#casually posting this here hey yall
phrumbs · 4 months
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the end of wad ! <3 and hello dnp tumblr lol
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1whore1gang · 7 months
it’s the little things🤍
hey y’all! this is part 6!!
catch up HERE
sorry this took so long to get out to y’all, been working like crazy and had some writers block, BUT IM HERE TO FEED YALL
Taglist: @gaymistakeboi@batw3nch@thedevillovesflowers@almightywdm@ghostslittlegf@sketchyfandomgirl@under-the-dirt@clear-your-mind-and-dream@darkangel4121@vreselia@llemes @stargaliz @rockcollector3000 @nottrosaxx
as always please yell at me if i forgot you!
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You lay in your cot, your body aching from the long days of hard work. You had just gotten back from a shift, your phone ringing as your back hit the fabric. You had super shotty service, so a call coming throigh was a miracle.
“Hey baby, I hope you’re well.” You swiped to answer the call. It was your John.
“Hey honey, just tired as hell.” You chuckled a little as you laid on your side, placing your phone next to you.
“I know you don’t have much time to talk and need your rest but I wanted to not only hear your voice but let you know I met the babysitter today. She cleared the background check and she loves the boys.” You could hear his smile in his voice.
“That’s good.” You replied, your eyes closed as you felt your body relax to his voice.
“She’s young, 19. She’s a spritey thing, lots of energy. She’s bubbly and super great with the boys. Her name is Tia. I think she’ll be good for them, be able to keep up.” He sounded excited, and you were happy he’d found a girl you could trust to watch the boys.
“I’m glad babe, hopefully they don’t chase her away. How much is she charging? Is she staying on base?”
He chuckled, “I’m paying her so don’t you worry about the money doll, as for her, she’s staying in my room. I’m giving my room a deep clean and washing my sheets before I leave.”
“She’s sleeping in your bed?” You opened your eyes at this and propped yourself up on your elbow.
“Yeah, comfier than the couch.” He said it so casually, but it somewhat bothered you that some babysitter was sleeping in his bed before you were. Yes, you chose not to, but it still bothered you, the idea of a much younger woman sleeping in his sheets, using his room for herself. “Baby?”
His voice broke you out of your thoughts. “Yeah, but the couch isn’t too bad. I’ve been sleeping on it. I would prefer it over my current situation.” You heard John laugh a little.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be out there before you know it, I’ll make sure you stay comfy and get rested. Tia though-“ He continued to ramble on about how Tia did with the boys and what he thought of her. He spoke about how she’s coming again so he can give her a rundown on everything she’ll need to know, and make sure she doesn’t have any questions. He said he’s going to spend the day with her and the boys so she can get acquainted.
It bothered you a bit. You knew deep down it was nothing, John wouldn’t sleep with a 19 year old, nor would he cheat on you. Right?
“But, I’ll let you go my love, get some rest. I’ll see you in 4 days.” You big your goodbyes as he hung up.
You quickly fell into a deep sleep.
“Lieutenant! Get your ass up and get to your post!!” You woke up to Captain Snyder’s voice booming. “You’ve got 20 minutes until your shift, get moving.”
“Yes sir.” Your voice was hoarse as you arose from the rough cot and threw on the missing pieces of your uniform you didn’t sleep in. Your eyes were heavy as you hobbled to your post, taking the jeep to the embassy.
You noticed your soldiers were in a similar state? you were all starving and restless. Some soldiers had been sent home because of their sickness, being considered critical. You did your best not to push your squad, letting them take breaks and rest up, but more and more were falling ill, including yourself.
Unfortunately, being the leader, you weren’t allowed to go take a break or go rest up to feel healthy. You had to push through and manage, and that had caused you to become a shell of yourself. You had continued to lose weight, lose energy and motivation, even feeling i’ll yourself. You weren’t able to eat from lack of appetite, anything you ate came back up within an hour.
You felt like death, and you were scared for John to see you this way, but he was bringing backup to replace the soldiers who had been rushed to hospitals.
At night while you were watching transports, you dreamed of him getting off that plane, the way his arms would save you from the trouble you’d endured here.
The worst part of this mission though? Captain Snyders team was completely fine. They were all healthy, rested and none of them had fallen ill. They weren’t being pushed like your squad.
There was something fishy here and you couldn’t put your finger on it. You didn’t have the energy to even put thought into it.
You were so close to John’s arrival, only 36 hours until he arrived. You were on duty when you were checking someone into the embassy and you felt your field of vision turn black. You grabbed into Private Frag next to you as you felt yourself begin to collapse.
You woke up 32 hours later. Captain Snyder was in the med tent with you and the nurse. He looked pissed. “Lieutenant, nice of you to join us. What the hell were you thinking?! You have a crew to take care of!”
“I’m sorry sir, I haven’t been feeling myself lately.” Your voice came out so quietly, your voice lost somewhere.
“No excuses L.T. You’re here because I recommended you. Your commendable leadership in previous missions was what got you here. Your behavior on this mission has been unacceptable, and therefore you’ve been sentenced to 24 hour duty. You will watch the embassy starting tomorrow at noon, and finishing the following day at noon with no breaks.” You felt your breath catch, there was no way he expected you to do that in your condition. You could barely speak! Barely move!
“Sir, I don’t mean to talk back but-“
“Then don’t speak.” You felt the feeling of crying, but no tears came due to your dehydration. “You are allowed the rest of today to rest, but I want to see you well and alive tomorrow at noon at the embassy’s back entrance to begin your shift. Now, if you excuse me I have to go welcome to incoming squad and Captain Price.”
You sighed at his name, your John was here. You began to breath unevenly, emotion taking over you, but you were too tired to cry. “Sir, if I could just-“
“No Lieutenant. You will not speak any longer. You are to remain silent when I am in your presence. I do not want anymore inexcusable behavior from you and if there is, I will be forced to punish you accordingly.” He was stern as he threw his cap on and exited the tent.
You felt helpless as the nurse shushed you and began to administer more fluids into your IV and tried to give you some food.
A couple of hours later, you were up and walking. You were hardly doing it, but the nurse needed the bed for a soldier who had gotten a stomach parasite while in the desert. You were on your way back to your tent when you saw Captain Snyder.
His cocky smirk made your stomach sink. “Lieutenant! I see your back to your normal self!” He landed a hard pat to your shoulder, making you nearly topple over.
“Sir, please, I really need a couple of days to recover, I’m not well.” You looked up at him with your droopy, sunken in eyes.
He laughed. “You think I’m going to allow you that? I am your superior and you are going to listen to me. You answer to me and take orders from me. If I tell you you’re fine and to fulfill your 24 hour tomorrow, that’s what you do. Clear?”
“Captain, sir, please-“
“I said clear?!” His voice echoed as he shouted in your face, his grip tight on your upper arm.
“I’m sorry.” You heard a cocky voice fill your ears. “What did you just say?” It was a voice that began to fill your soul with life.
“Captain Price.” Snyder kept his grip on you as he turned. “I was just telling my Lieutenant here-“
“Your Lieutenant?” John chuckled lowly as he slowly stepped closer, foot by foot.
“I am her Captain now, she takes her orders from me.” His grip tightened on you as he straightened himself to stand taller. You whimpered at the brusing grip of his fingers digging into your skin.
John’s laugh brought your eyes up to him. Your knees about gave out at the sight of him. He was in full uniform, his guns hanging from his hip, his boonie cap hanging low on his forehead. “Last time I checked Captain,” He spat the man’s title. “Her vest says 141, so does her file. That makes her my Lieutenant.” John cocked his head to the side as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“You are not apart of this mission Price.” Snyder kept his arm on you, almost like his bruises in your arm would claim you as his property.
“Get your hands off my officer before I lay mine on you.” John’s voice was a growl as he threatened Snyder. “Now.”
You felt the fingers dug into your arm slowly release as you wobbled, now standing on your own. You fully faced John, seeing him fully. His gaze softened at your state. “She will only ever take orders from me, her Captain. She will not take anything from your mouth. She is my Lieutenant, and will report to me and only me.” He gently grabbed you as he escorted you to your tent, leaving Captain Snyder speechless.
“Oh Y/N, my dear.” He set you on your cot, coming to sit with you, letting you lean against him. “What is happening here?”
You sniffled as you took in that homey scent of him. The sweet cologne mixed with cigar smoke. He was here, your John was here. “How’re the boys, I miss them.”
“Oh your voice-“ He began to draw circles into your back as he ran his hand through your hair, shushing you. “Don’t talk, save your energy to rest, love. I’m so sorry this is happening.”
You look up at him, staring into his eyes. “Kiss me.”
He doesn’t hesitate to follow your instructions. His lips meet yours briefly, yet the kiss was so full of love and care. “Darling…”
“John?” You said.
“Yes dear?”
“What was that out there?”
“What was what?” He cocked his head, raising his eyebrows as he stared down at you.
“Your Lieutenant?” You smirked, kissing him again.
“You are mine. That man has no right to talk to you that way. Only I can boss you around, only I can order you around. You’re mine.” His eyes darkened as he spoke, his voice a low growl.
“John?” You cooed.
“Yes Y/N?” His eyes were hooded as he looked at you.
“Make me yours.” John flinched forward to kiss you but quickly stopped. “John?”
“I don’t wanna break you. You’re so pretty and you don’t feel well.” His hand caressed your cheek.
“I don’t care, wreck me.”
John’s whole demeanor changed as he roughly captured your lips with his, his hands groping around your body, holding on tightly.
“Look at ya, all needy for me.” John’s voice ran shivers up your spine as his breath tickled against your neck.
His lips left marks all over your neck as he began to rid you of your shirt. “Lemme see ya-“
“John-“ His eyes met yours as you began to breath quicker in anticipation. He looked at you as you nodded and he quickly left you without a shirt or bra.
His hands massaged your breasts as his mouth took home on one of your nipples, sucking and playing with it. His gums of satisfaction caused sparks through your nerves. You let out a few quiet moans, and at that he made it his job to bring more out of you.
He loved that sound and wanted to drink it in, hearing it over and over. You put your hand in his hair as he continue to give your breasts attention, but you needed him elsewhere. You took his wrist in your other hand as you let it to your center. “John, please.” You begged.
His eyes were blown out as he looked up at you, practically ripping your pants off as he took his stance between your legs, his face inches from you. “You’re soaked baby.” Two of his fingers dragged through your folds. “All ready for me aren’t you?”
Those two fingers pressed inside of you, moving around, feeling the way you felt. John let out a moan at the feeling, beginning to scissor his fingers to stretch you out. “Gotta make you comfortable baby.” His fingers then pumped in and out of you slowly as his mouth latched into your clit.
You let out an unholy moan at the pressure. “John!” His name kept leaving your lips along with strings of curses.
“You gonna cum for me doll?” His voice had a hint of teasing to it, having you coming undone so quickly. “Do it, cum around my fingers, all over my mouth.”
And you did. His beard was coated with a glaze as he sat up and began to undo his belt. “Come here sweet thing.”
His thumb guided your chin as you sat up, mouth open and ready for him. “Mmm, that’s a sight.”
“I love you John.” You said with doe eyes, staring up at him from the edge of your cot.
“You’re gonna really love me in a minute baby.” He pulled his boxers down and freed his hard cock, it springing free in front of your eyes.
You stared as he pulled his pants all the way down and discarded his shirt. His cock was large, but it was beautiful. It had a vein running up the bottom of it, curving up slightly and his pink tip was shiny with precum. You licked your lips as your left hand rested on his thigh, your right wrapping around his base.
You heard his breath hitch at the contact and you looked up at him as you took him in your mouth, then locking a stripe up the bottom of his cock. “Fuck baby, yes.”
His hand came to dig into your hair to guide you along him, you sucking and pumping him to absolute ecstasy.
His groans were music to your ears. You continued to keep eye contact as he began to take control little by little. You felt his hand gently push against the back of your head as you took him deeper and deeper into your throat.
You could tell he wanted to fuck your mouth. You pulled off of him with a pop and brought his face close to yours. “John honey?”
“Do it.” John let out the most gorgeous moan at your words as he stood back to his full height and tightly held your hair. He shoved his dick all the way to the back of your throat, causing a small gag to come out of you.
He was singing your praises as he stayed there. “That’s it baby, relax for me.” He spoke slowly, calmly.
Continuing to take deep breaths, your nose was buried in his hips until he moved, and he moved quickly. His pace was reckless and you could feel a bruise forming at the back of your mouth from his tip abusing it. The sounds and grunts coming out of him were dirty and it made you wet thinking about how his cock would feel inside of you.
Your hands squeezed his thighs as you felt him begin to stutter. “Fuck.”
He grabbed your shoulders as he lifted you up and bent you over the small desk in your tent, quickly shoving himself deep in your pussy. “So fucking tight, mm.”
He paused for a second, breathing through teeth. “Fuck baby, relax a little.”
His thumb rubbed your lower back as he felt you become more comfortable with his size. He bummed as he began to move, slow at first.
He grunted as his arms crossed, hands grabbing your hips to reinforce himself as his hips began to quickly snap against your ass. You were a moaning mess as his balls stimulated your clit. “Fuck! Yes!”
“Who do you belong to?” He said it between grunts and the question caused you to moan in response. “Who’s. Are. You.”
“Yours! I’m all yours John!!” You we’re shouting, the pleasure he was giving you was out of this world.
You felt the coil in your stomach tightening as he continued to plow into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” You said, your legs beginning to shake.
“Cum for me darling.” A couple more thrusts and you were a mess under him, your hips were beginning to ache and your legs were jelly.
“I’m close.” He growled lowly, grunts pouring from his mouth as his hips moved sloppily. “In or out?”
You couldn’t even respond as he continued to wreck your insides. “Baby, I need to know.”
John released as soon as the word left your mouth, filling you up. His pulled his cock out and quickly shoved two fingers in you, keeping his cum from leaking out. “Look at how pretty you look all fucked out.”
“John…” Your voice made him switch immediately, removing his fingers and swooping you up in his arms as he put you on your cot.
“I’ll be right back, I promise.” John kissed your forehead, leaving the tent.
You laid in the afterglow waiting for him to return, and when he did you began to tear up. He walked in with your favorite pajama pants and one of his hoodies and a towel.
He was dressed in his pajamas as well. He cleaned you up, helping you into the clothes he brought you. “I couldn’t come see my girl and not bring her something from home when I leave.”
He laid down behind you, your back against his chest as he pulled your hair into two braids, out of your face. “I really do love you John.”
“I love you too, and don’t let Snyder get to you. I will take care of it okay? You will be here resting as long as you need before you’re healthy again. I won’t let him mistreat you anymore. You’re my girl.”
You turned to look up at him as he planted a long kiss on your lips. “I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.”
You kissed him again before settling in against his chest. “Thank you…”
“Always my love.”
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queenofallimagines · 2 months
Can you do Blue Lock Sae x female reader x Rin? The brothers are fighting for her love.
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A/N: I SURE THE FUCK CAN!! The itoshi effect is hating them both and then post backstory explanation coming to like them both a lot😔
TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Sae & Rin itoshi:
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- okay so boom
- Had another OC though of being like a counselor at blue lock bc none of them boys is right in the head😭
- You have previous connections to Sae bc you were a counselor for another team he was on and his manager liked you so he would schedule private sessions
- Ended up in you leaving bc he’s so frustrating but alas fate has other plans
- You show up to the U-20 match bc DUH
- Anri doesn’t have any money to hire a manager also so you’re taking over that role
- Sorry😔
- Anyway rin comes to respect you for dragging him by his eyelashes about his trauma
- “So are we gunna start with hating yourself and thinking you’re not good enough to prove a point to your shitty brother OR are we working on your material conditions that stem from that today?”
- “…..off yourself”
- Like he can’t say shit back bc you got em!
- Comes in often enough now that he doesn’t schedule sessions he just shows up to spill the tea
- (Isagi and bachira are the same. the spies on the inside that tell you how the others are doing)
- He comes in and flops down in the chair
- “I’m not looking forward to seeing him. Why the fuck did they call HIM to help the team? His ass should have stayed in Spain!”
- “Oh I hear ya, I’m not looking forward to even making eye contact with his ass either. I’m counting on yall to win.”
- “The game-“
- “I want yall to crush him. I have my own personal beef with him.”
- “…….im not asking how.”
- You’re being restrained from jumping over the divider during the game to go swing on Sae
- Like did you see that?? THE AUDACITY
- Yeah I would have swing on his ass right when the final whistle blew
- Better than me for him to get that mess out his mouth about isagi
- Would have stood up and clocked his ass
- When they’re all jumping all over each other celebrating you can feel the bad vibes coming from rin
- It’s suffocating
- You run to the locker rooms to catch him and bump into sae(accompanied by shidou)
- “……”
- Glaring at his ass
- Give him the dirtiest look ever
- And then turn to Ryusei smiling like you saw a puppy
- “Hey Ryu! Wonderful performance you put on today. You definitely stole the show.”
- Like lmao just ignore him pls
- After saving rin from going off the deep end; bc baby I’m so sorry that an ugly ass bitch would say something like that to you
- Their two week vacation starts
- Rin is surprised to see you in not work clothes chilling like a regular person
- Ends up hanging out with you a lot bc you’re the only one who he can speak freely to
- Unfortunately his brother is also back in the country
- Running into Sae while hanging out with his brother was NOT on your vacation bingo card but here we are
- “You’re here?”
- “I could really say the same to you. You haven’t gotten citizenship to stay your ass over there yet?”
- Flashback✨ y’all had a casual thing back in the day because when he’s not closed off he can be pretty fun to be around
- Then he let a white man get in his feelings and refused to talk about them and lashed out on you
- So he just kinda got these feelings and nothing to do with them
- Didn’t think he’d ever see you again to be honest so now stuff that he buried ages ago is in his face
- Can’t tell you sorry. Doesn’t know how.
- Sees you smiling and doting on rin how you used to him and can’t help but get jealous
- Makes sure to approach you when rin isn’t around
- You go to the kitchen to get water boom he’s there too now
- “Jesus Christ do you ever announce yourself?”
- “You’re in MY house”
- “Is it your house if you only show up one a year?”
- Can’t help but start arguments when he just wants to talk regularly
- Rin already picking up what his brother is trying to lay down and he’s not having it
- He’s already developed a crush on you like you CANT leave
- Gets nervous bc if your past with sae that he might snatch you up too
- Not letting his brother take something else away from him
- So all of a sudden he’s a lot more touchy with you
- Trust me inside he’s screaming and throwing up bc he’s never done this before but he will try
- You can feel his stiff ass hand around your waist😭
- Poor baby
- The silent itoshi beef isn’t missed by you but you don’t know that they’re competing off the pitch too
- “You sure you don’t want to go do something? Like we watched horror movies in your room all day yesterday, I had errands to run-“
- “Well I wanted to start the final destination franchise so you gotta watch all 5 of them there’s a new one coming out”
- “Yeah in 2025! That’s like 3 years away!”
- “Shhhh, the movie starting🙄”
- Hoards you all to himself in his room because you’re surrounded by HIM and less chances for Sae to sneak up on you in public and steal you away or join your date outing together
- Thinks you look cute wrapped in his blankets and tries not to blush when you cling to him
- “I swear to god-“
- “My bad forgot there’s a jumpscare here I’ll warn you about the next one promise.”
- He won’t
- Sae rolling his eyes to the back of his head bc you just always in the house now and Rin hanging off you like a sad puppy
- Sae is more strategic where rin is impulsive
- So he’s the type to do shit from the past that he knew would make your heart flutter and run will be blunt and impulsive with his actions
- Sae will touch your lower back as he comes up behind you to grab a class from the cub board and hand it to you
- Sae will bring you home your favorite snack when he knows rin wont see him give it to you
- Rin will grab your hand in public and not let go to make sure you don’t get lost on a crowd
- Rin will clumsily press his lips to your forehead when you are most distracted
- Both are very annoying
- And after a good WEEK of getting mixed signals from both of them you’re ready to stay your ass at home for the rest of the vacation before it’s back to work
- Monday morning Rin invites you on a morning run
- Which you obviously say fuck NO to bc the sun ain’t even up
- But he shows up to your front door at the asscrack of dawn telling you to get dressed you have no say in the matter unfortunately
- The jog isn’t so bad and he has the decency to buy you breakfast afterwards so that’s nice
- Decent conversation surprisingly
- When he drops you off back at your home he kisses you before literally sprinting off
- He was working up the nerve to do that all morning
- Can’t even say thanks or whatever yet before he presses his body close to you and lifts your head to slot his lips against yours
- Puts all his feelings into that kiss before managing to get out “bye” before his throat completely closes up
- And then sprints off before you can even blink
- Clown
- Giggling and kicking his feet when he gets home
- Sae is packing for his trip back to Spain at the end of the week
- When he catches you leaving his house after another Rin spontaneous all day movie marathon
- Offers to drive you home because it’s dark and he remembers the address
- Didn’t really offer so much as grab his Keys complaining about how you know better than to be outside this late
- Sir 🫤🫤
- The ride is kinda tense until he forces a conversation
- Unsurprisingly e vividly remembers all the right buttons to press to see that smile he’s been dying to see
- Don’t even notice he took the long way back to your home
- Puts his new number in your phone and tells you to stop being stubborn and answer when he texts you
- He’s a gentleman before all else so he walks you right to your front door
- Man barely hears a word you said before pulling you closer by your neck pressing his lips to yours
- Remembers you like the back of his hand the way his lips fit so familiar with yours
- Ends up with your arms around his neck and your back pressed into the front door
- Clearly wanting to come inside he pulls away because he’s fond of the chase🙄😒
- Wishes you a good night before kissing your forehead and going back to his car
- both of them have laid their cards out on the table
- Just up to you to make a choice I’m afraid
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Sinners, rejoice!
Exhaultation awaits.
Gather to the fold, turn your gaze from sin, and rid yourself of impurity.
I invite you, dear Sinner, to feast upon my gospel. Join me in the Confessional and expel your truest, darkest desires, so that I may lift you out from the pits of temptation.
Come unto Me.
St. Alastor
Hey 👋🏽
NB | They/Them | 26yo
So, I post that Good Gay Shit and y’all throw unadulterated thoughts, headcanons, and whatnot into my asks.
That’s it.
[Doesn't have to be filth, but it's always welcomed.]
#Forgiven: Confessions
#Anon Shares: Whatever doesn’t fit as a Confession
#Admin Confessions: My shit posts
I'll roleplay a "Holier Than Thou" Alastor when answering asks. (Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a demon- it’s just that the outfits make him feel ✨cunty✨)
RadioApple is very very very welcomed here, but honestly- if it Gays, it Stays (just don't be weird about it yall, check the Hard NOs list before sending pls)
• Sexual assault
• Incest
• Pedophilia
• Racism (Remember and respect that Alastor is a Creole man)
• Homophobia
• Transphobia
• Beastiality
You will be BLOCKED if I get even a WHIFF of this shit.
If you somehow missed it in my bio:
I will not interact with asks from ageless blogs.
Also, please don't come here to lecture me or anyone else on this blog about real world religion. I've done my time, and had my fill.
Now I write fanfiction about boys topless, oiled up, kissing each other probably.
This blog is just for fun- have a go!
Which brings me to my final point: I will also casually filth dump on here if and when the spirit moves me.
Man's gotta scrub their brain of Unholy Shit too.
Anyways, welcome to the Confessional and enjoy your time here x
I look forward to speaking with you.
~ Quick addition! ~
Because this has happened quite a few times already, I’d like to make it clear:
Please DO NOT send real world shit into my asks. I won’t interact with people’s real life trauma.
It’s a huge mental and emotional load for me to answer heavy shit, plus vicarious trauma exists, and that’s not the goal of this blog.
Keep it fun, y’all ❤️
If you need help, please seek your local GP or mental health professional, or reach out to friends and family. There is no shame or harm in doing so. We all need help, it’s part of being human x
Thanks again, my dears.
- Admin
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Was reading thru ur answered asks again (also hey lol i CAME BACK--) and like. Oh my god. It gave me The Most Idea.
So you get isekaied to Teyvat right? They hear your og language, they revere every single worf from your mouth, yadda yadda yadda. But like. How does SLANG AND THE OTHER ASPECTS OF UR OG LANGUAGE translate. I am having VERY heavy flashbacks to Pokemons "jelly filled donuts".
So like-- for example: (this is the first one that came to my head dont judge me i am tumblr trash) (lets also assume that traveler has perfect understanding of ur language and slang and all the nuances of it)
Lets say you and the traveler were hanging out with some of the Vision holders, and the traveler had some shenanigans and pranks or something planned. After they pull their shit, you say "i hate you so much (affectionate)". Which kind of throws the Vessels in for a loop because like-- their god literally just said they HATED someone. And hate is a PRETTY STRONG WORD. So they should DEFINITELY strike them down for catching their gods ire but-- AFFECTIONATE????? how does one hate someone affectionately???????? Does this mean their god hates the traveler but decided to recind their hate last second? Is it some form of Divine and Holy emotion that cannot be described by the mere words of their language????
Meanwhile youre just there vibin and having a blast with the traveler while you casually give them a philosophical crisis AHAHAHA
Another example is shortened words-- because i know teyvat doesnt have shit like "ily" or "omg" or "lmao" or "fyi" or "brb". Because honestly, without the cultural knowledge and background of the internet, these sets of letters are just fucking GIBBERISH.
And i know that like-- i know enough internet slang abbreviations that i can literally just talk in jumbles of letters, so how in the WORLD would the vessels interpret that? Because its very clear that their god is just using the letters of their language, HELL they might even use Teyvatian letters so what in the world are they saying????
So theyd just hear a convo between the traveler and reader thats like:
Reader: traveler, i gtg asap; tldr i forgot some stuff back in the cr brb
Traveler: wait fr?
Reader: yeah fr
Traveler: lol f
Reader: (sighs) ffs man-- anyways brb for real
Traveler: cya
And the vessels are just watching the exchange like "huh?? What????? What just happened here??????" And theyre just wondering if they used teyvatian to talk in the "divine language of the gods" but nah-- yall are just dickin around AHAHA
Hey, so it came to my attention some of this was AAVE, and while i am southern so things like "ya'll" got included w/o me thinking - thats not an excuse for me to use this as a white person.
so if you wouldnt mind letting me please know if i do this as we talk abt language more and more - i do not want to repeat shit like this again.
I'm genuinely sorry to any black readers out there.
I've personally seen and cringed with you when I see imagines/reader things that assume a white person as default,
All I can do in ur eyes is promise that I am actively putting a stop to my ignorance of things like AAVE, and ask for forgiveness (which you arent obligated to give, never feel that way).
So with that in mind, read the ask below with caution, although it has since been edited.
A treat for ur ask my liege 🤲🍪✨️
I think u were literally the first asker after my first SAGAU/Isekai language brainrot post!! Omg u came back with a banger LMAO
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What in the public menace is this...
(Gif is traveler and u pranking bitches)
Traveler knowing our world + language + SLANG?? INTERNET?? is SUCH A CONCEPT
So much room for inside jokes
I absolutely love the first one u said about phrases these days/gen z ig? slang
Its like so dramatic now that i think about it
Hate / love / dead / die / just straight up threats towards ur friends as affection or if theyre annoying u 😭
So many explicitives that make it hit harder too "go fucking die, my love <3"
^^^Or yeah like contradictions lol
I think it was @nexylaza (srry abt the tag!) who replied to one of my earlier asks about blunt language how that might sound like to Teyvatians like ur emotions sound more extreme than what u actually feeling (which makes sense ur literally using hate = mildly dislike LMAO)
Same situation here like what u said ^^^
(Ok i did lovely Aether awhile back so we'll go w/ Lumine this time! <3 u Aether!!)
*idk at an event/party for your arrival or something, and ya hungry fucks r hoarding the buffet table lol 🍻
You: "Shut the fuck up Lumine-"
Lumine: "Why r u pouring ur drink like ur in a earthquake lmao? Shaky hands lol"
*The immediate area of people around you go dead silent
*Lumine laughs
Lumine: "Your gonna miss our cups LMAO"
You: "Bitch!" (u grinnin too lol)
*the whole rooms now quiet 😭
Lumine: "Don't spill- 🤣"
You: "I fucking hate you u whore <3"
(And u give the most genuine like abt to laugh smile🥰 )
*...a confused and kinda scared tension fills the room lol
*So poor Noelle, is like, oh. my. god. Creator is that upset with Lumine?? I must try to see what happened, how I can help! I dont remember Lumine doing anything bad to them! Shes wonderful y u do this to her 🥲
Noelle: "Uh, um, e-excuse me? Is every-everything al-alright, Y-y-your Majesty?"
You: "Huh? Yeah why??"
Noelle: "...w-well..."
*The room is staring at Lumine, in a mix of like shock, fear, and a little admiration for taking ur hate?? mood swing??? so well,,
theyre just waiting on Noelle to get an answer from you as to why you hate someone u seemed to care so much about, esp since they were ur first vessel 💀
look what you did their poor hearts u gonna give them a heart attack soon
Noelle: "A-a-a-a-are y-y-you s-sure??"
You: "🤨🤨??"
*Lumine finally notices why theyre all quiet and kinda concerned looking, bc u sure as hell wouldnt 😭 (i mean it is normal speech for u)
And Lumine's like: "No Noelle we're all good! It's just how Your Grace's home world, er, speaks for slang? Its overexagerated purposely dont worry love"
*Im sure they dont all believe her (or even you if u tell them 😭) and are just like,, REALLY NERVOUS CHUCKLING WHILE LIKE SWEATING-
And it takes a good like 10 minutes for the conversations to start getting back to their volume again, and they all still are looking over their shoulder checking on you guys 😰
(U did pour drinks w/o spillin tho🍻)
Ok, but u and Lumine would fucking write letters to people, and being the little shits pranksters u are,
(Bc u kno Teyvat dont got nothing else bc we're in the medival ages, besides having cameras- 🙄 )
And u guys r constantly-
"oh yes yes, that sounds all well and good Keqing, please inform the Qixing that I'll be there ASAP"
"oh haha, silly me, i forgot that only Lumine/you get that stuff, sorryyyy 😋!!!"
And it just spreads to ALLLL the official documents u write or literally any letters sent to anybody-
And everyone else is feeling like the friend that got sacrificed to walk in the grass instead of the sidewalk 💀💀
While also being like "??¿?¿??? 🥲🥲😀😀???"
Is this ancient code?? Why does Lumine get to know it??
Why dont the like??? really old deities understand it??!!
But then nerds like Tighnari, Albedo, Alhaitham, Zhongli, Sucrose, Ayaka, Kokomi, Xingqiu, Childe, Yanfei, Shenhe, Kazhua, Sara, Ayato, Heizou, Cyno, Kaeya
Try to "solve" the letters or slang, poor things and not a single one of them gets it (y did u do this to them lmao)
(God i finally looked at a character list so i wouldnt leave anyone out, but theres so many of these fucks by now help)
^^^But all these ppl try to solve it in different ways/for different reasons that im too lazy to type out individually, u can see it right??
Some see this as an ancient scholarly code thing, some of them think of it like a rlly hard puzzle, and some just rlly want to put the mental effort into knowing/not being left out 😭😭
And if anybody happens to see some letter exchanges w/ Lumine or like any written responses, you do not. stop. using. text slang. back to back.
(Like what u put in the ask💀)
And its so miserable for those characters mentioned especially, bc they look like scrambled letters 😭
Honestly them seeing u two talk to each other via letters just proves that the letters even mean anything at all to them, bc how did u understand each other, otherwise???!!
(No one would ever realize u guys were fucking around unless u told them 💀)
✨️Sorry✨️this✨️isnt✨️that✨️great✨️i✨️just✨️wanted✨️ to✨️ expand✨️ on✨️ what ✨️u ✨️already ✨️had ✨️nothing ✨️new✨️ 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
I felt feral and out of it when i wrote this, i literally dont remember a single word i typed on that bullet list..
SO i still have asks/requests im gonna answer but i will be posting my follower event poll!! CLICK ME :) ♡
Yall get to choose what i write about for some posts :D
(You can be a new follower!)
I hope my shit writing was somewhat ok of a reply to read to pay u back for that great idea lol
♡the beloveds
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bisexual-queenie · 8 months
Could you please write more BNHA Pro Heroes as Incorrect Quotes. I need a Pt.2
OMG Im so happy that someone wanted a part 2 to one of my favorite posts that I made!! Here yall go!
(Few trigger warnings before we begin: Use if swearing, and mentions of violence an alcohol. Let me know if I missed anything!)
Ships mentioned (Vaugley and outright): Erasermic, Edgejeanist, Nightmight, and Kamui x Mount Lady
Eraserhead: You have to apologize to Takeyama.
Midnight: Fine.
Midnight: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
All Might: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Nighteye: Thank you!
All Might: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Nighteye: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
Present Mic: Do you remember that horrible roommate you had back in college?
Eraserhead: You mean you?
Mount Lady: Sometimes I feel like dying.
Kamui Woods: Wha-
Mount Lady: And then I remember that I won't be able to see you if I do.
Kamui Woods: *blushes*
Best Jeanist: Sometimes I feel like dying.
Edgeshot: Good for you.
Miruko: Do I look nice?
Fat Gum: You look like you're about to set someone on fire.
Miruko: Perfect.
Present Mic: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Miruko: And you know what the worst part is?
Ryukyuu: That you're having to process your pain without vodka?
Miruko: No.
Miruko: Yeah.
Midnight: If you found out you only had one day left to live, what would you do with it?
Eraserhead: Say goodbye and mend my relationships.
Present Mic: Something illegal.
Shirakumo: Accept my fate.
Tensei: I would message ten people saying that if they didn't forward the message to 10 other people, I would die tomorrow.
Eraserhead: What?
Shirakumo: That's fucking awesome. Can I change my answer?
Eraserhead: Hizashi, just GO TO THE HOSPITAL
Present Mic: Who's stab wound is this???? Is it OUR stab wound???? No! Stay out of it!
Hawks: I'm the proud owner of an IQ of 5 (and a half)!
Endeavor: Not for long.
Hawks: Please. It's all I have.
Present Mic: "Ladies and gentlemen" is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly I'm falling asleep already.
Present Mic: "Cowards", on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, casual and fun. Short and to the point, exciting, and dramatic.
Nighteye: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Present Mic: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Gang Orca: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.
Edgeshot: Kuugo, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck.
Gang Orca: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not.
Edgeshot: Well, I mean yeah.
Gang Orca: So come downstairs while they’re still hot.
Best Jeanist: Wait, you just made them?
Gang Orca: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets.
Edgeshot: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time Kuugo.
Present Mic: *speaking Spanish*
Eraserhead: I know, I know.
All Might: You speak Spanish?
Eraserhead: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Hizashi speaks.
All Might: I would never say that Mirai is a bitch and I don’t don’t like him. That’s not true…Mirai is a bitch and I like him so much!
Edgeshot: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
*Present Mic sneezes*
Eraserhead: Hizashi, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*anyone else sneezes*
Eraserhead: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Hawks: Uptown Funk would've made it into the Shrek Soundtrack.
Miruko: That's the truest statement I've ever heard.
Fat Gum: Hey Sasaki?
Nighteye: Yeah?
Fat Gum: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
Nighteye: ...What.
Ryukyuu: So, what's it like living with Hakamada?
Edgeshot: They once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter."
Ryukyuu: ...
Edgeshot: I love them so much.
Fat Gum: I’m sorry, I really flew off the handle back there. It was like the handle was a bald guy going really fast, and I was his toupée.
Someone interviewing the Lurkers: What are the hardest things to say?
Mount Lady: I was wrong.
Edgeshot: I need help.
Kamui Woods: Worcestershire sauce.
Eraserhead: You’re drunk.
Present Mic: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, Shouta.
Endeavor: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Hawks: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Best Jeanist: I got distracted halfway through.
Edgeshot: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Hawks: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
All Might: Schrödinger's boys.
Miruko: FUCK!
Present Mic: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Nighteye: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Nighteye: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Hawks: ...
All Might: ...
Miruko: ...
Present Mic: ...
Nighteye: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
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knwatchesninjago · 5 months
S1E8 Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Y'all!! I am SOO sorry for disappearing off the face of the world for so long!! I had a lot of tests and quizzes that came up due to semester 1 finally being over. Plus I had a lot of hw as well! So I was so busy and couldn't find the time to sit down and watch ep8. But ALAS!!! HERE IT IS!!!!
Let's get into it!! Lol!! ;3
First of all, I love how Garmadon's first question isn't "Is Lloyd okay?" Its:
What has Lloyd gotten himself into?
Pftttt, lollll!! Lloyd... you are a gremlin, even in your own father's eyes!
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^ Me (as Garm) back when I was a baby and wanted to get rid of my little bro bc he took up all of my parents and grandparents attention
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I honestly love how Garm threw away his pride and helped Wu when he heard that his son was in danger!! <333
Reminds me of a certain someone, eh?
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No more PJO spoilers, okay!! Sorry!! I couldn't help myself!!
Anyways, back to the sibling bonding...
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This scene was actually heartbreakingly sad, ngl.
Why would Lloyd open the tombs?
To be like you.
I... never wanted him to... thank you for watching out for him
You may think of me as your enemy... but I was first... your brother
*sniff sniff* I'M NOT CRYING!! YOU ARE!!!!
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#Pythor's weird face
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^Ugh... dude... what kinda entrance is that!?!?!?
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(due to the 30-pic limit I'm only showing three images, sry!!
#Girlboss is not pleased
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Honestly, her face in the second pic when Jay badmouths her unknowingly!! 🤣🤣🤣
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This scene had me cackle so badly!! Jay's brain is dead rn and Nya is like: "You good, bro?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lastly, my fav moments:
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Pfttt, he's soo hilariously cute/ugly, loll!! Hey Jay! I don't blame you for trying to hide ur face from Nya. Ngl, you do not look good witha snake face, loll!!!
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Pftttttttt, lollll!!!!
#Stop Discriminating Against Snake-People
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Poor Jay was casually flogged :'(
Sadly... I am up to 30 images... so I leave you with this:
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Y'all... HOW IS THIS A KIDS SHOWW!?!?!?!? (this is why I'm not so excited of showing Ninjago to my parents.... this is CrEeEePy, lol)
Anyways, byeeeee!! See y'all in ep 9!! Just a few more eps left for S1!!! <3333
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cardierreh15 · 5 months
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Post Human
Hey yall 🫣☺️
***I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Mentions Of Parental Loss , Violence , Gore , Other than That— Great Conversation between the two 🥰
Pairing: August Walker x Roslyn (Black!Female Oc)
Description: Roslyn gets caught up with training August on becoming a Herding Master.
Word Count: 4.1K
Song: Pretty Places by Aly & AJ
Taglist: @drewharrisonwriter @kingliam2019 @imaslutforcuddles @headcannonxgalore
Knock, Knock.
The sudden knocking caused Roslyn’s head to pop up tiredly. She snapped her head over to see if Ellie was here but her bed was perfectly made. Clear evidence that she hadn’t even been there the previous night.
Rolling her eyes, she grumbled tired gibberish and rubbed her face. The knock returned.
‘Ugh! I’m coming, I’m coming damn.’
She shoved the comforter off of her lap and stumbled her way out of bed before dragging herself tiredly to the door.
‘Goddammit, Ellie! I ain’t gone keep—‘
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Roslyn pulled the door open to see Maria standing there with her arms folded across her chest with an eyebrow raised.
‘Maria!’ She said surprised as she quickly looked back and stepped down to shut the door behind her. Now she would have to make up a quick lie to save her sister’s ass. ‘I didn’t know you were… making house calls today!’
‘Right…’ Maria said as she stepped back and placed her hands on her hips, ‘Ellie in there?’ She asked, jerking her head towards the door.
Roslyn looked back once again, ‘Y-yeah! She’s sleeping. Y’know— us girls gotta get our beauty rest!’ She gave Maria a gentle punch on the arm as she tried to keep up this facade. If Ellie wasn’t here, she knew exactly where she was and she wasn’t going to sell her out like that.
‘Hmm. Whatever, look. I don’t care if she’s not here. I’ll just simply give you the job.’ She shrugged.
Ros raised a brow, her face instantly hardening. ‘Job? What job?’
‘Oh. It’s nothing you can’t handle! I’m gonna have you riding with August today.’
It had been about 2 weeks since the boys arrived and from what Ros gathered, they were pretty level headed and respectful. They did any and everything Tommy and Maria told them to do. They were almost like the kids they never had!
Even with Mike’s injury, he did the best he could.
Since the day at the bar, August and Roslyn haven’t really spoken. Just when they’d walk past it was always a “hi” or “bye” but they never stuck around for casual conversation.
But that was all about to change.
‘What?! Why can’t he ride with Jesse?! Dina?’
‘Because I have them on different projects today.’
Roslyn let out an annoyed, soulful sigh. As much as she loved her sister, she wanted to wring her neck like a rag.
‘Besides, it’ll give you a better opportunity to get to know him. He’s a very nice guy, Ros. You can’t be hard on everyone who shows up here. His past may not have been great but— we can use him and his brother. I just need your help.’
‘Oh? I know Ms. “I don’t beg anyone for nothing” ain’t beggin’ right now?’
‘I ain’t beggin. It’s a demand. Now, go on now. Meet him at the gymnasium. He spends most of his mornings there.’ She retorted before spinning on the toes of her boots and walking down the steps.
Roslyn grimaced, holding back the litter of curse words that so desperately ached to burn her lips but instead she shouted, ‘Maria! You owe me for this!’
‘More like Ellie does! Hurry up! Y’all better be gone by 10!’ She hollered back.
Roslyn was lacing up her boots when she heard the knob turn. Ellie had just walked into the door with the silliest grin on her face.
‘Hello big sis! Anyone came by lookin’ for me?’ Ellie chimed.
Ros breathed through her nose as she stood up and grabbed her coat off the bed. ‘Yes! In fact, someone did!’
‘Maria.’ She hissed at the name, it bringing her great disdain in the moment.
‘Maria?! What the hell she doin’ here on a Tuesday for?’
‘She sendin’ me on training patrol with August. She was here for you… but she insisted I did it instead.’
Ellie’s green eyes grew slightly at the impactful news. ‘No shit! Well…’
‘It’s fine… don’t even worry about it I guess. It’s said now.’
‘Hey, quit it! Look,’ Ellie sighed out as she pushed her hair out of her face, ‘I’ll make it up to you. Somehow.’
Roslyn’s head fell to the side slightly. She tried her best to remain serious but Ellie began to make silly faces. A smirk managed to curl up on her face and eventually, a laugh escaped her.
‘Alright. Fine. I forgive you I guess! But when I get back, tell me about your night with Dina?’
‘It’s a deal!’
Roslyn walked into the training center, smiling as she walked over to the desk where Dan sat snacking on what had seemed to be a breakfast burrito.
‘Top of the morning’, Dan!’
‘Heya kiddo! How yer’ doin’?’ He asked with a grin spread across his lips.
‘Maria’s got me pulling patrol three days in a row.’ She huffed out, ‘You can only imagine how I’m feelin’.’
‘Mmm. I am sorry to hear that but whatever boss lady says, goes.’
‘Yeah. Anyway, is Walker around? Maria told me I could find him here.’
‘Yup. Sign in for me, he’ll be in the weight room.’
Roslyn picked up the pin and signed her name along the line. ‘Thank you, Dan.’
She walked into the weight room of the gymnasium, her eyes scanning the room only to find him pulling his body up over the pull-up bar.
A thin sheet of sweat covered his arms and back with a few droplets sliding down his skin. His trapezius muscles flexing and pulling with every movement. She’d also taken note of those familiar pink star-like scars on his shoulder and back. Then, there was another scar on his lower waistline that had to be 3 inches long. All of them had seemed to be stitched and patched up pretty clean so they must’ve occurred way before his rebellion.
Curiosity befell her. She’d be sure to ask about it later on. But right now she was admiring what God had created. A single drop of sweat cascaded down his spine and she felt her chest tighten at the sight.
Sure, she’s seen men like this— in their prime and what not but he had it all!
For now, she balled all of that up and puffed up her chest. Roslyn walked over to him with her chin high and unphased. ‘Walker!’
August glanced down when he heard his name being called. He was not expecting to see her here. ‘Roslyn!’ He’d let go of the bar and turned to face her, revealing his thick curly chest hair that was drenched in sweat. And this detailed moth tattoo right below his sternum resting at the center of his torso. That was an interesting choice.
‘I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Where’s Ellie?’
Roslyn held her breath for a second, keeping her eyes on his which somehow equally melted her all the same.
‘Ellie couldn’t make it. So I’ll be accompanying you today.’
‘Oh! Well, gimme a few minutes and I’ll meet you at the Stables?’
‘Fine by me.’ She gave him a small smile with a nod.
She’d been pacing back and forward, creating infinite tracks in the snow until he heard her name being called.
She lifted her head to see August jogging in her direction. She then looked at her watch. It was 9:55AM. At least he made it before 10.
‘You’re late, Walker!’
‘Yeah! I know. I’d figured you wouldn’t want to be training some funky dude so I took a quick shower.’
Well, at least he cared about his hygiene. A lot of dudes in this day in age ain’t care too much bout it since everyone was on death row.
She looked up at him as she tried to fight that smile, but it fell through when she giggled, ‘You’re right. I don’t want to be smelling onions, garlic and horseradish. Thanks for the consideration. Let’s go.’
The pair chuckled as they walked together inside of the stables to retrieve their steeds.
Roslyn greeted her horse with a beaming smile as he neighed and nickered.
‘Kentaro.’ She placed her hand on his jaw and gave him a firm pat on his shiny jet black coat, ‘I know you’re tired my boy. But, one more day?’ She whispered as she gently rubbed at his black snout.
He let out a huff of air and nudged her gently.
‘Thank you.’ She giggled and placed a kiss on his jaw before unlocking his stable and grabbing his reins.
Once she made it to the saddle rack, she placed hers on Kentaro’s back and strapped it down.
Suddenly, she snapped her head over at the aggressive neighing, squealing and nickering in the stables.
August was trying to calm down his horse along with others but she was anxious.
Roslyn handed off her reins to Jesse and jogged back into the stables. She snatched the reins out of the keeper’s hand and raised her hands to let her know that she was not a threat.
‘Shhh. Shhhh. Hey, girl. Shhhh.’
Once she began to calm down, Roslyn rubbed at her brown spotted jaw. ‘Shhhh, it’s okay girl. He is no threat. See? Look— Walker!’
August’s eyes grew before he looked at the trainers and keepers. He pressed his index finger at his chest, mouthing the word, ‘me?’
Roslyn let out a gentle giggle and nodded, ‘Gimme your hand.’ She lend out her palm to him, watching as he stared at her then the horse skeptically. ‘I promise she’s sweet when you get to know her.’
He hesitantly placed his large calloused palm into hers and allowed her to guide his hand over to the side of her neck.
The horse let out a gentle whine before letting out a heavy huff from her snout.
‘Shhh. It’s okay girl…that’s it Hera. That’s a sweet girl.’ Ros looked over at August with a gentle smile as his nervousness seemed to fade but was replaced with relief. A gentle smile curled on his lips. ‘I told you. She’s never really been great with men. I guess the more testosterone you carry, the more you give her the ick.’ She giggled before throwing him a wink.
August chuckled as he scratched beneath her jaw, ‘Well, that’s quite the ironic name. Don’t worry, Hera. We’re going to be the best of friends ya?’
Roslyn smiled softly, placing the reins in his hand. ‘Go head and get your saddle. Meet me by the gate when you're finished.’
August gave her a gentle smile, ‘You got it!’ He watched her spin off and walk off towards the gate. Even a blind man could see that he was checking her out. Watching as her hips swayed and her glutes tighten and relax, followed by a jiggle with each step.
She was quite dreamy.
Hera nudged August’s chest, causing him to let out a winded grunt then a chuckle, ‘Alright girl. Let’s get out of here.
Roslyn climbed Kentaro and sat down comfortably. She then leaned over to give him an encouraging clap on his neck. ‘Such a good boy.’
‘You talk to all your men like that?’
She looked back to see August well acquainted with Hera; sitting high and mighty on his brand new saddle. She could admit, he looked damn good on top of a horse. With his straight posture and broad shoulders. He belonged there. And she had a gut feeling that he belonged here too.
‘Maybe I do.’ Ros retorted with a sly smirk. ‘I see you finally got on with Hera. How she holdin’ up?’
‘Just fine.’
‘Good.’ She nodded before she looked over at Jesse, ‘Get that gate open, we outta here.’
‘Alright. You guys be careful out there and August, stay vigilant.’
August waved his hand once, ‘No need to warn me. I’ve witnessed enough to make an Army Ranger cry.’
Jesse stared at him with a blank glare. As if that was something to be proud of. But at least he knew how to deal with the dangers beyond the compound.
‘Alright.’ Jesse turned and waved his arm towards the guards at the gate, ‘Open ‘er up!’
Roslyn smirked and looked over at August, ‘Army Ranger huh?’
He gave her a gentle shrug.
She shook her head with her smirk unwavering, watching as they pulled the large wooden gate apart. ‘Seem to shut him up pretty good. Nice one.’
‘Hmph. Thanks.’
The both of them gently kicked at the ribs of their horses, causing them to trot on with their handlers at their reins.
‘Wow!’ August breathed out gently, ‘Look at that incredible view.’
‘It is breathtaking isn’t it? You guys didn’t have views like this in Washington?’
‘We did. It just rained a lot in Seattle. And if we weren't on patrol then we weren’t spending our time looking at the wonders of the world. It was too fucked up out there and we didn’t need that constant reminder… or at least that’s what Isaac lodged in our heads.’
‘Mmf. Sounds like a master manipulator at its finest.’
‘You don’t even know the half.’ August scoffed and rolled his eyes, ‘If only my father knew. Stubborn old fool.’
She pressed her lips together, ‘I’m sorry… about your loss.’
August looked over at her with a perplexed glare, ‘My father’s not dead!’ He hissed.
‘Oh! Oh my god, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have—‘
An exaggerated cackle left August’s lips, startling Roslyn in the process.
‘Wh—what’s so funny?!’ She barked back.
‘You should see the look on your face!’ He laughed so hard, one would think he’d fall off that damn horse. ‘I’m kidding. He’s been dead for quite some time now.’ He added, recovering from his heartfelt giggle.
Roslyn rolled her eyes, holding back a giggle of her own, ‘You’re such an ass.’
‘Maybe but hey, at least I know how to make light out of situations. Y’know? Sometimes I forget he’s dead.’
‘He was hard on me and Mike after mom died. It was like… something snapped inside of him. He used to be a good man. I believed a lot of his choices were for the greater good but… at the cost of our sanity. I’d prefer him not to be there honestly.’
She hated to hear these stories. It was repetitive really. It appeared more and more people had shitty parents than the good ones.
Perhaps this world just created shitty people.
‘That… sucks.’
‘Meh. I think I turned out pretty good.’ He said daft with this goofy grin spread across his lips.
‘Something tells me you didn’t though.’ Roslyn laughed out, ‘But you have to be some kind of crazy to survive nowadays.’
‘Exactly! You get me.’ He chuckled softly. ‘So what about you? Where are your people?’
She should’ve braced herself for that one. Roslyn didn't like talking about what happened to her parents but over the years, the more she spoke of them, the more healed she felt.
‘They’re gone too. Apparently my parents knew Joel and Tommy from way back when. Used to work together I guess. Apparently they were ripped apart by a bloater.’
‘Yeah. In my parents' written will, they wanted Joel to be my Godfather… If anyone believes in that shit nowadays…’ she sighed out, ‘So— he’s my dad!’
‘Fucking hell. Were yall close at least? Got good memories together?’
‘Yeah… some good ones. I mean it’s hard to create anything good in … this.’ Roslyn gestured her hand out towards the open, referring to what this world had become over the last 15 years.
‘I hear you there.’ August added in a remorseful manner. ‘I’m sorry to hear about your parents. It sucks that all the good people have to go. Unfortunately I’ve been a part of the problem.’
Roslyn’s head snapped over at August, her pretty hazel eyes narrowing as she processed his words. ‘You’ve killed innocent people?’
He parted his lips to speak but hesitated as if he’s trying to find the appropriate words.
‘Not because I’ve wanted to. The way we were trained… anyone beyond those walls were a threat and had to be eliminated if found insufficient of use.’ He shook his head softly, ‘And if we failed to follow those orders well… you know the rest.’
‘Damn. That is rough. At least you're here though… you’re already turning your life around. I say… A win is a win!’
August smiled and nodded, ‘I guess you’re right.’
The pair scaled up the worn down path on the side of the mountain. From this point on, they were quiet and kept their eyes peeled.
Luckily, they made it all the way up to the small town’s grocery market. One of Jackson’s checkpoints.
‘Alright.’ Roslyn pulled her reins to a stop and hopped down. ‘We —‘
Suddenly, a loud screech and clicking echoed on the other side of the aluminum door.
The pair snapped their heads over towards the supermarket. Both letting out a shuddered breath in angst.
‘Grab your shotgun. Ain’t no telling what’s behind that door. We need all the fire power we got.’
August gave her a nod and quickly snatched up his weapons off of his steed and made sure they were loaded up.
Before the horses could grow restless from the constant noise and attract more infected, she smacked the rump of Kentaro and did just the same for Hera. They took off running with only the sound of hooves echoing in the space around them.
‘OK.’ She let out a shuddered breath, taking a step closer to him. ‘Don’t let your guard down. I was just here in the past few days and they’re back again. There has to be a nest nearby but it’ll take more than just us to clear it.’
‘Alright. What-whoa…’
‘Are you ok?’ August asked in concern.
‘Yeah. Another day in paradise am I right? Come on. The sooner we can clear this out, the sooner we can reach our final checkpoint. Cool?’
‘Cool.’ He gave her a reassuring smile, ‘Good Luck to you.’
Roslyn returned the smile and nodded before turning around, ‘You too… we’re damn sure gonna need it.’
Once the two carefully made their way into the space, she did a head count of two clickers and three runners. ‘Alright,’ she whispered, ‘You take those guys over there. And I got these three.’
‘What?’ August hissed quietly, ‘That’s three on one!’
‘I’ve handled worse! Plus, I’m here to train you remember? Just if I get hemmed up, help me out!’
August let out a long deep breath through his nose as he peaked over the counter to see the runners groaning in anguish. ‘OK. I got you. Just watch your ass!’
‘Of course.’ She whispered, ‘Now, go!’
The two skulked down the aisles. Making sure not to step on any glass or slip on any water. And one by one, they began to take out the runners first. They could be very overwhelming in numbers, but once removed from the equation, Clickers would have their undivided attention.
Roslyn pulled out her dagger slowly, letting out a shallow breath. ‘Here. We. Go.’ She whispered as she once again began to creep behind the infected to catch them by surprise.
But her luck had to run out eventually right?
With her being only 3ft away, she stepped on a thick piece of glass, causing it to crack beneath her weight. The sound caused the cordecyp’s host to stop clicking and stand up right from it’s hunched over posture. In that moment, she knew she fucked up.
The clicker turned to face her in record time, screeching in her face before knocking the dagger out of Roslyn’s hand.
‘Aah! FUCK!! WALKER!’ She exclaimed as the clicker found a grip on her and tried to sink its strangely structured teeth into her.
She pressed her hands into its chest, trying to combat that unnatural strength and fight back but it was unmatched!
But before it could take that fatal chomp, August shot it with his shotgun.
It didn’t kill the clicker, but August had all of it’s attention now.
‘Come get me you ugly son of a bitch!’
Flailing its arms and shrieking to hell, the Clicker limped over towards August before blowing its head to smithereens; pieces of Cordecyps growth, brain matter and blood splattered on anything that stood in a close proximity.
Once it had collapsed, it continued to click and twitch but not for long.
‘Fuck, I hate those fucking things.’ Roslyn grumbled as she glared down at the host’s lifeless body.
‘You alright?’
‘I’m OK.’ She said.
‘You bit?’
‘Not today.’ Ros sighed, ‘Thanks for the help.’
‘Yeah, anytime.’
Finally, when she felt like the air was circulating in her lungs she placed her hand over her chest, ‘Whoo! No matter how many times you do this shit, no matter how trained you are— every day is a different day with these fuckers.’
‘Ain’t that the truth.’
‘You get these bodies thrown in the ditch in the back. There’s some matches and lighter fluid on the grill out back. I’m gonna go get us signed in.’
‘Copy that!’
She gave him a firm nod before walking in the office and signing down their names. Then she jotted down how many infected she and August took down today.
Roslyn plopped down in the office chair and ran her hand over her face tiredly. ‘I’m getting too old for this shit.’
Pfft, poor girl ain’t even 27 yet.
13:49 (1:49PM)
The last 2 checkpoints were a breeze. A couple of stragglers here and there but nothing they couldn’t handle.
Roslyn and August sat in silence, feeling the weight of the day settling on their shoulders.
She was sitting on a milk crate looking down at her watch as he walked over and pulled his weight on top of the counter.
‘What time do we head back to the compound?’
Ros was filing her crooked fingernails, ‘We head back around 14:30. We’ve got to beat nightfall and the cold.’
No one ever really stayed the night in the mountains. The frigid cold was enough to literally kill someone, even at the end of summer. Plus, no one ever wanted to find out what lurked in the shadows of these woods.
‘Hey, can I ask you a question?’ Roslyn asked as she stopped filing.
‘Sure. Go head.’
‘What happened to you?’
August blinked at the question, trying to process it just like anybody else would in this time. This life was heavy and she didn’t know a lot about him. But he was open to tell her anything she was curious to know.
‘What happened to me meaninggggg?’ He scoffed.
Realizing that he could’ve possibly taken her question offensive, she waved her hands in disarray, ‘oh! No, no. That’s not what I meant…’ her face heated up in embarrassment.
‘I saw— the gunshot scars and the other one… I was just curious about the story behind them.’
‘Aaah.’ August said aloud, ‘You mean those.’
Roslyn nodded with a soft smile, ‘Yeah. But if you’re uncomfortable with sharing you—‘
‘Oh no! It’s fine. The gunshots I had gotten just a year ago with a run in with the Scars and that gash was from my dad.’
Her eyes grew in shock, a lump sitting in her throat. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.
‘Yo-your dad? As in your father?! How could he do such a thing?!’
August glanced off to the side and let out a heavy sigh, ‘I don’t know. He was drunk and he attacked my brother who was just 15 at the time. I guess I was beating his ass too badly, he had to take a knife to me.’
‘Wow. Holy shit August!’
‘Mmm. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.. I know I was doing the right thing.’
‘You were protecting your brother! Of course you were doing the right thing!’
‘Yeah, I know. I never doubt that. I’d just wished he wasn’t the man he was before he died.’
Roslyn’s brows tugged into one, her face showing all the signs of empathy and even feeling it in her heart.
And he was right. Bad things do happen to good people. But at least he was here and not with his father.
‘Wait!’ He exclaimed, sitting up straight; his face now beaming bright as the sun.
‘You just said my name! Looks like I’m warming up to you after all!’
She didn’t even realize it until he pointed it out. Maybe it was just a heartfelt moment with him being vulnerable and all, she didn’t need to keep it professional any longer.
Letting out a small giggle, Roslyn shook her head and shrugged, ‘Maybe I decided that I don’t need to address you as if I’m your boss or something but a friend instead.’
‘A friend huh?’ He repeated, his deep blue hues gentle and welcoming.
‘Yeah. A friend.’
Very important Side Note: From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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snapscube · 11 months
i would honestly love to see you boost your videos once in a while here !! i super super understand not wanting to like, Become A Brand Blog vs maintaining a fun personal one, but you can absolutely balance the two i think !! even if the posts are just like "hi i'm going live on twitch soon :)" or "hey i posted an upload to youtube taadaa here it is"
tumblr is the only social media that i use- i don't usually know when you go live because i don't have twitter, and i only know when you upload to yt because i'm subscribed to both of your channels 🥲
if you hold firm on the "i'd rather not post about my job here," that's totally cool! at the end of the day it's your blog, and i can still watch your stuff on yt :)
i get this yeah! and i do appreciate the sentiment a ton. personally i still can’t see myself ever going out of my way to advertise streams here save for big events like finalethon. it’d get a bit too crowded for my taste. i do like posting other stuff here at times though and maybe i should cut myself some slack about it lol, its kinda why most of yall are here anyway. i just like using this place to talk and casual post and i feel like this blog is one of the better ways to get a sense of me more as like a person and not as a Creator. posting promos more often than i already do kinda upsets the vibe of that for me. like even if yall don’t feel that way as onlookers it definitely shifts the vibe in my own mind! if that makes any sense!
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hey atheists!
As an fellow atheist
You are literally required to stop harassing Jewish people, and specifically about Christmas. I am gonna explain, tldr at the end
if you aren't doing anything, then no, I'm not talking to you, you did *checks notes* the bare minimum. but still, not as bad as that guy.
PS fucking A:
if a Jewish person says that they don't celebrate j-boi Christ's rescheduled bday then ITS NOT UR PLACE TO GO AND SAY "WELL IM ATHEIST AND ITS NOT EVEN CHRISTIAN ITS FROM PAGAN TRADITIONS AND IT IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION" GOOD FOR YOU, REALLY, IM NOT SARCASTIC HERE, I ALSO HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST CHRISTIANITY AND STILL LIKE COOKIES AND TREES AND ALL THE FUN SHIT, BUT NO ONE ASKED!! IF THEY SAY THAT THEY FEEL LIKE XMAS IS A CHRISTIAN THING SO THEY DO'NT CELEBRATE IT THEN THATS NOT UR BUSSINESS!! IT LITERALLY DOESNT MATTER! THEY HAVE A. get this. 💫diff-er-ent bel-ief sys-tem💫. wow it's almost as if, they are allowed to feel what ever way they want because it's very likely* (read: almost guaranteed) they face casual antisemitism during the season of one of the main holidays of the church. lots of ex Christian atheists probably also don't like this holiday, so it's not just "the theists". people aren't hate criming you for not liking a time where there is a ton of Christian imagery everywhere. I know it's toned down, but it still came from the church and it's called "christ-mas" and is a major holiday for xtians. I'm begging you, literally none of it is a personal attack to those that like to non-religious-ly celebrate, it's about how they have felt and been treated, bc literally to any Jewish info site and see what they are talking about. they are literally just vibing, what is yalls fucking problem?
tdlr : If ur an atheist that celebrates and is happy when it's Christmas, have fun, but don't harass jewish people (or anyone, but it's mostly antisemitism I see) for simply seeing Xmas as something from another religion/culture (Christianity). also let them be mad about the antisemitism they face. it's not that hard
(I'm not jewish so feel free to correct me, I just posted about this bc a ton of atheists can have a hard time listening unless it's another atheist)
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buriedinsand9 · 11 months
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
thirty four
miles morales x hispanic!reader
Tumblr media
summary ✧.* you hear a loud crash outside of your window of your apartments fire escape. you find yourself face to face with spiderman, he asks you to help him with his wounds. you help the hero and you feel create sort of connection.
genre ✧.* (strangers to friends to lovers, sorta a low burn ig?)
warnings ✧.* - ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ you stand up and walk over to where the crash was heard. "hello? is someone there?" you say again, a bit quieter. its a bit dark, so its hard to see the person. the figure get up and you can easily decipher that its spiderman. "what a coincidence." you think. he turns to you. "oh hey! sorry to uh.. crash in to the roof like this." he gets up, dusting off his suit. "its-its okay. are you okay tho?" you ask with a light chuckle. "yeah no im- im good. i just finished you know.. fighting villains. saving new york.. the usual!" he says, sort of with a nervous tone. "its a little cold out here.. you mind letting me borrow a jacket of yours?" he asks holding his arm. "oh yeah sure, come with me."
you lead him to the blankets on the floor and you rummage through your bag. you pull out a pink jacket that says "putillas '95!" its a jacket you borrowed from your mom, or well she gave it to you. you give it to spiderman. he takes the jacket and starts reading the back "pu-ti-llas?" he asks with a light chuckle. "its my moms, i know its uh.. questionable." you both laugh together. he asks about any recent pictures you've taken, you show him all the photos you've taken in the past week. you bond over the photos for a while.
"how are you so casual to hangout with me?" you ask him, as you both sit at the edge of the roof. his masks eyes widen. "well im not sure i mean, your cool and i know you havent really said anythin but our last uh meet. so i think i could just trust you overall wit' it." he says, looking over the city. you furrow your brows, confused on how exactly he knew you werent saying anything, then again he is spiderman. he doesnt really need an excuse..
you both fall silent. hearing the city sounds, the silent night. he looks over to you, almost admiring you. he looks at your facial features, at your hair, your style, he looks at you. miles, not spiderman, miles notices how genuinely pretty and beautiful you are. he blushes under his mask. "its a little late now, i should probably get goin." he says, fiddling with his fingers. "oh, alright." you look at him, he looks at you. you both look at each other for a little too much then you should. he shakes his head, noticing hes staring a little too much, "uh- yeah.. ill see you around?" he says, the nervous tone comes back. "yeah- yeah no ill see you." you smile at him.
he swings to another building. you watch him closely, taking your camera and snapping a picture of him swinging. you look at the picture and smile a little. you notice your smile and shake it off. i look over to where he was last swinging at, hes gone. you look back at your camera, his photo. you pack everything up and go back into your room, entering from your window. you lay in your bed, you sigh. you drift into your thoughts "why is spiderman so casual with me? does he know me? is he someone i know personally? maybe he goes to my school.. but everyones so lame? well, except emilia, josh is okay, taylor, and miles. miles. miles had the same injury as spiderman.. wait no- wait." you stop thinking. you turn over and try to fall asleep. "is miles spiderman?" your eyes open as that one final thought pops into your head. "is miles spiderman?" a/n: took me a while to post this dont know why, tumblr was not workin w me but here it isss i got it t for yall
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bigboipyromaniac · 1 year
I love your doomguy posts sm😭. I was wondering if you could make some headcanons about gn reader and flynn. Where reader first meets flynn, and they're like chill but happy to meet him at the same time? Yk like they just casually 'hey what's up man :D' doomguy, and they're generally like that and treat him like a regular guy, so he slowly starts crushing on them. (the feeling is mutual ;P)
living in a world filled with demons
I highly doubt you'll find another human being
so either you starving for human interaction
or living your best life
well not your best life 
cause you know...
you guys meet in the middle of a battle with demons
you'll notice him first and wave at him with a big smile on your face
the first thought that was in your mind was 
while he was
how the fuck are they still alive
but then you started following him like a puppy
while travelling with him
you would find the most random shit
"look! it's a puppy"
and it would be like some fucked up demons
Honestly with the reputation that Flynn has
he's happy that you're here
I will say tho
he was a bit annoyed when yall first met
 I mean he's the doom slayer, he only has VEGA 
so he's not used to hanging out with someone
but yall are a killer duo
you're def the voice for Flynn
I mean yea he can talk but likes to stay quiet
Samuel might be saying something
then Flynn whispers something to you
"Sorry man got to disable you, Flynn thinks your annoying,"
he trusts you with his things
he doesn't mind if you read his book
play his music
or mess around on his computer in his room
wear his clothes
trust me on this
I don't think he wears his clothes often
he's mostly out killing demons
but seeing you wear it 
he's going to fall hard for you
depending on your height and weight
it would fit you loosely or fit you nicely
and he's obsessed with it
I think once you started wearing his clothes 
VEGA notice his behaviour
"sir your heart rate has increased"
god how Flynn wanted to turn VEGA off
but with that, he figured out his feeling
and realized
he's in love with you
when you do start dating 
yall are the cutest couple on earth
well probably the only one
he's so happy that he has found someone 
and someone who treated him like a human and not a killer robot
while out, he's going to find you some gifts
it could be flowers or gems 
he also likes to build you stuff
he's such a simp for it too cute
yall are going to make me simp for Flynn again
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filthybat · 2 years
Happy holidays! (Part 1.)
One piece imagine of what every straw hat would gift you on Christmas
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Nami
CW: fluff, platonic fluff, cute shenanigans, slight cursing, kinda a crack fic, in this contexts yall are bffs, so some people might be a little out of character.
Hey everyone, it’s Bat! This is my first post so I hope you enjoy it :3 (yes I know it’s not Christmas but hey, early Christmas present!) more parts soon to come!
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
🍖 Luffy 🍖
- Luffy couldn’t sit still as he- very clumsily- handed you his present.
- It’s a cardboard box with one red bow slapped on top, and when confronted with the wrap job, he simply brushed it off with “who has time to open wrapping paper? C’mon open it already!!”
- Inside the box, you find…. A sling shot! and a pouch of pellets.
- “So? So? So? Whatcha think?! You like it? You love it? You love it!”
- As you were about to respond, stretchy arms snatched the box out of your hands
-“Here Lemme teach you! These are popping pellets so they explode when you hit them”
- Your brave captain demonstrates by chucking a pellet at the ground, which resulted in a loud pop, but no explosions as he advertised.
- The ship grew silent.
- As you asked to try a turn, he insisted on letting him find one that explodes.
- It’s resulted in the whole crew including yourself watching Luffy as he went through the whole pouch, chucking and throwing to no avail, no explosion.
- The pouch is empty, no explosion, and a very fussy captain sitting cross armed across from you, looking everywhere but you.
- Sanji left to get a broom and dust pan for what remains of your gift.
🗡️ Zoro 🗡️
- Not meeting your eyes, he casually hands you messily wrapped present with a neat green bow on top, but watches intensely as you unwrap it.
- “Sorry, i didn’t really have time…”
- Inside the box, you find… A bottle of premium sake!
- The tips of his ears are red, he dosent like this much attention on him.
- “For, you know, when you wanna… d-drink?” He sounded unsure of himself as he spoke.
- The crew haven’t seen him ever be this awkward.
- You thank him, and he just nods to get this awkward situation over with.
- Sanji huffed, looking smugly over at The swordsmen, “Really moss-head? To drink? How unoriginal and impersonal”
- “Huh? Wanna repeat that again, shitty cock?”
- Just Like that, they are at each others neck, kicking up dust as they fought.
- Don’t let the impersonal present fool you, it’s all he could manage at such short notice.
- Zoro originally planned on gifting a brand new sword for you, since you’ve shown interest in his training. He figured he could give you lessons, spend his days with you training, bonding over shared passion of blades. It’s one of the few ways the silent swordsmen can communicate how much he appreciates you being his ffeind without having to get all mushy and yuckie by using his words.
-But… he got lost on the way to the smith.
🍊 Nami 🍊
- A present was delicately placed on your lap, which is a contrast to how big the box actually is.
-Beautifully wrapped with orange glittery wrapping paper, and accented with green ribbons and bows. Nami took extra care in making sure every present was beautiful.
- You felt bad tearing into this, it was just too pretty!
- So you painstakingly unwrapped it carefully, as to not rip up the paper, which Nami appreciated. At least someone on the ship cares about effort.
- Inside the present, you find… A coat! Beautiful and fluffy, in your favorite color.
- You gasp and look at Nami, who simply smiles at your shocked expression
-“I saw you eyeing it at the shops in the last island we stopped at, thought since the holidays are coming up, I could get it before hand. Go ahead, try it on!” She urged, beckoning you to stand and don on the coat.
-… It fits! Perfectly even! How she got your measurements you’ll never know. And as you swayed and turned to check yourself out, she adds.
- “And since it’s the giving season, I’ll knock 100 Berri off your dept”
- To your shocked expression, she only winked
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bigfrogdraws · 1 year
hey guys! just doing some housekeeping and making a new pinned post!
Im mac! im a self taught artist who has been drawing for basically his whole life. my pronouns are he/xem, im a young adult, and neurodivergent
If youd like to commission me, you can find my new shiny commission carrd by clicking here or going to the link here -> https://bigfrog4231-commissions.carrd.co
I sometimes do requests/submissions so shoot me an ask and i may draw it!
im not open to just casual chatting, please use my dms for business inquires only :]
also! i have an artfight account and will be participating this year! you can find me by clicking here or by going to this link here -> https://artfight.net/~bigfrog4231
heres a list of my common tags and what they mean!
macs doodles -> my art tag!
mac speaks -> text posts or just my ramblings
house keeping -> blog updates or important info
oc: [name] -> a tag for specific ocs (ex: oc: Bramblebreeze)
macs doodles: [series name] -> a tag for stuff i dont want to go in main tags, but i still want people to be able to find easily (ex: macs doodles: yakucats)
thats all, thanks yall!
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hey i needed a side blog cos I want to make & reblog specific posts without confronting my friends who are triggered by certain topics but idk what to fucking call it rn so this’ll do. This’ll probably be like my alt twitter where I post about medical shit & stuff. Basically my “extra layer of consent” blog for when I wanna talk about gross stuff
@cjadewyton is my main. If you know me then uhhhh CONGRATS I love yall
Basically, here you’ll find:
Nudity (casual and otherwise)
Horny posts
Gross medical talk
Things I don’t have the energy to trigger tag but that I know mutuals need tagged (ranging from gore to vomit to moths)
Other things I think are TMI or require an extra layer of consent to see
Also if it’s not obvious: OVER 18 ONLY. Preferably over 20 if possible. Same as my main. Thank you!
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cyrusstarchaser · 1 year
Ok, I just have to tell someone this cause I can't stop thinking of it so sorry every one. Ok, so I have two statics: My ulit group and my savage group. My ulti group is made up of my friends and peers and, because this is FFXIV, is made up mostly of POC and/or queer people. It's actually been ages since I raided in a group that was majority cishet white man, I would wager the last time was Stormblood. Also for non-FFXIV players a static is a raid group, static is just our word for it. Well all that said my current savage group is pretty heavily weighted towards cishetwhitemenness, but, well, that is part of my current problem.
Now, I play FFXIV themed DnD with some people from a past ulti group. One person (who I have never raided with but is friends with some of my friends) heard that I needed a savage group. (The reason I needed a savage group was because my friends had a lot of irl issues so we flew solo for savage and I also had my bottom surgery coming up) ANYWAY, this miqo'te woman was like "Hey Niam, my FC has a casual group that is looking for a phys ranged" and when I talked to them they were ok with me being gone for surgery and also playing with one arm, so I joined up. I'm still with them even though I've healed because A) it's not like I have an open invitation to a better group and B) I mean...it was nice of them to let me join even knowing that I was going to be playing one armed and drugged for months.
Ok, SO: We're playing DnD and the miqo'te woman is asking after the static and I'm trying not say that I am leaving the first chance I get but also sorta making it clear that this will be my one and only tier with them.(literally if this post gets a single like I might start just being all 'dear diary you'll never FUCKING believe this' because these guys are fucking WILD) She brings up the samurai player in the savage static. For context the SAM player has never, to my knowledge, used a mic. Real chatterbox in text, but I've never heard her speak.
So miqo'te woman asks me what I think about that and I say my piece in regards to like, ya know. I can think of a dozen reasons why someone wouldn't use a mic. I've raided with people who had accents or lisps they were ashamed of, I've raided with people mid transition, raided with people with loud families. Hell, the savage static said that the SAM had Tourette Syndrome and I'll be honest: I don't know if they were pulling my leg but...it's not my place to doubt that. The SAM is refereed to as a woman and that's final. ANYWAY, miqo'te woman goes "My partner and I have a rule: If you never speak in discord, then you're a man" and I was so flabbergasted I think the DM sensed it through the mic and tried to change subject at mach speed.
Yall...I'm trans, the miqo'te woman I was talking to is trans and I am like 80% sure her partner is also trans. LIKE??? How you gonna say that? How are YOU gonna say THAT about HER, ya know??? And she's like "Yeah, no, all that stuff you said but like...she's a guy right? Like c'mon" and it's like GURL. Bless my buddy the DM for understanding I was about to go off on this catgirl, bless. Hanging out with those Gamer Boys has CLEARLY rotted this woman's brain I stg This woman out here trying to get me to play Gotcha Gender with her, like I'm gonna be down for that wtf
Anyway this is why I can't socialize cause people will say some real Dumb Shit and then I'll bluescreen.
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