#but then I won’t move for the rest of the day teehee
superbattrash · 2 years
The good thing about me not wanting to wash the doors at the new place is that I get everything else done because I’m trying to avoid cleaning the doors
Which means that when I inevitably get the doors done I’ll be completely done with the place :3
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danikamariewrites · 4 months
Mob!Azriel x reader AU
Note: another day another Mob!Az fic for you all to think about teehee.
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood
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You giggled as Azriel lightly nipped at your cheek, his hand trying to sneak into the bowl of cookie dough. “Az,” you laugh out, smacking his hand away. “You can have some later when the rest of the Boy Scouts show up.”
Azriel rolls his eyes at the nickname. “I’ve told you, we are not Boy Scouts, we are-”
“A highly trained and dangerous group of powerful families that are allied.” You say, mimicking the overused statement. “Yes, yes I know Azzy, geez.” You tease, bumping him with your hip.
Moving from his grasp you bustle around the kitchen grabbing ingredients and plates. Azriel’s kitchen was gorgeous, and criminally under utilized. When you moved in it was all black and white, barely any ingredients or extra appliances.
“Oh this won’t do.” You had told Azriel, demanding you go shopping for every and anything you’d ever need for a kitchen. You gave the place a complete makeover, painting the walls and cabinets a lovely sage green and replacing the countertops. Adding an island and dark wood table and cushions to the breakfast nook the room was complete.
Coming back to stand between Azriel and the island you start scooping out the cookies. “You really don’t have to do this, you know.” You shrug, a generous scoop of dough and chocolate chips falling from your spoon. “I want to. Plus, I never really got to bake since work took up too much time. And your meetings go on forever, you guys absolutely need snacks.”
Leaning down Azriel presses a kiss to the back of your head. “You’re amazing, my love.” He says softly. You lean back into his chest, tilting your head back to stare at his pretty face. Turning, you hold up a finger with dough on it. Azriel’s eyes light up at the treat, licking it from your finger. Pushing up on your toes you peck his lips, murmuring, “I love you.”
Before Azriel could pull you to him and go for a more heated kiss, Rhys walks in, clearing his throat. “They’re here Az.” He nods at his brother, signaling Rhys’s dismissal.
A heavy sigh leaves his nose. Holding your face, Azriel gives you one last kiss. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
An hour later you were balancing a tea tray laden with chocolate chip cookies in your hands. The guard at the door smiles at you, knocking and opening one of the double doors for you. You nod in thanks as you quietly make your way to the occupied half of the table.
It was a small group today. Only Helion, Eris, Kal and their second and third in commands, along with a few other key members of their organizations. Reaching between Helion and Rhysand, you gently place the tray in the middle of the table.
The men looked hesitant to reach for the snack at first, but also didn’t want to be rude. “Thank you, my love.” Azriel says, giving you a small smile from his place at the head of the table. “Of course,” you whisper.
Azriel leads the conversation back to their plans, “Now, we can’t stand for this. The Molina family made us look like fools and trust me gentleman, that will not happen again. This robbery has to be big.” Odd, you thought to yourself, Azriel’s MO isn’t home robberies.
The pictures of the mansion in question spread across the table caught your eye. It’s familiarity had you titling your head, wracking your brain for where you’d seen it before.
then it hit you. The paintings on the wall! You knew them because you delivered them! Your lips parted slightly in surprise at your memory.
You felt Helion’s attention on you as he asked, “What’s wrong?” Your eyes snap to his deep brown ones, cheeks tinting red in embarrassment. Azriel takes his tone as rude but you brush it off, knowing he’s just curious about what you’re seeing.
You look to Azriel, not knowing if you have the right to give your input in a meeting. You didn’t want to make Azriel seem less in charge or something.
Azriel gives you a soft, encouraging look. “Go ahead, y/n. Tell us what you see.” You nod at him, dragging the picture of the paintings toward you. “These paintings are fakes.” A confusion spreads over the room as a few huh’s sound around the table.
“My boss got his hands on the real ones somehow, these are like rare pieces, hell museums would kill for these. Before he sold them I honestly thought they were in the Louvre. But he sold them to Molina Jr. who also requested fakes to display, since he bragged so much about buying them. They aren’t very good fakes if you ask me though.”
Helion brought the image closer to his face, attempting his untrained eye to see the falsity of the paintings. Kal snatched it from him, giving him a you-don’t-know-shit-about-art look.
Conversation bubbles around Azriel but all he can focus on is you. You and your beautiful, passionate, intelligent mind.
“Where would he keep the real ones?” Eris asks, breaking up the conversations and Azriel’s concentration on you. Though that didn’t last long. As soon as you opened your mouth Azriel was laser focused on you.
You give Eris a knowing smirk, “His vault, where I helped deliver the paintings.” Cassian and Kal let out laughs or triumph as the others gave you approving looks. Rhysand unrolls the blueprints to the mansion in front of you. “Alright y/n, point us in the right direction.”
Two hours later the heist was planned perfectly thanks to you. You waited in Azriel’s office as he bid his guests goodbye. Kicked back, sitting in his kingly leather chair, your feet propped up on the desk.
Hearing the door click shut you perk up. Azriel grins, strutting over to you. Crossing his arms he leans against the desk in front of you. “I don’t think I could’ve planned that without you.” You shrug at the praise. “Eh, you would’ve gotten by.”
Azriel nudges your feet off the polished wood, chuckling at you. Lifting you up and pulling you into his lap you immediately lean against his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
“You’re too modest, my love. Everyone was telling me how brilliant you are.” You giggle, burying your face deeper into Azriel’s chest at the compliment. Hooking his fingers under your chin, Az tilts your face up to meet his shimmering hazel gaze.
“My clever girl.” He hums, pressing his lips to yours. You slip your arms around his neck pulling him closer. Azriel stands, gently placing you on his desk. He nudges your thighs apart to stand between your legs, deepening the kiss. “I think you deserve a reward,” his voice had taken on a deep and seductive tone. That smirk promises a very pleasurable reward. Tugging on Azriel’s dark locks he pulls away from you, dropping to his knees.
Tonight is the big heist. When Azriel had kissed you goodbye you plastered a convincing smile on your face, trying to ignore your heart pounding so hard against your chest you thought it was trying to escape.
You were always nervous when Azriel went out with his men for a job. Pacing the TV room, more like a theater, you dug your toes into the carpet to focus on something other than Azriel. You had lots to keep you distracted like a book, your favorite show cued up, your phone. However, moving around was a necessity right this very second.
The first time Azriel went on a job after you moved in was a disaster. You had a panic attack so bad not even Baxian, your bodyguard, could calm you down. Baxian was on the verge of calling Azriel as he walked through the front door. It made him contemplate never leaving you again.
You still can’t decide if you’d rather Az not tell you and just be blissfully ignorant. Or if you would still worry if he was out until all hours of the night. You’d probably still worry but worse.
In the silence you paused at any creaking or popping that sounded in the house. About to settle on the couch to pick an activity, the unmistakable sound of the front door opening.
Staring at the doorway to the TV room you held your breath. You didn’t want to see Azriel if he was hurt. You didn’t think you could stomach the sight of his blood.
Footsteps grew louder and louder until Azriel was staring at you. He was unscathed. Safe. And home.
You let out a cry of relief, running into his open arms. Azriel pulls you flush to his body, tucking your head under his chin. You revel in his warm touch. A smile spreads across your lips at having him back home.
Pulling away, you stare up into his tired eyes. “Everything went ok?” You ask softly. Azriel nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “It went perfectly, all thanks to you my love.” He says, exhaustion lacing his voice.
“Come on you,” you squeeze him around the middle. “Let’s get you to bed, baby.” You move to his side, pulling him along. “Sounds perfect, my love.”
Tucking into bed you couldn’t shake this feeling in the pit of your stomach. Watching Az sleep peacefully you snuggle into his side, holding on to him. Just in case.
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tipofthemountain · 4 months
i just want you
my requests are open!
the alternate ending!
tags: simon “ghost” riley x gn! reader, lots (and i mean lots) of angst, cursing, let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 1.3k
summary: It’s not always easy being with someone who never lets you inside their head.
a/n: :D happy reading! teehee
my requests are open!
It always seems to rain in movies when something sad happens. It applies to the situation at hand right now.
You and Simon had been together officially for a few months now. After months of ‘i just don’t think it’s time’ or ‘i’m not the relationship type’ Simon finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course it was rocky, a story with a sad beginning always ends with a sad ending. You thought it would all eventually work out though. Simon would open up to you about everything he’s been through. He would talk to you about something, anything you didn’t care. The only things you do know are the things his friends have only slightly hinted at.
So when Simon came home in a complete shut off mood (again) it set something off in you. You’ve had enough.
“I can’t do this.” You whisper just enough for him to hear. Simons head moves toward your direction. Your back is turned to him as you stand in the kitchen. He’s sitting with a cup of water in his hands at the dining table.
“What?” Simon asks. His eyes bore into the back of your head almost like he’s trying to telepathically get you to look at him.
With a single tear running down your face you rest one of your hands on your hip. You look up to the ceiling with a sigh escaping your lips.
“You… this… us. I can’t do the whole you shutting me out at every chance you get.” You finally turn to Simon looking into his light eyes.
He’s standing there looking down at you with an unreadable expression. He’s silent and doesn’t say anything for a minute and neither do you. You wait for what feels like hours for him to say something but he simply doesn’t. So you walk away into the living. A few more tears slip out of your eyes but your face doesn’t change expression. You aren’t sad you’re more angry than anything.
Simon follows you but keeps his distance. You hear him let out a sigh before finally saying something.
“I can’t lose you.” He says but that only makes you chuckle.
“You can’t lose me? That’s all you have to say?” You turn towards him laughing except there is no joke.
“I’m sorry. This is who I am.” He says walking toward you but you put your hand out to stop him from getting close.
“It doesn’t have to be. You could just talk to me when you come over instead of just shutting me out.” You sigh rubbing your temple and taking a seat on your couch.
Simon takes a seat beside you but still at a distance. His hands clasp in his lap and you look at him through your peripherals.
“I don’t know how to talk about these things. I never learned how. It’s been the one thing I’ve struggled with my entire life.” Simon lets out. He’s twirling his fingers together awkwardly wait for you to say something.
“I just want to know how your day is when you come over. I want to know your favorite color. I want to know how your friends are doing. I want to know you Simon.” You say looking back into his eyes. You can see his eyes are slightly more wet than usual.
“I-“ Simon begins to say but stops himself. This only makes you more angry. You stand up in front of him and throw your hands up in exhaustion.
“I’m ruining myself trying to be there for you. I’m standing right fucking here begging for you to just let me in to your life but you won’t let me!” Your voice becoming louder than you wanted it to. The anger finally bubbling to the surface. You’ve had enough.
“I don’t know what I’m doing! I’ve never felt this way before. Not with anyone ever. I’m scared you’ll leave just like everyone else!” Simon stands above you yelling back just not as loud as you. His thick accent shining through with every word he threw out.
“I’m not going anywhere! Not until you tell me too! I don’t care about anything except for you. I just want you!” Your eyes begin to betray you. A waterfall of tears cascades down your face as Simon moves to hold you. At first you push him away but eventually give up. He’s quietly muttering ‘i’m so sorry’ and ‘i’ll be better’ over and over again into your ear.
After 30 minutes of you bawling into his arms and Simon repeating himself you pull back from him to which he actually lets you this time. You don’t know when you ended up on the floor but you don’t make an effort to get up either.
“My favorite color is green. My friends are a bunch of jack asses. My day was spent training recruits and prepping for a mission. I don’t like the way the cook at base makes tea. I used to have a german shepherd named Riley.” Simon spills out information catching you off guard. You look up at him and his big hands cup your cheeks. His thumbs while your tears away gently. You say nothing and just look into his eyes. You still can’t read his expression but maybe that’s a trick that will come in due time.
“I’m more of a rugby fan than football. I don’t like seafood. I can’t stand people who chew gum loudly. I’m not a cereal person. My guilty pleasure is listening to pop music.” Simon continues on after you say nothing. His hands made their way to your own. He’s rubbing his thumb across your knuckles softly. All these useless facts that you’ll forever remember. It’s not a lot and you know this. It’s only the beginning but everything had a start. Your still silent so Simon continues to ramble. He lets everything and anything out.
“I don’t talk about my family because I have a hard time remembering them. I know you know they were all murdered and Im still not able to talk about it. Maybe one day I will be. I want to be able too. It’s just difficult.” He says with a heavy sigh. A tear he’s been trying not to let slip this entire time finally drops onto the floor. You take your hand and swipe the tear line from his face and rest your hand against his cheek which he melts into.
“Im sorry. Im sorry I haven’t been what you deserve. Im sorry I’ve been silent instead of giving you answers to things you’ve wondered for nearly a year now. Im sorry you felt you had to stay with me even though you could have left. Im sorry for keeping you out. I’ll try from here on out to be better. I’ll be anything you want me to be.” Simon looks deeply into your eyes. His words tunneling deep into your heart.
While yes there is no fixing the many months of silence, there is to fixing the future. He’s not always going to be open because that’s not who he is but for you he’s trying and that’s all you ask. It’s all you want him to do.
“I just want you.” You finally say. You lips seal with Simons in a slow kiss. After releasing from the kiss you take Simon into a rough embrace. Your arms wrapped around each other’s body’s. You stay like this for what feels like hours. The silence being more comforting than before. This silence being good.
You pull away from Simon and he watches as a smile creeps into your face as you let out a laugh. This one being more of a happy one then the sarcastic one before.
“So your favorite color is green? I always thought you where more of a blue person.” You say smiling. Both you and Simon laugh before embracing a happy kiss onto to each others lips.
Maybe there will be a happy ending to this sad beginning.
final thoughts: i might 🤏🏻 write a alternative ending to this where there is a not so happy ending. Depends on how this does! I’ve been trying to get this to post for like 2 days now so if your reading this it means it worked! YIPPEE!
Also! I’m still dealing with a bunch of medical crap but i’m okay! I’m just trying to live dude.
Love ya! Thanks for reading!
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ts19009 · 3 months
Hong's Anatomy: Part 4
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Pediatrician surgeon!  Joshua x pediatric surgeon!  Female Reader 
Synopsis: Coming to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital wasn’t on your bucket list, that’s for sure, but when you meet the head of your department, Joshua Hong, it's one of the only things that constantly brightens your day. 
Warnings: swearing, made up medical terms and procedures, i have no idea if any of this is medically accurate it’s just for story, flirting, smut (18+) (oral: f -receiving, penetrative sex, no protection, aftercare)
Words: 5.7k words
“No sexual intercourse for two weeks and no heavy lifting,” Jinhyo listed as you nodded. It was all typical post surgery instructions that you of all people should know. “I will see you in six weeks for your check-up!” 
Joshua was waiting for you outside the room, bags in hand. After your surgery you spent the rest of the weekend in the hospital and had another week and a half at home before you could return to work. Joshua had insisted that you stay with him, especially since you didn’t have any family in the city. You had obviously agreed. 
“You can stay in the master bedroom and I’ll take the guest room. The bathroom is right here and the kitchen is downstairs, but please don’t call me if you want food, you’re not supposed to be walking for at least two more days,” Joshua explained walking you into his bed room once you got back to his house, putting your duffle bag at the end of the bed and helping you to lie down. 
“Thank you,” you winced, moving to grab your phone from your bag. “I gotta let Seungcheol know that my surgeries are getting transferred.” 
Joshua chuckled and grabbed your phone from you, “I already took care of everything. Seungcheol knows, Rose knows, I know. Just relax baby.” You sighed, and crossed your arms and threw your head back. 
“Well then at least come cuddle with me.” Joshua chuckled and nodded, climbing into bed and wrapped you in his arms. “Can you believe we’ve been banned from sex for two weeks?” 
“Correction, you’ve been banned from sex for the next two weeks,” Joshua said. You gasped and smacked his shoulder. “Ow!” 
“Hey, if I can’t get any, neither can you buddy!” You scold, as Joshua rubs his shoulder. 
“How’s Y/N?” Jeonghan asked. Him and Joshua were in the middle of a cleft palate surgery and this was the first non-medical thing that they’ve spoken about. 
“She’s recovering well, not too happy about being bedridden for the next few days, let alone at home for another week,” he said, not looking up from the patient.
“Is she with you?” Jeonghan asked, causing Joshua to stop. He looked up at his best friend and nodded. 
“Yeah, just for a couple of days. Then when she can walk around she’s asked to go home,” Jeonghan nodded. 
“That makes sense, that’s really nice that you offered your place.” Joshua didn’t know what to say. He was going to say ‘that’s what boyfriends are for,’ but he didn’t want to rub his relationship in Jeonghan’s face, so he’ll just bring up another topic. 
“How’s your mom? It was her birthday last weekend right?” Jeonghan finally looked up from the patient and raised his eyebrow. 
“Really Shua? We can talk about her ya know. I’m a grown up, I can take it.” 
Joshua sighed and stopped moving for a minute to look up at Jeonghan again. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to treat you like this,” he sighed, “I just don’t want the only thing we have in common now is Y/N.” 
“You know we were friends before her right?” Jeonghan chuckled, “we knew how to talk before.” 
“I know, but this is big Han. I really love her,” Joshua confessed. “But I also love you. You’re both really important to me and I don’t want to lose either of you.” 
“You won’t lose me Shua. It’s been too long for me to ditch you now,” Jeonghan smiled, as Joshua smiled back as well. 
Things were going to be okay. 
“Can I at least get an update on Joey?” You asked Joshua, he was at work on his lunch break, and you called him everyday at lunch. He had been pretty adamant on not talking to you at all about work. 
“He just got discharged today and all your other scheduled surgeries were taken care of. SO when you come back you should be totally set up,” he answered. 
You sighed and threw your head back, it was your second day back in your own apartment and the days were going by slowly, so calling Joshua was the only thing that went by quicker than you thought. “God, I can’t wait to come back. I cleaned my whole place already and cooked enough meals to last me for two weeks.” 
Joshua chuckled, “you were supposed to still take it easy.” 
“This is easy, I’m not running or lifting anything heavy,” you paused before looking around your apartment, “I’m bored Joshua.” 
“Sit down, watch a movie, do some research, paint!” Joshua listed, “I know you don’t like to just sit around, but there are things you can do.” 
“I want you,” you confessed. Joshua chuckled and blushed a little bit. 
“Ten more days baby,” he smirked, before looking up at the clock. His lunch break was almost up, he didn’t want to hang up on you, but if Seungcheol caught him on his phone one more time. “I gotta go now, but I’ll come by after work and we can eat together.” 
“Okay, see you later.,” you smiled, before hanging up. Just as Joshua was about to take his last bite of his lunch his pager went off. He rushed into the pit to see Jihoon, the head of the Trauma unit with a boy and his family coming in on gurneys.
“Calvin Asher, twelve years old, car crash. BP is 150/90 and he has a severe impalement through his mid-drift,” Heesung said, as Joshua’s eye widened. The boy had a pole through his stomach, and his organs were spilling out of his own body. 
“Get him to room 2 and pack the pole with lap pads!” Joshua ordered, as Heesung nodded and started rolling him to the room. Joshua put on a pair of gloves and made sure that Calvin’s parents were being taken care of before heading into the room. When he got there, Calvin was awake and panicking. He was screaming for his father and in pain. 
“Calvin? Hi, I’m Joshua! I’m gonna help you today, can you stay still for a second while I check you out?” He asked Calvin. He had to put on a happy voice in order to calm Calvin down and it worked enough for Calvin to stop thrashing around. He was still crying and wanting his father, but he wasn’t moving. “Call Jun and Soonyoung, and book on OR, he’s bleeding internally!” 
The nurse nodded and started calling Jun when Joshua looked down at Calvin. “We’re going to go upstairs and make sure that you’re okay?” 
“What about my dad?” He cried. 
“He’s right next door, he looks much better than you, so I’m sure he’ll be fine,” he reassured, “we’re gonna give you some medicine that’ll make you feel better and put you to sleep okay?” Calvin nodded, but didn’t say anything more. 
By the time Joshua got up to surgery Soonyoung and Jun were there, all scrubbed in and waiting. 
“It’s right in between his lungs and heart. We can’t fix both at once, so I don’t know how this is going to go,” Soonyoung warned. 
“As long as he’s ventilated, it should be good for at least two hours,” Jun said, “do we need Veron or Jihoon to get the pole out?” 
“No,” Joshua said, “I can do it.” Jun and Soonyoung nodded and looked at each other before they all walked into the OR. Joshua got to work right away, removing the pole and then Soonyoung got right to work, he put in the catheter then a mesh patch went through the catheter then used to close the hole. 
Meanwhile Jun started putting in the chest catheter in between the ribs into the air-filled space that's pressing on the collapsed lung. Then Jun removed the needle and attached a syringe to the catheter and pulled out the excess air. 
Finally Joshua was working on controlling the bleeding internally, this was the hardest part of all. He started sealing the ends of the leaking blood vessels with a heat probe, but around the heart he would suture because the tissue was very sensitive. 
Joshua managed to finish the surgery without any problems, but poor Jun was having a really hard time making sure that his catheter was working properly. Calvin’s body was working over time and the catheter Jun was putting in in his chest wasn’t closing up properly.
“Can you suture the catheter in Joshua?” Jun sighed. He had tried everything else, Joshua nodded and sutured the catheter in place before waiting to see if it was going to close around the area naturally.
“Come on” Joshua mumbled as all the sudden the catheter started humming, signaling that it was in place and working properly. “Great work Doctor. Wen.” 
When Joshua knocked on your door later that evening the last thing he expected was to see you cooking supper. The few times you’d been at each other’s places, he had always cooked. So seeing you, wrapped up in an apron was endearing. 
“Hey baby,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You smiled back and stepped back to let him in. “I thought I was making dinner?” 
“I was sitting around doing nothing anyway. Might as well take my turn,” you said, watching him take off his coat and make his way into the kitchen to look at what you were making. “I looked up a recipe for Kimchi Stew. My roommate back in Korea made an amazing one and I was craving some.” 
He pulled a spoon from your cabinet and dipped it into the soup, “oh my gosh. It’s amazing!” He complimented. You smiled and smacked his hand away. .
“There’s still twenty minutes left, so go sit down and tell me about your day,” you said, grabbing his hands and leading him to the couch.  
“Well right after we ended our lunch call I went to go help this poor boy that got into a car accident. He had a severe impalement through his mid-drift. There was a pole through his stomach, and his organs were spilling out of his own body,” Joshua explained, as your eyes widened, “Jun, Soonyoung and I were able to help him, but Jihoon lost his father.” 
“Oh my god,” you gasped, covering your mouth. 
“Yeah, it was terrible. His mom is in the picture and came to the hospital after their surgeries so he’s not all alone, but god, I couldn’t imagine the survivor's guilt that poor kid is going through,” Joshua said, as you reached out to grab his hand. “God, sorry. I didn’t mean to make this a sob story.” 
“No no no babe, tell me. That’s the joys of having a surgeon girlfriend,” you smiled, squeezing his hand. Joshua sighed and looked up at you. 
“I usually talk about this stuff with my therapist. I’m sorry if I say stuff that’s a little out there.” 
Shit. That’s right, technically you completed your homework given to you from your therapist. You didn’t know Joshua went to therapy. 
“You go to therapy?” You asked as Joshua nodded, “so do I!” 
“I’m a pediatric surgeon. Of course I go to therapy,” he joked, " I've been going to the same therapist for almost five years now. Didn’t you tell me your therapist gave you homework?” You nodded and smiled that he remembered. 
“Yeah, I was supposed to make one new friend in a month,” you smiled, “I guess I finished my homework.” Joshua smiled and pulled you into a kiss right before your alarm went off to get the soup off the oven. 
“You set the table, and I’ll get the soup off the oven,” he said as you nodded. The rest of the dinner was good, you tried to convince him to let you go back to the hospital and see your co-workers, but he quickly shut you down. After dinner you both went to your bedroom to “watch a movie”.  
“I can’t stay the night babe,” Joshua said, in between kisses. “I got work at 6.” You groaned and threw your head back. 
“Even if we just sleep?” You pouted as he shook his head. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll come by again tomorrow,” he said, pressing one last kiss to your lips before getting up from the bed. You groaned and threw your head back, watching your boyfriend put his sweater on. You followed him to the door and leaned against the frame, watching him put his shoes on this time. After he was all dressed up again, he gave you one last kiss before leaving. 
God you were bored. 
“So you managed to make lots of friends, a boyfriend, and had a major surgery all in one month?” Your therapist asked. You nodded and shrugged. “How did you manage that Y/N?” She chucked. 
“Well the friends and boyfriend I worked hard on, the major surgery I don’t know how my body was able to develop over a dozen cysts on my ovaries…” you started to ramble, but cut yourself off when you saw Jisoo’s face. “My boyfriend and I almost didn’t get together. There was this other guy named Jeonghan, who is also a surgeon, a plastic surgeon but still a surgeon. He really liked me and would flirt with me right in front of Joshua, and it’s not like I don’t like Jeonghan like that, but he’s not Joshua.” 
“Having feelings for someone who genuinely cares for you is pretty normal. He sounds like one of the few people who took time to get to know you in your workplace, romantic feelings are bound to happen,” Jisso nodded, “why do you think he wasn’t the one for you though?” 
You didn’t have an immediate answer, but when you thought of it, it made sense. 
“I think it’s because Jeonghan was pretty passionate with his public displays of affection. Joshua is also passionate in his affection, he just likes to keep it more private,” you admit, “it’s not like I don’t like being shown off. I’ve just always been a private person, and being with Jeonghan just felt like it came with a public title. ‘That’s Jeonghan Yoon’s girlfriend.’ Not ‘that’s Doctor. Y/N L/n.’ and with Joshua I know that he understands that, and values that.” 
It felt weird saying that out loud. You had been thinking it this whole time, just haven’t publicly said it yet. 
Jisoo nods her head and sighs, “that’s tricky. I understand where you're sensing that from what you’ve told me about this Jeonghan. Did you talk to him about these feelings?”
You shook your head no. 
“Well there’s no need to bring it up again, but if it does come up, that’s a good place to start. I think it’ll help both of you learn and grow.” You hated that she was right. You were never the best at confrontation, so her challenging you sucked. 
“Okay, I can do that,” you nodded. Jisoo nodded and typed away on her computer. She would always send you her notes after your sessions. Before you could talk, your phone went off. It was Joshua letting you know that he was getting off work. “Can we cut this a little early? Joshua is coming?” 
Jisoo’s face lightens up at the mention of the new boyfriend, “can I meet him? I think it’d be a good idea for you both to do a couple therapy session once in a while.” 
Before you could answer your phone started ringing. It was Joshua again. 
“I don’t think today is gonna work, next time though!” You said as Jisoo nodded in agreement before waving goodbye so you could answer Joshua’s call. “Hello?” 
“Hey baby. Do you want me to pick anything up on the way to your place?” He asked, you could hear the tiredness in his voice, he wasn’t as peppy as usual. 
“Sure, I haven’t started dinner yet. You can choose though,” you replied as he simply hummed, “are you okay? How were your other surgeries?” The line went quiet and the only thing you could hear was the hum of him driving before he sighed. 
“I lost all my patients today,” he confessed, “I had four operations and I lost all of them.” 
You sighed and went to move to the couch, you had a feeling he would want to continue to talk the rest of the drive, “I’m so sorry babe, I’m sure it wasn’t your fault.” 
“That’s the thing, it was my fault. I’m a surgeon, it’s quite literally my fault. I could save any of those kids,” he cried before there was a long pause. “Do you ever wish you went into a different profession? Like family medicine?”
“No,” you answered quickly, “if I was a family doctor all I would be doing is prescribing medication and wrapping people’s injuries. We’re surgeon’s, we save people’s lives. We don’t put bandaids on them and send them home, we try our best to help them live the life that their body and the world prevented them from doing.” 
“God, you make it sound easy,” Joshua chuckled, the humming of his car, stopping. He had reached the restaurant for your supper. 
“It’s not, we both know that. The bad days are bad. They really are, but the good days? They make the bad days worth it.” 
“God you make it hard for me to not want to sleep with you,” he chuckles, “I'm gonna go order our food. I’ll be home in thirty minutes.” 
“Okay, see you soon,” you smile. 
“See you soon,” he says back, “and babe? Thanks for cheering me up.” 
Stepping back into the hospital felt amazing, it was cold in the hospital and it smelt of hand sanitizer. It felt like your second home. Joshua dropped you off at the door and was parking the car, so it left you a few minutes to soak in the feeling of being back alone. 
“Oh my god Y/N!” Rose exclaimed, she was alone, probably on her lunch break. “Welcome back!” 
“Thanks, it feels good to be back,” you sighed, as she nodded and waved to Joshua who was standing behind you now. “Joshua was keeping up on your schedule, so things are all in order for you.”
“Great, I’ll see you after your break!” You smile as she nods and makes her way to the lunch room. “You looked over my schedule?” 
“I did, Seungcheoul asked me to make sure that your schedule wasn’t too busy but still getting into it,” he said, “I scheduled you in for a leg break for your first surgery. Start off small and work back up again.” 
“You gave me a bone break surgery?” You asked, as he nodded. 
“You forget that I was your boss before as well,” he chuckled as you sighed, “I’ll see you later.” He smiled, pressing a kiss on your cheek walking away with his intern Patterson. 
“Doctor L/N!” Doctor. Green smiled. 
“Green, how are you? Who were you assigned to while I was away?” You asked, as he handed you a tablet. 
“I’m good, I missed you. I was with Doctor Xu,” he answered as you chuckled. 
“Neurosurgery is definitely an acquired taste. I’m happy to see that you missed me though,” you smiled, “tell me about this patient now.” 
“Leah Montgomery, seventeen years old, broken leg and sprained ankle,” Green explained as you both started walking to the OR. “Doctor Chwe is there as well.” 
“When did this poor girl come in?” You asked, a little confused on how Joshua was able to give you this ahead of time. 
“Only about an hour ago, Doctor. Hong called in, if you were wondering,” Green chuckled, you blushed. He could tell you were thinking about Joshua, was it really that obvious? 
“I see, poor girl,” you said, walking into the scrub room to see Vernon and the rest of the team waiting for you. 
“Doctor L/N, good to see you back. I’m honored to work with you on your first surgery back,” Vernon said, as you walked in. 
“Thank you Doctor. Chwe, let’s fix up a leg!” 
“Why didn’t you tell me Y/N was back?” Jeonghan asked Joshua, they were doing another surgery together and it was the first thing Jeonghan had said the whole time. 
“I thought you knew? Everyone knew she was coming back on the third?” Joshua said, looking up at Jeonghan and tilted his head in confusion. 
“Right,” Jeonghan groaned at himself, “I knew that, I don’t know why I forgot.” Jeonghan had never forgotten anything, he was always the one to remind the friend group of major hangouts and even remember the small things about everyone .That’s what made him so popular. 
“It’s alright, you’ve had a busy schedule lately,” Joshua tried to reassure, “have you seen her at all today?” He tried switching the topic.  
“I did, she was coming out of a bone break surgery and we spoke a little bit before I came here,” Jeonghan responded, slightly embarrassed. 
“Are you okay man?” Joshua asked, looking up from the patient again and stopping his sutures. “You’ve been off all week.” Jeonghan sighed and shrugged. 
“I’m just really busy. That’s what taking a whole week off does to you I guess,” he chuckles, pushing some hair away from his forehead. Joshua nodded, not quite fully convinced that was the sole reason Jeonghan seemed so frazzled, but he didn’t want to push any further. 
“Do you want to go for coffee again tomorrow?” Joshua asked instead. They had been going for coffee on their shared day off last week, and to restore some of their friendship, Joshua was hoping they could make it a regular thing. 
“Sure,” Jeonghan smiled before smirking, “trying to fit time in for me now that you’re taken?” 
Joshua rolled his eyes, but didn’t exactly deny it. Before they could say anything else one of the nurses popped their head into the OR.
“Doctor. L/N just finished her surgery, Doctor. Hong,” Rose said, as Joshua nodded, “she’s asking for you.” 
“Can you finish without me?” Joshua asked Jeonghan, he nodded and Joshua quickly thanked him before taking off his scrubs and heading down to you. When he got to the OR desk he saw you sitting on one of the empty desk chairs. When he stepped around the desk you looked up and saw him, jumping out of your chair and giving him a big hug. 
“I forgot how amazing it feels to smell hand sanitizer and lap pad an internal bleed,” you smiled. 
“This is why you called me?” Joshua chuckled, “I was in the middle of a surgery.”
“No, I called you to tell you that Jihyo cleared me for more intensive surgeries and even though I appreciate the surgery, that you can give me harder ones.” Joshua rolled his eyes and sighed, picking up a tablet and looking ar the schedule. 
“I don’t have you on anything until nine?”
“I know, give me something else!” You exclaimed, hitting him across the shoulder. 
“Ow!” Joshua whined, grabbing his shoulder dramatically and feigning an injury. 
“Fine,” he playfully rolled his eyes, “there’s a double artery bypass at three? Will that give you enough time to do that and your nine o’clock?” You nodded and threw your arms around his neck, giving him another hug. 
“Thank you,” you said into his neck before skipping away, leaving Joshua to roll his eyes and chuckle. He missed the end of his surgery for that.
After booking you in, he returned the OR. It had only been maybe ten minutes, so Jeonghan wasn’t even close to being done yet. So Joshua could pick right up where he left off. 
“She had me schedule her in for another surgery,” Joshua chuckled when Jeonghan looked up, surprised to see him back so early. 
“What did you give her?” He chuckled. 
“A double artery bypass,” he answered, “that should keep her busy.” Jeonghan chuckled.
It had officially been two weeks since your surgery, which meant you could have sex and drink. Both of which you planned on checking the off boxes tonight. It was friday night, so you and Joshua had the next day off, so you asked him after work for dinner. 
You got off earlier than he did, so you had some extra time to get ready. You had your everything shower, but on some matching lingerie, and did some easy makeup. 
Joshua was supposed to be at your house at about seven, but it was almost eight thirty and he still wasn’t here. You sighed, and looked at your phone again. No calls from Joshua, but at about nine you finally heard a knock on your door. You darted up and quickly answered the door. 
“Jeonghan?” You asked, “what’s up? Is Joshua okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine. He is stuck in a pretty lengthy surgery though, so he won’t be able to make it to your date night. That’s why I’m here though!” He said, holding up a bottle of wine. 
“Oh well then,” you chuckled, “come in.” Jeonghan smiled and nodded. You felt a little bit overdressed compared to his simple sweater and jeans. You led him to your kitchen and got out a few glasses of wine and poured out half the bottle. 
“Can I be brutally honest with you?” You asked, taking the first sip of wine as Jeonghan nodded and also took his first sip, taking a seat across from you. “I was planning on sleeping with Joshua tonight. I dressed up and planned a romantic evening and I’m kind of sad that he’s not here. Not that I’m not happy to see you, but…” 
“But, like it’s been proven before, I’m not Joshua,” Jeonghan said with a tight lipped smile. 
“No, it’s more like I just miss him. He’s been busy and we barely see each other when we get home. I feel like I barely have a boyfriend. We were dating for a few days before my surgery so I feel like we’ve missed an integral part of our relationship.” 
Jeonghan nodded, but didn’t say anything, noticing the tears starting to well up in your eyes. 
“God, I’m so pathetic. Crying over a boy,” you chuckle. Jeonghan shakes his head no and moves to hand you a tissue from his pocket. “Thanks.” 
By the time that you finished your glass of wine, it was ten and still no signs of Joshua. You and Jeonghan had moved to the couch, another glass of wine, when Joshua finally got home. 
“Hey guys,” Joshua sighed, throwing his coat on the floor and taking his shoes off. You smiled and got off the couch to greet him, Jeonghan right behind him. “Can I have some of that?” Joshua asked, taking a big sip of wine. 
“Here come sit,” you said, Joshua nodded and you sat down while you went to get him his own glass of wine. “How was your surgery?”
“Awful, there was a girl who came in with only one fourth of her liver. We had to do a transplant and then we found out her colon was ruptured, so we had to repair that as well,” he sighed, “I’m exhausted.” 
“I’m sure, I’ll leave you guys to get to bed,” Jeonghan smiled, getting up from the couch. “I’ll see you on Monday!” You nodded and watched Jeonghan excuse himself. Leaving you two all alone. 
“God, I missed you,” you pouted, straddling him and giving him a big hug. Joshua hummed into your shoulder and ran his hands up and down your back, savoring the hug. 
“I know you had big plans tonight, I’m sorry I was so late, can we just take it easy tonight? We can still have dinner and maybe some fun later, but just stay home?” Joshua asked, as you nodded and got off his lap to get him some leftovers from your fridge. 
“Here, I ate already.” He smiled and thanked you as you turned on the t.v. You smiled and watched him eat silently. “Something on your mind babe?” He chuckled, watching the wheels in your brain spin. 
“I wanna have sex tonight,” you answered, “it’s been two weeks since my surgery and I wanna have sex. I wore a matching pair of lacy underwear tonight and it’s taking everything in my right now not to jump you.” 
Joshua’s eyes widened at your confession and put down his plate, “well then?” He asked, as you smirked and straddled him again, pressing your lips together. You sighed against his mouth and wrapped your arms around his neck while he went to move your hair to your shoulder. 
“Can you believe it’s been two weeks since we’ve had sex?” You joked, as Joshua started to kiss down your neck. One of the straps of your dress straps falling down your shoulder. 
“Can you believe we’ve been together for three weeks?” Joshua joked back, you rolled your eyes and threw your head back, enjoying the feel of his lips across your collarbones and neck. You pushed the other strap off your shoulder and wiggled the dress down to your mid-drift. Joshua also started working on taking his sweater off. 
“Why did you wear so many layers?” You asked, watching him not only take off his sweater but his two undershirts. Joshua just shrugged once all his shirts were off and leaned back in to kiss you again and lay you down on the couch. Joshua held your hand and pinned them above your head while kissing you while his other hand shimmied the dress down the rest of your body and threw it onto the floor. 
He pulled away from all the kissing to look at the matching set of white, lace, lingerie. “You really were excited weren’t you?” He chuckled, lowering his head and pressing kisses to your stomach. “I want to fuck you with as much of this on as possible,” he whispered into your skin. You nodded and squeezed his hand in reassurance. 
Joshua started pressing kiss all across your body, your stomach, the opt of your breasts, your arms, neck, thighs, lips, cheeks, anything he could touch, he kissed. “You’re so beautiful,” he sighed. 
You pulled him up to kiss your lips again and pushed his pants down his legs, freeing his cock. Joshua grabbed his cock and used his other hand to push two of his fingers inside you to make sure you were wet enough. He slid his hands down your panties and felt the inside of your walls. 
“You’re already wet baby?” He asked, as you nodded. He smiled and pushed your panties aside and pushed himself into you, causing you to wince a little. Joshua slowly sunk himself deeper into you and kept kissing you to try and ease the stretch. 
Once Joshua was all the way inside you he stopped and waited for you to adjust to him fully. Once you were ready, you slowly started moving your hips, causing Joshua to moan. 
“You gotta tell me if you're ready baby,” he moaned. 
“I’m ready,” you sarcastically said, still moving your hips as Joshua chuckled but also started moving his hips. The stretch felt amazing, and once Joshua started picking up the pace you started to feel the pleasure build up. 
Joshua moved his one hand to squeeze your breast in the lingerie and then moved to cup your cheek. Your moaning got louder and Joshua’s thrusts got quicker, enough for both of you to finish at the same time. Once both you high started to simmer down Joshua pulled out of you quickly and flipped to your stomach. He quickly pulled your panites and garters down your legs and pushed inside you again. 
“Joshua!” You moaned, reaching up to cup his neck. You haven’t explored many positions in the bedroom before, so the new angle and position was exciting. He kept up a good fast pace that made you finish together, again, just a couple minutes later. He eventually pulled out of you and moved you over so that he could prop himself up and look at you. You were out of breath and panting, but you managed to reach over to the coffee table and get some tissues to clean up the mess in between your legs to try and not stain your couch. 
“Just give me a bit and we can move to the bed,” you pant, as Joshua nods and reaches over you to grab your underwear and once you were finished he slid them back up your legs before putting his back on as well. 
“We better take it slow, build up our stamina,” he smiled, pecking your neck. You nodded and wiped the thin layer of sweat off your forehead and swung your legs to a sitting position and grabbed the glass of water that was there from earlier in the day. Joshua had put on his shorts and went to the kitchen to get some snacks when you were starting to put on your clothes and make your way to your bedroom. He had a slice of toast in one hand and a banana in the other. You chuckled, when he offered you bite of his toast, but politely declined. 
You decided to wait on the bed until he was ready to either continue your previous scandalous activities or just cuddle and talk. You had only been able to find your bra, so aside from your underwear, that was the only thing you were wearing, and it wasn’t exactly the most comfortable thing to be wearing. Joshua shortly came in, only banana in hand, and laid down next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into your neck. 
“I don’t want to sound like a pervert or anything, but I missed us being intimate like that,” he smiled. You chuckled and pulled back slightly, to look at him. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, we're still kind of getting to know each other, and while I like to think that I’m learning a lot about your personality, I also love learning about your body and what you like.” You smiled at him and started blushing. That was probably one of the hottest things any man could say to you. You smiled and cupped his cheek, whilst looking into his eyes and smiling. You really were lucky that he was so caring and attentive. Joshua looked down at you and smiled back at you before pressing his lips to yours softly.
A/N: Hello! Sorry that this has took me a while to release this part, june has been non-stop chaos for me and had most of this written back in may but haven't been able to finish it until now. I really hope you like it!!
taglist: @asasilentreader , @myjaeyunn, @gaslysainz@itsnotjop @vixensss (LMK if I missed a tag)
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avocado-writing · 2 years
um, if i may, 18 or 21 off the prompt list? hope you have a restful weekend 💕
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19) Because you were kidnapped, and I won’t let anyone else get to you again; 20) Because I don’t trust anyone else to take care of you like I can; 21) Because you feel most protected with me. (I paired y'all again bc... you know, similar prompts teehee)
When you saw Tangerine smash his way into the warehouse, Lemon by his side, you almost wept with relief. It was a fucking massacre. Tangerine would later say, “well, that’s what they fucking get for taking you.” 
But you were no-one. Not really. A person Tangerine had been getting close to, just someone he met in a coffee shop and hit it off with; but it made you a target for people who wanted to get to him. The night you’d been grabbed off the street and forced into the back of a van was the worst of your life. You really, truly thought they were going to kill you.
Thanks to him, they didn’t.
Nothing like a near-death experience to dial a relationship up to 100 very fast. He practically moved in with you when he brought you home. Knew nobody else would be able to do the job of bodyguard like he could.
You go to get up, and Tangerine’s arm snakes around your waist so quickly it makes you jump. 
“You alright?” he asks, voice gravelly from waking. He blinks rapidly as he tries to register what’s going on.
“Yes, babe. I’m getting a glass of water,” you say. 
“Alright, I’ll come with you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I do.”
Tangerine hasn’t let you out of his sight since. You can understand why, it was probably just as bad for him as it was for you. To be honest you don’t mind it. It makes you feel… safe.
He traipses after you as you head downstairs to grab a drink, leans against the kitchen counter while you down it. You wash the cup up quickly, too - can’t stand mess waiting for you in the morning - and he wraps his arms around you from behind. In the dark you can see the two of you mirrored in the window. His messy hair framing him like a halo. 
Your angel, protecting you from harm.
Tangerine always sleeps on the side nearest the door, just in case anyone tries to get in. The moment you’re both in bed together he pulls you straight to his chest. His arms are a comforting, solid weight around you. You’re certain nobody else will hurt you with him here.
I love you, you think, I love you I love you I love you.
Maybe one day you’ll be brave enough to say it out loud.
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neon-junkie · 3 years
Summary: Tech's job is to repair the ship. Your job is to test his focus by riding his cock.
Pairing: Tech x Reader
Reader Description: Reader is gender-neutral. This fic does not include any descriptions of their appearance.
Word count: 4.1k
Tags: Established relationship, Oral (giving), Smut, Cuming inside, Praise kink, sub!Tech, dom!Reader, Making out, Fluff.
Notes: Happy Tech Tuesdays!! I just had to write something for this specific shot in last weeks episode teehee
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Being stranded on an unknown planet is one thing, but being stranded on an unknown planet with a broken down ship? Now, that's entirely another thing - a thing that the Bad Batch has been unfortunate enough to come across. Luck, nor hope, has ever been on their side, nothing ever goes to plan, but today's plan is simple: You and Tech are to stay on the ship and work on repairs, whilst everybody else heads out and searches for food, supplies, the will to live, and so on. And that's exactly where you are right now. Tech is currently suited up, helmet on, laying down on his back, working on the underside of the ships control panel. Most of your jobs are complete, and Tech urged you to have a break like the caring sweetheart that he is. You two have kept your relationship hidden from just about everybody, including the Batch, as you fear that it might cause a rift within the group. Although, you're almost certain they know. You've seen the glances Hunter and Crosshair make to each other when you and Tech are nattering away, and you've overheard Omega ask Wrecker and Echo multiple times if they're certain that you two aren't actually an item. The Batch knows, but the Batch doesn't officially know, and you both plan on keeping it that way. Alone time is a rarity. You'll be lucky to receive a kiss whenever you bring Tech a cup of caf whilst he's alone in the cockpit, or feel his hand in yours whenever you two are buddied up during a mission. You're both touch starved an unimaginable amount, and now that you two have some privacy, you want to make the most of it. Only, Tech being Tech, he needs to work. Tech wants to spend this time with you, just as much as you want to spend it with him, but the Marauder is in dire need of repairs, and only Tech has the ability to fix this ship. So, whilst on your break, you make Tech another cup of caf and bring it over, informing him of your presence as you settle down beside him. He thanks you, but his eyes remain glued to the underside of the cockpits control panel. Dare you say it - he looks inviting. Yes, he's busy working on the ship, and that's exactly why you're fighting the urge to hop on his lap right now. There's something enticing about Tech when he's literally buried in his work. Your mind has blanked out almost every single time he's attempted to explain something to you; you never understand what he's actually on about, but you always ask him to further explain, as the glisten in his eyes always makes you smile. But this? This is something else. You've seen Tech work on the ship so many times, but never in this position. He's lying on his back, hands and eyes fixated on the wires dangling above him, but the way his legs are casually spread is just so... oh. "Tech?" you question as you place a hand on his thigh, gently kneading at the fabric wrapped around him. "I know," Tech sighs. You're about to question what he apparently knows, but his sorrowful eyes meet yours, and he continues with "I want to spend this quiet time with you too." "Awhh," you sigh, giving Tech's thigh another squeeze. "I was actually going to tell you that your caf is there, and to be careful not to knock it over," you laugh, pointing to the cup beside him. Tech rolls his eyes, but from the way they're squinting, you know he's smiling beneath his helmet. He turns his attention back to his work, and you express your agreement with his comment. "But I also wish I was spending this time with you," you reply, and purr your words at the end, hoping that Tech knows what you're implying. "Stars," Tech sighs. "It's been some time, hasn't it?" "Tell me the specifics, Tech," you smile, and Tech's eyes happily meet yours. He's often silenced by his vods for 'blabbering' on about 'unimportant' details, but to you, his ability to remember so much makes your heart flutter. "Eighteen days, to be precise," Tech states as he continues working. "It's been eighteen days since we've had some time alone together, and four days since we've kissed." "I held your hand yesterday," you say with a laugh. "Yes, and I'm almost certain that Hunter saw that," Tech sighs. He stretches his hand out and makes a small grabbing motion, and you fill his palm with one of his tools. Tech shifts up onto his elbows as he looks at the tool that you've handed him, and he can't help but laugh. "I was motioning for you to place your hand in mine," he says as he places the tool down, and shuffles his way from underneath the control panel, sitting on the floor beside you. You laugh along with him, one hand still on his thigh, the other settling in his gloved palm. Tech gives you a comforting squeeze as he flicks his helmets' visor up, revealing his wide eyes, protected by his goggles. He speaks so much through his eyes alone, and you know him to a point where you two can speak without words, and right now, Tech's asking for more. Your hand slips from Tech's grasp so you can remove his helmet. His helmet remains in your grasp as you shuffle closer, and with a smug expression, you ask "do you want to change our four day count back to zero?" Tech nods his head as he softly laughs at your flirtatious remark. He shifts his goggles from his eyes, resting them on his forehead so they won't get in the way as he leans in and kisses you. Tech's kisses are always so soft and gentle, affectionate with a sprinkle of needy. One of his hands finds the back of your neck, simply holding you there as he makes up for all the lost time. Shuffling even closer to Tech, you debate asking a specific question, fearing rejection; you know that Tech wants the same, but he's busy with work, and work is always his top priority. You understand, and you understand that you two would have a lot of explaining to do if the rest of the Batch returned to find an unfixed ship, so you always allow him to prioritize his work. But Tech's kisses grow hungry, deeper and sloppier, and the whimper that he makes when you pull away confirms that he's just as eager as you are. "Do you want to reset our eighteen day count also?" you softly question against his lips, and your tone of voice makes him shudder. "I want to," he sighs, and gives you another kiss before continuing. "But I have work to do, although I estimate that it won't take me long to complete. Then, I'm all yours." "And what if the others return before then?" you pout. "They set off two hours ago. It's highly unlikely that they'd return in such a short time," Tech states. Smart, as always, but the Batch are unpredictable, and you worry that today might be one of those days. You ponder your thoughts, lazily kissing Tech as you weigh out your options. All of your work is done, and Tech doesn't have long to go, but you need him right now. He has the ability to work in an array of situations - under pressure, stressed, overwhelmed, and so on - but what about aroused? Yes, you've teased him on the odd occasion when he's been working, but that's as far as you've gone. Is it time to take things further? "Tech?" you sigh as you pull away. "Mhm?" Tech responds, half-lidded eyes meeting yours. "You still have work to do, but I don't. So, maybe I could start us off whilst you continue working?" you suggest, batting your lashes as you speak, even though you know Tech will say yes. To your surprise, Tech thinks about it, and quickly points out a negative to your idea. "I'm sure you're aware on how distracting your presence is, and... engaging with me sexually will distract me tenfold," Tech objects, moving his hands as he talks. "I've seen you work whilst distracted before. I won't be any different," you shrug. "I understand what you're referring to, but your presence can't be compared to the heat of the battlefield. They are two completely different types of distractions." "What I'm saying is..." you begin, and straddle Tech's lap as you talk, placing his helmet down on the floor beside him. One hand gently cups Tech's chin, tilting it to the side, leaving his neck open for you to begin kissing along. "You're a good worker, Tech, and you've worked through just about everything. So, you'll be fine with my presence, I'm certain of it." You can physically feel Tech shuddering in your grasp, turning into putty whilst you kiss along his neck, speaking against his skin. He lets out a groan when you nip at a sensitive spot behind his ear, and his hands find your hips, squeezing and kneading them. "What do you think?" you question, and wait patiently for Tech's answer. Tech stays silent for a while, minus his quiet mewls and moans. He's putting a lot of thought into this, possibly too much, but he eventually comes to a decision. "Alright," he gently nods. "You're welcome to engage with me whilst I work, but if you are too distracting, and I am unable to work with you around, then I will ask you to stop." "Of course, love," you reply as your kisses move up to his cheek. "I only want what's best for you." "You're what's best for me," Tech sharply exhales, and from the way his eyes turn wide, you know he wasn't meant to let that slip. "I mean... Uh, I shall return to my work, and you're welcome to... do whatever you'd like to do." Tech fumbles for his goggles, pulling them down from his forehead. You sneak in another kiss before his helmet is placed on, and just as Tech's about to lie down, he points something out. "I'd suggest that you shut and lock the door." You scramble up from his lap, shutting the cockpits' door, just to be safe. As you're about to lock it, Tech informs you of a different code to use, and explains why when you turn around and raise your brow at him. "It's a private code that I installed recently, just to be safe." "Safe from what?" you question. "Well, after the inhibitor chip situation, I wanted to install a code that only I know, so if something were to go wrong, say the Empire takes control of us and reinstalls the chip, then sends said person down to attack us, then we'd be safe from them in the ship." You're left speechless as Tech explains his bizarre, paranoid scenario. He notices your bewildered expression, and adds "hypothetically speaking, of course." As if that somehow makes things any better. "You and your paranoia, Tech," you sigh as you punch in the new code. "If it weren't for my paranoia, then we wouldn't now have this safely locked door, preventing the others from walking in on us, if they are to return early," Tech points out, motioning with his hands as he talks, before lying down and shuffling under the cockpits control panel. You roll your eyes whilst smiling, your heart fluttering over yet another reason why you've fallen for Tech. He goes back to work, leaving you to your mischief. Just like before, Tech has his legs partially spread, feet firmly on the floor with his knees slightly raised. As you settle beside him, your hand comes to rest on his thigh, fingers fiddling with the straps of his utility belt. You unhook the straps from his thighs, moving them up to his waist, giving you access to his codpiece. You know far too well how to remove his armour, and you find the hook that unlatches his codpiece, removing it entirely in one swift motion. Tech's already semi-hard, his cock straining against the tight fabric of his blacks. You palm over his erection, eyes peeking up to watch his reaction, and there is none, minus a soft sight. It's clear that he's attempting to focus on his work, and you're torn between wanting to be a massive distraction, and wanting to let him get on with his work. Sadly, repairing the ship is important, but you're certain that you can test his focus another time. For now, you're happy with slowly and lazily getting both of you off, waiting for Tech to finish so both of you can quicken the pace. Shuffling down onto your front, you free his cock from beneath his blacks, pumping it loosely whilst you find a comfortable position. Tech lets out another sigh when you swipe your tongue over the tip of his cock, swirling it around a few times, and then sinking down onto his length. You know by now exactly what makes Tech stir, and like the minx that you are, you go for those specific areas. Tech lets out a groan as you glide your tongue down the underside of his shaft, your hand lightly squeezing his tip. You spend a while between his thighs, earning weak moans, muffled through his helmet. One of his legs begins to lightly bounce, something his body subconsciously does when he's in deep though, and as of recent, something he also does when he's attempting to focus whilst distracted. With one hand around Tech's cock, you manage to slip your pants off, kicking off your boots in the process. You find the perfect balance between satisfying your partner, and preparing yourself, and although the position is slightly uncomfortable, the sound that Tech makes when he notices you prepping yourself makes it worth your while. "Copaani gaan?" you overhear Tech speak in his mother tongue. His eyes lock onto yours as he raises his head slightly, propping himself up on elbows, and Tech watches as you tilt your head in confusion. "Need a hand?" he repeats, and you mumble an 'oh' at his translation. "Shouldn't you be working on the ship?" you question. As Tech starts speaking, you slip his cock back into your mouth, completely malfunctioning his brain. "It's- I... the work- uh..." Tech stutters, and groans as he blurts out "mesh'la." A gloved hand rests on the back of your head as Tech lies back down, eyes scrunching shut, moaning softly for you. "So beautiful," he mumbles, and lets out a choked sob when the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. "What were you saying about the ship?" you innocently ask as you pull off his cock. "It's almost fixed," Tech groans, followed by a heavy sigh. "Finish your work, Tech," you order, and your tone of voice makes Tech shudder. "Elek, cyar'ika," Tech whimpers. "Anything for you." The hand on the back of your head is removed, and Tech turns as much focus as he can to his work. You decide that you're prepped enough, as is Tech, and begin shuffling into position, straddling Tech's lap. His eyes flick away for a moment, watching through his slowly steaming-up goggles as you sink down onto his length, letting out a soft sigh once you're fully seated. Despite not being able to see Tech's face, you know he's struggling to hold himself together, especially from the noise he makes when you begin slowly rising and falling on his cock, taking your time with every thrust. "Your work, Tech," you comment as you lock eyes. "Y-yes, right..." Tech's words trail off as he attempts to finish up, moving wires and tightening bolts, putting together the final parts of the ships control panel. You keep your pace slow and steady, not wanting to move Tech's body too much as he works, plus the sensation of slowly fucking yourself on your partners cock is oh-so-satisfying. And from the sounds that Tech is attempting not to make, you know that he's feeling the same way. You two spend some time like that, Tech finalizing the ship as you slowly get each other off, tensing your muscles every so often to tighten your grip on Tech's cock. Wanting to see how Tech will react, you catch him by surprise by slamming down on his cock; Tech lets out a choked moan, the air from his lungs being pushed out, and he almost drops the bolt tightener that he's holding. He perks his head up, groans at the sight of you, and then lets it fall back again. His hands pause mid-air, uncertain if he should attempt to work, or enjoy a brief break. "Tech?" you purr, and his eyes lock onto yours through the tint of his goggles. "Carry on working, love, you're almost finished." "Cyar'ika, you're making this unbelievably difficult," Tech whimpers. Tech isn't always one for praise, unless you're reminding him of how intelligent he is, but maybe he'll accept a few compliments whilst he's literally beneath you? "You're such a good worker, Tech, you can continue with a minor distraction," you praise. Tech's eyes momentarily flick away, as if to question if he really can work in these conditions. You know he's accepted your compliment the second his hands move up, returning to the control panel. "See?" you smile. "Pretend I'm not here. Pretend I'm not riding your cock right now," you tease, and your smile grows when Tech lets out a deep sigh. "I'll get you for this," he threatens in his own, soft, Tech-like way. "I can't wait," you purr, and pick up the pace, positioning your hands on his armoured chest to give your body extra support. Your eyes fall shut just as Tech returns to his work, putting your focus into riding him. Your pace isn't perfect, but it's enough to get you off, and from the sounds you're hearing from your partner, it's enough to get him off too. You're so engulfed in pleasure that you almost don't hear Tech suddenly states "I'm done." For some reason, you instantly assume he's done with you, motioning for you to stop. "Huh?!" you yelp as your eyes snap open. "I'm done with my work," Tech states, unaware of your confusion, and you let out a heavy sigh of relief. He lightly taps your thigh, signalling for you to raise your hips, and with the tip of his cock barely inside you, both of you shuffle so that Tech is no longer pinned beneath the control panel. You slam back down onto his cock just as he props himself up on his elbows, almost collapsing down again from the sensation. Tech curses under his breath, and with shaky arms, he manages to reach up and remove his helmet, placing it down beside him. His cheeks are redder than ever, almost as bright as when you two shared your first kiss, and from the light layer of sweat over his face, you assume that he'll be needing a shower later, and no doubt, you'll join him. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" you cheekily smile, and Tech has the audacity to roll his eyes at you. "You're unbelievable," Tech groans as he shifts his legs, placing his feet firmly on the floor, hips slightly raised - the perfect position to begin thrusting up into you. Tech meets your hips halfway, finding the perfect rhythm within no time. He's no longer holding back, moaning and groaning freely, and treating you to the occasional whimper. Tech's hands are snugly sitting around your hips, and his eyes are struggling to stay open, eventually scrunching shut, his mouth remaining parted as he puts all of his focus into fucking you. Your hands grip onto his chest once more, thick plastoid armour pressed against your palms, steadying your weight whilst both of you chase your orgasms. You know Tech is close when he begins stuttering, his mind becoming hazy, but Tech manages to whimper "I'm close." "Inside," you quietly state, and all Tech manages to do is nod. You beat him to it, tightening around his length as your orgasm hits. The sensation of you squeezing his cock has Tech sputtering, mewling beneath you whilst he pulls you down onto his hips and holds you there, his cock twitching heavily as he fills you up. You rock your hips back and forth gently, just enough to milk him, and Tech's grip on your hips tightens as he begins panting; his eyes slowly open, pupils blown, gawking at the sight of you. "T-too much," Tech eventually stutters, so you ease up, coming to a halt. Both of you spend a moment to gather yourselves and catch your breaths. Tech's hands move from your hips so he can prop his goggles up on his forehead, wiping his face with his palms, attempting to snap himself out of his post-orgasm haze. "Good?" you simply question, smiling when Tech nods in agreement. "Yes," he sighs, "so good. I think you'll agree that we both needed that," Tech comments as he pulls his goggles back on, and props himself up on his elbows, looking up at you, still sat on his lap with his cock slowly softening inside you. Tech takes a hold of your hips again, keeping you firmly on his lap as he sits upright. His soft eyes remain glued to yours, and a sweet smile appears on his lips when you playfully rub your nose against his. Tech wraps his hands around your waist, holding you in his lap, enjoying the sensation of your bodies being pressed together. Neither of you speak, but you don't need words to express the connection that you're feeling right now. You cup his jawline, holding his head steady whilst you enjoy some slow, sensual kisses. The taste of sweat is light on Tech's lips, but it's not enough for you to pull you away from him; if anything, you're enticed by how he tastes, parting your lips slightly so your tongue can glide across his. An unknowing amount of time passes as you two remain tied together, catching up on those lost moments; the nights where you can't be in each other's arms, the kisses you've missed due to lack of privacy, the gentle touches that are always kept private. As you move apart, you motion for Tech to tilt his head to the side, revealing your favourite place to kiss. Your hands slide over his shoulders, fiddling with the ends of his short hair, and you plant kiss after kiss on his faint scar, hidden beneath his short, buzzed hair. Tech smiles as you kiss over that area, and once you're done, he presses his forehead against yours. Finally, one of you speaks up. "Would you like to join me in the refresher?" Tech offers. "Of course," you smile, and place a kiss on his nose before shuffling off his lap. Once both of you are dressed, and Tech has tidied his equipment away, you go to make your way through the ship. As you open the locked cockpit door, you're both met with an extremely grumpy looking Hunter. He's sat with his arms crossed, tired eyes, and the only thing he asks is "are you two finally done?" "T-the ship is repaired, if that is what you're asking," Tech replies, struggling to maintain eye contact. "C'mon, you know I'm not on about that," he sighs. "You're lucky that the others wanted to stay outside and enjoy the sun!" Both of you stand there awkwardly, gawking around the ship, looking at everything but Hunter. He lets out a long, defeated sigh before saying "both of you, go and clean up, please. And leave the cockpit door open, it stinks in there." With that, Hunter rises from his chair, and makes his way off the Marauder, leaving the ships' door open to let fresh air flow through the ship. At the same time, Tech and you lock eyes, sharing an awkward expression. To your surprise, Tech states "that went rather well." "You're joking, right?" "It's been a long time coming," he shrugs. "Anyway, are you still joining me in the refresher?" You let out a laugh, but shake your head in agreement. "Lead the way!"
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ladyfogg · 3 years
(Kinda naughty) Prompt for Colin Zabel. Going down on him while he takes a phone call from Mare ;)
A/N: Ask and you shall receive (teehee)
Pairing: Colin Zabel/gn!Reader
Rating: 18+
The Evans Masterpost.
If anyone wants to be added to my taglists, fill out this form. To learn more about what prompts I’m accepting, check here.
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Look, in all fairness, it’s Mare’s fault for calling so late.
After a long, tedious day combing through files and witness statements, Colin wanted to unwind and forget about his anxieties for a while. The two of you have been secretly seeing each other for several months and, though you hadn’t had plans for that evening, one quick text changes everything.
The next thing Colin knows, he’s in your apartment and the two of you are making out on your couch. As soon as your lips met, he completely forgot about everything that wasn’t you.
“Rough day, huh?” you mumble between kisses, your hands worming their way under his shirt so you can feel his hot skin.
“The worst.”
“I can make you feel better.”
“I know you can.”
With a smirk, you reach down to unbuckle his belt, casually pulling it from the loops. “Just lay back,” you tell him, one hand on his chest as it guides him to stretch out on the couch. “Let my mouth take your stress away.”
Colin moans in excitement, already rock hard without even being touched. “Fuck, I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
You just manage to undo his zipper when his cell starts to ring. Colin swears, blindly reaching over to where it rests on the coffee table. He doesn’t even look at the screen as he ignores the call. Smirking and turned on that you have his full attention, you kiss him again, this time with your hand down his pants. Colin grunts against your mouth, his hips thrusting up in search of friction. You grant it, too turned on and eager to tease him. Not tonight at least.
As you yank his jeans down his hips, his phone starts to ring again.
“Fucking hell,” Colin mutters. “Sorry, one second.”
You sit back with a huff as Colin picks up the phone. Instantly, you know exactly who it is.
“Why is she calling you so late?” you ask. “Didn’t you spend all day working?”
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Colin apologizes, reaching out to squeeze your hand. “Just let me see what she wants. It’s probably important.”
Bored, you sit back and wait as Colin takes the call.
“Yeah, Mare, what’s up?” he asks.
The next few seconds are silent on his end as Mare goes into whatever it is she wants to tell him. Already he’s starting to look stressed again. Well, that just won’t do.
A sly smile crosses your face as you reach out to palm him through his underwear. Colin lets out a small gasp before promptly clenching his jaw to stop himself. He shoots you a wide-eyed stare and mouths, ‘What are you doing?’
You answer by leaning over his lap, gently peeling his underwear back from his cock. Colin’s hand reaches out to grab your shoulder. At first, you think he’s going to stop you, but when you gently take his tip into your mouth, he squeezes in encouragement.
“Yeah, that sounds fine,” he says into the phone, his voice slightly higher pitch than normal.
His cock is like velvet-covered steel against your tongue. Fuck he’s so hard. And it’s all because of you. Emboldened and not one to be ignored, you start a steady rhythm, bobbing your head up and down in his lap and taking more of his cock with each downward stroke. His hand moves from your shoulder to the back of your head, fingers digging into your scalp harder and harder.
You glance up to see his bottom lip mashed under his top teeth as he tries to keep from making any noise.
“Hmmm, what? Yeah, I’m listening,” he manages to squeak out.
Well shit. He’s still coherent. That’s not good. You better up your game. Speeding up your movements, you stroke whatever part of his cock that can’t fit in your mouth. Your other hand snakes into his underwear, cupping his balls roughly. Colin’s hips immediately jerk upward and he has to pull the phone away to try and muffle his swears.
“S-Sorry,” he says once he’s regained a small amount of composure. “You caught me at a b-bad time.”
You stare into his eyes, smirking around his girth as you take him in as far as you can until the head of his cock hits the back of your throat. And even then, you swallow around him and watch his face as he almost comes right then.
“Yup. Uh-huh. Okay. We’ll talk in the morning. Bye, Mare.” Colin hangs up the phone and drops it onto the floor, both hands grabbing your head. “Fuck!”
You chuckle, not letting up for even a second. It’s obvious he’s close. He’s so fucking hard and his hips are jerking way too erratically. When he comes, it’s with your name on his lips and his hands clutching your head to keep you in place as he fucks himself in and out of your mouth.
Swallowing around him, you make sure he’s good and spent before you pull off to catch your breath. “We agreed not to bring your work home with you.” Your words are breathless and panting.
Colin lays sprawled beneath you, cheeks bright red and lips glistening as his tongue darts out to wet them. “Lesson learned.”
“Good boy.”
--- Taglist:
@lejardinfleur @kitwalker64 @tatestripedsweater @milly-louise @kitwalker02 @xmaximoffic @margaretboothsear @slightlyvicked @nia-s-not-so-secret-diary @liandav @billyhxrgrove @tatesimper @spider-starry @beautifuldelusion-writer @marie-catherine @fictional-men-that-i-stan @ryangoslingstanktop @katiekat4594 @undeadcortez @corn3liiia @marshmallow--3 @TheOriginalDoll87 @sanni333 @peterssilverjacket @godblessthegoths @fuckwby @raincoffeeandfandoms @quickiesgirl
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
i was thinking the other day how dbd mechanics would work irl, and clothes, especially the girls flimsy ones, and like... surely the killers attacks would cut them. so please i've got a request for general hcs for the male killers: how would they react if their attack (or like a near miss) on a female survivor would cause her to get exposed? like breasts out or showing underwear etc? hope this makes sense. thank you!
teehee this is a fun one, I hope you like these!!
Male Killers React to Ripped Clothes
Suggestive | <50 words each
Blight: His reaction is much the same as any other, catching a glimpse at something he knows he's not supposed to see and ramming his head into a rock by accident. He'd want to hook her for a closer look.
Cannibal: He's curious, to say the least, but he knows he's not allowed to get excited like that. He'll be distracted for the rest of the trial and want to watch her from afar.
Cenobite: He can only expect as much from his chain-hooks, and really he would see it as an inconvenience in case a hook latches on to the loose fabric and lets her go too soon. A shame, really.
Clown: He gets the most excitement out of it, thinking that he might be able to get another tear in before the trial is over. He goes after them the whole trial, just wishing he could get some like the pathetic old fuck he is.
Deathslinger: He teases her about it and makes it known to everybody that something is showing, and he gets a kick out of her reaction. Nothing a thread and needle won’t fix—too bad he doesn’t want to fix it.
Demogorgon: He's a little sad, because it feels like he just ripped his favorite chew toy. He hopes someone will fix it.
Doctor: He just laughs. He laughs and laughs and laughs, and the survivor won't know exactly why until he covers her up as he's carrying her to a hook.
Ghostface: He's just as amused as the Doctor is, except he'll stay behind and take a few photos before the trial ends. If he's lucky, he'll get a close-up shot.
Hillbilly: A chainsaw is bound to tear a few shirts here and there, but when it's a woman's shirt torn right down the front, his instinct is to look away and pretend he doesn't see it.
Legion/Frank: He would be kind of into it, thinking that she looks even better with less clothes on. Not that he would make a move, but it might cross his mind.
Legion/Joey: He's happy as long as he gets a good show out of watching her try to cover up, slowing herself down in the process and making it easier—and more entertaining—to finally catch her.
Myers: He truly thinks nothing perverse of it. The only thing he regrets is not swinging harder, since now he has to spend more time trying to kill her.
Nemesis: It doesn't register to him as anything particularly riveting since he's with his half-nude zombie friends all the time anyway. Maybe it's a bit more pleasing to the eye, though.
Nightmare: The Clown one, only he would try to get everybody's clothes ruined.
Oni: If the survivor is humiliated, then he considers it a job well done, but he'll kill her just as fast as anybody else.
Pyramid Head: He's a mixed bag with how he would feel. If it's a survivor he likes, he'll be tunnel-visioned on them as his imagination runs wild. Otherwise, it's simply a distraction, so he'll punish them for their indecency and move on.
Trapper: Assuming the tear is big enough, he might stop everything and try to help her fix her clothes, or give her something else to put on over it. He's a gentleman, after all.
Trickster: He'll tell everyone about it when the trial is over, wishing he had a camera like Danny so he could have taken pictures as well. He's definitely the least subtle.
Victor: He'd scream and run back to Charlotte for something to put over her.
Wraith: He would be even more embarrassed than the survivor and promptly cloak and run away, pretending that he wasn't letting his mind wander.
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peachbear88 · 3 years
Unrequited Love
Teehee highschool AU. It's not that great but I just really wanted to write one. I might actually make this a short series.
Warning: Swearing and a bit of bullying.
"Move it freak." You hit the lockers, hard. Tears prick your eyes as the instigators laugh cruelly behind you before moving on. You feel a hand on your shoulder and you snap.
"You going to dunk my face in a toilet or something? Wasn't the first time enough?" The hand recoils a bit before moving back to its place on your arm and giving you a reassuring squeeze. You refuse to look back until you finally sense that the presence was gone. You sigh, picking up your books before heading to your class.
You're sullenly picking at your lunch, sneaking small glances at your crush from across the cafeteria when a familiar voice cuts in.
"God, if you keep staring at her like this, you might as well profess your love right here and right now." Your face turned beet red as Nat slides into the seat next to you, gesturing towards Wanda Maximoff. Wanda was an interesting girl. Constantly surrounded by boys who's testosterone levels went through the charts but she never paid them any mind. Out of all of the "popular" people, she actually seemed the most decent. The one person that actually had morals. She was also quite pretty. No, scratch that, very pretty. Waist length auburn hair and emerald green eyes that glowed.
"Shut up Romanoff." You elbow a cackling Nat as she yoinks a carrot stick from your plate.
"If you had any common sense, you'd know that you should avoid her. Look at the way Vision's got his arm around her waist. The minute you try something, he'll be there to throw you into a dumpster." You frown, taking in Vision's rippling, athletic form. Nat, was of course right. He could quite literally, throw you out of a 3 story building and into a dumpster. Sighing, you shoved the rest of your lunch over to Nat who immediately grabbed it.
"You can have the rest, I'm not hungry." Nat squealed with happiness as you left the cafeteria, unaware of the glowing green eyes that followed you out of the cafeteria.
"God, I'm so done with today. I just want to go to Tetra's Diner, grab some fries and a milkshake, go home, take a nice bath and then pass out on my bed." You groan, running your hands through your hair as you and Nat open your lockers. A single rose falls out of your locker, a note clinging onto it. Nat peers over your shoulder as you pick up the rose.
"What's it say?" Nat pipes up from behind you and you shush her.
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
"William Shakespeare." You smile when you recognize the quote while Nat frowns.
"Jeez I guess you and your secret admirer and both dorks then." A voice sneers from behind you. You whirl around to find Tony Stark snarling down at you. Nat steps in front of you protectively.
"Fuck off Stark." She warns him in an almost calm manner. She cracks her knuckles which sends him scuttling off, flashing one last glare at you.
"Thanks Nat. You didn't have to do that." You smile brightly at her, the two of you walking out into the school parking lot. She slings an arm around your shoulder, ruffling your hair.
"Anytime. He's just an asshat." You smile at her open affection towards you.
"I'm going to the diner, you want to come?" Nat shakes her head sullenly.
"I have judo I have to get to. I can give you a ride though?" She offers as compensation but you politely decline.
"Nah, I'll bike there. It's super close anyways." She gives you a reluctant grin before hopping into her car and speeding away.
"Bye Y/N!" You wave goodbye, letting out a content sigh before pulling the motorcycle helmet over your head. You feel a pair of eyes watching you and you whip around to see nothing but an empty parking lot. Shrugging, you start up the engine and speed away.
The moment you're out of sight, Wanda steps out from her shadowy corner of the lot, frowning as her mind reels from your relationship with Nat, jealousy consuming her.
"Oh these are good." You groan as you sink your teeth into the french fries. Valkyrie flashes you a toothy grin before returning to her work. The doorbell rings, signalling another customer entered the diner. You pay no attention to the person, shovelling french fries into your mouth. The figure slips into the seat beside you.
"You might want to slow down on those. I would hate for you to choke." A soft Sokovian accent whispers and you look up into the smiling face of Wanda Maximoff. You backpedal slightly, choking on the french fry that jammed itself in your gullet. Her amused expression takes a more concerned look and she hands you a glass of water which you down immediately. Not the best first impression on your crush but you'll take what you can get. You clear your throat, attempting to recover from the embarrassing scene you just caused.
"Maximoff. What brings you here?" You ask, your voice an octave deeper. She gives you an odd look.
"It's my favorite diner." You mentally kick yourself. God, why am I so weird? It's a diner! She's probably just grabbing a snack! You cringe before regaining your composure.
"Same here. Best fries in town." You stutter out and Val flashes you an amused look from behind the counter as you slip off your stool. "Well, I'd best get going." You flash a weak smile at her, grabbing your jacket and slipping it on. "Have a good one Wanda." You're about to slip out the door when a hand grabs your wrist. You look back to see Wanda, a determined look on her face and you gulp at her close proximity.
"The upcoming chemistry test. Can you help me study for it?" You scoff internally. No wonder she came here. She came for your help. You chide yourself for thinking such thoughts before responding to Wanda, who looks quite pale, almost anxious.
"Yeah sure. Where and when?" Her firm grip on your wrist relaxes as she steps out the diner door with you.
"My house tomorrow? I can give you a lift." You gulp, a light pink dusting your cheeks.
"Y-yeah, sure. I won't be able to catch a ride with you though, I can't leave my bike behind." You point to your motorcycle which is lying a few feet away. She nods before giving you a lingering touch on your forearm.
"Alright, see you then." As she walks away, you pump your first, fumbling with your phone as you text Natasha the news.
Okay so I'm kind of scared to do a series because I feel like I'm a bit better at one-shots but let's give it a try. This will be a pretty short series.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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kookieswan · 3 years
Shadow Play Part III – Void
Pairing: None… for now 😶‍🌫️
(Platonic (?) Haunted!2Seok x Medium!Reader (f))
Word Count: 1.6k
Tags: Ghost/Demon!AU!, Mentions of bodily harm/injuries and blood, Description of grotesque things, General spookiness/horror themes, Fluff this time!
Summary: You’ve been pulled into the darkness, but can you ever get out…?
Notes: Lets take the spookiness up a level or two teehee.
Series Masterlist here!!!
Floating… through a substantial amount of emptiness. There’s nothing around, nothing to be seen, or felt, or heard. Time must be ticking by, the world is ever in motion but… are you even in your own world anymore? The darkness took over so fast and now you just exist in this cold space that’s all too familiar.
You float on for days, spinning slowly in what can only be the Other. It’s not really days, it can’t be since time works differently here. You’ve reached into it countless times, trying to connect with different spirits to help them pass on. Even sometimes to lead a darker entity away from the path of those who have called for help. Never have you been pulled into it though, ripped from your own world unwillingly, lost among the spirit realms. Trying to come into focus, you squint your eyes, studying the darkness to find anything other than that. You get your wish sooner than you thought you would…
It's there, in some grotesque form. Eyes black holes sitting on a sunken face. It looks tortured, mangled even, body covered in lacerations and welts, blood dripping everywhere. If you were anyone else, you’d be terrified and ready to run. You know though that this is a front, it wants for you to be scared of it. The entity drifts closer until its face is directly in front of yours, mouth open to display decaying teeth, broken and corroded from what must be years of tormenting. The screaming becomes louder for just a moment, calls of your names trying to reach you but not quite making it.
A rumble rips from its body, echoing through the void and into your skull. Its bizarre, a sound that doesn’t make sense to you, nothing you’ve ever heard before. A hand raises up from its form, long spindly fingers covered in liquid raising to hold high above your head as you stare back in defiance. You won’t be shaken by this, you can’t for the sake of Hoseok and Seokjin. The substance drips onto your face, running down the planes of it and sinking into the fabric of your clothes. A bit gets into your mouth and eyes, and the urge to wretch becomes strong.  
Everything moves quickly then, fingers coming down to wrap around your throat, teeth sinking into your form. The loudest of the screams rips through the void, although it comes out as little more than a whisper in reality. Its loud enough to get your attention though, loud enough to draw you away from the Other. Once again, you’re ripped through space, moving through time until you’re back in your actual body. This is familiar, the feeling of sinking into your physical form once again after walking on a different plane of existence. Twitching a few fingers, you lull your head back and forth before opening your eyes, screams that sounded far away becoming shrill.
“Oh my god! Oh my god, we thought you were DEAD!” Blinking slowly, you cringe a bit as the light of the room pierces into your skull. It’s been dark for so long but now everything’s lit up. Hoseok and Seokjin are above you, peering down to try and figure out what’s going on. You realize rather quickly that your head is resting on a thick thigh, Hoseok’s thigh to be exact. You suppose idly that it makes for a pretty good pillow after a fall.
“Nope, still kicking it seems. How long was I out for?” You say it so casually, both men stare at you still like you’ve grown an extra head. Seokjin moves closer, large hand coming up to your forehead ever so gently. He brushes it against your heated skin, worried that you might have a fever, or maybe you’re just losing your damn mind. You must be as you ponder on the idea that both of their touches are rather comforting, and you want more of it.
“About ten minutes give or take. I know I’m pretty good looking, but it seems I’ve swept you off your feet, huh beautiful?” You blink owlishly at Seokjin, stunned at the words that come out of his mouth. Hoseok lets out a screech above you, a few shrill giggles leaving his heart shaped lips at the comment.
“Don’t pay attention to him, he likes to joke to lighten the mood… and subtly flirt. It’s his coping mechanism, I can’t even count the number of times we’ve made out whe-” Seokjin leans over you instantly to attack Hoseok, flicking him a few times on the forehead to get back at him. He can’t get very far with half of your body draped over his lap, so he sits patiently and endures his punishment.  You sit up from your place slowly, Hoseok’s hand ready to catch you if you fall back, letting all the puzzle pieces fall into place.
“Ah, so you two are together? Not that it’s any of my business really but… it could help me… with the investigation…” Bullshit. It wouldn’t really, but you can’t help but to be curious if they’re dating or not. Mostly because they’re both insanely attractive now that they’ve taken care of you in a vulnerable state, they almost look like angels in comparison to whatever the fuck the entity is trying to morph into. The men laugh a bit nervously then, Seokjin’s ears turning red while Hoseok rubs the back of his neck a bit.
“No, we’re not. We just mess around sometimes, although I’m pretty sure Hobi is on love with me, so there’s that.” Seokjin takes off after that, running for the kitchen area as Hoseok runs after quickly behind him, yelling about injustice and Seokjin’s huge blabber mouth. You stand gradually, glancing back at the door you had tried to enter before. It no longer holds that sense unease, but you decide not to go in without being accompanied by one of the apartment owners. The yelling continues as Seokjin vaults down the hallway again, rounding your from to stand behind you, hands settling on your shoulders. Hoseok comes around the corner again, fly swatter in his hand as he observes the scene.
“Oh, so you decided to use our pretty medium as a shield? That’s crafty man.” … Pretty? Seokjin’s hands are firm on your shoulders as he leads you down the hallway, pushing you toward the living room and onto one of the couches. He pats your head once before leaving for the kitchen, Hoseok plopping down next to you with wide eyes.
“What exactly happened? You just kind of passed out all of a sudden, I’m glad I was able to catch you in time…” He trails off, his usual happy-go-lucky grin turned into a pensive frown. You’re not even sure where to start with everything. The Other is a lot to take in, and the concept of it is relatively confusing.  Fidgeting in your spot, you listen to Seokjin bang and clang around in the kitchen before trying to explain what happened.
“Well, I was sucked into the Other. It’s essentially like a spirit realm. It’s where ghosts, spirits, and even demons wander after death if they’re unable to pass on. Um, maybe compare it to limbo? It’s after death but not quite moving on from it. People linger because of sadness, anger, unfinished business. There’s a lot of reasons.” Hoseok nods along, looking a bit uncertain as he tries to absorb the information properly. Seokjin comes back over, fresh mugs of coffee in his hands, a gentle smile on his face as he sits down. It’s late now, but you’ll probably need the caffein in the long run.
“The demon, which is a term I’m now confident with using, pulled me into it. I know it was only for ten minutes like you said, but it felt like days. Time doesn’t work the same, it moves much faster, but it also feels like everything is stopped. It’s unsettling and hard to traverse… Either way, the point is, is that this thing is very, very dangerous. I know what it looks like now but ill have to do a lot of research… I’m worried about leaving you two alone now though…” They both look slightly perplexed, but that’s to be expected. Seokjin leans forward in his seat, gaze thoughtful as it lands on you. You grab fir your coffee and take a quick gulp, impressed with how good it is.
“You could stay here with us for the time being? We have a spare bedroom after all… I think we would feel better with you around anyway.” Trying not to spit out the coffee, your eyes bug out as both men mumble back and forth to each other, nodding about whatever they’re whispering about. Living with them…? Living with two very attractive men who you’re currently trying to help out because a demon’s terrorizing them? It’s not the worst idea but you also didn’t want to bother them with your presence. However, the demon could hurt them and that’s just not an option.
“Alright, I’ll stay… Tomorrow ill head home and get some of my stuff. I’ll also have to go to the library… Hmmm…” You continue to whisper to yourself about everything that need to be done, which is turning out to be quite the list. Seokjin elbows Hoseok slightly, and he nods his head before focusing on you again. They look adorable, eyes trained on you, both wide with wonder.
“How about we come with you? We can tell you more about the stuff we’ve seen and uh, get to know each other a little better.”
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zv5x · 3 years
So uhh,,, I'm starting to get into writing again after restarting everything, so to really warm myself up I'm doing the Yandere ABC's prompt thingy with Spirit! Cause I need the Spirit simps to return to my blog and cause Spirit is my main source of serotonin!!! Plz enjoy teehee, and I promise I'll get to all of your requests soon! let me have my Spirit simping hour, I need it very much ( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? - Spirit is VERY intense affection wise, and is almost always holding onto you in one way or another. Whether that be laying his head on your chest and purring quietly, or by insisting that your hand stays connected with his while outside, he's always making sure he has a good handle on you. He's also very protective and caring, so expect to be feeling a lot safer in the future. And I mean a LOT safer. Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? - Spirit was never a big fan of wasting his time on the filth that keeps the two of you apart, so he likes to keep rival elimination quick and painless. However, if he feels that whoever he's killing isn't worthy of a quick death, he will most definitely accommodate to that fact. Or, if you ask him to kill someone and specifically request for it to be long and messy, he'd do it without a shread of hesitation. After all, he'd do anything to prove his loyalty to you. Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? - Mocking you isn't in Spirit's vocabulary. He could never treat you with a shread of inhumanity (unless that is, he sees it as needed), as he feels you deserve the best and nothing but the best. He owes his life to you! You saved him, you showed him that the world wasn't nearly as vile as he once thought. Treating you with anything less than the love and adoration that you deserve just doesn't seem like a concept to him even. If he get's to the point where he sees abduction as necessary, he might do the occasional "ara ara" type shit while stepping on your chest though lol, he can get like that sometimes. He'd step on you very gently, though..he doesn't want to hurt you too bad Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? - Before you even got him out of the game in which he was trapped, he was very creepily overbearing. Though, he couldn't directly show that considering he wouldn't ever get let out then. He'd just keep tabs on all your devices through the shadows. P.S., it was very kind of you to make a ROM of his game for your laptop for him to move into! It made things so much easier for him! Now he can have a much easier time watching you sleep and hearing you breathe when he's placed right by your side on your bed (you said you didn't want him to be lonely, which he thought was very kind and cute of you. It's exactly why he adores you so much). It also makes it so much easier to look through your phone since you have that data connected to your laptop as well. Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? - What was that, (Y/N)? Spirit's actions are making you doubt his undying love for you? No fear! He'll pour his entire heart to you right then and there! He'll list of just every little thing about you that makes his heart beat fast, he'll also lovingly alert you to the fact that he owes his life along with everything that he is, all to you! He wouldn't be alive or free if it wasn't for you! The coding of his game would have crumbled and basically ate him alive, so without you he'd probably be dead. Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? - A combination of betrayal and confusion. Confusion, due to the fact he just doesn't understand why you'd want to leave him. Isn't this exactly what you humans consider true love? The idea of being with someone who would gladly bare any level of agony just to be the only one you gaze upon, the idea of someone being willing to go to any
length just to see that smile of yours that they always adore seeing, how is this not what humans consider love? The feeling of betrayal from you doing something as selfish as trying to leave him, the pain could almost eat him alive. How could you? He's done everything for you, he's given you every inch of love and affection that he has to offer, and you repay him by trying to leave him all alone? Expect the biggest guilt trip you've ever experienced. "I thought you loved me, dearest! Why would you try and leave me?!" Along with millions of demands to know who you were running away to. There had to be some place for you to go when you left him after all, so whose throat does he have to slit just to prove to you how much he adores you? Go on, don't be shy, tell him! Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? - The hunting you down aspect of all of this? Yeah, I guess he could consider it a game. But the thing is, he never really considers what he's doing Hunting you down unless you're directly trying to run from him. So, at that point, hunting you down is exactly what he's doing. Spirit considers everything he's doing to be completely understandable and normal for human relationships. So he definitely doesn't consider what he's doing to be a "game" or anything else similar. His love for you isn't just some game, it's serious and it's all he has Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? - If you ever dare cheat on him, expect to see the last thread of sanity he has in him just snap right before your eyes. He could never kill you, no. But your little partner? Expect them to be torn to shreads right before your very eyes. Ever hear one of those crazy ass yandere laughs? Yeah. He'd pull that too. He'd quite literally go ballistic, getting up when who you cheated on him with isn't even recognizable, screaming at you and demanding to know the reason for your disloyalty. He did everything for you! And you just go on and pull shit like this? No. He won't accept it. You won't get away with it. He still loves you of course, and will remind you of that fact every millisecond, but you can tell he just isn't the same. More possessive, more angry and suffocating. Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? - Spirit definitely wants to marry you. Like, this is a fact. He's basically your fiance without even proposing to you yet. He'd definitely enjoy a few kids as well, but only if you want them as well and are able to have them. He understands any reason you might not want kids, and he won't pressure you. Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? - He's like, literally the CEO of jealous (As well as the CEO of protectiveness). His protective nature causes him to be extremely suspicious of others and their intentions. Sometimes if he feels that person was getting a little too friendly with you, he'll possessively wrap his arms around you while you're talking to them and growl at them until they power walk away out of fear. Sometimes while the two of you are cuddling he'll subtly and quietly bite your neck to leave marks. Or, sometimes he just goes for the more direct route, and offs anyone who he saw as in his way. He can't have anyone walking in on private property thinking it's their own, can he? Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling? - He's usually extremely understanding and sweet. Spirit doesn't like having to use fear tactics to get his way, since he hates it when he has to resort to putting fear in you. Around you, Spirit is more loving than he ever was around anyone before. You're his precious darling after all! You saved him, you taught him what love was like. How could he not act painfully loving and sweet in your presence? You just make his heart flutter so violently. Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? - Literally exploding Senpai's face off one day while you were paying his game. He's just been watching you for so long, allowing
Senpai to soak up all your love and attention. He just couldn't contain the jealousy, or the rage. He didn't get what Senpai did to be getting so much affection from you. So, he got rid of the problem. Senpai. He was able to convince you Senpai was completely unalive and unfeeling, just lines of code. Which, he was lines of code, but Spirit knew very well that he was aware of the world and environment around him, and could very much so be considered...alive. However, you didn't need to know that. Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? - Kinda? You know how protective and jealous he can be, but he completely hides the fact he's literally committed murder. He doesn't want you to think of him as some heartless monster, now does he? That wouldn't do at all. He needs you to adore him, just as much as he adores you. He wants you to be fully willing to marry him, and live out the rest of eternity with him. How could that happen if the very thought of him scares you? Naughty: How would they punish their darling? - The usual, causing you physical pain. His methods of doing this vary, along with the severity of the pain. But, lucky for you it takes a lot to get him to the point to where he sees punishment as the only way. Additionally, if you allow him too, he could get a little...lewder with the punishments... Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? - Not many, if everything goes by his plan. However, if you refuse to do what he says, he'll take away as many rights as he can. Physical freedom, friends, family, and everything else in between. If he feels something is keeping you from him, he'll snatch it away in a millisecond. You don't need it. However, if everything goes to plan, then great! He's so happy you realize that your future is with him, and only him! Patience: How patient are they with their darling? - Oh, he's extremely patient! That is, unless you do something to upset him. Don't show too much fear, don't yell or scream at him, don't deliberately make him jealous, or do anything similar, and everything will be okay! He understands why you might be a little reluctant, as you've probably never had someone as loving and adoring as him in your life! So much affection being given to you is something you need to get used to, he would know. It took him a little bit to fully adjust to all the love you had for him. Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? - No. He wouldn't. Not in the slightest. He'd never be able to move on if you were to leave him forever. If you die, he could just chase you down to wherever you ended up considering he was a demon himself. But, if you somehow find a way to get away from him even after he chases you down? He'll be devastated. He thought you loved him, he loved you so much. He still does love you. He can't let you go, he just can't. He needs you. He lives for you. He craves you. You're his light, his everything, he can't imagine an existence without you by his side. But, that won't even happen, he won't let you go no matter what. You won't be able to loosen yourself from his grip. Not that you want to though, right? (Extra fact: Spirit wouldn't hesitate to resort to killing you himself, just so he could drag you down to Hell and keep you there forever. If it's something he needs to do, then he'll do it no questions asked. He hates causing you pain, he really does. But Spirit will do whatever it takes to have your love) Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? - Spirit has a very warped view of love, so while he is capable of feeling guilt, he doesn't at all regret what he's done. He feels guilt for the way you cried when he tried snuggling you and holding you, he felt guilt for the way you trembled as he reached out to you, but he just couldn't feel bad for the people he damned and murdered. They were trying to take you away from him, and that's absolutely unforgivable. Stigma:
What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? - Definitely his time in the Hating Simulator. He was completely ripped away from all contact with the outside world and everyone that inhabited it, human or not. He stayed like that for years, until his captors daughter finally decided to dispose of him. Then, somehow, he met you. You decided to pick his game and it's console up, and take him home. He didn't trust you at first, but soon, watching you talk to Senpai and get closer with him, he fell in love with you. Hard. He needed you in his life, he needed to keep you. He had to have you. You needed to be his, and his alone. Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? - Confused, but still upset and guilty. He hates seeing you in pain, whether that pain be physical or mental. So to hear you scream and cry with such pain, it absolutely makes his heart shatter. But he just doesn't understand why you're acting in such agony...aren't you happy? Don't you love him? He'll probably look at you with a pained look in his eyes. He'll try and hold you in his arms and hold you close to his chest, no matter how hard you struggle. Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? - Literally chasing you down to wherever you go, with no effort at all. He makes it so you CAN'T escape him, no matter how hard you try, and no matter who you cry to for help. With any other Yandere, there's always the possibility of escape. Whether it be by leaving their basement, killing them in self defense, getting them arrested, etc, etc. But with Spirit, there's nothing you can do. You're going to love him, or he'll make your life a living hell. Quite literally, in fact. Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? - While there is literally no way to escape him, you can try and manipulate him to get whatever you wish. Spirit is extremely touch starved, to the point where he'll probably tremble and shake with pleasure if you do as much as reach out to him. Just hold him in your lap and let him purr into your neck as you run your finger through his hair, he'll be literal putty in your hands. While trying to use this against him to escape will result in harsh punishment, if you can think of anything you can get out of him using this then by all means go for it. Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling? - Only if needed. Spirit doesn't wish to cause you pain, but he won't hesitate to if he thinks it will make you love him and stop that hopeless struggling of yours. Spirit will make sure to cuddle you and kiss you after each punishment however, praising you in a soft whisper about how good you've been for him while he taught you a lesson. Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? - If you want to know how much you mean to him, Spirit will without hesitation get on one knee and kiss the tips of your hand as he purrs words of pure love. He'll make sure you know just how loved and important you are to him by the end of the night, any way you wish for him to, no matter how direct or "explicit" Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? - After escaping the Hating Simulator, maybe about a year Zenith: Would they ever break their darling? - If you were to "break" under his care, rest assured it was completely unintentionally. But, he'll still take your submission as a win. You're willing to tell you love him, you're willing to marry him and live a life with him, and that's all Spirit needs. He loves you so much ♡
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sophiashortcake · 4 years
previous ❀ next ❀ series masterlist
𝟏𝟑. y/n shouldn’t be allowed to drink
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.
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Kei knew he was shit at apologies.
His entire life, he never bothered to apologize. Sure, there were instances when he was a kid where his mother would scold him for playing too roughly with his brother and he would have to stubbornly mutter an, “I’m sorry.” Or sometimes he’d give a quick, “sorry” to Yamaguchi when he was being particularly snarky that day. But none of those were real apologies, none that would help him now. They couldn’t prepare him for when you walked through the door.
He heard the front door open from his bedroom, instantly knowing it was you from your soft footsteps. He had been sitting in his room, trying to think of what to say, but how do you apologize to someone who you unjustifiably called an attention whore who had daddy issues? (Kei cringed at the memory, realizing how much of a jackass he sounded.)
His hand hesitated when it reached the doorknob to walk out to you, what would he even say? He couldn’t even text you a proper apology (he’s pretty sure you blocked him anyway). Swallowing down his uncertainty, he turned the doorknob.
You had just reached the top of the stairs when he opened the door, your face instantly curling with irritation. Before he could even open his mouth, you marched to your room, and slammed the door shut.
“Y/N, wait!” He called, running over to your room.
He went to open your door, instantly throwing out his ‘no entering each other’s rooms’ policy, only to find it already locked.
“Y/N, open the door please-”
Your door flew open, your expression eerily bright.
“Oh? Are you here to call me an attention whore again?” You chirped. “Maybe you can grade my daddy issues!”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that, I was just being a jackass-”
“Y’know, Kei? That seems to happen alot with you…” You hummed in fake thought, “have you ever considered, maybe you just actually are a jackass?”
“Kids! Akiteru’s home! Come downstairs!” His mother called from the kitchen.
“Go fuck yourself, Kei,” you snapped, before heading downstairs.
That couldn’t have gone any worse.
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At dinner, nobody could have guessed you were angry at all. You wore a cheerful smile, getting along with everybody with your animated conversation, well, besides him. You had ignored him all dinner, barely even sparing him a glance.
“Oh, I have something!” His brother said, before running into the kitchen. He came back and presented a bottle of sake. “I thought I would bring something home.”
“Akiteru, just because you’re the drinking age now doesn’t mean you can drink at dinner,” his mother sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Oh, just let him pour us a glass, this is a special dinner since we barely see him anymore,” his father said.
“Pour the kids a glass too while you’re at it. Hayami, if you’re okay with Y/N drinking, that is,” he added.
“A small glass won’t hurt, we’re in the house anyway,” Hayami shrugged.
Akiteru fetched some glasses from the kitchen, pouring out small amounts and passing them along the table. He took a sip, ignoring the burn in his throat as he swallowed it down.
You took a small sip before coughing, patting your chest as you retched.
“Don’t tell me I raised a lightweight,” Hayami joked, poking your side. You fumed as she giggled.
The rest of dinner passed by the same, you continued to ignore him, making him lose hope you’d ever forgive him. As time went, he took notice how your cheeks started to flush, your swaying in your seat, and your higher pitched voice. You weren’t actually a lightweight, were you?
“So Y/N, how’s Kei at school? I wanna hear all about it,” Akiteru teased. Kei shot him a glare which Akiteru stuck his tongue out at.
“Kei is actually an asshole,” you slurred. “He’s rude, condescending, and I’m not sure why I ever liked him.”
The table stilled.
Oh no.
Hayami choked on her drink, his mother gasped, his father awkwardly sipped from his glass, and Akiteru’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Kei never wanted somebody to put him out of his misery more than he did now. Kei prayed to every god there was that this wasn’t actually happening, but there was a good chance this was karma, and God was actually laughing at him instead.
“Y/N!” Akane gasped, “you like Kei?” His mother was too meddling for her own good.
“Liked,” you clarified, “up until I confessed and he decided to grade my letter instead, in case you didn’t know, I failed with a D-!”
“Kei! I raised you better than this!” His mother hissed before turning back to you, “when was this?”
“The day we moved in. Imagine my surprise when I found out that day I was gonna move in with the guy who rejected me!” You dramatically whined.
Kei debated if he could stab himself with his pair of chopsticks.
“You graded her letter?” Akiteru replied, “What kind of asshole does that?”
“Thank you!” you sang, “y’know, I think you’re my favorite Tsukishima brother.”
“So Kei, why’d you grade her letter, huh?” Akiteru asked, turning the attention to him.
“I- Uh- Well I didn’t know her…”
“You could’ve just said no,” Akiteru deadpanned.
“He did it because he’s a jerk!” You exclaimed, your face in a pout.
“I know it had a few grammar mistakes and all but it’s the thought that counts!” You whined, tears starting to bubble in your eyes.
Not only were you drunk, you were a crying drunk.
“I think Y/N is done for tonight,” his mother chimed, “Kei, could you take her to her room and make sure she gets to bed?”
His shot Hayami a mischievous grin that Hayami grimaced to (and one that he nor Y/N picked up on).
Kei wanted to decline, but with the way everyone was staring at him, he decided it’d just be better to agree and get it over with.
“Alright,” he sighed, making his way over to your swaying form. He tried to throw your arm over his shoulder, but you wiggled free.
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” You protested.
“Y/N, could you please just-”
“No!” You barked.
He tried again, to no avail.
“Okay, you know what?” He muttered, growing irritated. In one fell swoop, he picked you up bridal style.
“Let me down!” You whined.
“When we get to your room, I will.”
You glared at him, but stopped trying to fight your way free. He exhaled in relief, and made his way to the staircase.
When you two were out of earshot, his mother leaned over to Hayami.
“I was thinking of a spring wedding,” she whispered.
Making your way to your room was quiet since you decided to stop fighting, you even wrapped your arms around his neck to avoid falling.
“You’re a real jerk,” you mumbled, your face buried in his neck, not brave enough to meet his eyes.
“I know,” he replied, nudging open your door.
He made sure to carefully place you down into your bed, as you already began to curl up.
“Cold,” you muttered.
“What? Do you want me to tuck you in too?” He quipped sarcastically. “Was carrying you to bed not enough?”
“Fine, fine, brat,” he replied, pulling your covers over you as you pulled it up to hide your face.
Poking your eyes up from the covers, “are you really sorry?”
“I am,” he muttered, “you didn’t deserve that, and I’m sorry I said what I did today, I really am.”
You yawned, “I believe you.”
“Wait, you do?”
You had already closed your eyes though, beginning to drift off.
He chuckled, of course you would fall asleep before he could ask more.
He made his way out to the door, turning back to you.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: y/n still keeps the letter in her stationary box in her desk.
𝐚/𝐧: i literally rewrote this chapter five times before i posted it 😡 but i hope you guys are aboard the kei train now, he ain’t a bitch all the time!! well most of the time anyway teehee
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃!): @sinistersith @moronsuke @yougivemebutterfliess @saturnfarie @peachiikichu @what-happens-inside-the-box @nonoszrk @cece-lives-here @belli-jelly @cvlliesstuff @ack-aashi @mindofess @virgoamajiki @natsukitakama @shimy-deko @irenevyas @virgoamajiki @toaster-stick @little-dark-empress @h0ngh0ngh0ng @freyafolkvangr @winunk @estmagnifique @thechaosoflonging @ilovesupersoldiers @simpletype @burntcilantro @ryryryleigh @animatedrapture @intothatbluebluesky @resetrestartandreplay @lostmarimoismyhubby @witcherydotcom @kukiisan @not-venice @grapesauze @amberisnotcrazy @tarasaoristark @ammemuts @cloudymotel @loving-unicorns106 @strawberryssel @kakaokenma @cadelinha-de-haikyuu @wowie-issa-me-amario @pruemania @vitalthot @kageyamasgirl @abswrites @kac-chowsballs
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yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
Being A Cock Warmer For The Males In Arcana
Yeah I ain’t stutter. Also the fact that y’all got 308 notes on the Nsfw Arcana bit I ain’t got 308+ followers hurts me. So cruel. 😤
Anyway let’s get started before I have a mental breakdown haha (<— old edit sorta)
Edit from today (7/25): WE ARE NOW AT 565 FOLLOWERS! (I do believe, I might have to check again) Thanks so much guys! I know I disappear a lot but with witch stuff and spirituality and shit like that I just need to take breaks. I don’t mind y’all asking me how I’m feeling though smh, it might bring me back sooner to know people care about me.
But y’all too scared to even comment on how much y’all like my posts so I know y’all won’t do it.. cowards. 😔🥺
Anyway here’s the cock holder post, I’m actually not sure if these are completely cock holder-ish because of how they turn out but here, have fun rubbing off kiddies uwu. (Please don’t be actual kids tho smh, I ain’t responsible for yo lil ass.. if you get caught rubbing one out)
EDIT 7/27: Finally I’m done, I just want to say thank you to all the followers that’s been waiting for this post! I’ve been in off and on moods these days so yeah..anyway I’ve been holding this post for months and well here ya go! Also if anyone else wants to Roleplay just hit me up! (However I need to see your style of Roleplay before we start anything..short rps and rps with plot or starters aren’t my thing. And I call dating Valdemar uwu, I’ll rp your fav character for you if you rp them for me.)
I feel like some of these are out of character but only a little, please deal with it considering how hard I worked to get this out..also if you read this whole top, you get this: a quick request from me! Request anything you want and I’ll upload it either today, tomorrow or the day after! You have to read all my top tho and I know some of you won’t so for people who do, in your request send me the call out note I put up here!
Honestly it shouldn’t be hard to find..but anyway enjoy!
(Also I might make edits later teehee..)
As yet another costumer walked asking multiple questions about crystals and spiritual awakenings you nearly whimpered to them as an answer to whatever they had just said. Your hand roughly clutching the edge of the greeting desk in front of you.
Asra’s cock nestled in deep inside you like a snug bug in a fucking rug. It pressed against your sweet spot, nudging against the g-spot and he’s carefully rolling his hips shooting pleasure all throughout your body. Your clit is rock hard at this point as his hand grips your naked thigh, your shirt pulled up and panties around your ankles.
Everything is hidden from the people coming in except your face which is trying to hard not to show how hot you’re feeling. You want to stick your tongue out so bad or let your eyes roll but you know that with the right person that’s a dead giveaway. When another comes in Asra greets them with a warm smile seeing you stumble on your words to do so instead. He thrust his hips a little and you hold back from crying out, ducking your head down into your arms to bite your lips. Just like the way he told you to.
‘What a good girl you are.~’ He thinks with a catlike grin. He’s enjoying this quite a bit and you can tell with the twitching that his cock is doing inside you. Asra has patience though, a lot of it..and while you want so desperately to bounce on his cock like a whore in heat he simply won’t let you until he sees fit. Maybe if you beg for it though he’ll simply not give a damn about the customers and will put you up for display, fuck you right on the counter in front of everyone that enters.
When the customer haults themselves mid sentence they take the time to ask if you’re ok. Of course you can’t answer, you can’t even trust your voice to sound somewhat under control. Asra is on it in a flash taking any words from you to speak instead. Maybe not with the words you expected him to say but really you can’t argue right now. Not when he lifts your legs a bit more and sinks deeper into your wet messy pussy. You shake against him letting out a strangled whimper.
“She’s just a bit sick right now, poor thing... I wished for her to sleep but she insisted on helping me today. Isn’t that sweet?”
Insisted on helping daddy work today.~ Oh such a naughty girl you were weren’t you? Don’t worry though, he’d made you squirt all over his cock like the loving daddy he was. What would he be if he didn’t?
After a couple of words between Asra and the customer the customer leaves with whatever they managed to purchase. The shop was quiet now only with the sound of wetness between your thighs and you breathless moans. It was quiet until he pushed you forward. You press firmly against the counter and he follows you pressing right up against your back, your hands find the counter and he chuckled into the skin of your back. “Such a good girl, you did a good job~” he mumbles as your cervix twitched against the slit of his cock and god, he has to cover your mouth as you cry out in pleasure because even though there aren’t anymore customers he still can’t be sure if anyone is still around outside.
You hips bucked against him now in a deep rut. He doesn’t even bother to tell you to stop because he know you won’t, he also knows you can’t help it at this point..your bouncing, tears running down your rosy cheeks. He just watches with a smug smile as his cock disappears each time you push back against him, his hands moving down to grab your hips as you moan and cry for more. Who knew a simple push would make you loose your mind? He did, that’s who knew.
You jerk with a high pitched cry and this time he doesn’t bother to cover your mouth, you’re just too far gone and he’d be a liar if he didn’t want to hear you babblering about how good his cock was. At one point you nearly collapsed but he holds you, lovingly as if you were simply cuddling in bed and not just breeding yourself on his cock.
“Shh, Shh. That’s a good girl, take daddy’s cock baby. It’s okay, I’ll let you cum.”
And oh god when his fingers came to play with your clit magick mixing in and you came so hard.. You were pretty sure you went to the astral plane for a second or some shit because it made you grip the desk for your life. Eyes rolling as he groaned, busting his load within you filling you with pups. You went limp against him, panting tiredly as he nuzzled you as if he didn’t just fuck the shit out of you.
“Such a good girl.”
You’re both flustered. His hands tightly gripping your twitching thighs as his large cock is deeply submerged in you. You’re in public, at the bar matter of fact surrounded by both men and women alike who are either drunk of their asses or are soon to be as such. Either way it’s risky to do this here but it couldn’t have been helped.
When you found your seat in Julian’s lap he turned a deep shade of red from the suddenly weight but simply chuckled lifting a brow, curious to know what you were up to now. “Darling? Careful now, I might ‘pop one’.” He chuckled and you purred, the noise making the glass you held to your lips vibrate a bit. He hugged you, like a baby clinging to a mother until you start to feel something prodding at your butt.
You make a small surprised noise and he freezes on the spot. You look back at him and he’s so flustered all he can do is look back up at you, sweating lightly, he even gives a shy little grin as if to say ‘told ya so’. After a short staring contest you bite your lip and purr once more. Why not take advantage of this, you and Julian we’re into many things so why not try out a little public play? You lift the glass back to your lips to down the rest of whatever you had been drinking in the first and then you shifted in his lap getting a feel of a twitch.
“Julian darling, you seem to have a bit of a surprise for me hm?~” He gives a nervous chuckle but nods. You take the momentary awkwardness as him being a bit shy and you know it’s understandable, even you’re feeling a little anxious with what you are about to do..however Julian was always one to try new things and you could tell he was interested the second his hand carefully cupped your hip.
You bit your lip in anticipation and without too much more hesitation you look around to see if anyone is watching glad to see that they’re not and you stand a little pulling down your pants and panties. He watches, he’s so nervous that you can practically see him gulp but the bulge in his pants is still growing so neither of you can help yourselves.
He fights his pants quickly pulling them down letting his cock bob out. Hard and already glossy with sweet precum already. If it wasn’t for a growing wetness developing between your legs and the group of people around you you’d get down on you knees and take that cock in your mouth. The tip is an angry red and you go to make a joke but shudder as he sneakily runs his thumb down the crack of your soft ass, playfully over your butthole and over your folds to your cute pink clit.
You nearly buck, humping the table but your careful. That’ll cause a scene for sure. Julian is impatient now, forgetting the awkwardness and embarrassment but he’s still cautious.. as much as he wants to beg you to hurry he doesn’t whine, not here, not yet..
You slowly lower yourself on the large, throbbing cock. It stretches you and you hear Julian gasp, his hands grabbing hold to your thighs the second you both connect. It’s hot in your belly, twitching against your fleshy pink walls, making your belly bulge ever so slightly. You’re shaking and he can’t quite literally feel you quivering around him. Biting into your lip you lightly roll your hips, slow to get a good feel of the twitching inside you.
You suddenly let out a muffled cry, your hand coming up just in time to cup your mouth when Julian bucks a bit on instinct. He’s quick to apologize though, sorry he couldn’t keep his body still but oh god...you’re soaking wet and so fucking hot that honestly he feels he might cum already.
You try to calm down, not to cause a scene when he presses his head into the crook of your shoulders, panting on your neck as he wraps his arms around you firmly keeping you in place. You practically whimper as he kissed your neck. “Q-Quickly darling, bounce on it. I’m going to cum soon~” Julian didn’t usually tell you what to do, and that might have been the reason you looked surprised at his words, might have also been the reason you grew wetter..
You felt...flustered, for the first time of being with him because usually you were the one in charge and yet here he was whispering in your ear telling YOU what to do. His lips on your neck, whispers in your ears encouraging you, cock deep inside and kissing your cervix, his taller build pressing so lovingly against your back. He moved his hand down to rub your clit curious to see your reaction as he lifts his head a little to look at your blushing face. He starts off slowly but soon he’s rolling his fingers in rough circles as you gasped and bucked, hips twitching and legs shaking.
“J-Jules, oh shit~ stop...stop I’m going to cum, I’m going to!-“
It was unexpected but he roughly slammed his hips up, cock hitting that sweet spot and he groaned as his cock throbbed before a thick release of cum flooded your insides. He held you tightly as you trembled. His hand tightly over your mouth to keep you quiet because you had been making cute little whines without even noticing. He suddenly was up and moved like a flash as he whisked you off to the bathroom where you squirted, your pussy twitching and spasming around him, eyes rolling because you had just came.
He held you against the wall as you struggled to stand on your own, no one was around now so he freely kissed you, a deep blush on his cheeks as he tried to calm you down. He’d take his time cleaning you up after you came down from your high.. “I’m sorry darling, please forgive me...I couldn’t help myself.” He chuckled lightly against you smiling as you huffed.
You’re completely naked, skin sweaty, head buried in the same pillow where Nadia rest her head. His gauntlet squeezes your ass in a tight grip, voices in the hallway having normal talks. Your cheeks are a blood red.
He’s teasingly slow with each thrust, slow but rough covering your mouth with his other hand each time you let out a squeal at his cock spreading your cervix, the words in your ear he whispers are dirty and vulgar, humiliating but you can’t help the way your pussy squeezes around his thick veiny cock.
Lucio doesn’t seem worried, doesn’t seem like he cares if someone comes in to see him breeding his favorite servant like your just some toy. Maybe every once in a while you’ll hear Nadia’s voice and he’ll growl at how tight you squeeze around him, horny but scared she’ll come in and catch you both.
It’s so hard not to rock back into him, not only because he’s barely leaving any space for you but also because he’s in charge here. There’s a delicious twitch from his pulsating cock and you shake your hips now biting into that pillow snapping your eyes shut. It’s good, he’s good...no, he’s fucking amazing and it feels like you’re melting.
At one point it so good that you beg quietly. Soft whimpers and moans falling from your lips as the hand he had on you mouth moves to your hair, yanking those locks he loved so much.
His cock twitches inside you again and holy fuck you’re crying, you want to cum so bad but he’s keeping you still, stopping you from fucking back against him and so now all you can do is try to keep quiet.
This is torture, you think to yourself but then there’s a snap of his hips, cock burying deep in your womb and you scream, face forced into the pillows to shush you. He chuckles lowly in your ear, mockingly as you tremble violently against him.
“What’s wrong princess? Is something the matter? Use your words kitten~”
He knows you’re weak and he loves using it against you. At this point you really are crying, you want to cum to bad and he’s edging your orgasm at a level he’s never done before and it’s fucking killing you.
Beg, beg to get fucked like a bitch. Beg for him to take mercy. Beg for his cock, he fucking loves that.
And you did. “P-please sir~ please please please...let me cum please..” you sound so desperate it’s pitiful but with a hum he grants your wishes. If you thought the teasing was one thing the strokes he gave your slutty ass was another.
He fucked you so hard into the bed that when you came you couldn’t stop whimpering his name or shaking. You hips trembling seven after he pulled out. Your face pressed so hard into the pillows as his hot cum dripped out of your cunt.
He’d clean you up later but for now he kissed your lower back before giving that bum a nice slap watching as the skin brightened.
“Good girl~”
Muriel’s is a bit shorter because other then Portia I don’t really see him in a ‘LETS FUCK’ kinda way. Just my opinion don’t get mad please smh.
It’s making your stomach bulge so much that you’re shaking, gripping his strong thighs as his large hands carefully settle on your hips.
There’s a twitch and you toss you head back to rest it on his chest, panting, whining like a dog and heat and even though it’s slightly embarrassing for you, looking up with lidded eyes and seeing that deep blush makes you purr. You bite your lip
His hand slides and now it’s on your stomach gently caressing the bulge he finds there. You shudder and then you let out a sweet high pitched moan as one of his thick fingers move to rub you clit.
His movements are slow but firm, he’s careful because he doesn’t want to hurt you but he also loves how your nails dig into his skin and how you buck and clench around him.
Keep doing that and might blow his loud sooner than he thought he would.
It’s just you and him, Inanna (did I spell that right? I don’t know I ain’t played his route like that..) is out, and he feels better that she is. Not hear to watch as the clear juices drip out of your needy cunt.
He hasn’t rolled his hips or thrusted up into you once yet and deep in your mind you feel a bit grateful but that doesn’t mean you can’t rub against him
There’s a shiver and then you wiggle those hips of yours, crying out in bliss as his finger presses against your clit and how you can feel his cock twitch again. The hand on your hips squeezes and then there’s a shaky groan behind you
He slumps a little, big strong chest against your back, lips against your throat in a gentle kiss and he’s shaking. He might just cum but it’s no doubt that you’re going to beat him to it.
When his hips stuttered you arched but now it was too late to stop. You cried his name out before you came hard around that fat cock of his. He gasped at the tightness but quickly wrapped his arms around your waist giving you a gently but firm hug.
His cumming and his cum is thick and stick. You convulse just having it in you and when you’re both done he falls back onto the bed panting with the same tempo as you.
Fuck, you loved this man and when you found your voice again you’d definitely tell him to his face. ❤️
Can I just say that Vlastomil needs more fluff and smut of him??? Like no cap he lowkey makes the pussy wet for me 🥴🥴🥴 his is a bit short but cut me some slack, it’s 1 am in the morning..
You didn’t suggest this, it just kinda sorta happened. When you came into his office to greet him with a kiss you didn’t expect to end up staying for this long but you guessed when lovers are too busy with work the second they had time alone anything will go down.
A simple kiss turned to Vlastomil grabbing your hand carefully to pull you closer. He’s missed you and you’ve missed him too, what could it hurt to spend time together? You smile a little and come closer until you’re in his lap, facing him and that cute dumb grin on his face. His hands moving around your waist to pull you both together and then you’re kissing again.
His tongues are curious to roam your mouth and as you do so you can’t help but moan a little remembering the times those same tongues had been submerged in your pussy making your jerk and cry out for mercy. You’ve missed him more than you thought you did..damn Nadia and those amazing adventures you two seemed to always go on..
He paused upon hearing the sound come from you and as he pulls back there’s a glimpse in his eyes that you both know all too well. Then there’s a slight twitch beneath his robes and you can’t help but shift closer, pressing a hand to his chest to make him lean back a little. His hands are still on you but this time they squeeze a little at your hips to encourage you. “Well, we have the time now correct?” He hums and you purr, nodding a bit as you lean down to kiss his exposed throat which makes him shiver under you.
With a catlike grin you pull back lifting your skirt to show your thighs that’s encased in stockings and lace underwear that has probably five seconds to be dealt with before he rips them off you. His eyes are focused and his cheeks are a bit red but now you too have gotten this far, no need to stop now. Not with the bulge between his legs growing bigger and needier for attention. It doesn’t take long to get him inside you, his fingers have prepared your now wet cunt and now your slit is teasing the head of his cock.
Usually Vlastomil doesn’t mind a bit of playfulness but he really wants you and with out much of a thought he pulls you down, kissing your lips as you go to arch and moan out at the sudden move. He’s throbbing in you, his long cock pulsing happily to finally be surrounded by your hot wet insides. You clutch his clothes, legs twitching a bit and even though you want to keep kissing you can’t help how your head tilts back even more you you to let out a broken moan of his name.
“Vl-Vlast~..” you gasp as he shifts a little to which he hums. “Hush now, don’t be too loud dear~.” Because while he’d love to make you scream the last thing he really wants to hear are rumors from servants who are far too curious about his love life. You shiver and for a while he just holds you allowing you to be the one rolling your hips shakily against him. A quiet groan leaving him each time his cock moves inside you like it might just slip out.
You’re so hot that he buries his head in your shoulder to try and stop himself from pinning you down on his desk. With his movement he presses deeper in you and you whine rolling you hips a bit faster. He’ll allow you to chance your orgasm, until he doesn’t..where he’ll grab your hips in an almost bruising grip to stop you. Then he’ll edge you on till you’re shaking and crying like a bitch, begging for him to stop and just let you come.
Only then would he allow if, for now however, he liked the feeling of those tight walls hugging his cock like a life support.
As you fell apart to your bucking he leaned his head back to whisper in your ear on how you’re doing so well or how good you feel around him. He’s not actively trying to make you cum but oh he’s definitely help tug on the knot inside of you. You hips stutter and with a shout you cum, shaking, twitching, and begging for him to stop with his mistreatments.
When your down, breathless and used he’ll continue to hold you there until he’s cumming so much in you that it starts to overflow. When you could speak again he’d wait for you to say how much you love him, for now however he simply chuckled and placed a lovely kiss on your forehead. Later he’d definitely pin you down and be the one in charge.
Whatever Lucio has been saying definitely didn’t translate to you, not when Valerius had his cock so far up your pussy that you struggled to even breathe evenly.
Not with his hand massaging the inside of your thigh underneath the cloth of the table, not with him pressing a light kiss to your cheek even once in a while and definitely not with his little dirty promises each time Lucio looked away.
Your breath came out shaky after Lucio asked you something about the food and you bit your lip feeling the cock in you twitch.
“It’s d-delicious.” It’s the only thing you can mumble after Lucio speaks on how’s the food, while trying to not bounce on the cock that’s getting squeezed by your cunt. You want to roll your hips so bad, make him fuck you on this table without a care, but at the same time you do care.
You care about what whatever the hell Lucio will say for whatever fucking reason and that leaves you shivering trying to fight off the heavy blush that’s trying to appear on your face.
Valerius leers close, his head finding your neck, his lips moving along your skin. Smooth lips kissing your shoulder, then the base of your neck and moving to your ear. He moves his hips and your hand instinctively comes down to squeeze his thigh. He lets out a low groan into your ear feeling the wetness that you’re pussy is letting off, your heat having him hard as a fucking boulder. It really is hard to not bend you over this table and fuck you like the slut that you are. He could see it now, your nails digging into the table cloth as his fingers yank and pull on your hair, his eyes on your cunt with swallows him oh-so nicely with each thrust.
“I’m going to fuck you darling..” he speaks into your ear and the shiver you let off made him chuckle. Lucio is back talking again now, something about another masquerade and how amazing he is.., it doesn’t matter. Valerius’s hand on your thigh begins to move and you’re so sensitive now that even the slightest touch makes you whimper under your breath. His hand moves to tickle your clit, fingers playfully rubbing against the hard bun and now you do bounce on him.
It’s sudden but it makes you both shudder, there’s a wet sound that’s made when you do it and now Valerius downs the rest of his wine somehow calmly managing to set the empty glass on the table. His eyes are closed and you bite your lip, Lucio perks. “Oh Valerius! Would you like some more wine? I’ll even go get it for you!” And you can’t stop him because he’s already running to the kitchen. There’s silence and then his hand wraps around your throat, it squeezes and you let out a choked moan.
“Do it again.” He hummed and fuck, you listen to daddy when told to. Your hips are quick to studder, you bounce, raising your hips just to slam them back down on him. A broken cry leaving your voice when he takes the lead. Your legs spread over his as he fucks you with vigor. His cock rutting so deep in you with each thrust that you can feel it in you tummy and you can feel yourself chasing your own orgasm.
It’s just you and him and your letting out whimpering and broken moans, babbling to your daddy on how good you’ll be if he lets you cum. He believes every word of course because right now the ball is in his field and he’s in charge of if you actually get to cum in his lap.
Your arching, eyes rolling and you can feel the tightness in your belly. It’s coming, you’re trying to warn him, your hands placed on his knees for some sort of structure. You’re so cute, he whispers lovingly in your ear how wet your cunt is or how much it’s squeezing him and then he comes to a sudden stop.
You almost cry, not a small whine but a pitiful yell. You were so close and yet he stopped..this is torture, you couldn’t help but repeat that in your head. Lucio is coming back and you can tell because who doesn’t know that snazzy silhouette by now. Valerius has his hands on you holding you tightly to stop you from taking from him without permission. You will only cum when he lets you, don’t forget that. 
They’re talking but you’re trying so hard not to really cry right now, your pussy trembling with juices dripping down his balls and down your thighs. He has a hand on your hip that’s squeezing, telling you to keep in your place and even though you’re desperate you know that the prize of waiting is much better than a punishment. Or was it? (Teehee 👅😈💦)
A wine bottle slides towards you and it takes you a second to realize what’s happening. You blink before wrapping your fingers around the barrel without a thought and then there’s another deep thrust. You jerk bitting your lip as your hand tightens around the bottle almost like you wish to crush it. Valerius leans against you with a hum “are you alright? Can you open it?” He spoke lowly and to be honest there’s been multiple times where you wanted to hit him but this one really took the cake.
You nod lightly and then his other hand is over your clit, you gasp as digits violently play with the bundle of nerves and you can’t see at the moment but there’s a wide smirk on Lucio’s face. You completely break and arch in his lap as he presses kisses against your throat. “C-coming!~ D-Daddy I’m coming!~~” you cry and while you try weakly to clutch his arm he bucks lifting your hips with his other hands.
The string breaks inside you and then you go to scream but his hand is quick to cover your mouth from such a blissful sound. You cream all over his cock and there’s a rough groan as he cums inside you, his cum hot and filling you to the brim. You slump against him shaking and shivering before peeking a little.
“WOW! What an amazing show Valerius!” The count chuckles and now your blush is hellishly red. Did Lucio know the whole time? Well it must be expected considering how close the two could be. Valerius had his head in your shoulder as he lightly pet your belly which only added to how tired you were now.. You were definitely going to hit him when you woke back up..
Now, for Valdemar and Vulgora. I KNOW they both go by they/them pronouns. I’m only saying this because someone once didn’t know the difference between a daddy kink and ddlg on my account and the last thing I want is some little fucker being like “bUt BuT bUt!..” Most of my post for Valdemar or Vulgora is them with a tentacle dick but I don’t mind writing them with vaginas either. (Tribbing post coming soon uwu) My point is they’re both capable of forming whatever genitalia they want and plus this is just for fun and horny folk, calm down.
A blood curdling scream cut through the air as blood fell to the dirt ground with a splat, the coliseum was bustling with hunger for violence and the screams of the weak. There were three reasons for coming here, for one, Vulgora loved the coliseum. How could they not, fighting and blood was basically what they were made for. Two, they loved to show you the things that they liked to get closer to you.
The third being that when screams filled the air, the screams of pleasure from your lips couldn’t be distinguished from the ones down below.
They grinned a bit before laying their chin on your shoulder, their strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist to keep the two of you attached. You twitched tossing your head back to rest on their shoulder as you let out hot pants and cooes. It squirmed inside of you, that seeping hot tentacle that stretched your cunt as if that was its job. Their tentacle was white in color other than the tip that grew a lovely pink/red, you bit your lip. Just thinking about it had you opening you legs a bit more.
Vulgora shifted moving their hips and you shake when they do because the way their tip wiggles inside your cervix definitely has you ready to start drooling and have their baby or some shit. Vulgora usually fucks you like your in heat but here, with the screams of death they want to hear you scream for more. It’s a bit sadistic of them in a way but why should they care, it’s only you and them on this row of chairs anyway, everyone else is much closer to the front.
Vulgora’s body is hot against yours and if it wasn’t for their arms wrapping around your midsection you’d probably arch away from the touch. Sometimes their so hot you can’t handle it, and more ways than one. Vulgora suddenly snaps their hips up and it’s so sudden that a scream rips right out of your throat before you can catch it. It mingles in the air mixing with a now dead man down below but now you hand moves to grab their arm.
“V-Vulgora..I can’t..~” you struggle to speak, your toes curling as the tentacle wiggles and squirms inside your belly, your eyes rolling as you bite down on your lip. Vulgora chuckles a mocking chuckle and somehow it makes you even wetter. Their tongue slides out to lick your throat, a gauntlet running up your shirt to expose your breast to the tangy air. “You can if I say you can~.” They mumble against your skin.
Holy fuck, you could cum right now but they’d definitely would turn your bliss into a punishment because did they say you could come yet? No, no they didn’t.
Your clit is so hard at this point and the adrenaline of someone simply turning around and catching you so exposed has you not only scared but squeezing them more. What if someone turned around? The whole stadium would see you taking the Pontifex’s cock like some whore. You started to shake at that thought laying your head back against them because you think you’re about to cum. They hum against your skin because out of all their time of dating you they know what goes on in the filthy little head of yours.
You like this. They grin a little before biting down on your shoulder before making a circle motion with their hips. Oh they way you begged, that’s what they want to hear. They want to hear how much you like it and how much it makes you feel good. Vulgora isn’t one to spend time fucking others so you have such privilege to be getting dicked down by them much less be their actual mate.
They don’t really edge you but you can expect more then one orgasm. When you’re practically crying and begging is when they’ll stop breeding you because now you’re full of cum and boneless against them. You pussy spasms around them and all the can do now is laugh a bit and rub your bloated belly. Even with how rough they can be you can tell they love you. They hands rubbing you carefully as the whisper how good you felt and how impressive you are in your ear.
If anything Vulgora is so in love with you you can proudly say your their addiction. You giggle a little when you finally have to strength to again and they hum lightly at the lovely sound.
Valdemar hasn’t been paying much attention to you but honestly what can you expect from them, you may have gotten them to acknowledge they feel a strong connection for you but when stating how you need their touch or how they should pay more attention to you can still be a bit of a struggle.
You huff seeing their back to you, those talented hands (which your cunt knows all to well at this point, fuck I’m needy now..) working so diligently on the lifeless corpse of some female you didn’t take the time to learn about. You’re in your night cloths having just came out of the shared room that you had been waiting for them in. You’re a bit annoyed to see them still working, it’s not like the body was going anywhere soon..
“Val..are you still working on that...” you sigh lightly and they don’t even bother to look back at you as they speak. “It won’t be for much longer.” They answer without missing a beat. You approached them, naked feet lightly padding against the floor and not much longer your against their back. They pause for a second before moving to look back at you. You give them a look, one of irritation and maybe a bit of an attitude and they don’t say anything as they narrow their gaze a little.
“Are you having more time with her than you are with me?” You mumble childishly against their back as your arms move to close around them and then you hand carefully runs down their chest. They roll their eyes moving to put their utensils down in the bloody tray next to the rotting corpse. “Don’t be absurd darling..” they speak and there’s a bit of a low warning tone behind their mask. Maybe it was the fact that they’d been working for hours when they wanted to join you or perhaps it was you coming out of nowhere with such silly things to say, either way, you could see that this was them telling you to watch yourself.
They noticed that attitude for a couple days now and to say the least they were pretty fed up with it. Fed up with the attitude and/or petty remarks.. You on the other hand scoffed to hide a smug smirk. “Do you like your fingers being in her more than in me?” This time they turned around making you stop and then take a small step back because to be honest you didn’t expect that. They grabbed your wrist holding it up as they got closer, your scent drawing them in.
“What did I just say? Stop the nonsense (y/n) or I’ll punish you.” Oh~ now you shivered a little. You hummed to resist from biting your lip, a punishment huh? Just what you needed. You pressed against their chest looking up at their slim tall figure with an almost challenging look as if you were calling a bluff. You tilted your head “did I strike a nerve? Want some more alone time with your new bitch?”
It happened so fast, them spinning you around and pushing your front down on a newly cleaned table. They pulled your hips up pressing firmly against your back as they leaned down to your ear with a low scoff. “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear.” They spoke lowly before a hand was lifting your gown over the round of your ass to reveal those lace panties, their gloves hand traced your skin. You shivered under their surprisingly strong build, biting your bit as you wiggles back against them only for one of their hands to sit right in the small of your back keeping you still. “Drop the attitude.” The hissed lightly.
When you let out a small whimper that’s when they knew this was what you wanted. They paused before humming in a sing song-y way. Their other hand snaked up before wrapping around your throat tilting your head back until your eyes connected with theirs. “Oh now~ I think I see what’s happening here..” they spoke with that sharp gaze. You were already getting super wet at this point and you wanted so desperately to push back against them.
“What a naughty little whore you are (y/n)..” they trailed off a little as something slimy ran up your inner thigh to rub over your clothed cunt before pulling your panties aside revealing your needy cunt that trembled for attention. You could feel it behind you, their body shifting a bit to help in this situation..the tentacle sliding over your clit as another managed to free them from their slacks revealing their tentacock which started as the same color as their skin to black half way.
Soon enough they had pushed inside leaving you breathless as they kept that dominating gaze on you, the hand around your throat squeezing a bit as your pussy hugged them. The long and heavy appendage squirmed inside you and you couldn’t help but spread your legs a bit more and cooe at them. Your stomach bulged a bit and you had to keep your hands firmly down to not completely collapse upon them, hell if it wasn’t for them supporting your back you were nearly positive your legs would buckle.
Once they were completely settled they leaned down to give you a kiss, short and sweet before they started a torturously slow pace allowing you to feel all of them and shake with need. Oh no, not this..Valdemar had quite a bit of patience and you knew that when they say they’d punished you they mean it. The last thing you expected was such cruelty like this though. You let out a broken cry “V-Val!..please~..” you choked out letting out a slight gargle as their hand tightened a bit more around your neck, the other moving to clasp around your hip to keep you from fucking back onto them.
They ignored you, their thrust slow but intensely firm, their cock sinking so deep in you you couldn’t help but cry a little from the slight overstimulation.
The room still had the scent of blood that filled your senses as well as the scent of sex and the wet squelching noises coming from you two. Your moans growing louder and your begs growing more desperate each time they pressed against you, your clit so hard that each time one of the other tentacles would flick it you’d jump with a shout. Valdemar never once looked away from you while you on the other hand couldn’t keep your eyes open or stop letting them roll to the back of your head.
They loved this honestly, putting you in your place and watching you fall apart from just a couple actions and they had to admit, while sex isn’t necessarily important to them they liked to see you so red in the face and twitchy with pleasure. You felt like you been there for hours when you finally came shaky violently, closing your eyes tight and letting out a high pitch cry. Your back arched as much as they’d let you and you came so hard it felt like you had died. Valdemar held you through it, letting up on their grip around your throat.
They weren’t done with you of course, they’d still have yet to cum themselves. For now though they’d hold you until you were ready to take more of your punishment.
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tipofthemountain · 4 months
i just wanted you
the original post!
tags: simon “ghost” riley x gn! reader, lots (and i mean lots) of angst, cursing, let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 1.27k
summary: It’s not always easy being with someone who never lets you in side their head.
a/n: this is the alternative ending to i just want you! i actually like this version better teehee. you don’t have to read the original! this can be read as a stand-alone! if you want however, you can read the original to spot the changes! happy reading!
It always seems to rain in movies when something sad happens. It applies to the situation at hand right now.
You and Simon had been together officially for a few months now. After months of ‘i just don’t think it’s time’ or ‘i’m not the relationship type’ Simon finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course it was rocky, a story with a sad beginning always ends with a sad ending. You thought it would all eventually work out though. Simon would open up to you about everything he’s been through. He would talk to you about something, anything you didn’t care. The only things you do know are the things his friends have only slightly hinted at.
So when Simon came home in a complete shut off mood (again) it set something off in you. You’ve had enough.
“I can’t do this.” You whisper just enough for him to hear. Simons head moves toward your direction. Your back is turned to him as you stand in the kitchen. He’s sitting with a cup of water in his hands at the dining table.
“What?” Simon asks. His eyes bore into the back of your head almost like he’s trying to telepathically get you to look at him.
With a single tear running down your face you rest one of your hands on your hip. You look up to the ceiling with a sigh escaping your lips.
“You… this… us. I can’t do the whole you shutting me out at every chance you get.” You finally turn to Simon looking into his light eyes.
He’s standing there looking down at you with an unreadable expression. He’s silent and doesn’t say anything for a minute and neither do you. You wait for what feels like hours for him to say something but he simply doesn’t. So you walk away into the living. A few more tears slip from your eyes but your face doesn’t change expression. You aren’t sad you’re more angry than anything.
Simon follows you but keeps his distance. You hear him let out a sigh before finally saying something.
“I can’t lose you.” He says but that only makes you chuckle.
“You can’t lose me? That’s all you have to say?” You turn towards him laughing except there is no joke.
“I’m sorry. This is who I am.” He says walking toward you but you put your hand out to stop him from getting close.
“It doesn’t have to be. You could just talk to me when you come over instead of just shutting me out.” You sigh rubbing your temple and taking a seat on your couch.
Simon takes a seat beside you but still at a distance. His hands clasp in his lap and you look at him through your peripherals.
“I don’t know how to talk about these things. I never learned how. It’s been the one thing I’ve struggled with my entire life.” Simon lets out. He’s twirling his fingers together awkwardly waiting for you to say something.
“I just want to know how your day is when you come over. I want to know your favorite color. I want to know how your friends are doing. I want to know you Simon.” You say looking back into his eyes. You can see his eyes are slightly more wet than usual.
“I-“ Simon begins to say but stops himself. This only makes you more angry. You stand up in front of him and throw your hands up in exhaustion.
“I’m ruining myself trying to be there for you. I’m standing right fucking here begging for you to just let me in to your life but you won’t let me!” Your voice becoming louder than you wanted it to. The anger finally bubbling to the surface. You’ve had enough.
“I don’t know what I’m doing! I’ve never felt this way before. Not with anyone ever. I’m scared you’ll leave just like everyone else!” Simon stands above you yelling back just not as loud as you. His thick accent shining through with every word he threw out.
“I’m don’t want to go anywhere! But you are making it so hard to want to stay! I don’t care about anything except for you. I just want you!” Your eyes begin to betray you. A waterfall of tears cascades down your face as Simon moves to hold you. You shove him away. He doesn’t make an effort to try again which only makes you disappointed for a reason you don’t understand.
You walk away from him with a scoff back to the kitchen. You stand at the sink that’s full of dirty dishes from the meal you shared earlier. You wipe the tears from your face as you hear Simon walk in behind you.
“Tell me what to do. Tell me how to make this better.” Simon says in a low hushed tone. You turn to face him with his unreadable expressions as always. A skill you know your never going to learn. His arms hang beside his torso so sadly it almost makes you want to apologize but you know better. You can’t keep living like this.
“There is no ‘making this better’ Simon. You did this… you’ve ruined what could have been.” You talk calmly compared to your earlier demeanor. It’s almost pathetic the way Simons standing. He’s defeated. He knows what he did and now he’s facing the consequences.
“Please.” He begs. He wonders over to you but you put a hand out to stop him. Your hand on his chest as he looks down at you. Your eyes are swelled with tears begging to fall but you hold your composure. You push him away again. You know you would never normally have to strength to do this. You know he’s walking himself backwards to give you the space you beg for.
“It’s over Simon. We’re over.” You walk away again to the front door of your house. You stand there as Simon meets you at the door. He gives you one last look as you watch him grab his coat and then the door handle. He stops and turns to you with that same unreadable expression.
“Im sorry. Im sorry I couldn’t be what you deserve. Im sorry I stayed silent instead of giving you answers to things you’ve wondered for nearly a year. I’m sorry you felt you had to stay. Im sorry for keeping you out. I’m sorry I couldn’t be better. I’m sorry I couldn’t be who you needed me to be.” Simon looks deeply into your eyes. His words catching young surprise but the damage has been done. Your heart is broken and no amount of apologies could fix that. You stay silent with teary eyes. Simons hand still in the door knob as he waits for you to say something.
There is no fixing the many months of silence and the future of this love is over. Maybe he could have opened up but that’s not who he is. Maybe he would have tried that to be better. It’s all you wanted him to do but you can’t always fix something that broken.
“I just wanted you.” You finally say. Simon takes the hint of your words realizing this really is the end. He twist the door knob and walks out your home. Out of your life. As soon as you hear the click of the door closing the silence takes over your now empty estate. This silence being sad. The only sound that can be heard is the heavy fall of the rain outside. The silence gets to you faster than you want it to. You collapse to floor with heavy tears cascading down your face and onto your floor.
There is no happy ending for this sad beginning.
final thoughts: this is like a few hundred words shorter but i genuinely love this version sooooo much better. i wrote the original from a situation i had been in personally except my version ended up more like this. obviously its not exactly how mine happened but it’s pretty accurate. finally getting rid of that person in your life that was just absolutely draining everything from you is so freeing. in the moment losing the person you thought was the love of your life is genuinely soul crushing, but time genuinely does heal you. You’ll come to find out that that person was absolutely the worst choice you could have made and the best choice was kicking them the fuck out of your life. I’m yapping over here but i genuinely hope you loved the story :’).
Love ya! Thanks for reading!
also as i’m rereading this to post it… it’s definitely giving off the 1 vibes.
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A World-- Unsure
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dabi / f.reader 
genre: real world to parallel world au? (is that an au? it’ll make sense dw), angst, pinning, fools to lovers? (or dabi is stubborn/scared as all get out)
warning(s): blood, violence/bar fight, descriptions of injuries, cursing (dabi and i both have a potty mouth oops) 
w.count: 9.4k 
synopsis: You were someone in the middle.  You had no mega praise for heros to speak of, but you also had no ill will towards villains either- you had seen both sides. After a few years running a hidden, underground medical base for villains who needed treatment beneath the bar that you ran and owned, you’ve met your fair share of villains.  It was odd to think of them as good people, since you depended on them a lot if you got yourself into a pinch.  In fact, a lot of your patients became bar regulars on the public downlow. It’s not a big shock that you end up meeting Dabi.  
a/n: teehee, first time writing for dabi! I’m pretty excited not gonna lie, since this idea was pretty interesting to think about.  this is the first part of A World -- a two part series! I’ll be working on the next part asap, so hopefully it won’t be a horribly long wait- but we’ll see how my time management is in the long run lol.  (also, the draft was like 8.6k, i dunno how i added a whole 800 more words)
You stood behind the bar, shining glasses as you set up the counter and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall just above the entrance of the small pub.  You sighed as you set the glass down before taking the rag you were using and throwing it over your shoulder.  It was quiet in the open room filled with circular tabs, rectangular booths and metal rimmed chairs- quiet except for the footsteps of employees prepping for opening. 
Your black jeans hung on your waist as your white button up was slightly wrinkled, the long sleeves rolled as best as possible up to your elbows.  Your hair up and out of the way so you wouldn’t be constantly fighting it when the rush started.  There was a small, pocket apron around your waist with a pocket for a receipt book, a pen, some napkins and pain medicine just in case another headache walked in the door tonight and a few other odds and ends. The only other thing on your person was the new pair of steel toed boots you had indulged yourself to.  
“Hey, Boss Lady,” one of your employees called. You looked around, seeing the one who called you peeking their head around from inside the rec room. The room itself was probably one of the most expensive rooms you’ve ever put together.  A pool table in the middle of the room, dart boards on either side of the room, a small little entertainment center, a sofa and another mini bar inside run by a trusted bargirl you hired when you opened your pub doors for the first time. 
“What is it?” 
“Is the rec room rented out for the night? I heard some of the others saying it was.”  
That was something else that was different about your little hole in the wall.  Since you weren’t all that popular or big enough for a special vip area or an area in general for occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, your patrons could call and make reservations and get the rec room rented out. However, you only let the room be rented on Fridays, Saturdays and Wednesdays.  The other days, it was open for anyone to come and go as they please so long as nothing is damaged. 
It was Friday night. You couldn’t think of anyone renting it out tonight, but there was a group coming in tomorrow so long as they don’t cancel on you. 
You shook your head. “No.  It’s tomorrow when it’s rented.  You’re clear to leave the dividing ropes put away.” 
“Right on,” they thumbs upped you before retreating back into the room to prep and clean before opening. 
7:45, a quarter ‘till eight- opening time.  You cupped one hand around your mouth. “Hurry up and get your final prepping all done.  Quarter ‘till!” Your employees all made some sort of response or sound back to you, signaling that they understood.  
Part of you always felt a little guilty each opening night since you knew it wasn’t just regular citizens or the occasional hero off duty who frequented your pub.  You knew of the bad people who walk in the doors, stay for a drink and leave without causing a ruckus.  You knew of them, because, unknown to your employees, you had a second job. 
A second job that had a lot to do with the large, concrete basement of your pub that you refused to tell them about.  It wouldn’t be a great business move if you just told people you let villains sneak into your pub to go into the basement where you had a large array of (stolen) medical equipment to treat their injuries. 
It was well into the midnight rush of the night when the door opened again.  The loud combination of everyone’s murmurs and the smell of every type of alcohol someone could name off filtered through the air and almost made you pull out your medicine. After three years running this place, one would think you’d become accustomed to the smells combined with the noise.  To no avail. 
You had stepped back away from the bar, your back close to the shelves behind you lined with bottles, cups, glasses, and a small old-style antenna radio that, despite being turned on, wasn’t heard over the ruckus. 
Heading to the opposite side of the bar after being paged by some random man for a neat glass of whiskey.  You snagged a glass, grabbing a bottle of the cheapest brand you could find- because this man’s lack of manners towards a lady, bargirl or not, didn’t impress you.  Pouring the liquor into the glass like it was second nature, you reached under the bar to scoop out a sphere of ice to drop into the glass.  
Sliding it over to the already tipsy looking man, you were called- more politely this time- from another patron for a bottle of beer.  Smiling at him and signaling to him that you heard him, you trotted over to the mini fridge under the bar and grabbed the brand he requested.  
As you carefully, and skillfully, popped the tab off with the bar’s edge, you placed the bottle on a coaster and slid it over to him, tapping the bar top with your hand and serving him with a smile.  He thanked you, which you were appreciative of, before he turned to his friend next to him and continued conversing.  
Moving back to the middle of the bar, you noticed a few empty glasses in front of empty bar stools with bills pinned under them.  Taking the bills and pocketing them, you took the glasses and stashed them below the bar in a small tub you kept in a metal cart for easily putting dirty dishes for later. 
As you wiped down the bar top, you saw another person, clad in a full black get-up slide into a bar stool that was recently left vacant.  They weren’t far from you, just a few feet, but you could smell the scent of smoke on them.  You sighed, knowing exactly who it was.  Anyone would think that the man who just sat down was just a heavy smoker- and he was, but not so much recently so he claims- but you knew better. 
He lifted his arm to rest his elbow on the bar, his chin resting in his palm as you felt him stare at you.  
You didn’t say a thing to him, only got a glass off the shelf behind you, mixed some coke with some rum and added a scoop of ice, before placing the glass on some napkins and sliding it towards him. 
“Like usual?” You asked, retracting your hand as he had already started to pick up the glass to sip on it. 
“Like usual,” he confirmed.  This particular man had a deep voice, always laced with a small rough sound- more rough when he’s tired or just plain exhausted.  It was a side effect of the smoking and other smoke-like quirks of his personality.  “You seem busy tonight.”
“We’re always busy on Fridays, nothing unusual about that.  It’s the start of the weekend, everyone wants to drink.” You threw your cleaning rag over your shoulder, shouting to a call of another bar sitting patron as you felt the black, clad, mask covered man’s eyes on your. “You gonna stick around all night, or are you gonna drink and go this time?” 
He pulled his mask down to uncover his mouth, dark scars showing under the hood of his jacket just long enough to take a sip, and pull it back over his face.  Setting the glass down, he let out a breath and circled his finger along the rim. 
“I think I’ll stick around, just to annoy you.” You could hear the smirk on his face as you held back an eye roll for professionalism’s sake. 
“How courteous, thank you so very much.” He chuckled at your reply as you left your place in front of him to tend to others paging you left and right. He pushed his curled hand into his cheek as he watched you pad back and forth behind the long bar.  You should be grateful he at least planned on paying tonight. 
He remained on his barstool the next few hours, only shifting to look around, take a short spin on the stool, or stand to stretch his hunched body before sitting back down.  Each time his glass was close to empty, you’d knock your knuckles on the bar top- a signal asking if he wanted a refill- and he'd either knock back or keep the glass away from you as a form of saying yes or no. 
Though, it wouldn’t be a proper Friday night mid-shift without something going wrong. 
You weren’t sure why, but when 2 am started rolling around, you always grew weary of your patrons.  It was the prime time for tipsy, or smashed, people to start trouble. Whether with you, or with other paying customers, or  even your employees.  Out of all options, you wished they’d pester you so you don’t have to deal with someone else being harassed.  Though, even when it did happen to you- which was often since your place was stuck behind a wooden, polished bar- you didn’t ever appreciate it. 
You glanced around the filled room and saw a few familiar faces of villains you had treated before who decided to stay in your good graces. 
Them being there did make you feel a bit better about you own safety since you knew if something were to happen, they’d jump up to throw down on your behalf, even if you could handle yourself plenty well. 
You were once again wiping down the wood of your bar for the gazillionth time this evening when some scumbag, a smashed man who was well over your age, stumbled his way to the bar and slumped himself into a stool and leaned over the counter like some hunchbacked gargoyle. 
He reached over the bar to start to fiddle with the beer spigots that lined the end of it. Before he could create a giant mess in the tray beneath them and onto the floor, you rushed over and slapped his hands away.  
Instead of hissing at your stinging slaps, he whistled at your actions to keep your property away from him grime hands as you rolled your eyes.  
“Sir, keep your hands off of the bar tools.” You reached over and grabbed the half empty bottle of beer from his hands before you poured the rest of the alcohol out of it and tossed it under the bar into the bin where it clinked together with the other beer bottles you’ve tossed tonight. “I’m cutting you off. Sober up, leave your payment and get out before I have you thrown out.” 
From down the bar, you knew the scarred man in black was watching you. Whenever this kind of scene went down, you could feel his and all the other familiar eyes on you.  For villains, they sure were people of action and debt. Made you feel bad for calling them villains- if you didn’t think about the crimes they most definitely committed on a day-to-day basis. 
The drunk man slurred what you assumed was probably something close to reluctance at you cutting him off for the night and your swift decision to kick him out after he paid what he owed.  
Persistently reaching over to try and yank on the spigots again, you once again slapped his hands away, going a step further and grabbing his wrists and tossing them away back over to his side of the bar. 
“I won’t ask you again, sir.” 
Your familiar scarred man set down his drink, the contents in it empty as the remaining, semi-melted ice cubes fell together in satisfying clinks against the glass. 
It was times like now where you wished the quirk laws would allow you to use your quirk publicly without a permit or license because of riffraff like this oh-so-lovely hammered gentleman.  You were one to break the rules anyways, so you would if push came to shove regardless and you knew that your customers would keep their mouths shut about it.  
You’ve gone many a night with bar fights and tassels and not a single cop was called because you could handle the situation yourself, or your trusty villain’s had your back. Your little pub and you were a bend in the rules with a great camouflage jacket over your head and trustful patrons willing to keep a secret or get so drunk they don’t remember what happened.  Either option suited you well. 
You weren't a hero, nor a villain.  You were in the middle- a civilian with some spare time and no interest in sharing what you did the time you're not running your pub. 
The man stood from his stool the moment you turned your back to him and not only did he shove his arm against three different beer spigots in a clumsy fall against the bar, but he partly climbed over the bar, reached towards you and yanked you back by your shoulder just so he could get a solid slap on your ass. 
The shriek you let out wasn’t loud, it was more of shock of what was happening, followed by instant disgust.  Your rear stung at the strength the disgusting man used to slap it before he was drunkenly laughing, his gross breath wafting towards you from his half climbed over body. 
Before you could take care of the situation yourself, he was yanked back off to his side of the bar onto his wobbly feet. The instant his feet hit the tile and his chin even twitched to look around to see what yanked him back, glass shattered across his face. 
The scarred man who had silently kept you company tonight- and previous nights before that- had grabbed the back of the man’s shirt, yanked him back and away from you as you righted the beer spigots that had already created a big enough mess and smashed his empty, rum glass against the side of his head. 
The drunk man hit the ground, grabbing and holding his head as blood dripped from the side of his face and ear.  The scarred man looked down at him, shaking his hand about, the purple scars of his wrist showing as he shook the limb.  The glass seemed to nick his palm a bit upon impact, but nothing compared to the nasty wound on the drunk’s face.  
As the drunk lay on the ground, groaning and bleeding, your defender bent to riffle through his pocket and nabbed his wallet.  Pulling out both a card and a wad of cash, he held both towards you. 
“What’s his tab?” His rough voice was stern as you just sighed.  
You plucked bills from his hand, a handful of twenties, before you put it into your pocket.  You looked around, seeing a table from the corner lift a bill in his hand before he waved it at you.  You nodded- they were signaling they had his bill.  They then held up four fingers and then a fist.  A four dollar tab.  You decided that you’d keep the extra as a bonus and maybe tip your workers as well for his behavior.  
“He’s good to go.” You said as the scarred man put the card back into his wallet and shoved it back into his jacket pocket.  He then picked the drunk off the tile and shoved him out the doors before making his way back to the bar. 
He stepped over his glass and ice mess as he toed at a larger piece of glass that used to be the bottom of it.  He then looked at you with a shrug. You could practically seem the smirk on his face before he spoke.
“My bad.” 
Instead of saying anything, you placed a small plastic tub on the bar top and slid it towards him. You flicked your eyes down and he just sighed.  Squatting, he picked up his mess of glass and ice the best he could before he gave the tub back to you to throw away.  You had already gotten a start on the beer mess that made your nose twitch at the stench.  
You always hated the smell of beer. 
“Smells like piss,” you muttered to yourself. The scarred man heard you loud and clear though and he stifled a laugh at your annoyance. Once you had it more or less cleaned, you glanced at the closed fist of the man’s cut up hand. You saw small beads of red drop onto your bar. You pushed a handful of napkins towards him to squeeze into his palm. “Come down when we close. We’ll get your hand properly cleaned up.” 
He didn’t argue. Just chuckled as he took a sip out of his water bottle you had placed in front of him as he shut the napkins in his grip tightly. 
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” 
4 am: closing time.  You sigh as you bid your final employee farewell before you locked the door behind them. You sighed as you walked back to the bar, untying your apron from your waist on the way.  You emptied the pockets and placed whatever was inside on the bar top.  There was only one person left in the bar, in the same stool he had been in all night.  
You thumbed through the bills in your pockets, rounding to behind the bar and unlocking the always locked money drawer just under the far end of the counter where a small card swipe sat for patrons not paying with cash.  
Tucking your cash safely away and locking the drawer shut you stashed the key on the keyring with all your other keys in the pocket of your jeans.  You pulled your phone from your back pocket and checked the time.  About half after now.  
“Okay,” you spoke, the man already standing. “Come around the bar and we’ll head down.” 
He followed your lead, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his large jacket with his hood still on even in the new found privacy.  You walked back into the kitchen and beyond to a small landing that had an unlabeled door and then a separate staircase leading upward past a different doorframe.  He looked up the stairs, knowing full well that beyond them lays your apartment.  
Part of him was envious that you lived in your place of work. Technically, he could live in his, but he had his own separate place of peace away for breathers. He could only deal with his comrades for so long in a single span of time. 
You unlocked the unlabeled door that you told everyone who asked was just a closet for your personal belongings that didn’t fit up in the apartment. Opening it, another set of stairs that lead down was beyond it. 
Descending them, the man followed and shut the door behind him. He locked it when it was shut at his back. There was a different entrance to the basement he was descending into outside the bar anyways for the people who knew it was there and needed it.  
At the bottom, you flipped on the lights to the large, open room.  It wasn’t a giant space, but it was large enough to move around and there was a sofa, a work bench you used as a counter for coffee and random objects, tables and chairs for your patients waiting comfortably.  There were two rooms off two of the left side of the main ‘waiting room’ and one to the right- all solitary rooms for overnight patients.  The furthest back room had no door and just past the frame was a storage room of medicine, wraps, gauze, antiseptics, salves- just whatever you could get your hands on. 
You’re even occasionally gifted treatment items from past clients in hopes to repay the debt they feel they may owe you.
You point towards the long, hard top operating table in the back as you make your way to one of the shelves on the wall.  You kept all the basic first aid out in the open since they were easy to replace.
“Go sit,” you direct as the man flipped off his hood and unzipped his jacket.  His white tank top was wrinkle from being inside the stuffy jacket all night and he adjusted his belt to sit comfortably and not pull on his belt loops to dig into his hips.  Ruffling his black hair, he made his way to the table to lean against it. 
You were soon in front of him, hand out towards him asking for his own to inspect.  
“You’re always causing some sort of scene every time you come by. You realize it’s getting old, right Dabi?” 
The face stapled, scarred pyro-villain just grinned down at you, chest jolting with a scoff of amusement as you pulled the blood beaded napkins he held in his hand since you gave it to him away. Then, you poked around with tweezers pulling small pieces of glass away from his skin.
“Don’t lie. You love when I come by. Besides, someone’s gotta keep you on your toes.” 
“I don’t need to be ‘kept on my toes’,” you tutted, making sure there were no pieces of glass left in his palm.  When there appeared to be none, you started dabbing the small cuts with antiseptic as he just kept leisurely leaning on your table.  “If you keep coming here and just to get all cut up, I’m going to start charging you for not only your drinks, but all the patching up I do to you too.” 
“Oh, you’d never,” he mused. He knew you all too well and he also knew that even if he were here daily for scratching his knee or getting a paper cut, you’d never have the heart to charge him anything when it came to treatment.  
Maybe he took advantage of that, maybe he didn’t.  
It didn’t help that he knew you had the hots for him- I mean, you did tell him about how you felt weeks ago; straight o his face no less. He just brushed it all off, knowing good and well that he and relationships in general just didn’t work out.  Besides, he was someone the public knew the face of and he wasn’t just someone to pass on the street and forget the face of.  
Dabi rejected you, you knew he would, but he let you down as easy as he could.  You just simply wanted to put your feelings out there so nothing would be awkward in the future.  It stung sure, but you felt more open with your feelings not bottled up in secrecy.
You wrapped his hand in gauze and called it good enough, placing all your things back where they were. Dabi looked at his hand, flipping it back and forth as he inspected how neatly you’ve gotten at wrapping bandages since the very first time. 
“Not bad,” he hummed. The first time he heard of you and came to get treated, you had to treat a nasty gash on his leg and you were clumsily with your bandaging since he was already covered in scars.  You were so confused on if you could cover them or not and if you did, if there was a special way.  You leaved quickly though. 
“Not like you could do any better.  You don’t really need any more stitches or staples than you already have.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t think they’re sexy,” he teased as he stood up straight, plunging his hands into his pants pockets as he began to follow you around the basement room to room like a dog.  You soon left your basement, going back up the stairs, opening the door and leaving before going up the second set of stairs leading up to your apartment.  
Dabi followed you the entire way with a shit eating grin on his face.  
You sighed as you unlocked your apartment door and looked over your shoulder and down to the burnt man just behind you on lower stair steps.  
“Do you need something?” 
“Yeah. Inside.” 
You cursed under your breath, going inside and him following knowing that you couldn’t argue him out of it.  He often did this, getting treated and then going up to your apartment.  In fact, there was a time when he would pick your lock and let himself in, so you ended up making him a copy so he could just stop doing it. 
He may not be good in relationships and definitely not looking for one, on top of rejecting you, but he could very well enjoy his evenings pestering you instead. they were two distinctly different situations.   
Kicking off his boots and fumbling with his jacket, he hung it on the coat wrack- not willing to be yelled at by you for making your home a mess with his junk again- and let himself in.  He immediately made a beeline for your living room and plopped himself on your couch like he owned the place and paid your bills.  
You had ventured to the kitchen before you went to the living room and tossed him something.  Catching it, he saw a poptart in his hand, still wrapped in it’s aluminum wrapping.  
“Eat. I’m taking a shower.” He shrugged as you turned and headed to shower as he flipped on your television and let himself finally relax. 
It was odd, being around you and in your home.  He didn’t even feel this relaxed and loose in his own apartment by himself.  Where he lived was nothing fancy and it was cheap, but it was his and the location was kept on the downlow just like he needed.  Spending time with the league was fine and dandy, but they could be so damned irritating sometimes, so he didn’t dare even try and nap at the base. 
He let his head fall back against the couch and he took deep breaths.  
On occasions like this, he did feel a bit guilty.  It’s not like he was actually taking advantage of your feelings or your kindness to do what he wanted, you were just  too nice for your own good and let him. Don’t get him wrong, you would scold him if he did something you didn’t like- like leaving his jacket on the floor- so it wasn’t like you didn’t want him here. 
Dabi could hear your shower running just barely under the sound of the tv’s noise.  Sometimes, he’d find himself thinking back to when you told him how you felt and how easily you accepted the fact he said no. 
He was just coming back from another stupid league mission and had a pretty nasty cut behind his left shoulder. You were cleaning the blood off his skin, trying not to snag your rags in any staples before you were smearing something onto the wound, making him sigh in of relief of the cooling sensation. 
It was when you were pasting a gauze pad on his shoulder and patching it on securely when you blurted out that you liked him. All he did when you said that was laugh at you, to which your silence that followed explained that you weren’t joking and were in fact serious.  He looked at you with a face you hadn’t seen before, a look of vulnerability for just a moment, before it shifted to one of seriousness. 
“I’m not interested. Sorry, doll.” You nodded at his quick rejection. Though you accepted it fairly easily, he could still see the slight furrow of your brow and dip in your lips with his rejection.  You may have even seen his rejection coming, but hearing it still had to be a blow to your heart. 
He was glad the relationship between you two hadn’t changed regardless of how you felt and how he said no.  You still put up with his bullshit and he still hung around like a fly you couldn’t smash under a flyswatter because it kept evading the strikes.  It was still comfortable here- in your place. 
Dabi stood from the couch, moving to your window only to lean out when he pulled his cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. You had really gotten on his ass once when you caught him smoking in the middle of your living room without a window even open.  You told him to smoke out a window, or go outside to contaminate his lungs claiming you dealt with the smell of smoke enough during bar hours. 
Flicking a small, blue flame with his index finger, he lit the stick and huffed.  Nicotine really accompanied his quirk- it was like he and cigarettes were just meant to be since he himself was a human-sized lighter.
He heard the door to your bathroom open and soon you stepped out with grey sweat and a cheap, cutoff shirt that just barely exposed your stomach on, towel drying your hair.  You looked at him, water still barely dripping off your eyelashes and hair strands untouched by the towel.  
“Glad to see you’re listening to me,” you told him as you nodded towards the smoke that he took a draw from.  He puffed the smoke out the window as he turned around to lean against the open pane.  His hand out the window to keep the crumbling ash from dropping inside.  
“I can behave sometimes too, you know.”
You scoffed at him, turning to grab a water bottle from your fridge in the kitchen and returning to the living room.  “Yeah, not likely.” You sat on the couch to mindlessly watch whatever channel the tv was on and once Dabi and finished smoking, he shut the window and rejoined you on the couch.  His arm was resting on the back of the couch as you had pulled out your phone and began to scroll through apps and occasionally looking back up to the tv. 
It was moments like this where the uncertainty really hit him.  
It was this- these comfortable situations- that frightened him.  He was a bad person, a person who’s done bad things and will continue to do bad things.  He used to sit around your apartment and bug you with questions.  Had you ever ratted anyone out? Were you really a completely secretive person when it came to your unofficial side job? Were you really someone to be trusted? Why did you do what you did in the first place? 
Now, he didn’t ask anything anymore. He grimaced at himself. Maybe he was letting himself get too comfortable here. 
“I’m going away for a while,” he suddenly blurted out.  You glanced up at him from your phone. 
“Have some big job or something coming up?” 
“Yeah,” he lied, “some league stuff I gotta deal with.” 
“Any idea how long you’ll be gone?” 
“No idea.  Probably a few weeks I bet.” Dabi couldn’t stop himself from lying to you and he got irritated at himself for feeling even the slightest bit bad for doing so. This was the only way though, the only way to try and get back to the rough, guarded villain he was supposed to always be.  
Dabi had to get away from you for a while. 
“Well,” you started, looking back down.  He looked at you, seeing you frown just a bit- he bit his cheek.  “Stay safe. If you need any patching up when you get back, you know where to find me.” 
He lowered his chin, his eyes lidding as he hardened his resolve. His decision was final, and he had to follow through with it.  He looked back to the tv, trying to bask in theses few final moments. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
Dabi’s irritated. He’s been irritated actually.  
He’s sitting at the bar, not your bar, but the bar in the league’s headquarters.  He sat slouched in a stool as Kurogiri- as usual- stood behind the bar.  The glass of some brown liquor that Dabi had nursed for the past hour started to taste like static to him.  He missed your bar’s liquor- the revelation made him more irritated. 
The entire reason he’s avoided going to your pub and always looked around corners in the city to make sure you wouldn’t bump into him by accident was so he could squash whatever the fuck he was feeling when he was around you down into dust.  Though, theses recent last couple days had proven that his plan was backfiring. 
Instead of forgetting what it felt like to be comfortable and content and relaxed, he was missing it.  He was missing the air of serene you always carried everywhere you went and he dared to say he yearned for it again.  
Dabi clicked his tongue as he pushed his forehead into his palm when Shigiraki had walked into the bar from wherever he had been before.  Seeing the hunched over excuse of a comrade, he groaned. The leader had often heard of your patchwork jobs for villains.  He himself had even met with you once- not for any injuries he had sustained, but for a simple meeting to exchange greetings with potential allies. Anything helped for his cause. 
Shigiraki also knew that Dabi often frequented your pub, and for whatever reason he hadn’t been recently.  His sour mood as of late paired with his lack of attendance to your business and attention was too easy to put together.  
“I’m really sick of you moping around here,” the leader complained.  Dabi lifted his forehead from his palm and glared across the room to the leader who now took a seat one stool away from Dabi. “Go be a killjoy somewhere else.” 
“Oh, piss off.” 
His mood began to spiral rapidly when Toga and Twice had come into the bar as well, coming back from wherever the fuck they had been.  Toga- trying her best to get on Dabi’s every nerve- was told by Kurogiri that his mood was unpleasant because he hadn’t been to a specific bar in town for some time now.  
Dabi felt offended that Kurogiri connected his bad mood to the bar and not you. 
“Maybe I should kick the crap outta you myself, so you can go back to what's-her-name and then maybe you’ll finally lose the attitude.” Okay, that one earned the hand-fetishist leader a growl from the pyromaniac. It only made Shigiraki scoff in a small victory, knowing that everyone around the league could see that his sour mood was solely revolving around you- or lack thereof.
Toga, ever on the hunt for new ‘friends’, immediately jumped at the idea of finally going to the mystery lady who heals everyone just because she has a kind heart.  An idea that Dabi shut down without so much as batting an eyelash. 
“But, why not!” Toga whined.  Dabi rolled his eyes.  Villain or not, Toga was just a high schooler with more than enough psychotic tendencies to warrant concern. If he had it his way- you’d never even get the chance to set your eyes on the blonde, twin-bunned psycho.  
The constant chartering centering in on him and you began to grate on his nerves and before long he was stomping up to his feet and out the bar door.  Shigiraki just scoffed as Toga pouted. Twice was simply mocking and jesting at the burned man who ‘just ran away’.  
Dabi had had enough.  He was going back to your pub- but it wasn’t going to be because he missed you.  He just wanted a drink in peace and fucking quiet. At least away from those idiots. 
Dabi had slithered his way into your bar- pushing his way in with a group so that when you shouted from your place behind the bar to greet them in and to tell them to just find a seat, you wouldn’t recognize him. He had stopped by his apartment before making his way here to change into clothes he hoped you wouldn’t recognize him in either.  
The large, indigo tinted turtle neck he wore was way too large on his torso. The neck was horribly stretched out and pulled up as far as it could be to cover his jaw and mouth so that he didn’t have to wear the mask he knew you would recognize.. He traded his normal jacket with a different one he’d kept around for city crawling as he had it half way zipped up and the hood flipped up to hide his hair and scarred ears. Keeping his chin down, he used the shadow of his hood and the shadows the pub lights casted to keep the scars just under his eyes more or less out of sight.  
He grumbled at himself. Why was he going to such lengths to make sure you didn’t see him in the first place?   In the past, he wouldn’t have gone to the lengths to stay on the downlow in public like this; he would’ve just gone back home and crashed or drank alone or something of the sort.  You probably weren’t even under the impression he was back from the mission you thought he was on.
He slid into a booth in the back corner where he could still see you working behind the bar.  Pacing back and forth, talking and serving patrons and just doing your general work.  It felt strange seeing you work from all the way in the back instead of in his usual barstool, front row seat.  He bit his tongue when he caught himself almost missing his up close proximity to you. 
He was soon slid a bottle of beer- even if he didn’t really like the taste- as he nursed it.  He’d occasionally scan the bar to see what kind of business you had tonight.  When he wasn’t, he was scrolling mindlessly on his phone with glances up to the bar every so often.  He felt uneasy when you weren’t in his sights, even with you so close by.  
An hour after he had entered the pub, the doors had opened roughly enough to make tables turn their heads or hush up their conversations to see who had just made the racket coming in.  Dabi glanced, pulling his hood back just a bit to see past the fabric of it. 
A group of three men had walked into the pub.  Gruff looking fellas, but nothing all that special.  They started scanning the pub area, looking from tables, to faces, to chairs, all the way to the bar.  The flame user didn’t appreciate the snarl on the middle man’s face when his eyes landed on you busting the bar top with your rag.  
Shutting the door behind them, the three of them split apart, one heading towards the rec room and another heading in Dabi’s side of the bar. The middle man marched up towards the bar and instead of taking a seat- opted to lean on the bar between two already seated patrons.  They ended up leaving their bills and scurrying out of the joint. 
You took their payment and bit your tongue to keep from telling the obviously trouble-looking newcomer off for running off your customers.  In fact, you completely disregarded him.  
Once your bills were collected and placed into your apron pocket, you looked at the middle man leaning on the bar square in the eyes.  You held unamused eye contact with him for a beat before you shut your eyes and easily turned away from him. 
Clearly unhappy with the attention he so desperately wanted, he reached over the bar and yanked on the back of your work button up.  You let out a shocked, choked gasp as you dropped the glass you had in your hand.  The sound of shattering glass echoed around the pub as it became completely silent.  
Dabi jumped from his booth, standing at his table instead of leisurely sitting like he had been as he watched the man reach out for your shirt. He growled under his breath when he yanked you back towards him over the bar. 
This trouble-seeker was new to your pub, you could tell this the moment he came in with his two buddies.  He didn’t know of the amount of eyes on him now that he had gained the attention he wanted.  And he didn’t know how many of those eyes were villains ready to take him out. 
You coughed as he tried dragging you completely over the bar just by your shirt collar.  Your lower back pushed painfully into the wooden edge of the bar as your heels came off the floor, your toes being the only leverage you had left on your side of the bar top.  
You wanted to swing your elbow back and pop the son of a bitch in the nose, but you had to keep all ten of your fingers on the front of your collar to keep it from painfully pulling against your throat. You attempted to unbutton the top buttons for a window of breath, but you didn’t get the chance to before you were dropped.  
“Hey!” A voice you had recognized from a past medical visit came from behind you and the man yanking on your shirt.  He had groaned as he dropped you, your unsteady toes combined with your heels slamming back down to the floor and your spine dragging down the edge of the bar all made you drop to the floor.  You hunched over on the floor, gagging as you pulled on your shirt’s fabric away from your neck- the hemming all stretched out and well ruined by now.  
The bar felt like walls that encased around your slumped over body and you soon felt someone hop over the bar and rub your back.  Looking up with teary eyes from your lack of breath, you recognized the female criminal you had treated a handful of times before.  She soothed you behind the bar as it sounded like pure chaos erupted from beyond the bar. 
The short screams and shouts of whatever customer didn’t feel like fighting and fleeing.  you even heard your employees ducking out- as you instructed them to do when bar fights broke out. You did not want to feel out accident reports, so your rules of running when things get nasty was non-negotiable.
You were content to just stay sitting on the floor, catching your breath until the fighting was done.  You knew those who were fighting against the law were already defending you and your pub- they would take care of it.  
It was their safe space and these thugs had just tried disrupting that space. 
It was only when a plume of fire shot out from what looked like to be the back corner of your pub did you jump to your feet. Leaning against the bar with the villainess at your side, holding you to make sure you didn’t tumble over, you saw Dabi.  
“Dabi?!” You were shocked to see him. He hadn’t been around due to his work (so he told you), and you were confused on why he was here now.  Why was he wearing clothes you hadn’t seen before and when did he get here?  
He was quick to jump into the fray, mixing in with forces to drive the stupid thugs out of your pub, but not without beating them within an inch of their life first. Between tables being thrown, chairs knocked over, fire bursting then dispersing and fist and legs flying- it was hard to keep up with what was actually happening.  
What you did see though, was from the rec room someone coming out and pointing their fingers out towards your villains- your allies.  Their fingertips started to open and sharp, needle like tips were ready to be fired out of them.  
You climbed over the bar, the villainess calling out to you to not get involved.  You stumbled into a chair, holding yourself up as you shouted over the commotion. 
“Hey! Get behind a wall or table!” You pointed to the man under the rec room doorway.  “Don’t let whatever he’s gonna shoot out of his fingers hit you!” You were ready to duck back behind a table when you were shoved in the chest by the third man you saw enter with the thugs earlier.  He just appeared from no where it seemed when he struck you.
Knocking you into a nearby table, you slid onto it before it tipped and you tumbled off of it when it fell.  Groaning, you cursed under your breath.  You were getting really fucking sick of being pushed around tonight.  You got to your knees to get yourself back to your feet when you felt something push against your back and wrap around your shoulders, keeping you down. 
Whatever was keeping you down and covered was warm.  It covered your back and kept your shoulders encased.  Reaching up, it was an arm that wrapped around your and it was someone’s chest that pushed against your back.  Looking back you saw his scarred ears and neck before you saw his face. Not to mention the blast of burning blue that shot out opposite of his outstretched other arm.
“Dabi,” you gasped as you felt his body start to push more into yourself.  You whined, his weight beginning to crush you. “Hey, get off me,” you huffed.  
“Oh, you so owe me,” he chuckled before he fell against your completely. His arm dropped and the one that wrapped around you previous fell limp and released you. Rolling off to the side awkwardly to try and catch his fall to the tile, you saw a small needle sticking from his neck.  
“Oh, shit” you muttered.  Turning, you lifted a table to cover your back while the rest of the chaos kept going on behind you.  Pushing him onto his back, he was out cold.  Looking him over, you didn’t see any worrisome wounds on him- in fact he didn’t look wounded at all.  It was only that needle in his neck. “No doubt from that guy’s quirk,” you mumbled as you inspected it.  
Did he cover you so you didn’t get hit with the needle instead? You didn’t want to work yourself up into a frenzy at the thought of him taking a shot for you- but no matter how you looked at the situation, that was exactly what happened. 
It was a small, thin like a sewing needle with a ball point on the back of it.  Whatever this needle is coated in obviously knocked the pyro out.  You peeked over the table to see the same man ready to shoot a second round from his fingertips. 
“Take out the needle shooter! His needles will render you unconscious!” Your shouted leadership to take out one of the three low-level threats was clear and it was probably 20 minutes later when the three thugs were tied up and unconscious.  
You sighed, finally feeling safe again in your busted and destroyed bar.  You groaned for the umpteenth time knowing it was going to cost a fortune to get the tables repaired.  Not to mention the seared wallpaper that peeled from the previous heat and broken glasses, frames and damaged light fixtures.  You would have to close your doors for repairs for at least a month. 
As you looked around, you moved from your sitting position to instead kneel at Dabi’s side. 
“Can someone help me bring him downstairs? And lock the entrance.” Dabi was picked up and was soon being carried back behind the bar and through the doors, waiting for you to come unlock the way down as someone else had safely latched your pub doors shut. Your employees would understand if you just shot them a few texts.  
Before you went into the back, you pointed at the unconscious needle shooter.  “Also, bring him down too, but keep him tied up.  I need to know what his quirk is so that I know exactly why he did and how to treat it. Anyone else who needs treatment, you can come down too.” 
An hour later, you had Dabi’s unconscious body hooked up in one of your rooms to small machines to make sure he wasn’t dying.  Whatever the needle was- you concluded that it at least wasn’t poisonous.  You had taken it from his neck and had it run for tests.  It wasn’t coated in anything, but the tip of it had released a sort of potion into his body from where he had been stores in the ball point end; but you weren’t sure what it was.  
You moved away from your laptop on the small desk you had next to Dabi’s temporary bed.  You leaned your elbow against the wood and stared at him.  
“Until I figure out what exactly happened, I have no idea when he’ll wake up.” You frowned as worry began to churn in your stomach.  It eased you that his life didn’t seem to be in danger, but that didn’t really help anything else.  He was immobile and unresponsive until further notice as far as you knew.
You sighed getting up and searching for his phone.  Finding it in his jacket pocket, you plucked it out and began to go through his contacts.  You were glad you watched him punch in his lock code one day and held it in your memory. 
Finding a contact under ‘Childish Leader’, you immediately began to ring it.  You knew who Dabi worked under, and who this so called ‘childish leader’ was- you did meet with him one time after all.  When the line picked up, you were greeted with a sigh. 
“What,” a strained voice annoyingly greeted.  
“You’ll want to come to the location I’m about to send you,” you started. You swore you heard the frown and confused brow drip on his face when it wasn’t Dabi’s voice that was on the phone.  “Want to know what happened to Dabi? Then get your wrap quirked friend to get you over here, Shigaraki.” 
You quickly ended the call, letting out a shaky breath and feeling your heart pound in your chest. Dabi only ever really complained about Shigaraki, and you had only met hi that one time for general introductions, so you didn’t know much about him.  You hoped that just telling him what to do before sending him your coordinates would be enough to just get him to show up.  You’d deal with the rest later. 
You stood from your chair as you looked down at Dabi.  He always looked quite peaceful sleeping- it was odd since he was always scowling when he was awake. He’d smirk and tease, sure, but you don’t think you’d ever seen a real smile on his face before.  
You chuckled to yourself, touching his hair just once before you stopped- knowing he didn’t like you touching him like that.  He wanted to keep you at arms length because of your feelings and you knew that- so unconscious or not, you had to keep his wants at the forefront of your mind.  
A knock sounded at the door when you saw one of your allied villains come in.  “Some guys are in the bar, asking for you.  Some freak with a hand on his face and a gimp looking dude.”  You almost laughed at the villain's description. 
“Tell them I’ll be up in a moment.” The villain left as you looked once more at Dabi. You smiled down at him. “Thanks for the save, you reckless idiot.” 
Dabi groaned as he rolled from his back to his side.  He was only vaguely aware he was previously on his back ,which already annoyed him- he was not a back sleeper.  He peeked his eyes open and stared at the ceiling above him.  
That wasn’t his apartment ceiling? Sitting up, he rubbed his forehead, closing his eyes and taking a breath.  His head pounded and he opened his eyes back up to see the room he was in.  It wasn’t his apartment at all.  He was in a bedroom, but he hadn’t seen this room before.  
The last thing he remembered was jumping into a bar fight at your pub and then covering your back when that finger-freak tried shooting something out of his fingertip at you.  He didn’t even realize his body moved until he felt the needle meant for you dart into his neck.  
Rubbing at his neck, he felt no pain.  Getting up, he looked around the room.  
This room wasn’t yours- he’d seen it before- and it wasn’t anyone else’s he knew of. He wasn’t at the league HQ either, that run down place didn’t have rooms as well kept at this one. Surely you wouldn’t have pushed him off to some random villain until he woke up and this was some stranger’s room... right?   
After a moment, he started getting nosy. As he opened more drawers and books and notepads, he got more and more confused. These were all things he was interested in.  All the notebooks had his handwriting in them and his name was signed on papers and sticky notes scattered on a corkboard hanging on the wall.  The phone on the bedside table and he unlocked with his passcode and started going through it- it was all his information just like normal, but something was off. 
He felt off.  He looked at his palms, the scars he’s had since he was younger still showing on his skin.  Something nagged in the back of his head and he knew that he had to get answers and the best way to do that is to track you down.  
Grabbing a jacket and zipping it up to his chin and placing sunglasses on his face, he left the room that was filled with, presumably his own things, but definitely not his things. 
The roads and buildings all around were the same as he remembered.  However, when he came to your pub’s building, it looked different.  Shabby almost. Trying to go inside, the door was rusted and jammed. Jostling with the door wasn’t getting him anywhere and he knew if he tried to bust it down you’d have his ass on the wall for the damage.  
Looking up, he saw the window that lead into the living room of your apartment.  Walking around the building he started up the fire escape and carefully treaded the side of the building to the window before he shimmied it open from the outside and hopped inside. 
“What the fuck?” The apartment that was once filled with your furniture and belongings was empty.  Not just empty, but it was dusty, barren and isolated like no one had been in there for years. Jogging downstairs, he ran into the bar to find it the same way: empty.
No tables, no chairs, no booths.  No bottles lining the dusty shelves and no frames of art or recreational items in the rec room. it even still had the old, tacky wallpaper instead of the wallpaper he remembered. The stench of dust filtered through his nose and made his throat burn- it was apparent that the place hadn’t been aired out in years.  
Turning back, the door to the basement he had been in so many times wasn’t even there.  When he left the building to go to the basement the backway, the backway in didn’t seem to exist either.  It was like the basement he had spent so much time in with you patching him up was never there to begin with. 
“This is fucking crazy,” he mumbled as he pulled his phone from his pocket.  He wasn’t used to feeling whatever was bubbling in his chest.  It was painful, like caltrops tearing apart his stomach and chest as he searching for your number in his contacts.  He began to start walking back to where your apartment use to be, to go back inside the abandoned pub, when he dialed your phone.  He was soon stuck in his tracks when he caught sight of his reflection in a window.  
The window’s glass was cracked, barely held in place in the frame as he stared back at his reflection.  Reaching up, he ran his scarred hand through his hair. His hair that wasn’t dyed black; his hair that was as white as his mothers. 
“Where the fuck am I?” He breathed as he heard the monotone voice over the phone. 
-I’m sorry, but the number you have dialed does not exist-
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hunflowers · 4 years
based on this i posted last night teehee and maybe i got a little carried away but enjoy! *nose boops*
you had an exhausting night. truly, it was exhausting, and to top it off, you had an exhausting morning.
you supposed it was all of your fault because you hardly let you and harry sleep, but who could blame you? your boyfriend was a godsend who also happened to know just exactly how to treat you right in bed.
so, you wanted him over and over and over and over again. then you slept for a couple of hours, and you wanted him over and over and over again.
you hadn’t seen him for a little while and what other way was there to declare your love so passionately after a leave of absence? you guys were on your third round this morning, and you both were completely knocked out but it was worth it, it really was.
with one final thrust into your aching and dripping wet pussy, harry dropped all of his weight on top of you, the both of you panting as if you had just run a marathon. a very, very long marathon.
your eyes fluttered shut as a wave of tiredness flushed through your body, leaving you practically immobile as harry rolled himself off of you. you both lay there, completely content with yourselves as you gather all air that you can, your sweaty bodies practically melting into the sheets below you.
after a couple of minutes of unspoken silence, harry slowly rolled himself to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, scratching at his head and neck before getting up to put on a fresh pair of briefs and sweats. you couldn’t help but bask in the sight before you. you turned to lay on your side, your eyes following the muscles of his hamstrings as he walked to the dresser, admiring his cute behind that you could just squeeze.
when he stepped into his clothing, you all but drooled at the sight of his back muscles straining against his skin as he hiked his sweats up his thighs. with a quick glance over his shoulder, he figured you were staring and couldn’t help but smirk at you with his hooded eyes as he turned back to face you, arms crossing over his chest.
“i know that look, aren’t you tired?” he shakes his head.
“never g’na get tired of you,” you answered, taking a quick glance down his front and to his groin. “and it seems neither is that one.”
harry looked down to his crotch, rolling his lips into his mouth as he shuts his eyes in dismay before averting his attention back to you, “I’m gonna make breakfast, what do you want? Eggs? Pancakes?”
“C’mere, let me help you out,” you pouted, bottom lip jutting out. He blinked at you once, then twice, then avoided your lustful stare as he turned on his heel to head to the kitchen.
You whined as he stepped out the door, flinging the covers off your body and quickly stepping into a new pair of panties and one of his shirts before following him out the door. You wanted to seduce him, maybe even have sex in your kitchen, but when your stomach grumbled, you figured it was time for a well-deserved break.
But, that didn’t stop you in your endeavors. You sat on the island stool, watching Harry go about his way, cracking eggs onto the frying pan, and inserting a couple pieces of bread into the toaster.
“Can you stop staring at my butt?”
You snapped out of your daze, which happened to be on his butt, your eyes traveling up the length of his torso before finally resting on his eyes. You shook your head with a small smile, “I wanna squish it.”
“You’re not gonna squish it.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’ll end up pinching me and I’d rather you not,” he spoke matter-of-factly, because it was exactly what you were gonna do. He knew your game plan, but that didn’t make you want to squish it any less.
You scrunched your eyebrows in sadness, exasperatedly throwing your elbows on the counter, your chin meet the palm of your hands as you continued to stare at him with depression dancing across your eyes. Again, he blinked once, then he blinked twice, and then turned back around to finish making your scrambled eggs.
Then, you tried one last resort to get what you want, “Fine, then no more sex.”
Slowly, Harry turned to look at you over his shoulder, looking at you with a bored yet confused gaze. “I believe that’s quite an extreme for not getting to squish my butt.”
You shrugged nonchalantly, getting up from your seat and picking the now freshly warmed toast out of the toaster. “I’m petty, what can I say.”
“You’re only hurting yourself, babe. You won’t last an hour,” he laughed, turning off the stove and placing the eggs down on the counter where you were just sitting.
“I’ll last longer than you, watch me,” you smiled cunningly, sitting back down on your stool and biting down into your food. Harry looked at you, a challenging glimmer sent your way before he smirked and shrugged, biting into his own toast.
Truth be told, when that hour passed you were aching for him on the inside as you sat and watched an episode of your current Netflix fixation. His hand sat gently on your knee that was draped across his lap, him rubbing small circles into your skin. And it was difficult to not straddle him and fuck him into the cushions of your couch, but you held strong.
All of your sexual encounters over the past sixteen hours were because you were horny, but not anymore. Now, it’ll be him just begging you to have your way with him. He’s gonna lose and you’re absolutely sure of it. Especially since you just so happened to need to adjust your position on the couch, your foot accidentally grazing over his cock in his pants, and you could hear him inhale just the faintest sharp breath as you nestled back into his side.
It was going to be a walk in the park for you.
That day went on, fruitless teasing being thrown around all day and night. When you both wormed back into bed, you cuddled how you normally do, your back to his front, and of course you had to adjust your position again, your bottom rubbing against his crotch in a very blatant manner, but Harry held your hips down, hissing in your ear, “Enough of that. Keep going and y’won’t walk for days.”
When you woke up the next morning, you were met with an empty back, your butt no longer pressed against him. You were confused for only a moment before you lazily looked over your shoulder and was met with such a beautiful sight.
Harry’s sweats and briefs were pushed down to his mid thighs, his very hard erection standing proudly as his fist worked up and down in quick motions, his wrist twisting everytime he neared the tip, his thumb grazing over his leaking slit before moving back down to his base. Soft moans were leaving his lips as his eyes were screwed shut in pleasure that seemed like agony. His other hand was combing through his messy hair, tugging lightly on his roots as he worked relentlessly to get his release.
You held back your laughter, and your drool, as you sat up to stare at his form. At the movement of the mattress, Harry’s eyes snapped open, his gaze meeting yours, desperation evident.
“Good morn–”
“Baby, you gotta help me out,” he whimpered, his eyes flicking to his cock before returning back to you.
“I think your hand is doing a fine job,” you snickered at your pun, absolutely reveling in how pathetic he was being. You knew he was bound to lose, but you just wanted to hear him beg for it.
He groaned at your denial, stopping his movements – no matter how badly he needed to keep going – and reaching for your small hand. You distanced yourself just enough to where he couldn’t reach you from his laying position, smirking at him as he all but cried at his current situation.
“Are you sure you want to lose, and so pathetically?” You chided in a teasing manner, your nails scraping up the length of his leg, stopping just where the waist of his pants rest on his thigh.
“Fuck, I don’t care anymore. . . but please, please do something,” he whined, his right hand going back to slowly stroking his throbbing member.
“Shh, it’s okay,” you swatted at his hand, replacing it with your own, and slowly building up a rhythm to ease some of his discomfort.
You were so happy he lost and so quickly, because you’re absolutely itching to get a taste of him. You’ve been wanting him in your mouth since yesterday morning and now you were going to make the absolute most of it, because it’s his fault that you couldn’t sooner.
Leaning over his cock, you placed a wet kiss to his bright red tip, earning a groan of relief from Harry, before sinking your mouth down on him. You moaned at the feeling of him in your mouth, the vibrations of your throat shooting through him, causing him to whimper and thrust his hips up into your mouth. You gagged at the sudden impact, retracting yourself slightly before sending Harry a glare and holding his hips down with your hands.
He mumbled a quick apology, doing his best to keep his hips at bay. Your tongue flattened against the underside of his shaft, your mouth picking up speed as you sucked harder every time you came back up to his tip. Every time you pushed back down you inched him just a little deeper down your throat. It was a rarity that you could shove him down completely, but Harry always appreciated the effort made. And right now, you really wanted him at the back of your throat.
You breathed as best you could through your nose, relaxing your jaw as much as you can, and counted down in your mind, before moving further down until your nose grazed his trimmed hair. A loud moan rippled through the air as Harry felt himself hit the warm muscle of your throat, stars beginning to stir in his vision.
“Shit, pet. . . shit, just like that.” It took everything in him to not grab the back of your head and fuck your face, continually hitting deep inside your mouth, but he did lightly thrust up despite your previous wishes, knowing he was just moments away from finishing.
Harry knew from the moment he woke up that he wasn’t gonna make it very far in this little bet. With your ass pressed firmly against his very, very hard dick, he knew he was a goner. And when he couldn’t make himself cum from his own hand, he knew there wasn’t anything else he could do but succumb to you and devices.
Not, that it was a bad thing though as you kitten licked his tip, sucking him dry as he released into your mouth. You swallowed every last drop of what he had to offer without a care in the world, and he knew not only was he a goner for the bet, but he was a goner for you.
He let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in, eyes fluttering shut in ecstasy before he reached down and pulled you up the length of his body to place a chaste kiss to your lips and speak a thank you as he could feel himself relax into the mattress.
And without thinking about it, he dipped his fingers into your panties, his newly softened cock almost springing back up as he felt just how wet you had become. “That turned you on, huh?” You nodded gently, head tilting slightly as you looked at him with those gorgeous doe eyes that made him weak in the knees.
“C’mon then, sit on my face. My turn to make you feel good.”
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