#but you can still think through a situation logically and be a good person
dhmis-tinhatter · 2 years
duck and yellow guy are a low empathy autism/high empathy autism friendship
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PAC: What makes you a good partner
This is for both singles and those in a relationship. This is for encouragement if you are still looking, to remind you of how wonderful you are in a connection. It’s plain just to make you feel good about yourself if you’re in a partnership.
Please pick between groups 1, 2 or 3. Group 1 is the woo-hoo badge, group 2 is the wing, group 3 is the be mine tag.
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4 of wands (joy and stability) - Third eye chakra - communication - get centered - love
I got a feeling of insecurity and it made me wonder if that’s how you’ve been feeling lately. I don’t know if it’s about your abilities in general or directly in a relationship. 
So, I’m talking to myself here like a lunatic right, and I’m going through what the psychic tarot could be saying so far. And I just can’t help but get a state of mind situation here. And I talk and talk, wondering if this is you, could it be your love interest, whatever. Suddenly I realize - I’m overthinking. Is this what you/they do? Overthink this stuff?
I really can’t help but think this is the beginning of a status check. Because logically i would look at it in a straightforward way but my intuition tells me the reversed version of what first impressions are: The feeling of being insecure, trying to tell the future, wanting things to be a certain way, not trusting. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few in this group read a lot of that future spouse or soulmate stuff. For those in a relationship right now, you could be worrying if it will work out, how long will you stay together, will this last etc.
I honestly don’t know if this is how you used to be, this is what you’re overcoming, maybe this is what your partner deals with, I don’t know.
I feel like when you mellow out and feel calmer, it’s like there’s a box that unlocks. Maybe when you’re feeling anxious, you aren’t present with a person or able to show your more fun or loving side as much as you would like.
Your affirmation cards are great. It gives me the impression that you’re a straightforward person who doesn’t mince their words. If you like someone, you’re going to tell them. If you wonder about their feelings, you’ll ask them. If you want a committed partnership, you’ll see if they agree instead of wordlessly hoping.
I’m going to be absolutely honest, and it seems contradictory to me, but i honestly got the insecurity stuff before, but it’s like… At your best, you can be the most centered, calm and peaceful person. Your partner could be stressed and worrying or even getting argumentative and you wouldn’t react the same. You would be able to hold it together and tackle things calmly.
I have finally come to the conclusion that this is you, unlocked lol.
Group 1, I don’t know, it seems like you’re having a hard time. I’m getting distracted, the feeling of wanting to give up. This is the time when you most need peace. You don’t need to give up, you need time. You need time for yourself, and to really be so soft with yourself. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need you right now. You need to spend time with you. You need to hear the birds sing. You need to feel the grass at your fingertips. You need to close your eyes and know there’s something there for you, just for you. That the birds chirping right now that moment are being heard by only you in the way it’s happening, with the clouds that are showing right now. The way the light hit your window and made that little rainbow. That the funny quirky thing the person across the street was seen only by you. Isn’t it weird? It’s like some moments are made just for you. 
And that’s why there will be that relationship made just for you. This is confirmation that there will be that partnership. If you’re facing issues in one right now, get back to you for now and let what will be, be. If you’re seeing someone and wondering, let them come to you.
In a safe, happy partnership you will feel seen. You will be peaceful. You will feel secure and that feeling will spread to your partner. You are open and honest. You are loving, even clumsily. 
Things go wrong but you will know that everything is still right. Things will be alright. You no longer need the 8 ball to tell whether or not, because you will know. When you feel secure, you are your own fortune teller. You will re-align, and you wil learn to have peace and move on from disagreements. You will know how to still be loving, even when irritated.  You know what to prioritize as a partnership, what practical things you should deal with together. What matters most. You will have faith in yourself and extend it to your partner. I see you growing old with someone, mainly because you will let yourself. That security is the foundation for a long and happy relationship if you wish for it.
Love says:
“Love is a many splendored thing. Today I notice and appreciate 3 of those splendors. Like the fact puppies make me feel like a parent. Or the surge of self congratulation when I sink a three point trash basket shot on the first try. Or how about the chills I get while singing along to ___”
Get centered:
“When it gets to be too much, whatever it is, I close my eyes and return to my center.”
“Wonder how that other person is feeling? Ask ‘em. Wish they knew how you were feeling? Tell ‘em. You’ve just been drafted into the communication army, where there is a strict do ask/do tell policy. Speak with kindness and gentleness, and reach an understanding.”
I hope this made sense for you. Remember, it will all be ok in the end.
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Support - manifest - believe & succeed
You are a cheerleader for sure. Extremely supportive of your partner's endeavors. This group seems to choose people with ambition or dreams. You lot probably are more into manifestation or law of attraction than other groups. It’s likely you’ve had your successful manifestations and know that it works, so in theory, it should for your love interest too.
You honestly seem great as a team. A very happy and willing participant. If your partner needs something suddenly sorted, whether it’s a chore, or administration work for their business, you will drop what you’re doing (less important stuff ofc) and help them.
“I look at the vast network of support in my life, and I’m reminded of what a superpower it gives me. At any moment, I can call an army of top-notch people who want the best for me, which means I’m basically invincible. Take that, loneliness! Run for the hills, boredom!”
Very good cheerful energy, I see you really trying to keep things upbeat and positive for their sake. Just in case though, do remember it’s not all your job, and they are the captains of their own ship, ok? You might get a little sidetracked because you get so excited for them. I’m getting the idea that you would never ever get jealous of a partner (it can happen sometimes. Not unusual, not bad), and you always wish the best for them. 
You really open up the other person's eyes to possibilities. You make them think about things they might not have been brave enough to before. It’s like through your partnership, you wake them up to possibilities. Maybe you even wake them up to spirituality/manifestation. You make the other person feel secure. Like they have something to come back to after they go out on a limb and try something. 
They will know that if they fail, they could hate themselves or feel bad, but you would never look down on them. You would just send them right back out lol. Try again, then. Is what I get. There’s so much confidence and faith in this other person. You know, you just know that they can make it. Where they see nothing, you see something. You know more is possible for them and yourself. You make, or will make your partner feel like they are something. When they always thought they were just ordinary or boring, when their self esteem isn’t where it should be.
Careful of carrying a relationship for the both of you though, you want someone who is able to gain the momentum and motivation that is like yours. If they don’t have the energy, it’s just not going to happen the way you see it for them. It’s got to be by them, for them, ultimately. If you are single, be careful of investing into a person who may agree with your goals/vision/excitement only to talk about it, and not follow through. You could talk someone up and big them up till the cows come home, but they will have to prove themselves to themselves. Talk only goes so far.
You might also bring extra connections or support to your partner. This could be your family being lovely and bringing them in, being completely inviting and helpful. This could be they gain a place in your friend group too. They could get networking opportunities because of who you know, that kind of thing. 
You bring a lot to the table, but remember, everyone is their own captain so you come first. You have tremendous energy, belief and determination to make things happen and work. You need to make sure it’s matched.
Hoping for wonderful things in your love life.
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Release - Master (rev) - Inspiration.
You have a lovely combination of cards, group 3. I really see you’ve done the work on yourself.
Firstly, if there is anyone here that has escaped a negative or abusive situation, you are seen as an inspiration and you have become such a wise person that people look up to.
You really try to take care of yourself, and I like that. It’s often said that it’s attractive in love to put yourself first and that’s what I think your partner does/will like about you. There’s no desperation to make the person like you or want you. That kind of thing makes certain people chase.
Release here is just giving me the feeling of being chill, of not needing to prove anything. You know it’s important to be vulnerable at the right times in love. There might have been past issues regarding control, vulnerability and openness. I feel that you’ve really moved past some lessons in romance regarding those things. You could have listened to someone or read something that made you realize what was happening, or why you seemed to be having a pattern, or attracting certain people.
I see that you have intuition and you allow yourself to listen to it now. It will become invaluable for yourself and also your partner. You could get gut feelings and tell them, whether this is about their work situation or whether you feel something bad about a journey.
I'm seeing that you’ve had to let go of a lot so you’re not attached to outcomes. That same surrendering energy is helpful in partnerships because you’re not invested whether your partner will or won’t do something. You don’t want to control them, or try and manipulate them to do a chore, or to decide on an option you think is the right one.
You let love be free, and that’s beautiful. There’s a sweet, open, surrendering love that is there for the sake of being love. The person could go off randomly and you would still hold appreciation. When you are in a partnership, you look like you bare it all and choose to trust. I feel like you’ve been really hurt but you’ve come back and decided you want to love anyway.
If you’re not there yet, you will be. You have too much love in your heart to give. Just because someone was incapable of love doesn’t mean you are or should be.
You really inspire your partner, there could be a muse here. You really give the other person room to be themselves and voice their ideas. You hold that space for them and let them express themselves. There’s a lot of soft, quiet loving energy here. You don’t love loudly, it’s quiet and constant. Your love is a gift in itself, it’s how you are the most wonderful partner. Just by loving the way you do.
I think when you’re with the right person, you make them feel very safe to be themselves. I’m seeing that you would be a good parent, a good person to have/adopt/foster a child with. You would be very good at guiding and encouraging them. You are a very considerate person, and you don’t go around tooting your own horn. I get a modest feeling here. 
You help and are supportive in ways that aren’t super visible, someone would have to be really watching to notice what you do. There might be a little mischievous side, or a sarcastic sense of humour that can go under the radar. Your partner will appreciate that very much. Such lowkey energy but so strong and constant, dependable.
I feel like you should be very proud of yourself. I think you’ve overcome a lot and there’s a lot of humility here, but don’t downplay yourself. I feel like your partner does/will tell you to express yourself, or make a move on some kind of idea you have. I get the idea you’re used to someone else being the main character, or someone else being a focus or supported. Your partner will say it’s your turn.
That’s what I’m seeing group 3, have a good one.
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daechvvitas · 1 year
how i think each member would be like as a boyfriend part one - hyung line edition
WARNINGS: mentions of daddy k ink, praise k ink, brat taming, d*ggystyle, oral, bee dee ess em, degradation
A/N: this is a mixture of sfw/nsfw. thanks for requesting, anon! minors, dni.
He's the most self conscious about the songs he writes about you. You're his biggest source of inspiration, so that means he wants the lyrics to be perfect. It throws him off kilter because normally, he can write a song in one sitting. Even in an ER room. But when they're about you, it's different. He likes the challenge, though. He feels like it makes him a better writer.
He points out baby shoes and clothing to you every time you guys are at a store. He's still not sure if he wants to have a kid or not but he can't help but still find the items super fucking adorable.
He has a bit of a daddy k ink. He never thought he would been into it but the first time it slipped out of your mouth, his brain went to static and he fucked you harder than he'd ever done before.
He buys you books specifically curated to your taste. Even more, he buys himself a copy too so that he can keep up with what you like.
He talks you through sex. It's full of a lot of praise and encouragement. "Look how good you're taking me" and the sorts. He also loves hearing validation from you that it feels good and he's doing well.
He hates when the two of you argue but he physically cannot stop himself from having the last word. What can I say? The man likes to be right. And sometimes, that stubbornness can lead to huge blow outs. He always makes it up to you, though. After a cool-off period, he'll come back with calmer logic and won't rest until the situation is resolved.
He always makes you meals, even when his schedule is insane. If he has to wake up in the wee hours to have it cooked and waiting in the fridge for you, then so be it.
He's a brat tamer. And he's damn good at it. Even if you don't have a particularly submissive nature, he'll have you a whimpering, shaking mess by the end of the night. But those intense nights come with the best aftercare. He'll run you a bath, make you food, and give you a ton of cuddles.
He's insistent on doing things for you, even if it annoys you. Grabbing things from high places, opening doors... You name it. He just likes showing how much he cares about you through action.
He's the type to jokingly rile you up but then end up actually getting really mad, which leads to arguments that could have been avoided.
Unfortunately, he has a bit of the gamer boyfriend syndrome. He does not like being interrupted when he's playing his games. He is a sucker for you, though. So he's willing to free up one of his hands to give you the attention you so desperately want. And no, he doesn't plan on muting his mic so you better keep those moans quiet.
He takes personal offense if he's not your bias or if you rocking any BT21 character that isn't RJ. He'll definitely give you a playful but bombastic side eye until you either change or admit that he is the only option to be your bias.
He wouldn't consider himself a 'romantic' but he shows that he cares through quality time. Even if you're just in the living room watching a show, he'll always quietly sit next to you. Just so you know he's always there.
Alternatively, he loves when you do the same. His genius lab is a sacred place that even his members don't dare to enter unless it's for work. But for you? It's an open door policy. Your presence motivates him more than it distracts him.
Speaking of his studio, the two of you have definitely fucked there. Multiple times. The first time it happened was just sort of a spur of the moment type of things but now, you live to bend over for him, chest pressed against the knobs of his music equipment as he thrusts into you.
He shares his food with you without any complaints or annoyance. If he notices you want a taste of whatever he has, he immediately offers it to you. Not even just a bite, either. He'll give you the whole thing.
He likes taking his time with you. There's a lot of foreplay where the tongue technology comes in hand. He loves to lick you, taste you, make you fall apart with just his mouth.
He prefers dates at home over dates out of the house, but he'll indulge you if you really want a night out. However, his ideal night would be cooking you both dinner, plenty of whiskey, and of course, you.
Prepare to be touched all the time. Not even just sexually (though we'll get to that). He's just a very touchy feely boyfriend. Cheek kisses, hugs from behind, gripping your thigh. He just wants to feel your skin against his.
He loves sharing tea with you. He remembers every single piece of gossip you tell him, even if he doesn't know the parties involved, and enthusiastically picks whatever side you're on. In return, he always keeps you updated on the drama and insanity of his members' lives. There's really no secrets between you both.
He's a dom, for sure. When it's just the two of you behind closed doors, he feels comfortable enough to strip back the sunshine side and get to play with the darker side of him without judgement. He also finds it so hot that you trust him enough to go on wilder extremes together — tying you up, blindfolding you, spanking you. He craves having control over you.
His favorite form of aftercare is giving you a massage. Typically, he has you folded up like a pretzel as he has his way with you. So making sure your body is taken care of afterwards is of utmost importance. As he massages you, he likes to sweetly shower you with compliments just so you know that any degradation that occurred during sex does not hold true in real life.
He's the first to like your social media posts. Yes, he has notifications on just to make sure he's the first. It could be a selfie or a random picture of the sky and he's the first on the post, showering you with emojis.
Sometimes, he needs personal space. You didn't do anything wrong. But when things get hard at work or overwhelming in his personal life, he has the tendency to retract instead of engage. He doesn't ever have the heart to tell you that but you can tell by the short answers or less enthused interactions. The best thing you can do is give him that space to work through his head.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
the creeps!!
how about... creeps x reader who is having a ptsd response due to something/someone from their before life?
your choice!
EEE thank you for giving me a little freedom with this one hehe, you're a doll <33 (hope these are okay; I realize these aren't exactly "comforting" but these guys are messed up,, I don't think you can really expect comfort from them lol)
!!TW!! for depiction/mention of PTSD! Proceed with caution lovelies!!
Creepypasta/MH: How They React When Your PTSD is Triggered
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, "Ticci" Toby, Tim/Masky
Jeff the Killer
I'm going to be so real with you, his first response is not going to be to comfort you
He is going to kill whoever triggered you, or burn it if it's not a person
You can try to stop him, but he's not going to
Honestly he might lowkey be making it worse, doing it right there and then with you watching
Well, he'll probably tell you to close your eyes and plug your ears first
(But if you want to participate, he'll just say: "let me do this for you, babe.")
All you'll know is that one minute it's/they're there, and the next Jeff is taking you by the shoulders and leading you away quickly
Just ignore the char/blood on his hoodie
He'll ask if you want to talk about it while you're walking
If you decline he'll ask again when you're back home
While he doesn't really need a reason to kill for you, he still wants to know what that scumbag did (or just what happened)
If you're mad at him for what he did, he's not going to care
In his eyes, he did the right thing, and he's not going to apologize for it
Anything that hurts his love deserves to perish, if not for their sake then for his
He can't stand the thought of someone/something that makes you unhappy existing in this world
If you ever stress about it again, he will actually focus on you, holding you, consoling you by repeating "they're/it's gone, they/it won't hurt you anymore..."
There's an eerie smugness to his voice as he says it...
I feel like you guys would've already talked about your trauma
She's prone to attacks too, so it was a mutual discussion about triggers/what helps/what doesn't
So she knows exactly what's going on when you're triggered
Her first concern is you, trying to quell the attack before it gets too bad
She'll do something you told her helps ASAP
It'll make her feel better if you let her stay with you, but she understands if you need space
What she'd really like is to hold your hand and get your mind off of it by talking about something else
She'd be fine if she was the only one talking
Just as long as you're showing signs of improvement
When the attack is over, she'll give you time to process it
But eventually she will want to bring it up again
Specifically, she wants to make plans to... uh... "eliminate" the thing that triggered you
And those plans will be vividly detailed
If you don't want to take part in that, she'll make them (and execute them) herself
She just thought you'd wanna take part; I mean, it's how she """solved""" her trauma
She won't follow through if you explicitly tell her not to, but otherwise she operates under the assumption that this is a plan, not a fantasy
When you have another attack, she won't talk about how it/they can't hurt you anymore; she'll just focus on doing the things you said helped
Jane the Killer
She's pretty good at observing people, so I think she'd be able to sense your attack early on
Even if she doesn't know about your PTSD
The first thing she does is remove you from the situation, wrapping an arm around you and rushing away
She sends the meanest scowl to anyone who looks at you funny while you go
Then she focuses on grounding you; she's not too good with feelings, but she's logical enough to try and figure something out to help you
She won't talk much; just an occasional "breathe with me" or "focus on me" while she holds your hands and maintains eye contact
It doesn't show but she's actually so nervous, she has no idea if she's really helping you
She'll be right there with you through the worst of it, and she'll be there if you want to talk after
She will want to know what caused it, if she hasn't figured it out already
I honestly don't think she'll want to "eliminate" it/them
But she will talk the nastiest, goriest, most illegal shit about it/them
She gets all giddy when you grin about it too; internally she's going yeah!! made them smile!! (happy dance)
She'll try not to bring it up intentionally, but whenever it does come up she makes sure to express her strong distaste
If you ever actually want to... take care of things, she'll help with the cleanup, but she'll want you to have the satisfaction of planning and doing it yourself
I mean, she dreams of having that satisfaction herself (looks at Jeff)
Regardless of whether or not you want to do something illegal, ultimately she respects that it's your trauma and you get to deal with it however you like
"Ticci" Toby
Murder. Arson.
Literally his knee-jerk reaction
He just looks between you and the suspected trigger, points a thumb in its direction and says: "Want me to kill that guy/light that thing up?"
If you say yes he'll do it straight away; he doesn't care who's watching
He'll ask if you want to help first though ofc
Then he'll run away giggling like a second grader, grabbing your hand on the way
When you slow down he sighs satisfactorily, saying how fun that was
If you're still distressed (or if you refused his earlier offer), he finally takes notice of your emotions
He'll ask you quite bluntly what's wrong
When you explain it to him, he just nods solemnly
He knows from experience that having a rough past sucks, so he understands completely
If you haven't already he suggests that you "take care of it"
But if you agreed to murder/arson earlier he just grins again and says "Well then it's good that we did that back there!"
If you ever have an attack again he'll either remind you that the thing/person is gone, or he'll nag you about "taking care of it"
He'll begrudgingly put an arm around you though when you don't immediately calm down
He might offer you something to fidget with, too; that always helps him when he's anxious
Just try not to be too alarmed when it's a box cutter or a butterfly knife or something weird that he puts in your hand
I feel like he'd be a little awkward when you start to panic
He'll panic a little too, asking what's wrong and if/how he can help
He'll do anything you say, but if you're unable to respond he just puts his arm around your shoulders and takes you into another room
He'll hug you against him, patting your back awkwardly while you process the attack
He doesn't know what else to do :(
He probably realizes what's happening after a few minutes, and he only gets more awkward when that happens
He sucks at dealing with his own trauma; he is literally the worst person for you to be with right now
At least that's what he thinks
When you start to calm down he asks if you want to talk about it, but then immediately curses himself for asking such a stupid question (he doesn't even want to talk about his trauma; why should anyone else? (just his thoughts))
If you do want to talk it turns into a very deep and candid discussion in which you both open up a bit
He'll ask if there's anything that helps at all
Honestly he's asking for you as much as himself; he'd love to try anything that works for you
I don't think he'd suggest or condone killing/destroying the trigger; from his experience that just brings more issues
He'll basically just tell you "yeah, it sucks, and we just have to deal. Which sucks times two."
Very helpful, thank you Tim 👍
At least he always holds you whenever you have an attack <3
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Thank you so much for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care sweethearts <33
(divider by saradika)
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genderkoolaid · 11 months
Do you genuinely believe we can somehow change the hearts and minds of billionaires and politicians in power in for example the USA in a way that will actually result in a radical change in and improvement of conditions for folks currently oppressed under capitalism in the USA and hopefully globally? If so, how?
This is coming from someone who really would like to believe pure nonviolence is possible but who does not see much of an actual way forward for that. That said I do not see those billionaires and politicians as "nonhuman", I don't think that's productive and I think dehumanizing anyone who is factually a human person as a practice is dangerous so I am in agreement with you there. Thanks for your time if you choose to share your thoughts.
What I like about Against the Logic of the Guillotine is that it isn't for pure nonviolence. It breaks down the false binary that our options are "let the streets run red with blood until our every thirst for revenge is slaked" or "punching nazis makes you as bad as them 🥺"
& i think that binary is tempting because it absolves us of a responsibility to think deeply about things. if all revolutionary violence is good and justified, then you don't have to think too hard about the violence, you just see it & condone it. If all violence is bad and morally evil, then you still don't have to think too hard to condemn it. Our options are like, moral baby food.
But if we reject that binary, then there is no easy answer. Its not as easy as "yes leftist violence is always justified" or "any violence ever is always unjustified." You have to ask yourself, what am I doing? Why? What does this accomplish? Who is affected by this? What do they have to say? It makes us look at the actual nature of our violence and pick it apart and see where we have fucked up and where we might fuck up again. Its a lot more messy and also requires that we form relationships with others & genuinely listen to what they have to say. Its much much harder than Violence Good or Violence Bad but its also much more capable of adapting to the needs of people in the complicated situations where we find ourselves.
My opinion is that we will not reach anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism without violence. But more than anything, its because the systems in power will not let us. I think the foundation of the Revolution (in a more abstract sense of the word) must be community. We should focus our efforts most on building local networks of mutual support. If people suddenly find themself in a community that has free public food gardens & a community fridge, where people are already practicing transformative justice, etc. etc. then it will become materially obvious that we don't need to rely on the current system to survive. It will become clear that the current system is more of a hindrance to what we could do if we were not being controlled. And then people will be more likely to support any revolutionary violence that becomes necessary, because they will see their neighbors and know that when the dust settles, they know how to care for each other through shitty situations. Violence should really be the topping on a cake of community & indispensability politics.
Also this line from AtLotG really changed my perspective on "punishing the rich":
The worst punishment anyone could inflict on those who govern and police us today would be to compel them to live in a society in which everything they’ve done is regarded as embarrassing—for them to have to sit in assemblies in which no one listens to them, to go on living among us without any special privileges in full awareness of the harm they have done. If we fantasize about anything, let us fantasize about making our movements so strong that we will hardly have to kill anyone to overthrow the state and abolish capitalism. This is more becoming of our dignity as partisans of liberation.
"If we fantasize about anything, let us fantasize about making our movements so strong that we will hardly have to kill anyone to overthrow the state and abolish capitalism" really sums it up for me.
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loveemagicpeace · 3 months
💕Understanding Signs🧚🏼‍♀️
🥊Fire element-fire suggests to many the intuition function. This is because fire tends to perceive in pictures, and to get an instantaneous grasp of a situation. Fire does not reason or think in any classical sense of the word: it either understands or it doesn't. This is why fire people can be extremely creative yet not good at logical reasoning. People with a lot of fire energy have a great impulse, which is sometimes difficult to control. They often make a decision all at once and quickly. They don't like waiting.
They perceives things through pictures and sudden flashes of insight. A fire person will study something for a long time without comprehending it, and then the significance will become clear in an instant. Fire is often psychic, in the ordinary meaning of the word. Fire is the most positive or yang of all the elements. It is the energy of spirit, and operates within the universe by energizing and transforming. It is not characteristic of fire to work along lines already set, or to respond to energy patterns that are imposed from without. Fire rises: it cannot stay at one level for long. This gives fire people a dramatic, intense quality. They do not enjoy standing still.
Fire element-fire is an emotional element, but it tends toward the more active and dynamic emotions— anger, joy, ebullience, and enthusiasm. Also fire signs are very positive in everything they do. For ex.: Leo Mars - Regardless of the situation, they will always want to cheer someone up with a funny show or put on a show to make the person happy again. Leos in general always have an inner child (they will always be ready to watch cartoons with you). Sagittarius Venus-They will be the best at helping you through a difficult breakup. They always find faith in life and know how to find meaning even when it is difficult to see it. They have a special charm with which they always bring people good mood and instill hope. They will never stop believing. Aries Sun- will always be ready for action. They are not afraid of dangerous things and like something that is more risky. They are the only sign that is rarely afraid, usually they will be the ones who will be the bravest. They have harder time dealing with sadness, depression, or the kind of feeling that comes from quiet contemplation of one's surroundings.
Fire people do not like to show sadness or grief: their typical response is to make fun of their own unhappiness. Even when they are down, they are often capable of making others feel better. Being an outgoing, positive energy, fire does not easily play passive roles.
Earth element- earth signs are most concerned with perceiving an external, physical reality. But earth is not simply concerned with perceiving it, it is also concerned with ordering it in the way that is most effective in a given situation. Earth signifies concern with the physical, with practical, common-sense matters. Earth is a symbol for direct sense experience of the physical universe, without ideas, concepts, beliefs, or wishful thinking to cloud perception. Thus matter, and through it the symbol earth, signifies limits to our freedom in which regard the element earth is related to the planet Saturn).
Unlike fire, earth is stable, the most stable of all the elements. Also unlike fire, earth is passive: it needs to be acted on and formed by an external energy. For earth people to be really productive, there must be a positive, assertive energy provided by the planetary combinations in their charts.Otherwise, the earth type of personality remains passive.
Taurus is a sign who will give you a lot, spoil you, buy you gifts, take you to a luxury hotel, take care of you. They do a lot related to money. They are a sign that will spoil you with material things and may not be so creative themselves. But they also know how to be selfish and stubborn and do not care about your feelings.
Earth tends to resist change, and it can signify structures that break down under pressure because they lack the flexibility that allows adaptation.Earth signifies making do with what is available. Earth people are adept at dealing with the details that must be attended to in everyday reality in order to make it work effectively. Being a relatively passive element, earth perceives better than fire. Earth people are usually close to their gut reactions to life. Inner experience is valued less highly by the earth temperament, because earth tends to focus its perceptions externally.
Virgo and Capricorn especially are inclined to sacrifice emotional needs when these come into conflict with their view of reality. Although Capricorn looks like a cold sign and people wouldn't expect it to have so many emotions and make sacrifices for others - in fact it does. Capricorns often sacrifice their time for the people they love and can build a relationship for years and years, even if it ends up not being what they might have wanted. A Capricorn can have a lot of work and responsibilities, but still finds time to see you or cook you lunch, do something practical for you. Virgo it is often seen as a judgmental and sometimes not so accessible sign (a sign that gives you the feeling that they don't like something or that they are angry). But in reality, they are a sign that cares a lot about others-they will always be ready to take care of you.
Air element-Like fire, air may be more concerned with things that are not yet real, that are abstract and unrelated to a given reality. Air is as concerned with the relationship of things in the outer world as earth is, but air is more interested in abstractions. The difference between the symbols fire and air can be seen in the difference in the behavior of actual fire and wind. Fire rises, whereas wind moves horizontally.
Like fire, air can become so involved in abstractions that it loses touch with physical reality and practical considerations. But unlike fire, air hovers just above the Earth's surface, so that though it is fond of abstractions, the abstractions are closer to physical reality than those of fire. Air is associated with thinking and logic, and as such it is less personal than fire. Fire is usually connected with the vital, personal drive, or the will, and the abstractions are one's personal abstractions. But air, which has a social, external conception of truth, is more inclined to abstractions that have little to do with the individual.
In this way air is similar to earth: both are primarily concerned with a reality external to the self. Fire and water are more concerned with personal, inward kinds of truth.
Air always has a strongly social quality. All three air signs have to do with relating to others— Gemini to the immediate world through mind and speech, Libra through achieving perfect balance within a one-to-one relationship, and Aquarius through group consciousness and interaction.Air lacks fire's ability to go off on its own to be itself.
Aquarius as a sign of revolution, it is related to revolutionary movements, not non-conforming individuals, thinking in a different way, breaking the rules. Aquarius desire freedom to impose their ideals on society as a whole. Gemini they like to open different topics, talk long into the night. Their thoughts are quick and unpredictable. But they often have problems with getting attached to someone. Although air is very social, it is sometimes unable to handle real intimacy well. This is because air operates extensively, rather than intensively.
Libra is the only air sign in which the drive for close, personal relationships is strong, but even here there is a detached, non-intimate quality often obscured by the cleverness of the sign.
Water element presents the greatest difficulty. But even though water may feel good or bad much more quickly and sensitively than the other elements, it is no more judgmental as to whether something may be good, bad, pleasant, or unpleasant. Of the four elements, water is in some ways the most difficult to understand. Water is the most yin of the four elements, and the most bound up in the maternal, feminine archetype which is so poorly expressed in our culture.
Strongly watery people who comprehend this element from first-hand experience cannot readily communicate what they comprehend. Water people are poor at communication or unwilling to communicate. It is just that what they have to communicate is extremely difficult to put into words.
Scorpio communication is difficult because water represents non-linear, non-rational, non-discriminative modes of thought-the very antithesis of air. Fire and water both represent non-rational functions, but fire has more to do with sudden, lightning-like comprehension, whereas water has a subtle, feeling- toned understanding that comes into being at no particular point, seeming rather to have existed always.
Water is the best at feeling relationships and the ways every thing interacts with every other thing. Water may see and understand in a way that is hard for the other elements, especially air, to comprehend, but it sees very well.Often the best way for water to communicate is by means of art, especially poetry and music. Water people usually are artistic. Another factor that sometimes places a barrier between water and other elements is that water experience is very personal. In this respect water is nearer to fire, and more distant from air and earth. Water people's personal experience can be so vivid that external reality fades into insignificance beside it.
Pisces are very artistic and also the most dreamy sign of all water signs.They have their heads in the clouds most of the time and are also the sign that is the most naive. Cancer is the most family-oriented and caring sign. A sign that also prefers to spend time with people close to it. They like to be in their comfort zone. Scorpio is the most mysterious, the sign that fights the most. Is also the most private sign and doesn't like to share his stuff with others. It is a sign that has a problem with trust. Scorpio is also very deep sign.
Water is a symbol of empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel what another feels as if one were that other person. A water person understands feelings and emotions better than any other elemental type, and is capable of great emotional depth and compassion for others. Men in particular have a problem with the water parts of their nature because watery qualities are so out of accord with masculinity. Water people often have stronger ties with the past, a stronger involvement with familiar people, places, and situations. In a strong water person there is the protective, maternal streak; in a weak water person, there can be emotional grasping and possessiveness. Water has a need to self-dramatize like fire; but unlike fire, water is willing to take other people's emotions seriously as well.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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luna-rainbow · 2 months
RE: People giving Bucky a hard time over his "I'm invisble, I'm turning into you.." line being "selfish" That whole scene is Bucky displaying behaviour consistent with depression or traumatic stress. He's drinking by himself in an isolated area, isolating himself from social situations by not sitting with the ohers - he doesn't initiate the convo with Steve and he's apparently smoking. Although a lot of people did that then we didn't see any sign of him smoking before? Not that I recall anyway. And I don't believe he was jealous of a woman paying attention to Steve instead of him or "taking" Steve from him. Bucky's a true friend (I'm not a shipper full stop): and true friends aren't possessive nor do they take issue with you spending time with others or flirting with the same person as them.
I think Bucky was simply testing himself. He wanted to see if he could still muster the confidence and charm to convince a lady to dance with him which he'd probably never had any problems doing before. Its the first time he initiates a conversation the entire scene.
When it didn't work was when he knew there was something wrong. I don't think it was just the super-soldier serum. It's interesting that after that Steve is really the only person he interacts/talks to having been very sociable and outgoing before. Some people have also noted that his tone of voice chances as well, he seems to speak less often, more softly and his tone is quieter. So maybe "I'm turning into you" is actually a kind of role-reversal. Bucky is now the quiet, less confident, introverted one and the one who has been victimized (and is about to be again by HYDRA). Kind of interesting as well that the serum now means Steve is taller than him too.
Poor Bucky. Cut him a break and give that man a hug. And a cookie. A cookie can't hurt.
Hey nonnie, I'm not sure who's been giving Bucky a hard time over the "I'm invisible" speech but I'm glad I haven't seen it XD
I had a meta a while ago about that particular line. It's not a fixed headcanon by any means, I was just running with the flow of Bucky's thoughts to see how he might have ended up in that moment.
And yeah, I agree, I think he was in a very vulnerable place at that time. Not just what he went through during imprisonment, but he's also traumatised by what he's seen so far in the war, and now someone who matters very much to him is in danger (Steve) and he can't do anything about it. I'm basing my projections on what Sebastian had said about Bucky in the "let's hear it for Captain America" scene -- that no, he wasn't jealous of Steve in that moment, he was just horrified he wouldn't be able to protect him anymore. He's torn between admiring Steve for the courage, and the very realistic fears of seeing Steve come to harm, but he also knows Steve too well to talk him out of it. So he's not in the best headspace in that moment.
I do want to gently disagree in that jealousy in a friendship doesn't make it less pure or less good, it's simply a very human response to what is at its heart a fear of abandonment. Even if you logically understand that you need to let your friend have other relationships, you can still feel jealous if that eats up time you'd normally have with your friend, and apprehensive about what else you might lose. It's what you do with those emotions that defines your morality. This is why a lot of fans say that Bucky has had a villain origin story but has come out the other end a hero -- he's gone through an arc of loss and fear and jealousy, but come out the other side still staunchly Steve's friend, and that's a heroic arc.
As always I think Sebastian did a fantastic job with Bucky. The change in Bucky pre-war and post-war is considerable.
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His voice is lower and coarser, his mannerisms are much more "schooled" rather than boyish, it screams less bravado and more of a quiet assurance, and that frown never lifts from his brows. But yeah, a lot of that is battle-hardened professionalism, but I think a lot of that is also Sebastian factoring in Bucky's mental health. And his eyes are on Steve a lot more even when they're not conversing -- shipping angle aside, Steve is his commanding officer, and my other thought is that...his eyes are always on Steve because the danger to Steve is much higher now, and he's always made it his personal mission to make sure Steve's going to be okay.
(I mean there's also a lot we can say, or has been said, about that particular scene in terms of male writers writing female love interest badly, but that's an entirely different topic)
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unlikelyjapan · 11 months
Full disclosure: I wasn't a Syd/Carmy shipper until two weeks ago. Hell, I don't think I've ever been a shipper of anything up until this moment - but I've been happily married to my slow-burn best friend for eons, so this all struck a deep, nostalgic chord for me. Consider this post my coming-out party:
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This whole thing came about from that well-worn Freud quote that "friendship is the art of distance while love is the art of intimacy" that I recalled from a crude psychology class.
From the most shallow, birds-eye POV, Carmy achieved intimacy with Claire (while maintaining distance/friendship with Syd) by disclosing details of his family situation, his panic attacks, expressing romantic affection, and establishing physical intimacy with someone.
He even seemed more eager to relay and express these experiences to his friends (see the cannoli conversation with Syd and Marcus) as he went deeper into the relationship. From this perspective, I empathize with people when they say they see his relationship with Claire as real personal growth, followed by a steep regression.
Claire seems to pantomime someone who is secure, but is actually pretty anxious in matters of the heart - the idealized projections she places on Carmy based on her proximity to him a decade ago, her unwillingness to walk away from the red flag of the 'wrong number' fiasco, and her unrelenting insistence to know why he tried to dodge her in the first place. I'll say nothing of the constant placating.
Claire is a sort of a faux 'sword of destiny' for Carmy - he yearned for her attention in his youth, it was loudly proclaimed to be "the good thing" by his abusive family, and so it's the only logical choice in Carmy's mind once he's beaten over the head with it for the umpteenth time - it's the love chosen for him by his family and his past self before he pieced together ways to partially escape, it's fatalism, it's the end of the weary search for "fun" and happiness.
He's never truly happy or having "fun" (as he doesn't know how to define that in his mind - that's why we're tortured with 5 grueling minutes of Logan), but he feels cared for and is going through the motions of being "that guy who is fun and in love".
Love even had to be defined for him by his inherited family friend/handyman who he didn't even know was his "best friend" until Claire relayed it to him - he blindingly accepted both assertions from Fak, falling back into his family's narrative that he can't survive or be normal without their collective help.
By contrast, Sydney is probably the first thing Carmy has ever chosen for himself without outside influence from family or employers. She was his first hired employee, his first true friend who wasn't a blood relative, and probably the first person he feels mirrors his passions without a need to compete with her over them.
Sydney is a choice - she is happiness (in whatever shape or form that you choose to define it, it can be aromantic if you'd like) that Carmy found all by himself, without the narrative being driven by outside influences. They have fun together on their own frequency, but Carmy's black-and-white thinking can't recognize it for what it is - he's still reaching for a sense of "fun" that was repeatedly sold to him as his family tried to push him along the path of normalcy (an impossible feat for a Berzatto).
Syd and Carmy share a brand of maternal grief/strife and a profound love of service that breeds a slow intimacy. By saying "you deserve my full focus" Carmen is saying that Sydney's happiness is more important than his own, which can sound abysmal in type, but is also a natural pre-req for love when given willingly - which I think he is giving willingly for her, just not willingly for the anxiety and minutiae that comes with actually running a fine dining restaurant. He needs someone he can have absolute trust in to hold his hand through that part.
That's why he could only create The Bear with her, and why he says he wouldn't want to do it without her.
They're both fearful and avoidant, which is a fatally-wounding powder keg if they were to connect this instant, but with ever-growing intimacy and self-work (which Claire - however insufferable her dialogue - probably planted seedlings in with Carmy, and his openness and absolute trust in Sydney could drive her towards, too) their coming together could heal many of their longstanding wounds.
This was more of a meandering walk than I hoped, but I think it all comes down to actively choosing happiness vs. passively chosen happiness - Sydney is the first thing Carmy has ever chosen for himself, and we were beaten over the head with depictions of how much he cherishes that agency and Syd this season. I really hope S3 is a big mess of mirroring and sharing for them.
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finisnihil · 29 days
2.2 Sunday analysis spoilers ahead
I think a scene that perfectly sums up the Dreammaster and his relationship with Sunday is the one where he’s breaking the news to Sunday that Robin was shot.
Sunday has just appointed head of the Oak Family, given a position of upmost power. The Dreammaster leads in by giving Sunday Robin’s letter and then he innocently asks if she mentioned a stray bullet. A stray bullet? Why would she mention a stray bullet? Robin is safe and happy, wherever could she run into a stray bullet?
Well, a war broke out on that planet she sought it out because of it. For the sake of the Harmony and saving lives… she went to the front lines. You know, where stray bullets tend to shoot down innocent birds?
Well, holy shit, is she okay? Of course I mean it only struck her neck directly but I guess because she is doing such glorious deeds Xipe saw fit let her sing a while longer still. You should write to her- oh no, you stupid boy, only after you finish your pressing work now that you're head, hm?
Let's break down the interaction, shall we?
Firstly, this show was meant to sever Sunday's trust in Robin and isolate him. Robin is the person Sunday cares about the most, his life is but a tool to maintain her happiness and he's not quiet about the fact he'd chose Robin over the Family. When Robin didn't want to sing for Ena in the final plan, Sunday betrays the Dreammaster by taking her place as the sacrificial lamb instead. Point being, Robin is Sunday's only real support system and his only access to something that hasn't been rotted by the Family's corruption. The Dreammaster starts the conversation by highlighting how Robin withholds information from Sunday. She didn't mention getting shot, she didn't mention going to a planet because of war, she didn't mention anything. She isn't telling Sunday when she's in danger. Sunday is already terrified of the world around him, of how bleeding hearts like his sister's and his suffer for their kindness. The Dreammaster going about things this way instills a layer of distrust, Sunday can't trust Robin to be honest with him, he can't trust Robin to be safe, he can’t trust her to trust him. Thus, Robin is taken out of the equation and Sunday is alone with only the Dreammaster in his ear.
Next, we drill in a blame of the Harmony. Robin serves the Harmony like a good child of Xipe but it's precisely that which put her in harm's way. Would she have gone into that situation if not for the ideals of the Harmony? The Dreammaster twists this logic in Sunday's head, whispering it was the Harmony that got his sister shot and mockingly noting that maybe the only reason Robin wasn't dead from it was because she served Xipe so well; he implies that if she failed to meet that nonexistent standard next time, maybe Xipe will let Robin die. Sunday can't trust Xipe to protect Robin because it was Xipe's will that almost killed her. Now he's more vulnerable for the ideals of Order to sing their claws in.
Finally, Sunday's lack of control is emphasized. Sunday has just been appointed Oak Family Head but he still has no control over anything. He can't act out of line because those who supported him may stop and if he fails to uphold the pristine image of the Family there will be hell to pay. Still, I think the most sinister thing about his lack of control is seen when the Dreammaster stresses that Sunday can only write back to Robin after he has finished his "outstanding tasks". He was just coldly told the person he cares most about in the world was almost killed without her deigning to inform him, and he can't even talk about it with her and make sure she's okay until he does his paperwork. The position of Family head is nothing but a formality and it isn't enough to save Robin, it isn't enough to save anyone. Sunday has never been in control so maybe... He should create a world where he has it through Order.
In the credits we see the Dreammaster refered to as "Sunday's Servant" but it's obvious the Dreammaster was the one who manipulated and pushed Sunday to this point, intensifying his trauma and pushing Robin out so he could be the only whisper in Sunday's ear, so he could warp Sunday to be the vessel of Order he wants from him.
This entire scene would have gone so much differently if the Dreammaster actually cared about Sunday but we can tell he doesn't. From the start Sunday has been a bleeding heart that bleeds more heavily every time he tries to alleviate suffering. He's trapped in the cage of Penacony and has come to think the buildup of broken dreams and pain he's exposed to is the way of the entire universe. Robin escaped but Sunday can't.
Sunday is ultimately responsible for everything he did but you can't ignore that the path he took to get here reeks of the Dreammaster's malicious influence. Gallagher notes Sunday is just like Misha in a lot of ways and I think that's why the Dreammaster honed in on him so intensely. Sunday had the potential to ruin everything if he took the path Robin and Misha did so he had to have his wings clipped and taught to think a cage means love, that Order is the way, not Harmony.
It's genuinely such a good sequence, the tension of it all makes it work so well. The fact that Sunday is haunted by it and that the Dreammaster so successfully got into his head without him really noticing. He basically did what Aventurine bragged about doing, exploiting Robin's suffering to hit Sunday where he's soft. The Dreammaster functionally set up a bomb and coaxed Sunday into being the one to set it off.
Sunday is a wonderfully written antagonist, but the Dreammaster is a wonderfully written villain.
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 month
Hi roman. I know this is very weird, but i've seen you give some life advice to other people, so i thought i could give it a try too. Don't answer if you don't want to. Anyway
Do you have any advice/tips for a 15 y/o who thinks they just have no control over their life? Like, my concentration is dog shit, i think my grades are slipping. My executive dysfunction so bad and i think i'm disappointing a lot of people. I have no idea how to handle anything in my life. I can't force myself to do the things i need to (not that that'd be any good, i'll immediately cry lol). I just, don't fucking know how i could make things better for myself. And i can't really talk to adults about it, they'll repeat the stuff i already know, and i am the worst person to put their feelings into words, so they'll prob never understand. Not in the edgy way.
Yeah so sorry for half venting into your ask box. Thank you in advance if you'll answer it, if it's too weird and you don't want to do that for whatever reason, that's ok. Peace and love <3
Dude, you’re unfortunately suffering from being 15. And possibly a learning disorder. Godspeed to you.
And I don’t say that to belittle your problems. In many ways as a teenager you don’t have control over a lot of things. You’re still under the control of your parents, you’re still learning how to deal with adult level emotions and ideas. A lot is expected of you and a lot of things are made to seem more important than they are. It’s hard to tell what’s actually important and what’s just adults blowing things out of proportion. It sucks and it’s frustrating!
If you can, you might want to talk to a counselor. If your parents or guardians are anti-counseling you might try to talk to someone at your school like a teacher or administrator or school nurse about the possibility of getting counseling without your parents knowing. Some schools have programs like that.
The adults closest to you might not understand but if you keep looking you’ll eventually find someone who remembers what it’s like to be in your shoes.
And I remember fully feeling like I’d never get control over anything. The end goal of life was graduation from high school and god only knows if I keep existing after that. But the thing is, you do! You keep existing and you figure a lot of stuff out. Wisdom does come with time, it turns out. And legally and practically you end up getting a lot more autonomy as time goes on.
And I know hearing things like this might not feel comforting. When you’re stuck, you’re stuck and no matter how much you logically know it’ll get better right now it sucks.
Just find ways to keep going. And try asking for help sometimes. If your family won’t listen, find someone who will. Take the time to write down your problems and how you feel if you can’t come up with explanations of what’s going on. Or find a friend to talk it out with so you can practice explaining yourself.
If there’s one thing I can promise you, when you’re a couple years into adulthood all of the problems from your teenage years start to feel small. At the time they were big and important though. And that’s what you’re going through right now. And a lot of adults forget about that. Hang in there, and when all of this is behind you, remember how hard it was and maybe someday you can help someone like you.
I’m sorry if all that wasn’t helpful. I don’t know too much about your individual situation. But ask for help when you can. Someone out there understands. You’ll find them.
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iheartbrahmsy · 1 year
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self love, showing off , going through
You could already be in a relationship, but that doesn’t really matter tbh ( you can read this no matter your status)
You’re attracting a mature type of love. Your partner no matter if they’re already in your life or not , is helping you in your self love journey. A journey you had to go through at this point , you were neglecting your mental / physical health a lot … you’ll also have really good communication!
You’ll go through a lot together. You won’t be alone anymore when having to face a challenge. Again , really mature energy from this pile. Their standing by your side.
This person has expensive taste. Sometimes they’re not even trying, but always comes through impressing everyone. They love showing you off , and might even post pictures of just you. Just because you’re that pretty and important to them. They seem calm and protective.
If you are already in a relationship and things are going great , your relationship is getting on a next , better level. One of you, or even both , might as well be getting a promotion.
If you’re single , and of course looking to change that , you’ll be approached by a mature person , wanting to offer you stability. Possibly older than you. It won’t be like your other relationships. You may have went through some toxicity, esp in your love life. You’re not going through that with this person. If you have any trauma from your previous relationships , or any toxic patterns / habits, please make sure to heal that. You don’t want to be projecting it into this relationship. However, your person seems patient and willing to help you
Pure, healthy love - this will apply more to people in relationships, but it doesn’t really matter what your status is
You and your partner/ crush might be into alt music and style. You also seem to be in a long distance relationship, or there’s been long since you last saw each other. Regardless of your situation, you seem to always follow your heart and completely avoid your logic.
Youre reuniting with your partner / crush and going on a beautiful date. One of you might have a cat!
“ I’ll never finish falling in love with you “ . You’re really into each other and that’s why I think you’re already in a relationship or in the early stages
You might smoke together as well when you meet again. Some of you might really be into poems. Also , a lot of you have jealousy issues, that might stem from last relationships or just fear of getting hurt. Regardless, you’re called to stop worrying , something your person might tell you as well.
“ pls don’t get tired of me “ , “ you’re my favourite person “
get married. Bye😭
Deep, warm love
Some of you might be into painting!
Making paintings for your partner. This is a relationship that is definitely long term. But even if time passes by , you still don’t lose the sparkle of the relationship! You seem to be mutually obsessed with each other ,( not in a bad way ) , putting equal effort. One may be more upfront with their feelings as well , while the other one might take some time to open up. You’ll probably cook together , or spend time with each other while one of you cooks. Might also get matching tattoos at one point. You may go out on Fridays a lot , or the day Friday , might be significant to you. You are both grateful for each other. I don’t have anything else for this pile tbh. You are definitely a happy couple that likes to do a lot of activities together. This relationship will last too
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spacerockfloater · 1 month
You know what?
I get it, ok? I understand the concept of Rhysand being a morally grey character. I understand that SJM wanted him to be an anti-hero of sorts. I would be totally okay with him doing everything that he did and standing by his actions if he simply said “The only thing that concerns me is myself, my circle and my people. I’m here to protect my interests first and everything else second. I am no hero, I am just someone who puts himself and his sphere first. I am a selfish person and I’m totally okay with that. I do not need anyone’s approval.” I still wouldn’t be his biggest fan, because I do not tend to admire self serving people, but I would totally understand him. In fact, I might have done the same thing. I guess you can never know for sure what your reaction to something would be unless you actually end up in that situation. I get that the average person would protect themselves (themselves = them and their loved ones) but I do believe that admiration should be saved for people who go against the norm. People who actually put their foot down, say no, protest, fight back, risk their lives, experience loss for a greater good. That’s why I admire Khalias, Tarquin, Helion, Tamlin etc. Because they stood up to Amarantha while knowing the consequences of their actions. I wouldn’t admire Rhysand, but I’d support him if he just owned up to his shit and said “Yup, I’m your average person, I don’t care if I come off as the bad guy!”.
But he does not! He wants everyone to applaud him and thank him and feel like they owe him and appreciate him and and and and… Jesus Christ man, you did the bare minimum and you did it all when you had nothing to lose! Thank you so much that you convinced that frigid bitch to murder two dozens of children instead of me and my family, of course I am now forever in your debt! Relax. You were able to talk Amarantha out of directly harming the other High Lords only after you harmed others to gain her favour and you saved the High Lords only because it served you better to keep them alive instead of some irrelevant children fae. I’m sure that your people should be thanking you because you did it all for them after all, but count me the fuck out of it.
Last but not least: ACOTAR Feyre was, obviously, a hero. She was a morally good character. She sacrificed herself for people she didn’t even know. I’m not gonna debate that. I actually loved her in the first book. However, I think she went through a drastic change after her metamorphosis. Her “human heart” is actually no longer human to say the least. I’m not even gonna elaborate on how she became this cruel, unforgiving person that only cared about how people treated her, or how disrespectful she is towards other people like Tarquin because Rhysand made her feel entitled to do so, or how she is responsible for the destruction of two courts that simply seemed like collateral damage if it meant that she would get her revenge on Tamlin. I’m simply going to say that logically speaking, since Feyre stands 100% besides Rhys and everything he did and supports him, she’s also a morally grey person AT BEST, though I do tend to think of both of them as villains because after all, the very definition of a villain is “someone defined by their acts of selfishness, evilness, arrogance, cruelty, and cunning” and like, come on, this screams Feysand.
The term morally grey is so overused. Someone who’s selfish and cunning and cares mostly about themselves is, at least partially, a bad person. A morally grey character is at least half a villain. When did we actually start to equate anti heros with heros?
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emblemxeno · 2 months
For as good-natured and open-minded as Alear is, effectively he's still extremely young and easily swayed.
While sweet to his friends, he's not at all merciful to enemies, such as outright saying he's going to kill Nelucce for what he's done to Alfred and Celine's family and home. Similarly, he lacks nuance/perspective on Veyle's situation later, thinking that such a blatant switch in personality was just her being a master manipulator this whole time, and lets his anger take control of what he says to her. A classic, good use of dramatic irony.
He doesn't run from things cuz Lumera told him that a Divine Dragon shouldn't run from anything, but Alear took that to an extreme by walking into danger even when advised against it by someone who absolutely knew better-Marth. It's precisely why Lucina and Lyn later have to explain the difference between running away from everything that scares you, and making a retreat when things don't look good. Courage is knowing the risks and recognizing your fear, but rising up to the challenge when it's still possible to win; folly and stubbornness is ignoring the risks as a whole due to getting a swollen head about your own abilities.
Specifically, what's great about this to me, is that Alear is still a work in progress in the story proper. He's compassionate to not want others to experience the pain he has, but not enough to fully grasp the kinds of things people would do because they, their country, or their families were hurt (Zephia, Hortensia, Hyacinth, etc.). He has much general wisdom and good day-to-day advice, but is still susceptible to being full of himself (Chapters 10 and 11). Even after getting a hold of himself when he lost the first six Emblems, he's still not mature enough to see Veyle as anything other than a selfish, monstrous murderer.
When learning he's a Fell Dragon, he sinks into despair, feeling as if he's been deceiving everyone this whole time, even though that perspective logically doesn't make sense. But it doesn't have to! Alear is convinced that Fell Dragons = Bad News, and that it doesn't matter what kind of person he actually is, his heritage is enough for derision.
That's why it matters so much that his friends immediately reassure him of the opposite! Dude, you just spent the entire game learning and growing with us, helping people from royal to citizen, using your power to protect others. You've proven your own version of Divinity, not just because of your hair color, but because of your unending goodness. You're a good dragon!
Alear doesn't have to be all powerful, he just has to be himself; encouraging, calming, inspiring, leader-like. He just has to connect himself to others so they can overcome challenges together. It's also why his interactions with Veyle (and Mauvier as well tbh) are incredibly well done, since now that Alear's been through the process of healing and accepting who he is versus who he can be, he can do the same for his precious sister.
What a lovely character Alear is.
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mailjeevasfan · 1 year
hi there! I like your writing. I was wondering if you could write how some of the death note characters would react if you were crying. It’s completely ok if you don’t want to :)
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hey thank u sm ! ofc this is a rly cute prompt <3
-no gender stated for reader
-light yagami, l lawliet, misa amane, mello, matt, near, matsuda
-death note x reader
how different dn characters would react if you were crying ❦
light yagami - if we’re thinking pre death note i think light would be a gentleman and honestly pretty romantic. in this context i mean he’d be super nice and would comfort you by holding you and reassuring you, but would also have just enough reason in there. he’d try his best to give u a solution to ur problems whilst also trying to be sensitive and not too unemotional. post death note, he’d maybe be a little more distant. he’d still love you the same but would also be concerned about keeping you on his side. he’d more or less be the same in comforting you but would be a lot more busy so wouldn’t have a lot of time
l lawliet - ok we all know he’s very pragmatic and unemotional but if you are genuinely someone he is willing to devote his time to, he’d really want to be the best he could for you. he’d probably learn as he went along but would become more able to handle emotional problems as well. L would give you words of comfort and give you an outlet to explain the situation fully, so that he could evaluate it and show his love by coming up with a solution
misa amane - would be super sweet but maybe a tiny bit airheaded. she’s more likely to not understand what you’re trying to convey, but seeing as she’s been through a lot of trauma in her life, she’d know at least how to handle things delicately. she’d give you so many hugs and kisses and tell you it’ll be alright, and would probably get you a present to make you feel better too
mello - would be super nervous and fidgety but would hide it well. he is an emotional person but comforting someone else would probably be a little bit tougher for him. however if he really cares about you he would put all that aside and do whatever he can to help. and by that i mean he’d probably be offering to kill anyone that harms u in any way lmao. he’d make sure to stay close to you for a while and ask if there’s anything you need, whatever it is he’d do it
matt - i think if he’d known u for a while and he was comfortable in your company then he’d be very very good at this kind of thing. i imagine him to be an attentive and observant person even if you wouldn’t expect it, so he’d know exactly what you need in this situation. he’d probably be giving u lots of forehead kisses to make u feel loved. after you’d calmed down a bit, he’d try and distract you with something like video games or a movie.
near - similarly to L he’s very unemotional and honestly i think he’d freeze up a little. he would immediately try to give a logical answer to your problems but if you didn’t want that, he’d definitely do his best to comfort you with things like hugs and more loving words instead. after a while he’d be used to your needs and would know the right thing to do whenever you’re upset
matsuda - he would literally rush to cuddle you and squeeze u so tight god bless his soul :’) ok but seriously he’d be great at this considering how sensitive he is himself he’d know just what to do. the last thing he’d want is for you to feel alone in a time like this and he’d tell you often that no matter the situation, you should come and talk to him whenever you’re sad. i feel like he’d try and make you your favourite meal but would fail miserably but your heart would be warmed by the fact that he even tried
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kentopedia · 8 months
RYLIE . . . no cuz tbh i had a thought HEAR ME OUT 😇😇 ermm semi nsfw . . .
vampire bf! kento who hates sinking his teeth into u cuz he does need a little bit of ur human blood to keep him going . he thinks it hurts u too much , but after finding out u like the way his soft tongue runs against ur neck n sharp of his teeth meet ur skin , nanami' s chuckling to himself . his pretty, innocent girl likes when he uses u to his disposal ? he's more than happy to comply ><
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ BLOODLUST — nanami kento
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YUYU I AM HEARING YOU OUT !!!! I AM LISTENING I AM ALL EARS OMGOMGOMG umm kinda nsfw ?? minors dni ig !!!
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it starts out weeks before, when the two of you are making out on the couch. you’re sitting on his lap, your smaller hands resting against his chest as he kisses you over and over again.
the inside of your mouth tastes so good already, and kento can’t help but wonder what your blood tastes like too. he’s wondered about it a lot, recently, but he promised himself he wasn’t going to be that kind of vampire. he wasn’t going to kill humans, and he certainly isn’t going to drink from the girl he cares about so deeply. 
but you’re just so pretty on his lap, and you smell so good. the blood under your sweet skin pumps through your body, and you’re so warm, it’s such a distraction, such a contrast to his cold palms. 
you squeeze his shoulders and let out a little breath of air as kento takes his lips from your own, kissing down your jaw before his mouth is right over the vein of your neck, the tendons that flex every time you move your head. 
“kento,” you say, your voice high-pitched and soft. it’s the most angelic sound he’s ever heard in his life. really, he’s not sure if he ever had control of the situation; if, maybe, that sharp little addiction to human blood would start to come back with you so close to him all the time. 
he grazes his teeth over your neck and inhales, before biting softly, letting your sweet blood flood into his mouth. nanami moans, straining, and he nearly comes in his pants at how good you taste. 
you let out a gasp, your hands threading tightly through his hair as he licks the blood softly into his mouth, savoring the taste. 
it doesn’t last long, though. he realizes, quickly, he’s made a mistake, and he pulls away at your sharp little sound, because it must hurt so bad. 
“oh god,” he says, hands running all over your cheeks at your dazed expression, an shaky touch caressing your face. “i’m so sorry, sweetheart. shit. i’m sorry.” and he really is so sorry, because he’s an old vampire, and he shouldn’t be losing control so easily. especially not when he’s around his girl, the one person in the entire world he doesn’t want to hurt. 
he kisses the two little punctures on your neck.
nanami remains gentle, even though something animalistic possesses him, then, at the very obvious evidence that you’re his. 
“i’m sorry,” he says again, but it’s a little weak, less apologetic than he meant it to be. but you’ve already moved on, kissing him with a renewed passion as you slip his shirt off. 
he starts to notice, after that, you push his face into your neck a lot. 
still, it doesn’t hit him immediately, what you’re getting at. nanami gets so lost in you that a part of his logic switches off, and things that normally would’ve been obvious to him just aren’t anymore.
so, he kisses you more on your neck, leaves gentler little love bites, even if he'd much rather tear open the skin and let that sweet nectar pour into his lips. 
this time, you’re under him, spread out for him on the bed in the little black lingerie set you'd pretended to be too shy to wear.
he wants you more now than he ever has; ever since he got that little taste of your blood, it’s been all he thinks about. 
nanami loves you, though, and he’s not that type of man. he’s not going to ask you if he can have a tiny little sip of your blood again, because he refuses to put you through any pain for his own pleasure. 
but its almost impossible to resist you when you keep pressing your face into his neck, making those sweet little sounds as you writhe beneath him. 
“kento,” you say, a breathy moan leaving you, and he hums against you as a response, his fingers skimming across your body. “i want…” 
you don’t finish your sentence, but press his face into your neck again, tightening your grip on his hair. nanami laughs against your throat. “what do you want? gotta tell me, pretty.”
your cheeks grow hot, but you arch up into him as his fingers slip inside of you. “bite me,” you say, unable to look at him, too embarrassed by your desire. “like you did before. please, please.” 
nanami stops for a moment, glances up at your with a wrinkled brow, confusion locked in his irises. “bite you?” he hesitates, then lets the pearly fangs slip over his lips. “you mean…”
your eyes widened, gloss over with lust as you nod slowly, trying to get him back in your arms. but nanami laces his fingers with yours, pins you to the bed, his eyes darkening as he laughs. 
“oh,” he says, swirling his tongue along your vein as you whimper, squeezing his hand. of all the requests you might make, that, somehow, didn’t cross his mind. “you like it?” his fangs scrape over your skin, the smoothness of his tongue against your neck driving you wild. 
you whimper, and squeeze your ankles around his own, the desperation answer enough. 
nanami grins, breathless, and really, he shouldn’t have been surprised. you’re so desperate, hungry for him sometimes, his sweet girl who turns into such a fiend for him when no one’s looking. “you should've just told me," he licks a smooth circle around your vein, "don’t have to be embarrassed about it, sweetheart."
nanami pierces the skin, the hot, warm liquid flooding his lips, and you cry out again, but this time, nanami senses the pleasure in it rather than pain. the way that you fall apart, let him take you completely under control, and enjoy it.
"you're mine," nanami says, his voice horse, blood coating his teeth and his lips, the sweetest thing he's ever tasted. "no one's ever going to taste you but me, understand?"
you nod, whispering a string of incoherent syllables that nanami, in his drunken mind, can't be bothered to decipher.
he groans against your neck, truly believe that even if his damned soul could reach heaven, it wouldn’t be any better than this. 
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with an s/o the polar opposite of them
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✢ characters: Trafalgar D. Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote Corazon, Smoker, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo
✢ contents: mentions of abandonment issues in Sabos section, mentions of kink in Doffys section
✢ request by: anonymous
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Probably nobody could have expected, that out of every people Trafalgar D. Law could have picked his partner, his choice would fall on somebody as bubbly and cheerful as you.
What many in the Heart pirates crew first declared as a bad joke of you and the captain, soon turned out to be a full-fledged relationship, nobody dared to joke -or place any bets *looking at Shachi*- on.
As often as Law rolled his eyes on your antics, or gripped his head with a sigh, as often he smiled just mere seconds later, absolutely head over heals for the way you push him out of his comfort zone, he had nested himself into, after his years of a terrorizing childhood.
You two are probably the definition of opposites attract. Be it in the moments of Laws depression and hurt, you pull him out of, or him assisting you in situations, a more serious and logic oriented mind is needed.
Though he would never say it in front of his crew, he is very happy to have you in his life. You´re contrasting nature sometimes even sets him back to his days with his beloved Corazon. In the end it´s always people his total opposite, that find their way into his heart.
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Like Law, Smoker would have a lot of headaches with you. Unlike the doctor, he doesn´t pretend to have them, though. Man will be so fed up sometimes, Tashigi swears his smoking behavior and nagging got somehow even worse.
Despite his constant headaches over your reckless and boisterous behavior, will step up for you if you can´t find the words for it. Will also hunt everybody down, who dares to say a single bad word about you. He isn´t called the Silver Hunter for no reason.
Despite his age, he blushes like a school girl, when you´re close to him. Because of that exact same reason, he´s not a big fan of PDA. He has an image to upkeep, after all. Also, please never push him to show more affection than needed in front of others. He will use his Jitte to shield you away from him.
If you´re opposite characters also include a contrary view on nicotine consumption, have fun arguing with him. This man is literally made out of Smoke and makes Corazons and Crocodiles smoking behaviors look like a joke.
There will probably be a lot of arguments, between you two, but more like that of an old couple. Most of the time, you two quickly make peace with each other, when the other marines ask for their invitation to your weeding. Then it's you two against the rest of the headquarters.
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Most people wouldn´t probably bet on the success of a relationship between somebody as clumsy and emotional as Rosinante and a cool and calculated person like you. The whole Donquixote family still gave you their props, because they finally knew, that with you at Corazons site, the possibility of him accidentally killing himself through one of his slip ups, nearly diminished to zero.
Always a step ahead, you´re easily prepared to help your silly lover with any slip up in his daily life. He on the other hand, always has a good joke or story at his hand, to make your cold exterior crack easily, a quiet chuckle on your lips as you laugh at his antics.
He probably thinks you´re an angel sent from heavens. Though he doesn´t understand, why they would send you, he´s enjoying every second of it. Man loves to get pampered in attention. It´s just a Donquixote thing.
There would be times when Corazons clumsiness or emotional overload could get become too much for you. Luckily, he is as responsible, as he can be clumsy, and knows when to give you the room you need.
Would never push you to loosen up or change your ways. He knows there´s a reason for your nature, but the more he enjoys, bringing a smile on your face. Even if it´s a little one. He´s not dressed as a jester for no reason, after all.
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Doflamingo as a partner is generally a very difficult affair. A contrary character to Doffy, who is a very demanding and self-sufficient person, could therefore be your death sentence. He will swallow you and your whole being whole, if you don´t have any defense mechanisms for his manipulation tactics.
If you can wrap him about your cute little fingers or are so oblivious that you don´t act on them, congrats to you. This man will be so impressed by either your seductions techniques or your sheer dumbness (let´s be real, this man has a bimbofication fetish), that he´ll do anything for you.
He will have his fun, with your shyness, and purposefully embarrass you even further. Doesn’t matter if you're alone, or with members of the family around.
Doesn´t plan on letting you go. With you´re tame nature, you´re just a too good catch as his royal partner.
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Ace is a pretty carefree and spontaneous person, acting on his own free will. He´ll probably huff a lot at your strict and demanding nature, but somehow, he loves you exactly for this reason.
Maybe it´s his missing parental figures, but the way you always look out for him, reprimanding him like a little boy, when he eats to fast or forgets to do some chores, makes him feel all warm and fuzzy.  
Being the opposite of you, he´ll make you loosen you up a lot more, and even break some rules and etiquette. You on the other hand, makes him consider a future he could have never imagined himself in.
The only hard pinch will be when you question his philosophy of freedom and his relationship to Whitebeard, going as far as to possibly break your relationship. Like his brothers, this guy holds his freedom and found family up like nothing else. Please don´t question but reassure him with it.
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Another very free-willed person. Like Ace, as long as you question this, you guys will probably be fine.
Sabo can be a bit reckless and lost at the moment, so a calm and collected partner is actually pretty good for him. You´re always one to calm him down if his emotions boil over. Makes Koala and Dragon a bit more at ease as well, knowing that Sabo won´t use his Dragonclaw out of frustration in the resolutioner’s headquarters *again*.
Loves that you can listen to his ramblings about Ace and Luffy all day, and not complain a little bit. He cherishes this very much, and can´t believe how much luck he has with you, even being at his side at all times, when Ace died.
Absolutely head over feels for the way you care for him. Like his brothers, he never had a great relationship with his parents, so your grown-up and careful ways of showing affection, makes him feels all warm and fuzzy inside.
You´re overall a very good duo. And if you ask me, I don´t think Sabo would beat around the bush much longer than maybe a few years, to ask for you hand. One for the fact, that he has abandonment issues, like no one else, and doesn´t plan on letting you go and two, because he is pretty intuitive and just knows that with you´re polar opposites, you´re the one for him.
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