#but the gown is entirely Renee
reneemauricesings · 3 years
Defending Grace  - An “Annie Live!” Grace/Oliver story.
Hi everyone! So, this story is inspired by NBC's Annie Live! production of "Annie".
In Annie Live! Grace is given the title of "Chief of Staff to Oliver Warbucks" instead of "Personal Secretary to Oliver Warbucks" as she is usually known in the play.
I get why they changed it (yay for equality for women), but I also think it's important to recount history how it was because if we don't do so, we aren't respecting those who have paved the way for us to be able to have the opportunities a lot more of us have today.
In saying that; I've also come up with an idea of how Grace Farrell may have come to be Mr. Warbucks' "Chief of staff", which gives us a little glimpse into an earlier part of their wonderful relationship!
I hope you enjoy my little story and happy holidays to you all!
Peace and love, Renee.
The New York air was warm, a tepid breeze the only thing to break the stillness of the mid-August night.
Grace Farrell accompanied her boss, Oliver Warbucks to the Waldorf hotel for the fiftieth birthday party of Senator James Walcott Wadsworth Jr. The event was set to be the height of the social calendar for that month and Grace, who had only been working for Oliver Warbucks for a mere six months, was very excited to be attending - especially since her boss had invited her because he'd said he wished to show off to every other important person in the city that he had the finest personal secretary in all of New York.
Grace had been entirely blown away by the compliment and had told him it was all because of the way he looked after her and all of his workers. He'd laughed off her statement, telling her he knew he could be a tyrant, but he appreciated her sentiment all the same. The conversation had happened two weeks before the party, and it had been the first time Grace had ever been treated to one of his full and genuine smiles.
She had found it utterly enchanting and from that point on, she tried every day to please him enough so that she might see it again.
The two of them sat together in the back of Oliver's brand new Duesenberg Model X. Grace was all jittery, excited to attend the party, but nervous about representing Mr. Warbucks and his company. That evening she was wearing a Emerald green gown with a white fur wrap. A diamond necklace she believed was on loan from Tiffany's but in actual fact, Mr. Warbucks had decided to purchase it for her after seeing how taken she was with it, and how well it suited her. One of the many exceedingly kind things he had done for his staff.
Dressed in her best and adorned with jewels, Grace felt like a million bucks.
Oliver was relaxed as he sat comfortably beside her. He could see his secretary was a little anxious, though she needn't have been. He just knew she was going to impress everyone at the party as much as she'd impressed him.
He cleared his throat and turned his face to look at her. "I hope you won't mind me saying how lovely you look tonight, Miss Farrell."
Grace's eyes widened in surprise at his remark. She turned her head to the window to conceal the flush of her cheeks. "Thank you Sir, you're not half bad yourself." She looked back up at him through half-lidded eyes.
Oliver was thrown off guard by her reply. "Indeed?" He asked her almost shyly. After a moment of recovery, he said to her in a low tone. "Miss Farrell, I will have you know that in this company, flattery will get you a very long way."
She raised her eyes to his again and the two of them shared a laugh, followed by Grace shaking her head. "No flattery at all Sir, only the truth."
He reached across the seat and gave her hand a gentle pat in thanks, turning his head to look out the window as they approached the hotel.
The driver got out of the car and came to open Oliver's door first. Oliver stepped out of the vehicle and before the driver went around the other side to open Grace's door, Oliver held up a hand to stop him, smiling as the driver bowed slightly and returned to his seat. Oliver himself then rounded the car and opened Grace's door for her.
She blinked up in surprise, as he offered her his hand to take. "Thank you", she smiled at him as she rose out of the vehicle, her hand holding tight to his.
She had to admit to feeling the smallest amount of disappointment when he let go of her hand again. The disappointment was quickly replaced with butterflies when his hand came to rest gently on her lower back as he guided her into the Waldorf.
"Isn't it spectacular?" She asked in awe as she gazed around the magnificent foyer of the luxurious hotel.
"Yes, it certainly is", he agreed with her, also gazing in admiration around the exquisite entrance hall.
The two of them made their way to the Empire room where the party was being held.
There was music and frivolity and much chatter and laughing, and also - much alcohol. Wadsworth was entirely anti-prohibition so there was no shortage of champagne at the affair. Oliver lifted two glasses from a passing waiter's tray and handed one to Grace who smiled at him conspiringly. "Oh Sir, do you think we should?"
He leaned over and muttered into her ear. "I'm not sure they'll let us stay if we don't."
Grace laughed lightly at him and he raised his glass to clink it against hers.
After taking a sip of the expensive alcohol, Oliver pointed to a man in the corner of the room who was talking in an animated fashion to five others.
"There's Joseph Widener. I hear he's making a killing in art dealings from Europe. Remind me to pick his brain about it before we leave."
Grace gave her boss an amused look at his wording before nodding. "Yes Sir."
Grace followed him around the room as he greeted and shook the hands of the many important people in attendance. Everyone was enchanted with Grace.
Oliver began to notice that at the start of each new conversation, the people they were talking with were only interested in him initially, but Grace's confidence, intelligence and charm quickly won them all over, and by the time they were moving on to make a new introduction, their fellow attendees only had eyes for Grace.
It was essential that all the important people there became familiar and friendly with Grace, as she would of course be the person representing him if ever they called to conduct business. The way she conducted herself with such class and poise made Oliver realize, not for the first time, how lucky he was to have found her.
After about twenty minutes, Oliver spotted Wadsworth himself, surrounded by his many well-wishers. "Ah, and there's the man of the hour...let's go say hello."
He took Grace by the elbow and led her gently over to where Wadsworth was chatting with several other men.
They approached the birthday boy and Oliver extended his hand for Wadsworth to shake. "Nice party, Jim. Lovely venue for it."
"Oliver! Ah, yes well I thought I'd better make use of this old gem while we still have her. I've heard a rumor they're thinking of knocking her down in a year or so to construct some ghastly new monstrosity."
"Is that so?" Oliver raised an intrigued eyebrow.
"Yep, inside information says it'll be taller than the Chrysler building." Wadsworth rolled his eyes. Behind him, one of his associates chortled loudly. "Ha! Nothing's taller than the Chrysler building!"
"Well, construction is not my area of expertise so all I can say is good luck to 'em", Oliver raised his champagne glass and clicked it against Wadsworth's. Both men were chuckling as they did so.
Grace smiled at the sound of Oliver's laughter. It was at that moment that he turned to look at her and hummed as he swallowed his drink before placing his hand on the small of her back.
"Jim, I'd like you to meet my personal secretary Miss Grace Farrell."
"How d'ye do, Miss Farrell?" Wadsworth extended his hand and Grace daintily placed her on onto it, nodding graciously as the Senator kissed it.
"How do you do, Sir? It's a pleasure to meet you, Senator Wadsworth, and may I wish you a very happy birthday."
"Well, it is now", Wadsworth smiled charmingly at Grace and she giggled girlishly.
She looked past him and gave the men he had been speaking to previously a playful smirk. "I believe you ought to be offended, gentlemen. The Senator seems to be suggesting he wasn't enjoying this party prior to my arrival."
The men all laughed heartily, a couple of them ribbing Wadsworth in fun.
Wadsworth grinned in her direction. "Oh indeed I was, Miss Farrell. Though your appearance has greatly elevated the atmosphere."
Grace smiled enchantingly at him, batting her eyelashes quite an unnecessary amount in her employer's opinion.
"Where is your lovely wife, Jim?" Oliver's voice cut clearly across their banter.
Grace's eyes shifted sharply to him, a false smile plastered clearly on Oliver's face, though she suspected she was the only one who could tell it wasn't sincere.
Her own smile faded at the realization that he was acting jealously. In a way, it made her feel slightly perturbed. After all, hadn't he brought her here to show her off to everyone, and leave them all enchanted?
In another way, seeing him so protective and possessive over her, made her feel...something else entirely.
She smiled politely at Wadsworth. "Please excuse me Senator, I must pay a visit to the powder room."
Wadsworth bowed with a broad smile of his own. "Certainly Miss Farrell."
As she left the group of men behind, she lightly touched Oliver's arm as if to reassure him. It wasn't an unnatural thing for her to do. As his personal secretary, Grace often tidied his clothes, straightened his ties, and often before stressful meetings, would give his hand or his shoulder a comforting squeeze. Grace was affectionate by nature, and she did care about her boss in both a professional and personal capacity. She never thought anything of offering these small gestures to him, not when he had been so kind to her, giving her such gainful employment, as well as a beautiful home to live in.
Wadsworth and his friends didn't know all of this of course, and one of them watched very scrutinizingly as Grace touched her employer's arm in a way a man like him could only assume was flirtatious.
"Well Oliver, I can certainly see why you've been boasting so emphatically about your Miss Farrell. She's a real firecracker, ain't she?" Mr. Daniels leered in Oliver's direction.
Oliver chuckled in a thoughtful manner. "She certainly has a fair amount of pluck, which of course helps me a great deal when certain scoundrels try to swindle me. Sharp as a tack, she is. Doesn't let them get away with much. Quick as a whip too - you should see her behind a dictaphone. It's as if it's an extension of her own body." Oliver spoke proudly.
Mr. Caldwell stepped forward to sneer. "And just how knowledgeable are you around Miss Farrell's body, Oliver?"
Mr. Ascot joined in with the teasing and added, "Tell us, is she just as good in…other positions as she is behind your dictaphone?" He chortled and the other men laughed along with him.
Oliver's expression lost all trace of humor and instead became enraged. His voice was low and dark as he growled, "I'm not sure I understand what it is you're insinuating, gentlemen. And if I do understand then I certainly don't appreciate it."
Daniels shook his head. "Come on Oliver, there's no need to be coy. The way you look at her, the little...caress as she passed you", he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
There was fury in Oliver's eyes as he addressed the group of men. "I assure you, it is only that she has come to know me so well, professionally speaking that is. We spend a lot of the day in each other's company. Two people are bound to become quite...familiar with one another, are they not?"
Caldwell narrowed his eyes at Oliver, sizing him up. "But surely she must have you tempted at least. An exotic looking creature such as she..."
The man's smirk was wiped from his face as Oliver lurched forward and picked him up by the scruff of his crisp white dress shirt.
"I will NOT have you refer to her in such a way!" He barked ferociously at Caldwell. "Miss Farrell's and my relationship is one built on professionalism and respect, which until this moment I believed you all possessed as well." He released Caldwell from his firm grasp, all but throwing him back in disdain. "It would seem I was mistaken."
He turned to Wadsworth and looked the man in the eyes. "I'm sorry to have to leave the festivities prematurely, Jim, but I will not tolerate a valued member of my staff being spoken about in this deplorable manner."
"Oliver please, don't leave, let's have another drink…" Wadsworth tried to calm his friend and pave over the awkward situation, but Oliver wasn't finished yet.
"Let me tell you gentlemen, and believe me when I say this...Miss Farrell is not only one of the finest secretaries in all of New York, she is also one of the finest people." He looked around the group, glaring at each one of them. "Certainly much more so than any of you." He straightened his back and stared them all down, looking quite proud and quite menacing all at once. "As a matter of fact, I have such faith in Miss Farrell that it is my intention to promote her to the role of my chief of staff, within the month. I trust her implicitly and I have every confidence that one day she may be the one running Warbucks industries. Perhaps at that time, she might be gracious enough to allow you all the privilege of eating your words."
Oliver hadn't realized it, but half way through his impassioned speech, Grace had returned from the powder room and was now standing behind him with an astonished look on her face.
The party-goers surrounding them were staring back and foth between Oliver and Grace, looking ashamed and admonished. Oliver turned around and it was at that point he noticed Grace.
"After you Miss Farrell, we're leaving", he addressed her, motioning towards the door of the Empire room.
Grace blinked in bewilderment but turned on her heel and walked briskly out of the room with Oliver trailing close behind her.
"Sir, what about your conversation with Mr. Widener...about the art investments?"
"I have his telephone number, I'll call him some other time", Oliver told her brusquely, waving his hand in the air.
"Mr. Warbucks...Sir, what on Earth just happened?" Grace turned to look at him as they fell into step with each other, moving hastily through the foyer of the Waldorf.
Oliver waited until they had reached the sidewalk outside where he motioned to his valet to bring the car around before addressing Grace.
"Wadsworth's chums", he spat, "were saying things that were completely inappropriate and misguided."
"About...me?" She asked quietly.
"About you", Oliver confirmed. "And about us."
"Us?" Grace squeaked, looking taken aback. "What about us?" She choked.
"About the nature of our...relationship", Oliver said with some difficulty. He really was most uncomfortable discussing this with her. It had been hard enough to hear it the first time.
"Which I assured them is purely professional. As kind as you are to me and as fond as I am of you, it is the important work we do and the mutual admiration I think we share for one another that binds us, nothing more."
Grace felt as if he was trying to inform her of this as much as he had informed Wadsworth and his friends. She chuckled mirthlessly. "Well, I know that."
Truth be told, she was very touched to hear him say that he respected her as much as she did him. That was truly saying a lot.
"Besides which, even if there were something more between us, it would be none of their God-damned business!" Oliver flapped his hand in the air.
The car pulled up in front of them at that moment and Grace clambered in silently after Oliver, too stunned by his last statement to speak.
They rode back to the mansion in silence, both of them deep in thought about the unexpected events of the evening.
Once they were home, they greeted the servants and walked together through the grand entrance hall.
"Mr. Warbucks", Grace spoke suddenly, making him pause and look at her.
"I just wanted to thank you for the things you said about me at the party. I'm very appreciative for the way you defended me and made clear the nature of our relationship. I'm only sorry that you didn't get to stay longer and develop some more connections, which I know would have been very important to you."
Oliver held up his hand to halt her. "Firstly; don't you ever apologize for what happened this evening. It was the fault of those deplorable men, not you."
Grace bowed her head slightly, still feeling ashamed, as if she by her very nature or her very appearance had done something or had presented herself in a way that might have caused the men to make such inappropriate comments. Oliver pulled her away from her destructive thoughts abruptly with what he said next.
"Secondly; nothing is so important that I would allow a person in my employ to be disrespected the way you were this evening. Hear this, Miss Farrell...you are much more valuable to me than they are. I don't need them, but I need you."
Grace was flabbergasted by his profound and sincere statement.
"Sir. I-I don't know what to say except thank you", she croaked.
Oliver swallowed, his mouth quite dry all of a sudden. "Well I...I hope you'll consider accepting the promotion I spoke of at the party. I'd like it very much if you'd remain here with me for a long time."
Grace's eyes widened at his words. "You were serious about that? Do forgive me Sir, but I thought you only proposed a change in my position in response to what those silly men said."
Oliver straightened his back before turning and suddenly walking away from her.
Grace panicked, afraid she'd offended him with her assumption. She chased him down the hall and into his office.
"Mr. Warbucks, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you or offend you in any way, Sir."
Oliver shook his head. "You didn't offend me, Grace."
Grace looked at him in confusion. "Then why did you walk away from me just now?"
He opened his desk drawer and reached in to pull out a small stack of papers.
"I came to show you this. It's only a very early draft because I'd only spoken to my lawyer about it for the first time the other day and there are still some things to iron out, but this is what I intend to be your new contract, should you choose to accept it in a few weeks time."
"Oh", was all Grace could respond with, although her eyes lit up and she blushed bashfully.
Oliver placed the contract on his desk and looked across the room at her. "You don't have to prove anything to anyone, Grace, though I'm sure you will anyway", he smiled knowingly at her. "But you certainly don't have to prove anything to me. I've seen what you're capable of, and I think this position will be much more suited to your capabilities, and the title much more befitting of your place in my company."
Grace took a deep breath in, allowing the weight of his words to wash over her. "Well...I won't let you down, Mr. Warbucks", she promised him self-assuredly.
"I'm sure you won't", he replied confidently before sitting down and reorganizing his desk. "Good night Miss Farrell, that'll be all."
Grace nodded hurriedly. "Thank you Sir, goodnight Sir."
Just as she was nearing the office door, his voice haltered her.
"Oh, and Grace…"
She turned around to find him standing from his desk, then walking across the room towards her.
"Thank you for accompanying me tonight, however short-lived the night may have been."
Grace's heart thumped as he came to stand just in front of her. He lifted her hand and pressed his lips to it. "You were wonderful, just as I knew you would be."
She nodded her head with a gracious smile and he gently let go of her hand.
She turned around to head to bed with just one thought in her mind.
He was quite wonderful too.
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krashlynandthekids · 5 years
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Inside the Miami Wedding of Soccer Stars Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris
By Alexandra Macon : Vogue
Orlando Pride and U.S. Women’s National Team goalkeeper Ashlyn Harris and defender Ali Krieger are one of sport’s most beloved couples. They first met in 2010 at USWNT training camp, where they became fast friends. “I just found her to be so captivating and always wanted to be around her,” Ali says. “She’s someone who seemed so confident and comfortable with herself, and I was so attracted to that.” The two began a romantic relationship, which they kept secret for a long time out of fear of losing endorsement deals, despite the fact that hardcore soccer fans suspected they were a couple long before they ultimately decided to go public. After almost 10 years of dating, they tied the knot over the holidays in a wedding that was a non-stop, weekend-long party and served as a reunion for many of the USWNT team members. It also capped off a World Cup winning season in which these athletes made front-page headlines for their powerful stances off the field as well as their talent on it.
Ashlyn and Ali’s official move toward marriage started when Ashlyn asked Ali to marry her in Clearwater, Florida. They were enjoying a weekend away after a long season. Just before dinner, “we headed down to the beach to watch the sunset and take in the beautiful scenery,” Ali remembers. “We had a glass of champagne and then wanted to take photos to capture the moment. I proceeded to take a selfie and Ashlyn’s arm was in the back of the photo. I asked her to put it down and stop being silly, only to realize she had actually been holding the engagement ring the entire time I had been snapping photos. She pulled it around in front of me, and then asked the big question! I was in shock but so happy and excited at the same time. It was an incredible sunset, and just a perfect moment.”
Wedding planning kicked off soon after. From the start, the goal was to create a classic, clean environment. “Vizcaya Museum and Gardens [in Miami] is this kind of Mediterranean Castle-like vibe right on the water,” Ali says. “It has this European feel that we were going for, so right when we walked into the venue for the first time, we were like, ‘Oh my God! It’s breathtaking. This is it!’”
The couple worked with Sara Lowell from Sara Renee Events to bring their vision to life. “She’s so badass and beautiful and just absolutely crushed it for us,” Ali says. “We’re so grateful for her and her incredible team of fantastic people working to make our dreams a reality.”
“Ali and I really wanted to align ourselves with people and brands that spoke to our soul and were really about nonconforming and understood the same vision we were going for,” Ashlyn adds. “I just wanted to feel like we could fully express ourselves, our sexuality, and our community.”
To that end, Ashlyn wore Thom Browne, the designer she turns to for all of her red carpet events, and a TAG Heuer Monaco watch. Thom Browne dresses the Barcelona soccer team, which is how Ashlyn first became acquainted with the brand. “Honestly, I love that it’s all very gender neutral, very fluid, there are women in dresses and men in dress, and men and women in skirts. I can really feel how he expresses himself through clothes. It’s just so nonconforming and so far out. I’ve been wearing his stuff ever since.” She and the Thom Browne team created a custom tuxedo with a beaded argyle pattern for the wedding day.
Like a lot of brides on the hunt for the right dress, Ali took a weekend trip to New York City with her best friend and maid of honor, Elizabeth Mumley, to search for her wedding gown. They found a Pronovias fit and flare dress with long sleeves and a V in the back that was exactly what she wanted. “I tried it on, and I knew it was the one!” she says of the “Helio” gown. “I fell in love and knew I would get married in this dress. It’s simple but sophisticated and elegant at the same time. I have personally always loved Pronovias. It’s a brand with which I think I share a lot of values as they believe in inclusivity and diversity.”
On Saturday, December 28, just three days after Christmas, the couple married in the round so that friends and family could see the ceremony and feel part of it. “We wanted simple white flowers and a rose-petal-strewn aisle,” Ali says. “We also wanted to walk ourselves down the aisle as strong, confident, independent women. We felt like it was right.” Ashlyn’s best friend, USWNT team captain and the World Cup’s MVP, Megan Rapinoe, served as maid of honor; Ali’s brother, Kyle Krieger, was best man; and Orlando Pride player Sydney Leroux was the officiant.
For the reception afterward, guests found their seats at tables named after LGBTQ icons including Marsha P. Johnson—a pioneering activist known for her role in the Stonewall uprising—and Anderson Cooper. Dena Lowell Blauschild and The Cook and the Cork catered a colorful menu with an incredible attention to detail. And just before the party really got started, Ali changed into the Condesa dress, also by Pronovias. “I wanted to make it into a mini dress but keep the train, so I customized the hem to give it a high-low effect,” she says. “It was very nice to be able to dance without worrying!”
Meanwhile, Ashlyn seemed to strip off components of her wedding ensemble as the night went on—her pants were switched out for shorts and her tuxedo jacket was traded in for a sleeveless shirt and vest, also by Thom Browne, which allowed her to dance more freely. The newlyweds cut their rainbow cake and did their first dance to a live, acoustic version of Kina Grannis’s “Stand by Me.” Toasts were given over the course of the evening, with Ali’s brother Kyle voicing the sentiments so many there (and those taking in the festivities from afar via Instagram) were feeling: “Since you went public with your relationship, it has been a gift to watch you grow together. It’s amazing because you guys are like a beacon of light for all young queer LGBTQ women and men who just need someone to look up to, like we get happy endings too. In the media and the movies, so often...you know, queer stories have a devastating ending, but not here. In real life, we get to see you guys live the dream.”
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jupitermelichios · 5 years
Reasons I want to pick up Gotham and drop it right into the middle of the Marvel 616 Universe (even though I’ve never managed to make a fic with that premise actually work);
- Bruce and Tony have been friends forever, and the fact that they’re both pretty bad at this whole being friends thing hasn’t stopped them yet.
- Jen Walters thinks both Bruces are great (if deeply messed up) people, and keeps inviting them both to social events. They’ve been pretending they don’t hate another for a decade at this point, and they both care about Jen enough that they’re not planning on stopping any time soon. They spend any social engagements they both attend asking hurtful questions barely disguised as small talk, and have come worryingly close to throwing actual punches more than once, and Patsy has made it her job to run interference so Jen never finds out about this.
- Janet is so completely unlike all Kate’s other friends that she’s not sure exactly why they are friends. She’s straight, and perky, and the fact that she’s the only person who knows how to design an evening gown to Kate’s very specific tastes shouldn’t be enough to form a solid friendship on. But despite that, Janet is the one who buys Kate ice-cream and vodka after her and Rene split up, and Kate is the one who ices Janet’s black eye when Hank snaps.
- Selina says Felicia is a copycat. Felicia says Selina is yesterday’s model. They meet up once a week for mimosas so they can tell one another in person.
- Dick and Spider-Man meet when they’re both way too young to be superheroing, decide that they’re going to be best friends, and never change their minds about that. Peter knows there’s nothing he can’t tell Dick, and when Dick gets too far into his own head, Peter takes him to New York and they backflip off buildings until he stops feeling like he can’t breathe.
- Kitty Pryde and Dick should never be allowed near glitter or sequins, especially not together.  They average a costume a week each for the first two years of Nightwing’s career, and they don’t give a damn what anyone else says about wing collars and balloon sleeve because damnit they look fabulous.
- It takes a lot to shock Charles, but entirely human Barbara Gordon turning up on the mansion doorstep with a backpack of clothes hanging from the handles of her chair and asking for a job comes pretty close. He makes her their IT admin, because Danger has enough to do and God knows Hank can’t be trusted with it, and when she goes back to Gotham a year later they’re all sad to see her go.
- Barbara didn’t set out to found a team, but Laura Kinney obviously needed something to do with her time that wasn’t getting recruited onto yet another X-Men black-ops team, and no one else ever seems to know what to do with Magik, and Black Widow is just damn good at what she does, and honestly any excuse to hang out with Dazzler is a winner, and next thing she knows they’re a team, and something like a family as well.
- Robin II and Speedball vs Red Hood and Penance, a love story in three acts (and one death)
- Teddy is absolutely convinced Billy fancies Tim. Billy is convinced Teddy fancies Tim. Tim is convinced no one will or should ever love him, but by God he’s going to get these two idiots to go on a date if it kills him. (And if he’s a little bit on love with both of them, well that’s his secret).
- Tim definitely isn’t moonlighting as a sidekick, he’s only just managed to stop being a sidekick, but once you get past all the deeply weird, Moon Knight is a pretty great guy and a half decent detective, and Tim’s really on board with that whole ‘protecting the travellers by night’ thing. Plus the all-white costume he’s designed for himself looks pretty sweet.
- Steph has more than enough superheroes in her life, thank you very much, but honestly the amount the Storm-Richards are offering just for babysitting it’s got to be worth it. (Turns out Gotham-shock-proof is exactly what’s needed, and Franklin and Valeria adore her, and she adores Sue and Ben, and once she’s punched Johnny out for hitting on her they actually manage to be pretty good friends. She thinks Reed is a dick, but so does everyone else in the Baxter building so that’s okay).
- Bruce has no idea what to do with Cass, but he knows some people who might. There are plenty of Avengers who know a thing or two about teaching a kid raised as a weapon how to be a person. Natasha teaches her to set boundaries, and Echo teaches her to communicate, and Spider-Woman teaches her to have fun, and all of them attend all her ballet recitals.
- Kain has no idea why Batgirl likes him, but it’s not like he’s complaining. Cass has no idea why Kain keeps insisting he’s a terrible person, but as long as he keeps being a good guy she’s going to keep being his friend. (Aracely thinks they’re both unspeakably wonderful and makes them all friendship bracelets).
- Damian is not friends with Molly Hayes, okay? He isn’t. He’s definitely not. He’s just wearing his half of their best friends necklace and agonising over what to get her for her birthday because she’s got super strength and it would be tactically unwise to upset her. Definitely.
- Just because Luke hasn’t yet managed to persuade Riri that they should get married and have beautiful super-genius children, doesn’t mean he won’t.
- Harper’s not really much for leaving Gotham, but she has to admit this whole social justice global movement thing Viv Vision and Ultimate Spider-Man have going on is pretty cool, and after all if she doesn’t join up, who else is going to represent the unique clusterfuck of problems that is Gotham city?
- Duke isn’t really sure about this whole NuHuman thing. The Inhumans have a lot of drama going on, and also they’re an absolute monarchy which he’s really not on board with, but his DNA and Gotham’s ever-present Terrigen Fog doesn’t give him much choice in the matter. He visits New Attilan periodically for training on how to use his powers, and he gets on pretty well with Flint, and Ms Marvel is awesome, but for the most part he’s content to stay way the well out of their weird-ass politics.
- Look, Terry heard the words ‘Batman can’t be on the Guardians of the Galaxy’ and just sort of reacted on instinct. It’s not his fault he’s bad at resisting challenges.
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Haunting Me (Zero x One-sided!Reader)
Warnings: angst, bullying
Word Count: 2,541
Prompt/Request: Second day of the October Special: Masquerade.
Summary: Tonight was suppose to be my opportunity for change. Things were supposed to be different in the best ways possible. I just wanted happiness and a chance at a brighter tomrrow. I can't believe I let myself have hope. Your dream night at the masquerade ball becomes your worst nightmare. Can you handle this heart ache?
Author: Mod Rene
I stared at this pitiful reflection given to me by my full body mirror in my dorm room. My mother’s dress in nothing but tatters and stains on me was not exactly my favorite look. This dress was beautiful. It was passed down generation after generation for so long that calling it a cliché tradition was an understatement. I wanted a magical night in it just like all of my relatives and ancestors had. Of course, that was most definitely not my luck. Happiness was never truly within my grasp. I was given the saddest cards in life. I’m officially convinced. What happened, you may wonder?
Sit back. Get ready for a movie. Quite honestly one of the saddest you will ever see on top of that.
“Kaname-senpai told me to come with him to the masquerade valley. How crazy is he? The disciplinary committee has to be on shift 24/7. Who else will protect the student body?” Yuki spoke half-heartedly I’d already known she wanted to go. It’s been all she spoke about for the past four days. I couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped my lips as I heard her draw on about it. After a tired sigh left her lips, I turned to her calmly.
“Yes of course. We must always be protected here at this private school which is quite mostly isolated. Can’t chance any rogue wild birds swooping down over our heads. What’ll we do without disciplinary committee members there to stop them from stealing the punch!!!” I joked looking her way with mock fear. Dramatics were my forte after all. She looked less than happy with me however giving me a puffy-faced pout. I couldn’t help but tease her. So many opportunities would show and to miss them would just be cruel to myself. We continued to stroll from class to the dorms not breaking eye contact as we spoke. It seemed ok until a matter of seconds later.
“You’re so mean Y/N!!!! I’m genuinely concer-" Yuki was cut off by my bumping right into one of the other girls and falling back. The two notebooks I’d been carrying with me flew up and so all loose papers were now falling around me. I remained on the floor shaking my head slightly. At first, I’d refused to open my eyes for fear of seeing the rage in the said other student's face. There was also the fact that I had a feeling this was some kind of start to some very bad luck.
Someone cleared their throat demanding my attention and grasping it. Sure enough, a very angry girl from my class stood in front of me with her arms crossed and head high. Her eyes were downcast making me feel entirely inferior.
“Y/N!!!! Are you alright?” Yuki immediately got down on her knees to be at my level and help me gather my things. I hadn’t looked away from the furious teenage harbinger in front of me but I did still nod slightly to answer Yuki.
“Her? She bumped into me. I’m the one in order for concern!” My classmate screamed quite angry with me. I visibly flinched slightly at the raise of her voice. Yuki rose to her feet in front of me with an angry glare in her eyes completely directed at who stood in front of us. I began to gather my stuff slowly before also moving to my own feet. I wasn’t one for scenes so I simply bowed my head and apologized.
“You weren’t the one on the floor. And it wasn’t on purpose!!!” I nodded at this statement which Yuki so boldly spoke out for me there really was no point to it though. This girl really seemed to hate me for whatever reason. After a mere stare down she scoffed and walked away leaving me and Yuki alone.
“Let’s go. We have a ball to get ready for.” I murmured with my back to Yuki walking away. I didn’t want to talk about it. I already knew what she’d say. It was the same thing every time. I needed to stand up for myself more. I needed confidence. No one could see, but I was trying. It’s never easy being what you’re not. With baby steps each day, I was working towards getting better as so many people had said. Tonight was the night I’d show it. I was finally going to confess my feelings to my crush.
Tonight I would get to tell him how I felt, regardless of how he felt about me. I just wanted to tell him. It wasn’t for him. It wasn’t for a future with him. This big move was solidly for me to prove to myself that I could do it. That somewhere in me was someone brave enough to speak my voice. So having said this, I stood in front of my full body mirror in the dress my mama gave me specifically for this night. A beautiful black gown slim fit to my figure. I was blessed with my mother's curves and now I’d stop hiding them.
Tonight I would shine. My face was framed by a couple pieces of hair on each side of my face as my hair was in a high ponytail, slicked back and straight. My facial features were shown and highlighted for once in my life. I wanted to be seen tonight. I wanted him to see me for once. There was a statement being made here.
“Y/N. You look absolutely amazing!” a smile graced my lips fully at Yuki’s words. A small gasp left her lips which I followed with a deep breath in, never looking away from the mirror. I nodded twice rather quick making the elation within your heart quite clear. A purely happy giggle left my mouth as I did one nice spin in front of the mirror slowly. I’d felt completely successful with my look and confidence had never felt so good. How dumb of me.
“I just hope he notices that too.” Mistake number one. Yuki had no idea about my crush on Zero. This wasn’t a topic I’d ever preferred to bring up to anyone. I have just always been so guarded that I never felt ok with talking about this stuff. I still didn’t want her knowing. She was so close with him, it made me further embarrassed. My eyes went wide as soon as I’d said it and her eyes did too. The only difference between us was my obvious discomfort and her very obvious smirk. I began to sweat just slightly.
“Who is he?!”
“Ohhh no one important.” I shifted in my heels and turned away from her to head towards my bed. It was about as messy as my own inner thoughts at this point, and so I needed to find my purse within it all…and my sanity. Yuki came up to me as I shuffled through my disaster of a bed to urge the name of this mystery he out of me for a good 5 minutes before giving up with a pout. I had finally found my purse right as she exhaled a defeated sigh next to me. I turned to her kindly and put my hand on her shoulder.
“You’re my best friend Yuki. I tell you everything. But I can’t tell you this person’s identity until after tonight. I promise you’ll hear about it tomorrow. If all goes well, you may just catch us there together.”
“If you say so. I guess” Her smile was sweet and so it earned a bigger one from me. I scanned her own outfit for a moment before I begin to give her some of her own compliments.
“You look stunning. You wore the dress Kaname gave you! So disciplinary committee will be partying too?” We laughed together as she gave a small nod and blushed. I couldn’t help but smile at this moment. Things were going so great already. I felt it was safe to assume the night really was going to be one blissful enough to remember. One impossible to forget. I was right about the unforgettable part of it. Sadly, not the blissful.
We arrived at the masquerade ball shortly after the discussion in the room. She broke off from me to find Kaname which I’d already known was going to happen. I hoped things would end up great for her. She'd finally get to confess her feelings. They could finally be together and happy. I thought I’d known how she felt about him and how much she really loved him. I didn’t know how wrong I had been. I want to assume Kaname hadn’t had any idea either.
I walked around looking for Zero, having absolutely no luck for a good hour of my search. I’d still gotten many offers to dance and boatloads of compliments, primarily from the boys but that was still nice. The night hadn’t been bad that far. With my poor luck, however, that most certainly was not going to last. I’d been walking toward the door leading toward the school, garden when it all went so wrong.
That same girl from just earlier had seen me and I’ll assume she was still unhappy. Now it was most likely for more than one reason as she was usually the one receiving all of the compliments being sent my way. Girls are usually not ok with that. She was no different. As I began to step out, she placed her heel on the back of my dress, causing it to tear and me to fall forward. I hadn’t expected it and therefore lacked any preparation to catch myself properly. I landed on my wrist wrong in the last-minute attempt to break my fall and catch myself. The sharp pain made me wince slightly and so she laughed bitterly.
My lip quivered slightly as I stared at the floor, attempting to gather myself. Her friends, as well as herself, stood around me simply laughing at my unmoving sat up from. I was determined to hide my obvious pain or sorrow. I wanted to prove to myself I could be brave. I was going to. However, this gave her a new plan.
“Aw, you want to cry? Does the baby need help? Here.” Before I could look up a cold liquid hit me in a large quantity all at once. The punch bowl then hit the floor next to me. I didn’t mean to do it, but I cracked. Tears began to spill down my cheeks at what seemed not to be within my control. I couldn’t look up. I couldn’t look anyone in the face. Maybe I did look good at the beginning. Maybe I did feel good about myself. There was none of that left at this moment I know how ridiculous and small I looked. With how horrible I felt now, people obviously looked at me with pity. Even so, no one helped me. No one said anything. Not a single person in that ballroom moved to stop any of this. Some of them even laughed along as well.
Why? Why did they all have to be so cruel? Why couldn’t they be kind, humane, demoralized people? Did their parents not teach them sensibility? I had done nothing to these people. They’re so cold to me without having even met me or gotten to know me. Without looking at anyone I got up and ran out of the ballroom.
I ran as fast as my heels could allow. When they began to hurt and hinder me, I threw them off and kept running. My tears kept falling and it angered me. I was mad at those people, yes. I was also mad at myself. I shouldn’t have run out. I shouldn’t have been careless. I shouldn’t have let them cause these tears to begin with. I wasn’t stronger. I was still so weak and it infuriated me. I had thought this night was officially the worst. It could have not gotten worse. Nothing could possibly make this night darker than it had already been. Maybe by this time, my heart should have known how untrue that was.
It had been almost as though each time saying that, I had placed a jinx on myself. Leave it to my lack of luck to hurt me further. As I came to a quiet stop at the fountain in the front of the school, I saw them. And my heart finally just shattered.
My mind went blank. The few pieces left in my shattered heart were reduced to a cold powder. I felt pure despair, but only for a second. It only lasted a second. That first second upon seeing it and realizing what my eyes had witnessed.
Yuki. And…Zero? Kissing? What? What about Kaname? What about every time she’d talked about him? All those times she would visit him. Every time he sent her gifts and was there to accompany her. The blatantly obvious tensions between the two and the care colored in both parties' eyes when they locked. Where did all of that go? That was never the look she gave Zero. She always talked about needing to watch him like any sister would panic and worry for their brother. That’s what she said Zero was to her. The troublesome brother. Why? Why? Why any of this?!?! Was it all really to bring me to this numb hopeless state of mind? Is that all I am meant to feel in life is pitiful or absolutely nothing at all?
Who did I make so mad up in the heavens to bring me all of this disaster? Why was I so haunted?
Yuki pulled away abruptly upon opening her eyes and seeing me behind them. Except, it wasn’t me she saw. No, it was the one and only night school king himself just behind me she saw first.
“Kaname-senpai!” it was quiet. Zero only turned around long enough to glance at Kaname out of the corner of his eye. I couldn’t stand to stay any longer. I turned to run, only for Kaname to grab my wrist, the same one I sprained before. I winced shortly.
“Do you love him?” my eyes opened wide. I refused to turn around. I couldn’t. It was quiet for a few minutes.
“..yes. I’m so sor-" I ran. He let go of me and I ran. I ran to my dorm faster than I’d ever run in my entire life. Never have I ever felt so destroyed and defeated in my life. This heartache was the kicker. I gave up after this. I have been locked up in my dorm room all night. I haven’t taken my dress off. Or opened my door to anyone, Yuki included. She stopped by, I think. Maybe it was my despair messing with my head. Not that it matters. This night has been dreadful. The masquerade was never a good idea. Having hope was the dumbest one yet. This was never to be forgotten. It is only a night to haunt me for the rest of my life. I never want to speak of the haunting masquerade.
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kar3npage · 5 years
The Resort Show
Chapter 7 of Sewing Scissors and Throwing Knives is up! Read from the beginning here. Last chapter: Andrew and Aaron have an argument, they have the fitting for the show. I update this fic every Monday.
Neil feels like he’s barely been in New York before the Resort show comes up. Time is moving too quickly, sliding through Neil’s hands like water. Every time he thinks he has a grip on something, it all changes.
The doomed feeling isn’t being helped by the ever changing world of fashion. Allison has been around more often now that the show is coming so quickly, and Neil has found that he enjoys the feisty, sassy comments that are flung around while she’s in the building. 
Neil has also been getting to know the other members of the team. He hadn’t realized how quickly they accepted him until someone would spout a fact about him, like how his favourite colour is grey (“That isn’t a colour, Neil” Kevin has said with derision) and how he has a soft spot for fruit. He stomach starts turning every time he gets a glimpse of a life with a sort of ‘work family’, like Dan always said. The worst was the longing that came with.
And the work. Neil loved the work. He forgot about the stopwatch ticking away, the impermanence of the situation, the danger of it all when he worked side by side with these people who took him in.
Show day dawned to be bright but crisp. Andrew picked him up at the hotel, like always, but it was much earlier than they usually started their day. 
They had spent most of last night working on final touches, and it was cozier than Neil thought possible with such a hard deadline looming. They had all piled into the sewing room and him and Kevin finalized the lineup while the others worked on details. The atmosphere had been warm and comfortable, and Neil felt content. The feeling was a drug, and he was already afraid that he would never have it again.
The car was uncharacteristically silent as he climbed in and a glance at the other occupants confirmed that they were as exhausted as him. Even Andrew had dark circles under his eyes, and Nicky was zoned out as he looked out the window. Nicky and Kevin both gave Neil a look of tired anticipation as he settled into the back seat and he grinned at them, and Andrew. Andrew just huffed, but Neil noticed that his jaw was softer today, his body less tense than usual.
The office had a similar mood, and Matt almost bowled Neil over when he got inside. Kevin attacked Nicky before he could leave for his office to talk about the logistics of the show being live streamed on instagram and Dan shouted at them for a team meeting. 
Neil dropped to the wall while everyone else crowded forward, trying to stay by Andrew. When Dan started her pep talk, Neil ignored it to pay attention to Andrews calm exterior.
“If I didn’t know you better, I would say that you were looking forward to this,” Neil murmured. 
Andrew huffed, a corner of his lip twitching a bit. “Good thing you know better then.”
Neil is sure that Dan’s speech is as motivating as they always are, but he ignores it in favour of watching Andrew play with his pack of cigarettes. He doesn’t need to be more excited, he needs to keep calm before the show.
Kevin has slipped into that razor focus that made Neil admire him in the beginning. He’s cool and composed, and he works surprisingly well with Neil. After criticizing him non stop over the past month or so, he seems to have forgotten about Neil’s shortcomings for the day. 
In fact, he hasn’t let loose a single well meant but brutal comment on anyone yet. He collaborates with every single member of the team (although there is a tense moment with Seth for a moment, before Renee refocuses their attention) to ensure that the day goes perfectly. 
The excitement is boiling away under the surface, but everyone is working harder than Neil has seen so far. Nicky has been running the social media and posting approved behind-the-scenes photos while they work, and Neil feels a surge of affection for the team. Matt ruffles his hair every time he passes by him, Jeremy sends him a bright grin when he pops in to chat with Kevin about something, Allison gives him a compliment peppered with profanity on the design of his that ended up in the line, and Renee squeezes his shoulder in passing. Never in his life has Neil felt this much love in a room, and not a single one of them were stuck with him. They just decided that they wanted him there. 
And, like a magnet, Neil’s gaze kept moving to Andrew. He still needs to talk with him about what happened at Edens Twilight and ask him why he pressured Kevin to include Neils design, but for now he’s content just to see the reliable black clad figure. Always the calm in the center of the storm.
By the time the makeup and hair is almost done and people are starting to take their seats out in the venue, the day is still going suspiciously well. 
“Something has to go wrong,” Neil says in disbelief to Dan. He’s standing at the bottom of the stairs where the models are starting to line up. They’ll be going up the stairs into the mansions grand hallway, where most of the guests are seated. From there, they will walk into the sitting room and circle back. The baroque styled, frilly venue had been chosen as a contrast to the sleek designs that made up the collection. It was a slightly run down old manor house with silk wallpaper from the early 20th century gracing the walls. Neil had helped Kevin look, and he was ridiculously pleased with the fact that Kevin chose it. Although, he probably chose it because Andrew had given it a nod of approval rather than because Neil liked it. He was pleased anyway.
Dan laughs. “I know, it never goes this well. Usually a hem tears or a gown suddenly doesn’t fit an hour before the show. But let’s cross our fingers that our luck holds.”
Neil nods, but he has a sinking feeling in his stomach that it won’t.
The cue that the show is nearly starting is Allison and Kevin showing up at the bottom of the stairs with the rest of the models. Neither of them look flustered in the slightest, despite the many shouts for their attention. Kevin sidles up to Neil and looks him up and down critically.
“You’ll do. Nicky did a good job.”
Neil snorts. His new wardrobe came back from Abby in the nick of time, and he’s wearing a charcoal three piece suit with a matching charcoal shirt and a gold brocade vest. Nicky had cried when he put it on, like it was his wedding day or something. From across the room Matt gives him a beaming thumbs up and Allison mouths something that he doesn’t catch but makes Dan laugh.  He feels himself blush, so he watches the models to hide it.
There’s a feeling of pride rising in his chest as he looks at the finished pieces. 
Never has he been a part of something so large, or something that was so close to his heart. He can hear the noise of a large crowd up the stairs and he can barely keep the grin in check. Kevin elbows him softly to catch his attention.
“Come,” he tells Neil, already walking up the stairs.
He leads them to the grand hallway, just behind the doorway that the models will come out of. The line of chairs are already full with big names that even Neil can recognize. They’re chatting amiably, like there aren’t a million cameras going off. He can see an even larger crowd in the sitting room, and yet more noise is coming from outside where guests are still arriving on the red carpet. It’s overwhelming and incredible and magnificent and Neil is certain that he made the right decision to stay.
By the time they’ve made it back down the stairs, Andrew and Renee have come back from wherever they disappeared to. It’s funny to see the staff all dressed up, even though they dress nicely for work every day. Andrew is wearing a full black suit with an asymmetrical vest. It reminds Neil of the jacket he designed for this collection. The thought nearly makes him trip on the stairs.
The show itself passes far faster than Neil would have expected. Nicky is still walking around, constantly updating their feed to keep viewers in the loop and Dan has an earpiece in to help her direct the models. She sends each of them up the stairs with a gentle push and a grin.
Neil almost wishes that he could watch the show from a seat, but he stands between Kevin and Allison who both explain what is happening as it progresses. 
They peel off to walk the runway at the end and Neil can hear the enormous applause, which the rest of the team joins in through the finale. Neil has relaxed, but that knot of dread is still in his stomach. As the models stream back in, he waits anxiously for Kevin and Allison to come back to the safety of the downstairs. It’s a silly thing, since they will all be milling around and chatting throughout the after party anyway, but he wishes that he could keep an eye on his people while it’s so crowded.
The applause downstairs stutters when Allison reappears, Kevin pale and shocked looking beside her. Her hand his gripping his arm and she looks furious. Renee and Andrew fight their way through the models as soon as they see them, Renee with a calm but determined look on her face. She says something briefly to Kevin, then gently rubs Allisons arm to soothe the anger the radiates off of her.
Neil shares a look with Allison, then works his way over to Kevin as well.
He’s leaning heavily on the wall, his tall frame dwarfed by his terror.
“What happened,” Andrew says harshly. Kevin’s breathe wheezes in his chest. “Kevin, what happened.”
“Riko’s here,” he says finally, sounding winded. All of Neil’s air leaves his lungs, but he concentrates on keeping on his feet. He can’t afford to lose his mind while Kevin is panicking so obviously. It would betray the fact that he knows the Moriyama’s too quickly to everyone in the vicinity. The entire team knew about Kevin and Riko’s past, it wouldn’t take long for them to put 2 and 2 together if Neil had a panic attack at the base of the stairs.
“How did he get in?” Neil asks once he’s certain that his voice won’t betray him.
Disgust twists Andrew’s face in a shocking show of emotion. “He has a vested interest in the company, nothing is stopping him from having a little visit.”
Kevin looks to be on the verge of tears. “I can’t do it Andrew, I can’t go back. Oh God, oh God.”
“Kevin” Andrew has a firm hold of his lapel in an effort to keep him standing. “Kevin, listen to me. You will not go back. Even if he asks you. Even if he orders you to. They need you here, remember? Ichirou needs this company to do well, and it won’t without you. So you can’t go back.”
Kevin nods and Andrew pulls a flask out of his vest pocket. Kevin grabs it and takes a few swigs, drinking like it’s water. Neil can smell the vodka from where he’s standing, and he grimaces at the scent.
Andrew slowly lets go, holding his hands up in case Kevin topples. There’s a tense moment while they watch Kevin get a hold of himself, then he nods firmly. 
“You two will stick by?” he asks, his voice the shell of his usual tone. Neil is surprised to be included in the ‘security detail’ along with Andrew, but he nods anyway.
“Into the frying pan…” Andrew mutters as they follow Kevin back into the fray.
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kensingtonbooks · 5 years
My Favorite Moment
Leanna Renee Hieber shared her favorite excerpt from A SANCTUARY OF SPIRITS:
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One thing that’s been commented on a great deal about this series is the strength of female friendships and relationships. It’s vitally important to me. A character that has been a reader favorite is little Zofia, a Polish immigrant ghost with a tragic story. Here’s a touching moment between her and our heroine Eve, one of my favorite moments in the book.
Eve needed to pull herself together, for everyone’s sake. Perhaps that realization was what summoned little Zofia into the hallway. The young shade wavered, her white dress with its singed hem buffeted in the slight breeze wafting off all spirits—the eternal chill. The girl’s mother had perished in the same shop fire and her father had died in Warsaw long before that, but her parents’ souls had gone on to peace. Zofia chose to stay in the city to help other children find ways out of desperate ends.
Zofia had met Eve on her first case, haunting the same place a child was in need. In some cases, Zofia would appear to point a child toward an exit in an emergency; in others she’d try to inspire escape from myriad torments. Eve tried never to pin Zofia down to one mission. The child fiercely chose her own. But right now, it seemed Zofia just wanted a friend.
“I know we’re not supposed to be in your room,” Zofia murmured, “but… can I watch you get ready?” The child looked pained. “I will never experience going to a ball. Having a suitor. Trying to make myself beautiful…”
Her plea hit Eve like a blow, and she blinked back tears. “Of course, dear. We can experience all this together, then.”
Opening the tall wooden wardrobe in her room, she stared at the dresses therein. There were only a few, nothing ostentatious, a couple of ball gowns Gran insisted she have ready for moments like these where work would be accomplished while socializing. Staying on task helped Eve counterbalance the butterflies that threatened inelegantly to topple her over.
There was waltzing to worry about too. The aerial flips her stomach had been doing now plummeted. She dreaded dancing; she wasn’t any good at it. “Zofia, come here, practice a waltz with me. I’m hopeless.”
She hummed some Strauss and practiced the box step in her room with the little girl, thankful there were no corporeal feet to trip upon, laughing with the child until Eve felt she had made herself safe for contact.
“Who will you be dancing with, the detective?” Zofia asked excitedly. Almost too excitedly, as if it were a foregone conclusion.
Eve pursed her lips. “Perhaps. And if the detective demands a waltz, I can’t step on his feet, or worse, trip the poor man.”
“He’d be a good sport about it even if you did,” Zofia posited. “He’s very nice.”
“Yes, yes he is,” Eve said. “Now I have to choose a dress. I’m a disaster at this.”
Back to the wardrobe again. Nothing gaudy. This was a working-class theatre circuit. But she couldn’t wear her black uniforms. There was a simple royal blue evening dress, nice taffeta with elegant gathers. When she put her hand on it, Zofia nodded her approval. Starched lace along a high bodice line provided modesty, and that would be wise. She was meeting his parents, after all. There went the stomach again.
She removed her outer layers, keeping on her chemise, bloomers, and petticoat, and lifted a long-waisted whalebone corset around her, cinching it tighter to accommodate the dress, an act that didn’t help her stomach in the least. She slipped into the body of the dress, folding her arms into it, double checking all of the hooks and eyes on the side that kept her swathed. When Gran had insisted Eve own a few fine dresses, Eve had said she wasn’t interested in wearing “a thousand ties and tribulations” and agreed to be fitted only on the condition that she could get into an outfit entirely on her own.
Dashing rosewater about herself, she carefully swept up her hair in her favorite marcasite hair combs and debated about a necklace. A tiny sapphire on a whisper-thin silver chain, a gift from her father, completed her ensemble. The stone was an important one. Powder, a faint dash of rouge, and a slight tint of lip balm made her less green. She stared in the mirror and tried to bolster herself. For someone who was so confident about her work, she felt terribly awkward being a lady in polite society. Zofia wafted her little hand over Eve’s temple and utilized the cold breeze generated by her spirit to brush a stray wisp of hair back in place.
“You look beautiful,” Zofia commented. “Thank you for not minding me.”
Eve’s eyes watered as she smiled at the girl, wishing she knew what to say when the ache of a life cut short was an unmitigated melancholy. “As if I could ever mind you,” she murmured, a lump in her throat.
“It all seems a bit magical,” the child continued, wistful romance in her voice.
Download your copy of A SANCTUARY OF SPIRITS today→ http://bit.ly/2kdKG7f
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Hounds of Justice--Ch. 85
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Chapter 85
           Exhaustion. An overwhelming sense of being wrung out. Every ounce of energy spilled into a pool on the floor like sweat.
           “You did so great,” Seth said from beside me. His hand was still caught up in mine, blue paper surgical gown and cap visible through my drained haze. “I’m so proud of you. Llane… Sophie… the whole lot of you.”
           I felt my lips curve in a smile. Seth stroked his free hand through my hair, pushing the sweat-soaked strands back over my forehead. It was only his presence that had helped me get through the entire night—the pain and the fear and the deep-rooted terror that something would go wrong and both of us would wink out of existence.
           “Is she…” My brain was stuffed with cotton. I couldn’t think straight. Just speaking took more energy than I could spare.
           He pressed a kiss against my brow. “She’s perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes. Screams like a banshee. Beautiful. She’s absolutely perfect.”
  Something rose up out of the corner of my eye. A nurse wrapped up in the same blue gown as Seth. Wriggling blankets in her arms. Heavy little body settled atop my chest, a warm cheek nestling against my breast, perfectly formed fingers opening and closing until they caught hold of Seth’s thumb.
           Our daughter.
           I sat up in the hospital bed, pillows tucked in all around me, one propping up the arm that cradled my newborn daughter. She suckled lazily, somehow halfway between hungry and asleep. I couldn’t help but stare at the curve of her cheeks, the perfect bow of her mouth, her lush eyelashes and the wisps of black hair that curled against her neck. I fell in love with the rings around her wrists and her chubby legs, the softness of her skin, the dark brown of her eyes that looked so much like Seth’s.
           Her suckling gave way to faint open-mouthed breathing as she drifted off into a nap. Being born is hard work, I thought as I tugged my gown back up over my breast. She nuzzled against the fabric just as a head popped around the door.
           Seth beamed as he slipped into the room. He’d done a quick run back to the house to pick up some forgotten things and take a shower. I smiled at his presence, feeling happy and contented.
           “She just went to sleep,” I whispered. “Are they here yet?”
           He nodded as he leaned over to give me a tender kiss. “They’ve been here for an hour. I told them to come on in when they got here, but they wanted to let you rest.”
           I rolled my eyes. “Tell them to get back here. It’s time they met their goddaughter.”
           Seth drew his phone out of his pocket, tapping a message out quickly. It was only a few moments later when the door swung open carefully, four people piling into the room on tiptoe. The ever-present crackle of electricity was joined by a buzz of frenetic energy and sunlight heat. Flashes of blonde and red lurked behind the bulk of the other two Hounds.
           “Hi,” I said gently, looking up at Dean and Roman for the first time in what felt like months. In fact, it had only been a few weeks. But they were such a part of me that too much time away from them made me miserable after a while.
           Roman smiled in a way that made me feel perfectly safe. “Hey, itiiti. How you feel?”
           “Exhausted. Sore.” My eyes drifted to my sleeping daughter. “But it was worth every second of it.”
           I felt Dean settle his hand on my ankle. I grinned brightly. “I… we have a favor to ask you guys. All four of you.”
           “Anything you need, dollface,” he replied. His blue eyes bounced back and forth between me and the sleeping bundle in my arms. Renee slipped her hand into his.
           “Will you be godparents?” I asked quietly.
           Roman brushed his thumb against my cheek. “You don’t have to ask. You know we will.”
           “Damn right,” Dean added enthusiastically. “She’s one of ours now, too. Just like you are. One more member of the pack, right, Ro?”
           “Wha’ name ya callin’ ‘er?” Becky asked from the end of the bed.
           Seth and I glanced at one another. He was the first one to speak. “We’ve talked about a few, but couldn’t decide. She’s getting my last name—not my ring name but Lopez. As far as other names… we can’t settle on anything.”
           “Help us out, godparents?” I begged, a faint whine in my voice.
           “Jesus Christ!” Seth swore as he leapt forward to slow the swing that lulled our daughter to sleep.
           “Relax,” Roman soothed from his spot not far away. He sat leaned up against the sofa with his long legs stretched out in front of him. “It’s fine. Those things only go that fast. And trust me, it’s better that than burning gas in the car driving around the block for an hour.”
           I sat on the sofa with my laptop putting the finishing touches on the cards that would be going out to announce her birth. It had been Renee’s idea. She’d helped me pick out backgrounds and fonts and the pictures of our baby girl that would go on the card.
           A small smile ghosted over my lips as I finished typing out her name.
           Iosefina Dakota Quinn Lopez.
           “It’s going to be so fun writing that on every single form for the rest of her life. Did we go overboard?” I asked as I made sure that the image had been saved and successfully sent off to the printers.
           “Leave it to Becky to name our daughter after herself,” Seth laughed. He reached out and tickled our daughter’s tummy. “But I think it all fits her perfectly. What do you think, Sefina?”
           Watching him as he talked to her, tickled her, tugged playfully on her little toes, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of love for Seth. He had fallen into the role of dad with a gusto that surprised me. It shouldn’t have, knowing how carefully and gingerly he’d taken care of me when I needed him.
           Then there was Dean, who had filled the nursery with dozens of stuffed animals and gifts and toys that she wouldn’t have a use for until she was three. The first day we’d brought Sefina home, he and Renee had stopped by with an envelope of paperwork that said they had put sixty thousand dollars into a trust for her—thirty thousand each. By the time she got it at eighteen, it would be worth over seventy-five thousand.
           I broke down in tears in the kitchen when they gave it to me. Begged them to take their money back. That we had enough—more than enough—to make sure she had everything she’d ever need.
           “Take it, dollface,” Dean said as he drew me into a hug. “It was Renee’s idea anyway. And it’s one less thing for you to worry about.”
           Roman was more than just a godfather for Sefina. He was an uncle, a big brother, a guardian in a way that I could never have imagined for my daughter. When we’d finally named her, Roman had taken her in his arms and whispered in his lilting Samoan—the words carrying the faint scent of saltwater and a sun-warmed breeze. It was a beautiful blessing—a promise that she would always be cared for and protected, that she would have a family that stretched beyond the walls of the house in Davenport.
           I closed my laptop and leaned my head against Dean’s shoulder as he sat next to me. Roman had taken Sefina out of the swinging bassinet and tucked her against his broad shoulder. She splayed her little fingers over his tattooed bicep and snuggled into the crook of his neck, drool collecting in the corner of her rosebud mouth.
           “Better feed Momma now,” Dean said lazily. “We’re all on our little princess’s schedule now. When she wakes up, she’s gonna be hungry.”
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michellerene5 · 5 years
Customer review of Redesigned Wedding Gown by Michelle Rene Designs Michelle Renee was truly God sent to me.  I had this wedding gown that I purchased back in 1997.  Unfortunately, the wedding never happened.  This gown had the puffy sleeves and was totally an 80’s gown. I went to a lady that usually does all my alterations and she dared not touch the gown to bring it into 2019.  She felt that it was too much detail to cut through and she didn’t want to ruin my gown. So, my mother just browsed the internet for someone that did alterations and she came across Michelle Renee.  I thought it was someone that my mother knew and knew the type of work this woman has done.  To find out she did not know her nor did she know what type of work this woman has done in the past.  I was nervous. I met Michelle Renee and she appeared to be a very nice woman and was anxious to take on the task. Little did I know until later that she prayed to God when I left that she would be able to give me the gown that I wanted. During the recreation of my gown I’ve grown to put everything into Michelle Renee’s hands.  I trusted she was able to do what I needed. On the very last fitting of my gown, I could not believe what she turned that old 80’s gown into.  I felt and looked like a princess.  We could not believe what the gown started at and what it looked like when the entire process was finished. When I say amazing, I mean she did a fabulous job and once again God answered by prayers by finding me the one to make my dress the one for my big day. #bride #redesign #bridalgown #seamstress #design #custom #wedding #specialoccassions #studiolife #fashion #michellerene5 #happybride (at Michelle Rene' Designs and Wedding Gown Alterations) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6kWkxkAS8S/?igshid=k9cx7yygybyy
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whatthefundie · 6 years
Guest Blogpost:  How to Use Pinterest in a God-Honouring Way
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Hey y’all!
Cherish here, and today I wanted to share a few practical tips on how to use pinterest in a god-honouring way.  This has been weighing on my heart for a few days now, after a certain incident.
As you will know, I am in a very exciting season of life - an intentional courtship!  As soon as my daddy laid eyes on the sweet young man that is Trent Mason Miller, we all understood what the Lord was doing in our lives.  I had always prayed to find a godly guy with a sweet smile, who really pursued the Lord.  My dad has always prayed for godly young men who can flip houses and sell used cars.  Trent ticks everyones boxes!
Now, let me tell you about the incident.  I was shaken to my core, and I knew Satan was really trying to pollute this joyous time in my life.  Now I am courting, obviously I am looking at a few wedding details here and there.  I am hoping to have a dress designed by Renee bridals, and before I go, I want to have a good idea of exactly what I want.  This is so the dress she inevitably names after me will really reflect... me!!!
So obviously I was on the hunt for the perfect gown.  I entered my search terms... ‘long sleeved, a-line, lace, white’.  Scroll, scroll, scroll. Then, I saw it.  It was what I searched for.  But it really wasn’t.  A long sleeved lace dress, beautiful lace all over, perfect a-line skirt - but there it was.  The dress that came up in my search showed cleavage!!  A deep V neckline.  I was horrified.  Seeing the cleavage made my heart race and I had this strange fluttery feeling at the pit of the stomach.  I instantly knew that was Jesus expressing his disappointment to me.  Imagine standing before everyone you know, promising yourself to your husband and only him, while having your chest practically bursting out of your wedding dress! Vile!
Since then, I’ve come up with a few ways to avoid seeing things that are just plain disrespectful. Today I’m going to walk you through my top tips for not getting defrauded on my favourite social media platform.
I add ‘modest’ to EVERY search term.  For good measure, I also add ‘godly’, ‘pure’, and ‘Christian’.  I will not be caught out again.
Only use the website on a widescreen TV in front of your entire family.
Ask a wise person in your church if you’re ready for Pinterest
Pray!! Ask GOD if you’re ready for Pinterest
Thanks for reading!  I hope this has helped you.  My daddy and Trent just got home from a mysterious outing, so I’m going to go and welcome them home... so glad I painted my nails this morning!
Have a blessed day!
Cherish H. H.      John 3:16
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kentonramsey · 5 years
What Happened To NYFW?
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HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 07: A model walks the runway at the Tom Ford AW20 Show at Milk Studios on February 07, 2020 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
Last Friday evening, one in-demand model after the next walked — or, more accurately, floated — down a mirrored runway to a remix of The Pointer Sisters’s hit “I’m So Excited.” The show was Tom Ford, and “excited” was undoubtedly the mood at his highly anticipated event that was bursting at the seams with glamour: Supermodels-turned-superheros donned vibrant, cape-like tops that cascaded over fitted joggers; an otherworldly Bella Hadid, hair slicked back, opened the evening-wear portion of the night in a glittering sheer gown with Kendall Jenner not far behind in an equally transparent, lace iteration of the same silhouette. This epic spectacle was running on the star power in the room as attendees like Jennifer Lopez, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Jeff Bezos (yes, you read that last one correctly) looked on. Ford is known for his signature New York Fashion Week kick-offs, and this would’ve been one hell of a way to do it. Except, he wasn’t in New York.
The mega-designer decided to show his new F/W 2020 collection in Los Angeles this season and, like an irresistible fashion magnet, he attracted a bevy of A-listers and editorial talent (Anna Wintour included) all the way across the country. Naturally, this redirected the industry’s attention away from the regularly scheduled east coast happenings — a blow to the gut of NYFW and its already dwindling relevancy.  “When I went to the Tom Ford show in LA, what I was really struck by was the amount of editors, stylists, journalists, and critics who are based in New York but showed up for the show,” says Connie Wang, a senior writer at Refinery29 who lives in California. She points out that for those in attendance, accommodating the February 7th date of Ford’s show required missing the first day of NYFW and, most likely, at least half of day two. “That Friday-through-Saturday time stretch has generally been pretty important, and the spot is usually reserved for a lot of really buzzy and contemporary designers whose shows are well-attended [in New York],” Wang explains. And while the absence of show-goers was already felt throughout the early portion of fashion week — which included big-ticket items like the Brandon Maxwell show at the Museum of Natural History and a collection voluminous gowns by CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund winner Christopher John Rogers — a sizeable handful opted to skip out on all six days entirely. Dora Fung is a freelance editor and stylist who has been covering NYFW since 2006 for publications like Vogue China and The Cut. She was among the crowd of Tom Ford spectators that chose to forego most of the New York events in favour of an extended, sun-drenched stay in California, making it back only for day six’s Michael Kors and Marc Jacobs shows. “I felt bad missing some of the shows in New York, especially Monse and Self Portrait because I have a personal relationship with the designers, but Tom Ford has been so good to the magazines I work with that it was too important to not be in LA for it,” she says with her sights now set on Milan. Ford’s clout, it appears, is heavily rooted in his ties to Hollywood. This has long been the not-so-secret ingredient to his recipe for success. The designer-cum-film director knows how to make an irresistible cocktail of ravishing designs mixed with potent VIP energy and topped off with a delicious sex appeal, and people are drinking it up now more than ever before. “That is the power of having an A-lister sitting front row. Where else would you have gotten J.Lo, Renee Zellwegger, Demi Moore, and Miley Cyrus?”
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HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 07: Tom Ford walks the runway at the Tom Ford AW20 Show at Milk Studios on February 07, 2020 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
So is Ford at the helm of a mass exodus away from New York? Or, as NYFW struggles to stay afloat in a turbulent sea of change, is he simply riding the current out west? This was not the first time Ford has deviated from tradition in the direction of California. In February 2015, he showed his A/W 2015 collection in LA. Similarly to his recent A/W 2020 show, the occasion was planned to align with the run-up to the Oscars. “Culturally speaking, the Oscars are more important than NYFW, so why not invest energy and time and physical bodies in the Oscars rather than in NYFW? That might be really forward- thinking,” Wang says. The city is also Ford’s professional and personal home base. 
But last Friday marked the designer’s second season as the newly minted chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, so the controversy of defecting to LA is more symbolic this time around. It can be perceived as a vote of no confidence in NYFW, which just happens to be the most significant export of the institution Ford now leads. After being tapped for the role due to his global vision and perspective, his first order of business was to slice a few days off the NYFW schedule — something editors were actually quite thankful for, and an act CFDA president and chief executive officer Steven Kolb tells Refinery29 has been “an overwhelming success.” But Ford’s LA decision was met with less praise among NYFW organisers and participants who feel like their captain has jumped ship. 
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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 07: A view of atmosphere at Tom Ford: Autumn/Winter 2020 Runway Show at Milk Studios on February 07, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for TOM FORD: AUTUMN/WINTER 2020 RUNWAY SHOW )
“The point of a show now is to create an Instagrammable moment, and the reason that you have to show in a Fashion Week, in a key city, is that you need as many of the people that people care about in one room at one time to shoot those images all over the world,” Ford told Vogue in an August 2019 interview just months before the announcement of his A/W 2020 show location. For a designer like Ford whose pieces are red carpet staples, those “people” for him are in LA, not New York. That means the “key city” for his business is also LA, not New York. Apparently, the CFDA does not disagree. 
“NYFW will always be the epicentre of American fashion and newness,” Kolb says. “CFDA believes brands should do what is best for their business, and we support designers who decide to embrace other fashion capitals and expand their horizons — which is at the heart of our mission.”
And Ford is certainly not the first to skip town in the best interest of his company. For the past few years, big-name brands like Thom Browne and Altuzarra have left New York to show in Europe instead, chasing the promise of bigger sales in Milan and Paris. Buyers have followed suit to keep up with the industry’s top designers, and the empty seats at New York shows are becoming increasingly hard to ignore. This international shift has drawn into question the real purpose and efficacy of NYFW, asking whether or not it can survive in its existing format. The growing desire to conduct business abroad is exactly what earned Ford, who has spent the majority of his career in Paris and London, his position in the CFDA. 
So the problem, it seems, might be New York itself. As the needs and demands of designers and attendees evolve, the CFDA has to evolve quickly along with them, regardless of where Tom Ford and his army of chic celebs are rallying. Writers and editors are growing tired of Ubering back and forth across the city to watch shows that brands no longer want to pay for (or simply can’t afford). Plus, the rise of influencer culture has made way for a decline in the involvement of traditional and even digital media, resulting in an audience that’s often more concerned with being seen rather than actually seeing. 
When bloggers (aka: the OG influencers) first infiltrated the fashion circuit over ten years ago, their presence at shows and presentations incited a collective eye roll among the magazine professionals they’d ultimately replace. But the rapid rise of then-rookies like Leandra Medine, Bryan Grey Yambao, and Susie Lau caused a stylish stir, and the hype surrounding the value of their digital followings intensified. Bloggers multiplied and morphed into influencers, and with every Instagram post, social media shoutout, and enthusiastic RSVP, they persisted in asserting their credibility. As more invitations rolled in, the influencer floodgates were forced open, washing editorial veterans out of their front row spots. Add to this NYFW’s current partnerships with platforms like Youtube and TikTok for content streaming and creation, and it’s clear that technology and social media are reshaping and democratising New York’s approach to fashion week — but the city is losing some of its key MVPs in the process. 
Now that the week has officially come to a close, we look back on its series of events with the same apprehension that’s plagued NYFW for a number of seasons. Yes, Marc Jacobs had his choreographed dance routines and Miley Cyrus (who was just sitting front row at Tom Ford). And yes, Brandon Maxwell had creepy-but-cool taxidermy and Bella Hadid (who also came back from Tom Ford). But it might not be enough to keep the conventional fashion world engaged and, more importantly, invested. 
But there were moments of definite promise, most notably, the triumphant return of Rodarte and Proenza Schouler to the NYFW scene. It’s a homecoming that was described as “comforting” by Alexa Seitz, a buyer at Manhattan’s mecca of luxury retail, Bergdorf Goodman. “Over the past few years, we have seen key players in NY leave us for Europe… and you know for a moment it did feel like something was missing,” she says. “Like the city of New York itself, fashion weeks have their ups and downs, but we continue to see exciting things coming out of New York — think Khaite and Deveaux. Even if it’s on a smaller scale, New York is our home and it’s still just as important.”
And then there’s the innovation and hope that radiates from runways of young brands like Area, Christopher John Rogers, and Priscavera. The death of NYFW would mean a destructive decline in opportunity for these up-and-comers, and nobody wants that. Consumers are craving newness and optimism, which is exactly what these designers are serving up on a brightly coloured, crystal-embellished platter. These are the unsung heroes of NYFW who deserve our attention. They may even be able to save NYFW. So don’t look away just yet, because these players are just entering the game, and from the looks of it, they aren’t going anywhere.  Related Content:
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
Our Favourite NYFW Trends Were The Most Dramatic
Here Are NYFW's Top Street Style Trends To Shop RN
Rodarte Returns To NY In A Big Vote Of Confidence
What Happened To NYFW? published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
Rapper Saucy Santana Says Drive-By Was Fueled By Homophobia, #LHHMIA Cast Member Miami Tip Says Nah
Source: Johnny Louis / Getty
Miami rapper Saucy Santana who was the victim of a drive-by shooting is claiming that the goons who did it were mad him, and his friends were pulling all the strippers away from the straight men.
While rocking his hospital gown, the new Love & Hip Hop: Miami cast member spoke with TMZ exclusively on Wednesday about the night his friends Honda was riddled with bullets. The rapper and his 2 pals escaped with minor gunshot wounds and feel the drive-by shooting was a product of homophobia brought on by the strippers in the Miami gentleman’s club called the Office were showing him more love than the straight men.
I’m a rapper , I’m a celebrity
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side note: glad everyone is ok
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— #ThePrettyAssMom (@NooneyWorld) December 12, 2019
Per TMZ:
We talked to the rapper Wednesday while he was still in his hospital gown … just a few hours after he and 2 pals were shot in Miami following a late night at a gentleman’s club called The Office. Santana makes no bones about it, he thinks this was homophobic retaliation
Check out his rationale … Santana, who is openly gay, tells us he believes guys he’d seen at the club were pissed because he and his crew were getting all the love from female strippers.
Fellow #LHHMIA cast member Miami Tip is telling a different story that is painting an entirely different picture. She claims that there was no “LGBT discrimination” from any of The Office’s staff or customers. Tip says things were all good that night in the club until Santana decided to pull his pants down in the middle of the strip joint, revealing his black thong. She goes on to further detail that he disrespected and threatened everyone in the club and was shocked Saucy even made it out the club alive.
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Hopefully this doesn’t happen again because it almost cost you your life
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A post shared by KENISHA RENEE (@miamitip305) on Dec 11, 2019 at 7:27pm PST
Well, we are just glad no one lost their lives that night, we are sure this will all play out when Love & Hip Hop: Miami returns next week.
Photo: Johnny Louis / Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/831672/saucy-santana-drive-by-shooting/
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2PfJZXs via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/12/rapper-saucy-santana-says-drive-by-was.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/35h65i9 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/12/rapper-saucy-santana-says-drive-by-was_12.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2PHovBP via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/12/rapper-saucy-santana-says-drive-by-was_13.html
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Hounds of Justice--Ch. 81
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Chapter 81
           “Ya’ still in there, Llane?” Becky called out, her voice muffled by the thick curtain that blocked off the dressing room. “Ya’ stuck in it?”
           The sales attendant smiled at me in the mirror. I smiled back, trying not to laugh and mess up what she was doing.
           “No, Becks. It’s just taking a while to get it laced up.”
           Wolf whistles and shouting filtered through.
           “Shu’ up, all o’ ya!” she commanded, barely audible over the noise. I could hear her lilting Irish accent as she tried to rein in the group who waited outside.
           “Are you sure about this, Lanie?” Hannah asked from just over my shoulder. Her voice was heavy, thick with emotion. “There’s nothing wrong with keeping a few secrets from everyone with this.”
           I caught her gaze in the mirror, waved her forward so I could look her in the eyes. When I finally met my foster mother face-to-face, I saw the tears that blurred in her eyes. Her calming scent of Lily of the Valley washed over me, making me feel like I had all those years ago when she’d welcomed me into her home.
           “I know, Mom,” I said, reaching out to take her hands in mine. “And trust me, I’m keeping plenty of things from them—and a whole lot of things from Seth about this entire little shopping trip—but they are my best friends. Those people out there…”
           The words got caught in my throat. I knew what they were, what I wanted to say. The people gathered in that waiting area were as close to family as Hannah and Carl were. It was a truth that was as solid and real as the floor beneath my feet, but somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to say it. There was something about saying family to Hannah that made me pause. She was a woman who didn’t have to step up, open her home to a messed-up kid who’d been abandoned and abused by everyone she’d ever known. But she had. Hannah Weston had done everything that a mother could, especially for a child that wasn’t even hers.
           Hannah pulled her hands from my grasp and settled them against my cheeks. “They’re your family, too.” There was something sad almost in her voice, but she nodded with conviction. “Just promise me that I’ll be the first one to see you that day.”
           I nodded, feeling tears burn in my eyes. The sales attendant only just finished the lacing when I threw my arms around my foster mother and hugged her tightly. “Absolutely,” I whispered through soft sobs.
           Hannah squeezed me tightly one last time before she pulled away from me. She wiped the tears away with a tissue passed over by the attendant. “You’re my daughter, you know that, don’t you?” She looked me in the eye, a soft smile on her face. “When you came to us, you were so angry and so scared. That first week, you barely said more than two words to us. Sophie… you were so fragile then, like an angry little china doll.”
           She caught my chin in her fingers, tilting my head up. “But Llane… our Lanie… you’re so strong. This business has changed you in a million ways. Every single one of them good.” Hannah peeked through the curtain for a split second. “That’s why you and Dean get on so well.”
           I couldn’t help the shocked look that splashed across my face. She chuckled. “He and I have had a few heart-to-hearts, Lanie. Almost as many as Seth and I’ve had. This business gave the both of you something to live for. And someone to enjoy life with.”
           Hannah kissed me on the cheek before stepping out of the way. The sales associate gestured toward the curtain. With a nod, I let her pull the fabric back so I could slip through. Noise filtered back from the people who had come along with me for this moment. Becky was still trying to control the lot of them, but it wasn’t much use. Dean was surely not paying the rest of them any mind, and Renee was passing time on Instagram. It wouldn’t have surprised me if Roman was taking a nap.
           My foster mother went ahead of us. As soon as she rounded the corner, I heard the general snapping the troops into shape.
           “Oy! You lot! Look alive. ‘ere she comes.”
           Hearing Becky made me smile, reminded me that this was a moment to enjoy. The sales associate followed behind as I stepped out in front of them all.
           Dean was the first one to see me. His face lit up; blue eyes bright as a grin stretched over his face. He reached out, tapped Renee on the knee to get her attention. With her little gasp of surprise, a ripple ran through the group.
           I walked in front of them, let the sales associate help me up onto the little stage set up before a three-sided mirror. For the first time, I got a good look at the dress.
           My wedding dress.
           It was something very different from anything I ever thought I would wear. Every day of my life, I’d lived in ripped jeans and worn band shirts. Yet there I stood in a gown made of silk and chiffon that felt like a gentle cloud. It was dainty. Feminine. Delicate. It was both softening and empowering, a vulnerability and a set of armor as strong as my ring gear.
           It made me look exactly the way Seth made me feel.
           The bodice was boned silk that was covered in folded layers of chiffon, its thin straps covered with beaded stones. A matching belt marked the place where the bodice ended and the skirt began. The silk underskirt skimmed along my legs, widening as it flared from my hips. Tiered layers of chiffon made up the outer skirt, one that swelled around me in a bell until it touched the floor. The silk was a pink so pale that it was nearly impossible to tell the color at all. The white chiffon hid the color even more.
           “Well?” I asked nervously, looking out at the faces of the people who meant the most to me.
           Dean stood, that ever present frenetic energy of his crashing into me as he got closer. He walked a slow circle around me, taking in each little detail of the dress. Renee followed close behind him, the tips of her fingers lightly brushing the chiffon on the skirt, the gemstones on the belt.  When the two of them were in front of me again, Dean swiped haphazardly at his cheeks.
           “Stop it,” I said, my voice breaking as I tried not to cry in response. “It’s not that big a deal.”
           He reached out and took my hands in his. Renee leaned against his back, arms around his waist, eyes peering over his shoulder. There was a satisfied smile on her face.
           “Yes, it is,” she said. “You’ll remember it for the rest of your life.”
           Dean turned his head a little, grinning at her. His eyes lit up, brightening in that way that they always did when he looked at his wife.
           “Other than this one,” Dean said as he turned back toward me, “you’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”
           “‘ere, ‘ere!” Becky said with a big smile. “And if Rollins don’t think so, give me a call. I’ll set ‘im straight. Or marry ya myself.”
           I laughed, glad that I had a friend like her.
           A moment later, warmth radiated into the air, lapping at my feet like waves against the shore. Roman slid into view, his dark eyes twinkling. He gave the dress a once over before nodding firmly, decisively.
           “You look wonderful, itiiti.” He brushed hair away from my face, his palm settling against my cheek.
           Peace seemed to wrap around me like a cloak, one that smelled of the sea breeze and desert heat. I could only imagine what it would be like when the crackle of electricity ran like an undercurrent to it all.
The dress:
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sickficprompts · 7 years
That Plague Fic I promised
So this is quite old now... Probably over a year old. It’s a Doctor Who fic based around the timebaby idea. There’s a whole backstory to the OCs here, but even posting this risks this blog getting found by someone who doesn’t know about it... so I’m not tagging it and you’re not getting other fics with these characters... I did want to show you the plague fic though. Enjoy! If you reblog, please don’t use Doctor Who tags and especially not River tags. Thanks!
NOTE: I believe there was going to be a chapter 3, but I actually don’t remember what was supposed to happen exactly. Just assume everyone lived, kay? :P 
She knew something was wrong before, but it became quite obvious when a head fell in her salad.
Renee jumped out of her chair, knocking it backwards, when the man across the thin table collapsed into her dish and his own. Everyone went silent. Even the sounds of metal against ceramic cut off.
Then there was chaos.
She hadn't know what was wrong exactly before. The residents of the palace she'd happened upon were uneasy, so she was a little unsure of accepting the dinner invitation presented to her by the child she'd found playing alone and needing someone to dress up.
Renee regretted taking the long gown when the chaos ensued; how was she to escape when she could barely walk without tripping?
In the throng, she heard shouts of the plague reaching them and the guard not being good enough. Someone screamed to save Astrea: the little girl Renee had played with earlier in the day.
For once, Renee didn't feel like the monsterous attendant in The Red Death. She was part of the crowd: scared and hoping to get out of this situation alive.
She pushed past the people, wondering how many may be unknowingly infected. Maybe she was unknowingly infected.
Renee had to get back to the little girl's room. She'd hidden the vortex manipulator there, deep in the wardrobe, to protect it when she wanted to make over Renee. If Astrea, only six and a half, had managed to use the device once, she wasn't sure if she could figure out how to get back.
A maid stopped her in a corridor by raising a clawed hand. Her face was not angry but curious. “Ma'am, who are you?”
“Hi,” she said, out of breath. “I'm Renee. I really have to get going.”
“Are you human?” She cocked her head to the side. Astrea really didn't look that different from a human child, aside from having owl ears and skin of a slightly more red tone. “Are you the human girl Astrea spoke of? She said she dressed you in her sister's clothes. Yes, those do appear to be Camilla's. Sad, that is.”
“I'm sorry?”
“Are you delirious? Have you the plague too? The elder princess!”
“What happened to her?” The woman stepped closer to Renee and tried to place her hand on the thirteen year old's face. She stepped back. “What are you doing?”
“You must be ill. Have you no brain?”
Renee glared at her.
“My apologies ma'am, but it is all that anyone will talk about. I'm not sure how you missed it. Camilla died of plague just before the Mrs decided to move the family here to the island. They all were tested first of course: no plague.”
“Someone brought it apparently,” Renee told her. “A man just passed out in his dinner.”
Her eyes widened in horror. “Girl, we must leave here quickly! I've noticed the early symptoms in others. I thought I was paranoid!”
Renee nodded. “I'm trying. That's why I've got to go.”
“Good luck to you.”
“Thanks.” Renee started walking again, and the maid hurried off.
She made it around the corner that lead to one last hallway before she froze.
One wall was lined with windows, and leaning against one was River Song. Her face was pale, nearly gray, and her eyes were downward cast. She didn't seem to notice Renee. All her focus was on her feet. On foot shakily slid forward. Her left shoulder was leaned against the window, and her right hand grasped at the frame with knuckles barely paler than the rest of her skin.
Renee couldn't move for a second.
Then River reached a long, red curtain, and hesitated. Slowly, she followed it up to the ceiling and back down to the floor, but when she stumbled and grabbed it for balance, it offered no support and the entire rod fell with her.
Renee rushed forward but not fast enough. River let out a simple, “Mmph!” of pain as she fell, the curtain pooled over her, and the rod hit her back in a single second.
“Mom?” Renee whispered. She pushed the rod and curtains off River and turned her over. She'd fainted. Her skin was burning hot and damp, almost sticky. “Oh god...”
What was she supposed to do now? She didn't even know what plague this was! She didn't have the history of the universe memorized... or the future. Which one was it?
River's eyes opened slightly, and Renee bent over her. She almost said 'Mom' again, but she realized River wouldn't know to answer to that and said, “River?”
She blinked.
River groaned and averted her eyes. “M' fine...”
“River, you're not fine. You have the plague.”
She closed her eyes again. “Just dizzy...”
“I guess that's what Amy was talking about.” Renee remembered Amy's reaction to finding out Renee had gone a full week without telling her she'd fractured her ankle, and she hadn't been treated in that time at all. Rory was more upset, but Amy just sighed and said she really was River's daughter.
“What?” River opened her eyes slightly again. “Amy?”
Knowing perfectly well what she had meant, Renee said, “No. I'm Renee.”
“Renee?” River looked up at the window. “No.”
“I'm going to get something and be right back, okay? Then I'll help you.”
She shook her head, slowly. “No.”
“Why? What is it?”
Renee let herself sigh a laugh. “I've been here all day. I probably have it too.”
“Day... How'd you get here?”
Well, she was going to find out anyway when Renee came back with it. “A vortex manipulator.”
“Mm... Me too. Bad call.”
“I'd say so. I'll be right back.”
But she didn't want to leave River there. What would they do to her if they found her? If she remembered her Earth history correctly, at the very least, she'd likely be quarentined; maybe she'd be thrown outside or locked in a room. Either way, Renee wouldn't be able to get to her.
“If I help you, could you walk?”
River nodded, but Renee didn't believe her. After the ordeal with the curtains, she wondered if her mom would be able to make it to the end of the hallway, let alone to the other side of the palace.
“Okay. On the count of three?”
River nodded again.
“One.” Renee wrapped her arm around River's shoulders. “Two.” She hooked her forearms into River's underarms. “Three.” She pulled the older woman up and the two struggled to balance. Renee stumbled to her knees, bringing River with her, but managed to get back up. “You okay?”
There was no answer. She looked down at her mom, hunched over as much as she could be while still being supported. Her lips were pressed into a thin line.
“Mm Hm...” She said without looking at her.
Still not convinced, Renee moved them slowly down the corridor. Her hearts were pounding. She was waiting for them to get caught, for them both to get in trouble.
It didn't happen. They got to Astrea's room without a hitch, and Renee helped River to sit on a fluffy couch before venturing into the wardrobe. At the very back, under a pair of lime green heels, she found the vortex manipulator.
“Who are you?” someone asked outside the door.
Renee froze.
“Ma'am, are you alright? What happened?” There was a shuffling noise, someone walking over the shag carpet, and then she heard them take a sharp breath. “Oh no!”
Renee knew she had to get River out of this, whatever it was, so she stumbled her way over the shoes and through the satin to get her.
Over the shoes and through the satin, to grandmother's house we go... her mind sang.
Another maid was standing by the door with her hand over her mouth, trying not to breath, and an older woman knelt in front of River, looking worried.
“Danya,” the maid said, sounding scared, “I must insist that you back away from her. She's infected.”
River had curled up on the couch and was nearly asleep. She murmered something that Renee doubted any of them understood and closed her eyes.
“I don't care,” Danya said. She pushed a curl behind River's ear. “It'll be all right my dear.”
“Danya,” the maid said, “Ma'am... I don't advise this.”
“Camilla's hair was similar. She looks like an older Camilla.” The woman was clearly sad, grieving, and Renee remembered the woman in the hallway saying that the Mrs had moved the family here after her eldest daughter had died. This must be the queen.
“Excuse me,” Renee said, hurrying forward. They couldn't mess up this time, whatever time this was. It affected a queen, a leader. They already may have messed up the family.
She looked up and threw her hands over her mouth. “Oh!”
The maid shook her head sadly. “No, ma'am.”
She stood and went to Renee so quickly, Renee didn't have time to move away. “Where did you get that dress? Are you the girl Astrea told me about? She was right. You look so much like Camilla.” She looked between River and Renee. “Do you have relation?”
Renee figured River was too out of it to process this. She nodded. “She's my mom.”
“Oh, sweetheart...” The woman's face fell.
“It's okay. I'm going to figure this out. If I can, I'll come back and help you all.” The promise was sort of true. She didn't know what she was going to do, but if she knew she could come back and fix this for them, she would.
“Where are you going? We're in quarentine.”
Renee raised her wrist. “This is a bit out of your time. Well, actually, it's a bit over your head. I'm sure there's at least a few agents floating around by now.”
She went to River and tried to rouse her. “River, can you hear me?”
“Girl,” the maid said, “Ma'am, why do you call her by name?”
Renee looked up a moment but quickly went back to gently shaking River's shoulder. “She doesn't know who she is to me. She can't. River? River, can you hear me?”
She moved a little, her breath changing the slightest bit. Renee nearly slumped into the seat beside her mother with relief.
“River, wake up.”
“We're going to go through the vortex now.”
She opened her eyes a little. They were unfocused but managed to amble their way around to each face and then to the vortex manipulator on Renee's wrist. Renee held it up to show her the coordinates. River murmured something uninteligable.
“We're going to Amy and Rory's,” Renee said, in case that had been what River had been trying to inquire about. She took River's hand with that which held her vortex manipulator and took one last look up at Astrea's mother. “Good luck.”
Then, Renee pressed the button, and they were in the vortex.
Chapter Two
Renee appeared in her room and River immediately fell with a gasp. Renee helped her onto the bed as she looked around, disoriented.
“This isn't my appartment,” she said, confused.
“I know. It's okay.”
“But where are we? What is all this?” She motioned around her widely as if to show Renee something that was surrounding them.
“Um, my room?”
“But...” She looked even more confused, and Renee realized this might be worse than she originally thought.
“Why don't you lay down, and I'll be right back.”
After a moment, River nodded, and Renee convinced her to lay back.
“Stay here,” she said, her tone firm.
River gave half a pout but nodded and went back to looking around the room. Before Renee had made it outside the door, she heard the sound of her mothers hand brushing against the wall and her weak voice. “It's like kittens... but scales.”
What did that even mean?
Renee headed downstairs. She didn't know what time it was, and she honestly didn't care. It was dark, so she went to Amy and Rory's room and flicked on the lights.
Amy sat up with a flourish, her eyes wide and rimmed with the purple of stress. “Renee?”
“I need Rory. Now.”
Without question, Amy turned and shook him. “Rory, wake up.”
Renee went over to help. “Rory, refusing to get up right now would likely be unintentionally what lead your daughter to and early and unwarrented death and therefor the nonexistance of your granddaughter, who I must remind you is me.”
He rolled over and looked at her. “One,” he mumbled, “Where do you read this stuff? Two, my daughter?”
Amy had focused intently on Renee's face. “Melody? She's here?”
Renee nodded. “Yeah, but-”
Amy was already out of bed and almost out of the room. Rory struggled into a sitting position.
“Amy!” Renee called after her. She was rushing up the stairs. “Amy, you-”
She went straight into Renee's room. Renee was close enough by this point to hear the intake of breath. She pushed the door the rest of the way open as Amy was finally forming words. “Melody... What happened?”
Renee sighed. “I had a bit of a run in with a plague. We just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time at the same time.”
River was watching Amy intently, her look curious. “Mother? I can't see past all the- What is it again?” She looked to Renee for answers. Renee slumped against the door in defeat.
“It's the fever. That's what it is.”
“A fever? Whose fever? Is someone sick?”
Amy frowned and went to River more slowly now. “Sweetie, you're sick. Renee brought you home, so we can take care of you.”
“Um, yeah,” Renee said. Rory was coming up the stairs now. “I mostly came so Rory could help me.”
Amy looked a little disappointed, but she didn't argue.
Rory came in looking rustled and tired, but his face turned to shock upon seeing River in the bed. “You found her?”
“It's early River,” she warned. “We haven't met, but we sort of met up with a plague.”
“What sort of plague?” he asked, suspicious of their adventures by nature.
“The dead-princess and all-the-upper-class-is-quarentined sort of plague,” she admitted guiltily. “Which means we're going to have to sort of quarentine the house... Also, we have to find a cure.”
Rory looked tired. Amy looked ready to cry. River? She kept twirling Amy's hair in one hand and her own in the other, muttering something about how all blonde hair feels like cat fur, but all red hair feels like bunny fur, and The Doctor's hair feels like a dog's soft ear, and his hair would make a lovely blanket if that were possible without cutting it which she would never condone.
“Where were you?” Rory asked.
“The vortex manipulator has the coordinates. I don't really remember to be honest. I just kind of typed them in at random.”
“I thought we agreed you weren't going to do that anymore after your run in with Queen Victoria.”
Renee just shrugged.
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ugdigital · 7 years
There’s nothing like connecting with someone you’ve admired and been inspired by for so long. I’ve had the pleasure of watching Crystal Fox in many of her roles for a great part of my life, and like many actors and actresses, she’s one of the reasons I do what I do in my career. She’s shown me and so many others through her success that it’s possible to do what you love and be happy. She’s taught us what it is to work hard and build a strong legacy by the work you do in the world, not only with her acting, but the work she does for her community. Today, we were blessed beyond measure to talk to Ms. Fox about her magnificent career, her longevity, and the amazing work she has been doing with her new community-driven upstart. Of course, she talks to us as well about The Haves and the Have Nots. Everyone knows she’s been stealing the show with her outstanding portrayal of Hanna Young on the hugely popular series created by Mr. Tyler Perry. Because of her amazing work, the show has gone not to be come OWN’s most popular scripted series to date. We’re happy to present to you; Ms. Crystal Fox: A Shining Star!
  U.G. Digital Mag: First and foremost, I am immensely grateful to you for so much. First, this opportunity is so amazing for me. I’ve watched this show from episode one, and wouldn’t dare ever miss one episode. Then, there’s the bonus that I’ve followed you since ‘In the Heat of the Night’. As young as I was, that was something I watched with my grandmother, and I feel like you brought us together in that moment. I remember you in Driving Miss Daisy. Today, The Haves and the Have Nots is another connection between my mother and I. We watch this show together weekly, or we’re calling each other at 8:59 to say the show is coming on. Thank you for that.
 Crystal Fox: It is my absolute pleasure. You have touched my heart with my whole soul, from the start of my desire to act until now. It is all I ever wanted to do is tell the truth, and tell one that people could feel. You go into the theater and disappear, and go into another world. I did it because I didn’t feel like I had a voice. When I did it, I wanted to be the voice for the voiceless, as you hear people say. I wanted people to be moved by something. You have blessed my whole soul with that. Thank you so much.
 U.G. Digital Mag: You’re welcome. I’m so glad to know that. With your character, Hanna, there are so many people who relate to her. They spend their lives trying to live by the teachings of God, and nevertheless, they experience scenarios that are hard to deal with. They feel the world is against them, although they do the right thing. How difficult was it, or is it, to play a character this deep?
 Crystal Fox: First of all, two things happened for me. When I read the breakdown, it hit my gut, almost like you described. I know that life. I know our struggles, my own personal struggles, the ones I’ve witnessed people have, and those our people have. I’ve seen a woman like Hanna, either who has been a part of my life as blood family, or someone who took on the responsibility of helping raise me, and people who raise the community, and I have never seen people work as hard, and struggle as hard against adversity, and raise solid people, as we call it a blue collar worker, and I’ve never seen them in a lead role like that. The responsibility of it, and the joy I got from it, it has been a blessing, and it blesses me everyday. I love this character because I know who she is. The joy I got in getting the job was met with the same feeling of “Lord God, please help me deliver what I know can happen with this character”. The responsibility I feel to the people she represents was so great. I said I will trust you with this as I do with the rest of my life, because you know the intention of my heart and soul. For me, getting it, and realizing I had to do it, were the hardest moments of my life. Then, living in her is easier because I know who she is, if that makes any sense at all. 
  U.G. Digital Mag: It makes perfect sense. You have to excuse my language, but you do a damned good job with this character in The Haves and The Have Nots. When I tell you I was crying with you at the start of this season when you were in the hospital after Q was killed. I would imagine that it would be difficult to dig so deep for that type of raw emotion in scenes like that. How do you bring yourself to that place?
 Crystal Fox: I do not mean this in any arrogant way, and you’ll understand why later. It’s not difficult because I have witnessed my own sense of hardship, but I know other people who have witnessed such hardship. In this particular season, we shot what you saw last year, and what you see now is a culmination of the same season; they just break it up and show it in two seasons. This storyline is one of the most important that I have been able to share. There are certain aspects of Savannah that they shoot the exteriors of. I went last year to meet the people that live on the street where they shot. Those people are an extension of our show. They are like cast members you never get to meet. They were so happy to see me. I met a woman who was the epitome of Hanna. She was on her porch, across from where Hanna’s house was. The girl who took me to her was elated, but when she got to the house, she kinda bowed her head. I asked, “how are you”, and she said “we’re making it”. The young lady said they had experienced some hardships. Come to find out, her daughter was supposed to graduate that year. She had a picture of her in her graduation cap and gown. I asked what happened, and it turns out the young lady went to a party with a friend, and they witnessed a drive-by. The shooters came back and killed her and her friend because they witnessed it. When I left, I went back home, and went to work, and those were the scenes I was shooting about Q’s death. For me, it was the most truth I wanted to tell. I had never seen a child killed on television, and I knew it would be jarring to the audience. I thought, it’s happening in the news but we don’t see it. It takes the sting off when we tell the truth about it. I wanted to honor the pain these families feel over the senseless violence more than I’ve honored any truth in my life. For me, this whole season is dedicated to that family. That scene for me; I could not let go of the girl. She feels like another cast member, and I could not let go of any kid taken like that, or any senseless loss. We have to stop killing each other. I did it for those moms and dads, and everyone else. The response; I tear up. People keep inundating me with responses from that moment. It means so much because it was for them and the families. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: I appreciate you telling that story because it shows your heart. It’s amazing you could relate your work to real life, and what someone else is going through. 
 Crystal Fox: Yes. That’s what I try to do. I feel like I can’t afford to miss someone if what I deliver is going to be healing, helpful, or do something for someone else’s life. I commit to telling the truth. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: Clearly there’s nothing you can give away about the storyline to come because Tyler wouldn’t have that [laughing], but what are some things you would love to see with the storyline?
 Crystal Fox: I can give you a sneak because this season is so heavy. Candace still doesn’t know about the baby being killed. We have to have service or something for the baby. That’s inevitable so I can say that. Because it is so heavy, I know everybody is asking is she ever going to stop crying [laughing]. Does God ever bring her joy? So far, we haven’t had the luxury to show that. But we just shot about 4 seasons of material, and you will see Hanna laugh, smile, have a little joy, and date somebody. I can’t wait for you guys to see that. It’s like, finally! 
  U.G. Digital Mag: It’s amazing, and I love how there’s so many different characters that surface. Your love interest, Ro Brooks, has done the cover of our magazine, and so has Angela Robinson. It’s amazing to see so many different people, and so many black people. I love the way we are growing and doing so many things. Tyler has done an amazing job with this show. 
 Crystal Fox: The funny thing is Viola [Davis] is a friend, and I’m paraphrasing her speech, but the bottom line is the difference in black and white people getting scenes is opportunity. We were always working; we just had fewer opportunities. I’m grateful for Oprah, and Tyler, because they have a platform that can provide that for us, and others who are providing opportunities for us. Once they see us, the doors open a little more. 
 U.G. Digital Magazine: I love how supportive the entire cast is of each other. Everyone certainly has many other things going on, but it appears that everyone is shouting for each other in every capacity which is amazing. I know Jon Chaffin has done amazing things outside of HAHN, and so has Danielle Deadwyler. It suggests real family which is hard to find on such large casts. 
 Crystal Fox: First of all, I got chills because when I started, I felt like the baby of the cast, and now I’m like the veteran. I worked with both of them, and consider them my babies. Jon understudied me in ‘God of Carnage’ with Jasmine Guy here in Atlanta at The Alliance. Danielle is my baby for real. I love her. Not only is she a fabulous actor, but she is a producer, a writer, and people have no idea. She can do anything. She’s a mommy, which cracks me up because she’s so fun. Angela and I knew each other before this. We did ‘Voice of Syracuse’ at The Alliance. We’ve done musicals together, and she was my friend for a while. I didn’t know she would be on the show until right before we filmed. I love every minute we film with each other. A lot of them, including Renee who plays Mrs Cryer, are theater-based people. It’s collaborative, and normally that happens. You almost become an immediate family. We bring that to the table, and I’m glad we don’t forfeit it either. Heck, yes! …and Tika? She is Candace, but she is my baby. I can not scream high enough for anything good that happens for her. When anything happens for anybody, we are the loudest cheerleaders in the world for each other because we took this journey together. It was a risk. Tyler said it was a risk for him. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: It’s amazing. I’m glad you mentioned Danielle also, because you both were in Ir/Reconcilable and she was one of the producers. Of course it also featured Jasmine Guy, Brandon Dirden, Dick Gregory, and Enoch King, among others. The storyline hits directly with so many in regard to shame, forgiveness, redemption, and courage. I said you were just as fiery in that and you are in HAHN. 
 Crystal Fox: [laughing], Yes, it was funny. I had a cuter, sexier dress on though. You know her sister Gabrielle wrote it. Such an amazing family. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: It’s beautiful, and It’s opening so many more doors for African Americans. It’s beyond amazing. I love seeing it. Thank you so much for all you give. 
 Crystal Fox: You’re so welcome. I also want to shout out Brandon Dirden from Ir/Reconcilable. He and Jason Dirden. These brothers are not only wonderful people, but wonderful artists as well. I’m excited that the circle of people I’ve found myself fortunate enough to surround myself with are fabulous artists in their own right. I feel blessed that this has been my life. I’ve been surrounded by this type of talent all around me, from the beginning my career until now. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: What’s next for Crystal? What do you see in the horizon? What do you aspire for?
 Crystal Fox: Well, I do want to do more film and television, although I always want to do theater. Theater is my first love, and always will be. I love it, and it connects me with the audience. You get an understanding, one way or the other, whether they like it or not, immediately. I say it’s the last place we agree to disagree, or agree together. I did a film independently, and I think it’ll be a feature film. It’s called ‘Burdens’. Ironically, there’s also a documentary with the same name. This is based on something different. It’s by Andrew Heckler. I was able to play Forest Whitaker’s wife in this film. It’s based on a true story about the KKK opening a museum with their paraphernalia, and the gentlemen ended up selling it to an African American preacher. The circumstances involved, that’s what the movie is about. It’s based on a true story about Laurens, South Carolina. Usher was in it as well, along with Tom Wilkinson. It’s supposed to come out this year. The thing is, I think it’s still kinda Hanna-esque because its a woman of strong will and faith, so I don’t know if it’s so different for me, but I am with different artists. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: It sounds like a powerful storyline. 
 Crystal Fox: Exactly. I like doing things with a strong message. The irony is the ending is wonderful and won a victory. This court case went on about whether or not the black actor owns the museum or not. The case was settled in 2012 and he is the owner. It is no longer a KKK museum. The irony of this black, civil rights activist and pastor owning a KKK museum is crazy. It also shows the power of forgiveness. Aside from that, I have a dream project that I figure if I keep mentioning, you all will hold me accountable to do it. I want to create a play to honor and tribute my aunt, who was Nina Simone. People are doing it left and right, and I’m glad they’re talking about her. I don’t want to tell her story, although everyone thinks I do. It’s artist to artist. We had a bond when I was little, and I didn’t understand what it was about. As I grew into an adult, I realized it was the artist in us, and I learned that. I believe she agreed with me on that. So, as an artist I would like to honor her with something that is art-worthy. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: I love it. The more we speak about the things we desire and dream of, the more they become reality. 
 Crystal Fox: I believe that. I really do. I have the resources to make happen, so now it’s just on me. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: It’s amazing. Now, you have an amazing talent with singing. This will tell you how much I really watch the show and pay attention [laughing]. There was a scene where you were telling Benny that one day, he’s going to learn to listen to his mother. Then you started singing and it was like wow, she’s out of this world. Surely, those who knew you from ‘In the Heat of the Night’ knew this already, but it’s new to those of this generation. Will we hear more of your vocals in any capacity?
 Crystal Fox: I think so. I’m sure Tyler will fit them in somewhere. What’s funny is I feel like it’s another hidden thing people will be surprised to learn about. I sing a certain way on The Haves and the Have Nots because it’s fitting to Hanna, but they’ll be surprised to know I sing R&B. I don’t consider myself a Jazz artist, but my friends beg to differ. They say that I am a singer, but I think I sing just enough to get through a good club act, but I don’t have the discipline to do it the way they do it. I love it when I do though. I hope to do more. I’ve been asked if I will sing more. With ‘In the Heat of the Night’, we did a Christmas album, but it was to raise funds for a certain organization. They did a Blue Grass album, but mine was a Jazz piece. I did ‘Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire’. It keeps coming up, and I’m sure somebody will utilize it. I believe it will be Tyler. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: Right. He’s gotta just put you in these movies in a lounge like Chandra Currelley [laughing]. 
 Crystal Fox: Exactly [laughing]. That’s what I want to do. Like a period piece, and I can be a club owner [laughing]. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: You do so much outside of acting and entertainment. Can you talk a little about Act to Impact Global?
  Crystal Fox: Yes, that’s new for me. I have always wanted to give back to the community, and try to find different ways. Most times, I volunteer with Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless. Elisabeth and Afemo Onilami are friends, and I knew them before Mr. Hosea Williams passed away. I try to do as much as I can. After this election, like many others, I could not move for two days. I didn’t want to complain anymore without action. I tried to get a ThinkTank together to see who else felt the same. Act to Impact Global was born out of that. Friends got together, and people I didn’t know, and we talked about what meant something to us. People say you have to break it down and do one thing, but why can’t we work on each thing? Michael Moore said if we form small groups and attack different things, we’ll be powerful when we come together as a large group. I took that to heart. That’s what I’m doing now. I had my first event to introduce the group to the community, and show that we would be about taking care of our social ills, until we can come together to take care of something on a global scale and politically. It’s very new, and I have no idea what I’m doing. People say it starts with you, so I’m trying to go back and participate with other groups who need support, a voice, or my faith to get them noticed. It’s at the beginning stages, but I hope it does more for our community and our world. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: Nothing about what you’re doing here says you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re reaching masses. Will the doors open for people outside of your immediate community?
 Crystal Fox: Absolutely. That’s what I would prefer. I want it to be as many people that want to do something. We are on Twitter and Facebook, and I take suggestions on how to grow and build. What’s interesting is I did an event called ‘Dance for Diversity’, and we had different types of dancers come out and demonstrate dance and movement. Then we danced with them. It was received so well with the community that they want it to be an annual event. I’m thinking about it, and it was wonderful. The advocacy issues were around voter education, and literacy. It was originally going to be on child literacy, but adult literacy is very poor in Georgia. It went hand in hand, because if we can’t read we can’t vote. Finding out that info and sharing it with the community shed light on something they didn’t know about, and everyone was excited about doing more. I would absolutely like that to be shared globally. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: We will surely post it on our end, and share it through our social media. We can link through our site as well. 
 Crystal Fox: Fantastic. Thank you so much. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: I covered this year’s Essence Fest, and I literally scoured the arena looking for you [laughing]. Were you there with the rest of the cast at all that weekend?
 Crystal Fox: No I did not, and it’s killing me because ever since Tyler Lepley has been going, he has said it was fabulous. Each time, I haven’t been able to go. With this year’s festival, I was close to going, and then I got an invitation from Mr. P. I can’t turn down no invitation from Mr. P to do nothing [laughing]. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: It was amazing. I met Angela, and it was amazing because she covered our first issue. It was amazing meeting her, and the fact she remembered was even better. 
 Crystal Fox: Wow. I love her so much. Can you see that she is so not Veronica?
 U.G. Digital Mag: I can but I can’t figure out how she digs so deep to play the role. 
 Crystal Fox: She’s nothing like her, except for one way: she’s a classy dresser. She’s beautiful and classy. Nothing like Veronica in the heart though. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: Yea, I thought Katherine had her for a minute when the season started, but when she flipped it around, I was done [laughing]. 
 Crystal Fox: That’s my baby. I said I was going to have to stand in front of her to make sure nobody harms her [laughing]. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: What are the best ways for people to keep up with you online?
 Crystal Fox: I feel like a dinosaur when it comes to social media, but my young folks are trying to help me [laughing]. I’m on Instagram at @only1crystalfox. My Twitter is the same thing. On facebook, my fans always find my personal page, but it’s so full that I can’t really add anyone else. I do have a fan page, which is @crystalfoxfans. I’m working on a website eventually. I guess I need one [laughing], but I don’t know. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: Again, I have to mention how grateful I am to you. Any final comments at all?
 Crystal Fox: Listen, I can’t wait to meet you. I am going try to get to Essence Fest also. Do you love it?
 U.G. Digital Mag: I absolutely loved every minute of it. I decided so last minute. I’m based in Cleveland, Ohio. I literally flew out at 6am that Friday morning, landed, and headed to the events. It was absolutely the best time of my life. I’ve already booked a hotel for next year. 
 Crystal Fox: See! OK, I will definitely try my best to be there next year. I thought it would be too hectic, but I’ve heard it’s electrifying. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: It was amazing. It wasn’t an atmosphere where people didn’t want to be bothered. Everyone was mingling, meeting, greeting, and having a blast. The entire set-up was really awesome. My cup of tea was meeting the cast of HAHN. It was amazing to meet Angela, Tyler, and Gavin. 
 Crystal Fox: Now why do you like the show so much?
 For starters, I love drama. The characters are amazing. Even the bad characters are really good. I feel like Tyler really does his homework, and picks the right people. I’ve always said he was brilliant with casting. John Schneider has been around for years, and this has become an avenue to showcase his brilliance. You’ve been here for some time, and now people are really getting to know you. Same for Angela. But many didn’t realize you were in Driving Miss Daisy. You’ve worked hard to get here. I love the direction and the writing, and it keeps you entertained. I keep my iPad at work with me to watch the midnight and 3am run of the show, even though I’ve already watched it at 9pm. I love it. 
 Crystal Fox: I thank you so much and that’s why I asked. They didn’t know who they were gearing it for. They started with 25 - 60 year old women because they just didn’t know. What I love is that even in the beginning, we got compliments from women, and now we have everyone. We have every age, color, sex, and I love it. It’s like a show that no one knew what it would do. We don’t do a lot of talk shows, and we’re kept hidden. Tyler said he was keeping us hidden for a reason, but our fanbase is swelling. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: You definitely have everyone. I’m 40, my cousin is in her 20s and she’s watching, my son loves it and he’s 10. He comes in ready to watch every Tuesday. During the school year, he makes sure we DVR so he can watch later. I work with someone who’s about 75 years old and we talk about the show. And my mother and I watch together a lot. Regardless of the storyline, it’s believable, and that is what makes it so appealing. 
 Crystal Fox: Thank you so much from the depth of my heart. 
 U.G. Digital Mag: I follow you on social media, so we will certainly be posting about it. I’m in heaven for sure by talking to you. I’m forever grateful to you. Thank you for your time because I know you’re busy. 
 Crystal Fox: That’s alright. I’m never too busy for the love. I appreciate it from the depth of my heart, and can not wait to meet you so I can hug your face real hard [laughing]. 
 U.G. Digital: I love it, thank you. 
 Crystal Fox: You as well. I wish you all the best, and look forward to seeing you at Essence Fest next year. 
 Most definitely. My wife is ready. We booked the hotel, and if I could get the airfare today, I would [laughing]. But thank you so so much. 
 Crystal Fox: You’re so welcome. 
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musical-miranda · 8 years
Into You
pairing: phillipa soo x reader
request: If it's alright, could I request a Phillipa/Reader where the Reader is the standby for Eliza and really looks up to Pippa? And they're like always clinging onto her and it's so obvious that Pip has a crush on them but the reader is naive and oblivious? Sorry if that's weird, it's the first thing that came into my mind. Thank you in advance!
summary: Reader is a standby for Eliza and she quickly become great friends with Pippa, but it doesn’t take long for reader to realize she has feelings for Pippa.  
warnings: literally nothing I don’t think i swore even once
words: 2080
a/n: Here’s that pippa fic that i promised! I’m sorry it took so long, but it’s here and now I get to watch all the gatsby scenes I want to haha! 
tags: @bluesnowyangel and @hamrevolution
When you joined the cast of Hamilton as a standby for Eliza, you didn’t expect to be welcomed into the family with such open arms. Phillipa went well out of her way to make sure you felt at home in your new home away from home and even went as far as to give you a personal tour of New York City.
Before you knew it, you and Pippa had become the best of friends and were practically inseparable in every way. At every after party or celebration, instead of visiting with Jimmy Fallon or The Roots or even any of the other cast members, you stuck right by Pippa’s side like glue, and she did the same. It was a friendship made in heaven; as far as you two were concerned, nothing could go wrong.
But all good things hit a bump in the road eventually. It didn’t take a terribly long time for you to realize that your feelings for Pippa weren’t strictly platonic, and that lead to a knot tying up in your stomach anytime you were with her.
You were standing in the wings during rehearsals one day and, since it wasn’t a rehearsal for the understudies, you just watched. Your eyes were pretty much glued on Pippa the entire rehearsal and you were so distracted by her that you didn’t even realize rehearsal had ended until Daveed grabbed you by the arm.
At the sudden contact, you squeaked from shock but rolled your eyes the moment you realized who it was. “Can I help you, Diggs?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“No, but you were staring at Pippa all rehearsal.” There was a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Was not.” Your response was more of a half-hearted mumble than anything. Daveed pulled you into his dressing room with a blindingly bright grin on his face, and you immediately knew what was happening.
Once the door was shut behind you guys, he stared at you with a knowing smile and raised eyebrows.
Deciding not to indulge him, you kept your expression blank despite your amusement and stayed silent for a couple minutes. “I have no idea why you’re staring at me like that.”
He immediately gasped over dramatically. “Liar!”
You were careful not to let your amusement show for a few quiet moments but couldn’t help it as a smile quirked on your face. “I am not. What are we, in middle school?”
“You have a crush on Pippa!” Daveed finally blurted out, and even though you expected it, your cheeks flushed a bright color.
“So what if I do?”
Without even responding, Daveed walked out of the room, leaving you standing alone in his dressing room with a bright red face. Pippa walked by just a moment later and did a double take before walking in, a curious look on her face.
“Hey! What are you doing in here?” She sat on the armrest of the couch beside you.
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard her voice, showing a bright smile despite your flushed face. “Daveed wanted to talk to me, nothing bad though.”
Pippa’s eyes crinkled up at the corners as she laughed out loud, wearing a smile on her face that always warmed your heart. “Are you sure you aren’t in trouble?” She teased at you.
“I’m fairly sure. He didn’t give me any stern looks or tell me Lin needed to see me, so I think I’m in the clear.” You chuckled softly then slid onto the couch by her side, tucking your legs under your feet.
“Well, if you’re certain that you’re not in trouble, I’ve got a question for you…” Her voice faltered just a moment, as if she were nervous, and your heart dropped into your flopping stomach. “So, you know how the Tony’s are coming up pretty soon here?”
You snorted out a laugh at the question, beginning to stand up as if you were going to leave. “Of course I do. You guys are nominated for 16 of them!”
“You are too, you dork.” Pippa rolled her eyes fondly, playfully shoving you so you fell back onto the couch. “Anyways. I don’t have a date to go with, which means I’m pretty much the only one going alone. So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me?”
At this, your eyes went wide. Were you just invited to the Tony Awards? By the best friend that you were falling for? As her date? You opened your mouth to say something, but just grinned as you couldn’t get any words out.
“Is that a yes…?” She seemed a bit concerned when she looked at you, but she giggled just a bit under her breath. That concern was all wiped away when you threw your arms around her in a tight hug, and it was instead replaced by laughter between the two of you.
You pulled away from the warm embrace when you heard someone clear their throat in the doorway, looking back to check out who it was. It was Daveed. “I hate to break up whatever little love fest is going on here, but I need my dressing room back, ladies.”
As the Tony Awards grew closer, your anxieties about the day grew stronger. Within two weeks of Daveed knowing about your crush, the rest of the cast except Pippa had found out, and they were trying to set you guys up. They figured the Tony’s were a great opportunity for that.
Over time, you thought things over more and more until you decided Pippa probably asked you to be her platonic date, not a romantic date. Uncertain and a bit unsettled as well, you asked Daveed and Renee what they thought. The answer was that it was definitely a real date.
You opted to get another opinion from Lin and Chris, who agreed without hesitation that it was a date.
So, the general consensus was that you were going on a date with Pippa, and you weren’t sure if that made you more or less nervous. Either way, you were so nervous you could vomit by the time June 12 had rolled around the corner.
You got ready at Richard Rogers Theatre along with the rest of the cast, silently thanking the universe for the stylists that came in to help. You knew without them, you would show up to the Tony’s looking like a mess. And not a hot mess.
By 4:30 that afternoon, your stylist was doing a few finishing touches on your makeup when you heard a knock at the dressing room door. “Come in!” You called out.
When the door opened, you got up to greet whoever it was, but you found yourself speechless when Pippa walked through the door in a flowing white gown. Her hair was pinned against the back of her head loosely, cheeks a soft rosy color, with a peach corsage in her hands that matched your dress.
When you tore your gaze away from her outfit, you met her eyes only to realize she was staring at you as well. “My god, you’re gorgeous, Pippa” you muttered softly, causing her to laugh softly.
She reached forward to wrap the corsage around your wrist then pulled you into a tight hug. “You look better than the stars in the sky,” she whispered in your ear before you pulled away from the hug, showing her a toothy grin.
“I can’t believe you brought me a corsage. You’re such a cheese.” There was a bit of a teasing tone in your voice but you both laughed about it. “I’m the biggest cheese, Y/N, you should know this by now.”
“I love it,” you assured her before linking your arm with hers so she could lead you out of the dressing room to the rest of the cast. Your peach colored gown hugged your body gently and in all the right spots and the rose-petal train followed closely behind you, so you were careful not to trip over it.
As you approached the rest of the cast with Pippa, there were a few dog whistles that you weren’t quite able to pinpoint, but figured Daveed and Anthony were a fairly safe bet. “Damn Pippa! Your date is hot!” Anthony teased, walking over to greet both of you with a hug.
“I have the hottest date here,” Pippa agreed with a prideful grin as her lips rested against your cheek briefly. Those cheeks quickly flushed a bright pink color that had Pippa giggling next to you.
“I’m pretty sure I have the hottest date here, Pips, not gonna lie.” You chuckled then followed the group outside, ducking into a black SUV with Pippa, Anthony, and Jasmine.
The car ride over was pretty mundane, consisting mostly of small talk between the four of you with the occasional bad joke told by Anthony, though you couldn’t complain because you were on your way to the Tony Awards with the best group of people you had ever met.
When the car came to a stop just a few short minutes later, you were about to get out after Jasmine and go onto the red carpet, but you quickly realized Pippa had a gentle grasp on your arm. You looked back at her questioningly.
“I actually wanted to talk to you real fast before we go out there, if that’s alright with you?” She asked in a soft voice. You just nodded and shut the car door, turning to face her. “Of course, what is it?”
Before speaking up again, Pippa reached forward to grab both of your hands, looking into your eyes with her own glittering brown ones. “So, somebody told me that you didn’t think this was a real date, and I-”
“Was it Daveed?” You interrupted without thinking, but shut your mouth as soon as you realized you had cut her off.
“Unimportant and irrelevant.” She tried to look annoyed but couldn’t help her giggle. “Anyways, I wanted to clear the air before we got out there. This is definitely a real date. Not a platonic date or a pity date, or a date to make me look good. Especially since next to you, I look like garbage. I’ve been trying to figure out how to ask you out on a date since we met, and the Tony’s were the first thing that came up.”
You listened closely to her, letting your fingers lace with hers.
“I can barely take my eyes off of you during rehearsals, and that gets me into trouble with Lin. He knows about this, I told him as soon as I realized I wanted to take you out sometime, but he has been trying to get me to do it for a few months now. I’m kind of going out on a limb here because I don’t even know if you’re into girls, but I really do like you. If you aren’t or you just don’t feel the same, it’s alright, just tell me. It won’t hurt me.” She was speaking rather frantically, which was strange for Pippa, but it made sense given the circumstances.
“I’m not into girls in general... “ You brought one of her hands up to your face, kissing the back of it gently, then showed her a small but fond smile. Before you got the chance to finish what you were going to say, she had gone into low-key panic mode. “Oh, oh, well that’s alright! This can just be a friend date. Besides, it’s probably too extravagant for a first real date anyways.”
“You didn’t let me finish.” You raised an amused eyebrow at the stream of words that came out of her mouth all in one breath. “I’m into you. Not random girls.”
Her expression was blank for just a moment before Pippa broke out into a bright grin, letting out a particularly loud laugh that was music to your ears. “Are you really?”
You just laughed softly at her. “Why would I be lying?”
“I honestly have no clue,” she admitted. “Stepping on Tony Awards Red Carpet for a first date with my best friend still feels a little weird. Maybe you should come as my girlfriend instead…”
“Phillipa Soo, you are smooth.”
“Well, what do you say?”
You linked arms with her and opened the car door. “I’ll gladly walk the red carpet with you as your girlfriend.”
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badacts · 8 years
some more photos on the foxhole court wall (besides these ones):
andrew, neil and robin on the couch in the lounge, the first picture of robin to make it onto the wall (taken by nicky, who doesn’t understand robin just yet, meek and quiet and afraid, or understand andrew’s commitment to keeping her, but who has adopted her anyway)
robin and neil together on the bench in gear, staring past the photographer, neil’s mouth open as he yells something without concern for abby who is trying to ice his knee (taken by an official photographer, collected and pinned up by one of the sophomore foxes as proof that their captain is unstoppable)
one of the twins, turned away, the sun turning his hair into a halo against a background of skyscrapers (no one is entirely sure which brother it is, but they presume it’s aaron, the photo taken by katelyn. they’re wrong)
dan and matt embracing on a beach, their cheeks pressed together as they smile at the camera. dan’s left hand, held up in the foreground, sports a ring (taken by allison, who recommended a lot of rings that matt didn’t buy but couldn’t fault the one he eventually picked even though it wasn’t one that she showed him. neil puts it up on the wall, and feels happy whenever he looks at it)
aaron, nicky and katelyn at graduation, shoulder to shoulder in their gowns and caps with katelyn in the middle. aaron, thinking the photo has already been taken, is kissing her on the cheek and has his arm curved around her waist
the same trio, with nicky smooching katelyn on her other cheek so her face is all scrunched with laughter (both taken by neil, who felt a smile creeping over his face as he took both of them, despite feeling his solid ground shaking under his feet)
a sneaky shot of andrew and aaron together, andrew wearing his usual dark clothes, refusing to walk in the ceremony but still there anyway (also taken by neil, because it’s too good an opportunity to miss, catching the two of them speaking like actual adults. or an approximation of such, with their deal done and them connected in a way beyond blood and sacrifice and promises. maybe not through friendship, maybe something uglier than that, but definitely something stronger)
an even sneakier photo of andrew and neil talking off to the side. neil’s finger is hooked into the hem of andrew’s shirt, stretching it out a little between them (taken by renee, who wouldn’t miss andrew’s graduation - even though he refused to consider it important - for the entire world)
robin cross with a bloody nose after the first fight on court that she isn’t too scared to walk away from (neil puts it on the wall as a solid reminder to her that she’s a badass, though he doesn’t say as much)
kevin in a us court jersey, helmet under his arm as he stares straight into the camera, no trace of fear in his face (it’s a publicity shot, and abby’s the one to put it up on the wall because she knows wymack won’t but she also knows he wants to. it’s important because these days, that fearlessness isn’t faked)
neil, bleeding from his face on the fox bench again, with abby leaning over him alongside a blonde head that almost certainly belongs to a graduated goalkeeper who should be up in the stands but isn’t (taken by betsy, who was watching the game with the crowds and who was abruptly abandoned, put up on the wall because it’s fox tradition to have at least a photo a year of neil injured)
renee with mountains behind her, her hair bleached pale all through with time and whipping in her face, her smile so big and so sweet (taken by her travel partner with the Peace Corps, sent to neil by her as part of her usual updates to all the foxes and pinned up by him)
neil on the day of his graduation, alone and unsmiling, his eyes a challenge for the person behind the camera (he’s always been a challenge to andrew minyard. this isn’t any different)
neil and his entire original fox line, all there specifically to watch the boy who never even expected to survive his first year at college receive his diploma, crowded together in with arms about shoulders to a man (taken by wymack, who is so so fucking proud of these kids for everything they’ve survived and everything they’ve done)
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