#cause that's tommy's favorite movie
meep-meep-richie · 5 months
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Tommy and Buck enjoying Eddie showing up (again) their date night
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150151 · 4 months
rewatching the fear steet movies after not seeing them since they came out. they are still very bad. the basic and cartoonish soundtrack which didn't do the movies justice, too much over explaining and not letting the audience figure shit out for themselves + the surface-level class criticism but it's a netflix original so eh. the movies are still quite fun tho
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bibewilderedandbuck · 4 months
Buck goes out to get food or restock after a particularly rigorous ""work out"" session and it just happens to be at the same time as some idiot decides to rob the place.
Buck is kneeling down because hes looking for Tommy's favorite gatorade flavor. They have all the popular flavors at eye level but if you're looking for dark red, you have to stoop down. Homophobic, and during pride month.
He hears the commotion and of course his hero complex kicks in. But he doesn't wanna spook the guy cause he knows how he looks. Massive and buff and a firefighter and everyone at this place knows him too, he lives right down the road (or maybe the drug store is one the first level of his apartment). He goes to send a quick text to Tommy, when the guy with the gun demands all their phones. Buck gets out "911" and turns on his location. He stays low to the floor but makes himself known. Gets the gun trained on himself instead of anyone else because that's just who buck is.
The robber is getting desperate and every time bucks phone pings he gets more and more jumpy.
“Whose needy ass boyfriend wont stop blowing up their phone?”
Buck raises a shaky hand. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can get it out-
The store clerk high-fives him and tells him he’s proud of him. “It was only a matter of time, man. He went through all the women of LA and he just moved on to the men.”
A chorus of “Oooh come on!” “That’s biphobic” “ew gross” “not cool” ring out among the other hostages. Buck’s cheeks are burning. The mix of positive and negative reinforcement creating chaos in his head.
“You really should consider letting us go.” He says to the man with the gun. Buck takes a risk and stands to his full height and the other man’s eyes widen. “My boyfriend is bigger than I am. He's waiting for me and we weren’t done.” He holds up a box of condoms and the gatorade and someone hoots behind him.
It’s then that the sirens start. Someone shouts instructions through a bullhorn. Buck isn't listening, he's determined to get everyone out before himself. He calmly explains that out there is one of the most fiercely protective police sergeants he's ever met.
"And her first priority is not going to be you." Buck motions his raised hand to the other people in the store and says, "let them go and I can help you."
The voice amplified by the horn sounds more desperate by the second and when did the fucking fire department get here?
The armed man send everyone out, except buck, who he now holds in front of him with the barrel of the gun tucked snugly against his spine. Buck can feel it shiver against his skin.
"I didn't want to hurt anyone."
"I- I know," Buck says. The guy cowers behind him and he curses his height because if anyone was a fantastic human shield its Evan Buckley.
There's a new voice coming through the bullhorn now and Buck groans. Its Tommy and he's telling Buck the whole teams here and he's going to be alright. He sounds desperate and scared and Buck just wants to wrap his arms around the man and tell him its going to be OK.
"The boyfriend?" the guy asks and Buck almost laughs. He lets out a shaky breath.
"Yeah, needy right?"
"Listen man, I made a mistake. I'm in a lot of trouble but I never wanted anything like this." Buck nods. "My baby is sick and I'm broke. I just needed some cash and some formula."
Buck groans. He's too nice for his own good.
"There's an exit in the back."
"In the back room I've seen them take in deliveries that way." He can hear the guy shuffle and then stop.
"Should I hit you?"
"What?" Buck peaks over his shoulder, the guy is half way to the door at the back of the store and still he's completely shielded by Buck's body. Seriously he should have been a bodyguard or something.
"I mean...it'll look like you just let me go?"
"This isn't a movie? I- I'm literally being held hostage, dude."
"Right." He turns away from Buck and then stops again. Buck is holding his breath. "Thanks man. I know this is fucked up and you didn't have to help me. You're a good guy."
Then he's gone.
Buck's not sure how to react. He did it, he saved everyone and himself and oddly the whole thing feels like a dream. Unreal. He walks slowly to the door of the shop and exits with his hands still in the air. Eddie is the first to hug him, barreling right into him and smacking his back into the glass of the window. He's checking over Buck for injuries and squinting inside the store and he seems confused.
"Where'd he go?"
Buck shrugs. "Went to the back and never came out."
Athena is next, she too gives him a once over, lets him know she can take his statement tomorrow and motions to the rest of the crew. They give him one resounding bone crushing group hug. Buck's warm and smiley but he still feels not here.
Finally, Tommy ambles out from behind the police car. He's thrown on a hoodie and sweats and he's vibrating on the balls of his feet. Buck see's the same expression on his face that must be reflected on Buck's. He reaches out to Tommy and Tommy clutches at him. The hug starts off timid until Buck hears a few pops in his back and Tommy is taking a deep breath in at his temple.
The world falls back into place like they've hit the bottom of a drop of an amusement park ride. His feet feel solidly on the ground and his stomach finally drops. His knees nearly buckle. At some point Buck had known he wasn't in danger, but it didn't feel that way. It felt like he was never going to talk to his family again, he would never see Hen or Eddie or Bobby...or Tommy. There is so much he wants to say but his breath is shaky and his hands won't release Tommy's shoulders.
"Do you want to be alone?" Tommy asks. Because of course he asks. No Buck has never wanted to be alone less. He feels like if he lets go of the man in his arms he's going to float into the atmosphere and dissipate. Like he's only tethered here by Tommy's hands.
"No," Buck says. He takes a grounding breath in, his chest bumping Tommy's. "I- I want to go home."
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andvys · 1 year
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 4
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Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, mentions of drugs, allusions to homophobia
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader , Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Steve finds himself yearning for your attention.
Word count: 7k+
A/N: @nemesis729 I had to put in one of your ideas/suggestions! thank you for the inspiration <3
series masterlist
Let go. Just let go. Let her go. He has been repeating those words in his head since, well, since he left you. He can’t understand what it is that just pulls him back to you all the time. Whether it’s all in his head or not. He keeps coming back to you and it irritates him because why does this keep happening? 
He left you because he didn’t love you, he left you because he fell in love with her but why isn’t it enough? Why isn’t his love for the other girl enough for him to finally push you out of his mind and out of his life? You seemingly had no problem doing it with him. You pushed him out of your life already so why can’t he do the same? 
The conversation with Billy only left him feeling more irritated. 
Shouldn’t he feel peace, knowing that you aren’t hurting anymore? Shouldn’t he be content with his life now that he finally got what he wanted? 
He doesn’t feel at peace and he doesn’t feel content and it causes anger to rise up in him because why? 
Why, why, why… 
Maybe it’s a good thing that he couldn’t find you anywhere after the conversation with Billy. He looked for you but you were nowhere to be found. He wanted to talk to you about the essay, despite you telling him that you’d call after school. He most certainly would have talked about something else, something that would make things even worse between the two of you. 
The tiny voice in his head that kept telling him to let go, eventually got to him. He gave up on trying to find you and he went to find his girlfriend instead. He took her out for a late lunch at Benny’s Burgers and then brought her to the book shop she loves so much before he ‘begrudgingly’ canceled their movie night– Nancy didn’t seem to mind it that much, saying that she would rather work on her project anyways. After he had dropped her off at her house, he went home, walked into his empty house and waited for your phone call. 
But you never called. 
“Is it just me or does Steve seem different?” 
Heather looks at you through the mirror, annoyance flashing in her eyes in an instant at the mention of your ex boyfriend. She lowers the dress that she was holding against her body and sighs. 
“Different how?” She asks as she hangs it back on the rack before she reaches for the purple one, the one you claimed as your favorite. 
You shrug, “I don’t know, it’s just, he seems less– nevermind.” 
Chrissy raises her eyebrows at you, “no, no.. keep going.” 
You blush a little, regretting bringing him up. You look around the bustling store, Heather isn’t the only one looking for a dress for the winter formal next week, a few girls from school are around as well. In fact, Carol Perkins is here too, currently holding up a baby blue dress, just the sight of her makes you want to throw up. 
You never liked her or her boyfriend. Steve had always been friends with Tommy. Carol only came along when she started dating the unfriendly jock. When you had only been friends with Steve, you never hung out with them, you didn’t like them and you didn’t get along with them, not even when you started dating Steve and you were forced to tag along. You always hated the way Steve behaved when he was with them, he always turned into someone else, he let them influence him into doing things that he normally wouldn’t do. They always laughed behind his back, they used him for money and for popularity. You tried showing him that they weren’t real friends but he didn’t believe you or maybe he just didn’t care about what you thought of them. 
She must’ve changed his mind after only one month of dating, he dropped his friends. She got through to him after only one fucking month. 
“He wants to work on the stupid essay with me– he never did that before, he always convinced me to write them for him, even when I wasn’t part of them and now he wants to write it himself and he started reading Pride and Prejudice, willingly!” 
“That’s because he’s already crawling back to you,” Heather mumbles, “they always do that.”
Chrissy nods.
“Not that I’d ever take him back but I don’t think that’s the case.”
“Then what is the case, y/n?” 
You shrug and look down, “I let go of things so I’m not holding onto him or what we used to have if you think that. I don’t want him anymore, not after what he did. It’s just, I’m starting to realize that he truly never loved me. He never changed for me. It’s not that I asked much of him, I just wanted him to drop his toxic friends and for him to start doing better in school so we could go to college together, I just wanted what’s best for him but he never cared about what I wanted. Yet, he cares about what she wants. He dropped his friends for her right away, he started doing better in school for her. That’s what you do when you love someone, you do better for them,” you pause, looking down, you play with the hem of your cheer skirt, “you are willing to change for the right person… So, I guess she is the right one for him. I never was.”
Heather and Chrissy share a look, one of pity. Both girls know that you have let go of your first love but the pain and the heartbreak is still fresh. Steve had always been there, all your life, he had been by your side. He was your friend and then he was more than that, you were hopelessly in love, blinded by it to see how bad he was treating you or how he never even deserved to have a chance with you. 
Neither of them can imagine the pain you are still going through– he was the one for you. 
“I don’t think that she is the right one for him, I think that he’s a blind fool, that’s what he is,” Chrissy says. 
Heather raises her brows, “he’s a real fucking clown, that’s what he is. He dropped the hottest girl there is because he set his eyes on some shiny new toy that’s no one touched before and now he is already crawling back. Not even two months in and he’s already back in your bedroom.”
You scrunch your face up at her words, raising your head, “don’t say it like that, makes it sound like we hooked up.”
“You wouldn’t, right?” Chrissy asks as she stares at you with big eyes, “h-hook up with him or, I don’t know.. kiss him?”
You instantly shake your head, “no! It’s bad enough that I have to do this stupid assignment with him. I don’t ever want him near me again, King Steve is dead to me– besides, he has her now so..”
“Yeah and he cheated on you with her,” Heather says with disgust in her eyes, “he’ll do it again– or, she will do it.” 
“Oh and she will.” 
At the sound of her voice, you all share a look of annoyance. Heather rolls her eyes, she throws the dress over her forearm, putting her other hand on her hip as she looks at the redhead.
You and Chrissy turn your heads to look at Carol, who as always, is chewing her gum and twirling her hair as her eyes flicker back and forth between the three of you. 
“I’m sorry but who invited you into this conversation?” You ask, giving her a false smile. 
“Oh, I just thought that you’d be interested in hearing about what I had to say but hey–”
“Tell us,” Chrissy says. 
Carol tilts her head, laughing a little. 
The cashier behind the counter raises her head, finally tearing her eyes away from the magazine she’s been staring at for the past forty minutes, she looks between you all, mumbling something under her breath that you can’t make out, the Christmas music is too loud. 
“Nancy has a new friend– Jonathan Byers.” 
“And?” Heather shrugs. 
“Well, they seem to be getting really cozy with each other. She is canceling date nights just to hang out with him and Steve is an idiot, I mean he always was so he is kinda blind to the whole thing but when Tommy made a comment about it, he blew up on us, he left us stranded on some parking lot–”
“We don’t wanna hear your sob story about why King Steve stopped being your friend, Carol.” 
She looks down at you where you are sitting on the couch, eyes flashing with irritation but the grin remains on her lips. 
“Well, all I’m gonna say is, their relationship isn’t going to last. Weirdly enough, she started being a little distant ever since he deflowered her. Wouldn’t it be funny if that’s all she wanted him for?” She giggles, giving you a pitiful look, “for sex? I mean, getting to have your first time with King Steve must be really special, right?” 
Irritation sparks inside of you but you don’t show it. A smile tugs at your lips and you shrug, “not really, Carol. There is nothing special about a man, ever.”
Your friends chuckle at your words. 
Carol lets a small laugh leave her lips, though it’s more sarcastic. 
“So, who knows, maybe she stole him from you to hop on his dick, maybe she has a thing for wanting things that she can’t have– although, she did get what she wanted,” she snorts, “but Nancy’s eyes are on the little freak and his eyes, well,” she pauses, smirking at you as she eyes you up and down, “they are elsewhere too,” she chuckles. 
Carol walks past you and Chrissy, staring at the dress in Heather’s hands, she touches the silk material with her fingertips before she brushes past her. 
“If I were you, I’d get him back, y/n.” 
You want to scoff and roll your eyes but that’s exactly what she wants from you. You tilt your head and raise your brows at her. 
She glances back at you over her shoulder, “I mean, losing your boyfriend to some loser is pathetic, especially for someone like you, y/n. I mean, the queen of Hawkins High losing to some little nerd?” She laughs.
You lean back against the couch and cross your arms over your chest. You couldn’t care less about your stupid title. 
Heather squints her eyes at Carol and steps closer to her, “you know what’s pathetic?” She asks, not giving her the chance to respond, “drooling over some guy who isn’t your boyfriend and walking around trying to stir shit up.” 
“Yeah, she moved on if you haven’t noticed,” Chrissy mumbles from beside you. 
Carol turns around, she looks at you before she eyes your friend, “with who? You?” She laughs. 
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips. The smugness on her face, the everlasting smirk and the amusement in her eyes is so irritating to you. 
You fail to notice the blush on Chrissy’s cheeks or the embarrassment in her eyes. Carol smirks, she notices the look on her face and so does Heather who narrows her eyes, glaring at Carol and eying Chrissy slowly. 
“I know what you are, Chrissy–”
“Don’t you have better things to do?” Heather interrupts her, “go and find yourself a dress, it’ll take you some time,” she says, eyeing the redhead up and down. 
Chrissy squirms in her seat, she begins to twist the ring on her finger. You frown when you notice it, knowing that it’s a nervous habit of hers. Carol’s words confuse you a little but you don’t think too much into them. She leaves after giving all of you her judgmental looks. 
Heather turns back to you both the moment Carol is out of eyesight. Rolling her eyes, she shakes her head, “I swear to god, she is everywhere– are you okay?” She asks you. 
You nod, “yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You ask, plastering a smile on your face. 
Both of them look at you skeptically but instead of questioning you, they quickly change the topic, knowing that you desperately need the distraction. 
“You know what you should do? You should pick out the hottest dress,” Heather smirks as she looks through all the dresses, “show up at the snowball and make him see what he lost.” 
A smile tugs at your lips. 
“Yeah and make him regret everything,” Chrissy smiles, nudging your shoulder.
You giggle, shaking your head, “I don’t even have a date.” 
Heather laughs, waving you off, “I know a few guys who would be happy to take you to the dance.” 
“Yeah, me too..” Chrissy mumbles. 
You shake your head at them and get up, walking towards Heather, you reach for the dress in her hands, “how about we make you two look hot. I don’t feel like going anyways, so…” 
Heather sighs, her shoulders slump, “come on, we’ve been talking about this since the summer.”
“Yeah. We talked about our matching dresses,” Chrissy says as she gets up as well, “we can still find a pretty one for you, y/n.”
“And a date.”
You truthfully don’t care about the dance anymore, you only wanted to go there because of Steve, the thought of him picking out a tie that matches your dress and him inviting you for a slow dance seemed so perfect and romantic for you back then, now it’s just something that no longer matters to you. You don’t feel like going to the dance with someone who couldn’t care less about you and the thought of sitting at a lone table while your friends have the time of their lives makes you want to slam your head against the wall. 
Shaking your head, “no, there’s no one I’d wanna go with.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Heather mumbles as she squints her eyes at you. 
Furrowing your brows, you chuckle, “uh yeah, I am sure.”
Chrissy eyes Heather with a curious expression, “what do you know?”
“Nothing,” you snort, “she knows nothing, Chris.”
Heather smirks. 
“Is this about Billy Hargrove ‘cause if so, ew?” Chrissy mumbles, clearly not liking the idea of you going out with Billy. 
“Not Billy,” she smirks and turns around, “although he did tell me something very interesting,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows at you. 
Sighing, you turn away from your friends and chuckle, “you didn’t hear anything, Heather.” 
“Oh yeah?” She asks, “and what about the stoner you’ve been hanging out with?” 
Chrissy gasps, “what stoner!” 
“There is no stoner!”
Steve’s back aches when he wakes up, a groan falls from his lips, he opens his eyes, feeling a little disoriented when he looks around the living room. He fell asleep on the loveseat his mom always relaxes in when she reads one of her favorite novels. Rubbing his eyes, he frowns a little. Your book is lying on his chest, he must have fallen asleep while reading it– while he was waiting for your phone call. 
The phone call that never came. 
He waited and waited but you never called. Time wouldn’t pass, no matter what he did, it just didn’t pass while he waited for you to call him. Eventually, he reached for the book in his backpack and continued reading it, though his eyes kept straying away to the telephone. 
His thoughts kept going back to you just like they do now. 
What did you do last night? 
Where were you last night? 
Who were you with last night?
Why didn’t you call? 
Using a bookmark, he puts it in between the pages that he has to reread again. He closes it and puts it down. He feels a little irritated. What is this radio silence? You promised to call, you broke it, the promise. You were never one to break promises. 
He canceled his date with Nancy just for you, so you could both work on the essay, together. 
Frowning in annoyance, he walks towards the telephone, grabbing the receiver, he dials your number, still remembering it. But just like he suspected, you don’t pick up the phone. He calls you once, twice and a third time until he finally gives up. 
Why won’t you pick up? 
Sighing, he slams the receiver back into place. He runs his fingers through his messy hair and shakes his head as he makes his way into the kitchen to brew some coffee. His mind is occupied by you. Not her. You are not the girl he should be thinking about. He should be thinking about her, he should be planning a date or think about the right Christmas present he should get her, instead he thinks about you. It’s always you. 
The morning goes by and so does the afternoon. He takes a shower, he cleans his room, he reads, he starts writing the essay, he even cooks and still no call from you. 
By the time the evening rolls around, he is fuming. What is more important than an essay? You were never one to abandon school work, it was always your first priority. What changed?
He grabs his textbook, his coat and his car keys before he makes his way out of the house. Only as he steps out into the cold, does he notice the blanket of white enveloping the streets of Hawkins. Snowflakes are falling from the sky, the silence is almost eerie. 
The snow always reminds him of you, the way he kissed you for the first time after removing the snowflake from your lashes. 
He sighs, shaking the thought of the way your lips felt when they touched his for the very first time. He makes his way towards his car, removing the snow off the windshield before he gets inside. Throwing his textbook on the passenger seat, he rubs his hand together to warm them up a little before he starts his car. 
It’s only a five minute drive to your house, yet, tonight it feels longer than that. He doesn’t know why. 
He parks his car behind yours, which is luckily the only one in your driveway. But the house is dark, no lights are on. He doubts that you are home, he still gets out of his car.  Locking it, he puts the keys in his pocket. The snow crunches beneath his shoes. The cold air stings his cheeks a little. 
He rings your doorbell twice, the way he always used to do. 
You don’t open. 
He knocks and rings the doorbell again. 
Still you don’t open. 
Where are you? 
It’s on Monday when he finally sees you again. You are standing by your car, holding your backpack against your hip, rummaging through it. Your hair keeps falling in front of your face, you are muttering something under your breath. 
Steve approaches you with a frown.
You don’t notice him coming, only as he stops in front of you, accidentally kicking some snow towards you. 
“Where have you been all weekend?!” He asks, throwing his hands up. 
Raising your brows, you stop rummaging through your bag and lift your head to look at him. The stressed expression on his face makes you want to laugh. He has dark circles under his eyes, his hair is a little messy but that might be because of the wind. 
“I’m sorry?” You chuckle. 
His hazel eyes flash with confusion, he shakes his head a little, “where have you been?” 
“How’s that any of your business?” You mumble as you zip your backpack shut and pull the strap over your shoulder, brushing past him, he instantly follows you. 
“I– we were supposed to work together, remember?” He exclaims, staring at you in disbelief, “I waited for you all night on Friday, I showed up on Saturday night and you weren’t there!” 
You notice the curious eyes on you– not his but the ones of the students when you walk into the school with him hot on your heels. 
“I was busy.” 
“With what?” Steve asks, furrowing his brows, “I know school is your first priority, since when do you put anything else before it?” 
You shrug, looking over your shoulder to glance at him, “since I changed my priorities.” 
“And what are those?” 
“Those are none of your business, Steve.”
He follows you to your locker.
“We lost three days, y/n! We could have made some progress!” 
You squint your eyes and turn to look at him, he looks stressed. 
“Do you think I wanna work with you?” You mumble, “I got better things to do.” 
Steve shuts his mouth. Sighing, he leans against the locker next to yours and takes a moment to look at you. You abandoned your cheer uniform yet again. Your hair is open, you are wearing a sweater that looks way too big on you and a plaid skirt. He can smell your perfume, it’s not the same one anymore. 
“Like what? Hanging out with stoners?” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
“We got five days to work on this stupid essay, I can write it in one day!” You exclaim, not bothering to answer his question that he so desperately wants. 
You don’t look at him directly and you don’t tell him what he wants to hear, yet again. 
“I don’t wanna work on it on the last day!” 
Rolling your eyes, you shut your locker and put your hand on your hip, facing him again. 
“You know what, fine,” you sigh. You narrow your eyes at the redhead who walks past you, already wearing a smug look on her face when she looks between you and Steve. 
“Where do you wanna meet up today?” You ask with a bored expression on your face.
Steve blinks. For a moment, he stays quiet and he looks at you, he looks into your eyes, desperately trying to read them. What happened to you? You don’t seem like yourself, you seem different. He steps closer to you, your perfume isn’t the only thing he smells, there is a hint of smoke and weed lingering. He swallows, concern rushes through him. Your eyes are a little red rimmed, from crying or from smoking weed, he can’t tell. 
A part of him tells him to ask if you are okay, the other part tells him that it’s not his job to ask you this question, not anymore. 
“Hello?” You mumble, waving your hand in front of his face, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
“Uh, we could meet up at the coffee shop downtown?” He suggests. 
You nod, “yeah, sure. I’ll meet you there after school.” 
You don’t give him the chance to respond, you turn around and walk away before he can even utter a word. Steve frowns as he watches you leave. He might never get used to this, to the cold shoulder you are giving him. It’s been a long time since he had seen a side of you that he used to know, now you just seem like a stranger. You changed, it’s obvious you did. Every smallest thing about you is new to him. 
You used to be on time. Whenever he would pick you up for date nights or for school, you would already sit on your porch steps waiting for him with an excited smile on your face. He was the one who showed up late, now it’s you. 
It’s 5:25 pm when you finally walk into the coffee shop. I’ll meet you after school, you said. School ended two hours ago, he went straight to the coffee shop, he even chose your favorite spot and waited for you as he continually looked down at his watch. 
You look around and he has to restrain himself from rolling his eyes, he is annoyed. When your eyes find him, you take a moment to look at him, he sees the way you look at him, even from afar. You look irritated and annoyed, just like he does, still, you make your way over to him. Pride and Prejudice is lying open on the table, you see the page number; 301. Surprise is what you feel when you stare at the number, you raise your brows. Did he actually read that much? 
“Hi,” you mumble. 
Taking your coat off and scarf off, you throw it on the bench before sliding into the little booth. 
“Yeah, hi,” he mutters angrily, “I waited for you for two hours!” 
Leaning back, you raise your head to look at him. His hazel eyes are filled with anger and annoyance, it’s almost amusing to you. 
“What do you mean ‘why’?” He exclaims. 
His brows knit together and his cheeks grow red. 
“We didn’t make any plans–”
“You said we’d meet after school, y/n.”
“Yeah but I didn’t say when,” you smile, “I’m here now so relax, Steven.” 
“Where were you?” 
Where were you, Steve? You had asked him this question so many times, yet you never got an answer so why should you give him one? 
“I was busy doing stuff.” 
He opens his mouth to speak but decides against it, he clenches his jaw and turns away from you to look out the window. He deserves it, he knows he does. It had taken him some time to realize some things but ever since Nancy and a couple of kids had stepped into his life, he began to see things a little clearer. He began to realize that he mistreated you, though he is still in denial because the guilt is just too heavy. 
He stood you up. He showed up late. He was awful to you. Now you are doing the same thing to him and he knows he had it coming. Deep down, he knows it. But he feels the ugly burning in his chest, the one he only ever felt when he saw Billy flirting with you or any other guy. 
Where were you? Were you with Billy? With the Stoner?
“Did you actually read it?” 
He turns back to you, you look at him in curiosity. 
“Seriously?” You ask, “301 pages?” 
He nods, “yes.” 
You are genuinely impressed. For someone who always hated reading, he is quick. What did she do to him that you couldn’t?
Giving him a lopsided smile, you raise your brows, “impressive. Do you like it?” 
“Yeah, I mean, there’s some good quotes in there. I just don’t like the slow burn.” 
“Really?” You ask, leaning your elbows on the table, you move closer, “I love the slow burn– what quotes do you like the most?” 
He blinks as he stares at you, this is the first time you talk to him ‘normally’. 
“Uh, I’ve written some down,” he mumbles, squinting his eyes as though he tries to remember, “I think it’s uh – ‘they walked on, without knowing in what direction. There was too much to be thought, and felt– a-and… uh–”
“And said, for attention to any other objects.” You mumble, finishing the quote for him. You refuse to look into his eyes but your heart is bleeding in your chest.
“What’s your favorite?” 
“We do not suffer by accident.” 
He sucks in a sharp breath. He can see the way you stare at your hands, awkwardly, avoiding his eyes. The silence between the two of you is loud and awkward. 
“It’s a good one.” 
Steve feels the urge to reach out and take your hands in his, he doesn’t know why. When you look up at him and your eyes lock with his, his heart stops beating for a moment. He can’t read you, not anymore. He knows that you have built up high walls around you, not letting him see you anymore. It bothers him because he wants to see you so badly, he wants to know what you are thinking about, what you are feeling. If you still have feelings for him.. 
“I started working on it already!” You interrupt him, “do you wanna read what I have so far?” 
He sighs, shoulder slumping and his expression sinking for a moment. “Y-Yeah, I wanna read it.” 
“Okay,” you whisper as you slide the notebook towards him, “I uh, I’m gonna get myself something to drink.” 
“Yeah sure.”
You push yourself up and smooth down your skirt before you take the first step away from the table. Your emotions are in overdrive, you still feel so much anger for him but deep down, beneath all the layers of anger and pain is the yearning, the longing in your heart that you still feel for him despite the way he treated you.
You preferred the radio silence between you two in those weeks you have pretended that he stopped existing. It was much easier to deal with all of this when you stayed away from him but now you can’t. The thought of spending time with him, every day for the rest of this week makes you want to cry. 
Having to look at him and feel yourself still wanting him, makes you hate yourself. It fuels the anger and worsens the ache in your heart. It makes you want to run away. At one point you even think it’s worth dropping the essay and risking failing the class just because you don’t want to be around him but you would only make things worse for yourself. Steve Harrington isn’t worth the bad grade.  
You make it through the evening, dodging questions that aren’t related to the essay. You continue giving him the cold shoulder, only speaking up when needed. You want this to get over with quickly. 
The next day goes by similarly, Steve asks questions and you stay silent. He tries to find out more about who you spend time with. He asks about Billy and mentions the Stoner, Billy told him about but he gets nothing from you, absolutely nothing. 
Why should you tell him anything?
Why should you tell him who you spend time with? Why should you tell him where you have been all weekend? You don’t owe him anything. He is not a part of your life anymore, yet he keeps acting like he is, he keeps prying and throwing questions at you that he knows he will get no answers to. 
You don’t care how annoyed or frustrated he gets with you, he has no reason to even ask those questions. 
On Wednesday, Steve finds himself in your bedroom again. He is sitting on your carpet, staring at all the chaos in front of him. You kept criticizing his texts, crumbling up all the papers and throwing them on the ground. It’s been hours and hours of writing and rewriting, you barely made any progress. 
Now you are rewriting his part.
The dark denim jacket is still in your room. Maybe it’s just yours. At least he hopes it is. 
“Why don’t you like Mr. Darcy?” You break the silence. 
“He’s arrogant.” 
You snort, “you should meet yourself.” 
A little offended, Steve scrunches his face up, “what is that supposed to mean?” 
“It means that you are arrogant and you’re a dick,” you murmur under your breath, thinking that he won’t hear. 
But he did hear, he doesn’t speak up, though. He wants to hear what else you will say about him. After weeks of no reactions, no arguments, no anger directed at him, he is left wondering what you think of him. The past few days you have been calm but the energy surrounding you tonight is tense. 
“You are wealthy and arrogant like Mr. Darcy and you can be condescending sometimes. That’s something I never liked about you, the way you treated people who are less popular and liked than you are. You can be mean.”
“Mean?” He asks. 
You push yourself up on your knees and look down at him, “yeah, you were mean to me.”
He looks up at you, a strand of hair falls in front of his eyes, his lips are set in a frown. He doesn’t look angry or pissed, he looks curious.
You promised yourself that you wouldn’t do this, that you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of showing him that he got to you, that his actions hurt you. Another part of you doesn’t care, it’s all in the past, you don’t have to show him what you feel now, right? 
“All the time, Steve.” 
His face falls a little, his lips part, he looks like he wants to say something but he can’t form any words, right now. He stares into your eyes, the tugging feeling in his chest returns. The urge to apologize the way he wanted to do two days ago comes back. 
You look at each other for a while. The only sound being the howling wind outside. The music stopped playing a while ago. You watch the way his eyes soften, the way they flash with sadness and regret, it makes your heart hurt. 
Your hand itches to reach out to him, to run your fingers through his hair and smooth it out, to touch his cheek and feel him again. He looks at you differently now. He talks to you differently now and it hurts. 
He is much more gentle and kind. It hurts to know that it’s her whom he changed for.
He grew up with you, he was your friend first, he was your lover first, he was your boyfriend first but you were never good enough for him. You see the way he is with her, even when everyone, including him, thinks that you don’t look at him anymore, you do. You secretly watch him. He touches her gently, he kisses her softly, he stares at her and smiles when she isn’t looking, he kisses her hand and carries her books, he wraps his arms around her waist and he gives her his jacket when she is cold. He loves her, he genuinely loves her.
You wonder if he knows how horrible she is, how cruel her words can be – but then again, his words were just as cruel when he spit them in your face before he shattered your heart into a million pieces. 
Now he looks at you with those eyes that you longed for when he was still yours. Soft eyes. Now, you can’t stand them. You don’t want him to look at you like that. 
You force yourself to look away from him. You stand up and pick up all the papers on your bed, throwing some of them in the trash. 
Steve watches you, not taking his eyes off of you yet. 
“But also, you’re kind of a clown, so you’re very far from being like Mr. Darcy.” 
Steve tilts his head up to look at you with a frown on his face, a laugh tumbles from his lips, “a clown?” 
“Yeah,” you smirk when you notice the offended look on his face, “they call you King Steve but you’re really just a clown who entertains all the girls.” 
“Really, I know college isn’t on your list of things to do in life but maybe a circus would do for you.” 
“Look who’s being mean now,” he murmurs as he stands up. 
“I’m not being mean, I’m just being honest,” you say, “you’re a clown just like all the other douchebags on the basketball team. Honestly, I don’t know how it just occurred to me that you all look ridiculous running after one ball – but then again, you also do that with everything else in life, you all see one desirable woman and you are all running after her like a hungry pack of wolves.” 
Steve looks a little caught off guard, though he doesn’t look mad, not even in the slightest. If you had said these things to him two months ago, he would have gotten off on you. 
“Yet you still go for clowns like me?” 
You laugh, “oh you admit to being a clown?” 
He rolls his eyes at you. 
“No, I don’t go for clowns like you anymore, Steve. I think I learned my lesson. I’d never do that again.” 
Instantly, his eyes flicker to the denim jacket on your chair. So it certainly isn’t Billy’s. 
“So.. you didn’t sleep with Billy?” 
A look of disgust that you can’t fight off this time crosses your face and you shake your head, “what ever made you think that I want to fuck Billy Hargrove?” You ask. “In what world would I touch that man?” 
“Well, he told me.” 
You snort and shake your head in disbelief. 
“Billy says a lot of things that aren’t true.” Except for the one time he did tell you the truth. 
He won’t argue with that, he knows you’re right. Still, a part of him believed him. 
You walk towards him and bend down to pick up the crumpled paper balls on the ground. You also throw them in the trash. 
“Who’s the stoner you’ve been seeing?” He blurts out as his eyes stick to the jacket again, “is that his jacket?” 
A part of you wants to laugh in amusement, the other part of you is pissed at him for sounding so jealous. If you wouldn’t have figured it out by the tone in his voice, then you would have known by the look on his face. 
You know Steve like the back of your hand. Right now, he is jealous. Why? You have no idea. He never loved you, he never actually wanted you. He wanted to own you and that’s what he still does in his head. That’s why he keeps asking you all these questions, that’s why he lets Billy’s words get to him. That’s why he hates the thought of you being someone else’s.
You walk towards him with a smirk on your face, “none of your business, Harrington.” 
To know that it troubles him so much to the point that his cheeks glow red makes you feel satisfied. 
“Just tell me, please.”
You snort, “no way.”
He steps closer to you and looks down at you with pleading eyes. What the hell? 
“Why should I tell you?” 
“Because I wanna know,” he mumbles. He pokes at your waist, making you flinch. He knows that you are ticklish. He does it again but this time, you grab his finger. 
“Stop that!” 
He uses his other hand, poking the other side of your waist, hard enough for you to giggle. 
“S-Steve, stop!” You snap at him, trying to keep a straight face but when he does it again, you flinch and try to step back but he pulls his finger out of your grip and wraps his arm around your waist to keep you from escaping. 
“I’ll stop when you tell me,” he says. His eyes light up when you giggle again. You squirm in his arms, trying to push him away. 
You don’t know how it happens but for a minute, you get so lost in the moment. For a minute, you forget about everything that had happened, you forget about the heartbreak and the pain that he had put you through, you forget about how he had cheated on you, how he had lied to you, you forget about the things he spit in your face, you forget about how he never loved you. For a minute, you forget it all. 
What starts off with him poking your waist, ends with him tickling your sides and making you giggle and laugh as you step closer and closer to your bed. Steve is chuckling as he holds your squirming body against his. You try to fight him off but he is much stronger than you, you poke his sides but you don’t get much of a reaction out of him, if anything, it makes him hold you even tighter. 
Tears from laughter well up in your eyes, your stomach begins to hurt from it all. As you near the edge of your bed, you stumble backwards when the back of your knees hit the mattress. Instinctively, you hold onto him and pull him down with you. When your back hits the soft cushions and he lands on top of you and you feel his chest pressed against yours for the first time in a while, you know that this should have been the moment for you to snap out of it and push him away but you are still in the bliss of the moment. Right now, you are in the past where things are still good. 
You are still giggling and he is still chuckling. His nose bumps against yours and it only makes you laugh harder as you look into each other’s eyes. He lets go of your waist but he stays on top of you. His heart is racing, you can feel it. 
Yours is racing too – and then, it flutters when his hand reaches out to cup your cheek. His fingertips graze your skin and his eyes roam your face. His other hand, pushes your hair away from your eyes, tucking it behind your ear. Steve is so lost in the moment, he admires you, your pretty eyes, your beautiful face, the feeling of your body against his, the racing of your heart. He finds himself moving closer to you. It only feels right to do it.
There is this feeling between the two of you. Neither of you can describe it but it only makes you yearn for more. It fills you with false hope knowing that it will crush you again, a moment later. 
While his smile lingers, yours falls quickly when you snap out of it and realize what is happening, right now. Your breath hitches in your throat, your heart stops beating and you freeze when you feel his lips brushing against yours.
Everything comes crumbling down, all the walls that you had built around you, all the strength you had found within yourself to push him out of your life, all the peace you have made with living a life without him. 
It all fell down and one minute is all it took.
next part
tagging friends and mutuals only
@mysticmunson @screammunson @wroteclassicaly @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @hellfire--cult @sherrylyn628 @somethingvicked @take-everything-you-can
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tinybrooms · 6 months
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Outside is rainy and cold, i am watching a horror movie and the only thing I wish right now is that Tommy was real, just imagine if god would give him a chance and grow up in a lovely family, his skin would be soft and pretty like his soul, damn right now I wouldn’t even put attention on the screen not even if my favorite horror movie is playing on it, I would be so busy hugging my big and cute teddy bear, kissing his cheeks and listening his heartbeat while I rested peacefully on his chest, i know his hands would travel around my waist and sometimes would rest on my ass but he would be so respectful and kind that he would return his touch to my back, Jesus Christ he would be the reason i didn’t never leave my bedroom i just would love being there on my bed watching movies and maybe we would be up until midnight watching the tv commercials laughing, his tall and buff frame covering almost all my bed but that would be ok for me cause i can sleep up on his chest just like a koala, i know he can give the best kisses and he would smell sooooo amazing just like cologne and fabric softener, goddamnit i want my tiny cold feets being warm between his hairy legs and now the only thing i wish more than all that is wake up with him, maybe in the night while we sleep he would roll his body and put me down over his frame and that would be totally freaking okay for me, feel his weight and his calm breathing while my hands rest on his back and curls i know that would be the death for me :’(
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half-bakedboy · 6 months
blurb about tommy coming to check up on buck after he gets choked by the crazy person from next week's promo
Tommy has to stamp down his worry before he walks up to Buck’s door. He’d only gotten the short story from a coworker who’d heard from a former partner that a firefighter on the 118 had gotten himself into trouble again. 
Unfortunately, Tommy was immediately certain who that firefighter was. 
When Evan opens the door, there’s a huge smile on his face, and it’s almost enough for Tommy not to poke fun at him. 
“You know, when Hen, Howie, and Eddie warned me about your propensity for getting hurt, I didn’t think it would happen this quickly.” 
“Not you, too,” Evan groans. Tommy lets out a laugh as Evan turns to walk away, leaving the door open behind him. Tommy takes a few quick steps in after him, knocking the door shut behind him while grabbing Evan’s waist with his fingers. “What—”
“C’mere,” Tommy mutters. 
He told himself that he was going to do his best to take it slow with Evan, try not to scare him off with too much too soon, especially when he found out he’d never dated a man before. But he’s so pretty and pouty when he turns around, that Tommy can’t help but kiss him. 
Evan is quick to respond, eagerly and enthusiastically, like a puppy with a new toy that’s turning into his favorite. It makes Tommy’s skin tingle and his heart flutter with pride. He’s always so responsive in his movements, taking each second to let his lips and tongue study while his hands explore the planes of Tommy’s body he’s never experienced before. 
When Tommy pulls away, it’s because Evan winces. Tommy tilts his head and glances down to see where he might hurt. That’s when he sees his fingers pressing against a soft red irritation around Evan’s neck. He feels fire rush through him, an anger he hasn’t felt in months, maybe years at this point, at the thought of someone hurting what’s his. 
He pulls his hand away when he realizes he’s still causing Evan discomfort, but doesn’t stray too far. Evan is looking at him like he wants to say he’s sorry, like it’s his fault someone hurt him, like Tommy is going to run away from it. 
“Evan, what happened?” 
Evan chuckles, rubbing at his raw skin even though it must hurt. 
“You’ll never believe it. This guy, like, couldn’t control his limbs? Hen said it was some form of immediate onset Ataxia or something, but because I put myself too close, he got a hold of my neck. It was honestly so funny cause the rest of the shift, they told everyone I’d been ‘ataxia’d’ which spread like wildfire—all puns intended.” 
Everything he said was so nonchalant. Like, the fact he’d been strangled on the job wasn’t cause for deep concern. Tommy is, in fact, very concerned. 
“Did someone look you over? Tilt your head up,” Tommy requested. 
He placed two fingers under Evan’s chin and began the process for him, crouching down slightly to look for petechiae underneath his chin where most EMTs didn’t think to look. Tommy glares when Evan tries to push him away, and the other man relents almost instantly. 
“Hen already checked me out. And then Chimney. And then Eddie,” Evan reassures. “I feel fine. Mostly embarrassed that I let a patient get the better of me.”
“He didn’t get the better of you,” Tommy argues. “He had a medical crisis that could’ve killed you.”
“But it didn’t, okay?” Evan says sternly. Tommy knows that tone and decides he’s better off dropping the argument and taking care of the obviously shaken man before him. 
“It didn’t, but since I’ve heard that this isn’t your first rodeo, I thought I’d come with your usual comforts.” 
He grabs the bag he’d dropped in his haste to enter the apartment and holds up a movie, some store-bought brownies, an aluminum takeout container of nachos, and a case of his favorite beer. Evan’s face softens like nothing kinder has ever been done for him. It’s a beautiful look, one full of appreciation and fondness that Tommy wants to bring out of him for the rest of his life. 
“Now, the movie is my pick: Blue Thunder. The fact you’ve never seen it is an atrocity that has to be rectified immediately. Over beer, nachos, and brownies, of course.”
“I could kiss you,” Evan says. 
Then, a gleeful look passes over him like he realizes that he can kiss Tommy, so he does. 
(They start the movie much later than either of them intended with soggy nachos and lukewarm beer, but honestly, neither of them would have it any other way.)
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xofemeraldstars · 3 months
GODDDDDD the invisible string 🧵 of "buck, actually" lola & norman coming back in s7 and being part of the cause why the ship lost contact and capsized, which results in hen trying to steal a chopper and chimney calling tommy to help them, tommy whose favorite movie is "love actually" who then causes buck's bisexual awakening....... speechless that this wasn't planned like this 🤯
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 14
I'm thinking about writing an epilogue/sequel to this because after reading the ending, I feel like I've cheated you out of something special, but the story feels like it should have ended after the rut. So let me know in the comments if you would like see the bonding and birth of their first child.
First of two chapters being posted today.
The after party. Tommy makes an appearance and Chrissy comes to rescue...well so do everyone in Stevie's corner, but especially her.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
The after party was buzzing with the who’s who of the industry. Producers and artists mingled with label execs and the best escorts Starcourt had to offer.
Steve had been invited to a couple of these in his time and always had fun.
Eddie was talking to this beautiful actress in a long purple and black gown. She had song on the soundtrack of her latest movie, surprising a lot of people with her vocal talents in addition to her acting.
Steve gulped down a bit of champagne to chase the bile of jealousy that he had forced back down.
“Well if it isn’t, Steve Harrington,” a cool voice said behind him.
Steve schooled his expression and turned around.
There was Tommy Hagan.
It had been a lovely couple of months where they hadn’t run into each at an event at all.
Steve smiled. “Hey, Tommy, you working a client or just the room tonight?”
When Starcourt supplied omegas to after parties like this one, they were allowed to network to get new clients. So not only were they paid well, they could bring in even more money by picking up new clients.
“He doesn’t love you, you know,” Tommy sneered. “This is all stunt to take the attention off of the fact that he fucked up with two omegas and nearly caused a scandal for the label both times.”
Steve knew that was the reason for the ‘fake dating’ contract. It was his business to know. “What’s the matter, Tommy? Upset that I get to fuck your favorite rockstar? You must have been so livid when you found out that I got invited to their charity gala and you didn’t.”
“You think you’re so special getting a million dollar cherry pop price,” Tommy snapped. “But that just means that you had to stay longer to pay it off, stupid.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yes, and I made that my first year. I didn’t have to stay, but I know my worth, sweetie. And it is a hell of a lot more than a million dollars.”
“You’ve got your claws in him now,” Tommy hissed, “but he’ll figure out that you’re as shallow as your intelligence.”
Steve flushed and Tommy smirked, knowing he hit the mark. The one thing that Steve was always worried about and that was coming across as the dumb bunny.
“I’m not stupid,” he whispered harshly. “Just because I haven’t gone to fancy schools doesn’t mean I’m dumb.”
Tommy laughed cruelly. “Look around you, Steve. This is all you’ll ever have. All you’ll know. You’re only worth is what’s between your legs, not what’s between your ears.”
Tears stung at the corner of Steve’s eyes.
Then there was a warm arm that slid around his waist and Steve leaned into the embrace.
“You okay, baby?” Eddie murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
“Much better now that you’re here,” Steve whispered back, nuzzling the under side of his throat.
“Stevie and I were just having a little chat,” Tommy said all false smiles, “weren’t we?”
Steve pressed further into Eddie’s side.
Eddie scoffed. “I heard what you were saying, it’s why I came over.”
Tommy blanched. “What?”
“And I did not like what you said at all.” He kissed Steve soundly on the lips. “Troy and Robin are waiting for you, babe. They’ll take you somewhere where you can calm down and I’ll be right behind you, okay?”
Steve nodded and went right into the waiting arms of Robin, Troy covering Steve from behind so no one could see how upset he was.
“You’re Tommy Hagan, right?” Eddie asked, low and menacing.
Tommy nodded.
“I’ve been hearing about your supposed rivalry with Steve from a couple different people tonight.” Eddie’s tone grew even darker.
Tommy opened his mouth, but Eddie held up his hand to stop him, “And no, Steve was not one of them. From other handlers and escorts. From what I could gather, you’re pissed because he rose to the top of the company faster than you did. He’s prettier, more charming, and better at his job.”
“Think whatever you like,” Tommy scoffed. But the red flush to his cheeks belied his statement.
“And now he’s dating the lead singer of your favorite band and you are just eaten up with envy and jealousy,” Eddie continued. “So you decided to go after Steve’s intelligence knowing it was a soft spot for him. But there are different kinds of intelligence and Steve’s is all emotional. And that’s what makes him brilliant at what he does.”
“Still makes him as dumb as a rock,” Tommy hissed.
Eddie just shook his head. “I’m making a complaint against you with the agency. This is really bad behavior for a Starcourt omega and doesn’t reflect well on them.”
Then Tommy really did pale. All color drained from his face, leaving his freckles more pronounced in the absence of color on his cheeks.
Eddie just shook his head and went in search of Steve.
Troy spotted him first and waved him over to a small alcove where Robin was rubbing Steve’s back as he struggled to calm down.
Eddie knelt in front of him and began rubbing his arms. “Hey, sweetheart. Do you need to leave?”
Steve took in a deep shuddering breath and held in his a moment. “No. Tommy is an ass but I can handle it.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Eddie murmured, caressing Steve’s cheek with his thumb. “With the horrible questions, the sexist alpha, and now this asshole. You admit it affected you and we can go home.”
Steve’s lip quivered. “But what about you, don’t you have to be here?”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie said, cupping his cheeks, “I have been here. I could duck out. The rest of the band is still here as well as Benny and our producer Alexi. They could hold court if you really needed us to go right now.”
“Tommy’s already been reported to management,” Troy said, cradling his ear. “They still want Eddie to make a formal complaint, but they’re pulling Tommy out and replacing him with Chrissy Cunningham.”
Robin nodded. “Elinor and a couple other omegas who were here with actual clients had run afoul of him as well.”
Steve raised his head. “Wait, really? He’s pissed that he was only here to work the room as opposed to being with a client? Is he stupid?”
Troy raised his hand and rocked his fingers back and forth. “The jury is still out on that one.”
Eddie looked back between Troy and Steve in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“It depends on the client,” Steve said, “but an escort can make $1000-5000 a night. But working a room, you’re paid an five grand plus the chance to pick up future clients. Alphas that aren’t there with anyone who might have an event coming up that would be improved by having an escort. Maybe their rut is coming up soon. Working a room can net an escort closer to ten to fifteen grand.”
Eddie blinked. “Holy shit. Now, I’m wondering how he could be so stupid.”
“I could answer that,” a warm female voice said behind them.
Steve looked up and grinned. “Chrissy!”
Eddie stood up and turned around to see one of the prettiest female omegas he ever seen. Her strawberry blonde hair was artfully pulled back in a wavy bun, highlighting her green eyes and dazzling smile. She wore a pink mermaid tail dress that had feathers on her hips and on the train. She held a matching clutch.
She gave Steve a hug. “I’m sorry Tommy was an douchebag tonight, cher. But I’m here now.”
Steve relaxed, the last bit of tension bleeding from his frame with her casual support.
“So why would d-bag want a client over working the room if the gains are greater working the room?” Eddie asked, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets.
He had changed, too. The tuxedo pants had been replaced by leather ones, and he wore a band tee under a leather jacket. His knee high boots gave him a little extra height on Steve even in his own heels.
Chrissy smiled up at him. “Because if you’re working the room, that means you weren’t good enough to get a client going to the Grammy’s. It’s about the prestige of being with a big name artist. And that clout can’t be bought. Steve here is going to get more requests being at Eddie’s side, then I will from working the room.”
Robin snorted. “Only because Steve’s that hot.”
Steve ducked his head to hide his blush. He really did have the best of friends.
Chrissy giggled. “There’s a little bit to that, sure. But the salient point is that Tommy is jealous because he knows that even with Eddie courting Steve, Steve is going to make a hell of a lot more money than Tommy could hope to dream of in just this year.”
“He was trying to upset the escorts on jobs so that they would leave,” Troy said, “which would free up the clients for those only working the room.”
Steve and Chrissy gave Troy an appraising eyebrow, impressed.
“Sounds about right,” Steve said. “Which means leaving would be giving in to his schemes. Plus, Chrissy is here now. That makes the party way more fun.”
Eddie held out his hand and helped Steve to his feet. “Whatever you want, princess. I am but yours to command.”
Steve wagged his eyebrows. “Something I’ll consider for tonight.”
Robin and Chrissy wolf whistled.
Troy just shook his head. With Robin in tow, Troy melded back into the crowds to keep an eye on Steve from a distance.
Chrissy was introduced to the band. Jeff was immediately smitten by her charms.
He was falling over his feet to impress her.
“Jeffy here writes our music,” Eddie told her and Steve. “I write the lyrics and he turns them into songs. Really I have the easy part. He does all the heavy lifting.”
Gareth, immediately picking up on where Eddie was going with this followed that up with, “Yeah. Which considering he boxes to stay in shape it’s really easy for him.”
“You box?” Chrissy asked, all interest. “Do you actually get in the ring or do you just go up against punching bags to prevent ruining the prettiest face of the band?”
Steve hissed at her, “You take that back! Eddie is the hottest member of the band.”
“Hottest guitarist, maybe,” Elinor huffed. “Hottest member is clearly Gareth.”
The three alphas were starting to growl when Brian stepped in. “Guys, guys. You’re all very pretty. The prettiest. Now can we move on?”
Just when everyone had calmed down, he said, “Besides we all know the best looking one in the band is me!”
His friends dogpiled him and wrestled him to the ground.
Chrissy leaned over to Steve as the four of the tussled. “Do they do this often?”
Steve just shrugged. He hadn’t had the chance to hang out with band yet.
Elinor rolled her eyes. “They are like this all the time. In a minute or so, they’ll get tired, give up and move on like nothing has happened. They’ll straighten their clothes and hair, all the better for it.”
Sure enough they did just that.
Brian looked the worst for wear considering he had been the one under attack, but nothing was torn or out of place and quite quickly they were looking like nothing had happened.
“I love these dorks,” Eddie murmured. “So, so much.”
Steve kissed his cheek. “That’s good, because I think you’re stuck with them, being in a band and all.”
Jeff giggled. “Is he stuck in here with us, or are we stuck in here with him?”
Steve tapped his lips thoughtfully. “Oh, definitely the latter.”
“Hey!” Eddie protested.
Gareth shook his head. “No, no. I’m with Steve on this one. We are definitely stuck in here with you.”
“Traitors,” he muttered darkly.
Steve nuzzled his scent gland and Eddie’s alpha purred. It took every ounce of Steve’s professionalism he had to keep the replying chirp quiet enough that only Eddie could hear.
Eddie grinned. “Just let me make the rounds one more time and then you and I will get out of here.”
Steve nodded and then watched him go. He grabbed another glass of champagne from a passing waiter and downed in one gulp.
Chrissy’s eyes went wide and she slipped her arm through his and murmured, “Come on, cher. Let’s talk, you look like you need it.”
Steve nodded and followed her outside to get some fresh air. Once there he told her all about his night and not just the Tommy fuckery.
“I was standing there already feeling jealous about the gorgeous female omega actress that he was talking to and then Tommy came in and poked at my other biggest insecurity and I just crumpled...”
Chrissy put her arm around his shoulder and laid her head on his chest.
“You’re going to have to decide if that side of his job is going to be worth it, because if you’re freaking out over him just talking to an actress,” she said gently, “how are you going to fare when he goes on tour?”
Steve sighed. It was one of the reasons that Neil never requested to court him. Being on tour all the time, the constantly being away from Steve who was very much of fixture of LA.
“I don’t know,” he admitted softly. “But he stirs something inside me that I have never felt before and it’s addicting. It feels like flying and I worry that I’ll fly too close to the sun and fall.”
“Soar anyway, Steve,” she advised him. “It’s scary and it’s new. But soar anyway. You deserve a chance at happiness, just be sure to tell Eddie when you feel this way. Because he’s not a mind reader. He can’t see what’s happening behind his back.”
Steve frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Eddie was told Tommy was harassing you,” Chrissy said. She held up her hand before Steve could say anything. “Now before you get all in your head thinking that he had to be told to come to your rescue, we both know that’s not true. But he had to be told you were in danger. Because it was happening where he couldn’t see. So you have to tell him when you’re feeling left out or jealous, because if it’s happening where he can’t see, he can’t fix it.”
Steve let out a long sigh. “Yeah, I see what you mean. If I had been more honest about the actress, Eddie would have already been by my side and maybe Tommy would have still approached or not, but probably not.”
She nodded. She turned around and saw Eddie looking for Steve. She spun Steve around and pushed him toward Eddie.
“Now go get your man.”
Steve stumbled into the venue and began moving quickly so he could reach Eddie faster.
Suddenly Eddie had an armful of soft omega.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he murmured into Steve’s ear, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist. “You ready to go home?”
“Yeah,” Steve said softly. “Take me home, Eds.”
Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
The confrontation with Tommy had been stewing in my head since I first starting writing the story, originally it was going to be with the Nancy and Billy at New Yorker party but there was already too much going on in that chapter so it got moved here.
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lesbianloml · 1 year
the beginning
my babysitter au
type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark (the story will contain all of the above)
pairing(s): milf!dom!dark!wanda maximoff x innocent!sub!immune!witch!fem!reader
warning(s): legal age gap (wanda is 33, reader is 21), perverted men, mentions of sex, this is just where they meet so nothing big
summary: when wanda hires a new babysitter, she is shocked to find that there are some things she doesn't know about her town. the biggest shock is you, you are immune to wanda's powers. an even bigger shock comes when wanda finds out you have powers of your own.
a/n: this series is going to be LOOSLY based on my wandavision dr. if anyone has anything they would like to see or something, let me know. and if anyone wants to talk about shifting, hit me up. i kinda imagined reader as a soft and quiet girl. also, you're kinda a whore. and you love to read and bake. in this series, wanda doesn't really do a tv show or different eras, it's all just normal. but the agents and stuff outside the hex have a big part. reader works at the local café that she owns and spends most of her free time in the library. anyways, enjoy part one!
1.8k words
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(not my pics)
(pretend she had billy and tommy before the hex)
"what's the name for your order?" you asked, a little annoyed. you loved your job, but the older man standing in front of you made you want to throw your apron down and quit. "cohen, babe. don't forget next time" cohen shoots you a wink. you hold back a gag as you try to smile politely, writing the name on the side of the cup and turning your back to begin making the drink. grabbing a bag from behind you, you set the cinnamon pastry you made a few hours prior into a container and set it in the bag. as quick as you can, you mix up his drink and slap a lid on it while rolling up the top of the bag, wanting him to leave as soon as possible. "here you go" you say, spinning around and handing the bag and the drink to him. he gives you a look and opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, you tap the counter three times swiftly. your work best friend, sophie comes around from the back. "hey babe! is he causing you trouble?" cohen glares harshly at sophie, but one thing you love about her is the way she doesn't back down. sophie gives him a look that immediately has cohen scurrying out the door, tail between his legs. "thanks soph" "anytime love. we get off in fifteen, where you going tonight? your apartment or your mom's house?" you look around to see an empty café, emptier than usual. usually, the shop is packed full of starved or thirsty customers. but it's dark outside, and who would come get caffeine and food at 9:45 at night?
"I'll just stop by the library real quick before it closes and then head home and watch a movie or something." you say, smiling as you think about the old library downtown. it was your favorite place to be whenever you had free time or just needed some quiet. you turn and stacked some more cups and filled up the napkin container while waiting for your shift to end or another customer to walk in. you hear soph come out from the back room, where she was restocking supplies. "hey girl, can i ask a favor?" "yeah i'll stay and lock up so you can go fuck shawn" you say with a smirk and a giggle. sophie gasps dramatically. "how'd you know what i was gonna ask?" "because you ask me at least once a week. and the fact that you're a year older than me and supposed to be more mature makes it even funnier" "thank you! i'll see you tomorrow. don't forget, on sunday night we're baking treats for the elementary school bake sale on monday." "got it. i love you. see you sunday. enjoy shawn!" you sing as sophie laughs. "i will. love you too." "today is friday so on sunday, i need to be here by 5:00am so i can set up the tables and stuff to be ready to open at 6:00am. then i'll work until 10:00pm, close up, and help sophie bake some treats for monday's bake sale at the elementary school" you plan your day tomorrow in your head. glancing at the clock, you see it reads 9:55pm. 5 more minutes until you can lock up and leave. you work on monday, wednesday, friday, and sunday from 5:00am to 10:30pm. you usually open at 6:00am and close at 10:00pm 4/7 days a week. you love your job but hate the hours. your job at the coffee shop payed extremely well, so no matter how much you hated waking up before the sun, you weren't going to quit. you grab a rag and wipe the counters down. 3 minutes until you lock up and leave.
you spin around when you hear the little bell above the shop door ding, signaling someone came in. you almost drop the damp rag you're holding when you see her, a women, maybe in her early thirties. she had beautiful red hair and striking green eyes. her clothes were casual and relaxed, but you were sure she was some sort of powerful figure from the way she walked and held herself. you had never seen her in westview before, you were sure you'd remember her, and you'd lived in westview since you were eighteen, so three years now. you shake your head before walking around the counter to greet the women. she's even prettier up close. "you came in at the perfect time. i was just about to lock up." you tell the women with a smile. "oh, i can leave if you're closed-" before the women starts apologizing, you cut her off. "oh no, it's ok. i don't mind, i was getting lonely in here anyways. what can i get for you tonight?" "just a coffee and a piece of apple pie, please" you nod and turn to make her order. you don't ask her name, too shy to do so. it's a good thing that this women isn't. "i'm wanda." "y/n. i don't remember seeing you around westview. did you just move here?" you ask, sliding her drink and bag with the pie in the container to her over the counter. "no, we haven't moved here yet. i was just looking around, getting ready to move in with my boys" "oh, you have kids? how old?" "i have twin boys. they're ten" wanda's face lights up when she talks about them. "cute! i guess i'll be seeing you around more if you're going to move here" "you sure will, sweetheart." you wonder what that's supposed to mean as wanda smiles at you before paying and exiting the café, leaving a trail of perfume in her wake.
wanda turns the wheel to the left, not really knowing what she's looking for, but knows she's looking for something. wanda reminds herself that she needs to head back to the hotel and rest up for tomorrow when she and her boys were going to move into their new home. ever since vision kicked them out, they've been staying in a hotel but then wanda remembered the house that she owned in westview. the perfect place for her and her boys to start over. as wanda is thinking, her head droops and stomach grumbles. she hasn't drank or eaten anything all day. wanda continues driving around the streets, looking for a restaurant or something that she could get a bite to eat at. wanda slows the car when she sees a little café on the corner, letting out a sigh of relief as she sees movement and light from inside. she wouldn't have made it the forty five minutes back to the hotel without eating something. she quickly climbs out of her car and enters the café, not really paying attention to who's there with her. wanda just wants to get back as soon as she can. "you came in at the perfect time. i was just about to lock up" wanda almost falls over at the sound of the other female's voice. it was so relaxing and quiet. so beautiful. she glances up to look and sees you. wanda swears she stops breathing for a moment. you were the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen. with the prettiest smile, even at the disturbance, and the softest voice, wanda swore she just met an angel. you had to be an angel. you're smiling. at her. "oh, i can leave if you're closed-" "oh no. it's ok. i don't mind, i was getting lonely in here anyways. what can i get for you tonight?" you were so sweet, so kind. "just a coffee and a slice of apple pie, please" wanda smirks to herself when she sees the tint of blush on your cheeks. you were so cute, too shy to talk to her or ask her name. "i'm wanda" "y/n. i don't remember seeing you around westview. did you just move here?" wanda watches you slide the bag and coffee across the counter towards her. "no, we haven't moved here yet. i was just looking around, getting ready to move in with my boys" wanda states. "oh, you have kids? how old?" "i have twin boys. they're ten" she smiles at the thought of her boys. "cute! i guess i'll be seeing you around more if you're going to move here" "you sure will, sweetheart."
as wanda clambers into her car to begin the drive home, she thinks about the girl at the counter. "y/n" wanda thinks to herself, smiling at the name. she thinks it suits you. and as wanda is turning onto the freeway, she thinks to herself, "that girl will be mine"
as you lock up the café and slide into your car, you think about the women you saw. she was very pretty, and you hope that her and her kids move in ok. as you turn you car on and pull out of the parking lot, you rest your hands on the wheel as you begin driving home. your mind is pleasantly empty on the drive back to your apartment.
the first time wanda ever met you, wanda thought about you the entire drive back to the hotel. you were the most angelic person she'd ever met, and she was enchanted by you. the first time that you met wanda, you thought about her once before driving home. she was just another customer to you. but little did you know, you were becoming so much more to her.
little do you know, this is just the beginning
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Cod Men with Stuffed Animals
Requested: No
Warnings: Surprisingly no for once!
A/N: Big buff men with the soft plushies they deserve. Also, not an X Reader (Sorry)
Ghost owns a singular plushie that, for some reason, just sits comfortably on a pillow beside his head. He doesn’t hug it, squeeze it, or generally show it any kind of love except for making sure it’s constantly in the same position and never falls on the floor. Sometimes he’ll get sentimental enough that he’ll tuck it in, thinking himself ridiculous the whole time. It was a gift from Tommy’s kid some odd years ago because the kid saw it in the store and had to get it for him cause “it matches your mask, Uncle Si!”
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Soap seems like the type of guy to be really into Squishmallows and the like. Not a huge collection but he won’t deny himself the opportunity to buy one or two every once and a while if he finds some he finds particularly cute. That being said, he does have a favorite plushie that he cuddles up with when he’s watching a movie or tv show and it’s the most unrealistic dinosaur plushie and it’s chubby as hell and he loves it and has named it Bunty.
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König has a great fondness for plushies but not any confidence to actually order any. He has one though! A little palm sized mouse that he keeps on him at all times, calling it his pocket plushie. He’s constantly fiddling with it when he’s anxious or nervous or upset so it’s soft fur has worn down a bit but he loves it all the same and wouldn’t trade it for another plushie if his life depended on it.
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Listen. I know IN MY SOUL that this man has had approximately ONE plushie that he has ever cared for in his entire life and it is the most crusty, beat up, love filled thing you have ever seen in your entire life and it’s like one hug away from being just a string. This man has had this plushie since the day he was born and he ain’t never letting it go. Anyone who says anything about it gets kicked to the curb. It’s probably a dog and since I can’t find a good quality pic of the kind of nasty ass, over hugged, washed maybe thrice in his entire lifetime, plushie that I imagine when I think of Alejandro, have this random puppy plushie that I saw and thought he might like.
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕟’𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖
♡ 𓃗 ♡
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Pre! Outbreak Joel x horseback riding instructor f!reader
A/N: as a horse girl/equestrian, this story is very special to me. I hope you all enjoy Joel+Clove/Clover (bc you’re his lucky charm) and their cute lil horsey love story ♡
~word count : 2.3k~
Summary: Joel Miller, single father; total soft dad has an astronomically enormous crush on you, his daughters horseback riding instructor.
Warnings: soft! Joel, shy! Joel, fluff, flirting, slow burn, eventual established relationship, single! Father Joel, protective! Joel, he’s so sweet your teeth will hurt! Joel, eventual smut, some angst, no y/n, +18 minors dni !
blue jeans playlist:
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Austin, Texas
Joel Miller, 34; single father and a total softy, only for his kid of course. Sarah was his absolute sunshine. His baby girl. After her mom was no longer in the picture, Joel took on the full responsibility of being a single father, with the help of his brother Tommy too. Sarah was an adventurous kid. She always wanted to be outside. Whether it was hiking with her dad, playing soccer, or any other sport she could fathom. Joel would do anything and everything for his daughter. He’d lasso her the fucking moon if he could. When she wanted to try out for soccer, he became her coach. He researched all the drills, got her the best cleats he could afford, and attended every single one of her practices, and games. Yeah, you could say he was easily the most unashamedly supportive dad out there.
It came as no surprise to Joel when Sarah came to him one day after school going on and on about horses. Her class had watched the movie ‘Spirit’ that day, and she was absolutely hooked. It was the only thing she wanted to talk about when he picked her up. Joel loved to see his kid talking about the things she loved, so passionately.
“Dad, the movie had me in tears! It was such a beautiful story, I can’t stop thinking about it!”
He chuckled, bringing his arm around the back of her seat as he backed out of the parking spot he was currently in. “Yeah? Think i’ve heard of that movie before kiddo. It’s a good one.”
“Would you watch it again?”
“With you? Absolutely!”
She had rolled the window down, letting her arm rest on the side. She had purple nail polish on, her favorite color. “So Dad, what if I said I maybe wanted to look into taking some horseback riding lessons? I already grabbed like 6 different horse books from the school library! Did you know that horses can sleep standing up? They only lie down to sleep when they feel safe, and there’s usually another horse watching over them just in case!”
“I had no idea about that kiddo. You got any more horse facts for me?” He tapped his hand lightly against the steering wheel, Linda Ronstadt’s ‘Long Long Time’ crackled through the old radio in his truck. “You wanna look into getting some horseback riding lessons? Sure, sweet pea. I’ll look into it for ya.
Sarah was already pulling out one of the horse books from her bag, flipping through the pages. “Oh! Here’s one, did you know that horses have a nearly 360-degree field of vision? They have two blind spots, one directly behind them, and other directly in front of their head.” She looked over at her dad in the passenger seat, she was beaming when he said he would look into riding lessons for her. “Really? Thank you dad, you’re the best!”
“Is that why you’re not supposed to stand behind ‘em cause they’ll spook? No problem kiddo. Might have to take an extra shift with Tommy but it’ll be alright.” He spoke while pulling into their driveway and as soon as he was parked, Sarah was unbuckling her seat belt and giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “I think so? Bet the book I'm reading will have all the answers! I’ll do the dishes extra this week and anything else you need help with, okay?”
He hugged her back, giving her a soft kiss on the side of her head. He loved his daughter more than anything in the world.
“I appreciate it kiddo. Whad’ya want for dinner? If you say pizza again I swear–”
She giggled as she pulled away from his hug shortly after and hopped out of the passenger seat. “I was gonna say that we should switch it up a bit, so how about some chicken fingers and fries?”
“Kiddo, you gotta get some vegetables in there! How about broccoli?”
She made a weird face at him. “Broccoli? Really dad? That stuff is nasty!”
“What if I smother it in butter and cheese?”
“Now we’re talking!”
He chuckled to himself, cutting the ignition and hopped out of the driver's seat. “Damn kid never wantin’ to eat her greens.” He muttered to himself.
Sarah had cooped herself up in her room with her horse books spread out on her bed. She barely even heard her dad hollering that dinner was ready because she was that immersed in it. The second time he yelled, she closed up the book and headed downstairs.
After dinner and a couple episodes of ‘The Saddle Club’ were watched, Joel had carried a sleeping Sarah up to her room. He gently tucked her in under the covers, kissing the top of her head before he gathered up all her books and quietly placed them on her desk. He took one last look at his baby girl, who was peacefully sleeping before he softly closed her bedroom door.
Joel found himself sitting in his makeshift office, looking up horseback riding facilities in their area. He got distracted by this neat little website called, ‘breyerhorses.com’ There he found that the website was for toy figurine horses called model horses. As soon as he recognized the two horses from the movie ‘Spirit,’ he didn’t hesitate ordering them for Sarah. He ordered one for himself as well, a Quarter Horse in a sliding stop position. He admittedly had no idea what the horse was doing, but he recognized it from a rodeo he attended way back when.
After the model horses were ordered, he was back on the hunt. Most of the horseback riding facilities in their area were way out of his budget. They also came off as being elite, a little snobby, and definitely not for beginners. He was just about to give up when he stumbled upon your website. Thank the heavens, he thought to himself as he clicked the link. Right away he was liking what he was seeing just based on the words, ‘family owned’ and ‘non-profit’ The title of your facility was ‘Dream Riders.’ He read in the bio that every horse on the property was rescued, and that you were big on horsemanship skills. He also liked to see that lessons were offered for all ages, skill level, experience, and riding style. What really sold him was how affordable the prices were, and thank fuck for that because all the other hunter jumper barns he looked at, had a starting rate of $60-$100 per lesson. Who in their right mind was spending that much on a horseback riding lesson? Not Joel Miller. Each of the horses had a little bio as well including their breed, age, and personality. He admittedly skipped over that section and went right to your bio.
He could tell just from your smile alone that you were a decent person. You had kind, soft looking eyes. The photograph you had posted was you with your horse, your arm draped around his neck, giving him a hug. Joel couldn’t deny that you were pretty easy on the eyes as well. Not that it really mattered. He was only looking to make sure that his daughter would be in good hands. It just happened to be a bonus that you were attractive. Nothing more, and nothing less. He scribbled down your name and phone number onto a torn piece of paper.
He called you the following morning after dropping Sarah off at school, holding the phone against his ear as it rang. He tapped his fingers along the steering wheel as he waited.
You had just finished bringing the horses in from being out in the pasture all night when your phone rang. You had reached into your back pocket pulling it out to answer it and of course, Javi P chose to be a dickhead to his brother, Javi G, yet again. The tall, chestnut OTTB, (off the track Thoroughbred) let out a mean squeal over the side of his stall door. His ears were flattened against his head as he pawed at the wood aggressively. “Would you cut that shit out man? You’re gonna get your grain in a minute, pal. Eat your hay and stop making faces at your brother, dickhead.” You walked over to Javi G’s stall and reached your hand up and gently gave his velvety nose a gentle pet. “He’s always so grumpy in the morning huh? Who took a shit in his oats?” You gave him a quick kiss on the nose before finally answering your phone.
You said your name first before Joel even had the chance to get a word out. “Dream Riders, how can I help you?” You didn’t have a Texas accent like Joel had expected, and he could tell that you weren’t a local by any means.
“Hey, this is Joel. Hope i’m not botherin’ you or anythin’ just was looking to get my daughter some riding lessons–”
Javi P had kicked the side of his stall door, making a loud thump with his heavy hoof.
“Joel? Just gimme a minute, yeah?”
“Uh sure–”
You pulled your phone away from your ear as you gave the tall Thoroughbred a warning look.
“What did I just say? I’m on the phone, can’t you see that? You want me to turn you into glue? Don’t think that I won’t. Kick the door one more time bud, go on. See what happens.”
You brought the phone back to your ear with a small huff. You had no idea that Joel had heard the entire thing.
“Sorry about that Joel. You were saying that you were looking to get your daughter some riding lessons?”
“Yeah, I-uh–I was. Listen, you aren’t actually gonna turn that horse into glue, are you?”
You were visibly mortified, and felt flustered that Joel, a potential new client, heard you threaten to turn a horse into glue. You lifted your middle finger at Javi P then before rubbing your hand over your face.
“Oh god, did you hear that entire thing? I’m so sorry about that. Just was scolding one of our lovely horses. I swear, I will not be turning him into glue.” You nervously laughed.
Joel let out a chuckle as he leaned back against the worn leather seat in his truck.
“Oh, well that’s a relief. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anythin’ like that. Just couldn’t help but hear that part, y’know?”
“No worries at all, Joel. I should have been more aware of my surroundings. Anyway, what skill level is your daughter at?”
“She’s a beginner. Never been on a horse in her life. She just came to me yesterday actually after watching the movie Spirit, and said she really wants to take some horseback riding lessons. I spent all night lookin’ for the right place and then stumbled upon your page. Thought there was no harm in given’ ya a call.”
“Ah, I see. So she got hooked by the horse girl bug right away, huh? Well I'm sure you’ve already seen on our page that we’re entirely inclusive. All ages, skill level, experience, and riding style. I happen to teach all the beginners myself so your daughter would be taught under me. If you are interested, come on by anytime tomorrow and I'll give you both a tour?
“Yeah, that was honestly one of the main things that had your place stickin’ out from the rest. That and the price range.”
“Hunter jumper barns can cost a bitch-in-a-half. I used to take lessons at one years ago. Thought I was gonna have to take out a loan just to pay for lessons alone.”
Joel chuckled against the receiver. You had a mouth on you, that was for sure.
“Well, I think I’ll definitely take up your offer to get a tour of the place. You said anytime tomorrow? We’ll swing by sometime in the late afternoon. Does that work for you?”
“I really shouldn’t swear in front of potential customers, huh? Yeah! Anytime tomorrow works. Just give me a call when you’re on your way and I'll make sure I'm presentable. Looking forward to meeting you, and your daughter, Joel.”
“Perfect, I’ll let Sarah know. She’s gonna be stoked. Thank you again for your time darlin’ and see you late tomorrow afternoon. Take care now. I don’t mind the swearin’ by the way. Got a sailor’s mouth myself.”
Calling you darlin must have just been a Texas gentleman thing, right? So why did Joel Miller have you feeling red hot like a mushy tomato, on a hot summer's day already? You hadn’t even met this man yet, and just by his voice alone, you knew he was attractive.
“You got a sailor's mouth too? Well shit, never would have guessed that. Take care now, Joel. See you tomorrow.”
You ended the call and slipped your phone back into your jeans pocket as you walked down the row of stalls. You stopped in front of your own horse’s stall. Ezra was a 16 hand high Hanoverian. You rescued him from slaughter 5 years ago and you have been inseparable since.
“Hey fella,” You gave him a good pat on his soft neck, reached into your pocket and pulled out a carrot, holding it out for him and he gently grabbed it from your fingers. Chewing the treat happily. “Do all Texas men end first time phone calls with ‘darlin'?”
Your horse nickered in response, rubbing his face against your shoulder affectionately.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was gonna say bud.”
You gave him a good scratch behind his ears and one more carrot.
You were definitely a little too excited to meet this Joel Miller tomorrow. You couldn’t wait to put a face to his name.
Joel was feeling the same way about you as well. Except, he luckily had your website photo to go off of. Man, were you a pretty little thing.
Part 2:
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altrodent · 9 months
Bathroom Confessions
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Mentions of drugs, injections, blood, injuries, OD, and sick. Use of Y/N. Mentions of Steve x Nancy
Summary: After escaping from the grasp of evil Russians, Steve has some confessing to do after a high-induced sick
(A/N): This one isn’t my favorite, but I’m trying to make as many fics as I can before I hit another block. I hope you enjoy! 🩷
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In this moment, you were one of the “Scoops-Troop” that wasn’t drugged and beat up by Russians. Currently you were forced, per usual, to babysit the kids. Also known as “let your friends wander while you have to take responsibility.” You didn’t mind though, knowing you got to see at least a tiny bit of “Back To The Future” for free. Dustin kept looking at the entrance of the theater, worried. “They’re fine, Dustin, they’re adults” you said, “Yeah, they’re high adults, and we’re not entirely clear right now” Erica rolled her eyes “I’m sure they’re fine”
Meanwhile, in the decently clean movie theatre restroom, Robin and Steve had gotten too distracted by the moving lights, and had gotten way too sick. After puking up whatever was left in their bodies, they weakly rested on the floor of their separate stalls. Robin ran a hand through her hair, before finally speaking “Have you… ever been in love?” Steve sighs “I was… I think I still am.” Robin taps her foot on the floor “Are you still in love with Nancy?” Steve scoffs “No.” Robin tilted her head “Why not?”Steve purses his lips “I think I found someone better for me…” The blonde’s interest peaks “Oh?” Steve smiles to himself “and it’s crazy, ‘cause I’ve known them for so long, but the way they make me feel is the same way Dustin said I should.” Steve plays with a certain bracelet this special someone had made for him wink wink.
“Ever since Dustin got back from camp, all he’s been telling me was ‘You gotta find your Suzie, you gotta find your Suzie’-“ Robin cuts in “Wait- who’s Suzie?” Steve groans “His little camp girlfriend I guess? To be honest, I don’t even think she’s real. That’s not the point though, you know, the point is… the person I like is someone I would talk to almost everyday. They were there even when I was a huge douche… they were there even when I was with Nancy.” Pressing his hand into the side of his head, Steve thought aloud “I think the only thing that stopped me from telling them was popularity… ‘maybe Tommy H would’ve thought I was weird’, it’s just- just stupid, you know?” Robins face grimaced, trying to figure out who Steve’s talking about, and praying it’s not herself. “Just, this summer, getting closer to them has made me laugh harder than I’ve laughed in years. Smile more than I’ve smiled in so so so so long.” Actively cringing, Robin starts to believe that he is actually talking about her“They’re just cool, you know? They’re just super tough on the outside, but usually always super annoyed to the point it’s almost cute”
After a long slur of silence, Steve knocks in the stall wall “Robin?” Followed by more silence “Did you OD in there?” She sits up a bit “No… I am still alive.” Steve slides under the stall wall, making his way into the other opened stall. “The floor is disgusting” said Robin, “Well, I am already covered in blood and vomit so…” He nods to himself “Well, what do you think?” She looks at him confused “About?” He rests his hand on his knee“The person” Robin turns tense “They sound awesome” His confidence grows “They are super awesome, how about the guy?” She smiles “I think he’s on drugs and isn’t thinking straight” he shrugs “Well I think he’s thinking more clearly than usual” Robins smile faded “He’s not… Look, he doesn’t even know them. And if he really knew them like- like really knew them, he wouldn’t even want to be their friend” He leans forward against his knees “Uh- yeah I think he would, cause he knows them pretty damn well” Robin interrupts “Steve look- it shocked me to my core but I like you, I really like you, but I’m not like your friends.” Steve’s brows furrow “And I’m not like Nancy wheeler-” “What? Yeah- I know, that’s why I like you too Robin but- what are you talking about?” Robin rolls her eyes “I know you’re talking about me, Steve” Steve shakes his head, eyes widened with shock “What?!” Robin sits up a bit “Steve, I don’t romantically like men” Steve waves his hands in her face “Robin! It’s not you! You don’t need to tell me what you’re into also, I really don’t mind what you’re into.”
Robins eyes look like they’re about to explode out of her head “It’s not me- then who is it? You spent your entire summer with them, you’ve known them for a while, you didn’t think your friends would like them- oh… it’s (Y/N).” “Yes!!” “Oh my god this changes everything.” Steve face palms. Robin stands up “I mean I could tell but, you know- wait you haven’t told them yet?” Steve nods with an annoyed look on his face “No, I haven’t told them yet.” Robin blinks slowly “I swear, it feels like you guys are already in a relationship, I’m surprised they aren’t in here now looking for you.” Steve’s brow lifts “What do you mean?” Robin kneels down in front of Steve and shakes his shoulders “Earth to dummy! They like you too!” Steve shakes his head “No they don’t… do they?” Robin rolls her eyes and walks out of the bathroom. “Do they?!” Steve yells before Robin exits. Steve slowly gets up and heads out, to only be met with you checking up on Robin.
You almost immediately get distracted by Steve, what’s not to get lost in? His beautiful eyes, his luxurious hair… Robin catches your and Steve’s eye contact and makes it her turn to check on Dustin and Erica. Robin mouthing ‘tell her!’ To Steve when she passes you. Steve clears his throat as you step up to him “god, those Russians really did a number on you, huh?” You chuckle softly as Steve puts his hands on his hips “oh, ha ha, you weren’t even there, you were with the two idiots running around.” You roll your eyes “We did kinda save your asses though, so I guess we’re even.” Steve shrugs, cheeks warming. “Come on, zombie, let’s get you cleaned up.” You take him by the arm and drag him into the bathroom, you begin to dampen a towel before he speaks “for what it worth… I’m glad you’re okay.” You pause for a second, you and Steve have always been buddy-buddy, and would always make playful jabs at each other, but the way he said it was so caring so genuine, it really touched you. You smile at him, looking into his eyes “I’m glad you’re okay, I mean, you were the one who got quite literally tortured” you let out an exhausted laugh. Steve sighs, “They basically ruined my best feature too…” he tuts looking at his bruised and bloodied face in the mirror.
You turn his head back to you as you begin to gently clean his face “I don’t think it’s that bad, you still look just as good as before.” Steve delicately gazes down at you as you clean him up “So you think I look good?” He raises a brow, a cheeky smirk appearing on his face. Rolling your eyes, you wash out the bloody rag. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Harrington, I’m being nice right now, it’s a rare occasion!” He chuckles softly “Whatever you say, baby” your cheeks turn a bright red, as you look at Steve befuddled. He laughs softly “Oh, ha-ha, very funny Steve.” He puts his hands up in defense “What did I do? Just calling you what you are.” Your mouth drops in shock “You’re so rude, Harrington” you give him a slight glare. “yeah, I’m rude, I know. You’re my baby though…” Steve smiles warmly, “I feel like you don’t know what that sounds like.” As you cleaned his face, he gently took your hand, putting the rag on the counter “I know what it sounds like… and I have been somewhat encouraged to admit something.” You tilt your head, “(Y/N) I’ve known you for years now, and honestly? The years I’ve spent with you have been the best years of my life.” He moves closer, his hand still in yours. “If I had died today, by the hands of a cruel Russian, I would’ve never gotten to tell you how I truly feel. And I won’t let myself get so close to that possibility that I might never get to tell you how I really feel.”
Currently, the only thing you can hear is Steve’s sultry voice, and your rapid heart beat. “Steve…?” His eyes well with tears. “I love you (Y/N) and the thought of me never being able to tell you is actual hell.” You look at him in disbelief, of course, you’ve felt the same for so long. “Steve I…” you smile softly before he slowly gets on one knee “Please, (Y/N)… tell me how you really- and I mean really feel.” You smile brightly and hug him almost knocking him onto the floor “Steve, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to tell me those words…” he pulls back slightly. “Do… do you feel the same?” He asked with a gleam of hope in his eyes. “Duh, Harrington…” you giggle softly wiping tears of joy off your face “I love you so damn much…” Steve chuckles, smiling brightly as he hugs you tighter than he ever has before. After a moment of your embrace, Steve pulls back, looking into your eyes, then at your lips. Without hesitation he leans in, and locks his lips with yours. Your lips melt with his, as he leans against the bathroom wall, pulling you closer to him. Enjoying the embrace, Steve pulls back and just nuzzles into your shoulder warmly. “I love you so much (Y/N)…” Running a hand through his hair, you respond “I love you so much, Stevie” Steve looks up at you, his well bruised face shining in the bright bathroom lights, happy that he can now rightfully call you his own.
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allwaswell16 · 11 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Hi, anon! This is very sweet, and I'll for sure pass this on. <3 Here are the five I've written that are my favorites! Now that I see them grouped together here, I think I know why I like these best. The characters are kind of flawed and therefore more interesting to me lol
Looking Through You
Just as Louis and Liam were starting out in the music industry, writing and producing for up and coming artists, a fateful meeting with new pop singer Harry Styles changes everything. Four years later, just as Harry is set to embark on his next world tour, a drunken confession causes a rift between once inseparable friends. As Harry tries to make sense of his feelings for Louis, he begins writing his next album to express them as it may be the only way to break through the walls that Louis has built between them.
When the Sun Won't Let You Sleep
Four years ago, Louis Tomlinson left the UK to live on an Antarctic research station for reasons best left in the past. He’s carved out a life for himself on the ice and has dedicated himself to his research, his friends, and especially the Halley VI research station. He’s less than thrilled when he learns that Harry Styles, a glaciologist from another base who once broke his heart, will be coming to Halley, and he’s definitely unprepared for the upheaval Harry brings with him.
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
An amnesia au
Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star.
When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
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river13245 · 9 months
Say Don't Go Pt 2
Navigation / Masterlist
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Summary : After Joel utterly broke you. How were you going to mend the pieces back up? You shut yourself out from the world and basically stayed in your home for months on end. Who is able to bring you out of your hibernation and back into the light. And how do you begin to fall in love with someone again.
It has been months since you had spoken to anyone, or even seen anyone. How many months...you weren't sure exactly. Just that the season had changed from fall to snow and now its beginning to warm up and turn into spring.
Spring and winter were your two favorite seasons. Summer was nice too just can become way to hot and you were a sweater person. Usually you would be out enjoying the weather and hanging with friends but you couldn't even go out. The only times you went out was to the store and straight back home.
You knew your friends were beginning to be worried even when you texted them like once every two months that you were very much alive. Just feeling to much to actually get up and pretend. It was too much.
Today however it had been a bit easier to get up and get a cup of tea. So you were standing by the counter with the tea in the kettle waiting for it to warm up when there was a knock on the door. You only questioned for a second who it was until it started opening up.
Heavy footsteps were heard, not Joel heavy but boot heavy and so you knew that it was Tommy who was the visitor. "y/n" He says in the living room as he takes off his shoes. "I'm in the kitchen"
His footsteps were lighter now that his boots were off and when he sees you he takes in your appearance. You were in one of your baggier hoodies with shorts on and your hair was messy and you looked tired.
Tommy walks over to you and places a hand on your arm lightly. "how about you go sit down on the couch and turn on a movie. Ill make you breakfast and bring it to you" you nod. "ill clean up after. Thank you" your hand rests against his arm lightly before you walk over to the couch and you turn on "the wedding date" which is one of your absolute favorites.
As soon as you turn it on and the music plays Tommy laughs and shakes his head. The two of you have been friends for many years and he would know this movie by heart. "Wedding date really?" he says in a teasing tone causing you to smirk and laugh softly. "you know you love this movie too"
He didn't respond because he knew that you were speaking the truth. Ever since you shown this too him all those years ago it became one of his favorites.
As you watched the movie he made your favorite breakfast and put it on this tray and put your tea on it too and then carefully walked it over to you and placed it on your lap. "thank you Timmy" you tease and he rolls his eyes at the name.
The first time the both of you ever met you had been told his name was Timmy so you called him that for about a week until someone told you and when you apologized to him mortified he just laughed and said it was okay. So that's where the joke came from.
He sits down beside you and gets comfortable. The both of you watch the movie and soon enough you finish your food and set the tray onto your table and sip on the tea. Sometime during the movie you gravitated towards Tommy and your head rests on his shoulder. his arm instinctively wraps around you lightly.
there's a comfortable silence between the two of you until the end of the movie and you go and pick the dishes up. He beats you too it and shakes his head. "I've got this, you however need to get ready. We are going out today" You look at him and go to complain but he gives you a look. "I'm not letting you stay cooped up in here one moment longer. We are going out, Ellie and Dina will be there too"
This shut you up because you did miss those two girls and so you walk into the bathroom and take a shower. You do your whole routine and let yourself relax and then when you finally get out you walk into your room and end up putting on a dark forest green shirt and black pants along with your black light jacket since there is a breeze outside. Then you do your hair and then when you look into the mirror for the last time you look better than you had in months. You have worked out over this period of time because you just needed something to do so you are more toned now.
When you walk back into the living room your kitchen is cleaned up and so is your living room and there is Tommy leaning against the wall on his phone. When he hears your footsteps he looks over at you and his eyes raise slightly. "You look really good" this causes you to laugh because his voice is softer than you've ever heard it and so you walk up to him and place your hand on his arm. "thank you"
He walks you to his car and then the both of you go to his place. Ellie's car is parked in the long driveway and so when the both of you walk into his home there Dina and Ellie are. Dina walks up and pulls you into a hug causing you to freeze momentarily before smiling and hugging her back.
Ellie takes a quick photo while Tommy looks at the both of you hugging as he smiles. Then when the both of you pull away she speaks "How are you doing? Are you alright?" Ellie comes up and gives her a look and she stops the questioning.
You look at her and smile "I think I'm feeling a little better since Tommy came. Maybe I did need to get out of my own home" She smiles and then Ellie pulls you into a hug and you hold her close for a moment before she pulls away and gives you a look "you look terrible. Have you not been sleeping"
A sigh escapes you and shake your head "not really but I'm fine. Ill sleep tonight" You were going to say something else but then Tommy walked in with a dog beside him and your eyes go wide. "oh my god when did you get a dog?!"
He looks at you and shrugs "I didn't. You did. Its yours, I know you have wanted one" The dog runs up to you and you kneel down for it to jump up and lick your face. You say some cute things to it as you pet it. "im naming you Dug"
This caused a laughter to go throughout the room and Ellie to ask "did you seriously just name your dog after the one from UP" When you look over at her you nod "yes I did"
Ellie and Dina joined you and pet the dog and you guys just sit down and play with the dog for a while. Tommy had taken a moment to just look at you. You were smiling as you and the dog played. He felt something ache in his chest for just a moment as he looked at you but he was quick to walk into the kitchen.
Eventually you all go to the living room. You order take out food and just talk. Tommy talks about the job and some things that have happened and the girls tell you about literally everything. Telling you stories about people and their own personal lives.
It was a great day and you missed these people but eventually the sun was beginning to go down and so Ellie and Dina both said their goodbyes leaving you and Tommy on the couch. You had been fighting sleep for almost an hour now and so once the door shuts Tommy taps your arm. "come on. You can take my bed its getting late and you need sleep"
You only yawn in response and were too tired to argue so you walk into his bedroom and flop face first into the mattress. Tommy rolls his eyes and hits you with a pillow. "come on get under the covers before you wake up complaining in the middle of the night"
To his words you flip him off and move. You cover yourself up and then scoot over in the bed. "look you are not sleeping on the couch. As much as I love you I do not want to hear you complaining about how your back hurts in the morning. Just lay here with me. Not like it would be the first time we have been in the same bed
He seems to think about his options before getting into bed with you. It doesn't take long for the both of you to get comfortable and to fall asleep holding each other. Lets just say its the best sleep you have gotten in a long time.
A few months go by and you have been practically living at Tommy's place. Your routine consisted of waking up and having your breakfast either inside watching a movie or taking it outside and enjoying the sunshine. Once you were finished you would work out and then get ready for the day.
Sometimes Tommy would come over and hang out for a bit before going to work or you would go over there. Dug has grown more attached to you. Everywhere you sat he was by your feet, everywhere you went he was by your side. It wasn't annoying because you knew he was doing it to keep you safe. As if he knew that you needed him.
Dug would come with you too Tommy's. The two of them were buddies too. The only time Dug would leave you was to go to him. That dog saved you in many ways. He motivated you to get up out of bed every morning, take him on walks, got you out of the house. He was wonderful and you couldn't thank Tommy enough for giving you him.
However over the past few months feelings had been blossoming between you and Tommy. You had felt something for him for about a month now. Hell you might have felt something for him all those years ago but here they were again, and you didn't have any idea if he felt the same for you.
But he did
Tommy had always felt something for you. When the two of you met he was married and he stayed loyal to her. His feelings for you were so deeply buried that he hadn't known they were there.
The moment he began to feel something for you again was when he saw you with Ellie. Ellie was a young teenager and was struggling still to get accustomed so you showed her the in and outs of the town you lived in. You showed her your garden, your library and many other places. However you saved best for last. Your music collection.
That's one thing the two of you had in common was your love for music. The both of you bonded over that and when you had walked her back to Joel and Tommy the both of you were laughing about something and just the sound of your laughter had him wanting you.
He promised himself he would wait for you. In fact he thought it would be the hardest thing in the world...but it wasn't. It was painful yes. To watch the person that he loves caught up with Joel and his foolishness was painful. It wasn't because he was jealous it was because he knew how this would affect you. And just as he feared...it happened and then you distanced yourself from everyone.
Ellie and practically everyone else could see how he felt for you. Everyone except you. and over the course of these past few months there had been certain times where he was sure he couldn't love you more.
These times being when you and Dug met. You were so gentle with each other. And your laughter. Then there was when you were reading a book with tears in your eyes and when he had asked what happened you said "he confessed his love for her. Its beautiful", Next was when you all went out for drinks and someone had started karaoke. You sang to a Queen song and brought Ellie on stage with you. You were laughing and dancing with Ellie and smiling.
You have done a lot of smiling the past few months and he could see just how much joy just radiates from you when you are happy. Its contagious, everyone around you cant help but be a little happier.
Something else that's been happening the past few months is that you have been sleeping like a baby. When you were at home you slept with soft music playing and didn't wake up till the sun rose. And on nights when you slept over at Tommy's the both of you would hold each other and sleep in late. and in doing so you looked the best you ever had.
Then this brings you to now its been about a year since that day Tommy had made you get our of your house instead of moping around and you were getting ready. It was now fall so you could wear your sweaters now without looking like a crazy person.
You put on your light brown sweater and some comfortable pants. Then you walk downstairs and Dug is already sitting by the door as you get your shoes on. Once your shoes are on you grab your wallet and phone putting them in your pocket before opening the door.
Dug had never needed a leash. He had always stayed by your side unless you specifically told him he can roam around freely. So now as you take him to the park that's around your home you bend down to pet him. "Okay buddy we can play for a bit okay but I would like to get some reading in" he wagged his tail in response and so you get out his ball and throw it. Dug takes off after it while you sit down on the bench.
Pulling out your book you open it and begin to read. You expected to only get a page in before he came back with the ball but when you see him dart in the other direction you look and when he reaches a person its none other than Tommy.
Tommy looks over at you and your eyes meet as he waves before throwing the ball again. As Dug goes after it again he walks over to you and sits beside you. "thought I might find the both of you here" you look up at him "am i really that predictable Timmy"
The both of you laugh softly before he asks what book your reading. "I'm reading Pride and Prejudice. I'm trying to finish it before the week is over" he nods and listens to you. "I remember watching that movie years ago. The love interest was kind of a dick to her right?"
This causes you to nod "Well yes you are correct BUT he ends up apologizing. He didn't realize the harshness of his words and he ends up changing up his act for the better and the two of them fall in love. Its sweet really" He looks at you as you speak and a soft smile forms on his lips. "What's sweet. The fact that he loved her enough to change himself. For the better and for her to be happy too?"
You meet his eyes and nod "exactly. To be loved is to be changed..is what I like to say" Tommy nods and then looks into your eyes. Its the kind of look that seems as if he could look straight into your soul and see every bit of you. "I agree with that. Loving someone will change you in the best way possible."
At his words and his gaze you could feel how your heart was beating. "are you speaking from experience?" you knew that your voice was wavering but you couldn't care especially when his response was "oh definitely. Cant you see just how much you have changed me"
You were at a loss for words so you instead bring your hand up to the side of his face. Rubbing your thumb across his cheek and jaw you pull him into a kiss. The kiss is soft and gentle so when you pull away you can speak. "cant you see how you have changed me? I mean take a real good look at me Miller"
He places his hands on your sides and smiles "oh hun I always take a good look at you. You are my heaven on earth"
Now Tommy has never been a very religious man especially after the out break but when those words escaped his mouth you couldn't help but kiss him once more. And the only reason you pulled away as soon as you did was because Dug had placed his head on your lap along with his slobbery ball.
This was your family, along with Dina and Ellie. This is the life you will choose every day and you knew that they will stay. pint
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Jamessss 💕💕💕
For your sleepover weekend,
Favorite buddie headcanon, buddietommy headcanon, and bucktommy headcanon
Hi Saturn!!!
Buck and Eddie love their son more than anything and always want to do things with Christopher, but they’ve also discovered that doing things with just the two of them is very fun. So they go on trips to the zoo, just Buck and Eddie being BuckandEddie, and while they’re there they spend way more time with the reptiles than they usually would (Eddie loves snakes but Christopher thinks they’re creepy), Buck begs for them to see the elephants and he tells Eddie facts about them for hours on end. And then when they’re done, they go past the gift shop, which they’d usually avoid with an enthusiastic teenager with them, and Buck buys Eddie a snake plushie he’s been gazing longingly at, and Eddie in return buys Buck a little elephant. They make time to go on these little date together, as well as the usual dinner and movie kind of deal.
Buck does take Tommy up on the offer of flying lessons, and Tommy decides to make a date out of it, without telling Buck first. They go up in the chopper, Tommy shows Buck all the controls and lets him take over, with Tommy ready to take back control if he needs to. Buck is so excited cause he’s flying a helicopter!!!! And he keeps looking over at Tommy with this big excited grin that makes Tommy so soft for him. When Tommy takes back controls, he flies them to the spot for their date - a small field where they land and he pulls out stuff for a picnic from the back of the chopper. Buck is sooooo giddy because he’s never been so thoroughly romanced before, and they have a very romantic afternoon together before Tommy flies them home.
Buddietommy to me are all very tactile. They love to touch and hug and kiss one another, but they all have their own little preferences. Buck likes it when Tommy snuggles up behind him in bed, and how Eddie will hold him against his chest, making him sandwiched between the two of them. Tommy likes the little kisses Buck presses against his chin, and how Eddie will push him against a wall and kiss him absolutely breathless. Eddie likes the way Buck lies completely on top of him and kisses his throat, and how Tommy will run his fingers through Eddie’s hair and kiss his forehead. They each have their own “couple” dynamic, but they love nothing more than it being the three of them, tangled up together as they watch a movie, knowing they can get love and affection from either one of their boyfriends.
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karenandhenwillson · 3 months
A little bit of Headcanon about Tommy (and Chimney)
We know now that Tommy was closeted in all the Begins episodes. We also know that Chimney spent roughly three years between his own Begins episode and Hen's somehow conforming to the general atmosphere at the 118 (see this post). If he hadn't he wouldn't still have been there three years down the road.
We also know that Tommy and Chimeny began rocky. I think, with the way Chimney found his calling as a firefighter, Tommy had many reasons to be wary of that new firefighter (I've detailed my thoughts about that here). Chimney became a firefighter mostly chasing the glory he had experienced after the fire at the bar. A glory hog is the last person you want to work with, you want to trust with your life in this line of work.
But Chimney got over that and Tommy opened up to him. Maybe opened up a little more to him than he did to others. I wonder how many people really knew back in the day that Tommy's favorite movie is Love Actually? I'm also going with the headcanon here that Tommy wasn't at the 118 or a firefighter for that much longer than Chimney.
So, what if Tommy eventually came to hope that with Chimney he had someone on the crew he could be a little bit more open with?
But then Chimney chose, just as much as Tommy, to conform to the status quo at the 118. And we know from Hen Begins that this included a lot of homophobic bullshit, too. I mean, Sal made a homophobic comment against Tommy just because he could. And Chimney wasn't at all disturbed over it, to the contrary, he even played into Sal's joke. (S: "Maybe you're Team Jakob." T: "I don't even know what that means." C: "He's suggesting you're gay." Yes, this is paraphrased, I don't want to take the time to look up the exact wording.)
So, Chimney settles into the 118 in 2005 and starts to blend in by behaving like the rest of the 118. Including homophobic jokes. And Tommy, deeply closeted, learns that maybe his hope to find an ally in Chimney was misplaced. That he really can't trust Chimney at all with that part of himself or with anything else.
We know that Chimney can be thoughtless and over-callous with his jokes. Especially if he tries to compensate for something. And to blend in with the crowd he had to compensate for everything Gerrard saw wrong in him, which means he had to compensate for a lot. (Don't twist your panties about the word choice here. Back then? "Compensate" would have probably been exactly the way everyone involved, including Chimney, thought about it.)
So how often had Tommy to sit through some homophobic bullshit from Chimney?
They never talked about it, of course. But there was a deep pain growing in Tommy the older he got, the more the wish grew to live his life openly. And then Hen came along and with her, the 118 changed. (Because, honestly, it wasn't Chim who changed the 118. It was Hen.) And Tommy saw that Chimeny could be different. Could be open and accepting of a queer person.
Though, maybe not of Tommy. And maybe Tommy thinks he doesn't deserve that anyway. So he kept staying in the closet and never talked with Chimney about it. And then he leaves the 118 and Chimney only ever calls when he needs help. But Tommy always answers, always provides the help asked for, because he knows he has to atone somehow for the pain he caused Chimney. And his own pain really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, does it?
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