#but this happened to me recently and i thought it'd be funny to make into a meme
prismuffin · 4 months
Okay, can I get an ask of the batboys (Dick, Jason, Tim (separately), reacting to them thinking Male Reader called them(the bat boys) a 'good boy'?!
Like the batboys are talking about something they did today, and they hear the reader say something like , 'looks like someone's been a goodboy' while standing beside them.
BUT! But when they turn around, they see Reader talking to his pet.
this is soo funny to me LMFAO- anyways i think that-
Dick had just gotten back from a run with you and your dog. He was making idle chatter as he refilled his water bottle in the kitchen, his back to you as you kneeled down to remove the harness from your dog. "You know we ran an extra mile today," Dick said, closing up his water bottle as you hummed, scratching behind your dogs ear. "And you did it without any breaks, good boy." Dick choked, turning around quickly to look at you, "what did you just?!-" He cut himself off, noticing you still cooing over your dog before looking at him in confusion at his sudden outburst. Noticing that you were talking to your dog he immediately felt embarrassed at himself and he started to blush a bit, clearing his throat as he looked away from you. "N-Nothing...nevermind," He was quick to leave after that, wondering why that interaction made his heart pound a bit in his chest. Jason was cooling off after a particularly rough workout and he was talking to you about it. He'd just hit a deadlift goal and was telling you about it while he made his meal prep, kind of bragging, kind of not. The last thing he expected to come out of your mouth as a response was you calling him a good boy. He paused, smirking at your teasing before turning to you slowly with an eyebrow raised only to see you petting your dog, completely ignoring him. His face fell immediately as he realized you were just talking to your dog and he just turned back around, deciding to leave you in the dark about his little mistake. Tim would be ranting to you about a new contraption he had made, he had tested it out on a recent mission and it'd worked perfectly so he was proud to be ranting about it to you. He's not sure why but he felt his heart skip a beat when he'd heard your response, "Awww Good boy! Good job buddy-" A blush broke out on his face at your words. Were you babying him? "Wh-what?!" He turned, stopping as he saw you looking at him in confusion, you were kneeling and petting your dog though you'd stopped after he'd turned to you. "Oh you were- uhh-" His eyes darted between you and your dog and you couldn't help but chuckle as you realized what just happened. "You thought I was talking to you?" You raised an eyebrow and his blush deepened. He shook his head, "No! thats not-" "Aww did you want me to call you a good boy because your little invention worked?" You teased and he turned away from you as you laughed at his embarrassment, your dog yipping in a sound that was all too similar to laughter it was practically mocking to Tim.
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strwberri-milk · 7 months
Do you think you could do genshin charas (I don't mind who! Your pick 🫶) with a reader who has a reaaaaally clingy cat
The kitty hates everyone but the reader and follows them everywhere. When the reader leaves and the cat can't follow it meows SO loud for hours until the reader comes back. Kitty will jump up on the readers shoulder and sometimes sit on their head (small kitty) and if anyone comes close to reader the kitty will start hissing and swatting at them until they back away. Basically like a guard dog but a guard kitten
hmm im giving you diluc and kaveh!! i'm also making it so that kitty warms up to him *eventually* because itd be so sad if it hated him forever :( ALSO my friends kitten literally hates me she refused to take a treat from my hand for like half an hour [sob] she would sniff it but wouldnt eat it :((( oh ya also surprise rafayel bc hes so funny LMAO
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I can see Diluc taking to cats. They're more self sufficient than dogs and considering his busy work schedule he'd think it'd be a little difficult to keep a dog busy without also worrying for it's safety. When you tell him you have a cat he doesn't mind it at all but he's a little concerned when your cat starts hissing and spitting at him.
He looks at you, unsure of what to do and you explain that the cat is simply just protective of you. He doesn't want to somehow offend your cat by encroaching on your shared bubble so he looks to you to see what he can and can't do.
Now whenever your cat and Diluc hang out it's like a game of chicken. Diluc's trying to figure out what he's allowed to do (by permission of your cat) and you're trying to make sure your cat doesn't scratch Diluc/hurt itself trying to jump onto him to protect you.
Diluc also tries other ways of acclimating your cat to him. He leaves a jacket in the room you and your kitty are in together so it can explore his scent freely, waits to see if it'll come to him rather than you bringing it to him, etc. When it slowly finally warms up to him he can barely hide his relief, hating the thought of you having to choose between him or your pet.
He's very patient and your kitty seems to appreciate it, hissing at him less until finally, one day you come home and find Diluc sitting incredibly still watching your kitten sleep soundly on his lap. He's barely breathing, turning to you when he sees you come in with awe in his eyes not unlike a child's. It definitely helped that his body runs warm and kitty just needed a place to nap.
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Kaveh jumps the first time your cat hisses at him. He wasn't expecting that to happen since most animals warm up to him pretty quickly. Similar to Diluc, he knows not to force a relationship between himself and your kitten so he also takes his time to acclimate your cat to him.
Unlike Diluc I think your cat would warm up to him faster. Kaveh has absolutely great vibes and animals tend to follow him around because he also has a habit of feeding them if he can. This natural kindness is shown in the way he respects your cat's boundaries and the way he watches you care for the animal.
Your cat slowly explores Kaveh only if you're close to him. He has a bit more success if he's wearing something or has something you've recently worn draped over him but he's careful if your kitty starts circling around his feet. Even if it lightly nips or hisses at him he tries not to react too strongly, knowing that it's just trying to protect you and getting mad at it is just going to halt progress.
Eventually your cat starts to slowly enjoy sitting with Kaveh and watching him sketch. It doesn't interrupt his drawings but you notice it's eyes watching his pencil flit about. When it gets more comfortable it might tentatively bat at it, Kaveh carefully picking it up and depositing it into your lap to avoid any actual damage being done to his work.
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Rafayel is incredibly dramatic and because you know he's afraid of cats you've decided to keep your cat away from him. That was mostly successful until one day he came in as you were getting dressed in your room. You knew he'd be coming over and you forgot that he could just let himself in and quickly tried to make yourself decent the second you heard his screaming.
You're ready to attack whatever it is that made him lose his composure, thinking you're ready to go face to face with a Wanderer when you find him crouched on top a kitchen counter glaring daggers at you. He knew you had a cat and was under the impression that since you knew he was coming today you would have put it away.
In a weird way he tells you he's glad that your cat isn't "trying to trick him" by being cute and cuddly. He's very adamant about not touching your cat and keeping his distance away from the "creature". You'd have to convince him to touch your cat but that only happens once your cat actually calms down in his presence. It sees how you act around him and over time realises that you care a lot about him.
It takes some more time but your cat and boyfriend have some sort of peace treaty with each other that's never actually communicated. They relatively leave each other alone and tolerate each other's presence only for you.
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twstfanblog · 1 month
~Manhwa AU- A Fairytale Do-Over~ Pt 3
A/N: Writing has been so hard recently and there's no reason for it. Other than making me mad I think >:( But here's the next part! I'm going to start making a taglist for this series, so reply if you want to be added so you'll be alerted to the next part being posted! thank you and have a grand time reading! Word Count: 3.7K Pairings: Sibling Leona & Farena Warnings: Alluded to child neglect Lilia's cooking Prev / Next
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A month had passed since Malleus’s birthday and Yuu still refused to accept any of Lilia's requests for playdates.
She sighed, turning the page of a book she remembered never finishing. Her family's personal library had become a small sanctuary for her recently. The magically enlarged room was like a maze; towering dark wood shelves filled with books that were easy to get lost in without a map. A hidden nook close to the three floor-to-ceiling grand windows, the enchanted fireplace crackling peacefully while Yuu or her fathers would rest on overstuffed decorative pillows reading together. The perfect place to run and hide from a very overzealous bat fae who wanted to feed her a ‘home-cooked meal’ to make her feel better enough to come visit the imperial palace. Yuu only needed to glance at the pot of noxious black sludge to be given a traumatic memory of what would happen to someone who ate Lilia's cooking…
While Lilia was more than free to chase her around the manor, her father was quick to stop the fae from running after her into ‘his library’. The family library obviously held the precious books of the Crowley family; Yuu’s favorite playscripts and fairytales, Divus’s historical fashion logs and his various past fashion sketchbooks. Dire even kept a small collection of older spell books in the room, some possibly older than the empire itself. Lilia's cooking could melt the bones of a whale, Yuu was sure of it, divine only knows what it'd do to a poor flimsy book.
So, the library was safe. For now at least. There was no telling where her parents would forbid her from entering in the name of her ‘health’ if they worried anymore.
Her parents continued to grow more and more concerned over her personality shift. They thought she didn’t notice, standing at her bedside in the middle of the night and speaking in hushed tones about what to do. Her papa would sit on her bed and run his hand along one of her braids while he grilled her father on what he was doing to get a mage doctor to their home.
Yuu couldn’t use magic, so she wasn’t entirely sure why her papa thought a mage doctor was needed (Only a few days later did she realize that her papa thought she had been cursed. Which was possibly true, time travel and all…). Dire had managed to deflect each time Divus asked, tucking her tighter into her covers before leaving the room, a silently furious Divus following after him. They’d try to broach the topic during breakfast each morning, asking if she had anymore strange dreams, if something new had appeared in her room, or even if someone had spoken to her.
It didn’t ease their concerns when Yuu denied anything new or strange happening, but Yuu wondered how much they would panic if she said something did happen. While it could potentially be funny, she’s almost completely sure her fathers would put her through an intense magical purge ceremony that would actually make her ill.
Sighing, Yuu closed the book, placing it on her reading nook’s ‘to be continued’ pile. It had been at least an hour since Lilia had shown up to the duchy, her parents had hopefully either sent the old fae home or were having a discussion over wine. Leaving Yuu to freely walk around the library again.
Thumbing through a book on gardening (though the pictures were more interesting than the semi-faded blocks of text), Yuu suddenly felt a chill creep into their spine. Kalim had described the feeling to her once, recounting one of the many tales of failed kidnappings and assassinations; the feeling of being watched.
Yuu did their best to remain calm, following Kalim’s advice. It's no good to let them know you know, act as nonchalantly as you could until you were in a safer location. (A conversation that had originally terrified them, only for Kalim’s beaming smile to promise that no harm would ever befall his dearest friend. Not so long as she had him and Jam-)
Swallowing, Yuu slowly closed the book and started to walk down the aisle. Maybe they were just there to steal something and Yuu had unfortunately been in their line of sight. A notion that was quickly dashed feeling the eyes stay on them and the sounds of footsteps following them. Yuu hates to admit it, but she panicked and broke out into a sprint.
Whoever was following her remained silent, keeping up with her easily through the turns and weaving between aisles. A part of her wanted it to be Lilia, since the worst that could happen was she'd have to have a bite of whatever he brought masquerading as a stew. Then again, that might actually kill them…
Panting, fed up with the sudden game of cat and mouse, Yuu ran around a corner and turned around quickly. The heavy book on plants raised in the air over her head and thrown blindly to whoever was chasing them. A multicolored blur appeared from around the corner, narrowly dodging the book in a sloppy side step. The two children looked at the heavy book on the ground, the thud it made echoing through the library briefly but the true horror was the fact the book had nearly exploded on contact with the ground. Pages of text and a stray beautifully illustrated flower fluttering to the ground in their silence.
The other child stared at the pile of paper that was once a book, blinking in shock before turning to Yuu with a glare and crossed arms, “What, are you trying to kill me?”
Yuu blinks then yells at the boy, poking a finger furiously into his chest, “You were the one chasing me!?”
The boy huffed, rolling his eyes and swatting her hand away, “I was just playing around. You're the one throwing ancient texts at people.”
“It wasn't ancient.” Yuu hoped it wasn't ancient. But, casting a glance at the pile, Yuu wondered if they were stronger than they remembered being as an eight-year-old…
Shaking her head, she brushed off the concern. The book was probably just…very old (please not ancient), her father would be able to replace it easily or fix it, “Anyway! Why are you in here? I've never seen you before.”
The boy raises an eyebrow, almost sneering back at her, “I'm a guest. Why are you scurrying around here like a rat?”
“Like a-I live here, you shithead!”
The boy stepped back, eyes wide in shock either from her yelling or from realizing who she was, “Wait…you're the Crowley girl?”
“What of it? You haven't even introduced yourself to me in my own house!”
Rolling his eyes again, the boy stepped closer to walk a slow circle around her, studying her with a sharp eye, “It's just surprising, ya know? Rumor has it, you're supposed to be sick as death in bed. Not taking any visitors nor going to any of your little friends’ socials.” He smirks, tilting his head, “But instead of seeing some sickly child, I see a little rat who's healthy enough to throw books with deadly force.”
“...” Yuu frowns, nearly sneering at the smug boy, “I'm not going to stand here and listen to some boy in a hand-me-down dashiki-...you're Leona Kingscholar.”
Leona was taken aback, tilting his head, “How do you guess? Other people wear dashikis, you know…”
Yuu nodded, but pointed to various areas of the garment as she spoke, “Yeah, but very few have actual gold embroidery on them. not to mention the overall state of it; it's faded but only in high friction areas. Meaning it was for casual wear instead of formal seeing, again, the authentic gold threading. And the sleeves's been stitched up, not professionally since it's affected the appearance of the pattern. It's not concrete, but that's normally a sign of sentimental value since it's merely to keep the fabric intact instead of presentable to the public.”
“...” Leona sighed, crossing his arms as he looked off to the side annoyed, “And that clearly shows you're the child of Duke Crewel. Only someone with his textile-obsessed blood would deduce me as a Kingscholar from my clothing rather than being a lion beastman…”
“Who else would I be? Though my parents love each other, they aren't having another baby anytime soon. Plus, I'm already an only child…”
Leona coughed, struggling to hold in his laughter before clearing his throat to speak, “I assumed you were Duke Crowley's oh-so-elusive student I've heard the adults whispering About. Many of them were pretty pissed after learning their darling little brownnosers weren't going to get access to your family's private collection of ancient grimoires.”
Yuu's face pinched together, eyes scanning along the floor as she dug through her mind. Just like a normal dream, her past life had quickly started to fade from her memory as the weeks went on. Anything past her 12th birthday had become hidden in fog though anything before then was slightly clearer. But even so, she had no memory of her father having a student of any kind. In fact she's not even sure her parents allowed other children in their manor besides her, she couldn't remember ever hosting a playdate at the Crowley duchy at least…
“My…my father doesn't have a student? At least I've never met them…”
“...” Leona hums, short and absolute, as though he had gained a piece of a puzzle no one else had noticed on the table yet. Yuu watched in real-time as Leona made the mental decision to keep said piece to himself.
The beastman smiles, his ears flicking only once in what could only be excitement, “Interesting…oh well. It's only a rumor after all.”
Yuu rolls her eyes. From memory, Leona did have a bad reputation as a troublemaker, “Fun. You still haven't told me why you're in my house though. I'm pretty sure the Kingscholar duchy is to the east of the capital, not the north.”
Leona shrugs, fingers gliding over ornate spines of books before he pulls his hand away, making a face when it comes back covered in dust, “My brother is getting a measurement done. He brought me along claiming I could be fitted for my coming-of-age robes if there was time.”
“...But your 10th birthday has already passed, hasn't it? You should have had them by now.”
“...” Sighing, the beastman clicked his tongue in a moment of annoyance, “Shut up. You don't even know anything…”
Yuu tapped her chin, thinking hard about what she could remember of the Sunset Savanna clothing culture, “You're supposed to get them on your tenth birthday, As a rite of passage right? Thanking the gods for allowing you into your first stage of life or something like that…” Lord, just how much knowledge about clothing did she have at this age? It was hard to tell what were bits and pieces from her past life and what was simply drilled into her young by her papa.
Leona was quiet, looking away from Yuu's curious expression, “It's a ceremony of blessings. In the Savanna, once a child reaches ten, it's thought a number of bad omens aren't able to take hold of them anymore. But that also leaves them vulnerable to omens that plague adults. So either the community chief or head of the house is supposed to anoint them; bring them the blessing and protection of their family or community's ancestors…”
Yuu nods, Dire had talked about the ceremony once or twice, having barged in during one of her lessons with Divus to deliver unasked-for information, “Your father is the heir to the Sunset Savanna kingdom, but he stays near the Noctorn capital to build alliances. As the Savanna prince, he'd be liable to use the family sword to-”
Yuu paused in her stream of conscious babble. The ceremony could use a number of items to bless the child so to speak. Her father had told her of a number of ways he had personally bore witness to; an elderly woman shaking a branch over children, fine gold dust being spread on cheeks in patterns, even fresh spring water being poured over their heads and clothes.
But the Kingscholars, the Kingscholars used a sword. Tapping the unsheathed blade along the shoulders and then once against the forehead.
Looking at Leona, she finally noticed that one side of his bangs were longer. Dark brown waves that framed against a eye that was a shade lighter than the other, slightly hiding the clean vertical line of raised dark pink skin.
“...” Yuu bit her lip, wondering…if she should ask, “...Leona…how'd you get that scar?”
Leona stared at the floor, gently pressing a claw down the still-sensitive skin.
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Leona sat beside a vent in the hallway, legs pulled up to his chin and arms wrapped around them. He was looking down to the ground, eyes unblinking as he listened to his father rant and yell.
“-utter embarrassment! And you want to reward another one of his tantrums!?”
Farena’s voice rings out, softer yet still carrying the hard edge his father's had, “I'm not rewarding him. I'm taking him with me to my appointment with the Duke Crewel. Leona's only getting a fitting if there's time-”
“You don't need that design book then! That mutt of a duke doesn't need it because he isn't making traditional garments. Especially not for that-”
“Enough!” Leona could hear the snarl in his brother's voice, clearly able to imagine the fury on the face that matched their father better than his ever did, “Just because you're upset Lord Lilia hasn't responded to your letters yet, doesn't mean Leona is at fault! I refuse to let you place it on him just because he acted out on the prince's birthday!”
“BAH! So you admit it! He's acting out and you're-”
“I'm giving Leona his due! You know damn well he was supposed to have his ceremonial dressings last year. You were supposed to send for someone from the homeland to fit him properly! You were supposed to bless him! You go on and on about how back home we are kings and not dukes and should act as such, and then you treat your own son like he's less!”
“He is LESS! Sickly! Defiant! Brazen! He's been weak and less than since the day he was born!”
“...How…DARE YOU!? Don't you dare blame that fever on Leona! He only got sick because you forbade the physician from tending to him when he got hurt! He may fully lose his sight in his eye because you wanted to punish him!”
“He should have never touched that sword! That is for the heir or head of the house! The true princes of our family line, he had no right to touch it!”
“We are all the princes of this family. Grandmother rules the Savanna in your place while you continue to make fancy with dead royalty you never even liked.” The rustling of papers, a flourish of fabric, “I'm leaving for my appointment, I'm taking Leona with me and that is final.”
It was soft, angrily and bitterly mumbled as Farena stomped out of the room. The sound of his father's liquor cabinet opening, the older man muttering, “Leave him there while you're at it.” 
The sound of Farena slamming the door made his ears hurt.
And that's how his brother finds him, back against a wall with his eyes pressed into his knees and arms to hide away his tears. Farena sighs, kneeling down and putting a hand to his shoulder, “Leona-”
Leona quickly shrugged his brother’s hand away, moving to stand on his own and rubbing harshly at his eyes, “I don’t want your pity, Farena-”
He was pulled into his brother’s arms, the older prince breathing calmly in an effort to center Leona and himself. Farena pulls away once he feels Leona untense his body, smiling and brushing the younger boy’s hair from his face, “It’s not pity…No matter what we become to each other. Know that I never pitied you…”
“...” With a final sniffle, Leona rubbed his eyes one last time before he nods, “Okay…”
“Come. We have to leave if we’re going to have time for you to get your fitting.”
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“...It was an accident.”
As though that wasn't the most heartbreaking and concerning thing Yuu had ever heard. But Yuu wasn't going pick at an already tender wound, “I see…what…what was the Sunset Savanna like? There’s a lot of various areas like deserts and jungles, right? Was it fun exploring there?”
“I wouldn't know. In theory, I know what it's like there but I've never been, I was born here.”
Leona nods, “My brother remembers moving though, he's told me stories and every now and again we get visitors or refugees coming to our duchy.”
Yuu hummed, looking down the aisle, “I think we have a book on the Savanna somewhere…” She waved Leona away, “There should be a table with snacks around. Wait for me there while I go get it.”
“Don't you order me around…”
She was already walking away, looking over her shoulder with a glare, “Just go eat some snacks while I go find the book.”
Finding the book wasn't too hard. The library was normally organized weekly, though even then random books would appear in the wrong place. Luckily, Yuu was able to find the book of their desire easily. Pulling it off the shelf they nearly fell to the floor at the sheer weight of it. Huffing, maneuvering it in their arms to rush off to her and Leona's meeting spot.
The other young lord was luckily seated at the table, picking at the selection of cookies and other finger foods left out. He looks over, snickering at seeing just how much she was struggling, “Poor, sickly, Yuu. Even a book is too much for the grand lady now…”
Yuu glared over the large book, managing to haul it with her onto the stool before dropping the book on the table and releasing a cloud of dust. Her expression turns malicious as Leona starts hacking and coughing, sending more dust in his direction as she opens the book and lets the heavy pages fall to the table.
Leona waves the dust away from his sensitive nose, glaring through his teary eyes as he sneezed again, “Brat.”
“Bastard. Your family is the reigning line, isn't it? So you'd have stayed in the capital, right?”
For the next hour, the two spent their time looking through the book, Yuu asking him questions for a more in-depth look at the foreign land. And while Leona had never been to his homeland, he still knew more than Yuu and was more than elated to lecture the younger girl on what she had gotten wrong.
Soon, Leona could hear his brother calling out to him in the distance. He looks to Yuu, tugging on her hair to gain her attention, “I’ve got to go, my brother is calling me.”
Yuu nods, closing the book and holding it out to Leona, “Here. You can take this home with you.”
“Why are you giving me one of your books?” Leona still takes the book, tucking the hardcover under his arm and looking at Yuu in question.
Shaking her head, Yuu smiled, “Not giving it to you. It’s a loan. So you’ll have to come visit me again.”
“...” Leona laughs, short and behind his hand before returning Yuu’s smile, “Deal. I’ll come visit again since you clearly need someone to ramble to. I’ll bring the book back when I feel like it.” He ruffles Yuu’s hair roughly, making the younger girl almost fall over from the force of it.
“HEY!” Yuu smacks at Leona’s hand, pouting as the beastman runs out of the library to meet his brother. She sighs, trying to smooth down her hair lest her papa see her with her hair in disarray.
Leona Kingscholar was a troublemaker, that was the common trait anyone could give him. She remembered bits and pieces of her fathers talking about the young lord, each of them remarking what a shame it was. Leona wasn’t as physically strong as the rest of his family, but the younger lord was smarter, a fact his father always overlooked in favor of his older brother. Yuu couldn’t remember the two brothers ever having a negative relationship. Then again, she remembers one of the Kingscholar brothers leaving with their father back to the Sunset Savanna when the queen mother is on her deathbed. Sadly, she couldn’t remember which went.
If anything, Leona would be a good person to talk to if she went along with her plan. Breaking ties with Malleus was impossible, but her other two playmates would be easy enough, though it would be painful. And while it had only been a few weeks, things settled well enough. Malleus didn’t ever send her letters anyway, she would simply stop sending him letters. The hardest part would be breaking her friendship with Kalim and running from Lilia’s visits.
Leona wasn’t meant to be a replacement in any way. The youngest Kingscholar was almost isolated from others because of his abrasive attitude a trait Yuu unknowingly shared. Even if they didn’t become anything more than library friends, they’d at least have each other to speak to this time around.
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Leona looked out the window of the moving carriage, the borrowed book resting in his lap while his brother rambled on.
“-weirdly thorough. I had thought we’d have more time for your fitting, but it wasn’t in the cards this visit. I did leave the book of designs with Duke Crewel, though. So when I go back for my second fitting, I’ll make sure you can see him.” Farena looks over, frowning as Leona doesn’t respond to him. Sighing, he tugged on his little brother’s ear to gain his attention, “How about we go out for lunch? We don’t need to head home just yet.”
“...” Leona’s eyes glance down at the book on his lap, smirking as he looked up to his brother, “I met a ghost in the Crowley library.” “You what?"
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You made it! Have some art I did of the babies and their outfits in this chapter
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reorientation · 1 month
I'm very late to this kink but I think I've been in it for years? Not even on purpose.
I live with my roommates, me and my three guy friends 💗 which is funny because it just worked out that way. Anyway, years ago I went through this awful break up and we'll just leave at that. I was crazy about this girl and it like actually messed me up when she broke up with me. So in a really weird mental space but just trying to move on from it, I keep getting crazy drunk with my friends, partying through the pain lol
One in particular, we're pretty tight, I'll call him Zach here. So Zach and I were really close at that time, like really really close, and one night we start doing kind of sexual stuff while really drunk. This wasn't a thing between us at all before that night and I can't remember exactly what lead to it, but yeah we're doing some fool around stuff and then more and then more. I'd never done stuff with guys really, not beyond little party game things, like spin the bottle. He knew that and at one point that night he put it inside me and to be honest I wasn't sure what to think.
I remember at the time wondering if I should stop him or something? I don't know it's kind of funny to think about now, but I was thinking maybe he shouldn't do this, maybe I need to tell him this is too much? It felt really weird and I guess I didn't know if it was in a good way or a bad way yet. But he was saying things like "I can't believe you're letting me do this" and "you're letting me ruin you" and it was so hot that I let him fuck me. Those things he was saying were making me so wet and I guess that's this kink.
He never says that stuff anymore I just remember that being the point where my mind just silenced all the "should I tell him not to?" thoughts and it just went blank while he fucked me. It wasn't crazy good sex, we were really drunk, but it was hot and it was very different from what I was used to.
So all and all this made my other friends jealous because both of us told them. At the time it was really odd! No one saw it coming! So they all wanted a turn lol and I had told them that I found it weirdly hot so of course they both wanted to prove something. Okay one of them, we'll call Tom, wouldn't say that but it's kind of true.
Anyway all three of them got their chance and it just became a thing that would happen pretty frequently. Maybe a few times a week? I'm a very horny person so being single has always been hard on me and on top of that I'm an attention whore. I wouldn't say I'm not a lesbian because I'm still not attracted to men but I am definitely a big enough attention whore that it doesn't matter lol I just like that they all need to get with me.
So over the years this arrangement has been a thing I guess, when I'm single they can just fuck me whenever because my libido is really high. They don't talk about me being a lesbian while we fuck but I notice every once in awhile I find it kind of hot that they might think about getting to fuck a lesbian yknow like they think it might change something? I think about how Zach said that stuff and it still makes me wet, I think I should bring it up to him maybe? But that might be weird.
One of the really juicy things that happened recently was that Tom fucked me really hard. Tom has always been a very sweet kind of guy and he definitely is that guy in bed, but he also hasn't been fucking me at all for the past... five months maybe because he has a serious girlfriend. But a few weeks ago he came home and we were chilling and he got very intense and held me down and fucked me really hard from behind. Like toe curling hard. It was so hot and I had already found this kink so I kept thinking about it as like him trying to "break" me.
He hasn't done anything with me since but I wish they would get in on this kink without me saying anything. I feel like I can't say it because it'd be embarrassing and weird, but it'd also kind of ruin it to ask for it? Or maybe it'd just turn my brain off again when they actually said something and it wouldn't matter?
What a pure, sweet example of lesbian sexuality: a girl who's been maximum-convenience, any-time-you-want pussy for three different men for years, but "wouldn't say that I'm not a lesbian because I'm still not attracted to men".
As if it matters! As if your little categorization criterion means anything when you spend your life taking cock whenever men decide you will!
The very first time a man fucked you, he said the right words to get your mind blank and your pussy wet - and now it's years later, and you've been fucked hundreds of times.
And the funny thing is, they don't even have to earn it by playing with the dykebreaking kink. That's your idea, that you use to get off, and you're hoping that they'll indulge you in it. Countless guys get off to the idea, but I don't know if it even really occurs to the men fucking you anymore: how do you see a girl as a lesbian when you and your buddies have been emptying your balls in her for years?
But if you're too shy to ask them to think of you that way, the solution is easy enough. Have you ever spread your legs for them on top of a lesbian flag? Worn a "This is what a lesbian looks like" shirt until they took it off?
Just remind them what you claim to be, as you keep being a good fucktoy for them. With any luck, they'll laugh at you for it, as they fuck your little "lesbian" brains out.
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m-beloved · 10 months
we NEEEDD a part two of that kitana fic where kitana and y/n gets together (intros please)
The people have spoken. Eat up fuckers!!! Pt.1 here
Gn reader, implied past romance with Bi-Han, reader works as Liu Kang's assistant/secretary, current romance with Kitana, Kinda Ooc characters, reader is immortal/has an extended life
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Kitana vs Bi-Han
Kitana: It seems that they've moved on from you. Bi-Han: I will make you pay!
Bi-Han: They were mine and will be after I rip your head off and gift it to them. KItana: A shame I'll slice yours clean off first then.
Kitana: I won't let you do more harm to them! Bi-Han: As if you could do anything to me.
Kitana: You may have been their first, but I will be their last. Bi-Han: A foolish dream that I will wake you up from.
Bi-Han: I will reclaim them from you. Kitana: They aren't yours to claim.
Bi-Han: You took them from me! Kitana: I saved them from you.
Kitana: You've given them nothing but pain and tears, I won't let you cause more! Bi-Han: They caused those pain and tears themself, I've given them chances to let me heal them.
Bi-Han: No matter what, I will always be their first. Kitana: Something that I will make sure they forget.
Johnny Cage vs Bi-Han
Johnny: How does it feel to have your ex move on? Bi-Han: They haven't moved on, this is nothing more than a brief distraction I will remove.
Johnny: How does it feel to have your ex move on? Bi-Han: They are not my ex, nor have they moved on!
Johnny: I don't blame Kitana, hell if she hadn't swept them away I would have. Bi-Han: I will freeze both your blood and break your bodies into pieces!
Johnny: I don't blame them, Kitana is one of a kind! Bi-Han: You can keep her.
Johnny: They- Bi-Han: Shut your mouth Cage! Johnny: I didn't even- Bi-Han: Shut it!
You vs Bi-Han
Bi-Han: Just a "good friend", huh? You: Bi-Han...I didn't mean for it to be like that. Things just...escalated.
Bi-Han: You said you "just have a lot in common". You: I never meant for it to happen, but I don't regret it.
You: Bi-Han, I've moved on. Bi-Han: I'll remind you of my presence and bring you back to me then.
Bi-Han: What does Kitana have that I don't? You: Bi-Han, please.
Bi-Han: This is why I don't trust you with anyone. You: This is why we didn't work out!
Bi-Han: Is it because she's softer? You: Bi-Han, we've talked about this!
You: Bi-Han, things change. I still love you, I'm just not in love with you. Bi-Han: I wish you still were.
Bi-Han: You could still rule the Lin Kuei by my side. You: I've already chosen Kitana's side.
You: I love you Bi-Han, but there's too much between us and I need to move on to heal. Bi-Han: We could have healed together.
Kitana vs you
Kitana: I am so happy to have you by my side. You: As am I, my princess.
Kitana: If Bi-Han tries anything with you, tell me. You: He won't be able to do anything, you need not worry Kitana.
You: I live to serve you, my princess. Kitana: *embarrassed chuckle* You don't have to do anything for me, my darling.
You: I hope Raiden isn't too hurt because of me... Kitana: He will heal and get over this.
Kitana: I can't believe you're finally mine. You: I can't believe you wanted me.
You: I've known you for decades, yet it's funny how we've only recently confessed. Kitana: I've loved you for decades, but I saw the way you looked at Bi-Han and loved your happiness more.
You: Mileena seems to be hostile towards me. Kitana: She's just overprotective, like all siblings are.
You: Did I mess up at dinner? Kitana: You did well, my love. Mother and Mileena have deemed you acceptable.
Kitana: The double date with Tanya and Mileena was interesting. I wouldn't mind going on another one. You: I'll arrange another one soon, my princess.
Johnny Cage vs you
Johnny: Well well well! Look who just scored a princess! You: Shush, you don't have to scream it to the whole world!
Johnny: Is dating Kitana as good as you thought it'd be? You: It's...perfect actually.
Johnny: Have you moved on from Bi-Han? You: ...It's tough. But I've got Kitana, and I couldn't ask for anyone better.
Johnny: I can't tell if I'm more jealous of you or Kitana. You: ...What?
Johnny: Bossy blue-ice seems to have gotten even worse after hearing about Outworld's latest couple. You: I...There's nothing I can do about it but hope he doesn't harm anyone.
You: Cage, tell your camera crew to stop following me and Kitana everywhere! Johnny: Oh damn, sorry about that!
Johnny: I could practically see the heartbreak in Raiden's eyes when he heard you two were a thing together! You: I hope he isn't too upset with me...
Mileena vs you
Mileena: If you ever hurt my sister, I will make sure you won't be able to hurt anyone ever again. You: I promise I will never do anything that would upset her.
You: I really like your sister. She's one of the best things that ever happened to me. Mileena: Than you better treat her like it.
Mileena: I heard that you and the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei had something. You: It was in the past, and I'm happy with Kitana now.
You: If you like, me and Kitana could go somewhere with you and Tanya. I believe Earthrealmers call it a "Double date". Mileena: Sounds intriguing. I'll think about it.
You: Did I do well at dinner? I'm still learning about Outworld customs. Mileena: For someone who has rarely eaten in Outworld, I will admit you acted well.
Mileena: Keep Bi-Han away from Kitana, I don't trust him around her. You: I will protect her with my life.
Sindel vs you
Sindel: If you lay a finger on my daughter, I will not hesitate to break it. You: I would never dream of it m'am.
Sindel: Kitana thinks highly of you. Don't let her down. You: I won't, I promise.
You: Your highness, if me and Kitana were to get betrothed, what kind of ceramonies would take place? Sindel: It is too soon to let you know.
You: Apologies for my manners at dinner, I'm not the most accustomed to Outworld dinning customs and manners. Sindel: For someone still learning, you're more polite than some of the people who's lived in Outworld their entire lives.
Sindel: How long have you served Liu Kang for? You: Oh, I'm afraid I can't remember. But he's one of the best people I could ask to serve under.
Liu Kang vs you
Liu Kang: I've heard about you and Kitana, you have my blessing. You: Thank you lord Liu Kang. I hope this relationships works out better than my last.
You: May I ask for advice on dating Kitana's counterpart? Liu Kang: As I said, that is something you should find out on your own.
Liu Kang: Have you moved on? You: I'd like to think so. I adore Kitana, and she has been nothing but the best.
You: Bi-Han isn't taking the news well. Liu Kang: He does not decide your life.
You: I think I made a good impression on Mileena and Empress Sindel. Liu Kang: I told you those lessons on Outworld customs and manners would help.
Liu Kang: Kitana has liked you ever since she has laid eyes on you, similarly to Bi-Han. You: I...had no idea she pinned after me for that long.
Liu Kang: I assume this relationship will not affect your duties? You: Of course not my lord. I will still serve you the best I can.
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A/n: Okay so this was kinda rushed so that's why it's a bit sloppy and badly written. For some reason Mk1 intros are easy to make up for me, but I still feel like I'm making the characters Ooc. Anyway if you want this series to continue then just give me an idea and if I like it I'll work off it.
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emmaelix · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do either some more Domestic! Mha boys headcanons, or maybe a dad! Kirishima.
Of course! I love getting requests. I'll do some headcanons here, and tag you on any future Domestic! MHA posts! :)
Ships: Kirishima x fem! reader, Denki x fem! reader, Bakugo x fem! reader, Shinsou x fem! reader, Todoroki x fem! reader, and Deku x fem! reader. Let me know if I missed any of your favorites, and I'll gladly do a part two.
TW: Mentions of trouble conceiving, labor
Rock Hard: AKA Eijiro Kirishima
Kiri, my beautiful, lovely baby is the most amazing dad.
Fight me, bitch.
His kids are super well-behaved and get a ton of attention from dad. He's the kind of dad who's going to come to his kid's school to drop off lunch in his Pro Hero outfit because he knows his kids love to see it.
Girl dad. Three kids, two with black hair, one with your color hair. (If your hair is black ignore that) Absolutely whipped for his princesses.
Tea parties once a month with your youngest, tree climbing with your middle daughter, and your eldest gets to do his makeup.
Of course, this has led to issues. Such as Kiri going to interviews and fighting villains wearing - to name a few - pink tutus, blue eyeshadow, the world's brightest blue lipstick, a blonde wig, and a red dress.
One particular day that still mortifies Kirishima to think about happened when your oldest was about nine. She's a daddy's girl and looks just like him without the red hair. She also loves the color coral, which clashes terribly with Eiji's red hair.
She had put pink and coral makeup all over his face while he was taking a nap, and he didn't realize he had on makeup until he had frantically driven halfway to his interview so he wouldn't be late.
To top off this horrific day, the interviewer hadn't been able to stop laughing long enough to ask him anything other than, "Who the hell did that?"
But he loves his girls and would do anything for them.
Electric Love: AKA Denki Kaminari
Pikachu over here is an absolute softy for his kids.
He has thirteen-year-old twins. A boy and a girl. He loves them equally and showers praise on them at all times.
Both have bright yellow hair and fairly similar quirks to their dad. But what really makes everyone around them know, 'yep, those are Kaminari's', is when they goof off.
Now, Kami's funny story is fairly recent.
His daughter got her period a few months ago, and he, being the idiotic but loveable trainwreck he is, called you because he thought your daughter was dying.
"Doctor Kaminari Y/n speaking, how may I help you?"
"Y/n! I think Yukina's dying! She and Seiko got home from school and she was bleeding. From... there."
You could hear your husband hyperventilating on the other end of the phone. "Kami, she got her period, she's not dying. Bring her over to the hospital in your car, I took the train to work today so we can stop at the store to get Yuki some pads or tampons, depending on what she wants, and we'll go by her favorite Ramen place to grab supper when my shift ends."
You could hear Seiko telling his younger sister it'd be okay. You and Denki had raised them right.
Although how you'd never know.
Blast 'em With Kindness: AKA Katsuki Bakugo
In case you couldn't tell, that title is sarcastic.
Just like Bakugo and his eight-year-old. You could look at that little girl and think she was Mitsuki in disguise. Your daughter, Kiko, was not an only child, but she was your only child who looked like you and Katsuki.
You and Katsuki had wanted a big family since you had both been only children. But only one of your four kids was actually yours. You had a condition called PCOS, which had made it incredibly difficult to get pregnant with Kiko.
So you had adopted your two oldest, and your youngest, having Kiko in between.
Bakugo gets asked about his family every time someone sees him.
Your eldest, at least in adoptive order, Mana, is very enthusiastic since you adopted her when she was only a year old, not old enough to remember much other than her adoptive parents.
However, Imani, your second, and actually the oldest, had been adopted at age six from an African orphanage while you were pregnant with Kiko. So Imani was a bit shy, with her favorite uncle being Tamaki Amajiki or Suneater, since he was also socially awkward.
Since three of your kids are adopted, Bakugo loves to cook with his kids. Especially so that Imani can be connected to her heritage.
Kiko is sarcastic, and practically a tiny version of her grandmother, just without as many violent tendencies.
And your youngest, Tetsu, was hardened against many things with three older sisters. You hadn't chosen his name, but you found it hilarious that one of your husband's high school 'friends' was named Tetsutetsu, making him a favorite hero of your sons.
Bakugo's soft around his 'brats' (he calls them angels when they aren't looking), but don't tell anyone or you'll be against a wall with explosions very close to your throat very quickly.
Enthraller of Minds: AKA Hitoshi Shinsou
While Hitoshi loves his kids, none of them were planned.
Your first child, your now sixteen-year-old son Yamato was the result of a very drunk night full of poor decisions.
Your twelve-year-old daughter, Nara, happened because you forgot a week of birth control.
And your nine-year-old son, Shouta, was the result of a business trip where you packed your very tight skirt. He was named after Hitoshi's adoptive father due to some circumstances. (meaning Aizawa helped deliver Shinsou baby #3)
All three of your kids are very mild-mannered, and very sleep-deprived, just like their mom and dad.
Since both you and Hitoshi are Pro Heroes, your kids see 'Grampa Shou' a lot. Aizawa doesn't mind.
Shinsou was worried his kids would get his quirk and be made fun of like he was. But even though both Yamato and Nara got their father's quirk, neither was bullied or teased like he was in school.
Your youngest has a fairly weak quirk, so his older brother and sister stand up for him a lot.
But overall you're a very happy family. And Shinsou couldn't be prouder.
Half 'n' Half Espresso: AKA Shoto Todoroki
His nicknames for his children: Pumpkin Bug. Sakura. Sweetheart. Deli (don't ask)
His children's nicknames for him in the same order: Espresso man, Cool Dad, Daddio, and Karaoke Wonder (also don't ask).
Pumpkin Bug/Espresso man comes from your oldest daughter, Niko.
Sakura/Cool Dad comes from your middle daughter, Sara.
Sweetheart/Daddio comes from your youngest daughter, Kasumi.
Deli/Karaoke Wonder comes from your son, Hotaru.
Since you and your husband are Pro Heroes your kids spend a lot of time with Aunt Fuyumi and Uncle Natsuo. Not that they mind.
Endeavor once asked why he's never asked to babysit, but he's never asked since.
"Because you gave my husband severe emotional trauma, you turned your son into a villain, and you don't care about your other two children unless they did something wrong! You're never getting close to my kids until I'm dead and buried, but by then they'll have their own reasons to hate you."
But Sho does try to be accepting of his father, even though Endeavor is never allowed around his children without either you or your husband supervising.
Kasumi loves her aunt and uncle the most, though. She's the weakest of your four kids, although she was still able to beat her younger brother in a fight at the age of eleven.
Sara and Niko are definitely the most powerful, but Shoto made sure that all his kids knew they were loved and that how powerful they were didn't matter to him.
And his kids love to walk around using their quirks in front of their grandfather just to piss Endeavor off.
Sho loves his kids.
Like Mother Like Son: AKA Izuku Midoriya
Broccoli boy absolutely loves his daughters. His younger daughter, Mayumi, likes to have tea parties, while Seiko, his older daughter, loves to spar with him and test out her quirk.
He fanboys with his daughters about All Might, showing them all his merch + that limited edition poster Nighteye had.
He also enjoys arranging playdates with his friend's kids and making sure his daughters know that they are loved no matter what.
Seiko, who is fifteen, recently got into her first relationship. With Tetsu Bakugo.
Izuku was excited his daughter had a boyfriend, and while Bakugo didn't care that his daughter was dating someone (too much), he certainly hated the fact it was Midoriya's daughter.
"DEKU! Your daughter is dating my son!" Bakugo screamed into the phone as Izuku flinched away from it.
"Well, Kacchan, I can't pick who my daughter likes!"
You especially were pissed. Not because Seiko was dating Tetsu Bakugo, but because of how two grown men who were both Pro Heroes were acting because their kids were in a relationship.
No doubt about it, these girls love to play pranks on their dad.
The last time this happened Nara Shinsou also got involved, along with Niko, Sara, and Kasumi Todoroki.
We won't get into details, but let's just say all of them were grounded for a while.
I hope you enjoyed these, and I think I might do some more family things, especially with Sho and his kids pissing off Endeavor.
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seijorhi · 6 months
Hey Rhi! Hope you’ve been well!
I recently binged through all your Tokyo Rev fics and it made me think of something. I really love the concept of Tailspin with Chifuyu being the one to remember the past timeline. The simultaneous regret of how they treated reader being balanced with this uncontrollable desire to be with her again was so great and really fascinating to me.
It made me think, what do you think Mikey would do in a post-bonten/sink to the depths timeline where those events never happened, but he’s still able to remember them in the new timeline? On one hand, he was in love with reader, but how she was treated by him and bonten was a complete nightmare for her. I guess it depends on which timeline, but do you think that would make him hesitate from trying to find reader in this new timeline (to prevent her from being dragged into his mess of a life) or would he not be able to resist finding her anyway?
hi nonnie first of all ily <33
so if chifuyu's fucked up about it, mikey.... oof. man's got trauma big time.
doesn't help matters that when he was on the brink of complete self destruction the reader became his emotional support pussy person.
on the one hand, of course she's better off far, far away from him and sanzu and kakucho – all of them. it was an obsession, fucked up and depraved and sickening and damn it all to hell if does he wish he could feel that disgust all the time.
it'd be easier that way, to focus the hate inwards and pretend that's all it was. that there aren't nights he doesn't like awake and fucking miss her like a part of him's been ripped away. that his cock doesn't stir at the filthy dreams – memories – that won't leave his head.
on the really bad days, it's like an ache. an itch. incessant. he misses her.
he'd taint her all over again.
so he should leave her alone. stay as far away as humanly possible.
there's a problem, though. two, if he's being completely honest with himself. the first is that along with their whole sordid relationship, he remembers how the reader managed to end up in bonten's clutches in the first place. bonten doesn't exist anymore, obviously, but just because he and his friends aren't running around as gangsters anymore doesn't mean bad men, bad luck and bad circumstance have ceased to exist.
her brother's probably still a bottom feeding piece of shit with a gambling problem. there's every chance he's gonna do something just as stupid this time, and she'll inevitably be the one to pay for it. glass stones and houses and all that bullshit, he doesn't like it. no one's allowed to touch her. no one but him.
the other problem, the one he's less eager to admit to himself, is that he wasn't the only one fucked up over her. the haitani's might not look twice (he thinks. hopes, maybe), and who knows with sanzu, but kakucho? koko? they might not remember any of it, but if they walked past her in the street, bumped into her at a bar, would they feel that pull in their gut? would it spark something?
mikey hates the thought of her in danger, being mistreated – by her brother or by anyone else, but there's a sick, possessive part of him that hates the thought of any of them taking her too.
she was his first.
but even if he shoved that all aside, buried his head in the sand and pretended he wasn't slowly being driven out of his mind by her, the universe is a funny thing. one way or another, it'll work its magic and shove her right back into his path.
some things are just... fated.
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py-dreamer · 2 months
I can't believe this is the first goddamn video I post.
But times are funny like that aren't they?
Ok so as the thumbnail says, this is specifically for the first lmk fic I've written:
"When the sun sets forever."
Yes it's shadowpeach, how on earth did you guess. And if you've floated around my dreamscape for a while, you'll know my...
...very enthusiastic opinions of Macaque...
(I promise I do still like him, he's a great character, it's just I get pretty peeved by how the majority of the fandom portrays their relationship a lot of peeps bashing Wukong and saying Mac did nothing wrong-
I have a whole other post about this and the fic, I'm tired man, here're the links:
But regardless, if you enjoy some Macaca slander, hop on board!
If you don't , good for you! Please don't harass anyone who thinks otherwise.
But to sum up:
In this fic we explore a scenario where Macaque finds a time alterating artifact after a huge spat on the mountain (that resulted in the clip above), uses that artifact to make it so he killed Tripitaka during JTTW. Then we see his pov in this universe where things have certainly changed drastically
...and not necessarily for the better.
People change. Friends or foes found dead or alive. Cities fall and some thrive.
But one thing I can assure you?
Neither of our mystic monkeys are having any fun until the end.
But yeah! Formal announcement post for my fic!
Yes this is a big reason why I've been absent for like a month
No I won't stop posting art. I'm taking a short break rn to get into the rhythm of drawing again
No there isn't a formal posting schedule, but I do have it in mind
No this isn't the big BIG project I've been working on for a few weeks
(Forgive me if I missed anything from s5, this was planned and written before that and I haven't watched it yet)
But enough about me!
I want to thank anyone who's already seen the fic and/or left kudos or comments
And I want to give an especially huge shoutout to @furornocturna for beta reading this thing!
Their work is great! And is one of the most enjoyable reads I've read in a long while
And since I haven't seen an official post for it yet...
SHABAM!!! Another great fic! She recently updated it too! It's about amnesiac Wukong who thinks Macaque is still his mate and MK is their child!
Wham bam, pajama sam's christmas ham: hijinks ensue
Very entertaining, good ol Macaque bashing
(she and I like to stand around him in a circle and give him a good whack with the consequences stick sometimes. It builds character.)
And parental Shadowpeach is always appreciated here. 10/10
I have not linked it but also check out:
Fractured pieces make a mosaic
Also written by her! Another great fic that delves into more of the sins of Macaque against EVERYONE not just Wukong
But about the video, yea just heard the audio and thought it'd be funny
I feel like Chang'e would definitely comfort a friend after some harsh words like what happens in the 1st chapter
Or at least she'd hear what Macaque did from Wukong and give massive side eye
(Especially since I figured she'd have a damn well knowledge of bad men *cough* *cough8 the reason Zhu Bajie got kicked out of heaven in the first place *cough* *cough*
I know they've rarely interacted in canon but hey, they've at least met on screen and we know Wukong can build a rocket to visit. Plus both being lonely immortals with cute animal subjects being theri only companions for centuries...
I have a feeling they'd get along somehow
They remind me of friends who exchange pics of their cute pet, only it's more like children for Wukong since they're literally his Sun family
And anyway the fandom pairs Mac and Chang'e just because they have a moon motif so let me have this goddamit.
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maochira · 1 year
hi mao!! i hope you’re doing well!! can i mayhaps request the father figures helping the reader learn their native language 🫣 ive been nonstop thinking about this and i think it would be so cute ishdjrjje can u maybe add loki too (he doesn’t have to be a father figure! it can just be like a friend type of thing) thank you so much if you do accept my request!! (also sorry if this has already been done fhrjhf)
THIS IS SO CUTE HELP 😭😭 Also I know you already found out but yeah KJSHJD I don't write for Loki yet but!! I will at some point in the future. Oh and. I uh. Was a bit stupid and... wrote headcanons for the coaches learning the reader's native language first... Sometimes I don't read stuff properly enough. SO YOU'RE GETTING BOTH LEARNING EACH OTHER'S NATIVE LANGUAGES HAH! (imagine I wouldn't have noticed that... GHKJKJGD... anyways)
Requests open! - father figure coaches masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, reader recently moved to the country in the Chris and Snuffy ones, me being a bit stupid resulted in twice the amount of headcanons, praise my stupidity
They teach you their native language!
Even though he's been playing for Bastard München for a long time, occasionally French words still slip into Noa's sentences. It's a bit funny but also makes you want to learn the language better. You've been learning French in school for a while, but always struggled with it. At first, it started with Noa helping with your homework, but it quickly turned into him teaching you the language in an attempt to get you to speak somewhat fluently. Because of his help, you end up becoming one of the best students in your French class.
Chris noticed quickly how you still struggle with your English a lot. You're good enough to properly communicate and have conversations, but every now and then it takes you a while to find the right words. Chris always remembers which words you fail to keep in your head and in which situations you usually struggle. If that happens, he's there to help you and makes sure you don't feel bad for any mistakes you make. He also always points your improvements out and praises you for getting better.
Lavinho missed having someone who understands all his silly and funny Portuguese phrases and curse words - so that's the first thing he taught you. Initially, that's all he wanted but it got you interested in learning more words and phrases until Lavinho just decided he'll teach you to know enough for basic conversations. Teaching you is fun because it means you're the only one around him who understands his curse words, but he also adores your dedication to learning his native language.
Snuffy noticed you tend to avoid speaking Italian because you're ashamed of how bad it is. You tend to speak in English instead, and while Snuffy doesn't mind that at all, he wants to encourage you to speak Italian more often so you'll improve. It took a bit until you got the courage to speak Italian more often, but you were happy when you did and started noticing more improvement. Snuffy always makes sure to not make you feel embarrassed if you make a mistake. Instead, he calmly corrects you and lets you continue talking.
They learn your native language!
Noa has often thought about learning another language, but there just wasn't one that got his interest, until you mentioned your native language to him. He didn't tell you about it right away, but he felt an urge to learn it. He didn't know where to start, so he ended up asking you about it. It made you very excited and you were happy to teach him!
Chris always thought it was cute how you mixed in words from your native language whenever you talked. He quickly picked up the things you say most commonly, but he figured out it'd be cool if he learned more. He asked you to teach him more phrases, and he learned them quicker than expected! He's nowhere near being fluent, but it's nice to see how much effort he puts in for you.
Lavinho was intrigued by your native language the first time he heard you talk in it and immediately asked you to teach him a few words. As time progressed, you went from teaching him words to teaching him full sentences until he was able to have a short conversation with you. He promised he'll learn it more seriously at some point, but of course, that takes time and he hasn't found the time to properly study the language, but until then he's happy to learn from you!
Snuffy knew you had nobody except your family who spoke your native language with you, so he decided to learn a bit to surprise you with it. He originally planned to only learn a few basic phrases, but then he got lost in it and learned a lot more in the span of two months. At first, he was a bit unsure how to tell you and never found a proper chance, but after your team won an important match he praised you in your native language, and it made you even more emotional than you already were.
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crabbytime · 2 months
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So it's occurring to me that I should probably be posting my OCs here but my braincells are low so we're starting off with the one I made most recently
Meet Ultrawoman Cancer! She's the HR woman who hates everyone and nobody can do anything about it because she's the only person in the HR department and its founder.
She initially started as a meme-sona because my friend @futariwadorkycure and I do watch parties for Ultraman series' and I could not stop making "These people would not survive HR" jokes, but then she became her own thing, and thus Cancer was born.
Her lore is a heavy mix of things we thought would be funny and my angst-heavy ass sprinkling in a few bricks of depression. Her being Belial's estranged wife was funnily enough a meme addition and we ran with it. Mainly cause she married him post-Reiblood.
If tumblr didn't kill me then a summary of her lore can be read under the cut.
She hails from O-50 and is half-human on her mother's side and grew up there before a kaiju killed her mom and her dad moved her to the Land of Light. She's around Ken and Marie's age, so 160,000~. She's also got a massive obsession with strength because of her trauma, but she's also smart enough to not just rush into any false promises of power. Occasionally she has impulsive moments when she thinks it'd be for the greater good or if she panics, but generally she's pretty composed aside from being a massive bitch. Her current form was obtained after completing the climb up Crusader's Peak in stilettos and the Ring of Light was intimidated by it.
She doesn't like any Ultras outside of her dad and her best friend who doesn't have a design yet because she blames them for not helping her mom. She also just thinks all of them are weak and selfish and don't earn or work for their strength because she thinks powerups and fusions are cheap methods of gaining power. The biggest part of her job as the HR woman is crossing dimensions to write their performance reports and none of them are nice in any way. She will write them up for the most petty of reasons.
She will actively just sit around while a battle happens because she feels like it's not her problem and that if the Ultras can't stop it, then they're just weak. To be fair she is quite strong, and could easily go toe-to-toe with plenty of Ultras or kaiju, so she has bite to her bark. The only time she'll participate in fights is to help with evacuation or if her help is actually needed.
Her main gimmick outside of being the HR woman is the heels. The heels are a big reason she even exists. The clacking of her heels terrifies everyone in its vicinity. Her fighting style is primarily kicking and jumping, outside of when she goes feral and all bets are off. Her melee weapon is a clipboard she doesn't use often because it's basically a deus ex machina that could kill anything and she thinks it's cheap to win that way.
She can switch between human and Ultra form and can also take on human hosts if she so wishes. Her transformation item is literally just her heels and her Rise is activated by clacking her heels together 3 times like in the Wizard of Oz. Her color timer also lasts longer because of her human heritage, making her better equipped to Earth atmospheres. Because she's a dimension-hopper, I like to shove her into various Ultra shows just to be funny.
I can go into her relationships in another post but tl;dr she has hardcore beef with Zero and Seven for mainly petty reasons and her stepson by technicality, Riku/Geed, is like the cat who follows her around and she keeps running from it. Belial is there too ig.
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roxtron · 2 months
Pinned post/About me thing
you can call me whatever, i usually go by some variation of my username but i don't mind nicknames and stuff
i'm autistic so my posts will probably vary by whatever/whenever certain special interests/hyperfixations are stronger at the time
A bit of info about what I post/reblog
i make original art sometimes but art block has been really tough so unfortunately i don't have a lot to post lately :(
besides that I'll usually make either rambling or analysis posts on whatever subject I'm posting about, usually fandom related. occasionally theories but that depends on if what I'm posting about really leaves room for theorizing.
I reblog pretty casually on here so it can range from stuff i find funny to stuff i think could use awareness, fandom-wise this blog somehow became pretty fnaf centered lol, not quite sure how that happened but i still consider it my main.
if i reblog other people's art or analysis I usually try to leave my thoughts in the tags, but sometimes I have a hard time thinking of what to say so sorry if I reblog your work and don't say anything/don't seem enthusiastic about it, if I reblog something it's because I adore it lol, I just don't always know how to put thoughts into words. <3
and as a side note, while I do try to check blogs of people I reblog in case it's a terf or whatever, sometimes you never know, so if I do reblog something from someone who's done something shitty don't hesitate to let me know with an ask or something because chances are I probably don't know lol.
Boundaries stuff I guess.
I know DNI lists are annoying and pointless but whatever, if there's a chance it'll get people to leave me alone it's worth it. I shouldn't need to list obvious ones like terfs, transphobes, homophobes, all those assholes. But also, if you don't like one of my posts, I'd rather you block me and move on than hate reblog it. It's immature and annoying, and I won't hesitate to block people that do it.
Obviously I don't just mean "if you criticize something I post you're bad," I'm alright with criticism as long as it's respectful, but if you're gonna reblog just to say "look at this idiot" then fuck off.
Sorry about how aggressive that may have been but I don't wanna deal with stuff like that. I've dealt with it in the past and it sucks, if you don't like me, that's perfectly fine, but just block me and move on. Onto a more positive topic.. If you wanna use my art for pfps or anything that's really cool actually!! Ofc I'd ask for credit but if anyone did want a pfp of something I've drawn you can always send me an ask and I'll post a zoomed in version or something or make whatever edit you wanted so you don't need to worry about it lol Besides all that you don't have to worry about interacting with me, if you've got any questions whether that's related to me or my blog you don't have to hesitate to send an ask if you want :)
I've recently made sideblogs for other fandoms people don't follow me for here. I figured it'd be easier to separate them but mostly for spoilers' sake. Sure I try to spoiler tag but people aren't gonna block spoiler tags for fandoms they're not in if they see it and I'd hate to spoil someone for a series they could've had the chance to go into blind. That being said, please don't follow my other blogs unless you already know the spoilers for whatever fandom the blog's centered around. As much as I appreciate support I'd hate for you to get spoiled and I'd much rather wait for you to play the game yourself <3 (since as of now they're both video game fandoms..) @roxtron-kh (Kingdom Hearts)
@roxtron-gt (Ghost Trick)
----------------------------------------------------------- Woo I think that's everything! Finally I can get to the tags section of this long-ass post.. I wanna try to tag things more properly in the future, even if I'm not really big enough to warrant it, I still wanna be able to find my own stuff easier at least through the sea of reblogs, so if you're curious about any of my posts, here's a list of tags you can look through! I'm currently trying to update some of my old posts with tags so they can be added to the list.
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ikamigami · 3 months
Was not expecting Moon and Monty to immediately get smashed-off-their-ass drunk together and Puppet is the sober one but oh well, Moon's gonna have a fun time with that hangover
Yeah, he'll have a fun time with that.. I hope though that he won't be too angry.. cause idk how Sun will take it :/ (that's why it's important to drink responsibly so you won't make others around you worry too much or be uncomfortable around you)
Though I'm not surprised that Moon got drunk so quickly lol he kinda seems like someone who gets drunk easily
But for Monty.. I didn't expect them to get drunk so quickly.. but I knew that they got drunk sometimes with Foxy..
And I think that it was kind of expected that Puppet wouldn't get drunk lol
Also.. I'd like to address something here if you don't mind it, dear anon..
Cause let me be clear.. this was a funny episode where friends are hanging out together, drinking alcohol and getting drunk.. and it was obviously made to be fun episode..
While on the other hand Sun's drinking was never presented in a funny way.. in most instances when Sun's drinking habits were brought up someone was worried - New Moon, Puppet, Foxy - so it was setting a completely different tone compared to whenever Monty and Foxy or now Monty and Moon got drunk..
And let me tell you something.. people were upset about me saying that Sun might have an alcohol problem.. mostly because of their personal experiences with alcoholism.. and while that's valid.. at the same time people don't have to get drunk - because this was most common argument against Sun having drinking problem because he wasn't drunk - to become addicted to alcohol because that's not how addiction works :)
If you drink daily to relax - ease anxiety or whatever - and you also lie about your drinking habits - how many drinks you have per day etc. - and you act reckless - you're breaking law or you're making bad decisions - it's a huge red flag and it means that even if you're not getting drunk from drinking alcohol, it's still affecting you - your decision making - which is one of the easiest ways to become an alcoholic..
And this is exactly what was with Sun.. and now he stopped drinking - from drinking every single day to not drinking at all - and he's in worse mental state.. like again it's understandable considering what happened with New Moon and that NM tried to kill Earth and Puppet tried to force Sun to agree on killing NM.. but at the same time they brought up a few times already that Sun is thinking about finding himself new drinks - and what's worth noting is that drinking alcohol worsen symptoms of psychotic disorders (and other mental disorders as well) but the same goes for when someone experience withdrawal..
And again we can clearly see that Sun is in worse mental state than he was before - even before his first (major) psychotic episode - he's more depressed, he's paranoid (recent example - his uneasiness around cutouts in Moon's lab and in case you didn't know it is caused by paranoia), he's most probably experiencing hallucinations and he's having suicidal thoughts and most probably he's having delusional thoughts - also Sun's hands are shaking a lot but because he has anxiety it can't be used as hard proof that Sun is experiencing a physical symptoms of withdrawal, same is with him being more tired and him lacking motivation or that he doesn't enjoy doing the usual activity or he's performance is worse than usual cause it's most definitely caused by his depression.. but than again all of these symptoms could get worse because of alcohol withdrawal..
I wouldn't be surprised if Sun started drinking in secret (secret drinking is a thing btw) just to cope with his symptoms but mostly with hallucinations, delusions and suicidal thoughts.. but it may not happen.. but if it did happen it'd make his mental state even worse..
Also I'm treating this very seriously.. just because I'm not including people's experiences regarding this topic it doesn't mean that I'm treating it as a joke.. because I'm not.. I'm talking about Sun and I compare his experiences with experiences of those people who match.. comparing Sun's experiences to everyone else's would be pointless and just straight up stupid..
Sorry if this come across as rude but I was accused of not treating mental disorders seriously and with respect just because people don't like that I relate to Sun - when surprise surprise they do exactly the same thing with their favourites - so you can imagine how much frustrating it is to me (especially if you know about my mental issues and what I went through in this fandom)
But again I'm sorry for ranting under your ask, dear anon cause most definitely it wasn't something you were expecting to see in the answer..
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thousand-winters · 2 months
I hope YOU'RE doing well pal! 💖💖💖 I'd love to hear your Laios and Hooty thoughts
Actually now I'm thinking about them interacting and how cursed it'd be haha
I am today!!! It has been a good day for once haha. I hope you're having a good day today, and that your cats are doing good!!!
Oh, my gods, I can't decide if they would get along like a house on fire or if somebody would end up dead ahahaha. Or if Laios would consider Hooty looks stupid considering his reaction to Marcille's sky fish lmao 😭 I'm sorry, Hooty, you technically ARE a worm.
Okay, getting into it now, starting with Laios:
How I feel about this character
I love him!!! He ended up not being my favorite because I adore Marcille with my whole heart but he's such a good main character, honestly. I wasn't thinking too much about it when I started watching, I was just having fun and I think it showed already that he wasn't just a silly character or anything, but man... the moments he got the most serious, he had me in shambles haha.
I enjoy him very much, it's really cool to see the ripples in his relationship with both monsters and humans. There's so much to him that I'm yet to see too and I'm looking forward to it, he's definitely not the kind of main character you're kinda sick of and want to leave already haha.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I have been swayed to the Labru side, finally, haha. I think they have a fascinating dynamic and while I certainly haven't seen everything they have to offer, the push and pull there makes it very compelling. Plus I'm not immune to cool fanart and funny posts, not gonna lie, but the main reason is that they seem to have a very compelling dynamic, not exactly direct or straightforward in its development and that really has me dying to see more.
I have been seeing Lashuro recently too and ngl, I've been going 👀 at that too. I remember I had talked with my friend Isis about how it was sort of funny that the Toudens do have very similar traits when it comes to how they view the world sometimes and yet Toshiro finds one annoying and the other charming. Probably in part a mix of attitude and gender, I'm not sure. Although in all fairness they seemed to be pretty at peace at the end so... I think it can be fun.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Marcille!!! Oh, they have so many good scenes with one another, they have such a fun dynamic, I love how much Laios trusts Marcille despite also knowing she can do shit like pour boiling water on an Undyne lmao.
In general they're very fun, the mix of them bickering but very obviously valuing each other's opinions and caring about one another is really good. Also I think it was you who said once they had siblings in lae energy and I can't unsee it ever since, they really do haha.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I haven't seen this much around tumblr or such, and I know the Dunmeshi Spanish fandom has the worst takes known to mankind but man, he's not dumb, come on now.
I doubt this is really unpopular and I especially need to actually read the full manga to understand his character more, probably, so I don't have too many complex opinions about him but... I feel like it's somewhat common to see him depicted as stupid but he's such a smart character, actually? He doesn't have to be the tropey nerd character to be smart, he has been shown to be very perceptive, even if he might be lacking on that department when it comes to social matters.
I just think writing him off as just being clueless and dumb is doing a big disservice to his character. He does have his struggles when it comes to general awareness and specific types of it but he's far from dumb.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I truly cannot speak on this one since I'm not done with the manga, haha. I have been spoiled a bit by some really cool fanart and animatics, I'm not gonna lie, so I have the gist of some big things that are coming but since I have the idea and not the actual development of it, I don't feel like I can speak on any of it, nor do I have any concrete ideas there anyway.
So far I'm pretty content with everything I have seen, both anime and manga wise.
And now onto Hooty:
How I feel about this character
I love him. I get why he annoys a lot of people in and out of universe, he's one of those silly cartoon characters that's not supposed to be super deep (although what's up with Papa Titan having a Hooty in his eye? I still need answers about that), but I like that he's always sweet and loves his people even if they're mean to him. I'm so happy Lilith came along and started appreciating him, it's what he deserves!
I think he's fun in general. I definitely would love to think more about the deeper implications about his existence, how did he even meet Eda and all about that, but I have to admit I don't think enough about him most of the time to even have ideas in that department. He's just silly and I appreciate that.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
None, this is how you get the cursed image of Hootlets. Does anybody wants Hootlets? This is how we get them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
LILITH!!! Their friendship makes me SO happy, they're adorable. I definitely didn't see that one coming but I like how they ended lowkey balancing each other with Hooty reminding Lilith to care for herself and that she should depend on others and Lilith remarking upon Hooty's own worth to the point he's not seeking attention desperately anymore after they become friends because he's far more content with his friendship. It might have been more about how the writing around him changed too, but I liked to think the fact they became friends also helped the rest of the Owl Fam to soften around him and appreciate him more.
I love that in the end Hooty is living his best life just going around with Lilith.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He's not THAT annoying except in the Spanish dub. And I'm saying this as a chronic "obnoxious cartoon mascot hater" haha. Hooty is obviously supposed to be a little much but I don't think it ever goes to the point in which you actually want to strangle him or wish he wasn't even in the show in the first place.
At least that's what the experience was for me, I'm aware opinions differ but I think Hooty is pretty fine as he is, honestly.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Going back to that thing with Papa Titan and the Hooty eye... hey, what was that? Can we go back to that real quick? I really wish we had found out what was the connection between titans and... whatever Hooty is. I know Dana said at some point a specific youtuber had made the right theory but I could never figure out who was it and what did they say haha.
Anyway, yeah, I wish they had gotten into that. It would be Hooty AND titan lore all in one.
Thank you for the ask!!! From this ask game
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wonopia · 2 months
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[WC] . 2600 [WARNINGS] . implied drinking, cursing. prev ! mlist ! next
the group stayed at sunghoon's house for the time being, keeping him company. although sunghoon didn't talk about his feelings, he let them cheer him up by making him laugh and sharing funny memories.
the door creaked open, his mother peeking in to see all 6 boys on the bed laughing.
"can i talk to hoon please?"
he excused himself and followed her downstairs to the living room. his sisters nowhere to be seen.
"where is sara and yeji?" he asked, sitting down.
"they went to the convenience store to get snacks for movie night," she responded, relaxing beside him.
he stared off, not bothered by the silence between them, taking in the quiet environment.
"hoon," she said, his sulking gaze locking with her caring eyes, "what happened with you and misaki? i thought everything was going good?"
he could feel his palms grow sweaty, unsure of what to say, "um.. i.. i don't really know. she.. she broke up with me, mom."
his lip trembled at the memory of that day.
"she broke it off without any context. she had this.. this look in her eye. everytime i replay that day in my head.. i.. i feel like she didn't want to end it, and deep down i know i'm just overthinking it."
"that's not always entirely true, sweetie. maybe you should talk it out with her.." she started.
"no.. no i mean she won't even talk to me," he mumbled, sighing with frustration, "she doesn't even bother to read my texts. i should give her space."
she smiled sadly at him, "hoon, do you really believe that?"
as much as he wanted to say yes, he couldn't. the feeling of his heart aching, misaki's voice running through his head, taking a deep breath in before glancing up to hold back tears.
"n.. no," he mumbled although it came out as a whisper, "she.. she looked like she wanted me to hug her," he cried, "it looked like she wanted me to stay.. but i didn't. i just let her end it," he stuttered, his voice cracking.
"sunghoon, sweetie," she fretted, wrapping her arms around her baby boy.
he hugged her back, his tears melting into her shirt.
"i really liked her mom," he sobbed, his hands frantically grabbing at her shoulders as if in need for comfort, "i.. i don't know what i did wrong."
"nothing," she said, "you did nothing wrong, my sweet boy."
it'd been a couple of days since he cried most of it out. although it didn't stop him from crying when he was by himself, he was able to feel more relieved to know people around him were on his side.
he felt better knowing people were there to comfort him when he needed it. due to all of the thoughts flooding his head, he was seen on the ice more often, practicing.
nevertheless, he felt like he was improving. he hasn't competed because there weren't any anytime soon, so he occupied himself with choreo's he improvised.
imagining a song in his head as he skated gracefully along the ice. since it was summer now, the rink was much more watery unlike winter when it would be ice cold solid.
"park sunghoon," a voice called, his head turning their direction, "off the ice, practice has been long over. i've been letting you stay longer recently but.. you can't keep extending the extra time."
he skated over, sighing whilst nodding, "i understand, thank you for letting me stay extra though."
"of course, now quickly get changed so i can lock up."
he obeyed, hurriedly changing and packing up his skates before leaving the arena. his feet pressed against the sidewalk beside the road.
he opened his texts with his friends. once again, jungwon was asking to hang out. he smacked his lips out of habit, typing that he'll come over.
he changed his route and decided to bus it to his house. although it would probably be a bad idea to hang out with jungwon, he decided to do it anyway. if you're wondering, why would it be a bad thing?
jungwon had recently found a friend to talk to. to sunghoon, it seems like the boy is falling in love. he would text about her in the group chat just like sunghoon did; and to see one of his best friends falling in love right after he got broken up with, isn't too good of a feeling.
about 30 minutes later, he was finally at jungwon's house with the company of sunoo. the two guests playing on the console as if they live there, unbothered by the odd behavior of jungwon.
"what's up with jungwon?" sunghoon questioned, eyes locked on the tv screen in front of him followed by aggressive tapping on his controller.
"he's in love," the boy beside him said, nonchalantly.
his tongue poking out of his mouth, focusing on the racing game. attempting to keep his go kart on the track.
as sunghoon get's swerved off the road, he let out a groan of frustration, "ugh are you kidding me!" he yelled for the millionth time that night.
"sunghoon hyung, lock in! we're about to beat this level," sunoo screamed, not missing the chance to side eye him, "gosh you're horrible at these games."
"if i'm so bad, tell jungwon to take over," he told him, moving with his controller.
sunoo ignored the boy, locking into the game about to beat the level they've been stuck on. eyes growing bigger as he stared into the screen.
"hey won, you wanna play with us?" he called out, sighing at the sight of about 3 bots passing him, "jungwon?"
sunghoon didn't hear a response, instead he could hear jungwon laughing from his gut.
“jungwon!” sunoo turned around to slap him with his hand, “stop laughing and listen to us," sunghoon averted his eyes from the tv to his two friends, becoming nosy about what's happening.\
“oh sorry guys, what’d you say?”
“that's the first time you put your phone down since we’ve got here,” sunoo sighed, adjusting the way his legs crossed.
“what's keeping you on your phone, huh won?” sunghoon questioned, although he already knew the answer.
“nothing,” he mumbled, “hand me a remote.”
sunghoon reluctantly handed him his, too frustrated to continue playing with sunoo.
not even a full round had past when the judgemental boy spoke again, "finally someone good is playing with me."
sunghoon scoffed at his comment. he is so full of himself, he thought.
about an hour and a half later, the three boys got told to keep it down resulting in getting ready for bed. it was around midnight when sunoo and him finished setting up they're makeshift beds on jungwon's floor.
hoon was the second one to brush his teeth, immediately laying in the comforters. finding it somewhat safe and warm. he has spent a bunch of nights at jungwon's so it was basically like a second home to him.
he shifted onto his side, feeling.. oddly sad. he was having a fun time with his friends, so why was it that he still feels like he's missing something. how does he make this feeling go away?
the next day, he and his two best friends arrived at the beach. his phone read 1 o'clock and they were just now unpacking all of they're gear to set up for the bonfire.
heeseung and the other's said they would be coming a little later. it gave sunghoon, sunoo, and jungwon enough time to start cooking the meat.
the dimply boy unboxing the rice and dividing half of it equally between them. sunghoon cooked the meat, letting it sizzle on the grill.
they were under the canopy they brought and were able to claim an empty bonfire pit. thankfully there weren't too many people at the beach yet, surprisingly.
it wasn't long for the meat to cook, "jungwon," sunghoon called out, putting the cooked pieces onto a plate.
“huh?” jungwon mumbled, turning to him.
“the foods done, eat up. jay and heeseung are about to head out here so eat before they steal it all.”
“thank you for cooking,” jungwon thanked, grabbing the plate before moving several pieces to his plate.
the quiet boy began to clean the grill, disliking the idea of it being dirty.
“and wonie?” sunoo began, sunghoon's ears perking up out of curiousity.
“yeah, whats up sunoo?”
“why have you been on your phone so much lately?” sunoo asked, sunghoon chuckled quietly to himself at the idea of jungwon getting flustered, “you looked really happy yesterday.”
“oh well..“
“remember sun? the girl, yujin or something along the lines of,” sunghoon reminded him, clearly teasing, sunoo gasped at the memory while nodding.
“oh yeah,” sunoo recalled, bombarding his best friend with questions, “so is she pretty? clearly seems funny, what's she like? do you like her?”
sunghoon couldn't help but smile, turning around to see jungwon's reactions.
“relax sunoo!” jungwon laughed, “first of all, yujin is not a girl. he’s a boy and second of all, we just met.”
sunghoon tilted his head at the new information. he was almost positive yujin was a girl's name. he shook his head, clicking off the grill.
“so he’s an option?” the blonde haired boy striked an eyebrow at him.
he could hear jungwon sigh, “no, eat up and stop talking to me about this.”
“yeah, enough about jungwon,” sunoo stated, “hey sunghoon-“ sunghoon groaned at the sound of him being brought up, “have you talked it out with misaki?”
“oh yeah, have you?”
the name was still something that triggered a part of him since the wound was still fresh.
“i don't know what you're talking about, i never said i was going to talk to her about it," and that was true, never once had he said he was going to confront her.
“right but i just thought that you'd come to your senses and.. i don't know. ask her why she decided to break it off?”
“i'll think about it,” sunghoon replied, sitting beside jungwon.
jungwon lightly elbowed the boy, “i know you don't want to lose her. so actually think about it, okay?”
sunghoon gulped at the thought of seeing her again. he genuinely wondered if he would cry in front of her, let misaki see that side of him. would she hate that about him?
he smacked his lips as he felt his friend's eyes on him, “o.. okay.. stick to your own girl problems, yeah?” he muttered, stuffing food in his mouth.
sunoo chuckled at his response before eating his beef. it wasn't long before the boys grew full and the rest of the group arrived, including a bunch of strangers.
half of which sunghoon recognized but no names labelled upon them. the sun had already set and his eyes were trailing along the different faces around this side of the beach, hoping he would see her here.
of course he didn't see her. in fact he saw none of her friends. he felt someone tap on his shoulder, looking around to see a girl.
"hey," she smiled, a red cup in her hand, "you're pretty, do you have a girlfriend?"
he blinked at the question, shaking his head before looking back off at the burning wood. the crackling fire enticed him, his eyes not wanting to leave and the warm feeling engulfing him although he was feet's away. oddly enough, he enjoyed the feeling.
"i'm glad," she continued, "i'm mi daeun, i go to hwajeong high."
"incheon academy," he responded, eyes locked on the glistening bright light in front of him. he could feel her eyes burning into him, and she continued to talk and talk and talk. it was suffocating.
"sorry," he interrupted, their eye's finally meeting, "s.. someone's waving me over, see you around?"
her mouth opened but quickly shut, nodding, "see you around."
he smiled awkwardly at her, walking off to the direction of a cooler. he felt bad but he really couldn't handle it, he didn't even know her.
when he reached the blue cooler, just as he was about to open it, someone began to talk.
"hey sunghoon!" he looked up to see a familiar face.
"oh.. um jaewon, right?" he asked, attempting to put on a fake smile, "didn't know you were coming."
"this is a sick party, dude," he nodded, sipping on a red cup just like the girl from before, "are you talking to her?"
"i'm sorry, who?" sunghoon asked. jaewon gestured to something behind him, it was the girl he was just talking to, "uh.. no."
"okay good," jaewon nodded, sunghoon examining his expressions, "cause she's hot and i want a chance," he laughed.
the music booming over him just the slightest, he dug up the courage to ask "hey, where'd you get the drink?"
"oh you want some?" he asked, waving around the cup like it was some treat, "this jug right here. do you even know what it is?"
"don't care, i'm just a dehydrated guy," sunghoon shrugged, honestly too depressed for partying right now.
jaewon nodded prior to pouring him a drink. he thanked him, walking away from the party to the sidewalk where the parked cars were. from here, the music was less irritating.
he sipped the drink, a sour feeling going down his throat, almost burning. sunghoon coughed at the bitter taste, somewhat surprised. he shook his head, downing it empty before tossing the cup into a black metal bin.
he blinked, feeling his heart begin to race. looking around in hopes to see misaki. groups of teenagers were getting dropped off, wearing half naked outfits. he sighed when there was still no sign of her.
he frustratedly ran a hand through his hair, thinking of what to do. he felt like crying, he just wanted to go home. should i just go home, take a cab and go?
sunghoon debated on telling his friends. instead he called an uber and just went on his way, not wanting to disturb his friend's fun. his uber dropped him off at his destined location, crawling out of the car.
"thank.. thank you," he slurred, shaking his head at the odd feeling. it was before he realized the car had already drove off, "oh.. bye."
he felt like he was somehow 10 seconds behind. how was it possible to be so delayed, everything seemed to be slowed down. he flayed his arms around, eyes trailing on the grey pavement below him as he followed it.
i feel so tired. i just want to go home, he thought.
he blinked and suddenly he was on grass, eyes blinking tiredly up to be met with a window. sunghoon scratched the side of his head in confusion, he knocked lightly as if it was a door.
it wasn't long before the curtain's on the other side were moved. his mouth fell open when he saw her through the window.
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note: erm okay.. what do you guys think will happen next? please comment ideas below!
© wonopia 2024
open TAGLIST. @coffeeprincejaehyun @hoonatic @i03jae @lilifiedeans
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elliespuns · 4 months
Just coming on here to clear up a couple things and mostly to apologize. I left the anon on the confessions account about your blog and the anon that got published mentioning your blog specifically was one I assumed would not be posted after seeing the confession page requirements (that say no user mentions will be published) after I had submitted it. I resubmitted an ask taking out any users and that anon was focused as a general point on accounts that I have seen scrolling through the Ellie tag on Tumblr (not your blog) that actually have posted really concerning and bordeline perverted things about young Ellie (ex weird sexual AI art of young Ellie, weird comments about Bella Ramsey not looking enough like Ellie/saying Ellie in part one of the game was more attractive) I have never seen a post from your blog that I thought was perverted and that is a point that I feel was worth reaching out through here about. I have thought that there is potentially odd tone used in some posts with younger Ellie where also your language sounds like an older writer but you have cleared that up and said all your good intentions with your recent post. I never intended to make you feel like you should leave Tumblr and I think you have contributed positively towards the tlou community on Tumblr I am just overly cautious and was trying to say a potential concern as in my main fandom group there has been a lot of really strange blog posts about characters on tumblr who are minors before. On tlou Tumblr and tikok I have come across many posts involving teenage Ellie in the hotel flashback of part 2 in weirdly objectifying ways and that is more so where the concern was based as at that point she was still a kid. Please don’t leave tumblr because of this and again I am sorry for the harm this has clearly caused as that was truly never my intention. There are blogs on here who do post things I find truly concerning but you are not one of them.
Um, okay, I did not expect this. I am completely stunned. In the best way possible. It surprises me that people who once wronged someone anonymously would stand up and take their time to explain or even apologize. 
I've checked the confessional blog again today, and the post is gone. I have no idea if it was you who made this happen, but anyway... thank you for coming through to apologize and get rid of the post that was making me look very bad for those who have never interacted with me. 
I realize it may look weird when my pfp is young Ellie and some of my 'thirsty' posts are about Ellie. To be honest, up until now, I'd never even thought about explaining that none of these posts have anything to do with her young self. Not even in a million years would I think that people would read such posts on my blog and think they were aimed at our kiddo.
Look, I know it'd be better to specify whether I'm talking about young or adult Ellie when sharing unhinged posts without pictures, but honestly, it'd feel over-the-top crazy to me.
Firstly, why would I try to disrespect or creep around the only character I've ever loved so much? Secondly, not only does specifying such details take the fun out of the content that is supposed to be spontaneous and cheeky, but it's also very restrictive.
This blog is a place I love coming back to; why would I even try to post anything concerning when I know how overly sensitive this fandom is? I don't even feel safe venting any of my opinions about the show here because it's so easy to get hate for thinking out loud, so why would I risk losing all the wonderful people who have been following me from the start by acting like a predator towards young Ellie?
And it's just so funny because I may be 30, but in reality, I'm shorter than Ellie, and I even look younger. So if anyone's molesting anyone, it's Ellie molesting me. (That's a joke, obviously). Why am I even explaining it?
As I said before, my consciousness is clear, and I have no problem attaching my real face to this blog because I know I've never shared anything discourteous or impertinent and never will. Do you really think this potato head would be capable of thinking profane things about baby Ellie? I don't even know what profane is (I do, but don't tell anyone).
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Anyway, I was truly baffled and disappointed when I read the confession because I understood NOTHING. I kept thinking about it for a long time, and I couldn't get it out of my head that someone would go through my posts and feel off about the content they saw.
I don't want to spend my time overthinking every post before sharing because, god forbid, I use ONE specific word or phrase and everyone will think of me as a molester. 
I like to joke on my blog. I do that... a lot, actually. So most of my posts need to be taken with a grain of salt. Especially those that literally scream 'sarcasm'. So you either need to get used to my humor and understand I'm not always deadly serious (unless the topic requires it) or you need to unfollow and move along because I won't be apologizing for my passion to make posts based on my spontaneous thoughts. I don't want to tiptoe around people because there's always someone who doesn't like this and that.
I also think it's important to realize that Ellie (as a game character, not talking about the show) is a pixelated, fictional character. Not only don't I ever try to disrespect her, even though she's just a bunch of pixels, but she's also not real (even I'm shocked right now), so nothing anyone says about her online can really hurt her. Not the Ellie this blog is about.
I get that people get overprotective of her (I do too) because damn, it's so easy to forget that this girl doesn't exist in the real world, but to the point of hating, reporting, or harassing? I don't think that's right either.
Anyway, thank you for coming through. I appreciate it, and all is okay. I wonder who you are now. Oh, and if it was really you who requested the ugly post to be taken down, thanks for that too.
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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Yes I'm still here and while I'm here I decided to get rdr2 b/c I wanted to rp as a cowboy so fucking bad. Um honestly I don't hate rockstar games recent gta story wise and online play is ass to me movement and thr story felt so trivial to me(this js my opinion after years of thinjing rockstar and gta are relativrly good) but yeah. the only rockstar game i faithfully love is Bully.
and as i play rdr2 i feel like the story is basically like Bully except the entire plot of rdr2 is Jimmy(arthur) and Gary(Micah) going at it the entire game but also using a bit of mislead.
(and yes after arthur got captured by odriscolls i immideitely sused out Micah as being a snake. also i didnt believe a word of a "truce")
And yes i did look up the truth to confirm my suspicions b/c i don't believe in spoilers kinda. But yeah im gonna say a couple things about this game I genuinely think it's a cool and interesting game. I personally can't fathom how ppl thought Dutch was so "wise" and "complex" he basically was some dude that monologued EVERYtime he was on screen. Like I swear to god this dude was just a "head up his own ass" type of guy and it solidifies even more around the ends of the game. (In the beginning I thought he was sort of a good guy but once they sat up camp out of the cold .. I was like this guy is annoying ass shit and I absolutely hated taking orders from him as Arthur lol)
Dutch was basically a dude that thought he knew more than everyone cause he read a couple books and quoted shit all the time. My nigga , u are ultimately a fucking poser. U no better than anyone in the camp ANYONE could've done what he did he just got in the position before anyone else. I swear to god I'd skip so many cutscenes b/c all he did was talk and talk "blowing hot air" and as the game went on he continued to do dumber and dumber shit and everyone just went along with it. I genuinely think it's hilarious a separate job everyone does(robbing the bank) was the most fun mission with main side characters I'd probably had thru the entire game. And all that was pretty much thrown out the game b/c Dutch's plans made everyone have to leave again.
(Him saying "play both sides of the war" was the dumbest shit ever. But ofc everyone still listened to him. Hosea was having a mind of his own but STILL choice to do what he said.) Dutch wanted to play chess so bad but really he was playing checkers ever since they left Strawberry possibly Blackwater as well.
Also I wasn't sure how I'd like the game mostly the main character but Arthur actually has a personality and can be complex more than a lot of the characters ppl call "complex" . I honestly think rockstar could've gone farther with making the story so compelling maybe the main character could've been a woman who is living in the west u know and finds these band of misfits and it could show the struggles of crime and being a woman advantages and disadvantages. Something like that.
I don't think the characters aren't interesting not saying that lol I just think in the end this story didn't want to push further with complex understanding or characters. It's like yes it's a story but it's not here to make u think too much on what's going on. (That's how I felt) since most of the audience I'm assuming were biased players and SURPRISE straight white men.(even though funny enough cowboys were originally black and brown) so I think rockstar made a story just interesting ENOUGH to keep that certain demographics attention. I assume with ppl that assess games and the way the game plays out at times. For example a lot of the times during missions u could do something stealthy but still end up having a trivial ass shootout to "keep the excitement" of the game. A lot of the times that happens and it just annoys me b/c it'd virtually makes stealth pointless unless otherwise.
I'm still trying to finish up the game but rockstar has a tendency to make these games over long for no fucking reason . It reminds me of movies that are like 2hrs long just to have the entire movie be "racism is bad"(Cloud Atlas) or some dumb simple shit like that. So I'm still tryna see what the story this game is tryna tell me or show me but damn it's just taking forever for no fuckin reason TO ME. 💀 also feels like there's so much shit happening in the game that I can't grasp the story at times like there's no rest? Doesn't mean when characters died I didn't care but still
I was even baffled that the crew really went overboard and landed on some tropical island. Sometimes the events in the game seem unnecessary as well. Again adding to the fact the game is over long for no reason. Anyways um cya till next time.
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