#but yeah!! lmk your guys' thoughts and stuff <3
awkwardtickleetoo · 1 year
so gamers,,,,, I was watching an old dnf video (death swap 1 at 4:38 if anyone's interested) and came across this little clip, and it made me think of a good concept!! (below the cut)
so picture this, right?
george straddling dream with his hands hovering over dream's tummy but not touching, and there's a timer counting down to when george is going to let his hands drop and actually tickle him– but dream can't see the timer at all, and he has no idea how long its set for, it could be 1 minute, 2, 5, 10. he doesn't know. he just has to Sit and Wait.
bonus add-ons:
- george CAN see the timer, so he knows exactly how long he has to drive dream absolutely crazy before he can truly wreck him
- there's a 3rd person (likely sapnap) there to man the timer so that neither of them can see how long they have, and they only turn it around when there's 10 seconds left so they can watch it count down. maybe the 3rd even counts down from 10 for them
- said 3rd person (or a different person) is involved directly, and they get to pin dream's arms out to the sides as firmly as possible (or, if you're comfortable with the idea, his arms could be tied out to the sides). dream is then tasked with an even further challenge of having to escape before the timer goes off or else george gets to drop his hands and tickle him silly for as long as he deems fit... until they go for another round :) extra bonus points if everyone in the situation is Well Aware that dream escaping is virtually impossible and keeps the challenge up and open to him regardless
and we all know dream is a sucker for anticipation, he just cannot take it, so any form of this game would be damn near Deadly for our poor sweet angel boy :(
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ja3yun · 6 months
Picturesque | P.SH
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bf!sunghoon x gf!reader
warnings: smut (mdni), unprotected sex, oral (m&f receiving), pet names, fluff, pornography (? sunghoon takes pictures while they do the deed), multiple orgasms, they're sickeningly cute, not proof read, anything i've missed lmk
wc: 4.6k+
synopsis: it's your boyfriend sunghoon's birthday and you want to make it special. your present goes down much better than anticipated.
a/n: hi! it's my best boys' birthday today <3 i know you're all waiting for the next part of tstab but i couldn't resist to post this. its just a one shot because i love him sm and my brain is always thinking about him but esp on his birthday. hope you like it!
You open your eyes to darkness, the only light coming from the orange streetlight outside. Warmth is felt around your waist and down your back as your boyfriend, Sunghoon, sleeps soundly. Looking at the clock you see it read 3.34am. Perfect.
Today was Sunghoon’s 21st birthday. He said he didn’t want a big fuss, simply to have everyone around to your shared apartment for some dinner and drinks. One thing about your boyfriend is that he was a simple guy with simple needs. That didn’t mean you couldn’t decorate the place for him though.
Planning this was a strategic effort even though it seemed simple. Sunghoon was smart, too smart, and if you slipped up even once about your plans he could easily piece it together. It’s not like you were preparing some big extravagant surprise with fireworks and magicians or something, no, you couldn’t even dream of something so lavish. Truth is with both of you being University students with minimum-wage part-time jobs, you were barely making rent. You don’t regret moving in together, it was the right decision, you just wished the government wasn’t filled with incapable idiots and put everyone in a cost-of-living crisis. So you have to make do with what you have, even if you think it’s not enough.
Peeling your lover's arm from your waist you make haste to start decorating the living room. Your flat was small so you had to be extremely quiet, like don’t breathe quiet, but with you and your lack of ability to produce any noise lower than 120 decibels it is going to be a challenge. Sunghoon loved how loud you were compared to his quieter demeanor, making sure to tell you to be as loud as you want and that he would never complain. He especially made this known in your bedroom.
You put on his white shirt from the night before and gingerly shut the door behind you as you vacate the room, leaving Sunghoon sleeping. In your hall cupboard, you had hidden an Asda bag filled with decorations like banners, balloons, and streamers. Their selection of stuff is to be desired and none of it matches but you’ll make it work. 
Looking around your living room with a sigh of discontentment you place all the decorations out on your coffee table. “Okay, where do I start?” Your voice is a whisper as you speak to yourself. “I should start with balloons. Yeah, balloons.”
The balloons you wanted were the big number balloons so you could have the 21 as the centrepiece but the very bitter middle-aged lady in Card Factory made it very clear there weren’t any 2’s in store. What kind of place runs out of 2’s? You had to settle for black, white, and gold multi-pack.
You shut your eyes tight and swallow your breath down as the plastic rustles far too loudly. “Shhh.” A warning to the inanimate object is wasted but it’s all you can think to do. This is going to take a while.
As the morning goes on you’ve managed to blow up the balloons and group them into 3-a-piece, hanging them up on each side of the big window and in the corners. You thought you were a goner when one of the white balloons almost escaped your grasp and started flying around the room but you grabbed it just in time. Checking the time on the clock you see it’s 4.30am. It really took you an hour for the balloons. Banners were next on your list but they should be easier surely.
Grabbing the automne you’ve been using as a ladder you successfully put 3 banners up in 20 minutes. If you had the time you’d celebrate but you still had so much to do before he gets up. “One more.” You place your hands on your hips and blow some hair out of your face as you smile. It’s ugly, it doesn’t match the others at all. The banner is silver with just the letters ‘Happy Birthday’ held together by a tacky white ribbon. You really wish you could do better than this but alas here you are climbing up to situate it above the TV. This is a little trickier since you have to stretch to reach the wall because of the TV unit that sticks out. 
You fail to notice your boyfriend leaning by the doorframe with his arms crossed and a cheeser of a smile on his face. He wanted to see how long it would take you to notice his presence but he thinks he’ll be waiting a long time. You’re too engrossed in your task to even hear his footsteps coming up behind you.
“Babe?” His deep morning voice scares you and you stumble on the automne, almost falling backward. Sunghoon’s eyes widen as he registers what's happening and rushes to catch you. “Shit, Y/N. You okay?” He places one of his warm hands on your backside and the other on your knee, stroking them both gently to make sure you’re okay.
Only your heart was not okay, thumping loudly as a rush of heat spreads through your chest from the adrenaline of nearly crashing into the table behind you. When you calm down you laugh and lean on his shoulder to step down. “I’m okay.”
Now you’ve properly come to you bring your hands to your mouth as your eyes widen. “You’re not supposed to be up this early!” As if it’s his fault you slap his chest and he chuckles in disbelief.
“Sorry, babe, if I had known you were planning to surprise me I would have slept longer.” Oh. He’s right but still. Not fair.
“I didn’t even get to put up the streamers or that shitty banner.” Dramatically, you wave your arms around and scowl at the devil banner. “It was supposed to be finished so when you walked in I could go ‘Ta-Da!’ and you would be all like ‘Oh my god, Y/N. You’re the best girlfriend ever. This is incredible.’” Sunghoon lets out a loud laugh and brings his hands to your face.
“Okay, okay, let me walk back in and we’ll do it again.” You pout at his suggestion but shake your head as much as you can considering he’s now squishing your cheeks.
“There’s no point now.” Sunghoon sees your disappointment and he matches your saddened expression.
“I’m sorry, babe. You worked so hard on this and I ruined it.”
“Yeah, you did.” You joke while he places a kiss on your forehead and lets you go. 
Sunghoon looks around the room at all your efforts. His eyes are filled with admiration and love, everything you did was his favourite but somehow you top it every time. All that energy you spent wasting on worry because you couldn’t give him more was so silly because he was so appreciative that you would even take the time to do any of this, especially when he said he didn’t want a  fuss.
His eyes meet yours and he sighs, “Beautiful, you didn’t have to do all this.” You are so busy between all your Uni work and grueling shifts at the restaurant that he doesn’t even know when you had time to get any of this stuff. “It’s just my birthday.”
“It’s your 21st! It’s special!” You protest. “I would have done something more extra but,”
He knows. It’s tight right now between bills and time but none of that matters to him, not right now, not when he has you beside him. “Babe it’s perfect, really. I like the uh,” he points between the decorations, “the green and pink banner and the gold balloons, brings a certain class to the room.” He jokes and you hide your face in embarrassment in his chest, mumbling a little ‘It’s all they had’. “Y/N I love it.” He bends down a little until his face is just below yours, “Seriously. Thank you.”
All the trouble was worth it just to see his smile right now. You peck his lips, “Happy Birthday, Hoonie.” Circling your arms around him as he towers back over you, he kisses the top of your head and then pulls away slightly to kiss your lips. Sunghoon feels so loved by you. The kiss is filled with love and desire so when you pull back he audibly groans.
“Do you want your present?” Not unlike you, but you’re nervous. You had been saving up for his gift since February so no pressure or anything. Inside you’re screaming, your brain working overtime in the anxious department. What if he hates it? “Or do you want to wait a bit?”
“If you’re the present then I’ll take it right now.” He captures your lips back into a kiss. If he wasn’t so into this kiss he would have noticed your playful eye roll. Sunghoon had the impeccable ability to make you have butterflies in your stomach while also frustrating you at how horny he is. He truly is still just a man.
“Hoonie I’m serious.” You pull away and he sighs.
“So am I.” His large hands grope your ass to pull you towards him. When he looks at your face he removes his hands from your body and holds them up defensively. “Okay, I get it. But I told you nothing crazy.” 
Sunghoon didn’t care for gifts and that’s why giving this one to him made you feel like you were going to throw up and cry. He was either going to love it or be mad that you bought it.
“Close your eyes.” Doing as he’s told he screws his eyes shut and you turn to dig through the automne. It wasn’t the safest place to leave it considering it took for him to look for one letter or magazine to find it, but it’s better than nothing. The present is perfectly wrapped with glossy white paper, accented with a gold ribbon, you wanted it all to be perfect. “Put out your hands.”
Once his hands are flat you place the box gently in his hands and he opens his eyes. His smile falls a little as he looks between the box and you. “Y/N this is big.” He’s skeptical and his face doesn’t hide it which sends your anxiety through the roof. “Please don’t tell me it’s something exp-”
“Can you just appreciate it and open it please?” He’s hurt by your words. Of course he cherishes anything you do or buy for him, he just doesn’t want you wasting money on him and with the size of this box, he fears you might have.
“Babe of course I appreciate it, you know I do.” You pout and push the box to his chest. 
“Then open it and tell me you love it. And don’t get mad.” When you say that he shuts his eyes. “I promise it’s nothing like mad expensive. Scouts honour.” You hold a hand to your chest and one in the air.
Sitting down on the couch he unwraps the gift and sees a plain black box. His fingertips feel the edges before he opens it and his eyes widen bigger than they ever have before, he doesn’t move. 
He hates it. Obviously he does. You bite your nails looking at him slowly take out the gift and examine it. “Y/N this is..” He trails off, looking intently at it.
Last year Sunghoon had gotten back into photography, just a hobby, nothing major, but he found a real passion in it this year. He carried the thing everywhere, taking pictures of everything he found pretty - most of the memory card was filled with you. Nonetheless, he didn’t have a case for it, and considering it cost him like 2 months' worth of rent, and that was it being second-hand, you felt like he needed to protect it properly. 
So you got him a custom leather case to fit his vintage Minolta TC-1 camera, his initials embroidered on the front lefthand side. The Etsy seller was even nice enough to throw in a strap that matched. You were lying when you said it wasn’t super costly, it did take months to save up for, but as you see his shocked face change into one filled with glee, you know it was worth it.
“Y/N, this is too much.” The smile on his face said otherwise, it was just perfect.  “Babe, seriously, this must have cost you a shit ton of money.” 
Shrugging you play it off, “Nah, got a good deal on it.” 
Like a child at Christmas, he stands up and strides over to embrace you, the hug said everything he couldn’t. There were no words to describe how much he loved it, how much he loved you.
“Let me go get my camera!” Sunghoon was easily excitable and as he ran to your bedroom to retrieve his camera you could only laugh. The pitter-patter of his feet getting faster the closer he got back to the living room was the cutest thing you have ever seen. Struggling to get the camera in the case due to excitement, you walked over and took the case from his hands, “Here, babe.” You slot it in and thank the heavens it fits and in hindsight, you probably should have checked before giving it to him.
“Babe, I love it so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He kisses all over your face. He was such a cutie, you never understood why people were intimidated by him. But then again, with a face so gorgeous who wouldn’t be? And you were the only one that really got to see this side of him.
“I’m glad you like it, Hoonie.” He corrects you and repeats the word ‘love’ which makes you smile.
Turning the camera on he brings it to his face and adjusts it. You take the opportunity of his preoccupied state to clear up some of the mess from the decorations and his present. You contemplate whether you should attempt to finish decorating but you don’t see the point, maybe finish it before the others come over.
A shutter sound echoes in the quiet room and you spin around to see your birthday boy smiling widely as the camera is pointed at you.
“Hoon, stop! I’m not even dressed yet.”
Your words seem to spark a mischievous glint in his eye and you have no clue what he is thinking. Sunghoon slowly walks over to you, “You know,” he wears the strap of the camera around his neck and takes the rubbish from your hands and discards it to the couch, “That’s not a bad idea.” Perplexment shows on your face. When did anything you just say sound like an idea? “I could take your picture.” 
“Babe you always take my picture.” 
“Not while I’m fucking you I haven’t.” 
Your jaw hits the floor. For the first time in your life, you are speechless, utterly gobsmacked. “No way.” You’re a generally shy person despite your loud personality so you would never think to do anything like this.
“Come on, Y/N.” He strokes your hair and uses a lower octave voice to try and persuade you, “They’ll just be for me, literally no one else will see them. You know I would never show them to anyone.”
Evidently he wouldn’t, he doesn’t even like it when you both go out dressed up nice and guys even think about looking at you. This was for him when you were on long shifts or in classes. Something he could use to jerk off to when his wank bank of memories won’t suffice. 
He’s too persuasive because the next thing you know you’re taking his hand and pulling him to the bedroom. Glancing around the surroundings you sigh. “Can I tidy up first?” 
“Why?” He laughs confused.
“I just don’t want the pictures taken with all this mess lying around, it’s un-aesthetically pleasing.”
His quiet almost silent laugh rings in your ears and you smile defeated. “Baby, do you think for one fucking second I am going to be looking at the slippers on the ground or Mr. Giles in the corner.” Mr. Giles, your childhood teddy bear, has seen far too much of what has gone on in these four walls but why is it when Sunghoon mentions his name you want to cuddle him and apologise?
“Mr. Giles is camera shy okay?” Your boyfriend picks him up, places a kiss on his nose, and places him facing the wall. 
“There. See.” He pushes you to lie on the bed, “Now, let me do my job, yeah?” His hands are on your waist in no time, the camera swinging from his neck now lays on your stomach as he bends down. The coldness of the object makes you shiver but you’re soon heating up when you feel his fingers dip into the waistband of your panties and pull them down. You hear him mutter ‘So fucking beautiful’ as his face is level with your core. Thinking he’s just going to get right down to business, you spread your legs but he stands up. “I need to take a before shot.” 
He takes pictures as you lay there in only his shirt, some at a lower angle to get your perfect pussy in focus. His eyes are telling you he’s trying to refrain from just delving in, from absolutely ingurgitating you, it’s a patience he usually doesn’t have. 
“On your knees for me, beautiful.” Being obedient like always, you do what he says. “Gonna get you to suck my cock, okay?” You don’t wait to be told what to do next because your hands are reaching for his boxers to pull them down. Cocks are either fucking beautiful or ugly, and Sunghoon had the prettiest cock of them all. His reddening tip slaps his stomach and you mewl out loud. “Don’t show off for the camera baby, okay? Just do it the way you always do.” 
Sunghoon loves the way you lovingly lap his cock, trying to fit it all in your mouth but he’s so big you can’t take it all the way in without choking. It’s cute to him how eager to please him you are.
You sit your hands on his hips and lick a stripe from his balls to the tip before taking his tip in your mouth. “Fuck.” You hear Sunghoon breathe out and it makes you look up. This is the moment you wish you could take the camera and snap a picture of him. Maybe you need to suggest that at a later date.
Right now it’s Sunghoon’s birthday and it’s whatever he wants. You suck his cock in earnest, grabbing the base to cover the part of his cock you can’t fit into your mouth. He’s like you’re favourite meal and while you used to hate sucking dick there’s something so pleasing about him and the way he tastes. 
Forgetting his original intentions he grabs your hair and tightens it into a tight pony, pulling at it. “B-babe, so fucking good at this.” It’s not until he looks down at you working him up and down he sees the camera. He uses both hands to put you into focus and takes a few pictures. Some are just a close-up of your lips enveloping his shaft, others are simple POV shots. It’s when you look up as you hear the shuttering from the camera that he starts really taking the pictures with determination to capture how beautiful you look in this moment. The eye contact to the camera has his chest growling. “That’s my pretty girl, made for the camera, huh?”
He wasn’t big on dirty talk but right now he felt like a whole different person, and this person wanted you to hear how good you made him feel.
Picking up the pace you start to slabber down your chin, losing yourself in the action. Sunghoon is so close to cumming that when he pulls you off his cock he whimpers. You are both panting and clouded with lust, your plumped-up lips aren’t helping Sunghoon, and his leaking cock isn’t helping you. 
“You’re a natural on this camera, babe.” His hand reaches down to wipe the saliva and particles of his cum from your lips. Click. Another perfect moment. “Can’t wait for you to see it from my point of view.”
“Sunghoon, I love you but I am not looking at those ever.” There is a big part of you that actually would like to see it, but you’re too embarrassed to even imagine what you look like. 
“You’re missing out, beautiful. Nothing more picturesque than you choking on my cock.” Sunghoon says the filthy sentence so casually and it flips your stomach. “Lay down for me.”
Removing the camera from his frame he places it on the bedside table. Is he finished taking pictures? “Hoon wha-”
Sunghoon’s face is in between your legs and licking up your folds before you can ask your question but his actions answer it anyway. If he was your favourite meal, you were certainly his. Fuck, you were his favourite everything. He was sucking your clit so suddenly you arched your back, the action pressing your pussy further into his face which elicited a hum of approval from him. The sucking was harsh, overwhelming, so much so you hadn’t even noticed how his fingers lightly trailed your thigh. 
His palm pushed your right leg open further, his mouth never letting up on your sensitive bud.
“Hoonie,” A moan of his name leaves your lips, your hand grabbing him and pushing it towards your entrance. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing but still listens to your silent request, his middle finger circling your opening. 
The birthday boy wishes he could do this and take pictures because he knows you look so fucking beautiful right now. Even the image in his head of you arched in his work shirt, mouth agape and moaning, could make him cum right now. Instead, it just fuels him so keep going at your clit, throwing in some light nibbles every so often.
Slipping his middle finger into you he curls it exactly how you like it. After 2 years of fucking you, he’d say he could easily get a PhD in how to please you, certainly how to make you cum. And what you like is way more than just one finger, so he adds two more sending you crazy.
“Fuck, fuck, Hoonie, so good.” The moans and profanities leaving your lips make him smirk, knowing you’re close. He makes his tongue rigid and uses it to stimulate your nub, going fast and hard in rhythm with his fingers and within a minute your thighs are clamping his head and your coating his tongue with your cum. “Shit, my god, m’cumming.”
He almost laughs at you because of course you’re coming, he’s tasting it right now and it’s better than any meal or cake he’s going to get today. 
Your trembling thighs open slightly and he peaks his head up to see you, quickly grabbing his camera. “What a fucking sight,” Sunghoon whispers before clicking. Your arm is laid over your face, his shirt is held together by one button in the middle of your torso, and most importantly your cunt is glistening. He wants to blow this picture up on a canvas and hang it in the living room, but you would never agree and his friend would never leave your house. 
As you catch your breath, Sunghoon crawls to hover over you. “Babe you look so fucking good right now.”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You laugh and finally bring your arm away from your eyes. Your essence still on his lips somehow makes you wetter than you already are.
“You’re so funny.” His sarcastic tone makes you laugh harder. “Now I need to make a decision
“Do I want your pussy filled with my cum, or it splattered on your stomach?" 
Oh, you might just have a second orgasm right now. It’s not implausible at this moment. “Well, you have my permission for anything,” You kiss his lips, moaning as he instantly sticks his tongue down your throat. Breaking the moment you bite your lip, “And y’know, if you can cum twice you could get a double shot.”
The camera is pushed back on the table and his dick is touching your entrance, “I’ll make it a surprise what one comes first then, huh?” With that, he’s sliding into your heat, both of you gasping in unison. You’re tight around his cock, your walls dragging themselves perfectly along his hard shaft. 
“Shit, babe, feel so fucking good.” If he could record this moment and make it 4DX he would hire out a Cineworld screen every day and watch it on repeat.
Thrusting into you with purpose, one of his big hands gently encloses your throat, not tight enough to cut off your air but enough to have you roll your eyes back. It’s taking all his willpower not to just fuck you rough and hard because if he does he’ll cum instantly and that’s just not going to happen, not on his watch. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. So perfect.” He brings his mouth to your ear, “My pretty girl, I love you so much.” 
You cry out in love and pleasure as he starts to pick up the pace, his cock hitting your soft spot every time. To him, you were the only present he ever needed. 
Sunghoon nibbles your earlobe, keeping his rhythm steady, continuing to whisper in your ear, “You wanna cum?”
“Yes, fuck yes please, Hoon.” He takes your hand from your throat and places it beside your head to give him more stability as he relentlessly fucks into you, his lips sucking in yours as he loses control, his only thought right now is to make you come undone on his dick. 
From the last orgasm you had it doesn’t take long before you’re cumming again, the aftershocks still buzzing and only adding to the sensation. You’re gripping his arms and crawling down them, legs shaking as you loosely wrap them around him. There’s no energy left in your body so as he fucks you deep, your spent body only moves due to the power of his thrusts. “You’re doing so good, I’m nearly there, babe.” He mumbles into your neck as he nuzzles into you.
You’re getting a tiny bit overstimulated but you know he’s close so you bear with it, mustering up all you have left to whisper, “Come on, Hoonie, don’t you wanna get the perfect shot?” 
His seed fills you instantaneously as your words echo in his ear, his body jittering as he coats your walls, his hips losing their rhythm and coming to a standstill. 
Heavy breathing and banging heartbeats are all you both hear as you compose yourselves. Sunghoon falls on top of you, his softening cock still buried inside you. Rubbing soothing circles on his back makes him smile widely and look at you. “Thank you, babe. For the present.”
“You’re welcome.” Lazily you plant a feather kiss on his nose. You reach over and grab the camera, “Well, you got a picture to take.” 
Smirking, Sunghoon takes the camera and slides out of you, taking in the view of his cum dripping out of you onto the bedsheets. It’s a work of art. “Pose for me, pretty girl.” You open your legs a little wider and try your hardest to look sexy for him.
The camera clicks a few times, each shot more beautiful than the last. You’re his muse, his everything, his best birthday present.
“Now,” He puts the camera away and lays on you once again, “I think for my next birthday I might ask for a camcorder.” 
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pupkashi · 10 months
boyfriend!yuta headcanons
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a/n: i have been having major yuta brainrot as of late ,, here u guys go ! i hope these are too badly ooc seeing as though I’ve only written for him a couple times ! they’re a bit all over the place so plz lmk what y’all think :3
wordcount: 1,183
first things first this boy is an absolute nervous wreck anytime he’s around you before he asks you out, I’m talking stuttering and fumbling over his words, looking anywhere but you, trying his best to not embarrass himself (he inevitably does poor guy)
asks you out when it’s just the two of you, on a picnic or watching a movie, his palms are sweaty because what if he just hallucinated you saying you liked him back and this is a big mistake??
okok this boy would definitely wear those ‘i love my s/o’ shirts, starts off as a joke, then wears it unironically because yeah, he does love you, what about it??
the biggest simp in the world yall, does anything you want him to, buys you whatever you want whenever you want it, you tell him jump he’s asking how high while already jumping
it’s a serious problem, considering you now have to make it clear that just because you say something is nice doesn’t mean you want it
“this sweater is nice right yuu?” “yeah it is really nice” ,,,, “yuta why do you have two bags?” “i got you the sweater in every color you like :3”
you’re always getting packages at your door, handing them to him only for him to say ‘oh that’s actually for you!’
the worst part of this is he absolutely hates when you get him something, always telling you to spend your money on yourself or save it, saying he has everything he needs already
still accepts your gifts with open arms, over the moon because ‘you really thought of me ?? i love you :(‘ he literally is ‘🥺’ if it was a person
calls you every sweet nickname he can think of: baby, babe, sweetheart, darling, my love, honey (he tends to favor my love and darling)
you tend to call him things like: baby, lover, pretty boy, angel
he turns into an absolute blushing mess when you call him pretty boy and angel, giggling and trying to not forget what he was talking to you about in the first place
the kind of boyfriend who will buy you flowers weekly, no matter what.
ever since he overheard you on the phone talking about how much you loved his ‘just because’ flowers, he made it a reoccurring purchase at a local flower shop
gets you all your favorite snacks when he just so happens to stop by at a convenience store, handing them to you with a happy grin, ‘we can have movie night with snacks now!’
has your coffee order memorized before you guys even started dating, rarely asks if you want some, usually just surprises you with it <3
he is such a homebody boyfriend :( prefers calm and cozy nights in sipping on hot chocolate cuddles in warm blankets over going out
takes you out to nice restaurants though !! especially if you like going out, he’ll take you on all kinds of dates
goes ice skating, amusement parks, the fair, laser tag (you destroyed him), escape rooms, literally everything
at restaurants if you’re between two things to order he’ll get one of the ones you want so you get try both :3
if you don’t like what you ordered he’ll swap with you / will tell you to order something different, saying he’ll take the other plate home and eat it tomorrow so you don’t feel bad abt it <3
LOVES going grocery shopping with you </3 finds it so domestic and lovely to be able to pick you celery with you (he also gets excited when you ask him what he wants to eat so you can get the stuff for it)
he’ll always tell you he wants to bake cookies and other treats with you, grabbing all the ingredients and grinning at you sheepishly when the cart starts to get full
“we came here for four things, how did you manage to make me get all these things” “cause you love me” he giggles
giggles at everything you say !!!!! topples over laughing when you tell a joke (we get it bro you love us 😭)
it’s so easy to make him blush and flustered, literally just winking at him makes his brain short circuit (let’s not get started on when you two make out) (he whimpers 🤭)
has pictures of you as his lockscreen, always smiles a bit when he unlocks his phone, when he’s away on missions he finds himself checking the time more often than he really needs to
AMAZING TEXTER !!!!! will reply to you very quickly and address all your messages and reacts to all the things you send him (everyone is amazed because is this the same yuta who left them on deliver red for three days before replying ??)
he is SO the jealous type ,, he tries not to be, really he hates having negative emotions of any kind, but he can’t help it :(
his entire demeanor changed drastically when someone starts flirting with you, he’s standing up straighter, clenching his jaw and has that threatening look on his face, no sign of the once cheerful and bubbly boy
he’s wrapping an arm around you, tugging on your hand and trying to get you alone so he can make out with you and remind both you and himself that you’re only his <33
insanely protective of you !!! he’ll be holding your hand in public, always making sure he knows where you are, in crowded areas he has one hand on your waist to help you through the crowds <33
will obliterate anyone who even tries to threaten you, ‘look at them again and you’ll be wishing i had killed you’ but in a not creepy and actually very 🦋way yk ?
really listens to you and everything you have to say, asking questions about your interests and genuinely loves listening to you talk about the things you like <3
i know he gets u literally everything but he gives you amazing and thoughtful gifts for special occasions !! he manages to always get you perfect gifts every single time <3
he compliments you everyday without fail, no matter where he is in the world, he will ALWAYS tell you how stunning you look !!!
reminds you everyday how much he loves you, telling you and leaving you little notes, writes you love letters like he’s away at war even though he’s most likely to get back before the letter even ships
cooks you dinner when he has the chance (he’s actually a pretty good cook!!) going all the way with wine (if you drink of course) and roses
uses your shampoo and conditioner sometimes because he just loves the way they smell and they remind him so much of u hehe
has your skincare routine memorized to when you’re too exhausted to do it he can do it for you <3
he’s overall just a soft and sweet lover, doing anything and everything he can for you because he knows you’re the one for him <33
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags
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hugshughes · 8 months
mirrorball M. Estapa
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Mark Estapa x fem!reader
synopsis - You realize Mark Estapa is the one person you don't have to perform for.
wc - 4.8k (#proud)
contains - cursing, slight miscommunication, upset reader, frustrated reader, fluff asf, kissing, cuddling. as always lmk!
an - LIGHTLY EDITED!!! sorry if there's any mistakes! THIS ONE WAS FUNNNNNN. i love mark so much so this was cute. it does take a long time to get to the point though so.. sorry! this song is also everything to me so yeah! oh also, betty love interest has been determined!!!! connor bedard is like honestly the perfect guy for it i feel like, cause he's young and stuff. and JH86 already has illicit affairs sooooo don't be mad at me! i hope you LOVE this! as always reblogs and replies are very much appreciated!
i want you to know, i'm a mirrorball. i'll show you every version of yourself tonight.
You'd always been somewhat of a people pleaser. Your happiness had almost always stemmed from whether or not the people around you were happy. It started when you were little, because of how your parents would praise you when you'd take care of your 3 little siblings for them.
Your parents were always working, trying to make enough so that your family could live comfortably, but it had you parenting your siblings for all of your childhood. All of your nurturing at home caused you to do that to everyone you cared about. Always being called the "mom of the friend group." You would do anything you could for people around you to be happy with you, no matter if it meant you were miserable or not.
Now that you were in college, you felt weird not having someone depend on you every second like you do back at home. You had a lot of friends in school now, and lots of people liked that you would never say no to them, taking advantage of your kindness.
You'd met Ethan Edwards in a business class freshman year and he immediately took you in and brought you everywhere. He thought you were cool and fun and one of the few girls he could be friends with that didn't make it weird because of his "status" on the campus. He'd brought you to a hockey house party sophomore year and it's where you met Mark Estapa.
i'll get you out on the floor, shimmering beautiful. and when i break, it's in a million pieces.
Mark had been enthralled by you when you met. Your caring nature and kindness absolutely melted him. He watched you be the designated driver everywhere you went, take care of all of your girlfriends when they got plastered, and in his opinion, let them walk all over you. See, he loved your caring nature, to an extent. He loved how sweet you are, but he hated how other people took such an advantage of it. Once he'd even told your friend to fuck off when he'd seen her trying to make you feel bad for something that was completely on her.
hush, when no one is around my dear. you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my, highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
While Mark loved how nurturing you were, he loved even more when you weren't so tense, and taking care of everyone, and you were just carefree. The first time he'd ever seen you like this was in February of your sophomore year, six months after he met you. You guys were at a party, that was really a "hangout" but while you guys drank, where none of those friends of yours had been invited. He'd never seen you that happy.
You were sitting right by him on the couch, your Ugg slippers on the rug in front of you while you tucked your legs into your chest, a drink in your hand. You were laughing and making jokes, not having to stress over whether your "friends" were about to get drugged because they would just grab drinks from anyone offering.
You'd always admired Mark. Since the night you met him, you just loved everything he did. How gentle he was even though his hockey stats would say otherwise. You loved how he always seemed to have a smile on his face, and how much he cared for you. He was one of the first people ever who cared for you the way you cared for everyone else.
hush, i know they said the end is near. but i'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
You had been in love with him since June. Your friend group had gotten together in the summer and spent a weekend on a lake in Michigan, near where Mark's parents lived. One night his parents had invited your group to his childhood home to have dinner and when you'd seen his interactions with his parents, you were a puddle. He was the sweetest guy you'd ever met, but you were convinced you couldn't have him. And he thought the same things about you, sadly enough.
Unknowingly to you, Mark had fallen in complete love with you the same exact day. When he watched you help his mom out with dinner then again afterwards with dishes his heart pounded. Ethan was teasing him all night. Ethan had done everything but tell you guys that you liked the other to try to get you together, sending you two out on drives to get something for a party, making you two a team during every game on the PlayStation, encouraging you guys to enroll in the same classes for junior year, and more.
You hadn't seen Mark all summer after the trip in late June, you'd texted a lot though. He'd even called you a couple of times, which always made you scared because no one had ever just called you to talk to you like he did.
No matter how much Ethan pressured you to tell Mark how you felt, you were always too scared. You'd only ever had two boyfriends before, and they were not good guys, so you didn't really know what it felt like when a guy really loved you.
It was two weeks into the school year and you still hadn't seen Ethan or Mark yet. You were lying in your bed with your eyes closed after class when your phone rang, you jumped, grabbing your phone, seeing 'Mark Estapa🤍" at the top of your screen. You tensed for a second, sliding your finger across your screen to answer and hitting the speaker button.
Mark smiled when he heard your voice, blush dusting the tips of his ears.
"Hey! What's up? Do you have plans for tonight?"
"No, should I? Is there an Alpha Phi party Ethe didn't tell me about?"
You sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes and flattening your hair.
"No, no party. I wanted to ask if you maybe want to go get dinner or something, maybe we could go walk around target or something."
You blushed at his proposal, you knew it was just a hangout, but dinner with Mark was like, all you ever wanted. You accepted gently, not trying to sound desperate to see him.
"Okay, great. Can I come pick you up in like 20?"
You accepted again, quickly saying goodbye and texting Mark your new address so you could get ready. You'd just moved off campus and into an apartment for your junior year. It was 50° and felt like 45° in Ann Arbor, perfect fall weather, so you made sure to wear warm clothes.
You slipped on your Ugg slippers right when Mark knocked on your door. You opened the door with a big smile, Mark's face adorned by his usual grin.
"Hi Mark, oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever!"
You were gonna use that as your excuse to hug him. He greeted you sweetly, squeezing you tightly. When you both pulled away from each other you admired his face, his rosy cheeks from the cold weather, how comfy and warm he looked in his big Wolverine Hockey sweatshirt, everything.
You guys exited your apartment building silently, when you got to Mark's car he went up ahead of you and opened the door for you. You looked up at him and smiled sweetly.
"My hero."
He nodded and laughed, making sure you were securely in the car before closing your door, running around the front of the car to get in. You turned on your seat warmer while he buckled up, he looked over at you and smiled again, and you raised your eyebrows at him, silently asking him 'what??' he just laughed and shook his head.
You plugged your phone into the car so you could play music, Mark didn't fight you over it, he never did. He loved watching you lip-sync to the music you loved, even though you didn't think he saw you. He smiled as he glanced over to you while stopped at a red light, the red illuminating your face as you sang silently along with Bad Habit by Steve Lacy. He thought the song choice was funny because he literally did wish you knew he wanted you.
This was the you that he loved, the girl who wasn't constantly stressed over people who didn't deserve even half a second of her attention. He snapped out of his trance on you when the light on your face turned green. He drove to your guys' favorite place to eat fast.
You were quickly texting your mom back when you pulled up to the restaurant. Mark hopped out of the car with haste and got around the car before you could get your seatbelt off, opening your door for you, holding out a hand so you could balance.
Your cheeks warmed as you accepted his hand, letting him help pull you out of his warm car, and into the cold of Ann Arbor. You both ran across the parking lot to get away from the cold, Mark running around you once you'd crossed the street so he could open the door for you. He was the sweetest guy you'd ever met. You guys greeted the staff that knew you two well as the "friends" that come in every week together.
Your favorite waitress brought you to your usual booth, taking your drink orders then taking off. Said waitress was the same woman that always would tell you and Mark that you guys were perfect for each other when one of you was in the bathroom and the other was left at the table. You and Mark had both sat on the same side of the booth always, you guys just liked it better that way, and it was always both of yours' side when you came with other people.
Taylor Swift was playing lowly through the restaurant while you guys pretended to look through the menus, acting like you didn't get the same thing every time.
After you guys ordered, you started talking about summer, and what you guys had done since June 27th, when you'd seen each other last. You told Mark how you spent July with your family and then August with your friends in Miami.
i want you to know, i'm a mirrorball. i'll can change everything, about me to fit in.
"-but you know partying is never that fun with that group of girls because I always am the DD and they all always get absolutely blackout plastered and none of them are good drunks and it just-"
"You know I hate when you do that?"
You halted, staring at him with furrowed eyebrows. You were shocked, did you make Mark upset? You didn't think you'd said anything bad. You couldn't even get a 'what?' in before Mark started again.
"When you let those girls walk all over you. You don't deserve to go out with them just to take care of them while they do whatever they want all night. It just makes me like sad to see you literally hate every time you go out with them. You don't always have to take care of everyone. You can let people do things for you, and let people do things for themselves, okay? You can do something for yourself for once."
you are not like the regulars. the masquerade revelers. drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten.
You were stunned. You'd never had anyone care about you like that before, you'd always felt like you had to let everyone depend on you since you were so little. You'd never had a Mark before. Someone who'd let you be you, someone who wouldn't let you go out of your way and hurt yourself to make sure other people are happy.
You didn't know what to say, you hugged him, though. You hugged him tighter than you ever had. And he held you so gently as if you would break. You didn't even know you were tearing up until your vision clouded over.
"Thank you, Mark. I just- I've been taking care of everyone around me since I can even remember. My little brothers and sister were always my responsibility when I was little and it just stuck and now I feel bad if I don't do anything I can to make the people I love happy. But thank you, um wow yeah thank you, Mark."
You both pulled away, he nodded with a straight face. You quickly wiped under your eyes and turned back to the table, you didn't know what to do now.
"Sorry if I just like, made that awkward, but I just really care about you and I don't like when you're with those girls 'cause they don't make you happy."
I love you. I love you. I love you.
That's what Mark wishes he could say.
hush, when no one is around my dear. you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my, highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
"You didn't, it's not awkward Mark."
You giggled and shook your head at him, asking him how his summer went in turn. He went on about all his plans and it just mesmerized you. The way he talked was everything to you, how excited he got over little things, how enthusiastic he was about almost everything. You loved how bright he was while also being able to understand you and be serious.
You guys got your food and ate while talking about more random things. Mark got up and went to the bathroom right after you both finished, while you sat and waited on him and the check. Mark walked back from the bathroom minutes later and when he got to the booth he held out his hand to help you out of it.
"Mark the check didn't come yet. We can't leave."
He smile got bigger, you could already tell what he was about to say.
"Well I just paid so I think we're fine."
You rolled your eyes at him, lightly pushing him after you accepted his help out of the booth, telling him you’re paying him back somehow. When you got into the car you checked the time, 8:13 p.m. Target closed at 10, so you decided to drive over to it and check it out.
hush, i know they said the end is near. but i'm still on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my highest heels, love. shinin' just for you.
You played more music in the car, and at every red light Mark would watch you sing along silently, and whenever you were driving, you'd glance over at Mark, admiring the slope of his nose and his sharp jawline. He was beautiful, to say the least, but staring at him while Ceyando by Frank Ocean played in the background was breathtaking.
You guys stopped at a red light, and then Mark's eyes met yours. You quickly looked away, staring straight ahead at the road in front of you guys. If the red light wasn't shining down on you guys, Mark would've seen the way you blushed. You were everything to him, everything.
and they called off the circus, burned the disco down. when they sent home the horses, and the rodeo clowns. i'm still on that tightrope. i'm still trying everything, to get you laughin' at me.
When you got to Target, Mark opened your door like always. You guys rush inside to fight the cold weather, giggling like little kids. Before you guys start looking around, Mark goes to the bathroom, claiming how he didn't actually get to go at the restaurant.
While he was away, you ordered Starbucks for the two of you, happy that you were partially repaying him for dinner. You waited outside the bathrooms with two hot chocolates in your hand and a big smile on your face. Mark as always, argues with you when you hand him the drink. You ignore him and grab a cart.
You push the cart through the store, both of your cups taking space in the cupholders on the cart. You both throw in random things you need for your homes, from paper towels to shampoo to Gatorade. You gasp with excitement when you see the books and music section, your favorite part of the whole store. You abandon the cart with Mark, running over to the vinyl.
Now that you had your own apartment, you could finally bring your record player from home and have room with it.
"When was the last time you listened to something on vinyl?"
Mark teased you but admired you also as you scoured the shelves of vinyl, gasping at every Taylor Swift or Harry Styles album.
"Well actually Estapa, my new apartment has enough room for my record player now so I listened to one like two days ago!"
He nodded with an amused look, letting out an 'Oh yeah?' to which to nodded aggressively.
Mark saw the way your movements halted when your eyes landed on one vinyl that was at the very back of the stack. Mark recognized it to be a Taylor Swift album, because you had played it in his car before, but he wasn't exactly sure what it was called.
"Oh my god. This is the Folklore Deluxe album, the red pressing. This is so weird, I left this at home for my little sister to have before school started. I haven't seen this album in Target in like over a year."
Mark nodded along with your words, a big smile on his face as he watched how excited you were.
"Oh my gosh I need to play this for you. Okay, on the way home we're listening to the whole thing okay?"
"Yeah, alright, we'll listen to it."
You squealed, giggling as you slid the vinyl into the cart. Mark pushed the cart behind you as you looked through the books, grabbing two that had been on your 'tbr' list for a while.
Mark let his thoughts wander into delusion as he pushed the cart behind you. He thought about grocery shopping with you like you were married. He shocked himself with that thought, quickly shaking it from his head. He hadn't even told you he liked you yet.
You two went to the self-checkouts, splitting your items up and paying. Mark pushed the cart behind you as you exited Target, while you jogged to the car, the cold air seeping into your jacket. You jumped up and down slightly as Mark took as long as possible to get to the car.
You guys quickly loaded the bags into his trunk, and you insisted on pushing the cart back to the cart corral. When you walked back to the car, a crazy thought appeared in your mind. You thought about being married to Mark and loading your shared groceries into your shared car. Lord, you hadn't even told him you liked him yet.
You got back to the car to see your door open and waiting for you. When you got in, the heater in your seat and pushing through the vents enveloped you. Mark smiled, holding up the aux cord for you. You grinned back, snatching it from him and pulling up Spotify, clicking on folklore (deluxe version).
"Okay so, the album starts with 'the 1', and it's about like thinking about your ex that you thought was your soulmate and wishing they were just a little different so that it could've worked out."
"Oh okay, I think you've played this one before."
You nodded as the song faded in, letting him listen to the song. Mark especially loved when you played Taylor Swift, because you always lip sync the "hardest" to her. 'my tears ricochet' faded out when you pulled up to your apartment.
"Oh my gosh, Mark you have to come in and let me play the rest for you. Please? You're gonna love it I promise. Oh, and we can make those cookies we picked out!"
Mark didn't even have to think for two seconds before agreeing, not that he could ever say no to you. The idea of spending the rest of the night with you sounded like heaven. You had Mark park in a visitor spot and you both got out of the car, grabbing your bags from the back. Mark insisted on carrying 4/5 of your bags, even when you argued with him. You led him up and into your apartment. You both took your shoes off by your door, dropping your bags on the kitchen counter.
and i'm still a believer, but i don't know why. i've never been a natural, all i do is try, try, try.
"Sorry it's a little disorganized, I'm still in the rearranging everything stage."
Mark walked in and immediately loved the vibe of your apartment. It was so warm and it smelled good and just was so you.
"I think it looks great, don't worry."
You blushed at that, feeling all giddy over a boy liking the way you had your apartment decorated. You started to put away your perishable groceries but then noticed Mark standing awkwardly on the other side of your kitchen.
"Oh sorry Mark, please make yourself at home!"
He smiled and nodded, walking around the counter over to you, asking if you needed any help with groceries. You asked him to preheat the oven, and he immediately agreed. You then heard a confused call of your name.
"Your oven is like a fuckin' spaceship. How do you work this?"
You laughed so loud, Mark loved it. You walked over from where you were putting the Halloween-themed cookie dough on a baking sheet and stood between Mark and your oven. You preheat the oven successfully before turning around to make a snarky comment but then realized your proximity. Both of your faces warmed before Mark backed away, rubbing the back of his neck with a smile.
It was a little awkward for a beat before you remembered what you invited him in for.
"Oh my gosh, come over here, look at my record player area! It's my favorite place I have decorated so far."
You grabbed your new vinyl off the counter, sliding on your socks over to where you had your record player set up in your living room. You carefully took the wrap off of your new record, grabbing the first vinyl out and gently placing it on your player. You moved the needle to where track 6 started and turned it on, letting the needle drop onto the vinyl.
"This one is my favorite on folklore, it's about like being a people pleaser but also having someone who you don't have to be like that for."
You avoided looking right at Mark when you said it because you realized that's exactly how you felt about him. He was one of the only people that you didn't have to perform for, the one person who preferred when you didn't. What you didn't know was that Mark was smiling so big when you said what the song was about, thinking of you and himself.
You turned up the volume, walking back over to your kitchen to slide the cookies into the oven when the oven beeped, signaling it was finished preheating. You turned and saw Mark standing at your counter, staring right back at you.
"Hmm, oh! You've never been here before, let me give you the tour."
You turned up the record player once again, so you could hear it throughout your space, and led Mark over to the hallway that led to everything else in your apartment.
"So obviously my kitchen and living room, there's a coat closet, but it's pretty much empty still so whatever."
You showed him the bathroom, another closet, laundry room, and then finally you got to your bedroom.
"Okay this is my bedroom, I'm actually like just finishing up with my decorating in here, sorry if it's a little messy."
Mark thought your room looked spotless and beautiful. Everything just screamed you so he loved it. Your salt lamp dimly illuminated your room from your nightstand, the song dancing through the air of your room. Mark looked all around your room before stopping when he saw your photo wall.
There were dozens of photos, Polaroids and printed pictures, photo booth strips, and other mementos from various occasions taped on the wall.
When you saw Mark halted at your wall, you hoped he didn't realize how much of him there was on it. Every picture of you and Mark in existence was printed out and taped to your wall. The ticket stub from when he took you to The Little Mermaid in May. A cut-out drawing he doodled on your page during class once, he was surprisingly good at drawing hockey jerseys.
Mark noticed how often he came up on your wall, then there was one photo that made his eyes widen a little and his heart jump. It was a Polaroid of you and him at a party last year, your arm around his neck as you both smiled widely. That wasn't even the best part to him, the best part was that on the margin underneath the picture, there was just the date, a dash, and then a heart drawn.
He looked over at you and there was a different look in both of your guys' eyes. Some kind of understanding, but still a little bit of fear that your feelings were unrequited. You walked over to Mark, pointing at the photo he had been staring at.
"That's my favorite picture like, ever. That's why it's in the very middle of all of them."
Mark just stared at you, as you stared at the picture. He was so in love with you, it would probably physically hurt him if he held back telling you any longer.
"I think I'm in love with you."
Your eyes widened, head snapping in his direction. You blushed so deep red, that it even spread to your ears. You were stunned, you literally couldn't move your mouth, Mark had just told you exactly what you think every time you look at him. He was in love with you? You would jump up and down in victory, but your downstairs neighbors might not like that. Mark didn't take your silence well, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck as he blushed madly.
"Well no I know I am but like it's cool-"
You kissed him, you kissed him. You kissed Mark Estapa after he told you he was in love with you. What fucking universe is this? You kissed him as the bridge of seven played through your home. Your hands framed his face as his hands instinctively held your hips. Butterflies were all either of you felt, whole body tingling and excitement as you kissed each other.
When you pulled away, you were both out of breath, you stared at Mark, so incredibly flustered. Mark took in your rattled appearance and his confidence skyrocketed. He had just got the girl, he was on top of the world.
"So, does that mean like, you like me back or?"
You pushed at his chest, covering your warm face with your hands, hiding your embarrassment and big smile.
"Shut your mouth, but yes."
Mark grinned even wider than he already was, wrapping you up in a hug as august started playing. You both stood there for a minute, taking the moment in. You stood until the timer on the oven went off, indicating your cookies had finished. You pulled out of the hug, taking both of Mark's hands and leading him back to your kitchen, not before he could let out a funny comment.
"I really like this album by the way."
You let out an 'oh yeah?', giggling at his stupidity. You couldn't believe you'd finally gotten him. He was yours, and you could definitely tell that he was the 1.
because i'm a mirrorball. i'm a mirrorball, and i'll show you every version of yourself tonight.
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cinnamostar · 5 months
five dates to fall in love
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part one. part two. part three (here). part four. part five. part six coming soon.
pairing : hyunjin x gn!reader
summary : after a two year long unspoken hatred, hyunjin and you are forced to be costars in a romantic series, but when it comes to filming any of the romance scenes, you both utterly fail and are unable to get through your lines. the director threatens to take your roles away if you two aren't able to get past this within the next week, which spawns the genius idea from both your managers: can you learn to (fake) fall in love in seven dates and save your careers?
wc : 2.7k
cw :actor!au, enemies to lovers ?!, slowburn (?!), not proofread, descriptors of insecurity and stuff, internal struggle but nothing serious
a/n : finally... its here... sorry for this taking long, i was traveling for holidays and then classes started but its here! lmk what you guys think :3 this chapter is a lot chiller imo... just trying to set a Vibe of emotional conflict... ALSO im not trying to paint hyunjin as the bad guy.,.,, but i think its also important to show that people will form opinions no matter what and will inevitably pick a side. so yus...
Tears cascaded down your warm cheeks as you tossed yourself in your bed, the frustration and anger you were holding back finally catching up to you as quiet sobs escaped your lips. You hated how horrible the feeling of pure anger, as it always felt you were on the verge of bursting at the seams from how violent and erratic the emotion was as it overran your body. You had no idea what to do with it, always allowing it to linger til it overwhelmed you to the point of tears and surrendered to its burning grip. Your phone began to vibrate, which your hand mindlessly reached over for and picked up without second thought, as you knew it would be no other than Chan calling you at such a moment.
“Y/N… Are you okay?” concern dripped from Chan’s voice, while all you could muster out was a muffled grumble as you stuffed your tear-stained face into your pillows. “Right,” he responds, acknowledging your groan, “Well, I heard what happened through Changbin, so I called to check in on you.”
You take a deep breath in to soothe your hoarse throat from your onslaught of tears, praying your voice wouldn’t be too shaky as you spoke, “Well, I’m upset.”
“I don’t blame you one bit, I’d be just as upset as you are,” he reassured you gently, “Do you want to talk about it? Or do you need some more time to figure your feelings out?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble, turning your face away from the pillows so your voice was clearer, “I don’t know how to feel. It’s just a lot. It’s such a stupid reason for him to have just been so shitty to me for so long. He literally could’ve just asked me or talked to me about it instead of assuming.”
“Right, I agree. Even Changbin didn’t know about that being the reason,” added Chan, “I’m sure he lectured him on it because that is a crazy conclusion to jump to.”
“And I’m even more upset that was the conclusion he landed on! Why did he just assume I’d do something so terrible? Why did he not consider that I was trying to help him secure the role?”
“Sounds like he has an insecurity issue, if I had to guess, but who knows. You have every right to be upset, but there is another pressing matter we do need to address.”
You sigh, rolling onto your back as you use your free hand to rub your temples, “Yeah, I know. As upset as I am right now, I do still want to keep doing this project, but…”
“I don’t really… know if I can do that because I don’t wanna see his stupid face or go out on any other practice dates,” you huffed angrily, feeling a bit relieved to verbalize some of your feelings. 
“Well, I won’t force you to go on another date if you still need time to cool off, but maybe it will help you get used to seeing his stupid face after this. Plus, Changbin did tell me that you have permission to yell at Hyunjin if you wanna get that out the way.”
You let out a small chuckle, unsurprised to hear that Changbin said such a thing, “I’m not going to yell at him, but I appreciate the offer. I don’t know, I’m still really worked up from the whole thing.”
“Give yourself time, you can let me know in the morning how you’re feeling and we can go from there, okay?” Chan asks, the gentle tone of his voice bringing you a sense of comfort. 
“Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks Chan.”
“Of course, take care, Y/N.”
The next morning rolled by rather quickly and while it would’ve been a lovely day to stay in bed, your stubbornness caused you to find yourself walking to your third date of the week. You were still terribly upset at Hyunjin and forgiveness was not in the cards at this point, yet you had other pressing matters that did not allow you to wallow up in hatred and resentment for him. You had to set your feelings aside for a moment in order to make some sort of progress on this current acting project, as you were way too excited for how the final product would turn out and truly believed in the success of the film.
Although, you didn’t have high hopes for today, as you expected it to be a similar outcome to your previous dates. Today’s day was Chan’s idea, which was attending a local farmer’s market in your area that provided all sorts of family-owned shops to look through, including a variety of food to choose from. It was a bit last minute, but Chan knew your love for these small events, so he hoped this would bring you some joy, but also give you the opportunity to wander off from Hyunjin if needed, while also giving you both the chance to talk about something. 
You were approaching the entrance to the park it was being hosted at, checking the time on your phone relieved to know you were on time. Honestly, while Hyunjin would probably be late once again, you didn’t mind the chance to enjoy bits of the market alone, especially on such a sunny day during these winter months. However, you were completely stunned to find Hyunjin waiting by the entrance as well, nonetheless waiting five minutes earlier than the time Chan had told you. He stood there awkwardly, both hands in the pockets of his coat as he bounced on the balls of his feet nervously, his eyes widening when his gaze finally lands on you.
You approach him with caution and a raised eyebrow, not completely believing the sight before you, “I didn’t expect you to be here so early,” you state curtly, trying your best to remain civil and cordial despite yesterday’s events.
“Well,” he stammered, his fingers jittering in his pockets, “I think I owe you an apology, and I thought showing up on time for once was one way to show that I am being genuine.”
“An apology?” you question, your ears not believing his words.
He sighs nervously, brushing a hand through his hair, “I have… realized I was entirely wrong about the situation, and I am truly sorry for that and for treating you so horribly the past two years we’ve known each other.” You wear an unconvinced expression, unsure what could’ve caused him to have a change of heart overnight, especially since he was just in deep denial the day before. He continues his statement after picking up on your apprehension, “I ended up reaching out to director Han about the situation and he… he told me how much you vouched for me when he spoke to you.”
You nod your head as you take in his words, “I see, well, I’m glad you’ve come to that realization and I accept your apology,” a hopeful look appears on his face, “But, I do need time before I can forgive you because the way you’ve treated me has really hurt me. And the fact that you thought I’d ever do that to you hurt me a lot too.”
His expression falters, but he offers an understanding smile, “I completely understand, I honestly do not even deserve your kindness right now, so thank you for being kind about this.”
You return his smile with a tightlipped one, still not entirely believing the sudden change in him, but you couldn’t lie, it did feel a bit nice to see him so timid and meek, and hearing an apology come from him did help loosen the knot of rage that laid dormant in your stomach. “Well,” you clear your throat awkwardly, trying to find a way to continue the day, “Do you want to head in?”
“Sure, lead the way,” he responds, his hands returning to his coat pockets as he anxiously trailed behind you. Eye bags hung on his face, indicating the restless night he had suffered due to the guilt he had been digesting since his phone call with the director. Hyunjin felt horrible after the revelation he had, feeling nothing but the heavy, deep seated weight of anxiety and guilt resting atop his chest. Even the sight of you made the feeling worse, facing the reality of how his actions have affected you all this time was a whole new hurdle he had to learn to conquer. The least he could do was try to be as kind as he could be from here on out, and brace himself for whatever angry slurry of curses you had for him, but how could Hyunjin forget? 
The volatile version of you he had become used to these past two years was not who you truly were, but something he provoked out of you through his incessant insults and stale attitude. In reality, you were an extremely kind and patient person outside of the context of your relationship with him, and your reaction to his apology was evidence of that. He couldn’t help it, he felt like such an idiot for thinking you, of all people, would have ever sabotaged an important role for him, and he only further deluded himself in that belief by pushing you to the point of petty toxicity. 
The best he could do was remain quiet as he followed your course through the various stalls, the shame only intensifying when he would witness your eyes widen with joy whenever you found an item that interested you, and how you even took the time to converse with each stall owner about their products. The genuinity in your nature was something he couldn’t believe he had denied for so long, disillusioned himself so far to have forgotten it. All for what? Because he couldn’t accept his own failures, or face the daunting insecurities about his talents that he held so closely to his heart? Perhaps it was your self-assuredness that caused a hint of jealousy to brew into this mess he had concocted today, your very confidence that struck a chord of envy within him. He didn’t quite understand what led him to act in such a manner, he could only guess why he was the way he was, but all he knew was that he owed you a lifetime of favors.
At the moment, he stood uncomfortably by your side as he watched you peruse through a few crocheted trinkets a stall had, afraid to disrupt the bits of peace you could’ve had with him tagging along. In all honesty, to an outsider, he probably looks like a child who got dragged along with his parents on a day out. You sigh as you place the trinket down, turning your head to catch his eyes darting around nervously, “Hyunjin,” you speak. He startles upon hearing his name, not expecting you to ever pay him any mind today. “I get this is awkward, but you can loosen up a bit. I don’t bite,” you chide with a hint of playfulness in an attempt to lighten the mood. 
He lets out a strained exhale, acknowledging your words, “You’re right, I just don’t want to make you feel weird or uncomfortable,” he confesses.
“Well, I think staying quiet doesn’t help that cause much, does it?” you ask rhetorically before adding on, “It’s okay. Have you seen anything you like from any of the stalls? I really like what this one has,” you muse, a gentle smile taking your features as you hold up a small crocheted keychain of a  jellyfish with a wobbly smile on it, “He’s kinda silly looking, I think I might take him home with me.”
Hyunjin lets out an airy chuckle, his shoulders relaxing a tad, “He definitely is funny looking,” he replies, “Ah, I don’t know. There’s so much here, this is my first time going to something like this.”
“Oh, this is your first time? You’ve never been to the farmer’s market ever?”
“Nope, never been, but this is nice. It’s a lot better than I imagined.”
“You’ve been missing out, I love going to these. I try to go every now and then whenever I’m free,” you took out your wallet, handing the vendor cash to pay for the keychain, “There’s always fun knick knacks here, and everyone is so sweet. You sure there’s nothing you wanna stop by before grabbing some food?”
His eyes scan the stalls surrounding you both, but you notice them lingering at a small jewelry stall that sold handcrafted rings, ones that definitely fit his aesthetic. “Come on,” you motion him to follow you to the stand, “Maybe you’ll see something you’ll like.” He follows behind you, still in a timorous manner, but you could see the way his eyes brighten once he realizes where you were dragging him off to. Although you were far from friends, it didn’t mean you weren’t aware of how particular he could be when it came to fashion, and you wanted him to at least get something out of today after suffering intense awkwardness. 
It was now your turn to watch Hyunjin look through the assortment of jewelry the owner had laid out and of course, he was gravitating towards the silver rings, each with their own intricate designs that demonstrated the amount of artistry and talent the owner held. He looks overwhelmed with the amount of choices before him, indecisive as he holds two different rings in his hands, modeling each to figure out which one he liked best. “Why not just get both of them?” you ask.
“Both?” he ponders on the suggestion, “I guess I could do that.”
“Or,” you start, picking up a ring that you thought would suit his taste, “get this one instead,” you hand him the ring, a knowing smile on your face.
His mouth fell in surprise at it, slipping it on his finger as his eyes marvelled, “Wow, this one is so nice,” he mumbles while now placing the two previous rings away, “How did you know I’d like this one?”
You shrug nonchalantly, turning away from him, “You know, we were friends once,?” you remind him, “Just get it, find me by the food stands once you pay for it.”
He stays in his place as he watches you walk away, once more left speechless by your kindness as he begins to wonder how you were able to treat him as such. The guilt that made its home in his stomach began to rumble, the bitter taste of it overpowering his sense as he comes to terms with just how wrong he was all this time, and how awful he had been to someone as gentle as you.
The day had come to an end, and surprisingly the latter half went better than either of you could have expected. In a way, it was like time hadn’t passed as you both chatted effortlessly over food from whatever food truck caught each of your attentions. You both caught up on what you missed in each other’s lives during your heated rivalry, and somehow, every part of the conversation felt natural, nothing felt out of place and it was almost as if the past two years didn’t exist.
It was incredibly unsettling for you, and you started to feel a bit conflicted on where your anger lied with the boy as the time you spent softened your heart. Although, you knew you couldn’t allow him back into your life that easily, as his behavior deserves some sort of consequences, so you decided you couldn’t allow yourself to surrender that easily. Not all because you found yourself missing the friendship you once had with him, that wasn’t a good enough reason to overlook his actions. You cursed yourself silently as you arrived home, yet there was a small voice in the back of your mind that tried to convince you that perhaps it was best to let this happen in the name of the acting project you were both on. 
No, no, you remind yourself, he definitely doesn’t deserve your forgiveness or trust that easily.
taglist: @kopikokrunch @icouldntcareless22 @kidrauhlschik @hhwangsmoon @lestayzone @vixensss @cupidcures taglist cut off at 20 people :)
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angelyuji · 5 months
yandere bruce wayne headcanons
yandere bruce wayne x gn!reader
warnings: yandere behavior, gross guy bruce wayne, kidnapping, stalking, power imbalance, rich guy uses his rich guy money to manipulate reader, creepy guy being a creepy guy lol (lmk for anything i might've missed i am half-asleep)
im thinking ill write some actual fanfics for him soon, idk what TO write tho...
he is a creature of the night so u KNOW he’s watching you from a rooftop next to ur apartment
think of the scene in the batman when he’s watching Selina undress and stuff yeah hes a peeper (hes so fine i love bruce)
my man doesn’t have any superpowers BUT hes literally the freaking batman, he has cameras all over gotham so i promise he has eyes on you at all times
he’ll watch over you and make sure ur not gonna get mugged by some loser with a gun or get caught up in a joker/ivy/freeze/whomever scheme
like hes stalking you
he knows everything abt u too with WE and the Batcomputer (lol) he’ll have all ur personal info on file, ur twitter acc, your Instagram, any social media, literally everything on a separate file that is locked behind multiple passwords and eye scans (especially if we’re looking at bruce with kids like he knows they’d open the file and snoop)
if we’re looking at pattinson!batman/early years, he’s probably gonna write abt u in his diary journal (hes just a silly little guy)
he’ll try to give you a job at wayne enterprises to keep an eye on you as bruce (obvi becuz he cant be batman 24/7) (job depends on your experience and degree) (he’ll want u as a personal assistant or something but depending on your area of expertise… you’re probably not gonna accept lol)
if u do accept for a position as assistant/secretary, he’ll have your desk 3 ft away, he’ll be calling u into his office just to talk, basically like sort of training u to be his wife (get coffee, make lunch/get lunch, invite u to be his plus one for galas) all that jazz, he’ll flirt with u but ur gonna be like “oh that’s just brucie wayne being brucie wayne, but once u get comfortable in ur role, he’ll start making moves like hand on the lower back, pressing against u in any situation possible, he’ll never seem creepy (yet) but it’ll make u slightly uncomfortable considering he’s ur boss.
i can think of 2 possibilities that could occur
1. creepiest boss ever. he’ll order u how to dress to be his assistant/how to dress at galas (skimpy dresses, short skirts, tight pants, tight fitting dress shirts that exposes everything, shit like that), he’ll LEER at u like bruce will purposely drop stuff and make u pick it up so he can watch u bend over. like the worst. you’ll get tired of this behavior and quit and bruce will get angry and kidnap u
2. still creepy but not as bad. more like extravagant gifts, vacations, parties. he’ll still flirt and try to have as much physical contact with u as possible but he knows where to draw the line. you wouldn’t quit cuz yk great pay, okay boss. but like his feelings would get too much to contain and he’ll kidnap u in the end anyway
if i had to diagnose the batmans i care abt id sayyyy 1 is Affleck, 2 is bale, and Pattinson is a mix of both. comic batman has so many different writers and each run has a different personality for him saur depends on the writer lmao
u wouldn’t be able to date cuz of yk…….. WE rules………… but he’ll get tired of that taboo/secret relationship bs pretty quickly and just kidnap u
if u don’t accept a position as an assistant/secretary, he gets it but more than likely, his feelings for u will intensify and he’ll end up taking you to keep at wayne manor
before getting into when ur stuck at wayne manor, lets break down bruce’s thoughts abt u
he has put u on a PEDESTAL
ur amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, u. can. do. no. wrong.
in his mind, ur the light to his darkness
alfred totally enables him and if we’re talking dilf bruce, the kids learn from him so they just assume this is what love is, kidnapping and manipulation
you’d adjust to life at wayne manor (not quickly but yk mf is RICH, ur gonna be treated so well once u understand that u cant leave)
bruce wouldn’t torture u but he’d pavlov u for sure
you would only be given comfort and relief when ur around him/good to him
if ur not good, then he’d probably keep u locked up in the batcave or in any of the many empty rooms at the manor
bruce wayne is the most powerful and influential person, ANDD has THE most powerful people on the planet as his best friends… you’re stuck with him babes
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willyoubemycherryy · 3 months
➯imagine being Thomas Webb’s pretty shameless neighbor❣︎#𝟙 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤
❥𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐝, 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐟 𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 ⚠︎︎MDNI⚠︎︎
ALSO: this is an x reader but I used my name Dollette Watson ie. Doll/D.W for short (my mom was born in the 60’s can u tell?) just because I think the constant y/n is annoying if u want me to change it lmk and I will♥︎
“𝐻𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒. 𝐻𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛’ 𝐸𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑜 𝑃𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑖..“
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When you first moved in, you actually hadn’t seen him at all for almost 3 weeks.
Between settling in, moving your stuff together, job hunting, and being somewhat social, it wasn't until things slowed down a bit that you finally did see him and damn, did you see him.
You had just walked through your buildings door. Tired from work and the tight ass “uniform”, which was nothing more than a button up top with a tiny pinstripe skirt. Huffing in irritation you ready yourself for the trek up the stairs in goddamn heels, when you notice feet and the man attached to them blocking your way.
Raising an eyebrow, you wait a beat for him to move until you realize that he was wearing headphones.
You walk closer until the tips of your shoes are nearly kissing and watch the exact moment he snaps back to planet earth. Startling as he looks up at you.
You were suddenly grateful he had headphones on when you gasped because nothing could have prepared you for someone so attractive.
He was undeniably the finest man you have ever seen in your life, period.
Pretty cut brown hair, thoughtful baby blues behind smart framed glasses that brought attention to his high ruddy cheekbones, and god his nose. You have to blink away the graphic image of how good said nose would feel grinding against your clit before the present dull throb in your core turns into full blown pulsating.
Your efforts don’t matter because it’s game over for you once you drop your eyes to his lips. They were just so…full. Deep pink n plush, that line down the middle of his bottom lip was doing something to you.
You don’t even care if he notices you checking him out. In fact, you want him to. Because you were going to have him one way or another and have a real fun time with it too.
So, you watch his eyes flit to the hem of your shamelessly short skirt before trailing them down your legs, all the way to your heels. Enjoying the heat that his gaze alone lights in you.
Unfortunately, you are tired so playtime will have to wait.
Clearing your throat, you give him a cheeky smile, “Going up? Or are you waiting down here forever?” Tone teasing as you walk up the first two stairs to stand beside him. He watches your every move almost devotedly.
“No, I’m going up. I mean- I live here so that’s…yeah. I was just lost in thought.” His voice is deeper than you thought it’d be as he stumbles a bit through his answer and the raspiness in it makes you want to whine.
But wait.
“You live here too? Because I moved in a few weeks ago actually.” You tell him and he nods.
“Yeah? weird I’ve never seen you around the building though.” you laugh as you definitely would have remembered seeing him.
“That’s probably because you’re obviously a busy guy. Lost in thought in the middle of the stairs. Does this thought have a name?” Smiling, you prod him juuust a little, to gauge if he’s single. He smiles with you and it’s cute. Lightly shaking his head before he suddenly stands.
Fuck you upside down in a full Nelson he’s tall.
“Busy is the last thing I am. The name was Mimi. I’m just the friend that never made it to boyfriend, but I’ll get out of your way…?” He pauses as he waits for your name.
“DW. Dollette Watson. But for what it’s worth,” you hesitate before deciding to just go for it,
“I’m positive you’re the type to talk someone through it so it’s her loss entirely. Try not to sulk too much...?” You know you’re being bold. Innuendo all in your voice but he’s so hot you truly can’t help it. Thanks to his height and close proximity, you have to look up to make eye contact which is hard because of the way you’re trying not to stare at his full lips. And he smelled so good.
“Thomas, Webb. But thank you.” His voice is lower as he looks down at you with hooded eyes and the urge to devour his mouth hits you hard. But, you just walk up the steps until you can look down at him and turn to face him.
“Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you but…if you ever want to get busy, come to 5b. I’m sure we could find something interesting to do”. You aren’t teasing this time. You mean business. Leaning in to whisper so close to his face that you can smell his chapstick. His eyes widen before they drop and you actually do whine as he bites his lip and comes closer.
“Yeah. Until next time though. Bye Thomas.” You can’t resist and lean forward to nip his bottom lip. His light throaty groan sends warmth all over your body as it tapers into a soft “fuck”.
“Bye Doll”, Thomas mutters after you pull away, briefly noticing how his ears and neck have reddened, before you start walking up to your place.
Oh, he’s going to be fun. You think, feeling his eyes on you while you walk up until you’re out of sight.
Smirking, you hope he saw your panties…and how soaked they were.
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amsznn · 3 months
2,000 MILES TO NONE ⋆⭒˚.
part 2 — part 1 here
A/N: ty guys sm for the love on all my recent posts! lmk what you would like to see and if i should make a tag list <3
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you quickly noticed how L.A. was much different from boston, and honestly you weren’t loving it much. from the high temperatures to the busy streets, at first it was all overwhelming for you.
but now this is your fourth or fifth visit to L.A. and you started appreciating the differences it had from your home town. you soon found yourself falling in love with it.
the sun was peeking through matt’s curtains as you both were splayed across his silk bed sheets. he was the first to wake up and took the time to admire you while you slept. you hated when he did this since you thought you looked bad while you slept, but matt felt the complete opposite. he loved having these little moments with you since he felt the intimacy without having to actually be intimate.
but his little candid moment came to an end as you stirred in your sleep, turning on your side to stuff your face into his bare chest. “stop staring at me, weirdo.” you jokingly mumbled, still half asleep but not enough to miss the way matt’s eyes lingered on you.
“but you’re so pretty.” matt retorted while chuckling. you smiled at the sound while slowly bringing your hand to rub your eyes awake while saying “i look like a fish.”
“yeah, you kinda do.” matt laughed as you sat up quickly, shocked at his answer. you couldn’t help but smile as you roll your eyes. almost everyone could say that the way matt looks at you was like no other. his eyes filled with adoration and love when he looked at you, or whenever he looked in your general direction. the same could be said about you. no matter what matt would be doing, your whole focus would be on him like he was the last person left on this earth. no one could deny it, you both were lovestruck.
as the day went on, you and matt didn’t do anything extravagant. you two just stayed in and spent some time with nick and chris, catching up and doing silly tiktoks. eventually, matt confessed that he actually had something planned, so with that he dragged you out of the house to venture off to your next excursion. while on the drive, you tried prying out what the surprise was from matt. eventually, you got frustrated as he wasn’t budging. “cmon matt, y’know i dont like surprises.” you said while slumping in the passenger seat. the urge to know was killing you. “it’s nothing big, plus we’re almost there.” he said before turning the music on the radio up, subtly telling you to shut up.
he was right though. it was only in a matter of minutes before you reached your destination. you stepped out of the car before observing the scenery around you. “the beach?” you questioned as you watched matt make his way to the trunk of the car before pulling out a basket. he only nodded before he intertwined your fingers with his, leading you to this nice spot on the beach where the water wasn’t too far nor too close. since it was late in the evening, the sun was just setting which made for a beautiful view.
matt reaches into the basket before pulling out a blanket so you both could sit on the sand without getting dirty. he rummaged around the basket some more before pulling out a hefty amount of snacks. “i thought we’d come to the beach since we never had the chance to back in boston.” he said while softly chuckling.
“i also made sure to get you your favorite snacks, if you’re still hungry we can stop somewhere on the way back though.” matt said before pulling out more things from the basket. “i also thought it would be fun to do that thing on tiktok where we finish each other’s paintings.” as matt finishes explaining, he realized you were silent for quite some time now, so he looked up at you only to be met with your eyes watering. “did i do something wrong?” matt worriedly asks, scared you were upset about him getting the wrong snacks or something.
you shook your head before wiping your eyes. “no matt, it’s perfect.” you smiled and looked at everything around you. “i just don’t know how i got so lucky.”
matt softly smiled before cupping both sides of your face and bringing you in for a soft kiss.
“if anything, i’m the lucky one.”
you smiled at his words, close to tears once again. if someone told you you’d be with such a caring and loving individual, you probably wouldn’t have believed them. heartbreak after heartbreak, you began to think that love was hopeless. that was until you met matt. he showed you everything and more about loving someone, and how wonderful it can be.
the moment was bittersweet, as you couldn’t believe that in a matter of days, you’d be back to being 2,000 miles apart.
A/N: i had a mental breakdown writing this because i wrote sm but i forgot to save it then tumblr deleted my work. FINISHED IT EITHER WAY THO. so glad you guys enjoyed part 1 to this <3
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
GIRLY hear me out 😩!!
tattoo artist connie x shy black reader
it's like a her first tattoo and connie is her artist.
i wasn’t sure if i should’ve written a fic or just hcs but i wrote a fic! and if you want some hcs lmk! <3🤭
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It was your 18th birthday and getting a tattoo was the first thing that came to your mind since you couldn’t think of anything else. Due to your low pain tolerance, you questioned yourself as to why you didn’t think a bit harder when your parents asked you what you wanted for your special day.
“A tattoo? You can’t even get flu shots without crying.” Your mom joked which sent your dad laughing a bit.
“Okay I know, but I don’t know what else to do.”
“Well, you already know what you wanna get?” You nodded as you pulled your phone out to show the sketch of some flowers that you drew. “Aww that’s cute~ You gettin it on your arm?” You wanted it on your thigh because you thought it looked better there.
“On my thigh?”
“Your thigh? You sure you can sit there for that long?” Your dad commented. He exchanged looks with his wife before their eyes said everything else for them. Your parents were a bit strict so you were shocked that they even let you get a tattoo. “And you already made the appointment?”
You nodded. “It’s someone Tiera knows.” Is what Tiera told you when you mentioned the tattoo birthday gift to her. You didn’t know this person but you trusted Tiera. She even offered to be there with you but you made it your mission to go to the place on your own. All your parents did was give you the money so the tattoo would be a gift.
After talking it over with your parents, as you’ve done for majority of the choices in your life, you get to the tattoo parlor that Tiera was talking about.
When you get there, there’s a tall guy with a buzzcut and tattoos littered over his arms and a few piercings on his face. He looked up and instantly smiled when he saw you walk in. The tattoos and piercings made him look scary so his bright smile towards you eases your spirit.
“Hey!” He comes from around the counter to greet you. He looked to be the only one there at the moment it it was early so you figured whoever else worked there didn’t come in yet. “You’re Y/n, right? Tiera told me you were coming.” You nodded your head and internally thanked your friend for being the reason you didn’t have to speak too many times today.
“First time?” You nodded again. “You don’t talk much, do you?” You shook your head. You didn’t really like talking unless you really really wanted to. You didn’t know this guy enough to try to talk his head off.
“Aww man, we gotta fix that. C’mon.” You followed him through the place to the secluded area he’d be working at. He was giving you small directions while he made sure he had all his stuff together.
“What’s your name by the way?” You felt silly.
“Oh, Connie.” He smiled again and you could almost melt into a puddle.
“Is that short for anything or..?”
“I don’t like telling people my real name. I hate it.” The two of you were beginning to have a conversation when he was cleaning your skin and everything. “Anyways, Tiera already sent me the flowers you wanted and everything,” He showed you the sketch of the flowers you wanted. Connie’s drawing was a lot better for what you wanted for the tattoo than you thought. “You like it?” You nodded excessively which was a big stamp of approval from you. “That’s good.. before I go ahead and get started, you got any concerns or anything?”
“Is it gonna hurt?” You said quietly. He laughed a bit but he didn’t mean to.
“Yeah, maybe.” Was an understatement for someone with a low pain tolerance. “You like shots?” You shook your head and he chuckled again. “That’s okay, once we get to talking, you’ll forget all about it. It’s gonna be quick, okay?” You nodded. You were obviously in good hands so you didn’t know why you were so worried. And plus, Connie was a cute guy so you didn’t mind that addition to the experience.
In a way, the experience was quick. Once the two of you got to talking as he was inking your skin for the first time, the pain didn’t mean a lot and you were slowly coming out of your shell with Connie. The conversation started off with simple things, then it went into more personal topics and before you knew it, he was finished.
You giggled “So why don’t you like your real name? Are you a Carl or something?”
“No.. my real name is Constance—“
“That’s a pretty name.” He looked at you like he thought you were lying.
“I doubt it but your name is pretty. You are also pretty.” Your heart dropped to your feet even though it was for a good reason.
“You’re just being nice..”
“Nah, I’m for real,” He said as he was wrapping up your tattoo after he showed it to you. For your first tattoo, especially on a place you wouldn’t expect to get it, it was absolutely beautiful. You would definitely be coming back her to get another some other time. “I’m bout to ask for your number right now, you cool with that?” He smiled at you for another time that day with those alluring hazel eyes. You didn’t even notice how well his small freckles painted his face. It was your favorite part about it so far and you internally beat yourself up for beginning to fall into him so quickly.
“I guess, but don’t you have a girlfriend?” He furrowed his brows in confusion at you once he finished up.
“I don’t, yet.” All you could do was hum as you wondered if his flirting was genuine or if it was normal thing he did.
The two of you sat in silence before you spoke when you were getting ready to go back up to the front to pay. “Thank you, Connie.” You smiled warmly.
“Of course, pretty girl.” You started to hand him the money until he stopped you.
“Nah, you good.”
“What? No, here—“
He laughed. “It’s fine, Y/n. I’ll get you next time.” He must’ve really liked you if he missed out on money from just meeting you today. But you didn’t like not paying people.
“Okay..” You put the money back in your purse.
“But I know how you can pay me though if you want.” Your head instantly shot up.
“That number?” You eyes widened. You didn’t think he was serious.
“You were for real?”
Connie chuckled. “Yes, yes I was.” He slid over a piece of paper and a pen. “Whenever you’re ready.” You fought back a smile before writing down your number and sliding it back to him.
“Thank you~”
“Bye, Connie Springer.”
“Bye, pretty girl~”
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crystalandbow · 28 days
HIII! Today we will dive into how you can manifest anything, whats the technique for you, what can you do to accelerate the process, etc. SOOO.... lets begin!
note: paid subliminal requests/ custom subliminals are available. and also paid tarot readings are open, for more details dm!
pick a barbie character 👇🏻
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if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the answer is: simply by asking and letting go. some methods i'd recommend are the love letter method, or any letter / paper method (specifically anything that has to do with folding paper) for that matter. the 17 second methods and the surrender method.( you can either ask me doubts/questions about this in the comments or search them up on yt)
you are the people that think of the first case scenarios first. y'all overthink sm, which is obv not good. and i'd say that you shouldn't supress those negative thoughts but rather face them. 2 major things for you guys is facing your fears and doubts, 2- letting go and trusting the universe/spirit/god (whatever you believe in) also you guys could resonate with the little mermaid's story.
ask and surrender. believe in the universe (444) and you've LITERALLY got this.
Okie so if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the angel numbers that you see are not just co incidences, no, nope. they mean something. they are a reminder! they are a sign!!
the way that you guys manifest is through emotions my dear empaths. like even before i started your readings that is something i picked up upon, and if you want to know a litlle more scientific stuff about it then do check out barbara fredrickson's broaden and build theory. that will help you know what i mean. . whatever you feel within is what you attract, so think of good stuff, happiness, celebrate small victories.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are gratitude, crystal work, green witch kinda stuff? water manifestation (especially sun water) , fake it till you make it, journaling & shadow work.
hello! if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
you are my prayer peeps, doesn't have to be very religious but you do believe in the power of prayers or asking the universe.
right off the bat you guys are my socially? "weird" people. the kids that are creative and different. yall are ENTHUSIAISTIC fssss. sm energy,sm passion ong. and the way you can manifest is through directing that energy into the right place. yall seem mis-directed in some way. another way you can manifest is through talking and connecting? writing? something around those llines like sharing your work/thoughts in some way.
i think you guys should read about ancient greek wisdom.
old literature and ancient knowledge will guide you towards an entire new perspective/world.
also calm tf down, like yeah we get it you want to have that thing rn/in a week but calm down my friend, ground yourself. also y'all need to relax & guide your mind it seems veryyy excited. its good but NOOO (its not helping atm)
basically redirection,taking steps, community, sharing knowledge & gaining knowledge, anient related stuff, prayers and staying happy/motivated, being free spirited, working with animals?.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are vision boards, prayers, ancient manifestation tricks/methods? connecting with people/ sharing your knowledge., having a white pet could be lucky for you. or white is your lucky color and color magick too and taking actual actions/steps!!.
i think that you guys are pretty good at manifesting already, its more like a confirmation? (okay i fucking just realised y'all chose the weird barbie, its so reallll)
lmk your thoughts!!!
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lavendertom · 7 months
The Neighbor Across the Street pt. 3
Mike Schmidt x Babysitter!f!Reader
part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, part 6
wc: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of garrett’s kidnapping + mikes trauma from that, fluff, tiny age gap barely mentioned (as always, lmk if there’s anything i’ve missed)
summary: the neighbor across the street needs a babysitter, so you take the job, not knowing what’s in store for you as you grow closer to the siblings. AU where nothing bad happens at the pizzeria
quick note, as mentioned this is an AU, but mikes trauma is still there from garrett’s kidnapping but i won’t go down the wormhole of lore for this bc that’s not necessarily why i’m writing this
The cool breeze of a spring afternoon could be felt as you made your way to the Schmidt’s house. It was a Saturday and technically you weren’t supposed to be at their house today.
Abby was found knocking on your front door just a few minutes earlier, asking if you could come over and play outside with her. You had a good feeling she’d been asking Mike all day, but he refused to call you and ask himself because you’d “probably be busy with school work.” So, the young girl took it upon herself to ask.
“Mike got me a huge box of sidewalk chalk we can draw with.” Abby told you as you walked to the house together. “I also have a bicycle, we can go on a bike ride together! Well, not you, you’re too big for my bike. But you can walk.”
You smiled at yourself, hearing the girl talk and talk about all of the things she was excited to do with you.
“Abby, what’d I say about going to y/n’s house?” you could hear Mike say when you reached the outside of their garage. He looked like he was cleaning some shelves full of random tools.
“She said she wasn’t busy!” Abby said, defending herself.
“It’s okay, I didn’t have much homework this weekend. Anything for my favorite neighbor.” you said in the midst of doing the handshake you and Abby made up one time while you were babysitting after her.
“I thought I was your favorite?” Mike said, pretending to sound offended.
“My second favorite. Get it right.” you said with a small smirk.
Before you could continue conversing with him, Abby dragged you by the wrist with a box of chalk in her other arm.
The two of you combined ended up drawing enough pictures to fill up a majority of the driveway. Granted it wasn’t long, but you ended up making a masterpiece out of the broken up concrete.
“It looks like your room threw up on the driveway, Abby.” Mike said walking out of the garage to assess the damage that was done.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Abby said grinning.
“Yeah, when’s it going to rain again? Or I can just grab the hose and–”
“Be nice!” you said, playfully hitting his arm.
“I want to go on a bike ride now!” Abby said as she ran to pull her bike out of the corner of the garage. She had a habit of quickly moving on from one activity to the next with little room in between.
“I’ll go with her.” you said with a smile.
“I’ll come too.” Mike said, already closing the garage door behind him before you could object and say something like “You need a break, go rest.” Abby already made her way down the drive way, riding towards the sidewalk.
“It’s nice out today.” you said in an attempt to make small talk as you guys followed behind Abby. You guys haven’t spoken much since that night he returned home from his first night shift. You’ll never know what compelled you to give him that hug and what compelled him to give you one in return before you left.
“Yeah, I was finally able to get some stuff done outside today.”
“That’s good.” you were taking in the sounds of the birds chirping, some trees were finally blossoming again after the weather started warming up a bit. After a few seconds of comfortable silence you spoke up, “How’s the job been?”
“As good as a night shift job can be.”
“You getting much sleep lately?” His eyes still looked tired as the day you first saw them, if not more.
“When have I ever.” he paused for a moment, not sure if he was ready to enter this conversation with you. “Sleep has never come easy for me.”
“You can say that again.” you said with a small chuckle.
“Has your mom told you much about our situation?” he said at a slightly softer volume than earlier.
“Not really.”
He took a deep breath before he began talking. “When I was about 12 years old, I had a little brother. His name was Garret. He was taken and we never found him. I was there when it happened.” he stopped for a moment, you looked at him and saw the hurt in his face. “I still have nightmares, every night. I just wish there was something I could’ve done. Anything.”
“I’m so sorry Mike.” you said quietly, you were shocked. You never knew the reasons why this family had it so hard, it made you feel almost guilty that you didn’t take the time to know them earlier. Neither of them asked to be put in this situation.
“It’s okay. It’s just hard thinking back on it. I feel like it’s my fault. Parents told me I needed to watch him. I let this happen.” he was fidgeting with his thumbs, taking in a deep breath. “Anyways, mom died a little after Abby was born, dad died not long after. I had no other choice but to take custody of Abby and become her guardian.”
Everything made sense to you now. Mike had his hands full all of the time and not by choice. No wonder he was always working.
“Are you doing any better now?” you asked.
“The nightmares are still there. I don’t think they’ll ever go away, but I put on a brave face for Abby. She knows very little about Garret, kind of want to keep it that way.”
“I understand.” you said looking down at the pavement beneath your feet. “Thanks for telling me this by the way.”
“You were going to find out one way or another. Better talk about it now than later.” the two of you looked ahead and saw Abby stopped at a street corner.
“You guys are too slow!” she shouted.
“We’re coming!” you shouted back. “If it means anything to you, you’re doing a hell of a good job. She cares about you.” you smiled softly, looking over at him.
“I hope so. Doesn’t seem like it sometimes. She’s a pain in the ass when you’re not around.” he mumbled.
“Really?” you asked, genuinely surprised. “She talks about you like you’re her entire world when I babysit.” The two instantly remembered what the girl had said to Y/n that one night, Y/n not knowing Mike heard all about it the next day.
“You would be a good princess for Mike.”
“Give her some time, she’ll open up to you one day.” you said reassuringly.
The rest of the walk you guys talked about random things. You told him all about your college courses which he found incredibly interesting, although not understanding much about what they entailed. He told you about some of his craziest encounters when he was a mall security guard. The two of you laughed so hard over one of them you almost tripped over the uneven pavement, making you guys laugh even harder.
When you finally returned to his house it was beginning to get dark out. Abby somehow was not tired one bit, despite having ridden her bike for almost 45 minutes.
“I promised Abs I’d let her make s’mores tonight. You can join us.” he said putting his hands in his pockets. It was starting to get cooler out as the sun set. “If you want.” he added at the last second.
“Sure, why not.” you had enjoyed getting to know him better, you didn’t really want to go home yet anyways. “I’m just gonna run home real quick to grab a hoodie, it’s getting co-“
“You can just borrow one of mine.” he interrupted.
“You sure? It’s not that big of a deal I can just run inside real quick.” your heart racing at the thought of him letting you wear one of his hoodies. He’s just being nice you reassured yourself, nothing more.
“Y/n, it’s fine.” he said with a chuckle. “You can go through the gate on the side of the house, Abby’s probably already back there.”
He went through the front door as you walked to the back of the house, and sure enough Abby was already back there placing a handful of s’mores supplies on a little table on the back porch of the house.
“You’re staying for s’mores, Y/n?” Abby asked, excitement beginning to fill her.
“Yeah.” you said smiling. You saw a stack of camping chairs leaning against the house. “Wanna help me grab the chairs?”
The two of you grabbed the chairs, placing them around the campfire pit. You heard the door open and saw Mike stepping out holding hoodies for both you and Abby.
He handed you one, you gave him a tight lipped smile after thanking him. You slipped it over your head, it was just slightly oversized on you. It smelled just like he did the night you gave him the hug, you thought you’d never get over that scent. Your hands were tucked into the pocket of it as you took a seat on one of the chairs, waiting for Mike to finish starting the fire.
“Okay Abs please don’t burn every single marshmallow this time, I want Y/n to actually have an edible s’more.” Mike said looking over at his sister who was already putting far too many marshmallows on a long stick.
Mike sat on the chair next to you. The moment felt peaceful as Abby skipped over holding a stick with marshmallows, holding it over the fire. You watched as Abby toasted the marshmallows, trying her hardest not to turn them all to charcoal. The sun had finally set and the sky was clear, the stars becoming more visible. You noticed Mike was looking up at the sky.
“Have you ever seen a shooting star before?” you asked, both of you now looking up.
“No, have you?” Mike replied.
“A few. When I was a kid, I used to sit out back and just watch the sky until I’d see one. I ended up being able to see a few because of the insane amount of time I’d be out there.” you were still looking up.
Mike turned his attention from the sky to you, watching how your lips formed the smallest of smiles as you spoke. He watched the way your eyes lit up from talking about something so important to you. He felt himself begin to smile, too.
You kept talking, not realizing that he wasn’t looking up at the sky anymore. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, not when your face lit up with joy from just talking about something as simple as the stars. The way it seemed like your hair fell just perfectly and his hoodie seemed to fit you just right didn’t help the situation either.
You finally turned your head back to him realizing he had been looking at you the whole time, a small smile still on his face.
“What?” you said with a nervous laugh.
“Nothing.” he said with a smile, shaking his head slightly as he turned his attention back to the sky.
“Here’s your s’more, Y/n!” Abby said as she suddenly popped up next to you. You almost forgot she was even with you guys anymore, her focus was entirely on making the most yummy s’mores. That left little time for her to ask you all of her usual questions.
“Thanks Abby.” you said, smiling at her as she handed you a messy s’more. She ran back to grab another one, handing it to Mike.
“Thanks Abs.” he said, giving his sister a side hug before she could run away again to grab her own s’more.
The three of you spent the rest of the night snaking on many more s’mores and talking more about the stars until Abby fell asleep in her small camping chair. The fire was dimming, barely alive anymore. You and Mike continued watching the sky, pointing out constellations and attempting to see a shooting star with no luck.
“I should probably take Abby to bed.” Mike said as he stood up, making his way towards Abby. He picked up his little sister as gently as possible making sure not to wake her.
“Yeah I should probably head home now.” you said also standing up. You grabbed the chairs you all used to put them back where you found them.
“Thanks, Y/n. You didn’t have to.” he said as he made his way to the back door.
“No problem. The least I could do after those s’mores Abby made.” you smiled.
You followed him into the house as he walked towards the front door, Abby still peacefully asleep in his arms. He slowly opened the front door for you.
“See you Monday?” he asked.
“Yup.” you replied, and before you knew it he pulled you into a side hug. His two favorite people were in his arms now and he didn’t want it any other way.
“Have a good night, Y/n.”
“You too, Mike.” as you pulled away from his embrace, you put a hand on Abby’s shoulder. You gave the two a small smile which he returned as you walked out of the door.
And you bet he stood there until you were across the street, just like he did every other time you left their house.
When you returned home to your bedroom, which was still decorated like it was when you were 13, you felt warm inside. A different type of warm inside, the feeling you have when you care about someone so much and they care just as much back. All you wanted to do was make sure he knew you cared for him and Abby so much.
You looked at your bulletin board next to your door that had a photo of you and Abby from one of the first times you babysat her. She begged you to bring your polaroid camera and she took advantage of it, snapping all sorts of photos of you and her.
It wasn’t until you saw the photo that you realized you were still wearing Mikes hoodie he lent you. You looked in the mirror next to your door, admiring the hoodie. It wasn’t anything special, just a plain black hoodie, but it felt special. You were determined to continue changing their lives. Making sure their days were brighter, months filled with more happy days than sad ones.
You crawled into bed, too tired to take off the hoodie. You took in the smell of it one last time before you drifted off to sleep thinking about the memories you made today, hoping you’d never forget them.
jules jewels (tag list! lmk if u want to be added or removed 🤗)
@balesita @universi8 @browneyedgirly93 @prongsprincessworld @k3nnlolz @mxrvelouss
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Sorry, I meant Ghost in a fight/discussion with reader 😭 Still, I did love your take
CW: Fighting, emotional abuse, light swearing I am so sorry anon 😭😭 I am literally the dumbest person to have ever existed lmaooo Also apologies for length, I am moving and wanted to get you something cause I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again. To whoever asked, I am making a pt.2 so send me an ask if you want to be notified :)
As always, no beta, please lmk of any mistakes!!
A lot of ‘fights’ you guys have are one sided, where you concede quickly, not wanting to argue, and he just keeps going and going. He, like a lot of ND’s, gets a thrill from fighting, and he will pick fights about everything. You just disagree once with what he says and he goes off.
Fem!Reader: Anytime he is upset/angry with you/thinks you are disrespecting or ignoring him, he'll call you 'woman'. 
"I'm still talking woman!" "Watch your mouth woman" "Woman I am talking!" 
He does not love bomb. He does not come after arguing with you with flowers and chocolates and showering you with love to make up for it. 
Don’t get me wrong, this man does bring you flowers, just not to make you feel better after a fight. He’ll get you flowers for valentines day and your birthday and your anniversary and any time he feels like you deserve flowers, but he does not give them to you after fights. 
And you guys don’t fight too often. At least, not fights where he feels bad and has lingering guilt. Very rarely will he realize(or at least admit) That he was wrong, especially not in front of your kids, if you guys have them. However, if he does realize and admit he is wrong(typically after you sleep in a different room or don’t talk to him except for the bare minimum) he will apologize in private.
One very memorable fight for you was back in the early days of your relationship, just after you had started living together. He had left his gear just piled on the front table, and you had folded it and moved it to the bedroom so that it wasn’t cluttering up the front room. He came home and, well, freaked. He screamed at you, punched a hole through a door, and you still remember him telling you ‘Go to hell then woman” when you said you had just wanted the space to be clear. 
He gets pissed off about the stupidest stuff. Your guy's 10-year-old daughter bought a Stanley? He’s mocking him for the next 3 weeks about wanting to be popular. Your teenage-daughter wears ripped jeans to a concert? He’s telling everyone about how she must have bought them at half-price since so much cloth is missing. 
One interesting thing is that he respects fighting back, to an extent. You watched in borderline horror as your eldest got into a screaming match with him that lasted hours and ended with no victor. And yet, since that day, you’ve never seen Simon scream at them again. 
Hearing this, he sounds toxic, yeah? And he is, to an extent. But you stay with him because he knows he has issues, and he actively works on bettering himself. You’ve been with him for a decade now, and you can see so many differences in the way that he acts. He no longer screams and throws things and punches holes in the walls. He is more willing to admit when he is wrong, hell, there's even been a few times when he’s said sorry in front of your kids. 
You understand his trauma, you understand why he responds and acts the way he does, and most importantly He does too, and he is working on bettering himself for his family, because he loves you, and he hates that his explosive reactions hurt you and your kids.
I am going to make a pt. 2 to this so that I can go more in depth, but again, I’m moving and not sure when I will be able to post again so I wanted to at least give you something. lmk what ya'll think :)) ALSO: If you think I am mischaracterizing Ghost please let me know, and I will either explain my reasonings or you will change how I think of him. Either way, I would like to know yalls thoughts so please do not hesitate to say something
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gojos-fr-bae · 2 months
Liar pt. 7
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Fluff to Angst, Drinking, Cussing, Club tings (lmk if I missed anything
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: UGH, I hate this one too, idk what it is it just doesn't fulfill what I wanted, let me know anything you would like to see or have to say. Also, DO you guys want this story to have a happy or sad ending? I'm still deciding, I'm about to finish the series so...
(Requests open)
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Satoru was going batshit crazy running around his house like a headless chicken, trying to clean and baby-proof the house. Things had been going surprisingly smoothly with you and Kaito. He had been going absolutely amazing.
You guys had been going out as a family consistently for the past three months and you finally decided to let Kaito spend the night at Satoru’s. He had spent the whole day yesterday buying snacks, toys, and redecorating the nursery that he had been preparing for the day he would meet his boy.
He was running around making sure he had gotten rid of all his alcohol, although he couldn’t lie that he was buzzed at the moment although he had tried so hard to sober up, his body just wouldn’t let him.
Just before he could begin to spiral, he heard his doorbell ring.
He ran to the door as fast as his lanky legs would take him and quickly opened it. And there you stood.
Fuck you look beautiful.
You were just wearing the first thing you found at the top of your closet, but oh gosh you made it look so good.
In your arms was Kaito’s overnight bag and the precious angel in question. He looked up at his father with his iconic blue eyes, his little fingers having a grip stronger than gravity on your shirt.
“Hi, Satoru, thank you so much again, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you said, you had been swarmed with work and a mission you had to do, not to mention complete registering him for kindergarten and everyone was too busy to baby sit Kaito, everyone except for Satoru, and considering how much you knew he wanted this, and how much you wanted this for Kaito, you thought, why not. I mean, what could go wrong, Satoru is his dad and your baby is two years old. What harm could he possibly do?
“Hey, y-yeah, it's no problem! I would love to spend some time with the little guy,” He said, smiling at the boy who stared back at him, boredom evident in his face.
“Mhm, well here’s his bag, it has all his clothes toothbrush, the usual, and on the outer pocket I put a list of stuff he likes, hates, shouldn’t eat, beadtime instructions, emergency contac-”
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, calm down, he’ll be fine, I promise,” he whispered, holding your shoulders before taking the bag out of your hands, but you didn’t miss how they shook ever so slightly.
You set Kaito down before squatting down to look at him.
“Okay baby, I have to go now, remember what we talked about, and please listen to daddy, “ you said softly. Kaito’s eyes began to tear up as he began to reach out for you, whining softly.
“Oh, Kai, come on, you promised you’d be good, and I’ll be back first thing in the morning, okay?”you said.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, although his grip on your shirt wasn’t loosening in the slightest.
“Okay, I love you the most, okay, so so so so sooooo much.” you said, littering kisses all over his face, causing him to smile the cutest smile ever.
“Love you too!” he replied cutely.
And then, the time finally came for you to part with your little one. It pained you greatly to have to leave him, and it felt ten times worse for the little boy, but all you could do was look up at Satoru and hope he would keep your son safe.
He stopped in front of Kaito’s room and opened the door to the boy’s room.
“And here’s your room” he stated as he closed off his tour.
Gojo helped Kaito unpack everything and get settled in his room before leading him to the kitchen whenever their dinner of burgers, pizza and fried chicken were waiting for them * Satoru could not cook to save his life*
The two sat and ate in awkward silence before he took Kaito into his playpen and the boy discovered a whole new world.
The thing was huge and filled with literally every toy under the sun. He giggled and ran towards it, ready to have the time of his life.
The night went by faster than he expected and it was finally time for Kaito to go to bed.
“Come on buddy, please just go to bed.” He said to the boy laying on the bed, claiming that he wasn’t tired. Satoru tried to leave but this kid and his iron grip reached for his arm, refusing to let go.
Sighing, Gojo just gave up and layed down on the bed, with his son on his chest, and just like magic, Kaito fell asleep within seconds, but Satoru was stuck. He didn’t want to move because he was scared of waking up the child, so he just accepted his fate and let sleep overcome him.
“Mama!!” Kaito screamed, running to you at breakneck speeds, you picked him up and hugged him tight. 
“Hi baby,” You said sweetly, smiling down at him. 
Satoru was leaning against a wall, his heart swelling at the scene before him. He could have had this. You could have been his family. It hurts to know that you are standing right before him, and yet, so out of reach.
“Thanks again Gojo, I owe you one.”
“Well…you could pay me back by going out with me?”
“Please Y/N, just this once,” He begged.
“Ok, ok, I'll think about it. Thank you so much again. Say bye to daddy Kai.”
“Bye-bye.” he said, waving at his dad, who waved back.” 
Once he closed the door, Satoru started jumping up and down, giggling giddily. YOU SAID YES, YOU’RE GOING TO ACTUALLY GO OUT WITH HIM.
If pure joy and elation were a person, it would be him.
You were trying to push through the crowd at the club you had gaslit yourself into thinking you should go to. You had been so stressed recently and since Kaito wanted to hang out with Megumi, you  thought why not. Oh how you would come to regret this decision.
The hoard of grinding sweaty bodies, deafeningly loud music and strobing LEDs were becoming too much, you began to make your way to the bar, hoping for a chance to catch your breath, only to be met with an absolutely heartbreaking sight.
There was Gojo, sitting on a barstool right in front of you.  But that wasn’t the problem. No, the problem was the girl dressed in such a skimpy fit that a napkin would give her more coverage, grinding on him. And he was just sitting there.  He just held his glass, sipping on his whiskey and looking away from her with his hands on her waist. It looked like he was mumbling something to her but you couldn’t make it out from where you stood.
You saw nothing but red. Who the fuck does he think he is talking about how he missed you, asked you out, and then proceeds, to pull this shit.
You walked up to him, tears in your eyes, and slapped him with all your might.The girl looked at you in disgust but Satoru looked absolutely mortified.
“You fucking asshole!” You screamed at him. Heads turned towards you but you couldn’t care less. You turned and ran out of there as fast as your legs could take you. You could hear Gojo frantically calling out to you but you didn’t care. It’s like you completely blacked out. You ran, you don’t know where, you don’t know for how long, but you ran.
Eventually, your legs gave out. You fell on the sidewalk and sobbed into your hands. You couldn’t handle it. You thought he loved you. That he hadn’t changed, but no. Of Course not. Afterall, He’s Gojo Satoru.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Again, let me know if u want a happy or sad ending. Thank you for reading this far :)
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Becoming Mrs. Miller {Part 2: Moving In} (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, mdni, domestic joel, smut, hickey kink, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys) (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: Since your first meeting with Sarah, Joel finally asked you to move in and he helped you move your stuff. 😏
Words count: 1.7k
A/N: Hi! I got some ideas and decided to make a part 2 for Becoming Mrs. Miller. But it can also be read as a standalone. I might make more chapters too! Stay tuned and hope you like it!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
It was very unusual of Joel to ask you out for a fancy dinner date. He was always the type of man who loved simple dates. Your dates with him had been movie nights at his place, getting drinks at the bar, meals at unfancy places and picnics with Sarah. So you were looking forward to your date tonight. The two of you arrived at the restaurant he had made a reservation for. You ordered steak and Joel cut yours into small pieces so you could eat it easily.
“So, I was thinkin’.” Joel passed you your nicely cut steak.
“Hmm?” You looked at Joel and took your plate.
“What do you think about moving in? It would be nice to have you in our home.” Joel sounded nervous and his fingers were twitching.
“What? Are you kidding me? That’s great, Joel. I thought you’d never asked.” Your voice was high as you were excited by his proposal.
“Oh my God. Thank you. I was nervous.” Joel sighed in relief.
It has been a few months since you met Sarah for the first time and Joel finally asked you to move in. And you couldn’t wait to move in. The picture of living with him and Sarah under the same roof had always been in your head.
“Should I start tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, baby. I’ll help you move your stuff.”
You finished your dinner and Joel drove you home. He kissed you on your front porch before he drove back home. You couldn’t sleep that night because you were too excited about Joel’s idea of moving in. You forced yourself to sleep until the sun rose so you jumped off your bed and started packing your stuff. You started from your most important stuff and put them in boxes. You heard Joel was parking his truck and looked at your door. Joel let himself in with the spare key you gave him.
“Hey.” You greeted Joel and continued organizing your stuff.
Joel walked to you, put his arms around your waist and gave you a kiss.
“You’ve packed a lot.” Joel put his hands on his waist as he saw there were a lot of boxes.
“Woke up pretty early today. Couldn’t sleep ‘cause I was too excited.” You smiled and looked around your messy house.
“Can I move these to the truck?” Joel chuckled and pointed at a few boxes that were fully filled.
“Yes. All of these are ready to go.” You pointed to a stack of boxes.
Joel carried the boxes and moved them to his truck. You took a box and followed him. 
“Here.” You passed the box to Joel.
“Hey. Let me do it. Don’t carry heavy stuff.” His tone was so soft. It made you want to hear his voice every second.
“Yes, sir.” 
You went back inside to continue putting your stuff in the boxes. You stared at him as he carried three boxes at once, sweat on his tight black shirt. You were drooling because he looked so sexy in your eyes.
“What are you starin’ at, Miss?” Joel caught you staring at him.
“Nothing.” You tried to hide your smile and grabbed some clothes to put them inside the box.
“I caught you starin’ at me, baby.” Joel put his arms around you from behind and whispered to your ear.
“You got me, Joel. You looked so sexy moving those boxes.” You stroked his forearm on your stomach.
“Uh-huh. Why don’t we take a break then?” Joel kissed your shoulder from your back.
“I think that’s a great idea. I’m starting to get bored anyways.” You smirked as you turned to face him.
You leaned the back of your thigh on the table and put your hands on the table slightly sitting. Joel chuckled and cupped your jaw with his big hands. He rubbed your cheeks with his thumb and kissed you. You smiled as he kissed you. You put your arms around his neck dragging him closer to you. Joel put his hands on your waist and lifted you to the table. You gasped as the sudden movement. 
“Are you gonna do something to me, Joel?” You smirked at him.
“Yes, ma’am. We will have to be quiet in the future since Sarah will be around the house most of the time. So today I’m gonna make you scream as loud as you want to, sugar.” (Reference from that viral tiktok edit by dvcree of Agent Whiskey 🤭)
“Please, Joel.” You begged Joel.
He smirked and kissed your lips roughly like he was hungry enough to eat your lips. You felt one of his hands slowly snaking to your breast under your shirt. He squeezed your bare breast, kneaded it, and you moaned. You pulled your oversized shirt off and now you were sitting on the table almost naked, letting your breast free, only wearing your black lacy panties on. It made Joel drooled over you. His eyes widened as he couldn’t wait to eat you. But you didn’t want him to eat your pussy yet so you pulled him closer to you with force and kissed him tongue to tongue. He understood and continued squeezing your breast and playing with your nipple. The two of you were wild. It felt like you were fucking before the world ended. 
Joel moved his way to your neck, kissing it to leave a mark. You moaned and pulled his hair. He moaned. He stopped to catch his breath and looked at the hickey he gave you. 
“You’re mine.” He smiled, caressing the red mark with his thumb as he was proud of leaving a mark on you. He wanted other men to see it so they knew you were his. 
“I’m yours.” You smiled at him.
After he had his moment admiring you, he looked at you up and down. You couldn’t wait for him to be inside you.
“I need you, Joel.” Your heart was racing and you begged him.
“Not so fast, baby.” 
He smirked and started to kiss you from your shoulder, chest, upper stomach, lower stomach and made his way down slowly. He finally reached the spot where you wanted him to touch you. His eyes looked hungry, pulled your panties hurriedly and threw it away behind him. 
“That’s so sexy, Joel.” You laughed, covering your face with your hands. 
“You liked that? I’m sure you’ll like what I’m gonna do to you now.” He stroked your thighs up and down.
He smirked at you and spread your thigh with force. You gasped at his rough move. His thumb started circling your clit slowly while the other hand rested on your thigh squeezing it. You moaned and buried your face to his fully clothed chest. His circles started to move faster and your breathing was getting shallow.
“Joel!” You screamed, squeezed your eyes and threw your head back.
Joel smirked as he loved seeing you enjoying what he did to you. He started to finger you with his thick fingers. You moaned as he entered you. He moved his fingers in and out with a beat. You moaned and he added another finger in. You squeezed his shoulder as his fingers slid in and out. He kept sliding and curling inside you, hitting your G-spot. You panted and you could see your slick dripping. He pulled his fingers full of your juices, looked at you and sucked them. You shook your head in awe and stroked his head. 
“I want him, Joel.” You put your palm on his bulge that was eager to be free from his pants.
“As you wish, beautiful.” You helped unbuckle his belt and he tugged his pants away. 
You were drooling as you finally saw his big and thick cock free out in the air. That beautiful thing was what you had been waiting for throughout the day. Joel got even harder when he saw your eyes in love with his cock. You pushed all your stuff on the table to make a room for you, making a mess on the floor. He understood your sign and grabbed your shoulder and pushed you to lay on your back on the table. You chuckled and spread your legs to give him a way to your entrance. Joel touched your pussy and stroked his cock with your juices letting a pre-cum out. He groaned and teased your pussy up and down with his tip. You squeezed your thigh and he brushed his tip to your clit. 
“Ready for me to be inside you, baby?” 
You nodded hurriedly and bit your finger. You couldn’t wait for him to be inside you. Joel pushed himself to your entrance slowly. 
“Joel!” You gasped as he was stretching you.
Joel moved slowly and grabbed your other hand that was resting on your thigh. You squeezed your eyes shut and clenched his cock.
“So fucking tight, baby.” Joel hissed.
You couldn’t answer him as your mind was blank, but full of pleasure. You moaned so loud and made sounds that Joel loved.  And you wanted more. 
“I love it when you make that sound for me, baby.” Joel praised you.
Joel raised your leg to his shoulder, pulling you closer and thrusted into you faster and harder. He moved his other hand to caress your breast. He loved pleasing you. Your moans got louder as you felt pleasure running through your veins. Joel groaned and shifted you to your back so you were in a crawling position like a baby on the table. He spread your cheeks and let himself in. You moaned as he squeezed your cheeks.
“Fas-faster, please.” You begged Joel.
Joel nodded and held the back of your neck. He started getting his pace and thrusted into you faster. Then he slapped your ass.
“Fuck!Fuck!Joel!Joel!Joel!” You screamed so loud as you were close to your climax.
“Wait for me, baby.” He kept fucking you hard.
“I can’t hold it, please.” You shiver and begged him.
“Fuck! I’m close.” He panted and his thrusts were losing beat.
“Jooeel!!” You screamed as you reached your orgasm.
Joel hissed as he felt your juices warming his cock. He rested his hands on your back and groaned. He shifted you back on your back. Lifted your leg, bent down and kissed your inner thigh.
“Such a good girl for me.” He leaned in and gave you a kiss.
“You too, Joel.” You smiled and caressed his jaw. 
The two of you sighed and looked around.
“What a mess.” You chuckled.
To be continued...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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caffeiiine · 5 months
I read the tags on your Kunikida post… go ahead and explain, my liege
OKAY so probably going into detail about how kunikida can be considered passively suicidal since i have the most coherent thoughts on that aand warnings for stuff of that nature under the cut :D + length
[also small disclaimer, i have been procrastinating reading dazais entrance exam and so far have only seen the anime adaptation which apparently left a ton of stuff out so feel free to correct me on inaccurate details and/or missed examples or just downright incorrect information]
[note: idk if passive is the correct term bc i was thinking about it and hes not exactly like oh i hope this kills me yk, so whatever that term is lmk <3]
This stuff also sorta ties in with his ideals and their potential self destructive-ness. they tend to cause him to either negligently often risk his life with there being an apparent “other way”, or just outright risk his life with barely a second thought for his ideals.
so kunikida has very strong morals and that’s the core of his character. the main ideals referenced in the show being his infamous “ideal woman”, “how to make dazai ideal”, and the ideal that basically tells him to save people. [i forgot what that one is referred to as]. If we’re talking timeline wise i think one of the first examples of his ideals causing him to negligently risk his life would be in Dazais Entrance Exam, or The Azure Messenger arc if you’re an anime watcher.
First example off the top of my head in dazais entrance exam would be when him and Dazai first see the hostages, specifically the ones in the room
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after the gas came down dazai has to actually wrestle kunikida away from the room because otherwise hes gonna die. kunikida repeatedly shouts about how “people shouldn’t die like this”. This might be a bit of a tangent but later on in the episode he remarks how he “may as well ahev set the bomb off himself” when Dazai asks about Rokuzou’s dad, implying he blames himself for Rokuzou’s dad’s death. This is of itself isn’t enough for me to say “oh yeah he’s passively suicidal” so moving on to the main manga where there are several other instances of his tendencies to throw himself directly in harms way.
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[there may be examples before this i just skipped to chapter 40] and starting off strong we have the thing with Aya. This could be written up to circumstance but he had the opportunity to avoid death himself so im counting it. he’s basically hugging death. that’s all i have to say for this.
of course he ends up surviving it because of deus ex machina yosano. After the fact, Aya asks him what he would’ve done if Yosano wasn’t there. To which he replies basically he would’ve done the same thing he just did except died and basically would have been fine with the outcome as long as she didn’t die in front of him. [he would’ve been dead as well and not had to deal with the guilt] i should point out as well, he does this because of his ideals. he specifically cites his ideals around these parts usually. The not letting anybody die before his eyes is one of ideals and the most common one he uses.
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[im pulling that from the fact he had no backup plans or anything to actually stop the bomb aside from Yosano, since his words could imply he would’ve tried to save Aya. and the guy with the bombs was using the fact Kunikida holds his ideals very close to him, taht he wouldn’t have allowed Aya to die if he could’ve prevented it.]
aaand i think our last example and best example for tonight
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context for the scene: they’re in the getaway helicopter and tecchou is trying to take it down via his sword and Kunikida decides to take matters into his own hands and take down Tecchou. First off, HE DID NOT HAVE TO, CHUUYA IS RIGHT. THERE. HE LITERALLY SHOT TECCHOU WITH GRAVITY BULLETS EARLIER.
HE DID NOT HAVE TO RISK HIMSELF BUT HE DID. also additional context, in this arc and the previous arcs, he’s been faced with situation after situation where his ideals have failed him and he’s been unable to exercise them and save the people he thinks he should.
point being, he feels like complete shit! he probably is thinking like if he should do anything then, it should be he makes sure he gets his friends out of there. regardless of whether he’s dead or alive because he jumps out of the plane and full body tackles tecchou while being in direct contact with fucking chuuya.
chuuya “has to stay out of the fights and arcs half the time because he’s too good at his job” nakahara.
chuuya “just shot tecchou and did a decent job at keeping him back a few pages before” nakahara. you see my point.
oh and then he just attempts to blow the both of them up.
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he does not care for his life at all here. not one bit. also he did not need to blow the both of them up. he could’ve made a fucking stun gun or anything else that wouldn’t KILL the BOTH of them??
my whole point is he does not care for his life here and it’s gets worse the more you progress through the manga.
anyways anyways ending off, kunikida repeatedly puts his life in danger either for his ideals or neglectfully and/or without need. this has been a ramble. this man is not okay.
also kinda funny is he’s partners with dazai of all people, actively suicidal princess bungou himself. i really enjoy their differences and how similarly different they are.
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^ not actually related to anything but i almost started laughing so hard with my family in the room at this piece, junichiro looks so concerned
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chocotonez · 1 year
txt reacting to s/o always giving them flowers
a/n: -and the s/o doesn’t like flowers very much but I didn’t really feel like putting the whole request into the title oops, anyways ilysm and thanks for such a good request <3
warnings/genre: fluff, reader can be a bit awkward in some but like not really tbh, lots of kisses and hugs from kai, reader can be carried around by the members but g/n and no other descriptions, lmk if anything else should be tagged!
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-junnie sent you a bouquet once, and you had to explain you’re aversion to flowers and he immediately took to substitute gifts!
-since you weren’t a fan of the whole floral arrangement thing, he never really expected you to send him flowers for his dance cover being released. but it was a celebratory thing and pretty major…so he just brushed it off!!
-but then you never missed a date, a successful training period, end/start of a tour, comeback announcements or promotions, you somehow always managed to send/give him flowers for any important event in his life, and even just knowing how much you paid attention to the details of his schedule made his heart <333
-it means a lot to him, not even because he loves flowers but just because he knows you’re not a flower person but!! here u r!! giving him flowers!!
-always gets so giggly and blushy, tries to act cool but fails miserably because he’s so whipped over you
-“ah, you got this for me?? I love you so much!!” and gives u a little kiss on the cheek while he’s just lovingly looking back at you and the flowers
-“you love me so much hehe~” and he’s grinning while you roll your eyes “yeah I do u dork”
-probably gets most of the flowers pressed so he can hang them up on his wall :>
-binnie isn’t that much of a flowers guy either, so he only knows that you aren’t a fan of flowers because of an incident in a grocery store at the floral section
-he doesn’t really mind, gift giving isn’t a major receiving love language for him, but feeling like his partner is listening to him in a relationship?!?!? good stuff
-one day he was just casually talking about an MC event he’s going to be at, and how it was going to be on a popular streaming service, and so a month later when he finished up that schedule and got home to a beautiful arrangement of flowers that read:
-“from y/n, good job today! love you more than words can say, I’m so proud <3”
-he was WHIPPED. immediately calls you at god knows what time he got home, “I thought you didn’t like flowers???”
-“yea but I wanted to support you and I thought you’d think they’re cute :3” and he’s clutching his heart and sobbing
-it becomes routine for you to brave the floral section to get him flowers, and he’s taken aback each time you do so, because not only are you willing to get him flowers, you’re being so attentive and supportive and he just OWEJAISISJ
-probably brags about u to his friends over text every single time you send him flowers lol
-he really loves feeling supported or heard in his relationships, so it’s less that you don’t like flowers but get him bouquets or arrangements anyways, but more you somehow remember every single event he tells you about
-he’s not super big on the traditional flower giving, so he only figures out your dislike of flowers after asking if he should reciprocate the flowers you got him for a concert
-doesn’t mind, but then he notices how you get him flowers for every single important event he tells you about and his heart is swelling
-he teases u sm he’s like “waoooo ur such a simp,,,saying you don’t even like flowers and getting me a whole garden,,,ur obsessed with me!!” and then writing seven pages about you in his little diary while kicking his legs
-goes a bit crazy every single time, and he always prepares himself for the day you forget but you never do, you always send him pretty flowers and he swoons into the arms of a staff member or yeonjun every time
-will tease u x2 if your dislike for flowers comes from a pollen allergy though, just because he thinks ur so cute when you get pouty or roll ur eyes
-picks u up and swings u around while cooing at you, “my little flower baby~~~” and ur just -_- but you love him so it’s ok <333
-I don’t really see him caring about flowers either, or whether or not you have a preference for them
-he’s not major on gift giving, but he likes the traditional aspect of it or at least giving you roses for a date night
-but when u tell him you don’t like flowers he doesn’t really care, nor does he care if he receives them
-but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care if he does receive them!! because he gets so flustered it’s adorable, the first time he’s so surprised because he vividly remembers you saying you don’t like flowers and you won’t go out of your way to get them, and here they are!! on his desk after a schedule!!
-asks you why you got them?? since yaknow?? and u just laugh and you’re like “well it was a special event, how could I not?”
-and somehow no matter how many times you get him flowers, he will always be ECSTATIC because he just feels so special knowing that you don’t like flowers yet here you are, spending so much on them just to congratulate him or reward him
-doesn’t even mind when he gets them, it’s just knowing the effort you put into making him happy is there, and he wants you to know he’ll do anything to make u happy too <3
-always sends a thank you note with a heart written on it, or even just a small text, he appreciates you so much
-“oh hyuka there’s a package left for you from y/n, they got you flowers for the comeback-“ “oh, that’s probably not from them, y/n said they didn’t like flowers” and then the staff member double checks the note and yup!! it’s from you!!
-loses his shit and practically SPRINTS to your place, kicks open the door (waving the coco) and just throws you onto the couch while peppering your face with kisses
-“did u really get flowers for me!! ur so cute <3” and he’s just nuzzling your cheek and giggling because u r so adorable!!
-every single time you get him flowers he falls even more in love with you, because every single time it surprises him, he doesn’t expect you to put up with something you don’t like just to make him happy or congratulate him
-sends massive gift boxes in thanks and you have to explain “it’s just flowers babe u don’t have to send me a six foot teddy bear and seven chocolate boxes”
-unlike beomgyu, he doesn’t really care about the frequency or you knowing his schedule, it’s just what ur willing to do for him
-he would eat a teaspoon of mustard for you, never forget that <3
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