#can’t promise this’ll ever be anything close to an actual story
twizzlyworm · 2 years
Idk how to do the thing where it hides the text unless you click a button that says “show more” so this’ll do
[ if you are for some reason reading this I apologize for the onslaught of typos I have butter fingers and brain fog 🦭 and don’t reread what I say ]
Sitting with my thoughts and feelings and also looking at what everyone else has to say the season was a bummer and a very very obvious change from season 1. S1 was driving by the characters there actions led the story not the story leading them when they messed up It drove the plot forward. They were interconnected to the villain. The villain and the hero’s story’s were connected but now not really just ouroboros but even then Barnaby has no care for that word anymore I guess that’s how he acts at least he’s healed not or less and they had ample opportunity to give kotetsu more of a connection with the villain but that didn’t happen either..
also going with that the show is called Tiger & Bunny yet we don’t really see anything new about them on screen we’re just kinda told that they hang out and have gotten to know each other more not actually shown it. And WHEN are we ever going to get a understanding of kotetsus past?? What’s with that we are just meant to accept that we are only ever told he is / was afraid of his powers never get to see anything Barnaby never gets to learn all that much about kotetsus past when Ko knows just about everything about bani so we really could’ve had a kotetsu focused season with his powers and stuff leading up to the climax where he gets over thrown by the power or something like that ahhhh I love this show I really do and I wouldn’t have been able to have such interactions with people is the 2 season came out a bit after 1 (I was 5 when 1 came out lol) so it’s a very special situation but for the people who have waited 11 whole years for this and are just left more confused and more concerned than if this came out a couple years after the first even I’m worried will we ever get another season ? Idk no one knows last time they said yes and it wasn’t till 11 years later something came of that. That can’t happen again it’s just no possible I don’t think fans could stick it out that long again not with this seasons story it doesn’t hold as much promise as it’s first.
I will genuinely be nervous up until they announce if they’re gonna do a movie or anything after this the amount of things not tied up cant be just bad writing I don’t think the writers are THAT incompetent no way so I feel they want another season coming closely after this one I will be hopping and manafesting or whatever to have another that can really tell a good story this time.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk idk I still feel so strongly about this show nothing has ever made me care this much so that is exciting tho I don’t think a new season is meant to make you want to watch the one before it because you want to see better story telling lol anyway I need to shut up I keep repeating myself. So if this is where it really ends a very mediocre season one that would probably finally calm the fandom down to let it die if we get another season then this was pretty good you can tell the writers just weren’t doing the same good job as last time but it’s not horrible I still love it AND if we get another season that’s the same or worse writing with the same lack of character importance then it will just make everything sadder and not worth the wait .
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Have a smol flavorshot. Couldn’t sleep last night so I did the mech suit/dystopia/sci-fi thing. Enjoy!!
2000 tons of carbon fiber enforced steel and titanium plates stand before him, staring down at him. Somewhere in there, he knows, is a beating heart keeping the eyes so alert and posture straight. There is a conscience in there. An awareness. Intelligent life. 80 meters tall, five meters wide encased in enough protective material to build four underground shelters. And even then, sometimes the pilots die. Normally he’d have some qualms about enslaving living beings but since no one really knows what the Weidmanns are, only that after they arrived everything started going to shit, he’s hard pressed to find anything more serious and founded to say against it.
Zoro pilots one of the older ones, one that came with a name and wasn’t grown in a lab. The swirly heart on the chest plate and weird face-thingy on the back shield and DEATH spelled across its heavily armored knuckles apparently came with the Weidmann and it didn’t work until someone thought to transfer the weird designs onto the armor. Sometimes it’s a bit touchy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, but it’s yet to fail Zoro. Or earth and humanity, for that matter. And Torao, how Zoro’s predecessor Luffy liked to call the Weidmann, seems to be oddly fixated on the green-haired pilot.
For example it won’t shut down if Zoro is close by.
The World Defense Council would rather play it as though the Weidmanns are machines, not creatures forced into submission by running so much electricity through their brains that they became effectively zombies, because obviously that is seven kinds of wrong, but Torao ruined that notion when Zoro entered the picture.
The first time Zoro’s in the command panel there’s abnormally high latent brain activity. Back then the technicians called it a power surge but to Zoro it had felt different from the power surges during sims. Because the pilots are put through what essentially is torture to be sure that they have it in them to steer a Weidmann. Some bullshit about neurological overstimulation. Now he knows that sometimes, the Weidmanns wake up and devour the humans that enter their spinal canal. And fighting Kaiju while keeping, essentially other Kaiju, under control, is a task in and of itself. That explains why the command panel is designed the same way landing modules are. They’re nigh impossible to break. As though the massive armoring wasn’t protection enough. Zoro soon learns the hard way that, only because the Weidmanns help, they are not allies. Not even close. He watches a pilot lose control over the neural bridge, watches the Weidmann gain its consciousness through the eyes of Torao. It’s quick, but ugly. Sometimes he still hears the screams of his comrade turning into static as he watches helplessly how Mihawk tears the control panel out of his spinal canal and crushes it in his massive fist before dropping it into the ocean carelessly. He remembers a rumbling purr of satisfaction coming from Torao’s conscience. The next two Kaiju attacks he doesn’t let himself sink as deep into the neural bridge as he normally does, even if the soft, warm whisper of Torao is oddly comforting normally. Not then.
Primal fear dictates he remain at the surface, barely submerged enough to feel the long, insanely strong limbs. These Kaiju he doesn't slice apart with the ridiculously long sword Torao's been outfitted with. He brawls, because so close to the surface, so barely there, he lacks the fine motor control to properly wield a 70-meter longs word with electrical currents running down the blade that has teeth running up and down like a chainsaw.
Kikoku is a masterpiece of engineering. Someone really did their research for effective weaponry - and ended up choosing Texas Chainsaw Massacre as reference. Sharknado as well. Perhaps Sharknado is more fitting, since the Kaiju appear from somewhere deep within the Pacific Ocean. They're not sharks, nowhere close, with their huge legs and claws and less than aerodynamic bodies, but a terror from the ocean none the less.
The next Kaiju is one of the strongest yet.
Zoro knows without Kikoku he hasn't the slightest chance to get past its long, leathery winged arms that sport massive claws, or the insanely long tail that has a bone structure at the end of it that Zoro takes one short look at and knows, painfully aware of the implications for his neural bridge - he'll have to go in deep this time - that one hit will smash through Torao's armor like a wrecking ball through a massive wall of reinforced concrete. It will take the entire Weidmann down and damage it beyond repair.
There are two other Weidmanns running point, "got your six, Zoro" crackles Ace's voice through the comms. Boa Hancock is arguably the prettiest out of all the Weidmann, and Ace is definitely the prettiest pilot. And the fucker knows it. But Ace also knows his stuff and is one of most well known pilots. Most drops, but not the most kills. Ace is happy to run point and let others take the kill. Boa Hancock isn't strong, it heavily relies on others and teamwork isn't quite Zoro's strength. Especially not in the Weidmann. But then again, few people are good at teamwork when their attack and defense is directly tied to a 70-meter monstrosity of titanium with a serrated running blade and coated in 4000 Volts of electricity. The other Weidmann is Sir Crocodile, among the heaviest defense humanity has, and the pilot is the most cryptic bitch ever.
In her presence Zoro always gets a distinct feeling like he's the butt of a joke that only she understands. Nico Robin the strangest out of the bunch. Except she really isn't. They're all weird in the Tokyo Shatterdome.
But then again you have to be somewhat messed up in the head to even be considered for pilot training.
He takes a deep breath before sinking into the neural bridge. Torao's consciousness envelopes him like warm, summer air, smelling softly like heat and sweat and sleepiness in the shade of a tree. He's in deeper than he was with the last two Kaiju, deeper than the WDC says is green, but not where he used to go. Torao and him, they used to synch. Zoro would leave the dock being submerged at the green levels and slowly slip in deeper once the control and directing electrodes were off.
He'd be pulled from Torao the instant he crossed over the yellow into the orange line, and where he goes is deep, dark red.
Rumor has it that once you're past yellow, you start becoming part of the Weidmann. The general public is fed a pretty tale of too much neurological input and synaptic overload but the ugly truth is - you're waking the beast. You're lending your tiny, insignificant brain for them to regain their consciousness and that fries you. Only Torao has never truly been gone. It's the one Weidmann they couldn't really tame and eventually it burned through all its pilots.
Zoro sees the charts stabilizing, the brainwaves lining up sort of on top of each other, enough that he'll be able to move Torao without getting consumed. Or overpowered, torn out and crushed. He relays his data to command and gets the go. Transfer out to the ocean is oddly silent. Torao is unusually still and Zoro doesn't like it. Something is off.
They land, knees slightly bent and hands at the hilt of Kikoku, and then they wait. The Kaiju is moving towards Tokyo, but it's taking its time. While its predecessors have always taken the most direct approach, this one circles around, tests their patience. Tense silence rules between the three monsters humanity tamed to defeat their unknown enemy, with only crackling updates on how far away the monster lurks. Little crackles of static in the silence. Zoro could probably hear a pin drop if he were to unlock his helmet. Even the ocean is deceptively calm.
Zoro thinks he can see movement at the horizon, thinks he can feel a tingle of excitement, adrenaline, rushing through his veins, but he's too deep in the Weidmann to still feel his body like that. Zoro frowns. Now is not the time.
The Kaiju rears out of the water like a monster straight out of old Japanese Kaiju-movies. It's ugly, with thick leathery skin and glowing green eyes, a maw full of crooked teeth, and the leathery skin flaps attached to its arms make a good imitation of wings. He draws Kikoku and readies himself, only to be hopelessly overpowered by the monstrous creature. He forgets about the tail, sees it a moment too late and can only narrowly avoid being hit by the bone club at the end of it. The long appendage hits the Weidmann around the middle and topples him over into the ocean. Alarmed red lights blink in his peripheral vision, damage assessment is still running when the Kaiju descends on the downed Weidmann again. Zoro can hear himself growl - something isn't right he shouldn't be able to hear himself - and yanks up his arm to protect the face.
A new alarm starts blaring when the neural bridge starts to disconnect. Zoro curses up a storm and tries to disengage the neural input dampening systems that are supposed to keep the pilot from experiencing the damage. The pain of being torn apart. The Kaiju shrieks over the still body, the sound shattering through the Weidmann's massive body armor and the command pod and Zoro hears a massive growl in return. And then Torao moves. Zoro isn't in deep enough to be initiating the movement, so this is all the consciousness he's been hijacking for the last two years. Zoro slams his hands against the emergency eject panel, the weapons panels, anything really, that he can reach without disengaging the pilot safety straps. A whole lot of nothing.
He growls. It's not that he's afraid to die, because he dropped that particular piece of humanity the first time he stepped foot in a drop sim, and thoroughly erased the idea of fear when he made his first kill as the backup pilot for Mihawk, it's just that Zoro really hates the idea of not being able to put up a fight.
There's a click and a whirring noise and Zoro finally feels himself sinking deeper into the neural bridge. He stops where he is comfortable, where he went before he witnessed Mihawk tearing the command pod out of his spinal canal. There's a growl rumbling in his - no, in Torao's chest - and a very sudden yank on his mind. Zoro feels like he stumbles and for a second everything is numb and dead, and then it feels like he slips into his body, only that his body is suddenly unfathomably huge and strong. He can feel the bruised organs and muscles of his - Torao's - abdomen, the tingling in the fingertips where the insulating coat doesn't quite manage to keep 4000 Volts on their side of Kikoku's blade.
Zoro hesitates for a moment and suddenly there's a voice echoing through his mind: "Zoro-ya... Didn't take you for a coward."
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wandaluvstacos · 2 years
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The third chapter of my a/b/o alien story is now up on Patreon. The first three chapters will be free.
Do you enjoy the a/b/o trope? Do you hate it? Either way, maybe you’ll enjoy my story about hot egg-laying aliens? We’ve got heats, we’ve got hurt/comfort, we’ve got size differences, we’ve got everything the body and soul needs for a good time down over on my Patreon. Actually, it’s a super dark story, kind of what you’d get if you smashed The Handmaid’s Tale into Mad Max: Fury Road into a book but made everyone an alien with feathers instead of hair. I promise there is no outdated wolf pack dynamics. Where we’re going, there are no wolves!
Here is the story summary:
In the city of Yukiktrum, the hierarchy is clear even when the laws are not: Alphrim rule, betsra serve, and ometki bear young. Claiming a part of the city is easy, but keeping your territory is not, so Alprhim like Chramkut govern with talon and tooth. Maintaining power means control access to ometki, and by selling access to both them and their eggs, Chramkut has turned Themself into a ruthless and wealthy warlord.
Untkra once served as Chramkut’s prime ometki, but that time has passed, and Untkra has been replaced by someone younger. After one failed escape, it was only Untkra’s history with Chramkut that saved them from execution. Untkra knows that getting caught trying again will get them executed, but Unktra is willing to sacrifice everything if it means leaving the conflict-ridden city of Yukiktrum behind. This time, Chramkut’s prime laden ometki wants out, and they’ve begged for Untkra’s help. Untkra is done bearing offspring Untkra will never meet. It’s this way or death.
However, the desert landscape beyond the walls of Yukiktrum is hostile and unknown, and there’s no guarantee that there’s anything out there worth escaping to. What Untkra may not be ready for is what hope lays beyond the dunes, and the redemption that a new home can offer. Yet when another ometki needs saving, Yukiktrum calls Untkra back in what could be Untkra’s most daring rescue yet. 
Genre: Sci-Fi
Rating: 18+
T/W: This story is dark in nature, and while nothing explicit is ever shown, there are repeated references to rape (including underage), sexual slavery, and I suppose what equates to child trafficking (is selling eggs considered child trafficking?). There is also violence, murder, drug use, and prejudice/bigotry. This story also contains the trappings of a/b/o. It’s not so closely married to the trope as most a/b/o fics, but it is quite obviously based on it. 
Anyway, don’t read if you think egg-laying a/b/o aliens is weird, lol. Otherwise, welcome to the show!
Suddenly the betsra was by Untkra’s side, their hand on Untkra’s shoulder. Untkra yanked away from their touch. The betsra lifted both hands in a placating gesture.
“How long have they been like this?” they asked.
“I—this’ll be the third blue day. They were supposed to have their eggs five blue days ago, but—”
“Twins, that’s not good.” They pulled back. “We’re going to prep for surgery.”
“Surgery? What? Can’t you—no, please, you can’t.”
“There’s no other way, the eggs have to come out now. If something’s not already ruptured, it will be soon.” The betsra turned to speak to Akche. “I’ve got two nurses on their way down. Akche, can you please…?” They jerked their head toward Untkra.
Akche moved forward and reached for Untkra, but Untkra danced away from Their hand.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here,” they stated firmly.
“You can’t stay here during surgery. It’ll only upset you.”
“I am not going to let you cut them up!” Untkra slithered over to the operating table and stood between Skralvu and the others. “You’ll have to go through me first.”
“Untkra, please. We’re doing this to save their life.” Akche moved forward again, and it triggered something deep and hysterical inside of Untkra. This room. A betsra doctor, looking so cool and unaffected. An Alphrim puppet lumbering forward, threatening to take them through any means. Desperate, pained klaptchrik chirps echoing all around them. Untkra was suddenly prepared to do anything and fight anyone. They weren’t going back. They weren’t going to get strapped to another fucking table with a curtain between them and their lower half, their pain ignored, their eggs whisked away without so much as one look. They weren’t going to let one more fucking simpering doctor touch the one child Untkra could ever claim.
Untkra grabbed the knife they’d stowed inside their bodysuit, and both Akche and the betsra doctor leapt back at the sight of it.
“Don’t touch me. Don’t touch either of us,” Untkra spat. “You’re just like all the rest of them. You don’t care about them, you only care about the damn eggs.”
“Untkra,” Akche said evenly, hands extended. “Put the knife down, please. We’re trying to save their life.”
“You’re liars. You’re all fucking liars. You’ll take us both and you’ll put us in little rooms and load us full of drugs so we stay nice and compliant—”
“That’s not true,” the doctor said softly, carefully. “I’m trying to help your friend.”
“You’re evil, just like the rest of them. You don’t care. None of you ever do. We’re just science experiments to you.”
“Untkra,” Skralvu wheezed from the table. “Please.”
“I won’t let them touch you,” Untkra said over their shoulder. “They’re not here to help you. No one will help us. No one will ever… will ever help…” Untkra found it suddenly difficult to breathe, and when they tried to speak all that emerged were high-pitched, whistling chirps. They could feel their knees start to shake, and their feathers began rattling. This wasn’t the first time such a reaction had struck them, but it was perhaps the least convenient time.
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cloudninetonine · 4 years
Follow the light
Chapter 1
Synopsis: A Genshin impact/Avatar x fem!reader
A/N: INSTANT SECOND CHAPTER. Also, some stuff from my previous post about this crossover is probs gonna change
I do not own the Genshin Impact or Avatar franchise
“Let’s try it again”
Nodding, you took a deep breath, focusing yourself on your actions as you began to move. 
Light on your feet, just like the leaf, if you meet resistance, you must be able to spiral away at a moment’s notice, move like the wind, move like you’re free.
Tsering had practically drilled that into you when you began to learn airbending. ‘It was a must’, she had told you, sending a blast of wind into the the spinning death trap- I mean, into the spinning gates, ‘if you are to be the Avatar you must know how to air bend, even if your power is just that of an average bender as of now’
She was right, of course, but the thought of helping restore Raava’s power and find your brother itched at your mind constantly, kept you awake at night as you practiced your moves, occupied your thoughts when you ate, never had you been so desperate to leave the temple.
Despite that, the thought of leaving these people caused your chest to burn, like you had been stabbed right in the heart with the intent to kill. These people had become family to you, on level with your brother, they cared for you and you cared for them, so you knew when it finally came time to leave, which if you were correct, would be a few days from now, you would shed tears.
You would be alone and it scared you.
“Much better” Tsering clapped, as did the other four nuns, the leading nuns, when you finally ceased, bright smile on your face “You’re improving every day, I’d say you could become a master in just a few more years”
You placed your hands behind you back, rocking on your heels “Would I be able to get my tattoos if I did?”
She smiled back “Of course, you’re considered a nomad after all”
A familiar squeaky voice piped up from your left “Paimon thinks you could improve in your stance”
You sent Paimon the stink eye “You can’t even bend, elf”
“Excuse you! Paimon doesn’t need to bend to know you’re stance stinks-”
“Alright you two, no need to fight” Another nun, Nun Palmo laughed, “(Name), you are dismissed, remember to keep training and if you need help, you only need to ask”
With a ‘thank you!’ and quick bow, you headed off with Paimon for your daily walk around the temple.
“Paimon was only joking earlier, you’ve really improved, your bending was pretty flawless! Though, Paimon noticed that you looked a bit distracted, is everything okay?”
Paimon, the ever so observant, when food wasn’t involved, or when she wasn’t talking, or when she was just...herself. The spirit seemed to know you well enough to notice the shift in your attitude as you bent, mind fogged up over other matters that you didn’t need to think about at that moment.
“Yes, Pai, I’m fine, it’s just…” You searched for the words “I’m starting my journey in a few days and I know Raava is here with me but...I’m going to be alone when I travel so I’m nervous. I’ve never travelled by myself before, my brother’s always been with me so….”
A sigh fell from your lips. “It’s stupid-”
“No it isn’t!” Paimon leaned in close, shaking her fists in exaggeration “Being alone is a big deal! Paimon knows from experience that it sucks being by yourself, so, Paimon’s decided to accompany you on your journey! She am a spirit of guidance after all!”
Your head snapped towards her “Wait...seriously?”
The grin that spread across your face was contagious, the spirit mirroring your expression as you hugged her tightly, both of you laughing. “Thank you, Paimon, thank you!”
“No need for thanks!....Actually, keep it coming”
Your heart filled with warmth.
You wouldn’t be alone.
The day came faster than you had expected. As cheesy as it sounded, it had only felt like yesterday when Raava had first spoken with you and the two of you had merged, but it had been just over four months with air bending training being a subject for every single day. A mix of grueling and fun, because learning how to fly using a glider brought you back to earlier days with your wings, but getting your arse kicked by spinning gates, falling from far heights when you mess up your bending- not as fun.
A sort of leaving party had been held the night before, a great buffet for you hard work and just fun games to play with your newly aquired airbending skills. (Tsering had beaten you 5 against 1 in Airball and even then, you were sure she had given you the last one out of pity)
You were changed in your older clothes this time, pulling on your gloves and boots, looking yourself in the mirror in your room the last time. It was weird, seeing yourself in your travelling attire when for the past few years you had been dressed in the familiar orange, yellow and reds of air culture, it only further settled as a reminder that you were leaving today.
You had successfully held back the tears till this point.
“(Name)” Glancing towards your door, Tsering stood with her hands clasped together, a small smile on her beautiful features “Are you ready?”
“Uh, yes!” Fumbling for your bag, you made your way over “I’m- I’m ready”
“Good, but before that” Pulling something from behind her back, she presented it to you “You earned this”
Sat within her palms was an airbending staff, accompanied by your familiar red sash that you supported on your clothes previous. You stood in awe as the elder airbender tied the sash around you, tightening it gently before grasping your cheek, stroking it softly with her thumb. “I will miss you, (Name)”
Tears finally pushed through, eyes glazing over as you engulfed the woman in a tight hug, face shoved into her chest. “I’ll miss you too, Tsering”
Ten minutes later, you were heading towards the bison, specifically your bison, one you had befriended by accident and now considered one of your lifelong pals. You hadn’t meant to bond with him, only airbenders received bison, but you had stumbled upon the ordeal when exploring and he just didn’t seem to care about anyone else. Tsering had let you have him without much argument and smiled when you named him Viator, something she didn’t quite understand back then but now was a completely different story.
“Food has been packed for you, along with water, spare clothes and other necessities” Paimon was already sitting upon Viator’s back, munching on what you guessed was something from breakfast, when you jumped onto the bison’s head, stroking through his fur with love. “Be safe, (Name) and please know, you may return whenever you wish”
“Thank you, Tsering. Thank you everyone, you showed me kindness for all these years and treated me as one of your own. I’ll miss you all so much but I promise I will come back” With a commanding ‘Yip, yip’ Viator had pushed himself off the ground “Farewell everyone!”
The younger airbender girls screamed their goodbyes, waving their hands wildly while the older nuns bowed, sending waves once you began to disappear West, towards the mainland of Teyvat.
Finally, your journey began.
“Look, there it is!”
It had taken an entire day, much faster than you had originally expected and you couldn’t have been more grateful for the existence of sky bison. 
From your point, you could see giant cliffs, a small, sandy bay sat beneath them with a path that led deeper into the mainland, your bison following it when you finally hit the shoreline.
“Did Raava say anything about the statues, like, how to even get the power in the first place?”
You shook your head “No, so I’ll just have to see once we find one- woah”
It had taken only five minute to reach a clearing and boy, was it a sight to behold. Cliffs surrounded the area in a crescent shape, the valley holding a plethora of beautiful trees ranging from the famous forest green to autumn time orange. Beyond it stood a city of stone, laid within a sparkling blue lake, Mondstadt you believed. Dead center sat a small isle within the valley, containing just the thing you were looking for.
“That was quick”
Viator grew closer, groaning when you called ‘Yip, yip!’ to drop the lot of you onto the tiny piece of land, Paimon clapping her hands excitedly.
“Oh!” She cried in delight “That’s the statue of the Anemo Archon, Barbatos! He’s the spirit of Air!”
Floating down, you jogged up the statue with your companion following behind, eyeing the tall structure with intrigued eyes when you finally stood before it, glancing around it briefly before Paimon spoke up.
“What now?”
You shrugged “I...touch it?”
Delicate hands reached out, brushing against the golden plaque molded into the botton of the monument when a beautiful glow was produced from the carved diamond patterns, both you and Paimon gasping in surprise as a heavenly sounded resonated through the area, the glow winding up the statue and forming into a beautiful light orb within the hands of the figure head. Slowly, the ball floated down towards you, like a leaf in the wind, then flew into your chest, a feeling of weightlessness flowing through your entire being.
You glanced over yourself.
“Was...that it?”
Paimon huffed “You know, that’s kind of rude to say about the power the Archon just gave you!”
“I didn’t mean it like that-”
A brilliant light flashed before your eyes, blinding you, the whole surrounding scene blurring away. You threw your hands over your face, protecting yourself from the harsh brightness when it faded as soon as it came, the sound of nature that once encircled you now replaced with a deafening silence.
You turned towards the voice, smiling “Raava”
The spirit flew towards you, you once again lending your hand out only to notice the slight difference within the being.
“You’re bigger” You noted in excitement, watching her wind up your arm “Have I already restored some of your power that fast? If so, this’ll be easy-peasy”
“You mustn't underestimate this journey, (Name)” She spoke with a wisdom that you hadn’t experienced for what felt like lifetimes, your body straightening up in response to her tone “We have only just begun and the road will only grow more treacherous as we push forward. Not everyone will be so supporting in our quest”
A sigh escaped you “Yeah, you’re right, nothing is ever that easy. I wish we had more help though”
“You are not alone in this, (Name)”
“I know, I’ve got you, Pai, Viator-”
“That is not what I meant”
The noise of confusion you made was cut short at the sound of….wind? It grew louder with it second, until the whisper because a magnificent howl, collecting around the two of you before bursting outwards, forms of multiple figures appearing from the darkness.
“Air nomads?” You glanced around at them all “Wait, not just air nomads”
“No, each is an air nomad in their own right” The multiple air nomads eyes snapped opening, revealing a familiar white glow “Not every nomad is in touch with their culture, some fade away, whether that be from their own choice or anothers, while others stick with air custom”
It hit you.
“Past air nation Avatars….” There were so many, you couldn’t keep count! They even faded into the far distance of this mind space! You had known there had been plenty of Avatars but seeing this much was just...wow “But, I don’t get it, the Avatar cycle was destroyed. Wouldn’t the Avatars have vanished? Like in that Water tribe….Korra, like in Korra’s era”
But then again, Tsering had told you that the following Avatar, an Earth Kingdom boy named Genji you believed, had somehow restored the previous Avatars despite the new cycle. No one ever found out how, but no one really cared, they were just grateful for the Avatar.
“I, as well, am not sure why they are returning” The spirit glanced around before facing you once again, sliding further up to reach eye level “Perhaps it is our connection? Your own spirit? Or maybe it is just luck that they return, but they will help you in your journey, they will be your guides alongside me”
You grinned “Good to know I have more backup”
The voice of Paimon echoed around you, concern evident in her voice and you glanced around, trying to find her.
“It is time for you to return, but you can always find us again”
The world around you began to fade, the past avatars disappearing within the darkness along with the spirit.
Paimon sighed in relief when the glow finally dissipated from your eyes, you blinking a few times then glanced towards her with an apologetic smile.
“You can’t just go all Avatar on Paimon like that!” She chided like a mother, waggling her finger at you “Paimon wasn’t sure if what happened was worrying or not!”
“Sorry, Pai, didn’t mean to worry you”
She huffed, floating back to Viator “Let’s just continue on, Paimon thinks we should head over into Mondstadt!”
You hopped onto your bison, patting his head “Why, Mondstadt?”
“It’s the city of Wind of course! Poetry and language flow like the wind, so there must be someone who knows about your brother! At least that what’s Paimon thinks”
“Sounds like a good start, yip- huh?!”
A large shadow cast over you, a bellious roar sounding through the valley, deep, thunderous and strong. Glancing upwards, you both watched as a giant creature, with beautiful blue fathers flew overhead, aimed towards the heart of the forest that laid ahead.
“What was that?!” You cried as Viator groaned in alarm, Paimon looking as spooked as you felt “Paimon!?”
“A dragon! We’ve gotta be careful!”
Dragon? What a weird dragon indeed. You had seen quite a few in your lifetime, exploring different worlds with your brother meant you got to experience a whole lot of different things, dragons were no exception. They differed in different worlds, some violent, some passive, some young and naive some old and wise, but one thing that tended to stay the same was that their appetite was a meaty one and when you glanced down at Viator, you decided to take a cautious step for your furry companion.
“Paimon, stay here with Viator” Opening up your staff, you hopped off your animal and flew in the direction of the forest. Your friend called after you, voice high with panic as she begged you to come back, but you weren’t listening, no, you were focused on keeping the people close to you safe, even if that meant fighting a dragon, which you knew for certain you weren’t ready for.
The forest was practically silent compared to the valley. The sound of life that played within the sun had dimmed with the looming trees of oak, muffling the wind that blew through the perfect path that had been carved through the nature with perfect precision, it’s goal on leading to Mondstadt clear with each tentative step you took that lead to where you had seen the great beast land.
‘I wish I had my sword’ Such words shouldn’t come to a nomad, you knew that to be true, but you had lived through battle after battle with your brother for so long, the weight of the blade, the leather of it’s handle, it had been burned into the skin of your hand many times ago. Guilt boiled within you during your years with the nuns, how could you think of fighting while surrounded by such peaceful people? But then again, you could take a warrior from war, but not war from a warrior.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s alright now, I’m back”
You pushed your back against the nearest tree, glancing around it’s wide trunk at the scene.
The dragon was great, indeed. Coloured in an array of blues, from aquatic to deep ocean, feathers and furs adorned it’s body, tipping the tail, decorating it’s wings, lining it’s belly but ended at it’s claws, replaced with silvery scales that reflected the light of the day. From it’s back, however, protruded two tainted purple crystals, that you could sense, all the way from your hidden spot, held nothing but a dark energy that made your skin crawl. The creature’s sheer size was intimidating enough, especially compared to the boy who stood before it, but those crystals- wait.
Only then did you finally notice, too focused on the dragon to see the small male who held his hands out towards it. Sure, you had heard the voice earlier, but the blue beast’s appearance had overshadowed it, though now, you saw him, clear as day and your thoughts screamed about how such a small, fragile looking human could stand tall before such an intimidating animal-
A shout echoed through the forest, a familiar high shout that made you groan inwardly when the dragon let out an ear piercing shriek, swiping towards the boy only for him to jump back to your relief, snapping his head towards you direction, then disappear in a flashing light, the dragon leaving along with him into the sky with a final roar for extra effect.
You glared back at Paimon, panicked stricken face frozen in terror atop Viator’s head, who had tucked into himself at the appearance of the other animal.
“Really, Paimon?!” Running over, you soothed your bison softly “I told you to stay put! What if that dragon attacked?!”
“Paimon- uh- Paimon….” The spirit stumbled over her words for a few moments, when she noticed something within the short distance of where the dragon had been perched “What’s that?”
On closer inspection, it appeared to be a floating crystal, shaped eerily similar to a teardrop which glowed a crimson red, screaming an aura of negativity and…
“Sorrow” You hesitated when you reached out, but ultimately grasped it between your fingers gently “You can feel it right? That sorrow from it?”
“Yeah, almost like spiritual energy but just...sad, really sad” Frowning, Paimon turned towards you “Paimon feels kinda sad now too”
“Yeah, me too”
A cloth emerged from your pocket with a tug, the crimson glow disappearing under the raggedy brown of the material as you wrapped it carefully before stuffing it a bag on Viator’s back.
“Take care of this, will you bud?”
The animal groaned.
Hopping down, you grasped Viator’s reins and continued down the dirt path.
“So, Mondstadt?”
It didn’t take long to reach the end of the woodland’s winding path. The once dense forestry parting way to a clear road to that great city that stood proud a few acres away, towering cliffs decorating your left for quite a way while to your right laid the beautiful crystal blue waves of what Paimon called Lake Cider.
A strange name, you had to admit, but your spirit friend’s explanation of the city’s famous winery industry only seemed to make it fit.
“-If we ask around, we’ll find some information! Oh, this city is famous for bards! So we can definitely-”
“Hey, you! Stop right there!”
Another threat?
Caution was thrown into the wind and you raced into action, pulling forth your staff in a defensive stance and ready to protect your companions with every last inch of you. Viator seemed to feel the same, as his large frame grew closer to you, towering in size with a guttural growl that even shook you slightly, bearing giant teeth.
Paimon merely fell behind, cowering away nervously.
‘Wow, thanks a lot Pai-’
A figure flew overhead, leaping off one of the shorter cliff sides and descending down to the dirt before you, rolling for safety then bouncing back up on their feet.
Long, dark brown hair, lively golden eyes, fair skin and covered head to toe in red.
Fire nation perhaps? Nun Tsering did say that descendants were fond of the colour.
“May the Anemo archon protect your stanger-...” She started, face kind but guarded until she fell upon your sash and bison “Ah! You’re an Air nomad! I am so sorry!”
Then she bowed, deep and apologetic and you sent Paimon a side eyed glance when she floated back to your side.
“Mondstadt is the city of wind and considered air nation territory” She whispered, “Monks and Nuns are highly respected, well, everywhere, but much higher here. You’re basically considered royalty”
You nodded in understanding before approaching the girl “Hey, it’s okay! It was an honest mistake! What’s your name? Mine’s (Name). This is my spirit guide, Paimon and my bison, Viator”
The younger woman bounced back up, narrowingly missing your head with her own while she stumbled over herself, finally findinger her words as she saluted (?) towards you all, forming a fist on her chest then being thrown outside, hand flattening by her side “Yes, of course! I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius. I would like to personally welcome you to Mondstadt, dear Nun and once again apologise for my rude approach”
“Like I said, it was just a mistake!” Laughing, you bowed “It’s nice to meet you, Amber”
Amber paused for a moment, eyes wide then bowed in return “Likewise, Nun (Name)”
“You don’t need to call me that! I’m only a...nun-in-training, really, so, (Name) is just fine”
“Are you sure? It seems impolite to call you that, even if you’re only in training!”
From the sidelines, Paimon smiled.
The spirit had been informed by Nun Tsering of your inner conflict when you had first stumbled into this world. How hard it had been to open up, how you had struggled to interact with the others nuns, always so closed off and scared, the festering feeling of abandonment brewing a deep rooted fear of interaction, lest any person you may come across would be the next to leave you in the dust, by their own will or not.
When Paimon had first arrived, you had still struggled with that fear, even now if was still visible, if you looked close enough, but she knew she didn’t have to worry as much now, you were doing so much better and seeing you grow more confident made pride bloom in her chest, where her heart would be if she were human.
“Please-” Amber gestured over to Mondstadt, “Allow me to escort you to our city”
“Are you sure? If you’re a knight, you’re probably out here for a reason and I don’t want to get in the way of that”
“Not to worry, my duties have been fulfilled for today, so taking you to Mondstadt wouldn’t be much trouble”
With a smile, you nodded and off your little group ventured.
The walk to the city wasn’t long, no, only 5 minutes at least, filled with friendly chit chatter between you, Amber and Paimon, your bison huffing for your attention like he usually loved to do when your focus shifted. The knight looked ecstatic when you offered her a ride some time, bouncing up and down excitedly then engulfing the beast in a hug.
You liked her attitude, her excitement. It reminded you of simpler times and on a more somber note, of Aether. He always was kinda like the sun, even when you two bickered like normal siblings did, he kept on that lightened aura that just kept you from staying mad at him, a smile surfacing on your face while he cheered in accomplishment, a small tease of ‘You know you love me!’ before you smacked him right around the head and your famous fist fights ensued, the ones you always won.
You missed your squabbles, you his light, you missed him, but you had to remind yourself that this was the start of your journey to finding your brother and you would be reunited one day.
The guards bowed when you finally entered the city, as did the seemingly grumpy blacksmith you passed, the flower girl, the adventure guild receptionist, the jeweller- everyone and you did the polite thing of bowing back.
“You’re attracting quite the crowd already!” Amber laughed, the many citizens watching your group with wide gazes “It’s only natural though, I’m sure Paimon’s already told you that Nun and Monks are regarded highly in the city of wind!”
“Yup! Paimon made sure it was the first thing she knew!” You were positive the spirit ignored your stink eye, “So, who do we speak with about missing person posters?”
“Well, it’s best to speak with Master Jean, if you come with me I’ll show you the way! Here, I’ll give you a little tour around too!”
“That sounds great!” You glanced back to Viator, who stood patiently beyond the gates and watched you with soft eyes. “Stay here, bud! I’ll come back soon- and with some hay!”
The great beast groaned, waddling off somewhere beyond the gate and leaving the three of you to wander deeper into the city.
With each step you took, you felt as though you were being watched with the familiar sensation of eyes pinpointed onto you, though, it seemed... unwelcoming, their stare burning holes into your form. For a moment you glanced around, Amber and Paimon too distracted with talking to notice your focus shift. It didn’t take long to find the perpetrator, a man with long red locks, a few yards away, glaring at you with arms crossed.
You noted to yourself to look for the man later.
“Hey, isn’t that Barbatos?” Gaze shifting once again, your look upon the grande statue before Mondstadt’s church, a figure akin to an angel with long robes, wings and hands out, cupped towards the sky “You know, Paimon remembers him wearing less clothes”
The knight shared a disturbed look with you.
You didn’t really need that mental image.
“The headquarters is right over here-”
There was an instant shift in the air. 
The sky darkened with malicious grey clouds, hiding away the bright summer’s sun and replacing it with only a layer of doom, the wind picking up harsher undertones.
“The sky…”
There it was again. 
The dragon from the Whispering Woods.
It raced towards the city, circling it’s borders ominously while growling a thunderous and threatening growl before erupting into a blood curdling screech, the noise bringing forth a miniature cyclone along with powerful tornadoes. 
The people of the city screamed in fear, rushing around to escape the attack, parents crying for children, knights ordering for citizens to take cover, animals yowling out their own grievances, utter chaos reigned and you felt panic at the thought of Viator alone, waiting for you patiently where you left him.
“I have to go get Viator!” You were already sprinting back to the gates “I can’t leave him alone like this!”
Amber raced after you.
How had this happened so fast? And why when you had just arrived? What was going!? Only moments ago you were touring the city towards the Knights of Favonius headquarters and now this!
“Paimon thinks that the tornado is getting too close!” She was right, it was practically on your heels! “Hurry! Or we’ll get caught up!”
If only it had been that easy.
Amber had tried, you had seen her panic as you felt the pull of the powerful wind current begin to drag you closer, she had reached out, grabbing your staff with strength only adrenaline could cause, trying hard to keep you grounded but you could see it was for naught, as her feet slipped against the stone and the fear she would also get sucked in plagued you.
You made a rash, last minute decision.
“Get Viator!” Her eyes met yours “And take care of my staff!”
You let go and watched her horrified face as you were sucked into the winding wind.
It was terrifying, you had no idea what way was up and what way was down, left was right and right was left. Paimon was screaming, something you couldn’t hear in your throat crushing fear, curled into a ball and eyes shut tightly, hoping for it to end soon. If only you had your wings, if only Aether was here, if only...
“Ravaa” Your own whimpering could not be heard beyond the screaming of the wind, but you begged that the spirit still heard you. “Please, I’m scared”
A beat passed.
The wind still roared.
Another beat passed.
The screams of citizens still echoed through Mondstadt.
Then another.
And your eyes snapped open, glowing a brilliant white.
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Demon Love
Incubus/demon!Hawks X introvert!reader
First, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who liked my first ever post on here, don’t worry I’m still working on part 2! Thank you all so much!!
Alright, because today is in fact Halloween I decided to do an Incubus/demon Hawks. Basically, Hawks was your only real friend, but he convinces you to go out on halloween to a random party, where Hawks tells you something important…
Ok so in this story there is mention of a party and I wanted to make it clear I do NOT condone going to a party in a pandemic. Please just pretend that covid doesn’t exist in this time line ok :)
Also I did upload this earlier but something went wrong with it so im re-posting it sorry!! like I said I low key new here.
Warnings: cursing, light angst, some fluff
You didn’t really like people. Not all of them, but most were just so… annoying. Most days you just wanted to roll up into a ball and watch a bunch of anime. But, you were so lonely. So, it was a battle in yourself, you didn’t want to be lonely and yet you just didn't like people.
That's when Hawks came into your life. When you came home and saw a demon laying on your couch, you freaked out. But then you two got down to talking and he told you why he was here in your home.
“Well, to be completely honest I just got bored. And well, I thought someone who was so lonely, and yet craved human affection would be the perfect person to crash with.”
And so it began, to call your friendship weird would be an understatement. 
And yet, you both found comfort in each other. You would rant to him about people that pissed you off and talked about your favorite shows.
And he would tell you about how boring he found his life, how dumb he thought other demons were.
You two were not lonely anymore, you had eachother now.
One day, you two were just mindlessly watching anime and talking, when all of a sudden Hawks paused the show and turned to you.
“Hey, I heard about this human halloween party,” he looked at you with his stunning eyes. In fact, you would argue that every part of Hawks was stunning. His beautiful blond hair, his angelic wings, and even his demonic horns.
You gave him a questioning look, “ok?”
Hawks rubbed his neck, he never really said anything about you not having a tone of human friends. If he didn’t like it he sure as hell didn’t express it to you.
In fact, you thought he preferred it. He wasn’t needed or anything, but you got the sense he did enjoy your presence. 
If he didn’t then why would he stay up till 1 a.m with you as you both watched old anime re-runs and laughed so hard about random shit. 
For once in your life you allowed yourself to feel comfort in another person. Well, maybe not a person per say. But still, you deeply enjoyed Hawkses presence, so much so you found yourself falling in love with him.
In fact, you remembered exactly when you feel for him.
You weren’t having the best day, you came home exhausted and just totally drained. 
You walked through the door and Hawks immediately picked up on the fact that something was wrong with you.
So when you sat down he asked you about it, and you just burst into tears.
That was the first time he held you, you felt so safe in his arms. The sensation was like hugging a warm fire. He just felt so warm.
After you finally calmed down a little, Hawks tried to get you to talk to him. He made terrible jokes just to get your mind off it. He even offered to cook you dinner. 
But instead you just buried your face into his chest, not wanting to leave his warm embrace. He gently stroked your back, trying to soothe you. 
After so long of knowing Hawks, you realized you didn’t really know him that well. you looked up at him and finally asked, “Hawks, why did you really come here?” 
Hawks was taken aback by your question, which was understandable since the question came out of nowhere. But he relaxed with a sigh. Maybe it was because of how long and how hard you sobbed, but he seemed to pity you a little bit. Still holding you close, he said, “well, from where I’m from I’m actually the 2nd highest ranking demon. But I don’t know,  everything moved so slow for me. I mean, I wasn’t completely lying to you when I told you about how I was bored and wanted someone to talk to. But really, I don’t know I was just kinda… drawn to you.”
He smiled down at you, making you feel right at ease…
And then you feel for the stupid demon.
“Why are you bringing this up,” you asked defensively.
Hawks just gave you that stupid smile, that stupid, heart racing, beautiful smile. “I don’t know, I just thought it would be fun.”
You gave him a questioning look. To which he proceeded to boop your nose, “really, Halloween would probably be the only time I could ever go out into the human world with you.”
The bastard had a point. But still, you got a bad feeling…
“You promise you're not up to anything?”
He put his hand to his heart, “you have me word.”
You smiled at him, “ok yeah. Maybe this’ll be fun, ohhhh what should my costume be? Wait, how will we get in? Also, how did you find out about this party?”
He just gave you a silly laugh at your questions.
But little did you know, he was planning something.
And little did you know how sorry he was for it 
You and Hawks went as demons.
Mostly because you at least wanted to be careful. But also because you two thought it would be fun.
And although it was, you did end up burning yourself with a hot glue gun trying to get the wings to look like Hawks’s. To which Hawks told you that he would finish the wings.
“You burned yourself!? Here give me that,” he snached the hot glue gun from you. Before you could tell him off he said, “demons can’t burn dummy. Now go finish up the rest of the custom. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
That last statement made your heart race a little. 
You shook your head and tried to get back to work.
So yeah, here you two were, in a random party with people you don’t even now.
At first, you just clung to Hawks, not wanting to leave his side, too nervous to talk to anyone else. But Hawks seemed like a social butterfly with everyone around him. But you weren’t too shocked about that. The man just had a way of making everyone around him like his presence. 
But you? You just wanted to leave. The party was loud and so… so full of people.
“Come on dove, go out and meet some people.”
You looked at him quizzically, “Why would I? I have you dumby.”
And with that, you went off to get some punch and maybe some snacks.
Hawks sighed, he really didn’t want to have to do this. But he knew this was the right thing, the right thing for the both of you.
As you went off to go get punch, Hawks turned around to leave.
He wanted to stay, he wanted to say goodbye, he wanted to hug you close to him one more time.
But he couldn’t. And he knew that.
But that didn’t mean he wasn't unbelievably sad to leave you.
You couldn’t find him anywhere.
And now you were panicking. 
Did something happen to him? Was he hurt? No he was a demon, and he was the 2nd highest demon. He could take care of himself.
So then what? Where was he? Did you do something wrong?
Eventually you just left. In fact, you practically sprinted home. Maybe he was at home, maybe he just got tired and forgot to tell you. Yeah, that had to be it!
Just as you rounded a corner, you heard him, “What are you doing?”
You turned towards him, and gave him a relieved look, “Oh thank God, you had me scared for a sec-”
“I asked you a question,” he said, cutting you off.
It was then when you realized his expression. He looked down right pained, like something was hurting him.
“Hawks? Are you ok? I came looking for you,” now you were getting even more concerned.
He gritted his teeth, “Yeah, well I didn’t ask you too.”
You were taken aback, Hawks had never been mean to you ever. Even when you two argued, he never got this mean. 
He continued, “Seriously, just back off ok? Go and make really friends. I don’t want to be some fake friend to you.”
“What,” the hurt in your voice seems to pain Hawks even more. “Why are you doing this? You are my friend. What are you talking about? Did I… did I do something wrong?”
Hawks clenched his fists, “No, that's not-”
“Then why?!” the hurt in your voice even surprised you, “I thought we were so close I-”
But Hawks cut you off, not with his words but with his lips. He held your head, kissing you deeply. You were shocked by just how warm his lips were. It was almost like he lost himself in your lips, so when you made a muffled sound it seemed to bring him back to reality. 
He opened his eyes and pulled away, he could see how completely shocked you were.
He took a shaky breath, “I- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.”
You were still shocked but managed to speak, “what the Hell... you can’t just tell me you don’t want to be friends and THEN KISS ME!” now you were screaming. “MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND,” you screamed at him.
Hawks was taken aback, but held his ground, “I don't- I don’t want you to get hurt. I-I need to leave, but I didn’t want you to be lonely again. I want you to have someone. I want you to be happy”
Your anger soon boiled down to confusion. “What,” you asked him.
“I- I’m hurting you so much just by being here,” he paused for a second, “I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but I couldn’t help it! When I first came here, to this stupid world, It was out of per bordem. But then I found you and I guess I just fell in love! But I can’t be in love with you, it could never work. A demon and a human, please, don’t make me laugh. I would be putting you at so much risk. Ane even if we wanted to be together, I mean the odds are imposi-”
Now it was your time to kiss him. And as soon as you did? It was like he melted right into you. Holding you close to him as you combed your fingers through his hair. He hugged you closer to him as you did so. The sensation was damn near intocacting. When the two of you had stopped, you were both out of breath.
“I love you too,” you stated. Hawks looked up at you, eyes filled with shock. “And I don’t care, screw the odds, who gives a damn.” you smiled at him.
Hawks just laughed, “After my whole little speech that's what you took away from it?”
But you just smiled lovingly, “Sorry, I guess I just don’t give a damn.”
For a few seconds he didn't answer, but then he smiled, “Well if that's the case, then I’ll tell you my real name, It’s Keigo, Keigo Takami.”
You sighed, “Keigo huh,” you leaned in, your lips hovering softly over his, “I love it.” and you kissed your demon love.
Is this cringy?? Probably, but I enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoyed reading It! 
Have a fun and SAFE Halloween!! <3
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themadlostgirl · 4 years
In Your Charge
*This one was fun to write! Felix fluff is always nice!*
Prompt: Felix has a crush on the new girl but she’s always surrounded by a group of mean girls. That all changes when Peter puts Felix in charge of her. Fluff ensues.
Requested by: Anon
Warnings: language
This new girl was beginning to be a problem. Felix was never particularly close to any of the Lost Girls on the island. They were fine but he kept his distance from them most of the time. It was also made easy since the girls seemed to avoid him. Whether they were scared of him or just didn’t like him he didn’t really care.
Then the new girl came. She dropped into Neverland with a sharp smile and even sharper tongue. She was a quick thinker and light on her feet. Felix had taken notice immediately.
It started innocently enough. He’d watch her during training admiring how hard she tried even after getting knocked to the ground a hundred times. She was stubborn if nothing else. Then he was watching her at camp when she danced around the fire. It was effortless the way she moved and he was lost to the sway of her hips and the wide smile that adorned her face as she spun around the fire. He was lost to her completely.
Now relationships between the Lost Girls and Lost Boys was nothing new. They would get together and break up and get back together all the time. Out of all the Lost Boys though Felix was never one that the girls approached. At first he hadn’t minded since, again, he hadn’t really cared about them one way or another. Then Y/N came along.
Before he had always been too nervous to approach her but when he did work up the courage he was blocked by the girls surrounding her. He wasn’t naive to what those girls said about him either.
“He’s such a beanpole!”
“That scar on his face is so gross.”
“He’s always so grumpy. It’s actually kinda freaky.”
“Doesn’t he ever smile?”
“He’s probably sad because he knows he’s not as cute as any of the other boys.”
“No one is ever gonna want to be with him.”
Who were these girls to say such things about him? If there was any saving grace it was that Y/N stood up for him as best she could. She’d tell the girls to shut up and stop being so mean.
“Have any of you even talked to him?” She would shoot at them. “You don’t even know him.”
It gave Felix hope when he heard her defending him.
“Another day admiring the view, Felix?” Pan stood next to him. Y/N was sitting in a circle along with a bunch of the girls. “You do know you can go talk to her, right?”
“I can’t get close enough.” Felix scoffed, “Those girls are like attack dogs. They won’t even let me near her.”
“I think I have an idea around that.” Pan smiled in that way that let Felix know he was plotting something.
I sat with my friends in the middle of the camp. Ever since I landed in Neverland the Lost Girls had adopted me as one of their own. They were nice and fun to be around but they were so unnecessarily mean to the boys. Well...one boy.
Oh Felix…
I had no idea why the girls were so against him. He was a tall, lean, blonde with bright eyes and a sexy scar running down his face that made him look dangerous and mysterious. Not to mention that he was also one of the best fighters on the island and Pan’s second in command.
She hated when the girls made fun of him. It was almost like a game to them. We would be talking about something else entirely but the second they saw Felix come within earshot the conversation would pivot to rag on him.
At first I didn’t know what to say or do about it. I didn’t know Felix. I wanted to but I was too scared to go talk to him. One thing the girls got right was that he was almost always scowling by himself which made him hard to want to approach. So I stayed silent.
Then came the day where I spotted Felix out by himself. I had gone off on my own for some quiet time and found Felix relaxing in the shade of a tree with a small serene smile on his face. He was drumming out a little tune on his thigh with his fingers. I stood for a moment mesmerized.
Everything about him drew me in. But it was that one moment of piece that truly cemented the growing feelings I had. I had a crush on Felix. After that I would tell the girls to shut up when they started ragging on Felix but it never stopped them for long.
I was trying to plot a way to get Felix alone so I could talk to him when Pan called me over away from the girls. Everyone went silent assuming that I must be in trouble. I can’t understand how though since I hadn’t even been here a month. “Walk with me,” he ushered me away from the camp, “You too, Felix.” Pan called over his shoulder.
Why was he bringing Felix? He was his second in command so it shouldn’t have been too shocking. Maybe this is a good thing. If after Pan is done with me I can talk to Felix before we go back to camp.
“This should be far enough.” Pan stopped and addressed the Lost Boy and Girl in front of him.
“Am I in trouble?”
“No, new girl. You’re not in trouble.” Pan assured her, “But I have to say that I am concerned. You have been here a month and you still cannot defend yourself. You struggle in training and cannot beat even our easiest of combatants.”
“I know. Fighting is something I’m not used to but I have been trying my best to improve.” I said.
It was embarrassing really how badly I just didn’t get fighting. I kept getting up but it didn’t stop the fact that it took no effort on my partner’s end to take me back down again. It’s part of the reason I was always with the girls. They were better at defending themselves so if we ever ran across pirates or wild animals in the jungle then they could fight them and I could keep safe in the huddle. It was embarrassing but necessary until I got better.
“I understand but I need you to progress faster. Which is why Felix is here.” Pan motioned him closer, “Felix is the strongest and best fighter on the island, second to me of course. From now on he is in charge of your training and will be your escort around the island.”
“What?” Felix and I said at the same time.
“Pan,” Felix took him aside, “This is your grand idea? Are you insane?”
“Shut up and go with it.” Pan told him. They turned back towards me. “I assume that this won’t be a problem for you two.”
“No. Not at all. I just don’t want Felix to have to waste his time following me around. I have the girls and they work just as well…” What am I saying? This is what I wanted! Someone stop my stupid mouth from spouting this nonsense!
“Those girls coddle you.” Pan said, “They’re making you soft. You will stick with Felix for the foreseeable future. It’s not like he has much else to do anyway.”
“Pan…” Felix stressed.
“Have fun you two. Do not leave her side, Felix.” Pan pointed at them and then left leaving the two of them alone.
“I’m sorry,” I said automatically, “I bet you wish you didn’t have to get saddled with me, huh?”
“Oh no,” Felix rubbed the back of his neck, “I don’t mind.”
“At least this’ll give us a chance to get to know one another better. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the chance to really talk to you.”
Felix’s features softened. “Nor I you.” He looked away, “Since you’re in my charge now how about we go for a walk? I can give you some pointers I know the girls probably hadn’t told you.”
“Sure, that sounds nice.” I smiled. This was almost too good to be true!
We spent the rest of the afternoon walking aimlessly around the island. Felix gave me a lot of advice about fighting and little things to help improve my form. He promised that we would go over them more in depth tomorrow at training. Soon the conversation turned into more casual things. Personal things. We talked about where we were from before Neverland and what things we liked. He told me funny stories and adventures the Lost Boys had gone on before they started recruiting girls on the island.
I didn’t even notice it was getting dark until Felix started searching for a good enough stick to make a torch. There wasn’t a lot of vicious animals on Neverland but still it was unwise to wander about in the jungle without any light. I couldn’t really see anything in the dark but Felix navigated the jungle like it was perfectly lit. I suppose that must come from years of living here. To make sure I didn’t get lost he took to holding my hand. I tried not to read too much into it but after spending all day getting to know one another I couldn’t help the giddy excitement that bubbled up inside of me.
Felix had just lit a torch when we heard something moving in the jungle. Felix scanned the dark shadows of the trees. “Stay close,” Felix whispered, his grip on my hand tightening, “Something’s out there.”
“Okay,” I followed him as we started moving back towards camp. Every so often Felix would stop and listen, scanning the darkness for any sign of movement.
“Don’t be alarmed,” Felix whispered as they walked, “But someone is following us.”
“What do we do?” I whispered back.
“I’m going to put out the torch. You keep ahold of me and do not let go. We’re gonna make a run for it.”
“Are sure that’s safe?”
“Safer than if we get surrounded pirates. You can’t fight and while I can hold my own I don’t want to wander into an ambush.” He reaffirmed his grip on my hand. “Ready?”
“Yes.” I took a deep breath. Felix extinguished the torch and then we were running. I was stumbling trying to keep up with his long strides. More than once I tripped over roots and rocks I couldn’t see. Felix kept me upright. I could hear who was chasing us now. Their footfalls crunching quickly after us. It sounded like they were on all sides.
My lungs burned and my legs ached but we kept running. My foot caught another root and this time my hand was ripped from Felix’s as I went down. “Y/N!” Felix ran back to collect me.
I felt a pair of hands haul me up. The people chasing us were right on top of us now.  I could hear them surrounding us. “I’m sorry,” I said as I tried to catch my breath, “I tried to keep up.”
“It’s okay,” Felix shoved me behind him, “At the first opening you make a break for it, okay?”
“No arguing!”
Our pursuers closed in. I huddled closer into Felix. Suddenly there was light all around us and the sound of laughter. It wasn’t the raucous laughter of pirates though. I looked up and saw the girls holding torches and their stomachs as they doubled over with laughter.
“Girls!” I shouted at them, “What the hell?! You scared us! We thought you were pirates!”
“Oh calm down,” One of the girls waved it off, “It was just a bit of fun. After Pan disappeared with you earlier and you didn’t come back we went out looking for you. Imagine our surprise when we saw that you got saddled with Felix. You poor thing, come with us. We’ll get you back to camp.”
“Now hang on--” I started but Felix silenced me.
“She’s not your concern anymore.” Felix told them. “She was put under my charge. You can head back by yourselves.”
“Your charge?” the girls started whispering amongst themselves. “Oh dear, Y/N, is this a punishment? Did Pan stick you with him as a lesson or something?”
“No. He’s meant to be helping me.” Y/N said, “I’m not being punished at all. Also, I don’t know what your problem is with Felix but he is incredibly strong and fierce and even kind. He is the best damn fighter on this island and does not deserve the constant disrespect you jerks hurl at him!”
“Doesn’t change the fact that he’s not that nice to look at.” One of the girls mumbled.
“Shut up, Maria! Just because your boyfriend looks like a baked potato doesn’t mean you can go around insulting Felix. What’s wrong with him? Is he too tall? Too muscular? Too handsome? Is the scar on his face not simultaneously attractive and cool? What’s your problem?” I shouted at them, “So bugger off and leave us alone!”
“Oh my god,” the girls muttered, “You like him. Look at how red their faces are.”
“Piss off!” Felix yelled at them. The girls finally scattered leaving Felix and I alone again.
“I’m sorry about them. I really don’t understand why they act like that around you. They’re so mean for no reason.”
“It’s fine.” Felix shrugged. “Not like they matter anyway.”
“Right.” I nodded. Felix peered down at me. We had come to a break in the trees and I could faintly make out his face in the moonlight. “Did you...did you mean what you said? About me?”
“Oh…” My face started burning anew, “I mean, yeah. You’re Pan’s second in command after all. Everyone else knows how good a fighter you are and--”
“You think I’m handsome?” He grinned slightly and my stomach flipped. That really wasn’t fair. He towered over me, encasing me completely in his presence.
“Yes…” I mumbled.
“Well that certainly makes this a lot easier.” He grabbed my hand again. “I guess this means you don’t mind me following you around as your kinda bodyguard, huh?”
“Not at all. I was actually rather pleased when Pan assigned you to me. I’ve been trying to get a moment alone to talk to you for a while now.”
“What a coincidence, so have I. So…” He trailed off.
“So what?” I asked.
“So I guess this makes me your bodyguard, teacher and your boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?!” My heart started hammering in my chest.
“Yeah, isn’t that what you wanted?”
“No! Wait--I didn’t mean no as in ‘no’ I mean it like yes. Yes I would very much like that. I would like for you to be my...oh god I can’t talk right.” I groaned.
Felix chuckled softly and pulled me closer. He planted a small kiss on my cheek. “Come on, let’s get back to camp.”
“Okay,” I couldn’t help the huge smile that spread across my face.
We strolled back into camp some time later. Word must have spread about Felix being put in charge of my protection and training cause everyone was watching us. The whispers and murmurs grew even louder when they noticed us holding hands. Their wide, disbelieving eyes following us as we sat down near the fire. Felix put an arm around me that was as sweet as it was possessive.
Pan spotted us across the way and smirked. I would need to make sure to thank him for this later.
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
White Day Surprise
2026 words. Contains spoilers for Melody of Memory. SoKai. Romance, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining, White Day, Pi Day, Baking, and most importantly, Pie. 
Successor to this story I wrote for Christmas and this story I wrote for Valentine’s Day. 
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Sora wanted to do something special for Kairi for White Day. She’d gone out of her way to make Valentine’s Day special, so it was only right he returned the favor. Back home, that meant giving her a gift that was, uh twice? three times? the value of the original. But her letter was priceless, and those chocolates were special too, so he was at a loss as to what to do.
He paced back and forth in this place that looked like the Final World. He couldn’t give her a gift right now. Couldn’t tell her how he felt yet (not with words anyway) because she wanted him to wait till they met again. So what was he supposed to do?
Something that involved taking control of her body was all he had. His face flushed. No, not like that. Putting this whole body-sharing thing into words always made it sound worse than it actually was. He always waited till he had permission and immediately ceded control the moment she asked him to.
He plopped onto the watery ground that somehow didn’t ever get him wet and scoured his brain for ideas. What would he do if this was a normal White Day, if he was fully back in the Realm of Light with his own body at his disposal?
“Take her on a date. Maybe to the Bistro. Or I could cook or bake her something myself using the stuff Little Chef taught me.” He perked up. “That’s it! I’ll make something for her. I’ll just need to write down the ingredients so she can get them and then ask her for control when it’s time to actually make the stuff.”
He made a mental list about what he’d need for the recipe and then patiently waited. Something told him Kairi would be reaching out to him soon.
Sure enough, he eventually heard her voice.
“Sora? Want to take over for a bit?”
He followed her voice, chased it, pursued it till he was in her body. She was in her room on the Land of Departure, lying on her bed, and sunlight was streaming through the window. Must be morning, and she probably just woke up.
Hey, Kairi, he signed. Happy White Day.
“Happy White Day to you too.”
Desk, he gestured.
“You want to write something?”
He nodded.
“Okay. You can take control.”
He gently got her up out of bed and walked her body to the desk. She had a little diary for the two of them to write to each other now, and he opened it and grabbed a pen.
Ingredients List
Whipped Cream
Coconut Chips or Shavings
Coconut Milk
He was about to write another ingredient when she interrupted.
“You want to bake me something for White Day, don’t you? You’re the sweetest.”
He smiled and continued, listing off the rest of the ingredients. When everything looked good, he added, Can you get these for me?
“Of course. We should have most of the stuff around the castle except for the coconut-related things. But I can buy them for you, okay? Or bop back to Destiny Islands real quickly if need be.”
Please do. I know it’s not much, but I wanted to thank you for your Valentine’s gift.
“Leave it to you to figure out a way to make it work. I assume you’ll want to do the baking yourself too, right?”
Yeah. I’d do it in my own body if I could. Make you a five course meal. When I get back, okay? This’ll have to do for now.
“This is more than enough.”
Talk to you soon.
He had to let go of the connection for now because he sensed danger. Curse the stupid monsters in Quadratum who kept pulling him back to their (un)reality. If he missed making Kairi’s gift for her on the appropriate day, these monsters were gonna regret they ever crossed him.
“Riku, where are you?” he grumbled as he fought them off. He knew Riku was somewhere in this reality, they just kept missing each other. It didn’t help that Sora’s heart was jumping all over the place, getting pulled more and more towards Kairi, while his body was stuck here. Glued to this place because abusing the Power of Waking meant it had been banished from the Realm of Light and couldn’t return.
As the last monster disappeared in a puff of smoke, he sighed and wiped his forehead. He was more convinced than ever that his heart’s connection to Kairi was growing stronger by the day. What would it take to get his body out of here too?
“Stupid body,” he said as he scowled at it. “Keeping me trapped here.” He let his Keyblade disappear and slunk towards a private alley. “Kairi won’t want a boyfriend without a body forever.” He sat on a box of crates and cast a barrier around himself to buy some time. “And I don’t wanna be without a body either. I don’t want my options to be body-less in the Realm of Light or trapped here forever.”
Sighing, he closed his eyes, imagining himself back in the Final World-esque place. Thankfully, he was able to will his heart back to Kairi pretty quickly. She was in the castle’s kitchen now, and all of the ingredients he’d asked for were dutifully set out.
Sorry I kept you waiting, he scrawled on the diary she’d left out. Had some monsters show up.
“Monsters? Sora, is it safe for you to be here?”
It is now. Trust me, if my body’s in danger, it lets me know.
“If you’re sure,” she finally said, and he could hear the worry in her voice. “I’ve put you in enough danger before as it is.”
Don’t I get to be the judge of that?
“Sorry, considering your current predicament and how you got there… No. You’re reckless when it comes to your own life if it means keeping me safe.”
Maybe, but I was the one who put myself in danger. Not you. And can you blame me? I wasn’t about to abandon you, with your heart in pieces and at Xehanort’s mercy. You would’ve done the same for me. You did, in fact. You refused to let me die like I was supposed to at the Keyblade Graveyard.
“That was different,” she said tersely. “I didn’t have to die to keep you alive.”
I didn’t either. I’m not dead. My body’s just—
“Cut off from the Realm of Light. How is that all that different from being dead?”
Sora felt like sighing. Kairi… We’re wasting what precious little time we have together fighting. I would gladly fight with you all day if I could, but I’d like to make you the gift I promised.
She hung her head, shoulders slumping. “Sorry, I’m making this about me and my guilt again, and when you’re in such a precarious situation, too.”
It’s okay. Sometimes I think you got the harder end of the bargain, watching me disappear, feeling all alone and abandoned.
“You didn’t abandon me. You came to my aid when I needed you most. And you’re the one who’s cut off from me, from everyone. You have it worse by far.”
Sora was about to write something when Kairi continued. “But today you’re gonna literally walk me through this recipe and we’re gonna have fun, okay? You need this, you need to relax and unwind and have some fun.”
Yeah. And there’s no person I’d rather spend time with than you.
She giggled, and his heart felt warm, hearing her giggle.
“Okay, Master Chef, teach me your ways,” she said, and with that she let him take over. He led her through mixing and chopping and cutting and stirring, and she was ever the attentive student. It had been so long since he’d gotten to bake anything. Since he’d gotten to unwind and have fun like this.
“So we’re making a pie, huh?” she said as he prepared the crust. “Don’t tell me… Coconut cream pie? That’s one of my favorites. And it’s the perfect dessert for White Day. Pi Day, too.”
The pie took a long time to make, but spending that time with Kairi was worth it. He’d spend every moment with her if he could. When at last the pie was chilling in the fridge, she sat at the table so he could write notes to her. His signing was still a work in progress.
Pie should be ready now, he wrote presently.
“Do you want me to eat it while you’re still here? It feels a little rude when you can’t.”
He didn’t like the twinge of melancholy in her voice.
I don’t mind. In fact I kinda want to know what you think.
“Okay,” she said and went to the fridge to grab the pie. It looked amazing with its crispy crust, its creamy filling coated with whipped cream shaped into perfect swirls, and its coconut shavings artfully sprinkled on top. He’d really outdone himself, and he couldn’t wait for her to taste it.
You’ll have to tell me how it is, he scribbled when she was seated at the table once more. She nodded and lifted a forkful of pie to her mouth.
Oh, yum. This pie was creamy and delicious and brought back memories of all the times he’d eaten his mom’s coconut cream pie back home—
Hold on. Hold on. He could taste the pie? How was that even possible?!
“Oh this is amazing,” Kairi cooed as she brought another forkful to her mouth. “Creamy and coconut-y and—”
Ven was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, his mouth hanging open.
“You can see him?” Kairi squeaked, dropping the fork. “That’s never happened before!”
Sora froze. Ven could see him? How?
“Yeah,” Ven said, taking long strides towards them. “It’s like he’s kind of translucent, and I can still see you through him, but yeah, I can see him.”
Ven? Sora tried to say, but no sound came out.
“Do you think—Is his connection to the Realm of Light getting stronger?” Kairi asked, her voice so full of hope Sora could practically feel her heart soaring.
“Yeah, I think it must be,” Ven said. “Hang on, lemme get Terra and Aqua.” He paused for a moment to squeeze Kairi’s hand, and Sora’s felt a little warmer. “Be back in a second.”
The taste of the pie, the warmth of Ven’s hand… He wasn’t imagining this stuff, was he?
Kairi, diary, he signed, and she let him take control so he could write.
I could taste the pie. I felt Ven’s hand when he squeezed yours.
“That’s great, Sora! I think your body is trying to follow your heart back to the Realm of Light.”
Was it possible? He wanted it to be possible. He wanted to come home.
“Here, let me eat more of that pie, you must be starving.”
Please, he signed.
Kairi lifted the fork to her lips again when he felt a strong tugging on his heart.
“No,” she cried in frustration. “You can’t leave yet!”
Be back soon, he signed sadly. His heart was getting pulled back with a vengeance now, which meant he needed to protect his body. Happy White Day, Kairi.
“Happy White Day, Sora,” she said, and with that, he was back in Quadratum. Oh, great, more monsters had found him, and it was raining now too. He groaned and summoned his Keyblade. He’d much rather be eating coconut cream pie with Kairi in the Land of Departure’s warm and bright castle kitchen.
He was so close to finding a way home. Right on the edge. If he’d just had a little more time, he could’ve done it. Still, he was grateful for the moments he and Kairi had shared today. Making the pie and then tasting it together. He was more determined than ever to make it home to her. If he succeeded, then he and Kairi could spend as much time together as they wanted.
For that, he’d keep on fighting, however long it took.
A/N: This fic is dedicated to the lovely @angel-with-a-pipette​ for coming up with the idea of Sora baking something for Kairi when I was trying to think of a follow-up to the Valentine's fic I wrote. Thank you again for all your help and input!
And Happy White Day and Happy Pi Day to you all! Thank you for reading!
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ificanthaveu · 4 years
The 1 || Harry Styles
Description: Based off The 1 by Taylor Swift (read the lyrics to get the gist of what this’ll be about)
A/N: WOOF my first harry fic!! The second I heard this song, I knew I had to make it into a fic. However, it just didn’t feel like it fit Shawn or Calum, and I just knew I had to use Harry for it. I’m in love with how this turned out and I’m so happy I have time to write again. Hope you love this as much as I do.
Word Count: 3k
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Parking your car down the street from the large brick house, you got out and glanced at the homes as you passed them, with doormats with family names and numbers larger than necessary to indicate the address. Every yard was perfectly done with professional landscaping and lawn care, a stark contrast to your apartment upstate where you barely had enough time in the day to place a plant on the balcony.
“I’m telling you, the customer will be fine with it. I promise,” you explained through a sigh as you fiddled with your necklace.
You heard your assistant sigh as well, and you knew he was probably hunched over his desk and tugging at his shirt sleeves.  
“A four box shortage, [Y/N]? This is the second time we’ve done this to them in the past five months,” he said, the exhaustion evident in his voice as he stared at reports.
“And I will send them the backups we have of last year’s version. Everything will be fine,” you said calmly as you paced back and forth in the driveway once you made it to the house, your new heels clicking against the pavement.
“I don’t get how you’re so calm about this all the time,” he mumbled as you heard him typing.
“It comes with practice. Now finish the email and get over here,” you said.
“Whatever you say, boss,” he said through a laugh before hanging up.
You tucked your phone into your clutch and placed it back down by your side. You looked up at the house and took a deep breath before walking to the front door.
You pushed it open and were met with people filling the living room and kitchen, greeting people they didn’t know, and having conversations with people they did.
Your phone buzzed before you could find someone you knew, and you glanced down to see a text from your assistant Trevor.
Trevor: You were right. They took last year’s version no problem. You’re a genius.
You shook your head and laughed to yourself before sending an “I told you so” text and looking at the email you were copied on.
Starting and running your own online clothing store in college was one thing. But that turning into a chain of over 70 stores across the United States and Canada was a whole other thing.
But no matter how many nights you fell asleep at your desk at 2:00 am just to be woken up by Trevor coming in for work at 7:00 and begging you to go home and shower, you loved what you were doing.
You had genuinely never been happier. Even if you never thought you would be.
“What’s your happiest moment?” Harry asked as you sat next to each other, waiting for the Sunday matinee to start at your local theater.
You leaned your head back and look at him from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t know,” you said.
He had a slight smile as he looked back at you.
“That’s not an answer,” he whispered.
You shrugged your shoulders, taking a few pieces of the popcorn from the bucket sitting in his lap.
“I don’t think it’s happened yet,” you said simply.
“Hm,” he said, looking at the screen as the movie started playing.
Once the movie was done, the two of you walked back to his car, his hand lacing in yours naturally after he pulled you up.
“What do you think the best movie ever is?” You asked as he tugged you in the right direction.
“I don’t know,” he said, returning your reply.
“That’s not an answer,” you said as you crossed your arms as he unlocked his car and opened your door.
“I don’t think it’s been made yet,” he said before closing your door.
You sat alone with that thought before he climbed into the driver’s side.
“Why do you think it hasn’t been made yet?” You asked.
“Same reason your happiest moment hasn’t happened yet,” he said, resting his hand on the back of your seat as he backed out of the parking spot, making your heart race.
“We’re young,” he said, his eyes focusing on the road ahead. “I just think I have hundreds of movies that I still have to see. Just like you have millions of moments still to encounter.”
“See I think those are two different things,” you argued. “I still have to get married, have kids, start my dream business. But the classic movies, the ones everyone loves have already been made.”
He nodded his head, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Good point; however, I think the greatest films of all time were never made,” he said.
You stayed quiet, mulling the thought over in your head.
“How is that possible?” You ask, turning in your seat and resting your knee against the center council, fully enveloped in whatever he had to say.
“I just think someone out there has the most amazing idea for a movie anyone could ever think of, but he’s an engineer or a grocery clerk or a stay at home parent so he’ll never make it. We’ll never know.”
“But if it’s really going to be the greatest film, someone will come up with it and go through with it.”
“I don’t think so,” he said simply. “I think some stories are too good to be encapsulated into a film.”
“How so?” You questioned
Harry pulled up in front of your dorm building before turning towards you.
“You and I are the only ones that really know what today is like for us. Today could make the best film ever, and no one would ever know,” he said.
You let your smile tug at the corners of your lips as the concentrated look stayed on his.
“You think today is too good to be a movie?” You said quietly.
A blush crept up on his cheeks before he turned forward and leaned his head on the back of his seat.
He didn’t say anything, instead nodded his head and looked at you again.
The sun was getting dangerously closer to the horizon, reminding you of the homework you hadn’t finished yet.
Before you could second guess it, you leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, not allowing him enough time to even move his hands.
Without another word, you jumped out of the car and ran to the door without looking back to see the blush stay on his cheeks as he watched you.
You shook the reminiscent feeling as you walked forward, glancing at the pictures adorning the walls by the staircase.
Tanya, a friend from college, locked eyes with you from across the room as you quickly waved and made your way to her.
You greeted her with a quick hug as you sat down next to her on the sofa.
“It’s been way too long,” she said as she leaned back and you did the same.
“Tell me about it,” you replied.
“You’re just too damn busy to get ahold of. I’m surprised you even made it today,” she said with a confused look on her face.
“My assistant is going all the dirty work currently,” you said as you made a face.
“On a Saturday?” She questioned.
“Retail never quits.”
“How many stores now? Was it like 60 last time we talked?” She asked, leaning towards you to hear better as the party got louder.
“76 actually,” you said as her eyes nearly bulged out of your head. “77 next week when our newest one in Miami opens, which I’ll actually be headed to tomorrow morning.”
“Ms. CEO is really out here taking over the fashion industry,” she said with the shake of her head.
“That’s the goal,” you said with your customer service smile, a pang hitting you once again.
“Why are we doing this?” You said as Harry dragged you to the middle of the mall where the fountain was.
“You can’t just walk past one of these and not make a wish,” he said as he dug in his pockets.
“So we’re going to waste two cents just to wish for something that isn’t going to happen?” You asked with crossed arms.
“That’s the goal,” he said with a smirk before pressing a penny into your hand. “And you don’t know if it’s actually never going to happen.”
You went to throw it in before Harry’s hand enveloped yours.
“You can’t just throw it in like it’s nothing,” he said with an offended look on his face.
He kept his hands around yours, holding them together as the penny burned against your skin.
“We’re going to close our eyes, think of our wishes, and then count down and throw them in,” he said.
You simply nodded as you smiled at how into this he was.
“And you have to believe every bit of it or it won’t come true,” he said seriously. 
“Ok,” you whispered.
You both closed your eyes, and you rocked back and forth on your heels as Harry’s hands tightened around yours.
You peaked one eye open to see how concentrated he was as you thought of the only wish that made sense. 
I want it to be you.
“Ready?” He whispered.
You hummed in response as you both opened your eyes.
“Three,” he started the countdown.
“Two,” you cut in.
“One,” you both said as you threw your pennies over your backs and into the fountain, hearing them go in with a gentle splash.
Harry’s hand found it’s way back to yours as you tugged him to the candle store you came here for.
“What’d you wish for?” You asked him as his arm wrapped around your shoulder, your hands still laced together.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” he said.
“It was worth a shot.”
“You good?” Tanya asked as you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” you said as you plastered your smile back onto your face.
You turned away from her as someone else she knew came up to greet her. Your eyes scanned the decorations around the room, mostly white, silver, and gold, also looking at the pictures once again.
And then you see him.
He’s laughing at something his friend said, his head thrown back as his curls flopped with it. He was wearing a button-down, like always, with not nearly enough buttons buttoned up. He sipped at a glass of rose as he turned to someone new with a new conversation.
He looked good. Really good.
He looked happy.
You stood up from the couch and made your way to the far wall of the room, pulling your phone out to see the newest message from Trevor telling you he was on his way.
You looked up from your phone and locked eyes with him.
He stopped his conversation as his eyes felt like they bore into your soul.
His hand lifted up to give you a gently wave and a smile as you returned it.
That smile still made you melt.
But it was gone in a moment as that look of hesitation washed across him.
Your final words were hurled at him as you sat down hastily on the couch. Your fingers knitting into your snarled hair as you tried to catch your breath and begged your tears to stop falling.
Harry continued to pace in front of you. The frustration radiating off him.
“I just don’t get it, [Y/N]. I don’t know what else you want me to do,” he yelled as he choked on his own words.
You stayed quiet, having answered this question already.
It wasn’t his fault. But maybe it was, and maybe it was yours or maybe it wasn’t. You couldn’t keep track anymore, and you were sick of the blame game.
You knew you wouldn’t be here if you would’ve brought it up weeks ago, how unloving he’d been lately. How distant he’d felt when his arm was thrown around you. How his answers were the same but somehow different.
You couldn’t pinpoint it anymore.
Everything just felt off.
It felt wrong.
It felt like he didn’t love you anymore. Or at least he wasn’t showing it.
“I don’t know, H,” you said softly, not having it in your heart to yell anymore.
He scoffed as he continued to pace, tugging at the ends of his hair.
“I’m not the only problem,” he said, stopping to look at you as you continued staring at the ground. “If this started months ago, why didn’t you say something then? It would’ve been a hell of a lot easier than this.”
“I don’t know,” you said more sternly this time.
“You never do,” he mumbled.
You didn’t reply to that one as you felt your heart slowly break into two as he sat down next to you. The familiar feeling of his leg pressed against yours was long gone as he sat on the opposite end of the loveseat.
“I deserve better than this,” you paused.
Harry waited for you to finish your thought, his hands balled up in tight fists.
“And so do you.”
You could feel him relax even if he wasn’t touching you, coming to the conclusion neither of you wanted to come to.
That you needed someone who showed every emotion they had face forward in order to understand.
And he just couldn’t give you that.
That he needed someone who spoke up everything they were thinking.
And you couldn’t give him that.
Your heart finally broke in two as you felt Harry’s arm wrap around you and pull you into his side, taking your legs and swinging them over his lap like you always would.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you,” he said softly.
You rested your head against his shoulder as your breathing slowed back to its regular pace.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you either,” you replied.
Once your tears stopped flowing, you removed his arm from across your legs and stood up.
And you left.
You continued to watch him as he grabbed a second glass of rose and made his way across the room, dodging in and out of people trying to talk to him.
He ended up in front of you and handed you a glass as you nodded to him as a thank you.
You didn’t feel the anxiety you thought would creep up into your stomach. You just felt content as he leaned against the wall next to you.
“Congratulations,” you whispered to him.
He nodded his head in thanks as he gave you that same soft smile you fell for.
You both looked across the room to see the Vice President of your company showing the glowing ring to some friends that Harry slipped onto her left ring finger just a few weeks ago.
You knew it would end up here.
Somehow, when Katherine raved to you about the guy she had gone on a few dates with after meeting him on Tinder, you knew this was going to be the guy she’d end up with.
You just didn’t think it would be the same guy you broke up with two years prior to that.
But even after Katherine and you pieced everything together, you insisted she kept seeing him.
She always radiated the type of energy you knew Harry was attracted to.
Her eyes met yours as she saw the two of you from across the room.
She raised her hand up to wave with a sparkling smile on her face.
You both waved back as she held up a hand to let you know she’d be over in a little bit before turning back to her current conversation.
“She always reminded me of you,” you said after a few moments.
Harry didn’t say anything, instead, he turned to look at you with a still face.
“Even before I found out about the two of you, she’d say something in a meeting, and I just couldn’t help but think you’d say the same thing in the same situation,” you explained.
“It just made sense, the two of you,” you said quietly.
Harry nodded again, taking a sip of his drink.
“Thank you,” he finally said after a minute of comfortable silence.
He shrugged, not really knowing why he said that.
“For not freaking out, for being here, for being everything that you are.”
You thought something like that would make your heart shatter, but it didn’t.
“You know I’d do anything for you,” you paused. “For the both of you.”
He nodded again, this time looking a little upset. You could still read him like a book. You knew he was on the verge of saying something he wasn’t sure if he should actually say.
So you took the leap before he could.
“We were something, don’t you think so?” You said softly.
You looked at him as he looked across the room, watching Katherine as she talked to another one of your employees.
If you hadn’t been staring at him as intently as you were, you would’ve missed the slight nod of his head.
“But I’m not the one.”
He turned to look at you after he said that, and you locked eyes.
“I know,” you said as you smiled at him. “But wouldn’t it have been fun?”
Harry’s smile matched yours, adoring the way you just said what you were thinking. Something you had such a hard time with years ago.
He simply nodded his head, his smile not faltering as he held his glass up to yours.
You held yours up as well, hitting it against his with a small clink.
“To the future Mr. and Mrs. Styles,” you said.
He shook his head slightly, a smirk adorning his face.  
“I’ve done enough of those today,” he said.
He pulled back his glass to clink against yours again.
“To us.”
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Not tagging anyone on this bad boy since you signed up for Calum/Shawn, but send me an ASK if you’d like to be added and state FOR WHICH PEOPLE
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keichan · 4 years
Running Through the Night Tsukishima x fem!reader Part 10: It’s a Forever Thing
You and Tsukishima have been friends for as long as you two could remember. With a very unexpected confession, how will this affect you two?
Authors note: It’s been a pleasure writing this story for you guys, with it being my first on this sight, I’m very proud of it
Check out my new SMAU written by me  @pipsqweaks​ TANAKA INK’D SMAU
Word count: 1876
Genre: college au, unrequited love, angst, best friends to lovers, fluff somewhere in there, mutual pining
Warnings: manga time skip!!! FLUFFFFFF,, swearing
Please follow me to keep up with my upcoming projects! I’m now accepting requests for headcannons and drabbles!
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“Honestly I think you should wear that shirt that Hinata got you from, Rio! It’s super cute!”
“Fuck off.”
“I’m being completely serious. I think it’ll really show him your support at the match tonight.”
“I’m taking Hiro for a walk if you’re gonna keep acting like this.” With a sigh Kei placed a leash onto the dog's collar and waved goodbye before leaving the house. Worth a shot.
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You and Kei walked into Sendai City gymnasium hand in hand with Yamaguchi in tow. 
“Tsukki! I’m gonna go get food, do you want anything?”
“Yeah, just grab Y/N and I whatever looks good.”
The two of you made way to your seats in the stadium. It was packed to the brim. It was the beginning of the season and a lot of fans usually came out to support the Adelers and Jackals specifically. 
Kei let go of your hand to begin flipping through the pamphlet of the players today. He looked tense as usual. If you were being honest, you couldn’t tell if he wanted either Hinata or Kageyama to win the match.
“Tsukki! I got them! And it was Osamu from the Miya twins, isn’t that amazing? Anyways, do you want a beer? I saw a vender walking the isles.” Yamaguchi waved with Yachi standing closely behind him. 
Without looking up Kei retorted. “No, I only drink kahlūa and milk. And I refuse to drink with anyone who doesn’t appreciate kahlūa and milk.” 
Yamaguchi and Yachi stood up slightly straighter and the three of you all gave each other a knowing look before you elbowed Kei in the ribs.
“What was that for?”
“You could’ve just said no thank you.”
“What’s the fun in that?” He smiled before leaning over to kiss your forehead. 
You shrugged before waving the two over to sit by the two of you.
“Be kind.”
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Your heart swelled with joy to see the Jackals had won the game. Hinata finally was able to claim his victory over Kageyama. You impatiently dragged Kei down to the court to meet him and Kageyama and other players that the two of you have gotten to meet in your high school years. 
“Slow down. I don’t see what the fuss is about, we’ll see them regardless.” Kei muttered under his breath. You gave him a quick pout over your shoulder making him roll his eyes. He interlaced his fingers with yours and held you back for the crowds to pass. 
Immediately a sweaty man's arms wrapped around you and pulled you away from Kei. Your eyesight was immediately clouded with orange hair. You immediately hug him back as he teeters you back and forth on your heels. 
You hold him out at arms width.
“Hinata!!! You did so good! I can’t believe you trained yourself to be a leftie! That was the best game I’ve ever seen!”
Hinata flashed you a vibrant smile before peering over your shoulder to see Kei, Yamaguchi, and Yachi. With one arm still on your shoulder, he used his other hand to wave hello.
“Great, now it’s like I have to burn my girlfriend alive since you got all over her. Also I’m pretty sure my games are much better than his, sweetheart.” Kei chided, scowling at Hinata. His eyes widened as he chuckled nervously. 
“Don’t worry about him, Hinata.” You patted his hair down with a warm smile. 
As your hand fell down to your side, Hinata’s eyes followed the gold band on your finger. 
“No dipshit, I proposed to her.”
Everyone around you gasped. You waved your hand in front of your face laughing lightly. “Kei and I were planning to announce it here since we knew everyone would be coming here today.” You held your left hand up to your face for your friends to see. 
Everyone leaned in towards your hand with their mouths agape. You couldn’t see him, but you knew Kei was standing behind you with a proud smirk on his face. It was definitely getting to his head. 
“Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
The five of you turned to the side to see Kageyama striding over.
“She actually agreed to marry you? Who would’ve thought.” Kageyama forced out a very unnatural laugh. 
“Kageyama I don’t think that came out as funny as you thought it would. And actually, everyone kinda did. Since our first year of high school. Yanno? All three years it was kind of a will they, won’t they situation.” Hinata’s hands were up in front of his chest facing Kageyama. 
“Shut up, dumbass!”
Kei came up behind you placing both hands on each of your shoulders before turning his head to Kageyama. 
“My, my. I just think the King is jealous that I get to marry the love of my life, while he gets to stay married to volleyball. When was the last time you had an actual-“
“Shut the hell-“
Everyone besides Kageyama burst into fits of laughter, causing his speech to blur to a stop. Placing your hands on top of Kei’s, you turned to the black-haired setter. 
“Some things never really do change from high school, do they?”
You look up to meet Kei’s eyes. As soon as he sees you his face softens. You give him a soft nod signaling that he doesn’t have to push Kageyama anymore and he smiles in return.  
“I hate it when you two do that thing, it’s weird.”
“I don’t know, I think it’s cute.” Hinata mumbled to himself. 
“Shut up, dumbass.”
It wasn’t long before the other alumni from Karasuno met on the court. 
You, Kiyoko, Tanaka, and Yachi shied away to sit in the bleachers to tell them about the engagement while Kei was able to catch up with everyone he knew on the court. 
“So basically when Kei and I were little, there was this park by the river that we’d like to go to after school everyday. It was on the edge of our neighborhood so it wasn’t super far away or anything. It was when the leaves began to fall he wanted to go on a walk out there. We hadn’t been in years. He led me to this little candle-lit picnic- plastic candles though, believe it or not he was scared shitless of accidentally burning anything. Apparently him and Yamaguchi set it up a little while earlier…”
“Baby what’s all of this?”
“Can I not celebrate how much I love you from time to time?” Heat rose to your face before you waved him away.
“I guess so.”
“Good because I have all of your favorites right here, angel. Plus we’ve been so busy with work and school I haven’t had the proper chance to treat you.”
You sat beside Kei as he began to sort through the basket. He pulled out a bottle of wine and two cups. He poured you both a glass and the two of you slowly sipped on it as the sun began to dip behind the river.
“I know I say this a lot, but I’m forever grateful that I get to be by your side everyday.” Kei used his index finger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, eyes straight ahead.
“I know, baby. I love living life with you.”
“I think this’ll be super romantic if we slow danced right now.” Kei stood to his feet, extending his right hand out to you. You took it as he pulled you to his chest. Your hands reached around his neck and your noses brushed each other. He turns his head to place a chaste kiss on your lips before grinning down at you.
“You make me the happiest man alive. I’m so grateful that my best friend is the love of my life.” You play with the hair at the nape of his neck as you smile. “Sorry it took me so long to come around. We could’ve had each other for much longer than this.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little mind over it.”
“I have no worries when I’m with you.”
Your hands gently grip around his shirt collar to pull him in for another kiss. Long and sweet. Your lips move along in perfect harmony as he holds you by your waist. He pulls away, barely an inch from your face. 
“L/N F/N, I-“
“Oh my- Kei are you okay?” You jolted at your name, he hadn’t said it in so long. He places a large hand over your mouth.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to raise a family with you, not a dog family with Hiro, but have actual kiddos. I want to wake up next to you every morning of my life. I want to fall asleep next to you every night. I want to be the reason you smile and be your comfort whenever you fall. I know that we’re both seniors in college right now, but next year I have a job lined up as Curator and the Sendai Museum. I haven’t told you yet, but I know I can support us. You’re about to get your dream job as well.” His hands travel down to yours before taking a step back. 
Kei lowers himself onto one knee before fumbling with his front pocket to pull out a small ring box. 
“Will you marry me? I promise to treasure you for the rest of our lives.”
Tears began to swell in your eyes as you began to nod quickly. You quickly rushed over to him hugging his neck smothering his face in kisses (and tears). 
“Yes, Kei!”
You finally wipe away your blurry vision to be greeted by him smiling, he was on the brink of tears himself. He offered the warmest, most compassionate smile you’ve ever seen from him in all the years you’ve known him. Your heart glowed because you knew this wouldn’t be the last time you’d see him like this. Your life was just now beginning. Kei quietly slipped the ring onto your finger before rushing up to grab your face with his hands. He gave you baby pecks on your lips. Each time he pulled away to look at you, his smile widened as if he couldn’t believe that you were there in front of him. 
“Thank you, my love”
“I’ve gotta say, if I’m being honest, I didn’t really think Tsukishima had a romantic bone in his body.” Tanaka chuckled to himself. Kiyoko pushed his shoulder gently. 
“Tsukishima has always had a soft spot for Y/N, he’d run to the ends of the Earth for her, Ryu.”
“So like me?”
The conversation between your friends blurred into background noise as you caught Kei’s eyes. He was with Bokuto, Kuroo, and Daichi. They were grabbing on his shoulder and laughing about something. 
Kei gave you a warm smile and held his thumbs up. You returned the gesture. He mouthed a very small “I love you” before returning back to his conversation. His smile continued to glow across the room. You smiled looking down at the ring that adorned your finger. 
A forever. 
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taglist: @pipsqweaks | @pperapear | @wakayetoshi | @luvmonie | @bumbledunce | @a-listaire | @ysasian​ | @kodzu-ken | @montys-chaos @setterfish | @cece-lives-here | @totorosleaff​ | @sailorscout1902​ | @goopycookie
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Levi loses a bet Part 1
So, I always wanted Levi in a maid outfit ever since the trend started and, well, he's an otaku.
So, disclaimers: Dom MC, Genderneutral MC, sexual suggestions
This is a plot leading to when the reader...ahem...does the dirty with Levi, so there will be some explicit or suggestive stuff but it won't actually include the...naughties...with Levi, that'll be Part 2
Anywhoooooo, onto Levi. Sorry in advance with any grammar or spelling mistakes :/
It all started with, well, a bet. You always wanted to see Levi in a maid outfit, it was always a thing in the anime you two watched together that girls would wear maid outfits, you can't help that you were curious about how it would look on Levi, especially since he liked the girls in their outfits so much, and well, it's a trend so he could get some internet like if he did wear one. But enough with that, let's watch Mammon at the casino. Mammon had invited (well, forced, after all, he's your first, who are you to deny him?) you to be with him at the casino, and well, Levi, being the avatar of Envy, had to make sure he tagged along, no matter how much he hated going outside his room. "No way! I'm only taking MC!" "I'm their boyfriend so I'm coming!" While they were bickering, Levi had stepped in front of you to get into Mammon's face. This wasn't going to go anywhere, it would be the next day at this rate, it's like you have to solve all their disagreements. You got close and whispered a possible solution to get Levi what he wanted, "Forgive his debt." Levi hesitated but took your idea, "I'll forgive a portion of your debt if you stop trying to stop me!" Mammon hesitated, "Like...how much are we talkin' here?" "10%" "No way!" Soon Mammon haggled it to be 25%. "Alright, I'll let ya come, but this is a formal casino, I had ta get MC to buy me this suit so now I gotta pay ‘em back with my winnin's, ya can't show up like that or you'll get laughed outta there." Levi nodded and ran off to his room, you giving a pat to his ass on the way out. So, that's how you got here, Levi in the suit he so rarely wears, and Mammon leading you two to the first game he wanted to play. "I bet he won't be able to pay back a single penny that he owes you for that suit." "Are you jealous I took him out for that suit?" "No!" You thought for a moment, caving in, "Alright, if he is able to pay back a single scent by the end of the night, I win. As for the stakes..." you pulled Levi close to you, whispering to him once again, this time with some more...malicious intentions, "I want you to wear a maid outfit for an entire day, call me master, and actually get into character, date of my choosing." His face went red, he's always wanted to try it, to be honest, but he'd be embarrassed if he got caught with a maid outfit in his possession, now he would have an excuse. "T-that seems way too embarrassing!" "Even when you have the option to ask anything you want of me?" Anything he wanted...anything at all. He went quiet, mumbling something you couldn't hear as he looked away from you. "I'm sorry Levi-chan, what was that?" God he hated when you called him that, but loved it. "I-I want you to let me dom, at least once. I always sub and...I want to try it, S-senpai." Truth was he could've just asked if he wanted to dom you, but if it'll give you the chance to see him in a maid outfit, "Deal, now let's go catch up to Mammon." At the end of the night, Mammon ended up only keeping some of his winnings, losing a ton in blackjack before you three, or rather, him, but you and Levi tagged along since you felt bad, got kicked out for causing a scene. Mammon was grumbling when you reminded him to pay you back for his suit, "But I was only able to keep 50 grimm!" "Pay me what you have." It was an order, bet he was regretting being your first demon now. But you didn't care about getting completely payed, you just wanted to thumb through the cash in front of Levi to tease him. The maid outfit was coming tomorrow. ~ {A text conversation with Levi} (Levi, what are you doing tomorrow?)- -(I've got a gaming convention tomorrow, I was just about to invite you.) (Tomorrow you're wearing the outfit.)- -(WHAT?!) (Yeah, it just arrived. No complaining, you better be a good little maid.)- -(*insert scared puppy sticker here but I'm too lazy to actually find a software where I can do a texting story so deal with it*) ~ First thing in the morning, before even going downstairs for breakfast, you went to check on Levi. You woke up especially early to make sure he obeyed you, sure enough, you walked in and he was looking at himself in the mirror. "Well hello, how is my maid?" He jumped and turned around looking at you. "I-I'm not so sure about this." Wow, you had to double-take, were you dreaming? God, not that God hasn't given up on you as soon as you started dating this demon, but God, Levi just looked so...perfect. The black buckled shoes with those thigh high socks, that apron, the hairpiece, Jesus Christ he even had gloves that laced at the wrist. "You know, you could get a lot of internet likes if you posted yourself wearing this." "No! That'll be way to embarrassing!" "Sure, anyways, accompany your master to breakfast." You reminded him, in a roundabout way, to get into character. You could see he was embarrassed, but you couldn't help but tease him a little more, "I could dress as your master if it'll help.” "No, that'll make it worse." He pouted, but walking over to you. "Let's go eat breakfast...Master." ~ Once you walked downstairs, the brothers all had different reactions. Mammon pointed at Levi, "BAHAHAHA, LOOK AT HIM!" Belphegor...wasn't there, but he'd probably complain Mammon was too loud but snort at how Levi looked. Asmo giggled, "Levi finally jumped on the trend! This'll definitely get some likes on Devilgram!" Satan widened his eyes but looked away, sipping on his tea, it was too early for this shit. Beel...well he was trying to hold himself back from stealing Levi's food, he'll need his strength for whatever you've got planned for him. Lucifer looked at Levi, then to you, "M-MC, just what is Leviathan wearing?" "Leviathan is my maid, obviously!" "I lost a bet, okay?!" Breakfast went by with Mammon almost getting away with teasing Leviathan, but you are always there to protect Leviathan, when he didn't deserve the teasing that is. "Mammon, I've got a second maid outfit I can have you wear for a week in order to forgive you for not paying me back for the suit." "What?! Why do ya got two of those?! And why in my size?!" "It was a two for one sale, and I had a feeling you would try to make fun of my maid. But, if you want your debt forgiven, you can make sure that Levi isn't teased at school when I'm not with him." No one could tease Levi except you. "For real?! My debt forgiven for the suit?!" "All debt to me, I can't have my Levi getting his gloves dirty with blood." Leviathan was embarrassed, but grateful you got Mammon to shut up and gained a protector. ~ School was great, Leviathan really got into his role, carrying your things along with his to your classes together, and even when you had different classes, though he did have to his sprint to his own class at those moments. He even brought you your lunch and found a better seat than your normal one with the brothers and the fellow exchange students. It was a new side of him, and you loved it. "Levi, will you feed me my food? My wrist is so sore from writing today." You were going to milk this for as long as possible, huh? "Y-yes, master," face beet red, he took a scoop of some apple sauce or something (man what do I know about what they serve in the Devildom for humans?) and held it up to your mouth, using the other hand to make sure nothing fell off onto the floor. After feeding you, he wiped your mouth unprompted. "Aw, you're doing such a good job, little maid, come here." You gave him a hug and pat his head, you weren't sure if you could hold back for much longer, let's hope so. “No one tried to pick on you, right?”
“No, Master, at least not without Mammon beating them up. That scum can at least do a job when he’s promised that some debt will be forgiven.”
“That’s good. Now, little maid, let’s finish our lunch.”
~ After school, it was straight to getting ready for the gaming convention. Levi was just about to change, when you stopped him, "Just what do you think you're doing?" "I'm...getting ready for the convention?" "Did you have a cosplay planned?" "Not really... I wanted to cosplay but didn't want to risk showing up those other cosplayers and people wanting to take pictures with me, I didn't want to end up having to talk to people. I was just going to go to get some discounts on some games that were going to get announced at the last convention before it got rescheduled." (Quarantine vibes) "Then you'll go as my maid, you can say you're cosplaying." "What?! That's not even in the games I play...minus dating sims." "Well, some gamers are also dressing up as maids, I'm sure you won't stand out too much. I'll go get on what I wore to that casino so I can be your master, we can still act like it's from an old game or something." "F-fine, only because I might not be the only one.” Well, he wasn't the only one, but any other boys in maid outfits were still a little bit rare, especially those who were alone and didn't have a whole group dressed up as maids. "MC...I'm embarrassed." Levi tugged on your arm, looking at you desperately, holding back your urges was getting harder. "Well, you've been embarrassed this whole day, you must be really embarrassed for you to be saying it out loud, and you forgot that I'm your master." Levi widened his eyes, shutting up. Jeez the bathrooms were all crowded, and there were no single stall bathrooms anywhere. "Did you get and do everything you wanted?" "I want to still stay until the show where they announce some new games that weren't sold today." DAMMIT! Fine, if it's for him, fine, you can bare a couple more hours, but the aching between your legs is beginning to get annoying. Once this show is over, your taking Levi home and going to make sure he won't forget to call you master.
Well, hoped you liked it, I did my best to make sure the reader was gender neutral this is my first fic so go easy on me :) I'm an author in more than just fan fic so I tend to be descriptive, I only realized halfway through writing this that I probably need to put it into two parts. I'm not great with tumblr mechanics so I did my best. Anywho, it's 2:35am haha...I need to sleep, hope you enjoyed.
Read Part 2
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
< previous
Word Count: 845ish
Summary: The Team deals with the aftereffects of retrieving the Stones.
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We all arrived back on the platform at the same time, as planned.
“Did we get them all?” Bruce asked.
“You telling me this’ll actually work?” Rhodey said.
I held back a sob, but my sadness was projecting. Soon everyone noticed me standing next to Clint and not Nat.
“Bailey?” Tony wondered. I looked at him with my red, tear filled eyes.
“Clint,” Bruce called for the man’s attention. “Where’s Nat?” 
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Clint fell to his knees and my dam broke. I quickly ran off the platform and out to the woods. People were calling after me, but I just moved faster. I wasn’t able to save her, my best friend. I collapsed against a tree and began sobbing uncontrollably. I needed to be alone so that I would be able to control my emotions and not effect the others. I sobbed against the tree for what felt like hours before I heard footsteps. I could feel who it was. Clint, Tony, and Steve. I kept my head on my knees as the three men crouched down in front of me. 
“I watched my best friend die…” I horsely whispered. “I was suppose to save her life… That’s why I snuck there… I f-failed her… F-failed you…”
“Failing us by not being able to sacrifice yourself?” Tony said, with a little hit of anger. “If you were to have succeeded…. Bailey… I would have been so angry with you…”
“Nat knew what she was doing,” Clint stated. “We can’t just sit here and wallow in grief. We need to make her sacrifice worth it.”
I looked up. Steve was being really quiet and not looking at me. Something must have happened to him as well. I allowed myself to peak into his thoughts and emotions. He had seen her, when he went back for the Tesseract. He had seen Peggy. 
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Without anything having being said yet, I knew that our relationship was over. He knew that he could go back and be with her. I quickly retreated from Steve’s mind, immediately trying to close my own emotions off from him. The three men could sense a shift. Steve finally made eye contact and with one look, he knew that I knew. I stood up, unwilling to use the offered hands the men held out.
“Let’s do it,” I simply stated before heading back towards the compound. The two of the three men looked at each other confused.
“I’ve got this,” Steve said as he began to jog after me. “Bailey!” I ignored him. “Please! We need to talk about it.”
“Leave me alone, Steve! There’s nothing to talk about. You’ve made your decision… You chose her. It was always going to be her. It just didn’t seem like an option until now.”
“I’m sorry.” He finally caught up to me but I kept walking. “Bailey.” He grabbed onto my arm to stop me. 
I stopped abruptly and tried to shake his hand off of me. “Let go of me, Steve.”
“Not unless you promise to stop. We need to talk about this.” He sighed heavily. “At least let me explain.”
“I don’t want to waste anymore of my time on you,” I spat. “You’ve made your decision. We’re through.” I ripped the necklace off my neck then ripped my bracelet off of it before throwing the rings at Steve. “I guess you never really meant any of this.”
“I did! I meant all of it, Bailey… I am so sorry… I really do love you…”
“And I’ve always known you’ve loved her more. I just ignored it… I don’t know why I ever thought I could… It’s funny, really, thinking that I ever could have lived up to Peggy Carter. Since you changed your mind so damn fast—”
“It was the hardest decision I have ever made.”
“Obviously not since it only took you seeing her for not even a minute before deciding that I wasn’t worth it any more.” I looked straight into his eyes. “When this is all over, when everyone’s back, I don’t want to ever see you again. Ever.” I yanked my arm out of his grip as it loosened a bit when hurt washed over him. “I hope you find the life you have always wanted.” And I headed back into the compound without another word.
Once I reached the lab, Bruce, Rocket, and Tony were working on turning one of the nano bot, Iron Man gloves into an Infinity gauntlet to hold the stones. Tony looked at me as I entered the room. A concerned expression formed on his face when he noticed my stoic face. We made eye contact and I shook my head a little when I realized that he was seeing right through me. After Tony carefully placed the stones in the gauntlet, we stood back and examined it. 
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“Boom!” Rocket yelled. 
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The three of us jumped a bit and groaned at his joke. Soon, we called the Team into the lab, most of them had suited up. It was time to reverse what Thanos had done.
next >
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seraphicwiing · 4 years
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Video Analysis #5- CRISIS CORE (The Truth/’You Will Rot’) 
Alright folks, the wait is over. As promised, I finally have written up my analysis of this very pivotal point in Sephiroth’s tragic timeline. After all of the posts I have made leading up to this, we have learnt of his compassion, his friendship, his loyalty and his martial prowess. Tonight, we’re going to delve into the start of his madness. Buckle your seatbelts peeps and grab some popcorn, this is gonna be a long one. The clip is 3 minutes long, hopefully the analysis I write doesn’t ramble on for too long. Sit back, relax and enjoy the read! (Also testing out a new format for these types of posts with more structured topics and headings <3)
Before we talk about the scene linked below, we must first talk about the events leading up to Genesis’ being an utter douchebag to his little brother and pulling him further into the madness that would lead to his downfall. Sephiroth and Zack arrive at the Nibelheim reactor and quickly discover that not all is as it seems. The pods containing experiments from past JENOVA projects are revealed to the two SOLDIERS and it begins to make Sephiroth question his entire existence. He had been deprived of the truth his whole life, and even now at the cusp of it all his mind is breaking because he can’t tell what is right and what is wrong anymore. Even with Zack trying to help him, the information thrusted at him is all too much for him to bare. 
ShinRa had no idea how fragile Sephiroth’s mental state actually was, nor did they consider the fact that maybe sending Sephiroth to Nibelheim may not be such a good idea considering what was hidden there. But that’s a story for another time, let’s get this started!
‘Am I... A human being?’
Here we begin to see the slow breaking of the once proud hero. The way he says those words, the tone of which he conveys his shock and utter sadness at the fact that the life given to him is most likely nothing more than a fruitless lie. This is such a stark contrast to the Sephiroth we all knew and loved when speaking to his friends in past analysis videos. It hurts a lot more for me since I absolutely adore this character and just hearing him slowly lose his mind really hits me in the gut. After this we see Genesis confirm albeit in the most cruel, heartless and condescending way possible that Sephiroth was an experiment and while Sephiroth really didn’t need to believe a word Genesis said, his psyche had already been broken. All this information being thrown at him is such a huge tidal wave of emotion, it’s no wonder Sephiroth felt overwhelmed. 
(“No such luck. You are a monster.” Okay small tangent for a second: Genesis in this scene is doing himself no favours at all. He wants Sephiroth’s help so that he can live right? Why tell him that he’s a monster and droll on and on about how his life was a lie and that his mother wasn’t actually a real human being but an otherworldly cosmic entity AKA a Monster? AND THEN PROCEED TO ASK HIM FOR HELP THINKING THAT HE’LL JUST WILLINGLY ACCEPT? As I told a good friend of mine: Genesis is such an idiot. I AM SORRY GENESIS RPERS OKAY, I LOVE HIS CHARACTER BUT THE WAY HE ACTS IN THIS SCENE IS SO FUCKING DUMB)
Genesis calls Sephiroth the ‘Greatest Monster Created by the Jenova Project’. And this is 100% truth, we’ve all seen just how strong he is, how special Sephiroth is. This is Genesis trying to turn him onto his side by appealing to the monster and detaching him from his human self. But this was a completely wrong way to do it, especially with a fragile mind like Sephiroth’s. He wanted to be human but he knew he somehow wasn’t in a way, he was always detached. And while he always opened up to people in a manner of which was incredibly kind hearted, he always felt like his brith wasn’t normal. Now finding out the truth, he DOES NOT want to be a monster, he DOES NOT want to be considered compartively to the beasts that were in the pods and with Genesis’ continual insistence that Sephiroth is nothing more than a monster, the small rope that was keeping his mind in check was slowly breaking under the large weight of the truth. 
‘Poor little Sephiroth. You’ve never actually met your mother.” 
Here is where things get super bad for our soon to be psychopath. Genesis throws out all of his cards onto the field, revealing the truth about Sephiroth’s existence and also revealing the truth about his mother: JENOVA. Genesis was right, Sephiroth had no idea who his mother was other than the supposed truths that ShinRa told him. I like to believe that when Sephiroth was growing up, they gave him a forged picture of what his mother looked like AKA JENOVA and from that day onwards, Sephiroth has always conjured that image in his head, that same picture is on his desk back at Shinra HQ and he cherishes it. It makes it hurt so much more watching the scene with this in mind as Genesis further digs into Sephiroth’s heart by mentioning that she was nothing more than a monster and whatever he clung onto was a giant fat lie. 
Notice how Sephiroth turns away from Genesis, the natural smile is gone. His stance, his posture has gone. He’s almost lurching forward, his confident strides naught but small steps forward. His eyes are wide and close at times, he is trying so hard to process everything but it’s all coming too fast for him to handle This form of coercion employed by Genesis may have worked on Angeal but Sephiroth? Hell no. It’s also quite amusing that Genesis knocks Sephiroth out of his confused state by calling him by his full title. SOLDIER: 1ST CLASS, SEPHIROTH. He says it similarly to how a general would do a roll call of his cadets before training, and this is literally conveying Genesis’ belief that he is in full control of Sephiroth, he holds the cards, he holds the power over his little brother this time. He believes that Sephiroth will give him what he wants. Little did he know how wrong he would be however. 
‘What do you want of me?’ 
Genesis’ motivations are finally made clear and we learn what makes Sephiroth so special when it comes to the JENOVA Project. We finally learn of the project where Angeal and Genesis originated from as well as the the one where Sephiroth was from. I’ll let Genesis say why in the video becaue he’ll explain it better than I can, I’ll end up butchering it if I tried. Basically what he wants is Sephiroth to share his cells so that he can stop his degradation. He’s slowly dying a painful death and Sephiroth can stop that because his cells have been perfected. Sephiroth has remained quiet this entire time, pondering the truth while Genesis flaps his gums about being saved, he has already made the decision in his head of what he wants to do. 
‘The Truth I have sought all my life. You will R O T.’ 
And here we finally reach the end. Sephiroth with no remorde left in his heart, his mind deadset on now learning the truth of his birth, denies and what I believe he also does is disown Genesis as a friend and brother. All the memories they shared, all the times they recited and enacted ‘Loveless’ together with Angeal, all of that is now dust in the wind. His expression, the deadpan stare that he gives Genesis is a lot more similar to the evil Sephiroth scowl we all know and love. The way in which he speaks, gone is the relatively light hearted, dry humoured tone of the hero that everyone looked up too when trying to become a soldier. No, he speaks with rage and grief in his tongue. He is legitimately torn asunder after the revalation. Whether it be lie or truth that came from Genesis, he’s done with his brother. Their friendhip is over. And at last, he delivers probably the most scathing, delicious and satisfying burns in Final Fantasy. Not only does he reject Genesis, he literally tells him to ROT. To DECAY! He tells Genesis in the most fitting way to just ‘GO DIE’. ‘THEN PERISH’. It’s one of my favourite insults in Final Fantasy ever. It’s nice to see the sarcastic wit hadn’t died with Sephiroth’s kind hearted nature. 
The scene ends with Sephiroth heading to ShinRa Manor to find further information of his existence while Genesis is left at the reactor. The closing words being: ‘ I see, perfect monter indeed...’. Genesis was actually surprised when Sephiroth denied him, it was quite a priceless reaction if I do say so myself.
I guess this is a fitting way to conclude with a very salty Genesis and a very angy Sephiroth. I want to thank you all for sticking with it this far I know this was a lot longer than normal but there was so much information to digest. I hope I didn’t waffle or state anything that was super obvious from the clip. This’ll probably be the last one for a while as this definitely took a lot of steam out of me. But yes, I’m glad so many of you enjoy this, if you have any scene requests that you'd want to see me have a shot at IM me <3
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
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Bloggin’ bout HS^2′s second upd8 continued.  > (==>)
And it had felt so real, almost like he could have reached out and touched him--
--Yeah, the next page is gonna be BGDirk just standing there like I saw before I read the update, right?
> (==>)
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Two pages. Close enough.
> (==>)
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Hah!  Get fucked, Dirk.  (Even if you’re supposedly one of the better Dirks.)
> (==>)
Yep, all see-thru and everything.
DIRK: You passed out in a puddle of your own drool. And what the fuck is that on your face? JAKE: My face? What do you mean on my face? DIRK: The moustache, Jake. Who’s idea was that. JAKE: Oh! You dont like it? DIRK: I didn’t say that.
Oh come the fuck on.  He looks good in a mustache, Jane-influence or no Jane-influence.
DIRK: We’ve had this conversation before, dingus. I’m you. And I’m me. But I only exist because of your powers. The fact that I’m manifesting here, in the new universe, outside of a dream, is evidence in itself for just how absolutely boned you are.
Now what exactly do you mean by that last part?  How is this a sign of trouble?
--Is it because this Dirk thinks he’s needed?  And therefore shit will be going down?
DIRK: You’ve been a useless sack of shit for two decades. I’m here to kick your ass back into active duty.
I mean, Jake MIGHT be able to help stop this stupid goddamn war, but this IS Dirk trying to help him, so...
JAKE: And what side am i supposed to be fighting on? for jane or against her? DIRK: Against her. Obviously. What the fuck, dude.
JAKE: But you were the one who wanted her to run in the first place! You wrote her bloody speeches! DIRK: Yeah, I did. And every single one of them kicked ass. I wanted Jane to be the democratically elected president. Not a cake-slinging Jeff Bezos with a great rack.
Pfff.  I mean, you didn’t do a great job the first way, either.  It’s heavily implied things in Canon-land were about to go to shit too.
Not as FAR to shit, nor as quickly, but still to shit.  So, really, how DIFFERENT is this from the way you wanted it done, Dirk?  How can you claim this isn’t half YOUR fuck-up too?
DIRK: Don’t worry about it. The point is, you have a chance to make a difference. You’re in the perfect position to infiltrate her operation.
Oh hell no.  Don’t send him back in THERE you utter horse’s ass!  How could THAT be good for his mental health!? What the fuck about Tavros?!?
DIRK: That’s horseshit and we both know it. Jane would take you back in a second. She loves you.
I think Jane’s definition of “taking him back” would be a bit broader than his body or soul could fucking afford.
> (==>)
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Eugh.  You really liked the Condesce’s way of doing things right down to her style, huh?  To think you used to love the spoon.  Is that a fucking spork?  Is that zilly Battlespork your go-to weapon now?
Also, it took me a moment to realize those green and orange silhouettes were Jake and BGDirk.  I was a little like “how did Rose get here?!?”.
> (==>)
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Have I mentioned how good all this art is?  So much attention being paid to the use of color, to making everything look so soft and streamlined?
Looks like she’s going in for at LEAST a hug.  And the art style might be mercifully light on showing us indulgent details of just how asset-laden Jane is supposed to be.  Shots of Jake’s manly bod aside, something in me doesn’t like the traditionally-sexualized stuff pushed like that in a canon that’s been light on it for so long...
> (==>)
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Oh, that... THAT looks fake.  Or like, she’s about to turn around and happily wail on his ass or something.
JANE: Boo hoo hoo! Oh, Jake! Something awful has happened! JAKE: It--it has? You mean more awful than usual? JANE: The opposition has taken Tavros, Jake. They’ve finally shown their true colors. I knew it was only a matter of time before they attacked our family directly!
.....Ah.  Well, that explains it.  She’d never cry like that about HIM returning AFTER STEPPING OUT ON HER.
It’s then that Jake realizes that Jane isn’t mad because she’d never realized he was gone.
Poor pages, huh?  All their most dramatic gestures always undercut.
...It seems like we might see Candy kind of resolved in less of a fucked-up worldstate after all, at this rate?
She seems to have forgotten that she’d been cross with him the last time they met, because now that Gamzee is gone, there’s no one left to talk to.
It’s true. Gamzee’s absence always improves things.
> (==>)
All of it is made worse by the occasional wry glint in her eye, or moment of self-deprecation in the slant of her mouth. It reminds him of the Jane he used to know. Or the Jane he thought he used to know.
Ambition is a hell of a thing.  Seems like she’s drunk of it almost as deeply as Prince Dirk.  I’d imagine this could be a pretty consistent thing with really active Life players when they get actual power, huh?  The way it just gathers to Life players in all its forms -- power over others, status, wealth -- it’s easy to start to leverage it in ways that constitute abuse of power over others from a Riddle perspective.
At first Dirk stands at Jake’s elbow, a one-ghost support staff, before he appears to lose interest in Jane’s rant and wanders off across the office, reading the spines of books and spending way too long staring at a startlingly phallic piece of installation art,
--PLEASE let us see it.
, the provenance of which Jake doesn’t know, but could hazard a guess it wore a codpiece.
Nope, never mind. Interest lost.
> (==>)
Then he settles on Jane’s desk, propping his ghost butt there and sort of just...well. Here’s a picture of what he does.
Where is this going?
> (==>)
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Oh, so the BEST option, then.  :D
Okay. That’s a bit of an exaggeration.
> (==>)
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--Alright, forgiven.
he’s thoroughly exhausted from attempting to pay attention to his supervillain wife while trying not to look at the crotch of a ghost man from his brain.
...Okay, hold up.  BGDirk, are you trying to steer him into doing this for self-indulgent, non-comedic purposes? Or is this a bit of Prince Dirk in there?  (I mean... I can’t definitively say Jake wouldn’t have wanted this.)
And I’m still wondering how all of this is going to be relevant.  IF it’s going to be relevant.  Despite promises to the contrary that are seemingly being ignored.
> (==>)
DIRK: All according to keikaku.
Fuck you.
JAKE: i really didnt think id fall off the wagon so quickly. I dont think being here is good for my emotions to be honest. DIRK: Yeah, probably not. But that’s okay. They don’t matter. JAKE: Oh.
Yeah, Dirk, you suck at this more than you know.  This ain’t going to go as well as you “hope” I don’t think.
DIRK: Don’t know anything about stiff lips, dude. But that’s not what I mean. It’s not because you’re a man. You’re a god. JAKE: Oh right. That. DIRK: The world comes first, even at the expense of all your relationships and personal happiness. That’s what being a hero means. JAKE: I guess...i never really thought about it like that.
You’re also not guaranteed to be fucking right, you know.
There are definitely dichotomies where what was best for the world wasn’t best for the person, so far, and vice versa in Homestuck.  But Dirk’s taking his anime-flavored principles as gospel as usual, and ignoring, oh I dunno, the impact of the heart in all of this.  Some people, ESPECIALLY JAKE and other Pages so far, CAN’T operate at their best until they’re at least reasonably healthy and sure of themselves, and investments to that effect are essential to letting them slowly realize their full potential.  Brain Ghost Dirk is likely making the same goddamn mistake he made with his overbearing Dirkbot back on Jake’s island.
> (==>)
DIRK: Think what you want about Jane, but at least she realizes that none of you can ever be normal, and she never bothered to try. Can it really be a god-complex if you’re actually a god? DIRK: People like us don’t get happy endings.
...Yup.  This is the fucked-over part of Dirk’s worldview coming in full play, here.  And he believes in it so strongly that he couldn’t even fucking leave NON-CANON alone anymore.  Fuck.
JAKE: Thats bleak dirk i dont think i could possibly believe that!
DIRK: Yeah. That’s probably more a Dirk thought than a Jake one. I told you, it’s hard to tell sometimes. JAKE: Is...is that really how dirk felt the whole gosh darned time?
> (==>)
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Last page of the upd8.  Well... all I can say is, it’s a good thing he’s a fucking ghost here.  And half Jake, at that.  At least that can limit the damage.  Hopefully giving Jake just enough of a kick in the doing-something direction without being so overbearing that he makes things worse, making for a balance of...
Wait, is that why we’re here?
Maybe that finally makes some sense of all this.  Of this cut, of this small violation of that last sentence in Meat, of--  ah, yeah, I might be on to something here!  Only maybe, but still--!
We’re quite possibly bearing witness to a realm of influence where, through measures outside of his control, Dirk has a balanced impact.  Where this same ideology of his, tempered by Jake’s hopeful mindset and Dirk’s inability to take direct action, might just manage to make things better and actually make everyone happier by the end, while solving Earth C’s fucked-up Candyland state at the same time.  It’s possibly to show the readers (through the lens of a Hope player specializing in positive possibility) that Dirk, had he been restrained, COULD have had a positive impact, even at the same time that we’re shown Prince Dirk at his soul’s most overblown and heinous.
And, if we want to be optimistic..... perhaps this’ll show Dirk, too?
Canon and Non-Canon may not “meet” again.  But that doesn’t stop Dirk, via this fragment of his multiverse-spanning soul, from seeing Non-Canon.  From seeing how well things COULD have worked out, had he held back.  And if we keep cutting like this -- back and forth between the “real” story and these events in Candyverse -- perhaps the moment at which Brain Ghost Dirk realizes what he’s accomplished, realizes how much better things are because he could hold back, will coincide at the end with Prince Dirk finally, belatedly, realizing just how fucked his plan was, and understanding at the very, very end why he has to fucking die?
THAT would be interesting.
I guess we’ll see?  Talk to y’all next upd8.
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vgckwb · 5 years
ML: Chasing Shadows (A Fan Supplemental) Chapter 2: A Weekend Without Cats
So, Runadaemon continued their story, and as such I will continue this story. It’s going to be up to them when this updates, or even if. (It’s probably when).
Marinette had been having her Cat Noir dreams all week. Sure, she was getting the best sleep she ever had, but these dreams kept persisting. Some of them were simple, some were genuinely sweet, and some were...let’s just say a bit more risque.
When Friday rolled around, Marinette felt more conflicted than ever. She just wanted a good night’s sleep without thinking about Cat Noir. “Hey Marinette” Alya said, coming up to her.
Marinette turned to Alya. “AH! Oh. Hey Alya”
Alya giggled. “What was that about?”
“Sorry” Marinette said. “I was just thinking about something.”
Alya raised her eyebrow. “You mean those dreams you’ve been having?”
“ALYA!” Marinette shoutedly whispered. “You promised.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry” Alya said. “So, about the history project…” Alya looked over Marinette. Sure enough, Adrien was staring at Marinette, and by proxy her. She got a mile wide Cheshire grin on her face. “I was thinking we could spend the whole weekend at your place working on it.” Alya looked and sure enough, Adrien’s face went pale.
Marinette, on the other hand, thought about this. Maybe this’ll help get my mind off of Cat Noir. “OK” Marinette said.
Alya saw Adrien’s jaw practically drop. “Great. It’s settled. I’ll come by once I gather everything from my place.”
“Seeya” Marinette said. Marinette was excited. It had been a while since she and Alya had spent so much time together. Hopefully Hawk Moth didn’t have any plans for this weekend, because she wanted to savor this for all that it’s worth.
When she got home, she told her parents that Alya was coming over for the history project. They were OK with it. She went upstairs and started organizing her notes in the living room. Once they were organized, Marinette felt pleased. She then sighed. Tikki came out. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I dunno” Marinette said. “These past few days have been weird. The reason I started this nap regiment in the first place was to relieve stress. And it’s gotten rid of most of the stress I’ve been feeling about everything else going on. But now it’s just replaced by Cat Noir stress. I’m just not sure what to think.”
Tikki smiled. “Well, is this stress better or worse than stressing about all of that other stuff?”
Marinette smiled and blushed. “Well, I guess this is better. You’re right Tikki.” TIkki nodded.
“Marinette!” Alya called.
“Hide TIkki” Marinette said. Tikki hid.
Marinette got the door. “So, are you ready to work on this project?”
“Sure” Marinette said. Alya came in, and the two began working on the project. They got a lot done on this first night. However, they worked themselves so much that they didn't have the energy to move to Marinette’s room by the end of it, and they ended up falling asleep in the living room.
That night, Marinette’s dream was different than she had had all week. She, as Ladybug, looked around for Cat Noir. “He isn’t here” said a voice.
Ladybug turned to see that it was Rena Rouge. “Rena?” Ladybug said.
Rena smiled. “Happy to see me?”
Ladybug smiled slightly. “I guess so.”
“That doesn’t sound sincere” Rena said. “What’s bothering you?”
Ladybug hesitated. “Well, it’s just, recently, I’ve been having these dreams about Cat Noir.”
“What kind of dreams?” Rena asked.
Ladybug blushed. “Well, they vary,” she started, “but they’re basically all about him and I being a couple.”
Rena smiled. “I see. Maybe it’s just your subconscious telling you to ask him out.”
“But I can’t!” Ladybug protested. “I’m in love with...someone else.”
“Well, the way I see it, you can either ask out Cat Noir, or you can ask out this other person” Rena said.
Ladybug shrunk into herself. “I’ve tried asking the other person out...but I can’t find the courage to do so.”
“You’re afraid they’ll reject you, right?” Rena said. Ladybug nodded. “Then ask out Cat Noir. You know he won’t say no.”
Ladybug looked at the ground. “...but I can’t. What if Hawk Moth uses that against us?”
Rena laughed. “I get it. Romance is complicated. And so is stopping Hawk Moth. But if you find the right person, those risks are worth taking.” Ladybug seemed unsure. “Look. This problem is going to keep occurring until you do something about it.”
“But what am I supposed to do about it?” Ladybug asked.
“I have just the thing” Rena said. She turned Ladybug around. Ladybug now just realized that the two were on a roof, and she was now looking down. “Alright, now just leap and close your eyes”
“WHAT?!” Ladybug said.
Rena smiled. “I want you to imagine one of them catching you. Whoever does, that’s who you’ll ask out.”
Ladybug looked down again. “I’m not so sure about this.”
“Too late” Rena said, pushing her.
“WAH!” Ladybug yelped. She found her bearings and stopped flailing. “OK. Just close your eyes and imagine.” She closed her eyes, but before any remaining could happen, she hit the floor.
Marinette woke up on her living room floor. She was confused. She then reasoned that she was tossing and turning on the couch, and ended up falling.
“OK, that makes sense” Marinette said. “But why was I dreaming about Rena Rouge?” She looked at Alya, still asleep. “Maybe it’s because Alya was here? But that doesn’t make any sense. If I dreamed about Rena because Alya was nearby, that means I’ve been dreaming about Cat Noir because Cat Noir was nearby. But that can’t be. How would he come by with no one noticing?
Furthermore, he’s been in every dream of mine since I started this nap regiment. That would mean he’s been nearby every time I’ve slept, including nights. And that just doesn’t make any sense...unless I was that girl he was talking about? But then how would he know? This just makes no sense.”
Alya yawned and awoke. “G‘morning  Marinette,” she said in a groggy voice.
Marinette smiled. “Morning” she said. After breakfast and washing up, they got back to the history project. The worked on it all day, taking little breaks in between to relax a little. By the end of the night, they were almost done.
“Well, I think we can finish everything up tomorrow, what do you say?” Alya said. “I mean, I like your couch and all, but I would prefer sleeping in your room tonight.”
Marinette nodded. “Sounds good.” The two moved to Marinette’s room and sat on the floor.
“So, what did you dream about last night?” Alya asked.
Marinette was surprised. “Um, well...you?” she said nervously. It wasn’t a lie exactly.
“Figures” Alya said.
Marinette was even more confused. Right. She thinks I’m dreaming about Adrien. Who has been close by. Even closer now. But I’m not dreaming about him, strangely. And it’s not like he’s stopping over every night or something.
“What happened? I need all the deets” Alya said.
“Well…” Marinette said, nervously. She needed to figure out how to say it without mentioning she was Ladybug or that Alya was Rena Rouge. “Basically, I was telling you about the dreams, and you told me to ask Adrien out. You then pushed me off a building to help me somehow.”
Alya smiled. “Well maybe you should.” Marinette looked at her. “Not jump off a building, I mean. Ask Adrien out!”
“You know I’ve been trying” Marinette said.
“Well, maybe these dreams are trying to tell you something” Alya said. “You know; subconsciously.”
Marinette looked at her. Rena had said the same thing in her dream. “Maybe…” She thought about this whole situation some more. “Do you think that?”
“Huh?” Alya said.
“Do you think dreams mean anything?” Marinette clarified.
“Oh” Alya said. She thought about it. “Well, it could be. Especially if they’re recurring.”
“I’m just unsure” Marinette said. “It’s not that I don’t like these dreams, it’s just...there’s some problems.”
“Like what?” Alya asked.
Marinette froze. What could she say that wasn’t about her actually dreaming about Cat Noir? “Well, why are my dreams telling me to ask him out now?”
“I can think of a few reasons” Alya said. “Maybe you’re just letting out your frustrations now, since you haven't been able to do so for a while now.”
“Maybe” Marinette said.
Alya grinned. “Don’t worry about it so much. You know I have your back.”
Marinette smiled back. “Yeah.”
“Well, as enlightening as this has been, we should get some sleep” Alya said. “Good night.”
“Good night” Marinette replied. The two soon fell asleep.
Marinete had a similar dream that night. Again, she was Ladybug. “Um, hello?” she called.
“You rang?” Rena said, dropping in.
“Rena?” Ladybug said.
Rena smiled. “You still looking for your kitty?”
Ladybug thought about it. “I don’t know” she said.
“Do you miss him?” Rena asked.
“A little” Ladybug said. “I’ve gotten kind of used to him being there. More than that, last night I didn’t sleep as well.”
“Oh what? Am I not good enough for you?” Rena said.
“No! It’s not like that!” Ladybug said.
Rena giggled. “I’m just teasing. I know you and Cat Noir make a good match. You’re the only one who doesn’t see it.” Ladybug pouted. “Come on” Rena said. “You wouldn’t be dreaming about him like that if you didn’t at least like him somewhat.”
Ladybug relented. “You may be right…” she said.
“Of course I am” Rena said. “What seems to be the problem?” She sat down. “Let’s talk.”
Ladybug followed suit and sat down as well. “Well, there’s two big problems. The safety of the city, and the fact that I like this other person. I don’t know what to do about both of these problems.”
“Well, as I told you before, sometimes risks are worth taking” Rena said. “As for this other person, it’s really just up to you. I can help you, but the decision is ultimately yours.”
Ladybug glared at Rena. “Like how you helped last night?”
“Well, yeah, that wasn’t ideal” Rena said. “But here’s a question. If you didn't have to worry about Hawk Moth any more, which one would you ask out?”
Ladybug thought about it. “I don’t know. This is such a hard choice. They’re both so good. I just can’t decide.”
Rena smiled. “Well, just think on it” she said. 
“This wasn’t a difficult decision before” Ladybug said.
“Well, if this keeps up, it’s going to be more difficult” Rena said. 
“I know…” Ladybug said. Her dream faded out.
Marinette awoke the next morning. “Who would I ask out?” she asked herself.
“Did you say something?” said Alya, who was already up and about.
Marinette looked at her in shock. “Uh, it was nothing. Just another dream.”
Alya grinned. “Can’t wait to hear about this one.”
“Yeah…” Marinette said nervously. They finished the project as they thought they would, and just spent the rest of the day hanging out. It was nice. Just the two of them. Together. Free from any care they had. It was bliss.
When night fell, Alya suggested that they sleep in Marinette’s bed tonight. Marinette was unsure why Alya wanted to sleep in such close quarters, but she agreed. They got into the bed and snuggled up close together. “I wonder what kind of dream I’ll have tonight?” Marinette asked herself.
Ladybug found herself in the kitchen of Le Grand Paris. She looked at the metal box in her hands. That’s right. Lady Wifi locked Cat Noir in there. She grabbed the microwave and a stand. She put the metal in, turned on the microwave, and kicked it to face the wall. Once the signal was gone, she opened the door to see Cat Noir wasn’t there.
“He’s not coming” said a voice from behind Ladybug turned around to see Lady Wifi. “He’s gone! And nothing you can do will get him back!”
Ladybug was horrified and angry. “You!” She charged Lady Wifi and attacked her. Lady Wifi disappeared. Ladybug breathed heavily. She then looked around. “Cat Noir! Where are you?”
Meanwhile, Alya had been rudely awakened. She had just been kicked out of Marinette’s bed. “What was that about?” she said. She looked up and saw Marinette mumbling and reaching out to find someone. Alya smiled. “Well, I guess I gotta do better.” She climbed back up.
Back in the dream, Ladybug was still feverishly looking for Cat Noir. “Where are you? This isn’t fun anymore! Come on Cat Noir!”
“Hey!” Rena said.
“GAH!” Ladybug said. She pushed her away. Only to realize that it was Rena, not Lady Wifi. “Sorry!”
Alay was knocked out of the bed for the second time tonight. “Come on girl! I’m THIS close to taking this personally!”
“Sorry” Marinette mubbled. Alya couldn’t make out what Marinette said afterwards.
Alya smiled. She sighed. “I guess I have to.” She climbed back up.
Ladybug was still surprised she attacked Rena like that. “Oh nononononononono” Ladybug said, freaking out.
“What’s the matter?” Rena said, appearing to her.
“RENA! Um, well, I’m sorry about attacking you like that” Ladybug said. “I thought you were someone else.”
“It’s OK” Rena said. “You were looking for Cat Noir, weren’t you?” Ladybug was embarrassed, but nodded. “Well, he can’t be around you 24/7.”
“I know” Ladybug said.
Rena smiled. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll be with you tonight, and then you can go back to having dreams about Cat Noir. How does that sound?”
Ladybug thought on that. “That sounds...alright.”
“Good. Now come here” Rena said, opening up for a hug. Ladybug approached her and embraced. The two slept peacefully enough for the rest of the night.
When they awoke, Marinette got up and said “That was weird.” She was still a bit tired, but they had school, so getting up couldn’t be helped. “How did you sleep, Alya?” Alya looked up and glared daggers at her. Marinette knew something had happened. “Oh. I’m sorry.” She said.
Alya didn’t have the energy to explain anything “Let's just get ready. Also, don’t forget to grab the history project.”
Marinette smiled, but she knew this wasn’t over. “I won’t. Thanks for reminding me. You wash up first. You seem like you need it.”
“Thanks” Alya said.
They got ready, ate breakfast, and went to school. As they were walking in, Alya had informed her about what happened. Marinette was shocked. Wait. I attacked her twice in my dream as well. Do my dreams actually have knock on effects? “I’m SORRY!” Marinette said. The two went to sit down.
Alya turned around. She glared at Adrien angrily for a second before turning back to Marinette with a frustrated snarl. “I’m sure you are! You’re sorry I’m not your special little cuddle buddy, aren’t you?!” Alya cried. Marinette blinked down at her in complete bafflement.
“What are you talking about?” Marinette asked. Alya huffed as Adrien quickly walked around their desks to put his hands supportively on Marinette’s shoulders. Marinette didn’t even notice, focused entirely on Alya. 
Angry tears building in Alya’s eyes. “I’m not a good enough cuddler, is that it?! You don’t want to cuddle with me anymore now that you found someone better! So much for gals over pals!” Alya choked out. Marinette felt the accusation strike as she stepped back stiffly, exhaustion thrumming through her.
“What cuddle buddy? Alya, you aren’t making sense!” Marinette angrily replied, her confusion and sleepiness increasing her irritation at the situation. Marinette thought about it. Has Cat Noir been coming to cuddle with me? But how? And why hasn’t anyone said anything? I mean, if one of Paris’s superheroes showed up here to just cuddle some random person they don’t know, someone would be talking about it. Alya for sure would have said something if that was the case. This whole thing makes zero sense.
In a disbelieving tone, Alya replied “‘What cuddle buddy?’ What?! You don’t have a cuddle buddy? A certain special someone who cuddles with you all the freaking time?” Marinette looked at her angry and confused.
“No, I don’t!” Marinette shouted, obviously frustrated past her limits. Marinette knew it wasn’t cool of her to do what she did, but she had to stand firm. Especially since Alya seemed to be lashing out in a way she didn't quite understand. “Alya, you KNOW I’m a restless sleeper! I warned you last night before we crawled into bed!” Alya opened her mouth to argue but Marinette doggedly continued. “I didn’t MEAN to kick you out of the bed!” Alya’s eyes narrowed.
“Twice.” Alya hissed in a low, threatening voice. Marinette shrank in mingled embarrassment and guilt.
“Twice,” Marinette amended with a guilty wince. Marinette kept attempting to apologize for her bed behavior, but Alya seemed to be focused on something else at the moment. The teacher then began pointedly clearing her throat. Marinette sat down, and just hoped Alya would forgive her.
Later, Marinette received a text. She checked it in secret. It was from Alya. “Hey girl. About this morning. Don’t worry about it too much. I forgive you.” Marinette sighed.
She texted back. “Thanks. But what was all that ‘cuddle buddy’ talk about before?”
Alya responded. “You’ll see” she said. Marinette was pouting at the vagueness. “I promise, it will be super worth it.”
Marinette thought to herself. Alya wouldn’t betray me, would she? I mean, I guess I deserve it after kicking her out of bed twice. But she forgave me. I guess I should trust her. She has my best interests in mind.
“OK” Marinette texted back. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Trust me” Alya texted back. Marinette smiled because she did.
Alya and Nino were meeting over lunch. “I really thought that would be enough” Alya said.
“I think it is” Nino said. “We just gotta keep pushing them. You know how dense my man Adrien can be sometimes.”
Alya smiled. “And Marinette can be a bit too timid.”
“We just gotta keep this up, you know?” Nino said.
Alya smiled. “You’re right. If we really want to get through to them, and get them to see what we can see, we have to keep it going! Full steam ahead!”
Nino smiled and blushed. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Alya blushed back. “So are you.” The two shared a kiss.
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Demon Love
Incubus/demon!Hawks X inverted!reader
First, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who liked my first ever post on here, don’t worry I’m still working on part 2! And also thank you so much for liking my other stuff too! Thank you all so much!!
Alright, because today is in fact Halloween I decided to do an Incubus/demon Hawks. Basically, Hawks was your only real friend, but he convinces you to go out on halloween to a random party, where Hawks tells you something important…
Ok so in this story there is mention of a party and I wanted to make it clear I do NOT condone going to a party in a pandemic. Please just pretend that covid doesn’t exist in this time line ok :)
Warnings: cursing, light angst, ends in fluff.
ALSO i promise the next big post will be part two to Oh, To Be In Love. i just love Demon Hawks and because its Halloween I wanted to write for him! 
Word count: 2056
Please Enjoy! 
You didn’t really like people. Not all of them, but the majority were just so… annoying. Most days you just wanted to roll up into a ball and watch a bunch of anime. But, you were so lonely. So, it was a battle in yourself, you didn’t want to be lonely and yet you just didn't like people.
That's when Hawks came into your life. When you came home and saw a demon laying on your couch, you freaked out. But then you two got down to talking and he told you why he was here in your home.
“Well, to be completely honest I just got bored. And well, I thought someone who was so lonely, and yet craved human affection would be the perfect person to crash with.”
And so it bagan, to call your friendship weird would be an understatement. 
And yet, you both found comfort in each other. You would rant to him about people that pissed you off and talked about your favorite shows.
And he would tell you about how boring he found his life, how dumb he thought other demons were.
You two were not lonely anymore, you had eachother now.
One day, you two were just mindlessly watching anime and talking, when all of a sudden Hawks paused the show and turned to you.
“Hey, I heard about this human halloween party,” he looked at you with his stunning eyes. In fact, you would argue that every part of Hawks was stunning. His beautiful blond hair, his angelic wings, and even his demonic horns.
You gave him a questioning look, “ok?”
Hawks rubbed his neck, he never really said anything about you not having a tone of human friends. If he didn’t like it he sure as hell didn’t express it to you.
In fact, you thought he preferred it. He wasn’t needed or anything, but you got the sense he did enjoy your presence. 
If he didn’t then why would he stay up till 1 a.m with you as you both watched old anime re-runs and laughed so hard about random shit. 
For once in your life you allowed yourself to feel comfort in another person. Well, maybe not a person per say. But still, you deeply enjoyed Hawkses presence, so much so you found yourself falling in love with him.
In fact, you remembered exactly when you feel for him.
You weren’t having the best day, you came home exhausted and just totally drained. 
You walked through the door and Hawks immediately picked up on the fact that something was wrong with you.
So when you sat down he asked you about it, and you just burst into tears.
That was the first time he held you, you felt so safe in his arms. The sensation was like hugging a warm fire. He just felt so warm.
After you finally calmed down a little, Hawks tried to get you to talk to him. He made terrible jokes just to get your mind off it. He even offered to cook you dinner. 
But instead you just buried your face into his chest, not wanting to leave his warm embrace. He gently stroked your back, trying to soothe you. 
After so long of knowing Hawks, you released you didn’t really know him that well. you looked up at him and finally asked, “Hawks, why did you really come here?” 
Hawks was taken aback by your question, which was understandable since the question came out of nowhere. But he relaxed with a sigh. Maybe it was because of how long and how hard you sobbed, but he seemed to pity you a little bit. Still holding you close, he said, “Well, from where I’m from I’m actually the 2nd highest ranking demon. But I don’t know,  everything moved so slow for me. I mean, I wasn’t completely lying to you when I told you about how I was bored and wanted someone to talk to. But really, I don’t know I was just kinda… drawn to you.”
He smiled down at you, making you feel right at ease…
And then you feel for the stupid demon.
“Why are you bringing this up,” you asked defensively.
Hawks just gave you that stupid smile, that stupid, heart racing, beautiful smile. “I don’t know, I just thought it would be fun.”
You gave him a questioning look. To which he proceeded to boop your nose, “really, Halloween would probably be the only time I could ever go out into the human world with you.”
The bastard had a point. But still, you got a bad feeling…
“You promise you're not up to anything?”
He put his hand to his heart, “you have me word.”
You smiled at him, “ok yeah. Maybe this’ll be fun, ohhhh what should my costume be? Wait, how will we get in? Also, how did you find out about this party?”
He just gave you a silly laugh at your questions.
But little did you know, he was planning something.
And little did you know how sorry he was for it 
You and Hawks went as demons.
Mostly because you at least wanted to be careful. But also because you two thought it would be fun.
And although it was, you did end up burning yourself with a hot glue gun trying to get the wings to look like Hawks’s. To which Hawks told you that he would finish the wings.
“You burned yourself!? Here give me that,” he snatched the hot glue gun from you. Before you could tell him off he said, “demons can’t burn dummy. Now go finish up the rest of the custom. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
That last statement made your heart race a little. 
You shook your head and tried to get back to work.
So yeah, here you two were, in a random party with people you don’t even now.
At first, you just clung to Hawks, not wanting to leave his side, too nervous to talk to anyone else. But Hawks seemed like a social butterfly with everyone around him. But you weren’t too shocked about that. The man just had a way of making everyone around him like his presence. 
But you? You just wanted to leave. The party was loud and so… so full of people.
“Come on dove, really go out and meet some people.”
You looked at him quizzically, “Why would I? I have you dumby.”
And with that, you went off to get some punch and maybe some snacks.
Hawks sighed, he really didn’t want to have to do this. But he knew this was the right thing, the right thing for the both of you.
As you went off to go get punch, Hawks turned around to leave.
He wanted to stay, he wanted to say goodbye, he wanted to hug you close to him one more time.
But he couldn’t. And he knew that.
But that didn’t mean he wasn't unbelievably sad to leave you.
You couldn’t find him anywhere.
And now you were panicking. 
Did something happen to him? Was he hurt? No he was a demon, and he was the 2nd highest demon. He could take care of himself.
So then what? Where was he? Did you do something wrong?
Eventually you just left. In fact, you practically sprinted home. Maybe he was at home, maybe he just got tired and forgot to tell you. Yeah, that had to be it!
Just as you rounded a corner, you heard him, “What are you doing?”
You turned towards him, and gave him a relieved look, “Oh thank God, you had me scared for a sec-”
“I asked you a question,” he said, cutting you off.
It was then when you realized his expression. He looked down right pained, like something was hurting him.
“Hawks? Are you ok? I came looking for you,” now you were getting even more concerned.
He gritted his teeth, “Yeah, well I didn’t ask you too.”
You were taken aback, Hawks had never been mean to you ever. Even when you two argued, he never got this mean. 
He continued, “Seriously, just back off ok? Go and make really friends. I don’t want to be some fake friend to you.”
“What,” the hurt in your voice seems to pain Hawks even more. “Why are you doing this? You are my friend. What are you talking about? Did I… did I do something wrong?”
Hawks clenched his fists, “No, that's not-”
“Then why?!” the hurt in your voice even surprised you, “I thought we were so close I-”
But Hawks cut you off, not with his words but with his lips. He held your head, kissing you deeply. You were shocked by just how warm his lips were. It was almost like he lost himself in your lips, so when you made a muffled sound it seemed to bring him back to reality. 
He opened his eyes and pulled away, he could see how completely shocked you were.
He took a shaky breath, “I- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.”
You were still shocked but managed to speak, “what the Hell... you can’t just tell me you don’t want to be firends and THEN KISS ME!” now you were screaming. “MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND,” you screamed at him.
Hawks was taken aback, but held his ground, “I don't- I don’t want you to get hurt. I-I need to leave, but I didn’t want you to be lonely again.”
Your anger soon boiled down to confusion. “What,” you asked him.
“I- I’m hurting you so much just by being here,” he paused for a second, “I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but I couldn’t help it! When I first came here, to this stupid world, It was out of per bordem. But then I found you and I guess I just fell in love! But I can’t be in love with you, it could never work. A demon and a human, please, don’t make me laugh. I would be putting you at so much risk. Ane even if we wanted to be together, I mean the odds are imposi-”
Now it was your time to kiss him. And as soon as you did? It was like he melted right into you. Holding you close to him as you combed your fingers through his hair. He hugged you closer to him as you did so. The sensation was damn near intocacting. When the two of you had stopped, you were both out of breath.
“I love you too,” you stated. Hawks looked up at you, eyes filled with shock. “And I don’t care, screw the odds, who gives a damn.” you smiled at him.
Hawks just laughed, “After my hole little speech that's what you took away from it?”
But you just smiled lovingly, “Sorry, I guess I just don’t give a damn.”
For a few seconds he didn't answer, but then he smiled, “Well if that's the case, then I’ll tell you my real name, It’s Keigo, Keigo Takami. it’s my demon name.”
You sighed, “Keigo huh,” you leaned in, your lips hovering softly over his, “I love it.” And with that, you kissed your demon love.
Is this cringy?? Probably, but I enjoyed writhing it so I hope you enjoyed reading It! 
Have a fun and SAFE Halloween!! <3
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virgiltheanxious · 6 years
It’s Not Your Fault, Don’t Take Blame
Title:  It’s Not Your Fault, Don’t Take Blame
Previous | Next
Pairing: Eventual Analogical
Warnings: None, I believe.
Word Count: 2,630
Summary:  Virgil is a single father. Not only that, but he is a transgender single father. After leaving his parents and not looking back, he is left to raise his child with only help from his High School friend Patton.
As he plans a small birthday party for his son, Aeneas, he meets Roman and Logan. He never had any friends outside of Patton before but now it seems he not only has two new ones but a love interest as well.
Now, the only question is what will he do when someone calls child protective services on him?
A/N: Hello hello! Welcome to my big bang story. I’ll be honest when I say that this is not my favorite piece of work (i do think that spot is almost always going to be taken by Next Time) but I am glad that I wrote it. I’d like to thank my artist, @narwhal-virgil, for participating in this big bang with me and dealing with my dumb butt. I’d also like to thank the mods at @ts-storytime for making the big bang possible. Anyhow, on with the story!
Tags: Ask if you want to be tagged! General:  @my-happy-little-bean @nightmarejasmine
Rubbing his face in exasperation and shutting off his car, Virgil took a minute to look at the dark sky. He had just worked a particularly hard shift at the bookstore, and then had a shift at a cafe, and then he had a shift at Market Basket until 7 pm. Now, he was sitting in the driveway to his crappy apartment building and had to deal with a rambunctious little kid. He really wasn’t sure if he had the energy after the three back to back shifts. Normally he only had two, but he had agreed to help out the bookstore at short notice. They were down a person after they called in sick, and he really needed the overtime money to help make ends meet because even if he had three jobs, the pay rate at part time just wasn’t cutting it. To top it all off, he didn’t have any other income
He sighed once more before stepping out of the car and letting the brisk winds whip away at his unzipped sweatshirt as he walked to the door. He noticed Patton’s car was parked outside, which meant that they were already there and playing around.
That made him crack a little smile. The mess that was probably going to be there didn’t however. As he walked up the stairs, he hoped that maybe Patton had decided to have Aeneas pick up his toys instead of leave them everywhere. Virgil jammed his key into the lock and turned it. As he opened the door he immediately heard Patton talking.
“Kiddo, looks like your dad is home now!” He said.
“Papa!” Aeneas shouted as he came out from the living room, which was right next to the door. Virgil grinned and picked him up, bringing Aeneas up to his hip and kissing his temple.
“Hey An! What have you been up to?”
“Patton and I have been coloring! Wanna see?” He asked, pointing over towards where Patton sat next to the table in the living room.
“You know I do! Let’s take a look, shall we?” Virgil said as he walked over and sat down at the table with Aeneas still on his hip. Aeneas shifted to sit in Virgil’s lap and grinned. Virgil pulled the coloring book that had scribbles in it over to them. He looked through each of them, noticing how Aeneas had actually stayed in the lines for the most part.  Which, for a nearly five-year-old, it seemed quite remarkable. It was still scribbles though. Virgil let out a wow every now and again when Aeneas decided that a drawing needed an explanation to it.
When they had reached to the final, unfinished drawing, Virgil moved Aeneas off his lap and kissed his forehead as he started to finish the page that he had started earlier. Virgil stood up, and looked across at Patton, who had stood up as well.
“Alright, buddy, I’m going to get started on my dinner, okay?” Virgil said, walking across the room and into the open area that was his kitchen. He opened a cabinet and put a pot on the stove and got out a measuring cup as he glanced back into the living room to make sure Aeneas hadn’t moved or anything. When he saw Aeneas coloring, he looked turned on the sink and filled the measuring cup with 1 cup of water, then put it in the pot and turned on the stove. He pulled out the rice and measured it in the cup and then leaned on his back on the counter as Patton walked over.
“Hey, Virge. How was work today?” Patton asked, sitting down at the small table across from Virgil.
In response, Virgil rubbed a hand over his face. “Crappy as ever. I really need to find a full time job soon. I already have the degree and as long as I can get Aeneas a babysitter when I work later shifts, it would be so much better. I’d probably get a better pay than I do with the three part time jobs right now.”
“Probably? Virge, we both know you’d get a better pay. Besides, I wouldn’t mind helping watch Aeneas. He’s a nice kid and-”
“No, Patton. I can’t just keep asking you to watch him with no pay. Speaking of, I can give you twenty bucks-” Virgil moved to grab his wallet from his back pocket and reaching out to hand it to Patton- “because of the time you spent watching him today.”
Patton shook his head and pushed Virgil’s arm back towards himself. “No, it’s fine! I’m just doing what any friend would do. It’s no problem, really.”
Virgil let out a breath through his nose and put the twenty back in his wallet. He put the wallet away and decided he would slip it into Patton’s coat later.
“By the way, your water is boiling now,” Patton said, pointing at the pot.
“Crap!” Virgil exclaimed, putting the rice in the water and stirring it with a spoon.
“Quarter for the bad word jar, Papa!” Aeneas shouted, walking into the kitchen with the mason jar that had a few quarters and dollars in it already. Virgil smiled and once again fished out his wallet, pulling a quarter out from the change side of it and putting it in the jar.
“Hey, what do you use that money for, anyway?” Patton asked, standing up.
“When the jar fills up, I put it in a box. Eventually, I’m going to put it in the kid’s college fund. Or just his adulthood fund if he doesn’t want to go to college. For now, it’s just for emergencies. Like if something breaks with the car or if I need money for shots and can’t cover it with the other stuff. Stuff like that, you know? Next time I buy a pair of shoes I’m going to use that box to have two separate ones so I don’t take the money out of that one, you know? I’ll just split the jar in half and if it isn’t even I’ll put the more money in his adulthood fund.” Virgil explained as he cover the rice with a lid and turned off the stove.
Virgil turned around to see Patton’s grinning face. “...What?” He asked.
“You’re such a good father, Virgil! You try so hard to make sure Aeneas has a good life, you work three jobs, and you still spend lots of time with Aeneas. It’s so great.”
“Well, I want to give Aeneas a better life than I was given from my parents. I think it’s because I want to make up for their mistakes, honestly…” Virgil trailed off looking at the floor and tapping his finger on his leg.
“You’re doing such a great job, Virge. I wish I could help you more with all your stress, but I’m not sure what to do.”
“Patton, you help by just talking with me and watching Aeneas when I need it. You don’t even make me pay for having him stay at your daycare. You’re doing so much more than I could ever ask for. I really appreciate it, Patt,” Virgil said, looking up at Patton with a grin. He then turned to check Aeneas once more. He was relieved to find that he was picking up his crayons from coloring and bringing them to his room. “He’s a good kid, too. I really got lots of luck. I’m shocked that I was allowed this. Who in their right mind said ‘Hey! This guy is transgender but he’s got a great kid and friend!’ I feel like that just isn’t how it’s supposed to work.”
“Well, of course you have a great friend! I’m just acting as any real friend would. And with Aeneas… He’s just a kid now, wait until he gets older. Then he might start acting out a bit, you know? He’s only five right now.”
“Yeah, a five year old that cleans after himself! I’m not saying that isn’t bad… That’s literally the best. But he’s five, don’t five year olds leave a mess all the time? I mean, you should know because you run a daycare,” Virgil questioned.
“He may be five, but he’s smarter than you’d think. Kids can detect the stress that people are in and when they figure out something that might make you less stressed… they get into a habit to do that thing more often. There’s another kid that Aeneas plays with at school that acts the same way, really. It’s not extremely common that it acts as them cleaning up after themselves, but that’s just how some things work.”
Virgil turned back around and got a bowl out of the cabinet to put his rice into. He pulled off the lid and put all the rice into a bowl. Quickly, he grabbed a fork and closed the drawer wither his hip. Sitting down in the seat Patton was previously sat in, he sighed.
"Virgil, just... don't worry about it, okay? You're just gonna make it through the day. It's what you deserve, that's why you have such a good son and friend. You deserve us. I promise you.," Patton said, rubbing Virgil's shoulder. "By the way, is that all you're going to eat? You really should eat more. It's not healthy to just eat a bowl of rice."
"Nah, Patt. I'm fine with this. I ate at work, so this’ll do. Besides, I gotta make sure there’s stuff for Aeneas, and I can’t buy groceries for another week,” Virgil reasoned, shoveling rice into his mouth.
“You surely look like your starved and Virgil, you need to take care of yourself, okay? It’s important. You need to eat right so you can take care of Aeneas,” Patton commanded, sitting down across from Virgil.
Virgil shrugged as he ate another spoonful. “Well, yeah I do, but I also have to pay the bills. I can survive on what I’m eating as long as I have the bills paid. I mean we don’t even have a TV, so that cuts out one bill and we’re barely keeping a steady pay. Putting aside money is good too, so that’s what I’ve been trying to do. It’s fine, we’re good. I’m done growing so I don’t need to eat much, and I hate eating breakfast anyway. As long as I eat right at lunch or dinner I’m fine.”
“Whatever you say, I guess,” Patton said, putting his chin on his hand. “I’m just a little worried is all. I care about you and want to make sure you’re staying healthy. Also, stop talking with food in your mouth.”
Virgil swallowed. “Sorry. But really, don’t worry about it. I’m doing as fine as ever.”
Virgil stood up with his now empty bowl, bringing it to the sink and putting it under the faucet. He let it fill up with water before washing it. As he finished, he dried it with a towel and put it back in its rightful place in the cabinet.
“Well, it was nice talking to you Virge but I should probably get home. It’s getting a little late and I gotta deal with kids in the morning.”
Virgil nooded and snorted. “Yeah, but you deal with them every day. Surely you’re used to it by now,” He said, watching as Patton got his coat from the closet.
“That may be true, but it doesn’t make it any less tiring!” Patton said, grabbing his shoes and tying them.
“Aeneas, come say bye to Patton!” Virgil shouted. In response he heard Aeneas running into the kitchen.
“Bye Patt! Thanks for watching me!” Aeneas said, crawling onto Patton’s lap and hugging him tight.
“Any time Aeneas! How about next time we do a puzzle? I can bring one with me!” Patton said excitedly, putting Aeneas down and standing up.
“Yeah!” Aeneas said, jumping up and down. Virgil smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
“Alright buddy, you should start getting ready for bed now. Go brush your teeth and get changed, alright?” Virgil said, rubbing Aeneas’s back and pushing him ever so slightly out of the kitchen.
“Okay Papa! Will you put me to bed?” Aeneas asked, waiting for a response right before the hallway started.
“Of course buddy! Just make sure you’re ready!” Virgil answered, waving bye to Aeneas as he ran off into the bathroom.
“He really is a sweet kid,” Patton said.
“Yeah, he is. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you here any longer than you need to be. Bye, Pat. I’ll see you tomorrow when I drop off Aeneas. Which will probably be around 2:30 by the way, I don’t have a shift until three,” Virgil rambled.
“Alright,” Patton said, hugging Virgil. “Bye! Have a nice night and make sure to get some sleep!”
“I will!” Virgil responded, closing the door behind Patton as he left. He then went to his window in the living room that face the parking lot and made sure Patton got to his care safely and had pulled out of the lot. Virgil ran a hand through his hair and made his way to Aeneas’s room.
“Hey bud! Do you want me to read you a story, or do you just want to be tucked in?” Virgil asked, standing in the doorway.
“Just tuck me in, okay? I don’t need to be read to now! I’m a big boy,” Aeneas pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah you are.” Virgil chuckled, pulling back the covers as Aeneas crawled into the bed. He made sure to cover him and tuck him in tight. “Sweet dreams, Aeneas,” Virgil said, kissing his forehead to which Aeneas responded by pushing Virgil away.
“Night, Papa.”
Virgil backed out of the room and shut off the light as he exited, then closed the door. Sighing, VIrgil rubbed a hand over his face and went into his room. He grabbed a change of clothes for himself and then went into the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as he was done, he changed and walked back into his room to his desk in the corner. He pulled an envelope to his face and opened it, revealing the cost of the bill he needed to pay at the end of the week before it would be late. He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. He knew he had enough money- he always made a way to make sure he had enough money.
The bills weren’t cheap, but it was just what he had to do to make sure that Aeneas could have at least a semi-not crappy house.
Virgil rubbed a hand over his face and put the bill back down. He grabbed his laptop and crawled into bed, putting the covers over his legs and opened netflix on his chrome web browser. He may not have a TV, but he did want to make sure there was some other form of entertainment for him and Aeneas. His laptop was expensive- probably more so than some crappy TV would be- but it worked and functioned properly, so he couldn’t really complain. He had Netflix because it was so much cheaper than having cable and he could still let Aeneas watch some TV shows with it. So it worked.
Once again, he turned on reruns of The Office, plugged in his crappy headphones, and sat back lazily as he watched. It was practically his nightly routine, which he truly was trying to get out of. He could be doing so many more important things, but he really just needed to relax for a bit. So that was how he fell asleep, laptop on his legs and sitting back on his bed.
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