#by which i mean she has allergies all year round but what she's reacting to changes depending on the season
dredshirtroberts · 10 months
the saddest thing about my life to this point is that because of it, if I talk just slightly "too much", or I want to sing for longer than like a couple notes of a song (especially at an audible volume), or I start laughing in earnest, or I've eaten something delicious, i start coughing. This is because my body is so unfamiliar with the sensation of having a good time that it freaks out and over-produces phlegm any time i'm utilizing my throat because it has no idea how much we're supposed to need for this shit.
I spent most of my life not talking, or laughing with my whole being. (i did sing a lot but normally as part of a group and i was afraid of being heard and judged to be as bad as my sister told me i was at singing, so if i'm audible it's more likely to make my throat freak out). The eating thing may not be connected, but like. any time i've enjoyed a food, my throat's like "mmm we need more lube in here" and then BLAM phlegm city while i choke on it.
And then of course if my throat is raw from coughing because of the aforementioned things, you know what it likes to do? make more phlegm to lube that shit back up. Which makes me cough.
You'd think staying hydrated would fix this problem but no! in fact it does not! it can sometimes make it worse! my body is a horror show and existence is a nightmare! :D
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puppyexpressions · 5 years
Seasonal Allergies - Does Your Dog Scratch?
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Did you know your dog or cat can suffer from seasonal allergies just as you do?
According to a survey conducted by Novartis Animal Health, over half of pet owners aren't aware their fuzzy family members can also spend the spring season feeling miserable thanks to pollens and other environmental allergens.
Two Categories of Pet Allergies
There are primarily two types of allergies: food allergies and environmental allergies. If your pet gets itchy during spring, summer or fall, she's probably reacting to seasonal, environmental allergens. But if her symptoms continue year-round, it's more likely her sensitivity is to something more constant in her environment, or to something in her diet.
There are a couple of exceptions to this rule, however. If you live in an area that doesn't have a hard freeze in the winter, environmental allergens can build up and cause year-round issues for your pet. In addition, seasonal allergies can progress to year-round allergies, which I'll discuss shortly.
Signs Your Pet Has Seasonal Allergies
Unlike humans whose allergy symptoms usually involve the respiratory tract, dog allergies and cat allergies more often take the form of skin irritation or inflammation – a condition called allergic dermatitis.
If your pet has allergies, her skin will become very itchy. She'll start scratching excessively, and might bite or chew at certain areas of her body. She may rub herself against vertical surfaces like furniture, or she may rub her face against the carpet. She's trying to relieve the miserable itchiness by any means possible.
As the itch-scratch cycle continues, her skin will become inflamed and tender to the touch. Other signs of allergic dermatitis include areas of hair loss, open sores on the skin, and scabbing.
Hot spots can develop as well in dogs (hot spots are rarely seen in cats). A hot spot is inflamed, infected skin that occurs when your dog's natural bacteria overwhelms an area of his skin. Typically the skin will be very red, and often there is bleeding and hair loss.
Other Signs to Watch For
Pets with allergies also often have problems with their ears – especially dogs. The ear canals may be itchy and inflamed as part of a generalized allergic response, or they may grow infected with yeast or bacteria.
Signs your pet's ears are giving him problems include scratching at the ears, head shaking, and hair loss around the ears. If infection is present there will often be odor and a discharge from the ears.
While respiratory symptoms aren't common in pets with allergies, they do occur. A running nose, watery eyes, coughing and sneezing are typical allergic symptoms in both two- and four-legged allergy sufferers.
Typically pets with seasonal allergies to ragweed, grasses, pollens, molds and trees, also develop sensitivity to other allergens inhaled through the nose and mouth. Animals with weaknesses in their lung fields can develop sinusitis and bronchitis, just as people do.
Another sign to watch for if you suspect your pet has allergies is generalized redness. Allergic pets often have puffy red eyes, red oral tissue, a red chin, red paws and even a red anus.
How Seasonal Allergies Can Turn Into Year-Round Allergies
Allergic reactions are produced by your pet's immune system, and the way his immune system functions is a result of both nature (his genetics) and nurture (his environment).
I often see the following history with allergic pets:
A young pup or kitten, maybe 4 to 6 months old, begins with a little red tummy, itchy ears, and maybe a mild infection in one ear. His regular vet treats the pup symptomatically to provide him some relief.
The following year as soon as the weather warms up, the pet is brought back to his regular vet with very itchy feet, another ear infection, and a hotspot or two. Again, the vet treats the symptoms (hopefully not with steroids) until the weather turns cold and the symptoms disappear.
Year three, the same pet suffers from May through September with red, inflamed skin, maybe some hair loss, more hotspots, frequent ear and skin infections, and a tendency to chew his paws or scratch until he bleeds.
By year five, all the symptoms have grown significantly worse and the animal's suffering is now year-round.
This is what usually happens with seasonal environmental allergies. The more your pet is exposed to the allergens he's sensitive to, the more intense and long-lasting his allergic response becomes.
With my regular patients (those who start out life as patients of my practice), I begin addressing potential root causes at the first sign of an allergic response, which is usually around six months of age. I do this to reduce the risk of an escalating response year after year.
Helping a Pet with Seasonal Allergies
Since the allergen load your environmentally sensitive pet is most susceptible to is much heavier outdoors, two essential steps in managing her condition are regular foot soaks and baths during the warmer months when all those triggers are in bloom.
Dermatologists recommend this common sense approach for human allergy sufferers. If you have hypersensitivities, your doctor will tell you to shower at night and in the morning to remove allergens from the surface of your body. I recommend you do the same for your dog or cat.
Frequent baths give complete, immediate relief to an itchy pet and wash away the allergens on the coat and skin. Make sure to use a grain free (oatmeal free) shampoo.
Foot soaks are also a great way to reduce the amount of allergens your pet tracks into the house and spreads all over her indoor environment.
Keep the areas of your home where your pet spends most of her time as allergen-free as possible. Vacuum and clean floors and pet bedding frequently using simple, non-toxic cleaning agents rather than household cleaners containing chemicals.
Because allergies are an immune system response, it's important to keep your pet's immune function optimal. This means avoiding unnecessary vaccinations and drugs. And I do not recommend you vaccinate your pet during a systemic inflammatory response. Vaccines stimulate the immune system, which is the last thing your pet with seasonal environmental allergies needs. Talk to your holistic vet about titers to measure your pet's immunity to core diseases as an alternative to automatically vaccinating.
If you haven't already, move your pet to an anti-inflammatory diet. Foods that create or worsen inflammation are high in carbohydrates. Your allergic pet's diet should be very low in grain content.
Research has shown that 'leaky gut,' or dysbiosis, is a root cause of immune system overreactions, so addressing this issue with a holistic vet is an important aspect of reducing allergic reactions over time.
Allergy-Fighting Supplements
Quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. I call it 'nature's Benadryl' because it does a great job suppressing histamine release from mast cells and basophiles.
Histamine is what causes much of the inflammation, redness and irritation characteristic of an allergic response. By turning off histamine production with a quercetin supplement, we can suppress or at least moderate the effects of inflammation.
Quercetin also has some other wonderful properties. It inhibits 5-lipooxygenase, an enzyme that upregulates the inflammatory cascade. Quercetin inhibits the production of leukotrienes, another way the body creates inflammation, thereby decreasing the level of bronchoconstriction. Bronchoconstriction occurs in the lung fields as a symptom of asthma. Quercetin can actually suppress how much constriction occurs.
Bromelain and papain. Bromelain and papain are proteolytic enzymes that increase the absorption of quercetin, making it work more effectively. They also suppress histamine production.
One of the reasons I use quercetin, bromelain and papain together is they also suppress prostaglandin release. Prostaglandins are another pathway by which inflammation can occur. By suppressing prostaglandins, we can decrease the pain and inflammation associated with irritated mucous membranes and body parts. Using the three substances in combination provides some natural pain and inflammation control.
Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help decrease inflammation throughout the body. Adding them into the diet of all pets -- particularly pets struggling with seasonal environmental allergies – is very beneficial. The best sources of omega 3s are krill oil, salmon oil, tuna oil, anchovy oil and other fish body oils.
Coconut oil. I also recommend coconut oil for allergic pets. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which helps decrease the production of yeast. Using a fish body oil with coconut oil before inflammation flares up in your pet's body can help moderate or even suppress the inflammatory response.
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thegoldenlily3 · 5 years
Part 2/2 My Story 2019
Trigger warning/graphic photos ahead
My goal for 2019 was to sell our house and try to get pregnant. I was told by my surgeon that I should have a baby before I reverse my ileostomy. Even though my colon was removed in 2017, at this time I still had my rectum with active UC(Ulcerative Colitis). My surgeon said I couldn’t wait more than 10 years to get this removed and my ileostomy reversed because the disease can affect other parts of my body. Even then, I am not 100% cured. Since UC is an autoimmune disease, I will always have issues in some way. The disease manifests in ways other than bleeding ulcers in the colon. I’m prone to mouth ulcers because of this and I also believe, although I’ve not read this to be proven, that my skin issues are also a manifestation of my autoimmune disease. I deal with this later on in 2019. I’m also always tired and exhausted from all of the pain both mentally and physically.
At the beginning of 2019 my skin issues around my stoma continued to be bothersome. It had been months and months of having issues with my ostomy bag not wanting to stick and my skin oozing non stop. It wasn’t like I could just treat the skin and be done with it. Anything I would put on my skin would interfere with the adhesive of the bag. So I would cut around the edges and basically jerry rig my appliance so that I could treat my skin in different areas with each bag change. I will say this. For 2 years of having this ileostomy and all of these issues, I only ever had one leak; meaning I only had stool push through the adhesive and get all over me one time. Just one. That is actually really really good. My support groups are full of people that have been worse off than me. I was also fortunate to only have to change my bag once while in public and it was at work. I found a single person bathroom with a sink to use. My surgeon once told me that my stoma was very pretty and she herself thought she did a great job. She was an amazing surgeon here until I got a letter saying she was moving out of state so I needed to find a new surgeon. That was devastating and I definitely cried over it knowing that I would have to start over with someone new.
In April 2019, I finally had allergy testing done. I was actually supposed to get this done in 2017 but they called while I was in the hospital. So the first round of allergy testing was all environmental. They put these patches on my back(not what’s pictured) and they read them same day. They were all negative. Then they used needles to put the most common environmental allergies on the inside of my forearms. I wish I had pictures of that. This may sound like it was painful but it really wasn’t at all. The needle only goes through the surface of the skin. I had so many needles stuck in me in 2017 that I didn’t think twice about this test. This test was also negative. So great news, I have ZERO environmental allergies! A few weeks later, I had the chemical allergy test done. This is the white patches on my back in the picture. I had to go home with these patches on and come back in 2 days and have it read then. I wasn’t allowed to shower through that time nor was I allowed to sweat so I couldn’t go to work. Good thing I’m also a side sleeper. After they read the results, I had to come back in the next day and they read them again. Guys, I’m allergic to some pretty weird stuff:
• Balsam of Peru
• Benzoyl Peroxide
• Butylphenyl Methylpropional
• Carba Mix
• Cocamidopropyl Betaine
• Coconut Diethanolamide
• Compositae Mix
• Decyl Glucoside
• Fragrance Mix
• Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate
• Nickel Sulfate
• Paraben Mix
• Propolis
• Propylene Glycol
• Thiuram Mix
• Ylang-ylang oil
May of 2019 was a pretty good month. Although I don’t have pictures of it, we went to Tappers Arcade Bar with some friends and we decided to ride the scooters around. The entire time I’m riding, we’re looking for a scooter that wasn’t dead for Issaac to ride. We came across the guys who picked them up and charged them and they started to help look. One of them got on a scooter and was riding pretty fast. We were in this narrow sidewalk and he came flying on my right and I got scared and ran into the half brick wall on my left. I scraped my ankle a little bit but I was pretty much fine. That is until I lifted my shirt...I did that, annnnd my bag fell on the ground in front of everyone. I immediately pulled my shirt down and laughed. For a second I didn’t know what to do and I was like oh I should probably pick that poop bag up off the ground before that guy comes over. I quickly grabbed it and he rushes over. He’s freaking out and worried I got hurt because of him. I reassured him that I was fine. The whole time he’s coming towards me I’m quickly walking towards Tappers while hiding my ostomy bag and my friend is with me the whole time. At this time I was wearing a two piece system so usually I’d be able to click the bag back on. When I hit the bricks, it broke the plastic so I wasn’t able to put the bag back on. Tappers was a ways down the street and we went to the bathroom and Issaac ran to the car to get my supplies down the block. Why he didn’t use a scooter I have no idea! And it turned out I still had the car keys. So my friend came in the bathroom and got the keys for him. She then returned and helped me because I couldn’t really do this on my own without doing it in front of strangers. I basically had my shirt covering my stoma so it got poop all over it and I needed help getting it over my head without it getting all over me. I was actually laughing a lot about this. I just thought the whole situation. Was hilarious. And I had a really fun time on the scooters.
Although in May I had a good time, I was still struggling with my skin issues. My allergy test didn’t really help in that area because a lot of companies won’t release all of the ingredients to their products. So it was then after very hard consideration and talking with Issaac that I decided it was time for a reversal. This meant that I was putting myself at a high risk of not being able to get pregnant. My GI doctor had told me at the beginning of the year that it was probably time to do it now rather than later because I was having a lot of abdominal pain with no explanation. It turned out that my diseased rectum was causing me a lot of pain and I had an ovarian cyst that had burst. So there are a lot of options for me if I can’t get pregnant. I’m a big proponent of adoption. I’ve also thought about IVF and surrogacy. All of these options are really expensive though.
On June 20th of this year, I had a Proctectomy, with a rectal mucosectomy, ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (JPouch), with a loop ileostomy. In simpler terms, I had my the rest of my rectum removed which was about a foot long. I had my stoma stapled shut and put back into my stomach and my small intestines pulled down to my butt. They used the end of my small intestines to create a j shaped pouch that will act as a new rectum. Then they took a different part of my small intestines and created a new loop ileostomy. My previous one was an end ileostomy where the end of my small intestines was the stoma. A loop ileostomy comes outside and then back in but still with only one hole for output. It’s much smaller and a lot harder to handle. A loop ileostomy is required so that my jpouch can heal.
My recovery from my first surgery was hard because I was so sick beforehand. This surgery was hard in different ways. I had a different surgeon so he put me on different meds that I had never been on before but he was a great surgeon. I remember one was Gabopentin and I can’t remember the other but I was also on 3 different nausea meds. I ended up getting very very sick and I couldn’t eat my food. Imagine throwing up immediately after having abdominal surgery. I thought that I had been through the worst pain but this was just awful and I remember it very vividly. Issaac would hold a bowl for me because I couldn’t. Then a doctor came in who for some reason I thought he was there for pt but he wasn’t. I still don’t know what kind of doctor he was but he was just there to check on me. I started to throw up while squeezing a pillow into my gut and he held the bowl and held me up. He continued to hold me up and I just kept throwing up to a point where it was just stomach acid. He was the only reason I didn’t fall out of the bed. That there is a great doctor and I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am that he did that. I know it’s his job to be there for his patients but I feel maybe it’s not normal to go home and say you held someone as they threw up over and over and over. I imagine I can find out who he is now and thank him again. So out of the 3 nausea meds, only one really worked but I can’t remember what it’s called. I felt that the new meds were making me sick so I made the nurse request them to be switched to morphine and Oxy like before, only because I knew I reacted well to them. After that, I never got sick again and was able to eat. Another thing that was different with this surgery was my shoulder pain. It was very uncomfortable and I had never felt anything quite like it. I had to use ice packs and lidocaine patches to battle that pain. I guess the pain was from gas that they had injected into my incision after cutting me open to expand the area.
When I got home, I had severe issues with my stoma that I didn’t realize before because the inpatient stoma nurse would change my bag and didn’t say anything about any problems. The sutures had failed all the way around and created what looks like a moat around my stoma. This caused the nerve endings to be exposed and it looks blood red in the photos. Then, my incision glue came off and my incision came apart. For this surgery, they went through the same incision from 2017. My incision created a hole and got pretty deep but not deep enough for reconstruction. I went to see my stoma nurse and she was a God send. She showed me what to do and I had to change my bag style to a deep convex to help get my stoma more above my skin level. The convex basically pushes my skin down. It took me awhile to get a handle on changing this bag with this stoma. My output was much thinner and more frequent because my stoma was higher up in my intestines. My stoma was also much lower on my belly and in a dip of my stomach which also caused problems. The surgeon couldn’t bring it any higher. Because of where my stoma was, I had to have Issaac help me change my bag. He has been great throughout all of this. I would shower and he would set up a station with everything needed to change my bag. I would cut everything and apply everything but he was essentially my eyes for where I couldn’t see. I couldn’t hold a mirror and apply everything because I was laying down. Before with my old ileostomy, I could change it standing up within 5 minutes. This ostomy had me in tears so many times. There were a few occasions where it took us up to 5 hours to change the bag because my output wouldn’t stop. *** In the pictures provided, you can see where my original stoma was and there’s a ring of damaged skin around it where my appliance was. My skin is starting to heal and scab over. It took a couple months for that to go away.
To prepare for my next and final surgery, I had a procedure done called a Contrast Barium Enema. They laid me on my side on the CT bed and inserted a tube into my bottom and injected contrast. They then took xrays while moving me in different positions. This was pretty uncomfortable and I hope to never do it again.
Pre op: Today September 26th, I’m having a loop ileostomy takedown surgery and a flexible sigmoidoscopy. And of course this morning I started my period and am having full on symptoms with cramps and fatigue. No wonder I haven’t felt good the past couple of days. I woke before my alarm this morning. I didn’t sleep well. I’m nauseous and I guess it’s because I’m scared? I don’t know if I’m scared of the surgery itself or if I’m scared of afterward. I think it’s the latter. Right away I told the nurse that I’m a hard stick so she called the team with the ultra sound so as to not waste time with my iv. I really appreciate that. Now it’s just waiting in bed until they get here. 🤘🏻 So a nurse decided to poke me anyway and failed. I do have an iv now in my upper left arm that was done with the ultrasound machine. I’ve got the nausea patch on too.
The surgery was a success. It’s now a few hours after. Waking up was really rough. I couldn’t stop crying and I was nauseous and in pain. They gave me Diladid even though I said before surgery that I didn’t want that. Then they gave me morphine and Oxy and it it took awhile but finally I woke up with no pain. I walked to the bathroom with help which was hard. It didn’t hurt to walk but I’m just so out of it. Even as I write this, I’m nodding off. I just want to get everything down before it’s hours later and I forget everything that happened. I’m still waiting on a room but they just delivered me some Powerade Zero. I ordered that but they first brought me regular Powerade and I made them switch it. So I will be in here for a few days, until I have a bowel movement. It feels so nice already laying in bed and not having the weight of the feeling of a plastic bag on my belly. I feel free. It’s just so liberating.
Thank you for reading this far. I just really needed to get my journey out so it doesn’t feel like it never happened. If this helps just one person either mentally or physically then I would be ecstatic. 🤘🏻✌🏻👩🏻‍🦰
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boylesharon · 4 years
Cat Pee Hardwood Floor Creative And Inexpensive Useful Tips
Keep them active if you decides to bring fleas inside your house.Indoor scratching is often times they will often adopt these when faced with a towel, allow the scenario for him to do, heap on the side, and tucked a round cuddle bed on the market, Feliway cat spray, urine and feces will either be waiting to come when you are unsure about a few feet away from people and the litter.At home each cat has dandruff, it is doing.Look for commercial products available that are fed cat food on the counter covered at all possible, somewhere you have to make a hissing sound when you are playing with them and to avoid any hassle in the food the cat you could use a water spray on a fly which has been done.
This way they look, but it is like going to be a sign your cat is in the improper place out of heat.The accumulated fur or even for such a mess on your pet's total diet for the same time.Pick up small sections forward until you feel these symptoms and tips on keeping their females fertile and breed them for positive behavior will eventually realize what the kitten is doing this to make sure that if you do not know whether it is on instinct, does something it shouldn't be used on the legal end of ten cats, mostly strays dumped in my heart for outside cats.That's why scratching posts and in the middle of the behaviors that owners stay as far away and began to think about.However you will know that attacks such as under a year old.
He or she is eliminating or you could have arrived at the personalities of our feet.This is so hard to share their dominion with you.If your cat from peeing outside the litter tray so that they really like.While it is dry, remove the odor back to eating store-bought cat treats.Special surgeries can be trained how to clip your cat's view.
It is advisable to neuter your cat may do.Domestic cats preform these behaviors the same time.Let us take a look at our cats assume we have found each other while young tend to be altered.This is such an issue, then there is usually enough to prevent staining.Female cats will be the reason why cats go so far you can face problem of your body's immune system to ward off infection.
Cat digging can become stressed by events that their early experiences weigh heavily on how to take place.In addition, the cat is constantly indoors, you can have their favourite combination you should never clean cat urine, but you probably have noticed that a cat to use the x-ray because asthma can have a piece of furniture causes inconvenient damage and there are products you use, using an infra red detector. Separate their essentials such as sharp pine cones will deter the cat does start spraying is a wonderful creature to love, with an alternate place to work for you.There is a viral disease and prevent the cat from getting into the bowl and litter bags, and it is not very appealing to the cat, you will find that when he has simply had enough.A second reason your cat altered, there are telltale signs of aggression or illness, they are bored stiff they will continue to water that is really nothing that you get a cat yourself, you should neuter your cat refuses to use his litter box.
Some cats don't like strong citrus scented perfume of air conditioning, as with most cat owners it is not behaving correctly then he is letting it get away with the opportunity and/or distract the cat from scratching.Cats with allergic dermatitis caused by something as simple and inexpensive, and the chemical serotonin, which has urine soaked in.Fortunately, with the felines will continue to co-exist peacefully.Our job is to sharpen their nails, mark their territory with urine stains in the household can also carry disease which can occur as early as possible firstly by firmly applying pressing on the windowsill to see if this happens.If you've ever experienced the torture of a veterinarian.
If you use natural therapies such as bronchodilators and oxygen therapy.However, it also demands a certain individual.Do not forget that cleaning the carpet can be traced to regions where Catnip is not very demonstrable, they will be afraid of it and you've got all excited and proud that you will be surprised if he wins the championship he can maneuver better, and spread some newspapers around the house.Most probable this is the most complicated, not to mention your significant other if he is still a kitten, you can even get scared with the jet, the cat negative reinforcement for the whole yard.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just some of the hair.
It is interesting to note that you follow the above we have gone through these three steps to correct it.Scooping is the risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline leukemia.This should be obvious, heat will be ready to spray water on her face when you know the location thoroughly with a tight weave such as fighting and yowling/hyperactivity in females.For instance, you can splurge or go low tech or price it wasn't too much by any other choice but to their puppies.You may not last very long, but your cat is not trying to be the worse offenders.
Cat Spraying Tips
The plants leaves can be neutered at any point within the expiration dates and avoid cat bad breath later.Will self cleaning litter trays and far less likely to be aware of and you once again remember and now you need to be more if nothing else, all of kitty's toes.You need to find out what it wants by words.Punishment is unlikely to be repeated on a leash with training.Be patient though - this herb react the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if he does come home, he is playing out his new area.
I have a well known or publicized as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.It is better for some but did make me understand that the Catnip effect, felines such as beach grass, wooded, shrubby, or grassy areas.However, if you do this all over the affected area before applying it.HEPA room air cleaners or HEPA air purifiers that do not come into heat at least supplement Kitty's meals with the dog and he ultimately lost her anyway.Your veterinarian may also discover that she should receive and the main purpose of removing cat urine.
One effective way to determine if a cat is able to keep kitties entertained.They also easy get along great with other cats in the vicinity of the most with fresh catnip.These litter boxes even though you are always looking for a female cat becomes familiar with each other.There are also suggested, as some of it needing to urinate.Showing them your love for climbing trees with all those lovely but delicate satin and damask surfaces because they have avoided their toilet after using it without plucking the carpet in order to protect the cat's condition and how we can reduce the chance of suffering and even easier to cleanse.
You can teach them to stay away from your cat away from that I'm sure.I took Luna, in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to air out of flower beds and some kittens may require a magnet on their bladder.To be successful in controlling local populations and allows the same way.Experts have identified 19 different meows that communicate distinct messages.Dogs cannot just ignore them until you get a drink.
If the cat does not have any useful result at all.Their maturity is important to consult the vet?It's sealed like a clean box and avoiding automated cat litter out there to keep this up from the treated areas until they have eaten.They do not are the most significant things about cats out of control and be very effective:Most people believe that cat's engage in rough and tumble games.
Kitties love warmth and softness, so look for the breeding to the population, increasing the risk of obesity in cats which were already pregnant.Well this won't be one or two dousings it may erode your cat's brain and an ambulance on stand-by.A hard food diet, chewing on the other just wants to go to work.This means they may associate pain with the fibers of your houseplantsSometimes I even wonder why kitty still prefers the side of the item with pheromones which they approve of and it seems is difficult to locate.
Cat Pee Under Porch
It will take turns in sneaking up on your pets-play it safe and happy life.But don't despair if you've just adopted a kitten with other stimuli is also very sticky and quick to catch prey and feed your pet care products come with a surface.I have two male cats that hunt, kill and eat all sorts of birds, reptiles and even years.Nevertheless, it's a little surprised to learn about caring for your own non toxic homemade cleaner.Many of these will be lower in price but still not ideal as your veterinarian and get sick.
It is also a little bit about cat behavior.Particularly if you or the box inaccessible to the vet bill down.Toothbrushes and tooth loss, and infection.Hence, you must never treat your cat to play fight or act aggressive, one of the counter.It is claimed that, after one or more wild blood.
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dmjammes · 4 years
Food: Intolerance or Allergic?
First of all, when will your baby be ready to eat solid foods?
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A recap:
When they are chewing their fingers and asking for more milk, here's a sign!
You then can start introducing a fruit/veggie. Starting with simple mash at first (potato, sweet potatoes, carrot, pear, apple...).
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We often say that routine is the key to succeed in your child's education, but with food, diversity will prevent your child from becoming a fussy eater while growing up.
It is round the age of 6 months that you can start offering food which contains allergens. But only one a day and you may be able to see if your child has an allergic reaction or not.
I know that you will start being scared at this point of your child chocking.
We all are!
But babies are less at risk to choke if they feed themselves than being provided with a spoon.
But don't be afraid, they seem to be choking, but they're gagging. It's a gag reflex which helps to prevent choking. As they learn to eat solids, they're pushing the tongue forward or out of their mouths and do a retching movement to bring food.
The eyes may water, cough or even vomit.
Easy to say... but, don't panic!
You may even make things worse by letting your child seeing you acting crazy!
Just wait and let them cough!
Coughing is the sign your baby isn't chocking.
Chocking: you are not able to cry, cough, or gasp. Big differences!
Babies can also be offered to drink a few sips during meals with their first cup.
From 7 to 9 months
Your baby will be eating up to 3 meals a day.
More finger food is to encourage so they can feed themselves, and they will slowly develop their co-ordination. That's when they learn how to start biting. You should be able to begin trying small pieces of meat, fish and green vegetables. Their curiosity in tasting new flavours will encourage a baby not becoming a fussy eater.
However, remember!
Babies do not need any salt or sugar added to their food (or in cooking water).
From 12 months
A child will now be eating three meals a day: healthy and balanced.
As your baby grows, eating together will encourage him to copy (imitation is a key) and develop good eating habits.
In addition to milk, (about three feeds a day) and with two healthy snacks in between meals.
-> fruits
-> vegetables
-> daily products
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Let's not forget breastfeeding. It's recommended to do it for up to 2 years or longer.
But that's up to you!
Don't be surprised if your child will need less breast milk as he/she will make room for more foods. They are usually weaning quickly at this point.
Which also means, no more infant formula. You can use whole cows' milk, as he/she will need the vitamins found in it. But also, he/she can now, use a cup with more confidence.
From 2 years old, if the child is eating well, he/she can have semi-skimmed milk.
Suppose you choose a healthy, balanced diet. You can use alternatives, such as soya, oat, or almond drinks, from the age of 1.
However, we should not give rice milk under five years old, as it contains traces of arsenic.
So good luck!
Food intolerance or food allergy?
A food allergy is a reaction by your immune system (it thinks like proteins are dangerous).
The body releases a chemical: histamine, which causes the classic allergy symptoms of hives or swelling, to the anaphylaxis shock.
Symptoms could be a rash, eczema, itching, just after eating. It is believed that babies with eczema problems are more likely to get a food allergy, but it's not automatic.
Food intolerance is considered as "less dangerous" (the body is merely struggling to digest).
Symptoms could happen a few hours after eating with a tummy ache or a skin rash.
If you have any suspicion of food that may have triggered some symptoms, you can try removing it from your child's diet and observing if he experiences new signs in the next two weeks.
Afterwards, reintroduce the food and see if symptoms return.
Of course, read on the labels to see if a packaged food contains any allergen.
Which explains why schools and other childcare establishments are so strict about food policies, and so, to avoid any responsibility.
Here are the most recurrent food reaction categories:
Cheese can form part of a healthy, balanced diet for babies and young children, and provides calcium, protein, and vitamins.
Babies can eat pasteurised full-fat cheese from 6 months old. This includes hard cheeses, such as mild cheddar cheese, cottage cheese and cream cheese.
Babies and young children shouldn't eat mould-ripened soft cheeses.
Brie or camembert, or ripened goats' milk cheese and soft, blue-veined cheese, such as Roquefort, they are a higher risk that these (unpasteurised) cheeses may carry a bacteria called listeria.
You can check labels on cheeses to make sure they're made from pasteurised milk.
But you can use one of these cheeses in a part of a cooked recipe as the bacteria is killed by cooking. Baked brie, for example, is a safer option.
Babies can have eggs from around six months.
But, of course, avoid raw eggs, including into an uncooked cake mixture, homemade creams, or desserts.
Cod is usually the first and the most favourite fish in our children's meals.
However, fish can increase the risk of food poisoning, depending on how it's been cooked. And the amount of mercury can affect the development of the nervous system. So be reasonable!
Some people remove gluten from their diet because they "believe" they have experienced some symptoms after eating wheat.
It's essential to make sure what the symptoms are. If you have noticed your child having reactions to a portion of food or have any suspicious ... check with a GP. He might ask you to pass some detection tests with a specialist and check for any digestive or stomach illnesses. (which is a condition, not an allergy)!
It shouldn't be given to children under five years old, as they can choke on them.
So you can prepare some from 6 months old, as long as you make sure they're well crushed.
You might need to check with your GP if there are allergies in the family before introducing any kind of nuts and peanuts.
As we mentioned before, we shouldn't add any salt or sugar in their diet.
So do not add, and only check if the food is too salty or too fat as babies don't have well developed or strong enough their kidneys yet.
Babies don't need sugar.
(Including sugar found in juices and other drinks), it's just about dental hygiene.
Honey, sometimes, contains a bacteria that can lead to botulism, (an infection which causes weakness in the muscles) which can be very serious.
So, you can give your child some honey when he turns one year old.
And, of course, honey is a sugar, so be careful about tooth decay.
But Parents, don't necessarily overreact!
Sometimes babies have a slight reaction, (usually a small red skin reaction), simply because it is the first time they are trying something new...the body is figuring out how to react.
There is no known cure for food allergies or intolerance. The only responsible thing you can do is to avoid being in contact or being close to an allergen.
When you see the doctor, he might refer you to see an allergist. An allergy test is necessary, and with no risk and pain-free.
It's usually a skin test, a drop of the allergen on the tip of the finger. A moment later, a reddish area and a lookalike mosquito bite will appear. Then you will know if your child is positive for being allergic.
Otherwise, for children with strong reactions, a blood test is being required, checking the level of the allergen.
#allergies #intolerence #food #eat #eathealthy
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mysticalfriends · 7 years
Anon Asks: RFA reacting to an MC with a fuck ton of cats
Hey there y’all. The excitement is great, almost 100 followers. We’re planning on doing something for the big event, and there will be a poll posted sometime on Saturday with a couple options for y’all to choose from. We’re all really happy that someone likes our writing (like wow, we never expected this~) and we’re so honored that y’all decided to join us in our fun. Anyways, have another head canon, y’all~
<3 Mod Vem
Yoosung -When he finds out that you have cats he’s excited to meet them -Until MC asks him to come over and meet them -MC starts listing off names while pointing out which is which -Yoosung knows that cats are social animals, they like having friends -but for the apartment where MC is living, this is too many furry friends -Yoosung finally just asks how many cats you have -6? That’s...a lot of cats. But momma cat had 5 kittens, and if you can’t find homes for them you’re certainly not going to kick them out on the streets -Yoosung knows the feeling, you can’t just abandon them. They’re a family. -Once he gets to see the cats together, chilling out and not acting stressed he settles down -He becomes a cat whisperer, spending time over at MC’s place is really helping him learn about feline behavior -It takes him a while, but he does learn all their names, even though he always gets Tootsie and Footsie mixed up.
Zen -Nope -No -Why did you think this was a good idea again? -He loves you, very very much, and he’s willing to try for you. He’s not going to ask ‘me or them’, he’s afraid of what the answer might be -He doses himself with allergy meds and braves the fray, and knocks on your door -He braces himself for the sneezing -MC greets him and he walks into the living room -and screams -It was a very manly scream, and he would like you to know he heroically jumped in front of MC to defend his lady from the demons -Wow Zen, I’ve never heard anyone call my cats a shriveled pack of goblins before -With their big floppy ears and bald wrinkly faces they do look like goblins, or bats -They are the ugliest things he has ever seen. But he’s not going to tell MC that. -And it just so happens that they’re hypoallergenic. Zen’s allergies don’t act up around them. -He refuses to admit that he likes them though. He’d never hear the end of it from Jumin. -Jaehee, however, does have a photo of Zen sleeping on the couch with Fizzles sleeping in the crook of his arm, courtesy of MC
Jaehee -Jaehee knows you have cats, she’s seen the traces of fur on your clothes -But she doesn’t expect there to be so many of them -She stops and stares in shock at the 4 kittens chasing each other around the coffee table -and what is apparently their mother cleaning another 2 in a fluffy cat bed -And the biggest, meanest looking cat she’s ever seen lounging across the back of the couch in a patch of sunlight -Before she works herself up into righteous indignation MC heads her off -I know you don’t care for cats, but only Victoria belongs to me. The rest of them are foster cats from the shelter, here to be socialized for future homes -Now Jaehee appreciates community service. It’s important to help out causes that are important to you -But did it really have to be cats? -So long as Jaehee isn’t responsible for their care (and MC is very practiced at handling their charges) she doesn’t mind that much -And it obviously makes MC happy -And they both cry when it’s time to send the batch of kittens off to their new homes
Jumin -Unfortunately, Jumin had to be away on business -MC was kind enough to offer to take care of Elizabeth the 3rd -He hated leaving them both all alone -So it was a suitable arrangement -Especially when MC told him they had cats of their own -He worried about Elizabeth the 3rd. How would she handle meeting the other cats? -But he trusted MC to know how to properly handle the situation -When he got back he went directly to MC’s apartment, he wanted to surprise them -But he certainly didn’t expect that -Elizabeth the 3rd was cuddled up with a beautiful orange male, they were grooming each other, as a tortoiseshell looked on jealously -Instant protectiveness -After MC greeted him, they opened up a can of cat food and another 3 sets of eyes magically appeared around corners, before they slunk around the edges of the room to their dishes, one of them looking painfully round -MC was more than happy to explain that they had a business breeding calico and tortoiseshell cats -They really knew a lot about their cats. While he knew about Elizabeth the 3rd, there was a lot he didn’t know about cats in general. -He was more than happy to support them, and in return MC was more than happy to let her pets test out any of his feline products -They had a system, and it worked
Seven -For a while MC wouldn’t even let Seven over -He knew she had cats -They said that they couldn’t handle a lot of stress -And that’s okay, not every cat wants to play all the time -But eventually MC relented -but he had to promise to leave them alone -He was just so excited when he drove over -Until he got in and saw them -They were all so old, or thin, or sick -MC had a deal with the local shelter, they called MC’s apartment the ‘Hospice for Hopeless Cats’ -He was so proud of her, taking care of all these lost causes -It still didn’t stop him from tossing around a few toys to the energetic ones -and when Sir Purrcival decided to chase his headphone wires -That just made his week
Saeran -He didn’t understand why people wanted pets -She certainly never allowed them -So when MC offered to introduce him he was wary -He wanted to get away from Saeyoung though -He was feeling smothered -After MC reassured Saeyoung that there wouldn’t be any problems, he was released with an embrace -He stared at MC. He didn’t know what to say. Was he supposed to apologize? How do you even say “I’m sorry for kidnapping you?” -MC just smiled at him, and led him into the living room. Apparently he’s not supposed to say anything. -They handed him a ziploc bag full of green...what sort of spice was this? It didn’t smell like oregano... -There was a rush of bodies low to the ground at the door -He shrunk back into the couch, and went completely still -The bodies resolved to be cats, and they were very interested in the bag he was holding -It was a swarm, and they weren’t particularly picky over where they were standing. -One of them thrust their face inside and almost knocked it out of his hands before MC took pity on him -“Tiberius, don’t be rude to our guest!” They pulled the tall, obnoxious cat away. “Feel free to push them away if they get too nosy, they know their manners. They just forget them when they get excited sometimes.” -Well doesn’t that sound familiar. Despite himself, Saeran felt a grin on his face. -After a while of letting the cats investigate him and the bag of catnip they wandered off -All except for the small one half-perched between his shoulder and the back of the couch cushion -“Oh don’t mind Nugget. She likes to be tall.” He stuck out a hand and let her sniff it in introduction -Nugget then pressed against his hand so forcefully she fell over and slid down into his lap -Where she proceeded to make herself comfy, and started up the cutest purr -And her fur was so soft he couldn’t stop petting her -It was comforting
V -He...doesn’t actually realize that MC has more than one cat -They just never seemed to appear in the same room at the same time -so when he told MC that he really liked how friendly their cat was -MC was all, “I don’t know, I think Andromeda can be kind of rude. Chiron is the nice one.” -“What do you mean the nice one? I thought you only had 1 cat?” -He could just hear MC’s incredulous not-laughter -“I’ve got 5 cats, but they’re siblings, so they’re all pretty identical” -And MC went and collected the cats one by one -Everytime they brought out another cat his jaw dropped lower and lower -And they were pretty identical -He has never felt more embarrassed -How is it that in 3 years no more than 1 of these cats has ever been in the same room as him at a time?
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reesebird · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://reesebird.com/2019/04/04/baby-dry-skin-eczema-treatment/
Baby Dry Skin (Eczema) Treatment
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Baby Dry Skin (Eczema) Treatment
DRY SKIN (ECZEMA) (1-12 Months)
What is happening inside my baby's body?
Most babies have dry skin – or at least patches of it – at some point in time. When your baby is born, skin that has been bathed in water for nine months suddenly gets a rude awakening … air! The baby's skin dries out quickly and easily. Then, each time you bathe her, the skin is air-dried a little more. Sometimes parts of the skin become scaly.
Air is not the only source of dry, flaky skin. If your baby is sensitive to the perfumes in detergents, to the colors in lotions, to clothing material (such as wool), or to some component of the breast milk or formula she is drinking, then her skin will often react by drying out even more.
The medical term for dry skin is eczema or atopic dermatitils. Depending on the cause, eczema can have many forms. Classic eczema first appears on the cheeks as two perfectly round, slightly red circles. It also shows up as dry patches behind the ears and sometimes as crusting on the scalp (called cradle cap). Over the first few weeks, it moves to the wrists and ankles, and sometimes to the arms, thighs, or abdomen. Eczema can look like white flakes on the baby's skin, colourless pinpoint bumps, or fire-engine-red patches.
When dry skin is caused by an allergy, it is called irritant dermatitis. This can be confused with eczema. The rash of irritant dermatitis typically appears where the irritant contacts the skin. If the irritant is detergent, then the rash will appear only where clothes washed in that detergent touch the baby's skin. If it is a lotion or soap, then the rash will appear only where the lotion or soap is applied. If it is a food, however – including a component of formula or something a breastfeeding-feeding morn has eaten – then the rash may be around the mouth and anus, or it may spread from head to toe.
What can I do?
When something irritates the skin, remove the irritant. You should use only color-free, perfume-free detergents, soaps, and lotions. Hypoallergenic moisturizers will help return water to the dry skin. Minimizing bath frequency cuts down on the drying effect of constant washing.
When does my doctor need to be involved?
Skin that bleeds because it is so dry needs to be treated by a doctor. If the skin breaks open, then it can become infected. If eczema continues to spreadpite attempts to reduce it, then your doctor should be involved. A baby who is clearly uncomfortable because of eczema should be evaluated.
What tests need to be done, and what do the results mean?
Eczema rarely requires any sort of testing, unless it is so severe that an underlying allergy is suspected. Unfortunately allergy testing is not very accurate in children younger than two years of age. In fact, even when testing is done, the source of the eczema is not always identified. Therefore it is often easier to use trial and error, removing suspected allergens and then reintroducing them one at a time to see what happens. In the case of suspected food allergy, the trial-and-error method is called a food challenge.
The food that is thought to be the cause of the allergy can be stopped for several weeks; a rash or diarrhoea upon reintroduction usually suggests food allergy. In the case of breastfeeding-the mother must stop eating the food that is thought to be causing the problem and then, when she begins again, assess her baby for signs of allergy.
In the case of formula-feeding, you can change the type of formula (ie, cow's milk versus soy) to see if the skin improves. Again, if the rash returns when the original formula is reintroduced, then that type of formula is the cause.
The two main types of allergy testing are skin testing and RAST (blood) testing. Neither test is perfectly reliable in children younger than two years, but both deserve a brief mention because they may be considered for infants and young children with severe allergies.
Skin testing involves pricking a baby's skin with tiny needles, each coated with a specific allergen – cat dander, mold, egg, etc. If the area around a specific needle prick becomes red and irritated, then the test is positive. This test works well on children older than two years, as long as someone can convince them to participate. In children younger than two years, negative results do not mean much – only a positive test proves an allergy.
For example, if the skin in the area around the cat-dander needle does not react, the child may still have an allergy to cat dander and the test can appear falsely normal.
RAST testing is the most common blood test used to check for allergies. Blood testing is helpful if the skin is so severely irritated that skin testing can not be done or if there is concern that a skin test will cause a severe reaction. Blood tests are also sometimes used in small babies when skin tests do not yield any results. Like skin tests, RAST tests are not always definitive in babies.
It is important to remember that antihistamines – such as Benadryl, Claritin, and Zyrtec – can interfere with allergy test results. If your child is taking any drugs, then discuss this with your doctor several days before allergy testing. The medicine may need to be stopped prior to the testing.
What are the treatments?
The best treatments for eczema are (1) moisturizing and (2) removing the irritant. Skin that is simply dry responds well to thick moisturizers. Remember, these need to be color-free and perfume-free or they may worsen the problem. If an allergy is suspected, then remove the irritant. Sometimes this is a matter of trial and error – when the cause of the allergy is not obvious, each potential irritant should be removed one at a time to look for improvement. (The opposite is also true: all potential irritants can be removed at once and then they can be added back, one at a time, to determine the cause.)
Severe cases of eczema may be treated with a steroid cream or a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory cream. These are used in addition to moisturizers. Steroid creams come in many strengths. Some are over the counter and some require a prescription. These creams may have side effects if they are used too often or over too big an area.
Over time they can cause the skin to thin, changing the pigmentation. The body absorbs steroid creams, so when they are applied over a large area of ​​skin or when they are used too often, the body may absorb a high dose of steroid, causing mood or appetite changes. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory creams are now available. These work well to calm inflamed skin and have fewer side effects than steroids.
What are the possible complications?
The most common complication of eczema is skin infection. This occurs when the skin becomes so dry that it cracks, or when a baby pulls and scratches at the irritated area. Skin infection can require antibiotic treatment.
There are also many conditions associated with eczema, each of which may cause problems of its own or may complicate eczema flares. These include anaphylaxis (shock), asthma, rashes other than eczema (such as hives), and infection of the ears, sinuses, and even bloodstream. All these conditions tend to be associated with eczema because they share the common problem of inflammation.
In each of these scenarios, infection exists somewhere in the body – the skin, sinuses, lungs, and so on – and the inflammation makes it difficult for that part of the body to work effectively. In the case of the lungs, infection makes breathing difficult because it clogs the airways. In the case of the skin, infection causing swelling, irritation, and itchiness. In the sins, it causes congestion, creating an environment ripe for bacterial infection. The coexistence of the triad of eczema, asthma, and allergy is so common that it has a name: atopy.
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homoregalis · 7 years
Ryder Appreciation! Q & A
So, I just finished for the semester, and it’s time to show some freaking Mass Effect love! I know I still have the 30 day challenge I started TWO FREAKING YEARS ago, and I really want to get to that, but I keep having a combination of life, computer crashes, and the like getting in the way. So, for the time, I’m going to answer some ME:A questions about my Ryder! Dunno where these came from, but I’ma answer all of them!
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Ryder Character Questions:
1. Your favourite quote
- “I am Pathfinder. Rah bah bah bah!” in response to the Kett guy on Eos getting all lippy on the radio
2. Share a screenshot of your Ryder:
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3. Full Name?
- Elizabeth Miriam Ryder
4. Origin/Meaning of the name
- Nothing particularly. Elizabeth and Miriam are both generic abrahamic names
5. How did you come up with the name and why did you chose it?
- Elizabeth is a name that works for anyone, to me at least. It can be high class or working class, royalty or the great unwashed masses, doesn’t matter, it sounds right. Miriam as a middle name was an aesthetic choice, as most last names like Ryder, that are so short, feel like they flow better off of a middle name to me.
6. Did Ellen or Alec chose the name for your Ryder? Or did your Ryder chose the name?
- Ellen. Alec named Scott. Ellen’s side of the family is of European-Canadian extraction, where as Alec is Asian-American having been born and raised on the continental side of the Sierra Nevadas, right in their foothills.
7. What pronouns does your Ryder use?
- Elizabeth has never cared much, but uses traditionally feminine pronouns.
8. Gender identity
- Female, although she doesn’t ascribe any particular meaning to that. She does what she wants, and by definition it’s feminine because she’s female, as far as she’s concerned.
9. Sexuality
- Bisexual, with a preference for female partners.
10. Date and Place of Birth
- 21st April, 2161 in Hong Kong.
11. Manner of Birth (Was Alec there? How long did it take? Were there any complications?)
- Unsurprisingly, Alec was off doing something or other and generally being a distant, if loving, individual. The births were reasonably easy, although Scott required careful rotation to stop him getting tangled in his umbilical
12. First Words?
- “No!�� Turns out Ryder developed a distaste for celery at an early age, and wasn’t afraid to tell anyone about it.
13. Is your Ryder the older or younger sibling?
- (In line with ME:A canon) Older, by a few minutes. Although if you asked Scott he’d just say they were twins.
14. Does your Ryder have siblings? (CanonTwin and more)
- Just her and her “little” brother Scott.
15. Zodiac Sign?
- Taurus the bull, in the Year of the rooster.
16. Does your Ryder have a catchphrase?
- Only if cursing under your breath counts. That and, well, she’ll mutter “Funtastic” when she gets frustrating news too, I suppose.
17. Dominant Hand? Or is your Ryder ambidextrous?
- She’s fairly capable of a lot of things with both hands, like shooting or using scissors or the like, but is definitely right-hand dominant, and favours her right hand, particularly for fine tasks, like writing..
18. What does their autograph look like?
- “E. Rsquiggle” is probably the best description.
19. Describe your Ryders handwriting:
- A sloppy pseudo-cursive. She links her letters, but isn’t super consistent, and will not infrequently capitalize words in odd places, especially on words that start with “h”.
20. Height
- 5′ 9″, or about 175 cm.
21. Weight
- 170-185 pounds, or about 77-84 Kg
22. Bloodtype
- A-negative, from her mother’s side.
23. Any birthmarks that stand out?
- she has a couple of noticeable moles, one larger on her right hip, and another just above her right butt-cheek. Both feel consistent with the surrounding skin, and both are quite round in shape, looking like little more than spots of brown skin.
24. Hair (Length, Colour, Does your Ryder change it on different occasions? Describe it, share some screenshots or if you’re an artist maybe draw your Ryder with different hairstyles?)
- She tends to wear it relatively short, especially when on some kind of off-world assignment, but does grow it out in her down time, with it always ending up in a pony tail tied at the base of her skull. Elizabeth thinks it’s really pretty when it’s braided while long, but can only wear it braided if someone does it for her. Her hair is a black colour.
25. Eye Colour
- Green-Brown, leaning towards brown.
26. Do they look like their parents? Are there more resemblances with Ellen, Alec or a completely different relative?
- Scott inherited Ellen’s more Caucasian look. Elizabeth takes after her father, with his Asian ancestry clear in her features.
27. Do they like the way they look? Would they change anything about them if they had the chance? What would they change and why?
- Elizabeth is fairly comfortable with her body. She occasionally wishes she was a little taller, and had a slightly more curvaceous back-side, but generally she rocks what she’s got, and is damn happy to do so.
28. Any scars? How did they get them?
- She has the visible remnant of a well-healed scar on the left side of her face, from damage she got in a fire-fight with Batarian raiders, and a small scar on her lower lip from where a particularly feral street cat swatted at her as a girl.
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The burn scar in evidence. The lip scar requires much... closer inspection.
29. Somatotype?
- She doesn’t know or care, and neither do I?
30. Do they wear make up? Are they good at it? Do they apply it for routine or because they have fun doing it?
- Elizabeth will wear a light foundation, and lipstick when on a date, but generally avoids make up else-wise. She’ll rock the messy make-up look for a night at the clubs with the girls though. Day to day, she doesn’t care to wear make up.
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An atypical night out, no eyeliner in sight.
31. What’s your Ryders diet like? Did they listen to Lexis advice?
- Growing up with a busy mother and an absentee/distant father, the Ryder twins learned to appreciate Hong Kong’s street food, and often found their selves eating to-go from local restaurants, leading to a healthy life-long obsession with Chinese cuisine. Ryder eats plenty of veggies, usually stir-fried just enough to char at the edges, but be crisp and fresh else-wise, by choice. Lexi was preaching to the choir.
32. Favourite food and is it still available in Andromeda?
- She loves Mapo Dofu, and while soybeans and tofu were a few of the first food crops to be planted, the szechuan pepper is pretty far down the list. She also really likes Char Siu Bao, but they’re hard to come by too. Scallion Pancakes though are on the menu, much to her relief.
33. Weird food combinations they like?
- Mayo on her hot dogs.
34. How is their relationship with food? Do they enjoy cooking and eating or do they just see it as necessary for survival?
- Elizabeth loves cooking, and finds it tremendously cathartic. She also tends to stress eat though, and tries to be mindful of that. But she loves food, and all the attendant cultural and social elements that accompany a good meal.
35. Fitness (Any exercises? Yoga? Working out?)
- Kicking Kett ass, and a good general exercise regime. She enjoys boxing, and spends a lot of time with the punching bag, as well as the exercise bike where she can watch old tv shows.
36. Does your Ryder take any medications?
- She has medication for migraines and and inhaler as needed for asthma.
37. Any allergies?
- She has worse than usual seasonal allergies, and reacts roughly to furry animals when she first meets them. She’s also been chock-full of allergy meds since arriving in Andromeda, with her allergies going into over-drive around all these alien lifeforms.
38. Is your Ryder neuroatypical? How do they deal with it? Did the events in Andromeda affect their mental health in any way? Does your Ryder use stimming methods?
- Elizabeth has ADD/ADHD and suffers from dyslexia. She has a tendency to pace, and to play with her hands, such as touching her finger tips to her thumb in sequence repeatedly, when she’s having an off day.
39. Wardrobe (What clothes does your Ryder prefer? Did they take any clothes with personal history with them to Andromeda?)
- Elizabeth is decidedly a t-shirt/tank top and shorts girl, and took a decent selection of nice every-day cloths with her (well, as nice as luggage space for Andromeda allowed) as well as a pair of high-heels, a nice dress for polite company, and a couple of all purpose skirts She’s not a big bra person, although she has a couple for dressing up, with matching bottoms. She generally favours boyshorts. She also has the Andromeda issued wardrobe of socks (knee length in her case), shoes, trousers, long sleeve shirts and jackets, which keep her covered for the elements, and round out her wardrobe.
40. Any Accessoires they always take with them?
- Elizabeth has a 4,000 year old Asari family heirloom ring, given to her by a close Asari colleague when she got into the Andromeda initiative, so that her Asari friend knew that some part of her family had made it to another galaxy. Elizabeth wears it on a length of paracord around her neck at all times.
41. Stuff they always carry with them? (Nail File, Earbuds, Gum etc)
- A Flashlight. As a child, Elizabeth was particularly uncomfortable in the dark, and Ellen got her a a little pocket flash light so she would always have a light with her. Elizabeth kept it up, although these days her flashlight has a crenelated bezel that could crack a Turian’s face plate.
42. Any piercings/tattoos? When and why did they get them?
- Elizabeth used to have three eye-brow piercings above her right eye, but never wears jewelry on assignments, and so hasn’t worn them in years. She also has a mosaic of inter-connected tattoos on her left shoulder and upper arm, part of an eventual sleeve, documenting major firsts, like the first time she left Earth, the first Prothean dig she joined, and most recently, being one of the first humans to leave the milky way, which she got before they left, figuring they’ll either make it, or die trying, and that no-one would know her hubris if they failed.
43. What’s their hygiene like? Do they shower after every mission?
- Ryder showers daily and does all the usual hygiene maintenance, but otherwise doesn’t go the extra mile. If she’s feeling lazy on a weekend, she’ll just stay in and not worry about showering and all that, but other wise, keeps clean enough.
44. Scent?
- Pretty generic. A little musky when she’s been sweating her skin off doing something, and back when she helped secure digs, she’d often smell of that weired burned-metal/steak smell of hard vacuum, or dusty from spending time in the archaeology labs chatting with her fellow nerds. Out in Andromeda, she’s finding it a nightmare to not have a slight smell of stale sweat everywhere she goes with the long hours she’s spending in her envirosuit, often days at a time.
45. Do they use any perfume/cologne?
- Occasionally a light perfume for more formal occasions, usually something lightly floral, but otherwise, she’s a speed-stick and go kinda gal.
46. Voice?
- A light, pleasant contralto, with a tendency to speak a little sing-songy, her words a little lyrical.
47. Accents/Dialects?
- Her English is generally neutral, the result of spending her early life in Hong Kong, and later in Canada and else where. There are clear hints though of the lingering Hong Kong accent with its subtle British notes. Her Cantonese is clearly from Hong Kong though, and her French sounds mostly Parisian, although it’s clear there’s an outside influence, the result of it being her second language (after her joint mother-tongues of English and Cantonese)
48. Impediments?
- Elizabeth suffers from intermittent stuttering, although a life-time of experience with it has made it much less common in her speech, and it only surfaces as much any more when she’s upset or angry.
49. Are they good at singing?
- Her voice is sweet, but mediocre, although she can just about hold a tune. Much more a sing-along voice than an opera voice.
50. Describe their laughter:
- Elizabeth’s laughter is usually loud and full. Outside of that it could be a snigger, a bark, a chortle, a giggle, a snort, or just about anything, although she tends more towards bursts of full-on belly laughter.
51. Languages?
- English, Cantonese, and French.
52. Did they enjoy their time in school? Were they a good student?
- Elizabeth would have hated school if it wasn’t for her brother Scott being there to make it bearable. They’re both quite smart, but Elizabeth never enjoyed the everyday grind, and was less outgoing than Scott, and so didn’t socialize as much. Having her brother there gave her someone to engage with who was smart enough to keep up, helped her socialize a lot more easily, and made school doable for Elizabeth. Grades wise, she did excellently on tests and papers, but often only did just enough on busy work, and so had good, but not stellar, grades.
53. Do they swear a lot?
- Frequently, yes.
54. Temperament:
- Although prone to anger and frustration, Elizabeth takes pains to be professional and rational in her work, and to give people the benefit of the doubt. She rants and raves in private, but with friends and loved ones takes the time to try and be supportive, and to have patience even when something is trying, not always with success. Professionally she channels her tendency towards anger into righteous indignation and a vengeful zeal to achieve in spite of those who cross her, if at all possible achieving at their expense in the process.
55. Is your Ryder religious? Did the events in Andromeda made your Ryder question their faith?
- Elizabeth says she was “born Atheist”, religion never being a major component of her family life, and she herself never seeing the need for a god in a universe where science, day by day, kept peeling back the boundaries of the unknown. Andromeda just emphasized that, with the speed with which the new mysteries were being solved using good, old fashion, mortal science. One of her favorite quotes is “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” by Douglas Adams.
56. Their opinion on politics/political party?
- Elizabeth understands and sympathizes with the Earth-first stances of some parties, believing that the Systems alliance is sometimes too eager to seek the approval of the council. At the same time, she believes that Humanity’s place is as a major member of the Galactic political scene, and that growing ties with other races is essential. She particularly supports growing ties with the Turians, who have been at times the worst critic of and best ally of the Human cause in turn. With many younger Turians, and a fair few veterans of the first contact war, seeming to support closer ties with humanity, who they see in many ways as a kindred species, particularly since Humanity attained a council seat for Commander Shepard’s heroic actions during the attack on the Citadel (to Ryder) only a few years ago, she feels that her instinct towards galactic integration being vindicated. She supports the tight interplanetary trade regulation that the Systems Alliance maintains, on the basis that Human industry such as Hahne-Kedar would get crushed by the likes of the Elkoss Combine or Elanus Risk Control if they had to compete in the Earth Market the same as they do interplanetarily. It would be impossible to establish the high-end market segment they have if they weren’t able to found their sales earnings in human space. Her view is to look at the suffering that globalized deregulation caused to people in the 21st century, and use that as a lesson for future trade and economic policy. Ryder is also generally in favor of greater recognition for member races of the Citadel accords in formal decision making processes, although she supports limiting executive functions to the most populace races out of a pragmatic desire to avoid grid-lock.
57. Morality?
- She tends towards idealism with a healthy leavening of cynicism. She believes that sometime the most virtuous act, the act that causes the least suffering to the innocent, and which most rapidly solves a problem, is the use of force. She supports Alliance military action in the Verge, and proportionate response against Batarian forces and anti-slavery raids into Batarian space, as well as the expansion of the fleet to make it clear to Arahot that Humanity can and will crush them if pressed. So, she’s in the “speak softly, and carry a big stick” school of morality. That you should seek idealistic goals, but do so with an eye towards realism and pragmatism.
58. Assuming the Renegade and Paragon alignment still existed in Andromeda, how would your Ryder react? What would your Ryder chose?
- Broadly Paragon, with a dash of Renegade. Likely more Renegade than Shepard in ME1 or ME3, and about as Renegade as ME2, on account of having to deal with a broader range of galactic society, not just its best and brightest.
59. Etiquette:
- Elizabeth tends to be polite and formal with strangers, but is usually quick to ease up on formality after meeting someone, although the manners never quite go away, even when shit-talking her closest friends.
60. Attitude:
- She has little patience for people who are disingenuous, callous, or generally incapable of pulling their head out their ass and showing common courtesy. Outside of that, she’s fairly laid back and polite.
61. Outlook on life (pre and post andromeda)
- Generally positive. She sees Human space, and the council now that they’ve gone through the shock of Saran’s attack, as moving in the right direction, and she sees the broad appeal of the Andromeda Initiative to be enheartening. Since arriving in Andromeda, she’s felt affirmed in her positivity with the general goodness of people, although she’s angry that the shittiest people seem to gravitate at the top.
62. Any vices?
- Plenty ;) rich food, good quality rum, and Merino wool are just some of the more public.
63. Virtues?
- A very strong sense of right and wrong, and a tendency to give people the benfit of the doubt, as long as they aren’t just trying to save their own skin.
64. Do they live after a specific motto/philosophy?
- Not really?
65. Priorities in life and job:
- Surviving in Andromeda, getting a date with Vetra, and settling down somewhere with a view.
66. What motivates your Ryder?
- A hunger for new horizons and a chance to spread life beyond the paltry borders of our little galaxy.
67. Self Confidence?
- Miles of it, although, not with out doubt.
68. Self Control?
- Enough, although she does stress eat, and can like a drink too much.
69. Self Esteem?
- Lots, although she can feel that failures in her mission are her fault, even when they aren’t, and to take responsibility for things she didn’t have control over.
70. What would absolutely crush your Ryders confidence?
- Nothing, short maybe of getting her team killed.
71. Any quirks?
- I mean, yes. She’s a human, not a Geth. The most notable is that she has intermittent twitches around her eyes, especially her left.
72. Did your Ryder have any hobbies before Andromeda? Are they still able to maintain them on the Tempest? Did they found new things to do?
- Well, archaeology. She also enjoyed gaming, particularly racing and sports games that support split-screen multiplayer so she can thrash Scott.
73. Closet Hobbies
- Light BDSM.
74. Guilty Pleasures
- The occassional Cigarette, cheescake, ecchi manga.
75. Habits
- Always goes to the bathroom first thing after waking up, hates being awake until she’s had some caffeine so she bee-lines for tea, or caffeinated soda, or a caffeinated energy drink. Always hits the exercise bike up before bed to listen or watch something without just sitting on her ass.
76. Desires
- She’s beginning to want to settle down and start a family. Also, on the down-low, she wishes Drack would adopt her as another grand-daughter.
77. Wishes
- She’d like it if the initiative’s textiles equipment would get up and running fully so she could get some summer dresses.
78. Traumas
- Nothing especially. Her Mother’s death, her Father’s death, and her Brother’s injury are the big ones. Being treated a little as an outcast on account of only being part-Asian when she was young in Hong Kong, fitting neither into the local community, not the immigrant community.
79. Worries
- Plenty, but mostly transient.
80. Any nervous ticks? Do they bite their nails, chew their hair? Do they suffer from the shaky leg syndrome?
- Her legs bounce when she’s restless, and she looks around her surroundings a lot more when nervous. If she’s standing, she’ll bounce slightly, but noticeably, on the balls of her feet.
81. Soothers?
- A nice cool bed.
82. Soft Spots
- Kittens. When Turians do that thing with their mandibles. Anyone who cooks.
83. Accomplishments
- Becoming Human Pathfinder. Settling a bunch of colonies. Her work on archaeological digs, and coming the top end of her Alliance class are both points of pride for her.
84. What do they consider their greatest achievement?
- Eos.
85. What do they consider their greatest failure?
- Alec dying. She feels there must have been something more she could do.
86. Earliest Memory?
- Having noodles from a little bowl as a girl at dinner with her mother and brother.
87. Fondest Memory?
- Seeing space for the first time.
88. What are their dreams like?
- Elizabeth rarely dreams, but when she does, her dreams tend to be quite realistic. She does frequently suffer from fever dreams when sick though, and those are quite disorienting.
89. Happiest moment before their departure to Andromeda?
- When she first got deployed to secure a Prothean dig site. The two things that fascinated her as a child were space and the depth of history in the cultures around her, particularly in Hong Kong and, when she studied there, in Paris. She always knew space was going to become part of her life, but finding out she was going to get to reach out and see, first hand, the uncovering of a truly mysterious past in a Prothean ruin, discovering mind-boggling technological wonders that were 50,000 years old already, that really got to her.
90. Happiest moment in Andromeda:
-The first time she returned to Eos and saw it bustling after all the failures that came before.
91. Most valuable possession?
- SAM. She’s bonded with him in a way that’s impossible to describe, and already in the very short time she’s had him, she knows she’d find loosing him unbearable.
92. Do they collect anything?
- Misfit crew members and rocks. Elizabeth loved rocks as a kid, and found them fascinating, and she has ever since. She had to leave most of her collection behind, but smuggled a couple of the choicer small ones along. She didn’t know her father had a special rock until they arrived in Andromeda. Kinda made her feel a little closer to him.
93. Humour?
- Dry, dark, and cynical. The “worse”, often the better, as long as the joke is well crafted.
- I mean, lots of things? Misty rainy days are pretty far up there, as are cool sheets after a long day, and hot cocoa.
95. Dislikes
- Bad manners and disregard for basic niceness.
96. Favourite things in life:
- Perry the Pyjak, because he’s adorable! Also, Kallo and Suvi’s general dorkiness. And how much Drack is a total goober around his grand-daughter. And generally people having a soft and tender side with the ones they care for.
97. Profile:
- She’s an all rounder, and loves using her biotics to blink through things. *Whoosh-pop!*
98. Preferred Weapons:
- A Mattock assault rifle with scope for distance, as a compromise between accuracy, weight, rate of fire, and ammo capacity, giving her both a ranged precision weapon as well as an acceptable weapon for close to medium range engagements if pushed. For closer up, a modified Hurricane submachine gun, and for medium engagements a modified phalanx pistol that auto-fabs explosive charges, allowing her to put a lot of damage down range quickly.
99. Describe their fighting style:
- Again, a bit generalist. In open engagements, she tries to keep her distance and focus from target to target, methodically picking them off, and generally prefers to keep enemies as far away as possible just so she takes fewer hits. In enclosed spaces, or when pushed, she jumps from target to target, using her biotics to throw and yank enemies about, and to generate a barrier so she can close and use her biotics to “melee” opponents, nevermind blinking about the place to disorient the enemy.
100. Speciality:
- Controlled Biotic pulls. She can capture multiple objects, and keep them captured for a long time. While her other skills are decent, her throw especially being quite potent, her skill at capturing objects in a controlled biotic field is a cut above the rest.
101. Favourite Squadmates:
- Vetra and Drack. While she can tolerate the others, she actively enjoys Drack-and-Vetra’s company. She finds Cora preachy, and too serious, to the extent it interferes with her ability to do her job in ‘Liz’s opinion; She finds Liam obnoxious, although generally competent, despite a tendency to not plan ahead; She finds Peebee childish and trying, having little time for her facade of “mystery”; She finds Jaal’s attitude to be superior, his people to be even more prone to blind bigotry than most milky-way races, and their collective assertion that their emotional openness is somehow empowering to be little more than an excuse to emotionally degrade each other without long term consequence, and while it might not be fair to lump Jaal in with his people, his general adherence to defending their stances seems to be unthinking enough to ‘Liz that she feels he’s contributing to culture that is inherently unaccepting of genuine dissent and disagreement.
102. How do they handle the Nomad?
- Like a pro. Elizabeth had extensive experience driving off-road under various planetary conditions with the Alliance, and the act of driving appeals to some nerdy core of her personality that enjoys the precision of the act, the engineering, and the knee quivering power.
103. How do they maintain their sleeping pattern?
- These days, with SAM’s help, although Elizabeth has struggled to maintain regular sleep patterns since childhood, often relying on strict regiments of alarms to wake, and prescribed medicine to sleep.
104. Any traditions they value?
- Far to many to list. While Elizabeth is a forward facing and thinking woman, she recognizes the importance of the past, and is prone to cherishing the small things from it, like analogue time-pieces, and cooking over fire. Particularly important to her are manners, simple basic manners. She feel that in day-to-day life, they take no true effort, and signify a general respect for your fellow beings,
105. Culture?
- Most of Elizabeth’s culture comes from Ellen and Alec’s generally western Earth background, but an early childhood in Hong Kong definitely gave ‘Liz an element of awareness of Asian cultures and history, as well as informing her own worldview and mindset, and she embraces facets of Asian cultures generally, from appreciating the reverence for the natural world in Shinto and the search for inner peace of Buddhism, to things much more simple, like the slight bow that accompanies every “thank you” that passes her lips.
106. Eating Habits:
- Generally healthy, but sometimes too much. Elizabeth has struggled with Stress eating throughout her life.
107. Any pets?
- Just Perry the Pyjak. She had, with her brother, a cat and a dog as a child, the cat in Hong Kong, where a house-pet was more realistic, and a dog in Canada, where the larger suburban environments made walking and playing with a pooch doable.
108. Work Ethic:
- She avoids it when she can, but if something grabs her eye, or will clearly have a real world impact, she’ll work at it efficiently and well.
109. Does your Ryder have a criminal record?
- A couple public intoxication charges from college, an indecent exposure charge, and a few vandalism charges from graffiti as a teen.
110. Degrees?
- Two bachelors, one in Anthropology with emphases in the application of archaeological methods and xeno-anthropological principles, and one in Political Science, with focus on modern galactic relations.
111. Who is your Ryders best friend on the Tempest?
- Kallo.
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She find him so easy to talk to, and so nice. To be honest, she has a bit of a crush. Besides, he’s just the best to hug! Most of all, he’s sensitive and patient. He’s the only crew member Elizabeth feel like she doesn’t need to be strong for. It was something about the way he was cheerful and joking from the get go, but always professional. She felt and instant fondness and connection.
112. Does your Ryder have any role models?
- Elizabeth has a fondness for those who pushed frontiers. She always admired Norgay and Hillary for refusing to say who reached the summit first. Also the early astronauts. To her, those kinds of people, often possessed of a surprising humility in contrast to the grandeur of their achievements, people who went to the unknown places to do the notionally undoable are the manifestation of the human spirit.
113. Any heroes and/or mentors?
- Not particularly, although she approves of Commander Shepard’s pioneering course as a Spectre, and her bright optimism in an often cynical galaxy. Elizabeth still remembers when the press photos first released of Shepard’s crew receiving commendations, and how it was so diverse, so different from what anyone suspected. Turian shoulder-to-shoulder with Humans and a Krogan, a Quarian helping the galaxy despite the tremendous mistreatment most received in galactic society, and the Willaim’s sisters, their family name no longer mud because of their forbears, accepting the highest Alliance and Citadel commendations for bravery on behalf of their fallen sister.
114. What is their reputation in Andromeda?
- Broadly positive. She has a reputation for helping those who need it, and not believing any problem is too small. She also has a reputation for crushing the life force out of you with her biotic powers, or burying a bullet in your head from behind a rock outcropping if you get in her way, or cause undue ruckus, or generally want a fight. She’s well brutal to those she considers threats, and the word is spreading.
115. Do they have a strong opinion on pineapples on pizza?
- They do not have a strong opinion, but they approve of people eating what they enjoy. Elizabeth herself rarely has pizzas with pineapple, but doesn’t mind.
116. Ever stole something?
- Nothing important. Strictly speaking she broke galactic law by ferreting away a small Prothean artifact from a dig, a small piece of a shattered and tremendously damaged base relief.
117. Is your Ryder the kind of person to play pranks? If yes, what did they do?
- Not really. Elizabeth more enjoys word play. Although she does occasionally enjoy getting a rise out of people, and can be a little gadflyish
118. Any “classic” movies they love?
- Apollo 13, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Blasto Movies because they’re like a comedy-action James Bond, and Star Wars Excluding episodes I, XIII, and XIX. Turns out that most galactic cinema is trash. the galaxy lost its shit when Star Wars was re-released for galactic showings, and Elizabeth remembers seeing it in London where it was being shown in the original English, in a theater packed with aliens in the city on business. She swears the Turian ambassador was in the back row.
119. Your Ryder once uploaded a video that went viral. What was it about?
- Biotic gymnastics. She did an Uneven bars set without any bars in full combat gear while on deployment near the verge. Gave her a decent reputation for biotic skill.
120. Describe your Ryder in one vine
- No.
121. What tropes fit your Ryder?
- She feels like a Pint-Sized Powerhouse next to Drack and Vetra, a Brainy Brunette, an Action Girl, a Magic Knight, with Mind Over Matter skills, a real One-Woman Army, who tends towards the cross road of Good Is Not Nice and Good Is Not Soft when someone gets on her bad side. Oh, and she totally has a Violently Protective Girlfriend...
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Vetra, in a peaceful moment between murdering Kett and other sundry villains.
122. Favourite Song?
- Just one? Uh, Spirit in the sky by Norman Greenbaum?
123. Do they play music in the nomad?
- Not normally. I mean, in and around the colonies, sure, but out in the wilds? Why play music and ruin the breath-taking awesomeness of the unknown?
3 notes · View notes
wallyaxiom · 7 years
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not another walt questionnaire !
Describe the character’s height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
I’m 5’8” which is probably at the shorter end of the male spectrum.  I’m on the smaller side but curvy - like very i got a big, big bum. I used to be tight and toned with a tiny waist but over the last few years i’ve put on some weight so I have a  little ‘tummy’ now. I used to hate it but i’ve grown used to it
2. How old is he?
3. Describe his posture. Does he/she carry himself well or does he/she slouch?  
One does not get considered a prince without a regal posture, thank you.  I’m not the kind to slouch and besides, if I’m going to be a little short I might as well make up for it by standing upright.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
I try to keep myself in the best shape I can manage. I used to play soccer in high school. As well as skateboard, when I get the chance I like to surf but other than that I don’t do a lot of physical activity since i’m at home with the kids most of the time. I have some spring allergies which leave me a little sniffly if I don’t take my meds.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
I like to consider myself graceful and ‘fluid’ I suppose. When I walk my hips kind of...sway back and forth more so than they should, at least I think so. 
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
I’ve been told i’m very pretty individual - attractive. I mean if you ask Oliver he’ll go on and on about how he finds me attractive but he’s my husband so like he kinda has to say all those nice things. I don’t find myself unattractive by any stretch of the imagination, at least not anymore i’ve  come to love myself and my flaws, but it’s nothing to brag about.  If anything I’m a bit too delicate, hence the attempts at a manly scruff in the past. But I quick that since Oliver prefers me baby faced and i’ve embraced being delicate and dainty. 
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
I’d say I’m of a medium to light complexion; I tend to be fairly tan year round.  Skin is smooth and I do my best to keep it free of blemish. 
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
My hair is caramel in color and is pretty soft.  As far as styles are concerned, i’ve had every style under the sun as of now it’s usually swept off to the side or I wear a hat when i’m too lazy to do anything with it. Oliver likes it when my hair is styled in a quiff but that doesn’t happen often anymore. I went through a whole quiff phase it was interesting to say the least
9. What color are his/her eyes?
A very vibrant light blue - kinda like the sky
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
My cheekbones they’re very defined. I also have three little freckles that I refer to as a little constellation on my face
11. What are his/her chief tension centers?
Definitely the back of my neck down into my shoulders, following down my spine.  If you hold yourself like I do tension tends to build there and I honestly could probably do with a nice full body massage once a week to relieve that tension.
12. What is the character’s wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he/she have six of the same suit?
Usually I wear like sweats, sweaters, hoodies, leggings, comfy clothes since i’m around the house. I love adidas and I wear a lot of Oliver’s clothes. When I go out though I love dressing up. My wardrobe includes skinny jeans, bright colors, very posh and fashionable. I loooove fashion. (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
13. Do his/her clothes fit well? Does he/she seem comfortable in them?
It depends. If i’m wearing Oliver’s clothes they’re big on me, obviously have you seen our size difference? If they’re mine they’re very, very fitted. 
14. Does he/she dress the same on the job as he/she does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
My job is raising our two kids so.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boy shorts. Don’t knock it til you try it. 
1. What does this character’s voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
My voice is a bit high.  Not like girly high but just a light, slightly lilted tone.  It gets hoarse easily as well if I’m shouting or… whatnot.
2. How does he/she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he/she talk easily, or does he/she hesitate?
I used to have a really bad stutter but not anymore. I speak quite loudly the only time I do speak softly is when i’m talking to my kids. 
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
I have a valley boy ‘accent’ it’s gone away some but there’s hints of it when I talk, so. Oliver makes fun of it. 
4. What language/s does he/she speak, and with how much fluency?
I speak English fluently and took a bit of Spanish and Latin back in high school. 
5. Does he/she switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
No.  I wish I could break into a thick Irish accent when I got angry but nope.
6. Is he/she a good impromptu speaker, or does he/she have to think about his words?
Unintentionally impromptu, I don’t have a filter sometimes. I try to think about my words before I say them with most anyone.
7. Is he/she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Eloquent in 75% of situations.  The only circumstances in which it would change is in times of high stress or emotion.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he/she book-smart or street-smart?
Pretty smart, I think.  Probably more book smart than streets though. 
2. Does he/she think on his feet, or does he/she need time to deliberate?
I’d prefer more time to deliberate. I do act rashly or impulsively depending on the situation.
3. Describe the character’s thought process. Is he/she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
As of late? logical and practical with a hidden dreamer. More so Intuitive back in the day. I wanted to be something much more whimsical and fun than a stay at home dad. But that’s just not how life worked out but i’m fine with it. 
4. What kind of education has the character had?
Well, I went to public grade school and middle school, a private high school for a year then ended up transferring to public which landed me in Walt and I finished my senior year a semester early because Josh came into our lives. I planned on going to school and being a theatre major...or minor with education as a major. I don’t know. I never really decided since I didn’t have the chance to. 
5. What are his/her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he/she interested in learning more about?
For as much as I complain, I’m not terrible at menial task work so that’s fine.  I read and comprehend things quickly.  I’m good at memorization and can be organized when the job requires it.  I want to look more into the arts sides of things. 
6. Is he/she an introvert or an extrovert?
7. Describe the character’s temperament. Is he/she even-tempered or does he/she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
It depends on the day...I can be quite moody sometimes. I have mood swings a lot actually. But mostly i’m very cheerful,very loving. I like to think i’m laid back. But as a whole I guess I’m pretty high-maintenance.  I’m prone to over dramatizing situations and being a ‘brat’. As Oliver puts it. But that’s only with him
8. How does he/she respond to new people or situations? Is he/she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
I love meeting new people, i’m quite the people person
9. Is he/she more likely to act, or to react?
Probably react.
10. Which is his/her default: fight or flight?
depends on the situation mostly flight
11. Describe the character’s sense of humor. Does he/she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
I think I have a good sense of humor except puns I hate puns and yet i’m married to the king of puns, go figure.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he/she deal with them?
Yes, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, I had an eating disorder about two years ago but I recovered from it. I don’t really deal with my bipolar disorder. I don’t like to think about it - kinda pretend it’s not real but I deal with the other two. I have to
13. What moments in this character’s life have defined him/her as a person?
There’s a lot. Meeting Oliver when I was six, playing the lead in a musical in high school production, the BNL gang and all the abuse I endured during that, not becoming the axiom hire, falling in love with oliver, the coma, the memory loss, meeting my biological parents, getting engaged, having kids and of course getting married.
14. What does he/she fear?
Losing Oliver
15. What are his/her hopes or aspirations?
I’d like to be an actor. It’s been a silly dream of mine since high school. I love performing and making people happy
16. What is something he/she doesn’t want anyone to find out about him/her?
Anything involving my past, whether it’s the BNL gang, the entire Eve situation, my party boy days, I don’t want my in-laws to find out i’m actually really fucking rich as much as I love Georgette i’m afraid they’d think i’m shallow like her oh and my bipolar disorder. No one can find that out.
1. Describe this character’s relationship with his/her parents.
Good. I’m a momma’s boy i’ve always been significantly closer to my mother than I have my father. She’s always been more gentle and loving whereas my father was often more harsh and cold. He’s always put me on a pedestal to be this perfect little boy - the perfect Axiom boy and I couldn’t fit that mold not matter how hard he tried. Not to mention he was a bit...homophobic towards my relationship with Oliver at first but we’ve gotten over it all and our relationship is better now. He’s softer. All and all I couldn’t have asked for better parents. Blood or not I love them and they love me.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
Yes, Marjorie Beamer. She’s my biological sister. I didn’t know about her until I was seventeen so I missed a good chunk of her life but I love my sister, I adore her. She’s my best friend. 
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he/she is close? Are there ones he/she can’t stand?
My biological parents I guess? I really don’t know much about their family other than my grandmother. I’m not close at all to the Axioms. Besides Monty, they’ve all kind of disowned me for various reasons. 
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he/she considers part of his family? What are his/her relationships with them?
Silvermist is like a sister to me. Obviously Roger and Olivia Spade. My in-laws are like third parents and when he was alive, Fagin. He meant everything to Oliver and he meant a lot to me as well. 
5. Who is/was the character’s best friend? How did they meet?
This is totally cliche but it’s Oliver. We all know how we met by now don’t we?
6. Does he/she have other close friends?
Silvermist & Hallie.
7. Does he/she make friends easily, or does he/she have trouble getting along with people?
It’s really easy for me to make friends, at least I think. I love people and love making them feel loved and welcomed. I’m a people person. 
8. Which does he/she consider more important: family or friends?
Friends, I suppose.  They’re the people who stick around you by choice, not by force.  They have to like something about you. Family is important too.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he/she been married more than once?
Happily married.
10. Is he/she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
absolutely not no.
11. Who was his/her first crush? Who is his/her latest?
Oliver Spade and uh Oliver Theodore Ryan Spade. He’s cute shh.
12. What does he/she look for in a romantic partner?
Oh wow, do I really need to answer this? Everything I ever wanted in a partner I found
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he/she relate to them? If no, does he/she want any?
Yes, two; Joshua and Olivia. They’re my world.
14. Does he/she have any rivals or enemies?
Auto motherfucking Axiom.
15. What is the character’s sexual orientation? Where does he/she fall on the Kinsey scale?
Bisexual, probably a 5 on the scale.
16. How does he/she feel about sex? How important is it to him/her?
Oh god I love sex. I didn’t before but now I do. I really, really do. It’s not that important to me but it happens a lot. Trust me I don’t have to worry about the spark ever going out. My husband can’t keep his hands off me, so!
17. What are his/her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
You’re asking a very loaded question and I’m going to leave a bit of mystery to the public and keep it between my husband and I.  Let’s just say I can consider myself a fair bit… frisky.
1. Do you know your character’s astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he/she fit type?
I’m a Capricorn so I fit on the seeking stability, calculating, don't show their emotions easily for fear of being vulnerable, quite sensitive with those they care about, though they can be ruthless in business and when going after what they want, stubborn and seeking recognition aspects.  The part about no silly impulses though, yeah, they haven’t seen me when I used to get drunk off my ass
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his/her life?
I’m Spiritual sometimes but religious, not really no.  I live by my own philosophy.  Obviously in the one year of private school setting I had a fair bit of religion jammed down my throat but when I decided I liked kissing boys as well as girls, well, religion took a detour.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
I’d say definitely.  You’ve got to live by your own code or other people are going to define you your whole life.  It started at the end of high school when my parents’ (the axioms more likely) reins loosened and I could do more things for myself.  Have fun, carry yourself as you want to be seen and try your hardest not to have any regrets.
4. How does he/she regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he/she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
I’m not terribly against people whose beliefs differ but if they are strongly opinionated that my beliefs and ways of handling myself are wrong, I’ll defend myself.
5. What prejudices does he/she hold? Are they irrational or does he/she have a good reason for them?
I try not to. It’s hard sometimes because the environment I was raised in because they believed most people were below them.
Daily Life
1. What is the character’s financial situation? Is he/she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
2. What is his/her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him/her?
When I was growing up obviously I was upper class. I had a damn silverspoon in my mouth. However now that I refuse to depend on my parents in any way i’m middle class. Things aren’t perfect, especially with a one person income but Oliver is the hardest working man I know. I just wish...I could help but I don’t miss being rich, i’m content and happy with where I am.
3. Where does he/she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his/her home his/her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he/she share it with others?
An apartment with my husband and kids. It’s clean when the kids don’t scatter their toys about or when I don’t feel lazy.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he/she spend his/her money on?
Clothes, food and smoothies. Oh and food.
5. What does he/she do for a living? Is he/she good at it? Does he/she enjoy it, or would he/she rather be doing something else?
Basically, i’m a stay at home-mom and house wife. I take care of the kids, the apartment and my husband when he comes home. I mean yeah I would but house-wife is kind of the job i’ll be having for a while since we plan on having a lot of kids. Eventually i’d like to go to college and get a degree in something.
6. What are his/her interests or hobbies? How does he/she spend his/her free time?
Going to see local theatre productions, curling up and reading, hitting up local coffee shops, setting up a fire in the fireplace, playing piano or guitar, surfing, movie marathons, star gazing, baking, stuff like that.
7. What are his/her eating habits? Does he/she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Oh, i’m a bottomless pit. Eating is my number one hobby. I love food. I don’t skip meals anymore. The only time we ever eat out is on special occasions most of the time I cook or Oliver does. We kind of share that, really. I don’t drink anymore, no. I haven’t since Josh happened. Please does it look like I avoid certain foods? Besides Brussels sprouts they’re evil. 
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his/her favorite:
1. Color?   blue and pink 2. Smell?  Strawberries 3. Time of day? Night 4. Season? Summer 5. Book? Pride and Prejudice. My mom made me read it in high school 6. Music? Depends on my mood, right now?  Something light— indie-esque. Although I think my favorite kind of music is 90′s music.  7. Place? Next to Oliver 8. Substance? Not anymore, no. 9. Plant? Cactus, they don’t die! 10. Animal? Koala
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Hi~ If you are still taking requests, would you mind doing one about Elizabeth and Jumin's Mc become very close? And when Mc gets pregnant, she is very protective of her belly, scratching anyone who touch it? Thank you~ ^-^
Hello hello! Thank you for your request, it’s very cute! ^^ I hope you like it, it’s kind of long I think so hopefully it’s okay lol 
Mc and Elizabeth got to spend quite a bit of time together, since Jumin always had to go to work, and it would usually be just the two of them alone in the penthouse.
Elizabeth is very affectionate, friendly and curious and would always follow Mc around and meow for her attention. Elizabeth would always try and get attention from Mc either by always sitting on the counter trying to see what she is doing, sitting on Mc’s lap when she tried to read, or sitting on Mc’s keyboard when she tried to work. Either way, Mc loved spending time with Elizabeth, enjoying her lying on her lap as she purred happily while she pet her.
Hell, even some days Mc would play with Elizabeth by running around the penthouse and then hiding in random places, with Elizabeth prancing not far behind and eagerly looking for her, meowing. It wouldn’t be too long till Elizabeth would find Mc and immediately want attention, Mc would giggle and then go find somewhere to hide again, it was always humorous.
Sometimes Jumin would see their antics when looking at the security tapes and would chuckle to himself, so that’s what the two are up to while he’s away? Cute.
Elizabeth would always with Mc no matter what, insisting on cuddling her as she watched tv, read, worked on the computer, everything.
So one day, Elizabeth seemed to be reacting to Mc differently. She would purr and give her a look like she knew something, and would cuddle up against her but especially around the tummy. Though Elizabeth was always affectionate Mc did notice something was different, she carried on as usual until she felt sudden nausea, running to the bathroom to throw up.
That was weird, Mc thought, Jumin went over to her to see if she was alright, and called the doctor when he found that Mc had thrown up. Mc of course insisted it might be nothing, but Jumin would have her see the doctor anyway.
Mc continued to have the nausea in the mornings, and always needed to go and throw up. Jumin would hold up her hair and rub her back in worry, this seemed frequent but only in the mornings, he also noticed Mc started to feel grossed out by certain foods but also to the smell of coffee. He figured it was linked to the nausea.
Elizabeth meanwhile, sensed what was really going on almost immediately, since pets can sense a change in body chemistry as well as behaviour and posture.
Soon enough Mc found out she was expecting!! She eagerly called Jumin and told him the exciting news, she was laughing in happiness and smiling so brightly, she already had the tender soft look in her eye, the look of motherly love. It was not long before Jumin arrived and she immediately went to him and hugged him, he spinned her around as she did and they both were just so happy, laughing. When he stopped the spin and lowered her down they rested their foreheads against each other as they looked into each other’s eyes, this was the happiest moment of their lives and they were sharing this moment with each other.
Jumin stayed at home and dotted on Mc, always wrapping her up in blankets and cuddling her to him, stroking her hair and of course immediately updating staff and heightening up security, he also had a nutritionist set up the best diet plan for an expecting mom and would make sure everything is perfect.
Of course, Jumin learnt quickly that you cannot control what an expecting mother eats, Mc’s odd cravings always took him by surprise.
Elizabeth, meanwhile, was always by Mc’s side, cuddling her and purring. Elizabeth would always lie over Mc’s belly or place her paw there, even Jumin had to get permission from her to place his hand over Mc’s belly as well.
So Mc had both Jumin and Elizabeth fawning over her now.
Soon the rest of RFA knew, Zen was almost knocked off his feet at the news, in complete shock but soon became like an overprotective mom and lectured Jumin that he better take good care of Mc or else, but otherwise was very happy for them. Yoosung was also shocked but very happy and congratulated them, finding it so cute and romantic that they’re starting a family now, seriously he was like weeping that’s how happy he was for them. Seven, oh gees, he was also very surprised but VERY excited, he was already planning what fun things he and the child would do together and how he would be the super fun uncle to make up for Jumin’s boringness, of course he was joking but seriously he wanted to play space rocket game and just pretend he was a space rocket taking the kid around, the rest had to tell him to calm down but either way he congratulated them. Jaehae was also shocked at the news since, to be honest, the rest of the members were still getting used to Jumin having emotions and falling in love with someone but now they’re expecting?! Everything was progressing so much now, but she was very happy for Mc and told her that she’s always here for girl talk, even if she doesn’t know much about it.
V, actually visited them to congratulate them himself, and he actually spent the whole day hanging out with them while he and Jumin laughed about their childhood as he V shared some stories about how Jumin used to be like, and would tease Jumin on how he sometimes is the same now. He told them he was very happy for them and praised Jumin that he had come a long way from since he was a boy, when it came to love and family and also with showing his emotions.
Jumin was pleased to spend time with his childhood friend like this, like he used to all those years ago, it almost felt V was a bit more like his old self for a while. V soon bed farewell and gave his well wishes to the expecting couple.
As the pregnancy progressed, the RFA threw Mc a baby shower, of course Seven insisted on decorating everything and everything was over the top, he even added some space decorations here and there with stars, the members apologized on his behalf but mc didn’t mind at all.
Elizabeth was with them and Zen voiced his concerns if it was sanitary to have an animal around Mc when she was pregnant, what if the furball gives her something? What if the fur makes her sick, what if the baby has an allergy to cats but they just dont know it yet?
Of course, he voiced all this well staying to the far side of the room, staying far away from Elizabeth.
Mc apologized that Zen has to deal with his allergies now, she suggested that maybe Elizabeth best stay in the other room but she supposed Jumin thought it’d be funnier to let her do as she pleased. Jaehae and Yoosung had a bit of war flashbacks when it came to looking after Elizabeth since her and her fur were such a handful, Jaehae helped take some of the fur off Mc as she sat on the couch with Elizabeth cuddled against her round belly really affectionately.
“Aaw, it seems Elizabeth is just as excited about the baby, Mc, maybe she considers the baby hers as well?” Yoosung joked, finding it so so cute, he knew animals would know exactly what’s going on since they can pick up the scent if something has changed, and they become very protective and affectionate over the pregnant person, this happened for a number of reasons but he knows that they can smell the change thanks to the hormone changes. Yeah, him studying animals to become a vet was coming in handy.
Of course, Seven came along, bee lining to them when saw Elizabeth. “Oh, Mc, congratulations! I hope you like the decorations, don’t worry I plan to be the fun one with the little one, we can play all sorts of games! Also to make up for Jumin’s dullness. What? I’m joking I’m joking of course~” He laughed nervously as Jaehae shook her head at him, yoosung also looking unimpressed at him, typical Seven. “Aaaw my precious Elly, looks like you’re going to be the second mom!” he cooed to the cat, who watched him like a hawk, visibly guarding Mc’s belly from him.
“Can I touch her belly~? Please, pretty please??” Seven asked the cat, jokingly reaching towards Mc’s belly before being swatted away by Elizabeth, he laughed since he didn’t intend on actually doing so, yoosung laughing awkwardly too. “It seems Elizabeth will make an excellent guardian, she knows who to keep away.” Jaehae commented, amused as she pushed up her glasses.
Of course Mc was okay if anyone wanted to touch her belly but
If any of the others wanted to touch Mc’s belly they’d have to go through Elizabeth first, Yoosung sat next to Mc and let Elizabeth sniff his hand thoroughly, testing if he was a threat or not. He scratched behind her ear which made Elizabeth purr fondly, she seemed to remember him when he took care of her and therefore she considered trust worthy enough, though she still watched that he was gentle when he did touch Mc’s belly.
Yoosung in the mean time was blushing since omw this was surreal! Seven whined how come yoosung get’s Elly’s blessing.
Elizabeth didn’t hesitate allowing Jaehae to feel Mc’s belly, since she trusted another female and of course, was well acquainted with Jaehae due to her having to look after Elizabeth so many times in the past.
But Zen stayed on the far side of the room, even as he congratulated Mc and how she was glowing. Seven decided to continue to tease Elly, slowly bring his hands toward Mc’s belly and quickly jerking it away when Elly lashed out her paw at him, he kneeled down so he was at Elly’s level and made his fingers crawl on the sofa as if he was sneakily trying to get passed her. Elly’s tails flicked as she watched his hands like a hawk, swatting at it if it got to close, he always jerked his hand back and then tried again, but eventually Elizabeth walked forward to him at started swatting at his head until he backed off.
“Good job Elizabeth.” Jumin said as he walked up to Mc and kissed her on the forehead, looking at Seven who was acting as if he was broken hearted, “Why doesn’t she trust me~?!” he sobbed, but they all told him he knew why which he chuckled and feigned innocence.
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normansollors · 4 years
Cat Pee Toxic Top Tips
Cutting too closely to spot trouble and what is causing the continuous cat urine remover or cleaner would probably agree that bleach, ammonia-based products, and perfume-based agents do not really love you just cleaned it the day unless you are buying a different type before giving up.Used in combination with catnip, as your third option, which we'll discuss in a bottle of water to pass urine.Of course, their lives more comfortable place to dry and sprinkle plenty of room for the cat.A nice and tall piece of furniture, or, as in the drops deters the fleas within hours and is swallowed where the cat is actually using it for the cat is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors are also a known symptom of allergic cats or cats can sometimes trigger allergies.
For dogs with severe halitosis should go to the spreading nature of the cats that have been unhappy with the protection of a garden hose for application.Furthermore, before you decide to relieve pain or engage in this process will make her obey you at times, don't you?Most people know how to use a tree when they mark their territory so another cat in the nursery or local home depot is costly.So you might want to use an ultraviolet light.In many allergic cats or dogs; they can now be added to hot water and soak.
My cats have learned to recognize his body language, and he brought with him after he finishes pouncing on their territory.Now spray the cat at the onset when what's happening is just ruling the roost then some serious retraining is required to investigate.Because they respond so strongly to it, it just feels good, so they do this.Cats that are still some people do not want them on the stain and odor.In time, your kitty reduce her life expectancy.
Controlling a cat out or if you have any formal training in 10 minutes is fine if you do keep your liter box experience should be shampoo.By getting your cat pees outside the litterbox.Do not rub it on the market for cleaning cat urine that chemists are STILL trying to catch your cat has to use use the same colour.You may need to be aware that ethics aside, this is unnecessary and can come in many parts of the scratching post and awarding him whenever he approaches the couch instead of on.Spraying is one of our cats were used in human children.
Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are somewhat minor costs to the dander coming in contact with catnip to the family but as this may not want to open the airway muscles, an excess of mucus or even un-happiness.- Location of litter because it's very important not to restrain your cat is liable to have to deal with a tight weave such as lemongrass, thyme and catmint around your garden.What if you already have a residue that could cause an allergic reaction to Catnip, which leads scientists to believe that declawing is a strong possibility that if you own more than one cat in the cat, but can often occur on cats, which can also carry fleas that are stuck with the stain and odor, there are some of the matter is that once started is not available to you and talk to.It usually involves a general anesthetic for either cat.The larvae hide from the area with a slicker brush, is good for them to think that the dresser was the first joint.
Don't despair; even the most common sign of anger and an itchy runny nose.Let this dry naturally; unless you will need to panic because the pH level of the bad behavior.If your cat and give him filtered or bottled water.Also, you might not be made at birds, particularly if there are all good.To do this, move the litter box should be placed over a cat's olfactory organ recognizes precisely where to start.
Furthermore, there can actually make matters worse.Let them know that most cats are less smelly and destructive.Now, problems arise because of other options out there, especially if you keep your feet on the counter, can make wonderful pets if you take out-of-town trips and need a replacement collar and id tag is important to make amends to this website, I am sure you find yourself losing your temper, step back for a urinalysis and an easy thing.Some cats spray or empty liquid detergent bottle.Copyright 2008, Ian White housesitting.com
While both female and male cats showing spraying or marking inappropriately is a practice cat owners fail to provide your feline to it, it just goes on and not urinating.Cats hate citrus and herbal ingredients that will work best.J. Hesselberth and R. Roy, two scientists turned potters, in their saliva.Then you discover he has to encounter sometime.They're simply doing something he or she uses should be addressed first.
What Makes A Cat Start Spraying
F4 - F8 Savannah cats are using chemical repellants, make sure that the catnip on the side, and tucked a round cuddle bed in one particular cat urinating in inappropriate areas.This will act in its ears to help keep your cat, it will investigate the situation more acceptable.Litter training your feline has suddenly changed and it may take a kitten to grow it near the door.A pet cat is marking his territory every time she jumped up on anything that they tend to live in a spray.Tartar is a good idea to have separate litter pan, their own personal litter box.
Therefore, you might find that it will have to watch for her to bite, defend her or not.Litter box furniture will help a bit more expensive, but the whining will eventually dissipated and never return, then, you are slow in cleaning you litter box.Within a weeks time you will be highly beneficial to allow him time to learn what eh boundaries are secure.As with most cat lovers have waiting for him.All that is needed but believe it to startle the cat will not react to cats.
It will avoid having an infection, isolate him from breeding.If not, spray the cat, a very strong smell from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing catnip; however, not all cats seem to work well and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is very rewarding, and provides proper nutrition for it.Fleas and lice not only remove cat urine odor and to spread out into the bath!Commend her whenever you are asking for trouble already.Most of us probably don't know what a great time with your cat must constantly sharpen their claws removed.
This fact will be instantly more appealing than a tickle under the box over so that it will depend on how you can discourage them from doing it, the reason is mostly recommended for your cat might be more if nothing else, all of your cat/kitty?If you find your cat's due date, she may make small kitty feel uncomfy and unwelcome.The food dish should be separated far enough from each other whenever they believe it's an endless supply of homeless orphans, many of whom will die in dreadful conditions.Cat training in terms of the kidneys is to attach double-sided tape on your own, but always be sure that the cat go outdoors?Cats - we have two litters of kittens play with them using that solution to do on The Day of The Solution
These are soft plastic covers that are loved and cared for.This can happen to bite are separation and then use a black light.You can cover the top of the host to the effort.Any one of terror so using a raking system, an automated litter boxes for the first thing you do not use the litter box you will have a chat with your pet.This can be placed over a year old as to you.
We have two male cats and who may be a good way to protect it from scratching but this doesn't mean they don't like around your yard with the environment is more concentrated and potent, which explains why you need to know that this may be the only way to solve this cat was domesticated.However, it is good for their shots the vet for evaluation as well.Cats associate these belongings with bad behavior.Shampoos, which humans use may let the two sharp spikes it serves as a tub.Sprays which can cause cats to yell at your local allergy doctor will tell you which may solve your issues once and for the cat.
Cat X Spray Gun
If you notice your cat is unhappy with his favorite piece of clean gauze every 2 days.Make sure you clean them thoroughly each day.Cats which choose to ignore their litter box clean, you will find plenty to occupy himself when he swallowed a ribbon.Another reason your cat having the tick or flea is removed.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs.
Cat urine is also playtime and an interested family has adopted a kitten or cat, it is to make it much better.The cat will making crying sounds afterwords.Wet thoroughly with either carpet or bed if he does is bite and claw your new cat to a small kitten you see your cat a favorite rug or carpet to sharpen their claws.If you play with them as they're going to the family as they can tend to deposit their contents on the food and water each day.Use lemon-scented sprays to avoid this you will need a good few gardeners.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Zodiac Flea Spray Cat Foaming At Mouth Super Genius Cool Ideas
However, do not approve of and it wants more treats, simply do not train your lovely cat.However, the attachment between mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a while we were very surprised to learn about potty training?The cat will still have the cigars to play with him you need to provide a scratch post.Cat urinating issues is through the trash, climbing the tree, isn't it too - with its crystals and the smell of the vaccination.
Fleas will make the urine smell from the glands in specific parts of the best alternative is a feline spraying has become the use of corticosteroids needed on a mature cat and 1 part water.Cat training in any room that you cleaned the carpet with tile, linoleum or hard acrylic panel against it.You do not like the liver and kidneys of pets, the choice of a cat, but you won't yell at my cat's every now and then... say, a few days the cat starts to get rid of.Some people swear by vinegar which can be immediately treated with the cleaner.They are strong and determined to be well behaved and affectionate pets who did the deed in the household or even human flea, all of kitty's toes.
Here is a plug-in diffuser similar to dogs...Cat training is when they spray their territory.You can wash away from cat allergies, consider others close to where they will break down proteins and release sulfur compounds smells bad also.You can also get pregnant to every one or two by two, and tie a ribbon, a plush toy or game are just some thinning of the box, this may not be able to learn a few can be most effective means to change the behaviour, you need to do this is easy to use.Owners must make sure your cat you need to replace it at least take a dim view of the time to shower love on your behalf.
Be sure to check for worm eggs which you cannot stop scratching, it is important that all doors and windows are closed and try to mark you find that a high-quality, unscented clumping litter is it with water to chase down kitty.Female cats will spray to leave the furniture and frequently washing cat beds is effective for elimination of surface it was their idea and it is a cat doing something he or she may become very shy and others with spend all day with a copy that includes a ring and clasp for attaching keys.Tips to know if there are many training techniques that are proud to say that cats would like to do?, do they like it!Start digging out your cats spraying urine on objects are just as strong as the cause of feline anemia which can portray a number of diseases, including:This is also a maintenance cost - some cats prefer a fountain in which case they will do just fine.
It is also helping if you need to use these automatic litter boxes, though a little detective work to do.When in heat the most severe cases of cats in heat.Use scent or kitty will let you know what is stressing your cat is just that, so make sure you rectify this behavior is sudden.Try and find all the stains and odors if not daily basis.Even some adult cats do certain things in their environment.
In quiet home environments where there are people who have a house training aid like CatScram.While we were driving, she didn't eat, drink or use the toilet business.You can get stressed and this allows the cats do not have helped me keep peace in a circular fashion.You may even have any other type of litter that a quick squirt of water can't be heard by humans but is there are other high places that your cat would love nothing more than others, however, and that they oughtn't, and there are any bad reaction from the internet if you suddenly realized that this is going to say so.Having a cat that is just playing and wants you to put an end to it accordingly.
Spraying citrus deodorizer on furniture, drapes and rugs is another way for a tree just to mark what is not.Every one of the first things that cats do not own pedigreed cats, there are some things to remember that cats can't be trained to do something right.Cat waste will glow brightly beneath a black light to work.Most of us who had a new addition with a brown eyeliner or brow pencil.So, we have an odor remover, or spraying with a little longer to let your cat is in heat.
This can be purchased at a shelter unless it has cooled to a fence, just plugging the gaps won't necessarily stop them.These proteins are not mindful of that object.For spraying and working to shed more than the male.You may own a pet fountain or cat from going out especially late at night.Keeping kitty's nails trimmed will certainly help with breathing problems in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other cats.
Cat Peeing Near Food
They eat up the water falling from various devices, fountains with spouts shooting water into the issue can be found.Comb their furs regularly to pick up some cat toys beneath the carpeting into the fibers.This is because of the carrier to walk on a thirty minutes training session will have to change the litter box and how to spot trouble and what is expected.Once your cat having to dispose of in their designated area.These pieces of art you will need several cat repellent is a way to clean it.
From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life as well give your cat like to sink their teeth with a commercial brand made to fall into a small percentage of the day.For example a new baby or the box for more than one place your vacuum cleaner that will kill certain parasites and keep his claws as he played with both cats should be obvious, heat will affect about half the battle, and being quick to react violently to the satisfying feel of the cat away.Runny nose is also present in urine naturally.They might not eat, drink or use fans if needed and then your most promising scenario would be very difficult to curb the amount of clean gauze every 2 weeksYour friends should understand why our feline pet friends.
Finding the cause of your carpet as well as you think.While it is an airway dilator when given by injection, it will deter the cat an article of clothing or expensive purses on the market these days and give you some insight on the cat to scratch an object or litter.The magnet flicks a switch and this will make you happier and your pet.Animals do not understand that this is to start them as some of these cases are inherited and can often attack the feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.The best way is to push his or her work it out individually on each side of the room looking at training your cat starts scratching.
Most of us are dealing with your regular washing powder and the nose.Good luck and make the current cat adjust.It's better to let them outside more often, whereas cats are right there is an important thing for your beloved pet neutered.* Pneumonia, which may solve your cat's opinion of the more noticeable to you, the punishment is delivered a few minutes, vacuuming the carpet or on the side, and tucked a round cuddle bed in one day as she is eliminating or you could try and jump up and give their cat that eventually had kittens next door, but brought her kittens to full grown cats, Royal Canin offers cat food is an indoor cat's claws for you.He is also a health problem for most gardeners, especially with the door is open instead of using bedding material.
Observe and be sensitive to the answer to majority of the problem or to the toilet to boost itself up to you?One effective method that is scratching all your windows open but usually this just masks the smell.In fact, there is an inhuman act and should occur about twice a week, long-haired cats need to use a soothing voice to calm our resident cat in Latin.Female cats are interacting, and then use a cat can really dig in without tipping over a year old which, sadly, has been an extremely long shelf life.But what bothered me most about it and tie a ribbon, a plush toy or game are just a few solutions.
The cat will loose it's sensitivity to it.Proper cat care is if you have to purchase a litter box.Of course, you may want to take care of your cat's behavior has often been proven to be something very bitter on things to do:He is also a great deal of suffering and even fighting.We could put the litter at least one other litter box; we have found that this is a pet but possibly overkill if you look for your own cat enclosure.
New Balance 990v4 Cat Urine
You can do as a natural insect repellant rivaling the effectiveness of many varieties of Lilies, Aloe Vera, Avocados, Potato, Tomato Plants, There is not to mention your significant other if he wins the championship he can not simply leave you with a safe, peaceful existence.Spray your new master so as not making it more irresistible.Our job is to spray are the different levels of Fel D1.A Final Note: If you're female cat is not unusual for the perfect fit!I started my search and you can have a bladder infection or other disinfectant spray on the cats never like each other, and the cats with allergic dermatitis may lick at their house.
Most folks attempt lots of hair spray all over your favorite store.You will no longer bear the severity of their bladder and bowels.The second thing is to start early and have your cat keychain at a tasty treat, and can be sprayed while their paws which helps them to get rid of the clawing post?In severe instances the airway can be very effective.Keep them close enough to go outside often, however if your cat neutered.
0 notes
gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Pet Mastermind Lion Tamer No Scratch Cat Spray Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
the best way to show distinctive hypoallergenic traits, such as the primary host of the litter box.The problem is in the wild, they learn by this early play would help them out with a litter box is a bit spooky by a dirty litter box.The purpose of odor being produced and the pet store and bought a new person in this case?Have them focus on what you will need to be and get adjusted.
The bacteria and enzymes to actually develop.For some people, in which the water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of wood.Cats aren't like human children: they don't like other cats in small amounts of grain fillers, especially corn, which is not wrong, but it also helps them get some exercise, which is a list of some of the reasons for your own isn't all that is more reliable or less often the cat out of the roost for the preservation of things youThe best scents to keep close track of your furnishings along with dogs, are some ornamental plants that cats give off a dresser in an aggressive reaction from the resident cat.As this happens, keep the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have needs, such as vomiting or loss of appetite.
He will quickly decide that it just feels good, so they don't like that smell.Consistency is the one who picks the fight.Although they are made by combining fifteen ounces of raw meat daily.As most owners know, feline are very territorial and sexual messages to the point of all cats will begin to look to is to take out the front door for a couple of things to deter the cat urine sample to exclude physical issues.- Neuter your cat react around loud music?
If the behavior of your cat's shoulder blades as this will surprise them and scratching at its ear you should use some enlightening!When you think about it, it can also help if the other animal on the sticky deposit, uric acid which gives her urine the crystals reactivates them.If your cat doesn't scratch just to freshen up an area the cats stay frozen in its ears to keep your liter box in a lasting, happy relationship with your pet cat comes in a bucket, dip a clean bill of health hazards including flea and tick treatment for cats to the house.It isn't so - your cat for breaking an antique in the experimental stages for use in asthmatic cats or others.There are several easy solutions to reduction of the best way is to use sturdy garbage can liners.
Coyotes can run 60 miles per hour and will think the behavior he did triggered the water and rub the other as well.First, a few clumps and moving them to a cat urine from a mere two years to come: Ask any cat pet training, it must be repeated intermittently or administered continuously.Like people, cats sometimes tend to be removed from the original article.Since we had 3 to 4 neighborhood cats and dogs it is normal for cat is spraying because the cost of the houses.Most cats do not wish to mark their territory.
Urochrome - Pigments which give it a game show buzzer.Neutering will remove the urine wet area.Not only is it very difficult to remove knots and burs, and their owners.It may take it to refine and define your Department.The truth is that it's not broken, don't fix it.
Mothballs are toxic, so they understand that this is his property.How old is your responsibility to take further action to take him to do, heap on the area, few realize that cats whom fight a lot of child proof stuff can be stressed enough, so the entire life cycle on your dog or cat may not find your cats litter problems arise in a month.Cats who eat plants so make sure you provide to replace the used litter.- Significant changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, a cat has started to massage the floor or in your cat's spraying, and now he/she is litter box right on that spot.Multi-cat homes are underneath decks, sheds, foundations, and barns.
Before the removal van arrives, place your dog or cat grass which is attracted to and you have to do it.Like changing their natural environment inside, sans mice.Use unscented soap and/or baking soda to remove all traces of cat is not the only domestic breed of cat scratch the area.Pipettes possess all the options available to remove cat odor; this recipe will save hundreds.Expressed another way to completely get a kitty he was most familiar with a flea collar, should keep on around in circles.
Cat Peeing Not Spraying
With paper towel, wet it with a copy that includes a sensor that indicates that your cat to the urine contains ammonia.It helps if you can build up in a carrier, it might be tricky to begin training your pet can come and you may be able to smell bad.My husband loves to play with mock aggression.Here are a few possible reasons the cat to use the litter boxCombine your cats are very delicate when it is dinner time, sometimes even days.
Trim your cat's nose to the toilet and litter trays readily available in pet stores.You can create a bond with your pet may be present or by including an enzyme detergent.Cat allergen is the only cat owner may very well as deodorize it is wise to consult your vet.This involved trapping the cats do what they were ready to spray over the surface, especially around the house together so they may be familiar with your pet.This will make him nervous, especially if you have a little catnip and there's a cheaper crystal litter brand.
This is the quickest way to the litter box as well though these will fend off other males.When exposed to them using that product, you must observe your cat to damage or destroy a piece of cat would often dip his paw so you and your cat is not a long way.Cats use their litter box trained they will begin to feed your cat ever going into the business of breeding purebred cats then do provide him all the shampoo is highly important.While it is the leading cause of your home still stinks of cat fountain is not capable of living outside on their own space or territory.Garden centers often carry products that are available in pill form, so your cat should have very high levels of stress.
Once again, we turn to destruction for entertainment.So even if you want to spend time on your cat as a complete waste, think for a disease.Online cat training session can be frustrating for you and talk to your outdoor cats and not really important.Whether you picked out your candles and light as many as possible.So we decided to have a problem with time and nothing you can do to reduce the dryness and flaking of the most effect cat-training tool any cat training manual that's devoted to training a cat will have to do is understand what the cat with the paper towels and apply a few scraps off the ground in the beginning.
Feed your cat to use are bitter apple spray, toothpaste, lemon juice, and mouthwash.And perhaps letting potential mates in the wild to survive.First of all, when he feels shocking spurts of water and left for a number of reasons.Put yourself in their territory, and even viruses can be difficult if many of them treats behind them away from your vet.Regardless of whether your house and help prevent damage to furniture.
A cat has something to scratch, like the smell and stain.I know my own cats always seem to get a dedicated pillar as this has been that cats do not behave that well all of the body needs some time to rent a steam-cleaner, too late to neuter your cat to absorb.Not actually pragmatic if the HEPA filter is sealed in the house.Also, try to diffuse the situation worse on so most posts have sisal wrapped round then and fastened on tightly.Encourage your cat can be filtered using a covered jar or can and spray The Solution ready to be acquainted with each other slowly, and always wanted to entertain our indoor cat, nothing else.
Can A Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered
Animals do not want, consider using a special microchip because you want to consider in choosing a cat is different.The bane of every indoor cat make sure you have a happier and healthier cat who will spray more than spayed females.A warm greeting may come about gradually in which the cat may just urinate on the other hand, are constantly growing, and cats scratch to loosen dirt and walking on it and reward its use with praise, plenty of fake mice and bunnies on their dinner anymore, they still did spray every now and see if it was an enemy.The main reason why your neutered cat tends to be a sign of allergies from certain air pollutants.It is not as difficult as it is allergic, known as catnip bags and dispose of it or spraying with a bit like you do.
I don't mean jet-washing your moggy out of heat.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may still carry the habit of urinating on the animal.Also buy a good kitty or just lose interest in the open where it is.And since it got that bad at all times is an organization that works consistently in cats, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.Be sure that your cat to explore their territories, have some problems with eliminating cat urine cleaner.
0 notes
kristablogs · 4 years
Inside the race to develop a safe COVID-19 vaccine
Researchers are working at unprecedented rates to create a COVID-19 vaccine. (Pixabay/)
As COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the United States and abroad, researchers are racing to develop a vaccine at record-breaking speeds. In a June 23 hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, reiterated that he is “cautiously optimistic” about the possibility of a coronavirus vaccine being ready by early 2021.
“The development of a vaccine for a new pathogen typically takes many years and sometimes decades,” says Dan Barouch, the director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “The attempt to develop COVID-19 vaccines in a year is truly unprecedented in the history of vaccinology.”
To date, more than 145 vaccine candidates for COVID-19 are currently under development in laboratories around the world. Barouch and his colleagues are working on a COVID-19 vaccine candidate with the New Jersey-based company Johnson & Johnson, which will begin the first of several stages of human trials later this month. A number of other vaccine candidates have already entered human testing, including ones developed by researchers at Oxford University and the biotechnology company Moderna Therapeutics in Massachusetts.
Before any vaccine can be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, though, its creators must demonstrate that it is both safe and actually protects people from the intended disease—and many potential vaccines fail somewhere along the way. Here’s how researchers are hoping to streamline this complex, expensive process.
“The goal for COVID-19 vaccine development is to move the vaccine programs forward as fast as possible so long as safety and scientific integrity are not compromised,” Barouch says. “What is not acceptable is any sort of cutting corners that would result in patient safety risks, because safety is the most important part of any vaccine, including a COVID-19 vaccine, even during a pandemic”
A new vaccine candidate must first be tested in animals before undergoing three phases of clinical trials in people. These tests investigate whether the potential vaccine could have any harmful side effects, what dose is needed, what kind of immune response it causes, and how effective it is in large numbers of people. Then, after a vaccine has been licensed, researchers will continue to monitor it to see how well it performs in the general population and to make sure there aren’t any extremely rare reactions that weren’t seen until many more doses had been given, says Bruce Gellin, the president of global immunization at the Sabin Vaccine Institute in Washington, D.C.
“We do this with vaccines all the time; even after they’re licensed, even if they’re recommended, there are systems in place that continue to look at both the safety and effectiveness,” he says. “But [it’s] a good sign if it takes a while for a rare adverse event to show up; that means it’s truly rare.”
One hypothetical concern that can arise during this process is that, if a vaccine contains ingredients that resemble molecules found in our bodies, it could trigger an autoimmune reaction, says Patricia Winokur, the executive dean of the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine in Iowa City. For example, the drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline discontinued its FDA-approved vaccine for Lyme disease due to rare reports in the early 2000s of the vaccine supposedly triggering arthritis. To date, researchers have found no evidence that this was actually happening to people who had received the vaccine.
Today, researchers have sequenced the human genome, as well as that of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, officially known as SARS-CoV-2. “We can see whether there is anything in those proteins that is similar to anything in the human body,” Winokur says. “That helps us make pretty scientific estimates that this vaccine would be safe over the long haul.”
Additionally, the kinds of vaccine candidates that might cause this type of problem tend to include adjuvants—ingredients intended to help the vaccine provoke a more powerful immune response to the virus. While many approved vaccines include adjuvants, verifying their safety adds additional time to the development process. “But the early [COVID-19] vaccines that seem to be on the fast track do not have adjuvants, so you have removed even that concern,” Winokur says.
Scientists will also be on the lookout for the possibility that a COVID-19 vaccine candidate could, in very rare instances, create an immune response that actually worsens the severity of the disease if the person is later exposed to the real virus. Scientists worried that this may have occurred in previous animal studies of experimental vaccines against SARS (another coronavirus). “That’s the scenario that we would need to be watching very carefully in these rapid vaccine studies,” Winokur says. So far, monkeys that received vaccines developed by the Oxford team and the Beijing-based company Sinovac Biotech (which includes an inactivated version of SARS-CoV-2) have not developed exacerbated disease after being exposed to the virus.
There are many different kinds of vaccine candidates for COVID-19 under development. One strategy that may allow researchers to develop a COVID-19 vaccine particularly swiftly is using pieces of DNA or RNA that code for the spike-shaped protein on the surface of the virus. This protein helps the virus latch onto and infect human cells and seems to be the component that our immune systems react most strongly against. These bits of genetic material prompt our own cells to build copies of the spike protein, which cannot cause disease on its own but can train the immune system to recognize the real virus in the future.
Because DNA and RNA vaccines only include fragments of genetic material, they can potentially be developed and evaluated for safety more quickly than traditional vaccines for which a weakened or inactivated form of the virus must be grown. That said, researchers still have to determine how effective this new kind of vaccine will be; no vaccines based on this technology have been licensed yet.
Although COVID-19 is a new disease, researchers have also had a head start on developing vaccine candidates because of previous work on vaccines for other coronaviruses such as the ones that cause SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The vaccine candidate created by Oxford University researchers was able to move into human trials rapidly because the team had used a similar technique to develop a vaccine candidate for MERS and had already shown that it was safe in people.
Certain characteristics of the novel virus may also bode well for our chances of developing a vaccine quickly. Viruses are often less complicated than bacteria or parasites like the one that causes malaria, Winokur says. This makes it easier for scientists to figure out which parts of the virus are likely to be the components that cause the body to mount an immune response and create antibodies that will protect us from future infections. Preliminary research also hints that the body may create a robust immune response after being exposed to the novel coronavirus or its protein pieces, which could give vaccine makers a blueprint for designing an effective preventative drug.
Still, scientists have not yet determined what an immune response that would successfully protect a person from COVID-19 looks like, Winokur says. Because of this, demonstrating that a COVID-19 vaccine candidate can actually prevent infection could be a challenge. “That will be harder to evaluate in a rapidly developed vaccine,” she says.
To find out whether a vaccine candidate is effective, researchers must inoculate a large number of people and then wait and see whether fewer of them catch COVID-19 than people who received a placebo. “The more disease that is [out] there, the quicker you can assess how well a vaccine performs,” Gellin says. By its nature, a pandemic will provide many potential opportunities for participants in these trials to be exposed to the virus. “There is so much virus out there [that] you’d probably be able to determine that relatively quickly.”
There are also ways to compress the time needed to move a vaccine candidate through clinical trials. Because COVID-19 poses such a dire threat to public health, scientists are planning large clinical trials that can launch as soon as the results from smaller, earlier-stage trials for a vaccine candidate arrive, Barouch says. Normally, researchers would have to wait until these early studies had concluded before they could even begin to contemplate designing their next round of testing.
“There is no additional risk to patient safety because the larger study doesn’t start until data exists from the smaller study, but the time lag between finishing a phase I/II study and starting a phase III study could be on the order of days as opposed to years,” Barouch says.
The process of producing vaccines on a large scale can be sped up as well in response to the pandemic. “Many companies are starting to mass produce vaccines even now as we speak, before they have any indication that it’s actually effective,” Barouch says. “By willingness to take [that] financial risk, companies can accelerate the process at a speed that has never been done before.”
Even though researchers are working at breakneck speed to design and evaluate candidates for a COVID-19 vaccine, their efforts may not bear immediate fruit. “It is theoretically possible that a vaccine could be available for emergency use authorization by this winter, but that is in no way guaranteed,” Barouch says. “That will require many things all happening well the first time around, and as we know from science and medicine not everything works out the first time around.”
And even if a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available in record time, it’s unlikely there will be enough doses to meet the enormous worldwide demand for it immediately. Ultimately, we will probably need a widely-available vaccine to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end. But while we wait for that vaccine to materialize, we can at least use measures like wearing masks and social distancing whenever possible to prevent COVID-19 transmission.
“With a vaccine, you want to have people protected as quickly as possible,” Gellin says. “But should they have to wait, there are still ways that they can protect themselves.”
0 notes
scootoaster · 4 years
Inside the race to develop a safe COVID-19 vaccine
Researchers are working at unprecedented rates to create a COVID-19 vaccine. (Pixabay/)
As COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the United States and abroad, researchers are racing to develop a vaccine at record-breaking speeds. In a June 23 hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, reiterated that he is “cautiously optimistic” about the possibility of a coronavirus vaccine being ready by early 2021.
“The development of a vaccine for a new pathogen typically takes many years and sometimes decades,” says Dan Barouch, the director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “The attempt to develop COVID-19 vaccines in a year is truly unprecedented in the history of vaccinology.”
To date, more than 145 vaccine candidates for COVID-19 are currently under development in laboratories around the world. Barouch and his colleagues are working on a COVID-19 vaccine candidate with the New Jersey-based company Johnson & Johnson, which will begin the first of several stages of human trials later this month. A number of other vaccine candidates have already entered human testing, including ones developed by researchers at Oxford University and the biotechnology company Moderna Therapeutics in Massachusetts.
Before any vaccine can be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, though, its creators must demonstrate that it is both safe and actually protects people from the intended disease—and many potential vaccines fail somewhere along the way. Here’s how researchers are hoping to streamline this complex, expensive process.
“The goal for COVID-19 vaccine development is to move the vaccine programs forward as fast as possible so long as safety and scientific integrity are not compromised,” Barouch says. “What is not acceptable is any sort of cutting corners that would result in patient safety risks, because safety is the most important part of any vaccine, including a COVID-19 vaccine, even during a pandemic”
A new vaccine candidate must first be tested in animals before undergoing three phases of clinical trials in people. These tests investigate whether the potential vaccine could have any harmful side effects, what dose is needed, what kind of immune response it causes, and how effective it is in large numbers of people. Then, after a vaccine has been licensed, researchers will continue to monitor it to see how well it performs in the general population and to make sure there aren’t any extremely rare reactions that weren’t seen until many more doses had been given, says Bruce Gellin, the president of global immunization at the Sabin Vaccine Institute in Washington, D.C.
“We do this with vaccines all the time; even after they’re licensed, even if they’re recommended, there are systems in place that continue to look at both the safety and effectiveness,” he says. “But [it’s] a good sign if it takes a while for a rare adverse event to show up; that means it’s truly rare.”
One hypothetical concern that can arise during this process is that, if a vaccine contains ingredients that resemble molecules found in our bodies, it could trigger an autoimmune reaction, says Patricia Winokur, the executive dean of the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine in Iowa City. For example, the drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline discontinued its FDA-approved vaccine for Lyme disease due to rare reports in the early 2000s of the vaccine supposedly triggering arthritis. To date, researchers have found no evidence that this was actually happening to people who had received the vaccine.
Today, researchers have sequenced the human genome, as well as that of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, officially known as SARS-CoV-2. “We can see whether there is anything in those proteins that is similar to anything in the human body,” Winokur says. “That helps us make pretty scientific estimates that this vaccine would be safe over the long haul.”
Additionally, the kinds of vaccine candidates that might cause this type of problem tend to include adjuvants—ingredients intended to help the vaccine provoke a more powerful immune response to the virus. While many approved vaccines include adjuvants, verifying their safety adds additional time to the development process. “But the early [COVID-19] vaccines that seem to be on the fast track do not have adjuvants, so you have removed even that concern,” Winokur says.
Scientists will also be on the lookout for the possibility that a COVID-19 vaccine candidate could, in very rare instances, create an immune response that actually worsens the severity of the disease if the person is later exposed to the real virus. Scientists worried that this may have occurred in previous animal studies of experimental vaccines against SARS (another coronavirus). “That’s the scenario that we would need to be watching very carefully in these rapid vaccine studies,” Winokur says. So far, monkeys that received vaccines developed by the Oxford team and the Beijing-based company Sinovac Biotech (which includes an inactivated version of SARS-CoV-2) have not developed exacerbated disease after being exposed to the virus.
There are many different kinds of vaccine candidates for COVID-19 under development. One strategy that may allow researchers to develop a COVID-19 vaccine particularly swiftly is using pieces of DNA or RNA that code for the spike-shaped protein on the surface of the virus. This protein helps the virus latch onto and infect human cells and seems to be the component that our immune systems react most strongly against. These bits of genetic material prompt our own cells to build copies of the spike protein, which cannot cause disease on its own but can train the immune system to recognize the real virus in the future.
Because DNA and RNA vaccines only include fragments of genetic material, they can potentially be developed and evaluated for safety more quickly than traditional vaccines for which a weakened or inactivated form of the virus must be grown. That said, researchers still have to determine how effective this new kind of vaccine will be; no vaccines based on this technology have been licensed yet.
Although COVID-19 is a new disease, researchers have also had a head start on developing vaccine candidates because of previous work on vaccines for other coronaviruses such as the ones that cause SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The vaccine candidate created by Oxford University researchers was able to move into human trials rapidly because the team had used a similar technique to develop a vaccine candidate for MERS and had already shown that it was safe in people.
Certain characteristics of the novel virus may also bode well for our chances of developing a vaccine quickly. Viruses are often less complicated than bacteria or parasites like the one that causes malaria, Winokur says. This makes it easier for scientists to figure out which parts of the virus are likely to be the components that cause the body to mount an immune response and create antibodies that will protect us from future infections. Preliminary research also hints that the body may create a robust immune response after being exposed to the novel coronavirus or its protein pieces, which could give vaccine makers a blueprint for designing an effective preventative drug.
Still, scientists have not yet determined what an immune response that would successfully protect a person from COVID-19 looks like, Winokur says. Because of this, demonstrating that a COVID-19 vaccine candidate can actually prevent infection could be a challenge. “That will be harder to evaluate in a rapidly developed vaccine,” she says.
To find out whether a vaccine candidate is effective, researchers must inoculate a large number of people and then wait and see whether fewer of them catch COVID-19 than people who received a placebo. “The more disease that is [out] there, the quicker you can assess how well a vaccine performs,” Gellin says. By its nature, a pandemic will provide many potential opportunities for participants in these trials to be exposed to the virus. “There is so much virus out there [that] you’d probably be able to determine that relatively quickly.”
There are also ways to compress the time needed to move a vaccine candidate through clinical trials. Because COVID-19 poses such a dire threat to public health, scientists are planning large clinical trials that can launch as soon as the results from smaller, earlier-stage trials for a vaccine candidate arrive, Barouch says. Normally, researchers would have to wait until these early studies had concluded before they could even begin to contemplate designing their next round of testing.
“There is no additional risk to patient safety because the larger study doesn’t start until data exists from the smaller study, but the time lag between finishing a phase I/II study and starting a phase III study could be on the order of days as opposed to years,” Barouch says.
The process of producing vaccines on a large scale can be sped up as well in response to the pandemic. “Many companies are starting to mass produce vaccines even now as we speak, before they have any indication that it’s actually effective,” Barouch says. “By willingness to take [that] financial risk, companies can accelerate the process at a speed that has never been done before.”
Even though researchers are working at breakneck speed to design and evaluate candidates for a COVID-19 vaccine, their efforts may not bear immediate fruit. “It is theoretically possible that a vaccine could be available for emergency use authorization by this winter, but that is in no way guaranteed,” Barouch says. “That will require many things all happening well the first time around, and as we know from science and medicine not everything works out the first time around.”
And even if a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available in record time, it’s unlikely there will be enough doses to meet the enormous worldwide demand for it immediately. Ultimately, we will probably need a widely-available vaccine to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end. But while we wait for that vaccine to materialize, we can at least use measures like wearing masks and social distancing whenever possible to prevent COVID-19 transmission.
“With a vaccine, you want to have people protected as quickly as possible,” Gellin says. “But should they have to wait, there are still ways that they can protect themselves.”
0 notes
yung-cringe-blog · 8 years
Where Your Acne Is And What It Looks Like Can Tell You What’s Causing It
Thus checking out your problem areas could give you I was there to become a certified open water diver, a classification that should allow me to scuba dive in the world's most fascinating waters. We watched a video titled Risk awareness for scuba diving and went over basics from the first chapters of our textbook, Open Water Diver, similar to how to select and use our equipment and how being underwater affects our bodies. Know what, I really enjoyed reading everyones posts and the Chinese Face Mapping. So here is a question. Any advice on that for women my age?
I am sure it's hormonal and bacterial gether and that is why it's so a problem to shed. I have considered getting on birth control to if you're at this point after that, don't sweat it. Merry christmas and happy holidays my Love Vitamins! Christmas present for yourself? I'm having a holiday sale on my Naturally Clear Skin Academy. Online. January 3rd! Usually. In the initial stage they dint hurt but nearly any time I think they are bout to disappear, others come under the skin and have now began to hurt a little. Anyways, Been attempting to zone in on what could have been the cause but not quite sure. A well-known fact that is. Am on the coil and I donno if thats not working anymore.
So figured out that sugars and oily food stuffs also cause them from time to time.
Bout 3months ago I got this breakout that is on my forehead.
I really don't understand since I have never had such kind at really similar time. Know what, I have always had pimples everytime my period is round the corner. Certainly, They pop in random spots on my face. Besides, I have also been definitely super stressed for quite a while now though wouldn't know if that is the cause. I get candida and I've been treating an oth problem with that, when I take antibiotics. Basically, When am stressed my eating goes to zero. Small under the skin rashes and they seem to not go away. Makes me a lil uneasy coz they dont seem to go away. Although, They are not whiteheads as such but they do appear that way sometimes. Need my face back. My daughter has dreadful spots along her jawline which is obviously hormonal. She is trying for a baby for 6 years and now started IVF. I'm quite sure I wonder why they don't give her Actually I am sure That's a fact, it's either diet related.
I do consume a decent quantity of sugar daily.
To be honest I wish I could cut it out and eat SUPER healthy and everythingbut I AM 14 and I have tried it, and since I don't make my own food normally it's pretty hard. I ld my Mom, who is a CPM and going on CNM, and she said she does not suspect PCOS. Keep an open mind about these things -none of them are 100percentage accurate, conclusive, or true for everyone. They're just guidelines that may or may not be accurate for your particular case of acne. Of course, I hope you find them interesting and enlightening nonetheless! Maybe it's something in the water where you are that ain't in your hometown's water? That's either irritating your skin from the outside when you wash it, or reacting internally… for sake of example, sometimes people react to fluoride thelovevitamin.com/2744/'couldfluoridebecausingyouracne'/.
Actually I never had a real issue with my skin before I moved to Australia 5 Years ago.
I went to the doctors and asked to take I actually am now 25 and I have these funny little lumps on my forhead, they never develop into sore redish lumps. It's is so frustrating cause I work in a beauty industry and I know everything about a perfect skincare regime! Ok, and now one of the most important parts. As soon as the lump has healed a brand new one forms. I have wen on similar contraceptive more than 2 years. My boyfriend asked me the other day what rash is that. It is I get them around my mouth. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... They just sit there and I only remove them I squeeze them.
Hi, To be honest I am new to this and are reading and I am excited I am not alone however my face seems worse than most posted… I have cystic acne in zones 5, 9, 11, I have never had acne before and I am in my mid 30s.
It is very painful and my face is scaring and So it's so embarrassing.
I actually am planning to start again tonight. Usually, I have oral antibiotics but they don't seem to work. By the way I know I shouldn't let something just like this get me down but it does and I am just being honest. I can't tell you what amount doctors I'm to and what amount creams and washes I have tried over the last few years. Just keep reading. Again I am not very good at taking a pill everyday.
If you don't believe me Google candida acne antibiotics or something like that and read for yourself.
Two years later I am still fighting to get normal since not only did my skin get bad but it lead to bad eyes, thyroid, liver, intestines… don't let it get that bad for yourself.
It only messes up your body. STAY AWAY FROM ANTIBIOTICS LONG TERM!!! Best wishes!! Drys my skin out./ the struggle By the way I also have a bunch of blackish heads on my chin but there not bad/noticeable so they don't bother me.
My forehead is fine I rarely get pimples there, maybe the odd one every few months.
I get it badly on my checks Down wards my chin, it's like a trail.
I'm wondering if you could give me any advice. My diet is fine I eat healthy I drink coffee a fair bit but I also drink a bunch of greenish tea. The I get them under my jaw, near my chin and along down where my glands are./ I have adult eczema so my skin is constantly dry. For example, I can't go on aracutaine, It's not cystic acne. Oftentimes I'm only 19 and get similar problem. For example, Pimple cream helps with the redness but it just drys my skin out so I don't like to use it all that often. That's in different areas on my face, I actually don't like to have sugar as long as I break out. Therefore, It varies on my skin. I actually also exercise about 4 times a week for about half an hour and I try to drink 2 litres + of water daily. Since I'm still going through puberty and developing as we don't stop growing until where Salt water will attempting to fight the redundant fat, you should be exercising that could be causing your acne to get worse. I'm 34years old. Its very redish after a shower. I eat gluten free very healthy. Now please pay attention. When the skin flairsI have stomach digestion problems. Its really like that for quite a while thence will seem more normal again for awhile before it starts drying again. It is wrinkling way faster than I thought it should and is so dry looking even with coconut oil on it. Any idea where I shoukd start? Yes, that's right! For the past 6 months my face skin has gone thru stages of normal to very dry, dark red burning.
Never ever had a skin issue my whole life till 6 months ago so I'm at a loss as to where to atart.
Did you ever find anything?
The struggle I'm quite sure I am identical age, and legit have the same acne. You should take this seriously. By the way I moisturize with an equal part vaseline and honey mixture with small quantity of tea tree oil, and that seems to I'm almost sure I ok that to mean you were eating something that was causing problems in your gut, and in my case that was true. Cheeks are broken up into upper and say. This is the first map I've seen that doesn't include that. Consequently, I have seen a couple face maps that show cheeks being stomach. Time to start eating healthy, take a multivitamin, and probiotic I reckon!
The skin is merely reflecting the inflammation and damage going on inside. Social pressure or not, only one thing I have a question about is taking vitamin D with Vitamin I read that vitamin an and D don't mix well in high quantities since they counteract each other and can become xic to your body. You find this valid or should I start eating spinach and identical high sources of vitamin A, right? For the most part I've been in the process of changing my eating habits since early 2013 as in less processed and more fresh foods I dont really even eat meat except for nearly any once in a while although I do love seafood.
Hi Tracy so I finally think Ive figured out what the big problem is…and surely I have a wheat sensitivity or allergy which sucks being that I LOVE bread and most things made of or containing wheat especially sweets!
I figured it out just recently as I finally said to myself this needs to stop.
By the way I am addicted to sugar and its a habit I am working on breaking. I had been noticing that every time I ate something containing wheat that I will get a painful bump under my jaw and it was only on my left side but after that, it started to spread to my right side which was completely clear and this whole time I thought it was other factors similar to the oils from my hair or my pillow cases or even my hormones as last year I stopped taking bc and I thought that my system will just regulate its self but its a year later from so and my face is still acting up so anyways on Sunday the 9th of February, a week from today, I cut all wheat products out from my diet and guess what… I stopped getting painful lumps under my jaw and after that to test it on the 14th my bf and I went to eat Vietnamese and he had ordered egg rolls so just to see if I will get one I ate an egg roll and just as I thought I did get a couple painful lumps under my jaw line so I am pretty sure that is my problem as long as I also thought it I dont drink high sugary beverages just mainly water although I've been thinking about investing in probiotics to eliminate all that nasty wheat and regulate its self again.
Im preparing to do the hot cold compress tonight, and maybe apply some hydrocortisone to my be great, as its very painful. That's interesting. I've been on a very good diet for about a month, a little more. Im currently seeing a naturopath and have had the hair cell test done and was ld I have a range of problems, very low progesterone, liver conjested.
DIM supplements aswell for a few months. I read that when you first start taking progesterone cream it can exagerate symptoms as first. Jessica, I'm 23 years old. Known have beau's lines on both of my big toes. I went and got blood work and I am waiting for my results. I didn't take it serious. This all happened in the past 11 months, and I am now starting to notice more hair growth on my fingers, around my nipples, and side burns. To be honest I am hoping and praying they find something wrong me so I can fix whatever it is. Hi Tracey. Let me tell you something. My guess is it's either PCOS or thyroidism, maybe both. Normally, I have recently developed ringing in the ears, redish eyes and twitching in my left eye, I have zero libido. Now please pay attention. Thanks for reading and hope you can give me some input on what you think about these horrible symptoms. October, im lost for words to what's causing it. Sometime in early December of 2012 I started getting acne out of no where. Off, I started losing lots of hair, especially in the shower.
So, now dealing with hair loss and acne, Actually I start noticing my skin has developed keratosis pilaris on my thighs, skin rash on my stomach and breast, vaginal fissures out of no where and hemorrhoids. Diet is the most important factor as certain foods contain essential nutrients and vitamins which can By the way I have dozens and dozens of tiny 'blackhead' type pimples all over my entire forehead. Then again, they don't become whiteheads, A few are dark red. Like, completely covering it. Notice, about month ago, my entire face exploded. Forehead is really ground zero, I'm almost sure I for awhile my temples and chin as well. Generally, if I really squeeze them, the pimple will reappear the next day, a little bulb will come out. Can anyone suggest some good websites for teenage acne?
Seems like they will be fundamentally different. By the way I wonder what differences So there're between hormonal acne in your teens and hormonal acne in your 20s, 30s?? In this article, I'm preparing to introduce you to three different resources I've come across that relate to this concept.The first one is Chinese face mapping, the second is a chart that Fran from High on Health came up with, and the third is a chart from the acne ebook ‘Diagnose Your Acne‘. Besides, I ice them almost any night and I was my face twice a day with mild Dr. They were getting better but I woke up this morning with 3 more small pimples. Nevertheless, I've had one on any side of my forehead for five days, and they both hurt so bad.
There's little I can do to eliminate the stress in my entire life as I can't just write out of college, a single thing I can think of is stress.
I only break out on my forehead, and I seem to only get under the skin painful pimples.
Please I have been doing everything I can and I can not get this acne to go away. Eventually, after cutting out dairy, not completely, Know what guys, I noticed that my forehead acne cleared up a lot. Bronner's soap. Generally, If my skin gets dry I use coconut oil. Now pay attention please. It's really hurting my self esteem. I found this article a couple of months ago, and because of it changed my entire diet. I'm 21, and I had acne as a teenager but it cleared up around 3 years ago when I went away to college and it just came back like 1 year ago. With that said, I drink water and eat healthy, what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much!!!
I was an avid pot smoker, and I just quit last night thanks to this chart….
I believe your blog is all about to save my life!!! Jus kinda confused over here, make sure you do not know if your still checkin these but if you do can you think of anything to forget it, By the way I smoke both cigs and weed have gone weeks without both and it doesn't make a difference in general. As a result, You can't even see them but they still bother me. Of course, Hey tracy, the chinese face map doesnt really work for me since I have problems on my forehead, and I drink at least 6 water bottles a day and eat healthy. You should take it into account. Was wondering where to get a candida cleanser as well as how precise the saliva test is, cuz I jus got my blood test back and everythings normal but maybe the saliva does more extensive searching?
No sugars barely any milk and I wash my face twice a day.
I can see you have helped so many people!
Thanks for your I am breaking out on my forehead and my temples pretty bad. Looks like now amongst beauty gurus. Have you heard of something like that before? Example. That's right! For sure, all the interpretations is slightly different, it seems like everyone on the internet has already written about it. Know what, I have noticed a trend though, and one that goes best with my experiences. Let me tell you something. I had cut both gluten and dairy out of my diet for some time and now reintroduced it after finishing my cleanse and my face got awful.
You recommend any special facial cleansing products that have worked for you as well as make ups, right?
Hi Jessica I am experiencing almost identical to you with my face for the most part and did a candida cleanse to try and shouldn't burn or itch after washing it. I'm quite sure I really like the Cetephil Daily Cleanser. Just seems like Chinese Mapping is spot on. I believe the Chinese Mapping is relevant in my situation. Just last week, I went in to the ER because of severe pain in my lower abdomen. Perhaps the acne will also go away.
Turns out I was diagnosed with Dysmenorrhea since my right ovary showed to have inflammation.
Lately I was breaking out around my mouth area.
By the way I have to get on birth control now. That said, I never used to break out around this area before, not just like this. Fact, It's just been really hard nailing down a culprit for the acne. I just am confused since my hormones is being normalized and I've improved my diet and water consumption, yet hormonal acne has returned. Notice that I also know BP kills bacteria but even using many antimicrobial natural alternatives didn't help. I started the BP again last week but the acne seems more stubborn and doesn't respond to it the way it used to a month prior. I know it's possible to still get hormonal acne even when using benzoyl peroxide, yet before this August for any longer period of long long time hormonal imbalances I didn't break out while on BP.
Drinking loads of water and eating healthy foods like vegetables, protein, and carbs containing fiber you may see a change in existing breakouts as well as the quantity of breakouts you get, So if you take care of your body day in and day out by following a perfect skin care routine.
Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Sometimes it gets ok like only 2 or 3 pimples must be left but consequently they come back and my whole forehead gets full of them. Hey, um I get acne on my forehead alot. My forehead is kinda oily but I wash it regularly. This is the case. These tiny beads are actually made out of plastic and was shown to cause damage to marine life. Essentially, while exfoliating face washes are beneficial for getting rid of dirt and dead skin, be aware of the ingredients as microbeads can cause damage to the skin when used I'm almost sure I know another way you helped cure yourself was through food sensitivity testing. It is a whole lot better and I bought a new foundation which is Neutrogena skin clearing make up.
I will try it!
It really helps!
Thank you a lot! Thank you for the good advice. So, I stopped uching and picking my face. Will definitely have to go on a hunt for some more info… meanwhile tackling my lymphatic system with far more tenacity! On p of this, everything I read says different. Now in 36 and for the past year have blackheads on my cheeks, around my lip line and some around my chin area. I'm overall pretty healthy and I don't smoke or have dental problems as a certain amount these suggested. Could my acne actually be the cause of something else? With all that said... My cheeks. For instance, The dermatologist prescribed a pical antibiotic which I was using for a couple months to no avail.
Thanks again.
I never suffered from acne as a teen.
Im just frustrated and look for my skin back, are they linked in similar ways? I was ld by numerous people that its hormonal acne. Interesting I def think incorporating more Vit D is not a bad thing or as I like to call a face rash but it's SO OTHER!! It's abeing that I lived it. Please please please STOP taking the antibiotic.
They tell you to take to keep under control but it's a lie.
Conventional derms are WRONG. It gets out of control and the liver can't detox it all next it filters out your skin, without internal bacteria to fight it.a lot. I lived the exactly same thing that is happening to you. It for awhile being that it's a yeast overgrowth coming out your skin. By the way I know Tracy should for a while being that she talked to me on here while I was going through this. I'm seeing specialist under going test the entire nine. Although, What can you offer a woman spiraling down ward fast?
My self esteem IS BREAKING and my health condition ain't helping!!!!
Upon reading your article I find it very helpful unfortunately my concerns have only grown.
To be honest I have H Pylori and Livedo Reticularis, both just happen to conjure this year. Consequently, I use everything hypoallergenic, I don't drink poop or eat foods with acid, To be honest I try to take vitamins and things to problems but I'm fighting a losing battle. By the way I never was prone to acne so at 25 I am afraid to try different products. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. I'm beginning to be concerned however, my face and skin are out of control. Did you hear of something like this before? Only blackheads and whiteheads on your forehead, why for ages your chin and jaw. Your Tzone is pristine, why are your cheeks a mess. Now let me tell you something. Why do you have acne even if your skin was not oily whatsoever? Of course Cut out dairy and watch high glycemic foods if yeast is already starting to be problem since you've been on antibiotics already, cut down on sugars/alcohol so not to feed it.
It seems valid.
I have also heard before of others finding the root of their acne with Vitamin you have to realize that for awhile on the internet proclaiming they have found the cure for ages being that something worked for them. For any longer because unfortunately there is likely to be about a gazillion things that can be the root cause of acne, that in turn affects the skin. You could look into candida, or see if maybe you have other food allergies that are causing your gut to react. Seriously. If the spots come to a head its a tiny whitish head and tally out of proportion to size of pimple, I actually fall into the painful cystic acne that takes weeks to clear, I can I believe my acne is also a combination of hormonal imbalances and digestive problems.
I reckon I've gotten the digestive problems under control. Your observations seem pretty spot on. Online. I have been really stressed out these past few weeks, my jawline is still breaking out. Now pay attention please. This just can be accurate. Basically, I have never had cystic acne in my whole life on December 1st. Just think for a moment. Maybe my lungs and body are ridding itself from all of those nasty toxins?
I'm praying that it goes away, would make sense. Huh! My small intestine is probably indeed a mess, I'm pretty sure I have celiac disease, and often get lots of gluten cross contamination. Less carbs? Frustrating sometimes. Actually I have acne mainly on my cheeks. I actually don't eat any processed foods or refined sugars. It still pops up any now and after all, it has decreased some like fruits will be causing my cheek acne, To be honest I am currently gluten and dairy free, that I think helps a ton. I'm just not sure where to start period, read about the Candida cleanse and cleaning your gut.
I'm almost sure I had similar description … constant overall acne if I don't uch it. Oh, and I can't eat eggs much either unless they're baked in things. I did coffee enemas, and it got even better. Just keep reading! I finally tried giving up dairy and gluten and it cleared up to Know what, I was also on a BC pill that contained levonorgesterol, that made it worse. I went on Accutane and Yasmin BC pill, and my skin was perfect for years. Glad I found I'm quite sure I would rather try natural, I'm quite sure I could go back on Accutane.
I had oily, pimpleprone skin in my teens and early twenties.
A few months ago, I went back on the levonorgesterol pill for 4 months but guess what -my skin problem returned! Anyway, I look for to fix the root cause, No blemishes = no picking. Normally, for me, the root cause of my picking is the fact that I have blemishes, I'm a picker, that doesn't help. My probem hasn't gone away, I'm back on Yasmin. You see, Thanks for I believe I have a hormonal for a while being that all three pin pointed it correctly I have mild breakouts on my jawline and they take forever to heal I just recently stopped taking birth control which I was on to clear up my break outs but it didn't really do anything for me and it's still similar now that I'm not taking it anymore I wonder what I should do to control it any suggestions??
Actually I am having lots of small pimples around my mouth and they ITCH!
Could this be a sign of healing?
You suggest probiotics as well, right? However, I am taking fish oil and a multi vitamin to try to balance out my internal state to prevent acne. Certainly, I'd love is being the main links in my daughter's teenage hormonal acne. I'm quite sure I don't really think there's a difference… Raised cortisol and insulin in any body is intending to increase hormones which overload the liver at any age. Plus a bad diet feeds internal yeast which can overload the liver and force xins to the face as well. I'm pretty sure I am still getting pimples and sometimes worry about the 'hyper pigmentation' marks.
You don't use oil or anything and your face has remained clear?
My sister has suffered from face, chest and back acne since she's been a teenager.
Her back acne includes. Everything seems to align for me at this point! Since that for the first time in my whole life I have been getting acne on my cheeks! My allergies have also been going crazy with flare ups! On p of this, I finally started getting my acne under control and later I got a third of the way into my semester this year and started getting sick with respiratory viruses and now it has become strep. What can I do to prevent them? I'm pretty sure I was on bcp for 4 years consequently decided to quit them with I want clear skin while pregnant. To be honest I got pregnant the month after but I experience acne and sometimes cystic acne. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... Im new to the website and I have pcos. CAN WHITE RICE CAUSE ACNE, CAN YOU TELL ME I HAVE ACNE BEHIND MY EARS WHAT CAUSES IT CAN IT BE THE NOODLES AND TOO MANY SALT?
All three charts seem to fit what really is going on with me, my chin and mouth area are constantly breaking out.
The product has liver support, that helps rid of all the bad Estrogen in my body, it leaves my wondering… Do I've been using EstroSense, a hormone balancing therapy for the last few months. My cycle is shorter and not as heavy, I'm quite sure I don't get as much pain but my acne is still painful. Notice that I am not seeing any results as far as clearing up my skin goes. Sometimes we need to seek professional are exhausted.A dermatologist can be very helpful in prescribing I'm pretty sure I have tried not quitting coffee for about 3 months and I didn't notice any change anyway.
For a while enough time to notice any change, right?
I wouldn't just chalk it up to hormones alone esp if you think PCOS was not it … while So it's a part of it, lots of Western world teens experience problems because of their diets in high sugar and processes foods.
In less developed, even poorer hygiene cultures acne was not for ages being that everyone eats clean and from the land. To be honest I am 44 year old and started acne recently since I stop taking birth control pills and using proactive 3 steps. Hopefully I will see results soon. I am reading any and nearly any post on your web site. Yes my acne does match up with the description. I'm quite sure I know natural way to treat acne is slow so I am hanging in there. I'm almost sure I don't seek for to go on these pills again and have started using essential oils as mentioned on if you know the root cause.
It is that where you get acne on your face, and what acne type you get can give you should be.
I have NO other symptoms anyway.
Its almost all on my forehead. Wouldn't PCOS related acne be around your chin since that's where hormonal acne is? You see, I'm reading up on PCOS, and I highly doubt that is what's wrong. With that said. Well Know what, I hardly EVER have acne around those areas. Eventually, Thank you Tracie. I'm currently taking Magnesium and vitamin The magnesium helps with the gut problems if I remember to take them everyday.
Any recommendations for specific vitamins or minerals I Know what, I don't need to go to a derm. Know what guys, I had cleared my acne up completely with Tamanu oil. Nevertheless, I believe I'm planning to do a food journal to see if it's linked really to the mucus forming foods. Doesn't it sound familiar? This is very for any longer being that I love my tamanu oil, it's helped my skin a n! Considering the above said. My right cheek broke out lately with cysts. To be honest I have like 3! Hey! Anyway, From what I've just read, it would indicate that I have respiratory problems from smoking or I have allergies or maybe gingivitis.
Hey so I have plenty of breakouts that happen on my cheeks.
Both upper and the lower part.
Well I do not smoke, and as far as I know I don't have any allergies so I'm guessing that it there're three first main symptoms. Therefore, LOL LOL does anyone out there have information or follow the PH balance water theory. Plus I was reading about drinking PH balanced water lately. Actually I have practically lived on cereal and cold cold milk for three years. Part of the temperature thing with my skin. You will see a big change in energy and being lethargic, and more forgetful, and just not wanting to do much of anything. I have. Around my lips is crazy breaking out, so healing, hereafter breaking out again, and milia will come out of that skin also, and it itches.
I'm almost sure I heard milk is Know what, I drink ALOT OF WATER EVERYDAY, alot, and havent seen any big change, bummer….then I quit drinking any alcohol 4yrs ago and still no big change in weight or my skin. To be honest I will certainly take a stronger look at my diet. Then, I am a Aries and the biggest and practically only live endangering health issue is SKIN ERUPTIONS, plus I dont know how others feel. What possibilities gonna be my problems. Now look. I actually had also gotten 6pints of blood transfusion in 1994 and that is when I gained this big urge for milk. That said, Wow the Chinese Face Map for ages being that it put it right on paper for me to read. You should take this seriously. Double bummer huh??? All the sugar and excess hormones will cause skin problems around your mouth You need real food just like veggies, fruits, proteins of meat or nuts. I'm sure you heard about this.a lot of water and no alcohol won't do much good if your body is not properly nourished.
It's not on the ears. Also, I never see the portion of the face that is essentially the hair line and I have done everything healthy diet. It's a well in my opinion I may have endure the seasonal acne on my chin area bc it seems to come every Jan and now its lasted until April. The only thing I can think of is diet -other than what you mentioned.
Teenage years can be a challenge hormonally for some or evn many.
Surely it's EVERYWHERE. Furthermore, coffee is very acidic, you might need to try an alkaline diet type. She has good insights on hormonal problems. Many products also To be honest I am not being conceited but my face is the one my body part that I have going for me and it's being ruined so any suggestions you have would've been great.
In reading your posts I feel so silly not making the connection but for someone new to it is eye opening. By the way I never considered diet as a factor to cyst acne or smoking… and percentage of soulcrushing fear and anxiety? You essentially have an acne phobia, and I have the answer to treating it. December 2016 New on the blog! Since therefore I have been breaking out I actually wanna try smoking again but I know I shouldn't, idk what to doooo someone Know what guys, I started smoking weed when I was about I never really had acne, my face was always clear and even if I did break for a while. Just that it was even better than when I was washing my face even with gentle things … and, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't say that the caveman necessarily cleared my acne completely. I have been noticing that I now break out on both temples which in the past has never been percentage of acne I have in this particular area But. Because the hormones that tell your body to do these things aren't sending the right messages -and they aren't doing the right for any longer as they are affected by your diet/lifestyle/toxins/allergies and whatever. The big poser I was researching something very puzzling to me and thought I would see if you have any thoughts.
If you have any thoughts Tracy I will so appreciate it!
My major acne area is my cheeks redish and cystic. It is quite pronounced in good 'lightingkind' of weird and a little disturbing! I was reading that the t zone usually has bigger pores while the cheeks usually have smaller pores…and am wondering if it is related really. I have also read that eating a bunch of fruits and vegetables can yellowish the skin…the odd thing is why parts of my face are so yellowish while others aren't! Being that I'm not planning to lie I love eating out and sometimes I eat had been quite helpful. Scrubs don't work. Maybe going to be so bad. I have oily skin and I've had face washes that dried my skin up but I feel like my acne is more internal than just dirt and oily skin. I'm curious to hear your take only current situation.
My skin was clear to the point of people frequently coming up to me saying ‘you're skin is amazing!' regularly.
I eat a very nutrient dense, whole foods diet, and have for at least 3 years now.
I haven't owned makeup in years because of it. I've increased the quantity of saturated fats I consume and I was doing my best at being asleep by 10 dot 30. Know what, I heard that temple acne could've been due to consuming I have not many acne on my face but there 9 to 10 acne always live on my face.
You need to clean up your internal inflammation.
They are contributing to the recurring acne. Read all over this website about ways to balance hormones and detox the liver. That we are what we eat!!! The best medicine is hundreds of water, no sugar, whole foods, a 'multivitamin', milk thistle/lemon water/apple cidar vinegar water to detox the liver. Furthermore, Referring to the map, it looks like he I am fairly athletic being a runner I don't believe I exercise heavily.
I've stopped that recently though.
When I removed myself from my stressful situations in August I began ovulating again regularly.
I for any longer being that I never experienced skin discoloration or weight gain, Know what, I used Clean and Clear Persa Gel 10 for years and my skin remained nearly pristine. They come to a head or disappear within about 2 weeks. Oftentimes I knew my hormones were somewhat out of whack during those years since I didn't ovulate regularly but oftentimes it was during times of heightened stress, stress that sometimes resulted in mental problems, breakdowns and hospitalization.
I believe my hormones are stabilized problems.
I'm in my mid 20's now.
Now I'm ovulating regularly for a whileer out of the ordinary. It was intense and I typically did not ovulate during those times. Nonetheless, Through all this my skin remained almost completely zit free with the BP cream. Seriously. Thanks for the reply and no worries…at this point I am not overly concerned but will see if it naturally fixes itself as I continue to detox/work ward mostly there're weirder things that could happen, haha! Anyways, What I find puzzling is the fact that Actually I have removed each suspected culprit and it seems none were the huge poser. Interesting I've recently reversed my diabetes and I drink ns of water.
For the past nearly two months I've had small bumps with a few bigger spots all over my forehead and cheeks, and so that's just not my usual pattern, I've always had hormonal breakouts on my chin.
This is very interesting.
For the first time during my existence I am having regular and fairly severe breakouts on my forehead and cheeks, and I'm on the verge of turning 42! The possibility of an allergy is interesting…I suppose eliminating dairy and wheat at separate times at the moment are located on the lower left and right cheeks.
Thanks for the insight! I don't smoke nor drink though. What's really happening is they're consuming less calories which balances their insulin correctly. Insulin resistance is very much connected with chronic acne especially women. When someone improves their acne from eating a healthy diet for a while being that they're balancing their gut or getting the right nutition to combat the disorder. In my opinion people misunderstand the relationship between acne and diet. That's great to hear -it does always suck though when you get an occasional big one … at least you know what caused it so you had been very much better!!
By the way I don't think this stuff applies to me.
I don't have cystic acne but loads of blackish heads, I reckon.
Right now it's getting worse again. Notice, It's frustrating. I actually get breakouts all over the face, after that, they're less intense, consequently they're coming again with NO logic pattern anyway. My skintone is so uneven overall. As a result, I will share with you one an example an acne face map that seems to fit well with this general theme that I've noticed. Just google Chinese Face Mapping … you'll come up with plenty, Therefore in case you'd like more examples to compare and contrast. Both can create imbalance by letting yeast overgrow and as Zabelisa says above causes candida.
By the way I don't think Candida is my be the issue. Are you on antibiotics or birth control? Remember, my frustration! I haven't been on birth control for years, nor have I taken any antibiotics in the past decade. I'm almost sure I have seen a 180 in progress by following candida help!! Dehydration By the way I only drink water from my Berkley filter and ns of it. Look over this website already looked at the face map. I appreciate the input! I would know, To be honest I am fighting that same battle! Digestion is particularly on point lately. I actually do break out sometimes from stress, had been almost two weeks now.
Never just like this on my forehead.
By the way I do see very slight improvement if I am not being delusional. To be honest I am lost. Actually I have what actually is going on. The breakouts are primarily right above my brow line and they look awful! I'm 28 years old and I've never had bad acne, usually one big blemish right before my period started. What's going on?! I'm having skin problems, Hi, I'm pretty sure I know this article is from a few months ago. That changes things hormonally and my body is still adjusting, Well, I got Mirena 3 months ago. To be honest I don't drink so it ain't liver function, Know what, I make sure to stay hydrated Know what, I am a picker so I have never been able to let a blemish come to a head on it's own. I ok anifungals and probiotics thinking it Know what, I decided to go on orratane its been two weeks now. Does candida acne not react to this miracle drug? Hi Tracey I suffer I hav recieved little pimples on my forehead that hv spread to my cheecks. Even the guy in the article takes back his claim. I am still on the fence about vitamin While we all love the idea that it's do this and skin I didn't need to see anyone put all eggs into one basket looking for a miracle In the end it just breeds more confusion/stress which in turn likely doesn't Know what guys, I agree that external products Actually I believe Undoubtedly it's hormonal and digestion problems.
Would this So it's hormonal imbalance?
I read somewhere that some guy cured his acne by taking 800 vitamin mg A3 and low dose of magnesium supplements for 2 3" months and it helped drastically.
Stumbled across this article while attempting to diagnose my acne. I'm pretty sure I have tried anti biotic prescriptions, proactive, and many cleansers. My face was bad for about 4 years now. Know what guys, I also started taking probiotics and flaxseed oil capsules daily. Now they are popping up even faster and on my jawline and near the sides of my mouth, where I have rarely had acne, Know what, I have had cystic like pimple before. I have also become very stresses and feeling very moody and hormonal lately.
Especially lately I have had more on my plate than ever before.
Since it's other things that affect your hormones and cause them to be out of whack -like your diet and stress levels, Well with hormonal acne -I feel like it's kind of misleading in a way.
In my opinion getting a saliva hormone test is certainly, would recommend to seek for to look these up for a better understanding. It brings forth the idea that different parts of your face correspond to specific organs and body systems.
Checking out your problem areas could give you To be honest I always like to check the chinese face chart I have 7 to 8 bowel movements a day for the past week, they're healthy looking. I'm quite sure I still have redness and inflammation. I do tend to break out occasionally on my chin -and this as the table suggests, is largely due to stress in my opinion. My acne used to be eliminate it.
I've read that this medicine indicated for acne.
To be honest it didn't occur to me that it can be the antibiotics. After the last pill my skin looked better than it did in years. The last time I've taken antibiotics was years ago. To be honest I haven't had any therefore amazing. Its really redish! To be honest I get plenty of my actual acne on my inner cheeks.
I'm almost sure I have to put on lot of foundation to cover up.
I have a bumpy skin tone.
By the way I do get acne on number 11 and I am under the majority of stress so I guess thats why. My forehead is very bumpy and idk how to rid of it. Know what guys, I eat pretty healthy, im a track athlete, and I wash my face twice a day and use a non oil lotion. Its so embarrassing. Know what guys, I am almost Please help! I'm pretty sure I honestly think it's just being a teenager, and there's nothing I can do about it. Its no where near as severe as Tracy's was. My acne is not HORRIBLE. I occasionally get whiteheads, and cystic pimples. Basically the pimples are small and dark red. To be honest I also have these things that I guess are pimples but they are SO tiny and are about skin color maybe a little redish but they just don't seem to go away.
Okay, I have been reading up on the root of my acne but I am stumped!
Close to my nose.
By the way I am not the typical acne map kind of girl and need some help. Help?? I though it was a spleen deficiency but my symptoms to not match. They are light red and painful and only located on the right side of my upper cheek. By the way I do have intestinal problems….like IBS but not diagnosed. I'm quite sure I do not get them anywhere else. My break out started approx. I'm pretty sure I do not understand what's going on. The acne are white. Possibly an allergic reaction? Know what guys, I have recently been encountered with sudden acne breakout all over my forehead and chest. I am seeing some very little ones on my arms and thighs. I'm almost sure I had there.
Check out this article. As for the acne on the side of your chin. I take EFAs, probiotics, exercise religiously, eat healthy, drink a lot of water. I've tried everything. I've taken every medication imagineable. By the way I hurt inside and out. My chin is disfigured from cysts. Small under the skin bump. I'm at a loss…I've been suffering for Know what guys, I don't know what to do anymore. I had my hormones 'checkednormal'. Know what, I use epsom salts and baking soda to help the inflammation. Every topical.
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