#but why did they change the colors…the new neon colors just freaks me out for some reason
saturngalore · 7 months
too many blank blogs just followed me…how am i supposed to know that some of y’all are real and some not 😭😭
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Guys focus on the important questions
OK OK so new trailer. No Cole, Jay, or Zane this time, people are freaking out about the Krux and Lilly lookin guys, but I'm here to ask.
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I mean the obvious answer is that they're just the generic villain faction with little to no importance or depth BUT they look cool and I wanna know what they are OK like where did they come from the little skrunklies.
ALSO while all the mechs are doing their race thing there's just this guy cruising along at the back
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Just some random neon futuristic cyclops chilling and just for that frame I love them already like look at them they're so silly
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I feel like this guy is just some oni or dragon or smthn. Like... the purple markings... that or some newly introduced species. Or they'll pull a Benthomaar and just never explain it. Also I find it hilarious how we already have Cole using hammers and stuff and then this random guy comes in and not only flexes on him by actually appearing in the trailer but then one ups him by whipping out a massive warhammer with more gold abd over the top accents like dang bro he's not even HERE. (I'm sorry)
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Honestly I just saved this for personal use if I end up drawing Sora. Also give them cat claws for weapons. I don't really have any particular reason except for it'd make for awesome action scenes and be thematically fiting.
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Okay everyone is focusing on "Oh it looks like Lilly" but are we gonna talk about the puzzle dice thing the magician dude is holding. That looks like something plot relevant.
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Okay so this kinda looks like the realm of madness what with the grundle (they're called smthn I CAN'T REMEMBER IT craglings??? ) looking guys, the purple mist, the atmosphere... which If so is awesome because that place kind of just vanished after season 1. That, or it could be the spirit cove, what with.. yknow.. the dragons... or it's some random other realm that will never be seen again. That too.
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Also, I will say, seems like a pretty odd choice to have two random ice dragons in Cloud Kingdom.
Honestly I'm going to point out that these ice dragons and the big dragon at the end of the trailer have the exact same color scheme - especially on the wings - as Zane and Cole's dragon forms, respectfully. (But I will also point out that both ice dragons have this color scheme so I'm like 99% sure that's just a coincidence and they just wanted to give them cool gold accents.)
I WILL say, this is probably the most excited I've been for a Ninjago season ever since Master of the Mountain 👀 and to those worrying about Cole, Jay and Zane - Cole and Jay are in the first trailer, don't worry about it. It'll make more sense when the season comes out, I'm willing to bet that the new characters are going to take the lead and the Ninja are gonna have side plots.
Also personally I don't think that's Lilly - or at the very least, not the Lilly we know - primarily because I don't really see why they'd bring her back over literally anybody else, since out of all our dead characters she never really was intended to have any sort of story or arc, she had her story a long time ago when she was a ninja. She already did her thing. Her role is entirely in the marks she left on the world. If they were gonna do something with a Ninja's parent I don't think she'd be the go to pick. But that's just me.
It'd be interesting if she WAS, because that'd mean another Cole arc which YES PLEASE, but I don't think it's likely.
I'm not gonna touch up on the krux guy because it'd make a lot of sense but like why hide his face with nothing more than a tiny visor if you're gonna make some sort of reveal. I mean if it is Krux then this is the guy who disguised himself as Dr. Saunders but now he can't even fathom changing his hair style. I feel like if it is krux then the whole thing is a red herring to get the community talking when really we'll just be told "Oh yeah that's krux" when the episodes come out, or it'll turn out to be a completely different guy.
Okay Byeee
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 1)
summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 2875
warnings: smut... sort of (oral f receiving), voyeurism/exhibitionism (kinda?), touch of angst, lots of pining and awkwardness, jealous bucky being jealous, alcohol use (reader gets drunk)
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Nothing annoyed you like being surrounded by stylists and being primped and prodded for hours at a time.  It made you feel claustrophobic to be touched so much: makeup artists only inches from your face, tailors watching you change, hairstylists nearly spraying you in the eye or burning you on the forehead every few minutes.
Not to mention how uncomfortable it was to actually be in the whole get-up once they were done.
But, such was the nature of a red carpet event.  This one was going to be particularly bland because it wasn't even a premiere or awards event but a launch party for a perfume campaign.  How lame is that?  It's one of those things that really only exists so that there can be pictures of it to put in a magazine, because they're always running out of good pictures of celebrities to publish.
Finally all dolled up to the point that you didn't look even very much like yourself anymore, your assistant accompanied you downstairs and into your driveway where your car was waiting; and, more importantly, its driver and your driver, Bucky.
He was a gruff sort of guy; certainly a man of few words and many brooding glares.  Sometimes you thought he didn't like you— like maybe he resented your fame or something— but then he'd turn around and be so sweet all of a sudden and you didn't know what to think.  For one, he demanded to open the door for you every time you got out of the car.  Sometimes he even extended his hand for you to grab on to, which was especially useful for red carpet events when you were usually wearing skinny heels that were impossible to balance on.
Such was the case tonight as well, and you smiled up at him as he helped you out of the car and up towards the steps of the venue.
"Thank you," you smiled at him, and he barely smiled back.
"Have a good night, madam," he suggested, a formal stuffiness to the way he addressed you.
You nodded,  "You too!"  That made you pause, though, because you weren't sure what his night would entail at all.  "Say, what is it that you do when I'm at an event like this?"
He seemed confused by your question.  "Um, I sit in the car and wait until you're ready to leave."
Guilt seared in your chest and you frowned.  "That's it?  You don't, like, go out?  Catch a movie?"
"Nope.  That would prevent me from doing my other job, which is watching the points of entry to make sure there aren't any threats to security going in."
"Right…" you trailed off.  "You could always come in, you know, grab some free drinks and stuff."
"I thought you didn't want any of your team following you around at events."
"Yeah, don't follow me around, just mingle and kill some time!"
Bucky shook his head.  "If I'm not there as your driver or as your security, then I'm not there."
You shrugged.  "Suit yourself, but please feel free to, like, get some food or whatever you wanna do while I'm in there!  Don't just wait on me!"
He smiled, but it looked a little rehearsed. "Thank you, madam."
You realized he'd been holding your hand through the entire conversation, cause you'd asked him your question midway through getting out of the car.  Awkwardly, you finally dropped his hand and waved goodbye, escorting yourself up the last few steps and into the door.
God, he must think I'm such a freak.
God, she must think I'm such a freak.
Bucky munched on the sandwich he'd had delivered (yes, to the car, how else was he supposed to get it?) as he dutifully watched the entrance.  Against your advice, he had every intention of just sitting around and waiting for you, but he wasn't bored; he had a Mets game on the radio to keep him company.
"— top of the third, bases loaded, DeGrom is at the plate with one swing left aaaaaand… he strikes out!"
"Shit," Bucky grumbled to himself around a mouthful of pastrami.
Glancing up, he saw someone stumbling out of the party: squinting, he realized it was you.  He looked at the clock with a furrowed brow, noticing it was a little earlier than he'd thought you'd leave, but then he saw that there was someone with you… a guy.
Bucky set his sandwich down and turned the key in the ignition as he watched you pull your phone out of your clutch— ostensibly to text him to bring the car around, but he was already ahead of you, quickly exiting the parking lot and circling the building so he could pull up at the steps.  He was about to get out to open the door for you but this random guy did it instead, before tumbling in after you.
"That tickles!" you protested with a giggle as your new friend started to kiss your neck, his hands all over you before Bucky had even gotten the car moving.
You were too drunk and distracted to notice that the partition was still open.  Of course Bucky had considered closing it, in fact he wanted more than anything to close it so he wouldn't have to see this, but some sick part of his brain needed to see it.  How else could he know if something went wrong and he had to get back there and stop it?  How else would he keep you safe?
How else would he get to find out how you sound when you're being touched like this?
He couldn't see too well with it being the middle of the night and all, but every time he drove past a streetlamp or particularly bright neon sign, the colorful glow would shine in and cast light over your neck where your head had fallen back in pleasure; or your collarbones, exposed where your dress had been pulled down; or your chest, rising quickly with the speed of your panting breaths.
Ogling you in the rearview mirror made him feel like a total creep, but it satisfied a bit of the urge he'd been feeling ever since he started driving you.  He wasn't actually a driver, at least not usually; he was more or less your bodyguard at this point, but you were really adamant about having a small detail and so that was why he was working double-duty tonight… and why he'd been doing so for almost three months now.
"Baby," you gasped, and his eyes shot right back to your reflection; you were writhing against the seat, and he could just barely see the top of the guy's head where it was buried between your legs.  You took your bottom lip between your teeth, lips curling into a relaxed smile.  His cock was not only hard but throbbing at this point, as if that was going to do him any good.  He barely ever got to look at you, and he knew he would never, ever be able to touch you— beyond holding your hand as you stepped out of the car, at least.  Whenever he did that, he imagined for a moment that he wasn't your driver at all but your date, that he would get to keep your hand as he guided you down the red carpet with him.  Not that he wanted any of the attention that you got, of course, but at the same time he did like the idea of all those photographers snapping pictures of his arm around your waist, or you looking up at him with your hand on his chest.  They'd all run stories wondering what a beautiful, successful, massively talented woman like you was doing with a guy like him, but he wouldn't find the energy to care about crap like that if he had you all to himself.  
Another whimper from you pulled him out of his daydream, reminding him to focus on the road as best he could.  He knew you would hate him if you knew that he'd thought about you like that.  Or if you knew about all those times he'd checked in on you while you slept at night and lingered a bit too long.  Or if you knew that he had rewatched that one sex scene you'd done in your last movie about a thousand times.  It always broke his heart to see you underneath some other guy (his name was either Dermot Mulroney or Dylan McDermott or possibly Dermot McDermott?) and yet it turned him on like nothing else to watch you immersed in pleasure.  Similarly, now, he couldn't stand knowing it was someone else making you moan the way he was hearing, but it was the best he was ever gonna get.
"Oh god," you sighed, "fuck, yes, yes, oh my god yes—"
His grip tightened on the steering wheel and it must have been the noise of the leather stretching that made you notice him; as if every dream and nightmare of his was coming true at once, your gaze met his in the reflection of the rearview.
He was so screwed, and he was totally going to get fired tomorrow, but he couldn't look away.  Your eyes were like dark magic the way they pulled him in, kept him locked on you as his face started to burn so hot it could cook an egg.  
Staring you down, he saw your mouth fall slack as your hands reached down to grab your date's hair and tighten into fists.  Shivers shot down his spine as he imagined the way it would feel if you pulled his hair like that.  
The longer you kept looking at him, the more a very dangerous thought danced in the back of his mind…
What if she wants me to watch?
Which, even more concerningly, started to slowly morph into another idea…
What if she wants me?
He was sure you were coming.  It wasn't obvious; you didn't say anything, didn't moan too loud, didn't scream or sob or call out any names (which made it easier to pretend it was for him) but he could tell.  Your swollen lips were parted silently as he watched your breath catch in your chest, and your hands clenched around fistfuls of hair.  What he would give for you to pull his hair like that, and come for him like that— except he wouldn't have stopped there, unlike your current companion who was already moving back up your body to kiss you hungrily.  
He'd always thought you had really pretty hands, and they looked pretty good sliding over the back of this guy's suit jacket, but he liked them best when they gently pushed him off.  "We're almost there," you mumbled as Bucky turned the car into the driveway, using his fob to open the gate.  
Once he'd come to a stop outside your door and turned off the engine, the three of you exited and stood up as you yawned and stretched.
"You'll take Jack here home, right?" you asked Bucky quickly.
"It's Jake…" the man corrected with hesitance.
"Right, Jake," you smiled, "you'll take him to his place, right?"
Bucky gave the guy a smile dripping with gloating contempt, loving the disappointed look he was wearing as he realized he wasn't going to be spending the night in your bed.  "It'd be my pleasure," he announced coldly.
"Great, thanks," you sighed.  Standing on your tiptoes to give the guy a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the shoulder, you thanked him for a great night and made your way into the house.
Jake looked around in confusion for a moment before getting back in the car along with Bucky, sighing and running his fingers through his hair.
"What address am I going to?"
"Uh, 333 15th Street, in Brooklyn," the guy replied, pausing to let out a soft but incredulous laugh as the car began to move.  "Level with me, man: does she… do this kind of thing, a lot?  You know: bring guys over, make it seem like something's gonna… happen, but then just send ‘em back home and never call again?"
With a silent glare, Bucky rolled up the partition.
You heard the front door, even from your current location of the shower upstairs, and knew Bucky was home— okay, not exactly ‘home’ since he didn't leave here full-time, but home in the sense that he was in your home and in the place he would be staying tonight.  You just hoped he'd actually stopped the car before kicking Jake out; he never cared much for when you had guys over or really just interacted with guys at all, because of the "security risks" or whatever.
Next, you heard him coming up the stairs and passing by your door.  "Hey, Bucky, you out there?" you called to him.
"Yeah, what is it?" he answered through the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just—" you stopped when you heard the crinkling of paper.  "What is that?  Do you have food?"
"Um, yeah," he answered.
Your stomach growled; the event had only had tiny hors d'oeuvres, and the alcohol in your system enhanced your desire for a midnight snack.  "What kinda food?"
"It's a sandwich— well, what's left of one: I was eating it while I waited for you."
"Are you gonna finish it?" you asked curiously.
"No, I was thinking I'd put it in the fridge for tomorrow."
You paused a bit before asking, "Can I have it?"
"Yeah, sure, you can get it in the morning—" he began.
"No, now!" you clarified.
There was a pause before he responded.  "Right now?  In the shower?"
"Yeah, just bring it in here!"
"I-I'll let you finish showering first—" he stammered.
"No, Bucky," you whined, "just come in here!  I'm hungry!"
Another pause before he finally opened the door, his blurry figure visible through the steam-covered frosted glass. 
"What's on it?" you asked as you washed the last of your shampoo out of your hair.
"It's pastrami on rye with jalapeños, fresh mozzarella, pesto and some sort of spicy aioli or something."
"Ooh, come to mama," you purred as you reached over the top of the door with opening-and-closing grabby hands, squeeing with glee when he placed the wax paper package in your grasp.
"Okay, enjoy your drunken shower sandwich," he congratulated grimly, about to turn and leave.
"No, wait, where'd you get this?" you asked as you leaned out of the stream of hot water to unwrap your bounty.
"Uh, you know the deli on 8th and Columbus?"
"You went all the way out there?"
"No, I had it delivered."
You snorted with laughter.  "Couldn't leave me alone for even a minute, huh?"
"Well, I fully intended on leaving you alone for this shower."
But you didn't really notice that comment because you'd just taken a bite and couldn't stop yourself from moaning loudly around it.  "Oh my god, Bucky, this is so good!"
He cleared his throat.  "Uh, glad you like it."
"You have good taste in sandwiches!"
"I think the word for 'taste in sandwiches' is just 'taste,’” he pointed out, his smirk audible in his voice.
"Can we go to this place tomorrow and you can order for me?"
"We can do whatever you want tomorrow," he relented.
"If you drive, I'll pay,” you offered.
"I always drive.  And you always pay,” he pointed out.
You frowned, not visible to him through the steamy glass.  "I do?"
"You pay my salary, so, yeah…"
You laughed, a little too hard. "You're so smart!"
"Sure,” he replied quickly.
“Okay, I’m almost done in here,” you informed him.
“With the sandwich or the shower?” 
You laughed with a little snort, which would’ve embarrassed sober you.  “Both!”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it then,” he replied, starting to go back out the door.
“See you tomorrow, Bucky,” you waved even though he couldn’t see it.
“I don’t know that I will,” he admitted, “you’ll probably be hungover and lock yourself in your room all day.”
“Hmm, possibly,” you agreed as you pondered that.  “Then I guess just ‘goodnight,’ and I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Goodnight,” he replied and stepped out of the bathroom— you could hear him go downstairs and shut the door to his room, and you glanced down at the last bite of your/his sandwich with a smile.
You must have gotten in bed at some point, cause that was the last thing you could really remember before you woke up a bit before noon, bright orange sunlight shining directly on your face where it rested on the pillow.  You groaned and turned over, feeling like your brain was too big for your skull.  You sat up when you saw a menagerie of unfamiliar items on your nightstand.  A bottle of pedialyte, a bottle of Fiji water, a few aspirin, an orange and a banana waited for you in a pile, with a little piece of paper sitting in front which you read.
Hope you’re feeling alright, these might help in the meantime.  -B
You smiled, twisting open the Fiji and taking a sip.  Bucky always took such good care of you, even in ways he didn’t need to.  What would you do without him?
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chanandlersstuff · 3 years
The seasons pass and the heartbreak too
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader.
Summary: Life its a funny thing or maybe whats meant to be will find his way back together.
Word count: 1.927
Author’s note: This is the second part from this one and I was thinking that those two deserve some closure, so it will be one more part and that's it. Hope you like it. English is my second language so sorry for the misspellings. The song that inspired this part is "Nineteen" from Dylan, it's really good and some parts of it are on the story.
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After leaving Charles at the airport that day, you didn't hear from him anymore until maybe the next year because having almost the same group of friends it was pretty hard not to know about him. One day while you were on a long call with Pierre he told you that he was dating a beautiful girl and that he seemed happy. That instead of breaking your heart completely made you happy because he was happy again. The love you had for him prevented you from being sad about it. Pierre also told you that Charles was having a great season and that also made you happy. Months passed and you didn't hear from him. You were getting better and better at your dream job, becoming more important in the business. The F1 life was little forgotten in your life but always alive in the back of your mind.
Summers, birthdays and seasons passed and Charles was achieving all his F1 goals. One night while having dinner with Pierre in some part of the world talking about life he told him that you were dating some guy and that you were happy. Charles’ fork stopped mid air when he heard the news and to Pierre surprise a smile appeared in his face, a genuine smile. He was happy for you, after all the last time he saw you was nearly three years ago and he didn't hate you, he had incredible affection towards you but that was it. Charles had no love interest in his life anymore but none of that had nothing to do with you.
Sometimes he wondered what were you doing with your life, if you achieved all your dream goals, if you were fine, all that kind of stuff. Even one time he almost dialled your number only to see if you had the same number and if you would answer him but that idea turn into a stupid one the second he almost tuch your contac name. You, on the other hand, while exploring new places or when you saw something that you thought would be fun for him, you couldn’t contain your brain from thinking about him and smiling. His name always on your phone but never used. Happy memories from the time you spend together, while being friends and lovers, no hold grudges.
One day while you were crossing the street, coffee in hand and sunglasses in your eyes, your mind deep down in work, someone shouting your name brought you back to reality and the voice was so familiar. You lowered your sunglasses to see better and when the window car next to you lowered too your heart seems to beat a little slower or everything happens in slow motion. He was there in his matt black Ferrari with the Monaco flag across the car and the 16 on one side. Charles Leclerc in the flesh, shouting your name in the red light of a street. With a smile on your face you walked to the passenger side of the car and you crouched a little to see him better.
-I wasn't entirely sure it was you.- Charles said smiling.
-So you took your chances shouting at me I see.- He nodded and you laughed. -How are you?
-Fine, fine. What about you?- The two of you were smiling like little kids on Christmas night.
-I’m fine too.- Looking at his face you notice that he hasn't changed that much. His face was more mature and his beard from a couple of days the same as you remembered. The honk of other cars brought you back to reality -It was fantastic to see you again but I'm going late to a meeting and those drivers are getting pissed.
He frowned a little and moved his head to see the cars behind him. -Oh. Yes, it was great seeing you again.- He smiled and you smiled back. You straightened and took two steps back. -WAIT.
-¿Yes?- Your voice was sweet.
-You ....eh....we….- You giggle because he was the same nervous Charles you remember when you were little.
-¿Yes Charles?.- He laughed and cleared his throat.
-I was thinking if you could give me your number.- You raised your eyebrows. -To stay in touch I mean, if you want of course.
You smile and from one of the pockets of your bag you pulled out your card. -Gimme a call whenever you want.- Your fingers touch and a familiar, not so forgotten, feeling travels through your bodys. -Bye Charles.
A week later you were walking towards him in whiteh trousers and shoes, a black tank top, sunglasses and hat. The “friendly lunch”, as he said, was in a restaurant in front of the water and the summer in the air made the day perfect. It wasn't a date at all, it was two friends who hadn't seen each other in a while catching up.
With a bottle of water in the middle, because he had to drive and you weren’t going to drink wine alone, the conversation flowed as easy as all those years ago. Laughs that made the stomach hurt and tears appeared in the corner of your eyes while the two of you remembered long time memories and funny histories.
The way he kept switching languages as easy as breathing and the sun that was coming down, illuminated your skin making you glow in his eyes and your smile, gosh it was the brightest smile he'd ever seen. Everything was so easy going and funny, like a picture perfect. As if the two of you have never walked away from your lives, as if you have talked every day for the past few years.
-Do you remember that night when we went to that awful party and we ended up drinking coffee in that spot we used to like so much?- He said when you came down from the laughter.
-It was the same day that your mum almost kill us because we were minor and we stunk at cigarettes?- The scene coming to your brain as it was yesterday and he nodded. -Oh yes, I remember. Some dude spilled his drink in my dress and it had a huge stain on it.
-Yes, that blue dress looked so beautiful on you.- You didn’t remember the color, but apparently Charles did.
-I was a mess Charles.- You tried to argue with him.
-A hot mess.- He said in a low tone hoping, praying that you didn’t hear him but you did and didn't say anything about it trying to not ruin the nice day you were having.
-Do you remember that day you called me late at night to pick you up at that random bar?- You said and he burst into laughter at the memory.
-Oh god yes. I almost came out of that bar crawling and you were there waiting for me in that empty street.- Charles said, scratching his head.
-Were only one streetlight worked properly.- You add in a funny tone.
-You were there with my jacket and two blankets and a worried face.
-Because it was freaking cold, like freezing.- You said laughing and he did too. -I don't remember why you were there and I could bet you don't remember either because you were so drunk that you forgot the reason.
-I remember that the next day I had the worst hangover of my life and I swore that I would never drink that way ever again.- Charles grabbed the glass from the table and drank.
-I remember that you were insufferable the next day, like I couldn't even look your way and you were already whining like a baby.- You said and he laughed.
-And the night you were so stressed about that exam and I told you to run away with me?- You frowned. -That I “kidnapped you” and took you to that little dinner and we stayed there for like 5 hours.- You were smiling but didn't say anything or move an inch. -The dinner that was like from the 70s or 80s, with neon signs and rock music.
You nodded with your head. -Can I be honest with you?- He nodded. -All I saw that night was you and how your eyes seem to change color with the neon lights. He didn't say anything but smiled brightly at you and blushed a little.
If you were honest you remember all too well the things you did together. The little lies to your friends telling you didn't like him when you clearly did, the big fights in those summer days where everything complicated and all the mistakes were made and how he always said “You and I, that’s all the matter. No one else, just you and I” and how he told you “You are the only one I want” when you were agreeing to that strange summer deal.
-Do you remember the day we spent in your granny’s garden looking at the stars in that white old sheet?- You said looking at water.
-Yes, we spent hours talking about our big dreams and desires.- A little silence fell between you two. -I really hope you achieve everything you told me that night.- The fact that he seemed to remember what you told him that night told everything that you needed to know.
-I did, most of them I did. I hope the same for you.
-I achieved some of them and I’m doing others this year.-
But the truth was that both of you made promises and dream things together, thinking that you would stay friends or lovers forever. Always by the other side, cheering their wins and being there when they lost but life wanted other things.
-It seems that we both remember a lot of things from years ago.- You said in a nervous tone trying to cover the inexistent awkward silence.
-Of course I remember. How could I ever forget it.- You tilted your head. -How quickly and hard I fell for you.- His tone was so tender and the smile he was giving you was something from another planet.
-Charles…- You played with the napkin in front of you.
-What? It's true, I was never capable of lying to you and you weren't capable either so tell me what's on your mind.- You stayed in silence for a couple of minutes trying to find sense about them.
-Loving you wasn't a waste. Yes hearts were bruised and mistakes were made but I will do it all the same.- You said and smiled at him.
-I don't.- The look on your face must be a hurt one because he rushed his next words. -Because at the end I lost you, everything we were. Friends, lovers, partners, everything lost for years.
-But we are here now.- You said in a slow tone.
-But for how long?- You opened your mouth to talk but he interrupted you. -A week? Ten days? You are going to get back to your job and I have to get back to race, it's the summer deal all over again. And I do not say this because I want to be your boyfriend again or whatever we have been years ago, I say it because I want my friend back. You know how many times I almost called you to tell you everything that was going on with my life, to tell you that I needed you when shit hit the fan? A thousand times. I do not want you in my life if you are going to be entering or leaving it as if it were a candy store. I want you permanently in it and I want to be in your life in the same way. Be there for you when your work is going well and when you cry from stress like all those years ago but this time physically. I want you here.- At this point he was moving his hands freneticaly and raising his voice a little but the only you could do was looked at him speechless absorving his statement and your stupid heart racing as fast as he drives his car in the weekends.
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
i don't like you
james potter x reader
—author's note: This was a story from my main that I adored so I thought why not rewrite it? The plot is the same, my ability to tell a story however, has changed. James and you do not like each other. Not even a bit. I hope you enjoy ;) Please do leave a comment, it makes my day.
—warning(s): couple of harmless pranks, slytherin! gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren't used).
—word count: 3,431
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Groaning, you got up and squinted to make out the details of your dorm. Shouts and rushing made your head thump. You slowly realized a god-awful smell was filling up your room, quicker than you could think. Squeezing your nose shut, you rushed out. Other Slytherins were alongside you, you could hear coughing all around. Your eyes pricked with tears, your throat felt raw. Seeing a very familiar messy dark-haired boy run away jeering; you sensed rage gripping your form like a vice.
Third time. It was the third time the same week that Potter and the elder Black brother had pranked you all. Except it wasn’t funny anymore. That was what pranks were supposed to be right? Something that made everyone laugh along? Looking towards Elodie who was clenching her eyes shut at the sensation, you made a plan in your mind. You knew it was crazy. But when did that ever stop you? James had never conversed with you. Nor you, him. Yet it was clear that he did not like Slytherins. Not one bit.
James yawned, stretching his limbs for a new day. Scrunching his nose, he felt a flowery scent attack him. Maybe it was just Sirius with one of his experiments. Shrugging, he got up and into the shower. That day he had transfiguration, charms, and astronomy. Thankfully nothing with the snakes, they might still be sour about the prank they pulled yesterday. Getting out of the washroom, he hummed to himself as he passed Peter who was still fast asleep. Remus was asleep and Sirius was furiously scribbling on his homework. Always finishing at the last moment.
He didn’t realize the uniform he was putting on until he looked at himself in the mirror. And boy oh boy did he panic. Eyes widening almost comically, he rummaged through his wardrobe, everything a dark green color with silver accents. A note fell at his feet.
“Dearest Marauders,
Take this beautiful gift of green robes from me. I know not all of you deserved this, but then again, I didn't feel like any of you should be left behind. I know how much you love us, Slytherins. Why not showcase it?
With love,
(Y/n) (Y/l/n)”
“Sirius! Remus!” he called out. “Wormtail!”
Sirius didn’t even look up from his parchment, Remus let out a grunt in response. The only answer he got was a faint ‘what’ from the shared bathroom.
“Mates listen to this,” James said firmly, reading the letter out loud. That got their attention. “Our robes are all green. Vivid Slytherin green!”
Remus got up suddenly, with wide eyes rushing to check his almirah. He groaned loudly on finding them in the same predicament James foretold grass-like and smelling heavily of flowers. Sirius however, started crackling.
“What?” James bellowed, his nostrils flaring.
“Well, the sarcasm in that letter is…” He snorted, stopping himself seeing James’s frown. James shook his head as Remus glared at them both.
“This has a strong one-week dye,” he said, punctuating each word, infuriated. “There’s no way it can be removed before the expected time. Why should I suffer for all the things you two do?”
“And I am not suffering?” James quipped back as Remus just shook his head, huffing, and went back to his bed. James looked at Sirius who didn’t look worried at all.
“What? Aren’t you bothered at all?” James asked.
“I look great in everything,” he replied shrugging, making James want to punch him.
He dressed up quickly after, dashing out of the dorm towards the great hall. Ignoring the looks of the students from around and the snickers he looked for you amidst the Slytherin table. It was infuriating, how casually you ate your breakfast, almost oblivious. Stalking towards your place, he cleared his throat grabbing your attention. Your eyes sparkled amusedly, taking in his appearance.
“Why the hell did you do this?” he demanded.
“Now, that’s not a way to talk about the gift I gave you,” you said, batting your eyelashes as he scowled at you. You muttered a spell under your breath, waving your wand slightly before continuing. “I worked hard, you know?”
“You Slytherins are the best thing to walk on this planet!” he shouted before he could stop himself. His eyes grew large. Everyone’s attention now seemed to be on your table.
“Thank you, I know,” you smirked, challenging him. He narrowed his eyes on you.
“You put a speaking charm on me didn’t you?” he hissed as you put on an innocently sweet expression.
“Well, I thought you needed some help with words,” you prompted, getting better reactions than you hoped for. James growled, jumping up and down in annoyance. You tried not to laugh. Did. But the corners of your mouth turned up anyways. He looked like an idiot. The giggle you let out grabbed his attention, his cheeks turning a rosy red.
“I don’t like you,” he said in a rather squeaky voice.
“I don’t like you,” you retaliated. James hated himself for thinking the laugh you let out looking adorable. Anger, which was more of a frustration gawned on his skin. He knew exactly what he was going to do next. Giving you a sickly sweet smile, he enjoyed the slight shiver that went through your arm. Let the prank war begin.
You rushed out of the bathroom, vexed. It had been a long exhausting day and this was the last thing you needed. Your skin was tinted green. Bright neon green. Elodie stared at you in stupor.
“What happened?” she asked and you couldn’t help the raucous whine that escaped your lips.
“I don’t know, okay? I was in the shower and after using soap, my skin turned freaking green,” you hissed as Elodie tried to calm you. You handed her a small piece of paper. “Oh and look what I found beside the shampoo bottle.”
Dear (Y/n),
A gift from me, to showcase your pride in your house. You could thank me later.
P.S. This gift in no way means I’ve started liking you. I don’t.
“James. James did this; that bastard!” you said, nostrils flaring as Elodie rubbed your back.
“Well, it’s just hands and legs…”
“I'm gonna get back at him. Just watch me.”
Your jaw clenched. You knew just what you were gonna do. James started a fight with the wrong person. And you didn’t like him. At all.
You were reading your book when you saw James pacing towards you, from the corner of your eye. Trying to keep a straight face, you fixed your gaze on the book in your hand. Yet you couldn’t help the twitch your mouth gave as he stood right in front of you, folding his arms.
“Wow,” he breathed through clenched teeth. You looked up.
“Real mature of you,” he said in a baby’s voice. It sounded like he pronounced everything through his nose. You made an effort not to start crackling right then.
“Well, one of us had to be, right?”
“Yeah. And giving me the baby voice makes you the adult.”
“I’d think so, yes.” You said brushing his hair. They were surprisingly soft. James glared at you.
“I don’t like you.” He squeaked as you raised an eyebrow.
“I thought we already established that. I don’t like you either boy,” You said, letting out a laugh.
Adjusting your cap, you pulled your books closer to you. It was like everyone was staring at you. Specifically how stupid you looked. A whistle caught your attention. James, it had to be. When you turned towards the sound, you were sadly proved right.
“I like your cap,” he commented, clicking his tongue.
“Geez. Thank you. Just bought it,” you said, threateningly. Take one step James, I dare you; you thought. He didn’t get the message.
“I wonder how it would look on me,” he said, taking a step towards you. You hissed.
“Sorry, not gonna let you borrow it,” you tried to say in a normal tone, but it came out quite high pitched. James dared to grin.
“What if I just…” he said, coming closer as you took a step back, glowering at him in a warning. Not that he took it. He snatched the cap from your head as the long white hair fell. They reached your feet.
“James, give it back,” you warned and he put it on his head.
“Nope,” he said, his eyes full of mischief. You hesitated at his expression, he looked as candid as a child. Maybe you never noticed it, his hair fell round in pretty curls, framing his face. James winked, making you break out of your reverie.
“I think,” he said thoughtfully. “I think I’m going to keep this cap with me, I quite like it. If you want it back, you’re gonna have to take it from me.”
James took a step back as your eyes dilated. He turned around and started sprinting in that direction.
“James!” you shouted, chasing him.
People around you bolted aside, gasping at the scene. A ghostly white-haired student chasing after James as he chortled. It had been going for quite some time and everyone wondered who would win. Few in the favour of James, who had been pranking ever since he set foot in Hogwarts; a few for you since you were a Slytherin and Slytherins never lose. Others just shook their heads, wishing they would get it over with already the cat and mouse game was becoming rather tiring. No one however had the courage to raise their opinions out loud, lest they got involved in the prank war.
“James," you said calmly, though the atmosphere made you anything but. Thick hot fumes rose from all around you making beads of sweat form on your forehead. "James, this doesn’t go in. We have to stir it first.”
“Why don’t you do it then? Little miss know-it-all” he snided. You looked at him fiercely. Slughorn had paired the two of you together for the next project and it couldn’t be more of a disaster. Only if he could just listen.
“I would if you let me,” you pointed out, finally taking over the shared pot. James watched you take a few breaths before starting to work on the potion. Muttering for ingredients from him now and then, you stirred the concoction. Soon, it started to show the exact signs given in their books.
James couldn't help but stare at you as you worked, humming to yourself all the while. You seemed cute like that, bending over the book, occasionally muttering to yourself. His face heated up when you caught his gaze. Luckily he could blame it on the heat.
“Could you cut some beetroots for me?” you asked, ignoring the way he flushed. James nodded, chopping them to the required amount. The two of you finished up fairly swiftly after that.
"So," you started after Slughorn left. He had commented on your work and applauded you both. Happiness was evident from the smiles on your faces. "Library at 4?"
James grinned, giving you a thumbs up. He packed up his stuff before turning to leave. You couldn't help but stare at his retreating figure, thinking, maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Shrugging, you shook away the thought and went your own way. There were things you had to get done that day.
As time passed, the thought started becoming more predominant. He wasn't so bad, your mind reminded you time and time again. The more you started to know James, the more you believed in it. Constant teasing and bickering wasn’t something that became unheard of between the two of you. But it was more lighthearted now… almost as if you were friends crackling over a shared joke. James had somehow caught your eye again, in a completely different way.
It seemed you were noticing new things about him, like how he didn’t look at you with hatred. Come to think of it, was it even ever ‘hate’? Yet there was something soft about the way he gazed at you now, gentle even— you couldn’t put your finger on it. You had come to enjoy his goofy personality, the smile he gave when his eyes were light with mischief. Knowing where these musings led, you had tried your best to beat them down. What was it that you did not try? Remembering every single detail that made you despise him once, all those times your blood boiled at the prank he pulled but nothing— nothing ever worked and your heart still fluttered every time he complimented you.
Was it that bad an idea though? Liking James?
You shivered, pulling your sweater closer to you. Walking had failed to heat your body the way it always did and you reckoned that your deliberation also had something to do with that. It wasn’t about you liking him, your mind prompted, it was about whether he could feel the same way. And if you knew something, you knew that you couldn’t take the answer to be no. The skip in your step halted, and you couldn’t help the sigh that escaped your lips.
Path to the library couldn’t have been more daunting. That was until you saw James and Lily around the corner. Talking, laughing, and standing too close to be called friends. Evans, the one girl James was head over heels for, the one girl you never paid attention to much.
It was like the final shoe dropping. James and you didn’t like each other. People knew that you did as well. It was time you believed it too. Your stomach twisted up at the sight, your mood souring. You turned, walking away.
“Oi!” James called out to you, apologizing to the students he bumped into. You brisked forward, hoping to make it to your dorm. It didn’t work, James ran to catch up with you. Damn his long legs.
“Stop fucking running,” he huffed on reaching you. “Where are you going? We have a study session. You haven’t changed your mind, have you?”
You gritted your teeth.
“I was heading to the library but you and Evans seemed quite busy, so I thought against it,” you said, albeit aggressively. Jealousy was never a good color.
“We were just talking for a moment,” James explained. “I want us to complete the project first though.”
He looked at you, confused. It was hard controlling your anger right then. You couldn’t help the dry laugh that escaped your lips.
“Of course,” you said in a temper. “The faster we finish up the project, the faster you can get rid of me, right? Because you don’t like me.”
James’ smile dropped. Sadness gave way to rage. Of course, you still thought that even after all the time he spent with you.
“Yeah. I don’t like you,” he hissed, gritting his teeth. “So let’s complete the project, shall we? To get rid of each other?”
You looked away. It was the last thing you wanted to hear. You yearned for him to tell you otherwise, to apologize for his words, and to reassure you that it wasn’t so. That you two were something. Friends, companions, anything but this. Yet the bigger part of you told you that he was right. And you were nothing to him.
“Yeah, sure.”
The following study session was tense. You two never worked quietly. Jokes, laughs, and incessant chatter filled the air when you were together. James had regretted his words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He watched your expression fall and a wall build up around you. Your eyes hadn’t met his since. It ate him up. Somehow he didn’t know how to break the bubble he created.
He hated seeing you close off to him.
You heaved a sigh checking the last lines you’d written and then looked at the clock. It had been two hours.
“I think we should stop. There are just two pages left, we can do them tomorrow and you’ll be free,” you said, packing up your things. James opened and closed his mouth as you picked up your bag.
“Hey, wait!” he said as you turned towards him.
“I didn’t mean to, “ James started, but you cut him off.
“James, it’s alright,” you said, taking a deep breath blinking away the tears that emerged. “I understand. You don’t like me, I don’t like you and we’re stuck together for some time. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
James sucked in a breath. That wasn’t right. At all.
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you,” a voice came and you shifted to see Elodie. You looked over at James, whose eyes pleaded you to stop. But you couldn’t.
You left the library, walking towards your friend leaving behind the boy who stood transfixed at his spot. Why did he feel like he was losing everything? He grudgingly moved his feet towards the common room, your thoughts plaguing his mind. James heard a shout behind him, twisting to see Lily jog up to him.
“James, I was wondering,” she began biting her lip. “Maybe we could sneak out for some butterbeers today? It’s freezing and the snow looks heavenly.”
James found himself shaking his head. His mood was far too spoiled for anything.
“Not today, Lily,” he answered. “I’m tired.”
“Oh, I meant it as a date, you know?” Lily added hopefully. James considered her for a moment. It was everything he had wished for years. Yet he couldn’t feel the happiness that should have come with it. He wanted, no— he needed someone else, someone who made him far giddier. He needed you.
It was like a bolt striking him. He had never been so sure of anything else. Unable to keep the grin off his face, he spoke his next words in a rush.
“Lily, I’m sorry but I can’t,” he shouted, sprinting towards the dungeons. Running through the rather empty corridors he saw the snow which coated the grounds. His breath came out in puffs as he urged himself to move faster. He stopped when something caught his eye. You. Standing out in the snow, looking at the sky with a smile.
Moving towards you, he conjured up a snowball and threw it on your back. Your eyes widened in shock as you jumped, looking towards him.
“What now James?” you snapped.
He conjured up yet another ball and threw it at you. Your eyes grew larger and you glared at him.
“I wanted to say something,” he said as you conjured up a ball and threw it at him in response. He hissed at the icy sensation.
“Then say it.”
“I don’t want to get rid of you,” he said, throwing a snowball at you as your teeth clattered at the sensation. You threw a snowball in return, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Then stop acting as you do.”
He threw yet another ball at you.
“You make me act like that,” he stated. You threw a huge one in response.
“I make you act like an idiot?”
“Yes, you drive me crazy,” he said, throwing some snow at you as you grunted.
“Then why don’t you leave me alone?” you huffed as he threw yet another ball at you, making you cough and splutter.
“Because I can’t.”
“Why?” you asked, throwing a ball at him.
“Because I can’t leave the best thing that happened to me,” he said, making you stop. You stalked towards him and poked his chest with every word you spoke.
“I'm the best thing that happened to you? What is this? Some kind of sick prank? You don’t even like me,” you sobbed, frustrated and angry. That was how he made you feel. Everything all at once. James didn’t know how to answer you so he just took your hand away and cupped your cheek with his other one, leaning in to kiss you. Your eyes fell shut as feeling his lips against yours. You grabbed his shirt pulling him closer feeling his arms tighten around your hips, sucking his bottom lip. When you pulled away you both caught your breath.
“I promise those are the truest words I’ve ever said,” he whispered, his hair messier than usual. He cradled your face, pressing his lips against your forehead. You crossed your arms.
“I still don’t like you,” you said in faux anger. James let out a teary chuckle.
“I don’t like you either,” he replied, smiling.
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—as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you.
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13 Going on 30 pt.1
A Peter Maximoff x reader fanfiction based off the movie 13 going on 30.
Summary:  You are so excited when the most popular girl in your school agrees to come to your 13th birthday party. But after a cruel prank you find yourself wishing that you were popular and older. By some miracle your wish is granted but isn’t as wonderful as it seems. You turn out to be a major jerk and you don't even talk to your best friend Peter anymore. Can you fix everything and get back to normal or are you stuck living like this forever 
Warnings: Angst and some suggestive content. But it’s mostly pure fluff. (Also peter has no powers in this and some scenes will be changed to better fit Peter and so I can be creative with it!)
Word Count: 2759
I am so excited to share this fic with y’all! 13 going on 30 is one of my favorite comfort movies and I thought that adding Peter Maximoff to it would make it even better. 
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It was 1987 and your birthday party was next week. You were so excited you could barely contain yourself. You were turning 13, you were finally becoming a teenager. It was time to abandon all childish things and live a life of adventure and romance. One that all the movies told you was guaranteed once you became a teenager. You were writing in your notebook during lunch checking off the things you had already gotten for your birthday party. “Balloons, check. Party favors, check. The cutest outfit, check!” 
“Your best friend in the whole world who is getting you the best present. Check!” Peter added as he sat down across from you, dropping his lunch tray down on the table. You just rolled our eyes at him.“So I was thinking for this year we should go to the arcade then get ice cream.” Peter muttered his mouth full of the school’s signature sloppy joe sandwich. “Cause if I eat too much ice cream before we play that dance game you love, I'm gonna get sick again.” Some of the sandwich meat dripped out of the corner of his mouth. You handed him a napkin to wipe it, not even disgusted at this point. 
You and Peter had been best friends since birth. You had lived right next to each other as kids and you had done everything together. Learning how to walk, the loss of your first tooth, the first day of school. Always together no matter what. That’s what made you so nervous to tell him what was on your mind. “Actually, I was thinking of having a party this year.” You gave him a nervous smile. 
“What?!” He choked out in the midst of a coughing fit having nearly choked on his milk. Kids turned around to look at him and you shushed him. ”Peter stop shouting.” You scolded through gritted teeth. 
 He spoke up again this time, his voice back to it’s normal level. “But it’s always just us.”
You winced, you had figured he was going to respond like this. “I know, I know. But hear me out.” Peter sat back in his chair, arms crossed. “Lucy said she’d come to the party this year, and she’d bring Dylan! You know how much I like him.” You gushed and Peter narrowed his eyes at you. 
“How did you convince the most popular girl in school to come to your party?”
“Way harsh peter.” You reached over to his tray attempting to steal one of his fries. His hand slapped yours away. “You make it sound like she doesn't even know I exist.”
“That’s exactly what I’m implying, you and I are at the bottom of the social food chain and you know it.” He pushed his chair back even further, now only balancing on two legs. “What did you do?”
“Nothing,” You defended. 
He held your gaze with narrowed eyes as you tired your best to maintain eye contact. The minute you looked away he knew he had you. “I know you're lying (y/n). When you can’t look me in the eye you’re hiding something. Spill it.” 
You muttered really quickly. “Imayormaynothavedoneherhomeworkforthepastmonth.” 
He gave you an exasperated look. “What?”
“I said I may or may not have done her homework for the past month.”
He gave you a disapproving look. “Don’t look at me like that. “ You pouted. “It was the only way she was going to bring Dylan.” 
“I don't even know why you want that guy at your party. Or Lucy for that matter. They’re all a bunch of jerks.” Peter got up to put his tray away. You shoved your notebook back into your bag and got up to follow him. 
“You don’t even know them Peter.”
“Neither do you.” You frowned at him before turning on your heel and walking away from him. “(y/n) wait.” You sped up and he sped up with you. He caught up to you and grabbed your arm. You refused to look at him. 
Peter’s harsh look softened and his grip on your arm loosed. “Look.” His voice lowered to a whisper. “ I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
You gave him a soft smile. “I won’t especially not with my best friend around.” You bumped your shoulder into his. He returned your smile after a while and your face lit up. “It’s going to be fun!” 
“If you say so.”
On the day of your party you couldn't even sit still for a single second. Pacing by the front door waiting for Lucy and her friends to arrive. The doorbell rang and you threw open the door, but your smile dropped when you saw it was just Peter. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Geez, it's good to see you too.” He pushed his way into your house as you closed the door behind him. 
“Sorry I just thought it was Lucy.”
“And you were disappointed when it was me.” He joked making himself at home on your couch.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“No, I get it. Suddenly you get new friends and I’m old news. Hung out to dry. Dead and buried without a moment to grieve.” He milked his performance trying to make you feel guilty. You sat down next to him knocking his feet off your mother’s coffee table. 
“Shut up.” You laughed, he watched you and smiled. You noticed the keyboard strapped to his chest and groaned. “Did you have to bring your keyboard?”
“Duh. It’s part of your gift.” 
“I hope that’s not all you got me.”
“Hey!” He mocked being hurt by your words. “And it’s not by the way.” He sat up and made his way to your front door. “I gotta go get it, I left it on your doorstep.” He opened the door and was gone for a minute, making you anxious with anticipation. He poked his head through the doorway and a sweet smile plastered on his lips. “Close your eyes.”
You quickly covered your eyes with your hands. You heard Peter’s sneakers shuffling as he made his way closer to you. “No peeking.”
“I’m not!”
“Yes you are, I can see you looking through the slits of your fingers.” You giggled at the accusation and squeezed your eyes even tighter. You felt the couch dip from his weight as he sat back down next to you. You feel his hands close around yours, and the small action making you blush. He carefully removed your hands from your eyes. “Ta-da!” 
Sitting on the coffee table front of you was a huge handmade pink doll house. “I decided to make you your own (y/n) dream house.” Your eyes widened taking it all in. It was beautiful.
“Petey did you make all this?” You asked, heart swelling at the sweet action. 
“Yeah,” He admitted a little embarrassed. He scooted closer to the table. “See that’s you in your bubble bath. Reading your favorite magazine” It was a Barbie doll with a picture of your face tape on it. You giggled.” And there’s your room with the giant closet you’ve always wanted and a huge stereo collection. I know how much you love music. And there’s that bum Rick Springfield, sitting on the couch.” As you took in all the details you fell even more in love with the house. Peter had put so much time into this and you adored it.
 “And uh, there’s me.” He smiled sheepishly. A picture of him was glued to a piece of cardboard. His picture was making that ‘I’m watching you’ gesture at Rick Springfield. “I’m making sure that creep keeps his hands to himself. He’s only here for his musical talents, nothing else.” You smiled at him. He smiled back and for a second you could have sworn he glanced down at your lips. “Oh! I almost forgot.” He pulled out a red packet and shook it lightly. “Wishing dust.” 
You scooted closer to him so you guys could read the package together. “It says wishing dust knows what’s in your heart of hearts. They’ll make all your dreams come true.” He whispered the last part, his eyes cast downward as you watched him rip open the package. He stood up and sprinkled the dust down on the house. You watched in wonder as all the different colors rained down together and decorated the whole house in a pretty shimmer. Your eyes met his and you could feel yourself tearing up. He was so sweet and he didn't even know how much this meant to you. 
Just then the doorbell rang and you jumped to your feet. “They’re here!” You wiped away the tears that threatened to fall really quickly before dashing to the door.
“Yay.” Peter cheered sarcastically. You ignored him and sprinted to open the door. Lucy was there along with her friends and Dylan in the back. She was wearing a neon pink dress, the same one you had begged your mom to buy you last week. She had said no obviously. 
“Hi Lucy! Thanks for coming!” She just gave you a tight smile and let herself in. She looked around your living room and a sneer made its way to her face when she saw Peter on your couch fiddling with his keyboard. 
“Sup Freak.” Lucy shot Peter a sickly sweet smile.
“Sup slut.” Peter replied, mirroring her smile. You felt your mouth open in shock and shot him a deadly look. Lucy just pressed on trying to get a reaction out of Peter.
“I see your hair is still as gray and as ugly as ever.”
“At least my hair is naturally this color. From the look of your roots you should really look into getting a better stylist. You ain’t fooling anybody honey.” 
They continued to glare at each other until Lucy finally broke away from his gaze and turned to face you. “Where is this party happening anyway.” 
“It’s um downstairs, in the basement.” You motioned towards it, Lucy and her friends made their way down the steps. Peter followed them carrying your dollhouse, but you held your arm out to stop him. “What was that? Why were you being such a jerk?” 
“She started it!” 
You huffed. “I know, but it’s my party so please try to be nice to her.” He opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it. He pushed past your arm and went down the stairs to the basement. Taking two at a time. 
“So this is it.” Lucy picked at the neon colored table cloth. You didn't know what to say as she looked around. “What are we going to do anyway?”
“Well we could play twister, Peter is really good at it.” Peter gave a small salute in acknowledgement as they glanced towards him. “Or we could watch a movie.”’ You said excitedly, making your way over to the VHS rack.” I have a lot of good ones.``
“Lame.” Lucy announced and her friends echoed in agreement. 
You felt embarrassed of thinking that they would enjoy such childish things. “Why don't we play a new game?” Lucy suggested.
“What kind of game?” Peter asked, suspicion laced in his tone.
“A fun one.” She made her way towards you and placed her hand on your shoulder as she turned to address Peter. “Not that you would know anything about fun Maximoff.”
“Not that you would know anything about fun.” Peter mocked back in a high pitched tone.
  “Real mature.” Peter stuck his tongue out at her.
She turned back to you. “Let’s play seven minutes in heaven.” She leaned in even closer. “You can go first (y/n), and I think you’ll like who you get.” She glanced back and you followed her gaze towards Dylan. He shot you a smile and you felt yourself blush. 
All of a sudden you heard your mom. “(y/n)!” Your mother yelled down the stairs. “Your cake is here come and get it!”
“Peter go get it.” Lucy commanded.
“What? No.” He scoffed. You met his gaze and shot him a pleading look. “Fine.” He put the dollhouse away in your closet on the top shelf and made his way to the stairs. “Thanks Petey.”
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Lucy took off her scarf from around her neck and placed it over your eyes, knotting it tightly in the back. She led you towards the closet and you felt your heart rate pick up. You could hear the giggles of her friends as they closed the door. You stood there in the darkness waiting for Dylan to come in. It had been a while since Lucy had led you to the closet, you sat down putting your arms around your knees hugging them close. 
Peter came back down the stairs carrying your cake, as he was coming down Lucy was going up the stairs, her friends trailing behind her. “Hey where are you going?” 
She didn't answer, just smiled at him placing a hand on his shoulder. “(y/n) is waiting for you in the closet.” He gave her a confused look, he didn't know he was part of this game. Lucy and her friends continued up the steps, Dylan swiped your cake with his finger smearing the icing and eating it. Peter yanked it away and continued down into the basement. Madonna was playing softly in the background, he put the cake on the table and made his way to the closet, opening the door. He saw you sitting there  on the floor, you upon hearing the door squeak open were smiling up at him. “I didn't think you were going to come.”
He nervously smiled back at you and sat down on the floor across from you. You reached your hands out towards him. “Where are you?” He let his hands find yours, fingers intertwined in one another. He had held your hand before but this time it felt so different. He saw you lean in and he did the same. He was inches away from your lips when you whispered. “Oh Dylan.” He pulled back abruptly. 
“It’s not Dylan, It’s Peter.” You yanked your hands away from his and tore the scarf away from your eyes.
 “What are you doing here?” You felt panic take over you. “Where is Dylan?”
“He left. They all did, no one is here.” You stood up and saw that Peter was right. Your snack table stood untouched and Lucy, and Dylan were no where to be found. You immediately turned on Peter. “What did you do?” 
Peter looked at you in disbelief. “Nothing!”
“Yes you did!” You were screaming at him at this point.
“I just went to get your cake!” He screamed back. 
“Get out.” you whispered. Peter looked at you, clearly hurt that you were pushing him away. “GET OUT!” You screamed as you pushed him out of the closet. 
“(y/n) wait!” He tried holding the door open as you desperately tried shutting it. “(y/n) let me talk to you!” 
“Peter stop.” You cried. 
“No!” You managed to shut the door and lock it. You sat back down on the floor and put the blindfold back over your eyes.
“(y/n) Please!” You could hear Peter on the other side of the door even with your hands covering your ears. “Please come out!”
“I hate you!” You screamed as his voice stopped. 
“You don’t mean that.” He muttered, tears of his own threatening to spill.
“Yes I do! I hate you! I hate me! I hate everything!” You were so angry and embarrassed and that you really thought Lucy was your friend. And that you were going to get to kiss Dylan.
“(y/n) what are you talking about?”
“I want to be thirty!” You wailed through your tears.
“Just let me play you this song.” Peter yelled back. He slung his keyboard over his head and started to mess with it trying to find the right key. “It’ll make you feel better!” 
You ignored him continuing to cry. “I wanna be thirty! I wanna be thirty and flirty and thriving.” You swing your head back shaking the shelf behind you. The wishing dust from the dollhouse fell down all around you but you didn't even notice. You could faintly hear Peter playing some tune on his keyboard but you ignored it. Just muttering through your tears over and over how you wanted to be thirty, flirty and thriving. At the moment you wanted to be anywhere but there.
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jupiterswlrd · 4 years
Spectacular- mark lee
Tumblr media
mark never intended on getting bit by a spider on his was home in the subway, he also never intended on saving you from falling in front of the moving train car either. it was all just some sort of sick coincidence. mark had never believed in super powers, yeah what he saw on TV and comics book was cool but it was never realistic. ‘someone just can’t magically change over night’ he thought to himself all the time.
that was, until it happened to him. after his little run in with you he went home and took a nap, shook up a bit on how well his grip on your jacket was, almost like his hands were stuck to you. ‘crazy...’ he chuckled drifting off to sleep. when he woke up his found his upper part of he bunk covered in spider webs.
“ew” he said quietly trying not to wake his roommate haechan up. ‘maybe if hyuck would be a cleaner we wouldn’t have this issue’ mark struggled to sit up something making him stick to his bed. he flopped all around his bed, webs confining his arms to the bed. he finally broke one and somehow tripped off of his bunk. he prepared for his body to hit the ground but something caught him. a string of webs wrapped around his ankle and attached the top bunk. he was confused, but he was mostly relieved. “mark?....” haechan opened his eyes wondering why he saw his roommate dangling from what seemed to be the ceiling. with that the web snapped causing mark to fall on his head.
“dude...” haechan observed mark like he was some foreign species. “did you do that?” he pointed to the the webs covering marks bunk. “n-no!?!?” mark looked at the younger boy like he was out of his mind “do i look like a spider to you?” haechan stared at him for a long minute. “...there’s a fucking web growing out of your wrist right now....”
“HUH?” mark flung his hand somewhere, flinching in a way. haechan grunted loudly his head banging aganist the wall. his body was taped to the wall with one big web. “MARK” he yelled in amazement and extreme pain and discomfort. “I promise i didn’t do that....” mark didn’t know what to do with his hands, he stuck them in the pockets of his shorts fearing himself and what he’d do. haechan eventually broke free, examining the web pattern closely. He had a thing for spiders.
“this is completely unique...your webs have a little M in them. we should take to these y/n, you know shes a science freak” mark completely shut down at the thought of you seeing him shoot webs out of hands. what if you thought he was some kind of freak? “THATS NOT AN OPTIO-“ then you walked into their dorm room, unannounced and unwarranted. “i heard my name from outside the hallway, why are you all so l—“ you were confused to see that mark was no where to be found. “uhhh?? i thought i heard marks voice”
“you di—“ haechan did a double take “oh haha, yeah we were on the phone he’s in the bathroom— he got stuck in the toilet”
haechan shoved you out the room nervously. “yeah so y/n, we’ll see you in class okay?” once you were successfully pushed out the room, mark was sitting with his legs crossed his head in his hands. “bro what the fuck was that?” haechan slammed the door and locked it. “what was what?”
“i don’t know your little disappearing ac— YOU CAN TURN INVISIBLE”
“haechan are you on drugs? you have to be on drugs only people with POWERS can do that and that’s not possible be—“
haechan clamped a hand over marks mouth.
“dude you’ve done the impossible for like 2 hours now, you have powers” the younger boy slid on his shoes and grabbed his jacket. “where are you going?” mark asked laying back down. “you mean where are WE going” he threw marks slides at his head.
“we’re gonna go see what you can do.”
mark and haechan went out to a abandoned parking lot. haechan was good at making something out of nothing figuratively and quite literally. “okay mark pick up that big ass tire over there” mark walked over to it, absentmindedly picking it up “this one?”
haechan pulled a clipboard out his backpack “okay superstrength...check”
after many trials and errors. mark and donghyuck found out that he was very agile, very fast, and very sticky. mark couldn’t go 3 seconds with out sticking to something.
as mark and haechan were walking back to the dorms, mark heard something his ears turned up as he looked around. “do you hear that?” mark pulled his hoodie up and walked a bit faster. “no what do you hear? is everything oka—“ mark took off running in the opposite direction past the parking lot, leaving his backpack and a confused Lee Donghyuck behind him.
mark turned the corner the feeling that was rushing through his body, it was more than adrenaline it was like an itch that so desperately needed to be scratched. he had to find out what that noise was. he found himself in the subway again. the same place his was now 24 hours ago. his head was now spinning the same place he was bitten now stinging more than ever.
his balance was off and his body felt weak. mark blinked harshly, the itch slowly fading away. but everything was fading away he slipped into darkness, passing out on the grimy new york subway floor.
“mark” a familiar voice called out to him. “yes y/n?” he responded, a swirl of neon colors surrounded him, his skin was no longer slightly tan it was neon red with some swirls of blue. he was still in the subway but it was empty. dead silent his own thoughts, and spiders the only things in the station. you were in the form a beautiful pink tarantula crawling all over marks body.
“you know what you have to do right?”
“what do i have to do?”
“save new york” you brushed against his cheek lovingly “save our friends, save me, and most of all” you had somehow reappeared in front of him crawling down from her own line of webs. “save yourself.”
“how do i do that?”
“22nd street my love”
mark heard that laugh he always loved to hear, then a sharp pain in his arm again.
“FUCK” he yelled when he woke up, surprised to see that it wasn’t the “pink tarantula” that hit him, but an IV going into the underside of his wrist.
“calm down mr.lee it’s okay, you had quite a scare there” a nurse rubbed his forehead “anything i can get you? some water? some juice you had a pretty bad panic attack there”
mark sighed
‘how am i supposed to save new york with anxiety?’
“hyuck” mark said as they walked home from the hospital. “yeah?” he responded taking one of his headphones out his ear. “have you ever been to 22nd street?” haechan shrugged “yeah i’ve been by there, it’s nothing but some apartments...why?”
“i think we have to go there”
that piqued haechan interest, not in a good way though. “you’re not tired i mean...i know you have super stamina but you just had such a bad anxiety attack you passed out” he blinked “i don’t see how you’re not exhausted, fuck— even IM exhausted” mark shrugged and walked in the other direction in hopes to catch a bus, “you coming?”
“so am i like your agent or something” haechan said smacking on the lunchable from his backpack loudly, so loud that mark couldn’t even hear himself think. between the homeless people, the bucket drum line, haechan obnoxious chewing, mark couldn’t hear himself think. “OKAY JUST SHUT UP” he snapped, all attention on him. “oh— uh not you guys i—“ mark quickly became flustered looking at haechan for some help. “OH— uhhh, my friend here has a disorder. sorry about that” haechan rubbed mark on the back, watching as heads turned back to what the were doing. “thank god” mark sighed in relief as they reached their stop. “i feel something...” the same ringing in his ears was back, becoming quieter as he walked in different directions dragging haechan in zigzags along with him
finally, mark and haechan arrived at their “destination”. all it appeared to be was just a regular apartment building. “what the fuck?” mark huffed slamming his fists aganist the wall, accidentally triggering something.
the small alley way they were in between revealed a door, the two boys looked at each other in pure amazement as they jumped through. “what is this?” mark said in awe staring down the walls. “don’t touch anything” an older man said swatting his hand away “you’re the new guy?” he looked mark up and down “the standards must be in hell”
“hi nice to meet you too!” mark sarcastically said. “i didn’t ask.” the man simply replied. “follow me though.” the boys did as they were told. “i believe that we were all put on this earth for one reason, to wreck havoc and help when havoc wrecks things” the older man laughed at his own terrible joke. “that’s why some people their genetic code is different, they’re products of some very expensive experiments, and my favorite” he chuckled “wrong place right time”
“so where do i fall?” mark wondered out loud. “the third one sweetheart” the older man bent down into a mini fridge and got out something to drink. “so basically what i’m saying kid.” he slurped it loudly in marks ears “help when havoc wrecks, whenever it does”with the snap of fingers, haechan and mark were back home and mark was dressed in a red and blue spandax suit. a black spider embroidered on the chest. “bro? you look—“ mark raised a brow, thinking he was still in his regular clothes. “you look like an actual superhero!” haechan danced around the room. “i do?” he stepped infront of the mirror “oh— I DO”
“what should i call myself. tarantula boy?—no too weird spider boy? no too immature”
“spider-man” haechan suggested
“spider-man...” mark said to himself in the mirror.
“i guess i’m spider man...”
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers Of The Chaos (3)
Summary: Tam, Linh, Dex, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh’s podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing, religion (Jewish Vackers), and Amsterdam (just in case, I know that was stressful for some people).
Word count: 1621
Notes: Most of the episodes are just events stolen from Lynn's roundup, Dex's memes are here
(Read on AO3)
The life of an amateur meme maker on dumbles dot com was a strange one, that was for sure. After finishing xyr favorite show- Ze-Ra: Monaerchs of Powhir- for the third time, Dex had searched for another show to fill the void in xyr soul. Biana recommended this show called "Keepers of the Chaos" and described it to xem. Xe was doubtful at first, but after watching the first episode, xe was hooked.
Xe used to not have many friends at xyr school, so xe did what every neurodivergent queer teen would do- made an account on dumbles dot com. People seemed to like xem- or at least, they liked dizznee-plus's memes and edits of Ze-Ra characters. Even after Dex befriended xyr squish, Fitz, thons sister, Biana, and aer girlfriend, Sophie, xe continued making content on dumbles. Around that time, the Ze-Ra fandom started dying off, and xyr memes started getting fewer note
In a sudden, two am burst of inspiration, Dex made edits of some of xyr favorite characters, like Ref, Akki, and Rose, with their respective pride flags (all of them bi) over them, and captioned it "we must be gay." The post blew up, or at least, what could be considered blowing up in Keeper of the Chaos's tiny fandom, and that was how Dex found xyr calling as an amateur meme/edit maker for KOTC.
History had been repeating itself, with the KOTC fandom starting to die off, until it was revived by an announcement from creator Saturn Nolastname- a season two would be released soon. Frantically, Dex made a meme about season one episode two, with the car salesman meme. Xe edited "chaos keepers" onto the car salesman, "the rarelynoticed" on the car, and "this bad boy can fit so many stripper outfits into it."
That had been... an interesting episode, to say the least. The chaos keepers had been talking about the antagonists of "Sophie and the Dark Duck"- a rebel group called the Rarelynoticed. In the information packet they'd been given, it was confirmed that the Rarelynoticed wore black cloaks and armbands, but no other clothes had been mentioned. Somehow, the chaos keepers came to the conclusion that the Rarelynoticed really wore neon pink leotards and green stripper heels, then drew this idea.
Needless to say, the Tumblr staff did not let them write that into the book. Nor did Lynn, the unofficially chosen leader of the group. Unfortunately for her, this didn't stop the chaos keepers from drawing more of these- or the fandom from making a ton of memes. In addition to the car salesman meme, a post with Drake saying no to "wearing normal fucking villain outfits" and yes to "leotards and stripper heels" gained popularity within the small fandom.
Though nothing could match the absolute shock of seeing the Rarelynoticed stripper outfit for the first time, Dex decided to rewatch the episode anyway- it was funny to see the chaos keepers freak out, and maybe xe could get some good screen captures. The good Saturn Nolastname indulged xem, and xe captured an excellent scene of most of the chaos keepers either laughing or screaming at the Rarelynoticed stripper outfits, with Kimber- one of xyr favorites- sitting on the side, explaining to Juno and Kaitee why Bianca Cracker was bisexual.
Xe went over to dumbles, posted the picture, added an image description, and captioned it "Live photo of me not caring when my friends talk about sex/romance." Xe chuckled to xemself- this really was how it felt to be aroace. Xe tagged it as aromantic and asexual as well, since dumbles added flag colors. Smiling, xe went to go check xyr notifications.
Xyr jaw dropped when xe saw that @lordofthesnuggles- Fitzroy (Dex didn't know thons middle name) Vacker thonself had liked and reblogged all three of xyr memes, even adding compliments in the tags! Xe'd had a bit of a platonic crush on Fitz for... a really long time, but xe always felt too awkward to talk to thon, so it was nice to see that thon appreciated xyr humor.
Feeling energized- and excited to procrastinate on xyr math homework- Dex went to watch the next episode: Dark Duck Is Jewish Now. Being Jewish xemself, this was a really funny episode to xem.
Lynn had been writing a sort of spinoff- it would be called fanfiction, but it was for her own story- about some of the Dark Duck characters celebrating Christmas, and added a throwaway line about Bianca and Finn Cracker celebrating Hanukkah. Then, her fiance, Shai, had taken that idea and run with it, writing a list of ideas about what would happen if the Cracker family was Jewish. Hir friend Sam had jumped on the idea, and soon they had abandoned writing the actual Dark Duck in favor of writing a story about Jewish Dark Duck characters. Some of the other Jewish chaos keepers, like Ref and Cat, helped out.
To be honest, it kind of surprised Dex that no one had made a joke about the Jewish Crackers just being matzah, so xe supposed xe would have to be the first.
Xe posted that observation, quickly getting a like from Fitz- which made xem smile. After a few minutes, Dex posted another meme: Shai and Sam standing in front of a door with a sign that read "elves don't have religion," and them saying "This sign won't stop me, because I can't read!"
It was accurate.
While that episode was great for Jewish representation, and funny, the Banana Noir episode was just plain weird.
It focused less on the Dark Duck than most of the other episodes, and was more about the crazy interactions of the chaos keepers. The episode was named for Banana Noir, who was really Cat Noir, but in a banana suit. Banana Noir was the son of Mellie, who looked like a shark, and Nora, who had platonically married faer. The mothers tried to arrange a marriage between him and Akki, who loved the side characters of the Dark Duck series. However, Akki wanted to marry Amelia. After a lot of shit that basically no one understood, Banana Noir's attempts were thwarted, and Lynn officiated the wedding between Akki and Amelia.
Yeah, Dex had no idea what the fuck was going on either. Xe'd watched an episode of Twins of the Chaos and a youtube video by arsonpog analyzing the Banana Noir chronicles, as it had been dubbed by the chaos keepers, and both expert opinions seemed to agree that Saturn Nolastname and the rest of the writers had probably been on crack when they made that episode.
The next episode made slightly more sense, though it was a low bar. After taking a break from the "official" Dark Duck story, the chaos keepers began collectively writing a Cinderella story about the characters Sophia and Bianca. People weren't allowed to be queer in the official story, but the chaos keepers still wanted to have fun with their obviously gay characters.
Even to the viewers of the show, who only received secondhand information about the Dark Duck characters, knew there was no way any of them, let alone all of them, were allocishet. The exact identities weren't entirely clear- when Dex had made edits of the characters' official art and xyr headcanons for their pride flags, a few people had disagreed- but both the chaos keepers and the fandom knew that despite what Shannon said, Sophia and Bianca were in love, and their Cinderella story should have made it in to the official Dark Duck story.
While excerpts of the Cinderella story were quoted in the show, most of it was left unclear, so Biana had taken it upon aerself to write aer own version of it. Dex was expecting an update later  that day, actually, or maybe the next. Ae wasn't always 100% reliable with aer update schedule. Still, Dex looked forward to when it eventually did come.
After the brief calmness from the Sophianca Cinderella episode, season one episode six, Amsterdam, exploded back into chaos. A few of the chaos keepers decided to discuss a fake scene in the book in which crazy shit went down, with the scene supposedly being located in Amsterdam. It had never been written and was never going to be, but everyone discussed it like it was real. Some of the highlights involved all the Dark Duck girls having swords (and the chaos keepers being gay for them), and a speedboat chase scene through the canals. Fitz had a popular theory that the chaos keepers would actually travel to Amsterdam in order to commemorate this crazy part of their lives. Almost as popular as that was a meme Dex made, with a man labeled "chaos keepers discussing amsterdam" and gesturing feverishly to a wall covered in papers and red string.
Of course, episode seven (Dark Duck Disney) was chaotic too. Everything was chaotic with this group, it was in the title. Shannon announced that the winning Dark Duck story would be adapted into a Disney movie. After past experience with terrible book to movie adaptations, the chaos keepers panicked. They panicked so much that it became major news within their school, which until then, had been largely ignoring the chaos keepers. Once the discussion about the movie settled down, they talked a lot about how in awe they were that their Dark Duck shenanigans were trending within the school.
But of course, none of that compared to the last episode of the season...
Dex changed xyr profile picture to include an ominous pair of teal eyes and sighed.
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Act My Age
You’re Sebastian’s girlfriend, and you have a huge age gap. When it’s finally time to meet his friends, will it make Sebastian see something that isn’t there? 
          “Hey, babe, you almost ready?” Sebastian asked you as you stood at his bathroom vanity, trying to finish your mascara. You looked behind you to see Sebastian trying to fasten his watch.
           “Yeah,” you responded. “I’ll get it. Just wait a second.” You gave yourself one last layer before setting the tube in your makeup bag, then walked over to him and started to fasten the watch for him.
           “You seem nervous,” Sebastian pointed out.
           “Really?” You asked. “What gave you that impression?” You were nervous. Very nervous. It was your spring break so you were back home in New York, visiting Sebastian instead of your family, and he was finally going to introduce you to some of his friends and the dive bar he spent most of his twenties in. You had a feeling some of them didn’t like you because they referred to you as ‘the child’, and that probably wasn’t because you and Sebastian had been obsessed with the TV show for a few weeks.
           “Because you re-did your makeup and you made me pick between four outfits that you thought made you look older than you were. Which, by the way, I still like the first outfit. You look cute in flannel.” You sighed. You could barely get his watch on from how tight it was. He realized you were at a loss for words and leaned down a little to kiss your forehead.  
           “I’m fine,” you lied.
           “You shouldn’t be nervous, babe. Really. They come off as assholes at first, but if you can get past me with flying colors you can get past them,” he insisted. “And you look amazing.” You sighed again.
           “I just hate having to justify myself to… the entire world just to be with you. It’s like hazing at a nuclear level.” Sebastian nodded slowly before going to retrieve his jacket.
           “You don’t have to justify being with me to anyone but me. And believe me, sweetheart, you’re past that point. I don’t care about how old you are, so neither should anyone else.” You crossed your arms against your chest, suddenly feeling exposed in the cold air of Sebastian’s bedroom.
           “I know. I just have this need for everyone to like me. It’s really dumb and I know that, but I do. Why do you think I joined a sorority? All I have to do is pay yearly dues and I get people who have to pretend they like me.”
           “Just trust me.” He took your hand and squeezed it, then grabbed his keys off the bed. “You didn’t leave your MetroCard at home, did you?” He asked. You shook your head and followed him out to the main room of Sebastian’s apartment. It was a beautiful loft with exposed brick all the way around, but it currently had your things strewn all over from being there all week while he was away in meetings and table readings.
           “I only left it that one day,” you reminded him, “and not once more.” Sebastian let you walk out into the hallway before locking the door, and after taking your cards out, you started walking toward the subway.  
           “If you need everyone to like you,” Sebastian wondered, “then why’d you join the movie business?” You looked over to see that he had raised an eyebrow, and after playfully shoving him, you followed the sound of screeching metal down to the subway.
           “Stop messing with your shirt, I’m not fixing it again,” Sebastian warned you, somewhat playfully, as you played with the way your shirt was tucked into your jeans. You could see the neon sign for the bar two blocks away and the anxiety inside of you was rising like bread in the oven.
           “I’m nervous,” you whined. Sebastian laughed.
           “You really shouldn’t be. Just come on.” You let him take your hand and he walked you into the bar, immediately spotting several of his friends sitting in a booth. A stupid grin came over his face as he saw his friends for the first time in about a week or so.
           “And it’s the Mandalorian and the Child!” One of Sebastian’s friends said loudly. You’d seen pictures of them before and you were pretty sure that was Jackson, who was an understudy on Broadway. The Disney joke punched you in the gut, even though you were used to hearing it. Sebastian just laughed, wrapping his arm around your wait and tugging you over to him.
           “Jackson, Jacob, Mark, Savannah… This is my girlfriend, Y/n,” Sebastian introduced. You gave them a smile, and you hoped you hid your nervousness well. They all offered their hands and you shook them before taking a seat beside Sebastian. You had your hand on a table, clenched into a fist, when Jackson pointed out the black X.
           “You said she was young, but not X marks the over 21 spot,” Jackson joked to Sebastian, raising a bottle of beer to his lips. You huffed, looking over at Sebastian. He smiled.
           “Most places don’t even card her, honestly,” Sebastian shrugged. “I didn’t even know until she told me.”
           “Wait, so you thought she was how old?” Savannah, who was ridiculously pretty and probably more of Sebastian’s type than you were, asked. Sebastian looked over at you.  
           “Eh. 26, maybe. Not that I mind. She’s a sweetheart. And at least I have someone to teach me how to use Instagram now.” Sebastian laid his hand on top of yours, taking it in his, and smiled down at you. She’s a sweetheart, Sebastian said. The way he talked about you made your heart melt. The way other people did, though, was what bothered you, and you were at your limit.
           Your parents hated it at first. Your sibling didn’t get it. And then they realized you weren’t going to just stop dating him because he was so much older than you. Sebastian’s mom didn’t understand it at first, either, and then she came around when she realized Sebastian was completely in love with you. And he told you he loved you, and you believed him. It wasn’t so bad when he made the jokes – when he called you his little brat, his baby, when he called you little one like he had the other day. It was sweet. It was only weird when you thought about the fact that he was in high school when you were barely walking on two feet.
           You suffered through the jokes for about two hours. Jackson had to leave, since he got a call to go on stage down the street, Mark had to go see his kids, and Savannah and Jacob had to go relieve the babysitter. That was when it struck you that you were too young for Sebastian. These people had kids. What if Sebastian wanted kids, like, now? What if…
           “You okay?” Sebastian asked later as you were on the subway, an iron grip on the pole as you stood. “We’re almost home.”
           “I’m fine,” you lied. Sebastian saw right through it, and as soon as the train came to a stop he took your hand to make sure you didn’t get too far from him.
           “No, I know you, and I know you aren’t fine.” You sighed as you started walking, Sebastian at your side. He squeezed your hand sweetly, kissing the side of your head. “Come on. Tell me what’s wrong, babe.”
           “I’m starting to think maybe I am too young for you,” you muttered. “Your friends…” Sebastian scoffed.
           “My friends are assholes and they were trying to make you as uncomfortable as they could. It’s hazing.”
           “I thought only stupid college kids hazed.” Sebastian chuckled.
           “No. I told them not to be assholes about it. I told them to treat you like my girlfriend ‘case you are my girlfriend. Is that why you’re so worked up?”
           “Yes,” you admitted. You could see the apartment from there, and all you wanted to do was take your shoes off and curl up with Sebastian. Maybe you were a child.
           “So let’s talk through it. Go upstairs and change and we’ll figure things out.” You nodded, and after another minute of walking you were heading up the stairs while Sebastian took the dog out. By the time you’d changed clothes and taken your makeup off, he was back. You were already in his bed, blanket pulled up to your chest, and the dog jumped in beside you. You could get used to this. If…
           “I’m sorry I freaked out,” you said softly. Sebastian gave you a little smile.
           “To tell you the truth, I kind of was too. I figured they’d be skeptical, but they were brutal.” He started removing his watch and placed it in a bowl he kept them in, then turned back to look at you. “And you handled it like the mature adult you are.”
           “I just…” You sighed as you watched Sebastian start to change. It was all so domestic and that was exactly what you wanted with him. A normal life. “What if things don’t get better once people know me? What if… I’ll always be your much younger girlfriend. Or what if we turn up on those nastiest age gap Snapchat things? Or what if you decide you want kids right now? Or…” Sebastian walked over to you and, out of nowhere, kissed you.
           “Things will get better. And if they don’t, we’ll deal with it. Together. Okay?” He got into the bed beside you, probably thinking to turn on a movie like you usually did. You laid your head in his bare chest, listening to his heart beating as he hugged you to him. One of his hands started playing with your hair.
           “I love you, Seba,” you whispered. “And I guess I’m just scared that something as trivial as an age difference is going to take all of it away.” Sebastian just kissed the center of your forehead.
           “Nothing that stupid is going to take you away from me, baby. I love you too.” You sighed and shut your eyes, glad that Sebastian was on the same page.
A/N: I loved writing this, so thank you to the person who requested!
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pepperdee · 3 years
Word Find!
@zmlorenz told me to find suggest, safe, skin, and show for one, and feel, honest, end, and deep for another
These are all pretty long but that's because the context is amazing. Especially for feel asdkfjslk
She stopped them at a street corner. The club behind them played loudly, upbeat music vibrating the streets. “So, what now?” Harmony asked him, her steps uncharacteristically bouncy. “See a movie…?” she suggested, voice slurring into a seductive tone. Taking it out of his pocket, she lifted his right hand to her lips, kissing the enchanted bow-and-arrow tattoo on the back. He about died. “…Mess around in my car?”
Dedrick smirked, heat crawling up his neck. He tried to force it back down. It was so hard to act cool around her. “Does it have to be in that order?”
“There’s a ladder, you know,” Dedrick said dully, regarding his father as if he was an intrusion.
Alav waved, panting heavily. “Not safe…travel on foot…” He sucked in a huge breath, wind rushing to him. He sucked it all in, releasing a huge breath. He spoke normally. “Cadote, I don’t remember Nerift being this big,” he sighed.
Dedrick stood up. “What do you want?”
He cocked his head. “You don’t eat pudding?”
“Not if I want to live,” she said, displaying her brand-new medical bracelet. Poppa insisted she got it after the last scare caused by her mother. SEVERE ALLERGY – DAIRY.
Henry frowned in concentration, taking her wrist and turning the bracelet. He looked so cute when he concentrated. His fingers were cold, pressed against her skin. Rose had to contain her nervous shakes. She didn’t want to freak him out. “Dairy…wants you dead?”
Rose laughed. “That’s one way of putting it, yes.”
Nox appeared in front of him in a cloud. “You sit here, despairing by the river. The body of water of which you died in. It just goes to show that cowards don’t stray far from that which causes their pain.”
He wore a neon purple skirt that was too small for him, his button-down shirt golden. He wore orange flip-flops despite it being the dead of winter. If his outfit wasn’t bad enough, his makeup surely solidified it. It was a hack job, with bright pink spots on his cheek, neon blue eyelids, green eyelashes, and yellow lipstick. His normally neat hair was gelled into spikes.
Momma stared at her son in horror. “Cadman Clove King—go upstairs and change!”
“But we’ll be late for school,” Clove said, blinking innocently. “I just want to feel beautiful.”
“You look like a clown!”
“A clown can be a doctor. And that’s all that really matters, right, Momma?” Momma seethed. Rosie sucked on her bottom lip, holding back laughter.
She dressed in what Rose found to be common Ashon military dress. A red long sleeve shirt made of a material Rose didn’t recognize, decorated with shimmery embroidery that reminded Rose of loosely hung winter lights. Over it, a navy blue vest with symbols on the chest. Her pants were formfitting, padded, and the same color blue. Honestly, it looked pretty ugly, but it was over fifteen years ago.
Lily stole one of Clove’s grapes. “You sent him right to your ex and the prettiest girl in school? Bold, Rose. Very bold.”
Rose smacked her face on the table and didn’t move. “Thank you for your input. Does anyone have some spare cheese I can end my misery with?”
Below, where two Guests loaded up drywall into Cyro’s van, Dedrick spotted Enfo cars. The hairs on his neck stood on end, until the Enfos turned their back on the hotel. He knew there were a few Enfos who bet on their fights, but he didn’t think they’d show up in uniform. The Host had to know there were Enfos in the Party. Why did he allow it?
How deep does this go?
oml these were good scenes. Anyway, I tag @akindofmagictoo, @cecilsstorycorner, and @drippingmoon! Your words are note, run, laugh, and reason. No pressure! (also y'all can feel free to tag me in other tag games, too! I'm a bit slow but I love them!)
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ask-anti-cosmo · 3 years
Anti-Cosmo X reader: why can't I have you?
I walked down the street, not being seen at all by my anti-magic. I didn’t mind, as I dodged people with ease, using my wings to flout around quickly. I came across a stripper bar and looked at it curiously.
“Hmm, Never actually been in one of these before…can’t be too many truly fortunate souls in here…especially among the employees…” I said thoughtfully before smirking.
I slipped through the door and rushed pasted the bouncer to the bathroom for a bit of privacy. I changed into a human form, but kept my clothing, hair and eye color the same. I made my monocle into glasses as well before walking out.
My newly tanned skin flashed from the lights that emitted around the large room. The booming music wasn’t as loud to my human ears so I was grateful of that. The room reeked of a mixture of Perfume and cologne (among other things), but with my nose, I am able to pushed all of it and began to sniff out the most misfortunate soul in this dumpster fire.
I walked around, glancing at the dancing bodies with a neutral expression. There were many delicious smells. Lonely divorcee’s, trying to forget. Men who just wanted to feel loved but don’t know how. Then there’s the strippers. Most just have the job to get by, and many have creepy men try to touch them or do other inappropriate things to them.”
I smirked, eyeing the best candidates, when suddenly, a strong whiff of something incredibly delicious hit my nose, making my mouth water almost immediately start to water. “Who is that…?” I said quietly, looking around.
“Her name is ______.” The man next to me said, making me look to where he was looking. That’s when I saw a girl strut out on stage, provocative music starting to play as she danced. It was definitely her. And she smelled so delicious.
While all attention was on her, I stepped back and shed my human appearance and became invisible to the world once again. I came up on stage and observed the woman called _______. I assume it to be a striper name considering the amount of attention she was getting. No doubt she wouldn’t want to take that home.
I continued to smell her misfortune, recognizing each scent. “Stalkers…terrible boss…barely making ends meet…” I whispered. “This woman…has had a terrible life!” I grinned wickedly. I thought I smelled something a little off about her, but I ignored it, her scent was too delicious to concern myself with little oddities.
I walked by the door of the dressing room, ignoring everyone who passed me. _______ came in once her shift was done, and after she got her clothes on quickly, she started walking out to a junky looking car. I laughed the myself and continued to follow her to the apartment she called home. After seeing her stand in front of what I assumed was her door to unlock it, I rushed to her neighbor’s house and froze all of the inhabitants, which just seemed to be a poor college student. Either way, I regained my human form and walked out.
“Oh, hello! I’m your neighbor’s new flatmate!” I grinned at her, making her flinch.
“Oh…hello, nice to meet you.” She smiled with a nod.
“What’s your name?” I asked friendly.
“Uh…_______.” she said, giving a different name than what I heard at the club.
“I see, Well I’m Cosmo! It’s nice to meet you!” I grinned with a wave.
“Yeah…you too…” she nodded and rushed into her home.
I slipped back into the apartment I froze and bopped the college boy’s head. “I am your new flatmate. My name is Cosmo Cosma, and you’ve known me for years. I work in retail, and am a law major, which is why I’m gone so often. I come from a rich family that makes me work hard.” I told him, making up a back story just in case ________ asks about me to him when I’m not a around. I threw a couple other suggested thoughts in his head about me for good measure before unfreezing him.
“So, we’re roomies now huh? Let’s try not to annoy each other, right?” I smiled friendly.
He blinked at me and looks around at the room I made appear. “Oh…right yeah.” He laughed. “So uh, want to swim Netflix?”
“Sorry old chap, I’ve got homework, maybe next time.” I smiled and waved.
“Come on man, you just moved in, we need a little house warming party!” he grinned, sitting up. Obviously he was coming out of the frozen haze and acting more like his old self.
“I have a test this week and cannot fail.” I lied with a huff. I quickly slipped into the bedroom I made for myself. “maybe tomorrow!”
I listened to the door a minute before being sure he had let it go. I sighed in irritation before becoming an anti-fairy again and slipping through the vent in a tiny form, going straight to ________’s.
I came into her house to see her eating Ramen while reading a textbook. So she’s going to school too then eh? There’s a misfortune I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I started to wonder if I should just observe her for a bit before showing myself, but the smell of her bad luck was starting to drive me crazy. I stayed in my small form and got inside a magic 8 ball that was just out of her focused sight. Cliché perhaps, but has a good dramatic flair. As well as it let’s me diagnose the extent of her feelings of her misfortune.
I rocked the ball slightly to get her attention. She stared at the ball a minute before reaching for it curiously. “Where did this come from…?” she frowned and looked at it.
“Go on, ask it something~” I grinned to myself in anticipation.
“Reina must have left it here or something.” She sighed and set it down, making me pout.
I rocked the ball slightly some more, making her look at it again. “…if Reina brought in another cursed item…” she glared before reaching for the ball.
I rolled it out of her reach, making it fall on the floor and crack open, releasing me in a puff of smoke.
_______ jumped back from surprise as I gained a larger form. I grinned my fangs at her charmingly, waving my wand about. “Double double toil and trouble, something burdened this way come~”
“What the…oh no a genie?? Get back in there, I want nothing to do with you!” she huffed.
“Oh no no my darling, I’m an anti-fairy!” I told her sweetly. “I’m here to help you! I have no wish limit, and my only wish is to make your life better!” I told her.
“Better…?” she frowned.
“Yes! I’ve looked into your life and seems what a miserable one it is, and I’m here to help!” I grinned.
“…Actually, I’m good.”
I froze in shock. “you…what??” I asked in confusion.
“I said I’m good. No help needed.” She shrugged.
“But…love you’re eating ramen!”
“I like ramen.” She shrugged.
“You work at a strip club!”
“I have a job. Better than my leech neighbor. I’m independent. I betcha his new roommate is rich or something.”
“But what about your deadbeat boss??”
“You said it, but so long as he pays me there’s no problems.”
“but you could have a better job, with better pay and a better boss!”
“I know, I’m working on it.” She pointed at her textbook.
“Oh come now love, surely there’s something you need! You’ve had a lot of misfortune's in your life!”
“Yeah, I have, but I’m over them thank you.” She huffed. “I’m grateful I can go to school, have a job, and my own place. No regrets here.”
I couldn’t believe it, anyone who I’ve made that offer to would have jumped on that chance so hard, yet this woman, who had so little, who’s life no one would want, just told me no.
“I…I see…” I nodded. “Well then…if you ever do need anything, you just shake my magic eight ball, okay? I’ll come super fast and fix everything for you, alright?”
“I don’t need it, but okay.” She shrugged, making me feel upset that I couldn’t have her right away, but I went back into the ball, hoping she’d at least entertain the idea. I watched her study for hours before going to bed, making the world so quiet and alone for me.
She left for school the next morning, barely giving my ball a glance. While she was gone, I slipped back to my flat mates again. He wasn’t home, but that didn’t last long. I sat on the couch, feeling very confused.
“Heeeeey! Cosmo my man!” he grinned. “whats up, you study so hard your brain stopped working again?”
“Uh…well …” I was so confused I could barely speak or think. “I…had a fight with my girlfriend is all…”
“You okay?” He frowned. “You need a drink…?”
I have never had human alcohol, never been interested in it. It’s a depressant, so it’s usually a problem of victims of mine, but never had it before. In my shock and confusion, I looked up at the man I had decided to live with and said. “Alright…I need something strong.” I nodded and stood up.
“Awesome! I know just the place for a heavyweight like you!” He grinned and slapped my back.
“Wait…isn’t drinking a nightly game or something?” I asked curiously.
“Nah man! Noon is close enough am I right?” He grinned.
“Uh…I suppose…” I shrugged and followed him. That’s when I realized I didn’t know his name. Maybe people will know him at this pub and I can just pick it up from them.
He took me to a pub where we sat down at the bar. “Hey Henry! Got a heavyweight here!” He grinned. “Got that stuff?”
“So long as he’s willing to sign a waiver.” The bar keeper came up.
“Give it.” I told him. “I’ve been rejected in a way that is so foreign to me I can barely think straight.”
“Okay shakespear.” The Bar keep handed me a paper to sign, just saying I know this is strong enough to possibly kill a horse, but me being immortal, I couldn’t care less.
I was given a small glass of neon green liquid.
“Take it slow, you really can’t chug it all at once, got it?” The bar keep told me. I almost chugged it anyways, but decided to take his advice, just so no one would suspect.
I sipped some and swallowed hard. It was definitely powerful, almost painful. “Wow…” I inhaled.
“Feel like falling on your butt?” My flatmate asked with a grin.
“Just about…” I chuckled, showing my fangs.
“Man, your teeth will never not freak me out I think.” He laughed, making me feel a little self-conscious about them, an unfamiliar feeling.
“Can’t help what I was born with.” I decided to say. “Mum wanted to file them down, but I am quite proud of them.”
“Yeah…well, helps with the vampire obsessed ladies am I right?” He chuckled.
“Those are the nuts though aren’t they?” I smirked, taking another sip.
“Crazy ones are the hot ones.” He nodded, grabbing a beer.
“Fair that is, man.” I nodded and held my glass to his bottle and he clicked the glass in agreement. “This stuff is nice, why have I never tried this before…?” He asked, looking at the strong alcohol.
“Have I never taken you here before?” He asked.
“Mmm…no…say what’s your name?” I asked him, already feeling slightly loopy.
“Huh? Dude did you forget my name already?” He laughed. “That stuff must be strong! I’m your bro, Ricky!”
“Right right, Micky…” I nodded and took another sip. “Oooooh this stuff is amazing…”
“You’re going to have one heck of a hanghover!” Ricky laughed at me.
“Oh no I won’t, I’m not a mortal like you.” I smirked at him.
“Oh yeah, are you a real vampire, been lying to me?” He grinned.
“No you idiot, I’m an anti-Fairy! I’ve got magic and everything!” I told him and tried to find my wand but gave up since I couldn’t even find my pockets. “Oh goodness my fingers feel numb…”
“You’re so drunk, that’s hilarious!” Ricky grinned. “Maybe we should cut you off now.”
“You take this drink from me and I will suck your blood.” I threatened. “Let me finish it first.”
“…Alright then, no need to threaten. Of all the things to declare I’m surprised Fairy is one of them…”
“Oh no, don’t you compare me to them! I am an ANTI-Fairy, not fairy.” I told him sternly.
“Uh…okay man, what’s the difference…” Ricky asked looking somewhat nervously.
I leaned close to his face. “EVERYTHING.”
He stayed quiet until I was done with my drink, then he helped me home.
“I guess I’ll just take you to your room then, huh?” He asked.
I just followed him along, not saying anything until we passed by _______’s apartment. “…Why can’t I have her…?” I asked sadly.
“Who? Your girlfriend?” Ricky asked, bringing me into our apartment.
“Not my girlfriend…I asked and she said no…no ones ever told me no…I have so much to offer, why can’t she see that…?” I continued.
“She will man, you’re worthwhile!” Ricky assured. “You’re handsome, rich, hard worker. Anyone would want you! Heck, if you were a girl I’d want you!” He chuckled.
I grabbed his shoulder harshly and looked him in the eye. “You don’t have to be female…” I said, eyeing him hungrily.
“W…w-wait what? Ow!” He recoiled from my grip on his shoulder. “L-look man, if you swing both ways that’s fine by me, but I’m not-”
“Don’t you make fun of me because I am in no mood to be denied again!” I glared and took out my magic wand, pointing it right at his face. “Especially when you haven’t heard the whole deal.”
“D-deal…?” Ricky squeaked, putting his hands up defensively.
“I crave misfortune. And even though I have a different target, she’s proving to be more difficult than expected. Your misfortune is brought on by your own laziness but that certainly won’t stop me from making a deal. I can grant you anything you wish for your blood.”
“B…blood? So it’s blood you want?” He asked, looking slightly relieved.
“Of course I want blood, do you think these fangs are for decoration?!” I hissed.
“N-no you just…uh…the conversation just kind of…went in a weird direction is all…” He laughed awkwardly. “Um…what do you mean grant me any wish…?”
“Fairies may have rules, but Anti-Fairies do not. I can grant you anything you’d like, in exchange for your blood.” I told him.
“You can make me rich?” He asked hopefully.
“Bigger the wish, the more blood I need.” I told him. “And I’ve used a lot of magic lately, I need blood soon.”
“…How about an easy job with little hours that pays a lot?” He asked.
“Is that what you wish?” I rose an eyebrow at him.
“…Do I have to say I wish or something?”
“I’m not so picky! Just say its what you want!” I growled, feeling impatient and drunk.
“I-I wish I had an easy, short hours, but high paying job!” He said quickly.
I Lunged into his shoulder, swallowing as much blood as I could in a few gulps before backing away and finally having the energy to wave my wand. Equipment filled the apartment, making him look around confusedly, but holding his shoulder in pain.
“W…what’s all this…?” He looked around.
“Your career. Congratulations, you’re a DJ.” I told him, breathing hard and wiping my mouth.
“A DJ?? They make good money?”
“Can make 500$ In a single night.” I shrugged.
“Whoa, seriously??”
“You bet. And a gig could only be a couple hours long. Not to mention the chance to party..”
“Dude that’s awesome! Thanks Cosmo!”
“ANTI-Cosmo.” I huffed. “I’m sick of not being called by my full name.”
“Oh…okay then AC.”
I took a deep breath. “That’s fine…You’d better look into your new profession, I’m off to bed.”
Ricky got up and started getting familiar with his new equipment while I walked into my bedroom. His blood gave me energy, but it was more than less than satisfying. I tried to let the idea of Ricky having a terrible time getting a gig with his new job, or just fail by not doing the job well. It didn’t really help my mood, and to make it worst, the vent came on, bringing _______’s scent with the cool air.
I slumped against the door, breathing in her scent longingly. That’s when I caught the whiff of something strange, the same scent that She had before but I ignored. It was something That I usually run from the minute I smell it on someone. I really should have known after talking to her, hearing what she had to say. I finally identified the smell through the thick fog of misfortune.
She has a miserable life, but because of her being grateful for what little she does have, there’s no way I could touch her, not without risking debt to her that she’d hang over my head. I’ve made that mistake once before, taking blood then expecting wishes that almost didn’t come. Creates an Anti-magic build up, which is so very not good for one such as me.
I considered attempting to try to make her life worst. Fail her in classes, make her lose her job, anything she was happy about. I know that people like that are hard to crack though, it wouldn’t be worth the effort I think. I suppose I’m stuck with what’s-his-name in there for now. I’ll keep an eye on _______ in the meantime, but I need to focus on my need for misfortune in order to not grow too weak. It’s been slim lately, and I have to do something for my food. As undesirable as it is.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Breathe, pilot inspector
Reader x Bat Family
Request - For said Kingdom imagine, the Reader can be one of the following: Kingdom!Superman's son/daughter (so add "dead mom" onto that trauma list), Kid Flash (who is also Kingdom!Flash's son/daughter), a member of the Kingdom!Batfamily, a member of the Kingdom!Wonderfamily, a member of the Kingdom!Titans, or a hero of their own right. how about a story where Reader (Male or female;
You can randomize or just use gender-neutral pronouns) is a hero from the Arrowverse's version of The Kingdom who ends up (on The Flash's Earth/on Supergirl's Earth/with the Legends) and joins with them on a mission, but is haunted by the fact they're receiving signs of the incoming Crisis?
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Lately, you have been having trouble sleeping and you are not sure why. You have been having bad dreams, you haven't told anyone about it. You try not to stress about it but you are.
You live in the mansion with Wayne and Selina Kyle. You grew up in a privileged lifestyle, but Bruce and Selina most times we're busy. But they tried to make time for you but wasn't easy, but Alfred always took care of you. On holidays, he would write Bruce and Selina’s names on gifts but you knew it was Alfred’s signature.
”Where are you going?” Dick asked.
”Going out but I will be back soon,” You said.
”Don’t take long. We have to meet the legends and Supergirl” Dick said.
”I know,” You said.
You leave on your motorcycle. Dick has told you that Barry is trying to build a team to defeat The Anti-Monitor. Throughout the years, you have seen Bruce be a mentor to others. You did become a hero but you didn't want to Bruce mentor you.
You get off your motorcycle and you walked inside the store. It's a fortune teller store, small place, with neon lights on the window, a black cat stares at you. On the door the sign says it closed, but you still went inside.
”We are closed!” She yelled.
”Madame Xanadu, I was told you can help me,” You said.
”Y/N Wayne, about time you come to see me,” Madame Xanadu said.
”Yeah, you those crows didn't take no for an answer,” You said.
”Come closer, my child. Do you want tea?” Madame Xanadu said.
”Sure,” You said.
For two weeks, crows have been bugging you to see her. You followed the clues to find her and you saw her in your dreams. You sit down and she gave you the cup of tea and she sits across from you.
”Now my child, tell me your questions,” Madame Xanadu said.
”How do you even know my name?” You asked.
”I can see the future. I know everything about you, I know you been having trouble sleeping. Your mother died when you were twelve and she was killed by the Joker, he almost killed you. But you don't like your father’s girlfriend Selina, you haven't opened up to her. You don't like her at all” Madame Xanadu said.
Your eyes opened wide.
”No way, you can know that,” You said.
Since your mother died, everything changed for you. You barely spoke to anyone about what you feel. Dick and the others became too busy being heroes. You were going to kill the Joker but he escaped. You don't care what anyone says, one day you will kill the Joker.
” It's written in the cards for us to meet. The worlds across the multiverse are in trouble, you are the only one who can save us” Madame Xanadu said.
”My dreams, I see many people dying even people I never met. I wake up in the middle of the night, I sweat and I always feel terrified to live or tell anyone about it” You said.
”Infinite Crisis is here. Every earth will be destroyed, you are the only one with answers” Madame Xanadu said.
You shake your head.
”That can't be. I'm not a hero anymore. I couldn't save my mom now I have to save the whole universe! I can't...” You said.
”You will do it. Your mother would want you to do this” Madame Xanadu said.
You start to cry because you miss your mom.
”This means I can see the future? I can't have powers. No one in my family has powers” You said.
She grabbed your hands and she sees the abilities you will have.
”Mastery of magic. Your mother, grandfather, and your ancestors all mastered magic. Your mother didn't tell you, because she was protecting you from someone dangerous. You must accept your abilities to see the future in order to save everyone” Madame Xanadu said.
”If I don't?” You asked.
”Infinite Crisis will end everyone including you,” Madame Xanadu said.
She kept talking about why you should accept your abilities.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
You keep thinking about what she said. Back at the mansion you and the others go to Prime earth. Kate introduced you to everyone when you touched Oliver's hand then you got a psychic vision. You see everyone is dead including your family.
”Y/N are you okay?” Bruce asked.
You didn't say anything and you just ran away. Everyone is confused about what just happened.
You are in the bathroom washing your face. Your heart is racing then you get another psychic vision. This time you can see everything.
You can see The Anti-Monitor killing Bruce and Jason. You see dead bodies everywhere and you are nowhere in sight. The Anti-Monitor does sinister laughter and Sara is gasping for air and she is losing blood fast. You see her eyes and she begs for help.
Bruce knocked on the door and the vision is gone. You are breathing hard and your heart is beating fast like crazy.
”Y/N what's wrong?” Bruce asked.
You start to stutter and he can see you are freaking out. He starts to rub your back to calm you down.
”Breathe in and out” Bruce said.
You start to breathe in and out. He waits for you to say something.
”I can see the future. I saw everyone be killed by The Anti-Monitor and I wasn't around” You said
”Since when you can see the future?” Bruce asked.
”For a while now. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to think I'm crazy. You don't seem freaked out” You said.
”Your mother had the same ability. I was going to tell you when you first had your first vision. But you didn't tell me and I understand. We should tell the others, we have the upper hand fighting against The Anti-Monitor” Bruce said.
You sighed and agreed with him. You told them about your abilities and they want you to help. But you said no and walked away.
Everyone went to fight The Anti-Monitor. You haven't fully accepted your powers and you keep getting new visions. Snart walked in to grab his gun.
”I thought you left” You said.
”I was grabbing my gun. Only because you can see the future doesn't mean you can’t change it. I don't have powers and I don't understand what you are going through. My team, we always mess up the timeline but doesn't mean we give up, we will try to fix it even if it means messing up again over and over” Snart said.
”I didn't think about it like that” You said.
”You only kept thinking that you can't do anything to change the future. I have to go now” Snart said.
You watched him leave and you know that he is right.
Again you start to remember what Madame Xanadu said about your abilities. You must accept it in order to change the future.
”I won't be scared anymore” You said.
You take out a picture of your mom and you stare at it.
”Wish you were here helping me,” You said.
You put the picture away.
”Gideon, help me create my suit” You said.
”Of course, Y/N” Gideon said.
You and Gideon race against time to create your suit.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
Everyone is losing against The Anti-Monitor but they won't give up. You have on your new suit, usually, you wouldn't pick those colors but you didn't have enough time, literally. The mask is red and white and the rest is light navy blue along with red and white. You did a superhero landing and everyone is surprised to see you.
”It’s about time!!” Jason yelled.
”Shut up!” You yelled.
Jason glared at you and you glared back at him. You see The Anti-Monitor, everything is playing out like in the visions you had.
You haven't had enough time to learn your magic. But you start to save everyone, you used the Batman Batarangs to distract him and save the others. The Anti-Monitor starts to attack you but you can dodge his attacks. They got the perfect moment and you helped them with the infinite shrinking prison gadget. It worked and everyone is happy about it.
✧ ✯ ✧ ✫
After saving the world, Barry created the justice league and asked you to join. But you said no to his offer for now.
”Why did you say no?” Kate asked.
”I’m going to be trained by Dr. Fate to understand my magic and get stronger” You said.
”So, we won't see you for a while?” Kate asked.
”Yeah. I don't know how long it will take but I will be back soon. He is the only one who can help me understand my powers” You said.
”I get it, Y/N. I will call you to check up on you now and then” Kate said.
”I’m okay with that” You said.
Kate hugged you. At the mansion, there is going away party for you. You hugged everyone and everyone is at the party. Alfred hugged you and you will miss him.
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candyshua · 5 years
When Our Star Burns Out || Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
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When you meet a strange boy by the name of Wonwoo through a game of dodgeball, you would have never expected him to change your life the way he did.
Genre: Heavy angst & tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: 10,121
Warnings: Death, alcohol, mentions of sex, cursing, & cancer
A/N: i really hope you guys enjoy this. i spent so long writing this and i’m actually quite proud of it!! this is a very long oneshot as you can see, but i really hope you guys like it:))
You and Wonwoo had met in one of the most odd and unconventional ways a pair of human beings could possibly ever meet. You were 17 at the time, in the prime of your rebellious phase. You had always hated the way the world worked, with its cruel and unjust ways. You had worn colorless clothing, dyed your hair red without asking your parents (they made you dye it back to its original color the day after they found out), and got your belly button pierced with a fake ID. It was safe to say that you did things your way, and your way only.
Yet, somehow, you found yourself at your friend’s birthday party in a trampoline park on a Friday night, when you could be drinking or smoking or literally anything else besides that. It was the middle of January, yet the cold weather outside didn’t even compare to the cold words you had told your friend, Jinah, when she invited you.
“What are we, elementary school kids? That sounds fucking lame.” You had hissed. Jinah, however, was used to you and your off-putting ways.
“There will be free food and cake. All you have to do is get me a stupid gift and show up.” 
And so you had found yourself at the trampoline park on that fateful January night. It was called Jumping and Jittering, which made you want to projectile vomit all over the neon-lit letters in front of the building. When you had walked inside, you were greeted with bunches of little kids running around and screaming. You instantly regretted showing your face at that stupid party.
The place was huge, though. The ceilings were very high, and its walls were an uncharming orange hue. In the way back, there were many mini trampolines where people could jump freely. There was also an obstacle course, a jousting station where kids fell into pits of plush, and most importantly, the dodgeball section. You were attracted to it immediately, and you somehow found yourself leading Jinah and the attendees of her party to said place.
And then, you saw him. Once you walked into the game of dodgeball, your eyes locked with a rather handsome and pleasant looking boy, who seemed to be around your age. You immediately looked away after you made eye contact, ignoring the sudden jolts of electricity that dashed around your entire body, leaving you with an uneasy warm feeling. His narrow yet alluring dark brown eyes perfectly contrasted with his goofy smile that he flashed to one of his friends. His nose was wide and its bridge wasn’t very prominent, but you found it extremely endearing. You had stopped yourself from further observing him, since you found yourself associating the word “endearing” with a random boy’s nose. 
Yet, his lovely tufts of black hair that fell over his forehead just perfectly left your heart beating rapidly. 
Before you knew it, the game of dodgeball had begun. You were always quite the athlete, even when you were little, you were always challenging boys who thought they were the best. That athleticism had stuck with you for a very long time.
You found yourself picking up a plush orange ball, and you locked eyes with the stupid, handsome boy and threw it as hard as you could. You didn’t know where this competitive mood had stemmed from, but all you knew was that you wanted to get that boy out. 
He had underestimated you and your strength, seeing as he reached out to it with one hand, expecting to catch it and get you out. However, the ball hit him in the arm, and despite the ball’s softness, the impact kind of hurt. The referee (a young man with a very sad look on his face) had monotonously motioned for the boy you had hit to get out. So, the handsome guy gave you a mischievous yet playful glare and trudged off the trampolines and off to the side.
After getting him out many more times, the playfulness in his eyes was replaced with a fiery determination to beat you. Soon, everybody else except you two were out, and the stranger kept giving you a very dirty look. You were sure he was taking this way too seriously, since you were barely breaking a sweat from the amount of physical activity you had endured.
There was one ball left, and it was in his hands. You had nonchalantly jumped in place on one of the trampolines, letting him get in his own head. Jinah and her entourage were cheering for you, but you knew you were going to win with or without them. This handsome boy’s main flaw was that he was far too emotional--you didn’t know his name but you could already tell that.
So, when he threw the ball at you at a seemingly unstoppable pace, you had caught it (you’ll admit it, with some effort) and smiled deviously. Everybody from Jinah’s party started to cheer, and you even found yourself basking in your own victory. The poor boy looked mortified.
After the excitement died down, you stood at a vending machine waiting for the water you just bought to come down. However, it stayed lodged between the glass and the shelf.
“God dammit!” You cursed, helplessly shaking the machine in hopes of getting your water. Sadly, it was to no avail, the water bottle was stubborn and didn’t move an inch.
You were just about to walk away until you locked eyes with the guy you had publicly humiliated. You blinked twice to make sure you weren’t imagining him walking your way.
You didn’t exactly know what to do. To be honest, you didn’t plan on ever interacting with the handsome stranger ever again. However, he intended on interacting with you.
After a very long 15 seconds, he was finally right in front of you. 
“You’re really good at dodgeball,” He murmured nervously, “I didn’t expect it.”
(You weren’t really the best conversationalist.)
He looked a little discouraged at your bland response, but he wasn’t going to give up.
“My name’s Jeon Wonwoo. What’s yours?”
You blushed a bit, wondering why he was interested in knowing your name. How was such a handsome guy like Wonwoo trying to get to know you?
“My name is Y/L/N Y/N.” 
“That’s a cool name.”
(You internally cursed at yourself, hating the way you were awkward and shitty at talking to people.)
He was just about to walk away awkwardly until you stopped him. You don’t know what weird force had gotten into you, but you didn’t want your encounter with this very handsome boy to end so quickly.
“Hey, could you help me with this?” You questioned, feeling heat rush to your cheeks. Wonwoo turned around and flashed you his pearly whites, and in that fateful moment, you knew that you wanted him in your life. His beautiful smile made you feel things you had never felt before. You didn’t exactly know why this boy was making you feel like your entire body was melting from his warmth. All you knew was that he was very cute, and he had a nice smile.
He walked past you and shook the vending machine once, and then plop. The water bottle fell and you gave Wonwoo a very shy grin.
“Thank you...Wonwoo.” 
“No problem, Y/N.”
After a very anticipant silence, Wonwoo spoke up.
“Can I um...get your number?” 
Oh thank God, you thought, I thought I was going to be the one to ask.
“Yeah, of course.” You responded a little too quickly.
Was that too eager? Was Wonwoo already turned off? Did he now want nothing to do with you?
That was kind of your specialty--making people want to have absolutely nothing to do with you.
Yet, Wonwoo didn’t budge. In fact, he found your eagerness quite relieving. He had thought the attraction was one-sided.
(It wasn’t.)
You were freaking out, to say the least. It was the end of January, and you thought you were going to die of excitement and nervousness.
You and Wonwoo had been texting non-stop for the past few weeks, and he finally mustered up the courage to ask you on a date. He asked you to go see a horror movie with him, to which you happily obliged. You loved horror movies.
You didn’t exactly know what to wear, so you stuck with a maroon sweater and a regular pair of blue denim jeans. You put on a nice pair of converse, not wanting to try too hard. Your hair was stylishly let down as well.
Once you heard the honking of a car from outside your house, you bid your parents farewell and eagerly ran out the door. You had learned Wonwoo was only a year older than you. He was in his first year of university and he absolutely adored it--he majored in film. His dream was to be an amazing filmmaker, which you had found extremely endearing. 
Once Wonwoo had laid his eyes on you, his mouth had fallen slightly agape. He thought your simple outfit complimented your entire demeanor perfectly. You looked angelic amid the cold winter night. Your cheeks and the tip of your nose were red, which made Wonwoo’s insides feel odd. There was no other way to put it, he didn’t feel normal--he felt weird and unusual. But, it wasn’t a bad kind of weird.
After the movie ended, Wonwoo had learned that you--like him--could handle horror movies quite well. He had found you incredibly cool, and he thought your charisma multiplied exponentially each time he learned something new about you.
Finally, you had arrived back to Wonwoo’s car after running to it in the freezing cold. The city lights of Seoul were seen in the distance, but you had wished you could’ve seen the stars instead. 
“I love stars.” You blurted while curled up in a ball in the passenger seat of his car. He chuckled at your adorable nature and put his jacket on you like a blanket. You ignored the quickening pace of your heart and the heat rising to your cheeks despite the ungodly cold weather.
“Why?” Wonwoo probed, eyeing you shyly. This was new, exciting, yet comforting. You were loving every second of whatever this was. Dating? Friendship? Whatever it was, you didn’t want it to stop. Ever.
“Well, I mean, they’re pretty far away, right?”
(Wonwoo tried to stifle a smile that broke out since you were so goddamn adorable, but he failed miserably.)
“Yet, we’re still seeing their light. Even if they’re many light-years away, their light still got to us. Hell, the star could’ve even burned out by now--but we still got to see them.”
You had looked at Wonwoo shyly, expecting him to laugh at you and your stupid interests. 
Instead, however, you were pleasantly surprised.
“That is quite a nice way to look at it. It makes me...feel at ease. Like I know I’ll always have the stars to depend on.”
Wonwoo’s words had made you want to kiss him right then and there. However, your words were quicker than your actions (or lips).
“Yes! Thank you, god! Everybody always calls me stupid for thinking like that...Or annoying. Or both!” You joyously shouted, making Wonwoo’s smile widen even more.
“You’re cute.” Wonwoo blurted, which made you freeze up. Despite the heat you were receiving from Wonwoo’s jacket and your own clothing, you felt oddly chilly.
Yet, it was a good kind of chilly. You liked it a lot.
“So are you.” You had retorted, wondering where the bravery to flirt came from.
Suddenly, you had felt infinitely grateful to Jinah and to the fact that you attended her stupid birthday party. You also felt grateful to your athleticism, your competitive nature, and of course, to Jeon Wonwoo.
The beautiful winds of spring had kissed your skin just right. You walked through the fair, hand-in-hand with Wonwoo. To say that you were at ease would be an understatement--you felt so much more than that. Despite having just gotten off an extremely scary ride, you were content and tranquility flowed throughout your veins.
Wonwoo, however, was still shaken up from that rollercoaster. You led the both of you to a table by the concessions and made Wonwoo sit down.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, worry prominent in your voice. Wonwoo then felt his heart ache dramatically, and he had come to the realization that he hated seeing you hurt. He could hear the pain laced into your voice, and he knew that he was the cause of it. It felt absolutely awful.
You then sat down next to Wonwoo and took his hands in yours. “You can tell me anything, you know…”
With those words, Wonwoo had found himself surprisingly opening up to you. You two had been dating for about three months now, yet Wonwoo could be very stoic at times. You had wanted to learn more about your boyfriend, but he had trouble trusting people.
However, you were different. Ever since the night of your first date, he knew he could trust you. He was just scared of opening up and then losing you. The last thing in the world he wanted was to lose you.
So, you had learned about Wonwoo’s fear of rollercoasters, which stemmed from the problems he had with his parents. 
His parents didn’t support him or any of his artistic endeavors. They had wanted him to be a doctor, since he had a mighty sharp brain that could do something more “productive” than making films. However, Wonwoo rebelled, saying that being a doctor just wasn’t his dream. His parents were never supportive.
He recalled one time in his early childhood where he went on a rollercoaster, but his parents had refused to go with him. And, in that moment, 8-year-old Wonwoo had felt terribly alone. That feeling of loneliness stuck with him until the day he moved out of his childhood home.
“I know it seems trivial,” Wonwoo began after explaining himself, “but it’s me. It’s why I hold you so close, it’s because you listen. You support me, and I’ve never really had that before.”
Your eyes bored into Wonwoo’s dark irises with intensity. Before the rational and cowardly side of you could deny, you had pressed your lips against his with fervor and love.
You had loved Wonwoo, to the point where he was always in the back of your mind. Little things like the smell of mint or horror movies would make you think of him. Whenever he was the center of your attention, your insides pooled with warmth. He made you feel human, like you could finally breathe again. 
You had hated the world, it was horrible and cruel. People were worse. However, whenever you were with Wonwoo, you forgot about the terrors of the world and your hatred towards people. 
You finally pulled away and gave him a playful stare. 
“Sorry.” You giggled.
“It’s okay.” Wonwoo gave you a lazy smirk.
You gave him one last peck on the lips, and then backed up on the bench you were both sitting on. The sky was blue and cloudless. There were many people all walking in different directions around the two of you. Children’s laughter could be heard among the bustle of life, yet all you could focus on was the man in front of you. You wanted to bask in the moment and observe every little detail of the atmosphere, including Wonwoo’s black skinny jeans and simple white t-shirt along with your red blouse and black leggings. It was your first kiss with Wonwoo (or with anyone for that matter) and you didn’t want to forget it,
“I hate everything--well, I used to.” You blurted.
Wonwoo then gave you a puzzled look.
You sighed while you shifted nervously in your seat, and then you finally decided to open up to him--he had just done the same to you. It felt right.
“When I was five, I was put into foster care. My mother could no longer take care of me, despite not having any financial troubles. To sum it up, I was a burden. And, it hurt--a lot.
“Yet, after three years of being in foster care, my new parents had found me. They took me in and, for a short period of time, I felt like I was theirs. I didn’t feel like an abandoned piece of trash. 
“Sadly, I had to start my new school. The kids there were absolutely horrible to me, they would steal from me and call me names. I was nine. But, I grew up and I learned how to stand up for myself. It led me to be friends with Jinah, and then I met you.”
Wonwoo stared at you with his big, innocent eyes. His respect for you had just been multiplied by a thousand. He kissed you again (mainly because he wanted to initiate at least one kiss), and then he hugged you tightly, as if he never wanted to let go. 
(You didn’t want him to.)
“What do you want to do with your life, Y/N?” Wonwoo asked you while the two of you stared at the stars on a summer evening. The sudden question had startled you.
“Well, damn, I don’t know.”
Wonwoo scoffed and turned on his side so he could look at you. You glanced at him very briefly, staying on your back. You were enjoying that particular date, since Wonwoo had taken you to the countryside so you two could look at the stars without them being overshadowed by the city lights. You had told your parents you were going on a drive with Jinah, but they saw right through your lie.
However, they didn’t call you out on it. They saw the way your lips slightly curled upwards when you thought of what you were about to do. They knew you loved him.
You let yourself bask in the silence and contemplated Wonwoo’s million-dollar-question. You hadn’t really figured that out yet. You were an exemplary student, and all of the colleges you had applied to accepted you. However, you didn’t exactly know what you wanted your career to be.
“Well?” Wonwoo cooed, giving you a small smile.
You were silent for a bit--until it hit you.
“Oh! I know!” 
Wonwoo glared at you. 
“How about you tell me?” He sarcastically exaggerated. He couldn’t contain his smile, though. You were just too damn cute.
“I want to be a writer.”
Wonwoo grinned widely.
“We have similar interests, don’t we?” 
You shrugged. You tore your gaze from the sky to look at Wonwoo again. 
“I just have a lot of ideas. I think I could write them down, and then make them into a story. I don’t really know, to be honest. I’m just kind of winging it.”
Wonwoo laughed at that. You playfully glared at him and stuck out your tongue. After Wonwoo’s eyes averted from your gaze and went back to look at the stars, you felt the feeling of happiness melt into your blood.
You knew you would remember that moment for the rest of your life. And, when you would get sad, you would force yourself to think about it. You would force yourself to think about Wonwoo’s beautiful smile, and his smooth black hair, along with his lanky limbs yet well-built body. 
“Thank you, Wonwoo.” You murmured shyly.
“For what?”
“For playing dodgeball that one stupid night.”
It was an odd feeling--knowing that the foundation of your relationship was some stupid game of dodgeball. It was also odd to think about how long ago that night in January felt, when it really was only seven months ago.
Wonwoo smirked and then scooted over to you, and planted a wet kiss right on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, wanting him to know that he made you happy--that he made you smile.
Wonwoo had driven you two back to the motel you were staying at for the night. And then the kisses you two shared turned into something more serious, more fervent. Before you knew it, your clothes were off, and then Wonwoo was inside of you, and then you were no longer a virgin.
Once you two were finished, he cleaned you up and then snuggled up next to you, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
“I love you.” You confessed with a quiet voice.
“Finally.” Wonwoo laughed.
“Finally. It was about time one of us said it. I love you too, Y/N.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. 
You fell asleep in each other’s arms that night, knowing nothing but your love for one another.
You had started Seoul University. It was a huge change, to say the least. Your classes were stressful, pain-inducing, and time-consuming. However, you were skating by in terms of grades--your GPA was very high and your grades were amazing. 
One day, your creative writing professor had called you to meet him right after class. Your mind automatically went to the worst possible reasons as to why he wanted to meet with you. Were you in trouble? Did you do bad on an essay? Oh god, was he going to seduce you?
“Hi, Professor.” You nervously greeted while avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. It’s quite the contrary, actually.” He must have sensed your apprehension. Were you really that easy to read?
You finally made eye contact with him. You cocked your head to the side, as if your curiosity was a sign for him to continue.
“Your latest story was absolutely amazing, so I submitted it to some publishers in New York I’m friends with, and they absolutely loved it.”
Oh god.
“And you said you speak English, right?”
You nodded slowly. You swore your heart was in your throat.
“Well, they want you to go to New York for a year and work under them. They see potential in your work, Y/N. As a matter of fact, a lot of people do. I recommend that you do it, it’s a huge publishing company and they could really get your name well known. Plus, it’s kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
 You didn’t know how to react. Were you supposed to be happy? Excited? Why was your first thought about Wonwoo?
“I’ll think about it.” You sighed, trying to fight the sudden solemn mood you were put in. This was supposed to be great news, but why did it feel like you were losing?
You contemplated not telling Wonwoo at all, since you were almost certain that you were going to turn the offer down. But, Wonwoo could read you like a book, so when he came to pick you up after your literature class, he knew something was wrong. You weren’t your usual talkative and passionate self, you seemed hollow.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Wonwoo questioned with concern laced in his voice. You had sucked in an uneasy and sharp breath, wondering if it was even worth telling him.
“I got an offer.”
“Elaborate.” “Okay, so, I got an offer to work under these really famous publishers. They read a short story of mine and they want to see more of me.”
Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows intently and cocked his head to the side. 
“And this is bad because?”
“Because I’d have to go to New York City for a year.”
Wonwoo’s lips pressed into a firm line after your soul-crushing words. Wonwoo knew you were talented and extremely intelligent. 
“I don’t think I’m gonna take it, though.” 
Wonwoo gave you a look that somewhat resembled anger. He was mightily conflicted. 
“Do it.” He surprised himself when he said that.
Wonwoo’s words had hit you like a punch in the gut. Why was he encouraging you? Did he want you out of his life?
“But I--”
“Do it, Y/N. Don’t stay for me, please. This isn’t what you want--you don’t want to turn down amazing opportunities for me. You don’t want a simple life, do you?”
He waited for you to answer. He then gave you a very stern look, and you were coaxed into answering.
“No, I don’t.”
You didn’t, that was true. You couldn’t possibly imagine settling down for a mundane and safe life. You wanted excitement, you didn’t want to work in a job and have to climb the corporate ladder. No, you wanted to follow your dreams.
“Exactly. I love you, Y/N. And, since I love you, I’m not going to stop you. This is your dream.”
You knew he was right. You knew that this was your dream, and you shouldn’t be putting it on hold for a man. Despite your earth-shattering love for Wonwoo, you couldn’t let that get in the way of your dreams.
“I’ll be gone for a year--at least. That means…” 
You couldn’t even bear to finish the sentence. You felt a lump in your throat start to form, and then the tears started to fall effortlessly. You were a sobbing mess, but Wonwoo held you and calmed you down, repeatedly saying “I love you” and “it’s okay”. 
Wonwoo’s words had always been able to calm you down, but in that moment, his words only made your heartache worsen.
You broke up with Wonwoo the night before you left. The both of you knew it was coming, the inevitability of the entire situation was unstoppable.
You had showed up in front of Wonwoo’s house at around 11 PM, waiting for him to come down right after you called him. The look in his eyes said that he knew, and that it was okay.
“Hi.” You managed to muster. Your voice had already cracked from the oncoming onslaught of tears.
“Hey.” Wonwoo’s eyes were warm, and he gave you a sad smile. He took a step closer to you and kissed you on the lips softly, as if it was his way of saying goodbye.
“I love you, um, a lot.”
“I know.”
“You know if you tell me not to go, I won’t. I’ll stay here with you.” 
You knew you had wanted to go, but Wonwoo had this insurmountable power over you. His opinion mattered so goddamn much, and if he wanted you to do (or not do) something, he just had to say the word.
“I’m not a selfish person, Y/N. You know that.”
You were already breaking down. Wonwoo’s bottom lip was quivering, and you could tell he was trying to keep it all together for you.
“You can cry, you know.” You forlornly chuckled. He returned the sad laughter, and soon he started to sob just like you.
You took a step closer to him and tried to take in everything about that night. The smattering of stars in the sky, the way Wonwoo’s porch light was flickering, and the way your heart was breaking.
“I love you.” Wonwoo whispered, his voice breaking. You let yourself soak in those three words for a bit. 
Long distance could never work. The difference between timezones, the loneliness, just everything about it was so off-putting. So, that was off the table.
And, despite your love being so strong and real, it couldn’t change the way reality worked. And, the reality of everything was that this was most likely the end. You were both young and in love, but there was no realism in the idea of staying together forever.
You then looked at Wonwoo’s chocolate orbs and took in a deep breath.
“Let’s break up.”
All Wonwoo could do was nod and give you the world’s saddest smile. You finally maneuvered your way out of his touch and gave him one last wave goodbye, almost as to say “I’ll never forget you”.
How could you ever forget Jeon Wonwoo?
You were absolutely exhausted. You were about to drown in fatigue until your friend, Cynthia, came and shook you awake.
“It’s time to go home. Need a ride?” She offered, but you shook your head tiredly.
“No thanks, my boyfriend is gonna pick me up. Thanks, though.”
Finally, your boyfriend Joshua arrived in his lovely car. You trudged to the vehicle and you forced yourself to keep your eyes open. You finally opened the car door and gave him a lazy kiss before shutting it.
“Tired?” Joshua asked, amusement prominent in his tone.
“Joshua Hong, I really hope you’re not entertaining yourself with my pain right now.” You half-jokingly hissed, which just led to Joshua chuckling quietly.
“Where to?”
“Your apartment. No sex, though--too tired.”
You laid in Joshua’s bed and scrolled through your phone mindlessly. You heard the shower running, but you were just too tired to join him.
Suddenly, while scrolling through Instagram, you had gotten a follow request. Ever since you permanently moved to New York, you had gotten a new Instagram account, wanting to snip the roots of your old life.
You had went to New York for a year, went back to Seoul and graduated, and then you moved back after you fell in love with the city. It had been two years since your graduation, and it was safe to say things were looking up for you career wise. At the promising age of 24, it felt like there was nothing you couldn’t do.
But then your jolly mood had dropped completely once you saw Jeon Wonwoo’s name flash on your screen. He had found your Instagram.
Despite only seeing his name, you found your heart beating slightly more rapid than its usual pace.
Out of instinct, you stalked his account (which was public) before you accepted his request. You noticed how there was a huge absence of any females in his post, just Wonwoo and his friends from back home. He had no bio, and his profile picture was a picture of the night sky with lots of stars.
It was a different account than the one he had when you two were younger. However, it still screamed Wonwoo. Although you were only seeing what he wanted the world to see, you felt as if he didn’t change at all. 
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you accepted his follow request. What was the worst that could happen?
You had moved on. Wonwoo was your first love, but the blazing days of your youth were over. Now, you were an adult. You were more mature and you had a steady yet exciting job. Your boyfriend of two years loved you dearly.
You felt safe. You felt secure.
So, letting Wonwoo follow your Instagram account wouldn’t do any harm whatsoever. None at all.
You woke up to an incessant ringing. You groaned out of reaction, blindly reaching for your phone. 
“God, why is your alarm on? It’s Saturday.” Joshua grumbled with his raspy morning voice.
“I turned my alarm off. Someone’s calling me.”
You then look at the caller ID, which read “Dad”. Why was he calling you at such an odd time?
You pressed the green “answer” button and put the phone up to your ear.
“Y/N, you need to come back home. Your mother is sick.”
It was 4 in the morning, and you were desperately hailing a taxi. You finally succeeded, and you told the driver your home address after he finished boarding your luggage. Despite Korean being your first language, it felt foreign on your tongue.
Once you arrived home, you paid the man and brought your luggage inside with the help of your father. The reunion was bleak and filled with sorrow. Your father’s hopeless demeanor said it all.
Breaking up with Joshua had given you major deja vu. You were the one leaving, yet again. But, Joshua was an incredible and understanding man, so there were no hard feelings. It hurt beyond belief to leave him and New York, but you weren’t going to stay there and leave your parents all by themselves. You may have been selfish at times, but when people truly needed you, you were there for them.
Once the two of you finished unpacking your luggage, your father drove you to the hospital. It had been a week since your father had called you, but unpacking everything and breaking up with your boyfriend weren’t exactly speedy processes.
The car ride was deadly silent, as if saying anything would make things worse. 
Apparently, your mother had been having horrible migraines, to the point where she could barely see. So, your father took her to the doctor’s one day, and they found it she had a brain tumor.
It was operable, but the surgery was extremely risky, with a ten percent success rate. The reality of the situation didn’t really sink in until you saw your mother’s frail body laying down on a hospital bed. Your eyes immediately were filled to the brim with tears at the sight of her.
“Hi Mom.” You croaked, trying not to let her see you cry.
“Y/N...I missed you.” 
You stifled an oncoming sob.
“I missed you too.” You wallowed in the silence. Oh god, it all felt so real--too real. Soon, the regrets started to flood into you, attacking you like a tidal wave.
You would call your mother once a week, and they would last from ten to fifteen minutes. She would want to talk more, but you were just so damn busy.
You watched your mother intently. Her eyes were closed and her chest was barely rising with each breath. You contained yourself from downright sobbing.
Suddenly, you heard the door creak open. You turned your head and expected to finally meet one of the doctors, but you were greeted with someone you had never expected to see in person ever again.
Jeon Wonwoo.
“Wonwoo…” Your mother mumbled after opening her eyes, giving him a weak smile. Your mouth fell agape at the sight of him. He had...grown up. His hair was still the same black color, but it was now curly and more voluminous. He had become much more muscular and built--he wasn’t the same lanky and scrawny boy you had remembered. His eyes were no longer doe-like, they seemed sage and mature.
He was expecting to see you, but you still managed to catch him off guard. He gave you a weak smile and handed you a coffee, which you took with hesitation.
“Hi, Wonwoo.” 
He smiled. Oh god, that damn smile. Suddenly, you were seventeen again, and the center of your universe was Jeon Wonwoo. 
It had barely been two minutes of reuniting with him, yet you already felt like you were about to implode from warmth. Did meeting exes always feel this way? Like the feelings were still somewhere in the air, lingering?
“Hi, Y/N.”
His voice sounded the same. It was still deep, smooth, and song-like. You realized you didn’t need the coffee anymore, you were already wide-awake.
You had learned that Wonwoo had been taking care of your mother alongside your father while you were gone. That added to the insurmountable guilt you felt. 
You had also learned that Wonwoo was working on a film, to which you were pleasantly surprised.
The two of you sat on your front lawn and chattered over some beer and finger-foods. The moon hung low in the sky, and the late-summer wind felt nice against your skin. You found yourself looking at the stars, just like that one night with Wonwoo.
“So, Y/N, how have you been?”
Wonwoo had tried to act as nonchalant as possible. He didn’t want you to know that he was still madly in love with you.
“Um, good, I guess. My job was going really well...I managed to transfer to one of their offices in Korea, so that’s a relief.”
Wonwoo nodded, listening intently. 
“I um, had a boyfriend.” You saw his content eyes waver a bit. 
Wonwoo tried to hide his hurt with a surprised, fabricated grin. 
“Obviously, it didn’t work out. He was Korean, but he didn’t want to come back to Korea with me. So, um...we ended it.”
Wonwoo had downed another beer by then. You gave him an empty chuckle and followed in suit.
After a few more drinks, everything else was a blur. Suddenly, you and Wonwoo were kissing, taking each other’s clothes off, and then sleeping side-by-side, holding each other like nothing had changed.
You awoke with a killer headache. You had reached to your nightstand to grab some Advil, but you were bound to Wonwoo. His long and muscular arms were snaked around your waist, and he was holding onto you for dear life.
And then the memories of last night came flooding into your mind, each memory more painful than the last.
Yet, being in Wonwoo’s arms just felt so natural, like you were supposed to be there. With him.
Maybe you were supposed to be with him all along.
“Wonwoo, get up.” You croaked, and you heard him mumble a noise of disapproval.
“Let’s stay like this for a bit more, please.”
You sighed.
The next day, you avoided Wonwoo like the plague. He texted you multiple times, along with a few missed calls. You were too preoccupied with taking care of your mother anyway.
You had caught up with your mother, and she learned much more about Joshua than you would let her know over the phone. You noticed the way her smile didn’t reach her eyes when you talked about him.
Yet, when Wonwoo walked into the room, the spark in her eyes was back. 
“Hey Mrs. Y/L/N, I brought you some bread from the bakery you like.” Wonwoo smiled, holding up a brown paper bag. Once he came over to the both of you and handed your mother the bag, he motioned for you to meet him outside of the room. 
You didn’t want to talk to him about what had happened, that was an undeniable fact. You didn’t want to come to terms with your underlying feelings, because you were so scared. You were scared of opening up to Wonwoo again, you were scared because Wonwoo made you feel like you were young and reckless again.
He had this placid power over you, and it never truly died down over the years of being without him. You may have suppressed it to the back of your mind, but the moment your life got entangled with Wonwoo’s again, you were vulnerable.
Being with Wonwoo again after all of those years made you feel like Joshua never existed. Like you never moved to New York, like you two had never broken up. Why was your love for him so unmatched? Why couldn’t you move on?
You could forget about Wonwoo for a bit, but the moment you would go face-to-face with the man, everything came back. So, no, you didn’t want to meet Wonwoo outside of the room.
Yet, you still did. And you let him take your hand in his and walk you outside, to the courtyard. You let him look at you like he still loved you, and you let yourself return his love-filled gaze.
He sat you down on a bench. The sky was gray and cloudy that day, and the weatherman said it was going to rain. The sun was hidden behind the fluffy clouds, but you still felt warm when Wonwoo held your hand in his.
Despite the fact that there were many people walking around the yard, when Wonwoo’s eyes met yours, you felt as if the two of you were alone. As if it were you and him against the world.
“Hi.” Wonwoo stalled.
“Should I just get straight to the point?” 
You nodded.
“I...um...I never forgot about you. I never truly moved on. I dated girls here and there, but it just wasn’t the same.”
You gulped, feeling a solemn pressure in your chest.
“And, um...I still love you. A lot. And seeing your instagram feed being filled with you and that guy Joshua, it hurt. And I regret drinking with you and sleeping with you, not because it was you, but because I didn’t want to restart things this way.”
You tried to look at anything else besides Wonwoo’s intense gaze. You tried to look at an old lady getting wheeled around, you tried to look at a group of kids playing tag, but you just couldn’t. 
Your eyes met Wonwoo’s. You realized that you never felt that level of intensity with Joshua, and it was quite a cryptic epiphany.
All of those years you had spent in New York, you were just pretending to be over Wonwoo. You never were.
Yet, you felt selfish. How dare you endeavor in romance while your mother was dying?
“I can’t.” You sighed, finally tearing your eyes away from Wonwoo. He sucked in a sharp breath, as if he were just cut by a knife. You had debated not explaining to him, but you thought Wonwoo had deserved that much.
“I just can’t do this right now. Not with my sick mom, Wonwoo. I can’t let anything distract me from her right now, I’m sorry.”
Wonwoo shook his head and clenched his jaw.
“This is your problem, Y/N. You always think you’re the problem. Do you wanna know what your mother told me before you came back?”
Silence followed his question. Yes, you wanted to know--of course you did.
“She said that she wanted me to man up and ask you out again. She wants me to marry you, Y/N. Why else would she let me stay by her side all this time? Because she didn’t want me to be in her life?”
Your mom was sneaky, you had to admit. She had always loved Wonwoo. 
She loved him because he made you happy. 
“Okay.” You whispered. Wonwoo quirked an eyebrow. 
“I said ‘okay’. Let’s try this thing again.”
Your mother’s funeral was a blur. All you could remember was the bleak colors and Wonwoo’s tight grip on your hand. All you could feel was agonizing, soul-crushing pain. Pain ate at you like a vulture eatings its dead prey, you were a breeding ground for it. After all of the arrangements were done, you had sat in bed for a week, only getting up to go to the bathroom. Wonwoo had brought you food to eat three times a day, but you would barely touch it. All you could think about was the fact that your mother was dead.
She had died about two months after you got home. Your family had decided against the surgery, since it could’ve killed her even sooner. So, she lived out her last two months diligently. She didn’t spend them in a hospital bed, she spent them with her family.
The night she died was also a blur. You had rushed her to the hospital after you came home from work one day and found her collapsed on the ground. There wasn’t much the doctors could do, or at least that was what they said. 
And, in that moment, you felt completely and utterly powerless. 
Your father was avoiding his emotions, unlike you. You were battling them head on, and you were losing miserably.
Your father would go out to drink at least three to four times a week, and he would come home absolutely shit-faced. 
Wonwoo had stayed strong, despite the pain that encapsulated his heart. He would cry silently, when no one else could see. He needed to be strong for you and your father, since the both of you had nobody else.
You returned to work a month after she died, greeting your coworkers emptily. You sat down and reviewed stories that were in the process of getting published, no longer feeling that spark of passion you had once felt while working. Everything was bleak, including you.
Three months after the death of your mother, Wonwoo was lying in bed beside you one night, listening to your steady breathing. “Y/N,” He began, “are you awake?”
“Yes.” You croaked.
“Can I tell you something that might make you mad?”
You didn’t have the energy to object.
“You need to get back to the world of the living now, Y/N.”
At this, you turned around to face him. 
“You need to come back to life. You’ve been a zombie these past few months, but it’s not what your mother would’ve wanted.” 
You felt yourself grow cold at Wonwoo’s truthful words. The pain you were experiencing had emotionally crippled you, and you had given up on about everything. Time had meshed into one big blur, and your memory was hazy; you could barely remember what you had for dinner last night. You started to cry into the crook of Wonwoo’s neck while he hugged you tightly. 
“It’s s-so r-real Wonwoo. It’s t-too real.” You cried as he rubbed your back with his warm hands. The ache in your heart had left you breathless. You just missed your mother so much, the longing to see her absolutely consumed you.
“I know...You just need to start living again, Y/N. For her.”
You looked up into Wonwoo’s passionate eyes. You nodded weakly and pursed your lips together in an attempt to halt your sobs.
You thought of your mother who had seen potential in you when nobody else did. When she brought you home with her, she had provided you with your first true family. She wouldn’t be able to stand seeing you wallow in your own self-pity like this.
After a few moments of silence, you bid Wonwoo good night and fell asleep in his arms. You had a hazy dream, all you could muster from it was that it was about your mother.
Slowly, you had started to rebuild your life, along with your father. Every day was painful and a struggle, but you knew your mother would have wanted you to move on. You could do this, you knew you could.
It had been a year since your mother’s passing. Despite the vacancy she left in your life, you no longer felt hollow. And, whenever you thought of a nice memory you had of her, you would smile instead of breaking down. You were getting there.
You couldn’t see anything, the only thing guiding you was Wonwoo’s hand and his voice. “To the right!” He ordered, but you had purposefully went to the left just to spite him. Despite being slightly ticked off at your stubborn nature, he laughed softly.
“Ew, why are your hands so sweaty?” You chuckled, making Wonwoo’s blood run cold. 
He was nervous, that’s why! But, he didn’t want to ruin the surprise.
“I dunno.” He coolly responded. You shrugged it off and then started to focus on the task at hand. Where was this stupid man leading you to? And why were you blindfolded?
You suddenly felt fresh air kiss your skin. “Are we outside?”
“Shut up and let me do this?”
“Do what?”
Wonwoo didn’t respond.
You were sure of the fact that you were outside since you felt wisps of grass caress your ankles. It was a lovely July evening, over two years since the death of your mother.
The two of you had come to a sudden halt. You were both staying at a hotel for a weekend, since Wonwoo had suggested you two go on a “getaway”. You happily obliged, not suspecting much from it.
You felt Wonwoo untie the bandana around your eyes. Suddenly, a whole new world had opened up in front of you. There was an abundance of stars in the night sky, and there was a trail of rose petals leading up to the stairs of a gazebo. Wonwoo held your hand and led you down the path as shock filled you up and rattled your bones. 
Before you could react to what was about to happen, Wonwoo went down on one knee and pulled out a lovely and very expensive-looking ring. 
“Hi.” He laughed with an airy sound.
“H-hi.” You responded, already feeling the urge to cry. 
“So, um, you probably have already figured out what I’m about to do. So, let me just say one thing: thank you. Thank you for coming into my life twice, thank you for always being a reason for me to smile. Thank you for teaching me about life and stars. Thank you for being my light.
“I was lonely, once. I had nobody to fall back on. But, on that night when you told me your thoughts on stars, my entire life changed. And, then I realized something--you’re the light a star gives off. You make things brighter, no matter where you go. Your light has reached me, Y/N.
“I think I knew I was in love with you ever since our first date. You had me absolutely smitten. And I-I just fell. Hard. When I lost you the first time, I was heartbroken. Yet, it’s almost like we’re destined to be together, since we found our way back to each other. 
“So, I ask you this because I went to spend the rest of my life with you. Y/L/N Y/N, will you marry me?”
At this point you were sobbing uncontrollably. You managed to muster a weak “yes”, but your nodding head was what got the memo across. Wonwoo smiled brightly, his eyes twinkling more than the stars up in the sky.
You held your hand out and he slid the ring on your finger, your heart racing when he touched you, just like the first time. 
“I-I love y-you.” You managed to muster, still crying tears of absolute blissful joy.
“I love you too.”
Despite not having financial troubles, the two of you settled for a small and inexpensive wedding. You barely remember anything before the wedding that day because you were so damn nervous. However, you remembered the ceremony just fine.
Your dress was an elegant, typical white wedding dress. Your veil flowed in a lovely manner, and your dress hugged your body just right. 
You were 28 years old at the time, and it was an odd feeling to look back on your life before you met Wonwoo. You never wanted to get married, you simply had no interest in romance. Yet, teenage Wonwoo had swept you off your feet that one January evening, and the rest was very complicated history.
The wedding music began to play, and you were just outside the entrance that led to where the love of your life stood. The only thing that was in your way was the walk to him, which was much scarier than people played it out to be. You took in a shaky deep breath and showed your face. 
Every head in the hall turned towards you. Your father walked you down with joyful tears in his eyes. It would’ve been amazing if your mother could have made it, but you knew she was watching down on you.
You knew she was proud of you.
After the long walk, you walked up the velvet-covered steps to where Jeon Wonwoo stood. He looked dashing in his standard black-and-white tuxedo. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous, and he had to contain himself from crying.
Soon, the priest had started his speech. You tuned most of it out and just lovingly stared into Wonwoo’s eyes.
You mouthed I love you and he mouthed love you too. And soon, Wonwoo’s lips were on yours the moment after the priest had said he could kiss you, and you were filled with nothing but pure happiness.
A year had passed just like that. Both of you were very successful in your careers, but you still made time for one another. 
That changed after your first wedding anniversary. Wonwoo had become busier and busier, to the point where he was stressed beyond belief. He would go to bed later than you and be out of the bed before you woke up. 
“I’m working with a really famous actor,” He would say, “I’m just a bit stressed.”
Suddenly, the mood around the house was solemn and dreadful. You couldn’t remember the last time Wonwoo had told you he loved you, and vice versa.
Wonwoo was coming home late, yet he always had time to update his social media and hang out with his friends. You thought he was just deliberately choosing to not spend his free time with you.
What had happened?
Your initial reaction was self-indulgent. It must have had something to do with you--it was your fault somehow. Yet, when you’d try to get him to go on dates with you just like you used to, he would decline and use the excuse “I’m just so tired”. 
You felt used. You were suffering in silence, and no matter how hard you tried to mend your relationship, Wonwoo put in no effort.
One night, you purposely stayed up later so you’d catch Wonwoo before you went to bed. You sat on the couch mindlessly watching TV, waiting for your husband to come home.
When he did, his eyes were bloodshot and his entire demeanor screamed “stress”. You immediately grew timid at the sight of him.
“Hey, Wonwoo.” You greeted when he took his shoes off and hung up his coat. He gave you a weak smile and walked right by you.
You had felt useless; it was almost as if Wonwoo didn’t need you anymore.
What if he had ran out of love for you? The sheer thought made you sick to your stomach. Despite his cold and distant attitude, you were still madly in love with Wonwoo, to the point where it hurt. Your love had felt unrequited all of a sudden, and you didn’t know what to do with yourself, or with him.
“Wonwoo.” You called out, but he kept walking. He must’ve not heard you.
“Wonwoo.” You called out again, this time a bit louder. He stopped dead in his tracks and swiftly turned around. He glared at you with nothing but pure ice in his eyes, and you knew you had fucked up.
“For fuck’s sake, what? Can’t you see I’m a bit stressed here? I would really fucking appreciate it if you weren’t so god damn incessant.”
You pursed your lips together and shut your eyes tightly. You didn’t want him to see you cry (since he was already so stressed), but you just couldn’t hold back the onslaught of tears. His icy words had sliced you open like a sword. You hissed at the unbearable pain you were feeling. 
Wonwoo’s expression immediately softened. He ran over to you, but you held a hand as a signal for him to stop when he came near you. You couldn’t live like this anymore.
“I’m done.” You lamented, running past him to go to your room. He followed you like a lost puppy, whimpering empty apologies. You had grabbed a suitcase and went to your dresser, packing everything you owned up in a dramatic and emotional fashion.
“Please, Y/N, don’t leave me. Please…” Wonwoo sobbed, realizing his grave mistakes.
“I’m just gonna go stay at my Dad’s for a bit, okay? So you can figure out whatever the hell you need to, without hurting me.” You hissed. Wonwoo repeatedly shook his head, begging for you to stay. None of this felt real--the absolute pain you were feeling made you crumble. You felt pathetic, like the pain you were experiencing was unprecedented. Like you should give in to Wonwoo and apologize for standing your ground.
Despite the days you’d spent in agony due to this man, there was no denying that you were still madly in love with him. You didn’t want to give up on him, but he left you no choice.
You had to respect yourself.
Once you had finished packing enough clothes that would last you a week, you trudged to the front door, suitcase in hand. Wonwoo followed you pathetically.
You were just about to walk out the door without saying a word, but your heart took over your head for just about a millisecond.
“I’ll call you when I’m ready.”
Then you shut the door behind you, and all Wonwoo could hear was your car driving away and his heart breaking.
A week had passed since you had temporarily moved in with your father. You lay in bed after work that night, staring at the ceiling. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying, like they had been the past week. 
You turned over to face your nightstand, where a picture of you and Wonwoo at the fair stood in a frame. That was the day of your first kiss.
You remembered that day like it was yesterday, since it was the day you had learned the both of you trusted each other. Things back then were so new and exciting. What had changed?
Were you really going to give up on Wonwoo? Is that what was truly best for you?
No, it wasn’t. Your heart started to beat rapidly, and then you jumped up out of bed and put an old pair of sneakers on. You then ran to your car, hopping in the driver’s seat.
Shit, it was low on gas. 
Your dad was out for the night, so he took his car with him. You murmured a string of curses and then called a taxi. You waited impatiently for the car to arrive, your leg bouncing with nerves that made you want to hunch over and vomit.
The taxi finally arrived after what seemed like forever. You ran into the car and frantically told the poor driver the address of your home, the one you shared with Wonwoo. The love of your life.
He finally pulled up to your house, and you gave him a wad of cash that was way too much, and you ordered him to “keep the change”.
You then ran up to the front door, your hands shaking while you tried to input the key to unlock the door. Before you could succeed, Wonwoo opened the door. 
His gaze could’ve drilled a hole in your head. You then began to smile, and you jumped into his arms. He immediately hugged you back.
“Let’s make this work, okay?” You sighed, your face snuggled against his chest. 
“Yes, of course.”
You finally pulled apart after about two minutes of just holding each other. The two of you had sat down on your couch, which was promptly placed against the wall. You looked Wonwoo in the eye and swallowed a lump in your throat.
“What’s going on? What made you so stressed?”
Wonwoo took in a sharp breath.
“You know that film I was working on?”
You nodded.
“Well, it almost got cut. The company suddenly hated the idea and the script, and I would’ve lost a shit ton of money it if got cut. I had personally invested in that film, and not to mention, I poured my heart and soul into it. The night we fought, um...they said they were officially gonna cut it. I didn’t have the heart to tell you because I thought you’d be disappointed in me. I was being so selfish I didn’t even see the emotional toll I was taking on you.
“But, while you were gone, I managed to convince my company to take up the movie again. And that just left me some time to wallow in my own guilt and self-hatred.”
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath. 
“Please, Wonwoo, tell me everything. I deserve to know…”
Wonwoo nodded as his eyes started to fill with tears. 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
You gave him a weak smile.
“I love you too, Wonwoo.”
The love you both had for each other was brighter than any star in the sky. You had refused to let the star you both shared burn out.
You knew that you and Wonwoo were meant to be in each other’s lives. The challenges life threw at you led you to one another.
You looked up and met Wonwoo’s passionate gaze. Your light had reached him, and his light had reached you--that was that. Yet, when the time comes for your star to burn out, there is no denying the fact that you had cast light on each other’s lives. 
There is no denying the love you had both shared.
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mcrflashfic · 5 years
Side Effects
Living in the Zones will change you. Literally.
Author: @justlookatthewheat
Content Warnings: Body Horror
Word Count: 2,999
Party Poison wasn't about to claim any kind of expertise on radiation poisoning, but he was at a loss for any other explanation as to why he woke up looking like a fucking Maraschino cherry.
His first thought was - well, his first thought was what the fuck is on my head as he walked past the diner windows on his way to take a piss. His second thought, then, was where the fuck did Ghoul get hair dye? Because this was for sure a Ghoul prank. But then that didn't make sense either, really. Party's hair had been black. He would have definitely noticed someone bleaching his entire head and slapping dye over top, unless he'd been, like, gonna-meet-the-Phoenix-Witch frying, which he knew he hadn't. (Even if he had, his hair would still smell like peroxide. Also, he'd be face first heaving into a bush right now, probably.) It took several minutes of staring at his reflection and pulling strands of his own hair out to inspect them up close before he started entertaining the possibility that he'd mutated overnight, though. And he didn't believe it until he wasted a whole bottle of water and some of the soap they'd salvaged from the diner’s dishwasher on trying to wash it out.
The sand wasn't even pink when he finished rinsing. Neither were his hands. He bent to peer into one of the side mirrors on the Trans Am - to his alarm, his eyebrows, lashes, and three-day stubble were all the same Pantone 485 C color as the hair on his scalp.
"How do you even remember the Pantone color names?" Kobra asked him, exasperated, like Party had fabricated this situation specifically to piss him off, at the exact same moment a totally fascinated Ghoul said "Does the carpet match the drapes?"
Kobra glared at Ghoul so hard Party thought he would sprain something. "Stop talking, or I'm filling your boots with dead spiders while you sleep."
Party'd gone to show the other three as soon as he realized how much the whole thing was pegging the weird meter. So far, they were handling it about as well as he'd expected, which was not at all. He sat on a chair in the middle of the diner floor while they crowded him and talked over each other asking questions.
"It's scientifically relevant. Like, is it all of his hair, or just the hair on his head?" Ghoul grabbed Party's arm and yanked it close, squinting at his peach fuzz; annoyed, Party ripped it back again and folded both arms tight over his chest.
"Yes, it's everywhere. Stop manhandling me, fucker."
Jet had been inspecting his hair with the back of a polished saucepan throughout the debate - probably checking to make sure whatever it was wasn't happening to him - and he finally put it down to join the discussion again. "It's weird that it's just you who's affected. I mean, we're all getting exposed to radiation, right? So why's Poison the only one in Technicolor?"
"And all at once," Kobra added, frowning. He leaned in closer to peer at the top of Party's head. "It'd make more sense as a mutation if it was just the roots."
Ghoul snickered. "Too bad you didn't snag 'Cherry Bomb' for your Killjoy name, Poison. Think of the thematic relevance it'd have now."
"Hilarious." Party rolled his eyes and dragged both hands through his new, inexplicably red locks. "Seriously, you guys. If it's radiation, where do the mutations end? Like, am I gonna get psionic fire powers next?"
The effect was not what Party was going for. All three of them instantly lit up with excitement - even Kobra broke his signature scowl to gasp out a "Holy shit, what if you did, though?"
Party dropped his head into his palms with a groan.
Ghoul was next. Party was actually the one to discover it, while the two were picking their way through a dusty warehouse on the far edge of Zone 5 a couple weeks after the Hair Incident. It was oppressively hot inside despite the dim and the amount of space. They both had been stripping off layers as they sweated through them; finally, Ghoul tore off his t-shirt in a fit of heat-induced pique, chucking it in a heap on the cluttered floor, and Party gasped.
"Oh my God, Ghoul, your tattoos," he said, too loud in the empty warehouse - his voice echoed, and Ghoul nearly dropped his gun in alarm.
"What? What's wrong with them?" he asked, tinged with panic, and looked down wide-eyed at his torso. "Oh, Jesus fuck."
It was like something out of Harry Potter. Party gaped at Ghoul's skin in wonder - his tattoos were moving. Some flashed like neon; some, like the swallows across his hips, moved like their living counterparts. The grenade on his chest exploded and reconstituted on a loop. All the stars glittered; pieces in script flowed as though being traced in real time by an invisible calligrapher. Party couldn't help himself but reach out and touch one of them. It rippled gently beneath his fingertips.
"That is so fucking creepy," he said, hushed with awe, and watched the letters vanish before wisping, smoke-like, back into place. "Can you feel them?"
Ghoul shook his head fiercely, face pale. His eyes were so big Party could see white all the way around his irises. "No, I - I didn't even - oh shit, oh dude, look at my fucking hands," and he held them up so Party could see them, and he watched with a sort of horrified fascination as the letters swirled around Ghoul's fingers like stripes around a barbershop pole. "Is this fucking permanent? Party, what if it's permanent? They're all - it's all of them, oh my God," he babbled, high and strained, and clutched at Party's shoulders in distress. Party gave him a hug because he couldn't think of anything else to do, and Ghoul shuddered, and clung back.
Jet took it almost as poorly, once they'd gathered what they needed out of the warehouse and returned to base. He clamped both hands over his mouth the instant Ghoul rolled up his sleeves and reeled backward. "Abso-fucking-lutely not. Ghoul, what the fuck?"
"Dude, if I knew, it wouldn't be happening," Ghoul snapped. Kobra came closer, studying Ghoul's ink with his brows drawn together. He dragged his fingertip over the Our Lady tattoo on Ghoul's forearm.
"Party's radiation theory is looking plausible here," he said, sounding thoughtful, and glanced up to meet Party's eye. "I mean, I can't think of anything else that would cause this."
"Are we all gonna end up with freaky shit, then? Is it gonna get worse? Cause there is a big fuckin' difference between sprouting unnatural hair and living tattoos," Jet said, looking pointedly away from Ghoul. "Oh god, what if my hair turns into snakes or something?"
Kobra snorted, straightening up. "If anyone's getting a snake-themed mutation, it'll be me. Maybe I'll get fangs."
He was almost right. It was significantly more disturbing than simple fangs, but it was definitely snake-themed. They were mid-clap when it happened and shit was already chaotic; Party was struggling to clear dust from his eyes with his shoulder when he heard a sickening crunch and then Jet shrieking Kobra's name. Heart in his mouth, Party whirled around with his gun raised, fearing the worst - but all he saw was Kobra, helmet on, going after a Drac down a wash. He glanced at Jet in confusion, and fired a slug at a Drac over his shoulder.
"What the hell was that sound?" he shouted.
Jet, looking like he'd seen a literal ghost, didn't answer him, just stared after Kobra in stock-still terror until Party ran over and yanked him down behind a rock embankment for cover.
"Fuck, Jet, get it together or you're gonna get dusted," Party huffed out, and shot back to his feet to fire off a couple rounds before ducking back down. "What happened?"
"That - he's not - Party, Kobra didn't bring his helmet on this raid," said Jet, and dug his fingers into Party's bicep. They locked eyes, Jet's wide and scared. "That's not his helmet. That's his fucking head."
Party blinked back at him, lost. "What? That doesn't - "
"CAN I GET SOME FUCKING HELP HERE, GUYS?" Ghoul's voice yelled then, and Party cursed before scrambling up behind the embankment, Jet on his heels. They helped Ghoul shake the couple Dracs that had ganged up on him, and then Kobra came running back up the dry creek, splattered with Drac blood. Back to back to back to back, they assumed their usual end-of-firefight position, Party and Ghoul checking north and south with Kobra and Jet looking east and west, guns drawn. Once everyone gave an all clear, they re-holstered and took a second to decompress. Ghoul wiped his face with the bandana tied around his neck, his tattoos whirling dizzily across his skin.
"Okay, so, what the fuck happened back there? I looked up and everyone was gone," he complained to the group, glaring at each of them in turn. "Didn't we talk about keeping eyes on each other the whole time during these things?"
"Sorry, Ghoul, there was sort of a - " Party started to say, looking up from adjusting his gloves, but he stopped short when he laid eyes on Kobra and Kobra's helmet suddenly deflated and disappeared into his collar with that same crunching noise he'd heard before.
"...What?" said Kobra, glancing between the three of them, puzzled. Party could feel the frozen shock on his face, but couldn't articulate any words; Ghoul heaved a dry retch and pressed his hands over his mouth, while Jet gestured frantically at Kobra while looking to Party.
"That! That's what fucking happened, except the other way! I told you it wasn't his helmet!"
Kobra touched his hand to his face, still looking confused. "Yeah, I didn't bring it cause we were in the Trans Am. Why are you guys freaking out?"
Party, acting on a hunch, quick drew his gun on Kobra and lunged, but didn't fire - Kobra leapt backward with a yelp, and sure enough, his helmet formed over his head with that same awful sound. Party shoved his gun back into the holster and grabbed Kobra by the wrist, dragging him toward the Trans Am. He pushed him in front of the side mirror. "Kobra, look."
He did. "What the fuck," he said, muffled.
Party laid a hand on his shoulder. "Dude. It's a cobra hood. The radiation made you grow a fucking cobra hood."
By the time it was Jet's turn, the Fab Four were in full-on Buffy research mode to figure out what the hell was going on, and more importantly, if there was anything they could do to stop it. Dr. D didn't know anything but promised to put out feelers for them; they talked to other Killjoys at raves and underground gigs; they stripped tech off Drac bodies and raided Better Living outposts and scoured the airwaves for any stray bits of information. Meanwhile, their individual mutations got weirder. Party's hair color changed, first from day to day, then hour to hour, until it seemed like it varied with each breath. Ghoul's tattoos started multiplying of their own accord. The older ones resharpened, ink drawing up through the layers of skin - their motion, they learned by way of careful note taking, was dependent on his body temperature, faster when he was warm and slower when he was cold. Kobra didn't grow fangs or start sibilating, but he did figure out how to pop out the cobra-hood-helmet thing on command instead of just whenever he felt threatened.
"You know how with the summer monsoons, you can watch the rain sweep over the desert in a sheet until it finally gets to you?" Jet said to Party one day when it was just the two of them on watch. They were parked on top of the Vista de Nada Plano outcrop in Zone Six, waiting to intercept a Drac patrol coming from the east. "That's how I feel about this fucking mutation thing. I just wanna get it over with."
Party glanced over at Jet from the landscape sketch he'd been doing out of sheer boredom. Jet's jaw was clenched, gun in his lap, and he kept trailing his thumb up and down the barrel as he stared out over the scrub wastes. "It's not so bad being a mutant," he said, opting for levity. It only kind of worked; Jet snorted, but didn't smile.
"Easy for you to say. You got the Rainbow-Brite mutation. Kobra sprouted snake anatomy. That's like Storm telling Rogue to cheer up and embrace her power."
Hard to argue with that. Party shrugged, and tapped the end of his pencil against his sketchpad. "Maybe you'll get a softball one, too."
Jet ran his tongue over his teeth. "Yeah, maybe." He knocked his aviators up the bridge of his nose with his knuckle, and then suddenly sat up stock straight, clutching his gun with both hands. "Start the car."
"Huh? Why?" Party looked around, twisting in his seat to check behind them, too - no sign of danger, no dust from vehicles, just the rocks and larrea bushes.
"There's an Exterminator coming up the back side. They've got Dracs with them," said Jet, already shifting into shooting position in the passenger seat; Party cursed, and fumbled to get the keys back in the ignition.
"Fuck, I can't see anything - how do you know that? Where'd you spot them?" The Trans Am roared to life, and Party gunned it down the front side of the outcrop, keeping an eye on the rearview while he dug his gun out of its holster and passed it to Jet.
"I...didn't," said Jet, sounding surprised, and Party cut a glance at him; Jet was staring straight out the windshield, guns in both hands, aimed at the roof. "I just got a feeling."
A ray gun blast whizzed past the driver's side window and glanced off the side mirror. Party jumped, and looked back to the rearview; sure enough, an Exterminator car rose up over the hill behind them, with a Drac hanging out the back window. "Hell of a feeling," he said, and barked out a laugh. "Holy shit, are you psychic now?"
Jet, cranking the passenger window down, shot him a grin before he turned around in the seat. "I guess I'll let you know!"
It was another couple months before other Killjoy cliques and Zone dwellers started complaining of their own mutations. They ranged from the superficial and mundane Party-esque changes all the way to the X-men level shit Jet and Kobra got. Only two factors were consistent across the board - everyone who got them had been living out in the Zones for at least three months, and they’d all had some kind of clap with Dracs. The major breakthrough came from Kobra, who’d appointed himself lead researcher, when he figured out there was a positive correlation between the severity of the mutation and how many Dracs you’d killed - i.e., the higher your body count, the crazier your mutation.
“I don’t know exactly what it is about killing them that’s causing this, though,” he admitted, after coming to the rest of them with the data.
“I bet it’s the masks,” said Ghoul. “Who knows what kinda freaky shit powers those things? They wipe your fuckin’ soul!”
“Yeah, but you don’t always destroy their masks when you kill them,” Jet pointed out, rubbing his exposed eye. The psychic thing only worked, they’d learned, when Jet’s regular vision was dimmed - he thought it was super annoying to wear sunglasses all the time, so he’d taken to wearing an eyepatch. It worked, and it was totally awesome. Party had sewed him a little star pattern for it. “It’s gotta be something you’re exposed to every time.”
Party frowned, thinking back to all the claps they’d been in since they got out to the Zones. Was there anything that happened every single time? Did he get near one of them every time? Definitely not. The closest he got to actually touching Dracs was standing too close when they got hit by slugs and bled on him.
Wait. Was that -
“Holy shit,” he said out loud, and the other three all looked at him. “Is it - is it their blood? Like, touching it?”
“Oh Jesus Christ,” Ghoul moaned instantly, covering his face with both hands. “Ugh, Party, that’s fucking disgusting, and the awful thing is I think you’re fucking right.”
Better Living themselves spared them the world’s most vile follow-up experiment by confirming their suspicions in a radio broadcast Dr. D picked up and recorded. Not in as many words - as usual, there was some jargon they didn’t know how to parse, and it was all in Japanese - but definitely something about how exposure to Drac blood could poison you. Of course, that concept set the collective Zone-dwelling imagination on fire; a nuclear answer to the age old question of what drinking vampire blood will do to a mortal, which apparently was superpowers. News hit the zine syndicate, and before the Fab Four could warn anyone that the mutations would absolutely get weirder the more you exposed yourself, the latest Killjoy craze was chugging Drac blood to see what kind of crazy shit would happen to you.
Which turned out to be: a painful physical ordeal in the vein of ayahuasca consumption, first of all. Once you got past the delirium tremors and projectile vomiting, though, it wasn’t all bad. And sometimes, if you were really lucky, at the end of it you sprouted wings or could blow shit up with your mind or talk to dead people.
Party never did have normal hair again.
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 5 years
Broken Edges
Get ready for the angst! Part 2 is ready to go because I kinda word vomited and wrote 4k.
Steve Rogers x Reader 
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: language, angst, cheating 
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The diner was brightly lit aided by the help of signature neon signs and harsh fluorescence. What Y/N loved most was the feeling this hole in the wall provided. Strange security. It took her back to happier times allowing her to disappear into a 1950s daydream, the closest to home she had felt in some time. The tile was chipping, the floral wallpaper showing early signs of decay, but she found peace within its barren walls. 
No one knew who she was, just what she ordered, and that was the way she preferred it. Seen but never detected. Noticed but never approached, until he entered the picture.  Y/N was pulled from her thoughts when the waitress gently tapped her shoulder shaking her from current desolation.
“What will it be tonight, honey?”
Y/N glanced towards the glittering name tag; Dolores, before meeting her calm gaze. If Y/N were a betting woman she would say Dolores was somewhere in her mid-fifties, slim build of a mother’s body, brown hair diminishing to gray tightly spun into a delicate bun, and lastly, a glazed smile that didn’t quite reach her charcoal eyes. Y/N mused while taking in the haggard woman standing in her glory. Her age lines meant one of two things; the first meaning she had lived a life full of smiles or a harsh reality that had shown its fading delicacy over the years. Y/N went with the latter option. 
She was an Avengers for god’s sake and she still couldn’t fathom a rhythm or reason for her importance on this planet nonetheless dear ’o’ Dolores. At least, not anymore. He made her question everything, altered her reality in such a vehement way that she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back to the stranger she formerly was.
Y/N mumbled unsure of herself; “Coffee, black. Please.”
A soft sigh slipped through Dolores’s lips as she moved to tuck her ordering pad into her apron; “You can’t survive off caffeine alone darling. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
“Thanks for the uh advice, but that’ll be it for now. I’m not.. I’m not feeling very hungry at the moment.”
“Well if you change your mind, just holler my way dear.”
Y/N hesitated before simply nodding as she watched the woman wonder behind the kitchen counter, her attention turning elsewhere.
(Earlier that day)
Tonight, was the night. Excitement electrified throughout her as hopefulness grabbed a hold of Y/N. Her damn cheeks hurt from the inevitable smile that she couldn’t seem to wipe away. Tonight, was the night she was going to tell Steve Rogers she was in love with him. A task easier said than done. 
For the past two years, they trapped themselves in a revolving game of cat-and-mouse. Steve had made himself approachable, caring, and most importantly, interested in what she had to say. At first their friendship grew as any other; spending countless missions by his side, endless inside jokes during movie nights, pouring her cup of coffee every morning. 
It only felt natural when they fell further into each other’s arms. She distinctly also remembered how Steve had lured her into their simple arrangement all while guaranteeing the best of both worlds; friends with benefits. Granted she blindly agreed to be a willing participate if it meant she got to spend those moments with him in hidden whispers and jest. Those times were her absolute favorite, when his Captain America facade faded and he allowed his true colors to blossom. Temporarily suspending his concrete walls and purely living in the moment.  
“Jarvis, what’s the time?”
“Good Evening Y/N. The current time in New York is 6:17pm.”
“Can you tell me, when are Steve and Nat estimated back?”
The computer system came alive and replied; “Mr. Stark arranged Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanoff to arrive promptly at 6:20pm this evening. Is there anything else I can further assist you with?”
“No, that’ll be it. Thanks Jarv.”
“Have a pleasant evening Ms. Y/N.”
Seven days of radio silence. Seven daunting days without so much a simple hello and Y/N was itching to hear his voice unraveling all impure thoughts in the process. She craved his touch, the press of his body against hers, and finally, to tell him exactly what she had been hiding for so long. 
Minutes ticked away sluggishly turning into hours with no sign of her solider in sight. Strange, she pondered. Y/N hadn’t been completely updated to the delicate details of the mission, but she knew better that Tony would have told her of any last-minute changes. At least she thought as much.
Y/N launched from her comfy spot in bed and made her way to the door. She didn’t bother locking the door behind her knowing full well she would return shortly. Y/N skipped towards the elevator, the red button coming alive as the elevator shifted downwards. The doors closed rapidly behind her as she punched the Quinjet dock lever flying her upwards, further increasing the butterflies in her belly.
As the door opens, Y/N was shocked to see the Quinjet parked and empty. Hmm, maybe Jarvis hadn’t been updated yet. Tony Stark was a man dedicated to two things; Pepper and his work. So much so, the freak designed his lab directly next door so he could be aware of all incoming traffic that left the headquarters. Y/N knew she would find him hunched over his latest obsession and she was never wrong…well most of the time.
Y/N raised her hand to meet the cool steel but Tony startled her already alert of her presence.
“Y/N, come in.”
“How did you--?”
“Tile sensors, I can literally pick up any foot print that steps into this glorious building of mine. Pretty cool, eh?”
“Uh, if you’re into that kinda thing then yeah, yeah I guess.”
He swiveled his chair around meeting her piercing green irises, “But, I don’t think that’s the reason you’ve come. I’m surprised you’re not with Goody Two-Shoes.”
“Whoever do you mean Mr. Stank?”
“Hey now, don’t forget who signs your paychecks and don’t play stupid with me kid. I know about you and Blondie. You’re like an open book kiddo.”
Shock temporarily overcame Y/N wondering just how exactly Tony always knew every secret confined within his walls.
“First- you don’t pay me and second- You are really creepy; you do know that?”
“That’s why they pay me the big bucks. State-of-the-art HD cameras all over the joint, and well, you guys are shit about hiding your ‘nightly activities’, if you know what I mean. Wink Wink.”
There was no attempt at hiding the blush that overtook Y/N’s cheeks as she tried to salvage her remaining pride. But with no such luck claimed her.
“Are they home? Did they make it back safely?
“You’re telling me you haven’t seen Cap yet?” Tony’s eyebrows raised slightly seemingly answering his own question.
“No no, not yet.” Her heart accelerated pace as unease slide down her backbone. Something was up and she couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Jarvis, buddy. Can you inform me on the whereabouts of Steve and Natasha since arrival?
“Certainly Mr. Stark. Their infrared scans show them in his suite. Shall I alert them of your activity?”
Y/N’s mind was running a mile a minute as she immediately contemplated the worst-case scenario. Steve did always like to finish his report immediately after missions. Maybe she was there to ease the paperwork?
“Nope, that won’t be necessary.” His attention guided back to Y/N as he tried to reaffirm the nervous Avenger in front of him.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“That. Overthinking. It’s a dangerous path. Wo-man up and get your man.”
Y/N leaped into his arms hugging him tightly; “Thanks boss man. You really are the best. But, if you ever tell anyone I said that, I will deny it until the day I die. Got it?”
“Anything for you, Y/N.”
With her nerves momentarily in check Y/N found herself instinctively walking towards Steve’s door. Her ears drums pulsated, a slight shake to her fingers as her hand guided into a ball feeling the sooth coldness of metal.
Erogenous moans echoed down the hall just before her knock unhinging her own worst nightmare. Her body switched to auto pilot, simply going through the motions. Before she knew what was fully happening, Y/N pushed his door wide open and blankly stared straight ahead. Nausea churned violently; her throat tightened while the edges of her vision blurred. 
Y/N didn’t realize the tears streaming down her already soaked face.  Her mind riddled with anxiety and numbness. She read many stories of shark attacks and fatal lightning striking, but never in the slightest did she think she would reach such an unfortunate choice of fate. This, this felt similar to drowning, suffocating for air as her inflamed lungs gasped for resolution.
They continued, ignoring their surroundings as Steve slid deeper into Natasha. Her legs tightened around his hips as she dug her manicured nails into his back muscles., pulling him closer to her glistening body.  
“I’m so close. Don’t fucking stop.” Natasha whimpered breathlessly as she clenched around him igniting another groan to escape his lips.
A shock wave zapped Y/N as she stood there unnoticed. She wanted to scream but every sound died on her tongue. This couldn’t be happening. Steve had promised to return to her. And her only. She had a fucking plan. But now, she knew of their repulsive secret. He always made her feel jealous, crazy about being called out for his attraction to Natasha. All to understand, Y/N was rightfully so.
Y/N took two steps back, directly moving out of their line of sight and threw her back against the cool wall. Her hands clamped over her mouth covering her lips. She silently sobbed as she felt her heart crack into sharp, broken edges. All of a sudden, her tears dried up and she felt an emptiness spread inside of her.  
Sometimes you have to accept the fact that there are things that will never go back to how they used to be. We don’t create fantasy worlds to escape reality, we create them to be able to stay. And from that moment on, Steven Grant Rogers was dead to her. And that was her only form of tangible truth.
Requests Open! 
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Dragon Dancer Chapter 3: Isaac
I found a garment bag hanging on the back of the bathroom door.
“Welcome.” The attached note read. “I wasn’t sure if you had anything to wear for the orientation tonight. So you can borrow this. Have fun. Nono.”
I was surprised at her thoughtfulness. I took the bag to the bed and unzipped it.  
It contained a pale satin blue dress and a pair of chandelier earrings. I took off my regular clothes and tried it on, zipping up the back in front of the mirror.
The dress fit tight about my waist. The open neckline made the pendant stand out.  I examined myself in the mirror. I pulled at the shortness of the skirt. The neckline was a little deeper than what I tended to wear. I chewed my lip.
As if called by my discomfort, my shadowy friend appeared in front of the mirror. She floated next to me, shaking her head. “Yeah, it’s not me. This looks like something I’d wear on stage.”
I changed into some of the new clothes I’d gotten from the goodbye party.  Casual and comfortable, I slipped a hoodie on to finish the outfit.
My silent apparition gave me a thumbs up and a nod. I checked the time on the nightstand. I had a few hours before the orientation and felt the urge to explore. I could figure out where the dance studio was. 
I grabbed my phone and duffle bag where I kept my dance gear and hurried out of the dorm.
My nervousness had lifted. I spun around, gaping like a tourist, taking in the sights. With its stately buildings, artful paved walkways, and large clocks, Cassell had the look of a preppy college.
I lifted my phone to take a picture of one of the buildings. The shadow of someone standing next to me darkened my view. “Hey. You new?”
I looked up in the direction of the voice. A tall, dark haired student with pale skin, lovely crimson eyes and a ready smile gave me a wave. I pointed to myself. “Me?”
“Yes, you.” He regarded me with a curious but relaxed stare.
I lowered the phone. “Yes, I just got here today. What about you?”
“I”ve been here for a few days. Place is kinda crazy, isn’t it?”
I nodded, my braids swaying against my face. “It’s wild.” I turned my camera on video and spun around for a panoramic view.
My answer made him chuckle but before I could ask what was so funny, he pointed to my phone. “You’re not planning on posting those are you?”
“Huh?” I glanced at my phone. “Oh. Am I not allowed?”
“There’s a strict social media policy here. We have our own social network we’re supposed to use. Using anything else will get you kicked out…” He pulled a smirk. “... immediately.”
“Oh!” I winced, remembering that I had skimmed over some things in the massive packet of information I’d been given. “Thanks! You probably saved me just now.”
“I can help you get an account set up if you need?” I thought he was close enough but he leaned closer. I took a step back.
“No thanks, I’m sure I can figure it out. You are…?” I redirected the conversation to him.
“The name’s Isaac Comemnus. And you?” He seemed to be looking for a name tag, but I didn’t have one.
“Nothing important.” I responded, pocketing my phone.
He gave a slight tilt of his head, but didn't argue. “Do you have anyone to go to the party with tonight?”
“You mean the orientation? N...no… I was just going to go by myself.” I thought I knew what the next question would be.
“Do you know where it is?”
I blinked in surprise and then chuckled, embarrassed.  “You’re right. I have no idea. I was going to ask someone.”
“I’ll go with you. Just meet me here, a few minutes before.”
I decided to agree. I wanted to do as I was asked and make friends. “Okay.” I nodded. “Thanks.”
“I’ll see you then. Miss Important.” He gave me a small two finger salute.
There were a few guidance signs that helped me find my own way to the gym. I  climbed the stairs to the second floor and opened the door to the empty dance studio
Like my apartment, it had everything I would need and more. I took a deep breath. I sat down on a chair and unzipped my duffle with my toe shoes and exercise clothes. 
 I put my earbuds in my ears. I wanted to hear something upbeat.
I pulled my playlist from online, stretched and did basic barre exercises to focus my mind on my usual routine: precise movements, pinpoint accuracy, full range of motion. I imagined my teacher counting out the rhythm. 
The choreography of the Dark King was still fresh in my mind. I settled into the groove, performing the entire rehearsal like I would have at home.
I still wanted to be a dancer no matter how weird this school was. 
When I decided to take a break, I removed my necklace from my duffle and looked at it again. Nono said I had a special heritage. Caesar said this pendant was what had gotten Anjou’s attention. I turned it in the light, watching it shimmer. 
I wanted to be a ballerina, not a princess. But what if I was from a rich family? Maybe I would inherit a fortune!
 Only a few days ago, I wondered if my life was going to improve. Today, I was here in this place where I had more than I could ever dream, wondering if I'm an heiress. I believed it could happen. Never did I imagine it could happen so fast.
My ghostly friend took my hand, beckoned me back to dancing before I got too lost in thought. We still had another hour to cool down.
I arrived just in time to meet up with Isaac. He was there, flanked by four other boys. They were all much taller than I was. Hesitation slowed my steps.
“Welcome back, Miss Important!” Isaac really did have a nice smile, I noted. “These are my friends.” He introduced each one. Their names were unmistakably Japanese. They all looked me over, as though sizing what little there was of me up in their own unspoken metric. 
I felt like I was at ballet trials all over again. 
“I’ll probably forget your names later, sorry.  This is… all pretty overwhelming.” I admitted. 
Isaac walked up next to me and put one arm around my shoulders. I didn’t like his arm on me, but I didn’t have the courage to protest.
“You came straight from the gym to here? Hard core.” He turned to one of his friends and made a gesture. I craned my neck to see but he redirected my attention with his hand, turning my head to face front. Before I can get too offended, he offered another one of his million watt smiles.
“You’re quite the talk of the campus," he said as we started to walk, "Personally picked up and escorted by Caesar and Nono. It’s a pretty big deal.”
“Oops?” I shrugged, the weight of his arm becoming more and more uncomfortable. “Why is it a big deal?”
“They’re class leads, they only have students with S rank or A rank talent levels on their team roster. Caesar, for example, is rank A.”
“They’re nice people.” I replied, not wanting to put any stock in their attention beyond that.
“And you got their attention. Which means you’re probably their level.”
I laughed. “Doubtful but okay.”
“Rank is a function of how much dragon DNA you have, not so much knowledge or skill.” 
“Dragon DNA?” I laughed. “What?”
He paused, still smiling, but a growing puzzlement narrowed his eyes. “You don’t know?”
“Don’t know what?”
He came to an abrupt stop. He glared at me in outright suspicion. “You’re joking.”
I looked up in wide-eyed sarcasm. “You mean, this is just as insane as I think it is?” My voice settles back into a murmur. “I’m sorry. I can’t answer your questions. I really can’t. I don’t know what’s going on here any more than you do.”
He regained his composure and we kept walking. “My family owns the Comemnus Corporation. We’re manufacturers of... a lot of things. What about you?”
“My… family is nothing worth speaking of.”
“Really? There’s an easy fix to that.” His arm tightened.
My mouth opened but nothing came out. I wouldn’t have been able to toss off his arm if I wanted to. I heard music coming from a large tent erected in the courtyard. There were lights and tables that had been set up to advertise clubs. Isaac’s friends, though, closed in on either side, limiting my vision to what was ahead of me.
I wanted to run. But I was forced only forward and at his pace, a little too fast for my short legs.
Inside the tent, a throng of students gathered on a dance floor illuminated by moving lights. Isaac ushered me to a long neon lit bar. There were young men and women drinking exotic colored liquors from martini glasses. They smiled and laughed at each other. A few of them were laughing a little too much to be sober.
“I’m not old enough to drink.” I protested.
He leaned closer to me. “What was that?” His breath caressed my ear. I leaned away annoyed.
“I’m not old enough to drink sorry.” I repeated louder, my eyes casting about for a way to get out. I searched for Nono or Caesar but I couldn't see anyone I recognized through his phalanx of friends.
“Do you think those rules apply to us here? Let’s have a little fun!” He gestured to the bartender. “Besides, we need to have a little chat. Let’s start with an iced tea.”
“Look I know you’re trying to be nice…” 
He turned and looked at me. The blue lights over the bar softened his expression. “Are people not ordinarily nice to you?”
“It’s not that…” My eyes shifted, still trying to find Nono.
“I’m trying but not succeeding, then.”
“You’re not exactly listening to me when I talk.” I gripped the edge of the bar, leaning away from him. “And your … bodyguards are really creepy.”
He shrugged and laughed to himself, closing his eyes. He then gave a loud whistle to get their attention before making a shooing motion. In a moment, the other guys melted away into the crowd, but likely not too far away.  “I was trying to be discreet.”
“Yes, but it freaked me out. Okay?” My shoulders lowered. “I’m not from around here.”
“Where are you from?” He leaned a little closer.
“I was dumped as a baby.” He had already figured things out by now.  I wouldn’t be worth his time. I didn’t have any money, I didn’t own any property. I was a nobody. But he leaned back, focussing on me again, puzzled and intrigued.
“How can I put this succinctly?”  He hummed to himself. The bartender returned with the iced tea but he intercepted it. “Do you know about the story of the Dragon Kings?”
“Yes! I do. I just performed in the ballet for it.” I said, puffing my chest a little.
“So you know that to defeat the Dark King, the dragons created a race of dragon-human hybrids?”
“Yeah. What about it?"
He sighed, thinking, looking off into the distance. I waited for him to answer, my mind filling with confusion.
“What if it wasn’t a story?” He asked me finally. “What if it was real?”
I laughed briefly but he didn’t laugh with me. “You’re joking, right?”
“Has your DNA been tested?” He asked.
My smile faded. It had been, in the car, when they told me I had a special heritage. I brightened. “I… I thought maybe I was a secret princess.”
He burst out laughing a moment before schooling his expression. “You are. In a way... ” 
"That was a joke," I weakly added.
He sips his drink again before continuing.  “If you’re here, it means that you should be able to know your family. It’s unusual that you can’t.”
I chewed my lip. "Only certain families go here?"
He looked up in thought. “Even more unusual that you would be given up for adoption. All hybrids born to strong families are DNA tested. They should have known what you were.”
“I just figured that my mother had some … some crazy situation. I didn’t blame her or anyone. Most of the other kids in foster had stories like that…”
He dismissed that explanation with a wave of his hand. “You’re not like those other kids. You’re a hybrid. Hybrids don’t just abandon their children.” He reached for my hand. I pulled it away. 
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“You’re out of your mind.” I waved to the bartender who was drying an empty cup with a towel. “Where’s the bathroom?” 
He pointed to a vague corner and I got off the stool, grabbed my bag, and pushed my way through the crowd, not to the bathroom but to the exit close to it.  I stepped into the cold night. I hoped Isaac wouldn’t see that I had left.
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Back to the beginning
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