#when i get back from school i eat lunch and stuff because i am obviously hungry
just-miru · 2 years
silly things that confuse mein brain
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Hi could you please write an imagine for the f1 boys (mainly Charles, lando, Pierre, Charles) where they surprise the reader at work and she works in childcare. Thank you
Hey pretty, thank you for the request <3!
Work Surprises with the F1 Boys
A/N: I did make this where Y/N has different occupations working with children so it's not the boring same old same old for every driver. I hope that's okay!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Charles Leclerc: Pediatrician
I woke up at the same time I have for the past 3 years as I would everyday to get ready for work, at 5:30am. Now I was never and never will be a morning person but I absolutely love my job because it involves me helping kids whether they're sick or just need to get a physical for a school field trip.
I felt my boyfriend stir in his sleep next to me as I tried to sneak out of bed. My attempt of sneaking out though failed as I felt the strong arm of my boyfriend wrap around my waist and yanked me against his body. "Mmmm, don't leave" my boyfriend, Charles whispered against the crook of my neck, which caused me to shiver at the sudden breath hitting my skin.
"Baby, I have to get ready for work." I said as I ran a hand through his messy hair
A groan left his mouth before he continued, "Call out sick" his grip on my waist tightening as he snuggled closer to me to fall back asleep
"No Charles, I have too many appointments today and I won't have any cover. I'll be back soon though, remember the office closes early because it's the 4th of July?" that seemed to persuade him enough because I felt his grip loosen a bit and I took that as my queue to slip out before he had enough time to change his mind.
I'd only been at work for about 2 hours and I've seen about 24 patients and attempted to finish some paperwork but every time I get the second to sit down and start the papers, a new patient needs to be seen. I think the last time I've been more stressed in my life than I am right now was back when I was waiting for my score to see if I passed my pediatric exam to get my license and that because I have a waiting room of 6 more patients and all the other doctors and nurses are busy.
I can only thank the heavens because the next patient I had to see turned out to be quadruplets, which would save a significant amount of time on my behalf. Once I called the patients and led them to the room where I closed the door before asking the most important question any doctor could every ask.
"Who's Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn?" I was slightly annoyed with myself as I finished my question because anyone could tell who Dawn was so I could've easily excluded her from the question.
"I'm Nicky, that's Dicky, and that's Ricky. Dawn obviously is the only girl here so" Nicky said
"Right, well who wants to get their shots first?" I said as I looked at the pan of 8 needles. Each kid needed a flu shot and a hep b shot but as I looked around the already crowed room, none of the kids wanted to volunteer first.
With an unamused look on her face, Dawn reluctantly agreed to go first. It only took about 10 minutes to give all 4 kids their shots and when the last kid got his shot, they all bolted out of the room.
"I'm sorry about them, they hate needles" was all the mom said before she left to follow her kids.
It's now 11:55am and the last patient is just about to leave before we close for an hour to have lunch "Okay, if the meds aren't working for your son after about a week, I would come back but if he develops a fever and starts vomiting while taking it, I would suggest taking him to the emergency room." I said as I guided the new mom and her 3 year old daughter to the front lobby.
As soon as the last patient left, I locked the door before making my way to my office to attempt to get some of my paperwork done during my hour break instead of eating.
I was walking back to receptionist desk where I kept my paperwork so I could take them back to my office, only to find it not there. A look of confusion plastered on my face as I continued to look for my missing paperwork. I frustrated groan left my mouth as I realized I'd have to restart all that work.
"I hope you really weren't about to skip lunch for work mon cherie"
A gasp slips past my lips as I quickly turned around to see my boyfriend standing there with a stack of files in one hand and bag of Chinese food in the other.
"Charles!" I said as I walked over to him and took my paperwork back "I thought someone stole these! You scared me!" I placed my hand over my heart and I took deep breaths to try and regulate my heartbeat.
"Sorry, mon coeur but I had to take them because I knew you were going to skip lunch again." A baffled look played across my face because how did he know I have been skipping my lunch breaks to get paperwork done?
"Your coworkers have been telling me you're not eating at work. You can't tell kids to eat to grow and be strong and then not take your own advice. I'm here to make sure that you eat today so I'm making it a little lunch date. Sit and eat."
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Lando Norris: Kindergarten teacher
"Ms. L/N, my dad told me that you're dating a famous wace car dwiver, is that twue?" my one student, who's name I just learn was Leo asked me.
Today was meet the teacher day at the school I taught at just 2 weeks before the first day of school and this question was very different than the ones I've been asked before. I looked up at the single dad behind him as I let out a little chuckle
"Why yes I am Leo, is your dad a fan?" I asked as I knelt to be at level with him
"Uh huh! He woves the orwange one!" I've always had a soft spot for kids and right now Leo is making my heart melt.
I didn't have a chance to respond before he ran over to his dad to tell him the good news. I got pulled aside by a parent who told me about an allergy her kid had to a specific cleaning chemical which I made a note of to avoid using in my classroom. I stuck the sticky note on my computer screen before hearing "MS L/N, YOUR BOYFRWEND HERE!" I could recognize that voice as little Leo's.
My head shot up to look at the door and sure enough, my very famous Formula 1 driver boyfriend was there with a bag full of school supplies and gift bags filled with goodies for the kids.
"Kids, I've got presents!!" Lando shouted which caused a little sea of 5-6 year olds kids ran over him making little grabby hands.
Once all the kids got their little baggy of toys, Lando talking to Leo's dad and I answered more questions, the classroom started to empty as Meet The Teacher time ended. The room fell in a comfortable silence as I started to clean up and organize all the supplies I was gifted today.
"Have you ever thought of having a kid or two?" Lando asked, my body tensed at the question
"I dunno, I haven't thought about it. Have you?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes.
"Everyday since we started dating."
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Carlos Sainz: School Counselor
"Listen Jess, I can't keep getting you out of trouble. You have to stop getting attitudes with teachers over a small issue." I said with a sigh as I had to deal with a troubled 14 year old freshman for the 4th time this week and it only being Tuesday.
"It's not my fault Ms. Jones was being a bitch to me." Jess said as she shrugged and slouched back in the seat she was in.
"Jess! You can't go around calling your teacher a bitch!" I scolded
"I will if they're being bitches!" Jess shouted
The ring of my school phone is what prevented me from further scolding the student sat in front of me
"Ms L/N's office" I started as I listened to the person on the other line "Okay, tell him to sit at the door of my office while I finish up with this student I have now. Okay, thank you. Bye bye" I hung up the phone before turning my attention back to Jess.
"Do you have another student?" she questioned
"I have another meeting, yes, but you're my top priority right now." I said as I readjusted my position in my chair
"To be honest, I cause these problems because I need someone to talk to and I feel most comfortable with you." Jess admitted as she looked down at her lap
"Jess," I started sympathetically "How about this, once a week we will have a 20 minute meeting to talk about anything and everything you want?" I compromised, which got a nod from her.
I watched as Jess left my office, I attempted to clean my desk a little before bringing my other meeting in before hearing Jess' voice
"Woah, you're hot. Are you a teacher?" before I could questioned who she's talking to I heard a thick Spanish accent answer her question
"No, I just have a meeting with Y/N." Disbelief spread across my face as I recognized the voice. There was no way that voice belonged to who I thought it did to.
I quickly ran outside my office where I was met with the most beautiful man on planet earth and who I was proud to call my boyfriend.
"CARLOS?!" I shouted as I jumped in his arms before planting a kiss to his lips
"Sorry for calling your boyfriend hot Ms. L/N" Jess said before she walked away
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I asked as he put me down but not breaking the hug
"We have the week off before the Miami Grand Prix so I wanted to surprise you." Carlos whispered as he kissed my temple
"Well, consider me surprised" I mumbled against his lips before littering his face in kisses.
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Lewis Hamilton: Peds surgeon
I’m currently on hour 8 of my 12 hour hospital shift and I’ve never been more exhausted in my life. I’ve performed 2 surgeries today and I still have one more lined up, now don’t get me wrong, I love my job and everything that comes with it. The ups, the downs, all of it.
I’ve finally finished up a post-op check up with one of my patients before hearing my stomach growl, I sent one of my trusted nurse friends to do the post op check up on the other patient while I grabbed a quick bite before my next surgery.
When I got to the cafeteria, I got a sandwich and sat down with another one of my friends while I scarfed my food down.
“So what’d you do today?” My trauma surgeon friend, Nalani asked as she took a bite of the sandwich she got
“I had to fix a bowel in one kid and another one swallowed a whole bunch of magnetic balls so I had to remove those. One balls tried to stick to the other and pierced an intestine so I had to fix that up. What about you?” I asked a I took another big bite of my food
“Oh well two people came in impaled in the chests with a long rod. Had to separate them, they both survived. It was a real miracle of God because when the images were taken, it looked like neither one of them were gonna survive.”
I’d been prepping for my last surgery of the day before I finally get to clock out and not worry about coming back for the next 4 days.
I walked into the OR getting suited up before noticing a figure in the amphitheater which caused me to look out of pure curiosity. Looking up I was locking eyes with the most handsomest man Ive ever seen in my whole life, who just so happened to be my fiancé.
“What is Lewis doing here?” I questioned the surgical intern
“He said he really missed you. The chief of surgery gave him clearance to be there, I think he promised to autograph a whole bunch of things for him and his kids?”
“That sounds like something Lewis would agree to” I giggled as I started to walk to the head of the table before hearing over the intercom
“Good luck with this surgery darling, I love you.”
“I love you too” was all I whispered before starting my last surgery of the day.
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Daniel: Summer Camp Director
“Alright everybody, can I have your attention please?” I shouted as I glanced around the room filled with 10-15 year olds.
This is my 3rd summer being a Camp Counselor and I have to admit that I always have a blast here.
“Thank you. My name is Ms. L/N, and I’m the main counselor here at Camp Kikiwaka and I’m going to be going over everything that we’re going to be doing here over the course of the summer and you then I’ll open the floor to you guys so you can ask me questions, okay?”
I heard a sea of “Yes” “Okay” “Got it” before I continued. It only took about 45 minutes to go over the expectations at Camp Kikiwaka and the summer itinerary, “Okay, now does anyone have any questions?” A small hand shot up the second I finished my question
“I thought the big kid camp was the building?” a little girl said
“Yes it is, the camp section for older kids is right next door, why? Do you have a sibling over there?” I questioned as I looked at the little girl in front of me
“So who’s that man and why is he smiling at you?” okay, that was scary at all.
Before I could register who she was talking about I heard an older boy say “That’s Daniel Ricciardo!! What is Daniel Ricciardo doing here?!” which caused me to shoot around to see if he’s actually here.
“Hello guys! Don’t mind me, I’m just here to be your counselor’s assistant for the next week and a half” Daniel said as he walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug, swaying us side to side before placing a quick kiss on my temple.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered, looking up at him to stare in his beautiful eyes
“We have two weeks before the next race so I thought I’d volunteer my time here. I already got permission” Daniel said as he cupped my face.
Turning around I let the kids know the news “Okay guys so this is my boyfriend and your guys’ new camp counselor for a week and a half, Mr. Ricciardo! You guys can go up to him and ask him questions just as you are able to come to me!”
“You guys can call me Daniel, there’s no need for formality. Alrighty, any questions?” Daniel corrected me
“HOW CAN I BE YOUR ASSISTANT IN FORMULA 1????” The older boy shouted which caused Daniel to let out a loud laugh before he answered the question.
This was going to be a fun week and a half.
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Pierre: Therapist
To say that today has been stressful would be an understatement. The lady who was in charge of booking my appointments scheduled who people at the same time and then proceeded to fill my schedule today so I couldn’t place the poor girl anywhere so I did the only logical thing anyone would do: I skipped lunch.
Well skipping lunch obviously wasn’t the best idea ever because just about 4 patients after lunchtime is when my headache started settling in, right in that spot behind my eyes. God I hated headaches so much but I despised them even more at work because how am I supposed to be helping my patients if I can’t even think straight.
To make matters worse than they already were, the headache went from just being pulsing behind my eyes to throbbing every time I moved my head in the slightest moment. Thank god this meeting ended quicker than intended and I had 15 minutes before my next patient was to walk in which gave me time to pop a few ibuprofen’s and let it settle in, in hopes that this would go away before the next one walks in.
I must’ve drifted off because two seconds after popping the ibuprofen’s there’s a knock at the door. I suppressed my groan before letting out a weak “Come in!”
I heard the door open but I just couldn’t bring myself to lift my head up
“Woah, you look like shit.” I heard a thick french accent say as the person let out a little giggle.
I knew who the voice belonged to, the owner was my longtime boyfriend who I haven’t seen in 3 weeks but right now, I couldn’t even be excited because I was in pain.
“Pierre please, I love you but right now I have such a massive headache. I feel like I’m going to pass out.” I mumbled into my hands
“Did you eat? I brought food.” He said as he lifted up the bag of french food that he claimed I “needed” to try.
I reluctantly lifted my head so I was able to take a bite or two out of the food. After a few bites I could slowly feel my headache going away, letting out a satisfied groan I continued to dig into my meal.
“You look like you haven’t eaten in days” Pierre chuckled as he watched me absolutely scarf down the food he placed in front of me.
“I feel like I haven’t” was all I managed to get out before I finished my food.
By the time my next appointment arrived, my headache was nothing but a slight throb behind my eyes which I was eternally grateful for.
I made a mental note to thank Pierre in different ways when I got home.
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Logan: Speech Therapy
I’d been working with this kid to say ‘Water’ for the past 20 minutes and I’m nowhere with him.
I work with kids who have trouble talking and I get them to where they need to be at whatever age they are. Like if the kid is 4 years old and isn’t talking, I have to work a lot with the kids to make sure that I can get him to talk and be at a 4 year old’s level of communication.
Something about this 4 year old though, I just can’t get him to say ‘Water’ no matter how hard I try. I glanced up at the clock noting that it’s almost lunch time and I would have to end our session soon.
“L/N, your boyfriend is here and he brought food for all of us!” My coworker Destiny said
“Logan, can you help me? I can’t get him to say ‘Water’ and I’ve been trying for the last 20 minutes” I’m pleading with anyone at this point to at least help me get some type of progress done with him.
I watched as Logan got at level with the kid before attempting his own way “Hey buddy, can you say ‘water’?” after a second of silence he tried again “say ‘wah’.”
“Wah” my body tensed at the kid talking
“ good! now say ‘ter’.”
“Ter” I can’t believe he’s doing it
“Yes! ‘water’ !”
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Lance: Nanny
“Baby why are you here?” I shot around to face my boyfriend
“When the fuck did you get here?” I asked in disbelief
“I missed you. How about we dip?” The nerve of this handsome man.
“Lance, I’m babysitting YOURE NIECE because YOU didn’t want to”
“I’ll pay my sister to take her kid back”
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Oscar: Librarian
“Excuse me Ms, do you have the Pete the Cat book? Me and my friend really want to read it. Please” I heard a little girl say.
I looked down at her before typing in my computer to see exactly where in the store it was at.
“Yes, you can follow me right this way and I’ll take you to them!” I said as I made my way over to where the books were placed. “They’re right here then. Just come up and let me know if you need anymore help!” I said as I watched her and her friends grab different books before going over to the bean bags to sit and read.
Back at my desk I was trying to place pre-orders for the new Ana Huang book coming out. I only got to the part where I could place the amount I wanted in my cart before I was being asked a question
“Do you guys have the King Of series? My girlfriend really wants to read them.” I looked up from my computer only to be faced with my Fiancé of 6 months
“Oscar?? What are you doing here?” I asked in disbelief
“I was in the area. Okay well I was a few cities away but it was only a hour drive” He said shrugging
“You’re so weird. The books are this way” I said as I grabbed a hold of his hands to guide him the way to my favorite Authors section.
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Max: Nutritionist
“Okay Mom so you want to make sure that baby gets as much veggies in his system and more water, Santa said he only puts kids on the nice list if they listen to their mom and eat what she gives.” I said as I directed that last part to her 5 year old son who scrunched his face before hiding behind his mom.
“See Chase, I told you that Santa said that. He didn’t want to believe that Mommy has ties with Santa.” She smiled at the last part before picking her son up to take him out. “Thank you again, Chase is going to eat his veggies, right Chase?”
“No!” he yelled
“Do you want to be big and strong?” A thick Dutch accent could be heard
“Uh huh!!” Chase replied
“We’ll eat veggies. That’s the only way.” I turned to see my boyfriend Max in the doorway of my office.
“Oh well that was one way.” The mom shrugged
“Have a good day!” I shouted as she left “I don’t know how you did that”
“Kids love me”
“oh that’s not-”
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George: Sports Coach
“RUN THE FUCKING LAPS NOW!!!” I screamed at the kids in front of me
To the outside world I would seem crazy for yelling at a bunch of kids like this but in reality, I’m coaching my brother and his bastard friends soccer team this season and they bet me $20 I wouldn’t say that in front of their parents, so that was a quick $20 I put in my pocket.
“CURSING AT KIDS NOW BABE?” My boyfriend George asked.
He was helping me coach them this year and he’s a really do-by-the-book type of guy and he really disapproved of me cursing at the kids.
“Sorry baby, they deserve it. They said that you’re too bad to be in F1” I said shrugging as I made up that lie
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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a-random-weeb · 5 months
Hiii love ur account! Idk if I can request cause it says it’s closed, so sorry if I’m wrong!
Can I please request a yandere who looks very dominant; tall and buff with muscles. Literally everyone is scared of him because of how frightening he looks. Everyone other than Reader: Yandere is actually scared of reader and is very submissive around them. He actively seeks Reader’s approval and will do anything for her. Kind of like a guard dog? He’s really just a big puppy who craves Readers affection. Thank youuuu
Awww I love this idea!! Let's name him... Austyn, idk it just fits lol. I couldn't think of what age to make him, so I said screw it and put yall in high-school because that's the easiest
Also I know you requested this months ago, and everyone else requested their things months ago, guys I've been so tired recently, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to write what you've been wanting me to. I'm so sorry if you're still waiting on your request, and I'm hoping I'll get more chances to write soon. Thank you for your patience :)
Warnings: Yandere (obv), clingy and obsessive behavior, a little more than just mentions of murder, slight mentions of rape (not to reader or anything i just noticed it was brought up so I figured I'd put it in just incase), reader gets forcefully drugged, kidnapping
This fic is not meant to romanticize unhealthy and toxic relationships, it's hot af in fanfictions but is never ok irl
A huge man towers over you, his shadow engulfing your entire figure, his huge muscles and rough exterior making him appear as if he could kill. He stares down at your petite and fragile body in an intimidating manner as you jolt up in a sitting position. Clutching the desk beneath your upper body, you recognize him almost immediately.
"Where am I?! What do you want?!" You scream dramatically, almost tipping backwards in your chair.
"You fell asleep in class." His eyes narrow. "I had to poke you a bunch so you would wake up. The bell just rang, its lunch time." Your whole face burns a cherry color.
"Um- thanks..." Your eyes wander anywhere but his face. The corners of his mouth ever so slighty elevate as he leans on your desk.
"Would you like to eat lunch together?" He tilts his head slightly in an almost cute way. Your brows furrow in confusion, but nod regardless out of pure fear. He could probably kill you in one hit. No, simply him blowing on you would be enough to knock you 8 miles. You pack your school supplies and walk to your locker, Austyn almost breathing down your back as he watches you grab your stuff.
Entering the cafeteria, you both take a seat in one of the only spots left in the overcrowded area, its a bit shocking when kids start scooting away from you both, even the kids across from you want nothing to do with your new 'friend'. Or thats at least what you hope he wants with you...
Your prayers were answered, but in the worst way possible. It's almost physically painful watching Austyn attempt to make conversation with you. Stuttering over every second word, obviously embarrassed and anxious, fumbling with his hands. It was... cute. You'd never thought he would be like this while talking to him, you've seen him be rude and cold to everyone, maybe he's just shy and comes off as rude? Guess you'll find out. You, having not as many friends as you'd like to have, appreciate the attention from him regardless. But he desperately needed help with this whole social thing, so you give him a hand.
"If you're not busy, maybe you could help me with homework after we finish eating?" You smile, hoping he's not busy before you die of embarrassment. Thankfully, he nods, and the two of you finish your meal in silence.
You were hoping he'd be a little more outgoing and not as awkward in the library, but boy were you wrong. More stuttering, more avoidance of eye contact, more hand fidgeting. He wasnt even helping, just sitting there and watching you, almost too intently. You almost scream of joy when your best and only friend, Abby, joins you.
"Hi!" She beams excitedly, taking a seat next to you, "need help?"
"You're my savior!" You giggle, hugging her. Austyns aura immediately chances from a shy puppy to one that could kill. He glares daggers into Abby as she speaks a bit too friendly to you, gets a little too close to you, helps you instead of him. He knows he needs to up his game, but your stupid friend might ruin his chances.
Abby was your friend since elementary school, you've never been great at giving anyone a smile, but she always brings out your biggest one. She's helped you through so much, you owe her your life!
The rest of lunch Austyn stays silent and in the background, you assume he's shy... God, you hope that he was not hurt. You continued the rest of your classes like normal, overjoyed when the day comes to an end.
You and Abby walk home together, teasing and laughing with eachother. Austyn trails behind you both, not talking too much. Neither of you know where Austyn lives, and forget to ask. They drop you off at your house, and Abby lives just across the street so you guess Austyn walks her home. The long between your houses and the school is 30 minutes. You could take the bus, and you do in the mornings, but the walk is too beautiful to miss, so fun laughing with your best friend through the sunset in the city, too fun running through the long field of grass, racing down the streets, seeing who can reach your house the fastest, rubbing it in your face as you both either collapse on your porch or Abby goes home. Sometimes, you dance outside together, sharing secrets, giggling over whatever crush the other one has... Abbys friends with almost everyone, but the two of you are inseparable. Tonight though, you only talked with Abby, not wanting to make Austyn feel left out, and not wanting to seem awkward infront of your new friend. You run inside, jumping into your bed, thinking Austyn is just a little cute. Maybe a tiny crush? You don't think on it too much, as you pass out.
The next day, Austyn starts hanging out with you and Abby, which neither of you mind. He's a bit less shy and a bit more friendly. He's in your homeroom, science, and math class, so you sat next to him in all of those. You guys talked and exchanged answers from time to time, overall getting along very well. You guys hang out at lunch, and sure, you give a slight bit more attention to Abby, but thats it, and overall, the three of you get along like three peas in a pod. The next four days go similarly, your crush for him grows.
One lunch time the three of you meet up, eat, and head to the library. You weren't sure what was wrong, but Austyn didn't seem to be a huge fan of Abby, only hanging out and attempting to make conversation with you, almost cutting Abby out. You, of course, refuse to let that happen, and keep adding your friend the the conversation. You and Abby exchange a confused look, Austyn normally loves you and Abby.
After school the same day, you run over to Abbys locker, waiting for her to grab her stuff. You wait for 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... she doesn't show up. Thinking it's a bit strange, you still wait, assuming she was held back in class or something, as the teachers often like to praise her work or offer her opportunities for an upcoming math competition or something. She appears, after awhile, running towards you. The two of you begin to walk home together. When you ask her what she was doing, she awkwardly dodges the question. You leave her alone about it.
The next day when you arrive at school, Abby still didn't show up. How strange, you think to yourself. Abby hasn't missed a single day this year, not even when she was sick, you have no clue how she does it. Straight As, no days missed, friends with everyone she talks to, yet she's not here. You couldn't help but feel a pit in your stomach, not wanting to assume the worst. You would've thought she'd at least text you right? The more you thought about it the worse it got. What if she was raped by a creepy teacher?? What if she was kidnapped?! Maybe she got a deadly sickness and has three days to live! There's so many possibilities you weren't sure, what if-
"Hey!" Your new 'friend' from yesterday appears before you, looking like he's accomplished something great.
"Hi...?" You look up at him, calming yourself immediately. You knew you shouldn't overthink this, she probably just missed her bus or something. Austyn obviously picks up on your torn face as he asks,
"Hey, are you ok? You look offput..." he does his signature, puppy-like head tilt. you quickly nod your head, laughing to yourself silently of the stupidity of your overdramatic thoughts. You weren't normally so anxious, this over worried about your friend not being at school immediately, but for some reason, your gut was screaming at you that something bad happened. And then... The overwhelming feeling to run hits you. Looking at Austyns smile fills you with a strange sense of dread. White noise echos in your ears.
"Woah, woah, calm down!" He panics, "Hey what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hes acting way too friendly today... you shake your head.
"I-I don't know what's wrong with me today? I guess it's just a weird day....?" Austyn rushes to wipe some tears you didn't notice were were falling from your eyes.
"Hey, you don't have to talk about it...." he sighs "I don't know what happened, but stop worrying."
Abby was murdered.
You don't know how you know, last night was such a haze... what happened...? Pictures of her dead body flash in your mind, the killer standing there with a knife and sadistic smile. You swear it was a dream... you remember beginning your walk home, but can't remember anything passed the midway point, not even what you did last night, did you even eat dinner? You didn't wear pajamas last night, you assumed you were just tired when you woke up. But did you really see Abbys murder or is this just the most dramatic you've ever been on a Wensday morning?
You continued your day like normal, the sinking feeling never leaving you. Austyn was acting strange, outgoing and sweet to you. And yet his face was making you want to throw up for some reason... to go as far as to flee the country. Well, maybe not that far, but you certainly didn't want him near you for some reason.
The end of the days comes, and your dumbass told Austyn he could walk you home. It was probably fine, you'd go to sleep tonight and tomorrow everything would be normal, Abby would be at school and Austyn wouldn't be as creepy to you. You're sure of it.
You wait for him near the entrance of the school, and of course, when he comes out, he's almost stumbling over his own feet to run towards you.
"Hey!" He gives a huge innocent smile as he begins walking with you, clutching the arms of his backpack in a shy manner. You smile up at him, not sure if it's a real smile or not. No words are exchanged as you both watch little cracks of the sunset through all the large buildings of the city. It wasn't cold, but it definitely wasn't hot, the perfect night for a first kiss. Stars beginning to appear as you make your way out of downtown, you've only been walking for 15 minutes... almost the midway point... you have a much better view of the now gone sun, there's still a bit of red. There's no one around, it's a gorgeous night, you're walking home with a guy... everything should be perfect, it should be romantic. You recognize this, Deja vu, but different.... memories from what you think to be the dream, or a cruel reality you weren't sure yet start to appear. Abbys lifeless body in the long grass, the moonlight to the killers back, you know who it was, but you can't remember.... all these events took place just upahead and-
It wasn't a dream.
Blood stains lay in the grass and you point to Austyn, not in control of your body or the words that spill from your mouth, or the tears that spill from your mouth, or the puke that's about to spill from your mouth.
"You did this... didn't you...?"
Austyns eyes darken, "and you remember. I knew the sedatives wouldn't work as well as I wanted them to..." he sighs "I did this for you, don't you see?! I killed her for you. I've loved you for so long and you've never even looked at me. So I stalked you, learned about you, you're so cute yknow! You never laughed the same way around me as you did with Abby, ramble to me as you did with her.... So now our problem is gone, and we can be the cutest couple!" He spits delusionally. You back away from him, the moon to his back, the same spot as last night. He grabs your wrist harshly, overpowering you easily.
"You can't run darling, now let's go to my house!" He beams, "I'll even bring you home the head of someone you don't like!" You thrash around, screaming for help, but Austyn just giggles and hugs you to him, holding one hand around your arms and torso and the other over your mouth. "Shhhhh, it'll be ok!" He puts a chloroform filled cloth to your mouth, and everything goes dark.
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Maybe I'll write a part 2, maybe I'll do headcannons, maybe I'll leave you guys to imagine the rest, we'll see :3
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 4 months
when do we get to see the plasma moments? I know jaya is obviously endgame and all but your stories also tagged w plasma am i missing something or is it still just on the way /gen
I wasn't kidding when I said ya gotta squint for some of this, but it's about to be less subtextual sooner or later...so, moment recap time! *crackles knuckles*
(Note: the stuff in Book 1 is merely foundational and not inherently "romantic" in intent)
B1Ch2: Jay is the first one to check in on Kai after their fight with the Skulkin, and despite Kai yelling at him, he's also the one to pry Cole off Kai when they start going at it
B1Ch4: Kai saving Jay from Chad, Jay again checking in on if Kai's doing okay (twice) + making an effort to find common ground with him + getting excited when Kai finally accepts his help and listens to him. (Also not actually a "moment" but Jay dumping Kai's cafeteria lunch into the garbage while telling him not to eat that always makes me giggle)
B1Ch5: Jay texting Zane with worry when Kai skips on class (for the first and certainly not the last time lmao)
B1Ch7: Jay being the most regretful about having to lie to Kai + being the first to try to make him feel included
B1Ch9: Jay is the one the help Kai back up from the ice-crossing incident (despite being pissed at him lmao) and Kai's finally the one to check in on Jay instead
B1Ch10: First Plasma Heart-to-Heart + FIRST PLASMA HUG
They both look back to find Zane still perfectly motionless in his meditation corner, while Cole has moved back outside to brush up on his moves in the rain. Jay smiles sadly, balling up his fists in his scarf. "Those two have been great to me, but it's not hard to tell that I'm still not at their level. It feels like I'm always playing catch up, or being a third wheel, or just getting left behind…and when you joined, I thought things might finally be different." Kai squints. "How?" "Well, for starters, I wouldn't be the only one playing catch-up anymore, and I thought I could help you learn the ropes." Jay rocks on his heels. "And, if nothing else, I thought...I just ...wanted to be your friend. And maybe be close like Cole and Zane are."
^ The above takes on extra meaning in the future once we learn that a) Cole has a crush on Zane, b) Jay is fully aware of this, and c) Jay HAD a crush on Kai in the past. Jay doesn't push this in the romantic sense, however, though it does help contextualize why he values his friendship with Kai so highly
B1Ch10 cont: The entire hoverboard race team up, Kai calling out worriedly when Tawhiri catches Jay off guard, Kai teasing Jay for being poetic and making him blush snksnk
B1Ch11: Jay talking Kai into dancing around the campfire (this one's semi-canon heyo)
B1Ch13: There's a couple teeny moments but nothing significant, especially because Nya's back in the picture
B1Ch14: Again, not really a "moment" but Jay freaking out about Kai after he gets his face injury makes me feel things ;w;
A Little More Than Sixteen Candles: Jay is the first to wake up Kai on his birthday (he certainly likes to be first for these things doesn't he) + Jay being horrendously embarrassed at his "accidentally" borderline romantic and terrible poem
B2Ch1: Nothing necessarily romantic, but they do have lot of interaction this one
This dissolves into a whole different argument, one that only two people who've gone to school together for years can have. Kai briefly and mentally compares them [Cole and Zane] to an old married couple just as Nya and Jay stumble through the door as one, making eyes at each other while carrying in armfuls of techie junk. Kai stares into the distance and realizes that this may be a very long school year, potential ninja destiny be damned.
^The first of many times where Kai is exasperated at the formation of the "couples" around him (your time will come, Kai. Alas, not with Jay)
B2Ch5: Kai being concerned about accidentally hurting Jay in their mock fight
B2Ch7: Jay attempting to stay glued to Kai's side + immediately being jealous/petty at Kai for ditching him for Chad (especially when knowing The History)
B2Ch8: Jay still being upset and petty about being ditched + Kai coming to the horrid realization that he'd bullied Jay in the past (and caused his eyebrow notch)
B2Ch10/11: Jay and Kai fighting + going on to resolve that fight+ 2nd PLASMA HUG
B2Ch14: No necessarily a "moment" but Kai saving Mr. Cuddlywomp for Jay ;w;)/
B2Ch15/16: Finally, some real shit! Jay's parents implying Jay had a "crush on a boy" in the past (and him getting extra flustered when Kai becomes determined to figure out who -> implication is that Jay's crush was Kai) (Also Jay canonically flirtatiously winks at Kai this ep and for WHY JGFDHGFDS (but also also that's just something Jay does to Kai often too hnng—))
"...then that means the last two tombs are in the Western and Southern Provinces!" Jay exclaims. He slides over to Nya with adoration in his eyes. "Aaaaah, you are so smart~" Nya smirks. "Was there ever any doubt?" "Show off," Kai grunts. Nya pointedly ignores him.
Not necessarily a "moment", but could be read as Kai being jealous
B2Ch21: The Plasma chapter/episode, in my heart. Jay getting worked up at "Kai's offscreen girlfriend" (Meghan) + Kai getting real close to deducing Jay's old crush
Kai tilts his head back, laughing. "I probably don't even know who they are anyway!" "…I…think you know them better than anyone," Jay says under a whisper, trembling now. A little louder, he says, "Nor does it make it any less embarrassing…"
Kai you dumbass
B2Ch21cont: Kai calling for Jay/begging him for help after getting venom'ed + Kai whining when separated from Jay + Jay's awesome dramatic rescue that no one else saw rip (and oh my god i forgot about his pun onslaught lmfao) + Kai coming in clutch last second + Kai again refusing to be separated from Jay and Jay just rolls with it + the mere fact that Jay can carry Kai + Kai praising Jay (but Zane and Cole thinking he's just delusional on venom lmao)
^ This is kind of the point where Kai's viewpoint on Jay officially starts to shift. A little bit. Or a lotta bit. But he shoves it down
B2Ch24: Canonically Jay helps out a still-recovering Kai during the subway mission (again with a WINK–maybe it's not actually romantic, maybe it's a thing Jay just does, but why is it always Kai–?!)
B2Ch25: Jay being the first (again?!) to finally welcome Kai to their lunch table, making a spot for him next to Jay and everything + teasingly pokes his cheeks
2Ch32: Hoo boy—Kai going the extra mile for Jay's birthday present and being embarrassed about it + HE MADE JAY'S PINS (including the bisexual one, happy pride month) + Kai being so stunned and happy over Jay's reaction to the gift (to the point of blushingggg babyyy).........but then has to swallow his pride when Jay literally asks for his blessing to date his sister, just when he's starting to catch budding feelings (but there's also another heart-to-heart, and only a half-hug this time ;w;)
"…good luck," Kai says. Jay plows into his side with a grateful hug, then books it out of the warehouse, with much more pep in his step. Kai smiles to himself, endeared by Jay's quirky self…and watches him skip out of the door, now far out of his reach.
^I know it's pretty blink and miss it, but I'm still distressed this one went undetected T-T)9
B2Ch33: Kai literally checks out Jay when he's all dressed up for his date and it breaks his brain for a sec + tries to stay neutral about the whole date thing like a good brother/friend
Kai, upon being properly acknowledged, looks up from his accounting homework spread across the table. He makes the mistake of landing Jay smack in the middle of his sights. He's so used to Jay looking all scruffy and disheveled that him being all, like, sharp and crisp…is new. "…uh, wait, what…was the question…?" Kai asks, rubbing his eyes. Jay huffs as Cole cackles behind him. "He managed to finally ask Nya out! And we're hoping all goes well, right?" "…oh, yeah. Right." Kai waves it off, returning back to his homework. "I already talked to Jay about it." He continues writing, pointing at Jay without even looking up. "Don't keep her out too late, okay? It’s still a school night." Jay snorts, rolling his eyes. "Since when do you care about school nights?!" "Since this is Nya we're talking about! She's already started absorbing your habit of staying up late working on inventions and schematics. The last thing we need is a little twilight rendezvous added to the list." Jay flushes red and buries his face under his scarf as Cole breaks down into quaking laughter. Zane asks about this supposed rendezvous and where they're meeting up. Kai pouts and throws himself back into his work.
^ Anyway-
B2Ch33cont: Kai pestering Jay about his date with Nya until Zane steps in + Kai watching them pass notes in social studies class + Kai prepared to beat down Chad for what he did to Jay on his birthday
B2Ch34: Kai getting mad about having to "work" while Jay runs off on a date with Nya + gets over it when Jay begs him otherwise jhgfdgfd + Kai yelling in shock at seeing Jay's TP + Being so worried about him that Kai makes Cole throw him so he can catch Jay as he falls + Kai holding him as he comes to (and then getting jealous at his ability to fly/teleport and Jay teasing him for it) + Kai later ruffling his hair
“Nya!!! There you are!” Jay chirps, floating up to kiss her cheek.  "…what was that for?" Nya asks, amused. “I missed you this morning, that's all!” Jay chimes. "…so, good morning!" Nya giggles. “Good morning.” “…Uggggggh,” moans Kai, grimacing at them both. “Is it always going to be like this from now on?!” “Gripe all you’d like, Kai!” Jay drapes an arm around Nya. “After all, I received some sage brotherly wisdom just the other day about not listening to what other people think!” Kai huffs, glaring at the wall. “…I see I am about to regret my decisions.”
^Kai quite literally regretting his life's choices (not just about the PDA heyo)
B2Ch35cont: Kai being worried about Jay setting off an Outburst + Kai's reaction to Sunni + the fight with Chad (even though it was moreso about Nya, Kai twists it back into relating to Jay) + Kai being the last thing on Jay's mind before he goes into his Outburst + Kai being absolutely emotionally compromised in the principal's office + Kai putting his arm around Jay after Jay's last speech to Chad
B2Ch37: Not necessarily a "moment", but Kai encouraging Jay to join the talent show under his own merit + bringing up the team-up race back at the Floating Ruins
B2Ch39: Not necessarily "moments", but Kai and Jay have a lot of similar reactions to many of the events in this chapter
B2Ch42: Jay once again being the first to call out the fact that something's wrong with Kai + Kai blushing when Jay calls him out for the "smoke break"
B2Ch43: Not necessarily a "moment", but Jay's the one to hold Kai after his, uh...little swimming adventure
B2Ch44: Canonically Jay telling Kai that the Fang Blade isn't worth Kai losing his life for (not necessarily romantic either, but I just like the fact that it's Jay who says it to him–) + Jay AGAIN being the first to spot Kai upon his return from the volcano
The others all stand off to the side, gawking as Nya tears a path right for the Fang Blades all by herself. "Wow," Cole says, gaping at the carnage. He discreetly nudges Jay. "Th-That's your girlfriend, bro." "Yeah, I know…!" Jay swoons, swaying back and forth. "How lucky am I…?!" "Aaaanyway," Kai coughs, tugging them along. "C'mon, let's get the Fang Blades and leave!"
^Kai is NOT impressed lmao
B2Ch47: Jay having to quickly and efficiently calm down Kai after Wu's departure + another Plasma hug at long last
B2Ch48: Not necessarily a "moment", but Kai canonically calls Jay a genius and I appreciate him making that fact known and understood <3 (even if it's originally implied as more of a joke)
B3Ch2: Once again, being Kai is suffering
Sleepily, Jay scoots himself back to make room. Nya cuddles herself against his chest as he wraps them up like a burrito. They’re both already half asleep when Kai creeps in from over the couch’s side, clearing his throat in their direction. “Heeeeey, don’t get too cozy now.” Nya’s eyes shoot back open with an unimpressed glare. "Kai, please, we're not even doing anything! We're just snuggling!" "Hmph. And snuggling leads to cuddling and cuddling leads to canoodling!" "Nooooo, we're just being efficient with the limited sleep space," Jay responds without even flinching. In fact, he pulls Nya closer. Kai’s eye twitches at the audacity . "It's the right thing to do in these dire circumstances.” "…tch, fine .” Kai rolls his eyes. "But I’m still keeping an eye on you two." "Whatever, Kai," Nya mutters, falling back asleep as Jay lets out a snore. Kai’s gaze lingers a moment longer, before releasing a sigh and sliding a pillow carefully under Jay’s head. 
^Note that he puts the pillow under Jay's head
(It is indeed a combination at Kai being exasperated at their PDA + the continued forced denial of his feelings—this gets explored later in parallel with someone else having emotional issues *cough* Jesse *cough*)
Kai’s the first to hop out of the train, scooping the now spent Jay into his arms. “...you idiot, ” Kai huffs, even though he’s pretty sure Jay can’t hear him.  “...he should’ve never taken that night shift, especially while exhausted…!”
And I suuuure wonder what Kai's plans are for the upcoming dance when anyone he'd want to go with is already taken—or just doesn't want to go with him rip
I also wonder what Kai will do should he discover just who that ex-crush of Jay's was..........
Like I said, a lot of squinting for this given that it's not a main story focus at all nor all that impactful on the plot until S3, and definitely not on track to be "canon", mmmbut. I love them severely. Platonic, romantic, or otherwise, they have such a good dynamic foundation!!! I wanna dissect them *-*)9
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galaxyblast23 · 5 months
𝕸𝖞 𝕾𝖚𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊(𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝕬𝖓𝖓𝖆𝖇𝖊𝖙𝖍 𝖝 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1
Warnings: none
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
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Look, we didn't want to be half-bloods.
If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: hop of the app now.
Believe whatever lie your parents told you about your birth and try to lead a normal life.
Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary, most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.
If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fake, great, read on.
I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.
But if you feel something stirring inside of you stop reading immediately.
You might be one us.
And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you, don't say I didn't warn you.
My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm twelve years old.
Until a few months ago, I was a boarding school student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York.
Am I a troubled kid?
Yeah. You could say that.
Things really started going bad on the field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where we went to look at Greek and Roman stuff.
All the way into the trip I had to deal with Nancy Bobofit, the red haired girl who was hitting one of my best friends, Grover, in the back of the head with chunks of her peanut-butter-and-ketchup sandwich.
Grover was an easy target, he was scrawny and he tended to cry when he got frustrated.
He walked funny like every step hurt him, but don't let that fool you, you should've seen him run when it was enchilada day in the cafeteria.
"I'm going to kill her," my other friend Percy Jackson mumbled as he sat in between me and Grover.
"It's okay, I like peanut butter," he said trying to calm Percy down.
Nancy decided to throw more of her sandwich at Grover, which he avoided but Percy still got fired up, "that's it."
He started to get up, but I pulled him down to his seat, "Percy, we're already on probation," I reminded him.
"You know that we'll both get blamed if anything happens," I told him as the bus stopped.
Mr. Brunner was leading the tour with the math teacher chaperone, Mrs. Dodds, who I'm sure is the devil.
"Will you shut up?" I heard Percy whisper yell suddenly.
I looked back at him as the whole group laughed and Mr. Brunner stopped to look at him, "Mr. Jackson, did you have a comment?" He asked.
His face was read, "no, sir..." He said. Mr. Brunner pointed to one of the pictures on the stele.
"Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represents?"
Percy and I looked at the carving, "that's Kronos eating his kids, right?" he said.
"Yes," Mr Brunner said, obviously not satisfied.
I had spaced off for a moment only to feel a hand on my shoulder, I looked over to see Grover.
"Come on (Y/n) we're going to eat lunch." I only nodded and smiled.
The rest of the class sat on the steps of the museum while Percy, Grover, and I were sitting at the edge of the fountain.
"Detention?" Grover asked. "Nah, not from Brunner," Percy said as I patted his back and gave him some of my oreos.
"Can I have your apple?" Grover asked me, making me toss it to him.
We all talked about classes and stuff we were excited to do when we get out for break.
Suddenly, Nancy Bobofit's half-eaten lunch ended up in Grover's lap, "oops," she cackled sarcastically.
It had happened all so fast at one moment Nancy and her ugly friends were standing in front of us and laughing and then Nancy flew into the fountain as we stood their in shock.
"Percy and (Y/n) pushed me!" As she said that Mrs. Dodds materialized next to us. "Now sweethearts-"
"We know" Percy said, "a month of erasing workbooks."
That was not the right thing to say.
"You two, come with me," Mrs. Dodds said.
"Wait, it was me! I pushed Nancy!" Grover said, trying to defend us.
"I don't think so Mr. Underwood, you're staying here."
"You-will-stay-here," she said more sternly.
"It's alright, Grover," I said, Percy nodding in agreement.
After giving Nancy a 'I'll kill you later,' stare we followed Mrs. Dodds into an empty section.
Mrs. Dodds stood with her arms crossed and a mean look on her face. "You've been causing us problems, you two," she growled.
"Yes, ma'am," I answered, feeling a deadly chill crawl up my back.
"Did you think you two could really get away with it?" She said with a sneer.
"We'll try harder, ma'am," Percy forced out.
Thunder shook the building, "we are not fools, you two," Mrs. Dodds said, it was only a matter of time before we found you, confess and you will suffer less pain."
Percy and I looked at each other in confusion and fear of what the teacher was saying.
"You're time is up."Then the weirdest thing yet happened, Mrs. Dodds' fingers stretched, turning into talons.
Her jacket melted into large, leathery wings. She was not human.
Before this math teacher could cut us into ribbons, Mr. Brunner wheeled in yelling something to Percy and throwing a ballpoint pen toward him.
As he caught it, the pen was no longer a pen but a bronze sword.
"Die sweethearts!" She dived towards us, I ducked down before there was silence, I looked up to see only ash, no Mr. Brunner, and Percy with the ballpoint pen.
"What just happened...." I asked as my voice shook.
"I'm not sure..." Percy said with wide eyes and tense stance.
"Let's go," Percy said grabbing my hand as we went outside, where it was now raining.
Grover was sitting by the fountain and Nancy was still soaking wet, surrounded by her ugly friends.
"I hope Mrs. Kerr whipped your butt, you duds," Nancy sneered. "Who?"
"Our math teacher, who I hope made you eat it!" She screamed.
I looked at her with confusion. "Why are you speaking in rhymes?" I asked her.
"You freaks! Rhymes aren't what I speak!" She said before her eyes started freaking out in rhymes to her friends.
We had asked Grover where Mrs. Dodds was and all he responded with was, 'who?'
"Not funny man," Percy said, "this is serious."
Thunder boomed overhead. Percy left to talk to Mr. Brunner as I watched from afar, and if I was being total honest, I was freaking out.
Percy came back with wide eyes, "Percy, what's wrong?" I asked. "No one knows who Mrs. Dodds is..."
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coro-chan6 · 9 months
Somehow Supernatural
Tags: teen!oc, gn!oc, poc!oc, Dean being Dean, weird dreams, CROWLEY, demon dogs, Dean being scared of said demon dogs
Summary: Casey goes to bed, has weird dreams, and gets to meet the King of Hell.
Chapter Three: Yummy Food and Weird Shit
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I will never deny that I was a foodie. I mean, if you saw me when I devour anything put in front of me, you wouldn’t even have to ask. I love everything about food. Sometimes I mix stuff together that other people think is weird like when I dip my waffles and pancakes in orange juice. I used to be the kid in elementary school who would mix everyone’s leftover lunches together and actually go through with eating it.
One thing I learned from all my years of eating is that post-panic attack meals are the best. After crying half my weight in water and depriving my brain of oxygen, food just hits different. Plus, Dean brought back chicken nuggets.
“Slow down, you’ll choke,” Dean said as he reached his hand to take my nuggies away. I obviously wasn’t gonna just let him do that so, I smacked the shit out of his hand. I didn’t think I put that much power into it but when I heard the smack echo, I knew.
“Mmfh,” I was trying to apologize before he kicked me out on my ass, but my mouth was full of about 4 chicken nuggets. Dean glared at me and went back to eating his double bacon cheeseburger.
Sam had come to sit down across from Dean and me after he had finished preparing his salad. Dean asked if his brother wanted anything from the restaurant, but Sam insisted on eating salad. I love salad as much as anyone, but when someone offers to buy you fast food, you fucking take it. Salad be damned.
Castiel was seated next to Sam opposite of me. He didn’t need to eat, so he was just reading the menu that had come with the fast food. Occasionally, he would look up from his reading to glance at me. It didn’t look threatening, but it did look like he had something to say.
“So,” I had finally swallowed down the colossal amount of chicken I stuffed down my face, “When are we going to go on a hunt?”
“We?” Dean quirked his eyebrow at me.
“Yes, we, Dean. I might as well since I’m here. What else am I supposed to do?”
Dean crumbled up the empty wrapper of his meal, “Nothing.”
“Sam?” I turned to the younger Winchester. He had been really nice to me. He wouldn’t agree with Dean.
“I agree with Dean.”
Well fuck.
So, basically, I was in this new universe and I couldn’t do jack shit but sit underground. That was so unfair! They should at least take me once, but from their faces, it didn’t look like they were gonna change their minds.
What did they even have to do in the bunker? I know they have alcohol. Too much alcohol, in fact, but even if I was of age, I’m not really interested. They also have a library full of hunter books. I know that sounds cool and I shouldn’t be complaining, but who would want to read books about these cool ass monsters if you could see them in person? Not me, that’s for sure.
“They should go on a hunt,” Castiel stated, not taking his eyes off his menu. How was that so interesting to him?
“Did you just say I could go?!” I squealed.
“Did you just say they could go?!” The brothers yelled in unison.
“They can go with me,” Castiel said finally putting his menu down, “They won’t be harmed.”
I ran over to the other side of the table to tackle Castiel in a hug because I was so happy. Fried nerves be damned. He kind of froze for a second before awkwardly patting my back. Sam and Dean were still trying to get the angel to not bring me, but he didn’t budge.
“Who would watch them if we’re all gone? They’re a child, they need protection.”
Dean scoffed at that like it wasn’t kind of true before he stood from the table and stalked off. Presumably to his room. Sam shook his head in disbelief before he retired as well. 
Soon, Castiel and I were the only ones left at the table. I was still eating my fries and Castiel was staring at me. It would have been creepy if it had been anyone besides him, but he had this innocence about him that didn’t make him all that scary. Even though he was the only one here with powers strong enough to do God-knows-what, he didn’t make me feel frightened at all.
“Casey,” I perked up, “you should get some sleep. It’s late.”
I wasn’t sure how late it was because we were underground and I never asked, but now that Castiel brought up the subject of sleep, it made me yawn. I didn’t even register I was tired. It felt like it’d been so long since I last slept. I wasn’t sure if that was because of my eventful day or because it really had been that long.
I got up from the table and waved Castiel goodnight. I was halfway down the hallway before I realized that I didn’t know where I was going to sleep. No one had given me a room or anything. 
I wonder where my body was staying before I got here.
Not wanting to bother anyone, I slinked over to the couch I had sat on earlier and laid down. The couch had a blanket that was thick enough and a couple of pillows that weren’t too uncomfortable.
The thing that made me so uneasy was the fact that it was out in the open. The couch sat against one of the walls of the library. I never did well with new sleeping spaces, but when those sleeping spaces were so big and dark that you weren’t sure what was hiding in there… I did not like it. Plus, I couldn’t watch YouTube before bed. 
I’m not sure how, but I eventually went to sleep. I ended up in another void. This time I couldn’t see all my thoughts as words. This time I could see my mom. She was in the kitchen chopping vegetables. There was nothing on the stove and there was nothing in front of her to put the vegetables in. The only thing on the entire counter was the chopping board and the single carrot she was chopping. I wanted to know what she was doing and I tried to ask, but my mouth wouldn’t move. She looked me right in my eyes before she disappeared.
Next, I saw my dad. He was in the garage sitting on his motorcycle. The engine wasn’t running and the garage wasn’t even open, but my dad had all his gear on like he was gonna take off at any second. He wasn’t wearing his helmet though. I was standing in the doorway that lead from the house to the garage. My dad was facing in the other direction. He looked frozen in time. I couldn’t even see his body shift from breathing. It was like he was paused. I tried to walk up to him to tap him on the shoulder, but - again - I couldn’t move. My dad finally turned his face to me. Blood dripped from his mouth. Then, he disappeared too.
I saw my older brother out on the front porch. He was sitting in the gray chair that was facing me yet, I couldn’t see his face. His neck… his neck somehow had his head on backward. His fingers still typed at the computer on his lap even though he couldn’t see it. I didn’t try to move this time, but my brother did. One of his hands lifted off of the keyboard to point at something behind me. Then, he disappeared.
My little brother was next. He was in the basement playing on his gaming setup. Well, at least he was sitting at his gaming setup. His arms were at his sides and he was staring at a blank screen. I was standing directly behind him. I wanted to run. I didn’t want to see this creepy shit anymore, but I was stuck in place. I had to watch my little brother melt into a pile of flesh in his chair.
I didn’t like this dream. No matter how hard I tried to wake up, I couldn’t. I was stuck. Stuck watching some creepy version of my family from afar. I wished that I could hear Dean’s voice again. I wished he would wake me up by shaking my arms like he did before, but his voice never came. No one ever came. This wasn’t me feeling like a failure that didn’t deserve to be saved. I wanted to be saved. I needed to be saved.
“Save me!” A voice echoed through my head that I’d never heard before. I never heard this voice before, but I felt linked to them somehow. I wanted to reach out and save them like I wanted someone to save me. For the first time since my dream started, my body moved. I reached my hand out for this voice. I swear I felt them reach back.
“Fuck!” I woke up sitting straight up on the couch I fell asleep on. My hand was outstretched like I was reaching for… something? Someone. Who was I reaching for? 
My blanket and pillows had fallen to the floor which wasn’t a surprise to me. Even when I wasn’t having creepy ass weird ass dreams, I was still a wild sleeper. What the fuck was that dream about anyway? I liked to believe that all dreams mean something, but I didn’t understand that one. Or maybe I was too scared to want to understand it. I’d come back to it later.
Right now, I was more concerned with the man sitting in the library. He looked concerningly like the King of Hell.
“Hello… new child,” Crowley said in his british accent. He was casually sipping on some of Sam and Dean’s alcohol stash. I felt underdressed even though I was wearing the same shit since I got here. It wasn’t half bad, but I kinda wanted to meet Crowley looking like myself. Or at least with my own dressing style and not this cringe shit. He was one of my favorite characters after all.
“How long have you been there?” I asked, slowly placing my feet flat on the floor. 
“Not that long,” he shrugged.
I got up and walked toward him. I know he’s the King of Hell and all that jazz, but I really wanted to shake his hand. He didn’t look like he wanted to hurt me. He actually looked kind of curious.
I offered him my hand, “I’m Casey. Nice to meet the King of Hell face to face.”
Crowly smirked and shook my hand, “You know who I am and you think it’s nice to meet me. I’m surprised the Winchesters haven’t told you-”
“Get away from him!” Sam shouted as he practically slid into the room. It seemed like he rushed in here so fast he forgot to put a shirt on. He was only wearing his blue-patterned pajama pants. I looked at him with a ‘what the fuck’ face before turning back to Crowley. I know Sam was trying to look after me and shit, but he was not gonna make me walk away from the motherfucking King of Hell.
“I have so many questions if you don’t mind,” I told Crowley as I sat next to him. Sam let out a sound of protest, “What do the demon dogs look like? I know the whole thing is not seeing them, but I’ve always been curious. Also, what’s your favorite task to do as the King of Hell? Do you enjoy torture or do you only do it because you have to? Are other demons dumb cause how do they get killed by Sam and Dean so easily? Do you have wings-”
“You have to give me time to answer, you know,” I snapped my mouth closed, “For your first question… I could bring the demon dogs here if you’d like.”
“Yes!” I squealed.
“No!” yelled Sam.
Crowley brought out the summoning whistle from his jacket pocket. Sam looked like he was about to pass out, but he somehow managed to stay upright. I sorta forgot that Sam had trauma from the demon dogs. They killed his brother in what? Season 3?
I didn’t think Crowley was actually gonna go through with it, but he blew the whistle. I guess if the dogs don’t have orders to kill anyone, they won’t… hopefully.
“How can you tell when they’re here-”
I was cut off but something warm and wet wiping up my face. I let out a yelp of surprise before I realized it was most likely the dogs. I cautiously reached my arms out to feel for its body. My hands connected with soft fur. The dog or dogs - I felt multiple tongues licking at my face - were pretty big by the feel of it. Maybe the size of a pony? They were muscly as hell though.
“How many did you call?” I asked Crowley.
“Just one. They have multiple heads. You can ask Dean about that.” 
Sam gave the demon a glare for his assholish comment before he spoke up, “Why the hell are you here, Crowley?”
“Well,” Crowley looked back at me. I bet it looked like I was petting air, “I came here to see them.”
Sam was confused. I was confused. Why the hell did the King of Hell have business with me? Even though I had no idea what Crowley wanted with me and whether or not I was in danger, I kept petting the demon dog. I didn’t know when I was gonna have the opportunity to do this again.
“You’re not taking them,” Sam said, pulling an angel knife from his ass.
“I’m not taking them. Calm down, moose,” Crowley finally stood up from his chair, “I just wish to talk with them.”
“I don’t see why not,” I pipped in.
“He’s the fricken King of Hell!” Sam yelled like ruling the underworld was a crime.
“And?” I replied.
“And you're not talking to him!”
“Well, last time I checked, you weren’t the fucking boss of me, dude.” I stood up from petting the demon dog and gave Sam a glare. I was getting fed up with Sam telling me what to do. First, he told me he didn’t want me going on hunts, and now this? I hadn’t even known him for a full 24 hours!
“You’re a child, Casey! No!” 
“I’m not your fucking child, Sam, so buzz the fuck off!”
The demon dog started barking really loud after I said that. The air stilled. Crowley was smirking throughout Sam and I’s whole argument, but now his face was filled with genuine surprise. Sam looked scarily angry.
“You lied,” Sam stated. The angel knife that was once pointed at Crowley was now pointed at me, “You are some kind of monster.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I said, breathless. Fear shot up my spine.
“Your eyes… they turned red.”
AN: Crowley's one of my favorite characters and in later chapters sometimes he just comes back for not reason other than I like him. I know I do shit on Dean, but like, I still like him. He's just not my favorite out of the trio. And yes, superpowered OC. Gotta love it.
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keikuri · 2 years
Am i a special needs kid? yeah, you could say that.
i was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia at 5, been through six different schools in six years, and have absolutely destroyed every field trip. and not in a good way. for example, my fourth grade field trip to Saratoga. why you would put an impulsive kid with adhd anywhere near a loaded canon is beyond me, but i guess the teachers didn't see anything wrong with it until they heard a cannon go off in the distance. and asking said kid with dyslexia to pull a labeled lever. i would have laughed at them for being soaking wet if i didn't get detention after that. So you can see why i wasn't to excited for this trip.
the school that my mom put me in this time was called Yancy Academy,a school for troubled and disabled kids. my only friend there was a kid with a muscle disorder in his legs named Grover. he was a short guy with a pimply face, and he was the only guy in the sixth grade who had a beard. either he had weird genetics or got held back six years. We were going to the Metropolitan, to learn about Greek and roman stuff. the teacher who was leading this was Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds. Mr. Brunner was this guy in a wheelchair and he was my absolute favorite teacher of all time. he never thought i was stupid or dumb and never thought i was at fault for anything that happened at school. Mrs. dodds was probably the daughter of satan. or at least inhuman. she hated me for no reason, and loved this girl named nancy bobofit, a freckly, redheaded kleptomaniac asshole who's favorite pastime was bullying the younger kids and stealing things from old women. We got to the Metro and he stopped at the front, and we talked about the story of the statues at the door. they were of Pygmalion and Galatea, an asexual dude who falls in love with his own statue, so Aphrodite makes it real for him. my hopes for this field trip were already high, and nothing had gone wrong.
we stopped by more statues until we got to a big painting. well less like painting and more like wall sculpture. i actually recognized this one. it was of kronos being chopped into a thousand pieces and thrown into tartarus. i felt somewhat angry at this depiction of the gods. "now can anyone tell me what this is a picture of," Mr. Brunner asked. he scanned the room and his eyes fell on me. "Percy!" i froze, because i'd been zoning out unintentionally. "uh, yes?" he pointed to the painting. "Oh! that's zeus killing his own dad." "and why did he do this?"
"kronos ate his kids... because he was scared of what would happen if they became kings and queens? so then zeus escaped and killed his dad."
"why would we need this in real life? it's not like anyone's gonna ask us, why did zeus cut off his dad's penis," "to paraphrase Mrs. Bobofit's question, why would we need to know this in real life?" i went silent. i didn't know the answer to that. Bobofit in snickered in the background. "well, percy, it's unfortunate that you don't know this answer, but a very insightful interruption."
we looked through more statues and paintings, and Mrs. Dodds looked like she wanted to destroy each and every one. Lunch rolled around, and i sat with grover away from everyone else, almost as if staying away from these special needs kids would make people think it'm not part of that group. i looked over at grover's curly, dark hair and noticed a blob of light purple and brown. he was looking intently at his apple, trying not to look over at someone. "Nancy threw a piece of PBJ in your hair?" i asked surprised. "she threw a peanut butter sandwich at you. i stopped it. with my head." i picked out the piece of jelly and chucked it back at Nancy's general direction. i patted Grover's back. "Grover, you're a good friend." i said. Grover turned to me. "i'm your only friend." and went right back to eating his bright red apple. Nancy walked over, obviously trying to start a fight. i tried not to get angry, but it was hard to control your temper when someone was insulting you for having ADHD. "- and i bet your mother doesn't even like you, " that did it. i got up prepared to punch her square in the nose.as i did, i felt something rise in me, like the force of a hundred hurricanes contained within. i punched her, hard enough to make her nose bleed. then she got picked up by the fountain. i mean literally picked up; the water formed around her, wrapping around her body as if she were a doll. the water wrapped around her face, clearly drowning her. the feeling died as i panicked. as much as i hated Nancy, i didn't want her to die. The fountain dropped her onto pure concrete. everyone was staring at me, then her, then me. Mr. Brunner was even more shocked than us all. Mrs. dodds smiled. that was all i needed to know that i was perpetually fucked. she came towards me, all sweet.
"come with me, darlin." she said. Grover tried to go with me, but Mrs. Dodds said that he wasn't in any trouble, and forced him to stay. he pleaded with Mr. brunner silently, but i was already in the building.
we were alone. in a room. with creepy Greek statues. "I've heard a lot about you, sweetheart." i gulped. this was not going well. "that's very dedicated for a substitute, but i didn't do anything," i said nervously. Mrs.dodds seemed to ignore that. "you've been through six different schools in six years, and each and every time, something odd has happened. with hm... water?" she guessed. i almost stopped breathing, because she was absolutely right. discounting the saratoga trip, the rest of the incidents had all involved some kind of water going haywire around me. the water fountains nearly murdering someone at Greensville, people thinking i was dying in the pool at Vermillion Academy, all of it. "what do you want from me?" i asked, even more scared now. "return what you have stolen, sea boy." she stated. "...what?" i blinked because as much as i hated everyone that wasn't my mom or Grover, i'm not like Nancy bobofit. I'm no thief. "i will give you two minutes to go through your bag and give me the master bolt," she said, growing impatient. "and if you don't, you will be sent to Hades, who will have you judged harshly." i panicked. it hadn't occurred to me then that she had just said the name of the Greek god of death, but when faced with a possible lunatic who was capable of killing you, that hardly matters.
just to appease her, i gave her my backpack for her to look through, and maybe buy me some time. she must've been working out because she tore right through that thing. it was in shreds and she looked up at me. she growled. and then she lunged. Mrs. dodds wasn't Mrs. Dodds anymore. she was a leathery bat... thing. it's really hard to describe her. she looked a bit like mothman but with bat wings and less horns, and she had goat-like legs and a nasty smile. i jumped back, instinctively rolled under her, and grabbed a Greek bust, ready to swing it at her. she predictably attacked, and i swung the sculpture at her, breaking it in two and startling her. i dropped the thing and bolted for the door, but it was locked. i ran towards the other side and back again, attempting to tire her out before realizing that a pen was thrown at me. "What ho, percy!" He yelled, just like he did in class when he got out a fake sword and hosted foam sword gladiator fights in class. just as a test, i uncapped the pen. with a loud Shink sound, it turned into a sword. a three foot long glowing magic sword, with Greek letters inscribed in the hilt. i almost screamed, but Mothman-Dodds lunged again. i swung the sword and impaled it into her left temple. she screamed and dissolved into the dust of various dark colors.
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floresyerrores · 11 months
Saw a post of how there’s this new trend of like pretty girls who were clearly obviously popular (and probably mean) in school are trying to say they are now the “weird girls” - basically like the new pick mes and it triggered me so bad.
Gave my flashbacks of my childhood and early days of middle school where I was picked on and bullied so bad. Almost forgot how bad it was cus I always looked back on it as part of my “lore” and “growth” lmao it was just a normal part of life right everyone got picked on a little right 😀
It made me into the little bad ass I am today right lol.
It was actually so fucked. I guess I always dealt with it by laughing it off but I actually was bullied so bad I had to switch schools. I didn’t *have* to but my mom became a teacher in my school district that same year while I was getting bullied and when she found out about how bad it was, she asked if I wanted to try a different middle school. My bff had to move schools and my other friends got sent to alternative school so I figured why suffer alone lol and thought a new start could be fun.
Circa 2007/2008 I went thru my early emo/scene in 7th grade (never really grew out of it tbh) and I lost all my friends from 6th grade basically since they thought I was so weird and different but I made new friends who were like me, my little weirdos ❣️
I had my little friend group, like 7 of us, we were the only emo/scene kids in our school so we were really close and would always walk together, eat lunch together etc. Some of us would get picked on worse than the others - me for example, so we always tried to travel in a pack so we wouldn’t get ganged up on.
I remember my math teacher being one of my worst bullies solely for the fact that she was my literal TEACHER and would clown me in front of the whole class and everyone would laugh at me and I would just sit there and take it because I had never experienced that before from my fellow students let alone my own teacher…
One time she asked me if me and my friend group where all dating each other and slept together 💀 we were literally 13 dude and she was asking me essentially about polyamory and orgies. Something I knew nothing about at the time. She would make fun of my friends to my face and think it was funny.
Everyone in her class shunned me and avoided me, no one wanted to sit at the desks next to me - we used to be grouped in 4 desks all facing each other and she would have to pick people to sit at the tables with me and would purposely pick the kids who hated me the most. The all thought I was the devil lmao or some satanist
I used to write in a journal and make silly little lists of random stuff like “people I love” or whatever. I was talking about my friends obviously and I wrote their names down on my “ppl i love” list and one of my close friends shared the same name as one of the girls at the table who would make fun of me. My friends name was Kristen, and the bully was named KIRSTEN. The math teacher called me up to the board to answer something (she always liked to pick on me knowing I was shy and was hated in the class) and when I got back to my desk my journal had been moved and the girl with the same name as my friend was like “omg y’all she LOVES me what do I do 😱 she’s in LOVE with me ewwww” and I just knew that they had read my journal. I felt so embarrassed and like my privacy had been invaded I wanted to cryyyy it was awful. Like bitch why would I love YOU when you obviously hate me, bully me, etc etc.
Obviously that was my fault for leaving my journal out in the open and thinking they would not read it. Tbh I think they went through my bag and found it themselves cus I knew better than to leave it out, but I’m sure they saw me writing in it all the time.
Then, when I got the big chop (cut my long, down to my back hair into a short choppy emo style cut) and went to school feeling so cute about myself, I walked into her class and sat at my assigned desk (in the front because she was cruel and hated me obv). She stood behind me during the lesson and touched my hair/back of my neck then said “oh wow they really hacked your hair huh” and kept inspecting my haircut. Everyone laughed while I silently cried at my desk. The trauma 💀
Another time she said it smelled like weed/smoke in her class and came up right behind me and sniffed me then was like, sorry you just look like the type to do that stuff. You and your…. friends. I was like no. I don’t do any of that (I was still innocent then lol)
It got to so bad to the point where my bff made me report it to our AP because she was his aide at the time and knew it was wrong of her. I used to cry and tell her all the horrible things that happened to me in her class that day. So finally after almost a whole year of her tormenting I listened to her advice and told our AP about what she would do.
She pulled me out of class the next day and tried to give me some half assed apology - said something like if anything she said to me hurt my feelings, that wasn’t her intention, she was just playing with me blah blah blah but I didn’t really care I just said its ok it’s fine cus I was always so shy and non confrontational at that point. I was honestly scared of what she was going to tell me. I had been hoping they would switch me out of her class but it never happened. They did find a sub for her class for awhile so that was a nice break from her even though I still had to deal with the bullies in her class (which she helped to create). I vaguely remember something like they sent her to some empathy training class or something but I could be wrong lol idk.
I can’t remember exactly what happened after but she was gone for awhile towards the end of the year or semester (can’t remember exactly) but she was in a car accident, her car was totaled lol (karma bitch) and she was gone for awhile. She came back with a leg cast, showed us pictures of her totaled car trying to get some sympathy lol and basically just played movies all day or let us do whatever. She told one of the students she liked that she really didn’t care what we did because she would be leaving at the end of the semester and wouldn’t be coming back to teach. Idk if it had anything to do with me reporting her but 🤷🏻‍♀️ karmaaaa
We had some students switch to our math class and this one stoner foo got seated next to me/was put in my group. This chubby Mexican guy (Chris). I called him a fat ass at lunch once cus he had skipped me in the lunch line so I was worried he was gonna be mean and would remember me but I knew he was pretty funny cus he was like “HEY I’m not fat I’m just fluffy” lol. I was also friends with his on/off gf at the time so I would talk to him about his girl problems and try to help him win her back lol. He was the onlyyyyy one who was nice to me and actually talked to me in that class when I literally felt like such a loner. He became like my bff in that class, I would share all my Japanese snacks with him and let him copy my answers lol. I will never forget him or his kindness, he also ended up being my 🍃 plug after I graduated HS up until I moved out of Texas 2 years ago lmao. Thanks Chris 🥲 he really saved me in that class because after that, the teacher never came after me or tried to clown me again. No one messed with me after that because he would always have my back if they tried to say something.
Other bullies in school would just corner me or friends or all of us whenever they got the chance and would just say mean things or ask stupid shit like “do you worship the devil” or “are you a witch” and are you all gay, etc etc. Or they would laugh at us in the hallways and make fun of our clothes. We all had to wear uniforms but ofc my friends and I went out of our way to show off our individuality and would wear skinny jeans and band tees or all black whenever we had the chance and ofc we altered our uniforms to fit our style lol. We were basically walking Hot Topic ads lmaooo. Those bullies were nothing compared to the math teacher.
Another time, on my birthday, my friends had gotten me some gifts and one friend (Justin) gifted me a Hello Kitty plush and also a Dear Daniel plushie bc he knew I loved HK 🥺 I was a little weirdo so I walked around the whole day with my plushies proudly and had a relatively nice day because of all the kind gifts. My friend (Kristen) and I were walking towards our bus at the end of the day and the buses were all lined up as usual, some kids already in their seats waiting to go. We passed by one kid in the window seat (it was open) who was taking a big sip of his bright neon orange Gatorade (I remember it so clearly) and he looked right at me and spit it out the window right at me and Kristen - it landed on me, my hair, my friend and worst of all - my brand new hello kitty and Dear Daniel plushie 😔 staining it orange and completely ruining my whole day. My friend smiled at them and kept us moving to our bus but as soon as we got to our seats on the bus I broke down crying the whole way home. Sad stuff man. The orange never washed off my plushies 💔
I wrote about it in my journal that night and I guess my mom was reading my journal during those days since she thought I was a devil child (lol jk she was just worried about me bc of how I was acting) and that’s how she found out about the bullying and decided to switch me out of that school for good after the school year ended.
Lots of other stuff I went through during that dark period of time but those are the events that I remember so vividly even 10 years later.
Good times!
All part of my lore hahaha
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void-botanist · 1 year
15 questions: Leon & Edith
AOM 15 questions continues with the first double interview (Horatio & Celia's adoptive parents). Tag: #aom 15 questions
1 - Are you named after anyone? Leon: No, not that I'm aware of. Edith: I am! I'm named after my great-aunt, who died before I was born.
2 - When was the last time you cried? [They look at each other like they're hoping the other will remember.] Leon: Midsummer? Edith: That was what I cried at, not when. But that was last week? Leon: I don't know when I last cried. Edith: You were crying at seal videos yesterday. Leon: That doesn't count. Edith: Doesn't it? Leon: [pauses like he's trying to think of a way out of this] Okay, fine. I last cried yesterday.
3 - Do you have kids? Both: We do! Edith: We have a son and a daughter, both adopted, because [she gestures between her and Leon, who is obviously not bovan] and our son is human and our daughter is ferasca.
4 - Do you use sarcasm? Leon: [sarcastic] No, never. Edith: [also sarcastic] Surely not.
5 - What’s the first thing you notice about people? Leon: Faces. I never forget a face. Edith: I'm always checking out their horns, except for everyone who doesn't have horns. Then I guess just their hair.
6 - What’s your eye color? Leon: Brown. Edith: They're brown, but they look black.
7 - Scary stories or happy endings? Edith: It's better if it's scary on the way there but still a happy ending. Leon: I don't really read for spooky stuff or happy endings per se. So, maybe both, maybe neither.
8 - Any special talents? Leon: Well, I'm a dupe witch—face specialty, if you didn't already guess. Edith: And I can tie cherry stems into knots in my mouth. [Leon looks at her straight face and laughs.] Leon: She's forgetting the part where she's not afraid of anything. I have personally seen her wrangle a venomous snake. Edith: Mmhmm, and the reason you saw it is you were gonna save me if I got bit. Leon: [shrugs] To be honest, in her place, I would have just got bit and perished about it.
9 - Where were you born? Edith: Elians, just over the mountain from Tobarsha. Leon: Myosh system.
10 - What are your hobbies? Edith: Reading, going to concerts, playing games—like, board games, but also video games, even though I'm not that good. Going for long walks around the neighborhood and bothering Leon at work. Leon: Eating celery as loudly as possible when she brings me lunch. Edith: Yeah. Leon: For me, also reading, going to the theatre, telling people the sword [he gestures to the mantelpiece] isn't for fighting, playing card games and such. Edith: Losing at poker. Leon: Shh.
11 - Do you have any pets? Leon: We used to, years ago. [He glances at Edith.] We haven't really talked about getting more. Edith: We already have one pet though. Leon: What pet? You don't mean B— Edith: Bös! It's our pet rock. [She brings back a rock from the living room windowsill.] Our son has one, and I thought it was a cute idea.
12 - What sports do you play/have played? [They give each other a look that was apparently a shared joke.] Leon: I haven't played a sport stronger than a brisk walk in years. No, wait, that's a lie. It hasn't been that long since I could be arsed to play beach volleyball for ten minutes. Edith: I used to play every kind of contact sport I could get away with. Some things are just too dangerous with the horns, though. But anything that involved running around outside and climbing trees was my favorite.
13 - How tall are you? Edith: 5' 5". Leon: 5' 7". We've reached our shrinking era.
14 - Favorite subject in school? Edith: Mm…whatever they called the ecosystems class, because they'd always take us on field trips up the mountain, or to the middle of the woods. Leon: Would you believe I hated literature class in school? I liked history, at least as long as we were talking about the launch era. Believe it or not, I was not alive for that.
15 - Dream job? Edith: My dream dream job is something cool, like a sail racer or a park ranger. But I did really enjoy being a teacher before I retired. Leon: I think the job I have now has sort of turned into my dream job, because I just love talking about poetry. But I don't know. If I could be like my son and have a poetry shop somehow, that might be it.
*Bös means rock in the local language.
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enhadiares · 2 years
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✧My one month anniversary special 🧚🏼‍♀️
(Disclaimer: I do not condone this behaviour. This is just imagination and none of the members are like this)
༉ Pairing: Jay x reader
༉ Genre: Yandere
༉ Warning: Typical Yandere themes , kidnapping , cursing , threats
✧a/n: Ahh thank you soo much for the the support you guys have been showing me. I appreciate it alot and am grateful to all of you. Here is a 1 month special. Hope you enjoy. Not proof read. Sorry for the mistakes. You can tell me if I have any mistakes.🤗😊.
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You entered your classroom unknown to the eyes following you around. You greeted your friends and started chatting about some stuff. You were talking when your eye suddenly caught jay-the need eyeing you from his seat. He looked away as soon as you saw him.
A shiver went down your spine. It's not that you hate him . No. But he gives off a weird vibe. The way he stares at you , the dark look- everything just makes you uncomfortable. Feeling the weird vibe you try to stay away from him as much as possible. He seems like he will bring trouble to your life so it's better to not get involved with him. He was smart and rich. But that doesn't mean you will like him. The teacher came in and started to teach you guys.
After some time
The bell rang and everyone went to the cafeteria. You were going to leave the class with your friends when suddenly someone lifted you up. "Ahhhh" you screeched. Hearing that jay turned to you only to find you in your best friend's arms. A guy best-friend who he hates from the bottom of his heart. Felix is his name. "Omg felix wth I got scared. Who does that?" You said still being in his arms. He smiled at you and said "I do , anyways let's go eat something - I'm hungry" . He was still holding you and that was making jays blood boil. He wanted to rip felix's arms which were around your waist. Felix put you down but kept a hand on your shoulder while you guys went to the cafeteria. Jay was not at all happy. He was bearing with Felix because he didn't want you to be sad if anything happens to Felix but now he can't handle this anymore. Felix is too comfortable around you and vice versa so it's normal for you guys to be that touchy but jay hates it. He decided that it's time that he shows everyone and you - who you belong to. He goes to the cafeteria to see Felix close to you again.
Felix is going to regret it. Jay wrote a note to you saying that he wants to meet you at the back of your school and left it at your desk. Till then he was going to make sure that his plan works so he can finally have you. "Just a few more hours y/n , then you would finally be mine" he said smirking to himself.
Meanwhile with you.
The bell rang signalling that lunch was over so you went to your respective class after bidding your goodbyes. You went to your seat to find a note by jay. You read it and you were kinda nervous and scared to what he had to say. You looked around to find no traces of jay. All the classes you attended were filled with you being nervous and anxious of what jay had to say. The guy looked like a walking danger sign. With that the school bell rang indicating that the school is over and everyone can leave.
You waited for everyone to go and left at last to go to the place jay told you to meet.
You told Felix that you will go home after returning a book to the library - obviously a lie. He insisted on coming but you denied.
You reached the place and found jay with his back on you. Before you say something he turned back and smiled while saying "ahh you finally came here" . "I won't beat around the bush , What do you want jay" you said. "Ohhh alright well get to the point . I love you y/n - be mine" he stated.
You looked at him with disbelief. "I'm sorry jay but I don't like you that way." You replied.
His eyes darkened.
"Why? Do you like that pathetic guy Felix? Is that why you are rejecting me? " He scoffed
"Jay-" before you could complete he interrupted you by saying "doesn't matter because he is not going to be with you anymore and you are going to be mine wether you like it or not"
You were shocked "what do you mean by that jay?"
"Yes , you heard it right baby - my men are going to kill him"
"What the fuck jay - you are crazy . Why would you do that? I'm leaving" you said and tried to leave but before you did you felt jays hand on you waist and his other hand holding up a handkerchief on your mouth. You were thrashing around while your screams were muffled . "Jaay sjleaej nf" [translation : jay leave me :)] You tried screaming alot of time but he kept a form grip on you for straight 3 minutes. He then left you and you stumbled. Chloroform usually takes 4-5 minutes to work on anyone and so jay held you for 3 minutes to make you weak and dizzy. You tried to run away with strength you have but jay pulled you towards him and threw you on his shoulder. "No way you're running , you are coming with me baby".
Slowly you started losing consciousness and the last thing you heard was "finally mine"
You woke up after sometime in a bedroom you were unfamiliar with. You tried getting up but were pulled back from the hand on your waist. Jay groaned and said "ah don't get up now baby I'm still sleepy"
He pulled you so you could lay on his chest. You were going to protest but jay said something that made you froze and obey. "Don't even try to protest or else I know where your family lives you know? Just lay down with me baby"
You were scared for you family and obeyed him. You were thinking about escaping but deep inside you knew that there is no escape now. With that he kissed your lips and cuddled you while saying "I have you in my arms finally. You are mine. All mine."
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akakeiiji · 4 years
Headcanons for how the boys will react or what will they do when their S/O is sick but hides it from them? (For Tobio, Bokuto, Oikawa, Ushijima, Iwa) please
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-`,✎ Kageyama, Bokuto, Oikawa, Ushijima and Iwaizumi’s reaction to you hiding your fever from them
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Kageyama Tobio
You would arrive at school flushed and tired, dressed in many layers but your ever so clueless boyfriend wouldn’t actually suspect anything
He’d greet you as usual and ask if you were cold or something despite the relatively warm weather
You didn’t want him to worry though so you just agreed with him and went on with your classes like normal
As the day went on though, your symptoms would start worsening
During lunchtime, you wouldn’t have the energy to leave your desk
Kageyama would go looking for you when you failed to arrive at your usual meeting place and found you fast asleep in your classroom
He’d scoff and call you a dumbass to himself but when placed his hand on your head and felt your warm temperature the small smile on his face would immediately turn into a frown
He’d shake you awake and the first thing you’d see is his concerned face
“Are you an idiot or something?”
He’d pull you up and support you as he walks you to the nurse’s office his admirers would stare at you two angrily the entire time
you can’t tell me he doesn’t have at least a few fangirls, i mean have you seen him??
He’d lecture you angrily the whole way to the infirmary
Though he’d mostly just be repeating “Dumbass!” and “You should have told me.” over and over again because he’s so worried and can’t focus on forming coherent sentences
You were sent home obviously and Kageyama would wait by your side at the infirmary the whole time till your ride came to take you home
He’d still be pouty and grumbling, upset over the fact that you forced yourself to school
But at the same time, he’d be feeding you a bit of your lunch, little by little so as to not upset your stomach
Once you were home, he’d be even more distracted and antsy during class than ever before
He wouldn't even be thinking of volleyball, just of you
He’d stop by the gym though and ask Sugawara or Daichi what he should get for you because he has no idea what to get sick people
He’d buy you your favorite snacks and drinks on the way to your house and spend the evening with you
He doesn’t really know what to do tbh, you’d have to instruct him on how to help you
He doesn’t get sick very often and whenever he does his sister usually takes care of him so he’s never been in the position of caring for someone else like this
But he tries his best and that’s what matters
He’s just an adorable little blueberry okay? Pls protect him
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Bokuto Koutarou
Your disheveled appearance and lethargic state would literally fly over Bokuto’s head
He’s mainly focused on how happy he was to see you again, like how he always is in the morning before class
After a while though, Bokuto would notice that something was off
He’d tilt his head to the side and ask you if you were okay, concern evident in his eyes
You could already see Bokuto’s reaction if he found out how sick you actually were so you just told him you were a little tired
He’d frown and tell you not to overwork yourself,  he’d then pull you into his chest to hug you in hopes that it would cheer you up or give you some energy
He’d freeze though, feeling just how high your body temperature was even through your layers of clothes
He’d pull you away and examine your face and finally realizes just how sick you were
Panic ensues
I shit you not, Bokuto would literally scoop you up in his arms and carry you all the way to the infirmary
Akaashi would be walking to class and witness this scene from afar and just nope the fuck away from you two
He is literally so concerned, he knows that you just have a fever but he still can’t help but worry
He wouldn’t leave your side the entire time while waiting for your ride home, his hand never leaving yours
He’d beat himself up over the fact that he didn’t notice that something was wrong right away
He’d be in dejection mode the whole time during the rest of classes, his hair would get droopy and his little pout would never leave his lips
He’d spend most of his classes staring out of the window, sighing wistfully, thinking about you
He’d try to function normally and go to practice but Akaashi—knowing that it would be virtually impossible to pull him out of his moods this time—would send him home
He’d be moping the whole way home before an idea suddenly popped in his head, he should just visit you!!
He’d run all the way to your house, practically bouncing with anticipation
He’d be like a loyal puppy as he takes care of you, he’ll bring you literally anything you need, just name it and he’ll find it
He doesn’t care if you’re sick, he’s going to hug and kiss you all he wants
Needless to say, he ends up catching your fever as well and you two end up sick together
The volleyball team goes to visit you two after classes the next day and you two are basically just two red-nosed, lumps wrapped in blankets and heating pads
Konoha still has pictures and likes to show it to the team when they get sad
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Oikawa Tooru
Good luck trying to hide your fever from him, he may not look like it but he’s hella perceptive even outside of the court
He’d wait by your lockers as usual in the mornings, probably chatting (and failing to wave off) some fangirls when you’d walk in wearing a thick sweater and wrapped in a scarf to hide your face
The small smile on his face would drop and he’d immediately be by your side, examining your face
“Tooru, what are you doing—?”
He’d place a hand on your forehead—ignoring your protests—and click his tongue, a hand coming up to rest on his hip
“What am I doing? What are you doing? You’re obviously sick.”
Dramatic brat, i love him so much
He’d grab your hand and march you all the way to the infirmary, telling you off the entire time
He’d tell you all about having to take care of your body and prioritizing your health over studies or something, as if he were such a great example of taking care of one’s body but you decided not to bring that up
He’d kind of be like a mom really as he watches the nurse take your temperature, his arms crossed and a concerned look evident on his face
You were obviously sent home not even after fifteen minutes of being in school
Oikawa would seem normal to most people, going about his day like usual but those who know him well can tell that he was bothered
His foot would be tapping rapidly the entire time during classes, his eyes always drifting to his watch to check the time
The minute that classes were dismissed, Oikawa was on his feet, bag already packed and ready, practically sprinting out of the building
“How’s my little patient doing?”
He’d refrain from kissing and hugging you though, unlike Bokuto he has some semblance of self-restraint despite wanting to do it sooo badly
He missed you a lot
Okay, fine, he gives a few kisses here and there
After taking care of you, making sure you ate and drank and stuff, Oikawa would fill you in on all the stuff you missed during classes
If you had the energy, he’d tutor you on all the lessons you missed
He’d also be the type to spoon-feed you your favorite food or soup, even if you insist that you could feed yourself he will still do it no matter what
A firm believer that laughter is the best medicine so he tries his best to keep your mood up
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Another clueless baby
He isn’t the best at reading people—especially outside of the court—so he doesn’t really notice anything wrong at first
He’d pick you up at your dorm like usual so that you could have breakfast together
You’d be visibly sluggish and flushed but he’d just assume you were tired or overworked
“Did you not get any sleep last night?”
You’d just wave him off, telling him that you were perfectly alright and that he didn’t need to worry
He would drop the subject but would make sure to keep a close eye on you
You wouldn’t eat much at all during breakfast which would just feed more to his worries
Then while you two were walking to class, you started getting lightheaded and had to lean on the wall for support
Ushijima was able to catch you as you stumbled, a deep frown on his face as he takes you to the infirmary, practically carrying you the whole way
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
He immediately disregards the fact that he’s gonna be late for class and stays with you at the infirmary
It isn’t obvious but anyone who knows Ushi well can tell that he’s really concerned and worried about you
The nurse instructs him to bring you back to your dorm and head to class
He only does the latter and literally skips classes for you
You would try to get him to go back to class but this boy is stubborn, he doesn’t want to leave you alone and wants to take care of you
I say take care of you loosely, he’s just like Kageyama, he has absolutely no idea what to do
He knows he needs to get medicine, get some food and water in you and stuff but asides from that he’s clueless
He’d go to Google and you two would spend some time researching on how to properly care for someone sick
You two end up falling into a rabbit hole of weird articles and get distracted
Ushijima will make sure you never have to leave your bed except for when you need to use the bathroom, he doesn’t want you up
Most of the time would be spent in silence, you two doing your own thing because Ushijima wouldn’t want to risk catching your fever
He has to take care of his body okay? He can’t play if he’s sick so he’s probably going to wear a mask when he’s with you and will always have a bottle of rubbing alcohol with him at all times sakusa is proud
He wouldn't get upset over the fact that you hid your fever from him but he just doesn’t understand why you chose to hide it from him and force yourself to go to class
When you explain that you don’t want to miss any of your lessons and fall behind, Ushijima would just shake his head and tell you a matter a factly that you need to take care of yourself
“Your health should be your top priority, (Y/N). Next time you’re feeling unwell just tell me.”
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Iwaizumi Hajime
You are not going to get past Iwaizumi and you knew that so you’d try to avoid him the morning before class
Iwa has a sixth sense when it comes to these sort of things, it’s how he always knows when Oikawa is overworking himself or when his teammates are down
He’d immediately seek you out and once he sees you he can tell that you’re sick instantaneously
I feel like Iwa is an older brother and knows the symptoms when he sees them because he takes care of his siblings all the time
He’d touch your forehead, throw his blazer over you and rush you towards the infirmary
He starts lecturing you immediately, calling you an idiot for not taking care of yourself but you know he means it out of love
He’d give you a list of instructions to do when you get home, typing it rapidly on his phone at the same time making sure to send them to you in case you forget
“—drink a lot of water okay? Make sure you have a bottle by your bed. I’ll come by after classes, just text me if you need anything, I can drop by the store on the way.”
Basically Iwa is a super mom, okay? He knows just what to do for fevers, he knows the best medicines to use and the best food to eat
He may not seem like it but he is super caring also probably the most normal out of these boys
He’d check his texts after classes and as promised, would drop by the store and buy whatever you asked for along with stuff you need to deal with fevers (electrolyte drinks, meds, soup, etc.)
He’d walk into your room and immediately check your temperature and make sure you’ve already eaten and have been drinking water
He’d use more traditional home remedies to help you get better because that’s what his family always did
He’d also take out a Vicks vaporub and start slathering you in that shit
Half-Filipino Iwa? Half-Filipino Iwa.
He’d be like Ushijima and try to keep his distance from you at the same time, he doesn’t want to catch your fever
But at the same time he always finds himself back by your side, he just can’t help it
Constantly asks you if you’re okay, if you need anything, if the room is too hot
He’ll do anything to make your life a little easier and make sure you’re comfortable and resting well
His main priority is to get you up and well in no time, he doesn’t want to see you bedridden any longer
Basically Iwa is the epitome of “aggressively cares for you”
It may not be obvious but Hajime has one of the biggest hearts in the series and he deserves the literal world 
i love him so much please i can literally write a whole essay about how much i love this boy
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justauthoring · 3 years
Amongst Them All, I See You
Prompt: Hey! I saw that you’re taking requests, and wanted to toss one out there for you. Hope you don’t mind. by the way, i absolutely LOVE your writing!! it’s always so heartwarming and nicely worded. Anyways, I had this idea for a Tsukishima Kei x reader where maybe basically Him and the reader have a enemies-to-lovers relationship. and maybe it has something to do with yamaguchi? i was thinking it could be some kind of angst 👉👈 but if you don’t write angst that’s perfectly fine!! it doesnt have to be. feel free to twist this any way you want :) Requested by: anonymous (thank you darling!).
A/N: salty beanpole has finally made his arrival ;) Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x F!Reader
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From the moment he met you, Tsukishima didn’t like you.
Now, he couldn’t exactly explain why. There wasn’t necessarily a real reason for it, just a feeling, an instinct if you will, and Tsukishima felt it best to listen to his gut. It’d never failed him before.
“Tsukki! I brought Y/N!”
By now, this is a common occurrence. Yamaguchi was all but determined to make the two of you friends, though Tsukishima couldn’t even begin to understand why, and it didn’t matter who ended up getting dragged along, the two of you found yourself constantly forced to spend time together.
Today, apparently, is no different. And the apprehensive, hesitant expression on your face is the same as always as Yamaguchi holds tightly to your wrist, you two steps behind him as you’ve probably spent the last few minutes trying to desperately convince your friend that it was alright, you didn’t mind eating lunch alone, you didn’t need company, etc. that Yamaguchi basically never listens to.
After all, you are a lot easier to convince then Tsukishima is.
You can never really say no to Yamaguchi’s soft eyes and hopeful smile, it seems.
Yamaguchi forces you to sit, before taking the spot next to you with a pleasant smile, reaching into his bag as if he hadn’t all but forced you against your will there.
And Tsukishima stares for a moment, one, two, before placing the lid back on his bento box. “I’ll be taking my leave then,” he says simply, voice dull, face blank as he moves to stand.
As Yamaguchi rushes to stop him, a hand over his own, practically pleading and spouting something like we’ve never not eaten lunch together -- something Tsukishima could really care less about, he misses the second of hurt that flashes in your eyes. It’s brief, passing with a blink, and then your face is settling into a scowl, cutting Yamaguchi’s begging off;
“Am I really all that awful to be with?”
Yamaguchi glares at him, to which Tsukishima rolls his eyes, finally sitting back down in his seat with a sigh.
And so, lunch continues on as it usually does. Tsukishima sits there silently, maybe putting a word in or two if Yamaguchi looks at him expectantly, while the two of you talk adamantly amongst one another. You’re loud, painfully so, like you always are, and Tsukishima is all but torturously reminded of Hinata, and he can already feel a headache coming.
He doesn’t listen to the conversation, not really at least. He does take note, mainly because he can’t help to, like he always does, that while you always seem to be loud at lunch, or after practice, it’s only ever when you’re with Yamaguchi. In class, you’re quiet. Almost eerily so. And you’re usually alone. 
Scratch that, before Yamaguchi and him, you were always alone.
Tsukishima pretends like he hadn’t noticed, like when Yamaguchi comes bounding up to him one day, excited to introduce you, he didn’t already know who you were. Because, it seemed like lots didn’t. Your presence is often lost amongst the crowd, and for the longest time, Tsukishima felt like he was the only one who did see you.
Head turned down, arms wrapped around yourself, you so purposely tried to avoid attention but Tsukishima always noticed you.
He doesn’t tell people things very often, and even Yamaguchi doesn’t know the things he swears he’ll never tell anyone. So, for the longest time, you’re like this secret he keeps. He notices you, you don’t notice him, and he sees things that no one else does.
He sees the frustration on your face when you open your locker only to find that your books and homework have been ripped. He sees the way you rush from class to class, desperate to be in the halls for as little time as possible. He sees the way that one girl from class, Tsukishima doesn’t care to learn her name, slams you up against your locker one day after school, and hears the low threats thrown your way, ones he can’t make sense of.
And he sees the way you always wear your blazer, even when it’s blazing hot outside. You choose the longer skirt option, and are always wearing knee high socks. Your skin is constantly covered, hiding something.
But then Yamaguchi introduces you to him one day, like he didn’t already know who are you, and you’re all shy smiles and quiet whispers to him but you’re bright eyed and giggly when you turn to Yamaguchi. You speak to him like he’s a friend you’ve had for years, rather then a few weeks, and Tsukishima jealousy bubbles up to hate towards you for some sick, twisted reason he can’t properly explain.
And it’s just been like that for the past two months.
“We don’t have practice after school,” Yamaguchi offers, eyeing Tsukishima before turning to you. “Would you like to hang after school?”
Tsukishima notices, out of the corner of his eye, the way your body straightens at his words, eyes widening slightly in panic. Panic that’s only there for a moment, something that Yamaguchi completely misses.
“Uh, sure. I just have to, um, uh, drop something off quickly after class. I can meet you outside, by the gym?”
Yamaguchi shrugs, “sure.”
And Tsukishima wonders how Yamaguchi didn’t notice how plainly obvious a lie that was.
“Anyways, um,” you move to gather your stuff, quickly, movements stiff. “I have to talk to the teacher before class, so I’ll just meet you guys there, okay?” And you’re standing before Yamaguchi can really say otherwise, waving at him, before your eyes fall on his, as if debating, before turning, rushing off.
Yamaguchi turns back to his food, completely obvious.
“I’ll be late after school too.”
“Oh?” Yamaguchi mumbles, obviously confused. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine,” Tsukishima nods, “just got to grab something.”
“Ah, here you go, Y/N-chan! I’ll need them done by tomorrow!”
Your jaw all but falls to the floor.
“T-Tomorrow?” You whisper, hesitant, voice shaky. “But... this is like three days worth of homework, Suzuki-san, I couldn’t possibly--”
“But you will,” she cuts in sharply, your own eyes falling on her with a blink of surprise, wincing slightly at the deep frown on her lips. “Because you know what will happen if you don’t.”
Fingers tightening around the stack of papers, you sigh, trying to stop the shaking of your limbs as you numbly nod. “Of course, Suzuki-san,” you whisper, “I’ll have them done by tomorrow morning.”
Her hand raises in your peripheral and you flinch, expecting the worst, lips parting to apologize for whatever you did wrong -- but her hand simply falls on top of your head in a mock pat. “Perfect.” And then she’s turning without another word, not even a thanks, and as you watch her walk off, you feel your vision blur.
Your grip on the paper tightens, turning painful as you curse softly to yourself, turning around so your backs against the hall and you hastily rip open your locker to hide yourself the best you can. Luckily, everyone’s most gone off now, so there’s no prying eyes watching you cry to yourself.
Not like anyone ever notices anyway...
“You shouldn’t let her talk to you like that.”
Jumping at the voice, the eerily familiar one, you spin, wiping at your eyes desperately as you peer up at Tsukishima, shocked. “Tsukishima!” You gasp, shaking your head. “You scared me,” you try to laugh off, pressing a hand against your chest and pretend like you hadn’t just been sobbing to yourself seconds prior. “Did Yamaguchi send you to find me? I’m surprised you agreed, but i’m almost--!”
His hand slams against the locker next to yours, causing you to jump once more, blinking up at him as he glares down at you.
“Cut the bullshit.”
Laughing nervously, you shake your head; “I-I don’t know--”
“I saw everything Y/N,” he cuts in, “don’t lie to me.”
And sudden anger flares in you, frustration from before, and frustrated at him, at people constantly interrupting you, walking all over you like you were nothing but dirt. “What do you care,” you hiss, voice low as you turn, ignoring him as you grab the paper, slamming your locker shut. “You hate me.”
And there’s a pause, Tsukishima blinking in surprise that you don’t notice, before the papers ripped from your hands. You spin back around, ready to yell at him, before you notice him moving towards the trash and all but dumping the pile in.
You try to stop him, to no avail, and your eyes widen as you lean over the rim of the garbage can, eyeing the papers that have spread amongst the trash, rotted food and spilled drinks, soiling the paper.
Eyes wide, disbelief flooding your entire system, you turn to Tsukishima. “Why would you do that?” You whisper, shaking your head. “You don’t understand, she’ll--!”
“She’ll what?” He asks bluntly, gaze never wavering.
Swallowing thickly, you shake your head; “it doesn’t matter. Just-Just help me get the paper, most of it might still be okay--”
Tsukishima grabs you by the wrist, halting you from grabbing the papers.
You spin, blinded by your anger, and shove at him in the chest. But Tsukishima barely budges, just staring down at you as you glare at him, the tears now falling once more as you feel your emotions that you’ve been hiding and building up inside of you, finally come pouring out.
“What do you even know!” You yell, voice booming. “Why do you even care? Don’t you hate me? You only tell me how annoying I am every day, constantly, and now she’ll... Suzuki-san...--”
“Y/N,” grabbing both your wrists, Tsukishima pulls gently, pulling your eyes on him. You find yourself surprised at what you see when you meet his gaze, baffled by the softened look in his gaze -- and... is that? Guilt? “Just look at me.”
You fall silent, puzzled.
“You don’t have to worry about her,” he says simply, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
How does he...?
Lips parting, you try to find the words, bewildered, at a loss of words.
Pushing at his chest, you stumble away from him, shaking your head. Eyes blurred, watering, you glare up at him, while he simply stares back down at you, that same stupid guilty look on his face.
“Tsukki? Y/N...?”
Blinking, you both glance back, Yamaguchi having come to a stop before the two of you, clearly confused.
That seems to snap you out of your stupor. Wiping at your eyes, you turn, “I have to go home,” you whisper, voice quiet. “Sorry Tadashi, but I won’t be able to hang tonight.”
And then you’re taking off into a sprint, desperate to get as far away as possible.
“Tsukki?” Yamaguchi whispers after a moment, turning to look at his friend imploringly. “What happened--?”
Scoffing, Tsukishima just shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“Take your hands off of her.”
Blinking, you shift, enough to glance at the shadow that has fallen over both you and Suzuki, bewildered at the sight of Tsukishima.
But he simply ignores you, keeping his gaze trained on Suzuki who seems just as confused as you, though more angry. It doesn’t phase him however, and he simply stands there, one hand in his pocket, the other clutching his school bag tightly, as the glare on his glasses stares her down.
Suzuki lets go of you, and you crumble to the ground in a heap, turning to Tsukishima with a scoff. “Who are you to tell me what to do?” She laughs, shaking her head with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, this is the girls washroom, you’re not--”
He catches the hand that she waves lazily at him, and it doesn’t take a genius to know his grip is tight. She gasps in response, her face falling in pain as he glowers down at her. “I’d say bullying is worse,” he mumbles, and somehow the drawl, the uninterest in his tone of voice is even more terrifying then him being actually angry. “And I’d wonder how your teacher would feel if she knew all your perfect grades were because of Y/N?”
Suzuki’s eyes widen, clearly scared, before scoffing. “And what proof do you--”
“It’s mine and Y/N’s word against your own, Suzuki.”
She turns to you then, and so does Tsukishima, and your lips part, unsure.
“Like Y/N will say--”
“I’m done with warning you,” she whimpers slightly, and your eyes fall to the grip he stills hold of her, a hand going to your lips. “Either leave and never bother Y/N again, or you will regret it.”
He lets go of her, and there’s a pause in which Suzuki sends one last look at you, before rushing out of the bathroom without another word.
“Here.” Tsukishima’s grabbing ahold of you before you even notice, gently pulling you to your feet, and helping set you against one of the sinks before he turns, locking the bathroom door.
“Thank you,” you whisper when he turns back to you, hugging yourself.
“I told you,” he shrugs, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
Looking down at your feet, you bite your lip. “How’d you know?”
He blinks, turning to you; “yesterday--”
“No,” you shake your head, turning to him sharply, “before that. How’d you know? No... No one ever notices. No one ever sees. Not even Tadashi.”
And Tsukishima tenses at the mention of him, the way you regard him on a first name basis when you said it right there and then -- he’d never noticed. No one did. But him.
“I noticed,” he whispers, “and I should’ve done something about it earlier.”
“It wasn’t your problem,” you shrug, before letting out a short laugh, “besides, you hate me, right? So it makes sense--”
He’s before you in seconds, shocking you to silence as he stands close, desperately close, but avoids your gaze, head tucked in, shaking his head. “I don’t...” And the words seem hard, forcing them forward, and Tsukishima suddenly seems less scary then and just... awkward.
Like he doesn’t know how to express what he’s feeling.
“I don’t... hate you.”
And you pause, letting the word sink in, before letting out a giggle, one that has Tsukishima glancing up at you in bafflement.
“Well, I’m glad,” you smile at him, the first time you’ve ever smile at him so... genuinely. “Because I don’t hate you either.”
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woahsehun · 3 years
♡ boyfriend jaemin ♡
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what I think jaemin might be like as a boyfriend
disclaimer: obviously I don’t know jaemin lmao this is just for fun and if you disagree feel free to politely disagree elsewhere ♡ but I mean comment if you want idc just pls don’t be mean to me I’ll cry
I also tried to keep it gender neutral but I am new to writing these types of scenarios and stuff so if you notice anything that I should change feel free to let me know :)
now back to our regularly scheduled programming
• house husband boyfriend #1
• if he wakes up before you… would probably drink a cup of coffee before you get up, but would then make himself another with yours so you could drink them together (or if you drink tea same situation different beverage)
• is a big fan of waiting to do things in order to do them together
• another example would be: I think even if he was super hungry he would often hold off on eating dinner until you got home/to wherever he is so he can eat with you, because he doesn’t like the thought of you having to eat alone and always prefers your company anyways :’)
• y’all know that clip of him hugging jaehyun? yeah. would do that a lot, but not just a back hug, like the full on pajamas-morning breath-messy hair-half open eyes vibe. has his face against your shoulder so he can take a deep breath in to let the smell of your hair and clothes comfort him
• taking a quick break because I’m making myself go insane I think
• anyways
• takes pictures of you whether you’re aware or not (but not in like, a creepy way idk). will also force you to let him take pictures of you like that one video of him dragging haechan by the jacket so he could take pictures of him yeah that. hey, it’s not his fault you’re breathtaking
• of course he likes taking the aesthetic candid pictures of you, but his guilty pleasure? taking absolutely wack pictures of you eating and sleeping. hilarious. cute. lockscreen material in his eyes
• expect your cheeks to be squeezed. ya got cheeks? congrats! you get a squeeze. or maybe even a squish who knows. you do something remotely cute jaemin is all over it “ooohhhhwowowo my baby so cute” while you’re just cheeks compressed like (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)
• may tease and nag but it’s out of love ahdhba
• would be a really good person to talk to about your mistakes/worrys or make mistakes around, because I think unless it’s something serious he would be great at calming you down and assuring you that everything is okay. seems like a big fan of “keep moving forward” and thinks sweating the small stuff is a waste of time almost
• maybe I think that because of his not-so-competitive nature most of the time but either way
• I feel like (if you had a day type job or were in college) he would enjoy seeing you off to work or classes if he has time. has your bag and/or drink ready and held out for you as you’re on your way out the door, but he wouldn’t let go of them without a goodbye kiss of course
• yeah I’m going insane again brb
• really appreciates anything you do for him whether it’s getting him coffee unexpectedly, visiting him at work (and if he’s having a hard time it just lifts him right up), rubbing his shoulders after a long practice, or even just the way you look at him is enough to satisfy his happiness quota for life
• because of this, like I mentioned before, he would try and do small things for you too. would wash your dishes or put away leftovers if you forget, would put your shoes by the door if you happen to kick them off elsewhere, sends you goodnight and good morning texts if you’re not together
• probably wouldn’t have much time to visit you at work or school, but would always try and call or text you during your break
• obviously just really affectionate and caring I mean we know this about him but I’m reminding us
• might pout it you reject his affection, but also kinda understands if you need space (even if he wants to hug you tighter than some skinny jeans)
• other than that I don’t feel like he pouts much I mean he trusts you and respects your thoughts and opinions idk what else to say about it
• probably admires you for your similarities and differences.
• I don’t even think it would depend on if you’re a hard worker or successful compared to others he just thinks you’re inspiring to him in your own right. I know people say he’s a member that definitely admires strong women, ya know based on his music tastes, and I for sure agree, but I also think no matter your gender identity he would just be in awe at your inner strength and it would help drive him in other things he does :)
• hello I’m back bc I had more thoughts so am making some edits lmaooo
• the type to make you lunch and leave little notes in it like “I love youuu”, “you mean the world to me”, “have a great day!”, “ooooh sexy”
• takes care of you really well even when you don’t ask for it like makes sure you eat enough and drink enough water, get enough sleep, take care of your mental health etc.
• which I also feel like means he can be stern sometimes, but it’s just because he really cares and doesn’t know what he would do if something happened to you
• that’s where the nagging comes in a bit like if you got sick “”tch tch tch* see this is why I told you you have to drink more water” as he absolutely babies the hell out of you
• if you’re laying on the couch or smth he’d probably just lay his whole body over you limp like a blanket until you tap out from being SQUISHED
• alright I think I’m really done for now so if I think of anything else maybe I’ll just make a part two
♡ I feel like this was kinda short but that’s all I have for now so thanks to anyone who read this I guess, and I hope everyone has a great day/night! ♡
(✿��� ‿◕ฺ)ノ``` bye bye ```
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Live Laugh Love~ Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
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Georgie Cooper x Reader
Summary: To appease his worried mother, Sheldon employs the techniques of a self-help book to try and make a friend.
Warnings: None
AN: I plan to write a new chapter once a week. It may change at the end of the school year. On the other hand, I tried to add more to the story. I hope you guys like it.
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Y/N's Pov
I am walking to lunch, and when I round the corner, I see Mary and George looking through the lunchroom window and talking to each other. I make a confused face while listening in on their conversation. "Look at him. It breaks my heart," Mary says sadly. "Poor little guy. Sitting all alone", George says sadly while responding to Mary's comment. "I don't know why his brother or even Y/N can't sit with him. Actually, Where is Y/N. I don't see her anywhere."
"I'm right here," I say, spooking Mary and George before continuing with, "Also, I tried to sit with Sheldon on his first day, and he said it would be best for me to sit with people who have the same intellect as me. I found that rude because he meant Georgie, and I am so much smarter than Georgie. Anyways, Georgie doesn't sit with him because he says In school, they don't know each other". I look between Georgie and Sheldon, then look at my godparents. "Yeah, come on Mary, when you were in high school would you have lunch with a nine-year-old," George asked Mary. "Yes, I would have," Mary responded.  "Well, there is something wrong with you." I took George's words as a sign to leave.
"Well, I'm... gonna... go," I told the married couple before heading into the lunchroom to sit with Georgie and our friends. I sat down to Georgie, trying to fit as many grapes as he can into his mouth. "Fourteen," he yelled out while all of Georgie's friends cheered him on. Georgie spits them all out before turning to me. "What did you think," Georgie asked me, trying to get my opinion on his 'cool' trick. "Georgie, if I wanted to see you stuff your mouth, I would just wait till dinner. In other words, not that interesting," I told my best friend. Georgie replied with a sad "oh" before going back to talking with his friends. I went back to finishing my newest sketch of a finch.
Georgie and I walked into the house. "Georgie, would you do me a tiny little favor," Mary asked Georgie while he was getting a drink out of the fridge. I sat with the girl I thought of as a little sister before saying hi. Georgie responded back with a "like what" before Mary asked Georgie to sit with Sheldon. I already told Mary why I don't sit with Sheldon. Missy with her smart remarks told Georgie, "Don't do it. I ate with him in second grade, it really hurt my social life." Georgie walked off while replying to Mary with a "No thanks". I kicked Missy under the table, then gave her a 'seriously' look. I shook my head and followed Georgie to 'help' him with his homework, which was more like do his work.
I don't follow Georgie because I'm his lost puppy. I follow Georgie to help him. Without me, Georgie would grow up to be a homeless man with great hair. I am basically Georgie's Guardian angel.
"Georgie, why do I always end up doing your homework? At this point, I don't even think you know how to read. Those magazines are just for show, and you know it. You probably only look at the pictures," I said to Georgie while sitting on his bed doing our geometry homework. "Aw, come on Y/N, don't you know that you're the smartest out of both of us. Without you, I would probably still be in the 5th grade. You were right about something though, those books are for looking, but I can read you." I roll my eyes at Georgie's comment before looking down and smiling.
I admit I might have a bit of a crush on Georgie but we're best friends, and how could I ever compare those girls in his magazine. If I tell Georgie that I like him, that could ruin our friendship, and that would be weird because we live together. So, I just stick to being his best friend. That way our friendship isn't ruined and I can still be as close to him as I can.
"Well I finished your homework and it's 10 o'clock, so I guess this is it. Have a good night," I said before heading out.
Georgie's POV
Y/N walked out of my room. I felt sad because she was gone. We talk all day, she does my homework, and we have practiced together, but I still miss her. "Maybe I like her," I mumble to myself while laying down staring at the ceiling. "Naw, that can't be," I said. I shut off my light and fell asleep.
I was leaving my art class when I see Sheldon talking to one of the cheerleaders. It's weird to be seeing Sheldon interacting with people without them running off and crying. It interested me so much I decided to listen in.
"Go wolves," Sheldon said in a monotone voice. Jessica closed her locker confused. Sheldon responded back to Jessica with, "You're a cheerleader, and by saying "Go Wolves" I'm initiating a conversation about something that interests you." "Oh, are you one of those special ed kids," Jessica asked still trying to understand what was happening. The older sister part of me kinda felt angry that she said that, but on the other hand she was talking to Sheldon. "My mom says I'm special. Would you like to be friends" Sheldon asks. She tells him, no, but Sheldon keeps going, "Are you sure? What if I told you I admired your boldly-applied makeup?" Jessica walks off offended.
I walk up to Sheldon frantically and say, "Sheldon, you can't say mean things like that. I'm at the top of the pyramid today, and Jessica is right underneath me." "Oh, I didn't know what I said was offensive. I thought that I was complimenting her," Sheldon says. "Well, just try not to insult people. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything to them." Sheldon replies with an "alright" before walking away from me. I watch Sheldon go before heading to my next class.
I got to my next class and I sat down beside Georgie. "I just ran into Sheldon trying to make friends," I told Georgie while I get the stuff I need for class out of my backpack. "I feel bad for whoever had to put up with Sheldon. That boy is not one for making friends," Georgie responds to my comment. "Well, I think it's cute, but I feel bad because he didn't make one friend." "You sound like my mom," Georgie says. I glare at Georgie. The teacher walks in and starts the class.
I hear Mary yelling about how Sheldon made a friend. I felt happy for him. I feel like Sheldon would really benefit from having a friend. I mean, I have Georgie, and we're inseparable.
I also heard Sheldon ask if he can start his rocketry hobby again with his new friend and I dipped. The last time he launched a rocket he killed a family of squirrels and my eyebrows. I wanted to bond with Sheldon so I helped him with his rocket.
I went downstairs to watch tv with Missy. She was watching DuckTales. "I'm surprised you're not with Georgie," Missy comments as I sit down with her. I roll my eyes and say, "Georgie isn't my whole life. I talked to Sheldon earlier, and now I just want to hang out with you. Sheldon has a new friend now, I have Georgie, but I feel like you don't have anyone to hang out with. So, what do you say tomorrow I take you to get your nails done." Missy's eyes go wide and she excitedly shouts, "Yes, I'm gonna go tell mom!"
After school, Missy and I went to get our nails done.
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(Missy's Nails)
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(Y/N's Nails)
When Missy and I got home Mary told us that Sheldon's friend was coming over. Missy and I sat down to talk and watch tv. There was a knock at the door, and that set Mary off. "He's here," she yelled. "Everybody, stay calm! Just a normal day, just a normal dinner," she continued. Missy asks if she and I can eat in front of the TV, which obviously didn't end well.
We're all sitting at the dinner table, except for Mary, when George starts asking Tam, questions. George makes it weird when he asked Tam if his mom was named Kim-lee. Me and Georgie look at each other with a cringed look.
Georgie releases us from the weird vibes when he asks Tam, "So, Vietnam, like in Rambo." Tam responds with a "yes" and then Georgie continues with, "That's a cool movie." Georgie asks Tam if he's in Rambo and I look at him and elbow him in the ribs. Georgie says, "oww, what was that for" before Tam tells him "no". Sheldon brings the conversation back to George's comment, but it is cut off by Mary serving dinner.
We learned a lot about Tam's family and life. It was very interesting. Georgie said a couple more stupid things, which earned him a few more elbows to the ribs.
I was in my room, getting ready for bed. Georgie walks in and sits on my bed.
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(Y/N's Room)
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(Y/N's PJ's)
"How was the day with my sister," Georgie asks me. I sign for Georgie to get off the bed and say, "We had fun. After our nails, we went to Dairy Queen and got a blizzard. I think Missy and I really needed today, you know." Georgie helps me make my bed and continues the conversation, "I missed you today." "Is Georgie Cooper jealous? Georgie Cooper didn't have someone to do his homework and now he's sad," I said mocking Georgie. Georgie grows a sad look on his face and says, "No, I missed my best friend. Not the girl that does my homework, or the girl that helps me clean my room. I miss the girl I talk to for hours. The girl that makes me feel special compared to the rest of my family. I miss that girl and that girl is you."
"Wow, that was deep for a kid that went a couple of hours without seeing me, but I know how you feel. Missy and Sheldon don't know how to do the things we do. I almost made Missy cry by insulting her earlier. I think I hang around boys too much," I say getting ready to lay down. Georgie climbs into the bed with me and we silently talk for the rest of the night.
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lottiebagley · 4 years
Space Girl- George Weasley
Space Girl, show me the stars You know the galaxies of my heart
George Weasley was not excited for his first astronomy lesson of the year. He'd agreed to do the class simply because he needed to fill his timetable and it seemed more enjoyable than history of magic.
That's what he had told Fred at least.
In reality he had opted for astronomy for one specific reason. Y/N Y/L/N. She was a shy Hufflepuff girl and although he had never spoken to her George was absolutely enamoured with her.
So, as he dreaded the lecture ahead he tried to remember that this cloud had a silver lining, and it was a silver lining that was absolutely worth it. This was all confirmed when he walked into the astronomy classroom and saw her.
She was sat at a desk at the back of the room. Her hair twirling round her finger as she studied the open text book in front of her, seemingly unaware of the chaos around her. George noted happily, that none of her friends seemed to be in the class and rather than asking to sit with Angelina and Katie like he had been planning he figured what the hell and went for it.
"Hey, is it alright if I sit here?" He questions, willing his cheeks to not flush red when he looks up at him
"Oh, of course you can George," she nods, moving her stuff to the left to make room for him. He feels his heart leap at her knowing that it was him and not Fred.
"How did you know?" He questions, head cocking to the side to look at her better. He smiles slightly at the bright red flush on her cheeks.
"You aren't that hard to tell apart," she shrugs
"Our own mother can't always do it," he pesters, he's genuinely intrigued how she seemed to know so easily.
"Uh, okay then. You're slightly taller so when you are together I could always work out who was who. From there I just kind of noticed little things, you have two freckles on your neck, Fred has a scar above his eyebrow. Your face is slightly longer, your nose is a little longer and has that cute little bump in it, your hair falls completely differently and your lip has a little curl in it. But the easiest way is that you have a different vibe about you," She rambles like it's the most obvious thing in the world and George himself wouldn't haven't been able to explain the physical differences so well.
He's pretty sure his heart melted on the spot.
"You should tell my mum all of this," he smiles gently, not knowing how to respond and explain that he's never felt more seen in his life.
"Sorry, I'm not a creep or anything I swear. Just observant,"
"It was quite sweet actually," George smiles, biting back a chuckle when her face blushes a bright red. "So, you any good at Astronomy?" He questions politely
"I'm okay. It's probably my best class. I've always known about it so," she shrugs, cutting herself off. She knew that George was a pure blood and probably wouldn't want anything to do with her if he knew she was a muggle born.
"You're a muggle born right?" He questions, she's surprised his tone doesn't sound angry or accusatory like was often the way with pure bloods, instead genuinely interested.
"Yeah," she confirms "my older sister is obsessed with astrology so I knew a lot about it before I got here. It's probably the only subject I didn't fail first term," she admits, George smiles softly. He can only imagine how hard it would be to come to the school with no magical knowledge.
"Look at you now, you're top of the year in almost everything," he points out
"Yeah, Ced helped me find my feet and after I settled in it all made sense," she explains. George knew that her and Cedric were best friends, he was a lot more outgoing and George had never quite understood how their friendship worked but it was no secret wherever one was the other wasn't far behind.
Girl, are you a cancer? 'Cause you make me cry When we kiss or dance in the sky We're dancing in the sky
"Hey space girl," George grinned brightly as he dropped into his seat
"If you've forgotten my name you can just ask you know," she blushes a little, not thinking that the boy she had fancied since second year could actually have given her a cute pet name.
No. The only logical explanation is that he had forgotten her name but after being sat next to her for two weeks now was much too polite to ask for it.
She had told Cedric this and he had laughed loudly, ruffling her hair and telling her that she would do well to remember how beautiful she was.
"I know you're name. Y/N Y/L/N. You're a Hufflepuff, obviously," he gestures to her tie before carrying on "Your best friend is Cedric Diggory and you two are always together. You tutor my little sister in potions. You help Professor sprout with the plants in the green house on a Sunday morning. You like to study in the library, specifically the second table from the back left corner. You never eat carrots but you love peas and you always buy two chocolate frogs at Honeydukes one for the walk back and one for a treat that night. I'm not a creep. I'm just observant," He finishes his ramble with a reference to when she had proved just how well she knew him a few weeks prior.
She sits, slightly astounded as he looks at her like his ability to list off so much information about her that she had never specifically told him shouldn't be a shock.
Her heart melts on the spot and she's pretty sure her crush just became real feelings.
"Why?" She questions quietly, not really meaning for him to hear
"You're beautiful and I like looking at you," he shrugs, turning to the text book in front of him. He notices her eyes still staring at him and turns to look at her "hey, you wouldn't want to study together one night this week would you?" He questions, smiling at the blush that overtakes her cheeks
"Yeah. I'd love that,"
"Amazing, does Wednesday work for you? I could meet you at the library after classes end,"
"Sure," she nods shyly, biting her lip to stop a smile and having no clue the very action makes George want to kiss her senseless.
"I know the table," he grins, chuckling when she blushes bright red before turning back to his book.
Space girl, I saw a lunar eclipse Looked like how I feel 'bout your lips Space girl, the only way that we'd end Was if you were sucked into a black hole
'You'll be fine. Just be your self and if he doesn't love you he is stupid,' Cedric's words ran around her head as she remembered sitting in his dorm whilst he calmed her down and Cho did her hair. She had protested to the couple that it wasn't a date but they had still insisted on helping her get ready during their free period after lunch.
Now, sat in the library she tried to remind herself that George was a lovely boy and wouldn't do anything to make her uncomfortable, he probably didn't even think of her like that.
"There's my space girl, you're looking particularly beautiful today," George is beaming as he approaches the table she's sat at, taking the seat next to her.
"Hey George, good day?"
"It's better now i'm here. Fred hasn't shut up about Millie all day, I mean I know he fancies her and all but seriously you'd think she hung the stars in the sky herself," He complains, not admitting even to himself that Fred would say he was just as smitten for his astronomy partner. "How was yours?" he asks, opening his bag to pull out his astronomy text book
"It was okay, Ced managed to blow up our potion so we have detention tomorrow night," She shrugs
"I'll see you there," He grins
"Why am I not surprised?" she deadpans and he allows his laugh to fill the air around them
"You know me to well," he blushes a little as he says it and forces himself to not stare at the way she bites her lip to stop from grinning. Half wanting her to stop so he could see that beautiful smile that seemed to be all he thought about and half wanting her to bite that lip every time he sees her because something about it was so attractive to him. "Do you mind explaining the constellation we learned about last lesson to me because I won't lie I was very distracted?" He doesn't feel like admitting that it was her that he found so distracting.
"Of course," She grins, unfolding her star map and pointing out the constellation Lyra "So Lyra is latin for Lyre, it is like a stringed instrument basically a harp, and it's associated with the myth of Orpheus," She begins to explain
"The musician guy?"
"Yeah," She confirms, watching as he takes notes of what she is saying "Orpheus was given the harp by Apollo, and it’s said that his music was more beautiful than that of any mortal man. His music could soothe anger and bring joy to weary hearts. Wandering the land in depression after his wife died, he was killed and his lyre  was thrown into a river. Zeus sent an eagle to retrieve the lyre, and it was then placed in the night sky and that's the story behind the constellation Lyra. It's best seen in August, and, it kind of looks like a lopsided square with a tail to Vega, it's brightest star," She recites, pointing towards the star on the constellation.
George tries hard to remember to focus on what she's saying, listening intently but he can't help his mind from wondering, instead scanning her face, every small detail, the way her eyes lit up as she talked, the way her lips curl in a small smile when she stops talking and notices him staring at her.
"Distracted again," he admits
"Clearly, you find astrology boring," she teases
"No, I just find you distracting," He admits, his heart melting as she is unable to stop the bright grin on her face. She doesn't say anything, simply grabs her notebook and opens it to the right page
"Copy my notes so you can at least teach yourself the content, the textbook is confusing," she instructs before turning back to her own work. They work silently for the next hour, dutifully copying notes and planning for their essay that's due in next week but routinely stealing glances at each other, blushing when one catches the other.
But I'd still spend my days dreamin' 'bout you Dreamin' 'bout you Tell me how to Stop dreamin' 'bout you
"Were you listening to anything I just said?" Fred questions, waving his hand in front of his brother's face
"Sorry, what was it?" George questions, pulling his eyes away from the Hufflepuff table. Fred sighs, turning to look at what George has been staring at and is not surprised in the slightest.
She is sat amongst her large friend group, despite being shy around people she didn't know she was chatting happily to the group. Cedric on her right, is laughing at the story she seems to be telling and Archie Young, who George hated simply for his obvious crush on her, is clinging onto every word.
"You are so whipped,"
"I know, it's embarrassing. I can't stop thinking about her and she probably only sees me as a friend,"
"Hey, don't say that. She would be stupid to not like you Georgie, besides, she stares at you just as much," Fred reassures his brother, usually he would tease him but he knows that this girl is different, it means something. "I still don't believe that she would never get us mixed up," Fred ponders, in reality he didn't doubt it, if George said she could tell them apart then why doubt him, but Fred wanted a moment alone with the girl.
"I swear to you that she wouldn't,"
"Lets test her," Fred exclaims, jumping up and tugging his twin out of the hall and to their dorm.
They spend an hour getting ready, stealing Ginny's eyeshadow to draw two fake freckles on Fred's neck, stying his hair attempting to fix every minor detail to make them utterly identical.
When they find her, she's hugging Cho Chang before turning around on her own and walking towards the Hufflepuff common room.
"Go hide," Fred instructs, shoving George towards an empty classroom he can watch from.
"Hey space girl!" She turns immediately at the name, mildly confused when the person approaching isn't George.
She had never spoken to Fred before and immediately feels herself becoming a little shy.
"Uh, hi Fred," she smiles as politely as possible. Fred stands with a smirk on his face.
"You fancy my brother," he states, she blushes a furious red that seems to be the final confirmation Fred needs, his moment alone with her providing the answer he had wanted.  
"I-uh-he-that-it-" she stutters out, Fred's smirk only grows as she turns impossibly more flustered before sighing  "How did you know?"
"Telling us apart is hard, especially when we try, you must really like him to know so quickly. Besides that reaction alone was enough to let me know I'm right,"
"Does he know?"
"He's blind," Fred shrugs, eyeing her as he decides he likes her, she clearly cares for George and that's all that matters to him.
"Right," she nods awkwardly
"I'm sure I'll be seeing you around," Fred grins before turning on his heel and heading back up the corridor to where an oblivious George is waiting.
Girl, are you a Cancer? 'Cause you make me cry When we kiss or dance in the sky We're dancing in the sky
George can't help the wide smile on his face when he sees her. She, like all the other 6th year astronomy students, is sat in her robes on the astronomy tower despite it being 11:45. He picks up the star map from a pile and heads towards her.
She is sat around a corner, almost out of eye line from the class completely and if he hadn't been looking for her he probably wouldn't have even seen her.  He sits down next to her, pressing his back against the cold stone wall just as she was doing.
The task was simple, to draw a diagram of the constellations they could see that night with the correct names onto an unlabelled star map and then from 6am tomorrow they had 48 hours to write an essay explaining each constellation they had found, it was their final assignment for the first term of school. George thought that was stupid, why would they do the task that involved sitting outside at night in December and the written exam in the summer when it would have been warmer.
"Hi," she speaks softly, the moonlight made her glow and George could have sworn she was an angel. Her own map was already a quarter full and wordlessly she arranges it so George can copy the notes she's already made.
"Hey, you okay?" he questions, noticing the way she curls into herself
"Just cold," she nods, he flashes her a smile, digging into his bag and pulling out a spare sweater and a blanket, both knitted by Mrs Weasley. He passes her the jumper
"Are you sure? you have it with you so that you won't freeze. I can't take it," she blushes
"No, I'm already wearing a jumper," he points out "I figured I'd bring a spare cause I knew you wouldn't think too," He adds with a smile, she blushes but accepts the jumper from his hands.
"thanks," she smiles, he nods. Watching as she pulls the jumper over her head. Her heart somersaults at the smell of George that envelopes her, his does the same at the sight of her in his jumper that looks baggy and too big, the sleeves like paws on her hands, and the large 'G' sewn into the front making him blush a little.
He wraps the blanket round one of his shoulders holding the other side out for her
"I don't bite," he speaks softly, it's like he can read her mind and knows she's thinking about how close they will be to sit under his blanket together. She blushes and giggles a little and George could die happy having heard that sound.
She shuffles closer, wrapping the blanket around her shoulder and begins to point out the constellations she's already mapped for him, cocooned next to him in the blanket.
They work together for the next twenty or so minutes as she stifles yawns, eventually allowing her head to droop onto George's shoulder when he teases her for stifling yet another yawn.
"This blanket smells like you," she mumbles, he blushes madly but can't help the smile
"Are you warm enough?"
"Bit cold, I'm fine though," she admits, he rolls his eyes at her as she shivers a little and wraps an arm around her, pulling her close to him
"Better," she confirms. She didn't mean to fall asleep but all cozy and warm being held by her crush it was impossible not to.
Not wanting to wake her, George finishes both his star map and hers before dozing off, his head resting on hers. He knew he should have woken her to go back to her dorm but spending the night sleeping with her in his arms was just too tempting.
She wakes up before him, having slept better than she ever had before and feeling utterly blissful in George's arms. That is until she realises she hadn't finished her work, she can't help the beam when she sees George has done it for her. She wants to stay wrapped in his arms but feels it better to leave now so it isn't awkward. In return for completing her work she takes her astronomy notebook that has all the answers to the essay written simply and leaves it on top of his star map, she knew the answers from memory anyway. Not even sparing the doodles and comments in it a thought.
She slips out of his hold, sneaking through the other students who fell asleep and heading back down the tower stairs to the main school, forgetting to take off his jumper.
George wakes up disappointed to not find her in his arms but smiles when he sees her notebook.
I hope you play this song some day And think of Earth Girl who loves Space Girl
George can't help the sigh as he explains to Fred where he had been all night.
"That all sounds pretty good to me Georgie," Fred comments, wondering why his brother seems down after his night with the girl.
"It was, I'd just hoped she'd be there when I woke up," he admits
"Well think about it like this, when have you ever had the opportunity to be disappointed that she wasn't there when you woke up before?" It's Hermione Granger who speaks up, she'd been listening to the twins talk on the sofa next to her and Harry's without really meaning too. It was just more interesting than Harry and Ron's discussion.
"you're right. It's better than nothing. Thanks Granger," he nods in agreement. He begins to flick through her notebook, not to study but simply enjoying the little doodles and her comments.
And then his world stops.
"How many people can you think of with the initials GW?" his questions is almost under his breath but Fred hears, perking up from the puking pastel plans he had been working on
"Just you and Gin, why?"
With no explanation George leaps up, jogging out of the room. Fred look mildly baffled until he sees her open notebook, and sure enough written on a corner amongst drawings of stars and planets is a little 'gw' with a heart next to it. Fred smirks and closes the book, turning back to his notes with a feeling of glee for his brother.
When George Weasley arrives outside the Hufflepuff common room he suddenly realises he has no clue how to actually get in, he stops, slightly out of breath from his sprint staring at the barrels.
"Hey George," her voice makes him jump as he turns to see her and Cedric approaching
"Hi," he smiles, suddenly not really sure what to say
"Well, now I've walked you back I'm going to go and find Cho," Cedric smiles politely at George, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl as she blushes.
"You looking for someone?" she asks politely
"You, actually,"
"Oh, what can I help you with?" she asks, he has no idea what to say "Oh! your jumper, it's in my room. You can come with," she smiles, reaching out and tapping at a barrel and then climbing into the passage that opens.
He follows wordlessly, glancing around the large circular room that is filled with yellows and blacks. She walks a little more confidently than he's seen before and smiles happily to the people who call out to her but doesn't stop to chat with them. He decides he likes it here, not only because it's so cosy but because he likes seeing her so at ease.
He follows her into her circular dorm room and towards a fourposter covered in pillows and blankets, his jumper sitting folded on top of the trunk at the end.
"I actually wanted to talk to you," he admits, it's now or never.
"Of course, what's up?" she questions, sitting comfortably on her bed and gesturing for him to sit down next to her
"I- well- how many people do you know with the initials GW?" he questions curiously, she looks at him, clearly mildly confused.
"Springing to mind just you and Ginny," She answers, not really sure what the point of his question is.
Without thinking for even a second he pulls her face to his and plants his lips on hers, kissing delicately before pulling away. She stares at him, utter shock in her eyes and mouth agape.
"I-I am so sorry. I just- well there were the initials GW in your notebook and a little heart and well I thought maybe you liked me back and then I heard you only knew me and Ginny and I assumed, which was wrong of me- and- merlin- I'm so sorry-" he's rambling anxiously and his hands wring through his hair
"Back?" her question is a whisper and he snaps his head up to look at her
"Yeah. I like you. Kind of thought that was obvious," he admits. His heart flips at the wide smile on her lips before her hands grab his neck and pull his head down so his lips meet hers. She kisses him with passion and hunger and he finally gets to bite down gently on that lip he's watched her bite a million times.
Her arms stay wrapped around his neck as she lies back on her pillows behind her, pulling him with her and not breaking the kiss for a second. They only pull apart when she needs to for air. But the beam on her face and her flushed cheeks make George want nothing more than to kiss her again.
"Wanna go do the essay together?" he questions
"We have 48 hours, we could stay here and cuddle," she suggests, a little timidly but her nerves leave when George grins brightly, kicking his shoes off and rearranging himself on her bed. She takes her own shoes off before climbing into his open arms, her head on his chest as she leans up to press another kiss to his lips.
"I'm keeping that jumper by the way," she informs
"Whatever you want space girl,"
I hope you play this song some day And think of Earth Girl who loves Space Girl I hope you play this song some day...
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itsdanii · 4 years
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To the person whose ask won't go through and decided to drop me a dm, here's your request ♥️ I hope you like it, bub! Have a good day and stay hydrated!
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genre: slight angst fluff
warning/s: insecurity, self doubts, mentions of che*ting (He didn't do it, just a thought)
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
prompt/s: "sleep at my place tonight", "i don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone", "please talk to me about it".
ft. matsukawa issei, f!reader
you've always been secured about your relationship but with the way matsun was acting, you weren't so sure any more. how can you, when he doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he was avoiding you?
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You weren't a possessive girlfriend nor were you a crazy psycho bitch who would glare at every girl who would get close to your boyfriend.
No, you were understanding. In fact, you were too understanding to the point that you refuse to confront your boyfriend despite several days of not eating lunch with you, only to find him having lunch with another girl just behind the school's gym.
Despite the countless doubts swimming inside your head, you forced yourself to be positive, to think that the interaction was only between two friends who would eat lunch together.
Eating lunches with your friends was pretty normal anyway, right? Everybody does it and so can Mattsun.
Throughout the whole day, your attention in class was at its lowest point. You were too distracted that one of your teachers even pointed it out, telling the whole room that you were somewhere up in space.
"Y/n-chan! You okay?" Oikawa asked as he came out of nowhere, his bag carelessly dangling on his side as he held a volleyball with his hand.
"Mhm, just not in the mood," you answered with a small smile.
Suddenly, Oikawa put an arm over your shoulder and leaned down beside your ear. "It's about Mattsun, isn't it? It's written all over your face, y/n-chan."
You didn't have the energy to deny so you only gave him a nod before sliding his arm off your shoulder dismissively. "It's just that he's been too busy lately. I mean, I'm not trying to eat up all his attention but I can't help but feel lonely, you know? He's my boyfriend yet he spends his time more with that girl from his class."
"Ooh, is our dear y/n-chan jealous?" he teased, poking your side which eventually made you gasp.
"So what if I am? I'm still his girlfriend," you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
As the two of you continued gossiping with random stuff that happened throughout your day, you both decided to get some icecream since it had almost been a week since you and oikawa catch up.
However, the moment you entered, the first person you saw was none other than your boyfriend who claimed that he was going to go home early because of some emergency. A chocolate icecream was placed on top of his table along with a strawberry one that obviously belonged to the person he was sitting with.
Mattsun's lips parted, looking like a deer suddenly caught in headlights, and the moment your feet moved to run away from the store, Matsukawa instantly stood up to chase you.
You only managed to run a few distance away from the icecream shop when a hand suddenly clasped around your wrist. You struggled against his hold, trying to take your hand back as the tears started streaming down your cheeks. "Let me go, Issei!"
"Love, please. Listen to me. It's a misunderstanding, okay? I wasn't-"
"Shut up, I don't wanna hear any of your excuses," you spat at him and forcefully pulled your wrist back, successfully this time. "I'm going home."
"I know you're mad and you probably want your space but, love, at least let me walk you home. You know how much I don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone." Matsukawa looked at you with pleading eyes, his hand clenching and unclenching on his side at the fear of losing you.
You stared at his hand for a few moments before finally muttering a low "Fine."
The two of you walked quietly, a small distance between the both of you which you knew Matsukawa obviously hated. Everytime he would try to reach for your hand, you would take it away and pretend as if you were sctraching something or playing with the ends of your hair.
It was 10 minutes during your walk when he finally had enough of the looming silence. Without saying anything, he slid an arm over your waist and pulled you to him. "I wasn't cheating on you if that's what you're thinking," he immediately said as soon as you were wrapped around his arms.
You felt yourself relax a little upon hearing that but still, you were hurt by how cold he treated you. "Then why?" you asked, voice almost cracking as you held yourself back from crying, your hand fisting the back of his jacket tightly as if you didn't want to let go.
"I guess I really have to ruin the plan," Matsukawa muttered with a sigh. "She's actually my cousin and I asked for help since your birthday is coming up. I... don't know how to choose something a girl would like."
Oh no.
He didn't cheated on you. He wanted to buy you a gift.
And you ruined it.
On top of that, you basically accused your boyfriend of cheating on you when he only wanted to make you happy.
As if sensing the way your body suddenly became stiff, Matsukawa unwrapped his arms from around you. "Hey, love, it's okay. I understand where you were coming from."
You shook your head no and looked up at him with trembling lips. "It's not okay, Issei. I'm sorry. I just thought that I was going to lose you and I-"
You were silenced by the feeling of Matsukawa's lips on yours, his hand making it's way to your nape in order to guide you. At the feel of his lips moving against yours, your eyes fluttered close, savoring the feeling.
As he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, lips still hovering over your own as you both panted for air. "Fuck, I missed you," he whispered before giving your lips another peck. "It was my fault for acting cold towards you but please, the next time you feel insecure and need reassurance, please talk to me about it."
You nodded in response, still caught up with the kiss you both shared. With your arms still wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the tips of his hair, you opened your eyes to stare at him. "I love you."
"And I love you too." Matsukawa pulled away and gently pat your hair down, chuckling at how it was slightly disheveled. "Sleep at my place tonight. Let's watch some shitty movies you love watching. It's weekend tomorrow anyway."
Smiling at him, you took his hand and interlocked your fingers together before answering, "I'd never say no to that."
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I've never felt so single 👁️👄👁️
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