to me and Downey immediately handing us a glass of champagne since it's Scar's birthday.
"I won't, thanks" I tell him on which my girlfriend furrows her brows, wrapping her arms around me from behind and resting her head on my shoulder.
"You're not my Y/N. My Y/N never says no to alcohol" Scar jokes, making me chuckle.
"Well… I wouldn't say no if I didn't have to but… I can't drink for a while" I smile, turning around in her arms and getting met with a confused look from my girlfriend. I take her hand, putting it on my stomach on which she seems to realize.
"No… You're… you're pregnant?" She asks, her eyes filling with tears. I smile, nodding my head.
"I found out a week after you left. We're having a baby" I almost whisper as tears are in my eyes too by now. "Happy birthday, my love" I smile and she pulls me into a kiss.
Scarlett drags me on the couch, pushing me gently to sit down. She kneels in front of me, pulling my (her) hoodie up. I laugh when she starts spreading kisses all over my stomach.
"Hey there, little one. It's your mommy. I love you so much" She mumbles between kisses. "So we're 3 months far?" She asks, smiling at me.
"3 months" I smile back, twirling my finger around Scar's hair. She rolls my hoodie back down, sitting next to me and wrapping her arm around me on which I cuddle up to her and she rubs my stomach with her free hand. "I love you so much"
"I love you too" She smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. --------------------
Scarlett Johansson masterlist
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melfinawins · 4 months
I'm going to write a longish post on this, but yeah.
Also, if you're not down for vague dooming, don't read this lmao
For me, The Bear is a Hallmark movie with more swearing and more teeth. It'll end in the same spot as a Hallmark movie. Carmy will find balance and either be on his way to healing those open wounds from his childhood or will have healed them. He'll be self satisfied. Balanced. Home is Where the Heart Is type shit with a dash of All the Answers I was Searching for was Here all Along!
The question of romance on the show for me was about which romance trope was being used.
Was it going to be Carmy reconnecting with an old flame from his past? Or was it Carmy meets a person who changes his life for the better, but they're quirky/awkward and even though she drives him crazy, she drives him crazy.
I've seen the BTS from S4. I'm of two minds on this. Either Storer and co decided to resolve the romance aspect of the show a season early (weird, but I kind of like that?? That's certainly not as common these days) and it's about other things in s4 pertaining to the suspicions some of us have about Syd's job prospects. And then s4 is about either getting her back or a rivalry or just connecting on a personal level again. There are more options I'm sure, but those are the ones I'm thinking about currently.
Or, Claire is really just the cold prep as @chefkids and @thoughtfulchaos773 and others have more eloquently said, and Carmy will realize he wants Syd at the end of the series and breaks up with Claire.
The part of me who loves interesting stories and unexpected turns wants the romance part to be resolved because that's fun to me. But the black woman that I am who is so fucking sick and tired of seeing black characters support and lift up white characters is like, over it.
Another way I can see this going on the romance part is really what Joanna Calo said about Syd and Carmy: they really are just platonic and messy! So Carmy gets the best of two women. Cool. 🤢
I like to keep in mind that The Bear is a story about Chris, Gillian and his sister. The show is biographical in nature and when I think about SydCarmy not happening, it's more because Chris is like ew, Syd represents my sister and that's gross and less I don't value the stories of black women.
Like, Claire is a doctor and I kinda hate that her position in Carmy's life is so on the nose and I want for men to fucking stop treating the women in their lives like their therapists and parents/bangmaids Jesus fucking Christ. But Storer is a man, and a white man at that, so. 🙃 Like, Carmy has real issues that need a professional. No pussy is gonna cure that, not even Syd's!
If Carmy is the literal worst in s3 and nukes all his relationships because he refuses to get therapy and deal with his issues, I hope he and Claire end up together and stay together because damn, Syd deserves more than that dysfunction because she really is already too good for him.
But he hasn't done anything that's not salvageable. Yet.
Anyway, thanks for attending my Ted Talk!
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Kotoko's Clothes Throughout HARROW
CW Death and murder, vigilantism, online radicalization, mentions of kidnapping, Little Red Riding Hood (so a wolf eating someone and animal death)
In my Kotoko brainrot arc (aka working on a full HARROW analysis), and I think it's really interesting how much Kotoko's clothes seem to change throughout HARROW. Changing clothes in general usually represents character change, which certainly fits how much Kotoko's attitude towards everything seems to switch up as she becomes more and more radicalized (presumably by online discourse seeing some of the other stuff in the MV) and violent. Not to mention the whole Red Riding Hood thing. Let's take a look!
(Btw, I'm not going to talk about the weird changing clothes at the end of the MV, where her clothes are completely different when she sees the kidnapping than when she actually kills the serial killer. It's too much of a mess for this post, so I'll leave it for the full analysis)
(This has probably been done before but you can't stop me from posting >:D)
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So, there's four distinct fits Kotoko wears in HARROW, which I'll call White Jacket, Blue and Yellow Jacket, Foggy Forest Fit, Murder Fit. (Clarification: I don't think she actually killed the alley dude, I'm calling it that exclusively for the final murder)
Let's go one by one, in order of appearance. White Jacket shows up first. It's made up of, as you can imagine, a white jacket with red streaks, shorts of the same color, a black tank top, and white shoes.
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The interesting thing about this outfit is that it shows up first, then completely disappears after Kotoko attacks the man in the alley. Even when we later see her back in the studio, by that point she's already wearing her red hoodie. This makes sense, as the primary color used here is white. In this MV, I believe white is being used to represent purity of some kind, while red represents danger and aggression. So in this outfit, we see a Kotoko yet untainted by violence (white), but who already has that latent danger lurking underneath (red streaks). Hell, for all we know, she hasn't even dropped out of the faculty of law at this point.
(T1) Q7: What did you study at university?
KY: For a while, I studied at the faculty of law. There's something I want to do, so I'm currently taking a break from studies, though.
But also worth noting, in that first shot, the red hoodie she uses to murder is already behind her. Again, latent danger.
Her shoes are also important, because for Kotoko, shoes are her murder weapon. But not these shoes. The white, pure shoes are those of an innocent individual. In this case, it's because she literally hasn't done anything with them yet.
Finally, the black tank top, which she shares with her "murder" outfit. Allowing myself to go a bit insane, this is the piece of clothing literally closest to her heart. The black doesn't represent evil, but rather grief and pain, I believe.
Becoming light-headed again, it all becomes crazy, the normalcy sought for, fading away, everytime death comes. The soul moves forward - I hate all the evils in this world, I feel like I’m about to break The surrounding net covered with poison
Want to find “HARROW” “HARROW” I feel like I’m going crazy after straining my nerves The person that can’t be saved, is now understanding the abnormality
(Note: I personally think the person being distressed (harrow-ed) is Kotoko herself, becoming distressed at the world's evils. I also happen to think she considers herself "the person that can't be saved" but that's for another time)
So yeah, Kotoko's suffering a lot. We been knew.
Next up we have the "field investigation" fit, the one with the blue and yellow jacket.
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Apart from the jacket, she wears a cap of the same brand, Jacques Roulet (I talked about that in this post), and some shorts. As you can see, her shoes are generally hidden, but I think they're the white ones? Either pair would make some sense, but the white ones fit better since Kotoko never performs any violent actions in this outfit.
As stated, this is the outfit Kotoko uses to investigate outside. Going in person to check out crime scenes, talking to the one guy... Thus, the blue of her jacket likely refers to wisdom, patience, intelligence, that kind of thing. It's "calmer" than the colors of the other outfits, because Kotoko is not showing her more dangerous parts (red).
See, the main thing about this design is that Kotoko is being guarded when she wears it. Note that this is the only one where she doesn't show her undershirt, which before I related to her feelings. The cap serves to further imply that, she's keeping herself vaguely hidden. Basically, in this fit, Kotoko is both hiding her feelings and vulnerabilities, as well as "hiding her fangs", if that makes sense. Presenting herself as calmer, more put together, and more rational than she actually is.
However, there's still the yellow. I think that one's meant to represent fun; Kotoko still enjoys what she's doing here. It may even be somewhat stylized as a thunderbolt, because electricity is usually related to excitement. As shown in her T1 Voice Reveal distorted line:
...Fufu... This feels so good.
(I would like to say that she obviously doesn't do vigilantism just for fun, because that's a weird take I've seen mentioned. She has other reasons, she just happens to enjoy it a bit)
The point is that this "fun" is still muted in comparison to the blue of the jacket, because it's essentially in the background. Kotoko's analysis and investigations are the most important parts of these scenes, the fact she happens to enjoy vigilantism is sort of incidental.
Last note for this one, having a "yellow streak" means being cowardly, but that doesn't really apply to Kotoko so we ignore it.
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Then we have the outfit seen in the forest scenes. Red hoodie, white tank top, white shoes, black shorts. This one remains the same in all of these scenes.
The important thing to note here is that, because this is the one outfit we see exist inside her mind, this is how Kotoko sees herself, or more likely, how she would like to see herself. Note the black tanktop of despair (Milgram makes you say some ridiculouos shit huh) has been replaced with a pure white tanktop, because Kotoko doesn't want to be sad and hurt. Obviously. Similarly, her shoes remain white even after she attacks Oshii, because she still considers herself "innocent" in the sense of "justified."
Still, though, her hoodie is the red one she wears while murdering. Because she considers herself dangerous and powerful. And she is, girlboss stay winning (preferably away from the other prisoners though).
One important thing which many have pointed out before me is that, by virtue of wearing this red hoodie and being in a forest with wolves, this outfit seems connected to the story of Red Riding Hood. How exactly is a fun question, especially since Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale and thus doesn't have an official version, but let's see.
I imagine you know the gist of the story. Red Riding Hood (RRH) is a girl tasked with delivering food to her grandma, who is sickly and thus weak, but along the trail finds a wolf who asks her where she's going. The wolf then goes ahead as RRH gets distracted, and the wolf ends up eating the grandma and disguising as her. When RRH arrives at the house, she notices the grandma looks slightly different, before she gets eaten too. In later tellings a huntsman comes in and cuts the wolf's stomach open, allowing the grandma and RRH to escape unharmed, somehow. The wolf is also insanely resilient evidently, as it's still alive at this point, but the humans fill its stomach with rocks and then it dies.
... This story is a lot darker than I remembered.
We already have a few superficially shared themes with Kotoko. Protecting the weak, calling out deception... wolves-
In particular, being devoured by the wolf could be seen as Kotoko being consumed by the radicalization which led her to murder. This is especially notable because of the actual underlying themes of Red Riding Hood. See, the story is generally interpreted to be about "rites of passage" and rebirth, where RRH exiting the wolf's stomach is the rebirth. Generally it's connected more to children growing up and going through puberty, but for Kotoko we need a more general reading. As I said before, changing clothes is sometimes considered a symbol of change of character, and Kotoko certainly changes a bit throughout HARROW. For example, by forming an idea of what a "win" entails in the context of her vigilantism.
Stained emotions, what is winning or losing?
“I didn’t mean to offend”, “I won’t do it again” How many wins in a row?
Hell, one of the last lyrics in the song, which plays over a scene of the foggy forest, explicitly says it.
Newly born “HARROW” “HARROW”
And if you need any more symbolism, Red Riding Hood is also sometimes interpreted as representing natural cycles, with the girl being the sun (that's why her cloak is red) and the wolf being the night "eating" her, before dawn (when the girl gets out of the stomach). A completion of one of these cycles is also a symbol of change and rebirth;
Goodnight “HARROW” “HARROW” Laugh and I can get to like myself
so when Kotoko says "goodnight" to herself, she's making an oath to change, say goodbye to the old her and greet dawn with a new version of herself, one which she actually likes ("laugh and I can get to like myself").
And there is an actual cycle referenced in the video. The moon in the forest scenes is always a waning moon, except at the end, where it's a full moon, which is not just connected to werewolves and thus indicates Kotoko "completing her transformation and getting her fangs", but it also represents the end of the lunar cycle. Again, rebirth.
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Not to mention the fact dawn breaks in the last scene.
You get it? Natural cycles being completed, being reborn, etc. Kotoko transforms herself significantly as she kills the "wolf", probably the serial killer dude.
And yet, her clothes in these forest sections never changes. To me, this shows a disconnect between how Kotoko sees herself and the way she actually is.
Timelines - 20/6/18 Kotoko: Treat you [Amane] like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. 
This is demonstrably false. I just spent several paragraphs talking about how much Kotoko changes throughout HARROW, let alone during the last 8 years of her life. The point is that Kotoko doesn't realize how radicalized she's becoming while browsing all the websites we see her going on during the video. And you know, there's probably some interesting social commentary and character complexity to talk about there, but if I get too much into it I will be here forever, so I'll leave that as food for thought.
Anyways, you may have noticed I'm not really talking about the pants. You're right! Moving on.
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Finally, her murder fit. Same red hoodie as last one, but with a black tanktop and black leggings.
Her shoes are also different, a pair of men's shoes which are also her murder weapon. You see how they're (primarily) grey instead of white? Get it? Because she sees herself as only good and morally right, but she's (say it with me everyone) morally gray.
(Using both spellings to bother everyone)
I've already talked about how her red hoodie represents her violence and danger, literally covering up her black tank top of despair (might as well just run with the term).
Finally, I know I haven't been talking about the pants since I didn't see anything too interesting, but the change from shorts to leggings did catch my eye. However, I think that may just be a more 'practical' change as opposed to a 'symbolism' change. I imagine that if you're doing something illegal like beating up some dude in an alley, you'd feel more comfortable the less skin you showed, even if rationally there shouldn't be any way to identify Kotoko just by her legs.
I know I wouldn't kill with shorts and a t-shirt, but give me some leggings though, and I'm already looking at Amane's mother like she isn't dead enough yet-
Ehem. Disregard that last point.
Well, that's the end! As I said, I'm not gonna deal with the change of clothing at the end of the video, because to explain that I would have to explain an entire murder theory and talk about how I don't actually think Kotoko ever saw the exact scenes we see in the small room with the wooden floor, etc, which is all just too complicated for what's supposed to be a relatively short post. I'll address it in my full analysis, but there's too much going on for me to explain it here. With that said, I hope you enjoyed reading! Take care!
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blackwolfstabs · 10 months
Dual Carpenter Sisters HCs
headcanons for Sam and Tara that correlate...
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pls don't judge my headcanons, they're mine and i love them...
Tara has to have background noise when she's doing anything (cooking, cleaning, homework, etc.). usually it's music, whereas Sam can't focus when there's noise. even when she's on the phone (not an important call or anything, just talking to Danny or something), if Tara is playing music, she has trouble focusing on what the other person is saying.
WARNING: this one's a little weird but i find it humorous (and not just bc i relate) Sam's a shy pee-er. she won't use public restrooms and will hold it for hours on-end, if the bathroom at someone's house or some other private bathroom is not free of people (even those she's close to) within a certain distance. Tara, on the other hand, holds it until the last minute, so right when Sam goes into the bathroom, she'll be knocking on it 3 seconds later asking, "are you almost done?" it annoys Sam like crazy, so she tries to always ask Tara if she needs to use the bathroom or if it's free for her to use without being followed right after she shuts the door. it goes something like this:
Sam: (goes into the bathroom and is about to carry out the call of nature) Tara: (knocks on the door) Hey, are you almost done? Sam: (instantly irritated and having to hold back letting go) Yes, go away!
they both can't stand the cold. Tara gets cold easily and will try to be as close to Sam as possible, because Sam is naturally warm. however, in winter, you can bet both of them agree to keep the heat on and sleep with 3+ blankets. in the morning, Tara waits to hear Sam come out of her room, then texts her asking if she can bring her *blank* just so she won't have to leave the warmth of her bed.
they love to cuddle with each other! they usually cuddle at night, either on the sofa or in Tara's room, before they go to sleep (mindlessly out of nostalgia from when they were little). Tara will even text Sam and ask her to come to her room to cuddle with her. in the morning, it's usually Tara going into Sam's room to cuddle if Sam hasn't got out of bed yet.
when they experience anxiety, it always affects their stomachs, making them feel nauseous or sick. because of this, they both like tummy rubs, even when they're not feeling anxious or nauseous. it's just genuinely calming to them. Sam won't deliberately ask for it, but Tara will if she really wants it.
if one of them gets sick, it's guaranteed the other will catch it and start feeling bad or showing symptoms in a few days. they just don't leave each other alone.
more of parker's Carpenter Sisters headcanons:
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lovinkiri · 4 months
Villain Deku x Quirkless Fem reader hcs! So, this is more towards the LOV’s opinion on S/O. They obviously know how hardworking, kind, and modest she can be, especially when trying to change the world’s opinion of the Quirkless by being the first ever Quirkless hero despite all the horrific treatment that they wish they could solve her problems by killing such horrible people. And yet, they also know how crazy strong she is. Somehow, despite having Quirks, a lot of heroes have trouble taking down Nomus, and yet S/O, with her skills being like Pyrrha Nikos or Raven Branwen (both from RWBY), she’s able to take out Nomus without a quirk, relying only on her skills, experience, instincts, etc. And Deku didn’t even command any Nomus to hold back against her or anything! That just goes to show how strong S/O is, and how the villakns know that she will be tough to take down especially in a 1v1.
She's Impressive
Author's Note: I love being able to make y/n look like a badass 🥰 Exactly why Izuku is always so hopelessly in love.
Note: Cussing, Violence, Etc.
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To a certain extent, the league has always respected you. I mean like, you represent the oppressed and mistreated and the wronged. Youre the perfect example of whats wrong with hero spciety. You're just on a different side. The league might say the wrong side.
Shigaraki has been trying to figure out for so long why Izuku hasn't been able to convince you to switch sides.
A video circulates of a couple of heroes taking on a Nomu. They fail, horribly fail.
And then you come in, dropping in and joining the fight seamlessly.
It's almost mesmerizing to watch you fight. How fast your reflexes are, how you know exactly when to attack and when to defend.
Izuku swears he falls in love all over again whenever he sees you fight. Hell, there are times when he has to fight you, and you make it so difficult to hold back when you're kicking his ass.
Nonetheless, he wears the bruises and scratches like a badge of honor. He doesn't listen when you apologize later on. In fact, he praises you.
And it's not an easy feat, you manage to take down the Nomu.
Still, one of the fallen heroes get up and seeing how you've already done most of the work, they deliver a blow that really isn't necessary. It's just showing off, honestly.
But the media eats it up and you're thanked for your "assistance" in aiding that particularly hero.
Izuku is deciding on whether to kill the journalist who wrote the first article or to show mercy and burn their home down.
Thats when Shiagaraki approaches him on behalf of the rest of the league.
Twice and Compress are extremely impressed by you.
Himiko thinks you're ICONIC for a hero at least
She loves sparring with you, though she can get a bit too excited sometimes.
Spinner tries to play it off, but he's also pretty impressed.
Both Kurogiri and Shigaraki do NOT want you as an enemy.
Izuku tried to convince you to become if hero that night, and when words don't work, he tries to convince you in other ways ;)
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claymoresword · 2 years
All I Wanted Was You | Maddy Perez x Rue Bennett
Summary: Rue confronts Maddy in the bathroom and they get carried away.
Pairing: Rue x Maddy
Wordcount: 1.5k
Warnings: smut (?), fluff, mention of nate jacobs, top!rue, very much pda
Note: this was supposed to be a shorter chapter leading up to a bigger event but i got carried away lmao.. so i figured i would post it as a separate one shot. i probably won't post the next part till after new year's so happy 2023 to anyone reading this! anyway hope u enjoy :)
not proof read apologies for the mistakes!
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"That's what I'm saying, Rue. My sister's totally out of control. I mean I knew she was crazy before but it's like a flip switched and now she's really gone." Lexi explains, exasperated.
They were stood by their lockers, there was a half an hour left till homeroom.
Lexi had been ranting the minute Rue got off her bike that morning.
"You know that she's still with Nate?" Lexi states, grimacing.
"I don't get how she hasn't learnt her lesson yet. Everytime he hurts her she comes to me to cry about it. It's so infuriating." Lexi trails off into another tangent and Rue merely nods in response, half listening.
Frankly, it was too early in the morning for this.
Rue glances towards the lockers down to her left hoping to catch a glimpse of her girlfriend but she was nowhere to be seen.
Maddy's not here yet, she thinks to herself.
She pulls out her phone with the intention of shooting the raven haired girl a text.
Before Rue could start typing however, she hears a familiar voice in the distance.
Maddy and Nate are seen entering through the front doors together, Maddy looks upset.
The shorter girl raises her voice at Nate before eventually storming off to her locker.
Rue shifts her gaze Nate to find that he was already staring back at her intently, a rather inscrutable look on his face.
Rue scowls before looking away.
Nate's vibe was always off so this wasn't anything new but the thought of him upsetting his girlfriend when he shouldn't even be anywhere near her to begin with, filled Rue with rage.
She couldn't make out what they were arguing about but from the look on Maddy's face it couldn't have been anything good.
The taller girl watches as her girlfriend shoves her purse into her locker, before strutting over to the bathroom.
Lexi has since stopped talking as she was also closely watching the scene unfold.
"Lex, I'm sorry I have to-" Rue starts before Lexi interjects, knowing exactly what the taller girl was about to say.
"Go. See if she's ok, I'll catch you at lunch." Lexi reassures with a warm smile.
Rue moves her arm to her bestfriend's shoulder as a quick gesture of thanks before walking over to the bathroom.
Rue opens the bathroom door and is met with the sight of her girlfriend stood infront of the mirror, fixing her makeup.
Rue stops in her tracks, admiring the raven haired girl from afar. There honestly hasn't been a moment where Maddy didn't take Rue's breath away. Just looking at the shorter girl was intoxicating enough, Rue adored how all consuming Maddy was.
She wouldn't have it any other way.
Nate jacobs truly is the dumbest person alive.
Not only did he treat her like shit, he repeatedly betrayed her trust. In Maddy's book that goes unforgiven. He fucked up and lost her and it infuriates Rue to think that he can't accept defeat and leave her be.
He continues to torment her even now, Maddy doesn't deserve any of it.
Rue steps a little closer, still keeping her distance. This caught Maddy's attention as she catches Rue's gaze in the mirror, smiling fondly at her girlfriend.
"Are you done gawking?" Maddy jokes, before turning around to face Rue.
Rue finally moves closer to the older girl. Maddy quickly wraps her arms around Rue's neck and pulls her into a tight embrace. The younger girl's hands rests on Maddy's waist and they stood like that enjoying the closeness for a few moments.
Maddy may not show it but Rue knows something's wrong.
Rue eventually pulls back and moves her face down to kiss the shorter girl but halts her movement halfway.
"What?" Maddys asks, confused at her girlfriend's hesitation.
"I don't wanna ruin your lipstick." Rue admits, guilelessly.
Maddy's face contorts in amusement but she doesn't say anything in response.
She pulls Rue down by her neck, capturing her lips with her own.
The kiss now mirroring their earlier embrace, warm and deep.
Maddy disconnects their lips and slides one hand down, resting it on Rue's chest her other hand still on her girlfriend's neck.
Rue gazes at the shorter girl, studying her features before softening her gaze.
"Are you okay?" Rue asks earnestly.
Maddy merely nods and flashes her girlfriend a genuine smile.
"You know how Nate is, he's just giving me a hard time. I bet he's bored of Cassie already." The raven haired girl responds.
"A hard time with what?" Rue's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Maddy shifts her gaze away from Rue for a moment before shaking her head slightly, dismissing the matter.
If she doesn't want to talk about it, Rue decides it's best to respect that.
Eventhough the pit in her stomach is urging her to push on it further, she decides to ignore it.
"I missed you last night." Maddy breathes out, changing the subject.
Rue is not oblivious to the intentional diversion but she chooses to go along with it anyway.
Maddy hums in response before glancing down at her girlfriend's lips.
"Why didn't you come over?" Maddy asks her voice low.
"I'm sorry. Gia needed me for something. I would've texted you but I lost track of time." The taller girl states, apologetically.
"I suppose you're just gonna have to make it up to me." Maddy whispers against Rue's lips.
Maddy's hand glides down Rue's front before slipping under her shirt. The
older girl's hand now against Rue's toned stomach.
Rue lets out a slight gasp at the sudden feeling of her girlfriend's hand on her bare skin.
Maddy takes the opportunity to connect their lips again, this time into an open mouthed kiss.
Rue wasted no time in deepening the kiss, her tongue tracing Maddy's lip before entering her mouth.
She glides her hand down, now resting it on Maddy's ass. She gives it a squeeze before pulling the raven haired girl closer.
A moan spills out of Maddy in response. This sends a rush of arousal throughout Rue's body.
She needed Maddy. Now.
Rue disconnects their lips and moves her mouth to the older girl's neck. She traces her tongue across the skin on her neck before sucking on it purposely leaving a bruise.
Maddy's lets out a groan, she's basically panting. The feeling of Rue's mouth on her making it impossible for the shorter girl to catch her breath.
Rue moves her hand to lift Maddy up in one swift movement. As she's sat on the sink, her dress rides up exposing more of her thigh. Rue moves closer and Maddy further eliminates the space between them as she pulls Rue in by wrapping her legs around her waist.
Rue leans down again, her lips crashing against Maddy's. The shorter girl kissing her back with the same level of hunger. Rue's hand getting lost in Maddy's hair, their kiss now purely driven by their carnal desire for each other.
The taller girl moves her hand down to caress Maddy's bare thigh and Rue feels goosebumps form against her hand.
Rue moves her hand further up and tugs at the hem of Maddy's underwear. The older girl places her hands on Rue's shoulders and lifts herself up slightly, allowing the younger girl to pull her underwear off completely.
Rue looks up and settles her gaze on her girlfriend's face, at an attempt to gain consent but Maddy seemed to have beaten her to it. She pushes Rue's head down and the taller girl prepares to get on her knees until she hears a dreaded noise.
The bell.
"There's no way." Rue groans.
Maddy lets out a whine in protest.
"Who cares if we're a little late." Rue states, looking up. She meets Maddy's gaze with hooded eyes.
Maddy opens her mouth to respond but before she gets the chance a girl suddenly bursts in through the bathroom doors.
Rue quickly stands up and Maddy hops off the sink, frantically gathering themselves.
The girl stops for a beat, looks at the pair perplexed before eventually rushing into one of the stalls.
Rue glances at Maddy and the latina had managed to straighten herself up infront of the mirror. All evidence of their intense makeout session barely visible.
Rue had her mouth slightly agape, astonished at Maddy's ability to gather herself so quickly.
Maddy gets on her tip toes and places a quick kiss on Rue's cheek before slyly shoving her own underwear into Rue's pocket.
"Find me after school." Maddy whispers against Rue's ear, not giving the younger girl a chance to respond.
She then rapidly walks past her and out the bathroom.
Rue stood disoriented for a moment, trying to recover from what just happened.
The girl from earlier walks out of the stall and heads over to the sink to wash her hands.
She looks over at Rue and squints her eyes slightly before reaching over to grab a few pieces of tissue paper to dry her hands.
"You have lipstick all over your mouth by the way." The girl states, bemused.
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wtheckzukasubs · 7 months
Why I've been away
I've been postponing this post for reasons of having to write it, and I'm glad I didn't do it before because it would have probably sounded much worse.
You've probably noticed I haven't been releasing much, and for the same reason I haven't been replying most of the messages I get, so I thought I should be more honest with all of you.
Be warned for drama, or just skip to the end for the news. Or just scroll down to the next post.
Of course the state of Takarazuka doesn't make me so happy. Even if we don't touch the elephant in the room since the end of September, so many of my favorites are leaving this year. Sora is taidaning at this very moment actually. People leaving without having been able to shine their most is just the bitterest part of this, though Sora still got to do a whole lot, unlike my other favorites leaving. Too bad she had her chance too late for more. From time to time, Takarazuka makes me feel like it doesn't want me following, and with everything happening irl, it's even harder. However, that hasn't been the reason for my distance from here.
I haven't been well in my mind. I wasn't fine before because of how unstable my job was and how I couldn't find something else no matter how many resumés I sent out, and then I eventually did lose my job, and still couldn't get anything. It's been almost a year now. A whole year of questioning my whole life path, of trying to follow each advice and still not get anything. So yeah, I'm far far far from being well. I'm lucky enough I get to live with my parents even if that is also some curse when you don't have an alternative when it becomes too much. I'll stop here because you probably got the picture already and this is making my mind go places.
And no, I'm not here to ask for money lol Anyway, everyone in the fandom already helps me enough with anything I ask. I'm really grateful!
The intention is to first, let you know I'm not gone. I busy like crazy trying to stay together, and the times I'm not, I'm simply drained from living my life. So even if I did have projects I could be working on, I can't do it as much as when I was feeling better. For you to have an idea of how my rhythm has been, Yukinojo was the only one I did since I lost my job. However, I also still don't have the resources to fulfill the commitments I've made—Blackjack, missing the closed captions because Sky Stage never shows it, and Flügel, missing the script—so there is that too. It's the reason I dared try Yukinojo actually. (Though deep down I'm just too sad about Reiko's taidan to be going actively after it all...)
In sum, here's the state of things,
Blackjack - waiting for Sky Stage to get it back from war
Flügel - I don't have the script yet
Hoshi's Memy - some have asked me if I'll do this one. Hibiscus is already working on adapting the subs, so I'm gladly sitting out lol
Hanafubuki, Koi Fubuki - I've checked these subs so long ago and I still haven't gotten myself to work on the release. Shame on me.
Ai, Futatsu (from Yukigeshiki) - I was timing the Koma version to Chigi's so I could check them and see if I could get some more words, as I've done this by ear, then I ended up changing so much of the translation I'll have to retime them back to Koma's. Who knows when that'll happen... Even though it's just an hour long show, the lines are sooooo long and quick and crazy, speeding the video up to time faster won't do.
Prisoners of the Lilac Walls - unless you like checking my Next page, this will probably be news to you, but I've been low-key wanting to work on it for a long time. Now I've finally fulfilled my dream of finishing Yukinojou, I thought I could try this one. I'm doing Teru's version (the Bow one) solely by ear. I'm far enough to know I will release it so just have to cross your fingers I don't need to fanfic my way out of the ???'s. Despite the Nazi parts, it's a nice story, and I fell in love with Beni and Otoha since the first time I watched this. I know it's years too late, but I hope you can see what I saw.
Next? I've got my eyes on this or that, but I'm always hoping someone else will do it instead, so I'd better not say it and let others thinking I'm claiming anything.
Anyway, thank you a lot for following this blog, for your words, for your reblogs, for your messages. I'll do my best not procrastinate replying.
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