#but the self vision is much simpler
jockdiscoballs · 9 months
I think it's fun and funny that as a butch I'm the personal thrift shopper for my fem friends. Like I understand what looks good on them and is fem, and I would never wear it for myself. This skirt? I'll send it to her. This blouse? For another friend. For me? Fun tie dye shirt.
Same with my emo and goth friends. I see some shit I know they would like? Sent. Not really my thingy, but if I can find it for u, I'll find it.
Personal butch shopper at ur service
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babygorewhore · 4 months
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His Doll
Continuing this blurb of Rafe Cameron falling for a goth girl. Opposites attract, right?
This wasn’t a request but I got a really good response when I wrote my blurb so I extended it! This is self indulgent but also hot and steamy!! Warnings! Blow job and unprotected sex! @xxbutdaddyilovehimxx helped me out on this!
“Look at little Tim Burton over there,” Rafe smirks at Topper when he sees you loitering at one of the expensive stores in Tanny Hill. You were completely out of place in the Outer banks. All black clothes, thick combat boots and dark makeup.
Rafe was prepared to approach you but he found himself a little nervous. Why was he nervous? You were some weird goth chick in a state where everyone wore bright colors and sandals. Why shouldn’t he go over there and mess with you? He had heard about goth chicks being freaks. That was it. That was all it was.
Until he found himself slipping beside you ten minutes later, selecting a black t-shirt much to Topper's surprise and side glances. He made sure you looked at him as he bought it. He wasn’t one to be intimidated by girls, he was used to them. Used to getting whatever he wanted until now. But you didn’t fawn over him as he watched you wander around the boardwalk a few days later.
“She must be new.” He muttered to himself. Why else would she not pay him attention? Rafe found her instagram later that night and saw she listed her Spotify. He started listening and cringed at the volume. He wasn't able to understand the lyrics at first but as the minutes went on…it was actually a little catchy.
When he worked out, Topper and Kelce looked at him like he was an alien as he blasted the music through his headphones as he worked out. “Bro, she’s got you pussy whipped.” Kelce smacked him on the shoulder and Rafe glared.
“Shut the fuck up.”
It was a mantra Rafe repeated when he finally went up to you after a week. You were…having a picnic in the middle of an empty park on a gloomy day with a big smile on your face as you wrote something in a notebook. He wore a black shirt with dark jeans, a really poor attempt to have some sort of common ground with you.
“Hey,” He cleared his throat and you removed your headphones, looking up at him with a surprisingly polite smile.
“Hi! Can I help you?” Your voice was soft. A little sweet and his cock twitched. Mmm. A good girl underneath all that darkness.
You were looking up at him from sitting at your table and he almost moaned the vision of what his future would look like with that black lipstick smeared all over his cock.
“Seen you around. I’m having a little fun tonight with some friends.” You quirked an eyebrow and he briefly wondered if he said the wrong thing.
“You’re inviting me to a party? Rafe Cameron himself?” He was stunned you knew his name before you gave him a little teasing smirk.
“I know who you are. Your royalty on this hell island.” Then you laughed. It was a bursting sound that almost made him smile. Something about the giddy way you expressed yourself made him feel even more attracted to you.
“Yeah. I can take you to my house early. We can leave anytime. I can bring you home whenever you wanna leave. You know, sacrifice to Satan or whatever.”
“You know, not all goths are satanists.” You replied and he lowered himself a little.
“Yeah? Come on. Prove me wrong, witchy girl.”
He almost didn’t expect you to accept but then he was driving to his house while your legs were crossed in his car. You were silent but not in a rude way. You were admiring the scene.
Rafe decided to collect this in his mind. You liked watching the outside. You enjoyed simpler things. Interesting. When he arrived at the party, people were already there and enjoying themselves, watched over by topper. Barry spotted him as Rafe walked you inside his penthouse booming with music but you paused.
“Is this…deftones?” You asked him and Rafe smirked.
“Yeah. They’re great. Perfect for a party near the beach.” You gave him a laugh as Barry approached him with a handshake.
“Hey country club, the fuck you doin in that shirt? Tryna impress the lady guest?” Rafe slung an arm over your shoulder, feeling the pattern of your shirt with his fingers.
“Are you impressed?” He looked down at you and you nodded.
“I am actually. Did you hack into my Spotify or something?” Rafe paused before he saw the smile on your face and he leaned down.
“Mhm. You like that, huh? Come on. Show me what you got.”
That’s when he found himself in his bedroom, with you on your knees. Black lipstick mixed with his cum as he fucked your throat. He moans as he thrusts into your soft mouth, his hand buried in your hair locked with hairspray and your eyes leaking with tears that make your makeup run down your cheeks.
“Pretty little witchy girl.” He grunts as he continues his movements and his cum spills all over you.
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Witchy girl is one of his favorite nicknames he uses for you. But another one is monster high doll or vampire Barbie. You’re his little dark angel as he watches YouTube videos while you’re asleep on his bed late at night. He has watched in awe of your removal of your makeup. But you were still so beautiful. You didn’t need it but he wouldn’t risk the wrath of Satan if he spoke it.
He watched different content on different types of goths. Now that he had you, he had to keep you while you hung out with your…interesting friends today as he sat with you, hand on your upper thigh as you happily talked about topics he never considered to be beautiful or something to notice. The night sky. Full moon. Art. Music. Even horror movies started to become apart of his life. Even though it wasn’t his favorite, his little doll loved it and who was he to not keep her happy?
But something he loved doing most was surprising you with a gift. You didn’t grow up like he did. Into privilege. You told him that you shopped usually at second hand stores and he almost fainted.
So, he looked up the best pair of platform black boots and got them for you. Gift giving was easy for him but seeing your big smile and the way you screamed made it his favorite thing to see. Then you insisted you couldn’t accept.
Rafe decided what sort of payment he would take.
He spread you open on his bed, ripping off your favorite pair of lace panties that he promised to buy more of as your dripping pussy glistened for him as he kneeled, running the tip of his dick along your slick swollen clit. “Not so scary anymore, huh?” He said as he pushed inside to the hilt, balls slapping against you.
“God…” You whined as he thrusted harder and deeper, his hands holding his weight above you while your legs were hooked around his waist.
“Not god, doll. Me.” He growled and lightly slapped your face. “Remember that. Remember who owns you.”
Rafe wouldn’t trade his little witch girl for anything.
Or the way her eyeliner runs like a fucking porn star.
@marchsfreakshow @slvt4jamesmarch @xxhellfirebunnyxx @redhead1180
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netherworldpost · 3 months
Rules For Making Art
You can quit. If you want to quit, if you explicitly want to quit, you can. You must never forget that. It is not a negative, it is not a penalty, it is not a failure. Your life is yours to live. The amount of time spending art is yours to choose.
If you do not explicitly want to quit, you cannot. You can rest. You can rest as long as you like.
But unless you say, to your self, in a quiet moment, "I do not want to do this" then you keep going.
You can rest as long as you want.
Months. Years. Decades.
It doesn't matter. The art is there when you get back. It doesn't expire.
You're alive? It's still in you.
Skills can be relearned. All of them. New skills can be added.
You should rest.
It isn't a need, it is a demand. It is maintenance, it is itself part of the art because it is part of being alive and being alive is part of the art.
There is no penalty for slowness.
The benefits of speed are vastly outweighed by the hidden costs: wear and tear on machinery, your body, your mind. You think these are gossamar costs because they are out of sight, out of mind.
Until they are not.
There is no penalty for slowness, the benefits to speed are ephemeral and difficult to calculate, resting is not a need it is a requirement.
Your art is yours. Your life is yours. It can be big, it can be small, it can be both. It can be cheap, it can be expensive, it can range between the two.
The audience brings to the table their wants, their needs, their curiosity.
The audience does not dictate the art.
You do not dictate the audience.
This is a collaboration. Both sides are equal, artist and audience. This keeps your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds.
With fire, I recommend making art that you think should exist, but doesn't yet. That's the stuff, that's the best stuff.
Weigh the costs. Financial, social, physical, mental, spiritual, temporal. Constantly. Is this what you want? Are you following your heart? This is not a loaded question. It is spoken softly. I speak this to you as softly as I would a lover who has fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position.
If you can't make what you want, where can you reduce scope? Where can you increase time? Can you make it smaller, can you make it less elaborate? Take longer time to do it?
Can you make something else entirely?
Can you keep this idea in idea form while you work on something else?
Weigh the costs. An unrealized dream left to dust because it was too hard, too expensive, preventing you from making a realized dream, is worthless.
Make it small.
Make it simple.
Review the scope. You want to make a widget. I ask you softly, do you want to make this widget? Not something else?
Make it smaller than that.
Make it simpler than that.
Review the scope. You want to make a fidget. I ask you gently, if you pursue this path it will cost you much, would you be as satisfied if you made smaller things in greater quantity?
When you feel like quitting, ask yourself with the clarity of cold water on a hot day. Hot water on a cold day. Do you actually want to quit or do you need to rest? Are you not resting because the cost of resting feels like giving up?
There is no giving up.
Failure doesn't exist.
You either want to do this, and do.
You either want to do this, and do it simpler, smaller.
You either want to do this, and rest for awhile, so you can gather resources to do it later. Mental, physical, financial, social, spiritual.
You either want to do this, and plan alternatives, break it apart and do other things first, work up to the grand vision, rescope the grand vision, remix it, shift it around.
Or you don't.
And if you don't? If you truly don't? Then don't force it.
Live your life doing literally anything else. That's great too. Equally. The entire point of being alive is to fill up the well of your soul. There are infinite paths.
If you want to make the thing? Make the thing. Maybe it's great. Maybe it is objectively terrible. Most likely it is somewhere on that spectrum.
Did you enjoy it?
Then it was worth it.
That's literally all that matters.
Everything else is secondary.
Quality is secondary.
If you make things publicly? Quality is quaternary. Here is the order of priority. I'll spell it out. I believe this with my entire soul.
Your enjoyment
The enjoyment of your friends
The enjoyment of people who don't know who see it
The quality of the piece itself
Maybe it wins awards. Maybe it's in publications, maybe museums. I've had work win awards, be published in books, shown in museums. I have stuff you've seen if you've shopped in the grocery store in the United States sometime in the last 25 years or so. And far broader places.
That's great. Resources to keep going.
I love making art.
If you do, too, I hope you make art. If not, that you're resting. And if doing neither, I hope you rest until you it's art time again.
Cheers my fellows.
I hope we all make it.
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
Okay I'm on more of my Scavengers Reign bullshit. Let's talk about Fiona, specifically the vision!Fiona that the Hollow uses to communicate with Kamen, and the thoughtful detail the show puts in her evolution from episode to episode, and her eyes in particular.
At the very beginning when Kamen first encounters the Hollow, she is hazy, pulled from real memories, and then very simply adapted into a scene. I get the impression that the simple feel-good/motivation vibe is what happens for the simpler creatures the Hollow is usually manipulating in a symbiotic survival relationship. Notably, her eyes are visible through her glasses. The tone is warm.
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Next, Fiona is clear, in full color, and conveying more complex ideas while appearing in the real environment. She gives directions but is still friendly.
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But then we start to get shots where light reflects on her glasses and just partially obscures her eyes:
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Periodically we see a variety of real memories where Fiona is herself (albeit memories selected by the Hollow to convey certain ideas), but the evolution of the conjured Fiona has a trajectory. As the mutual corruption continues between Kamen and the Hollow, with the "hallucination" version of Fiona we see her eyes less and less.
As she gradually becomes less recognizably Fiona and more Other, an arbiter of the Hollow's desires and a refraction of Kamen's own guilt and self-hatred, her glasses are always opaque with reflection. After all, it's not Fiona looking at Kamen, it's (partly) Kamen looking at himself. And a well-earned dose of anime glasses drama, of course.
By the end, her affect is cold, and we don't see her eyes through her glasses at all, even from an angle.
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Her message, too, is pointed: "Your brain is poison. You've always known that. Remember?"
But underneath the cruelty is something I think the real Fiona and Kamen agree on: "It's time for you to come out of hiding and accept that. Look at yourself."
Kamen can't keep hiding in the Hollow, hiding from his guilt and pain and utter despair. He has to face it. And he tumbles out into space in his vision, hurtling towards the planet and Consequences. And out in the real world, we see a symbol of that illusion finally breaking in the real Fiona's glasses, emphasizing the reality of her death:
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The Hollow continues his rampage - there is too much momentum to their feedback loop now to just stop without outside help - but Kamen at least is no longer deceiving himself.
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regressionschool · 4 months
The Infantilist Colony
This started s part of an interactive Story over at https://chyoa.com/chapter/It%27s-cubby-time%21.1513555 created by Zozzon. Lillian and Stefan stepped out of their car, their eyes wide with excitement as they took in the sights of their new home in The Colony. Lillian, with her petite frame and a confident stride, exuded an air of intelligence and determination. Her dark hair framed her face in gentle waves, and behind her glasses, her eyes sparkled with curiosity and ambition.
As she unloaded boxes from the trunk, her framed Ph.D. in chemical engineering hinted at a brilliant mind and a passion for science. Each movement was precise and deliberate, a reflection of her meticulous nature and dedication to her craft.
Beside her, Stefan cut a striking figure with his tall stature and easy smile. His years as a journalist had left him with a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling. With his tousled hair and rugged charm, he carried himself with an air of confidence and warmth.
Together, they had made the bold decision to leave behind the hustle and bustle of the big city in search of a simpler life in The Colony. Their shared sense of adventure and desire for a fresh start had brought them to this moment, ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.
As they surveyed their new surroundings, the possibilities seemed endless. With determination in their hearts and hope in their eyes, Lillian and Stefan were ready to write the next chapter of their lives in The Colony.
As they unpack the last box from their car, Stefan's playful nature emerges as he gives Lillian's bottom a gentle squeeze, causing her to yelp in surprise. With a mischievous grin, he teases her, calling her "baby" and jokingly remarking that her diaper must be soggy and in need of a change.
Lillian blushes and shoots Stefan a mock glare, swatting his hand away from her bottom. "Hey, cut it out," she scolds playfully. "And for your information, my diaper is just fine, thank you very much."
Stefan chuckles, enjoying the banter between them. "Sure, sure, whatever you say, baby," he replies with a wink.
Lillian rolls her eyes but can't help but smile at Stefan's antics. Sheepishly, she admits, "Well, maybe it's a little soggy. It's been a long five hours in the car, after all."
Stefan laughs and pulls her into a warm hug, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Don't worry, sweetheart," he reassures her.
Stefan's eyes twinkled with excitement as he took Lillian's hand, leading her through t their new home. Lillian's heart raced with anticipation, wondering what surprise Stefan had in store for her. As they entered the nursery, her eyes widened in amazement and joy.
The room was a vision of childhood dreams come to life. Soft pastel colors adorned the walls, and shelves were filled with rows of plush toys and storybooks. A large crib sat in one corner, adorned with fluffy blankets and stuffed animals, while a spacious changing table stood proudly in the center of the room.
Lillian gasped in delight, her hands flying to her mouth in awe. "Stefan, this is incredible!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. "I can't believe you did all this for me."
Stefan grinned proudly, feeling a surge of happiness at Lillian's reaction. "I wanted to make sure you felt right at home, baby," he said tenderly, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Caught up in the moment, Lillian felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. For a brief moment, she forgot about the soggy diaper between her legs, lost in the wonder of her new surroundings.
But as Stefan began to undress her, peeling away the layers of clothing, reality came crashing back in a rush. Lillian blushed furiously, suddenly self-conscious in her vulnerable state.
Stefan, however, paid no mind to her embarrassment as he gently lifted her onto the changing table, his touch tender and reassuring. With practiced ease, he began to clean her up, his movements gentle and precise.
As Lillian lay there, naked and exposed, she couldn't help but feel a rush of vulnerability mixed with a strange sense of comfort. Stefan's presence was soothing, and she found herself relaxing into his care, trusting him completely.
But just as Stefan was about to fasten a clean diaper around her waist, the doorbell rang, shattering the moment of intimacy between them.
Lillian's eyes widened in surprise, and Stefan glanced at her apologetically. "I'll be right back, sweetheart," he said, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before hurrying out of the nursery to answer the door.
Alone in the nursery, Lillian lay on the changing table, wondering who is at the door.
Lillian's heart raced with nervousness as she heard Stefan's muffled voice outside the nursery. Frantically, she searched for something to cover her bright pink diaper, but the nursery offered no hiding places. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she realized she would have to face whoever was at the door in her vulnerable state.
As the voices grew closer, Lillian's hands trembled, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She felt exposed and vulnerable, wishing desperately for a way to disappear.
Finally, the door creaked open, and Stefan stepped into the nursery followed by two strangers. Lillian's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight before her.
The man was dressed casually in a polo shirt and jeans, his friendly smile putting her slightly at ease. But it was the woman who caught her attention – a girl with pigtails and a bright pink sundress, clutching a pacifier in her mouth.
Lillian's confusion deepened as she realized that despite her youthful appearance, the woman must be at least thirty years old. And yet, there she stood, sucking on a pacifier without a care in the world.
Feeling a surge of embarrassment, Lillian tried to shrink back into the changing table, wishing she could disappear. She couldn't bear the thought of being seen like this by strangers.
But before she could say anything, the strange woman stepped forward, lifting her pink dress to reveal a similar unicorn-print diaper underneath. With a cheerful grin, she exclaimed, "We're diaper buddies!"
Lillian's eyes widened in disbelief, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She couldn't believe what she was seeing – agrown women standing in front of her, proudly displaying her diapers as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
And yet, despite her initial shock, Lillian couldn't stop herself from giggling. As Stefan introduced the woman and the man as their new neighbors, Lillian found herself slowly relaxing, her embarrassment giving way to a sense of acceptance.
As Stefan finishes dressing Lillian, the atmosphere in the nursery becomes a mix of nervousness and excitement. Lillian, feeling exposed and vulnerable, tries to maintain her composure as Stefan picks a shirt for her to wear. Despite her discomfort, she can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Stefan's care and reassurance.
Meanwhile, Anna bounces on her feet with unrestrained enthusiasm, her eyes wide with curiosity as she takes in her new neighbors. With a bubbly energy that seems to fill the room, she can hardly contain her excitement at the prospect of making a new friend.
Thomas, her daddy, watches the interaction with a fond smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He knows Anna's exuberance can be overwhelming at times, but he also appreciates her genuine enthusiasm for life.
"Hi there, I'm Anna!" the girl chirps, bouncing forward to shake Lillian's hand with a firm grip. "I'm so excited to meet you! Do you like unicorns? I have a unicorn plushie that I sleep with every night!"
Lillian's lips twitch into a hesitant smile as she nods politely, unsure of how to respond to Anna's overwhelming enthusiasm. Before she can formulate a response, Anna's excitement spills over into another question.
"Are you going to come to daycare tomorrow?" Anna asks eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Lillian's mind races as she tries to process Anna's question. Daycare? She hadn't even considered the possibility of enrolling in daycare – after all, she was an adult with a Ph.D. in chemical engineering. But as she looks into Anna's hopeful eyes, she realizes that saying no might crush the young woman's spirits.
Before Lillian can respond, Thomas steps forward with a gentle smile, placing a reassuring hand on Anna's shoulder. "Now, now, Anna," he says softly. "Let's give our new neighbors some space to settle in. We don't want to overwhelm them on their first day."
Anna pouts slightly, but she nods obediently, understanding the wisdom in Thomas's words. With a final wave goodbye, Anna and Thomas bid Lillian and Stefan farewell, promising to see them around the neighborhood soon.
As the door closes behind them, Lillian lets out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The encounter had been overwhelming, to say the least, but she couldn't deny the warmth and kindness she had felt from her new neighbors.
Turning to Stefan, she gives him a grateful smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.
After Thomas and Anna leave, Stefan and Lillian collapse onto the couch, letting out a collective sigh of relief. The encounter with their new neighbors had been overwhelming, but now that they were alone, they could finally relax and process everything that had just happened.
Stefan wraps an arm around Lillian, pulling her close as they settle into the comfortable cushions of the couch. With a playful glint in his eye, he begins to explain some of the unique aspects of life in The Colony.
"You know, Littles here in The Colony have it pretty good," Stefan says, his tone light and teasing. "They get to choose every day just how little they want to be."
Lillian raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Stefan's words. "What do you mean?" she asks, leaning in closer to hear more.
"Well, apart from daycare, where Anna goes, there's also a preschool for Littles," Stefan explains. "They do more structured activities there, like arts and crafts and storytime."
Lillian nods, picturing Anna in a classroom filled with colorful toys and cheerful classmates. "That sounds lovely," she muses, a hint of nostalgia tugging at her heartstrings.
"And then there's the primary school," Stefan continues, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "But here's the kicker – to attend primary school, Littles have to be at least partially potty-trained."
Lillian's eyes widen in surprise, and she lets out a surprised laugh. "Partially potty-trained?" she repeats, unable to suppress her amusement. "What does that even mean?"
Stefan grins, enjoying the opportunity to tease his girlfriend. "Well, I hear they're pretty lenient about it," he says with a chuckle. "As long as you can manage to use the potty at least some of the time, you're good to go."
Lillian shakes her head in disbelief, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "And what if you can't manage that?" she asks, unable to resist playing along with Stefan's teasing.
Stefan shrugs nonchalantly, his expression mock-serious. "Then I guess it's back to preschool for you."
As Lillian joins Stefan in the kitchen for breakfast, she can hardly contain her enthusiasm. "I've decided to go to preschool today," she announces, a smile spreading across her face.
Stefan's eyes light up with pride as he nods in approval. "That's fantastic, sweetheart," he says, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "I think you'll have a great time."
After a hearty breakfast, Stefan leads Lillian to the nursery, where he helps her out of her pajamas and into a fresh diaper. With practiced ease, he cleans her up and fastens the diaper snugly around her waist, his touch gentle and reassuring.
Once Lillian is dressed in her adorable preschool outfit – a cute floral dress with a matching bow in her hair – Stefan steps back to admire his handiwork. "You look absolutely adorable, baby girl," he says with a grin.
But as Lillian looks down at herself, a frown creases her brow. "This dress is so short," she complains, tugging at the hemline in frustration. "Everyone will be able to see that I'm wearing a diaper."
Stefan chuckles at her reaction, gently teasing her as he reaches for her hand. "Don't worry, sweetheart," he reassures her. "All your 'classmates' will be wearing diapers too. You'll fit right in."
Despite Stefan's attempt to lighten the mood, Lillian can't shake the feeling of self-consciousness that gnaws at her. She takes a deep breath, reminding herself that she's doing this for herself – to embrace the new experiences and challenges that await her in The Colony.
As Stefan leads Lillian to the car, she can't help but feel a flutter of nervous excitement in her stomach. Today is her first day at preschool in The Colony, and the anticipation of what lies ahead fills her with both eagerness and apprehension.
As they drive through the neighborhood, Lillian's eyes widen in wonder at the sight of clean streets lined with charming houses. The sense of community is palpable, and she can't help but feel a sense of belonging as they pass by unfamiliar faces – half of whom are regressed adults like themselves.
Suddenly, Lillian spots Anna, their cheerful neighbor, walking hand in hand with her Daddy, Thomas, towards the daycare center. Anna's pink shorts leave little to the imagination, the unmistakable bulge of her diaper visible beneath the fabric.
As they continue their journey, Lillian's excitement begins to wane, replaced by a sense of nervousness as they approach the preschool. She can't shake the feeling of self-consciousness that gnaws at her, knowing that she'll be surrounded by other adults who, like her, are littles and wearing diapers.
Her nerves only intensify as they pull up to the preschool, where another grown woman catches her eye. Like Lillian, she wears a short dress that barely covers her diaper, and Lillian can't help but feel a surge of jealousy as she watches the woman being unbuckled from a car seat nearby.
Stefan notices the mix of emotions playing across Lillian's face and decides to lighten the mood with a bit of teasing. With a playful grin, he leans over to her and whispers, "You know, sweetheart, I think we might need to invest in a car seat for you too. Wouldn't want you to feel left out." Lillian blushes at Stefan's teasing but can't help but giggle.
As Lillian and Stefan step through the door of the preschool, they are greeted by a scene straight out of any littles dream. The room is a bustling hub of activity, filled with the sound of laughter and the sight of diapered adults playing and exploring.
The space is expansive, with colorful play areas branching off into different themed rooms named after animals. Lillian's eyes widen in amazement as she takes in the sight before her, feeling a sense of wonder at the whimsical atmosphere of the preschool.
In the front of the room, rows of cubbies line the wall, each one adorned with a name tag. Lillian's heart skips a beat as she spots her name on one of the cubbies, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of having her own space in the preschool.
Next to her cubby, she notices an empty space with the name "Anna" written on it, a pang of curiosity tugging at her heartstrings. She wonders if this Anna is her neighbour, but before she can dwell on it further, Stefan nudges her gently, drawing her attention to the compartments on top of each cubby.
Lillian blushes as she realizes what they contain – diapers. Rows of neatly stacked diapers fill each compartment, ready to be worn by the occupants of the cubbies below. She can't help but feel a rush of embarrassment at the thought of her own cubby being stocked with diapers, a tangible reminder of her dependence in this new world.
But Stefan seems unfazed by the sight, reaching nonchalantly into Lillian's compartment to add a few of her unicorn-print diapers to it.
As she glances around the room, her eyes land on the cubby next to hers, where the name "Tim" is written in bold letters. To her surprise, she notices a stack of pull-ups nestled in the compartment, and she can't help but gasp in shock.
Stefan follows her gaze, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "Looks like Tim is a big boy," he remarks with a chuckle, his tone lighthearted as he gestures towards the pull-ups in the cubby. Stefan helps Lillian remove her shoes, setting them neatlyinside the cubby.
Suddenly, a warm voice calls out from across the room, and Lillian turns to see a kindly woman with a gentle smile approaching them. "Good morning, Lillian!" the woman greets them warmly, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "I'm Miss Clara, and I'll be your teacher for the day."
Lillian feels a surge of relief as Miss Clara introduces herself, her nerves easing at the sight of the friendly teacher. She smiles gratefully at Miss Clara, feeling reassured by her warm demeanor.
As Stefan hugs Lillian goodbye, she can't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of parting ways, even if only for a few hours. With a final wave to Stefan, Lillian turns to follow Miss Clara intoone of the themed rooms, named after animals.
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tynearshot · 5 months
Sai and Sebastian’s Past Relationships Part 2
In this we’ll focus on Sai’s pass relationships. It’s a lil long sorry haha!
TW: Toxic Relationship practices,Sex.
Age 14
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Sai’s first love was truly sweet. A crush turned young love. A girl from Science class, Tianna. She and Sai were inseparable in the beginning and they loved it. They giggled and loved that they could get away with “two femmes that are close? They’re just best friends.”
However, it was around this time that Sai started exploring their gender. Puberty reared its ugly head, and Sai was tired of the attention they got. “Geez men suck, I get boobs this year and suddenly they drooling like dogs.” Tianna giggled and agreed.
As Sai began dressing more and more masculine and androgynous, Sai’s first girlfriend started to distance themselves. I don’t believe it was outright malice. Hell both Sai and Tianna were new two how gender expression worked. In the end, they didn’t even have an official break up.
They met up less, and began running in different cliques, their adolescent love fizzled out. But Sai’s exploration of their queerness only grew.
Age 16
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Sai was… a player let’s be real. Solid in their identity as a stud, they loved love. Spoiling their girlfriends, cuddling their boyfriends, dates galore, Sai had a lot of hot and quick 2 week to one month relationships. Until they met Sharon, or Shay.
Shay was more than a new cutie. She… actually had shit to talk about. In fact, Shay was the first friend that she told about being homeless as a kid. They grew closer and dated for a year and a half. They both loved plants and animals. So much that they both dreamed about leaving ZuZu, becoming traveling field biologists.
But, those stayed dreams. Senior year, Shay had to move. Her dad was in the military and had to be stationed halfway across the country. It was, tragically, no simpler than that. They wrote each other for a while, Sai loved writing letters and receiving them from Shay. But, unremarkably, the letters dwindled to nothing.
Sai was more devastated than they’d admit. But things just returned to normal, Sai the sociable stud. Except, Sai held on to their love of plants and animals that was sparked by Shay. Hell, Shay was the first person that sparked an intense vision of the future. They then started college and Studied advanced Botany with a minor in Zoology.
Age 20
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Sai meets the first person they would truly say they were in love with. Her name was Amara. The two met at a college house party. Sai being their usual flirty self and Amara drinking it all in. The sensual tension emanating off of the pair was palpable. Of course the two hooked up. And in about a month they were an official couple.
Sai was attracted to Amara’s beauty, but captured by Amara’s passion. The two had similar passions and similar impulse control. Moved by their whims, the two had so much fun together. So many dreams together. But passion is a two sided coin.
Sai is a charming person, everyone’s big sibling. Amara saw that, and it led to her greatest paranoia. Sai often spent a lot of time tending to community (running a community fridge and garden, volunteering at donation centers, vandalizing elected officials property). That became the center of Amara’s Anxiety. “You don’t want to spend time with me anymore, you’re cheating on me.” These were the start of several arguments. That and accusations of overtly flirting, even accusing Sai of a secret relationship with Siobhan (Sai’s best friend, basically a sibling).
Sai didn’t understand. And wanted to do what they could to ease Amara’s worries. Sai wanted to fix that, even if they didn’t understand why. They loved Amara and thought they’d show them by moving in together. Good intentions, classic mistake.
Things were good for a while. They even talked about the future again. Sai felt safe dreaming again. They saw it, maybe somewhere with space, a big garden, maybe even a seed shop, children? It felt like a car crash when Amara’s paranoia not only returned, but intensified. Sai lives to nurture, but you can’t get blood from a stone. You can’t put out a fire with a cup of water. Sai was spent, and slowly realized that they were the only one working to ease Amara’s rage.
At a certain point, Sai did bury themselves in their work, to avoid the pain of Amara’s distrust. Just a little time to themselves, to think. “IT’S TRUE. YOU’RE AVOIDING ME! You… you don’t love me anymore Sai.” Amara shouts… again. And instead of a tearful refute of Amara’s venom… Sai stayed silent. It was only then that Amara realize they fulfilled their own prophecy.
After two passionate years, the flame was extinguished. Sai moved out. On top of that, Grandpa’s health was declining, the Community fridge and garden had been shut down by the new Mayor, and they dropped out of college. It hurt but, Sai knew they at least deserved something better. They don’t need the approval of a partner, or a degree, or whatever to get to a future they want.
They’d get it somehow.
Age 24 and up
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The only thing on Sai’s mind is Peachtree farm. Putting all their foraging and plant knowledge to use. They don’t expect any sparks of romance in a town where everyone knows each other. Besides they got toys for that! Interesting then that the wistful loner is interest in the ball of passion and chaos that is Sai.
I know a long one. Thanks again for reading!
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dk-thrive · 2 months
crystallizing your simpler clearer version of life—only to see it turn stale compared to what you vaguely feel ahead
I feel that a real living form is the result of the individual’s effort to create the living thing out of the adventure of his spirit into the unknown—where it has experienced something—felt something—it has not understood—and from that experience comes the desire to make the unknown—known. By unknown—I mean the thing that means so much to the person that wants to put it down—clarify something he feels but does not clearly understand—sometimes he partially knows why—sometimes he doesn’t—sometimes it is all working in the dark—but a working that must be done—Making the unknown—known—in terms of one’s medium is all-absorbing—if you stop to think of the form—as form you are lost—The artist’s form must be inevitable—You mustn’t even think you won’t succeed—Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant—there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing—and keeping the unknown always beyond you—catching crystallizing your simpler clearer version of life—only to see it turn stale compared to what you vaguely feel ahead—that you must always keep working to grasp—the form must take care of its self if you can keep your vision clear.
— Georgia O'Keeffe, in a letter that Georgia O’Keeffe wrote to her friend and fellow artist, Ansel Adams, in 1937 published in Georgia O’Keeffe: Art and Letters (New York Graphic Society, January 1, 1987) (via The Hammock Papers)
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heliocentricsunflower · 7 months
In your arms
needed some levihan comfort hehe
Words: 886
It was one of those days that Hange Zoë could just not take it. They had experience in not sleeping for days, sure, but this is different. Firstly, they never had to deal with public opinion, secondly, they weren't burnt out, and thirdly, their self confidence has taken a major hit. Truly, why were they Erwin's successor? They always knew they could never amount to the greatest, but they honestly just feel like the most incompetent commander.
At least they know not to run away from responsibility; their next—and best—choice for the succeeding commander is only twenty. No way they're letting someone that young deal with this. No matter how painful their headache right now is. No matter how blurry their vision is becoming despite having their glasses on; they have to keep pushing forward, even if they start losing their sanity.
It's cold, but putting their coat on would be a hassle, and fuck— they just want to tear down their office. But alas, a knock on the door. One they seem to be familiar with.
Levi, they assume.
"Come in," they instruct, fixing their posture.
Indeed. it's the Captain, and he's brought... tea?
"Thought you might need it. Tea and some company," he says with a sigh, and a desolate-as-ever espression, gently kicking the door closed and locking it.
"Shouldn't you sleep too? I know you're an insomniac, but you should still try," they slump onto their desk, laying on their arms.
"Exactly. I'm the insomniac here. You aren't. Sleep."
"Deal with it tomorrow."
"I can't."
"You can. Go to bed, Glasses."
"I fucking can't, Levi. If I keep delaying the shit I have to do—which I've been doing a fucking lot lately—they're gonna keep piling and piling and, I don't know if you've noticed, but the entire fucking world wants to fucking kill every person in this island, and I can't think of a fucking solution, and our best option is to fucking euthanize ourselves. I—I can't—I can't fucking—"
With every syllable, their heart beats faster; with every word, their hearing gets hazier; with every sentence, breathing gets a little harder.
Levi knows Hange. He knows when they're about to break. And so, he knows how to calm them down.
So he walks towards them. He places the tea on their desk, takes off his coat, places it around them, before finally hugging them and resting his cheek on their shoulder.
That's when he felt tears on Hange's face.
"I'm—I'm so sorry..." they whisper.
"I know you're tired too—I'm sorry... for lashing out like that," they manage to hiccup between labored breaths.
"Don't... apologize. You're going through a lot. I know. "
Hange can feel it. The sting in their eyes. Levi too.
"You... don't have to..."
"You want me to."
"I want to stay."
"Like how you stayed with me."
They know what he's talking about.
Oh, how he longs for those lost nights.
Those times were, still hard of course, but much simpler. He misses when Hange would still laugh and joke about dire situations to lighten things up. He misses when they would knock at his door at nights after every comrades' deaths to check up on him. When they would comfort him; when they kept him safe in their arms; when the two of them would talk until the sun rose; when they simply kept each other company through the night; when they fell asleep on the floor and he carried them to sleep on his bed.
He never expected to think this, but he wishes for the time when titans were just that: titans.
The Commander turns sideways on their chair and leans on Levi's body. They're gripping on the sleeve of his polo; he takes the opportunity to lead them to sit on the floor.
They never make a sound when they cry. Or at least, they try not to. This time, they're too tired to do anything but let their tears fall.
"Wanna drink?" Levi brings attention to the cup. They nod slowly.
The warmth of the tea against their lips provides familiar comfort. Levi really does make good tea, they think, but they can't seem to recall if they've tasted this before.
"Chamomile. The one we tried when we went to Marley."
"It's good..."
"Is that so?"
The Commander lowers the cup and exhales.
"You gonna do anything next morning?" they ask him, gently grabbing one of his hands.
"Nothing too important."
They turn to look at his eyes, as if asking him to stay.
"I'll be right here," he places an arm around them.
They feel a tug in their heart and burries their face in his shoulder. They wonder if he feels the smile on their face as they drift swiftly to sleep.
Levi gains a sense of relief and carries the sleeping Hange to his quarters. Carefully, he places them on his bed and removes their glasses and eyepatch. He takes a moment to look at them.
Despite their restful state, stress is still evident on Hange's face; Levi slowly lies next to them and gives a tender kiss on their forehead. Their face seems to have relaxed. He tucks away the hair bothering their cheeks.
"Goodnight, Hange." he lays next to them.
And for tonight, they're safe in his arms.
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🔮 #EnergyUpdate 🔮
This is an excellent time to check the infrastructure within your foundation. Every once in awhile it’s good to do a structural support assessment. These assessments are necessary when it comes to creating the type of foundation you want to have to support the manifestation of your dreams & desires. Without a proper foundation nothing can be created. If you were to create something & your structure is not sound it’s only a matter of time before it collapses. Something is being brought into your world right now. This is a gift from the beyond. This gift will help to facilitate the sort of foundation that you would need to be able to build upon. You are also receiving a lot of assistance from The ancestral realm as you continue to navigate & facilitate whatever needs to take place in order to solidify what it is you have created. Now is the time to dream big & create a bold “New Vision” for what it is you would like to have in your present as well as your future. There have been times where you have set the bar too low. You see limitations within yourself that don’t truly exist. Free yourself from self-imposed bondage & fly. Nothing can stop you but you. We create so many of the problems that we endure every day. Things could be so much simpler if we would just step aside & allow the universe to do what needs to be done in order for us to have the fulfillment we seek. Make the changes you need to in order to strengthen the infrastructure of your foundation to create a solid structure to build upon.
#Affirmation : I provide myself with the structural support necessary to build my dreams upon.
#Oracle #tarot #energy #motivation #positivity #inspiration #spirituality #lawofattraction #Cardoftheday #Brujasofinstagram #SpiritualAwakening #enlightement #Manifestation #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreaders #TarotCommunity #Bruja #witchesofinstagram
Luna Mystic Oracle
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
I send you stars for the directors cut because I wanna know more but I am overwhelmed with IRL at the moment.
Aw man, I understand the feeling. I'm a little sleep-deprived and overwhelmed right now too, so I'm struggling to come up with a good answer for this...
I guess I'll give some commentary on Who Waits Forever Anyway? since that's the one you're most familiar with
Originally, I struggled with deciding how much of a link Katherine really had with the gods. I wanted originally for her to not have any innate link, and for it to be only her passion for the museum and creation that earned the tablet's favor - but I decided against that, since it leaves the question of why Larry and Nick didn't develop the same abilities, when they have the same connection to the museum
I also didn't want to make her a demigod or direct descendant of the gods. I didn't want to give her too much innate power, since I thought that might cheapen parts of her story and her self-discovery.
Making her a descendant not of Bastet, but of Bastet's original blessing was a spur-of-the-moment decision (I wrote the "a girl walks into a temple" scene all in one go, with minimal editing), but I'm really glad I went with it. It really gave everything a nice balance: explaining why Katherine had a connection to the tablet, but not so much connection that she develops powers on her own. She needs the tablet to act as a catalyst.
My vision for her was that the tablet uses her as a conduit. She doesn't have innate magic of her own, but she's able to use the tablet's energy more effectively than it could on its own. This is also why it affects her inversely from the other exhibits when the tablet begins to die - they grow weaker as the magic fades, but Katherine is flooded with unpredictable magic because the tablet is failing to act as a barrier between her and the gods
To make it simpler, the magic behaves like this: gods > tablet >> exhibits, where magic is passed directly down. As the tablet dies, no magic reaches the exhibits to animate them
However, it also works like this: gods <> tablet <> Katherine, where the tablet provides a link that allows Katherine to "borrow" magic from the gods, and communication goes both ways.
All this time spent exposed to the gods' direct power as the tablet dies may have some unexpected consequences...
I've tried to include references to other Egyptian gods throughout the work, as if they're following Katherine around
She visits Cecil in the old folks' home, which is where Jace first learns about the magic - he plays a role similar to Tawaret, helping tend the older souls and prepare them to comfortably move in. Cecil's also notably gentler and less antagonistic than he is in the first movie, indicating that his soul may be becoming "lighter" and more ready to move on
Katherine's drawings turn cobalt blue after animating them as a reference to Osiris and his blue skin - she's creating life (albeit in a very simple, temporary form) and so is drawing on his power
You noticed that Katherine's name is sometimes shortened to Kat, a hint to Bastet, but being named after Katherine Johnson the rocket scientist is a hint in itself - she contributed to the moon landing, and the tablet is powered by the moon god Khonsu.
There's also a lot of focus on writing and research (the letter, Ahk teaching her to write in hieroglyphs, the research she does into the tablet), which can be tied back to the scribe god Thoth - who also shows her the gods' argument when the tablet begins to die
In general, Katherine's strongest abilities come from the gods she's gained more favor from, mainly by showing respect and placing focus on their domains - Thoth by seeking knowledge, Bastet by protecting the home (the museum), Ptah by creating, etc.
Last thing? Most of the Ahkmenrah x Human OC stories I've read end with the magic granting him a second life, and him becoming fully alive and human so he can grow old with his loved one. As sweet as that is... we're doing something a little more unique here. You'll see ;)
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wisheduponastar · 10 months
Sleepyhead... (1.6k words, M/M)
For Day 8 of @danganronpashipmonths Saioma month. Inspired by the prompt : Sacrifices
Kokichi needs to make sure Shuichi is safe during late night training. And he needs to talk to Shuichi afterwards. And then it doesn't matter if it's one in the morning by the end, and he needs hours to be able to fall asleep. It doesn't matter that the minute Kokichi can actually rest, the morning announcement goes off. Because Shuichi is safe. And Kokichi can sacrifice a little sleep for that.
Or~ Kokichi can't get to sleep, but still tries to look after Shuichi. While they're talking after late-night training, Shuichi catches on to just how exhausted Kokichi really is.
Read on Ao3 or below
Kokichi was tired. That was probably the simplest way to put it without lying. Shuichi had started to train with Kaito, and now Maki, for a few nights. Which meant Kokichi shouldn't have been able to meet up with Shuichi. But Kokichi made it work. He stayed up every night, waiting for Shuichi to finish.
Kokichi wasn't even sure why; all they did was talk. And it was even necessarily about the game, or anything useful. It was whatever had caught one of their interests. Kokichi would happily listen to whatever Shuichi had on his mind. From the most recent trial, to something much simpler. Like Shuichi missing rain, that was the most recent thing they had talked about.
Other times, Shuichi let him ramble about whatever he wanted to. He would properly listen, and he would talk back. Kokichi still lied a lot, of course, but he felt he was doing it for himself - not for image, or self-preservation. He did it because, sometimes, Shuichi would laugh at his lies. They'd make eye contact and smile, in the night. And Kokichi cherished those moments.
He also watched, originally, to make sure Shuichi would be safe. Because there was no way Shuichi could've beat Kaito, if the astronaut had a knife. But Kokichi could beat Kaito, he was fairly confident. The assassin girl he could toootally take. He just didn't feel like it. And he didn't think Shuichi could handle the assassin, cause he was weaker.
Maki didn't seem as much of a threat anymore, she'd even started trauma bonding with the two. But that might just be a strategy to kill one of them, and then shift blame off them. Emotional vulnerability, even if you lied about it, was one of the best ways to get someone to let their guard down. That was what Kokichi had learnt, anyway. Although he'd always done it with strangers, and had never exactly been honest with it. His version was a lot more like guilt-tripping.
Staring out again, Kokichi stifled a small yawn, covering his mouth with his bandana. He tried not to rub his eyes, and wipe off the make-up underneath them. Before Kirumi had...
While Kirumi had been able to help him, Kokichi had had her get some concealer in his shade - and teach him how to apply it. His dark circles weren't that bad, he just didn't want Shuichi worrying unnecessarily. Besides, it was totally a turn-off when he went all mother-hen (even if something in Kokichi did crave to be taken care of). Some days he hadn't even needed to put concealer on. And the attention Shuichi gave him when he was worried was all kind of nice.
Narrowing his eyes, Kokichi tried to see what they were doing. At first, he'd thought of going to Miu for a pair of dark-vision binoculars, but then he remembered it would be Miu. And she probably wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut about that. Instead, he had to resort to normal person eyes. Well, he was above average, of course - but mainly normal eyes. Kokichi also took a torch with him, just in case. But everything was pretty illuminated, at the very least.
Kokichi could never forgive himself if something happened to Shuichi, especially if he could prevent it. So he always stayed up. Watching silently, and then waiting. Waiting to see if Shuichi still wanted to talk after training, because as fascinating as their conversations were - they weren’t worth making Shuichi tired. Kokichi staying up himself was a different story, obviously. He wasn’t getting very tired from it. And there was always coffee.
Peering again, Kokichi noticed Kaito standing up and offering Shuichi his hand. So training was over, for now at least. Smiling, Kokichi hung back slightly before starting to follow them - staying in the shadows the entire time, of course. Looking, Shuichi didn’t seem as tired as he had been the previous nights. Maybe he could stay up with Kokichi this time?
Staying silent, Kokichi watched as Maki and Kaito disappeared into their respective rooms, before Shuichi left to go into his. Another beat of silence, and then Kokichi quickly stepped across the empty dormitory to Shuichi’s room, knocking on it, “Open up sleepyhead!”
Sure enough, the door quickly opened, Shuichi staring at Kokichi slightly, as if trying to figure out why Kokichi was there. Moving, he slipped inside of the room, “Wow Shuichi, your room is really boring y’know?”
Tactfully ignoring Kokichi’s taunts, Shuichi headed inside too, “Why are you here, Kokichi?”
“So we can hang out together!” Kokichi felt himself grinning, “Unless my Shuichi hates me so much he doesn’t want to see me?” “Sorry, your Shuichi?” Even with the time, Shuichi still managed to be perfectly sceptical, one eyebrow raised at Kokichi’s antics.
“It’s ok if you hate me Shuichi, cause I actually hate you too!” Kokichi then paused for a second, “Just kidding - that was a lie! Did I get you?”
But even with his usual level of exuberance, Shuichi still seemed to be looking at Kokichi sceptically. Under the mask, Kokichi felt himself panic slightly. If Shuichi knew just how exhausted Kokichi was getting, he’d stop them from meeting up. And then Kokichi wouldn’t be able to spend time with Shuichi anymore. Then he realised, he wasn’t doing any gestures with it. That was why Shuichi was worried!
“Is Shuichi worried about me?” He teased, this time making sure to skip a bit closer and lean into Shuichi grinning up at him and exaggeratedly batting his eyelashes.
“Yes… I am.”
That threw Kokichi off-guard for a second, the level of genuine concern. Recovering quickly, he tried to just grin again and laugh, “Nee-heehee, that’s all part of my masterplan! Once you’re concerned about me-”
“Kokichi,” Shuichi suddenly interrupted, in a rather soft voice. He stood up, making direct eye contact with Kokichi, seemingly oblivious to the butterflies suddenly in Kokichi’s stomach, the effort he was making not to blush. “You seem… burnt out. Are you ok?”
“Of course! You really think the Ultimate Supreme Leader needs something as silly as sleep?”
“You’re not sleeping well?” The question is posed instantly, and with the certainty of Shuichi in a class trial. For a second all Kokichi can do is blink, before he internally curses to himself at the slip-up. He has been sleeping. Not that much, but surely enough to prevent a slip-up like that?
“I’m sleeping fine,” Kokichi puts a grin on again, “I enjoy talking with you Shuichi. Especially after dark…”
“Kokichi, I’m serious,” somehow, Kokichi only now realises just how deeply Shuichi has been staring into his eyes, looking at him, “You… you do seem exhausted.”
“You’re no fun Shumai!” Kokichi pouts, turning away slightly and crossing his arms. Trying to bring a smile out of Kokichi, to let their dynamic go back to normal. Something in Kokichi loves that Shuichi is worried about him. But he also doesn’t want Shuichi to have to be worried at all.
“You need to sleep, Kokichi.”
Before it can develop into a back and forth, Shuichi briefly frowns, pinching his nose. “Right, you need to sleep, now.”
The detective glances around, before his eyes land on the bed. “Please Kokichi, just try and go to sleep?”
“Is my Shumai inventing me to get in his bed?”
Even with his tiredness, Kokichi laughs at how flustered Shuichi suddenly becomes, eyes going downwards and face becoming rosy and flushed. “Aww c’mon. Wanting to sleep with me is perfectly normal. I’m really popular-”
“Bed. Now,” there’s something more demanding in Shuichi’s tone, and Kokichi almost moves closer to the bed without thinking.
“Wow, you’re really desperate,” Kokichi grins, “If you wanted to sleep with me this badly-”
“How about a deal?” Shuichi seems just as tired as Kokichi is, but he has a thinking grin on, “Just… try to go to sleep in the bed for ten minutes. If you don’t, we can stay up tonight for as long as you want.”
“And if I do?” Kokichi prompts, before following up, “You’re a pretty shit deal maker Shuichi.”
“But very well,” he grins. He’s not been able to get to sleep in less than two hours ever since the killing game started, and this won’t make any difference. It’s an easy challenge. And one that Shuichi is glad to accept, “I accept your terms! Prepare to lose!”
Oddly, that wouldn’t have been the weirdest thing that Kokichi had said while throwing himself onto a bed, although he’s in probably some of the strangest company. Around him, he can feel Shuichi grimace at the fact he didn’t take off his shoes. He hears Shuichi shuffle again, and then the light is turned off. Kokichi takes one last look at the clock. It’s precisely midnight. Stopping a yawn again, Kokichi grins sleepily at Shuichi, “Well, see you in ten minutes!”
Kokichi didn’t mean to close his eyes on the bed. He didn’t mean to fall asleep. When he reminisces, he isn’t even sure how it happened. Perhaps it was the gentle sound of Shuichi breathing, staying completely still so as not to disturb him. Deep down, Kokchi knows it’s because, for the first time, he truly feels safe.
And if in the morning he wakes up just before the morning announcement and sees Shuichi, asleep in a chair, he doesn’t mention it. He quietly gets his lockpicks out and slips away from the room. And he certainly doesn’t have a smile on his face. 
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chaosprincess2 · 4 months
So, what is it? Is it useful?
Tech Witchcraft was seen for a while to only be the use of some apps and maybe some "emoji spells?" But, in my experience and personal research I've come to find there is much more you can do to make it a more solid "practice". Well, here's some ideas I've gathered that are very simple to either add/convert in your craft.
So, first things first the phone. Everyone talks about how phones are toxic and bad for you, when really it's the holder. Phones are used alot more these days, and it's a tool at this point. One that you choose how to use.
Your phone has quartz in it, which already sucks up energy on its own. But your phone is now bonded to you naturally and picks up unwanted energy. Cleanse that shit while you clean your phone, something that already is rarely done you can incorpate cleansing into it.
Changing your case for its intent, and hiding sigil in it is a nice little tip. You can also make charms with crystals or spell bottles to hang on a phone charm.
There is a type of sorcery that involves hiding images within images... you can do this with your wallpaper ! (If you care to research it, you'll find the name of it.)
Apps. Of course, can't go without apps. But it's how you use them that matters! Rather than the traditional Self Care app or Tarot and Moon Phases, use other apps that you are connected to to turn them into something else.
For example, for tiktok I only use it for inspiration or for signs. I also get signs through Instragram and sometimes Pinterest, whether thru angel numbers made from the like numbers or an image of something.
Pinterest. Easy to use and make digital Book of Shadow, Journal, Vision Board, or altar! You can do the same with Google Docs, but more work....
Shufflemancy. Using your music app as divination!
Your clock and battery percentage can become a angel number channel.
Finding ebooks and audio books. Much cheaper and easier to get a hold of and keep safe.
Do a deep clean of your phone from old data, songs and photos. Maybe even schedule days to do those things if they're too big a hassle.
Refresh your profile! It's the equivalent to a glamor spell. Clean up your account too! On whatever it is. And don't forget social media detoxing when it gets overwhelming!
Online communities are cool as long as everyone participates. Reddit, Amino, Tumblr, are a few to get started.
Guided meditations on YouTube and stuff! There's also so many videos you can watch.
Watch witchtok complations on YouTube for inspiration.
Digital self care, grimoire, dream, and manifestation journals!
Emails can send signs. Ever had a astrology email send you a WAY to close to home message that day?
Using someone's profile as a tag lock can be useful.
Sound cleansing. Learn what types of music/ sounds you like and how the affect you. Learn it, live it, love it.
Google Maps can let you digitally go to special places. So why not use that to your advantage?
When your phone is turned off,the screen is black. Scrying, anyone?
You can use the phone camera as a mirror for mirror spells.
You can also use it for spirit communication.
Of course, digital tarot. Remember the thing about cleansing your phone? That may be why your tarot app is weird. There's also digital magic 8 balls and Runes if tarot isn't your thing or you wanna try something new.
Ask for a message from whatever and then go into an algorithm based app. Sometimes you'll get messages <3
Headphones can make good subtle veiling option!
Tech witchcraft is just so much simpler and easier for low energy people and the typical busy witch. :(
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moussedoodles · 4 months
🎴🪷 | Of Lotuses and Spiderlillies: Chapter 3 Sneak Peek | 🪷🎴
Rin blinked heavy eyelids open- which already seemed like a herculean task in and of itself. But things only seem to worsen when he's met with one of the worst of his recurring enemies: the damned, morning light.
A hiss made its way past gritted teeth as the halfling winced, bringing a hand over his squinted eyes. God, sometimes he wished he was still at home, stuck at the monastery where he couldn't care less about highschool and, instead, slept to his heart's content, only really waking around the early afternoon to help around and run errands around the small church or to cook, all for his family. He dropped out for good reasons damnit, and not having to deal with the sun's shit when he felt and reeked of death was one of them.
Wait– reeked?
Rin withdrew the arm slung over his face, recoiling briefly under the light before he decided- still bordering on the edge of sleep- to begrudgingly push through his initial exhaustion and propped himself up on his elbows, allowing his vision to gradually adjust and explore the surrounding room with lidded eyes.
The light that flooded through the windows by his bedside illuminates white walls with its gentle glow. It wasn't a large space by any means, but it made do with what it had, stretching into a narrow room that barely held any noticeable furniture save for the row of beds beside him and their accompanying bedside tables.
An infirmary, his brain helpfully supplied, as he blinked away the sleep from his eyes. Its layout was familiar enough to be recognised as one, though it was far simpler than True Cross’ own infirmary with its tiled floors and canopy beds. You wouldn't expect any less from one of the best highschools in Japan, especially when you've come to know its headmaster.
Still, despite the unfamiliar setting, Rin would much rather be taken care of here than to tend to himself on the forest floor after he had unceremoniously passed out.
Which… Yeah, that happened.
Rin sucked in a breath through gritted teeth as embarrassment crawled up his spine. He would have thought that, after all the things he had fought and seen since he had first awakened his powers, since he had first chosen to be an exorcist following the death of his father, he would pass out over something that's worth the toll– like being electrocuted again! But- no. As he sits here, atop the white sheets of his infirmary bed, Rin has to deal with the crippling shame of the fact that- not only did he pass out after exorcising the first and one of the easiest demonic entities he had ever encountered, but he had passed out shortly after the fact! And in some poor guy's arms no less!
...Fuck. He passed out in some poor guy's arms.
God, he must've looked like shit.
He Probably smelled even worse.
Rin's ears picked up the slightest creak, which pulled him from his post-sleep self loathing. His head turned towards the noise, and there, standing like a deer in headlights with a hand pressed against the wooden door, was a figure clad in dark fabrics from head to toe, including their head, which was wrapped in black coverings, its hem lined with white. Over their nose and mouth was a pale, paper-like mask, decorated by three dark streaks, which hid all but wide eyes as the stranger stared at the halfling, and he, in turn, stared back.
A silence stretched on for an uncomfortable while, but before Rin could manage his mouth open to speak, the stranger abruptly bent into a bow, startling the swordsman.
“I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you!”
“Hey man, don't worry about it,” Rin said, the corners of his lips curled into a slight grin. “But uh, could you tell me whe–”
“I'll inform the estate girls that you're awake!”
“And I'll get you food! You must be starving!”
“Thanks but–”
“And a new uniform!” They interrupted, “We only managed to remove your blazer off of you, but you smelled awful!”
The halfling sputtered. “Th- That's not my fault!”
Rin’s brow twitched, and he could feel his face warm. Christ, who even is this guy? Before he could think to ask though, the black-clad figure sprinted off, leaving Rin atop his bed, staring at the empty doorway with a flush over his cheeks and a low hanging jaw, all while irritation and shame slowly simmered beneath his skin.
…He didn't smell that bad, did he?
The halfling groaned as he fell back onto his bed.
Damnit. Couldn't he have gotten even a single word in? Cause a clue on just where he's been transported to would be nice. Hell, maybe he'd even be able to find some cell service so he could send a text to his brother or get himself directions to the nearest train online. He can't imagine just how worried his friends are of him, and he could bet Yukio's got his panties in a twist right now too, worrying about where his dumbass of a brother disappeared to and just how much damage he had done in the few hours (days?) he had been gone for.
He'd find his brother's– hell, everyone’s paranoia annoying if it weren't so warranted. If he wasn't just as worried, just as afraid of what he could possibly do to everyone else as much as they are.
Rin sighed, and he succumbed to the weight of heavy eyelids. He finds no sleep, of course- not as if he even wanted to- and it's not just because he could vaguely see the warmth of the sun behind closed eyes, casting his vision into dark hues of red; or because he could still smell the faintest hint of decay that clung to his skin, leaving nothing but a memory of the nausea he had suffered through beforehand.
He's not getting better like this, no matter what Shura tells him.
Rin- despite… not being the smartest or most attentive student in True Cross- which was a tremendous understatement- wasn't a complete idiot either. No matter how many spirits he exorcises, how many books he had forced himself to read, classes he had to attend, candles he had fucking burn through– Rin feels as though he hasn't changed much- if at all from the teenager that first drew that accursed sword that one, mournful afternoon. He doesn't know when he first realised it, but after what he had seen from Angel, Shura herself or- hell! Even the other Pages in their cram school, he can't help but feel stagnant, his steps too sloppy, his dodges half-assed, his swordsmanship barely any better than careless swings of his arms.
Rin sucked in a shaky breath before he brought an equally trembling hand up to comb through his mess of dark hair.
He just has to… chip away at it. Slowly. He can't become the best exorcist in a matter of months. No one can, and Rin knows that. The same goes for any skill, afterall, like cooking.
Yet still, controlling his flames won't fix his shitty swordsmanship, and he can't keep relying on his demonic healing when he fucks up or gets hurt either. He realised that few months back when he saw that he was nothing like the protagonists from his manga, that he wasn't invincible, that- that he could get hurt.
And nothing could encapsulate that better than when he had been captured, crucified and shocked by his own grandfather.
Sometimes, even during the best of days, when night falls over True Cross town and Rin lays on his bed- much like he is now- with closed eyes as he waits for sleep, he could still feel it, lingering like a fading scar. It's nothing but a faint buzz now, but his body never forgot, the memory remaining fresh on his mind.
The scent of searing, burning flesh.
Nerves alighting as jolts of electricity spread through his vulnerable form.
Wave upon wave of agonising, excruciating pain.
All while spasming muscles, skin, bone– everything attempted to stitch himself back together, before he would be viciously torn apart.
And over.
And over again.
Rin sucked in a shuddering breath, the hand that once combed through his dark hair now clutching the stained fabric of his button-up, as sharpened nails dug into the pale skin of his torso beneath.
Rin felt like he was burning.
… Shit! He is burning!
Aaaand that's all I could give for now, I hope you like what I've given you all so far though! I wish I could've done more, but I just recently moved into a whole new country, so there's that- but, hey! More free time to write and draw!
This is the chapter where our boys will finally meet, and I can't wait to write their first interaction! I have so many ideas in store for them, but you guys would just have to wait for that ];)
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madamlaydebug · 4 months
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Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning.
This happens when our Merkabah is forming. The Merkabah is the transportation vehicle of the light body. It is a 6th dimensional cube that rotates and spins. During its formation you may feel periods of dizziness and vertigo as the cube calibrates itself with your energy. When this happens, sit down and take a break for a little while. It usually doesn’t last for long.
Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue.
Our bodies are taking in higher density energy and this is the reason you will experience these symptoms. High density energy can make you feel as if your bones are crushing and your muscles ache as if you have just sprinted in a major marathon. You may suddenly feel as if you are 100 years old and can barely walk across the room.
Gritty, itchy eyes and blurred vision.
Very simply, our eyes are adjusting to see in a new and higher density of energy. When this adjustment has been completed your vision will be sharp and clear, and colors will stand out for you as they never have before.
Memory loss and difficulty accessing words.
So many are having this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each other. “I was having a glass of…you know what I mean…that white stuff…uh…what’s it called?” “Did you watch the…er…that event where everyone competes from around the world?”
At times we cannot talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of anything. When this occurs you are going back and forth between dimensions and experiencing disconnect.
Another somewhat related occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment with time and our flow is disconnected, as part of our energy is here and another part is further ahead.
Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or sometimes just an hour before.
In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto does not exist.
Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.
A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place.
“Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing either!” Ever had this conversation with the Universe!?
You have been knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very new space but have not integrated yet.
A loss of identity.
You look in the mirror and have a strange feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it never ends. You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to your physical vessel.
As you begin to access much more of your soul or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form. In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order…you are OK.
Feeling ‘out of body’.
The same explanation as above. The physical body is the last to catch up. Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our bodies, as our physical bodies are not there yet.
‘Seeing’ and ‘hearing’ things.
As we can now access different dimensions fairly easily, it is common for many to see things out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there. Many also experience ringing in the ears, which is common when we are going through “the tunnel” and accessing a higher dimension.
Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can be a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs of color as well.
Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort.
We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone.
This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.
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Hey deepfriedhopesanddreams, i was thinking why not make another story about the botbots squad being bestowed with superpowers here are some ideas.
Lost Bots
• Burgertron : super persuasion (psychically or vocally), super strength, super speed, talking to animals, agility, telepathy, flight.
• Dimlit : light intensity control, color and pattern changing touch, super vision, flight.
• Kikmee : super strength, super bounce, super speed + stamina, agility.
• Bonz Eye : plant powers, mood manifestation + eye color change (red = anger, orange = silliness, yellow = joy, lime = fear, green = relaxation, teal = vanity, blue = sadness, purple = bravery, pink = love), martial art strength, agility, super vision, super hearing, psychic reflexes, muted footsteps, talking to animals.
• Clogstopper = breathing underwater, fast swim, aquakinesis.
Science Alliance
• Dr. Flaskenstein : chemical control + immunity, breathing underwater + in chemical, super vision, psychic reflexes, plastic transmutation touch (it's reversible).
• Face Ace : chemical immunity, breathing underwater + in chemical, super vision, psychic reflexes, talking to animals, plastic transmutation touch (it's reversible), force fields.
• Starscope : super vision, portal making, talking to animals, metallokinesis, anti-gravity floatation, gravity increasing.
• Eye Goon : super vision, super speed, super strength, metallokinesis.
Sugar shocks
• Frostferatu : hypnotic voice, vampire speed + stamina, vampire agility, vampire strength, self-healing, flight, telepathy, telekinesis, high surface clinging, talking to animals, super vision, super hearing.
I just wanna know what will it be like botbots were to have superpowers.
Mhm yeah...
It's great and all but I have something else planned for the botbots... It's very much simpler for my corroded brain to handle...
And please don't bombard me with asks after this, I'm not feeling great... At all...
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Also I feel like people are taking the “I want to save that crying boy” statement WAY too fucking literal.
I get just disliking the pathway the author chose for the MC to change gears and decide to save him. I get it. It’s preference. But it’s what we have, and saying that you dislike it is a lot simpler than looking for a million reasons for why Deku is a bad person for changing his mind that way and not deciding to some other way. It was going to happen regardless, this is just how it happened.
Not to mention this line of thinking is a lot closer to the “Tenko and Tomura are different people” crowd. A lot closer to that crowd than any other lol.
Taking personal preference out of the equation and just looking at what is on the pages, is it actually literally a bad thing that Deku only changed his mind because of that vision? Is the manga telling us that he’s shitty for only deciding to save him after the magical vestige vision? Is it telling us to question his decision based off of that vision?
I mean, the manga tells me no. Please tell me if it’s indicates otherwise. But as far as I can see, showing Shigaraki’s child self over and over again tells me that, hey, the crying boy inside of him is pretty fucking imperative to saving him. Again, personal preference taken out—I feel like if we see something over and over again it’s because the story is asking for your attention brought to it. Because it’s important. For some reason.
As far as I can see, making Midoriya change into HIS child self during the proclamation that he’s gonna save him is pretty telling that—no it’s not literally about yanking a 5 year old out of the void. It’s about two people leveling with each other. Otherwise, why make Midoriya 5 years old too? It’s a visual. With a purpose. And I didn’t realize so many people would just read that chapter and panel with their eyes closed.
And on that note—nobody else is seeing him differently or “for who he actually is” either. The League knows him as he is now—Tomura Shigaraki. Sure, a guy who likes video games. But honestly can we stop making that little tidbit so much more impactful on Shigaraki than it actually has been shown to be? On Spinner for sure. It drives his actions. And it’ll impact Shigaraki in the sense that Spinner woke Kurogiri up. Otherwise? Not really. IF any of the other League members (excluding ShiraGiri from this because it’s up in the air how much he knows about Tomura’s past) see Tomura as someone who needs help, they’ll see him as someone who needs saving from AFO. Because that’s literally all they can see, they don’t know anything else.
But honestly you’d have a hard time convincing me anybody besides Spinner and Kurogiri actually pay any mind to the ShigAFO situation at all. I really don’t think Touya actually literally cares right now, and as far as I have seen Toga is too sad and hurt to pay mind to it either. At least until she gets what she wants first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Back to the kid vision and why it’s not some god awful curse on the manga—I mean it’s not like the magical vestige vision of Tenko made Midoriya suddenly ✨poof✨ forget all the horrible things Shigaraki and the League have done? It’s not like he’s literally just on the lookout for an innocent 5 year old who did nothing wrong and hoping to leave Tomura who did a lot wrong behind. Again—that sounds way too close to the “Tenko and Tomura are different people” crowd for my tastes.
Hating the crying kid vision is fine but it’s annoying seeing people jump through hoops to make it into some heinous crime committed by the MC for seeing things that way lmao
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