#cape may family photographer
herpsandbirds · 5 months
Have you heard of the rain frog?
Mais bien sur!
I am assuming that you're referring to the African rain frogs, Breviceps spp., although there are species of frogs in Australia also called rain frogs. I've posted a lot of African rain frogs, check it out…
Plaintive Rainfrog (Breviceps verrucosus), family Brevicipitidae, Hogsback, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Photograph by Chad Keates
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blueiskewl · 5 months
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Gustav Klimt Portrait Found After Vanishing Nearly 100 Years Ago
It is one of the last works the artist painted before his death in 1918.
One of the last paintings by the renowned Austrian artist Gustav Klimt has miraculously been found after vanishing nearly 100 years ago.
The painting, titled Portrait of Fräulein Lieser, was found in Vienna after last being seen by the public in 1925. Until now, the only known photograph of the painting had been held in the archives of the Austrian National Library. The picture was likely taken in 1925 in connection with the Klimt exhibition by Otto Kallir-Nirenstein in the Neue Galerie, Vienna.
Since then, its location had been a mystery.
"The rediscovery of this portrait, one of the most beautiful of Klimt's last creative period, is a sensation," said the im Kinsky auction house in a statement announcing the discovery. "As a key figure of Viennese Art Nouveau, Gustav Klimt epitomizes fin de siècle Austrian Modernism more than any other artist. His work, particularly his portraits of successful women from the upper middle class at the turn of the century, enjoy the highest recognition worldwide."
The work of art will go up for auction at the im Kinsky auction house in Vienna on April 24 and is expected to fetch millions on the market.
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"Klimt's paintings rank in the top echelons of the international art market. His portraits of women are seldom offered at auctions. A painting of such rarity, artistic significance, and value has not been available on the art market in Central Europe for decades," im Kinsky auction house said. "This also applies to Austria, where no work of art of even approximate importance has been available."
The painting will now travel worldwide on short exhibitions until it is auctioned and is set to be presented at various locations internationally, including stops in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain and Hong Kong.
The model for the painting is labeled as Fräulein Lieser, also known as Margarethe Constance Lieser (1899-1965), daughter of the Austrian industrial magnate Adolf Lieser. But new research by the im Kinsky auction house into the history and provenance of the masterpiece has opened up the possibility that Klimt's model could have been another member of the Lieser family -- either Helene Lieser (1898-1962), the first-born of Henriette Amalie Lieser-Landau and Justus Lieser, or their younger daughter, Annie Lieser (1901-1972), according to officials.
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"In April and May 1917, the sitter visited Klimt's studio in Hietzing nine times to pose for him," im Kinsky said. "Klimt probably began the painting in May 1917. The painter chose a three-quarter portrait for his depiction and shows the young woman in a strictly frontal pose, close to the foreground, against a red, undefined background. A cape richly decorated with flowers is draped around her shoulders."
The portrait is thought to be one of Klimt's last paintings and was done shortly before he died of a stroke on Feb. 6, 1918. The painting was left, with several small portions of it unfinished, in his studio and it is thought that the painting was given to the family who had commissioned it after his death.
The painting, however, would soon vanish and the exact fate of the painting after 1925 is unclear.
"What is known is that it was acquired by a legal predecessor of the consignor in the 1960s and went to the current owner through three successive inheritances," im Kinsky auction house said.
ByJon Haworth.
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Happy 28th! Here’s my May 2023 fic rec! So many great fics, organized by word count. Enjoy!!!
Stranger Stars by shaylea (212k)
Five years ago, Africa offered a grieving Louis Tomlinson an escape from an England he couldn't tolerate. Now it's become home as he leads overland tours across the continent with his best friend and driver Zayn Malik. What's meant to be just another ordinary six-week trip from Cape Town to Nairobi turns into anything but, when future lawyer/current photographer and songwriter Harry Styles and his friends join Louis' latest set of passengers.
Own the Scars by crinkle-eyed-boo / @crinkle-eyed-boo (144k)
“But I don’t belong here,” Louis insists. “Why do you say that?” James asks. “These people are all drug addicts and alcoholics,” Louis shrugs. Something sparks in James’ eyes. “And you’re not?”
Louis has never felt like he was good enough: for his stepdad, for his life-long best friend, for the life he's supposed to want. After an accident that nearly costs him his life, Louis' parents send him to rehab where he’s forced to face his demons. On the long and difficult road to recovery, Louis must confront the truths he’s been avoiding about his future, his relationships, and his sense of self-worth. Because before he can love anyone else, he’s got to learn how to love himself first.
Run Away Home by hattalove / @hattalove (106k)
Louis stands, in the middle of a clearing with his hands in his pockets, and stares. This boy—God, this gorgeous, gorgeous boy. He seems so clumsy, confused at the best of times, but there’s a wisdom about him as he speaks, a maturity that belies his age.
Louis is hopelessly, wildly attracted to him.
or, louis is a successful jockey down on his luck, struggling to get his life back on track after an injury. harry has a horse, a house fit for a prince, and a broken heart.
it takes them a while to figure out that they need each other.
Love of My Life by likelarry / @likelarryfics (80k)
Harry is 36 and recently divorced after he's finally come to terms with his sexuality.
Louis is the 28 year old who helps him find his way and is everything Harry has ever dreamt of.
The one where Harry struggles to really accept who he is and Louis is there every step of the way.
And I’m Weeping Warm Honey and Milk (That You Stay Surrounding Me) by  fangirlflailings (78k)
Louis is a first-year medical student, still a little tender as he recovers from a personal trauma. Harry works, amongst other things, as a professional cuddler, though he comes with baggage of his own. They don’t mean it to, but the intimacy that blooms between them quietly changes them both.
Your Memory Over Me by shimmeringevil / @shimmeringevil (64k)
Three years have passed since Louis last saw him, but all it took was a few minutes in Harry’s presence for him to be relegated to the desperate twenty-one year old that was practically begging his boyfriend for an ounce of reassurance that he still cared about him.
Harry shouldn’t be here. He’s brought too many unresolved feelings with him, that Louis thought he’d never have to face.
It’s Harry’s apparent apathy that’s the most difficult to come to terms with. Anger, he could handle. Regret, he would welcome. But Harry’s amiability, and carefree demeanor can only be born from indifference.
He’s moved on. He doesn’t care. And that is something Louis doesn’t think he’ll ever be strong enough to face.
OR - The worst heartbreak of Louis’ life walks right back into it when his parents invite their family friends on an all-expenses-paid trip for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Facing a past that he tried to bury long ago, Louis learns that some people have a way of sticking with you even when they’re gone.
You Taught Me How To Love (You Taught Me How To Stop) by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain (50k)
"I was always better at hand to hand than you," Harry growls, even as he leans his weight into the blade. It's small, sharp, has a handle of gold roses.
"I don't know about that." Louis moves his arm forward, makes the presence of the barrel of the gun fit snugly to Harry's hip. "I think we just play differently."
"You going to shoot me?" Harry asks, those wild eyes tracking over Louis' face. "Do it."
"I think I've put enough scars on you," Louis answers, means it about the stretch marks still lining the sides of Harry's stomach, but it lands a little too raw. There are other scars on Harry's body that Louis blames himself for, scars inside too.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Why Qrow being Ruby’s father serves no purpose whatsoever other than to ruin the writing, themes, and elements of RWBY.
Qrow: Listen, Ruby... I'm your dad.
Ruby: Wait like... what?
Yang: He means Dad isn't your father, and I guess that means we're cousins instead of sisters?
Ruby: Wait, really?
Qrow: Yeah, kid... look I-
Ruby: What does this really change?
Qrow: What?
Ruby: Yeah, that's what I'm asking. Do I start calling you 'dad' instead of 'uncle Qrow'? Do I start calling Dad "uncle Tai"?
Yang: Whoa now Rubes, let's not jump to any conclusions. Are we really sure Qrow and Raven are siblings?
Qrow: Wait, what?
Ruby: "Oh no, everything about my life is a lie, I am so distraught!" Like is that what you're expecting?
Qrow: No, I'm not --
Ruby: If nothing needs to change, then I don't care. I'm the daughter of Summer Rose. I know THAT for sure because it's what everyone's been telling me all my life and the photographic evidence is right there. Taiyang raised me as his daughter, you raised me as your niece, Yang raised me as her little sister. Even if none of that is *entirely accurate* I don't care. Brothers, if you told me I was adopted and introduced me to my birth parents then I'd say "cool" and try to learn what they're all about, but I'm not going to change how I feel about the people who raised me, who I've known all my life.
Yang: Maybe I came out of Raven Branwen, but Summer Rose is my mom. She did the job when Raven wouldn't. It doesn't matter WHO I came out of, Summer was the one who raised me.
Ruby: So if you're telling me that part of me came from you, when a bunch of me *holds up Crescent Rose, flourishes red cape* ALREADY came from you, the only thing it tells me is that you slept with my mom.
Yang: And Qrow, let's be honest... that's not too surprising. You all slept with each other.
Qrow: Hey I didn't sleep with Raven!!
Ruby: So unless you can tell me how this changes ANYTHING, Uncle Qrow, I am telling you, I. Do not. Care. I still love you and you'd need to do a LOT worse to convince me to stop.
As much as I love qrow and as much as some fans like to shit on tai for having the NERVE to suffer from depression after summers death, Qrow was a whole mess throughout most of this series for anything that wasn't a fight or mission from oz.
He may have taught ruby how to fight but using his own words, because he believed he was "cursed" I highly doubt he spent THAT much time with her growing up.
Having him be her dad takes him from a somewhat irresponsible but loving uncle to a drunk neglectful father who passed his kid off to his best friend after potentially cheating with said best friends wife and then proceeded to spend the next decade and a half mostly drunk and doing everything under the sun EXCEPT raising his daughter for more than a few weeks at a time.
It also gives him very little moral highground to be talking about raven not being there to raise yang.
In short it ruins his character for very little payoff.
Realistically what would ruby stand to gain by learning qrow was her father, other than more unneeded stress? It's not like he has a magical bloodline as well to give her a power boost.
The very notion that Ruby would change if Qrow was her biological dad is completely against the overall themes of RWBY as a show, and about the messages regarding found families. It's such a basic, melodramatic, and frankly old-fashioned notion that someone's blood parent is Of Great Importance that it feels completely out of step with the characters themselves.
In Conclusion: Nothing would change. Qrow didn't raise Ruby, so he isn't her dad. Ruby & Yang were raised as sisters, that doesn't change no matter what. It's the time they spent together that matter. Blood doesn't matter. Qrow is still a part of the family, but he didn't put in the work to be a father, he has no right to be that. And Ruby already loves Qrow, it's not like they're estranged or unfamiliar, if anything would change maybe what Ruby calls him. But even then, again Tai is Ruby's dad, he read her bedtime stories, tucked her in and changed her diapers. Taiyang is Ruby's dad.
So I will say this once again to the anonymous person who spammed that stupid ask in my inbox...Let this godforsaken theory die and be buried for good.
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okscna · 6 days
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the scent of gardenia and pear mingling with the acrid smell of cannabis smoke ; feeling more at home in the water than on land ; a collection of tarot decks ; a freshly rolled joint tucked behind your ear ; heavily lidded eyes hidden behind vintage sunglasses ; pomegranate scented body wash ; bohemian skirts and crochet tops ; a camera constantly hanging from your neck ; hand strung beaded bracelets ; drinking hot chocolate out of a novelty mug .
FULL NAME:  oksana odita.
GENDER:  cis female.
PRONOUNS:  she/her.
SEXUALITY:  pansexual.
AGE:  twenty six.
DATE OF BIRTH:  february 12th
ZODIAC SIGN:  aquarius.
OCCUPATION:  freelance photographer / tarot card & tea leaf reader at merlins.
FACECLAIM:  greta onieogou.
VOICE CLAIM:  greta onieogou.
HEIGHT:  5'6".
BUILD:  slim.
HAIR: shoulder length ringlet curls, sometimes strightened, sometimes braided. often different styles.
PIERCINGS & TATTOOS:  click for pinterest board.
STYLE: click for pinterest board.
TRAITS: + adaptable, ardent, candid, dauntless, resilient, spontaneous. - boisterous, impatient, fickle, impetuous, flaky, recalcitrant.
LIKES:  the ocean, surfing, 90's television, traveling, gardens, photography, painting, ceramics/pottery, horror movies, fantasy novels, hot chocolate, witchcraft, crystals, making jewelry,
DISLIKES:  liars, hypocrites, wet socks, crowded rooms, the cold, sweating, sad movies, being sick, rough textures, airplanes, snakes.
FEARS:  snakes, spiders, large bugs.
PHOBIAS:  ophidiophobia : phobia of snakes.
HOBBIES:  surfing, reading tarot, collecting stones/crystals, photography.
PET PEEVES:  people who are rude to service people, people who play their music loudly without headphones.
ICE CREAM FLAVOUR:  pistachio.
WEATHER: crisp fall days.
BREAKFAST FOOD:  scrambled eggs
DINNER FOOD:  steak.
DESSERT: tiramisu.
COLOURS:  heather grey, royal purple and pastel yellow.
ITEM:  labradorite worry stone.
COFFEE ORDER: iced chai latte with brown sugar syrup and pumpkin spice cold foam with cinnamon sprinkled on top.
PERFUME: cloud by ariana grande.
oksana odita was born on febuary 12th to valeriya odita, a recent widow. oksana's father passed away a month before her birth in a car accident, and her mother was never really the same. despite that, she was all oksana knew and all she had, as neither of her parents had family in the united states as both of her parents were immigrants and had no contact with their families back in their own country. her mother, a wiccan, was practically disowned by her family back in russia for her religion, and while her father never really decided on a religion, his family in nigeria did the same. while oksana wished that she had more family, she understands why she and her mom have no contact with them.
sana born and raised in madera, california until she was nine, when she moved to cape may, new jersey with her mother. her mother never really had a reason for moving, always being more of a go with the flow kind of personality that she passed on to oksana. being a kid was hard for oksana, as she was teased mercilessly for her mother being a "witch". but she kept her head high and didn't let it bother her. she had a hard time making friends until high school where she finally seemed to find a group of people that accepted her.
as she got older, her mother started involving her in the wiccan religion, now that she was getting to be old enough to make her own choices. she taught her to read tea leaves and tarot cards, and which stones were good for different things, and sana loved it. she started to make spell bags for her friends for protection and love, and she was constantly reading the cards for them. she graduated with her class in the top 20%, and enrolled in the local community college, something that her mother encouraged her to do. she graduated with a bachelor's degree in fine arts in photography, something she had loved since she was a child. she immediately went for her masters in fine arts.
after graduating with her masters degree, sana was lost. 24 years old and she had no idea what to do with the degrees she had just worked so hard for. she got a job at a local department store taking photos of babies and children who never really want their pictures taken. it drained her energy and after three years of being miserable her mother convinced her to quit the job and move back home for a while, which is exactly what she did. she got a fun new job at merlins, reading tarot cards and tea leaves, which she absolutely loved.
about two years ago sana started doing freelance photography work. senior pictures, maternity shoots, wedding portraits and more. she was doing what she had always dreamed of - taking beautiful photographs and making people happy. she dreams of making enough money to open her own gallery sometime in her thirties.
learned how to surf as a kid in california and has been obsessed ever since. this is her surfboard.
favorite show of all time is buffy the vampire slayer, and given the opportunity will 100% talk your ear off about how buffy summers is the single greatest female character in television history.
has never stepped foot inside of a sephora (sephora can be fucking scary okay) and uses strictly affordable drugstore makeup. lately when it comes to makeup she is obsessed with brightly colored graphic liner.
has three bookshelves throughout her apartment and they are all chock full of fantasy and horror novels.
has a doberman pincher named mary jane, whom she recused from a kill shelter in california. while she can be distrusting (especially towards men) she is a total sweetheart if she learns to like you.
best friend / ride or die. exes on good terms. exes on bad terms. models. surfing buddy. smoking buddy. good influence. bad influence. partner in crime. childhood friend. high school sweetheart. random hook up. college buddy. former best friend. anything you think will fit!
coming soon!
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scotianostra · 1 year
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June 12th 1843 saw the birth of David Gill, the Scottish astronomer.
David Gill was born at 48 Skene Terrace in Aberdeen the son of David Gill, watchmaker and his wife Margaret Mitchell. He was educated first at Bellevue Academy in Aberdeen then at Dollar Academy, he spent two years at the University of Aberdeen where amongst his tutors was the great James Clerk Maxwell. After his education he joined the family business, but his heart was elsewhere and he later sold it to take up astronomy more professionally. Gill was one of the great astronomers of the late 19th century, and was universally recognised as such.
He made significant contributions to many areas of astronomy, including the measurement of the sun’s distance and the completion of a successful photographic survey of stars in the southern hemisphere, known as the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung. Gill is credited, along with fellow Scot, George Washington Wilson with being the first person to take a photograph of the moon in 1868 and the first photo of the Great Comet of 1882 from Cape Town as seen in the pics.
David Gill appears to be the only Scot to have been awarded the Bruce Medal for lifetime achievement in astronomy; the only Scot to have been awarded the Watson medal for outstanding astronomy by the US National Academy of Sciences; and the only Scot to have been awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society twice.
Unusually though Gill was never astronomers royal for Scotland, indeed of the 10 appointed to this post only three were Scots, quite an alarming statistic seeing as we had so many eminent men hailing from our shores.
Back to David Gill, His meticulous observation coupled with precision instrument design was Gill’s forte, in what nowadays would be known as astrometry. Gill provided a number of definitive astronomical constants used to create nautical almanacs throughout the world, constants such as the mass of the moon, the scale of the solar system, the wobble of the Earth’s axis. This led to better almanacs, helping to make navigation at sea more accurate.
In particular he spent years working out the average distance from the Earth to the sun, which is vital for calculating the scale of the solar system. This distance is the yardstick used to measure all stellar distances. He took it from having an accuracy of +/- 4% at the start of his career to within 0.1% of modern values. There is no point n just throwing numbers up there that most of us wont understand, but if I tell you that he predetermined the distance to the sun with such precision that his value was used for almanacs until 1968 I think it will put it more into perspective.
He may never have been our Astronomer Royal, David Gill did however hold the post of President in the Royal Astronomical Society, President from 1909-11. Gill passed away in 1914 aged 70 and was buried in the grounds of St Machar’s Cathedral, Aberdeen.
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the-wolfverse · 2 years
Earth 305
On this Earth the members of the Wayne family don't need capes to be heroes.
     Dick Grayson is an officer of the GCPD. He was adopted by Bruce Wayne after his parents were murdered. When his parents died Jim Gordon was the officer on the case and was the one who talked to Dick. He waa the one that made Dick want to be an officer.
     Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Jim Gordon Gotham's current commissioner. She become a office like her father and was Dick's partner until she got shot chasing a suspect. The injury may have left her unable to walk but she refused to stop helping those in need. She now works as a 911 dispatchers.
     Jason Todd is a doctor at Gotham general. He use to be a kid living on the street until he decided to try and pickpocket Bruce Wayne and ended up getting adopted instead. Jason became a doctor to help people like his mother. He is feared by everyone at the hospital especially the interns and tents to butt heads with his coworkers.While he might not have the best beside manor he is one of the top Doctors in his field. He also tends to bend the rules to help his patients.
     Stephanie Brown is Jason's annoying intern who is determined to be his best friend. Unlike Jason Stephanie has the best bed side manor in the hospital and gets along with most patients and coworkers. She also likes to sneak her patients cupcakes and candy.
     Tim Drake is an crime sence investigator. His parents were murdered while he was six and their killer was never caught. Bruce took in the kid and tried to help him. When Tim was ten he started studying cold cases and crime sence photos. A few years later he be came a crime sence photographer. Eventually he started talking to the investigators, helping them with cases. After helping solve a really big case he became the youngest crime sence investigator.
     Cassandra Cain is a dancer instructor for kids with disabilities. She was Dick's first case as a Officer in training. Her father had been training her to become an assassin. From the moment he saw her he knew he had to take her in. He finally got to bring his litter sister home after weeks of paper work and conceiving Bruce to take her in. At first she was very standoffish but she eventually warmed up to them and grew to lover her new family. She dosen't speak much but she has a special sign language she and her students use.
Damian Wayne is Bruce's biological son. Jason wants him to be a doctor while Dick wants him to be an officer. Bruce wants him to be happy. Poor Damian has no idea what he wants. He has a lot to live up to with all his older siblings being considered hero's of Gotham but for now can he just be a normal kid?
     Duke Thomas is a transfer from bludhaven who came to take over Barbara's old job. He had no idea what he was getting into. He tries to be a good cop and play by the roles sadly his new partner seems determine to get them both in trouble. 
Click here to read on ao3
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myfavebandfizz · 3 months
Wonderland Magazine - Interview - Feb 28 2024
The band — which consists of artists dodie, Orla Gartland, Greta Isaac and Martin Luke Brown — tells us about the origins of the project and its visual identity, and lets us inside with some BTS from their shoot.
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“The whole FIZZ gang! We look really sad here but believe it or not this shoot was a truly joyous experience”
From FIZZ: Sometimes in life, you sit round a kitchen table with your friend-family and throw around a dream idea with each other. It could be; “let’s move to the countryside, build ourselves a little commune with a vegetable garden and cook dinners for each other every night”. Or perhaps; “let’s start a band using all of our experience of the music industry we’ve gathered over 10 years of being solo artists and write the most unserious, least-pressured album that is bursting with joy and saturation. Then let’s build a world of circus-y, wild lore around the whole thing in which we all live in an imaginary part theme-park, part alien-town called FIZZVILLE complete with a strawberry jam volcano, fireworks and ferris wheels.”
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“Secret To Life” video BTS — Dodie wears collar & trousers RENLI SU and dress DALSTON COSTUME HIRE; Martin wears shirt, suit & trousers VIVIENNE WESTWOOD and cape & hat DALSTON COSTUME HIRE; Greta wears bodysuit & cap PRANGSTA COSTUMIERS; Orla wears shirt DALSTON COSTUME HIRE, corset CAT O’BRIEN, trousers FRASER, belt ROSIE EVANS, and earrings THE VXLLEY “These photos were taken on set for our music video for ‘The Secret To Life’ – shoutout to our photographer Karina Barberis for always capturing each moment perfectly. These were taken right before we had to chain smoke 20 cigarettes just to get one shot (worth it).”
The commune is yet to be built, but our wacky, wonky, maximalist band idea somehow grew legs and crawled its way over to our favourite studio to record an album under the band-name; ‘FIZZ’. Our record needed some accompanying visuals, and so in May ’23 our baby band travelled to Barcelona to work with an incredible creative director and his team – JP Bonino and ‘The Rats’; a creative collective we knew could match our vision of an alternative world. Our darling friend and visionary Karina Barberis came along to capture the vibes.
This was our first photoshoot as a band, and the novelty of it all was exhilarating; focussed makeup artists and hair stylists would be flicking their brushes on cheeks and tugging extensions on hair, all while we watched our glossy best friends pose to imaginary scenes dreamed up by JP, jumping on trampolines to his encouraging directions between camera flashes. “The joke’s gone too far, guys” – a quip we found ourselves saying constantly, to try and process the huge gratitude and luck we felt to have such a talented team on our side.
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Left: Orla wears bonnet MAISON GRACIEN; jacket MIETIS “Orla looking like the most ethereal dreamgirl the world has ever seen” – Dodie
Right: Greta wears necklace BOMBA Y LOLA; dress MIRO MISLJEN DESIGN “I think this might be the best photograph of anyone, ever?” – Orla
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Left: Orla wears necklace PIA GLASSWORKS; jacket MIETIS “The apple was fake but the the smile was not – I felt VERY powerful in this coat. This look was from the ‘High in Brighton’ artwork” – Orla
Right: Orla wears full look VICTOR VON SCHWARZ; earrings AGUSTINA ROS “This was my look for shooting the single artwork for ‘Close One’ – it was one of my favourites from this whole shoot!” – Orla
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Left: “Secret To Life” video BTS — Dodie wears collar & trousers RENLI SU and dress DALSTON COSTUME HIRE Right: Dodie wears top ANEMONE; corset RAMP TRAMP TRAMP STAMP; shoes MERRFER “I don’t usually totter about in kitten heels, but these made me feel like the princess I never knew I could be” – Dodie
The FIZZ family portrait that came from that shoot was the first time we sat together as a band – a familiar feeling of being in front of the camera but with an added giddiness of feeling part of something bigger, the weight of standing alone shared.
After a whirlwind album release, we bookended our campaign with the music video for “The Secret To Life” – a meta, Truman show-esc story created by director Lulu Vicedomini and brought to life by another dedicated team, including Art Directors Studio GAAS and our favourite stylist, Rubina Marchiori. The novelty of sharing space on set together was still very much alive – smoking cigarettes and miming to our own song, as if we had stepped into an imaginary playground game. But 6 months on from our Barcelona shoot something felt different – we had settled into ourselves individually and as a group, and we felt comfortable standing there in our outfits crafted by Rubina, mixing our own personal styles with the funhouse brief from Lulu’s world. We positioned ourselves together on camera, adjusting automatically to our wild range in height as a band and making sure to equally disperse attention – this was not our first rodeo anymore!
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Left: Dodie wears Dodie jacket NIMPH; top ANEMONE; trousers VICTOR VON SHWARZ “Shortly after this I had a member of the production team put their legs over my head (don’t ask).” – Dodie
Right: Martin wears top and skirt ANEMONE; trousers OUTSIDERS DIVISION “Slay. Just slay” – Greta
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Martin wears hat OUTSIDERS DIVISION; top MACOSCH “Introducing the new Strawberry Shortcake… I love this shot of Martin, taken on set whilst shooting our single artwork for ‘The Secret To Life’” – Dodie
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Left: Nails by Isabella Ching “Shoutout to Isabella Ching for these crazy, powerful nails.” – Greta
Right: Martin wears top THE ARTELIER “When Gorka attached this giant mohawk to my head I was like damn this joke has got out of hand. God bless tho. Tribrows is it let’s go” – Martin
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Left: Greta wears corset LUPE; Dodie wears top NIMPH “Dodie & Greta in their looks for the family portrait shot that we used to first launch the band!”
Right: Dodie wears jacket COMO LA TRUCHA AL TRUCHO; top ANEMONE “Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair babe. I LOVE THIS LOOK FOR DODES! – Orla”
BTS Photography - Karina Barberia
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Styling - Rubina Marchiori
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Styling Assistants - Francesca Russo, Jingying Tohi, Erica Welhenage
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Makeup Artists - Georgia Olive, Esme Horn, Molly Whiteley
"Secret To Life" Video BTS Hair Stylist - Giuseppe Stelitano
Main Shoot Photography - JP Bonino
Main Shoot CGI - SanPol2000
Main Shoot Production - The Rats Company, Tomás Pintos, Casiana Flores Piran
Main Shoot Styling - Mora Giordana, Lupe Galinarez, Sofía Osiadacz
Main Shoot Makeup - Maria Baaten, Isabella Ching, Laura Martin, Victor Aragon
Main Shoot Hair - Gorka Larcan, Catalina Sartor
Main Shoot Art - David Méndez Alonso, Raquel Magyary
Main Shoot Artwork Lights - Cecilia Gil
Main Shoot Artwork Digital Assistant - Guillermo Delgado
Main Shoot Studio - D105 STUDIOS
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gloamingdawn · 1 year
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May 26 - Day 6 Gleaming / Hurt
Lyn had bypassed the press line in favor of a more direct path to the door made by flanking around the back of all the photographers — none of whom bothered to look behind them, after all, the people they were here for were more than glad to pose and chat in the view of all their lenses 
She’d grown up dirt poor, but had danced in the splendor that was the Royal Ballet centuries ago, back when she had been a much younger girl. The hubbub reminded her of a show the King and Queen had formally decided to attend, meaning the rest of the Court had to as well to keep up appearances. The opulence then certainly hadn’t matched this — and this time she didn’t have to powder over her freckles. 
It was funny how out of place she felt, even if she knew she looked fucking amazing. Her ivory silk dress was extremely simple, but clung to her like a second skin. The color of it highlighted the honey tones in her tanned skin, made all those freckles pop, and really accented the brightfire blaze that was her untethered tumble of copper orange hair. The off-the-shoulder and low back cut showed off the umber brown Skold Ashil designary tattoos that capped both of her shoulders, as well as the runes scarred in a line down her spine by one of the seers that spelled out blezan til megin. 
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That blessing of power would carry her through — even if, maybe, only the vrykul word for blessing would only be visible to most people. A demi-cape of golden feathers started at the level of her shoulder blades, with some of the longer feathers ending just at the top of her hips. A scattered few of them glimmered softly with an ethereal witchlight. Most of them were her own, but a few had come as gifts from distant Sisters. 
She would always be more comfortable on the battlefield, in a surgery suite, or her quiet cabin with her young son than here, surrounded by socialites. But it was nice to experience something different and shake off the rust. 
The art was all beautifully done, Vixannya was a master of her craft, and it had become a pleasant personal game to spot the muses and speak to them a little about the process. Something, certainly, to pass the time. Plus it had been a delight to run into another feathered friend, Sana, drifting around the show. 
It wasn’t surprising to learn that the legendary afterparty was, in fact, just that. She felt the most at home in the Earth space, unsurprisingly, but she’d made a point to check out the others as well. Serazhen, a former patient and Tart colleague, pressed an old fashioned into her hand while she watched Ryland and his performing companions drift about in the shifting skybox. He truly seemed in his element, and she couldn’t help but smile as he pulled off a couple particularly difficult movements with expert ease. 
Fire was where her breath truly caught, though. 
Of course that was where Dicenne was; it only made sense. Their complications had been years ago now, and things were certainly better now between them than they had been in a long time — mostly thanks to Ash being a very charming and well behaved toddler who had only had one meltdown at a small family cookout in Ratchet. 
But it still felt wrong to look for more than a few moments, even if that was technically a big part of why he was here, on stage, indulging. 
So she drifted back to Earth and meandered in the familiar comforts of food, drink and dance.
@daily-writing-challenge / @vixannya / @rylandfalkov / @dicenne
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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The Contemporary Lens
From the series Jannah Lies at the Feet of Thy Mother by Haneem Christian © Haneem Christian
Haneem Christian
Mother and Daughter (above right) depicts Cheshire Vineyard and Autumn May, who are both trans feminine artists from Cape Town, South Africa. Photographed by Haneem Christian, whose practice explores queerness and transness in relation to family, race and identity, the portrait is focused on the relationship between the two individuals. It also questions “what it means to be a mother to a child who you have chosen and has chosen you.” For Christian, who won second prize in the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2022, this work “is a celebration of the family we choose.”
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herpsandbirds · 9 months
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Cape May Warbler (Setophaga tigrina), male, family Parulidae, found across much of central Canada and the NE United States
photograph by James Overesch Photography
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gotham-emergency · 2 years
Gotham Emergency, a Batfamily first responders Au
(Feel free to repost or reference anything from my account)
On this Earth the Children of Bruce Wayne don't need capes to be heroes
        Dick Grayson is an officer of the GCPD. He was adopted by Bruce Wayne after his parents were murdered. When his parents died Jim Gordon was the officer on the case and was the one who talked to Dick. He waa the one that made Dick want to be an officer.
     Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Jim Gordon Gotham's current commissioner. She become a office like her father and was Dick's partner until she got shot chasing a suspect. The injury may have left her unable to walk but she refused to stop helping those in need. She now works as a 911 dispatchers.
     Jason Todd is a doctor at Gotham general. He use to be a kid living on the street until he decided to try and pickpocket Bruce Wayne and ended up getting adopted instead. Jason became a doctor to help people like his mother.  He is feared by everyone at the hospital especially the interns and tents to butt heads with his coworkers.While he might not have the best beside manor he is one of the top Doctors in his field. He also tends to bend the rules to help his patients.
     Stephanie Brown is Jason's annoying intern who is determined to be his best friend. Unlike Jason Stephanie has the best bed side manor in the hospital and gets along with most patients and coworkers. She also likes to sneak her patients cupcakes and candy.
     Tim Drake is an crime sence investigator. His parents were murdered while he was six and their killer was never caught. Bruce took in the kid and tried to help him. When Tim was ten he started studying cold cases and crime sence photos. A few years later he be came a crime sence photographer. Eventually he started talking to the investigators, helping them with cases. After helping solve a really big case he became the youngest crime sence investigato
     Cassandra Cain is a dancer instructor for kids with disabilities. She was Dick's first case as a Officer in training. Her father had been training her to become an assassin. From the moment he saw her he knee he had to take her in. He finally got to bring his litter sister home after weeks of paper work and conceiving Bruce to take her in. At first she was very standoffish but she eventually warmed up to them and grew to lover her new family. She dosen't speak much but she has a special sign language she and her students use.
     Damian Wayne is Bruce biological son. Jason wants him to be a doctor while Dick wants him to be an officer. Bruce wants him to be happy. Poor Damian has no idea what he wants. He has a lot to live up to with all his older siblings being considered hero's of Gotham but for now can he just be a normal kid?
     Duke Thomas is a transfer from bludhaven who came to take over Barbara's old job. He had no idea what he was getting into. He tries to be a good cop and play by the roles sadly his new partner seems determine to get them both in trouble. 
Click here to read on AO3
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tuckedinnature · 1 year
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Picture(s) of the Day: Cape May Warbler
Setophaga tigrina
ORDER: Passeriformes
FAMILY: Parulidae
A lot of them I know, but it was so rare to not only locate the Cape May we were hearing but to see and, even more rare, to get the chance to photograph him! There was something on that limb that he really enjoyed.
Did you know: (via Cornell Lab's All About Birds) The average clutch size of the Cape May Warbler (6 eggs) is greater than that of other warblers. This large clutch size may allow Cape May Warbler populations to expand rapidly during outbreaks of their preferred prey, spruce budworms.
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kaomogi · 1 year
5 US Beaches That Should be On Your Bucket List
The United States is full of amazing beaches that are perfect for a beach vacation. From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast and everywhere in between, there’s an abundance of beautiful US beaches that you should make sure to visit at least once in your lifetime. Here are 5 beaches in the US that you must visit in your lifetime.
La Push, Washington: A small beach town located on the Olympic Peninsula, La Push is one of the best-kept secrets in the Northwest. With its stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and its unique rock formations, La Push has become a popular destination for photographers and adventurers alike. During low tide, you can explore some of the hidden sea caves or enjoy a relaxing walk along one of its many trails. It’s definitely worth a visit!
Cannon Beach, Oregon: Located just south of Astoria on the Oregon coast, Cannon Beach is known for its iconic Haystack Rock formation rising up from the surf. This beach offers plenty of activities including hiking, surfing, fishing and even whale watching during certain times of year. Don’t forget to take time to relax and enjoy everything this beach has to offer – you won’t regret it!
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Hawaii: One of Oahu’s most beloved beaches is Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve. This protected area is home to an abundance of marine life including colorful fish and coral reefs that attract snorkelers from around the world. Whether you want to explore beneath the waves or just soak up some sun on shore, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve should definitely be added to your list!
Cape May Point State Park, New Jersey: If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat away from all the hustle and bustle of city life then Cape May Point State Park is ideal for you. This park features breathtaking views of Delaware Bay with sandy beaches perfect for lounging or walking along nature trails where you can spot wildlife like foxes and ospreys. Don’t forget to stay until sunset for an extra special treat!
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk California: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is perfect if you want a little bit more action than just relaxing at the beach. This historic amusement park features classic carnival rides like roller coasters as well as delicious treats like funnel cakes and ice cream cones right off the boardwalk. Afterward, head down onto Main Beach which offers stunning views of Monterey Bay while still being close enough to all kinds of shops and restaurants making it easy to get back into town after sunset!
There are so many incredible beaches across America that we couldn't fit them all into this post! But if you're looking for some amazing places to relax by water or just have fun with friends and family these five should be at top your list when planning your next beach adventure! So grab your sunscreen and start exploring - there's so much beauty waiting out there!
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jimhair · 2 years
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I’ve heard mermaids may be found where the river runs into the sea Gia, Cape Lookout, July 29, 2022 🇺🇦💔🌎💔🌏💔🌍💔🇺🇦 #earth #america #human #family #photographer #grandchildren #play #time #ocean #beach #photography #mediumformat #4x5 #camera #bnw @ilfordphoto #film #blancoynegro #blancetnoir #Hēiyǔbái #siyahbeyaz #白黒 #shirokuro #blackandwhite #istillshootfilm #photojournalism #pdx #portland #nw #northwest #oregon 220758 FP4 1947 Graflex Super D Kodak 190mm 5.6 Ektar https://www.instagram.com/p/CgsT_blvWjO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Your Guide to a Smooth Canada Tourist Visa From India - Nestabroad Immigration
The vast expanse of Canada beckons travelers worldwide, with its awe-inspiring natural wonders, cosmopolitan cities brimming with cultural diversity, and a welcoming atmosphere. Indian citizens yearning to explore this magnificent country can unlock unforgettable experiences with a Canada Tourist Visa. Imagine scaling the majestic Canadian Rockies, strolling through the historic cobblestone streets of Quebec City, or immersing yourself in the vibrant multicultural mosaic of Toronto – a Canada Tourist Visa makes these adventures and more a reality.
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NestAbroad: Your Trusted Partner for a Hassle-Free Canada Tourist Visa from India
At NestAbroad, a leading immigration consultancy with a proven track record in visa applications, we understand the complexities of navigating the Canada Tourist Visa process for Indian citizens. Our team of dedicated visa specialists is here to guide you through every step, ensuring a stress-free and efficient application experience. We offer personalized consultations, meticulous document reviews, and expert assistance throughout the process, maximizing your chances of obtaining your Canada Tourist Visa from India.
Exploring Canada's Wonders: Reasons for a Tourist Visa
A Canada Tourist Visa from India empowers Indian citizens to enter Canada for temporary purposes such as:
Leisure Travel: Explore the breathtaking beauty of Canada's national parks, from the majestic Banff National Park with its turquoise glacial lakes to the rugged Cape Breton Highlands National Park boasting dramatic coastlines. Wander bustling cities like Toronto, a center of global commerce and cultural diversity, or Vancouver, a scenic metropolis nestled amidst mountains and water.
Visiting Family and Friends: Reconnect with loved ones residing in Canada. Strengthen family bonds, create lasting memories together, and experience the joy of shared experiences.
Cultural Exploration: Immerse yourself in Canada's vibrant cultural tapestry. Attend world-renowned festivals like the Montreal International Jazz Festival or the Calgary Stampede. Explore unique traditions of diverse communities, from French-Canadian heritage in Quebec to vibrant First Nations cultures across the country.
Understanding Eligibility for a Canada Tourist Visa from India
To be eligible for a Canada Tourist Visa as an Indian citizen, you must meet specific requirements established by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Here's a breakdown of key eligibility factors:
Valid Indian Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Canada and have at least two blank pages for visa issuance.
Proof of Travel Plans: Demonstrate a clear purpose for your visit by providing a detailed itinerary, booking confirmations for accommodation and flights, and evidence of pre-paid tours if applicable.
Financial Stability: Present proof of sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your stay in Canada. This may include bank statements, income tax returns, or proof of employment.
Ties to India: Establish strong ties to your home country, demonstrating your intention to return to India after your visit in Canada. This could include proof of property ownership, employment, or ongoing studies in India.
Medical Insurance: Obtain valid medical insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in Canada to cover any potential medical emergencies.
Preparing a Strong Canada Tourist Visa Application
A well-prepared application is crucial for obtaining your Canada Tourist Visa from India. Here are some essential steps to follow:
Gather Necessary Documentation: Meticulously collect all required documents as outlined by IRCC. These typically include a completed visa application form, your valid Indian passport, passport-size photographs, proof of travel plans and accommodation, financial documents, proof of ties to India, and medical insurance confirmation.
Review Application Thoroughly: Carefully review your application before submission to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Eliminate any errors or inconsistencies to avoid delays in processing.
Seek Professional Guidance: Consider seeking assistance from an experienced immigration consultant like NestAbroad. Our team can guide you through the application process, ensure completeness, and address any complexities you may encounter.
Additional Considerations for Indian Travelers
Here are some additional factors to keep in mind when applying for a Canada Tourist Visa from India:
Processing Times: Be mindful of potential processing times for your Canada Tourist Visa application. Plan your trip well in advance, considering the estimated processing timeframe provided by IRCC.
Visa Fees: There are associated fees for applying for a Canada Tourist Visa. Familiarize yourself with the current visa processing fees and ensure you include the necessary payment with your application.
Biometric Requirements: In some cases, you may be required to provide biometric information (fingerprints and photograph) at a designated visa application center.
Benefits of Partnering with NestAbroad for Your Canada Tourist Visa from India
NestAbroad offers a multitude of benefits to ensure a smooth and successful Canada Tourist Visa application process for Indian citizens:
Personalized Guidance: We provide one-on-one consultations to understand your specific travel plans and tailor our services accordingly. This ensures your application effectively reflects your intended visit to Canada.
Expert Document Review: Our team meticulously reviews your application package to ensure all necessary documents are included and presented accurately. We identify any potential issues and guide you on rectification, minimizing the risk of delays or rejections.
Streamlined Process: We guide you through each step of the application process, eliminating confusion and streamlining the procedure. Our clear communication keeps you informed throughout the journey.
Maximized Approval Chances: Our extensive experience in handling applications for Canada Tourist Visa from India allows us to anticipate potential roadblocks and devise strategies to overcome them. This significantly increases your chances of obtaining your visa and embarking on your dream Canadian adventure.
Contact NestAbroad today and schedule a free consultation with our visa specialists. Let us navigate the complexities of the application process of Canada Tourist Visa from India. With our expertise, personalized approach, and unwavering support, you can embark on your dream Canadian adventure with confidence. Get ready to experience the breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and captivating culture that Canada has to offer.
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