#c&b: descender
justaz · 1 month
sick and tired of the needing to know every aspect and technicality of a ship’s domestic life. “theyre two boys, how will they have kids” idk thru the power of homosexuals?? stop asking me, why does it matter???
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sanjism · 1 year
i really love that zoro doesn't have a super traumatizing backstory, unlike his counterparts in other anime series whose stoic demeanor is attributed to experiencing immense hardship as a kid. zoro is just a less emotional guy, doesn't need an explanation
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Spoilers for Lesson 16
(There will be spelling mistakes until Tumblr let's me edit my tags without deleting the whole thing)
How come none of y'all aren't equally or atleast some what mad/hurt by Barbatos and Diavolo about what happened in Lesson 16?
Sure Belphie was the one that killed (a) Mc, but Barbatos and Diavolo knew that was going to happen in that universe and happily sent Mc. We know this because Barbatos address Mc in the lesson with a quick, "don't worry I picked the timeline where you live, Mc". Also canonically Barbatos can't use his powers without Diavolo's permission. You can't convince me that Diavolo wouldn't have known he was sending Mc to their death.
They are both complacent! They literally set Mc's death in motion!
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pale-fairytales · 5 months
Naruto rant leggo
Okay. Neji, right? Neji fucking Hyuga.
I always loved him. I don't even know why, I just always felt weirdly connected to him. 12 year old me just looked at him and said "he is my little meow meow." And I still love him.
But god I just realized the depth of how tragic his situation is.
Imagine this; your dad is an identical twin. Your dad/your side of the family isn't as valued as the main one. And your dad volunteers his life to protect your clan. And following the day you lost your dad, every single day, you see someone walking around who looks just like him, but you know it isn't him.
Imagine it. How many times must Neji have accidentally called him 'Father' when he was younger just because for a moment, just a moment, he wanted to pretend that his father was still around? How many times must Neji think he's seeing a ghost when he looks at Hiashi, wondering if his father would have looked any different from Hiashi now if he hadn't had to die? How many times must he have reached for hands that he knows will never reach back?
Just. Imagine how heartbreaking that must have been. It absolutely doesn't excuse how he treated Hinata during the Chunin exams, and it definitely doesn't justify his resentment towards her. But god. This poor kid had to grow up not even being given the opportunity to decide his own destiny—he's mired into a box imposed by his clan, his father is essentially the sacrificial lamb.
I feel like the tragedy of Naruto is how much everyone loses all the time. Everyone has lost someone in horrific ways in Naruto—but it seems like no one in the show/manga can see that. Maybe it's just so normalized that there isn't really any semblance of 'this should not happen!' Or 'this should not be normal!'
Obviously, it could be worse for Neji; he could be like Sasuke, or Naruto, or any of the other orphans who don't have anyone. But god it's so sad to think that every day he has to see someone who has always treated him differently because he's a side branch of the Hyuga, someone who his father died for, and he reminded that his father is not here anymore. I feel like it's even worse because Hiashi looks just like Neji's father! It's that uncanny valley effect—like seeing a ghost but knowing it isn't that person who died!
Alright, okay, rant over.
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shiftycatstudios · 1 year
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Ships n' Sidekick Sketches / Resident Evil Edition #2! This is like...mostly a Leon edition...I ship him with pretty much everyone heh [Part 1 Here]
⭐ Insta / Ko-Fi ~ @theshiftycat ⭐ Everything Else ~ @shiftycatstudios ⭐ Link Tree
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
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Ben's Council Meeting scenes (Pt. 1) from The Isle of the Lost graphic novel, as requested by @cleverqueenchild
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plothooksinc · 1 year
Hmm. The other original file!
I'm not sure anything in the actual file is worth snippeting, so instead let me give you what led to this. I had a dream. This is what I called one of my dark-fae dreams not so long ago, and it was fascinating enough I wrote it up. People who used to follow me on LJ will remember this:
So the story goes...
There once was a demon in feudal Japan who terrorised a province until the Daimyo rode out to combat him, at which point he slew the Daimyo and his warriors and claimed the castle for his own. He ruled the province with fear and bloodshed for many years, taking a human wife and human servants and survived many assassination attempts, for the demon was immortal and had only one weakness - one which was a secret he carefully guarded.
There was a man who wandered Japan and he was known only as the Fool. He knew many things he shouldn't because his curiosity was insatiable and led him into the darkest places, and in the darkest he stumbled on the secret of the demon's weakness: the purity of a particular song, sung by an unspoiled maiden. He was discovered in turn by the demon's servants, and fled. The demon received word and ordered the Fool to be hunted down, and he was chased for many weeks, fleeing from one village to the next.
Finally the demon ordered villages to be put to the flame one at a time so that the Fool had nowhere left to run. The Fool was a fool, but he was no coward. So he rode up to the castle itself and surrendered to the guards and was brought before the demon.
"You must die," said the demon, "because you know too much. But you have shown honour in surrendering today, so I will let you choose the manner of your death. Poison, or my claws?"
"I will take poison, my Lord," said the Fool amiably. "Your claws frighten me, and perhaps poison will give me time to make peace with my ancestors."
"Then I will give you the slowest poison I have," the demon said with a smile that was almost kind, and brought forth a cup.
The Fool drank it and curled on the floor, and after a moment he began to sing.
The demon laughed, for he recognised the song, but the Fool was no unspoiled maiden. "You are wasting your time," he said. "Die quietly. There is no one here that can take up this song for you."
The Fool kept singing, his voice strong even as the poison began to eat at his stomach, louder over the jeers of the demon, even as the demon's guards shifted and wondered at the strange bravery of the man before them. And one by one they also began to sing.
The demon recognised the danger of this. "Stop," he said. "I will kill any man who takes this refrain further."
His guards kept singing, and so the demon rose to his feet and began to slay them, killing all in the room but he and the Fool. And then amidst the corpses, he walked to the Fool's side and knelt, cradling the dying man gently. "Your efforts are brave but futile," he said. "Stop now. I will make your death swift and painless instead."
The Fool sang to the demon instead, and the demon sighed. There was no one to hear him now, and it did not matter, so the demon listened to the Fool and did nothing. But in his weakness for the man's honour, the demon left himself open to attack from a quarter he had not expected.
Drawn by the noise of the killing, his wife appeared at the door behind them, cradling their youngest child. The wife had been taken by force and hated her husband, but the girl she carried had not even reached four and was genuinely loved by the demon, and thus far had remained untouched by the horrific nature of the castle. The wife listened to the song, and she smiled, bowing her head down to whisper in her daughter's ear.
"Look," she said, "Your father likes this song. Why don't you sing it for him too?"
And the little girl brightened, opened her tiny mouth and sang for the demon. He cried out at once, feeling her childish melody like poison in his own veins, and he reeled upright, intent on crushing her throat before she could continue. But now he was weak. The wife picked up the sword of a fallen guard and ran it through her husband's chest.
Then she walked to the side of the Fool, convulsing on the ground now, the poison a bright line of pain from his lower gut to his chest. "Truly, you are a Fool," she said. "My role here was nothing but the purest luck. How could you do this to yourself when you must have realised your gesture was futile?"
"But it wasn't," the Fool said. "Do not mock luck, my lady. Sometimes it is all we have."
Then he died.
The demon did not take kindly to dying in this way, tricked at the hands of a Fool. Even in death, he promised vengeance upon the Fool's descendants, and being a travelling man the Fool had left several children behind him. When the demon himself was finally reborn, he vowed, he would track those descendants down and murder them, quick and sure.
In modern times, a young woman sweeps the floor of a cafe and is ordinary in every way. Her mother had been crazy and whispered of demons before she died, and now the woman lives on, humming the bars of a song that she has known as long as her memory has existed.
-------- Suzubell was my vague notion that, actually, I could probably draw this out and write the story of the descendant in question, and I'm still very interested in doing so! But thus far I'm having difficulty making it work, if only because I'm not exactly sure where to start. Like. I've had several attempts, and I often circled back to this when I just wanted to try writing something that came with no strings attached. I do need to remind myself that first drafts are first drafts for a reason and it's okay if pacing is weird or whathaveyou, so I will come back to this!
(But also, it may be that this serves far better as just this tiny little fable, of the Fool and the Demon. Decision pending, I guess. ♥)
Wip meme here!
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myrskytuuli · 2 years
Hey! Hey you, the person who made our math textbook!! What the fuck does this mean???? I start the lesson by telling the kids that the verbal exercises are important so they can prepare for the real world applications of mathematics, but my good fellow! What the hell is this?? We aren’t supposed to introduce them to the futility of reason until at least the next grade.
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thebluestbluewords · 2 years
To the person who sent me an anon about Carlos and Ruggie having Good Friend Potential:
You are so right and I’m going to spend my entire day at work thinking about the best way to make this ungodly crossover happen!
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writers-potion · 4 months
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Writing Magicians
If you are drafting or deepening a magician character, consider these personality traits and common characteristics of magicians. Your magician doesn't have to be set in stone or have all of these traits.
Magic requires a critical, quick, analytical mind to practice and implement. Must be capable of making difficult decisions.
Good Memory
For memorizing spells, potions ingredient lists, rituals and anatomy of magical creatures.
Magicians need to adapt existing spells and rituals to the situation
Self-disciplined and focused
Casting a spell or conducting a ritual requires the magicians to have unwavering focus and self-control.
Magic takes time to practice, especially if it's not a talent that you're born with. You also need patience to calm your human sacrifices down and make those stupider than you understand what's going on.
Highly trained
Mere talent is not enough. Practice - and pain - makes perfect.
Magicians will have a spell/an element/a potion they are exceptionally good at
Many forms of magic involve drumming or chanting, or even singing.
Many forms of magic are linked with religious practices or concepts. Your magician might be heralded as a spiritual saint, or hunted for being a heathen.
Prayers are often a part of magic rituals.
Magicians are always keen to learn more, expanding their skills range, acquiring news spells, understanding different forms of magic and exploring scientific subjects.
Many magicians will amass books, or sign up for every available online class.
Well-orgnized and Methodical
The best magicians always have information and ingredients at hand and know where to find them.
They prepare thoroughly before rituals and have Plan B,C,D ready
Many magicians like quietude and solitude in which they can recharge to practice a new spell in peace.
However, some magicians love social gatherings, maybe even showing off their power.
Magic gives a person power, and requires moral judgements to apply this power wisely. You magician protagonist will be ethically challenged, but pull through difficult decisions guided by his good heart.
You magician villains, of course, will fall due to their unethical practice of power.
Sharp Sense
Your magician is likely to have a goos sense of smell/sight/sound, so that they can tell poisons part and catch the exact note of the chant.
Descended from Magicians
Magic is often portrayed as a talent that is passed down generations. It can be of blood (you must have "magical blood", so to speak), or it can be a guarded family secret.
On the flip side, your hero can be the only one with magical talent in a family with no such powers.
Although magical and psychic gifts are separate matters, the power of foresight is often considered a branch of magic.
If your hero is a psychic, make sure it has limitations and consequences!
Day Job
Few magicians practice openly. Even if the magician earns money from her practice, she'd want to disguise her identity and pretend to work a more everyday job.
Many modern magicians work in the medical sector; other are employed in scientific, engineering or the arts field.
Magicians are known for thei close relationships with animals.
This can be a typical pet, or a mythical animal, or perhaps an incarnation of the devil, who knows?
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
WHB Series #1 (cont.)
Minhyeok: *seems to space out a lot*
His friends: ...
Friend A: You okay, man? *taps him on the shoulder*
Minhyeok: Oh, yes. Were you saying something?
His friends: ...
Friend B: Your mind is always in the clouds. Is everything okay at home?
Friend C: Oh, and where's MC? We haven't seen them lately.
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: They have to go somewhere.
His friends: They went overseas?!
Friend A: Ah... Now I get it. You're worried they'll come back with someone.
Friend B: That sounds tough.
Friend C: You should've confessed before they left.
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: *moping in his room*
Minhyeok: *sigh* If only there's a way to know what they're doing.
Ppyong: There is, aye!
Minhyeok: !!!
Minhyeok: Who are you?!
Ppyong: Don't be scared, aye! My name is Ppyong! His Majesty Satan's trusted devil, aye!
Minhyeok: Satan...
Minhyeok: *grabs Ppyong* Are you with MC?! How they're doing?!
Ppyong: C-Calm down, aye!
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: Sorry.
Ppyong: *clears throat* Anyway, I'm here to share with you the news about the descendant of Solomon, aye! *smiles*
Ppyong: They found a way to cure the devils who'd been turned into angels, aye! And they could turn an angel into a demon, aye!
Ppyong: And not just that, they're doing great on the battlefield, aye!
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: I see. That's good to know.
Ppyong: You don't look quite happy, aye?
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: Is there a demon they're getting close to?
Ppyong: *laughs*
Minhyeok: ...
Ppyong: The descendant of Solomon is not interested in any demon, aye!
Minhyeok: ...Are you sure?
Ppyong: Aye!
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: *chuckles* Of course.
MC: ...
MC: What are you two doing here?
Leamas and Nina: *are waiting for them in their room*
Leamas: We want to serve you from now on.
Nina: I'll prepare your bath, while Samael cleans your room.
MC: ...
MC: I don't need servants. Get out.
Leamas: But-
MC: You don't owe me anything. It was pure luck the seeds worked.
Leamas and Nina: ...
Nina: In that case, please let us return the favor.
MC: *raised their eyebrow in confusion*
Leamas: The other kings are planning to visit Gehenna soon.
MC: The other kings?
Nina: They've heard about your contributions.
MC: Okay. But what does that have to do with me?
Leamas: Angels are not only attacking Gehenna but also the other countries in hell.
Nina: Now that they've learned about the existence of the seeds of the damned, we're certain that they will seek you.
MC: Hm, I'm not trying to keep the seeds all to myself.
Leamas: That's not the case here.
Nina: You might probably get kidnapped.
Leviathan: We need to get the descendant of Solomon on our side as soon as possible.
Barbatos: Haven't they already promised allegiance to hell?
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: I'm not confident that human will keep their word for very long.
Leviathan: Foras.
Foras: *appears* Yes, Your Majesty Leviathan.
Leviathan: Bring the human to me by the end of the day.
Foras: Yes, Your Majesty Leviathan. *then disappears*
Leviathan, Barbatos, and Glasyalabolas: ...
Glasyalabolas: So how are we going to welcome the descendant of Solomon?
Barbatos: With open arms, of course!
Leviathan: ...
Barbatos: I'm just kidding, Your Majesty Leviathan.
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trendywaifus · 4 months
thinking about robin’s head game. one more robin drabble might be posted tdy. (i love robin, im totally normal about her like i am for stelle.) . cw: blowjob, handjob, teasing, petnames gn! reader with a dick
ROBIN’s shiny pink lips presses sticky kisses to your reddened cockhead, elicting a soft whine from you. she’s sat between your legs, long, teal locks pulled up into a ponytail, and pearly emerald eyes gauging your reaction. her soft hand leisurely strokes your shaft up and down, wrist skillfully rolling occasionally as she nears towards the top. sensitive, you gnaw at your bottom lip, watching a bead of precum spill from your slit and robin is quick to use it as lube and smear it all your shaft. “ robin, robin, robin. .” you chant breathlessly and she hums, sticking her tongue out to give one of the prominent veins a long lick.
“ that’s my name, sweetie. “ the halovian woman teases, wings fluttering softly at the cute sound of another whine escaping your reddened lips. “ n-need you. .“ you pant, her brows raise as a patient smile adorns her angelic features. you’re so pretty like this, dazed (e/c) eyes are half open and you’re looking at everywhere but her. she can see the thin layer of sweat coat your face, allowing your skin to shine. “ need me to do what? tell me and i’ll do my best to satisfy my sweetheart. “
“ i-i want your lips around me—to suck me off, please robin. .“ you breathe, hips buckling to robin’s relaxed strokes. she giggles and you can feel her hand massage your tensed thigh. “ i can do that, “ your lover says, her thumb tracing nonexistent shapes on your skin. “ but i have one wish before i do. “
you eagerly bob your head, pulling another giggle from robin. “ mhm, mhm, tell me, i’ll do anything.” heavens, you’re so cute.
“ easy, my sweet, it’s just one small wish. i want you to keep your eyes on me, can you do that for me? “
your lidded eyes finally connects with hers, robin’s smile curls bigger. like how you wanted, she circles her plush lips around the leaking head of your length and tastes the slight bitter taste of your precum. she slowly sinks down, her hot muscle flattens against you. “ o—oh my, mmm. . “ you let out a moanful groan, eyeing her as she takes you down to the hilt. her nose brushes against your groin and she lingers there. you can feel your cock head poke at the back of her throat. your fingers thread into the beige covers, scrunching them up as your hand balls into a fist.
“ a-ah, robinnn. “ you slurr, throat turning dry instantly when robin makes heavy eye contact with you on the call of her name. she returns back up, apple cheeks hollowing. her saliva covers your throbbing cock. the teal–haired woman then does it all over again, barely gagging and taking her time. the flithy, slippery sound of robin slurping on your cock has you gritting your teeth.
“ b-baby st-top, i might cum early. “ you moaned, feeling yourself twitch more and more in her hot mouth. a muffled noise similar to a giggle reverberates through her and the vibration makes your toes curl. you watch her ascend back up until her slick lips are just wrapped around the tip. robin’s moist tongue swirls around it, edging you towards your release. her hands squeezes your thighs, the edges of her wings brushing against your skin.
drool runs down the corner of your parted lips. “ r-robin, pleaseee. “ you beg, a thick cloud of lust blankets your mind. she doesn’t stop, her tongue playfully licks at your twitching head before she descends back down again. the bed dips as you recline on your elbows, watching her with uneven breaths through your nose. your hips jolt when robin sucks particularly hard at your shaft, ripping a choked cry and an orgasm from you.
“ I’m cumming, baby, i-i’m—nngh! “ robin watches with delight as your eyes roll to the back of your skull, globs of thick cum spills from your twitching member and into her awaiting mouth. she swallows as much as she can but it was still too much; cum seeps through the corners of her filled mouth, running down your cock. lightheaded, you fall on your back, legs shaking from release.
“ i-i told you to stopp . . “
you can feel robin kiss your quivering thighs and she transitions herself over you with a sweet apologetic smile on her glossy lips. “ i’m sorry, i enjoy seeing your reactions. you’re so responsive to my touch, it’s adorable, my song. “ she places another kiss on your warm cheek. you pout, closing your tired eyes in bliss as the renowned singer starts to pepper your face with feathery kisses. “ robin, you missed a spot. lips, please. “ you mutter, tugging her body down and her weight lightly rests on top of you.
she fully press her smiling lips against yours, slender fingers slithering into your hair and tenderly scratches at your scalp. lips parting, your tongue swipes across her bottom lip. robin opens her mouth and you almost immediately taste yourself on her tongue. she comfortably adjusts herself against you, ‘unintentionally’ rubbing against your half-hardened cock. your breath hitches in her mouth.
“ i-i think i want more, robin. “ you gulp as she pulls away.
“ more of what? “ you almost huff at the knowing smile in her voice.
“ more of you. you’re leaving for tour in the morning, right? i don’t want our time together to be wasted. “
robin hums, her wings swaying happily at your words. “ yes, i am. i’m glad you feel the same way because i wasn’t going to leave here until your pretty voice is engraved in my memory. “
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moseslikellamas · 3 months
♱𖣂 Redfork Menace ♱𖣂
Benjicot Blackwood x Bracken!OC
Summary - On the night of a record storm, Shanda Bracken sneaks into the land between the Brackens and the Blackwoods known as the Borderlands. Hoping to do routine reconnaissance she gets more than she bargained for when the guard on duty is the Blackwood heir himself.
Warnings - fem!reader, mentions of violence, fighting, suspense, female rage, strained family dynamics, complicated relationships, adult language, period typical misogyny, not cannon compliant, kieran burton fancast, terminal benji brainrot
Word count - 2.5k
There will be more!! Bc I am feral.
Pt. 1 of 11 currently
The sound of the wind hammering against the castle walls seemed as if it intended to blow Stone Hedge down. The gods were angry with them but Shanda couldn’t figure a reason for it now. Beyond that, she had plans tonight. Plans that wouldn’t wait for a storm, no matter how great. As she carefully pulled her hood up, she peeked around the ground floor column again. Empty, she’d timed it just right. Quickly she ducked through the room and down the servants staircase descending as fast as she could manage. The kitchens were empty and she did not linger, quietly making her way outside.
The wind threatened to steal the door from her grip when she finally thrust it open. Nearly falling down the steps, she managed to firmly shut the door. Gazing out at the darkened yard, lightning flashed for a moment illuminating the path ahead. Shanda moved with haste, if her father caught her out here again… It was best not to think about that. The only reason she’d gotten this shot was thanks to her brother. Martyn was on guard tonight and had agreed to look the other way as it were.
Shanda was on her way to the borderlands. It was stupid, reckless and irresponsible behavior. That was undoubtedly true, however the reward was worth the risk in her mind. Her father happened to disagree with that sentiment but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. She’d been on these missions to the borderlands three times prior, always sneaking up behind Blackwood guards and listening to their private conversations. They were all terrible gossips and it didn’t take long for them to start disclosing secrets. She wasn’t stupid, she was quiet and didn’t stick around long. Choosing different spots to spy on each time she came and ensuring she left no tracks to be followed back by. That’s why the approaching storm was perfect. She’d show up, steal some intel and let the rain wash all of her tracks away.
Outside of the gates in the free and clear, Shanda made her way into the dense, tall grass that acted as an excellent cover. She’d made sure to wear dark wash colors and opted for trousers under her thick cloak. The night was silent, with all of the animals hiding away from the incoming storm, the only sound came from the howling winds blowing across the ocean of grass she hid in. The moon was obscured by clouds and she had to stop often to squint into the distance to orient herself. But before long she could hear the blackwood guards' voices carried by the winds.
“… declare for the new ki…” “It won’t matter will it? Not if… certainly a c… olent swine!…”
Shanda frowned as she approached as far as she dared. The wind was working against her it seemed. There were two guards, both unremarkable to her. Black haired, tall, enemies. The only thing she wanted was a better chance at hearing them. They sat close together, the broader one closest to her had his back positioned towards her, while she could see the profile of the smaller man. He appeared older, and wore a sour look on his face. He seemed to be the one doing most of the speaking.
“… ell him, I will. He’s the lord of… crimes against us in our own land, it doesn’t b…”
She strained to hear against the roar of the leaves shivering in their branches as the wind picked up again and the voices rose louder in it.
“Get a grip! And don’t bother me about it anymore!”
She crouched low and lay still when the older man abruptly got up and gazed over at the field where she lay hidden before storming away. She ducked back into the grass, hand poised on a borrowed dagger. Her heart was racing but after a few moments of nothing she carefully peeked back out. The younger man sat alone now still, with his head in his hands. She waited for a good thirty minutes in silence. Then she weighed her options. She hadn’t gotten much of anything and it had taken a lot to get back out here. Going back now was unsatisfactory. On the other hand, it didn’t seem like the guard was sending a replacement and the lone man apparently didn’t feel like talking to himself anytime soon. She resolved to wait a while longer when the rain started.
At first it was just a bit of cold hard rain pelting down at her but it quickly turned into a deluge unlike any she’d ever seen. All other thoughts flew out of her mind in the present moment except getting out of the rain. The problem was she kept slipping, caught in a tangle of mud and grass. A clap of thunder rang out so loud she jumped, nearly crying out in fear. Half drowning as she looked up, she noticed the fire put out and the guard missing.
“Shit.” Her eyes scanned all around her but it was a pointless exercise. She couldn’t see anything from the sheer amount of water in her eyes, the world a big muddy blob as her vision clouded over.
“Come on.” She commanded herself, standing and making a run for it. That is to say she tried to run, the mess of weeds and mud wrapped around her legs made her slip. The fall knocked the breath out of her and she lay there stunned, watching the rain fall for a moment gathering the mental strength to try again. She never did though, the knife in the ground beside her head inches from her eye was the motivating factor.
Moving with a deftness she hadn’t possessed moments before, she was up, grip tight on her own weapon as she moved to strike. Her assailant was quick and it was sheer luck he hadn’t struck true on the first blow. Shanda took care to stay out of his attack range. Using their height differences to her advantage, she would duck in and slice. But she hasn't made contact even once. The rain is so thick it's suffocating and it becomes increasingly more clear that she is outmatched here.
“Fucking spy! I’ll kill you.” His voice is rough but carries over the rain.
She has no doubt he means it, the Blackwood’s are all brutes. She tries to get a good look at him, but he snags her cloak and a struggle ensues. His strength doubles her own and she decides instantly to cut the fabric. A clap of thunder rings out like an explosion, shaking the ground beneath them. Or is it him shaking her? The last thread snaps and she’s free again. This time she doesn’t waste a second before turning heel and running. There’s a league of borderlands between her and home, the run is agony.
Worst of all, the guard has set upon chasing her screaming obscenities the entire way. If she weren’t terrified she would commend his lung capacity . Hers was waning and the ground grew softer and softer as they went. She sprints hard aiming for the clutch of trees approaching. She can’t keep this pace up for much longer, her ankle screamed from the earlier fall and her breath is ragged. She doesn’t slow as she enters the cover of the canopy. It’s quieter here and she tries to move with care aware her pursuer is still there. She can now make out his taunts.
“Coward! Be a man. Stop hiding like a babe.”
“Did the rain waterlog your mind? Or are all spies brazen fools?”
Panting behind a tree she rested for a second before darting behind another. It would be worse for him to discover she couldn’t man up and fight him. She berated herself for messing up, for staying when she should have left. She should've called it early and packed up when the first guard left. Better yet, if she hadn’t come at all like her father had commanded. Heaving gasps of air, soaked to the bone in the pitch darkness probably wasn’t the time to have second thoughts though.
It was then she acknowledged how quiet it was, the rain muffled by the trees was distant. Hopefully it was dying down while she rested but the mongrel hunting her had gone silent. And that did not bode well for her she knew. Now she moved as delicately as possible, working to disturb no branch or leaf as she crept through the trees. It was impossibly dark and it was memory alone that guided her forward. Shanda had been on several hunts with her brothers, who were always sneaking her places she shouldn’t be. She hadn’t cared much for it, lots of waiting. Now her heart was pounding so hard it was difficult to hear anything else. She had to pause, coming to a complete stop to strain her ears for any noise. Each time she paused her heart beat grew faster til she was sure she would faint.
When the edge of the trees finally appeared she could have weeped as she leapt to exit. A hard jerk from behind pulled her up short. She audibly choked as her assailant dragged her backwards into the trees once more by her hood. She clawed at her cloak trying to undo the clasp. Finally, he released her and she flailed gasping again for air.
She used the movement to grab her knife.
“None of that.” He was quicker than her this time, using the back of his own knife he hit her hand so hard she cried out and dropped it. He then snaked one arm around the middle of her and the other held the blade at her throat. Her back pressed against the front of him, she didn’t dare breathe.
“Now, care to tell me why a fair maiden like you is out this time of night, sneaking around the borderlands no less?” His tone was mocking, arrogant and condescending. It made her blood boil. She desperately tried to think of a way out of this situation that didn’t end with her death but she was utterly unable to form a coherent thought. Her only advantage was that she wore no sign of her house.
“Care to get your filthy fucking hands off of me?” She spat as a way of answer.
He burst out laughing at her reply, the sound rumbling through her own chest deep and heavy. The knife at her neck never moved an inch during and that was scarier to her than if he’d nicked her. He was careful, controlled. He’d known exactly where she was going to exit the trees from and had circled around to cut her off. And now he was laughing at her.
“Such foul language but no fouler than the crime you’ve committed.”
“What crime?” She scoffed, wanting to twist out of his hold.
His answer was inconsequential to her, she was trying to find a way to knock the knife out of his hand. She could see her own knife on the ground a few feet away. If she could manage to get his knife away from him then -
“Attacking the heir of Raventree of course. Attempted murder is a nasty crime. Not to mention the spying and if I’m not mistaken a breach of the recent peace treaty.”
Her thoughts froze along with all of the blood inside of her body. Nameless Blackwood guard number whatever was one thing, but the heir of Raventree? This wouldn’t just reach her father, it would reach Riverrun. Lord Grover Tully would punt the issue down to Elmo and the gods only know what would happen there. A man known for mischief, it sent a shudder through her. Considering this would be the third conflict in a moon's turn it wasn’t likely to be a light punishment. She had well and truly stepped in it now.
“Preposterous, are you going to admit to a crowd that I nearly bested you? Sad look for a sad house, I suppose it works.”
“I did say attempted.” He pushed the blade harder against her throat, causing her to push further back into him to avoid it.
“If anything you’ve attempted harm here, not me. I was minding my own business, when you attacked me.”
“Minding my business you mean. We knew someone was sneaking in to spy on us. Never dreamed it was a woman, tracks were covered too well.”
Shanda aggressively rolled her eyes at that.
“I wasn’t minding your anything, now unhand me and we can forget this entire ordeal.” She said suddenly very tired.
“Afraid I can’t do that darling, you’re a wanted criminal and my chance to win the argument you saw earlier.”
“You knew the whole time?” Her tone was incredulous and her hope for escape was waning by the moment.
“The tracks were covered well, but not well enough. Why do you think I was down there? The guards were disputing over your existence.”
If only she hadn't been caught! She could’ve been the Bracken ghost wreaking havoc on dumb guards. Now she made a deliberate grab for his sword. It was a stupid move, she couldn’t hope to pull it from its scabbard.
“Quit that, what are you…”
She was right in her assessment that it would distract him though and when his grip loosened she sprung into action. First she elbowed him as hard as possible in the chest, and slammed her head back into her captors. It should've been enough to make any man let go of her but the Blackwood heir didn’t budge. It was only when twisting and writhing away from him she managed to knee him hard in the groin that he fully let go of her. She grabbed her knife off the ground as his arms wrapped back around her, pulling her up. This time she made contact, a long slash traveling up his shoulder. When he gasped in pain, she’d heaved with all her might and tipped him off balance using her leg as lever.
They both fell into the thick mud underneath them. Legs and arms wrapped and fought against each other in a web so complicated she couldn’t separate herself from her assailant. She’d also lost her knife in the struggle and in an underhanded move, freed herself by rubbing mud in his eyes. She knew if he got his arms around her again it was over. She jumped to her feet and took off again, bursting through the trees and back into the pounding rain which had been patiently waiting for her. In the distance she heard a voice rise up.
“Make it your last!”
She had no intention of stopping now. When the stakes were so high and the reward so tantalizing. The heir on guard duty, maybe her father might see reason after all for a borderlands scout.
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angualupin · 4 months
here's the thing, though, that CONSTANTLY drives me up the wall
the reason why Victorians Thought The Way They Did about Sex and A Woman's Place has its roots in economics, specifically, the effect the Industrial Revolution had on women's economic labor, and as such WAS A PRODUCT OF ITS PLACE AND TIME and cannot be extrapolated backwards, or sideways onto other cultures
prior to the Industrial Revolution, there were, essentially, two functioning economies (caveat that everything I'm going to say applies to Europe and European-descended cultures and I in no way am meaning these to be universal statements): the male economy and the female economy. Men's economic work was primarily conducted outside the home and was more often exchanged for currency; women's economic work was primarily conducted inside the home and was more often exchanged for goods and services, but it was nevertheless economic work that was, most of the time, absolutely vital to the survival of the household (for a good example of the early modern American female economic world, see: A Midwife's Tale, the Life of Martha Ballard, by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich)
it was also, in large part, based on things like textile production that were very quickly mechanized during the Industrial Revolution. thereby removing women from participation in the economy (at least if you were rich enough to stay out of the factories).
with minimal economic activity left, there needed to be a new role for (wealthier) women, and the Victorian ideal of "the moral center of the home" was born. add that to what has been referred to as the "desperate insecurity of empire" and you have a new era of sexual repression that really, really did not exist before
women's independence has always been tied to women's economic power, that is, the relative value of "women's work" in society (for another example, see the discussion of Egyptian women's independence related to their Greek counterparts in the Classical era as related to the relative value of textile production between the two societies, in Women's Work: the First 2,000 Years by Elizabeth Wayland Barber)
so any depiction of "historically accurate" misogyny has to first answer the question of a) what part of history; b) what economic activity are women engaged in; c) has there been mechanization of textile production yet?; d) no?; e) then stop giving them fucking Victorian values for fuck's sake
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morelikeravenbore · 6 months
✨Sebastian Sallow spicy alphabet
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These are my spicy headcanons for Sebastian when he's in a loving and committed relationship (aged up to 18+, obviously.) Based on how I imagine and write him in most of my spicy oneshots (ie a needy boi 🤭)
🍭 If you're looking for something more wholesome, I also wrote a Sebastian Sallow fluff alphabet.
🦋 A/N: all headcanons are valid, even if yours differ completely to mine.
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A - Aftercare: what they’re like after sex.
Let me preface this by saying that Sebastian goes so hard and gives so much that afterwards, he's practically a boneless, wordless jellyfish man. So, while he makes sure you're okay, he mostly only has energy enough to pull you close and give you a little kissy on the head before he passes out.
B - Body part: their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s.
Since Sebastian was touch-starved and denied affection for so long, his favourite body part is his hands: touching you grounds him in reality and reminds him that you're real. He likes the versatility of his hands and the way he can coax so many different reactions from you depending on how and where he touches you. His hands are strong but his fingers are dexterous and nimble, and he uses this to his full advantage, either by caressing you as gently as if you're made of eggshells, brushing your head back from your face, tracing your lips with his thumb — or by pinning your wrists firmly above your head, making you come apart with just his fingers alone or holding you so tightly against him you can't move an inch.
His favourite body part (as I mentioned in my fluff alphabet) is your face. Watching your expressions when he's pleasuring you really gets him off. Pressing your foreheads together, breathing the same breath, intense eye contact all drive him insane.
C - Cum: anything to do with cum, basically.
Sex is a practise in vulnerability for Sebastian, so coming inside you and giving you a part of himself is the ultimate form of intimacy. He gets off on the thought of you carrying some of him inside you, and loves the feeling of you milking him dry when you come together.
D - Dirty secret: pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.
He is needy. On the surface, Sebastian presents himself as this confident, charming assertive guy — and, generally speaking, he is; but when it comes to you, he's often so overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings that he can't control himself. Being intimate with you goes beyond physical desire, its how he expresses his love in the most pure and vulnerable way he knows how, trusting that when he bares his soul to you, you'll accept and cherish it every time. As a result, he's often at your mercy, begging you to hold him together while he falls apart for you.
E - Experience: how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?
Before you, Sebastian had a little bit of experience, but he'd never been intimate with someone he truly loved, so your first time together really threw him off his game. However, he is incredibly observant, a fast learner and a very enthusiastic student, so he quickly learns what you like best.
F - Favorite position: this goes without saying.
Face to face. Whether it's missionary, straddling his lap, or pressed up against a wall, Sebastian craves that emotional connection as much as he does the physical. He goes crazy for eye contact during sex and loves having you moan and whimper into his mouth.
G - Goofy: are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.
Sex, in Sebastian's opinion, is one of the most fun experiences a person can ever partake in. Laughing, tickling or being silly together usually ends in love making. If you try a new position and it doesn't work, or he attempts talking dirty and it comes out cringe, the two of you will quickly descend into fits of giggles. You have definitely laughed him out of you on several occasions.
H - Hair: how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
Quite honestly, Sebastian likes the way he looks naked, and takes pride in his body, so he'd keep things neat and tidy but without going overboard. Natural, but groomed.
I - Intimacy: how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect.
Though he's not a "typically" romantic person, Sebastian loves you more than anything or anyone in the world and expresses this most openly in the way he holds you close, kisses you, watches in awe when you fall apart for him. When words fail him, he lets his body speak — and boy does it speak.
J - Jack off: masturbation headcanon.
This boys sex drive is off the freakin charts, lol. He wakes up most mornings with an erection, and if he can't be with you, he's imagining being with you (and this happens a lot, usually at very inconvenient times). He is rather progressive when it comes to sexual health, especially for the time he's living in; having read a lot of anatomy and sexual health books (nicked from the Restricted Section, of course), he doesn't feel any shame about his sexuality, and in fact believes that masturbation is perfectly natural and healthy. In fact, if he tries to deny his urges, he finds he is less productive, more prone to frustrated outbursts, and has difficulty focusing on tasks.
K - kink: one or more of their kinks.
Praise. Sebastian loves to be told he's doing a good job. Calling him a good boy will basically short circuit his brain, but it doesn't matter whether the praise comes verbally or in the form of a mind-shattering orgasm; as long as he knows he's doing a good job, he's a very happy boy.
L - Location: favorite places to do the do.
Honestly, anywhere. He is obsessed with you, and when he needs you — he needs you. As long as he can get you away from prying eyes, he'll do it anywhere.
M - Motivation: what turns them on, gets them going?
Let's face it, it doesn't take much to get Sebastian going — just the thought of you alone is enough to turn him on — but he does especially like it when you're feeling passionate about something, whether you're fervidly telling him off for something, and your face is all cute and red from anger, or if you're rambling about something you absolutely love, or excited about something you've achieved, that spark is something that never fails to drive him crazy with lust.
N - No: something they wouldn’t do, turn offs.
While Sebastian is certainly an intense lover, he doesn't like pain-play or restriction (hands, airways, etc, either his or yours). Anything that makes him feel like he has no control over the situation tends to trigger his trauma responses and leads to anxiety. Given all this past traumas, he only wants to bring pleasure, and can't handle the thought of causing more pain or discomfort to someone he loves.
O - Oral: preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
Since he's so obsessed with your face, Sebastian looooves when you give him head and he can watch how pretty you look when you're on your knees for him. Making direct eye contact will drive him absolutely feral.
In return, he loves using his mouth on you —particularly when you're already overstimulated. and he uses his tongue to slowly coax out another shuddering orgasm.
P - Pace: are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
He likes to think he can take it slow, and usually he starts off with slow and sensual intentions: face kisses, lingering touches, long looks — but he loses himself in you so quickly that before long, he's just a sweaty, groaning sex machine. Hes got stamina though, so even when he's going hard, he's in for the long haul.
Q - Quickie: their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
Though he prefers longer sessions where he can take his time with you, he's not exactly known for his patience, and if he's feeling needy enough, he will definitely take the opportunity to take you quickly.
R - Risk: are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
As mentioned, anything that borders on painful or restrictive is a hard no for him; he just can't take pleasure from "hurting" you, even if its only for play. He does, however, love experimenting with different positions, relishing in all the ways he can use his body to make you come. Being so hungry for knowledge, he reads a lot of sexy books and loves to test
S - Stamina: how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?
Sebastian isn't satisfied until you've come at least twice, but will always strive for three or four rounds. He loves sex, he loves having sex with you, and he feels an incredible sense of pride and accomplishment when he makes you feel good. So much so, that he tends to get carried away, and sometimes you have to settle him down so you can recover.
T - Toys: do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?
Anything an object can do, Sebastian can do better. Or at least, that's his motto, and he'll live and die by it. He won't deny you if you want to experiment with toys, but he'd prefer to rely on his own faculties to bring you pleasure.
U - Unfair: how much they like to tease.
Leading up to it, Sebastian will tease you and flirt with you like an absolute fiend, whispering dirty things into your ear or teasing your inner thighs under a table, but as soon as you're touching him, he loses all resolve. He's putty in your hands; he simply can't resist you or hold himself back. Tease you all he wants, but orgasm denial is not a term he understands when he finally has you.
V - Volume: how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
Sebastian's the type to moan in your ear, or whimper into the crook of your neck, or plead desperately into your mouth. He's vocal, but he's quiet about it (and usually incomprehensible).
W - Wild card: a random headcanon for the character.
Sebastian doesn't drink. Given his infatuation with the dark arts, his obsessive tendencies and the impulsivity that lead to the death of his uncle, he avoids anything that will comprise the full control of his mind and body.
X - X-ray: let's see what’s going on under those clothes.
He's freckled all over, tall (somewhere around 6ft), lean but lightly muscular. He's got nice broad shoulders, lovely upright posture, and toned forearms with all those yummy veins. He's not particularly long, but he's thick.
Y - Yearning: how high is their sex drive?
If it were physically possible, he'd probably never stop, especially when it's with you — the person he loves with his entire being.
Z - Zzz: how quickly they fall asleep afterwards.
Immediately, lol. Sometimes while he's still on top of you, depending on the intensity and duration of the session, but he always looks so blissed out and happy that you don't mind.
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the-elusive-soleil · 1 year
Elrond telling the Fellowship "no oath or bond is laid on you to go further than you will" hits a bit differently once you realize that he grew up in the later part of the First Age and a) lost his parents, b) saw the city where he was born get destroyed, and c) had a front-row seat to Maedhros' and Maglor's issues, all stemming from the last time someone swore a great big Oath pertaining to an object of power.
"Isildur would not listen to our counsel" hits WAY differently when you think about how Isildur was among the last direct descendants of Elrond's twin brother, his twin brother who chose to be mortal and died thousands of years ago, and about how so many people Elrond was close to in the First Age died or were lost because of the trending objects of power back then (except for Gil-galad, who had just recently died because of a different object of power), and how Elrond must have been desperate to not have to go through this nonsense again, please not another person he's close to getting caught up by something like this. And then Isildur keeps the Ring anyway. And he dies.
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