#but you're right anon
no-mercy-bby · 2 years
OK, but consider: EVIL Peter Maximoff that is ONLY nice to his turtle, because (no matter WHAT universe he is in), Mr Dibbles is HIS BABY.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I don't understand why Bernadetta fans feel entitled enough to claim she was robbed from CYL. It's not like she was an important character, her dad has more plot relevance than she does. I'm not crying "Robbed!" because my favourite secondary character hasn't won.
Were you around during the A!Tiki redshiter who cried and ranted and made a general fuss everytime Y!Tiki received an alt?
Let's say the feh redshit is full of people who love their favourite characters, and some are prone to throw a tantrum whenever their fave isn't released.
Something Jugdral fans came to learn and accept during the past 20 years lol, that's why there's less outcries at "when the fuck is oldvis going to be released".
also, I'm not here to say whether Bernie's blazing performance in her base game has anything to do with how ardently some people rally behind her, but given the prevalence of 3H characters in the CYL picks, crying for Bernie is like pouring oil on a bonfire.
However, I'm also genuinely pissed at "Boobs'n'snakes" getting the first place, or how someone who appeared for 5 seconds and was only revealed to have assets and to simp for the self-insert, with hints of a "tragik backstory" is apparently the most popular female character of the franchise.
My fwend @crushednugget made an OC prediction and I hate how right it was ; I remember a time where the FE series weren't just a glorified dating sim, and as of February 2023, Gullveig winning CYL just hammered the fact that now, FEH at least, fully embraced the dating sim aspect.
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bearslime · 2 months
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angelzai · 2 months
Dazai with big hands I’m thinking he’s easily able to manhandle his s/o 😵‍💫 or about Dazai’s broad shoulders and how they grip his shoulders when they’re riding him … I ♡︎ Dazai’s body
dazai with huge palms, defined forearms, and lithe biceps that pick you up so effortlessly. . .dazai with piano fingers and pretty knuckles that he thinks your mouth looks so pretty around. . .dazai with slim wrists that link together at the small of your back while you ride him. . .dazai with broad shoulders and a little waist that you alternately claw onto while he thrusts up into you. . .dazai with prominent hipbones and collarbones that he knows drive you crazy. . .dazai with a biteable neck and elegant fingertips and lips that stay wet as he gasps below you and soft lines of muscle all over him that don't give the impression that he'll have you flipped over in a second but he will! dazai who's strong and knows he doesn't look it so when the surprise strikes across your blissed-out faced he can't help but grab your chin with those gorgeous hands to force that horribly charming shit-eating grin in your face as he starts fucking into you hard :)
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batbabydamian · 4 months
🕊️/ pssst, your secret will be safe with me, no one can hear us but what wip are you currently trying to grind out right now?
p.s. you’re as pretty as the picture, so do not worry 😥 cute or sad, it will be great, mayhaps do whatever you want to do the most? don’t suck the fun out of it, oh no 🥹
HAHA here's some not-so-secret wips!! rn the one i "grind" the most on is this Dick and Damian wip orz
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and because you're a super sons fan this one's a doodle based on a prompt - Jon amused by Damian's sweater paws lol
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and thank you!! 🥺 i try to remind myself to have fun with these!!
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nedseii · 7 months
If you're in the mood to draw another stark x lannister ship. Bran x Myrcella is a cute romeo and juliet type ship. Thanks for all the art you draw.
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I guess they're hiding from each other behind their moms idoezhdoe
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
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The red means ily!!!
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cor-lapis · 6 months
Ok so i absolutely love all your comics, they’re so funny and I love the art, but I want to specifically shout out how you draw Neuvillette. He’s so squishable. Just a guy. He always looks faintly disturbed in some way and I want to bundle him up in a blanket. 10/10.
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anon I genuinely didn't realise that was always the vibes I drew him with but I went back through all of the fontaine art I've done and. yeah. you nailed it. thank you so much this is such a compliment
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Bruce who's let himself be beaten down. Who's tamed back his own rage, his own feelings to keep the people he loves safe and finds himself face to face with someone who's seen the horrors he has and still wants to do good. Who thinks this is his best shot? And sure it starts out with the training because he can't let these kids die out there. Because there's a noose around his throat and a gilded cage with bars so thin that everyone around him can convince themselves they aren't there at all. But Bruce knows, Kal and Diana know. And they make sure that he's aware.
And then he sees this kid with powers he doesn't understand with a tragedy in his background who wants to do good and he can't let this pass him by.
Also him subtly telling them this is how you beat someone stronger than you, this is how you stand up against everything you think you know. This is how you look at the world and recognize when something is broken.
The moment when he has to tell them that even with training there will be a fight you can't win, this is how you tell, this is how you recognize it, this is how you determine the best choice.
This is how you run.
Knowing he never made it out, Kal's threats are still hanging over his head, tightening slowly around his throat. He's still walking a tightrope, might always be walking this tightrope. But the longer he walks the more the desperation threatens his balance. He knows he can't keep this up forever. It's just a matter of when he breaks, and how.
so this story ends with Bruce blowing the Watchtower out of the sky after helping Duke escape, right? he can't ever leave, and he's not dumb enough to keep trying. but killing himself, taking out the beating heart of the League once-past, that he can do. putting his hope in Duke's hand, knowing there's a strange sort of kinship between them, Gothamite to Gothamite. Duke diving out into the shadows of the world, hunting down Bruce's kids one by one and helping to free them from where Kal and Diana have sent them. and the Batkids slowly realizing that Kal's leverage is gone, but Bruce's legacy persists. it persists in all the kids that he trained, but this one especially!
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Alenoah AU, where Noah says this in London instead:
Owen: "Why don't you like Al? He's great!"
Noah: "I like Alejandro and I agree that he's great, but I still don't trust the guy."
Owen: "Why?"
Noah: "I have my personal reasons... One of them being that I don't like how he treats you, Owen... So, please be careful from now on..."
Owen: "Okay, Noah... You do have a point."
How would Alejandro react to Noah liking him, but not truly trusting him? 😲
See your first mistake is assuming Noah would ever give up an oppertunity to shit-talk someone. /j
But for real, if Noah did clarify that he doesn't dislike Alejandro but does distrust him, I can't see things playing out too differently from canon - save for Alejandro being a bit less openly hostile towards him post-challenge. Noah would still be eliminated, because having a teammate who distrusts him doesn't align with Alejandro's game plan.
Especially if Noah divulges why he doesn't trust Alejandro. If Noah tries to out the fact that Alejandro isn't as altruistic as he wants to appear, that makes Noah himself a direct threat to Alejandro's plans and schemes. Again, he'd be eliminated as soon as possible.
Regardless of any potential feelings between the two, Alejandro can and would always prioritise the competition over any budding relationship he has with Noah... at least in London. Further on in the competition, if/when the two of them have gotten to know each other better (and when mutual feelings have had time to grow and develop) it's a different story.
It would, however, mean there's a lot less bad blood between the two post series. At least on Alejandro's end. If anything, he'd probably have a smidge of respect for Noah, since he's one of the few people who had caught on to Alejandro's false geniality pre-merge and/or pre-elimination.
Meanwhile Noah would still be justifyably salty that Alejandro got him eliminated, but I imagine he'd pin most of the blame on himself. After all, it was his big mouth that once again dropped him into hot water with his team. Plus, in this scenario, Noah admits that he does like Alejandro, so even considering his elimination I doubt Noah would be too upset with Alejandro himself.
So, in the case of this hypothetical AU, I'd suggest that the main meat of the story here would be post-World Tour, which plays out canonically (or as close to canonically as you'd like). Alejandro gets Drama Machine'd, and Noah - as one of the few people in the cast who doesn't actively hate Alejandro - questions his whereabouts when he fails to show up on the cruise boat the Gen 1 cast are seen on at the beginning of RotI.
He's likely the only person to do so since, barring Heather, Noah's one of the select few who Alejandro didn't royally fuck over. Not directly, at least. And Heather's too preoccupied with the loss of her million to think about Alejandro's wellbeing. And Chris tells him straight; the robot on the cruise ship? Alejandro's chilling in there, healing from the lava burns in almost complete isolation.
Noah is understandably horrified. He's even more horrified when Chris reveals that the Burromuertos signed over custodial rights for Alejandro and disowned him, so Chris is full within his legal rights to keep Alejandro in the Drama Machine for however long he deems fit. Unfortunately, he's also sworn to secrecy about the whole deal; Chris can't have Alejandro's situation reaching the press, it'd be bad for the show's publicity. (Add some legal jargon here, or something about non-disclosure agreements being in the casts' contracts, or whatever.)
But he can't just leave alejandro to suffer in an indefinite mechanical imprisonment. So Noah bargains his way back into his old position as a PA, if only to keep tabs on Alejandro's wellbeing.
Something something you end up with one of those Assistant Noah x Drama Machine Alejandro AUs, which eventually evolves into a "Noah works as an assistant on All-stars" AU, or whatever.
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bladesmitten · 6 months
do you ever think about how Wyll's like second ever camp event is him getting tortured (put through The Torment Of The Hells?? drastic physical changes he did not consent to??) on screen in front of the whole camp and he tries to act like that was an okay and deserved thing for Mizora to do to him
During that scene with Karlach's confrontation, Wyll already knew that was something bad going to happen to him if he let her live. That's why he tries to rationalize it at first--"You served [Zariel]. That's enough to damn you."--and he still hesitates after--"You're asking me to trust a devil." But he saw the tadpole vision too, he knows Karlach is just a tiefling. He's been misled once again; he doesn't want to believe it, but the evidence is right there and he cannot deny that.
The thing is - he didn't know that he'll only get transformed. As far as warlock pacts go, he should have died or got sent straight to hell as punishment for disobeying orders. Fully knowing that possibility of dying or worse, Wyll saves Karlach anyway. Because it's the right thing to do.
In a way, I don't think Wyll thinks he deserves his punishment. His first line when you talk to him after is "Gods damn her straight back to Hells." and "I did what was right. And Mizora made me pay for it."
He has some awareness that he doesn't deserve what happened, but at the end of the day, he's still pacted, so he just takes whatever Mizora dishes out on him while trying to make the best out of it that he can.
Wyll also says, "It was worth the sacrifice," and that's pretty much the sum of his character. To be self-sacrificing time and time again. And maybe he thinks it's a sacrifice that he consciously makes instead of something that's thrust upon him without giving him a choice. Just like his pact, and just like everything else in his life. If he rationalizes it as a choice he makes, then he's not a victim, he's not abused or exploited. He's a hero, and heroes just have to make sacrifices for the greater good sometimes.
(Contrary to this, he does have a choice and it's a choice he keeps making, which is to do good things with his powers, rather than just succumbing to Mizora's evil influence. With his pact, he could've easily ran away and left the city to burn, and with Karlach, he could've easily followed Mizora's orders and killed her. But in both cases, he doesn't. Standing up to the devil on his shoulder is something that takes great strength.)
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foursaints · 2 months
your blog is just bruises, kinks and ballerinas and i love you for that
in response to this ask i tried to conjure an image of a bruised, kinky ballerina and all that came up was regulus black,
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which-item-poll · 4 months
Your blog is just cutesified product placement and yet you aren't even getting paid for being a sellout <3
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pocketseizure · 3 months
I still consider it a crime that the Gerudo sage of the past had NOTHING to say about Ganondorf in TotK. They could have grown up together. They could have trained against each other. They could have been siblings, friends, lovers, or just classmates. Is she sad or angry at him for attacking Rauru? Did she like him as king before he attacked Rauru? Is she jealous that he gets to rule the Gerudo and not her? How does she feel about the other Gerudo joining him over her? So much missed potential.
This is all true. So much missed potential. The same goes for Riju.
The same goes for all of the Gerudo, especially given that anyone can see the giant geoglyph of Ganondorf in the Gerudo Highlands from the walls of the city. A main theme of the development of the Gerudo in Tears of the Kingdom seems to be the reconsideration of their rule not to allow men into Gerudo Town, which stems from "a long-held belief that men only bring disaster." The revelation that the Eighth Heroine was a man in Rotana's "Heroines' Secret" quest could have been used to make a strong thematic statement in this regard, as could the stories of several other NPCs in and around Gerudo Town. Unfortunately, since no one is allowed to acknowledge or discuss the existence of Ganondorf or the origin of the prohibition against men, all of these narrative threads are left hanging.
I understand that a lot of the writing in Tears of the Kingdom was outsourced, and the contracted writers were almost certainly given the directive not to include anything that might inform or contradict series lore. For most of the NPCs in Hyrule, this is fine. In fact, I'd say it's actually quite lovely to be able to see all sorts of small stories that have nothing to do with magical princesses or ancient kings. For the Gerudo in particular, though, the inability of characters to talk about a major element of their history and culture is extremely awkward and frustrating.
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markscherz · 3 months
I live in northern California. We have rough skinned newts, And red bellied newts. ( And a few hybrids).
How long can they live?
It seems to me that there are fewer of them every year.
And very few Smaller ones.
How large/old do they have to be to breed?
What could we do to help them?
We lose a lot to cars every year.
And I suspect that the mosquito fish
( that humans added to the new ponds they built) rip the gills off a lot of the larva that hatch..
PS the bull frogs have invaded the ponds.. and the Native Red legged, and Yellow legged frogs Also seem less common.
I Strongly suspect the bullfrogs
How can we get rid of those?
Hey Anon, I'm sorry to say I am absolutely the wrong person to ask any of these questions. I may have general knowledge about reptiles and amphibian diversity and whatnot, but you are asking questions that require very specific knowledge. I know next to nothing about American herpetofauna, and certainly nothing about their growth or reproduction. What's more, I guarantee you that the answers to all or almost all of these questions are a short google/duckduckgo away.
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blakbonnet · 3 months
when I find myself in times of trouble, Mary Bonnet comes to me... speaking words of wisdom "We have to try, don't we? Otherwise, what's the point?"
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