#cat like reflexes?? no no. snake like reflexes
pwurrz · 9 months
do you think.. when yakumo’s really trying to concentrate on something.. he’ll just stand there with his eyes closed and a little bit of his tongue sticking out in a tiny blep so he can focus all of his attention onto smelling??
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Pov: You loved vampire!slashers in your past life and now you met them again
TW: mention of blood, biting, vampire and e.t.c
Characters: Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Hannibal Lecter
English is not my native language, so sorry about misspells. I hope you enjoy it ♡
Mieloji (Lithuanian) — Darling
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You have just moved to a new small town away from the hustle and bustle of megacities. Surprisingly, you quickly found a place to live and settled into a small house, beautiful and cozy. After unpacking all the things, you decided to explore a new city a little. After all, you've been living here for quite a while, haven't you?
And now you are standing in front of a large mansion, made in the likeness of a certain Gothic style. The massive building was made in dark colors. Large windows with a pleasant view of a surprisingly well-kept garden with bushes of blood-red roses; a dark pointed roof with neat tiles; dark gray walls of the mansion with peeling paint in some places. In front of your face were massive doors made of dark oak with a neat intricate engraving on them. Something like snakes.
You take a deep breath, gathering your courage, and slowly open the door. It does not give in immediately, the old hinges creak disgustingly. And here you are inside. You can see a huge corridor with a large staircase directly opposite the entrance. The interior is made in black and red tones, in some places you can see elements of silver or gold. Huge paintings in gold frames hang on both walls of the lobby. They depict some important people with menacing faces, but you can't make out the text on the captions to the portraits. It's a language you don't know. A huge chandelier with red candles burning on it hangs on the ceiling. Even the very flame on them seems scarlet. And although it's only early autumn outside, it's strangely cool in the mansion. Almost grave cold.
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Michael Myers
You notice that your kitten is behaving strangely. Perhaps you shouldn't have taken him to such a strange mansion. The black little animal begins to meow often and asks to get off your hands. You slowly put him on the floor, and he runs straight up the stairs to the second floor.
"Michael, be a good boy and come back!" You mumble in a voice a little louder than a whisper.
Your boy has never been so restless, on the contrary, he was usually even too calm. Even when you first found this baby, he was a quiet, albeit wayward cat. As if he understood you.
You hear the cat meowing from one of the distant rooms and sigh in defeat. Slowly climbing up the burgundy trunk to the stairs, you hold on to the smooth black railing with your hand. When you reach the back room, you notice Michael sitting on a large velvet bed with a satisfied smile. It was a huge double bed with a gray canopy over it and a carved headboard. A truly aristocratic bed. You come closer, holding out your hands to the kitten.
"Come on, be a good boy, we need to go. We don't want to meet the owner of this place, do we?"
Finally, the cat climbs into your arms and you turn around to leave, but abruptly bump into something. He was a huge man. You back away in fear, landing on the bedspread. You just crashed into his chest...
Your eyes go up, examining the man with horror. He was at least six feet tall, menacing and cold as a statue. His dark curly hair fell in careless curls over his pale face. The man's face was expressionless, and his large copper eyes were bloodshot.
You reflexively hug the cat to you, trying to protect him, and you close your eyes. The man raises his hand and...
His big cold palm with rough fingers gently touches your face, stroking your cheek. You slowly open your eyes, looking at the stranger in disbelief. But now his face wasn't so impassive. Behind all this cold facade there was a hint of... Happiness?
The man was standing there, stroking your face, as your kitten jumped to the floor, starting to rub against the man's leg. What a... He never recognized strangers, even hissed at them if someone got too close to you.
You look up at a man, and your eyes meet. Why is he silent?
"Y/ N..." he mutters faintly, and your heart starts beating wildly in your ears.
How does he know your name? A moment later, and the man gets on his knees, hugging you around the waist and putting his head on your lap. Even in this position, he was huge. He covers his red eyes, starting to slowly rub his face against your knees and emit a light purr. Just like a kitten...
"Missed you."
And again just one phrase. But it's enough to make your heart start to ache strangely in your chest. Your hands seem to move by themselves, burrowing into his unruly curls and massaging his tense skin. A strange feeling of deja vu appeared inside. As if it really was before...
Looking up, you don't find a kitten.
"Michael," you mutter softly, frowning, and notice that the man raised his head, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes. His name... Michael? Just like your kitten. You sigh softly and smile at him. The man... No, Michael, he smiles a little in response and you see little fangs peeking out from under his lips. A vampire... But it doesn't scare you. For the first time, nothing scares you. It's like you've finally come home.
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Vincent Sinclair
It was a huge picturesque mansion where you wanted to stay longer. All this mysterious interior in the mystical light of blood candles caused a strange excitement in your stomach.
You slowly climb up to the second floor, looking at the paintings and leading your hand along the different railings. A truly blood-stirring place.
Walking to the second floor, your feet lead you to the first room you come across. A spacious room with dark curtains on the windows, inside there were several tables littered with papers and paraffin candles standing on them. But what caught your eye were the drawings. Oh, Father, it was a whole picture gallery! All the walls of the room were hung with old, slightly yellowed and frayed paper. And on each sheet there were different faces, as if alive. You came closer to examine them and... Your face was here. It was almost perfect. The accuracy with which your facial features and your hair were transferred, although they were somewhat longer in the portraits... Your smile is so bright and colorful. Your eyes... It was really you. But you've never worn such strange dresses... And where did your image come from here?
There was a thump behind you, as if something heavy had fallen to the floor. You turn around and freeze in place.
It was a man. He was dressed in unusual clothes for modernity, rather resembling the costumes of the Victorian era. His long hair fell over his broad shoulders, and his face was covered with a snow-white mask. Several heavy volumes of books lay on the floor in front of him. So that's what it fell...
It seems the man is hesitating. His ringed hands are shaking a little as he gathers his thoughts. It was as if he had seen a ghost. Or a goddess.
The stranger is slowly moving towards you, his dark hair flowing over his strong shoulders like silk ribbons. He slowly knelt down, gently hugging you with trembling hands. You feel this cold touch on your hot skin, but it seems almost... comforting. You look down at him, your hands almost reflexively reaching for his hair, gently running through the soft strands. And he shudders. A dull, barely audible whimper fills the room. The man presses closer to your body and mutters something indistinctly.
A simple "Vincent" flashes through your head, and you don't notice how you say it out loud. The man shudders, looking up at you, and your heart freezes. His blood-filled eyes look at you with unprecedented love and tenderness. You're back, they say.
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Hannibal Lecter
"You're finally here, Mieloji."
It was a deep male voice that made your blood run cold in your veins. You slowly turned your head towards the stairs, noticing a tall man on it.
He was dressed in a dark suit with a starched white shirt peeking out from under his vest. His entire appearance radiated elegance and sophistication. Those carefully arranged hair on her head, shining in the bloody candlelight. This sweet, but at the same time dangerous, intoxicating snow-white smile with plump pink lips. And, oh, those blood-red eyes looking into the very depths of your trembling soul.
As he slowly descends towards you, you back away, pressing into the wall. The man reaches out to you with his pale hand with neatly sharpened nails, touching your cheek. Only now do you notice how much he towers over you. Like a predator over a prey.
"I had no hope of meeting you again, Mieloji," He whispers, leaning against your neck and looking at you with his burning eyes.
"S-Sorry... But I don't understand what you're talking about..." You mutter softly, feeling your knees slowly give way, "Maybe you're confusing me with someone..."
"Oh, no, dear. I recognize you from a thousand," He whispers with a predatory smile, baring a pair of sharp fangs, "I recognize you from a thousand, Y/N."
"How do you know my name?" Your voice is shaking. It seems like it was too much for you. You were scared.
"Shh, Mieloji. I didn't mean to scare you," His gaze softens for a moment as he runs his thumb over your trembling lip, "I'm Hannibal."
He probably expected this name to give you some hint of what's going on, but you just nervously pursed your lips. What a strange man he is... Although it was worth this name to fly off his plump lips, as your heart skipped a light beat. But this is not enough to believe his words. You're just scared...
"It seems you've really forgotten me, Mieloji," Hannibal murmured with a slight bitterness, looking into your beautiful eyes. Oh, he was drowning in their alluring depths every time, "I shouldn't have let you go then... But I cherished you too much to deprive you of the joys of mortal life."
The man wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you into his cold embrace. Your smaller body looked so perfect in his hands... The pleasant aroma of his body hits you in the nose, mixed with a slight taste of copper and sandalwood. At this moment you feel so calm, here in his arms. It's as if the whole world around you has ceased to exist, just you and him.
His cold hand slowly looks at your tense back, lightly sliding his nails on the fabric of your clothes. Hannibal remembered it all too well: every curve of your body, the scent of your hair and your gentle voice. It was definitely you, his beloved, who returned to him after centuries. He knew it right away, as soon as he noticed you at the gate through the window of the second floor.
"Mieloji, I've missed you so much... I thought I wouldn't see you again," he muttered, a hint of relief in his voice.
Oh, how you wanted to believe him. It all seemed like a pleasant dream. You just moved out of your old town and entered a mansion you didn't know, but this was the first time you really felt at home. You were in the right place.
You almost reflexively squeeze the fabric of his vest between your fingers, and the man lets out a light laugh. He pulls away, still holding you by the waist and burying his free hand in your hair. Hannibal tilts your head slightly to the side.
"Let me show you my love again," he whispers, and you feel a painful burning sensation in your neck.
His sharp fangs cut into your flesh, and his pink lips begin to slowly suck your skin. It was painful. But gradually this feeling was replaced by something like... pleasure?
"Let me help you remember everything, Mieloji."
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batmanfruitloops · 11 months
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You can't imagine how excited I was when I found out about Scarebeast. My favorite character becomes a big creechur? Wonderful! Amazing! It makes my autistic little brain so happy! Two of my special interest meshing together! Batman and monsters. I'm also bringing another one of my special interests into the mix with my own design, speculative biology. Making him more cryptid and werewolf-like than the tree-like design from As The Crow Flies.
There's definitely more to work on but these are the ideas and concepts I have so far. The bottom drawing is older and not up to date, but it gives a better view of what he looks like with his clothes on. He also doesn't talk anymore. He would not be able to with those teeth and a more animalistic body.
I've mixed a bunch of different traits that animals use to either scare or sneak. His body is that of a lion, for the cat-like reflexes, strength, stealth, and especially the hair to make him look bigger than he actually is. Along with porcupine spikes on his shoulders and back, but not very many, since porcupines also use their hair to seem scarier than they are. He has the head of a barn owl, to amplify the cryptid look and give him incredible eyesight, especially in the dark. His neck is longer like an owl as well, so he can turn his head upside down and 180 degrees. He has a mix of crow and cat feet, crow for climbing and grip, and cat for paw pads that help him stay quiet. His hands are the same but with a bit of aye-aye for the long creepy middle finger. Bat-like ears for better hearing. His mouth is kind of snake-like, mostly inspired by a cotton mouth. Cottonmouths flash their brightly colored mouths at any threat to show they are venomous. Since Scarebeast can breathe fear toxin, and most animals have bright colors to show they are toxic I thought this was fitting. Of course a forked tongue for "smell." The hair on his arms is similar to a yeti crab, so it's not as soft compared to the rest of the fur and is actually bristly but not painful to touch. This was for the sake of the silhouette and because some people find yeti crabs creepy.
Lore wise, this doesn't happen in the au but instead in a separate timeline. Jonathan as Scarebeast suddenly has to consume fear toxin to sustain himself, because of the serum used to transform in the first place. He won't die if doesn't consume it but it will make him sick to not have it for long periods of time. This is also how he breathes it. It's processed in the body and recycled to new glands in his neck to be used as a defense mechanism. Similar to how poisonous animals will eat toxic things to make themselves poisonous. In this form he is very quickly dying. He is the only one who knows how to make fear toxin so he’d run out eventually, and a stature so big requires so much food and water to sustain he wouldn’t realistically be able to find so much so often. He was already very malnourished in the first place so that’s wouldn’t help.
This version is acts a lot more like an animal instead of just having a beastly body. Reacting more on instinct than conscious decisions. In this case he was turned into Scarebeast against his will (keep in mind I haven’t read the comic Scarebeast comes from, I’ve tried to research what I can but I couldn’t find much). So he his not very happy after his transformation. Reacting in pain and anger. Though still having some understanding of what’s going on. If you talked to him he could understand what you were saying but couldn’t respond very well or get distracted. So he can recognize Ed at least. Because Jonathan is so uncomfortable he only allows Ed to be near him.
I hope you enjoyed this infodump. I have a much better time expanding through visuals than text. So hopefully this made sense. Since this is non cannon I can share more, so I can make some things more clear through other doodles and what not.
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ikkosu · 5 months
warnings : nudity. slight non-con. slightly suggestive(?) part of MDM (my darling medic verse)
PHARMA lacks a conceptual understanding of space. He might despise bursts of affectionate touches from his love little pet but if it is his turn to show off his streaks of intimacy you're in for a ride — any semblance or care to your own boundaries are disregarded.
Oh, you're working? Too bad he's got you on his lap, prying the reports off your brittle fingers. You've got twenty four hours in a day. You can do it later. No, he doesn't care if the deadline is today. You're to be disciplined about diligence and work productivity. That's on you.
It's not that he doesn't want to care, he's well-versed in the cultural differences between a Cybertronian's mindset to a human one in regards of nudity, he just needs more than a brush of your fingers against his own.
You're endearing just as you are amusing with the thing you call 'clothes' draping over your soft little body. In many of his cold days, he thinks about ripping the fabric to shreds. A fantasy of how you'd feel underneath that primitive fabric takes up much of his waking hours. However, the only thing stopping him for doing so is the fact that you'll reduce his beddings to the outside lawn with the dogs.
It's atrociously blasphemous! How dare he be restrained from touching his pet by a mere textile linen from worms? If anything, it was you who should be grateful he cared enough to press about the matter in the first place. To be graced by the touch of the best medics in Delphi.
Pharma glares at the chronometer.
It's ticking close to the end of his shift and a quick swivel to his datapad, it's clear he hasn't drawn up a single report. No, no, no. Whatever happened to diligence? He's getting frustrated. This thought. This feeling. It's distracting his work. He needs answers, quick. Even if in unethical terms he'll have to seek it.
After a lengthful day in Delphi, forbid he ever said it's 'quiet', he slinks Into your shared room — half a habsuite and a normal apartment, if that's even possible to describe — and his hearing processors perks upon the running splash of water. A snake-like grin curls the corner of his dermas. Perfect, he muses. He's just in time for your evening bath.
So again he's goes, off to concoct another of of his unruly experiments. Will it end well? No, probably not. But who cares.Why would you ever want to hide a body like that from him?
"Dear? Are you in there?" He calls out, turning the knob.
You're too busy belting off to that song again. Skyfall by 'Amdbele', or whatever.He should've smashed that jukebox the moment he laid his eyes on it. That four sided, two, three (?) inch of metal you call a 'phone' take sup too much of your time and it irritates him to no end.
Really, you are blind sometimes.
The door gives way with a pull and the warm mist of the bathroom prickles his face. Your figure is a haze amidst the mist and his optics shutters, adjusting to the dim, golden lighting of the bathroom. Then he halts with a harsh jolt. His wings flare up just as how his face does when he regards the nape of your neck down to your back, to your—
"My, my, oh my..." He mumbles with a raised brow.
"Pharma!?" You gave a girlish shriek and on instinct, whether it was reflex or reflux, you ploughed the cleaning sponge to his helm. It bounces off with a plink against the metal. The mech,however, lay undeterred.
Pharma regards your scrunched up face and your arms — he only now realized how slick and glistening your body was — clutching your chest and legs pressed together like that'll cover up your modesty.
Oh, and your hair is matted much like a wet, tattered cat freshly wrung from a bath. He's especially fascinated by the way the fat of your chest is pushed up, though. Two circular mounds of flesh. So soft and so snug. How, pretty.
Now that would make an interesting study.
On the other hand you're stunned. Speechless. You hadn't expect him to be home this early — usually he'd come by ten. But that doesn't matter, you're too speechless that all you could sputter was his name again and again, finding the familiar grip of his name.
And when you do it's another shout. "Pharma!"
"I heard you the first time, dear." He mumbles lazily, his optics drifted off to the side and lower a bit.
"You can't just barge in here anytime you want!"
"If I wasn't suppose to then why was it unlocked?" He stares, bemused, as you curl around the curtains to hide yourself further. He catches you eying the towel within reach of his arm on the sink.
"You should be careful next time you decide not to follow simple basic house rules."
Pharma begins stalking towards you, blatantly ignoring the towel on the sink. Forget the curtains, you push yourself up against the tile wall to prolong the distance between the mech and your bare body. He's got that stupid smug smile on his face and his servos are clenching and unclenching on an invisible stressball. Said stressball is about to be the mound of your flesh in a moment. But that's fine. You've got a plan. Come any closer and you'll jam a foot up his dick.
"That doesn't mean you can just—" You cut yourself short, feeling your face burn up. He's so handsomely irritating that the urge of throttle him dead overrides your prior chagrin. "I told you, you can't just come in here unannounced like that. I was naked, Pharma!"
"What do you mean 'and' ?!"
"Depends." He shrugs, now a foot away "What's there to hide?"
" Everything! There's this thing called boundaries, you walking, talking piece of—" You feel something metal and cold groping the flesh of your ass and you're pulled flush against his chest.
"Oh, I would love to be educated on such matters, sweetheart." He's hunched over, helm craning down close to your own. You feel the ozone breath of his mouth prickling your face. "I can't even begin to comprehend the little evolutions of every miniscule organs you stock up that little body of yours."
"What's with you and organs?!"
"That aside. I have another inkling. I was quite curious why humans are so insistent on hiding their flesh from other humans..."
"And how's that working out for you, huh?" You bite back. He grins.
"My conclusion comes clear. I'd prefer it if you were to expose such delicacies to me and only me alone..." He purrs and, much to your chagrin, buries his face into the mound of flesh that is your chest
This bastard, I swear. Your face flares up and you try to pry away from his grip. He doesn't care, however, too focused with peppering kisses down your sternum and the crook of his nose trailing after. You feel yourself lowered until you're backed against the cold, unrelenting touch of the tile floor.
"Why must you hide this from me?" He's hovered above you now, casting a shadow over your face as his head blocks the light from the ceiling. "I think it's high time we should have ourselves a little bonding session, no?"
And on cue his modesty panel opens. You disregard the slick member pressing against your stomach and wrangled away from his body, braced your stance into a standing position and well, jammed a foot up his dick.
Safe to say, he won't be using the baby factory maker for a while.
It's just another day at Delphi.
Ambulon stares, concerned as the CMO waddles from ward to ward with a grimace etched on his face.
"Pharma, you're limping." He speaks up eventually and the jet halts.
It felt like hours as he did a 180 swivel around. His face twitched, a forced grin and he grits out. "You don't think i know that?"
Ambulon stands his ground. After all, wounded doctors are a blemish to the system.
"I understand you might not need a helping hand. But you don't have to hide it. I'm well verse with the feeling as well." Ambulon trails off, glancing at his own prickled off paint job. "It's not something to be ashamed of. In fact, it just means your circuits are faring well."
Pharma blinks. Once. Then, twice. "Ambulon, my man. What in Primus's spark are you going on about?"
"Your joints." He seems equally puzzled. "Aren't they rusty?"
What returned, however, is a funny look.
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I'm saving this for a future blog I plan to do but in these months I thought about making sense (and a slight rewrite) of the Chinese zodiac from the miraculous box. It always bugged me quite a bit that the concepts and powers didn't correlate with each other, like:
If there is a kwami of Illusion, where is the kwami of revelation?
Shouldn't Adoration have a counterpart representing Contempt?
How do I distinguish Determination from Pretension?
What does Exaltation have to do with hitting hard and what does Passion have to do with drawing things?
Well, I decided to create a subdivision in the zodiac in which each miraculous is more related to that of the ladybug or the cat, so kwamis that are "creative forces" and "destructive forces" that oppose each other. At the same time each of these dualities represents more universal concepts of existence.
To summarize, it would be:
1. Time
Rabbit (creative force) Power of Progression: allows the user to have small premonitions or glimpses of the future/create projections of past and future events (I'm still undecided). True time travel is a power up that only the adult Bunnix possesses.
Snake (destructive force) Power of Regression: her canon powers allow her to create time loops.
2. Space (or movement)
Horse (+) Power of Translation/Travel: creation of portals.
Dog (-) Power of Return/Devolution: instead allows objects to come to you.
3. Structure:
Dragon (+) "Harmony/Order": allows you to organize the atmosphere around you although initially you can only use one element at a time.
Monkey (-) "Chaos/Disruption": alters the order of things and the powers of your enemy.
4. Matter:
Goat (+) Integration: from a representation or image (drawing) you can bring something from your imagination into reality.
Mouse (-): Dispersion: the canonical, the creation of microclones.
5. Strength:
Rooster (+) Affirmation: allows you to obtain or improve TALENTS (not superpowers or desires) only human abilities such as speed, intelligence, reflexes, etc.
Ox (-)Negation: repel any enemy attack with a shockwave that weakens it.
6. Coexistence:
Pig (+) Conciliation: grants the user the ability to empathize with his rival/target, showing their wants and needs:
Tiger (-) Collision (confrontation): grants you incredible strength to dominate your opponent.
I hope all these ideas make sense, I tried my best to organize them.
I really like the idea of pairing up each Miraculous like you've done. It's very creative, and makes a lot of sense.
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imthepunchlord · 4 months
So, in a recent ask, you said the bear's powers "echo themes of strength, spirituality, and ancestry".
So I'm curious: what themes do the other kwami's powers echo?
Feel free to ignore this if it's too much. I don't want it to overwhelm you since it seems like many previous asks have.
It's fine, it's just there quite a few asks I can't really answer. But to answer, these are the themes, for now. They could always be changed and tweaked later.
Bee: connection, leadership, judgement, teamwork Bull: personal power, resolve, spirituality Cat: destruction, chaos, elusiveness Crane: life, healing drifting, abstract Deer: reflection, truth, vision, and travel Dog: making connections, salvation, finding, catching Dove: love, hope, freedom Dragonfly: element, speed, power Eagle: power, combat, speed, electrifying Fish: fortune, prosperity, abundance, fluidity Fox: illusion, creativity, influence, music Frog: animation, healing, energy Goat: creativity, animation, mischief, alterations Grasshopper: leap of faith, prophecy, randomness Horse: speed, mobility, freedom, travel Ladybug: luck, creation, restoration, justice, aggression Lion: formidable, tenacity, teamwork, inspiration, empowerment Mantis: prudence, grounded, stability, power Monkey: playfulness, energetic, chaos, transformation, comedy Mouse: multitasking, teamwork, elusiveness, subtlety Owl: disconnection, fear, isolation, spirits, travel death Peafowl: rejuvenation, empowerment, assistance, vibrancy, foresight, flexibility, adaptation Pig: cognitive, mental power, deflection Rabbit: healing, provision, overwhelming Raven: duality, surprise, darkness, light Rooster: authority, imagination, creativity Snake: ingenuity, intuition, reflexes, inner power, surprise, evolution Songbird: communication, freedom, detachment Spider: creation, fabrication, illusion, control Swan: love, uplifting, hope, charming Tiger: explosive, chaos, iron will, domination Turtle: versatile, foundation, protection, withdrawn, introspection, security Wolf: isolation, void, fear, power, danger
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sephirthoughts · 2 months
Father: Verb
Summary: 11 year-old WMD Sephiroth is assigned a new handler/bodyguard, named Vincent Valentine.
rating: gen/teen and up
(prev chapter linked at bottom)
Chapter 3: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Time slipped by, behind the high walls of Shinra Manor, and summer had long turned to fall. When Vincent arrived at Sephiroth’s quarters, on this particular morning, Sephiroth was sullen and monosyllabic. He refused to go to the dining hall for breakfast, and ate a tray of nutritional pastes in gloomy silence. In the training yard, he was ferocious and bloodthirsty, hurling his body at Vincent, with total disregard for his life, like he’d gone rabid.
When the blade of his sword snapped off, in Vincent’s gauntleted hand, Sephiroth threw a blast of fire into Vincent’s face and used the distraction to and leap on him like a jungle cat, knocking him to the ground. He only managed to hit him once, before Vincent flipped him onto his back and pinned him. The boy thrashed and kicked, snarling through his clenched teeth, his pupils contracted to savage slits, in the glowing green irises.
“Let me go! Fight me properly!”
He managed to twist a hand free and strike Vincent in the mouth with his closed fist, before the man caught the wrist and pinned it again.
“Sephiroth!” Vincent said. “Stop this, right now! You are out of control, and you are going to hurt yourself. Use your words. Tell me what is wrong.”
“No! Get off me!” Sephiroth roared, writhing like a snake in his grasp. “Liar! You’re a liar! I hate you!”
Vincent’s blood froze. If he’d had any human color in his skin, it would have drained, at that moment. Was it possible? Had the boy found out, somehow? He swallowed in a dry throat. “What did I lie about?”
“You know what!” Sephiroth spat. “You said you’d never leave me, but you did! You didn’t even say goodbye and you left me here, all alone! You’ve been gone for three months!”
So, it wasn’t that.
Potent relief washed over Vincent, immediately followed by gut-wrenching guilt, over his absence. He’d been locked up, deep underground, made to fight monstrosities created by the Shinra science division, to test their capabilities. That was part of the deal he’d made with the devil, in order to be here.
Time didn’t affect him much, and he had no idea how long it had been, till he came out. He hadn’t realized that, for the child who was waiting for him, three months must have seemed an eternity.
Meanwhile, Sephiroth’s respiration was growing increasingly ragged, and he hadn’t stopped struggling. On a sudden impulse, Vincent sat down in the dirt, dragged the boy into his lap, and wrapped him up tightly in his arms.
Sephiroth resisted, at first, not understanding the gesture, but after Vincent held him fast, for a moment, he stopped trying to push him away. He hadn’t calmed down, though, and in fact seemed to be getting worse. He was shaking all over, his face was pale and clammy, and he was taking rapid, gasping breaths.
Vincent had no idea what to do, now. He’d embraced the boy from pure reflex. He had no training regarding how to soothe a child who was having a full-blown panic attack. The only analogue he could think of was dealing with pain.
“Bite me,” he blurted out.
Sephiroth blinked up at him, uncomprehending, and continued to hyperventilate.
Vincent cast his cloak to one side, exposing his leather-clad shoulder. “Here. You can’t hurt me. Just bite down on me, until the pain stops.”
Without hesitation, Sephiroth bared his perfect, white teeth and bit into Vincent’s shoulder, panting and snarling like a wolf cub, tearing at the leather armor, clawing Vincent’s chest and sides, with his small, but exceedingly strong fingers.
“Good boy. It’s ok,” Vincent murmured, patting his back. “It’s going to be ok.”
After a minute or two, Sephiroth’s respiration began to normalize, and his body stopped shaking. He released the bite and looked up at Vincent, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. “Why did you tell me to do that? How did you know it would work?”
Vincent gave a rueful smile. “Because it works on me.”
The boy’s rage had receded, but the hurt and resentment were still keenly visible, in his eyes. He clambered out of Vincent’s lap and sat sullenly on the ground beside him, hugging his knees.
“I’m sorry, Sephiroth,” Vincent said quietly. “I didn’t mean to be away for so long. It wasn’t my choice.”
“I thought you were never coming back. The professor said you probably hated babysitting me, and asked to be transferred away.”
Vincent clenched his jaw. Fucking Hojo, that sadistic bastard. Never missed an opportunity to twist a knife.
“He said…he said you’d get a woman,” Sephiroth continued, picking anxiously at the cuticle of his left thumb. “He said you’d have children of your own, and you’d stop coming back. Because you wouldn’t want to waste time with a brat like me, who isn’t even your son.”
“None of that is true,” Vincent said patiently. “Even if I wanted to, which I do not, my body is dead. I can’t have children, anymore. That old man says things to hurt you, intentionally. You know that, and yet you let his words torment you. You let him make you doubt me.”
“But you were gone for so long,” Sephiroth said miserably. “You never tell me when you’re leaving or where you go. I never know when you’ll come back. I keep thinking…you must have someone more important than me. Someone you’d rather be with, than me.”
“Sephiroth, look at me.” The boy lifted his head, and Vincent reached out to brush a lock of silver hair out of his face. “There is no one more important to me, than you. You are the only person I care about, in the world. I don’t want a woman or children. I don’t want to transfer away. I want to be right here, with you.”
“Really? Y—you mean it? You won’t find someone else, and forget me?”
“I mean it. Don’t listen to that bitter old man, anymore, ok? Trust in me.”
Sephiroth scowled. “You say I should trust you, but how can I, if you never tell me anything?”
“I’m sorry about that,” Vincent sighed. “I know it’s hard for you, when you don’t know what to expect. If they sent my orders ahead of time, you’d be the first to know. I wish things were different, but my life isn’t my own. It belongs to Shinra.”
“But why does it belong to Shinra?”
“You know better than to ask.”
“I know. Sorry.”
“Because of that, there will be times when I’ll have to go away. I won’t know when, or even for how long. But I promise you, I will always come back. No matter what, I will come back, to you.”
Sephiroth looked at him searchingly, attempting to assess the man’s sincerity. His big, blue-green eyes were pink rimmed, as if he were about to cry, but tears never fell from those eyes. He never cried.
“Ok,” he said, at last. “But you promised. Remember, you promised.”
After the scene in the training yard, it was a simple matter to talk Vincent into staying after supper, to watch the historical documentary Sephiroth claimed he had been looking forward to. And of course, once that boundary was breached, it would be an even easier matter to make it a regular occurrence.
His emotional outburst had been one-hundred percent genuine, but now that he was calmer, he could hardly be blamed for turning the situation to any advantage he could. Besides, a neglected child playing upon a parental figure’s guilt, in order to coax out a little more quality time with him, wasn’t exactly a dastardly scheme.
That evening, in Sephiroth’s quarters, Vincent sat on the sofa, beside him, with his arms crossed under his cloak. Just as Sephiroth had predicted, he fell fast asleep, less than a third of the way into the lengthy, exceedingly dry documentary (which was the only type of film the boy had access to).
He watched the man sleeping, for a few minutes, with his chin resting in his palm. Then, as stealthy as a cat, he began to scoot closer, inch by inch, till their thighs were touching. Vincent didn’t stir.
Sephiroth paused and observed him closely, until he was certain he was still asleep. Then, ever so gingerly, he leaned over, and laid his head on Vincent’s shoulder. The man continued to sleep soundly.
Pleased with his success, Sephiroth gradually nestled his small body more and more comfortably against Vincent’s. Now fully embracing his leather-clad arm, he gave a deep yawn. It would be fine, he told himself. He’d just stay like this, till the end of the film. As long as he didn’t fall asleep, Vincent wouldn’t catch him acting like a baby, and it would be fine.
Vincent woke, disoriented, to the lights and colors from the video screen, flickering across his eyelids, and the strange feeling of a warm weight, pressing on one side of his body.
He looked down, to discover Sephiroth hugging his arm, with his heavy, silver head resting on his shoulder. He must’ve dozed off, watching the film. He reached over, intending to shake him awake, then hesitated.
The boy’s sleeping face looked so peaceful, he couldn’t bear to wake him. Well, whatever, he thought, as he withdrew his hand. If the boy wanted to sleep on him, for a little while, what was the harm? As soon as the film was over, he’d put him properly to bed.
Thus decided, he remained wide awake, in a catlike state of vigilance, until the film concluded, more than an hour later, never moving a single muscle, for fear of disturbing the sleeping child. Then, taking great care not to jostle or jolt him, he lifted his little body gently from the sofa and cradled him against his chest, to carry him to his bedroom.
Sephiroth’s skinny arms came up, of their own accord, and wrapped themselves around Vincent’s neck. As they did, he took one of those, soft, stuttering breaths that children often do, in deep, contented sleep.
With that final blow, the armor around Vincent’s heart shattered. All at once, the decade-long weight of love, loss, regret, desperate longing, and profound, fathomless grief, struck him full in the chest. It was far too much for any man to bear. But this child…this perfect child was the product of all that pain.
Time slowed to a halt, in that unremarkable hallway, and for a single, shining moment, Vincent saw the world revealed to him, as it might have been. All the ugliness and horror of their desolated lives fell away, and he was simply a father carrying his little boy to bed, after staying up late, watching a movie.
He nearly fell to his knees, shot through the core, with the agonizing poignancy of it. Why had he ever believed himself capable of killing this child? He couldn't even bear to wake him from a peaceful sleep.
Steadying himself with a hand on the door frame, Vincent clutched the boy more securely to his chest, pressing despairing kisses to his silver hair, before the enchanted moment flickered and faded, and the cold claws of reality sank back into his flesh and bones.
He was a dead man—a carcass, inhabited by an ancient demon, and the child he was carrying to bed was a bio-engineered weapon, belonging to a corporation. They had both been sacrificed to the whims of a madman, and any hopes or dreams they may have had for themselves were already forfeit.
But that fleeting moment had forever altered the trajectory of the future, for these two people. Who could have predicted that one breath from a child’s lungs would be Vincent Valentine’s final straw. The tipping point, at which a beaten dog became a wolf. Even he, himself, was yet unaware.
Vincent laid the boy in his bed and tucked him in, then stood gazing down at him, his eyes a pair of glowing embers in the dark. Just then, Sephiroth’s eyes fluttered open, luminous green, to contrast with Vincent’s crimson.
“Vincent,” the boy said softly.
“Mm,” the man replied.
“Why do you want to kill me?”
“Is it because of what I am? Because…I’m dangerous?”
“Why do you think I want to kill you?”
“I saw you, in my dreams, before you came here. You wanted to kill me, but you never did. Sometimes, you look at me just like you did in my dreams, and I think you might really kill me. But you never do.”
“I don’t want to kill you. Get some sleep. We have training in the morning.”
“Vincent, wait,” the boy called out, sitting up, as he turned to leave. “I—I’m sorry I acted out, today. I promise, I won’t do anything like that, ever again. I’ll always listen to you and I’ll never misbehave. I won’t even talk back anymore, just—just don’t leave, ok? Please…don’t leave me.”
Vincent went back and knelt by the boy’s bedside, looking very much like a fairytale monster, about to drain an innocent victim’s blood. “Sephiroth, I already promised, I’m not going to leave you. Not for good. It’s you, who will leave, eventually, and that’s the way it should be. Before you know it, you’ll outgrow me, and you’ll get out of this place, and become the hero you’re meant to be. Then the whole world will love you.”
“I don’t want the world to love me, I just want to be with you,” Sephiroth fretted, then he brightened, as an idea occurred to him. “We could both leave! We could go somewhere else, where they can’t find us! Then I won’t have to be a hero, and you won’t have to go on missions, and we’ll never have to be apart, ever again.”
Vincent shook his head. “You have your whole future, ahead of you. I would never want you to throw it away, for me. Besides, when you grow up, things will be different. You won’t want to be with me, all the time, anymore.”
“What things will be different?”
“Well, one day, you’ll find a special person. When you do, you’ll want to spend as much of your time with them, as you can. You won’t want an old man like me around, getting in your way.”
Sephiroth looked troubled. “But you’re my special person. You’re the one I want to spend my time with. Why would I change?”
“You’ll understand when you’re older. But don’t worry. No matter where you go or what you do, I’ll always be watching, cheering you on. And any time you need me, I’ll be there for you.”
“Vincent…do you love me?”
Vincent took a breath, and let it out slowly. “Yes, I do.”
“I think I love you, too, but…I don’t know if I really understand what love means,” Sephiroth said, fidgeting with the buckles on Vincent’s cloak. “People use it all kinds of different ways. They say they love their spouses or children, but they also say they love chocolate chip cookies. It’s so confusing.” The boy’s eyes flickered tentatively up to his face. “What way do you love me?”
“Hm,” Vincent said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I guess…I love you a little more than chocolate chip cookies.”
Sephiroth dropped the buckle to put his hands indignantly on his hips. “Just a little?!”
“I mean…have you had chocolate chip cookies? They’re amazing.”
“You—! Well, I don’t even love you at all! You’re with canned peas! And corn!”
“Whoa, let’s not say things we can’t take back. I put you on the same level as chocolate chip cookies, and you put me way down there with canned peas and corn? Such a cruel child.” Vincent sighed and made as if to leave. “If that’s how you feel, I guess I’ll go toss myself in the trash, then.”
“Nooo!” Sephiroth pretended to wail, jumping up to throw his arms around Vincent’s narrow waist, with strength that would’ve snapped a regular man’s spine, but didn’t faze Vincent in the least. “Don’t toss yourself in the trash! I love you even more than chocolate chip cookies! I love you as much as spaghetti!”
“Wow, spaghetti?” Vincent said, looking down at him, with raised eyebrows. “Well, I guess I better not throw myself out, then. I know how serious you are about pasta.” He ruffled the boy’s hair and then jerked his chin toward the bed. “Ok, back to bed. I’m not letting you sleep in, tomorrow.”
Sephiroth went obediently back to his bed, where Vincent tucked him in, a second time. “Sephiroth, listen. It’s not safe for us to talk like this, in front of anyone else. If the Shinra people find out we have a non-professional attachment, they might decide to separate us. So, don’t hug me or say you love me, when anyone else can see or hear, understood?”
The boy nodded gravely. “I understand. If the professor knew I hugged you, he’d—” He faltered, not wanting to say aloud what he thought the old man would do to him, for fear of Vincent’s reaction. “—he’d scold me, for acting like a baby.”
Vincent, of course, sensed the boy’s fear of the old man, and was angry, anyway. “Acting like a baby? You are a baby. That rotten son of a—”
“Chocolate chip cookies,” Sephiroth interrupted.
“That’s what I’ll say, instead. Chocolate chip cookies. And you’ll know what I mean.”
“Ah. I see. That’s pretty clever. Ok. We’ll do that.”
“Goodnight, Vincent,” Sephiroth beamed. “Chocolate chip cookies.”
“Goodnight, Sephiroth,” Vincent replied, very nearly (but not quite) smiling. “Chocolate chip cookies.”
old wolf teaches wolf-pup to deal with anxiety by biting. the world's boots and sofa cushions collectively tremble
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hollowgirl136 · 8 months
In the spirit of Halloween, I thought it would be fun to post an old AU that I was inspired to make before S3 aired based off the ragtag group that is the Coven Heads.
So before Thanks to Them aired, I got the wildest thought on a possible "What If" about the fate of the Coven Heads with The Collector being freed. Long story short, thought it would be a cruel twist of fate if they ended up cursed like Eda because The Collector, going to call them T.C. for now, wanted to make them more "fun" for the "Owl House" game.
Essential, when the kids came back they ended up going to Eda place and are ambushed by a fully Cursed Raine which. After Luz finds one of Eda potions still hidden in the house, Raine tells them what happened while they were gone. One resolution battle later with T.C. and Belos, it's now up to the kids to find the other heads and change them back cause, per Eda, no one deserves to lived trapped in their own bodies.
Half a season worth of adventures later to find and revert the heads back to their original forms, with no cure for being cursed discovered yet despite T.C. powers, Eda and Lilith takes it upon themselves to teach them how to lived their new lives.
Some rough sketches of what their "hybrid" forms look like once they harmonized with their curse beasts.
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Additional details under the cut.
Raine curse beast is a "vampire" bat and the kids find them in Eda place cause they sought out a place of safety after transforming. Their compromise with the beast is to drink blood every so often, much to their disgust. Is granted night vision and flight when in hybrid form.
Darius curse beast is a kraken and the kids find them in the sea. Refused to fight Hunter, so the kids used that to their advantage to defeat them. Their compromise with the beast is to do long soaks in sea water, to his annoyance cause "sea water is horrible for his skin". Is granted the ability to breath under water and a octopus ability to squeeze into small places.
Eberwolf curse beast is a manticore and was found near Darius cause, despite being lost in their own mind they still sought out their friend/brother. Was the fastest to compromise with their curse cause they didn't mind eating raw meat. Is granted a prehensile "leech tail, alongside increased strength and speed in their hybrid form.
Adrian curse beast is a spynx and the kids find him in an abandoned theater/castle since some part of him still wanted to be near civilization. The only head who has a beast who the kids can understand in full curse form. Takes the longest to compromise with their beast cause they both have massive ego's, and the fact that Adrian does not want to read a whole philosopher book or eat rats. Is granted flight and increased cat like reflexes.
Terra curse beast is a giant snake, and the kids find her in an overgrown forest caused by her magic still being "active". Her compromise with the beast is to eat live animals and daily sunbathing. Her hybrid form turns her into a Lamia similar to a boa constrictor.
Vitimir curse beast is a mosquito/dragon hybrid and is found buzzing around a cliff face where Hettie curse form also resided. Their compromised with their cursed beast is to drink blood. Their hybrid form grants them flight, a needle tongue, and the ability to store liquids in a "throat sack" that they then can use to spray people with boiling/noxious liquids.
Hettie curse beast is a minotaur and is found in a cave on a cliff. Her compromised involved her eating raw meat. Her hybrid form grants her increase strength and improved sense of hearing and smell.
Mason curse beast is a lava golem and is found in a basin where they were literally melting the surrounding area where they walked. Matt and Steve have to help turn him back to normal. His compromise with his beast is to eat rocks/stones and sunbathing. His hybrid forms allows him to manipulate heat and create magma from the rocks he consumes.
Osran curse beast form is a giant spider and is found deep in a cave. His compromised with his beasts involves eating insects. His hybrid forms grants extra mobility, armor like chitin, web making from his snot (much to his chagrin), and improved night vision.
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Some Dragonic!Cyromancer Headcanons for you(especially for the Au where they can shapeshift a bit to hide the traits that intensify with age)
Cyromancers have very ornate horns, usually specific lineages had different horn designs, the head of the family having this biggest and ornate horns of the family. It can be seen in Kuai Liang/Bi-Han’s family where their horns are similar to that of ice dragons while Frost has ram like horns.
Have an appetite similar to snakes, usually eat large meals and are satisfied for several days before needing to eat again, if not do not eat these big meals they deal with a horrible hunger that can’t be satisfied unless they are constantly eating enough small meals.
Mostly carnivorous as well because of this and often eat big game, as there is very plant species that survived in the area of Outworld where they lived. They were great hunters and plant life was put towards medicine and for other means.
Heads of the family have the ‘elder’ dragon, the oldest dragon of a current lineage and the grandparent to every other dragon in the family. So there is one to two elder ice dragons per family. Each new litter of dragons are raised with the families own new generation of children to become bonded to.
Are adorned with scales that are usually in different hues and shades of blue, scales turn darker with age, their most vibrant in their prime, but turn a darker metallic tone by their old age, basically becoming armour. This can be seen in Kuai Liang and Frost, Frost having a much lighter and pastel shade of blue for her scales, but Kuai Liang having darker navy blue scales.
Have the equivalent of Sabretooth tiger tusks for canines, no one is sure what they were for specifically but it seems largely be scare/mating tactic
Cyromancers used to live up to 10000+ like Edenians but since settling in Earthrealm the average age of a cyromancer is like 150-200 depending
Polyamorous relationships were as common as monogamous couples
Often sleep curled up like cats or snakes in piles in family units. In the same create, they can and will adopt anyone into a family, does not matter what, you have a family now and they will love you.
ooooooooooo love these
When Frost was younger she filed her horns down (which was incredibly painful) to hide them before she learned how to shift them out. It wasn't until she joined the Lin Kuei and met Kuai Liang that she stopped.
Once Hanzo discovered their eating habits he started making veritable feasts for the two whenever they visited the Shirai Ryu, wanting to ensure that they were well fed and taken care of since neither was gonna do it themselves.
Frost loves venison, she had it for the first time with the Shirai Ryu and has been obsessed ever since.
Kuai Liang prefers duck, which he thinks was part of his childhood but he cannot fully remember
I do als hc that cryomancers had their own realm that was conquered by Edenia, leading to Sindel banishing them a few centuries later after which they ended up in Outworld. Eventually they fled Shao Kahn's cruelty, finally settling in Arctika which has been their home ever since
Cryomancers bonding with dragons was extremely common, leading to a sort of symbiotic relationship that both species are hardwired to crave. So Kuai Liang had no idea why as he got older he kept feeling like something was missing until he found the last Arctikan dragons and burst into tears, feeling like he had finally come home. Frost had the same reaction when she bonded with her dragon.
Kuai Liang's scales also cover more of his body and, if his focus is weak enough, they will reflexively show themselves in response to touch. Hanzo is very fond of teasing the scales out in bed.
The fangs are one of the few traits they can't shift out, causing both Kuai Liang and Frost to file them down to. amore manageable size until Hanzo convinces them to stop, horrified at how painful the process is. The fangs don't poke out of their mouths, but it is hard to get used to.
Despite their long lifespan, no cryomancer in the last three centuries has lived past the age of 50 save for Kuai Liang. This is due to the Lin Kuei's job as assassins.
Cryomancers never had any form of discrimination with regard to gender or sexual orientation and were always very confused by the fact that others did.
Frost and Kuai Liang have absolutely snake piled multiple times, usually after one of them has been injured, with Hanzo and Takeda occasionally joining them. the first time Frost brought Cassie to join in, Takeda teased her relentlessly over it until Hanzo nudged him to stop.
(I have so many hcs about the cryomancers and their history, lemme know if y'all wanna hear em)
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Warm Days | Farah Karim x genderfluid!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: Falling asleep against one another - farah x genderfluid!hijabi!reader
summary: hot days can be the most wonderful thing, when the right person is at your side. 
tws: swearing 
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
With the salt of sweat upon your brow, you lazily leaned against Farah, able to feel the cool liquid drops trace down against your spine; it was a particularly hot day, the sun shining and not even a cool breeze to help things along the way. It was a humid heat, forcing sweat out of you the way that water was forced from a towel being wrung. You were thankful that your hijab was a light colour, and that the fabric was nice and thin; it helped to keep the heat from your head, at least. But with such heat, came laziness. 
No one could particularly be bothered to do much, Farah wasn’t, that for definite; she did regret not wearing a different hijab, though. The one she had on was a thicker material, made for the military, and it was causing her to sweat a little more than a thinner one would have. But she slumped against the tree, and when she felt you lean into her, she leaned back, a small smile on her lips as she brought the water bottle to her lips and took a gulp. 
“Alex asked me a weird question earlier,” you muttered, words partially swallowed by a yawn. 
“Yeah, he asked me why I wear a hijab even though I’m genderfluid,” you hummed. “He was only being curious, but I didn’t expect him to ask.”
She nodded, her eyes starting to drift shut as the heat consumed her a little more. “He’s American, they’re not the brightest.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh softly, the vibrations rushing through to her as well. “You’re not wrong there… he’s a nice man, though…”
“He had a huge crush on you,” Farah chuckled. “When you first came here.”
“He’s not my type,” you admitted, resisting the urge to shake your head. “I prefer someone who’s got cat-like reflexes, protective of their country and defends its freedom… someone who’s respectful, isn’t one to argue.”
A hum escaped from the back of her throat as she let out a quiet yawn, folding her arms across her chest as she leaned into you a little more, her head colliding with your chest as she squirmed to get comfortable against the tree trunk. “And where do you expect to find someone like that?”
You leaned into her, tilting your head to the side as you grumbled softly, swiping a hand across your brow as you yawned loudly. “I already have… and I do like them a lot, I can’t lie, but… I don’t think they feel the same.”
“How do you know?”
“They have more important things to worry about,” you explained, “and they’d probably be happier with someone else, anyway.”
“You don’t know that,” she pointed out. “Not unless you’ve already asked.”
“Farah, I don’t think I need to ask,” you whispered. “You love me as a friend, I know, but-”
“But I might love you a little differently,” she murmured, daring to move to sit on your lap as she gazed down into your eyes, her touch soft as she cupped your jaw. “You just haven’t asked me.”
You swallowed thickly, nearly gulping audibly as you gently grasped her waist, not sure if it was the right place to put your hands. “Farah…”
“Ask me,” she muttered as she leaned down, the tip of her nose grazing against yours. “Please.”
“Do you?” You asked softly. “Do you love me differently than as a friend?”
Farah nodded as she smiled. “Yes.”
“If I kiss you,” you whispered. “Would that be alright?”
“Yes,” she grinned, closing the distance as she gently kissed you.
You could hardly believe it as you smiled, one hand between her shoulder blades to keep her steady as you snaked your arm around her waist, eagerly kissing back once you realised it was actually happening; but then she pulled away, and she yawned as she once again settled down beside you, holding your hand tightly.
“Mashallah I thought that would never happen,” she breathed out with a soft, quiet laugh. 
You looked at her quizzically for a moment. “What do you mean?”
“I thought you would never ask me out,” she admitted, laughing a little louder despite the tiredness coursing through her veins. “I always thought you’d run a mile if I ever asked you.”
You shook your head, daring to hum quietly as you slowly, a little awkwardly, put your free arm around her. “Are you glad? Y’know, that we…”
Farah nodded. “More than, my beloved… we have finally chased our days down to zero.”
You nodded in agreement. “I won’t lie, this heat has me so fucking tired… I wanna take a nap.”
“It sounds like a good idea,” she agreed, fidgeting to get a little more comfortable. “If you don’t mind, I’ll sleep with you.”
“No, I don’t mind,” you admitted quietly, shaking your head. “I always enjoy your company.”
Farah didn’t say anything as she closed her eyes, drifting off as she leaned into you; you weren’t far behind, muttering and mumbling to yourself as you smiled and leaned into her. Just and just propped up by each other’s bodies as the most beautiful thing in the world started to shroud you both; for a moment, and only briefly, you wondered if you would dream of her. If you would dream of what life would be like together; maybe one day, if her people and her country were ever truly free, a Nikah would be in order. Maybe you would see her smiling and grinning as she signed it giddily. It was a more than pleasant thought.
But as pleasant as some thoughts were, the siren call of sleep and dreams was too loud to be ignored, and with a contented sigh, you finally allowed yourself to let go. Leaning against one another, you and Farah could sleep soundly, knowing that everything that had once been on your minds was now out in the open, and you could be happy with each other.
As partners. 
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soup-of-the-daisies · 8 months
James Potter HC part 3!
(parts 1 & 2)
Loves animals. Has taken in (smuggled in) (collected) strays on multiple occasions. Euphemia and Fleamont allowed it because it’s a good character trait to care for those no-one seems to cares for
This is how he befriends Sirius, Remus, and Peter, btw. On some level he sees them as strays
(As cats: Sirius yowled loudly every time the door was closed and then rubbed himself all over James as soon as James came out; Peter just appeared on the sofa one day, prompting a ‘Well, I guess I need to get another litterbox’; and Remus had to be pspspspsp’ed for months before he came close enough to be pet)
Favourite subject may be Transfig but CoMC is a close second
Secretly loves snakes
Apologises to every snake he finds whenever he insults a Slytherin and it’s almost like the snakes can understand him
(Both he and Lily are carriers of the Parsel-gene and Harry’s ability comes from them, not Voldemort’s soul piece, because that’s dumb)
Has big, slightly rough hands (Quaffle gripping)
Is a ✨social smoker✨, he swears. He’s not addicted and it’s not a habit. He’s just a ✨social smoker✨ okay? He only smokes when he’s been drinking, that’s all
(He smokes whenever Sirius and Peter smoke)
More at home in the sky than on the ground and cries whenever he retires a broom
Despises firewhiskey after the Halloween Incident of 1975
The smell of it alone prompts a full-body shudder and some gagging
The Hat would’ve considered both Slytherin and Hufflepuff for him if he hadn’t been so dead-set on going to Gryffindor, because he’s so loyal and could’ve been so ambitious
Despite Euphemia being a Ravenclaw the Hat would not have considered Ravenclaw for him. Not because he’s not bright, he is, he just didn’t value knowledge for the sake of knowledge
He’s a Gryffindor boy through and through though, just like his kiddo. Would jump into an inferno to save an innocent person without a back-up plan
Attentive parent, almost at helicopter-level. In an AU where he’s alive he bawls whenever Harry goes away to Hogwarts because James can’t protect him there
When Dumbledore died James throttled him for putting such a heavy burden on Harry’s shoulders. Almost thanked Snape for (sorta) killing Dumbles
(Lily is glad he didn’t because Snape would’ve promptly morphed into a violent ball of spirit-shock)
He’s not the mum friend though (that’s Peter). James is the dad friend who complains at length about his back, sneezes loudly, and has the Dad Reflexes
(Remus and Sirius are the Surly Teen and the Fun Uncle friends respectively)
Flirts on accident (and is good at it) but can’t flirt for the life of him when he’s doing it on purpose
Hair is coarse as all hell. Sirius frequently begs him to at least use conditioner bc James’ hair keeps itching his neck
Wanted to become an Auror as a kid. Grew out of it. Actually wanted to become a Transfiguration Master (with caring for magical creatures on the side), and would have continued with that had the war not started
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megistusdiary · 3 months
Did you know cats have a 1/100th faster reflex time than snakes? Feline GI hybrids and Snake!Reader have frequent standoffs where the former always win by less than a second.
snake reader gets smacked every time 😓😓 ofc, the ladies will be playful about it. don't worry about getting your shit rocked. they'll be gentle
imagine they grab your hand and then tease you by pulling your chin up for a little kissy kiss 😌 kicking feet and giggling
and you're just like still processing that they're quicker than you mm mm
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some-pers0n · 1 year
I wrote some Hawthorn stuff because I love this character and miss him a lot. Yet again just a re-write of that one scene of him in TPJ. No big format or anything. Just writing. No real CWs either. Not even a go around with Grammarly. Just silly Hawthorn.
"Here, tea." Hawthorn set a platter full of cups on the table. "Well, drink up! It's so rare I have visitors. Not to knock the snakes and occasional big cat though. They're great company, just not...you. It's lovely seeing real dragons every now and then."
Sundew took her cup and sniffed it. It smelt old and musty. Dark spots at the bottom gave her the impression that he never washed it.
"What do you mean by 'real' dragons-" Cricket began, only to be cut off by him.
"I was just about to point you out, HiveWing," he said. "I would never have expected one of you to be in the jungle. Does this mean the war is over? Can I go back?"
"The war?" Nettle scoffed. "Ha, you must be out of your mind if you even thought that was an option."
"Well, then I suppose I'm mad then," he chuckled, keeping eye contact with Nettle the entire time. "Ah, I jest. Though, I am a optimist at heart." He turned back to Cricket. "So what does that make you? A traitor? Clearsight above, your tribe must hate you now." He giggled lightly.
"They- er... I wouldn't say they hate me. Most of them don't; at least that's what I hope. It's Wasp that makes them feel that way-
"Ah, Wasp. Nothing new with her it seems."
"-but I'm definitely not a traitor, let's make that clear. I only want to help my tribe. Even if they've done a lot of bad things, I know it was Wasp that was behind most of it. Most."
"Ah, know that feeling." He waved his talons. Without warning, he got up and started shuffling through his cabinets. "Keep talking, keep talking. If I had known there would've been so many dragons coming over I would've prepared some more. Deeply sorry about that." Clattering and clashing came from the cupboards. More than once a cup fell out, only for him to catch it with reflexes oddly fast for an old dragon.
"It's okay," Willow said politely. "We aren't staying here for long."
"What? Why?" Hawthorn pulled his head out, his expression shifted into a frown. "No, no. You all just got here! Come, enjoy yourselves. It must have been terrible coming all the way out here. I mean, it explains why Queen Sequoia never pays a visit. Or answers my letters. Oh! That reminds me, I'd love it if one of you could take these to her." He reached into another dresser, pulling out a thick stack of papers. "Fifty years worth of writing. Some of it research. Most of it...well, let's say it's between the queen and I-"
"Is this poetry?" Nettle snorted picking one up.
"Not for your eyes!" He snapped it out of his talons, hissing with a ferociousness that Sundew didn't expect from him. He paused for a second before then relaxing, his snarl molding into a toothy grin. "Ah, my bad. A host shouldn't treat their guests like that, hah..."
"We really should get going though-"
"No! I insist. Come, come! It's not as though I'm going to bite you." His smile was too wide to look natural. "So, tell me what's going on in the outside world."
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fakesurprise · 7 months
The door was opened by a middle-aged man wearing jeans and a sweater and looking wary. The interior smelled cheap, and he looked to be nursing a hangover from the previous night.
“Can I help you?” he asked, looking confused. “If you want Dud, he’s across the way. The Henderson’s are in town.”
“I was just asking of anyone odd had come by today?”
“Besides you?” He let out a deep belly laugh.
“Well, name’s Sandy Eply, ain’t seen you around before.”
“Sebelius Kushim, and no. I didn’t even know the town has trailers until today; the police were concerned about Dud.”
“Oh, Dud’s fine! He ain’t even human, bro. Hard not to be fine when you can turn into a proper wold, you know: give the ladies a right howling. Had a stern-looking lady over today asking about his business. She’s probably some kinda snake lady. Looks like she could bit a head clean off! And not the one you’d want bitten, eh? Eh?”
“I hadn’t considered that. Do you know what happened?”
“Oh, she went and banged on his door but not like a jilted lover. I know that noise from way back: it’s why trailers are the best. You hit the road and leave nothing behind and no regrets at all. He yelled for her to go away and sounded ticked. She told him to growl: figure she probably wanted him in some shifter home movie. Wolfie Does Dallas is a good one from my collection, but I wasn’t about to go offer up advice. Word from the wise is: don’t get between animals having a spat, even if they look like people. Shifter’s have tempers like you wouldn’t believe. Say one joke and they just lose their minds and it’s all fangs and claws and teeth and vet bills if you have a handy shotgun with the silver bullets. Can’t much afford those these days.”
“You’ve shot shifters?”
“Only when I had to, in my youth. Just the once if I’m being honest: he was angry his daughter had a credit in Howling Mud, which was about a bar with a mud pit and some were-cats and some kinda plot but mostly not that. Worked in some really good movies as a producer in Northern Hollywood. That’s what we called it up in Weed. Shot a lot of Sasquatch movies with some bear shifters there, few wolf ones. Most of them were pretty raunchy, especially the ‘Bigfoot Ate My Baby!’ where a Yeti hunts down a bigfoot. We shot some of that up in the rocky mountains: probably made the most from the sequel where their love child stalked the everglades.”
“You’re not doing movies here though?”
“Oh, no! The company went into bankruptcy ten years ago over for the usual reasons, but I made my millions and these days I get to consult on other movies, help the up and comers. It’ll run out eventually but the best part about the gravy train is the special sauce.” He winked.
I thanked him reflexively and walked away toward the other trailer
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emeliejeannie · 8 months
I've been inspired by another post I saw earlier this week to think about how the Miraculous might affect their holders. so here I go! I apologies for any misinformation about a certain animal here, I just found some info online. so there's only a few things in here with each animal...
Ladybug holders are extra sensitive to the cold, and can get sleepy.
Since Ladybug's are the most well liked bug (probably), humans are naturally drawn to them. this explains why so many people suddenly started to develop crushes on Marinette.
Cat holders have night vision and improved hearing.
Cat holders tend to be night owls.
Cat holders have the ability to purr in and out of costume.
Cat holders get affected by catnip.
Cat holder's nails grow faster and a little thicker than normal.
Ladybug (creation) holders get along well with the living while Cat (destruction) holders get along better with the dead. what I mean by that is, terminally ill people, for example, feel at peace in the presence of cat holders. while animals, nature and children alike feel at peace with Ladybug holders and thrive in their presence.
Bee holders are also sensitive to cold temperatures.
Bee holders have a heightened sense of smell and taste.
Female bee holders start craving jelly.
Pollinator holders (Bee, Ladybug etc) are drawn to plants.
Bug holders get along with bugs better than others.
Pig holders sweat less.
Pig holders have a tendency to be talkative.
Pig holders have better memory than most.
Tiger holders are one of the fastest miraculi.
Tiger holders have an increase in appetite.
Goat holders get cravings for salads.
Mouse holders produce more vitamin C.
Mouse holders like to walk by walls when they can.
Fox holders have improved hearing.
Fox holders can sense the magnetic field of the earth.
Turtle holders are drawn to light.
Turtle holders might become "slow" they process things slower than before, and sometimes respond later than usual.
Snake holders can hiss (???) like snakes.
Horse holders have fast reflexes.
Horse holders rarely vomit.
Horse holders produce more saliva than the average human.
Monkey holders like to "groom" their loved ones. they play with their hair, or pick at loose hairs on their clothes or lint. they're just generally touchy.
Dog holders tend to follow their loved ones blindly. they become very affectionate and are sometimes blinded by their love for others.
Dog holders tend to get excited easily.
dog holders tend to "look out for their pack" they always check if everyone is present in group settings, and protect their loved ones when vulnerable.
Rooster holders tend to be early birds.
Rooster holders like order in their daily lives and in their relationships.
Ox holders tend to be quiet and reserved.
Ox holders tend to be comforting and reliable people.
Rabbit holders are usually very expressive with their face and body language.
Rabbit holders, like cat holders, have the ability to purr.
Peacock holders are drawn to bright colors.
Peacock holders hate being alone.
Some Peacock holders can become aggressive if worked up.
Dragon holders have a tendency to hoard.
Butterfly holders tend to drink a lot. doesn't have to be water, as long as it's liquid.
Butterfly holders have trouble regulating their body temperature.
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thehopelessauthor · 7 months
Takayuki Yagami
Voice actor (English): Greg Chun
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Theme song (AU):
Best of quotes:
“My search for the truth doesn’t stop until I say it does.” Yagami being lawfully resolute about discovering who the Mole is in “Judgment”
“What a waste…” — Yagami after beating thugs
Marital status: Single
<> Boyfriend (determinant/optional)
Sex: Male
Nationality: Japanese 🇯🇵
Height: 6'1ft
Year of Birth: 1983
• 15 years old (Judment; flashback)
• 35 years old (Judgment)
• 39 years old (Lost Judgement)
• Employee of Tender (formerly)
• Law school student (formerly)
* Criminal lawyer (formerly)
• Detective (standard)
* Director of Yagami Detective Agency
• Seiryro High School “faculty” (incognito)
<> Outside counsellor
<> Club advisor
• Food critic (friend event 😆)
• Bodyguard (determinant)
• Relationship counsellor (friend event)
• Locksmith (friend event)
• Injustice
<> get-away murders
<> corrupted law system
• Needles
• People he cares about being endangered
• Being ripped off
• Being told what to do
• Criticism
• Overconfident thugs
<> Gets bored (rather than irritated) by their enthusiasm for their threats
• Thieves
• Accused of murder (especially without any proof)
• Interference with work
• Being blown off by Nanami (optional)
• Forced to fight Kaito
• Mitsu’s (OC) criminal activities
* Kuawana interfering with his relationship with paternal duties by “teaching” Mitsu a lesson
* His building being destroyed (😆)
* His daughter tarnishing his name and reputation
<> For the fear of his reputation as a detective/(ex) lawyer
• Food
• Drinking alcohol
• Work
• Being self-employed
• Drones
• Law-abiding citizens (😂)
• Cats
• To "take it slow" in a (romantic) relationship
• Alcholic (high-functioning)
• Workaholic
• Playboy (determinant/optional)
• Smoker
<> Brand: Hope
• Autistic (undiagnosed)
<> Because really most current and former lawyers are on the spectrum 🤭
• Volatile
<> If it comes to criminal activity being justified or if someone that Yagami cares about is endanger
• Hypersensitive to rejection when it comes to dating
<> Seen when Nanami will keep blowing Yagami off
Romantic interests:
• Mufuyu (formerly)
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• Sana
• Amane
• Nanami (highly recommend 🤭)
• Tsukino
(adoptive) Father 2#: Ryuzo Genda
(adoptive) Father 1#: Mitsugu Matsugane (✝️)
(adoptive) Brother: Masahara Kaito
(adoptive) Brother: Tesso
Daughter: Mitsu (OC)
(surrogate) “Nephew”: Jun
Friends (allies):
• Kaito (brother figure & crime fighting partner)
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• Tsukmo
• Sugiura
• Higshi
• Hoshino
• Saori (former coworker)
• Shintani (✝️) (former mentor)
• Kuwana (complicated ally)
• Tak (by very close friends and family only)
* Kaito
* Matsugane
• Yagami
• Tatsuro (mistaken drunk woman’s husband; side case)
• Cupid (by Miharu)
• Takayuki (by Nanami, optional)
• Detective (by various of people)
• Aniki (by Tesso)
Dad (by Mitsu)
• AD-9 project
<> Shono
<> Ichnose
<> Kuriowa (✝️)
<> Captain Hamura
• Street thugs
• Hattori (personally)
• Shintani (personally, on and off)
Lost Judgment:
• RK (Red Knife)
• Soma
• Kuwana (on and off)
• Bar Tender
• Genda’s Law Office (formerly)
• Yagami Detective Agency
• Yokohama99
• Matsugane Family (formerly)
• Seiryro High School
Quickstarter App ( 🤭)
<> Rent
• Fighting styles
<> Crane
<> Tiger
<> Snake
<> Boxer
• Insight
• Powers of deduction
• Consultative
• Tailing (determinant 😂)
• Law codification
• Dancing (kung fu style)
• Agility
• String endurance
• Quick-reflexes (determinant)
* Seen when Yagami is chasing the perp/suspect and catches himself if you bump into someone, falls over or an object is thrown his way
• Drone racing (optional)
• Pick-locking
• Matchmaking
Appearance & Personality:
As a teenager:
• Relationship coaching
When Yagami first meets Matsugane, he wears a satin red and white zip up varsity jacket, medium wash blue jeans, and red and white skate shoes.
When finding his parents dead at their house, he wears a black cropped blazer, red t-shirt, black baggy slacks, and black oxfords.
Yagami has a slim and athletic build, which allows him to move with fluidity and grace while fighting. He has medium-length black hair in a messy middle part. As a teenager, his hair was dyed brown and slicked back.
As a (ex) lawyer:
While in court, he wears a gray tweed two-piece suit with a red and white regimental striped necktie, a pair of brown dress shoes, and his attorney pin on his lapel. In several flashbacks to 2015, his hair is shown to be slicked back in a much more conservative style. He dislikes how he looks when he wears a suit.
As a detective (standard):
Yagami's standard outfit is a black asymmetrical zip up leather moto jacket with snap-down lapels and epaulettes over a fitted white tee-shirt, a pair of blue medium wash washed out skinny jeans that are distressed around the knees, and a pair of white low-top sneakers. He also wears a wireless earpiece in his right ear. He has a chain on his jeans, which attaches to his wallet to prevent it from being stolen.
How would you describe Yagami’s personality?
Judgment (—) :
• Impatient
• Hostile
<> Particularly if crime becomes justified or if someone he cares about is endangered
• Disapproving
• Immature
• Antisocial
• Brotherly
<> Seen when Yagami & Kaito “argue”/banter) like actual brothers
• Lawful
• Relentless
• Authoritative
• Sensitive (defensive)
<> For example: every time Emei’s case was brought up (whether intentionally or unintentionally)
• Pessimistic
• Loya towards his clientele (determinant)
• Playboy or gentlemen (optional)
Lost Judgment (二):
• Apathetic
<> Especially after beating up cocksure street thugs 🤣
• Idealistic (fiercely)
• Enraged when it comes to justified crimes
• Calaculated
• Empathetic (determinant)
• Investigative
• Inconspicuous (disguises)
• Paternal
• Romantic (determinant/optional)
• Mature
• Socially awkward (🤭)
• Comedic (dry sarcasm)
• Persuasive
• Easily confused ( 😆)
• Cool-headed
• Stubborn
Matsugane (✝️):
Matsugane saw himself in Yagami and raised him as a son. Yagami would later be introduced to Ryuzo Genda, who paid for his education and supported him as he went through law school, and offered him a part-time job at the Genda Law Office. Yagami spent his first paycheck on buying a coffee maker for Matsugane.
After graduation, Genda offered Yagami a full-time job as an attorney and later became something of a paternal figure to the latter
During his teenage years, Yagami would get into alleyway fights with Masaharu Kaito, a member of the Matsugane Family. Eventually, the fights would catch the attention of its patriarch Mitsugu Matsugane, who saw himself in Yagami and raised him as a son.
Mitsu (OC):
Yagami had no idea where Mitsu’s passion for criminal activities came from but the more he tried to talk her out of it (for example putting thugs away rather than becoming one). However, the more they started butting-heads and would often drive Mitsu to be even more rebellious and defiant
Jun (AU):
Yagami was out of town — for a divorce mediation — when Kaito took their client’s case and briefly met (presumably) Jun in the hospital begore Kaito came to
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