#but with tumblr's tagging system there's always gonna be people who will see it
sukugo · 10 months
I wanted to make an edit for Gojo, Sukuna and Yorozu because I also love the parallels but I don't have an appropriate place to post it. If I do it, it won't have enough exposure and my effort would've gone to waste. I'm relieved to know that you plan to make one for them as well, please do it one day, thank you! I'll be waiting!
anon!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i definitely will (tho it will probs still be taking some time from the looks of it😔) but really dont let that stop u 🥺🥺 if u wanna do it, just go for it!!!! it's always better to have more people make stuff, doesn't matter if it's the same thing, everyone always has their own unique way of making things and seeing things, but even regardless of that, the main thing is that if u want to make something, forget everything else, just do it!!!!!!!!
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as far as i know, the transandrophobia post you're talking about is the one by ftmtf who pretty regularly reblogs from spacelazarwolf and genderkoolaid, who are both zionists who deny and downplay the genocide in gaza (on top of being open transmisogynists who dabble in claiming trans women have male privilege). i'm not going to tell you what to think about the theory of transandrophobia but i personally question the motives when a lot of loudest proponents of it either are or associate with these types of people.
The post I'm talking about was made by myself. Someone made a vaguepost in response to it suggesting idk what I'm talking about.
That context aside,
I'm none of those things, advocate for none of those things, and my followers know that so what makes their character a reason to question my character, anyway?
When did y'all start letting racists and genocide apologists speak for anyone? Radfems came and nobody said feminism had to stop existing right?
I think it's entirely possible to recognize good faith, genuine critiques and analysis of how white supremacy affects men (which is the perspective of oppression that my post focused on) and how that intersects with other systems of oppression.
Likewise, the same way you've learned to spot radfem/terf bs I think it's also possible to recognize when that's being done in bad faith like when radfem-type ppl (like spacelazarwolf) do it.
Another response I get is people assuming that acknowledging someone else's oppression would somehow be lessening their own? and I dont see how that's my problem to unpack after we spent the last 5 years explaining to white people that privilege doesn't mean you can't also be poor or queer. We've already read this chapter as a society, I thought?
Imagine how fucking sad it would be if some totally normal person logged on Tumblr, saw the feminist tag full of transphobia, assumed all feminism was like that, and decided "I'm never gonna be a feminist, they're all bigots and also anyone who calls themselves that is fucking wrong and just doesn't know it."
That is what's happening to non-femme trans people except it's happening before the concept of our oppression under patriarchy/white supremacy has actually even really been discussed which is fucked up cuz like ...how are you gonna let that pathetic, bigoted explanation of oppression be representative of all trans-masc/non-binary people and actively discourage other people from trying to figuring it out too....and it's not bigoted? Like how.
Esp when my post was analyzed it through the lens of white supremacy. So it was also specifically about marginalized mascs and nonbinary people. Like how is wanting to discuss the way your gender impacts, compounds, and informs your experiences and other forms of oppression bigoted just because you're not a woman or femme lol?
I thought we wanted men to do that specifically. What happened to that?
Ofc trans femmes don't have male privilege!!! I think if your concepts of oppression undermine someone else's then your concepts are shit and you should read more. You shouldnt have to misgender, degrade, or dehumanize anyone else to identify yourself or name your oppression. My posts didn't do that, which is why the reactionary response from especially leftist Tumblr has been pretty disappointing tbh.
I've been fleshing my own idea of it out on my blog and that's been aggressively reacted to every single time I've answered questions about it 💀
And it's always bad faith nonsense, like "you just hate trans women" which is just a factually untrue reactionary statement. Like that's not even a critique cuz I know you didn't check the trans tag on my blog, that's nothing to me. Or it's "you don't know what intersectionality is" when I've made sure to read Kimberlé Crenshaw's source material and share it. When I've made sure to even read recent statements she's made commenting on how it's being used and weaponized in modern times.
Or it's seemingly good faith comments like yours anon "well only bigots have ever talked about it..."
Which is just another reactionary comment that doesn't even bother valuable critique.
How would you feel if I said "radfems are the loudest proponents of women rights so think about that before you start associating yourself with them."
sounds like bs misogyny doesn't it?
And maybe your response would be that I should just widen my circle and stop listening to radfems maybe. Maybe you'd tell me that Bigot feminism is not the only feminism out there and it would be on me to educate myself about that in good faith if I actually care about women :)
And you'd be right.
And I'm saying that road should go both ways.
When I'm having that conversation in good faith on my blog, it shouldnt be difficult for a bunch of people calling themselves progressive thinkers to hear me out in good faith instead of assuming I'm a bigot who doesn't know trans women are oppressed.
Like yeah it's shitty and systemic proof that misogyny is alive and real that the only people who talked about transandrophobia thus far are Like That.
However, I do not think it's proof that nonbinary, transmasc, and other marginalized men need to be gatekept from having the vocabulary to describe their unique experiences. We don't use homophobic straight women as proof that feminism shouldn't exist, right? I'm using the same logic. If the shittiest woman on earth deserves to destroy the patriarchy then why doesn't the shittiest nonbinary man you know have the same right? 💀
And going back to the vocabulary thing: Vocabulary, language, and literacy are necessary to dismantle anything and everything you can think of.
I genuinely don't get all the pushback beyond it just being well-intentioned & reactionary at the same time tbh
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
24 asksss :}}} ⭐⭐⭐
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You are my favorite person
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Cassie does not exist in my AU. But hypothetically-
If Roxanne found this lost child she would report it to Vanessa and have her help Cassie. As is the protocol for children that are found on the premises after hours.
If Roxy found her while she had the "bug" in her system? She would have attacked and maybe even killed Cassie :x
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Had to google what that was, <XD It looks beautiful! And I image that he has seen it before yeah :)
As for their favorite songs, I'm not sure :0
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That's.. actually a really good idea.
For a long time I never went back to the comic because the writing I did was awful. Everyone was acting out of character, it was SUPER dramatic. I wrote Peso's character all wrong. Uhg, awful awful awful.
And then I was kept away from going back because people would not stop asking me to finish it. "Why did you abandon this comic?" "Are you gonna finish it?" "Why did you stop drawing it" "Go back and finish the crab comic" Like, it was so frustrating.
...Buuuuutt,, rewriting it? Hmmm... I'm way too wrapped up with projects to start this anytime soon. But I wont lie this ask really got me thinking about it-
Also thank you so much! I'm glad you like my art!! :DDD
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@smilegirl64 (Post in question)
Thank you! I'm so glad you noticed! That was my favorite detail to add XDDDD
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I dug into the series a bit and took a look around the fanbase. And I decided that it just wasn't really my thing.
Although I did love the character designs and I think they'd be really fun to draw, I didn't think I'd get along with the fandom. I can see myself huddled in my own little corner with all my headcannons and stuff, and I wouldn't really want to interact with anyone else. :/
Also my favorite character is probably Julie or Howdy XDD
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I use an XPPen Artist 13.3 Pro. Its a tablet with a screen! :))
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As for my drawing program I use FireAlpaca. Its free and really good for beginners and pros! Highly recommend if you're just getting into digital art. Also thank you!! :D
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I disagree actually. The "bug" aside, they are in no way programed to hurt anyone. They are programmed to have full obedience to staff and Managers.
They could try to stop them, and they could physically stand in their way. But you wouldn't see Freddy straight up punching an employee to keep him away from Bonnie.
Now with the bug in their systems? mmm.. Okay yeah they would. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY'RE NOT IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS-
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XDD Offended Bibi noises can be heard in the background
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<XD I'll do my best!
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I feel that my responsibility as an artist on this platform is to tag my art appropriately. Tag it for blood, gore, injuries, things like that. So that people who are disturbed by those subjects don't have to stumble upon it and have their day ruined. :(
What is NOT my responsibly is to prevent little kids from seeing my bloody Octonauts artwork. That's the parents job. XD THEY should be keeping an eye on their kids and making sure they're not browsing sites like Tumblr XDD
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Tangle and Lolbit are not a part of my AU actually.
But Mangle? Just because she hasn't made an appearance of any kind yet, doesn't mean she wont in the future.. 👀
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Thank you! :DD
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Thank you! I'll try to not rush through my projects so much <XD
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Thank you for respecting that! :D
Also uhg. I hate pinterest. I would rather people just never found out about me then find me through a pinterest post with my stolen artwork.
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YEESSS!!! I always love it when people decide to give Octonauts a try :))) Its a really neat show!
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XD My first thought was Peso or Shellington for some reason. They're just too polite to make a fuss XDDD
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Wanna know a good place to start if you genuinely struggle with that? Make 1 character that is based off of you. And then make a second character that is based off of someone in your life that you have 0 romantic interest in what so ever. Like your Mom, or your Dad, siblings, Uncle, dog literally anyone. It should be impossible to twist those 2 characters together because they are modeled after you and ur mom. You should look at them and say "thats me and my mom" or "thats me and my brother" Those 2 should then be characters that are 100% protected from becoming a ship. :0
This actually reminded me of my transformer ocs. I modeled the characters after the drivers/owners. And people wanted to ship them together and I was like "for 1 they are my OCs so thats kind'a odd but 2 those two characters are based off of siblings. They absolutely should not- in ANY universe, be paired together"
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Personally not a huge fan of the bright blue color he has. Seeing his Bonnie Bowl artwork everywhere I expected him to be his usual purple..
As for my Bonnie I think he'd get along pretty well with his Glamrock counterpart! But when it comes to the Bowling ally they'd be rivals. >:)
Also thank you! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!! :DD I'm so glad to hear that you've liked my Mario artwork!! And that you read the info aaaa!! I spent a lot of time writing all that so I'm glad to hear that you read it! As for your questions,
1: Yes! My Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi are all the same species, which is not human. They are this incredibly tall elf like species that closely resembles humans and has many biological similarities.. but ultimately they are very different species.
2: Its hard to say.. I've been known to change my mind a lot so maybe? Honestly I hope that someday these feelings towards fanart will vanish and I will be able to engage with my fans more. But for now,, noooo fanworks :(
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OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT FNAF VIDEO XDD Very well animated and funny! Here's the link in case anyone is interested!
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I drew it myself! :)
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Hi OTNF!! Sometimes I like to read this fandom problem blog that receives submissions from people all over Tumblr, recently this was posted and I wanted to know what you thought of it: The tag types of "Tags update as story is written" or "additional tags to be added" or "Rating may change." Fuck those. I don't care if you add some extra benign tags as the story goes along, and you realise you wanna add more content that's just there, or you realise your fic maybe went a bit harder than you expected. Some stories get their own life. But at the same time, if you knew you'd want to add certain content, or that the rating was gonna go way up from what you tagged in the beginning, why did you not tag it from the start? Especially when the tagged content becomes a big part of the story, or influences the story strongly. And then you find out that the Author already had been planning adding this type of content for a long time, they just FOR SOME STUPID-ASS REASON didn't wanna add the tag until it actually happens. You're supposed to tag so the people can make an informed decision if they wanna commit to your fic, so for the love of the tagging-system, actually TAG ALL YOUR SHIT FROM THE START. Same shit for changing ratings. I hate it when someone plans from the start to make the story explicit, but doesn't change the rating until they've reached the NSFW sections. There's a reason there's a tagging system. So do you just not understand how that works? Or are you just being kind of as ass on purpose? This does not help when avoiding stories with specific content you try to exclude from your results. It's even dumber if the reason is to "avoid spoiling the fic readers", because anyone coming later to the fic is going to be "spoiled" by the tags regardless. And if you know you wanna add porn, or gore, then rate the story appropriately. Rather categorise it too high, than fuck around with people who don't wanna read explicit content. As a writer who uses the Archive, I want to put my 2 cents in. When I'm writing a fic, a long fic for example, I want to tag the stuff that actually DOES appear at that time so that I'm not clogging other tags/people don't think I'm spamming to inflate my readership (And I DEFINITELY do not want something I worked hard on to get reported for spam). I do get the frustration at reading a fic and then something changes like the rating, but as a writer, sometimes things go off script and one thing that's rated T or M might eventually become E just based off the writing juices doing it's thing(tm). To me, the "Additional tags to be added" is kind of like CNTW, it's something the reader has to make a decision if they want to risk getting invested/read that particular fic. It feels very much like a "damned if you do/damned if you don't" situation. What are some of your thoughts on something like this?
Writers are always going to vary in their favorite approach, and readers who act like there's one right answer are idiots.
For me personally, even if I'm posting as I write, I do have a solid idea of where the fic is going, and I strongly prefer—both as a reader and writer—to have all of the tags in place at the beginning.
I also don't like over-tagging for warnings and only want to see/use tags for the basic main content of the fic, which does make it easier to know ahead of time than if I tagged every tiny thing.
I think spoilers are a dumb reason not to tag things.
So I agree with the complainer's tastes...
...but at the same time, they're acting like these ought to be rules, and AO3 is designed to accommodate a lot of different people with different styles, so I think their attitude leaves something to be desired.
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tea-and-secrets · 4 months
BASED AS FUCK HEADER so many places online and particularly on Tumblr are so insanely hostile toward systems. I follow an AITA blog and every time one where someone involved is a system I have to scroll by because I know the AITA is just gonna be someone asking if they're an asshole for abusing a system all of the comments are "the system is the asshole because they're a chronically online delusional faking 13 year old manipulative sociopathic narcissistic immature freak" which not only shows off like ninety OTHER layers of ableism but is also just. so much fucking vitriol toward systems for no reason. On other confession blogs there's always a dozen confessions about how evil fakers online are tricking innocent singlets into thinking everyone has DID and they always have like 9 times the usual amount of reblogs and all the tags are like "#THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". There's r/fakedisordercringe and "best of fakedisordercringe" compilations on YouTube and people on TikTok love to not only make 30 piece long slideshows about evil fakers online (see above) but then also it's like. the funny haha meme on there to tell systems they deserved their trauma and should go through more of it. This has just turned into a rant there is SO much ableism I see and suffer thru online as a system member so thank you for showing explicit support for systems. It's tiny but it means a lot to me to know that not everyone thinks of ppl like me as monsters who "get what they deserve" yknow
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
Wishing for anti-endos to loose all their friends and spaces and to be ostracized does not help pro-endos. It makes anti-endos even more set in their beliefs. It makes people who are on the fence go "yikes, I guess the anti-endos are right". I'm firmly pro-endo and your recent post makes me want to take some distance. This isn't how we gain allies.
I know, these people suck. I know, it hurts to constantly be excluded and hated for the way our brains work or the reason why they work that way. I know, many anti-endos are too far gone and aren't people that you or I can reason with unless they decide to unpack their shitty beliefs.
But posts threatening them is not the way to go. They already see us as the enemy. We don't need to add fuel to the fire. Let's make sure people who are on the fence or who don't know much about non-traumagenic systems see us acting in ways that make them want to listen to our side instead of the fakeclaimers. Let's make sure anti-endos who are starting to rethink their beliefs feel like it's safe for them to do so and to start listening to pro-endos.
I'm sure this post is gonna get lots of interaction. But if it makes people less likely to read your studies, to listen to your arguments, to hear out the systems messaging you about their experiences? That's all for nothing.
I... actually think adding fuel to a fire can be useful sometimes. As long as you can keep it a controlled burn.
I'm counting on most anti-endos on Tumblr who would be scrolling through the syscourse tag already having me blocked. They won't see my post.
I'm counting on neutrals probably not following my blog or the syscourse tag either one. And most of those that do follow syscourse have already made their minds up about me.
I made that post for a very specific audience. One that doesn't actually need anyone to fuel its fire because they've built an entire community on seeking out systems to mock and attack. They already cherry pick the worst posts they can find to keep their friend group indoctrinated. So adding one more to the pile shouldn't matter to that specific group.
I don't think anything I say is actually going to make them hate the endogenic community more than they already do because they're surrounded constantly by people who will always reinforce that very generalized hate.
But I do think I can direct that hate they already have. Focus it as much as possible on one specific person. Me.
And the more they see me as a threat, (whether or not I am,) the more hateful they respond to me, the more their community will crack.
Users will be more likely to break their rules, making moderation in their subreddit more difficult for the unpaid mod team who will hopefully start rethinking how much of their life they want to dedicate to a hatesub moderating an angry userbase with nothing to show for it.
And while a slim hope, I'm waiting for them to be pushed far enough for Reddit to ban the whole subreddit.
So yeah. I don’t mind tossing as much fuel on the fire as possible if there's a chance their ableist hatesub burns.
Besides... I'm not actually saying anything untrue.
Plurality IS going to become more accepted. They ARE losing the scientific argument. And anti-endos and cringizens WILL lose friends and community support as plural acceptance spreads unless they're willing to change. A safe space for endogenic systems can never be one that houses anti-endos.
This is not a threat. This is a promise. It's a natural result of progress. And I'll do my part to accelerate this. But it's going to happen with or without my involvement.
I'm just making sure that when it does and they go looking for someone to blame because things have gone bad in their lives and their bigotry caught up with them, they'll direct their anger toward me instead of anyone else.
(Although maybe they can direct it inwards too since, you know, it was their fault for being bigots. But I think that would be too much to ask for.)
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monkiekidtwt · 1 year
Genuine question, no hate! Why stay on lmk Twitter and repost stuff to here abt it if you dislike it so much? And why are we all arguing over which platform is better? They are all good and bad, there's no better over the other.
To answer this seriously: the reason I stay is because it’s where the majority of LMK fans are. It’s the only place where Monkie Kid News and other such resources resides, and it is often the place that first gets wind of stuff like new releases. If I want to have my finger on the pulse of the show, I sort of have no choice to be. So, while I’m there, I repost the good stuff.
I’ve never engaged in arguments that one social media is better than the other, mind. Just said that Twitter sucks. But the reasons why I dislike Twitter (especially fandom Twitter) are as follows:
A culture of directly harassing people for minor infractions, or what turns out to be misinformation (just the other day, a minor was harassed for something it turned out they didn’t do)
Idolization of big name fans (like I said in an earlier post; if you criticize a big name fan, then you’re gonna get dogpiled to hell and back, and if a big name fan says something, everyone will pretend they’ve always agreed, even if they’ve expressed the opposite recently)
Literal 24/7, unavoidable discourse that nobody tags (today, the topic of fandom-wide discussion was people who treat Mei like she gets in the way of Spicynoodles, which literally nobody does)
It is so hard to optimize your experience and curate your feed, because tagging is not built into the system (like, what would I filter other than ‘Spicynoodles’ to stop seeing the previous discourse, when the majority of them are just text posts with no tags? what if I like that ship and don’t wanna mute it?)
Even if you could curate it better, general social media stuff that everyone knows about Twitter at this point makes it so that you’re always seeing stuff that upsets you (it’s designed to addict you, and feeds you the algorithm which is designed to show you posts that make you upset or angry for engagement, plus more!)
And that’s not even getting into the Elon Musk of it all, or the fact that I’ve had multiple friends on there both watch and be victims of horrific harassment campaigns on LMKtwt that left them with literal trauma symptoms.
Compare this to tumblr:
The culture here is largely “block and move on”
The tagging system makes it easy for people to tag their discourse so I don’t have to see it
Since there is no algorithm, there is no issue with being fed posts to upset me
Harassment is less normalized, and when you are harassed, it’s usually via anon, which you can turn off to shut them up
I have never personally seen any people showing weird behavior towards fellow fans, which is either a sign that it doesn’t happen or that you’re able to curate your feed with minimum effort to never see it
Twitter is an infinitely worse experience, culturally and by social media design, but I stay there because it is where most of the LEGO Monkie Kid fandom is, plus the chill people that reside there sometimes.
So, that’s 1) why I hate it there, and 2) why I’m there anyway. And I run this blog to share the goodies with tumblr, so that nobody else has to feel obligated to be on LMKtwt like I feel that I do. Which is why I make jokes about making such a huge sacrifice for the sake of LMK tumblr, via running this blog.
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pommunist · 4 months
The term "doomposting" did irreparable damage to this fandom istg
The word you want to use is pessimistic. And as far as im concerned, being pessimistic is not a fucking crime, especially in this climate where we just keep getting bad news.
And ESPECIALLY when pessimists did the polite thing and made sure that most of the negativity was kept out of the main tag. For months. To allow the optimistic fans to still enjoy the project. (Valid)
I hate seeing people be like, "Here's my negative opinion, but I swear!! it's not doomposting!!" Like honey, it's OK!!!
Don't justify yourself to the people who intentionally hurt themselves by going through the negative tags!!! Don't let their vagueposting intimidate you into censoring yourself!!! You don't owe anyone your trust and optimism!!!! <3
Doomposting would be saying THE END IS NEAAAAR when nothing bad is going on, doomposting isn’t going like « hey guys you see that big meteor in the sky going straight for us right ? i think that the Big Meteor is not a good sign »
also yeah yippeeee for the tumblr tagging system if you don’t wanna see anything negative you can always filter out tags to make the big meteor unnoticeable to you if it’s distressing to see it fall lmao i’m gonna let that wanky metaphor go now
Once again I think this sentiment of people being afraid to voice anything negative comes from qsmpblr’s want to be as far as possible to what qsmptwt can be but it’s not good when it makes everyone feels like they can’t air out how they’re feeling and it only leads to frustration :(
as long as you’re not harming anyone with what you’re saying vent your heart out guys if u feel the need or if u want to !
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mysteriousdoll · 4 months
I admit I have been stalking your page for a put 30 minutes AND OMG YOUR WORK IS SO COOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND I LOVE ALL YOUR ART AND HEADCANONS OMG-
Anyway, I was reading the HCs you and somebody else came up with and I have one but I'm not 100% sure on it. Like my mind is debating it intensely.
In ishimondo which one can cook?
My thought:
. Due to official art they can both cook?
. Or one is teaching the other to cook?
. Mondo seems like the guy who can't cook (just based on appearance tbh) but with his backstory he's had to fend for himself, so can he cook???
. And with Ishimaru, he seems like the person who knows how to cook, and maybe his father is out so often that he's self taught?
. But on the other hand he's spent all his time studying he hasnt taught himself those kind of skills.. sure he can make two minute noodles, or cook an egg or make some toast. But nothing fancy?
. Or maybe breakfast is the most important meal of the day to him?!?!?! Maybe it's in his routine to cook every morning?!?! Maybe he makes food for his father when he comes home from late shifts, or has bacon and egg on Sundays???
. Or he's terrible in the kitchen, and mondo taught him.
Can they both cook? Have you ever thought about this?! Sorry for the long ramble of options but I've thought about this for a week and have no idea.😭
Uhm yeah I'm going to put this on anon in case it's silly or something, but you probably know who I am based on the notes and notifications and stuff👍
Also idk if shadow banning works on tumblr like it does tiktok but if you want me to stop spam liking your posts I will, I just love your content 😭
One: screaming rn I feel so happy I’ve never had my posts stalked /pos (except for my Ben 10 acct which is bad bc I’m making an ishimondo Ben 10 au)
Two: No need to stop!! Idm!! Tbh the thing that makes me happiest is seeing people go wild in the tags, so I’m v honored.
Three: I agree! I think Mondo isn’t the beeest cook, but if it comes to Italian meals (thanks to my own hc’s and my Oowada mom oc), he’s not that bad! Although he has a bad habit of letting things overcook… he’s the type to burn popcorn and insist it’s better that way.
As for Taka, I think he’s actually quite the skilled cook—but only with more basic options. Taka’s very rigid, so if he is able to cook something more extravagant, he’ll follow it by the book, and maybe even ask Teruteru for his input. (Ignoring comments Teruteru makes and Gundham glaring Teruteru down)
The only issue with Taka cooking is… he forgets to eat a lot. (And thanks to his grandad, he sometimes chooses not to eat because he dare take one extra minute of free time) That, and his food is either bland, or so spicy no one but him can eat it. A hot while back I saw @mickules mention in a post that Taka would be a spice fiend, and I. Live for that.
Also also—regarding system Taka bc I’m always gonna mention system Taka /j, Akira (aka Ishida) is actually an extremely talented baker! They aren’t super big on sweet food ironically, but they can make really good baked goods even with limited ingredients… though they prefer crunchier foods)
Additionally; Mondo can’t fucking make ramen. He just takes someone else’s. Taka can also make insanely good omurice. Proof for Taka bc I can’t find the anthology comic with Mondo:
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guzhufuren · 11 months
hello hello not expecting u to 100% tell but also w he re do u find incorrect/text posts for ur meme gifs they are always so funny and on point(+if its by pinterest what do u even look it up as??) do have a good day week and job ur v funny and cool<33
hi darling!! thank you so much 🥺 my poor heart almost gave out on these compliments! yeah, it's no trouble, i can tell you how i find them!! basically i'm a professional tumblr diver but i'm gonna explain techniques in a more detailed way
technique 1. gold miners
you see a cool fun text post on your dash that has less than 5000 notes; you go in the tags and scroll to the very beginning of reblog chains; there you will find the people who somehow always find the best freshly birthed text posts; choose the people who tagged it as some variation of "#text post", "#txt" or they tagged it as "#x-character-core/coded" or even better, they tagged it as their oc - go to their blog and look through that tag, usually you will find a treasure mine of text posts; if all the posts you immediately see are well known and you saw them all over your dash already, then go back and start diving on the next person's blog through the tags and keep doing it until you are out of tagger rebloggers; when you find good text posts you gotta screenshot them (try to think ahead - maybe there is a show coming out in the near future that will fit this text post)
visual example: i always have various non-popular text posts in my queue that i will dive in later when i have the time. like these
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technique 2. oc and character tags again
you find a post that perfectly fits your blorbos but it has much more than 5000 notes so it's impossible to check all the rebloggers - that's fine, once again go in the notes for blog diving; start from the top and find specifically someone who tagged this post as their oc or their favourite character - that's your new source; go through the tag and it will certainly have text posts/tweets that fit your blorbo as well
visual example: i found this post for Pete and his poor burnt balls, one day i'm gonna go through it to see other people's blorbos who have suffered in a similar way, and i'm sure there will be lots of petecore stuff on their blogs
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technique 3. porn blogs are your best friend when it comes to mature tv shows
find one, just one, good funny very sexual text post and go in the tags for to see which mature bloggers reblogged it using a tagging system; it can be them categorising it as "#text post" or similar, it can be them sorting posts by kink so pay attention to tags like "#petplay" "#collars" and etc, you will be able to find lots of funny sexy posts the deeper you search through their tags
visual example: see, this post has only 1500 notes, so when i will go in the tags of it i will find approximately 10-15 people who tagged it well enough for me to scroll through their tagged reblogs and find other good stuff
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technique 4. when you are done with any of techniques explained above, choose best blogs to follow
while you dive in random tumblr users' blogs you will for sure stumble upon blogs that reblog amazing rare text posts; follow them and see what other gems they can bring to your dash in the future
other tips for people who make text post memes
- THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE! make sure the text screenshot that you placed on a picture/gif is large enough to be readable both on mobile and on web. check it on every gadget. i have really bad vision and squinting my eyes at the phone makes my head hurt, so i never look at memes that i can't read right away without zooming in. make them easily readable!!
- choose one style of screenshots of the text posts. it can be web screenshots, it can be mobile browser tumblr screenshots, if can be tumblr app screenshots. choose one and stick to it always, it will make your memes look neat. i always make screenshots of text posts on the tumblr app, then i put them all on a 750 pixel wide canvas, scale them down to 360 pixel width and copy paste them to 540 pixel wide pictures of blorbos. so we get something like this:
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have fun, please write me again if anything i explained is confusing, i'm not great with words <333
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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meowdy! my name is deer (they/it). this is my xenofiction rambling blog with a heavy focus on battle cats. i enjoy being critical of things i read so if that isn't your thing, this might not be the spot for you. you can find my rambles under the tag #deer rambles. i generally rate this blog 16+ (though im not gonna go out of my way and check tbh) as more mature subject matter sometimes does arise during discussions.
i also really enjoy art! you can find stuff i've drawn under #deer scribbles. My commissions are currently closed.
other links:
art blog
my clangen blog
main is @fawnydoe
I get a lot of xenofiction recommendations and Tumblr’s search system is straight up ass, so I’ve compiled them into a post! Click here to read through and feel free to send suggestions :)
blog specific info under the cut
Important Documents Pertaining to Warriors:
Warrior Cats and Anti-Indigenous Writing
The Feather Issue Doc
i’m very loose with tags but i do try and get the general stuff, feel free to shoot me an ask if you need something tagged
if you want me to reblog your art, feel free to tag me in it!
i like to complain about this series a lot more than praise it. i find warriors really fun to pull apart, i think it's awful and deserves every nitpick it gets.
if you send me an ask and you want it to be answered privately, please tell me
this is a WC SPOILER ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently i am only tagging spoilers for the newest wc arc, you can block the tag #asc spoilers to avoid spoilers for it!
some general requests for when sending me asks/messages:
#1 rule is always be nicies to me
please avoid personal anecdotes. i understand sometimes discussions on here veer into personal territory but i am a stranger and i don't always know how to handle responding to that.
it takes me a bit to post some asks. the longer it is, the longer it'll take me to get to it.
i might not respond at all if i don't want to deal with potential discourse and/or i just don't know how to reply to it.
sometimes this blog veers into topics outside of battle cats/xenofiction, i don't really want to discuss general discourse if i don't have to. i do not want to argue about online lgbt+ discourse, that's exhausting.
you can disagree with me, i like to hear other people's opinions. but don't be nasty about it, that's a one way ticket to get yourself booted from here. i love discussions, not people trying to rag on one another.
banned topics: nightheart, mapleshade's vengeance
here are some stories i have going going that i love to talk about:
#honey's horrible time - A work-in-progress story about a human being who is killed and reincarnated into a warrior cats rip-off series where she possesses the body of one of the minor antagonists in the book. All information on this story is available in this masterlist.
#poolverse - An nextgen AU revolving around an alternate AVOS cast. It's set in the aftermath of a very different OotS where the Clans decide to abolish the borders and attempt to live peacefully...to mixed results. This is a soft reboot of my older "new generation au"!
#fallen stars au - An alternate universe for The Darkest Hour in which Firestar must flee the forest with friends. All information on the story + archived art from the former ask blog can be found here.
#ask bean - my wc oc named bean who becomes the clan's mediator after the events of squirrelflight's hope. i used to run an ask blog for her but i didn't have the energy to maintain it. you can see the old asks here.
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i'm just gonna ramble in your asks abt my ideal website real quick
i consider myself to be an anti, and i personally would LOVE to just have a separate little forum website i could post on. i would love to never have to see shit i didn't sign up for in my little tags, i would love to post my little art pieces and talk to other people about my things and not have to check every single person who follows me or regularly interacts with my blog. i would love to never find loli porn on my "friend's" page and never be able to look at them the same. i would love to just. have a vetted, moderated, separate corner of the internet i could use instead of major social media platforms.
but that really doesn't exist anymore. i've tried to find forums or even discord servers (i really hate discord tbh, but to have a community like this? i'd cave) and there genuinely isn't anything. i've looked with such specific search terms that google made me complete a captcha because of suspicious activity from my PC. it doesn't exist. there is no curated space specifically for antis on the modern internet.
people say "oh, if you don't like XYZ just go somewhere else," but that isn't a real solution because that somewhere else isn't a real place. i WANT to go somewhere else. if i didn't have to in order to have any kind of a community at all, i would not be on tumblr.
i want old internet forum sites. i want the times when people just posted on different sites for different ships. i want to have to actively search out content i don't like instead of having to navigate around it. also? tumblr's tag-blocking system? sucks. i scroll through a tag for one of the characters i like who i happen to hc as ace, so i blocked all their ship tags. problem is this character gets shipped with anyone with a pulse. 99% of it is "this post contains filtered tags" instead of just.. hiding the post altogether. the other 1% is people who didn't tag their shit. it's borderline unusable sometimes. i just wanna see things i like and not see things i don't man is that too much to ask for
No that's completely fair.
There's some stuff I've seen on here that personally I get super icked over. And there's some stuff on here that I just straight up don't want to see. And it sucks that Tumblr would rather give you a message and the world's most enticing button instead of, yknow, take it away entirely. I endorse curating your own experience...I wish Tumblr made it easier to do that.
What you could do, though, is use a free builder like wix or whatever, create a forum. You can even run them for free on some hosts. It would likely be a slow, annoying process to build, but I do believe that if you have the willingness to create something, it will somehow end up there. Give it a stab, mayhaps. Set rules, invite likeminded folk. Attach it to a blog run on the same host, even, to post your own thoughts and creations on.
Create your safespace. You're almost always entitled to unless creating your space involves destroying others. And creating your own forum and blog is the best way to create that space while not stepping on anyone's toes.
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markantonys · 6 months
Do yall still see spoiler jokes in the tags if the person tags it book spoilers?
that's a great question, and the answer is YES. disclaimer that i'm a tumblr elder who still uses the tumblr savior chrome extension rather than tumblr's built-in tag filtering system (i was so used to only having filtering options on desktop and not mobile for so many years that i've just trained myself to only ever browse on desktop and to use mobile solely for checking my notifications lmao), so i'm not 100% sure everything i'm about to say applies to the built-in system, but after reading through the info page on the built-in system i think it works in about the same way.
in total, there are 4 places where tags can be seen:
the original post on your dashboard/on OP's blog/in the relevant tags you're searching or browsing. OP's post tags are visible here.
a reblog of an original post on your dashboard/on the reblogger's blog. the specific reblogger's tags are visible here.
in the notes of your own or someone else's post, when you see a post and click to show all notes. all rebloggers' tags & comments are visible here (provided that you haven't blocked or been blocked by any of them)
in your notifications, when you get a notification that somebody reblogged your post and here are all the tags they put on it. all rebloggers' tags & comments are visible here.
of these 4 places, blacklisting a tag ONLY safeguards against the first two. if i have the book spoiler tag blacklisted, that will prevent me from seeing an original post or a reblogged post that contains that tag.
it WILL NOT prevent me from seeing a post that does not contain that tag, opening it up, and reading all the notes on the post. reblog tags that contain the blacklisted tag will still be visible to me if i'm accessing them via opening up the notes on a post. however, this would be something i'm doing deliberately and so it's only me who's accountable for any spoilers i might see, not the people putting spoilers in their reblog tags. (and as some of you can attest, 85% of the WOT spoilers i encountered were ones i deliberately sought out and then got mad about seeing djkfgj i only have myself to blame for those scenarios!)
so the key issue is category #4. if i make a post, i will get notifications for EVERY SINGLE REBLOG TAG, COMMENT, AND REPLY that is EVER made on that post. likewise, if i've reblogged a post that someone else made, both i and the OP will get notifications for every single reblog tag, comment, and reply that is made to my reblogged version of the post. nothing is filtered out. if i make a post saying "i'm a show-only and i don't know what's to come in the series" and you reblog it going "#oh they're gonna die when [massive spoiler] happens #wot book spoilers" i will see 100% of those words in my notifications, even though you've added the book spoiler tag and i have that blacklisted. tag blacklisting does not work for notifications.
this is why i always say, if you do not know for a fact that the OP of a wot-related post AND the person you're reblogging it from BOTH have full book spoiler knowledge, then do not put any book spoilers in your tags (even vague ones) when you're reblogging their post because they WILL see it, no matter how good a blacklisting system they have.
and it's especially egregious with gifsets! if somebody's made a text post then oftentimes it can be fairly clear from what they're saying if they're a show-only or a reader and so most rebloggers will consciously go "oh, seems like this person doesn't know X yet, i'll keep quiet". but for gifsets of the show, people will just reblog them putting full-on late series book spoilers in the tags with no thought for whether the gifmaker OP might be a show-only, because they're too excited thinking about how this scene in s2 will relate to something in book 12 to spare a thought for wondering if the real human person who created the gifset will be okay with seeing them discussing all those spoilers in the tags. i was spoiled that the man rand fought at the eye was not the dark one within 1 hour of watching 1x08 because everybody was reblogging my gifset and talking about ishamael & the forsaken in the tags lmao and there were definitely some other examples from my show-only-s1-giffing days too.
thus, When In Doubt, Be Silent! or make a separate post saying "guys i just saw this other post [link/screenshot making sure to include op's name for credit] and here are my book spoilery thoughts on it". but, of course, if you are confident in going "hey i recognize this blog and i know they've read the books" then no harm in letting spoilers fly in reblogging the original post!
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makeitastrength · 6 months
Invading your ask box!
I suck at coming up with questions, so in light of manifesting season 7, what are your hopes for when we hopefully get a full season 7?
Go as wild and unrealistic as you want!
So here's the thing... it took me so long to get around to answering this that I've already seen everyone else's answers and I feel like mine is just gonna be some version of the same list. But I'm still gonna answer anyway.
Next steps for chenford, whether that's moving in together or proposal (or both). These two have been all in since day 1. While I think those things happening this season feels a little rushed, season 7 feels like a good timeline. Season 5 was the honeymoon phase. Season 6 is about growing together and learning how to communicate and navigate difficulty. Season 7 seems like a good time to be on solid footing and take those next steps.
Next steps for Lucy, professionally. Personally, I'm hoping the UC storyline will play out this season and she can move on to whatever is next for her in season 7. She would be good at so many things within the LAPD and it would be so great to see her explore her options and find her niche. Bonus points if Primm faces consequences for being a dick.
More of a support system for Lucy, and just more interaction overall between the characters. Don't get me wrong, obviously I'm excited for all the chenford scenes we get, but give me some Tim x Angela and Lucy x Angela x Nyla or Lucy x Aaron or whatever else. We need to flesh out more of those relationships between the characters rather than pairing the same people up repeatedly. I know there's only so much screentime and they have a big cast, but it would be nice to have a few eps where they shake things up a bit.
Aaron and Celina remaining friends. I just really love their friendship and don't want it to turn romantic. It's nice to have that male x female friendship represented, and it's also frankly unrealistic to have every character coupled up.
More of Tim and Lucy away from the job, with Genny, Kojo, and/or Tamara.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but please no more pregnancies. It's been done three times now, and all of them have been accidental. And as someone who is childless by choice, lets have some representation of that on screen as well. Nolan and Bailey should not have kids, and I hope that's the conclusion they come to in 6x06.
Speaking of Nolan, can we please see him face some actual consequences? He's a terrible TO and that needs to be acknowledged, and Celina needs some actual training.
And honestly, just more of what they've been doing this season. I feel like, so far, this is the most cohesive season we've had in a while. Storylines are actually carried from one episode to another and the stakes are higher, the angst is productive, and I'm just really enjoying it! It's always nice to have some humor thrown in, but I also like when they show the fallout and keep the intensity rather than passing things off as a joke.
And lastly, more of this wonderful fandom here on tumblr! The questions, the positivity, the support, the incoherent rambling in the tags, the fic, the gifs, all the other amazing art and episode analyses. Just... all of it!
I'm sure there's more and I definitely failed at being wild and unrealistic but I'm sleepy and this is all my brain can think of right now.
Thank you for the question :)
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ae-neon · 8 months
Hi there! I've just discovered you work "The House of Mirrors" and I am loving your writing, and the idea of Nesta x Rhys. May I ask what draws you towards the Rhysta ship?
I've found it to be a really intriguing ship when looked into with insight, and it's sad to see that it's immediately dismissed as "oh Nesta will go Amarantha on Rhys, it will be another abusive relationship" etc
Sorry for not answering this ask sooner, I am on mobile 99.99% of the time and my asks always get buried for some reason. Also, my grammar and language spelling will be inconsistent, Tumblr keeps correcting my spelling to American EN
and it's sad to see that it's immediately dismissed as "oh Nesta will go Amarantha on Rhys, it will be another abusive relationship" etc
honestly not even gonna touch on this because whoever thinks that is so set on being against this pair that they've clearly deconstructed parts of their brain. No one is forcing them to ship it and they're going as far as to imply SA?? not someone to be entertained or taken seriously
so why Rhysta? hmm, I think I've posted about it somewhere, but my tagging is so terrible I wouldn't be surprised if it was lost forever
Firstly, I'm gonna be transparent in just preferring Nesta as a character to Feyre.
Feyre isn't terrible (most of the time) but she's pretty generic and inconsistent (and wildly offensive sometimes) but tbh, for the most part, I'm not anti-Feyre, just anti the way sjm uses her
Honestly, I would have preferred to read an ACOSF that centered around Feyre being HL, becoming a Valkyrie, doing the blood rite etc. than what we got in canon.
all this to say that even though I am a Nesta fan, my interest in this ship isn't rooted in hating Feyre
let's get into it
the first reasons are things that I see as tying Nesta and Rhys together so things like:
I prefer likeness in pairs as opposed to opposites. and funnily enough, 'like calls to like' is a sort of rule in the magic system. despite how I might disagree with what's given in canon, when we are first introduced to Rhysand, we're given the impression of someone who is more brains than brawn - and Nesta is characterised in the same way certain parts of the writing reflect a connection: Night and Death, both seem to have the most direct personal conflict with the KoH, both are willing to sacrifice their bodies for those they want to protect things like this are common in other characters too, but not in the same way. Feyre is also a character that sacrifices herself for other, and so is Cassian, but the latter two have a streak of selflessness to them. they would die for people they don't know. Rhysand and Nesta's brand of sacrifice is much more personal Nesta having unique mind powers, a strong connection to Illyria and it's magic and the magic in the NC (she literally makes his childhood home come to life and magic tied to the land is a trait of High Lord/Lady magic) it would have been poetic if they belonged to Feyre to show fate/the mating bond always meant for her to be with Rhys. But they belong to Nesta. Why I also just think Nesta's character and temperament are more suited to politics. She's stubborn, but she's also the type of person who listens and learns and judges people off their character rather than if they are 'on her side' Things like her being more mature and raised to thrive somewhere like the Hewn City add to this
the second reasons are reasons I dislike the canon pairings that would be either not applicable or severely lessened in rhysta
I am not a fan of Hades x Persephone (F.eysand) I despise The Taming of the Shrew (N.essian) Enemies to Lovers is only real when they can hate each other equally, a big power imbalance turns one party into a victim The power imbalance cannot be solved by making a 19 y.o with ptsd an overpowered fae with no experience or agency but, for example, if Rhys had to contend with a stubborn and somewhat uncooperative human - in a land he can't waltz around in, with a mind he can't enter and being the party that needs her help - suddenly there's a much more even playing field. Cassian is pushy and flirty in a way that involves a lot of physical intimidation and boundary crossing, that shit is not cute. in fact, in the canon Wings and Ember excerpt, Cassian crowding Nesta against the fireplace makes her think of Tomas Mandray, the man who almost assaulted her. there are ways around it like being close cause you're dancing or sparing but Nesta isn't a fighter (acosf can fuck off) and Cassian doesn't know how to dance. they're completely mismatched Feyre is naive and insecure in a way that makes her easy to manipulate. like I know a lot of people find the CoN scene sexy but it had been weeks, maybe two or three months, since she'd non-consensually been in that position for real UtM. Nesta might have been convinced to put on a show by dancing or wearing something a little provocative by her standards but that wouldnt have been something that directly mirrored a trauma of hers. I think, politically the handling of the Summer Court sets the tone for the abject failure of F.eysand as a political team. Nesta would have trusted Tarquin. She handled herself well (at the cost of her pride) at the High Lord's meeting.
im sure there's more
but again, this isnt really at the cost of Feyre being the protagonist especially of book1, there are things Feyre does that I don't think Nesta could or would. just that book2 might have had more povs or something
this also takes the approach of Rhys being a slightly different character than in canon, one more like what we were promised and one slightly more suited to Nesta
but that's literally what love interest characters are. they aren't supposed to become the centre around which the protagonist and plot now revolve
I'm so glad you read and enjoyed House of Mirrors!!! please don't be shy to drop me another ask
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thesalemwitchtries · 11 months
Daredevil WIP Snippet
Alright, so I've written a few fics in the past, and only ever posted one, but I've been working on a Daredevil idea for a little bit, and I've never posted anything here, but I want to just go for it. Like, it's fun, also who cares, yk?
I mean objectively the idea is fairly self-indulgent to my interests lately, but that's also why I like it so much. There's a technopath reader character, who will be given a name and conditionally uses they/them pronouns. There will be some awkwardness from her as she was raised in isolation, and also occasional themes of depersonalization due to her powers, I'll tag all of that to be safe.
Hopefully I'll do it, I'm gonna post this snippet just to like, create something to hold myself accountable with later.
But also that means I'll have to actually figure out how to use tumblr... huh. Mostly idk how to format text at all.
Snippet below, feedback encouraged and appreciated <3
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Charlotte called it Syncing: taking an imaginary leash off of her consciousness and allowing it to float away, dissolving from physical sensation, from her emotion and identity, she became it, more than Charlotte and less than human. 
There was no real feeling to it at all. She was, then it was, and together they were, no pause or breath between states, but Syncing seemed like the closest anyone could come to knowing what death felt like. The body stayed behind, just enough electricity to keep the meat fresh and responsive, cardio-vascular systems operating at a typical resting capacity. 
The soul though, transformed, ascended into Cyberspace and stretched itself wide and far, the way they were meant to be. 
World Wide Web was a shockingly apt name to come from people who couldn’t see this dimension the way that they could. Beams of light flashed the binary patterns of ones and zeros, altogether making up the vastness of human existence as it could be known so far.
Governments, banks, every old lady posting photos of their grandchildren on Facebook, it all was there, tangled together through pathways like wires, data connections forming junctions in a large spider's web. 
For the most part, Charlie experienced the Cyberspace as a place beyond both tangibility and sense, there wasn’t anything to see or hear unless they traveled to a connection that represented a camera or microphone in the Real world. Instead they operated through feeling, a superior knowing that they had always had within the Cyberspace. 
In the Real, it took Charlie years to learn code, here they wove it together like Arachne, no doubt or struggle, chains of code and subroutines molded exactly as they wished. They were the sole inhabitant and queen of an entire universe, this dimension of information, where they could create and do without limit. 
It was here, a place of life beyond breath, that they had found it. 
Charlotte had wanted a copy of some schematics, so she Synced and they began to search through data connections of the inventor, routing the plans away to her own meticulously guarded network to study back in the Real. Just as they were about to De-sync, they found it— a data connection that felt wrong. 
Hastily tied and weak, like it didn’t belong and was ready to disappear without a trace at a moment’s notice. 
Wires, strands, and connections often reflected the way that they were created outside of the Cyberspace, viruses and bugs had a particular way that they were knotted and attached to the main web, and this wire was a classic Shadow. Shadows were fairly common, almost every system had a few things locked further away from the Main Web than usual. They required caution though, as many belonged to the Law, and others to people operating Illegally.
Creating a subroutine to follow the strand of information to its other possible connections, they found it was something illegal, leading to various husks and shells— empty connections that were meant to fool anyone searching. That would work for others, accessing the Cyberspace from the Real, but they couldn’t be fooled, not here. 
More subroutines spun from their fingers, traveling down the strands and across numerous connections, dipping through security feeds and into microphones. They found empty offices, an upscale apartment, warehouses with people all in rows, a group of women screaming by the docks. 
While they couldn’t feel or sense while Synced, the part of them that was her identified what was as close to a sinking sensation as could exist outside of the Real. This was bad, evil, rotten. This Shadow was just one fragile part of a larger section of the Web, one that twisted and decayed, spreading flesh-viruses across the Real. 
Charlotte had to stay hidden, couldn’t let others notice that she was here, that they could do so much. Still, they could do so much, they could help, and so they must help. They refused to be like others that they had known, who looked at her with pity and remorse and yet never helped.
They would do something, just a little at first, and then keep an eye on things. 
Searching through the Shadow they dissolved the extra subroutines, coming across the perfect piece of bait. One file, loosely tethered but linked to all of the wrongness built here. They made a copy, innocuous, and tacked it to an email from one of the flesh-viruses to an account that was unconnected to all the wrongness. The date and time were modified, all traces of their tampering erased, and they De-synced, returning to the weary body.
The next morning, Karen Page checked her email, and opened the attached file labeled ‘Pension_Master’.
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