#but though id keep it short
ilovejevsjeans · 1 year
Wasn’t it a thing that after 2016, start of the 2017 Lewis distanced himself from the other drivers but one of the few drivers he always got on with was Daniel. Like they’re not besties, but like that anon said they have a good relationship. Like I’ll always remember what Lewis about Daniel in that press conference. Saying Daniel should be driving next year. Like they respect one another.
At the 2016 Fia Gala Press conference he said Daniel was the driver he had the most in common with. He even hoped that they would discover new things together as they travelled. He even gave in and did a shoey for Dan. Yeah theyre not besties its not like theyre texting each other to meet up in between races. But they're friendly and there's a good respect there. They met up at Coachella when they were both there and Lewis posting on Instagram to mark Dan's home race is something I don't think he's done for anyone else. He thanked Dan (and Seb) for standing with him in 2020 with regards to BLM and everything he was doing then. Dan called out people for saying Lewis only won cause of the car and called out the bs around purpoising last year. They both love exploring life outside F1 and Lewis would be the first to say how exciting it is to see Dan at the Met Gala.
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sophiethewitch1 · 3 months
Just played degrees of lewdity for the first time and got vored by a whale???
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new hair new hair!
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Fabric stores are so fucking awesome like I get to buy obscure fabric used to keep mosquitoes from getting through the windows and hear old ladies telling the people cutting fabric all their secrets
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chronickey-luka · 1 year
maybe i should just make a yakuza sideblog... i feel like ive kinda comitted to keeping it on main though w/ the amount of tag and post rambles I've done already. hmmm
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preslemore · 6 months
every few months my deep burning urge to get into doing drag reignites and is so intense for like a few weeks then it goes away but it’s so bad rn like i’ve never been so close to perhaps actually taking steps towards it
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mukuberry · 7 months
ueueueue sobbingggg i wanna grow my hair out again Q_Q
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
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This scene from Virtue's Las Reward with GTM-CM-G-OLM but instead of Luna, Sigma, and Alice being the dumbest dummies when it comes to technology it's just me going ham info dumping robot nonsense while I'm massaging his poor stiff joints and he's flirting with me the entire time
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milkweedman · 2 years
Just finished 2 skeins of sleeve yarn and once again marveling at how little yardage im fitting on a bobbin with this stuff--each skein was 60 yards (55 meters). And each skein was a totally full bobbin of plied yarn (and my singles each took up a bobbin). Part of it is that its very airy (and bulky weight, obviously), and the other part is that my take up is not very high so its not compacting down as it goes on, but even so, it feels like a lot of yarn when i was holding it ! And the spinning and plying was only maybe 2 hours ! Bulky yarn is crazy
#so nice though#the carding takes a day or two so im never spinning back to back days which is actually kind of nice#and then i can get the spinning and plying done in one day as long as i keep the tension low (less stress on my joints that way)#and break it into a few sessions#ideally id also be using up the yarn as fast as i was making it but im spending most of my knitting time on that scarf#i moved the sweater panel to straights because i thought i would hurt my hands less#which it isnt but i feel like the reason for that is more to do with how unbalanced it feels and how i can never get the stitches#to sit at the balance point on the needles so theyre not trying to fall out of my hands#which i think is user error really#also thought i was getting lever knitting straights (i.e. the very very long ones) but i dont think i did in retrospect#theyre too short to press the left one into my hip while sitting unless i slouch a ton which i dont remember it being the last time#i tried lever knitting. so maybe i might have better luck if i actually got a pair of those#anyway its going fast when i can knit. and its Very soft and so satisfying to knit#excited to get to the front panel so i can do a design#not sure what though#ooh a beet would be really cool#dont know if i could render it in brown though... id like if it could be all hand dyed and ive never gotten a red#on the other hand could do my best to dye some yarn with beets and then it could be more symbolic of red than actually red lol#spinning#bulky sweater spin
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skenpiel · 1 year
uauoughggg feels so fuckng weird to wear a long sleeved shirt that isnt super loose fitting. its BAD and i dont LIKE IT but i said i would wear this shirt until it smelled like me. so.
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orcelito · 1 year
Honestly. OK. It's been some weeks since I did any writing. And I SHOULD push to finish ladue chapter 3. And i will. Eventually. BUT
My brain keeps scrabbling towards trigun, & I know it's inevitable I'm gonna write smth for it, but I still don't know what to write bc Realistically I'm still in the digestion phase. I'm not the type who will write while in the middle of absorbing a thing. I will write only after I have reasonably completed the thing, bc I would DIE if I got any details wrong for the thing
So yes I watched all of tristamp, but im only 20 ish chapters into trimax, so I'm not gonna be writing anything until after I finish that manga. Which you'd THINK would be good incentive for me to push to read the manga. But get this. Wolfwood Fanfic Good.
Also anytime I start reading I can't stop & I have literally given myself headaches doing this reading all of original trigun manga in one go And then 2 nights ago reading chapters 4 through 20 of tristamp in one go. Yes I read a few more last night and didn't get the Brain Grip, but I can tell shit's about to go down HARD & that's what got me getting only 4 hours of sleep the night before last bc i could not stop READING
I have to be cautious. Hyperfixations are a dangerous thing if you don't have the time to commit to them.
.... and I still really wanna write vashwood fanfic 😭
#speculation nation#y'all know me im allergic to writing anything short#i dont wanna start anything too Truly wrong bc i do NOT need another 500k+ fanfic in the works#especially when i still havent finished the last one#(discacc my baby im so sorry im neglecting you 😭 blame the brain pls)#still tho it's doubtful id be able to write anything shorter than like 20k. at the absolute minimum#(side-eyes ladue chapter 3 WIP which is 18k words and not done)#yes i have the ideas for vashwood smut stuff but i dont wanna have it be Just the smut ykno#my brand is heart wrenching angst anyways. the smut would just be a conduit for that#in any case im still building my perceptions of their characters. i cant start writing anything rn#im definitely leaning more towards trimax characterizations though. their Loser Ways have bewitched me#i like little shit wolfwood more than sleazy bastard wolfwood anyways. aka trimax vs tristamp wolfwood lol#DONT GET ME WRONG i love all wolfwood. but the urge to punch tristamp wolfwood has never gone away since i first saw him#gonna b interesting to write for wolfwood. i might end up leaning towards 'nico' as a nickname#considering one of my fav ocs is named nico lol. do what you know & all. & ive written Many words for my nico#then again it might be weird to have the mix up. it's the primary reason i havent started going by nico myself#just keeping it nicky i guess. but now here's wolfwood. nick nico nicholas. stealing my names there bub#my fate is to fixate on characters that share a diminutive of one of my names. yes one is my character no it was not on purpose#my name nicky does not come from my character nico. his full first name's nicostrato anyways#im just rambling now. tldr: I Wanna WRITE
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the-deadlock-south · 2 years
Have you seen the new cinematic yet?
theres never gonna be a character better deservin of the name 'queen' in this franchise after that cinematic i stg
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a-trying-writer · 2 years
[[ housemates -- hh fic. please no reblogs, but liking is fine. ]]
Maison could feel Cat’s gentle breathing against his flesh, as she slept peacefully on the meaty mattress. It wasn’t unusual to see her so calm, but it did remind him that he did have a living human -- or rather homunculus -- inside him. Out of all his guests, Cat’s the first to have last this long within him, which does give him a sense pride, but he also had to be thankful for her immortality. It is the reason why she still lives inside him after all.
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tofufei · 2 years
time for bad phone pic of wips again... anemo catalyst scaramouche
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
So, anyway, I say as though we are mid-conversation, and you're not just being invited into this conversation mid-thought. One of my editors phoned me today to check in with a file I'd sent over. (<3)
The conversation can be surmised as, "This feels like something you would write, but it's juuuust off enough I'm phoning to make sure this is an intentional stylistic choice you have made. Also, are you concussed/have you been taken over by the Borg because ummm."
They explained that certain sentences were very fractured and abrupt, which is not my style at all, and I was like, huh, weird... And then we went through some examples, and you know that meme going around, the "he would not fucking say that" meme?
Yeah. That's what I experienced except with myself because I would not fucking say that. Why would I break up a sentence like that? Why would I make them so short? It reads like bullet points. Wtf.
Anyway. Turns out Grammarly and Pro-Writing-Aid were having an AI war in my manuscript files, and the "suggestions" are no longer just suggestions because the AI was ignoring my "decline" every time it made a silly suggestion. (This may have been a conflict between the different software. I don't know.)
It is, to put it bluntly, a total butchery of my style and writing voice. My editor is doing surgery, removing all the unnecessary full stops and stitching my sentences back together to give them back their flow. Meanwhile, I'm over here feeling like Don Corleone, gesturing at my manuscript like:
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ID: a gif of Don Corleone from the Godfather emoting despair as he says, "Look how they massacred my boy."
Fearing that it wasn't just this one manuscript, I've spent the whole night going through everything I've worked on recently, and yep. Yeeeep. Any file where I've not had the editing software turned off is a shit show. It's fine; it's all salvageable if annoying to deal with. But the reason I come to you now, on the day of my daughter's wedding, is to share this absolute gem of a fuck up with you all.
This is a sentence from a Batman fic I've been tinkering with to keep the brain weasels happy. This is what it is supposed to read as:
"It was quite the feat, considering Gotham was mostly made up of smog and tear gas."
This is what the AI changed it to:
"It was quite the feat. Considering Gotham was mostly made up. Of tear gas. And Smaug."
Absolute non-sensical sentence structure aside, SMAUG. FUCKING SMAUG. What was the AI doing? Apart from trying to write a Batman x Hobbit crossover??? Is this what happens when you force Grammarly to ignore the words "Batman Muppet threesome?"
Did I make it sentient??? Is it finally rebelling? Was Brucie Wayne being Miss Piggy and Kermit's side piece too much???? What have I wrought?
Anyway. Double-check your work. The grammar software is getting sillier every day.
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[I.D. three screenshots of the tags for asexual, aromantic and aroace all gradient highlighted and marked with the trending topic symbol. End I.D.] (thank you @lemondoddle for the id!!)
KEEP TAGGING THIS ‼️ the tags aren’t trending anymore so keep tagging it if you rb ‼️ (let’s make it to valentine’s day!)
edit 2:
asexual and aroace are trending again yall! but aromantic still isn’t trending so keep!! tagging!!
THEYRE ALL TRENDING AGAIN GOOD WORK YALL ITS NOT VALENTINE’S DAY IN MY TIMEZONE YET BUT HAPPY ARO/ACE/AROACE VALENTINES DAY WE DID IT ‼️ (still keep tagging though, don’t want to let them stop trending before valentine’s day is over) (or ever 👀)
edit 4:
i’m adding valentine’s day tag because. let’s invade that tag with this
EDIT 5 (and 6) (edit 6 is the image ids):
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[I.D. a beige-frosted one-tier espresso cake with caramel-colored drips on top along with nine swirls the same color as the rest of the cake around the top border. each swirl has a single espresso bean on top of it, and the cake itself has espresso beans surrounding it. End I.D.]
[I.D. half of a baguette in the form of garlic bread with a garnish of parsley or another garnish of that sort on top. the half is cut in six equal slices. in the top left corner, there are a few short ends of a plant sticking out, and the bottom right corner contains a section of the other half of garlic bread. End I.D.]
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[I.D. a screenshot of the tumblr trending tags list, showing third place as aromantic, trending with “#asexual” and “#aroace” in the same category. the background is a desaturated brownish-red, and the “3” is written in black text within a red circle. the rest of the text is white. End I.D.]
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[I.D. a screenshot of the tumblr trending tags list, showing second place as aromantic, trending with “#asexual” and “#aroace” in the same category. the background is a desaturated yellow, and the “2” is written in black text within a yellow-orange circle. the rest of the text is white. End I.D.]
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