#but then I'm pissed to be like these men™
Nobody asked me for my opinion on the controversy that dropped today when the Sonic Movie cast pay rate was revealed, which is fair ig since I try to stay positive on this blog. But in case you're wondering, yeah as a certified AFAB™ I'm pissed, but not really specifically at the Sonic crew. Actor pay rates are usually negotiated between agents and the production companies so just like all the other problems with the Sonic movies, this is most likely an issue with Paramount and their patented dumbfuckery. Disclaimer that obviously it could very well be a Sonic crew issue as well, obviously I don't know the inner workings of the entire film production.
Also, if you're mad about this: please be mad about the pay gap that has been going on as long as Hollywood has been alive. This isn't a problem unique to the SCU. I know the phrase "pay gap" is thrown around a whole lot but do you guys actually know how big an issue it is?
Recent percentages are that male and female actors have "a wage difference of about 25 percent," with an estimated difference of $1-2million between star-power men and star-power women.[x][x] Basic Instinct star Sharon Stone said she made $500k to Michael Douglas's $14mil– and when she was asked to be lead in a film being made in ~2022, the lead male, who was "new", was going to be paid $8-9mil, with her salary still at $500k. Last December, Biggest Monopoly In The World Disney was sued by 9,000 women over their pay gap.
This article is from 2019 but brings up some big fucking pay gaps between leads– for instance, Gillian Anderson was offered half of what David Duchovny was for the X-Files reboot as one of the two main fucking characters, Amanda Seyfried has disclosed she made 10% of what her male co-star made on an undisclosed film, Natalie Portman made 1/3 of the salary of Ashton Kutcher in No Strings Attached, and Ellen Pompeo, the titular character of Grey's Anatomy, was paid less than the actor playing her love interest, Patrick Dempsey. In fact, Dempsey was being paid almost double what she was.
However, BIG issue with the 2019 article: it only focuses on what White actors are being paid. Research shows that Black actresses make 57 cents to every dollar white actors make on a good day. Viola Davis, one of the most popular and talented actresses of our generation, has said that black women "get probably a tenth of what a Caucasian woman gets. And I'm number one on the call sheet." Octavia Spencer had to collaborate with Jessica Chastain to make sure they both got paid the same amount of money on a film they both worked on, and revealed that her new salary increased 500% afterwards.
At the end of last year, while promo-ing The Color Purple, Taraji P. Henson broke into tears while talking about how little she's being paid when compared to her white and male contemporaries. And when she talked about the gap, I find it so fucking frustrating that the general audience response was to immediately blame the only Black female producer on the film. I have a million gripes with Oprah Winfrey but TCP cast has said that she herself managed to fix a lot of the problems on set and was nothing but supportive to them. Oh, and there were a lot of problems on set, including a lack of food and dressing space for the main actors. And this is all from celebrity women. Just think about how Hollywood is treating women who don't have the star power to speak up.
Of course this isn't even a problem solo to Hollywood, let alone Paramount, let alone just one movie. And honestly it was probably really sad that when I saw the pay rate for the Sonic 3 cast, I wasn't even surprised, because I've seen worse on bigger projects.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Sky/Prapai) 1/3
The crowd picked Love in the Air as the first show to ever move off of my Petty List, so I'm watching it and recapping my experience, and oh boy, is it an *experience*. I wrote about the first seven episodes in two parts [here and here], so it's time to dive into the next six episodes!
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Woot woot!
I had to make sure I didn't click on episode one again because it's the same scenes showing again. This is the third time they have been shown? Fourth? I'm here for one thing and one thing only. Quit bullshitting LiTA and GIVE ME WHAT I CAME FOR!
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Oh my God, my heart just jumped into my throat with this music and this lighting behind this devil.
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I know how their story starts. I already knew. I will be not be upset at him. I will not get into my feelings about this even though this music and lighting are hellbent on making Prapai seem like The Worst™
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I would love to claim "pink = 💕love💕" but not today, Satan.
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Sky saying "Where's the condom?" as more of a demand rather than a question and the arch of his back are an appreciation post in themselves. This is transactional and he is not here to make friends.
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WHY AM I BEING SHOWN RAIN AND PAYU AGAIN?! If you don't have enough material for thirteen episodes, just say it! Because my boy disassociated, went on autopilot, and is now tucking this nightmare away in a dark corner of his mind in true Trauma Compartmentalizing 101 fashion, yet I gotta see Payu and Rain's Daddy x Baby nonsense another round?! I only respect one person in this house and the rest of these men can choke. I wrote what I wrote.
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Hold up, Prapai was AWAKE when Sky left looking like that? And now he is reminiscing about it in all black with that black rose of death lapel pin? *Arthur Fist*
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I support queer rights AND queer wrongs, but this show is testing me like I'm fucking Frodo having to deliver a ring to the depths of hell in the month of Pride. Sky just went home and cried on his bed, while this woman is talking about getting over heartbreak because Prapai can't stop thinking about this one-night stand. I cannot be queer and *here* in these conditions with el diablo smirking every two seconds.
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KinnPorsche, my old enemy, we meet again. Didn't think I'd see you here, but it tracks because where there is a rich bastard incapable of getting over the poorer man he wrongfully exerted power over, there will be a robe, wine, and a sex worker. (That boy looks like the Memory in the Letter lead)
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"I feel sorry for your prey" - Everyone is too busy looking at the metaphorical weather that represents the characters to notice the red alert standing right there.
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On God, if a man called me like that without telling me his name and proceeded to just . . . be creepy, it'd be on like Donkey Kong. I was raised by Sidney Prescott from Scream and if a man wants to play games over the phone, then he needs to be prepared to die. And what is it with this show trying to distract me with with these problematic men working out? I know they are attractive, but as Michelle Visage stated "stop relying on that body!" AND NOW CREEPY TEXTS, and the only thing Sky thinks is a "man like that wouldn't be into [him]" . . . BL boys would greatly benefit from feminism.
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Prapai, you have to get less creepy. You just have to because this is not it, my man. You are throwing out the beginning-of-a-psycho-killer vibes and I cannot. I simply. Can. Fucking. Not.
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Sky is pissed at Rain, threw the flowers, and has Prapai listed as "Psycho" so it's clear who has the brain cell of these weather boys, and it's the one whose back is hurting FROM CARRYING THE WEIGHT OF THE DAMN WORLD ON HIS SHOULDERS!
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I will not be swayed by the sunflowers, the fact that Prapai is aware Sky is a Sad Boy, or the blue. As far as I'm concerned, by the end of this episode, Prapai is still the devil. NEXT EPISODE!
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The energy between these two is giving me GMMTV "brothers," and that is not a compliment.
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I'm not going to fault Sky for not throwing away the flowers because reuse, recycle, re-
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*took a six hour break and contemplated the meaning of life, made an avocado smoothie then poured rum in it, started doing yoga then ended up in savasana, which means I just laid there and looked at the ceiling, and finally I remembered the gorgeous Zani is in this show, so I returned*
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This boy is me and I am him. I'm so chill that if I got any cooler, I'd be an ice cube. Just chilling. So chill. The chill is immaculate. I am meditating. I am praying. I am one with the storm. I'm the chillest. Climate change no longer exists because I'm just, so, fucking, chill. ~Let's continue~
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I don't want to give Prapai any credit because I already told my mom I hate him which means we are sworn enemies in this life and future ones as well, but him noticing that Sky spaced out even though he immediately jumped back into flirting mode, and him reinforcing that he thinks Sky is attractive in any state including this one should be an issue because he is still focusing on Sky's body, but he doesn't know Sky well enough to have anything else, so . . . one whole point for Slytherin, I guess.
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Rain is not a real one and if Sky was a rapper, this in when he would have dropped the ultimate diss track cementing his place in academic rhetoric for all eternity. Even if I didn't know about his ex, I could have read that expression, but Rain? Once again, one brain cell, and Sky has it.
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I want to give Prapai the points for the food, but he doesn't even know what Sky likes, so this is White Man Ambition at its finest. Thank goodness that Sky is throwing it awa-
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Dear Reader, I'm going to level with you here one and a half episodes into this arc: I now fully understand The Fuckery. I greatly appreciate the 126 people who picked this show because this is the perfect example of what I keep reading about a MAME series. The abrupt shifts between aggressive flirting, dick jokes, and trauma is jarring. I knew the kidnapping was coming for Rain, but hearing Stop say that Rain would be sexually assaulted by his gang of men if Payu didn't stop fighting back was the most violent moment of an already physically violent event that, strangely, did not affect me until that very moment. I know what is coming for Sky, yet having these intercuts of Sky's abuse, although effective, are humbling in a way I was not expecting. Because what I had thought I was walking into was a trashy watch with gratuitous sex talk and some drama, but what I'm experiencing is a lot of emotional discord as the story swings between extremes while refusing to balance itself out. There is no middle ground in this show. I will continue to be petty about this watch, but I get it now in a way I was never going to grasp without watching one of her series and I'm graciously realizing I would not have survived TharnType because even as Prapai connects the dots that something *very bad* has happened to Sky based on his interactions with Sky, he smiles because . . . well, because.
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So even though Sky and Prapai's arc is smaller than the first, my watch is going to be in three parts instead of just two because . . . well, because.
~Let's continue~
I'm going to try really hard to give Slytherin points here, *grinds teeth* so even though this man is stalking Sky, he gets credit for showing up, which according to the great philosophers, is half the battle. Also, I know his lapel pins are important, so the sunflower and the bee after he gave Sky meaningful sunflowers is a nice sentimental touch, but he gets no points because HE COULD'VE OFFERED THE BOY A RIDE! The perfect pitch was right there, yet he swings and misses.
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I don't listen to true crime podcasts, but I feel confident that most cases start with a stalker using several devices to contact their victim after his primary mean is blocked. Basically, I need Prapai to do as Sky's shirt says and "CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" I'm trying to give him points but he refuses to exhibit any level of chill. None. No chill. Not ice cube. Just sad hot puddle of zero chills.
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I felt *something* between Sig and Som when they were arguing across the tables in episode seven, but now I know Sig is trying to instigate a fight with Som just so he can have that boy's hands around his neck. I respect it.
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Sky is having a breakdown because of the onslaught of texts Prapai keeps sending him from multiple devices and as he huddles in the fetal position begging to be left alone having bursts of anger, the phone begins to vibrate signaling more texts are coming through. The director, Ne, also served as an editor on Only Friends, and if he whispered in Jojo's ears to make Ray's bathtub scene just as gut-wrenching as this, I just wanna eat some soup with Ne and know like "You good, boo?"
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I am fighting for my life in these trenches!
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Rain picked up Sky's phone and told Prapai to come to the hospital. Rain? Rain who was on his knees begging for Sky's forgiveness after he gave Sky's number to Prapai? As in the Rain who was told to stay out of Sky's business? Like the same Rain who Sky looked in his face and told him he would never be with Prapai? THE RAIN WHO IS NOW GIVING PRAPAI THE KEY TO SKY'S APARTMENT?! That Rain?!
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"I made a promise to Rain" - Pero like . . . why do you have to make promises to not fuck with unconscious and sick people? Cause shouldn't that be a given? No? Mmm. Interesting development.
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I have only watched two episodes. TWO! I'm not even halfway through this AND I know how this ends. No amount of knowledge or spoilers has properly prepared me for this journey, and now I'm scared and I want my mom to come pick me up.
But here I am. Clicking on the next episode.
pinche cabrón
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madphantom · 5 months
hiyaaa, hope you dont mind, but super randomly just popped into my mind, but how's your hair doing? i remember you bleaching it and how it turned blue or green or sth from it and i kinda had a crisis over it on your behalf, and then you had red like back in march, you still rocking that? also how much breakage are you fighting on a scale from one to ten?
not asking in a werid way, u just quit fashion colour due to employment™ and a lack if confidence against people judging®, so now I'm just invested in strangers' hair as a replacement
also please feel free to ignore me if you want !!
Aiiii I love asks remembering things about my personal posts!!
After the big bleach nightmare my hair was damaged as fuck, so I cut it shorter in the front, but then I kinda wasn't satisfied with how that looked so I just gave myself a bob. I immediately proceeded to regret this because cutting your own hair without a mirror during what could best be described as some sort of manic outburst never goes well and it looked bad, so I dyed it neon green.
The green was fucking gorgeous and long lasting so I ended up keeping it for a record time of three months while I was trying to grow back the unlucky bob, however I was in a movie in February and the director asked me to go blonde for it, so I went back to blonde.
Unfortunately my roots just looked incredibly yellow in contrast to the white hair I'd given myself previously ("like piss on fresh fallen snow" to quote my friend who soon after this quote became my boyfriend, do not make any judgement about my taste in men based on this fact), so immediately after the shoot I went to my trusty hair care store five minutes before closing time and grabbed some red dye.
The red was super cool? One of my top colours. It had this orange hue in the sun and gave off major Ziggy Stardust vibes. My hair had also grown out a bit again so I gave myself a rockstar shag and vampire bangs. However, it faded at crazyyy speeds and the faded colour was just this vague salmon and did not look good, so I switched to a more bluish red.
Well, at least according to the package. The shade was called poppy red. My bestie described it as venomous milipede pink. Cool colour, undoubtedly, but not quite my vibe. I did however briefly rock the faded pink with some bold red highlights. That looked cool.
Then I switched to turquoise! I had that colour last summer and got rid of it because I was photographed at a protest by a nazi with it and got scared to be easily recognizable. Back then I got this faded red hair because I wanted a colour that felt safe and the guy comforting me after the bad experience had faded red hair. My future boyfriend by the way, hi :) I currently have that turquoise hair and it's cool, but I'm heavily debating going lavender again. We'll see what my impulse control says:)
As for breakage: I religiously use conditioner at the moment, and as long as I stay in my hometown my hair is in perfect condition. I'm not sure what happens when I visit my boyfriend, the humidity is probably different in his hometown or something but it tangles like hell there. But all in all, 7/10, good hair:) thanks for your ask:)
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wild-wombytch · 9 months
It's getting extremely tired to see all the books written by women after 2010 all starting with an introduction along the line of :
"I'm a very angry woman afraid of no one. However I'm still but a dumb cisgender-heterosexual oppressor, please dick-havers and dick-loving crowd I Shall Not Name, don't harass me and send me death threats if I ever offended you in my wording choices I'm really trying to do better to go against my logic and reframe it to coddle you! I know a woman is not a woman and I really respect whatever soulgender you are, please don't sue me!"
Like, it's ok gyn, you can say "woman". Males won't read your book anyway and if they want to take things out of context to be outraged over and feed their victim-syndrome, they will, regardless of how kind and respectful you're trying to be.
By gender logic™, wouldn't TIMs perfectly recognize themselves whenever we use the word "woman"? There's no reason to feel alienated if that's what they truly are. Unless they're more pissed off about the books criticizing men and the patriarchy and take this personally and want to silence "other" women for some very mysterious reasons 🤔?
It's really disheartening when they make a critique of the patriarchy or something about lesbians and still feel pressured to included males in their thoughts. We'll never be free of the oppression if that's how we act and the example we give to little girls. Not everything is or has to be about trans people. Also, even though I haven't read many male-written books recently, I don't remember having seen once that kind of preface in their books. Hell, I've never seen trans women making prefaces to include trans men.
At some point we will need to address the massive elephant in the room as a sex class. It's not normal nor healthy that women *know* this is a threat to their freedom of speech yet try to numb it, and that they feel like walking on eggshells when talking about her own frustrations and traumas with men. Traumatized women put their own feelings below male "gender affirmation" aka coddling and validation. It's really like hearing your best friend telling you about the horrific abuses, rapes and tortures from her Nigel and still trying to defend him. It's depressing, really.
Anyway, let's bring some SCUM Manifesto energy in the spineless feminism of these days.
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Any thoughts on how Mic & Aizawa got together in CC? Like, did they start dating in high school? After they graduated? Was there a painful pining phase that made all their friends want to kill them?
I hinted before that it was a poly thing with them and Oboro(who was probs the one who asked them out if Midnight didn't watch them all pining and smack them upside the head) and like.
They did get together in high school and that was mostly just some normal pining and such but also due to the Oboro situation that went sideways for a bit.
Oboro's death kinda. Hit them hard in different ways and swung between finding comfort in each other but more often than not it was just. A lot. For them to be with each other.
Mic is handling things.... decently. He's more bottling everything up and it /will/ come out one day but he's just kinda trying his best to move forward while Aizawa is kinda lost in grief. And that does kinda fuck them up because Mic is upset that Aizawa doesn't seem to be trying to make progress while Aizawa's in the 'how dare you try to move on' thing. (neither are right or wrong here but god do they need therapy)
They didn't explicitly break up, but they weren't exactly together anymore.
And then I'm like. I'm speedrunning Aizawa's character development so that a lot of it happened pre-Canon of him like. Coping by overcompensating. Pushing himself too hard. And eventually taking out his anger on people who aren't pushing themselves to the same unhealthy extent in the same unhealthy ways
Ms. Joke was kinda the first target in this, given her entire persona is about being goofy and all so when given close proximity... but she's also got thick skin and is a determined motherfucker and is like "I can fix him!" (baby girl please your taste in men is awful)
This continues for a while and even into Aizawa's first year as a UA teacher where he just starts randomly expelling any student he feels isn't extremely dedicated and taking it seriously. Which is, ultimately, all of his students within the first like month. Because they're dumbass 15 year olds who are mostly trauma-free ofc they're gonna good off and not buckle down and be serious all the goddamn time.
Nezu is like 'look I love some chaos as much as anyone else HOWEVER you need to get your shit together because I can't have you expelling literally all of your students. PLEASE get therapy!'.
Which does piss Aizawa off for a bit. Because he's heavily projecting. He lost someone. Any of them could die at any moment they need to take this seriously and prepare for it! They're here to be Heroes not have fun! Not taking things seriously will get them killed!
This does swing back around to Ms. Joke who does end up snapping at him of just like a 'god don't you get it? People have to have fun and goof off and be fuckin happy sometimes or else they're absolutely miserable and probably just want to die!'(she might like being silly and all but humor is /also/ a coping mechanism for her)
And it's.... yeah just her snapping and pointing that out does kinda. Hit. In having him realize that 'oh I'm very much Not Okay™'.
Which gets him to actually get his ass some therapy so he can help process the grief and the whole like. You're allowed to take a break, you're allowed to be happy and do things that aren't serious when you don't have to be on the job you don't have to be paranoid 24/7 that someone else you love is gonna fuckin drop.
After a bit of this he does meet up with Mic again to talk on just. Everything. Kind of apologize. Mic def hits his own breaking point here too. And they need to do a bit of work but GOD do they miss each other.
Slowly but surely they work on themselves and each other and by the time of CC they've gotten to the point where they're married now and while they still have some hiccups they're a hell of a lot better.
ofc we get the added 'oh hey your dead boyfriend is actually alive but was kidnapped, experimented on, given amnesia, and has been forced into villainy for the last 10+ years and for bonus points he's a dilf now' drama later
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I've seen a couple of posts from you and some other people that John might be homoromantic bi.
Is it because he's only went out with women in canon for sex and that he's had romantic feelings for Sherlock (and possibly Sholto in the past)?
I'm curious.
(He doesn't seem to be in love with Mary that much either.)
Hey Nonny!
Ah, it's a popular interpretation because of that, exactly. I personally read him that way, because, in BBCS at least, he fails spectacularly at forming any believable relationships with women (and don't get me started on Mary, LOL. I'm sorry, but I STRONGLY believe she trapped him with a fake baby – I think John only went with the marriage because he was pissed off at Sherlock for lying to him) but seems to form REALLY strong attachments to men in authoritative (in his eyes) positions. And yes I also mean Lestrade here too. You cannot tell me that John did put out his feelers for Lestrade when they first met, LOL. BUT John fell RIDICULOUSLY hard for Sherlock, and through context clues and the mirroring of Sholto-to-Sherlock, that John didn't fall hard for Sholto too. There's clues in the episode that their falling out happened after Sholto's accident.
I mean... John GRIEVED for Sherlock like a widower. He was "just getting over" Sherlock when he met Mary (who I think was a plant to get Sherlock to come back, by the way). That was THREE YEARS. John "grieved" for Mary for like... a couple months maybe?? Yeah, he didn't give two flying figs about her, sorry. EVEN IN CANON, Mary is RARELY mentioned and is speculated to have been a beard to keep ACD from suffering the same fate as his friend Wilde [THIS LINK ALSO].
This is a topic I love talking about because sexuality is so interesting to me, given my constant re-discovering of my own self. AND because the characters in the show grew up in the same period I did (early 80's and 90's, so Cusp Gen-Xers/Millennials), it makes SO much sense to me that a lot of John's anger and trust issues come from internalized homophobia and misogyny, and he really didn't open up until he became close to men in his life that he respected and admired and treated him with the in-kind respect and kindness. And I just really relate to them so much... it's probably why this show resonated with me so hard and absolutely why my scary journey of Sudden Realization™ happened hahah.
I genuinely believe that John wants to form a fulfilling relationship, but for him, his internal struggle is that he just CANNOT love women no matter how hard he tries – this is a lot of why people joke that John's a horn-dog... he doesn't care who gets his dick wet, just that he gets it. But at the end of the day, I think his internalized issues keep him from accepting that he LOVES Sherlock fiercely, and it's WHY he struggled so hard with Sherlock's death. I mean, after a certain point he gave up dating because Sherlock GAVE him everything he truly wanted. The women in his life were just to get the sex he wasn't getting from Sherlock, LOL. There's also a REALLY old speculation within the fandom that the trip to New Zealand that John took with Sarah went bad because he called out Sherlock's name during sex... soooo yeah.
Anyway, check out these meta from people who are on the Bi spectrum that can dissect John better than me. I recommend the MOST this thread about Harry and John possibly being twins, and how that is relevant to her being a mirror for John in BBCS. People have commented on it with anecdotes from other bi people about their experience with biphobia in the queer community and in the 80s and 90s, and how in this day and age people seem to forget that any smattering of being gay was met with disdain.
Meta Links to Prove John’s Bisexuality
Meta Links to Sexuality posts for the characters
Closeted John: Growing Up in a Homophobic 80’s/90’s (Not Mine)
is it any wonder John is closeted (Not Mine)
The Way John Looks at Sholto (John’s Bisexuality)
John’s Past and his Bisexuality
So Why Is John Gay when He Says He’s Not? (Irene Clap-Back)
Where Does “Three Continents” Thing Come From?
John’s Attracted but In Denial?
Did Sherlock Know John was Bi?
John Could’ve Been A Real Representation of Bi People
John’s Cheating
AND let's also not forget John's a military man, and while I'm not 100 on how the British military functions, I feel like they also had a "don't ask, don't tell" policy like the American and Canadian militaries did pre-2000's. So. Yeah. AND with the assumption John's parents were homophobic with context clues via Harry and the lack of his entire family from his wedding, a lot of Bi people in the 80's and 90's just "chose to be straight" to avoid being eviscerated. It's a horrific reality that still exists today, sadly.
I love my little bi-disaster John, and you can pry that headcanon from my cold, dead body, LOL.
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wonusite · 11 months
spooki szn nerd!josh (nerd joshie AGAIN because 1) I feel like that's just my Brand™ at this point and 2) I cannot get this bitch out of my head!!! Gonna have to start charging him rent at this point) headcannon since is officially October
You dragging josh to a halloween costume party and surprise surprise, he's unimpressed and like 😐 the whole time. You probably had to wrangle him into some costume because "it's crucial we dress up joshie!!" and you being you, of course it's some kind of couples costume. You're probably dressed in something slutty because of course you are, and the constant male attention you're getting is starting to piss josh off. Even though you stay tethered to him the entire night (really, you might as well just be a hyperactive puppy he's holding the leash to. You excitedly hop from group to group, seeing and talking to everyone but you're always looking back, making sure he's within hand holding vicinity. fucking simp) the amount of wandering eyes over your body, the predatory gazes of the men (and several women tbh) trying to get a peak at a flash of your panties when you turn a little too fast, they're all starting to cause jealousy to settle in Joshua's bones (especially the one in his pants AYEEEEE).
Usually when you drag him to your frat parties you have a little more class when it comes to hooking up with you boyfriend, typically waiting until you get home to go at each other like feral rabbits. This time though, josh can't seem to push down the annoyance that fills his entire body at people seemingly challenging his claim over you, so as soon as he gets a chance to, his dragging you upstairs and into some poor guy's bedroom, not even giving you a chance to speak before he has you bent on all fours, roughly grabbing your panties and pulling them down, giving you a few harsh spanks to your ass before delivering a couple to your sopping wet cunt.
Of course, you're already wet for him. It's not like you can be blamed, he's your boyfriend and you're ferociously down bad for him. At this point I'm almost sure he could turn you on by taking a shit but I digress!! He's been hard since he first had the idea of fucking you at the party, and wastes no time rectifying that. He slides in without warning, knowing you love when he's rough with you, treating you like some insatiable slut (though tbh you are, just like, exclusively for him).
You've taken his cock hundreds, no, probably thousands of times at this point (it's actually quite impressive, you'd probably have a Guiness world record if that kind of thing existed for sex) and you moan at the sudden intrusion, clenching wildly around his cock. He starts thrusting almost immediately, forcing every last inch of his big cock into your tight little hole, groaning when you whimper and cry out for him. He grabs at your hair and encourages you to cry out for him, to moan his name, to make sure everyone at the party knows who exactly it is that's making you feel so good, that he's the only one who could ever fill your pussy up like this. Like the absolutely angel you are, you obey his every command, preening at the cooing and attention he gives you when you listen to his instructions.
It's not long before he cums, filling you to the brim and bringing you over the edge with him. You think it's the end and start to make yourself presentable to join the party again but Joshua roughly throws you back on the bed, your pussy clenching involuntarily at the motion. The smirk he gives you as he turns you on your back to stare at him tells you you're in for a long, long night.
After 4, or maybe 5? more rounds, you're thoroughly fucked out and Joshua's finally beginning to feel spent. He figures he'll get you home so he can quite literally fuck you through the rest of the night, so he grabs your discarded panties and winds them around his index and middle finger, slowly starting to push them into your ravaged cunt that's still leaking his cum. You babble, an incoherent mess of "yes joshie", "please baby" and "give it to me please" spilling from your lips. And just because he's a generous man, Joshua, the ever so sweet gentleman, starts rubbing your clit, making you cum around his fingers and your panties.
You're absolutely delirious at this point, needing his help to stand up. And luckily for your boyfriend, when you're fucked out you're needy. The whole time he's trying to get the two of you dressed and presentable-ish so you can leave, you're whining, clinging to him, sucking hickey after hickey into his neck to try to leave your mark and stake your claim on him, though it's not really necessary. His hair is a mess, a light sheen of sweat making stray hairs stick to his forehead. Both your lips are red, swollen and now, courtesy of you not being able to keep your hands to yourself, you both have an array of red and purple bruises all over your necks (he leaves quite a few on your hips and thighs too, but he'll be damned if anyone else gets a glimpse of that). You, even after Josh's fruitless attempts, look like a hot fucking mess. Your makeup is smudged beyond salvation and your hair is a knotted mess thanks to round 3 where he came all over your face and made an absolutely sloppy mess out of you.
You start making your way down the stairs and out of the party, Joshua careful to shield your now bare ass and pussy from onlookers from below. Getting you to do anything when you're this cock drunk isn't an easy feat, with you clinging to and kissing Joshua at every single opportunity you can find. Some party goers that have only heard rumours about you being enamoured by the stoic nerd are slack-jawed, unable to comprehend that you, the hot, bubbly, outgoing, popular cheerleader is this much of a simp for someone who they can only describe as an attractive brick wall. Paying them no mind, your boyfriend guides the two of you out of the party, pressing kisses on your lips and whispering I love yous into your ear periodically.
The rest of the night is a blur of sex and aftercare in your shared appartment, with you falling asleep almost instantly the second you feel Joshua's big arms wrap around you as the two of you finally settle down for the night. Waking up in the morning, the previous nights events flood your memory, and Joshua wakes up to you with your big bright eyes happily blinking up at him, a wide smile on your face.
He looks at you with an inquisitive look, a "can I help you?” slipping out with a chuckle.
You shake your head with a smile, leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his lips, leaving him with nothing but a "happy Halloween baby" and a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
hehe this was supposed to be a short little headcannon oops I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless :')
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years
I keep encountering antis in the wild so far my favorite one has been the one who was frothing over Jaytim shippers. "Just because they're not technically brothers"!
Friend they're not technically nor non-technically brothers. They weren't raised together. They don't have a brother dynamic.
"It's different from DickBabs and TimSteph!" Not really! You're just cherrypicking!
90% of antis use anti rhetoric to justify why their ship is better/more valid than another, not because they really care about things they deem immoral or whatever, and I think a lot of Fandom Discourse tends to miss that by a long shot.
Like more often than not it's just bitches digging for reasons why their OTP is the only ship that can be shipped, therefore if you ship something else You're Wrong and the ship you ship shouldn't even exist. They use arguments on morality and such because they're hard to argue with - lots of folks don't know what to say when they're faced with "don't ship X and Y cause it's harmful and abusive!", "you're hurting victims of SA and grooming by shipping X and Y!" - and what happens is that they get scared out of the ships/topics they like and stop engaging actively with fanworks. Sometimes they rationally or subconsciously realize that it works, so they end up even adopting the same rhetoric as it's really fucking convenient: being on the moral high horse is delicious because people feel like it automatically puts them in the category of the good guys, therefore everyone else is a bad guy and they can harass them and send them death threats, even if it's just about shipping fictional characters.
I've seen this happen in basically every single fandom I've been in since I was 12 (and I am Not Young™), and I've seen the most unexpected people use anti rhetoric while not being antis themselves, or even labeling themselves as proshippers, but they would still use anti arguments to "legitimize" their ship and claim how and why it was better than others in the same fandom. Instead of just... saying that one ship in particular is not for them. Tbh lately I'm only trusting multi-shippers not to pull anti bullshit out of their ass, and this niche of the DC fandom is really a safe haven. But I digress.
One of the things that really pisses me off the most is the rampant homophobia. Going by generic anti logic Jaydick is incest, but Dickbabs isn't. Jaytim is incest, Timsteph isn't. Brudick, Brujay, Brutim are all incestuous ships - except Bruce and Barbara isn't. The het ship is fine would you look at that. Childhood friends to lovers is alright with pop culture as long as it's a man and a woman, because if it's two men they'll immediately scream incest and abuse (lumping them together too, while they're also not the same thing ffs). Because hiding behind anti mentality and purity culture there's the big bad monster of queerphobia, which shows its ugly face the moment you take a peek below the surface.
And since I feel like this isn't being said enough. Dick and Jason ARE NOT BROTHERS. Neither are Dick and Tim, or Dick and Damian, Jason and Damian, Jason and Tim, I could go on. These people are not related, not by blood or legally, not in any way that matters and would make it incest. They're a legacy of characters who wear the same cowl for narrative reasons, and THAT'S IT.
Calling Jaydick "incest" irks me to no freaking end because I LOVE incest ships, I am DOWN BAD for them, and this one ain't it chief. They're not related. They didn't grow up together. They don't share any brotherly bond except a vague "brothers in arms" kinda thing. People decided this at some point in order to have an argument why their plastic prepackaged het ships were better than the Bad Abusive (gay) ones, because they're fucking homophobes, and that is about it.
And that's what I really want to say to all the young, queer antis that parrot the terfs and homophobes that pushed them in that direction. They are taking away a space that is YOURS TOO. They fucking HATE YOU. They hate you because you're queer, gay, bi, pan, ace, trans, nonbinary, a woman, even just a teen. Purity culture and anti mentality is how they keep you under control, tied to their morality leash and making life miserable to every other queer person that refuses to conform and refuses to shut up and to stop enjoying fiction for the harmless, but also valuable thing that it is.
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
bi women whining about lesbians having boundaries is the REASON some lesbians prefer les4les relationships smh
okay, i said i didn't wanna get into this too much, but this ask is kinda pissing me off because it's yet again dismissing us calling out the very real and harmful treatment we face as "whining." i'm going to put effort into this answer, because i haven't seen anyone talking about it outside of twitter and i'd like a post i can fall back on for reference.
what boundaries though, anon? please do specify. because i've heard plenty of reasons for deciding to go les4les float around many times now, and they've never expanded out of the following criteria (and anything related):
Bi Women Bad™
bi women are tainted by men
(potential) attraction to men ruins a relationship where no men are involved
bisexuals cheat (yeah, still, it's a belief)
all bisexuals are polyamorous, dirty, liars, uncommitted, etc.
bisexuals inherently can't be gold stars, which, matters for some clean purity reason i guess??
bi women "don't understand" what it is to live a life solely dedicated to women and other sapphics (+ to exclude men), and/or somehow "couldn't provide" a lesbian what they're looking for in a relationship. this has NEVER been elaborated on, especially the latter idea. and theoretically speaking, lack of experience doesn’t make for worse or lesser support.
if a bisexual identifies as butch or femme, it ruins the unnecessary safety illusion that all butch/femme relationships will be les4les without fail. it's literally just the same TERF rhetoric as the safety illusion that all WLW relationships will be AFAB4AFAB. no, really, unpack that. what makes you feel safer about knowing your partner isn't transfem, or, y'know, bisexual (also one is much more conceptual than the other, which is more materialistic. so like. yeah. what's the point.)
bi women aren't apologetic to lesbians for who they are 24/7 and therefore oppress them
bi women "are homo/lesbophobic" (see: not tolerating biphobia & harassment, using butch/femme, being dykes, using the term "sapphic", using the ⚢ symbol, sharing a history with lesbians without needed permission, daring to ask for a community of solidarity with lesbians, not exclusively dating women in their own personal lifestyle choices, etc.)
the false and generalized assumption that *all* bi women are *actually* homo/lesbophobic (see: forcing lesbians to like men, claiming comphet can't be real because it makes one bisexual instead, erasing canon lesbian characters, derailing lesbian posts, being ignorant towards lesbian issues, and/or otherwise treating lesbians really shitty and not including them where they belong, etc.) ─ including this one because for some reason, it's a one-way street and the reverse is bad-faith, bigoted, and exclusionary.
ETA: bi people don't talk enough about mspec lesbians, apparently (even though they do so pretty much all the time on twitter but ok)
keep in mind that these are all things that i have ACTUALLY SEEN being used as arguments consistently over time with my own eyes, unironically. and yes, they are always about bi women. who else would it be, pan women? other mspec women? who else could be a potential romantic/sexual partner to lesbians? who else is les4les designed to be a protective shield against?
i've never seen a good faith reason that isn't either biphobic, misogynistic, a combination of both, or two-sided in a way that acknowledges bi women can't oppress lesbians, despite how much we try to add that when we agree that lesbians don't oppress bi women either. or even anything that doesn't exclude the fact that, behaviorally, we can do anything that you can too (not regarding inherent attraction).
i guess i'll address bi4bi while i'm at it. i'm not a hypocrite, i think the same thing goes for us. lesbians can't oppress us, lesbians can do whatever another bi sapphic can, yes lesbians can be biphobic but it's not a trait they all share in one big hivemind ─ and it's certainly not enough in numbers to consider a bi separatism movement for radical purity reasons (*cough* lol lmao), etc. i've seen some people say bi4bi is acceptable because mspec hatred within the queer community is so much worse than monos get within their own rightful spaces, which, i see where they're going i guess (because we do face the highest statistics from both sides), but i disagree because in the LB dynamic neither letter has more power over the other in the real world, and certainly not enough to unbalance ourselves into inconsistency like that.
the other thing i want to say is, i don't inherently have a problem with any random les4les or bi4bi relationship picked out of a hat in a lottery. i even headcanon some of my favorite ships as such sometimes. also, factually, some fictional ships and even real relationships are one of those two, or bi4les/les4bi. as i said in the tags you're responding to, anon, these types of relationships aren't inherently flawed, especially if they form by chance and not intentional setup. in fact, those like t4t, aut4aut, ace4ace / aro4aro / aro4ace*¹, blk4blk, disabled4disabled, and the like actually have a systemic and structural reason for setting their preferences. but doing this just to avoid other sapphics? the "safety" reason is absolute bullshit, and just creates a further unnecessary divide among mono and mspec sapphics that really shouldn't be created. we're not a danger to each other, we're both in danger from everyone else ─ namely, the straights™.
hell, i would even say casually looking for a partner who shares your orientation labels is totally valid, even though the preference would have no real basis or weight if it's not in bigotry. and then if you fall in love with someone and they don't meet that expectation, so what!! who cares!! it'd be a really dumb loss of opportunity to say no due to that minor and irrelevant difference despite the fact that you both seemed ready to commit to each other as partners. that, and actively excluding harmless groups of people, making it your life mission at all costs, especially for a few twitter discourse points™, is such a waste and only hurts real people's feelings, yourself included.
you're welcome to send another ask just to mock me or say i'm wasting my time proving your point by whining about “the mean angry oppressive lesbians”, or whatever i dunno. but i just want you to ask yourself what really makes these particular "boundaries" so important to you. what makes you feel threatened? we're not forcing you to go date a bi woman right the fuck now or else you're Biphobic, i'm just asking you why you would (hypothetically, of course) reject a bi woman as a potential partner at the top of your list upon finding out she's not a lesbian. i answered why this matters so much to us, but i actually do want to know, why does this matter so much to you? just wondering.
*¹aros & aces absolutely do not share the same rivalry and discourse among each other like they do with the rest of the queer community. aro4aro people have never made it a point to exclude ace people, but rather alloromantics as a whole, and vice versa. that is why they are not comparable to the sapphic side of _4_ discourse, as generally speaking, unlike aros & aces, lesbians & bisexuals treat each other far too often on a wider scale like enemies rather than sisters in sync (which is what we should be doing instead).
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chilewithcarnage · 11 months
The definitions I’ve seen are: 1. bi/pan ppl who are “reclaiming” the older definition of lesbian as a catchall term, generally in the same way we use wlw or sapphic today
2. bi/pan ppl that have a preference for women
3. a person attracted to women and nonbinary ppl <- definition that pisses me off the most as a nonbinary lesbian
like how did we go from “nonbinary people can be any sexuality and people of any sexuality could be potentially attracted to them” to “I call myself a bi lesbian because I see nonbinary people as a third gender/separate category of attraction”
yeah I feel like gay/lesbian are rigid (not using this in a negative way!) in that regardless of how you want to classify the genders of 'man' and 'woman' and what they look like, gays are unequivocally not attracted to women and lesbians are unequivocally not attracted to men. I know people like to bring up that story of the gay man and butch lesbian mistaking each other for being the same thing and kissing in the club as a gotcha for the people who understandably buck back against the 'sexuality is fluid™' talking point. they also always leave out the part about how when they discovered that they weren't what they thought they were they didn't go any further than that.
And putting attraction to enbies as its own separate thing feels ridiculous I'm ngl. like literally anybody of any sexuality (including straight people!) can be attracted to nonbinary people. 'nonbinary' isn't a set third gender outside of man and woman, it can be so many things or nothing at all.
like I'm not the cops and I'm not nobody's parent so I can't tell y'all what do with yourselves but I just think on a base level the label of 'bi lesbian' is unnecessary. i think classifying oneself as that because you're attracted to 'multiple' genders but you prefer women is disrespecting lesbianism because lesbian sexuality is not a 'preference' its who they are. so either you're a lesbian that doesn't want to id as that because you feel weird about the label or you don't understand it or you're bisexual but you don't want to id as that because you feel weird about the label or you don't understand it.
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thrumbolt · 2 years
So, in November my girlfriend gifted my all the Dragon Age games because our DnD sessions were cancelled. 'Go date some elves there!' - and so I did. I went in completely blind, knew basically nothing about the series (except that you could date elves). So now, a month after finishing the last one, I feel my thoughts have rested enough to voice an opinion™. I'll drop my personal ratings here and elaborate under the cut.
Dragon Age: Origins 8/10
Dragon Age Awakening 6/10
Dragon Age 2 9/10
Dragon Age: Inquisition 4/10
Dragon Age: Trespasser 7/10
In short, I thought DA:O was pretty dope. Very solid adventure rpg fantasy dating sim. The characters are very fun and mostly lovable and the lore is interesting enough even if the art direction was pretty generic fantasy.
I was really surprised just how much they crammed into this game. The several different origins was a huge surprise and very nice incentive to replay the game, though so far I only played as a melf (mage elf). The storyline was engaging enough for me to follow and it makes you travel to all the different origin places, so everyone gets to connect with something in the main plot - smart!
I have to add however that I played as a male character - as I usually do - and I am very glad I did because despite the promise that men and women are equal (and the dominant religion being female centric) the writers did not really manage to capture that as it seems haha. I would've probably given the game a lower rating if I wouldn't have played as a dude as I'm a sensitive snowflake that way. And not even because of the rape as plot device or the brood mothers, but more the casual 'wow a woman with sword wow' stuff. I'll excuse it as 'it was a different time' kinda, but still would ruin my immersion.
Awakening I mention separately as it's kind of a sequel rather than just a DLC. I liked it. It's a nice extra adventure for your Warden character and the companions are very good (though I could've done without Oghren, sorry Oghren fans). I especially liked the Legion of the dead dwarf, she was adorable - and Anders, of course. You can give him a kitty!
So why am I rating it so low? They changed how shit works, don't tell you about it and it makes you miss half the game lol. Idk, it just pissed me off you had to click on background shit to talk to your companions and I didn't notice it until I was already halfway done. It's such a stupid idea, too. Click on this tree to talk to Nathaniel?? Weird tbh. It's especially bad for me, as I am not playing a lot of games (I am a filthy casual) and am not a completionist - also I already know who Andraste is, so why would I click her statue?
So yeah, that's my personal gripe with Awakening. At least it's short enough to replay, so hopefully I will catch all the stuff next time haha.
Dragon Age 2....ahh, I was very surprised to hear that it was so unpopular, several of my friends said they had not played it at all because they heard it was so bad. And I am very confused, because it is my favorite. I can see how it got flack for being on a smaller scale, the dungeons and areas repeat - but honestly, I didn't care much. I enjoyed the smaller scale and the more personal story greatly. I feel it makes more sense for a 'choice' based game anyway, as it lets you tell more stories without problems. And in this instance, a story about a refugee family and a bigger focus on social justice issues just vibed well with me. I can see how it's not everyone's cake I guess, but it's definitely worth playing! I think it has the best companions in all the games. They're all great fun and the dating options are amazing. I personally prefer when everyone is date-able by either gender - it makes me not having to worry and research ahead of time on what character to make (looking at you inquisition) and I can just headcanon for myself who is queer, straight, whatever. Yes, I might still be upset I wasn't able to date Alistair haha in DA:O.
I loved the 3 act structure and longer time period. I liked how people you meet/help in your side quests write you letters or get updates. I just loved how personal it was.
My only gripes with DA2 is the rushed Act 3 (can't even give everyone another gift ;_; ) and how the ending was handled. Chosing between templars and mages - sure, fun. But when you choose the mages, how come 80% of the people you are fighting are mages? Why is Orsino turning into an abomination and attacking *you*? It makes no sense. Poor Orsino. They did him dirty.
But otherwise I had great fun. Needless to say this game cemented my chantry hate lol. Doesn't help I live in a pretty gay oppressing catholic country now, but it felt fucking personal. I cheered when that fucking building blew up. It was cathartic. So I was hyped for the next game!
Which leads me to Inquisition. By the rating you can already see: I didn't like this game. For many reasons. The church dick riding was definitely one of them. But I mean, if you write it well I probably wouldn't have minded to get a different viewpoint (and there was still plenty of critical content in this game like with the former Inquisitor and all), sadly though, for me it didn't work in so many ways.
First of all I had to restart the game after 30 minutes because my girlfriend told me I can only date the elves if I'm a girl. Gee, good to know, or my tripple elf combo would've been ruined.
And I have to say: I liked how un-segregated the whole gender selection screen was. I got to make a pretty boyish looking twink even by choosing female, up to the point I was forgetting I was playing a girl until someone called me LADY Lavellan and ruined my immersion, so....props to that. I also liked the art design? Like all the little character cards, all the artworks just felt like they finally found their own style, kinda. (This was already started in DA2, which I really liked, I feel this series needs it's own, distinct look in some way, so it was nice to see they were trying to). Anyway, nice looks.
But the gameplay immediately felt weird and sluggish to me. It was way too hard even on the easiest setting. Enemies take FOREVER to die, even a stupid wolf or bear takes a gazillion hits. It wasn't fun. Not for me anyway, just tedious.
And the story....I just didn't feel it. It didn't help that you don't even have a proper origin (for a good while you have amnesia even). It made it difficult to even understand my own motivations imho. Playing it as an elf was definitely a bad choice as well, as this whole plot was clearly written with a human in mind. Pretty wild a DALISH elf is even an option. If they kept you as a prisoner, it would've made sense, maybe? But it just feels off to put this random Dalish immediately on top of your organization and calling them the herald of Andraste even though you keep insisting you don't even believe in that stuff haha. A wild ride indeed. Also I screamed at the whole 'Dalish only have 3 mages per clan and just YEET THE EXTRA CHILDREN INTO THE FOREST TO DIE' retcon. It absolutely makes zero sense with how the Dalish were described up to that point (as people who greatly care for their own and also really want to honor and learn about their roots. They know the elves were all originally magical. Why would they have a fucking mage limit. Why would they yeet a child out to die when they already suffer from diminishing numbers? What the FUCK Inquisition?).
The maps were too big, the game is sooo bloated and the main plot for the larger part completely disconnected from everything else (and also, pretty short in theory). Because of this, the pacing was kind of off. The war table....the WAR table. I did not like it. So many things that got shoved there should've been quests, while many of the actual quests should've just been deleted. And apparently my whole clan can just die in a small war table side thing and no one will care. lol
I also did not vibe with most of the companions that much. I liked Dorian a lot, but other than that most were just a lot of missed opportunities. Like, they were ok, but not as great as any of the other games.
Though I feel nothing quite shows the pacing issues of this game like Solas' romance haha. I still can't believe he breaks up with you immediately after kissing you and offering to take your vallaslin. It would've made so much more sense if he left during the ending party ceremony. What were they thinking?
Generally my issue was how a lot of characters just talk at you, not so much with you. You ask them questions, but they hardly ever ask you questions back, even though it would've been a great way to learn more about your characters backstory as well. I think Josephine was one of the only characters who ever asks how you're holding up. In the other games, it is way more interactive.
This resulted in me just never really connecting as much in Inquisition. Felt more like hanging with coworkers than friends. It was also weird how everyone acts like you're achieving great things, when really, none of it is something you do. The inquisition itself, the army, it already exists. Solas literally just points at Skyhold (you do not even have to fight anything to get it) and so on.
I hated that you have an animated main plot cut scene where your Dalish elf asks a human who Mythal is. And of course I really disliked how the mage rebellion was handled. Why do I have to choose between templars and mages AGAIN when, in this game at least, being able to recruit both would've kinda made more sense? Unite against a bigger enemy, bla. I wouldn't have super liked it as a resolution for the mage oppression issue, but at least it would've given that conflict SOME form of resolution.
So yeah. Did not enjoy it that much. Was very surprised to learn how many did and that it won game of the year. Maybe it would've been more enjoyable just on its own, without context, but coming in right after DA2 it was quite the clash in my opinion.
There was definitely potential for a good game. It had good elements. I think they fixed a bunch of issues in Trespasser, which I quite enjoyed. But I kind of am not looking AS much forward to the 4th installment. I'll play it for sure, but I feel the writers just want to do something different with this series than what I enjoy about it.
Overall though I still had great fun! I like Dragon Age. Seeing everyone's oc's is so cute and I will definitely keep on enjoying that no matter what.
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xenon-demon · 1 year
🔀 for steddie 💕
Thank you so much for the ask Janai!!!!!! Just so we all know I'm shuffling my big "Liked Songs" playlist for this ask game, so any song I've saved on Spotify since 2017 could come up lmao. For this ask I got Love Might Be Found (Volcano) by Montaigne! Oooooh man okay this is such a good song, it's about being in the earlier stages of a relationship and then having to leave them for some reason, so you're wishing for a reason to stay and see if things would've worked out (like a natural disaster closing the airports or smth).
The obvious Steddie AU for this (at least imo) is therefore a modern AU where Corroded Coffin has the opportunity to make it big and achieve their dreams of becoming a famous metal band, but doing so requires moving away from Indiana. Moving away from Steve (who at this point is friends-with-benefits with Eddie and they're both hopelessly pining). Steve, who doesn't want to be the reason Eddie gives up on his dreams, just lets him go and pretends he's not madly in love with Eddie, since he thinks (correctly) that Eddie loves him back and would refuse to leave Steve behind if they were boyfriends. Eddie is heartbroken that Steve's not trying harder to keep him, because he really thought they had the start of something good together. Cue a prolonged period of extreme angst and long-distance pining from both of them, Eddie writes at least four heartbroken ballads about how much he misses Steve, Steve follows CC's progress in the music industry religiously but refuses to admit that to anyone. (Robin knows, though. She always does).
EVENTUALLY they get their shit together when CC throw a launch party for their sophomore album, at which point they've blown up enough that they can afford to invite their friends from back home as well. It's actually Jeff who invites Steve, because you've got him fucked up if you think he's going to listen to Eddie moan about The One Who Got Away™ for another fucking second. Steve is very skeptical of the invite, because he hasn't heard from Eddie since a few months after they moved away, but eventually caves on the condition he can bring Robin. They spend almost the entire launch party staunchly not speaking to one another, which gets very awkward when some of Eddie's new friends from the music industry start asking questions about how they know each other (because they very obviously do). It only stops when Steve and Robin are having an emotional debrief in the men's bathroom (because Robin is not going to let a gendered bathroom sign keep her away from her platonic soulmate in his time of need - and also CC hired out a function room for a private event, so the only people even using the bathroom are from their event). Mid-breakdown, just as Steve's about to admit he still has feelings for Eddie all this time, they get interrupted by someone entering the bathroom. It's Eddie, because of course it is.
Eddie tries to play it off as needing a piss, but he's obviously come in here for a mental breakdown of his own. Robin takes one look at the absolutely stricken way he looks at Steve, like he's been stabbed right through the chest at the sight of him, and takes a risk. She says she's going to guard the bathroom door until they sort their shit out and leaves them alone in there together.
To her credit, she lasts almost half an hour at the bathroom door of death-glaring every drunk man who so much as looks her way. But then she hears a crashing noise, followed by the distinct sound of someone moaning coming from the bathroom behind her, and decides those bastards are on their own now.
Send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and I'll shuffle my playlist and give you an AU about that pairing based on the first song that comes up!
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abnerkrill · 2 years
rings of power hot take™ for the day. i am ranking the characters in terms of hotness. utterly subjective, ofc, but also correct.
elendil. it's really not an argument. have you seen him, like, lean against a wall and smirk? i fainted dead away.
galadriel. look she's an absolute boss and she's literally so beautiful and when she flies into a rage i Feel Something.
adar. it is very tough to beat a literal corrupted elf in terms of hotness, so this says something about how hot i find galadriel and elendil.
valandil. i'm biased bc i've written a lot of fic about him and feel like i relate a lot to him i guess, but the competent boyfriend levels are off the charts!
míriel. literally my queen. so fucking beautiful. also her costumes? dying to wear them.
arondir. ICC is the most beautiful man alive i'm 99% sure (insert lmm tweet 'that can't be right...'). not immediately my type but he really grew on me and his cheekbones could slice through anything.
gil-galad. sure he's a little mean and snobby, but... i like my men mean and snobby.
durin/disa (they go together, pretty sure that's what they'd want.) i want to be part of their polycule. anyone who says they'd ship durin and elrond if durin were hotter gets beheaded via axe on the spot. (that is also what disa would want.)
elrond. less "hot" than "omg babey" but when he stares longingly at durin in the mines i was like. he is soooo beautiful :')))))
celebrimbor. what can i say, i like them dilfy. his forging outfit???? yeah.
revion. he's very beautiful and very tragic, of course i like him.
the stranger. yeah, he can get it. but he has to take a bath first.
isildur. also less hot than he is 'omg babey', but he's very sweet and pretty.
halbrand. doesn't really do it for me but i can acknowledge he has a handsome face. love the sword flips.
bronwyn. guess she reminds me too much of my mom...? but like, again, i can acknowledge she's utterly gorgeous.
medhor. not really my type but he kinda cute
pharazon. yeah… nah. still too mad about the fall of numenor etc to do that. nice beard tho i guess?
eärien. kinda reminds me too much of my sister! but again, very pretty, i'm not blind.
ontamo. sorry, he's absolute babey. couldn't do it.
kemen. reminds me of all the college republicans i enjoyed pissing off in anthropology class. bad vibes!
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wild-wombytch · 1 month
I rudefemed at the gym today, I believe I personally offended the local Testerical Council 💅
The gym was full up the buttcrack on the strength training side, and this failed abortion was blocking five. FIVE. machines (in a very small gym. That's like. 40% of the whole space for one person), and that doesn't even count the bench and bodyweight training spots he was ALSO squatting. Like, at first he annoyed me because he was using the benching spot for his own training that had nothing to do with benching AND the squat rack AND a bodyweight spot and he was spending forever on his phone and in exercises away from these things he was blocking. Because like. That's already rude and entitled. But then I saw this asshole come like a fresh flower to block the lat pulldown machine AND start blocking the pull up spot (while still blocking the others lmaoo don't believe he was reasonable). Like, even a couple of teenagers had their "wtf man?" faces but said nothing.
So I didn't bother asking and just moved his shits out of the benching set, put the bar back on the place it belonged to like it was another Wednesday and started to bench. Then I got his shits out of the squat rack. That's when I realised he only had 20kg/40-ish lbs on the bar. Like, you kidding me?? That's the exact weight my weak ass is lifting and I'm coming back from like 5 months of sick break and I'm a woman. A disabled woman, with post-workout soreness and approaching premenstrual fatigue, with that. Like, he can't seriously block that many spots and have such a shitty weight and pretend he does some "super asshole set" that will somehow do anything for his sorry noodle muscles. At least pretend you're a professional powerlifter or bodybuilder and that you need all those spots for your life if you're going to inconvenience everyone without a second thought. That many machines at once is super dumb already, but doing that while people are almost biting eachother's throats for a bench is another level of selfish. That has to be some dumbass marking territory to prove you're some "Alpha Male™" move. If you need to use that many machines (he didn't, given the weights on his things), you do that when the gym is almost empty.
Anyway, babyboy didn't comment, but he clearly wasn't happy and he left the gym not long after, so I believe being forced to acknowledge everyone pay as much as he does to use this gym pissed him off it. Unless I overthink it, I believe some of his fellow moids gave me disapproving looks for infringing the Gym Bro Code. Idk, my myopia doesn't care.
But then magically some other guys used the bench and the racks as if they'd been waiting for it as well but didn't man up to actually confront the guy or just move his shits like I did. And they dare use "pussy" as an insult for weakness?
Anyway, misandry is the way. Fight for space, you're more worthy of it than pathetic males. They're so used to their entitlement never being challenged that there's a good 85% chances they won't say shit. And don't let them trick you saying it's chivalry. I'm a gnc woman, I'm getting punched by men, not coddled by them. That's just being confused and scared of confidence in women who don't bother negotiating their spaces with them and who don't fake pretend to be their bros like men do when they interact with each other. Also, you don't need to abide by male rules or tacit codes/privileges of courtesy that somehow put them above everyone else/the community/you. That's male entitlement, not actually something you owe to respect. In fact, you'd do a great service to women if you challenged it as much as possible if that's not already the case. Make moids seeth and quit more instead of erasing yourself and waiting for them to kindly retreat.
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yes hello, @exxasperatedauthor posted a fic abt fox (let the sun in, I believe) and idk how but my adhd ran away with it, so here are my random thoughts and scenarios involving my OC that I have come up with since I read that fic a day or so ago
Nevaeh has to go to some boring Senate party for connections or whatever tf and the Corrie Guards are standing watch, but so is the 501st (idk bruh, just any reason for Rex, Fox, Riyo and Vae to be in the same room, alright?) Eventually, Nevaeh gets sick of it, so -- as you do -- she sneaks out of there with Rex to find a closet to make out in. They head for their regular one and basically stumble inside already kissing, not even bothering to turn the lights on. But Nevaeh hears/senses something, so she does break the kiss and turn the lights on only for Fox and Riyo to be interrupted mid-make-out-session. I'm talking his tounge in her mouth. And they just like. 👀👀👀 And slowly Fox and Riyo break the kiss. And they're just like,,,, Nevaeh slowly nods and looks up at Rex and then they both just 👍👍 "jup we approve" "You kids have fun, if you need us, we're one closet over. you know the one across the hall with the brooms" and fox and riyo (who only recently started dating and didn't know there were Others™) are still just like 👀👀👀
Nevaeh starts hosting a girls night for all those women who are dating men they shouldn't, bc of politics or jedi council bs. So Nevaeh and Rex, Padmé and Anakin, Satine and Obi-Wan, Riyo and Fox and any other matches that I might come up with during the writing of this fic. It's mostly just the girls sitting around drinking wine and talking abt their dumb, loving boyfriends and by the end of the night they are all too drunk to function and all the guys (who come to Vae's place to pick up the girls/Rex is there to hang with Vae) are just like "aw♥️" and put them to bed while they dissolve in giggles
on very rare occasions the men are invited to these parties and thats when shit hits the fan
one time all the guys were there, except for Anakin, and Padmé was pissed at him so Nevaeh (being slightly tipsy and knowing Anakin) goes:"Don't give him an inch. You best believe that if you let that man shanan once, he's gon shanan again." and everybody FUCKING LOOSES IT
"Padmé, write that down."
The next morning the ladies are all meeting at the Chancellors office (nursing a wicked hangover OR for extra funny, still drunk from last night and hiding it BADLY) for some political something something idk, yelling at him abt clone rights maybe? anyway they're waiting in that foyer room or whatever it is and suddenly Anakin barges in with Obi-Wan, and Rex and Cody and very quietly Nevaeh just says "Ah yes, the ShenAnakins have arrived." and everybody is just like "don't laugh, don't fucking laugh shit you guys stop THE CHANCELLOR JUST WALKED IN STOP LAUGHING SHIT"
and Obi-Wan and Rex didn't hear it, but they know exactly what happened and they just look at their girls trying not to loose their shit with the endearing puppy dog eyes
bonus: Fox was standing off to the side at attention bc he was on duty, but the women naturally gravitate towards him, bc he's Riyos boyfriend and therefore their friend anD HE HEARD AND HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE STANDING AT ATTENTION BUT HE'S LITERALLY INHALING HIS OWN TONGUE
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eri-lessthan3 · 8 months
Thanks for talking about queer erasure and then immediately performing bi-erasure by saying lesbians can be bisexual even though they're only attracted to women. I fucking hate you people. I've always been too straight for the gays and too gay for the straights, and now dickheads like you are invalidating all of us and taking away our own fucking identifying terms. You're taking away the ability to identify ourselves because you intentionally mess with the definition. The amount of times in recent memory that I've been thought of as a lesbian (because of this shit, outside of the usual amount) is too goddamned high.
Fuck you biphobic trash heaps. Wouldn't like it if I watered down other identifying terms, would you? I'm going to tell everyone that cishet men can be lesbians, and I will encourage them to take over lesbian spaces. I will encourage cis people to take over trans spaces. We allowed non-bisexuals to take over bisexual spaces, and I'm done with all of you as a result. I dealt with it when colonizers invaded my country, but this shit? Taking away my community and letting you colonize it? I'm done. Congratulations. You've won. Fuck you and fuck the lg'b't+ 'community'
What a fucking joke
you know, if you are so passionate about this then you could have at least sent this to the person that actually made the post, and not just some rando that reblogged it? (unless you have no life to the point of sending it to everyone involved)
Also this site once again proves that it has piss poor reading comprehension. How the fuck did you go from "Bisexual women can also call themselves lesbians; Lesbian ™ includes bi people; labels are tools, ones we should use for connection not division." to "lesbians can be bisexual even though they're only attracted to women".
Seriously the original post (not even from me!) was:
"How come bisexual men get to call themselves gay or bisexual interchangeably, but if bisexual woman calls herself a lesbian, she gets her whole upper body bitten off cartoonishly."
Also I would recommend grabbing yourself some nice tea to calm down and re-think all of this.
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