#buy online flavored drinks
shreeguruji · 11 months
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A touch of magic to your Onam experience
Allow the flavors of Shree Guruji Sharbats and Squash to take you to a joyous realm. Raise your drink to the holiday season.
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seelanmarket · 1 year
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
fake pizza boy yan developed a concerning taste for seeing darling eating his cum after that first encounter and starts bringing a variety of menu items with “ranch dips” and “vanilla shakes”. plenty of visual material to keep the supply up for his next “delivery” and he is definitely not spiraling into crisis just because the only thing that gets him hard for his other shoots is the mental image of darling stuffed full of his—
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(Slapping these two together since they have a similar premise)
Yan Adult Film Star Pizza Boy + Reader [18+]
[Masterbation, Food Play]
"Come on..... Come on....."
Twenty minutes till deadline. Since the beginning of his career he stuck to a strict schedule. A simple routine to get the ball rolling as he dipped his toes in the new venture. Now that he had so many eyes on him and his content, Brie was able to take more breaks in between filming, but at this point it had been almost two weeks since he posted anything at all.
He tried everything. His hands. Toys. Videos. Brie even thought about buying pills at one point, but gaining an erection wasn't the hard part of his situation. His viewers were into a lot of things - but if there was one thing that really got their wallets open for him it was when he painted the nearest surface to him with a heavy load of his release. His donations would be flooded with comments from his hands how they wished to be his desk or pillows - or for the opportunity to lick said object clean.
Kind of like how you licked your fingers clean on the day he first met you.
The brief flicker of your face in his mind made his aching length jump in his spit stained palm. The encounter he had with you was all that he could think about anymore. He was obssessed - The innocent confusion as you opened the front door, the genuine gratitude in your expression as you handed him some cash for all his troubles and the free meal. Brie would pay anything to see you sample his sauce again. The way your eyes lit up as the flavor registered on your tongue-
What he wouldn’t give to have those lips wrapped around him. If you liked what he gave you so much what better than to get it straight from the source, right? The slick sound of friction grows louder as his hand moves quicker - eyes scanning every corner of his room for more fuel for his fantasies. He wish he had kept the photos he found of you online on screen, but he feared loosing that knot of pleasure twisting at his insides if he took his focus off the task at hand for any reason.
His eyes fall on the drink cup from the takeout he picked up earlier in the day. A boring Styrofoam cup with no clear ties to any restaurant would be the perfect container to bring you another item off the menu. The peach tea he had earlier would be a dead giveaway for any tampering. He needed something thicker, ideally with a creamy texture.
A milkshake.
Who wouldn't enjoy a nice, refreshing shake after pizza? You surely had to be thirsty after eating all that bread. Brie fisted his cock to the image of you on your knees beneath his table - hands gripping the meat of his thighs as your mouth hung open awaiting your treat. You'd look so cute under him like that - his fans would absolutely love you-
A surge of jealousy strengths his grip. Nobody should get to see you like that but him. Those perverts could fotk over their life savings and it wouldn't be enough for Brie to share you with them. Maybe the occasional stream with the two of you couldn't hurt - your face held against his pelvis as he stuffed that pretty throat so nobody could see anything but his cock slipping past your perfect lips.
"Ah.... Y/n...." It's the first time he's said your name. The first time he's let his imagination run this wild. He makes a mental note to cut it out during editingthe. Brie swipes the camera off his desk, angling it better towards his lap and the empty floor below him. He then makes a grab for the empty cup - popping off its lid as he positions the container between his legs. They tremble - barely holding into the styrofoam without crushing it as Brie spits - whimpering as he coats his girth in another layer of his saliva. For a fleeting moment he can perfectly picturing the warmth dripping down his cock as your own - and that's all it takes for him to come undone.
Brie cries out your name with a shakey breath, clutching the edge of his desk for stability as his upper body lurches forward, pouring ropes upon ropes of his spend in the general direction of the cup. It's too much- With it being so long since the last time he came, this hard - tears stab at the corners of his eyes as he shutters, nails peeling chipping at the polished finish of his desk. He misses his intended target at first go, thighs glistening with cum as he hurriedly fixes the cup to catch the remainder.
Brie takes a long pause to catch his breath before wipping off his camera lense, posing with a shakey thumb up as he holds the cup for all to see.
"Shake's ready- Guess it's about time I make another delivery~"
"And here you are, one milkshake on the house. We're always trying out new things in the kitchen and like to reward our loyal customers by letting them sample new items first."
Swirling your straw through the thick slurry, you take another sip with a satisfied hum. "Hm. You said this was salted caramel, yeah?"
The delivery boy snaps back to attention - seemingly lost in thought as you gulp down the shake. "Y-yes. That's right- Your thoughts?"
"It's pretty damn good, actually. Been getting kinda hot these past couple of nights so this is just what I needed right about now."
Brie bites down hard on his bottom lip as you place the cool styrofoam against your bare neck, condensation running down to your chest.
"I forgot to ask the last time I can, but my boss finds it really helpful if I get some pictures of satisfied customers to put up. Would you mind if I took a couple of you right now?"
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honeytonedhottie · 5 months
embodying the wellness girlie aesthetic⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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i rly love the pink pilates princess aesthetic so i thought i'd make a post on some habits that i've incorporated that rly fit this aesthetic. and improve my wellness in general.
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THE PLAYLIST : for the pink pilates princess aesthetic i rly love to listen to music that makes me feel like a doll~ so the playlist aspect of this post is totally customizable and just suited to however u wanna feel. i listen to a lot of twice and sabrina carpenter when i work out. but listening to music just elevates the experience
THE NUTRITION : u dont have to do a complete 180 in the things that u consume, instead start implementing little by little, foods and drinks that'll improve ur health. bcuz u glow differently when ur glowing not only from the outside but the inside as well
kombucha - i totally recommend trying it if u haven't before. its kind of carbonated and u can get it in any flavors. kombucha in a nutshell is tea thats been fermented. it heals ur gut and contains lots of probiotics which are good for ur body in general
drink tea - drinking tea daily is so so so good for you. if ur a bit intimidated by tea start off with a tea 99% of people enjoy, spearmint/peppermint tea. idk many people who DONT like spearmint tea. its just an easy tea to enjoy and its RLY good for ur skin and ur body.
smoothies - look up smoothie recipes online! smoothies are so yummy and customizable so if u dont wanna directly consume ur veggies, you can get them in through a drink! its revolutionary. my go-to is strawberry and banana, bcuz its not only delicious and good for me, but its also pink which is the main reason
eat more salads, açai bowls, eat ur oats, drink ur smoothies and of course dont forget ur matcha
supplements - u can find wellness vitamins or supplements virtually anywhere. a brand that i rly recommend is ollie. im taking their hair skin and nails vitamins and they're lovely.
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THE EXERCISE : if u go to youtube and look up follow along pilates workouts u can find SO many. use ur resources guys! if u try pilates and it isnt rly ur thing, try dance workouts or workouts for songs. try a workout challenge. working out doesn't have to be dull. the key is to find something that u enjoy doing and doing it consistently
SELF CARE : ofc the pink pilates princess prioritizes her self care time~ self care is just a good habit to incorporate period bcuz of the massive benefits on ur mental + physical + emotional state
do a face mask - hydrate ur skin guys
get ur nails done - the classic pink pilates princess nails are pale pinks and french tips
take a bubble bath - invest in a high quality bath bomb or bubble mixture that smells nice
invest in a gua sha
start oiling ur hair and putting in hair masks to keep ur hair healthy
write out what ur grateful for (self care isnt only physical)
GOING FOR WALKS : going for walks is amazing. walking improves cardiovascular health and reduces the chances of heart disease and strokes. i love to go for walks and listen to music or a podcast. just make sure that your walking in a safe space or with someone that u trust, especially if ur alone (stay safe <3) going for walks also helps clear ur thoughts!!
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ATTIRE : buy clothes that make u feel cute and that make u feel good whilst working out! i like to wear a lot of pink when working out~ when i type pink pilates princess inspired outfits into pinterest i see a lot with leg warmers too! i think that having a cute outfit to workout in motivates u a lot to actually perform the actions and embody the wellness girlie aesthetic. cuz when u look the part -> u feel the part
and last but not least ENJOY urself and romanticize it, have fun <3
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
The Myth of the Rational Actor
Ko-fi prompt from @vincentursus:
the myth of the rational actor please?
The myth as such: people will act in a perfectly rational manner, and the economy will respond in reaction to that.
So... the idea here is that emotions will never influence someone's actions in making economic choices.
Which is, as we can guess, bullshit.
To quote Medium,
Mainstream (neo-classical) economics idealizes human beings as perfectly rational actors when it comes to making decisions. This concept, known as rational choice theory, is based on three assumptions: 1. People have complete and consistent preferences (which can be assigned quantitative values called utilities) among a set of decision outcomes 2. People act independently based on full and relevant information 3. People always select the decision option that maximizes their utility.
So. That's absurd. Let's start from the bottom, utility.
One of the first things you learn in any marketing class is that half the industry is run on an appeal to emotion.
(The other half of it actually is an appeal to logic, like 'you can use this tool to compare your insurance costs,' which is the aforementioned rational action.)
The most obvious example of that utility element being wrong is: Food.
For a completely rational actor, the food purchased would be the most nutrition for the least cost. Taste is irrelevant. Ambience is irrelevant. Occasion is irrelevant. You fill out the food pyramid for whatever you can pay the least amount of cash. Buy a fifty pound bag of rice, wholesale canned tuna, and frozen veggie mixes that you only need five minutes to heat up and consume.
Chocolate? No. Salt or sugar? Only enough to fulfill your need for water absorption. Spices? Waste of money!
This sounds extreme, because a complete lack of emotional impact on your purchasing habits is extreme. You seek things that make you happy or pleased. You search for sweet tastes that cheer you up, for fatty tastes that satisfy you, for spicy flavors that you can eat in a competition with your friends to prove who's the manliest.
That's not rational! But we do it! Food is an inherently irrational thing to purchase, unless you are so strapped for cash that you cannot afford to be anything other than fully dedicated to the highest calorie:dollar ratio that you can find.
The other thing that the utility factor disregards is charity. On the standard 'rational' definition used in economics, charity is completely irrational for anyone who doesn't get a tax cut from it.
But people engage in charitable actions and donations anyway.
Full and relevant information: Uhhhhh no
I think we can all agree that full and relevant information is not actually a reality for most people.
Manufacturers bend the truth. Marketers omit things. Word of mouth is unreliable. Influencers lie. Online reviews are fake.
Some don't! But you don't know who is or isn't lying unless there is a law that controls what information they can put out. Researching takes time, and figuring out which lies are actually lies is difficult.
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There are a lot of videos all over YouTube talking about scams, both the obvious, and the more subtle. There's a reason that misinformation is such a huge industry these days, and hey! A lot of misinformation relies on those aforementioned appeals to emotion that are both a marketing device and a rhetorical one.
Complete and consistent preferences: Sometimes?
I mean, some people have complete and consistent preferences. I have a favorite Starbucks drink that I get most times (technically I have four and it depends on the weather). I have stylistic preferences for my clothing. I have musical preferences.
But it still takes me time to make decisions when at a restaurant, you know? My little sister likes a lot of foods, sure, but if you ask her to pick a place to eat it can take literal hours. Hell, there are entire phenomenons named after the fact that people don't have preferences and have trouble making decisions!
And on top of all that, you have people whose 'preference' is spontaneity. They pick whatever they haven't tried before, because it's new, and exciting, and that's cool!
Which really harshes the mellow on that whole "clear and consistent preferences" thing.
Where does that leave us?
Well, the rational actor is clearly a majorly inaccurate standard to hold individual consumers and the market to. That said, I don't think more than a handful of very extreme people would ever claim that the rational actor is an absolutely perfect predictor for the market.
Rather, it's used as a starting point. If the market reacts to forces in a completely rational manner, here is what we would be expecting. Then, upon projecting the actions of the market under the most rational and perfect conditions, we can apply other possible factors. The possible success of a marketing campaign. The risks of weather or politics impacting supply lines. An unexpected trend rising up from a comedic social media moment among teens and young people.
Imagine you have a catapult. Imagine you know what the catapult will do under perfect conditions, with consistent rope length and artillery weight and weather conditions. The numbers you run your basic physics class formulas with are the rational actor.
The market trends that cause that rational prediction to have error margins is the equivalent of "the wind's been varying between 3mph and 9mph, and from NW to SWW."
I'm not sure how safely I can get away with embedding images that I don't personally have the rights to when they're actually relevant to the education portion of this, and not just a silly joke like the TGP inclusion up there, so I'll just tell you to go look at the first graph at this link, and you'll see what I mean about the 'best, most predictable case' line vs the 'actual possibilities' forecast.
Hope that helps!
(If you wanted me to go more into the history of this concept than its actual uses, uh... whoops?)
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strawheart-pirate · 6 months
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Blackleg Sanji x gn!Reader
December 15th 2023 Words: 1177 CW: SFW / Modern AU / no/pre relationship / mentions of alcohol, but no drinking / flirting / very suggestive talk / a kiss / Sanji may be a bit ooc, but he’s precious
You met up with Sanji to go Christmas shopping and got more than you bargained for.
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You waited outside the mall to meet Sanji. The traffic was much lighter than you expected, so you arrived a little early. Sanji was on time and complained that you hadn't told him. He felt bad that you had to wait. You shrugged it off and assured him that it wasn't a big deal before you both entered the mall.
"Are you ready for our big Christmas gift hunt? What do you have on your list?" Sanji asked with a determined smile.
"I have to get something for my father. He discovered his love for whisky this year. So, I thought maybe you could recommend something?" I asked Sanji. "What do you need?"
"I want to buy a new suit for myself and something for my sister, but I don't know exactly what. Could you help me with that?"
"Of course, Sanji. Let's go!"
It took you three stops to find the perfect gift for Reiju: a white headset with cat ears, neon lights and pink details. You'd been to Sanji's house many times, and you'd seen her in online games often enough. You were sure she would like it. Sanji was pleased that you were so attentive, and the two of you made your way to the next shop.
"So, what kind of whisky has your father tried so far?" asked Sanji as he slowly walked down the aisle, looking at the variety of fine whiskies.
"He had one of those classic bourbons and one with a strong, smoky aroma. The ones where you open the bottle and the whole room smells like you're sitting in the smoke of a bonfire." You wrinkled your nose.
"I see. And which did he like better?" asked Sanji, scratching his short goatee thoughtlessly.
"I think it was the smoky one." You looked at the bottles. Some were fancy, others simple.
"Then maybe we should go for something in between. Smooth, but with a nice smoky flavor. Let's see... Ah, this would be good." He took the bottle from the shelf and handed it to you. "It's not too expensive either. What do you think of it?"
"Looks good," you said, looking at the bottle and reading the text on it. It sounded very appropriate for your father and you smelled it. The smell of smoke made you wrinkle your nose, but it was a much more pleasant smell than the last one your father had.
"Yes, I like this one. We'll take it with us. Thanks, Sanji." You gave him a grateful smile.
"The pleasure was all mine." He said gently as you paid and you both left with another gift inside the bag.
Jolly Christmas music played as you entered the next shop. It was a suit shop and Sanji was a regular customer here. He knew exactly where to look. But before he decided if he wanted to try on an item, he showed it to you to get your approval. Soon he had three different suits in his arms and you walked over to the dressing rooms. Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" was playing as you sat on one of the chairs and waited for Sanij to change and show you the first suit. You bobbed your head to the music.
The song was coming to an end when the curtain was pulled aside with a flourish and Sanji appeared. His lips moved in sync with the music and he pointed his finger at you as he sang "All I want for christmas iiiiiis - youuuuuu", moving his hips to the rhythm. You giggled and so did he, this little playful banter really lightened the mood. When you regained your composure, you gave him your honest opinion about the suit and the other two he tried on. He then chose the first one, which had been both your and his favorite from the start.
Sanji put on his own clothes again. He put away the things he didn't want to take with him and the two of them went to the cashier with the suit he wanted to buy. The cashier looked like a bodybuilder and went to work. When he told Sanji the price, his jaw dropped. He had completely forgotten to look at the price... He regained his composure and looked at the man angrily. He had been shopping with Nami often enough to know all her tricks, so he tried his best.
"There's no way that suit is worth that much money. Look at the quality. Did you see the stitching on the seams? I want at least 70% off!" said Sanji loudly and overdramatically.
The cashier looked unimpressed. "You don't have to buy it, sir."
Sanji's expression changed from anger to surprise and he had to think of another way to get a discount quickly. He swallowed. There was one last thing he could try... .... He swallowed his pride and decided to try one last time because he really wanted this suit and most of all he wanted to impress you.
"You know, I want it. It just fits this masterpiece of a body perfectly. You'd be impressed." He said in a deep, flirtatious voice, his eyes half-lidded with a fiery gaze.
You coughed to keep from choking on his performance. You could tell how uncomfortable he was by the way he pressed his foot to the ground. The muscles in his thigh were tense and showing through his pants. But you had to admit, he was pretty damn tempting right now, so you distracted yourself with the socks and belts that were on a rack near the cash register.
"Oh, do you think your special someone over there would be okay with that? Because I'd like to see your body underneath me, blondie." The cashier purred and leaned over the counter to get closer to Sanji.
"Oh, don't worry about them, they are not what I want. But you, my dear, are an amuse-gueule I’d like to taste." Sanji leaned over and whispered the last words into the cashier's ear.
You had to avert your eyes because the way the two men looked at each other was steaming hot and had you blushing. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw that Sanji had paid and gotten a big discount as well as the receipt with the cashier's number on it. You were about to go over to him and leave the store when the cashier pulled him back by his tie and gave him a passionate kiss across the counter. Sanji didn't even have time to react as he let go of him and blew him another kiss as we hurried out of the store.
"Sanji, oh my..."
"Don't. I'm not going to talk about it. I have to rinse my mouth out with mouthwash or even sanitizer first..." said Sanji. His face was full of disgust, but the blush on it was sweet. You giggled and took him to the nearest drugstore. At least he got a 40% discount on the suit.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated! Snowflake banner by ©firefly-graphics
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baronessblixen · 1 year
I had the opportunity to try Gillian's g-spot drinks while I was in England and so I did.
I promised myself that I would go into it unbiased and judge it fairly. Disclaimer: We all like different things! Me reviewing the flavors is just how I see (read: taste) them. My control group was my friend who tried each flavor as well.
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Read my thoughts under the cut!
All three beverages are based on sparkling water and apple juice. Each has a different blend of herbal extracts. Now, I'm no expert, but for the most part, those other ingredients are used in very small doses. So really, in order for the nootropics and adaptogens to have any effect, you would have to drink more than one or two cans per day - and over a longer period as well.
The brand says that they "lie somewhere between a purist health drink that claims to change your life, and a mainstream soda brand that wants you hooked." That is one hell of a claim. Personally, I'm not sure how mainstream a beverage that costs £3,50 per can (0,33 l) can be.
The first one I tried was "Soothe". It's supposed to "calm your mind", according to the can, and has magnesium, maca, reishi, and ashwagandha as its ingredients. I had no idea what to expect and I can say in all honesty, I did not like the taste at all. My friend said it tastes like drinking medicine. To me, it tastes like sparkling cough syrup. It's because of the sage but also the slightly woody and bitter taste of the reishi.
Now let's move on to my taste test:
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My next one was "Protect". That one uses ginger, turmeric, chaga and peppercorn, which I must admit sounded interesting to me. Well. What can I say? It tasted way better than "Soothe", but you must absolutely like the taste of ginger. My friend doesn't and said this one tastes even more like medicine.
The aftertaste was the worst. It would just not go away. I don't know if sage as a cure for anything related to colds and coughs is a German thing and that's we reacted so strongly to it. Anyway, I liked this one so little that I didn't dare to try the next one for another two days.
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I saved the best for last: "Lift". From the few things I've read online, most people seemed to prefer this one. The ingredients here include bacopa, theanine, cordyceps, and lion's mane in addition to berries and peppercorn. I really liked this one because it's actually refreshing.
The aftertaste is not as insistent and quite nice with the gentle spiciness of the peppercorn and the turmeric. As I kept drinking it, I understood what my friend meant by saying it tastes like medicine though. Drinking the whole can was a struggle because the ingredients just get too much at some point.
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Like "Protect", it's a bit spicy, but it works way better here with the berries. Though I must admit that I couldn't really taste the berries as well as I would have liked. As much as I liked this one, it's not something I would want to drink daily. Like the other flavors, this one, too, has several ingredients that taste bitter and/or earthy, like bacopa and lion's mane. It's just not my thing. My friend agreed that this was the best one, but she was like, one sip of this is enough.
Oooof. I speculated with a friend (not the one who did the tasting with me!) what these would taste like and we originally thought it would taste like sparkling apple juice with some flavor. I don't know if it's a thing anywhere else, but Apfelschorle (sparkling apple juice) is a huge deal here and really, really tasty.
I didn't expect the bitterness and earthiness to be so prominent in the taste, to be honest. All in all, I expected more from these drinks- Especially at that price. None of these were so good that I was like, I want more. Maybe they are good for my health - though that's quite a claim - but so is water. And maybe the sparkling, flavored water you can buy at Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's isn't as healthy (but it might be?), but it tastes much better. It's way cheaper, too.
All that aside, I'm still not sure what to think of the whole brand and the idea behind it. One thing, in particular, I'm missing is information about how the ingredients are sourced. Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, Reishi, etc. aren't exactly ingredients you can get everywhere.
Anyway, that's it from me!
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eelstims · 10 months
Tips for maintaining oral hygiene, from a mentally ill AuDHD man who learned the hard way
The first bit of advice I have is to that anything is better than nothing. If you can only brush for a few seconds that's better than not brushing at all, if you can only use mouthwash you're at least killing some bacteria!
I'll bold the tips that help me the most and post all links to products below the cut (not sponsored). If anyone wants me to make a condensed version comment below and I'll try.
Mental/Executive Functioning Advice
If leaving your room to brush makes it hard, keep the stuff to brush by your bed or on you. All it takes is a cup of water (or spray bottle) to wet your brush and rinse, and something to spit in like a bin or cup.
If that is still too much you can also just dry brush and drink some water after to rinse. My dentist has confirmed that it is better than not brushing. I keep a toothbrush next to my bed for this reason.
There are also mini disposable toothbrushes like Colgate wisps that don't require water and have mouthwash built in. Crest makes a version you can buy at the dollar tree. I keep these in my bedroom and in my bag that I bring with me.
Try and build it into a routine if you can. I use an app like RoutineFlow or other ADHD routine apps. It is easier for me to do it if I have a visual cue and timer to help me start and finish tasks, and having a trigger activity to start brushing helps. (I will attach pictures below of what a routine on RoutineFlow looks like below the cut).
If putting "brush your teeth" by itself in a routine or checklist is too much, break it down step by step. Ex: go to toothbrushing place, grab toothbrush, wet it, apply toothpaste, etc.
Brush whenever you get the urge to or can. Is it 2pm? 7pm? 1am? Who cares, brush away!
Similar to the advice above, take advantage of motivation or good functioning days if you get them and do as complete of a hygiene routine as possible with brushing, flossing, mouthwash, etc.
Use an app like Pokemon Smile, Philips-Sonicare for Kids, or Disney Magic Timer to make brushing more fun. These often guide you as you brush so you don't miss anything too.
You can also make a point to watch a show or video you like whenever you brush, maybe make it a reward.
If you can it could help to get a buddy to brush your teeth with. It can be someone IRL who brushes next to you, a friend online who you brush with on a call, or someone that you simply text to tell them when you're brushing. It helps hold me to it.
If reminders and alarms on your phone don't help try and get someone to remind you or help you start, I find it harder to blow off people and it's even harder if they are there to talk me through brushing and starting.
Physical/Sensory Advice
If you can handle it use an electric toothbrush, they clean better which helps keep your teeth in better shape and they and often have a timer built in so you know how long to brush for. If you like kids cartoons or superheros you can also find ones with those characters on them to make it fun. They also make smart toothbrushes like Colgate Hum or some Quip brushes that show you how well you brushed and places you've missed.
If the act of brushing is physically hard or tiring you can also try a U-shaped toothbrush. They cover all your teeth and vibrate so you don't need to scrub. There are ones that are adult-sized as well as smaller kid sized ones.
There are also triple sided or curved toothbrushes that brush all sides of your teeth at once as you move it.
A extra soft bristle toothbrush like these ones could also help if normal toothbrushes are too rough for your gums or sensory needs.
If mint toothpaste is too much they make flavorless toothpaste. Kids toothpaste also has a lot of fun flavors like fruit, bubblegum, etc.
If flossing is hard try a water flosser! The ones I have are kind of loud and there is a learning curve, but they are a LOT easier for me to use compared to normal flossing and it makes flossing actually kind of fun. They make ones that are relatively cheap if you don't want to splurge on a waterpik.
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Colgate Wisps Link Here
Adult Sized U-Brush Link Here
Triple-Sided Toothbrush Link Here
Extra Soft Bristle Toothbrush Link Here
Flavorless Toothpaste Link Here
Cheaper Waterflosser Link Here
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peashooter85 · 2 years
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Whisky Review Time --- Robert Burns Single Malt Scotch (Isle of Arran)
I picked up a bottle of this from the online store of the PA Wines and Spirits. They had it on clearance sale for $19.99, 50% off from it's regular retail price of $40. So obviously no one was buying it and they need to get rid of it. For $20 I thought I would give it a shot. Did I make a mistake risking $20 on a Scotch I know little to nothing about?
This whisky is made by the Arran Distillery in Lochranza Scotland. That's located here...
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In addition to their regular products, every year they release a limited edition single malt in honor of the Scottish poet Robert Burns, who lived and died in the 18th century. Don't know who he is? Well, know this song?
As much as I'd like to do a deep dive of Robert Burns, I'm here to judge whisky, not poetry. According to the distillery, the whisky is aged in ex-bourbon casks. That means they age their whisky in charred American oak barrels that were once used to age Bourbon. They give not age statement but supposedly it's young for a Scotch. It's bottled at 43% ABV.
The aroma of it is very light, so much so I have to stick my nose right in the glencairn I'm drinking from. But I do get pleasant aromas of light sherry, plums, raisins, and other dried fruit. On tasting I notice right away that the flavors of it are not as subtle as the aroma. I get a light taste of the fruity sherry flavor often associated with scotch, but then a very heavy peatiness. It's very smoky and finishes very dry. This peaty smokiness announces itself very loudly and is very in your face. The problem is, I don't know if I like this or not. The flavors are complex and I can definitely respect that but I don't think I like it. I've been trying scotches recently and I've discovered I tend to like scotch that is more sherry oriented, and while I like some peaty smokiness, I don't like it being so in your face. So I tried to tame it a bit by adding a few drops of water. Ehh, it tamed the smokiness and dryness of it to the point that I like those flavors, but eliminated the sherry and dry fruity flavors I enjoy. It doesn't seem like the flavors are balanced. Let me just say for me personally the water trick has never worked, I've never improved a whisk(e)y by adding water that worked with my palate. I'm sure it works with other people, but not for me.
So how do I rate this? Well, to be honest I don't want to rate it. I think it's a matter of taste, and I'm sure there are a lot of people who would say it's great. It's just not for me. If anyone's ever had this before or other Arran whiskies, please feel free to comment and give your rating.
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kenkubluk · 11 months
grocery list time~
literally just get these things if you want a vegan low cal life, because you can control portions and make things you enjoy eating with less calories- i made some example recipes under the list:
SPICES. please make the investment into SPICES!
->continuation of spices, heres a basic list- cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, veggie bouillon powder/cubes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc (you can find more online but please dont forget it)
->and simple sauces like soy sauce, basic hot sauce, mustard, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.
stevia or agave fruit sweetener. (please make sure whatever you choose you dont buy any sweetener with aspartame!!)
dairy free yogurt (i’ve heard coconut is good)
dairy free butter (earthbalance is my fav by far)
-> you could also make due with olive oil (cooking)
1st milk for normal stuff- unsweet cashew milk or unsweet creamy almond milk
->2nd milk for cooking- i suggest soymilk but creamy coconutmilk works good too
tofu. extra firm and silky work for different things (meat substitutes, egg substitute, diff. milk products substitutes) get either/both
carrots, mushrooms, chickpeas, and cauliflower all make good meat substitutes (bacon, chicken nuggets, pulled pork, etc) if cooked properly
OATS! plain oats are soooo versatile (used as flour, cereal, granola, crust, etc)
ricecakes (i use it as replacement for toast)
Pumpkin or sweet potato (in NO SYRUP canned form, very good for cooking low cal desserts or protein bars)
apple sauce (used for cooking and just yum- can be an egg substitute)
low cal noodle types- chickpea, edamame, shirataki, konjac, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and i think miracle noodle
literally any and all veggies and fruits- but a reminder of basics are broccoli, cucumber, onions, spinach, beets, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, potato, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc
WARNING ⚠️ be careful of sugar free drink flavor packets as they contain aspartame and other strange ingredients that ppl have complained of side effects- i would suggest to steer clear of many of the packets and go for a large unsweetened lemonade or fruit punch bin of flavoring so you can make it yourself. please check ingredients for health reasons.
-> HOWEVER, drinks like olipop, simple truth organic, waterloo, and zevia all have flavored water/sparkling water/cola drinks that are aspartame free.
I highlighted things that i think are really important
Veggie dip: yogurt, seasoning spices (ranch seasoning is goated), and a tbsp or lemon or soysauc, all mixed and best used as a “veggie chip” dip, like baked cucumber chips
Literally any cake/protein bar: oats blended, protein powder, 1/2cup apple sauce OR mashed banana, some milk, and whatever toppings you like
Granola: oats, chia seeds, cut up fruit pieces, and maple syrup or honey for binding. mix in bag, bake on baking sheet on pan.
Hot n sour soup: you can use hot n sour packet or make veggie bouillon and add hot sauce, soy sauce, and tsp chili powder. Then (to whichever mix you’ve made) add egg mixing around, and then add extra firm tofu in little cubes. Let the soup mix well and set a little while cooling.
Nicecream: freeze banana. add banana, tbsp of milk, 2 tbsp of yogurt, tbsp of sweetener, and a fruit of choice (a tbsp of protein powder also will help). blend with blender and then let it sit for a minute- add whatever you want on top
my best “toast”: seasalt ricecake, spread 1tbsp vegan cream cheese, and then spread 1.5 tbsp of organic raspberry jelly.
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shreeguruji · 11 months
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Lemon Squash For Zesty And Refreshing Flavor To Your Taste
Tangy Fusion with the real flavor of South India. Introducing an exhilarating Lemon Squash flavor
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seelanmarket · 1 year
An Exceptional Tea for Every Occasion
Whether you’re seeking a solitary moment of tranquility or preparing to host a gathering, Red Label Loose Tea is the perfect companion for any occasion. It’s versatility and timeless appeal make it an indispensable addition to your tea collection.
Red Label Loose Tea: The Perfect Gift for Tea Enthusiasts:
Versatile Brewing Options: Red Label Loose Tea allows you to personalize your tea experience. Brew it strong for a robust flavor or steep it lightly for a delicate cup. Experiment with different brewing methods and discover your perfect infusion.
Elevate Your Tea Ritual: Create cherished memories as you sip on Red Label Loose Tea. Whether it’s a peaceful morning ritual or an afternoon tea party with friends, this tea enhances the ambiance and adds a touch of sophistication to any gathering.
A Thoughtful Gift: Looking for a present that will impress and delight? Red Label Loose Tea makes for an elegant and thoughtful gift for tea connoisseurs and novices alike. Wrap up this 450g pack and surprise your loved ones with a token of luxury.
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disneythingsilike · 8 months
Twisted Wonderland Cafe 2023
OH MY CAFE is presenting a new Twisted Wonderland cafe. https://twst2023.ohmycafe.jp/
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There will be three open and running around roughly the same time frame. It's recommended that you make a reservation online.
The Goods and Menu are inspired by the Platinum Jacket art done of the character for the Disney 100 Celebration.
Tokyo will be from October 26th to December 12th 2023 Osaka will be from November 10th to December 17th 2023 Nagoya will be from November 16th to December 17th 2023
The cafe will feature food, drinks, and merch.
Cafe Menu https://twst2023.ohmycafe.jp/cafe_menu/
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Grilled Chicken Brest Plate (¥2,190 with tax) Inspired by a main dish that might be served at a party. Enjoy with either a side of salad or bread.
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Grilled Salmon Plate (¥2,290 with tax) A dish with salmon as the main feature. Squeeze the lemon on it and enjoy♪
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Tomato Sauce Hamburger Plate (¥2,290 with tax) A hamburger with tomato sauce. Decorated with ribbons matching the dormitories.
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Yogurt Smoothie (¥1,390 with tax) A tri-layered smoothie inspired by Grim. Served with a dressed up Grim decoration.
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There are 7 cider drinks on the menu, each one inspired by one of the dorms. Each one comes with a colored syrup in a bottle decorated with the dorm's embalm, and each containing a different flavor. All are priced at ¥890 with tax. None of them contain actual fruit juice. The picture above is an example of this drink, using the Heartslabyul one.
Heartslabyul is strawberry flavored with bright red syrup. Savanaclaw is mango flavored with yellow syrup. Octavinelle is blueberry flavored with light purple syrup. Scarabia is cherry flavored with a dark red syrup. Pomefiore is apple flavored with a dark purple syrup. Ignihyde is lemon flavored with light blue syrup. Diasomnia is melon flavored with dark green syrup.
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You can get souvenir acrylic stands with these drinks, with the characters on the stands available corresponding with the dorm drink you ordered. For example, if you get the Pomfiore drink, you are able to get either Vil, Rook, or Epel. You are able to get any of them, however, if you get the Grim drink or the hot tea or coffee.
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The last two drink options are Hot Coffee and Hot Tea (both ¥790 with tax)
By getting these you are able to buy a mug like the one they are served in (picture above).
Goods are available both in store and online
Check out the links for the items. For the online store, they have both primary and secondary sales dates posted (times frames for when you can order). They warn some items may sell out before the event.
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valpoupdates · 21 days
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here in the Valparaíso Region, we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise, these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the valpocalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
Casablanca Activities
June 1: Happy Pride! Inherited Escapes is hosting an LGBTQIA+ Book Fair and Party from 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM! There will be local organizations there passing out their event flyers and giving info on volunteer opportunities. Light snacks and hand food will be served with melón de vino, a refreshing and light alcoholic drink ( no one under 18 will be allowed entry ). Local vendors will also be there selling wares and trinkets. Lastly, but surely not least, a curated collection of books featuring queer protagonists written by queer authors will be for sale.
June 11: Inesperado will be hosting an open mic night from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM to celebrate and pair with the chef and owner's unveiling of their new winter menu! Anyone in the restaurant can take a chance to win the audience over, but there will also be a list of performers and talent. Inesperado's new winter menu will be a twist on traditional beloved and nostalgic meals served by their own parents and grandparents, and they're excited to share with you how they've translated their sweet memories into delicious warm food for the winter season. And, as always, ingredients will be local and fresh!
June 23: World renowned Mexican cellist and writer Carlos Prieto will be performing at Agustín's Jazz Lounge from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM! Born in Mexico City, Prieto has received critical acclaim globally, with magazines, newspapers, and fellow musicians raving that he knows "no technical limitations" and whose "musical instincts are impeccable". Come see his genius, his talent, and his love for music. Light food and beverage wfill be provided.
June 26: Dulce Sueño's Sweets & Treats has whipped up something akin to a winter wonderland in their shop! The chocolate world and the Dulce Sueño staff have been hard at work experimenting, researching, and cooking up new chocolate flavors and concoctions that will be replacing some old favorites ( and hopefully become new favorites )! From 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Dulce Sueño invites the community to come and taste all the goodies they have to offer and help decide what new goods should be added to the shop! Free samples will be provided, and you can still buy baked goods ( even of the new ones ! ) while supplies last.
Quilpué Activities
June 1-8 : Devon Baxter ( @alkaliineee ) of Gimnasio 02 Aire will be offering a week of free membership as well as 2 free personal training sessions with him or a trainer of your choice! Whatever strength, endurance, or conditioning goals you have, the dedicated people of Gimnasio 02 Aire can help you get there!
June 3: Casa Dragones is collaborating with the Kings and Queens of the Valparaíso Region to bring you Dungeons and Drag! Each D&D table will have either a Drag King or Queen as their DM or as a party member, and each table with have a max of 6 players. Games will run from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM. To participate, please visit the website ASAP to register online as spots are limited. All proceeds will go to LGBTQIA+ charities and organizations. If you don't want to play, that's a-okay, as the games will be streamed online!
June 5: It is International Fight Against IUU Fishing ( Illegal, Unreported, & Unregulated )! Every year, as much as 26 million tons of fish are taken illegally from the world's seas. Quilpué Zoo is dedicated to sustainability and environmentally friendly programs, and they are inviting you and your family to the zoo ( for free! ) on this special day to learn more about sustainability, ethical fishing practices, and about the creatures that live in the sea and the mysteries of the oceans themselves! The presentation will be hosted by Rohan Kaur ( @driftwccds ) from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, with face-painting and caricature drawings done by Hiyori Ito ( @pcrdidcs ) from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM!
June 9: El Jardín is looking for volunteers to help clean up the outside garden for the winter and prune and harvest the greenhouse garden while staff members install new benches, swings, and vendor stands. Volunteers are needed from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, but you can work shifts of 4 hours instead. Breakfast, lunch, and water will be provided, as well as a t-shirt and magnet to thank volunteers for their time.
June 19: Sabor 24 Horas is hosting a cooking class—but this isn't just any cooking class! This is their Midnight Snack Cooking Class, running from 11:30 PM - 1:00 AM, and they'll teach you all the yummy snacks, meals, and drinks you can make when you wake up in the middle of the night feeling peckish.
Valparaíso Activities
June 10: The Historic Quarter will have an open air art exhibit called Maquinaciones. From 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM, you can come see how local artists have interpreted theme of machinations in today's world of AI, technology, and productivity, and how it often clashes with the world around us. Pictures and videos are allowed, but please do not touch the art pieces unless it's an interactive piece and otherwise stated.
June 12: La Universidad de Bellas Artes is hosting a networking event for their students from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Vendors, companies, and recruiters from the Valparíso Region ( and maybe beyond! ) are coming to offer information about their business, to scope out the upcoming graduating classes and work force, or just to simply network and make connections! Only students from UBA will be allowed to attend. Please come dressed in business professional with multiple copies of your resume to pass out to interested parties.
June 14: The Parque Cultural is having a speed painting competition with the local art club to encourage new members and new artists to join the hobby or practice their skills, or even offer a place for veteran and established artists to test their skills under pressure! From 7:00 - 8:00 PM, you will be competing against other artists to paint a piece in 20 minutes in front of an audience. The audience will vote on who goes to the next round, and after 3 rounds, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a cash prize ( and bragging rights! ).
June 15-16: The Fish Frenzy Aquarium is hosting their first ever Reptile and Aquarium Expo from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM both Saturday and Sunday. Hobbyists from all over the region will be coming to showcase a variety of reptiles, fish, and other exotic pets and pet food. Come pick up your new best friend today!
Viña del Mar Activities
June 1-29: For the entire month of Pride, Club Divine is having a Reverse Happy Hour every Saturday night from 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM. Each Saturday will have a new drink and snack menu, so come thirsty and ready to eat!
June 2: Club Divine is invites you to a Queen Brunch! From 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Club Divine will have a brunch buffet ( catered by Sabor 24 Horas ), half-off margaritas and mimosas, and a Drag Show. Come celebrate Pride with your favorite friends and your favorite Queens!
June 20: Unmingled Singles is hosting their event at the Casino de Viña del Mar! If you're free on a Thursday night, come out between the hours of 8:00 PM - 1:00 AM and take a gamble on love.
June 22: Calling out Gearheads and Revheads! Bring your sweet rides to the Golden Beach Street Parking Lot and show off what you've got under the hood from 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM!
June 28: The Diver's Group is taking a winter intermission from diving in the cold Pacific waters, but that doesn't mean members can't meet up and have fun! From 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM, they're hosting a s'mores making night on the picturesque sands of Playa Luna. You do not have to be a member to join ( s'mores making kits will only be provided for free to members; non-members are welcome to bring their own or purchase them from the group ). Anyone under 21 will not be allowed to attend.
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jmeldog · 4 months
Randomly thinking about Kotoko and food (so uh. Warning for possible ED stuff)
I like to think about her being the kinda person who really only sees food as sustenance. Who barely even tastes the flavor of her protein drink when she drinks it because of how numb she’s gotten to it. She could chug it all at once without a care if she really wanted to because the “experience” of eating means nothing anymore. (Even if she chugs it so fast it hurts).
She doesn’t go to restaurants because she can’t read the nutritional facts of each meal. Or if she does, she looked everything up online beforehand.
She would will and has stood in the middle of a store holding two brands of the same food in her hands comparing the nutritional facts, and then continues to buy that brand every time. However, every time she buys it she still checks to make sure they didn’t change the ingredients. And of course, flavor or texture or anything about it mean nothing. Even if she hates the flavor, she’ll eat it.
Just absolutely scarfing down that meal with dead inside miserable eyes. (Whenever she does eat, and not just taking supplements)
Hey now Lucky flashbang.
I think it’d be funny if Kotoko took Lucky to a conbini and let her pick out whatever she wanted as a snack, and when Lucky gets gummies or some shit Kotoko’s internally like “how inefficient 😐” but brushes it aside cuz yannow. The baby. And Kotoko of course doesn’t get anything for herself. But she kinda softens up about the gummies when seeing how happy Lucky is when eating them.
And then Lucky offers her one and she has to accept it because. The baby. <3.
But then Kotoko eats it so fast that she barely tasted it, and therefore has no response when Lucky asked if she liked it. Lucky’s like 😦 youre not supposed to eat it like that, eat this one more slowly. And she does! Yay she enjoys food for a moment!
MAPPI FORCEFEEDI—(I’m cut off by armed police officers grabbing me and dragging me off kicking and screaming)
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zerofuckingwaste · 11 months
Hey y'all, here's my suggestion for a great low waste, healthy, flavorful alternative to soda: kombucha! Not the stuff you buy at the health foods store that costs like $6 a bottle, no- the stuff you make at home.
Materials: a large glass container with a decently wide mouth (a pitcher, a jug, etc), a cloth (linen or cotton or whatever, a tea towel works), rubber bands, a wooden spoon, a ladle, green tea leaves, sugar, water, and a Scoby; you can buy the latter online, or you can find one locally with a little sleuthing, or you can make your own- just use an unflavored or 'original flavor' premade kombucha from the store.
Boil 4 cups of water, let cool 1 minute, and steep 3 tbsp green tea in it for 7-10 minutes. Remove the tea (don't press on it, you'll release tannins) and mix in 1 cup of sugar. Add in 8 cups of ice water to cool it, then pour that into your glass container. Ensure that it's room temperature, then add your Scoby. Seal the container with the cloth and rubber bands, and let sit 7-30 days, depending on how you like yours to taste.
You can drink it as is, or you can do a second fermentation to add carbonation; get some swing top or otherwise resealable glass bottles, and leave 1 inch of headroom when adding the booch. You can flavor it with a few tablespoons of whatever you want. I just did a batch of pinecone booch this week. I did lemon and charcoal last week, and hibiscus rose passion fruit the week before. The more sugar, the more carbonation. Seal it and let it sit for a few days at room temperature. Don't open them at room temp though, refrigerate for at least 3 hours before opening so you don't have an explosion.
To make your next batch, simply reserve the pellicle (the weird white thing that will appear on the top of your brew) and a cup of the liquid, and that's your Scoby for next time! You don't technically even need the pellicle- if it gets too thick, you can always toss it in the compost and just use the liquid, or you can make a fruit leather out of it, or even dog treats.
Anyhow, the cost of having a constant supply of kombucha flowing is simply the cost of water, green tea, and sugar, and about five minutes of your time every so often. It's easy, it's fun to experiment, and it's a great way to avoid soda while drinking something technically good for you.
But hey, kombucha isn't for everyone. And things can go wrong, it can be frustrating sometimes. All this is is a suggestion if you're looking for a more sustainable alternative to kick a soda habit!
PS- if you're disabled, look into getting a glass punch dispenser, it negates the need for a ladle, just ensure that the spout is not a reactive metal. You can find them at thrift stores, and they're always on sale at big box stores!
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