#camp cretaceous x reader
yourlocalracoon404 · 20 days
Since my camp cretaceous hyperfixation came back i was thinking about posting an jpcc x OC/Reader :3 (on wattpad and/or tumblr)
Also if it would be an x reader it woul be an yazsammy x reader, cuz i only see Yaz fics and Sammy needs some love too :( also, i wpuld use my OC's lore while rewriting the parts to be more inclusive to the reader for the x reader book (also the reader would be fem/nb representing)
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swan2swan · 2 months
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If you want to see Sad Sapphics breaking up in the darkness and rain before they've even started dating, you can watch Camp Cretaceous or you can watch Arcane. Same dish, different chefs, both delicious.
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hurlingsupport · 5 months
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Gender Neutral Reader Insert)
Chapter 1: Camp Cretaceous
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Who knew that fresh air could feel so stuffy? Not you, that's who. You weren't exactly someone who'd leave the house every day, not enjoying the outdoors. So you couldn't really judge how fresh air could be, but this sea air just seemed too fresh.
Luckily, a 'thunk!' interrupted your thoughts, and then a hand shooed you off the boat until your feet met the gray concrete docks.
Looking around, you surveyed the faces of five other people, all varying in looks. The most notable one to you was the guy standing to your left. He wore a bright green jacket, with a face that resembled a similar color. You felt bad for him; but you would not mix the smell of puke with your own—beautifully non-pukey fragrance, so you'd keep your distance for now.
You shimmied a little to the right, almost bumping shoulders with one of the teens, though you skillfully avoided that using something called spatial awareness.
Another person was this tall girl, with a rather long, black ponytail; who seemed too busy inspecting her surroundings to notice a pink-haired girl sneaking up on her with a cellular device in hand.
Your eyes widen as you realize exactly who this pink haired girl is, which is the famous Brooklynn, of course. You weren't really a fan, but it's hard not to know her, considering her social status.
You tear your eyes off the two girls once the taller one pushes Brooklynn's camera out of her face forcefully. Instead, you focus on the dark-skinned boy in front of you, wearing a yellow jacket with black stripes on the sleeves. He was looking around excitedly, practically bouncing on his feet—no, scratch that, he was. You hold back a chuckle, not wanting to be a creep, and jump when someone elbows you gently.
"So… Jurassic World, huh?" You look behind you when you hear a southern accent directed your way. The culprit is a girl with a pink headband, wearing a black leather jacket.
"Uh, yeah. That's–that's where we are. Haha." You grimace at your attempt at a conversation, though the cowgirl doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she seems happy just at the fact you responded at all.
Before she can speak again, the man who had just been humming a Lady Gaga song and staring at a clipboard finally speaks up; prompting everyone to form a group in front of him.
"Welcome to Isla Nublar, campers!" The man has pale skin and a yellow bandana that forces his hair upwards. He carries a carefree smile and continues talking as he walks back and forth ahead of your group.
"You are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness…" He pauses, and everyone—despite not knowing one another—looks at each other in excitement.
"... that is Camp Cretaceous." He folds his hands behind his back and walks to the left.
"I know—the trip from the mainland was rough on some." He nods his head towards the green jacket teen.
"Hello, Ben."
Said boy turns towards the man to give him a thumbs up, right before spinning back around to barf again over the edge of the dock.
You raised a brow, when had he left the group?
The older man shouts: "But you made it!"
"I'm Dave, head counselor. You heard that correctly—head honcho, big shot."
Dave's interrupted by the sound of screeching wheels, and everyone turns once they notice the dust flying from the vehicle that just pulled up.
The mystery person pushes the driver's seat door open, and a brown-haired woman with sun-kissed skin jumps out.
"Ah, so sorry I'm late!" She has to shout over the commotion she herself had created.
She begins her own introduction as she makes her way towards the group. "Welcome, campers! I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous." Her words cause a silence to overcome everyone.
You, along with the other teens, stare down Dave with judging eyes.
He fumbles with his words, chuckling with embarrassment. "Haha–well, it's sort of a co-head… counselor sort of situation." His hands point at the air, as if trying to summon something to back him up.
"Is it?" Roxie snickers.
Dave clears his throat, desperate to steer the conversation away from his failed leadership role.
"Anyway, some of you won contests to be here, some if you had VIP invites," During Dave's speech, Brooklynn spins her phone around, recording the area; along with the tall, ponytail girl. The tall girl blocks the camera's view of her face before walking away completely.
Rejected but still determined, Brooklynn instead turns her phone towards the rest of the group, which includes you.
The boy in the yellow jacket gives a double thumbs up at the camera, in addition to a bright smile. The cowgirl then notices the camera and leans over the dark-skinned boy to throw up a peace sign. Even Ben gives a small smile at the camera.
You glance at the camera, eyes widening before giving a quick grin and hurriedly turning the other way. The action causes Brooklynn to raise a brow, but she doesn't investigate further. Rather, she swivels her phone to face Roxie and Dave as they continue their speech, which you now realize you hadn't been listening to.
You pick up on Roxie's words, "As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic World."
There are varying shouts of eagerness, along with Ben's whines of fear. Roxie goes on to list the various activities you'd all be taking part in before the dark-skinned boy to your right cuts in to shout:
"Dinosaurs!?" His hands are suspended in front of him, balled into fists that shook with fervor.
After a beat of silence, he puts his hands in his pockets and stares down at his shoes. You reluctantly pat his shoulder, offering a small smile when he turns towards you out of confusion.
Lucky for you, he smiles back, because that would've been really awkward if he got creeped out by you touching him or something. You let out a relieved breath from the positive interaction.
Roxie picks up from where she was interrupted, "Yes…" She spares a brief glance at the clipboard in her hands before continuing. "...Darius, plenty of dinosaurs."
"So, ready for an adventure?"
Brooklynn doesn't miss a beat, and immediately responds, "Absolutely!" She looks towards her phone and seems to be a bit dissatisfied at something before turning her eyes back towards the two adults.
"But I'm gonna need that speech a little shorter, and really try to lean into the majesty of this place."
Roxie and Dave stare at the girl with furrowed brows before Dave chuckles and claps his hands together.
"Okay, we're going now. Let's get the seven of you to camp!"
Ben slowly raises a hand in an almost robotic motion, "Uh, there are six of us?" He looks over the group to make sure he isn't wrong before turning towards the red shirt wearing adults.
"Wait." Dave pauses to count heads, verbally announcing names to check off a figurative list.
"Dino-kid, Track-star, Internet Girl, Wordsmith, Barfy, Texas." Everyone gives differing reactions towards the nicknames. He gave you a positive one, at least.
"He's right. Where's seven?" Dave looks around, as if the teen would suddenly appear out of thin air.
Roxie checks the board, most likely for a name, and then scoffs.
Soon after, the sound of a helicopter's rotor blades whirring enters your ears, and you rush to cover them. Number seven really appeared out of thin air, huh?
A grown man hops out, opens the door, and hops back in. Roxie holds a hand out, gesturing towards the aircraft with a well-deserved snarl.
Your group all shields their eyes from dust once again, and you hope this doesn't become a common occurrence. Your glasses can't keep getting dirty because of people's dramatic entrances.
Once the dust clears, you spot a confident-looking guy stepping out, wearing a purple collared shirt and carrying a blue case of luggage. He even sported some black sunglasses, extra much?
"Greetings, my dudes. Kenji is here, so let the party commence!" He walks towards you all, confidence practically radiating off of him.
Roxie sputters at the dust remnants, and it doesn't help that this so-called Kenji throws his luggage at her before saying, "Put this in my room."
"So, what's your deal?" He asks Darius after pulling his sunglasses down in an exaggerated manner.
He's then promptly shoved to the ground by his own luggage, which was thrown at him by none other than Roxie.
"Okay, let's go!" She announces, after dusting her hands off.
Texas climbs onto the trunk of the car Roxie had driven there, while Track-star skillfully jumps over the short wall of said trunk and plopping down next to the other girl.
Ben unwillingly sits near the edge, next to cowgirl, though you usher him away from it because you didn't want to sit near Brooklynn or Kenji; who were going to sit on the opposite side, since your side was full.
"Thanks." Ben mutters, and you nod.
Brooklynn poses and snaps a photo, and Dave pats your side of the truck to an unknown rhythm until he reaches the car door. Darius sits down, facing Brooklynn, likely planning to start a conversation before Kenji intrudes by sitting between the two. He even goes as far as putting an arm around Darius's shoulders despite the annoyed face the poor boy is making.
The engine starts, and everyone screams as Roxie speeds up. Darius buckles his seat belt, causing a chain reaction of seat-buckling.
"I hope you got my mom's note. I don't do well on windy roads." Ben nearly shouts, twisting his body so that he could face the road that the car's driving on.
Your face twists with a grimace as he gags, "Really?" You ask, almost out of annoyance, but you can't really blame him for having such a weak stomach.
He spares you a fleeting look of guilt before hurling, and you grip the back of his jacket because you're not just going to let him fly out of this speeding car.
"What's good, Brooklanders?" Brooklynn says, starting a video as she points her phone to the road and then her own face.
"It's your girl Brooklynn coming at you from the best place ever: Camp Cretaceous!" She throws an arm out, gesturing towards the passing trees.
"Like and subscribe to join me as I unlock: Jurassic World!" She stops and looks at everyone in the trunk, giving you a bad feeling.
"Okay, I need you all to say who you are and a little about yourself." There it is, something you don't want to do but will anyway cause why not.
"And action!" She points her phone at Darius.
He sputters, "Oh! Um…" He thinks for a moment before continuing. "I beat this awesome VR dinosaur game. I'm Darius by the–"
"I'm sorry," the cowgirl interrupts. "I just can't believe… you're Brooklynn!" The pink-haired girl smiles at the attention.
"I'm Sammy Gutierrez, total Brooklander!" Sammy grabs hold of Brooklynn's hand and shakes it with all her might.
She shoots finger guns, ending it with the imitation of gunfire.
She seems to realize that she didn't fully introduce herself, and she suddenly stops. "Oh, also, my family supplies all the beef for the parks, and that's how I got here."
"Great to meet you, Sammy." Brooklynn grins.
Darius looks around, trying to spot confusion on anyone else's face before asking it himself, "Um… What's a Brooklander?"
"Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklyn explains.
"Uh, all 27 million of us." Sammy imitates gunfire again. Kenji's eyes widened in interest.
"27 million? Last time I checked, it was 25 million." You say unintentionally, causing Kenji's already widening eyes to almost bulge out of his head with your contribution, and he excitedly shakes Darius.
Brooklynn furrows her brows at you, opening her mouth to say something before she's cut off by Track-star, who you should really ask the name of.
"Yep, that's why she's the only one who gets to keep her cell phone. She's famous."
Kenji butts in, "Hold on. Rich…" He points to himself, "... and famous?" He turns his hand to Brooklyn.
"Oh, meant to be." He snatches her phone out of her hands, before leaning against her and taking a picture of the two of them.
Ben's still throwing up, and you're still holding onto the back of him. While he takes the attention of practically everyone by grossing them out, Brooklynn takes her phone back from Kenji.
Suddenly, the car comes to an unexpected stop, nearly causing Ben to slip straight out of his seatbelt if it weren't for your hold on him. You both grimace, and he slithers back into his seat while you finally release your strong grip on his jacket.
"Urgh, thanks… again," He pauses, staring at you as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
You take a few seconds to realize he's waiting for you to give him your name. "Oh! Uh, no problem. It's y/n, by the way."
He nods, smiling as happily as one can when you have bile coating the insides of your mouth. "Thanks again, y/n."
He then turns to ask Dave what's going on, holding his stomach while doing so. Hopefully, they have some Tums or something at the actual camp.
"Nothing you need to worry about." Dave assures, though it's not very helpful with the following sentence.
"But you should all definitely stay in your seats."
Ben whimpers, and of course, as soon as Dave says that everyone gets up and crowds around your side of the trunk to see what's happening.
You unbuckle and observe the adults, watching as they wave around electrified sticks with caution.
Ben continues to whimper. Whether it's out of fear or stomach pain, you're not sure. However, you don't take your eyes off the only adults in the area until Darius hesitantly whispers something you can't quite make out.
You turn to look at Darius, then in the direction he's staring, and see some bushes rustling. You slowly grab a hold of the trunk wall in preparation to jump out if needed.
The bushes continue to rustle, becoming more violent, and Darius keeps trying to gain the attention of people other than you.
It's only when something jumps out, and Darius shrieks, that you jump out of the car trunk and watch as everyone else tumbles out; or attempts to.
Though when the screams stop and you realize the culprit of it all is a little compy, you sigh. Then, you turn around and watch as Ben slips in the damp dirt while trying to get onto his feet.
This goes on for about 10 more seconds until it's awkward on both ends and you grab him by the hand and forcefully pull him up. "Tha–"
"Third time. You can't thank me anymore, Ben." He squints his eyes at you out of befuddlement, then squeals when Roxie pounces on the compy that had been standing on Darius.
She aptly wraps the small dinosaur in a blanket, patting it before delicately placing it in a cat carrier.
"Crisis averted." She says smoothly.
She places it in the car's backseat. "These things are always getting out of their enclosure."
Darius climbed over the head of the trunk and gasped, "A real live Compsognathus!"
Kenji scooted into his seat, huffing at Darius's enchantment. "Oh, please. It took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it."
He sighed. "Boring!"
Darius gives him a deserving side eye, "Scared you pretty good."
The rest of the group giggled at the Dino-Boy's counter, including yourself. Brooklynn took a picture of Kenji's surprised expression, most likely for her blog. Kenji furrowed his brows at Darius in return.
The ride kept on with peace, at least until the car reached the Camp Cretaceous gate and everyone praised the design with sounds of amazement.
You were worried though, sure this was fun, but they couldn't seem to keep their dinosaurs in check. That worries you.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you noticed everyone hopping out of the car. Seems like you reached your destination. You look up and immediately let out a gasp, seeing a humongous tree house that looked to be around 50 feet in the air.
"Seems safe from dinosaurs, at least." You turned to your left, seeing Ben still in the trunk. You huffed.
"It looks like mushrooms." And the conversation was officially over.
"Hey, Brooklanders, check this place out! Is this not the most amazing place you have ever been!?" Then the loud voice of Brooklynn drew your attention. Already recording another video for her channel.
Kenji intrudes as he walks into the camera frame, "If you think this is cool, you should see my dad's penthouse in the main park."
Brooklynn deadpans before lighting up, seeing a girl she had gotten nothing out of yet. "Yasmina!" Oh, so was that her name?
You watch their interaction for a bit before walking off to explore. You assumed you wouldn't die immediately by walking away from the group for now.
You nudge the circle made of short, wooden trunks with your shoe. Looking up when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Hey," it's dino-boy. "Um, not really an important thing, but I wanted to say thanks. For… patting me, y'know? Sorry, that sounds weird, actually."
You stare in silence for a few seconds, before realizing he expected you to respond. "Oh, it's fine. Like you said, it's not an important thing. I just kind of felt bad."
He made a face. Oh, that might've come out wrong. "I mean, it's reasonable to get excited by dinosaurs. They're cool, right?" At this, he smiles brightly.
"Yeah! They're awesome. I have so many books on them, figures, MOVIES!" He gasped, almost as if he didn't know he had these things, before apologizing.
"Sorry, if you couldn't tell, I just really like dinosaurs." He rubs his neck sheepishly.
You kick at the wooden stubs again. "Nah, it's fine. I don't mind you going off about them. I have a bunch of books on them, too."
He raises a brow. "Really? What kind?"
"Just encyclopedias, some stories, the usual." Despite you brushing it off, Darius gets excited either way.
"So cool. Maybe we could exchange books sometime. If we're even on the same continent."
You snicker, thinking about being dinosaur pen pals with a teen you just met.
You jump when Dave suddenly yells, "Listen up!"
You look his way, noticing the lazily thrown luggage. Did he really just toss those in any random direction?
"Announcement time from your co-head counselors."
"Psst, still not a thing." Roxie quietly adds, before continuing on her own, seeing as Dave wasn't acting seriously.
"Okay, everyone, there are some ground rules to cover.
She quickly lists them off, "Curfew at 8:00p.m., and lights out at 9:00p.m. sharp."
Ben does this stupid-looking fist pump thing that makes you chuckle.
"This is for your safety," Roxie assures. "We are in a dinosaur-filled jungle." You could understand that with or without her Australian accent. Was it Australian though? You could never really tell.
"You must always keep your distance, or you could be seriously hurt, if not worse." You can see Kenji sulking in the corner, honestly how old was he to be acting the way he has?
"Define worse." Ben says in exasperation.
He's ignored in favor of Dave pointing upwards, stating the obvious. "Cabins are up that-a-way."
Yasmina then shouts, "First one there gets top bunk!" She pushes right past Kenji, as if he wasn't even there.
Then everyone else races past, though despite this you keep your speed at a minimum since you couldn't be bothered. There wasn't that big of a difference between top and bottom bunk. You'd probably fall right off the top bunk, anyway.
You briefly look back, watching as Darius ran up to the car. You wondered if you should follow him, but ultimately decided that it'd be weird to do that and went where everyone else had.
You pause once more when you feel a rumbling, and then hurry to meet up with everyone else.
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aceditwrites · 1 year
The Master List (hi)
Master List:
Hi, i’m ace. I got really bored and i need an excuse to procrastinate on my personal writing projects so i decided to start an account dedicated to just writing. So like, you can request almost anything (limits below) like if you want like a platonic fic just ask! If you want the reader to be the kid or sibling of the character, i’ll do it! You can be as specific or as vague as you want, eventually i’ll get some prompts for help but for now, you gotta wing it. Also I’ll write for like any fandom even if i dont know it, i’ll try my hardest but i’d prefer if you stuck to the list below. Anyways yeah.  (also pfp is nyurei on picrew)
So basic rules, 
If youre an nsfw account dni, also i will not write smut regardless of age given i’m a minor
No incest 
I’m currently only doing x readers, that might change in the future but for now no ocs or ships
I’d prefer if you didn’t request x reader with an actual person, (ex. Instead of asking for a Maya Hawke x reader, ask for a Robin Buckley x reader)
If you know a character’s sexuality and you dont fit, dont ask (ex. Nico is gay, I will not write Nico x fem! reader)
Please specify pronouns when requesting 
Please keep in mind i’m not a professional writer 
Please use common sense and dont do something that makes me have to update the rules
Anyways, so fandoms i’ll write for
It 2017/2019: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon (specify if you want 2017 or 2019)
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Kevin Tran, Crowley, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena (does girly have a last name 💀), Jack Kline (platonic only)
South park (platonic only for everyone, they’re children): Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Butters Scotch, Tolkien Black (or is it Token? I swear its always spelled different), Timmy, Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Jimmy Valmer, Wendy Testaburger 
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius Bowman (i’d prefer if we kept it platonic with him but romance is ok i guess), Kenji Kon, Brooklyn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Guiterrez, Ben Pincus, 
Marvel: Tony Stark (platonic only, so sorry) Steve Rodger, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Peter, Ned Leeds, M.J, Harley Keener, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Amity Blight, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Gus Porter, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorn, Hooty (platonic preferred, but if you freaky like that go ahead and ask for romance, see what happens), Raine Whispers
The Umbrella Academy: Luther, Diego, Alison, Klaus, Five (would he date a kid or an adult cause-), Ben (he can be alive or yall could be ghosts), Vanya 
Dear Evan Hansen: Connor Murphy (my beloved), Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck
Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Debbie Grayson, Eve Wilkins, Rex Splode, Amber Bennet, William Clockwell
Idk how any of this works but uh have fun
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pedal-writes · 3 months
Masterlist :33
(Last updated, 7/4/24)
Lego ninjago
Series! Lloyd dating (and reg) hcs
Homesick - bayverse! optimus prime x reader (ch 1) (ch 2) (ch 3)
Jurassic park/world
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eclecticendeavorss · 2 months
⚡️ hii!! this is my first post. i really want to join this community but to be honest, i have no idea how or what even to say. instead, i’ll just share my interests and see if anyone has it in common!! ⭐️
im an avid reader!! my favourite books are the mysterious benedict society, daughter of the deep + more. i also enjoy miss peregrine’s peculiar children, the lockwood & co series and a little guilty pleasure series of mine is the alex rider book series. even if i don’t like that the books that much, rereading it is weirdly comforting. im also a riordanverse fan!! my favs are magnus chase and the kane chronicles.
my favourite shows are jurassic world camp cretaceous, bad education, alex rider + modern family. my favourite movies are christopher robin, boss baby, sing (don’t ask abt the last two…i have an unhealthy attachment to them), sonic the hedgehog 2 and nimona. i also watch bollywood movies! my favourite is probably secret superstar :)
oh, im also a MASSIVE comic fan. marvel comics are my favourite but i dabble in DC if i like the character. my favourite superhero team is champions but x-men is close second <3. i am an mcu hater through and through but i can hold conversation about it. my favourite superheroes are ms marvel, nova (sam), cyclops, ironheart, iceman, spiderman (miles) + more!
im not entirely sure what else i can say. my main ongoing interests encompass peter pan + narnia. those two come back no matter what i do!!
some of my favourite authors are jonathan stroud, rick riordan, roshani chokshi, millie florence (she let me beta read her book!!), elle mcnicoll + more. i really should make a more decisive list instead of changing it up everytime.
anyway, i hope that’s enough as a first post. PLEASE comment and interact so i can meet more people.
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(not sure how this is gonna look when i post it, hopefully it’s not ugly! 😭)
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phasmattack · 1 year
Visitors (a 65 story) Chapter 6: Reminiscence
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Read Chapter 5
Pairing: Captain Mills x Fem Reader
Fic Summary: 65 million years ago, Captain Mills (played by Adam Driver) crashes a passenger transport ship into Earth during the Cretaceous period. You are among three survivors of the crash. Together with Mills, you must make your way to the only shot of extraction through an unknown terrain riddled with deadly prehistoric creatures.
Fic Masterlist
Read on Ao3
The evening sun began to cast long shadows on the ground, the last light flirting with the horizon. The spot your group currently occupies is obviously an unfit place to spend the night. The scattered boulders don’t provide enough covering from the elements, and being surrounded by darkness in an open clearing doesn’t sound particularly comforting.
This beat of rest has given your mind time to wander. You pull your thoughts back from recalling the situation you fled from at home, knowing the added anxiety won’t help anything. You push them instead towards Mills, not so subtly staring at his profiled face.
His dark hair falls in soft curls onto his forehead and rests along his strong shoulders. Impossibly strong, they seem, despite how much pain they’re in. He draws in a deep breath, the tired and thin clothing covering his chest rising and falling with it. Your gaze rises to the outline of his nose, bold and sharp but perfectly embodying his chiseled features. You settle to his lips, chapped from the sun but yet you still have an urge to run your fingers over them, soft as a whisper but enough to memorize their shape.
Your eyes flick back to his to find them already on you, meeting your stare. Feeling that familiar blush creep up your neck, you clear your throat and start nervously fiddling with your boot’s loose shoelace, trying to pretend like you hadn’t just been caught ogling him.
If he did notice your embarrassingly long stare, he didn’t say. Instead he clasps his hands together and brings the tips of both thumbs to his mouth, softly blowing and releasing a bird-like sound. You chuckle under your breath at the absurdly random act, but you do catch Koa’s attention perk up across from you.
He smiles successfully and blows another whistle. Now Koa turns to face him, a small sparkle returning in her eyes. He motions to show her how to repeat the gesture and blows a third time. In return, Koa lifts her hands into a completely different position and blows through her pinky nails, sending out a tritone whistle twice as loud as his. Mills fakes a look of offense, throwing his hands up as if it was all for nothing. Koa finally giggles, a sound you’ve both been patiently waiting to hear again.
“Move?” Mills asks her.
“Move.” She replies.
You settle on making camp in the mouth of a small cave, ‘camp’ being enough room for the three of you to lay and use your packs as stiff pillows. The cave walls block out most of the breeze, and the roof covers you from the rain that starts to sputter. Mills walks around its perimeter, placing spikes into the ground every couple feet. They whir to life as they’re placed, blinking orange to signal there’s no danger nearby.
Mills shuffles around in his pack and hands a ration to each of you. “Eat.” He tells Koa when she gives him a puzzling look. You unwrap your ration and bite into it, showing her what he means. She cautiously peels the wrapper off the protein bar and breaks off a tiny piece, her face scrunching up in disgust. Her hunger must outweigh her pickiness because she continues to bite off small pieces until she reaches the end.
Satisfied with finishing such a gross task, she leans back against the cave wall and opens her small pack, fishing out several small objects that resemble hologram discs. Your head tilts at her, squinting to try and figure out what she’s up to. Before you can, Mills abruptly asks,
“Where did you get those?”
The tone of his voice makes Koa’s smile drop and she tries to hide the discs back in her bag. Not amused, Mills takes a step to her and rips the bag out of her grip. Dumping the discs into his hand, you can clearly see them now. They’re messages from his daughter.
“Mills, she didn’t mean to-” You start to reason, sympathizing with both of them.
“It’s time to sleep.” He coldly interrupts. He stuffs the discs into his own pack and slumps against the farthest wall. You sigh, picking up Koa’s pack and fluffing it like a pillow before placing it under her head. She curls up, turning towards the wall and softly crying. Great.
You’re really not sure how to mediate this back and forth. Koa was simply being a curious child, trying to find a small speck of joy in this traumatic situation. Mills is a hardened man who lost his daughter, and wants to repress any memory of her. That is, you assume so before hearing the sound of his navigational unit clicking open.
Sat between them, you watch as Mills slides in a disc and projects the message into the air ahead. It’s Nevine, sitting cross legged across from you, hair fluffy from sleep and wearing pajamas dotted with stars. She’s holding a figurine of a rocketship, wrapping paper discarded behind her. Swooping the ship through the air around her, she laughs, the delightful noise echoing off the cave walls.
Tears tugging at your eyes, you turn to Mills. His expression is pensive, his view fixed right to Nevine. A little bit of warmth returns to his face. Koa sits up on your other side and grins at the hologrammed image.
“Shooooo” Nevine mimics engine noises, “It’s just like yours daddy! I love it!”
Koa scoots forward and slowly lifts a hand, the projection so real she wants to reach out and touch it.
“I miss you.” Nevine tells her father, toy slumping and sad eyes gazing into the camera.
The message cuts out, returning the cave to silence and darkness.
Koa yawns, fallen tears now dried up. She scoots back, returning to her curled up position and resting her head on her pack. Mills carefully tucks the disc into his pack and reclines too, the cave opening so small that it forces either of them within inches of you. You stay sitting up between them, listening to the rain patter against the cave and watching the stars glow in the distance. One star is particularly red, you chalk it up to being an unfamiliar planet since you’re on the other side of the galaxy and pause to take one last look at its glow before you lay back and force yourself to sleep.
You sleep much deeper than you would’ve expected to on a cave floor, maybe helped by the fact that Mills has pressed against you at some point during the night. You wake at the feeling of his breath on your neck, his knees cradled into yours, and his heavy arm slung over your stomach. You know he wasn’t holding you on purpose, it was his body reacting to the cold and reaching for any warmth he could find.
But you can’t say you minded it, nuzzling into him to steal more of his heat. As you do, you recognize something else that pulled you from your sleep, a softly ringing alarm. Suddenly wide awake, your eyes open and your vision adjusts to see the perimeter spikes now blinking red. You wipe your eyes and lift Mills’s arm off of you, gently waking him in the process.
“They’re red now.” You whisper to him, voice groggy, “What does red mean?”
“Nothing good.” He replies, grabs his weapon and begins stalking towards the cave’s entrance. Just getting prepared to run, you tap Koa to wake her. She doesn’t budge in response.
“Koa, c’mon wake up.” You shake her harder, rolling her back to face you. She slumps to her back, head limp and eyes unresponsive. Her mouth is full of white foam, and with the sudden change of angle it begins dripping down her chin.
“KOA” You yell, “Mills there’s something wrong!”
He lowers the weapon and jogs over, sliding beside you and shining a flashlight to Koa’s face. Now illuminated, you see a furry bug with hundreds of little legs crawl farther down her throat and clamp its pinchers onto her tongue.
“MILLS,” You gasp, heart sinking. You realize you’re completely unaware of what to do in this situation. You grab Koa’s hand and squeeze it, not ready to let go of her anytime soon. Mills swears and hands you the flashlight, suddenly standing and bolting to the nearest perimeter spike.
“What are you-” You cry as he splits the spike in half, creating an electrified shiv. He cradles Koa’s head in his hand and holds her jaw open with his thumb then jams the spike into her mouth, stunning the horrifying little creature.
Koa gurgles, eyes flying open and foam pouring from her mouth. Your heart still pounding in your ears, you flip Koa so she can vomit the rest of the foam out. Both crying, you hold her to your chest and she grips onto your hands as tight as she can. Mills collapses beside you, trying to steady his own pounding heart.
Before any words can be spoken you all tense even further when the remaining perimeter spikes turn from softly flashing red to strobing and sharply beeping. Whatever set them off is still here, and now it’s found you.
Chapter 7
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Requests are Closed
Current Hyperfixation: None.
Hello, I'm Ko! Like my title suggests, I am autistic so there will be hyper fixations here. I used to be a lurker here, but I'm finally out in the open!
Her are a few things to know:
🐨This is an SFW tickle blog.
🐨I am very uncomfortable with NSFW content, so please DNI if you are an NSFW blog.
🐨I do write tickle fics and can write for many, many fandoms.
🐨I also write for my own ocs.
🐨I don't draw, but I can roleplay (SFW only)
I think that's it for now. Have fun in my little fluffy corner of the internet!
Fandom List under the cut and other info under the cut.
So... I write for a lot of fandoms, so please look at the rules before requesting anything.
Also, this is a place for fluff so I am totally fine with ignoring canon storylines (cause some are just sad).
Thank you!
Request Rules
🍃 Absolutely no NSFW requests.
🍃No problematic ships (adult x minor, relative x relative, stuff like that)
🍃If a character has specified what their sexuality is, I will not change it. (ex. Robin came out as lesbian, but no other character has come out).
🍃I will not change a character's cannon gender.
🍃I will add an OC of yours if you want it, but I'd need sufficient information about your OC.
🍃I do not care how detailed your request is, as long as you specify if the character(s) is a lee, ler, or switch.
🍃I will write for ships, but I'm not comfortable with them all. So, if I'm not comfortable, I will answer your request with why.
🍃I will write for pretty much any character, but I'm not comfortable with them all. So, if I'm not comfortable, I will answer your request with why.
🍃I do not do cross-overs.
🍃I do not do reader-inserts.
Fandom List
🌿Percy Jackson
🌿Magnus Chase
🌿Kane Chronicles
🌿Disney movies
🌿Birds of Prey
🌿How to Train Your Dragon
🌿Avatar (Blue People, not live action Last Airbender)
🌿Scream Franchise (excluding show series)
🌿Stranger Things
🌿Owl House
🌿Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts
🌿She-ra and the Princess of Power (Netflix)
🌿Carmen Sandiago
🌿Umbrella Academy
🌿 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
🌿 Wednesday
🌿Dead End: Paranormal Park
🌿Avatar (Last Airbender & Korra)
🌿The Amazing Digital Circus
🌿Helluva Boss (Hazbin will come once I find a way to watch it)
🌿Murder Drones
🌿Purple Hyacinth
🌿Muted (Miranda Mundt)
🌿Castle Swimmer
🌿Blood Ink
🌿Teenage Mercenary
🌿Batman: Wayne Family Comics
🌿High Class Homos
🌿Life is Strange: True Colors
🌿How to Train Your Dragon
🌿OC fics (my own and yours)
I think that's all? It'll probably update as I find more stuff.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Did thingy for fun :)
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
Since When Fire Meets Fate will eventually be put on pause, I'm debating continuing it or waiting for season 2 to eventually stroll around. However, the fic will be put on pause at some point.
Which bring me to this lovely post where I let all you lovely readers if anyone actually gives me a response lmao pick which old fic series I should pick up again. I'm aware I've begun many and left them high and dry so, here we go!
Moon Princess (Bella Swan x M!Reader/Does not follow the movies at all/Only 1 part out)
Forgotten Fairytale (Legacies x M!Reader/Follows the show/3 parts out)
The Oldest Pogue (Outer Banks x M!Reader/Follows the show/4 parts out)
Hainofa Chilnes (The 100 x M!Reader/Follows the show/1 part out)
Here We Go Again (Camp Cretaceous x M!Reader/Follows the show/1 part out)
Game of Survival (Kang Saebyeok x M!Reader/Follows the show/1 part out)
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yourlocalracoon404 · 8 days
working on something ;3
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I'm currently almost done with the first half of episode one!!
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ari-shipping-stuff · 2 months
Any fandoms.
oh okay cool 👁 a bit hard to narrow it down though because i have so many hfdgkfdh
although chihiro x keima are always one of my favorites of all time <333 they have a big soft spot in my heart. other ships i like a whole lot (excluding my ocs) in no particular order would be:
kanthony/kate x anthony (bridgerton)
jurdan/jude x cardan (the folk of the air)
dokjoong/dokja x joonghyuk (omniscient reader's viewpoint)
nyles x sarah (palm springs)
benrius/ben x darius (camp cretaceous)
and maybe 10 billion others lol
honorable mention for kujoshio (shiori x tsukiyo) though <3 my beloved kaminomi rarepair <3
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hurlingsupport · 4 months
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Gender Neutral Reader Insert)
Chapter 17: Revival
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The first thing you think of when you regain your consciousness is how dry your mouth is. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, despite the better part of your brain warning you that it'd only worsen it. Yet, as soon as that thought crosses your mind, you spring up into a sitting position.
You don't feel much at first, still confusingly taking in the familiar surroundings of camp. Where was everyone? Why were you in your stiff bed? Where's your sweater? Then, you feel a pinch. It's so sudden you can't help but grimace. Reaching a hand up, you search for the source of the uncomfortable feeling, only for your blood to run cold as your hand makes contact with your face.
It's wrapped in bandages. At least most of the right side of your face is, and there's padding taped to the bridge of your nose as well. It feels uncomfortable, especially with the sweat dripping down your face. You briefly push against the bandage on your nose, wincing at the dull pain it produces. So, this isn't a dream then.
Nausea builds in your stomach, and the chills running down your spine aren't helping. Placing a single foot on the floor, you nearly jump out of your skin when you hear breathing. You see a figure next to your leg, but with the haze your mind is in, you can't quite make out who it is. Someone with dark hair, but that fits the description of a lot of your fellow campers, doesn't it? When they don't move, you continue your slow journey out of bed, assuming they're asleep. It's strange, though, since it's still bright out. Though you can't really judge.
Something builds in your throat, and you stumble towards the railing of the treehouse. Your hands grasp the wood desperately, putting all your weight onto the structure as your legs grow weak. You feel like you're on fire, especially on your face. Not to mention the ache in your head. You heave out heavy breaths, icy shivers running down your body. Why did you feel like this? Why were you only in your black tank top? Actually, you forgot you wore that under your sweater. Maybe Kenji was weirded out because you wore two shirts, and that's why he was giving you that odd stare. Maybe–
Oh, you're throwing up now. God, that tastes disgusting. There's a mixture of breakfast and blood, creating a horrible concoction of memories. That bastard Mitch, the hellcat Tiff, and the optimist, Darius. Your eye leaves the grass below, instead looking into the surrounding jungle. You feel like you’ll see something, so you continue to search the treeline.
There's a sound next to you, perhaps a voice, and yet you continue to focus on the treeline. Maybe you'll see a red glint, or maybe you'll only see the barrel of a gun. Maybe you won't get a visual warning. Maybe all you'll hear is the click, click, click as he adjusts the scope. Or perhaps you'll hear and see nothing at all, and in lieu, you'll be shot dead without any warning. Is he coming back to finish the job? Where is he? You know he's out there. He's out there somewhere, his gun filled with bullets that'll rip your skin to shreds.
Someone grabs your chin, pulling your face away from the treeline and towards them instead. However, those hands are forceful, and they pull against the skin hidden beneath your bandages, and so you yelp. Maybe if you noticed how pitiful it sounded, you would be embarrassed. However, all you can do is stare at the person who touched you. At least you believe it's a person. They back away, hands held up as if you had hurt them and not the other way around. They might look like someone you know, a certain superstar, perhaps?
But you can't really focus on them, not when they're morphing into someone different. Someone dangerous. You see it, the red glint. And when you hear the click, click, click, and watch them take a step towards you; you're running all over again. But not for long, not this time. This time, your legs fail you, and your brain doesn't register the change in direction quickly enough. So, your legs get caught on each other, and you fall. First, hitting your head onto what must be your bed frame and then crumbling onto the ground in pain.
And the burning increases, more than you thought was possible. Now, the right side of your face is boiling and wet with what you hope is only sweat. You're not sure which side of your face hit the frame, but it hurts like hell either way. You're tempted to tear into the bandages and rip your flesh off if only the burning would stop. It needs to stop. You can't handle it. But it won't stop, and the poacher comes closer and closer, until–
A gentle hand touches your shoulder, forcing a flinch out of your curled up form. You're sure it's just the bastard playing with you until a familiar voice hits your ears. The sound is clearer than anything else, and you begin to wonder if the muffled noises were all in your head. The voice murmurs your name, slowly, as if they weren't sure it was yours. And that's all it takes for you to peek up at the culprit.
It's Ben. How is it Ben? Were you dead? But that wouldn't make sense. You can still feel that fiery pain, so there's no way this is the afterlife. Plus, he looks… different. This can't be Ben. This can't be your Ben. Because your Ben would never tear his blue polo and turn it into a makeshift headband. And he wouldn't allow himself to be covered in dirt, and he wouldn't tie pieces of bark onto his arms to act as armor, and he wouldn't be looking at you with his brows furrowed in concern. Because your Ben is dead.
And yet, you allow him to help you up. You allow him to hold you against the railing as you empty your stomach once more, and you allow him to keep a firm grip on you as your legs fail you once more. Because you want this to be your Ben. You hope it's your Ben. If it isn't Ben, if your Ben's still rotting somewhere on the other side of this island, you wouldn't be able to keep going. Because you want to die with Ben. You wish you died with Ben.
So, you allow yourself to feel the joy of leaning back against the boy who may be Ben. Who you hope dearly is Ben. You know that if it really is Ben, he might struggle considering the height difference between you two, but despite that, you can't help it. Because everything around you is dimming, and you can't hold onto the railing anymore, and - you're passing out, aren't you? That isn't good, you think. You might have a serious brain injury if you're this messed up. But, you ignore those thoughts because you think Ben might be the one holding you. And that's enough to quell your worries.
The next time you awaken, you're in a much better state of mind. The haze has lifted enough for you to see your fellow campers as they are. It's darker now, the sun leaving the sky faster than you'd like it to. Still, your eye, singular now, searches the treeline every once in a while. Brooklynn has to continuously draw your attention back towards her as she shines a flashlight into your eye. She nearly grabs your face again but thinks better of it at your already fearful expression.
Your name falls from that boy’s lips again, and you find yourself staring at him. He must be Ben. It's only logical. But logic has gotten you nowhere on this island, so you can't help but think otherwise. He holds an air of confidence rather than fear, and it confuses you to no end. What happened to Ben?
With a click, Brooklynn turns off the flashlight wearing a disappointed expression. The sound pulls you into your mind, if only for a second, until your arm is being tugged.
“I got you some water!” Sammy smiles, holding a mug over your bed. You don't return the gesture.
Instead, you turn your head away from her, ogling Ben. The boy in question simply shakes his head, facing the rest of the group with an uneasy look.
“You're sure it's not a concussion?” He asks, shifting from one foot to another.
You can't help but glare at him despite the pain that comes with lowering your brows. You weren't concussed. Why did he think that? He didn't get to think that of you.
“Well, they can move their eyes around fine, so I don't think so.” Brooklynn answers, observing your change in expression. “Also, they heard that.”
The boy at least has the decency to look guilty.
“I'm fine.” You force the words out of your mouth, ignoring the burning pain that follows as the skin on your face contorts.
No one can look you in the eye. They all shift their gaze to the ground or pretend to be busy with something else. It's irritating. Why were they acting like that?
“I am.” You huff, surveying the varying looks of guilt, pity, or a mix of both.
“Look,” Ben speaks up. “When I… when I found you, you weren't in good condition.”
You can't help but scoff at him, causing him to grow defensive.
“You weren't! You were bleeding from your nose, your face, your neck! If I didn't get there when I did, the Compies would have eaten you alive!”
“Ben!” Sammy shouts disapprovingly.
You stay silent, taking your eye off him for the first time since you woke up again.
“I think the Compies are why you're alive.” Darius says suddenly, troubled eyes latched onto your form.
“What?” You mutter, not entirely sure you heard him right.
“They have a small amount of venom in their bite, which must've numbed the pain for you, even just a little bit.” He stares at the bandage on your neck, and you start missing the coverage your sweater provided you.
“That might be why you didn't go into shock.” Brooklynn guesses, hand wandering towards your neck.
Harsher than you'd like, you swat her hand away, inching towards Sammy as an alternative. Still, you feel trapped. They're all looking at you in such an unfamiliar way; it makes your skin crawl. You wish they'd stop looking at you. You wish they'd never look at you again.
“We'll leave you alone.” Ben states, walking towards the ladder of the treehouse. If you weren't so angry at him, you'd be thankful.
“We will?” Kenji asks worriedly, peering at you as if you'd disappear in the blink of an eye.
“We will.” Ben leaves no room for argument as he turns back only to grab Kenji by the collar of his shirt and drag him along. It's a funny image considering how much taller Kenji is, but you can't find any humor in this situation. There's the utterance of your name, and you glance towards Brooklynn, who stays crouched in front of you.
“You, uh, started bleeding again, so I'll have to change your wrappings.” She frowns apologetically.
You don't say anything for a second, and then two, and then you're simply nodding your head. You still feel alienated, but the lack of eyes on you makes you feel a bit better about her messing with your head wrappings.
Brooklynn's quiet as she gathers a medkit, and grabs the mug of water off your bed before placing it on the ground below. As you watch her pull the bandages from the small, red bag, you feel dread building within you. You knew she probably already saw your wound, but the fact that she's seen it, and you haven't, despite being the owner of said wound, fills you with a sense of helplessness. When Brooklynn reaches up to grab the bandages wrapped around your skull, you wrench yourself away from her hands.
“What?” Brooklynn shrieks quietly, scared she had hurt you.
“Can't I do it?” You ask.
“Do you know how?”
A frown etches itself onto your face.
“I could teach you,” Brooklynn offers. “It'd be a lot easier if I could show you my ‘Brooklynn Unboxes: Medical Assistance’ video, but I can just use you as your own example.”
She grabs some medical gloves from the pack, along with more gauze and a pair of scissors. Then, she carefully reaches towards the bandages on the far left side of your head after putting on the gloves.
“I'm going to cut this gauze off, and then I'll wrap your head up like new.” She explains, placing a finger between the wrappings and your head to make sure she doesn't accidentally cut your hair. “And when you do it yourself, you have to make sure you stuff your oculi area so it can heal from the inside out. It'll also stop it from bleeding too much in case you open it again.”
It's a bit painful as the bandages press against the opposite side, but you hold in any complaints in fear of her messing up. With a snip, she gently pulls the dressings away from your head, and the sticky globs of blood that hold onto the dressing make you sick. You quickly close your eye, not wanting to gain any ideas on how severe your wound may be. Maybe later, when you're not trying to hold in puke.
Brooklynn says nothing as she redresses the wound, even when you groan in pain as she stuffs the area your right eye used to be in. When she's finished redressing your wound, she's still completely hushed. Opening your eye, you find her staring back at you in what you assume to be penitence.
“I'm sorry for scaring you earlier.” She whispers.
You tear your gaze away from her, peeved at the very suggestion. “You didn't scare me.”
“Did someone else scare you?” She questions. And maybe she meant it to be more of a sarcastic joke, but your silence turns it into the truth. She calls your name, waiting until you meet her eyes again before continuing. “Who scared you?”
“What happened to Mitch and Tiff?” You ask rather than answer her question.
“They're…” Brooklynn pauses, as if she didn't know herself. “...Mitch is dead.”
“What about Tiff?”
“She got away.” Her eyes begin to water. “In, um, in the boat we were supposed to leave in.”
“It got here early?” You ask, befuddled.
“No, it was here the whole time. The whole waiting thing was a lie.”
You go quiet at that. Of course, you always doubted everything they said, but the very idea that a way out of the island was so close forces a shaky exhale from you. Was it all pointless? If you had fought just a little harder, yelled just a little louder, would the others have listened to you? Would you be riding in Mitch and Tiff's boat, already halfway to Costa Rica?
Brooklynn places a hand on your shoulder before pulling you into a hug. She's careful not to put any pressure on a certain side of your head, shoving her face into the nook between your neck and your collarbone.
“I'm sorry.” She whimpers, and the wetness on your neck gives you the idea that she's crying.
“It's not your fault.” You wrap your arms around her. Even though she's the one trying to comfort you, it feels more like you're the one comforting her.
“No, I'm…” she stutters, air evading her as tears keep falling. “I'm just sorry.”
You don't feel the need to respond after that. Rather, you wait until her sobs die down before pushing her away from you softly.
“You should go to sleep.” It’s more so a command than a suggestion, but Brooklynn takes it kindly.
“You too.” She smiles tiredly, hands still gripping your shoulders. With a final hug, the girl pulls away from you. “Do you need any more blankets?”
“I'll be fine.” You reply.
You'd rather not tell her that you're already sweating out of your mind. It's died down since the first time you woke up, but you can still feel the occasional chill run across your skin as you sweat like it's 100 degrees outside. And, who knows, maybe it is. But considering the fact that Brooklynn's still wearing her pink jacket without any trouble, you're sure it's just you that's experiencing this heat.
Brooklynn leaves with one final smile before she's walking to a nearby bed and plopping down without another word. You're actually a little impressed she fell asleep that fast, but considering the fact she's had to dress your grotesque wound twice in a day, you can't blame her. And your wound might not be grotesque, but you're assuming it is. Because if you trick yourself into believing it's better than it is, you'll actually go into shock once you see the actual thing.
Again, your mind wanders to different looks your wound might have, and you have to twist your body within your bed to draw your mind away from it. You focus on the dull pain inside your head, accompanied by the burning sting your actual wound holds. No matter how you angle your head, the pain persists. In the end, you give up on being comfortable, instead sitting still in your bed as you await the merciful hand of sleep to pull you in. It's quiet, even as you hear everyone climbing back up into the treehouse.
“They didn't drink the water.” Given the accent, you can only assume that's Sammy’s voice. Along with the fact that she's the one who handed you the water in the first place.
“It's fine.” Yasmina, you believe, reassures her.
Sammy lets out a whine, and you begin to regret not drinking it if only so she'd let it go.
There's some minor shuffling as everyone gets situated in their own beds, all but Darius and Ben. Luckily, you're facing away from everyone, so you listen in on their situation. It's really not your fault since they're talking so loudly.
“You might have to sleep with Bumpy,” Darius admits. “Since we didn't think you, um–”
“It's fine, I was going to sleep with Bumpy anyway.” Ben brushes off his distress.
“Are you sure?” Darius's voice is full of perplexity.
“Yeah, why not?”
“...” Darius goes quiet, and you think he may be waiting for Ben to say it himself before giving up. “I mean, Bumpy's sleeping down there on the grass.”
“Yeah.” Ben confirms.
“In the dark.”
“Uh huh.” Ben's probably nodding his head.
“And you're alright with that?”
“Indubitably.” Ben seems unbothered, and it concerns you as well.
“You really are different.” Darius utters.
“I've gotta be.” Ben says happily, despite his words being a bit grim.
“Okay, get some sleep, Ben.” Darius ends the conversation with that, likely making his way towards his own bed.
There's some final shuffling as Darius enters his bed, and after that, it's silent. You begin to grow concerned, especially since Ben said he was going to sleep with Bumpy, and yet you never heard him move. Was he waiting for everyone to go to sleep? Was he staying up to keep watch? That wasn't like him. He wasn't acting like he should at all. Why–
Footsteps, heading your way, nearly bring your heart to a stop. Has he realized that you're awake? Is he going to scold you? Actually, that shouldn't be too scary. He's just Ben. But then again, this Ben is different from the one you know. Everyone else is acting like it's normal, most likely because they grew familiar with his new attitude while you were unconscious. But it isn't normal, and you refuse to act like it is.
The footsteps stop at your bed, and you have to stop yourself from holding your breath lest you give yourself away. Ben huffs, before taking a seat on your bed. You'd be offended if you weren't so confused. What was he doing?
Your brain nearly short circuits when you feel his back pressing against yours. Was he… sleeping with you? But he said he was sleeping with Bumpy. Why would he lie about that to Darius?
“I'm sorry.” He whispers.
Your breath quickens briefly before evening out.
“I shouldn't have yelled at you.” He mutters with a tone of regret. “I was just scared.”
You purse your lips as you clutch your bed sheets tightly. This was your Ben. You know now.
“You were so bloody when I found you, I wasn't sure you were even alive still. But I picked you up anyway, and–” His breath hitches. “I thought you were gone.”
Your eye waters, brimming with tears.
“You probably thought the same thing about me.”
You did. You thought you'd only ever be able to see him in your dreams from then on. You thought you'd have to die in order to feel him once more. And now, you feel his warmth against your spine, and you have to hold in your sobs.
“I shouldn't have waited, I should've told you guys what Mitch and Tiff were planning.” You think he might be crying too. “Now, you're…”
He pauses, shoulders bumping into yours a few times as sobs rack his body. He's quiet throughout this, even though you know he's dying to scream his troubles out to the world; out to you.
“I missed you.”
The dam breaks, and you can't hold in your sniffles anymore. But it's alright, because Ben's in the same boat. You know he's heard you by now, but he doesn't mention it. He doesn't turn you around and order you to forget everything he's said, he doesn't stop crying in an attempt to pretend he didn't just spill his heart out to you, he doesn't do anything but cry with you. And perhaps that makes the realization that he's Ben, your Ben, so much more real. Because only your Ben could share these feelings with you while you were both turned away from each other. Only your Ben could help you fall asleep with the distraction of his kind warmth.
Only your Ben could miss you as much as you missed him.
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aceditwrites · 18 days
Could you do a Yasmina x fem reader any theme is fine, hope your having a good day and thanks if you do do my req <3 !
hi! sorry for the delay but here it is! I hope this is okay :)
You never thought you’d say this, but life on the island is boring. You never realized how little there was to do when you weren’t running for your life. Yas shared that sentiment. She’s not used to be confined to a smaller space, not that the island is cramped or anything, everyone would just prefer if she didn’t run off on her own since no one knew what was out there. And not to mention, no one could keep up with her. You had to be honest, neither could you but you wished you could. You wondered it that was enough. 
You hadn’t been out there very long, it’s only been about a month since you all missed the ferry. Since Ben fell off the monorail. SInce you all realized, you had nothing but each other and that would have to be enough. 
“Hey Y/n! Get over here, I have something I want to show you!” Yas called. 
You weren’t expecting it but apparently Brooklynn was. She patted your shoulder and said, “Go get her!”
You waved her off as you went to see what Yas had for you.
“Come with me.” Yas gently brings you not far from the base you all had set up. A small cave. The sun was at the perfect place in the sky to warmly illuminate the inside. It was just the two of you, you were nervous. How could you not be? It was Yas. The Track Star. The prettiest (and snarkiest) girl you’d ever seen.
“What’re we doing here?” You ask, you look around the cave, there are little drawings everywhere. 
“I.. realized that if you take a rock or something and mash up the right flowers…. You get some kind of colored paint and I thought that you might like them.” She sort of mutters and maybe it’s a trick of the light (or smeared paint) you could’ve sworn her cheeks were pink.
“You made paint? Yas that’s amazing!” You spin around, taking in all the drawings on the walls as you realize she drew them. “It’s like we’re cave people again! Can I try?”
“Yeah! Of course, let me show you.” Yas says, grabbing some wood that’s almost shaped like a bowl and a particularly thick stick. “What color do you want to make?”
“Anything your heart desires.” You tell her with a smile. 
She rolls her eyes, “Wow, that’s helpful.” Her smile tells you she’s not mad.
“Fine, how about… orange?” You choose finally.
Yas picks up some berries, the kind you can’t eat. You watch her hands as she mushes them creating a thick orange paste. She hands you the bowl and says, “Go wild.” 
And you certainly do, you had been bored before and now you finally had something to do. Something to do with the girl you liked, you had an excuse to bond with her. You had wondered why she showed you her gallery instead of Sammy, who you noticed she was close to even after their falling out due to Broolynn’s phone situation. Maybe you actually meant something to her. Something special. There’s one thing she never let anyone see, her sketchbook. And now she let you into her safe space, her own personal art gallery. She doesn’t see you as a critic as you walk the metaphorical halls, you’re a patron. You’re an aesthete and she’s the art.
You both stay in the cave for hours, painting until you ask, “What should I draw?”
“Whatever your heart desires.” She replies, dipping her thumb into her own paint.
“Haha very funny.” You laugh as she gets revenge for earlier. “Know what? Yeah, I will.”
You draw a girl. Black hair, always tied up. She wears a ripped gray track suit with purple accents. The girl’s ankle is hurt but she’s running anyway. She smiles anyway, in a situation full of uncertainty she’s sure of herself. Or seems so. She’s what-
“I thought you were going to draw what your heart desires. Not me” Yas smiles at you though she is confused, maybe she’s trying not to get her hopes up.
“I did.. I drew you.” I admit quietly from across the cave. It’s harder than you thought it’d be. Harder than running from dinosaurs? No. That’s definitely scarier, but this is close! 
“You desire… me? Like- You mean?” Yas asks, looking at you trying to read your mind.
“Yeah! I… like you.” It feels weird to get that off of your chest. Yas walks closer and gently puts her hand to your cheek.
“I like you too.” She smiles at you and you smile back. She moves her hand then laughs, “You uh.. have a little something there.”
You put your hand where hers just was. There’s paint on your cheek in the shape of her hand.
Before you get a chance to comment, Brooklynn pokes her head in, “There you guy- am I interrupting something?” She wiggles her brows.
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
Okay so i know there is no demand for it but hear me, H E A R ME OUT, what if i were to start a jurassic park/world headcanon series
characters would include:
Alan Grant
Ellie Sattler
Ian Malcolm
Claire Dearing
Owen Grady
Zach Mitchell (aged up slightly but obviously wouldn’t do anything to nsfw)
Franklin Webb
Zia Rodriguez
Kayla Watts
maybe more lol if y’all suggest it idk about doing Camp Cretaceous umm the characters are on the young side
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normannnnnn-fics · 2 years
Fandoms I write
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🐢 — Camp Camp
🐢 — Total Drama
🐢 — Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
🐢 — Over the Garden Wall
🐢 — Bad End Friends
🐢 — Amphibia
🐢 — Carmen Sandiego (Netflix)
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randomthing101 · 3 years
Kai: Duuude so I jsut got back from three days and two nights with Callum,
Bailin: yes
Kai: Did I fuck him for five hours straight on one of the days? Yes yes I did
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