#can vampires even get into comas
lachemisenoire · 2 years
Ok hear me out
I know it's the oldest soap trope in the world (but let's face it IWTV is basically a soapy gay gothic vampire horror)
and I know it's not in the books
what if Lestat wakes up with fucking AMNESIA
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leth-writes · 27 days
yandere batfam x reader who's scared of them
If you don’t know he’s batman, he’s absolutely confused. He doesn’t really understand how you could be terrified of his civilian identity, who is notably soft and ditzy. It’s hard for you to explain how scary it is, looking at his smiling face in the middle of a gala and feeling this ice running down your spine, the deepest, basest part of you just screaming at you that there’s something wrong with him. It’s the way his emotions don’t reach his eyes, those cold, calculating eyes… It feels to you that he’s, at any given time, calculating how likely he is to get away with you murder.
That isn’t what he’s thinking. He’s thinking about how angry he is that everyone’s not treating you with the respect you deserve; he’s seen more consideration given to a coatrack! He’s contemplating yelling at your parent(s) to get them to realize how uncomfortable you are. That paternal sense just jumps right out and he’s wishing violence on anyone who would dare to so much as breathe at you wrong. You can see the promise of violence brewing on his face, you just mistake who it’s targeted at. He promises he would never hurt you.
Being frightened of batman is a lot more understandable, he is quite creepy. He tends to blend in with the shadows, and having a vigilante running around beating people senseless can be pretty terrifying. If he catches you being robbed, for example, Dick’s going to have to pull him off of whoever hurt you before he sends them into a coma. Seeing all that blood flying is definitely pretty scary.
However, Batman also serves as a protector for the city, especially children, and he does view you as a child, no matter your age. You’re his child, and he’d never want to scare you, so he exaggerates his movements and puts a bit of noise in his step so he’s less likely to scare you
He also gets Damian to approach you; while Damian may not be the typical child, he’s more than capable of acting young and vulnerable and that brings down your guard, allowing Bruce to ingratiate himself with you. Damian’s just excited to be close to you, he doesn’t even care you’re babying him and giving him stickers. He wears them with pride and shows every one to Alfred and his various animals.
Everyone is so confused as to how you could find Dick, smiley, jokey Dick, so scary. He’s so kind and gentle, perfect with children… maybe it’s the way you can see right through that facade into the intelligent seething rage boiling away within him. People often forget that Dick, as a young child, was more than willing to commit murder. He’s grown a lot since then, but sometimes that rage peaks through, terrifying you. You can also tell the bruises aren’t from sex or gymnastics like he says when the paparazzi ask, but from fights. You haven’t heard anything about the people he got into a fight in, which leads you to believe they never got up again. You’re wrong, but you can definitely feel the violence pulsing just underneath his skin. Every vigilante has it, you’re just able to sense it.
As Nightwing, he’s used to people asking him for selfies or yelling at him to do a backflip. He isn’t used to people trembling, terrified, in a corner as he approaches. You seem to view him as a dangerous vigilante, an extension of the Bat, first and foremost. Dick has to work hard to get you to trust him; he purposefully messes up some of his fights just so you think he isn’t as dangerous as he is, and he doesn’t let you in on the fact that the escrima have electricity. It puts you at ease if you think he would have a hard time taking you down. He relies on that goofy aspect of himself, pulling it up more than he normally would, almost tapping into that little circus performer who he buried deep down so many years ago.
Yeah, he gets it. His reputation, while useful, does preceed him. He’s heard the rumours; that he’s a zombie, a vampire, a ghoul, some creature back from the dead to kickstart some apocalyptic event. He usually finds it laughable, but seeing how terrifying you are does hit him hard.
He’s done so much to bury who he used to be, but for you, he taps into that side of him. He reads Jane Austen in public, volunteers at homeless shelters that he normally only donates to, anything to give himself a softer image. He even lets his hair keep its natural curls, letting them grow out slightly, to give him a softer silhouette. He also starts dressing more like Bruce; soft sweaters tucked into his pants, accentuating the pretty streak of white in his hair.
He’s also more than aware of how scary his scars can be, and tries his best to distract you away from them; for a little while, you rarely see him fully face-on, he turns his head just slightly so you can’t see them as clearly.
The Red Hood is terrifying. He’s aware, he knows, he’s dealing with it for you. He stops with the killing almost entirely and spends more time just patrolling your neighborhood, trying to get you used to the positives his presence is associated with. He lets Clark finally publish those positive stories about him saving a kitten or something, all to rehabilitate his image. He doesn’t care that his reputation is taking a hit, he only cares about you not being terrified of him.
Tim isn’t used to people being scared of him. Plenty of people are intimidated by his ruthless businessman act, but he never uses that around you. He tends to play up that scrawny, dorky nerd side of him; most view him like a little vulnerable puppy, not a threat!
You can probably sense that analytical presence behind his eyes. Tim, while technically being the most hands-off, is also the one who does the most meddling behind the scenes. He’s working to get rid of those shitty friends, blackmailing them away from you, and making sure to surround you with people he trusts, particularly Cass, Kon, and Steph. They talk him up, but more importantly, he knows they’ll keep you safe if he can’t.
You can probably tell your new friends are hiding something, and you sense that Tim is at the center. You’re not entirely wrong. Like Jason, he dresses in soft, cozy clothing and spends hours practicing his soft, gentle smiles, all in the hopes of you thinking him too weak and exhausted to be a threat.
He’s had criminals dislike him as Red Robin, but most civilians either appreciate him or ignore him. Most opinions are actually quite lukewarm, as while he does play a role in policing crime, he works more in the background solving cases and using his computer and photography skills. He makes sure to be seen being soft to children and animals more, maybe even volunteers in suit at an animal shelter, all in the hopes you’ll see that caring heart shining through.
Cass is so soft in public no one could ever be scared of that side of her unless they’ve already been kidnapped, in which case she slowly wears them down by having her family talk her up and by being the one to bring in gifts and food, creating a strong association between her and those good feelings of stress relief. Works like a charm, especially because you learn to read her; then, you learn to read the softness in her smile and her posture, showing that kind heart.
in stark contrast, plenty of people are scared of Black Bat, including civilians. Her normal silent presence and lack of facial expression can come across quite creepy. There’s no way around that, so she only introduces you to her secret identity after you’ve been kidnapped.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
D&D Vampire Lore Dump #1
Feeding and Diet It's actually more complicated than just "they bite you and eat your blood." Plus what they're able to eat; how often they need to eat; what happens to you if they bite you and what happens to them if they don't feed- spoiler: it's unpleasant. Incidentally, you should reload and kill Cazador again.
(I was comparing stuff across editions and compiling it into something more coherent and then figured I'd info dump about it in case my fixations are useful to somebody out there.)
DISCLAIMER: There are two things to note about the lore presented here: First, while the standard stat block in the monster manual is the default, in terms of lore vampires have this annoying tendency to be incredibly, stupidly varied. They are magical monstrosities ruled by the power of symbolism and superstition above anything else.
The next is that D&D is decades old, spans five editions, several settings and hundreds of writers. One guy establishes a piece of lore, and then the next picks it up goes "nah" and writes something else. I collected info from four different source books, all from different editions, which naturally don't entirely agree on how vampires work. Lore never stays consistent and may contradict itself. You may see information somewhere else from a source I don't have that contradicts what I wrote here. If you read this and like some of this stuff but not other bits, take the good and ditch the rest.
Basically, in D&D, canon is what you decide it is.
Feeding | "Biology" | Hierarchy | Weaknesses and Cures | Psychology
They only need to feed once in a 24 hour period. Vampires can survive between 3-9 months of starvation, but it's a terrible idea. -
There are three different categories of "Undead Hunger." Vampires have two of them and actually need to consume more than one thing to stay "healthy": Blood and life force. -
The blood is obvious. This is categorised as a "diet dependency." It's required to preserve their bodies and powers, and without it their powers* are suppressed as their bodies begin to shut down. *This refers to the powers a vampire gains with age; they cannot lose power they had as a newborn (the base stat blocks given for vampires and spawn given in the monster manual) A vampire requires the equivalent of 12 hit points of blood a day, or it begins to revert into a corpse-like state. Mentally they slowly regress into a desperate, mindless animal frenzy where they'll kill and drain anything containing blood they can get their hands on. Ultimately, if they don't get any blood then they revert into a corpse and they're trapped in their own body as it begins to wither and mummify. They're trapped in a coma, vaguely aware of the passing of time in flashes of awareness until somehow they are fed blood. If they ever wake up again, they will probably wake up feral and absolutely ravenous. -
Vampires rely on the victim's blood pressure to expel blood from the wound they create, lapping and mouthing at the wound rather than actually sucking on it. Being bitten is a highly pleasurable experience that victims can't help but desire, even when they know they shouldn't. -
While the damage done remains, the wounds from a Vampire bite closes itself quickly after the feeding (assuming you're still alive). It does however leave a mark. The bite mark itself is often "less than half an inch in length", and leaves behind a significant bruise that causes no pain or sensitivity to touch. Other side effects include fatigue and a weakened immune system. -
Vampires typically target sleeping victims (less likely to fight back) and favour the blood of their own race above others. So theoretically, Astarion finds elf blood tastes best. -
Drinking animal blood tastes bland and is health-wise akin to drinking tainted water: yes it might keep you alive in desperate times, but it's ultimately bad for you and will probably make you ill. That said, it has no mechanical detriments and a vampire that's forced to live on animal blood will be just as strong as its kin, but considerably bad tempered about it. -
A vampire's secondary feeding requirement is called an "inescapable craving", which means that if a vampire doesn't get that fix then their hunger begins to devour them instead. The pain is described as a spike boring into the vampire's brain, obscuring their awareness. They begin to obsess over feeding to the exclusion of everything else, they become willing to take ridiculous levels of risk to stop the hunger as they become more and more desperate. As they are consumed they become progressively more feral until they're just a rampaging mindless horror driven only by horrific hunger. For vampires, their inescapable craving is life force, which a vampire leeches from their prey through touch leaving the victim weak. Direct skin contact isn't required, if you're wearing full plate and/or the vampire is wearing gloves and they lay a hand on you they can still drain you. Mechanically these were combat abilities, energy/level draining occurred when a vampire struck a target with their own body (usually their hands). Before 5e hit them with a nerf bat, vampires could permanently weaken you this way (you could lose character levels from this). 5e also seems to have rolled life drain into the biting, so a vampire can consume your blood and energy at the same time. -
Post feeding, a vampire starts to look alive. Their skin is flushed and warm and they feel elated and energetic. In contrast, a vampire that hasn't been feeding properly becomes more corpse like and feels "sluggish" (I'm interpreting that as flu-like symptoms). It's purely emotional however, the vampire is no less capable and dangerous and suffers no mechanical penalties. -
Vampires can feed on other vampires, which is actually more filling than living humanoid blood and gives them the ability to communicate telepathically for a few hours. They don't like it though. If a vampire drinks from another vampire then they can be controlled by that vampire and the link forces them to feel affection for each other against their will until it wears off. The results of both vampires in question feeding on each other is described as "debilitating" since they both paradoxically become enslaved to the other's will and forced to "love" each other creating an absolute dysfunctional mess of control, obsession and resentment. The good news is that it only lasts a few hours. -
Some vampires can eat regular food (no nutritional value in it for them) while others would regurgitate it if they tried. As they retain their tongues, vampires can also taste food. That said, it's a bad idea for them to eat garlic, even if they can eat solid food. -
Some kinds of vampires don't drink blood. There's all kinds of weird and wonderful stuff a vampire might be required to consume instead. Spinal fluid stands out. Or the bit about ones who drain the ocular fluid from your eyes. Gale might find interesting things to talk about with the magic eating ones who prey on mages. They're much less common, probably something to do with most people not finding that very sexy. I don't think any of them exist on Toril.
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moonlightpeddler · 5 months
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The game is on indefinite hiatus.
[Current word count without code: 11465 with two branches]
Life is unpredictable.
You have just been to your first party, with hope for a different, better, and more social future, but instead of waking up with a hangover, you wake up 13 months of coma later, severely ill and with no chance to build the life you wanted to live.
Confined at home, confined to the night by your medication, deprived of outside contact to keep stress away from you, and with food that tastes like iron, all you have is your loving family and the small village they have moved to during your long sleep.
The house is old, dilapidated, the neighbours unfriendly and distant, looking at you with strange eyes, whispering whenever you see them, treating you like your illness is contagious.
But why has your family never taken you to the hospital for a checkup? Since when do hospital doctors make frequent home visits, and only when their patient isn’t conscious?
What would happen if you open the curtains they tell you to keep closed?
The game is intended for a mature audience.
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Self-harm (for a reason)
Dysfunctional relationships
And many more.
Depending on the route you take, Cailean, your character, can not be said to be an innocent or good person, please make sure that you are okay with playing a non-human MC who might act accordingly.
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Mending Yesterday pairs folk believes, old elements, and lore from different media, with Vampyr lifestyle to create a modern portrayal of vampires that retains the classic feel yet gives it a more down-to-earth presentation.
You take the place of an established character and turn the tale into your very own, form the adventure and how the protagonist faces his new reality.
Will you change Cailean’s behaviour over the course of the story, develop a new personality for your new life, or will you cling to your old self despite the consequences it could have?
Will you keep to yourself and your loved ones, build something new to spend your long life, or get involved in a struggle that isn’t yours? How will others see you, who are your friends and foes? Do you stick to those who are seemingly safe, or will you place your own judgement?
The game doesn’t give you an overpowered protagonist, you aren’t the chosen one, won’t save the world or change it in any meaningful way.
You are just a 19-year-old young man being in the wrong place at the wrong time, all you can do is live your own life that, in the grand scheme of eternity, is nothing but a fleeting picture.
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Taking place in a fictional village in Ireland, the game takes a step away from the Urban-Vampire trope and focuses on dynamics commonly found in, very, rural places.
While I have abstained from using phonetics to make it easier for people not familiar with the country, selected sayings and use of words have been kept to preserve the feeling.
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Mending Yesterday is most and foremost a horror-drama, character-driven and story-heavy, not a dating game. The only romantic candidate (male) is a central character and the relationship with him greatly influences the plot instead of being flavour or a sidenote; you can stay distant, friendly, close or even loving, all four options significantly shape your personal story.
Being a family-person, you will have to keep an eye on your parents and brother, how you react to the changes in your life, respond to situations, and how you treat them has a direct impact on how your adventure will go.
A character and relationship focused narrative requires you to think twice about how you interact with others, pay attention not only to yourself but those you meet, decide wisely about how to treat them and with whom you want to be close with.
There are relationship-stats you can and should check regularly, for they keep track not only of your bonds but could give you valuable information, yet they won’t ever tell you clearly what they mean.
Just like in real life, people aren’t open books.
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Every choice you have to make is meaningful, it either changes or determines something important; you won’t be continuously prompted to make decisions. The game doesn’t bother with flavour.
Routes are roughly equally long, with several endings dedicated players can try to find.
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Cailean Morrison, whose place you take, is a 19-year-old geriatric-psychology freshman. Calm, quiet, and slightly distant, he was never good at making connections and even worse at maintaining them. He loves his family above all else, has a good heart, and is very fond of older folks.
James Morrison, Cailean’s father, 46 years old, family lawyer. He’s a sensible, somewhat emotional person, bad at dealing with negative experiences, and generally a kind soul.
Aileen Morrison, Cailean’s mother, 44 years old, elementary school teacher. While she loves her family and students, she can be very strict and vengeful, knows how to stay calm in difficult situations, and often keeps her emotions to herself.
Alfred Morrison, Cailean’s brother, 24 years old, investment banker. Although he was wild in his youth, he’s hardworking and cunning, and while usually perceived as friendly, he has well-hidden sharp edges and a ruthless nature.
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Choices will determine which talent you are proficient in, while some increases might be obvious, others are hidden behind story-progression.
You can’t fail skill-checks, instead they will change the story depending either on which talent you are most versed in, or if you are generally lacking - and they might have an impact on how other characters feel about you.
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The game is in active development. Planed additions include more visual elements, incidental music, and a compendium that tracks information the player has found (coming in the Chapter 1 update). As a solo dev who does everything by himself, music and visuals are not my priority and will be included only in major updates.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Rec Oct 16 - Nov 15
yet another list full of some of the most amazing fics I've read. It's wild how talented the writers in this fandom are.
take control (mind, body, and soul) by honestlydarkprincess / @honestlydarkprincess Explicit | 2k the one where human Buck wants his vampire boyfriend to compel him during sex. They get nasty with it.
think about all the places we could go by hammersmiths / @henswilsons Teen | 2.4k Athena just looks grieved. “Why, then,” she says, “did you get military-grade handcuffs? Were the pink fuzzy ones not macho enough for you?”
blackout by rainbow_nerds / @rainbow-nerdss Explicit | 3.4k Buck wakes up hungover on Eddie's couch, with no memory of the night before. Eddie's at just as much of a loss as he is, but their friends seem to know something they don't.
The One with the Admissions by BekkaChaos / @bekkachaos Mature | 4.4k After an accidental slip up from Eddie, he's forced to admit that he's dating someone, but he and Buck are still determined to keep their relationship between the two of them. Things do not go smoothly, hidden thoughts and feelings are revealed, and Buck and Eddie have a short lived argument about their relationship.
you saw me (i got nowhere to hide) by buckleyseddie / @buckleyseddieTeen | 5.6k while Buck’s in a coma, Maddie finds herself at the loft one afternoon. There, she finds a heartbroken Eddie and they have a moment.
Out Of Order, Still In Line by callmenewbie / @puppyboybuckley Explicit | 6.2k When Buck finally gets to the Clinic, the long awaited release doesn’t seem to come; cue Eddie to the rescue.
if you go down in the woods today by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Teen | 6.3k bad things happen bingo—tranquilizer dart (this fic lives rent free in my head. Amanda you’re a genius) 
i have dreams where i kiss you and it’s pink by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuckTeen | 6.3k jee-yun buckley-han's third birthday party is in dire need of some fairy tale magic and buck's attempt to save the day might just be the thing that finally kills eddie
swinging for the fences by inbetweenthestacks / @organizedstardust Teen | 6.4k Buck takes Eddie to a baseball game. (this fic has a line “Is baseball just…math?” that make me laugh so hard)
You, all the way down by justhockey Not rated | 8.3k Suddenly, between one moment and the next, there are hands on him. Hands that Buck would know anywhere; hands that Buck knows maybe even better than he knows his own. The touch is exquisitely gentle - tender to the point of devastation, even though the calloused palms scratch against the soft skin of his cheeks.
It’s Eddie, because of course it is. Because who else would it be.
i'd swim to your call on my phone by heartbeatdiaz / @loserdiaz Teen | 8.5k Buck's daughter keeps calling 9-1-1 for help with her homework, Eddie is smitten and apparently 9-1-1 works better than Tinder.
Got Weird by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Explicit | 10.5k Shortly after Buck and Natalia break up, Eddie gets tipsy and makes a rather forward move. Then immediately panics (not that Eddie panics, of course) and backpedals. Eddie spirals, Buck is confused. Lots of spontaneous kissing ensues.
aching for anything by addandsubtract / @postoperation Explicit | 11.3k “Here,” Hen says, holding out a covered paper cup, steam gently wafting from the mouth opening. “It’s lemon ginger tea. I know you said you’re not getting sick, but you don’t sound great.”
Buck takes the cup and holds it up to his nose, saying, “I’m really fine.”
Hen’s pointedly raised eyebrows are all skepticism.
past the curses and cries (there's me and you) by MonsterRae1 / @monsterrae1 Mature | 11.3k Buck's a witch, Eddie's cursed, can I make it any more obvious?
30k +
remember to remember me by Daffi_990_ao3 / @daffi-990 Explicit | 31.4k
Buck and Eddie finally get together only for lightning to strike a few days later, leaving Buck with no memories of them ever becoming a couple.
Don't They Know It's the End of the World? by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Mature | 32.4k After being put in a cryogenic sleep for over a hundred years to wait out an apocalyptic event, Eddie Diaz wakes up, too early, to find his son has been stolen from his cryo-chamber. Scared and alone in a frightening world he doesn't recognize, Eddie is willing to do anything to get his kid back.
blue eyes and bare walls by Underhung_Aura / @eddiebabygirldiaz Explicit | 45.8k Buck and Eddie are newlyweds and looking to paint their new bedroom. What ensues is the butting of heads, some arguing of both the fun and not fun variety, and desperate paint-filled sex on the floor.
Feels Like Magic by 42hrb Teen | 47.8k An urban fantasy AU where most things are the same, except there's magic
the blue house by ProsperDemeter / @prosperdemeter2 Mature  | 65k Eddie Diaz wants nothing to do with the paranormal. He would be perfectly happy if the spirits of the world stopped showing themselves altogether, actually. But when Adriana and Sophia come to town to film on location for their popular YouTube ghost hunting channel and the ghosts in Eddie's life start becoming much more loud and frequent, he gets roped into figuring out just why things in the Los Angeles spiritual world are changing, and not for the better. The children are crying, and Eddie might be the only one who can hear them.
Your Love is an Oil Slick (It Glows like Rainbows, It Stains My Soul) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeelsExplicit | 67.1k When Eddie's son claims he has an imaginary friend, Eddie doesn't think much of it. Christopher is seven, it's what kids do. But then weird things start happening around the house, and Eddie starts dreaming about a handsome blue-eyed man. Turns out, Christopher's friend isn't so imaginary. Their house is haunted.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15) Month 5 (September 16 - October 15)
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mayasaurusss · 7 months
Blood hive.
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Vampire Natalie x fem! reader.
Warnings: not proofread, spelling mistakes (big time I'm so sorry).
A/n: kindly requested by @l0tt1emy (she bullied me into doing this). This is the first time I've ever wrote some full-smut head canons and I feel so embarrassed but I need validation.
She founds herself hungry for blood one lonely summer night.
She has ben carving blood for a while now, nothing had been under her fangs for a long time. From deep within her body she feels the stomach churn in hunger.
The encounter with you had been an unplanned accident.
She was at her limit, without even realizing she had stumbled outside of her home, hungry for blood. Her hair was disheveled and she had dark circles under her eyes.
You were just an unwilling victim, having just started walking back home from a party you attended.
You were drunk off your ass, legs swaying beneath you and alcohol flowing in your veins and head.
She had gotten out of her house in the dark night, her natural environment but today made her feel cold and left hungry.
Then she saw you. You were just a girl walking alone at night, unknowing of the dangers that laid in the night, both human and inhuman.
The way your dress fell perfectly so your shoulder was exposed to the night's chill made her shiver.
She stalked you, like a wolf would, moving in the night with an inhumane precision and stealth, hiding in the dark like she was part of it. The white of her eyes was tinted a light red and drool was forming inside her mouth.
You're feeling hot, the heat of alcohol burned through you. You slow down more, your house is just around the corner. As you search for your keys you feel a pair of cold hands gripping your stomach from behind.
For a second the world stops, then you start to realize: someone is trying to hurt you. You start screaming and kicking at whoever was on top of you and for a moment, you manage to throw them off your body.
High on adrenaline you start to run towards your house, still scrambling to search for the keys but they were far stronger and faster than you.
In a matter of seconds they're on top of you again, this time their hands are gripping your wrists and cutting through the flesh.
Just when you think this couldn't be worse, you feel two pointy fangs carve deep in your flesh.
Blood flows freely from the wound and stains clothes and skin. Some of it has remained stuck into their teeth.
Natalie's mouth was red with blood, she begun to lap at your wounds in an effort to clean as much of your blood as possible and finally eat. She laps and bites and scar and tear flesh off of you like a rabid dog.
You feel your body begun to cool down, every essence for heat leaves you and you're left without a thought. You let your attacker feeds on you.
The blood flowing in her mouth gaves Natalie a thrill like never before. It tastes sweet, sweet and had a tinge of alcohol. She can't get enough of you.
She feels herself regain her senses and understand what she has done: she has attacked a stranger and drained them of their life. She eyes you thinking that maybe she has killed you, she's already planning on where to hide your body when you groan lowly and stir in your coma.
She thinks that maybe this is an opportunity. Maybe she can feed from you when she hits her limit, just to have you and your precious blood near her.
You find yourself in a unknown home, she has you cuffed by the bedpost and you can't move your body at all. She stalks over to you like a wolf and you try to scream and kick but to no avail.
"If you ever say anything of this to anyone, I'll kill you and everyone and everything you love" she whispers in your ear, seductively tracing your skin. "Let's make a deal. I'll let you live in exchange for your blood".
From then on, you and the stranger which you had come to know as Natalie start what could only be described as a purely practical relationship.
She gets a fill of your blood and you get to live another week.
One day you come to her apartment. She has been drinking like she always had, small hiccups leave her every now and then. She looks over at you with those deep eyes of hers, a faint blush covering her cheeks.
She comes to you and grips on your body, trying to stabilize herself on you. She closes her mouth on your neck but doesn't bite down, a surprise to you. She can't physically bite down on you and instead opts to lightly move her lips on your neck.
She starts to muble something. "Please...p-llleease... So good just... Just a taste...o-one...p...".
She tries to hold on you and continues to muble incoherently, you have to drag her to her bedroom trying to not step over all the beer bottles left.
You think about leaving her and walking away from this strange relationship, but you can't. You're sure that if you actually leave without her having her fill she would hunt you down and keep her promise, but you also feel bad for her in a way. She has been living in this precarious way, in a cold and dark house without anyone to be with her or keep her company.
She sits on the bed and hugs you close to her, whispering to you, her breath tickling your neck and making you shiver in anticipation of what she might do to you.
Her touch lingers on your skin, tracing patterns on it; the look in her eyes is suggestive and her cheeks are rosy.
She stalks once again to her favorite spot on your neck but at the last minute, she pulls away and devours your mouth in a kiss.
Before you can process what has happened, she gets on top if you and deepens the kiss. She has your wrists in her hands and her legs is in between yours.
She makes you gasp for breath and kisses you again, exploring every inch of you.
She moves her knee up and down on your sex, making you get wetter by the minute. At last she decides to strip down of her clothes and get rid of yours as well.
Chest naked, you stare up at her in fear and arousal. Emotions bloom inside of you and you feel high when her mouth latching on your chest.
Her fingers trace your skin down to your legs. She doesn't have to prepare you for the intrusion because you're already wet, she notices with a smile.
She circles your clit, stimulating it and continuing to kiss you.
Her cheeks become red, blood pumps faster in her veins and inside her heart, some feeling starts born. She feels so happy, for the first time in years, since what happened back in the forest, so so happy. There isn't alcohol, there isn't hunger and there isn't cold; there's just heat and skin and you.
Her eyes water as she starts to pump her fingers inside you. She hears your moans and whines and she feels so... complete. Her mouth close to your ear, she whispers sweet words to you while guiding you to your orgasm.
Right as you come, she regains all her strength and bites down on your neck, blood sweeter than ever before. Metallic and sweet flavours swirl inside her mouth and get her on high, coming too with you.
Her body collapses on yours, the sound of both of you fill the room. Her eyes find yours and with surprising gentleness she cups your face in her hand, strokes your cheecks and whispers "I'm never letting you go".
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yuikomorii · 9 months
// Ok I didn’t want to go this far but at this point, you guys are hating on Ayato just for clout and it shows. It’s okay not to like a character but straight up spreading misinformation about him is not okay. If you lack reading comprehension, just admit it.
What makes Ayato’s past so sad isn’t only the fact that Cordelia was mean towards him. She mentally and physically abused him, yet what genuinely hurt Ayato the most was the way Cordelia treated ALL the triplets. A part of him didn’t even want to kill her, given that he CRIED in the MB flashbacks because, despite being a huge abuser, he STILL felt sympathy even for someone like her. No matter how horrible Cordelia was, Ayato still wished for Karlheinz to reciprocate her feelings only to finally see her happy.
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Don't even get me started on the Adam curse. He was practically used as bait and abandoned to death by his own brothers, but he still hoped for their safety after escaping. That curse literally destroyed his entire life because its purpose was to make the person who ate the fig drown in despair and go insane. That's why he was sooo obsessed with Yui's blood. Heck, he's cursed in routes other than his own, as he goes insane in Ruki's MB one, to the point that his brothers had to lock him inside the dungeon. In addition, in his MB Vampire Ending, he falls into a coma because he refuses to hurt Yui and keep drinking her blood.
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Other than that, Laito was the one who made him believe that he wasn’t special, hence he adopted the “I will never make someone special again” mentality. He also wanted to kill him when he was younger (no hate towards any of his brothers though). Kanato was the only one who never did something bad to him, considering that when Ayato was a child, Reiji called him the disappointment of the family after failing a test.
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Ayato did twisted stuff too; no character is a saint, but he always tries his best to fix things. Even when not dating Yui, he’s capable of showing compassion, support and a desire to improve his relationship with his brothers BY HIMSELF. Check this analysis for example.
Other than that, despite every time being hurt when trying to show kindness, he still became a very selfless guy who’d sacrifice himself for anyone at any given time. What makes this even more admirable is that according to Karlheinz, he’s literally the only one who actually VALUES his life. This guy who loves life would risk it all for Yui, even when not dating, or for any of his brothers.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations and tournesolia on Tumblr
On top of that, he's incredibly empathic?? He forgives everybody, no matter what they do to him, and seeks to maintain good relations with them. In Kino's LE route, for example, he tortures and burns Ayato, but Ayato is the first person to recognize him as his brother because he wanted Kino to feel that he, too, belonged to a family.
Last but not least, nobody silences Karlheinz as good as him. He was also the only one who connected the dots by himself about his dad being the root of all evil (Laito too but that was after the letter), including being the only one who didn’t want to kill him only because he didn’t want to fall into his plan. Check this post.
Oh and, Ayato is actually really big; it’s not that only his fans make him that way! This post basically proves that he’s the IT boy of otome games and I should also mention that he’s the character that sells the most in Japan and China! Just look what Japanese fans think of him. ;)
You can dislike him as much as you want but nobody can deny how brave and pure-hearted he is. He’s the definition of from zero to hero.
As I mentioned earlier, it's fine to dislike him, but don't become obsessed with it, lol. At the end of the day, he's merely a fictional character with endearing characteristics and the male lead. It's really not that deep. Besides, it's embarrassing when the hate comes from Yui stans because she definitely wouldn't be happy of any of you talking about her man in that way.
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
I've seen more than a few posts by now asking why Horikoshi doesn't just kill Dabi off by now, and frankly I agree with that question. Let's be honest, killing him would be a mercy at this point and in spite of everything he's done, I don't thinking another prolonged coma with sporadic moments of consciousness is a punishment that fits the crime. He killed 30+ people, caused mass destruction, and tried to overturn an entire society.
Giving some crossover insight, Light Yagami probably killed millions with the Death Note, and I don't think even he would deserve the fate Dabi got. His poetic justice was he was an arrogant psychopath who died a pathetic death in a warehouse. The vampires of Castlevania Netflix have killed and tortured millions of people over the centuries they've been alive and out of all of them, I think only Erzsébet Báthory might deserve that fate, and that's only because she's ascended to goddess status and may be unkillable at this point and eternal imprisonment might be the only option.
So why doesn't Horikoshi kill Dabi off already?
Well....Horikoshi does have a problem with killing off characters unless its for shock value. There's no reason Nighteye, Magne, or Midnight had to die other than shock value. Most other characters that are killed off are barely in the series long enough to consider them a noteworthy death.
You could argue that Magne's death was to show that Overhaul was a new villain that meant business, but given the fact Overhaul doesn't kill or maim any other character the same way unless it's one of his nameless henchmen, his power doesn't prove to be that much of a threat to the main cast.
When Midnight reacted to Majestic's death, I legitimately asked, "Who?"
Endeavor confronts Dabi about killing Snatch and even Dabi asks, "Who?" (Also, why? Did Endeavor even know Snatch? Why bring that up?)
Why did Star have to die? To showcase how strong an opponent AFO/Shigaraki was? Uh, we already knew that...? To show why no other nations were getting involved in the fighting in Japan? A simple doomsday message from multiple nations that says, 'You're on your own,' would have sufficed. AFO could have been blackmailing world leaders into staying out of it. There could have been an international conspiracy of corrupt leaders who were in on it. They could have been having the same issue with mass prison breaks and couldn't help out. There was no need to invent a whole new character for any of that, so her death was a waste.
Arguably, Twice is the only character I can think of at the moment whose death was plot relevant. Realistically, how else was that fight going to go down? He and Hawks spend the entire battle in a weird standoff?
So either Dabi's current state is the result of creator cruelty or:
In the last couple chapters we have left, we're going to find out Eri's Quirk is not as damaged as everyone thought it was and she comes in clutch to save everyone. It's a cop-out ending, but I tentatively think this one might actually happen yet, mostly because it would neatly fix Bakugou's destroyed hand and some of the other characters who were maimed in Final War to the point their Quirks are barely usable.
Dr. Garaki cuts a deal where he biologically engineers a solution that saves everyone in exchange for a reduced sentence. Also a legit possibility. Would not be shocked if President Hawks visits the guy in prison and says, "Listen, a lot of people got really messed up in that last fight, so we've got a proposition for you." Saving both heroes and ensuring the villains actually live out a life sentence.
That unknown figure wandering around the wasteland does prove to be Shigaraki and he's got some unknown Quirk from AFO that could potentially save his comrades and we're headed for a Harry Potter Musical 'It's Not Over Yet' twist ending.
If the rumors about My Hero getting a sequel series are true, Horikoshi may be keeping Dabi around in case he has a use for him there. I don't know how that would even be possible, but I do admit the possibility of this conversation does make me laugh a little:
Pro Shouto: The plan couldn't have gone more wrong. Deku was in the wrong place. Bakugou was being Bakugou. Yaoyorozu had a relapse in nervousness and just created those weird dolls of hers instead of the materials we actually needed. The whole thing made the civilians laugh though. Not mean laughter, they were entertained and that's important, but if we were still in school, Aizawa would have expelled us all for sure.
Dabi: ...as much I just love our bi-weekly challenge of how long we can keep a conversation going before that heart monitor goes off and they put me back to sleep, do I have to listen to you bitch about work?
Pro Shouto: You said you wanted to hear about the outside world.
Dabi: Yeah, the fucking weather and shit.
Pro Shouto: You want a full forecast or--
Dabi: Don't make me come down there.
Realistically, none of those four scenarios are gonna happen, but the sequel rumors are preventing me from discounting them outright.
I would say there's no point in having that last minute 'everyone is saved' because that's it, that's the end, but then I remember Zuko's last line in Avatar is, "Where is my mother?" and opened up that whole subplot for the graphic novels.
So I don't know anymore.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
reading roundup: june 2024
before I get started on June, I have to issue a correction from May: I forgot to include a book!
last year I backed Iron Circus Comics' erotic anthology My Monster Girlfriend, edited by Andrea Purcell and Amanda Lafrenais, and it finally arrived just ahead of pride. My Monster Girlfriend contains 15 stories by all by different artists, and features protagonists who get it on with everything from the classic ghosts, werewolves, and vampires to a reality-warping angel (?) who contains infinite dimensions, a sleep paralysis demon, and an all-consuming flesh monster hivemind.
while I would have liked to see a little more variety in the freakishness of the actual sex, the anthology is a lot of fun and shows off a great diversity of art styles and scenarios in which one might get down to clown with a monster girlfriend. my personal favorites were Feather by Kanesha C. Bryant, in which an intrepid pervert boldly attempts to locate their girlfriend's genitalia; MonsterHER Under the Bed by Bont and Wes Brooke, which puts a cute, sexy little spin on the monster under the bed; Forest Wedding by Otava Heikkilä, which reads like an old timey fable except it ends in a giant forest woman getting crazy fisted by her new trans husband; and Girl Fiend by InnKeeperWorm, which is infinitely jackoffable even though, frankly, the hellhound should have stayed in her more monstrous canine form to fuck.
okay, now onto the June reading! I found myself reaching the end of the month surprised that I had added so few books to my 2024 spreadsheet, and then I realized: it's fucking PRIDE MONTH and I'm a career queer. I spent most of June either busting ass working various events or in a coma recovering from said events; no wonder I didn't read as much as I thought I would. I also gave up on one novel after sinking close to 200 pages in it, which means the list is even shorter, but trust me: the DNF was the right decision.
so, who made the cut for pride?
The Monsters We Defy (Leslye Penelope, 2022) - this book was a romp! it's fun! it's a hoot, dare I say! this is a historical urban fantasy that takes place in the Black society of 1920s Washington, DC. protagonist Clara and her band of ragtag magical misfits have a heist to pull off against one of the most powerful Black women in DC, with their own curses and powers at stake. it's a fun story with a neat magic system and lots of words that are capitalized so you know they're Magical and Important, and it's a read that goes down real easy. strong recommendation if you find yourself in a slump!
Just for the Cameras (Viano Oniomoh, 2023) - my first foray into independently published romance! and it was... fine. the plot's a little patchy, sure, but it's definitely not the worst romance I've ever read, and at least a throuple made for a nice change of pace. AND nobody's seething with jealousy or insecurity about multiple partners? you love to see it. this book was apparently originally intended to be a novelette and it definitely could have stayed that way, but if bisexual Black hotties sucking and fucking is what you seek then you're going to have a great time. TW: 2/3 main characters are British.
Strange Bedfellows: Adventures in the Science, History, and Surprising Secrets of STDs (Ina Park, 2021) - to the surprise of absolutely no one who knows me, this is one of my very favorite nonfiction reads of the year so far. I cannot emphasize this enough: if you like the way that I talk about STIs and sex ed on this blog then I think you'll really like this book, because having read this book I desperately want to be her friend. she brings so much passion and energy to her work that it bursts right off the page and is - pardon this awful pun - absolutely infectious.
Survivor (Octavia E. Butler, 1978) - for those you not in the know, this book is kind of a get. it's the only book of Butler's that was never reprinted, so now you can only read it if you get ahold of a super expensive original edition OR if you, hypothetically, find a PDF online and print off the entire thing on your work printer. and I'm so glad I did the latter, because holy shit this book whips ass. the book was apparently disavowed for its lack of connection to the rest of the Patternist series, which is true but oh my god, the story is SOOOO cool anyway. we've got a human woman named Alanna who grew up feral on Earth only to be adopted by a Christian cult who are GOING INTO SPACE to preserve the human race, but it turns out there are already intelligent people on the new planet and they have Feelings about what the future of these human missionaries is going to be. it's on Alanna to navigate the clashing cultures and tension between the humans and two warring groups of aliens, and it is fucking URGENT. I don't say this lightly but I think this has ascended to be in my top three Butler novels.
No Name in the Street (James Baldwin, 1972) - ooooooh my god you guys!! oh my god!!! I've never read any of Baldwin's long form nonfiction, but within pages I knew that this was going to pretty permanently change my brain. this memoir-ish book delves into, among other things, Baldwin's witnessing of the American civil rights movement, including the deaths of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Medgar Evers. woven around that is the alienating experience of being a Black man with exactly enough cultural cache and social clout to sometimes isolate him from the people he grew up with but not nearly enough to buy acceptance or safety in a white society, emphasized by Baldwin's unfinished struggle to free a friend from prison after a wrongful murder charge. and somehow that's barely doing the book justice! it's so vast and incisive and weary and impassioned and it did, truly, have me jotting down the names of everything Baldwin ever wrote to make sure I can read it all. as much as I bemoan my habit of impulse reserving books from the library, I really am indebted to the Stacks podcast for getting this on my radar.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
The Curse of the Sun and the Moon
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Day 7 Prompt: "Do you recognize this?"
Summary: Klaus' SO is writing their doctoral dissertation on cross-culture myths. Much to their irritation, Klaus knows a thing or two about those.
Word Count: 1,877
Category: Humor, Fluff, maybe a tiny bit of angst?
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Love? Hello, can you hear me?"
Slowly, I turned my head away from the paper in front of me, still not taking my eyes off the drawings. A hand waved in front of my face too, but I ignored it.
"What do you want, Nik?" I muttered, only half paying attention to him.
"I want to know you haven't gone into a coma," he whined, flopping down into the chair next to me. I cracked the tiniest smile, but didn't let my train of thought wander from the work in front of me.
"I haven't gone into a coma," I repeated. I didn't say anything else after that and neither did Nik for a moment, until he sighed.
"You must understand why I'm concerned when you respond to my questions like you're in a trance."
I sighed, making a last note before finally looking up at Nik with a tired smile.
"I'm sorry, babe. I know I've been pretty wrapped up in all this lately, but I'm writing a doctoral dissertation in folklore and mythology. I've kinda got my hands full, and if I don't put in the hours to get this done right, it's all going to be for nothing."
Nik rolled his eyes dramatically before fixing me with a look.
"You know, if you just became a vampire with me, you wouldn't have to worry about things like school and work anymore."
I narrowed my eyes. "If I ever make the decision to become a vampire with you, all I'm going to do is go back to college for more degrees and studying. I love doing this, even if it makes me want to walk into the ocean sometimes. All eternity is going to do is enable me to throw any kind of practical job application for my studies out the window."
Nik sighed heavily, but he had a smile on his face all the same.
"I probably could've guessed that answer, couldn't I?"
We shared a smile, and then my attention drifted back to the paper in front of me. I stared at it for a few moments, still half-aware of Nik watching me fondly, when an idea struck like lightning.
"Wait, Nik... I just thought of something." I rushed to turn the paper around on my desk so it faced Nik instead of me. "Do you recognize this? I mean, you've been around for a thousand years. Chances are probably decent that you know something about this, right?"
Nik stared at the paper for a minute, then slowly looked up at me, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"What did you say you're doing your dissertation on again?"
"I'm focusing on myths that appear to transcend cultures throughout history. There's a couple examples of stories and legends that exist in basically the same form in cultures that had no contact. This one, usually referred to as something along the lines of 'the curse of and the sun and the moon', is the main one I've decided to focus on. So... any chance you can tell me anything about it?"
Nik's tiny smile turned into a full on grin, a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at me. My heart leapt.
"Oh my gosh, you totally know something! Tell me, I can't wait. I'm gonna have to find some sources other than you if I want to put it in my paper, but-"
"This is mine, love," he said. I stared at him, trying to process what his words meant, but I came up empty-handed.
"What do you mean? Is this copy of the myth yours?"
"In a way."
Nik looked back down at the illustration depicting the curse, this one of Aztec origin. It was my favorite of the versions I'd found, although the same curse had also appeared in Roman scrolls and a half-dozen other cultures from around the world. He ran his finger over the lines of the drawing fondly.
"I drew this."
My mouth dropped open, and I looked quickly between Nik, the drawing, and back again.
"What... what do you mean you drew this? This is an Aztec myth from the 13th century-" I stopped short as my mind finally caught up. "...which I guess you were alive for..."
Nik smiled and kicked back in his chair, ankles crossed and a proud expression on his face. I just stared at him in shock.
"There is no such thing as the Curse of the Sun and the Moon, love," he said. "The real thing is the Hybrid curse, placed on me. A long time ago, Elijah and I planted this myth in cultures all over the world to get every single werewolf and vampire in the world looking for the components I needed to break my own curse. And it worked."
Nik finished his explanation with a smirk, but I didn't react. I just kept staring at him, my brain going through the equivalent of a computer's blue screen of death. This could not be possible.
"Hold on a second," I said, holding up a hand to stop my own swirling thoughts before looking at Nik again. "Let me get this straight. You drew this ancient Aztec drawing I have on my desk right now?"
"And you created the Roman scrolls I found that kick-started this project?"
"I did."
"And you completely made up the myth of the Curse and the Sun of the Moon, then did the ancient equivalent of editing it into a bunch of wikipedia articles to make everyone believe it was real, all so other werewolves and vampires would do the work of finding things you needed for you?"
"That's right."
"So this curse, this myth that permeates a dozen different, separate cultures, the cornerstone of my dissertation... is just a lie you made up a long time ago, that nobody ever disproved because you're just so fucking old you could create mythology at the same time that these ancient cultures actually existed?"
I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly. Then, my eyes snapped open, and I snatched up a scroll from the top of my desk and hucked it at my boyfriend.
"Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME NIK?" I cried, shooting out of my seat. Nik looked a little shocked, partly because the scroll had hit him smack in the face and then partly because I never got this kind of mad at him. "You can't just fake historical documents to serve your own purposes!"
"Technically, I didn't fake any historical documents. I made them at the same time in history that they're supposed to be from."
"DOESN'T COUNT! My whole dissertation is about examining the phenomena of cultures that had no interactions somehow telling the same stories. There's all kind of examples of it, but this was going to be my ace in the hole, and now I can't use it!"
"Sure you can," Nik said, at last standing from the chair. He was smart enough not to walk towards me, but I hurled a pillow from my chair at him anyway.
"No, I can't! What am I gonna say? Oh, well you see, all these different cultures had the same mythology without talking to each other because my boyfriend is a motherfucker who lied through his teeth to manipulate people, and he's old enough that he completely got away with it!"
Nik shrugged. "Sounds good to me."
"ARGH! I can't believe you- Oh my God."
"The stupid fucking vampire myth was going to be another example supporting my dissertation. But that's gone now too. 'Oh, why do all these cultures have the same mythology about a curse and blood-drinking creatures who stalk the night?' Well that's simple, professors! It's because my boyfriend, one of those blood-drinkers, just kept showing up to plant a bullshit story and got other myths written about him in the process!"
"I'm still not seeing the problem, love, that sounds like an excellent presentation."
I rushed to close the distance between us, smacking him in the chest and then continuing to whack him in the shoulders, arms, and chest again.
"You. Can't. Just. Make. Up. Mythology. That. Influences. History. Forever. For KICKS!" I shouted, punctuating each word with a hit. Nik just watched me, not moving even half an inch from the force of my shoves, watching me rage with a small smile on his face.
"I've never seen you like this before, love," he said, his voice silky and low. It only made me want to hit him more. "I quite like it."
"UGH!" I shouted, turning away from Nik all the same. I stared at the desk, my mind finally getting into the later stages of processing. I'd have to completely ditch all this work. "Nik, this is the worst thing you've ever done. And I've dated you long enough to know about the bad things you've done. Holy shit, I'm going to have to ditch so much of this work. I'm going to have to completely change my topic, all because you're fucking ancient and a good artist and a better liar."
After a second, I felt Nik's arms slowly, gently wrap around me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder, nuzzling into my hair. Part of me still wanted to hit him, but not enough of me to actually do it.
"I'm sorry, love," he said, voice low and sweet. "Tell me what I can do to make it better."
I huffed a sigh through my nose. "You can tell me where Elijah is. He's a part of this too, I need to kill him next."
Nik chuckled, pulling me tighter to him. I relaxed a little bit into him.
"How about we start with a movie marathon of your choice, all of your favorite junk food, and I dagger any of my siblings who try to disturb you while you're working next week?"
I paused, thinking, dragging out the moment with a little hum. Nik kissed my cheek, slowly moving further along and down towards my neck, and after another minute I sighed.
"Fine. I guess we can start with relaxation and peace. But I am not getting over this any time soon. And I'm still going to attack Elijah the next time I see him."
"It's a deal."
"Of all the things I thought might be a challenge about dating a vampire, I never could've predicted 'destroys my doctoral dissertation by secretly being the subject of my dissertation'."
Nik snorted a little laugh in my ear. "And I never would've thought this would be the closest we came to a deal-braker for you, what with all the murdering I've done."
"I might not be able to claim the high ground on that front much longer."
I twisted around to look pointedly at Nik, but he just smiled right back at me. Wisely, he used his vampire speed to whisk me out of the room before I could look at my ruined dissertation again. This situation was absolutely, completely ridiculous, and I knew I'd probably still be processing for the next few decades. But I loved Nik and the rest of these stupid, lying, ridiculous, ancient vampires, and I'd keep loving them no matter what. Even if I wanted to kill them, sometimes, too.
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Can I request Carlisle with a black fem vampire reader who became a newborn and it’s almost like she lost her memory when she turned vamp (this is before Bella became a vamp) she tried to attack Bella as soon as she woke up, her abilities include Wanda maximoff’s energy projection attacks, she even tried to attack Emmett for stopping her but then Carlisle said something that got her back?
❝blood cravings❞
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✭ pairing : Cullen family x reader x bella swan
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (Y/n) awakes as a freshly turnt vampire and the first thing she wants to do is sink her teeth into the human known as Bella swan, luckily her family is there to hold her back - not without struggle though. And luckily Bella doesn’t hold her accountable for her actions
✭ authors note : look at me getting requests out late at night :) I still have more to go but bare with me
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the tranquil home of the Cullen family, nestled deep within the picturesque forests of Forks, lived (Y/n), a young woman who had been adopted by this unique vampire clan when she was just a child. Raised as a human, she had grown up alongside the Cullen children, forming close bonds that transcended the boundaries of blood.
Emmett, the bear-like and jovial member of the family, held a special place in her heart. He had always been there for her, providing guidance, protection, and a shoulder to lean on. To her, he was more than a brother; he was a father figure.
Today was a day that had been looming on the horizon for (Y/n). She had reached her eighteenth birthday, the age at which Carlisle, the patriarch of the Cullen family, had promised to turn her into a vampire. It was a choice she had willingly embraced, drawn to the allure of immortality and the prospect of a new life with her adopted family.
Nervousness coursed through her as she approached Emmett, who was lounging in their living room, a reassuring smile on his face. (Y/n) knew that she could count on him to alleviate her worries.
"Emmett," she began, her voice tinged with anxiety, "can you tell me again about the risks of changing? I want to be sure I'm making the right decision."
Emmett's expression softened as he regarded her. He moved closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a protective embrace. "You know, little sis, there are always risks with transformation. It's a painful process, and there's a chance it might not work out for everyone. But you're strong, (Y/n), and you've got the heart of a lion. I promise I'll be there every step of the way, just like you've always been there for me."
(Y/n) looked into his eyes, finding the reassurance she sought. With a deep breath, she nodded. "Okay, I'm ready now."
Emmett's grin widened, and he leaned down to plant a loving kiss on her forehead. "That's my girl."
With unwavering determination, Emmett used his venom to initiate the transformation, marking the beginning of (Y/n)'s journey into immortal life.
As (Y/n) embarked on her transformation journey, the entire Cullen family rallied around her, offering unwavering support and vigilance. Emmett and Rosalie, who had been her champions from the beginning, were particularly attentive, their protective instincts in full force.
The transformation was a process that spanned three grueling days. It was during this time that the unique abilities of each family member came to the forefront, their collective efforts aimed at making her journey as bearable as possible.
On the first day, Jasper, the empath of the family, was a constant presence by (Y/n)'s side. His ability to sense and manipulate emotions allowed him to understand her pain on an intimate level. He used his gift to create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility around her, easing the emotional turmoil that often accompanied the transformation.
Jasper's soothing presence was like a lifeline for (Y/n) as she slipped into a deep, coma-like state. His calming influence provided her with moments of respite from the searing pain that wracked her body.
Emmett and Rosalie took turns staying with her during the nights, their protective instincts on high alert. They whispered words of encouragement and love, promising her that the pain would be worth the eternal life that awaited her.
During the daylight hours, the rest of the Cullen family rotated their visits, offering their presence and support. Carlisle, the family patriarch and skilled physician, monitored her physical condition closely, ensuring that her transformation progressed safely.
Edward, Alice, and Esme remained on standby, ready to assist wherever needed. Edward occasionally used his telepathic abilities to communicate with (Y/n) on a subconscious level, reassuring her that she was not alone in this journey.
The dawn of the third day marked a significant moment in (Y/n)'s life—the end of her transformation and the beginning of her existence as an immortal vampire. As she slowly awoke from her coma-like state, her senses sharpened, and she became acutely aware of her surroundings.
Her eyes fluttered open, revealing crimson irises that bore the mark of her new nature. But as her vision cleared, (Y/n) felt a peculiar sense of disorientation. Her memories, once vivid and rich, seemed to have evaporated like mist, leaving behind only fragments.
She knew her name—(Y/n). She knew she had been human, but the details of her past were shrouded in a thick fog, and she struggled to grasp them.
Confusion clouded her expression as she gingerly got out of bed and glanced around the room. It was beautifully decorated, but the surroundings felt foreign, devoid of familiarity.
With a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, (Y/n) pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway. To her surprise, she was met by a group of people who appeared to be waiting for her. The Cullen family, whose faces should have been etched in her memory, were strangers to her now.
Edward, Alice, Esme, and the others greeted her warmly, expressions filled with anticipation. But among them was a face she didn't recognize—a human girl named Bella Swan, who had been determined to be there when her best friend woke up as a newborn vampire.
As Bella approached (Y/n) with a friendly smile, (Y/n)'s heightened senses went into overdrive. The scent of Bella's human blood was overwhelming, and the rhythmic beat of her heart echoed loudly in (Y/n)'s ears.
In that fateful moment, (Y/n)'s calm demeanor shattered, and a predatory instinct she couldn't control took over. With a snarl, she lunged toward Bella, her eyes filled with hunger and her fangs bared.
The room erupted into chaos as (Y/n) lunged toward Bella with predatory intent, her newborn instincts overriding her sense of reason. It was a harrowing sight, with the Cullens moving swiftly to intercept her, but she was fueled by an uncontrollable hunger.
Emmett, using his immense strength, bore the brunt of (Y/n)'s attack, his grip unyielding as he attempted to restrain her. (Y/n) fought with a fervor that defied her size, her energy projection ability causing flashes of destructive energy to burst from her, creating chaos in the room.
Jasper, with his empathic abilities, attempted to calm her turbulent emotions, but (Y/n) resisted his influence. Her confusion and aggression were too overwhelming, causing her to lash out at anyone who stood in her way.
Carlisle swiftly made a decision to protect Bella, realizing that (Y/n)'s fixation on her presented a grave danger. He turned to Edward, the fastest of them all, and instructed him to take Bella out of the room to safety.
Edward, his protective instincts in overdrive, scooped up Bella and moved at an astonishing speed, exiting the room in the blink of an eye. He knew that he had to ensure Bella's safety above all else.
Meanwhile, inside the room, Emmett continued to grapple with (Y/n), their struggle creating fissures in the walls and shattering objects around them. It was a battle of strength, with Emmett doing all he could to restrain her.
Jasper, determined to help, focused his empathic abilities to their fullest extent, channeling a calming aura towards (Y/n). The air around her seemed to shift as he forced her to experience a moment of serenity.
Gradually, the wild intensity in (Y/n)'s crimson eyes began to wane. The destructive energy she projected subsided, and she started to relax, the chaotic storm within her slowly abating.
Still, the Cullens maintained their hold on her, unwilling to take any chances. Carlisle, the voice of reason amidst the turmoil, addressed his family with a calm but authoritative tone.
"This is normal behavior for a newborn," he explained. "Sometimes their memories are wiped during the transformation. As long as we are patient and supportive, (Y/n) will come to remember us and her past. We must remain vigilant and ensure her safety during this crucial time."
With (Y/n) finally subdued, they continued to keep her pinned down, aware that the path to her full integration into their family would require time, patience, and unwavering support.
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romantichopelessly · 1 month
invitation to speak more about the secret good td3 in your head, if you so desire!
Ok so I sat on this ask for DAYS because I wanted to have some cohesive, great answer, but the thing about The Dreamer Trilogy that haunts me is that I can never come up with good concrete thoughts about how to fix the issues I have with it, which is why I reference the “secret good td3 in my head” because it can never fully leave my head in any real way. That being said here’s a list of some elements I would change to make my secret good td3, in no particular order.
The visionaries don’t exist. Liliana, Persifal, etc. are just psychics that keep getting visions of the end, and die for reasons other than their power. Explaining what Visionaries are and subsequently over explaining the magic system of td3 is part of what made the trilogy so confusing and ruined a lot of the magic that the TRC universe already had for me. We don’t need concrete explanations, and psychics can still fill this role. The changing age and exploding added nothing?? to the narrative?? that I can think of?? We can even keep the age gap for Carliana if we want to, just make Liliana an older psychic like Maura/Persephone/Calla. It will even add to the excellent Carmen-Mr. Gray parallels.
Lean more into the themes of the age group. TRC is a coming of age story. It’s about being 17/18. It’s about learning your inner self and getting others to see the true you. TD3 should be more about being 19/20/21. To me, TD3 at its peak is like Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6. Which is uniquely about the horror of being in your early 20s, losing support systems, having to learn to be a full self-reliant person, grappling with what your parents did to you, and the crushing loneliness of not being around Your People anymore. TD3 has all of these themes, but I really think they need to be fleshed out more, and given proper conclusion that isn’t just “yippee everything is fine now!”
Greywaren is longer. I think almost everyone agrees that Greywaren, as a book was just too short to wrap up all the plot lines set up, and does almost none of them justice. That book needed a whole rewrite. In theory, I’m completely fine with how it opens—Ronan being in a dream coma was foreshadowed from CDTH, and is an idea that I’d actually thought of as interesting before even reading the book. Other elements of this book like Declan’s rampage, Matthew going rogue, etc are great directions for the characters, I’d just want to rework them. I could make solo posts about any of these.
The Pynch breakup either doesn’t happen, or is set up further in advance and lasts longer. Personally, I lean towards the latter. Adam and Ronan’s conflict is set up from the very beginning of CDTH, or even from Opal (Adam warring between wanting to stay with Ronan and needing to follow through with his lifelong plans, and being frustrated that Ronan never asks for anything from Adam (specifically, to stay) ((side note: perhaps Adam’s insecurity here about Ronan respecting his boundaries so thoroughly stems from both having a family that never would respect his wishes, and Gansey (Adam’s model of love, Adam’s model of everything) having to learn not to ask things like that of Adam. What does it mean that Ronan never even tries?)) AND Ronan dealing with the crushing loneliness of being left and dealing with the consequences of having a long distance bf who is more successful than him). So they needed to have an argument about this. It’s also just in character that these two would not be perfect communicators. So. My idea: In CDTH we get no Adam POVs, just Ronan’s side of the story. We see, rather than Ronan just getting upset over one missed text, that Adam begins to pull away after the murder crab incident. We the audience don’t know why, other than Ronan’s unreliable narration and insecurity. So when Adam doesn’t respond to that one text at a vital fraught time, Ronan does what he does best, shuts down, pulls away and self destructs. Then MI rolls around and we start getting Adam POVs. We learn that after the murder crabs, Adam was throwing himself into trying to fix the nightwash situation for Ronan (Adam is not in contact with Declan here, unfortunately). After visiting for Ronan’s birthday and seeing the Lace, Adam starts to have dreams/premonitions about the end of the world (no visionaries in this universe, just psychics who are/were close to dreamers getting the visions!!). So he obviously sets out to fix this alone too. He calls his best approximations to contacts in this underground world that aren’t Declan. Henry and Mr. Gray. (+ maybe also Maura & Calla) ((Also don’t worry Henry doesn’t leave the Sarchengsey trip, just advises Adam on where to start)). Now that Adam has lost contact with Ronan (he was busy and missed the message and Ronan went off the grid like in canon), he goes full throttle into trying to solve everything while managing being his perfect Harvard persona (this gets him close to a breakdown, very reminiscent to Dream Thieves). Perhaps we get to see Adam and Declan working together to acquire sweet metals and understand the underworld of magic together. He and Ronan fight the one time they get to talk over the phone, Adam because he is truly scared Ronan will be the one to end the world, Ronan because he feels like this is another person perceiving him as a failure and wanting to control/baby him (+ he hates Adam hanging with Mr Gray and Declan of all people). By the time Greywaren starts, Adam is wrung out and hurting and Ronan is dead to the world, so yeah. He doesn’t think he can spend emotional energy playing safeguard to his boyfriend’s coma corpse. And then by the end of the book they have an actual argument/discussion no “they didn’t need words” cop out.
The number of Dreamers/Dreams has to be reduced. It’s cool to say that dreams were always integrated into this world, but it creates so many plot holes it isn’t even funny. There is no way Niall could have passed off the Greywaren being a box that brings dreams to life if Dreamers were such a common occurrence. No secret can be kept that well, someone in the black market would have known, and thus Greenmantle/Mr. Gray/Laumonier/ect WOULD HAVE KNOWN !!!
Declan does not have all his character erased by suddenly loving his mommy and daddy. Seriously what the fuck was that. Declan suddenly deciding to forgive his father because actually Declan was secretly the favorite child first is INSANE. Especially after seeing that that changed because Niall and Mor WANTED TO KILL HIS BROTHER!!! The two tenants of Declan Lynch in TRC were protecting his remaining family and fucking hating that Ronan idolized Niall just because Niall loved him best. So why make Declan turn around and do the same??? Suddenly Niall wasn’t so bad because actually he let Declan be shoved into a car trunk during a shootout out of love. I hate this plot line. Family doesn’t have to be forgiven. Understood, that’s one thing. Forgiven?? Not always. Sick of it. The real takeaway from seeing those memories should have been closure to Declan’s arc of learning that dreams should be viewed as people completely.
I definitely have other points but I cannot think of them right now. And I want to post this so I will. But TD3, as you can see, makes me an insane person.
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Now that submissions are closed, we can talk stats. There were 881 valid, unique submissions for 474 characters! Woof, women have it rough out there!
The most submitted characters, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. Sakura Haruno (Naruto): 28 [where do i even fucking begin]
2. Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel): 21 [OH SO MANY THINGS]
3. Misa Amane (Death Note): 20 [The author of Death Note invented new forms of misogyny just to apply them to Misa.]
4. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3): 15 [Oh, you thought we would have a female main character in one of our mainline games? With a cool defining talent, no less? That's stupid of you]
5. TIE: Kairi (Kingdom Hearts): 14 [I'm so mad. I think she deserves a gun.]
5. TIE: Stephanie Brown (DC Comics): 14 [She does eventually get retconned as surviving the event and hiding out in Africa (don't ask, it does not make more sense in context)]
The canons with the most submissions, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. DC Comics: 61 [DC has SO MUCH sexism it's laughable]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 35 [Fuck Joss Whedon, man.]
3. Naruto: 33 [because Kishimoto hates women]
4. Warrior Cats: 26 [Warriors is one of the most misogynistic children's series I've ever seen]
5. Danganronpa: 25 [I honestly had to think about it just to decide which woman is treated the worst because this series hates them so much]
The canons with the most characters submitted, with a relevant propaganda snippet for a specific character included, are:
1. DC Comics: 21 [Free her from the huge tits back breaking pose.]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 12 [Anyways she was so hot and for what. 10/10 my lesbian awakening.]
3. Supernatural: 11 [Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn't in vain, right?]
4. TIE: Star Trek: 9 [She literally gets teleported out of her clothes in one episode.]
4. TIE: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 9 [One loss is particularly brutal as she falls from a large height directly onto her head and goes into a coma (again. yes this was the second time).]
5. TIE: Warrior Cats: 8 [I'm sure she'll get submitted again just ask any reasonable fan they'll tell you about her and her sister]
5. TIE: Attack on Titan: 8 [As a child soldier, she does commit some war crimes]
And here are some charts to show how some of these entries fucked the scale on my charts:
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Look at Sakura, fucking up my chart with her numbers.
On a similar note...
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Good god, DC, I know what you did, but add fucking up my charts to your list of crimes.
And now, enjoy some rankings of my favorite things:
My favorite universal sentiment quotes from propaganda are:
She lived she served cunt and then she got killed off super early so that the male characters could experience man pain and also because I guess she would have been too powerful if left alive. [Wen Qing (Mo Dao Zu Shi)]
That design. Dear god. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. [Mitzi (The Queen's Corgi)]
In the end she may have girlbossed too close to the sun, but I support her anger. [Ling Wen (Heaven Official's Blessing)]
the victim of “writer doesn’t understand women and also hates them” disease. [Naomi Misora (Death Note)]
She could 100% kill somebody but nobody ever effing lets her. Rip queen. [Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)]
My favorite raging at a writer quotes from propaganda are:
1. You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. [Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)]
2. Being a woman written by Joss Whedon should automatically entitle her to financial compensation tbh. [River Tam (Firefly)]
3. A lot can be summed up in a couple words, namely, "Furman, why?" [Arcee (Transformers)]
4. Can you tell respect women juice ran in Tolstoy's veins. [Lise Bolkonskaya (War and Peace)]
5. TIE: (specifically a guy called Dan Didio, who we all hate) [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
5. TIE: until Geoff motherfucking Johns comes into the picture [Pantha (DC Comics)]
My favorite quotes from propaganda that have nothing to do with misogyny, y'all are just funny:
I wish I could use bold here, because there's no such thing as uppercase numbers. [Arcee (Transformers)]
the most convoluted and lore dense piece of media this side of the afton criticality. [Jane Crocker (Homestuck)]
ended up starting a gang war by accident [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
Ashfur, who later turns out to be a murderous incel [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
Hawkfrost is actively seeing Brambleclaw and his evil father in cat hell. [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
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rapha-reads · 2 months
To those of you wondering (aka no one), I finished both The Vampire Armand and Merrick and I have a lot of thoughts and feels. I'm skipping Blood and Gold for now to go directly to Blackwood Farm (I'll read B&G later), but first I'm going to read something else, just to take a break.
TVA thoughts: man, Armand is messed up. And extremely compelling. But so messed up. As always, the theme of faith crisis, which seriously reaches new heights with these bitchy vampires, is not something I can fully immerse myself in, but it was fascinating to see his numerous metamorphosis. I liked how he bridges Western and Eastern Christianisme, especially through art. Now I'm thinking that if Rolin Jones makes him originally Muslim in the show, that could expand even more the conversation on how faith, and especially Abrahamic faith, has been in conversation for thousands of years and could be such a rich, diverse and spiritual, intellectual and artistic theme. I can already imagine some fascinating discussions comparing (not in a superior way but in a complementary way) coming from Muslim faith to Roman Catholic faith, the way book!Armand talks about the richness of his life in Kiev Rus despite the poverty and ascetism, and the richness of his life in Venecia despite the luxury and abundance.
As for Benamin and Sybille... I don't have much thoughts about them. Sybille is one of those female characters AR seemingly favors, not so much human as a nymph or a dryad, "perfectly splendid". And Benji is a caricature of an Arab child. Nuance? 401 not found.
Merrick thoughts: David for the love if everything, shut. The. Fuck. Up. Holy moly. I like David, I do, but damn the entire recollection of his history with Merrick was looooooong. I'm here to see Louis haunted by Claudia and haunting Lestat's coma, not how hard you're pining for the kid you practically raised! Also. ALSO. You're just going to leave that whole thing with the Olmec or possibly another more ancient Mesoamerican civilisation without ever giving us more? That was the most interesting part of it all! The vodoo history, the connection between Louisiana and Caribbean vodoo and old Native South-American religions! More about this, less about Merrick's perfect breasts, I am begging you. (It is at this point that the reader of this post realises OP is 100% definitely ace and more interested in books and witchcraft than breasts and whether a 70yo man can still get it up - also, hey, Anne Rice's vampires are practically asexual and their lust and pleasure is mostly derivated from blood, with some notable exceptions like Armand and Marius, and a love relationship between two vampires is then based on romantic love and blood sharing, so can I hear a hell yeah for some ace representation or are we still conflating eroticism with sex)
Another thing I kept thinking about throughout the book is how Louis is perceived by his fellow vampires. Since basically the second book, since we've lost his own POV, everybody who's ever said anything about him (so Lestat, Armand and David) have insisted on two points: how very weak and meek Louis is, and also how irresistible, beautiful and charming. Granted, I've known Louis first through his portrayal on the show (hi Jacob you're so fiiiiiiine), and then through his own narration in the first book, but I've never had the impression that he was weak. Beautiful and seductive, yes. Weak? I see a human man going through tragedies and still enduring, going through vampiric transformation and then suffering for decades the loss of his humanity, struggling with reconciliating both sides of himself, but mostly I see a vampire who rebuilt himself after losing everything without sacrificing his sense of self. I see Louis as very strong actually (up to the point where resilience breaks, because resilience cannot be sustained on a long term, but that's another debate). He knows who he is, and don't you know how hard that is? He doesn't cling to faith or pride. He knows he's doomed, he knows he's monstrous, he knows there's nothing he can do to change that, and instead of railing against his fate, he goes on about his undead life. He gets his books and he reads them, he surrounds himself with literature and what little comforts he thinks in his shattered self-esteem he deserves (his ragged sweaters and soft trousers); let's not lie to ourselves tho, Louis doesn't like himself, or more exactly he doesn't care about his corporeal body - what matters to him is his mind, and once again, this author is extremely ace and also very aro and very nonbinary, so Louis to me is very much ace and agender coded, though really not aro, because his love for Lestat (and sometimes his fondness, shall we say, for Armand) is the only thing that can rouse him up from his literary slumber.
Oh, man, I have a lot to say about Louis, for how little he appears in the books so far. Still have BF, BC and the PL trilogy to devour. So I guess you can say, for as much as Lestat is occupying my entire brain, very much like him, my favorite is Louis? Yeah, that tracks. Melancholy, quiet, dark-haired green-eyed monster with more humanity than humans, preferring his solitude and the company of books to anyone else, hopelessly and helplessly devoted to one person, expert in brooding and grieving, literature specialist, not very attached to his physical self. Yeah. I'm not surprised.
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Some fun with Drac's kvetching about the food selection in the Bendy games. I think I've talked about this idea in the past, but...I could see Ericka and Drac having this conversation at one point. XD Drac's happy there's no longer just cans of bacon soup, but I think it being all junk would still kinda bug him judging by his main objection to human blood is it's fatty and you don't know where it's been. (He's also a dad and apparently the cook of the family, so...) Of course, Ericka again points out the obvious that The Cycle CLEARLY never had ANYONE'S health as it's focus.
Kinda fun to draw these two together in the Cycle! Drac probably rarely goes himself, as it's...not exactly HIS kind of place. But their mutually judgy married couple back and forth and him with a hand on her shoulder to protect her and so they don't get separated is cute. Not to mention, it calls back to Ericka's rants about Joey and his mismanagement while Drac just coolly watches and responds with his own judgement.
I also get to introduce another long-time idea I've had of Drac, in contrast to Bendy, finds the ink disgusting. (He probably would be wary of it ANYWAY, but I figure he ended up tasting it somehow, either while walking through or during a fight. Also, being a vamp, he's most likely more resistant to the corrupting influence of the ink than an animal or human anyway.)
Bonus: The fact Drac's original voice actor is Jewish (Sorry, Mr. Hull, You're good but Drac will always be voiced by Adam Sandler in my head.) and he himself and most of his family is Jewish coded makes this even funnier. Drac doesn't keep kosher as a vampire, as frogs, lizards, insects and blood - particularly animal blood - definitely isn't kosher. Neither is the way he hunts his food. But the "Not eating pork" thing does add a fun layer to his rant. It also calls back in a way to jokes about fellow jew Buddy Lewek having nothing to eat while working @ the studio besides bacon soup and that post about how modern vamps would get food comas eating today's humans.
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @inkwelldevil @deathfangirl9 @thedobermutt @thedopedemon @thedemonsurfer @wingingfromthezing @howling-nightmare
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In Twilight, what if Bella's injuries were so bad after James' attack that she went into a life long coma? (There is no hope in waking her up.) Now, does Edward visits her everyday to get a sniff... I mean see how she's doing? Does he turn Bella? What do the rest of the Cullens do now that Bella is in coma? Does Charlie suspect/ start an investigation on the Cullens? Does Alice just turn Bella herself to get a "happy ending " for her family?
"Is the answer to Bella's problems putting her into a life-long coma she'll never wake from?" - Anon
A Small Discussion
So, the thing is, this is before New Moon which had a few key events. Edward and Bella's suicide attempts and then the meeting with the Volturi in which a foot was put down.
Bella remaining human was no longer an option. The Volturi had found out and given them a very small window in which to turn Bella or kill her, if they returned and she was alive, it would not be good. Even barring that, though, the Cullens found out that Edward planned to kill himself upon Bella's death, Bella very much wants to be a vampire, and she's now so entangled in this nonsense with vampires hunting her that the reasons to keep her human seem less and less viable to the point where only Rosalie and Edward strongly wish for Bella to remain human.
The point is, after New Moon, the writing was on the wall and we had Carlisle agreeing to turn Bella as soon as she wished no questions asked. Edward was the one desperately postponing it for as long as possible (which in the end only ended up being a few paltry months).
Before New Moon, though, especially with the guarantee that Bella will never wake up from this and never talk about how she had a vampire boyfriend, turning Bella isn't necessarily as compelling to all of the Cullens.
Back to the Ask
So, Bella's too injured and will never live a normal life and it's kind of all their faults, what are they going to do about this? The Cullens hold a vote/meeting in which Carlisle lays out the grim realities of Bella's future in that she essentially isn't going to have one and will bankrupt her family for as long as they choose to keep her on life support.
Attempting to turn her is really the only option at this point, and it's possible it would work, but she may be too far gone even for that and they'd have to plan faking her death. (Probably not too difficult if they convince someone to pull the plug and do some fake dead body shenanigans later).
There's also a whole bunch of problems of how to make it clear the Cullens weren't involved in all of this, when the last thing Bella did was break up with her boyfriend and flee home... and now she's been found beaten into a coma...
"We also have to disappear for a while" Carlisle notes as he doesn't think they can survive a murder investigation.
Rosalie's adamantly against, this is horrible, yes, but she wished someone had been there to pull the plug on her and she will not vote in favor of turning Bella even if it means she gets to live. No.
Alice is for because if we don't do this... guys... it's going to get bad... The entire family will collapse. Guys. Just fucking turn Bella. (She's considering doing it herself except that Edward knows she's considering doing this which is not good).
Edward, of course, just sucked out the venom to save Bella and is not going to bite her again even to save her from this. Bella's life has... just met its natural end is what it looks like.
Edward, panicking at the possibility of someone (Alice) turning Bella, as well as the fact that they are apparently disappearing now as Edward will be questioned on "why did your girlfriend break up with you and was found beaten to death in her home town when you were conveniently missing from the Forks area in the same time frame?" Has to pull the plug on Bella before she can be turned into a vampire.
He does so in a moment of true agony then goes with his original plan of going to Volterra and asking the Volturi to kill him because he told a human, who ended up in a coma because he brought her to a vampire baseball game, and he's now killed her so that his family members wouldn't turn her into a vampire.
"But you followed the law???" - Aro, who is having the strangest day of his life.
Edward walks into the sunlight and dies.
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