#but this is just fun and kind of dumb
the thing i appreciate about sabrina carpenter is that she knows the best pop music is a little stupid
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leenfiend · 9 months
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what's ur type first < prev next > full comic
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dear-ao3 · 3 months
if anyone remembers approximately 2 weeks ago when i was actively giving up on a homework assignment well
half of the reason it was so hard was because i somehow managed to do the assignments out of order?
i got my grade back (a whopping 4/9) and the professor called my methods "extremely unorthodox" and i agree with her
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laurapetrie · 6 months
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Emma feeds on mediocre books, and therefore her dissatisfactions are never truly tragic, just grotesque. She is not to be pitied but derided. She is worthy of condemantion for her vulgar nature, for her cold and self-centered pursuit of a kind of pleasure that not even she understands, for her stupid attachment to the most inane of literary myths, for her dime-store sentimentalism. Few readers take time to look more closely at Emma and at how her author judges her, how many indignities he heaps upon her — so many that she is left without a single good quality, not one. - Dacia Maraini, Searching for Emma
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coldflash-corner · 1 month
"Barry is a total idiot" literature is a classic and a staple in Coldflash culture, and never would I beg the creators who produce it to cease doing so nor would I ever dare say anyone is writing them wrong- just catering to their own preferences
However, my preference is
"Barry acts impulsively, and has to use his big smart brain to think himself out of the situations he put himself in, and is pretty good at the second part when not having a panic attack"
With a helping of
"Sometimes Barry doesn't get certain social cues, but figures everything out pretty quickly one someone tells him the thing he missed"
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keirientez · 4 months
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band au rahhhhhhhhhhh
#i wanted to draw the other guardians too but this would be a good start#ok so#tsuna starts his band. yamamoto bass and gokudera keys and tsuna suprisingly drummer and also lead vocal. reborn appears out of nowhere-#being “youre not your full potential so i will drain you till youre like a fish in a dehydrator until you become the best out there.”#thats about it#but i just like how drumming singers are like extremely good music people because drumming is already hard. and singing too???#absolutely insane i might say. tsuna would do this (bc reborn told him so)#he does not want to be the best but reborn exists in the paro for a reason#reborn is like maybe a famous musician who faked his death then did whatever he wanted to do while he was “alive”. then he got tsuna as his#apprentice and so so. oh yeah also whiplash (the movie) reference bc holy shit its so good. for me at least. and reborn would make tsuna go#that kind of crazy. like training until drenched in sweat from morning to night or whenever hes available. bc he knows he has potential#he just need someone to push him beyond his expected limit#btw 8059 implied#gokudera joined the band first bc yeah then comes yamamoto for fun as he had to rest from playing baseball a bit too enthusiastic#gokudera hated him so much for like being dumb??? (the goofy ah laugh) but then the two dated even before reborn made a move on tsuna#its very funny but they work it out#i was also thinking if the band ever do solos or do something not as the whole band 8059 will have their own album. itll be great#for genre im not sure?? lets just say alt rock electrojazz????#no idea but maybe ill make a playlist. maybe#sawada tsunayoshi#reborn#yamamoto takeshi#gokudera hayato#8059#r27
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furiousgoldfish · 17 days
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
"What if I fade?"
Soap lifts his head from his journal, looking up at Roach who is eerily floating near the ceiling. The slow movements almost make him look like he's in water. Kind of ironic given the way he died.
"What do you mean?" he asks, confused.
"What if I move on, what if I disappear," Roach elaborates, refusing to meet his eye. "Not everyone is a ghost, right? We'd be overly crowded. The fact that we're not also means that not every ghost stays."
Soap forces his dry throat to swallow. He honestly didn't want to think about that. He still needs Roach, he probably always will, but he hasn't even told him that he - he takes a deep breath in to calm himself.
"I don't know how it works," he admits quietly, bouncing his leg absent-mindedly. "You're probably right, like most of the time. Even if I really want you to be wrong about that."
Roach finally looks towards him.
"Maybe I should move on," Roach whispers. "It's not healthy, Johnny. You have no idea the things I want, what I wish for, that I'll never get."
Soap doesn't stand up, just keeps staring into Roach's eyes.
"I think I might have an idea, actually," he whispers back. Roach flounders for a moment. Soap really wishes he didn't get that wrong. He's pretty sure Roach meant that he can't have Ghost, and he himself can't have Roach. So... It's pretty similar.
"I've been feeling less like myself recently," Roach insists, deciding to ignore that comment for now. "I find myself wishing one of you would die so I wouldn't be alone. I never thought like that before, I fear that I may have stayed too long, that I'm starting to lose myself."
And he looks scared. It's written on his features so clearly and it breaks Soap's heart.
"You're not alone," he swears. "I'm here with you, and I'll make sure you stay you, however I can."
Roach looks at him, examining his face, looking for... something. Whatever it is, he seems to have found it because he exhales through his nose like a very soft laugh and averts his eyes, almost... blushing? It's a bit hard to tell from the distance and his left cheek being covered in burns while his right is covered in freckles, but he's pretty sure his ears are red.
"You can't look at me like that, Johnny," he says almost coyly. "I can't do anything about it, it's not fair."
Soap's face is burning and his eyes are wide. Was he too obvious? Did Roach understand or is he joking?
They probably look stupid, both of them redder than a fire truck, avoiding the other's eyes, regretting their words. Or at least he supposes that it's what's happening, because he's sure not looking up.
"If it makes you feel better," Roach finally says, sounding like he's smiling, "you were right for once : I am right most of the time. Judging by your reaction, you did indeed have no idea what I want."
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Top 5 umbrellas in bl.
Have a great Day💜
This took me a minute to get to because I had to work and then I had to go and find screenshots because I have something to say about umbrellas in BL.
I'll get to my top 5 in a moment, but first I need to talk about how my top 5 are ALL in 1000 Years Old because that show is the only show with any vision.
Because 90% of BLs have decided that clear umbrellas are the only umbrellas (pardon my horrendous screenshots):
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Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with clear umbrellas. I own a couple myself. HOWEVER. Clear? Really? That's all they can manage? In these queer shows, they can't even give their umbrellas any flair? Listen, I have a clear umbrella but it is kind of chrome. It's got style. It's got flair. It's got flavor. I need these shows to give me something. I digress.
There are a few that have a basic umbrella that is a dark, solid color:
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Shoutout to Blueming though, that umbrella does look like the most practical and useful umbrella out of all of these.
BUT other than 1000 Years Old, the umbrella winner is Love in the Air with this yellow beauty that fits the characters and the lighting in the scene:
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But for my top 5 umbrellas in BL?
5. This beauty:
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4/3. Look at the COLOR
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2. Absolutely obsessed with this one and need it immediately:
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And the number 1 umbrella in BL? It can be none other than this beauty. Not only is it gay, but it looks like a phenomenal umbrella to use. That's an umbrella that will keep you dry.
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skunkes · 8 months
might sound weird to say as a person with a couple ocs who have Big Horrible Event(s) in their backstories or as a person who has like 3 ocs total bc he sucks at writing and as a person who hopes their ocs arent too Boring with [the thing im about to mention] but the thing about writing [characters] and [people] is that like.
any little thing a person experiences can take up their whole existence... its actually something "fun" to experience as i meet new ppl and do more things. My friend had something happen that she'll be talking about forever. I had several things happen last year that ill never stop talking about, some of which other ppl think werent that bad actually. In the same way I'll forever remember about the way my sister accidentally insulted me almost 10 years ago, it's really interesting and Fun to find and assign smaller things like that to characters...its really Real. some people's dealbreakers are other people's solvable problems etc etc
#(as well as the opposite: Big Event that maybe shocks everyone around em but they genuinely werent shaken by)#though this one is more common and leads to those ''ohh i didnt know that was normal oops'' moments#talkys#inspired by recent me and friend events#and also recent events where i told sum ppl more stuff about Thing and they responded as if it wasnt a big deal. but it was to me.#and also how i thought a part of al's childhood backstory was kind of maybe dumb and not realistically as impactful as id expect#but i saw someone on reddit almost word for word write that as their experience and how its shaped em as a person#and thats it like... the small things are boring and hard to keep track of sometimes#its not like you'll include every single little event your oc was shaped by in their bio#but idk. its like Fun to piece together for fun. to mold a human being#ykwim? wld be silly to tell everyone ''oh my oc struggles with self image due to many instances like... when their sister called em ugly''#or write it anywhere but it is fun to Know and have in your head. and its real !#just like if a friend told you about something that happened to em#long post#delete later#sorry i keep saying stupid obvious shit lately ive always been bad at oc making AND socializing so im learning everything late#but anyway yes. idk even as i keep making ocs that are ''similar'' its like. every person so different#people can react to anything in any way for any reason. i love people#this is why i struggle a bit with keeping ocs to archetypes i guess bc like. what is ooc for an oc. people contain contradictions all the#time. you can change yourself at any time.#ok nobody will read this far so ill go to the real insane rambling#part of this has been a part of my chats with talon while trying to get him to share more info#like. yeah ok you're 400+ years old the things that happened to you were such a comparatively small part of your life#but humans dont live as long and think about small things until they die. i dont think time would heal all wounds actually. not all of em#some thoughts just always come to gnaw at your brain. its ok to not be over things. i feel ill never be over some things#and also complainerism can be fun but thats something else entirely wee hee ^_^
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i am a strong believer in not being rude to young kids on the internet, especially in like kid-friendly media spaces, but sometimes i cant help but wish young kids would stay off of the internet and out of fandom spaces.. like sure, ten year olds are allowed to like saiki k but theyre also the ones that ruin all the comment sections on tiktok or youtube lol..
any time someone mentions a ship, there r hundreds of those "WHAT!! 💔💔 no... saiki x coffee jelly is better!! 😿 if you need to ship, ship saiki x the normal guy! but i ship them in a platonic ship because its better!" "poor saiki.." "saiki doesnt have a crush on satou he just thinks hes interesting, stop shipping them!! 😾" "saiki HATES TERUHASHI !!! HES IN LOVE WITH THE GYARU GIRL!!" comments, and on ANY saiki k video in general there are like "saiki would never be nice to them like that! he hated them!" "this is the most canon saiki k video ever, its so accurate how you made saiki hate all his friends and tell them to shut the fuck up every time they talked!"
i think the youtube comments are all kids (9-13 probably) and the tiktok ones are more teenagers (14-17 i would say).. its annoying either way lol..
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funkytoes · 2 months
"is this movie featuring female empowerment roles ACTUALLY bad or are men just sexist" - me whenever a movie with unconventional and/or very powerful female leads gets super bad reviews from male movie critics and youtubers lol
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blujaydoodles · 8 months
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WIP-- I've been working on updating my huge ridiculous Too Many Gnomes height chart recently, and have spent a frankly absurd amount of time just on very minutely adjusting proportions, because that's my idea of a good time, for some reason. Also I added Indigo and it's really funny to me because for some reason between my designing them and now they've taken on a distinctly Tall Energy in my mind, so actually drawing them at their canon size is almost jarring jkghdfkg like OH YEAH SHORT KING, OKAY!!
These are just my guys, but there are currently twelve gnomes in this file! But I'm still fixing a lot of old bad anatomy and stuff, and also I might even fuck around and color it before sharing the full thing 🤔
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storfulsten · 6 months
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jankwritten · 9 days
Needing to go to bed vs wanting to write hockey AU. Who will win.
(Bed. Dear god let it be bed……)
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mellotronmkll · 7 days
Havent been on tumblr that much the last few days cos I've just been going outside looking at birds then coming home and painting them in a journal. I probably will continue to not be on here because I have many more birds to paint
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