#caption is just a radio head song
I jumped in the river and what did I see?
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black-eyed angels swam with me
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dreamings-free · 2 months
Louis about LT3
a summary UPDATED
Sep 2022 first time Louis mentions a 3rd album. Louis is quoted in Euphoria Magazine saying: “Ideally, I’d like to try and write the next record before I go on tour next year. I want to do something similar to what I’ve done this past year.” (but from what we know now it seems it didn't play out that way..)
Sep 14th 2022 Louis leaves a comment on Faith In The Future co-writer Nico Rebscher's instagram post about Out Of My System saying "Can’t wait to do more on the next album!"
Jan 2023 Louis is on holiday in Cabo, Mexico and is spotted travelling with his guitar - maybe in case inspiration strikes!?
Feb 22nd 2023 Louis is seen "a tiny village with a recording studio in it". A few days later both Louis and Matt Vines likes an instagram post by Faith In The Future co-writer David Sneddon captioned "Spent the week at @ angelicstudiouk with friends and heroes." Another FITF co-writer Theo Hutchcraft is seen in one of the photos.
May 11th 2023 Louis tweets: "Also probably shouldn’t mention this so early in the process but I’m feeling really confident creatively, just finished a week of writing and it was unbelievable. Exciting!"
May 13th 2023 When asked about the next album at the LA screening of All Of Those Voices, he answered: “I recently just started, yeah. The majority have been my own, but some of the lyrics is less direct, so it’s maybe not quite as specifically about me but,I felt really fulfilled, the last couple of writing sessions I’ve done have been really, really good.”
Nov 23rd 2023 Louis gets asked about album 3 at the Rolling Stone UK Awards and is quoted saying: “It’s funny, I wrote maybe 4 or 5 tunes in one of the breaks of the tour legs, and actually, I just wanna spend a bit of time. I’m really excited for those songs, but I don’t know when the next records gonna come and the thing about me is when I start writing, I’m just desperate to release things as soon as a possible, so I wanna take a bit of time on this record. So when that might be, who knows.” He also talks a bit about potential collaborators and mentions DMA'S.
Jan 20th 2024 Louis follows producer James Ellis Ford who has worked with Arctic Monkey, Gorillaz and many, many more.
Jan 24th 2024 When asked in a twitter Q&A if he has "a concept in mind already for the next album?" his answer was: "Started drawing the outline in my head". He also told fans asking at the meet 'n' greet in Jakarta that it would be "soon, in my context of the word" 😜
Mar 30th 2024 At the Tecate Pa'l Norte press conference he said: “At the moment, um— to be honest, I haven’t really— the question was what I listen to which is a slightly different thing but; I haven’t really given the next record real thought yet. Obviously it’s been on my mind. But in terms of conceptually, or even finding references, I’m not really at that point yet because I’ve done a lot of touring— just kind of getting that out of the way before I really start thinking about that proper.”
April 4th 2024 He told Chilean radio station Bio Bio: “I have written a couple of songs, but when I was writing them I wasn’t thinking about what they would be for a new album, they were just written to give me something to write and not put pressure on those songs. But I think I will start the work on a new album at the end of this year, maybe.” futher elaborating to Radio Disney Chile: “The good thing about this record is I’m gonna have plenty of time to experiment and with that it gives you plenty of room to just kind of find where the edges of the record live. So yeah I’m looking forward to getting into the process, but like I said I’ve been loving touring at the moment so just been kind of sticking to that.”.
He also told Paraguayan radio station HEI Now: “Of course there’ll be a new album. When? I’m not overly sure. I think I’ll probably start writing at the end of the year. I just wanna let as much life in first and then I can really start emoting and writing.”
June 2024 In the FITF tour LatAm recap video posted to Louis’ instagram 25/6 he says: “At some point I gotta think about the next record, but.. I’m a bit scared of that, truthfully right now, feel like I’ve been enjoying the success of Faith in The Future for.. quite a while. And yes, it’s been the pressure of the shows but I delivered what I think was a good record and a record that was successful. So now going into the next cycle it’s a little bit.. a little bit tentative going into it. I know that’ll change once I get off the road and really start thinking about the essence of the record and the concept of the record and stuff like that. But right now.. yeah, I’m just thinking about the festivals, I’m excited for those.” (he also talks - in past tense about playing in Mexico City and about the upcoming Away From Home Festival, so we can assume this interview was done somewhere in early June)
August 4th 2024 Responding to a fan sign at Santander Music Festival that said "How close R we to the next album 1-5?" showing three - possibly four? - fingers! meaning the album is 3/5 (or 4/5?) done!
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delinquentfiction · 7 months
Dancing Lessons With the Radio Demon
Content: Alastor x GN!Reader, no use of y/n, size difference mentions, reader is sleepy, fluff
Word count: 2,076
No trigger warnings
The bed creaks slightly as you turn and wiggle on it, trying to get into a comfortable spot. Unfortunately, despite the pure exhaustion from your day of running errands for the hotel and essentially being the gofer, your brain refuses to allow you to slip into sweet unconsciousness. It has now gotten to that lovely part of restlessness where no matter how you lay, no matter how long you stare at your phone to distract yourself, you cannot get comfortable. At this point there is nothing you can think of but to get up and find something to do and hope that something is enough to help your brain calm down. You don’t care if you fall asleep walking down the stairs as long as you get a wink.
You wrap your blanket around yourself before leaving the bed, not willing to part with it. Once up and walking you felt like one of those edited cat memes with those dumb relatable captions. One of the good things from life that still made it down into Hell. Cats look different down here and look slightly terrifying with their shark-like 4-way opening mouths, but they’re cats nonetheless.
Once in the hall, you somehow feel like you’re stomping and floating at the same time. Not awake enough to be fully aware, but aware enough of how your walking is the only noise being made. At least in the part of the hotel you reside in. As you meander around and approach the grand staircase, you hear the faint sounds of piano and sax playing a slow jazzy tune. Right then you were reminded that there would be only one other person awake at this hour. A person a little too chipper for the state you were in, but at least it would be company.
You recalled how when you were alive people would say that sometimes it would be hard to sleep because your brain feels like it’s in danger and having someone there or having a stuffed animal can help. Things that trick your brain into thinking you’re protected. Would you feel safe around this ever smiling demon? Would the same logic even carry over now that you’re a demon? Well, you’re going to find out.
As you wander up the hotel floors the song becomes louder and the air seems to feel thicker. It’s not as if it’s never been ominous to visit Alastor’s room before, after all you never know what you’ll open his door to see him doing. There’s always that little fear at the back of your head telling you that you know better than to walk right into a lion’s den like this. The feeling that just walking into his room is asking for a contract you’ll regret later but can’t refuse in the moment.
Once you reach his door, everything comes to a halt. Your walking, his music, and even time, seemingly. Did he know you were standing here? Just outside his door? Did you make a noise you didn’t hear but he did? That wouldn’t be unusual for you. Maybe he was simply getting ready to play a different record. ‘Perhaps now is the time to interrupt, then.’
You softly knock on his door and almost immediately the door swings open which causes you to jump back a little in surprise. He looms over you, crimson eyes peering down over a practically glowing sharp grin. You stare up at him, a shy smile slowly creeping onto your face. “Why, good evening! To what do I owe the pleasure of such a late visit?” Alastor greets.
You stutter a bit as you answer. “Ah, good evening! I just couldn’t sleep and I thought that, uh, I should come say hi!”
“Well, this is a very nice visit! I don't get many late-night callers these days; make yourself at home!” He opens his door wider and gestures with a grand swish of his arm for you to come inside.
And you do. As you walk in you glance around his room, wondering what he was up to while listening to his music. Some of his furniture was moved closer to the walls and a fire blazed in his fireplace, growing ever bigger as a breeze came in from the forest half of his room. ‘Huh, didn’t know that there was weather in here. Noted and hoping it never rains.’ With the warmth of the fireplace it feels unnecessary to have a blanket on so you placed it on one of the couches that is pushed to the side.
“I didn’t have much to do tonight so I resorted to getting into the swing of dancing to pass the time.” The red head explains as he made his way to an awaiting record player that looked to have seen better days, but from what you heard on your way here, it did it’s job much better than appearance would lead you to believe. “Would you care to join me, my dear?”
“Join you? Oh, I don’t really know how to-”
“I’m sure you’ll pick it right up! It does get so boring singing and dancing by oneself, and you seem like you need something to pass the time, yourself.” He looks over his shoulder at you, record in hand. His usual big grin had become more of a smirk, as if he knew about your tired wondering.
You nod at him, figuring he just wasn’t going to take a ‘no’ or an ‘I’d rather watch you dance and hang out on your couch’. You step over to the record player and pick up the sleeve the demon got the record out of. Judging by the title, it seemed to be a collection of old hits from the 30’s. None of which you were familiar with. There is a respect that comes with older music since more modern music couldn’t exist without it, however older music just tends to be a bit too slow for your liking. Perhaps you’ve been listening to the wrong songs though, since Alastor doesn’t entirely seem to be the type to enjoy slow music either. At least not on boring nights with guests like tonight.
As you set the sleeve back down where you found it, music started playing from the record player. A bit distorted at first but sounding just as clear and blaring as it was earlier once it had a second to do its thing. A much more energetic tune than earlier begins to play, confirming your earlier suspicions. Alastor leads you to the center of the room where it’s the clearest and stands next to you, offering his hand for you to hold. It was when you comply and take his hand in yours you begin to remember the sheer difference in size between you two. His clawed hand easily swallowed yours and at this closer proximity than normal it felt like he was a tower to you being a cottage.
“Now, all we’re gonna start with is moving side to side like this.” He shifts his weight from foot to foot, keeping his hips loose and going with the motion. You stare for a moment before awkwardly (at least it felt awkward) mimicking the action. “Use the same foot I’m using on my count. 1, 2, 3, 4.” He kept count until you got it and were able to keep up. Simple enough. “Now we’re going to do the same, but vertical. Slightly more tricky, try not to tie your legs together, dear. Outside foot goes back.” It was trickier, and you did lose balance in the beginning, but luckily Alastor didn’t entirely seem to mind it. You guess it would be less bothersome to someone who could lift you with their pinky. You think you got it down and it seems that Alastor thought so too when he directs, “Now we’ll combine them. Bring your outside foot back up, there you go, and rock on your outside foot, inside foot, outside foot rocks back, then rock back to the front foot.”
As soon as you got that down Alastor was off, adding an extra tapping step, throwing in a few kicks for himself, even switching the position so you were holding hands in front of each other. Once in front of the other you could swear that Alastor is staring a bit too intensely. It’s like he is attempting to peer further into your being and get a better read on your soul. What is more jarring is you could swear his eyes flicker to your lips and stay there, but your tired brain isn’t able to confirm for sure that’s what you saw. Honestly, you had no idea what was going on. Trying to focus hard on his steps and mimic and predict them was difficult, especially in your half awake brain. Considering he kept going you figured you were somehow keeping up well enough; you haven’t been looking at his face much, trying to watch his feet.
Your focus retreats entirely once you hear him say something, but as you look up at him you are suddenly stumbling right into a twirl and then into the deer demons’ chest; one clawed hand now on your waist and the other moving your hand to his padded shoulder. Your nose suddenly filled with a pine and metallic smell and your face so close to the crimson fabric of his clothes, it took a second before you realized your feet had been dragged for a second before the both of you weren’t moving.
“I did try to tell you I was going to pull you in, my dear.” His radio filtered voice brought you fully back. You find your footing again and look hesitantly up at his ever grinning face. Alastor is leaning over you, face coming closer until his sharp teeth become a little too close. Just inches from your own lips.
“Sorry.” One of your feet tries to go back so you would be able to create a bit of distance so you could see him properly, but his hand on your waist keeps you solid against him. You instead opt to move your hand from his shoulder to his lapel to keep your stability. ‘Did he just freeze for a second?’
The demons’ grin widens impossibly more, eyes flashing with an unknown emotion. “No need to apologize, my sleepy friend. I’ve found your company to be quite pleasant on this eventful night. Perhaps it’s time to bring this evening to an end.” He suggests. The hand that is still holding yours let’s go and lands on top of yours on his lapel. “ You caught onto the steps very quickly. You do enjoy keeping me on my toes.”
“Thank you.” You reply a bit flatly, your vision starting to unfocus as you stare at your joined hands. You both were just dancing so it makes sense, but somehow the warmth was still causing cogs in your mind to stutter. As if you can’t believe this as anything but a dream. “I think it’s time I head back to my room. I think I’m at the point where I could go into a coma for the next few days.”
He chuckled a bit to himself. “I see that. You look like you’re going to collapse as soon as I let go of you. Tell you what, I’ll send you back to your room if you agree to come back for lessons after supper tomorrow night. A time when you should be more awake. I am so curious to see how you fare fully awake.” You nod your head numbly, just wanting to allow sleep to take you. “Splendid! Have a lovely rest, dear.”
As he snaps the fingers on his free hand, you could feel the floor disappear under you. Before you could drop, Alastor allows you to essentially float for a second while he lifts your hand he had been covering and kisses the back of it. Next thing you know you fall into inky blackness before feeling the familiar softness of your bed. As sleep begins to over take you, you think back upon those final moments and let them sink in. ‘Oh shit.’ The radio demon just kissed the back of your hand. Not to mention, he also now has one of your blankets. Your eyes snap open, and suddenly you didn’t feel tired anymore. ‘God fucking damn it, Alastor.’
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lnfours · 9 months
inclinations (august) | l.n
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summary: a story told in two parts: summer and autumn. summer held the whirlwind romance that came crashing down too soon. autumn brought the repercussions of young love and learning how to fall in love all over again.
au: childhood friends to lovers, uni!au
warnings: sadness, fluff, a little bit of angst, and social media being a toxic hellhole
masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter | listen
the sun rose the next morning and you rolled over, checking the time on your phone. 7:45am. lando was probably getting ready to head to the airport soon. getting ready to head back to the uk, to go just as fast as he came.
almost like it was routine for him now. he was used to not staying in one place for long, and honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time you saw him for more than a couple days at a time. it was rare that he was able to settle down for a weeks time. he was lucky if he was able to be home for 5 days, yet alone weeks or a month, even.
your phone lit up, letting a soft ping ring through your otherwise quiet room. you groggily grasped it in your hands, squinting at the bright light and turning your brightness back down before reading the text on your screen.
can i see you before i leave?
you weren’t sure if you were excited or if you weren’t looking forward to it at all. it would be your final goodbye until the next time he was able to have some downtime. sure, you should’ve been used to it by now, but things were different back then. things are different now. the same old goodbyes you used to share now sting a little more.
coffee downtown?
knew you were gonna say that, i’m outside already
you furrowed your eyebrows and got up from your bed, making your way over to your window before spotting the mclaren idling outside your house. you grabbed your phone quickly, sending a quick text to him that said you’d be down in a few before tugging on a hoodie and some shoes, grabbing your wallet on your way out your bedroom door.
you made it downstairs in record timing, opening the front door and smiling as he leaned up against the passenger side of his car. he smiled back at you, opening his arms and pulling you in for a hug as you approached him.
you took in his scent, for what was going to be the last time for a while, before pulling away and looking up at him, “hey,”
“hi,” he smiled back down at you, brushing a piece of hair away from your face before planting a kiss on the crown of your head, “ready for some coffee and pancakes?”
you nodded and he moved, opening the door for you before you climbed in and let him close it behind you. you sat in the car, the radio playing a familiar song you had recognized as one of the songs you had sent him a couple months ago, the link from spotify with the caption reading ‘i think you’d like this, definitely your vibe :)’. you smiled at the filled heart symbol on his radio screen, a signal that he had added your recommendation to his liked songs.
it was the little things.
he climbed in and shut the door, heading in the direction towards the cafe you and him frequented almost every other summer. the summers he was able to make it here, that is.
he opened the doors for you, the two of you sitting down at a table by the window. you watched the sky turn from a light shade of orange and pinks from the sunrise into the bright blue summer sky you loved. he watched you watch everything, smiling softly over his cup.
“you okay?”
your attention snapped back to the boy in front of you, his eyes resembling the sky you had your eyes fixated on previously, a hint of sadness in them as he met your gaze.
you nodded, grabbing the warm mug into your hands, “mhm,”
“you don’t have to lie to me.”
you shook your head, swallowing the warm sip of coffee, “‘m not, i just… i don’t know how i feel to be honest. guess ‘m just…”
“disappointed?” he finished for you and you nodded, a wave of guilt washing over you.
“and i know i shouldn’t feel this way, i mean it’s not like you can help it, it’s your career,” you sighed, “but i was just hoping for some more time.”
he nodded, understandingly, “me too.”
your eyes went back to look out the window, your lips moving and asking the question you had been dreading for the past week, “how’re we supposed to do long distance from two different countries?”
“i’ll call you every chance i get,” he said, placing his hands on yours that tapped against the table absentmindedly, making you look back at him, “plus, i’m going to new york for some promo with tumi, i’ll just fly in a few days early.”
you nodded, letting out a shaky breath, “‘m just scared.”
“losing you,” you mumbled, “what if you find someone else and they’re so much better and they’re able to fly all around the world with you-“
“y/n,” he cut your rambling off. he wasn’t mad, he knew where you were coming from. if he was being honest, he was scared, too, “you’re it for me, no one else. you’re the only one i want.”
the waitress came with your foot, the two of you separating your hands and letting her put your plates down in front of each of you. you both thanked the older woman with smiles, which she returned before going back to the counter to chat with the older gentleman having a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.
“okay, new topic,” you said, watching him take a bite from his stack of pancakes, “tell me all about the plans for the rest of the season.”
he smiled at you before happily ranting about the plans for the rest of the calendar. he was thrilled to be going back to racing, and you could feel the excitement radiating off of him. you couldn’t help but smile and listen as he talked about oscar and how well him and his new younger teammate were getting along.
and after you both finished your coffee and food, and fighting over who was going to pay the bill and leave the tip (which he won, as always), you made your way back to the car.
he placed his hand on your thigh, leaving it there the whole ride back to your house. but when he pulled up outside, you wanted nothing more than for him to stay. you wanted to pull him by the strings of his hoodie and force him to stay here with you.
but you couldn’t, and you knew that.
you looked over at him with watery eyes, “i really don’t want you to go, but i know you have to.”
your glossy eyes hit him right where it hurt. and as if he wasn’t having a hard time already, he definitely was now, “baby,”
you sniffled, shaking your head, “‘m sorry-“
“don’t apologize,” he said, tilting your head to look back at him, “don’t apologize for having feelings.”
you leaned into his touch, letting the pad of his thumb wipe away the fallen tear that dripped from your eyelashes, “you better go get a podium.”
he laughed softly, “i’ll get ‘em all, just for you.”
this wasn’t how your summer was supposed to go. you two were supposed to go to the beach, hang out with your friends, throw parties every weekend. you weren’t supposed to fall in love just to feel like your heart was getting ripped out the next week.
“call me when you land?” you asked, and he nodded.
“i will,” he smiled softly, trying his hardest not to cry himself, “i promise.”
you sniffled, “lando, i-“
“i know,” he smiled, “i love you, too.”
you leaned over the center console, letting your lips meet his. he kissed you back, putting as much passion and love into the kiss as he could.
he pulled away, even though with every fiber of his being he didn’t want to, “‘ve got to go,”
you nodded, “i know,”
one more kiss and he was opening his door, walking around the car to open yours. just like he always did. he walked with you up to the front door of your house, pulling you into another bone crushing hug, “c’mere,”
you hugged him back, faze nuzzled into his neck as you tried your hardest not to let a sob rake through you. he pressed another kiss to the top of your head, “i love you.”
“i love you, too.” you sniffled, the both of you pulling away and biding a goodbye after he planted one last kiss on your lips.
you waved to him from your front steps, watching him smile softly and wave to you from the drivers side. you pushed open the door, climbing up the stairs to your room and letting your body hit the mattress.
you don’t remember falling back to sleep, but you woke up to someone sitting down on the mattress next to you and putting their hand on your back. you groaned, turning and opening one eye to see flo smiling gently down at you.
“morning,” she smiled, “how’re you feeling?”
“like shit,” you mumbled, “next time i see zak brown, it’s on sight.”
she snorted softly, “would a shopping trip cheer you up?”
you shook your head and she frowned softly, her thoughts interrupted by her ringtone playing through the room. she answered the phone, the connecting sound playing through letting you know she answered a facetime call.
“hey, ‘re you with y/n?” max’s voice caught your attention.
she looked over at you, “yeah, why?”
“okay, good,” he said, “tell her to stay off her socials.”
your head picked up as she spoke, “why?”
she turned the phone to you, letting you see max’s face as he sighed softly, “did you go get breakfast with lando this morning?”
“i guess some paparazzi got some pictures of the two of you,” he said and you immediately reached for your phone, seeing the millions of notifications flood your lock screen, “and some people are saying some real sick things.”
you opened instagram, your notifications blowing up with each passing second. you clicked on the first thing, the pictures of you and lando from this morning popping up on your screen.
you read the comments, drowning out what max was going on about as flo watched and read with you.
what is he doing with her?
that is so not his type.
he could do so much better
you locked your phone, your best friends eyes meeting yours. she frowned looking at you as you turned your phone off, ignoring the texts from lando that had popped up right before.
i’m so sorry.
are you okay??
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Stick Season
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader, Larissa Weems x reader
Warnings: angst, hints of miscarriage
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The team sat drinking in Emily's apartment “Oh and what about that woman you dated! The pretty one” Morgan laughed “Y/n?” She responded confused. “Yeah! What happened to her?” Penelope gasped wide-eyed “Um- she moved away” Emily swallowed.
“She was so pretty” JJ sighed leaning back on the sofa “I still remember her babysitting Henry for me” she smiled “She has talent” JJ tilted her drink. The radio played softly in the background as the group made Emily's ex the main subject "Imagine having to tell people how badly you fumbled" Morgan shook his head.
Penelope hummed along before starting to sing, JJ joined in until Spencer and Morgan hummed too "And I'm terrified of the weather, 'cause I see you when it rains". Emily closed her eyes listening to the music, Hotch and Rossi looked knowingly. This was you.
"Doc told me to travel, but there's COVID on the planes" They all stood to dance not realising the lyrics just yet or maybe they did. "And I love Vermont but it's the season of the sticks" Emily's eyes opened you always wanted to visit Vermont, that's where your mum was from. It had been two years almost since you had broken up "And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed" Emily wanted to laugh.
"And it's half my fault, but I just like to play the victim" She knew it was partly a dig at her "I'll drink alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas". You never drank because your dad was an alcoholic "And I'll dream each night of some version of you!!!" Spencer's voice cracked.
"That I might not have, but I did not lose" Emily quickly stood, on a race to the bathroom, closing the door only making the music seem louder. "No, I am no longer funny 'cause I miss the way you laugh. You once called me forever now you still can't call me back."
She had to find you and it wasn't hard she knew you tried to contact her still Emily watched the phone ring through unable to face she had hurt you. Stick season was the name of your song. It came out a year ago but now you were posting some gorgeous blonde on Instagram,
You were finally doing everything you had always planned, you looked happy Larissa had proposed on your anniversary she seemed nice. The more she scrolled Larissa was a principal for what school it didn't say but your following had boosted. You'd made it just like you spoke about.
There was another picture- a few actually that stood out a picture of a dove but you were scared of birds the caption read Joanne Prentiss. Emily didn't know a Joanne and definitely not one with her last name, it was posted a few months after you broke up. Another picture closer to when you had moved out was two plates but only one set of cutlery. It flew over Emily's head, had you been seeing Larissa longer than the internet said?" she wondered still stalking you.
"I hope this pains just passin' through, but I doubt it" Emily slumped against the bathtub watching the last two years of your life in pictures. Everyone made sure to remind her how she let you go but back then it felt best.
You will marry Larissa who helped you gain your shine back and she'll rot at work, you will continue a family while hers will grow without her. You will be happy and that's all she could hope for until she accidently liked a post from when you moved to Vermont.
"Em? Are you okay?" you messaged not long after but Emily couldn't bring herself to say the truth "I'm great, Penelope was on my phone" she frowned. 'Okay, I'm just checking but it's good to hear you're still alive' Two years for this, Emily still lying. It's the alcohol she tried to pass 'Yeah I guess, I heard your song it's...' Emily typed only to delete it 'Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't there' No Emily.
'I love you- no' 'yeah I guess so, I see you're well' the song was coming to an end "Now your tire tracks and one pair of shoes. And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do" JJ sang loudly. It took a moment for you to respond 'Yeah it took a while, life was tough but it wasn't anything I hadn't gone through before'.
'Can we be friends?' Emily was quick to text 'I'm not sure, you really hurt me but only time will tell. I have to go now Em, Larissa just got home but please take care'.
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
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this is me asking you about your popstar lance au ‼️
i love u for asking & marry me also.
lance has an affinity for music.
partially this is canon. but also jeremy shada is a musician so. i KNOW his voice is good and i KNOW he can play bass and guitar and keyboard too i think. basically he’s his own band.
in my head, dicking around on instruments is just smth he’s always done. one time when he’s like twelve he records a christmas song for his mama and she LOVES it, like she shows all her friends, and lance is teased by his older siblings (mamas favourite lol) but veronica notices that he’s quite quietly….happy is not the right word?? the weight that seems to follow him lifts for a while. so she makes some offhandedly comments that damn, patito, as much as ur a goober ur one of the few people whose voice sounds really good when it’s recorded. just to plant the seed u know.
and since lance is like early teens and the youngest and easily manipulated it WORKS, and lance starts actually hesitantly trying to make and record his own music.
of course he’s too insecure and embarrassed to like TELL anybody. (veronica is not a dumbass and can fully see it happening. she just keeps to herself and resolves to find him and be an anonymous fan and never EVER let him find out) and he’s a tv obsessed nerd so he’s like omg i have to have a secret name??so his dweeb ass chooses JAVELIN 😭😭 cause. yknow.
he writes songs as javelin for YEARS and he gets like bo burnham success he goes viral QUICKLY. and he gets a twitter account to have fun with. BUT…he never posts his face. just his music. (and social media presence lol).
anyways i have more details. but i like to imagine lance is in space and the team gets to talking about like pop culture and music and stuff and pidge mentions an artist that she loves, javelin, and lance is like lol do i have news for you.
some other random details:
- as lance gets older his twitter gets more batshit insane ala jaboukie and he gets banned like four times lol
- he does eventually tell veronica. one day he collects a bunch of her pining gay texts and writes a song and asks her to sing it. bc it’s lesbian as hell. she does and it’s one of his most famous (based off a real song i’m obsessed w)
- while he’s away at space someone literally figures out who he is. they connect his disappearance w the disappearance of lance esposita-mcclain, garrison airforce cadet, and their debunking youtube video gets like MILLIONS of views and half of the viewers agree half don’t. it’s this giant conspiracy. first tweet on javelin’s account (made on the lions as they touch down on earth literally the second his phone connects to data lol) after YEARS of total radio silence is a link to the video and the caption “well damn” lol
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steddietogo · 7 months
Made With Love
Steddie Tik tok au: Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 read on Ao3
Steve_the_Hair posted 2 mins ago
The video starts with the trio in the kitchen, overlaid by the caption on the screen reading, ‘3 simple dishes for 3 occasions.
Robin and Eddie are ‘helping’ Steve peel the potatoes, mostly just splashing each other with water and loudly singing along to the songs playing in the background. 
In the next shot Steve is alone, chopping the potatoes, Eddie and Robin banished from the kitchen on account of clumsy limbs and sharp kitchen knives. But they’re back for a dance break after the potatoes have been dropped in the pot to boil and the knives are safely stowed.
The camera angle shifts to capture Steve sliding the boiled potatoes into the oven and Eddie filling a glass mug of wine and handing it to Steve who looks more and more pink and giggling every time the video cuts to him checking on the potatoes. Then it's just the counter top and the potatoes side into view and Steve seasons them and adds a few sprigs of rosemary to it.
The video cuts to show a modest spread of green beans, mac and cheese, the roasted potatoes and a rotisserie chicken instead of a turkey on the dining table lit with candles. The trio sit in the candle light and clink their wine mugs in the middle before they dig in. 
The last clip is of the three of them piled on the sofa with a black and white movie playing, but Robin and Eddie are fast asleep, snoring away on top of Steve.
The trio pile their luggage into the trunk of Steve’s car and they’re off on the road, singing along to the radio, munching on food and then falling asleep all while Steve is driving and giving the camera pointed looks now and then. A caption briefly appears above a sleeping Robin saying ‘it's literally just a 1 hr drive’.
Steve is setting up his camera in a homey looking kitchen while two middle aged women wave enthusiastically behind him. Then he puts Dustin and Lucas to work chopping up apples while he’s preparing the dough for the pie crust, the sleeves of his ugly christmas sweater rolled up. (There’s more munching on apples and pretend sword fights with wooden spoons more than actually working though) 
Once the pies are in the oven, the three join the rest of the kids in the backyard for a game of football. Eddie is clearly behind the camera on the back porch, loudly cheering while he films the nine of them running around in the snow and Steve getting tackled to the ground once he gets a hold of the ball. The teens plus Robin immediately dogpile him, much to Eddie’s amusement.
Once they are sufficiently damp and shivering from the melted snow melting on their clothes, they head back inside. Robin pretends to float around the kitchen in the smell of the pies baking. Steve takes them out and cuts a big slice out of one, scooping a hefty serving of ice cream on top of it. There's a commotion in the background and then several tiny spoons reach into the frame for a piece and the slice is gone in seconds.
‘New Year’s Eve’
Steve is alone in the kitchen mixing a few ingredients for a dip in a dish, tops it off with cheese and broils it in the oven. The cooking part of the video is over pretty quickly. The two get situated on the sofa with a few other snacks and a bottle of champagne. They’re in their pajamas and wearing the sparkly ‘2024’ party glasses. They watch a movie, drink and dance around the living room together, laughing their asses off when Eddie tries to take a swig straight from the champagne bottle and almost chokes on the fizz.
Closer to midnight, they turn the sofa around to face a big window with the curtains thrown open. Once they are done, Eddie picks up the camera saying, “No Robin today, she’s out there living her life,” while Steve makes an exaggerated pouting face in the background, once again both clearly drunk.
The camera is placed behind them, capturing the view outside the window along with the backs of their heads as they sit with a glass each, counting down with more drunk voices shouting from outside the window.
“Happy new year!” Eddie cheers with Steve, almost tipping his glass onto himself. Doused in the colorful lights from the fireworks outside, Eddie and Steve lean in to share a kiss. 
Dustin H: Steve pick up the phone ISTG
mrmunson: Forced to watch my husband kiss some other man 😭
a/n: final part for my loyal followers we’re going to ignore how this is less than 4k words but took me like more than a year to finish
tag list: @deehellcat @eddiemunsonswife @missarte-beltane @walkingaftermidnight07
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babygirl-diaz · 7 months
My Emotions Are Naked Chapter 2 (Buddie Fanfic)
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“It’s a queer club,” Eddie grumbled leaning against the door and resting his head on the cold window. “That’s what Nick called it.” 
“Who the hell is Nick now?” Buck asked 
“The bartender,” Eddie replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He rolled his head to rest it on the headrest and watched Buck. Buck was so beautiful. Eddie had a strong urge to lean in and kiss his adorable birthmark. 
“Eddie,” Buck sighed. “You still haven’t told me what you were doing at this queer club.” 
“I was getting drunk and hanging out with Alex,” Eddie replied. 
“Alex. Right.” There it was—that tone of voice again. “Have you met Alex before?” 
Eddie reached out to play with the radio. “No, I met him today but it feels like I’ve known him forever.” He stopped when he heard a station playing “I Want It That Way” and smiled. “Hey! That’s Alex’s song!” 
Eddie heard Buck sigh again and he didn’t ask anything else. “How did you know what type of a club it was?” Eddie asked. 
“I’ve been there before,” Buck replied. 
“Oooooh… You have?” Eddie asked grinning. 
“Yes, I came here with Hen and Chimney once during Pride Month,” Buck told him. “We sang karaoke.” 
“Oh.” Eddie couldn’t hide the disappointment from his voice. He really thought Buck wasn’t necessarily straight and that’s how he found himself at this club. 
They soon reached Eddie’s house and Buck helped Eddie again, taking him inside. Once in his bedroom, Buck let Eddie lie down and took off his shoes and belt. “Oof, buy me dinner first,” Eddie chuckled when Buck started pulling his jeans down. 
“I always buy you dinner,” Buck simply told him and helped Eddie into his sweats. He knew Eddie so well. Eddie hated sleeping in jeans. 
“That you do, my friend,” Eddie giggled and wiggled around to pull his blanket close to himself. “Stay,” he said reaching for Buck’s hand when Buck started to leave. 
“I was gonna go pick up your truck and bring it back here,” Buck told him. “Wouldn’t want it to get broken into overnight.” 
“We can do that tomorrow morning,” Eddie whined. 
“I won’t be long,” Buck promised. 
Eddie pouted as he watched Buck leave. He tried to stay awake for his return and picked up his phone from the nightstand. He was starting to sober up so he managed to unlock it and saw a message from Alex. 
-Hope you got home okay- 
Eddie smiled when he saw the message and replied -Yeah, I did. What about you?-
-Oh hey! You replied! I didn’t think you would- Alex replied and then sent a second message. -I’m just waiting for my Uber-
-Well I’m glad you’re being responsible, Dr. Williams (;-
 A few minutes passed before Eddie got another message. -The funniest thing just happened. The Uber that picked me up dropped off your friend Buck here. I don’t think Buck likes me very much ):-
-He’s like that with new people. You should have seen how he reacted to me when we first met- Eddie replied. 
-Well, that does make me feel a little better- Alex texted back. -Anyway, are we still up for this Saturday?- 
-I thought you wouldn’t want to after I called you Buck earlier- 
-You remember that?- Alex asked -And no, you’re good. I can see why you’re so hung up over him. The guy is cute-
-Are you hitting on Buck?- Eddie couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 
-No, no, of course not- Alex replied. -I was just being observant.- Before Eddie could reply, there was another text. -So, Saturday?-
-Saturday sounds perfect- Eddie replied. -Are you home yet?- 
Instead of a text reply, Eddie got a photo this time with Alex standing in front of a door. -Just got home- the caption read. 
Eddie smiled at the picture, and his eyes started to close when he heard his truck outside. Soon the front door opened and closed. A minute or two later, Buck was in the room with a water bottle. 
“You’re still awake?” Buck asked. 
“Yeah, was just waiting up for you,” Eddie replied and offered him a smile. 
Buck came over and set the water bottle on the nightstand before taking a seat next to Eddie. “Feeling better?”
“Well, my head has stopped spinning like a helicopter blade so that’s good,” Eddie joked. 
“Here, have some water.” Buck helped Eddie sit up and gave him the water bottle. 
Eddie drank the water before lying back down. “Thanks, Buck.” 
“Of course. I’ll be in the living room if you need anything,” Buck told him and got up. 
Eddie caught Buck’s wrist. “Don’t leave. You can sleep in here.” 
“It’s okay, Eds, I can sleep on the sofa,” Buck told him. 
“Buck, come on, it’s not like we’ve never shared a bed before,” Eddie pointed out. 
Buck looked like he wanted to protest again but then he sighed and nodded. “Okay.” He took off his shoes and got into bed. 
Read the rest on AO3
(A special thanks to @sarastars for helping me out with this fic)
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splatooshy · 24 days
what kind of music/artists/bands do you think the scooby gang + the originals would listen to in the early seasons?
well we know from canon that even without humanity, damon can & will listen to taylor swift without complaint. even though he’s perfectly capable of compelling a music change.
& he listens to depeche mode so he’s automatically cool.
i think the salvatores have very wide tastes, but not much overlap. stefan loves bon jovi to an unhealthy degree, and would probably have been a BIG beach boys fan back in the day. he’s totally over it now though, those records in his cupboard are purely decorative!! damon would love ABBA, head over heels reminds him of katherine & he uses it to outsource his emotions in his no humanity era. stefan tolerates it for lexi’s sake (damon thinks it’s unfortunate that he and lexi have similar music taste. it’s probably the only thing he likes about her). also the cure.
i think stefan cries to bon iver’s ‘roslyn’.
both stefan and damon would be into stevie nicks & florence + the machine & paramore & david bowie (damon in fact knew him rather well back in the seventies…) but in totally different ways. damon loves anthems & grooves, discordant sounds and triplet beats, while stefan digs a good beat & steady rhythm. with a fabulous guitar riff ofc.
bonnie is also a big paramore girly. also hozier. i think she and damon bond over similar music tastes.
caroline listens to taylor swift (fearless is her fav, red & 1989 are 2&3), one direction, jonas brothers, miley, britney etc. she bullies politely asks jeremy to let her use his tech stuff to make her own mixes. she also has a hot pink boombox that she takes to every cheer practice. it’s covered in stickers that won’t come off no matter how hard she tries. yes, vampire strength has been applied.
elena spent the three months between the crash & stefan blasting dean lewis in her bedroom. hozier, bon jovi to seem cool to stefan, janis joplin, probably some british pop like dexys midnight runners, ed sheeran, bastille. but that’s a secret she’ll take to her grave.
jeremy listens to 21 pilots, mcr, p!atd, bleachers (later seasons tho. don’t think they existed til 2015 or something), the neighbourhood, arctic monkeys, fallout boy, etc. probably listens to sheppard on repeat. geronimo just really speaks to him, okay?! absolutely does not copy damon’s taste in music, that’s just a coincidence!!! he’s also the source of elena’s secret love for british pop.
matt listens to elevator music. nah he just plays whatever’s on the radio. my truck is my girlfriend & my dog has fleas kind of country music? idk.
tyler has all of those mix cds like sofresh, each 00s / 90s genre, really does not care what he listens to as long as he can nod his head along.
alaric listens to 80s rock in a dad way & whatever damon plays because damon has dj rights everywhere & will push his way onto the aux.
not really in the gang but katherine listens to male manipulator music. and female manipulator music like ethel cain, fiona apple, etc.
the originals?
klaus listens to smooth jazz. and instrumental covers. he’ll text stefan a link to the lamest love song ever (instrumental) with the caption ‘this is our song’.
kol also listens to smooth jazz, but in a cool way. as well as 00s pop. he and rebekah fight over who discovered what song first. he would absolutely LOVE musicals. has the glee & hamilton soundtracks on his little ipod. BOY BANDS OMG kol has a backstreet boys poster confirmed. also 90s-00s hip hop / rap / pop hybrids. especially nelly furtado.
OH OH THE SHREK SOUNDTRACK. that’s his jam fr fr.
rebekah is a speak now girly through and through. ‘innocent’ is literally her song. she’s just so taylor swift. she would LOVE suki waterhouse, but that’s not for another few years. OH WAIT REBEKAH’S CANONICALLY ALIVE IN 2024. she absolutely listens to chappell roan and it DEFINITELY does not make her think of hayley, why would you say that???
elijah listens to eight hour long symphonies and concertas, but won’t complain if one of the others is hogging the aux. he will not be so childish as to dagger his siblings over music disputes, (klaus), or break their arms (rebekah), thank you very much. he only demands control of the music when damon’s trying to seduce him (succeeding), because elijah knows how to woo & be wooed in return. that includes the romantic playlist. also, damon has a very annoying habit of singing along & playing air guitar when the bridge hits just right, usually whilst there is a cock in his ass.
finn likes renaissance fair music. he considers it to be contemporary, as he was daggered during this period.
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katsukikitten · 1 year
continuation of a selfship drabble master list here
The leaves on the ground give him pause, brow furrowing as he notices you haven't posted anything for a solid two weeks now, not even a status. Almost a month since he spoke to you last.
He sighs, berates himself for doing it but he has to know that you're at least still alive. Checking your location first and he's thankful you still haven't turned it off. Looks like you're either headed back to your apartment or out. Sees that Taro is with you and closes the app.
Tells himself that's good enough, that at least he knows you're living, that you were in the hands of someone he trusted dearly. So he pockets his phone only to pull it right back out.
Is she okay?
Sky blue eyes stare down at the message, chancing a glance at you who's driving as if he could get into trouble. Slander thumbs make quick work of a response.
I reckon
makin me sing all the fuckin songs on the radio
especially TOD
Kaza feels conflicted, tongue running along his teeth as he rereads the rapid messages. Before he can reply another comes on.
Your singles've been playing a lot. not while I'm in the car but shit is obvious.
Fuck, fuck he shouldn't have even fuckin recorded them. Soft sad melodies that played in his head during the witching hour. Shouldn't have ever put your voice memos layered to sound like background barely audibly just for him to call out to you before the next verse. Text me when you get home, I love you. Something he said to you over and over again.
that vent song we made together that Muzan fuckin released anyway.
and this sad ass song I can't stomach
we ain't strangers to them right
pretty girl think that? that we're fuckin strangers?
Attached is a link to the song that he clicks quickly to listen to, lyrics solemn and sad. Just his single, just like the vent song he and taro made, still unable to capture the well of sadness and anger in his chest. Glaring down at his phone, trying to calm his breath, Akaza was the main reason why the band had to take a hiatus in the first place.
Punching band members, punching aggressive fans that asked about you, punching Muzan when he tried to offer up his niece as someone that he or Gyutaro could date. He would have broken his jaw if it wasn't for the other three band members trying to pull him off.
Like pulling a wild dog off a bone.
A wolf off a carcass.
He did break Koku's orbital bone with his elbow when he tried throwing them off. It was Gyutaro who thought quickly enough to shout "She'll be pissed if ya get jail time."
But the threat of that died the next day when he found himself smiling down at four men in a four v one that he instigated. Running his hand through his fading pink hair. Biting the inside of his already raw cheek.
He reassures his bandmate easily
your pretty girl always thinks the world of ya. tell her the truth she'll believe ya
To which the dark haired man replies quickly
fuck off you first
"Stubborn bastard." He growls to no one but himself before his phone pings, not a message but a notification.
Clicking on it way too quickly to see a selfie of you and Taro both flicking off the camera. The man is smoking, cigarette hanging from his lips, phone in his other hand screen still aglow as if he was in the middle of a reply.
Clearly at a stop light, your hair wind blown and the two of you are in your car, the one he helped you fix up and by helped he asked you to "sit and look pretty princess" while he did all of the work because he wanted to.Still does.
But he can't, not anymore. No way to explain what happened and maybe he doesn't think he deserves to even attempt to tell you a truth you won't believe anyway.
The caption reads still livin, still hate the end of summer
He pats himself down for his smokes, debates if he should vague, cupping his hand around the end of the stick before the flame flickers to life and catches. Burning as he breathes in and exhales slowly leaving a gray cloud in its wake.
Deciding against it when another selfie comes through, you with your eyes closed and peace sign up, oversized hoodie, his hoodie, making the neckline a bit lower, seeing something circular and black on a dainty chain, like a ring or band. A necklace he doesn't recognize, at least at first, eyes going to the caption.
we'll go back to strangers
Stomach dropping as the lyrics match up to the song he listens to now. Although she wasn't musically inclined she's always been drawn to it, he knew that. Knew her music reflected her moods more often than not.
Knew that when he released his single. The one that made her go radio silent to the entire group, even if she wasn't angry with them, for an entire two months before Gyutaro showed up at her door.
Another text comes in pulling him from his thoughts only to fan the flames.
she still has that fuckin ring
And then it hits him, the circular band too small for his inked digits burns against his skin under his shirt hanging from a chain. Fingers flying to it to feel the smoothness of the rose gold and the embedded onyx gem and black diamonds surrounding it. The same ring you flung back at him when everything happened so fast.
Looking at the photo you posted again and finally seeing the 'pendant' for what it really was. A black wedding band meant to match a black gemmed wedding ring.
The revelation makes him see red, makes a clotting mix of deep sorrow and anger twist and knot in his chest, losing when one starts and the other ends. Just how he sees you and him. Quick to start his bike, to abandon his half finished cigarette and skid out of his parking spot before he heads back inside to bloody his knuckles again. He was the cause of this, of your sorry.
Your pain.
Heart beating way too fast and yet slowing as he starts to become numb. Grip tight on his bike's handle and phone making it glitch. Snapping pictures, opening apps from feeling his skin, the sensors not knowing what to register and trying to pinpoint the most pressure.
Meanwhile his speedometer climbs higher and higher.
Slowly creeping higher as his bike whines from exertion. Weaving between cars that barely register as a blur as he navigates the highway this late at night.
His phone vibrates excessively before his headphones interrupt the looped song to signify he had an incoming call before picking up for him. Wind from no helmet going to to make it near impossible for him to say anything back unless he screamed.
"Slow down and delete that fuckin picture before she sees it. Right the fuck NOW!" Gravely voice rarely raised, especially when aimed at family.
But Akaza can't be fucking bothered, barely audible as he growls "Shut the fuck up." With that he hangs up and when it rings again he doesn't bother answering it, launching it into the concrete guard unable to watch it explode into a million pieces from his speed.
Part of him thinks he should let go, just finally let the ride take him like it was always supposed to.
Fitting that a violent life would lead to a violent end.
Until the ghost of you curls around his back, static before your pretty voice would ring through his ear pods because you called him on his way home from work.
"Careful Jiji, I just want you home in one piece."
Making him grip his brakes as fast as possible without flinging himself over the handlebars, stopped on the side of the shoulder as a few cars past by him.
He walks back the handful of miles to where he threw his phone, whistling lowly when he sees nothing but a star shower of glittering glass and smashed innards.
Kneeling down and determining that nothing was salvageable. Running his broad palm through his hair slowly.
God could he be anymore of a fuck up?
He was sure he couldn't.
But he'd be proved otherwise, when he turns on his new phone the next afternoon sees several missed calls from his foxy sister, from Taro and one from you at 3am.
Not a vague, not a message, a phone call. Voicemail flashing at the top of the fresh screen. Inked fingers fumbling over the glass as he goes to listen, your voice filling him with absolute dread.
How you try to force the venom into your tone, how you can't hide how you've been crying, how you're still shaking. Pouty lip wobbling from the weight he put on you by giving in to his anger.
"You better be fuckin dead."
Before the line goes as dead as he feels inside.
He really truly was a demon.
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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Here’s an assortment of HS doodles I’ve done in the past few days lol. HCs, shitposts, So Many Karkats (the state of my mind atm), and some more fallout radio lyrics (the BGM of my mind)
IDs under cut!
[ID: Ten pictures, traditionally done doodles in various colored markers, featuring various Homestuck characters, mostly Karkat Vantas. The artist would like to apologize in advance for what's going to be a long ID.
The first image is done mostly in red marker, and shows Karkat and Kankri, with various headcanons written around the page. In the order that makes the most sense, the notes read: "Appear most human in comparison to other trolls." ; "Rounder ears, nubby lil horns, blood (obvs), rounded teeth (-canines) ((like humans))" ; Regarding Karkat specifically: "Lil sideburns; anger is mostly farcical; so much baby fat; hair is more angular" ; Regarding Kankri specifically: "Bushier burns and more facial hair; repressing so much anger. Too much. Good god.; thinned out a bit, lanky; curlier hair, rounded out." A smaller doodle shows Kankri intimidatingly leaning over Karkat, saying, "Do you want me to kill him for you? tw: threats tw: violence," to which Karkat responds, all caps, with "What-". In black text, there are artist's notes and song lyrics, that read: "Homestuck???? In 2022??? Fuck!!" "And I'm still obsessed with the same lil guy," three arrows pointing to Karkat, and finally, "It's a sin alright!!"
The second image shows the Signless, drawn in red marker, smiling affectionately, holding his head in one of his hands. There are two small red hearts, and the cancer symbol. In black marker are more song lyrics, "Ain't that a kick in the head?"
The third image shows the artists self-insert, drawn in orange, and Karkat, drawn in warm gray. The self-insert is patting Karkat's head, smiling and singing, "You're a stinky baby~." Karkat looks annoyed, with a thought bubble next to him that just says "WTAF."
The fourth image is Karkat again, drawn in warm gray. His shoulders are hunched and he's angrily crying red tears, yelling out, "Fuck you! Fuck you!! Fuck you!!!" He appears to be trembling.
The fifth image shows Karkat, Kankri, the Signless, and Beforus Karkat. The Signless is affectionately resting his head on Kankri, who is affectionately resting his head on Karkat. Karkat looks annoyed off panel, saying, "Dave. Help." Off panel, Dave says, "Man c'mon, this is cute as fuck." Beforus Karkat looks on from a distance. Below is a continuation of this doodle, where Beforus Karkat yells out, "He doesn't want to be touched, assholes!!" Both Kankri and the Signless back off, the Signless saying, "Oh, sorry lovey!", Kankri saying, "Karkat, you should have told me I was upsetting you-" while Karkat looks back at Beforus Karkat and yells out, "Thank you!!"
The sixth image shows Beforus Karkat, drawn in a cool gray, affectionately coddling Karkat, drawn in warm gray. Beforus Karkat appears neutral in expression, petting the top of Karkat's head. Karkat is smiling softly, giving a little peace symbol with his right hand. A note written in black marker reads, "Finally. Two Karkats. And they care each other."
The seventh image is done in pencil rather than marker, seemingly on a worksheet. It's a meme redraw with Karkat and an Among Us bean looking down from the top of a building. Karkat is saying, "Are you seeing this, Mongus from Among Us?" The bean is nodding their head.
The eighth image is of Karkat drawn in warm gray again. He's looking down at the viewer, sickle raised above his head, with the caption, "*kills you*" next to him. I think I was referencing a meme, but I can't recall exactly which one. It's meant to be humorous.
The ninth and tenth images are related. The first shows Karkat, drawn in warm gray, and Kanaya, drawn in dark green. Karkat is pretty much a blob in the background, but appears to be upset, crying, while Kanaya looks annoyed in the foreground. Karkat is saying, "Kanaya, I frew up! :(", and Kanaya is just thinking, "God." The image after shows a similar scene, but Karkat is now in the foreground, annoyed expression on his face, and Gamzee, drawn in purple, seemingly upset, is in the background. Gamzee says, "Hey Kar. I threw up. Honk. :o(", and Karkat thinks, "God. I get it now, Kanaya. I get it."
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musicarenagh · 2 months
Behind the Rhythms: For You Brother on Their Latest Hit 'America' The three members of 'For You Brother', an alt-rock group originating from Aiken, South Carolina, is generating quite a buzz around their debut release “America. ” John Davis, Jean Carlos, and Phil Noah are childhood friends with a various set of inspirations that produce a new, exciting sound. Their most recent single is a perfect representation of their talent and the fact that they have been friends for decades, with the tune that immediately gets stuck in your head. Non si può non rimanere colpiti da “America”, sofferente per il 6/8 time, vocali convincenti e corda pulita. The vibe of the song is very consistent since all the parts fit together well in creating an enjoyable listening experience. In fact, any of the; Its chorus is quite touching and catchy, and it seems appropriate to call this song the anthem for national holidays. We had an opportunity to sit down with John Davis, alias Jon Dash, to talk about the creative process of For You Brother. Davis shared not only information about the early influences and musical training of For You Brother, as well as their present and future creative endeavours, but also the backstory behind “America”. Keep on growing with For You Brother and follow them as they create the exciting and soulful art of rock music. Listen to America https://open.spotify.com/track/6kKhBiNGJklYu6AtHbRZvu Follow ‘For You Brother’ on Spotify Youtube Tiktok What is your stage name My stage name is Jon Dash Is there a story behind your stage name? Yes, I usually dash out after a show. I'm kinda of a reclusive person Where do you find inspiration? I find inspiration from living life's journey & from older bands. Van Halen, Yes, Mother Finest, Boston, Queen, Prince. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? the earlier years I spent most of my time trying to be different. Are you from a musical or artistic family? musical family, yes cousins, uncle, ect Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I was always drawn to music from a child. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I was self taught. Writing music I just record whatever I'm feeling that day. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? my 1st concert was The invasion tour 1979 Van Halen How could you describe your music? my music to me is danceable ,funk , rock, classic rock Describe your creative process. my creative process starts out with whst ever riff that I start jamming on. Then it takes life. What is your main inspiration? my main inspiration is pleasing God What musician do you admire most and why? I admire Edward Van Halen the most. He was true to his heart musically. He inspired many guitarist. He had a big heart. [caption id="attachment_56380" align="alignnone" width="694"] I admire Edward Van Halen the most.[/caption] Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes, my style is definitely evolving  Who do you see as your main competitor? no competition What are your interests outside of music? my interest outside of music are spending time with my family and friends. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Business owner What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? biggest problem would be getting airplay on Radio stations If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? if I could change the music industry hmm maybe clean up the good ole bit system https://open.spotify.com/artist/4nWuBCCDsqEOKvbucI6gsN?si=ZoKJPdj4RpyhO30clza0iQ Why did you choose this as the title of this project? America, is the title for the single as it represents the song perfectly. What are your plans for the coming months? my plans for the coming months are writing more tune with Jean Carlos to support out upcoming shows Do you have any artistic collaboration plans Yes, Jean & I are currently playing with the Jimi Bennett Band writing & gigging
What message would you like to give to your fans? my message to our fans would be Thank so much for your support & listening to our new single America.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Molly is pacing in one room, looking through the photo album; Sam, Dean, and Y/N waiting in another room nearby.
"I think we should just tell her about her husband," Sam says, sighing.
"We can't," Dean says.
"Dean, it's cruel, letting her pine for him like this. I don't like keeping her in the dark," Y/N adds.
"I'm sorry, Sam, but it's for her own good," Dean insists. Y/N gets up. "Man, I know you feel guilty, all right? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her." Molly approaches.
"Tell me what? What aren't you telling me? It's about David. You know what happened to him," Molly demands.
"Sam, don't," Dean interrupts.
"Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband."
"That's not true."
"Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please," Molly pleads. They hear a radio turn on, static, then the song 'House of the Rising Sun' begins to play. "He's coming."
"Stay with her," Y/N says to Sam.
Y/N and Dean cautiously move towards the sound. Y/N uncovers the dusty radio that has powered itself on and looks at Dean before crouching down to find a broken, frayed power cord. They hear another noise and head toward the front door. It frosts over, and the words 'SHE'S MINE' appear in the frost. In the other room, Molly is standing by the window. Sam steps cautiously forward toward the next room. Suddenly, a figure crashes through the window behind Molly and grabs her. She screams as she is dragged outside. Dean and Y/N come running back.
"He's got Molly!" They three leap through the window and chase them through the woods. They lose sight of them and return to the house.
"This guy is persistent," Y/N remarks.
"We gotta find Molly," Dean insists.
"We gotta find Greeley's bones. And, uh, no pressure or anything, but we got less than two hours before sunrise," Dean says.
"Hey," Sam says, looking through the photo album.
"What you got?" Y/N asks, and Sam reads the caption on a photograph.
"February 6, 1992."
"That was like two weeks before the accident, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. I mean, it looks like the hunting cabin, but, I swear there's a tree there right where they're standing," Sam notes. The three look up. "I should've thought of it."
"What?" Y/N asks.
"It's an old country custom, Guys. Planting a tree as a grave marker."
"You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness."
"Yeah. I know," Sam says somewhat bitterly.
"And that is good for us," Y/N says.
Molly is hanging from the ceiling by her wrists.
"Where's David? What did you do to him?" Molly asks.
"You shouldn't worry about him anymore," Greeley responds ominously.
"Oh, my goodness."
"You should worry about yourself."
"I didn't do anything to you."
"Oh?" Greeley says. Molly groans as Greeley runs a filthy hand over her face.
"I know...I know about your wife. Hurting me won't bring her back."
"My wife is gone. All I got left's...hurting you." He slides a finger across her collarbone, slicing flesh; Molly screams.
"P-Please. Just let me go."
"Go! You're not gonna leave. You're never...gonna leave." He drags a finger across her belly, gouging deep. She screams in pain. Sam, Dean, and Y/N approach the cabin from the outside, carrying shovels.
"Go get Molly," Sam says. As Y/N heads inside, Sam and Dean begin to dig around the tree. Inside, Greeley is approaching Molly menacingly when his head explodes in a shotgun burst, revealing Y/N behind him, causing Molly to gasp.
"Oh, thank goodness," Y/N smiles.
"Better than God, call me Y/N." Greeley appears behind Y/N, who turns to face him. Greeley gestures, and Y/N cries out, a cut appearing on her cheek. "This guy's really pissing me off." Greeley gestures again, and Y/N flies backward, slamming against the wall. Outside, Sam and Dean dig feverishly. They hit something hard, and they look at each other before looking down to see bones. From inside, the two can hear Y/N yell.
"Hurry up, boys!" Inside, Y/N is still struggling against the wall. Greeley reaches out, and a knife flies into his hand. “This isn’t gonna go well." Sam empties a box of salt into the open grave as Dean empties a container of gasoline into the grave. Greeley approaches Y/N with the knife. Greeley and Y/N struggle. Dean lights a match and looks to Sam, who nods, and he drops it in. Greeley freezes and rears back in pain.
"No, no," he says. The corpse in the grave catches fire and burns. Greeley bursts into flame, is consumed, and disappears. The knife falls to the floor.
Dean, Sam, Y/N, and Molly approach the Impala. Y/N and Dean pat her lovingly.
"Oh, baby, it's been a long night."
“Now let’s get you back on the road,” Y/N says as the twins drop their bags on the back floor before they get in their respective seats. Sam then opens the back door for Molly.
"All right. Let's get you out of here."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my husband," Molly says.
"All this time...I've been looking for him, and you knew that...You knew that Greeley killed him, didn't you? He's dead."
"No, Molly. David's alive," Sam says.
"What? You're sure?"
"I'm sure. We'll take you to him. Come on." Molly smiles in relief and she gets into the car.
They pull up in front of a nice suburban home and they see that the lights are on inside.
"He's in that house, right there," Y/N says.
"I don't understand."
"You will." They get out. She approaches the window, and can see David inside. He is older, wearing a bathrobe, and pouring a cup of coffee.
"That's...not...It can't be." Sam, Dean, and Y/N are watching Molly. They all share a look. David looks up and a woman in a bathrobe comes up to him, kissing him on the lips. "What's happening?" Molly turns back to Sam, Dean, and Y/N. "Who is that?"
"That's David's wife," Y/N says. Molly turns around to look at the house again, then back to Sam, Dean, and Y/N. "I'm sorry, Molly. 15 years ago, you and your husband hit Jonah Greeley with your car. David survived."
"What are you saying?"
"We’re saying there isn't just one spirit haunting Highway 41. There are two. Jonah Greeley and you."
"For the past 15 years, one night a year you've been appearing on that highway."
"No, that's not possible. It was our anniversary...February 22nd--"
"Yes," Molly says.
"Molly, it's 2007."
"Oh, god."
==Flashback – Winchester's POV==
"All right. Tell us about Highway 41," Y/N says, leaning forward.
"12 accidents over 15 years. Five of them fatal, all of them happening on the same night."
"So, what are we looking at...Interstate dead zone? Phantom hitchhiker? What?"
"Not quite. Year after year, witnesses said the same thing made them crash. A woman appearing in the middle of the road, being chased by a man covered in blood."
"Two spooks?"
Sam, Dean, and Y/N find old newspaper articles referring to Molly and Jonah's death.
"Now, where is Molly buried?" Y/N asks.
"She...she wasn't buried anywhere. She was cremated." They walk out.
"So much for burning her bones," Dean says.
"Yeah, but then what's keeping her here?"
"Some spirits only see what they want," Sam says.
"David?! David?" Molly runs out onto the road, stopping the Impala. "Stop! Stop!"
"Shit-!" The Impala brakes.
"You have to help me!"
"Guys, I don't think she knows she's dead."
"Please!" Molly bangs on Sam's car window. "Open up! Please!"
"Okay, okay! All right, all right. Just calm down. Tell us what happened."
"What are you gonna tell her?" Dean asks.
"The truth?"
"She's gonna take off running in the other direction," Y/N says.
==Flashback End==
"Some spirits hold on too tight. Can't let go."
"And Greeley?" Molly asks.
"Each year he punishes somebody for his death...ah, chasing them. Torturing them. And each year, that somebody is you."
"But I don't remember any of it."
"Because you couldn't see the truth, Molly," Y/N says.
"So that's why he won't let me off the highway. Because...I killed him. I killed us both."
The group continues to stay outside of David's house as the dawn is nearing, Molly sitting on the steps.
"Why didn't you tell me when you first saw me? Why wait until now?"
"You wouldn't have believed us."
"And you needed me for bait," Molly says to Dean, accusingly.
"Well, we needed you," Sam says.
"Molly, we brought you here so you could move on," Y/N says.
"I have to tell him --"
"Tell him what? That you love him? That you're sorry? Molly, he already knows that. Look, if you want to go in there, we're not gonna stop you."
"Yeah, but you are gonna freak him right out. For life."
"David's already said his goodbyes. Molly. Now it's your turn. This is your unfinished business," Y/N says.
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Just...let go. Of David. Of everything. You do that...we think you'll move on."
"But you don't know where," Molly says, crying.
"No. But Molly, you don't belong here. Haven't you suffered long enough? It's time. It's time to go." Molly nods sadly, then steps slowly away from the house. She turns her face upwards as the first light of dawn creeps over the rooftops. Bathed in light, she becomes part of the light and vanishes.
"I guess she wasn't so bad, for a ghost. You think she's really going to a better place?"
"I hope so."
"I guess we'll never know. Not until we take the plunge ourselves, huh?" Y/N says.
"Doesn't really matter, Y/N. Hope's kind of the whole point."
"All right, Haley Joel," Y/N smacks him in the shoulder. "Let's hit the road." They cross the road and get back in the Impala as a light rain begins to fall.
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viviplaynet · 2 years
Joshua Ketchmark is a Nashville-based country-rock musician who is quickly becoming known as a promising newcomer in the music business. Joshua grew up in a rural part of Illinois. He became interested in music because he heard a lot of different songs on the radio and on the records that his parents had. After he graduated from high school, he moved to Nashville, where he worked on his musical skills by recording songs, writing songs, and playing at local bars. Ketchmark's gift is not limited to his amazing voice and guitar talents; in addition, he has a special capacity to connect with the people who are listening to him perform. His ability to create music that is both rock and country in equal measure is evidence of his flexibility as an artist. His music hits the right balance. Even though they have played as the headlining act at the Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles, worked with well-known producers, and even cleaned out Pat Benatar's garage, Ketchmark is still a bit of a hidden gem in the world of music. His most recent hit, "No Stopping Us," a coming-of-age song that is now getting a lot of airplay, is taken from his tenth studio album, which is titled "Blood." The lyrics of the song convey the narrative of someone reflecting on their life and coming to the conclusion that nothing can stop them from achieving their goals. Ketchmark goes into further depth about his artistic journey and the influences that led to the creation of "No Stopping Us" in an interview with MrrrDaisy. In the world of music, it is just a matter of time before Joshua Ketchmark is recognized by everyone. In addition to the fact that he writes words that are deeply felt, his music is distinctive in that it combines rock and country. You won't want to miss out on this emerging star's musical journey, so make sure you listen to Joshua Ketchmark's newest album, "Blood," as soon as you can. [caption id="attachment_9373" align="alignnone" width="2000"] Joshua Ketchmark Delivers A Very Powerful Message In New Single 'No Stopping Us'[/caption] How long have you been making music, and what attracted you to it? I’ve been making music since 1989. That was the year my garage band recorded our first demo, but I don’t consider that I really started making music professionally until I got to Los Angeles in 2002. Looking back, my attraction was a combination of elements, wanting to get out of the small town in central Illinois that I grew up in, being told that it was a waste of time, and, first and most importantly, “music” itself. What was your first project, the people you worked with, and in which year? My first-ever project was a band called Mad Hatter; yes, the name speaks for itself. It was my first band. We were a young garage band that rehearsed in my dad’s basement. We recorded two demos, one of which I still have. That band didn't amount to much, but it provided me with a lot of fun and more rehearsals than I care to remember. That was probably in 1988. We recorded in 1989 in Springfield, IL and, I think, in 1990. That band had Link Hadsell on guitar, Brain Strack on bass, and Jeff Loxx on drums. Now fast forward a couple of years, and let’s head out west to California. The first professional project I was a part of was a pop punk band I worked in the studio with called "Flashlight Brown." They were signed to Hollywood Records, and it was the first time I got to see the major label record-making machine in action. Rob Cavallo (Green Day, Goo Goo Dolls) was the producer on that record, and I felt lucky just to be in the room. In those days, I was new to LA and was getting work wherever I could, mainly as a guitar tech. It gave me a front-row seat to watch and learn how records were made. I’ve worked with producers Michael Bienhorn (Soundgarden, Marilyn Manson), Jack Joseph Puig (Sheryl Crow, John Mayer), Julian Raymond (Cheap Trick, Fleetwood Mac), and artists such as Melissa Etheridge, Johnny Lang, Fuel, and so many more. It was invaluable.
Who or what inspires or motivates you? And why? I’m always on the prowl for inspiration, and I seem to find it in the most unlikely places. I’ve always been a dreamer at heart. Taking "no" for an answer has never been my thing. My word means a lot to me. So if I give you my word that I’ll do something, I stick to it. The scenario usually plays out something like this: I get inspired by something I see, hear, hear about, or have always wanted to do. Then the dreamer in me starts shooting off his mouth about whatever the next step is, and those words seal the deal. Once the words leave my lips, there’s no going back. Sometimes I fall short, but it’s not that often. For better or worse, I do my best to keep my word. Yes, it can be a blessing and a curse at times, depending on which way you look at it. What are your friends' and parents' thoughts on your career in singing? That has always been a slippery slope. I don’t have many friends that aren’t connected to me through music or who are musicians and artists in their own right. As far as the friends I’ve had a go with, I believe they all have the best intentions, but they can be divided into two camps. On one side, you have people who encourage you, believe in you, and have a lot of respect for what you do. Then on the other side, you have people who still respect you but think that your successes take something away from them. like there are only so many seats at the table. I guess you can make anything competitive if you choose to. In my experience, nothing good comes from stepping on someone to get ahead or get the best out of him or her. Maybe some people need that to drive them to deliver, but it’s never worked in my case on any level. Growing up, my family really encouraged me not to pursue music. They saw it as just a phase I was going through, like collecting Star Wars figures or playing Dungeons & Dragons. People who listen to the radio to get from point A to point B, in my experience, have one default response: "You just want to be a rock star." Well, yeah. When you’re 14, you’re closer to make-believe than real life. In my case the rockstar fantasy didn’t last long, once I started trying to write my own songs I found something else. It was my friend when no one else was; there through thick and thin. My parents didn’t see what I saw in it, and unfortunately for them, when I was younger, the most surefire way to make sure that I would do something was to tell me not to, and back then, my family sounded like a broken record continually stuck on repeat. What are some of the challenges you face in your career path? The music industry has changed so much since I was a kid. It’s hard to keep up with it at times. It has kept me on my toes, to say the least. The biggest challenge that I’ve ever faced, though, would be myself. I’m always getting in my own way, and if you give me a great opportunity, I’ll probably try to talk you out of it. I would be hard-pressed to recount the times someone has told me over the years, “I’m going to make you famous.” I’ve heard it from people who were already famous, and from people with the best intentions from all walks of life. And throughout history, the words "trust" and "music industry," in my experience, haven’t mixed very well. With that said, to have someone who you’ve seen in countless movies look at you and say they think you should be famous is a memory that still makes this small-town Illinois boy smile, even if that was only as far as we got. I’ve had my share of "almosts,” and every single one of them has made for a great late-night story, and some of those stories have found their way into my songs. [embed]https://youtu.be/ncIhxtiLlOU[/embed] How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business? Social media is a necessary evil these days. Honestly, I don’t understand it. But the internet has made a lot of avenues accessible for artists that were previously not, and I do think that this is a great time to be making music.
So I would say it’s had a huge impact, it turned the whole industry upside down. Change is a good thing. Do you have any advice for aspiring songwriters? Write, write, write and don’t be afraid to change things, nothing is set in stone. Work on it until it says what you want it to say, the way you want to say it. Don’t be scared to be yourself and tell your story, that’s what sets you apart. There’s only one ‘you’. Hold onto it. What is your current project about? My latest record out now is titled "Blood." It consists of 12 songs, all based on a true story. The lyrics centre around how I remember feeling while trying to find my feet as I was growing up and coming of age. It is the most honest record I’ve ever written. It captures the spirit I had back when I thought I was invincible, and the times when I wasn’t. It’s loaded with great players and performances. I’m very proud of it. I think everyone should listen to it at least once. What does this song mean to you? ‘No Stopping Us’ is based on my own life experiences. The first line in the chorus is “We were right outside of glory,” and I think it really speaks for itself. I knew when I finished writing this song; it was the start of a record. It’s the first song on the record. It has a strong coming-of-age story attached to it for me. It takes place in the space between who you are and who you want to be, as well as all of the paths you take to get there. What are your hobbies? I have no hobbies right now, when I’m not working on music, I’m watching a movie. There is a lot of "rinse-and-repeat going on around here. What do you do aside from this profession? All I do is music these days when I’m not making music for myself. I help other people make music, whether it’s playing on a record, producing a record, or mixing one. I hang my hat in Nashville these days, and Nashville is all about songwriting. I love getting together and co-writing with other songwriters. Pulling an idea out of thin air and having a song by the end of the day still seems like some sort of sorcery to me. It’s magic. What is one message you would give to your fans? Thank you for always being first in line to jump on this rollercoaster with me. We’ve taken this ride together so many times in the last 14 years. Thank you for your continued support. You guys are the best. Thank you, thank you. [embed]https://open.spotify.com/album/0IMaPMUMp3Oze8bNPpiZAF?si=75tQ27VmR96Og8IV09QPfw[/embed]
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veinsinneon · 6 years
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
Eleven going straight to Cherry Lane after a huge blow-out argument with Mike, hoping to hash it all out with Max and get some advice, but when she gets there it’s Billy who answers the door. 
“Sorry, kid,” he tells her, because Max isn’t home and he’s not sure when she’ll be back. Eleven is disappointed, of course she is, but she apologizes for bothering Billy and turns to leave. “Hold up,” he says, because there’s no cars around, no bikes in the driveway — she walked all this way, and the clouds are gathering fast, and this quiet, kind-of-weird girl is shockingly the only one of Maxine’s friends that he can tolerate. She doesn’t grate on his nerves like the others, and he’s already heard the rumblings of thunder. “At least wait out the rain,” he says, pointing up at the sky. He turns back into the house and leaves the front door open.
Eleven follows him inside. The TV is on, muted, captions flicking across the screen, some heavy metal band with big hair and dark make-up giving an interview to a poised young reporter. El can’t decide who looks more out of place. Billy’s music is on loud enough to shake the walls. She wanders into the kitchen where there’s a still-smoking cigarette in an ashtray on the table, sandwich fixings spread out over the counter. Billy asks if she’s hungry, already taking out an extra plate, so she lets him make her lunch. 
“So,” he says, back turned, “what’d he do this time?”
He’s not sure why he asks. Maybe he’s just bored. Maybe he just doesn’t want to sit in awkward silence, waiting for the rain to stop or for Max to come home, whichever comes first. Maybe he can tell that El is upset. Maybe he actually cares.
“What?” Eleven is clearly confused, doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Mike,” Billy says matter-of-factly. “That’s why you’re looking for Maxine, right? Your boyfriend’s a dumbass?” 
He’s so casual about it. In fact, El has never seen him this relaxed before. And there is a familiarity, Max’s words in Billy’s mouth, because she’s always calling Mike all sorts of names, dumbass and jackass and dipshit. So El says, “Yes.”
She thanks Billy when he slides a sandwich in front of her, watching him cautiously as he sits across from her and digs into his own. There’s something disarming about him today. He’s always intimidated her a little bit, something about the...well, the everything about him that set her on edge. He’s big, his loud, he’s strong. She knows he can be mean. But right now he’s tapping his foot to some rock song on the radio, wiping mustard from the corner of his mouth, tamping out his cigarette because she wrinkled her nose at the smell, and she is struck by how natural it all feels.
“So,” he says again, “what’d he do?” 
And El takes a deep breath and she tells Billy everything. She tells him about how Mike ditched her for a Hellfire Club meeting, about how he never even told her about the campaign, about how he never taught her how to play D&D even though he’d promised time and time again.
Billy listens intently, earnestly, and when El is finished they both sit there in silence for one beat, two, and then Billy says, “He’s a shithead.” El laughs. Billy does, too, but he doubles down. “I’m serious. I mean, listen, anyone that’s gonna pick some fantasy bullshit over his girl? There’s something wrong up here.” He points to his head. “And that’s his fucking problem.”
El nods along, because she likes everything that Billy is saying. They talk a little more as the rain patters against the windows. She helps him clean up the dishes and they retreat into the living room, where Billy turns down the music and unmutes the TV. There’s music videos playing now, and Billy explains to El who the bands are, names off each member, offers bits of trivia. This is where Max finds them when she gets home, fresh off her 10th first date with Lucas after their 9th break-up, and she’s shocked to find Eleven and Billy together, is even more shocked to learn that El has been there for hours. She joins them on the couch and El catches her up to speed. Billy excuses himself, makes up some excuse about being girl talked-out, but he ruffles El’s hair as he leaves, already shifting her place in his social hierarchy and plotting how he might fuck with Mike Wheeler the next day. He’s got a second little sister now, and he’ll be damned if he lets anyone treat her like shit.
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