#but this is my party and i can bastardize canon if i want to
clockwaysadmin · 1 year
The Fic That I'm Not Writing Update Subscription Post
(The title is, obviously, a joke. I am writing this. Just not letting it stress me! It will get a real title when it goes up on Ao3.)
Ship: Dead on Main, Danny Fenton/Jason Todd CW: (updating as the series continues) Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Minor Injuries
Someone moved into the apartment below Jason's- an apartment that wasn't for rent. Turns out that Danny is is an absolute disaster with the self-preservation skills of a wet paper bag. He's also adorable. Jason takes it on himself to look out for Danny- both as himself and as Red Hood. What Jason could never have expected was for Danny to have plans of his own- plans that involve dating both of Jason's personas. The Goons™️think this is amazing. Good on the Boss and the Boss's boy toy for getting a twink!
All parts are being posted here on Tumblr in their first draft version. This fic is being posted out of order as inspiration strikes. There will be an update given when it goes live on Ao3.
All things related to this fic can be found in the 'the fic that I'm not writing' tag on @clockwayswrites. Major links are below.
Timeline- subject to change and my whims:
I'm (not) writing this hella out of order, as scenes and polls want to be written (the bastards)
Jason discovers Danny
Accidental Sugar Daddying Start
Shopping Montage
Something something something
A fool tries to mug Danny
Self Defense Lessons (Danny realized Jason is Red Hood)
Jason meets feral!Danny
Jason and Danny post RH meeting
The Midterm Zombie
Thirst Trap Lessons
Danny propositions Hood
Jason is Confused™️
Dick meets Danny (snippet)
Goons confront Hood
Hood tells Danny to ask Jason and then panics
Jason says yes
idk some cute relationship shit
Paulina Visits Gotham
Put a Leash on it (it being Danny)
Block Party
Jason whines to Dick
Tim meets Danny
More Bats meet Danny
(will this be the fic I'll finally need to label over T?)
you'll learn more as I don't write
if I were writing it
Narrator voice: stuff happens
Danny is not a morning person
My writing is better than this list. Of course, I'm clearly not writing this.
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Website: click on the ... in the upper right and 'Subscribe to Conversation' App: click on 'notes' in the bottom left then the bell icon in the upper right
(For those very few with ability to comment on this post, DO NOT.)
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trancylovecraft · 8 months
Headcanons for Yandere JD from Heathers the musical?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: Damn, If it wasn't for my girl Yuno then this bastard would be the poster boy of the yandere trope. tHIS SHITS CANON. FANDOM: Heathers the Musical
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Okay, JD, This maniac.
I headcannon JD to be an Obsessive, Possessive, Violent and perhaps even a bit Manipulative and Delusional.
Obsessive in the way that its.. Well, It's JD! After a life of moving from place to place after his mothers death, He's become lonely. So when you come into his life, Willing to cure that ailment, JD is instantly all over you. He's not really obsessive about you, But the idea of you if that makes sense.
Possessive in the way that it ties into the last point, You're his only source of social interaction. You're his only friend and JD is not going to let anyone take you from him. You're HIS, Not anyone elses.
Violent in the way that JD get's absolutely livid if you do try to leave him. I mean, He tried to blow up westerburg for fucks sake! He's unstable and will get real volatile if you do try to get away.
Manipulative in the way that JD plays to your emotions. He'll make you feel guilty over the people he's killed, He'll make you feel like shit for trying to leave. Perhaps he'll even get you to assist in these murders, JD loves you but you must understand that this is just how he shows his love!
And Delusional in the way he believes that the entire world is against him, That it's all evil. But not you, You're an angel! You're the good in-between all the dirt, That's why he loves you so much! You can do no wrong in his eyes, Even if you do get a little bit confused sometimes..
I can see JD falling in love with you in a few ways.
The first is where you're an outcast like him, A social loner who doesn't really have anyone to talk to at break times. You're nice but you're quiet, Keeping to yourself.
I can see JD latching onto you after a single interaction. Maybe he drops something and you pick it up for him, Maybe you lend him a pen during class. Either way, It's the single domino to the catastrophe that will come later.
The second way is where you're popular, Really popular. So much so that you're part of the Heathers. Maybe you and Chandler have a history and that's why you're with them, But either way you follow beside her as one of the queen bee's in school.
But you're not mean, You're kind. Maybe you welcome JD into the school once he joins, Maybe you just say hello to him in the halls everyday. And this is enough for him, He becomes infatuated with you.
I'm going to go with the second option.
So you're a heather, You go to parties, You date, You do all the stuff a heather is expected to do. But it's not your style, You're only with them because Chandler was your friend growing up and you were hot enough to stay with her in the group.
But you make do. You're nice to everyone you meet, That's more your speed. You lead the student council, You organise school events and you make sure everyone has a good-time.
It's a good change of pace from all the stuff that comes with The Heathers. You have a decent life and it's future is looking pretty bright, With your good grades and status as the student council leader, You're destined to get into a good college.
Until JD turns up at the school.
It's pretty rare to get a student show up half-way through the year, And it'd be a pretty stressful time too. So you make sure to search him out and welcome him in here with open arms, You would've wanted that if you were in his scenario at least.
So you search him out, Helps that you and him share a class together. And before the bell rings, You find him early in his seat just getting ready for class.
And you walk up to him despite his rather cold demeanour, You introduce yourself to JD anyways and ask him how his first day was.
And JD is shocked.
Someone as pretty and popular like you greeting him? And in such a kind way? JD is at a loss for words, He's not usually welcomed with such warmth on account of his "bad-boy demeanour" and tendency to avoid crowds.
So when you welcome him to the school, Ask him how he's settling in. JD can't help but answer with a witty remark as an instant way to try strike up conversation.
And even though it doesn't last long due to the bell ringing and you needing to sit down and do your work, JD certainly can't take his mind or his eyes off of you. Looking at you more than the work in front of him.
He's the kind of yandere that gets interested fast, Not needing a second interaction to spike his interest. JD can already tell that you're perfect, An angel in your own right. He doesn't need any more confirmation.
Afterwards, Yeah, He's hooked!
After that, JD starts to follow you around just far enough so that you don't notice him. In school or out of it, He's just got to know more.
He eventually learns where you live after he follows you home one day. He learns what you like, Who your friends are. Your favourite flavour, If you have any pets or whether you drink coffee or tea.
Its all so perfect to him.
You start to find little gifts in your locker, Maybe a box of your favourite treats or even a flower that you're particularly fond of.
You of course, Being a heather means that you get a lot of attention from both guys and gals so receiving these things in your locker is not uncommon. Therefore you just go about your day, Maybe eating the treats of placing the flower in a pot.
JD begins to get violent, His tendencies starting to kick up. Anyone else that tries to ask you out, Anyone that you may sleep with, Anyone that you even just talk to gets a beat-down from the man himself.
I mean, How dare they try touch you? JD is by no means deserving of you and he knows it, But that doesn't mean everyone else is entitled either.
JD certainly tries to hang out in spots where you usually go just for the chance of seeing you, To maybe start another conversation with you.
By now you've definetly heard of what JD's been doing. Beating people up, The rumours spreading around about him. It freaks you out, Especially since a lot of the victims were your friends.
So you avoid him, Not wanting to anger him.
You know that JD is probably troubled. He's outcast with low social skills, He's joined the school half-way during the year and he's violent. You've heard the type and realise he probably has some home issues.
But you're not an adult, You're not professionally trained. You're just trying to get through high school, So you have no way to help him. It's not like you could get him any help, Westerberg is not known for it's counselling and you're not his friend so you don't think it's right of you to find him some.
JD for one, Is irked.
He doesn't deserve you in the slightest. Among the filth, The cruelty and the evil of the world you are the angel above them. JD is no better than everyone else, But he's certainly trying his best to get your attention.
He knows he'd be good for you, He knows he'd be the only one who'd be able to keep you away from all the dirt.
JD just wished you'd listen.
So he's gonna make sure you hear him now.
It's a completely normal morning, One day when you walk into school you're instantly bombarded with the news of a body being found in the ditch by the school.
You're horrified as you learn it to be one of the people you talk to often, Sometimes before and after class and within the hallways.
Its even worse to know that the body was mangled so viciously that the police suspected that it was a wild animal like a cougar that got to him, All before figuring out that it was a murder.
More victims pop up over the next few days, More and more bodies pile up. You're terrified, Horrified as they all were people you very much knew.
The next few weeks are tense and distrustful amongst the student body. You as the student council leader should know, As the majority of your school events have been closed due to safety reasons.
Somehow the school has been kept open despite all the victims being apart of their student body. Something about education reasons, You remember one of your teachers saying something about being too far into the school year.
People don't walk alone in the halls, Everyone looks behind their back. Everyone is suspicious of everyone, Mostly because nobody knows if the culprit is one of them.
Parties have started to die down. Not the crazy blow-out ones that you and the rest of the heathers go to, No, The people hosting them are too stupid to do so. But the ones with more common sense decide to just stop until all of this is over.
More and more bodies start to appear, One per week was the current rate. There have even been bets in your school to see who would be next, People rounding up the money. Its disgusting, It horrifies you.
Students have been instructed to walk home in groups. You comply as you walk home with Duke, Chandler and McNamara. You wanna stay safe, You wanna make sure you and your friends get home safe.
All until one day you enter your room, Greeting your parents at the door and going upstairs to your quarters. You only see that your bedroom window is cracked open before you hear the scream of a door slamming shut.
You near get whiplash from looking around so quick, Eyes widening as you stare dead at the face of JD standing in your room Blocking the door.
You can barely scream before he is on you, A hand covering your mouth while another snakes around your waist to form a twisted mockery of a lovers hold. All the while he tells you "It's just him!" "It's gonna be fine."
It certainly will not. Keep in mind the only interaction you two had was months ago, The rest was him beating the shit out of your friends. So you're horrified when he talks to like he knows you..
Thats when the realisation hits you.
You instantly start kicking and screaming in a desperate attempt to get out of his hold. JD tries to calm you but you do not listen anymore, He is the murderer that was terrorising your town.
Once you bite his hand and it relents, You beg for him not to kill you. You cry and scream for your parents, For him to let you go, For you to live!
JD doesn't understand why you're struggling so much, He knows he's not worthy to even touch you but he shouldn't be viewed like this! He should be your knight in shining armour.
JD knows that the people surrounding you have made you like this, Which is why he grabs the nearest blunt object, A lampshade, And bashes it over your head.
You instantly fall unconcious, If not too woozy to know what the hell is going on. JD catches you before you fall to the ground, Almost seeing it as a romantic gesture.
By now the commotion has alerted your parents, So JD throws you over his shoulder and makes his way back out through the window. Neither of you seen, No witnesses found.
This starts the domestic stage.
You wake up within an abandoned cellar. Its dark, Dusty, Cold and grotty. Spiders being common, Other invertebrates even more so.
The only things in there consist of debree, A makeshift bed of old blankets, A small box containg your belongings (And ones you dont remember keeping) and spiderwebs.
You try to get out but the old trapdoor keeping you in was in suprisingly good condition, And you had no tools to help break it down.
Its only hours after you've given up trying to break down the door, Huddled in the corner with your old dirty clothing does he finally appear.
You found out that he's keeping you in some old abandoned building outside of town that he so happened to have the key for. JD tells you that its not permanent, That he'll take you back once you've realised how shoddy the world is.
You of course, Are strong-minded and refuse to play in. But you can't fight back, Can't escape so all you can do is bide your time..
JD still goes to school to avoid suspicion, Making sure that nothing leads back to him. The outside world has deemed you a body they've yet to find.
When he comes home he always brings you your food and sometimes he brings you a gift too (Something that may help you escape). He also brings you a bunch of spare clothes too.
You're unable to shower since there is no running water anywhere, Your only source of hydration being the pack of water bottles JD brought for you.
JD only comes to see you before and after school, Him going home to sleep and him being in school are the only times he's away from you.
Whenever he is with you though, He keeps rambling on and on about his own plans. How horrid the world is but how amazing you were, Almost worshipping.
He also likes for you to give him physical affection, Him laying his head on your lap is a big thing for him. He'll force you to accept it too, Despite profusely apologising the entire time.
If the topic of another man or woman you particularly like comes into play, JD will instantly darken and get violent. He doesn't like it when you bring up someone other than him, You're his angel, Not theirs.
JD is unstable and might even strike you across the face for this, Not in control of his own actions. But straight afterwards once he sees you crying on the floor in pain. He instantly goes into hundreds and hundreds of apologies, So very sorry for harming you.
He won't forgive himself either, How dare he lay a hand on you?
If you do ever give into him fully then you will be let out of the basement. JD will forge a plan that would make it seem that you were held hostage/attacked, Lost and dazed (Depending on how long you were in there). Westerberg's police, Being underfunded as they are will not look into it.
You'd probably get back to school with a shit-ton of empathy and the man who found you, Now boyfriend, Hanging on your arm with a triumphant grin.
The only way I see you escaping this is to do what Veronica should've done and drive the fuck over to Seattle, Change your name and general appearance and never show your face in Sherwood again.
However if JD does catch you then its going to be messy. This man's violent tendencies will go on overdrive, He'll scream, Cry and may even kill you out of sheer unstable anger.
Of course if he does, He'd never forgive himself. So much so that he'd feel like joining you..
Overall he's JD. Yandere posterboy. Good luck with him!
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ladykailitha · 26 days
Steve is a History, Art, and Music Nerd
I’ve been seeing some headcanons lately about Steve being a science and math nerd and how cool it would for him to put the Party in their place with his knowledge, and you know I’m headcanon whatever you want, but he spends too much of the show with that stuff going over his head for me to espouse to that idea.
So I present to you Steve the HAM nerd!
Now the middle one is more of “I art so Steve art, ROAAAAWWWWRRRRRR!” type headcanon but the other two have some merit in canon.
Behold! My thoughts!
History- Steve is shown to have some interest in WWII twice. Once when Dustin is explaining that the Upside Down creatures think they’re superior and he quips “Oh like the Germans!” Dustin yells at him, but Steve isn’t wrong.
The other time is when he’s trying to show Nancy his essay for colleges and he compares his grandfather’s heroism in WWII to a basketball game he helped win. And it’s well written and explained well.
So maybe a little English in there, too.
But there was something else interesting that made really think that Steve is a history nerd. Lucas is one, too. And they share a lot in common. The common sense when their smarter friends try to dive into trouble head first, and basketball.
Art- We know that while Steve isn’t an intellectual like most of the party, he does share certain emotional intelligence that is present in the three other characters that aren’t “school smart”. Will and his painting, Jonathan and his photography, and Eddie with his music.
So Steve being artistic fits into that very well. I think he does pencil drawing. So that he can erase things when he messes up. He doesn’t think he’s very good, but he’s very enthusiastic about it anyway.
And finally:
Music- While Robin and Dustin were fighting over who got to translate the creepy Russian message, Steve kept focusing on the music at the end. And then fucking guessed it correctly it was the merry-go-round in the middle of the mall and then this beautiful bastard told them it was an Indiana Flyer. He not only knew the song, but knew the music was specific to the type of carousel in the mall.
Like, Eddie playing a song that had only been out for three weeks is impressive, but so is that.
So, no I don’t think Steve’s music taste is whatever is on the radio. I think he puts a lot of thought into the type of music he listens to, because he loves music. I would say that he probably learned one of the classic 80s kid being forced to learn an instrument instruments. Piano or violin. My bet is violin.
Because I’ve know people who play piano tend to use anything and everything as a keyboard when they’re bored and Steve doesn’t. So most likely violin. He probably stopped in high school when sports started taking up too much of his time, but yeah Steve is as big a music nerd as Jonathan and Eddie.
So there you go, Steve is a HAM nerd.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Gods and Clergy: Bane
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Religion | Gods | Shar | Selûne | Bhaal | Mystra | Jergal | Bane #1 | Bane #2 | Bane #3 | Myrkul | Lathander | Kelemvor | Tyr | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Oghma | Gond | Tempus | Silvanus | Talos | Umberlee | Corellon | Moradin | Yondalla | Garl Glittergold | Eilistraee | Lolth | Laduguer | Gruumsh | Bahamut | Tiamat | Amodeus | The rest of the Faerûnian Pantheon --WIP
Well, I did the murderhobos, might as well cover the deity and daily business of our favourite hot-topic-shopping dictator and co. now? Ahahahahaaaaa There is too much goddamn material on Bane, I'm going to kill Ed Greenwood-
Intro: If you're not consumed with fear and hatred while trying to take over a city which you intend to rule with cruelty and an iron fist then this is not the religion/political party for you. If this is not the religion/party for you, please lower your neck so that I can attach this slave collar to it.
Banites: The hierarchy and rituals and stupid toys of the church of Bane is what you get when Lawful Evil and Lawful Stupid have a horrible, overcomplicated offspring called Lawful Sadistic. Bring me the avatar of Bane I'm going to stab this fucker Also, being goth is mandatory.
Dreadmasters: More teleporting! Bossy, immune to fear and fond of magic rods. Also, do you remember that "divine oath" Durge and Gortash swore...?
The Chosen: Should be way more impressive than what we saw in game. Forging unbreakable oaths! Pet beholders! Detachable shadow spies! Etcetera!
Bane: Boy, the world (and my sanity) would've been a much better off if this dude had gotten intensive therapy instead of divine power!
(This thing is too fucking long and should perhaps be split into two posts but ooooh my god am I not editing this anymore.)
Bane's clergy often hear their god whispering his dogma in their dreams:
"Serve no one but me. Fear me always - and make others fear me even more than you do. The Black Hand always strikes down on those who stand against it in the end. Defy me and die - or in your death find loyalty, for I shall compel it. Submit to my will, [as uttered by my ranking clergy] since true power can only be gained through service to me. [Spread the dark fear of Bane.] It is the doom of those unguided by me to let power spill through their hands. [Those who cross the Black Hand meet their dooms earlier and more harshly than those who worship other deities.]" - Bane's Dogma [with 14th century addendums in brackets]
Bane is basically the quintessential villain of the Realms. When a person pictures the face of evil, they picture this god and his followers.
The most important thing to know about Bane and his religion, in my opinion, is summed up here:
"The summons [from Ao] had come wearing the face and form of that which each of the gods feared most. [...] To the Black Lord, Bane, the summons came in the guise of absolute love and understanding, its light searing his essence as it carried him from his kingdom." - Shadowdale
You want to give one of the most evil bastard in the pantheon a panic attack? Give him a hug.
Following a brief version of a backstory that has been given for him; the mortal who would be Bane was born on Abeir, Toril's linked twin planet/parallel universe. There he was a nameless battle slave to Maram of the Great Spear - an ancient primordial being of absolute evil whom the Netherese had summoned into the world, where it broke free and started inflicting horrors upon the world. While in the service of said horrifying evil, the young slave nurtured ambitions of having absolute power for himself.
While on Toril he teamed up with his two future frenemies, Bhaal and Myrkul, and they killed (or possibly subjugated) his master and took his power for themselves, before heading off to nag Jergal for his job. After bickering, the ex-slave known only as "the Bane of the Ancients" wins the draw and gets to be what he always wanted - the epitome of tyranny with godlike power. The next step for him is to conquer the mortal world and destroy all the other gods so that none have power and control over him.
Banite religion is founded on the principle of making Bane's dream of global domination possible. Every Banite is a link in the chains of Bane's power. What they rule, he rules. All Banites strive to take over something (village, city, kingdom, army, whatever). All Banites are expected to aid and obey their superiors in this domination.
When in control, a Banite is to use their power to "further the cause of hate, fear, destruction and strife." Doing so within the control of the law is preferable, but chaos is tolerated as long as that chaos is wielded as a tool with perfect control. You can get voted into power by stirring up people's fears of minorities, or start the apocalypse and present yourself as the saviour - but you must not be overwhelmed, or you have failed.
The world is divided into slaves who have no power and exist to serve, and the powerful who command them. Bane is the rightful master of all and all are to serve him, and by extension his followers (those with the strength to seek, take and hold power), willingly or by force. Control is the key virtue in the eyes of the faith. Always be in control and/or be controlled by somebody more capable/deserving of power than you. As their lessers are expected to obey every order perfectly, the superiors are expected to be competent in their leadership and wield perfect command.
Banites pride themselves on being cold and decisive in all that they say and do. They also enjoy cutting sarcasm. It's vital to appear in command of yourself and the world around you - shouting, loss of temper and other outbursts of behaviour that suggest a lack of control/power are avoided like the plague. Two Banites on the brink of killing each other may appear to be in the midst of only a polite, but insistent disagreement.
Bane used to enjoy watching his power hungry idiots backstabbing each other to climb the ranks while overzealous worshippers splintered into factions and started killing each other (most notably a divide between the divine-magic based orthodoxy and the arcane-magic based reformers/"Transformers".) Then Mystra technically killed him during a fight with Torm in the Time of Troubles, and Cyric took over his church. When Bane made a comeback in the 14th century he immediately decided they wouldn't be doing that anymore. Now it's an united rigid hierarchy from top to bottom, and Banites are a well organised, well equipped unit.
The laws of the heathens are irrelevant, but a Banite who gets caught breaking those law trying to achieve their goals is expected to suck it up and do the time for failure - unless they've been doing such a good job that everybody's too far under their control to try and punish them for it, in which case great job. A+ in Bane worship.
Banites typically establish themselves in an area by finding a location out of sight of a civilisation and building a fortress, where they build their power until they are too strong a force to drive off. Taking over an existing fort is also a possibility. The temple is run like a military base: spartan, with only tapestries showing Bane's symbol and religious texts on it for decoration. The courtyard is meant for military drills and rituals, and there's a mass hall for dining and holding prayer. They like pointy architecture. And black. Oh, and the torture basements! Can't forget those. It's also where they keep a variety of trained monsters in pens. You may end up sharing your cell with a displacer beast or something, but don't worry about it.
Banites have a secret network of teleporting spells. The actual "portals" will be any space of stone big enough to stand on, which are magically connected to other points (also stone). If you stand on one and speak the correct password, then it will teleport you to the destination designated by that password. There are no spells or barriers that can prevent the teleporter from arriving at their destination. Banites can bring others along with them if they are physically connected when the password is said. They can't bring more than 100lbs of inanimate matter with them.
All are welcome to convert to Bane. There will be an interview where your intentions are checked, although if it turns out you're not actually evil-aligned you can still join. There's a good chance that they'll use magic to turn you into an "incorruptible champion of evil and uncompromising disciple of order" anyway; "for Bane recognizes the value of those who have seen the lure of good and turned away from it to serve evil."
Or just use dark magic to twist you from a person into a weapon/guard/servant bound to the service of Bane anyway.
Banites are also able to ensure loyalty with a magically binding divine oath called the Dark Promise, cast by his favoured priests (Dreadmasters). It's an old spell, back from the early days when Bane was a new god and his followers were vulnerable, and is not used as often. When the spell is cast and the oath is made, a set of circumstances are set into motion that targets of the spell must follow to the letter. The promise must have Bane's interests at heart and the conditions and stipulations cannot be endanger the individuals' lives. If the oath is violated, it drains the oath breaker's life force. The damage done by this spell cannot be healed, and if the oath breaking does not cease then they will die.
Bane is one of the few exceptions amongst the gods in that his worshippers are all henotheistic rather than polytheistic. Banites consider worship of other deities "foolish," Bane is the only master you should truly serve. All under Banite rule will be forced to convert to the worship of Bane. They are however willing to cooperate with the followers of Loviatar (pain), Talona (disease), Malar (predation), and Mask (thievery) as Bane has terrified these gods into allying with him. From a certain school of Banite thought, this means that they and their followers are part of the chains of Bane's will (the gods/faithful in question probably wouldn't agree). Bhaal was, or perhaps still is, a servant of Bane and he and Myrkul have also been counted amongst Bane's allies in the past, despite their tendency to squabble, so cooperation with Bhaalists and Myrkulites is not unimaginable when it serves both their deities.
Banites do not get on so well with... anybody, but they particularly hate worshippers of Ilmater (compassion), Tyr (justice), Helm (non-Banite order), Lathander (optimism/renewal), Torm (champion of the innocent), Oghma (knowledge) and Mystra. If they get their hands on one they'll usually torture them and leave their mutilated bodies somewhere for the distressed public to find. Bane and Cyric are still at war, both due to humiliation and the fact that they're still fighting over areas of divine power that the other has stolen/reclaimed from the other, and the corpses of Cyricists that fall into Banite hands are usually found with "heretic" branded on their foreheads as a warning to others who worship the usurper.
Banite clergy are expected to always be armed, and it is mandatory that you at least wear something black at all times. For ceremonial purposes, Banites wear black armour or robes with a blood-red cape. Wizards like to enchant their robes so that they swirl and give off illusions of glittering with "black stars" and have blood dripping off the hem. The higher in the ranks you go, the fancier the clothes get. Banites used to have facial tattooing, although this made them rather easy to identify and kill off when Cyric took over and some purges took place. The highest ranking Banites can be identified by a gem that they wear on their forehead. Banites are not expected to wear anything that would identify their religious affiliations if it would get them persecuted, but they do like decorating their clothes with spikes and are are expected to dress in a certain specific colour that I'm getting sick of typing out. When Bane rules the world we will all be dressing as goths under threat of execution...
Each priest has a ceremonial staff denoting their rank, which they will have at these rituals. When a Banite dies they are buried with it. They are unenchanted and purely for ceremony, at most being used to light braziers. It starts with a simple black wood staff [level 1], which at higher ranks has an ivory skull at the top [lvl 2-4]. Higher yet they add silver plating, and the skull is the size of a fist [lvl 5], and the even higher level priests that skull has ram horns [lvl 6]. After that you get real human skulls! [at lvl 7+]! They're allowed to decorate theirs how they like, as well as adding enchantments. So gemstones, magic runes, etc.
Bane's holy symbol is the Black Hand, a symbol of terror recognisable to the entire Realms. Versions include a black handprint, a black claw or a metal gauntlet embedded with jewels. Priests usually wear a replica of the hand as a carved pendant of black stone. There is another Black Hand seen on his high-ranking priests: elbow-length gloves crafted of flexible metal mesh or chainmail, usually worn on the left hand. It emits an eerie dark radiance, i's supposed to be black, and a non-Banite found wearing one can expect every Banite on the planet to hunt them to the ends of the world for this blasphemy (also it's about 50,000gp in value jfc). The gauntlet cannot be damaged by force and absorbs all spells of third level or less. Area of effect spells are not negated, but cannot affect the wearer. It can drain magic out of items, should the wearer touch them with intent to do so. The wearer can then discharge all of the absorbed magic into the body of another by touching them, causing them damage. They can also paralyze undead and living beings via touch.
To question or disobey a superior is to question or disobey Bane himself, and is answered by torture, disfigurement and/or death. The word of a Banite of superior rank is law, and you will do literally anything they ask you to do.
Banites have invented a magic whip (a mystic lash) that does all sorts of fun nonsense in case that happens. It's made of glowing red energy. If the priest needs their hands free then the whip can actually wield itself (need to scourge that annoying initiate, but you don't want to look up from your book? Then good news!) If the wielder choses, a lash of the whip may cause one of the following; paralysis, memory loss, seizures, extra damage plus the disintegration of equipment, or electrocution.
One is expected to greet those of higher rank by kneeling in front of them and kissing their boots
At the bottom of the hierarchy are the novices, who are addressed by the title of "slave." If they're good enough, Bane will send them a dream vision or manifest as a voice speaking from one of his altars - he will name them, and they are allowed to enter the first rank of the priesthood… of which there are 12 ranks with their own unique addresses, which everybody is expected to memorise. Disrespect to a higher rank will, as mentioned, involve insulting Bane and lead to torture, disfigurement and potential death.
The only time you're not expected to use the titles is when in the presence of heathens, Banites will address each other as Brother/Sister Faithful (when speaking to an equal/lesser) or Dread Brother/Sister (when addressing a superior).
Banites do not refer to each other by name, only by the name of their rank (unless there are too many individuals of the same rank. In the case you had a room full of Black Fangs, you would address them individually as Black Fang [Surname].) It's generally impossible for eavesdroppers to learn the names or personal details of a Banite.
The rankings are determined by character level, and are as follows:
Watchful Brother/Sister/Sibling
Deadly Adept
Trusted Servant
Willing Whip
Hooded Menace
Black Fang
Striking Hand
Vigilant Talon
Masked Death
Dark Doom
Higher Doom
Deep Mystery
The Deep Mysteries include the Deeper Mysteries… which have their own ranks! Secret, higher levels which are unknown to those of the first 11 levels who must address all higher ranking Banites as "Deep Mystery." There is no official means by which a Banite is bestowed this title, they bestow them upon themselves if they believe they should have the rank. The test lies in the fact that in order to keep the title their fellow Banites must also begin using them - in other words if you are not a pretender and truly have the power and authority to hold this title, then your siblings in the faith will follow.
The ranks of the Deep Mysteries, in order of authority, from lowest to highest:
Lord/Lady of Mysteries
Lord/Lady of the Hand
Dark Imperceptor
Grand Bloodletter
High Inquisitor
The High Imperceptor is the Banite of highest rank of the Deep Mysteries, supreme living servant of Bane, and unlike the prior titles this one cannot be self-bestowed. I haven't seen any explanation for how it is bestowed, but I imagine Bane decides.
Banites don't bother with set holy days. We will have a holy day whenever the leading priest decides we're having one, and it will be called whatever they decide it is. This usually means a) somebody fucked up, time for a public punishment; or b) we've got an enemy/traitor, time for human sacrifice.
Rituals are to be held in as close to pitch darkness as is possible, gathered around the Black Altar (a wood table covered in a black cloth, a block of black stone - whatever, just so long as it's black so we can give it an ominous name). The Black Altar is to be made holy by having a replica of the Holy Hand of Bane floating above it (this too has to be black in colour). This is a levitating 6 foot tall stone hand that can sense alignments within a 60 foot radius, and it will attack good-aligned people on encountering them. When not in use it patrols Banite locations, seeking out spies and intruders and killing them.
And that the Seat of Bane will be placed in front of the Black Altar. The chair is black, its back is carved into the shape of a hand. Senior clergy sit in the throne when acting as Bane's voice for the rest of the congregation. So the leader of the area's Banites sits in the chair, and that means Bane is sitting in the chair. While sitting in it, the seated can read the thoughts of all beings within 90 yards. it can project a forcefield around the chair; can nullify magic in the area; allows the seated to see through illusions and invisibility; know the alignment of everyone present; allow the seated to speak with dead; and also conjure walls of fire. If the chair is knocked over, it causes a massive explosion of fire that kills everyone around it.
Then the party. With minimum partying and maximum solemn, ominous chanting and deep, heavy drum beats. Those guilty of disobedience or other failures will be chained to the altar and whipped in front of the congregation. And then there's the human sacrifice: "Sacrifices had to be humiliated, tortured, and made to show fear before dying to be acceptable to Bane, and they usually met their deaths through slashing, flogging, or being crushed by the Hand of Bane."
The traditional power base of the Banite faith was Zhentil Keep, the base of operations for the Zhentarim. The Black Network has once again been taken from Bane by Cyricists however, after the death of Fzoul Chembryl a few decades back - Fzoul was a Chosen of Bane and basically his favourite servant (who has since been made into a quasi-deity bearing some of Bane's divine power, that he may continue to serve) and Zhentil Keep is currently in ruins. The loss of the Keep (for a second time) destroyed Zhentarim power, and now they're mostly just a bunch of mercenaries with good connections on the black market trade routes (slaves, drugs, weapons, etc) as far as I can find.
The Dreadmasters are Bane's specialty priests, making up 10% of all Banites. Dreadmaster is a unisex title. They spend their time doing all the spellwork and making all the delightful inventions that have been giving me a headache. They have a stupid number of spells given to them. Nobody else's specialty priests have this many fucking spells.
They cannot feel fear from sources other than Bane
They can, however, project the feeling of absolute terror into every being within 10 feet of them, usually causing everyone to run screaming.
They can completely destroy the souls of the dying
Create extra evil undead
Create powerful, still sapient undead servants from dead Banites (from ghouls up to vampires)
Create animated suits of armour that serve the Banites, powered by people's souls
Make a warding symbol drawn with a mixture containing three drops of blood from a collection made by sacrificing 30 people. The ward is invisible and cannot be detected, and when activated it drains the life out of everyone present.
They have a supernatural knack for reading other's true moods and intentions They have a supernatural level of charisma and authority over their servants, who cannot help but be fanatically loyal
They are exceptionally skilled in the artificing of magical wands, rods and staves. When they use them the magic of the items is increased.
They're the ones who cast the stonewalk spells that make the teleport network run.
They're also the priests responsible for binding the Dark Promise.
"The Chosen of Bane are tyrants in every sense of the word, consumed with the quest for absolute power. Hand-picked by the deity of tyranny and fear, [they] are both charismatic and filled with hate [...] They seek only to rule with absolute, unchallenged authority over every living and undead create across the world."
They are unbothered by temperature, both hot and cold, as well as resistant to being burned or electrocuted.
They do not age, though they will still die at an age where they would've died if they did age.
Supernatural insight into motives and emotions, and a massive boost to their charisma.
They can mind control people, are immune to fear, can share this immunity with others or increase the fear they feel.
They can also cast gaes, which is basically exactly the same as the Dark Promise, but doesn't necessarily have to benefit Bane (blasphemous as that sounds).
They can summon undead beholders to serve them
They can grant their own shadows independence as an undead creature of the same name (shadows), While separate the shadow is free-willed, though the two remain telepathically linked.
They are served by a retinue of their own master's servants including: doppelgangers; helmed horrors; beholders; undead Banites; hell hounds; imps; displacer beasts; Banelar nagas (evil snake things with human faces)
Bane doesn't like using avatars, if he needs to manifest on Toril he just possesses people in positions of wealth and power who transform into handsome, yet "oily" looking black haired men as long as he's inhabiting them. The souls of these people are forced to watch as the god does what he wants. Once the body is "worn out" from all the punishment he puts them through (mortal shells, so fragile) he'll move to another evil or neutral mortal via touch.
If he strikes out with his gauntleted hand, then there is a good chance that the person stuck will drop dead.
In combat he warps the face into a more beastial visage. His hands become talons capable of "rending flesh and bone" and in the Time of Troubles when he was first forced to manifest as a normal human he immediately started editing the body into a more demonic visage although that might've been because he'd just crash landed in his own temple and destroyed it, and only had a few moments until his torture happy zealots turned up to find what seemed to be some random dude standing in the wreckage. He was in kind of a panic trying to make sure they saw Bane, God of Tyranny not... that.
His other manifestations as a pair of blazing red eyes staring out from the darkness, and a black, taloned hand which was the temperature of ice to the touch. They work exactly like his other manifestation.
Bane sometimes announces his presence, and that he is paying attention to you, with the sudden manifestation of the giant footprint of a boot, scorched into the earth. He shows his approval of his followers through their sudden discovery of a black sapphire. His disapproval is shown through the sudden appearance of red carnelian, ground into dust.
He is served by various devils, beholders, death tyrants (the undead remains of beholders that failed him), black dragons, banelar nagas and pride incarnates
Bane can cast any spell at will, save those that heal or create.
Bane was slain in the Time of Troubles. After his death his followers had an even bigger row between those who were loyal to Bane (orthodoxy) and those who worshipped his portfolio instead of the god himself and switched to Cyric. Many of the Orthodoxy began worshipping Iyachtu Xvim the Godson, son of Bane (whose mother was either a fiend or a fallen human paladin, nobody's sure).
Xvim was doing a pretty ok job in his nascent godhood up until 1372 DR, when Bane hijacked the essence of himself he'd left in his son and destroyed him - being reborn within his body and immediately regaining the rank of Greater Deity. About a few years following the Bhaalspawn Crisis, the year where Bhaal was supposed to be reborn from the death of his kids but failed.
Bane went on to continue being one of the most infamous, powerful and dangerous gods on Faerûn up until the Second Sundering, when suddenly we've got confusion.
In BG3 canon, the Dead Three are clearly greater than quasi-deity status. Due to new rules that WotC pulled out of their ass, gods of lesser deity status or higher cannot manifest avatars. Bane can still empower clerics and have Chosen, so he's most likely still a Greater Deity in BG3.
In Descent into Avernus, the Dead Three are apparently quasi-deities now, forced to exist in permanent avatars on Toril and unable to grant spells of have Chosen.
I think this nicely explains what I mean when I say D&D has no fucking "real" canon, it's all just a mountain of everyone's headcanons.
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Just watched a miles morales spiderman movie… so spiderman! gaz anyone? (this is not going to be canon complicit or probably be accurate at all LMAO) (this so has been done but its iconic so wtvr)
spiderman!gaz who gets bit right after he graduates high school. scares the fuck out of him when he starts attaching to walls and breaks his one of his mom’s favorite mugs. spends a lot of time alone and trying to figure out what's wrong in secluded places in public parks, etc. that's how you two meet--when he's climbing a tree with just his fingertips for grip.
gaz begs you not to say anything but you're just curiosity personified. "how'd you do that? what happened? oh my god you're practically a spider."
you two are together constantly from then on. same college, same interests, same work. you help him develop the web slingers and design a spider suit. you help with cases and scare him regularly. gaz is constantly taken by your bravery, but your willingness to put yourself in danger scares him. holds you close after you nearly get your head taken off by one of the villains. gaz realizes how much you mean to him in a moment like this.
he swoons like a lady in a romance in 1830s England when you help him patch up after a particularly horrible fight. it's all worth it to feel your fingers run down his face to clean up his spilled blood. your careful hands which piece him back together. kyle's so thankful when your done. shows it by tenderly washing his blood off your hands and kissing each finger softly. tomorrow he'll claim blood loss for his sappiness, but tonight he's all puppy eyes and asking if he can sleep in your bed with you.
he eventually has to rescue you while you're on a date that you did not inform him of. gaz gives you an earful for it ("god, doll, you can't just go off with random men without telling me. how am I gonna protect you if I don't know where you are or who you're with?"). next time you tell him about a date, he watches from the next rooftop over. the entire time (fuming). he's supposed to curl up beside you like a kitten, not that fucker. he has to keep himself from kicking the guys ass after when he sees the little kiss you press to his cheek. gaz needs it to be him for you, not some other bastard. he's spiderman for God's sake, how hard could it be?
gaz starts to try to make you jealous with the photographs on the news of him holding other people close. he gets more flirty with a girl in one of his classes and makes a show about it-- but he finds himself angry by your lack of attention.
it comes to a head one night when you're both walking to your home from his apartment. you've both had a few too many, but he wants to make sure you get home safely. gaz keeps an arm firmly wrapped around your waist. his mouth is too close to your hair, neck, and face. he's looking for anything to say you feel similarly, so when you tilt your head up to meet his eyes it goes batty. even more when you drunkenly slur "ky... you look sooo good when you're in your suit. swinging around..." and you giggle. like it's nothing at all, like his heart isn't in his throat, like you haven't given him the hope he's been looking for.
ends up with you two going to a party a few nights later after you and the other fellow break up (has nothing to do with gaz, sure). kyle wipes the streets the morning of to keep him from having to leave you. however, they'd have to pry him off you. keeps a hand at your waist or in tucked in yours for the entire night. leers at anyone who glances at you too long or any who make you the slightest bit uncomfortable. by the end of the night, he's made his intentions clear. so when you press your lips to his cheek in goodbye that night, gaz knows he's doomed to love you forever
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taxinealkaloids · 2 years
so...John’s planning on pulling the plug on the world, right? Like that’s what he’s doing here?
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I’ve just been turning these bits of ntn over and over in my head and tbh I can’t stop thinking about the description of 10,000 years of civilization as a first draft. John’s first resurrection didn’t quite end up how he wanted -- closest friends all dead, turned traitor, or both, fighting a war on multiple fronts, his only allies the corpse of his accidental bastard daughter and a twenty-something princess with cannibalistic tendencies whom he canonized as part of a failed attempt to revitalize his polycule-- but hey, it doesn’t matter, because he can just start over. All of NTN he’s in this depression spiral; he’s falling apart, he’s having orgy parties with his senior staff, he’s got at least part of his subconscious camped out in the comatose mind of a half-dead nineteen year old he tried to have murdered, treating it like a confessional booth; because right there, in the background of his mind through all of this, is the off switch. He can have his breakdown, and then just...let Alecto out. Erase it all, start fresh, and this time he’s got one attempt under his belt, he’s got notes for what to do differently, and so let it all fall to shit! Nobody else is gonna remember any of this anyway. Two worlds, now, that only John will remember. Maybe three, later; maybe four, what’s to stop him from redoing it over and over til it’s just right? 
The issue with that, of course, is there’s really no way to treat the world like this and still care about it in the way other people do. You’d lose your ability to be affected by life’s events after a couple reboots and then what’s there to get emotionally invested in? When you’ve turned a person off and back on two, three, four times and you know you’ll probably do it again the next time something happens you don’t quite vibe with, how can you possibly look at them as a real person? Are they a real person, if they only know what you want them to know and do what you want them to do? And once you reach that point, once people aren’t people but project components for you to edit, what are you even bothering with all this for?? John started down this path because he so loved the world; what happens when he reduces the world to something he can no longer afford to love? Might as well pull that plug for good, yeah? 
Anyway. I’m fascinated by the way John’s shitty mental state is dooming the world and it’s everyone else’s bad luck. The rest of the cast is out there fighting for their lives and he’s like *sigh* let’s try that again. take two, everyone! 
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byebyassociation · 1 year
Cahara the Skank (Character analysis)
Tw: The topics of 1500s prostitution, violent rape and suicide ideation
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Text version under cut:
Cahara as a protagonist
“Cahara of the South… He originates from the Eastern Sanctuaries. A bastard child left on his own at a very young age. Somehow this poor soul found his way to these dungeons…”
Cahara grew up under unfortunate circumstances, as he was abandoned in Jettiah he had to learn nothing in life came easy or freely
He had three choices to be a pickpocket, burglar, Or lead an honest life
But this choice means little past starting skill/item. No matter what Cahara becomes a mercenary.
“As you grew older you took part in various mercenary armies and learned the dirtiest tricks to stay alive. You were taken in by a notorious veteran highwayman and you joined his little band of criminals and ex-soldiers.”
Instead his first real life choice is if he will stay beside his first real allies or ditch them for his life.
They do not join him in the dungeons if they live
“During one of your many raids, your brigade got ambushed. The odds were seriously against you. You could have just abandoned your comrades and kept you life, or you could have fought to your last breath...”
He didn’t have to take this mission, however his mental narration states as if he does: shoving down fear for the money.
“Something is clearly not right about this mission and you have felt nausea since the the moment you agreed on the job. But you are short on silver and the reward is all that matters in the end.”
Really, he shoved his own feelings down for Celeste
"Celeste, you're still doing this job with the little one on the way and all?!"
Cahara is not opposed to Celeste’s sex work, instead he is opposed to the men who want her due to her pregnancy
"If anything, I feel like there're more gentlemen folks asking for my services these days."
"This isn't right. I don't like it."
"Girl's gotta eat and now I got the little one to feed as well”
"I'm a man. I should take care of you two."
“I’m leaving tomorrow if— no when I get back things will change. You just wait and see!"
He doesn’t tell her what to do, only stating what he himself can do for her
Sadly, he either already had a sense this could be his end or didn’t even let himself think this would be the last time he spoke to or saw Celeste in the flesh
"Just promise you do come back."
He knocked her up in a brothel and contracted syphilis.
“You also get an itch in your groin area...”
Unfortunately a sign of the sorts of people who’d pay for her services without care for her body.
After at least speaking with Celeste he fully made up his mind. He wouldn’t come back without the cash.
“But didn’t he like it?”
Cahara as an NPC
"Oh hey."
"You got me out of here!"
Upon meeting Cahara in the prisons of the dungeons, he is quick to join your party after a short conversation
[You ask him] “What are you doing here?"
[He answers] "Wwell...”
“I do have a mission here, but let's save that story for another day, yeah?"
Regardless of your questioning, he speaks quite anxiously. Stuttering or going silent in an out of character sequence
[You ask him] "Why were you imprisoned here?"
[He answers] "I was caught by one of those malformed prison guards”
“Your conversation took an awkward turn for some reason...”
Prison guards are shown to be sexually violent to those they have access to. Both in their dialogue, their attacks and how defeat by them causes incurable hemorrhaging from sexual injuries.
Cahara does not show signs of this hemorrhaging, however D’arce doesn’t have a concussion either despite nearly having her skull caved in. Both lack status effects for the sake of balance.
When Cahara robs you he has a preference for stealing healing items
This may be his attempt to patch himself up as there is no canon cure for internal bleeding.
[D’arce’s prison dialogue says] "Le'garde... You were supposed to be here…”
When in the prisons most characters bring up your common mission. D’arce, Ragnvaldr and even Enki bring this point up
Cahara breaks this formula
[Cahara’s prison dialogue says] "Tell me... Did the guards ever capture you here?"
He wants to know if he was the only one. He wants to know if there was anything he could’ve done. He’s seeking solidarity. He’s seeking kinship
"Don't let the dungeon have it's way with you. Bye."
"Talk about traumatizing events... Sheesh…”
"This place is starting to get into my head...”
Does this sound like the words of someone unaffected by the dungeons? He is nonchalant but he is not well. In fact that last line is repeated 11 times. He has 18 unique dialogue lines in party talks, none of his dialogue or anyone else’s appears nearly as many times repeatedly.
He’s gone into shutdown, in the upper areas and especially the prisons and areas around it he just cannot hold up. Mentally he cannot juggle his need to keep moving forward and process what happened. 
This leaves his mind to go entirely unfiltered when he is in a space where he can think. Suicide ideation and turning to sex for comfort being his two major callings in this state. Sometimes even mashing together through his willingness to marry a marriage, a very literally dangerous form of sex.
"Hahaha, this is too good"
"Dying down here is most likely the easiest way to go!"
'I'm starting to feel like death would be the easiest option."
“Cahara seems really enthusiastic.”
"Just don't destroy my anus with those big muscles of yours, okay?"
"Ehh, well that's a freaky suggestion, but fine."
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writeformesinpie · 1 year
Carnal Restraint 
Niragi x Reader 
Summary - The Beach is a dangerous place as you yourself well know. When you are saved by Niragi you realise you owe him. It’s time to make it up to him. 
Genre - Smut 
Warnings - Smut, attempted assault, attempted SA, sleazy non-main characters at the beginning, canon typical content (death, violence, blood, guns etc), explicit language, oral (fem receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, just all the warnings. 
Word Count - 3.6K
Note - I wrote this after watching the first season and held onto it to edit then proceeded to forget about this one. I hope you enjoy it! Also, remember this is just a fantasy. You deserve better in real life <3
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The Beach is not as glamorous as some make it out to be. It’s still part of the borderlands, after all. How grand can it really be?
“Hey baby, you want to come back up to my room?”
You don’t bother to respond, flicking your wrist to shoo the faceless man away. Your eyes remain closed as you sit by the pool, sunbathing because protecting your skin isn’t a priority anymore, now is it? Survival is the only thing of worth out here. It should be devastating but there’s a freedom in having nothing. It brings out what’s important, shines on the values that matter.
The faceless man mutters a slur under his breath as he shuffles away. They are all faceless here. They drink. They fuck. They die.
Except for him.
Niragi’s not faceless. He’s here now. His laugh is unmistakable. If that wasn’t a dead giveaway, the murmurs that follow him are.
He’s the reason you still shave your legs (because let’s be serious, what’s the point in things like that now?). That’s right, the image of that face between your smooth legs, that pierced tongue feasting on you; it’s the only reason to keep beautifying yourself.
A smile flutters across your face. Everything else is still. You’ve seen him watching you, you could have him at any time, but it’s the chase that excites you. You want him to want you.
“What are you smiling about?”
Repressing a sigh, you ignore the second faceless man whose hand is lingering on your thigh. It takes a few more minutes before he gets bored and walks away.
You aren’t stupid, you know they whisper about you behind your back. Let them say what they like. You aren’t here to make friends. This is the easiest place to live. That’s all.
Drowsiness is your cue to head back to your room. The sun is a blessing and a curse. It’s hard to win endurance games with blistering skin. The sounds of people partying aren’t enough to keep you awake anymore. They can laugh, brawl and sing drunken songs, and you can sleep through it all. This place was engraving itself on your skin, becoming home.
Walking into the hotel, the drop in temperature is automatic as a few people run past you laughing on their way out to the pool, you press the elevator button and wait.
“Oh, look who we have here.” It’s the man from earlier. That one that called you a cunt. He has two men on either side of him, closer to you than you’d like. “A stuck up bitch that likes to walk around the place like she owns it.”
You ignore him, turning back to the elevator. Why bother giving him the satisfaction of a response?
“Are you ignoring me, bitch?”
How original. Why is everyone so tedious here?
“She’s ignoring us.”
It happens fast. His fist snakes out and pulls you back by your hair as the bell dings. The elevator door opens. You jab him in the gut and walk forward, followed by the three men. Six arms grabbing at your skin. Swallowing the urge to heave, you instead bite the hand clamped across your mouth. Spinning you bring your heel down on one of their toes.
He’s watching you, that smirk on his face that disappears as the elevator closes. Bastard. Niragi was the last person you wanted to see in this situation. And that smug look. What was that about?
“Shit! She bit me.”
“Hold her down!”
One of them slams your shoulder against the mirror at the back of the spacious elevator with enough force that it cracks. Pain sears up and down your arm as you curse under your breath.
“Not so high and mighty now, are you?” It’s the one from the pool. His friends snicker. “Do you want to come back to my room now?”
“Not even if you were the last man in the world,” you sputter with a soft laugh. That gets you a punch in your gut. You tumble over, crawling into a ball with a hiss.
“Not so tough now, are you?” He bends down close to your face. The elevator dings and opens as he grabs your face, pulling you up to your feet before pulling you against his lips. Hand on the back of your neck he walks you out of the elevator. “I’m going to be the last man to make you scream.”
“In disgust maybe. You’re not man enough to make me scream,” you say, elbowing his stomach with everything you have. It’s his turn to fall to the ground as the other two descend on you. Picking up one of the potted plants on the side of the elevator you throw it at one of the men and ignore the piece of shit screaming something behind you as you run to the stairway. Rounding the corner, you come face to face with Niragi.
“Who’s not man enough to make you scream?” His eyes glisten with amusement.
“I’m hard to please,” you say looking over your shoulder. The two friends are close behind you, the widening of their eyes comical as they see you standing with Niragi. His reputation is well known. They turn back the way they came quickly.
“Should we stop them?” He smirks, slipping the gun off his shoulder.
“Why bother?” You shrug, tongue sliding along your lips, your eyes locked with his. He picks up on the cue, pushing you back against the wall with his body.
“If I kill them will you give me a treat?”
“I’ll give you a chance,” you say, a smile tucking at the corner of your lips. “If you can make me scream, I’ll return the favour.”
“Yeehaw,” he whispers against your neck, his tongue gliding against your skin before he pulls back, turning the corner. You hear gunshots and the sound of bodies falling. Sneaking a peek around the wall the two men are sprawled across the floor, bullet wounds riddling their now lifeless bodies.
“Yeehaw,” you whisper as you follow him up the hall to the elevator where the creep from earlier is still sitting, begging Niragi to reconsider.
“Please, I didn’t realise you two were a thing. Of course I wouldn’t have touched her if I had known,” he says in a high pitched whimper. “Please. I won’t do it again.”
“I know,” he says before pulling the trigger, causing you to flinch. You thought he was going to play with him a little. He turns to you and motions towards the elevator before walking in.
A soft moan comes from the room as Niragi presses a button. Looking down at the man, his eyes flicker and you realise he’s still alive. From the soft wheeze of his struggling breath coming from deep within his chest, you assume Niragi shot him in the lung.
Before you can look at him for too long Niragi is in front of you, blocking your view, a smirk on his lips. He takes a step towards you, leaving no room to move, your back already up against the wall behind you. His fingers walk up your arms before finding their way into your hair. He pulls your head back and excitement pools between your legs, the previous touch of the man gurgling at your feet forgotten as Niragi’s lips claim yours.
You know it’s wrong. After everything you’ve heard about him, all the vile things he’s capable of. All the things you’ve seen with your own eyes–although not as bad as the claims made by others–do in fact give credence to those very claims. You know it’s wrong, but it’s also exciting. If this isn’t the place to indulge your darkest desires, you don’t know where is. You’re sick of being a good girl, sick of being in control, sick of always doing the right thing.
The ding of the elevator snaps you out of your reverie. His tongue slides across your neck one last time before he turns, leading the way. You take a gander behind you, the man struggles to reach out his hand towards you, eyes bulging before the doors close.
Following behind Niragi in silence you notice how quiet it is up on this floor. It’s rare not to see other people walking the halls here and there, because although the preference is the poolside, people don’t usually hang out there every minute of their day.
He stops to look at you before turning the knob. “Ladies first.” It feels like a dig but you enter the dark room anyway, feeling along the wall for the light.
The door closes and the room darkens, the only light faintly fluttering across the room coming from between the closed curtains. As you find the light switch his hands envelop your fingers, spreading your arms out, his chest against your back as he pins you flush against the wall. He chuckles before nibbling on your neck, his cock already hard against your arse. You hear something placed against the wall near the door, most likely the rifle.
He turns you, the dark outline of him seen through your unadjusted eyes briefly before he throws you over his shoulder. You let out a squeak, clutching desperately at his back as he walks you over to the other side of the room. He plops you down on the bed before you have a moment to gather your thoughts.
“You don’t waste time,” you joke as you bounce on the bed. Before you can add anything else you have to shield your eyes from the sudden intrusion of light as he spreads open the curtains.
“Of course. I want to play with my new toy.”
He smirks, turning back to open the window, the light sounds of laughter and splashing can be heard from below.
“You looking for an audience?” Squeezing between the pillows you push your back against the headboard.
“Where are you going?” He slithers over and pulls you back down to the bottom of the bed. His hand slips under your shirt, the shock of his touch causing your back to arch. “You’re this sensitive yet you’re hard to please?”
Slapping away his hand you sit up, the noise from outside sounding closer than you’d like. “I’m just cold. Since you opened the window.”
“Then I better warm you up,” he says, a mischievous grin flashing across his face before his tongue dances along his bottom lip.
“You could just shut the window.”
“Shy, too? I wouldn’t have expected that from our earlier conversation,” he says, pushing you back down, his body hovering over yours. His hands push against your shoulders to keep you in place as his tongue glides down your stomach leaving a soft wet trail.
“Not shy. Just private.”
He smirks before his lips caress your hips, nibbling at the flesh. He pulls down your pants, leaving them around your ankles and chuckles at the floral print panties underneath.
“It’s laundry day,” you say, pushing against him. “And the window is still open.”
“You won’t notice it in a moment.” He lowers himself again to your hips kissing along that delicate line between your stomach and underwear.
He grabs your sides and pulls you closer, your legs now dangling off the edge of the bed. Slipping one ankle out of your pants, you slide your legs apart. He kneels between them in silence. Starting to regret stirring up this situation you hover on your elbows looking over your body at him.
“Lay down.” It’s a demand, his tone shocks you into submission, you lay back against the plush bedding. Thoughts scurry around your head with haste, accompanied with feelings of confusion and embarrassment parading to the front of the line.
Then you feel his tongue flicker across your pussy over the fabric of your ill advised choice of panties. He finds your clit and the power of his sucking, tongue swirling over the sensitive flesh, causes you to let out a gasp. The sensation feels both erotic and dirty.
The sensation of his moist tongue flush against you yet denied complete access by the cotton clinging to your flesh is new. His hair tickles your inner thigh, his tongue zigzagging across your sensitive thigh. Wanting more, no, needing more, your fingers start to pull at your underwear only to have him push you back. You try again but this time the pressure of his tongue stops. Assuming he’s about to slip off your panties you sink back against the pillows, but instead of pleasure a searing pain radiates up from the flesh of your skin.
“What the fuck?” you say as you jerk up, practically spitting the words, moving to rub at the red mark he left branded against your skin.
Thrusting his hands against your shoulders you’re slammed back against the bed. This bastard really just went there. He looks down at you, wagging his finger back and forth as you attempt to get up once more. “I’ll tell you when you can move. Feel free to scream all you want but stay still.”
Heat skips across your cheeks as you lie back down, your eyes on his as he takes your clit back into his mouth, his tongue moving circles across the soft flesh. Excitement pools in your lower abdomen, making it difficult to deny. You refuse to scream for this man. Biting your lip you lean back, closing your eyes.
You try to think of another time, attempting to avoid the pleasure the beast between your legs is eliciting, avoiding the way he flicks his tongue while smirking up at you. Why are your eyes open again? But damn if he isn’t fucking georgous. His curves, his bones, his skin. It’s exciting to watch someone so pretty do such dirty things to you.
Curling your toes and clenching your fists you refuse to believe that he can make you come without even getting your pants off completely, your jeans still hanging from your left foot. Think of the jeans, don’t think of his tongue and that piercing or what he’s capable of doing with that mouth when you’re finally naked. Your breath hitches. You're close. Turning to the side you bury your head, hands tight balls as you let the wave of your orgasm flow through you with a soft sigh.
Looking down at him, that smug smile still on his face, he finally pulls your panties down. His tongue laps up the crease of your thighs before taking a bite. “Are you ready to scream?”
“You think you can make–"
Your words are cut off by the sudden pressure of his fingers plunging into your pussy, his lips back on your clit as you throw your head back.
“You’re dripping for me, baby. It’s only a matter of time before I get you to scream.”
Frowning you try to remember why it was you couldn’t scream, why had you decided not to give in fully to the pleasure Niragi was so intent on providing. The reason escapes you as the cold piercing dances across your clit, a contrast to the warmth of his mouth. He’s right, you are dripping. The wet, sloppy sounds of his fingers deep in your cunt makes you want more.
There’s a dangerous hungry look in his eyes that promises a long night. Biting your tongue your fingers pull at his hair before digging into his back, your nails marking him as he finds your spot. He’s got you now and he knows it. His fingers stoke back and forth, caressing your g-spot with persistent precision as his tongue vibrates, the two movements working together in unison until he pulls out of you.
Crawling up on your elbows, you frown at the absence of his heat. The slight breeze from the window brings attention to the beads of sweat lining your forehead and down the small of your back. Why the fuck did he stop?
The question is answered as he pulls towards him, “I want everyone to hear you whimper and moan.”
That brings you out of your temporary euphoria. “You wish.”
“I don’t need to wish. You’ll be screaming out for me in a few minutes.”
You scoff. Right as you start to turn away from him he grabs you up and flings you over towards the window, like a ragdoll he has you bent halfway out the window. He blocks your attempts to hit him, pinning your hips painfully against the window frame, your breasts on display for anyone who happens to be looking up from the pool only a few stories below.
“You bastard! Let me go before people see.”
“But baby, I want them to see,” he whispers into your ear, one hand cupping your breast and the other on your ass. He chuckles before licking up your neck. “If you don’t want them to notice then keep quiet.”
“I’ll fucking kill you for this.”
“No, you won’t. By the time we’re done you’ll be thanking me.”
“I very much doubt that,” you say between clenched teeth pushing back hard against his chest. He’s an impenetrable wall.
“Let’s time it and see how long it takes,” he says, bringing his wrist up to you, the Rolex showing 5:53. “I can guarantee that you’ll be screaming before six.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s the plan.” The words resonate against your skin as his tongue flutters across the back of your neck. He massages your breasts, his cock hard against your entrance. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stand.”
Gripping the side of the window ledge you bite your lip to hold back the gasp that threatens to escape as his thick cock thrusts into your slick pussy. The angle he has forced your body into enables his dick to pound against that special place, that magical spot that makes you weak in the knees. Fucker. A tear rolls down your cheek as he fills every inch of your pussy with himself, fitting perfectly within you, as if this is where he belongs.
Shuddering, you bite your lip harder as the sinful pleasure of his cock pummels into you over and over until you worry you're about to give in. The moans start as whispers before morphing into loud pants until ultimately they turn into desperate pleas. The heat is gushing through your body like lava on a rampage, unable to stop even with the strong wind blowing against your naked skin. The only thing holding you up as your knees buckle are his hands on your hips. Even your grip on the window loosens; you're complete putty in his hands.
The wanton purr that exits your lips is unfamiliar as his pace quickens, the tears coming down a little faster as he pounds into your g-spot repeatedly. Gulping with sudden abandon, the freshness of the air from this height almost unnoticed, you whine as he bites your ear lobe and neck, his tongue playful against the side of your head.
“You’re so tight.”
The words bounce around for a few moments before they form into something you understand, the bliss causing a delirious fog within your brain. The air up here is too sweet. It’s dizzying as you look down. You can see someone looking up at you but you can’t think why it matters anymore. Blood is pulsing throughout your body, the sound of your heartbeat loud enough that you don’t hear what he’s saying.
“I said it’s okay to let it out. Let go. Come for me." His voice is honey and you’re so very thirsty, but when you lean back for a taste he instead twists your hair around his fingers and snaps your head back.
Pleasure and pain erupt within. Shaking, you give into the ecstasy. The need within you is electrifying and inescapable, you allow the pleasure to ripple out, slink across your skin and crescendo from within. You try to ignore the crowd forming below but if you are honest with yourself, it only turns you on more. The intensity of your arousal skyrockets into something you can no longer control.
“Fuck! Oh, God!"
The words are not screams. They are loud, yes, but not screams. The friction is torturous, his pace beyond human comprehension. Howls of rabid pleasure fill the room and you want to tell whoever’s making the loud, guttural sounds to shut up when you realise it’s coming from you. Fuck. You’re like a fucking animal, teeth bared as his own bury into your neck again. It’s enchanted delirium and you’re drowning in it.
“Come for me, baby.”
That’s when the walls begin to crumble beneath you, your body splintering as the waves of fire sputter from within and erupt, every atom ignited in pure bliss. He continues to slide into you slower now but still touching that spot with meticulous skill. Your fire burns down to your bones yet somehow avoids him, only scorching you.
Your vision darkens and blurs as you ride out the final waves. High pitched ringing vibrates within your ears as you cling to the window frame, your legs wobbling as you turn back to him. It takes everything left in you to resist the urge to slap him. He’s holding up his watch, that smirk plastered across his face. 5:57.
“Well, looks like you screamed,” he whispers, pulling you into him, his lips claiming yours. He’s honey and you’re still thirsty. He pulls back, a look of impish delight flashing across his face as he pushes you down roughly to your knees. “You can thank me by returning the favour.”
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quinloki · 4 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: King/X Drake Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Writer's Choice (canon!) Prompt: Writer's Choice (<.< Experienced w/ Virgins) Gift Giver: @anon-germany
Summary: King has desired you for a long time, but the frustration of the differences of your size has kept him quiet. Opportunity presents itself in a different way for him, an he seizes it.
Content Notes: three some, vaginal sex, anal sex, size difference, King wasn't going to take no for an answer, but no one tells him no, so it's all consensual.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You had caught X Drake’s eye at some point, or he’d caught yours, it was hard to say. Painfully shy as you both were, it had been a slow affair, but one the entire Beast Pirate crew was aware of.
The only person who seemed to be bothered by it was King. You weren’t sure why Kaido’s number two would even care, but ever since you and Drake had gotten openly closer, the imposing man had just… well, shown up more.
You’d barely seen King a dozen times in your time on the island, and the first time he saw you and Drake holding hands you saw him seven times that day alone. It continued that way for weeks, until King broke his silence with Drake.
You heard the muffled sounds of them talking as you approached, stopping in your tracks as the words came through to you clearly.
“You’ve been together for months, and you’re going to tell me you haven’t had sex?” King’s voice was irritated. “What are you waiting for?”
You heard Drake growl, and given what you knew of him, you imagined he was red in the face. The man was so easily flustered, it had been more because of him, than yourself, that had kept the progress of things slow. Not that you minded, it wasn’t like you had any real experience yourself.
But -
“We haven’t kissed.” Drake manages through grit teeth. “Why do you care anyway? What pace we go is none of your-.”
There was a clatter of movement and someone’s hand slammed against a wall. “How, little pirate, am I supposed to join you, if you haven’t even kissed her yet?”
Your eyes go wide at the implication and you can barely hear Drake stammer. “J-join…?”
“She’s practically dripping with need constantly, you oblivious bastard!” King growls. “And you… hard from thinking about her, or hard because you’re pinned to the wall?”
“I’m not, hnnngh!”
The salacious sound that comes from Drake makes your body ache with heat. You can’t muffle the heavy sigh that escapes your lips. Just because you couldn’t see what they were doing, doesn’t mean you couldn’t put two and two together.
“I could pop your cherry, little pirate.” King offers, and you hear Drake grunt in response to some shift between them. “Or, the sweet dessert listening to us could come in here and let this happen properly.”
You flinch, but you shouldn’t be surprised. Drake calls out to you, confusion in his voice, but not doubt. He’d been too distracted by King to realize you were there, but he didn’t doubt the larger man’s words.
You peek around the doorway, and see King has Drake effectively pinned to the wall, knee pressed into his groin. The tight leather pants he wears aren’t helping to hide the state he’s in, but with as flushed as his face is there’d be no hiding things.
King leans down, whispering into Drake’s ear, even as his eyes stay on you. “You’re a beast like me, can’t you smell her?”
Drake shakes his head. “We’d… tear her apart.”
Your body throbs at the prospect, but fear keeps you quiet for the moment. Enticing as it was, you didn’t really want to be split in half for the sake of some small pleasure.
“Certainly, but there’s a better way.”
For someone who said so little otherwise, King walked you and Drake through what he wanted. His words were soothing, his instructions hard to ignore. He didn’t command or demand, but it was like you were caught up in a dance.
Even as you let him strip you.
Even as you helped Drake disrobe.
King urged you both carefully until Drake’s fingers were pushing into your cunt, your trembling body on the edge of the bed, desperate for more. King would stop him every time you got close, running you along a line of need until you were shivering and crying, reaching out to Drake and begging for him to fill you up.
King cupped Drake’s face with one hand, and guided Drake’s cock with the other. Drake tried to argue he was capable, but King chastised him, saying if we had to wait for him to make a move, then the Festival would come and go before he did anything.
Drake was well-endowed, towering over you on his own. He and King reminded you to breathe as the thick, ridged, zoan tip pushed in. Parting soaking, quivering lips, and pressing into your needy hole with a soft, thick wet sound.
Once his knot pressed against you, King let him go, and Drake leaned over you, shifting his hips almost involuntarily.
“Are you alright, love?” His question is full of heat and musk, and you nod, reaching out to run your fingers against his chest as he hooks your legs over his arms, keeping them wide.
Drake gasps, tensing against you, pressing into you a little more, and you realize that King is mounting him. Given the pleasure breaking Drake’s face, and not pain, you imagine that King had been prepping him, while Drake had been prepping you. You tense at the thought, wishing you could have simply sat back and watched King unravel your precious lover.
A swear falls from Drake’s lips, caught between you and King.
“Don’t you dare cum yet.” King growls, holding onto the cross bars that made the canopy for the bed. “Endure, pirate, or I will split her in half to sate myself.” He threatens, his demeanor shifting as he looks at you. “Now, let me see that pretty face of your shatter in pleasure, little one.”
King’s eyes on you are heavy. Heavier than you’ve ever felt anyone’s eyes on you. The need that burns within them is almost terrifying, but King’s thrusts into Drake’s ass move Drake inside you. As safely as he could, it was King who was tending to your pleasure.
But it was Drake you craved, and it was his shape stretching you sweetly. The slight curve sending stars into your vision wasn’t something King could command, but the heavy thrust that pushed air from your lungs and kept you dizzy were.
Both of them. At some point you began to think of them on the same level. King pushing Drake beyond his embarrassment and worries. Drake buffering the heat and need of King as the two drowned your cells in pleasure.
Your small hand was clutching King’s pinky, and your other hand was pinned to the bed by Drake’s hand, as pleasure overwhelmed you. Your tensed and shivered beneath Drake, tears slipping down your cheeks as King gave neither one of you a moment’s reprieve. In your haze you weren’t sure why Drake started to beg for King to slow down, but a snarl escaped him and sharp teeth snapped together as he came inside you, his knot pushing in and flooding your overstimulated body with a second orgasm.
The rush was enough to send your senses spinning, but when you finally came back to yourself you were clean, in a simple cotton gown, and Drake was sleeping quietly behind you. King sat beside the bed, watching over both of you, his mask off. You’d heard stories, but you can feel your face begin to heat up at the sight of him.
He gives you the faintest smile, putting his finger up to his lips. The gesture alone seems to be enough and you feel your eyes growing heavy, as sleep takes you properly.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Give me jealous possessive JR/Andre/Gigi/Robotus or give me DEATH
Inside Job — Jealous
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI, canon adherent material from a mature show, jealousy, possessiveness, semi public sex, exhibition, etc
Content: bossy, bitchy, deep-state employees. When they feel jealous or insecure about others giving them attention in a way they don't really care for. Some are more dramatic and others suaver, also some more bitchy.
A/N: my, my, bossy aren’t we? Headcanons below for JR Scheimpough, Andre Lee, Gigi Thompson, and Robotus Alpha Beta, enjoy!
Robotus Alpha Beta:
- hates feeling emotions and hates feeling jealous even more, looming around like your sulky, petty, violent shadow who glares at everyone who gives you a once-over
- AB hates humanity but he’s learning to tolerate it through first hand experience and exposure, via the coworkers, and love it through you. That doesn’t mean that he’s not eager to snap a spine like a Ticonderoga #2 pencil.
- there’s one moment in particular where you actually got the first glimpse of him getting jealous, a holiday party when someone gets in a little to close and starts complimenting the fabric of your jacket while rolling it between their fingers. Before you can even say anything, you feel a weight all too familiar coil around your waist and warmth press against your back, lips leaning down to press at your temple while eyes glowing a bit ominously are locked upon the person before you, some poor bastard from accounting.
- “forgive me for interrupting,” Alpha Beta drawls suave and calm, sizing the person up from behind you knowing you could handle everything yourself, but enjoying the moment of being able to show off what’s his and his alone, “I just wanted to rejoin my dearest’s side. Quite immaculate, aren’t they?” He doesn’t waste time listening to the shaky response from the person before you and rather seems content just staring at you, focusing on your presence and spotting you glance up at him with a coy smile hidden behind the lip of your drink.
- You don't even look at the person in front of you, not interested in the slightest meanwhile AB is staring them down with a small, earnest little smirk until they leave, lurking behind like your personal, protective shadow.
- "Can I grab you a refill?" He asks, noting your now empty drink as he moves out from behind you and before you, taking you in as you lean against the unoccupied side of the bar, grinning up at him with a proud yet amused smirk. "What's the look for?"
- "Oh nothing," you drawl, smiling all the while and unable to wipe it off your face as you stare up at him, noting his hand still on your waist, "just finding your possessive streak endearing."
- "Endearing, huh?" Alpha-beta mirrors, leaning in a bit closer and making your head tilt up a tad as he watches your eyes lower to peer up at him beneath thick lashes, "Seeing you act all protective and domineering, possessive, its cute." Alpha-beta arches a brow, taking in your expression idly. "Cute? I'm not cute - I'm a homicidal machine bent on destroying humanity."
- "The only thing you've been destroying lately is me," you talk over and ignore his guffaw, enjoying the petulant scoff, "and its former homicidal machine bent on destroying humanity, now you just kill for fun. That makes it a pastime."
- "It doesn't. You know damn well that's incorrect." He immediately buts back, eyes half-lidded but still unable to give up his need to be right, "Oh I do, it's just funnier to get you all pent up, you fuck harder that way."
- "I'm getting you another drink and the second you finish it, I'm taking you home and you won't leave the house until Monday on legs so shaky its as if you're impersonating a newborn deer."
- "You've never been hotter." You tease and kiss his cheek as he takes your glass while passing by you, grabbing you a refill of your drink of choice and standing with his back to you at the bar, smiling up at the mirror that allows him to see you staring right at him from behind.
- He has no worry about losing you to another, knowing you well enough by now, but any little what-if gets clouded over by how you look at him, even when you think he can't see. Alpha-Beta adds it to the files, under that folder of reminders of how much you love him when he needs to remind himself.
JR Scheimpough:
- he’s whiny and pathetic — and you love him for it, the way he’s just a little bit of a bitch — but there are some things he just won’t stand for, like seeing others try and take what’s his. Including you. That man’s backbone has never been more prominent than in those moments, and he uses all of those well crafted aspects of speech and persuasion he’s accumulated over the years, and will indeed pick apart whoever it is with words until they’re nothing but bones.
- JR has a tendency to show you off, have you at his side and brag and boast about you and your talents, accomplishments, personality, and more. He doesn’t wield you like a trophy or a prize but rather pays tribute to you and presents you forth in front of others to illustrate just how much of a catch you are, and just how taken he is with you.
- so when a former colleague eyes you up and starts to lean in, JR abandons his conversation suavely and swiftly in order to weave through people to reach you. He slinks nearby, melting into crowds and peoples shadows while watching as this person tries to get closer to you. The moment he does see red is when their hand tries to touch you and you brush it away, stepping back, but they try to force their hands onto your waist.
- “There you are darling,” he spots the flicker in your eyes, noting the relief in your body and the way you immediately lean into him when he comes up, “was just talking about you to some coworkers over there then realized I had lost you — oh!” JR turns and addresses the person before the both of you, doing that salesman grin and extending his hand. “Hello, I didn’t recognize you for a second, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” JR segways brilliantly, an arm wrapped around your waist low and comfortable and he feels you press at his side, seeking him out and he wishes he came around sooner or just hung around you the whole night.
- the two stare each other down as JR shakes their hand, smiling in a grin that seems earnest yet as fake as the pristine demeanors and character junior league women have with their pearls and prejudice. “Pleasure to see you — lovely partner you’ve got, how long have you two been together? You can wink if you want out.” They chide, nodding at you and mocking your very real relationship, and both JR’s grip on your waist tightens as does your grip on the back of his jacket, gut already at a low and continuing to plummet the longer you’re around the person before you.
- “For a while now, several years actually.” JR responds first, nodding down to you and catching your eye, getting a small yet truly earnest smile out of you, him matching before glowering at the person before you. “Our anniversaries in about a month or so.” He adds, patting your waist affectionately in a blatant look what you’ll never get to touch moment.
- “Oh congratulations then, best of luck you two.” They say before departing, disappearing into the crowd and you breathe an audible sigh of relief which JR feels responsible for, smoothing his hand over your rib cage and kissing at your temple, “M’sorry I wasn’t here, wish I could off that fucker.”
- “there’s always the assassination button.” You muse idly, letting him hold you close and smiling against his lips when he leans in to kiss you, eagerly meeting his touch and wrapping an arm around his neck to lace over his shoulder, lingering as he makes all the occupants in the room disappear, just him and you in a moment.
- “have I mentioned how much I love you and the way you think?” JR jokes, squeezing at your side and eliciting a little chirp he grins against, mouth ghosting over yours in a blatant, overly intimate display of affection. You shake your head, blinking at him beneath lashes and he watches as your grin forms, the hand at his back splaying across his shoulder while the other plays with the hair at the nape of his neck, sending a shudder rolling through his spine all the way down to the tailbone.
- “you may have said something, but I’m more than open to hearing more from you, if that’s quite alright Mr. Scheimpough?” Teasing, you slide the hand over his shoulder and to rest on his chest to tug at his tie, feeling him melt under your touch and his body turning to moldable clay, ready for the heat of your touch to break him or make him. “There’s nothing I’d like more.” JR breathes, hand in hand as he lets you lead him out the building towards home, or more likely, the back of the car.
Gigi Thompson:
- you think she’s gotten to where she is while letting insecurities bloom? No way. But she will cut a bitch should they touch what’s hers. Gigi doesn’t like feeling lesser than anyone, and she knows she isn’t, she’s incredible at her job and immensely talented, creative, cunning, and drop dead gorgeous. It’s why she holds you so highly in respect with how you’re all that and more. Which is why she’s the only one who gets to have you.
- The two of you had went out, finally managing a date night after a series of cancelled plans from work hijinks and shenanigans, finding yourselves at a club and hidden away in corners and booths all to your lonesome, Gigi working her magic to get you into all the hottest and most lucrative places. You had finished your glass and saw she was about to finish hers, offering to head to the bar to get refills and kissing her in a brief little see you later kiss, feeling her gloss transfer and glitter slide upon your mouth. She thinks it’s a look.
- upon making your way to the bar, you skirt through bodies of people and finally make it, waiting for the bartender to make their way through and finally reach you. You reorder Gigi’s drink and get some ice water for yourself, feeling a bit hot in the packed room. While waiting on Gigi’s drink, you sip away at your own and lean against the bar, throwing Gigi a wink from across the floor which she rolls her eyes at, smiling regardless and sending her own back.
- Gigi’s drink takes a while, one of the liquor bottles empty and another bartender needs to step away and pull out a bottle from the back. You wave a hand, smiling and assuring it’s fine, giving basic courtesy. Now sitting at the bar, you pull out your phone and respond to a few texts idly, looking up when someone talks to you, an “Excuse me?” makes you Loft your head up to find someone standing beside you, looking at you expectantly.
- “Hello?” You offer, brows furrowed and eyes squinted, confused and a bit irritated already. “Oh — you didn’t hear me then. I just asked what your name was.” You just stare, dead into this poor fuck’s soul and blink, sipping at your drink. Refusing to speak, you just glare and wait for them to leave you be so you can grab your girlfriends drink and return to her side. “Okay, so no to that then.” They trail off, sitting beside you and ignoring the blatant hints you keep dropping about wanting to be left the fuck alone.
- “So, what brings you here?” Comes their latest attempt at prodding you to speak more, their head tilted and mouth smiling, assuming you’ll give in and just tell them all about yourself. Fuck that. “Damn, what’s got you all bent out of shape? Here to nurse a breakup or some shit?” Your eyes lower to slits, glaring harshly ahead at the mirrored reflection of the bar towards the persons head, wishing you could make their skull explode with your mind.
- at another silence, they seem to get fed up, growing irritated and irate. “Oh c’mon, how stuck up are you?” Your eye twitches. “Can’t even respond—“ They’re cut off, and you feel a familiar weight lay across your shoulder and Gigi’s perfume meets your nose. You grin at the bastard across from you, knowing his fate has now been decided by a much more merciless and cutthroat person than yourself.
- “Can’t you even take a hint, with your pathetic nosy ass trying to play twenty questions with a taken person.” Gigi drawls, nails drumming against your shoulder and you peer up at her, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she pauses for the drama of it all — god you love this woman. “Move on, you waste of actual air and space, before I shove my fresh manicure down your throat and extricate that useless spine of yours and make it a backscratcher.”
- as expected, they leave, rapidly in fact and abandoning a wallet you loot and steal the ID from, passing it to Gigi who places a call to get the shithead disappeared. She sits and takes their seat at the bar, her purse and your things in hand as she places a hand on your thigh comfortingly, thumb rolling circles and shapes into you. “You okay?” She asks softly, meeting your eyes and you smile, patting her hand and squeezing it once, twice. “I’m fine, and besides, it was fun watching you. Look so hot doing that.”
- Gigi beams, laughing as she rests her elbow against the bar, cheek in her palm as she stares at you, her other hand on your thigh still and tracing shapes idly, just glad to be close to you and keep you close. “It’s better than when you let me grab drinks, you knocked some random fucker out last time.” She starts, smirking at your sudden frustration that she evokes. “Hey! You know that dim-dicked motherfucker deserved it — and how was I supposed to know his cheek couldn’t handle my fist through it.”
- you’re about to justify your actions when Gigi’s drink is finally poured before you both, slid into her awaiting hands and you lose track of thought once you see her take it in hand and the slow drag of her throat as she swallows a sip, the print of her lipstick against the glass. “Fuck — what was I saying.” You burst out, brows furrowed again in honest confusion and she laughs, squeezing your thigh, and you realize you honestly couldn’t care less.
Andre Lee:
- there’s two sides to the jealousy, proudly watching as you dismiss people and their attempts at sweeping you off your feet and pointing to him wherever he is with an earnest grin and wave, him waving back being fully assured that you’re his and his alone.
- there’s the additional side that’s possessive as hell and knows you’re a catch, and Andre’s insecure and doesn’t want to lose one of the best things that’ve ever happened to him. So the second he can, he pulls you aside to fuck you like a jackrabbit in the nearest room and make sure whichever person — or people — that were interested get to hear you cry out for him as he brings you to the brink of orgasm over and over, the only one getting to see you like that and taste so good on his lips.
- Andre’s in the middle of conversing with Gigi and Brett across the room and see some little shit try and slide up while you’re alone, watching as your smile grows awkward and eyes scan for him, then secure on the person before you as you scoff at something and close down your body language. Your back straightens and eyes dim to leers as you stare down the person before you, and Andre’s already biting his lip while Brett catches he’s not paying attention, turning his head to his line of sight and clueing in Gigi, who both roll her eyes and smiles while taking a sip of her cosmo.
- “Go on and save them before they break that bitches neck,” Gigi suggests, smiling and promoting Brett to nod along, smiling too. Andre just shakes his head a fraction, a small grin of his own on as he finishes the end of his drink, tossing out the cup before nodding his head in your general direction.
- “But where’s the fun in that — just wait a sec’ then they’ll ditch ‘em. That’s when I come in.” Andre muses, already excited and thrumming for what’s to happen next, the routine so constant he’s nearly blessed with a Pavlovian response in how he knows what’s to occur soon. He can practically taste you on his lips anyhow, and he’s jittery, like a wound up toy aching to be let go to putter around.
- and they all watch as, sure enough, you send the poor bastard with their tail tucked between their legs and scurrying away, ego and pride demolished in your presence as you brandish a evil little smirk and swipe your lips across the edge of your glass and finish it. Andre rolls his sleeves with an equally evil little giggle before he approaches, watching as you lick up a stray drop from your beverage away as it lingered at the bottom of your lip, turning to him with a pouty mouth and lidded, heady eyes.
- “and there you are.” You marvel, adjusting so he can sit at the bar stool beside you and lean in close, placing a brief, take peck at your lips that you cast aside in efforts to bite at his mouth, letting him taste your drink off your tongue. “Julep?”
- “close, was a mojito.” You chime, nose nudging his in a disgustingly cute manner before you lean back, lips glossed now in his spit. He loves how it looks on you. “Nice try though.” You murmur, sparing him a glance as you fish out bills from your wallet and pay your shared tab, smacking his hand away when he tries to pay — you nearly growl and he tries so hard not to laugh.
- as you paid, Andre turns and locks eyes with the fucker that tried to talk you up and flips him off with a cheery, eat shit smile before you can turn around. He feigns nonchalance but you see through it anyhow, shoving your receipt in the bag and taking his hand before walking out to the exit hall and quickly drag him into the bathrooms — slinking in and dragging him by his tie as you step backwards so he presses you against the sink.
- Andre helps you up, mouthing at your jaw as you paw and nudge at his belt, managing to unbuckle it as his slide your own bottoms down and underwear too, teasing you with eager hands as you moan out, head angled and resting against the mirror. He works quickly, shucking his pants down to his mid thighs where they bunch so he can fuck his fist then grind against you, sending your belly clenching and hips swiveling, eager for friction.
- and if that poor bastard happened to try and use the restroom, peek in just a fraction, they’d see Andre jackhammering into you and his bright, devilish smirk meet their eyes in the mirror reflection. His form covered the expanse of yours, keeping you covered but leaving your face exposed, eyes wide shut as you cry his name and praise him and his skill over and over, turning into a puddle from his ministrations and sending the bastard running — Andre considers it a win.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
George Is A Coward For Never Doing Gay Incest
an incomplete list of gay incest he could have done, it was right fucking there come onnnn
Rhaenys/Visenya you are telling me lesbian icon Visenya who hates her husband and lives completely separately from him for decades but somehow managed to live with him while Rhaenys is alive wasn’t in love with Rhaenys? that the paternity of both aenys and maegor is questioned and we get nothing to delve into how that affected the relationship between the sisters? cowardly!
Viserys/Daemon, i’m gonna be honest EYE consider this canon and there’s nothing george can do about it, like daemon beats the messenger who told him viserys remarried bc he’s so mad and that’s NOT gay rage over how much he wants to be his brother’s wife so they can be aegon and visenya and conquer the world together, even while daemon flaunts his privileges as a man?? nah i see right through gyldayn’s heterosexuality.
Aegon II/Aemond, you're telling me Aemond calls himself protector of the realm while his brother is dying of his wounds but specifically doesn't call himself king, and Aegon throws Aemond a party after Aemond kinslays and helps kicks off the war and those two weren't fucking?? whack.
Baela/Rhaena, Baela has this amazing, bad ass, ultimately completely useless stand off that ends in the deaths of two dragons, eventually married to an uncle/cousin who cheats on her constantly, and is completely shut out of politics aka she gets Rhaenyra-ed, and meanwhile Rhaena gets two husbands that adore her, a dragon, and significant respect from the Lords, I am telling you there is some sort of psychosexual obsession here in how in order for Rhaena to rise (and HEAL), Baela must fall and suffer, and Baela "trying desperately to be Daemon's mini me" Targaryen wouldn't get obsessive over this.
Aegon III/Gaemon Palehair is possibly incest given we don’t know who Gaemon’s father is, also i know there’s an awkward age gap but see: my gay little hands and characters i like, also, there’s weird age gaps everywhere and aegon ii was old enough to have a bastard closer to aegon iii’s age if george had been less of a coward smh. so much here in the way gaemon’s crown is torn from his head along with his mothers and he’s forced to serve the monarchy, only to fall in love with the living embodiment of every painful memory gaemon has, of aegon resenting the crown on his own head bc if he’d been the fourth born son he could have never married and lived his life with gaemon, with his brothers, with his mother, but now they’re stuck in these roles that are going to devour them whole and he can see it coming but he can’t stop it!
Daena/Elaena, listen, two sisters with bastards who choose different sides of a war because daena has only ever found freedom with the traditional, racist fucks that want to crown her son so she throws her lot in with them because she will not be a prisoner ever again dammit and elaena was only ever freed when daeron allowed her an outlet for her immense intelligence and she’s in love with a dornish man who opens her eyes to the prejudices at court, and under all that are two girls who only ever found peace in the maidenvault through their small, stolen kisses and raising their bastards together, a little odd family forced together by the madness of their brother completely split apart by the madness of court LIKE??? HELLO?
Baelor Breakspear/Maekar, think of the POSSIBILITIES of how the monarchy is purposefully stepping away from incest only for two brothers so dissimilar to find an attraction between them they don’t understand, Maekar always jealous of all that Baelor is given while Baelor longs for Maekar’s relative freedom and they refuse to say what they really mean, how they really feel, and Baelor dies by Maekar’s hand IT IS GIVING ALRIGHT
Jon/Aegon VI, I will be pushing this literally until the day ados comes out and my whole “they gave show!dany aegon’s plot in the stormlands, the reach, and dorne which means jon/aegon is going to be full of homoeroticism and we will get a scene where Jon calls Aegon a child and Aegon throws a petulant fit in front of his unknown half baby brother” theory gets jossed. and if he doesn’t do it he’s a coward AND I STAND ON THAT.
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getvalentined · 1 month
@takenbynumbers: tseng for the ask game - 13, 24, 35, 44. :)
[For the Random Character Asks game.]
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done?
Canonically? Probably that time he messed up that mission with Veld and almost got them both killed. (The one that leads to one of my favorite lines from Veld, which basically translates to "...They say that subordinates are a lot like their superiors, so maybe I'm still naive, too.")
Headcanon? When Tseng was about seventeen he once accidentally stole one of Veld's extremely expensive pens after a group meeting, didn't realize it until two days later when he found it in his desk drawer, and proceeded to spend the next week trying to sneak it back into Veld's desk instead of just telling him that he'd accidentally walked away with it.
After a series of failed attempts that landed three colleagues in trouble (all of whom insisted that they would willingly sacrifice themselves to keep Tseng out of trouble because Turks are and have always been ride-or-die, even in exceptionally ridiculous situations), the incident was resolved when Reno finally just took the pen from Tseng, slipped it into his pocket, and walked into the armory.
A few seconds later he walked back out, holding up the pen like a lighter at a concert. "Hey, Chief! Isn't this like your sixth-favorite 'I'm a rich bastard' pen? I don't think it goes in the materia locker."
As it turned out, Veld had been so busy over the past week and a half that he hadn't even noticed it was missing. He thanked Reno, theorizing that he'd accidentally carried it in there himself when getting kitted out for a field assignment, and just accidentally left it in the locker.
(This event may be why Reno was given the vice director position upon Tseng's promotion within the department, but neither of them will confirm or deny the possibility.)
(Also I know the Ultimania says that Reno is 25 during the Crisis but that makes absolutely no sense with the timeline of the Compilation so I reject this as soundly as I reject Sephiroth being born in 1980.)
24. Most annoying habit?
For simple habits, like tics, Tseng tends to use fountain pens not because of any preference of his own, but because he will fidget with click pens or snap the lid on and off capped pens over and over and over until everyone around him wants to strangle him alive. Veld got him into fountain pens so that he'd stop doing that during mission briefs and meetings.
For more complex issues, as indicated in the story above, Tseng is horribly indirect in social situations. This is doubly true when he thinks someone else has a problem with him, which leads to him asking questions of mutual acquaintances, making observations and constructing timelines to try to figure out whether he or the other party is in the wrong, and overthinking every previous interaction he can think of instead of just asking the other person what's going on.
This is less annoying for the people who don't realize it's happening, but for everyone else there's a lot of "Just ask him. Oh my god. Just ask him what's wrong! Tseng you are THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD just ASK HIM if he's mad at you!"
35. Their idea of a perfect day?
Even with alarms off, Tseng wakes up a little after sunrise, even on the weekend. He rolls over, slings his arm over Reeve in bed and stays there until Reeve wakes up about an hour later. They get up, Reeve checks his phone—Tseng takes it from him, because they're off work today. He goes through Reeve's notifications, snoozes all of them for 48 hours, then gives him back his phone.
Reeve makes coffee while Tseng makes sure Cait Sith is set on assignments for the day, and then both and and Reeve see him off for the day. Cait Sith won't connect directly with Reeve except in an emergency, and Tseng isn't worried about that; he can take care of himself, and things are quiet these days anyway. The biggest problems they have to deal with these days are ordinary people with legal agreements, not overpowered superhumans with lethal aggression.
Tseng gets dressed before Reeve, because Reeve likes to shower first thing in the morning and Tseng likes to shower before he goes to bed. He makes breakfast while Reeve is washing up, and gets a call from Reno that he's letting Elena off early today because she has a date. It'll mean they're running a little skinny through the weekend, but the mission board is almost empty so he's not pressed about it. Tseng says that's all right, he trusts Reno's judgment, and he'll talk to him on Monday.
He pages through the worst gossip rag in Junon while Reeve eats breakfast, periodically turning the magazine around to ask if Reeve thinks a particular photo of this or that public figure was taken by Kunsel. Reeve agrees with him every time, except for the one of Vincent, and they both admit that Kunsel is too scared of Vincent to have done that. They spend some time theorizing who would have taken the chance, going well past the point that breakfast is done, but don't reach a consensus before an alarm goes off and it's time to head out.
Up on the roof of the WRO's executive housing facility, Tseng and Reeve load up one of the organization's aircars—like an airship, but stripped down to the smallest versions of the barest essentials until it's not quite the length of a travel trailer—and spend the next few hours in the sky. The autopilot gives Tseng some time to read, although it always makes Reeve anxious. This is funny, singe Reeve helped develop the aircar in the first place, so he knows there's no risk of them going down just because Tseng took his eyes off the instruments for a few minutes, and Tseng teases him about it until Reeve begrudgingly concedes.
They touch down in Costa, but not on the landing pad—not even properly in town, instead settling just past the cliffs that divide the commercial, public beaches with the less-accessible stretch of shoreline to the north. Reeve unloads the aircar and Tseng sets up, propping up an umbrella, unfolding chairs and draping them in towels, situating the cooler and pulling out one of those cheap premade smoothies-in-a-pouch for lunch. He gets changed while Reeve has his own lunch, and they spend the rest of the day at the beach; around sunset they get back in the car (leaving all those things they brought on the sand, no one can get here except from the air and everything is replaceable anyway) to head into town, where they get dinner from a food truck on the side of the road as they walk from the landing pad to the hotel where they'll spend the night.
Tomorrow afternoon, they'll head home. But for a little over 24 hours, there's nothing but sunshine and sand and water, ice melting in a plastic cooler, slightly-uncomfortable folding chairs and sand-crusted towels. No work, no responsibilities, no crises to avert.
And when Tseng goes back to work on Monday, he'll remember exactly why that work is worth doing, which feels pretty perfect to him.
44. Their happiest memory?
I would say that Tseng doesn't have a lot of happy memories, but that's not really it. The thing is that for Tseng, happiness is a fleeting, finite thing; contentment is possible eventually, but happiness is different, happiness is deeper, and it isn't until after the world has come to and end multiple times that he finds it in a more permanent sense. Before that, his happiest memories are...not what most people would consider pleasant? But they're happy nonetheless.
Pinned under rubble when he was too young and too naive to know when to give up, sure that he was going to die, and then having Veld show up to save him after insisting over and over that he wouldn't.
Security footage taken from Kalm, seeing Aerith under a blue sky for the first time and knowing that it was where she was meant to be, that she was finally getting to see the world that belonged to her.
Sitting in the forest outside the Forgotten Capital, bruised and bleeding after days of torture at the hands of the Remnants, watching Vincent work on treating Elena's injuries—first, before Tseng, because she was unconscious and he wasn't—and eventually turn to Tseng and declare without a hint of uncertainty that she would pull through.
If asked, Tseng would say that he has a lot of happy memories. Nobody else would think they're happy at all.
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washipink · 1 year
A Beginner’s Guide to Tokusatsu
Hey, I know some of you are probably wondering about all these hero shows I’m constantly posting about. Maybe you want to try watching them too, but don’t know where to start? Well, look no further. I’m here to go over some accessible, and legal, means of checking out some of my favorite things!
for the OTHER means, you’ll have to DM me or send me an ask. I’m not getting my favorite sites shut down. You know the drill.
This guide will mainly focus on the big 3 Toku franchises, Toei’s Kamen Rider and Super Sentai as well as Tsuburaya’s Ultraman.
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What Is Tokusatsu?
Tokusatsu is a genre of Japanese shows and movies that literally translates to “Special Effects”. Usually using a combination of monster or hero suits, practical effects like explosions, and light CGI.
That’s a REALLY wide net, so we’re just gonna focus on 3 shows today.
Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman. Thanks to @urotandersentai​ for drawing this neat little guide to the Visual Design of each of these 3 shows.
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With that out of the way, let’s look at some individual seasons of these shows. Each one has a link to where you can watch it!
Please remember that at the end of the day, the best way to pick a show to watch is “Whatever looks coolest to you”. As such, I’ve included pictures!!!
Super Sentai
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You might be saying, “This looks like Power Rangers!” And you’d be right!
Super Sentai, created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei Productions, is kinda like Power Rangers’ Dad. PR has been using suits and even fight footage from Super Sentai to tell its own stories for 30 years. All this time, though, Sentai has been creating lovable and memorable casts of colorful heroes.
Generally, Super Sentai is about a team of heroes in colorful costumes that fight monsters every week to protect people.
There’s tons of shows in this series that are available FOR FREE.
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The Earth is under siege from the Dimensional War Party Vyram. A special squadron is selected for an experiment to turn them into Super Humans with the powers of Birds, the Birdman Squadron Jetman. Vyram interferes with the experiment and kills all but one of the Jetman recruits. Instead, civilians are transformed and tasked with defending the Earth. The surviving recruit, Ryu Tendo, must convince 4 normal people with drastically different backgrounds to fight with him.
Jetman has the typical monster of the week format for Super Sentai, but when the team isn’t battling monsters, there’s some serious drama going on. The five of them are all drastically different individuals. It can make it hard to work as a team. Especially when it comes Black Condor. Dude’s a loose canon and an absolute bastard of a man.
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“From hundreds of millions of years ago, in the age of the dinosaurs, five warriors revive in the present time!”
When the Evil Witch Bandora awakens from her slumber, intent on terrorizing the Children of Earth, Five warriors from Dinosaur Times are unsealed to undo her schemes!
This one is where the suits for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers came from, which might tempt you to watch it first. I kinda recommend against that, though. It’s a fine show but I personally found it a bit boring. The characterization of the main cast didn’t stick out as much compared to other Sentai.
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I haven’t seen this one, but it’s focused on martial arts and one of their mechs is a cool dragon? so uhhh? Check them out? Their theme song fucks
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Ok listen I didn’t watch this one either. HOWEVER, I know that it’s about the descendants of 5 legendary ninja who have been fighting yokai for 400 years.
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This is the last sentai in the “I didn’t watch it” category. uhhh, watch it if the suits look cool. Sorry.
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Five Mechanics use the power of Car Magic to protect the earth from the Universal Reckless Driving Tribe and teach children about Traffic Safety. This one’s a tad bit goofier compared to some of the others, but it’s a good time.
Also There’s a Yoda.
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Five High School Students are friends and pals! Together they investigate the mysterious goings on of a technologically advanced evil empire. They literally surf the net in order to bring peace to their city and the world!
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The warriors of Ginga Forest, the Gingamen, have protected nature for 132 Generations. This series follows the 133rd Generation of Gingamen, who battle alongside Starbeasts to stop the resurrection of the Demon Beast Ditanix!
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This time, the rangers are an experienced team of rescue workers given super human power! They fight back Literal Demons From Hell that endanger the public. There’s a lot of focus specifically on rescuing civilians in this one, so if you’re an especially big fan of watching heroes... SAVE people, this is a great choice.
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In the 30th Century, a gang of super criminals escapes to the year 2000. They are tracked down by the Future Sentai Timeranger, agents of the Time Defense Force. There, they encounter the Great(s) Grandfather of their departed leader and must convince him to fight alongside them for the sake of humanity.
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Veterinarian Kakeru Shishi can hear the hearts of every animal! He swiftly becomes enraptured in the adventures of the Gaorangers, who battle living embodiment of pollution. Also they live on a flying turtle! How cool is that?
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What if there was a polycule of ninjas SO BAD at being Ninjas, they showed up to Ninja Class Late and were the only survivors of an attack on their school? These guys are the silliest little slackers, but they’ve got hearts of gold. Check them out? For me? :)
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If Super Sentai is Power Rangers’ Dad, Kamen Rider is Power Rangers’ Uncle.
Kamen Rider was ALSO created by Shotaro Ishinomori.
Usually focused in on a smaller cast of heroes. A common theme in Rider is that the heroes are created by their villains and choose to rebel against them for the greater good, or will use the villain’s own powers against them.
Most Riders have a signature attack where they leap into the air and do a flying kick. These get INCREDIBLY flashy over the years.
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Unfortunately, there’s a lot less Kamen Rider legally available than there are of the other two shows here. Don’t fret, it’s Easy Enough To Find Anyway.
As for the shows I can link you to, there’s
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This is the original series.
Takeshi Hongo is an augmented human being created by the evil organization Shocker. Escaping before his brainwashing can be completed, battles for humanity’s freedom as Kamen Rider.
Being such an old show, the effects can be dated and cheesy. It’s a bit of an acquired taste, but if you stick with it, I’m sure you’ll love it. You can watch most of the show in almost any order. The only really confusing part is that eventually, Hongo tags out with fellow escaped cyborg Ichimonji Hayato as Kamen Rider. (This was due to a real world injury to Hongo’s actor during filming. Don’t worry, he’s still kicking and he comes back later in the show!)
It’s also the longest Kamen Rider show, so I don’t fault you if you decide not to watch ALL of it. Even I haven’t yet.
If reading is more your thing, it’s based on a manga that you can find a DELIGHTFULLY well crafted omnibus of here
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Kuuga was the first season of Rider after about a 5 year break on TV. It’s something of a return to form.
It follows Yusuke Godai, a world traveler with 2000 skills, visiting his home town for the first time in years. He finds himself in the middle of an ancient civilization’s ritualistic murder game. Donning the mantle of Kuuga, Godai fights to protect the smiles of the city. He has a wonderful supporting cast around him including Detective Ichijou, who he goes on to share a rather homoerotic bond with.
Kuuga was my first Rider Series and to this day, it represents the Bread and Butter of Kamen Rider to me. This one’s a bit of a slow-paced Drama, but its focus is on what it means to help others. Every episode, I felt like I was actively being encouraged to be a better person. Godai’s got this infectious positivity that can’t help but make you grin.
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Ryuki takes a rather different direction from the other shows on this list. Instead of being about a single hero battling monsters, it’s about Plucky Young Journalist Shinji Kido being wrapped up in an all-out war between Kamen Riders. Donning the mask of Ryuki, he seeks to put an end to the bloodshed. The other Kamen Riders aren’t nearly as cooperative, though.
Don’t think that this plot means these characters don’t get tons of humanizing moments though. They’re all delightful to watch in action and you’ll end up truly questioning who will win? Is it possible to end the Riders’ battle? Will Shinji have to take a life after all?
I cannot recommend Ryuki enough. A lot of the Rider series from the early 2000s are Dramas that feature super heroes and Ryuki takes that drama up to a 10. (Plus, if you wanna ask where to find it, there’s plentiful side content for this show.)
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In the far-flung year of 2019, Hiden Intelligence has revolutionized AI technology. The company manufactures Robot Assistants called Humagears. People in all walks of life and profession benefit from their aid. Unfortunately, something is causing Humagears to go berserk and attack humans.
With the death of Hiden Intelligence’s president, Failed Comedian Aruto Hiden inherits the company. He’s given the Zero-One Driver, which allows him to fight the corrupted Humagears as Kamen Rider Zero-One. With this new power in hand, Aruto seeks a way forward where Humankind and AI can exist in harmony.
Come to think of it, this one’s kinda topical. “AI” is a subject we really aren’t gonna be getting rid of any time soon. This show is one of the more recent rider productions you can find legally and it SHOWS. Every suit is sleek and clean, the visuals are striking and flashy. If nothing else, Zero-One LOOKS incredible.
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Kamen Riders compete in a game called the Desire Grand Prix. By fighting monsters and saving people for points, the winner can have their greatest desire granted. Ukiyo Ace, the titular Kamen Rider Geats, looks to unravel the mysteries behind the Grand Prix and reunite with his long-lost mother.
Things get a bit more complicated than that, but I think you should see it for yourself. I can’t recommend Geats enough. its visual style is a direct evolution of Zero One’s sleekness and flashiness. It’s main 4 characters are some of my favorites in recent years.
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SHIN KAMEN RIDER (2023) (Paid)
Takeshi Hongo is an augmented human being created by the evil organization Shocker. Escaping before his brainwashing can be completed, battles for humanity’s freedom as Kamen Rider. 
Wait, that sounds really familiar. That’s because this is the latest in a series of Tokusatsu Reimaginings by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi. This is a new take on the story of Kamen Rider 1971, modernized complete with sleeker suits and stunning music all wrapped up in a 2-hour movie. It also has plenty of Easter Eggs for those of us who are fans of the 1971 series or the Manga it’s based on!
Be warned, this one’s gorier than the other stuff on the list. It’s mostly exaggerated blood splatters, though. I hate that kind of stuff and I’m able to rewatch this movie.
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Amazons is another adult reimagining of a classic Kamen Rider show, but it’s so far removed you don’t really need to know much about the original to enjoy it.
Amazons follows a group of exterminators who have been tasked with eradicating escaped cannibalistic experiments called, well, Amazons. The catch is that they work together with 2 Amazons, Momoru the Mole Amazon, and Haruka, the titular Kamen Rider Amazons. Both of them are tasked with asking themselves ethical questions. Is it so wrong for Amazons to exist? Is it possible to avoid eating people? If it isn’t, then is it WRONG to eat people to survive?
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Ok, look, I’m gonna have to make a separate post covering all the free Ultraman stuff there is. Theres SO MUCH OF IT available that I don’t know where to start. We’re about to hit the image limit. If that post is done, it will be linked HERE.
But for a basic idea, there’s tons of stuff on Tubi and the official Ultraman Youtube Channel posts new episodes of the currently airing show.
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drk-mnd-fds · 1 month
Hello can you give us more facts on fallen dreamswap
Of course, no problem!
In fact, I would like to create just 1 large document with all the information, but I think I would edit it many more times, since I am constantly trying to find my own non-logical solutions in the canon and correct them.
It's useless enough for me to talk: "Tell me anything," because I get lost, I want to tell you everything at once, I keep repeating myself and so on, it's better to ask something specific. I have already told you the basics, but you still need to look for it in my posts below...
Well... I'll start the story, I'll tell you a few facts per character. I will try not to repeat myself with the last post, I will write facts that I did not mention somewhere other than my discord server, but rather that I did not post them on my discord server at all.
– In fact, Nightmare won't be much stronger than Dream. Dream gained strength by eating 198 positive apples, the strength of Nightmare is equal if he ate somewhere around 90-100 negative apples. They both take out battles only at the expense of their skills. Nightmare is lower, faster and more agile, so he manages to dodge, he can't inflict any special injuries on Dream.
Dream changed negative energy to positive energy in Nightmare, since the nature of Nightmare is not used to and is not able to carry positive energy, so the negative began to absorb the positive, we can say that the negative returned in greater volume. The nature of Nightmare decided to make the negativity bigger and worse, just so that a similar situation would not happen again. It's just a defensive reaction of nature and the balance of the universe.
– Sometimes Nightmare experiences pain in the bones, but for this it must be surrounded by a lot of positivity. During the negative incident, the bones of Nightmare broke in some places, so that not only the back was damaged, but also the rest of the bones. In a couple of days, Nightmare has grown by 5 cm, so he is 170 cm tall.
– Nightmare sometimes experiences panic attacks at night, he wakes up from a strong feeling of heat in his body, anxiety makes it difficult for him to breathe and collect his thoughts. This state brings him back to the day of the negative incident, as these are the emotions he experienced when negativity filled his body again.
– There is a possibility that if you change negative energy to positive energy in Nightmare again, then Nightmare's body will not stand up and he will die.
– Nightmare is like a mother hen for Kevin, he began to protect him more. If Cross or Error accidentally offend Kevin, then Nightmare will start threatening them, but it won't come to action, he won't kill his friends.
– Yes, I make Nightmare look like a complete bastard, but in fact he won't leave any of his friends in trouble. Negativity gives him strength, but he will rather help his friends get rid of negative emotions so that they do not suffer.
– He feels that something is wrong with Error still can't figure out what it is.
– kinn song –  Robbie Williams - Party Like A Russian
– Cross regrets what he did to Chara. During one of his rages, Cross was able to completely get rid of Chara.
– A kleptomaniac of 100500 level will not hold him, even if the thing is tightly glued to the place.
What? A new wardrobe and sofa in the BHS house? Nothing new.... WAIT, CROSS STOLE IT FROM SOMEONE AGAIN!
Cross, okay, you stole the vase... WHERE DID YOU TAKE THE CLOSET?! PUT THE CLOSET BACK IN PLACE!
– Cross will always be on the side of Nightmare. Yes, they sometimes have light fights, from which Cross leaves the loser, but still Cross does not know what must happen for him to betray Nightmare.
Cross was very angry with Dream when he saw what happened to Nightmare after the negative incident, Cross was ready to immediately go to JR Castle to deal with everyone there. Cross was not allowed anywhere by Error, who simply tied him to a chair.
– If we talk about strength, then Cross will be stronger than Nightmare, but still Cross will never fight Nightmare in full force.
– An idiot who can sometimes just fight with Nightmare.
– Cross sleeps with a stuffed penguin.
– kinn song –  GHOST - Honey I'm Home
– If you suddenly realize that coffee has disappeared all over the world, then know that Error bought it all.
– The mom of the band
is the very person who always stops Cross and Nightmare from making hasty decisions.
– Sometimes he can spend the whole night knitting, so in the morning there may be few things that can be taken to the shelter.
–  If the Error is on the verge of hysteria, then he will run away from the BHS house deeper into the forest so as not to disturb others and not feed the negative energy of the Nightmare once again. An Error can run away even in what he walked around the house in. At such moments, it is better not to touch him, he reacts very sharply even to touches from friends
– Error can often go to OuterTale, he bought himself a small house there a long time ago, just to take a break from everything, I can compare it to a sleeping cat in his favorite cot.
– When no one is at home, Error can do baking
– On missions, he often takes a secretive position and stays somewhere in the bushes, just to watch and be alert, although sometimes he can take an active part in the battle, even if he does not like it.
– He will sit quietly in an armchair with Kevin on his head and drink coffee, sometimes giving Kevin seeds, watching how Cross and Nightmare argue over small things.
– kinn song –  Set It Off - Horrible Kids
– Dream is very sorry for what he did to Nightmare. Dream did not think that the negativity would return, he just hoped that the positive energy would simply replace the negative one and they could continue to live peacefully.
– Dream reviews all his notes on energy replacement several times a month, but he still cannot find a mistake in them.
– Dream keeps a photo of Nightmare on his desktop before the negative incident. Nightmare photo stands next to Anya's photo.
– There is a rumor that Dream adds a little cognac to his coffee or tea.
– Who knows when and how long he slept? Why did he manage to spend a couple of hours a day reviewing his notes, as well as filling out documents, being at a meeting at the shelter, helping Ink and much more?!
In fact, Dream just needs 5-6 hours of sleep to get enough sleep, and of course, the positive will give him energy
– Now he I want to swear much more often, but he restrains himself, still he does not like obscene language.
– Dream SAW how Error took things to the shelter, but he would never bring up this topic in front of anyone.
– kinn song –  Vundabar - Alien Blues
– Sometimes he experiences phantom pains in his arm.
– The Ink was offered to make several more types of prostheses, but he refuses, saying that one is enough for him, which he wears on a regular basis.
By the way, the attachment of the prosthesis can be compared to the anime "Fullmetal Alchemist", before that the prosthesis moved exclusively on magic, but after watching the anime, I decided to change the device of the prosthesis.
– Dream is almost the only one who can help Ink with the prosthesis. Dream can remove the prosthesis so as not to hurt the Ink. Ink is regularly examined by doctors once a month, so Dream's help always helps out.
There are also a couple of scientists and a mechanic, but they specialize more if the prosthesis needs to be repaired somehow or slightly modified for further more convenient use. Doctors simply examine the body to identify any problems in connection with wearing a prosthesis.
– Do you see Ink sitting hugging his knees in huge shock? Nightmare and Dream are influencing him with their aura again.
– He decided not to meet with Error anymore just to talk, because I completely distrust the BHS team.
– kinn song –  Сavetown – Devil Town
Blue. (I do not know what new things can be written about him, so I will duplicate my post)
— Blue only comes to JR Castle when Dream calls him, or if Blue suddenly gets bored. Often he just sits in the OuterTale and admires the stars
— If Blue comes because of boredom, he will start flirting with Dream, although he does this out of habit, in fact, he does not care deeply, he is paid for his work, and this is the main thing.
— From now on, Blue takes the position of searching for information. Dream only gives a task, so Blue goes to the anti-void to look for information from there, although he often calls Error to help him finish the search as quickly as possible and in greater volume.
— Due to all the drastic rearrangements of plans and frequent attacks by BHS after the negative incident, Blue experienced severe stress, after which he began to suffer from insomnia.
— Blue and Error made a deal, as Error also didn't like the whole situation with the negative incident, and they decided to work together to try to minimize the battles and damage as much as possible.
— During work, he always has a liter mug of coffee next to him, by the way, Blue likes how Error makes coffee, Error does it best.
"Sweet cake and sugar–free coffee is the best combination! What? Error, don't you agree? Well, swallow your empty coffee, and I'll have a cake!"
— Funny fact, Blue feeds street cats.
— Blue always carries bandages in his pockets to quickly wrap up wounds and not see blood, because of stress, his hemophobia has only gotten worse.
— During one of the battles, Cross severely injured Blue's cheek, feeling pain and seeing blood, Blue almost experienced a panic attack, fortunately Dream was nearby and was able to seal the wound with a plaster. The whole situation was too stressful, only Nightmare was happy about all this negativity. Since then, Blue has a scar on his right cheek, sometimes Cross can tease Blue that he mows under the Ink, although this scar remains because of Cross!
– kinn song – Guchiry feat. Flower - Abnormality Dancin' Girl
I regularly reread the DreamSwap canon to be aware of where I've made mistakes. I could just forget about my own principles and continue with exactly the trash that I created in 2020, but it's a blessing that I was able to stumble upon Poison!DreamSwap, which pushed me to completely change the canon of Fallen!DreamSwap. I could have left Nightmare just a parody of the original Nightmare, but still I rewrote his canon several times.
Fan fact: I wanted to add songs in my native language to Kinn Songs, but I understand that my playlist is too cruel and in which case it would not be convenient for you to get into the translation of songs, given that it is very difficult to find adequate translations from my native language, if I need it, then I'm translating manually!
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beepersteeper · 3 months
I Will Always Find You -- Astarion x Tav-- Meeting a Friend | Part 10
Astarion and F!Tav live happily together for the remaining years she has, she refuses to be turned into a vampire because her faith says that her soul isn’t finished with its work yet. Tav dies of old age and leaves Astarion to put together the pieces of his broken heart. AN: Lord of Light lore taken and changed to fit the story's means. Not canonically accurate. TLDR story line stuff. This is an AU where Astarion ascends but isn't a power hungry bastard and Tav is able to help him continue healing. Wyll is immortal and the Duke. Karlach in my mind, if given a new engine would be able to live a lot longer than the usual tiefling. Another AN: idk if anyone wants tagged in this WIP but let me know. 
“FANGS!” Karlach shouts and wraps Astarion in a tight hug, lifting him off the ground “Look at me! Out of the hells and not the least bit on fire!” Giving him one more squeeze and letting his feet steady on the floor. "And this must be Vira? I'm Karlach." She reaches for Vira's hand to shake. Vira's eyes glass over only for a second before she smiles and shakes the tiefling’s hand. “Are you lot ready? This is my first night back on Baldurian soil in years that I don't have to fight for my keep or anything! Can we go have fun!?” she pleads “Pleeeese."
Astarion shakes Eyman’s hand and Vira kisses his cheek before Wyll and Karlach shake his hand before they all leave and make the short walk to the Counting House. Astarion and Wyll discuss the political impact of having the ceremony in the Counting House. Neither is pleased with the change of venue. 
“It was supposed to be at Wyrm's Crossing.” Wyll shrugs “but they say they were booked for something else. But it's funny, the party booked there tonight was scheduled a month after the Fist graduation was reserved.”
"Come off it Wyll, you and I both know that the master of the Counting House is just trying to prove that the Fist is in their pocket. It's much more profitable when everyone is arrested over utter rubbish.”
"But my lord." Wyll jokes slipping into his courtly voice "The master of the counting-house is just being a most gracious host for the newest rank of the Flaming Fist. But if I'm not mistaken, don't you make large and regular donations to the Fist’s education?”
"Sir, I do think you're right, I however haven't been the most involved with the bookkeeping of the Ancunín Estate as of late. That question would fall on the desk of Duke Ravengard.” Astarion responds in kind. Pretending to flip through a log book. 
The two continue this charade to complain about the location and the Fist, still clearly annoyed by their treatment many years ago while Karlach and Vira walk between them.
“I hope they weren't this pompous when you traveled with them." Vira quips to Karlach.
“Oh, they had their moments." Karlach groans while readjusting her hair “Now they just have the titles to back it up. But the years in public service have humbled them if you'd believe that." She laughs, getting dirty looks from both men.
“I do." Vira responds with a laugh and squeezes Astarions hand 3 times. “They only get like this when they're forced into their court clothes." She says before whispering to Karlach but loud enough to be heard by all “They both act like they don't like getting dressed up though."
She and Karlach share a laugh while both men groan and roll their eyes. The couples walk through the doors and are greeted and ushered to their seats. Four high back chairs at a large ornate table along the side of the room. “For our esteemed guests." The concierge says with a flourish gesture “You all will find your seats at the front end of the table saer." The man bows deeply to Astarion and Wyll. “The graduates will be entering soon."
They find their seats and Astarion pulls Vira's chair out for her. Karlach looks at Astarion with a big grin.
"Don't, Karlach.” Astarion playfully warns. 
“What?" She defends putting her hands up and holding back a laugh, poorly. A boisterous giggle escaped. “I was just going to say that it does this metal heart good to see you happy.”
Astarion smiles and whispers quickly "Well I’m sorry if I expected some sort of snarky comment. Thank you Karlach.” he sets himself between Vira and Wyll noticing that Vira seems to be deep in thought. He squeezes her knee to get her attention and speaks low enough to just speak to her “Is everything okay my love?" 
She nods curtly, focusing her eyes. "Just taking the night in.” Her mouth smiles, but he notices it doesn't meet her eyes. "Something about tonight just feels… familiar." She shrugs and lets her smile become genuine “I like her." She whispers and points her eyes to Karlach.
Astarion smiles and nods, keeping his red eyes fixed on her face, making sure she's okay. A well-dressed man breaks his concentration on Vira when he approaches and starts speaking while in a deep bow.
“My lord.” he starts “I would like to extend gratitude to you on behalf of this year's graduates. They have worked very hard to meet your and Duke Ravenguard's standards. They feel like they are more prepared to serve the community of Balder’s Gate than any classes before them.”
Astarion nods and shakes the man's hand “I am eager to see the newest rank put their education into action. Thank you.” when the man disappears into the crowd Astarion returns his attention to Vira who is concealing a giggle. “What?” he sarcastically rolls his eyes.
“Nothing at all My Lord, just simply observing you in your element.” she chided.
“No.” he groans and leans in to whisper to her squeezing her hand “You're watching a sham.” he is interrupted by another person approaching and bowing.
“Greetings My lord. I would be remiss if I didn't properly thank you for your help in proving my husband's innocence. And even further for letting us see what your plan for the Fist is in the future.” tears start to fall down the person's face “Thank you for saving my family.” their voice wavers.
“It was my greatest pleasure, Fawn. Enjoy your evening” he says before he starts to whisper, handing her the napkin at his place setting “Wipe your face dear, they don't deserve to see any of your tears ever again. Take everything they offer you tonight, you deserve all of it and more. Give Ben and the kids my best.” he reached his hand out and squeezed the visitor's hand.
They smile and dab tears away, bow their head with a smile, and walk away meeting with their family and taking their seats.
“Now that is my element darling.” he nods toward the family. Vira laughs knowing that he is right.
The gentle music that fills the air is stopped by a loud man who starts to speak. Vira watches Astarion roll his eyes before fixing his face to the one that the community expects to see, clearly not pleased with the gentleman speaking. She laced her fingers with his stealing a glance at him sitting straighter and his face in a way she can only describe as stern. Putting on an air that he is the most important man in the room. He just might be she thinks to herself.
“Esteemed guests, family and friends. It is my pleasure to introduce to you the latest graduating class. The fine individuals I will soon welcome into the great hall have decided to dedicate their lives to protecting our great city. So I ask that you stand and congratulate them before they are given their official Fist pins that they will wear proudly as they do their duty." The room is filled with the sound of scooting chairs and applause. Vira shifts to stand and feels a pressure on her knee. She looks to her side to see Astarion shake his head slightly and mouthing “not us." At this, she notices that nobody at the long table stands, instead they all clap, and most smile. She follows suit and claps quietly- aware of how different the culture at this table is from her normal.
The new cadets stand proud as their loved ones pin their lapels and share hugs or kisses. After the ceremony ends the graduates walk down the table shaking the hands of people like Astarion and Wyll. Noble. Important. Influential. Their little band enjoys small talk through dinner, only interrupted by passersby stopping to talk to Wyll and Astarion. After the tables are cleared more people are milling about and start to dance to the band playing music.
Astarion stands and offers his hand to Vira “May I have this dance?” His face moved from the sneer it'd been stuck in all evening to a genuine smile as he bowed at the waist, his eyes rounded and soft.
"How could I say no.” She smiles back and places her hand into his. He kisses her knuckles and leads them both to the far side of the dance floor, actively trying to not be the center of attention. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, darling?” Astarion asks as he spins her in time to the song. 
“I certainly am now~" she giggles as her dress twirls around her legs when she returns to her partner. “Is this what all your fancy dinner parties are like?"
He hums before responding “Mmm, More or less. I've come to prefer them with less politics. Maybe Wyll and I will host our own ball sometime. To show you how fun these suares can actually be.”
“You think you can throw a better party than the master of the Counting House?” she jokes, goating his ego.
“There's no question about it darling.” his eyes find hers, filled with heat, knowing that she is toying with him. “Unlike Glitterbeard, I allow myself to have fun from time to time.” 
They both giggle and dance through several songs. Before Wyll walks up to them holding Karlach’s hand on one of his and puts his other hand on Astarion’s shoulder and asks to cut in with a smile on his face “Karlach wants to dance with you, my friend but I would hate for Vira to miss out on all the fun the night has to offer.” Astarion chuckles and bows to Vira and gives her hand to Wyll. He and Vira dance into the crowd to the now more upbeat music. Astarion and Karlach dance together and still on the outside of the crowd to be able to talk without interruption, and further away from the band.
They talk about Karlach’s recent upgrade, and life over the last years, and Astarion recounts some of his adventures before returning to Balder’s Gate. The conversation, unsurprisingly, turns to Vira. “She seems sweet, Fangs.” Karlach smiles “How'd you meet?”
“Wyll didn't tell you?” he responds honestly, surprised.
She shakes her head moving away from him as part of the dance before returning “No, all he said is that you met someone and were happy.”
“Well, that's true.” he chuckles and lets his gaze linger on Vira as she disappears further into the crowd. He explains the odd circumstance of how they met “and I don't spend a day away from her if I can help it.” He finishes his story as a song ends and another starts. “Did Tav ever talk to you about the Lord of Light after she remembered?” he asks with little time for transition.
“Of course.” Karlach’s eyes widen and she chuckles “That was something that she talked about a lot.” she raises an eyebrow “You know that?”
“Do you think that she came back again? Like she said she would.” he asks unintentionally letting his eyes drift to find Vira and Wyll dancing enthusiastically.
She groans “I don't know Fangs.” She takes a breath before she continues  “Sure it seems unlikely, but we both know that unlikely somehow always seemed to be possible with Tav.” she smiles and shrugs “Do you think..?” Karlach doesn't finish the sentence, knowing he will be able to fill in the blanks.
He groans “How should I know?” he spins her to the beat “There's a lot that is just uncanny. Like, she has dreams that are eerily familiar to her but even more similar to things I’ve witnessed, that we’ve witnessed... She has talked about a ‘warm friend who was laughing hysterically at a giant forge that killed a titan and made a sword at the same time’. I'm sure you remember something like that.”
“Woah,” she says, missing a step in the dance. “That is weird. Have you told her?”
“No.” he huffs, leading them back into the right steps. “I don't think I'm supposed to? I don't want to rush her…” he pauses his thoughts “process? I don't know, Tav didn't tell me what to do with this, it has been nearly 90 years since I've had to think about this.” he shakes his head “not to mention Tav pretty much did it on her own, though she never came to the point of being able to name any of her pasts. I just need to research it more.”
“Well isn't it lucky you’ve been practically living in a religious text house.” she booms a laugh “and you've got that audacious library of your own. Why don't we all put our heads together, and figure this out? We’ve already done much harder things than a book club.”
“You'd give up your time topside to help me do that?” he asks before he realizes that of course, she would. 
“First, I think I'm staying, as long as this new hunk of junk doesn't start burning hotter, so I hope there's still an open room in that big ol’ palace of yours.” She laughs again as the music slows and stops. “And second, you're not the only one who wants Tav back, Fangs. Let's get this figured out.” she winks “Vira and Wyll are coming back, is this shindig over yet?”
“Gods I hope so.” he sighs loudly letting go of Karlach’s hand and wrapping that arm around Vira’s waist “How was your dance darling?” 
“Wyll is a very impressive dancer. I had a lot of fun, even if I stepped on his toes more times than I can count.” she blushes and covers her face with her sleeved hand.
“Oh stop.” Wyll coos, “You were a wonderful partner, and my toes are still in perfect condition. You are too hard on yourself.”
“I think it's time we take our leave.” Astarion nods toward the door “We’ve done our part. Let the graduates enjoy their celebration, they've got a big day tomorrow.” he laughs and begins walking alongside the crowd, leading his friends into the cool night air. 
“Where to now!?” Karlach asks, still giddy to be back home after all this time. “I am not ready to turn in for the night yet." 
“I should probably head home, at least check in on Daddy. But if we weren’t so overdressed I’d say we could go to the tavern and actually unwind.”
“We could always just meet there after we get changed.” Wyll shrugs.
The group decides to go their separate ways to meet up back at the Elf Song Tavern. Vira and Astarion enter the bookstore and are greeted by a surprised Eyman “I thought for certain you would be staying at Little Star’s again tonight.”
“I didn't know that was an option.” she retorts with a laugh. Astarion stands behind her. “We are going to the tavern though." 
“You aren't just my little girl anymore Vira, I know that you are safe out there with him. Go back out there and enjoy time with your friends.” he waves his hand and smiles.
She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. “I’ll be back tomorrow for supper Daddy.” as she bounds up the stairs to pack a bag of clothes and grab their clothes from this afternoon. Eyeman’s gaze follows her up the stairs until Vira is out of sight. 
“I’ve been overprotective of my little girl her whole life, Astarion.” Eyman starts without hesitation. “But seeing you two together, I know I'm not the only one that cares about her. You have my blessing to stay here whenever you like, or at your house likewise. Just make sure she comes to visit me once in a while.” he chuckles.
“Eyman, that means the world to me. But why- what happened?” Astarion asks, a growing concern in his voice.
“Just been observing.” he shrugs. “I don't want to be the thing that limits her happiness. She is happiest when she's with you. You're far beyond just courting her, the two of you have a bond that goes beyond that which I can understand” he smiles as Vira comes back down the stairs with one bag on her shoulder and another in her hand.
“I'm almost ready Star, I'll be just another minute. “ She chimes as she ducks into the curtained room to grab her journal. 
“Are you moving out already, Daughter? Just like that?” Eyman heartily laughs.
Astarion excuses himself to change into more casual clothes.
“Very funny Daddy." She sighs “I told you I'll be back tomorrow." She smiles “What changed?" she crosses her arms, concerned. 
“Nothing changed my littlest love." Eyman grins and pushes her braid behind her shoulder “and that's what matters.  Little Star is a good man. It's like you two were predestined to find each other.”
She giggles a little, unsure what to say  "What's that mean?”
"I'm just saying there might be more to your Lord of Light studies than I had previously thought.” He looks up the steps as Astarion is coming down carrying his formal clothes under his arm “But that's enough of that for the night daughter. Go enjoy yourself."
Her father bid them a goodnight and the couple left to make their way to the palace before the bar to drop off the bags. They walked in a comfortable quiet with Vira clearly lost in thought.
“Deja vu again?" Astarion asks to check in with her.
“I… don't think so. No,” she laughs weakly, "Daddy said something weird before we left.”
“Oh?" He asks, turning his head to face her.
“He said that he thinks there's more to my faith than he originally thought. That he thinks that you and I are…” she pauses to ruminate on the word her father said, “predestined to be together." A smile creeps across her face. Astarion hums a response waiting for her to continue speaking. “It's like he knows something I don't. Maybe I knew you in a past life or something.” She laughs “That would explain the intense deja vu and the connection we had almost immediately." She shrugs again and leans her head on his shoulder.
“I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope that was true." He laughs, pulling her closer to him.
She shakes her head as if ridding herself of a thought she doesn't want bouncing around her head.
Tell her that her feelings are valid.  Tav's voice whispered in his mind. He blinks away the thought drawing closer to the bar. “Whatever you're thinking, darling, you can talk to me about it."
“I know." She smiles and waves her hand through the air “There'll be time for that later. They're waiting for us. Thanks, Star.” She squeezes his hand 3 times as they continue their walk into the bar.
As they turn the corner someone quietly puts a hand over Viras mouth and pulls hard to pull her off balance to pull her into the alley. Astarion holds tight to her wrist and feels her struggle against his hold.
Muffled growls come from Vira as she rips her dominant hand away from Astarion and lands a solid punch on her aggressor's nose. As the person reels back Vira reaches to her back to grab a sword that isn't there, left in a moment of shock when it isn't in her hand. 
@silverfangmarks @zoeloveslotr @prudent-nerd
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verdemoun · 2 months
Sooooo. After the NOT CANON ask about Sean dying early I would like to know if Albert Mason and Hamish were non canon asks (which I would understand since they are not gang members and stuff)
If not how would Albert and Hamish interact with the kids (Jack, Issac, Maeve, and Abigail Jr./Addie)
Also please please please tell me the wheel is NOT canon (at least past Davey and Dutch please)
Also what would Addie and Maeve do on a play date/how do they interact with each other :> (woohoo long ask!)
If i ever get around to writing a proper timewarp fic albert and hamish would not be canon but I do love imagining their interactions with the rest of the gang because they are such good characters.
albert is slightly terrified of maeve and addie and rightfully so i will elaborate later. isaac and jack have the same 'oh no he's a weenie with no survival instincts' response as their fathers did to albert mason. isaac regularly sends him photos of cool animals/bugs he finds on his camping trips with his dads
hamish is isaac's proxy grandfather alongside hosea. hamish is also one of the only ones who can keep up with the girls' antics and will take the little firecrackers fishing with him because they very much enjoy it
the wheel is not canon!! i am not that evil but very tempted to keep davey's death just to maximise angst for mac. bessie, hosea and micah's deaths are the only ones that i have definitely got mapped in my mind and even then haven't decided when to kill micah i am softening to the rat bastard man
addie and maeve are a nightmare in the best ways. them meeting for the first time was just immediate 'do you want to form. an alliance. with me' 'absolutely i do' 'good, good'. maeve is a feral animal and addie had that 1900s farm girl upbringing for the first few years of her short life so they are both the opposite of ladies
addie is much more a mini john personality-wise than young jack, meanwhile maeve has Macguire power. they are almost the exact same age so they are in daycare and school together their entire modern lives at everyone else's expense
take your eyes off them for a second and both are covered head to foot in dirt twigs leaves and mud
they love playing house together but neither one wants to be the woman so they're dads and dads stealing jenny's most expensive make-up to draw moustaches and beards on one another
kids suggesting they play cops and robbers leading to addie and maeve both standing on the roof of the playground throwing rocks using homemade slingshots screaming die pinkerton scum
john timewarping a year after addie having no idea why everyone is so quick to make an excuse why they can't play tea party when the girls are walking around like little angels holding hands asking for someone to play with them. agrees because he is trying to be the best damn father ever, only to be presented his 'dinner' and have to ask 'girls where did you find a dead squirrel'
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