#by stabbing him in the head with said scissors
Help help help I had a fnaf dream that actually fucked me up
#so I was Michael right?#and I was on a trash island right#hunting Springtrap#which was terrifying cus he was obviously hunting us too#After much fear and scary shit that I don't remember#eventually we found him#and the only weapon I had#were some kiddy scissors#from what I remember there was a fight#I won#by stabbing him in the head with said scissors#and ripping apart his skull#then the rest of his body#and then putting it in bags and spreading it all across the trash island#I then everything was good and we went home and then like years later#He came back with fucking advanced ass robot like actual AI android shit#And then I put together that Vanessa somehow had to get a job at this trash island#where she found all of the pieces to his body and put it together like a Lego and what she couldn’t find she replaced with robot parts#also I forgot to mention that I had two friends on this mission. I have no idea who they were and we all kept Momentos of his body.#this girl kept one of his eyes and for some reason she said that she also had one of her dad‘s eyes but like#in a more sentimental way#and I guess I kept like part of his skull or something#and this girl was with me when we found out about I guess kind of glitchtrap (?)#And I guess it was on a video and she paused it and she was talking about it like it was gonna be a movie in like 2033??#it felt like scream????#And then it’s zoomed in on android Aftons face and he was like looking at me#and I got so scared that I woke up#and now I’m writing this#which has helped the fear hehehehehe#god
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after-witch · 7 months
Fever Pitch [Yandere Geto Suguru x Reader]
Title: Fever Pitch [Yandere Geto x Reader]
Synopsis: Geto’s been hit by a lust curse, and you take what little control you have to avoid him snapping. Follow-up to Bus Stop.
Word Count: 3200ish
Notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, dubcon, sex, some mentions of past degradation 
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 It’s funny, the way you can get used to anything. When you were first taken,  you would have sworn--on your heart, your soul, on blood from a cut on your palm--that you would fight, hiss, and spit at Geto until the day you died. 
And now here you are, nestled on a seat cushion in his sitting room, quietly reading a book while he’s off collecting curses and doing favors that aren’t really true favors at all. The person assigned to you today is a familiar face, someone you don’t entirely detest, if only because they are content to keep an eye on you without emanating visible hatred towards your existence at every second.
They were even kind--or what classifies as “kind” here--enough to lend you their scissors a few weeks ago, when someone stuck a wad of sticky bubble gum in your hair as they passed you in a hallway. Sure, they kept an eye on you the entire time in order to make sure you weren’t trying to stab yourself (or anyone else); but they said nothing as you hacked at your own hair, eventually giving yourself a passable pixie cut.
Geto had raised his eyebrows when he came back that day, and had a quiet word with your keeper. But you didn’t get punished, so that was that. Cutting off your hair felt good, even. Like you were cutting out whatever part of yourself was still simmering in pointless anger at  your situation. Why be angry, why be in despair, when nothing you did mattered? You ran once. He found you. If you bothered to run again--not that you’d get the chance--he would find you again. And again. 
It was better to find something like enjoyment instead of wallowing. 
Wasn’t it?
Besides, even Geto had been different since the day he found you. He seemed content for you to be a quiet pet again. He no longer visited you in the night, touching you, forcing pleasures and sounds you didn’t want to experience from his fingers, even as he commanded you to always keep your arms away from him. He was allowed to touch--but you weren’t allowed to touch him. You hated it. 
But he hadn’t touched you in the slightest intimate way since that day. Unless you counted the condescending head pats as intimate, which you certainly did not. 
You hear Geto’s footsteps, and your muscles tense in preparation. You carefully set a bookmark in your book and set it aside; he didn’t like it when you paid attention to a book instead of him. Especially when he’d been gone for most of the day. 
But something’s wrong. Something’s different.
These are not the orderly footsteps of Geto returning to his rooms at the end of a (horribly) productive day. These steps are staggered--hesitant. 
Your current keeper stands when Geto enters, but he simply dismisses them with a wave of his hand and an unusually curt: “Leave.” 
They hazard a glance at you--it almost feels kind--before swiftly grabbing their bag and walking away, hurried steps echoing in the hallway that leads to his suite of rooms.
As soon as they’re out of earshot, Geto begins to shed his clothing. Now this wasn’t unusual. He preferred to wear only a casual outfit around you, some trousers and a light top most of the time. What was unusual was the undignified manner in which he did it, simply peeling away his layers and tossing them on the ground, all the while his breath seemed to come in quiet, stuttering pants.
It’s enough to make you break your gaze from the floor and look at him.
Geto looks… ill. His cheeks are flushed and yes, his chest is heaving a little as he takes in short, frenzied breaths. Even the skin of his neck and collar had a slight glow to it, like he’d been exercising vigorously or done something terribly embarrassing. 
“Geto?” You ask, hesitantly. You flick your eyes back down to the floor, where you’re told they belong until he says otherwise. 
He doesn’t answer. The final layers of his robes drop to the floor. 
Normally, he would approach you now, calmly. He might tilt your chin up with his hand and ask what you did today--if you were good, if you behaved. 
Instead he staggers away, catching himself on the corner of a table.
“Geto?” You try again, voice higher, more concerned. 
You look up to see him with both palms splayed on the table, breaths coming in deeper huffs. His skin is still flushed--it’s so strange--and you swear the room feels warmer than it did a few moments ago. 
His fingers curl against the table into a tight fist, then release, then curl again. His breath comes in more ragged by the moment. There’s an unmistakable soft groan--in pain? Discomfort?
“Are you… all right?” You ask, and do the boldest thing possible in your present situation, which happens to be standing up on shaky legs and taking a step towards him.
“Don’t.” The word is practically growled out, and your muscles freeze for the moment, keeping you in place.
He turns to look at you, but instead of looking angry, he looks… desperate. His eyes roam over you and his lips part, and you see the edge of his tongue reach out to lick a dry patch as he struggles to regain control over his breath. 
The expression hits you and it’s oh-so familiar and you don’t like it at all.
Geto isn’t sick. 
He’s aroused.
You reach up to clutch at your shirt, fidgeting with the fabric like it might actually provide comfort in this unsure situation.
“What… happened?” 
He doesn’t answer at first. His mouth twists into something like a grin, but it’s twitchy, uncontrolled. He chuckles slowly.
“A curse. I should have taken a closer look, but--” He lets out a pained sigh and squeezes his eyes shut. “I was distracted. Foolish. Stupid.”
You--perhaps foolish, stupid--take a step forward. Little pieces find themselves fitting together in your brain, trying to create a plan for what will come ahead. It’s how you’ve managed to survive so far, isn’t it? Taking in everything about your situation and acting accordingly to preserve your health and sanity?
“What… kind of curse?” You ask, and take more steps, until you’re close enough that you can feel some of the unnatural warmth from his body. 
He looks at you slowly, his eyes almost rolling in a way that makes your stomach turn. You perhaps don’t need to actually hear the answer. It’s become clear, with the way he’s panting, the way his skin is flushed, the awful warmth from being so close to him. But it’s best for him to admit it, anyway, and confirm it to your whirring brain.
Something seems to roil through him and he leans down, groaning in an uninhibited way that makes cold fear crawl up your arms, despite the warmth from Geto’s body. This close, you can see the sweat beading on his forehead, and when you glance down, his hardness is evident through his trousers.
Oh, you’re going to be fucked by the end of the night. You know it. It’s an inevitability. 
What if it’s like before? When he would be rough and fast, and it would feel good and terrible all at the same time? When you felt like you had no control over what was done to you, and what you were made to do? The shame that would spread through your body afterward was nearly unbearable. 
No… it was better to take charge yourself, wasn’t it? The only other option was to wait for him to snap. And if he was influenced by some lust-filled curse, there’s no telling what he might do. 
So you’ll take care of him before he can reach that breaking point. 
“Geto,” you say, and your hand reaches out slowly, like he’s a wild dog (perhaps he is) until it rests just above his back. Close enough for him to sense you. Although attempting to touch him without permission would normally have earned you a slap on the wrist and a reprimand, Geto leans into your palm, letting out a soft, pleased noise, as if your palm resting on his back was something far more wonderful.
“Let me… take care of you,” you manage, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth before you force it loose to say the words. He doesn’t answer, breath still coming out in a pant. 
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You speak louder, more firmly. More sure of yourself, even if a large part of you is wondering if this is a terrible idea after all. But it’s better to get it over with; to do this on your terms, or as much of your terms as you can manage. You can at least admit that.
Geto doesn’t answer, and you’re about to say something else when he grabs your wrist--it’s too tight, his palm is sweaty--and begins to pull you towards the bedroom. Your house slippers scuff on the floor from the unsteady force of his grip, but you manage not to fall.
Later, you will wonder--if you did trip in that moment, would he have simply taken you on the floor? It was a distinct possibility.
But you don’t fall. You make it to the bedroom and he lets go of you, stripping off his clothes with  a frenzy that is completely unlike him. You don’t wait for an order to remove your own clothing. He might not have even been in the right frame of mind to remember that you’re normally supposed to wait for his order on everything. Or perhaps it has been so long since he’d touched you this way, he didn’t even think of giving it in the first place.
When he turns around, both of you are naked. His hardness is evident, erect and pressing against his flushed body. You can see wetness around his tip and something between your leg twinges in both pleasant anticipation and worry at what this curse-induced arousal might mean for the both of you.
“Well?” He says, voice thick and low. 
You swallow against your throat, against the worries that normally come with seeing Geto naked. You remind yourself that this is different. That you’re taking control, as much as you can get, with him so afflicted. It won’t be like before, surely, when he would use you and leave you alone like the toy that you were afterward. 
“Lay on the bed,” you command. Your body flinches instinctively at the audacity of it. “Please,” you add, but he doesn’t seem to mind your forwardness in this moment. He crawls on the bed and leans back against the pillows, keeping himself half-upright as he watches you. 
You glance down at his cock. It twitches, ever so slightly, and you feel yourself twitch between your legs to match it. Was it because it had been so long? Or because you were the one telling him what to do? Or some awful mixture of both, and more besides? 
It was hard to tell what was normal and what wasn’t in the fucked up state of your existence. 
“Get on the bed.” It’s his turn to give a command, and you’re quick to obey it. For as much as you’re taking the initiative, you can’t let yourself forget who owns you, perhaps literally. Even if he’s currently flushed and woozy and subject to the demands of the arousal forced upon him by some wayward curse.
You climb on the bed and crawl until you’re positioned with your knees on either side of his hips. It’s the first time you’ve been above him. It would be out of the question, you think, before. He liked to remind you where you belonged in the literal sense, and that had extended to sexual positions.
Instinctively, your hands go behind your back, folding primly. You’re not supposed to touch him during sex. You know that. It’s been the rule; it was one of the first things he drilled into your head when he began fucking you. He was allowed to touch you in any way he wanted; stroking and pinching and whatever else fell within his whims. But you? You keep your filthy hands to yourself. 
And so, it’s with your hands behind your back that you carefully begin to lower yourself onto his erect cock. 
He gasps and groans, and you do, too. Your twinges were not enough to get you properly wet, and it hurts as you lower yourself down. But the flush on his face and the feeling of being full after so long begins to grant you the warmth necessary to produce your own slickness, easing the passage just a little as you take all of him in. Not enough for it to be painless. But it’s not like that ever mattered before. 
“Fuck,” he spits out, throwing his head back from there mere sensation of your pussy taking in his erection. You feel yourself clench him and he hisses in delight. It makes you feel a bit giddy, to affect him like this, with so little.
Your fists clench behind your back as he bottoms out inside you, and your own groan joins his as you steady yourself, keeping your balance as you sit on top of him. His cock twitches inside you and you let out a sigh, leaning forward. Your hair tickles your ears.
He’s looking up at you, hips writhing in a way that makes you gasp.
“Touch me.” 
You think you must have misheard him.
“I said touch me,” he says, more forceful, the arousal pulsing through him giving his voice a thick tinge. He thrusts his hips and you bump upwards, in discomfort yes, but also a growing sense of your own arousal at the fullness and friction inside you.
“All--” You gasp when he thrusts again, and perhaps the idea of taking too much control was an illusion. “All right!” Your hands slowly come out from behind your back and with a hesitation that comes from months of being trained otherwise, you slowly lower your hands to rest on his hips.
Slowly, you trail your hands up to his chest, eyeing his nipples. How long had they been erect? Was it before or after you lowered yourself on him? It doesn’t matter. You begin to pull yourself up, timing your own movements with his now-shallow thrusting. As you do, your hands rest on his nipples, rubbing them slowly with your palm--the way he sometimes does to you, if he’s not pinching them harshly to make you squeal.
“Yes,” he murmurs. “Just… just like that. Good pet.” 
And there again, the sight of his pleasure from your touch, his raise, makes you clench… which makes him hiss in pleasure, which makes you giddy. 
It’s a wonderful cycle, and so different from all of the other times he’s fucked you. This is almost nice, in its own way. To be above him, mostly in control of how fast you move, how much of him you take in and out as you lift yourself up and down on his cock.
“Faster,” he says, and you don’t mind obeying. One of your hands still toys with his nipple while the other reaches between your own legs and thumbs at your clit. It’s audacious, really--you’re not supposed to pleasure yourself without his permission.
But he doesn’t tell you to stop. Instead he simply watches the way your thumb rubs against your clit; does he enjoy the sight of his cock inside you, the way your pussy takes him as you use your leg muscles to thrust up and down?
He must, because you can feel your own arousal mixing with his, see the way his chest rises faster. Tell-tale signs that he’s getting close.
“Stop,” he orders suddenly. “Get off me.” His voice is still low, still filled with lust, but there’s something else in it. Something more familiar. 
“Geto?” You ask, confused, your own voice coated with arousal that’s just about to reach its peak. It’s disappointing to stop now, but you know better than to disobey. Even right now, or perhaps, especially right now.
He seems to regain a stronger semblance of himself. “Get off,,” he commands, and you do. 
It doesn’t take long to realize why he gave the order. He swiftly grips your arms and flips you on the bed, your back pressing against the sheets that are warm with his own unmistakable body heat.
Now this is familiar. Geto above you, naked, flushed, aroused. And you, beneath him. But this time your arousal was of your own making, and there’s a sort of power in that, you think.
He’s back inside you and by this time you’re wet enough that it simply feels good to be filled again. His wrists keep your own pinned and you murmur a plea, you were so close, Geto--and to your surprise, one of his hands leaves your wrist to begin playing with your clit.
Arousal builds quickly this time, and you come without ceremony, your muscles clenching around him and legs kicking helplessly on the bed as he continues to touch you through your orgasm.
Familiar patterns set in, and as your own orgasm begins to fade out, you know what will happen now. He’ll fuck you faster and pull out as he comes–he refuses to finish inside you–and then leave you to yourself.. Maybe he’ll have to go another round to deal with the effects of this curse, but whatever change had been over him before, allowing you greater freedom, was surely gone.
Only… maybe not.
Because as you feel the familiar sensation of Geto pushing inside you harder and faster as he nears his release, something new happens. Something different. Something that makes butterflies and battery acid flutter in your stomach all at the same time.
He leans down and presses his lips against yours, tentatively at first, then harder, until you open up your mouth and let his tongue inside.
Geto kisses you. It’s a surprisingly passionate kiss, and you let out a yelp of surprise when he grips your chin and kisses you through his own orgasm. 
He doesn’t even pull out. You feel his seed inside you for the first time, a liquid warmth. It’s uncomfortable and strange and you wonder how angry he’ll be, later on, that he did this. 
He doesn’t stop kissing you until you’re breathing heavily through your nose, and when he pulls away you take in a gulp of air.
He stares down at you with something that looks like wonder. At himself… or you? 
“Good pet,” he murmurs. But there’s no condescension in it today. 
There’s an awful, naked vulnerability that washes over you.
Geto let you touch him. Geto kissed you. 
Geto, Geto, Geto…
Was he going to be mad when this curse effect wore off? Would he get rid of you for making him violate so many of his own rules? 
You don’t have time to think about it, because you realize he’s still hard, and he begins to thrust shallowly inside your overstimulated pussy. 
He’ll have to go another round. 
Afterward, sleep came without warning. You had simply closed your eyes when Geto finally pulled out and that was that. 
You don’t know how much time has passed when you open your eyes, blinking away the grogginess of an unexpected nap. 
There’s a soreness between your legs, which you expected. There’s the feeling of your body being used, a low openness that combines vulnerability and humiliation in a bittersweet mixture; which you expected.
You don’t expect to blink and see Geto sleeping beside you, his arm slung around your waist, keeping you in place.
Geto never slept with you like this. He would fuck you and use you and sometimes tell you that you were a good pet if he was in a jovial mood--and he would leave. 
You’re afraid to move. If you wake him, will he be angry? Will he be annoyed that he let himself fall asleep beside you? Annoyed with himself for allowing it, or annoyed with you for being there? 
You don’t move, but it doesn’t matter. His eyes flutter open and you feel the warmth of his breath on your face as he takes in the sight before him, as you just did.
He doesn’t furrow his eyebrows in irritation or fling himself out of bed or reprimand you for existing like this in his space. Instead he pulls you closer, until your face is pressed closer to his chest. It makes you feel something--warmth? Affection? Relief that you weren’t being yelled at for being bad?--and your hand slowly leaves your side to curl up against his chest. 
He allows it. 
“Go back to sleep,” he murmurs.
And you obey.
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luveline · 1 year
Omg ok Jade my love can I request a princess soulmate au with Steve? Where reader is Prince Steve’s soulmate but maybe she’s not royal herself and is struggling a bit with being the future princess?
Almost like similar vibes to some of the loser gf with rockstar Sirius things you’ve done
thank you sm for your request! (sci-fi fairytale au) prince!steve
cw talk of losing weight to fit into a dress 
Prince Steven sits across from you with a bowl of grapes and a pair of embroidery scissors. He's going to stab me, you think morosely. I'm wretched and boring and he's going to stab me and then the stars will give him another soulmate and he'll forget this whole misfortune.
He seems lost for words as you are, or uninterested. You think he's going to talk and he eats another grape instead, hair fluttering in the breeze that filters in from the balcony, his eyes trained on the holoscreen. He's pretty —soft face, softer hair, almond shaped eyes that seem perpetually amused— but more alarmingly, he's fit. Physically fit from years of sports. Royals do all manner of olympiad competition, evident in his toned shoulders and his sun-kissed skin. 
"How's your embroidery?" he asks suddenly. 
You startle, pretending you'd been attending to that rather than staring at him uselessly. "It's going well, Prince Steven," you lie. You've never embroidered before —you have practical sewing skills for darning scuffed trousers and patching elbows, but embroidery is a labour of time. Time is a luxury you haven't had. 
"Steve," he corrects. 
"Do I… Is it really okay for me to call you that? Won't people think I'm presumptuous?" 
"Ten dollar word." He slides the bowl toward you, a beautifully glazed ceramic piece that likely cost more than your month's rent. "Well, they usually let me have whatever I want, and I want you to call me Steve. And to relax. And eat more." 
"I can't. They said I need to fit into my wedding dress." 
"The wedding dress needs to fit you," Steve says, the simple cut of his button down pulled snug to his chest as he leans back in his chair. "Not the other way around. Is that why you didn't eat much at breakfast? Or was it just gross?" 
"It wasn't gross," you say softly. 
"You don't have to do any of that stuff, either, if it's boring." 
You run your finger down the creamy linen stretched between your bamboo hoops. "I don't know if it's boring. I can barely do it." 
"You're too mean to yourself," he says. 
Steve stands and puts his arm behind his head, pushing his elbow until something clicks. Embarrassed by his dismissal, you stare at your hands and fume at yourself when they begin to tremble. 
It's too much. All of it. The cruel Palace attendants who know you're not good enough. Steve and his good nature. The wedding dress, the fine China, your wonky stitches. 
Steve steps to your side. He holds out his hand, and you pass him your embroidery without meeting his eyes. Your mood worsens at the sharp slink of snipping, sure that Steve will cut your pattern from the sketch and tell you to start again. 
"Sorry, your white knot at the back was bothering me. Pass me a slimmer needle? I'll tuck it behind your stitches." 
Astonished, you pass Steve a smaller needle from the pin cushion. His brows creases gently as he works, rewiring the white thread with patience and efficiency. 
"There. It looks really nice, honey. You're a fast learner." He passes you the hoop. You take it a beat too slow and he either doesn't notice or doesn't make a fuss, chucking you under the chin softly. "Don't worry so much. I'll talk to Cordelia about your wedding dress, the idea that you need to fit into it like it's one size fits all is dumb. It's made for you. Like, what are they expecting?" 
"They're probably hoping this is all a big mistake." 
"Did someone say that to you?" 
"Nobody had to say it to me, I can tell from the way they look at…" Steve takes your face into his hand, effectively killing anything you'd been trying to say.  
He seems royal, then. Used to getting his way, maybe, the disapproving lining of his otherwise sweet eyes. You get a flash of a memory, the morning you'd been presented, Steve in his finery with his platinum crown like a beacon in brown hair, you in your best dress, embarrassingly drab in comparison, your hand offered. He'd been meeting with eligible women all week. 
You were there as a formality. Never for a second did you think your soul mark would react to his, lines of light around your opposite wrists. 
To think you'd worried about touching him. You could never imagine how beautifully careful he is, how tender. You didn't know men were like this until Steve showed you, his niceness apparently bone deep and in everything he does. 
"If people are being jerks, you have to tell me." You never imagined how casual and vulgar he'd be either. "What's the point in being a princess if people don't respect you?" 
"I'm not a princess," you say. Your heart is a hummingbird as he turns his hand and strokes your cheeks with the backs of his fingers. 
"You will be. Nothing can change that. You're going to be a princess, and you can do as much or as little as you want, because those dorks left me in charge and I say so. I can decree it, if that makes you feel better," he says, dropping his hand, the phantom of it lingering like static shock. 
"What if I'm not meant for this?" you ask quietly, shy but terrified enough to ask. 
"I was meant for you," he says, tone matching yours in timidity. His sleeves rolled up as they are, you can see the soft light of his soul mark taking a pink hue. "Right?" 
Your soul mark glows a gentle pink to match his. Because you and Steve don't know one another well, not yet, but the feeling is there, thrumming under the skin like a pulse. Not love, not not love, a glowing desire. A want to know him.
There have been moments where you wished he wasn't a Prince, but then there's no guarantee you ever would have met. 
"Right," you mouth, offering him a small smile. 
"We were meant to be together…" Steve bends at the waist, meeting your eyes. He's yet to kiss you in the week since you met, but his touches come braver everyday, the unfamiliarity between you melding into butterflies. His smirk shakes them awake. "So let's be together the way we want to. Think of princess-ing as optional." 
"And you as mandatory?"
"I'm also optional," he says with a warm laugh. "But dinner is not. I need to know what you like, if we're going to get married."
You practically gulp. Right. You're going to be his soulmate, his princess, and his wife. 
"Don't be scared. I'm not cooking it, chef Joyce is." Steve brushes hair from his eyes like a model from the giant holo screens, unaware of his own attractiveness. "I'm a shitty cook. My talents lie in other things," he drawls grandly, "like lacrosse, and neck massages." 
He winks. You laugh genuinely for the first time since you met him, and his face splits with glee.  
if you want to request anything for this AU please do! steampunk princess soulmate and her smitten prince is my new fave thing
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MASKED INTRUDER PT 3 I BEGGGGG, ugh, clingy inexperienced yandere + language barrier + overeager and aggressive + needy needy needy, He is perfect! Honestly i had a spiral and came straight here to read my comfort fics and i forgot how much i loved that one 🥺 leooooo
A/N: Still not sure what I should do about Leo's origins; I've had some thoughts but nothing really planned out. Anyway thank you lots anon!
Here's Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 Word count: 2400
TW: Possessiveness, jealousy, threats of murder, razor blades, average creepy dude living in your walls behavior
Synopsis: An unexpected guest comes over, causing chaos to ensue.
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The sensation of soap under your fingernails and warm water running down your forearms was one of comfort that you openly welcomed. You couldn't remember the last time you took a bath, and you could hardly count this bathing of your 'roommate' as a bath of your own.
But with your shirt soaked and your forehead damp, you finally had what could be mildly considered a clean version of Leo.
He begrudgingly sat on the cool tile floor, allowing you to ruffle his hair with a bath towel (which was really a poor attempt to manage the mess of loose, lengthy curls on his scalp.) He needed a haircut for sure, but you couldn't muster up the courage to put the scissors to his head. 
Getting him out of the house to an haircut appointment would never happen. To say he was agoraphobic was a complete understatement-- he abhorred the outside world. You sometimes think about what would've happened If you hadn't taken pity on him, allowing him to continue to find refuge in your tiny home. Or, was it perhaps he was allowing you? Until, he found that you wouldn't suffice as a worthy roomate any longer, disposing of you like he could've done to whoever originally owned this home. The mystery surrounding his origin that he seemed to completely ignore answering on still made you… cautious.  
He still felt like an extension of the house; the smell of its creaky, rotting walls, still always clinging to him-- even now, after you scrubbed him down from head to toe twice. 
You grunted as you roughly tugged his head back and forth to rub the remaining water away. Unfortunately, that left you with a frizzy Leo with more hair spun out of control than you knew what to do with. 
He blindly searched for the towel behind him without turning his head, yanking it away when he felt it in his fingers. 
"Do it myself…" he mumbled croakily, like a rusted music box. 
"Alright." You said, slightly offended. You held your hands in front of you dramatically, watching Leo wrap himself with the towel.
He looked so frail like this, on the bathroom floor with his knees pulled up to his chest. His scrawny frame hardly gave him any weight either, even if he was above six foot. You wondered if he really could hurt you, if-- he ever had the urge, to stab you with the rusty razor blade you watched him grip after he came out of the walls once company left. 
How long would it be? Until he snapped,  until one argument was just too much, and you were no longer his favorite person in the world. Tonight was one of those nights, where you imagined yourself bleeding out on the floor, Leo standing above you with that blade, or perhaps a knife from the kitchen-- the one you noticed had gone missing a few days prior.
Your fear wasn't out of place despite how many times you tried to rationalize how stupid it was. 
Several hours earlier, before Leo was as clean as he was now, you had a guest over. 
It was an old university friend, a guy you met in your first year during some odd end prerequisite or math class-- You couldn't remember. But it didn't matter, at least not to Leo. 
The moment the "intruder" sat down, you heard Leo's presence shift behind him. You could see his black eyes peering in and out of the holes in the dining room, sounds of his sporadic shuffling echoing throughout the house. You cringed everytime your friend looked up and around himself in confusion, curious of the noise. 
"It's just rats," you cover, kicking the wall behind you with a force that should've knocked down the drywall. The sound of Leo letting out a thump of retaliation nearly made your smile crack.
 You had rescued your university pal several times over the course of that night, finding the dead bugs in his drink before he could've noticed, and shutting Leo back into his hiding spots anytime you saw his hand or leg peek through, when he occasionally got the courage to try and dispose of the 'threat.'
It wasn't until your guest had asked to use the bathroom however, that Leo managed to gain a win. Cursing and yelling from the locked door made you panic, the few minutes of silence in the living room having seemingly tricked you of peace. You should’ve known that silence never meant a good thing. 
Sprinting to the bathroom, you got there in time to find your old friend covered head to do in dust and dirt, the bathroom vent still emitting a cloud of grey. Dust fell from the vent, spraying with the blow of the air conditioning. 
"Stop!" You screamed, kicking the back of the bathroom wall multiple times in retaliation. The dust immediately lessened, flecks still falling into your hair. You grunted and cursed, seeing the disaster your bathroom had become and the filth your friend was left in. 
It was safe to say you escorted him quickly out thereafter, blaming the “malfunction” on your worse for wear vent ducts. His confused expression lingered as you walked him out the door. Your horrible cover ups had you questioning whether or not he was convinced but thankfully there seemed to be some sort of unspoken understanding-- maybe he knew you had to be going through something from how odd your behavior was all night-- or maybe it was just misplaced pity.
 Either way, you were relieved to watch him exit the door with a washcloth you knew you’d never get back, telling him to be safe on his way home with a wry smile. 
Shutting that door was the biggest relief ever. The last person you'd want to know about your odd roomate situation was one of the few people in the world who had preconceived standards of you. 
You had never worried about Leo when you had groups of friends over; he never dared to leave from his hiding spot when more than one foreign person entered the house. But this time, it had been a single unknown entity, and a male one at that. You felt the realization hit you directly in the gut as your back laid against that cool wooden door, the sounds of Leo leaving one of his more trickier, less clean hiding spots echoing in the house.
"Leo?" You called out, a slight inflection of annoyance in your voice. 
You watched him crawl out of the large vent in your hallway, the metal grate coming off as two dirty hands forced it to the floor. Leo shimmied his way out of the tiny crawlspace, clouds of dirt coming with him as his legs finally came free. 
Scrambling up, the male blew dust out of his mouth, wobbly getting to his feet. With a sly glare and a satisfied expression, Leo looked towards to you silently; smugly. 
Pinching his ear and dragging him to the bathtub had been your first approach at reprimanding him; but it had done nothing to deter him. Leos silentness and resentful, pouting face left you to scold a brick wall, his rigidness extending to his body's heavy limbs and sluggish pace. 
Even now while slowly rubbing the towel back and forth on his scalp, his face turned away defiantly. 
A quiet moment passed as you watched him scrub himself dry. 
"I just… I don't understand why you have to act this way." 
Leo stopped. His head had been hanging low, thin wrists resting on his knees as water droplets rolled down the ends of his hair. His hand-me-down stretched pajamas covered his chest and thighs. You never thought an old pair of basketball shorts and a faded grey shirt would look so good on him, but you couldn't help to linger on his fingers and the curve of his neck muscles. 
Without warning Leo stood up, pushing off the ground with one hand as he held the towel loosely in the other. 
"What're you doing?" You question.
He wouldn't face you; his mask prosthetic was left on the edge of the tub, and without it-- well, it was impossible to make eye contact with him.
Leo reached for the light witch next to the shut bathroom door, flipping it without a word.
As soon as you saw him pull the light switch the color drained from your face. 
You didn't speak, waiting in the dark to see what Leo's next move would be. Maybe he hid that Razor blade somewhere in his clothes, and was aiming it at you right this second. 
"If you're gonna--"
"Shh." A voice hushed. 
The warmth of flesh was pressed against your lips. It was a finger; hot breath fanned above you,  the finger on your lips turning to a hand that cupped your cheek. Your face was held so securely, being tipped upwards as he stood leering above you. The bathroom was quiet save for the dripping of the bath pipe, and Leo's heavy breathing. 
Leo reached for you, awkwardly climbing atop your lap. He stumbled at first, but the way he curled his arms around your back, you felt like you couldn't let him go.
His nose nestled into the crook of your neck, crumpling into you like an animal looking for warmth. 
"I don't share…Don't like it.." he mumbled.
"Things, my things.." He started, the sounds of his labored breaths hitting your ear. "Don't like it when… strangers touch… my things."
You couldn't help but search for his eyes in the dark, doing a happy little wiggle with him in your arms.
"Your voice has improved so much!" You beamed. He hadn’t spoken since the incident, and before that-- well, it took a lot to get him where he was.
“See, I knew pushing you would pay off.” You beamed, gloating in the feeling of success after remembering all the painful vocabulary lessons and hours of his stubborn behavior when you refused to answer his nonverbal pleads. 
Leo’s quietness as you pinched his ear beneath his fluff of loose curls gave you time to snap back to reality-- remembering the words he just spoke. Leo basked in the praise, gripping onto your damp shirt as he ignored your change in expression. 
The obvious possessiveness made you nearly cringe; this is exactly what you were trying to avoid. 
“But Leo, I’m not just yours- I’m everybody’s. There are other people my time has to be shared with--”
You were cut off with the flick of an all too familiar razor blade, twirling in Leos fingers.
“Then….I’ll kill them.” 
Leo leaned up, bringing his face closer to yours than he’d ever done before.
“I… wanna kill. Him. Kill….all of them..” His eyes were wide in the dark, and you could see the faint outline of the scars running down his face. You stared hard into his eyes, witnessing the fear and paranoia in them. “They’ll take.. You away. He will.” His throat was getting raspier, more raw. 
“Leo, you know you can’t say things like that..” You softened. He sounded so small, you could hardly believe his words. But in the back of your mind, alarm bells and bright red warning signs were going off. 
You reached for his face, hoping to hold it in your hands, feel the warmth of his skin. But Leo stopped you, holding your wrists. He rejected you from touching his face, again; had things truly changed? Had you made any progress with him?
And like clockwork, Leo reached for his mask, by the bathtub, sitting comfortably on your lap as he faced you. 
He adjusted the prosthetic on his face, resting it snugly as the back clipped. 
“You really wanna stop me from kissing you that badly?” You joked. 
But then the mask was lifted, just slightly, as Leos lips came closer for yours. Now that you brought the idea up, he wouldn’t let it go. 
“Kiss..” He mumbled, trying to reach for your face.
“Ah ah,” You waved a finger at him. “Don’t think I’m going soft after what you just said.” Leo let you push your two fingers against his lips, puckering them. “We’ve talked about this; what did I say?”
“Killing is….it is,” 
“It’s wrong, Leo.” 
“Its.. wrong.” He whined, bringing your other hand to his chest. He didn’t want it to be wrong, he wanted you to let him run wild and do what he knew he needed to do--”
“Promise me, Leo.” You pulled your hand slightly away. “Promise me you won’t.. Hurt anyone. Okay?”
He went quiet, letting a small grunt out as you kept pulling away the longer he stayed quiet. 
“Say it.”
“Fine… okay.” He croaked. 
You went limp and let him hold you close to him, his face leaning close as he looked for your approval. 
“Kiss..?” He mumbled again, following where your head turned to catch your lips. 
“Only because you’re finally being good..” You let him grab your chin like a cat pawing at you, his other hand nestled into your hair. “But you really don’t deserve this, especially after toni--”
You were cut off with a hungry lick, Leo’s mouth twisting against yours as the mask bumped against your nose. He lifted it just a bit higher, concealing only half of his face as he leaned deeper into you. His mouth was as warm as usual, but you could feel his warn down jealousy still through the rush of his lips.You wondered if you should really be rewarding him now after all he tried to pull. 
 A guttural purr released from his throat when he broke free from your mouth with a huff, running his hand down your back. He tried to pull your hair out of your face with his free hand, leaning for another kiss. 
“Wait Leo,” You put a hand in front of your lips, the other out with your palm up. “Give it to me first.”
Leo let out a dramatic sigh. He sat for a moment, stubbornly waiting to see if you’d really push him or let it go. 
“Come on now,” You beckoned with your hand. 
Huffing with frustration, Leo took as slow as possible to pull the razor blade from his pants.
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mothman-supremacy · 2 months
hiii, could you write something about logan fucking the reader in a chokehold in the honda odyssey? if not then that’s totally ok!! thanks for your time! 🫶🏾
sorry if this sucks omg, like i said i’m trying to get back into writing and this isn’t my usual format i’m more of a billet point girl. hope u like it love u
not proofread because i do not want to reread what i have written 😜, intended lowercase. fem reader is sooooome type of mutant idk u have some type of regenerative powers (he has his claws in ur side :/)
cw: uh choking, unprotected sex,stab wound, blood mention, use of claws 😦 there is no story this is just porn
1.1k words omggggg
minors dni
if u liked this reblog/heart/leave a comment bc i need the validation 🥲☝🏻
you’re straddling him in the front seat, the steering wheel is digging into your back and your knife is lodged underneath his ribs. he grunts and tries to push you off of him, “get in the backseat, now.” he growled in your ear, the grip he has on your hip loosening and him retracing his claws from your other side.
you open the door of the odyssey and stumble out and logan follows you, pulling your knife out of his side and dropping it on the ground. He opens the backseat door and slides in beckoning you to him. you slide in after and close the door. Logan is sitting in the middle, thighs spread and knee bumping into yours while you sit there awkwardly looking around the bloodied interior. Logan reaches a hand out and tugs you towards him until you get the hint and clamber into his lap again.
it’s a desperate kiss, he’s pulling you into him with his hands on your cheeks and it’s all teeth and snarls and it’s angry. you bite his lip and the metallic taste of blood fills your senses. logan grunts and extends his claws, touching your side just barely so you know the threat is there. “turn around f’me” he whispers against your lips.
you give him one last open mouthed kiss before turning around in his lap and shimmying out of your pants. before you can get comfortable in logan’s lap you can feel his arm sliding up your body before his forearm settles across your throat. you let out a gasp and your hands come up to grasp at his arm.
“this is what you want right baby?” he leans down and whispers in your ear. “want somebody to manhandle you, put you in your place?”
“oh fuck you logan” you spit and try to thrash out of his grip, but he’s stronger than you and he tightens his arm around your throat causing you choke on your breath. “don’t worry baby, i’m gonna” he lets out a chuckle and kisses the side of your head.
you can feel his other hand sliding down the front of your body and stop at the top of your panties. “you know,” he starts “i can smell how turned on you are.”
“w-what do you mean?” you flush in embarrassment, trying to close your thighs. logan just spread his legs further forcing you to keep your legs spread for him.
“heightened since of smell darling, remember?” he has a stupid smirk on his face as his hand finishes its descent into your panties. he grins wide when he first dips his fingers past your folds “fucking soaked for me.”
you feel his grip around your neck loosen and his arm slides down across your chest urging you to lean back against him. you hear the distinctive shink of his claws extending and you let out a small whimper of his name. you can feel the cold adamantium skimming across your skin before your panties are sliced to shreds. he retracts his claws and his fingers resume there original position and slipping through your folds.
head against his shoulder you whine into his ear “logan- please” he hums and looks at you with an amused smirk. “touch me please, i need you”
“yeah i know you fucking need me. this pussy needs me, she’s been cryin’ for me all fucking day.” he sinks two digits in your pussy and angles them so he’s hitting the perfect spot. he scissors his fingers in you stretching you out while his other hand holds you down across your chest.
“oh-oh fuck logan. please please.” you cry out and shift your hips a little trying to chase your orgasm “��m so close, so fucki-“ you let out a gasp at the loss of his fingers.
he releases his hold across your chest and draws his hand away from your pussy to slide his pants down just enough for him to take his cock out. his grip on your hips is bruising and he’s rubbing your pussy along the length of his cock now. you gasp a little bit every time he slides over your clit.
logan lifts you up just enough to position himself at your entrance. “go slow baby, i don’t wanna hurt you just yet” he murmurs as you sink down on his length. you both let out a groan once he is finally all the way inside of you.
“go on baby, ride me. this is what you wanted right? this is what she wanted.” he reaches around to the front of your body and his fingers find your clit. you lift yourself up just a little and drop back down and the combination of your movement plus the small lazy circles on your clit makes you shudder.
logan’s head falls back with a deep groan when you finally start moving. he’s holding your back to his chest again while you angle your hips so he hits deeper inside of you. “good girl. good fucking girl take what you need from me” he growls in your ear and nips at your jaw.
you rock down on his cock hard and whimper because he feels so fucking good and you’re getting so close again. “lo-logan please letmecum pleaseplease”
you feel his arm come around the front of your neck again as he puts you in a chokehold, and starts to fuck up into you from below. he squeezes harder and the the veins in his arms are starting to pop out. the lack of oxygen is making you dizzy in the best fucking way you it’s almost like you can feel yourself floating in bliss. “yeah you fucking like this don’t you? like when i take control like this. of course you do your cunt’s squeezing’ me so fucking hard i think you’re gonna explode.” he reaches one hand down while still keep a firm arm across you throat, to play with your swollen clit again. “go ahead and cum baby, cum on my fucking cock and then i’m gonna fill you up.”
his words send you tumbling over the edge and with a few more thrusts you’re crying out and your grip on his forearm goes lax as you come back down from your high. logan gives a few more sloppy thrusts before he’s holding your hips down and grinding into you as he cums inside of you. a loud groan and a huff leaves his lips as he pulls you off of him. “next time, just ask. you don’t have to stab me to get what you want you know?”
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linos-luna · 1 year
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Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate you 💕
My Queen ❣️🔪
Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: Yandere! Some violence, stabbing, delusion, obsessive behavior, fingering, some oral
(Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt. 7)
“W-where am I?!”
You looked around, realizing that you’re on a bed in a room you don’t know with your wrists tied up with zip ties.
What happened? What was the last thing you did?? Your mind was racing with thoughts when you heard the door open.
“Hello, love.”
You turned to see a familiar face. Hyunjin?
He’s a friend of yours, well… was. You hadn’t talked to him in over a week. He was nice but sometimes a little weird. He’d follow you around and sometimes knew things he shouldn’t… you told him you needed some space. You’ve always had a little crush on him but that idea was definitely out of the question now.
“Hyunjin??” You looked at him with concern. “W-what? What’d you do to me?? Where—??”
“You’re in my home, silly.” He chuckled while moving closer. “Well… our home now.”
“Hyunjin, what are you doing?! Why are my wrists tied??”
“Well I don’t want you to escape.” He said before leaning in to kiss you, only for you to turn away.
“Hyunjin this is sick. You can’t do this…”
The man roughly grabbed your chin and turned your head to forcefully kiss you.
“Y/n. You’re the love of my life.”
You were unnerved by his calm demeanor and want sure what to do. Your heart was racing.
“You’re my queen.” He said while sitting next to you. “I must keep you here, in my castle.”
He’s losing it. He must be. What kind of person does this?
A bit later, he brought you some clothes. They were from your closet at home. Outfits that you’ve worn before.
“I think these look cute on you.” He said with a smile.
“Well… I can’t put them on with my wrists tied.” You said while holding up your wrists.
“Yes of course, love.” Hyunjin nodded and got some scissors to cut them off. After doing so, he put them back in the drawer and kissed your hand. “I’ll be making dinner. Come out when you’re ready.”
You nodded and as soon as he left, you grabbed the scissors. You waited to hear him go to the kitchen and slowly opened the door.
When sure that he was distracted, you made a run for the door. Unfortunately, you were instantly spotted and grabbed from behind.
“What are you doing, darling?!” He said while trying to get ahold of you.
“Hyunjin let go!” You yelled while trying to cut him with the scissors, only grazing his thigh.
“Stop it! I don’t want to hurt you!” He took hold of your wrist in the struggle and was able to take the scissors from you.
You stomped on his foot, hoping to get him to let go. But that only seemed to agitate him. Instead of letting go, he had the scissors open, cutting the inside of his hand.
Suddenly there was a sharp pain in your shoulder, making you pause and scream out loud.
You stumbled backwards into his arms and looked at your shoulder. The scissors where there. Stabbed in pretty deep.
“Oh baby… darling I’m sorry!” Hyunjin said frantically while dragging you to the couch. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“Why would you do that?!” You sat on the couch crying, watching as the blood stained your shirt.
“I didn’t mean to!” He said with tears. “Darling I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt my sweet queen. To pierce her pure skin!”
It was hard to not cry. The pain was searing and wound deep.
“I would never hurt you! Never! Never!”
“Take it out!” You yelled.
“Not yet! You’ll bleed out.” Hyunjin said with a sigh. “I’ll get the emergency kit.”
You sat there in pain as he left to get the kit. He came back with a box and grabbed the bandages.
Hyunjin moved your sleeve down and you winced as he pulled out the scissors then nearly screamed as he pressed cloth against.
“I’m sorry, love.” He said while cleaning it up. He bandaged the area up then wiped your tears.
“Your hand…” you said while motioning to the blood there. “You cut it.”
“This?” He said with a smile. “It’s nothing.”
You sighed as he lifted you up bridal style. He took you back to the bedroom and gently set you down .
“I’m sorry I had to do that.” There was clear guilt in his voice and he was on his knees in front of you. “Forgive me, love.”
You only looked at him with a tear stained face.
Hyunjin took your hands and squeezed them tight.
“I love you. I really do! I always have.” He said while looking up at you. “I was so hurt when you stopped seeing me a week ago! I cant live without you, y/n.”
“You didn’t have to kidnap me—!”
“I didn’t?!” He yelled, suddenly standing up. “I had to!”
You scooted back a little in fear and he instantly calmed down.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said while taking your hands again. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“Hyunjin… you need help…” you said in a shaky voice. “Y-you need to let me go…”
“But I love you.” He replied with a whine.
“This isn’t love!”
“No!” He yelled. “Please, darling… I’ve brought you back to the castle… I must care for you.”
“Hyunjin… t-this isn’t a castle…”
“You’re right.” He said, now letting you go. “Not until it’s up to your standards. My queen deserves better!”
Two weeks later and your shoulder still hurt. It may not be throbbing, but you should definitely be seen in a hospital.
Although you were kidnapped, Hyunjin was pretty gentle with you. He cuddled with you at night and cooked you all your meals. He’d practically serve you… like a queen. In a sick way, you found it sweet.
You and Hyunjin were on the bed. He gently kissed your lips while had on your hip.
You were laying down as he hovered over you.
It was uncomfortable and you didn’t kiss back; yet, he kept going.
“Darling…?” he whispered. “Why aren’t you returning my love?”
You only stared at him, not sure what to say.
“Please…” he held your cheek. “Let me… let me tell you everything I love about you. How committed I am.”
“How… how committed are you, Jinnie?” You froze, realizing what you said. Did you just call him a nickname?
Hyunjin’s heart skipped a beat when hearing you say it.
“I love your physique…” he said while kissing you and rubbing your waist. “Your gorgeous face and hair…”
You looked down at his hand as it played with the material of your skirt, making you a bit nervous.
“You’re the sweetest person in the world… also strong.” He continued while kissing your lips. “Your lips plump and eyes glimmer with love.”
“You love me, don’t you?” He asked while his hand roamed under your shirt. “I take care of you, I love you.”
“I mean, you called me Jinnie!” He snapped. “You must love me!”
Your heart was racing as he played with the material of your bra.
“My sweet queen, I want to prove it to you!” He said while getting close.
“P-prove what..?”
“My love of course!”
“Hyunjin- agh…” you moaned softly as you felt his hand under your skirt and rubbing your clothed cunt. He was circling his fingers over a wet spot that was forming.
“Please.” He whispered while playing with the cotton material. “I need to spoil my queen… to prove my love.”
You closed your eyes as he continued rubbing you. He was waiting. Waiting for your word.
“You have needs, my love. Let me fulfill them…”
You weren’t sure what to do at this point. You were pinned to the bed with not much choice. In a way… you kind of wanted it.. but no! He kidnapped you! Are you insane?!
You were getting increasingly needy as he rubbed you and you finally gave in.
You nodded and he flashed a big smile before sitting up and lifting your skirt. He was about to undo his pants, only for you to suddenly grab your his hair.
“Nuh uh… no cock…”
“You heard me.” You sighed. “No. Cock.”
“You want to please me right?!” You snapped.
“Yes of course!” He replied quickly. “More than anything in the world!”
“Th-then… only fingers…”
He nodded while getting back to your thighs. He gently kissed the inside of your thigh, close to your cunt.
You breathed slowly as he kissed over your panties.
You whined as the underwear was slowly pulled down and gasped when feeling his fingers rubbing your clit.
You moaned and arched your back as he inserted two fingers.
He kissed your lips while slowly moving them in and out and you let out breathy moans.
“Cum for me, please.” He groaned. “I wish to taste your sweet essence.”
You did exactly that and nearly screamed as you felt his lips on your bare cunt. He lapped up your cum like a starved man and made some groaning noises.
“Thank you.” He said while grabbing your cheeks and desperately kissing you. “Thank you so much, my love!”
You said nothing. Only laying there, tasting yourself on his lips.
After a minute or so, he got up and grabbed another pair of panties from a bag. The bag with your things.
After putting them on, he lay next to you and rubbed your cheek.
“Everyday… everyday I will cherish you… everyday I will love you.” He whispered while locking eyes with you. “My love knows no bounds…”
After a while, he fell asleep and you sat up to think about what just happened. You wiped some tears from your cheeks and quietly cried. How could this happen? How could you let it happen?
It was hopeless. This man was not right in the head. He’s delusional. Does he really believe you are a queen? Does he really believe this is a castle? Has his mind snapped. And more importantly… has he always been this obsessed?
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amomentsescape · 1 year
Wrong Place, Right Time
Billy Loomis x Reader
Summary: Billy wanted nothing more than to add four more teens to his killing list. However, you were the last one he expected to be there.
Warnings: Violence & death, fluff
Word Count: 1,231
A/N: It felt right to kick off my Slasher Summer writings with Billy. He's been a long time favorite of mine, and it just felt right. As a reminder, I am taking any and all requests. If you have a slasher you'd like me to write for, let me know!
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He could already feel the adrenaline coursing through his body. He was practically shaking as he slowly crept in through the back door of a ridiculously decked out house.
"Idiots," he muttered. The people who lived here didn't even bother locking the door.
As he finally made his way inside, he could hear chatter and heavy music making its way from upstairs.
Billy smiled as he listened.
Word had clearly spread that there was some psycho murderer making their way around the area. It only seemed right for people to ban together at night, hoping that the large gathering would deter a killer from attacking.
But clearly this group wasn't being too cautious. Leaving the door unlocked and having the stereo on high wasn't exactly rule number one in any "how to stay alive in a horror movie" pamphlet.
With this being said, the group was doing at least one thing right.
They were all together in the same room.
This was going to make Ghostface's job a little more difficult, but not impossible by any means.
He quickly turned back towards the door and signaled that he was ready.
Stu nodded back at him, having been waiting outside for his cue.
Billy smiled as he watched Stu disappear. And that smile only grew when the lights all cut out, sending everyone into a hush.
He slowly made his way up the stairs in the dark, being careful not to make any sound.
He was close enough now that he could make out voices whisper-shouting to each other. One person finally groaned out a "fine" as they left the rest of the group.
Billy considered this for a moment and realized that they were likely heading outside to the electrical panel.
He let out a frustrated sigh at this, knowing that he was going to have to go after them quickly. Stu promised not to get in the way this time.
This was his night.
As he heard the front door slam shut, Billy continued his way upstairs. He'd deal with them later.
It didn't take long to get through the group. There were only three others besides whoever left.
Ghostface jumped out from the darkness and quickly stabbed the throat of some teenage boy he had seen once or twice in the halls of their high school.
The other two girls quickly jumped up and screamed as they witnessed their friend being slaughtered right before their eyes.
One headed for the front door, but he was quick to grab onto her hair and throw her hard against the ground. The wind was suddenly knocked from her and she barely had time to gasp out when the metal blade punctured into the middle of her chest.
She shook out a few spasms and coughed up blood before her eyes quickly glazed over.
Ghostface stood back up and made his way down the hall, having seen the second girl sprint in that direction just moments before.
He felt pretty confident as he walked, already knowing where she was hiding.
Only one door was closed and if Stu and him had mapped it out correctly, it was a small bathroom with a window barely big enough to fit a child through.
"Too easy," he muttered to himself.
With a few swift kicks, the door swung open to an empty room- or so one would think.
As he tore open the shower curtain, the girl jumped up and tried to slash him with a pair of pointed scissors she had found.
She was too slow however, and Billy was quick to grab her arm and throw her body against the tiled wall.
He grabbed her head forcefully and slammed it over and over before finally using his knife to finish the job.
Easy work, he thought.
With that, he suddenly heard yelling coming from downstairs.
This made Billy freeze up.
That voice. How did he not recognize it sooner?
He slowly crept his way to the top of the stairs, carefully peaking over as to not be seen. And that's when he realized it was you.
For the first time that night, Billy was scared.
You were the only one that got to see a genuine smile from the boy, the only one who Billy thought was worth living.
You both had a couple of classes together, but neither of you said much to one another. Billy had to keep up his persona with Sidney, and he didn't trust himself to do that around you.
You were much too pretty and smart to talk to anyways.
Billy had overheard conversations you'd have with some of your friends during lunch or in between classes.
You loved the same horror movies as him and always glowed when talking about your favorite characters.
He couldn't help but smile almost every day while watching you, taking in every little quirk and laugh you'd let out.
Billy had no choice but to become smitten with you.
And this is why his dilemma left him at a standstill.
He didn't want to kill you. No, he couldn't kill you. You were just too precious in his world full of anger and pain.
But what was his other option? He just killed your friends.
In his defense, he'd seen you talk to these people once or twice at school. He didn't realize you actually liked them. He may be a murderer, but he's not heartless. He didn't want to kill anyone that you cared about. But it was a little late for apologies.
"Fuck," he whispered to himself.
As you stood at the bottom level, looking around for your friends, you began to hear footsteps descending the stairs.
You quickly spun to the side and saw him.
Your jaw dropped as if preparing for a scream, but no sound made its way out.
What was the point anyways? Your friends were likely all dead, and that meant there was no one else to hear your screams for help.
But if he was going to kill you, he sure was taking his sweet time.
He was walking so slowly towards you. If it weren't for the current circumstance, you would have almost thought he was trying not to scare you.
As he got closer, you began to back away from him.
You kept going until your body hit the cold wall behind you.
This was it.
He finally found himself about a foot away from you, staring through you with whatever eyes were behind that mask.
Your breath hitched and your eyes began to water. Fear overcame you as you realized that you were going to die.
As the tears began to drip down your face, Ghostface closed the gap.
He raised his hand up towards you, and you flinched away knowing that he was going to grab you by the throat and crush the wind from your lungs.
However, this wasn't what happened.
You felt the leather glove softly graze against your cheek. You carefully tipped your head back in his direction, your brows furrowing.
"W-what are you-"
His hand suddenly caressed your face, his thumb running over the wet spots your tears left behind.
You watched his shoulders sag a bit, as if he finally let go of a breath he had been holding.
And without a moment to process what was happening, he disappeared into the darkness.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Jay Halstead- Case Gone Wrong
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It's been 2 weeks since YN's disappearance. 2 weeks since a case went wrong and YN was taken, tied up and beaten to an inch of her life. Everyone at intelligence has been working hard to find her, especially her boyfriend Jay and her dad Hank Voight
"Jay you need to go home, rest" Erin sighs at her partner
"I can't"
"I know your worried, so am I, but we won't help YN if we're tired"
"We won't help her if we're asleep either!" Jay yells, but Erin knows he's just tired, angry, upset, worried
"I think we may have a break through" Antonio says walking in with a woman "this is Mary she has something that could help us"
Voight and Antonio sit Mary down with a glass of water while the others stand behind the glass watching
"Tell him what you told me"
"Errm a couple of weeks ago I saw my neighbour take a young woman into his house. She was unconscious, she had a bandage on her head. So obviously I asked him if she was ok and he said that she fell and he was bringing her back from the hospital. I didn't think much of it. But this morning I watched him come home with more bandages"
"What did the girl look like?"
"Errm short dark blond hair, almost light brown. I didn't get a good look at her face, but she had a tattoo behind her ear" Voight and Antonio look at each other
"What was it?" Antonio asks
"It was a J I think"
"That's YN" Voight rubs his hand over his face
"We need an address"
Unbeknownst to YN, her PD family were on the way to save her while she was being tortured once again
"You nearly got me arrested. I thought you were my friend" Max, the guy they have been after for a year, says "thought we had something special. You know, after the trade I was going to ask you to be by my side permanently" YN doesn't speak, mainly because it hurts to open her mouth, but also because she has nothing to say to Max "now I think I'm going to have a little bit more fun with you, then I'll start cutting you up piece by piece, sent it to you dad, or maybe your boyfriend" Max grabs a knife stabbing it into her thigh, but she refuses to make any noise and give him the satisfaction.
Intelligence arrive in no time at all so when Max hears there's a bang upstairs, he looks at YN smiling. He places some tapes around YN's mouth, wrapping it around her head. He picks up his gun and leaves YN alone in the basement downstairs. All she can do is hope someone comes downstairs, but she knows that her dad and Jay will check every inch of this house.
Footsteps run down stairs, YN looks up to see Erin
"I got her!" Erin shouts running over to YN then sees the blood coming out of her thigh "I need an ambo at our location, stab wound victim loosing blood" Erin says into her radio after taking off her jacket and wrapping it tightly around her leg "guys I need help down here!" Erin yells again trying to untie the girl she classes as a sister "god YN your freezing" more footsteps are heard running down and over to YN
"Baby what did he do to you?" Jay exclaims before helping Erin
"He's wrapped the tape around her head. If we rip it off it will pull her hair out"
"Paramedics will have scissors, they can at least release her mouth" once Jay and Erin have YN untied, Jay picks his girlfriend up and takes her upstairs to wait for the ambo to arrive.
YN wakes up to Jay, Will and her dad in her hospital room
"Hey YN" Will softly says
"You want a drink?" Voight asks his daughter who slightly nods her head
"Here let me help you" Jay helps YN sit up a little so that her dad can direct the straw into YNs mouth. She takes a couple sips before laying back down. Jay moves some hair out of her face, she now noticed how tired both her boyfriend and dad look
"Have you slept?" YN asks quietly
"Not much. We were worried about you" Jay replies
"Do you remember what happened?" Will asks, YN gives him a nod "you had to have stitches in your leg"
"YN did he.. did he erm..." YN knows what Jay is trying to say
"No. Just hit me" Jay breaths a sigh of relief
"When can she leave?" Voight asks Will
"Well she can go home tomorrow as long as she's eaten and gone to the toilet. And she needs to have someone with her all the time for the next 2 weeks"
"Jay you can stay home with her, just have your phone on you"
"Got it"
"Now what do you say to trying to eat something?" Will asks. YN gives him a nod "ok. I'll be back in a bit" Will leaves the room
"Did you get Max?"
"Yeah we did"
"Good" YN smiles
"I'm going to head back to the precinct, I'll be back later" Voight says kissing his daughters forehead then leaving the room.
Jay stays with YN for the next 24 hours, even when Will and YN both tell him to go home.
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rr311 · 1 year
𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲 \\ 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 𝘀, 𝘀𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝗿, 𝘁𝗼𝗷𝗶 𝗳
¡𝗮𝗻; I came up with a series to do. It’s a reader x street racer with the jjk guys 😛, it’s going to be maybeee a three parter? Maybe more (i still have to decide) but for now enjoy 🤫. Another thing, it’s like a story but it’s with three other characters with their own storylines you know? (Next parts gonna be wayyyy longer, this was like an introduction)
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- 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟴𝘁𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝟵:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
↳ He was shot in the stomach after a brawl out and stumbled across your bakery. Black Reader)
“See you later (Y/N)! Be safe tonight.” (Random name) said waving bye as you did the same with a smile on your face, “You too (Random Name)!” They chuckled in return walking out the door hearing the bell chime as the door opened and closed. You sighed to yourself looking at the empty bakery deciding to close up early tonight, no one’s gonna come in this late anyway. You thought walking into the back to grab a dust pan and broom getting started to sweep, it was completely silent through out the bakery except your quiet hums humming to a song. You continued to sweep around the room cleaning up any trash that was on the floor, any lost items or what not, when you got done sweeping you went towards the display that had the delicious goodies on display, sliding open the glass door starting to remove them putting them in container boxes to ship out to the shelter.
You smiled at the thought of their faces lighting up when seeing you drop off your pastries, it warms your heart every time you would go to deliver them. Remembering all their praises saying how good and well done your sweets tasted, you giggled remembering the time when the kids practically begged you to stay and bake for them. As you continued to be in your thoughts you didn’t realize the bell chimed till hearing a soft groan approach after, you froze in your place thinking if you should see who it was or call the police…..I’ll call the police.
You quickly whipped out your phone to dial 911, peaking up from the glass counter to see who the person came in was..only to come to your surprise that it was a white haired man with blood dripping from his shirt onto your floor. Your eyes widened at the sight dropping your phone onto the ground surprised and confused. There’s a man..in my bakery..with a stab wound!? Your heart began speeding up of what to do, should i call an ambulance..should i help? You didn’t know what to do!! You were freaking out confused of what to do, you can’t just leave him there bleeding out onto your floor he’ll die!.
Your eyes were stuck on him as you walked slowly from the counter making your way towards him, “M-Maybe we should call an ambula-“ “No.” He interrupted shaking his head as he clenched onto the wound with a pained face making your eyebrows furrow, “But you’re bleeding out..really bad. If you loose anymore blood you’ll die.” You said with wide eyes imagining this man dying on your floor, in response he chuckled looking at you through his bangs with low lidded eyes shaking his head once again, “Like i said..no ambulance. If i can get to my friend i’ll be fine,” He said standing up straight but you weren’t convinced, you don’t know how far or who this friend is but anymore walking and using up his energy he’ll pass out. Biting your lip in conflict you thought..if i let him leave he’ll die..ugh! Just thinking about a person dying made your heart wretch, thinking of a final answer you grabbed ahold of his arm placing it over your shoulder,
“Then I’ll help you.”
Oh man. Who knew your night would end up like this, YOU didn’t that’s for sure. You dragged the unknown white haired man to the back of your bakery placing him ontop of a old box leaning him against the wall hearing a grunt of pain, telling him a small sorry as you turned around to get your supplies. You grabbed some bandages, cleaning wipe, scissors and alcohol, when you came back you cleared your throat placing the stuff down next to you looking at him who looked back at you, you nervously walked towards him kneeling in front of him looking up at him, “Uhm..is it okay if i cut off your shirt? I have to look at the wound and i don’t want to hurt you by pulling off your shi- oh!.” You didn’t even finish your sentence before the man pulled off his shirt throwing it besides him looking at you with a raised brow, you cleared your throat averted your eyes away from those..nice and beautiful ab- GET IT TOGETHER.
“Well that works too..uhm this might hurt.” You mumbled pouring some alcohol on the cleaning pad dapping the blood up from his skin hearing his hiss in pain, automatically you pulled your hand away, “I’m sorry! Just bare with me..” You said starting to feel bad now, the man looked down at you with a grin seeing how shy and hesitant you are. She’s cute..he thought. Once you finished up dapping up all the blood you could finally see the wound, you leaned forward a little to see how bad it was and..well.
It’s bad.
It was deep..like real deep. How is this guy still alive?. “He’s gonna need stitches.” You mumbled not realizing you spoke out loud till he groaned playfully saying, “I hate stitches, they’re a pain in the ass really.” Your eyes widened looking at him fast, “How’d you know i-.” “You we’re talking out loud.” What is up with this guy and interrupting? in response you said a small oh biting your lip, “Yeah sorry..I think out loud a lot. It’s just been a habit for a minute.” You chuckled lowly leaning over to grab the clear gloves and the tools to stitch him up, he chuckled as well shifting on the box. “Yeah?.” You nodded your head leaning forward to get started, “Yep, been a habit ever since i was 7. I don’t know why i do it but when i do it’s really..embarrassing, so sorry in advance if i do speak out loud.”
You were one apologetic person.
The man grunted feeling the needle go through his wounded spot, nodded in response. “You do say sorry a lot, that a habit too?.” He raised a brow tilting his head waiting for a response, rolling your eye to yourself hearing that cocky tone, “That as well,” He hummed leaning back against the wall continuing a conversation with you and in all honesty..he was growing interested in you. He learned this bakery he walked into was yours, you were a collage student at Japan University for baking and that you moved down here recently, vividly a good year ago. He didn’t realize he was done getting his stitches done till you said something, he looked down at the closed wound with a smirk looking back up at you, “You really know your stuff huh? You sure you’re not going to school for nursing?.” You laughed shaking your head taking off the gloves, “No, i just know some stuff since my mom was a doctor. Growing up she used to show me how to do some stuff and well stitching people up was something.” You shrugged with a small smile throwing away the gloves as he got up from the box with a groan standing fully to his size. When you turned around your eyes almost shot out of your socket by how tall he was, at least 6’1 or 6’2.
A hot guy + height + ABS? Maybe God is on your side tonight.
You were stuck by how tall he was and the fact he’s STILL shirtless you were staring, hard. The man grinned watching you check him out chuckling taking you out of your trance, “If you like what you see doll face take a pic.” If you were able to blush right now your face would’ve been red as a tomato getting caught like that, you cleared your throat heavy blinking away to look at anything but him, “I-I wasn’t checking you out.” You tried to dismiss but the man was no idiot, plus you were clearly making it obvious, this wasn’t anything new that yet another girl got caught checking him out but for some odd reason when it was you it was..different? The way your beautiful (E/C) eyes would go wide whenever something surprised you (He caught on with that), and the way you would go shy.
You were cute. He wasn’t even going to deny that. He had to make sure when he’s clear from the tension and regroup with his crew, he would come back to see you and have a proper conversation without him practically bleeding half the death in the back of your bakery. The man snorted reaching to grab his blooded shirt walking up to you to face you, you tensed up smelling his cologne go through your nose feeling hot. You looked down to avoid his stare but he picked up your chin with two fingers staring directly into your eyes.
He liked eye contact.
“If it weren’t for you doll face i would’ve been dead, but i’m not. So thanks.” You gulped down that giant lump in your throat feeling your voice get stuck, he was so close! You nodded your head rapidly as if it’s a you’re welcome hearing him chuckle pulling back from you. “By the way.”
“Names Gojo. Satoru Gojo.”
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- 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟭𝟴𝘁𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝟭𝟭:𝟬𝟬𝗽𝗺
↳ You were the only racer to challenge him at his game. (cockyracer!blackreader)
You’ve heard of him before. What was it again? Ah..Sukuna Ryomen
Bastard was a known name around Shibuya, known for being the DK. Drift King, he was known for his drifting skills and high tension racing style. If you ever tried to challenge him you’d either end up with your car being taken or being recked, 90% of the time you’ll end up having your car recked into shambles which is why no one had the balls to challenge him. Ryomen couldn’t get beat at his own game especially when it’s his own turf, he knows the start to finish. Memorized it like a book.
Which is why you are here now. To see for yourself of how special this “King” really is, you heard from a group of girls say he was about to race coming up next getting a front row seat of the action. You were leaned against your car eating a pocky stick waiting for the king to show up which didn’t take long by the loud cheers and people coming into view crowding a car, you took a bite from the stick turning your head to see where he was and he was there. You raised a brow watching his car come into view, it was a Nissan 350oz with a invidia Q300 muffler exhaust. You watched as the black car rode past you not missing the fact he checked you out with a shit eating grin, you scoffed at the interaction but couldn’t help but to admit he was a hot guy.
You got up from your car to make your way to where everyone else was to watch the race. You were sat up in a pretty nice spot getting a good view, you picked out another pocky stick chewing down at it watching as the starter girl went to the center hearing the cheers get louder. Let the race begin. You saw the girl raise her hands in the air swaying her hips in circles smirking at the cars rumbling their engines before raising them down hearing the tires screech as they took off, from watching that first corner seeing how perfectly he drifted around it going down to the fourth level you just knew the people were right.
He really was the king.
When the race ended you went down to the first level to see the after math and surprisingly the car wasn’t recked but the guy did loose. You saw Ryomen hold up the keys to the guys car with a shit grin hearing people cheer for him, it was like music to his ears. You have to admit you were impressed, he was the shit and people weren’t lying when he said he was the King for a reason, but since you’re in town..you got something cooking up. You grinned throwing away your empty box making your way towards the crowd, you pushed past the crowd making your way towards the middle spotting him leaning against his car smoking a blunt in celebration. You raised a brow “You up for a second race?.” You shouted over the cheers hearing the cheers go quiet hearing you speak watching his attention go to you. Whispers started to appear as Sukuna raised a brow taking the stick out his mouth feeling smoke leave his mouth as he stood up straight looking at you, “You gotta bet you wanna put up?”He trailed nodding towards you, “Or you just wanna race the King to impress?” You shrugged placing your hands into your pockets, “100millon yen plus my car, winner takes all.” The crowd gasped at the bet you put out surprised you had the balls to challenge him, Sukuna took another smoke out of the blunt keeping eye contact with you smirking. “For a girl like you, you sure have balls to put up a bet like that doll face.” You shrugged your shoulders walking up to him, keeping his eyes trailed on you stopping in front of him looking at him. “I mean if you’re scared that’s totally fine King, but if you’re willing to race me i’ll be upstairs waiting for you.” You whispered leaning up close to his ear, “If you don’t wanna be beat by a girl that is.” You grinned taking the blunt out his mouth taking a smoke of it, blowing the smoke into his face before turning around with a chuckle hearing a growl leave his mouth.
You were waiting at the starting line with a lot of people already surrounded around the parking garage, you examined the space snorting at the sight. Did i really excite this many people? Clicking your tongue you huffed, you waited a few minutes before hearing a loud engine arrive besides you. He was finally here. You looked over at him seeing that he was already looking over at you, grinning in response you made a kissy face wanting to piss him off even more which worked seeing how he clicked his tongue facing back to the front. You did the same watching the starter girl go to center staring at both cars with a grin on her face, she pointed towards Sukuna’s car hearing it rumble in response soon moving to point towards your car as you revved it as well seeing her arms go up. One hand was on your steering wheel as the other on the stick, the loud exhausts echoed through your ears as you watched her sway her hips,
When she pulled down her arms you both took off at the same time feeling your car jerk forward, when you saw the first corner coming up you moved your stick up as well as lifting the break up drifting swiftly and perfectly around it in sync with Sukuna, quick to pull the break down grabbing your stick to put it back in drive taking off down the fourth floor.
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It was a tight and close race to the finish, you and Sukuna never leaving sides as you kept up with him. It shocked everyone by how close you were kept up with him, no one has ever been that close with Sukuna and for the first time in years you’re the first one to do so. As it came to an end you both ended up crossing the finishing line making it a draw between the both, you turned your wheel to park it as he did the same, getting out the car leaning against it with crossed arms. He walked towards you with an impressed look, he was pissed don’t get him wrong but he was impressed with this one.
With you.
You’re a very interesting person, interesting girl at that. He saw that cocky look of yours appear as he came closer scoffing at the sight, he couldn’t even be mad at you. You’re a fantastic racer he just couldn’t..and to add on you were hot as fuck he couldn’t stop checking you out. You spotted this and smirked, “I know i’m hot you don’t have to keep checking me out.” He chuckled at the cocky response shrugging, “Cocky shit.” You clicked your tongue with a grin turning around to open your car door placing your leg up but before getting in you turned around to face him looking him and down.
Gotta admit he was one attractive bastard.
Sukuna’s eyes trailed to your exposed leg seeing how your skirt raised up a little smirking seeing you check him out too, “Checking me out too huh?” He questioned watching you nod your head shooting him wink before getting back into your car, rolling down your window to say, “Names (Y/N) by the way, expect to see me again. King.” With that you drove out of the garage leaving a good name for yourself in that garage and leaving the King himself impressed.
He can’t wait to see you again.
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- 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟮𝟱𝘁𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝟭𝟬:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
↳ You’re a theif who steals car parts for money and stole from the wrong person. (racertheif!black Reader)
By the looks of this building you might’ve hit the jack pot on this. You were stood outside of this giant building outside of Shibuya that some guy gave you the address to it to go, you looked down at the paper in your hand to see if you were at the right building and you were. You snorted grumbling up the paper and putting it into your pocket spotting where to get started.
You could go through the front door but that was too obvious and you might get caught, you squinted your eyes to see if you could find an open window aannnddd you did. “Fucking amateurs.” You chuckled going towards a pipe line that leads directly to the window on the second window. You looked around to see if you could see anyone which you didn’t putting up your hood going towards the pipe to start climbing. You grunted as you gripped onto the roof to the second floor pulling yourself up quick to go inside quietly as possible, when you made it inside your eyes went wide as you looked at where you were. You were inside a garage!? This guy must be filthy rich, you grinned to yourself looking at the three cars that were parked inside, you looked over to see if there were any loose car parts and to your luck there was. You looked around to spot any camera’s and luckily there were non? Ha! “Dumbasses.” You mumbled walking over to car parts looking at them, by the looks of it you could make at least 50million yen all together. You were gonna eat good with this money.
You started to pick up the parts putting it into the bag, collecting one by one. You were too busy putting the parts into the bag you didn’t notice a red light recording you..it was a hidden camera that you didn’t know about. When you collected the last pieces of the parts you heard foot steps coming to the garage, you looked at the door seeing a light turn on quickly zipping up the duffel bag throwing it out the window onto the roof top, you were half way out the window before the lights turned on making you tense up, shit!. The person who walked in spotted you making a run for it, “Stop right there!” You turned around to see a man in a suit pointing a gun towards you, you grinned going out the window hearing the bullets shoot at the wall making a dash for it.
The guy ran over towards the window seeing you run down the road with the stolen car parts cussing under his breath. He backed up from the window going towards the office feeling his air get stuck. He always hated coming up here..the boss was really..you could say scary. He cleared his throat before walking into the office spotting the boss looking at a loose car part with focused eyes, he bowed in respect clearing his throat. “Sir, there was a robbery in the second garage. Most of the car p-parts were stolen but most are still there.” The boss raised a brow with a hum turning his gaze towards the man, “Did you catch them.” He asked and he shook his head, “N-No sir. But the hidden camera did.” He snorted setting the car part down on his desk leaning against it.
“Find them.”
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It’s been a week since you stole the cart parts and they still haven’t found you yet. You don’t wanna jinx yourself by saying it but i mean.. it is is the truth, the stolen cart parts made you money for a good month, probably over 50 thousand yen? Apparently when you showed the guy the car parts some of them were too old and some of them were new which only summed you up to 50 thousand instead of 50 million. But you were still set for the next month till you had to get back to the job, you were in your garage as it was 11:00 at night finishing up your bike, you took the bolt from the table, putting it into its designed spot screwing it on, grunting doing the last twist leaning back to look at the work you did smirking at your accomplishment. All you had to do now was get tires and you’re set, you threw down the wrench into your tool box standing up from the chair to grab your rag, wiping your hands off. When you were done doing that you placed the rag down walking over to the lights turning them off, going back inside.
Damn it’s already 11? You thought checking the time on the oven that read 11:05am, you yawned walking towards your bedroom but paused mid way hearing something coming from your room, you paused in your tracks with furrowed eyebrows. Without taking your eyes off your door you walked backwards towards the kitchen grabbing a kitchen knife, going to your door. You walked slowly almost tip toeing trying to stay quiet as possible, your room door was already creaked open taking this as an advantage to see who the hell was in your room.
You leaned against the wall leaning your head towards the creak to spot a tall man with short spiky black hair wearing a black shirt and black sweat pants, your eyes went wide for a sec..this dude is big. His back was facing the door as it looked like he was holding something up, you squinted your eyes to get a closer look to see what it was..and it was a picture of your parents. The photo you had placed down for a reason, seeing a glance of the photo you felt rage remembering the memories from that picture. You took a step forward to open the door going up behind him, close enough to be close to his back raising the knife to stab him but- “I wouldn’t do that if i were you.” He said freezing in place mid way with the knife held up, you stayed quiet, confused of how he knew you were there?, i mean i was quiet wasn’t i? The man turned his head over his shoulder to spot the knife in your hand with a raised brow, “A kitchen knife?” He questioned, you glared at him taking a strike at him trying to stab him but almost in a instant he dodged it taking the knife out of your hold, knocking you to the ground pining you to the hard floor with the knife to your neck.
He smirked seeing the frustration in your face, “What a pity.” He scoffed trailing the knife along your neck feeling the small blades scratch again, “Where are the car parts.” He asked keeping eye contact with you as you stayed quiet throwing glares at him, when he didn’t get an answer he digged the knife down more against your neck making you wince, If i don’t answer him i might end up dead..fuck. “I sold them.” Sold them? He hummed in response, “You may not know me..but your parents did.” You snarled moving under him at him mentioning your parents, “Don’t you dare..” He snorted at your reaction pushing his knee down more onto your leg keeping you still, “You see, your parents owed me a bunch of money. At least 100 million yen, and since they’re..gone i can’t get that money.” You scoffed, “Then what does this have to do with me? Because i stole your car parts? Look man if you want them so bad i’ll- ack!” You got interrupted by a hand being on your neck cutting you off from talking, “I don’t care about the damn cart parts i want my money.” He snarled leaning closer to you getting a whiff of his cologne, “Your parents has kept many secrets from you and this one screwed them up, if you haven’t known your father was a gang leader who stole, destroyed and killed. He owed me thousands of money but since he’s no longer here..you’re taking his place. You’re gonna be my racer, win the races i put you in, win the money and i’ll let you live your normal life.” Your eyes went wide at the confession the man said to you. Dad was a gang leader..? And now i’m stuck cleaning up his mess?? unfuckingbelivable. You stared into the black orbs that were already staring back at you with a bored expression waiting for an answer, “And what if i don’t?.” He chuckled clicking his tongue, “Deny it and i’ll make your life hell. Everything you’ve accomplished will be gone in a snap, so i suggest you agree to it so nothing happens.” If i don’t agree to it..everything will be gone..you clicked your tongue sighing in response i have no choices but to agree to it., “Fine, leave my life alone and i’ll do it. Deal?” He smirked taking his hand off your neck.
{Lap 2} Read now!
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cal-writes · 2 months
been in a immorcation (immortal/reincarnation au) mood recently. i dont know if i shared this before actually but either way enjoy some law being a mess
Zoro is lightning fast, within one moment and the next he is crouching in front of Law, his one eye as intense as laser. Law presses back against the wall and suddenly becomes aware of the intense burning pain in his arm. He looks down to see his sleeve soaking with blood.
“Oh shit.” He says, wanting to lift his arm only to have the stabbing pain race through his entire body. Zoro’s hand grabs his wrist and holds him still as the other rips into the hole in his sleeve. “Hey! Ow fuck.” He protests before he sees the wound. “I got shot.” 
Zoro tilts his head to the side. “Just a little. Hold still.” He says, reaching over Law’s head for a dish towel to press against the wound. The rough fabric burns against the ripped flash and Law flinches despite himself.
Zoro wipes the blood off and Law dares a glance. “Oh thats so much worse when it’s yourself.” He mutters and Zoro snorts before he stands. “I need stitches.” 
“I know.” Zoro tells him as he moves about the tiny kitchen area of his boat, flicking on a kettle. 
“Please tell me you have a first aid kit.” Law says, letting his head fall against the wall.
“Why would I have a first aid kit?” Zoro asks as he rummages around a cupboard and unearths a sewing kit.
Law whines miserably. “How did this happen?”
“Police shot at me. Ricochet probably hit you.” Zoro explains and pulls a face. “Stupid guns get faster every year and I’m out of practise.” He says like its a completely normal sentence to say.
Law laughs weakly. “You deflected gunfire with swords that’s still pretty impressive. Didn’t know that was possible.” Zoro makes a dismissive noise, pours the boiling water from the kettle into a pot on the stove to keep it cooking and Law closes his eyes so he doesn’t have to see him desinfect a sewing needle in boiling water. 
“At least it was a small caliber. Older bullets would have broken your arm.” Zoro says.
“Speaking from experience?” Law blinks and sees Zoro stick his entire arm into the hot water.
“Yeah.” Zoro’s arm is coated in black when he takes it out of the water, needle and thread pinched between his fingers and a dripping steaming towel in the other.
Law gapes. “Your arm-“ He starts to say as the black reteats from Zoro’s arm, leaving only his hands and the needle covered in it. “Is that also part of the immortality thing?” He asks as Zoro crouches back down.
“No, that’s armament haki.” He says and presses the hot towel against Law’s wound. Las inhales sharply through his teeth, legs kicking out without his control but Zoro’s grip is firm. “It makes my skin harder and whatever I am pouring energy into. It’ll make the needle sharper.” He explains and if Law weren’t bleeding right now he would make fun of that concept.
“You- you said that before. Haki. In my apartment.” He says to think about anything else but the pain and the fact that he got fucking shot. 
“That was a different kind.”
“How many are there?”
“Armament and what was the one you used back then?”
“Haki that makes you pass out.” 
Law takes a moment to give Zoro a glance. “Really?”
Zoro just hums, focused on sewing Law’s skin back together. 
“Who came up with that name?”
“Dunno, never asked.”
“I could come up with a better name.”
“You do that.” Zoro says, looking at him and grabbing a pair of scissors to snap the end of the thread. And Law realizes he’s already done sewing the wound.
“You’re fast.” He says, looking down to examine the work. Five neat and even stitches stand out starkly against his skin. “And good.” Law admits. It took him two years of med school to sew skin that neatly.
Zoro presses the burning towel back against the skin making Law hiss in pain. “I had practice. Mostly on clothing though.” He says and rips apart what appears to be white sheets.
“Really?” Law asks with a whine as Zoro uses the scraps to wrap his arm.
“We’re heading somewhere I can pick up some supplies. Calm down.” He tells him and Law scoffs.
“I think I am remarkably calm considering the circumstances.” He says.
Zoro blows out a breath from his nose. “True,” He admits. “Are you going to pass out?” He asks, looking at Law with faint amusement.
Law squints. Everything feels swimmy as the adrenaline fades. “Are you using the makes-you-pass-out haki?”
“No, do you want me to?”
“No, I think I have it covered actually.” 
“I’ll wake you when we get to land.”
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thedailydescent · 3 months
underrated claudia moments?
Soooo many. These are just from the top of my head:
-When Louis starts shouting at Dreamstat and Claudia barely looks up, like "Oh Louis is Louis-ying again whatevs". Bonus points when she dumps the bags into his hands afterwards.
-When she's so excited about finding a vamp she doesn't even care that Louis hurts her while setting her shoulder, and jumps up swinging the arm around while stumbling around him still talking. She's so excited and optimistic in this scene in a way we haven't seen since 1x04. I can picture Delainey joyfully narrating in 1x04 while trying to discover as much as she possibly can.
-When Louis and Claudia are talking about getting a "hard meal", and we cut to Louis and Claudia walking towards their new flat. In the previous scene she was wearing boots, and in this scene, she's in the exact same outfit but in heels instead, clearly stolen from her "hard meal". I like that in this season she's trying to find a look that works for her and is experimenting, as you can see in her fashion drawings she keeps above her coffin. And I believe this is the only time in the series we see her in heels? (tap dancing shoes don't count). From a Doylist perspective I can understand: they want to keep Claudia looking as small as possible so the actress can still look like a child, but from a Watsonian perspective I think that while Claudia is stylish, she is also practical and realistic. She can't travel, explore, and protect herself as well wearing the form-fitting dresses and heel lengths of the period.
-When she throws down the man in the murder mansion scene and shouts "Yes!" It makes me so happy for some reason :)
2x03: "What do they know about Cincinnati?"
-Claudia was openly sarcastic in this episode which was both great and sad. "Birdie looooves the breeze" (I can never watch that awful performance again but I remember that line delivery) There's also "Still dressing your windows for your German tourists?", "Sounds like a line", "Tell me again how Sam licks the stage after every show, and I'll tell you a job I'd rather do", and "Tuan could play the part".
-I hate the scene for how upsetting it is, but when Armand shoves her into the wall you can see her clasping his wrist while numbly looking down before looking up and widening her eyes in shock at the treatment. It's a nice bit of acting from Delainey- like there's this automatic tendency to check out whenever someone puts their hands on her, but her realization that it's coming from Armand of all people, the one she thought herself safe from what with him being with Louis and by I'm guessing not showing any violent behaviour until now. Despite the warnings from Santiago and Sam about Armand, it's still a shock.
-The way she just stabbed that girl through the neck into the wall with scissors lol. Almost a nice callback to 1x07 when she stabbed Antoinette through the heart (I think?) into the floor. You team up with awful men as a woman to attack women, you're getting stabbed with a sharp implement.
-Her reading "How to Win Friends" while Madeleine's reading her diaries. Then insecurely looking up from said book to say her younger writing may come off shallow and uninsightful. Claudia she's reading your victim's last words lol.
-"Pull up a chair. Let's start again." The way she says it too how many times has Claudia had to be the grown-up here??
-That look she gives Louis that says a thousand words after he says, "Does it matter? Got the result".
I'm not ready to rewatch that episode yet (or ever), but I loved Claudia's manic, disbelieving laugh when Lestat says some bs about her "being an artful predator, just like me". I also loved how she kept glancing at Madeleine every so often during the trial to see how she was doing, and I liked when she put her head on her shoulder after she gave that speech about it never being about her :(
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0oolookitsme · 9 months
Keep On Waiting
Type - One-Shoty Blurb!
Verse - Footballer!Harry x Art Director!Y/n (Bffs era <3)
Word Count - 1.2k
Warnings - Some cuss words, that's all!
A/N - There's so much pining in this one (eeee!!!) I'm so excited for y'all to read it! Also, Merry Christmas in advance to all of you who celebrate!!
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MASTERLIST | Please rb to share!
The sound of hot milk pouring into the ceramic cups was music to Harry's ears. He stirred some hot chocolate in the pair of cups, the saucepan long forgotten to be put in the sink. Hooking his fingers through the cup handles, he turned around and started walking to the living room with a hop in his steps -- the Christmas ambience that Y/n had put on adding to his mood.
"Here you go," he said while handing one of the cups to his best friend, who's glasses were pushed high up the bridge of her nose as she wrapped the gifts scattered on his dining table. "Of course, darling! You're welcome," he sarcastically exclaimed after a while at the lack of appreciation from her.
Their families were out and about to attend a friend's wedding anniversary party, and Y/n had come over at Harry's when she got his call begging her to come over and help him wrap the presents. If she had known that by 'help' he'd meant that she would literally be wrapping all of his presents, she wouldn't have gotten all of her stationary and brought her own gifts to wrap at his place, in the first place.
Y/n looked up at him with a glare in her eyes. "I'm sat here, wrapping not just mine but your presents also, since hours! Did you say, 'thank you' to me, once?" She shouted at him, slapping his arm repeatedly.
"It's not my fault you're so slow," Harry grumbled under his breath, a smile slipping from the grasp of his dimpled cheeks when she gasped loudly.
Pushing the chair behind her, Y/n stood up as if about to kill him. "How dare you -- You little piece of absolute shit!" She shouted again, betrayed. "Wrap your own fucking presents, a-and drink my hot-chocolate too! I'm leaving!" She slammed the scissors down on the wooden table before she could stab Harry with them and turned, not actually wanting to leave because the first sip of that hot chocolate had her forgetting of all her troubles.
"Y/n, y/n!" He scrambled to get up, dropping the roll of gift-wrapping papers in the process. "I'm sorry and I'm- I- Oh Jesus! I thank you!" He stuttered, standing tall in front of her so she wouldn't escape him. His hold on her elbow was still tight and with the way she was looking at him with her big eyes, Harry wished they were standing under a mistletoe right then and there.
A spurt of laughter fell from her mouth, catching Harry off-guard. "Of course, darling! You're welcome!" She laughed, ridding her arm of his hold and molding her body against his in a hug, unable to stop her laughter when she felt how rigid his body was.
"I fuckin' hate you," Harry chuckled, hugging her back and swaying them side to side.
His eyes landed on the Christmas tree in the corner, seeming to be glittering with the way he and Y/n had decorated the tree with flickering lights. He took in a deep breath, resting his head in the crook of her neck. How perfect this moment was, with Y/n in his arms wearing a sweater matching to his, and the holiday coziness.
"Harry?" He heard her call to him softly and his cheeks flushed in his dream. "Harry!" She shouted, and he jerked back only to find her chuckling. "Where did you get lost?" She asked, not really looking for an answer as she silently walked back to the dining table, sitting on the chair that had now lost its warmth, and began humming along with whatever tune that was playing on the TV.
Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, and she feared that he was going to hear it. Her breathing was a bit heavy, as if she'd walked up a few stairs. "By what time are they going to be back, again?" She asked Harry, who had yet to sit back at his spot, to calm her nerves and get things back to normal again.
"Should be here in an hour or so," he mumbled, and Y/n could tell he was feeling just as conflicted as she was. "I'll be back in a minute," he told her before she heard him climb up the stairs to his room.
She dropped the scissors and slumped on the table, feeling too many things at once. She had no idea how much longer she could act like her heart didn't beat differently whenever he was around, like current didn't move through her body in waves whenever he so much so looked at her in a way, she'd seen him look at sunrises.
Breathing in and out a few times, she pushed the thought to the back of her mind before switching to play some cheery Christmas carols instead. Just in time, she heard Harry coming back down and went back to wrapping the present she had gotten for Anne.
"Here," Harry passed her a CD. "We'll watch this after dinner, on the sofa."
It was a CD of the musical, 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', and Y/n smiled looking down at it. It was a tradition they shared, to watch the movie every year during the Christmas break when they were back home. She looked up to nod at him, before grabbing a hold of her hot chocolate which had gone cold by now.
"Do I microwave it," Harry asked her when he saw her face retreat in distaste from the mug. Laughing, he picked both of the mugs and went to the kitchen. "Do you want a refill of marshmallows?" He shouted from there, already chucking some in his mug.
"Of course, yes I do, Harry!" She laughed, shaking her head. She started singing along to Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' and heard Harry soon catch up with her. He walked out of the kitchen with their mugs in his hands, singing with exaugurated expressions on his face.
She giggled in the midst of her singing but Harry never stopped.
"Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas,
I won't even wish for snow.
I'm just gonna keep on waiting,
Underneath the mistletoe."
Harry sang, and the both of them avoided the awkwardness to swim its way back between them as they sang at the top of their lungs, with their heads thrown back.
"All I want for Christmas is you, baby. All I want, all I really want is you!" The both of them shouted, singing the last line; their faces flushed and tears of utter joy moistening their eyes.
With their hot chocolates gone cold all over again, they knew that they'll be putting up mistletoes in their houses at whichever spot they found -- that they'll be waiting for any and every opportunity they'd get to make the other one their own to take care of, romantically.
Harry sat down to actually try and wrap some presents with his future-wifey (as he likes to think) because if Anne were to find out that Y/n wrapped them all on her own, he would probably not get his presents from her. Y/n, on the other hand, kept on humming the same tune over and over again, but the lyric that was playing inside her mind was the one saying that she would keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe.
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howlingday · 9 months
Princess Nora's Arc AU, Nora was certainly a unique princess, she's not like princess Weiss who's a sticker for manners and rules, she couldn't care less if anything she just wanted to be herself and have fun. One day she sees a young squire jaune being picked on by the other squires so she scares them off and protects him. When their gone she asks if he's okay which he's not since he's supposed to grow up and defend her not the other way around which she refutes with how she can defend herself. They become friends, maybe noras first ever true friend outisde of politics and jaune promises to pay her back and defend her with his full might when he gets older
Princess & Squire
"And you say you beat them off with a stick?"
"A big one!" Nora said as she beamed at her neighbor princess, Weiss Schnee of the Ice Queendom. "And it was sharp, too."
"So it was a cudgel." Weiss said with a frown. Nora gave her an odd look. "A club." She tilted her head. Weiss, losing her patience, shouted. "A hitting stick!"
"Well, duh!" Nora giggled. "It's not like I had my heels for stabbing!"
"And where were your knights?" Weiss asked, her patience long since worn away. "Surely they would not leave their princess unprotected."
"Believe me, I don't need protecting." Nora chuckled, punching her open palm. "None of those punks will be bothering Jaune any time soon."
"Yes, and regarding Squire Arc-" Nora gave the odd look again, "Jaune. Was he not punished for his failure?"
"What failure?" Nora asked. "He got bullied by the other squires because they're a bunch of assholes."
"Princess Valkyrie!" Weiss stood and smashed her hands against the sitting table. "Your job as the Princess of the Jade Empire is to learn from your studies and become a proper leader for your people! How do you intend to become a respectable empress when you're sprinting through the muddied streets, swinging cudgel like a barbarian while you spout such profanities like a common wharf whore?!"
Nora blinked at the outburst, then proceeded to laugh at her friend. Weiss' face only grew more and more red as Nora continued her guffaw. It was at this point that Jaune poked his head in, only to then retreat back out the door when Weiss' snarling visage turned to his direction. As she calmed down, Nora did what she did best.
Be herself.
"It's easy, Weiss!" She stood up, then turned to the window. "I just have to keep being me. Ren is already the emperor, so all I have to do is just stay alive until he decides to give me the throne. Until then, I'll keep being the toughest princess out having fun. And Jaune'll be right there with me, looking out for me when I can't look out for myself."
"You really are a child." Weiss shook her head with a sigh before falling into her seat. "You're lucky your brother is the emperor, otherwise you and I wouldn't be having this conversation."
"Well, duh, the only reason we're talking anyways is 'cuz your dad wants us to be friends so he can have good relations with our empire." Weiss blinked. "What? Just because I like having fun doesn't mean I can't be aware of the political intricacies of the realms both inside and outside the empire."
"No, I... I guess not." Weiss flushed a bit at being so callously shown up. "Still, your knights should be doing the fighting for you. Squire Vasilias is already showing great promise as my personal guard!"
"I dunno," Nora swayed her lips side to side, "I'm pretty Jaune's already won against him at rock, paper, scissors."
"What?" Before she could answer, she watched Nora tip-toe to the door where their personal guards stood by. She pressed her ear to the door before flinging them wide open. Jaune had his palm flat while Neptune held a fist. Paper beats rock. "NEPTUNE!"
"Um..." Neptune gulped, the squire caught in his charges deadly, icy gaze. "I, uh, won at least two."
"Uh-huh, out of how many?" Nora asked, looking to her squire.
"Uh, I lost count at fifteen games, No- I mean, Princess Valkyrie."
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
It's was 'just a prank' pt.3
<- Part 2
A/n: I just had a cool idea as to how I can use the Poll options so you guys can help sway the story so it kinda feels like you're playing the game. 🙂🙃🙂 let me know if you guys like it, if not I won't use it in future chapters
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Emily and Matt had left after Emily blamed Matt for losing an expensive bag of hers and she dragged him along with her to go find it, Sam had decided to take a bath after being in the freezing cold.
Josh had sent Chris and Ashley off together to find a spirit board he had laying around somewhere, while Everyone was gone you and josh had a soft silent conversation. Filling time waiting for the others to get back, that's when your conversation was interrupted.
"Alright, Josh! Let's see if you know how to hook up the hot water in your big ol' fancy lodge!" Sam teased as she made her way from the bathroom to you and Josh.
"oh yeah, it's just down in the basement. Y'gotta fire up the boiler," he said as if she knew how to do that, after a moment he realized that she couldn't possibly know how to do that and jumped up saying he'd help, Sam turns to leave to the basement and Josh turns to you, "wait for Chris and Ash Babe, don't start without me." you smile at him and nod your head as he gives you a twink, turning on his heel and following after Sam to help her.
You sat in silence looking around the lodge as you think about the long night ahead of you, your thoughts interrupted by Ashley making her way towards you and sitting on the couch awkwardly, "so..." she started before she was cut off, you both heard a scream.
What was going on?
You rushed to the basement door and pulled it open, but nobody moved. Then Chris pulled down a dark cloak from his head and said "mhm you just got munked!"
Sam didn't find this funny, She yelled at Chris for his low-blow prank before turning to Josh and accusing him of being in on it.
You slightly huffed, Josh didn't do low-blow pranks. His panks were always more intricate and complex than a simple chase in dress-up.
You all made your way to the living room, Josh teasing about how Sam, "totally pissed herself," and Sam huffing in annoyance.
Sam "had enough spooks for one night" and left to finally take that hot bath, while you, Josh, Chris, and Ash set up to use the spirit board.
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You and Ash both took turns asking questions and things took a turn quickly...
"S-i-s-t-e-r --"
"no! No no no we didn't kill them it was just a Prank! We didn't mean-"
"you know what... This isn't real."
"no Josh you said! You said you wanted to use the spirit board!"
"yeah well, m'not sure if you think-- messing! With me is gonna somehow help me deal with my grief but I don't need this right now."
Josh stood from his seat and began to walk away, you followed behind him.
"No, Josh C'mon-"
"no! You guys are full of it!"
And with that, you and Josh made your way down the lodge stairs.
You both stood there holding each other for a moment before Josh said he needed to do something and left you alone.
You wandered back with the two you last spoke to, they seemed to be freaking out about a photo they had found and decided to look for Josh.
"Josh was just with me," you explain
"If you go now we'll catch up to him."
Only you didn't find Josh, you all found ghosts, set up doll houses, and a passed out Sam tied in a chair, and finally you all found a man in a mask.
Chris was the first one to be put under, Ashly panicking tried to stab the killer with scissors she found you gasped as the masked man cursed under his breath, "live and learn!" and with one hit knocked Ashley out cold, and then he slowly turned to you...
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You opened your eyes to a gruesome sight, Chris on the verge of tears as he looks back and forth between his long-time crush and best friend.
A distorted voice demanding that Chris make a choice before you put any input Chris pulled the lever,
"No! Chris! I thought we were friends!" Josh calls as Ashley screams and turns away,
"ahh, I see. You have chosen to save Ashley."
You rival Ashley with a Bloodcurdling scream as you watch Joshes body get torn in half, "NO! CHRIS WHY?!" you cry out as the gate opens and Chris rushes to Ashley telling her it's okay and to not look,
"why! Can't I look Chris? tell me he's okay, pleaseeeesss-" she whines out in fear, looking at Joshes hanging body as she lets out a frightened scream and falls into Chris, you cry as you hold onto Joshes cold hand.
"I'm... I'm so sorry..." Chris whimpers you shake your head, "I would've picked Josh if it were me, I would've done the same as you, Chris..."
Just as you all ran out of that shed you were all in you ran into Emily and Matt.
Chris cried out to them about what he had done. What you all had to see.
Matt was the most freaked out and Emily seemed to think it was some prank at first until she saw how scared you all really were.
You all made a plan to split up, Chris and Ashley go back to the lodge and see what they can find and be safe. While Matt and Emily look for the radio in the old tower.
"alright we have a plan, And Y/n?"
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Suck it better
Steddie | E | ~3.5k | AO3 link
Featuring: Porn With Plot (a little bit of plot ok I tried), Hand & Finger Kink, Thumb-sucking, Praise Kink, Competence Kink (if you squint), Hand Job, Blow Job, Masturbation, Fluff and Smut, Boys Kissing, Experienced Eddie Munson, POV Steve Harrington
A slightly belated gift for @stobinesque 🥰 happy birthday new friend!!!
“Sorry, sorry, just a sec,” Steve chuckles, scrambling to tug his sweatshirt from underneath Eddie’s butt. “I’d really rather not have a needle stuck in my dick.” Above him, Eddie giggles. Steve tosses the shirt away and looks up. “What?” Steve raises his eyebrows, unable not to smile back at Eddie’s cheeky expression. Eddie bites on his fist, looks away, then back to Steve, his grin impossibly wide. “Well. If that happened, I could always suck it better, you know.” *** An impromptu lesson in mending clothes takes an unexpected turn when Steve accidentally stabs his thumb with the needle.
They are in the middle of their weekly hangout at Eddie’s trailer, stretched out on the bed in his room, when Eddie suddenly says, “Hey, you’ve got a hole in your shirt, Stevie.”
Steve tugs on the edge of his green sweatshirt to see where Eddie’s pointing. There, he sees it; just below his armpit, the seams have come apart, revealing a gap about two inches long.
It was about time that happened, he supposes. He’s had this shirt for years, and it’s a little tighter on him now that he doesn’t regularly play sports or adhere to a diet. But it’s one of his comfiest ones, so soft and worn. Also, kind of a bittersweet reminder of simpler times, when he was just a high school student, blissfully clueless of what lurks beneath Hawkins. 
“Shit,” he murmurs. “I really liked this one.”
Eddie snorts.
“You sound like it got set on fire, or something. It’s fine, it just needs stitches.”
“Right, if only I had a… girlfriend who could fix it for me,” Steve replies. He almost said mother, catching himself at the last moment; it’s kind of pathetic to assume your mom would be mending your clothes at nineteen years old. 
Eddie narrows his eyes at him.
“Well, maybe not a girlfriend, but you do have a friend. ”
Steve shakes his head.
“Robin doesn’t know how to sew.”
Eddie groans, kicking him lightly against his shin. 
“And that is exactly why it’s sexist to assume you need a girl for the task, Steve.”
Eddie bends over the edge of the bed and reaches under it, pushing some items around audibly, then letting out a triumphant grunt and coming back up with a metal tin box. Bigger than the one he usually carries weed in. He opens the lid, and when Steve looks inside, he sees a bunch of various colored threads, a small pillow of different sized needles and pins, scissors, and several other items he can’t quite place. 
“Not all girls can sew,” Eddie speaks, taking a couple of green thread rolls and bringing them to Steve’s sleeve in turn, putting aside the one that looks almost the exact same color. “And not all those who can are girls.”
“Oh,” Steve says dumbly. “I wasn’t… trying to be sexist, sorry. I didn’t know you can sew.”
“What, did you think my battle vest was custom ordered?” Eddie smirks, untangling the thread and biting through it once he has the length he needs; Steve’s too ashamed to admit that it’s kind of exactly what he assumed. “I made it myself. I make a lot of things. Been sewing my Halloween costumes from scratch since I was thirteen. Plus, I patch up my own and Wayne’s clothes all the time. This kinda skill saves you a whole lot of cash.”
“That’s… really cool,” Steve finally says, genuinely impressed. Narrowing his eyes, Eddie pokes the thread into the needle once, twice, then swiftly pulling it through the eye. “Wow, how’d you do that so fast?” Steve laughs. “I remember my mum cursing up a storm for several minutes every time. She was obsessed with embroidery for a while.” 
Eddie smirks, setting the thread down and wriggling his fingers in the air. “I guess I just have very talented hands, Stevie.” 
Steve swallows, hoping his cheeks don’t look as red as they suddenly feel, because… he’s having a really, really hard time not thinking about exactly how talented Eddie’s hands could be. 
Steve blinks back to reality when he realizes Eddie’s saying something to him.
“I said, gimme.” Eddie chuckles and tugs on Steve’s sleeve. 
“Oh.” Steve looks down at his sweatshirt, then up at Eddie, needle with a green thread already in hand. “Eds, you don’t have to do that.”
“I’m aware, I don’t see you holding me at gunpoint,” Eddie rolls his eyes. “I can’t bear witness to a perfectly good thing being thrown in the trash. Also, it literally takes five minutes, do I look busy to you? Come on, shirt off.”
Read the rest on AO3
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Randy Meeks X GhostFace!Fem!Reader
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Masterlist Sequels on MasterList
Warning : Violence, Blood, Killing, degrading, Abuse, Language, Toxic Relationship (If I miss any please let me know!)
I do NOT support killing or Toxic Relationships or Abusive Relationships! If this is happening to you or a loved one seeks help ASAP!
Summary : Being childhood friends with Billy Loomis wasn't always easy. As you got older he demanded revenge and that you helped him. (He may have manipulated you along the way). After helping kill Sydney's mother you refused to help anymore. Billy and Stu forced you to stay due to blackmail causing you to be in a toxic secret relationship.
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"You Bitch"
You leaned back against the counter smiling at him. Billy walked over to you squatting down putting the knife close to your face.
"I'm going to gut Randy like a fish!"
"You'd have to be alive first!" You stabbed him in the stomach with the pocket knife. He fell back wincing in pain, he pulled it out and threw it.
"You little bitch!" He screamed. Stu ran in to Billy's aid, you looked over at Sydney. You winked at her hoping she'd catch the signal.
"Stu" you whined softly. He looked up, "Why'd you stab him?!". You scooted closer to him, "I got scared, I'm sorry.". Billy scoffed holding his stomach lazily holding his knife in Sydney's direction.
"I change my mind.. I want you, Stu. You were right."
Stu and Billy made eye contact, "Take her to the living room". Billy stood up walking towards Sydney, you swiped the scissors and voice box as you walked with Stu. He put his hand on the small of your back as you walked over. You sat down on the couch, he at beside you and cupped your cheek.
"I don't want Randy to die.." you whispered.
"I know I know. But I love Tatum and I had to let her die." He smiled softly at you. You shock your head, "I'm sorry, Stu.". You stabbed him in the stomach with the scissors. He yelled in pain trying to stand up. You pushed him over the coffee table, before pushing the TV on top of him. You watched his body shake in shock due to the electricity. You ran before Billy could see what was happening. You grabbed one of Stu's house phones in the hall. You quietly opened the closet door under the stairs. Once the door was closed you called the house. You heard the ring echo throughout the house before he answered.
"Hello?!" Billy grunted.
You switched the voice box on putting it up to your mouth.
"Hello, Billy!" Your voice was now like the killers.
"Where the fuck are you?!"
You heard footsteps in the hall, you tried to be silent. The steps stops before walking again. He opened the closet door yanking you out by the hair. The scissors fell on the ground, you scratched his arms trying to get away from him. He stabbed your side missing your lungs.
"Fuck!" You screamed. You elbowed his nose stunning him before straddling him. You grabbed the scissors from the ground gripping them tightly. You started stabbing him in the chest multiple times over and over. He screamed and squirmed underneath you. You screamed as you continuously stabbed him taking your anger out on him. His blood splattered on your face and clothes. You took deep and shallow breathes looking up.
Sydney, Gale, and Randy watched in horror. You stood up dropping the scissors on the floor. You grabbed your side trying to stop the blood and sharp pain. Billy's blood stained your face and shirt, you hazily looked at him.
"They're dead." You whispered, Sydney nodded. You slowly walked over sniffling from held back tears. You and Randy hugged, he cupped your face looking at you.
"You did it.." he whispered, "you killed them." You nodded, looking back at Billy's limp body. Sydney stepped closer to him observing his face one last time.
"Be careful they always come back." Randy said. Billy slowly started to rise up before Sydney shot him.
"Not in my Movie.".
You looked at Randy, "We have a lot to talk about..".
He nodded, "Maybe after we leave?".
"Yeah" you weakly laughed.
Dewey ran through the door, "Sydney your dad is safe!" Sirens outside started getting louder. Randy wrapping his good arm around your side. You winced, "I know sorry" he whispered.
Cops came in escorting you outside. They tried to help you and Randy but he wouldn't let go of you. They put you two in separate ambulances to the hospital. You two were quickly out into surgery for stitches. When you woke up you two shared a hospital room. Due to both of your families not being able to afford a hospital bill.
You woke up after Randy, there was balloons in one corner. You tried to take in your surroundings, the blinds to the windows were partially open. You looked at the bedside to find flowers, your Aunt was reading a magazine not noticing you're awake.
"Oh my God!" Martha, Randy's sister gasped. Randy, who was mid Jello chew, looked up at her confused.
"She's awake!" She ran over hugging you. You winced a bit, "Thank you for saving my brother.".
"Be careful! She was stabbed!" Randy called out. She stood up, "My bad!" She walked over to her seat.
"Hey kiddo." Your Aunt smiled.
"Hey Aunt Sandra" you smiled lazily.
"You're boyfriend here told me all about how you killed those murderers." She nodded over to Randy. You looked over and smiled at him, he smiled back.
A nurse came in checking your and Randy's heart rates and stitches. Your Aunt soon left saying she still had work to go to. Randy's sister left soon also, you and Randy were alone.
"We survived a slasher." You said looking at him. He smiled, "Hell yeah.".
The small TV in the corner played Bewitched softly. The nurses would often come in trying to help you sit up or use the bathroom. The pain medicine made you sleep through the day. Randy said he didn't mind, but you wanted to be awake with him.
Once time passed and you were on bed rest, Randy started coming over. Your side healed and started scaring up. Gale would try to get an interview but you would tell her no over and over. Randy was the only one keeping you good company. He brought movie after movie.
"So we have, Carrie, The Craft, The thing, and by your request Ferris Bullards day off."
"you're the best!" You smiled. He sat beside you leaning back.
"Hows your side?"
"Great. I heard guys dig wicked scars."
"Oh, yeah." He smiled and kissed you. You smiled at him before leaning back into the bed.
"Randy I need to tell you something.."
"What's up?"
"Billy and Stu... I uh, knew they were the killers.. they said if I told anyone they'd kill you. I'm so sorry! I tried to keep you safe." You looked away from him. He was silent, you took a Shakey breath.
"I never wanted to hurt anyone.." you whispered. Randy softly hugged you, "please dont be mad.".
"I mean, I knew Stu always liked you but..' he nervously laughed. You buried your face into his chest.
"I'm not mad. Just wish you told me" he softly smiled.
"You knew I was right the whole time!" He sighed hugging you a bit tighter. You flinched due to the pain of your side.
"Sorry" he whispered backing off a bit. You smiled gently, "How's Sydney?".
"As good as you can do figuring out your boyfriends a murderer."..
You haven't heard from Sydney and that was probably a good thing. You didn't want her to get the wrong idea.
"Alright, Randy time for you to go home! She has to rest up to go to school tomorrow!" Your Aunt barged in. Randy gave you a small kiss, "Bye Love you!"
"Love you too" you smiled at him as he left.
"Set your alarm for 6:30." You aunt said before closing the door. You grabbed the clock on the side table turning the alarm on.
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