#cause they are my favorite blorbos ever
brahmenbones · 6 months
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Who do you think is the most attractive guy in gossip girl? Carter, Dan, nate, Chuck lol?
I am a Dan girl through and through. like, *waves hand @ my ao3*
I was talking to a friend a few weeks ago about our childhood hearthrob crushes, re: 2000s teen soaps, and our seasonal Gilmore Girls rewatches, and I told her that "Me, I've always been into the dark haired men who are just a little bit pathetic"
Now, I do think Nate is very hot, and since I've been kind of on a jenate kick since this summer I've been like "jenny, girl, I understand"
Carter is attractive in the same way Georgina is attractive. he would make me worse and honestly I would let him because it would be fun while it lasted.
the only thing attractive about Chuck is his money
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thesinglesock · 10 months
my old How to Train your Dragon obsession suddenly re-emerging now, after I've spent years learning about Historical Viking Clothing and Crafts is great actually cause I get to apply the Fun History Knowledge to my favorite blorbos, and now I have some very specific scenarios.
in Viking culture, gift giving was a big complicated very significant thing. And one gift that was Especially Significant was that of a New Shirt. Women would propose to the guy they wanted to marry by making him a brand new linen shirt. I could go on for several pages about what that tells us about viking culture, gender roles, and also the extremely fun ways viking age stories used "gifting a shirt" as a symbol in romantic stories, but I'll restrain myself. This post is about How to Train your Dragon.
Astrid Hofferson can't sew. There's no way. Girl spent her whole life training to be a warrior, she has not had the time or patience to sit down and learn to sew (even though it involves a whole lot of stabbing things with a sharp object). I mean even her own clothes are made with minimal amounts of sewing (a needlebound tank top and some furs wrapped around her arms instead of sleeves).
Hiccup Haddock Horrendus III, on the other hand, knows how to sew. Sure he mostly works with metal and leather, but leatherwork requires sewing. I'm pretty sure I can find actual footage of him using a needle. Also his clothes are nicely sewn, and since he grew up without a mum, and his dad is a very busy man, he must have made at least parts of his outfit himself.
So my question is: how did they ever get engaged. How did that proposal go? Did Astrid suffer through learning a new skill so she could spend months of her life painstakingly stitching together the Worst Shirt Ever Made? I imagine her rage quitting after she has to undo that one seam for a fourth time, and in true Astrid fashion, just chucking it at Hiccup with full force when he walks into the room.
or! would Hiccup defy Viking Gender Norms because he gets that Astrid has no interest in sewing? and then he gets it into his head that it has to be the most elaborate shirt on the whole island cause it's for his girlfriend and he can't even remember ever seeing her in a nice shirt before? and that's a shame cause she deserves to have nice things! And he overthinks every choice along the way because what if she hates it???? But ofc it turns out really nice and she adores it.
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anthurak · 27 days
So I’ve been meaning to do a post on this topic for a while now, specifically ever since the release of the RWBY Volume 9 Epilogue short had me reevaluating one of my big issues with the volume. Namely this:
Just because a theory or take might work great for one specific character DOES NOT mean it works for the story as a whole.
You might have what feels like a great theory or take for this one character that could make total sense for them and could be great to see.
But ONLY for that character. Because this theory, as great as it might sound on paper, ignores drastic issues and effects that it would cause to OTHER characters or story elements or tone or themes that simply make it non-viable.
Essentially, it’s fandom tunnel-vision making you forget that nothing exists in a vacuum.
Alternatively, it could be taking issue with a certain narrative choice made for a certain character that might feel like it’s not living up to its potential or just being angry that your favorite blorbo didn’t get to do or be this thing you really wanted for them. All while ignoring that this writing choice could have been done to facilitate a much LARGER narrative goal.
So let’s talk about the end of Volume 9 and why I can no longer take issue with the choice to de-age Jaune.
Some might recall a post I did shortly after the end of Volume 9 decrying how Jaune was turned back to his young-adult age. How this felt like a typical ‘magic reset button’ that undid so much of the potential that ‘Old Man Jaune’ had and how it would have been so much more interesting to keep Jaune old and letting both he, the characters and the story explore and grapple with these changes. Essentially, a classic rant about ‘wasted potential’.
HOWEVER… after watching the Epilogue animatic, I get it. I get why CRWBY not only CHOSE to physically reset Old Man Jaune, but why they actually HAD to.
Because that ending scene with Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang and Jaune walking out of Raven’s portal, being reunited with their friends, seeing everything that Ruby’s message accomplished, and that overwhelming feeling of pure HOPE that the volume ends on…
That just wouldn’t have worked with Old Man Jaune.
CRWBY wanted to convey a feeling of pure HOPE and relief and optimism and an unambiguously HAPPY ending, and Jaune coming back as this old man so different from how his friends remembered him would have DEMINISHED that feeling.
As much as I like the idea of Old Man Jaune and don’t like the idea of this kind of ‘magic reset button’, I have to agree that turning him back to young-adult Jaune was the RIGHT choice for what Kerry, Miles, Eddie and the rest of team wanted to do for the end of Volume 9.
And I think there’s a lesson to be learned from that, you know?
That headcanonning might be fun, but if you’re going to be doing real serious theorizing about what you think or hope might ACTUALLY happen in a story, and perhaps even more importantly if you’re being CRITICAL as to what a story has already done, you have to keep a more holistic, ‘big-picture’ viewpoint in mind. Particularly for a complex, long-form story with a lot of moving narrative parts like RWBY.
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weirdo09 · 5 months
hobie brown
i’d just like to say, i hope y’all never meet a black boy nor man because y’all’s behavior over one black teenager is honestly disturbing.
like the racist headcanons, the not taking accountability for your disturbing fics about him because “HIS AGE ISNT MENTIONED!!” like don’t act dumb, you know them people said that he’s a slight older boy than miles which would be like 1-2 years, making him 16-17. it’s also just the “i want his dick inside of me” “i want to have his kids” and the sex hcs where it’s like “he’ll fuck you hard and not give you aftercare, just leaves you to take care of yourself.”
i’m not really bothered by the smut fics and hcs cause he is attractive and i will read them every once in awhile but y’all be taking it to the extremes, calling him toxic, making him out like some abusive boyfriend, he’s only sweet when he wants you to have sex with him, he only wants you for sex, he’s a full person but only cool because he’s in a band and has sex with you, he lets his band mates fuck you without your consent, he rapes you for whatever reason (y’all’s writings not mine), he doesn’t care about stopping to see if you’re okay or if you need a break.
basically what i’m seeing is that he’s only good for sex and some of the good fics about him only portray certain parts of him. like i’m all for writing about your favorite characters n what not but if you’re basically gonna treat his character like you’re personal boytoy and not see him as anything else, it’s really harmful. especially with y’all not tagging your fics correctly and the smut fics i previously mention get seen by a minor who would want to read smut of him but not that bullcrap.
y’all literally write him being abusive to his partner, not just physically but call it “teasing”. i’m sorry but if my partner said something about breaking up with me or that i’m not good enough, would i think that that’s just “teasing”? like honestly, if you treat all your ‘blorbos’ like this then i feel sorry for you because hobie’s an amazing character that isn’t just there for you to dream about fucking and getting pregnant by him.
he’s there to show you how corruption and fascism impacting your way of life can lead to you wanting to rebel and become an anarchist to that society. he’s there to teach you that you can make your rules, that you’re more than what one person tells you, you tell yourself what you wanna be. he’s a symbol for black people who don’t wanna follow the rules of a white supremacist, fascist society, for the people who’ve ever just been like “fuck the government, i’m my own person.”
i really feel like y’all take him for granted and he is a character for a children’s type of media so the “well minors shouldn’t be looking for his smut!!” doesn’t work here. honestly, do y’all ever care about characters that aren’t perceived as “fuckable” or “attractive” by your standards? it just really pisses me off because y’all act like that’s all he’s there for, your yearning for BBC has really dimmed your perception of this character. HES A IMPORTANT CHARACTER FOR YALL TO ROLE MODEL CAUSE ITS OBVIOUS YALL DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE MOVIE’S CHILD AUDIENCE BUT YOU GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIM SO
if you care about hobie, please remember that there’s more to him than you wanting him to fuck you and he would hate the things that you’ve done to him because you have bigger issues in the world than “he would fuck you with his big cock.” LIKE WAKE THE FUCK UP WE COULD BE MAKING ANALYSIS OF HIS CHARACTER BUT INSTEAD YOU THINK THAT HES JUST THERE TO BE EYE CANDY LIKE OMGGGG
just please for the sack of everyone, learn more about his character and stop tryna be antiblack and sex crazed over him. if you love hobie, just stop being the way that you are because it’s honestly disgusting to have to see grown adults wanting a canon minor to fuck them. you ain’t slick, the fact that i even have to write this is disgusting. do better, fandom is more than saying that you would fuck a character, care more about the teenagers on this site that are in the fandom with you as well. stop being selfish and start caring about the other people in the fandom.
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Your Raph is such a creature, I adore him I just want to chomp on his head
I have a question about Raph's shell crack near his shoulder. It seems quite deep and dramatic, is there any potential angst that you have in store for him in terms of the crack? A traumatic event that caused it to grow, or issues that it causes for him?
Love your tmnt iteration, all the boys are amazing but Raph has been and will always be my favorite blorbo
Haha, I’m glad you like him! I love Raph as a total menace XD
I assume you mean these ones?
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He actually can’t remember where he got them and Splinter doesn’t know either.
Raph had the scars from before Splinter bought them as normal baby turtles. The Pet Shop Owner, however, said that the four turtles that Splinter purchased were the problem pets that had all been bought and returned an average of four times, so Splinter assumes that one of Raph’s previous owners probably dropped him after Raph tried to nibble their finger off and accidentally cracked his shell.
His brothers have asked before what the crack feels like, and he says it doesn’t hurt at all unless there’s a lot of pressure being applied to that area. He also admits that the skin under where the missing piece is is a lot more sensitive than the rest of his skin. He barely notices the crack in the ridge of his shell, but sometimes his bandana tails get snagged in the crack which is pretty annoying.
The cracks with the most trauma behind them are the ones on his back and the one he gets later covering his plastron.
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The one on his back he got from taking a shuragen for Casey during the invasion that resulted in them having to halt their search for Leo. Raph blames it as the reason Leo almost died that day.
The one on his plastron is from getting smashed by a Triceraton during their fight to destroy the black hole generator. That one wasn’t so much any particular things that make him hate it like the last one, but it hurt like nothing he’d ever felt before. It was also the first time(and the only time) he’s ever coughed up blood, like, a lot too. By any normal circumstances, he should’ve died, but that’s what hyper advanced alien technology is for. It took him a while to be okay with close combat again, and he still has some issues with being pinned to the floor in martial arts.
Good question! :]
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New and all inclusive intro to the hellspace that's my brain and this blog!! Do not attempt to find any parallels in my blorbos to my behavior and desires I promise it says nothing about the very core of me as a living being haha
Every silly appearing above lives fulltime in my brain and refuses to pay the mortgage, in fact, is very adamant they will never do so. Henceforth, I yap about them sometimes!! Some more than others *coughNinecough* but they are always present
>Now to the tags I actively use!!
sonic prime / sonic the hedgehog / miles nine prower – The most of thoughts at the actual documented begining of life for this blog, and I like Nine!! A lot!! A character made specifically for me I think....
murder drones / arcane / nimona 2023 / dreamtale (UTMV) – Other stuff besides Sonic that I draw and yap about, although this is still mainly a Sonic blog
me does arts / littol doodl / actually finished doodl – My art tags!! I've been drawing the same character for over a year and a half now help :D Have no idea why I decided to split them into three separate categories but I belive the names are pretty self explanatory
me when I finish writing – I do a drabble or two sometimes as well just, don't expect for me to actually finish anything I start writing even though I say I will, that tag name is a lie
the silly text box – answered asks whenever I rember to use the tag lmao
silly brainwors – my yappings, Nine character analyses and headcannons!!
There's no talk tag, if you see my random unrelated thoughts, it was destined and once in a lifetime event
>I also have a few AUs but only of the "What if crossover variety
Prime bros – a more or less non commited collaborative effort of random.headcannons and drabbles between me and Marie and anyone else who has thoughts and wants to join in on the fun on the idea of having the Shatterverse foxes (Nine, Sails, Mangey and Tails) living together in green hill and causing mayhem because the way the show left them was bulshit and unsatisfying!!
The same but different is my own personal version of the prime bros universe than I'm.fighting tooth and nail to write and constantly failing gdhsg
Over the hills – is a Dreamtale and Sonic crossover brough on by The Nine-tailed travel guide through the multiverse event conceived by Donelywell and mashed with my long time held dreamswap au idea of Dream taking Night and running away from the village (I will...write the second chapter....eventually.......)
running from a Nightmare – another Dreamtale au, this time about corrupted Nightmare being set loose on the Sonic world by none other than Eggman and the suffering that comes with it (also fighting nose and finger to get it written, you see a pattern here?)
prime arcane – as seen above, I like arcane!! Jinx and Nine are eerily similar, I put them together, boom an Au :D other characters are there too but I need to get around actually designing them....
the n 'n n's (read as m&m's) – unserious crossover where I put Nine Night and Nimona together and have them be silly (perhaps Nuzi will tag along some day too...)
>This will most likely get updated in case I get possessed by something new or remeber a tag I forgor
Hey you scrolled this far might as well put some more random trivia abt me here :D
>paleontology and zoology nerd, but only as an avid listener to four hour documentaries, I don't actually know shit- (Miniminuteman, casual geo and Lydnsey Nikole hyper carry this special interest)
>Obviously a followup to previous point needed, favorite dinosaur is the Archeopterix and the animal ever is the Blunt Headed Tree Snake
>I have a pet snake, her name is Ebi and is a black head spider python!!
>Fourth (and last, pray for me please) year of studying Mechanical engineering, I also have no fucking clue what I'm doing, I don't know a lick of math :DD
>Favorite color is pink!! (In case you couldn't tell by my art and this whole post lmao) I went through a goddamn hero's journey to learn to love it alright you can pry the seven plain hot pink shirts from my cold dead hands
>I'm Slovak!! *zahučanie sokola a zvučka fujary*
>undiagnosed but there's something...
>I could recite the story of the ugly duckling backwards as a kid (unrelated to previous point)
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ghostatservice · 3 months
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Made a quick pixel sprite of one of my favorite blorbos cause ngl I’m a bit rusty cause I haven’t really done pixel art that much ever since I started college (but soon I’ll be free… I’m counting the semesters until I’m free..)
Anyway you should play viva piñata it’s a farming game with a surprising deep lore behind the characters like Dastardos here he got fucking corrupted when he was a child and I think that’s tragic and funny
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impishtubist · 7 months
Some posts talking about Sirius and Remus:
Remus was a flawed character. He was soooo grateful to dumbledore, and never dared to bother anyone ever with his own problems, and deeply loved his friends even after they treated him like trash, poor and disabled, and that's why we love him!
Sirius was an asshole who never grew past his teens and caused the death of everyone, and tried to use his friend as amusement and a murder weapon, while also abusing his house elf
Yes these are comparable and fair in my mind
Yeah, my least favorite Sirius take is that he's reckless and irresponsible. It's brought up in canon by Molly and Hermione (Hermione even uses it to try to justify his death!), but the most heartbreaking one for me (and probably why this fanon exists, tbh) is where Harry thinks he's as reckless a godfather to Teddy as Sirius was to him. And we all KNOW Sirius wasn't reckless and irresponsible, but of course that's how Harry sees it, because he's grieving and hurt that Sirius left him.
Another Sirius take I hate is that he never matured beyond 21, and Remus is SO mature and wise compared to him. That is not supported at all by canon. Who wrote to Harry diligently throughout GOF and gave him advice? Who told him NOT to do reckless things like going into the Forest? Who lived in a cave and ate rats just to be near Harry? Who had the wisest advice and insight re: Karkaroff and Snape and Dumbledore and Fudge and Crouch?
Sirius had to grow up real fucking fast as a teenager living in an abusive household, and then again as a young adult fighting a war. Being stuck in wizard torture prison for 12 years does NOT mean that his maturity got stunted, omg. That's just a lie the Remus apologists like to perpetuate bc it makes their poor innocent long-suffering blorbo look better by comparison.
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geckosoddysee · 1 year
Ko-Fi Post
Twitter Post
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MY CHILD IS 2 NOW. VEE MY BELOVED GAY LIL' SLUG BLORBO. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. I'm sorry it's slightly belated but yeah, 2 years ago, Yesterday's Lie premiered. & Vee was officially given her introduction properly & reality was finally based & good because Vee finally arrived.
I love her so much, she's also part of why I was able to find out I'm nonbinary (Her & Masha both helped the most)
She is the best character & I will never forgive disney for fucking over Season 3 & causing Vee to get barely any time to develop more (Out of all the characters, Vee was one of the most fucked over by the shortened 3rd season because it's very apparent she needed more time to properly tell her entire arc.)
One of the most painful but best written episodes of the show.
Happy birthday to the worlds perfect autistic, gay, traumatized & adorable slug. Vee nation rise up.
I will never stop yelling about Vee. She is the best ever. My beloved slug child whom I shall protect with my life.
Yesterday's Lie premiered 2 years ago, & with it, introduced my favorite character. Vee my beloved.
And uh, also I was planning to have more art but I wasn't able to finish more in time & I'm already late so, hey, uh, here's some of the previous Vee art I posted too. I just wanna celebrate my comfort character rn. Bc she means a lot to me & she just makes my autism go brrrrr
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chaoticarson16 · 11 months
main six - 🟡🔴🏡 🧵 🗣
um i didn’t know if you wanted us to pick one for your character headcanon ask game, so i chose multiple just in case. also didn’t know who to choose lol
Multiple is perfectly fine cause it lets me rant about more than one of my blorbos :D (Also sorry I forgot to check my inbox!!)
🟡 - Happy
California: When he’s happy he bounces on the balls of his feet while flapping his hands and even though he won’t admit it New York finds this adorable (Me? Projecting? Nooooo)
New York: He barely shows it but he really enjoys having the rest of the northeast + California around and he likes making them little gifts and anonymously leaving them in front of their door
Louisiana: He both enjoys and gives the best hugs. He knows what kind of hugs the rest of the states like and loves just randomly appearing and hugging them
Florida: He can actually bake really well and loves to make snacks for the South. He has everyone’s favorite desserts, snacks, and allergies memorized.
Texas: Even though he’d deny it, he really likes cuddling. Whether it be cause someone was cold, sad, or just wanted to. He’s also like the perfect pillow cause he’s one of the biggest states and there’s enough room for quite a few people.
Gov: He really loves snakes so any time he sees one his eyes do the cat thing and he has to keep himself from ranting about that specific species
🔴 - Angsty/Sad
California: He genuinely doesn’t know why most states hate him. He understands some is politics but he doesn’t know why the others do. It affects him so much he’s changed himself so much to get them to like him that very few know what he’s actually like
New York: He keeps up his rude demeanor because he doesn’t wanna get too close to people in fear they’ll leave. He’s terrified of losing people he loves so he chooses to stay away from people. But it eats him up inside that he doesn’t really have anyone so he’s stuck in this cycle of wanting friends but not wanting to lose them
Louisiana: During the Civil War he was so torn between doing what his government wanted and doing what his people wanted. In the end he was forced to help his government through threat of harm. He still has heavy survivors guilt and is tormented by the spirits of his lost people. (I headcanon him as African American and that he can see spirits)
Florida: He puts on a mask that he’s happy all the time but it makes him sad knowing that most of the states are scared of him or hate him. He likes causing chaos cause it’s how his people are but he hates how the other states pull away from him when he does it.
Texas: He likes to act like he’s big and tough and that nothing affects him but it does. Every event in his state, big or small, affects him. The insults some states will throw out. He takes those to heart and truly believes them. He acts like he’s confident but he’s insecure and severely doubts he’ll ever be good enough (Damn that was rougher than I expected it to sound)
Gov: When he first came around as Continental Congress, he had so much work that most nights he didn’t sleep. PA tried to help him but it was just too much. He did that so often that it’s now become a habit. He will work until his body physically can not move anymore, sometimes skipping meals to get it all done
🏡 - Home
California: (I saw this from someone else and I stole it because it was such a good headcanon) When not at the statehouse he lives in a hobbit type house that connects into the surrounding mountain. It’s pretty roomy and he somehow has wifi in there.
New York: Usually at the statehouse cause his room there is bigger than the room in his apartment. He has a small apartment with enough space just for him.
Louisiana: He shares a house with Florida when not at the statehouse (literally married) it’s a decent sized one story house. They share one room and the others are used for shenanigans. They live away from most people so their yard is until they get to another house.
Florida: Usually the statehouse or the house he shares with Loui
Texas: He’s usually not at the statehouse. He has a ranch and a lot of land with it. He’s usually gone taking care of his horse Janie and his dog Buck. The ranch consists of his main house, a shed, and a barn with a stable. Think of a stereotypical barn then make it a light brown
Gov: This man almost never leaves his office. When he does he lives at the statehouse. He can not afford to leave them alone in the same house
🧵 - Hobbies
California: Surfing, skateboarding, hiking, basically most out door activities plus drawing, cooking, playing drums or guitar, and singing
New York: This man absolutely loves fashion. He also likes drawing, cooking and “gardening”
Louisiana: Cooking, (literally all of them can cook I’m so sorry) singing, playing instruments, dancing, and writing
Florida: Baking, dancing, singing, playing guitar and drums, causing chaos, swimming, and scaring the states with how much he actually knows
Texas: Baking, actual gardening, crochet, trick riding, shooting targets, and playing with his dog
Gov: Writing, drawing, hiking or going on walks, biking
🗣️ - Social
California: He’s pretty friendly with most people he meets and likes talking with people on social media platforms (he definitely has tumblr)
New York: He rarely talks to other people and actively avoids it
Louisiana: He treats everyone he meets like family and everyone loves him
Florida: He likes talking to random strangers about the things that interest them but when it comes to the states he actively tries to find a way to make it into a joke
Texas: He has a bit of social anxiety but it’s mostly in crowds where it’s a lot harder to escape. He enjoys talking to the other states about sports and stuff but he also likes talking to New Jersey about gardening
Gov: This man is so awkward, it’s great. The only social interaction he’s had is with politicians and the states. He can be professional no problem but the moment it comes to casual conversation he blanks. He mainly lets the person he’s talking to rant to him about things. The states actually go to him and rant about any and everything cause they know he won’t tell them to shut up
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ruija · 1 year
Since Leo is your fav what your opinion on the rest of the boys? If you don’t mind my asking I am just curious I been trying to find blogs that don’t act like Leo raph hate each other because they have differing opinions on stuff. They are siblings siblings be like that like ya know?
Hello! When it comes to 2k3 and Rise, I love all the turts very dearly. I just tend to fixate on my top blorbos, haha. I assume you're specifically asking about the 2k3 turtles, so I'll talk about them! When thinking about Leo and Raph's relationship, this extract from Leo's bio usually comes to my mind.
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(Transcription: While I often disagree with Raphael, he is my brother, and I enjoy the times that we spend goofing off. I just wish that he'd try to see things from some other perspective than his own (something he no doubt says about me as well!)) I think it was originally showcased on some official 2k3 tmnt website. You can read the whole thing here. I'm super fond of this bit, because I think it sums them up very well. It's just very down-to-earth and peaceful sentiment. Leo acknowledges that yes, Raph can frustrate him a lot, but he loves him and spending time with him anyway.
AND the "something he no doubt says about me as well!" Has kind of stuck with me since the first time I saw it. Leo's like; "Yeah, I get it. I can be a pain in the shell too." And I don't think he vocalizes this sentiment, in these kind of terms in the show.
The 1st season sets up a lot of Leo vs Raph rivalry, with Leo being the responsible one and Raph rebelling against that. They have the big clash in 2nd season City at War arc. In SAINW universe they're basically on "It's On Sight(however impaired)" -terms. The 2007 movie with it's Leo&Raph drama often bleeds into 2k3 fanworks. So I get where the fanon interpretation of them hating each other comes from. I just feel like it often gets blown out of proportion. Most of the time those two get along well and rely on each other.
And since you asked how I feel about the other turtles, I'll try to summarize here what I love about them, haha! I adore 2003 Raph, because he's so damn hilarious. The gruffiness, deadpan sass, feral troublemaking, the " oh for FUCK'S SAKE!!" -energy. He has this special flavor of being so done with everything, all the time. It's so funny. And then there's his calmer side. When he's mature and reliable, a fierce protector <3.
2003 Donnie is hands down my favorite Donnie ever. His gentle, soft-spoken nature, patience and kindness are so special. He's such a sweetheart! A silly boy! But he won't let you walk over him! He'll sass and shoot you with a lazergun!
I'm a huge fan of 2003 Mikey's portrayal. Because he's the classic fun-loving imp, who loves to cause trouble and goof around, but he's also very down-to-earth. He's really resilient, competent and mature when the situation calls for it. Despite his own dramatics and his brothers often teasing him, he feels trusted and respected.
Overall I appreciate how well written the turtles are in 2k3. They are very grounded, complex and multidimensional, with a lot of depth to them. And the way you get so many different dynamics with different brother combos, is endlessly fascinating.
Anyway's hope you enjoyed my ramblings. Thanks for the ask!
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magewolf-the-artist · 6 months
Domestic K-9: The Worst Pokemon Evolutions Ever
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Oh boy, time to explore the ramifications of trauma and how it impacts people!
(Note: I do NOT have trauma or PTSD, although I've done a fuck ton of research on the subject for a different story and am applying the things I learned here. If anybody with any kind of trauma or PTSD spots any inaccuracies, please please PLEASE feel free to let me know. I wish to portray these issues with as much care and respect as possible)
So here I've display the three, I guess, stages of these fuckers. Life, the immediate response to, y'know, everything, and how they're holding up now. Except for Rosemary because I'm kind of an asshole to my blorbos. But obviously with Charles and Susan, they are not in any way "fixed" or even "healed" from their trauma, they moreso stabilized and got used to it. And now let's finally get into it!
SUSAN WOODINGS: So in life, Susan was generally closed off except for a select few amount of people and, while she could be snippy, she was actually pretty chill despite always looking like she wants to murder everybody in the general vicinity. Basically she looks a lot meaner than she actually is.
In death though, that's a completely different story. For the first year or so she had an EXPLOSIVE temper and would blow up over the smallest things, like a powder keg kept near sparklers. If the facility had a swear jar and money, she probably could've funded college for Sophie, Edd, AND Molly. She said many hurtful and cruel things to people she was close to (mostly Charles) that she now deeply regrets. It's all water under the bridge at this point but it still sometimes keeps her up at night.
As of the current point in the timeline, she's since calmed down quite a bit. She's less likely to snap over small shit unless it's Bon, to which she will gladly be just as bitchy as she was. She does have bad days though and is generally much more easily irritated and snippy.
CHARLES BROOK: In life, Charles is the ultimate dad. Easy going, friendly, very jokey, admittedly kinda naive, loves his kid. In death... well...
When they first got to the facility, he was an absolute wreck. He had resisted giving into Bon up until the point where he was starting to fade and, absolutely terrified of the idea of being Thanos snapped out of existence, reluctantly possessed the Boozoo animatronic. But even still he deeply regretted that choice. As well as that, he was extremely distraught about leaving his daughter and wife behind, on Lily's birthday no less, and that he was never found. He spent the first several weeks consumed by the intense misery and grief and was incoherent at best and delusional at worst. As previously mentioned, he got it into his head at some point that if he could just break down the walls, he could escape and constantly flung himself into the solid concrete walls. It didn't help that Susan wasn't terribly understanding and had little patience for this.
After a few weeks passed though, he began to stabilize and was generally able to recover a semblance of his goofy, friendly personality. That's not to say the trauma hasn't impact that though; he has to constantly distract himself or else he'll have a full on breakdown and desperately tries to change the topic whenever his death or his family is brought up. He and Susan have also since smoothed things over and Charles holds no resentment towards her now.
ROSEMARY WALTEN: Everyone's favorite sad mom!
So in life, Rose was generally kind, caring, humble, creative, and introverted, although she had come out of her shell since her younger years and was perfectly capable of being social.
But in death... hooooo boy, buckle up chucklefucks, 'cause this is gonna get SAD
As previously mentioned, Rosemary is a mess. Constantly crying, completely drawing into herself, rarely speaks to anybody but Rocket, and is unable to bring herself to do anything outside of draw, think, or cry. She's kinda just frozen in time, unable to stabilize like Charles and Susan, which is why she has no stage 3. The closest thing to that I can confidently say she's gotten is pouring herself into her art and caring for Rocket, but even still it's not much.
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sunset-a-story · 1 month
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
Thank you to @ceph-the-ghost-writer who tagged me in this and you should def go read their post here! And thanks to @davycoquette for creating the event!
On the Tumblr Writing Community
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since November 2022
What led you to create it?
After having a beyond shitty 2020-2021 and pulling away from social media in general, a friend suggested I give tumblr a shot. I was also desperately looking for beta readers for Sunset and wanted to get involved in a writer community.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
The people! Getting to connect with writers whose brains work like mine!! And getting to rotate their ocs in my head! I've made some incredible friendships through writeblr that I wouldn't trade for anything.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I am as obsessed about Sunset as I seem (possibly more--let's not get into it) but I also love listening to people talk about the things they're obsessed with so I'm always up to exchange some excitement about our respective projects. Also, I'm hella dyslexic so if we chat, be warned you may get some word salad from me sometimes.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I love seeing little quotes or snippets of info about OCs that help me become obsessed with them. And out of context lines/dialogue! Those are always a delight.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Just put yourself out there! It took me a long time to be comfortable posting anything at all but that's the only way people can get a sense of your stories. Also, don't be scared to reach out to other writeblrs through asks and dms. We're a shy breed but once you corner us into a conversations, you've unleashed a flood of excitement.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Sunset is my main project that I'm writing with my partner @touloserlautrec. It's a behemoth 2,000+ pages of converging plotlines and slow burn romance and intrigue and monster hunting. It's everything I love in a story wrapped up into one. Volume 1 (Sunrise) is out, Volume 2 (High Noon) is releasing weekly, and Volume 3 (Sunset) is probably 75% drafted. (Links in my intro if this somehow reaches someone who isn't already following me.) I've also been poking at a fluff side project to blow off steam for the first time in forever. It's a fluffy romance urban/fantasy with fae and a gay strip club. Just 'cause. I don't know that I'll ever post what I'm writing of this, but who knows?
How long have you been working on them?
Sunset for about 17 years, but seriously writing it for the past 8 years. Fluff Side Project? A month?
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
I ran an in-person RPG back in college that led Tou and I to create the world of Sunset and the initial core cast (Reeve, Alex, Hannah, Gareth, Misha, Adler) and then it all spiraled out from there. Fluff Side Project comes from some characters we made just playing around in a world we created as a no-stress play zone. The problems are smaller. The stakes are nothing like the high tension world of Sunset. It's fun. It's gay as hell. It's fluffy. And July is my least favorite month so I decided, hey, why not write it down while I've got writer's block for Sunset?
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Sunset: 28 hours a day. Fluff: I squeeze in 3 or 4 hours in the evening.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I struggle to answer this question and it depends on who is asking. If it's on tumblr? I say I write science-fantasy slow build action with horror elements and lots of intrigue. IRL? I deflect.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I write about ruining Alex and Reeve's life.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
There. Are. Too. Many. My favorite babies from my head are Reeve, Penn, Marek, and Anise.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Hannah is my most unhinged trash-panda gremlin. My nudist sniper. Ace Queen. Never shave, never surrender.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Reeve. And yes, that does worry me. (And my therapist.)
Do you ever cringe at them?
The #drag Reeve tag is a thing for a reason. (But really, I love him dearly and he doesn't truly deserve to be dragged as much as he is imo. It's a good bit tho)
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
I can wrangle when I need to but they do feel like independent little critters in my head. Writing for me tends to be me transcribing the movie I'm watching in my head while muttering, "OHMYGOD Hannah are you seriously going to say that? What is wrong with you?" Or "Reeve. Reeve. REEVE NO."
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
OMFG YES. Please give me any excuse to talk about these guys.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
If I jive with their WIP concepts or they have interesting OCs. Fantasy or sci-fi elements. Queerness. I'm more likely to follow if their intro has something about wanting to connect writers who are looking to hype each other up because that is what I am also looking for.
What makes you decide against following?
If their blog is full of hateful stuff or just super negative.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Sure! I'm new enough to Tumblr that the lore of mutuals and non-mutuals hasn't rooted in my brain enough for me to super know which is which in my feed except for my small core group of moots I talk to regularly. So I interact with whatever posts catch my attention, moot or not.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
OHMYGODYES. There is a little mobile of characters and animals (a fish and some frogs) that dangles over my little brain threatening to distract me at all times.
I'll no-pressure tag some of my beloved moots here that I haven't seen recently tagged with this: @scribe-of-stories @words-after-midnight @pandoras-comment-box @revenantlore
@void-botanist @covenscribe And of course, anyone else who wants to do it!
You can find the clean question template here
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puff-the-bunny · 22 days
[Audio not necessary, it's the "Epcot Ball" vine] [It's not about the BBC adaption I SWEAR to everything holy and un, KEEP THAT WRETCHED MAN AWAY FROM MY POST.]
My friends keep talking about their favorite characters and this is unironically how I feel whenever I'm involved in the conversation... Sorry for quite possibly having one of the lamest blorbos ever, I can't help it
More art I did with my FEET. It's not necessarily like this cause it's lazy, it's because it's quite difficult to draw things when you aren't using your HANDS.
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wetcatspellcaster · 7 months
Do you have any writing tips for newbie fic writers? Your descriptions are gorgeous. Thank you for pieces BTW, it's my favorite 'piece' of writing ❤️
hi anon, thank you for the kind words!💞💞 I'm flattered that I'm someone that you'd think to ask this question, so I'll do my best to answer! I've put my response beneath a keep reading cut to prevent it being a long post :)
I wasn't sure how to interpret this question, so I'll focus on 'technical' (?) tips mostly. Hope any of them help, in some small way!
my main tip to new fic writers is: write, first and foremost, for yourself, and to feed yourself. I've seen this perspective get put through the disk-horse ringer of late, so take it or leave it, or take it with as much of a pinch of salt as you need. But truly, from the bottom of my heart and from my position of sudden newfound popularity, this is the most important lesson I was ever given and so I have to say it. Popularity is not guaranteed. Even a popular fic will have haters and people who think it objectively sucks, and the readers who like you will never be fully pleased with what you've delivered. This could all be very depressing and cause an author to lose motivation.... if you make it the criteria for success in the first place. If you make the criteria for success your own happiness (or perhaps the happiness of you and a few close pals), providing yourself with what you, specifically, want to see, you will probably want to keep writing regardless of all other factors. Produce fics that you want to reread when you need comfort, when you are sick, and when you want to see your blorbos exactly the way you want them. This will make any fic worthwhile to you, regardless of stats, and prevent you from writing things that will suffer if your heart isn't in it! (this doesn't preclude gift fics/prompts! sometimes your heart can be 100% in providing food for others. find your key motivators, and feed that - a healthy amount - if you're trying to get into writing as a hobby!)
Now, onto my writing tips! I don't consider myself an expert and these are more lessons that have helped me, specifically, to improve my writing. But maybe something in here will be of use!
Bc you say you like descriptions... I tend to go into detail only when it's an essential thing that needs to be described. Leave wider details for readers to fill in with their own beautiful mind-palaces, and this gives you permission to go ham on what matters. What is it that matters? maybe it's a piece of the environment (say, a soul jar) or maybe it's just how hot one part of your ship is, in their hot clothes or out of them. If you focus on the important stuff but leave the rest to background, this not only creates a good balance of action to description, but it also shows the reader what they should prioritise in the scene.
I also google '[WORD] synonyms' a lot, for descriptions specifically. Which seems like it might be condescending advice, but it both helps you find different words if you're worried you're repeating yourself, and sometimes confirms that yes. You are using the best word actually, as you were.
Get a good balance of complex/simplistic words, as well as a good balance of complex/simplistic sentences. Sometimes you need a flowery description, sometimes you just need to state explicitly what is happening or the way things are. Tone will shift depending on your balance of these two things, so test the waters and see what works for you!
If you feel like you've written too much dialogue, the answer is probably no, you haven't written too much dialogue - for fic specifically. Most people are reading fic bc they want their faves to interact more. You are giving them more interaction and they will probably love it.
If you find phrases you like in the books/fic you read, it isn't plagiarism to use them so long as you recontextualise them. I'm certain I've used other people's words multiple times, particularly for my descriptions/imagery, and this is totally ok so long as the context is original. If you're worried, or its a whole sentence/interaction you like, examine the sentence/interaction and work out why you like it so much. Is it the sentence structure? Is the character dynamic? Is it the way the kiss plays out? Take the things you find sexiest in other people's writing and find ways to incorporate it into your own work!
I proofread by reading aloud. Yes, I sound mental and unhinged. My cats are worried about me. But this not only helps you catch mistakes, it helps to test the flow of a sentence! If you're ever worried a sentence is too long/a line of dialogue doesn't sound in character, read it aloud! This will help you work out if it's flowing or not, and if it isn't then you'll get some clues as to why!
Don't be afraid to take risks, if you want to take risks! This can apply to anything: being brave enough to put in a joke you're not sure people will find funny, describing something in a way you're worried people will find weird, tackling something from a perspective or POV that you find challenging. This may be a more intermediate tip, but you can start with small risks, and experimenting helps you find your writing voice! Taking risks makes your writing unique :) and I can't explain how much better my writing has gotten since I gave myself specific challenges. You will not get it perfectly write 100% of the time (there are some parts of Pieces that are weak compared to other parts) but it will always help you improve.
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