#but sometimes when i get back from school i am not really hungry so i simply don't eat until later during the day
just-miru · 2 years
silly things that confuse mein brain
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willowser · 3 months
aww, you agree to stay home with your son until he becomes old enough to go to school, but as the summer ends and time draws near for registration, katsuki starts backtracking.
your son has a quirk. it's not so fancy as his father's, but it's more exciting than what you have, and even though he's big into katsuki's heroism, he hasn't shown any more interest in becoming a hero himself than any other boy his age.
at first you think it's katsuki getting nervous about putting him in public school, but he still doesn't seem sold on any of the private teachers you find. you want to go back to work, and it's not that he's telling you no—but there's just this edginess to him, whenever you push the conversation.
"still small," katsuki defends, murming into your hair as you're laying in bed. "another year 'n he'll be a lil' bigger."
it's true—your son is a little on the small side, but he has all the energy and determination of a kid twice his size. it's never stopped him before, nor has it ever had katsuki pulling him off the playground in the past; you're not sure why it matters, now.
"you said that last year."
"yeah, but he didn't grow that much."
"i don't think there's a height restriction for learning, honey."
katsuki sighs, and you can feel the frown pulling his mouth down. it's rare that he ever tip-toes around what he wants to say these days, more common when you first began dating, but he's always been vocal when it comes to your son. always wanted what was best for him, and didn't hesitate to ask for it.
you shift, scooting your head up his arm so you can look at him. "what're you really thinking?"
he doesn't look back at you, but instead keeps his eyes on the wall across from your bed. you can't exactly see the depth in them this way, but something about the tension lining his body tells you he's thinking, hard, about something other than your son.
"kids are assholes."
you laugh, because it's not what you were expecting and because you don't like whatever this is that's bothering him. you want it to go away. "yeah, i know. our kid is an asshole sometimes."
"well, i don't want someone being an asshole to our kid."
your stomach drops at the very idea of someone being mean to your son, not appreciating him the way he should be. what if he gets hungry and they don't let him eat? what if he has to go to the bathroom but he doesn't know where it is?
if you think about this for any longer, you'll burst into tears, and that will only further katsuki's case.
"kids just..." he shakes his head and glances towards the door of your bedroom, down the hall to where your son is sleeping. "say all kinda' shit. hateful shit."
you hug him a little tighter, because you know how much he hates feeling powerless—and that’s exactly how you feel, when it comes to this topic, but if you focused only on the negatives, you wouldn't ever let your son out of sight.
"he'll make friends, though, like you did." your words only make his frown deeper. "and he wants to learn, he is so curious about everything. i think he's ready, honey."
—but katsuki only grits his jaw, the muscle in his cheek jumping as he looks away from you and towards the window.
"well, i dunno if i am."
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hughes86-43 · 7 months
Always | L.Hughes
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warnings - none! probably some grammar errors!
summary - Dad!Luke fluff! (w a bit of sadness(?) for like two paragraphs)
“Daddy! Daddy! you’re home!” Your daughter said to Luke as soon as he had gotten in through the front door of your house.
As she said it, she was running as fast as she could to him, and as soon as she got to him, Luke scooped her up and held her in his arms, “I am baby, I missed you! Where is mommy at?”
“Mommas is in the kitchen, she’s getting dinner ready!” Your daughter said, her and Luke made their way in the kitchen to find you.
As soon as Luke said he was heading home, you got busy making dinner for all of you, like you always do. Looking up from your phone, where you were texting Luke’s mom Ellen about a recipe, you heard footsteps coming closer. Putting your phone down, you keep an eye on the doorway, slowly you see two sets of eyes look around the corner, along with some giggling.
Keeping up the same theatrics, you creep closer to them, trying not to giggle yourself. As you make it to the doorway, you say, “I’m going to get you two!”
“Ah mommy no!” As your daughter buries her face in Luke’s neck laughing.
“If you two are going to try to scare me, you at least have to be quieter,” You say looking up at your daughter and Luke. Luke just throws his head back laughing, and he pulls you into his side to hug you also.
“We will try better next time,” He says going for a kiss, “I’ve missed you both.”
He had been gone for a week long roadie, and you and your daughter had been calling and FaceTiming him all week any chance you could. Although, you were used to it, having been with him since you were 19, your daughter hasn’t fully gotten used to it. You two had her by accident when you were both 21, and although it was rough, with you still finishing school and Luke getting the hang of playing for the Devils, you both wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“We’ve missed you too, haven’t we honey?”, asking your daughter.
Nodding her head, she says, “Can I go play with my toys now?”
Laughing at her impatience, Luke sets her down and she’s off to play with her toys. Bringing you into a full on hug now, he says, “How have you been momma?”
“I’ve been good, she’s a handful sometimes, but other than that, it’s been good, but I’m so glad you’re home now.”
“Me too and we have home games for a bit, so I’ll be here for a while,” Luke kissed your forehead. “Now whatcha cooking? I’m starving”
“Babe you’re always hungry, but I’ve gotten a recipe for spaghetti from your mom that I’ve been wanting to try, it’s baked spaghetti, so it’s just finishing up in the oven,” He follows you back into the kitchen, “Do you want to go shower and change while it’s finishing up?”
“I took a shower before we boarded the plane, so I’ll just go change real quick,” giving you a quick pat on the butt, he turns and walks out of the kitchen, stopping to talk to your daughter real quick.
You hear their conversation from the kitchen, your daughter says, “Daddy! Look at the new Barbie mommy got me!”
You know what’s going to come next since you and Luke both told each other not to get your daughter anymore presents since her birthday is so soon. However, you couldn’t tell her no after she gave you puppy dog eyes at the toy store.
Replying back to her, Luke says with a laugh, “Oh did she now? Doesn’t she know that you have enough toys! I love it though baby, I’ll be right back.”
Hearing Luke come back into the kitchen, you go back to checking on the food, you hear him cough, “Hey babe?”
Slightly turning your head, you give him a shy smile, “Yes?”
You see him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, he asks, “What happened to not getting her anymore toys until her birthday?”
You shrug your shoulders, “Umm I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You couldn’t resist giving him a sweet smile, as you know he’s not really mad about it.
“Hmm sure you do,” he says with a wink, “As if you didn’t get on to me about bringing her home a stuffed bear two weeks ago.”
“Hey! You know as good as me that you can never say no to those puppy dog eyes!”, you say, and he makes his way around the kitchen island to you again.
Coming to stand behind you, he whispers into your ear, “Don’t worry I couldn’t resist not bringing her home another stuffed animal, I think we both have a problem babe.”
Leaning back into his chest, you laugh. “We better stop before we have to convert a whole other room into a play room just for her toys.”
“I know, I know. I just hate not coming back with anything, especially when I’m gone for so long,” he says resting his chin on your head.
Sighing you say, “I get it, we both know it’s hard, but she’ll understand eventually. She just misses her dad sometimes but she knows you’ll always come back home to her.”
Squeezing you tighter, he adds, “And I’ll always come back home to you too, always the both of you, forever.”
Turning around you kiss him, humming into the kiss, he pulls you into him and you run your hands up and down his back. The oven timer has you both pulling away, “I’ll get it out and get everything done, if you go change into something comfier and then check on her and bring her in here.”
“Sounds good, but don’t think I’m not going to continue this little make out session later tonight,” he says winking at you again. Even though you have been together for years, he never fails at making you blush.
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ladykailitha · 2 months
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 3
Hey guys!! I am really loving all the excitement for this story. It's going to be a fun ride.
I'm going to be taking a week off with this and Icarus (metal band Steve) next week because I can't wait for you guys to see the Stripper AU and the Olympic swimmer one. And Sept is too far away dammit!
This part we see the morning after and Eddie learns Steve's real situation.
Part 1 Part 2
Steve woke up the next morning, warm, sated, and happy. He stretched luxuriously in the bed, reveling in the silky softness of the satin sheets against his bare skin.
“There’s the sleepy head,” Eddie said from a nearby chair. He was gently strumming his guitar and jotting down notes. “Did you sleep good, princess?”
Steve sat up and let the sheets pool provocatively around his waist. “Best sleep I’ve gotten in a long time, if I’m honest.”
Eddie chuckled and put the guitar down. He strolled over to the bed and kissed Steve deeply. “As much as I would like round two, I’ve got to check out in an hour and I still need breakfast and shower.”
Steve pouted, but the tantalizing smell of room service hit his nose and his stomach growled.
He hadn’t eaten since his dinner two nights before. So he slid out of the comfort of the bed and pulled on his pants, before padding over to the table that had a literal feast laid out.
“I figured you’d be hungry,” Eddie explained. “Eat as much as you want, I can grab food on the tour bus.”
Steve looked up at him, chewing his bottom lip. “Are you sure?”
“Yup!” Eddie said, and then gathered some clothes and slipped into the bathroom.
Steve dug into the food with gusto. His mouth watering around each bite. Look, he’d grown up rich. He had never had “poor” people food. Only the best ever graced his mother’s table. But this? This was god tiered level food. Each bite melted in his mouth and lit up all his senses. It was divine.
Granted that could just be because he was hungry, but he didn’t think so.
He wasn’t sure how long he took savoring each morsel but he looked up to Eddie chuckling in the doorway to the bathroom.
“You keep making those sounds, baby,” he purred, “and I might be tempted to see how fast I could get you off.”
Steve ducked his head to hide his blush. “Is the food always this good?”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “Not always sometimes they’ll have some asshole chef who thinks he’s god’s gift to food and makes it all about him. Small portions, bland, expensive as hell. There isn’t much Hawkins has going for it, but this hotel is definitely one of them.”
“It must be so expensive getting a room here,” Steve breathed.
Eddie just shrugged. “You must have not come from much if this impresses you.”
“My parents are like lawyer and businessman rich,” Steve said shaking his head, “not rockstar rich. Trust me when I say that this would blow their fucking minds.”
“Duly noted,” Eddie said coming to sit next to him at the table. There was still a lot left as Steve had been enjoying the meal instead of scarfing it down. “I wouldn’t know. I grew up in Forest Hills that’s the trai–”
“Trailer park,” Steve said quietly, “I know. I used to babysit after school for fun money. I didn’t have to do it, but I enjoyed it and I liked the pocket money that wasn’t dependent on Mommy and Daddy. Anyway one of my kids was from there. She had a single mom who worked and when she didn’t she drank, so I was happy to watch her and get her out of the house for a couple of hours.”
“Oh.” Eddie blinked for a moment and then half shrugged. He pulled some food onto his plate and took a bite. “So yeah, I grew up poor and each time we moved up the chain from sleeping rough, to motel, to cheap hotel, to nice hotel, to some place more like this I was always impressed. Don’t impress me anymore, though.”
Steve tilted his head to the side. “Do you miss that? The wonder of seeing each new place?”
Eddie frowned as he thought about it. He took another bite of food but he nodded. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He poke Steve in the ribs. “Don’t I didn’t notice you wanting to go diving into those pillows when we first came in. I saw you.”
Steve squeaked and giggled. “All right, all right. But can you blame me?”
“Nope!” Eddie said with a grin. “Because that was the first thing I did when I got into the room yesterday afternoon.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, all right.”
They finished their breakfast.
“Come on let me take you back to your car,” Eddie said putting his luggage together for his PA to grab later.
Steve didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t tell him that he still had all his earthly possessions in his car. At least he hoped they were still there. That he didn’t have any place to go and he couldn’t ask the parents of those kids he babysat. His dad would make their life hell.
“No, it’s fine,” he said waving Eddie off. “I’ll relax here in the lobby for a bit and then call a friend for a ride. You can go whenever you need to.”
He had no friend to call and he would be walking that long ass trip back to the bar.
“I’m not going to do that,” Eddie said, standing up. “I’m going to take back to the bar because that’s where the tour bus is anyway. It doesn’t make any sense to have you call someone else when we are literally going to the same place.”
There was nothing Steve could say to that. So he finished getting dressed and walked with Eddie back to his rental car.
Once they got to the bar, Steve tried to sneak off, but Eddie wasn’t having it.
“I’m walking you to your car, Stevie,” Eddie said with a chuckle. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Steve dragged his feet all the way to the back of the lot where his Bimmer was parked.
Eddie stopped ten feet from the car and looked at Steve in indignation. “Please tell me you have some place to go after I get on that tour bus.” Steve opened his mouth, but he held up a hand, “And please don’t lie, you’re terrible at it.”
Steve’s jaw dropped as he stared at him in shock. “I am not!”
“Yeah, you are, babe,” Eddie said coming and taking Steve’s face in his hands. “It’s how I was able to tell you weren’t twenty-two, remember?”
Steve let out a small petulant huff but said, “Yeah, okay. My dad kicked me out and threatened all my friends so they wouldn’t want to take me or risk his wrath. He did the same thing to my job at the video store.”
Eddie kissed him tenderly and then pressed his forehead against Steve’s. Steve grabbed onto his wrists for something to hold onto, not to pull him away.
“Let me get this straight,” Eddie growled, “you have no friends, no money, no job, and no place to go, is that right?”
Steve nodded, tears slipping down his cheeks.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. He took Steve’s hand and started hauling him away from the car.
Steve stumbled, trying to keep up. He looked back at his car and then back to Eddie. “But where are we going?”
“I need to make a short pit stop and then we’re going back to the hotel,” Eddie said firmly.
“But what about your tour?!” he protested. “I let you throw your life away from some guy you just met!”
Eddie stopped and turned around to face him. “You listen real close, little Canary. We are going back to the hotel to get you a room for the next six months so that you have a roof over your head and a constant supply of food. Then I will be going on tour and will check in on you from time to time to make sure you do need anything else. Is that clear?”
Steve gulped he wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. And he had the feeling that if he tried to weasel out of it, Eddie would be right back in Hawkins to hunt him down.
“You take care of everyone else,” Eddie said gently, “let me take care of you.”
“How–how did you know I take care of everyone else?” Steve stammered, trying not to think of the implications of what was going on here.
Eddie kissed him gently. ‘Because little Canary, you have not once talked about the boy you were obviously caught with for your dad to throw you out even though he’s not offering to take you in either. You haven’t railed against the friends that are clearly more afraid your dad then they care about you. You haven’t blamed your dickhead boss for firing you for being gay, even though you really should. And you haven’t called the parents of the kids you used to babysit for fear of your dad coming after them, too. You have carer written all over you, babe.”
Steve blinked in the face of that onslaught of information.
He hadn’t really thought to blame anyone for his current predicament because it was obviously his fault this all happened.
“So you’ll let me help you?” Eddie asked with a raised eyebrow.
Steve sighed and waved his free hand back to the direction they were going. “Lead on.”
Eddie cackled and did just that.
What the pit stop was was Eddie talking to his band and manager about getting Steve a room at the hotel, putting all of the expenses on Eddie’s credit card and hauling all his belongings up the hotel room Steve had vacated literally a scant hour before.
The room had been cleaned and the bedding replaced and the bed made anew.
Eddie handed Steve a paper with a couple of numbers on it. “The top one is my cell phone. I usually leave it in the tour bus, but if you call it I’ll call you back as soon as I can. The second number is Chrissy, she’s our manager, if you need anything other than what the hotel provides, call her and she’ll get it for you. The third number is your hotel en suite phone number. I don’t recommend giving this out to too many people though, okay?”
Steve nodded and gingerly took the paper from him. He looked up at Eddie, eyes glittering with unshed tears. “Thank you so much for this.”
Eddie kissed him again. “You just relax and enjoy yourself, baby. The tour will be over in a few months and then I’ll come back to you, I promise.”
Steve kissed him goodbye as tears flowed down his cheeks. Eddie kissed them away and gave him a hug goodbye.
Once Eddie was gone, Steve sat down into the chair Eddie had been in when he woke this morning. Hard.
His entire life had been turned upside down again. This time was even more insane than the last.
Just two days ago, he had been making out with Tommy Hagan on his parents’ sofa and now he was sitting in the swankiest suite in Hawkins’ swankiest hotel, which would be his for the next six months.
He had all his clothes and his pictures and things. He even got to put them up on the side table, housekeeping would just dust around them. His clothes were in the drawers and closet. There was a basketball court in the hotel gym, there was a swimming pool, and a fucking sauna. There was a TV in the room, hooked up to cable. He could even order porn on here and it would all be charged to Eddie’s credit card.
Steve literally had everything he could ever need and never leave the hotel. There was just one condition.
No underaged drinking on Eddie’s credit card. Steve could smoke, watch porn, do whatever else he wanted, but he couldn’t drink alcohol until he was twenty-one. Because Eddie didn’t want to get into trouble with the law and Steve really didn’t blame him.
So he traded booze for the life of luxury. Which fucking hell was a pretty great trade.
He wiped his hands on the black leather pants he had yet to change out of and stood up.
Steve eyed the bed for one moment before he was running straight for it. He leapt into the air and landed spread eagle, face first in the center of the bed, pillows flying everywhere.
It was every bit as amazing as he thought it would be.
He rolled over on his back and stared up at the ceiling. Maybe he could get used to this, in fact.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Tag list: CLOSED
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog @beelze-the-bubkiss
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
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5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @sticknpokelightningbolt
9- @scoops-aboy86 @kurofuckingshi16 @watermelonmite @eyehartart @dreamercec
10- @little-birch-boy @yearningagain @micheledawn1975 @blondie1006
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metallicaislife · 11 months
A Steamy Halloween
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A/N: I am so bad at flirting irl and that translates into my writing I'm so sorry hahahahah I think what happens after makes up for it thoughhhh 😏
Requested by : Anon
Genre: 18+ Smut, minors dni
Word Count: 1,531
Warnings: fingering, unprotected sex, m x f pairing
“Are you sure you don’t need a ride there?” Kirk asked for the third time over the phone. 
“Yes, I’m running behind a little bit so I’ll just see you when I get there, okay? Plus, it’s not that far from my house. A short walk won’t kill me.” I said holding the phone between my shoulder and ear as I applied the deep red lipstick. 
“Fine, I’ll see you there.” He finally relented. 
“See ya.” I said quickly and hung up the phone. 
I took my time with finishing touches of my costume.
I entered the party, greeting a few people. I was on a mission to find my best friend though. When my eyes landed on him, I was surprised to see he was already looking at me. I made my way over to him. 
“If you spotted me why didn’t you say anything?” I asked folding me arms. He finally snapped out of whatever spell he was under. 
“I.. uh sorry. Um, nice costume.” He said swallowing hard. Internally I smirked, I was in a short leather dress that accentuated my body perfectly, and a pair of platform heels. 
“Thanks.” I smiled showing off my fangs, tried and true sexy vampire for the win. “Are you a ghoul?” I asked. His eyes were surrounded by black paint and contoured his face to give it that hollow look. 
“Bingo.” He replied with finger guns. What a dork. My favorite dork though. 
“Anything fun going on here?” I asked, finally taking the seat next to him. 
“Not really. But it’s still early.” He shrugged. 
“You’re forgetting who’s throwing the party, my guy. If it was me there’d be games but it looks like all this is, is a costume mingle.” I huffed. 
“Wanna give it a while longer then get outta here?” He asked. 
“Yeah, that sounds good.” 
We got up and talked with some of the other party goers. I was right though, all these people were interested in talking, no drinking games, kissing games, you know a normal party. 
About a half an hour later, my eyes met Kirk’s and I gave him the signal we concocted to give the other when we wanted to leave a situation. Kirk nodded and we met at the front door. 
We walked to his car in silence. He opened the door for me.
“Thanks.” I said sliding in and buckling up. He walked around getting in. 
“Where to?” He asked, starting his car. 
“I’m hungry, are you?” I asked as I  fidgeted with my hair.
“Yeah, the diner okay?” He offered our usual spot to eat. 
“Always.” I replied.
The diner was on the other side of town. Music played softly over the radio. Kirk has been my best friend since grade school, but sometimes it felt like he was my boyfriend except without the perks of kissing among other things. Things that I thought of more often than I would ever admit. Sometimes I flirt with him just to see his reaction. He does the same though. It’s like we’re stuck in this vicious cycle of seeing how far we can push that boundary. Feeling confident in my costume and the reaction he gave from seeing me in it I decided tonight would be a good night to push that boundary button.
“You know, if the party turned into a make out party I’d have let you kiss me.” I said. I was serious, but I kept my tone light. I looked at him, his nostrils flared but he didn’t say anything so I kept going. “I would have even let you touch me.” I said dropping my voice to sound sexy.
“You talk an awful lot for someone who won’t actually do anything.” Kirk snapped as he clenched the steering wheel. My mood soured and I quickly snapped back. 
“You’re one to talk.” 
I jolted in my seat, the seat belt tightened, not letting me go far. 
“What the hell, Kirk!” I exclaimed. 
He didn’t say anything as he pulled the car over and parked where there weren’t many cars or foot traffic. 
“Get in the back seat.” He said in a dark tone. 
“What?” I asked, looking at him. His eyes met mine, there was a fire I’d never seen before. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He warned. My eyes widened as warmth pooled low in my belly. I fumbled a bit as I unbuckled and got out of the car sliding into the back seat. My heart thrummed in anticipation. Moments later Kirk followed suit and got out of the driver's seat and entered the back. He locked us in. His demeanor broke a little and he said, “if you don’t want to do this, tell me to stop.” 
He scooted closer and I moved so I could crawl onto his lap straddling him. 
“I want you to fuck me.” I said. The fire returned in his eyes and our lips met in a deep kiss that I felt in my toes. 
Years of imagining this moment, and it was something so much more than I could have ever wished for. His hands gripped me tightly as I tangled my fingers in his hair. 
I grinded down on him feeling him begin to harden. He pulled away and started sloppily kissing my neck as I continued grinding against him. My dress was riding up and his warm palms ran up and down my thighs as he found my sweet spot and bit down. I moaned as my hands explored the planes of his chest through his shirt. I found the hem and began lifting it up and he pulled back enough to let me help him take it off. I immediately dove in kissing and nipping at his chest. His hands kneaded my ass then he began to lift me. It was a bit cramped but he managed to maneuver us so I was laying across the back seat, my feet planted on the seat knees up. My dress was bunched up to my stomach. Kirk knelt as he rubbed his hands over my legs. His pupils were blown, lips swollen. He looked hot as fuck. His hands traveled further until he was at the top of my panties. He began pulling them down and I shifted my hips up so he could take them off. He shoved them into his back pocket. He ran his fingers through my folds eliciting a moan from my throat. He slipped a finger in, then another, using his thumb to rub my clit. 
“Oh fuck… don’t stop.” I moaned. He smirked. 
“Does it feel good?” He asked.
“S’good.” I moaned louder as I got closer to my release. I squirmed as I came, a slew of curse words leaving my lips. 
“So fucking sexy.” Kirk commented. He pulled his dick out of his pants rubbing my release over it. My hooded eyes met his eyes as he moved closer. He rubbed the tip over my clit, I whined. 
“Want you in me.” I breathed out. He aligned himself with me and thrust in. He let out a groan.
“Thought about this for so long. Gonna fuck you so good you won’t get off to anyone’s cock but mine.” He said, and I believed him. The windows were fogging as he began pistoning his hips, our breathing heavy. He paused for a moment to lift my hips and resumed, I screamed as he hit my g-spot. The car shook with each thrust. I came again, my eyes rolling back. He continued dragging out my pleasure before pulling out, he fisted his dick and came on my stomach. He lowered my hips and rested his forehead on my knee. After a while in silence regaining our breath he sat up tucking himself back into his pants. 
“Stay there.” He said and got out going to the passenger door. I heard him rummage about the glovebox before coming back around to kneel between my legs. He had napkins and tenderly cleaned my stomach. 
“Thank you.” I croaked, my throat hoarse from screaming. 
He smiled and helped me sit up bringing my dress back down to cover me. I got out of the backseat and he rushed around to open the passenger door. He stopped me before I got in and kissed me, I immediately kissed him back. He pulled away, a goofy grin on his face. 
I got in and we resumed our voyage to the diner.
When we got there, Kirk opened the diner door for me, following behind and softly resting his hand on the small of my back. 
We were led to a booth and sat across from each other. I ordered fries and soda, while Kirk got a salad. 
“Do you want to go back to my place after and watch Halloween?” Kirk asked. I munched on a fry and nodded. 
“Can we watch Creature from the Black Lagoon after that?” I asked. 
“Of course.” He replied with a smile. 
We fell into comfortable conversation. Part of me wondered how the dork in front of me was the same one from 20 minutes ago that absolutely rocked my world.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 33
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Saturday, January 9th; 9:15 AM - At Lucy's Place.
I gently hug the pillow against me, letting out a long sigh from between my lips. Negative thoughts immediately flood my mind, even though I've only just woken up. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm still alive. My life is so miserable that I doubt I'd be missed by many. I tell myself that the only thing that has saved me is my new life. I blink in this unfamiliar room, where I realize I'm alone in a large bed and a room that isn't mine. The events of last night come rushing back, reminding me where I am. I understand my earlier thoughts even better now. A muffled groan escapes my mouth as I realize that Lucy knew about my night terrors and that it’s not something new. Although she seemed calm last night, she must be upset with me for hiding things she didn't want hidden. I’ll have to face the consequences now. She must have held back last night because of my state, but I doubt it'll be the same this morning. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s waiting for me in the living room to discuss it. I check the time before forcing myself out of bed. Hiding from life by staying in bed is cowardly. That’s what my dad used to tell me when I was feeling down in Barcelona. I discreetly leave Lucy’s room and head down the hallway. Not seeing her around, I continue towards the living room. I smile when I find her standing with her back to me behind the counter. As I approach, I notice that she’s swapped her pajamas for jogging pants and a black t-shirt. When she turns around, she must be surprised to see me because she stops for a moment before finally smiling at me.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
“Hey,” I say timidly, blushing at the nickname.
“I didn’t expect to see you up this early.”
“I don’t sleep as long anymore…” I admit.
“That’s true,” she smiles. “I made breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.”
I relax for a moment, relieved that she doesn’t immediately bring up what happened last night.
“I’d never say no to breakfast,” I reply with a bit more confidence.
“Good. Sit down. What would you like to drink? Tea, hot chocolate? I imagine I don’t need to ask if you want coffee.”
“Hot chocolate, please.”
“Alright, I’ll make that for you. Sit down, everything’s ready.”
I nod gently and turn towards the dining table. Everything is indeed set out. It looks like she had time to prepare a real feast. I sit down, fidgeting in my chair. I’m not particularly comfortable, knowing what’s likely to be discussed soon around this table. Lucy joins me, placing my cup in front of me before sitting across from me with her own.
“Have you been up long?” I continue the conversation.
“Since seven-thirty. I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a run.”
“Oh! You’re brave…”
I distract myself by looking at the table. I don’t know where to look because there’s so much. She thought of everything. There are as many fruits as there are pastries and bread. She must have picked them up this morning. There’s also butter, jam, and even Nutella to go with it.
“Help yourself, that’s what it’s there for,” she invites.
I bite my lip and nod. I can’t bring myself to look at her, especially now that I remember we ended the night in the same bed… In her arms. Damn. Just thinking about it makes me even more uncomfortable.
“Ona,” she calls me, a touch of amusement in her voice.
I finally dare to lift my head and find her looking at me with her head tilted. I get the feeling she can read me like a book right now.
“I think it’s best we talk about it now, huh? I sense you’re going to go crazy before the end of the meal if we don’t.”
I blush, suddenly feeling really foolish. I can feel my heart racing with stress. Still, I nod to confirm what she’s saying. It’s best to talk about it now, to get it over with, even if it means she’ll chew me out properly. What surprises me is that Lucy is more relaxed than I expected. She almost seems to be teasing me. I take a deep breath before starting.
“I’m sorry for waking you up last night…”
My response makes her raise an eyebrow. It’s like she wasn’t expecting me to say that.
“Oh, so that’s all that’s bothering you?”
“Of course not,” I mumble.
“Relax. I’m not going to eat you, you know. Since when are you like this with me?”
Since I don’t want to disappoint you. That answer sticks in my throat. She doesn’t need to know that. Instead, I decide to be honest.
“I feel bad for hiding my episodes from you… Especially since it seems you already knew…”
“I did, yes. I was just waiting for you to come talk to me about it yourself,” she admits.
“Are you mad at me…?”
“A little. I think that if you hadn’t come here, who knows how long I would’ve had to wait for you to tell me.”
“I didn’t want to bother you with something so minor. You already do so much for me, and I was managing on my own until now. It frustrates me to have to turn to you every time something goes wrong with me,” I finish, averting my eyes.
My thoughts are so jumbled. I consider her a friend, but I don’t always feel like she sees me the same way. Sometimes, I feel more like her student and nothing more. It’s ridiculous because if that were the case, I wouldn’t even be here. She places her hand on mine, prompting me to look up.
“Stop thinking like that, it’s not true. I’m doing this as a friend, okay? Wiegman doesn’t ask me to solve your problems. I do it of my own free will because I care about you, and I feel the need to help.”
“It’s fine, I assure you… Everything’s okay for now.”
“Stop lying to me.”
“I’m not lying to you, it’s true. Since you came into my life, so much has gotten better! You have no idea how much you’ve helped me.”
She sighs, running a hand through her hair. She doesn’t seem to realize how deep of a hole she pulled me out of. The change is obvious.
“If what you’re saying is true, then you shouldn’t have any trouble confiding in me when you have a problem. That’s what helps you get better.”
“I do! I came to you when I didn’t know what major to choose. The same when I needed help studying.”
“I’m talking about real problems, Ona. Like your drug issue or your insomnia… See?”
“I do talk to you,” I sigh. “I told you about my problems with my mom and with Feli. You can’t deny that!”
“Maybe, but you’re always hesitant, and you often do it too late.”
“But put yourself in my shoes, damn it! You’ve never lived through what I’ve been through! It’s hard to open up when you’re not sure the person will still be there at the end!”
I freeze, realizing what I just let slip. I hate how easily she gets me to talk. I look up to see her expression soften.
“What are you talking about…?”
I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Now that I’ve started talking, she won’t let it go until she gets answers.
“How do I know we’ll stay in touch once all this is over, huh? I’m already scared you’ll drop me the day I don’t have any more problems to solve…”
“Where do you get these ideas?” she frowns. “I’d always be happy to talk to you, Ona.”
“They’re not just ideas. It’s already happening. You ignore me when I behave all week. If this keeps up, I’ll be tempted to mess up just to get your attention.”
“No, come on. I forbid you from doing that! I’m not ignoring you.”
“Yes, you are. Can you tell me how many times we’ve seen each other these past few days?”
“Ona,” she sighs. “Camp Wiegman is my job. I’m sorry if you feel like I’m ignoring you, but it’s not intentional. I have other things to worry about besides you, though I wish I could avoid them.”
“Sorry… It’s just that… Everyone I’ve ever trusted has a tendency to let me down or disappear… You’ve become the person who knows me the best, and… I really don’t want to lose you too.”
Her sympathetic smile makes me turn away. I don’t like being pitied, even though she rarely does it. A long silence follows. When I look back at her, I find her with a little playful look that makes me frown.
“This isn’t funny, I’m opening up to you here.”
“I never said it was funny. I just find it cute, that’s all,” she says with amusement.
“It’s anything but cute to be abandoned.”
“I would never abandon you, silly! Stop thinking that. If you want to spend time with me at school, nothing’s stopping you from coming to my office during your free time.”
“Of course. If I hadn’t suggested it before, it’s because I thought you preferred spending time with your friends.”
I sink into my chair, suddenly feeling deeply ashamed and foolish. I should have considered other alternatives before revealing my innermost thoughts to her. Now, she knows that she means something to me, even though I didn't necessarily want it to be that way. I feel weak and like I'm giving her the chance to hurt me.
"Hey," she pulls me out of my thoughts. "Everything's okay, alright? I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Never forget that. And if you need to come to me, don’t hesitate, okay?"
I sigh and nod. I wish I could believe it, but it's hard. She gives me a small smile that I struggle to return.
"Well... Can we talk about your nights now? I’d like to know when your first episode happened."
"The first one was the night between Wednesday and Thursday," I confess. "I'm sorry that the second one happened with you."
"Don’t apologize for that. I wanted to be informed so I could keep track of your condition. I was really disappointed to hear it from Alexia."
"You should know that I don’t like to bother people, which is why I didn’t say anything. You don’t need to keep track of this."
"Well, actually, I will be. I want to be notified during your episodes, and I will be, even if it’s not through you."
I sigh and cross my arms, showing my displeasure.
"We’ll find a solution, okay?"
"Okay..." I mumble. "Oh, and, um... Thanks again for letting me sleep with you last night."
"Was it okay for you?" she asks. "I offered it on a whim, but I forgot that you usually sleep only with Mapi or your brother."
My eyes fixate on the cup I had been fiddling with. I realize I hadn’t even had the chance to think about it for a single second, and that’s frightening. I've come to trust her blindly without realizing it. I actually care for her more than I thought. I shake my head slightly to regain my composure and clear my throat before responding.
"Uh, yeah... Everything was fine..."
"Good," she smiles gently. "It looks like you’re starting to improve, huh?"
I awkwardly return her smile and nod. She doesn’t seem to understand that this is all thanks to her.
"Well, now that we’ve talked, we’d better get ready. We have a busy schedule ahead."
I nod enthusiastically. This news delights me. I appreciate that she has planned something specifically for me. This afternoon will be a good way to clear my mind.
"I hope you’re going to show me your version of the city. I don’t want the tourist version. The monuments and all that stuff don’t interest me."
"Don’t worry about that, you can trust me. I’ll take a shower while you finish up. See you later."
She tousles my hair as she passes by to put her cup in the dishwasher, then winks at me before disappearing behind the sliding doors. The bathroom door slams shortly after. I finish my breakfast quietly, appreciating all these small gestures. Once done, I try to tidy up what I can and gather the rest so she doesn’t have to do it all. I then return to my assigned room. I open my suitcase, which has remained in place, to choose my clothes. I opt for a casual outfit with jeans and a shirt. I then make my bed and Lucy’s, thinking it’s the least I can do for her welcoming me so well into her home. It’s also the only way to show my gratitude. When I turn around to leave her room, I jump, not expecting to see her behind me. A wave of heat washes over me when my eyes fall on her body covered by nothing but a towel. Holy shit! I blush even more when I lift my eyes to meet hers. I turn my gaze away to try to hide, even though it’s probably too late for that.
"Sorry, I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you’d be in the living room."
"Sorry. I... I had some time... I took the opportunity to... To make the beds and... And then..."
"No problem," she laughs at my embarrassment. "Can I get dressed now?"
"Y-yeah, of course. Sorry again."
I quickly leave her room, doing my best not to look at her again. I blush once more when I hear that small voice that sounds remarkably like Mapi saying, "See, I told you." It’s complete nonsense. I’m not interested in Lucy. And even if I were, it’s not meant to be. It’s a lost cause. To clear my mind, I head to the bathroom to get ready... Or maybe not. The steam Lucy left in the room reminds me of what I just saw. Once again, I think about the unhealthy ideas Mapi must be having on my behalf. What if she’s right? I shake my head vigorously at that thought. No, she’s not right, and I should probably strangle her for making me think such things. I’m not interested in Lucy, and I’m even less infatuated with her as she suggests. She’s just a friend... A friend I particularly care about. I splash water on my face to shake off this unpleasant theory. I then dry myself with a towel, which I find is already damp. I groan, imagining Lucy using it before me, and grab a new one. I then take my toiletries to brush my teeth, my hair, and finish with makeup. I’ve always kept it simple: foundation with cream, a line of eyeliner, and mascara. I pack everything up, making sure to take my bag with me as I leave.
"AAAH! What the hell!" I shout at Lucy for scaring me.
I hit her on the shoulder, intensifying her budding laughter. I regret letting Lucy Bronze into my life so much. Her laughter is the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard, and I hate myself for thinking such a thing.
"Oh come on, it was just a joke."
"You’re really mean," I pout, pretending to be upset.
"No, I’m not," she laughs. "Why are you bringing that?" she finally asks, noticing my bag.
"I was going to put it back in my suitcase."
- Why don’t you just leave it here? It’s ridiculous to have to search for it every time. Look, you can leave it here.
Before I can counter her suggestion, she takes my toiletry bag and places it on the counter next to the sink.
- See, I’m organized enough to find a place for you, she teases.
- Thanks.
- Don’t mention it, she says as she pulls out her makeup. I should be the one thanking you for making the beds and tidying up the kitchen.
- Oh, it’s nothing... It was the least I could do.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, yes, I was waiting for you. What are we starting with?
- Don’t be so curious. You’ll find out soon enough.
The frustration and impatience grow within me knowing that I’ll have to wait to find out. On top of that, she announces that we’ll be driving a lot. Long car rides don’t usually bother me, but they might today.
- Okay, I’m ready, she says as she finishes with her mascara. We can leave. Do you think you’ll be warm enough? We’ll be walking a lot and it might be windy.
- Are you telling me I need to change? I ask, looking at myself.
- Don’t you have a big sweater?
- I have one, but not very thick ones. I spend my days in a fully heated classroom, remember?
- Take off your shirt, I’ll be right back.
I grumble but follow her instructions and take off my shirt. She returns shortly with a navy blue sweater, which must be hers. I put it on over my tank top as she advises.
- Is this better?
- Perfect, she smiles. We can go now. Also, take a big scarf.
- Are you taking me to the North Pole? I tease.
- Believe me, you’ll thank me tonight.
I stick my tongue out at her, which seems to amuse her. I put on my shoes, coat, and scarf in my room, then join her in the living room. She takes the time to examine me from head to toe. It seems that my outfit satisfies her, as she finds nothing else to criticize. She then opens the front door, and we use the elevator to reach her car in the basement. Before getting in, we remove our coats and scarves and place them in the back to be more comfortable for the trip. Once done, we leave the building to the sounds of Lana Del Rey. I’m starting to enjoy this CD from hearing it so much. The basement darkness is replaced by the white snow continuing to fall from the sky. The weather here no longer surprises me. I comment on this to Lucy, who has decided to be playful today.
- Is it because you’re humming that it’s snowing? she retorts.
- It’s not likely to be your fault since you never sing.
- Is that a challenge? she raises an eyebrow.
- Maybe. I’m still trying to figure out if you’re a stuck-up girl or not.
- You think I’m stuck-up? she huffs. Well, thanks, that’s nice.
- Well, you’re always so serious at camp. It makes you wonder.
- Stop calling it a camp. It’s a school!
- And you stop dodging the subject. Besides, I’ll call it a camp if I want to, I provoke.
- I’m not dodging, she giggles. Camp Wiegman is my workplace, so it’s normal that I stay serious, right?
- Yeah, maybe too serious for my taste. Especially with the rules, I grimace. Rules are meant to be broken.
- Oh yes, sure. I respect rules so much that you’re in my car right now, she says sarcastically. Maybe I should drop you by the roadside.
- You wouldn’t dare.
- Want to try and see? she challenges with a sly smile.
- Of course, I mock. You wouldn’t be able to anyway.
It’s well known that challenging someone in jest is a risky move, but I’m sure she’d never leave me by the roadside. At least, that’s what I thought until I notice where we are. To put it mildly, nowhere. We’re far from civilization, and we haven’t been driving for long. I start to panic when she surprises me by stopping by the side of the road.
- Get out of the car.
- Seriously? I was just joking!
- Can you trust me for once in your life? she laughs. Come on, get out.
I feel completely disoriented. Still, I unbuckle my seatbelt without thinking and get out of the car as she turns off the engine. Without saying anything, she climbs over the gear shift to take my place. I have a moment of reflection before she gives me the message by tapping the driver’s seat.
- You’re letting me drive? I ask with wide eyes.
- Yeah. You better not make me regret letting you drive my baby.
A beaming smile spreads across my lips. I quickly walk around the car before she changes her mind. I settle into the driver’s seat, not knowing where to put my eyes.
- Adjust the mirrors and the seat if needed, she commands.
I move the seat forward slightly when I realize the pedals are too far. I then adjust the mirrors under Lucy’s watchful eye. I smile as I caress the steering wheel and look at the dashboard.
- Are you comfortable?
- You’re really letting me drive? Aren’t you afraid I’ll mess up?
- I just hope you still know how to drive, she laughs.
- It should be fine...
I buckle up and wait for her permission to start the car. I feel nervous under her scrutiny. It feels like I’m reliving my early driving lessons. It’s been so long since I last drove, and now I’m behind the wheel of an Audi. Lucy’s Audi, no less. When I turn the key, I stall immediately, not noticing that she had left it in gear.
- It’s off to a great start, Lucy chuckles. Are you sure you have a license? Do you even have it with you? she realizes with concern.
- Yeah, I laugh at her reaction. You can check my wallet if you want.
- Hmm, that’s exactly what I’m going to do, she says as she leans toward the back seat.
She rummages through my bag to find my wallet. She seems relieved to find my license and gives me the green light to start. I do as she asks and, fortunately for me, I don’t stall again. I then merge onto the road, making sure there’s no one around. I glance briefly at Lucy, who still has my license in her hands.
- Watch the road, she scolds.
- Oh, come on, I’m managing.
- Obviously, she snickers.
- Where am I going?
- Go straight and at the next intersection, turn right to do a U-turn. There shouldn’t be much traffic here. Do you think you can handle it?
- Normally.
- Hmm, hmm, she smiles. Slow down, will you?
- Are you done yet? I scoff. I feel like I’m hearing my mom when I was learning to drive.
- Hey! I’m far from being your mother, she replies, tapping my thigh.
I mock her while following her instructions. I make the U-turn without any problems, which seems to reassure her. I was lucky there were no other cars. I think she deliberately took this route to give me back the reins. She has me take the previous road to reach a more attractive road. She directs me to the right, introducing me into traffic. I’m proud of my driving, even though I sense that Lucy is not too comfortable beside me. She winces in advance at each possible mistake I might make.
- How did you learn to drive? she asks.
- My dad taught me one summer when I was fifteen. My mom never knew. The day I started driving with her, I had to pretend not to know, I giggle.
- Were you already on bad terms with her back then?
- Yeah. It was a real disaster. At my slightest mistakes, she’d yell at me, which made me mad. We never finished a trip without it ending in a fight.
- I see. Take this way.
Excitement hits me when I see we’re driving along a beach. It’s far from as beautiful as Barcelona’s, but at least there is one. Lucy reminds me to focus on the road. It’s funny how she’s so concerned about her car.
- Do you want to make a stop?
- Can we?
- I had something else planned, but it’s just nearby, so we can park and walk a bit.
- Cool! I’d like that.
I stop at the first parking lot we find and choose a spot where no other cars are around to make sure I don’t hit a mirror. I engage the handbrake and turn off the car with a big smile.
- Happy to finally drive an Audi?
- Thanks for letting me drive at all. I missed it.
I unbuckle and throw myself into her arms, catching her by surprise. She accepts my hug after getting over her initial shock. She then retrieves her keys from the dashboard before we get out. I understand why she asked me to dress warmly the moment I feel the cold air hitting me harshly. It’s even colder than in downtown. I quickly put on my coat and scarf. Lucy puts our bags in the trunk so we don’t have to carry them and lock.
- It's freezing here, I said, pulling up the zipper of my jacket all the way.
- I warned you, she laughed. Follow me. I want to show you something now that we're here.
- Do you come here often?
- Occasionally, when I want to clear my head.
- What do you want to show me?
- Don’t be impatient, princess.
I smile at the nickname she hasn't used in a while. Everyone thinks Leah is the one who started it, but Lucy called me that from my first day. We walk a bit more until she stops in front of a rock formation that is more imposing than the others. I grimace, realizing her intentions.
- Don’t tell me we’re going to climb up there?
- Yes.
Without waiting for my response, she starts climbing. I sigh and try to follow her at a certain height.
- Remember that I’m afraid of heights, right?
- Don’t be a wuss. I promise it’s worth it. Come on, give me your hand.
Since she doesn’t seem to change her mind, I take her hand and she pulls me up to her level before continuing higher. I eventually reach the top without falling. She finds a flat spot where we can sit. It wasn’t so complicated after all. I look out at the horizon thoughtfully. She was right; it was worth it. The view from up here is magnificent. The breeze whistles in my ears, but the place is so soothing that I don’t mind. To think I almost missed this spot. We can see everything from here, but no one can see us thanks to the rocks in front of us that hide us.
- This is where I come most of the time when I need to be alone.
I tear my eyes away from the sea to look at her. She gazes out admiringly. I appreciate that she’s sharing something personal with me. She promised she would this weekend, and it seems she still keeps her promises.
- Tell me about yourself. I want to get to know you better... You know, the real Lucy. Not the camp instructor.
- What do you want to know?
- I don’t know. Tell me about your family, your friends, what you like... Everything.
- Everything? she chuckles. Am I tormenting you that much?
- Totally.
A smile forms on her lips, but she still doesn’t look at me. I turn my attention back to the waves crashing on the rocks below us. I can already imagine this scene in my sketchbook. She takes a deep breath that prompts me to meet her gaze.
- Alright. One thing you can know now. Where do you want to start?
- I already know a few of your friends... So why not talk about your family? If you don’t mind, of course.
- Alright, but only if you tell me about yours in return.
I grimace but agree anyway. It’s the only way to learn things after all.
- Very well, she says, taking a deep breath. To be honest, I’ve never known my real parents.
I don’t hide my surprise. I expected many things, but certainly not this revelation.
- I was adopted at birth, she continues. My parents were clear with me as soon as I was old enough to understand. I never worried about who my real parents were. To me, I already knew them and didn’t need anyone else.
- Wow... I wasn’t expecting that, I admit.
- I know, she smiles. It didn’t stop me from living a normal life, quite the opposite.
- Are you close to them?
- Quite, yes.
- It didn’t stop you from leaving them to come here.
- It was only for studies; otherwise, I would have never left, she tells me with a small smile. I don’t really have much more to add, she chuckles, shrugging. My life can’t be as exciting as you might imagine.
- Don’t you have any siblings?
No, I’m an only child. My mother couldn’t have children, which is why they adopted me. However, I consider Jenni like a sister. We’ve known each other since childhood and grew up together.
- I see... So, you’ve never had any conflicts with your parents or anything like that?
- Not really, she giggles. They’ve always let me live my life. Well, let’s move on to you. What are you still hiding from me? she asks curiously.
- Well, I have divorced parents, a blended family... I’m now waiting for my mother to announce that she’s getting remarried.
- Do you think that will happen?
- I suppose. It would be logical, I shrug.
- And... And your father? she asks delicately.
I could have sworn she’d bring him up. It’s one of the few things she doesn’t know about my family yet. I look at her for a moment, noticing no insistence in her expression. If I wanted to, she’d let me dodge it, but that’s not the most courageous decision. I look ahead as I begin to answer her.
- There’s not much to say, I murmur.
- Sorry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.
- If there’s not much to say, it’s because he’s no longer here.
I spoke before my mind could torment me too much. I didn’t want to backtrack now that I was decided to tell her.
- He’s dead, Luce. He’s just dead.
A heavy silence surrounds us at this news. Saying it out loud still hurts just as much. Tears burn my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away with the back of my hand.
- H-He died on a mission when I was eighteen. He was a soldier. H-His death caused my breakdown after high school...
If I look at her now, I won’t be able to hold back the tears that threaten to fall for good. Without saying anything, she puts her arm around my shoulders to pull me closer to her. I don’t think twice about snuggling against her desperately.
- Don’t hold back. You have the right to be devastated...
These simple words release my tears. She squeezes my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.
- It must be hard, but know that you will never be alone again. I’m here now, and I don’t intend to leave you. Okay?
I nod, unable to respond any other way. My throat is too tight, and I might break into uncontrolled sobs.
- D-Do you promise? I ask with a broken voice.
- I promise.
She holds me a little tighter, giving me all the comfort I need. The words are finally out. Someone other than my family or Mapi now knows. I’ve wanted to manage to do this for a long time, and I’ve finally succeeded.
- I’m glad I met you...
- Me too, Ona.
She gives me the time I need to recover. Long minutes pass while I start to feel better and slowly straighten up.
- I think we have a plan waiting for us, don’t we? I ask with my slightly hoarse voice.
- That’s right, and it’s quite packed. Do you feel up to continuing?
- Yeah, I want to enjoy what you’ve planned for us.
- Good, she smiles. So let me suggest we start with the fairground over there, she says, pointing to the place I saw earlier.
- That sounds perfect.
And I mean it. I wanted to go there the moment I saw it, and now she’s offering it to me on a silver platter. She helps me up and down the rocks. She mocks me when I close my eyes on the way down, but it was the only way to manage it. She suggests we head back to the car to get to our next destination faster. I didn’t say no, feeling my feet freezing. It was definitely the best choice.
Saturday, January 9; 3:30 PM - Downtown Manchester.
Our late morning at the fairground was perfect. Lucy is amazing. She managed to make me forget our conversation from this morning. It’s the first time I’ve seen her as anything other than my boss. We’ve just left the restaurant we went to after having fun. She’s taken the wheel for the drive back to downtown. I was happy she let me drive her Audi at least once. It’s the only one that has trusted me so much, and I enjoyed it immensely. The little restaurant she took me to was cool. She once again paid for everything, despite my protests. I ended up abandoning the argument.
- Are you ready to walk?
- Yeah, it doesn’t bother me.
She smiles at me before we stroll through the streets. I don’t know where we’re going, but I trust her. Well, that was until she stopped in front of a dilapidated building. I remain skeptical as she pushes open the door.
- What are you doing...?
- Are you being a wuss?
She challenges me with a mischievous smile, raising her eyebrows. I hate it when she does that. She knows I can’t say no to her. She gives me a nod to go into the creepy building, and I do. She goes ahead to climb the stairs without seeming bothered by the environment.
- Are you okay? she asks, glancing at me.
- Uh-huh...
She chuckles before turning around and climbing at a faster pace. She doesn’t seem to notice that I’m already struggling to keep up.
- What are we doing in this creepy stairwell?
- Patience, you’re too curious. Remind me to ban horror movies for you if you can’t handle places like this.
- I’m not scared! I mutter.
- Have you seen your face? she giggles. You look like you’re going to have a heart attack at the slightest noise. The building is abandoned; there’s no one here.
- You can’t be sure!
- There’s no one here, I’m telling you, she laughs.
I’m relieved when we finally reach the top. She forces open a heavy metal door that eventually creaks open. I cautiously step in behind her. My eyes close as the daylight dazzles me. She props the door open with a slab she found on the ground. I realize we’re on the roof of the building. I slowly move beside her, taking in the surrounding buildings.
- Wow...
I look at Lucy, who’s smiling at me. I momentarily pause on her outstretched hand.
- I know you’re afraid of heights, but you need to see this.
I take her hand without thinking. She carefully pulls me to the edge, which is protected by a safety railing. I hold onto the railing as she positions herself behind me to let me take in the new view.
- Look down...
I take a deep breath before looking. I’m momentarily overwhelmed by vertigo, but Lucy places her hands on my shoulders to ground me. I smile, appreciating what I see. It’s breathtaking. She’s showing me Manchester from above, and it’s a real spectacle. The streets are crowded with as many pedestrians as cars. Everyone continues their lives, unaware that we’re watching them. Walking across the city is so much more effective.
- Visiting in your style, huh?
- Absolutely, she smiles. Not so bad, this haunted building, huh?
- Shut up, I chuckle. Admit it’s scary!
- It’s true I was hesitant the first time I came here, she laughs. But it’s worth it, right?
- Yes! You can’t imagine the number of drawing ideas that have come to mind since this morning with everything you’ve shown me.
- Hey! Copyright then. These are my private spots.
- Is this the first time you’ve brought someone here? I ask curiously.
- Yes and no. Let’s say someone showed me these places, and... I’m showing them to you now.
She leans over the railing beside me to see the city. She looks at me for a moment, a smile forming on her lips.
- These are my personal places that I’m sharing with you. Make sure not to divulge them.
- I won’t say a word, as long as you tell me about the person who showed you these places.
She raises an eyebrow but smiles at the seriousness of my request. It’s a chance to learn more about her.
- It was my first girlfriend... My first love, I’d say. Her name was Kiera.
- What happened...? I ask softly.
Her eyes remain fixed on the city below us. She doesn’t say anything for now. Maybe my question was a mistake. I was about to speak, but she beats me to it.
- She was the first person we met here with Jenni. Let’s say she was a bit like you... She had drug problems she was trying to overcome. I helped her through a detox.
- Oh... I understand better now why you reacted so well with me...
- Yeah, it’s thanks to her, she laughs nervously. I had helped her get out of that. Or so I thought. Everything went wrong in a day. One of her friends called me in a panic. He said she wasn’t responding and he didn’t understand what was happening. My first reaction was to grab my keys and go to her. When I arrived, I just found my girlfriend’s body... She had overdosed.
A strange feeling washes over me. She told the story without any apparent emotion. There it is, her dark memory that she had kept hidden. I try to meet her green eyes, but to no avail. Her reprimands and worries about me become so much clearer. She doesn’t want me to become like her. She’s afraid of losing me like she lost her. It’s my turn to put my arm around her shoulders. She surprises me by resting her head on my shoulder.
- Please don’t fall back into that.
- I won’t. And if I’m feeling down, I’ll talk to you about it.
She ruffles my hair before kissing my cheek. It’s the first time she’s shown such an affectionate gesture towards me.
- Alright, we’ve had enough gloom for today. Do you have any particular desires for this afternoon?
- I thought you already had a full schedule?
- I do, but I prefer to ask you first.
- We’ll stick to your plan, just because I love what you organize.
- Alright, she says, standing up. We can go to Old Trafford if you want. Otherwise, I also saw there’s a street art exhibit nearby if you’re interested.
My eyes light up at the mention of her second suggestion. Her smile is amused.
- The exhibit, I suppose?
- Obviously!
- Good. However, it doesn’t start for another hour, she tells me, checking her watch. But we can take a walk in the park first if you like.
- Good idea, so we can do both.
I’ve always loved nature anyway, and it seems she does too. We head back to the car to reach the park, as it’s too far to walk from here according to Lucy. In any case, she’s truly gone above and beyond to make me happy until the end.
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adlery · 3 months
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→ When he caught you're joining street racing
→ Note: Fluff, a bit angst, reader join illegal street racing, GN!reader, OOC MAYBE???, love foolish reader
→ Tw: none (cringe)
→ Adlery's speaking: My boy is so divine🧎 but wtf is this... it's so bad (crying with my 2:00 am writing💀) suddenly got this idea HFSJKDKS... If I missed something on note, do tell me! LUVYUU BYEISS
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- you and Suo have been dating for months now, obviously he knows you owned a classic Kawasaki motorcycle ever since you came up on the date riding it for the first time.
- he's really interested and even asked a lot about the vehicle. Who gave you? How did you get? Do you always ride it? Man even joke to be your passenger princess
"Perhaps, I could be your passenger princess from now on, Y/n-chan", he gave you the carefree smile. And you, someone who heads over heels for him, already taking it seriously.
- of course you offered him a few of time a ride to school or basically a couple of late night drives when both of you're free.
- You even let him drive and fortunately it went well (it's Suo we are talking about. He's trusted)
- sometimes, you stop by near the beach as you spend time with him in peaceful silence while sitting on the motorcycle seat
- But lately, he noticed that you've been looking a bit worn out at school and sometimes skip a patrol (with permission)
- as your boyfriend, the suspicion grows more when he notices your knee has a bandage and some bruises when he is secretly peeking through the door of the classroom while you're alone, treating those with ointment.
- Suo once, ask you about it but you simply reassure him with a bad excuse like you accidentally hit your knees on the table, bla bla bla... He didn't buy it obviously but he just nodded and said he trusts you
- hell no, he's not dumb so he thought to waits for the right time to ask you again and seek the truth
- But the universe loves him, so he gets the answer beforehand
- This happened when Umemiya informed the first year to watch the town near the night since a fight will happen and once again, you're not coming as you told umemiya you're sick, so your boyfriend is a little relieved to know you're taking a rest
- after settling down, he finally decided to pay a visit to your house and try to call to inform you that he will come but it was declined. Strange.
"Declined.. huh", the suspicious came back to him as he plastered an unreadable face. Kiryu who noticed his change reassured the male that maybe you don't want to be disturbed or need some time
- Then they walk away from the place, following Tsugeura who is hungry after the small fight, which leads them to the sidewalk of the main street to go to the restaurant.
The atmosphere is full with the group voices but Suo, until Sakura spoke up to him, "Oi, you seemed less talking today", he raised his eyebrows, a small blush rising on his cheek due to embarrassment after the question he's worried:(. The eye patch male glances at him, giving the reassurance smile, "Nothing, just worried about my lover, they are sick right now so I thought maybe I should buy them a medicine after this"
- But suddenly, various motorcycle noises come from the street when a race is about to begin not too far from them.
"What the hell, making noises at night, disturbed the people", Nirei pointing out with annoyed while the others shows agreement with his words
- Suo is an observing guy, of course he's not leaving his eyes towards the group of bikers due to his bad feeling and that's until his eyes suddenly darted on a familiar vehicle... The colour, the sticker he knows that you had shown him you bought, the similar helmet colour and literally the figure of the biker... It's you.
- Now his curiosity answered, he's not amused nor happy about it as he stopped on his track, making the first year's stop and facing their way at him.
"Suo-san, you good?", Nirei sweatdrop as Sakura noticed the strange feeling came from Suo, "Oi, what are you looking at?" This makes the male break the silence and smile at them, unfortunately his smile does not reach this time, "Eh nothing..."
- You are doomed
- the next day you went to school, extremely exhausted but it was worth the shot last night that you won the bet and conquered the race
- and there he is, looking at you from across the corner of the classroom, he wants you to talk, to tell him all of it, right now.
- he approached you with his usual close eyes smile but his tone is off
"Good morning, Dear", his sweet voice sending you shiver, it's not like he's not used to talking like this before but you know something is wrong, so you just smile back at him, trying to mask the exhaustion facial.
"Morning, Suo-kun. Umm...about last night...I'm sorry I declined your call...i- was a bit sic- Woah!" not before you finish your words, he pulled you out of the class as your eyes widened, "Hey- Suo... Wait" he brings you to the stair that is empty from other students and finally let go of your hand. His arms crossed, you know he wants you to speak so you are guiltily looking down, "Hmm... Dear, I suppose you have something to explain about last night" he took your chin and tilted it up to face him, you gulped and had the nerve to give him a sheepish smile "Um... Well... I guess... You caught me"
He sighs, he doesn't want to make the issue big, so his tone is turning more soft and gentle, "I did... Why did you join that?", you can't help but break the eyes contact from him, trying to put the sentence, "I... I'm sorry... But it's one of my likings.... No other reason indeed", again, he sigh and shook his head left to right, "You hurt yourself the other day, Dear", this instantly making your head turn up to him, "Oh! That... Let me be honest... It was an accident and no worries..haha" You give him an embarrassment chuckled, "Just a little fell", your voice turns ghostly at the end.
- He finally accepted it, that's your choice but as your lover, he, always puts a note on you to be careful, and not too carried away with the race (you take it with an open heart:D)
- After that, You show him the wound and he gives a proper treatment and change your bandage, plus with a sweet gift of sarcasm remarks
- ever since that day, you're willingly skip some of the race if Suo tells you not to because he needs your help- or it just an excuse for you not to go there again
- when you want to have a race, he texts you to come over to try some of his brand new tea or anything else. When you were about to go out at the specific time before the race, he called you to help him patrol the town and what do you do? Clearly, You obeyed and passed the race because he's your priority.
"Ah Dear, the brand new tea I bought has arrived, come here please", without wasting your time, "Coming!" , the guy next to your vehicle is dumbfounded seeing you leave the way about to started race without any words, yeah... Suo is the cause.
- When you can't come to spend time with him, He playfully used the chance and recapping how you abandoned him only for the race before (he's joking) so the results he will hear his house bell ring and you are standing there Infront of him after the door open
"Ah you come" a big fat grin drew on his face as you roll your eyes, "That's not fair, you always used those mistakes to make me feel guilty!", he then abruptly connected his lips on yours resulting in you to follow along, you sigh after the kiss break, "Well don't blame me, I want to spend time with my lovely dear. Isn't that sweet" He put a close eyes smile, making you chuckled lightly, "I'm not blaming you then"
- You both then went inside and had alone time together<3
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©Adlery : Like and repost are so much appreciated 🎀
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topsyturvy-turtely · 3 months
turtely's OTP challenge
read day 24 "Spikey Like a Rose" on ao3!
prompt: dealing with children
summary: My name is Rosie Watson and I am five years old. Today I got into trouble.
Gen, 593 words, Parenlock. Sherlock is a Good Parent. POV Rosie.
this. but 4 years later:
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or read it on tumblr! TRIGGER WARNING: BULLYING
Hello! My name is Rosie and I am five years old. Actually, my name is Rosamund Watson. But Daddy and Papa call me Rosie. They like it. Papa sometimes says 'Little Watson' or 'Flower', because Rosie sounds a bit like a rose. I like that. Roses are pretty. They also have spikes. I can be spikey too! Like when Peter from kindergarten was mean to me today. He said it is 'freaky' to have two daddies and no mummy. But I told him, "I do have a mummy. But I don't know her because she is dead." And also I told him, "And also, having two daddies is always better than having just one!" Then I hit him.
Now I am in trouble because Papa sits on the other side of the table and looks at me all serious. He says, "I understand you were angry and hurt, when Peter said our family was 'freaky'. But hurting people is never a way to solve your problems. Do you understand?" Papa looks at me with his serious eyes. I look at his curls - they bounce funnily when you put your hands in them. I wish Papa stopped being mad at me, and let me put my hands in his hair again. I look away, I don't wanna look at Papa when he is angry. My eyes start to hurt.
"I am not mad at you, Watson." I listen up again. Papa is not mad? "But I want you to understand that instead of hurting, talking about your thoughts or your problem, is the best way to deal with your feelings. Do you understand that?"
I start to cry, "I understand, Papa."
"Oh, Flower. Come here!" I climb into Papa's lap. "Why are you crying? Do you want to tell me?"
"I am just- just glad, you aren't mad at me. I am sorry I hit Peter!"
"I am not mad at you, Rosie. You just need to learn these things and that's okay. Daddy and I need to learn to talk about our feelings, thoughts and problems, too. Without hurting each other. It took us a while and some help to figure that out, too. Life is a lesson. You never stop learning."
"Like learning to read and write and count in school?"
Papa laughs. "That is important too, but there is much more to learn. About feelings and many other topics."
I think about that for a bit. Then, I nod. "I think I get it, Papa."
"Good. Oh, I wanted to say that I like what you told Peter today, though. You stood up for yourself and your family. That is important and I am proud of you. When you do that it is called 'loyal'. You're just like your father - he is a very loyal man, too."
I think again. I like being like Daddy. He is strong and smart and funny. And he loves Papa and me a lot. I nod, "Alright." Then I hug Papa. I put my hands in his hair and let it bounce. "Can we go pick up Daddy now?"
Papa laughs again. "Not quite yet. Do you wanna go to the park in the meantime?"
I jump up. "YES!" I yell and run as fast as I can to get my backpack and put some snacks inside, because I really don't like being hungry.
When I have it, I run back. But Papa hasn't moved at all! So, I ask, "Why aren't you ready yet? Come on, let's go!"
Papa laughs, then - finally - gets ready.
kudos & comments on AO3 are highly appreciated!
tags under the cut :)
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @sunshineinyourmind @booksoversleep @startrekker2011
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thedivineflowers · 9 months
Imagine being the 9th member of Stray Kids and the youngest because you’re in middle school.
But you get told that you're too loud and clingy so you close yourself away
A warning of angst and like self doubt tell me if I need to add more!
Fans would expect you to be so full of energy and talkative and clingy because you’re a kid, maybe you’re just a quiet kid?
But no, the only reason you don’t talk a lot unless asked questions is because you’ve been told by many people in your personal life that you were just loud and to ‘tone yourself down’. You’ve been told that your clinginess was annoying by those same people. You wanted to leave a good impression on your bandmates, so you’d stay quiet and tried staying independent and not cling to them even when you were nervous or scared.
You got scared that if you became ‘loud’ and ‘clingy’ with them like the people in your personal life they’d be bothered by it. But they weren’t, one day in an interview with just you the interviewer asked about your quietness and distance with the members.
“I got told a lot by people that I was loud and was really clingy and that it was annoying how I wanted to hold hands with someone or hug them for no reason all the time just because I wanted to.” You answered and laughed at yourself a bit. “So then I thought, ‘I really am annoying’ and I’m gonna be in a band with people that are older than me so I wanted to leave a good impression and not seem annoying to them or bother them because of how talkative and clingy I was.” You breathed out and looked down at your lap. “And it’s hard at times because I get really lonely sometimes because im trying to be independent and I don’t really want to bother any of them just because I wanted someone to talk to or cuddle with y’know? They’re the only people I have besides my family and I just struggle with showing them without thinking I’m going overboard.” You sighed after getting a bit off your chest.
The interviewer was baffled because they're so fond of you and talk so much about you that you could never annoy them but moved on, but you missed one detail.
It was going to get to one of the members.
You walked back into the dorm and sighed after the long day and walked to your room to change into a pair of shorts that were just cut sweatpants and a random shirt before going on your phone when you started seeing edits of your recent interview. Your stomach dropped, the members were going to hear about it!
You heard the click of a door and multiple footsteps shuffle in with the sound of bags land on the kitchen counter when Chan shouted "Y/n, are you home?" He asked as you answered back with a yes and walked out your room to greet them.
They had come back from feeding some ducks that were at a pond nearby and they brought dinner back with them. "I heard that you're interview from a few days ago got posted, do you want me to put it on?" Felix asked and looked back at you as he was standing Infront of the TV with the remote in his hand while you were facing away at the counter.
You paused the slightest bit before shrugging. "Whatever you want is fine." You answered in the same quiet tone that you always have around them. Lee Know kept his eyes on you for a bit before going to grab plates.
"Put it on! Y/n looked so cute that time." Han decided as he pinched your cheek.
You sat down on the couch with the others but made sure to keep yourself at the end and quietly ate while the others laughed at the jokes made during the interview.
Then the part where you kind of trailed off was coming up and you abruptly stood up. "I'm full. Thanks for the food." You said quietly "But you just started eating. Do you want to save it for later if you get hungry?" Changbin asked as some of them turned their attention to you while the others kept their eyes on the screen.
"I'll put it in the fridge to heat up later." You answered before walking away as you heard the interviewer ask "So Y/n, it's not hard to notice that you're distant with the members despite knowing them since before debut, is there a reason for that?"
'Just run to your room before they notice.' You thought as you heard your voice finishing up where you trailed off and the interviewer stuttering a bit before asking the next question.
Just run before they ask and they'll eventually forget to ask.
But there was no where to run when Chan and Lee know were blocking your only exit from the kitchen. "Come sit on the couch with us." Chan said as he gently placed a hand on your back and guided you to the couch where the others sat with the video played back and paused on the previous question the interviewer asked.
You were sat between Felix and Seungmin as Felix swung an arm around your shoulder and had you lay your head on his chest while Seungmin wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his head on your shoulder.
Han and Jeongin laid their heads against your legs while the others stood Infront of you.
"Okay, we've been wanting to make a few things clear for a while now regarding you." Chan started as he stood Infront of you with the others.
"You're not in trouble or anything." Lee Know added
"Just know that just because others consider you clingy doesn't mean that we do, and we don't care if you're talkative too. It doesn't even matter if you're a kid or not, you are a member of this band and we want you to be comfortable and not silence yourself because of what some people said." Hyunjin reassured you as you fiddled with your fingers.
"But you'll get annoyed with me like everyone el-" "But we aren't everyone else." Felix cut you off and moved his hand to stroke your hair "We are your family here.” He whispered
“You’re not lonely here, it’s okay to depend on one of us once in a while.” Jeongin spoke up as he looked up at you with a small smile. “You’re still young and you’re you, who cares about what those people said anyway.” Seungmin huffed before squeezing your cheek. “Go grab your food and sit at the table. We’re gonna get to know you, okay?” Han asked as you sat still for a bit before running to the kitchen to grab your food and sit at the table with everyone else as they asked you various things and went over memories.
Over time you were able to come out of your shell with them and fell into open arms as they returned your hugs and listened to you whenever you felt like saying anything even if it was about you whispering that you wanted to throw your skzoo character at the camera during a vlive.
Chan would often invite you when he did his Chans room episodes and they’d mostly end up with you two having your skzoo characters box each other and the loser would have to eat spicy noodles.
Lee know would call you the name of one of this three cats based on what color your hair was dyed and if didn’t match any of his cats he’d call you by the name of your skzoo character. He also has a habit of carrying a brush with him so he could comb your hair if it looked messy.
Changbin would take you to the gym with him and have you count for him and keep him company and when he’s done he’d take you to get a snack and fight over which seat you two would take on the couch before watching a movie
Hyunjin would have you help him decide what to draw or paint when he can’t decide and sometimes would let you chill with him while he did or you two would brainstorm over what he could do next. Sometimes you’d doodle on his sketch pad and he’d add details and he’d hang it either on the fridge or in his room.
Han would share bites of his cheesecake with you or if you bring back cheesecake for him you both would share it and would see who could take the biggest bite and he’d poke your cheeks while they puffed up, you both had a contest of who had the puffiest cheeks and it was left at a tie.
Felix would help you bake things that you’d find at the store and sometimes as a surprise you’d bake something and you'd find a way to get ice cream inside or serve it on the side. And sometimes to mess with him you'd try to bake BbokAri for dinner and in return he'd hit you with your own character.
Seungmin and you like to go out when it becomes fall you two would sit outside in some sweaters and just chill until you two see some stray dogs walk by and then you two run to see who can pet it first.
Jeongin and you would genuinely just bond as the youngest of the group with similarities and you’d mostly follow him around the most out of all of the members and most of the times you two can be seen hiding in a corner gossiping about random things.
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maraudersfan-club · 1 year
Remus lupin would be the softest sweetest most awesome boyfriend of all times
He is the kind of boyfriend to wake you up in he morning with kisses and with whispering sweet little nothing's in your ears , making sure you wake up with a smile on your face
He would walk with you to the great hole , and while you are walking he would either talk to you about the last book he read , or one of the things that happened in the few classes that you two didn't share and visa versa.
Sometimes you would walk in silence just devouring each other's presence , both left in your own thoughts
When you'd reach your table , you'd sometimes sit besides each other and other times against.
Usually the boys would reach the table 5-10 minutes after you did , because they are always grasping a few more minutes in bed
He would make two of his infamous moony toast , sharing the one with you , while you made his coffee
You two do not depend on each other , but it's obvious to everyone that you are in sink , both working together towards the same goal
Then you would fill your plate with other goodies to eat. Sometimes when it's close to the full moon he would neglect to eat much so you'd take some food with you in a paper towel , knowing that he gets hungry
Other times you'd claim not to be hungry , so he would do he same for you
You would walk together to class talking to the boys about maybe a new prank to do , or about James progress with a mystery boy- Sirius is always curious about who it is but James is not telling him, or anyone for the fact - or Sirius would tell you about what he did to the last party he attended
You didn't sit together, rather Remus sat in front from you in classes. Mainly because you didn't want Sirius and James to sit together and also because he often claimed that he could not sit next to you because "your beauty distracts him making unable to take proper notes in class"
At lunch the boys would sit together and you with the girls (marlene lily and Mary) would usually sit together and talk about anything. A lot of times the two groups would merge and then chaos ensued in there
You would continue your classes and at the afternoon you'd hang out with him or Lily in he library since your studying styles where similar . You'd rest a little in the common room , with all your boys , but more often than not you'd end up wondering around
Usually you'd go for 30 minute walks around the castle or the school grounds
Most nights in which you went at the astrology tower you met Regulus and you'd sir there and talk.
There's times in which you went to the forbidden forest you'd usually meet Xenophilous Lovegood , and you'd talk about whatever obscure creature was circling him mind at the time.
Some times you'd meet some friendly Slytherin in the halls and you'd take some walks around the halls together in silence or not
Other you'd meet Slytherins that did not like you , but fortunately , no one really tried to hurt you (except for snivellous and his friend group) make it be because Remus lupin was scary and noone wanted to mess with his girlfriend, because you are friendly to everyone not depending on the house , or maybe even because you were one true marauder , quick at spells and hexes
Once you'd get back from your walk you'd talk a tad bit with the girls and then you'd ho with Remus at his dorm. You'd sleep together more often than not. You'd usually fall asleep listening to him read a book. Actually it wasn't the story that got you to get to sleep , but his voice. Soft and earthy. His voice felt like home to you. When you heard him whispering at you , you always felt a little bit safer
Thia took a weird turn ig?? Idk what I am doing I am just writing what feels good to me
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ryuichirou · 10 days
Replies! About Jamil’s roommate, twst boys making each other jealous, Jade feeding Silver funny mushrooms (again) and some other twst stuff.
Anonymous asked:
hi i love ur art sm. i love how often u draw ortho bc some of the twst fandom always leave him out <//3 thank u and have a great day!!
Thank you, Anon!! It means a lot! <3
Ortho really is underappreciated, and I think a lot of people just aren’t sure what to do with him… and some people are genuinely uncomfortable with him lol But he has so much to offer and is so unique and interesting that I can’t really help it. He is a joy to draw, and I am always happy when people like drawings of him.
Have a great day too!
Anonymous asked:
I don't like your latest artwork at all. At all!!! It's smug aura mocks me...
that feeling when you realize you will never have a cozy morning jamil greeting you when you wake up. why even live
(DON'T READ THE REST of this ask if you don't want spoilers for his birthday vignette, I don't even know if what I'm going to say counts as spoilers or if you care about these kind of vignettes)
They briefly introduced Jamil's mob roommate, and of course we don't get to know a lot about him (he's a mob after all), but I thought it was funny that his main contribution to the vignette was sleeping through every noise Jamil makes (like drying his hair or when his alarm clock goes off). I like to think that he is the one mob student who just isn't interested in Jamil in the slightest. It's not that he doesn't think he is pretty, it's just that it does nothing for him. Jamil, you need to treasure him!
Ouch, Anon! But also, fair! There is nothing to like about that latest artwork! If anything, it’s offensive! 😤 (thank you so much <333 and also thank you for this existential dread; why even live indeed…)
I KEEP FORGETTING THAT THE MAJORITY OF THESE BOYS HAVE ROOMMATES OMG Jamil and his mob roommie!! 🥹 lol it really would be funny if he was that one (1) Scarabia student who doesn’t have the hots for Jamil. Poor Jamil really needs to have one person around him that doesn’t look at him like a hungry animal. And finding this one guy took so much luck from Jamil that he remained luckless for the rest of his life 😔 rip
But also maybe this guy is just very good at pining quietly…
Anonymous asked:
re: jack x epel, i can see epel hooking up with people (slut smh) and not wanting any strings attached, and although i think jack wouldn’t be into hooking up…sometimes deuce isn’t around when he’s unbearably horny and he does share a class with epel, who’s more than happy to help a hot buff wolf man…and sometimes deuce will hang around ace and it makes jack jealous so he recruits epel to make deuce jealous >:3
the drama!
Oh god, the first years just keep fucking each other to make each other jealous!! 😭 This is why romance is forbidden in this kind of schools, because otherwise this shit happens! (fun fact: I have a little comic about Ace recruiting Epel to make Deuce jealous, but for now it’s only been posted on ko-fi) In all seriousness, these boys really are horny and petty enough for all kinds of drama to happen.
Epel would also probably be very into the fact that he is being this cool and mature… he would expect to be more experienced by Jack but 😔
Anonymous asked:
So which of the twst cast would flirt with someone else to get someone jealous? Also who would do it for funsies, to get back at them as petty revenge or some other petty reason?
APPARENTLY THE ENTIRETY OF THE FIRST YEAR! Shame on them! Shame on these boys! Sebek is the only normal one! 😡
In reality though, I can see Ace doing it; Deuce wouldn’t do it intentionally, he just ends up in these situations that make Ace jealous. Epel would absolutely try to do it though. Ortho might too, actually, but he would just tease a little bit…
Azul would be petty enough to do it but he isn’t super liked by others, so there probably won’t be much flirting happening lol Idia might tease Azul like that though, but it would backfire horribly somehow. I wouldn’t call it “flirting” though because Idia isn’t much of a flirt, but complimenting someone for being good at board-games is enough to get Azul mad.
Jade would do it in a very obvious way, almost too crudely for how sneaky and manipulative he usually is. But that’s absolutely intentional.
Jamil probably would, but not with Kalim – he knows that this kind of thing wouldn’t really work with him, and they don’t have this kind of relationship… pissing Azul off would be funny to him though because his reactions are very obvious.
Vil might do it a little bit; I keep thinking about that one jp RookVil comic about Vil surrounding himself with the Savanaclaw mobs during Beanfest and thinking  “it wouldn’t hurt for you to get jealous every once in a while”. Not something he usually goes for, but if he is feeling a little bit petty (i.e. after the VDC)? Easily.
Rook and Lilia both do it a lot but it’s never their intention to make someone else jealous lol
Malleus would be petty enough to do something like that though. As someone who often feels left out and neglected, he would be overjoyed to see someone getting jealous of him and upset with him flirting with someone else. He made Lilia jealous a couple of times, and it’s always such a big win for him that he can’t stop grinning very smugly…
Anonymous asked:
So apparently there is a mushroom called caterpillar mushroom which works similarly to viagra....
Jade likes mushrooms
Take what you want from this ask..... 😈
Anon, the mushroom itself is both fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Jade would be enamoured by it; both by how difficult it is to grow it and how powerful it is. He absolutely will start growing some. Why do you have caterpillars in your room, Jade? No reason. What is it that grows on their little silly heads? Just a little project…
He will definitely take his time deciding what would be the best use for it, but since he has to check if it works or not anyway, he would need a guinea pig. I guess it means Silver is getting another risotto 🤤
m1lk-n-cook1es asked:
A little prompt I had after reading the  Sleeping Beauty alternate story "Once Upon a Nightmare" that I found on AO3
"Silver fell to a sleeping spell that lasts for nine months. During this time, Lilia nonconed Silver roughly, and Silver ended up pregnant. And after Lilia found out he was pregnant, he began banging Silver in his sleep. One day, during the last day of the spell, Silver woke up in pain (both from contractions and Lilia banging him). Lilia banged Silver as he gave birth to twins. Lilia was disappointed he woke up, but happy that he had kids and planned to play with Silver more"
What a lovely family these two are 🥹
Really makes you think about how fucked up the original fairy tale actually is. It really is the somnophilia story, and Silver is the absolute star of it! Thanks Lilia for being this horrible.
While the topic of pregnancy and giving birth isn’t something that I like, the dark fucked up vibe of this prompt makes it kind of fun…
Anonymous asked:
This but with Lilia: https://youtu.be/AD95PSX7ntE?si=DRQmAWJBuonRvATT
Oh my GOD this is literally Lilia NOOOO
With his silly dance and his historically accurate Exes!
(in all seriousness, I am stunned by the production quality and editing of this video lol very impressive!!)
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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“I have to say, this is an impressive body of work.”
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I shift in my seat, “By impressive do you mean that it’s good, or that there’s a lot of it?”
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This gets a laugh. “Both,” says the man, Paul, flicking through a sketchbook with tattooed hands, fingers stained from nicotine. I notice things like this now. Hands. I notice their lines and their bones, all their interesting details, and perhaps Paul himself could gauge this now as he pours over my figure studies where there are pages upon pages of hands, old and young, my friends, my sisters at the piano, an old woman clutching at a handrail on the train, and my own, a hundred times in different ways, blisters, plasters, hangnails and bruises from the rugby pitch.
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The woman, Ida, shuffles through a stack of watercolour paintings I did last summer, mostly seascapes, the beach and the rushes, the whitewashed houses and rusted iron of the Wexford coast. Just looking at them I can recall the grit of sand under my bare feet as I warmed them on the deck of our holiday home behind my portable easel. In three months I’ll return again for one last summer, and after that I expect I’ll miss it there. 
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“And you said you didn’t do a portfolio preparation year?” She says, peering over the rim of her glasses. 
“No, I’m still at school.”
“Highly unusual for a sixth year,” her eyebrows climb up her forehead, “You've clearly dedicated a lot of time to this.”
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I shrug, “Yeah, I like making art, I don’t know.”
It’s difficult to tell what this woman is thinking. Everything about her is harsh, dramatic, from the sharp fringe that sits straight and neat above her brows to the slash of her mouth, thin lips, pointy chin, hard eyes, but I have to assume for the sake of my own self esteem that she doesn’t positively loathe my portfolio. She spends some time looking through my work, slowly, methodically, sometimes leaning closer to frown at something, maybe some proportion that’s off, bad composition, a clumsy attempt at ambient occlusion that doesn’t hit the mark… 
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“It’s beautiful,” she says simply, and I exhale. 
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“Oh look, a familiar face,” Paul holds a portrait to Ida, “That’s the girl that we were interviewing a few people before this, what was her name again?”
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“Michelle,” I say, “My girlfriend.”
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Paul nods, “Michelle, right! Good likeness,” and places the notebook back onto the table. Leaning back in his chair, he cracks his knuckles, “Look, Jude, there’s no two ways about it here, your work is outstanding. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a portfolio that hits every mark, every requirement and goes beyond, I mean,” he lets out a puff of air and gestures to the table, “this is nuts. And for a sixth year? Come on. This stuff would blow some of our third and fourth year college students out of the water.”
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I feel like I could melt off the chair with relief, but try to suppress my utter delight so that they don’t think I’m too hungry for validation.
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“It’s the sensitivity,” Ida adds, “Your observation skills, your sense of weight, movement, knowledge of anatomy. It’s rare to see this kind of work from a secondary school student. Your efforts are just… so impressive.”
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“And look, we know it depends on your Leaving Cert points, and yeah, that’ll be a contributing factor when it comes to acceptance, but, like,” Paul looks over the table again, tossing his hands up conclusively, “as far as I’m concerned, we’ll see you in September.”
Ida’s mouth curls into a smile, “We hope. If you choose us.”
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If I choose them? Am I dreaming? How have I become the kind of person who is coveted by an art school? Surely not. Surely soon I’ll wake up and discover that this whole interview has been a product of my dreams. Too much time spent stressing out over art, the requirements, the brief... Almost certainly I’ve fallen asleep somewhere and none of this is real. 
“That’s really kind of you to say. I’m glad you liked my stuff.”
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“Blown away,” says Paul, and he leaps to his feet to shake my hand like I’ve just won a prize, “all we need is a pass in the Leaving Cert, you can surely manage it.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure I do.”
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They’re smiling at me as I gather up my work, and still smiling as I give them one last sheepish wave from the door, and I realise I am still smiling too as I face the hallway of waiting students, staring at me with portfolios rested against their knees. I probably shouldn’t look too overjoyed, it might knock their confidence, so I try to look very bored instead as I pass by, though I may explode from the inside out.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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nugget-from-neptune · 2 years
Sick Child Reader MC with the dorm leaders
It's the season where someone is bound to be sick. Especially little kids, so I will be basing this off on how my siblings act when they get sick. So here we have a snotty nose child mc with the dormleaders!1!
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Would definitely make sure you are taking your medicine and resting well. Tries to make you stay in bed resting but it back fires when not only a minute or so of him leaving the room you come out waddling looking for him.
Tries to think of ways to entertain you but it's mostly just boring and mundane things that would make a child lose interest easily. He's trying yall he really is.
When it comes to giving you medicine he loses his temper when you start to whine and throw your head back to avoid the spoonful of bitter medicine. This is the 3rd attempt at giving you medicine please stay still MC.
After finally giving you a stern look you take the medicine all pouty and complaining of the bitter taste. He can only let out a soft scoff and scolding you that if you weren't sick then maybe you wouldn't be taking "icky" bitter medicine
And now Riddle is dealing with a angry sick child. Way to go with the scolding Riddle.
When it comes to feeding you Riddle struggles with that the most since you say you aren't hungry. Even though all you had was some juice. Man's is worried and asking the great 7 to give him some help.
He goes to ask Trey for some help as well. He has never been sick often as a child and was always alone whenever he was. He feels completely lost when you have to rely on him to get better. He knows that medicine should be able to help you buy when you are still have the same snot and coughing fit he gets anxious.
With the help of Trey you start to recover quickly now. Riddle does feel a little jealous that you have got better with the help of Trey but quickly dismisses it when he sees you all happy and running around the Heartslabyul gardens.
Riddle: "so MC mind telling me how you got sick?:
Child MC: "umm yea ok so me, Ace and deuce-"
Riddle: "Ace, Deuce and I"
Child MC: "...but you weren't there..." *child side eye and pout*
Riddle: *sighs* "please continue your story."
Child MC: "can I have a cherry tart Riddle?"
Riddle: "I'm afraid not. You're sick and any sugar will make you go in a coughing fit"
Child MC: 😾 "you're mean"
Riddle: "You can have a tart when you get better"
Child MC: "mmmm....fine but you're still mean"
Riddle: "Yes MC I am a very big mean guy who finds pleasure in hurting your emotions" *sarcasm*
Child MC: "it's good that you know. Good night" *Gets comfortable on the bed and goes to sleep*
Riddle: "huh... and they call me mean." 😾
Was wondering where you were at since you weren't bothering him around the usual end of the school day hours. Only to find out from Ruggie you were sick and will be in his care. Well mostly Ruggie's cause man's doesn't know what to do with a sick child.
Is always keeping an eye on you and losing his nap time because he has to care for you now. He can't nap in peace because of the coughing fits and the small grunts of pain you let out in your sleep. So now he has to do the work he was given for his remediation classes that he was going to do over the weekend because he can't nap and is bored.
Whenever you start to cry because of some pain he massages the area and gently scratches it. Which causes you to stop crying and go to sleep faster. Which baffles him sometimes because just a second ago you were crying and now you're letting out small snores???
Is the one holding you still for whenever Ruggie has to give you medicine. He's seen you kick and slap the poor spoon of medicine away from you and was a victim of getting the thrown spoon hit him. He ain't tryna get hit twice and those little scratches you give him do not phase him at all.
Whenever your condition worsens he feels just a little worried. He's never seen you look so pale, fragile and bed ridden, he's always been used to full of life and energetic. So he always rubs your head whenever you sleep to ease his worries.
Does not fall for the pleading that you want sweets he will tell you bluntly that you are sick and cannot eat all the yummy and sweet candies he has in the drawer. (He only got them because he got bored of you always bugging him for some candy he never had 😾)
Instead of you telling him about your day it's now the other way around. Yes, the Leona Kingscholar is now going off about his day to the sick child because you kindly asked with the small snot coming out your nose and teary eyes.
Feels himself sigh in relief when he sees you all better and full of energy. He can't stand seeing you look so tired and just empty. Makes him feel weird (ehem worried) and all sad somehow. But hearing your little whispers and feeling you blow at his ears when he is "napping" makes him grateful to see you all better
Child MC: "Leonaaaaa I'm hungry"
Leona: "Ok, what do you have in mind?" *pulling out his phone and clicking on Ruggies contact to text him"
Child MC: "food."
Leona: "understandable I will tell Ruggie you want that"
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Child MC: "my tummy hurts 😿"
Leona *who is laying on his bed and using his phone uses his free hand to gently scratch your stomach*: 's that better?
Child MC: "yes 😸"
I feel like Azul was sick a lot as a child but grew up to have a strong immune system so he knows how it's like to feel all icky. So he tries his best to make you feel all comfortable.
Hates to see you complain in your sleep. It snaps something inside his heart seeing you all down. Which is why he vows to make sure you recover very quickly.
Whenever he has to attend business meetings he has one of the twins keep an eye on you. He knows you have managed to wiggle your way into their hearts so it puts him at ease when hes at meetings.
If your condition worsens he feels himself panicking. He's looking over every book he has over human anatomy and trying to find any possible solution to make you recover quickly. He doesn't want to lose you 😿.
He prepares any meals you want and making sure you are getting the sufficient vitamins. Might sneak in a sweet if he sees you recovering quickly. He spoon feeds you because he doesn't want to strain your energy 🥺.
When he's working on contracts and other business plans, he tries to work on them in the room you're staying at. That way he can keep an eye on you and finish his work. It calms down his worries.
If you ever complain about being bored then Azul always has something to entertain you with. Let it he bringing you a few toys he has given you or even letting you watch a movie on his phone. He's got you entertained and sleeping soundly next to his side.
Once you fully recover he makes sure to give you a light scolding for worrying him. After that scolding he surprises you with a sweet he made and gives you a side hug mumbling about how you made him worry too much. The twins definitely take a picture of that moment and use it as blackmail sometimes 🙈.
Child MC: *waiting to be fed by Azul*
Azul: *softly blowing at the spoon filled with soup he cooked*
Child MC: *nose twitches and let's out a big sneeze*
Azul: *has his eyes closed and feeling the soup go down his face* "...bless you."
Child MC: "uh oh....I'm sorry and thank you" 😿
Child MC: *pulling at Azul's sleeve*
Azul: "yes? What is it?"
Child MC: *making grabby hands*
Azul: *bending down to pick up MC*
Child MC: *letting Azul pick them up before blowing their nose on Azuls scarf*
Azul: "....Great 7 please give me the strength to not drop this child who just blew their nose on my just washed scarf"
We all know this man has been "sick" before because he just had to be a from a wealthy family. So he somehow feels responsible to you getting sick. Even if it was because you stayed outside in the rain, he feels somehow responsible.
Instead of just leaving you to Jamil, he decides to be the one giving you medicine, checking up on you, feeding you etc. Jamil looking from the sidelines like ??? He's not annoyed but at the same time he isn't all happy he just feels weird. So he helps Kalim in taking care of you.
Kalim who tries not to indulge in you wanting sweets. He was close to giving you a chocolate cookie if it weren't for Jamil stopping him and scolding him that anything with sugar was bad for you. Yes, Jamil can feel you glaring at him but just ignores you.
He is always in the room you are staying keeping an eye on you. Sure he can be doing his homework but he doesn't do it because he doesn't want to be all engrossed in doing it and completely forgetting about keeping an eye on you.
He tries to make you smile, he would do anything to hear your cute little giggles. But seeing you all teary eyed and with a frown makes him sad.
Manages to help you stay awake by accidentally ranting to you about how his day went, what he learned and how he bought a bunch of things for you at Sam's shop. He promises to give them to you once you are fully recovered.
Kalim who takes note on how Jamil is caring for you when you are sick and asking him for help whenever you start to complain. He doesn't want to be inexperienced when caring for you so he does his best to learn from Jamil on how to care for you when you are sick.
Once fully recovered, with all the energy in the world, Kalim pulls you into a big hug. He couldn't hug you much because you complained it was too hot but now he can give you all the hugs in the world. He knows that you will get sick again sometime in the future but atleast from this experienced it helped him a lot to know how to care for you. Jamil feels a little proud deep down but doesn't show it.
Child MC: *blowing their nose on Kalims shirt*
Kalim: *patting your head and telling you to let it all out*
Jamil: "...tissue exists for a reason yknow"
Kalim: "yea but they wanted to blow their nose right now and I didn't feel like pulling out the tissue packet from my pocket."
Jamil: "..."
Child MC: "I don't like this tea" *grumbles*
Kalim: "Oh I'm sure it can't be that bad" *takes a sip before coughing out the tea* "oh- Oh Great 7 that tea..."
Child: "I told you" 😾
Kalim: "I just had something stuck in my throat. I will add some sugar since you have been a good kid" *secretly thinking that the tea was the most plain tea he ever had*
Now.... can we really see Vil taking care of a sick child...? One that is coughing up a storm and wiping their snot off on the sleeves of their shirt???
He makes it his mission to get you better the fastest way possible. He doesn't want to deal with a snotty nose kid. It's not beautiful- Oh? Neige just posted himself taking care of one of his dwarve friends? Pfft he can do so much better than him, come on MC you will be in his care and he's gonna make sure to milk this situation dry.
Making sure you are taking your medicine, he doesn't care about your whining. You will take that medicine with the look he gives you kind of like that mom raised eye brow look they give you when you misbehave yknow.
Occasionally posts on his MagiCam story pictures that doesn't reveal you or him just like a medicine bottle and a small teddy bear next to it. The hoes going wild with all this, VIL??? Taking care of a child??? Aw so cute 🥺. Hashtags being made left and right about how caring and hot Vil is for that.
Sometimes has you walk around the room, hates to see you all bedridden and doesn't want you to have jello legs. Sometimes picks you up and puts a mask on you, sure he loves you but he ain't tryna get sick. He carries you around and makes sure you are comfortable.
There are times he leaves you in Rook's care because of how busy he is. He makes sure Rook knows to not spoil you and to have you entertained. A complain from you about Rook and he will have his head. Rook just assures him that he knows what he is doing lol.
Sometimes reads to you, watches television, or even rants to you. He has you lay your head on his lap and runs his fingers on your hair. So now you can't take any naps without him doing that. Good quality time spent between yall if you ask me.
Once you are fully recovered, he makes to post a update on his MagiCam. Could be between a scenery photo with you in the background smiling or a selfie of him and you (with your face blurred) with a random song playing in the background. The hoes are eating this up and creating threads on Magi-Twt about yall 😫.
Vil: *just getting done of his night skin care routine*
Child MC: *waddling to the bathroom door and standing there, softly panting* "Vil.... I frew (threw) up..."
Vil: *looks at the mirror for a long time. Praying to the Great 7 above to give him strength and gives you a side look and noticing that you did infact threw up* "what will I do with you little potato... alright come on...let's get you changed."
Child MC: "I'm really sorry"
Vil: "I know you are... this was just something you couldn't control. I'm not mad just... immune I suppose."
Vil: "Ok MC just hold the bowl and stuffed animal for a minute" *grabbing his phone and opening the MagiCam app*
Child: "but I'm not hungry...? I wanna take a nap."
Vil: "You can take a nap after I take a photo of you and cropping your face out. Now stay still the fans need to know I am very caring and gracious at taking care of you"
Child MC: "but you yelled at me a few hours ago-"
Vil: "shush or no candy"
Child MC: "😾"
Once again. Can we see this man...taking care of a sick child...... Especially since he doesn't see the sun and touch grass....? Let that sink in. Man's finna leave you at the care of someone else. As much as he wants to help, fuck is he gonna do? Reprogram you 😹😹??
On a serious note, he would most likely leave you in some one else's care but he does play the part at somewhat caring for you. Not much because he doesn't deal with that normie shit he's got that other stuff to do.
He has Ortho do all the work he should be doing but hey, it's the thought that counts. He has Ortho check up on you and send you some stuff he bought for you.
It ranges from a variety of things the "care packages" he sends can be from snacks to medicine to even a few toys. It really depends yknow on the progress you made.
On the days he finally decides to go outside, he immediately goes to you. Once reaching you he goes on his rambles which entertain you. It makes him happy seeing you with some emotion instead of being all hollow.
He brings a few games for you to play with. Or sometimes let's you watch him play, while commenting what's going on. It's a little bonding moment yall have.
Once he notices how tired you are he makes something for you. Idk I hc him that he knows how to do origami. You have a small collection of origami now thanks to him 🥺. The few times he didn't notice you fell asleep you always were holding one of the origami he made for you. It melts him
Once you are fully recovered you both get to finally pig out one junk food. Drink all the soda you want and even get to stay up past your bedtime 😼😼. But you always manage to go in a food coma so there's that.
Child MC: "What's more important your games or me?"
Idia: "games." *his tablet floats away*
Ortho: "Dang...big brother didn't even think about it."
I feel like this man probably only got sick in his younger years. Man's is always taking care of himself so I doubt he'll get sick. Even if he did, he has his retainers to care for him
Now seeing you all bedridden, looking so sad and bored, it makes Malleus realize just how delicate humans can be. How they can go from full of life to looking so out of this world with those burning cheeks. Feeling cold and clattering your teeth, yet burning up and sweating. So he decides that he will be the one doing the caring for you.
He kind of struggles to be honest. On one hand he doesn't want to be all mean but you really are testing his patience. Luckily Lillia is there to help and Malleus seems to be learning something. Lillia going through deja-vu with you 🥺.
So Lillia is showing the ropes to Malles on how to properly care for you and how to not indulge on the teary eyed puppy eyes. Child MC can never win fr 😿.
He probably spends the free time reading to you. The books can vary, but with the soothing voice he has he makes you go to sleep real fast.
Malleus is really trying to be entertaining but all he ever does seems to make you go to sleep. Now he's doubting himself 😿 but luckily you are there to clarify what's going on.
Once he gets everything clarified with the help of Lillia he tries harder to be entertaining. He notices you using your technology so he really tries to understand what is going on but with a quick look you can tell the gears in his head are turning.
Once you finally recover Malleus gets to finally have his energetic child of man again. He missed seeing you running around the halls of Diasnomia and the giggles echoing. Seeing you all better makes him realize to cherish the little moments he has with you, but he always promises himself to take care of you no matter what. He wishes to still see you smiling instead of frowning.
Malleus: "You never seem to laugh when I am telling you a funny story, child of man. How so?"
Child MC: "Well I do have a sense of humor...it's just..."
Malleus: "Just...?"
Child MC: "just that... you don't say anything funny and you speak all fancy...so I don't understand you sometimes."
Malleus "😿"
Malleus: "What are you doing child of man?"
Child MC: "Oh hi Malleus, I'm just playing this game called Candy Quell... you should play it sometimes! We can be friends on the app and send eachother gifts!"
Malleus: "What an interesting game. I would be honored to be able to play this game and be friends with you on it"
Child MC: "Yea but you can play for me. I'm kinda sleepy"
Malleus: "alright" *begins to play the game for a few hours, after being amazed at all the mechanics of this wonderful game that he even asked his retainers to play it as well. Man's has never been so happy to be able to play such a silly game called Candy Quell*
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A/N: OMG thank you guys so much for the likes on my Leona fic 😭. I truly thought it wouldn't get as many likes but it's so close to 300 likes omfgg I can't thank you guys enough!!! I made this fic since this weather is so cold acting like I got someone to cuddle up with 😒. I even got sick because of it. But here is my take on how the dormleaders would act with a sick child they are fond of. If you couldn't tell I do have a few favorites 🙈. These guys just give off big brother energy and I don't see enough Platonic fics to feed me.
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13 w ace please? :o
pairing: ace trappola x gn!reader cw: suggestive a/n: i know ace shares a dorm with other first-years but i only remembered that fact half-way through, so we're gonna be delulu, okay? i hope you enjoy!
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send me a number + character!
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Hot, dewy tears clung to your lashes as you knocked on Ace’s door past curfew—and, even if Riddle would surely have his head for this, he let you inside without questioning it. He was your best friend, and he wasn’t going to refuse you when you showed up in a pitiful state. He couldn’t.
“Shh, hey,” Ace’s voice is shockingly mollifying for someone with an intrinsically cheeky attitude as he tugs you deeper into his dorm room, “what happened?”
“⋯ I got rejected,” was all you managed to murmur out whilst suppressing the urge to start crying.
Ace felt that oh so familiar twinge in his chest, the one that makes it as if his heart is being gouged out with a dull blade and the remains are discarded in a bloody, grotesque on the floor. “Ah⋯ from that guy you were talking about a week or two ago?” Ace acted as if he assuredly remembered, but he usually zoned-out whenever you blathered about any crushes you had.
Why would he want to listen to you babble on about someone else; when he was right in front of you?
“He said I wasn’t cute enough.”
“Okay, that’s just bullshit,” Ace spat out acerbically, not heeding his caustic tone—if anything, he shamelessly wished this guy could hear his voice and melt into the ground in a deplorable heap. “You’re the cutest in the whole school! Everyone knows that.”
You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at how heated Ace appeared to be getting over this, and from his patent exaggeration. “I am not,” you whispered, lips curving into a small smile, “but⋯ thank you, Ace.”
In Ace’s eyes, you truly were the cutest little thing⋯ and he desperately yearned for your color to be dyed in his, a sickening crimson that needed you as he needed oxygen.
“C’mere,” with a small pout as he uttered that, Ace opened up his arms to you and encircled your frame within his embrace; pressing a feathery kiss to the top of your head, “you are the cutest, though. At least to me.”
“You really think so?”
Reflected in your glossy eyes was a scintilla of dubiety, and Ace would perceive that—so, with a spuriously teasing smirk, he mocked, “Are you calling me a liar?”
“Hehe, well, you do lie sometimes, you know⋯”
“I’d never lie about something like this,” Ace reassured you with an abrupt pensiveness, “not to you.”
Left breathless by Ace’s confidence, how soft yet affectionate he sounded, you clung onto him tauter and squeezed as a silent affirmation of your appreciation.
“Let’s head to bed, yeah? Knowing you, you wouldn’t wanna be alone after what happened,” Ace suggested, albeit there were tinctures of selfishness underneath his act of being your one and only best friend.
Why wouldn’t he want you to sleep over? To keep you to himself as you recover from your heartache?
Rummaging through his wardrobe and fishing out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that’ll be way too big on you, Ace handed you your makeshift pyjamas. He rolled on his heel and turned the other way so you could change, but whenever he thought you weren’t looking, he peeked over his shoulder for just a crumb of what he’s been hungry for.
Ace and you head to his bed, where you flop down onto it—and then Ace does as well, although he practically descends atop of you and shoves his weights on you as he does.
“Oof! You’re heavy!”
“Nah, you’re just too small,” Ace quipped back.
“I-I’m still growing⋯!”
“Sureeeee you are, cutie⋯” Rolling his eyes playfully, Ace nudged you as he shortened the propinquity between you further. He planted a kiss on your neck, allowing his lips to linger over your hot pulse. “Why don’t you close your eyes? Get yourself some rest with me.”
“Mhm, yeah, good idea⋯”
Too credulous and trusting for your own good, Ace watched with a simper as you fluttered your eyes shut as he continued to press small kisses along your sensitive neck, dragging the flesh of his moist lips against the flushing skin as he took advantage of you.
“Sleep if you need to,” he added.
Ace wasn’t sure if you were asleep or not, but he rolled overtop of you, pinning his hands beside your head as he stared down at you. Prepossessing and alluring, you looked like a damn angel with your countenance eased.
Tracing a hand under your shirt as if he’s holding your hip, Ace drew his lips down to your chest where he placed another kiss right above where your heart rests. Before then bringing his mouth back up to press harder, firmer kisses on your neck.
Hearing as you made a soft noise in your sleep, Ace couldn’t fathom what the other boys in school didn’t see in you; you were adorable. The cutest in the world. It was unbearable.
He was losing control⋯ the enticement of your skin heating up beneath his mouth was clouding his mind, corrupting his sense of command. And so, Ace kissed you deeply on the lips; keeping you restrained against the bed so you couldn’t move or escape.
Your eyes flung open in discombobulation, and Ace kept his lips attached to yours in order to occlude you from speaking properly.
“Shh⋯ just lay back,” Ace whispered, hand roaming beneath your shirt and leaving searing imprints along your belly, “I’ll make you feel good, best you’d ever had.”
Kissing you once more, sensual and deep, Ace felt your lips part and he didn't squander a second before rolling his tongue into your mouth—even if that wasn’t your intention. Groaning against your lips, Ace clasped your waist and dug his hand into you.
Feebly struggling, you couldn’t stop Ace from affixing his lips onto your neck once more; mewling as he begins to suckle on your skin, teeth roughly, he was inexperienced, sinking down. “Wh-Why do⋯ you want to?”
“Because⋯ I want you. All of you,” Ace heaved, leaving a bright hickey on the side of your neck, “and it’s about time you see that.”
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 5 months
WIP Wednesday - April 17th, 2024.
Preview of Heaven's Gate (Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader)
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A/N: Despite the awful messages I have been getting lately, berating me for 'not finishing things' - I want to start doing WIP Wednesday regularly. Sometimes the things I post will not be completed and posted on my other blog. That is normal. Sometimes ideas are abandoned in favour of other ideas. Sometimes things go unfinished for any number of reasons. I have a really good feeling about this fic - it's an idea that I have had in my head since I saw Season 5 of TWD for the first time, and I have been wanting to write this fic for years. Fics like this are usually bound to be finished by me purely out of dedication to an idea I have had for years.
If you want to see the full fic when it comes out, you can follow my writing blog @sundrop-writes where it will be posted.
Warnings: I don't think there's really any warnings for this small section? The term they/them is used, but I didn't want it to be used specifically for the reader, I wanted it to be ambiguous that it could be talking about the larger group or the reader (so that people with she/her or he/him pronouns can also apply themselves to this dialogue). There are typical TWD warnings - mentions of death, spoilers for the show up through Season 4 if you're watching it for the first time. Use of Y/N because I am an old school girl, and idk - I think that's it for this section?
When the prison was attacked, Daryl got out with Beth. 
He almost couldn’t stand her bright eyes, big eyes staring at him, waiting for answers - her chirpy little voice, prodding at him, demanding that they ‘follow the trail’ and go look for everyone else. Telling him that he was a tracker, that he could find them. As if it was his damn responsibility just because he had the skills to get it done. 
It was all too reminiscent of you, telling him that he could find Sophia. That it wasn’t an ‘if’ - it was a ‘when’. 
Perhaps that was what got him off his ass and doing what he did best - reading the dirt. 
“What’re you doin’?” He asked, staring at the girl curiously as she went to one of the bushes and rushed to pick berries from branches. Had she not gotten enough to eat that morning? 
“They’ll be hungry when we find them.” Beth told him confidently. 
Of course. That undefeatable streak of optimism. 
Daryl knew that blueberries weren’t your favorite - but he should have something to give you. He would be too busy tracking the footprints to properly hunt for squirrels or rabbits and clean them for you. So, he found himself pulling a large bandana from his back pocket and offering it to Beth - something to hold the berries in to keep them safe as an offering for you. 
“Here.” He grunted at her. 
Beth smiled at him. 
It was one of the last smiles she gave him for a long time. 
When they came across those bodies splayed out beside the tracks - any sense of hope was crushed inside of him. The picture you had gifted him was heavy inside his breast pocket, and he hated that tears threatened his eyes - even if he knew that none of those bodies belonged to you. There was no trace of you there. 
The days started to blur into each other, and Daryl couldn’t get you off his mind. 
One hazy evening, as they both stared into the fire with dead looks on their faces, he took the drawing out of his pocket and unfolded it. 
For good luck. 
He didn’t believe in luck - because it didn’t exist. The world was fucked. Nobody was lucky. You and your good luck were dead. 
He tossed the drawing into the fire, and it was only a moment, when the corner of it had barely caught, when Beth snatched it out. She stomped on it with her boot, successfully saving it. 
“Don’t do that.” She hissed at him. 
Daryl snatched it from her, and crumbled it up, tossing it aside. He let out a grunt, but refused to look at her. 
“That was from Y/N, wasn’t it?” She posed. 
He could feel her imposing stare as she waited for an answer. 
He didn’t give her one. 
“You can’t burn them just because you think they’re dead.” Beth sighed. “You can’t burn up memories. We’re gonna find them. Y/N, and Maggie, and Michonne, and - and everyone.” 
Daryl scoffed. “Yeah. Cause that’s gon’ happen.” 
Beth rolled her eyes, but didn’t speak any further on the subject. 
After she had fallen asleep - when the fire was dull, Daryl picked up the crumbled ball and smoothed it out again. The charred corner hadn’t even touched your bird. He felt like a fool doing it, just as much of a fool as he accused you of being, but he folded it neatly - well, as neatly as he could - and then put it back into his breast pocket again. 
But that was the thing - Daryl wished that he could. He wished he could burn up those memories. 
That you would stop haunting him. Then he wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore.
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Well, I did have a pretty good stuffing week that's had me reeling like a desperately horny pile of fat since Tuesday.
So the real beginning is Sunday to be honest. One of the bars I work in had an employee party and invited me. It was an open bar and unlimited tacos. So I ate and drank to my heart's content while also not making a public spectacle of myself (even though I really wanted to) that kind of set the stage for the days to come.
I didn't really eat at all on monday during the day and felt not so great from being a bit hungover. But I had to go to work monday night. So I hoofed it into the city to do my job. I work late nights as a karaoke host at a few bars, so I usually dont get home until about 1:30 or 2am. It was monday night but it was also my workweek Friday. So, I had my usual big restauraunt salad at work (its a sizeable buffalo chicken salad) but I was feeling the horngryness brewing. When I got home I was feeling so hungry I made a much bigger dinner than usual. Full tray of chicken thighs, full rice cooker and an abundance of squash. My gf didn't really question it and I ended up eating some very sizeable portions. I stayed up all night so I could take her son to school, and on my way home I decided to get some mcdonalds. I got 4 breakfast sandwiches and a large OJ. Not really that much for me. It was somewhat satisfying but not nearly enough. So I went and bought two quarts of heavy whipping cream and a dozen good old school donut shop donuts. They donuts were huge so I only had 6 of them. And I chugged both quarts. I passed out and woke up in the evening. Now feeling completely ravenous. Like really starting to swing into ultimate feedee mode. My gf and I went out that night. We ate at the bar (They have great chicken wings and street tacos) and then on our way home I decided it was a good idea to get some Carl's Jr. It was nothing too crazy. Just a large Superstar meal with fried zucchini, a shake, and two double jalapeño burgers. That's like a good fill me up meal and not really a stuffing. I was pleased, but not really "satisfied." I had a couple more donuts. Then in the morning I took her son to school and still got another 4 breakfast burgers and OJ. Wednesday, I woke up and we decided to go on an Ikea date. We had been meaning to go cause she had never been, and I wanted some of those meatballs. So we eat our meatballs. We share a plate so we dont spend much. We just wanted a taste. And when we get back in the car she decides to suprise me with weed and all you can eat korrean bbq. Which sends me over the edge. I was so excited. We go get a keef rolled, oil infused ridiculousness joint and head to the restaurant. We smoke in the parking lot and head inside only to find our favorite "couple" friends sitting the restaurant. At this point I am fucking elated. Not only am I going to pig out, I get to do it in front of people. This is like fantasy level stuff, and I am just so excited. Now, these friends are the one who intorduces us to the restaurant. She is a BBW who knows how to eat. He is a really skinny guy... Who also knows how to eat. My gf is midsized and not a big eater, but she can indulge a little sometimes. We blow through probably 4 rounds of meat and sides (with me eating the majority of it) and If youve done the korean bbq experience thats a lot of food. By round five everyone starts tapping out and I have gone into overdrive mode. I'm eating quickly and I've hit that sweet spot of the seemingly never ending gut. By the end it was just me and my BBW friend and everyone was giving me their leftovers. She finally tapped out and I finished the final round on my own. Then still proceeded to eat Mochi ice cream for dessert. I was fucking crazy stuffed. I was almost delirious. Stoned out of my mind and my gut was going crazy. It settled a bit on the way home and I made her stop for a large double guacamole burger from Carl's jr. And then we still stopped at winco to get two more quarts of heavy whipping cream. I ate my fast food and drank my 2 quarts of cream and I was fucking bursting at the seams. I still got mcdonalds the next morning and more heavy cream and a large jamba juice cause I was feeling greedy and extra gluttonous. It was insane. My belly is still bloated. Oof.
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Typing it out is crazy cause it does read like a fantasy I've had many times. It was amazing and surreal. I just wish my gf had been as excited about it as I was. 🙃
Oh my goddddd this is so hot
it’s also sounds incredible. I wish I could have seen it 😩
you look absolutely swollen and beached it’s so hot 🥵🥵
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