#but um. i do think he would like to kiss every freckle he sees and do that up my arm until i get super flustered and grumble and
foreingersgod · 5 months
what if like you did a CC x reader fic with Good luck, babe! And like reader is like Caitlins gay awakening and stuff…
Good Luck, Babe! . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: Good luck, babe! by Chappell roan
A/N: i’m aware that in a good chunk of my cc fics that it starts with reader and cait “just hooking up” or something like that, so i swear this will be the last time i do that 😭😭
It's fine, it's cool
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
the sun peaked through your linen curtains, making your eyes flutter open. you glanced over at your phone, 8:30, and over to the left side of your bed where she laid. she was sleeping peacefully, sheets pulled up to her collarbone, hair spewed in different directions against one of your pillows. she looked so beautiful like this. having her naked, in your bed, was truly a blessed sight to see so you cherished it whenever you could.
as she snored softly, still deep in a dream, you turned over on your side to look at her properly. you let your fingers run across the prominence of her collarbone, toying with the hem of your sheets that hid the rest of her gorgeous body. you watched as her lips parted with each breathe, how her nose twitched, and how her faint freckles danced across her cheeks. she was a sight for sore eyes.
not much later, her eyes fluttered just like yours had moments ago, yawning as she stretched for the first time this morning. she looked over, noticing you had been staring for who knows how long.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer” she laughed, leaning over and kissing your forehead before shuffling out of bed and starting to get dressed.
“no picture could beat the real thing” you grinned back. she looked over, smiling back at you, grabbing her keys.
“hey i gotta go, connor’s got this weird brunch thing that he needs me for, but um” she made her way to the door “i’ll text you”
“wait!” you stopped her before she could leave. she let you of the handle to your bedroom and turned to face you, giving you full attention. suddenly you felt vulnerable, still naked and barely covered by your sheets, laid right in front of her “would you want to grab dinner sometime this week? i know we meet up on fridays, but…i don’t know i thought it’d be nice to see you sooner”
“um…yea…you know i’ll have to text you or something” she shuffled around, avoiding eye contact. “it’s just that me and connor…he’s still my boyfriend…”
you fought the urge to roll your eyes “yea, yea i know”
“well i can’t just go out with you all the time like we’re girlfriends. me and connor are still together”
“even if you’re in my bed every weekend?” you scoffed “whatever, caitlin, i get it”
she just stared at you, not wanting to pick a fight. instead she opted for a sigh and left your apartment, leaving you alone and wanting.
you wished she didn’t have to pretend. you wished the two of you ended up differently.
And guess I'm the fool
With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
you shouldn’t have let yourself get this attached to someone you knew you’d never be able to have. you intentionally put yourself in situations with caitlin, hoping that, in some magical fantasy in your head, she’d fall for you. but you knew her. you knew about connor and you knew that being ‘gay’ was no where near something she was willing to accept, wether you were in the picture or not.
you found yourself constantly thinking back on all the times you’d realized that you were in love other her.
when she fell asleep on your shoulder during a movie night with your mutual friends.
when you and caitlin decided to road trip to tennessee to visit a close friend who was graduating. you let her have the aux and watched as she hung out the window. sunset illuminating her face, wind rushing through her long hair, singing the lyrics completely wrong but she didn’t care. she was the sun itself, in your eyes.
when she came to your crying for the first time, sobbing about something connor had done. how she so angry at him and needed a friend to spend the night with.
when she came over a second time, completely distraught again. something about how she didn’t feel right, that her head was messing with her. she was having thoughts. thoughts about you, about women, and that she was having a crisis about her sexuality.
when she came over a third and fourth and however many amount of times, when she opened up about those thoughts with you. asking you if you would help her. asked if you would take her to bed, to relive some of her thoughts. make her feel good, worship her like connor could never do.
but your crush never went past that. taking her to bed and waking up with her already gone most mornings, shooting you a ‘thank you’ text and saying she’d see you next friday.
I don't wanna call it off
But you don't wanna call it love
You only wanna be the one that I call baby
“caitlin, can i talk to you for a second” you asked, moving her hands away from the waistband of your shorts.
“yea, baby” she said, calling you that like she didn’t know it destroyed you on the inside to hear it “what’s up?”
you bit your lip, nervous to pester her with this again, but you don’t think you can handle it much longer. this secret sleeping around situation was taking a toll on you and you don’t want to be waiting around for someone that will never come.
“i love the time i get with you so so much” you began “but i don’t think i can keep doing this”
“i’m sorry, what?”
“i just don’t feel like being something you keep on the side. or like being a secret for that matter. i’ve had feelings for you for a very long time and it’s very clear that you don’t feel the same, so i think we need to call this off if that’s the case.”
“oh my- are you serious?” she furrowed her eyebrows, voice raising “i don’t get the privilege to just come out and tell everyone i like girls, YN. and regardless, like i’ve told you countless times, me and connor are still together”
“but why, caitlin?” you matched her tone “do you even love the guy? cause last time i checked, you don’t even spend time with him anymore. why? cause you’re always here with me playing fucking house! i don’t care if you don’t want to come publicly out, but…but i don’t think it’s fair that you treat me as some play thing for when you want to play pretend!”
she tugged at her hair in annoyance “jesus fucking christ, YN. whatever this is between me and you…it’s not love, alright? i thought you wanted this?! you’ve been more than willing to fuck me every time. so i’m not really understanding why you’re so upset!”
you felt sick, like you were genuinely going to puke. she was a mess and you’re not going to be her experiment for when she’s having trouble with her sexuality.
“just fucking leave, clark” you shook your head “i’m not doing this with you anymore. come back when you’re ready to figure yourself out.”
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
after that night, caitlin was a disaster. she was choosing to ignore what you said; about being in love, about connor, about everything. just because you fucked on the side didn’t mean she was gay…right?
she hadn’t been herself at all. she was screwing up at practices, forgetting about events and team dinners she needed to attend. she was starting to fall behind in classes, every part of her life was crumbling.
even when she laid in bed, inched over to the very edge of the mattress, connor snoring obnoxiously loud from the other end, she couldn’t stop thinking about the last time she saw you. things were never right with connor, she had always known that subconsciously, but it was becoming very clear how loveless this relationship truly was. but she brushed it off, tricking her mind into thinking that this was how things were meant to be.
she had been with men all her life, taught that this was what girls were supposed to do. so to imagine a life in which she ended up with you was just some silly dream that was meant to stay only as an unattainable desire.
for the nights that she couldn’t sleep, she would spend in the gym practicing, trying to shake off the truth that gnawed at the back of her head endlessly. this was good, she thought, basketball always made her feel better. it was her safe place. here she could leave her worries at the door and find comfort in the game, not even thinking about you.
but no matter how many shots she took, how many baskets she made, no matter how many drills she ran to make herself forget, she found herself coming back to the thought of you.
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
after about a month without you, caitlin had started to realize how much she was fucking up.
“caitlin, are you good?” kate had approached her after practice one day “you’ve been way off. and no offense, but your shots have been awful. what’s going on?”
“nothing” she plastered a fake grin on her face “nothing really, just been having a rough patch with connor, but we’re chill. just gotta lock in” she tried to joke.
kate laughed along, but she knew caitlin too well. there was definitely something up with her. but again, knowing caitlin, she needed to let her deal with it on her own.
caitlin had numerous people approach her about this. about her behavior and how she seemed to be struggling recently. but she brushed it off every single time, probably giving a dozen different excuses as to why she was acting in such a manner. she hoped that she would eventually believe them herself.
Good luck, babe!
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
you truly hoped that she was doing ok. you hadn’t heard from her in quite some time, not bothering to reach out to her in fear that you’d poke the bear and make it worse. all you wanted was for her to realize what she truly felt. wether it be in love with you or that she had never loved connor at all the begin with, it didn’t matter, you just wanted her to finally see how beautiful life was when someone found their true self.
you had been in her position before: unforgiving parents, no one to trust, you’d even had the remorseless religion to add on to all of the reasons why you felt like you couldn’t be yourself. and you knew what i took to get to where you are now.
caitlin believed that most things could be fixed by either ignoring it, or fixing it right away and never looking back. but this wouldn’t be the case now, you already knew, she would have to come to terms with it eventually.
And when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
caitlin shot up out of bed, gasping for air, clawing at the sheets that seemed to be glued to her skin. another nightmare, she’d been having those recently. she looked over, squinting her eyes in the dark, making sure connor was still asleep. letting a sigh of relief go when she realized he was out cold.
her hands found their way to her hair, hands scratching at her scalp, elbows balanced on her knees. she was losing her god damn mind. she couldn’t stand him, she no longer held love for connor (not there was any in the beginning). with each passing day that she had spent with him, she found that her heart beat more and more for you each time.
And when you think about me, all of those years ago
You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
the idea of loving you was tormenting her every single day for the last few months. you were the reason she woke up every morning, the reason she worked so hard to win each game, and the reason she woke up the next morning and dumped connor. she was finally able to see clearly now, finally able to understand that she was madly fucking in love with you.
she realized that no matter how many times she fought the feeling or no matter how many times she tried to convince herself otherwise, that you were the one thing she breathed and lived for.
You know I hate to say it, I told you so
she didn’t even know what she was doing or what she was going to say, but she found herself making her way out of her apartment and into her car. she had to see you and tell you how wrong she was this whole time. that she was so in love with you that her body shook with it.
her heart pounded as she turned onto your street, immediately singling out your building and noticing your apartment lights were still on. her whole body must’ve been shaking with the way that she could barely put the car in park and unbuckle her seat belt. but she managed to make it up every flight of stairs and to your door where the shiny gold ‘103’ sat, practically antagonizing her.
her mind was on autopilot, not even realizing she had already knocked three times until she heard your footsteps approach the door. and suddenly there you were in all your glory, as beautiful as ever.
you were dressed in your comfy clothes, fuzzy cow slippers on your feet, hair messed up, and your necklace backwards. but she thought you were the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen.
“caitlin?” you rubbed your eyes in astonishment “what-um-what are you doing here?”
“hi” she breathed “i know it’s late, im sorry, really. but i just need to see you”
“caitlin i don’t want to do this again. it’s been months and you show up at more door suddenly at what? 12:40 in the morning? i thought i told you i was done with the whole charade.” you stated firmly, about to shut the door on her, but she wedged her foot between the space of the door before you could close it.
“no, no. it’s not…it’s not like that. i meant that i need to come clean to you”
still skeptical, you let her in, watching as she politely hung up her jacket. you ushered her to the couch, grabbing her a glass of water and preparing yourself for whatever she was about to confess.
“when you ended things with me,” she broke the silence “i thought i’d eventually get over it because i didn’t think what we had was all that serious. i was scared to admit that i didn’t love connor…and most importantly that…that i like girls.”
you looked at her solemnly, you knew how hard this was for her.
“and i guess is till don’t know exactly what i am, but…but what i do know is that i took you for granted and i treated you unfairly. you didn’t deserve any of it and for that i apologize”
“hey it’s…it’s ok now. yea i was upset with how things were going, but i’m proud of you now that you’ve recognized what you’ve done and you’re working on yourself.” you tried to reassure her.
“i really am trying” she stated “because i want to. for you.”
you watched as her eyes twinkled under the glow of your lamp, tears rimming her lash line. you noticed the way her nose twitched like how it did that one morning she woke up in your bed. and how she looked just as flawless as she did when you had met her.
“YN, im in love with you.” she blurted “i know i have no right to come here and say that. especially after i completely disregarded your feelings for me. i don’t expect you to take me back and try and love me again, but i just need to you to know that i have spent every day regretting what i’ve done”
there was another heavy silence again, filling the room instantly, encapsulating that words that rolled off of her tongue. you were honestly at a lost for words. of course you were still in love her, you never stopped, but now things were real. you were watching your deepest dreams unravel to you right in front of your eyes.
“You know…I hate to say it but” you said, watching as caitlin braced herself for what she assumed was rejection “…I told you so” you couldn’t hold back your grin, immediately falling into playful laughter as you scooted closer to her on the couch.
“i’m in love with you too” you finally admitted out loud for the first time in months.
her shoulders finally relaxed, exhaling after holding her breathe waiting for your response. she laughed with you, just glad to here you say those words.
“don’t scare me like that” she said, face inching slowing towards you “i don’t think i would’ve been able to handle the rejection”
“don’t worry, i don’t think i ever could’ve stopped loving you if i tried” you whispered, finally closing the gap between you. you’d kissed her many times before, but this would be the first kiss that actually mattered. “but i really did tell you so” 
A/N: yayyy!! happy ending!! <3
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juniefruit · 5 months
☆ Blow The Whistle ☆
☆ Lifeguard! Felix x fem! reader (18+)
☆ Summary: The summer heat has you desperate to cool off in an unconventional way... part 2 here
☆ Warnings: smut, one night day stand, semi public sex, not proofread, MDNI
☆ Word count: 2.3 k
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Australian summers are brutal. That’s why you and your closest friends have found refuge at the water park for the day. There’s a slight breeze once in a while which makes the heat bearable without being submerged in water constantly. You’ve set up camp on a few beach chairs with tote bags filled with snacks, towels, and ample amounts of sunscreen. You look like the textbook example of relaxation; oversize cat-eye sunglasses, a cute cover-up draped over your shoulders and laying back on the chair. 
What broke your relaxation was the shrill shriek of a whistle from a lifeguard. You move your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose to peer at the cause of the loud interruption. He blows into the whistle again. Why can’t some kids just follow the rules? 
To your surprise, at the other side of the pool, was one of the cutest lifeguards you’ve had the pleasure of seeing. His eyes were obstructed by reflective sunglasses, but they were framed by freckles that blessed his tanned honey skin. Bleach-blonde, sun-kissed hair that was slightly wavy and fluffed. You got the feeling that if he wasn’t forced to wear a shirt for this job, he’d be topless; the tank top he wore had the sides cut so wide that you could start to see his broad pecs and defined abs. Snug board shorts showcased his toned thighs that were splayed out against the white wooden chair. You didn’t even realize you were staring, eyes glazed over, until he turned towards you and sent a shy wave. You snapped out of it and waved back, which seemed to satisfy him since he smirked and went back to scanning the pool for troublemakers on top of his chair. 
A splash of water and a mess of wet hair emerged right at the edge of the pool. 
“Y/n, will you join your besties in the pool already?” One of your friends asked, arms folded against the edge of the pool. “There’s this group of cute guys we’re talking to-” She exclaims, pointing behind her. 
“They’re all yours, because I,” You gesture to the lifeguard. “Have my sights on him. Also, I need to go refill my water bottle. So don’t mind if I do-” You stand up from your seat.
 “Right… water refill… let me know how it goes!” She splashes water at you teasingly before wading back to her group. Was it a coincidence that you had to pass the lifeguard to get to the water fountain? Most likely. Now’s your chance, you thought. As you approached him, he noticed you and turned his head. He tried hiding his grin but failed. “Hey,” you greeted him, leaning an arm against the large wooden chair, painted white. He rested his forearms atop the armrests and had his legs crossed. 
“Hey,” he replied, his voice deep and smooth. 
He’s only said one word and you’re already addicted. “Great day out, isn’t it?” He asks, and you realise you could listen to him forever. 
You huff out a laugh. “Yeah, I suppose.” He perked up at your response. 
“Oh? And why do you only suppose?” He inquires. 
“Well, in a perfect world, all these kids would follow the rules so you can retire blowing into that annoying whistle.” He laughs at your confession. “In a perfect world, I’d be in the break room eating lunch. Yet here we are.” His accent was like the final straw as his baritone voice left his plump lips. “I’m Felix.” He reaches out a hand. 
“I’m y/n.” You shake his hand. He’s gentle yet firm, and slides his hand back to the armrest as if he didn’t want to let go. He clears his voice. 
“I- um, I like your outfit. It suits you well, y/n”. He admits bashfully. You blush at his confession. Was he trying to flirt? 
“Ah, thanks Felix, if you think so.” You reply. 
“I do think so.” He says, in a spur of confidence. You squirm internally. You couldn’t handle much more of this- tension. It’s not every day that he stumbles upon someone like you- someone who he could barely keep his composure around. He was suddenly aware of every fiber in his body, wondering if his hair looked good or if there was sunscreen still smeared on his face. 
“Well,” you sigh. “I should probably go. This bottle won’t refill itself.” You shake the empty water bottle in your hand. 
“Y/n, wait!” He exclaims, startling you a bit. His cheeks were tinted pink with a blush. 
“Um, my break should be in… five minutes. The break room has an ice dispenser, I can let you in? So you don’t have to use the lukewarm fountain water.” He checks the watch on his wrist and he sounds a little nervous at his proposal. 
“Oh- um, sure! I’ll wait by my chair, then.” Taken aback, you tried not to sound too excited at the thought of spending time with Felix, alone. Feeling giddy, you shuffle back to your beach chair, which now feels miles away as you feel his eyes trailing after you. Safe to say you counted down every second until Felix’s replacement swapped him out. He does little to stop the grin creeping up on his face as he approaches you, taking his time. 
“Shall we?” He proposes, the timbre of his voice delectable. You nod with a smirk.You try your best to gracefully stand from your position, but unfortunately, beach chairs were not designed with that in mind. There was tension in the air between you as he led you through the pathways inbetween pools and slides. The death grip on your water bottle was turning into a cramp in your hand, but there wasn’t much available to soothe your nerves. The only sound was the squeak of flip flops as you walked adjacent to eachother. Felix spoke up suddenly. “It’s right up here.” he gestures. You hum in reply. When you approach the ‘Employees Only’ door, Felix punches in the passcode while you wait behind him. His tank top was slightly billowing against his toned back in the breeze. The door unlocked and Felix grabbed the handle, subsequently holding it open for you. 
“Oh! Thanks,” You exclaimed before He graced you with a small smile and a nod. A rush of cool air smacks you in the face as the heavy door closes behind both of you. You turn to see Felix standing behind you, leaning against the closed door, effortlessly charming. His hazelnut eyes were lidded with a glint of desire. 
“We have the room all to ourselves, you know.” He says. Your breath hitches at what he seems to be suggesting. So, you step closer. You can see his chest moving with every breath he takes.. You brought your right hand up to grasp at the whistle and cord hanging around his neck.The damned whistle was calling out for you to just tug it so his puffy lips can finally meet yours. His eyes were inviting you closer as they pierced your own. When you were so close you could feel his shallow breath on your lips, he closed the gap. Subsequently, you tugged slightly at the cord which earned you a soft groan. His lips weresoft but not too moist, like he had just applied chapstick. He dragged his body closer to you and placed the palms of his hands gingerly at your hips, partially covered by your swimsuit. He pulls his face away, just barely in order to speak.
“Tell me you want this- or I'll let go and we can forget it happened.” His voice is airy and his stare hasn’t left yours ever since he pulled away. It was electrifying. Granted, you don’t get this opportunity often- or at all. Maybe that was why you found it so thrilling. 
“I want this- want you.” Both of your hands moved to the junction between his neck and collarbones. Your eyes communicated a silent plea; one that Felix would never forgive himself for if he ignored. With a smirk, he dove back in. His freckled cheeks grazed your cheekbones with how deep he kissed you. His blonde hair fell forward as he tilted his head. At the same time, his thumbs were making little circles against your hips, gliding over your swimsuit before digging in to hook them underneath and into the supple flesh. You whined against his lips, and counteracted by sliding your hands down his exposed sides. You could feel every ripple of muscle, and his stomach tensed when you pased right at his lower waist. As an excuse to pull yourself even closer, you reached behind Felix and locked the door. 
“Come here,” He growled against your lips, and led you to the wide armchair across the small room, with a little table adjacent to it where you set down your water bottle with haste. You grinded against eachother until the fabric felt unbearable. His hands move to your lower back to spin you around, so he can sit against the chair and pull you into his lap, facing eachother. You sat atop his toned thighs, the fabric of the chair adding much needed comfort.  He pulled your face back onto his as your tongues intertwined. As he was licking into your mouth with vigor, your hands roamed eachother’s tense bodies. You felt like you were floating when he pulled your cover up off of your shoulders as it fell onto his feet. 
“My turn,” You spoke, slowly and sdeuctively. Your hands grabbed at the hem of his tank top to pull it over his head, his whistle hitting his chest. The wide planes of his chest and shoulders glistened in the fluorescent light. You ran your hands down his chest as he loosed a sigh onto your lips. Meanwhile, his hands inched towards the apex of your thighs, still covered by your swimsuit, but no doubt messy with your arousal. 
“Hmm, I did this to you, yeah?” The pads of his right hand caress your folds through the fabric. A wanton moan escapes you. You smirk when you look down to see the tent in his shorts, desperately trying to press against you. 
“I can say the same for you,” You counter. The palm of your hand ghosts over his hardness before pressing down slowly. He whines impatiently. 
“I can unzip these, yeah?” You ask. 
“Anything you want, just hurry up.” He squirms under you. You huff at his impatience, and undo his shorts with one hand, shoving his underwear down too. His length is weeping at the tip, swollen and dusty pink. Shuffling as close as you can, Felix pulls the lowest part of your swimsuit to the side with nimble fingers. You shiver as they brush against your folds in the heat of the moment. Grabbing him gently at the base, you align him with your hole, aching with need to quench that empty feeling. He slides against you with ease, the tip catching against your entrance before you sink lower, relieving the muscles in your thighs. His breathing is deep and controlled; His warm brown eyes were full of adoration and eagerness, focused on your lower half. His hands were glued to your hips, periodically squeezing and kneading the flesh.
“So pretty, hah…” He sighs, catching his breath as you reach the hilt. You tilt your head forward to press featherlight kisses to his freckled cheeks before landing on his bottom lip, catching it between your teeth to suck on. His cock throbs with pleasure, overwhelmed yet aching for more. Felix’s hips buck up from their own accord, catching you by surprise, sparks of electricity coursing up your body. His hands helped to guide you up and down his length, coated in slick. 
The loud hum of the A/C muffles the mixtures of sounds you’re producing. Every upwards thrust releases a breathy moan as you shiver with pleasure. Your nails scratch against Felix’s shoulders which causes a grunt to topple from his lips, reddened from fervent licks and kisses. Every time your hips hit against his, Felix’s grunts and groans increase in pitch until he’s whining and whimpering with that saccharine low timbre. His sounds add to the build up of your release, as the upwards movements of his thrusts falter as pleasure takes over. 
“You’re close, yeah? Please tell me you’re close…” He whines. You gasp as the feeling of your climax climbs higher and higher, you can almost taste it. The head of his cock nudges that sensitive spot against your plush inside, consequently making you clench around him. 
“Felix-!” You gasp. “So close, oh my god, Felix! Fuck-”. Your body squirms with delight as Felix wraps his forearms around your lower back, your hands splayed out against his shoulder blades. 
“Cumm-ing Y/n-! shit- I’m cumming-” His voice is strained as the final thread snaps. You feel like you’re floating as waves and waves of pleasure fall through you, eyes closed as your chin rests against the firm muscle between Felix’s neck and shoulder. The air is filled with twin gasps for air as you both come back to reality. The palms of his hands make soothing circles against your sides as you slide out with a deep breath, wincing. 
“Was that okay?” He asks, switching back to his shy demeanor. You sigh with content. 
“That was… definitely more than okay.” That seems to soothe his nerves. 
“I definitely need water now…” You say. He spins you around so he’s leaned up against your back. 
“Mmh, Sure thing.” He grumbles. He leaves a chaste kiss against the nape of your neck, in hopes that you’ll return his feelings. 
“Come to the park again tomorrow, yeah?” You nod in response. 
A dense thud against the door has you both jumping out of your skin and scrambling to your feet. 
“Oi Felix! You good bro?”
Check out my other works here~
Warning: Everything I post is 100% my original writing & thoughts. This also includes the moodboards at the beginning, that I create. Please do not plagiarize or copy. Tag for inspiration or add-ons. Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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bvsatq · 1 year
braiding each others hair ༉‧₊˚.
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pairing: neteyam sully x fem!na’vi! reader
genre: fluff  |  word count: 899 |  warning: nothing really
comments: for now ima stick w lil scenarios to write about because my imagination is like broken and can't think of any fun stories 😪 
today was one of yours and neteyam’s day off. you guys decided to take it easy and just relax, bathing in each other's presence. you guys were laying on the forest floor, cuddling. he was running his hands through your braided hair when he noticed you hadn’t rebraided your hair in a little. 
“come on yawne. let's go back.” neteyam said slightly lifting you off of him. “why? it's so nice here!” you whined. “cmon so i can rebraid your hair and you can rebraid mine. we can add matching beads!” his eye lit up in excitement at his amazing idea. 
you let out a giggle and nodded, standing up with him and walking back to your guys’ hut. neteyam had always loved sharing matching jewelry with you so having matching beads in your hair was no surprise. 
once you guys arrived he started picking beads for the both of you putting them in a little bowl. “i wanna do your hair first teyam,” you said as he walked over to where you were sitting, placing the bowl down. “um no, i came up with the idea so i go first” he mumbled grabbing you by the waist and sitting you between his legs. “okay i choose the beads you choose the pattern.” he beamed at you. 
once you chose the pattern he started unbraiding your hair then braiding it again. his fingers felt cold against your scalp. it was a nice cold feeling since today was a hot day. “you know, this would be easier if you stopped moving so much“ he chuckled. “you're tickling me! plus, you are taking forever. i'd be done by now“ you joked, giggling. 
he took his time braiding the back of your hair making beautiful braids. “okay i'm done. now the front pieces“ he was excited for the front pieces. he got to put the beads in your hair. it completed the whole look. 
“come here“ he said, grabbing you by the waist and turning you around. this time making you face him. he quickly started again. you smiled at his concentrated face. he looked so pretty, his delicate finger combing through your hair. he was truly a sight to see. 
you closed your eyes, and sighed in content. “i'm so lucky ma neteyam“ you breathe out. “what do you mean, yawne?“ he questioned, eyes and fingers never leaving your hair. “i'm so lucky to have you. you are everything i've ever wanted and more. i love you nete“ you smiled up at him.
he stopped mid braid and looked down at you. he let the braid fall from his fingers, which he'd probably have to restart later, and held your face. he leaned in and kissed you, smiling against your lips. “i'm waaayy more lucky. i love you more“ he replied. 
you frowned, “um no, you don’t. i love you mo-“ he cut you off saying, “shh no you don't. now stay still i'm almost done“ you were about to argue with him but he just shut you up with a kiss and continued with your hair. 
“okay, all done!“ he lightly pushed you off to admire his work. “it looks so good teyam! thank you!“ he smiled proudly at you. “your turn. come here“ you guys switched positions. he laid himself on your lap shifting every now and then trying to find a more comfortable position. he was bigger than you so he needed to slouch more which was a bit uncomfy at times but he could care less. 
once he was 100% comfortable he laid still the whole time. his big hands rested on your thighs. it was getting darker which made your bioluminescence freckles glow. he connected each little dot with his fingers as well as tracing lines and shapes on your thighs. 
neteyam was so relaxed. he felt like a little kid again having his mom play and re-braid his hair. his tail was lightly tapping the floor and his eyes were close basking in your presence. you had taken a little break given as it was now eclipse, lighting up come candles for light. your guys’ hut was dimly lit. it had such a nice feeling, pure love in the air.
it wasn’t rare for neteyam to purr, at least not around you. right now he was in such a calm state, being able to feel your love. you were almost done when you heard his purr. you smiled to yourself and pressed your lips to the crown of his head making him purr even more.
“okay all done my love,” you announced. he opened his droopy eyes, clearly so close to falling asleep, “thank you tiyawn, lets go to bed now.” you thought he’d stand up and head to what you guys called a bed but no, he slumped back on your lap, this time his chest on your stomach, and closed his eyes. 
“neteyammmm, lets go to bed over there. where normal na’vi sleep.” you sighed. “this is normal. now shh let's sleep” he pulled himself up and laid his head on your chest. he reached for yours and his braid and connected them together. it was an every night routine ever since you two mated. 
“thank you for doing my hair teyam, goodnight.” you said. “thank you for doing my hair tiyawn, goodnight.” he said, both of you falling into a deep slumber.
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meetmymouth · 1 year
i feel like theadora!y/n would love to tease harry about how hot his dad bod is knowing damn well he doesn’t actually have one askdjsjd
He emerges from the bathroom, a green towel snugly wrapped around his hips with another green one securely holding his short hair. She laughs behind her hand, knowing he doesn’t actually need the towel for his hair, but lets it go.
She goes back to her book.
Harry hums along to a song he’s probably heard earlier when they were cooking with the radio on, and tries to gather everything from his newly organised drawers for his grand nightly routine.
“Lookin’ good, daddy,” she muses from where she’s sitting on the bed, book now closed on her lap.
He looks up with furrowed eyebrows, clearly not expecting it.
He looks really young, despite the stache he’s been growing for a while, and she thinks the towel on his head plays a big part.
He purses his pink lips, one of her hand creams in his hand. “Did you just call me ‘daddy’?”
“No, no… don’t,” he goes back to rummaging through her drawers. She knows he’s looking for the foot cream she’d splurged on despite him making fun of her at the time. “Not when we’re not— you know… having sex.”
She lets out a laugh. “It wasn’t meant to be sexual anyway.”
He looks up again. “Oh.”
“You’re a dad, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but…”
He groans, and walks over to the bed. He sits on his side of the bed, but not before letting the towel drop. “Don’t start.”
“I just love it!” She smiles, though the sweet smile turns into one that’s cheekier. “You know how people talk about DILFs and hot dads… dad bods…” she trails, and looks up at him, already finding his eyes on her.
His gaze looks dark.
“Dad bod?” He scoffs.
“Um,” she knows where she’s— where they’re going with this.
“Like…” he tries to look and sound nonchalant, applying the cream to his feet.
She watches his back muscles, and his bum— and the way it looks soft and squished against the duvet.
She laughs again when he doesn’t say anything else.
Until he does.
“Like,” he carries on. “Beer bellies and chubby cheeks, y’mean?”
“What?” She laughs.
“Dad bodies. Are you telling me—” he quickly gets up, and turns to the full length mirror. He studies his body. “Oh fuck off, I look fuckin’ hot. Right?”
“Babe…” She moves over to him, and places her hands on his hips, chin on his shoulder. She kisses the freckles there. “Even if you did have a beer belly and chubby cheeks… you’d still be hot. Having all that… it doesn’t mean you’re not hot.”
“Sorry, it’s just. I found a grey hair and then a few in my stubble.”
She lets out a laugh, and hugs him closer to her chest. They look ridiculous, cuddled up with Harry naked, but she loves the feeling of his strong body against hers.
“That’s okay.”
“I think,” he takes a deep breath. He turns around, his hands finding her growing belly. “It’s just hit me— I’m getting old. I have two daughters.”
“If you’re getting old, I’m getting old, too!”
“Yeah but. I don’t know. I guess. I’m a bit nervous.”
“You know I love you, right? We love you.”
He smiles, leans into the touch— her hands now on his cheeks. She strokes his cheekbones, and presses a kiss on his chin.
“I love you guys.”
“And… you do look fuckin’ hot.”
He grins. “Yeah?”
“Mhm. Very. It’s like. Not fair, how hot you are. It’s not even just your body,” she moves her hands down his body, stopping on his stomach, on the butterfly. “It’s everything that makes you you.”
“Keep going…”
She chuckles. She pinches—tries to—his abs. “And I love seeing you take care of our family. Thea… and now her,” they both look down at her belly. Harry places one hand there, and strokes the warm skin under her t-shirt. “I fall in love with who you are— who you’ve become every day.”
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Yeosang Boyfriend Headcanons!
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this guy is such a lil sweetie! he was a bit shy to approach you at first 🥺
as i said before in my previous ateez headcanons, yeosang is a big starer. he would legit just stare at you for half an hour and consider it flirting
however once he senses that you’re interested in him as well, his flirt game is turned up to the MAX
he drives you crazy the way he gives you delicate little touches, your heart stops every time he brushes your hair out of your face or pulls a loose thread off your sweater
when you weren’t afraid to flirt back with him, he knew you were the one. the second you started teasing him and giving him a hard time, he was like, “this is it. i need them.”
he’s so fricking observant too. he’ll memorize every little detail about you so he can bring it up in a conversation later
he’s also an impulsive gift giver
“hey remember that one time you said you mentioned that obscure cartoon you used to watch as a kid? well i saw a keychain of it and thought of you, so here you go!”
he tried really hard to wait to ask you out, wanting to give you time to pine over him and create a slow burn, but he just CANT WAIT to make you his.
and he was so tickled when you said yes, he would not stop giggling like a little school girl 🥰
he also knows how adorable you think his laugh and fanged smile is, and will use it against you to make you fall for him even harder
his excellent observance doesn’t end when y’all start dating. even if you just have the slightest change in your breathing pattern, he notices and is like “hey what’s wrong”
he’s the first one to notice when you get a new haircut, knows you’re sick the second he looks at you, adjusts your necklace when it gets turnt around, ties your shoe when the laces come undone…
because he stares so much he knows every little detail of your appearance
the different specks of color in your eyes, all your little moles and freckles, any scars you might have, the way you part your hair, whether or not you’re wearing makeup and what kind…
speaking of which, he dies a little on the inside every time you kiss his birthmark ❤️ he was scared to show you his bare face at first, but you were quick to tell him how beautiful he is (as you should 😤)
yeosang calls his partner “honey,” no i do not take criticism
and in his deep ass voice? ugh i would melt 😭
*when you surprise him at work* “honey! what are you doing here?”
*barging into your apartment* “oh my honey, i brought you your favorite food!”
*coming back in from getting the mail* “hey honey, come look at this new drone i got!”
he may seem all cool and statuesque, but deep down he’s just a big nerd 🤓 he’s always asking you to come to the park with him to fly his drones
makes you help him sort his candies by color 💀
he loves that you never see him as judgmental or picky because of his honest nature. you always take special interest in his opinions, and admire that he’s not afraid to speak his mind
and he does the same for you as well! he thinks so highly of you that he’s always interested in what you have to say about things. he wants to know all of your likes and dislikes :)
you guys tell each other EVERYTHING, there’s not much you guys keep secret from each other 💀
you know all of his memories with the boys, his childhood stories, his most embarrassing moments.. he knows all the drama in your friend group, your family situation, and your deepest secrets
he’s a morning person, so if you’re not then you’ll have to get used to him waking up early and fluttering around the house doing things
(and um i’m not a morning person but hearing his voice get even deeper in the morning would motivate me to wake up 😳)
after a while he gets lonely and starts pestering you to wake up and spend time with him in a pouty voice 🥺
*poking your face and shaking your shoulder* “honeyyyy, it’s almost noon… the day is half over and you haven’t even cuddled me yet…”
he thinks you’re incredibly cute when you’re half asleep and groggy in the morning :)
he ends up threatening to cook you breakfast which makes you LEAP out of bed 💀
consequently, he’s not a big night owl unless he has to be… if you’re one, he ends up converting you to a morning person because he’s so fricking persistent 🤦🏼‍♀️
but for a while if you’re hanging out with him late at night he’ll start nodding off, and when you wake him he’ll go “i wasn’t asleep” 🤡
san and wooyoung will try to call you guys at 9 pm to see if you want to go out to get drinks with them, only to find out that both your phones were shut off, and you were both in your pajamas doing face masks and watching a movie on the couch together, fading in and out of consciousness ❤️
wooyoung once called you his grandparents 💀 y’all know it’s bad if he’s not taking an opportunity to call hongjoong and seonghwa old
caring for the scrapes on his elbows and knees when he falls off his skateboard 🥰
he also desperately wants to teach you how to skateboard if you don’t already know how! he’s so patient and gentle with you, always letting you fall into his arms and catching you when you slip :)
“it’s okay honey, i’ve got you! i know it’s scary, but i promise it’s so fun once you get the hang of it. you’re actually doing really well for your first time!”
you guys will eventually become the cool skater couple that everyone is jealous of 💀
he ALWAYS smells good, and his scent somehow embeds itself in all your clothes and furniture so even when he’s not there, you’re thinking of him
when you see him after you’ve been apart for a long time, of course you’ll run up to each other for a bone crushing hug, and as soon as his familiar scent hits you your eyes well with tears
he hates seeing you cry, even if it’s from happiness
*wiping your tears with a reassuring smile* “oh honey, please don’t cry… we’re together now.”
he’s constantly putting your needs before his own, you actually had to sit him down and explain to him that while you love and appreciate his selflessness, he needs to take care of himself more often
he’s not the biggest fan of PDA, but he does enjoy holding hands… he likes walking with you and swinging your interwoven hands back and forth ❤️
you’ll catch him smiling at the sidewalk and ask him what’s up, he just says “i like the way your hand fits in mine.”
yeosang is a big forehead kisser 🥰 it’s his favorite way to show his affection in a sweet and delicate way
he’s so sensitive to your touch… if you just brush your hands over his shoulders and arms, it’s enough to make his heart flutter :)
there are a lot of nights were you guys just lay in bed next to each other and talk about EVERYTHING… it just goes on and on until one of you falls asleep
he never really lashes out on you, no matter how upset he is. before every reaction, his words and actions are carefully chosen and thought over.
he’s also very good at forgiveness. that’s not to say that you can treat him badly, but everyone makes mistakes and he knows that. he has this amazing ability to see things from different perspectives that allows him to forgive you when you slip up
overall, having yeosang as a boyfriend is a blast. he’s so sweet and attentive, and you never run out of things to talk about. and even if you did, he would just make something up to fill the silence! no matter what, you always feel so loved and appreciated with him by your side 🥰
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
So I saw your headcanons for Bakugou and Aizawa, what kind of boyfriend would Midoriya be?
Midoriya Imagine
What type of boyfriend he'd be
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Want more from me? mAsterList
I was just thinking about this when considering him for a love interest for my OC, fortunately for you, this is still fresh on my mind lol
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
An awkward romantic.
By this, I mean he's awkward about his romanticness.
"W-we can share a crepe if you want?"
"Am I allowed to k-kiss you?"
Very shy, even after he's dating you.
Takes you on cute, simple dates. But plans like a pro. Like if the date doesn't work out, he has a plan B, C, D...J, K...
Though he'd be a bit better about shyness once he gets used to you.
Insecure about himself deserving you.
You'll have to assure him when you notice.
He can be kinda hard on himself, including with you. If he feels like he's not doing enough, he will feel suuuper bad.
You will be a priority, but not his first. He can be a neglectful boyfriend sometimes due to him putting hero work first...and sometimes that's all he thinks about.
But he's observant, so after a while, he'll notice.
And he quickly notices when your emotions shift.
He catches on to your ticks, habits, etc.
And writes them down in a special notebook just for you.
Pegs me as the type to track your period if you have one
Like, the day of he'll stop by with stuff and you're like, "Um...how?"
Or if you have hair, he'll have most hair items/products you might've forgotten or needed
Or if you forget to eat in the mornings, without needing to ask he'll hand you a breakfast muffin or something.
I see him being insecure about his scars until you kiss them all and tell him they're beautiful, leaving him flushed red.
Will shyly let you count his freckles if you like.
Once he's comfortable enough, will join in when you do weird stuff.
Whatever it is.
Will make you laugh more often than you'd expect.
Will motivate you to do more in life, but doesn't hold it against you if you don't make drastic changes.
If you have long hair, he will have the urge to braid it.
He gives hair-touching vibes. If you allow him to.
His love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation.
Will happily do things for you.
And will always make sure he tells you how great you are, how much he loves you, etc.
There will be conflict sometimes.
He's reckless and will easily toss his life away for a stranger. You have to tell him he can't do that, he needs to care more about his life, and he has people who need him here, including you.
You think he has such low value for his life due to him being Quirkless and from bullying. So you'll have to help him unlearn this mindset.
If he feels like he needs to protect you, he will distance himself every time.
He's...incredibly protective. One of the rare instances Midoriya will lose control of his anger is when he's protecting those he cares for.
And you never tell him you find it attractive.
He doesn't really get jealous as much as insecure about how he treats you.
"Maybe they might treat [Name] better..."
Once you get past that phase, though, he's okay.
The type of boyfriend to cry because you're crying, even if he doesn't know why you are.
I actually don't see Midoriya as being extremely affectionate but will give it to you based on the level you want.
He melts from your praise.
And takes your opinion almost more seriously than All Might's...and that's saying a lot.
He's patient but un-patient. He can be patient for you, but it takes a lot of effort, he likes to know things, to cheer you up, to make you happy.
Like, he learns as he goes along...but he starts out very dense.
Definitely supportive of what you do, but if it's something he doesn't particularly agree with, he will still voice his opinion on the matter.
I see your relationship being quiet, the little moments matter more...but then other times, you're either chaotic or nerding out.
Midoriya will often nerd out about heroes, so expect that. Like, you could be walking by a hero on the street and his energy will go ⬆
Communication is a must if you want a relationship to work with him. He has a lot of bad habits and he won't know unless you tell him. That, and he needs to get better at communicating himself, he has a hard time with that.
I feel he's a gamer in his free time and gamers can have potty mouths.
So I feel like he'd try to not curse as much around you, but will still let things slip if he, say, bumps his foot against a table or something.
He'd love it if you can do each other's hobbies together, he'd feel closer to you.
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knockoff-conlon · 6 months
he didn't think anyone would be using the music room. but there is somd kid just wailing on the drums, completely oblivious to the world around him. he's almost violent with it.
he's waiting for the other guy to be done when he hears the loudest, most obnoxious cursing ever. he climbs to his feet and looks in. "what did ya do?" he asks.
"nothing, fuck off!" the other guy bites back. race ignores him and walks over anyway.
"break your drumstick?"
"no, fuck off!" he repeats, looking up. he's pretty, race thinks. his freckles. even the bruise around his eye is pretty.
"let me see. i'll clean it for you."
"what the- i told you to fuck off already!"
"and i didn't listen. you just split your hand open. let me see. or i can go get the school nurse?" race smiles triumphantly as the other guy holds out his hand. "you literally have wood splinters in your hand."
"i broke a fucking drumstick, of course i got wood in my hand!" he bites his lip to keep from making a terrible joke. "gonna get it out?" race nods, still suppressing a laugh.
"if i had tweezers or something, for sure." the guy sighs. "gimme a couple second, i think there's a first aid kit in the back." he finds the kit and comes back to the guy. he sits on the floor by the drummer guy's seat. he's gotta find out his name. "i'm race, by the way." after a moment of silence, he gets a response.
"spot." race nods.
"get that from all the freckles?"
"no. the bruises." that's much sadder. race pulls the small splinters out of spot's hand, smiling when he doesn't flinch even slightly.
"i gotta clean it now. if it hurts, no, it doesn't." he's quiet as he cleans spot's hand and then bandages it. he can feel spot staring at him, checking him out, eyes landing on his lips for a very long time. "good?" he asks as he finishes wrapping his hand. spot flexes his hand.
"fine." race looks up at him, still seated on the ground. "so, um, where's race from?"
"i'm fast," he replies, smiling a little. spot nods back, still flexing his hand. he has his other drumstick in his other hand, twirling it around his fingers.
"and where'd you learn this?" he raises his bandaged hand.
"i get in fights a lot and i learned pretty quick how to fix myself up." he runs a hand through his hair, pushing his curls back from his face. he doesn't miss spot's eyes tracking every move he makes.
"yeah, i get into fights too. that's where all the bruises and cuts come from."
"bruises are hot though," race tells him, pointedly looking at the bruise around his eye. he grins slightly as spot flushes. he's pretty when he blushes.
"are they?"
"i think so." spot nods and looks down, away from him. he feels a little proud of himself. spot is clearly a tough guy and he's proud he can make spot blush like that. "especially on you." he shuffles closer. he wants to kiss him so bad. spot looks back, finding race sitting practically right in front of him. spot leans in closer, their faces only a few inches apart.
"are you going to..."
"can i?" he asks, leaning forward too, so they're speaking into each other's lips.
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ambers-archive · 4 months
who am i, darling to you? (iv)
loss of my life
Bookmarked on page fifteen, the last page of chapter three, the closed book in your hands stand still against your heavy heart. You were waiting to read chapter four together with her. The story of Rapunzel was your favorite princess story. One of a long lost princess with beautiful long hair who fought to live the life she wanted. And she was able to fall in love in the midst of it all. 
It was a staple bedtime story; you went to sleep hanging onto the words.
Sometimes when you see your mom in your dreams; you can hear her sweet voice reading you the stories, and you can feel her gentle kisses even now. A beautiful yet haunting reminder of her. 
You never got to read chapter four, and you haven't been able to move the handmade bookmark since your mom stopped on chapter three seventeen years ago. It's her birthday today, seventeen years of missed laughter, hugs, and love. Maybe it would have been bearable if you had someone to share the burden with, someone who knew her just as intensely.
But the only two other people were dead along with her.
"Alright, let's go over our story one more time," Hotch says, his voice low as he walks into your honeymoon suite.
It had been a few days since you two checked in, it was a beautiful suite overlooking the sea. You loved the sea and the feeling of sand between your toes, but just like many of the things you loved - it was just out of your grasp.
You were spending the days discussing specifics of stories, anniversaries, birthdays, and first kisses. All set to disappear into an imagined world and meet him in a love story that was not yours. You two weren't hopelessly in love on your honeymoon, and Maya wasn't you. That story was only saved for last, hidden deep within your heart under-heading the section labeled grief. 
Because where else can one store unspent love. 
You've never even held him, but your feelings for Hotch are nothing short of love. You've never held him, and yet you have memorized every dimple, freckle, and crease by his eyes.
He has never touched you, and yet has touched every fiber of your being. 
And so many sleepless you stayed up, next to him, feeling his heartbeat you wondered what it would be like to press yourself against his larger body. To tuck yourself underneath his arm and lay your head against chest as if you belonged there all along. 
You resisted of course. 
“We met at one of the galleries I was showing; you bought all of my paintings and asked me out to dinner later that night,” You respond quietly, your hand still ghosting over the peeking bookmark. Feeling the lines of the book's spine, it was a small but thick paperback book. Not worth much, but to you, it was priceless, one of your most prized possessions.
You manage to catch the last of his question, all your focus on your self-inflicted sorrow. "Ages?"
"Um," You start, trying to piece the story together; it's buried somewhere deep in your head, this past week has just been so hard. You always visit your mom on her birthday, but now you know it won't be possible.
Your pain was always such an imposition.
"If we're going to do this, I need your undivided attention,” Hotch’s voice breaks through your head. You turn to face him, his eyes focused on the case file, not even sparing you a glance.
"Sorry, sir. It’s just a lot to think about.”
“I told you it would be. If you’re not ready for this, Agent.” You wish he would stop calling you Agent, it's an unnecessary boundary he's creating to distance himself from you. 
“I am,” You cut through his words, swallowing the dryness forming in your throat. "Of course, I am." You repeat back, standing up straighter this time, trying not to let the indifference in his words bother you.
He passes you his notes, filled with Maya and James's life. Their story, their family. They're respectively twenty-six and forty, so a little off here and there. James has a big family that Maya is able to fall into, two brothers and a sister. No kids yet, they're just enjoying life with the two of them.
It would be perfect if it was yours to truly live in.
Perfect, just not yours. Always yours to love, but never to keep.
"This case is one of the most important the team has had in a long time. Everyone is counting on us; memorize the notes. We should take this opportunity to meet other couples tonight at the welcome dinner." He pauses for a second, surveying and noticing the book in your hands. You defensively put the book away, shielding your memories from his judgmental eyes, ripping yourself away from any judgment, away from a job that punishes you for caring.
"I can't do my job successfully if I'm always watching over my shoulder, babysitting a capable agent," he says, as he walks out of the room, selfishly avoiding your eyes so he can shield himself from the pain he's inflicted. The door shuts quietly, but no thoughts seem to take over, and you suddenly feel small. Like a child who's been abandoned, left alone, and to fend for herself.
You sit there, staring at the closed door, trying to steady your breathing. The silence in the room grows louder, as if it were taunting you, reminding you of your isolation. You clutch the book tighter, as if it could anchor you to some semblance of stability.
Minutes pass, maybe hours. Time blurs as your mind drifts between memories of your mother and the pressing reality of the case. The sun slowly sets, casting long shadows across the room. 
And you wish you could just sit there and wallow in your misery but the reality of the case pulls you out, your feelings will just have to wait. 
As the orange from the evening sky peaks through the curtains, you hear the door open again. Hotch steps back into the room, his expression softer yet determined. "Strauss wanted to have a conference call with the director. She thinks the welcome dinner is a good approach."
You look up from the case notes, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm light over the room. "When should we start heading there?" 
"In about an hour, we should get there early to take in the environment. The Unsub could be anyone." You nod as he finishes the last of his sentence, the tension is still there letting you loose only to suffocate you once again. 
"Just give me a few minutes to shower." You say not meeting his eyes.
Making your way to the shared bathroom you let the warm shower engulf you. Wishing to wash away your insecurities and the weight of the day. You close your eyes and visualize the tension fading with every drop of water, but it doesn't last nearly as long as you would like it to. Reluctantly, you walk out of the shower as your obligations drag you back.
Thinking of these small things makes you believe she is an actual person, not just someone you and the team invented. The details bring her to life, giving her a heartbeat within your imagination.
You rarely had time to dress up since work took most of your time and energy. You take the time to do your hair and for a second you get to engage in something fun, a constant which was sperate from the rest of the world. Reaching instinctively to play with your bracelet, you sigh.
It was an evil eye bracelet, or as your family called it, nazar. It was a gift from your Nani (grandmother); she said it would keep you safe from everything evil. You smile to yourself, thinking about her words and the warmth they still bring you.
If only there was someone else who loved you just as much now.
Hotch's knock on your bathroom door pulls you out of your trance, "Just a second!" You say adjusting your dress. 
Taking one more look in the mirror, you open the door, surprised by how good he looks. He always wore suits, but before you stands a man in a dark gray shirt, tucked into his trousers, his usually neat hair now slightly tousled, framing his face.
You smile at him, for a second forgetting that you're upset at him.
"I didn't know you had curly hair," he says, looking at you with a small smile on his lips. You mirror him briefly, putting on your earrings.
"It's hard to maintain, especially at work, so I just straighten it a lot." You had your hair moved to the side; you can't remember the last time he had looked at you for so long.
"It suits you."
"I get it from my mom. Everyone told me I look like my dad growing up, but the one thing I got from her is the hair," you say, looking for your shoes. Hotch is standing behind you, hands in his pockets.
"You don't talk about them much," he says, his tone softer now, more curious than probing.
"Once I start, I can't stop."
"I was the same way with Haley, especially around Jack. But there are people who care about you here, including me." You don't know when he came so close to you, his face now merely inches away, his presence suddenly more comforting than intimidating.
Suddenly, your perfectly guarded emotions come undone. "I have so many memories of her; it's an overflow sometimes."
"Then let's start small. What is your favorite memory?"
You let out a small smile, walking towards the dresser and pulling out the book to show him.
"Rapunzel?" he asks with amusement. "I didn't know you liked fairytales."
"My mother did. She used to read me a ton of them, but this one was my favorite."
Recognition flashes in his eyes as if he suddenly remembers something. "I'm sorry, it's not hard when people we love leave." He knows grief better than most people. Although you weren't there when Beth died, you can still see remnants of who he used to be underneath.
A man torn between the love for his wife and duty.
"I think you're wonderful despite everything you've gone through. I know it's easy to feel responsible for what happened, but it wasn't your fault," you say softly, still holding onto your book.
Hotch nods, taking his hands out of his pockets and resting them on your shoulders. It's hesitant, as if he's unsure, but you don't mind.
"I was mad at them for coming home so late," you whisper, meeting his eyes.
"My dad promised to watch a new movie with me. I waited by the door all night. But they never came. Today is her birthday, and I'm missing it."
"This is why you always take this week off?" He asks.
Nodding, you tighten your grip on the book. "I always visit her grave, and since they're buried together, I visit my dad's too."
Before you can take in what's happening, Hotch lets his hands fall from your shoulders with a look of determination. And before you can ask him about the welcome dinner he starts walking towards his keys. 
"Tell me where."
"W-What about the dinner?" You ask barely able to register the man in front of you. 
"We will have other opportunities. Right now, you should be with your mom on her birthday. I spent too long letting this job keep me from the people I love. I can't see it happen to you."
"It's all the way back home."
"That's alright. I can probably call in some favors and have the jet get us there in a few hours," he says earnestly.
You look at him, taken aback by his determination. "Are you sure? What about Strauss?" 
Hotch nods opening the door for you. "You're honoring your mother. I'll explain the situation, don't worry about her." 
How could someone not fall in love with him?
taglist: @zaddyhotch @mrs-ssa-hotch
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Follow You
Pairings: Sebastian x Reader
Summary: Sebastian finds you with Highwing and convinces you for a ride, resulting in an afternoon you won’t soon forget.
Warnings: kissing, fluff
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: This was requested by @scarydeadlavender . I got carried away by this idea — anyway, I hope you enjoy🥰
“What is that?”
You whirl around, drawing out your wand. Out of all of the places to be surprised, the Forbidden Forest was not at the top of your list. Actually, you would prefer not to be surprised at all, but nothing did as much as seeing a certain fifth year standing before you.
You do your best to appear nonchalant. “What’s…what?” You ask innocently.
Sebastian’s features are composed into a mixture of disbelief and amazement. You think, rather briefly, that he looks particularly cute like that, his eyes widen and mouth open. But then he gestures behind you, breaking your trance. “The hippogriff standing behind you?”
“Oh.” You turn back as if this is the first time you’ve realized. “Yeah. Um, this is Highwing.”
“And how do you know Highwing?”
The hippogriff regards you in a puzzled manner, inquisitive eyes glinting in the light slanting through the thick canopy above you. If she could talk, you figure she would probably be saying: and who is this?
You shake your head — you only have enough energy to answer one ridiculous question at a time, and better to answer the one posed not by your imagination. Sebastian stares at you, a single brow raised, as if waiting.
“Well, before I answer that,” you say, raising your chin. “What are you doing here? Did you follow me?”
It’s Sebastian’s turn to appear sheepish. “Yes. No.” A blush reddens his freckled cheeks. “Yes.”
“And why, pray tell?”
He recovers from his embarrassment quickly. The familiar light of mischievous determination ignites in his eyes. “I asked you a question first.”
Highwing tosses her head and grunts. Clearly, she’s sick of the evasive measures. You scowl. Resigned, you explain the adventure you had with Natty, how you snuck into the poachers base and freed the shackled hippogriffs. Sebastian listens carefully, without interruption, but his gaze occasionally drifts from you to the feathered beast behind you and back.
When you finish, his shoulders lift as if to say: I don’t know what I expected.
He replies simply, “I’m insulted that you go gallavanting around having wonderful adventures without me, but I suppose I can forgive you in the spirit of rescuing endangered creatures.” Sebastian rests his hands on his hips. “So, have you ridden it?”
“Her,” you correct. “And no, not since the night that we escaped.”
Sebastian frowns as if disappointed. “Why not?”
“I…I don’t know,” you admit.
“Do you think she would let us?”
You both turn to Highwing. The beast stamps her feet, then flexes her impressive wings, feathers rustling like leaves in the wind.
Sebastian grins. “I take that as a yes.”
“Okay, fine,” you finally concede. You review the proper procedures to approach Highwing with Sebastian, who waves you off. He executes the procedures perfectly, robes sweeping the leafy forest floor as he bows.
Highwing blinks. The slightest of a smile unfurls on your face as you watch the hippogriff dip her head, and allows Sebastian to stroke her beak.
He beams at you.
You climb onto Highwing first as she crouches down. Whispered words of encouragement leave your mouth. You thought that you were sparing yourself, having Sebastian at your back, but as his body falls into place, you realize you have made a grave mistake.
Sebastian’s chest is flush against your back. Every time you’re close to him, you’re reminded of how physically demanding he is, broad and strong and warm. His arms slide beneath yours and around your waist. The proximity is, frankly, intoxicating. Distractingly so. You swallow, and grab onto a handful of feathers near Highwing’s neck, hoping to refocus yourself.
“Ready?” Sebastian’s voice says, close to your ear, breath fanning across your neck.
You imagine how it would feel for him to kiss it.
Merlin’s beard, you chide yourself.
“Ready,” you say.
Then, before Sebastian can do anything else to unintentionally evoke inappropriate thoughts from you, you drive your heel into Highwing’s side. The hippogriff whinnies and her powerful body coils, before launching you both through the canopy of trees. Branches whip past your face then, as you explode into the open air, a cooling breeze greets you, pushing your hair back.
The Forbidden Forest disappears from view, and the rest of the landscape unfolds in front of you. Thick patches of forest, beautiful mountain ranges, and glimpses of glistening bodies of water. Your gaze races across it all, taking it all in without entirely believing that it was real, that you were really seeing this. In fact, you’re so immersed in the astonishing views that you temporarily had forgotten Sebastian was behind you.
He had been uncharacteristically quiet. You realize that, since sliding in behind you, his body has tensed and is now gradually loosening.
Highwing stretches her wings and soars over the tops of the trees. Wind rushes past your face.
Sebastian, seemingly without his permission, releases a cry of delight, one fist pumping into the air. You laugh. With Rookwood and everything that’s been going on, you haven’t had much reason for laughter, for the freeing sensation unfolding inside your chest. Soon you’re both howling and yelling into the wind, clasping your thighs tightly onto Highwing and holding out both arms as the hippogriff arcs over the countryside.
You finally direct Highwing to land on an expanse of field. Brightly colored flowers create an aisle as the hippogriff touches down. Sebastian hops off first, and offers you a hand as you dismount after him.
The smile on your face has begun to ache from the effort of keeping it, although you can’t seem to stop. Sebastian keeps your hand in his as he leads you through the field of tall grass and swaying flowers, the sound of your combined laughter joining with that of nature.
“Where are we going?” You giggle, exhilarated by your recent trip and the boy whose hand you’re holding.
Sebastian laughs and shouts over his shoulder, “I don’t know!”
He continues to guide you, hand in hand, through the field and down a hill. At the base of it is a small lake, teeming with lily pads and the shadows of fish flickering beneath the surface. It’s only as large as a standard classroom in the castle, but the sight of it thrills you. Sebastian releases your hand and runs to the water’s edge, before kicking off his shoes and wiggling out of his black and emerald school robes.
A strange heat pools into the pit of your stomach as he removes his vest and begins to work the buttons of his undershirt. When he catches you staring, he smirks. “Care for a picture?”
“Oh, bugger off,” you reply, laughing.
You stand a few feet from the shore as Sebastian wades in, clad only in his breeches. His back to you, you allow yourself to appreciate the sun in his dark hair, and the splash of freckles across his shoulders previously hidden from you now on display.
“Are you going to join me?” Sebastian asks. “Or have I made a fool of myself for nothing?”
You can’t help but grin. “You always look a fool,” you tease. You frown. “But I don’t want to get wet. How are we going to dry off?”
Sebastian beckons towards Highwing, who roams at the top of the hill, grazing. “I say that we’ll be fine. C’mon, don’t be a spoil sport.”
“Well, in fear of that.”
You avoid his gaze as you remove your school robes, shortly followed by your shoes and vest. Too embarrassed to discard much more, you fold your arms in front of your chest and slip into the cool embrace of the lake.
You and Sebastian frolic in the waters like children, giggling and splashing one another until you’re both drenched. It doesn’t take long for your fingers to wrinkle, and the sun to burn your faces, so you drag yourselves onto the shore and lay on the grass, basking in the warmth.
Content, you close your eyes.
“You never did answer my question,” you tell him.
You hear Sebastian shift beside you. Prying open an eye, you find that he’s much closer than you originally thought, merely inches away. He’s laying on his side, one hand supporting his head.
He asks, “And what would that be?”
“Why did you follow me into the Forest?”
Sebastian smirks, but the tone of his voice betrays him. Slightly anxious, lacking it’s usual bravado. “I was hoping you forgot about that, but clearly I was mistaken.”
“You could never be so fortunate,” you reply. “I actually have an impervious memory.”
“Is that why you cheated on my Potions exam?”
You swat him, smiling. “Stop avoiding the question.”
Sebastian sighs in a resigned matter. “Fine, if I must tell you, I was following you to ensure that no harm came to you.”
He nods. “Now, before you say something about how you’re perfectly capable of protecting yourself, I already know that quite well. I suppose that I just couldn’t help myself.” A look of guilt passes across his face. “I hope you aren’t cross with me.”
“No,” you say, softly. You digest this information the way that you might savor the last piece of a particularly delicious hard candy, rolling it over in your mind and enjoying the taste of it. “I think it’s rather sweet of you, actually.”
Sebastian’s expression changes again, this time in a way that renders you speechless. His handsome features soften, revealing a fragment of vulnerability that you hadn’t seen but once before. Using the hand not supporting his head, he captures a lock of your hair and gently, painfully intimate, tucks it behind your ear.
“I care quite a bit about you,” he breathes. “I shall like to do everything in my power to keep you safe. However much you allow me.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you feel your heart begin to beat furiously. “I care about you, too.”
“And I shall follow you to the ends of the Earth if necessary. Or, perhaps, just the Forbidden Forest,” he adds. A grin breaks his serious expression, although you sense that he’s still being genuine.
“I think that I would like to be followed by you,” you tell him. “As long as you allow a little following as well.”
Sebastian laughs, tilting his head back, and the sound fills you with light.
“I suppose that’s fair.”
In an desperately smooth maneuver, Sebastian closes the space between you. He rolls you onto your back so that he looms above you, one arm trapping your head while the other comes to rest on your cheek. His eyes dart to your lips.
“To following each other,” he says.
“To following each other,” you reply breathlessly.
He kisses you then, and he tastes of lake water and hard candy and sunlight, of adventure and love and friendship. And happily you sink into him — as much as you knew in your heart that you would follow him anywhere, you wished that you could remain in that moment forever.
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning To Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3 Warning; 18+ MDNI
35-Loofas and Killer Croc
Jason was mesmerized. 
After having a run-in with Killer Croc, Jay had come home to your apartment smelling like sweat and shit, a mixture neither of you liked. The mission was successful, and the only real injury left behind was his confidence in his cleanliness. So, when you ushered him into the shower, he hadn’t expected you to join. He stood there awkwardly as you ran the loofa across his chest, mumbling some bathtime song that had gotten stuck in your head. If someone had told him a year and a half ago that he would be washed by the pretty girl whose apartment he accidentally broke into--He wouldn't believe it. 
For a second, he was worried about how he looked before he remembered your words from a few weeks ago. You found him attractive--You always found him attractive. There had to be something handsome about him if you thought that. 
You turned around so he could scrub the loofa across your back, and he did so in big circles. After a few seconds of mental encouragement, Jason said, “Sweetheart, can I ask you something about what you said the other night?”
You spared him a glance over your shoulder, a bit confused by what he meant. “Uh, sure. You’ll have to remind me what I said.”
“Um,” He started. “What did you mean when you said you wanted to do things to my thighs?”
Jason watched in the warped reflection of the shower head to see a small smile cross your face. You glanced back at him again, this time looking him up and down. “Are you sure you want me to say?”
“Yes,” He choked out.
“Ride them, baby,” You said like it should have been obvious. “Kiss them. Maybe give ‘em a few hickies.”
Jason paused, rubbing the loofa to regain his composure. He could feel his cock start to twitch at your words. Focusing on a freckle on your back, he continued. “Really?”
“Yeah,” You sighed, leaning back until your head was on his shoulder. “Would you like that, Jason?”
“Yes,” Jason said so meekly, that he knew you knew it was the end for him. “I…”
Damn it, the words wouldn’t form on his lips. Something was holding him back. I want you, he wanted to say. I want you to ride my thighs and kiss me while doing it, was what he wanted to beg you to do. Jason once wanted to feel so vulnerable under your care because he knew you would take good care of him. Shit, even the idea was making it difficult to focus on keeping himself under control. 
“What about you?” You asked after a few minutes of silence. 
“What do you mean?”
You turned around so your back was facing the the running stream of water, washing off all the soap. Jason sucked in a breath, looking away so he could hear you without zoning out on your body. 
“What would you do to me, Jason?” When he glanced back at you, there was a teasing smirk on your cheeks. Fuck, he didn’t know how to answer, and he must have taken too long to respond because you leaned up to kiss his cheek before turning to cut off the water. “I think we’ve been in here too long. I’m starting to get hot.”
Jason spent the next couple of minutes as he stepped out with you to dry off thinking about what he would say, or even how to say it. He watched intently as you showed off your body to him, letting him gaze at every curve you had as you bent over and stretched. 
“I…” Jason started, catching your attention. He hadn’t even realized words were coming out of his mouth. “I don’t know what’d I do, but I would let you take whatever you wanted.”
“What if I want everything?” You said breathlessly. 
Jason let the towel drop from his hands as he stepped toward you. Surprised, you took a step away but, when he put his hands on your hips, he walked you back until you were pressed against the bathroom wall. Jason leaned down, kissing your lips briefly before pulling back to say, “Baby, I don’t think you understand.”
“What? Tell me,” You said, leaning up to press your lips to his but he pulled back just a bit. When he wouldn’t relent on giving you a kiss, you retaliated by running your hands down his chest. Stopping just above his cock before dragging them all the way back up around his shoulders. 
“I want you to have it all,” Jason said, so desperate for you to know. “I’m your’s.”
“Jay,” You whined. “You’re so sweet, I don’t deserve you.”
As he put his head in your neck, pressing sloppy kisses into your nape, pathetically saying, “Oh, baby, you do. You do.”
You ran your hands through the bit of hair on the back of his neck, relishing the way he held you so close as he continued to press kisses. Then, Jason let his hands slowly move up from your waist to the sides of your breasts, then dipping back down around you to your ass. He gave it a squeeze before moving his hand back over your breasts.
You responded by moving one of his hands from his neck, following the muscles down his front to right above his cock. You could feel it twitching against your leg, the tip grazing your thigh. 
“Jason.” He pulled back a bit, looking down at your hand before meeting your eyes. “Can I touch you?”
He opened his mouth for a second, then closed it again, before finally replying, “Please.”
When you first touched Jason, he shuddered, then put his face back into your neck as your hand slowly wrapped around the base of his cock. With each slow, gentle pump, he whimpered into your ear and it did things to you you couldn’t believe. 
Then, when your thumb swiped over the swollen, leaking tip, Jason trembled, taking his hands from your chest the hold himself up on the wall. You kissed the damp skin on his shoulder before doing it again, this time holding his cock a bit tighter as you jerked him off. 
“Babe--” Jason’s voice was cut off by another moan. 
You shushed him, and said, “You’re doing so good, honeybee. So good.” 
Jason moaned, thrusting forward just a little, testing to see if you would stop of he did. When you didn’t, he fucked himself into your fist, mumbling your name into your ear. The way his voice was huskily whispering your name and the feeling of his pre-cum all over hand and thigh was sending you on lowkey high that, if you had a bit more stimulation, would have made you cum, too. 
Jason loved the feeling of you touching his dick and the way you whispered so many sweet nothings into his ear. Your hot body pressed to his only made him lose his mind faster, then, the little sounds you made drove him wild. He wasn’t too sure you knew you were making soft whimpers, but he didn’t care as long as you didn’t stop.
Slowly, he could feel it all becoming too much. Your hands suddenly felt too hot and his skin felt like it was starting to burn, but by the time the feeling came, he was teetering on the edge of a hard orgasm. 
Jason’s thrusts got faster, his hands turning into fists on the wall, and he said, “Fuck, please, don’t stop. I’m gonna cum.”
The sound you made in Jason’s ear was what did it. It was something between a sigh and a moan, but it made him spill his cum all over your hand all the same. You kept pumping him until there was nothing left he could give. As he started to shake, you let him use you as support while his legs felt like jelly. 
“You did amazing, honeybee,” You kissed his cheek. “And so fucking good, too. I want you so bad right now.”
Jason smiled at you as he pushed himself away, trying to calm down from the orgasm and the feeling of being overwhelmed. He enjoyed it, he really did, but it was the anxiety of how new and sudden the experience was that got to him. You must have noticed by the way you touched his arm. 
“You okay?” 
He nodded, reaching into the shower for a damp cloth. “Just…it’s all new.”
“Wait,” You said, eyes wide. “You’ve never done this before?”
He took your cum-covered hand and wiped it clean, shaking his head as he did so. “I have. I haven’t done it for a while…A long while. And it’s new because it’s with you. I’m just overwhelmed, right now.”
“I see,” You said, watching as he wiped his pre-cum from your thighs. “If you want, Jason, we can just hang out. We don’t have to do anything further tonight.”
“I thought you wanted--”
“I do,” You said. 
Fuck, did you want to ride those thighs of his until you needed to take another shower, but you had to think about what Jason wanted, too. How he felt. And, it wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy a little servicing every now and then. Seeing how well you managed to untangle him, was well worth the cost of an orgasm. To be able to just touch him in such an intimate was well worth it. “But none of this is very much fun if one person is doing it because they feel like they have to. I want this to be safe and fun, to put it in a very corny kind of way.”
Jason pressed his lips to yours, loving you so much right now, before looking back down at the washcloth in his hand. “Sorry about the mess.”
You tilt his chin so he would look at you. “I am going to tell you this once, Jason, I will always love the mess you make. Especially when it’s because of me.”
“Thank you,” Jason said. “I think it’s me who doesn’t deserve you.”
You shook your head, thinking about touching him again, but the way he was inching back gave you the hint he didn’t want to be touched again. “Jason, I wish I could tell you how you deserved everything. Unfortunately, I don’t think we would ever have enough time for that.”
He blushed, looking down at the ground as he nodded. Satisfied enough with the reply, you suggested that the two of you actually get dressed before curling up to watch TV and order takeout. 
As you pulled on your clothes, stealing glances at Jason as you did, you thought of how lucky you were. And, how, day by day, you were learning to love him even more. 
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iamvegorott · 4 months
Fluff, huh?
How’s about Mare patching up Mad after an experiment goes wrong? With kisses after every bandage is applied?
“Marvin’s on his way,” Mare said as he sat down next to Mad. 
“I am not that hurt.” Mad protested with a huff. He and Mare both sat in chairs against a wall in his lab, as far away from the mess as possible. Broken glass and remnants from hosed-down flames were still strewn about and needed to be cleaned up.  
“Maybe not, but we both know how much you hate the feeling of burns.” Mare took a rag and gently cleaned off Mad’s arm, wiping away the blood and soot. “So, tell me how in the world this happened?” He said as he reached into the kit on the ground beside him and started rubbing anti-bacterial cream on the wounds. Was it more than likely that Marvin would heal and close these cuts? Yes. But was Mare still going to do all he could to ensure there was no infection? Also, yes.  
“I was testing a new experiment with smoke and apparently the chemicals and wood I was using didn’t agree with each other.” Mad sounded annoyed at himself, knowing he should have done more research into the ingredient’s compatibility before just going for it, but he’s been so impatient lately.  
“And this is why I’ve told you to start taking your time with these experiments.” Mare took some bandages and began patching the arm up.  
“But you don’t like it when I stay down here for too long.” Mad protested. “You say it's not good for me when I ‘forget sleep exists’.” He used his other hand to make the quotes and grimaced at the slight pain that caused.  
Maybe Mare did have a point.  
“It is not good for you,” Mare confirmed and pressed a kiss to Mad’s arm over the bandage, getting whatever protest Mad was going to make die off as he blushed instead. “And it’s much better when you’re in bed with me as long as possible~” Mare winked as he kissed another bandaged spot, further up Mad’s arm.  
“I mean-it is-it is nice-and-um-” Mad sputtered out as his cheeks turned an even darker shade of red.  
“You’re adorable.” Mare guided Mad to turn in his seat to face him while he was too busy sputtering even more in protest at the comment. “Very adorable.” Mare grinned as he started working on cleaning Mad’s other arm.  
“I am not. I’ve smashed in people’s heads before.” Mad was trying really hard to stop blushing but every time Mare spoke positively about him, his whole body got warm.  
“And you look adorable while doing it.” Mare was now spreading more of the anti-bacterial cream.  
“You’re just saying that to make me blush,” Mad muttered.  
“I’m just telling the truth, but the blush is a bonus. Your freckles stand out even more and make you look stunning.” Mare laughed when Mad just made noises, not even able to come up with words in response. The flirting was a perfect distraction while he took care of him and was now wrapping the arm up in bandages. “Although, you always look stunning~” Mare nearly sang and kissed up Mad’s arm, pressing his lips to each applied bandage.  
“I’m going to die if you keep that up.” Mad turned his head away, clearly beyond flustered.  
“I don’t think you will.” Mare used his hand to cup Mad’s cheek and have him look at him again. “I’d miss you too much and you’d miss me~”  
“I would,” Mad mumbled, eyes glancing down to Mare’s lips.  
“I know.” Mare chuckled and gave Mad what he silently asked for, leaning into a kiss. Mad was over any pout he had and melted into the kiss right away.  
“You two are just so cute.” Marvin’s sudden voice got Mad to flinch and Mare rolled his eyes. 
“It’s called knocking,” Mare said, looking over his shoulder to see Marvin at the entrance to the lab with a teasing smirk. 
“It’s called I tried, and you were too busy making out to hear.” Marvin shot back.  
“We were not!” Mad protested.  
“Sure, sure. Now let me see those limbs and heal them so you can get back to ‘totally not making out’.” Marvin exaggerated his voice.   
“We weren’t making out!”  
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
44. “I’m going to need you to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
This is going to feature a lot of Donnie staring wistfully but it's sfw, even if its a bit intimate asldjfk Also a shorter one because how long can I make this really.
Donatello lay on his stomach, waiting on the bed as Jase took the first shower. He personally didn't think he even needed one, but Jase insisted he did, and they both had a long day in the office so he might as well.
But after a few good morning kisses, his fiancé slipped to the bathroom before Donatello could manage to get up.
He tried not to doze as he waited, arms tucked under his head, but the mattress was so comfy. After months of Donatello refurbishing the building into the mutant apartment complex, and custom building a bed that his tall frame could comfortably lay on, it felt good to lounge around.
Despite the distance from his brothers, it started to feel like home.
It felt... strange. That he would often return to the lair to just spend time with his brothers or his dad, or to plan for missions, but these days coming back here and seeing Jase is what made his mind say, "I'm home." He couldn't place when his brain made the switch. It certainly wasn't when he first moved in.
But Jason being here helped.
The bathroom door connected to the master bedroom opened. Jase stepped out, towel around his waist while he used another to keep drying his hair. He didn't have his glasses on, making his eyes that much easier to see.
"Don't take too long." Jase took the towel off his head and hung it on the edge of the bed as he began to open drawers. "We have that big meeting at ten, and we need to..."
The words faded out fast as Donnie just continued to stare. At first he glanced over all the pale scars that dotted Jase's shoulders, a few trailing down his spine. One area in particular on his lower back had a much denser patch of freckles. He didn't have a lot of those, a few on his arms, one on his neck.
His gaze moved up to Jase's jaw, once again following the dots up to his ears. Then over to his eyes. They squinted as he filed through his ties, obviously struggling to see without his glasses. The skin between his eyebrows, at the top of his nose, held so many creases as he did. The eyebrows in question were thick, always messy after a shower, but they tended to straighten out throughout the day.
His hair was such a mess when wet, sometimes when it was dry as well, but the comb usually fixed that. And then Donnie would destroy all of the progress by nuzzling the top of his head.
He was struck with the temptation to do it now, but no doubt it wouldn't smell like Jase. Just that coconut shampoo.
Donatello stopped studying his fiancé's face, his gaze trailing down.
The sharp sound of his name snapped him back to attention.
Jason turned around, arms crossed. "Are you listening to me?"
Yeah, no, Donatello's gaze got fixed on the small amount of dark hair on Jase's chest. "Um..."
Jason scoffed and stepped over, tapping him on the forehead. "Wake up."
"Sorry." Donatello blinked, considering the fact his fiancé looked good at this angle. "But I'm going to need you to put on some clothes before you say anything else."
Jason kept his glare. "Donnie you see me like this on a regular basis these days."
"Yeah." He smirked and finally pushed himself up. "And every time I'm reminded of just how beautiful you are."
Ah, there was the blush, running all the way from his nose to the tips of his ears. "Ugh, whatever. Go get in the shower. You still have to get clean before we leave and you're wasting time."
"Well, next time we should just share the shower." Donatello stuck out his tongue.
"Hilarious." Jase tried to shove him out of the bed. "I know you. That would make us even later."
Donatello wouldn't admit that Jase, as usual, was right. Instead he just stuck out his tongue again and shuffled into the bathroom.
At least he had a hot shower to look forward to.
"Don't you dare take too long." Jase said from beyond the door. "I know how to cut the hot water off."
Donatello sighed. "Are you my business partner or my secretary."
"This meeting is important, Donnie."
"Okay, okay, but you're making it up to me later."
"It's your business!"
"Yours too now." Donatello smirked and turned the water on. "Especially since you agreed to marry me."
"That's not how that works, Donnie."
"Huh? What?" He pretended to shout. "Sorry, can't hear you over the water."
Donatello snickered and grabbed his brush before stepping into the shower.
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rfaromance · 2 years
12, 30, 36, 48, 49 for saeyoung & saeran? (sorry if this is a lot, if it's too many just pic your fave(s)!)
No worries, anon! I love the Choi twins, so it's my pleasure! ^^
Saeyoung 🚀
12) Favorite flowers
Saeyoung scrunched his nose as he thought about his answer. "I'm not the expert on flowers quite like Saerany is," he admitted, "but I'm a big fan of baby's breath and zinnia. I think Saeran said those mean everlasting love, and then lasting love even when you're apart. Let me check with him!"
30) Do you prefer to charm, or to be charmed?
Almost immediately, the redhead's face flushed a deep hue that could rival the color of his curls. "I'll whisk you away with my charm! But please... don't flirt back... I..." He began to laugh uncomfortably. "Don't do that to a guy like me, alright?"
36) Cloud gazing or star gazing?
Saeyoung smiled softly. "Stars. The stars tell stories from thousands of years ago. The stars are our ancestors. We are all made of stardust. Also... They're perfect decorations for a space station wedding!"
48) A walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
Saeyoung's eyes lit up immediately at the mention of the beach. "Let's kick around some sand! Catch some fish! Watch the sunset! Bury Yoosung in the sand while he naps on a beach blanket! Eh, we aren't taking him along?"
49) Answered here!
Saeran 💐
(Since the Saeran was not specified, I will assume GE!)
12) Favorite flowers
Saeran laughed lightly at the question. "Must I pick only one? Or will a few be alright with you?" Despite the whirlwind of words clearly brewing in his mind, as his glittering eyes betrayed, his answer was short. "Lily of the valley," he murmured with a gentle smile. "A promise of happiness. A whisper that someone makes your life complete." He paused, as though debating whether to continue. "I'm also fond of roses. Especially blue and red ones. They convey vastly different emotions, but... I think embracing all of one's feelings is important. Essential. And these days, I believe in miracles and in love."
30) Do you prefer to charm, or to be charmed?
Saeran lifted his hands and rested them gently atop his chest, right over his heart. "I've spent my whole life being the one cared for, the one protected, the weak one with no autonomy. I want to give back. Sometimes, that means charming the love of my life to the point of pouty cheeks and teary eyes. Heh."
36) Cloud gazing or star gazing?
"Clouds." Saeran's answer was swift and firm. "When I was a child, all I wanted to do was watch the clouds roll by in a clear, free sky. I can do that whenever I want now. But I also like debating the shape of the cloud. I think it's interesting that different people can see so many different things in the same cloud!"
48) A walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
"I... have to go with park." Saeran scratched his cheek shyly. "I prefer to be among trees and flowers. But perhaps more importantly..." His gaze flickered to the side, as if he were too embarrassed to make eye contact. "I need to work on my swimming before I will feel comfortable at the beach. Just in case."
49) Hand kisses or nose kisses?
At once, a deep scarlet flush blossomed on Saeran's nose and cheeks. "I. Um. When we were young and our mother would get in her... moods, Saeyoung told me that our freckles were beautiful. He said freckles were kisses from angels. That's why they appeared more on him than on me, because angels could only give extra kisses if we were outside in sunlight. Back then it was a story, but I can make it true. Because every time my love kisses my nose..." He lifted his hand and coughed slightly, as if trying to shield his increasingly red face. "Then I know my freckles really are kisses from an angel."
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mistydeyes · 1 year
I’m not sure if this is the correct way to ask for a mw3 pairing, if it’s not the correct way then I’m sorry. I’m also sorry that this ask will be so long..
. Red hair, shoulder length, feathery layers with bangs, waves that curl( ?)
. 5’3
.Green eyes
.Fair skin and freckles
. Nails are most often painted black
.shy with ppl I don’t know but I open up after awhile of knowing the person and that’s when I can actually relax and have fun
.not smart in the math category or anything like that
.puts other people before me, no matter how much I want something or whatever, the person I love will always come first
.gets overwhelmed easily in crowds or in places with loud noises or bright lights
.night owl, literally nothing helps me go to sleep anymore lol
.willing to try anything at least once
.tries to be nice to everyone even if they have done me wrong
.very oblivious when it comes to ppl flirting with me
.prefers staying in then going out but if I’m comfortable enough with the person who wants to go out I’ll be happy to go with them
Things I like
.bones and different oddities
.Old things
. Any iceberg video over something disturbing, something I can watch for hours over something I find interesting
.horror movies that make me think
.ancient history and archaeology
.museums and aquariums
.metal/rock music
What I like in a Partner
.someone older, taller, and stronger than me, i like it when I can feel protected and safe
.someone who has strong opinions cause I have hard time making decisions
.someone who doesn’t yell often or someone who isn’t loud cause loud noises stress me out
.I do like the mysterious and edgy types I can’t help myself
.someone who enjoys the same music I do
Future Aspiration
. I would like to be a forensic psychologist <3 or something similar
Simon "Ghost" Riley
How you met: Military Your time in the military was unconventional. While most people would picture you all geared up in the heat of battle, you had a different image of your time. Instead, you sat in a private office helping soldiers and their families following retirement from the army. You loved your job, your forensic psychology degree had trained you to do many things but you found this to be the most satisfying. As you looked at your next soldier for the day, you realized it was the famous Captain Price. He entered your office soon after, followed by three men. "Um, I thought I was seeing John Price today?" you asked confused. "Here to support, ma'am. Want to make sure our Captain is all set!" one of the shorter men with a mohawk replied. You gestured for them to get comfortable as you began to ask Price what he needed before returning home and provided him with a plan to stay active and happy. The whole time you lectured him, you couldn't help but notice a man with a signature ghost mask listening to your every word. You heard whispers about how he was handsome underneath it which you now believed seeing how his eyes sparkled in the afternoon light. With your last few words, you dismissed the men. The ghost masked soldier was the last to leave and he turned to you saying, "You do good work doc, we need more people like you."
A peek into your relationship: "Why do you watch this crap again?" Ghost asked as you were glued to another disturbing films iceberg video. You were settled comfortably in your bed, him with a book and you with your Youtube videos. You paused the ramblings of Wendigoon to answer your partner. "Because it's interesting," you responded before he laughed and placed a kiss on your forehead. "You're an odd one, love" he said. "You didn't say that when I brought our two kittens home" you replied defensively, now turning to face him. "Ah that's right, there is a reason I picked you," he joked before giving you a more loving kiss. "Mhmm now let me get back to this, I wanna see what's at the bottom" you said triumphantly before Ghost returned to his book, loving his life with his unique significant other.
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memoryofapricity · 2 years
not like this. DaiSuga
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 – 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮!!
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 – 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐊ō𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐒𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 – 𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬
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Sawamura Daichi. captain of Karasuno High's boys' volleyball club, a responsible student, and a reliable friend.
a friend.
that's all I am to him.
some might even say we're best friends, since we're in the same class and club, live close by, and spend a lot of time together.
he is my closest friend.
he's always been there for me throughout high school. whenever I needed comfort, he'd come running, regardless of the situation. ..how could I not love him?
I'm in love with my best friend.
it's not necessarily a problem on its own...
the problem is the lively ex-captain of the girls' volleyball team; Michimiya Yui. also known as Daichi's girlfriend.
I can't stand her. she's perfect in every way. unsurprisingly good at many different sports, but somehow she's also at the top of her class.
they're a good match, obviously. perfect on paper; a text book example of a compatible couple in theory.
they'll both grow up to achieve something great in their lives, like having stable careers and a beautiful family.
and I have to sit in silence, watching them from the sidelines. I have to see the smile on her face whenever he kisses her cheek. I have to see his tense shoulders relax every single time she hugs him.
I have to watch the love of my life loving someone else.
I've tried everything to get rid of these feelings.
I tried taking space. I really did try staying away from Daichi, but it's impossible when we see each constantly in school. the moment he'd look at me and say my name, all of the love I was trying to conceal deep inside, came bubbling back to the surface.
all it took was one "Suga!" from him...
I even tried going on blind dates.
I still remember this one light brunette boy. he had very faint freckles on his cheeks. they even spread over his nose. if I'm being honest, he was quite cute.
his eyes sparkled with excitement when he looked into mine. so very different from Daichi's determined, serious gaze.
we hit it off, actually. he was really sweet and easy to talk to, clearly a good listener.
he's boyfriend material, I thought, but something felt wrong.
at the end of the date I told him: "I can't do this."
he smiled and nodded sadly.
"I knew something was off."
"I'm sorry..."
"don't be. I hope it works out with the one your heart belongs to."
hah, I wish.
I'm not sure how much longer I can take it.
but then, Daichi asked me to help him with shopping.
"your gifts are always so appropriate and fitting, no matter who you're giving it to", he reasoned.
that's because my love language is gift giving.
so there I was, walking around Sendai, helping Daichi find a present.
"I can't help you if I don't know who this gift is for", I told him.
"it's for Michimiya", he replied, unwavered.
of course it's for the girlfriend. is their one year anniversary coming up? or maybe her birthday..?
why should I care...
because I just want to do the right thing and help Daichi.
"what's the occasion?"
"um. I'm actually breaking up with her..."
it felt like time, along with my heart, stopped.
what could drive him to break the heart of a girl like her?
it seemed like Daichi read my mind, since he answered the question: "I think I'm in love with someone else."
of course his heart was set on someone else already. when would my turn be? after I've finally moved on and am getting married to someone else? is that when he's going to realize he could've been with me all these years?
"who could be better than Michimiya?" I asked without thinking about what came out of my mouth.
only afterwards did I think about how much nicer I could've sounded.
Daichi was silent and stopped walking.
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you", he whispered, "not like this."
it hurt. he wouldn't even tell me the whole story. I thought he considered me someone he trusts, but I guess I was wrong.
"okay, I'll help you find a gift... for breaking up", I chuckled bittersweetly.
we ended up getting her a generic self-care gift basket with lotions and candles.
"this is very traditional, but I don't think you need anything exceptional for... a breakup", I said, a little uncertain.
I've never thought of getting a gift for someone I'm breaking up with.
Daichi was even going to take her out to eat something before doing it. it sounded bizarre to me, but I guess that's what he thought a considerate partner would do.
I wished him luck on the day of the break up.
I was confused. I wasn't sure what I was feeling exactly. I'd always despised Michimiya, eventhough she'd never been nothing but nice towards me. but now, hearing that Daichi was going to leave her out of the blue, I started feeling bad.
at first I was happy to hear that Daichi would be single, but after hearing the reason, it turned into guilt.
it was as if I'd taken a step forward, towards the possibility of a romantic relationship with Daichi, and immediately got knocked down, stumbling two steps backwards.
I hadn't heard of Daichi for a couple hours. I was a little worried, in all honesty. did it go badly?
suddenly I heard the doorbell.
"Kōshi! go open the door", my dad yelled.
I groaned as I got up. they're closer to the door, so why can't they get it?
I opened the door to see none other than Sawamura Daichi, standing at the front porch.
"Daichi? why are you here?"
he looked like he'd run here, with his cheeks red and puffed.
"can we.. can we talk?" he breathed out.
"sure", I said, worry lacing my tone before I grabbed a hoodie to pull on and slipped outside.
"is everything alright?" I had to ask.
"yeah, everything's fine. I did it. I'm no longer together with Michimiya", he announced proudly, as if it was something to gloat over.
"good for you", I sounded harsher than I meant to, "are you going to go after that new crush, then?"
"I wouldn't say new... I feel like it's always been there, I just now realized it..."
I just sat on the stairs without saying a word. my chest hurt, and I knew if I opened my mouth, Daichi would be able to hear the heartbreak from my voice.
"I feel like I took too long. I've been completely blind", he kept rambling, "I've made you wait for so long."
... what..?
"yes, Suga", his tone turned softer as he took my hands into his, holding them firmly.
his hands were cold, but I didn't mind. I looked into the fierce brown eyes, so full of certainty.
"it's you... it was you, this whole time."
am I dreaming?
I pinched myself. I touched Daichi's cheek.
it was all real. this was happening.
"you're the one I love, Kōshi."
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1103
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧: 29th of October, 2022
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Another WIP scene because I can't quite connect the pieces yet. @redreart
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John Seed x Esther
Esther stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her to find John looking out the window at the sunset. Only half dressed and seemingly lost in thought.
"Somethin on your mind hummingbird?" She cocked her head to one side as he turned to her. He grinned as he ran his eyes over her.
"No not really. Just work for the project."
She walked over to him, her hips swaying in a way he deeply appreciated.
"That one's new. I haven't seen it before." She lightly ran her delicate fingers over a tattoo of a hummingbird on the left side of his chest right near his heart.
His cheeks flushed slightly, a little embarrassed that she'd seen it. He'd gotten it while she still lived in Atlanta. Having missed her terribly every time he'd left her to return here.
"It...um. It reminded me of you. When I was away." He spoke softly. As though he expected her to mock him for being foolishly sentimental.
"So it's not a project tattoo?" She looked up at him, leaning closer, tracing the lines of the hummingbird.
The corners of his mouth twitch a brief smile. "No. This one's just for me."
"Oh, a secret. I didn't think you were allowed to have those."
"Joseph doesn't need to know everything." His hand trailing up her arm.
She pulled away from him. "You do them yourself right?"
"Mostly, except when placement would make it too challenging."
She sat on the bed beckoning him to join her. He was curious as he sat. Boldly running his hand up her bare thigh. Her skin was soft as silk. She didn't stop him when he reached under the towel making light circles along her hip. He didn't like when she teased him. A bad habit of hers that he intended to break her of, when she was finally ready.
Her body seemed to flush. He wouldn't go any further than she wanted. She knew that. Still she sometimes wondered if his patience would wane and he'd grow bored of her. She looked at him through her long lashes, biting her lip. His pupils were blown, his breath still as he stared down at her thigh. His eyes following the trail his hand had made. Waiting to see where this was going.
"Give me one." She whispered.
His eyes shot up to meet hers. "What?"
She placed her hand over his,where it rested on her hip. Guiding it closer to the junction between her thighs.
"Here. Give me one right here."
Shocked by her sudden forwardness, he cleared his throat. Trying desperately to ignore the throbbing of cock and focus on her request.
"It'll hurt. Especially there. It's sensitive."
"I know but I still want you to."
She ran her hand through his hair. He licked his lips swallowing back the deep groan building in his throat.
"W...what did you have in mind?"
She leaned close to him, her lips brushing the shell of his ear, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine.
"You're the only one who's going to see it. It's your claim to stake, so you decide how to mark me John." She purred, nipping at his ear. "Please."
He stood, pulling away. "Wait here." He strode quickly through the door.
She waited impatiently. Squirming at the growing heat in her core. She jumped a little, startled when he finally returned.
"Are you sure?" He asked,preparing the tattoo gun. "You can say no."
She nodded her head, the freckles dappling her skin highlighted by the deepening flush of arousal. He sat down on the bed, gently laying her down.
"I'll be as gentle as I can but try not to move."
Shifting the towel out his way he began to tattoo her tender flesh. Trying not to let the heady scent of her distract him. It suddenly crossed his mind to pause his task and taste her. To see if she tasted as sweet as she smelled. He glanced up at her as he worked. She was doing her best not to move, though he knew it hurt. He was done fairly quickly, having chosen to give her something small.
A bee and his initials. For HIS buzzy little bumblebee.
He placed a gentle kiss on the fresh mark before dressing it. Looking up at her again, he lightly ran his fingers over her folds. Finding her wet and making her jolt. He ignored his own aching need and moved to lay down beside her. Pulling her close to simply hold her.
She whined in protest when he stopped her hand as she tugged at his waist band. Knowing full well that this was the most intimate thing she'd ever done with anyone. Not wanting to get caught up in the moment, take things too far and risk having her regret it.
"Not a good idea. That's going to be sore for a few days."
She sighed relenting. Closing her eyes and snuggling into him. He pulled the covers over them and ran his fingers through her hair. as she relaxed and drifted off. Content to listen to her soft breathing until he drifted off himself.
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