#c: not gennai
hikari-m · 5 months
"Yesterday was Ohigan, so I went to visit the cemetary."
"Yes. Now I can calmly say {with certainty} that, the parents I have now are 'my parents'.
... But my parents 'in {"Heaven"}' {'Tengoku'} 天国 are also important." {"Taisetsu des!"}
"...What's wrong? ...Gennai-san?... {Gennai}'s making such a {somber} face--"
"Oh, it must be about 'that'..." - Koushiro, before ending email with a long dialogue about the "meaning of being a Chosen Child", among other discussion on the "number of Chosen Children" '{that's expanding}' frequently within numbers of years
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{Clip'd by Me} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Repost to Other Sites} {Do Not Re-produce My Editing Under Any Circumstances without my Permission} (Please ASK to Share)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
DigiAdvs + 02 + tri. + Kizuna A.M.V. ~ Title: "DEAD And SEEK" {1st Half} {original} ~ Pre-view / Un-finished / {Work-in-Progress} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai} + Friendships/Supportive dynamics: Koushiro & Chosen (briefly) {Implied} Adventure+02 Chosen Children (in general)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE.
Investigating your theory on that ILLUSIVE world With all its misfortune, its charm
Was it the world of "daydreams"? Just like the inner workings of "a fairytale"{?} It had the touch of unreality...
The illusion of RED, white, and BLUE, conjured up by
that midsummer day...
The original did not have a P.V. for this one; This A.M.V. was made based purely on feeling from the original as the song was rarely covered in the originating series' canon, though it clearly still had some relevance there too (namely, to the earlier part of that series' canon, but also extending throughout the rest).
It's a bit of "dark" song but has a really cool (rock) sound; (However, take caution if you watch!) Despite this, there's a layer of 'deeper' meaning connecting to originating characters from the series this one is from, as well.
The original P.O.V. is through a character relevant to the main villain of the originating series that inspired this take; however; this character might not be fully aware of own actions.
("Gennai" appears a bit in this one...)
{There are spoilers for mainly the initial 1st Tri trailers + Saikai opening in this; including a dialogue made at the start of "Saikai"; however, this was made a year+ or so back. Kizuna does not show A LOT 'yet'., however there is a semi-major spoiler as the precursor to the final battle involving "what happened to the {missing} Chosen Children".} (If I include more of it or not depends on if my editor lets me finish making this A.M.V. without it crashing.)
{"Dead and Seek" was released May 30th, however, we had a preview for it as early as May 12, 2k13. 10 years anniversary of this song too, so I'm linking my A.M.V. in progress.}
(it aims to eventually tackle a Bit of relevant DigiAdvs ""lore"") however, is the speaker truly "Gennai"? {Maybe it's half YGGDRASIL}?? (Watch to get an idea!)
{Lyrics} (This section):
This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since that accident we were plunged into Alone, now, I realized that
However, {THEY'VE} disappeared The warmth {their} words carried, repeating in my mind Put simply, I’ve grown to hate it...
For that ONE moment, my senses heightened My head was filled with countless CALCULATIONS Almost enough to make me faint
This is a reimagining of the human body These eyes of mine I’ve turned cold, their color – don’t they… Remind you of a {"MONSTER"}, somehow?
My cerebral fluids won’t find peace My cells, they try to understand The illusion of RED, white, and BLUE, conjured up by that midsummer day I’ll dissect it, and take your bloodstained hand in mine{???}...
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures ~ x Kagerou Project “My Funny Weekend” AMV [music (C) Jin, singer: Hatsune Miku {Vocaloid}] featuring CHARACTERS/DUO/SHIP[s]: MIMI TACHIKAWA, HIKARI YAGAMI (as supporting characters) + Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya in U.S. Dub] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi] ~ {KOUTAI}/[Taishiro(u)] & with bonus scenes for: Jou Kido x Mimi Tachikawa [Joumi] as a main ship Miyako Inoue x Hikari Yagami [Miyakari] Sora Takenouchi x Mimi [So(Ra)Mi] as side main ship Mimi Tachikawa x Meiko Mochizuki [MiMei] {brief} Miyako Inoue -> Mimi Tachikawa [Mimiyako] as implied crush Taichi x Koushiro x Meiko [TaiKouMei] x Mi (Mimi) as equal polyships Taichi x Koushiro x Mimi [TaiKouMi] as an equal OT3 Daisuke Motomiya* x Hikari x Miyako as equal polyship {brief} (* Ken can be read in into the background if you like Dai/Ken[suke] ) [ or DaiKenMiyakari as an equal polyship ] Yamato x Sora [Sorato] / x Mimi [YamaSoMi] as an equal OT3 {brief} [or +Jou for YamaJouraMi] as equal polyships ~ you can feel free to read in whichever of the above pairs you want (or anything else that’s in my shiplist pretty much!) however, please keep in mind the main ship is Taishiro. It is not intended as brotp only but as ship.
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [Moon Viewing Recital] [Advs Taishiro & 2020 Taishiro] (Note: Check the link for ‘ Otsukimi Recital ‘ for all links to any past AMVs as well as story info / the story introduction link!) (*It’s ok to start on/only watch this current AMV!) [*You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” AMV, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! “DAZE” also serves as a mini Opening theme song and is also upbeat!] {NOTE : PLEASE read my FAQ and “about” sections BEFORE interacting directly with me, my contents / fanworks / this series, or my blog!!!}
[More info + lyrics under the ‘
- HOMEOSTASIS IS INVOLVED - Not Gennai might be TOO { tri } ??? - wHErE aRE tHe 02 KIDS - wait is this tri or an AU ??? - YOU’LL BE SURPRISED or maybe not if you’ve followed this series
- MIMI AND ALSO HIKARI CENTRIC THIS TIME - the 2020 crew continue to appear too !
- OH HI TAILMON FANCY MEETING YOU H E R E ----- - WAIT did you get to show up much before now ??? - THIS IS WHY THEY’RE ALL IMPORTANT - YES THE GIRLS CONTINUE TO BE IMPORTANT HERE TOO - tri spoilers through to Kokuhaku ending + a short scene from Kyousei ( with Homeostasis ) / no Kizun@ spoilers! - Hikari especially needs more time to shine in this thing ok - I really love my Digimon Adventures WLW ships - yes, even if I headcanon them as M-spec / Multi-gender Attracted - pls deal with this if you’re consuming this series ok - specifically, I like Sora, Miyako and Yamato as Bi and Taichi, Koushiro, Mimi, Hikari and Daisuke as Pan and/or some other combination of M-spec, so please respect this as well if you’re consuming this series - Jou and Meiko I can see as pretty much anything so Yup - I also really love making AUs of AUs so I can cram in - all my OTHER SHIPS and polyships and headcanons too I mean. - it’s a Ficverse - it’s not subbed yet Apologies. video editor began the crashings
On a cold summer afternoon   I SET OFF INTO THE CITY It’s all “ AGE RESTRICTED ”, how ANNOYING !!
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[ VERSE 1 ]
A disappointing weekend, I let out a yawn I love having  AN EXCITING LIFE  , don’t you ? My plans derail as I’m deep in thought The practical problem has an almost   daring correct answer
The invitation’s childish but I’m getting frustrated I don’t wanna see people, I WANT TO SEE SOME SCENERY Doing WHATEVER I WANT in whatever clothes I’m wearing - I should have  THE RIGHT TO THAT , right?
BUT ON A DAY THIS HUMID, whatever movie I watch, I tend to do something more fun than worrying
[ CHORUS 1 ]
Let’s come on! Don’t look away! Don’t get frustrated! Hey! Hey! Hey! Swimsuits are nonsense! I’m not going swimming  it’s BORING ! Crowds of people are OUT OF THE QUESTION ! HEY! HEY! HEY!
[ VERSE 2 ]
On a cold summer afternoon  I SET OFF INTO THE CITY It’s all “ AGE RESTRICTED ”, how ANNOYING !!
Aah, tomorrow is definitely gonna be A more wonderful day than today Once the day comes to an end, another day will start again Since LIFE GOES ON, don’t get frustrated
C’mon! “ SPARKLE ” more! Always be “ FIRED UP ”! If you’ve gotta  { W I S H } for something, { WISH }  for something { better than you deserve } ! You can choose yourself whether to laugh or cry But enjoying something is just the best!
Be more     HAPPY Always be     EXCITED Once you’re GREEDY for it   IT’S JUST RIGHT FOR TODAY ... IF YOU’RE IN THE MOOD TO     WATCH THE MOON Then let me   ESCORT YOU * LET’S COME ON !
Don’t be careless!  Don’t get frustrated! Hey! Hey! Hey! YUKATAS *** are NONSENSE! I’m gonna TRIP, I CAN’T WALK! I’m so RESTLESS, how about we JUMP IN? Hey! Hey! Hey! NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT   { RAINS } T O M O R R O W ,** ... IT’LL BE FINE
... ‘Cause I’m sure it’ll be     A GREAT DAY . ~ translation via / with credit to natsuhikoshidou, edited with bits from the Kagerou Project wiki !
* - relevant AMV: Moon Viewing Recital ( check the links ! ) ** - relevant AMV: Kagerou Daze ! *** - yes they’re wearing the Yukatas here
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macaroonmoogle · 6 years
who is the best digimon boi and why is it the kaiser?
Honestly I like both Ken as Kaiser and Dark Gennai as Kaiser, I know so many people hated him but omg. Dark Kaiser was the best part of the last Tri movie imo and Evil Ken was my favorite 02 arc
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katmaria1 · 7 years
so, uh
i have no self-control
actually putting this under a readmore cause i somehow forgot it last time
so, yeah
Chapter 21 of Crests, Corrupted!
actually seeing the army advancing oh noi
the cleanup’s gotta be horrible for them jeez
they’re just taking the survivors to full metal city?? it makes sense but like…
miyako doesn’t know what to do now that she doesn’t have daisuke’s search to distract her
oh nooooo miyako no
full metal city is running out of room
that’s how bad the empire’s gotten holy fuck
now they need to figure out what they’re going to do
the snow’s a good spot but y’all can barely get supplies to the city?? so????
gennai you better have at least a few explanations or i’m going to kill you
if it’s still the power source for the base!!!!!
i need to rewatch 02 cause i’m going nuts for this
he’s lying through his teeth i’m calling it now
how the hell are they gonna tell the others that gennai’s lying
Iori i’m scared  w h a t  a r e  y o u  g o n n a  d o
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jippy-kandi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 64: The Angels’ Determination (Review)
Thoughts on the sixty-fourth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
I think this was a decent opener to the climax?
The episode opens up with Algomon instead of a recap - this is how you know shit is getting serious! :D
Welcome back, Devimon! Even if only in Takeru’s dream. He had so much potential . . . and I actually kinda still dig him as a villain, lol.
omg seeing Hikari ride some childish tram thing was both adorable and funny, lol . . . because she’s usually so creepy. :P
Tailmon being an info dump again. This series needed someone like Gennai to do this - instead of relying on convenient past lives’ knowledge.
Wisemon: “I see. Its effects on Machine Digimon are strong! This brings joy to my knowledge.” LOL. I wish he was in this series more - he could’ve been Gennai’s replacement!
And, of course, the kids reuniting just . . . happens. Just a convenience. No one acts like they haven’t seen each other in a while, lol. Takaishida bros are just chillin’. But it’s super nice to hear all the kids’ voices again . . . especially Yamato. Get your one line, bae. ;_;
OK . . . Deathmon looks funny, ngl. XD; He is known as the King of Darkness? HE HAS ONE EYE! . . . It’s just funny to see this one eye emote. XD;
It was nice seeing all the Digimon we met along the way in this series. Refreshed my memory a bit too, lol. A few of them had good episodes as well . . . which honestly should’ve been given to the actual cast of kids, lol. Some of these Digimon had more of a personality than them. ;_;
Wisemon: “I see! In this Digital World . . . the children’s reliability and sincerity have allowed them to form a friendship with the Digimon. The Chosen Children saved us with knowledge and nurtured us with courage and love. And they have kindled hope. The answer to the crests’ mystery is . . . in other words, their entire adventure.” . . . Meh. It was nice of Toei to try and use all the names of the Crests in that explanation (although Angewomon had to come in with “light”, lmao) - and it would’ve been pretty neat . . . if their entire adventure was in fact actually good and worthwhile. But alas. His words feel empty. :P
Seraphimon and Ophanimon’s Mega evolutions were pretty damn cool. They had almost no build up though . . . lol. Just threat appears, so let’s go!!! But whatever. I really dig their designs. They look great!
But . . . uh, just like Angemon’s voice, Seraphimon’s voice is so bad, lmao. :c
The battle against Deathmon was super quick as well, but it looked cool, so eh. Whatever. Good enough, I guess. It felt epic for those few seconds there. :P
I get that this episode was about Takeru and Hikari (the angels), but why did Taichi seem to have a starring role when he was just . . . there . . . but did absolutely nothing? XD; Like, Yamato can do that too! Just be there, doing nothing, but seeming “important”. But . . .
Does Yamato not exist to Toei anymore? Is he just Taichi’s sperm donor for Omegamon? lmao. I swear, if Omegamon happens next episode, Yamato better feel like a feature role and not a cameo like he did here. :P
And the Great Catastrophe is Negamon! Whoever that is. He looks like a cross between a jellyfish and sperm. :D
Overall, I guess this was a pretty good start to the climax . . .? I guess. :P
And it’s official! This series will have a total of 67 episodes (just one more than the forever rumoured 66). That means only three episodes to go! YAY!!! \o/
I really hope all the kids are involved in these last three episodes - and it’s not just Taichi feat. Takari. :c
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ae0nx · 4 years
I’m not gonna do a blacktober/drawtober today, but I willlll rant about Digimon, because nothing ever really changes. Ok, I’m tipsy and I feel like everyone and their mum has watched Kizuna now so I wanna finally express my feelfeels on it. Let’s goooo
Ok, so I love how this movie opens especially as an old school fan.
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It’s perfect. I love the solid feeling of ‘finality’ to the series that we never got to see in Tri... (I’ll try not talk shit about Tri in this recap but it’s gonna be difficult, I’m sorry)
- We got that call back to the original soundtrack! The only time in life I will tear up at hearing Bolero.
- I adoreee the animation and designs in this movie. It feels so much more diverse (in terms of facial features) than Tri did without even trying really. The facial expressions are so much characteristic and there’s less awkward spacey moments. It’s nice! (Ooops, mentioned Tri: Count 2 haha)
- While I was a bit disappointed with the digidestined outfits when they were first released as still images, they do look a lot better in action and they fit in well with the world that is built. But Taichi swapping sneakers for sandals? Seems false lol
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Taichi’s anxiety about the destruction. Nice to see continuation and character development. We love him~~~
- The Parrotmon vs Greymon + Angemon + Angewomon fight looked dope and was a nice call back/development. The electricity and fire looked amazing and honestly had me hyped. A lot of fight scenes in this movie did.
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Haha, of course Yamato had to come in looking unnecessarily cool on his fancy new bike only to talk shit about Taichi. We love him too, goddammit lol
- It totally makes sense that the two pairs of siblings and Koushirou would be the most actively involved out of all of the digidestined tbh
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The movie opening theme being set to the original ‘Butterfly’ was great, and in a weird way reminded me a little of the Cowboy Bebop Movie opening theme - except very much in the style and world of Digimon Adventure
- The digidestined are public superheroes now? Makes sense, I don’t hate it~~~
- I love the montage of Taichi and Yamato going about their lives as people in their early 20s. Taichi mostly dealing with the pressures of adulthood. Yamato feeling nostalgic about the things he left behind in childhood (playing harmonica, being in a band)
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Ahhh, they can drink now! So weird, yet so fun haha
- It’s also really nice for my shipper heart to see Taichi and Yamato sit down and have a meal together without totally biting each other’s heads off. Shows how much they’ve matured!
- Yolei straight up was like ‘I don’t have time for this shit, Koushirou you deal with it’ 😂Mimi has taught you well, young padawan
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I was really hoping these two would be a better addition than Maki and Daigo (RIP) and they were! It’s almost like the writers saw Tri and was like... let’s do better. (Ooops mentioned Tri: Count 3)
- I reallyyyyy really sadistically like the concept of the Digimon and Digidestined’s connection to each other dying slowly the older they get and with the less necessary the Digimon become in the human partner’s life. Yeahhhhh, it doesn’t match up with the 02 ending but I’m personally not too attached to that ending so I don’t mind. A) it’s actually a plot point that makes me give a shit and B) it’s very much a reflection of life which Digimon Adventure has always been and C) it makes sense of the reason as to why Digimon gravitate to children
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DAISUKE! We stan a kinggg, with his dope sunglasses. I’m so happy the 02 kids are involved in this, even if it is kinda minimal.
- I love that they included the fact that the digital gates are basically like a free airplane ticket to anywhere in the world with a computer. It’s such a useful and cool concept
- ‘Burger Queen’ ahaha
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AHHHHHHHHH HAHAAHHAHA I can’t. It feel so wrong yet so... correct? Hahaha
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I’m sorry, my love for Gennai died with Tri. If it was old Gennai from Adventure maybe I would’ve felt a bit more nostalgic and loving. (Oops mentioned Tri: Count 4)
- I love the 02 kids basically being a smaller detective team that Chief Detective Yamato sent forth to do some investigating. It makes so much sense and we shoulda got this in triiiiii (I just wish we got this movie instead of Tri, I’m sorry Oops mentioned Tri: Count 5)
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Spy movie? I don’t hate it~~~~
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OK, DETECTIVE ISHIDA! (enter theme music which is most likely very dark and edgy and gothic with a hint of pop punk)
- Sora staying at home when Mimi is in the hospital seems... off... very off... but ok... ... ... I hate how they sidelined Sora in this movie. Why does every Digimon writer since Adventure hate Sora?!?!
- The act of Taichi literally shunning his future by switching off his phone to once again reach for his old goggles and old digivice is... poetic cinema
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Saw the switch coming but whoa 😳
- You know the whole concept of her creating an eternal Digital world was a cool concept until she called it Neverland
- While I really like Menoa and her being the villain, this isn’t exactly a new motivation. How many times have we seen human partners turn into villains after losing their Digimon, man?!?! Just more motivation into making me think this film is just fixing the mistakes of Tri (Oops mentioned Tri: Count 6)
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I really like this design! It might make my top 3 Digimon designs.
- You know... only in the Digimon fandom would a goddamn whistle make us all emotional 😭😂
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This movie is so pretty!!!!
- Wait... did Biyomon vanish and that’s why Sora wasn’t involved? 😢
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Wow. WOW. That goodbye... between Taichi and Agumon... and Yamato and Gabumon... was... ALL I WANTED/DIDN’T WANT. Seriously. As I said before, I really like the fact that this movie feels... final. Honestly, I don’t want grown up adventures with the Digimon - regardless of how mean that sounds. What’s unique about Digimon is how childlike it is and the separation between the Digimon’s childlike nature and the Digidestined was growing the older the humans got and it wouldn’t make full sense for the relationship between the two to go from friends and almost equals to parent and child. 
I guess I would’ve been more accepting of the Digimon staying a constant in the Digidestined lives if the writers touched on the theme of the Digimon being adult or baby whenever they like (or whenever they eat) and relating it to humans still looking after their inner child of curiosity and creativity as they get older. But that’s a pretty difficult concept, I’m still working my head around that haha
Also, Digimon has always specifically been a metaphor/real example for the joys and hardships of childhood. While it’s super sad, I’m glad we got such a nice send off!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
We got episode 3 “Into the Digital World”! And the good news is we are still Very Much at it with the Taishiro lol
This pic pretty much sums up the whole episode for me:
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Spoilers under the cut...
So let’s knock the most important thing off right away, at the end of the ep they DO go to a real digital world!
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And it looks like a child’s fantasy... a beautiful natural world full of amazing creatures. I have no idea how similar it’s gonna be to the world we know, though! So far everything’s different, even things that seem the same. Keeps me guessing.
The landscape is pretty intriguing. Looks like a planet/moon on the horizon? And I’m sure that interesting island’s gotta mean something...
But back to the beginning.
So last week, I was all boggled because they introduced Omegamon and Jogress so early. It was easy to think that since they’d started this hype wave, they were gonna keep riding it out, especially with Hikari and Takeru seeming to receive magic feathers and all. Well, that’s not really how it goes down.
The battle is very quiet, with few words - none at all from Taichi or Yamato until Koushirou gets their attention. I am not 100% sure about this, but from the way Taichi looks to the side when an attack comes his way and Omegamon then takes it out, I think it might mean Taichi and Yamato have some mental work of their own to do to help Omegamon fight and that’s why they’re so quiet. But that’s just a thought. I do love the idea that the kids’ ties to their Digimon have more of an affect on their ability to battle than just their evolutions.
One thing a Jogress does is make you glow. Yeah yeah, we glowed before too. No, I mean GLOW.
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Like, nonstop.
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Also, I have figured out that Taichi and Yamato must have suction cups on their shoes and that’s how they don’t fall off Omegamon while he’s hurtling all over the place
Cue awesome rock version of the theme song battle music!! Omegamon kills nu!Diaboromon the same way he kills him in Our War Game, with a STAB. But that doesn’t stop the missile. Here I thought would be Koushirou’s turn to shine, but aside from continuing to keep tabs on things, he doesn’t get to join in the fight this time.
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Omegamon is somehow able to detect missiles, I guess?
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And lock on to the infected one, which conveniently shows an actual lock, is red, and even has the monster’s eyeball symbol. We also see a bunch of Digi code before this.
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He absorbs the powers of all the Crests into his sword (!!) ...
(notice they’re still glowing!)
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... and stabs it. Because in Digimon, stabbing is always the answer.
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BOOM shakalaka
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People of Tokyo: Wow that’s bright! I should probably avert my eyes or put on sunglasses. But first, to Instagram!
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Thanks, Kouushirou’s computer.
The missle blows up way up high and no one gets hurt. They also don’t seem to care all that much about what this is either! Seconds later everyone’s devices lose power, including Koushirou’s computer. He is very distressed, but the outage doesn’t last long.
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Yamato and Taichi’s suction cups finally lose their grip and they fall away into a bright light...
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Omegamon became a butterfly!!
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It is now certain, Taichi didn’t pull a Kouichi xD He’s perfectly fine. That’s the RIGHT way to get in and out of the digital world at a train station. Take notes, kids.
OK before we move on I must take a second to appreciate these text messages Koushirou receives from someone named Mr.Unknown (gee I’m sure we’ll never hear from him again!)
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OMG my life is
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“Someone stop it!” Suddenly Japanese (also from Mr.Unkown)
Twenty bucks says this guy is Gennai? Ryou? Wallace? KEN?!
no don’t bet against me please, I have no money.
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Have an adorable Hikari, who didn’t get to do anything with the feather in the end. Who knows if she even really has it. She DOES seem to totally know what happened with her brother though. Takeru might know also? But Hikari definitely does. Our little oracle is back.
So Taichi is fine, Koushirou is fine, Yamato is fine. They all get back to the human world safely. Taichi and Koushirou head home, wondering if all that really happened, talking about what could happen next. More importantly, the Taishiro power returns at full throttle.
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Koushirou: Do you know about this? This? This?
Taichi: Hmm... hmmm... hmmm.. thinking makes my head hurt...
(Like I rag on Taichi for not thinking but tbh he’s quite the thinker and planner... maybe more so in this season than in the original.)
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Gloves returned to pocket. Goggles still at the ready.
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Then Taichi reaches out his hand... Koushirou stares at it like he’s not quite sure what to do with it. And Taichi’s like, “Thank you so much, for everything, you were a huge help!”
Koushirou: “But I didn’t do anything.”
Taichi: “You helped so much by doing all that research! You’re awesome!”
Koushirou: :D “Y-Yeah!!”
He agrees that he’s awesome!! My baby!!
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They shake hands! They’re such good friends now!
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... Then Taichi walks backwards out of the elevator with his hand still outstretched, staring at Koushirou
This show producers aren’t even TRYING to hide their bias hahaha okay that’s the Taishiro fan in me but HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THIS SCENE CMON LIKE!?
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So Taichi’s about to go home, and at this point I’m thinking “I guess Koushirou’s never gonna ask that question about camp...!”
Then Taichi is like, “Oh yeah, didn’t you have a question about camp?”
Fricking. TAICHI.
I am absolutely stunned that it’s him who brings up Koushirou’s original errand xD Koushirou himself has completely forgotten about it! (Too busy basking in the glow of being called awesome about twenty times in what this episode establishes is less than an hour!)
Seriously Taichi is SUCH A DAD!? His mom comes home and tells him about her day. Hikari comes over and he pats her on the head and tells her she was brave and did a good job. All he needs is a newspaper and a tie to reach peak Dad-ness.
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Hikari: “Thanks big brother!”
Taichi: “...? For?”
So about Yamato... on the elevator Taichi realizes he never found out where Yamato lives...
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... It’s Shimane. Grandma’s house in Shimane! Well I mean, they could make it somewhere else, but the point is it’s super inaka countryside. Yamato has a call with Takeru which makes it seem like they indeed don’t live together, as Takeru shyly asks Yamato if he’ll come visit since it’s summer break, and Yamato says he does intend to go to Tokyo and see him. Not sure yet who Yamato’s living with, if it’s still his dad or he lives with his grandparents in this version, or there’s some other reason he’s not in Tokyo...
Yamato also asks if Takeru’s okay, and Takeru replies he was inside all day so he’s fine. That’s what makes me think Takeru knows about Yamato going to the digital world. He might not, but I like the idea that he does. My guess would be he knows because he’s seen Yamato do it or something, whereas Hikari just knows because she’s psychic :P
Then guess what! WE GO TO CAMP!
Only for like, two minutes, though. That was a bummer for me. Camp is just a vehicle to introduce a couple other characters, then they go home. Well, we don’t need two of the exact same show I guess... I’ll just appreciate this as a nod to the original.
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First we see Jou! He’s hancho again and trying to tell other kids how to use a knife. He immediately cuts his finger. Good ole Jou I can’t wait to have him back.
Taichi and Koushirou are walking around camp and Koushirou trips due to Jou yelling and basically throws his laptop straight into the air
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Mr Superior Reflexes AKA Taichi quickly grabs Koushirou and prevents him from smashing face first into the dirt. GOSH THEY JUST WILL NOT STOP WITH THE TAISHIRO. I CANNOT.
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Koushirou: “H-H-Human c-c-contact?!?!?! Is this SKINSHIP”
Like y’all know this isnt my fault right? I wouldn’t have to say these things if the show didn’t make it so durn easy. Bahahahaha.
Guess who catches the laptop! Soooooraaaaa!
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My girl is back! She’s got butterflies!
Koushirou says he knows who she is because the girls in his class always talk about how she’s so cooooool!
This episode establishes that Sora is 1) popular 2) well-liked 3) responsible 4) quick-thinking 5) athletic 6) Taichi’s old friend 7) coooooool in like, thirty seconds.
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Taichi and Koushirou continue to spend aaaaaall their time together. My one complaint here is that all they do is talk about the digital world. And while I know it’s no surprise, the one thing I always loved about old Adventure was that to a certain extent, the kids got to act like kids. Of course they had uncanny adult wisdom and ability to sit still, lol. I understand that. So far in this show, they’re not really acting like children even a little bit. It’s all superheroing. That’s how I feel at the moment though - the only one I expect to really act like a child is Takeru, and probably Mimi, I’d guess. I do hope we get to see a larger range of personality from all of them in the future. It is only episode three.
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Koushirou’s icon is a pineapple <3
So there’s a new threat but it’s not as obvious as the old one. Another power outage happens but they don’t know how important it is right away. Then both Taichi and Koushirou’s digivices start to glow! Taichi runs out, and here we finally got some new personality from him, something beyond friendliness and bravery: He really, really wants to see Agumon again. He’s already feeling the depth of that bond and it’s really been weighing on him that they parted so abruptly. He has so many questions. I would say, Koushirou talked about the digital world non stop because he finds it interesting, but Taichi talked about it because he misses Agumon. (Koushirou after all hasn’t met Tentomon yet.)
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Before he can run out, Taichi runs into Hikari in the living room. She’s worried, and she clearly knows what he’s up to, but all she says is “Itterasshai.” I super appreciate that the set up and lighting is the same as these scenes between the two of them in original Adventure! It’s a total throwback to that hallmark ep of Adventure, episode 21.
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Unable to think about anything but seeing Agumon again, Taichi runs outside to the train station where Koushirou is (I wonder if the train station is going to become like their base point or something). He doesn’t even notice Sora, but she notices him...
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... and in true Sora fashion, immediately turns around and starts chasing after Taichi without a word xD
ugh I will always hate how PINK she is in this
Sora: “Taichi’s running somewhere awful fast... he has that look on his face... he’s going to get into trouble ugh I just know it”
The digivices glow and both Taichi and Koushirou disappear into the digital world. As they go through the vortex, we see a bunch of colored lights...
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So this one is clearly Taichi and Koushirou, and Sora as well. My guess is she gets swallowed up as a result of following Taichi.
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However, over here we have Yamato, Jou, and Mimi, but why would they all be together? Yamato’s fine, but how are the other two getting in?
It doesn’t seem like Takeru’s joining this time, which is interesting. But I might be wrong - only episode 4 will tell.
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Taichi wakes up in the real Digital World and is finally reunited with Agumon. End episode 3 <3
I’m really curious about what’s coming next! I’m still pretty shocked that a Jogress happened so early, but I’m gonna guess now that we might not see it again for a good long while. My prediction is that Yamato’s gonna be more like the lone wolves of other seasons (Ken, Ruki, Kouji, etc) who don’t want to join the main team right away, then suddenly just do. Everyone loves a rogue hero. I am super excited for the whole team to be together though so we can see all those personality dynamics grow! I really want them to not go home for a while and have to live by their wits, but I don’t think that’s the way this show wants to go, it wants the drama of going back and forth between lives... OTOH, we now know for sure that it IS summer break, so I suppose they don’t really have a NEED to go home. Maybe we’ll get a bit of both - they usually go home after, but sometimes end up on a longer stay?
I think what I need most from this show is the rest of the team before it will really feel like Digimon Adventure to me. So looking forward to episode 4!
eta: I totally forgot about the pics I took of the trailer for next week!
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Look how awesome this is! This is exactly what I am hoping sticks around for a good long time! We need the partners to bond and we need to live up to the name of “Adventure”!
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Since the trailer only shows Taichi and Sora, I wonder if that means everyone’s split up. Koushirou’s light seemed a bit distant from the other two in that screencap up there, so maybe he lands somewhere else and they all have to find each other. Makes sense, really. I’d expected that for the other three but figured Koushirou would be with Taichi... but it’ll be awesome if he has to try to get by on his own in the beginning. Also, so excited for Birdramon!
Bonus: I found a vid on youtube that claimed to have English subs and I clicked out of curiosity... this is what it wrote when Taichi says “Koushirou”:
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X’D Koushirou has so many nicknames now. DJ Wiseman, Kou the Bro, Awesome, Taichi’s New God, Godzilla... I love Youtube.
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autoplaysdigimon · 5 years
djfhlaskj I remembered what I wanted to talk about!
So like, the first arc of the anime has a pretty easily figured out timeline, assuming there aren’t any major cuts or anything where there’s several days between episodes for no reason.
We know from the Ikkakumon episode that they’d been there four days by that point, so that helps the first part. The fifth day opens on Joe and Gomamon climbing the mountain, and ends with Devimon throwing their beds all over the place.
Then it gets tricky, considering all the different viewpoints. Overnight, Tai, Agumon and Frigimon make their way to the next island via ice punching, and Gabumon warms Matt by the fire. Their episode takes place on the sixth day. Mimi, Palmon, Izzy and Tentomon have an adventure in the ruins that same day. Joe and Gomamon drift on the open sea for an indeterminate amount of time, and are fished up in the evening. (Assuming that creepy chapel doesn’t do that thing where it turns the entire area around it into night.) They, Sora and Biyomon fight a ghost on what must be the sixth evening. TK and Patamon play with the residents of the Primary Village for a day, and Leomon attacks in the late afternoon. The gang then meet up, sans Sora and Joe, and head up the mountain again to fight Devimon. They speak to Gennai, then have a conversation in the evening, then build a terrible raft the day after. 
For a timeline in a list:
Day 1: They meet, Digimon turn into Rookies, Greymon fights Shellmon, Garurumon fights Seadramon that night. Day 2: Travel, Birdramon fights Meramon. Day 3: Kabuterimon fights Andromon, Togemon fights Monzaemon. Day 4: Izzy says it’s been four days, so presumably they slept between the previous episode and now. Day 5: Ikkakumon fights Unimon, they’re attacked by Leomon and Ogremon, sleep in a fake mansion and are scattered in their beds. Day 6: Tai and Matt fix their island, Mimi and Izzy fix their island, Sora and Joe fight a ghost and flee their island, TK plays with children, Tai, Matt, Mimi and Izzy show up and free Leomon, they face Devimon and Angemon digivolves and dies. Day 7: They build a raft and are sent off to the new continent.
Damn, that’s a short amount of time! It feels so long when you’re just watching them! It’s interesting to note a couple of things:
Both Agumon and Gabumon went from In-Trainings to Champions in a single day.
Patamon does his whole “I’ll never be able to Digivolve :c” thing, but it’s only been a day since Gomamon first Digivolved.
For all that Devimon tried to separate them all, every single one of the kids managed to get back to the mountain and to him in less than a day.
Leomon was only controlled for a total of about a day, being temporarily released from it about halfway through, and yet he got into four different fights in that time. Dude must be so exhausted.
All of the pairs act like they’re true-best-friends-forever!!!! when they’ve only known each other for, like, a week.
The only distinction made between Day Three and Four is that Izzy says that it’s been four days, but it’s possible that he was counting one of the days at camp in the Real World. If I remember right, they later mention that they were only there for a day before this all happened. So, potentially, it’s only been six actual days.
I don’t know, I thought it’d be interesting to analyse. But at this point, they spend some amount of time at sea, each day’s definition no longer so clear cut. It won’t really be possible to measure time between episodes after this point.
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liersymphcny-a · 6 years
@helldevoured (for anyone, but I had Gennai in mind~) ♡’d for a starter.
Muse: Nanami Chiaki. (at the request of them uwu)
— Chiaki had her eyes trained to the screen as she played the game in front of her, seemingly only half of her attention truly devoted to it though. At hearing the door open to the rec room, the game was paused and half-lidded eyes looked over to it. She wondered who had stepped in, and frankly, she needed the distraction from her game.
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“Oh, hey.” She sounded more disinterested then she meant to, even with the small added wave to add to it, “It’s just me here so if you're looking for someone else... they’re not here.”
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 02 ~ A.M.V. {Anime Music Video} Title: “Kocchi wo Muite” {“Look This Way”} Sung by: Yukana Nogami Music © CLAMP / Kodansha (Originally from: Cardcaptor Sakura) Featuring Duo/Ship/O.T.P: + {Daikari} / {DaiHika} (with equal Hikari<->Daisuke P.O.V's, though leaning a bit more in Hikari->Daisuke focus) [+Bonus Ken, 02 Chosen as Support; Taichi & Hikari as Platonic/Familial/Supporting each Other]; {KenDai(+Miya)Hika can be read in; However, the main focus of this one is Daikari specifically, with KenDaiHika as side Poly!}
“Although you show COURAGE, YOU’VE{?} got it Backwards A {maiden}[?]’s Heart is {fragile} and Trying…”
“Throughout all of the {xxxx} WE’RE Invincible”–
Digimon Adventure 02 © Toei Animation A.M.V. by Me No $$$ is being made off this Fanwork
Notes: - The 1st minute took about 45 min; 2nd part made took about just over 2hr’s; The 3rd+4th parts from interlude on took 35~ min each, Altogether, it's already taken 3~4+ hr's. - This is my 08/02 Focus work, for August 2nd anniversary of Adventures timeline! (by August 2nd, Vamdemon's invasion of Odaiba had Begun) Daisuke, who was initially captured inside the same center as Odaiba convention center Vamdemon kept Tailmon trapped in; just might have come across a Certain Person (or two) Near this and the following exact Day{s}... (Alluding to Daisuke's official Drama CD audio Track from "Digimon Adventure 02: Spring 2003"!) - This A.M.V. is overall a Standalone work. (It is not directly involved with my other work); However, it can be considered a work For the storyline that’s a precursor to Repeat-verse, which came before that story was conceived!) Therefore, it can be watched as a Standalone! - I reused a part of an older edit for the earliest Tri P.V.; (for timing placements) it had an old subtitle on, but I’ll remove that for the finished version! - (There is a moment of Hurricane Touchdown!Taichi for Timing) {As it works for my fan-‘verse, I left it in, with a bonus by end!} However, the work is overall/near-wholly 02-focused (so far)! - There is a small amount of out-of-context scenes, However, they’re meant to overall parallel the lyric{s} on-screen. - There is a single Tri spoiler from Kyousei; involving the character of "Homeostasis", that (mind)-possesses Hikari briefly in Adventure Ep. 45 previously. {"Gennai" [Tri] can also be seen for some short seconds} - Major handful of "The Beginning" sequel spoilers by ending; However, it's all actually immediately Pre-Final battle. (The Digimon in final battle can be seen Clearly, +Rui)
{I have not yet re-written the Daikari storyline involved with the past ficverse of mine in full; So please take this work as a sort of preview to it!} The ending lines and following sequences especially hint/allude a little more to my ficverse's potential turnouts; but it can be viewed/read as semi or even fully canon compliant too!
(Further lyric{s} under ‘
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“Turn this way, don't look anywhere else, darling It'd be bad if you weren't completely by MY side… Although you show courage, you've got it backwards A maiden's heart is fragile and trying—”
If we get separated by any distance I’ll come after you
(J.P.N): {Verse #1} Kocchi wo muite yo So mi shinaide Daarin Chanto watashi no soba ni inakucha dame da yo Tsuyogari datte uragaeshi Otome-gokoro kyun to setsunai…
Donna ni tookute hanarete 'te mo  Oikakete 'ku wa— I'm like a jasmine flower, right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
{Verse #2} If it’s for "love", you’ll get stronger, darling So it’s true, I’ll "always" be your ""cute kid""-- Although there are some bad feelings in life No one will ever give up on a m a i d e n’s heart--(?)
Throughout all of the pain We’re invincible
I’m clumsy around you Protect only ME A magical love ONLY for US We should KEEP THAT our S E {C R E T}— Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
Koi no tame nara tsuyoku nareru no Daarin Honto wa zutto kawaii ko de itai kedo Yakimochi datte maji da kara Otome-gokoro dare ni mo makenai
Donna ni tsurai koto ga atte mo Futari wa muteki--
Bukiyou na anata no koto Mamoreru no wa watashi dake da yo Koi no mahou futari ni dake Wakariaeru HI{MITSU na n’ da yo}–
I'm like a "jasmine flower", right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
NOTE: The speaker may be speaking as if theyre NOT BEING CONSISTENT with their {FEELINGs}.
(Implied/Spoken): {My fic-verse Only}
"...I'm sorry." {"For before"}
"{None of it was} 'Your fault'." -Hikari to Daisuke
{"...It wasn't 'YOURS', EITHER--"}
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures / Tri ~ x K@gerou Project / Mek@kucity @ctors “ DEAD and SEEK ” A.M.V ( PREVIEW / UNFINISHED ) [ music ( C ) Jin ] [ V O C A L O I D : I . A ] featuring implied DUO/SHIP/O.T.P.: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya] x Koushiro(u) [“Izzy”] Izumi also known as [Taishiro(u)] - Ken Ichijouji x Daisuke Motomiya [Daisuke “Davis” Motomiya in US] { as Kensuke / DaiKen } can also be read in ! with cameos from: Daisuke Motomiya & V-Mon; Ken Ichijouji / Digimon Kaiser { Implied } / Wormmon; Meiko Mochizuki; Hikari Yagami; Homeostasis { Briefly Implied }; & NOT!GENNAI { Tri } with brief footage / video clips from: Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna { Koushiro scenes }
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy]
Part of my Digimon Adventures AMVs series / Semi canon-Compliant or otherwise, AUs / spinoffs Ficverse series { TAISHIRO is the main pairing / duo } : REPEAT?_Verse; with links to more information here ! { Please read all links & information before reading the fic ! } { The A.M.V.s are made as an alternative means of storytelling ! }
... It’s A Timeloops Series. &
“ So WHY didn’t you include 02 from the start ANYWAY ? ”
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[ Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok ! ] SONG LYRICS PREVIEW { for the future ! }:
... This fantasy story’s gotten away from me Ever since THAT ACCIDENT we were PLUNGED INTO ALONE, now, I REALIZED that ; [ . . . ]
TODAY , I’ll ----
“ HEY . YOU’RE   up next .
Let’s SEE HOW     FAST   you   can     R U N . ”
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macaroonmoogle · 7 years
*kaiser gennai merch spills from my pockets b/c there’s none of kaiser ken* ಥ‿ಥ
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@kisekidaisuke replied to your post “OOC …………….. I accidentally started shipping Ryo/Sora”
tell me more
@fallingdarknesswarrior​ replied to your post “OOC …………….. I accidentally started shipping Ryo/Sora”
w h a t
i   c a n    e x p l a i n
okay so, warnings for referenced tri spoilers in this OOC post that I would prefer non-rp blogs not reblog because this is a crack theory and crack ship and I know I vaguely mentioned it to @its-your-light and @meimeiko-chan already
first off, when I say Triser, I mean the guy doing all the creepy stuff in Tri, a’ight?
So we know how Triser has looked, and we know what digis he has at his beck and call and honestly the only reason I never suggested this before was because of how anti this theory I am but it makes sense in it’s own wacky way
but for a while I thought “haha wouldn’t it be funny if ryo was the villain?” You know, that brown haired dork that’s always wearing a dorky sweater and tends to arrive at the end of a battle with starbucks only for himself not even for anyone else but still expects to have a slice of cake at the party? 
yeah, that guy
now the theory i hate is that gennai and ryo are one and the same, I absolutely loathe that theory because there’s so many points proving it wrong but we’re not here to talk about that today
we’re here to talk about Creepy McCreeperson possibly being an E.V.I.L. Akiyama Ryo, possibly after Cyberdramon evolved without him, thereby leading to Milleniummon, who more than likely would want to go back to the Adv world because hey, he got kicked out before but that’s his home and he was trying to take it over and actually succeeded if it weren’t for Ryo
But now Mille’s got Ryo already and could idk, pull them back to the Adv world and immediately destroy his own body to create more Dark Spores which would immediately infect Ryo and turn him evil, into what I like to call, the Tzar. 
Then our Tzar goes and uses all of Mille’s knowledge, creates a few digi clones because hey, Mille’s done it before, close off the digiworld from the human world, also done before, and a bunch of other things like silencing the good guys and capturing/killing them too. which has also been done before by Mille (and to a smaller extent, by Ryo)
Then Tri happens
And the creeptastic stuff too in Loss/Shoushitsu
and now here’s a crack ship of Ryo/Sora based on the fact that canon itty bitty Ryo ignored Mimi’s advances...but maybe because he’s more into redheads? And apparently a kinky mofo judging by what happens with Sora and Meiko. Oh and cosplay ;)
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#5 - Unknown Place
He didn’t know what had happened but there he was… In the pitch black. This time no dreams, except for some weird strange voice telling something in another language.
Then… He opened his eyes.
The place he had been was odd, looked like old and haunted. A poorly lit room, some old wardrobe and a chest… Lots of spider webs… Ah, he was lying on that bed. Not comfortable like the ones at home, but he wouldn’t expect the Digital World to have some sense. Not when most creatures in this world wouldn’t mind to sleep on a rock or on spikes.
Daisuke got up, looked around and found a desk. On the desk, here were his goggles, lying and getting dust from the furniture. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to be separated from V-mon, since he had been attacked by…
“Wait, who was that guy? Why am I here? Why this place gives me some weird feelings?”
He couldn’t explain but… He felt like it was familiar. But how? He never had been in that room before! Or in that place. Wait, where is he right now?!
“Oh man, I think I will have to escape from this room before some evil digimon try to torture me!”
But he was ALONE. Yet fear had taken control over his body. Ironic huh?
“Easy, easy…” - he said to himself - “V-mon will find me! He’s a digimon, and I know he will be here in a few seconds… Or minutes.Or hours. What if I spend a whole day here? What if I spend an ETERNITY trapped in this place? Wait, is it a house? Wow, this digimon needs to clean this room, I’m sure it forgot what the sunlight is. Look at that window! Who lives in this house? I really need to do something to make this place feel a bit better and healthier!”
He tried to open the window, but a cloud of dust attacked him. He coughed a lot, but he successfully opened the rebel window. When he looked back, he saw another shadow behind him. It was…
“Tailmon, you’re here! Where have you been? Where’s Hikari-chan? Also, you look a bit different from what am used to. Where’s your Holy Ring though?”
The cat frowned. Hikari? Who’s Hikari? Those golden eyes were watching Daisuke babbling and complaining about the room. How it was dirty, abandoned and needing to see water, a broom and other stuff.
“Uh, human” - she said - “I have no idea what you’re talking about? And I’m not a regular Tailmon, I’m a Black Tailmon.”
“Oh…” - Daisuke glanced at her, blinking his eyes twice - “I’m sorry, I mistook you with a friend’s partner.”
Indeed, the digimon was a Tailmon, except a virus variation with black fur. No Holy Ring. Her voice sounded younger than Hikari’s partner, and a bit more… Playful?
“You’re my lady’s guest,” - she chirped - “Don’t worry, she’s nice. Although José is not a gentleman, he’s too rude for a bodyguard.”
“José?” - He tilted his head - “You mean, Gennai-san’s clone from Mexico? It was him??”
“No, no!” - she shook her head - “I don’t know any Gennai person. José hates to be called by his name.”
“Nevermind, I want to clean this place first! Before I get sick!” - he coughed again - “Really, whoever lives here doesn’t like to have a clean environment!”
“You…” - she said it slowly - “... want to clean this castle?”
“C-castle?” - he repeated - “No wonder why I was feeling like am inside a terror movie! Black cats, kidnappers, being someone’s guest… Am I Belle now?!”
“I’m afraid that I have no idea about what you’re talking, human.”
“It doesn’t matter…” - Daisuke sighed - “Can you please show me the exit?”
“Downstairs, follow the end of the corridor on the left and you will find the entrance hall.”
“Ok, thank you” - he bowed and left the room, following the directions given by the cat digimon.
He didn’t care to examine the place, all he wanted was to leave and find V-mon before something bad happens. And when he finally crossed the entrance hall… His hand a few millimeters from the golden fancy knob…
“Oi, human. Do NOT dare to open this door.”
He felt chills running down his spine. Some snort on his neck and the presence of some DANGEROUS creature behind him, staring at him with a murderous glare.
Instead of looking back to see who was behind him, he stepped back in silence as he was trying to control his fear. A panic attack at that time wouldn’t help the situation, it could make it worse. Animals can feel fear, right? Maybe digimons can do that too…
“Be nice,” - the male voice said, sounding familiar to Daisuke but he couldn’t recognize it at all - “My lady wouldn’t like to have her guest smashed by my hands. And human beings are all fragile.”
Pride hit Motomiya Daisuke hard and ignited the flames of courage within his chest. No, he wouldn’t let someone underestimate him just for being a fragile human.
He turned back, with an anger expression on his face (making him look like a fluff mad dog) and stared at the shadow:
He gulped when he saw the height and size of the creature. Bigger than him, stronger than him. A Black Weregarurumon was in the entrance hall, crossing his arms, those eyes judging Daisuke’s stupid attitude and determination.
“Y-you know what?!” - the goggle boy babbled in panic - “I’m not a street f-fighter, I’m just a-an ordinary Elementary s-student who hates v-violence!” - he couldn’t fight a weregarurumon oh my god he had a DREAM to accomplish!
The digimon remained in silence, waiting for something. Perhaps this is the part Daisuke runs away and tries to survive without V-mon?
Yep. He ran as fast as he could go. He had to find a door, a closet, a room… ANYTHING. There was a wild werewolf chasing him and trying to… To… What would that digimon do to him?! It doesn’t matter now, he needed to ESCAPE.
A door a door… There it is! Uh-oh, LOCKED.
“This can’t be happening!” - he shouted in despair - “Come on, open, open it!” - he glanced at the corridor and then saw the wolf approaching - “COME ON, I DON’T WANT TO DIE HERE!”
He tried again and no success. Whatever! Gotta go fast, Daisuke! He ran to the end of the corridor and went upstairs, ran to that dusty room and locked the door. At least that old bedroom saved his life!
“Okay I am the Belle” - he said with disgust - “And there’s a Beast. I’m trapped! I can’t leave! Help, I want to go home!!” - he sat on the floor and took his D-terminal - “Please work, I need to be rescued! Miyako, Ken, Iori, Hikari-chan, even Takeru! Come as soon as possible, I got separated from V-mon and now I’m inside a haunted castle, with a Black Weregarurumon chasing me!!”
Although the D-terminal system was badly-developed and with flaws, he was desperate to able to type something more or less that he was muttering to himself.
 Meanwhile… V-mon was having a bad time. Unable to find Daisuke, he had to risk and leave the area. But his sixth sense was telling him to go to the north, following the wind and… Wait!
“Those branches on the ground are broken…!”
A clue!!
“Maybe if I go in the opposite direction… I may find Dai-- Huh…? I feel something… I smell smoke… A Firewood stove or a bonfire… Someone is around, maybe they saw Daisuke…!”
And then he left. Too bad he couldn’t evolve by himself without Daisuke’s D-3 (unlike the former Chosen’s partners, like Agumon or Gabumon). He was small and not so fast. But he had to give his best to save his friend, especially before letting anything bad to happen to Daisuke.
“Daisuke, please stay safe…!”
 “No answers?!”
He was looking in awe at the D-terminal screen. It had been an hour and no reply. Also no signal of V-mon. And if he tried to leave the castle, probably that werewolf would appear and scare him again.
“This is definitely not my day…” - he whimpered - “Maybe I can try to find another exit, maybe a window in the ground floor, or a backdoor…” - he got up from the floor and opened the door a bit to lurk around the corridor. No signal of the kitty or the doge. That’s it, it’s your chance to try again!
He left the room calmly and without doing any noise, but he was sure the wooden floor would NOT cooperate with him. But he’s used to it, his home had those problems, noisy doors and floors, and he only had gotten caught a couple of times because he hadn’t paid attention to what he had been doing.
It was working. Yes, it was. He was able to reach the ground floor without calling anyone’s attention. Now head to the entrance hall.
This time he didn’t see the Weregarurumon there and felt relieved. At least the floor of the entrance hall was made of ceramic so no worries with a noisy floorboard. He touched the knob, He was so close…
“I’M CLEANING THIS PLACE AND YOU WON’T STOP ME!” - Daisuke yelled, removing his glove to use as cloth and polish the entrance door’s knob. A lie, of course, but he didn’t want to die. The Weregarurumon kept judging his behavior, and then Daisuke heard something odd.
“Seriously? Does she think this human is the chosen one?”
The digimon was rambling, ignoring Daisuke’s presence and giving the boy a couple of minutes to try and escape. But nope, Daisuke may be silly but he’s not dumb. He knew he couldn’t open the door and flee. The wolf would chase and bring him back to the castle.
Things could’ve been worse, like, some witch-like digimon appear and transform him into a frog! But he thought that part would’ve been too fairy tail-ish to happen… Except he believed in everything after getting a digimon, seeing vending machines on jungles and using PC monitors and TVs as gates to travel through the worlds.
Yup. Daisuke’s life is quite surreal but it was real.
“Listen,” - he put his gloves on again and walked towards the big wolf - “I have no idea why am I here, but I have a family waiting for me they will be worried in a few hours. If I disappear, they will call the police and then my friends will come here and will fight you and I don’t want them to do that. Let me go home.”
“You can’t,” - the Weregarurumon pouted. What a big baby - “She told me to bring you here, so you will stay here until you meet her.”
“Sure, meet her” - Daisuke narrowed his eyes - “No one told me WHO is her! Don’t tell me it’s the owner of this castle and she needs my help to do something. But couldn’t she call me INSTEAD?”
“Watch your mouth.”
“I know I’m more like a servant to the Digital World, but that’s no reason to kidnap me! That’s illegal in my world! Also this place needs a household. Really, was that the reason I am here? Nice, from the protector of the worlds to the janitor of the Digital World.”
“Wait a minute” - anger came in when he realized what had happened when he had gotten separated from V-mon - “IT WAS YOU WHO HIT ME IN THE HEAD AND LOCKED ME IN THAT ROOM!?”
“Human, I told you to--”
“José,” - the Black Tailmon appeared behind them - “The dinner is ready.”
“D-DO NOT CALL ME LIKE THAT!” - the wolf hissed.
“Dinner?! But it’s still afternoon!” - Daisuke blinked - “It can’t be that late! It should’ve been afternoon tea or a snack, but dinner??”
“You know I won’t call you by that ridiculous name” - Black Tailmon said with an annoyed tone - “Especially because your real name is much better than that.”
“Wait a minute, José?” - Daisuke pointed at the werewolf - “You’re the José the kitty was talking about?”
“It’s Amis, not José!” - he growled - “Amis Lupe! Not José!”
“You sound like a grumpy friend of mine” - Daisuke smirked - “Seriously? That tough werewolf digimon’s name is José?!”
“I GONNA TEAR YOU INTO PIECES!” - Amis roared, showing his claws, but he glanced at the small kitten - “And you, you are not allowed to talk about it!”
“Well, look at you,” - Black Tailmon rolled her eyes - “trying to be someone who you will never be, hiding the truth from everyone. At least I’m who I truly am.”
He saw Amis glaring at the cat with wide eyes. She really had triggered something inside the werewolf.
“Huh?” - Daisuke frowned - “What do you mean by that?”
“Ah, the meal is ready” - she ignored Daisuke’s question - “If this makes it sound friendlier to you, human” - and then she left, walking calmly to the end of the corridor.
But the question kept bugging Daisuke. So the wolf has a secret…?
“Hey man,” - Daisuke started after an awkward silence in the entrance hall - “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to…--”
Knock knock, someone was there. He heard a muffled voice coming from outside and sounded like…
“Bu… OI” - he glanced at Amis - “Lemme open that door! I know who is there!”
“You won’t fool me” - the other snorted.
“I’m not planning to escape! If I need to stay here to see your master then I’m going to do whatever she wants first. I promise you.”
“Fine…” - Amis sighed, then the wolf opened the door. He couldn’t see who was outside, because it jumped on Daisuke’s arms. When he looked at the boy, he saw a...
“V-MON!! You’re here! I was worried that you wouldn’t find me in this place!”
“Daisuke!!” - V-mon was almost crying - “I’m sorry I thought you had been attacked by a digimon!”
“And I was” - he immediately glared at Amis. V-mon gasped.
“... I’m sorry” - Amis muttered, avoiding to look at Daisuke.
“But I’m fine, no one hurt me!” - he smiled at his partner digimon - “except…” - and here was Daisuke narrowing his eyes at Amis.
“I already said sorry!” - the wolf growled.
“Now let’s go home” - V-mon said expressionless - “I’ve found your soccer ball, but I… dropped it when I heard you screaming” - he gave Daisuke a disappointed gaze, lip quivered.
Daisuke put him on the floor, then patted the digimon’s head. With a smile, he replied:
“It’s okay. We can find it someday; I believe the digimon will enjoy playing with it. But no, I promised to stay here and do something I’m about to know right now.”
“What? Why do you want to stay in this place?” - V-mon didn’t understand it.
“Well, maybe they need someone to clean the house” - he laughed - “Maybe they needed someone able to do it. And this place deserves a retouch” - and looked around, now noticing all the details of that place. It looked like those movies from the Medieval period, except there were light bulbs and electricity. Well, this is still the Digital World right? That world had an Edo period city with some technology if he could recall it correctly - “Can you give me a hand?”
“Why one hand if you can have two?” - V-mon chuckled.
“No, I didn’t mean literally!” - he snorted and laughed again.
“Can we go now?” - Amis said, closing the door and analyzing V-mon.
“Yes, we can” - Daisuke answered - “Do you mind if I bring him with me? He’s like my little brother” - yep, he was referring to V-mon. Amis just shrugged, maybe the ‘lady’ wouldn’t mind that digimon anyway.
“He’s already here, unless my lady wants him to leave” - he answered calmly - “Now come. She must be waiting for you.”
V-mon and Daisuke looked at each other, but they followed the big guy. The door in the end of the corridor on the right was huge, leading them to the dining room: vast and gorgeous, with some red carpet, white walls with a few portraits and medieval-esque yet steampunk decoration. Amis led them to the table, and showed them their seats. It was a long table like the ones from the royalty, and it was filled with food, though Daisuke was finding that all suspicious and expected something bad to happen next. Like, being just an illusion and in the end a digimon appear to surprise-attack him. At least V-mon was with him now… He had a chance to evolve his partner and protect themselves… And escape.
They sat on their chairs, V-mon drooling because of the delicious food. But Daisuke… He kept finding something odd there, but he couldn’t tell what was it.
Suddenly, the other door from the room opened and a female silhouette appeared. The sun from the other room’s window couldn’t help Daisuke to see who was.
But the servants, the Gotsumons, closed the fancy door…
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“Welcome, my noble guest. I hope you don’t mind for asking a little help.”
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hundt327-blog · 6 years
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