#but then realised their activism is as fake as they are
pensat-i-fet · 8 months
I see there is a new SJM book out this week so time for some "friendly reminders".
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
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@pigeonstab Oh this is fun to explore you're right
I tend to hc they don't know the story but they've picked up bits and pieces. Nightmare does not want to share, he'll avoid all attempts by others to ask about his past or what happened and he thinks he's done a fairly good job keeping them in the dark.
The problem is his boys are all Sanses. Classic Sans does not get his information by asking, he loves to read between the lines and make safe assumptions, and all his boys have a little bit of that still in them. So any time he's mentioned something off-hand or shown a bias towards one thing or another, they've been filing it away.
They don't know about his childhood (much) or what happened between him and Dream that caused all this, but they know he has a dubious past with mortals in some form and they assume it's to do with how he looks and that he feeds off negativity. They know he gets unnerved by large crowds and the sounds of apples crunching. They know he can't stand to see someone left alone in miserable circumstances.
But, alternatively, it would be really funny if he told them a fake story and they'd all been working off that the whole time
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hotasfahrenheit · 3 months
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Yak and I are fake boyfriends. Yes, we started like that. But you know something? Yak is a huge green flag for me.
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When I'm with Yak, I never question myself if I'm good enough. It's Yak who makes me realize how worthy I am.
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Right now Yak is my peace of mind. I still don't understand why I wasted those eight years with you. Because right now, I really love myself when I'm with Yak.
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Thank you, Yak, for coming into my life.
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It's my pleasure. Alright then. Let's go home.
[Wandee Gooddday, 1.09]
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plushri · 2 months
My phone broke and I don't feel like reinstalling all my apps on my temporary one while I wait for it to get fixed and maybe,.... I do not need the fitbit app to log my water in and check my daily sleep and steps and active minutes and...
#many thoughts....#I think I'll still wear it because I paid for it so I *will* be getting the most out of it#but once it's gone it's gone I won't get another#I tried to cut back a lot of my phone use like I have a modded instagram which only lets me access dms and don't have tumblr app#but just because a habit isn't “bad” (like mindless scrolling cat reels) doesn't mean it is “necessary”#like I truly do not need to reach for my phone and log my water everytime I finish my glass of water#why do I need to know how many steps I did or how many active minutes I got can I not#simply do my best to be active and healthy ? I wouldn't be any less active without it or care about my sleep less etc#why do I need an app to tell me I didn't get 8 hours sleep to allow myself to rest if I feel tired#can I not just take a rest when I feel I need it#I'm not trying to be fake deep I'm just realising how obsessed I am with this thing and for why??? I can do all these things myself#I actually might stop wearing it I mean it was £50 and I got 2 years out of it so that's pretty good#I don't know how long it would take to properly die#okay I just looked it up and it says 1-2 years?? what is everyone doing to their fitbits WHAT???#mine is perfectly fine I haven't noticed any decline it's got one scratch on the screen (I fell over)#hm not sure what to do#I might take it off for a week and see how we feel#I could probably give it to my sister#but then again I don't really want to explain all this to her and my mum lol#it would be easier to quietly stop wearing it...#nattering
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Side Effect
Summary: Miguel has been acting off lately and you find out why… the hard way.
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Feral Miguel. Rutting Miguel (side effect of the serum he takes). HEAVY breeding kink. Creampie. Fangs. Hormonal manipulation (mention of serums being injected).
You paced hurriedly through the long corridors of HQ determined to get an answer.
A proper one.
If Miguel O’Hara was growing tired of your casual relationship with him, he’d have to tell that to your face instead of avoiding you.
This had been going on for a couple of days, and you patience was now hanging by a thread. You had tried to reach him through your watch, but he’d either ignore you, or have Lyla come up with ridiculous excuses.
“Visiting Peter and MJ my ass,” you grumbled under you breath, your paces echoing loudly.
The moment you were met with the lab door shut, you stopped dead in your tracks.
That was weird.
Approaching the scanner on the wall, you reached out your arm, allowing the sensor to read your dimensional travel watch.
That was really weird.
You flicked your wrist again, but were met with the same message.
This had to be Miguel’s poor idea of a joke, because it made no sense that he’d restrict your access to the very place you worked at.
Letting out a strained breath, you tapped on your watch, hoping to reach Miguel.
But it was Lyla’s orange hologram that emerged instead.
“What’s up, sugar?” she beamed happily, filing her nails.
You scowled. “I was calling Miguel.”
“He has redirected every contact to me,” she shrugged, checking each nail individually.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Why can’t I get in?”
“That’s classified.”
She nodded with an obnoxious smile that only served to grind your nerves. “I work here.”
“So does Miguel and he is working now,” she said with another shrug.
Anger flared inside you as your worst fears were confirmed.
He was avoiding you in particular.
“Can you just open the door?”
Her eyes narrowed behind her heart-shapped glasses. “No.”
“I really need to talk to him.”
Adjusting her long coat, she clicked her tongue. “I can pass him a message.”
That wasn’t good enough and he would just ignore it as usual.
“Lyla…” you started, putting on your most convincing fake smile with an equally forced sweet voice to match. “You know I’ve always like you, right?”
The AI scoffed. “Nah, flattery doesn’t work on me, sugar. It wasn’t programmed into my coding,” she grinned deviously. “But you’re free to suggest that Miguel adds it in a future patch.”
You shot her a death glare. “Fine. Just… tell him I’m here and… yeah…” your voice trailed off.
She winked. “Gotcha!”
The hologram disappeared at once and you were left staring at the large metal door in front of you.
You waited for a couple of minutes, before realising she wasn’t coming back with an answer, as you had expected.
A random thought crossed your mind when your eyes landed on the scanner, reminding you that there was another way in.
Miguel would probably get really angry that you were about to activate the emergency protocol, but you couldn’t care less at this point.
Tapping the pattern onto the pad above the scanner, you couldn’t help but to feel victorious as the door swung open, alarms blaring and a mechanical voice echoing through the lab.
“Emergency protocol activated. Proceed with caution.”
You only made it a few steps past the door, before something — or rather someone — flung you across the room with the weight of their body keeping you pinned against a wall.
A muscled forearm was at your throat, effectively caging you in.
“What the fuck?”
“Emergency protocol activated. Proceed with caution.”
The red alarm lights rotated hurriedly on the ceiling, but you were able to identify Miguel, as his weight dug further into you.
“What are you doing here?” he growled, the eyes on his mask narrowing menacingly.
Something wasn’t right.
Your spider senses detected an alarming accelerated heart rate from him, as well as increased body temperature.
“Miguel, let go! It’s me,” you grunted, clawing at his arm to alleviate the pressure.
“I know it’s you,” he said lowly, the digital mask vanishing.
From the corner of your eyes you saw him baring his fangs, droplets of paralysing poison dripping.
His pupils were fully blown and you felt fear rise inside you. “What are you doing?!”
As if your voice had managed to snap him out of it, he eased the pressure on you and took a few steps back.
“Lyla, deactivate the emergency protocol and resume the serum synthesis.”
“Got it, Miguel!”
The alarm was turned off immediately and silence took place.
Your breath was coming out in shallow pants, as you tried to make sense of what had just happened.
Was he that angry that he had gone completely feral?
“Miguel… what…”
He turned his back on you and paced to a nearby centrifuge, the screen atop announcing: <DNA stabilising sequence at 24%>
What was he doing?
“Can we just talk?” you said, still keeping your distance. “I don’t know why you’re avoiding me, but barring my access-“
Miguel turned around to face you, a deep scowl had settled on his face, twisting his lips.
The glare he gave you was enough to send shivers down your spine.
“I need you gone. Now.”
Fuck. Was he that over you that he couldn’t even stand your presence around?
He had shortened the distance between you two, crimson eyes never leaving yours.
“Why? If you don’t want to be with me just say that,” you groaned in frustration. “Don’t stare at me like you’re about to split me in half. It won’t work.”
Miguel had effectively managed to have your back hit the nearby wall once more, just from the weight of his stare alone.
“I told you to leave. I can’t have you around me.”
“Oh, great!” you scoffed. “Thanks for being so direct.”
Miguel didn’t stop moving until his face was only a few inches away from yours. “You don’t get it.”
“You’re right. I don’t. We’re both adults, so you could have just said this a couple of days ago instead of acting like I’m some nuisance.”
His hand came to grip your jaw and you widened your eyes. “You’re on birth control, right?”
He took a deep breath, fangs grazing his lower lip. “Answer me.”
“Yes. Of course.”
Wait… was he scared that he might have knocked you up?
His fingers loosened and he pressed his forehead to the wall right beside your head, groaning out loud.
“Miguel… what is going on?”
You wanted to him a comfort squeeze on his arm, but were too frozen to move.
“Why… why do you have to be on birth control?”
Was he pulling your leg? Was this his twisted version of a joke?
This time, you frowned. “What do you mean why? I don’t want to get unexpectedly pregnant.”
Miguel punched the wall with such force it dented the material and making you jolt.
“I’m rutting.”
Your eyes darted to his face as he straightened up, pupils still dilated and beads of sweat rolling down his temples.
“What… rutting?” you asked, mouth dropping open in confusion.
He growled impatiently. “Side effect of my serum. I usually have an antidote at hand when this happens, but I ran out of one of the components…” he paused briefly as if struggling to breath properly. “I had to go to Peter B’s Earth to get more.”
Oh. So that hadn’t been one of Lyla’s ridiculous lies.
You glanced over at the nearby screen:
<DNA stabilising sequence at 34%>
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” you asked, wanting to bring him some comfort somehow. “We’ve been together for a few months.”
“It was never necessary. I always had the neutraliser for my serum at hand.”
You bit your lip.
He let out a low dark chuckle. “You have no idea how badly I’ve been wanting to breed you.”
This definitely wasn’t something you were expecting to hear from Miguel O’hara himself, and it made your heart skip a beat.
His arms were caging you, his talons digging deep into the metal right next to your head.
“Is… huh… is there anything I can do?” you asked in a whisper. “I mean… in the lab.”
He pressed his lower half into you at once. “Let me breed you.”
You flinched as his hard cock dug into your crotch and you let out a gasp.
“Can’t you just wait for the synthesis to be over?”
The sound of the metal being shredded tore through your ears and his lips nearly brushed yours. “I told you to leave, but you’re too stubborn, aren’t you?”
His breath was hot and you felt goosebumps rise throughout your body.
“Always running that mouth,” he growled, eyes landing on your lips. “Always defying me… and now I really, really need to breed you.”
For some twisted reason, his words and cock twitching against you were slowly swallowing your mind, causing you to abandon reason.
Miguel was a very dedicated lover, but you had never witnessed such yearning from him.
That was a novelty and it was doing wonders to your ego.
Even if there was a scientific explanation, you could help but plant a soft kiss on his cheek. “You can’t breed me… I’m on birth control.”
His hand came to grip your chin again and you saw anger flicker in his eyes. “There’s ways around that.”
Your eyes widened.
He wasn’t being serious…
… was he?
The grip tightened and he rolled his hips. “Let me. Please.”
You knew exactly what he was talking about. He had developed a serum that would neutralise all hormonal manipulation as a way to reset your body in case a spider needed to be injected with a serum.
You had helped him develop it.
Its efficacy neared 90%.
You guessed this neutraliser wasn’t able to prevent the side effects from his very specific serum.
And now he wanted to use it on you, so he could successfully breed you.
“Are you sure?” you asked, not sure why agreeing to this in the first place was sending such an adrenaline rush through your veins.
Miguel moved away from you, bolting to one of the desks, rummaging through the drawers.
You swallowed hard, but remained glued to the wall, heart hammering fast in your chest.
<DNA stabilising sequence at 41%>
In a blink of an eye, he was on you again, holding the syringe in his trembling hand. “I’m desperate, but I need your words first.”
You clenched and felt wetness spilling from you.
How was this so arousing?
“What words?”
He moved to place a quivering kiss to your forehead and you saw the liquid wobble inside the container.
“That’s… not the compound we synthesised.”
“It’s more than that,” he said with another kiss. “It stimulates your ovaries.”
Oh… fuck.
He trailed kisses down your face, before pecking your lips. “I have to breed you. Successfully.”
Your legs nearly gave out at his confession and you nearly moaned as he ripped your suit to gain access to your bicep.
“Tell me I can do this.”
His cock was nudging you again as a reminder of his desire, and you nodded.
“No. Say it.”
He was rubbing your skin with his thumb right where he intended to inject the serum.
“Go ahead.”
“Gracias,” he whispered, planting another kiss to your forehead.
At this point, you were far too drunk in lust to think clearly and your lips parted in a pained moaned as you felt a sharp jab in your arm. He kept his lips on you as reassurance, as the liquid tore through your muscle.
Your heartbeat skyrocketed straight away.
You felt your knees buckle under you, but Miguel steadied you with both arms. “I got you.”
A gasp quickly turned into a moan as the effect of the serum consumed you with each passing second.
He trailed his hands down your body and gripped your hips.
“Turn around.”
You let him guide you, biting down hard on your lower lip, you panties sticking to your soaked folds.
More ripping sounds filled the air as Miguel tried to get rid of your suit, exposing your underwear to him.
You balled your fists and felt one hand on your lower back, adding light pressure. “Bend over.”
Doing as commanded, you felt more wetness spill from you as your body readied itself for Miguel.
The pressure increased. “More.”
Your panties were torn apart right away and you glanced over your shoulder, catching a glimpse of Miguel’s fangs peeking through his lips.
His thumb dragged along your folds, teasing your swollen clit and earning a whimper from you.
“Sorry, but I really need to be inside you,” he grumbled and you nodded.
Your heart skipped several beats, as you tried to control your breathing in anticipation.
The tip of his cock was soon pressed against your opening, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“I’m sorry.”
Before you could inquire what he meant, your mouth fell open as he rammed inside you, bottoming out at once.
He didn’t wait for your to recover from the initial shock, and began pumping into you so ferociously, you had to grab a hold on the metal railing to your right to keep yourself from losing balance.
Miguel heaved a heavy sigh of relief as if he had been waiting a lifetime for this sensation.
Grunts and groans mixed with the wet sounds of your pussy engulfing his cock over and over again.
“Should have bred you sooner…” he managed to say in between snaps of his hips. “Developed that serum just for you…”
Miguel’s idea of dirty talk was effective. Too effective, because you couldn’t hold back from clenching hard around him, savoring the friction and feel of being stuffed full of him.
He picked up the pace and you thought you were going to die.
Not because it was uncomfortable, but because it was too overwhelming, and your body was responding to his in a way you had never experienced before.
You felt your lower abdomen coil at the sides and figured the serum had reached its target destination.
Miguel gripped both your arms and you let go of the railing, as he tugged hard to have your back smack against his hard chest.
“You’re so lucky this rut didn’t hit me harder,” he growled, hips never faltering. “I was barely able to control myself around you…”
Your eyes fluttered shut and you moaned loudly, feeling his pectoral muscles press into your back. This man was too hot and you found yourself thinking that not being bred by him would be a waste.
That genetic material deserved to be spread.
“Being on birth control with me…” he said through gritted teeth, and you felt his fangs nipping your ear lightly. “You. Deserve. To. Be. Bred.” he punctuated each word with a snap of his hips.
An intense wave of pleasure pulsated from your clit, and you recognised the familiar strings of an orgasm pulling you in and embracing you gentle with each stroke.
“Miguel…” you moaned, blinded by lust and desire.
The grip on your arms loosened briefly and he let your torso lean forward ever so slightly, angling your hips in a way that made him his cock hit you over and over again just where you needed the most.
“I want you full with my babies,” he gasped.
Your orgasm hit you with such force, you thought you were going to collapse and slide off his cock, but he wrapped one arm around you, not allowing you to part from him.
“You feel so good… tighter… tighter,” he urged, as your walls contracted around him rhythmically, faintly at first, but the next stronger than the one before.
You were far too gone to form any words and just let your lips part as an intense moan ripped through your throat.
Miguel was mumbling something behind you, but you couldn’t make out any words as you descended from your height.
Even through quivering legs and pulsing clit, you were able to feel it.
He was now pumping you full with broken snaps of his hips.
You glanced down and saw strings of cum dripping from where he was connected with you.
So much cum.
He wasn’t even slowing down, as he’d usually do at this stage.
Miguel kept on ramming into you from behind, sending more and more cum to drip from within you.
An animalistic growl left his mouth as he finally came to a halt, breathing hard.
He remained balls deep inside you, and you planted on hand on the wall to look in absolute awe at the cum dripping and dangling from your clit, a pool of it now at your feet.
“How did you cum so much?” you managed to say in between laboured breaths.
“I’m rutting, cariño. My body produces more,” he said, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck.
You glanced to the screen nearby.
<DNA stabilising sequence at 100%>
“Maybe you can take the neutraliser now?
He slid his cock out of you halfway, before slamming it back, and you felt more cum spill out. “I don’t think so.”
Oh, you were utterly fucked.
In every sense of the word.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You and Talia discuss your teams
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You had always been smart.
You don't think either of your mothers had predicted just how smart you would become but it was a welcome surprise for all three of you.
You knew more languages than some people could dream off. You thrived at school. You had a degree from Cambridge. You'd just completed your coaching license.
Which is how you ended up in this situation.
You flick your pencil over at Talia. "Fuck you!" You laugh," I wanted her!"
You had no idea who had cooked up such a strange idea but they did.
A charity match.
Two teams of twenty-two players.
Eleven active players.
Eleven retired players.
With the list of people signed up in your hands, you don't know why you and Talia were chosen as the coaches but you were, so the two of you were trying to decide which players you wanted and which players you didn't.
Talia sticks her tongue out at you. "Isabella would prefer to be on my team."
"Fine," You declare, eyes skimming down your list of current players. If Talia could choose her national teammate then you would too. "I want Marika."
Talia's face goes cloudy and you know you've just pinched a player that she wanted.
"We could swap," You tease and she rolls her eyes, throwing back your pencil.
"No chance!"
It's easy enough to secure your eleven active players. Most of them you know personally, some national teammates, some club teammates and a few of the girls you used to play with on the Denmark youth team.
You're happy with your choices. You can make it work.
The harder part was choosing your eleven retired players.
One name sticks out to you.
"You can have her," You say, reaching onto the table to grab a strawberry lace from the pile.
You're both on opposite ends of the sofa, legs stretched out as you go through the lists.
Talia knows exactly who you're talking about.
"No," She says with a sweet smile that's incredibly fake," You can have her, really."
You click your tongue. "No, I insist. It's a bonding opportunity. Take her."
"No, really. I can't take this opportunity away from you. I-"
"It's fine. I'm taking Momma."
"We didn't discuss that!"
"I get Momma. You get Morsa. There. Discussion done."
Maybe it's a little bit of sabotage on your part, saddling Morsa and Talia on the same team but you never said you would go easy on her.
"She was a world class centreback," You tease and Talia sighs.
"You're right," She says," I'm sure she'll have no problems keeping Pernille quiet." Her finger goes down the list. "I want Aitana."
You grin. "You just don't want Alexia. What? Think you can't boss her around like she does you?"
"That woman is scary," Talia says," I can admit that. I don't need her judging my tactics."
You shiver a little. You hadn't thought of that.
"Do you want Zećira?"
You freeze. You hadn't realised Zećira was on the list until you'd gotten to the very bottom.
Zećira had been your idol for years. You'd just adored her. She was the reason you were a keeper in the first place.
When you were younger, all you wanted to do was grow up quick enough so you could play with her.
"No," You say," You can have her."
Talia frowns. "Are you sure?"
You nod. "Yes. You can have her."
Zećira is your idol and always will be.
When you were younger, you wanted to be just like her. Now, you want to be better than her.
You'll never play against Zećira yourself but this is the closest you'll ever get to going against her.
"Thanks," Talia says," You can have Patri, if you want."
"I'll take her."
The keys jingle as they're pressed into your front door and Prins comes barrelling in, leaping up onto the sofa to give you kisses.
Pernille and Magda slip in after him.
"Everything sorted out?" Pernille asks as she takes in the papers scattered around.
"Done," Talia confirms," Squads are announced in a few days and then a one week training camp before the match."
Pernille smiles. "I look forward to seeing who's coaching me."
"Us," Magda cuts in," Coaching us."
You and Talia exchange looks.
"You separated us?"
You shrug. "It's football, Morsa," You tease," I'm sure you understand."
Magda's mouth hangs open for a moment and Kung gets annoyed when he notices she's stopped stroking his ears.
He thumps his foot angrily on the floor, the only noise over Magda's obvious shock.
Her eyes dart between you and Talia.
"No," She says as you both laugh," You're kidding."
"It's a good bonding opportunity." You blow her a kiss. "Didn't you tell me you wanted to see what Talia's like as a coach?"
"Close your mouth, Magda," Pernille laughs," You'll catch flies."
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flamingoofeathers · 2 months
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pairings: bridget x fem!reader
summary: tired out of your mind, you confessed to Bridget.
genre: fluff
one-shot; wc: 1.2k
main masterlist bridget masterlist
a/n: i apologise for not posting yesterday but i did not feel well bc of the heat, like what the fuck, why is it so hot, but here i am with a one shot for the lovely Bridget, because i am down bad for this girl both the character and the actress, Ruby Rose Turner…the woman that you are.
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It had been a long day or rather, a long week for you. Midterms were coming and you were panicking, studying never came easy for you, so you have to study twice as hard than everyone else to receive a passing grade, which caused you to cram all night long, with no sleep, while during the day, as student body president, you were required to patrol the halls and then di extra curricular activities, you didn’t have time to study at all during daylight.
By the end of the week, you were like a walking corpse, eye bag clinging to your under eyes, slouching not caring whether you were about to bump into something or someone.
Friday afternoon, walking to your after school club, dragging your feet with your eyes barely staying open, to others you look like zombie, some students looked at you with worry but none cared enough to actually help you that is until you bumped into a certain bubbly pink haired girl.
The sound of a falling metal tray startled you, watching the seen in front of you, you panicked when you saw a bunch of pink cupcakes on the floor, looking back at the girl, she just looked at at you horrified.
“Bridget! Oh my god, i am SO SO SORRY!” You said apologetically as you were about to lean down to grab the fallen tray and cupcake a hand grab at your forearms stopping you, you look up to see Bridget’s worried eyes.
“Y/n? Are you ok?” Bridget asked, you were confused as to what she was talking about.
“Yeah? Why?”
“Your eyes..” realising what she was talking about, you immediately pulled your arm away from her hand, grabbed the cupcakes and the tray before handing it back to her hurriedly.
“Im sorry again” you said before rushing away from, sudden burst of adrenaline from embarrassing yourself in front of your crush.
How can you forget about the eyebags surrounding your eyes, you almost look like Hook with his eyeliner from how dark your eyebags are.
After basically running to the fashion club, you were even more exhausted than before, causing you to poke yourself self while sewing a shirt, it would’ve been fine if it happened once or twice, but as the hour passed, the other members couldn’t help but look at you everytime you say “ow”.
“Y/n? You good, girl?” The club president asked, but you didnt hear her.
“Y/n? Y/n!” The president shook you wake when she noticed you actually had your eyes closed while using the machine.
“Wa-what?” You said blinking your eyes back open.
“Y/n, i think you should go get some sleep”
You fake chuckled “whaaat? Im fine, im totally awake” you said activating the machine again but your eyes began to close once more.
“Nope, you’re not, c’mon” the president said before grabbing you and dragging you out of the room with you mumbling protests, it was clear very very crystal clear that you were exhausted.
The president was silently scolding for not taking care of yourself but once you reached the courtyard, you felt as if you were handed to another pair of arms, much softer arms and mmmm they smell good too.
The only part you heard of their conversation was “i’ll take care of her” before you were once again dragged away.
You looked drunk from how much you were stumbling and babbling about being “super awake and super energised” you heard the person carrying you chuckle and you recognised it as Bridget’s laugh, but you didnt have the energy to even blush around her.
As she guided you back to your dorm, she scolded you about needing to manage your time better and taking better care of yourself which made you sulk a bit.
When you arrived in front of your dorm, you were already passed out in her arms, making it hard for her to ask you for the keys of your dorm so she checked your pockets and that made you giggle in your sleep.
"𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘴" you said murmuring.
Bridget chuckled opening your door. She guided you to your bed, making sure to lay you down carefully but what you said made her drop you to your bed but you didn’t even realise as you close your eyes snuggling into your blanket.
"𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙞 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩?" 𝘯𝘰. 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵.
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The next day you woke up more active and aware of your surroundings, but what made you confused is why Bridget is talking to you and blush-y around you, not that you minded of course, you just don’t know why.
It went on for the rest of the day, she was happily talking to her, so she confronted her about it.
“Bridget, im sorry, why are you talking to me?” You said, and the girl suddenly looked confused and hurt.
“Not that i mind, of course, in fact i enjoy it a-lot, its just…you never really talked to me this much before, did something happen?” You defended immediately.
“Well, yesterday you said-“ she hesitated noticing the confused look on your face “ you know what, nevermind” she said smiling but you can see that it wasn’t a genuine one.
“Im just gonna go” she said attempting to leave but you grabbed her wrist.
“No, please tell me what i said yesterday” you were dreading to know what you said.
“Um, well….you said you liked me, but you were totally buzzed out yesterday so i understand that you didn’t really mean it, so no worries” she hurried say with nervousness in her voice.
“Oh. My. God. Bridget, i am so sorry, i didn’t want to confess that way.” You said blushing, embarrassed about your actions from yesterday “you know, you can totally reject me immediately, you don’t have to let me down slowly or whatnot, i don’t want to force you to hang out with me, just because you know i like you” you said apologetically.
“No, y/n, i li-“ Bridget said.
“You’re too kind that you cant even say it, oh my goddd, i totally get it, no hard feelings, you dont have to say it, im gonna go now so- yeah” you said turning around to leave.
The next thing you knew, lips were pressed against yours. Your eyes widen at the sudden situation, you saw Bridget with her eyes closed ACTUALLY kissing you.
'𝘰𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘥. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬' you thought and when the situation finally registered in your brain you kissed back and you felt her smile against your lips.
When you pulled away, you looked at her shocked “𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙪𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙠..." you whispered while touching your lips making her chuckle.
She grabbed both of your hands as she stepped closer to you.
“I like you too, silly” she said bashfully.
“Oh my god, you’re so cute” you said dazed making her blush.
“Aren’t you going to ask me?” Bridget said fidgeting with her hands.
“Ask you?” Youre brain was NOT working at all.
“To be your girlfriend?” She smiled shyful.
“Oh-“ you were short circuiting “oh!” you cleared your throat.
“Bridget, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me and becoming my girlfriend?” You smiled.
“YES! YES! YES!” She squealed hugging you “i’ve been dreaming of that question for so long”
"𝙞 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪"
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
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pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
reblobs appreciated :))
The TV was on in the background, a comfort sitcom playing as you scrolled through your socials endlessly. Bored now you opened messages, pressing on your only pinned contact, Bucky.
''hey, wyd'' you sent only seconds before it told you he'd read it, and then his contact photo flashed up because he was calling you. You groaned internally because you hated talking on the phone, it was so awkward for no reason and you could never figure out if it was your turn to speak or not. You answered;
“Hi, dollface” Bucky knew the effect that name had on you and you could see him smirk as he saw your cheeks heat up.
“Bucky you know I don’t like talking over the phone.. that’s why I texted you!” You groaned and he only laughed in response.
“Missed that pretty face of yours” His smile along with those words made you hide your face in your knees which were bent up against your chest.
“Don’t go shy on me, baby..” He laughed enjoying how flustered you got because of him “let me see my girl.” He cooed. Begrudgingly you lifted your now flushed face to look back at the screen to see his victorious grin.
“There she is” He smiles. “How come you texted me?” He does you a solid and changes the subject.
“I’m bored” You frown dramatically which Bucky finds so endearing.
“You’re bored?” he smiles “You know i’m on a mission right? A very important top secret mission”
“If it’s so important then why are you on your phone!” You furrow your eyebrows at him “and, why’d you call me” you all but grin.
Bucky is laughing before sighing “Well Sam is on patrol right now, looking for any activity and I thought I would use my break and be a great boyfriend and check on my girl. But if you don’t wanna talk to me then I guess i’ll hang up..” He dramatically rolls his eyes and in the camera you can see his hand going towards the screen.
“No!” You squeal and he smiles at your reaction.
“No?” He smirks.
“Please don’t hang up, if you do I might die of boredom and then you wouldn’t have a girlfriend anymore” Shaking your head you sigh.
“Well we can’t have that..” He holds back his laugh “I guess i’ll save you from the impending doom of boredom”
“Aren’t you sweet!” You smile
“Not as sweet as you my angel” This makes you blush once again and he chuckles.
“Stop doing that” You respond quietly as your face is still red.
“Stop doing what, doll?” Bucky plays dumb knowing this will only invoke you further.
“Don’t play dumb, you know what you’re doing” You glare down the phone at him.
“I’m not playing dumb. Tell me, what am I doing sweetheart?” That shit eating grin is back on his face. You groan. “You’re cute when you’re flustered” He retorts.
“Shut up!” You hide your face once again in embarrassment and hear his booming laugh on the other end of the phone, music to your ears.
“Okay, fine. I’ll stop I promise!” You’re sure he’s lying “Just take your face out of your knees?” As you do so you see the pout he’s sporting that quickly turns into a smile when he sees you again.
“My pretty girl” Bastard. You try to remain expressionless, the blush on your neck and cheeks betraying you.
“Yes, dollface?” Hes having so much fun.
A smile is threatening to break through your facade.
“Is your boredom cured yet?” He asks, to which you realise it is, because he has flustered you so much you are now overwhelmed rather than bored.
“Actually.. yeah.” You nod.
Bucky furrows his brows “Where is my thank you? I saved you from the grim reaper of boredom” He fakes an angry expression.
“Thank you, baby.” You respond with a smile seeing his cheeks redden a bit.
“You’re welcome, lyubov. (my love)”
The both of you seemed to fall into a comfortable silence as you just looked at each other through your phones for a few minutes until a sound came from Bucky’s end.
“Sam’s back. I have to go” A sadness tainted his voice.
“I love you, stay safe i’ll see you soon” You blew a kiss to him through the screen.
“I love you too, doll” He imitated catching the kiss and smiled then hung up, leaving you to stare at your phone wallpaper of the both of you making silly faces on one of your first dates.
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 6 months
I liked how wholesome the ending of Dad’s friend Nat getting R pregnant 🥹. Should do a follow up where Nat and R run away together, maybe to somewhere in Russia
(Un)pleasant surprise pt.2
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: fem!reader x dads!bestfriend!Nat
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲: After telling your father about your pregnancy, things don’t go as planned, so your girlfriend steals you away
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: pure fluff, teaser to smut
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional. I do not own these characters!
𝐀/𝐍: I normally don’t do part 2 but I just love these two so I couldn’t pass. (This was in my inbox for months now)
𝐌.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
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“Baby” you whined upon being woken up yet another time by your crying little one. “Don’t worry darling I’m already on it” Natasha mumbled slipping our of your shared king sized bed to take our new born into her arms. Seeing you and your daughter, Victoria, together made your heart melt. She hushed the little girl gently cradling her from side to side.
Rolled onto your back admiring the woman of your dreams in the gentle sun of the morning hours. “She’s perfect” Nat mumbled still in an awe of having a little her around. She couldn’t believe her luck in her age she already befriend the thought of never having an offspring herself. Her smile only got wider when the baby grew more tired again eventually falling asleep against her chest.
She settled down again next to you the head of your daughter still at your chest. “She looks just like you” She stated and you sat up again whispering to not wake Victoria up. “Oh please” you laughed “she’s only a couple of months old she just looks like a baby” Nat disagreed pulling you closer to her. “Absolutely not bunny, she might be small but she already has your eyes” She kissed your forehead and you asked yourself if you would ever grow tired of having her around.
If someone had told you a year ago that you’d find your peace in the middle of the woods in Russia, you would’ve thought someone had murdered and buried you there. But no you soon realised thar there was no better past time activity than to watch you toned girlfriend chop wood. Watching how her muscles flex when she sung the axe, watching her sweat in her wifebeater while you sat at the porch with a cup of tea in hands.
Officially you were reported missing in the states, after telling your father about your pregnancy he was furious. He tretend to beat Natasha up if she ever even thought about coming close to you ever again. He didn’t understand your love, he thought Natasha had pressured you into sleeping with her and it made you sick. She was the woman you loved, the mother of your first born baby, the person you loved the most. So when one day she approached you after a long day of arguing with your father you didn’t think twice before agreeing to leave it all behind with you.
“Don’t you have something to do or are you going to gawk the whole day at me” She asked in a teasing tone her hands sliding over the handle of the axe. “Mhm” you hum taking another sip of the mint tea in your hands “just cooking for tonight and that’s it. So I still have enough time to admire you” She chuckled at your response before going back to chopping the wood.
“Tastes delicious” Natasha hummed upon licking over the spoon she had previously dipped into the stew. “It’s not done yet” You huffed in a faked annoyance “but I can’t wait to taste it jus like I can’t wait to taste you” she grinned and got behind me kissing up my neck which forced a small whimper from my throat. “Nat the food is gonna burn” you warned her only to be silenced by her lips on yours.
“Let it” she mumbled against you sweet lips before pushing you up on the kitchen counter. How how you loved her.
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mystical-one · 10 months
music conspiracy tumblr in 1967
🎸 blondeonblonde1966 Follow
lets be honest bob dylans ass did NOT get into a motorcycle crash like he didnt even try to make it real. there was literally no ambulance no records of the crash NOTHING. shes sucha faker but i respect it
💀 cranberry-sauce Follow
he was jealous of paul mccartney
🎸 blondeonblonde1966 Follow
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🍓 wheres-the-bus Follow
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Paul McCartney, 1942-1966
7,235 notes
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🐒 clarrksvilleee Follow
why does michael nesmith seem so hostile towards peter tork irl...honestly i think they should settle it like men and make love in the green grass like god intended
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🎹 catch61 Follow
honestly i cant believe people are still dumb enough to be watching/posting about the m*nkees. i will fucking block you. it is literally appropriating youth culture and monetising it for their own gain ffs
🎹 catch61 Follow
SOMEONE JUST TOLD ME THEY LOCK THE ACTORS IN A MEAT LOCKER BETWEEN TAKES COME ON 😭😭 have any of you realised that you are actively giving money to a studio thats literally evil. i dont care about the actors or their stupid fake music but come onnnn
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🍒 tuttifrutti reblogged valleyofthedollies
🍓 wheres-the-bus
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Paul McCartney, 1942-1966
#HES LITERALLY ALIVE?? #what the fuck is going on rn
7,235 notes
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💊 valleyofthedollies Follow
woke up today and everyone is posting that paul mccartney died..i dont want to believe it but theres so much evidence for it :(
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🎱 coffeecolouredcadillac Follow
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10.8k notes
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mylifestylearedilfs · 4 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ joost klein x tinder date!reader ࿐ྂ
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ OCEAN EYES (part two) : smut but not a vulgar one ; fluff ; use of alcohol ; imagine ; all is fictional ; english is not my first language
(part one)
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ YOU DIDN’T KNEW if your boldness was the effect of mixing alcohol with marihuana or it was your natural instinct, when you felt comfortable with someone. when you will be sober again, you probably will regret everything you have done that night but right now you didn’t want to overthink your actions, because it would be pointless, the possible worry and consequences will be your issues for tomorrow.
you were tired and bored of your love life, so when a pretty blonde boy showed up, you couldn’t miss the opportunity. even if this would be the last time you see joost, you needed to make use of the chance that the universe or whoever gave you, otherwise you would have remorses.
you lived in peaceful neighbourhood, with a lot of old ladies, who were interested in your life more than you were. you already that tomorrow you will be hearing a lot of gossips about your sexual activity. you both entered your modest house, and before you could say anything, you felt his wet lips on your neck. letting out little chuckle, you turned around to face him and before your lips connect you quietly said:
“i never go to bed on the first date” as a response you only heard his laugh, that you slowly started to love.
“me too, guess there’s always place for first time” he said with smile, finally connecting your lips. your tongue fluttered against his, as his hands were in the softness of your hair, both of you smiled during passionate making out. then the realisation of how much you missed the physical touch of other person, of course you were able to please yourself on your own but it never was enough. you started leading him to your bedroom, which was a small basic room, with a single bed, a dresser, and a lot of celebrities posters on the wall.
he pulled out from the kiss, making you sit on soft mattress, with his knee slighting between your thighs, he opened them a little bit making space for himself to kneel in front of you. you leaned in and kissed him passionately again, second later you could feel his hand pulling up your dress gently squeezing your breasts through the bra material. you were actually surprised how subtle he was, for some reason you expected him to be more harsh and maybe even selfish, but you were glad that you had a wrong impression.
after helping him with taking your dress and unnecessary bra off, you felt his warm kisses all over your breast. as his lips stimulated your nipples, your fingers were in his hair, slowly pulling up some strands. it felt different than the rest of hookups you had in the past, it wasn’t like a quick sex with guy that attach himself to you in a bar. they never were paying attention to your pleasure, focusing only to their needs.
you smiled at joost as he undressed quickly undressed himself, standing in nothing but his underwear. you bite your lip, admiring his beautiful body; you never was a fan of fake muscular types of build, so you were glad that he kept it natural. with the move of your finger you invited him to came closer again, you already were missing his touch. he kissed you more rougher but still passionate and made you lay down on the matters, as he was on top of your body.
after leaving the trail of messy kisses all over your belly, he started kissing your inner thighs as you moaned quietly biting your lower lip.
“what about you? you make it all about myself” you said as your breath started to speed up.
“tonight let’s focus on you, babygirl” he said with smirk, and you could only let out a shaky sigh. you couldn’t believe that you met your perfect man on this freaking app, you definitely will leaving a five starts on app store after this night.
slowly he took off your panties and brought his middle finger down and slid it gently over your folds. you threw your head back with louder ‘oh god’ on your lips. seeing your reaction he did it again, this time his fingertip slipping between your needy wetness; he found your clit and started rubbing it in circles. all you could do was cried out against his lips, saying his name from time to time.
“stop playing, i’m not a patient person” you said with need in your voice and he only chuckled, taking his underwear as well. after a second he finally slipped inside your pussy. you gasped surprised how perfect he fitted your body, after all those random guys, you forgot how good sex could be. neither of you spoke. you had one hand in his blonde hair, the other slowly stroking his back.
“god, don’t stop” you whimpered, after hearing your needy voice he started to move inside you with more confidence. you moaned, and with your hands you took his face and with a little smile you were just looking him in his beautiful ocean eyes.
"you’re making me crazy" he gasped, as you chuckled and put your lips against his ear, whispering his name like a mantra.
you felt too comfortable with joost, you were expecting that after they would finish, there will be awkwardness. but now all you cared about was the pleasure that he was giving you. you felt how your climax was close, which was unbelievable, because you never came that fast with anyone. feeling how you clenched around him, he started to move even faster, which surprisingly was still possible. after the strong orgasm hit you, he carefully pulled out; stroking his length for a couple more seconds he come on your naked tummy. as soon as they both were done and pleased, you hugged him tightly, sending him the biggest smile.
“you will stay, right?” you said with hope.
“of course” he simply said, kissing your temple with little smile. “so, you want round two?” after hearing his words all you did was laughed, but how you say no to him?
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ as i said smuts aren’t my thing to normally write, so they won’t be that popular on my blog. but anyways thank you for attention! hope you liked it!
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lampochkaart · 2 months
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More post-game shenanigans
Don't tag as ship, please
I think Kokichi and Shuichi will be kinda cold to each other after the game. Of course, they won’t fully hate each other, and over time they will even just start being neutral towards each other, but I just can’t imagine them being very close and friendly.
Although Kokichi obviously was interested in Shuichi in the beginning, the feelings weren't mutual. It was Ouma who was running after him all the time. Saihara appeared somewhat interested at times, but never really tried to chase after him. And as the Game progressed, Shuichi became more and more displeased and annoyed with him rather than intrigued. Kokichi, too, as I see it, gradually began to lose interest in him, realizing that Shuichi is not really the kind of person he was looking for.
They had a big conflict in Ch.4 and after that they didn't interact much with each other. In Ch.5 Kokichi only appeared for a short moment to convince everyone to use the electro-hammers to see the outside world, and then to declare himself Mastermind. At the Class Trial, Shuichi was no longer talking with Kokichi, but with Kaito, pretending to be him. Still, Shuichi talked with him mainly on business. He ended up foiling his and Kaito's plan because he didn't want to believe that his friend was dead, so he failed to notice the big picture. It's likely that he didn't heed the warnings that "Kokichi" gave several times during the Trial, because... well, they were coming from Kokichi. Or maybe he thought that Kaito was manipulated by Kokichi and by uncovering his plan he would realise how to help Kaito.
And in Chapter 6, even after what Kaito explained, Shuichi still spoke neutral and reserved about Kokichi, both during the investigation and at the Trial.
I think that after the Game, Kokichi won't deliberately drop his fake cheerfulness for him, but his comments towards Shuichi will be mostly sarcastic and caustic. As a result of both the loss of interest in him and his words in Chapter 4, and him ruining the plan in Chapter 5. Shuichi will probably talk to Kokichi rather cautiously and somewhat coolly.
However, over time, they will reconcile due to the reason named Kaito, who will not only be a common factor in their lives, but will actively push them towards reconciliation.
I really like Shuichi and Kokichi's dynamic of some hostility. There's something fun about them interacting in a pointedly cold manner.
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boy-mycelium · 4 months
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I could never watch Utena with someone irl because I'd pause every two seconds and be like : do you see this!!!!! Utena contributes to Anthy's abuse by being an active part of The System!!! Utena thinks she's different, she doesn't know that Anthy is almost as insincere with her(at first) as much as she is with the other characters!!! She doesn't realise that she's projecting an image onto Anthy that Anthy is playing along with, she's too caught up in her ideals and her desired benelovent princely image to view Anthy as anything other than a Vessel for her Kindness. She doesn't realise the weight that's on Anthy she thinks she can just find out what Anthy wants just by asking her, she believes that Anthy won't lie to her because Utena, (at least not as much as Anthy) doesn't need to lie and fake every single aspect of herself to get through life. Look at this!!! Look how Anthy's face reflects on the sword as Utena pulls it out of her chest, with only a dull, solemn look on her face as the pain of being reverse-stabbed is just part of her daily reality. Utena isn't any different from any of the other charavters yet, she hurts her in the exact same way. Anthy has no reason to trust her. Later, you'll see other characters getting swords pulled out of their chests and keening like their soul is pulled out of their bodies and you'll wonder: why doesn't this happen to Anthy? And you'll think maybe they'll pull some bullshit excuse about how it doesn't hurt Anthy because it's Natural for her as The Rose Bride and that it doesn't hurt her BUT THEY DON'T. SHE'S CONSTANTLY IN PAIN. All because of *realises I don't know the Arabic word for patriarchy* all because of the batriarchy......
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leilanihours · 3 months
i'm so fucking desperate for more aubrey content it's insane and i loved you 'supernatural' writing and i'm obsessed. i wanted to ask you if you could write aubrey x fem!reader reader is a basketball player and her and aubrey is in a secret relationship that no one knows about and reader is playing for iowa she get's hurt when they are playing against uconn (let's say that aubrey didn't tore her ACL and played) and she wasn't thinking and ran over to reader who's laying on the floor. aubrey is kneeling next to her, holding her hand and only realises what is happening when both teams are around them
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pairing: aubrey griffin x iowa!reader
word count: 1808
warnings: mention of slight injury
summary: even when you get injured in a game against your girlfriend and her team, she ignores all common sense to help you.
⭑ from lani: finally got some writing done after how many weeks...i altered the req a little bit anon i hope thats okay!! anyways hope ygs like it ☺️
masterlist !
SWEAT DRIPS DOWN your face and neck as you run the ball down the court, fully confident in yourself as you glide into a beautiful open lay-up. cheers erupt throughout the stadium as iowa gets a two-point lead over uconn.
it was the final four round of this season's march madness tournament, and everything was on the line. your team had taken many hits and conquered many schools to get to this game, and you were well prepared to do the same to uconn tonight.
you as well as any of your teammates had no problem admitting how skilled uconn was, especially with two extremely talented comeback players: paige bueckers and aubrey griffin.
they were uconn's resident superstars, with their poise and energy being unmatched and unbeatable. as the pair of them were recovering from a torn acl, they were determined to make their last season at uconn their best.
"let's go, y/n!" your teammate, kate, cheers as she bumps her chest with yours. you smile widely as you make your way over to the iowa bench with uconn calling a timeout.
"alright, girls, this is the home stretch right here," coach bluder yells in the huddle, "take what you want, and take it with hawkeye pride!"
she nods to kate, your team's captain, as she steps aside to let her speak.
"okay, caitlin, great job dropping threes on them, just make sure you're still balancing your deep shots with drives to the basket," she advises the brunette. caitlin nods in response, dragging a towel over her face and adjusting her hair band.
"y/n? you're a beast tonight, keep that shit up, yeah?" she compliments, "coach, is it okay if she tries guarding griffin? i think she would be a better matchup for her in this final quarter."
"you got it, kate, i trust you. y/n, you okay with that?"
you freeze for a second at the mention of the name, but agree with a smirk nonetheless, "yeah, i got her."
"okay great," kate starts, eyeing you suspiciously, "everyone else: whatever you're doing just keep it up and push harder. our main priorities on the court are getting caitlin the ball and clearing paths for y/n to drive."
"alright!" coach bluder steps back in, "hawks on three! one, two, three-"
the active lineup disperses from the group as they scatter back onto the court, you jog up to number forty-four, a player you were more than familiar with.
you nod to the taller girl, "griffin."
"l/n," she nods back as she tries to hold back a smile.
you smirk back in her direction before locking back into the game, immediately defending the girl with no intent of letting her score.
were you undeniably in love with this girl? yes, without a doubt. but were you going to let that stop you from winning the championship? hell no.
you see paige bueckers inbound the ball to kk arnold as she starts to dribble the ball to the hoop at a steady pace.
she fakes a pass to nika and tries to send it to aubrey, but you anticipated this move, easily intercepting the ball and taking it down the court.
aubrey lets out a quick "damn" as she watches you disrupt the play like it was nothing. she is quick on your heels, trailing you with set purpose. the rest of the uconn girls adjust smoothly, speeding across the floor to run defense.
you dribble the ball a little bit behind the three-point line with one arm stretched out toward aubrey, trying to create some space.
your hand hovers over her waist as you attempt to distract her, "c'mon griffin, let me breathe," you joke, still bouncing the ball steadily.
you make eye contact with hannah and hold up a fist to signal what play you should run. she immediately understands, running up to you and setting a screen.
you break away from aubrey and pass the ball to caitlin, who pretends to shoot a corner-three, but passes back to you as you run right under the net.
you leap into the air and send the ball into the net, but as you're mid-jump, you feel a hand pull at your arms in an attempt to block you. still, you power through and send the ball against the backboard in hopes of it falling through.
the sudden grasp surprises you, making you lose your balance as you feel your ankle roll underneath your weight at the landing.
the unsteadiness causes you to fall to the ground right behind the post, forcing you to brace yourself with your arms behind you.
you hear a whistle blow, presumably at the interaction you were just part of. you are entitled to one free throw and the opportunity to complete a three-point play.
you want to celebrate but are too busy clutching your ankle in pain on the floor. wincing, you try to stand up on your own but fail miserably.
you hear someone's sneakers hurriedly squeak against the wood floor and look up to surprisingly see aubrey holding her hands out to you with hints of concern on her face.
your eyebrows are furrowed as you glance at her but reach for her nonetheless. she pulls you up with ease and wraps an arm around your waist as you shift your weight onto your unaffected leg.
"you okay, superstar?" she asks you with a laugh.
"i'm good, griffin, thanks," you pant with a grin despite the aching pain coursing through the lower half of your body.
"you gotta cool it with these plays, man, people are gonna think you're good at basketball or somethin'," she jokes.
you laugh, glad that she was able to lighten the mood despite your potential injury. for a moment it's just you two, the way it had been only in private and behind the scenes.
you were so caught up with each other that both of you failed to notice your respective teams looking over with sly faces and knowing smirks.
eventually, kate and gabbie had rushed to your side, each holding one of your hands to escort you back to the bench for inspection.
"where does it hurt, y/n?" the on-court physical trainer asks.
"my ankle," you start, "i think i sprained it."
"sit here, i'll get you some ice. try to roll it around, massage it out."
"wait," you say before she leaves, "is it okay if i just make the free throw real quick? i swear i can handle it, i'll come right back here when i get it."
"if it's okay with bluder, then sure. i'll be right back," she states before disappearing to the locker rooms.
meanwhile, at the uconn bench, aubrey was getting very intensely teased by her teammates.
"you know there's like thousands of people and a bunch of cameras in here right?" paige asks with a smirk, "thought y'all were keeping it private?"
"yeah, well i couldn't think of anything else in the moment so..." aubrey confesses, rubbing a hand down her face.
"you're so whipped, bro, it's insane," ice comments laughing, "like one second you were standing behind me, the next you're sprinting to the baseline like you runnin' a marathon or somethin'."
"yeah, for real, i literally felt a gust of wind on my face when she ran past me," kk adds.
"alright, y'all can shut up now," aubrey rolls her eyes, "actin' as if y'all not down bad for your partners either."
"just sayin'," paige shrugs, "you not gonna hear the end of this."
"from us and from the media," ice says, "even the damn iowa girls prolly won't forget this."
"question for y/n," a young female reporter starts in the back of the room starts, "in the fourth quarter, you got tangled up with paige bueckers from uconn, resulting in a mild injury. viewers couldn't help but notice that the first person to your aid wasn't any of your teammates, but aubrey griffin, uconn's senior guard. any comments on that?"
"yeah, uh paige was a dog for that one," you laugh, rubbing your hand over your jaw as you recall the interaction, "we're cool, though, it wasn't anything too serious. we laughed about it after the game, i don't know if y'all saw that but yeah, it's all good.
and aubrey...man, that's my girl. we've been close friends for awhile and all i really gotta say is that i appreciate her helpin' me out and all that. it definitely surprised me, if that's what you're asking. i didn't expect her to beeline to me like that," you chuckle as you feel blood rush to your cheeks at the thought of her shamelessness.
"yeah, i don't think any of us expected that," kate teasingly mumbles into her mic from beside you, making you and the crowd of interviewers laugh.
"hey, l/n."
the brunette turns around with a smile at the sound of your voice. she was just walking out of the gym with her teammate, nika, but tells her to go ahead. the girl in question simply smirks at her knowingly before jogging up to the team's bus.
you shamelessly check aubrey out - she's full in her uconn nike tech set and her hair done up in her signature high bun. her team just lost the game but she was still glowing gorgeously.
she's carrying her custom uconn backpack with one strap on her shoulder, long fingers curled around the fabric. god, she just got out of a game - a loss even - and still managed to look so damn fine.
"how's the ankle?" she asks, pointing one finger to your foot.
"feelin' a little better," you shrug, "it's still a little hard to walk on but i'm toughin' it out."
"yeah?" she smiles, "i think i know how to make it feel a little better..."
without hesitation, the taller guard dips down to place a kiss on your lips that have been pulled into a sweet grin since the start of the conversation.
you pause, placing a hand on her chest as you survey your surroundings to ensure complete privacy.
"y/n, i really don't care right now," she groans as she notices your hesitation, "if you don't want me to kiss you i can just dip-"
you cut her off with a laugh, pulling her back into you and finally getting a taste of your girlfriend.
her free hand drifts down to the nape of your neck, her thumb tracing your jawline as she eagerly kisses you back.
"you're cute," you giggle against her lips.
"man, shut up," she chuckles, jokingly pushing you away before wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders and walking you to your bus.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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14dayswithyou · 8 months
I was thinking over the landlord situation because a small detail stuck in my mind. Ren seemed surprised that the issues in Angel's building weren't being dealt with.
Possibly it's just that a negligent landlord would never happen to him with his fancy apartment, or he owns it, and he's out of touch with normal renting problems.
But for fun maybe he secretly is the landlord and wasn't getting the complaints because he doesn’t pay much attention to duties? Is he getting the complaints but putting himself in the position to fix them as 'Ren', impressing Angel? He already volunteered for guard dog duty against… himself.
Was it faked surprise because he's responsible for causing those issues for his own benefit? 
I feel Ren potentially did ruin the air mattress in advance hoping to be invited into the bed, blaming rats when it was discovered. Maybe it was done that day while waiting for Angel to get off work. 
Maybe he remotely jammed the elevator too because... idk why he'd do that, there should be cameras already in the lift and they should be hackable. Or maybe he just uses the stairs for stealth and only spies on Angel’s flat, so genuinely didn't know the crappy elevator wasn't working. Possible. Maybe he also wants the flat to be shitty and seem dangerous to push Angel into moving in with him.
Perhaps Ren knows who the landlord is and was surprised for that reason? It's not likely that he's installed a friend into the job if he's a loner, but I think he did once have family friends (of his parents) into some shady business. Perhaps they pivoted their legit real estate investments into a money laundering front and no longer attend to the tenants needs well. Maybe he knows the building layout from visiting them years ago as a child, and that's how he avoids being caught.
Or is Ren making a mental note to kill the bad landlord for inconveniencing Angel? and potentially take over the job
Anyway don't mind me, I like to puzzle on things.
✦゜ANSWERED: In case some folks might not know: if you make the right choices, you can actually meet the landlord in Day 3 instead of Olivia! They also address the rat complaints — though their response is kinda meme-y — and the overall scene isn't intended to be taken seriously.
Ren, however, does know the landlord’s identity already, but doesn’t do anything about it because they actively play a massive role in his plans.
⚠️ Day 3 + general lore spoilers under the cut!! ⚠️
Essentially, Ren wants Angel to move in with him — which is why he’s so adamant on giving them a key to his place. And like you picked up on; he keeps bringing up how awful it is to live in Angel’s neighbourhood in hopes of having them realise this and depend on Ren instead. After all, the only thing he wants is to be Angel's top priority and the person they go to first in any given situation.
Ren is also no stranger to rent problems while growing up. I've mentioned this before, but prior to living in a small, rundown home; Ren and his family used to live in a trailer park. There was hardly much room or privacy for everyone, and the maintenance there was awful.
I do like the theory about Ren using shady connections between his friends/family for his bidding!! Canonically though, Ren has no friends outside of Angel and River, and he hasn't been in contact with any of his blood relations in years.
Also!! I do want to restate that the rats in the demo genuinely are rats. It wasn't Ren tearing up a hole in Angel's mattress (he didn’t think you'd invite him over in Day 1 + he respects your comfort level), but it was him stealing specific items.
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shizunitis · 4 months
SVSSS high school AU
[looking out the window with a thoughtful frown]
I was thinking back on my time in high school and…
Did anyone else have a classmate that was obviously Rich and kinda spoiled, but that was So Nice to everyone? Had the mannerisms and vocabulary of a doted-upon heir but the accepting and excited eyes of a sheltered kid seeking friends and companionship? Not necessarily smiling all the time, but was always present and active when interacting with the others?
Shen Yuan. Vice Class President. Beloved by teachers and classmates alike. Always willing to lend you money, and he won’t even ask for it back. Wouldn’t, even if he remembered!
And then the classmate that was subtly bitter about everything and mostly brushed off everyone? Made kinda’ lame jokes but didn’t really seem to care much when no one laughed, cause they wanted the others to let them be? Conspicuously absent from extracurricular activities, really didn’t give much of a shit as long as they got by?
Airplane. Ends up labelled as the class rebel but he doesn’t do anything, so it’s kind of bewildering that that’s his legacy. He is very unaware of his own vibes.
The clearly smart kid who never studies and still gets perfect or almost-perfect marks on everything, but no one really knows anything about them because they’re so reticent? Dislikes attention if it comes from who they perceive to be looking down on them? Any sort of authority figure is, to them, an opponent they must best without letting them know they’re competing at all? Bratty as fuck?
Binghe. Depending on which one we’re talking about, they’re either stupidly popular and elicit jealousy from their peers or admired (and highkey feared) from afar. Is vying for Class President to impress Shen Yuan. They’re a duo! They need to be a united front!
(It would also be very funny to me if Bing-ge was a year older than Bing-mei but got held back a year. The fights? The seething jealousy? Shen Yuan sandwich? Superb.)
Mobei-Jun is the silent, kind of out-of-his-depth but solemn kid everyone gravitates around and it’s astounding to him that these people are so invested in his opinion. Leave him alone. He does not want to bear witness to any of your pathetic attempts at flattering him! It’s so clearly fake. Very pretentious and doesn’t even realise it. Parents are Stupid Wealthy.
The class president is obviously Yue Qingyuan. Luo Binghe will win, though. It’s just a matter of time.
Liu Qingge is on some sports team, probably captain. Luo Binghe will win against him, too.
(Shen Yuan once mentioned that Liu Qingge’s muscles are very manly and now it’s on sight. This is the only thing the Luo brothers agree on. Neither are happy about it.)
God. Imagine them on a school trip. The poor chaperones.
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