#but this will hopefully help. with my art and my mood in general.
strawberrywindow · 1 year
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freddy newandyke is my dream girl 🧡
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zaebucca · 6 months
About scale, process, palette and canvas: a few considerations on pixel art as a medium
User moredogproblems answered an interesting and legitimate question by another, DiscountEarly125, regarding my work and canvas size. He also perfectly isolated two central concepts of pixel art, which are scale and process. Canvas size, which was the theme of DiscountEarly125's specific request, is more of a dependent variable to those two aforementioned concepts, rather than a starting point. I hope the following considerations I shared may help or prompt some other ideas, but this is what I could come up with 15-ish years of experience with pixel art (and a few more years of art and media studies). I was quite in the mood of writing down these few thoughts that have been floating for a while. I apologize as this may also result in a confusing wall of text, but it is all part of a my work and research, and I would love to polish all the material, hopefully with some thoughts, insights from other colleagues, as well as pictures and materials!
A. Scale and canvas size It is true that the bigger the canvas, the more distance one may visually create from pixel art, but I personally think this is to be possibly considered a matter of perceiving pixels, rather than a fundative problem of the medium. In fact I concur with the idea of "process makes the medium" rather than identifying pixel art as how (evidently) pixeled the result feels. The general picture, or the sum of pixels, though, is a really important matter to the medium nonetheless! Pixels themselves work in relation one with another, so it's their overall result that gives context and makes the subject recognizable. This relationship between pixels links back to all the art fundamentals that each artist is taught, from color theory to shape and composition - and so on. So, the canvas size debate usually boils down to a matter of scale or necessity of your subjects. As long as the dimension (canvas) of your subject (as in: a drawing of an apple, a character sprite, a mockup environment) allows you to operate, control and keep an eye on the quantity (number/area of pixels together) and quality (color, shaping of multiple pixels, texturing obtained through color and shapes) of isolated single pixels or pixeled areas, you're in the pixel art universe. The other way around to define the matter of scaling: in order to be operating pixel art fundamentals and techniques, your subject has to be on a scale that allows you to apply principles of pixel art within the space of your canvas and your personal style. These very same principles, or basics, can be applied with different results and extent to bigger and smaller canvases alike, each with their own specific difficulties and variables. It is important to adapt your scale when learning, and trying classic canvases per subject like "16x16px" (standard tile or character sprite unit, tied to older consoles and screen ratios, it's a bit complicated there) is always a nice idea - they also tend to be industry benchmarks and necessities so in case you'd like to consider a professional output, that's very useful.
Scale also applies to the array of colors, and there lies the concept of palette: a number of single hexadecimal hues we are using for each single pixel. Any single pixel can have one hexadecimal color only.
Consequentially it is absolutely true that either a huge canvas or a palette too broad may prevent a viewer from perceiving immediately the "nature" of your medium, namely seeing square pixels, recognizing a certain amount of color - or more thoroughly recognizing that you made some choices for each subject on a pixel level. What could possibly happen on a huge canvas (without zooming in) is that you can't really grasp the pixels, but just the "overall picture" - and that may not differ too much from digital, raster art, which is of course also based on pixels. Therein appearently lies a sort of threshold that is really hard to pin down for us pixel artists, as it depends on screen size, visualization methods, distance, filters and lots of other inherently subjective parts.
This kinda is my case sometimes: I make big environments (possibly too big, and too detailed in each part I tell myself) that are a sum of many lesser parts: both tilesets and sprites that relate (but not strictly adhere) to a basic space unit that is 16x16pixels. You can indeed consider scale in a broader sense as a subdivision or magnification issue, much alike squinting your eyes to focus on a picture's overall contrast or, conversely, analyzing its fundamental parts with a magnifying glass, and then a microscope - an analogy as follows:
a. the picture as a whole is like a colorful rock that you can analyze by magnifying its grain. b. the characters, geographical elements and textures, works like the different substances that compose the rock and give its visible characteristics grain and complexity, c. single pixels constitute the very atoms of those previously recognized substances.
I mean "atom" in the traditional, classical meaning of indivisible, fundative object. That's a "quantized" part of information, which for pixel art is ultimately color (or a binary value, like yes/no black/white). If you were, for example, to crop some parts of my work - let's say 160x144 pixels (a gameboy screen resolution in pixels) you would see the substances that are characters and elements of nature, and when you zoom in again, every atom becomes visible as a single entity of color. There are 29 different type of "atoms" in Ruin Valley as in different, singularly hexadecimal colors that work together in different combinations and shapes to create different substances and characters. 18 of them are used for the different qualities of the environment, and 11 more for extra hues for characters and other elements to pop out a bit.
It's really interesting to see how many pixel artists push this "threshold" of pixel art canvases to the extremely small or the extremely big, whereas, notably, palettes are less open to growth: it is indeed my opinion that pixel art tends to quantize color (quality) over than dimension (quantity). Palettes, notably, do not grow exponentially, but tend to a lower, fixed, controlled amount of individual values instead. This usually gives the artist the true possibility and toolkit through which is possible to think about/with pixels. In other words: color (or its absence) is the founding unit and identity of pixel art as a digital medium.
B. Pixels as process or pixels as objective? Pixels themselves (as strange as that may sound!) are not to be considered an objective of pixel art, I think, but the founding matter of its research as a medium instead. I think that making pixel art is not just devoting oneself to show those jagged, squarey areas or blunt edges that we all know and love: this is just one of the possible aesthetics that pixel art conveys or adopts - especially on small canvases. Pixel art is not about denouncing itself as pixels, but, rather, embracing the square, atomic unit to build an ensemble that conveys a content or a style. That's the important part of the discourse that emancipated pixel art into being a medium, and not just an aesthetic choice or style of representation. Again: process makes this medium. Speaking of that, I consider pixel art as part of a broader family of "quantized art", namely media that operate on/with "indivisible, founding bricks and unities" that can assume a certain quality (color, mainly) within a certain quantity (palette, canvas size) and in relation to its surroundings to describe something. This puts pixel art, with its specifics and with a certain degree of semplification, among other mediums such as cross-stitch, bead art, construction sets, textile art (on a warp and weft basis), (micro-)mosaics and others.
A classic threshold example of process vs objective: oekaki art. Oekaki art - which I love and also happen to make from time to time - doesn't really work or "think" specifically on a pixel base: it doesn't place pixels per se, but uses pixel-based areas and textures on bigger canvases with a certain degree of freedom, like one would normally do with brushes on raster digital art programs (adobe ps, gimp, clip studio and so on) in order to convey an aesthetic with fewer colors and a certain line style and texturing. That way, oekaki uses and knows pixels in a deep way, but doesn't see them primarily in a quantized way. As a result the "overall picture" shows pixels to a certain extent, and it's possible to recognize distinct pixels for each part, but the objective is not an analysis and use of pixel and quantized information, but the use of an aesthetic based upon accessibility of resources, their control and a certain rendering style.
A huge part of pixel art is its absolute accessibility: everyone with a fairly outdated computer or screen and a basic drawing program can study the medium. To be fair, it's indeed considering accessiblity that I highly support an inclusive approach to the term "pixel art" and I think traditional oekaki is a close, beautiful relative that builds upon the rules and techniques of pixel art and pixel rendering, yet keeping its identity as its very own medium - somehow like a dress may be built around/upon textile design. Anyway, boundaries are meant to be crossed and I think there definitely are lots of oekaki and pixel-based art that meet traditional pixel art mid-way - or further. I also think the "is it pixel art?" discourse possibly ensuing - and generally speaking any media belonging purist ontology - is a treacherous, slippery terrain leading to excesses, and this is not my focus today, neither am I able to tackle that subject extensively at the moment.
C. Conclusions and a few good exercises Everything above may be farfetched or too complicated as a starting point. I tried to write all down as orderly as possible. The point of this (possibly discouraging) analysis and the reasoning between scale and process is that (pixel) art is about trying different canvases, and reasoning on one's subject and objective, rather than limiting oneself to presets sizes or styles. It's important to choose something that resonates with us and, in doing so, thinking about other, more interesting limitations: that's the discourse about quantity of space and quality in color. Limiting is the best possible exercise and one I wholeheartedly encourage: by doing so we are progressively delving deeper on the basics, as we learn the fundamental relationships between shapes and colors that we can achieve through pixels. A few good exercises that I too implemented in my own workflow come to mind: 1. Trying different canvases (or sizes) for the same subject (sprite, character art, illustration or so on). This helps a lot finding a comfortable size to apply pixel techniques, as well as getting a hold over fundamentals such as aliasing, linework, conventional representation and so on. 2. Trying different palettes for the same subject, both by varying colors themselves (therefore learning about values and contrast and readability, as well as atmosphere and mood!) or singular hues and their components, in order to discover possible relationship between them. Have fun! 3. Reducing the width of the palette progressively for the same subject: reducing the number of singular colors forces a reasoning on shapes, rapresentation. You may go from 1-bit art (just black/white) to 3 colors, 4, 8 and so on. We'll not talk about transparency as a singular color there, but if you happen to be interested in retro art, transparency counts to the palette size. This exercise is very useful in rendering, and possibly tricky. And definitely fun. :') 4. Choosing an objective and usage of our work: for example trying to learn about old pixel art limitations for games, in order to reason within specifics. Get inspired by traditional games (spriters-resource is your best friend here, in case you have a specific retrogame you're thinking of)! I will probably talk about limitations and style on another post. 5. Four eyes (and other multiples) are better than two: try to talk with people and friends and other artists you trust and feel comfortable with to get their point of view. This can be scary, I know, especially at the beginning. You're not forced to, of course, but if you do (in a safespace) there's lots you can learn about concepts such as readability, subject recognition, rendering and composition. Our eyes and brains get accustomed to something, and pixel art being a rather analytic medium made of synergies, subtle changes, limitations and conventions is especially tricky on the artist's eyes on the long term. Either way, the important thing about pixel art is understanding that this medium is about recognizing and enjoying the process rather than the eventual aesthetic and in order to do so the best choice is to start simple, small, with few colors and techniques at a time! Have fun and hit me up with your progress and considerations. :')
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darqx · 6 months
Some BP/HH/General asks
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That mood when you want to share all the things but also want to keep it under wraps for the actual thing haha! Thanks very much anon!
As for your questions, I can't actually be specific cos there's no definitive number I have in mind for either. Basically there are a number of sectors (you can consider them their equivalent of countries - they have less than what we do though), and a number of species of demon of which I've designed about seven of. The ones I've shown before are these guys (and do you think I could find this pic again? No, I had to recreate it cos for the life of me I couldn't remember what ask I'd previously stuck it in lol):
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One day when i have enough species and stuff out there I want to make a proper field guide \o/
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Thank you very much for the interest! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I would actually love to for BP, but before I jump the gun there I have to get the comic out first lol. That being said I have made mini-games before featuring the HH versions and some other characs alas they are all lost at the moment to the sands of Flash becoming obsolete 😩
Me and Gato do still collab sometimes (and send each other Xmas presents)! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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I have been working on one off and on for a while actually! Hopefully I'll have some pages to post next year or so*, I've been doing a bit of thumbnailing recently :D
*that is the plan but i also don't know where people find the time to do anything with a full time job lol.
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Hullo! Glad you are enjoying the snippets of BP I've got here and there :D Here is an older ref on Izm back when i first got the idea (at that time i didn't really plan to do anything with it, it was just an AU. Now it's my main project haha. Anyway the ref is a little bit out of date in that regard.)
I used to have a "field guide" which was also made quite a while ago, unfortunately the death of Flash kinda killed it. Here's a screenshot of some relevant info from it though.
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That's an interesting one as it's questionable how sentient souls are after removal 🤔 In my mind its only form is the smoke light, it can "see" to some degree and MIGHT be able to talk (but in a very no one can hear them sort of way, a la i have no mouth and i must scream. So i guess it can think "aloud"). The more time passes the less sentience it has.
It could try, though it wouldn't really get anywhere if it's in Rire's collection. He might just eat it lol.
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.D: Good with kids, will be fine in all aspects.
Izm: The fun dad however needs a partner that knows what they're doing to ensure the child safety during shenanigans.
Marcus and Zeke: Also would be good parents though might be more helicopter out of protectiveness/worry when first starting out.
Ren: Geek parent very good for homework help. Some Asian parent tendencies eg "ah see, i told you not to do that right? Now you see what happened."
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They are similar to our known society for this! So basically, there are some good families out there (eg Zeke - who is a demon - is from a pretty average loving family), and there are some bad families out there who only care about power or having an heir or whatever.
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HH Rire is a human. I differentiate between him and Demon Rire because they are two different characters...even though they are also technically the same character lol. You can consider them as alternate universe iterations of a base "Rire" concept.
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I actually half jested this in an old comic lol
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I am sorry to inform you that a HH webcomic doesn't actually exist 😅 I did a lot of art, animations and one shots (such as the HHJ comics) with them, but nothing actually planned or serialised or anything. Whatever's currently on my DA or here is basically what exists.
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Bringing this image back cos it's relevant lol.
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You spelled it correct there though! XD
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So I edited some of the Lost In The Book With Stitch event with some headcanons
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I always headcanon Riddle being ftm transgender-nonbinary (he/they) and while his mother sucks and doesn't support she allowed him take top surgery just didn't give him the emotional support afterwards in a way of "If you're enough to make big decisions in your body than you're old enough to not ask for mummy's cuddles" kind of way
This event helped him the most finally find peace with himself, yeah he felt comfortable with himself after the surgery but for some reason he felt more free here with these people he wouldn't be on a vacation with in the start with this odd fluffy creature
I have a headcanon he has a tooth gap still growing from Ace's punch in chapter 1 that he secretly likes
He started collecting sea shells after this
Lots of freckles
Kind of realizes his crush on this trip, he had it for a while obviously but this made him realize "Oh shit-"
My sister says she can see Riddle's whole reaction to his crush on Floyd like Moana's poll to the ocean and I can see it
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Ftm transgender (I grew with that headcanon) and got his top surgery right before attending Night Raven Collage
Lots of freckles
Kind of wishes he stayed just cause he adored the feeling of being there so much
Knows now he would be a good dad
After this his mood with his friends became different, he became more chill and nicer to those he isn't too, even Riddle after they kind of talked things over by the water
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Has lots of scars over the years
Thanks to the Twitter @gay-salt-amber showed me, he had piercings and tattoos he hid for the sake of being a father and student, biggest tattoo is on the back of his thigh that was made in honor of one of the solders in his old Army who died
Nonbinary gremline
Sung with the ukulele during a beach campfire
He feels like he gets Stitch the most out of the whole cast
Vows to hopefully bring Silver and everyone else there
Lowkey wants more kids
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Literally almost cried when leaving
I always think the Octa-Trio get some traces of their merform, so the Leech twins has a teal-greenish undertone under their skin when that becomes visible when exposed to water and if you look closely their toes get webby kind of
Has a tongue piercing he sometimes takes out
Had the most fun being in his dream element, especially when Azul and Riddle there!
So I know I didn't edit their cards cause they honestly didn't strike editing art on them but I'll add Jack and Azul!
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Really enjoyed the sudden change of pace and weather
Didn't like the beach life at first cause the salt water was knotting his furr and the sand did not help the idea, but he quickly grew adapting the idea of it and even enjoyed the knots and combing them out
After this he set up a vacation to the beach with his siblings
Fell in love with the scent of the beach
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Was super self conscious about taking his shirt and being in the water and wouldn't have done either if it weren't for Floyd threatening to throw him into the ocean and Grim's teasing
Calmed down after a while and relaxed enough to just enjoy everything
Let his merform out during the night when it's too dark to see when Floyd joined in, did the same, and Riddle joined it but wasn't scared which amazed and calmed him more
Got inspired for profit but just inspired in general as he spend those days enjoying everything all together, swimming in the water, eating food, running and rolling in the sand
He also has freckles but they're small and light
Because of his bright mood after he was extra nice which freaked people out
He surprised the Leech twins with a dish of their favorite foods but didn't tell them how he managed to cook that stuff being he's, well, a octopus merman
Doesn't believe in gender but doesn't want to think about his own
Lowkey wants kids now
They all got closer after the whole thing
They all shared things of their pasts, with choices of being vague to some parts and areas for obvious reasons on Azul's and Lilia's part
As soon as Yuu mentioned a store that sold Stitch plushes, they got one right away
Lots of lowkey romantic tensions for whoever you want to say, Riddle x Floyd, your favorite ship, any of the cast with Yuu/You
They visit the Mostro Lounge every time they have free time or after a dorm head meeting, bring along people from their dorms as well
And in tradition of every Twst event so far, there's a playlist I made
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lifmera · 3 months
Hello!! I came across your blog and its so adorable!! I love the aesthetic sm <333
I was wondering if I could possibly have a hazbin hotel matchup if you weren't too busy :)
So uhhh here's a tiny bit about me :)
my pronouns are she/her im demisexual/demiromantic
my personality type is INFP
i love drawing/writing and creating things in general. I tend to hyperfixate quite easily on things accidentally.
I play the violin quite often and I take a martial arts class :)
My favorite color is purple and black and some things i like to do in my free time is just binge watch things or read books. I tend to be quite stubborn on things and don't change my opinion easily this and I also tend to be quite hot-headed at times. I also like listening to music. My friends also say that I'm kinda intimidating from far away but once you get to know me they feel embarrassed that they ever thought i was so :D
Im kinda in between a golden retriever and a black cat in terms of personality ig :)
as for alignment its somewhere in between true neutral and chaotic good if that says anything-
I'm generally a kind person but if someone makes me mad then i kinda am a bitch in a sense but quietly, stuff like ignoring them and whatnot.
My sign is Leo and I'm 5'4 I really like animals especially dogs or cats :)
uhhh here's some more stuff im interested in :D
video games, books, args, theories, greek mythology, minecraft, and i also like just creating aesthetic things like moodboards and whatnot.
I tend to ramble on and get off track at times especially when I'm really into a topic (its the hyperfixation-). I also tend to overthink things because of this. I'm also lowkey obsessed with my grades... yeah idk why-
I'm fine with some touch and stuff but I get uncomfortable with hugs and stuff along with holding hands for too long. I like the more shoulder touching side hugging bits of physical touch more. I'd say my love language would probably be gifts and words of affirmation too :)
I hope this was enough info and sorry if its too much lol :)
I think Emily would fit too- but..
I’ve decided to pair you with… ROSIE!!
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She def wants you to draw or write her stuff. Esp speeches for the rest of cannibal town!
She’d the think the violin is BEAUTIFUL. Begs you to play it often.
She’d love that you can defend yourself! Esp against the rest pf the cannibals if they tried to get too close..
Rosie isn’t really a fighter type. I don’t think you guys would disagree often! She’d love to listen and hear what you are thinking.
She definitely likes that you can look intimidating from far! It’ll help people stay away if they wanted to hurt you! But she also loves that you are a sweetheart. She’d LOVE to be with you!!
If you ever got mad at her, she’d be super upset, and buy you a TON of stuff to try to make up for it.
Rosie honestly would love animals too! You guys would adopt a puppy and a kitty.
She’d ask you to make her a mood board, or make her in videogames!! Definitely would ask you to make her in stuff !
She’d love someone with a golden retriever personality!! She has one too :)
Rosie tends to like older music- but i think she’d losten to whatever you liked to get closer !!
Personally i think she’s be super interested in hearing out greek mythology!
She’d support your grades no matter what! She definitely does not want you to become a burn out though.
I think rosie wouldn’t be very touchy either. I think she’d enjoy quality time and acts of service! In a giving way. She’d love to brew tea and sit and chat with you!
hopefully that was okay!
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little-red-fool · 4 months
OMG YOU'RE SEVENTEEN?? (I've been following you for months and I didn't once read the pinned message beyond the line about no AI and NFTs lmao) YOUR ART IS SO CRISPY I THOUGHT YOU WERE A PRO ARTIST AROUND 30 WTF
(sorry for the yelling via text)
But in all seriousness, any tips on, like I said, lineart or just digital art in general? (I just started digital, and... Ten hours of work and I'm just on base colors 😎🕶️🤏🥲) I love, LOVE your style and especially COLOR! How do you tie it all together? Like, I'm 17 too, but I'm not even close to your stuff?? I'm scared as fuck from ever trying color traditionally because I spend SO MUCH TIME ON A SKETCH, so I just picked up digital and HOURS LATER IT'S STILL AWFUL
Sorry for the rambling and repeating, man, it's been a long day and it's late in the Balkans... Don't let the rambling force you into answering tho
Have a good one. ->excited fellow artist
(tip of the day: did you know that in Romanian, moon and month are the same word, with the same pronunciation, spelling and plural? It's called: lună [loonuh] and I think it comes from latin, since Romanian is a heavily latin language, with bits of french and turkish (HEAVY bits), dacian, slavic, italian)
OUAHFSHD THANK YOU SO MUCH I’M REALLY HAPPY YOU LIKE MY ART!! Also I’m sure your art is better than you think it is (we generally tend to view our own creations as worse than others because we’re the ones that made them, don’t worry I’m the same as well ajdbsjd) but yeah I’ll be happy to give you some tips and stuff! (and yeah I never colour traditionally either I just leave everything in plain biro because I don’t want to mess it up lol)
(I haven’t seen your art so these will probably be more general tips but hopefully they’ll help a bit, also keep in mind that I’m not a professional so this will be more about what has worked for me but I hope it might help you a bit)
So for stuff like lineart, avoid using chicken-scratches—it might seem easier or less daunting to do shorter overlapping lines like that but it will give your sketches and drawings that overall fuzzy look, the trick is to have longer confident strokes. It might seem a bit tricky at first if you haven’t done it before so don’t worry it happens but if you keep practicing they’ll eventually look smoother and less shaky. For the longer lines it better to draw from either your elbow or shoulder, and by that I mean keeping your wrist still and letting the larger parts of your arm do most of the work—this will also help your wrist in the long run. For things like shorter lines and smaller details then absolutely use your hand to move the pen, but generally try to use your elbow and shoulder as it will help you get those longer smoother lines. Also this is just a personal preference of mine but I generally use brushes that have a bit of pressure sensitivity which helps add some line weight. If you don’t have pressure sensitivity another way you can get line weight is by taking an eraser to some of the edges and narrowing some parts.
For colours it mainly depends on the lighting—lighting is everything and will affect how the rest of the colours will look, so it’s important to have an idea of the brightness and colour of your lighting. The background also plays an important role in picking colours for me as well as it helps provide colour context and makes it easier to pick colours by eye if you want a certain mood. If you want a more dependable way on getting colours to match up then I’d recommend having a layer that’s just colour on top of the rest of your piece—you can play around with the blending modes and opacity, I mainly use either an overlay layer with a medium colour that’s slightly desaturated or a colour burn layer with a light saturated colour; most of the time I use colour burn because if you put it over your lineart then it will also tint the parts of your lineart or sketch that’s at a lower opacity too. But with figuring out colours I’d highly recommend researching some stuff about colour theory, there are a lot of good and easy to understand explanations and art tutorials on YouTube so I would recommend starting there (unfortunately I can’t link recommend specific videos because my playlists are a mess ajdbsjdbsj but some good channels to learn from are Sinix Design, Marc Brunet and Marco Bucci).
In terms of general digital art tips, ALWAYS FLIP YOUR CANVAS. You will not believe the amount of times I’ve looked at a drawing and thought it looked pretty good, flipped the canvas and found that everything’s wonky. In cases like these the liquify tool is your best friend, as well as the lasso tool and transform tools, as well as just manually fixing them by redrawing some parts. Also use as many layers as you need, and by this I mean if you’re working on your sketch, lineart or colouring or whatever and you want to do something you’re not sure you’ll like, duplicate the layers so you have a backup in case it goes wrong and you want to go back. When I say use as many layers as you need I mean use as many as you need, these are some of mine and they’re all from just one sketch because I get really anxious about messing stuff up lol, also don’t be afraid of drawing separate parts on separate layers and merging them afterwards if you want.
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Also take your time, unless you have a deadline don’t feel like you have to complete a drawing within a certain timeframe, if you want to get faster at drawing then that’s great but don’t feel like you need to push yourself, especially if you’re just starting. Practice takes time and patience is your best friend, and you probably hear lots of other artists saying this but trust the process. You might get to a bit you’re struggling with and not like it and want to abandon the drawing, but I found that rather than saying “this is bad” or “this is wrong” start asking “how can I make this work” because a change in mindset can help you a lot with art. Also don’t feel like you have to reach certain milestones with your art by certain points either, like with the age thing and comparing your progress with other artists of either the same or different ages, because it can make you feel worse about your art. Trust me there are some artists younger than me who are like 14 or 15 who’s art I envy and—again with the mindset thing—instead of getting down that your art isn’t similar to their’s or worrying that you’re “behind” in your artistic development (there is no such thing btw everyone learns at different ages and speeds so don’t feel bad if you haven’t progressed as much as you would have liked to) it helps to ask what you like about their art and what you would like to incorporate into your own—this has helped me learn and improve a lot faster.
I don’t know if I have any more tips at the moment, but I hope that answered some of your questions! (also sorry it’s a bit long or some bits don’t make a lot of sense I like to ramble a bit lol) (also also thank you for the little fact as well!)
Have a nice day anon 🧡
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The Greek Mythos Project
Hello everybody, my name is Camila and I am the creator of The Greek Mythos Project. My pronouns are They/Them and I can otherwise be found on Tumblr as @ixhkor-and-ambrosxa. Any and all questions can either be directed here or there and I'd be happy to help any of you :).
So... What Is This Project And Blog About? Well, it's about The Greek Mythos Project. The Greek Mythos Project is a new thing I've created here on Tumblr in order to showcase smaller artists waiting to get out there, feel like their audience is too niche, and to ultimately learn more about Greek Mythology. It originally stemmed from a smaller, more personal project where I intended to 'rewrite' all of mythology in order to learn more about it and to generally get back into writing, but as I thought more about the specifics, I realized how time consuming and burnt-out I would be. That thought lead to another and another... and then I was like: what if I release this idea into the world and allow others to participate in it? Then I'd still be able to learn more about all of it, but I could also meet new writers and see more writing styles. So, here we are, with a blog & all.
What Is The Project's Main Goal? The ultimate main goal of this project is to showcase others' work. I myself--as a writer of lesser-known characters--know how hard it is to get that niche audience or even gain the courage to let loose those 'weird' headcanons so I wanted to provide an easy way to get that. I want to know those niche writers and characters and 'weird' headcanons--one of my general hyperfixations is worldbuilding! So, even if nobody else wants to read it, I want to. I want to know, I want to learn, and I want to be. So, the ultimate goal is getting out there, but there are some lesser and more personal goals such as networking, learning to work with wider and more diverse audiences (knowledge, headcanons, and otherwise), and having something bigger than myself to work on so I don't end up spiraling. It lets me know, as someone who struggles with mental health, that there's always going to be something to fall back on, such as this project :).
What Is This Project Exactly? The Greek Mythos Project will hopefully be a long AO3/Wattpad fic made up of the POVs and Stories of various characters in Greek Mythology. The end project will hopefully be arranged in chronological order and include as many stories and versions of the stories as they can. The possibilities and submissions can be endless but the only restriction this project asks for is that it keeps to one POV only. I ask this because this is the vision I am hoping to pursue but there will be a companion-fic set that you can submit to if you want a Multiple POV submission. Each chapter that we post will include your socials, how to find you, how to find your other works, the submission-fic notes, personal notes on the fic, and anything else you or we decide is best to put. Of course, you can opt out of any and all of this and I can just put anonymous <3. This project is essentially a mass Character Study/Introspection, if you'd like it in more simple and fandom-based terms :).
What Are The Project's Requirements? Other than having only one POV... there aren't really any. Of course, there's a level of trust and respect required on both sides once we all start working with each other, but that's just the basics. The word count can be anything, Spicy & More Graphic scenes can be taken once we have a coordinator for that and/or get further into it, and hopefully we'll have editors and beta-ers if you, as a writer, want or require them. If anything, I can help edit and work with you. This is a pretty formless job; it can be writing, it can be art, it can be mood boards, it can be collabs. As long as everything's communicated effectively, nothing should be a problem.
How Do I Submit? Currently, the best way to submit things is through the Ask Box on this page. I'll also be opening up the submissions tab/thing but I have zero experience on my part with it so the safest bet's through the ask box. Same thing with private posts, they don't always work so, when in doubt, go to the ask box :). Feel free, whenever you submit via the ask box, to put a little line at the bottom or top with your information, any notes, etc for me to put in when I eventually post this. Also, please check in on this blog every once in a while in case we need to ask to clarify something <3.
Can I Participate Even Without Socials? Yes, you absolutely can! Our ask box will always have an anonymous option and even if you have something or another and just want this to be separate, feel free to tell us you want to be anonymous! I and those who I may be working with will completely get and respect your privacy! /pos /gen
What Is The Project's Deadline? As of now, there isn't one. This project is supposed to be long term, which means it should still be going five or so years from now (depending on how the world's going at that time, at least) and so there is no deadline going on for the submissions-end. On my end, I plan to start picking it up and publishing around Late-August or July because I hope by that point, we'll have some submissions or at least be working a lot more on this as it picks up and also I know this month is really stressful for a lot of people with final projects, exams, etc and getting ready for Summer so hopefully that'll be a decent amount of time to really get things going.
Can I Help Out? Yes, you absolutely may! I'd love some editors to help back me up on things, beta-ers, Spicy-Scene coordinators (because that's just not my editing cup of tea) and other people that's going to be crucial to bringing this to light. Again, this project is based on community and I love people so feel free to reach out so we can work together to see what's the right fit, aka schedules, genres, etc! I might even create a discord server if we get large enough!
Any Other Comments? Feel free to ask questions. This and my main account are always free to pop in if you'd like, just know that it might take me a while to get back to you... it's a bad habit :(. Also, fandom-based characters and chapters are completely on the table! I personally find it much easier to write in a fandom-based setting so if that's your jam, feel free and make sure to tell us where you're comin' from so we showcase it! At some point, too, I'd love to make a little 'spreadsheet' thing on here to show who's working on who to maybe get people out of their shell or introduce others or maybe even collab on stuff!
Anyway, I think that should all be it :). Feel free to ask questions, interact with us, or even share the #The Greek Mythos Project on other platforms if you'd like or with friends! Also keep up with us on the same tag for updates, questions, or even maybe prompts/challenges if ya'll would like :). See you at some point and have fun!
Edit: Below Are Little Clarification Posts Along With Updates & Stuff That Seem Important <3
The Greek Mythos Project: What We Accept Within Submissions [Link Subject To Change As More Is Added]
The Greek Mythos Project: The Submission Process
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intoloopin · 5 months
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TWS: Drug use. Cursing. Self deprecating language. Fighting. Forced vomiting. Blood. Feelings being expressed weirdly at inappropriate times (???).
CONTEXT: This is rewrite of a missing scene from END AT ME: it's a glimpse at the Hell party that caused Minwoo to call Taesong on July 14th going 15th + what proceeded the final motel scene by 4 to 6 hours.
starring: Bang Minwoo. Xu 'J.J' Jiahang.
word account: 3.8K / 3,848 words.
writer's note: OKAY, SO! To anyone who's unfamiliar on how DE functions, fear not: this works as it's own thing. But to hopefully get you into the right mood, I'll link a video to the game's intro as well as the skill sheet out of detail so you can grasp what's being evoked here. Most skills have been adapted to fit this new setting and Minwoo's own psychology anyway, so understanding how they function in game or not (hopefully!) won't take away from any fun of this psyche dive. With that being said! Good read! This is the most fun I had all week!
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THE ASSHOLE’S HOTEL BATHROOM - Filled with too many soap cabinets and a candelabra for a lamp – things of value but no *practical use* – the Asshole’s Hotel Bathroom looks exactly like you expect it to. To put it simply it's a fancy, cold and soulless shit deposit.
REACTION SPEED (Easy: Success) - Like your goddamn man.
EMPATHY (Challenging: Success) - Like *them*, your man’s ‘friends’, who share no traits with him. Not an hinch of loyalty to anything or anyone.
YOU - You inspect Jiahang, the said man – just a man, his own man – that you have an arm's hold of, dragging along behind you. He doesn’t want to come into the Asshole’s Hotel Bathroom, of course not. He doesn’t want to leave The Party and its Party People either, but he must be surgically extracted from them. He must be attended to, immediately.
ESPRIT DE CORPS (Medium: Fail) - You still have no idea why he jumped on to take what the asshole man offered you, why he tried to bargain your way out of the room at the expense of his already too dazed system, with a dry gulp of a too big pill ill meant for you, putting on a show so you could leave.
INTERFACING (Easy: Success) - As if you would ever choose to escape out of any Hell without him – as if you could make out of any labyrinth without your North Star.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY (Easy: Success) - God, he’s beautiful even while bone deep in physical discomfort. That’s art in real fucking staggering movements, all live, full color. He has mastered the sweet, sweet pain it takes to *be* music. He has beat you at your own game, Minwoo love. Beat you right up. *Beat you good*.
LOGIC (Easy: Success) - Whatever is that he swallowed, he needs it out of his system. Now.
YOU - You lock the door behind you, let his pulse go. You both stand in discrepant different examples of equilibrium at the center of the room.
VISUAL CALCULUS (Easy: Success) - The toilet has its lid already set open, like a paid extra.
“What were you thinking?!”
“You need to throw up. *Now*.”
No talking. No time to waste. Reach forward. Be of help.
YOU - You take an unfocused step forward, leaving two feet between Jiahang and you. The proximity accomplishes nothing: your fingers trail millimeters over his chest, failing to check anything, just shaking.
JIAHANG - "Minwoo hyung, c’mon… Calm down, okay, calm down… I can… take it, I’m alright…," Jiahang’s marijuana voice is something deeper in tone and lighter in sound, close to a whisper. He takes pauses to hold in anxious, misplaced laughs. “It’s not my… First rodeo, so… Calm down…”
LOGIC (Easy: Success) - He’s not new to drugs, that’s what he meant. Both in general, and with today’s doctor’s prescription: weed, cocaine, maybe, and the other thing, the white pill.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Easy: Success) - You knew this already. You pretended not to, for someone’s sake – you don’t remember who, now – but it’s become obvious to you early on. How could it not when it’s *you*, a Guryo son who knows what to seek for when telling… *high risk riders* apart from any crowd.
LOGIC (Easy: Success) - And yet you did nothing to put a stop to it. You let it come to this. This is as much as your fault as it is the asshole man’s. You’re a fucking asshole man, Asshole Man.
YOU - Your head bends downwards, away from him, away from direct view.
INLAND EMPIRE (Medium: Success) - Because it pains you; the sight of him pains you. It always has. Every inch of his body is a light that cuts right through your retinas, close to being fatal.
DRAMA (Easy: Success) - By God, he’s made you just as blind as the piano and guitar have. *He really is music*.
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
Give me something else. I won’t say that.
YOU - Give me something else. I won’t say that.
HALF LIGHT (Challenging: Fail) - Oh? And why the fuck not?
It’s not what he needs to fucking hear now, shit Head!
The night’s been already harsh enough. Try to be kind or something, fuck Hell.
Please, *please* don’t make me say it. I don’t wanna say it.
YOU - It’s not what he needs to fucking hear now, shit Head!
HALF LIGHT (Challenging: Fail) - Well, fuck-o, this is all you got. Have you forgotten who you are? You’re a brute and ruthless son of a gun. Shoot-words-to-kill, that’s the Bang Minwoo pattern of speech. You know nothing else.
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
[LOGIC CHECK: GODLY (27% CHANCE).] Come up with something else. Something soothing. *Anything*.
LOGIC CHECK: FAILURE. - As you search your oceanic brain for a cohesive, less deadly set of words, you find nothing but a dark void and the defeating sound of static. You’re tongue tied. You’re jaw set. You’re furious. You’re terrified. You’re only half inside your own body.
PAIN THRESHOLD (Impossible: Fail) - The smell of urine and powder mixed together, coming straight off the toilet to your nose. The sensation of being too small, too impotent inside a big room that you’ve never seen so big. The body of a loved one shivering close, mad with fever.
INLAND EMPIRE (Challenging: Fail) - It’s all too familiar, isn’t it now, crack baby?
[-1 MORALE.]
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
COMPOSURE CHECK: EPIC FAIL. - Thinking of breathing only makes your breathing worse. Stop. Thinking. Of. It. STOP. IMMEDIATELY.
“Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
YOU - “Why are you, out of everyone, making stupid fucking decisions?!”
JIAHANG - Slowly, as if he’s hearing you with a 15 second delay, Jiahang looks up at you with his big stars for eyes, embedded in a sea of red. “What..?”
“You–! Jesus Christ, you fucking heard me, Jiahang!”
YOU - “You–! Jesus Christ, you fucking heard me, Jiahang!”
“I can’t deal with you having a crash, I can’t witness that sort of *shit*! You know why I fucking can’t!”
YOU - “I can’t deal with you having a goddamn crash, I can’t witness that sort of *shit*! You know why I fucking can’t!”
JIAHANG - The delay’s gone, it seems: in front of you, Jiahang flinches, withers, pressing his tiny lips close together.
AUTHORITY (Challenging: Success) - BE CALM. He’s scared, but not of you – only of himself, what he’s done, and what you might think of him now.
EMPATHY (Medium: Success) - And he’s ashamed of what he took you back to, now that he realizes – the razor sharp flashes of your once uncle seem to flow between you telepathically.
CONCEPTUALIZATION (Medium: Success) - He’s always scared of what people might think of him. It’s his Achilles tendon. When it comes to you, the fear of letting down goes hand in hand with an old, too familiar grief.
UNTRACEABLE RUSH OF DOPAMINE - Tell him. Tell him what we think of him, now and always. It’s time.
“I just don’t get– You or, or! You’re supposed to be music, for shit’s sake! Whatever the fuck that means!”
Don’t make me do this to me now.
I don’t fucking know what I think, alright?! Not about him, not about anything anymore! *I don’t know!* And I don’t want to know! I don’t give a shit! I never fucking have!
YOU - I don’t fucking know what I think, alright?! Not about him, not about anything anymore! *I don’t know!* And I don’t want to know! I don’t give a shit! I never fucking have!
DRAMA (Easy: Success) - Alright, sire, alright. Don’t open the Pandora’s Box that is your stone heart, if you’re too much of a pussy to see what’s been growing inside. Suit your weak self, take the coward’s road. Just be careful not to fall too hard while embarking on this deep, deep sink of yours into that old, old Egyptian river.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Legendary: Success) - That old Egyptian river is called the Nile river. Say it's determiner and name three times quickly out loud. The joke writes itself.
INLAND EMPIRE (Easy: Success) - Not a easier joke to decipher than *you*, of course, Bang Man.
JIAHANG - It takes him a while, but Jiahang eventually recovers; straightens his spine up, grows back to big. “If you can’t see it, then… leave, then. You can… do that. You brought me my bag, I– I took the *thing* for you, you’re free– free to go. So go on. Turn around, just turn– turn around, if that’s what… what you want so bad!”
I can’t leave him.
“I can’t leave you!”
YOU - I can’t leave him.
PERCEPTION (Heroic: Fail) - Ah, yes. That you have no strength to do. It's as simple as that.
“I can’t leave you – not like this!”
“I can’t leave you – not with them!”
“I just *can’t leave you*!”
YOU - “I can’t leave you, Jiahang – not like this!”
JIAHANG - You see a frown show up on his forehead as he mouths ‘like this’, like it’s an insult, but doesn’t say it. What he does say is a frustrated, confused plea of, “Then what, Minwoo? Then *what*?!”
HAND/EYE COORDINATION (Easy: Success) - Oh, sire. You know exactly what you must do.
[SUGGESTION CHECK: FORMIDABLE (38% CHANCE).] Convince Jiahang to throw up. Keep talking. He’s giving in.
[REACTION SPEED CHECK: CHALLENGING (65% CHANCE).] Make him throw up. You’ve lost too much damn time already with all this fucking talking.
[PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT RED CHECK: IMPOSSIBLE (1% CHANCE). YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] Shove him into the bathtub and turn on the ice cold shower. Let the thermal shock overwhelm him, then make him throw up there. It’s risky, but it feels like the way.
REACTION SPEED CHECK: FAIL. You raise your arms and grab him suddenly by the elbows, catching him visibly by surprise – and it all goes quickly downhill from there.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT (Challenging: Epic Fail) - Your limbs struggle to make him bend any way, let alone to the direction of the toilet or the floor. Under your feet, the humid ground keeps you from grounding yourself enough to make any of this work. Nothing’s in your favor. You realize your mistake too late.
RHETORIC (Easy: Success) - You should have thought this through. Jiahang is, after all, much taller than you – and much too cherished for your hands to dare squeeze or scratch.
YOU - Your fingers let go without you telling them to. Bad equilibrium disrupted, Jiahang slips on the wet tiles and falls sideways, head bumping with the toilet’s unforgiving ceramic, nose first, sound second: a horrible cry out of pain you heard just once.
YOU - YOU JUMP TO HELP! You’re on your knees quicker than you’ve ever been, palming his back, his shoulder.
JIAHANG - He glimpses at you sideways, then hides his face away, turning it to the opposite side. A lonely stream of blood drips from his left nostril, and he rushes to cover it with his trembling hand. You notice; you hear a sob.
RETHORIC (Heroic: Fail) - You’re a wordsmitch, fuck face, or are you not?! SAY SOMETHING. FIX THIS.
“Fuck, you– You didn’t give me *any other choice*, like!!!”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry so so sorry I’m sorry sorry!!!!!!”
Fuck it. Focus on the mission. Put your fingers down his throat. Count damages later.
YOU - Make the worst worth it, you think, as you scoopes his face in.
LOGIC (Medium: Fail) - Will it even accomplish anything? The white pill’s been in his system for over 20 minutes, not to mention all the rest, a pool party of shit in his bloodstream. Anyhow: better safe than sorry, you assume – you pray.
YOU - You fight to get your fingers into his mouth, meet a wall of teeth, a resistence of tongue; it opens after you let out a small curse, like a castle’s gate.
SUGGESTION (Easy: Success) - So *this* is how it feels.
PERCEPTION (Medium: Success) - Under you, he’s stopped moving. Jiahang has no real strength or deep desire to push you out or hurt you. He might even understand the invasion, under the haze; be grateful for it, even.
YOU - You feel it when it comes, a stream of bile. You remove your hand and wipes it on your trousers, sees Jiahang bending over to sit and spill sick yellow vomit for seconds, a minute.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Easy: Success) - Even though you’ve hurt him not a second ago – it wasn’t even the first time, either – he hasn’t bitten a single finger of yours off when he had the chance. Not a follower of the Eye For an Eye school of thinking, this pupil of yours, despite your suffocating influence. That’s good. You’re nothing but a bad preacher of a bad religion.
JIAHANG - When he’s done spitting and coughing, Jiahang begins to curl into himself, turning into a quiet small ball on the floor, too close to the release pool.
“I’m sorry. It was the only way– I’m sorry.”
“Jiahang-ah, please, let me take a look at you – Let me look at you, *please*.”
[AUTHORITY CHECK: EASY. 92% CHANCE.] “Show me your nose, now.”
YOU - “Show me your nose, now.”
PERCEPTION (Easy: Success) - He does, without a fight, lying on the floor with his head facing the ceiling. It’s bad, the bruise – the damage. You help guide him to sit up straight as he can.
YOU - You extend your hand to the side, up– The toilet paper dances off the holder as you push it, and it rolls away. You get enough of it to wrap it over your open palm three times, to make an amateur glove. You wipe the trace of blood off his mouth as gently as you can.
JIAHANG - “I’m such a… mess, just so–!” He cries, suddenly; a dam of tears, hot and uncontainable. “Awful, *awful* thing, disgusting fucking– fucking *thing*!”
“I know. I know exactly what you are.”
“That’s not all there is to you, baby, it’s not all there is to you at all, listen to me, honey, *listen*, **please listen**.”
“You could be worse.”
YOU - “You could be worse.”
JIAHANG - This gets his attention. “How even– Worse how?” Jiahang asks, mid hiccup, mid wail. “Give me one– One fucking example, if you… can. Can you? You *can’t*, can you?!”
SHIVERS (Medium: Success) - Around you and around him, The Party keeps on going, like a nonstop train. Your ears attune themselves to the purr of it – it's a habit. You’re too often outside rooms buzzing with life, only listening in through paper thin walls, missing the experience of it.
EMPATHY (Heroic: Success) - No one has come to check on him, you both have realized – Jiahang a minute faster than you. None of his Party People friends give a flying fuck. The reality is falling down on him like a skyscraper, crushing, breathtaking, killer.
[REACTION SPEED RED CHECK: IMPOSSIBLE (11% CHANCE.) YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] Start listing the real world things that are worse than him. (There’s a ton, and you know them intimately – and you know him intimately. Give Jiahang something else to weep for.)
[DRAMA RED CHECK, IMPOSSIBLE (9% CHANCE.) YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] Start listing the unreal, out of this world things worse than him – the ones you’ve seen in your open eyed dreams. (Not as many options, but a tad lighter. Make the sadness disappear, bring anything close to a laugh back. Be the mad man for a great cause.)
[INLAND EMPIRE RED CHECK: LEGENDARY (26% CHANCE). YOU CAN’T RETRY IT.] “You could be like me. I’m worse than you’ll ever be.” (The truth. It can only hurt you.)
Say nothing.
YOU - “You could be like me. I’m worse than you’ll ever be.”
LOGIC (Challenging: Success) - There is nothing worse than you, False Prophet, Fake Noah. Obsessed with connecting melodies, speaking truthfully only through rhyme schemes on pieces of paper that meet no one, only the bottom of trash cans or the back of your hard pillow. You’re not functional. You’re no leading man. You’re no good.
INLAND EMPIRE (Medium: Success) - But it feels good, doesn’t it? To finally admit how rotten you are after a whole life of pretending you’re a giving three, a good soil.
EMPATHY (Challenging: Success) - To say to someone who knows it, understands it, and stays.
Wait, I gained a fucking morale point from THAT?!
YOU - What the actual fuck?!
RHETORIC (Medium: Success) - You’re neck deep into shit, pal. Just count your win. It’s only a consolidation medal, nothing more, nothingbless – kiddo needs his fake prizes to fill his kiddo fuel.
JIAHANG - “But… I feel like you already,” he tells you. “All the time, hyung… All the time, I feel like you– Angry, and upset, and– and so lonely.”
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT (Easy: Success) - Wait, what’s that taunting your face, blocking your neck…? Oh, fucking Hell…! You’re crying! You’re nodding at him and crying!
AUTHORITY (Impossible: Fail) - HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU CRYING?! You don’t do that anymore, you’ve forgotten how. Revoke it. Revoke it along with all this sweat taking over your body.
“Don’t you dare say that.”
“I’m sorry, Jiahang. This is not– Not what I wanted to happen.”
“Just– Give me a minute, God, give me a minute!”
YOU - “I’m sorry, Jiahang. This is not– Not what I wanted to happen.”
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT (Easy: Success) - The tears prickle your eyes, actually turn you momentarily blind. You blink, hard, adjusting to their salt. It reminds you of how hard to stomach you are, inside out.
PAIN THRESHOLD (Medium: Success) - And it reminds you of how much saltier you’ve used to be. The tears are already falling off your sad sockets, sire – let them.
JIAHANG - “It’s not so bad, right, I think, to have… Turned into *this*, because– You’re no longer… lonely, and… Neither am I, right…? We can both be happy with that, be happy…” He doesn’t finish speaking; just closes his eyes, closes his mouth.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY (Medium: Fail) - We like the visual he’s evoking, Minwoo love. Picture the two of you, holding hands, walking right into the dooming sun– Oh, oh! Romeo and Romeo, tongue deep into each other’s poison bitter throats!!!
EMPATHY (Medium: Success) - Your man’s not right. He’s fading. This isn’t the Jiahang you want; most importantly, this isn’t the Jiahang that *Jiahang wants*. This is no good, Minwoo.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY (Medium: Fail) - It’s as close as we'll ever get to having any Jiahang *at all*. Enjoy it! We should kiss him now. Seal this deal right up. Two shots of Marriage In Misery and a whole bottle of Honeymoon On The Floor (Animal Style) coming *right the fuck up*, sign it to the wingless lovebirds right there, near the piss jar!!!
EMPATHY (Medium: Success) - Let go of his hand. Check his eyes. Help him up.
INLAND EMPIRE (Legendary: Fail) - Or perhaps this is the time for you to leave. You shouldn’t have ever touched him, to begin with. You shouldn’t have spoken a single word beyond ‘Goodbye’ to this man when he was still a graduating boy. You shouldn’t have made him think that he needed to cling to ruination to shine. You shouldn't have come to know any of them.
Check Jiahang up (medically.), then help him up. You both need to leave the Asshole's Hotel Bathroom and The Asshole’s Hotel all together.
Walk away – Just walk away. His shortness of breath seems contagious. It’s sticking to your lungs.
YOU - It takes no effort to untangle your hands from his, to place them both on his cheeks, tend to the temperature.
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Challenging: Success) - His skin is at 110 degrees, to be precise. The lucky-unlucky number, if you’ll believe it.
LOGIC (Medium: Success) - It’s a mind and body turmoil. I’m afraid you can do nothing about it.
I can do something, I– I feel it.
I refuse to let him fall. I reject it.
YOU - I refuse to let him fall. I reject it.
INLAND EMPIRE (Medium: Success) - Cute, my lord, but still not enough. You might as well swear to become a whole different man, in your desperation, if you want to make this medicine of yours come true – transform into a superhuman, super empathic man suit. Like the Taesong Taesong thinks he is.
Good, I’ll swear on it, I’ll be it – I've been waiting for an excuse to tend to the internal damage and start a renovation. This is will be my new wallpaper.
No, don’t swear on it, fool – There’s no need to be extreme. *There’s no guarantee it will work*.
YOU - No, don’t swear on it, fool – There’s no need to be extreme. *There’s no guarantee it will work.*
ENCYCLOPEDIA (Challenging: Success) - Exactly. Hold your horses, Bang Man. Take this promise in. You never tried to be anything besides what you are now. You’re a 26-year-old hound – in dog years that’s 116 to 128 years of living. There’s no space inside your head for new tricks, new instincts.
DRAMA (Easy: Success) - You’re chained to a wall, my liege. You have to tear it the fuck down, and clean the concrete aftermath, and rise from the ashes of it – full Fenix style. Fail at that and you’ll be here again, if not in this asshole’s hotel bathroom, then another asshole’s hotel bathroom; if not with him, then with someone else, just as meaningful. You got the need for change, now? The need to compromise the fuck out of you?!
AUTHORITY (Heroic: Success): Say you got it now.
Fine. I guess I got it now.
I got it! I fucking got it, goddammit!
I understand.
YOU - I understand.
INLAND EMPIRE (Challenging: Success) - My, oh my… It seems you really do.
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genshin-scenarios · 2 years
Teammates, In Two Senses (Diluc x Reader)
Summary: You and Diluc are online friends that often game together, but one day you find out he goes to the same university as you. Just a chill college AU!
Reader is an art major, and has a playful type of personality!
The fic features friendship group cameos: Yanfei (your flatmate), Albedo (a close friend), Kaeya (wingman #1), and Venti (wingman #2)
This was written for a close friend, who's very big brained 😌
Wordcount: 5-6k
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It’s early in the evening when you’re trying to work on your assignment. As an art major, you generally find it easier to make progress in your room or the dedicated studios since you need the equipment, but the same can’t be said for a written report.
The perfectionist inside of you crumbles at the blankness in your head. With an annoyed sigh, you push your keyboard away to instead rest your head on your desk; how is it that out of four chances, you’re the one that got stuck with the most boring part of the project writeup?
…Well, it’s not particularly hard, but you’re really not in the mood to do work right now - and even if you push yourself to finish, the report won’t be that good since you’re unable to focus. 
Music isn’t working, moving back into your room isn’t working… You need to blow off some steam instead, which is why you sent a quick message to your online friend to ask if he was free right now. Gaming uses a different part of the brain after all, so hopefully you’ll be back in a productive mood afterwards.
While you’re manifesting to have someone join before your brain melts from boredom, Yanfei pops her head in from the door you left open. Her brow narrows as she notices your defeated posture hunched over the desk.
She tries to cross her arms like a stern parent. “Get back to work. Didn’t you want to finish so you can relax on the weekend?”
“I do, but–” At the sound of a discord notif, your eyes light up as you switch tabs with a silent victory. “Oh, would you look at that? Someone needs my help, so I guess I’ll just finish the report later!”
“Is it that Darknight guy again?” Yanfei sighs. “Honestly, if he’s a student too, I can’t tell if I’m impressed or annoyed that you guys have time to game so often.”
“Maybe I’m just talented?” You reply cheekily, glad that there’s nothing in Yanfei’s hands that she could throw at you. She shakes her head and leaves, giving a reminder over her shoulder about what time you’re heading out; your friends are cooking at their flat, so they invited you both over for dinner. You and Yanfei planned to buy the drinks, so you’d have to leave a little early, but…
You look at the time on the corner of your laptop. Two hours should be enough.
Because of time constraints, all you’re able to do is complete a dungeon crawl and some world-bosses, but that combined with some conversation is enough for you to start feeling refreshed again. The tension is gone from your mind, and you think you should be able to get the work done tonight, so long as the dinner party doesn’t go on for too long.
Now that you think about it… Yanfei’s comment did make you curious about what Luc’s situation is like in real life. You’re not one to prod too much, but just asking if he’s working or studying shouldn’t be too big of an issue, right? You’re still using aliases after all, and everything else you know about each other isn’t enough to track down a person’s private account online.
Traveler: Hey Luc, do you work or study?
DarknightH: Is this another one of your bad jokes?
Traveler: My jokes are NOT bad 😒
Traveler: I was just wondering, since you’re able to game during the weekdays quite often and all.
He takes a while to type, and you wonder if you’ve scared him off, until:
DarknightH: I kind of have both, if you consider part time jobs.
Traveler: Hmm... You’re not a college student, right? You’d be way too busy - unless you’re a hermit?
DarknightH: Is it so hard to imagine? Maybe I finish my assignments during the day, and use the night to rest.
Traveler: Friendless…
DarknightH: Efficient.
Traveler: You’re still kind of suspicious, so i won’t believe your story for now
Traveler: Thanks for entertaining my question though, and I guess if I had to answer in return, I am a type of student. So if you ever need your senpai’s help, just let me know 👍 I can be kind once in a while.
DarknightH: There’s no way you’re older than me.
Traveler: Hehe, I guess we’ll never know? It’s already six though, so I’ll log off first, Mr Darknight Hero 💖
"...What?" Diluc sighs, looking at Kaeya from across the counter. "Do I have something on my face?"
Kaeya shrugs. His head is propped up lazily in the palm of his hand as he waits for his brother to get ready. "I'm just trying to figure out if you look like a gamer or not. Everytime I joke about your all-nighters, people think I'm crazy."
Diluc raises a brow. "I don't think there's a look you can identify."
"Of course there is! Wouldn't you wear a jacket or sweater to play for long hours?"
"Maybe you should stick to law-related debates." Diluc throws his coat on, giving Kaeya a wry smile. "Let's go. We don't want to be late - or do you want to be scolded by Amber again?"
"I do wish she'd stop with that favoritism," Kaeya sighs with the hints of a pout. "Why doesn't she ever think you're the problem?"
"Because I don't go around scheming when I'm bored."
There's a glint entering Kaeya's eyes, making Diluc raise his guard out of habit. "Nope, instead you co-op with that online friend of yours. Maybe you should call them and see if they actually live close by. They're in the same time-zone, aren't they?"
"No thanks," he rejects, "I'm not about to dox myself by doing something like that."
They get into the lift, and that's when Diluc's phone buzzes with a notification from you. You're just asking if he's used the redemption code already before it expires, and when Diluc presses the corner of his screen to search for it within your chat, his finger accidentally hits the call button.
Before he can even swear in reflex, Diluc freezes at the sight of your icon joining the call. There's a beat of silence, then another, before he gathers his wits and brings his phone to his ear.
"Did you–"
Blank, again. Diluc isn't sure if he's more flustered about making such a dumb mistake, or if he's just stunned into silence from hearing your voice. "I pressed it by accident - sorry for bothering you. Bye."
He ends the call in the flash of a second, and Diluc clenches his fists in an impressive feat of self-control. Did Kaeya press the button? No, but he did mention calling you, which jinxed Diluc's next actions as he unconsciously did just that. Therefore his anger is justifiably directed, he thinks. He'll be sure to swap Kaeya's drink for grape juice later into the night.
Diluc closes his eyes, but he can still hear Kaeya coughing into his fist, trying to stop his shoulders from shaking. "Stop laughing."
"Pfft– you hung up so quickly! Did you even hear their voice?"
"I did," he rolls his eyes, feeling something akin to curiosity bubble in his head. You sounded a little different than he imagined, but now that he's calmed down, he thinks it fits you a lot.
The day after Luc’s voice call, Yanfei takes up the role of a detective (loosely speaking) while the both of you head to a cafe nearby campus. You try to ignore her gaze burning into the side of your head as you speak to the cashier.
“Thank you, your order will be served shortly!”
As you started to step away, Yanfei wastes no time at all to continue her inquiries. “Don’t you two ever call while gaming?”
“No,” You sigh, “Because we don’t need to. There’s a chat function for a reason.”
“Then… Since he’s already done that by accident, you can just—”
“Yes, that’s all. Thanks.” A voice from the cashier catches your attention, making you look over in surprise. It’s a student with a notable shade of scarlet hair and handsome features - probably in a different major, since you’ve never seen him before.
His voice sounds a little familiar. 
…There’s no way, right? You’re probably just imagining things because of Yanfei’s questions!
Feeling your gaze on him, the stranger looks up. You’re surprised by the warmth of his eyes; there’s something quietly intelligent about them that draws your attention, but when he tilts his head slightly in question you finally realize that you’ve been staring.
“Well! Is our coffee done?” You whip your head away to face Yanfei, suddenly too embarrassed to stick around any longer. “The weather is really nice, so why don’t we take a walk?”
“Hm…?” She looks behind you, quick to catch on. Yanfei starts to smile. “Are you sure? You don’t want to stay behind and see if that guy drops his name while picking up his order?”
Maybe at other times, but he just caught me staring! At this rate, your ears are going to be on fire along with your face. “Today’s not the time for that - I’m here to spend time with my bestie!” You blink at her innocently. “You have a class later anyways, so I need to escort you there.”
“Sure, sure…” As you drag her out of the cafe, Yanfei shuts an eye in thought. “He looks pretty familiar though. I think I’ve seen him around Kaeya?”
Kaeya: a law major that Yanfei is acquainted with. You’re aware that Albedo is friends with him, but haven’t really heard much about a redhead. “Really?” You muse. “I wonder what year he’s in.”
“So you are interested!”
“You’re the one that brought him up!” You cross your arms. “Besides, it’s like a photographer with a perfect sunset. It’s part of my craft to have an eye for pretty people.”
“I can’t tell if you’re shameless or in denial.” Yanfei hums, patting your shoulder. “In that case, it’s part of my work to have great intuition… and it’s saying that you liked him enough to compare him to a sunset.”
“Wow would you look at the time? You’re going to be late!” You duck out of her reach and wave goodbye. “Remember to work hard! Don’t fall asleep.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be reciting my textbook to you at dinner.” She rolls her eyes lightheartedly.
Yanfei asks you to stay safe and departs, leaving you with an afternoon of nothing to do. Maybe you’ll browse some stores for fun, or buy something from a bakery for breakfast tomorrow..? Your gaze trails down to your phone as you discard your empty coffee cup. Out of reflex when it comes to boredom, you tap on a familiar icon.
Traveler: Hm… How lucky would it be if you turned out to be a cute guy?
For a moment, you thought Luc was offline until your phone proceeded to buzz in quick succession.
DarknightH: .
DarknightH: What.
DarknightH: Are you drunk??
DarknightH: Why are you suddenly asking that?
(Unbeknownst to you, Diluc almost choked on his coffee when he saw the message, wondering if you sent this to the wrong person. 
You’ve always been the type to joke around, but after that accidental call he’s been growing more and more wary about you. Is this insecurity? Paranoia? He’s not sure, but he is aware that you’ve been acting flighty after that incident, so Diluc is staying on his guard.)
Traveler: I was at a cafe earlier and heard someone whose voice was a bit like yours.
Traveler: Haha… there’s no way you live in my area, right?
DarknightH: If it’s bothering you that much, we can just test it.
Traveler: Huh?
DarknightH: You’re not normally this indecisive, and it was partially my fault for surprising you that day.
DarknightH: So if you want to, I don’t mind clearing your doubts.
Holding your breath, you quickly weigh the pros and cons. A little test wouldn’t hurt, right?
Traveler: Okay, call me. We can give directions from there.
This way, it’ll be harder to leave behind written traces of your personal info. Of course, either of you could still note it down if you’re determined enough, but this straightforwardness settles your nerves a bit.
Your screen flashes to show an incoming call. You click, bracing yourself to hear his voice again. “Hello?”
“Hi,” Luc sounds a little breathless, but you force yourself to tune out the meaningless details. “I guess we should start with your location - what was the cafe’s name?”
“Umm…” Why is it suddenly hard to speak? “I was at a place called Good Hunter.”
A beat of silence. “The one near Teyvat University?”
No way. “–Are you a student?”
“...Yeah. If you’re the same, you should know where the closest park is, right? Meet me there in five minutes, it shouldn’t be a long walk.”
“Hey– wait a minute!” Even as you protest, your legs are carrying you towards your destination as your heart speeds up. “How do I know you’re not lying?”
“You don’t, but it’s the same for me.”
“You could just be some office guy that works nearby.” You start to fill the silence with whatever comes to mind. “Or maybe you just look super young for your age, and it turns out you’re a higher-up that can get me an internship at my dream job?”
A scoff. “You read too much manhwa.”
“If you’ve never read any, how’d you recognise that plot?” You counter, before cutting off as you realize you’ve arrived. “How should we find each other anyways? The park is pretty big.”
“We can meet at the Lionfang statue. What color is your phone?”
“It has a heart charm on it, with a red and white pattern.” You mutter, looking around. “What are you wearing?”
This time, his voice doesn’t just come from your phone. “A dark coat, but you’re more likely to notice my hair first.” You turn in surprise to see who’s behind you, mind blanking at how the pieces have fallen into place. “...That’s what my flatmate says, anyways. You’re Traveler, right?”
He’s taller up close. And, and… “I– Yes. But that’s just a nickname online, you can call me Y/N instead.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” He nods his head in greeting, and your gaze can’t help but follow the way his ponytail sways behind him. “I’m Diluc, a third year P.P.E. student. But if you still think that I’m running a scam, I guess there’s nothing more I can do to convince you otherwise.”
Well, at least his attitude is still the same. 
So this is Diluc… Your shoulders relax a bit at the familiar flow of conversation.
“We went so far as to meet like this, and you’re giving up now?” You shake your head, though it’s more in disbelief that something like this happened instead of thinking he’s a liar. Since your student card is at the back of your phone case, you cover your ID image and show it to him. “I’m a fine arts student - second year. Though even if we were in different departments, isn’t it kind of weird that I’ve never seen you before?”
“I was doing an exchange abroad last year, so that might be why.” Not to mention, you wouldn’t have time to pay attention to strangers in passing. He tilts his head curiously. “Did you have anything to do today? I won’t keep you any longer if you’re late for something.”
“Not really,” you admit, but the conversation is quickly sizzling out. Figures, putting you both on the spot in such odd circumstances. You smile anyways though, genuinely happy that something good happened today. “But even though this is all ridiculous, I’m glad you didn’t turn out to be a creepy person leading me on.”
“The same could be said for you.” Diluc returns lightheartedly, crossing his arms. “Though your willingness to get to the bottom of this worries me. Do you always follow random clues in the dark?”
“Are you worrying for my safety, Mister Darknight Hero?” You try not to laugh at the way his expression immediately drops from the name. “Jokes aside, I only did all that because we’ve been talking for a year. I wouldn’t do it with anyone I find suspicious, and we’re in a public place during the afternoon.” You turn around, tucking your hair behind your ear as you look back at Diluc. “It was nice meeting you though! Maybe we can meet up again at an internet cafe or something, after our brains process this.”
Diluc’s lips quirk in a small smile, which you instinctively mirror back. He looks more handsome with that expression. “Alright, but don’t forget that we’re entering a tournament this weekend. I won’t tolerate tardiness, even if you’re my junior.”
After you get home and shower, you sit on your bed in a bit of a daze, trying to figure out if today was a fever dream or if your internet friend really turned out to be a student on your campus.
Not to mention, a really cute one. You hide your face in your hands, remembering Yanfei’s teasing. You’re not sure if you’re super lucky or cursed for things to turn out like this! 
You remind yourself that this is still the same person you knew from a year ago - there’s no reason for your interactions to change, especially online.
Traveler: You’ll never believe what happened today.
Traveler: I just met someone pretty cool, and his hair was a pretty shade of red… I wonder how he gets it to look so soft?
DarknightH: I don’t really do anything to it, if that’s what you’re asking. Just invest in good products and don’t skimp on things for yourself.
Traveler: That’s the opposite of what a college student would say. Are you actually the heir of a corporation or something?
DarknightH: Go to sleep, Y/N.
Traveler: I heard that guilty people tend to avoid questions... Which means-? 🙀
DarknightH: You need me to block you until tomorrow?
Traveler: Okay okay, I’ll stop. Goodnight ✨
…But of course, saying goodnight is usually a lie when it comes to texting. You turn to your laptop and open your most recent assignment tabs, getting to work in the dead of the night.
Your body feels a little lighter now - it seems that solving the mystery really did release some of your tension. With no more distractions left, you’re glad that a feeling of normalcy is starting to return.
You met Albedo at the start of this year in the arts department during the evening. As it turns out, he likes to use the facilities to paint whenever he has the time, and you were quickly drawn into interesting conversation when you found out he was a science student. One meeting led to another, and now you’ve become pretty close after a month or two.
What you didn’t expect however, is being introduced to another one of his friend groups - by which at your first meeting, you miraculously survived an awkward encounter with one Diluc Ragnvindr.
Being too surprised to think straight, the both of you pretended to not know each other when the others waited for you to exchange pleasantries. It was kind of cute, seeing Diluc hesitate for a moment before extending a hand to you to shake.
“I’m Diluc, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Ah, yes– same here!”
However, the others are nothing if not perceptive about the bit of awkwardness between the both of you as you tried not to glance at Diluc throughout the night. You want to ask him something to keep your stories straight, not to mention that Diluc being dragged around by his friends’ whims is funny to watch.
You finally do talk to him alone when the others are arguing over where to go next. Kaeya keeps an eye on you and Diluc while he supports Venti’s suggestion of going to another bar. There's a sort of familiarity between the both of you despite some uneasiness, but what Kaeya does know for certain is that Diluc is talking a lot more than usual; so if nothing else, he’ll be supportive of his reserved brother’s social interactions - just maybe in a mildly annoying way, because he can.
“It’s rare to see Diluc so relaxed around a stranger. Are you actually a magician of some sort?”
“You make it sound like he’s a cat that’s hard to tame.” You laughed. “The secret is… to not get on his nerves?”
…As if you’ve never done that, trolling in co-op when Diluc was especially done with your teammates. Not to flatter yourself, but you’re pretty sure he found it funny after a while, as long as you weren’t messing with him specifically.
Out of the many other times you met, game night today was probably the riskiest of outings. When you all went to an arcade, it’s safe to say that the competitiveness between you and Diluc felt like an inside joke - something that Venti and Kaeya were quick to start scheming from, down to the moment they convinced everyone to excuse themselves so that the both of you would be left alone for the remainder of the day.
Venti is the last one to be with you guys, before he gets an ‘urgent’ phone call from Kaeya, who needed his help with something (honestly, they aren’t really trying to hide their intentions beyond making it seem like a convenient accident). Even Albedo played along, though you’re aware that his excuse is a real one because he spent the entirety of last night at the lab for a project.
With a quick “have fun with Diluc!”, Venti abandons you both nearby the bar you were initially going to. Truth be told, neither you nor Diluc liked to drink that much, so as soon as Venti disappeared from sight, Diluc crosses his arms with a sigh.
“Abandoned us.” You finish, looking around the streets for something interesting. “Hmm, is there anything else to do around here? There’s still some time left before the evening, so we could go somewhere else before returning to our flats?"
“There’s an internet cafe five minutes away,” Diluc suggests, checking its location on his phone. “We could do some work there.”
“You want to go to that cafe to work?” You stare at him incredulously, to which Diluc rolls his eyes. “Let’s see what else they have on their computers, maybe we can find a new game that’s pay-to-play and try it out!”
“Knowing you, we’ll be there until midnight.”
“Knowing you, you don’t sleep that early anyways.” You quip, smiling at the way he follows along with you. Despite his words, if he was truly opposed, he would’ve just gone home already. “Let’s do it - whoever does worse will have to run through ToF with zero equipment.”
“Fine, but if you lose, don’t come crying to me about how ridiculous that challenge is.” Diluc opens the door of the cafe for you, reserving two stations under his name. He looks at you with the smallest of smirks, crossing his arms. “I’ll order some food and watch you struggle.”
You hit his shoulder in indignation. “That’s horrible?! What kind of things are you saying to a weak, defenseless junior?”
He scoffs. “Weak, defenseless? You’d sooner throw a textbook at someone’s head.”
“And now you’re calling me aggressive.” You huff, trying to hide a smile. You’re starting to feel a little competitive now. “Alright. When I win, you have to buy me dessert.”
As it turns out, because the game you ended up picking was storyline focused and singleplayer, the both of you spent the entire evening just playing through it, forgetting about your bet. You’d glance at each other’s screens when something interesting happened on your own, wanting to see how the other person reacted - all things considered, it was really fun and relaxing.
You’re on your third drink and finishing some snacks when your phone screen suddenly flashes with Albedo’s contact. Diluc raises a brow (you’re both taking a break to stretch and lounge), and when you pick up, you immediately pull your phone away at the flurry of questions thrown at you.
Albedo is evidently the calmest person, but since he put you on speaker, Venti and Kaeya’s voices overpowered him.
“Are you alright? You haven’t been replying to any of the group messages.”
“Neither has Diluc! Are you both having too much fun and ignoring us?”
“If he took you somewhere you can’t talk about, just give us the signal and we’ll break in.”
Your expression turns deadpan at Kaeya’s somber tone. “I was just busy, no I wasn’t kidnapped, and no we weren’t ignoring you on purpose.”
“It’s okay,” Venti says to you tearfully. “You can tell us if Diluc is torturing you with something unbelievably boring.”
He’s clearly joking, seeing as Diluc told you Venti games as well, but Diluc gestures for you to pass him your phone. You do, curious about the poker face the redhead is wearing.
“We’re doing assignments since you both wasted so much of our time. If it’s nothing important, stop shouting into Albedo’s phone.”
With a click, Diluc hangs up on them and gives you back your phone. You have to cover your mouth to hide your smirk, but spot a little smile on Diluc’s face as well when he scrolls through his texts.
“That was pretty cheeky of you.” You feign nonchalance.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Diluc types out a reply, telling the others to calm down in the group chat. “But it might be best to just reply to everyone before we head back. It is getting quite late.”
You hum in agreement, only to freeze at the sight of… Many, many unread DMs.
Venti: Don’t worry, while we might be joking around a lot, you can trust Diluc. Just have fun and buy me a drink next time~ I did drop you both off at a very convenient place after all!
Venti: Wait, you’re not actually studying, right? Did you waste an entire evening??!
Albedo: Sorry for the mess, just ignore those two. As long as you’re not out drinking, it’s not like going out will affect your attendance for tomorrow’s classes.
Kaeya: Did Diluc kidnap you? I assure you that while he can be bad at making friends, he’s not normally the type to do anything illegal.
Kaeya: Ahem, what I mean to say is, even if he does something embarrassing, try not to hold it over him too much.
…They’re quite the loud bunch, aren’t they? But above your exasperation, you’re a little charmed by how much they’re worrying about the both of you. Seems like they care about Diluc a lot, to check up on something like this despite ditching you together.
Diluc sends Kaeya a wary look, drying his hair as he steps into the living room. “You have that look on your face again.”
“It’s just, don’t you think that you and Y/N got close pretty quickly?” Kaeya leans forward in his seat at the dining table, using it as a makeshift study desk. “Quite unheard of for the Diluc Ragnvindr.” Could it be that you’re in love~?
While Kaeya didn’t utter the last sentence, the words might as well be painted on his forehead. Diluc wasn’t keen about explaining the long story of how the both of you met (at least not right now, after a long day), so he simply threw his towel at Kaeya, who dodges and catches it with his right hand just as Diluc turned to return to his room.
“Denial is the first step to acceptance!” Kaeya unhelpfully teases. “But for what it’s worth, you do seem more relaxed around them. It’d be nice if you can at least be good friends.”
Is he my brother or my mom? Diluc sighs, grabbing a new towel to hang on his neck as he starts up his laptop. He didn’t expect the internet cafe to turn into something he felt invested in, but it’s true that single-player games are best shared when you’re in-person together. He can’t imagine it feeling the same if one of you simply streamed or voice-called while playing it, since you’d be too focused on the game itself to really spend time together.
Would it be worth inviting you back? Probably not so soon, since studies will keep the both of you busy, but Diluc will admit that he’s tempted to repeat this evening again.
On a pleasant winter’s day, Diluc is at a cafe when he gets reminded of you. It’s been a season since you’ve met in-person, and by now it’s hard to imagine their friend-group without you in it. 
This time, his remembrance is because he saw someone sketching as they sat by the window seat, and also because he saw your instagram story earlier about a work-in-progress. From the looks of it, you were in the arts department painting for an assignment - instead of distracting you too much, Diluc sends you a text to ask if you want a drink or food, since he’s at Good Hunter right now.
His phone pings with your reply, and Diluc barely conceals a smile. All you asked for is a hot chocolate to stave off the cold, but he’s aware that you tend to complain about craving for sweets when you’re stressed out.
While he can’t read your mind to see if you’re actually that stressed, he thinks the macarons today look pretty good, so Diluc buys a box of them to-go as he finishes his order. The walk to the arts department is under ten minutes, so Diluc uses the trip to sort out his thoughts.
The first time he visited this part of campus, it was because they were here to view Albedo’s showcase. Now, he’s coming over just to visit you since he’s completed his last projects for the term.
You were more than incredulous and in disbelief when he told you as such, but Diluc has always been the diligent type, even if his destressing activity is something as whimsical as gaming. When they were younger, Kaeya was actually the one to introduce him to this hobby, even if his brother dropped it for a while because of other interests.
A larger get-together will happen in a few days, where everyone wanted to take advantage of the snowy weather that’s settling in the area. Ice-skating happened last week, but this time even your extended friend-groups are joining on a trip to a ski resort.
Since it’s fairly convenient to get to the resort by driving a few hours, the plan was to rent two vans and go. Diluc wanted to ask you about the trip when he arrived at the studio, but the moment he entered and saw your work, any thoughts about that washed away from his mind.
…Are all the people that paint here this good? Your style is different from Albedo’s, but the way you drew portraits have always been eye-catching. And now that you’re painting on a canvas much larger than your usual sketchbook, the eyes and hair of the character have become so much more vibrant and alive.
Diluc has always admired the way you get absorbed into your workflow. There’s a charm to the way you forget about the colors staining your elbows and hands after a painting session, or the proud look in your eyes after you finish a piece.
You look over, giving him a smile and wave after you finish some last touches for this layer. “You were faster than I thought. Should I turn up the heaters for you?”
“No need, I’ll be out of your way in a moment.” Diluc clears his throat, placing the bag and drink onto the table near the door. “Good luck on your work - it looks impressive so far. If you need anything else, just text me again since I’ll be around the area.”
With that, Diluc unceremoniously exits the room with a goodbye, leaving you understandably confused.
Was he… embarrassed? You blink, trying to process his behavior. He seemed normal when you texted him earlier though. Maybe something happened while he was on the way here?
As if on cue, your phone lights up with a message from him.
Diluc: Hopefully the macarons are to your taste. They were newly stocked, so I thought something sweet might help as you finish up your work. 
With a fond smile, you washed your hands by the sink in the studio before opening the box Diluc left. Just like he said, they were macarons from Good Hunter with various flavors.
Maybe you’ll reward yourself with one every hour? While you don’t want Diluc’s gift to go to waste (he refused to let you pay him back), macarons are expensive, so you want to savor them.
They’re a little like him, aren’t they…? Someone with a hard shell, but can be sweet once you break through it. 
Y/N: They’re great, but I can’t just let you treat me like this without doing something in return. I have some pride too, you know?
Diluc: Just make sure you come along for the ski trip then. I don’t think I can handle being around Kaeya and Venti for an entire weekend.
Y/N: Alright! Since you asked so nicely, it’s a deal~
You look forward to what other sides of Diluc you’ll see - hopefully you won’t get addicted to his presence too much, even if you’ve already become quite close. It might be clear to everyone under the sky that you like each other, but doing things casually can be pretty fun too.
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Jo’s down on their luck, again
I hate doing this, and yes, I know I’ve done it before. Similar circumstances, too. But I’m in a pinch and have to reach out for assistance.
So, a few days ago (at the start of my typical work week) my car’s starter motor gave out. Which is really inopportune, as I need my car for my delivery job that’s my primary source of income. Worse, the repair will cost 1400 CA$ all in, plus there was the $115 to tow it to the shop. Let’s not even get into the week’s worth of pay down the drain. I’d been saving money in hopes of finally buying a new computer so I can resume vidding (I have a new Catra vid I’ve been wanting to do for over a year, plus several MFS ones) and hopefully start freelance editing for money, and this wiped out that fund. I was recently granted the disability tax credit and got some back taxes from that, but even that won’t cover the cost. My fam are all strapped for cash at the moment and can’t help, and I’m trying to avoid dipping into the savings I have for when I inevitably have to leave my current affordable living situation in a very expensive market. I’ll survive if I don’t get help, but I’ll be facing a significant setback. I was really looking forward to expressing myself through visual arts again and maybe even starting to make actual money off of it.
Most of my recent work has been in the Motherland: Fort Salem fandom, which is mostly non-existent on Tumblr. So maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree here. Y’all might have thought I died or something, but I did not (despite some close calls). There’s still unfinished works and new ideas in my older fandoms that I hope to return to at some point, but I can’t guarantee anything, as my focus and energy levels are still affected by all the brain injuries (and that brain is ASD/ADHD to begin with). My health in general just isn’t great these days, and that takes a toll. So, I’m not in a place to be asking for help based on the promise of new content. But if you’ve enjoyed my work over the years (including metas and gifsets, along with the fics and vids) and found it enlightening or helpful, please consider throwing me a few bucks. Anything really does help at this point. If you have nothing to give (a total mood), please share this with friends and followers who may know me/my work.
If nothing else, thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate all the support (monetary and otherwise) I’ve gotten from my followers over the years, that people care about my content and find it worth engaging with. Even if I’ve been around less, I still think fondly of you all and the great conversations and friendships that began here. Feel free to reach out in DMs even if you can’t donate; I miss the people on this hellsite (affectionate).
Link to my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/johannas_motivational_insults
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hearts4robs · 3 months
Hi! This is my first time doing this so (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
General info: I'm 16, and 5'2. I have long dark hair that I'm very proud of and palish? Olive skin. I wear glasses because I have astigmatism- and I love wearing pink and white! Pink 🩷 is most of my wardrobe and accessories (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) I'm from the Philippines and am very proud of my heritage! I'm an extrovert, although, I get very nervous many times and have social anxiety. I can't handle crowds, and often want to be by myself. I'm an ENFJ. I also tend to be sarcastic and snarky, but also could be really sweet (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) just depends on my mood. I'm pretty sensitive emotionally, and unless someone is blunt and straight forward, I won't get what they are trying to say. I love art, especially rococo art and poetry. My mood swings pretty far, but I often keep the same mood. (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
Fandom: DC
Ideal date: I'm pretty flexible with date ideas. But if I had to pick, maybe a nice place near nature, but not too far from home, where I could talk with them and really listen to each other's interests and beliefs, maybe near a lake with swings. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
Ideal type: I'm bisexual, but lean into men, and I think that I would like a guy who can keep up with my snark and sarcasm but also is honest. Maybe teasing. Hopefully he likes some things that I do. (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
I think that's all?
Anyways, thanks! (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
Keep up the good writing (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞: 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭.
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“A flower crown?” Tim asks, quirking his brow at you. He lazily kept the swing swaying back and forth, the toes of his shoes nestled into the ground.
“Yes, a flower crown, Tim.” You bite back, rolling your eyes at him.
Tim frowns at you, snorting as he sips his coffee to-go. “When the fuck did I become ‘Tim’? Not your babe anymore?” He questions, suppressing a playful grin.
“Not when you shit on my interests.” You huff, bending and bracing another flower into your flower crown.
“Teach me how to make one. Maybe, maybe, I’ll get it then.” Tim smiles as he gets off of the swing, walking over and taking a seat beside you.
Your fingers work swiftly. You had to slow down for Tim to be able to keep up. All that detective training and vigilante shit just to struggle with a flower crown.
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You and Tim have a pair of matching pink socks. He’s worn them once, the day you got him them. Second time he tried, Dick pissed his pants laughing.
You guys share earphones all the time. Tim has a playlist dedicated to you.
Tim lets you braid his hair when he doesn’t have any ‘serious’ work. Whenever he’s reading through cases, best believe he’s sprawled over you.
He asked Damian to help him pick out a cat for you. Tim and you now have shared costudy of a cat named “Marigold”
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I hope you like this! I’m so sorry it’s so late, but I got it done, and that’s what matters😞🙏
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kristyglas · 2 years
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Forest of Reflections- Art Process
This forest was incredibly tranquil and silent, with an occasional rustle of the leaves by the wind. The trees were densely packed, except for an obscure little road that twisted between them, left behind by those who passed there before. The ground was covered with interconnected roots like earthy webs that sprawled endlessly into the distance. They appeared to form wide stairs across the rough turf and stones.
The path opened up to a clearing with ancient trees and the silence erupted into a cacophony as the magic crackled mid air. The hero felt as if she was plunged head first into cold waters that instantly cracked into a million mirrors, revealing a new passage leading to higher grounds.
An elusive shadow followed her up the fragile steps, as she climbed ever so carefully as to not crack the thin glass. She couldn't brush off the thoughts of the world just crumbling away beneath her into the abyss.
The reflections changed chaotically, making it difficult to see where she was going. Her mind wandered endlessly, travelling through many places at the same time, some of them she knew from memories, while others she didn't recognize. The realities blurred together, as the sharp edges revealed too many things to see a clear picture. However, she noticed various oddities that she couldn't explain, revealing new things she never noticed before.
I usually strive for balance in my works, in this case it’s the balance between sharp lines and curves, making the painting feel less threatening and more mysterious. I start with a palette I like, usually based on my current mood. In this case I took an older sketch I did for 2021 dailies and I used it as the base for this painting. That's why I love generating lots of quick sketches, so I can pick my favorites later without worrying about the time, but I'm also not afraid to go outside my comfort zone with new colors and ideas. I believe first impression is really important for each painting, as it needs to catch the attention before all of the details can be examined.
There are a few important things I make sure to cover in every painting- the colors/mood, the visual focal point (check greyscale version of the painting), adding something new. Since this project is about adventure and journey, I want to add something new to each piece, but also connect it to the previous work.
Keep in mind I do a lot of various details subconsciously, the only thing that I focus on is what feeling I want to achieve, or the theme of the painting. So, I take the time to follow that goal until the painting feels complete. I take a lot of breaks, usually working on a couple of painting at the same time. I love listening to various music while painting, and it does a lot for setting the mood and it helps me draw for a longer time, otherwise I get restless sitting for long periods of time.
Adventure series is a sort of journal for me, it’s about exploration and self-reflection. I want to keep developing it and as things progress hopefully evolve it. However, I’m careful at not giving any promises since I don’t know what I can achieve but mostly how long it will take, so I do my best. I love to improve my various skills, and it might not be obvious, but it actually takes me a while to write a description for these paintings. Usually, the hardest part is getting started, but once I have a general flow, it’s a lot easier to edit the text until I’m happy with the final. 
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kariachi · 9 months
A quick lunchtime fic, Kevin and Ben and some interests both mutual and not.
Ben was not afraid to admit that his tastes in media weren’t so far flung as the rest of his social circle. Or at least his Earth-native social circle, Rook seemed to be about as bad as he was. As a massive sports fan going back generations, player of sports himself and cousin of athletes, when it came to anime specifically he was pretty much limited to various forms of sports and martial arts shows. One of the few times he and Gwen had been able to get along as small children was when they were plopped in front of Dragonball Z, and even that had always ended in arguing as they went to play and each tried to force the other to be Vegeta because he was a jerk.
(Just that last Christmas Ben had gotten his cousin a Vegeta ornament, special ordered off Etsy, only for her to retaliate with one of those roaches you saw at the zoo in his snack storage. It was one of the rare cases you saw her get an earful from Kevin.)
The point being, his anime knowledge was limited. Oh, his friends watched other things- turned out Manny had whole collections of narrative-driven series, and Cooper for one seemed to have watched every cartoon ever made on the planet- but Ben only the one real ‘athletics’ genre that he stuck to like a barnacle. It worked for him, but it also meant that when Kevin showed up for lunch in an anime hoodie it took him far too long to figure out what the anime in question was.
Wouldn’t have been so bad had Kevin not, mid-sentence, realized he was trying to pinpoint where he recognized the figures on the hoodie and immediately shut up to let him think. Because that ever helped, having your buddy sit there with his chin propped on his hand, looking at you like one might look at a pet that got itself ‘trapped’ on the other side of an open sliding glass door. Ben did work it out though, so there, pointing at the image wit a furrowed brow and
“Sailor Moon?”
“Yep!” Kevin face nearly split with a grin as Ben smiled at his success and his friend’s good mood.
“Where did you even find one in your size, you’re like five-hundred feet tall and the size of a bus.”
“You just say that because you’re short,” came the pretty much expected teasing response. “G found it, figured I’d like it.” Rolling his eyes, Ben chuckled fondly. Of course, how could he have even considered otherwise. She’d probably been looking for one for herself, and now he wouldn’t be surprised to see it.
“You know we’re at war with the Sailor Moon fans.” With a fake gasp Kevin clapped his hand to his chest.
“Are you doubting my loyalty to the Sumo Slammers franchise?” Ben crossed his arms and leaned back, schooling his face into a more severe expression as he gazed down his nose at him.
“You are wearing the enemy’s image.” Squaring his shoulders, Kevin mimicked his stance and expression.
“And what’s to say I’m not a double agent?” He couldn’t help it, Ben’s expression broke with a small smile.
“But a double agent for who,” he asked, smile widening as Kevin leaned in with a smirk and flash of teeth.
“You’ll never know.” There was half a beat, then in near unison the two broke into loud laughter. Ben kicked at Kevin’s leg, while Kevin stole a few of his fries.
“Traitor,” he muttered, setting Kevin laughing again. “Speaking of, when do you think they’ll announce the next game? It’s been a while…” Shaking his head, Kevin tore into his sandwich.
“Soon, hopefully. At least give us a spin-off or something, we’re dying…”
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pokenimagines · 1 year
sfw | siebold | siebold is cooking dinner for after u come home from an 12 hour shift
Aight, not gonna lie uh...I barely know Siebold's character. I've done some research on his voice lines and personality, so hopefully this does him a bit of justice. If not then uh...you didn't see anything.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Siebold: Stirred Feelings
Today, truly and utterly, managed to kick your butt. You were tired and sore from everything that happened and all you wanted to do was go home and relax for the night. Maybe curl up with your boyfriend and watch a movie so you'd have an excuse to fall asleep in his arms. Seriously...who the hell thought a 12 hour shift was okay to schedule?
You opened the door to the small apartment you called your own and immediately were hit with a delicious scent wafting through the home. Seibold did tell you he would be over, but you weren't expecting him to be there before you even got home...then again you did give him a key for a reason.
You found yourself following your nose into the kitchen, where you saw Siebold in more casual clothes and one of your aprons, cooking up some stir-fry. Your mouth watered at the scent of it and you slowly made your way into the kitchen.
"Sie?" You asked, letting out a small yawn. The blond man perked up at hearing you call his name and turned over to you. He smiled and motioned you over.
"Wonderful, glad to see you made it in one piece." He said as you approached him. He put down the wok (that he totally brought himself because you were certain you couldn't afford one that looked that nice). You held out your arms and made a grabby motion for him to give you a hug. Seibold just laughed, opening his arms for you to go into them.
"I never want to go back." You groaned into his chest, noticing how nice he smelt with his cologne. He was perfect in every way and you had no idea how lucky you were to be with him. His arms came to wrap around you as he swayed with you in the kitchen.
"I'm sure you fought marvelously today." he said, grabbing one of your hands and bringing them up to his lips. He placed gentle kisses along your knuckles before letting your hand down, "Now go get cleaned; by the time you finish, dinner should be done." he said and you sighed.
"You're wonderful...did you work today?" You asked, letting out another yawn.
"Of course; but today didn't feel like much work since it was fun." he admitted, making you curious, "We had an interesting challenger in today. They agreed about battling being art; it's the first time in a while I heard such an honest response. I couldn't help but give it my all."
"That's wonderful, how did the battle go?" You asked, causing him to chuckle.
"I beat them mercilessly." He admitted, causing you to laugh.
"Of course, such a fleeting moment, but it made its mark on your mood, huh?" You pointed out.
"You're right about that...now hurry along. I'm sure you're hungry." He said and, as if on queue, you felt your stomach want to rumble. You hummed and decided you'd do just that. Today might've been long, but if you got to come home to Siebold's cooking every night, it would be worth it.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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ddreamghost · 7 months
This is my Welcome Home OC name
✨ Danny Diva ✨
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(This is an old art design. The Left Side is Danny's Swap AU, The Original One is on the Right)
Who are they? Well Neighbor, they are Welcome Home's Eccentric Travelling Neighbor! Who is always away from home! But when she is not away, she always helps her neighbors with the most useful advice or facts from her travels! In the TV series, They always appear in the intermission to always give useful advice from her "travels."
So Danny Diva is that character who always appears randomly to give wisdom or some fun facts that will help the neighbors out in their shenanigans. Danny Diva in the TV Series is always the one who makes the viewers see and appreciate different countries cultures, and customs. The character itself is also the one who makes sure the viewers have general awareness for their environment, and their community.
So Lorewise- If Clown made Danny Diva, Danny Diva is already dead. But! But! Danny Diva has been giving, and leaving clues! Before she got [REDACTED]
She is the one who makes sure You get the answers to the mystery by leaving clues and hidden recording messages, and hopefully You [REDACTED]
So anyway, I used to have a lot of lore ideas about Danny Dive but it's been a long time since I thought about Welcome Home. So all you gotta know is that They are Eccentric, Charamastic, Slightly Unhinged, and may or may not be in love with Julie and Howdy-
So anyway!
This is my other artwork of Danny Diva's Design from Original, and two AUs that I was obsessed with at that time. One is from the Royalty AU And the other is Dream AU~
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This is the full body design of Danny Diva. I wasn't sure if I should make them like a half hybrid (right) or just a regular puppet being. Her outfit could have been better but I wanted to go on a simple approach while also giving them flamboyant vibes. Her color palette isn't like the Welcome Home Characters because I was going and hoping for the "Eccentric" approach but I think I should do better but eh- I already love their simple designs-
Anyway the next design is an AU Design of The Royalty AU!~
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(I created this at the same time, I created the full body design, So you could see the hybrid version.)
So umm this design was created because of the lore of NeonRoss's Royalty AU. Let's just say Danny Diva in that AU is the True King of Spades-
At that time when I was creating this- I wanted to create Danny Diva as one of the Spade Kingdom Citizen but to be specific a Royalty kind! So! The reason why I created this was to give and add more to the story. Mostly the complexity of the Spade Kingdom, especially of how they are branded to be the Villain/Monsters.
So I say to myself- What if Spade Kingdom wasn't known to be that! Or what if I told you that Spade Kingdom wasn't supposed to be like that!
What if I told you that the King of Spade isn't the True King of Spades?
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Sooooooooo- Yes. You know where this is all going- If you don't, you may ask me questions~
So the Next One is a Dream AU Design~
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Danny Diva in this Dream Guardian AU is always in the clouds watching and observing everyone as they go~ Are they a guardian? More like an Observer of Dreams and who's the one who makes sure you daydream out of nowhere-
So that's all of My OC posts~ I could tell you more about Danny Diva but that depends on my mood or you actually send comments, and questions about it.
So anyway meet Danny Diva~ The Eccentric Travelling Neighbor~
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caseythebunnyboy · 1 year
Thank you so much for the drawing! It's amazing. I love your art. I apologize for bringing down the mood I know it bothers you not but last thing I want to do is make you sad! From now on I will only grace you with pure nasty truly deplorable thoughts from a lonely cowboy and my day to day life (aka more deplorable thoughts)! I'll fill you in (full pun intended) as my work will keep me busy soon. I'll describe myself more so you can have a general picture of me :] I'm 6'2 I have no clue on my weight but I am a large man. My thighs and calves are like tree trunks. My hands are incredibly calloused from working for 6 years nonstop. I am very skilled with my hands and fingers tying knots all day and playing the banjo (you can take a man out the south but you can't take the south out of the man) and I have no better way to describe it other than my hands are huge. I have short-ish curly hair and I have a tan almost all of the time when it's not winter. If you want to know anything more about me I am more than happy to oblige your request.
I must admit that while it may sound a bit creepy. I lay awake at night I have thoughts of you. I make up scenarios in my head. I look at your kink list and see how similar we are and can't help but imagine using you in thousands of different ways. Tying you up. bending you over and pounding your little boycunt over and over again until your brain is mush and you're full of cum. Then I untie you and hold you in my arms. Singing to you softly as we drift off.
I'll leave the fantasy there but I hope to hear from you soon. 🤠
thank you so much! but wuh 🥹 please dont feel restricted to only being horny on here! im fine with people talking to me about other emotions, since i know people arent just horny 24/7. its fine!! i wont hate you forever if you show any other sign of feeling that isnt being sexual, i promise.
(rest of the response is under the cut because again, dont wanna clog peoples dashboards 😵‍💫)
i shall also paint you a picture of me in exchange!
im 5'4, last time i checked i was 81 (?) kg, i dont remember the specifics but i was around that weight. my thighs are also big but in more of a marshmallow pillow-ey way than a tree trunk way! my hands are very small, clumsy, soft and frail, with my entire hand from palm to my longest finger (the middle finger) being around 7 inches 😊 the only "toughening up" they got is when i would practice my countrys martial arts, i still practice every once in awhile but very occasionally so they never made my hands calloused 🥹 iam... not skilled at all with my hands. my arm starts shaking and hurting if i draw for too long with no breaks 😵‍💫 i have black fluffy-scruffy hair that can never calm down or stay in one place, and my skin is just naturally always tan since im a person of color 🐇
if youd like to know more about me, id also be happy to oblige! what i want to know about you, is if youve ever cum to the thought of me, hehe 💜 just curious! you dont need to answer if youre not comfy doing so 💜💜 and also! can you claim an emoji and put it at the end of your asks? so i know its you and so you can have a little hashtag, like how 🗝️ anon has one!
anyways! i hope to hear from you soon as well! youre so sweet, cowboy anon 🥹 id love to kiss you all over your face, but thatll just have to wait 🥲 see you soon! (hopefully 💜)
honestly, it doesnt sound creepy at all to me... would it be creepy for me to say im flattered and slightly aroused that you think about me so often? if so, then i guess we're both "creepy", hm? 💜 and jeez, id actually really like that. i love people who can be rough and fast during sex, but the moment its all over theyre back to being sweet and caring 😊 would love to doze off on top of your chest, humming along to your song after you finish breeding my boypussy over and over 💜💜
also side note, ever since i read your ask i cant stop thinking about how nice it would feel for your rougher hands to rub and touch my softer skin... the contrast between their textures would made my head so much dizzier whenever you grab my parts 😵‍💫😵‍💫 make of that what you will...
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