#by having people around them go 'oh you're acting unusual it must be love'
fedoranon · 1 year
On to the second scene where Sousuke overreacts to a threat that doesn't exist and damn, Full Metal Panic is a psychological horror from his perspective, huh?
An unknown threat that could make their move at any time, and an innocent young girl's life and happiness rests on your shoulders, but she resists at every turn, because you're forbidden to tell her about the threat. A culture completely alien to everything you know, and your tools and comfort objects are constantly confiscated because the authorities around you can't fathom you needing them; after all, this country isn't at war...! Except you know better.
Unlike any other story where my sense of empathy turns a scene that's supposed to be comedic into something heart wrenching, I can still see where it's supposed to be funny. Like Sousuke just grabbed what he thought was a remote weapon and, while scrambling to figure out what to do with it, got hit by a truck and got flung into a bike rack. And then the dude's like, oh thank God, my briefcase full of spaghetti--! It's incredibly slapstick.
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mschievousx · 4 months
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she love her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
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iv. four: you were right for me
"why would you need to go? the hawkins balloon will be tomorrow."
loraine silva finds herself at her father's study, planting her head on her hands above his table in an attempt to act endearing enough and change his mind.
she pouted, whining to him, "i am not interested with the gas laws related to balloons. i have read them enough."
"what is in this scientific convention then?" armand placed his pen down and removed his glasses, fully putting his attention to his daughter.
"chemistry and medicine!" she exclaimed with exciteness in her voice.
"hm? i thought you like engineering."
"i do, but it's not everyday you can practice chemistry and medicine." she argues. although the girl loves engineering above both subjects, the opportunity to witness these two does not come as often, "aside from the difficulty of obtaining chemicals, it also must be supervised closely."
he narrowed his eyes at her, crossing his arms strictly, "you're not helping your case. that means it would be dangerous."
raine pouted at him, her chances of attending continues to decline, "they are professionals and experts, likely recognised by the queen to be able to conduct such a grand expo."
"you have not been doing much of the work of a viscountess." he sternly added.
"papa, it is my very first season." she stood up, rounding the table to her father's side, clasping both hands as if on a prayer, "please? i will surely attend to everything after the season."
her father made no attempt to move or acknowledge whatever she said, forcing her to make more points for consideration.
"it is perhaps a part of being a viscountess. my presence in academic events will highlight our activeness in such field." still with no budge, she sighed heavily before another point entered her mind.
"it's like a ball. a lot of gentlemen will be there, and who knows? perhaps, i will meet a charming one who shares my interests." she reasoned with a dearly smile.
armand growled at the mention of charming boys. he really doubts there is anyone as such these days, "and what of the bridgerton boy?"
"i jest—it is still benedict. however," she moved to unlock his crossed arms and grasped his hands together in hers, which she cannot envelop seeing as her hands are quite smaller in comparison, and gave out a longing smile, "i could use another friend, can't i?"
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
it is safe to say that the young silva has her father wrapped around her thumb. with warm smiles here and there, she now arrives at the medical convention with unmeasurable elation.
stepping in, she did not know where to look at all. everywhere she turns, she could spend an hour looking at a single specimen—minus the bones. she does not like them at all. but, she knew they're still a sight to see, so she has decided to start with them before she spends most of her time to other subjects.
she walked and walked, simply passing the specimen with a lot of audience like the humerus, the pelvic bone, and the thoracic cavity.
raine would have really loved to observe the thoracic cavity but she thought against it. being in close proximity with a lot of people is not something she enjoys.
upon more walking, a lone skull has managed to grab her attention. she neared to look at it closely. it's crazy, isn't it? to refer to this skull as it when it once housed a brain of a moving, feeling person—one that was referred as he or she.
"the human skull is made up of twenty-two bones, accounting for ten percent of all our bones." an unfamiliar voice joined her side.
she stood up straight from her peering, adding to what the man said, "eight cranial, fourteen facial."
"a fan of the skull?"
raine turned to him at that question. she fought all her facial muscles that was aching to grimace. on another note, the man is quite handsome. of distinguished upbringing too, it seems.
she puffed out lightly as she turned back to the skull, "i dislike bones."
he chuckled at her strong statement, quite ironic that he finds her curiously looking at one, "what are you here for?"
"muscles, cardio, and neuro." she answered, walking away towards other specimen this time.
"ah, interesting choice of subjects. although, i must say, bones are as important." the man followed closely, which she did not mind but she would have loved to look around with none bothering her.
she let out a sarcastic chuckle, looking around as if disregarding his person, "i did not say otherwise."
"you dislike it."
the young lady turned to him with a crossed brows, "i do not have to like it for it to be as significant."
"you are shrugging at its importance." he stubbornly argued.
raine fired back, "i am shrugging at you."
"with the use of your scapula, which are in fact bones." he held up his right index finger, as if to highlight a point—a point she chose not to take.
"with the use of my muscles who initiate the movement sent by motor neurons." she completely turned to him, her voice quite increasing in volume.
his mouth is slightly ajar as raine waited for his retort. he settled with an astonished smile, offering a hand forward, "astley cooper, lady silva."
she let out a small scoff, her annoyance being covered by the very familiar name, "ah, and another day i do not get to introduce myself."
"you must understand. your family is celebrated," they continued to converse in a calmer manner, both accepting the arguments of each other, "and you cause an uproar everywhere you go."
the young silva lightly laughed at the mention of her antics, stopping in front of the humerus that was crowded earlier, "i like to leave my mark."
"i do not doubt it." mr. cooper affirmed.
"you are the son of sir cooper?" she inquired with indifference.
"i am." he shows no sign of surprise that the lady knows of the name. if she is indeed an academic, his father's name is always mentioned on the textbooks.
she simply hummed at that, proceeding to walk to another specimen, "well, this is your forte after all."
"conceding so easily, lady silva?" astley retorted with a hint of smugness. she turned to him, voice laced with friendly annoyance.
"i doubt you would argue with me about guns, would you?"
he laughed at her point as he replied, "never."
and for the first time of the day, she was reminded; she would have loved for him to be the one with her right now. granted, he does not know a lot about these, and granted, she prefers to look around in solitude in these events, but she would have seriously loved his presence. to him, she would never say never."
noticing her zoning out, the man coughed lightly and asked, "what part of the body do you most like?"
she turned to him, completely caught, "oh, hands."
"you surprise me. i thought you would be a lover of eyes. why the hands?"
she smiled at that, raising her hand from the arm near him, as if showing it to him, "they are fascinating; their ability to grip things."
she would have loved to mention the real reason. they can hold on to things. they can let things go. raine thought it too poetic for an academe like him to understand.
"incredible. i'm afraid mine is not as well-thought as yours."
she returned the question, certainly feeling the man's own urge to share his, "what's yours?"
"a femur. it's the hardest bone."
raine did not think twice to laugh. he was being honest after all. it was indeed not as well-thought.
they reach a hall where a live amputation is going on. most audiences were of the academy, she can tell. the daily man would have no appetite for such thing that these young men were watching closely.
she whispered to astley in a hushed voice, "how do you convince them to do it live?"
"he is from our school. he understands the importance of live discussions. sadly, he met an unfortunate accident, and here we are."
raine nodded in understanding, eyes watching the procedure attentively. it is quite harsh to look at, of course. after all, it is an amputation.
after the left mid-forearm was severed, the use of burnt wool was executed. the man has been administered with a bit of anaesthetic, but only enough for until the severing is done. a higher dose than that would prove to be risky for the patient. and so, the application of burnt wool can be felt by the man, gradually increasing in intensity.
as the procedure is ongoing, the surgeon performing it offered information and explanations here and there. the ligature, she could understand, but surely there's an alternative for burnt wool that is less painful.
"how about hydrogen peroxide, sir?" she offered, the surgeon and the students turning to her.
"what do you mean?" he asked, returning to his patient and continuing post-operative care.
"it may be able stop the bleeding more effectively than a burnt wool, which can cause more damage."
the surgeon chuckled, finding the fault on her argument, "it causes irritation to skin, actually the harmful one."
raine stepped forward, laying her case more directly, "yes, but in the right concentration, it has oxidative properties and is a reactive oxygen species. by this, it can cause vasoconstriction upon the dysfunction of the endothelial cells."
the surgeon turned to her, now understanding her train of thought, "it can close the source of the bleeding, achieving hemostasis."
"impressive. we will study such activity of the said chemical, lady?" he inquired, genuinely amazed by her case and how she has thought of it.
raine smiled inwardly, letting out the most prideful smirk she could muster, "silva. viscountess silva."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
just as the clock hits ten before two in the afternoon, the young lady has decided she's satisfied enough of the things she were able to witness and learn. that and the fact that her stomach is now growling.
as she stepped out of the building that housed the convention, she's met with a familiar back of a person across the street.
"ben!" she called, waving overly that some people have spared her a look. the said man turned to her and immediately placed a hand on his forehead at her loudness.
she eagerly crossed the street to him, bridgerton inquiring with a confused face, "what are you doing here?"
upon reaching him, she hugged his right arm with pure excitement as they continue to walk forwards. he could do nothing but let her, "there's a medical convention near. it was awesome!"
"really? i did not know." he feigned ignorance at that, the girl not minding anything as she was overcame with exhilaration.
"you're not an avid follower. that's alright. anyways—"
she proceeded to tell him what happened to her day, from the part she was begging her father to let her go until before the amputation. she also highlighted the specimen she has seen, throwing information about them with elation. she was about to continue when benedict interposed.
"i would have went with you, you know." he said before setting his eyes back on where the pair is walking towards, now with a smaller voice, "if you just asked."
she heard it. of course, she heard it. he could whisper meters away and she would certainly hear it with ease. and, no matter how high up on cloud nine she was, she had no problem jumping off it just to hear him.
raine giggled at his offer, "it's not fun for you. you would find the contents of it boring."
"i would not," he replied at once, seeming as if he does not even need to think twice of the reason, "you were there."
she stopped walking instantly, pulling benedict back by the act without warning. he turned to her for the second time today and all he can see is her widest grin. she was not doing anything but grin, which is what making him so confused as of the moment.
and, just as raine was utterly clueless of what her words were doing to him, he was just as clueless of his words to her.
with confusion, he raised a brow at her, "what? did you have lunch?"
she simply nodded her head sidewards, grin still present, "i have not."
he nudged her as they begin walking again, "what say you for a late lunch together?"
her answer was apparent, "yes!"
they entered an eating house nearby, raine continuing her stories of the day as the food is served.
in the middle of eating, she asked out of the blue, "what part of the body do you most like, ben?"
"mine? let me think," he settled both his hands on the table, looking afar in thinking.
"hands," he replied, placing the fork on the dish to steady it as he slice, "you can tell a lot from a person's hands—the softness, the roughness, its shaking..."
raine smiled serenely at that. he would never fail to do poetic justice to the mere existence of things. and, perhaps, she should have really asked him to go with her earlier, so that the contents of the convention would feel alive once more by his words alone.
he knew her so well that his words spoke to her on their own. she could not remember clearly, but she was sure. it was a moment like this when she first realised she liked benedict. it was one of those moments where she realised that he was the right person for her.
"how about you? what were you doing around here?" she asked, turning to her own plate.
"oh, i was just walking around." he shrugged off easily, which just made her suspicious of it.
"oh my—right," she began, causing the man across her to look at her, "there is a pleasure house nearby."
he should have really noted already not to intake anything if the girl is present. but, he did not. and so, he finds himself choking once again, on food this time, at what the girl accused him of.
"what are you insinuating? how do you even know there is such a house here?!" he whisper-yelled, controlling his volume to not attract other listeners.
raine laughed at his reaction and gave a sarcastic, understanding smile, "ben, do not worry. i have known your activities since i was a child. i still like you."
"i did not go to a brothel!"
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks
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ddostoyevskyy · 1 year
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Edogawa Ranpo
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒... Mentions of abuse, sexual assault, double meaning words/sentences.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒... 2.04K
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Cough. They really do love mentioning my name, huh? I guess, it can't be helped if they always need someone like me.
Fishing his hands on his pocket as he roamed through the streets, wandering around the city alone - it was his first time to be travelling without anyone nor the white haired boy whose tagging alongside him. Although, he found it quite nauseu to have someone around when he can go out alone (he actually can't), he's not used to it (though, he won't admit). It was unusual for this city to be awfully peaceful, yet it's also too depressing to have it destroyed once, yet again. Crime will never stop nor it will fall asleep - it keeps going and that what keeps him going too.
The ironic thing about people with abilities are not being able to use their abilities in a right way - they choose to use their gifted abilities to cause ruckus and to hide the truth. But, no truth are hidden when it comes to him - he always knew the truth; Ranpo Edogawa is never wrong. The power of his knowledge to identify ones being like he's reading a book and the story are the plot of their life from their birth and crimes. Although, what he lacks is emotion. Reading a book that catches ones attention also captures their emotional mentality, making them feel every words written as they reflecting through the characters.
Ranpo never enjoy reading a book like how he enjoy reading someone's life without privacy. He's using his own advantages to accelerate in life - although, he guessed, he did too much - now, he have grown up too fast, too curious, and a coward to realized something he should've had.
Not all people are like you! Leave me alone! A voice of a little girl snapped him out of his own little world, the walls he created away from the reality and how people are not like him - crashed down as he started to see how the world works now, little by little as he stared at the people around him - looking so clueless and acting naìve. You're still a child, so am I. We should enjoy life to the fullest. Said the little girl on his head again. Although, she, whose a child like him before had no time to enjoy her childhood like he is.
He had grown up a little too fast and faced the reality a little too slow.
"Hah, so bored." He murmured, already feeling the vibration of his phone on his pocket as he continue to ignore the calls of his co-members. Kunikida must be fuming right now, but what can he do? I'm his senior.
"Oh? Saccho..." Ranpo's voice faltered as he witnessed the scene fold in front of him. He didn't expect to came across the President running his own errands - with a seemingly young woman besides him.
"...Who could that be?" He watch the President's mouth move as he talks, analyzing his expression and the wave of nostalgia on his aura. It was unusual for the President to smile, yet there's a small curve of expression plastered on his lips.
He frowned, nevertheless, he walk towards their direction as his eyes catches the up-front well-built building, scanning through the letters written in bold glass - the fine establishment were shining under the sun, reflecting in a shades of grey. He halts for a moment.
The Department of Justice, huh? He never thought he will capture the moment of the President talking to an authority - it was rare, seeing him even dressed well in a complete suit, looking ravishing and younger than his actual age. Fukuzawa finally noticed him, finally, as his grey eyes falter on the sight of his subordinate lurking around the street - alone.
"Ranpo," He acknowledged his presence, as the woman in the black coat turn her head, Ranpo's emerald eyes were on sight, staring at the young woman who looks back at him - a wave of nostalgia had hit him once in for a while.
"It's rare to see you alone in the streets. Ah, should I still introduce the both of you to each other?" Fukuzawa's question made Ranpo's eyes twitched as the young woman look away, a sudden intense atmosphere had been created.
This doesn't feel right. You thought, eyeing the way the man in front of you shifts uncomfortably. You watched how his hand balls into fist and loosened, the discomfort reaching through to tap on his shoes on the floor as you sighed.
Your eyes follow his form, noticing how he didn't change as much as before - yet, his body became lean and his face became more mature, the way his face fall in a stern expression were masculine, the lost emerald eyes you've seen before disappeared, replaced with a confident and more refined expression. And, the way he look at you were unreadable. It looks like you'll be eaten alive, yet you're quite relieved that there's no hatred plastered on his expression. It's been almost thirteen years after you've last seen him and honestly, you will surely understand if he ever planted any hatred for you after what happened.
"(Name)," Fukuzawa muttered your first name, as Ranpo's eyes flickered through your form. "She's a very reputable attorney now."
I can't believe this. Is this really... (Name)? His eyes scanned your face, although with your hair tied up in a low ponytail with a few strands framing your face - any people would look like a mess in this kind of hairstyle, but, you, you still look good - despite, the darkening bags under your eyes as a result of your sleepless nights, it was never a hinder to hide your beauty; followed by a touch of light makeup to highlight your beauty (well, you've still managed to put makeup on, atleast to look presentable). He noticed the cup of coffee on your hand, maybe, the sixth one for today. The black coat you're wearing were buttoned-up from your waist as he noticed you were clad in a suit under the coat.
You look... very professional and elegant as you bowed your head for acknowledgedment and he lowered his head back of respect.
"It's nice to see you again, (Name)." That's the only thing he has the courage to say as you held a small smile. It's nice to see them again, that's not a lie. But, after a long time without communication, you've became wary. The earlier interaction with Fukuzawa were stressful and now that you've bumped with Ranpo Edogawa were stressing you further.
"Yes, of course, Ranpo." His name slips on your lips like a honeyed butter, laced with a certain emotion that has him clearing his throat at the sudden realization.
"Well, it seems like you're still familiar with each other, I'm glad. (Name), if you're not so busy, would you mind another cup of coffee with us? I know a place that serves a good one." Fukuzawa uttered, breaking the tension in the air as you glance at your table, tapping on the screen as you checked on your schedule for today. Well, today seems like a mix of luck and misfortune; you have the time in your life for today, and you're gonna spend it with your past acquaintances.
"Well, I am definitely free for today. Just give me the directions and I'll drive us there," You waved the car keys through the air as you point the car parked inside the open area of the building's parking lot, "Care to join us, Ranpo?"
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"I've never thought you will really pursue law, (Name)." Ranpo's voice erupted, breaking the nerve-wracking silence after Fukuzawa left the two of you on the table for a sudden call. The car ride were quiet, and even after you've arrived at the café which was also owned by the Armed Detective Agency, it was awfully quiet and you were quite thankful for him as he finally tried to make conversation.
"I really never did imagined too. I thought, I am all talk before because, it was a really tough journey. I accelerate a few grades when I took an exam and luckily, I managed to passed." You answered, sipping on the coffee. It surprisingly taste good as you silently beamed at the taste - oh, you were really going back here again.
"You're a very smart girl - oh, a woman now, I supposed," Ranpo replied, a grin plastered on his face, "It is no wonder you made your own wish came true."
"Well, what about you, then? You seemed very well-known to the police officers too. I've been hearing your name a lot after I've arrived in Japan." You shifted the attention away from you and he noticed how you easily managed to do that - no wonder.
"Oh, you were in abroad?"
You nodded, "Yes."
"Well, it's no help when they'll always need me everytime a murder case are discovered. The gullibility of the people is making m-"
"Ranpo, what do we think about the people whose intelligence are not like you, hm?"
He halted, eyes widening as he stared at you in bewilderedment - his hands were tightly grasping until he could feel his nails on his skin. The same girl with the exact words he heard thirteen years ago. You seemed to be aware of your impact to the man, seeing as how he became agitated and you quite panicked, alarmed at how his expression contorted.
"I, uh, I apologize -"
"Ranpo!" A sudden unfamiliar voice interrupt as your head whipped on the direction, staring at the new faces like a deer caught in a red light as you managed to catch your composure, chugging on the cup of coffee until it's empty as you wipe your lips with the napkin on the table.
"We've been searching for you. Why aren't you answering my calls?" A young man, with lean and tall body with glasses appeared in front of you - he's quite familiar, yet you couldn't pinpoint the exact information where you've seen him. The other much younger looking boy behind him, a white-haired with black streaks tips on the end of his.... unusual bangs were looking at you curiously, yet he appeared to be a little intimidated when he noticed your stares, although he gave you an awkward smile which you returned with raising your eyebrows in acknowledgement.
The man-tiger. You've seen him through the newspapers and he often appears on the television after The Guild's downfall. He looks strange, yet appalling in person - he's pale and the rareness of his heterochromia eyes... it's definitely a disease. You continue to eye the two of them until the blonde finally notices your presence - he might have forgotten I am here. The said man gave Ranpo a good scolding before turning his attention to you.
He cleared his throat, "And, mind introducing this lady to us?" He put a hand on his hip.
"(Last Name), (Name) or you can call her Attorney (Last Name)," Ranpo replied as you nod your head towards their direction, "(Name), this is Kunikida Doppo and Nakajima Atsushi. Both of them are part of the Agency."
Kunikida, as Ranpo introduced, extended his arm as you accepted his greetings, you turn to Atsushi to greet him too, awkwardly shooking your hand with a nervous smile.
"For a second, I thought Ranpo finally found a woman he could take on a date," Kunikida sighed, "Nice to meet you, Attorney. I've heard a lot about you."
Your eyebrow perked up, glancing at Ranpo who has his eyebrow raised on your direction too as you shifted your attention to Kunikida again.
"Well, I do hope Ranpo is not talking rather, oddly stories about me." You heard an audible grumble of disapproval from the dark-haired male as Kunikida shook his head.
"No. What I meant was I've heard how much of a great lawyer you are. You're quite the talk of the town after you've arrived here," He confirmed as you nod your head. "Especially, to the police officers."
"Thank you. Though, I didn't realized how much of an impact I made." You replied. You never really like to be praised, nor to be recognized to the public, you never really appeared on news. As much as possible, you want to keep your profile anonymous to keep yourself safe and your future clients. That way, no one can harm you or the victims. Still, the name, (Last Name), (Name) will still be recognized, at the end of the day.
"Well, (Name). Since, we already saw each other again, how about, we make some deal?" Ranpo spoke so suddenly, catching your attention. The audacity - hah. Although, he did help me in the lowest point of my life, as long as it's not something that will ruin my values in life, I guess.
"What is it, then?" You answered.
"Accompany us through your stay here in the city and I'll make sure the Agency will keep you safe, because I know how much of a danger you get yourself into." He replied, eyeing you directly with such a glint in his eyes. He could sense the wariness and doubt in you -something's never really had changed - you still love to wear your heart in your sleeve. He can read right through you.
"As long as it's never against the law. Because I know, too, how dirty the Agency can get and it's against my principles. Only this way I could repay your kindness." You let out a deep sigh, staring straight at him like the other two men didn't exist. You've examined his facade again.
Something's never really had changed - Ranpo still love to stare at you with those rich green eyes as you clenched on the ring on your finger under the table; the stone imitating the color of his eyes.
The eyes of the young boy that places the hope in your heart.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved 2023 © ddostoyevskyy. Do not repost without permission or plagiarized.
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shummashum · 7 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch9 [1~5]
Previously on Ch8! As the teacup theft case came to an end, Liz received some experienced advice on love from Luci. Well I don't think anything will happen! At least now.
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but well… let's attach significance to the fact that a minor twig was cut off
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ehe that too is definitely a crime
by the way, how should the case be resolved in a situation like this they can't wait for the criminal to make another move there must be a clue…
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I have a question though isn't the Ministry supposed to cooperate with them? what are those bunch of incompetent idiots doing now they're not planning on leaving everything to the students and chilling behind, right? …right? oi Klaus there's no support or anything? for real?
At that time, Remb called Liz.
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oh…… at least she had a shred of conscience
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heh there really was a symbolic punishment yes! at least there has to be something like this I'm pretty satisfied with this
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so Klaus suggested it, huh well I really don't think this is a matter of sympathy though… still he used his head a little more flexibly than usual
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but please I don't know why they keep trying to glorify her actions~? okay, Fanda reflected. good empathize with emotions. good but just because her feelings are relatable doesn't mean her actions aren't wrong I'd like them to please separate these or maybe I'm just acting picky,,,
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oh… right Liz has to give the lecture too eh… but she hadn't even decided on a class topic yet this is quite an emergency ! !
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huh those words make me feel a little repulsed shouldn't she at least be better at conducting classes than him if she cannot do better than him, it's a huge shame
But she was unable to argue with him, finding herself not having any confidence.
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but you should do this I guess you still aren't fully aware of the meaning of the clothes you're wearing, but you're not wearing them for nothing if you're not going to do this, take off your clothes and go back to being a normal student!
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nod nod let's prepare thoroughly and create a decent class well it's true that she's not ready, but she can't use the newbie excuse forever we have to get out of the newbie zone someday!
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look look look look this guy is relatively easy to please unlike that you-know-who blue-haired nocturnal idiot, his difficulty level is just fucking hard, but it doesn't require anything unusual or exhilarating
So Liz declared to Remb that she would give a try. But…
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let's decide on the topic first is there a curriculum that can be used as a reference?
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"I hope he gets fucked up for using his mouth wrong" blabla but well I'm serious the people around him are too kind and good for him…
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why are you talking like that if you're going to say something like that, don't help her and just get some extra manpower from the Ministry tch!!
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yeah he does,,, Mr. Stickuphisass
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he was scratched he was scratched he was scratched
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if that's what Al said, then that's it. period!
but you know seeing him smiling brightly like this makes me more and more afraid how depressed and pitiful will this guy appear a story where you feel like you're going to explode from the frustration…
Anyway, Cae and Al were happy to give her their hand.
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you get out your very existence is a minus
And well, Hiro also jumped into this in the name of keeping an eye on Zeus.
S6 comrades became together again not trustworthy at all…… I hope the brake named Hiro work well,,,
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well it's right to choose magical creatures carbuncle wing rabbit unicorn Eress let's go
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Hiro!!!!! shut that guy's mouth
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erm… maybe a secret meeting with the Headmaster? or did he really go to the Ministry to request additional manpower
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there he was well share some information then
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Then he pulled out a pen and drew a line through two of the entries, which were stolen.
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noaltbruh · 2 years
Bucci gang having a crush reader that was kinda reserved and quiet when they first met them, but once they get to know them they're really fun to be around? I'm talking random facts, suggestive comments, dad jokes 24/7, and low key flirt with them whenever they can?
Something super fluffy and light hearted please <3
First of all, I want to apologize for taking long to answer this, I'm so incredibly sorry and I hope that what I wrote will make up for it :(
Second, oh my God this request was so cute I can't- Let me know of you enjoyed it ^^
Bucci gang with a secretly goofy S/O 😉
Giorno 🐞
Giorno never minded your quiet and reserved nature, being rather closed off himself. He actually found some sort of comfort in just sitting next to you while you both did your own things, even if you didn't talk to each other.
It felt relaxing to be next to you, and you showed your true value in battle, which made him respect you as an individual even more. He knew that despite your apparent reserved and cold appearance, you were reliable and a strong companion.
However, the more time he spent around you, the more you started to show him your true colors which, needless to say, surely caught him off guard.
Giorno has always had an habit of trying to read people as soon as he met them, and he was able to get a pretty accurate idea of their personality just with a few interactions. This is why your slow, but evident change in behavior surprised him.
He grows to love this other side of you super quickly though! You sort of balance each other out, and you're always there to make him smile after he's had a long day at work. Whether you do it accidentally or on purpose, he'll be grateful for it anyway.
He loves to listen to your fun facts, he knows a lot of unusual information himself, but he's sure they're going to be useful to him in one way or another. So, in his eyes, you're helping him out!
Bonus point if it's nature related, he might make a small animal like the one you described and point out its little quirks, or grow a type of plant you told him about.
When it comes to suggestive comments, Giorno tries to play it cool and act as they don't really affect him, especially if the two of you are in public. This aspect of you is the one that surprised him the most, but he won't particularly encourage it.
In the best case scenario, he'll give you a little smile and brush it off like that, nothing much.
He may find himself thinking back about it and slightly giggle, but only when he's alone, so you'll never find out about it.
For some reason, I feel like he can sometimes be a bit dense to others' jokes, especially they're Narancia or Mista's. He knows he's supposed to laugh, he just doesn't understand why.
So, he particularly appreciates your sense of humor. He finds your dad jokes to be genuinely funny and actually gets them immediately, even though he knows that they are considered lame.
He won't tell any himself, but you can always expect him to chuckle whenever you hit him with one of your little gags, they make his day a bit better.
His reaction to you flirting with him may vary depending on the situation you're both in.
Let's say, for example, that you told him you think he's handsome in front of your friends. In that case, he will simply thank you and tell you that you're also beautiful.
If the two of you are alone, however, I don't know if it would be very wise of you to do so, as he won't hesitate to flirt back and won't stop until you get all flustered. He just loved to see your cheeks turning red from the embarrassment, he thinks it's adorable.
If you do manage you make him blush in public, then I must congratulate you, that is not something many people are capable of.
Bruno 🤐
While Bruno is a bit more of a talker compared to you, he's perfectly fine with your introverted nature and also tales pleasure with doing small everyday activities while you're by his side.
He's also quite good at reading people, so he's always able to tell whether it's better to respect your personal space, or make a move himself and start a conversation.
If he noticed you're getting tired of talking, he'll get the hint without you having to say anything and will wait until you've recharged a little bit.
He can't help but feel proud of himself when he sees you slowly opening up to him. But, unlike Giorno, he's not very surprised, after all he has been the one who took in the rest of the gang and watched them grow as people, he was quite confident in the fact that you would have started to show this other side of you sooner or later.
He doesn't know many fun facts (he doesn't have much time to learn about non-work related topics) but he likes hearing about them from you! He'll never get tired of them, especially since he notices how passionate you seem to be about sharing this sort of thing with him, he thinks it's sweet.
He will also try to look for a way to put that information into practical everyday tasks or on missions, whether he succeeds or not, he'll remember each one of them, he's got an awesome memory!
Although it may surprise you, he actually doesn't mind your suggestive comments unless it's a serious situation or meeting. I mean, come on, he's the guy who wears a lingerie, licked a kid and made a condom metaphor.
If anything, if he has the chance, he's going to add in to your remarks and you'll even be able to catch him smirking, it's actually quite fun to see this side of him for you too.
Ok, Bruno is dense as fuck when it comes to humor, he 100% doesn't understand any modern jokes or doesn't realizes that they're jokes in the first place.
Which is why he loves yours, they're literally the only ones he gets, being a mom dad himself. He will genuinely laugh at them and let me tell you this: his laughter is literally one of the sweetest sounds you'll hear in your life.
Also tries to crack some of his own to make you smile too! The two of you got called "boomers" multiple times by the others because of this, but the two of you don't care.
When it comes to flirting, he'll also block it out if he doesn't deem the moment as appropriate. However, under any other circumstances, even if you're just hanging out with your friends, be sure that he won't hesitate to show off a little and answer to your comments
If you can make him blush in public, he'll simply bring an hand to his mouth, cough and "thank you for your compliment".
It's adorable.
Mista 🔫
Mista didn't too much of you at first. Quiet, reserved people who seem to "not know how to have fun" were never really his thing, and he doesn't have the patience to put up with their introverted nature most of the time.
BUT- but, since Bruno quite enjoys sending people who don't really get along on the same missions (see the man in the mirror arc), I do believe that you slowly started to bond through them, helping each other kick the enemy's butt and eventually get the other's respect.
On top of this, conversations between you only got more and more natural, as you decided that it was time to open up a little to him and show him that you're not as dead inside as he thought at first.
You actually become a pretty chaotic duo, to your happiness, and to Fugo and Abbacchio's dismay lol.
Dude have you seen his whole talk about vegetarians and cannibalism? This guy is going to love your fun facts, he's the type of person who looks them up to do literally nothing with them or just find something else to discuss when he's eating with the rest.
Sometimes, he'll even just come up to you only to k ow if you have any new facts to tell him about. Despite the fact that he's not good at remembering details, he will actually never forget even just one of them.
You may even formulate some weird theory together starting from those, which may lead to a debate that could last hours on end if you're not stopped.
Mista is the king of suggestive comments, he might even anticipate you before you can make your own remark. Or, alternatively, the two of you might end up saying the same thing at the same exact time, you basically share one single brain cell and use it over dumb stuff like this. You both look at each other like you're mind connected and burst out laughing together.
This boy is too much of an idiot to appreciate your sense of humor, I'm sorry. Whenever you hit him with one of your dad jokes, he will tell you that they're lame while laughing at the same exact time. You don't understand if he's laughing at you, or if he genuinely likes them and he just doesn't want to admit it.
He will also tell you plenty of jokes, although they're pretty different from the ones you tell, and might even have some dirty implications a couple of times-
Speaking of which, he loves your constant flirting and will ALWAYS play along. Imagine him just shooting one of the enemy while simultaneously flirting back, tell you how cute you are for your attempts at teasing him, or how he thinks it's hot when you mercilessly kill the stand user you were tracking down.
It basically becomes a competition on who can get the other flustered before your partner can. Good luck, 'cause he won't go down easily.
Narancia 🍊
Unlike his best friend, Narancia IMMEDIATELY set his eyes on you as soon as he saw you, he just loves quiet people with all his heart. You can bet on your life that this boy just won't. leave. you. alone. No matter how hard you may try or how cold you might act.
He's constantly dragging you along on whatever he's up to, let that be pranks on the others, late night hangouts, playing games together till you fall asleep...Sorry, but you won't get rid of him.
He's fine if sometimes you just want to stay indoors instead of going outside, you can just chill at home and vibe, he'll understand!
He's a bit confused when he notices how different you are from when he first met you, especially since you're acting a lot more like him, are you trying to do an impression of him or something?
But he quickly grows incredibly fond of the new you! He's super happy he doesn't have to basically force you to do stuff anymore, and that you've begun to match his energy. He feels incredibly relaxed around you and knows he can just act naturally without having to worry about you judging him.
In return, he won't judge any of the behaviors or quirks you didn't show before!
Narancia doesn't know many fun facts, he's too lazy to look up that sort of thing, but he loves to hear you talk about whatever interest you have, so if you like those, he'll gladly listen to you.
He does have a tendency to forget them shortly after you've told them to him, so even if you accidentally say one twice, he won't even notice and will be all "WHAT??? NO WAY!! THAT'S SO COOL! YOU'RE SOO SMART!"
Not one to make suggestive comments himself, mostly because they just don't cross his mind, but he'll laugh an idiot at yours. He's got the sense of humor of a rotten potato, and you love him for that.
Also, I hope you don't mind others hearing it too, since considering how loud his laughter his, basically everyone around you will want to know what you told him.
Like Mista, he isn't really fond of your dad jokes, but he will still laugh at them because he knows you tell them just to see him smile, and it makes him happy.
Do you know the usual "If you like that joke, you either love that person or you've never heard one in your life". Yes, that's basically what's going on here.
Either doesn't realize you're trying to flirt with him, or gets incredibly shy and bashful over it.
Doesn't know how to flirt, couldn't respond to your provocations to save his life, literally nobody has ever flirted with him and he doesn't know how to process it.
Most definitely the easiest prey you'll ever find, you've gotten yourself a blushy Narancia, hope you're happy.
You might as well call an ambulance for him if you start teasing him about it and calling him cute.
Fugo 🍓
Fugo is actually incredibly happy to have someone like you by his side. You're so calm, silent, reserved...Basically a bit of peace for the chaos that is hanging with the others.
The two of you bond over your shared introverted nature and love for calm activities. You're one of the few people he'll be okay playing the piano for, and you just give him a nice, familiar feeling of stability that he adores.
He was a bit startled when he began to notice more layers to your personality than just your closed off façade, he can't deny that he almost couldn't recognise you at first.
But while your behavior may be different, you're still the person he feels the most comfortable around, his sweetheart, and he loves you regardless.
When he stops to think about it, he actually feels rather proud of himself for managing to get you out of your shell. He didn't even realize you were hiding in one in the first place, but the fact that you've decided to show him his true colors reassure him that he's doing a good job in your relationship.
Okay, this headcanon is silly, but I like to think that when Fugo can't sleep, he looks up random pieces of information on the Internet just to entertain himself.
It will be a bit hard to get him with a fun fact he doesn't already know. He might tell you that he's heard it before, but would love to dive more in the topic if it picks your interest.
It's sort of a silly activity and you know that what you are doing is probably not going to be useful to either of you, but you have fun with it anyway.
He doesn't like your suggestive comments. If you weren't his partner, he'd probably tell you to quit messing around and about this sort of thing in a not so nice way.
But since he wouldn't dare to speak to speak to you like that, he'll keep his composure and simply tell you that he doesn't think you should make these kinds of remarks.
Unlike Giorno, he gets modern humor but doesn't find it funny, just incredibly annoying, childish and lame. Mista and Narancia have tried and failed multiple times to make him laugh with their jokes, so they're surprised when you're actually work of him.
He'll let out a simple chuckle and smile at you when you tell him one. Yours are simpler and, in a certain way, a bit more innocent, which he finds cute. He doesn't know many jokes, but he might even look them up just to hear you laugh in return.
Also doesn't know how to flirt, he's literally never been in a relationship and does NOT know how to process your provocations. He may try to look unbothered or tell you that your comments don't work on him, but he's a terrible liar.
Gets incredibly embarrassed when you do it in public, but doesn't know how to make you stop. He probably just goes silent or tells his teammates to stop laughing at him if you happen to get flirty when you're all together.
Looks up on the Internet "smooth pick up lines" to be prepared for next time.
It doesn't work.
Abbacchio ⏮️
Abbacchio just...Kind of forgets you exist when he first meets you, although you could consider it a good thing, depending on how you see it. After all, it's still better than getting picked on like Giorno, isn't it?
In a more serious note, the man is simply relieved to know that at least the newest member isn't braggy or over the top like some others. You're chill and spare him a couple of headaches, which he genuinely appreciates, but is too proud to say out loud.
Starts to grow a bit curious of you seeing how closed off you seem to be. After enough time, you might even get him to let you stay while he listens to music and will share his headphones with you. He decides what you're listening to though, sorry about that.
Probably the most concerned when you start to reveal you're nothing like the impression you give at first. He may even wonder if you're feeling well and it's not actually some enemy stand messing up with your personality.
The imagine he had created of you sort of breaks, but a part of him actually kind of admires you. He's surprised at the way you can just completely let your defense down once you feel comfortable around someone, something he feels incapable of doing, even if he wanted to.
Your boldness, in particular, is what surprised him the most, how can you just be so outspoken? He doesn't get it's he just stares at you.
He's a bit confused as to why you would accumulate so many random facts and information, what's the point? When you tell him that it's simply because you like it, he doesn't really question it further and lets you have your fun.
A good listener if you want to ramble to him about a specific one or an unusual topic in general. He will keep a neutral expression the entire time, but he's actually paying a lot of attention, you just wouldn't be able to tell at first.
Mostly just rolls his eyes to the sky when it comes tp your suggestive comments. He deals with enough brats and dumbasses to the point where this sort of thing hardly ever bothers him anymore.
Lightly smiles at you if he spots you laughing with the others while you all joke about this subject, at least you seem to be having fun.
He knows your dad jokes are supposed to be updated, and not considered funny anymore, but he doesn't get why. He likes them because they're simple, and the way you tell them somehow only makes them seem funnier to him.
Still, don't expect much of a reaction, he doesn't want to show that something as silly as a joke can really affect him. He'll simply smile and you and say "Nice one" whenever he hears one. Secretly, he thinks the way you sometimes chuckle even before you're able to say it is quite adorable.
Lastly, he never gives in to your flirting attempts in public, he thinks something like that should be kept private, although one of your jokes caught him so off guard once, he almost spilled his wine.
When he's sure the two of you are alone, however, you can be assured that your provocations will not go unnoticed. I hope you won't mind having his lipstick all over his face.
Trish 🎙
Trish adores you, case closed.
No but seriously, this girl justly feels so incredibly attracted to in the moment she first meets you. The way you act all quiet and closed off reminds her of how she used to be when she encountered the rest of the gang back in Capri. She just had a feeling this isn't all there is to you, and she is not going to be satisfied until she proves she's right.
She will try to push you out of your comfort zone, keeping you company, asking you if you want to tag along when she goes gets some coffee or a new dress, asks you what you think of her latest song...She just wants you to feel considered.
You'll still have your alone time, she knows you probably want to have some sort of boundaries and she respects that wholeheartedly.
Gets super smug when things actually go the way she had predicted, and you pit down your introverted mask to reveal an incredibly sweet, goofy and lovely person.
Trish couldn't be prouder to have you by her side, she will always tell you how glad she is that she's devised to start a relationship with you and that she feels incredibly lucky to be one of the few people you feel secure being yourself around.
She knows what's it like to be forced to act all passive and unbothered to protect yourself, she just wants you to see that she's never going to think less of you for the way you act.
Amazed at how you seem to take interest in basically any sort of subject from the amount of fun facts you surprise her with. Always listens to you with pleasure and will ask you more questions just to prove that she's genuinely interested in what you have to say.
Probably knows a couple of music related ones and will he more than happy to tell you all about them! She mostly just kept them to herself before getting to know you, so she's happy to share them with someone once in a while.
Claims that suggestive/perv comments don't affect her, but if you're careful enough, you'll see her after covering up her giggle with her hand whenever you tell one.
If you try to point this out to her though, she will slightly blush and deny everything and tell you they you're just imagining things.
Now, talking about your dad jokes...It's a bit complicated, but kind of cute. She doesn't find the home itself funny, it's just something about that little smile you have when you tell them, or the way you run up to her filled with energy just so she can hear them too is what truly gets a good chuckle out of her.
She will gladly play along with you and might even try to come up with her own jokes to make you laugh once in a while. Whether they're actually good or not, you love them every time anyway.
Just as flirty as you are, if not even more. She wasn't sure if you were comfortable with her teasing you in public at first, which is why she always hesitated to do so. The first time you were the one to take the initiative, however, she immediately caught the opportunity and reciprocated your light hearted provocations.
The gang thinks the two of you have no shame and you even got called "show offs" because of this "tendency" you both share.
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barnesbabee · 3 years
collab || J.Y
ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴅᴀʏ 2 - ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴍ.ʟɪꜱᴛ
Summary: Two famous porn stars have a fun collab together.
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x gn!reader
Words: Just enough
⚠ although there is no mention of gender, the reader wears makeup and lingerie, so if you are uncomfortable with that, don't read  ⚠
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As Yunho dried his hair with a small towel, he heard the familiar ding sound from his social media. He had just finished uploading the edited version of his live stream, so it wasn't unusual for him to be contacted by a bunch of people right after, however, he didn't expect to see you.
You weren't well known in the porn scenario, as you were fairly new and the competition was vast, but your 'Around The World' series had become a huge success and a major hit for its originality.
Yunho was quite a fan of the series, so when he saw your message, his fingers were crossed.
Y/N: Hello! My name is Y/N, I'm not sure if you know my work, but I am a porn star that is currently doing a series called 'Around The World' where I... well, fuck people all around the world. My next stop is South Korea and I have seen your work before and I think our style is very similar and I would love to do a collab with you! Feel free to check out my work on my page, I hope to hear from you soon! xoxo
The tall man squealed like a high schooler getting a text from his crush, he's always wanted a collab and now he was about to get one in one of the biggest series of the moment!
Yunhxxx: Hello Y/N! I am aware of your series and I am a fan! I would love to do the collab with you! I'll send you my number so we can talk about the details more comfortably :)
Part of your anxiousness died down at his response. Most porn stars were very polite and kind in front of the camera, and in business discussion, all for that quick buck, but you'd find, with your series, that a lot of them were just assholes with a huge ego. You had a good feeling about Yunho, but you didn't want to get your hopes up and then be disappointed.
The arrangements didn't take long, as you were both excited for the collab to happen, making it very easy to communicate. Yunho was kind enough to offer his own home for you to sleep in, arguing that 'whoever fucks me gets to sleep in my house for free'.
Yunho spent the weekend preparing everything for your arrival on Monday morning: he cleaned his whole house, stocked his fridge and cabinets with all sorts of food, and sanitized every toy of his. By the time he received your 'I'm on my way!' text, his house was the cleanest it had ever been.
The man showered, put on his best cologne, and applied some dark eyeshadow under his eyes. As he stood in front of the closet in his briefs only, he wondered what he should go for. A sophisticated look? A sexy look? An outlaw-looking look? He wanted something to get you immediately attracted to him. Yunho wanted to make you feel good, not to make you act as if you felt good.
Ultimately he chose a black button-up and black suit pants. He decorated his long fingers (that he had come to learn was something many people liked about him) and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.
Yunho was aware of his innocent appearance. He had had his cheeks squeezed one too many times, so he caught on quickly. However, the man loved to play with his looks. He loved to make people wonder what kind of person he was, with a cute face, yet an intimidating look.
Before he knew it, his doorbell rang. Yunho took one last look in the mirror, just to make sure everything was in its place and walked towards the door. The first hello wasn't awkward at all, as you'd already had a few zoom calls to discuss what would happen in your collab, just to make sure there were no misunderstandings.
Once you stepped in with your suitcase, you couldn't help but notice how neat, modern, and well decorated his house was. The walls were white with big windows, and the furniture was a mix of grey, light blue, and white. Yunho lead you to the guest room where you'd be staying, and it was a lot nicer than you expected. The bed was high and large, the duvet was grey with a bunch of fluffy white and red pillows decorating it. In front of the bed was a modern black vanity with lightbulbs around the squared mirror, and against the wall in front of the door was a black, sliding door wardrobe, with a large, orange, and red abstract painting of a couple. His house looked simple yet classy, with just the right amount of colour and decoration. You took a look at him, his dark look contrasting the house.
"You already got prepared?"
Yunho looked a little puzzled for a second, but then understood. "Oh! Oh no, you've just arrived, you must be tired! This is just... how I dress?" He said, feeling a little embarrassed.
You took a good look at his outfit.
"You always dress like that? Wow..."
Yunho's cheeks became a little red at the comment, and he stumbled over his words as he thanked you. He was used to receiving compliments when he had his clothes off, but with clothes on? Not so much... Before closing the door, Yunho told you to feel at home, and that when you were ready you could start setting everything up in the room he used to shoot.
The man had never felt that nervous, so when he finally closed the door, he immediately headed to his living room, and found the whiskey bottle he kept for emergencies. He poured a generous glass and sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone as he waited for you.
You were pretty much used to the routine, and since you had a stopover in a neighboring country and spent the night there, the trip hadn't been too tiring. You sat on the very convenient vanity and re-did your makeup. You liked to match your look to your type of content, so you went for a dark look: dark purple lipstick, a heavy, black smokey eye, and loads of mascara. You made sure to apply a lot, so it would run down your face and give the viewers the fucked out look they loved to see.
The lingerie matched your makeup: black lace lingerie with some bling here and there, and a garter belt to accessorize. You grabbed your robe from your suitcase and exited the room.
"Yunho?" You called, peeking your head from behind the wall.
His eyes widened when he looked up. You were completely different from the person he had met.
"I am ready if you are!"
He nodded and stood up, downing the rest of his 2nd whiskey cup in one go. Yunho took you upstairs and opened the door to his 'studio'.
In the center of the room was a carpet, and a big, empty space behind it.
"I usually move the bed or the couch over there, depending on what I want to do that day. I found that it was easier to move the furniture than the whole set up." He explained, pointing at the empty space.
Against the wall, opposite of you, there was a bed, much like the one on your bedroom, and a nice, black leather couch. Beside you there was a closet, where Yunho kept all his toys, accessories, and streaming outfits. Other than that it was just the usual setup: a desk with a computer, professional lights, and a camera.
Yunho walked over to the couch and moved it with ease to the empty space.
"So we've already decided?" You asked.
The man smirked as if simply entering the room turned him into a completely different person.
"I already have everything planned out for you dear, it would be rude to have my guests work."
You blushed slightly, and sat on the couch, waiting for the green light.
You watched as he opened the closet, displaying his wide collection. He picked a bunch of stuff that he set on top of a towel on the floor.
"Alright, that's about it."
You cocked your head to the side, in confusion.
"You're not getting dressed?"
Yunho reached for the choker he had brought and softly placed it around your neck, tying it just tight enough. He hooked his finger on the big metal ring on the front and tugged on it. You followed his silent command and knelt on the ground, in front of the couch.
"I'm already dressed, for the concept we're gonna try."
You were getting curious and excited. You stayed still as he started up the live stream. Yunho turned on the lights, set up the camera, and pressed 'Start Live Video'. The screen counted down from five, until the live started.
Yunho sat on the couch behind you, and placed his large hand on your head.
The man smirked as soon as the comments started raining.
There was a mixture of fuck yeah's and happy cheers as they recognized Yunho, and became excited for what was to come. The live was obviously happening on your account, although you would always split the tips with the person you worked with.
"Hello," Yunho started, and you let him take the lead "welcome to the 24th edition of Around The World, I am today's guest, and we have such a great show for you today, don't we?"
Yunho tugged on your hair, making you wince. You looked at the camera and nodded.
The 30 dollar donation ding sounded, announcing that someone had made a request.
'Make her sit on your thigh'
You let Yunho take the lead once more, hooking his finger on your choker's hoop and pulling you up, to sit on his thigh. You hummed as you rolled your hips, causing friction between your core and his thigh. Your hand ran along his torso, feeling the fabric of his shirt.
"He has too many clothes, don't you think?" You asked the camera, in a flirty tone.
There was a rain of comments agreeing with you, and you immediately got to work, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. His dick print was already very visible in his pants, and you could now understand why he wanted to wear that look.
You removed his shirt, slowly and teasingly, as the viewers praised Yunho's toned body.
The male hooked his finger on your underwear and snapped it against your skin. Your little whimper at the sudden pain made him smirk.
Yunho ran his hands along your body, making you shiver from the cold metal of his rings.
Tips and donations rained down with many requests, and so you went back on the floor and laid your head on Yunho's thigh, your face mere inches away from his hard-on. You perked your ass up and traced the shape of his cock with your finger.
"What do you think? Should we reward them?" Yunho asked, petting your head as he stared into the camera.
As expected, everyone gave you the green light to continue, so you slowly opened his fly, to find he had no underwear on. You freed him from his pants, gripping his length in your hand. You kept eye contact with the male, and although you were a professional, you were always nervous when you had to take dicks on the bigger side.
You spat on his tip, and played with his cock for a second, before slowly inserting it in your mouth. Yunho groaned and threw his head back, taking in the warmth of your mouth. His hand was tangled in your hear, gripping it and tugging on it from time to time.
"Shit, you're doing so good..."
Yunho was very vocal, to your (and the viewer's) pleasure.
The 50$ notification ding sounded, and a message played right after.
'bby I wanna see you jump on his cock'
Yunho smirked and gripped your hair, in a firm, yet not painful way. He swiped his thumb across your bottom lip, cleaning the remaining saliva.
"Hmm, you know what, so do I."
You stripped from your underwear, in a sensual way for the viewers (and Yunho) to enjoy.
Yunho slapped his thigh, and you climbed onto his lap, slowly but surely sinking down on his length. You gripped onto his shoulders for stability and groaned as every inch of his cock disappeared inside of you.
His hands gripped your ass, spreading your cheeks in a beautiful way for the camera to see. The male helped you, as you rode him, not only by holding your hips and guiding you, but also by snapping his hips up against yours. Filthy slapping sounds along with the mixture of your moans echoed in the room, and the donations were reaching their peak.
"F-fuck baby you're s-so good, you're doing so well."
You gripped his shoulders harder, as his praises drew you closer and closer to your edge.
"They're c-close! Should we l-let them cum?"
It was impressive how professional Yunho was. How he looked so immersed in you, so tired and fucked out, with his fringe sticking to his forehead and eyes burning into your soul, yet he didn't forget to interact with the viewers.
There were many people leaning towards yes, begging to hear the way you sounded as you came, and so he worked hard until you screamed his name and tightened around his cock. He let you rest and recompose for a second, but the way you clenched around him made it impossible for him to hold it in any longer.
"Shit, get on the ground."
You gladly complied, and got on your knees for him, immediately sticking out your tongue, as you could predict what would come after.
Yunho jerked himself off to your fucked out face, and soon a string of curses came out of his mouth, as he spilled all over your face. He smirked and wiped some of his cum off of your face with his thumb.
"Say ah, pretty baby."
You smiled and opened your mouth. He inserted his finger in your mouth and you happily licked it clean.
Yunho cupped your face with his hand, and smiled.
"You behaved so well, I might have to reward you again."
His head tilted to the side, pointing to the couch, and you followed. You sat down on the couch, and Yunho knelt in front of you. His arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you forward, so your hole would be of easy access to him.
The man teased you, as his tongue danced around your hole, not quite getting where you wanted him. You rolled your hips up, earning a slap to your inner thigh.
He looked up at you, with a hint of darkness in his eyes.
It didn't take long for you to get what you wanted, as he started tongue fucking you, with the help of his fingers. You gripped his hair, and your back arched as your high approached once more.
You came quickly, with his tongue still inside you, and he held your trembling legs and body, to keep you stable.
He didn't move for a second, giving you time to breathe and rest. After you had recomposed yourself, he helped you up, and the two of you shared a heated kiss, Yunho's hands never leaving your ass, that he definitely had a fixation with.
You finished the stream by thanking the viewers and donors and shut everything off. Once everything was done, you sighed and plopped onto the couch.
"Do you not want to shower?" Yunho questioned, as he saw the mess in your face and body.
You chuckled.
"Yes I do, very much, but I'm so fucked out..."
Yunho very kindly scooped you up.
"Well, I wouldn't want my guest to work too hard, I'll help you out."
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dumpsterlmao · 2 years
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what a way to confess - mammon
summary - levi suggests mammon to use the message forum event as an opportunity to confess to you his feelings.
genre - fluff and suggestive themes
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mammon walks into leviathan's room without his notice. leviathan was startled at the sudden loud noise coming from the door. "mammon, can you even spare a second to knock?!" he scolded mammon but he ignored his words and continued to glance around his room. "levi, do you have any albums of mc's favorite idol group?"
mammon then eventually went through his stuff on the shelf which made leviathan reacted angrily. he got up from his chair, rushing up to mammon.
"ALRIGHT, FINE!" mammon had finally spoke a word after being unusually quiet since he got inside leviathan's room. "i'll stop messing around with your stuff if you help me out with something." he tells the frustrated and furious levi.
"so i've been thinking about confessing to mc-" his words were then cut off by levi. "wow, about time." he responds in a sarcastic tone. "yeah, yeah. you're not surprised i get it." mammon responds to his sarcastic reply. "but levi, you gotta help me out. just give me one of your album copies of mc's favorite idol group, will ya?" levi shook his head in response. "uh uh! no way i'm handing out one of my albums to a half normie!"
"WHAT?!" mammon facepalms then lets out a sigh when levi refuses to give what he wanted. "you have loads of their albums and you won't even hand out just ONE album?" mammon was stressed out trying to deal with the hard-head levi. "you think i have the money to buy an album when lucifer just hid my credit card again?" he continues to ramble again.
"well you see, i only said no because just giving mc an album as a confession isn't enough." levi's answer made mammon had a surprised expression. "oh, so you're a love expert now?" mammon gasps while letting out the loudest laugh. levi wasn't amused with his reaction. 
"cmon, let me hear it from you amateur! i'm willing to listen any advice you're gonna give me." he wraps his arm around levi's shoulder while ruffling his hair. levi then pulled away from him. "don't act so goody-goody around me!" he tells mammon. 
"ok so listen up. the school just held an event where all students must need to join. we basically need to write a note as a message to someone, then we stick it on the stock board where all the notes should be placed." he explains the whole thing to mammon. he then realized something from levi's suggestion.
"oh, so this event could be my opportunity to confess to mc?" levi nods. "yep! and you better be for real with your feelings this time mamon. this isn't an event to joke and mess around with feelings!" he said with the strict tone on his voice. "of course i won't! i've already made up my mind anyway." he tells levi. "besides, you should remind asmo about that and not me." levi rolled his eyes at mammon in response.
"but how can mc see my note when there's gonna be a lot of notes placed on the board?" mammon adds on another question to ask levi. "well, here's another good thing. you can also read out your message to mc onstage to make it more realistic." levi gave another suggestion. "and even though the stage is mostly used to give out a shout out to their best friends, you might be the first one on that stage to confess their feelings towards someone."
mammon seemed to be opposed to the idea. "uhm, that's gonna sound embarassing. i'll stick with the album, levi. no way i'm gonna read out my confession to mc to loads of people!" mammon didn't like levi's idea. "well if you choose to stick to your bland confession, mc would not think of you romantically." he reminds him.
"and levi's right!" asmo suddenly appeared making the both of them startled from his appearance in the room. satan also walked inside as he was with asmo. "since when did you guys get here?!" levi gasped in shock. "the door wasn't open. of course we'd get inside since we were curious of what's going on." satan answers.
mammon seem to have forgotten to close the door. "and i heard it has something to do with mammon and mc? oooh!" asmo couldn't keep his excitement in. "levi's right! use the message forum as your way to confess to mc!" asmo tells mammon. he was annoyed at asmo's pushiness. "AAAAH! ENOUGH! this thing was only suppose to be discussed between me and levi. why do you guys have to be included?"
"well, if you had close the door in the first place, asmo and i wouldn't be invested in your business." satan answers. mammon gives up on arguing as he let out a frustrated sigh. "fine, i'll go onstage tomorrow to read out my confession to mc." he had no choice anyway.
the three brothers were happy when mammon finally decided to take their suggestion. "FINALLY!" levi happily exclaimed. "goodluck mammon! we'll be there to watch you too!" asmo tells him. "WHAT?! i am not allowing that, nope nope!" mammon shakes his head in response while making a cross sign with his arms.
"you do happen to need an audience mammon. please give us the permission to watch you onstage." satan requests. mammon thought about what satan said and he was right. he actually needed an audience to save him from embarassment.
"fine, i'll let you guys be my audience." mammon had finally decided to let them watch. the three brothers cheered happily in response. "be an audience for what?" beel notices the commotion going on in levi's room. it was gonna be a long time to explain it to him. looks like someone finally forgot to close the door again.
today was now the day of the event. there was a big crowd of people being into separated into groups. "i assume all of you must have known the rules of today's event, seeing as it is only a simple task to do." you and the six brothers nodded in response. "yep, just write out a note then we're finished!" mammon confidently answered. the brothers who knew about mammon's planning smirked at each other at mammon's response to lucifer. only you and belphegor were confused at their reactions.
"it is only a simple task so i expect you all to behave during this event." lucifer reminded them and it was followed with their "yes" after. you grabbed a sticky note then began to write on the paper. you planned to write out notes for the seven brothers and with the people they are aquiantance with.
you unintetionally glanced at mammon's paper and you were shocked to see that he wrote everything in a small handwriting. you couldn't even grasp a word at his writing because it was too small. "mammon, the person you're gonna send that note to won't read that small scribbled handwriting." you point it out to him. instead, he looks at you with a glare.
"exactly, i did that on purpose. now mind your own business." you could only roll your eyes in response to mammon being stubborn as usual. you were the first one to finish out of the six brothers. you headed towards the board to paste your sticky notes that you just finished.
you were surprised to see the brothers following you as you were just finished with yours. "mc! do you have a note for me?" asmo asks with excitement in his voice. you nodded in response. "sure, just read it out there." you let out a smile to him. asmo reads the note you wrote to him and he had a happy reaction in return. "wow! you do love me so much, mc!"
he then starts to give you a tight big hug. mammon wanted to stop you both but levi just reminded him about the plan which made him held back from it. "oh, right the thingy. we planned" he muttered under his breath as levi nodded. "now, go up there." levi hurriedly hands out the note and album to him.
you saw mammon leaving early and it lead you to wondering why he was gone so suddenly. he was with levi before that. you felt someone poking on your right shoulder. "mc, read out my note i wrote for you." it happened to be beel. you nodded in response. "sure! can't wait to see what's on it." you accepted to read beel's letter. the compliments he had written there on the note gave you a big smile after reading. "thanks for the lovely note beel." you appreciated it. "no problem."
a voice that was coming from the stage has caught everyone's attention including you. you turned to see who it was and it was not whom you expected to be. mammon was on the stage holding a paper in his hand as he went towards the microphone. "i see that mammon decides to be in a good mood today." lucifer points out. no wonder mammon left you guys a while ago before he went up on the stage.
mammon cleared his throat before finally saying something on the mic. "ehem." the mic echoed which was enough for everyone to hear. "i wanna get things straight to the point since i'm really embarassed to be up here on stage." you were curious to know what mammon was gonna do on that stage. you guessed that the brothers except belphegor, might know a thing since they kept sharing bluffed laughs at each other.
mammon reads the paper he's holding and lets out a deep breath before saying something. "i'd like to give a shoutout to mc for being by my side since day one." you were shocked to hear your name being called. you gasped in surprise. "oh please, a 'shoutout'?" satan laughs at mammon words. asmo agreed with him as well. "he's too shy to say something else other than that." he responds to him. "thank you for being caught up with my troublesome antics. i know you're very fed up with it, but i'm glad to know that you're still with me despite all that."
mammon's message to you made you want to mess around with him for a little. since mammon loved teasing you, you should also do the same in return. "cause i have no choice, you fucker!" you yelled at mammon making him started. the brothers gasped in shock at your response. "you didn't refuse cause you were too nice enough to say something out your guts! take that you dumbass!" mammon confidently answers you back, raising his voice slightly for you to hear it.
"what else do you have there on your paper? HUH?!" you dared him to continue his little speech about you. mammon looks at his paper reading out the next lines he's about to say. "i'm just a stupid idiot who-" he then stops reading as he notices the word on the paper.
"LEVI, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN INCLUDE THIS?! HUH?!" levi lets out a loud laugh at the angry mammon. "then exclude it out you dummy!" he then continues to laugh as the rest followed. that's where you finally decided to challenge mammon with the speech he's doing.
"or how about you ACTUALLY just go straight to the point without reading from your paper." you let out a smirk at mammon while crossing your arms. you could tell mammon was now even more embarrassed from his position on stage. "go on, i wanna hear it from your own words this time."
mammon drops the paper as he heard your suggestion. "if that's how you want to dare me mc, then i'd be happy to do it." he grabs the microphone off its standing and goes near to your direction. "HOW DARE YOU ACT SO OBLIVIOUS WHEN I HINTED OUT SO MANY TIMES THAT I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU? YOU THINK YOU LOOK SLICK JUST BY DOING THAT? DO YOU KNOW WHY I'M DOING THIS? STANDING HERE ON STAGE LIKE A FOOL? TO FINALLY GET IT TO YOUR SENSES THAT I FUCKING LIKE YOU MC! SO GODDAMN MUCH!"
mammon's aggressive response made you very speechless. all you could do was gasp and not say anything. you felt butterflies from your stomach after heaing mammon's confession to you. the brothers were on the same level with you as well. they were also speechless from mammon's sudden aggressive actions. the atmosphere suddenly became awkward because you hadn't responded to mammon. it took you some a second to finally let out your true feelings to mammon too.
"well i fucking like you too! i only played around because you did the same with me in the first place!" you responded back to him with the same energy as he did. "HOW'S THAT FOR AN ANSWER?! YOU SHIT-ASS DIMWIT!" you raised your voice even harder at mammon. "THEN THAT SETTLES IT! WE LIKE EACH OTHER NOW!" he finally answered back without hesitation unlike you.
to your surprise, you caught the gift that mammon threw to you thanks to your reflexes. you quickly observed the gift and noticed that it was an album of your favorite idol group. mammon dropped the mic then got off stage to approach you. "i bought that with my own damn money. take it as an appreciation." you were too stunned to say something back to mammon. you then began to let out a laugh in response.
"wow! thanks for the gift mammon! i wonder if you still have the money to afford for our date." mammon went up closer to you which lead you both into making eye contact. "why yes mc, i do! you better meet me there early at the restaurant tomorrow night or you're dead for sure if you don't show up!" he leans in closer to your face. "bring it on." you fearlessly answered back.
since the way you and mammon talked felt very degrading and sarcastic, the brothers reacted very differently. they were expecting some puppy love to happen but it's not what they had expected at all. "that was awkward, considering so much people are here." beel had finally say something.
"you know now that i think about it, it looks like they got a weird kink going on." levi pointed it out. asmo agreed with levi's saying. "right? if that's how they show their love then it should be fine!" he lets out a genuine smile.
lucifer did think about scolding mammon for causing an inconvinience to the public but since it was for romantic intentions, that made him change his mind. you were now left to planning for your date with mammon after this school event finishes.
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jtrokujo · 3 years
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paring: Mikaela Hyakuya x fem!Reader
(they’re 18+!!!)
word count: 4k
warning: this story contains sexual content
gerne: smut
summary: there are days when they get along well but there were also days when they hated each other like the plague and even though they love each other?
The weather is neutral, but I wish it got better.
The sun is obscured by the gray clouds, but it's not windy or anything.
You could even go out with a top.
However, y / n decided to take a seat in the four walls with a number of different books and a tall pile of books right next to them.
As she gently leafed through the pages of the somewhat older book, she felt a stab.
Of course it didn't hurt since no one was attacking her, but it felt like someone was watching her.
Without presenting her feelings, she took some books and put the rest where she got them.
Immediately after leaving the library, she stopped in the middle of the path and said with an annoyed sigh, "Bathory, I know you're here."
He stands grinning in front of y / n, but could hardly show a disappointed face.
With his head tilted to one side, he looked at his prey and smiled at her immediately. "I prefer you to call me by my first name, dear."
“I do what I want and not what you want, Bathory. Besides, I have better things to do than waste my precious time being influenced by you. "
When they told the vampire, she continued on her way, or at least intended to.
As quickly as he came, he grabbed her arm just as quickly. "But y / n, why is it in such a hurry?" asked the vampire, amused, pressing more and more on hers with every second, so slowly you could hear her bones. Y / n had to react immediately!
Without thinking for a second, she dropped all of the books on the white floor and immediately grabbed her gun. "You should let go of me!" y / n's voice rang out down the hall and immediately shot the vampire in the arm.
His blood spurted around her.
Y / n got his blood on her face as well as on her clothes - it was the same with Bathory, also the wall and especially the floor got his blood.
"Disgusting." mumbled y / n and wiped the blood on her face, although she knew herself that it would be of no use.
"What's going on here?" Everyone but not him.
"Hello Mika!" said Ferid with delight and turned to get a better look at him.
"Have you lost your nerve again?" he asked me annoyed, but he only looked at me for a few seconds and immediately saw Ferid's blood spatter.
"What do you mean 'again'?"
Even if we've known each other for a long time, we both have to admit that one and the other have diverged. Sometimes it was his fault, sometimes it was me. There were of course moments when we got along really well, but in the end they weren't enough in my opinion.
"Since you've lived with us, at least one vampire must have got something from your weapon."
Said the blond-haired vampire while his eyes stared at me.
I'm not understating when I say that his eyes alone make me feel naked.
Mika only manages to control me through his eyes, even though I should be the one who should control every vampire or the various books I spend most of my time on just one more bad joke.
It was enough for vampires to exist and more than hundreds of people took their own lives just to be able to enjoy themselves. To this day I cannot forgive any of the vampires for what they did to me or those around me. I know myself that there are bad ones, but what is their goal?
Or do you have a goal?
"Y / n." I heard his voice.
Awakened from my trance, I see his eyes again. However, they do not have this previous aura, no, they are a little stricter this time. When I gave him a sign of his attention, the lecture immediately came, "You are old enough to know how to behave and with whom to behave. If you show this behavior to someone else, I'll let that person do it . " and do what they want, because I haven't had the nerve for someone like you for a long time. So finally know your limits before I use my weapon against you! "
Impressive. From sentence to sentence his voice grew louder and louder. Seriously, I never expected or even had the idea of ​​this side of Mika in my life, but here it is. Wonderful y / n, now you have managed to sink deeply with Mika, which is actually the very last thing I ever wanted to achieve in my life, but life has never been a paradise.
With a chuckle, Bathory put his arm and my shoulders and spoke to Mika.
"But, but Mika shouldn't be so strict with her. She's just a little girl again, not even now, is she?" "If I were that little girl, you would surely have two arms instead of one." After saying my sentence, I picked up the books that were still on the floor and didn't say goodbye to anyone, why should I?
Bathory is nothing more than an idiot who uses his satisfaction to see others suffer rather than provoke them too.
While Mika nudges both children like a father, although the other is to blame for everything.
When I got to my room, I put the books on my table and sat on my bed, thinking about the old days. However, I don't think of the days with loved ones that I lost, but of those that I spent with Mika before he gave me a “better life”.
I could leave it all behind at any time and either not start an old or a new life, but I love to have him in my heart for it.
Sighing at my thoughts, I give up and stood in front of my closet for the next minute.
While the lukewarm water felt the white bathtub, my clothes landed on the floor.
This life is more of a calling expected of others than a life of its own. A break does no harm to anyone.
I said to myself and after a few seconds I closed my eyes.
After my bath or a break from the real world, I'm just choosing which book to read.
As I was about to start the new book, someone knocked on my door.
Hesitantly, I said the door was open and waited for the person behind it to appear. Please leave it all but Bathory.
Sighing, I immediately put my hand on my left breast and saw him, Mika.
To be honest, I'm happy to see him, but I'm not, but I don't need an explanation. "Good evening." he said in his usual tone. Without making a big head out of it, I repeated it myself, but added if he needed anything from me.
Shivering, I answered my question in the negative and came up to me with slow steps.
The only thing I could do was do nothing. I stopped. When our faces are a few centimeters away, his arm came slowly towards my body, until he reached for something, when he had this in his hand, he came back with a few steps and immediately held a book in my face.
"I really recommend it, I have to say, you have pretty good taste when it comes to books. I've read it several times because these stories, the writing style, the plot and most of all the characters are up to me." uniquely well written down to the smallest detail. "
I looked at the vampire in amazement. "You read that too?" "Y / n, if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't have a clue either."
A little ashamed of my oh-so-intelligent question, I also looked at the floor.
The whole time there was nothing to be heard, neither a little intoxication, nor even breathing. But after a few seconds, Mika also broke the embarrassing silence by taking a few steps and holding out his arm to me. I don't understand it about myself. When Mika is around, I either act annoyed or neutral. However, countless butterflies gather in my stomach when I think of him alone!
"Y / n ... y / n?!" Mika looked up, gave me a neutral look and at the same time held a few strands of my hair and asked me if he should tie my hair up with a towel. I gently took the wet strands of hair from his hand and began to giggle at my discomfort and nervousness. The thought of me being weird was always out of the question.
"I think I'll blow dry my hair. I'll see you at dinner or tomorrow."
"I'll see you at dinner or tomorrow." repeated Mika before she disappeared from my room.
Locked in the room and caught in his deepest thoughts, he stared over the ceiling.
The reviews of that day haunted him to this day when he also dreamed them.
Sleeping now wouldn't be for him, even though it is shortly before 2 o'clock.
But what can you do about it?
The vampire rose from the bed, stretched out, and decided to go for a walk immediately.
As he walked through the empty corridors, he always hoped not to meet anyone.
Whatever stays that way.
Bored and hands in his pockets, the floor caught his attention. It didn't take long, however, because he was amazed to get up when he saw the light coming from someone's room.
He was more than sure whose room, or rather chamber, it was.
It was Y / n's.
He stopped in front of it, thinking, held out his hand and wanted to knock on the door. At the same time he quickly put his hand in his pocket. This scenario takes about 3 minutes. But it wasn't the vampire's nervousness that was unusual, no, why should he be at y / n's door? This is funny.
Doesn't he often seem annoyed or stern in your presence?
Well, he doesn't even know what's going on in his head.
After an eternity, the vampire finally knocked on the human's door and immediately heard "Come in" from the other side.
Without telling himself twice, he opened the door and saw her. He saw her spread out on the large bed with several notes and books.
Stressed out. You can't see it from the outside, but even Mika can confess that he thinks it is strange to see y / n at this time.
"Do you need something?" she asked him and fixed him with her gaze.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping long ago?" he asked and at the same time crossed his arms over his chest.
"Mika, I could ask you that too, don't you think?" sigh y / n and slowly start piling up her notes and books together.
When Mika offered her help, she politely declined and slowly and carefully put the things on her desk.
"If you have nothing special to do, you can always keep me company, you know?"
Yes, even if there is an argument between the two, they still get along well. However, they don't seem to be as close as they used to be. Without saying anything, Mika accepted the offer and sat next to y / n.
Was that really wise?
The smell of y / n gets over his head, but he's not as easy to lose control as other vampires.
Breathing hard, Mika rubbed her eyes and hoped that this unbearable smell would go away any moment.
Easier said than done.
If only I had drunk blood in the last few days. The vampire cursed.
Y / n noticed his unusual behavior and tried to communicate with him, but to no avail. She called his name several times, tapped him on the shoulder, and shook him a little. He seems trapped in his own world. For the first time she seemed to see someone so trapped in his own world. When will he regain his senses?
Annoyed, she hit his skull with her fist, which led to a groan of pain from Mika's mouth. "What does this mean?!"
“If you are tired, please go to your room and sleep there.
Both rolled their eyes in annoyance.
"You have nothing to say to me, human."
"Oh really? What are you going to do about it, vampire?" It wasn't a mistake by y / n, but rather Mika's mistake. If he hadn't called her a human, she wouldn't have called him a vampire. Nobody except Mika knows right now how much he hates vampires and yet he is one himself, but you have to remember that he never wanted to be one. Not everyone is lucky in life.
As I said, even if it was his own fault that she reminded him, he completely lost his nerve. Slowly she approached y / n, she already felt the dark aura coming towards her. However, y / n did not want to show the fear that is in her and slowly rising above her head. She will regret it. "Repeat when you have the pity." "What is the problem? You called me human and I called you a vampire, but you know what makes me be silly, get out of here, vampire. ”Without further ulterior motives, Mika grabbed her wrist and squeezed the bones with her hand listened from print to print. When she wanted to reach for her gun, which is under her top, Mika was a second faster and threw it directly to the end of the room. When Mika immediately released his hand from Y / n's wrist, she saw an emotion in his eyes, sadness.
He was hurt, but shouldn't he care? What should a little person who plays with little guns do against a vampire, ask him about a game? However, he saw her more as a person, he saw her as someone he can love, with whom he can laugh, of course he had had these people before in his life, but they have long since disappeared. Oh how much he loves her.
If only she knew how many letters he wrote her, but never gave them to her, but hid them in his room.
"I'm really stupid." Mika muttered trembling to herself. Y / n heard it and slowly walked up to him "Mika, that was very childish of me and, to be honest, I'm sorry." When she tried to touch his shoulder, he knocked her away and looked into her eyes, it was their fault.
“I don't want your decisions! I never wanted to be a vampire! If you don't know anything about me, please be quiet and think twice before you open your door! ”The whole room went quiet, pretty quiet. It was rather uncomfortably quiet for y / n, but she preferred to keep her mouth shut because it looked like Mika was looking for the right words. "Why do I love you? Tell me Y / N, how can I love you when you hate me so much?" His voice was fragile and it was tormented to hear it that way. "Mika, I had never hated you before." Exhausted, Mika sat down on the floor and looked at the gun at the other end of the room. "Every time I see a gun like that, I hate myself even more." “Even if it sounds a bit clichéd, for example because of the current situation, I have to and want to admit that I love you Mika. You are in such pain and apparently you have torn old wounds. You didn't deserve that, nobody deserved that. ”Y / n sat like Mika on the floor and hugged him. Her warm body against his cold one. As if in slow motion, their faces stood a few inches apart until their lips met.
With my hands on the back of his neck and my tongue seeking his, his fingertips dance from my thigh under my top.
Only he managed to make me shiver everywhere in a few seconds with the help of his touch. Not through his ice-cold skin, no, only through him. In keeping with the mood, the cold raindrops hit my window pane. "Waiting." he whispered to me.
Not a second later it was pitch black in my room. The butterflies in my stomach just like Mika don't know when to stop, but I love it, never let it stop! His lips kissed every inch of my skin and whispered to me how divine my body was. His hands slide up my top until it finally brushes over my head. The first item of clothing is already on the floor. My legs were around his waist so he could pick me up and lay me on my bed. When he did that, his lips were still on my skin.
As I lay down comfortably, I watched his clothes land piece by piece on the floor. His belly is built like that of a Greek god and although it is dark the moon shines on him. One could have immediately thought it was a godsend. The boxer shorts were the only items of clothing that remained. While I was about to take off my pants, Mika took my hands and indicated that he could do it himself. When my pants peeled off my skin, he looked at my legs in admiration and immediately threw my pants on the floor. Now stand half-naked in front of my bed. The red cheeks on his cheeks were clearly visible. "Are we really supposed to pull this off?" I asked Mika and looked him in the eye. His lips approached my ear and he breathed softly, "Y / n, the question is not, we should, but we can. A human and a vampire, is that a good chemistry?"
"Why don't we want to find out?" I whispered and kissed his shoulder in time. Now he looked at me again, but with clearly red cheeks you could have thought he had a fever, but I can't blame him, because even when his ice-cold body is on top of mine, my body manages to have a hot temperature.
As our tongues played with each other again, our hands explored each other's bodies. While one hand pinches my buttocks, the other is right on my bra clasp.
Moaning slightly, I also pinched his buttocks and felt my muscles tense. A low gasp left his delicate lips, which made me even weaker. My temperature rises more and more with each of his touches.
I can not stand it anymore!
He knows very well that he has the upper hand!
When my bra, like the rest of the clothes, landed on the floor, his ice-cold hands brushed my arms up to my hips and brushed the last piece of clothing across the floor.
I was breathing hard down in my zone.
His hands were on each thigh so I couldn't pinch my legs together. Apart from the horniness, I could hardly move my legs because of his strength, you can not say that he is so strong. The horniness in me is going like crazy! With every breath Mika takes against my area, the butterflies in my stomach fly crazier.
When his tongue brushed my cervix for less than a second, I let out a gasp. Immediately afterwards he pressed his tongue against it and danced with it at the same time. That I'm getting wetter is not only clear to me, but also to Mika, when he was his tongue in my entrance, she explored every single inch inside.
Overwhelmed by shame and lust, I pressed one hand against my mouth so as not to make a noise from you, and the other on his white-blonde hair.
Every time his tongue penetrated deeper and he spread my thighs wider and wider, it honestly hurt, but I don't care about that at the moment because as good as he makes me feel no one is going to do it and I want it too nobody does it because I just want them. Because I just want Mika.
When I thought it couldn't get better, I was wrong. When he started sucking, I was done. My lustful moans got louder every time I sucked, but I do my best that nobody but Mika can hear it. When he freed his tongue from the entrance again, he stuck his middle and ring finger in the next second and didn't give me a second to get used to it. The speed of his fingers is unique!
No matter how much I press my hand against my mouth, my moans stay louder.
Several times his name groaned, which only drove him to increase the speed. My orgasm is nourishing. When I groaned and said I was about to be there, he didn't stop but continued. His tongue dances on my cervix and his fingers successfully hit the G-spot every time, it's just breathtaking!
When my orgasm came, I screamed his name with relish and breathed heavily as I stared at the ceiling.
His beautiful face approached mine, but he devoted his lips to my ears and whispered, "A second round won't hurt you." Aren't my trembling legs enough for him? In the middle of the kiss, I slowly felt his member inside me, but my nails clawed behind his back in pain, we continued the kiss. Now it was Mika who groaned in the middle of the kiss. He closed his eyes and kissed my chest as his hips began to dance. Is it still normal for him to make me feel this way? Because on the one hand I can no longer, on the other hand I want more! Mika's one hand is on my thigh while the other is on my chest. The way he plays sensitive nipples is superb.
I don't know how he makes me feel so good, but I want him to never stop. "Mika, don't stop." I moaned in his ear and wrapped my legs around his waist. When he saw me, I didn't know how to feel. Because his eyes are blood red! He slowly approached my neck. That cold breath worried me even more. He didn't bite me, however, but instead scratched his designated spot with his fangs as the blood flowed from the wound, so it propelled him and made him much faster than before. The clap of our skin was just as loud as the satisfying moans from our mouths. "Y / n." he groaned my name and immediately turned me around. Now my back was visible to him. With both hands on our hips, our bodies clapped together. When I moaned his name one last time, the orgasm came, Mika pulled his member out of me and rubbed it with his hand until finally the white sperm speared out of his body.
After Mika helped me cleanse my body, we are back in bed naked. "Do you think we can do it?" Mika asked out of nowhere. “I don't think so, I know, Mika. And I think you should too. "The vampire looked at me lovingly and finally kissed me on the lips and immediately afterwards whispered" Good night, y / n. " "Good night, Mika."
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
♡ Meant To Be
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x male reader
Fluff ♡ | Requested
Word Count: 2,8k
Don't forget to vote on whosfan and stream
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"Aren't you even a little curious about it?"
You've heard this question thousands of times already; yet, the answer for it has never changed.
"No, not really." You shrug while your friend stares at you in disbelief. "Why do you ask knowing my answer?"
"I just had the hope that you changed your mind," Jeonghan says. "You know, out of everyone in our group of friends, you're the only one who hasn't found their soulmate."
You take one last sip of your tea and sigh, "And you're telling me this to make me feel bad?"
"No! It's just... I thought that would make you feel at least curious of the person whose name is written on your wrist ever since forever."
Your eyes immediately go to your wrist, and your other hand covers the name with your sleeve.
"And I still don't get your habit of covering it, as if you don't want us to know." He laughs. "Are you trying to ignore it and expect to find them like people picture it on dramas?"
Inevitably, you roll your eyes, "I don't know what to tell you. I just think that if we're really meant to meet, then it's gonna happen... someday. I'm in no rush."
Jeonghan nods in understanding, "I guess you're right."
"I am always right." You chuckle. "Now keep telling me about Injae, how is it going with her?"
That's exactly the way you would always dissociated yourself from the topic every time you were asked about it. It wasn't something you really cared about, unlike to your friends. You were happy with the way things are right now.
"... we are taking things slow, and it's all going great. I am really happy about it." He puts on a goofy smile and his ears and cheeks quickly covers in a tinted pink.
"Aw, my little Jeonghan is in love, who would've thought?"
"Shut up, who said anything about love?" He tries to act cool, but he's still smiling and feeling nervous.
"Please," You scoff. "That smile tells me you're head over heels about her. And the way your eyes shine whenever you talk about her? Seems like love to me."
"Ha, ha, ha, you really like to make fun of me, don't you?" He sarcastically blurts. "I am dying to see how you're gonna be once you meet your soulmate. "
"Mmh, we'll see about that..."
Just when you're about to continue reading your textbook, your phone buzzes over the table. You already got distracted by talking to Jeonghan when you both were supposed to be studying for the upcoming exams, but you decide to read the messages you received.
"What's better, keep studying or going out to grab lunch with Sihwan?" You throw the question in the air, to which your friend hums.
"Your friend that works at JYP entertainment?" You nod. "I mean, anything is better than studying for socials, so if I were you, I would go."
"You say that because you want to bump into an idol, don't you?"
"If you meet Twice, could you ask them to  autograph something for me?" He says with a pout, making you laugh.
"I am not that lucky." You say and quickly start gathering your belongings to put them on your backpack. "You're meeting Injae later, right? I'll catch you up at the dorm?"
"Sure, I'll see you later."
With that being said, you start walking to the building. Even when your friend has invited you a couple of times already, you couldn't help but feel nervous. That weird feeling in your stomach and the tingling in your skin, like chills. Trying to ignore it, you pass by a nearby restaurant and order Sihwan's favorite food, carrying the bags carefully until you reach the entrance of the building.
After a few messages letting him know you're already there and a few more minutes of waiting, your friend greets you with a smile and a pat on your back, helping you with the bags in your hands and guiding you to the elevator. Unusual, but you don't say anything about it.
"I have more work than usual today, I hope you don't mind eating in my studio."
"You won't get in trouble?" You ask, feeling concerned,  but he only denies with his head as he presses a button.
"Don't worry, it's fine."
You silently follow him, trying to not look at anyone in the eyes when you walk through the hall, all the way to the studio. Anyway, no one seems to be aware that you are a regular college student. Lots of people work in there and it's hard to keep track of everyone in there.
"Come in, seriously, it's okay." He chuckles by seeing how you look around and slowly walk inside. "I've been working on the melody and guide for a new group these past hours."
The door is closed and Sihwan sits on the office chair and signals the sofa behind it for you to do the same.
"You brought food from that new restaurant down the street? Sweet." He says and opens the bag, placing the food containers on the wooden table between you two. "I've been starving."
"Working for a new group, you said?" You ask with interest, grabbing what you ordered for yourself and start eating as well.
Sihwan nods, "A girl group, they've been working hard and will debut soon, I hope you can listen to them."
"I am kinda old school, but for you I can do it, I guess..."
You two continue having a conversation about music and how you've been doing at college while sharing food. The last time you met with him was a couple of months ago, so the conversation keeps going for a while until he decides it's time to go back to work.
"Well, in that case I'll leave you. I've got to go back to study too." You say as you stand up and clean the desk.
"Mmh, okay. Thanks for this, how about we go have dinner next week? It's gonna be on me."
"Sounds great to me. Text me the details later?"
"Sure thing." He promises and smiles. "You know how to get back, right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. See you!"
As soon as you step out of the studio, you look around to make sure no one is walking in the hall, so you almost run to the elevator, not expecting that someone would bump into you as they exit one of the offices.
You fall to the ground and start apologizing immediately, feeling embarrassed.
"I am so sorry, I didn't see you." You hear them saying.
"No, I am sorry, I shouldn't have ran here." You say, and as you try to stand up, they're extending their hand to you to help you up.
You take the help and do a reverence as a thank you and clean the invisible dust on your clothing, and as you're about to walk to the elevator, their voice stops you.
"Y/N L/N?"
You stop on your tracks and finally have the courage to stare at them in the eye and realize that it's a guy, and a very handsome one, you must add. Your legs tremble at the sight, clearly stunned by seeing someone so good-looking. Your immediate thought is that he's an idol or trainee.
"Uh, do we know each ot-?"
Your question is interrupted as he shows you his wrist, and that's when you see it clearly. Your name tattoed on his skin.
"I am Hwang Hyunjin... your soulmate."
You're at the loss of words. The only thing you can do is get lost in his eyes staring back at you, looking for whatever to say, but the situation feels unreal. It's like your body is frozen.
"Hey, Hyunjin, is everything okay out there?" A third voice coming from the office brings you back down to earth.
"I am sorry, I gotta go." You quickly say the second he is distracted, running as fast as your legs allow it and get in the elevator, pressing the bottons and seeing him run in the hall one last time before the doors finally close.
You exit the building and walk to the bus stop, looking back from time to time only to realise that Hyunjin has not followed you. With your heart beating like crazy and your hands shaking you get to text Jeonghan to let him know you were on your way back to the apartment and that you had big news. He was definitely not going to believe it.
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"Ow! What was that for?" You groan as Jeonghan grabbed a pillow and threw it to you.
"You just ran away?!"
"I panicked, okay? You can't put the blame on me for that!"
"With all due respect, you're an idiot." He sighs. "You met your soulmate and just ran, oh god... What are you going to do?"
"Uhh... nothing?"
Jeonghan grabs the pillow again just to throw it at you, but your hands stop him.
"Okay, okay, I'll do something about it. I'll go see him again!"
"That's a big lie, you say that as if I don't know you." He rolls his eyes.
"Yes, I am a coward. I don't know what should I do, help me." You say with a pout.
"Your friend? He may know him, don't you think?" He states as if it's so obvious.
"Ooh, you're right! I am going to have dinner with him next week, I can ask him..."
"See? It's like the universe is conspiring for you to meet again... Properly meet, I mean."
You stop listening to him as he starts complaining and making fun of the way you reacted earlier.  Your mind is now finding a good way to reach out to him.
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"...And I could finally finish that song." Sihwan says with a grin and takes a sip of his beverage. "I was practically isolated and had no proper human contact for a while, so thanks to our talk and delicious food I could finish in no time after that."
You giggle, "Really? Then I am happy I could be helpful, don't forget to add me on the credits."
He laughs at the joke and continues talking, "You didn't get caught on your way out, right?"
"Well... about that."
"Wait, are you serious? Did you get in trouble?" He asks, concerned.
"No, no! It's just that... Do- do you know Hwang Hyunjin?"
It's now or never.
Sihwan seems to think about it for a second, feeling confused. "Yeah, I mean, our team is not working with them, but I've talked to him and his group a couple of times. Why? You ran into him?"
"Yeah, but also..." You lift the sleeve of your shirt, letting him see the name written on your skin.
"No way! Really?" He says with a big smile. "Hell, congratulations! How- wait, why don't you look happy about it?"
"Because I panicked and ran away before I could say something to him." You say and hide your face behind your hands out of frustration. "I need your help, hyung."
"Okay," He chuckles. "Of course, what can I do to help?"
You sigh and take out a folded paper from the pocket of your ripped jeans, looking at it for a second before handling it to your friend. "Could you give this to him?"
Sihwan takes it and nods. "Of course, I'll give it to him as soon as I can."
Now all you have to do is wait.
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You plop down in the sofa and stare at the screen of your phone for the millionth time today, feeling hopeless at this point. It has been one week since you asked Sihwan to give that letter to Hyunjin, and ever since, you couldn't help but wait for a message from him, or even a call, despite you don't knowing what would you even say.
"Hmm, you haven't heard anything from him?" Jeonghan asks and sits next to you. You deny with your head and sigh. "Maybe he's busy. I heard his group is going to do a comeback soon."
"A what, now?" You ask, and your friends looks as you in disbelief.
"Don't tell me you haven't looked up for him on internet. I mean, he was in JYPE for a reason."
"Oh my god, I swear you are..." He doesn't finish his premise. Instead, he takes the phone from your hands and looks up for his name on the web. "Stray Kids, you didn't look up for him? I can't believe this, are you even on social media?"
"Shut up, let me see this."
You quickly read their information, going directly to the names and pictures of the members, quickly finding Hyunjin and realizing your friend is right. How come you didn't think of it?
"Oh yeah, here says they're releasing an album in a few days..."
"Told you." He murmurs. "Are you still going to wait for him to text you?"
"Do I have another option? I don't think I can go around the building just looking for him, even if I am with Sihwan."
"Hmm, you're right. I hope you can talk soon, though. Imagine this: you and Hyunjin together, we become friends and he gives me a tour in JYPE to meet Twice."
You roll your eyes and stand up, "You're being delusional. I'll go to sleep now, goodnight!"
"That's rude!" He groans and sees you walk away. "I hope you panick and run away again next time you see him!"
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The next morning when you wake up, the first thing you do is check your phone, and your heart almost stops when you see a new message from an unknown number.
You go clean your face and take a deep breath to gather the courage you needed to finally read the long-awaited message.
With trembling hands you unlock your phone and click on the notification.
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It was no surprise to see how easy was to talk with him. You two started talking on regular basis, when he was free from his schedule and when you weren't studying, which happened really late at nights.
Soon, those thousands of messages became frequent phone calls and videocalls that lasted hours, and to say that you both trusted each other with your lives was an understatement. You were still getting used to the idea that your soulmate was an idol; and it was weird to see him constantly on the internet, as of course you started following every other fan account you found on social media. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was trying to be very supportive of your studies and kept sending you messages of encouragement as well as listening to your ramblings about your career and complaints about your professors.
"So you've caught feelings for him, right? It was about time, Y/N" Jeonghan says with a shrug. "I know some soulmates only work as friends and all that, but it was pretty obvious to me that you'd end up in a romantic relationship."
He nods and smiles. "Of course! Are you going to ask him out?"
"I was planning to, but what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he just sees me as the friend type?"
Jeonghan hums. "Well, I think it's gonna be okay. You're soulmates for a reason, don't you think?"
You hesitate to grab your phone and open the message bar, typing a question and hoping things will go well after pressing the send button.
"Hyun, is it okay if I ask you out?
Like, on a date?"
A few minutes later you receive an answer,  needless to say, you didn't expect him to reply now, so you feel as if your heart is about to make a hole on your chest right now.
Hyun ♡
God, I was really hoping I wasn't the only one feeling this way.
Of course it's okay
I would love to go out on a date with you, Y/N ♡
You now feel at ease, the butterflies flying in your stomach and your body feeling so light as if you were floating. Is that how being in love feels like?
"He said he'd love to go on a date with me." You announce with a smile.
"See? There you go, my plan of meeting Twice soon is going awesome." He says and you give him a deathly glare. "I am kidding! But I have to say, who's smiling and blushing like a dumb right now?"
"Jeonghan!" You groan and grab a pillow to throw it at him, but he's quicker to stand up and walk away, still laughing.
Hyun ♡
Now you're not being shy, eh?
You won't run away from me when we meet?
You're the worst, you text back.
Hyun ♡
I may be
But I am your soulmate, so pretty much you can't get rid of me
He was right, but you were not intending to do that.
Because, now more than ever, you were sure things were meant to be this way. Right next to him forever.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (3/4)
Yep yep yep, I'm liking this season a lot! 😍 Although I hope we'll get into a more frantic situation now, like with more battles and more bonding moments (Nya and Maya hopefully, but with Bentho too 🦈🦈🦈)! We got half a season to go, I'M READY!! 😎😎
Alright, here we go!
I do like the season a lot, maybe MoM was a little more cohesive? Idk but it's not a big complain, I still love it so far 😍
Also maybe I would've liked more interactions between Nya and Maya about how they've been apart for so long, they had a chit chat but I would've loved even more. Maybe with Nya saying that it was fine and she grew up only to realize she is still hurt by that, even though it wasn't Maya's fault. I still like how they did it, I wished there was more that's it 🤷‍♀️
While I do make sense to Maya's behavior, that while it seems a little different from Hands of Time it had its logic in my opinion, maybe Ray feels a little weird? He seems less courageous than before, and it was established that he is a hothead like his son so that came off as unusual 🤔🤔
But I do love the fact that he's here and he's bonding with his son, for real, I've been waiting for this for so long so I'm happy nonetheless 🤩
Maybe I'm just easy to please and I take all I can get idk 😅
Oh, are we gonna address the wind element? It feels like we haven't really seen a Morro reference since Hands of Time, that would be cool! 😍 I mean, why even mentioning the wind then 😅😅
Well what do you know, they tracked them, who saw that coming?... me, I saw that coming... we all did probably 🤷‍♀️
Jay took upon himself making a quick recap on how Ninjago will be destroyed this time, thanks Bluebell 👌
Yep nyeheh electricity makes Nya go crazy for sure ❤💙 ... wait it wasn't a Jaya pun?
Jay wear your seatbelt please, you risk you life enough 😅😅 Pff lol "are we there yet" and they are actually there, biggest plot twist I've ever heard of 😂
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And with someone who might as well join the League of Jay apparently 💙
I liked The Island yet it was not as exciting as I hoped for, but now understand the meaning of it. The ninja helped the keepers and they are all allies. Without The Island the moment where Mammatus gives Nya the amulet wouldn't be as meaningful
Is it just me or Nya looked even more gorgeous during that moment?... just me huh? Okay then 😂💕
Here I thought he was just messing around, he always makes things harder 😅 Or maybe better? I mean, they kinda missed a bullet on this one...
Jay somehow had his own TV show in the past and yet he's got that horrible acting skills wth 😂😂😂
Kalmaar is a very cool villain, like, deeply evil. Not only he's calculated and merciless, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. And the people that get in the way? He wants them to suffer because they had dared to confront him 😳
And yes the voice does help a lot, I'm sorry I'll keep saying it until the season is over 😂 (or even beyond? Please cast Giles again LEGO 🥺🥺🥺)
Awww Nya no my poor girl 😢 Jay wanted to hug her to comfort her he is so sweet my SHIP ❤💙❤💙
MOM PEP TALK MOM PEP TALK!!! 🤩🤩🤩 How cool was it?
Like, this isn't even Maya asking Nya to believe in herself, this is her saying that she KNOWS her daughter can do anything when she puts her mind into it. FINALLY SHE SEES HOW AMAZING WATER GODDESS IS 💜💜💜
MORE LEGO TEARS OMG THIS SEASON IS FILLED WITH TEARS 😱 Which... kinda makes sense considering it's a water based season 😂
Nice one, and now? NOW WE GO BACK TO KAI COLE AND RAY YAS!!! ❤🖤❤🖤
That is... surprisingly Egypt theme like? It feels like a title coming from the Fire Chapter of season 11... well we got two fire elementals so 😍😍
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I REPEAT SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! ❤❤❤ Lol Ray got old, but how can someone blame him? He did touch death while aging in Hands of Time, I'm just happy he is alive 😂
Yep, master prankster Wu, that's what I love 👌👌 I always thought Wu had become a father figure for Kai at the beginning, so seeing Ray and Wu in the same picture feels very wholesome to me 😚
Ah, uncle Powers, I both love you and hate you so freaking much 😌😌 But you make cool slides nonetheless 😂
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Oh no you guys are stranded on an island whatever are you going to do?? It's not like you had already before and managed to survive (Skybound) or you got stranded on a rock in a sea of sand filled with giant monsters (Fire Chapter) or you were on a freaking COMET in SPACE (Rebooted). Yeee, this is the worst yet 🙂
I'm starting to think these ninja are just a bunch of drama queens so no matter what happens, it's always hopeless 😂😂 I feel like I'm kinda right on this one honestly 😛
Aww I like that, while Ray told his kids stories about dragons and how they traveled through the Underworld, Maya told them about Nya the first water master that could summon whales 💙❤💙❤
Pff imagine if it turned out Nya was the master of fire, carrying a very water based name? Lol
Maya: I would know if it was possible!
Nya: Yeah, like she knows that I can control a bit of ice because it's frozen water
I find both interesting and very annoying that this explorers club thinks so highly of themselves, to the point the deny to aid even the FREAKING SAVIORS OF THEIR FREAKING LAND 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Misako got good reflexes after all, Kai was probably ready to melt this guy's face 😅
Oh, so a trial by Sphinx is a challenge? A mental one? A cultural one? A physical one? Idk but Misako is actually taking charge and that is cool I guess 🤷‍♀️
Okay this is kind of weird, how is Ray so afraid? Is it because there's fire?... did he... did he grow afraid of fire for some reason? Because it feels a bit off for now, but if there is a deeper meaning that could be interesting 🤔
Wait is that the riddle from Decoded? That's fire right?
Lol at least in this one Kai wasn't completely ignored 😂 I know my flame babe isn't the most rational person, but I do like that it was an answer connected to his element where he used his head!
Ah Clutch, you really got no backbone 😅 And apparently you're the only explorer who doesn't, dang look at the others go! I'm having a bit more respect for them now 😚
Kalmaar: I'm your conquerer
Wu: so after skeletons, the serpentine, nindroids, the Stone Army, Chen's army, ghosts, oni, more snakes but on fire and people from a game, that makes you the tenth. Have a free cookie
Wu: you're not special
Is this a little throwback to Possession too? Nya seems to always control better water when she doesn't actually think about it. When her feelings are free, so are her powers 🌊🌊🌊
Also this opens up more possibilities! Creatures connected with other elements might get summoned too! I would love something like that 😍😍
This was NEAT, or maybe I just missed Kai that much ❤ What's next??
ANTONIAAAAAAAA!!!! MY GIRL IS BACK!!! All my girls are back in this season, I'm so happy 😍😍😍 And if she is here, sweet little Nelson has to be around and I cannot wait! Bring in the purple ninja! 💜
Owww Antonia's last day as a papergirl? Nooo why??
She's got a job at the... DAIRY DRAGON??? OMG OMG OMG IT'S THE ICE CREAM PLACE BRAGI TOLD US ABOUT ON TWITTER!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I remember the post, he was asking about names for the place and ice cream flavors. Now I can't wait to see what did he choose 🍦🍦🍦
UNAGAMI BABY HI HONEY!!! 🙋‍♀️ I hope he's doing great 😘😘
This is so cool honestly, Antonia got her own character arc going on! Living in a chaotic city like Ninjago City must be pretty dang exhausting 😅
Was... was that Dareth in the garbage can? Am I wrong? Poor brown ninja 😅🤎😅
Their friendship is so wholesome, I'm so happy they are still together no matter what happens 💕
I thought Kalmaar wasn't much of a fighter but DANG he's got skills! Also the fact that he uses tentacles makes the fight very cool to watch! 😚😚
Well at least you tried Ray 😅
Ah, little cameo of the original Weekend Whip, always nice to hear it again... AND DO THE WEEKEND WHIP!!! 🌪🌪🌪
I don't even know what is cooler, the kids being mad lads on their bikes, Kalmaar driving a TRUCK or Kai going full parkour on the buildings to follow them 🤯
I'm sorry... am I the only one that during the Kai and Kalmaar talk kinda thought of Jestro and Clay? I miss my boys from NK, they're even more at odds now 😭😭
Kalmaar just loves to make everyone feel inferior, gotta be his hobby 😶
Oh good Kai is back
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Antonia, Nelson, you guys are now my heroes. You saved my fave, I'll be forever in dept with you ❤❤❤ Am I being overdramatic? Most likely, but Kai is one of the few that didn't almost die or did die in a dramatic situation and he is also my absolute favorite character so that... kinda keeps my sanity in check in this show 🥴
I wonder... does he still not know how to swim? He saved Lloyd in Possession but I wonder if he was only trying to float on the surface... THAT'S TERRIFYING
This episode was so adorable, I love Antonia and Nelson so much 💜💕💜💕 It's nice to see what the other people of Ninjago do while everything goes mad 🤣
Wait hang on my Ninjajan is a little rusty
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"Ninjago City. City that never sleeps" well if that ain't the truth 😂
Like Master of the Mountain? Wait are we going back to Shintaro?? VANYA?? ANOTHER BEST GIRL RETURNS??? 💛
Hey hey hey, we got a full Nyad backstory! I really like when they do these little drawn shots, they feel more like legends! And... the ending sounds terrifying? Like, they wouldn't let Nya sacrifice herself and die... again... right? 😱
Bentho: and the world was in balance, until now because of my brother
Lloyd: and the Overlord before of course
Bentho: the what now?
Lloyd: the evil one my grandpa the first Spinjitzu Master fought?
Why do I like this offscreen "hiiiyaaa" that sensei Wu does before actually going into the scene? 😂😂
No matter if they come from the underground or the sea, these are all snake-like creature with the same intellect 😅 Kalmaar and Garmadon would have a lot to talk about, sea king dealing with his minions does remind me of Lord Garmadon in season 2 a lot 😂😂
OMG Kalmaar is such a brat and petty villain I love him so much 😂😂😂 Yes I didn't even mention his amazing voice!... AH DANG IT 😳😳
*Misako kicks Kalmaar and is actually useful* 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
*Misako gets taken as hostage immediately after* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
KAI LITERALLY JUST GOT SAVED FROM DROWNING WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!!... and Ray and Cole and Wu of course, I care okay 😅
OMG that face 🤣🤣🤣
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That some meme material right there
Whoa Vincent that voice just got super up when the Unsinkable showed up, it kinda sounded like Jay's lol
Kai: Nya talks to whales now? (I snorted so hard at this 😂😂)
HECK YES NYA GOT THE AMULET!! 😍😍😍 ... we got, like, four more episodes to go so something needs to happen in between... do I need to be scared? I feel like I need to be scared 😅
Jay starting a fire then blaming Kai?... this is so in character I got chills 😂😂
SHARK BOY IS STAYING TO THE MONASTERY THIS IS SO PRECIOUS!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I want all the shenanigans and we need to write fanfictions about more shenanigans and AAAAHHHHH 🦈🦈🦈
Bless these two fire idiots
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They own my heart ❤🔥❤🔥 Also Vincent, this is supposed to be a fun little gag moment, your amazing voice acting is kinda distracting me 😭😭😭
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Maya learned that her daughter is capable of everything, I love that. Nya simply understood that she doesn't have to give up when something gets difficult. She is AMAZING and can do anything she puts her mind into. She simply has to hold on until the end 💪💪💪
Omg Benthomaar playing billiard with the guys I already love this 😍😍
I love how Vanya doesn't even question it. It comes from Cole and he said it needs to be protected? Done and done 👌
Wait what, did something fall?
Well dang, I didn't see that coming, now what Seabound? What do you have for me?
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redara · 3 years
Okay, big rant with SPOILERS, i honestly thought RE7 Chris was Hunk without a mask. Without the DLC, i thought it would go like this :
Blue Umbrella sends Hunk to "save" the Winterses and claim himself as "Chris Redfield", building trust with them, etc. We'll call him Hunk!Chris for now.
Fast forward to RE8, the Winterses are having a nice little dinner, when BAM BAM BAM, gunshots and ambush from men in masks - i repeat, IN MASKS - like the ones worn by Hound Wolf Squad. One of them wears a slightly different mask, is called 'Alpha', and he takes Rose away.
Ethan's convoy crashes, and he's rescued by Hunk!Chris, and is told to go to the village and meet Mother Miranda and the Four Lords. They're not acting hostile at first, but they show how they hate the men in masks - bear in mind, the Lords look just the way they are, big woman, scary creature, and all.
The difference is, they claim to be the leftovers of Umbrella's old experiments, and that 'Alpha' and his team wants to eradicate them for good. Mother Miranda lets Ethan stay with them.
Well, our boy Ethan can't sit still, so he snoops around the guarded village, only to be attacked by the lycans, the monsters and all. He finds clues from the villagers, enough to make him secondguess the Lords.
Now, important, this is RE8, and Leon always appears in even numbered franchise, so we're gonna put him here.
In helping the villagers, Ethan is assisted by Leon. He then sees Leon talking on comms to Chris, and Ethan concludes 'oh must have been a member of Chris' squad or something'. The convo may sound like this:
Leon to comms: Chris? Where the fuck are you? ...yeah, but - well, have you seen the village lately? There are lycans everywhere, how am i supposed to be there - ...*sigh* aye ay, captain.
Ethan: Well?
Leon: Well... I'm needed elsewhere now.
Ethan: Chris' not an easy guy to persuade, huh?
Leon: You tell me. In the twenty years that i've known him, he's only listened to me twice. See you around.
(yeah, whatever convo they be having, Leon is implying that he knows Chris the best, and that Ethan believes him, and they part ways).
Eventually, after prodding around the village, Ethan finds out too much, and figures out that Rose is actually safe and sound in Lady D's castle, so he tries to get her back. Lady D and her daughters deny at first, until they can't play nicely any longer, and shows their true selves. After killing them, Ethan finds out Rose has been taken away to another Lord's house.
Now comes the hunt.
So Ethan goes on Liam Neeson's Taken mode. He goes to Beneviento's house, asks questions only to be played with, so he has no option but to kill.
While heading to Moreau's place, Ethan encounters the Men in Masks, got captured, and taken to their hideout. They are all still wearing masks. Though he hears them saying things like, "he killed two out of four Lords", "do you think Miranda knows?", etc.
Ethan believes he's going to be taken back to the remaining Lords and killed for good, but then BAM, big fishy comes to the rescue.
So now Ethan goes to Moreau, fights him, and gets told to stay away from Mother Miranda. In the brink of death, Moreau's willing to spill the details, but he is shot dead by sniper instead.
Coming forward is Hunk!Chris, claiming to have saved Ethan, and being all friendly and stuff. Naturally, Ethan tells him of what he has done, killing three out of four Lords, and meeting the mysterious masked men. Hunk!Chris tells Ethan to just kill the masked men whenever possible.
So, Ethan travels with Hunk!Chris to Heisenberg's place. Quite a way. All good at first, until Hunk!Chris offers to split up to cover more ground.
Poor Ethan meets Heisenberg all alone, has to join in his little game, kicked twice to the bottom of the factory. The second time, he's crawling out of the vent, and sees bloody Hunk!Chris being held by two men in masks. So naturally, Ethan jumps to help.
Sooo Ethan manages to have one of the masked men in grip, gun pointed to his temple, and begins to negotiate.
Ethan: you okay, Chris?
Hunk!Chris: *grunt*
Masked men #1 to Alpha: his name is Chris?
Ethan: so are hundreds thousands of people in the world.
Alpha: what's the last name?
Hunk!Chris: ...Redfield.
The masked men look around in shock, but the Alpha approaches Hunk!Chris.
Alpha: So you're the copycat we've been looking for.
Ethan: copycat? What the fuck are you talking about?
Alpha looks at Ethan: Ethan Winters, right?
Ethan: yeah?
Alpha: this man isn't the good guy like he claims he is.
Hunk!Chris: bullshit!
Alpha: shut up.
Ethan: i'm not gonna believe the men who killed my wife - Chris saved my fucking life!
Alpha: it wasn't Mia Winters that we shot, it was Miranda. She disguised herself as your wife to get to your daughter.
Ethan: then where's Mia?
Alpha: Miranda had locked her up. She's safe with us. Now, put the gun down, Ethan -
Ethan: if he's not Chris, then who the fuck is he?
Yeah basically it's a big "fuck you" "no, fuck you" moment, until Leon arrives at the right timing to declare.
Leon: Umbrella's special forces, codename Hunk.
Ethan: Leon?
Alpha: took you long enough.
Leon: i had a detour. Ethan, i've known Chris long enough to know that he doesn't look like that. That man isn't Chris Redfield.
Ethan: wha - why are you agreeing with him?
And Alpha finally unmasks, and shows the face we all recognize, and says, "Because i am Chris Redfield."
Sooo, Real Chris elaborates on how he has been hunting Blue Umbrella, about Hound Wolf Squad, about Mother Miranda and her real plan. Leon is apparently sent to deal with the identity theft, and he elaborates on info regarding Hunk, Blue Umbrella, all working together with Mother Miranda.
All in all, they get to an understanding. Ethan is fucking seething for being betrayed, but more importantly, he wants to help. Before all of them can compose themselves, Heisenberg drops by, clapping, having been listening to the whole thing. He manages to separate the group, Ethan going with Chris, while Leon goes with the rest of HWS.
Cue boss fight of Heisenberg vs Ethan and Chris.
Now afterwards, the duo heads to Mother Miranda. They split up, Chris to plant a bomb, while Ethan is supposed to wait for Leon and backup. But the backup never comes, and Ethan drives head on to face Miranda on his own.
Well, this is where Chris sees what Ethan really is, how he still survives despite being injured and all that. And Ethan seems to have come to terms with his unusual condition, that killing Mother Miranda is a one way ticket for him.
So Mother Miranda dies, Rose is saved, but Ethan is also dying. Chris forces Ethan up and running, carefully, as the body is crystallizing. But Ethan is at his limit.
And as you all know, he knows he has to sacrifice himself to detonate the bomb, cause let's face it, he will never make it out alive. Even if he does, barely, he doesn't want to live as a BOW. So he hands Rose over to Chris, asking him to please tell Mia that he's sorry, and that he loves her and Rose, and that everything's gonna be okay now, he's gonna set things right.
Aaand boom.
That's about it. No fast forward to some years later at the ending.
I'm also thinking that perhaps in mid story, there should be a time when the players get to play as Real Chris as Alpha, only that it's never mentioned who he is. The players only see from first person perspective, and his voice is like coming from radio (ya know what i mean), and it's shown how he goes so far to save Mia. How Mia reacts to him all scared and is all like, "who are you?" With no explanation, then it shifts back to Ethan.
Reading back, this is hella long to write, but yeah this is what i thought upon seeing RE7 Chris, like the fuck, that can't be Chris. And working with Blue Umbrella? Really? I think real Chris would be having Racoon flashback from just hearing the word 'Umbrella'.
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fortheloveofkuroo · 4 years
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Part 1 Part 3
Karasuno boys are having a sleepover in your place, their Manager!
4. Nishinoya Yuu
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Yea boi he's excited.
Yuu have been always a fan of yours. Sure he loves Shimizu Kiyoko more than anyone (expect Tanaka lmao) But you, you're just so different that you shines in his eyes.
"Sleepover at (Y/n)'s home?! Not Bad!"
He is excited as hell.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Is your house bigg?" He excitedly asks. "Well, you'll see." You answered.
He cannot calm down geez. Unlike Asahi, who's nervous as hell he's very excited and everybody can tell.
"You guys can dry yourselves here, i'll shower first and prepare your dinner!"
Something about seeing your domestic self seems very unusual to him. He's not used to you who's not yelling and controlling people in the Gym.
You seems very famous for your strictness to the boys. But they're not complaining though.
He waits (strangely) patiently and being his usual self, with Tanaka he guards the bathroom.
"We, as a real gentlemen we have to guard our lady from danger. Especially when she's in her vulnerable state." Nishinoya explained. Tanaka answered with his nods.
Ofc you can hear everything from inside. "OI YOU TWO GET OUT FROM THE DOOR!" you opened the door, with bathrope on and wet hair.
Ofc these two guys arestunned. "Omg (Y/n), you're actually so hot-" "GET OUT!" you kicked both of them to the living room and quickly change to your clothes.
Doesn't took too long before you finished cooking dinner with Sugawara and bring them to table.
They all eat so much. You barely eats. That's alright, they worked so hard. It must be tough for them.
This guardian deity noticed that you don't eat much. So he gave a few portion of his Karaage to you. Without you even noticing.
"Eh,? I'm sure i finished mine though." You wondered. Nishinoya grins, "It seems like the Kaarage fairy likes you, (Y/n)!" Followed by cheering from Hinata asking if Kaarage fairy is real or not.
You know it's from him. It's not rare for Nishinoya sharing his food but it warms your heart.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
"I VOLUNTEER MYSELF!" Nishinoya shouted before Sugawara holds himself. "No you're not! I don't trust you!"
"Nishinoya-senpai is tiny so i'm sure he can sleep with the others just fine." Kageyama adds. "HAAH WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYY?!"
Omg the chaos. You had enough for some point.
"Geez! I'll sleep by myself. Don't make a ruckus and Good night." You snaps while closing the door. Leaving some of them guilty.
You can't lie that you feel a little upset. Maybe you're tired. Yeah, you're prolly tired. You're gonna apologize to everyone in the morning.
It's been hours since you turn off the light. Hell it's already midnight and you can't seems to fall asleep. You're mentally and physically tired but your eyes don't want to close even an inch.
So you left your room. Moving around a little hoping you'll get (even) more tired. You move slowly, making sure you don't make so much noise that loud enough to wake everybody.
A glass of water is enough to calm yourself down right? Nah it's not. You're still hungry.
"Psst. Hey."
You turn your head around, a boy with dark drown locks and a little golden blonde highlight on his bangs. It's undoubtly him.
"Noya? You haven't sleep yet?" You whispered to him. He shakes his head, but both of your movement is too loud for the first year that ate sleeping in the living room so you dragged him somewhere else.
Should you bring him to your room? Dang it but you're still upset. So you dragged him outside to terrace. Letting go of his hand as you two sits.
"Why are you still up?" Noya shrugs. "I don't know. How about you?" You shrugs back. "Idk. Prolly-" your stomach suddenly shrieks, cutting your words and Nishinoya cannot help but laugh.
"D-Don't laugh! You'll wake everybody!" You hit his arm as he coughs. "Um, wait here 'kay" he left. You have no idea what he's planning but oh well.
You hug your knees as you looks up, the sky is so clear. Thanks to the rain and storm earlier.
You nose picks up something. A savory delicious smell coming from inside the house. Wait is this his plan?
Not so long, Noya came back with two noodle cups. He gave one to you and place himself right next to you. He only give you a grin before you two busy enjoying your instant noodle.
Not only your stomach but your heart warms up now. It's the little silence that you two in.
You smiled. After putting your cup of noodle away you chuckles.
Nishinoya confused. "What? You still hungry??"
You shakes you head, "I just don't remember keeping instant cup noodles though.." "Oh it was mine. I brought spare food everywhere, because y'know i eat a lot." Nishinoya grins.
You thanked him as you ruffles his golden bangs. And your hand quickly got snatch from his head before you know it you already cornered between him and the cold concrete wall behind you.
Is this what kabedon looks like?
He slowly release your hand and apologize. Very ashamed of what he have done. He excuse himself but you stopped him.
"...Stay for a while."
God how can he say no?
Being in the same grade as you provide him with a lots of opportunities. Not only he can see you everyday outside the club activity, he's given the opportunity of interacting with you because you two are in the same class ans apparently, you sat beside him.
He nods and sits back while you quietly watch over his side profile. Damn, you never knew that Nishinoya is actually.. Pretty good-looking.
"Sorry, i acted without thinking earlier."
"Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Also, gotta admit though, you look cool with your hair down, Noya."
You can tell he's surprised. A girl? Tell him he looks cool? What? In? The? World? Is? Happening???
It seems like the cold air and the full stomach is now making you drowsy. Noya notices this, he grabs your hand and leads you to your room.
"There there. Sleep tight kay?" He spoke as he cover your whole body with blanket. It's warm.
But it's not enough.
"Hnnh.. Noya, cold." You whine.
"Haa?? Then what do you want me to do? Cuddle you up?" He jokes. Well suprisingly you nods.
Noya shocked, but why not right? He smiles as he enters the soft blanket of yours and sighed.
"Fine i'll spoon you."
5. Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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He's literally dreading to go to your house.
"Oh shit nvm Kiyoko-san is number one- ...but sleepover at (Y/n)-san's house though, BUT KIYOKO-SAN!! B-But (Y/n)-san.."
Yeah that's what his mind probably looks like. He obviously loves Kiyoko but heck, when you appear infront of him. It's like another flower has bloom.
He swear to himself that he only devotes himself to Shimizu Kiyoko and not do anything weird but protect you as Karasuno's manager and that's it.
But when he enters your house, and seeing everybody so relaxed, he thinks "heh why not?"
Especially when he saw you getting out from the shower. He feels like he just cameback fro a long day at work and his wife is serving him-
Dang it, he hates himself. He can't pick. He loves Kiyoko so much but you.. You keep disturbing him.
And ofc you don't even know that this is what's going on. You only think that Tanaka loves Shimizu-senpai so it's cool he acts very defensive to the managers especially when they're outside the school.
But why is so nervous yet so happy when he sees you?
You cameback from the kitchen, placing the dinner on the table with Suga-san helping you out.
The entire scenario of you being his wife serving him right after he cameback from his work is very vivid.
He shakes his heaed as he stuff and chomps down his rice. Secretly stealing a gaze over your direction. Everybody's attention is slightly moves towards you too.
The way you eat, the way you speak, the way you smiles..
He ignores those all and focus on his meal and moves his focus elsewhere by teasing another member whose embarassed or flustered just because they're in your house.
But he's secretly overwhelmed too.
And not so long it's sleeping time.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
Sugawara was quick to respond. But you already sighs and shakes your head. "Nevermind i'll sleep by myself.. Goodnight Guys."
Shit. He felt guilty now.
He tried to erase his feeling of guilty away, Nishinoya and the others are very quick to fall asleep. They left him alone. Awake in the darkness.
He can't sleep with this guilty feeling on his chest. As a true man, he must deal with his problem straight away.
So he brace himself and lightly knock on your door.
No answer. "Shit, she's probably already asleep. I should just wait untill tomorrow-" and the door opens.
Revealing you with a sleepy face and messy hair. So you did already sleepy.
"S-SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INTERRUPT. PLEASE GO BACK TO SLE-" "Tanaka shhh.. Not so loud.." you yawns as you rubs your eyes.
"It's fine, what is it? I'm awake now." You smiles. He want to say something. Tanaka is a simple guy, if something is interrupting him, he will told you immediately.
"No ah.. I'm sorry (Y/n)-san. You should probably go back to sleep-" "Geez.. Be quite!" A shout suddenly startled both of you. Causing you to quickly drags Tanaka inside and shutting the door.
"Okay, what do you want to say?"
Man, Tanaka Ryuunosuke is stop working.
He's inside your room, he always wonder what a girl's room looks like. (His Onee-san's room is a very different one in his perspective)
"Hellooo? Earth to Tanaka? Ya there?" You wave your hand infront of him as you tap his bald head.
"A-Ah yes! It's.. I want to apologize about earlier." "Huh? Oh, that's alright. I was just tired so a little ruckus kinda bugs me. But that's okay, i'm sorry too for sounding so annoyed, eheh."
Your awkward pure genuine smile moves his heart.
He smiles. Is that it? Is this his choice?
"Say (Y/n)-san.." "Geez Tanaka drop the suffix. We're in the same year." You protest. Tanaka awkwardly chuckles and nods.
"What is it?" You wonder. Anticipating an answer from a boy who's sitting infront of you.
"Do you.. Have someone in your mind?" He looks down. Didn't even that brave to look at your eye. Untill he feels a little thud in his shoulder. He looks up..
You fell asleep on his shoulder. Oh my God.
The panic.
He's panicking inside and it shows. You, who's now asleep and sound on his shoulder suddenly slides to his lap.
He quickly carry you to the bed and tugs you in.
"This is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad"
Poor boy lol.
But one things he notices, your hand.. It won't let go of his hand. Even though he relase your hand, you kept looking for his hand.
"How adorable," he think to himself.
"...Don't leave."
"..I won't. Because, i think i love you.."
6. Kageyama Tobio
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Honestly, this boi can't behave himself when he's near you.
Y'know ya boi Tobio never really cares about the outside world of voleyball. So he never notice any stuff that's going around even if A LOT of girls in his class are crushing on him.
In the middle school everybody seems so distant from him because of his past attitude, but he's willing to change when he came to Karasuno and boom, he met you.
What a spark of fireworks.
So now his world revolves around two things. Voleyball, and you.
Kageyama doesn't want to bother you, so he decline. But his poor self didn't bring umbrella. He already made up his mind that he'll sprint to home untill he (accidentally) heard your quarel with Daichi.
Well, why not?
So this boy tags along, and being the polite boy he is he behave SO POLITE IT HURTS YOUR EYES.
"Jesus Kageyama, you don't have to be so polite." You laughs as the other members starting to notice. Kageyama's forehead form a confused expression.
He's actually pretty quiet and calm in your house. Your house remind him a lot of his Grandma's house. The atmosphere, and the living room is practically almost identical.
He tried to enjoy the moment but ofc Hinata Boge will annoy tf outta him.
When you distribute the towels, something struck your mind and he snaps you out of it.
"(Y/n)-senpai? Is anything wrong?" You shakes your head and gave him a thumbs up, i forming everything's fine. He's happy with the little interaction that you're both having.
That's just enough for him.
It's almost his turn to shower, some of the member that showered first already back, and Hinata decided to go ahead and shower first. Taking over Kageyama's turn and leaving him behind.
He was about to chase after him but Daichi pulls him back. "Don't make any ruckus." He advised Kageyama.
But Hinata strangely came back with a pale face. As if he runs to a ghost or something.
"Oi what happened? You run to a ghost or something?" He asked, mocking him.
Hinata face turns to serious yet doubtfull. Oh shit something serious must have happened. Kageyama nudge him. "What happened?"
Hinata gulps, "... I saw Suga-san and (Y/n)-senpai in the kitchen.. They were.." Kageyama scoffs. "Yea they were cooking. What else they should be doing, huh?"
"No! Listen.. They were.. Ugh.. S-Suga-san.. Cornered (Y/n)-senpai.." Hinata whispered to him. Kageyama's heart almost stopped. So it's true.
A while ago, while he was practicing his jump serve, his ear caught something rather interesting. The third years were discussing about the managers. Including you.
"How about (Y/n)?" Daichi asked. "Aaah, i think everyone in the team atleast have a crush on her though. I mean ofc i had a crush on her, who wouldn't?" Sugawara jokes. Bur Asahi agreed too.
What? So he against the senpais too?
And the first years and second years too. Wow you sure are popular.
He gets up, clenching his towel between his fist and walked to the kitchen. While Hinata tried to hold him but poor guy he gets thrown away :(
Once he stepped to the Kitchen, he saw you and Suga. But both of you are blushing. Shit, he doesn't want to admit this but he think Hinata's not telling a lie.
"Oh Kageyama? The bathroom's that way." Sugawara's finger gesture over the bathroom and helped you with the meal. He can see a glistened of rivalry in his kouhai's eyes.
"Thanks." As Kageyama shuts the door. He curse to himself. Now he have to compete with Sugawara too? Not only the setter position but.. Girls too?
He spent his showering session by collecting himself. He must not show any emotion of upsetness. Then he gets out and surprise surprise he bumped into Sugawara.
The silence between them omg.
"Excuse me-" "Hinata told you, didn't he?"
"Shit. He knew. Now play dumb Tobio."
"H-Huh? What did you say, Suga-san?" He lies. Sugawara know from the start that Hinata will run to Kageyama and spill everything. And Kageyama Tobio is bad at lying.
"You know, that me and (Y/n)-" "Food's ready!! Everybody let's gather aroundd!" His words were cut off by Daichi's announcement.
The whole dinner session are spent well, Kageyama's usual quarell with Hinata about the food and you being so wholesome and kind about it.
But the way you and Sugawara's movement after that kitchen incident keeps bothering his mind. What if Sugawara..
And dinners ended. It's turn to sleep now. He's kind off sleepy already because of his routine. So after the room division, he will go straight to bed, he think.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
"I VOLUNTEER MYSELF!" Nishinoya shouted. But he gets hold back by Sugawara. No no no. He cannot let anyone especially Sugawara to sleep with you.
"Nishinoya-senpai is tiny so i'm sure he can sleep with the others just fine." Kageyama adds. "HAAH WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYY?!"
"Let's go to the distributed room first and see, who's the one left. He gets to stay with (Y/n)-senpai." Kageyama proposes. Actually not a bad idea.
At first everyone doesn't want to take their place but their tired body forces them too. One by one, they all collapsed on the futon or matresss once they saw one. And that left us with Sugawara and Kageyama.
"You should choose, (Y/n)." Sugawara smiles.
Kageyama's almost lost because of his consciousness running out. He's THAT sleepy yall.
"Well then, i think i'll pick.." "Sugawara! There's one spot left here!" Before you can decide, (again) Daichi interrupts. And Kageyama's eyes almost rolled back because of his sleepiness.
"Fine then. Goodnight (Y/n), Kageyama." Sugawara smile as you both walk back to your room. Holding back his emotion.
You told Kageyama to wait and prepare his bed. You feel sorry for him, he must be so tired and yet he still force himself to fully awake.
"There, Kageyama. You can sleep now- Ehhh!" Whaddya know sis, he falls down. Face first to the matrass luckily not the floor.
You chuckles a little. This boy is very adorable. You know how he adores you when you help hin with his set practice. You ran your fingers trough his jet black hair, combing his hair.
"...Nyam, i like you.. (Y/n)-senpai..."
WOW. Didn't expect someone will confess to you trough sleep talking but sure i guess. A little laugh burst from you lips. Cheeks a lil' warm.
"Sweet dreams, Tobio.."
Part 3 coming upp~
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thewidowstanton · 3 years
The best show I've ever seen: Odile Gheysens, Securintimacy
French choreographer Odile Gheysens is no stranger to The Widow Stanton, having been one of our first interviewees when she did an aerial performance in Dominique A’s Au Revoir Mon Amour video. Since then, she has taken her in-SENSO dance company around the world, specialising in aerial dance and tango with a twist. For her latest project, Securintimacy, she and seven other dancers spent two days training with the French Elite Forces to discover how they hone their teamwork. She also tells us about the shows that had a formative effect on her.
By Adrian Arratoon
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The Widow Stanton: How did Securintimacy come about? Odile Gheysens: A long time ago I was in countries where there were wars going on, but when I came back to France I could do things like dance tango by the Seine, and I was thinking, 'Oh my God, there aren't any bombs here'. Tango is just two hearts dancing together, and I felt a strong ability to do things like taking a shower or putting some nail varnish on or just some simple things that you do because you feel secure and safe. Weirdly, the Covid-19 pandemic creates the same feeling of security or not; some people don't even hug their friends because they don't feel safe. It's really strange that an old idea I had was to work with the Elite Forces to learn some choreography about being safe.
Then, when the Bataclan attacks happened I was in a clown workshop, so every day I put on a red nose trying to find my clown; for me, finding your clown is really finding your inner child, so it's very intimate and challenging. And at the same time on the news they were talking about Bataclan, and I thought if some people had to deal with that, I could 'find my clown'.
What was it like working with the Elite Forces? I approached them via a personal contact and we spent two days with them. The people we met work in jails when there are riots. We learned how they enter a cell, how they subdue the people if they have to take them to the judge or to a court, how they have to act if there is a terrorist or someone hitting someone else, or when there is a big riot.
The interesting thing is the notion of a group because when you have the hands of your partner on your shoulder you focus on what you have to do. You cannot say, 'OK, let's go this way…', you have to feel what your partner is doing, and it's such a dance.
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What was the main thing you learned from the Forces? The group relationship. If you are alone you're not safe; you're in danger and you put your partners in danger. So there is this notion, and in the body it's so strong. It’s really interesting, we did two days and after that we dancers improvised and two of the elite forces came with us and joined in. They said: "We cannot dance," and we said: "But do what you know. Do what you do in your job." All the movements they were doing were so special and precise, because it's their job. So we were transforming what we learned. We also did something where we formed a line holding a rope. We were wearing gas masks and we couldn’t see, very loud music was being played and we had a hand grenade in our hands – to make us concentrate. It was fake but we only found that out afterwards [laughs]. But I really felt that it was a live one so I had better be careful. The music was really loud, you can't see your partner and you have to change hands to pass the bomb along the line. So this created a very strong connection between the dancers.
They told us that our bodies moved really quickly because they train young men, and they are very clumsy. At the end we said to the Forces that we've come to see you, people hate you, people insult you and you as Forces maybe think us artists are lazy, or non-essential. We have clichés about them, they have clichés about us, but when we met something happened and we came to understand each other. It was a very strong emotion that we shared with each other.
So what will you be performing on 29 May? We're doing 10 minutes because there are 11 choreographers in the Fabrique de la Danse, and we are all doing short pieces from all our shows that we've developed in this special year.
In the UK it's been difficult for people to get together. How have you been rehearsing? In France you can rehearse if you're a professional, so we're lucky. We can be in a dance studio, we can move our bodies, no masks.
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Now I must ask, what is the best show you've ever seen? When I was very young, before I decided to stop ballet, I saw Carolyn Carlson and Maguy Marin, and for me it was a big shock. I was 12, and after seeing the show I said, 'Ah, OK, I don't want to do ballet, I want to do that'. [Laughs] It was in Lille at the Opéra. Carolyn Carlson was doing Blue Lady, and Maguy Marin was doing La Jeune Fille et La Mort. For me this was a big shock. Carolyn is in a piece of fabric that is elastic, so she is somehow pulled around. I don't know, I pictured myself there; it was the body but not in a ballet way with beautiful movements, although I like ballet for what it is. And I've met her many times now, and she's very impressive; she's really someone.
And does she know how much of an effect she had on you? Hmmm, I don't think so, but I think she had an effect on many dancers. And I've worked with two of her very good dancers.
Was it unusual for you to have gone to see contemporary dance? No, my parents took me to ballet, opera and theatre many times. I also love theatre and opera. For me opera is one of the most complete arts because there is singing, acting, music, and I've been to Opera Bastille many times because it's close to my house in Paris, and I've seen so many of them I don't even know which one would be my favourite. Sometimes it's the music, sometimes the direction, sometimes the singers, but opera is something that touches me a lot.
And also there was the show Maria de Buenos Aires, choreographed by Gigi Caciuleanu, which features music by Ástor Piazzolla, and this was my first shot of tango. It was in a theatre in Roubaix. It was the first time I had really been affected by tango. It was a kind of opera/dance. Maybe if I saw it now I might find it kind of classical but at that time it was a strong experience. I haven't seen that many tango shows that allow us to transform tango. Either it's too much tango with dresses and heels or, I dunno, it's men and women 'fighting', you know?
A 10-minute extract from Securintimacy will be shown at Le Carreau du Temple in Paris on 29 May, presented by La Fabrique de la Danse. For more information click here.
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kidcataldo · 4 years
Summary: Severus has a secret created by a lie. Now that lie is dead and the secret is on its way to Hogwarts.
I haven’t read the books since high school, but I just went on a harry potter movie binge and wrote this in my drafts for the fun of it. You can also find it here, or you can click “keep reading” and read it on tumblr.
Dead. He received the letter by owl over breakfast: "I regret"—I regret—"to inform you her state of mind has only gotten worse these past few months and it is expected she will die before nightfall." Malfoy thought he might like to know—how he found out, Severus hadn't a clue—but he had little interest in the matter; he preferred to forget her existence altogether. Beryl Bulstrode, ghastly woman: she joined the Death Eaters right after him—for him, in fact, he was told later. Her intentions were as clear as day to any seeing man, so Severus must have been blind his entire life and not realized it. She was a mad woman in her prime; he could only imagine what the Dementors created while she rotted in Azkaban all those years. Nothing pretty, and she entered looking horrid. Would he tell Dumbledore? Yes, of course he would—but nothing more.
Malfoy must have also told his son, for the entire school looked at him differently that day. He caught a group of third year Ravenclaw girls talking quietly amongst themselves on their way to the dining hall—they fell silent when he caught sight of their gossiping, and then they hurried away when he approached them. Minerva could barely look at him while Pomona kept sneaking glances at him. And his students were unusually quiet too. The misfits and troublemakers kept to themselves, hardly causing any ruckus at all. The Wesley twins in particular behaved uncharacteristically that day—obeying his every instruction, not attempting to blow up their potions for the joke of it, even referring to him as sir instead of professor, or not acknowledging him at all. It was quite nice, actually.
By dinner, everyone must have known. Sybill Trelawney was the only one brave enough to speak to him about it; he sat through a long ramble of hers throughout dinner, pretending not to hear her, as other professors and some students watched on in horror. Minerva tried to shut her up a few times, but the daft woman never caught on; "Oh, Severus, to lose a loved one so dear to one's heart," the loony woman said to him. "I can only imagine what that boy of yours is going through." The boy. It was always about the bloody boy. Albus's eyes briefly searched his own, and then Sybill was back to her babbling.
"You must tell the boy, Severus," said Albus. He was sitting in his chair. Phineas Nigellus's portrait hung above him, looking on as he reached for his bowl of sherbet lemons and offered one to Severus.
Severus shook his head and quickly turned away. "No," he said. "No—you've asked plenty from me already..."
"They may suspect something if you don't."
"And if they do?" said Severus. He turned back to the headmaster; his calm demeanor hadn't shifted, but the portrait above him was now empty. "Your plan was ridiculous from the start—it's a wonder how we've gotten this far without anyone realizing..."
Albus sighed. "If Lucius Malfoy, or anyone else, were to discover—" He stopped quickly at the sound of footsteps, and then they heard a quick knock on his door. "Come in," he said, turning his attention to the door.
Minerva entered the room with the confidence of a group of centaurs riding off to battle—or a strict transfiguration professor in need of a word with her superior—but she stopped and hesitated upon seeing Severus standing there. Again, as she had done throughout the day, she avoided looking at him. His past had odd ways of creeping up on the both of them.
"Yes, Minerva?" asked Albus calmly, bringing the attention back onto himself. Severus excused himself quietly just as Minerva announced the restoration of the girls' bathroom to its former glory, and then continued by questioning the whereabouts of that nasty troll. Severus was nearly out the door when Albus politely silenced Minerva and halted his departure. "Tell the boy, Severus," he said, and Severus slammed the door shut. That bloody boy.
How long had it been, he wondered, since they had seen each other last? Summer, perhaps. But he never kept track, nor did he care to do so. "Must you always mess with that thing?" The boy sat on his knees at the head of the table with Severus's enchanted red quill in his hands, attempting to tame the magical object; the more he tried to control it, the more it resisted his touch. With the wave of Severus's wand, it was out of the boy's grimy little hands and back in its holder. "It doesn't like you. Leave it alone."
He turned, his brown eyes showing no new change in emotion. "You're here."
"I am." Mrs. Cott let out a gentle snore in the rocking chair near the fire. He thought, or rather hoped, she had died and had been rotting there upon first entering the room—and to be perfectly honest, what a pity it was to learn that was not the case. Large wooden knitting needles moved mechanically in front of her, working tirelessly on a grey and green sweater.
He waved his wand again and the needles fell onto the old woman's lap. The old woman jolted awake with a loud snort. She remained still for a long moment, blinking her eyes and tasting her lips to adjust to her new wakeful state, until she caught sight of Severus and sprung out of her chair, letting the needles and unfinished sweater fall to her feet. "Severus, you're—well, I wasn't expecting you so soon."
"You're paid to watch him while I'm away, Mrs. Cott," he reminded her stiffly, "not lounge around like you're on holiday."
Her eyes searched the room, and then outside where it was dark. "Is it the holiday season already? So soon?"
"Leave us now," he commanded, again facing the boy. "I need a word with the boy alone." Her quiet footsteps hurried off through the kitchen door.
"What's happened?" the boy said. His hair was dark auburn, nearly brown—not like it was a few years ago. "Did Dumbledore die?" And those eyes, ordinary and brown, were far from exceptional. He had a mole below his left eye, just above his cheek. He looked and acted simply ordinary, like no one he had ever seen before.
"What makes you think that?"
He shrugged. "I dunno." His words were also never snarky, never trying to resist Severus's authority. But he was annoying with his questions, and he was hardly ever satisfied with the answers given to him. "You don't usually come back so soon, unless there's an emergency."
"Dumbledore did not die," he said. It seemed he always spoke in riddles with him—never quite finding the nerve to lie, just alter the truth.
"But someone did?" And he always seemed to catch on. "Who was it, then?"
Severus huffed. "The woman you call mother," he said, hoping he would understand.
"Oh," said the boy. He adjusted himself on the chair, sitting properly with his feet under the table. There was parchment in front of him and on it was scribbled a drawing—Severus couldn't make out what it was; it looked something like a figure. In the kitchen, Mrs. Cott could be heard moving pots and pans around, or something of that sort.
"Accio, pen," muttered Severus, summoning a normal, non-magical pen. "Here," he said, tossing it onto the table. "Finish your silly drawing. And don't even think about using my quill again." He turned to leave, apparate the hell out of there—back to Hogsmeade, back to Hogwarts.
"Was she also a Slytherin," he asked suddenly, and he turned back to him. "Beryl Bulstrode?" The woman he called mother.
"Do you think I'll be a Slytherin?"
"I doubt it," Severus said to him, and he apparated away.
A week later, he received a letter from the Ministry, asking about funeral arrangements—as if he owned the damn corpse. "The boy ought to see her be buried," Albus's voice rang in his ears. "It might give him closure." Severus hoped to burn the body; in front of the current Minister and all his minions, even. They all believed the boy was born in Azkaban—that was why he was so small and weak and fragile, they said; the Dementors drained both mother and son's soul for several months before it was discovered she was with child. Dumbledore and Bagnold knew the truth, of course—but they would take that truth to their graves.
Again, upon Albus's request, he visited the boy and prepared him for the woman he called mother's funeral. Severus, the boy, Mrs. Cott, and Dolores Umbridge, who worked close to the Minister were the only people in attendance at her funeral. She had other family—distant cousins, aunts and uncles—but none Severus was close to, and they never wrote asking to attend. When they arrived at the gravesite, the boy ran off to search the graveyard, leaving Severus alone with Mrs. Cott and Umbridge—the two most unpleasant women in the wizarding world. The boy returned before the closed—thankfully—casket made its descent with a handful of wild flowers, all uniquely styled, and placed them on top of the casket. Umbridge did not stay long; she offered her deepest condolences with a phony, sympathetic smile, briefly touched the boy's shoulder, which he shrugged away, and then left. Severus apparated soon after.
Winter came and it went. And by the end of the year, everyone seemed to put the Beryl Bulstrode business behind them, for other events surrounding the school distracted them. Students started behaving like themselves around him again, Minerva was no longer hesitant to speak with him, Sybill no longer tried talking to him during dinner; all seemed well, given the circumstance. And then it was summer, and the boy could not keep his mouth shut about Hogwarts, no matter how many times Severus told him to shut up. He wore the green and grey sweater vest Mrs. Cott knitted for him nearly every day; perhaps expecting to be sorted into Slytherin. Severus, of course, knew better. When his letter arrived one expected morning over breakfast, he made Mrs. Cott take him to get his supplies the next afternoon. Severus stayed behind to read a book. He arrived back with new robes, a wand, and a grey furry fat cat he named Gravy—a parting gift from Mrs. Cott, much to Severus's dismay. His books had yet to come in, however, so with great reluctance, before the start of the new school year, Severus took the boy back to Diagon Alley.
It was there he saw him, standing with the Weasleys, looking as filthy as a Weasley, and the Granger girl, along with her muggle parents. Gilderoy Lockhart was there as well, looking more doll than man—Severus felt his blood boil; why Albus chose him of all people, he would never understand. He could feel them all staring, but he refused to acknowledge any of them. "I thought he only came out of his coffin during the school year," he overheard one of the Weasley twins whisper to the other; Severus chose to ignore their snickering, but made a mental note to assign them both detention their first day back.
While he waited for the boy to retrieve his books, Severus found himself tangled in a brief conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Granger as Hermione Granger looked on with a mixture of embarrassment and concern on her face. Potter and Weasley observed the conversation as well, but their eyes were daggers; he decided to assign two more detentions at the start of the school year. Finally, Mr. Weasley guided the muggles elsewhere. Lucius Malfoy and his son arrived shortly after, looking on at the group with as much hate as Severus, but the boy had returned with his books before anything could develop beyond a courteous hello. But Severus noticed Draco give the boy a nod and a gentle smile as they passed him to leave the shop.
He wish he could say the start of the new school year was as smooth as the last, or the one before that, but the famous Harry Potter could not allow that to happen. He was proving to be more and more like his father each year, unfortunately. He was told he and Weasley didn't even board the train at platform nine-and-three-quarters—choosing to arrive by car instead—and at the start of the feast, before the first years were even sorted, he received word from Filch about Potter and Weasley's fashionable entrance, diving into the whomping willow head first in a blue Ford Anglia, a car belonging to Weasley's own father. The Evening Profit arrived soon after, and it was worse than Severus could have imagined. They both should have been expelled for their foolish behavior, and any normal boy would, but the Boy Who Lived always did have special privileges at Hogwarts, and everywhere else too—if Lockhart's story over staff breakfast had any merit. And if Albus was indeed correct about... his return, perhaps it was better Potter remained at Hogwarts, under his watchful eye.
A migraine blossomed while shouting at the pair and, by the time Minerva and Albus arrived, he was fuming. He stormed out with Albus following close behind, leaving Minerva to tend to their needs—they had missed the feast; if it were him, he might just let them starve, but Minerva conjured up some sandwiches the house elves made earlier that evening.
"The boy's sorting has surprised us all," said Albus, sounding slightly amused. They were walking the halls now; Severus had calmed some, but his blood still boiled. On their journey, they encountered a group of Slytherin first years being guided to their house's common room—coming at no surprise, the boy was not among them.
"Why? We knew he would be sorted into Gryffindor," said Severus casually as he nodded to the first year students. Albus gave them a gentle wave.
"He wasn't sorted into Gryffindor, Severus," said Albus—and Severus stopped, letting the first years pass.
He waited until they turned the corner before he asked, "Where exactly did the sorting hat put him?"
Severus had just always assumed he would be sorted into Gryffindor—with Potter and... the rest of them. He never really saw the boy as anything else; he never really cared to think of him as anything but a Gryffindor. "Florus Snape, son"—Severus flinched at the word while Albus remained unfazed—"of Severus Snape, Head of Slytherin House, was sorted into Hufflepuff this evening," said Albus. And he chuckled softly to himself. "I wish you were there to witness Pomona's reaction. She nearly flew out of her chair."
Somehow the man's words made him feel better, slightly less angry. Severus said his farewells to Dumbledore, and then quickly turned his heel and headed in the same direction as the Slytherin first years. He wasn't relieved, no. He never lingered on what house the boy might get into; he didn't know him well enough to do so, but he assumed it would be Gryffindor. Why should he care what house the boy was sorted in? Gryffindor, Hufflepuff... he was still—he still wasn't... It made no difference at all.
"You can't stay out here," said Draco Malfoy's voice clearly as he drew close to the Slytherin common room. "You have to go back to your own common room."
Severus turned another corner just as he heard Vincent Crabbe say, "Maybe the sorting hat was wrong."
"Not likely," said Pansy Parkinson.
"Look. It's not like Hufflepuff is a bad house—well, it's not good, but at least you're not in Gryffindor," continued Malfoy, "with Potter... and the Weasleys."
Malfoy and his gang stood outside the portrait of the serpent. "What's going on here? Why are you in the halls passed hour?" he said, and then he saw him, dressed in his Hufflepuff robes, eyes red and puffy from crying—he rarely witnessed the boy cry; he sniffed as Severus approached him. "Ten points from Hufflepuff—get back to your common room. Now."
"He's upset he's not in Slytherin," explained Draco. Severus glared at him, which made his eyes go wide in shock and he quickly added, "Sir."
"I'm sorry, sir," the boy cried out as he rubbed his watery eyes.
Severus felt a slight pain in his gut as he grabbed the boy by his wrist and pulled him away from the group. "That doesn't excuse your behavior." The pain in his gut only grew stronger as he stared into those unfamiliar glossy brown eyes, and he found himself loosening his grip on him. "Would you quit your incessant whining. Your mother wouldn't care which house you were sorted in. Slytherin, Hufflepuff, you could be in Ravenclaw and it still wouldn't matter to her."
The boy stopped crying. Looking up at Severus, he sniffed. "Really?"
And Severus realized his mistake immediately; he let go of the boy's wrist. "Yes, really," he said, reverting back to his sternness. "Now go. Before I take another ten points from Hufflepuff."
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fangirlspammer · 5 years
Journey to the Past pt. 1
Hi readers! So after reading and falling in love with each one of @regal-roni and @jpncis09 fanfics I just had to dabble in it myself. I haven't decided where all of this is going yet, but I hope you enjoy what I have so far.
I also want to warn that the first part might be sensitive to some readers as it mentions rape and abuse. The whole story will not be like that
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Jack cried out in fear as she was pushed against the brick wall. Her face slammed against it and she could feel her skin tear against the rough bumps. She tried to fight him off, but she couldn't. He held her hands behind her back as he began to undress her. She sobbed and pleaded with him not to do this, but he wasn't going to hear of it. He pulled her head back by her hair and slammed the side of her face against the brick again. She could taste blood and she began to feel weak. Suddenly she was being thrown against a dumpster, her face hitting the corner, before she landed on a pile of garbage bags. She looked up, her vision blurry, and saw the man's figure hovering over her. She placed her hands on his chest, a sorry attempt to push him away, but it didn't help. She felt him pushing her legs apart with his knee and ripping her underwear. She kept begging him to stop, but he wouldn't hear of it. Her only hope was that somebody would hear her cries, but her voice had weakend. A sharp cry escaped her bloodied lips as he pushed all of himself inside of her in one painful motion and began to rape her.
The rest of the night had been a blur. She was found the next morning by a woman who lived in the apartment complex the alley was behind. An officer came to the rescue and had taken her to the hospital, but she didn't remember much of that either. 'Is there someone we can call?' there had been no one. Her mother had kicked her out right out of high school, no thanks to her mother's abusive boyfriend. She had been living out of her old beat up '72 Chevy Vega station wagon, that she had bought with money from working in a diner throughout high school, for the past year. Parking near that alley way had been a mistake, but it was all she could manage at the time.
After an overnight stay in the hospital she had managed to get back to her car and find a new place to park. She drove around for weeks, from City to city, odd job after odd job. Nothing ever seemed to last. She had managed to afford a hotel room every once in awhile to shower and take care of business, but other than that she spent money on clothes and a blanket for the cold winter nights that began to pick up. As luck would have it one night she parked outside of an army recruiters office, and for the rest of that night she pondered her future and what she wanted to make of her life. She knew that she never wanted to feel as hopeless as she had a few weeks ago, again. She wanted to be able to stand up for herself and for others. She glanced in her review mirror, at herself, covered in stitches. That man had really done a number on her, but she was starting to heal after a month. What did she have to lose? There was nothing to hold her back. No family, no money, no job or lousy boyfriend. After all this time looking for an out and a way to avenge herself, maybe she was staring it in the face this whole time.
The next morning came and she didn't waste a single moment. She watched as a recruiter unlocked the door and flipped the sign to read 'OPEN'. She opened the car door and made her way inside until she was standing at the man's desk.
"I...I'd like to fill out an application," she stated nervously. Her brow wrinkled as she considered that maybe those weren't the right choice of words. "I mean I...I'd like to join the army," she corrected and bit her lip nervously only to be met with a sharp pain. Her stitches. She swallowed back her nerves and took a deep breath.
"Name?" The man asked and gestured towards the empty chair.
It took her a moment to realize that he was telling her to take a seat. "Sloane. I, uh, Jacqueline Sloane," she repeated. Get a grip, Jack, she thought. "I'm sorry, it's been a long month," she admitted quietly.
The man looked up and saw the cuts on her face. He nodded slowly and wrote something down. "Bar fight?" He asked, only half joking.
"No," she shook her head and rubbed her wrists nervously. Did she have to tell him? She couldn't even admit to herself what had happened, now she had to admit it to a stranger? "I, uh...it wasn't a fight. Not really," she whispered and looked to her shoes. "Look, I..I just want to join the army. I need to do something, and this...this would be good for me," she looked back to him. He started writing again. What was this? A shrinks office?
"I'll need you to take some basic tests."
He nodded. "Drug tests," he answered simply, "and I'll need you to give us permission to run a thorough background check."
"Oh," she nodded, a bit relieved it wasn't a written test. Her state of mind was not prepared for that. "Of course, I have nothing to hide."
The man nodded and handed her some paperwork. "I'll need you to fill this out and we will review it. We will need to take some blood samples and run some tests. That along with the background check will take a few days to process. If all is clear then we will get you into training," he explained and watched the young woman fidget nervously. He furrowed his brow and watched as she ran her hand along the cuts on her face.
She stopped her movements when she caught the recruiter looking at her. She bit her lip and stopped fidgeting. "A-alright," she nodded and took the pen he offered. She began to look over the paperwork and filled it out before she stopped. "I, ehm... I don't have an address," she admitted. "My car," she gestured outside to the dusty station wagon in the front. "That's where I live."
"You can just skip that for now," he assured her and gave a warm smile. He had seen people like her come in here before, and he had a soft spot for people like that. Maybe it was because he had been in her shoes before.
"Thank you," she bit her lip nervously and went back to filling out the paperwork.
A few days had passed and Jack had taken to sleeping outside of the recruiters office. During the day she would go inside and he would give her some food and water. He had been kinder to her than anybody had been in a long time. Over the past few weeks the two of them had started to get close, but neither of them had done anything about it. He was her recruiter after all and she wasn't exactly comfortable jumping into anything after what she had been through almost 2 years ago. That morning she woke up and went into the office. She was then again greeted with a donut and a little carton of milk this time.
"Morning Jenson," she smiled tiredly as she accepted the donut. "Did the results come in yet?" She took a seat and watched him look through the papers on his desk. He was unusually quiet this morning and she wondered if she had been overstepping.
"They did," he finally answered and nodded shortly. He looked up to her, but he didn't look very enthused about whatever was in her files. "Jack, I'm afraid we can't recruit you at this time," he said simply.
Jack furrowed her brow and sat up a little straighter. "What? Why not?" She looked to him curiously and then became concerned that something was wrong with her. that would have been the only reason she could think of for them to turn her down.
"Well, because you're pregnant and you should know that we can't have you join the army and go into extensive training while you're with child," he stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Jack's eyes widened at his words. "I...I'm not pregnant," she shook her head. "You must be mistaken."
"I'm afraid not," he shook his head and handed her the paperwork, but she didn't accept it.
"And I am telling you that you are mistaken," she insisted, becoming upset. "I am not pregnant. There's no way I-" she stopped and tears filled her eyes when she came to the horrible realization of what had happened. "No," she whispered and swallowed hard.
"Jack?" He raised a brow and couldn't help but be concerned. "You mean...you didn't know?"
She felt tears surface and she shook her head. She stood up and bit her lip. "I need to go."
"Go where?" He stood up and walked around the desk to her. "Jack, you don't have anywhere to be. Talk to me," he frowned and hesitantly took her hand.
As his hand brushed hers she took a deep breath. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she looked down. "I.." she wanted to tell him, she really did, but she didn't know how to voice it. How did you go about telling somebody that you had been raped? How did you tell the only person who had showed any interest in you, romantically or personally, that this horrifying act had happened to you? This wasn't easy for her. "I didn't know because...because it didn't happen by my choice," she admitted and looked down. She didnt know why, but she expected him to move away from her. He only gave her hand a squeeze and lifted her chin.
"Do you mean," he paused and watched her nod slowly. He sighed and brushed his thumb along her knuckles. "That explains the cut," he looked to the nearly healed stitches on her cheek and forehead. Her lip had finally healed, but she was still hurt.
"Please," she felt her lip quiver and wiped her eyes. "There has to be a way that you're wrong," she pleaded with him. "I can't be...pregnant," her voice cracked. "How am I supposed to raise a baby...i-in that?" She pointed to her beat up car and then put her head in her hands.
"Hey," he took her hand again and pulled her closer to him. He sighed and pushed her hair back. He couldn't deny that there had been something going on between the two of them. When she had first walked in a few weeks ago she had taken his breath away, despite the cuts. He was her recruiter and so he had tried to stay professional, but after a few days he couldn't fight it anymore. Something about her was so inticing. He pulled her petite frame to his chest and hugged her close. His hand stroked her hair gently and he sighed. "It's going to be alright. If you'd like...you can stay with me," he suggested, unsure how she would take it.
"Stay with you?" She looked up to him curiously and shook her head. "I couldn't put you out like that."
"You wouldn't be putting me out, Jack," he assured her and his eyes softened. "I'd like you to stay."
Jack searched his eyes for anything resembling pity or obligation, but she found nothing. He truly wanted her to stay. "Alright, but I don't want to put you out for long. As soon as I find somewhere else I'll be out of your hair," she promised.
"Jack?" Ducky broke her silence in the observation room. He nudged her gently, watching her stare at the man in the interrogation room.
"Huh?" Jack jumped a bit and looked to Ducky as she came out of her trance.
"I asked if you knew him," he repeated and raised a brow. "Which you obviously do."
Jack nodded slowly and looked back towards the glass. She sighed and decided it would be best if she explained herself now. She opened her mouth to explain, but before any words came out the door burst open and behind it stormed in a slightly baffled Gibbs.
"He's asking for you, Jack," he eyes her carefully.
"Me?" Jack's eyes widened and she took a step back. "Why me?"
Gibbs arched his brow and didn't move his gaze. "That's what I want to know. Do you know him?"
Jack looked at Gibbs like a deer caught in headlights before she glanced over to the one way mirror. She saw the boy she once knew and swallowed hard. She didn't realize how long she had gone without answering until Gibbs snapped at her slightly.
"Jenson," she crossed her arms and looked back to him. "His name is William Oliver Jenson," she sighed and he backed off. "He was my recruiter when I first joined the Army," she explained further.
"Is that all?" He waited for a response and then backed down when he saw Ducky watching them. "He asked for you and so you are going to go in there and get what we need."
"Do you think that's wise?" Ducky questioned curiously.
"If we want answers," Gibbs grumbled, jealousy dripped off his tongue despite how hard he tried to hide it.
"If you want answers you shouldn't look to me," Jack shook her head and held her hand up in protest. He glared. "Gibbs, I'm serious. We didn't end on the best of terms."
"End?" He started to delve into that but retracted and sighed. "Jack whatever happened was a long time ago. You are the only person he will talk to so go in there and get some damn answers. I'm done asking nicely," he snapped now.
Jack rolled her eyes and yanked the folders from his hands before heading out the door. "That was nice?" She muttered before the door shut. She took a deep breath before opening the interrogation room door and walking in. This was not going to be easy.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Kinktober Day 6 (10/06/2019)
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Kinks - Pecattiphilia (fetish for sinning and breaking religious rules) & Exhibitionism (fetish for performing sexual acts or being naked in front of others)
Warning - Minor Character Death, Blood warning, Part 3 of the Demon!Taeil series
"I think I've been possessed."
Taeil looked at the gentleman in front of him, his body drenched in sweat as pain overcome his body like lava was in his veins.
"I'm in so much pain being in here right now, but I figured it was worth the agony if I was about to talk to you," Taeil keeled over, his face unseen by the pastor, who showed sympathy from Taeil by placing his hand on the young male's shoulder.
"Dear son, you'll need to be exorcised, cleanse yourself, but we must make sure," the pastor removed his hand from Taeil, walking over to a small ornate bowl holding some holy water.
The pastor filled up a cup with the special liquid, turning to Taeil not on the front row, an empty church presenting itself to the godly man.
"Son? Are you still there?" An echo in the spacious area, a tap on the pastor's shoulder startling him, spinning around to a red-eyed Taeil and a slit throat.
"You poor, naive bastard. Believing every sad soul you see, you can save," Taeil licked the blood off his knife, tucking back in his pocket, all the lights in the church going out.
Taeil took his phone out of his pocket, texting Y/N, asking to facetime. His eyes going back to normal, the line rang three times until Taeil was met with Y/N's voice.
"Hey you, what's up?"
"Nothing much, just walking around town. I found this cool church, would you like to meet me here?"
"Is this going to be another late night haunted house situation where all the other guys come and Chenle almost gets his foot cut off?"
"I was thinking more of a 'fuck you on the preacher stand' if that's okay with you," Taeil flashed his signature smile, Y/N's laughter heard from the speaker, "it's been a month since we last slept together."
"And? That is breaking like every sin in the bible."
"Can't you just come over?"
"What's fun about missionary in a bed? Isn't Rena home?"
Y/N sighed. Taeil was right, her roommate was home and they couldn't do much with her there and interrupting them.
"Just send me your address and I'll be there as soon as I can."
Twenty minutes later, Y/N met Taeil, her purposely short and low-cut dress was covered by a cardigan, Taeil whispering as he walked up to her.
"Hey miss," Taeil circled Y/N, his hand playing with the hem of her skirt, "could you tell me where my friend is? She's beautiful, her body is amazing and her mouth is to die for."
Y/N playfully shoved Taeil, "I could ask the same about you, Mr. Insatiable Sex Drive."
"What can I say?" Taeil grabbed Y/N's arm, pulling her to the preacher's stand, the only light source dim candles around them, "you awakened something inside me."
Taeil sat on the stool behind the podium, palming at his pants, keeping track of Y/N walking, staring at the candles and admiring the stained glass artwork.
"I've always thought stained glass were beautiful pieces, they're stunning in the morning."
"I think I'm looking at the most beautiful piece right now," Taeil signaled for Y/N to come over to him, the girl walking over him, gliding her hands over the prominent bulge.
"Oh yeah?" Y/N leans in for a kiss, Taeil happily obligating, "tell me more."
"Her eyes are the brightest you've ever seen. The color memorizing," Taeil stood up, switching spots with Y/N.
"Her skin, flawless no matter what tries to ruin it," Taeil took Y/N's cardigan, throwing it on one of the pews, moving the straps of the dress to trace his lips down her shoulders.
"Open or closed, her smile puts all the models and Instagram whores in the world to shame," his voice going deeper, Taeil's hands cupping Y/N's breasts, "look out to the pews. Imagine all of the seats filled, all of those Jesus heads staring at the sinful display, my cock in you."
"Oh my God, Taeil, keep going," Y/N shut her eyes, Taeil reaching between her legs with one of his hands, his eyes going red.
"Let me move this podium, princess, show all of our friends," Taeil took his hands away, moving the obstruction, Y/N opening her eyes, seeing some of Taeil's friends sitting in the pews.
"Is tha-" Y/N's words were cut off by Taeil, kneeling in front of her, burying his face into her panties.
"Johnny, Doyoung, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Kun, Ten, even a few of your friends, Joshua, Jun, Seonghwa and finally, that pest, Yuta. Always all over you," Taeil started to eat Y/N out through the fabric, nipping and licking the barrier, "I know how much you love having an audience."
Taeil took off his shirt, revealing a dried pentagram he drew using the blood of the pastor, guiding Y/N to the center of the pastor stand.
"Y/N, lay down," Taeil gently commanded her, his seductress jokingly getting on all fours, wiggling her ass while turning to get on her back, Taeil spanking her, "beautiful, naughty goddess, all mine. I changed my mind, don't lay down, get up on your knees."
Y/N felt Taeil unzipping her dress, helping her to her knees, Y/N shimmying out of the dress, leaving her in her bra and panties in front of the crowd.
"You love the thrill of being watched, in the house of God," Taeil growled in Y/N's ear, Y/N moaning as the people in the pews started feeling their pants grow uncomfortable, "they're all aware, they even came willingly. Would you believe people are actually attracted to the dark, the taboo, the unusual?"
Y/N listened to Taeil whisper in her ears, Taeil smearing a liquid on her stomach, his clean hand making its way up to Y/N's neck.
"I know you know I'm not a human anymore, Y/N and yet you stay," Taeil's hand tightened on Y/N's neck, "is it the danger of knowing what I'm capable of?"
Y/N shook her head, the wetness in her panties getting uncomfortable, tubbing her thighs together in a vain attempt to satisfy a little bit of the discomfort, Taeil spreading her legs apart.
"What is that then," Taeil pulled Y/N closer to him, his chest fully flushed to her back, his pants at his ankles as he rubbed his cock inbetween Y/N's thighs, "is it the power that I have? The protection of having a demon on your side?"
Y/N sighed in content as Taeil found his answer.
"I'll always be here for you, my princess," Taeil turned Y/N's face to kiss her, "I won't ever leave. How long have you known?"
"Last time we were together, at the club," Y/N dreamily smiled, thinking about the moment, "when you shot that one guy, he was clearly a demon. Something had to have happened to you, you normally would've tried to talk the guy down before even thinking about harming him."
Y/N reached behind her to put her arm around Taeil's neck, the demon making some sort of noise in acknowledgement.
"So a month. When were you going to tell me?" Taeil began to prep Y/N, his fingers penetrating her as her squeal filled the church, half of the audience staring while the other had started to play with themselves.
"I was waiting for you to tell me," Y/N giggled, Taeil, in a rare soft moment, nuzzling into her neck, "it was your secret, you would've shared it with me when you felt comfortable."
Taeil finally pushed into Y/N, a lengthy groan coming out of him and out of Y/N, a high-pitched moan.
"You always feel so good, whether it's my fingers or cock," Taeil begun to hump Y/N, thrusting at an angle that drove her insane right away, "the best I've ever had in 25 years."
Y/N looked out the pews, all of the boys now masturbating as Taeil fucked her, Johnny focused on pumping his cock, Kun watching Taeil's thrusts go in and out of Y/N, Ten arched up into his hand.
"Fuck, Il-ie," Y/N dugged her nails into Taeil's thighs, an intense feeling going through her, "keep going, push me as far as you can."
Taeil grunted, pulling out of her as she quietly whimpered at the loss. Taeil kicked off his pants and disappeared, leaving Y/N alone in front of their 'fans.'
Taeil came back after a few minutes, blood coating his arms as he brought out the pastor he killed earlier.
"You want me to go rough, Y/N?" Taeil looked at Y/N, her reaction indiscernible as he gently angled her chin up, "If you don't want me to do so, tell me now. I don't want you to regret anything past this point."
Y/N eyed the corpse, the shock of seeing Taeil covered in blood, the pentagram now dripping, wearing off as she stood up, unclipping her bra and dropping it to the side. Walking to Taeil, she gave him a sensitive kiss.
"Do whatever you want."
Taeil's eyes went full blood red, the pupils gone as he picked Y/N up like a feather, kissing her breasts and using the blood to draw a circle on her chest.
"This is your last chance, princess," Taeil asked a final time, Y/N's arms limp around his shoulders, looking for sign of hesitation, "will you be okay?"
Taeil finished the pentagram, an upside down star, as Y/N felt a sense of protection over her body. Taeil again penetrated Y/N, the boys in the crowd watching as Taeil begun to bounce Y/N in his arms, her ass on full display.
"No one will ever fuck with you again," Taeil began to chant, keeping his face in Y/N's breasts, singing praising of her as her moans became squeals and screams, the members of the audience starting to make a mess of themselves, Yuta being the first to orgasm, "I'm gonna make your mine."
"Taeil, make me yours, I'm all yours," Y/N whispered in the demon's ear, her hand tagging at his hair, "I don't want to be with anyone else other than you."
"You're stuck with me," a breathy laugh coming from Taeil, "we belong to each other now."
Y/N's eyes were shut again, her orgasm erupting from her as Taeil continued his dirty talk.
"All mine, no one else's," Taeil came in Y/N, the white liquid making its way out of her princess, the pair catching their breaths, Y/N's head resting on Taeil's shoulder, both sweaty and bloody.
A few moments passed, Taeil still holding Y/N, gently rubbing her back as those who were in the seats of the church were all asleep now. Taeil waved his hand, the boys fully clothed and cleaned as they woke up and walked out of the glass door, the boys having a vauge idea what happened. Taeil's cock still inside her, cum dripping onto the floor, he clenched his hand, opening it to reveal a box, Y/N's eyes widening at the surprise.
"Will you be my queen?"
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