#captain america x platonic!reader
i-am-true-believer · 1 year
To the fanfiction readers, the late night scrollers, the ones who are trying to escape, to find a moment of peace, to find comfort or a safe place to land.
You're safe here. You are safe, you are loved and you are important. The world needs you and my dear sweet one, I promise you it will get better. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it will get better. People love you and are here for you.
You are valid, you are enough. I promise you that you are enough.
So take a deep breath and relax a little for me. I hope you find the fan art or the fanfiction you need. I hope you find comfort and safety here. I hope you know you're favorite character is waiting for you, they adore you and are so excited to see you.
You can do this sweet one. Life is tough but so are you. Your comfort character believes in you and so do I, the random girl on Tumblr who knows it gets better, because it did for her.
❤️💛True Believer 💛❤️
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its-really-dry · 2 years
y/n: nah bc i have a genuine question
natasha: what is it detka?
y/n: why is manslaughter illegal?
natasha: ..... excuse me?
y/n: like, why can't men laugh?
steve: im sorry to intrude, but did you just pronounce manslaughter as mans-laughter?
y/n: making manslaughter illegal is taking away mens rights which is v sexist
natasha: babe *sigh* that's not how it wor-
y/n: well this is a safe space. manslaughter is heavily encouraged here
yelena: *smirks* glad to hear that *runs to clints room*
natasha: YELENA NO *runs after her*
y/n: yeah lena, womanslaughter is already legal!
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Captain America: Civil War - 5
Summary: Team Cap gets taken to the Raft.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries. Language. Mentions of Y/N. A little angst if you squint. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: Thank god it took me very little to finish this one! Hope you like it!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The Raft.
That’s where they sent you after they arrested you in Germany. The fucking Raft.
You haven’t even seen Wanda since you were handed your very unstylish new clothes and they made you change.
You got separated from her when they took you to your cell between Scott's and Sam's. You dread what they're going to do to her, but you're powerless to stop them.
You sit on the ground of your cell and don’t move from there, barely registering what happens around you until the sound of clapping snaps you out of your trance. 
“The Futurist, gentlemen!” Clint shouts but you still don’t move, just listening to the scene. “The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not.”
“Give me a break, Barton.” You hear Tony say and almost show some emotion, but stop yourself. “I had no idea they'd put you here. Come on.”
You hear Clint spit and then say “Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony.”
“Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for…”
“Criminals?” Clint interrupts him. “Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Sam, or Y/N, or Wanda. But here we are.”
“Because you broke the law.” Tony says.
“Yeah.” Clint says back and starts chanting “La la la la la” while Tony talks, making you grin slightly.
“I didn't make you. You read it, you broke it.” Tony keeps talking. “Alright, you're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side.” he says and your face falls again immediately, knowing Tony went too far.
“You gotta watch your back with this guy.” Clint says before slamming his hands on the bars angrily. “There's a chance he's gonna break it!”
“Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark.” You hear Scott say from the cell on your right.
“Who are you?” Tony says, his voice closer to you than before, and you can hear Scott mumbling “Come on, man.”
Tony gets to your cell and sees you sitting on the ground, hugging your knees tight to your chest, your head resting back on the wall while you look straight ahead.
Tony is nothing short of shocked when he sees your face all beat up and bruised, your arm bandaged with blood seeping through it showing just how big and deep the cut is, all courtesy of Ayo.
“I never wanted to see you like this...” Tony says softly but you don’t even react to his words.
He’s standing in front of you but it’s like he’s not even there, like you’re looking right through him to something more interesting behind him.
Tony sighs and shakes his head before moving to Sam’s cell.
“How's Rhodes?” Sam asks right away.
“They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow. So… fingers cross.” Tony answers and you close your eyes, grateful that he’s still alive at least. “What do you need? They feed you yet?”
“You're the good cop now?” Sam asks almost in disbelief.
“I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went.” Tony answers calmly.
“Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me.”
“Oh, I just knocked the 'A' out of their 'AV'.” Tony says, much too playfully for your taste. “We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his next sentence. “Just look. Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.”
Your eyes snap open at his apology and, even though you can’t see either of them, you know Sam’s feeling the same way as you, which is confirmed by his next sentence. “That's a first.”
“Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get. We don't know each other very well. You don't have to-”
“Hey, it's alright.” Sam interrupts him, then you hear him sigh and after a little pause he says “Look, I'll tell you… but you have to go alone and as a friend.”
“Easy.” Tony says and Sam proceeds to tell him all about the Hydra base in Siberia and the other supersoldiers.
When Tony leaves, Sam once again tries to make sure you’re okay even if he hasn’t had luck at getting an answer out of you since you got here.
He knocks twice on the wall between you two then pauses and then knocks three more times fast before talking, a thing you two started doing since you both moved into the Avengers Compound so you would know it was the other knocking right away. “Are you okay?”
You don’t answer him and can hear him sighing before continuing talking.
“Look, I’m sorry you got caught up in this and-”
“I don’t regret the choice I made, Sam.” You interrupt him before he can finish his sentence, speaking up for the first time since you got arrested at the airport. “As much as this sucks, it was the right thing to do. I know it was.”
You don’t say anything else. Sam can tell you mean it and he knows better than to push you.
“They’ll be okay.” He says after a moment of silence and then lets you be.
You know he means Steve, Bucky and Tony but you can’t help but think he’s trying to reassure you that Bucky’s gonna be fine.
And you can only hope that he’s right.
A couple of weeks after Tony’s visit there’s a commotion in the prison.
You haven’t so much as made a sound since that day, aside from your daily knock on the wall between you and Sam so he can make sure you’re okay, knowing you well enough to know you don’t want to talk but still wanting to check in.
But you can’t help but let out a loud gasp when you see Steve just standing in front of your cells.
You look around when the cell doors open and you hesitantly get up from the floor and walk towards Steve. He hugs Sam, then you, then Clint and then pats Scott on the back, but doesn’t linger long before he’s guiding you towards another level where Wanda is.
You get to her just as the door to her cell opens and you rush inside with Clint to take off her collar while he takes off her straightjacket. You hug her tightly and wrap your arm around her with Clint to help her move you since she looks a little worse for wear.
You manage to move through the prison without problems. You have to hand it to Steve, he’s a hell of a criminal.
When you get to the landing pad you see the Quinjet ready for take off and you all rush inside just to see Bucky at the commands and you smile brightly at the sight.
You have no time to comment, though, as Sam shouts “What are you waiting for?! Go!”
Bucky rolls his eyes but calmly says “We have one more coming.”
You frown. One more? You turn to Steve confusedly but before you can ask anything you can see blond hair darting into the Quinjet and then Natasha’s there.
Bucky instantly takes off and you all take seats and buckle up.
There’s a moment of silence while everyone processes what just happened, but you break it while looking at Natasha that’s sitting directly in front of you.
“Are we gonna talk about the hair?” You ask arching your eyebrow with a smirk.
She groans in annoyance and you can hear the others chuckling while she says “We are not.”
After a few hours you all get to a safehouse and Steve ushers you in before showing you around.
It’s not bad: a secluded cabin with three bedrooms, not too big but Steve assured you you wouldn’t be staying there long anyway. Which makes sense, you're on the run now so this is just temporary.
After the tour Bucky approaches you in the living room and only then you notice he’s missing his metal arm.
“You flew the jet with only one arm? That’s impressive…” You can’t help yourself as you reach to touch his left shoulder, your eyes fixated on it. But stop on your tracks when you feel his right hand carefully cupping your cheek.
Your eyes snap up to his and you can see him thoroughly inspecting the wounds in your face that are still healing a little. He grimaces when he looks down at your bandaged arm and whispers “I’m sorry…”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Sergeant.” You smile softly at him and put your hand over his still on your cheek, trying to reassure him that you’re fine.
“I bet you can, doll.” He chuckles.
You’re too busy staring at each other to notice everyone’s attention is on you until Steve clears his throat with an apologetic look on his face.
“We need to go, Buck.” He says and you look confusedly between the two men.
“I’m going back into cryo.” Bucky clarifies for you.
“Oh.” Is all you can say and your eyes widen for a second before you force yourself to put on a more neutral face.
“It’s okay.” He smiles at you, but you feel like he’s trying to convince himself as much as you. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, doll.”
You try your best to smile and not look too bummed out. “I bet you can, Sergeant.”
You hesitate for a moment before surprising him, the others and even yourself by giving him a hug. He hesitates too before delicately hugging you back and, after a moment, you pull away. 
He smiles at you with a faint blush and you smile back, watching him walk to the door.
Steve passes you on his way to the door and kisses your forehead, whispering “He’ll be okay” before saying goodbye to the rest of the team, assuring you that he’ll be back soon. Then he also goes through the door and soon both the supersoldiers are gone.
You turn around with a sigh and see Sam, Natasha and Clint standing there, grinning at you, Wanda and Scott looking more compassionate than teasing.
You narrow your eyes at the first three and say sternly “Not. A. Word.” punctuating every word by pointing threateningly at each of them.
They raise their hands in mock surrender while snickering but thankfully don’t say anything and everyone just scatters around the safehouse.
You see the Quinjet depart from the window and try your best to look at the bright side: This isn’t forever, you’ll see him again.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham @mary-jinx @abbyyourlocalmilf @selcouthial @esposadomd @americaarse
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theconstantsidekick · 4 months
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (10)
Pairings: Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Genre: Angst with a sprinkle of happiness?
Summary: Goodbyes are a bitch, aren't they? Especially when you the future better than the people in question.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma
a/n: i wrote this before the entire fucking series
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (9) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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“I have been thinking. I do that these days. I think a lot—all the time. You’ll be surprised to hear that it started long before whatever this shitshow was… I have been thinking a lot and I have to tell you, I hate thinking.” Tony’s sitting in his workshop at the compound as a hologram projection of his sister’s recorded message plays in front of him. He watches as she shakes her head with something akin to sorrow.
“It makes me heavy. It bogs me down with the weight of my thoughts—which inevitably turn into feelings. And you—you, Anthony Edward Stark, know better than any man who’s ever lived that my feelings are so. very. big. Humongous. Ginormous. Brobdingnagian.” Y/n laughs then, a broken small little thing, and shifts in her seat where she’s manspreading like she owns whatever place she recorded this message in.
“I think… I think about friendships. I think about you, and Nat, and Rhodey, and Howie, and Maria, and Peggy. Then I think about Thor off in space somewhere. I think about Bruce too and wish he’s miraculously found Thor and is on his way home, hopefully. I think about Sam, I think about Wanda and Vision and Happy and Pep and—it…it makes my heart heavy. Because sometimes I think about family and somehow all the same names pop right back into my head. It makes me feel warm.” She smiles, and his heart—his cheating, broken, angry heart—takes some solace in knowing that at least that was real.
“I remember when Maria handed you to me after she had spent hours screaming for you to just get the hell out of her in that hospital room. I wasn’t in there—in the room, I mean… I was too scared to go in—private moment and all that… Until your father came barging out, all sweaty and scared, like he was about to shit a brick. He walked past me at first but when he did, I got up on my feet and he turned and looked at me and his face went slack. I have never felt that kind of fear. But it was gone as quick as it came cause Howie was shouting at me, asking me where the fuck had I been this entire time while shoving me inside the delivery room. The moment I went in, your mother fucking screamed ‘thank fuck you’re here’! And that was that. If there was a doubt about it before, it was gone now. I was a Stark, through and through. Alien blood be damned. This was my little family.” Her eyes seem misty, Tony notes. She’s all dressed up in a spectacular all-white three-piece suit, with her blazer laid carefully on the back of her seat.
“I held your mother’s hand and watched as the most important person of my life came into existence. We were all crying by then, tears of joy. 
“After it was over, she wanted to get some rest. Howard had apparently shat that brick he was so desperately holding onto by his perky asshole and was therefore already deep in slumber… which by the way—typical Howard. So anyway, Maria wanted a well-deserved nap so she handed you off to me. And I will never forget what she said. ‘Look after him, will you?’ It might have been framed as a question, but a question it was not. It was an order, as clear as day, written in blood and tears and leftover placenta liquid.” It makes Tony wonder how many more stories he has yet to hear. He’s known this woman his entire life, quite fucking literally and yet, in moments like these, the moments that matter the most, she always has a new story for him. 
“I held you in my arms and I had a purpose. From that point on, I would have a purpose for the rest of my cunty god-forsakenly long life—watch out for you. To have your back, no matter what…” She exhales as her head falls, seemingly too heavy with thoughts for her to carry with any ease at all. “I had a duty of care.”
He watches as she brings her palms over her eyes, pressing them in to try to relieve whatever pain she can… None of it lifts, he knows. He’s speaking from experience.
With a deep breath in, she sits up once again. “I am not telling you all this to say that I would have chosen differently. I wouldn’t have. I never could have, I hope—I just hope one day you can understand why that was. I am, however, telling you all this in some twisted way to explain perhaps? All your life you have been used to the idea of me having your back no matter what happened, and this—this fucking cock boggling mess was the first fucking time I ever faltered. And for that… For that, I am deeply sorry, Anthony. My intention has never been to hurt you, ever. I said a lot of things. Really shitty stuff. I said those things in the heat of the moment—I couldn’t fucking stop it, Stark. I just couldn’t. Try as I might, they kept spilling. Th—there was a fucking hole in my chest, burning and itching and drilling deeper still. I couldn’t control it, it ached and hurt and burnt and I just… I couldn’t stop. Because it was fear. Because I was scared. I was—I still am. I am so fucking scared, Tony. I am always so goddamn scared, you know?” She’s a mumbling crying mess now, and Tony feels like absolute fucking shit. 
“The life I had before all this, before you—it was horrid, Tony. It was so bad. I woke up every day hoping it would finally be the day I’d meet the bullet with my name on it and it would be my last. And every fucking day it wasn’t. Which was worse… but it was also better because I didn’t want to die, you know? I didn’t want to die without knowing what it—what it fe—felt like to be happy.
“I kept living in that filth.” There is so much fucking disdain in her voice as she speaks, his own blood starts curdling. “I kept going, kept doing The Orphanage’s dirty work, then I did HYDRA’s dirty work, then I did S.H.I.E.L.D.’s. Because I was scared. And as badly as I wanted to die, I wanted to live way more. I wanted—” She’s out of breath and she looks so fucking distraught, he doesn’t even know how to fucking react. He has never seen her like this. Years and years of living with his sister, an entire life’s worth of memories, and never did he know she was hurting this badly… How the fuck did he not know?
“I just wanted to live. I wanted to escape… one day. And back then, when I was in the fucking thick of it, it never felt like I could. You have to understand, up to that point, I had lived my entire life in what was the equivalent of one fucking jail cell after another. Never in my wildest dreams did I even think of having a room with a window, let alone a view. Even when I thought of it all ending—when I thought of my freedom, I thought of the ways I could hide, of where I could get passports, of what supplies I would need while being on the run from whatever organization had control of me at that time. I just wanted to own myself—and that would have been freedom enough.” 
She composes herself.
“So, when you came to me with all your, honestly, very good intentions of getting us to sign the accords I was—” Her composer slacks, “I was back there again! I was back in a small tiny room, with an open fucking toilet and a bed that made you want to sleep on the floor. I was back to being controlled and tortured and experimented upon and I was back to being played with like a goddamn machine!” She’s almost pleading now, tears running down her face. 
“I would do anything for you, Tony. You have to know that.” There is a seriousness in her words that scare the shit out of him, cause she says, “I would do anything for you. You want the world? It’s yours. I will burn it to the ground if you asked me to, not even question it. You want it whole and pure? I will conquer it for you in a fortnight. But–but,” she breaks once again, “But I couldn’t—I cannot do this. I cannot go back.” She wipes away her tears.
“I have tasted freedom now. I didn’t know how sweet it was before. I didn’t know what it felt like to have a family, to have friends who love me. I didn’t know what it was like to have a room with a view… I didn’t know what it felt like to have a choice. I can’t give it up now, Tony. Please, you have to understand, I can’t. I can’t go back. Please.” She’s fucking begging him now, she’s so desperate that it rips him apart. Is this what went on in her head when he talked about it all? She seems so fragile and afraid… he did this to her? He wasn’t aiming for this. He was never aiming for this. He just wanted to make up for his sins but… at this cost? At her cost?
“You know why I got the cruelest fucking missions they had? The ones that would rot you from the inside out? Cause they knew my past. They’d see my record, and they’d send me off to missions that were soul-sucking, motherfucking shit that made me puke my guts out the moment I was in the clear. Because jobs that filthy belong to people of filth. I got the jobs that couldn’t be done by someone with a soul, done by a man who was whole. It didn’t matter if it was The Orphanage, HYDRA, or even S.H.I.E.L.D. I got the soulless job because they knew I never had one, to begin with…” 
Fuck him.
He’s the most selfish asshole out there.
She exhales then… a pause, a beat, and a moment of soft introspection. He can practically pinpoint the moment she decides to compose herself. It happens between the nervous bite of her lip and her jaw clicking in place. He knows her at least that well…
She sits up straight. “But that was then, and this is now. Now I have. Now I want. I won’t even let anyone touch my freedom, not even in death.” She clicks her tongue. “So it just makes me think, you know? I think about things like this. About you and your parents, and my friends—my family. I think about them. I think about these things when I wake up, when I fight, when I dream. All that is to say… I’m not callous about this life. I am not callous about the decision I made. It weighs on me heavier than you know. It wretches me apart, with every breath…”
He doesn’t want to hear the part that comes next.
“But—but I can’t stay, Tony. You know I can’t… and for that too, I am sorry.” 
He’s never really spent a day in his life when he couldn’t reach out to his sister. He’s a fairly old dude, so you have to pardon him if he’s quite scared of it. He doesn’t know how to do it. He just doesn’t.
“I didn’t know about Barnes. Fuck, I didn’t have the faintest clue. And I absolutely did not know about that traitorous bastard who I won’t even dignify by naming. I—” Her fist clenches as she brings it up to cover her mouth. Her anger is so fucking palpable that Tony thinks he might just be able to sense it, that is until the footage starts glitching and he realizes, it’s cause her anger is making her emanate power. He thought he could hear static because there is fucking static, it is coming from her. She’s trying to calm herself down.
She breathes in, the footage settling. “He doesn’t matter,” She says with cold unfocused eyes and he can see how deep that secret has dung into her. “This isn’t about him. This is… this is about me, pleading with you, urging you to—to” she pauses, long and hard, with a small smile on her face. It’s the same one she wears when she knows she’s about to do something profoundly fucking stupid. Consider Tony terri-fucking-fied. “This is me urging you to, at a much later date in life—try and forgive Sergeant Barnes.”
“Woman, have you gone fucking crazy?!?!! Did you hit your fucking head when you decided TO DROP A BUILDING ON US?!” Tony knows he’s screaming at a holographic projection but it’s not for naught.
Because his sister is waving away his screams with an annoyed face, “Don’t fucking freak the fuck out. Just like, listen to me! TONY!” His tirade stops. She—her recording, somehow just knows. Cause then she exhales. “I am not saying now, and I am certainly not saying you have to. I am just pleading with you to consider it… Because—well because there are countless people out there in the world who…” she bites her lip. “I am to them what Barnes is to you. Except, unlike me, Sergeant Barnes never even had the chance to rebel, he was brainwashed and tortured, and broken down to be used.” And before Tony can begin to protest, her hands fly up to stop him. “That was all I wanted to say about that. I am done, the decision is completely up to you. Just you, and there is absolutely no right answer, just the one you choose. This was just…” she smiles, “something for you to think about.” 
He can’t help the corner of his mouth from curling a little as well.
She kicks back then, hands crossed in front of her as she looks around wherever she is. “That, yeah. I think that was my grand speech. I know it feels like I’m leaving you behind somehow, but I promise you I am not. I’m just a… actively hunted fugitive of the state.” She shakes her head from side to side in consideration before adding, “And I have a few dues to pay… I’ll be back once they are cleared.” 
She looks up at him then. It almost feels like she’s in the room with him.
“But no matter what happens, I’m here, Tony. You know how to reach me. And I will always come when you call. I will always be there for you. Even if you don’t see me there, trust me. I am there. I will always have your back.”
Something catches her eye, she pulls out her phone and checks it.
Rolling her eyes, she pockets the device and looks back up at the camera.
“Ugh, yeah. I think our time here is up…” She finally smiles, happy and true. “You just pulled in, so I gotta run.”
He runs back to his station, “F.R.I.D.A.Y. run diagnostics on the recording, analyze it top to bottom, tell me where it was taken.”
Meanwhile, he watches as his sister stands up. 
“I love you, kiddo. And I’m always right behind you.”
More commotion on the recording as F.R.I.D.A.Y. responds, “Sir, the footage was taken here, at the Avenger’s compound.”
“That cocky bitch,” Tony curses, almost in awe of her. Cause fuck! Even Rogers had the good sense to courier his fucking apology. What was this woman thinking? “Tell me when F.R.I.D.A.Y.!”
He watches as his sister puts on her blazer and fixes up her suit.
“17 minutes ago, sir,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. answers.
“There was a gap in the security footage, it was cloned to play in a loop. It’s almost seamless sir, except this,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. presents the footage on the screen in front of him.
Meanwhile, the hologram of his sister walks up close to the camera and leans down to look at it face-to-face. She presses a kiss to her fingers and presses the fingers to the camera.
“See you, space cowboy.” With that, the holograph is gone.
Tony falls onto his chair in complete surprise and an unwitting smile on his face, as he watches his sister on the CCTV footage waving at him with a wink.
“That fucking—”
Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
tag list: @aryksworld @freeflyingphoenix @arikarapli @just-anotherstan @justab-eautifulmess @ceo-of-daichi @roxannejblack @liketearsintherainn @paintballkid711 @starkleila @heyitsmereading @fairlygothparents @euphoria-svt @sidepartskinnyjeans @mini-kunoichi @third-broparcelicito @siwiecola @haleybutnotthecomet @mvaldez7821 @iamspeed16  @ashpeace888 @hopeofwinter @percabethfangirl987 @lilfuturescars @hailqueenconquer
i post at weird times, please join the tag list to get notified. DMs are open
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mgparker · 1 year
recruitment gone… right?
platonic!steven grant/marc spector x teenage!reader
summary: who in their right mind sends a teenager to recruit a dangerous vigilante all on their own? oh sam and fucking bucky.
warnings: teenage avenger reader, inaccuracies, clueless steven being an overall mess and a huge cap fan, violence, swearing, gen z shit? perhaps idk, 2k word count
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request: ‘can you do a father figure Marc Spector/Steven Grant x A teenage avenger who was sent to recruit him? I imagine the reader being a typical Gen Z kid with a sarcastic sense of humor, but meaning well.’
notes: loosely based off this request i got MONTHS ago. i’m so sorry it’s taken forever this has literally been in my drafts for a year. not a whole lot of father figure-ing going on but i think it’s a funny little neutral recruitment blurb/one-shot. enjoy. also not sure if this is gen-z enough but i was not going to make this obnoxiously “relatable”
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“It shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Sam, I want you to think about what you just said. Then think about who you’re talking to. And then… consider the possibility that your plan might actually work if you send Barnes.”
A distant voice shouted through the speaker of your phone. “No can do, kid. Recruitment is below my paygrade now!”
You rolled your eyes, shuffling down a busy sidewalk in the midst of London. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot I’m talking to the big champs now.”
You heard Sam chuckle in amusement, and you could imagine him shaking his head at your words. “You know what you gotta do. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can get back to base. Kick some ass with the big champs.”
“Yeah, yeah,” it was time to get serious. “Got it, Wilson. I’ll check in later.”
Instead, it was Bucky who answered. “You’ve got this, squirt!” 
Rolling your eyes, you didn’t even give Sam a chance to get a word in before you were ending the call, stuffing your phone into your pocket and narrowing in on the bus stop ahead. 
This is stupid, you thought as you waited a safe distance away. You couldn’t risk your target spotting you before you could properly assess them. Who in their right mind sends a teenager—a freaking teenager—to recruit one of England’s most dangerous vigilantes?
You’re not scared—you were far more than capable to defend yourself, even against the famed Moon Knight—but it feels out of your way, something you’ve never been asked to do. But of course, as an Avenger, this was your duty.
You couldn’t help but think of this whole thing as a personal attack. With Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson assuming the mantle of interim leaders of the Avengers (or rather what remains of them), this whole mission seemed like their version of a practical joke. 
Those two loved you with all their heart, you didn’t doubt it, but they take the role of “fun uncles” a bit too seriously. 
But anyway, this recruitment... This isn’t fun. Not in the slightest.
This is like being a salesperson. 
Finally, you catch sight of your target—Steven Grant, an extremely sleepy, stumbling gift-shoppist who had appeared at the bus stop surprisingly early for once.
He seems gentle enough, guard mostly down, clutching his bag with a paranoid grip but that was the only thing tense about him. He’s technically older than you, not ridiculously so, but a bit younger than Sam.
You watch as his lips start forming some words; it’s subtle, nothing anyone would really notice unless they were analyzing him piece by piece like you currently were.
Ah. You realized with a pleased smile. Steven Grant and Marc Spector are working together. 
You’re snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of the bus arriving, squeaking loudly as it stopped in the street. 
There was a click in your brain, or that’s what it felt like at least, and a quick scanning of your surroundings made it easy to instantly blend in. 
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Steven Grant was having a decent morning. He actually woke up in time, ate a decent breakfast, and rushed out of the house with ten minutes to spare. 
Even Marc had been pleasant this morning, making unusual small talk as Steven went about his business, getting ready for work. 
And everything was well. Up until now—as he stood in the bus, trying to keep himself from falling asleep on the passengers around him, despite the extra shot of espresso he’d slipped into his drink this morning. 
He jolted awake, pulling his head away from a man’s shoulder with a small ‘sorry!’
But before he could doze off once more, something odd came over him. A strange tingling feeling, as if he was being watched. 
It snapped the drowsiness right out of his system, eyeing everyone suspiciously. 
You feel it too, don’t you? Something isn’t right. 
“What—” He mumbled quietly, searching for the source but coming up emptyhanded.
There was nothing peculiar or odd about his fellow commuters. 
So, he continued about his day, feeling that unsettling eye on him at all times but unaware as to its source. 
It was only when his shift was over, that he was walking home, that he decided this charade had gone on for far too long. 
Despite Marc’s pleas to let him front, Steven stopped in his dead tracks, away from any curious eyes. 
“Oi, who’s there?”
Great job, Steven. If that isn’t the most cliché thing to say before the main character gets killed in a horror movie. Marc sighed. 
“Shut up,” hissed Steven quietly. “You know I don’t watch horror movies—”
Steven blinked and suddenly you’re there, standing in front of him as if you’d been there the entire time. 
The scream echoed down the alley, high-pitched and nearly startling you into a similar yelp. 
But you were quite used to your presence spooking others, it’s a part of your abilities that you’d never been able to control. 
Chest heaving and cheeks tinted with embarrassment, Steven gave you a suspicious glare. 
“Oh, it’s—it’s just a kid,” he tried to brush off his embarrassing reaction. 
You scoffed, a bruise to your ego. “Not just a kid.”
“Well, I know what I’m seeing,” Steven argued. “And you look like a child—“
“Firstly,” you’re staring at Mr. Knight’s suit, taken aback by the change in his appearance that you’d apparently triggered by startling him so bad. “I’m seventeen. Second, I thought you had a whole—“
You aimlessly motioned around your head in a sort of halo way, confusing the ever fuck out of Steven who just stood there blankly.
“A whole w-what?” He gaped, desperate to know what you— a complete stranger — had to say about his kickass suit.
“You know, a whole cape thing goin’ on.”
Ha! Colonel Sanders.
Steven wished there was a way to punch Marc.
“Now, you’re just talking about my lesser counterpart,” Steven shrugged, trying to hide the fact that he had just been offended to the core.
“Ouch, hard feelings?”
Steven pulled his lips to the side. “You could say that— wait. How do you know about—?”
“Let’s cut to the chase,” you interrupted. “I was sent here on behalf of an organization that is really interested in having you join our ranks. Normally, they’d send someone else but you’re stuck with me so—“
“What organization? What ranks? You’re hiring?” I guess we’re both interrupting each other now. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Even if the task was annoying, you wouldn’t be returning to base with a new recruit if you hit him with a bunch of attitude.
Patience was not your strongest virtue. “Not exactly. As soon as you put that blade down, maybe we can talk some more.”
Steven looked down with a jolt, as if he hadn’t realized he’d been white-knuckling the weapon since you appeared.
Slowly, he started to store the blade before Marc cut in hastily. Hello? Are you seriously letting a kid tell you what to do? A kid who appeared out of thin air?
Steven caught Marc’s glare in the reflection of a small puddle, the road damp from London’s regular showers. He looked much more menacing than Steven, even with his half-assed suit. 
He hadn’t said it yet, but Steven knew Marc was aching to take over. And it was probably the smartest option- Steven wasn’t the best at confrontation. 
“Don’t hurt a minor please,” he pleaded quietly. Marc narrowed his eyes at the notion. But he nodded his head dismissively.
With a sigh, Steven allowed Marc to front.
All the while, you minded your own business as well as you could, staring at the sky suspiciously. You wouldn’t be surprised if Sam had sent Redwing to spy on you. Not because he didn’t trust you of course, but because him and Bucky loved to get a laugh in whenever they could. 
“Alright, let’s cut the bullshit. Who sent you? Harrow?” 
You nearly gave yourself whiplash from how fast your head snapped forward. 
The suit was different, cape billowing behind him, and eyes even whiter than before. They seemed to glow-- no, they were glowing-- and glare into the depths of your soul. You were almost intimidated.
“Who the hell is Harrow? Absolutely not. Since you asked so nicely, I was sent on behalf of Captain America.”
Captain America? He gripped the crescent blade tighter. 
He considered your words carefully, staring at you with the utmost suspicion. Lip curling up, head already starting to shake in disapproval, annoyance consuming him altogether— 
“That’s bullshit.”
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“That’s- that’s amazing!”
You couldn’t help the smirk on your face. “It is pretty cool,” you shrugged thirty minutes later, chewing through a particularly large bite of your warm bagel. You were sat in the corner of a small, dingy bakery. What it lacked in aesthetics, the bakery definitely made up for in flavor.
“Do you think you could maybe, like I dunno, introduce us?” Steven asked with an excitement that barely kept him still in his seat.
You’re surprised he hasn’t gathered the attention of everyone else in the bakery, but for once, you’re not the one worried about being on the opposite end of a judgmental eye.
Being an Avenger in these post-Blip days isn’t as easy as it was before… stack that on top of being a ‘child’ and it’s the perfect recipe for disaster.
‘They’re too young!’
‘They can barely contain their abilities!’
‘The Avengers already ruined our lives before! Why should we trust a child?!’
Even if you denied it a million times, there was always a small part of you that craved their approval. Their vote of trust…Maybe this mission would help with that, once they learned that it was you who got the infamous bad-guy-turned-good Moon Knight to join the world’s mightiest superheroes…
Well, maybe it wasn’t exactly you who got Steven to willingly agree. But there was absolutely no way in hell you were ever telling Sam that it was his pull that got the deal sealed.
“Sure,” you smiled back at Steven who just about died at your response. The coffee in his mug jostled out and splashed onto the table. “Big Captain America fan?”
“As of late,” Steven grinned. “So, when do we leave? Is—” He gasped suddenly and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Is Captain America coming to pick me up?”
Jesus Christ. Marc groaned. This was a fucking mistake. 
Steven ignored him and looked at you expectantly.
You glanced up from your phone where you’d been rapidly typing something up. You did a double-take as you processed his question.
“Absolutely,” you deadpanned. “He’ll send a car for you. Probably meet you at the airport with his private jet.”
Steven’s eyes grew wider with every word. Marc was scowling in the reflection of the window behind you.
“Bollocks...” he breathed, staring down at his lap in disbelief. 
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don’t even know what to say. I mean, who—who would’ve thought they would send a seventeen-year-old to recruit little ole me—”
You saw something click in his brain. He looked up with glazed over irritation. “...you’re... you’re not being serious.”
“Of course, I’m not being serious, Grant. I got here alone and I’m more than capable of getting us back to base. You can save the fangirling for when we finally touch down alright? He’ll meet us there.”
Steven pursed his lips at you. 
Rolling your eyes, you finished your text and locked your phone with a click. “I’m being serious this time.”
Excitement poured into his gaze again. You’re not sure how Marc feels about it, only that after explaining yourself in very, very specific detail, he was open to the discussion. But it must be a mutual decision at this point. You doubt Steven would’ve gotten this far if his counterpart was fighting against it.
“Marc is on board?”
Don’t lie. I’m regretting this more and more each second.
Steven continued. “Should I... should I pack my bags?”
“Yeah, that’d be a good idea,” you agreed nonchalantly.
“... now?”
You tapped your phone and glanced at the time. “If you want to make our flight in less than an hour, I’d say so.”
“Bollocks!” Steven exclaimed, nearly knocking the table over on his mad dash out the door. 
You snickered as he slammed into a lady on his way out. 
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—————> the big champs + bucky
you: i’m expecting a promotion when i get back. and for you two to get off my ass already 
redwing’s bitch: I told you it wasn’t going to be too hard. Proud of you, kid
you: 😐
you: thanks i guess... expect a meet and greet when we get there. he’s probably going to be up your ass. steven’s your biggest fan. marc not so much.
you: and don’t worry bucky, they didn’t mention you at all <3
bucky bitchy barnes: fuck off. I have a fanbase. It’s on tweet.
you: wtf is tweet
bucky bitchy barnes: Don’t fuck with me you know what tweet is. 
you: my brother in christ... you mean to say twitter :,)
bucky bitchy barnes: I hate, no DETEST, your generation. 
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ha ha
— elle <3
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ynscrazylife · 1 year
if you still do avengers reqs, what would the avengers and y/n talk about in the avengers resident groupchat? y/n!stark x peter 🙏🙏
The Avengers Groupchat Would Include . . . 
Let’s start off with who’s in this groupchat: you (obviously), Peter, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Thor, Scott, Vision & Carol (Rocket was in the chat but he got kicked out, Ayo’s in there but she doesn’t chat much, Nebula would be there but she doesn’t get how to use a phone, Rhodey has better things to do than be in there)
Let’s be honest, Carol did not see the sense in her being there because there’s not gonna be WiFi throughout the galaxy.
“LTE, Carol!” — You, probably
Thor also didn’t really get it because there’s not WiFi on Asgard, but he’s too kind to say no
Naming the groupchat was hell. Every second, someone would change it (usually either you, Peter, or Sam) until Tony put his foot down and programmed FRIDAY to make it so no one could change it from “Avengers”
Natasha’s usually the one who sends reminders about training
Steve will send reminders about meetings 
Lots of pictures of each other are sent, mostly when they don’t know photos are being taken of them
The conversations range from someone asking what people want from the grocery store (Scott goes on grocery runs) to fierce debates over who’s the better fighter (It’s Nat, no one can beat her in sparring)
Tony will ask you and Peter if your homework is done (which you both annoyed, then Natasha yells at you)
It’s best to silence the notifications because they’re too, too much
Regular FaceTimes are a thing even though you’re usually all in the same tower
“Thor, your video cuts out when you go over Heimdall’s bridge.”
Wanda and Vision usually ask if they can double date with anyone (ends up being Scott and Hope or you and Peter)
Peter will send cute pictures of you that the Avengers ADORE. He’s tickling you? He’s recording a video. You fell asleep? He’s taking a picture.
“Peter, you’re not tickling her right. You have to get her knees.” — Tony
Clint’s kids love to take his phone to chat with the Avengers
And they LOVE chatting with them
“Auntie Nat, when are you visiting!” “Soon!!”
Sam and Peter both send lots of memes
“I don’t get it.” — Steve
Bruce doesn’t talk much but you know who’s a great texter? THE HULK
Hulk is the king of keyboard smashes
“Someone get Nat to do the lullaby.”
Hulk has smashed Bruce’s phone on multiple occasions tho
“Should I invent armor for Bruce’s phone?” — Tony
Yelena will steal Nat’s phone to troll the chat
Clint sends updates on his farm
Pepper will confiscate Tony’s phone when he needs to work so she’ll end up chatting
Everyone loves chatting to Pepper
Tony managed to get wifi on Carol’s ship so she’ll send updates from space
Thor tries to text, it doesn’t go great
When badgered by Natasha, Ayo will text
Nebula has occasionally hopped onto the group chat when Peter Q helps her
The group chat was SO ACTIVE when you and Peter went to prom
They were spamming the entire time, asking for pictures and updates and telling ya’ll not to drink
If anyone’s sitting out of a mission (usually you and Peter), they’ll text in the group chat to annoy those who are on the mission
Getting Nat to swear in the group chat isn’t rare but it is dangerous
Vision, Ayo, and Steve text with perfect grammar, short and to the point (Steve has a tendency to go on tangents, though).
Tony’s style switches constantly depending on his mood
Natasha, Sam, Wanda, you, and Peter text with abbreviations and lowercase sometimes
Carol usually sends photos, not many texts. She’ll occasionally send an lol or lmao.
Scott is always cheerful. He uses lots of smiley faces.
Tony will put an ironic amount of obnoxious emojis.
Clint’s tired and his texting reflects that. As short as possible usually.
There’s always something chaotic going on
But there’s also some of the funniest moments
So will Natasha
The Avengers are a family and they love each other so much, it’s definitely represented in the groupchat
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
Birthday Girl
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pairing: avengers x reader
a/n I kinda hate this but i needed to write because it’s been months. this only includes the og 6 + wanda & bucky, i could add in others too, just ask! or give me recs because i really don’t know what to write.
reblogs appreciated if you enjoy !
Eighteen years. That's how long you've been on this earth for (not counting the few off-planet missions you've been on), and as of today, you are officially an adult. You weren't a big fan of birthdays—I mean, you used to be when you were younger, and there was nothing to worry about. As you've gotten older, birthdays have become a reminder of the multitude of responsibilities you'll have to adopt.
You hadn't told anybody it was your birthday; reminding them was the last thing you wanted to do because the Avengers are known for their parties, and they look for the smallest reason to throw one. This year, though, that wasn't going to happen, or at least you were hoping they'd forgotten. 
It was 8:00 a.m., your alarm is blaring loudly on the bedside table, and without opening your eyes, your hand feels around for your phone and eventually finds the snooze button—just five more minutes. 
Suddenly, you become aware and alert. As you stir yourself awake, your body senses a loud, continuous noise, and you feel as if you're being watched. "HAAAAPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Y/N, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU," your eyes shoot open to find Natasha and Wanda at the end of your bed singing their hearts out and grinning so hard their jaws must be hurting. 
"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead, it's your birthday!" "My girl is all grown up," Natasha says, wiping away fake tears dramatically. "Vision is making waffles for you; get up so you can eat 'em while they're still hot!" Wanda slaps your ankle, and you curl into a tighter ball. "Five more minutes," you whine, and to your surprise, the two women are not putting up with your nonsense today; your blanket is ripped off you, and you're met with the cold morning air. "Be downstairs in 5 minutes or I will pour a bucket of water over your head," Natasha retorts sternly; she is not messing around. You sit up, looking half dead, but you crack a smile, and with contented sighs, the girls leave your room. 
The kitchen erupts into roars of cheers as you enter wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. It's too early for this. 
The first to hug you is Tony, who says, "Happy birthday, kid; just because you're eighteen doesn't mean I'm going to stop being your overbearing father figure." You smile at him because that's all you can do and there are about eight hundred other people to hug; you just want your waffles. 
"Lady Y/N, Happy Birthday!" Thor booms, "In Asgard, at your age, you can start drinking; I brought you back some Asgardian mead for us to share!" Just as he finishes talking, there is a chorus of "no"s and stern looks sent his way. "Thank you, Thor; maybe when they're not looking," you say with a wink, and he returns a smile.
"Happy birthday, y/n." Bruce smiles; you'd be lying if you said you didn't have a soft spot for the guy. You give him a quick hug, which is awkward because, well, it's Bruce.
"Y/N!" "Happy birthday, pal!" Steve hugs you and accidentally lifts you off the ground; once he puts you down and you can breathe again, you thank him.
"Happy birthday, y/n! Now that you don't have a bedtime, we can spend more time scheming!" Clint smirks. The man is your partner in crime and also the reason why you get into trouble. You ignore his snide remark and give him a hug. 
"HAPPYBIRTHDAY Y/N!! I know you're eighteen now, but that doesn't mean anything because you're only a year older than me. What I'm trying to say is.. you can't boss me around." 
"Thank you, Pete," you say, and you smile. You swear his birth certificate is wrong. The kid doesn't seem a day past 14. 
"Happy birthday, doll; it would seem you're catching up to me," Bucky says as he hugs you. "Eighteen and one hundred and six?" raising an eyebrow "Yeah, same thing," you sarcastically rebuttal.
As everyone sits and tucks into their waffles, you take a second to look at everyone. You're happy they didn't forget. 
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Absolute Chaos
Pairing: Steve Rogers x daughter!reader, Sam Wilson x platonic!reader, Bucky Barns x platonic!reader
Warnings: None that I know of!
Summary: Steve's daughter, Y/N, and Sam love goofing off-it's one of their favorite things to do. What happens this time?
A/N: this was requested by the lovely @tgarrett26 ! hope you like it :)
\Word Count: 700 ish !
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"Hey, sweetheart!," Steve greeted you as you jogged into the kitchen, corners of your mouth turning up at the sight of your dad cooking your favorite meal. You threw your backpack down as you walked over and wrapped your arms around him in a quick hug.
"Hey dad! I think I'm gonna head down into the gym," you announced, taking a spoon and sampling the spaghetti sauce your dad had simmering on the large stove. You nodded your head approvingly at the taste, your nose scrunching up when your dad ruffled your hair.
"Sam's down there right now, 's that okay?"
"Of course, he's my favorite," you teased, already picking up your workout shirt as you walked to the elevator.
"Make sure to put gloves on!" you dad yelled from the kitchen, so loudly he probably woke up poor Shuri all the way over in Wakanda.
The doors opened wide as you stepped down into the gym, being greeted with an interesting sight. Sam was playfully chasing Bucky around the punching bags, both of them stopping to look up when the elevator dinged.
"Hey, kiddo! How was school today?" Sam asked, coming over to you and wrapping you in a side hug.
"It was actually pretty good," you smiled, walking over to the exercise bands. Suddenly, an idea popped in your head. A mischievous smile took over your face as you grabbed one and held it behind your back-if Sam had been paying better attention, he would've noticed immediately.
You snuck up behind him, wrapping the band around his forehead as quickly as you could and breaking off into a sprint.
"What the-" Sam screeched, whipping around just in time to catch you speeding off. "Oh hell no," he muttered, grabbing his own exercise band off the rack and tiptoeing to where he saw you last. He got lucky when he realized where you were. Your back was to him, protective stance facing the other side of the gym. You were completely unaware that he was behind you, and you jumped as Sam slipped his own around your head. In the attempt to run away, you'd accidentally run straight into Sam-and you took this to your advantage. You feigned surrender as you held your hands up. Quickly breaking the facade, you reached forward and slipped the band the rest of the way around his eyes.
He immediately started chasing you, but it seemed like he forgot he was, in fact, slightly incapacitated at the moment. He stumbled around like a lost puppy, oblivious to the fact that you were right in front of him. In the end, your giggles were what gave you away. His head snapped to where he heard them, and he reached forward quickly. His hand was just inches away from you, reaching out to grab you...
"Shit!" He yelled, grunting as he made contact with the ground. The only thing he'd managed to grab was the cool tile-you'd moved away at the last moment, barely escaping his hand.
Unbeknownst to you two, Fri had alerted your dad to the commotion. Steve stepped out of the elevator just in time to watch Sam grab your ankle, pulling you down with him. He ripped the blindfold off as you stilled, eyes widening as he saw your father standing there.
"Sam, what in the world is going on." Steve asked seriously, a slightly murderous look in his eyes & his body arranging itself into an almost protective stance.
"It's a joke, Steve! Y/n did it first!" He blabbered, obliviously scared of your dad.
"Come on, dad! Sam started it!" you argued, as Steve watched. You two continued to bicker as Steve's expression turned to exasperation, eventually rolling his eyes and walking out of the room. You both didn't even realize it until a minute after he was gone.
"I just saved your ass," you mumbled, directing your best death glare at the Avenger. Sam just rolled his eyes, throwing his hand up for a high five. You begrudgingly accepted it, Sam clasping your hand and pulling you up to a standing position.
"Can we please start the workout now," Bucky pleaded, walking into the room. You and Sam just looked at each other silently, before bursting out into giggles.
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verybadatwriting · 2 years
Dog Tags
Summary: Some bullies take teasing a step too far.
Warnings: Stereotypical bullies, anger issues, bottling up emotions, violence
Notes: Papa/Pa= Steve, Dad/Dada = Bucky. No pairing. Reader is Steve and Bucky's adopted daughter. Prequel here!
Word count: 1,364
Age 1-5
When you were born, 1939, Hydra got you. You underwent four years of experiments that gave you the gift of prophecy and enhanced physical strength. Random visions of the future came to you once or twice a week, but they were heralded by you losing consciousness.
Four years later, a group led by Captain America took down the lab you were being kept in. You formed a close father-daughter bond with the men who rescued you, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes and Steve Rogers. For two years you stayed with them as they continued fighting against the Axis Powers and formed the Howling Commandos.
It was then discovered that you had a severe heart defect. If left untreated, it would most likely kill you. On December 26th 1944, they placed you in a specially made freezing chamber in the hopes that future medical advances would make your condition treatable. While you were frozen, you still received visions.
Age 6
Decades later, you were unfrozen. You were technically in your 60’s, but by all accounts still a six-year-old. You lived with your adoptive Papa Steve, who ensured you got the medical treatments needed, and had a relatively normal childhood despite the out of the ordinary first six years. He told you that your Dad Bucky was gone, which you didn’t fully believe.
“But I saw him!” You protested.
“I know,” Steve replied, “We used to see him every day. Now we won’t get to see him again.”
“No!” You shouted, “I saw him doing things he hasn’t done yet!”
“Y/n/n,” Steve shushed, “This is a hard thing for both of us. Please stop trying to give me hope. He’s gone. That’s the end of it.”
When both of you had calmed down, Steve pulled out a little box.
“Kid?” He got your attention, “Do you remember what these are?”
“Yeah. They’re his dog tags.”
“Do you want to keep them?” He asked. You nodded in reply, and put them on. From that day forward you rarely took off your Dad’s tags.
Age 8
At school, you kept your head down, four formative years in a strict evil lab will make you very keen to follow the rules and not be noticed. Your increased strength made you afraid you would hurt someone, so you never fought back. Because of this, bullies targeted you. They were a few years older, and notorious all throughout your middle school.
One day they went a step too far by yanking your Dad’s dog tags right off your neck. The main guy, Kennith Reid, tossed them to Tyler, who tossed them to another boy. They went around and around the circle.
“Give them back.” You said evenly.
“What’re you gonna do?” Tyler asked, “Cry to your Papa? Who did you say he was, Captain America? I don’t believe it. I think you lied.”
“Tyler,” Kennith said, catching the dog tags, “What do you think she’d do if we started breaking up this little chain?” 
“Oh Kennie, is she getting mad?”
“I think so T.” Kennith said, and he broke off a few inches of the chain. You stood up, and started to take off your hoodie.
“Why are you taking off your stupid frog hoodie?” Tyler jeered.
“I don’t want to get your blood on it.” Removing your hoodie revealed how much that Hydra had influenced you. Muscles far beyond what any teenager had, much less an eight-year-old like yourself. 
Wordlessly, you swung at him. It connected, hard. His nose splintered and he fell to the ground. Kennith’s pals had a split second of panic, as the blood drained from their faces in fear, but you didn’t stop. You went after every single one of them, being very careful not to injure them too badly. Kennith’s nose was the worst one.
He was the ringleader, so he deserved it. 
A few moments later, they were all sufficiently beaten up, you took back your Dad’s dog tags, and knelt down next to them.
“You’re never going to pick on anyone again, understood?”
“Ye - yeah,” He hastily said, “Got it.  Mhm. 100%. We won’t bully you.”
“No. You won’t bully anyone. Not me. Not Jess, not Caroline, not Xavier. None of us. Are we clear?”
Obviously, parents were called. Your Papa was probably off on some mission, although he said he’d be back today. It didn’t matter. If he wasn’t available Auntie Nat would step in. You sat on one side of the table, waiting for someone to join you. Your new principal, who had recently replaced a beloved one, sat across from you. Her name was Ms. Katz.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” Your principal said after waiting for ten minutes, “Do you know your mother’s phone number?”
“With all due respect, Ms. Katz” You said, “She’s dead.”
“Oh,” She inhaled, “I see.”
“My aunt should be joining us soon.” Right on cue Ms. Romanoff waltzed in.
“Thank you for waiting,” She began, “I came as soon as I could.”
“No problem, thank you for joining us.” Ms. Katz said, “You are here because Y/n has exhibited some concerning behavior. She repeatedly hit her peers, resulting in one receiving a broken nose.”
“That doesn’t sound like her. Have you asked her why she did it?” Nat asked.
“This school has a Zero-Tolerance Policy for physical violence or bullying of any sort, no matter the reason.” Ms. Katz replied, “So we didn’t need to ask.”
“That sounds like a recipe for more violence.” Nat said.
“We’re not here to debate policy.” Ms. Katz said, “She will be receiving a two week suspension, and I’m afraid this will go on her permanent record.” 
“Oh no.” Was your deadpan response. “Can’t let anyone know I retaliated when provoked. Woe is me.” 
Nat flashed you a proud smile, and continued.
“Y/n, I haven’t yet gotten to hear your perspective. I think there’s a little more to it than simply whacking a kid.”
“I don’t believe that’s a good use of our time togeth-” Ms. Katz began, and was shortly cut off.
“No,” Nat said, “Let her talk. I need to know what happened before I decide what to do.”
“I just want you to know we’re not reconsidering the suspension.”
“Fine by me. Continue, Y/n.”
“They snagged Dad’s dog tags off my neck. I told them to give them back. They didn’t. This was the final straw. For the past two years I’ve endured their teasing, and so have countless others. I didn’t beat them up just to get the tags back, I did it to win this fight, and the next ones too. Now they’ll leave me alone, and the others, too.”
“Ms. Katz,” Nat turned to your principal, “I would just like to thank you. Y/n and I will enjoy these next two weeks off. I want you to know that she will be receiving no punishment at home.”
The intercom on Ms. Katz’s desk buzzed.
“There’s someone here to see y-”
“Tell them to wait.” She cut them off, “Very well then. I also wanted to address her chronic lying.”
“Tell me more.”
“She insists her family is full of superheroes and spies.” She pulled out a drawing, “Here, she even drew this when we were supposed to be making family portraits.” The drawing was of you, Auntie Nat, your Dad, your Papa, Uncles Tony, Thor, Bruce, and Clint, the whole crew. After a pause, Auntie Nat nodded.
“This is just about right.” She smiled, “My hair used to be wavy, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“No,” Ms. Katz sighed, “She insists she lives with the Avengers! Don’t you see? She strings up wild stories about fighting Nazis and being frozen in a time capsule!”
“They’re true.” Nat’s phone buzzed. “And I can prove it. Tell your receptionist to let in the other visitor.”
Ms. Katz complied, the door opened, and Steve walked in. She stared agape for a moment, before regaining composure.
“That… That will be all, thank you.”
“Have you been reading Ender’s Game again?” Auntie Nat asked on the ride back to Steve’s apartment.
“Maybe…” You grinned, “Okay yeah.”
“Thought so, that speech sounded a bit familiar.”
Part two here!
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i-am-true-believer · 11 months
Hello again, sweet one, my late night scrollers, the early morning dreamers. I hope you're well, I hope today was better than yesterday.
I'm here to remind you that if there's an infinite number of universes, there's at least one where you are your comfort characters favorite person. They love and adore you for all your flaws and quirks and everything you hate about yourself, the same way you love all of their imperfections. There's a universe where they wait by the door for you every night, where they're your absolute best friend, where they take care of you and love you the way you should be loved.
You are so wonderful, did you know that? Every time you have a bad day, every time life tries to knock you down, you find the strength to get back up again. You keep going. Do you know how incredible that is? How proud your comfort character is of you for being able to do that? I'm so proud of you, I believe in you so much, and every day you make it through proves that I'm right to believe in you. We always knew you could do it, that you could make it to tomorrow.
I'll let you get back to your scrolling now, I bet you have so many stories just waiting for you, so many adventures and friendships to have. But before you go, I want to take a moment and remind you of something.
Anything that keeps you going, anything that makes the bad days better, anything that makes life even a little easier, is worth it. If fanfictions and comfort characters help you get through the day, then I hope you find the exact stories you need. Life is so hard and so scary, and sometimes it's easier to lose ourselves in the worlds of our comfort characters, and that's more than okay. Whatever keeps you going isn't anything to be ashamed of. Making it to tomorrow to read the next chapter of a fanfiction or a new edit of your comfort character is a valid reason to keep going.
I hope tomorrow is better than today, and that one day you won't need a reason to keep going, but for now, I'll give you this one. Your comfort character wants you to stay. They will always want you to stay. I want you to stay. I'm always here if anyone needs a friend.
Your comfort character believes in you, and so do I, the random girl on Tumblr who pops in every now and then to remind you that you are loved, you are enough, and you are worth it. You've got this sweet one, I know you do. Happy scrolling.
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dad Loki x teen half elf and half Jotun reader x Avengers (featuring Peter)
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Age:14 reader Chan is an Elf/Jotun hybrid from Alfheim she's the last of the light elves after the dark elves invaded and ends up on earth meets the team, Peter and her long lost father and is growing fond of life on earth, btw civil war never happened, Peitro lives, and Loki is living in the tower because Odin and Frigga didn't want him to rot in a cell happy Thanks giving.
Nick Furry is standing in front of the interrogation room looking through the window to see Maria Hill talking to a young S/T (skin tone) pointed eared girl with H/C thigh length hair and nose length bangs, E/C eyes, and a F/S (face shape) face.
She had on a pastel F/C tunic, black leggings, black knee high boots, black elbow length fingerless gloves, a silver circlet on her head and silver hoop earrings on her pointed ears.
He saw that she was cooperating as he sees her lips moving and Maria smiling and nodding her head with occasional wide eyes.
"How you think it's going sir?" Agent Philip J. Coulson asked his boss walking in with three cups of coffee and a cappuccino "I say it's going good with the way it's going the kids cooperating well." as Furry says this he takes a cup and Maria walks out with the girl behind her "So, what's the info we got on our guest here?" he asked Maria handing her one of the other cups "btw the cappuccino is for the kid." Phil said handing the young girl the cappuccino "thank you." she said blowing on it to cool off "her name is Y/N Astriddottir, she's from Aflheim, her mother was killed by the dark elves when they invaded her planet eight years ago, she knows nothing of her father, and she has cryokinesis, shape shifting, teleportation, sharp eyesight and hearing." Maria listed making the two men surprised but sad at the fact that she lost one parent and never meet the other "Should we do a DNA test sir?" Phil asked.
Before Furry could answer a familiar voice is heard "hey Furry we're here." they turned to see the worlds mightiest hero's arrive "who's the kid?" Clint Barton aka Hawkeye asked pointing to the young elf sipping her hot drink "I'm Y/N Astriddottir." she said her voice melting their hearts "we are about to do a DNA test to find out who her father is." the avengers had curiosity in their eyes "her mother died eight years ago and she never meet her father." Phil told the avengers "Well what are we waiting for? Let's do that test." Tony Starks aka Iron man said enthusiastically.
Y/N sat on a chair as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk draws blood from her arm.
After waiting for a few seconds he takes the needle out and puts a bandaid with a cotton ball on the spot "we just have to wait for the results!" Bruce said to the man you know as Furry who nodded.
A few hours later:
the sound of a small printer is heard as a long strip of paper comes out of the scanner "all right let's see who Y/N's dad is" Tony said as Bruce takes the paper from the scanner. "HE'S HER DAD?" Everyone screamed in horror as the name of your father appeared to be the god of Mischief "Loki is her dad? The Loki who tried to take over New York and killed me once?" Phil asked in terror "I can't believe Reindeer games has a kid." Tony said in shock "looks like she's half Elf and half Frost giant." Maria said "guess she's Y/N Lokidottir." said Steven Rogers aka Captain America.
The horror of you being the daughter of Loki was cut by the god of Thunder Thor Odinson "she's my brother’s child? that means. I HAVE A NIECE." he said excitedly as he picks you up and tosses you in the air earning a laugh from you "Loki isn't gonna be happy about this." Natasha Romanov aka black widow said making everyone nod.
Outside S.H.E.I.L.D H.Q:
You and the avengers are about to enter the car when an all to familiar arachnid themed teen hero swings by "hey guys and new girl." he said blushing at you "Man of spiders, meet Y/N daughter of Loki." Thor said making Peter's eyes wide.
Your POV:
as my new uncle introduced me to the Man of Spiders Mr Tony cuts in "kid, shouldn't you be in school?" He asked making the boy's eyes widen even more "oh shoot, I have my science test in a bit and lunch is almost over, BY MR STARKS, GUYS, and Y/N." he said swinging away as if he was being chased by a Chitauri "what am I going to do with that kid?" Mr Tony asked face palming "that's what kids do, they give you grays" Mr Clint said "let's get to the tower to face Loki" Mrs Natasha said.
At the tower:
We enter a giant tower with the word "Stark" on it.
I was in awe at the decor making the avengers chuckle "well kid welcome to your new home." Mr Tony said with a proud smirk "but first let's get you to your father sweetheart." Mrs Nat said as all of us go into a small room.
As the room move I see all of New York and my new uncle Thor telling me about my father making me excited to meet him more.
We finally exit the tiny room but as we did I see a man with Black shoulder length hair and emerald green eyes in green and black clothing with Gold armor sitting on a couch reading a book "is that my father?"  I asked Mrs Natasha who nodded "BROTHER WE HAVE SOMEONE WE LIKE YOU TO MEET!" Uncle said loudly hurting my sharp but sensitive ears "you fool I'm right- who is this elf child?" He asked anger turning into confusion and pointing to me making Uncle Thor smile "Brother this is Y/N Astriddottir your child, well she's actually Y/N Lokidottir now." Uncle said happily but everyone else face palmed while my "father" was frozen "Astrid had a child and didn't tell me?" He asked in shock looking me up and down but as I was about to open my mouth he bolted out of the room making me go on the verge of tears "Mr Stark, Mr Loki requested no one disturbs him, he needs some time alone." a strange voice said "THANKS FRI." Mr Tony said "don't feel discouraged little one he just needs some time to think of this." Uncle Thor said "does he not, want me?" I asked "of course he does sweetie he's just surprised by this." Mrs Nat said "ohh hey look Spidy is here." Mr Sam said as we see the boy from before but with his mask off making me blush 'by Odin's beard he's perfect.' I think to myself.
Peter's POV:
I entered the avengers floor to see Y/N with the Avengers by god she was pretty her shiny thigh length H/C hair, her E/C colored eyes, her S/T colored skin and her F/S Shaped face in other words she was gorgeous I smiled at her my face flushed "hey I don't think we had a proper introduction, I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I said re introducing myself making her smile "Y/N Astriddottir well, Y/N Lokidottir since I finally meet my Dad." she said in a voice that could put Princess Leia to shame "ah Peter I see you two already became friends, why don't you two go out maybe do some shopping Y/N needs new clothes." Mr Starks said giving me one of his many credit cards "wow thanks Mr Stark." I said happily glad that I finished my homework early "come on Y/N and while we're out I'll take you to my favorite sandwich place and introduce you to my friends." I told Y/N happily taking her hand.
No ones POV:
Everyone smiled as the two teens exit the tower together "only been here for about three hours and she's already making friends!" Clint said happily making his teammates laugh "I don't like the way they looked at each other." Loki said making the Avengers jump "Reindeer games, how long were you there?" Tony asked the god of mischief who replied "long enough to see them blushing at each other." everyone looked at each other it was clear that Loki is already protective of Y/N "Brother your alright with the fact that Y/N is your daughter?" Thor asked his younger brother "I'm still in disbelief that Astrid had my daughter but didn't tell me. I missed out my daughters life I doubt she'll want anything to do with me." Loki said in sorrow "I think she does, I mean when she saw you she was exited to finally meet you for the first time." Steve said fondly of the young hybrid "Capsical has a point, Point break told her the positive things about you." Tony said gesturing to the oldest avenger "plus Peter will protect her at the mall he is spider man after all." Clint said making everyone nod "and if it makes you feel better I put a tracking chip on her tunic just incase." Natasha said.
At the mall:
Y/N, Peter, MJ and Ned were having the best time of their lives shopping First they went to Boscoves for jeans and a few shirts, Journeys for vans, MJ took her to Victoria's Secrets for under garments, swimsuits and other things a girl needs, and finally they introduced her to hot topic where they got her graphic tees, accessories, and stuff to decorate her room with but before leaving they went to a book store so MJ can get a new book but Y/N saw some she liked so they got those.
After a long afternoon of shopping they are at Peter's favorite sandwich place having lunch "this is amazing." Y/N said happily munching on her sandwich "yeah they are the best sandwiches in queens." Peter said happily "yep Loser 1 is right!" MJ said bitting hers "so Y/N Where are you from?" Ned asked making Peter and MJ curios as well "ohh I'm from Alfheim realm of the light elves, but I'm actually half elf and half Jotun." the youngest teen said making the older teens eyes wide "I thought you were cosplaying when I saw your ears." Ned said "I actually saw that they are real when I saw them twitch a bit." MJ said "That's sooo cool" the two boys said "hey while it's light out let's head to the tower to decorate your room." Peter said.
At the tower:
The Avengers are sitting in the living room watching TV but Loki is always glancing at the time "Parker should have been back with my daughter by now!" he said angrily "relax Reindeer games Nat put a chip on your child. Plus they are almost here along with MJ and Ned." Tony told Loki for the one hundredth time "Mr Starks we're back." Peter said as he, Y/N, MJ and Ned exited the elevator with lots of bags making everyone eye wide from the Boscovs, Journeys, Victoria's Secret and Hot topic bags. "Geez I didn't think you'd go crazy." Tony said looking at the bags as Loki ran to Y/N and began checking her for injuries "Dad I'm fine we only went shopping then we went for food." she told her father making him sigh in relief "she's all ready giving you grays." Clint said making everyone laugh but Loki roll his eyes.
"Hey Mr Starks where's Y/N's room? we wanna help her decorate it." Peter asked Tony who smiled and lead them to a futuristic looking door.
The room looked futuristic but plain at the same time but they could work with it "alright let's Start decorating." Peter said happily as all four of you took the room decorations you brought from hot topic.
Two hours later:
Your room was now butterfly themed since they're your favorite insect with your walls being F/C thanks to your powers and after decorating you used your powers to put all your clothes, shoes, accessories and books away but organized.
"That was fun!" Ned said happy with the work, "yeah I see you love F/C and butterflies Y/N." MJ said sitting at your desk making you smile "they are my favorite insect, my mom and I use to go see them in the meadows of Alfheim." you said happily but sadly remembering one of your favorite memories with your mother before the invasion "hey since it's still early let's show her some movies." Peter said excitedly "hey Pete your aunt called she has a last minute business trip sooo your staying the night, oh I see you guys helped Y/N decorate." Tony said looking at the decor of the room then Loki came in "I see my daughter loves butterflies." he said walking in but stopped at the neatly organized shelf of books "and reading!" he said grabbing one of her new books.
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Your POV:
I sat in the living room with Peter, MJ and Ned.
We are watching something called Star Wars, I love it so far we already watched three movies but MJ looked at her glowing box thing "hey it's almost eight we better get going." she said as Ned soon looked at his own glowing box "yeah we have our science test tomorrow." Ned said "ok then I'll walk you to the lobby, I'll be back Princess." Peter said but as he relies what he said we both are blushing "Son of Parker go take them to the lobby." my dad said looking like he was holding back rage.
Not waisting anymore time Peter, MJ and Ned ran out of the room. With them out of the room Dad turns to me with a very stern look on his face "you are never to see that boy again." When he said that I got furious "AND WHY NOT?" I yelled making my skin and eyes turn blue and red and him angry "don't use that tone of voice with me young lady, I am your father and what I say goes you will stay away from Son of Parker end of discussion." I stormed to my room and screamed "YOUR NOTHING HOW UNCLE THOR DESCRIBED YOU." and slammed the door in anger.
No ones POV:
Loki stood there in anger, trying to cooldown his temper as his skin and eyes turned blue and red from the rage "brother, perhaps you were a little harsh on her!" Thor said as he walked into the living room with the other Avengers "I agree with point break, I mean the kid lost her mother and home eight years ago, what she needs is you and to interact with other kids." Tony said as Loki is debating on building a relationship with you "you two just got off the wrong foot, She's really a sweet and polite kid." Natasha said "and a great prankster." Peitro said walking in with a pie on his face "She is definitely your kid alright." Clint said.
Your POV:
I lied in my bed clutching my pillow and biting my lip in anger for my so called Dad "jerk face." I say in anger until I heard knocking "Y/N,the others told me you went to bed early, so I came to tell you good night." I hear Peter say making me shout out "GOOD NIGHT." I hear Peter's footsteps leave my door. I lied there for a little more and started dozing off.
In the morning no one's POV:
You wake up to the sound of FRIDAY's voice "Mrs Lokidottir. It is time for breakfast." You slowly got up with a Yawn, went to shower, brushed your hair and teeth and got dressed.
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In the dining area:
the avengers, Loki, Bucky and Peter are about to eat when Friday interrupted "Mr Stark. Mrs Lokidottir is coming." She said to her creator "Thanks Fri." Tony said to the AI as you walked in "ohh speak of the elf there she is." Clint said nudging Loki who was starring at your outfit "That skirt is to short!" Loki whispered "Brother please. You agreed to make amends with Y/N." Thor reminded his brother "I highly doubt she even wants anything to do with me. I mean we only just meet yesterday." Loki whispered forgetting about your great hearing "Dad I do want to spend time with you, I always wanted to meet you ever since I've heard the stories about you from mom, including the one when Thanos brainwashed you to get the tesseract." As you say this Loki is crying on the inside because what you said made him emotional but the avengers can see right through him.
With time you lived happily with your new family.
You helped uncles Bruce and Tony in the lab along with your best friend Peter, go on runs with uncles Bucky, Steve, Sam and Rhodas and big brother Peitro, meditate with Big sister Wanda, Trained with aunt Natasha and uncle Thor, shoot arrows with uncle Clint and practice how to use your powers and reading with Dad.
Loki enjoyed parenthood ever since you came into his life he became more opened and stoped using sarcasm so much (he still has his silver tongue).
But what you and Peter enjoyed most was pranking him and the others "WHO POURD DYE IN MY SHAMPOO?", "WHO SWAPPED OUR CLOTHES?", "WHO SET FRIDAY TO ONLY SAY HAMBURGER?" You and Peter are hiding in the vents laughing super hard while taking Pictures to send to MJ, Ned, Wanda, Peitro and Furry (who is laughing super hard."
Bonus ending:
Nick is looking at the picture Peter sent him it showed Natasha with hot pink hair, the guys wearing each other's cloths, and an audio of FRIDAY answering to Tony Hamburger "I love those kids!" He said laughing while sending it to the other shield agents who are laughing.
When Tony fixed FRIDAY's settings she ratted you and Peter out. "Peter no lab for a month."
Tony said "Y/N your stripped of your powers for a month." Loki told you.
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Unleash your inner Avenger Masterlist
- On-going series -
Summary: This is how I see the MCU going if Reader was in it.
Warnings: MCU spoilers. Language. Mentions of death, fighting and use of firearms. My poor attempts at being funny. Each chapter will have its own warnings.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Part 2 | Part 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Black Panther
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theconstantsidekick · 4 months
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (9) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Angst city babyyyy
Summary: Zemo has a revelation in store for the Stark siblings, and suffice it to say neither of them takes very kindly to being betrayed by someone they had once trusted with their life.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Canon Typical Violence, Accident?
a/n: My writing speed is that of a fucking turtle.
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (10) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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“Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself,” she hears Tony’s voice ring out somewhere ahead.
“Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork,” she can hear Steve’s desperation for truce in his response. 
Y/n can glitch in right now. She’s at the end of the corridor, a couple of steps and she’ll be with them. But not yet. She’s desperate for there to be a solid sign of the truce. She isn’t sure she can watch her brother and the man she loves with her body and soul fight any more. It’s been tearing her apart. 
The truce—even a temporary one—is all she can hope for. And apparently good things come to those who wait.
“It's good to see you, Tony.” Steve adds finally.
“You too, Cap.” Tony responds. A smile breaks out on her face. “Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop the…” she hears Tony say and she knows that is the right moment.
Sergeant Barnes lowers his weapon and the moment he does, she miscalculates by an inch and glitches in just behind him.
“Am I interrupting something?”
The progression of Sergeant Barnes’ gun changes instantly. It’s aimed at her within the second. The response time on the man is beyond absurd. She’d go as far as to say it’s impressive if she weren’t, you know? Whatever, you get it.
Her hands fly up. “Easy there, Sergeant!”
“What the hell are you doing here?” Tony asks from where he’s standing down the stairs, in front of Steve.
Slowly, with her hands still up, she descends down the stairs to stand between the two most important men in her life. “What the fuck does that even mean? You thought I was going to leave you two alone after the shit you’ve been pulling in the last 72 hours?”
“I didn’t think you’d come,” Steve adds, with a hint of hope in his words. If she were looking his way, she’s sure she could spot the curve of his lips forming the most subtle smile. She absolutely loves seeing that smile… but she doesn’t really wanna look his way, in the general direction of the man right behind Steve.
“I wish I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have a gun pointed at me,” she retorts, eyes straight ahead, staring at the slimy gray walls of the HYDRA facility.
“Are you—” Tony takes a step closer to her, “Are you trying not to make eye-contact with Barnes?”
Her hands are still up as she’s facing Tony, “Yeah, no. I’m trying not to even look in his general direction. I’m still pretty scared of him.” She turns to the Sergeant but her eyes are locked on a spot on the floor that seems particularly interesting right now. “I’m extremely sorry, Sergeant Barnes, I mean no offense by this,” she looks to Steve, “but can you please make him put the gun down, it’s really not helping.”
“Bucky,” is all Steve has to say and instantly the gun’s down. It’s like whatever trance the Sergeant was in has broken. .
“I really am sorry,” she tries to tell him, looking vaguely in his direction. “It’s purely instinctual. It’ll fade… eventually. But for now…”
“I—” Sergeant Barnes tries but she cuts him off.
“We’ll talk about this, but not here and definitely not now.” Sergeant Barnes just nods slowly. Satisfied, she looks back at her brother and her boyfriend, “Let’s focus on stopping Zemo for now, rest we can figure out when time comes.”
With that sorted, all four of them begin making their way slowly down the corridor.
“I got heat signatures,” Tony comments.
“How many?” Steve asks.
“Uh, one,” Tony offers after a moment of consideration.
That makes Y/n halt her steps. Something’s off. She can feel something off. There’s a presence she can’t put her finger on. Not Zemo. Something else.
“What’s wrong?” Sergeant Barnes asks her.
She thinks it over for a second and then, “Nothing.”
As they walk into the vast chamber the lights come on. There are capsules in front of them, attached to the wall each one containing an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiments. Hazy, yellow mist descends within the capsules. However, the bullet holes on the glass enclosures is what scares the shit out of her.
“They’re… They’re dead,” Y/n notes.
There’s a short crackle and a voice sounds out from the speakers. “If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep.” It’s Zemo. Her eyes fly from Tony to Steve who seem to be having the same realization. “Did you really think I wanted more of you?”
“What the hell?” Sergeant Barnes questions under her breath.
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here.” Zemo appears in a control room.
Before Y/n can warn him against it, Steve hurls his shield at him but it ricochets easily against the chamber and comes flying back to Steve. 
“Please, Captain,” Zemo’s voice is laced with a smirk. “The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“I’m betting I could beat that,” Tony retorts, walking closer.
“Oh, I’m sure you could Mr. Stark… Given time,” Zemo taunts. “But then you’d never know why you came.”
“You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?” Steve questions Zemo from across the glass window of the chamber.
Zemo, fucking, smirks.
It should terrify her, and to some extent it does. But there’s something in his eyes, something so familiar to her that she can’t believe she’s seeing it reflected back. She’s seen that look in her own eyes in the mirror for decades.
It’s fire. It’s fire and it’s rage and it’s as personal as it can get.
“I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you’re standing here, I just realized… there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes,” Zemo notes, and fuck if that doesn’t creep the shit out of her. “How nice to find a flaw.”
“You’re Sokovian,” Steve notes. “Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No.” Zemo dismisses the assessment so easily, so carelessly, it’s making all the damn alarm bells go off in her system. “I'm here because I made a promise.”
Steve studies Zemo for a second and then,, “You lost someone?” 
His eyes darken.
Y/n knows that feeling, this feeling. She knows it through and through.
Zemo clicks his tongue, then, “I lose everyone. And so will you.” He presses something on the console to his right. Instantly the computer on Steve’s right lights up. Something flashes on screen, Y/n can’t help herself, getting more curious by every passing word of the conversation, she walks over to Steve, to the computer. 
16 Декабрь 1991
She… she’s not sure how to…
What’s happening?
This isn’t—this isn’t…
“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead…” Zemo’s words are dangerous.
“Anthony,” is all that Y/n can choke out. It’s probably her tone, and the use of his full name that brings Tony rushing over to her side.
She reaches for his hand. Instinctually, Tony disassembles his armor from his hand so he can hold hers.
When Tony looks at the freeze frame of a secluded road and the date on the tape, December 16 1991, his eyes rove with anxiety. “I know that road. What is this?”
As the tape begins to play, the horror unfolds in front of her eyes. She watches unable to breathe with an iron grip on the Iron Man. 
She watches the car crash, she watches Howard Stark plead only to be shocked at the face of his assailant. She watches as her bloodied-up best friend, the person who saved her, the person who gave her a home—the person who gave her a family—is struck in the head with a metal arm. She watches on as Howard’s body slumps, falling to the ground lifelessly. His corpse is then dragged back and placed in the driver’s seat of the car.
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Then the assailant moves on to the next target, the collateral damage, Maria. He walks over to the passenger seat of the car where Maria is calling for Howard. She watches Maria plead for help but help doesn’t arrive. Instead, expressionless, the assailant chokes the life out of her. Maria Stark dies. The kindest woman she’s ever known in her life is drained of her life and left like trash at the corner of an unnamed road.
The Winter Soldier then walks up and aims the gun at the surveillance camera and shoots it.
The screen goes black.
Y/n had some semblance of an idea that perhaps yes, Howard and Maria Stark’s death wasn’t an ordinary accident. She’d desperately begged Peggy to look into it, with Thompson and Souza. They had and gave it the all clear.
But in this moment, she thinks—she realizes, perhaps she always knew the truth and was too afraid to look into it. Because if not then, why didn’t she investigate it herself? Back then she’d given herself the excuse that Tony needed her more than the investigation. She’d told herself that she’d be too biased to conduct a sound inquiry. Her feelings would’ve gotten the entire thing too muddled up and messy. She told herself it was the smarter thing to maintain distance. 
That was all horseshit.
She was a scared little kid on the streets of Madripoor once again. She’d lost her family and was walking around without a place to call home and the thought of having to fight HYDRA on top of that would’ve been too much. She’d looked the other way, let things slide, let the murder of her only family slide on account of being a fucking pussy.
And now, she has to confront the truth.
“Did you know?” Tony asks Steve somewhere behind her.
She can’t take her eyes off the now black screen.
“I didn’t know it was him,” Steve answers.
“Don’t bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?” 
There’s silence for a few seconds, a long, long few seconds, and then, “Yes.”
That—now that makes Y/n turn.
She only catches Steve’s eyes for a second, before Tony’s punching Steve and reengaging the Iron Man helmet. 
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More things happen, the fight’s broken out, she’s sure more shit goes down but something just pricked her in the back of her neck and she’s feeling a little dizzy. Everything feels… so fucking heavy. 
Y/n can still hear the commotion from the fight between the men but it seems distant.
“My apologies, Miss Stark, you imbalance the scales too much,” Zemo’s voice rings out on the speaker. “You’ll be back in the game in just a little while.”
“You ever plan on opening your eyes, sleeping beauty?
“What have you got against my happiness, you cruel, cruel man?”
“I’m not the one who wanted to do this, remember?”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re an ass?” She dragged herself out of the passenger seat of the car. Stretching to unfold her joints, she shoved the man next to her just for the fun of it. 
“I’ve got a list of ‘em under my bed, you want to be the latest addition?” He threw back with a smile. Say what you will about the man, but no one can ever deny that Howard Stark had a killed smile. 
“Smart ass,” she chided him without much heat.
“Yeah, yeah. Tell me something new,” he retorted, hand waved in dismissal. “You ever gonna tell me why we’re here? As far as I recall, I was promised the best bachelor party known to mankind.”
She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t promise jackshit, dickwad. I told you we were going to Atlantic City, the rest you made up all in your head, all by your lonesome.”
“What’s a man supposed to think when his best friend tells him that the bachelor party road trip is going to be to Atlantic City?” He pulled a box of cigarettes from his pocket. He put the cigarette between his lips and lit it.
They were leaning on their broken down car, parked on the beach—parked, however would be a generous term. They’d pushed it off the highway onto the beach as a makeshift camp site. The sun was setting ahead of them, slowly being swallowed up by the waves. The wind blew in their faces, as the cars passed by behind them. It made the shit-show of a road trip seem almost worth it… if you didn’t include their car breaking down in the middle and having to push it for a couple miles. Yeah, pretty worth it apart from that one slight glitch.
“I’m your best friend?” She asked, absolutely confused.
Howard just looked at her once before breaking out in maniac laughter. “What sorta question is that?”
“A genuine one,” she told him, serious as ever. “Howie, you serious? I’m your best friend?”
“Yeah, Stark! Obviously you’re my best friend, who else?” He replied, still laughing his ass off. 
“Any fucking body, man. Even Jarvis seems like a more likely option than… me,” she answered.
“That’s some horse shit, Stark and you know it! We live together, we work together, we shit together, eat together. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone’s face as much as I’ve seen yours in the last couple years. You’ve got my last name, damn it. Who the fuck else would be my best friend?” He was looking at her then, genuinely concerned. He seemed like she was asking him if the moon truly revolved around the Earth.
“I… I thought all that—all that’s shit you have to live through cause Peggy dumped me on you,” she provided meekly.
That apparently irked him some. “You think I do all that shit with you cause of Peggy?” He asked. 
She nodded in a simple reply.
That apparently was not the right move. 
He threw the cigarette to the ground, quite angry now, “Why the fuck would I? I’m not a saint and you know it. I never have been. You could count all my good deeds on one hand and all of them had a selfish reason behind it.” He began to pace.
“What was the reason behind this one?”
He looked at her, eyes wide in astonished fury. “The reason behind letting you into my life was that you are by far the only person who understands me. You are the only person I have ever met who’s never asked me to mold myself into something I’m not, while simultaneously encouraging me to be better. You’ve been in my corner, without hesitation and you’ve ripped me a new one when I’ve been wrong. You, Stark, are the only person I’ve ever met who is able to make me believe I am a good man, and understand that I can be better!” He seemed like he was about to blow a gasket. “People see me, see an ass and let me be. You are probably the only person who looks at me and sees the complexities, the entire picture of me as a man. No one gets me, Stark, not even me… Not like you do. 
“At the end of the day, sharing a beer with you, working on cars with you, bitching about S.H.I.E.L.D. with you, that shit keeps me sane. Part of me’s so fucking glad you quit, cause now you’re not gone for days on end for stupid fucking missions. Cause then I get to sit with you and chat about absolutely nothing.” He was still pacing. “You really thought I did all that out of the goodness of my heart? You think I gave you my name cause Peggy asked me to?”
She nodded again, which again was apparently not the right call.
“FUCK, Stark! If I were such a giver I would’ve joined the fucking Red Cross! I gave you my name cause you are my family, damn it!”
“Oh?!” He raged, not pacing anymore. Facing her, he asked, “That’s all you got?”
She thought for a second, looked over at the man who was standing in front of her, wearing a t-shirt and jeans like any normal dude. The last time she saw the man without a suit and tie was a long time ago, he looked much less of a dick this way. 
“We came here for, i don’t know, for something like a… a last hurrah. I found a place downtown. That and—” she was cut off.
“What?” Howard Stark looked like someone had just punched him in the gut. 
“I found a place downtown,” she told him. “Gimme a week or so, I’ll be out before the wedding.”
She hesitated, “I’d be out sooner but I don’t really own… furniture?”
She didn’t know how to respond to this line of questioning anymore. “What do you mean what?”
“Is this about what happened? If you’re mad at me, which you have every right to be, let’s fight it out. Punch me if you want, Stark. I’ll take it!” He looked so desperate, it threw her for a spin.
“No! No, this isn’t about that,” she told him, because it’s not.
“Then why else would you talk about moving out?” He didn’t let her answer. He took a couple steps towards her. He fumbled with his words, going back and forth before he looked at her and said, “Look, I understand what I did… I wa—I was way out of line. But I am truly sorry, Stark. I promise you, it will never happen again. I… My head wasn’t in the right place. I thought if I found something—no I don’t know. I thought I could help. You were struggling with controlling your powers, so I thought maybe I could find something to help you with it. I thought I’d tell you if I found something, and if I didn’t then… Then no harm done, right?” He seemed beyond desperate.
“It’s not about that, Howie.”
“Come on! I know you’re pissed at me! Just say it!”
She walked past him, with her back to him and her face to the ocean ahead, she replied, “I am not pissed at you, Howie…”
“Don’t bullshit me.”
She exhaled deeply. “I’m hurt, not pissed.”
“Is that why you want to move out?” He asked, his voice small.
She turned to him then, “What? No! You’re my best friend, dickwad. I ain’t ditching you cause you did something profoundly stupid?” 
“I’m your best friend?” Howard asked.
She rolled her eyes. “Fuck off, asshat.”
He took a step towards her. “No, seriously. I thought, after what I pulled…”
“You were an ass, yes. It was a breach of trust and like I said, I am… I’m pretty hurt… But that’s got nothing to do with any of this.”
“You’re getting married, man. I can’t keep crashing on your couch once your wife’s around,” she explained. “How is she gonna feel?”
“Elated,” he answered easily. Before she could argue, continued, “I think Maria is more excited about sharing the place with you than me. Something about you being a better cook or whatever.” He leaned on the car again, pulling out a fresh cigarette, he lit it.
“Oh so it’ll be you, your wife and the freeloader on the couch? One big happy family?” She was frankly really confused about the entire arrangement.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. I’ve never bought groceries a day in my life, and yet the fridge is always stocked. You’re the farthest thing from a freeloader, Stark. And besides, I’m not as big a dumbass as you think I am, you know? I’m not gonna make her move into my room that shares a wall with yours.”
“Then?” She asked, motioning him to pass the cigarette to her. She took a drag.
“I live in a mansion, you idiot. We’ll move into the master-bedroom, like God fucking intended I’ll turn my old room into my lab, which let’s be honest is already my lab, and we’ll be fine and dandy!” He took the offered cigarette from her hand and took a drag himself.
“You really didn’t think I had a plan?” He asked with the smirk audible in his words.
She shook her head, “I thought moving out would be the kinder, smarter thing to do.”
“I’d be done burdening you and it’d be less humiliating than you finding me a place as a way of politely telling me to fuck off,” she offered.
He looked at her again, “If after all these years you don’t already know that place is your home, then I have been doing something seriously wrong.” 
Somewhere behind them, up the hill on the road, a car was parked as the two passengers were yelling out their names from inside it. It was Jarvis and Maria, calling out to them. She and Howard had called them asking for help once they knew their car couldn’t be saved even with the joint acumen of both friends. 
They both turned at their names being yelled out. Looking back at the site of Maria waving at them, Howard’s head fell. “I really have been doing it wrong, haven’t I?”
She motioned for both of them to park the car and join them on the beach before turning to Howard. “You’ve been doing just fine.”
“I shouldn’t have lied to you about the experiments,” he stood up straighter. “If you want to move out because of all that shit, I understand. I’ll get you a place in New York, not too close but not too far either. And you don’t gotta worry about any furniture or any of that shit. I’ll get it sorted.” He turned over to Jarvis and Maria who were walking down the hill to them. “Hey Jarvis, what was the name of my realtor?” He shouted.
She punched him on the shoulder, hard.
“OWW! What was that for?”
“For betraying my trust and conducting experiments on my blood without my consent,” she told him, his face sobered instantly. So she punched him again.
“Thinking I cared for you so little that betraying me would change the fact that you’re my best friend.”
“What in God’s name are the two of you doing?” Maria asked as she and Jarvis finally came to stand in front of them.
“Oh I was just about to ask Stark if I can punch for thinking you and I were going to kick her out,” Howard told Maria while looking at her with a smirk.
“You’re welcome to try.” She told him.
But Maria intervened, “What kind of nonsense is that? Why the hell would you move out?” Her tone is so stern it throws her off. “You’re family.”
And just like that, it was settled.
Y/n was a Stark.
When she wakes up, all she can hear is Steve’s voice ringing in her ears.
‘Don’t bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?’
Her eyes couldn’t focus. Try as she might, her head is too heavy for her vision to be anything but blurry. Everything’s too heavy. She tries to stand, but the weight of her bones seem so foreign, she can barely flip herself onto her stomach.
But then, she hears something. The sound of a metal clashing into metal.
And a yelp. Tony’s yelp.
That’s a war cry. 
With whatever little strength she can muster up, she pushes herself off the ground. Stumbling across the hall, struggling to make her way through the  broken pieces of concrete, she gets to the end of the corridor, to the sight of her brother, on his knees, being tag teamed by Sergeant Barnes and Steve Rogers.
Suffice it, all hell breaks loose.
Her armor is up within the second.
Instantly she glitches in front of Tony, between the two super soldiers. Punching Barnes in the throat, her focus lands on Steve.
“Y/n,” Steve tries, stumbling back.
“Steve,” she speaks evenly, as she takes a step towards him.
“Y/n, he didn’t know,” his words are haphazard, confused. He keeps stepping back, trying to put distance between himself and her.
She’s not going to let him go that easily. “Uh-huh.”
“HYDRA had brainwashed him,” Steve says.
Her fists clench. 
“You know what that’s like, don’t you?”
And that—well, he shouldn’t have said that.
The first punch she throws lands straight on his jaw. She even hears it crack.
“Y/n,” he tries again, stumbling back.
“Talking part’s over, Rogers.” The second hit lands directly to his gut. He falls to his knees, she grabs his collar, dragging him upright, she hits him, and then hits him again, and again. As she’s going for another hit, a metal arm wraps around her wrist—halting her in the process.
Turning she faces Barnes. Knees him in the side, waits for him to recoil, for the hurt and lands a gorgeous uppercut. She grabs him by his shirt to keep him from falling. Pulling him back, she knees his other side, elbows him right to the face, once, twice, thrice before he blocks her.
He tries to land a hit to her side but she dodges easily. He’s using his right arm, instead of the metal one. It’s Barnes fighting her right now, not The Winter Soldier. She aims a kick to his temple but is blocked by Steve before she can land it. He pulls her by her leg, ready to throw her to the other side of the room only to get her off Barnes. He thinks she’s targeting him, that Barnes is her focus, the main subject of her anger.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
Mid motion of Steve yanking her off, she glitches out of his hand easily. She glitches in, less than a second later, only a couple steps ahead of him.
He yelps, shaking off his hand. The contact of his hand on her leg sent a bolt of electricity through his hand. She’s brimming with so much power right now, she’s kind of impressed with him still standing. He eyes her. She can see a confusion of determination and.. Fear.
It makes her a little cocky.
With a clenched jaw and a slight tilt of her head, she challenges both men to do their worst.
Steve attacks her from the left side, while Barnes takes her on from the right. It’s hubris at its best. Steve Rogers is holding back because he believes he’s stronger, he believes he might hurt her. Sergeant Barnes is afraid to even have the fight, he’s only fighting to protect his best friend. But otherwise, he’s ridden with guilt—guilt of killing Howard and Maria, guilt of all the people he killed when he was brainwashed by HYDRA, the guilt of torturing her relentlessly under HYDRA’s mind control. Barnes is fighting with his heart, not his head.
Both men have made the crucial and substantial error of pissing her off.
She reads their attacks easily, dodging most and letting Barnes hit Steve by just moving out of the way or using Steve’s momentum to land a punch on Barnes. Their fight pattern is old and boring, just like them. Barnes manages to land a hit to her leg, she gives it back to him two folds by wrapping her thighs around his throat and throwing him through the ground. Steve on the other hand barely manages to land a hit to her gut.
“Ugh!” She yells out, and the man halts instantly.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks, more out of habit than anything else.
Fucking idiot, she thinks, before kicking him straight in the chest. He stumbles back and falls on his ass. Furious at his naivete, he’s back on his feat instantly. With Barnes in toe, they jump back in on her.
But she sees them coming a mile away every single time—that’s the curse of fighting with your heart. It makes you predictable… if you know the person you’re up against.
There’s a hold, Steve’s shield against her punches, while the other hand’s occupied dodging attacks from Barnes. Steve looks at her then, right in the eyes before speaking between her punches, “Never thought you’d use it against me when I taught it to you.”
Belatedly, and only once the words leave Steve’s mouth does she realize that the move was his, he taught it to her on a sweet summery evening. They were covered in sweat and it felt sweeter than sin when one thing led to another and he’d tackled her to the ground for a completely different purpose altogether. She can practically feel her blood run cold.
The irony is, she would look back on this moment later and realise, that right now she’s doing the same fucking thing as the boys—fighting with her heart, with all the fire that’s burning inside of that small fragile little organ that her head doesn’t have a fucking chance against it. And unfortunately she doesn’t realize it until she makes the mistake of ignoring Barnes’ left arm. The metal arm.
Barnes lands blow right to her chest, the force of his super strength along with the metal fucking arm courtesy of HYDRA, sends her flying across the room. Her head hits the wall before she falls to the ground.
Her consciousness comes and goes, but she can swear she can hear Tony cursing at what she presumes are the offending party, Barnes and Rogers. But she can’t be too sure, the world seems to be slipping from her, like sand through her fingers.
“I know you always do, but I’ll say it just for my peace of mind—look out for Tony, will you?” Maria asked with such trepidation that one would think she genuinely was afraid the answer could ever possibly be anything except yes… AS IF. 
But Y/n just nodded.
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Maria nodded as well and then looking back she placed a kiss on Tony’s cheek.  
“We’ll back by Monday morning,” Howard informed her, a little hesitant.
“Enjoy the fucking Bahamas,” Y/n had replied with a substantial amount of bitterness. She never appreciated it when they—more pointedly Howard—left Tony behind, so the bitterness came quite easily. And somehow it became the last thing she ever said to the two people who (along with Tony) constituted her entire family.
Her eyes open because of the sheer brightness of it. Her concussed brain cannot fathom what could possibly be radiating so much light. Until her eyes focus, then she sees it. Tony’s blast against Steve’s shield.
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It breaks her heart. 
Then they’re fighting again. Steve’s falling heavy on Tony. With emotions running so high, she’s sure Tony’s not quite focused on his training. He’s probably relying on F.R.I.D.A.Y. to examine his fight patterns. She wants to help, but her head feels heavy, like there’s a leak in it. Stretching a hand with all her might, she touches the offending leak on the back of her head and apparently it really is a leak, because when she brings her hand back in front of her, it’s covered in red.
She looks around for Barnes then, suddenly very worried for Tony’s safety. She can’t protect him from both of them if she’s injured. But when she spots him lying on the ground, left shoulder armless and in ruins, all her fear fades away and she’s only left with pity.
When she looks back at Tony, he’s turned the tides. Steve’s on the floor on his knees in front of him.
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“He's my friend,” she hears Steve say in between heavy breaths. But even on his feet with Tony looming over him, Steve Rogers sounds nothing but determined.
“So was I,” Tony replies… heartbroken.
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Tony punches him again, then again and then throws him off to the side. “Stay down. Final warning,” he warns, blasters pointed at Steve.
Steve struggles to his feet, his face bloody and his gate weary. He raises his fists and stares Tony down, “I can do this all day.”
Iron man raises his left palm ready to fire. Bucky grabs his leg and Tony spins, kicking him in the face. Steve grabs Iron Man and lifts him over his head, then throws him down, punches him and bashes his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core.Tony looks horrified and glowers fearfully at Steve who pants for breath. Both have blood spattered across their faces. Steve looks back at Tony then shuts his eyes and slumps down.
Later, much much later she’ll realize Steve had slammed the shield onto the arc reactor at the center of Tony’s suit on purpose. She doesn’t know that right now. Right now it’s too late, she sees red.
Slowly and then all at once the ground begins to shake. All three men are confused for a second until it clicks, for Barnes before either of her two favorite men in her life. Barnes is the one who looks to her for an explanation for what could very easily be a natural calamity. The other two follow eventually.
“Y/n,” Steve tries.
But like she’s already pointed out, it’s too fucking late. She’s radiating power, too much of it. Only when the men begin covering their eyes does she realize she’s radiating light, too much of it. She’s on her feet, levitating, inches above the ground.
“Doll,” Steve tries again. He shouldn’t have.
Her hands clench and the building begins shaking.
Steve takes a few steps towards her, with something akin to love in his eyes perhaps but she doesn’t much care for it now. “Doll, you gotta hear me out.”
“No…” she thinks aloud, “No I don’t.” She lets her hands go free, there’s a wave of energy that explodes from her, it's bright and it’s pink and it’s pure unadulterated power. The walls begin to crack, pieces of the structure begin to fall and all she can do is relish the horror in Steve’s eyes as the realization of her strength dawns on him.
The sky above them becomes more visible as the building and its miscellaneous parts fall away, and the sky is a soft shade of pink. She’s moving each and every part of their surroundings, even the clouds. They’re rubbing against each other, thunder crackling above them. There’s heat in her power, just as much as there is inside her. She’s burning with it, she wants to burn Steve with it as well.
How fucking dare he raise that shield against Tony? Against Howard’s son? After everything he did for Steve? After everything Tony did for Steve? After everything she did for him… after all her love?
How fucking dare he?
Her armor is up in a second and she hits the ground. Before Steve can even comprehend what’s happening, she manifests her blade, before he can register it, she’s shoving away Barnes who had stepped in to protect his best friend, before he can even react, her blade is glowing bright and pink inches from his eyes, already at his throat.
“Y/n,” Tony calls out, and his voice is the only thing between her and the death of Captain America at her hands.
It takes everything in her to not give in, to not slide her blade a little further, it’s already cutting in, drawing a drop of blood. She watches it trickle down onto his uniform. It breaks her heart, it breaks her apart. She loved this man, she loves this man, body and soul. She is his, even now. She doesn’t know how to not be his. She doesn’t know how to stop loving him, she is not sure she wants to, even now. But this is the cost of betrayal.
Barnes tries to step in, but he’s quite broken already. Moreover, he’s not her sinner. She glitches away with Steve only a couple steps away. Barnes is about to try again when she presses the blade further in, only by a millimeter but it draws more blood and Barnes backs down immediately. He looks to Tony, hopelessly.
“Y/n,” Tony begins. “Let him go.” His voice is broken and strained as it takes everything in him to get back on his feet. 
“Why?” She challenges. She’s raging, there’s so much inside her, so much brimming just under her skin, she’s electrified by it. The ground beneath her feet is shaking well enough that it’s cracking. They should be running, all of them should be running. Outside they can hear the structure crumbling to the ground, pieces of the building are falling all around them too.
“Because you love him, Y/n,” he tells her easily. There is no urgency in his voice, there is no fear either. He’s not worried about getting buried under the rubble, he’s not particularly worried about Steve either, she thinks. He’s speaking as if he’s just stating a fact, and a fact it is. “You love him so damn much.”
“So?” She watches Steve wince at her response, which wouldn’t throw her off all that much but he hadn’t even flinched when she’d first placed the blade against his throat. 
“So?” Tony throws back, his voice rumbling alongside the thundering clouds. It’ll begin raining any second now. “So it’ll kill you to kill him.”
“He deserves it,” she tells Tony, because he fucking does.
“I know,” Tony acquiesce. “But you don’t. It’ll break you, Y/n. And I can’t… I can’t lose you too….”
She knows he’s right. If she kills him right here, right now, and she could, she really fucking could, Tony would lose her because she well and truly loves this man more than she needs air to breathe. Because with every one of her responses she watches his heart break and while it felt like vengeance, her heart is aching knowing that she caused it.
What the fuck does that even mean? She wants him to hurt, like he’s hurt her but causing him pain hurts her more than it harms him so what even is the fucking point?
What in the fuck is the motherfucking point?
“Fuck!” She curses. 
She looks at Tony, covered in wounds and blood, who, just like her, is raging with anger only kept at bay out of reverence for her. He shakes his head. 
“FUCK!” She yells out, another wave of power pulsing out of her, breaking the entire foundation of the building at once. And then swiftly, she pushes Steve away and rushes over to her brother, shouldering his weight. 
Behind her, she hears Steve take a step towards her, but is stopped in his tracks when an entire staircase falls in front of him, blocking his path. It’s for the best. “Get out,” Tony tells him. “Get the fuck out of our lives, Rogers.” She doesn’t turn to look at Steve’s face at his words. She doesn’t want to know. 
Steve begins leaving, helping Barnes up and shouldering his weight. 
There’s rubble falling all around them when Tony calls out one last time. “That shield doesn't belong to you. My father made that shield!”
“You don't deserve it,” she says it only as a whisper but she knows he can hear it clear as day. 
Steve stops, raises his chin, then drops the shield and walks away with Bucky's arm around his shoulder.
Before the entire thing can collapse on their heads, Y/n glitches Tony and herself outside, near his jet.
It begins raining. It’s not supposed to rain this time of year in Siberia, but with the amount of energy Y/n has let escape into the sky, the clouds had very little say on the matter.
They sit there on the snow, under the rain and watch as the building crumbles to the ground. It’s a fucking mess. 
It’s silent but the animosity in the air is clear.
She knows he hates her right now and she can’t blame him all that much to be honest.
“You should have let me kill him,” she tells him.
Tony scoffs. “You should have let me kill Barnes.”
“Wasn’t his fucking fault he was brainwashed. He probably didn’t even remember till Zemo showed him the fucking tape. But Steve… he knew, and he lied to us.”
“You got great taste in men.”
Her jaw clenched, “You should have let me kill him then.”
“What would be the point?”
She doesn’t know the answer. But the terse tone of his voice is proof enough that a part of him blames her for it too. And well, he should. She could’ve done so much more about it all but instead she chose to fall for the man who lied to them about the death of their family. Of course he hates her. She hates herself.
Her phone chimes. Reluctantly she checks it. “Fuck,” she curses.
“Let me guess, in another 5 minutes I’m about to get a text from dear old Theadore about how he’s on his way ready to rain down hellfire?” Tony questions, clearly rhetorically. When she doesn’t respond, Tony clenches his jaw and says, “Get out of here, I’ll take care of it.”
“Tony,” she tries.
“Get out of here, Y/n!” Is all he says as he gets up and begins making his way inside his jet.
She stands there for a second, soaking in the rain, letting the snow beneath her feet burn her cold. And then she glitches away.
Read the next part here, Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
tag list: @aryksworld @freeflyingphoenix @arikarapli @just-anotherstan @justab-eautifulmess @ceo-of-daichi @roxannejblack @liketearsintherainn @paintballkid711 @starkleila @heyitsmereading @fairlygothparents @euphoria-svt @sidepartskinnyjeans @mini-kunoichi @third-broparcelicito @siwiecola @haleybutnotthecomet @mvaldez7821 @iamspeed16  @ashpeace888 @hopeofwinter @percabethfangirl987 @lilfuturescars @hailqueenconquer
tag list is important now more than ever, i post but very scarcely, please let me know if you want to be on it.
41 notes · View notes
Tryna find a fic where Steve and reader where together.but then he left her for Peggy and comes back from the past saying he regrets it but she moved on with Bucky
It’s not the one I’m looking for
but here’s one it’s called the bolter by @endless-ineffabilities
17 notes · View notes
itsprashimusic · 1 year
'I got it! I got it!!!!'
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Pairings - Avengers x platonic!gn!Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary - It is team bonding time! This time the avengers are playing cricket on a Sunday afternoon. Just some fun and chaotic times. And somehow you ended up on a date with Steve.
Warnings - swear words, reader is 25/26 years old, the reader ogling steve (and bucky, like once), steve kinda ogling reader😉, reader takes their top off (girls don't worry, you can imagine them with a tank top on underneath), reader's got some rizz, descriptions of a broken nose?, no they do not end up kissing. NOT FULLY PROOFREAD.
Word Count - 3.6k
A/N - this is an au where everyone lives and a few of the newer characters are introduced, also for the sake of this fic let's pretend that cricket was popular in the US in the 40s. This ended up being more of a Steve x reader towards the end. though i tried to include the avengers as much as i could.
sidenote - if you're reading this as a guy and are not into guys, i apologize cause the reader and steve act flirty w/ each other in this. you may very well skip this fic if you wish.
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It was a warm afternoon. The kind that either made you want to cozy up in bed for hours or go for a walk outside, each option depending on person to person. Although you wanted to do the former, Steve and Tony decided it was perfect weather to spend some team bonding time.
Even though the sun was out, and you wanted to stay in, you soon forgot about all your earlier protests of it being too hot and you wanting to finish a book you were reading, when the playing actually started, and your slight competitive nature came out.
So here you were, 45 minutes into the game, covered completely in sweat but still having the time of your life. It was probably no surprise when the two teams formed were namely Team Cap and Team Ironman. When you heard the names the teams you face-palmed yourself, but then again it was Tony who suggested the names.
Under team Cap came of course the Captain himself, Steve 'America's Ass' Rogers, the most likely vice-captain, Sam Wilson, the one who was forced to play to get 'social time', Mr. Bucky Barnes, the one who was excited to play because she played it with her brother and their friends when they were younger, Wanda Maximoff, the one who was excited just to be included in team bonding, Kate 'Clumsy' Bishop, the one who was over-the-top joyful to be there, Thor Odinson, and the little one who wanted to join his mom, Billy 'Mama's boy' Maximoff.
Under team Ironman was the self-proclaimed captain, Tony 'Showoff' Stark, the levelheaded one who is actually the captain, Natasha Romanoff, the one who doesn't know what to do but will gladly join for the fun, Vision, the one who is excited for no apparent reason, Peter 'I will not fail you Mr. Stark' Parker, the one who will be kicked off the team if he uses his powers, Pietro Maximoff, the other little one who wanted to play with his dad and (real) uncle, Tommy 'I'm the faster twin' Maximoff, and the one who would've preferred to stay inside but was dragged to play, one Y/N Y/L/N.
Playing the role of the umpire to this game was Rhodey, and bless this man's soul of being able to have patience with the Earth's Rowdiest Mightiest Heros, cause the game was just chaos entirely.
Team Ironman was batting first. The first ones up were Peter and Vision. "Remember keep a firm grip on the bat! We don't want it flying like last time!" Tony was yelling from the sidelines as Peter was readjusting the bat in his grip. At the same time Tommy was cheering on his dad with a "You got this dad! We can beat mom's team!" which was honestly really cute.
Where normal matches would've had 20 overs, the Avengers decided on having just 10. After confirming Peter was ready, Sam took a bit of a running start before throwing the ball. Keeping his eye trained on the ball Peter swung his bat hard, only to have it be flung over 25 yards (roughly 22 meters) from his hands. Just as Peter's hands immediately go to cover his face in embarrassment, Tony's hand ran down his face in frustration. "This is just what I told you not to do kid," Tony said while shaking his head, then turning to look at you he said, "Can you believe this kid?" "Nope, but you still love him" you responded.
"That I do"
Once Wanda returned the bat to Peter, the game resumed, and this time Peter actually held on to the bat and hit the ball scoring a 4. Nice. After another hit done by Peter, it was Vision's turn. He turned out to be surprisingly good at this game despite it being his very first time. Two balls later and Peter was out. Next came in Tommy and to make it a little easier for him to hit the ball it was Billy who would be throwing them for his twin. It was adorable watching the kids play along with their father like that. A sight like this was rare at the Avengers Compound lately. But sadly, Tommy too got out and had to leave. Next up was you along with Vision, who was surprisingly holding his own pretty well.
After promising Tony for the 100th time that the bat would not fling out of your grasp, you finally got to play. Your start was not that strong, but after a couple of balls you were getting better. Because you and Vis were both good players, Rhodey agreed to give you a tougher bowler. So instead of having Kate bowl, it was now Steve. And good god was this man frustratingly good at cricket. He was really making it hard for the two of you.
"Hey Rogers, mind making it easier for us here? It's kinda hard to hit a ball with you throwing it so fast," you said after completing a run.
"Kinda the entire point of me throwing them, sweetheart. Kate was making it easy for you." damn Steve and his constant use of nicknames. OK WE'RE GOING OFF TRACK. Steve took his stance again and began jogging. Your eyes followed his thighs as he stood and started jogging towards you...putting it plainly you were distracted. He threw the ball, which came hurling at you at lightning speed. You somehow managed to hit it, only for Kate, out of all of them, to catch it mid-air. Sighing in defeat, you made your way back to the bleachers handing the bat over to Pietro.
"You did good kid. Out of all of them, I think you've played the best." Tony said pulling you into a side-hug.
"Really?". Tony nods his head.
"You're on my team, and let's be honest, a Stark's choices tend to be the best."
"Next thing you know, Morgan will be using that when she brings a boy over," you say with a chuckle. To which Tony replies, "There's still time for that, she's not growing up that quick." he said more to himself that anyone. You nodded your head, stifling a laugh while Tony brought you in for a side hug. "Looks like Maximoff's out. Red, you're up."
It was now down to their last two players. Nat went up to the pitch that had been created by pulling out the grass. You see, when it's the Avengers playing, they don't care about safety equipment. Only the two kids were wearing knee pads and a helmet. But other than that, nobody was wearing something that would protect themselves. And that would make a clear path for some accidents to make themselves home.
Thor was bowling when Nat joined. "Alright, let's do this!" he exclaimed with a lot of enthusiasm. First missed red flag. Thor insisted on not doing what he called the 'pathetic little run'. He said he'd be fine without it. He took his place while Nat took her stance holding a bat that was a bit too heavy for her. It was meant to be used only by Peter, as he was physically stronger than the others on his team
Second missed red flag.
Thor threw the ball. Nat swung her bat hitting the ball, but not without hurting her wrist with the weight of the bat. But being the trained ex-assassin that she is, her face remained neutral. Hence why no one could tell she was in pain and continued the game.
After completing 2 runs Nat took her stance again. Thor was holding the ball in his hand, tossing it and catching it. When the average person plays cricket, they would normally use either a rubber ball or a much softer yellow tennis ball. But the Avengers are not normal. When Tony ordered the kit online, he didn't realize that he ordered the Season Kit. THIRD MISSED RED FLAG!
The ball that Thor was playing around with was a season ball, a ball much heavier than a rubber ball and much harder than a tennis ball. And in all his excitement, he one: got too into the game and two: forgot to check whether Nat was ready.
She wasn't.
He threw the ball at her without warning. She was not expecting it and it hit her in the face, hard. So now not only was Nat's wrist injured, but she almost definitely had a broken nose. When her wrist got injured, she acted as if nothing happened. But when the ball made contact with her face a loud squeal was heard from her.
Because of how rare it is to hear such a sound come from the world-famous widow, almost everyone ran to her the second her hands flew to her face. Tony's 'we are gonna win' smirk dropped from his face and his legs started moving forward.
"Ow. Tony what the hell is that ball made of?" Nat yelled when she saw him, sending him a terrifying glare. Rushing towards Nat, you knelt down in front of her. Her hands and face were coated in blood. Everyone crowded around her while Peter took the bat from her. You had already taken your t-shirt off and started wiping the blood from her hands and face. Steve had come back with an ice pack.
Now, the team has seen you without a top on countless occasions. So did Steve. But that didn't stop him from staring at you, his jaw slightly dropped. Maybe because your muscles became more defined since the last time he saw you shirtless. You, of course, didn't notice it since your focus was on Nat.
"Thanks y/n/n" she said, sounding very nasally. Her nose really was broken. "Can someone get me to the bleachers?" Before you could react Sam effortlessly picked her up and carried her to the bleachers. Nat kept your shirt with her to absorb any more blood which dripped out of her nose. Steve had not moved from his place as his eyes followed you. Bucky came up behind him, smacked him in the back of his head, took the ice pack and walked away with an all-knowing smirk on his face.
Steve shook it off and walked up to where everyone was coddling Nat. You were next to the group of people already on the phone with Dr. Cho and in the other slightly bloodied hand you held a hand towel, wiping the sweat from the back of your neck. Quite a sight it was for the Captain who could not keep his eyes off of you, eyes following where the towel went to wipe up sweat. That earned him a quiet whistle from Bucky in his ear and a smirk from you who knew he was staring.
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Once everyone finally left Natasha alone and in the care of Dr. Cho, team Ironman finished all of their overs (which meant that Tony was forced to play against his will) and it was team Cap's turn to bat. Peter had already offered you an extra t-shirt of his which he carried with him, and that made Steve a little jealous.
Most of the game went by soon. Turns out majority of team Cap were pretty weak batters. But then Sam came onto the scene, and everything changed. The only score he seemed to be getting were 4s and 6s. Thor got out pretty quickly. And in came Bucky Barnes. He and Sam were among the last players but were the strongest at the same time. The score team Cap had to beat was 104. It proved a bit hard in the beginning, but eventually got easier.
You were currently stuck playing wicket keeper. Originally Tony wanted Peter to do it, but Rhodey didn't allow it when he saw Peter had his webshooters with him. No one else wanted to be put in a crouched down position, and you were pretty good at catching things, so it ended up being your responsibility.
Because of the earlier batters being so sadly poor at the game, you were able to score 7 wickets by the time Sam came along. 3 more and you would win. Pietro was bowling, while Sam was batting. It was starting to get really hot, so much so that Bucky even lost his inseparable leather jacket, entire metal arm on display. A sight that got you staring for a few minutes until Tony cleared his throat catching your attention.
Pietro took a short jogging start and threw the ball. Sam hit it sending in far enough to be considered a six and took off running. You couldn't hear your own yelling over Steve's. His authoritative voice overtook yours as he yelled at Sam and Bucky to run faster. Not gonna lie, you found that hot. Peter yelled your name and threw the ball to you. You caught the ball and hit the wicket just as Bucky's bat made its ground. Everyone looked at Rhodey, "Safe". Rhodey had called that out when Steve started wolf-whistling. With wide eyes you turned around to look at him, just like everyone else.
"You might wanna save those sounds for later Cap" you say with a smirk, knowing exactly what Steve will say next.
"Oh, and what might 'later' entail?" he asks as you toss the ball over to Pietro. "Later entails me and you in a pool at sunset" you call over your shoulder with a wink. Steve's red face from running around earlier had cleared leaving him back to his normal shade, but a bright shade of scarlet started creeping up along his cheeks. Yep, you just got Captain America flustered. You heard Nat chuckling from the bleachers. Her nose was bandaged up and she came back to watch the match.
The plan was to play a sport during the afternoon and then spend time in a pool during sunset. Not just you and Steve but the entire team. Though, you knew them well, they all would probably make some sort of excuse to leave you and Steve alone.
There were a few more overs left now it was just Sam and Steve who were batting. The ball was thrown and just as Steve was about to hit it with his bat, you whistled loudly right in his ear. This caused him to lose focus and hit the ball wrongly. It also was the reason you got a disappointed look from Rhodey but a proud and approving one from Tony along with a thumbs-up.
The game continued and soon they were down to their final ball. the score was 100, 9 wickets. You called out to Steve, "Aye Cap, wanna bet? Loser has to buy the winner anything they want." Steve turned around to face you. With a smile on his face he said, "Sure. We beat the score, I win. You hit the wicket, or I miss somehow, you win." You nod your head and you both shake on the deal, "Though there will be a price limit of $200." you say.
The bowler got ready and started running. He threw the ball. Steve hit the ball. It bounced on the field. Peter caught it. He threw it to you. Steve saw it and had to make a sharp turn to dash back. You caught the ball. You hit the wicket. You yelled, excitement in your tone. Steve was looking down but there was a smile on his face. It didn't matter to him that his team lost the match or that he lost a bet, all that mattered to him was that there was a smile present on your face.
Peter came running over to you and you both collided in a hug with chirpy squeals. Everyone started shaking hands. You walked up to Tony, "I guess a Stark does make good choices after all." He pulled you into a side hug and said, "We do, but you are a hell of a player kid. Good job, you did well. Now go claim your prize, the captain is waiting." and he shooed you away with a wave of his hands.
Steve came up to you with a grin on his face and held out his hand for you to shake, which you took. "So, Rogers. Where are we going for dinner?" "Why would we be going for dinner?" "Because you have to buy me whatever I want and what I want is a date with you, tonight." Should you start a counter for how many times you got Captain America to blush? Because once again Steve's cheeks started to turn pink. "So, Cap, am I gonna get what I want?" "We did make bet, didn't we?"
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Just as you had predicted earlier, everyone slowly started leaving so that it was just you and Steve alone in the pool, at sunset. The atmosphere was serene. Being tired from playing all afternoon you just sat in the jacuzzi next to Steve, head resting on his chest while his arm was holding you. When you first came out to pool where almost everyone was, he stopped to take a good look at you. He would rarely get to see you in your swimsuit. You had tied your hair up, not wanting to get it wet since you'd have to wash it and were frankly too tired to do so. But now the sun had set, and it was time for your and Steve's date. It felt like it had already started while at the pool, but you both agreed to have a casual date.
You dressed comfortable and wore slip-on shoes. Steve was waiting for you by his bike. Offering you a helmet he said, "Is there any food you are craving right now?" you answered no and put the helmet on. "Where are we going?" Steve didn't reply. All you saw was a smirk before he pushed his helmet visor down hiding his beautiful face. He was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt which was probably too tight for him, not that you minded.
You moved to sit behind him on his bike, one hand around his waist while the other rested on his thigh. And the two of you were off. After a 20-minute-long windy journey Steve stopped the bike in front of a local burger joint. They were a bit on the pricey side, but their food was delicious. You both got off and got some food.
Back on the bike he drove to a secluded location and stopped. You got off once again but this time in a grassy area. Walking slowly, you looked up to admire the stars that were now visible in the sky, like freckles dusted on a person's face which enhances their beauty even more. Your eyes moved back down to Steve when he called out your name.
"A picnic at night?" you questioned with a smile, "Now that's not your average date." Walking closer to him he holds his hand out to you and gently pulls you to the ground next to him. You and Steve unwrap your food and eat in silence, the tiredness from the day catching up to you. Until you out of nowhere you perk up with a random question, "Have you ever drawn the night sky?"
He looks at you a bit confused. So, you try to clarify. "Like have you ever drawn the moon, the stars, a comet flying in the background, maybe the shadows of some Christmas trees and mountains?" He seems to be understanding what you mean and chews quickly to reply.
"Yes, I have. I was sitting at my window when I got hit with sudden inspiration and pulled out my sketchbook. That night I not only drew the sky, but I also drew a picture of a very beautiful star which I also saw from my window." "How do you draw a star? Especially one which you saw outside." you asked, your mouth full. That made Steve chuckle, even more so when you covered your mouth to chew, hiding your grin.
"It was easy," he said, leaning in a bit closer. "I drew you." This time it was not the captain who blushed, it was you. You could feel your cheeks slightly hot and faintly hurting. Since your hands were filled with food, you leaned forward rested your head on his chest with a soft thump.
You softly squealed into his chest which elicited a deep laugh from him, whose vibrations you could feel. You looked up at him and he pulled you closer with his free hand. "I draw you quite often. Every time I look at you, I feel inspired to draw your portrait and have the urge to frame it on my bedroom walls. My favourite picture of you that I have drawn it one where you are laughing. I added a flower to it, an amaryllis tucked behind your ear."
At this point you were just looking at him with utmost adoration. He was looking straight while talking but your eyes were glued to him and how he looked while talking about drawing you. When he finished and set his gaze back on you, the two ended up just looking at each other. The electricity could be felt and the urge to move up a little was there, it didn't feel like the right time, so you settled for tilting your forehead against his, noses touching.
The moment felt like it was going forever but eventually you both finished eating, packed up and drove back to the compound. He walked you to your room and just before leaving you he gave you a soft kiss on your cheek before bidding you goodnight. Just before he disappeared behind his own door you said, "I enjoyed spending time with you Steve. I wanna do it again."
"How about we make a bet?"
Rest assured you were squealing into your pillow for the rest of the night.
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A/N- So after working on this forever (September 20, 2022) I have finally been able to post. I am in the middle of writing 4 different posts rn and have started exams (i have a paper in a few hours). Just wanted to gift my 60-something followers a fic so that they know I have not died.
Apologies if i accidentally mentioned any specific pronouns for the reader, please let me know if i do, i will make the changes.
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our-destiny · 1 year
Day 9 of @creativepromptsforwriting's 30 Days Writing Challenge - Write about a heated debate
A/N: I didn't write yesterday cause I was busy, so I'm doing yesterday's prompt as well as today's prompt. Because of that this is short and terrible, with not a lot of effort put into it, but you're getting two posts today so that'll hopefully make up for it.
30 Days Writing Challenge Masterlist
Word count: 314
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"No, pancakes are the best, you can shove your bacon up your ass."
"Bacon is so much better. If you're having pancakes for breakfast, you might as well be eating cake."
Bucky likes pancakes for breakfast. Sam likes bacon. So of course, they had to argue about it.
Sam was standing by the stove, prepared to start making breakfast, while Bucky was standing in the door frame, preventing Sam from making breakfast via arguing with him, and you were sitting at the table in the middle of the room, hearing them argue over the top of your head. You knew you weren't going to get fed until they settled this. If they settled this.
"Can you just get started on it, please? I'm hungry. You can argue while cooking, believe it or not, Sammy."
"No. He's wrong, bacon is superior. Pancakes are for five-year-olds."
"Pancakes are not for five-year-olds. I'm 106, you should respect your elders."
You drop your head onto the table, groaning dramatically at their arguing.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is this annoying you?" Apparently, this was just the way Sam wanted to spend his morning. "Well, what do you think is better? Bacon or pancakes?" Now the both of them were staring at you, waiting for you to settle this for them.
"I like both." At that they both let out a half-sigh-half-groan. A second later, Sam asks you another question.
"Okay, well, who's your favourite?"
"What?" He can't seriously be asking you who your favourite is.
"Who do you prefer, me or Bucky?" Okay, maybe he is asking you who your favourite is.
Bucky's been silent this whole time. You look over at him, seeing if he's really going along with Sam's lunacy, but he's just standing there with his arms crossed, waiting for you to make your decision.
At this rate you don't think you're ever going to get breakfast.
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Reblogs are probably not deserved but definitely appreciated <33
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