#but the misery is everywhere
dogbunni · 10 months
*opens up Instagram* "hacker shows just how easy it is for him to steal your identity" *opens reels instead* (graphic footage of animal abuse reposted for likes with no link to original gofundme made by rescuer) *scrolls past* (video of a man breaking both legs) *opens twitter instead* "transgender players banned from chess tournaments" *scrolls past* (video of a school shooting) *opens Instagram* (graphic video of police brutality)
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werewolfenthusiast · 10 months
wow i guess it would be fucked up if you were created as a vanity project and then discarded because you were freakish and scary and so you learn how to speak and read and copy the people around you in the hopes they would accept you but they still thought you were freakish and scary and so you wished for a companion someone who would be like you and understand but this simple thing was refused to you so you spent the rest of your life tormenting the man that put you on this earth to be mocked and yelled at and feared only to realise after he dies that you have lost the only person that could possibly understand your wretchedness and now there is no tether to this earth for you nobody wants to be around you and you squandered your chance for any semblance at a worthy life chasing revenge and what did those murders make you feel? did they change anything? did they satisfy your desires? and you realise that no you only became the monster of this story the one who craved love so strongly he was driven to murder when denied it you only drove yourself to hate you as all the others do but anyway
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I think I'm gonna die soon if I don't talk abt Martha and her brothers
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warmrainplease · 4 months
Feel like we haven’t talked about the existential horror of waking up in hell after death enough.
You wake up in a new body, with claws and fangs and even things like extra arms and only one eye, you’ve become a monster.
And while you’re coping with the fact that your body has been contorted and disfigured into something hellish and completely unrecognizable to you, you realize you don’t recognize fucking anything.
And you’re surrounded by demons. By imps and hellhounds and monstrous creature that fight and die and get drunk off their asses in broad daylight.
You’ve become a monster and you’re surrounded by monsters and you have absolutely no fucking clue where you are or what to do next and once you put the pieces together (you died, this must be hell) you realize that nobody, absolutely nobody, is going to help you.
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ravenkings · 1 month
i’m only half joking when i say the only thing that will ever truly unite the world in harmony is goth music
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gobbluthbutagirl · 20 days
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i mean they did also start keeping the knives in the back after that guy came into the DTLA target and grabbed a knife off the shelf and stabbed two people. that was a pretty significant thing that happened. like i understand where you’re coming from here but they very much did start keeping the knives in the back after that guy came into the DTLA target and grabbed a knife off the shelf and stabbed two people.
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ninety-two-bees · 3 months
love is real and it is everywhere actually. just in case you forgot
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the only time misogyny is acceptable when it’s in a song that’s either A) by a woman or B) insanely funny or C) both
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anaalnathrakhs · 26 days
i want to burn everything down so baddd
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windblume-violet · 1 month
Me, trying to enjoy the new AFKJ update: 🥰🌸🌼🌷🪻
My arachnophobia: are you sure about that?
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jeanivere · 10 months
im going to lose my mind, i cant go anywhere without seeing straight up spoilers 😭😭😭
i beg you guys PLEASE put spoilers warnings on things this is getting out of hand
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ink-on-the-brink · 2 years
Fuck it I'm tired of this shit- PSA TIME!!!!
Listen okay, I get it. Depression is incredibly difficult to deal with and isolation can make it feel like you're alone in a world full of billions of people. However this doesn't give you a free pass to express those feelings to anyone you come across. No one wants to go into the comments of a feel good story and see them full of "God I wish people cared about me" and "it's cool to have people care about you, at least I guess so"
I mean imagine what it's like to see all those comments when you're the person who posted the story? It's like no one can post happy stories anymore without waves of people making them feel bad for it. Whether that is unintentional or not. It's just so fucking draining to live in a world where people can't be happy, or share a silly story, or say people care about them, without large swaths of people making them feel so shitty for it. As if sharing their moment of happiness was somehow wrong when others are so miserable.
Life is hard, and this is not a call for you to be quiet about your pain. If you're feeling lonely or depressed or are in any bad state of mind. I want you to talk about it. It want you to seek help and get that help in return. But putting that trauma onto random strangers isn't okay and it isn't funny either. Imagine saying that stuff to a real person? Imagine someone telling you that their birthday party went well and then saying "damn, wish people cared about me that much". You're making people feel guilty for being happy. You aren't trying to improve yourself. You're making yourself harder to be around.
I understand that misery loves company. That phrase is very apparent in any place where misery is often found, but most apparent when there should be none of it. So please, let people just have happy stories. I just want to read something without being reminded how horrible other people's lives are. It feels like you people just want everyone to be as depressed as you. That we should all just give up and accept that life just sucks and happy moments are fleeting.
Well I'm sorry, but as a person who has spent the majority of their life living in that same state of depression, I don't want to do that. In fact that's the opposite of what I want. I want to look at a happy story and think about how great it is that it happened. I don't want to live in misery, I think we've all done just about enough of that. I want to find at least just a little happiness every day I can. All I ask is that you guys are least try to do the same.
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zwischenland · 11 months
life update/2023 so far:
moved to a new (big) city with the intention to build a good life post-graduation; flatmate turned out to be a massive narcissist and i did not have money to move again; spent several months applying to jobs and realised my degree is considered useless outside of science; made some friends (but the person i grew closest to will move away), felt like too much of a mess for dating; got a trainee position with a ridiculous salary but took it for the work experience; visited my best friend in the netherlands and had one good week; started work, struggled with 40h weeks, got along really well with my colleagues; started looking for a flat and realised it is impossible in this city without a good income; rain for weeks, some peace in that; got laid off for financial reasons; mini breakdown (i have been coping weirdly well/suppressing my emotions, not sure); went to the seaside and had a couple good hours; decided to move back to my hometown (for questionable, almost entirely emotional reasons); started looking for a room (anxiously) or flat (pessimistically); my dad still has brain cancer; i have not talked to my therapist in four months
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jakeyt · 1 year
My Pinterest is destroying me with sweaty Jake currently and I’m honestly not sure whether to
a) release a cry for help
b) plead for mercy
c) take a knee in thanks to her majesty, Pinterest
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aesthetictokinghost · 2 years
Will sees Wesker hand-copying the results of their latest test
"Why don't you just use the copy machine?"
Wesker glares at him briefly before continuing his work
Curious, Will takes a trip to the copier
It's been upgraded. The new model requires three emblems to be found and placed in the proper indentations
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mainfaggot · 4 months
classic "damned if I do damned if i dont" ass situation... -> me talking about the fact that i was born
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