#cause i know i have a lot of blessings to be thankful for c:
rosylamb · 1 year
I hope you're having a wonderful day 💗
⊹ 。⁺ 🌸 !!
My friend . . this was so nice of you !! ♡
I’m honored you took time out of your day to wish me well :D
Thank you so much !!
It was a good day though I’d say! I went on a walk with my dogs since it was nice outside, and someone told me they liked my smile when I was out today — plus I got some new books, a plushie & a cute new fragrance !!! ♡ ♡
(It smells like vanilla cupcakes! This is my favorite thing to smell like . . actually just any dessert !!)
Honestly though, even if it hadn’t been a good day I think I would have still tried to find something to smile about. Cause I think there’s just always something to be grateful for no matter how I’m feeling c:
What about you? I wonder what sort of day *you* had now! Maybe the weather was nice where you are, too? Or you did something that made you happy??
Well, I really hope so !! ♡ ♡ ♡
Sending hugs, hearts, and much happiness to you! I pray that your day was a good one like mine was, and that you take care ~ !! xoxo
🧁 ⊹ 。⁺ 🤍 ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ 🌸
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pinkroseblooms · 8 months
Thank you thank you so much for taking my request! I wish there were more Bucchigiri fics out there. I love it so far! Matakara needs more love! And Shindo being a rival is perfect!
I'm glad you're enjoying it! Here's part 2! (ngl this might end up being a 4 or even 5 part story. I'm getting invested)
A Whole New World! An Unknown Admirer and an Unknown Enemy!
Matakara/f!Reader/Shindo, Pt.2
Summary: Your first day at Ichizu high has finally arrived! As you take the next step towards your long awaited fresh start, Matakara reflects on the past and looks forward toward a future with you and him, finally no longer separated. Meanwhile, Shindo is making plans of his own... wc: 2.6 a/n: There's a lot of references from Disney's version of Aladdin because of course there is. Enjoy!
“Arajin, you couldn’t have done worse if you had thrown the rock at her head.”
“It was supposed to be romantic! What do you know?” Arajin has half a mind to drop the book bag he had offered to carry for you. “It’s not like you have any experience.”
“I have common sense.” You retort lightly. “If you want to get anywhere with this Mahoro, you can’t ignore her feelings. Reign it in and don’t be so pushy.”
“Yeah, I know.” Arajin hangs his head, trudging alongside you; his frown only grows deeper as the school gates come into view. “Are you sure you don’t want to meet up for lunch?”
“What, you’re not eating with your girlfriend?”
“Ha ha.” Arajin hands over your bag, shouldering his own with a yawn. “Listen, keep a low profile, okay?” He scans the entrance gates with narrowed eyes. “It’s a mad house but you should be fine if you keep your head down and…keep close to Matakara.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. “Is that your way of giving us your blessing?”
“Ugh, stop! Look, if people know you’re cool with him, they’re not going to bother you.” 
“Maybe you ought to take your own advice; stop being such a big baby and start talking to him again.”
“Dammit, will you butt out?”
“I’m only saying, it’s obvious Macchan cares a lot about you. Can’t you just-?”
“Isn’t it bad enough we had to come back here?” Arajin cuts you off tersely. “The past is the past. Drop it.”
“Fine.” Your hand tightens around the strap of your book bag and you pointedly turn away to the Ichizu high’s doors. “I’m sorry I messed everything up for you. I didn’t ask to be here either, but I am and I’m going to make the best of it. If you ask me, the only one hung up on the past here is you.”
“Wait, I didn’t mean it like-”
“I’ll see you at home.”
You don’t give Arajin a chance to say anything else, opting to hurry off to your homeroom, wherever it was; the map Arajin had sketched out for you was still in your bag’s front pocket, but you didn’t want to do anything to slow down. You had to get away from him and the regretful look on your brother’s face. Even if he’s sorry, you can’t stand Arajin’s stubbornness; your nerves are rubbed raw and all you want to do is get through this day quickly. After the first day, surely you’ll feel more at ease being back in a classroom with other people. You don’t need your brother lecturing you to add to your anxieties. 
“Good morning!”
You flinch; you were hoping you wouldn’t run into Matakara before getting settled. As soon as you see him speed walking down the hall towards you, two unfamiliar boys trailing after him, all you can think about is how nice it would be to latch onto him and stick by his side for the remainder of the day.
“Good morning.” You wave and attempt a smile. “Hey, am I anywhere close to 2-C?”
“Sure, I’ll walk you.” Matakara skids to a halt in front of you, bright eyed and breathing a touch labored. “I can give you a tour later. These are my friends, Zabu Kakeru and Sakigake Komao, we’re all in the same class as Ara-chan.”
“I apologize in advance for any trouble my brother might cause.” You tell them with a sheepish smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yo.” Zabu regards you curiously. “You’re that shrimp’s sister?”
“Huh, I was expecting you to look prettier.” Sakigake looks you up and down. “Matakara wouldn’t shut up about you all week, so I kinda assumed you’d be a supermodel or something.”
“Hey, knock it off!” Matakara looks at you with a shaky smile. “He’s kidding, really, I was just telling them how we went way back and, er, you know, I was excited we’d finally be going to the same school.”
“You already seem less annoying than Shorty.” Zabu smirks at you from over Matakara’s shoulder. “Where is the brat anyway?”
“I told my brother dearest I could find my own way to my homeroom. He’s probably already in his class now.” You unzip your bag’s front pocket and take out a folded up piece of notebook paper. “I’m guessing he didn’t make the best impression.”
“Aw, don’t listen to Zabu, he skipped breakfast.” Matakara sidles up to you, looking over your arm to scan the crudely drawn map. “Did Ara-chan make this?”
“You can tell?” You’re a bit impressed. “I guess it looks pretty similar to those old treasure maps he’d make up. See?” You move in closer to show Matakara the place Arajin had marked your classroom with a big, bold ‘x’. “X marks the spot.”
“Thi-this looks about right, but it only shows you how to get to your homeroom.” Matakara moves back a few steps. “Why don’t you let us show you around?”
“Us?” Sakigake grins, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Sweet, now we have a reason to cut class!”
“Since when do we need a reason?” Zabu snorts. “I wouldn’t mind ditching the first period.”
“Um, I really shouldn’t.” You speak up carefully. “I don’t know if Macchan told you, but I’m a bit easily winded. I wouldn’t want to slow you guys down and I really should stick to my schedule.”
“Lame.” Sakigake pouts. “Matakara said you were cool.”
“He did?” You eye your old friend with a half smile. “Sorry to disappoint you, but believe me, he’s exaggerating.”
“We could give you a tour during lunch.” Matakara offers, face flushing slightly. “I was hoping we could all hang out, maybe do something after school? You said if we ever attended the same school we’d do stuff together, like get lunch or study and all that…”
“I did?”
Matakara nods quickly. “You pinky swore.”
“Well, I can’t break a pinky promise.” You’re beaming; somehow, he always knows just what to say to get you back in good spirits and you feel like you’ve gotten your second wind. “Alright, I’ll drop by your homeroom for lunch period, but if you change your mind and just want to be with your buddies-”
“Not a chance; I want you to get the whole high school experience! We’re all going to grab food at the cafeteria and picnic on the rooftop, you’ll see, it’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
You don’t need convincing. “I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you at lunch then.”
“Awesome.” Matakara grins. “No take backs, okay?”
You make your way to your homeroom, waving over your shoulder at the three boys; when you turn the corner, Zabu and Sakigake glance at one another as Matakara stands there, hand still waving despite you not being in his line of sight any longer. The expression on his face is similar to one might make if they were beat silly over the head a dozen times with a sack of bricks. 
“Why do I feel like we’re gonna be third and fourth wheels?” Sakigake leans over to whisper in Zabu’s ear. “Cause I won’t be able to keep my lunch down if those two start going at it at his desk.”
“Sorry guys; you don’t mind me volunteering you for the tour, do you?” Matakara finally regains some semblance of awareness and smiles at the two boys bashfully. “She’s putting on a brave face, but I know she’s feeling nervous being here.”
“It’s fine.” Zabu shrugs. “Are you sure she’d want to hang around with us though?”
“Huh? Of course.” Matakara says simply. “You guys are awesome”
“Cut the crap.” Zabu crosses his arms, but he can’t contain a small smile. 
“Zabu, Sakigake, I really would appreciate you guys helping me make her feel welcome here.” Matakara grins softly. “I guess I’m hoping if anything happens, you two will have her back like how we look out for each other. I’d like that.”
“Alright, alright, we gotcha.” Sakigake thumps Matakara on the back between his shoulder blades. “Let’s see how things go; you know, she might end up making friends in her class though?”
“Oh, right.” Matakara hadn’t really thought of that. “I guess. But until then, I want to do as much as I can to help her until she’s settled. She’s a really good person, you’ll see when you get to know her a bit.”
Matakara remembers you were all but bedridden and barely able to walk past your own front yard for most of the time he knew you; if he wanted to see you, he would have to go to your bedside or sit with you in the backyard where Yayako had planted you a small plot of veggies to help keep you occupied. You spent a good amount of time there, trying to soak in the sun and the fresh air, a book in your lap and Matakara glued to your side, following along or listening to you read aloud. You never failed to ask him how he was doing, how his brother was, ushering him to take home any of the vegetables you spent so much time tending to with the little strength you could muster to do so. You, who seemed so small and frail in spite of being a head taller than Matakara and with a much thicker skin, had no shortage of time or energy for him to come to you for advice or to wipe away his tears. Back in those days, he admired Arajin, borderline idolized him, but you were something else entirely in Matakara’s eyes. 
When you moved away, Matakara cried until his eyes were raw and his stomach ached and then he cried some more. Now you’re here, finally able to be out and about like you always wished you could do and attending Ichizu with him. It’s like a dream come true; Matakara could hardly contain his own joy when your somber expression brightened at his offer to meet up. He’s essentially bound now to make sure you enjoy yourself at Ichizu high. Even at this moment as he listens to Zabu and Sakigake go over what they should do after school ends, Matakara wants to rush out to your classroom and take a seat at your side and stay there for the rest of the day. Really, how can he do anything else when you give him such a blindingly gorgeous smile? A smile like that should be protected at any cost; Matakara is almost ashamed at how eager he is for you to turn to him for support the moment you feel any discomfort or unease with your new surroundings. 
“I should be wishing her good luck and for her to make a lot of new friends.” Matakara slumps at his desk, hardly conscious of the rest of the world around him. Not even Arajin’s cold shoulder in response to his morning greeting phased him, at least not as much as it would have before your arrival. “I thought I was over being so childish. I’ll have to be careful not to get too clingy; we’re not little kids anymore and it’s not as if I can keep her all to myself.”
Matakara buries his face into his arms; he can feel his cheeks burning. In spite of admonshing himself for getting carried away, he simply can't force you out of his head. It doesn’t help that you somehow managed to become even cuter over the span of five years. No, scratch that: cute doesn’t cut it. The sensation of you leaning in slightly to show him the hand drawn map had nearly caused Matakara to freeze up just from the feeling of your shoulder pressing against his.
“So pretty. I remember her being cute but now? I mean, seriously…she has those eyes and that hair and…that smile...” 
Matakara exhales; imagining your warm, gentle smile alone is making him lightheaded. All those times Matakara spent leaning on you, head on your shoulder, so brazenly nuzzled against your side and he had nearly done so again out of habit or perhaps instinct only minutes before.
“She smells nice too. I still wish we had the same homeroom. If I asked, maybe she would read to me again and let me hold her.” Matakara presses his face harder into his arms, pretending he has you in them, your own arms wrapped around his neck, his mind somehow hearing your voice low and soft in his ear. “Wanted to hold her so bad…she’s so pretty and smells so good."
“Matakara Asamine?”
“Asamine-san, wake up, roll call.” 
There’s a tap on Matakara’s shoulder from the student seated behind him and he raises his head; everyone is staring at him. Had he been asleep? How many times had the teacher said his name? Even Arajin is turned in his seat, looking his way but turns his head immediately when they make eye contact. After a moment, Matakara finds his voice to call out a hasty response.
The teacher goes ahead with the next name and even though no one dares laugh at him, Matakara is self conscious anyway. He knew it would be hard to keep himself in check around you, especially considering how long he had spent hoping to see you again one day, but Matakara had no idea exactly how hard it would hit him. If anything, his feelings for you have only gotten more intense. 
“I’ve decided…I’ll do everything I can to make her wish come true. We’ll make a whole new world, one where she can do anything she wants with nothing holding her back. I can’t believe this is actually happening; she’s here and we can be together again.”
Matakara smiles to himself as he idly flips through his workbook, not really seeing the words and having absolutely no idea what page he’s meant to be reading; he’s already counting down to when the clock strikes half past noon, despite the morning having barely started.
“Arajin Tomoshibi’s sister? I see.” 
Shindo leans back against the couch; the information he had a few of his underlings gather on you isn’t much, but it’s enough to satisfy his curiosity. The file, if it can be called that, is one sheet of basic information with a couple of photographs attached. One is of you from that morning, walking with Arajin on your way to Ishizu. The second photo is one of you taken of you watering some potted plants and a planter of herbs outside your family’s restaurant; you look a bit tired, frowning slightly as though disappointed with the progress of the herbs growing on the windowsill. You hold the small watering can, tipped downward, hand on one hip and lips pursed in a way that makes Shindo recall the face you had made when you left him standing in the aisle of the bookstore. A scarf is tied around your head and the apron draped over your body is stained. Not the most flattering angle or ensemble for a surprise photograph. 
And yet, Shindo continues to stare down at the picture, held between his slender fingers; he turns it over and around, eyes scanning every detail. It’s as if he’s searching for something, but it’s not like there’s anything to gain from gazing upon your discontented pout.
“How dull a life she must lead: in and out of doctor’s offices and hospital rooms and when she’s well enough to be released, all she can do is pitter patter the hours away with books and plants. It explains her misconduct; names or not, she wouldn’t have the first clue of who I was, too ignorant to realize how easy it would have been to discipline her for being so mouthy.”
Shindo considers the photograph with a chuckle; his pinky traces your lips with a feather light touch. Such an unattractive expression; he’ll make sure to obtain a photograph with you looking more presentable. 
“Poor little bunny, trapped in a burrow for so long. I know how to bring a little excitement into your life.”
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egginfroggin · 6 months
Emmet is transported to Hisui.
He became five or six years old.
When he comes back, Ingo learns that he will now become a father.
Extremely late answer, sorry, Anon.
I feel that Arceus would get punched by a very irate Subway Boss in that scenario, I love it.
This has spawned many words in the master document, as my brain has decided to positively gnaw on this idea, and alas, nothing is finished yet, so have a bit of worldbuilding and some drawings in the meantime.
Worldbuilding and close-ups under the cut, and please click on the images for better quality.
And again, thank you so much for the ask, Anon, this was really fun! ^^
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Pencil sketches:
first doodle of the Little Guy
height comparisons to further emphasize the "Little" part of the Little Guy
a) Akari and Rei making the mistake of turning their backs on Emmet for 0.5 seconds as he notices something off-camera b) the twins continuing to talk, oblivious to Emmet's act of absconding c) the twins turning around to talk to their teeny charge d) swift baseball bat of Realization at the Emmet-shaped absence in their immediate vicinity
Pen sketches (part of a page of sketches that were otherwise unrelated, hence the numbering):
3. a very happy lil man, despite the oversized hat 4. he skrungle scribble 5. who's he looking at? who knows
Digital art:
Emmet craves violence. Akari and Rei are used to this (featuring: probably the best expressions I've ever drawn)
he's a bit older now, but still smaller than his evolved starter; Typhlosion can tell his soul is older, but he is physically small, so she abuses his lack of height to shower him in affection
an internal mess of conflicting instincts, thoughts, and emotional maturity, but Arceus's plan is set in motion, and there's nothing Emmet can do about it
Emmet got shrunk on his way to Hisui, due to the Rift's distorted power affecting him on the way out; he lands on Prelude Beach, drowning in his Depot Agent uniform now that he is teeny tiny
Arceus, panicking a little bit, communicates more directly with Emmet, urging him along on his mission
Emmet's memories are messed up, and his conduct is an odd combination of a child and an adult. By which I mean he can be disconcertingly clever and mature, but also the poutiest little guy with a habit of crying
Young age plus being overwhelmed plus stress equals one mute boi; this does not change his penchant for causing Problems
Jubilife is a lot more lenient with him because of how young he is, but Laventon, Cyllene, and Kamado suspect that he isn't supposed to be like this due to how he was found
Emmet is in an awkward position as far as finding living conditions go, being too odd for most parents to want to take in but also much too young to live on his own
Akari and Rei are assigned babysitters. Let the stressing and development of gray hairs commence
Emmet is Perfectly Behaved and causes no Problems at all, of course, why would he? Why would he?
(He bolts for the gates the moment Akari opens the door in the morning) (Ress caught him)
After sending Emmet home, Arceus shortly feels a distinct feeling of being in danger
After finding out that his brother has been shrunk and not fixed, Ingo fixes metaphorical (and perhaps literal) crosshairs on the back of Arceus's head
Arceus may be in danger
Close-ups of the digital art:
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(Program used for the digital sketches: Krita; time taken: about 90 minutes)
Thank you for reading all of this! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. :>
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luneariaa · 2 years
☀︎ 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
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❥︎ - ; x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
❥︎ - 𝐭𝐰 : ᴀ ᴍɪxᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴍᴀʀʀɪᴇᴅ. ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏ <33
❥︎ - ᴅᴏ ᴇxᴄᴜꜱᴇ ᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀʀ ᴇʀʀᴏʀꜱ. ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏꜱ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ!! ♡︎
☾︎ - 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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It appeared as though everything had just happened yesterday. Birds flying and chirping up above, decorating the light blue sky even more breathtakingly. (Y/N) was strolling at the streets of Rosaria in a delicate (F/C) dress, taking in the natural surroundings. However, her mind is not in the present or even anything as such. Her mind is filled with various, wondrous thoughts-- almost about everything that may seem out of the world.
"Good morning, (N/N)."
She blinked, turning around to face the familiar person who have just spoken to her. By the time her are eyes set on the figure, he was already gazing at her with his signature charming smile. The sword was strapped onto his back as per usual, given his position as the First Shield of Rosaria. She couldn't stop the grin that's starting to form upon her delicate features-- embracing him almost right away.
"Clive! I missed you so much!" He smiles broadly at her excitement; lifting her up slightly while returning the hug. He lowers her back down after a short while.
"Do forgive me for not being able to see you as much lately, sweetheart," he apologizes, cupping her cheek with one of his gloved hands. "There are some things that I wanted to take care of before our marriage."
She hummed in response, leaning into his touch contentedly. "It is quite alright... I understand you well." Her simple answer causes Clive to gaze back at her appreciatively, placing a tender kiss on her forehead.
"Well then.." Clive starts, looking down at their hands clasped to each other lovingly. "How about we have a lunch together at our favourite spot to make up for lost time?" He suggested, grinning excitedly at her. With no hesitation, (Y/N) nods enthusiastically in agreement.
The two made their way to the seats that Clive had reserved for them when they entered at the simple, yet cozy eatery. They placed their orders and waited for their meals to arrive before beginning to eat.
While taking a sip of his drink, Clive takes the opportunity to gaze affectionately at his darling fiancée. Of course, there are a few things that he looked forward for in life-- and that includes of his forthcoming marriage with his beloved. To simply put, he was eagerly anticipating for the important day. His heart beats with passion and unending love for her only from the thought that she will be his wife soon.
As though she had taken notice of his silent gaze, her eyes meet up to look directly at him; grabbing one of his free hands and giving it a soft squeeze.
"Something in your mind, Clive? You've been staring at me for quite some time now."
He simply sent her a smile of reassurance while shaking his head. "Oh no, nothing is wrong. I'm merely admiring the sight of you." By his answer, she can barely contain the small giggle from escaping her lips; face turning pink shyly.
"Oh, stop it…"
"But it's true," he tells her earnestly, brushing her knuckles delicately with his thumb. "You are absolutely beautiful in your own ways. Everything about you is perfect to me. And your eyes-- they remind me of the brightest stars that shine through even in the darkest nights. I could go on and on for hours as to why I love you so, my love. You simply make my life a whole lot better, and honestly I couldn't thank the Gods enough for blessing someone like you in my life." He almost whispered at the end of his sentence, causing for her eyes to water. It's truly heartwarming to know that someone loves her in a special way.
(Y/N) could feel her heart fluttering as if butterflies have taken flight in her stomach. He's truly too sweet and sincere to her. It's impossible to deny the feeling of warmth that's beginning to spread throughout her entire being at this exact moment, just by his unassuming stare and the way he spoke about her.
"Thank you so much… I shall cherish your words forever."
He leads her towards a rather secluded location-- yet away from the prying eyes of others that one day, which a bench can be seen under the shade of a large tree. The two sat down there, viewing the crystal-clear pond that's ahead of them.
Clive eventually made the decision to dispel the silence that has been around them. "I want us to get married soon." His sudden statement prompted her head to snap to his direction, her eyes wide with wonder.
She managed to stammer out. "P-Pardon..?" Rather than responding, he stood from the bench and kneel in front of her. She gave a small gasp, but her surprised and bewildered expression didn't leave her face. Then Clive grabbed one of her hands, making sure to kiss it lovingly multiple times.
"My dearest (Y/N), I just wanted to let you know that you mean the whole world to my very being. I knew the moment when I first met you-- you were the one who had won over my heart. I have never once regretted for proposing to you to be my beloved fiancée. You have changed the way of how I ever see the world in my eyes."
His gaze never once faltered from hers, kissing her palm more. "And so, I have decided to make it official. I wish for us to start a life-- as husband and wife together, if that's alright with you. There are no one else that I would rather pick as my beloved wife; only you. No one else has ever captured my heart naturally; except you. Will you marry me and be my wife, darling?"
His voice is a bit shaky as he finishes his small speech. To say that she was stunned was an understatement-- her eyes are immediately filled with precious tears. The words have truly reached within her heart; deeply touched by his proposal. But the mere sight causes for him to be a little panic and worried.
"Oh love, I didn't mean to upset you!" Clive apologizes in advance while wiping her tears away with his thumbs gently. She releases a light laugh at his actions, grasping onto his hands which are still resting on either side of her face.
"Clive, I'm honored that you've asked me to be your wife, truly…" His face lights up with relief by her answer; a soft grin made its' way to his face. "I'm just... beyond happy that you are willing to do so. Your words have indeed touched my heart, and I feel extremely lucky to be appreciated and loved by you." She added, placing a small kiss on one of his palms.
Clive releases a chuckle of his own while pulling his dearest close to his chest, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "Do believe me that I love you very much so, my dear. My love for you could rival the stars in the darkest nights. I'm merely being true with my words, for you don't deserve any dishonesty from me." He whispers at the end sentence, nuzzling against her soft hair.
"I will do anything that you ask me to; I swear on it. You will always be my greatest priority."
All the while, she couldn't stop the bashful smile on her face, briefly shutting her eyes in contentment. When she's about to speak, however, she was cut off by Clive leaning down to capture her lips with his own. The kiss is chaste and sweet, as if he's afraid that he might break her in some way.
The two pull away after several seconds with a satisfied grin on their faces-- turning their heads slightly to watch the view ahead once more. Their expression is a mixture of complete awe and admiration.
How can nature be this beautiful? It's as if the time has stopped; their surroundings are filled with comforting silence. The water in the pond glistens underneath the sunlight, reflecting the clear blue sky and the seemingly endless fluffy clouds.
Oh, how she wished for the moment to last forever, yet everything seems to fall out of place…
Ever since the war happened.
Everything still feels surreal at times. How could a moment of peace, can be gone in just a matter of seconds? It's been going on for quite a few years that she has lost count of. All they are able to do now is to fight and try to survive every single passing day.
Sighing softly, she closes her eyes momentarily-- attempting to forget all of her worries for now. (Y/N) gasps a bit when she feels Clive took her hand; bringing it up to his lips and give it a delicate kiss.
Even after all these years, he never failed to try and keep her safe; despite her being able to protect herself pretty well, and he admires her for that. He treated her as if she's a valuable and a precious thing in the world, and he'll never stop doing it for sure.
A warm smile adorns his lips when he sees her expression, knowing on how much she loves it. Clive pulls her closer until her back rests against his chest-- drawing her in and tightly engulfs her in his arms.
The forest around them is silent-- the sun slowly sets behind the horizon, casting a mixture of orange and pinkish rays above the hills beautifully.
"Clive?" Her voice calls gently as she feels him planting a light kiss on top of her hair.
She leans her back further onto him. "Will we be able to live peacefully after this war? Lots of innocent lives have lost; I'm scared of our future…" Her question has rendered him speechless; countless of thoughts swirling inside their minds.
"I wish I could find the answer to that as well… I don't know, to be honest." Clive answers sincerely, emitting a small sigh.
"Even so, it seems there will be a long road ahead of us. For whatever challenges may arise, we shall attempt to confront them together. I'm certain of it."
(Y/N) bites her lip nervously. She's indeed aware that her husband has a point; that they can endure everything that might challenge their lives.
Yet at the same time, she could find herself doubting almost everything at once-- including the constant worry over the future, not knowing what's going to happen at all.
What if something terrible befalls over one of them? What if one of them got separated by fate itself? The thoughts would bother her for seemingly endless, long hours. She despises it with her very being.
As if he could sense her thoughts, Clive motions for her to turn around, just so he could gaze upon her features. Cupping her cheeks lovingly, he stares deep into her beautiful eyes, along with a reassuring smile on his lips.
"We will be alright, sweetheart. I promise you that."
And so, she puts all of her trust onto him. For he would keep her safe in his embrace alone; away from any danger that might strike her in any moment.
God will forbid anything from happening to his wife. Not on his sight.
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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sadhatter · 6 months
Obi (Akagami no Shirayukihime) x Reader
A/N: So this is my first fic back after 4 years hiatus. Please bear with me as I get into the rhythm again. xx
Also why are there no Obi fics on this site. I shall be the bringer of Obi Fics for all the Obi stans!!
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Anime: Akagami no Shirayukihime | Snow White with the Red Hair
Pairing: Obi (Akagami no Shirayukihime) x Reader
Order: Pastry with Strawberry Jam
Warnings: Body Insecurity, smutty fluff
Blurb: Your a court herbalist, working alongside Shirayuki. Ever since Prince Zen appointed Obi to be Shirayuki's guard, you have been blessed with the opportunities of seeing this man on nearly a daily basis. Over time, you feel as there is something between the two of you but with your insecurities, you don't know if anything will ever become.
Word Count: 2460
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It was a tranquil week at the castle. Daily routines went smoothly. There were no unexpected visitors or last-minute contests—just peace.
"Hello, Pigeon." Well, that's what I thought anyway.
"Obi." No trace of amusement in my tone. While I did like having him around, he usually chose the worst times to be with me. "You could sound a little more pleased with my presence."
"And you could choose better times to grace me with your presence." I witted back to him as he climbed through the window to walk around the infirmary, looking and touching things like a kid. "Look, Obi, I have a lot I need to do today before Garak returns, so if you want to hang out later, I can, just not now."
I turned towards the desk, placing the pile of notebooks I had in my hands down. However, due to the sheer number, the top of the pile toppled forward, scattering the notebooks across the table and onto the floor on the other side, causing a slight sign to leave my throat.
"It looks like you could use some help," Obi said as he moved around the table and bent down to pick up what fell onto the ground while I cleaned up the scattered books.
"Obi, really—thank you—really, I'm okay." I interrupted my explanation as Obi stood back up and handed me the books that had fallen onto the ground. "Shouldn't you be with Shirayuki anyway?"
Shirayuki is the most recent addition to the Court Herbalists. She is very smart, very beautiful, and blessed with her beautiful bright red hair. She is also the reason Obi has been around the infirmary more often. Since Prince Zen appointed Obi to be Shirayuki's bodyguard in light of the rumors that were started, Obi and I have gotten to know each other better. But the looks he gives her are different from how he looks at me. I'm still trying to figure out how, but I know why. A common herbalist like me with no "assets" could never be with a "princess" bodyguard.
"She's with my master today. He thought after the past couple of weeks they had, they deserved a day away." That's right. It wasn't too long after they officially got together that more drama popped up, causing them to put a hold on their newfound romance.
"Hmm, okay then," I replied because I had started reading and filling out the different pharmaceutical documents. After the first document, I quickly fell into a rhythm of reading and filing. After reading and signing, I finally decided to look up from the desk, only for my eyes to meet with the man, who - apparently - still hadn't left. Our eyes connected (E/C) to gold, which almost seemed like time stopped. The slight swirls of green entwined with the gold made his eyes look like a beautiful flurry of gold flakes across a barren field. His eyes made mine feel like a swamp. I felt my cheeks rise with heat and my throat close with anxiety.
"How long have you been there?" I choked out through the slight opening and closing of my throat.
"I never left Pidge." Screw just my cheeks being red. Indeed, my whole face was red by now. I can guarantee there would be no difference if my face were buried in Shirayuki's hair.
"OKAY!" I said quickly and loudly while standing up, startling Obi and myself with my quick actions. "To the greenhouse," I Declared, kind of hoping Obi would see that I wanted to be alone.
"To the greenhouse," Obi said with a smile as he rose from his seat across the desk and started to follow me out the door.
"What?" I say with shock as I stop in my tracks suddenly, causing him to bump into my back.
"What?" He said with more confusion than anything. "Why are you going to the greenhouse?"
"Because you're going there?" he replied nonchalantly, staring confusedly at my shocked expression.
"You are allowed to be in here by yourself," I say, looking away from him while picking at the skin near my nails.
"I'm aware. Let's go." Fabric hit my face as my jacket fell into my arms. I looked up at the door to see Obi with a bright smile and his arm outstretched towards the sliding door. "It's chilly this time of year, so wear your jacket."
Maybe I wasn't delusional with my feelings. All this time, I thought he had feelings for Shirayuki. And while that may be true, a friend doesn't stay with someone for nearly an hour doing nothing while the other does paperwork. Right? Then again, Mitsuhide and Kiki are always just there when Prince Zen is doing paperwork. But Obi isn't my bodyguard. UGH. Far too many thoughts were running through my head because, before I knew it, we were at the entrance to the greenhouse.
I slide the greenhouse door open, waiting for Obi to enter before closing it behind him. "So, pidge, what are we doing here?"
"I just need to harvest a few different herbs before they aren't viable," I told him, moving towards the different types of herbs and picking out what I needed. "Obi, you don't have to be here. This is a pretty tedious task for someone who-"
"Sounds like you don't want me here, pidge."
"Please stop calling me that."
"Why Pidge? Does it annoy you, pidge?" The more he said it, the more it got on my nerves. With the countless questions that run through my head about this man, this is probably the question that hits my gut in a way I didn't think it would. Why does he call me Pigeon? As far as I was concerned, they were beautiful, majestic birds that symbolized love and luck. And I am not attractive or majestic.
"Just please stop," I said quietly. I was changing the topic while moving through the large greenhouse.
"Why, though, you're my pigeon."
"ENOUGH, OBI," I snapped, causing both of us to be shocked.
"Do you think I'm beautiful and majestic? Cause I'm not! In a world full of pigeons, I'm a seagull. So is this fun for you? Watching me squirm under your presence?" I screamed, even throwing myself into silence as shock and terror ran through my veins.
Why did I snap? Pigeon isn't even that bad of a name. But with these feelings and thoughts racing through my mind, what else was I expected to do? He's always there. Always with me. So why was I so angry?
"(Y/N), I'm s-"
"I'll do this later," I said before sprinting away from Obi, away from an argument, away from hurt, away from my problems.
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"Am I stupid!" I half yelled half groaned as I held a glass of liquor in my hand and my feet up on the couch.
"Yeah, probably. Why would you yell at poor Obi for a name like that?" Garak told me, also in the same position as me but on the lounge across from myself.
"I DON'T KNOW!" I groaned into the pillow I threw onto my face. "I really like him, boss."
"I know."
"He makes me really happy, and he makes me laugh. I'm always amazed by the way he can jump through the trees. He truly is charming." I slurred slightly, feeling a little intoxicated. While I was really good at holding my liquor, the liquor that's in the boss's secret stash is a whole new breed of drink.
"Oh my lord (Y/N). Just tell him? What harm can it do?" Garak told him when she heard the bell ring, asking for someone's attendance.
"It can literally do all the harm in the world. I'm not pretty enough to be admired the way people admire pigeons," I groaned again as she scoffed at me and walked towards the door.
"(Y/N), you have someone here to see you," Garak told me as she walked back into the room properly and sat back on the couch, taking another large swig of her drink.
"You're in better shape than me."
"But this isn't a patient that requires my specialties." Confused by her proclamation, I got up and went to the door. Her specialties? She was the head herbalist; what wouldn't require her "Specialties?"
"Hey, pidge." Just answered my own question. "Can we please talk?" My face nearly exploded from the heat that rushed to my cheeks and ears. My mind running a thousand miles an hour, trying to find a way out of this information.
"Sorry, Obi, I have a lot of stuff here. I need to catch u-"
"NO, SHE DOESN'T, TAKE HER OBI!" I heard my boss yell. When I turned to give her a death glare, she was already staring at me in amusement. I turned back to Obi and saw the small, sad smile he dawned on his lips. Guilt immediately ran through my veins.
"Shall we go for a walk? It's a nice night?" He asked gently and quietly. I examined his posture, which seemed nervous compared to his usual carefree posture.
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"Pidge, I-"
"Obi, why do you call me pigeon?" I asked nonchalantly. On the way outside, I concluded that if this conversation were to happen, it would be better to get it over and done with.
"(Y/N), why don't you think you're beautiful?"
The question caught me off guard. Very off guard. I completely forgot I told him I wasn't beautiful when I snapped. The question blared through my ears like a ringing alarm that wouldn't stop. My whole life has been about helping people and making them feel better. Many of these people are women and young girls, all with flawless skin, light freckles, and beautiful bodies. After every day of serving these women, I would go back to my room and cry. I can be wise and kind, but nothing will ever make me as beautiful as those women.
"Like I said, I'm a seagull in a world full of pigeons." I stared out across the castle gardens with no hint of joy coming from my lips or eyes. "When I look around and see women like Kiki and Shirayuki, I find it very hard to see the natural beauty in myself. Their vibrancies are blinding, and the shine makes it hard to see my reflection."
The words spilled from my lips like they had been there for years, waiting to be released. It felt relieving to tell someone these grievances, but then I was reminded that I was spilling this thought to the man I love. The ball is in his court, and I hate that his next move dictates my own. I am utterly in his hands, and he's fully aware of it.
"(Y/N), I'm not meant to tell anyone this, but when I first came here, it was to keep Shirayuki and my master apart. I've done terrible things to people, unforgivable things." He grabbed my hand and stopped me in my tracks; as the words flowed from his lips, the clarity slowly washed over me. "I'm saying that not all of us are perfect b-"
"You are perfect to me, Obi." I quickly interrupted him, and then the point of his words hit me.
"You perfect to me, pidge. Your eyes, your hair, your skin, your body. It's all perfect to me." His hand slowly reached my cheek, his thumb grazing the skin slightly. "So who cares if the other girls have more vibrant hair or clearer skin. Because to me, you're my pigeon, beautiful and majestic."
That's all it took. The words aren't complex, but they carry profound meaning. Obi's words and meaning were as beautiful as his golden eyes. I grabbed his cheeks, pulling him towards me and smashing my lips onto his. Desperate and needing, but lustful and clarifying. His hands grabbed onto either side of my hips and slowly pushed me against a pillar that was nearby. His hands moved up my body to my neck as mine wrapped into his hair, slowly pulling on his short, brown strands.
One of his hands grazed over the front of my throat and gripped it slightly, not enough to cut off air, but enough to show me that I belonged to him. The motion made me gasp slightly, causing him to pull away.
"Is that okay?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.
"Shut up." I quickly pulled him back towards me, pushing my body further into him than I thought humanly possible. Our lips connected like they were made for each other.
I felt his tongue push slightly on my lips. Mine parting to allow access, our tongues and lips moving together like an in-sync dance. Arms and hands sliding over each other's bodies as if this were the last time we would feel each other. The desperation was clear as day. We had both been waiting far too long for this.
"Ahem." I heard a cough, quickly forcing Obi and me apart quicker than when I moved us together. We quickly turn our bodies to see Prince Zen and Shirayuki, hand in hand, returning from their day out.
"MASTER! Did you have a good trip?" Obi asked like nothing had happened, slowly strolling up to the Prince and throwing his arm around his shoulders. "I hope you guys used protection."
"I think I should be asking you guys that." The Prince responded while shoving Obi off his body. From what Obi told me, it must've been hard for the Prince to trust him with Shirayuki again. Solidifying my feelings for the man, he proved his loyalty to the Prince and earned his title as an aide to the crown.
The Prince pulled on Shirayuki's hand, leading them both past Obi and me. Shirayuki and I laid eyes on each other, and I caught a smile from the redhead. I'll be getting a bit of an interrogation tomorrow. My eyes moved back towards Obi. I saw him slowly returning to me while keeping his eyes on his master and the one he was in charge of protecting as they moved into the castle.
"For future reference,"
Obi and I both jumped, turning around and seeing Kiki and Mitsuhide at the other end of the outdoor corridor. Mitsuhide tried to hide his laughter, and Kiki stood blank-faced with arms crossed.
"Maybe find a room next time." Kiki finished as she dragged a laughing Mitsuhide passed up into the castle behind The Prince and Shirayuki.
"I think I might make do with that advice," Obi said. Before I could ask what he meant, I felt myself thrown over his shoulder.
"C'mon pigeon, we have some catching up to do."
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Hi Skippy! I was thinking this morning about how blessed  this entire community is to have you as our fearless leader. I’ve followed you for years, and have often sought your advice and counsel on many very personal issues. You never fail to come through with wisdom, empathy, and kindness. So thank you for being you and shining some much-needed light onto this world. 
I wanted to give you a long-overdue update. I am the attorney anon who wrote last year about mental health, job, and family struggles, including a challenging marriage, a child with special needs, and a new diagnosis of bipolar disorder after suffering 30 years with wrong diagnoses and medication.
First the good news: my moods have stabalized on a new cocktail of meds, and I haven't had a severe depressive episode for almost a year! My mania is better too, but I do have some uncomfortable side effects. I am on lithium, and I worry about kidney issues and/or developing diabetes, which are two possible side effects.
Second bit of good news - I'm now working back at my old organization. If you told me that this time last year, I'd never have believed you. I was convinced my days as an atty were over because of my mental health issues. I considered filing for disability. The role is one I haven't held in 8 years, I had moved onto a prestigious position in that org before jumping ship to another org for a promotion. So it's a bit humbling to be back in this role, but I'm grateful to be here. I was stuck in a nightmare at my last job, which included at the end fighting disability discrimination.
Bad news: I still worry about my son, who is now 7, and doesn't seem to be where he needs to be. I've done everything for him, 4-5 different therapies a week since his premature birth. He has a physical disability and, while he is very smart and can keep up with his class, he just seems different than other boys his age.
My husband is incapable of providing emotional support, and I do think sometimes I'm in an emotionally abusive relationship. I am not happy, he is not happy, but I'm so afraid to cut the cord. My brother is going through a divorce and I know if I do too it'll cause my elderly parents even more distress. But this is a guy who - get this - snapped at waiters who came to the table carrying (free) cake to sing  happy birthday a few weeks ago. It was crazy and scary, and i just don't want to deal with a person like this anymore. I'm 42 now, not in my mid-30s like when you told me to be strong and leave him years ago...is it too late? I see signs of aging when I look in the mirror and I've gained some weight. I'm worried I've lost all of my appeal and don't want to be alone. My husband is very responsible and does do a lot of things around the house and for our son. If he didn't, it'd be a no brainer to divorce, but maybe it's worth salvaging for the help with things I can't always get to because of my issues? Not to mention our son would be crushed. 
Hi! So nice to hear from you. Thank you for such kind words, but I must say…I am NOT a leader. I am just here struggling along with everyone else. We get through one day at a time, together! Nice to know some things have changed. That is so wonderful your meds are working so well. Don’t spend time worrying about the side effects. If you focus on those you are robbing yourself of joy. If you just keep going for your scheduled appts with your doctor, he will be watching for you.
I understand what you mean about being in one job and going back to another. I was working as a secretary in the government. I was chosen to create a new intake position, that was non existent. It was a six month term. At the end of the six months, I was back as a secretary being supervised again, by the same woman I had been supervising for six months. Everyone thought it was so strange. I didn’t though. I look at things differently I guess. A job is a job, and whatever it is, as long as you know you are doing the best you can….it doesn’t matter what the job is. You just take it one day at a time. After all, a job is not your whole life…right?
Children are strange little things. They do things at their own rate. He sounds like he is doing very well, he is keeping up! Great job! Seems different than other boys? That is ok…your child is who he is….it’s not a contest. Different is ok. My daughter was different as a child, an old soul. She is different now as she is bipolar. There are quirks….makes life interesting…..embrace him, just as he is….
I will always advise anyone who is being emotionally or physically abused to leave. You say you aren’t happy, and he isn’t happy? Perhaps a marriage counsellor? People get too comfy in their lives, and don’t want to change things. No one likes the unknown future. You mention your parents, and your son being distressed? Timing is always a problem…when is the best time? You say your husband is a great help…see to me…there must still be something there, I couldn’t find one good reason to stay with my ex, and believe me…he did all the cooking, he cleaned like no other, he did everything….that was one of the biggest problems for me…I couldn’t do anything, he told me that all the time.
Bipolar people can see things differently. They can hear things said one way only….it will be negative. It takes time, love and patience to communicate with someone who is bipolar. People don’t understand that unless you tell them. I have had to learn to speak to my daughter differently. Maybe you need to explain that to your husband. If you want to save this marriage, it will take work on both sides. Communication is everything. I know some think being bipolar one just needs meds….no…not true. It’s much more involved than that.
Anyways, I am so proud of you! You sound so much better. I really, really appreciate you dropping by, so nice to hear from you. You are in my prayers. I send love and hugs….and…thank YOU for staying with me!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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seamayweed · 7 months
Sea! I have read the kisaeng!seonho fic and i am enjoying it lots
Could you share some tips on how you do plotting? I'm really struggling with plots and making plots. I feel it has a lot to do with character motivations but at the same time i am at a loss
Also please do you mind telling me what's your writing process 🥹
aaaaaa godot, thank you so much for letting me know that you are enjoying my concubine!seon-ho fic and for expressing interest in my plotting/writing 😭 you are such a good (incredible) writer yourself and honestly i feel very flattered and am squealing a bit inside <333
1. plotting
you are very right that it has everything to do with character motivations! the key word here is ‘conflict’ since that’s what’s going to generate your plot. the questions you want to ask are: (a) what is the goal of your protagonist? (b) what is the goal of the other characters/antagonist(s)? (c ) how does the protagonist achieve their goal and how does the antagonist get in the way of the protagonist’s goal? (d) what do you want this plot to reveal about your protagonist and the other characters/antagonist(s)?
let’s play the above questions through on my fic as an example (mainly the seon-ho vs. bang-won (and bang-gan) conflict):
(a) what is my protagonist's goal?
seon-ho’s goal is to gain political power to make his mother’s dream come true and make the world a fairer, better place for bastards and slaves etc. he also believes that creating a country of subjects (the goal of nam jeon and his faction) will help him achieve that goal.
(b) what is the goal of the other characters/antagonist(s)?
his goal conflicts with bang-won’s and many others’ anti-bastard sentiments. bang-won wants to become the king and disenfranchize bastards. he believes that the king should be the one with all the power instead of subjects.
(c ) how does seon-ho achieve his goal?
by becoming a royal concubine and the king’s sword and using that power to free slaves and help baekjeong and start a small revolution, by gaining the people’s support and mythologizing himself as the river-blessed sukui and becoming a symbol of hope for them, by growing close to the queen and saving her, by forcing his father’s faction to side with him and make him their figurehead, by trying to bear the king a son - all for his plan to eventually become the queen, the highest, most powerful position he could work his way up to in order to build the country his mother envisioned.
(cc) how do the other characters achieve their own goals / foil his plans?
they try to stop him/take that power from him, i.e. they try to find justification to depose and execute him. bang-won is the one who is the most prominent and vocal in opposing him in court, using reasons such as seon-ho causing unrest in the country or poisoning the queen, while the actual mastermind behind this poisoning/framing plot is bang-gan. bang-gan tries to poison seon-ho too to make him infertile so he can’t bear the king a son and become queen.
the antagonists' actions and the protagonist's reactions or vice versa are what generate the plot: seon-ho becoming a royal concubine and gaining power makes the antagonists feel threatened and retaliate. bang-gan trying to frame seon-ho so he’ll be deposed/executed and can’t become the queen backfires since seon-ho managed to find the ‘culprit’ and save the queen, leading to him being celebrated by the common folk as a hero instead. bang-won and his faction calling for seon-ho’s deposition/execution + bang-won’s own obsession with him are exactly what seon-ho needed to pressure and scare his father’s faction into supporting him and making him their figurehead since he’s their best defense against bang-won right now, therefore bringing him closer to his goal of becoming queen.
(but then hwi betrays him like in canon, leading to his fall right as he was soaring high and taking important steps towards achieving his goal etc. etc.)
after the first rise and fall arc, i’m now in the middle of writing the next arc which is about the rape in ihwaru and its fallout which i intend to conclude in the next 2-3 chapters (about two thirds done). this, too, is only part of bang-won & bang-gan's retaliation against seon-ho, a way to kick him while he's already down and break him to make sure he can never rise again. the ball is in seon-ho's court now and the next chapters are going to explore how he's going to handle this and what actions he's going to take in turn. as you can see, plot generates more plot, and the motivations/goals of seon-ho vs. bang-won or bang-gan are what continuously drives them on. they keep thinking up new ways to achieve their own goals / foil the other’s plans in this violent, bloody power struggle.
(d) what do i want this plot to reveal about my protagonist and the other characters/antagonist(s)?
there are a million things i wanted to reveal about seon-ho with this plot, but to keep it short: i wanted to show that he is very much a political player too and a competent one at that, that he can make elaborate plans and execute them, that he may use his father's/seong-gye's methods but is not like them in the ways that matter, that he cares about his mother's dream and is willing to do anything to make it come true, that he can go toe to toe with bang-won, prove himself his equal/match and earn his grudging respect. i wanted to show bang-won's growing obsession, how he wants seon-ho, to possess him, as much as he wants to crush him. i wanted to show that bang-gan is like bang-won, but also different from him, jealous of his brother for having the spotlight while sticking to the shadows and using more underhanded tactics like poison, not caring if innocents get hurt in the process etc.
like dialogue and sex, plot can be characterization too, the characters' actions and reactions and inactions revealing who they are and what they think/feel.
though of course this is first and foremost an extremely self-indulgent fic and all of these plots are strongly influenced by my own preferences too: for one, i really wanted to see seon-ho have more power than in canon as a royal concubine. for another, i wanted to write all the noncon too - for the politics and the sex to be inextricably entwined; for it to be a political battle waged not only in court but also on seon-ho’s body.
2. my writing process
(a) daydreaming, research, brainstorming with or without a friend etc.
(b) basic notes/outline: i just basically word vomit all the random scenes, bits of dialogue, plots, twists and turns etc. in a doc. sometimes the vision is so powerful that i just need to get it all written down at once. then i sort the notes, arranging them chronologically. since i’m a sucker for symbolism or items having meaning and playing an important role later on even if it’s not that apparent at first, i try to incorporate those too. it’s where i also think of elements that i want to plant in the first few chapters that are going to play a role for the ending since i really love bookends. this becomes my outline for the story that i try to stick to.
(c ) chapter notes: i copy and paste the relevant basic notes into the chapter i’m working on and start to refine them, make them more precise, add to them, until they start to resemble the bare bones of a chapter. all that’s left is to flesh it out/write the scenes out.
i like to begin with dialogue. actions/motions/gestures and descriptions can come later. i always try to boil it down to its essence so i can avoid getting bored/stuck on a scene and so i can move on to the next story beat faster. if i feel inspired, i splurge on the description. if i don’t, i don’t force it. i used to be a wordier writer, but nowadays i prefer a cleaner, more precise style.
(d) cutting board: this is where the sentences and paragraphs that don’t fit go when i don’t have the heart to delete them or think i might be able to use them later in a different scene or chapter. it helps me write more freely without being scared of deleting/losing good bits.
(e) EDITING, EDITING, EDITING!!! i’m the type that obsessively rewrites/edits a chapter until my eyes fall out. in some rare cases a chapter is already perfect as is (happens more often when i’m on a writing roll) and only needs minimal editing before posting, but this is the exception and not the rule. 
(f) chapter title and summary: though this isn’t always the last step. sometimes i already know what the title and summary are going to be from the start.
(g) rinse and repeat of steps (c) - (f) for each new chapter, with some research in-between, adding more ideas as they come and the story advances. if i start to get too lost in the details, i can always go back to the basic notes/outline to reorient myself and see what comes next.
the result looks like this in my gdoc (‘COMMENTS’ is where i put the screenshot of comments and reply to them):
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thank you so much for this very nice ask!! hope this reply didn't hit you over the head with how long it is and that i could help a little 💙💙💙
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lestappenforever · 1 year
hi angel c:
i wanted to introduce myself, mclaren video anon is here *shyly waves his hand*
I'm from Czechia so English is not my first language and not even near to it so I'm really sorry if this ask gonna be a mess,, 🥴
I also wrote some Lestappen dynamics asks (for example this one https://www.tumblr.com/lestappenforever/728150895813115904/i-love-lestappen-dynamic-i-love-how-similar-and?source=share), Oblivious Charles Leclerc idea (https://www.tumblr.com/lestappenforever/728236675926556673/i-was-thinking-about-how-the-topic-of-oblivious?source=share), quatar shit-show and a lot of other screaming 👉🏻👈🏻
also I'm the one who's engi-nearing his limit at uni. I'm feeling better now! even though I have some tests already coming next week and I really need to study hard but how am I supposed to do that when LESTAPPEN HAD THE PADEL DATE AND NOW IM CRAVING FOR CONTENT???? I really REALLY HOPE that we'll have some photos. please. Universe, HEAR ME OUT IT'S LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION we need that.
yk I came to F1 cause of cars. I love cars with all my soul. for me it's the most beautiful creation of humanity. cars. cars. and I was like ok cars racing adrenaline and now? here I am screaming about some gay married couples again. I thought it would be my straightest interest. but who am I kidding? 20 men on a grid. how that was supposed to be straight?????
to this ask: I KNOW RIGHT??? IM STILL NOW OVER IT IT'S DEFINITELY THE LOWEST I HEARD HIS VOICE EVER https://www.tumblr.com/lestappenforever/731046319552151552/i-just-want-to-say-remember-that-anon-who-said-in?source=share
Mona, I love you and your blog. I'm so grateful that you're posting all of these, that you're so open to anons and it's so comfortable here😭 THANK YOUUUU THANK YOU THANK YOU you're the best you're the loveliest you're the sunshine and the bless to this fandom
and to end this long ask wanna say about your fanfics. angels roll the dice is a masterpiece. cause of fucking course it's a masterpiece. and the 2nd part of it is my FAVOURITE fanfic about the marriage. every time when I'm feeling lonely I open it and reading. the shoe game is the best part, I'm laughing so hard even though I'm reading it for the 20th time. and the 3rd part... oh my god. I was a bit scared that it's gonna be angsty but I was like "Mona wrote that. C'mon, Denis, you need to read that, whatever it is, it's gonna be a masterpiece". and it was. realistic and so Lestappen-coded. that was beautiful.
19 times the grid saved Lestappen? I couldn't drink my coffee cause of laugh. Let them sing? shit that was so HOT. Lap dance with THAT dirty talk? I was dead. Not Fucking Leaving? couldn't survive that. Mona, you're absolutely my favourite writer on ao3. I don't have enough words to express all my THANK YOU's for you
I hope you're okay, I love you and you are the best
*gives a hug if it's permitted*
Oh my God, Denis (love your name, by the way), hi, hello! It’s so nice to be able to put a name and a blog to some of my absolute favorite anon asks, so I'm so happy you decided to send me an ask off anon. ❤️
I love Czechia - it’s such a beautiful country. And don’t you worry, your English is great and absolutely nothing you ever need to apologize for.
I'm so happy to hear that you’re feeling better about uni, and I am absolutely certain that you’re going to nail your tests next week! And I am so with you about needing more Lestappen content following that padel date - we have honestly been deprived, and I'm crossing everything I have that some high quality photos and videos will appear in the coming days.
Cars are truly beautiful, wonderful creations, and I very much understand why your love for cars would bring you to F1. And I'm so glad it did, because I wouldn’t be having the pleasure of talking to you right now if it wasn’t for that! Even if it did turn out to be as straight of an interest as you had anticipated. 😂
Denis, I don’t think I can express in words how much your ask means to me, and how happy I am to know that you enjoy my blog and that you feel welcome and comfortable here. Because you are so very welcome here - you and everyone else who would like to come into my ask box, on anon or off, or anyone who just want to scroll through my blog in silence. You are so lovely and wonderful and kind, and your ask has truly made my day. I love you. ❤️
And I am so, so incredibly happy and grateful for your kind words about my fics. Nothing makes me happier than knowing my writing can bring such joy to others. Knowing that my words can evoke such emotions in my readers is such a huge honor.
I'm your favorite writer on AO3? 🥹 Please excuse me while I go sob from overwhelming happiness for a while.
Thank you so, so, so very much for this ask, Denis - I love it as much as I've loved each of the asks you’ve sent me on anon in the past, and I hope you know that you can come into my ask box whenever, about whatever, or send me a DM. I hope you’re having a beautiful Saturday, you are absolutely wonderful, and I love you too. ❤️
And I'll happily take a hug any day. 🤗
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zhongrin · 1 year
Zocuxjs sorry to bother you again Rin 🙈 but since your one of the few blogs I dare to interact with and have a brainrot for you I'm once again bothering you with another ask
So last night I was thinking, when Neuvilette is grieving or lost in his sorrows it starts to rain and clears up when he gets himself back together.
Now, our dear old man Zhongli has seen a lot of things in his long years he's been walking earth. He endured a lot so it's only normal he carries a lot of sorrows with him. Now, what if the earth would tremble when he gets lost in his sorrows? When he gets sad or is grieving?
The earth would tremble, just hard enough for people to feel it under their feet but never too hard that it would shake the entire nation and cause damage. No just a slight tremble you feel underneath your feet that people with sharp eyes and sentences can feel the best.
But the people of Liyue don't give it a mind. After all they have seen the almost downfall of their region so that the earth trembles now and then are the least of their worries, for sure with how it doesn't cause trouble. Sure it would let stones tumble down from the mountains, but rocks that were already bound to fall off. And even when Zhongli is so consumed into his sorrows, somehow he does makes sure the shift in earth would cause no one harm.
After all, it's barely there that people don't have to worry about it. But you do. You know the signs and the meanings of the sudden change and as his lover you are bound to look for him. And so you do, finding him near a giant tree, where he once locked Azhdaha up. Eyes closed, head bowed down and shoulder slouched. A thing you didn't see that often. You step closer to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder as you softly greet him.
It's all he need to be pulled out of his mind. You're enchanting voice and gentle touches that brings him back to the present. The earth stops trembling as the Archon finds peace and comfort in your gentle touch and loving words. He gently wraps his arms around you, pulling you against his chest as he lift his eyes up at the sky. His sorrows now replaced with a blooming feeling of love.
There was no need to dwell into his sorrows when you, the person that brightened up his life was at his side. His rock that grounded him in times like this. A gentle breeze of love and comfort you always carried with you. A small smile slowly starts to grace his face as he presses a soft kiss on the top of your head. Muttering a simple "Thank you, my darling." Because no more words were needed, because he had you and you understood him better than anyone ever did.
There was no need to dwell into his sorrows when he had the light - that made the darkness of his past fade away - in his arms.
Isifkfnsm I got a bit carried away oops-
nghghghh this is such a nice concept i'm frothing
on the other hand, my hc (which i'm pretty sure i have touched in at least one of my works) is that earthquakes happens when he's angry.
like angry angry.
'liyue is threatened and his people are dying' angry.
'you are hurt and someone is actively hurting you in front of his eyes' angry.
the earth trembles and cracks, the geo plates shift, sinkholes swallow up houses... it's terrifying, but befitting of the strongest archon for sure. fortunately his temper has solidified compared to when he was younger c;
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vibing-lizard-nose · 3 months
Can you do the Allergy bingo for i/neffable h/usbands? Or the Cold one, just any of the bingos 👀
OH I'D LOVE TO! I'm going all the ones I have~
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I think C/rowley would be the kind to beg no one to come and take care of him, but he deeply wants to be taken cared for!
I also think that C/rowley's serpent nature would make him more susceptible to get sick on certain times of the year! Ain't that lovely?
About A/zira, I think he is one to admit when he gets sick, he probably calls C/rowley to tell him to move their plans to another day (yk like a responsable husband NKDNSJF), and every single time, his demon will come to the bookshop to take care of him!
Also YES A/zira prefers handkerchiefs over tissues, it suits him. And C/rowley would be the opposite lol
I also do think both would be hesitant to take meds, they would be like "ugh but I'm a(n) angel/demon, I'm sure I can heal on my own" and then get a really bad fever and accept their fate lmao
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C/rowley is ABSOLUTELY allergic to christmas shit and you can't take that away from me (mostly the tree and some candles btw I want him to have a nice xmas after all NKDSJF)
I also do think spending so much time with yelling at plants would cause him to have a disagreement with one of them and get fucked by pollen. So I think that how most of his plant allergies work, expect by the flower one. I think he would be allergic to Angel Tears (type of flower) because..... wouldn't it be funny?
Something similar goes for A/zira, I think he would not have as much problems with plants because he's nice, but he would be allergic to Devil Flowers (type of flower) because WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY?
For the unusual allergy, of course, both for of them it would be either holy or cursed things. They would have a visceral reaction to be near or touch/smell them, this purely makes sense. Also the whole "Bless you" and "Damn/Fuck you" situation 😭 this counts!
On the same note, the dog allergy for A/zira would be more directed to the hell-hounds because they're..... helly? This is self-explanatory i'm out NKJFDKJ
Same as before, I don't think meds would work a lot with them because their corporations work a bit differently than regular human bodies, but yada-yada you get this part.
In both of their cases I suppose they developed them when they went to earth, before that... I don't think angel were allergic to anything... I don't even think there were allergens in heaven 🕴 anyway
Also, both would be slightly allergic to dust, but C/rowley would be more sensitive to it, in my opinion >:3c I thought of this because we see him sniffle in two specific situations, outside (on cold or cloudy weather) and in the bookshop. So this is very ironic and I love it!
Oh! and C/rowley being sensitive to light is entirely my own thing, I just think it suits the snz aesthetic I have for him in my brain JFDNKJF
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I love the idea of C/rowley being ashamed of sneezing, because it CAN cause him to involuntarily turn into his snake form. So he tries to keep them in. I also think he would have like- little airy stifles in a way, like if you've hear a snake sneeze you know what I mean LOL So I like to think he has soft sneezes, the kind that barely have a sound to them, polite and quiet, but he makes a whole deal out of it <33 and because he tries to keep them quiet and discrete, he doesn't really bother covering, he just- kind of turns his head to the side and lets them out 🥺💖
A/zira on the other hand, would be the complete opposite. He would have loud sneezes with long build-ups. He would be very expressive about them, form the pre-sneeze face to the little "Sorry I have to-" calls when he has to sneeze. He also probably loves the relief they give him, and also likes the silly little thing humans have grown to say whenever someone sneezes, he like the little nice attention! And ofc he has to be old-fashioned about it and use a hankie <33
Anyway those are my thoughts, I had fun doing this! Thank you for the ask, Anon <3
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rosylamb · 1 year
You are incredibly gorgeous. You have great taste. :)
⊹ ♡ ˚ 🌸 ⊹
. * ♡ ˚ ⊹ 🌸 *
⊹ . ˚  *   .  ʚ 💛 ɞ
Kind friend ~ ! ⊹ * 🌸
I’m shy, and seldom know how to respond to compliments, cause I don’t think much of myself admittedly :’)
Yet this really brightened my evening, and made me *so* happy to see . . thank you !! ♡
I know it’s a small gesture, but it meant a lot to me & I truly appreciate your kindness c:
You have a good heart, and I hope it continues to stay that way !! ♡
Many hugs & much happiness to you! I am wishing you the most blessed day, and hoping you have the brightest weekend in return ~ !! 🌸 ⊹ . ˚  *   .  XO 🌼
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khaire-traveler · 2 years
Have to make this anon because I don't need LO fans coming after me. So I'm reading Lore Olympus and at first I liked it until I learned and saw the actual original poem about The Kidnapping of Persephone (sorry for censoring there) and what it meant for mothers and daughters in ancient Greece. I have such an appreciation for all three gods, Persephone, Demeter, and Hades, I'm Catholic but blessed be their names. (Getting into christopaganism)
Anyway, I saw another comic called Hades and Persephone ficlets on webtoons and it actually starts with Hades actually kidnapping her and Persephone hating him but as the comic goes on (don't wanna describe the whole thing cause I'm lazy) they do warm up to each other but in the most natural way. It's a little rushed but they're ficlets. It's not overly detailed.
Anyway. They got a lot of negative comments for not being like LO and other comics that basically villainize Demeter. My point is, and this is probably the weirdest question you get with this thousand yard comment, how do you think that relationship with them went? I imagine it went as the original myth portrayed but over time they do warm up and learn to love each other. Started out toxic but in a healthy way I think they eventually became happy together. I ask you because you actually are involved with worshipping the Hellenic gods. Who better to ask than someone who practices the religion? Sorry for the long ask. I tend to overly explain myself xD
Hey, Nonny, thank you for the ask! I enjoyed reading it, although it was a bit long lol.
I'll start this off by saying that I honestly hate Lore Olympus with a burning passion, but if others enjoy it, then that's fine; I'm not one to judge others for their personal interests. Personally, I hate how the relationship between Hades and Persephone is depicted, but I ESPECIALLY hate their representation of Demeter, as it's very disrespectful and seriously takes the power out of the original story. As you briefly mentioned, it was a very important myth, not just for the gods involved but for ancient Greek mothers and daughters as a whole. I could get into it, but that would make this answer WAY longer than it needs to be, so I'll just move on and answer your actual question now haha.
Personally, I believe essentially what the myth states: a kidnapping (as was the custom for taking a bride back then), a grieving and distraught mother, and an eventual return of Persephone to the mortal realm - with a catch, of course, that she can only be in one place for a period of six months.
Within my personal experience with both Persephone and Hades (so my UPG), they seem to love each other very much and treat each other with lots of love and respect. Persephone seems to be very close with her mother as well which is to be expected, in my opinion. While I don't think it's our business, as mortals, to pry into the relations between gods, I think that Hades and Persephone likely grew to know and love each other more over time. I don't know whether or not Persephone ever hated Hades, but I can imagine being unwillingly kidnapped when you were just casually smelling and admiring a flower is not a particularly pleasant experience. However their relationship began, it definitely seems to be really strong and loving now, which I think is what matters most. They seem to be really happy with each other. c:
Hope this answered your question! Have a great night/day! :) <3
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steveharrington · 2 years
Sarah! Happy Birthday! I recently reread "things to come" since it's a personal all time favorite, and while it's both amazingly written and structured, there was just this "something" it had that made me go gooey in every way. It took awhile to really pinpoint what it was but I realize that it's how you view and characterize Steve as a whole. I know there's a largely accepted headcanon of Steve having unhealed trauma, unhealthy habits, and PTSD (very reasonable because all of the characters have been through so much), but in a lot of the other fanfiction works I've read, his episodes or possible symptoms are depicted in a very fetishistic way. In a way he is "babygirlified", or put into a submissive role that is more like an uncomfortable caricature of who he really is. This has shown up in general works as well as NSFW work.
Everyone is free to interpret things how they choose, but I have a particular itch I must scratch since I'm a lover of psychology and the affects of mental illness on the brain. I also actually really support the adopted headcanon of the Stranger Things characters developing some form of post traumatic stress as a result of the continuous near death experiences they've faced.
A direct quote explaining Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or C-PTSD: "Survivors with Complex PTSD have a very difficult time with emotions -- experiencing them, controlling them, and for many, just being able to comprehend or label them accurately..." [beautyafterbruises.org] this website actually does a great job of explaining the affects of this illness if you ever want to read about it.
This can be labelled as Emotional Disregulation. The symptoms and reactions aren't something to be romanticized: episodes can cause one to lash out in defense, lie for fear of what "is" or what they suspect is happening (could be a physical or emotional flashback), isolate themselves to feel "safe", dissociation and a low self esteem, guilt delusions that have your entire body feeling "wrong", an inability to see yourself as anything other than bad or shameful or different even when told otherwise, issues with memory. Your brain is working on a completely different level than someone else; all the cogs working ten times harder.
And I think there's just such a human beauty to how you depict Steve [as well as the other characters] because I very much see reflections of the real side of this illness in your characterization. Intentional or not. Yes, he is flawed: he was a bully, he lies, he makes mistakes, he gets defensive, and he pushes and pushes until his body can't bear it anymore. On all accounts, it makes sense why he's so willing to give himself up at any given chance and I wouldn't be surprised if he expects the people he loves to abandon him. Steve may be damaged, but he makes up for it in his loyalty and character. He tries and tries, a protector through and through, he's understanding and soft, kind and blessed with a snarky attitude, he loves deeply and gives it his all even when it's unrequited. Most importantly though, despite Steve being a contender for mental illness in this form, you still stay true to him as a person. He isn't boiled down to be this one dimensional post it note of a character. You've executed this with all of the cast actually - they feel fleshed out and real and so so human. You emphasize the importance of connection, of care, of patience and understanding. Whether that's through his friendship with Robin, his interactions with Jim and Wayne, or his relationship with Eddie. To have true friendships, people that truly care to sit with you through the ugly side of things, it's amazing. You've written a delicious piece of literature that has so many layers; I still find myself studying how you did it. But I'm so glad you did. I cannot wait to read your newest update as I'm sure it will be just as good as the last. This message extends to @lesbianrobin since they seem to be your "partner in crime", blessed thanks to the both of you.
THANK YOU this is so sweet and means so much to me <3 :’) i spend so much time thinking abt how everything that’s happened would affect steve, and if the show doesn’t want to talk about it then i will!!! i was also a psych major so i am glad i can at least use my degree to write stranger things fanfiction hehe
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kaedeakeshisworld · 8 months
A breath of fresh air
gist: An unexpected meeting at the bakery with who knows? Leo finally decided to appear in Y/n's life after this time. Exciting news for future plans a a change of perspective.
Finally, Benimaru is here. Treating reader-chan like she deserves to. Leo and Y/n have to settle some matters but no worries, it'll work out.
c/s:Here it is. Who also loves a bread loaf/ hot bread fresh out the oven? I do ☺️. Also, there's a saying in Portuguese when you refer to hot men. You say he's/you're a bread( I think it's only valid for men though- in Portuguese "tu es um pão!" it means you're hot. now you know.) Don't know if it's still something folks use as of now... I feel like next chapter will probably end on some smut( already writing it 😉)
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I've had easier days! Waking up at the crack of dawn to stare at my ceiling got me questioning my priorities. It's been three fucking weeks! What does he even have like excuse. She impersonates him to the best of her ability ‘Sorry, I was busy with work’ headass.
Soon enough, I start crying. I know why. I was acting like a was strong, wouldn’t shed a tear for him or because of him.
I've successfully managed to avoid it these past two weeks but everything can't be going according to plan now, can it?
I try my best to cry in silence. I don't need a single soul to know why I'm in this state. 
I think a hot bath would make me feel better. I also will undo my locks. Time for a needed wash and go.
Nothing can beat a good self care routine! I feel like relaxing this way would really help me sleep. So, I'll start it tomorrow…
The hot bath really helped me. I feel like I can conquer the world. I haven’t even had breakfast! Hum… well… what am I in the mood for? Nothing can beat a hot bread straight out the oven. I’ll settle for that.
As soon as I get out of the bath, I pat dry my body. Apply lotion to it because being ashy ain’t a lifestyle for me.  As for a bra… I’m not putting it on today. It’s always the first thing I get rid of whenever I’m back home.
I put on an oversized hoodie, some cutesy socks, and my platform vans 'cause I wasn't blessed with height. I grab my wallet as well as a camo bucket hat. 
Off I am and let's not forget keys, too. 
I drop by the bakery for a fresh loaf of bread. 
I have missed doing regular stuff. Such simple things bring me happiness the most yet I don’t do them.
The stroll is ten minutes but worth it for the tasty goods they sell. 
This morning, not a lot of people crowd the shop.I secured the goods, yes two loaves, one is never enough. I headed towards the exit and bumped someone. 
My first reaction is to ask if he or she is okay, I wasn't paying attention.
When I offered help, I was met with a voice I heard before( or at least think I did):
“What a wonderful sight! And here I thought I wouldn't see you this soon?”
He greets me
“Hi! How are you?”
“Much better now that I see you Y/n.”
“Wanna chat for a bit?”
“Absolutely. I’ll order us something in the meantime. Have a seat. I’ll join you as soon as I’m done.”
He comes back to the table with a tray. The food looks delicious
“We have some strawberry mochi.” He chuckles upon my surprised reaction.
My fave. How does he know? Ah… now I get it! What else did he overheard at uni? 
“I got a caramel chai latte for you.”
“I have an espresso and a silk pudding.”
“You look really hot!” She says. 
“Thank you. You do too.”
“Are you trying to flirt?”
He sips his coffee before continuing this conversation:
“I know this is out of the blue but I wanted to invite you for a trip.”
“A trip? I’m interested!”
“You just have to say yes.”
“Destination is?”
“I’m going. Who else is going to be there
“Just you and me
“So you wanted to have me all for yourself. You're naughty, so naughty.”
“No not really the way you intend it. 
I have business there. I thought it would be a great idea for me to share it with you.”
He’s a business man. The fit matches his job if you get what I’m saying. His hair is slicked all the way to the back. He looks like a total different person.   
“When do we have to leave?”
“We take off Monday, everything is offered by me. I’ll pick you up.”
“I’ll do that. Should I give you my number?” 
“Yes, it’ll make things easier.”
“Do you need my info to book the flight?”
“Send me everything. I’ll take care of it.”
Both of you exchange phone numbers.
“I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.”
He smiles, it’s the first time I've seen him do that.
“I gotta leave. I already paid for our meal. Take care, my love.” 
He kissed my forehead and he left 
Why do my eyes falter me like this out of all places, I have to look at his crotch!! Jeez, I’m a case. 
That’s it! Universe, send some bomb ass dick my way. Since I can’t really get it myself, might as well get some help.
It took me by surprise. A lot of affection just from that. 
I am his love. His love. Bold as shit if you ask me. You can only call me like that after you’ve made me come.
  - - -
This sunday morning at 10 am sharp, someone knocked at my door. Not the best time to come by. I'm butt naked and need to get dressed asap. I grabbed a random sundress and put it on as I got close to the door. I take a look in the mirror in the entry to check if I have any semblance of looking okay. I put myself behind the door and asked:
“Who is it?”
The person behind it answered “it’s me”
I know it’s him. I check through the peephole to verify if it’s really him but I’m rarely mistaken. 
Already! Take your sweet ass time Leo. Come next week, how about that one? Isn’t it too early like wait a month cause you visibly waited three weeks to show up…
I open the door. I’m not surprised by seeing him
I give him that disapproving look all the while checking his fit out
Here she is standing in all her glory. With a purple sundress. She no longer has her dreadlocks. She is probably on a wash and go because I know this smell. Oh, there is something else in the air… cinnamon perhaps?
“Not you showing up!”
“Not you giving me attitude, specifically this one.”
“I don’t want to see or talk to you.”
“That’s how you face reality when problems arise or you encounter difficulties? I thought my queen was smarter than this.”
“I’m not your queen.”
“May I come in?”
“Why would I allow you inside in the first place?”
“You’re right. Uhm let’s go somewhere then. I shouldn’t be invading your privacy?”
“It’s fine. Come in?”
You let him enter your place the living room is at the end of the hallway
He sits down on your couch. 
You decide to position yourself on the opposite side, grab a pillow and let him do the talking because he has to apologise. He better.
He tried to make small talk such as tell how nice the weather has been of lately but he quickly realised that you simply do not care
“Why did you absquatulate two weeks ago? Have you been out this past week? You look like you haven't been properly eating, are you sure you're taking care of yourself?”
“Why are you interrogating me, Leo? Am I a witness and you’re the officer?”
I wouldn’t mind that if you catch my drift, queen.  
“All of a sudden, you seem to care. Three weeks, don't you know how to count?  Were you having fun with Miss Aura? Maybe playing with your 'son' like you should? Getting busy with another bitch 'cause let's face it, you can pull them.
As a matter of fact, I can't grasp the reason why you're here. To end what we had started. 
Well if it's the case, I must inform you that it ended three weeks ago in that car ride.”
“I’m here for you. I would like to know what I can do. Why are you being so cold? You didn't even hug me at the door.”
“Hugh, are you being serious? You've got to be fucking kidding me. You're getting this treatment because I still do not know who Miss Aura,” she punctuates her name “is. And let’s not forget you flatly refused to reveal her identity. In your own words, ‘this ain’t none of your business’ type shit.”
“I had to give you time to reflect upon the way I treated you.
Okay now we're talking. Doesn't mean I'll forgive you though.
That's what you get for being stubborn.
“Okay. You really don’t want to let go of this topic! Well, Aura is my sister.”
“See! Was it hard to tell me?”
“No, I wanted to toy with your feelings. It amused me to see you being this possessive and you wanted to know who she was. 
Would you like to meet her? I know it's a bit hasty but if you want to, I can do that.” 
“You do realise you're toxic, don't you? Not yet. I have to unpack what you did to me.”
And you hit his shoulder playfully.
“I know. It's because for the previous relationships I had, women wouldn't even accept her in their lives. I had to make sure. Don't worry, you aced it. Did much better than them.” 
“Also, since we’re on that topic my son as you had said it on the phone is not your son.”  
“No, it's her son. Unfortunately, her husband passed away when her son was a baby so I have been to a certain extent there for him. He does know that I am his uncle despite the fact I've always called him son.”
Oof the relief, the massive weight lifted off your shoulders is gone. Now that it is cleared out of the way. I also feel really bad now that I know the whole story.
“What do you mean by that?” 
“Nothing important for the time being.”
“Did he just die just like that?”
“No, Actually it was because of an incurable disease. He was on treatment but it seemed like it harmed him in more ways than it helped him.”
“My condolences for this tragic outcome.”
“It's okay.”
Both of you sit in awkward silence for a good five minutes. You're doing everything to avoid his gaze. 
If I look at him now it's game over for me. Like I was being an idiot but still.
Your salvation is the timer going off
“Oh, my pie! Had almost forgotten it!” 
“You made a pie?”
“Yes homemade, it's my grandmother’s recipe. We’ll eat some later with ice cream that sounds about right.”
Maybe we should get some boba tea in the meantime.
Yes! I would love that.
When you're ready to leave, let me know.
I think you should cover yourself…
Is it cold outside?
A little windy.
She hops in her dressing room for some mules and a cropped denim jacket.
“I'm done.”
“Okay. Let's go!”
Gotta be focused. Don't break character now. One day we'll be together but the timing isn't right.
As soon as we get off of the elevator, he tells me we're going by car.
“You have a new driver?”
“Yes, I do. I'm the one driving today.”
A sports car? That's too flashy! Once a gentleman, always a gentleman.
“Order anything you desire. As soon as you have everything, we'll sit outside.”
“What about you?”
“Don't worry about me.”
“One matcha tea for me and passionfruit for him. I would also like to have a dozen donuts.”
“Which flavours?”
“Give us the best ones, please.”
Leo pays for everything and you head outside to the eating area.
“Let's drink here.”
You sip on your drink for a bit. He's the one starting the conversation: 
“How's work?”
“I'm really busy. There are good days and stressful ones. Once the weekend hits, I feel relieved.”
“What about you?”
“Nothing special, routine stuff you know.”
“Are you going on vacation?”
“Not yet. I'll do it later in August. A lil' after my birthday.”
“Your birthday is…” 
“August 10th.”
She mutters “Fuck! She was right!”
“You said something
“I forgot to ask you that, how silly of me?”
“No at all, it happens.”
I take a glazed donut out of the box and start digging
“Are you?”
“Yes, l'll go with a friend of mine.”
“Sounds fun,” he shrugs back.
“Europe, more precisely Paris.”
“Who organised it?”
“He did.”
He!? I thought it was she as in another girl. Why am I getting worked over it?
“I'm just accompanying him there. He probably has some business to attend.”
“Have fun there. I'm sure Paris and he will treat you right.”
You stayed there for two hours just discussing some trivial matters…
At my place
“They're two flavours in a pot ones. I have belgian chocolate and regular vanilla, salted caramel and brownie. Or, you'd rather have regular ones like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry?”
“I find you're awfully stocked on them.”
“It's normal. Period me needs it!”
“Oh, I see. I'll get the first option and please forget my comment. There is absolutely nothing wrong about having an ice cream reserve at home.”
“Why are you giving me a pot, I thought we'd share?” 
“I don't do that with ice cream.”
“How is it?”
“It’s really good. I think I can cook and I’ll leave the dessert up to you.”
“I’ll gladly handle it.” 
“You used granny smith apples, right?”
“Yes, they’re my fave.”
“Oh! What a coincidence, me too.”
This conversation is going all too well for someone who was mad up until today. It’s giving bipolar much if I may say so. Well, that’s kind of how I love so, no surprise there.
“About our relationship, I think we should have a break from each other.”
“Yes, I understand.”
“No further questions.”
“You have your reasons for it. I'll simply respect them and distance myself from you.”
His phone rings 
“I really have to answer this call, sorry.”
“Uhm, sure.”
While he talked on the phone, I went about my day. I'm not going to sit and watch him do his thing. My cold exterior may remain but I'll be giddy. I don't like it when I'm like that.
I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Clean the kitchen counter and head to my living room. Have a look around. Check if something needs to be arranged. I pick my computer, my headphones and listen to a city pop playlist whilst typing the piled up emails from this week. I should really stop this shit. It doesn't do me any good. Meh…words don't mean shit without action, do they?
The phone call 
“Good morning Mister Burns ! I hope you're doing well. Am I disturbing you in the middle of anything?”
“No,” he looks at her "not at all. Please go ahead."
"I inform you that next month there is a charity gala you must attend."
"You're talking about that one gala?"
“Can I skip it? I really don't want to be there��”
“Sir? How could you not go there? You need to know that you just have to stay until you meet the people who organised the event. That's it.”
“Still Rie, I don't like them. Can't I send one of my collaborators instead of me?”
“I'm going to sound extremely rude but as far as I'm concerned, none of your collaborators bear your name. You get it now, Mister Burns.”
“Okay Rie. I promise you I'll be there.”
“Thank you, Mister Burns! I know it'll work wonders for this business's future. On that note, I wish you a wonderful day.”
“Thank you, see you later.”
He ends his call and demands my attention. I take off my headphones and give him a yes.
“It was from work, my secretary Rie kind of scolded me.”
“It must have been urgent, I guess…”
“I could say that about the matter.”
I talked with her about next month's event, a charity gala for the prosperity of ingenious people.
“Is that something you created?”
“Not really, the company supports it in some way. I tried my best to dissuade her from telling me to go because I am not fond of those events, honestly. It's too long, formal and it messes up my sleep schedule. I'm not that young anymore, I love my routines.”
“I read that somewhere. It said something like 'old people are so into routines: it is really hard to make them change certain habits' sounds true now that I have a living proof before my eyes.”
So now this is what we're doing. Calling me old? Nevermind, we're casually talking. It’s not meant to hurt me, she’s just stating what’s evident.
“After my secretary Rie convinced me in a rather unusual way. She's scary when she wants me to do something for the good of the company.”
“Bless her soul. She knows how to remind you of important tasks. Is that all?”
“Make yourself feel at home. Now, if you excuse me.”
She puts her headphones back and starts typing away.
I thought it would be a good idea to invite Y/n, we could start anew. I might be wrong.
Leo left shortly after that phonecall. I think he might have felt out of place and didn’t want to overstay his welcome. Time for me to spill the tea with besties through a videocall meeting.
Marjorie: Brrrr!
Theresa Hey, what up?
Bianca: Howdy?
y/n: I hope y’all doing well I got news
Marjorie: I’m all ears!
Theresa: Got my crunch going!
Bianca: Sippin’ my mimosa!
Y/n: I’m going to Paris! 
Theresa: Jealous! 
Bianca: Switch places with me!
Marjorie: I’ll be a luggage.
Bianca: With who though? Leo, right?
Marjorie: I mean… who else could it be? 
Bianca: Same.
Y/n: No, it’s not him.
Marjorie: What? widened eyes
Theresa: Flabbergasted!? hands over chest
Bianca: Confused  Flick of the wrist bc she thought you’d go with him
Marjorie: Is a bitch fucking your man?
Y/n: No, she isn’t. Rest assured.
Marjorie: You scared me! You know, I’m ready to side you no matter what.
Theresa: So, who's the lucky one?
Bianca: Yep, let us know girl…
Marjorie: You found another one that matched him?
Y/n: No! Not at all, an old acquaintance Benimaru.
Theresa: Pfft… he don’t waste time.
Bianca: With who? 
Marjorie: Never heard of him…
Y/n: We used to be in the same uni.
Bianca: Through my understanding, is he a rival?
Y/n: No, why?
Marjorie: You’re still with your sugar daddy? 
Y/n: No, we’re on a break to figure things out.
Bianca: You dropped him like that!
Marjorie: The streets are scarce, you might not get him back.
Theresa: You menacing y/n?
Marjorie: No, I'm letting her know he's the real deal.
Bianca: I second that.
Theresa: Let y/n explain herself.
Y/n: I know but I deserve to have fun to. Benimaru is a gentleman as well.
Marjorie: I need a report from your time spent in Paris in fine detail, 
pics too, hydrate us much with it.
Bianca: If anything ✨spicy👀 happens, let us know.
Y/n: I will, don’t worry.
Theresa: Have fun and enjoy yourself you should forget Leo a bit for your wellbeing.
Marjorie: Yeah, Theresa got a point. Contact us if anything arises.
Bianca: Without a doubt
Marjorie: Gotta go! My bed calling me.
Theresa: I have to do laundry!
Bianca: Wash day!! 
Y/n: Deuces.
Marjorie and theresa: Bye!
Bianca: See ya.
I should get to packing fast. Like I'm leaving tomorrow.
Maybe should check the weather and bring clothes according to that.
Not a lot of shoes, a solid sneaker pair if not two and two heels as well as sandals.
Shorts, skirts, pants, blouses, t-shirts, pull-overs. We’ll head to the airport in nice silk pyjamas and a hoodie.
And pack my skincare too, in tiny containers.
As I put my luggage by the door, Benimaru sends me a message.
Silly me forgot to ask you where u live.
Send me ur address, I'll pick u up. 
I send it.
Monday at 9 sharp as I'm my way to the entrance, I watch him. Gosh, he looks good! Might bite later… 
“Punctual. Nice!” 
As soon as he sees me, he gets my things for me. 
“Haven't forgotten anything?”
“No, I don't think so.”
“That's great. We'll go to the airport right away.”
In the car we discuss a little. He's changed a lot he has this charisma that I can't decipher yet. He doesn't deadpan people that much as of now.
“Late music discoveries…”
“Do you have any?” 
“I do.”
“Tell me.”
“I will. I would like to know yours first.”
“Malice mizer, a little conflicted because I didn't discover them earlier but I really love the song au revoir.”
“I'll give them a go.”
“Mine is Tricot specifically itazura and potage.”
“I love them too! I gotta say you're a little late,” you snicker.
“Y/n! Here, I thought you'd be nice. Turns out I was wrong.”
“Not really, Tricot is like studying for uni midterms background music.”
“You studied like that?”
“I did lo-fi!”
“That works too!”
“We're almost getting there.”
“You're right.”
“We'll eat shop a bit and hop on the flight.”
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Chapter 4 of After all, it's not a bad idea to get a sugar daddy 
Any kind of interaction is widely welcome!!
2022-2024 all rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld.
Translations/ modifications/replicas/property of my work are strictly prohibited. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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Chapter 4: Glory on the Flower Wand
Narrated by Ophelia.
Narrator: In the large meeting hall, the Pigeon Kingdom nobles all confidently and eloquently advocate for their ideas.
Narrator: It's a sunny day. The marble floor shines like a mirror.
Narrator: From my position on the throne, the light reflecting from the ground hits my eyes, making it hard to see.
Narrator: Unable to see their expressions, I can't tell what the nobles are thinking.
Duke A: Our kingdom no longer needs miracles; the people don't remember these things anymore. The Art Festival is a thing of the past.
Count B: It's not like the Art Festival is that important. A grand ceremony is not needed, and the harp will only cause controversy.
Baron C: The owner of the harp is long dead, and his family is now obscure. What will they think if we bring up his memory?
Baron C: His family might demand acknowledgement and even rewards. A lot of factors are involved.
Narrator: Each of them presents arguments that seem perfectly reasonable.
Narrator: I still can't get them to change their minds.
Choose either "But aren't you the queen?" or "Maybe try again?"
If "queen," ...
You: But... aren't you the Queen? Your word should be law, right?
Narrator: Perhaps it's because I have this position that I cannot just follow my desires.
If "try," ...
You: How about trying again to convince them?
Narrator: I have.
Narrator: But they always say I'm too young and immature to make these decisions.
Narrator: A month passes. The harp with the broken string has been fixed and returned to my quarters.
Narrator: It's as beautiful as before. The clover is still like a tiny seedling; the gem at its center is still delicately exquisite.
Narrator: It's a pity that the people of Pigeon Kingdom will never hear this harp being played.
Mary: Your Majesty, Duke Darrell sent a flower scepter for you to use at the Art Festival ceremony.
Narrator: I accept the scepter, this empty badge of office. And I accept the nobles' power.
Narrator: Duke Darrell says our kingdom needs a queen to protect its Glory. A beautiful, elegant ruler to act as a symbol of its splendor.
Narrator: The people don't need a queen to tell them that we have a seedling of hope, or that the kingdom will be rejuvenated.
Narrator: All they need to know is that the Glory will not disappear; the kingdom's light is still bright and everlasting.
Mary: Please just use this scepter, Your Majesty.
Narrator: Mary says cautiously. She doesn't want me to lose heart.
Narrator: I simply nod.
Narrator: Then, I glance at the scepter. It's extravagant, ornate, and...
Narrator: And, at its top, there's a holy dove and a clover carved into it. The clover... looks just like the one on the harp.
Ophelia: This...
Mary: Your Majesty seemed to really like the clover motif, so when the artisan asked me about Your Majesty's preferences, I...
Narrator: Mary seems a bit nervous. She made the decision without consulting me, after all.
Ophelia: I see. Thank you.
Narrator: Mary sighs in relief and carefully puts the scepter away.
Narrator: I caress the harp strings once again. The melody of "Good Morning, Clover" fills the room once more.
Narrator: May the clover bring us hope. May the arts in the kingdom prosper once more. May Pigeon Kingdom regain the light it once had.
Narrator: If the gods can hear my prayer, may the holy dove grace our skies again.
The holy dove brings a clover
A miracle in the kingdom's skies
Glory blesses the lands of Pigeon Kingdom
All things good, all things lovely are here to stay...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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thedivineart · 2 years
Hi! I would love to participate in your game as well! Thank you! 💗
My initials C, cap sun
passcode; gojoxartemis:)
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cards: ace of heart, ace of clubs, 5 of clubs, 10 of hearts, 6 of diamond, queen of hearts, 5 of hearts
I think you already knew who was this special person in your life perhaps someone came from the neighborhood, your residence area— where you live or a friend ( if you have one though ) or this person is feels smitten by your aura and appearance, they are in love with you since they got a lot of heart card out there. In some way, I do feel this individual is someone who too focus in family and home life perhaps a family oriented one or this is the only person you will consider home of yours, where you feel secure and stable by them.
At this present they got a new opportunity for some job or new bussiness venture. They are focused and knows what is the direction of their desires or goals, even dreams too, might probably working related to governance and law
loves sports a lot, may play one too or they just simply likes watching sports. they may got athlete or little bit mascular body cause they do exercise or any physical activities they know. you may meet them in related to sports or where a competition is holding, where you are with your friends or family. possibly the place is too loud and crowded when you may meet them perhaps a reunions, party, festivals etc.
it feels like this person is a blessing in your life which brings happiness and emotional fulfillment. they may also living in warm weather country or you might meet them in summertime.
they are quite and shy and probably because of the their family specially to their mother or someone feminine into their family or the communication between them and to their family is lacking specially the feminine here
their mother is kind, family oriented, trustworthy, passionate, creative and artistic or they possess those kind of traits by themselves. they can be also overly sensitive individual.
oh I get now the time you will going to be with or being in relationship with this person, there is someone feminine energy here is very jealous about you. Also this person loves to display of affection or their love language is physical touch.
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© thedivineart — i speak with myself alone that this is the only copy, original work and was answered by thedivineart for the participant who was join in recent game of this account user. leaving feedback is highly appreciated, Thank You♡
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