#center: cinderella yell
imasallstars · 1 year
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SSR/SSR+ 【Filho do Sol】Natalia
“Get all that work out of you head! Now is the time to enjoy this resort♪”
FOCUS STAT     9282 DANCE at max Level, Max Bond, 0 Potential TOTAL APPEAL     15 703 Skill:「Beleza For You」    (Tricolor Symphony) When ALL TYPES of idols are in your unit, for every 9 seconds, there is a 40~60% chance that skills activating in the same time will be boosted, for 4~6 seconds. Center Skill:「Cinderella Yell」    When you clear a LIVE, you will gain an increase of 50% boost in terms of EXP, Money, and Friend Points.
※ this card is limited through scouting in CINDERELLA FESTIVAL BLANC starting 30.07.2023
※ the card's name is Portugese of "Child(Son) of the Sun"
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bluemari23 · 8 months
soul glow | choi seungcheol
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summary: you attended your first concert, waiting a long time to see your ult group perform. unable to recognize a soul bond taking place, you leave early, leaving seungcheol to scramble to find you.
pairing: choi seungcheol x neurodivergent reader
genre: soulmates, soul bonds, idol au, angst
warnings: a cinderella moment indeed, mentions of overstimulation,
word count: 1.4k
an: couldn't help myself. I had a dream of this and needed to write it out.
The concert was your first, and you wouldn’t question if it was also to be your last. You were overwhelmed to say the least. You could practically feel your skin crawl as the colored lights flashed throughout the stadium. 
You had come with your best friend, wanting to see your ult group, Seventeen, while they were finally visiting a city even remotely close to you. You had both waited a long time for them to come, often writing your own prayers on social media with the hopes someone in management would see. 
And now, you’re not sure how you feel. 
“If you’re not feeling it, we can always leave early.” You friend yelled out to you over the music. You were in the front row of the bottom section, right behind the floor seats. You were to the side of the stage, but still had an amazing view of the boys as they performed. 
You loved your friend, how understanding they were, but you just shook your head. You didn’t pay all this money for you to leave early, and because you were overstimulated. You hated feeling like a burden and you knew how much your friend was also looking forward to the concert. You both had been waiting to experience the right of passage for every carat at a concert, the ten thousand aju nices that would happen at the end. 
To be fair, you might just be overstimulated by the lights surrounding the boys, particularly on your side of the stage. You couldn’t figure it out, given it was a bright golden glow and none of the colored lights going on in the stadium resembled that glow or even just the lights that lit up the stage. 
You tried to make the best of your opportunity and sung along to your favorite song once it played. Shadow held a special place in your heart and you loved the timber of the groups individual voices as they sang, particularly Mingyu and Scoups as they gave their best selves to the performance. 
Once the instrumental for To You began to play, Scoups tried his best to remember the choreo but he couldn’t help but to continue to move towards the left of the stage, something catching his eye as he turned to look at their fans. 
He couldn’t help but to falter in his steps, thankfully no one caught his mistake as he was quick to sing his lines. The bright glow of gold held his attention, more like the woman who the glow centered around. 
He could name numerous different soul bonds, from the Flower Halo to the more common Soul Mark, but never did he think he would be blessed with a Soul Glow as his bond. And never did he think he would find his soulmate during one of their concerts, where he can’t immediately move to greet his soulmate, bringing them into his embrace and holding them tight. 
He had even more vigor as he continued on with the concert, knowing that his soulmate was watching him and his brothers perform. Something that everyone seemed to notice, especially his band members. 
During one of the outfit changes, Joshua has come up to him and asked him if he was okay, and he couldn’t hold back. 
“My soulbond activated. She’s here, Shua.” He admitted, causing Joshua’s eyes to widen in shock, and for the excited shouts of his other members who had not so subtly been eavesdropping on their elder members. 
They all quickly dressed in their next set of clothes, and right before they had to go back on stage, Seungcheol has pointed you out to his fellow members and manager, who had been tasked to get a message across to his soulmate before the end of the concert, wanting to meet his soul glow. 
Despite trying their best, his members kept moving to the left of the stage, trying to get a good look at who would be their new best friend by the end of the night. Yeah, they would give you and their leader your space, but they were determined to be your friends, seeing as you would be stuck with their leader forever. 
This was something the crowd noticed as well, those on the floor moving to the left trying to get the boy’s attention and whatever way they could. It only happened for a couple of songs, but then the boys moved back to giving equal time to all sides of the stage. 
It was weird, and something you and your friend both acknowledged. 
“I wonder what happened?” You friend questioned aloud, causing you to hum your agreement. 
“Maybe something caught their eye?” Was your own reply, thinking that to be the most likely answer. 
Either way, the concert continued but not without difficulties. Mainly for you. 
You had tried your hardest, but despite that, you couldn’t help but to feel as though you had overdone your tolerance, the biting pain of your nails digging into your palm a sad reminder.
Loud noises had always been a problem for you; the pain in your head and the itching under your skin that had your scratching marks into your arm was always a reminder. You don’t know why, but too much stimulation always caused somewhat of a shutdown for you, where you couldn’t speak and your mind didn’t seem to want to focus on anything in particular. 
By the time the third Aju Nice had rolled around, you were past your limit and you friend could tell. 
“Hey, you know what, it’s okay. I can see why so many people get tired after the first round. My feet are aching and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.” Your dear friend helped you out of the aisle and towards the stairs that would lead out to the lobby of the stadium. 
You tried to protest, but even those were weak as you followed behind your best friend. You were incredibly thankful for them and knew you would need to make up for leaving the concert early, even if they are adamant about leaving.
Vernon was the first to notice you leaving, following behind the woman who had been sitting to your right. He tried his best to signal to Seungcheol, but only managed to at the end of the third Aju Nice encore. 
“She’s leaving, Cheol.” Vernon tried to be discrete, which thankfully he managed. His words caught the attention of the others, who had all huddled together near one corner of the stage, watching a couple of their fans in costume dance. They all watched the two women make their way to the stairs and out of the main stadium area.
Cheol panicked, sitting down at the edge of the stage and gesturing for his manager, making him aware of the dilemma. He could only watch as his manager had grabbed some of their security with him and started backstage, trying to catch up to you. 
His heart was racing as he tried his best to focus and make sure the concert ended like every other one, doing his best for his fans. It was like he could feel you getting further away from him, could feel the distance festering in his soul. 
As he sang the last encore, he had come up with a number of ideas, ways to track you down if you did manage to get away from him tonight. 
Once the last note played and they started to leave the stage, Seungcheol walked until he was out of sight of his fans, the proceeded to run to his dressing room, where hopefully you would be waiting with his manager. 
Disappointment and defeat coated his veins as he opened the door, the emptiness in his soul prominent as the room was empty from what he could only imagine would be your inevitable warmth. 
“I’m sorry, Seungcheol, they were driving out of the parking lot by the time we managed to get into the lot. One of the security team did manage to get their license plate number so we have that written down.” His faithful manager spoke sincerely, not wanting to upset Seungcheol more than he probably already was. 
Everyone was throwing out suggestions, some of the members even going to action as they tried to see if they could access ticket information from the stadium itself. Seungcheol remained quiet though, determination flowing through him as he followed along with Mingyu, calling their company and the stadium head to see what they could do. 
One way or another, he would find his soul glow. 
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ash5monster01 · 5 months
Streetlife Serenade
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Chapter Three - Weekend Song 🎶
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, money struggles, emotional vulnerability, mentions of sleeping together, minor language, just two kids in love.
Summary: You and Steve finally both get a weekend off of work and Steve wastes no time taking you on a little getaway for just the two of you. It may not be much but it’s enough.
word count: 2.5k
Two ←→ Four
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Winter 1986
If I'm gonna lose it I might as well be doin' it right
Steve can’t tear his eyes away from the clock. It had been like this his entire shift. Robin had already yelled at him twice for not helping her restock but how could he? How could he do something as mundane as putting movies on a shelf when he knew in just two hours you will be standing at your door and ready to go?
He had been working to hard anyway, picking up shifts just to fill the time when Robin and the kids were at school, and to spend more time with you. It had been back breaking and the overtime had run him down. The only thing even keeping him alive was doing a nine to five shift and knowing it was one step closer to getting enough money to share a life with you.
When the clock finally strikes five he’s out the door as fast as Cinderella at midnight, leaving Robin in his dust who just rolls her eyes because her best friend is dumb and in love. He knew he didn’t have the money to go on a trip but for the first time since starting at Family Video you both had the weekend off, so he was going to take his girl on a get away trip. Whether you picked him up, met him at the station, or rode in his car for hours. He couldn’t afford a vacation but he could take the strain if it meant going with you.
“Hey baby, you ready?” he calls out, pushing the door open to your home. When he sees you scurry down the stairs, bag hung over your shoulder he can’t help but smile.
“How was work?” you beam at him, arms coiling around his neck the minute his wrap around your waist. He presses a sweet kiss to your lips before providing an answer.
“Long, you ready?” he asks, desperate to hit the road and have you to himself all weekend.
“Yes Mr. Eager” you say, poking at his sides and he lightly flinches and pulls away.
“I’m just excited baby, we got some money to spend tonight” he grins that Steve Harrington grin at you and you just roll your eyes, used to effect he had on you.
“No we don’t but I suppose we can treat ourselves this one time” you smile back at him, knowing this was a big step in your relationship. This was your first trip together and even if it was small it meant things were getting even more serious between you.
“Yes, let’s do this thing” he claps and you roll your eyes, moving to put on your shoes. Steve shakes away his weekday blues as he lets the anticipation of the weekend envelop him. He knew pretty soon he’d be leaving with the wages he was receiving but at the very least he could treat you to something fun.
“Come on baby, take me away” he says as your hand interlocks his and you step out the door. You roll your eyes at his excitement despite secretly loving it.
You had been excited for this trip all day too, preparing and watching the clock for when Steve would arrive. Making sure you had a meal, shower, and change of clothes for the small getaway trip. When he finally came through that door it was like a breath of fresh air to your lungs. In just a few hours you’d be in Indianapolis, in a small motel, and seeing the city for the very first time.
Taking off down the road, dusk falling upon you, you fumble through the cassettes in Steve’s center console. Searching for the perfect road trip album. Just as your fingers find the colorful album art you grab it quickly and pop it into the stereo. Streetlife Serenader starting through the speakers. Suddenly Steve chuckles to himself and you give him a curious look.
“What?” you pry, hand curling around his arm on the gearshift.
“Nothing, I just think it’s funny I find a way to burn my money as quick as I earned it” he says, flashing you a smile that holds no regret. As much as you both had been saving up to get out of that crummy job, small set backs like this made it all worth it. You can’t have a future together if you don’t spend time together now.
“You’ll earn it back next week” you tell him, eyes glancing over his form. The boy you had come to love so much in the last year.
“I’d just broke even tonight, but I know it’ll be alright. There is no one else I’d rather be doing this with than you” he says, leaning over to offer a quick kiss before facing the road.
“I’m excited. I’ve never been to a big city. What do you think the canal is like?” you muse, excited to be somewhere other than small town Hawkins for once.
“Big, what do you think the motel bed will look like?” he asks, daring a glance at you and you gasp softly, hand reaching to smack his chest.
“Steven, it’s vacation. We can’t stay in the room the whole time” you tell him with the shake of your head and he laughs.
“I know Rosy but I just worked an eight hour day at the video store and am now driving for God knows how long. I’m dreaming of that bed and more specifically you in it” he tells you earnestly and your ears burn pink, proving that nickname even further. Steve just smiles at your reaction and lets go of the gearshift to lace his fingers with your own.
“We’ll be there soon enough” you tell him, lifting his hand to press a soft kiss to his knuckles.
It was shocking how the closer you got to the city, the more you could see the bright light in the distance. You had heard how cities were always awake and until now you never really understood what that meant. It’s not until the car finally meets road between sky high buildings, lit up like Christmas trees, do you understand exactly what that means. By this time now in Hawkins the street lights would barely be providing enough light to make it down the road but here, the street was clear as day.
“It’s so beautiful” you tell Steve, an excited grin plastered across your face. You can’t tear your eyes away from the people walking the streets, laughing and talking into the night air. Something you’d never see in small street Hawkins. The only night life there was in Hawkins was high school parties in the woods.
“I’ve seen better” Steve says, mischief dripping from his tone as he eyes you in the front seat. You just roll your eyes until Steve needs help navigating the hotel. After two missed turns since you weren’t paying attention to the map, do you finally pull into the two story motel.
“Hurry up, I want to see the room” you urge him when he takes to long to collect the bags and Steve just laughs.
“Says the girl who just picked on me for wanting to see the bed” he says, shutting the trunk and holding each of your bags in each arm.
“Don’t dwell on it now, let’s move it mister” you jump excitedly and he shakes his head even though he loves you and your excitement.
Quickly checking in you discover you’re on the second floor and facing the street, your excitement carries your feet swiftly up the stairs and Steve right behind you. Using the key to unlock the door you’re met with a small room, pink sheets, and brown carpet. It’s nothing special but it’s perfect. You’ve turned and thrown yourself in Steve’s arms before he even has a chance to set down the bags and the boy laughs.
“Happy?” he asks and you nod before pulling back and kissing him as hard as you can.
“Why don’t we freshen up and get some dinner?” you offer as you pull away and steve nods with a smile.
“Sounds like a plan” he agrees easily. He didn’t have the money to be spending on dinner but based on the way his stomach rumbled and the smile on your face, he would do it. He doesn’t wanna stand here and sound accusing since everybody does their share of losing, but if he’s gonna lose, he might as well be doing it right.
When you return from the bathroom content and ready to go, you find Steve has already begun to unpack your bags. Grabbing the sweet boy and his hand, you drag him out into the cool night air, illuminated by city lights and the glow of your love for on another. You never would’ve thought approaching the cute guy in the record store would lead you to this. You couldn’t imagine your life without Steve now, there was just something that made sense. You two just worked.
“Could you ever see yourself in the city?” Steve muses, shoving a french fry in his mouth as he watches you from across the table in a small diner.
“I don’t know, I don’t think so” you respond with the shake of your head, eyes glancing over the various customers here on a late night. As much as the city was beautiful there was no community.
“Why’s that?” he questions further and you shrug, eyes cast on your half ate burger.
“As much as it’s exciting, no one knows anybody here. They’re all strangers and in a way it’s really lonely. When I go somewhere in Hawkins I know everybody. I like having those relationships. Makes me feel like I belong. I don’t think anyone could ever really belong to a city” you finally tell him, eyes shining into his own and Steve smiles.
“Same, even with all the bad things that have happened in Hawkins over the years I couldn’t really see myself leaving everyone, especially the kids” Steve tells you, hand running through his hair and you grin when one strand falls right back into place, stubborn as ever.
“King Steve hasn’t dreamed of living somewhere grander?” you tease and Steve rolls his eyes at the nickname you know he hates. You use it anyway, knowing with you he’d never have a chance to mind.
“Just with you” he answers simply, stunning you silent and you can’t help the cheesy grin that crosses your face.
“Steve Harrington would move out of his parents big luxurious house to just to bum it with a girl” you say but Steve’s stare never falters, eyes locked into your own as he tries to convey every emotion he’s ever had towards you.
“Not just any girl, you” he smiles, voice just barely above a whisper, and you have to glance away from the intensity of his stare. Your cheeks burn pink, reiterating the nickname he had gifted you all that time ago.
“I’m nothing special” you say with the shake of your head, hands reaching to tuck some hair behind your ears. Steve sighs, eyes glancing along the neon lights of the small diner, taking in the smell of grease heavy in the air, and the buzz of the milkshake machine.
“Rosy, before you I never thought I’d be happy again. That I was just one of those guys who peaked in high school and never really found anyone who would love him. Then on a particularly sad day when I wanted to feel close to my Grandpa, I ended up finding you” he tells you earnestly and finally you lift your eyes to meet his own again, a smile covering your face.
“You think it was fate?” you grin, hand reaching across the table to meet his own and Steve just smiles back, thumb brushing over your knuckles.
“Maybe but that day I told you my Grandpas favorite Billy Joel song was the one that described how he felt about my Grandmother and how the right women could turn you around and heal you when you least expect it. You did that to me Rosy, you healed me” he says and the seriousness in his eyes only furthers his point. Your heart is hammering in your chest because you had been waiting a year for Steve to tell you he loves you and this is the closest you had ever gotten. You knew that he did but sometimes it was all you wanted.
“So I’ve got the way?” you ask and Steve smiles, lifting your hand to his lips. Pressing a slow and soft kiss to your knuckles.
“You got more than that baby, you got my whole heart” he tells you and you quickly let go of his hand, rushing over to his side of the booth and practically landing in his lap.
“I’m not hungry anymore, let’s go back to the hotel” you tell him and he laughs, eyes crinkling as he does and you have the urge to kiss him now more than ever.
“Now someone is finally coming around to spending time in bed” he telased you, finger poking into your side, and you roll your eyes as he pulls some cash out of his wallet.
“Whatever, let’s just go” you say, pulling him up and out of the booth to make the short walk back. The city is still just as alive as it was thirty minutes ago and Steve’s confession has made you feel more alive than you’ve ever felt. His pace is swift, eager to be back in the motel, and particularly in bed with you.
“Ooh, postcards!” you grin, eyes catching the new stand that you couldn’t believe was still open this late at night.
“Oh come on, don’t get distracted now” Steve pouts and you can’t help the giggle that escapes past your lips, letting go of his hand to file through the different cards.
“Hey, I promised Dustin I would send one every day we were here” you tell him and Steve shakes his head, arms hooking around your waist as he pulls you close, chin resting on your shoulder.
“Rosy we’re here to three days, barely” he tells you but you’re still just as determined as ever. Loving the kids that came along with being his girlfriend.
“I promised” you pout, finally landing on the one you loved and Steve just chuckles as you pay for it, scribbling a quick message, and sending it off. Preparing to walk away you don’t expect Steve to stop you, hand pulling you back from leaving just quite yet.
“Wait, I gotta write one too” he says, hands grasping a colorful postcard that says ‘Greetings From Indianapolis’.
“For who?” you question but he just hides it, scribbling the pen and address on the card quickly as he hands it to the man behind the stand.
“Don’t worry about it” he tells you and you let it go since you’re desperate to get back to the motel and spend the rest of the weekend with the boy you love.
Which in three days when you return home, you find the postcard amongst your mail with three scribbled words on it.
I love you.
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Taglist: @slvtforstve @keerygal @goosy-goose @livsters @blckburd @loveshotzz @ohwauwdoritos @superblysubpar @southereads @amataadriana @violet2022 @mxrcjqckspnchqsc @madaboutjoe @thunderstomp-and-tequila @justdamnpeachy @micheledawn1975 @fangfatale @kingstevesgf @notlilyyyy @eddiesguitarskills @palmtreesx3 @momospeaches47 @pbs-theundeadmaggot @xuimhao @lianna75 @lvjmel @sadbitchfangirl @halflifejess @starkleila @ellharrington @avobabe87
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neowonderland · 4 months
Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun as dark fairytales
Pairings: Werewolf Jeno x reader, Prince Renjun x reader, Prince Jaemin x reader Warnings: dark content
Dark Content, Minor please DNI
Disclaimer: this is a work of pure fiction. I do not condone the actions of any characters in this story and the actions do not reflect the idols in any way.
Jeno- Little Red Riding Hood
The villagers always warned against you taking the trail in the woods to your grandmother’s house.
They said it was dangerous for a young one to go alone, to beware of the fairies, the witches, the wolves that might lure you astray. They would try to scare you out of taking the trail by telling you stories, describing in detail people who had gone missing only to turn up mutilated beyond recognition. They told you stories of the people who had gone missing that were never found, never heard of again.
You never listened, ignoring the warnings, always putting your responsibility to take care of your grandmother first. Your grandmother was already isolated enough in the woods, not having many visitors due to the path taken to her home. It didn’t help that she was getting older and older and you never knew when your visit would be the last.
But, in hindsight, you should’ve listened. If you had listened, you wouldn’t have ended up in the scenario you were in now, heart pounding, head dizzy from the adrenaline, sprinting through the woods, a werewolf hot on your trail.
You tried your best to lose the werewolf, Jeno, taking turns you thought you knew down the dark, winding path in the woods. You realized it was a mistake as the surroundings became more and more unfamiliar until you were completely lost, caught cornered in a dead end covered with brambles.
“Little Red, are you done running from me?” Jeno asked, taking confident strides towards you. You cowered, avoiding Jeno’s gaze.
Renjun- Cinderella
“You look so scared. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I'm just going to make you mine."
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It wasn’t supposed to happen this way
It was supposed to be your night out. It was supposed to be your break from the nightmare you called your home-life.
Instead, you were trapped in the center of the ball, trying to free yourself from Prince Renjun’s grip on your wrist. You were surrounded by hundreds of people, gazes burning into you as they all watched your beautiful dress turn back to rags as the clock struck 12.
You can feel your knees grow weak and the tears fall as you heard the gasps of shock and disgust ripple throughout the audience, whispers starting to arise. You tug against Prince Renjun’s grip again, trying to free yourself from his grip again. Everything became too much, the bright chandeliers overstimulating instead of welcoming, the whispers growing louder, the room spinning as you try time and time again to free yourself from Renjun, collapsing onto the floor as your begin to sob.
Renjun watches you as you fall, still gripping your wrist tightly, a soft lovesick smile on his face.
“I’ve found you, my Cinderella. I’ll never let you go.”
Jaemin- The Little Mermaid
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You’re trapped, fully dependent on Prince Jaemin
You bang against Jaemin’s chest as Jaemin embraces you.
It’s your wedding day with Jaemin and you want to go home, you want to go back to the ocean and be with your family. Coming to the land and chasing after Prince Jaemin was a mistake. You never should have step foot in the land of the living.
Now you’re stuck on land, unable to communicate with others that you’ve been held captive by Prince Jaemin. You can’t even walk back to the sea, your legs being broken by Jaemin for trying to run away.
You want to shout at Jaemin, scream at him to let you go, tell him that he can’t keep you here and that meeting him was a mistake. You try to scream, you try to yell, but nothing comes out. Jaemin smiles.
“My love, are you throwing another one of your tantrums again? Do you want me to break your arms too like how I’ve broken your legs?”
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mega-aulover · 2 years
A S. W. A. N. Story
This is for the wonderful @alwayseverlark who is always finding ways for this fandom to unite. I am grateful for your friendship and for your encouragement. Thank you for all that you do!
Special thanks to @lemonluvgirl87 for betaing :)
T rating for some bullying family disputes - family drama-meet cute - elitism - A modern AU of an Everlarked Cinderella....but with out the whole shoe thing.
Summary: Katniss Everdeen is a smart girl. Brilliant, actually. She has more degrees than she has fingers on one hand. But she has never felt beautiful or interesting. When she is asked to be Madge's maid of honor Katniss has serious doubts she'll fit in with her childhood glamorous friend. Will she survive the wedding and find love? Or will she be a total embarrassment.
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Katniss sighed as she looked at her image in the mirror. At 24 she wasn't the typical girl in her mid-twenties. For one, she had a masters in the field of botany and another in Environmental Biology, with two minors- one in Paleontology and another in Genetics. She had several papers published in prestigious medical and scientific papers and was one month away from getting her doctoral thesis reviewed.
Though none of her academic success wouldn't have happened had it not been for Mrs. Swanson. At the age of eleven Mrs. Swanson saw that Katniss wasn't interested in what was being taught. Her teacher suggested Katniss take an aptitude test to see if she had any learning difficulties. Her scores for the test showed that Katniss did not have learning difficulties, she was in fact a smart brilliant child.
Katniss was next given the national IQ test to see her acumen. Mrs. Sawanon believed Katniss was smart. Her high scores were surprising. As a result she was skipped from the sixth grade to high school. Katniss qualified to be instantly enrolled to the University of Panem on a scholarship when she turned sixteen.
Because of her genius, Katniss often found it difficult to interact with people. Unless she was truly comfortable, she didn't talk, and she often felt left out in social situations.
The weekend wedding, she was going to be part of, scared the living daylights out of her. It's why it was important this weekend, everything went smoothly.
Critically she examined herself in the mirror. She wore comfortable green cargo pants with the hems rolled up because she was short. Her white t-shirt was clean, her sneakers were new. Katniss slipped on a loose heather gray knit sweater as they were going to take a flight and planes were often cold.
Katniss grimaced at her reflection one more time giving herself a pep talk. "You're going to be alright, Everdeen. If it gets too much you can always take a walk."
Walking helped center her and it would also help her not stuff her face. Food was her drug of choice, when things became bad.
Katniss still had about ten pounds to lose. She'd gained a lot of weight during her undergraduate years. The University of Panem, located in the heart of the Capitol of Panem, was surrounded by an urban concrete jungle and she didn't have the ability to hunt or hike.
During that time Katniss learned she needed the outdoors to help her cope with the stressors of life. The gym wasn't something that motivated her and so she gained a lot of weight on her petite frame.
"Don't forget to pack your contacts," Prim yelled from the guest bedroom. "Madge does not want you to wear your glasses!"
Katniss rolled her eyes pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her contacts were packed, as Madge dictated. Anyone who was considered a plane Jane knew that removing their eyeglasses didn't turn them into automatic beautiful swans. She wasn't pretty, she was dull and uninspiring. No one would ever wax poetically about her physical appearance. Though, with a bow and an arrow in her hands, Katniss transformed into something powerful and unstoppable.
She sighed, "Too bad there isn't going to be an archery contest this weekend."
Katniss turned around and walked into her bedroom. She lived alone in the Capitol these past two years. Her sister traveled from the university she attended in District One so that they could travel together to the wedding destination. Katniss hoped that this weekend things would change for her and Prim. She wanted them to somehow grow closer. This wedding could be the jumping point for new horizons. Things had been rough between Prim and Katniss. Katniss hoped being accepted by Madge and her sister's friends, maybe just maybe Prim would see she was worthy.
Katniss sat on the bed briefly and picked up the framed photo of her parents. It was one of the few mementos she had of her fathers. Her father, the late great Jackson Everdeen was a well-respected archaeologist, and he took them on adventures all over the world. He wore a hat and leather jacket like Indiana Jones.
Then he became ill.
When he died, Katniss's entire world turned upside down.
Turning sixteen and losing her father while finishing her last year of school was not easy. Her mother became depressed, and the bills piled up. It was up to her to take the mantle of adulthood. Katniss learned how to budget for money. She sold things on Craig's list to make ends meet. While most girls her age were at the beach, she was preparing dinner and lunches for the week, mowing neighbor's lawns for extra cash, and buying groceries. With the help of a friend of the family, Katniss convinced her mother to get help. Her mother slowly came back but she was never the same.
By the time August came around, Katniss was considering not entering University. Things were just starting to turn around, and her mother's mental health was important. But her mother pushed her to leave. Katniss suspected her mother was relieved when she left to study at the Capitol. Her mother never cried when Katniss left. There wasn't pride that her eldest was going to university. There was a feverish desire to get rid of her.
Katniss supposed that she was a living reminder of her father Jack, and her mother hurt to see her. It was this discovery that caused her to leave her home.
While her mother recovered and blossomed; for Katniss, living in the Capitol was hard. It was a stressful transition from the gentle rolling hills and mountains of her home district to the frenetic energy of a city full of towering buildings made up of glass, steel, and concrete. The only green to be found was in the clothing people wore.
Katniss threw herself into studying and working to maintain herself while in the Capitol. She made sure to put aside any extra money for her sister. Katniss saved a nest egg to fund Prim's education.
"Is that what you're wearing?" Prim asked, frowning. She placed her hand on her hip. Prim was clad in a short bubbly-pink slip dress, and mile high heels.
"It's freezing outside."
"But we're going to a tropical island."
"We're going to be in the air for nearly five hours. And we'll land at like five in the morning. I want to be comfortable."
"You'll look like one of the servants."
Katniss looked down at her outfit and sighed. She wondered where her sweet little sister had gone. When she graduated and came home Prim was all grown up. Her sister had transformed into a great beauty just like their mother. "But I'm comfy…"
"It's horrible," Prim said, her fist curling. "You've got to change, or at least take your hair out of that stupid childish braid."
"There isn't time."
"Just don't embarrass me," Prim huffed.
Katniss looked down at the picture in her hand. "I'll stay out of your way, don't worry."
Prim stomped away. Katniss could hear her sister say, "I don't know why Madge made you a bridesmaid."
Katniss expelled a deep breath before putting her picture back on her bedside table.
Madge had asked both Prim and Katniss to be in her bridal party. Katniss was surprised. She and the Mayor's daughter sat together during lunch back in high school, they didn't talk but they were friendly. Katniss was flattered until she met the other bridesmaids. All of the bridesmaids including her baby sister were tall slender modelesque blondes, with fair complexions and pale blue eyes. In contrast Katniss was short, with dark hair, gray eyes, and olive skin complexion.
Once again, she felt as if she didn't belong. The first time she'd felt this way was the spring she'd graduated from her undergraduate program and returned home for one summer.
Prim and her mother were a team, Prim inherited her mother's looks and bubbly personality. Katniss looked like their father and had his fire and frightening intelligence. Her mother refused to engage with Katniss. Instead, their mother focused on Prim. She showered her baby sister with everything, while Katniss was pushed to the side.
Katniss was a fish looking out of the fishbowl not being able to participate in the life her mother and sister had outside of the bowl.
"Come on Catnip," Prim sang, knowing Katniss hated that nickname. Prim bounded out of the house. "The car is here!"
"I'm coming," Katniss muttered, she loathed being called catnip.
"HURRY!" Prim bellowed from the car.
"Okay, okay," Katniss said. It was so cold outside her breath came out in puffy white clouds. Locking up the door she ran to the car and got in. The warmth stung her cold cheeks.
"I can't wait to get glammed up," Prim said as she put her seat belt on.
The car pulled out of Katniss's driveway.
Katniss smiled thinly, wanting the three-day weekend to go well, as she had hoped.
"I can't believe Madge is getting married tomorrow night," Prim said as she hummed along to the bubbly song. "She was so welcoming to me when I was pledging to her sorority. Took me under her wing, and so did Glimmer and Cashmere who are cousins. I can't wait to see them."
"I'm glad you've made great friends," Katniss quietly said.
"I know you don't care but I can't wait to get into my dress," Prim squealed.
Katniss said nothing, as the car slipped into the highway.
"Madge said that Cinna was hand-making the dresses, it's why he sent his assistants to take the measurements," Prim chirped happily.
Katniss frowned. No assistant came to take her measurements. As per the instructions she received via email she was to take her own measurements and send them to the provided address. She'd made sure that followed all the directions to the letter, she didn't want to make anyone upset with her.
"Can you imagine, me, putting on a couture gown that's worth ten thousand coins?" Prim smiled, her eyes were bright with happiness.
Katniss didn't say anything. She settled back in her seat and tried to relax letting what Prim said go over her head.
When they pulled up to the private airport that was going to take them to the wedding destination.
Katniss's smile faltered as they got out and saw the other women who were giants, one was named Glimmer, and the other Cashmere. These women were always frosty to Katniss, but for the sake of her sister Katniss squared her shoulders and plastered a smile on her face.
Prim squealed when she saw them.
"Have you met any of the groomsmen?" Cashmere asked.
"No, I haven't met any of them," Prim said.
"They're gorgeous," Glimmer said.
No one had met their partner; Madge had gotten engaged less than two months ago. It was a whirlwind romance that led to a quickly planned wedding.
Katniss tried to keep her calm when she was left behind to take care of the luggage. All three women were talking at the same time. Their voices were a cacophony of vain prattle. On the plane, Katniss sat by herself as it took off. Five hours later they landed at the exclusive island Madge was going to get married at.
A car drove them to the house, and Katniss's jaw dropped. The white house was enormous, and it was set amongst lush landscapes. The air smelled sweet with tropical fauna. The botanist in Katniss wanted to investigate what flowers produced such a sweet scent. The elegant front porch with its roof supported by four tall columns was welcoming. The elaborate doorway was made from a native rich wood. The elegant large windows had shutters, which were merely decorative.
There was a woman waiting for them with three frosty fruity drinks.
Katniss was about to reach for one when Glimmer shoved her to the side.
"Oh, my goodness these are delicious," Glimmer said.
"I know," Prim squealed. "I'm legal here I can drink!"
"I really need to relax. I've been so stressed," Cashmere said giggling.
Katniss watched her sister giggle and nod.
Madge came out and she grinned when she saw them. "Hi, I'm glad you're here. We've got to get you guys ready for tonight. Cinna is here with his team. The guys are getting ready as we speak. Helene will take you to Cinna's prep team," Madge said.
Katniss was going to follow when Madge pulled her back.
"Katniss, thank goodness you're here, I need you to help with the flower arrangements, they're a nightmare."
Katniss smiled. "Sure."
While the others were whisked away for mani-pedis, and facials Katniss was put to work. Even though she didn't know much about bridal floral arrangements, Madge was right, the arrangements were a hot mess. Using her phone she looked up wild plants. Katniss found a few species of plants outside that could be used to better the decorations.
When she was finished with her first task, a message was sent down from Madge. Katniss was to assist the staff set up the reception, next she was told she was to help set up the cocktail hour, she was made to help while everyone was getting ready. That is how she found herself hauling chairs down to the patio.
As she was tying the decorations on the chairs that lined the wedding aisle, she heard the distinctive voices of men. She looked up to see four men dressed in tuxedos standing by the backyard entrance of the house.
One was tall with a slight build with sandy brown hair, another had thick meaty fingers, and there was another that was bronzed with green eyes. They were all handsome, but in her opinion, it was the last guy that was the best-looking one.
He had warm blue eyes and was athletic like the other guys, but his movements were graceful. There was something about him that caused her to want to give him a flirty smile. And Katniss did not flirt.
"Hey, Marvel, maybe she can get us some drinks," the one with the meaty fingers said as he pointed to Katniss.
"Cato, I don't think she'd know, she looks like she's here with the vendors," Marvel said.
"I don't think Madge would like for us to get drunk, until after we have taken the pictures," the one with the warm blue eyes said.
"Peeta's right, Madge would have our arse if we looked drunk in those pictures," the bronzed one said.
"Come on, live a little, Finnick," Cato said. Turning to Katniss the one called Cato said, "You wouldn't happen to know where the drinks are would you?"
Katniss shook her head, she was a bundle of nerves, and she couldn't answer their simple question. She brushed by them entering the house, hoping she wouldn't have to speak to them. She took her sweater and tied it around her middle. Her hair was piled up into a messy bun. She was sweaty and tired, and she still needed to take a shower and put on the dress she was sure would not fit her.
Katniss felt like she always looked like a frumpy potato sack, even when she tried her best. To her embarrassment her cousin Gale had taken her to her winter formal dance when she was sixteen. It was her father's last wish. The dress her mother had secured her was a tiered silky pink ruffled dress with high lace collar and long sleeves that were also ruffled. It was one size too big, and the color was supposed to be pink but in the pictures, it looked brown.
"Are you sure you don't know where the drinks are?" Cato pulled out a stack of coins and asked, "I can make it worth your while?"
Katniss took a step back not knowing how to make these men know that she had no idea where they would keep the alcohol.
"See I told you she wouldn't know," Marvel said.
These were the times Katniss wished she had her bow and arrow. These entitled pricks always thought they had the right to objectify women and treat them like crap.
"Leave her alone Cato," Peeta said. "Look she's just trying to earn a living okay? Just leave her alone."
"Peeta's right," Finnick said.
"She probably doesn't speak English." Marvel then proceeded to shout, "HABLA ENGLISH! ENGLISH!"
"Come on, we're wasting our time," Cato said. "We better get back."
Katniss was glad they were leaving, Marvel and Cato were idiots. Money did not buy people class.
Peeta stayed behind, as he watched the guys move on to the other side of the room. They cornered one of the waiters. Peeta turned to Katniss, "I'm sorry about them. They're not even my friends. You did a great job."
"It's okay really," she said.
"They're real jerks. I guess that makes me a jerk too, but I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with guys like me, like us." He slipped his hand in his pocket and he looked full of energy as if uncomfortable.
"Thank you," Katniss said. She smiled politely. He was a nice guy and she wished that someone like him would one day pay attention to her. She knew that it was useless to want something like this. A gorgeous guy like him would never really pay attention to someone like her. She was the help in his eyes.
"So what…"
"There you are," Prim said, looking resplendent in a floor-length chiffon gown with open crisscross back and sweetheart neckline with spaghetti straps in a lovely peach shade. "Why aren't you dressed!"
Katniss was about to respond.
"Prim," Cato exclaimed.
"Cato, I didn't know you'd be one of the groomsmen," Prim said breathily.
Katniss rolled her eyes when she realized this was the guy Prim had saved in her phone contacts as Steak. She hung back.
"So…" Peeta said. "Do you work here or are you with the rental companies?"
Katniss cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and said, "No."
"Will you be at the wedding?"
Katniss nodded, her heart racing in her chest.
He smiled at her and Katniss swore time slowed down, like in the movies.
"Do you think you'll save a dance for me?"
Dumbfounded, Katniss stared into his eyes. She saw that he was a gentle soul. Katniss felt her cheeks heat up. He wanted to dance with her and that itself was a miracle. She gave him a crooked smile, unsure what to say. It figured she'd finally meet a guy when she looked and smelled her worst. He was in a tux, looking like a gift from the gods.
Before she could answer, her sister's head snapped to Katniss. She gave her a venomous look.
"So, I'll see you later?" Cato asked Prim.
Katniss glanced to her side wondering what she had done wrong.
Her sister giggled, before purring, "I've got to go, but I'll see you later." Her sister wrapped her hand around Katniss's arm and then dragged her away.
"Prim, would you mind slowing down," Katniss said as she was dragged to a corner. Katniss could see the guys from where she stood hidden in the shadows.
"You're not supposed to speak to anyone," her sister hissed.
What her sister said didn't make sense."Prim, I was…"
Prim pushed her away and pointed at her chest."Where have you been?"
Her tone denoted more of a demand than a question. "I've been working, while you and the rest of the girls were getting dressed."
"Madge was the one who sent me down there to work."
"Madge would never do that," Prim huffed.
"You know I don't lie Prim."
"I don't believe you."
"When have I ever lied to you, Primrose? Besides, didn't you notice I wasn't there with you guys?"
"You know what, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the photographer is here to take pictures and here you are ruining Madge's day."
"I was only doing what she asked me to do." Katniss wished her sister would believe her. "Prim…"
"Instead of arguing you should be worried about getting ready. Though I doubt there is anything Cinna and his team can do to make you look better."
Katniss ignored her sister's insult, having an argument would be counterproductive. Her shoulders slumped, as she took a deep sigh. "Just point me to my room so that I can take a shower."
"Fine," Prim huffed.
Katniss followed Prim down a flight of stairs down a long corridor to a room far away from the rest of the guest's rooms. In fact, it wasn't even in the same wing. "Madge didn't want you disturbing everyone's fun this weekend," Prim smirked.
The room was smaller than her college dorm room. But at least it offered privacy. "Where is the bathroom?"
"It's in the hallway." Prim crossed her arms. "You'll be sharing it with the staff."
"Okay," Katniss said. It didn't matter; she was only going to be here a few days. "I can be ready in ten, fifteen max."
"You only have five minutes."
"Okay." Katniss was trying not to get annoyed by her sisters' curt responses. She opened her suitcase and took out her shower kit.
"Don't get upset. It's not my fault you don't have time, because you were wasting time downstairs."
"Prim I wasn't wasting time-"
"You know, Madge didn't even want you to be part of her bridal party. She knew you were going to do something to ruin her day. And she was right."
"Then why am I here?" Katniss asked, shocked and dismayed by her sister's vitriol. Her eyes watered up, but she tempered down her sadness.
"The only reason you're here is because Madge's father was a friend of his…"
"You mean our father, Prim, Jackson Everdeen."
At the mention of their father's name Prim's face became stormy.
That summer Katniss lived at home; Prim never mentioned their father. There were no pictures of their father in the house. In fact, Katniss noticed their mother had taken down any pictures of Katniss as well. Any time Katniss brought up their father, Prim became upset. Katniss tried to broach the subject with their mother, but their mother shut her down.
With rage Prim ground out, "He abandoned us."
"He was sick, Prim, for a long time. He fought to get better to stay alive. I don't know what lie you've told yourself but our father didn't want to die…he loved us."
"He wasn't even a father to me."
Katniss was going to respond but Madge and Glimmer came into the room. Madge was wearing a white robe with the word bride in pink crystals, and she also had a pink sash that said the same thing. Glimmer wore the same dress Prim was wearing except she wasn't wearing heels she was wearing fuzzy slippers. It was such a silly thing for Katniss to notice as she looked into Glimmer's steely eyes.
"Prim," Madge said, looking at Primrose with kindness. Her frosty eyes flickered to Katniss momentarily. "I came to get you. I'm about to put my dress on and I wanted you to be in the picture..." Madge said with compassion, "Primypooh, Are you okay?"
Prim stood there; her face twisted in anger. "No, I'm not! She always does this…like a dog with a bone."
Madge turned to Katniss and then spat, "I don't know why my father idolizes you. You're a freak of nature, you smell like dead things, you're fat, and you're not even that pretty."
Katniss opened her mouth and shut it. She turned to her sister, silently pleading for some sort of benevolence.
She didn't understand why her sister was so mean and caustic with her.
"That man messed up my mother. Fucked her up in the head! He was selfish. He filled mother's head with the life they would have. But in the end, all she did was suffer. Our mother could have married into a reputable family. A family with means, a name, like the Mellarks or the Johnstons. Mother had her choice of men to choose from, but she made one mistake. She got knocked up with her…" Prim pointed at Katniss. "She's just like him, ugly as fuck, and always ruining things!" Prim sneered at her with so much malice, Katniss was taken aback. "My mother regretted her life with that man. Regretted having you. She said she should've gotten rid of you when she had the chance!"
Katniss stood there numb. It was like being pelted in the face with a frozen snowball multiple times.
"I told you that she's a disaster," Glimmer said.
"Ladies," a gentle voice called from the doorway.
Katniss balled her hands trying to displace her pain and hurt into that part of her body so that they wouldn't be witnesses to her tears. Part of her acknowledged she should have stayed home, said no to Madge, and made an excuse. However, the drive to fix her relationship with her sister prompted her to say yes and come.
"Oh, Cinna!" Madge's tone of voice changed, and in an instant, the countenance of all three blondes changed from irate, to ambassadors of light and happiness. "What are you doing here?'
"I'm here to get Miss Everdeen ready," Cinna said calmly.
There was a woman with him, she had aqua-spiked hair and gold tattoos above her eyebrows. Her face did not belay the tension that had to be swirling in the room.
"I'm assuming you're Katniss?" Cinna asked.
Katniss nodded, she didn't expect Cinna to be so young for a man who'd already made a huge mark in the fashion industry. Even though she wasn't a fashionista, Katniss was aware of who Cinna was. He dressed one of her colleagues when their suit was ruined. Unlike the woman who stood next to him the only decoration he had was a thin gold line over his eyelids. He was dressed in an elegant black dress shirt with gold-colored buttons and crisply pleated pants. He glanced at Katniss and his smile was gentle, and his eyes were reassuring.
"Venia, tell the others to get everything ready," Cinna said.
Venia nodded.
"There's no need…I'm afraid plans have changed." Madge smiled thinly, but Venia didn't listen to Madge, she left.
"Oh," Cinna breathed out.
"I just don't have time for…besides you've dressed my cousin who I sent you the measurements for, she looks amazing in the dress. Plus, I'm sure, you don't have anything that will fit her."
"You know, your father was the one who made the request," Cinna said. "Mayor Undersea told me, it was important to him that Jack Everdeen's eldest be present in the wedding because he saved his life."
"My father?" Madge said.
"He did?" Prim questioned harshly.
Katniss had no idea, but it was a balsam to hear that her father was a good kind man, and not the monster Primrose painted him to be to Madge and the rest of the entourage.
"Yes," Cinna said, "He and your mother were excited that Miss Everdeen was the maid of honor."
"He did," Madge squeaked out.
"So, if you do not mind, I have to make sure your father's wishes are taken care of."
"I…" Madge stammered.
Cinna smiled.
"But she has no dress!"
"Do not worry, I will make sure your pictures are wonderful. Also, Caesar Flickerman is here."
"Caesar Flickerman!" Madge squealed.
"Upon my invitation, he came to interview you and your family," Cinna said charmingly. "Your wedding is the event of the season. You are, after all, marrying a Highbottom."
"OMG, Caesar Flickerman," Glimmer exclaimed. "My mother loves him!"
Katniss wasn't sure what was going on.
"You're needed downstairs," Cinna said, winking at Katniss. "Caesar is going to set up his cameras in the bridal suite so that he can have footage of you in your dress."
"Madge, forget about her," Glimmer urged. "You have to be camera perfect."
Madge turned to Prim, "I want you to be there for the interview."
"Of course, you're going to be famous," Prim said.
Madge turned to Cinna, "Thank you so much." She turned to Katniss and her face soured. "There isn't enough magic to make her look good, but if you can do something to make her less embarrassing that would be wonderful."
Madge, Glimmer, and Prim left in a hurry.
Katniss expelled the breath she was holding.
"I'm sorry," Katniss apologized; she never intended to cause problems.
"I heard everything," Cinna said quietly.
"Oh." She was mortified that strangers had heard everything. It was one thing to be known as the black sheep of the family, it was another to have it be known to strangers. Especially important ones.
"I am going to make you look resplendent," Cinna promised.
"You don't have to, I'm not going down there." The words were thick in her throat as it closed up with emotion.
"No, don't let them win," Cinna said. "Don't let your sister treat you like that."
"But, she…" Katniss stammered as the tears she'd been battling slipped from her eyes.
"She's a bratty bitch," Cinna said. "I've met plenty of girls like her, however, I've not met a woman like you…Mayor Undersee told me how you kept your family afloat after your father died. He told me how you are the one who is paying for your sister's education, and still sending your mother a part of your paycheck. The Mayor is very proud of you, he showed me the articles you've written, and the accolades you've received."
Katniss bit the bottom of her lip to keep from balling.
"I also heard the way you worked downstairs, pitching in…" Cinna said. "You're quite admirable."
"My friend Portia was supposed to be downstairs doing the decorations. Her plane was late, when she arrived she said she saw you handling things. You're unique, and if they could remove the stick out of their asses they'd be able to see it."
"I'm not…" Katniss was going to say she wasn't worthy, but Cinna spoke over her words.
"You are," Cinna gently smiled.
"Thank you for your kind words," Katniss sighed. She blinked and then taking a tissue from her pocket blew her nose.
"No need," Cinna said. "Just leave that behind, I have everything you need."
Katniss blinked, she believed him and left her shower kit behind. She blindly followed Cinna. Part of her wanted to run and hide. The small hope Katniss held to possibly fix her relationship fizzled. Once more she felt unloved and an outsider.
When she arrived in his suite of rooms, his assistants were all ready for her. "Everyone I'm guessing you heard what this brilliant young lady has been put through."
Venia smiled and her eyes sparkled, as she approached. "We're going to make you look better than the bride. And when this weekend is over, everyone is going to love you!"
Katniss swallowed, the fiercely determined look in the eyes of the group of people, it made her tremble. No one had ever looked at her that way. Even though she was fantastic in her field she never attended social events. Katniss was terrified to be called a phony.
"Trust me?" Cinna said.
Katniss nodded. Instantly she was whisked away to the bathroom that was twice the size of her apartment bedroom. For the rest of the time she was soaked in luxurious scented water, buffed, polished, perfumed, and peeled. The peeling wasn't great but her skin had never been softer.
She sat in a chair, her hair in a towel having lost track of time.
"What do you want to do with her Cinna?" Venia asked.
"With those eyes, smokey and dangerous," Flavius said.
"I think we should keep it basic," Cinna said, tipping her chin up. "Amplify her classic beauty," Cinna said.
Katniss couldn't believe that Cinna was saying she was beautiful. Physically she wasn't pretty but Katniss knew in the woods, she shone like a diamond.
"Oh yes," Octavia breathed. "She's such an exotic beauty, we can play up her eyes, and her skin tone. Ugh…I wish I had your olive skin tone."
"You think I'm pretty?" Katniss blurted.
They laughed.
"You really don't know do you?" Venia said.
"You're a treasure!" Flavius exclaimed. "You are so gorgeous you make all of the girls ripe with jealousy."
Venia added, "And you have a banging bod!"
"I always thought…" Katniss didn't finish her sentence, instead, she peered at her reflection. The pert nose, the weird color of eyes, the extra weight. She was forever comparing her darker skin to her mother's and Prim's fair one.
"Did you bring contacts?" Venia asked.
"Yes, Madge said I should," Katniss said. "It's in my shower kit, but I left it on the bed."
"Kist," Venia said to her assistant. "Go get all of her stuff."
"Sure thing," Kist said.
"Well young lady, it's time to get your hair done," Flavius said.
Katniss watched as Flavius quickly transformed her thick straight dark locks into bouncy waves of perfection. He parted her hair to the side and then explained he was giving her a relaxed finger wave. Her hair looked fantastic.
After putting on her contacts Venia applied her makeup as Octavia finished up her nails. Katniss wasn't allowed to look at herself while they worked on her face. When they finished Cinna held out the dress. It left her speechless.
"What do you think?"
"Cinna's it's your best design to date," Venia breathed.
The dress looked like a soft sunset. It was a floor-length strapless gown with silk organza draped over one shoulder creating a small cape.
"Are those polka dots made from fabric?" Katniss asked.
"Actually, tiny crystals were woven into little pockets throughout the dress so that when it moves," Cinna said, moving the gown. "It glitters."
Katniss gasped as the dress shimmered in the light.
"She's going to look like a Grecian goddess," Flavius whispered.
"Let's get you dressed," Cinna said.
The dress slipped over her head and within moments she was ready. Katniss wondered what she looked like. They didn't have time to do a reveal because Madge was calling.
"Just trust me you look amazing," Cinne said, winking at her. Katniss nodded and stood straighter feeling it. The dress felt amazing, softer than her favorite cotton tee-shirt.
Cinna leaned in close and whispered into her ear, "It might hurt but sometimes you have to cut the toxic people from your life."
Katniss looked at him wide-eyed. She could never cut her sister out of her life. She was so alone and having her sister and her mother even if it was hurtful made her feel part of a family.
"Ready?" Cinna said.
Lifting her chin in the air Katniss nodded and followed them downstairs.
She could hear the women talking and laughing as they were congregated by the doors. None noticed her and for once Katniss didn't care.
"Katniss Everdeen," Mayor Undersea said, coming forward with his wife.
"You look wonderful," Roberta Undersea said.
"Thank you Mrs. Undersea," Katniss said. Roberta was Edward Undersea's second wife. Madge's mother passed away a few years ago due to a botched-up plastic surgery accident. She was smart and it was well known that Madge and her stepmother didn't get along.
"I am so happy Madge had the sense to put you as her maid of honor," Mayor Undersea said. "Come and see me. I want to introduce you to a few people here. They've read your articles and want to meet the young lady who is making our world a better place."
"Thank you, sir," Katniss said.
"Oh Peeta, have you met the young lady you are going to walk down the aisle with?" Roberta said, pulling the blond man from before. Katniss could feel her cheeks warming up at the sight of him.
"Uh hi again," Peeta stammered.
"Again?" Roberta said grinning.
"Well she was helping out before," Peeta said pointing to the outdoors.
"Of course, she was," Mayor Undersea said. "That's the type of lovely young lady she is, Muriel," he called over to someone.
A woman with a dour face and critical blue eyes came over. "This is Jack Everdeen's oldest. This is Katniss."
Muriel's face turned wide with surprise. "Oh, she's the one that saved us all of that money."
"Mom," Peeta said.
"Shut up, boy. This is the type of woman I wanted for one of your brothers, not one of those bottle died blondes with the botox-injected faces. I read your article on how to save money while going green. We saved millions because of that article."
Katniss hid her smile.
"Mom," Peeta said. "She's the girl who I'm supposed to be…"
"Don't lose sight of her, she's a peach," Muriel said. "I shudder to think of you with that Glitter girl."
Mayor Undersea laughed, "Muriel we'll do lunch next week. Catch up on that golf game?"
"Why not? You'll lose," Muriel said. Turning to her son she said, "Now just stand there, give her a compliment Peeta."
"Mom," Peeta looked at her. "She's right…I mean you're gorgeous and I'd like to know if you'd go out with me this weekend?" Peeta said, rushing through his words.
"He's the best of the Mellarks," Roberta whispered to Katniss encouragingly.
"Well you don't have to say yes, but I just thought you should know that I also think you're also amazing. She fixed the decor earlier this afternoon."
"They had you working?" Mayor Undersee asked.
"I was helping out," Katniss said softly.
"You were the only one. I can't even tell you where the other bridesmaids were," Peeta said.
"Father, Father…" Madge called out.
"Madge dear," Mayor Undersea greeted.
Madge's lips were thinned. Despite her unpleasant attitude, Madge looked gorgeous in her princess-cut cathedral-length ball gown. It looked like she had sparkly white coral motifs on her dress. Cinna had done an extraordinary job on her gown. It was masterful, it made her look regal. "You cannot expect me to have…that woman in my wedding party."
"Now Madge," Mayor Undersee began.
"Father, I have to tolerate having her here, but now my pictures will be ruined. I mean have you seen her, she's an unattractive troll."
"Madge," her father said.
"Why can't cousin Mavey take her place, she is after all family?" Madge argued.
Katniss realized Madge didn't recognize her and she decided to keep quiet and see what happened.
"Madge, you will do what your father wants," Roberta said, and winked at Katniss. She too had come to the same conclusion as Katniss. "He is paying for this entire affair after all."
Katniss could see Madge formulating the all too familiar you're not my mother when her father cut her off.
"I told you. I did not agree with you marrying that young man, but you wanted him. So out of love, I have done all of this. However, per our agreement, Highbottom signed an ironclad prenuptial agreement. And you were to have Katniss as your maid of honor and Prim as a bridesmaid."
"But…at least Prim is presentable. My pictures will be fine with her in the back…but Katniss…" Madge looked and finally spotted Katniss.
Katniss was sure Madge would recognize her.
"Ugh, I'd rather have this woman here. She's better looking than Katniss. She will even look good standing next to Peeta."
Muriel snickered.
"Madge," her father opened his mouth and shut it, he gave Katniss an apologetic smile.
"Fine," Madge ground out. She huffed away her gown, nearly knocking down the easel with an image of her and her fiance.
"Just like her mother," Muriel muttered.
Roberta chuckled.
"I am sorry for my daughter's rude behavior." The Mayor rubbed his face. "It's my fault for spoiling her after her mother's death."
"People do funny things while grieving," Katniss replied.
"You know it was me who introduced your father and mother. He was so brilliant, like you. I was lucky to have known him."
"And if not for you, I wouldn't have married Peeta's father," Muriel said.
Gentle music began to play. A sign for all of the guests to go to their seats.
"I think I better grab my seat. Remember Peeta don't let this one out of your sight," Muriel said to Peeta.
"I think I'll join you. Edward honey, you better join Madge I think they're about to start." Roberta left with Muriel. Mayor Undersee walked away to find his daughter.
Peeta glanced around, his face was red. "I'm sorry I thought you were an employee…I didn't know you were that Katniss."
"How many Katniss's do you know?" The cheeky words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them.
"Not many," Peeta chuckled.
"So how long have you known the groom?"
"To be honest the only guy I know is Finnick. He's in the fraternity that my brother went to. I've known those guys but never really hung out with them. Truthfully I think they picked me because I'll look good in the pictures."
Katniss found herself laughing.
"Honestly I'm glad the pictures are over with. I think after this I'm going to get a ticket and go back home."
"I'm not wanted here. I'm not going to stick around to be around people who don't like me."
"What if one of those people were your sibling?" The question slipped out of Katniss's mouth before she could even stop them.
"I overheard the way your sister spoke to you. You were only trying to help out the bride, not ruin her day. If anything without you the decor wouldn't have been finished."
"You heard all of that," Katniss felt her face become heated. It was embarrassing for her to know others had heard her sister's demeaning words.
"My older brother was that way. I love him but we don't get along. He disapproved of everything I did. I had to walk away."
Peeta's words were like a revelation to her. Her eyes found her sister. She loved her baby sister with every bone in her body but at the moment their relationship was toxic to Katniss. The words Primrose had spoken about their father hurt. The way Prim perceived Katniss hurt. Katniss looked up at Peeta.
"I learned a long time ago that family doesn't have to be blood-related," Peeta said.
Her sister threw her head back and laughed. It was a girlish yet feminine laugh intended to allure Cato. Cinna's words came to her in that instance. Both men were correct. As she watched Prim flirt with a tipsy Cato it dawned on Katniss that her sister was no longer a defenseless little girl. She was an adult.
Her mother was an adult.
They were all adults and her mother and sister didn't need her as much as she needed them. Katniss wanted more out of life. She wanted to feel safe again like when her dad was alive. She wanted that sense of family. Peeta was right she didn't have to be related to someone to call them family.
Prim was able to care for herself. Cato leaned over and whispered something in her sister's ears and her sister gave him a lusty look. Cato grinned and as he leaned back he nearly tripped over Finnick.
"Finn, you're cramping my style…" Cato looked flushed and his eyes were a little watery.
Marvel handed Cato a flask and the man drank from it and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Both of them chuckled. As they took more swigs from the flask. Marvel and Cato were clearly intoxicated.
"Marvel, Cato please find your partners," The wedding planner said. She was a redhead that looked like a fox. She wore sensible low-heeled shoes as she briskly put everyone in order.
She hovered over the group, her eyes quickly darted from looking at the tablet and looking about wildly at the group assembled.
"Peeta, would you happen to know where I can find Katniss Everdeen," the woman asked as soon as she reached them.
"I'm Katniss." Katniss said.
"Oh, I thought you were…well they said you…" The woman stammered.
"You thought I was ugly?" Katniss prompted.
"The way the bride described you…" she stammered then she took a deep breath. "We need you and Peeta to be ready to walk. I'll give you a signal to line up in front of the doors and then you march down the aisle."
Katniss smiled.
"Alright everyone please take your places," the woman shouted.
The procession began and Katniss watched a stately couple make their way through the doors. Katniss hung back as she watched the harried wedding planner try to wrangle the bridal party and the groomsmen. Katniss watched as her sister left with a drunk Cato followed by the other bridesmaids. It was finally her turn.
Katniss put her hand over Peeta's arm before taking a deep breath. There was a brief flicker of recognition as Prim recognized Katniss. Her sister's look was glacial, to say the least. Katniss stood waiting for the bride unaware of the appreciative glances she was getting from the groomsmen.
Madge floated down the aisle and did not pay any attention to Katniss; Madge was too busy hamming it up for the cameras and the audience. When the ceremony was over Katniss was glad that the reception was followed immediately by the cocktail hour and the dinner. They were waiting for the meals and Katniss was starving.
The meals were late and so the dance floor had opened up and people were dancing, and the drinks were flowing. Cato and Marvel were getting progressively louder. Waiters were walking around with small little hors d'oeuvres.
Mr. Undersea had been introducing Katniss around the room. She had more business cards in her hand than there were flowers in Madge's bouquet. Katniss saw a waiter with a silver platter loaded with bacon-wrapped scallops.
"I wouldn't eat those if I were you," Peeta said by her side.
Katniss turned around to ask why not when she saw that he had a slider in his hand. "Unless you're willing to lose some fingers I suggest you move that away from my face."
"Actually this is for you," Peeta offered.
"Oh, you're my hero," Katniss snatched the slider and with two bites it was gone.
"Katniss," Mayor Undersea called her.
"Hide me," Katniss whispered.
"Tell you what, I'll go get you food. Talk to the Mayor then meet me by the ice sculpture of Madge."
"As long as the food doesn't make me sick I'll eat anything," Katniss said.
"I'll take it you're not one of those salad queens."
"Either you cough up a salad or stop talking. I'm about to go outside and munch on the grass."
Peeta laughed. "Point taken."
"Katniss," the Mayor waived her over.
Katniss watched another waiter walk by.
"Trust me I get you the food." He winked and said, "I'll see you soon."
Katniss was headed to the mayor when a waiter got close. She was about to get an hors d'oeuvres when she was pulled back. Prim pulled her into a room where Madge was with the other girls.
"What are you doing wearing that!" Prim whispered furiously.
"Are you trying to upstage the bride?" Glimmer accused.
"Yeah," Cashmere said narrowing her eyes. 
This was a little too reminiscent of every movie where the Cinderella character was confronted by the antagonists. Over the years it could be the evil stepsisters, the mean co-workers, the popular 'it' crowd, or the disappointed family members. Katniss stood straight; she wasn't going to be beaten down.
"I'm not going to justify your behavior by letting you beat up on me. I've done nothing wrong. Madge congratulations on your nuptials. I hope you have a pleasant life and that you will never need the prenuptial agreement your father put in place. Primrose, I think it's time you grow up. I love you but I've been killing myself paying for your expenses and your education and all I seem to get from you is rotten vitriol. It's time for you to grow up. I'm not paying for your education or your lifestyle."
"Doesn't matter, mom will take care of me."
"Our mother. She can't afford it," Katniss "You're such a big fat liar. Mom…"
"Why would I lie? Do the math. Numbers do not lie. Mother hasn't worked in years. Where do you think she gets the money?" Katniss felt no victory at her words but they were truthful and were coming from a place where she put herself first for once.
"From her family. Our grandfather left her a small inheritance."
"Oh Primrose, there is no inheritance. It's been me…" Katniss wondered what lies her mother had put inside Primrose's head. "I've been the one sending money home. The one who has paid for your education, and the one who has spoiled you rotten. It's time that I stopped and let you be an adult."
"I don't believe you," Primrose spat.
"Don't," Made said. "She's only doing this because she's jealous. Jealous of you, of me, of how hot I am."
Katniss smirked, "Right."
"The only reason you're here is because of my father. I think it's time you left. Glimmer, call security. I don't want this riff-raff in my wedding."
It didn't matter at this point. Katniss was ready to leave.
The door to the room opened, and Peeta walked in. The music blasted in, and there was shouting. The room became quiet when Peeta shut the door. "Hey there you are, I was looking for you." Peeta took a look around the room, "Are you alright?"
"Yep." Katniss felt lighter than in years. She smiled at Peeta. "I was about to leave."
Peeta offered her his arm and she gratefully took it.
"Oh Madge, I forgot to tell you. You need to go speak to Cato and Marvel. They're trying to hit on the officiant's wife."
"What?" Madge said.
Peeta opened the door and there was Cato and Marvel grinding against Madge's ice sculpture.
"No!" Madge screeched as she got up and walked out with her group. Prim wouldn't look Katniss in the face.
Katniss felt a stab of pain in her heart. At this moment she wouldn't cry, she'd save that for private time. Peeta put his hand on hers and gently squeezed.
"One day your sister is going to see that her friends are not supportive and she's going to regret this moment."
"I know but it still hurts. I love her so much," Katniss said.
There was a loud yell and both looked out of the door to see Madge falling into her cake. Marvel and Cato were on the table laughing as the only thing that could be seen was her red-bottomed shoes sticking out from a mountain of cake.
"I think this is our cue to leave," Katniss said.
As he walked with her out of the room Peeta turned to her and said. "I know this is going to sound very douchey. But I flew here with my mother. She's got her bags already packed and ready to leave. I wouldn't mind giving you a ride home or having you forever with me. Did I say there was a bounty of food aboard my plane? I have cheese buns."
"That is quite the request?"
"So I take it forever, is off the table?"
"I didn't say it wasn't…" Katniss was contemplating what a cheese bun was.
"Okay, so I got my swan chance?"
"Swan?" Katniss frowned as they walked across the reception to exit. Peeta pulled her into a dance. From the distance, she saw Mayor Undersee nod at her
"You know a story without a name, this is our meet cute…"
Katniss laughed. This was her Swan story.
The End….
Epilogue Sort of…
Katniss sat aboard Peeta's private plane. After the wedding, Katniss and Peeta started dating. They were going out for a few months. Katniss had never been so happy. She missed her sister and mother, but she knew they had to learn to defend themselves and learn to live on their own two feet.
"Are we ready," Peeta's father said, clasping his hands and walking into the cockpit.
Peeta and his father were going to fly his mother and father on a small vacation in another district. She bit into one of the flaky morsels of bread. The fragrance of the melting cheese and herbs made her mouth water as she moaned. This was her third one.
"Good huh," Muriel said.
"I'd marry your son for just these," Katniss said with her mouth full of food.
"I think that can be arranged," Muriel said.
Katniss's eyes widened. "Um…"
"Mom," Peeta said as he walked on board.
"She's a good girl, and smart to boot," Peeta's father yelled from the co-pilot's seat.
"My husband is right, plus, I need some intelligent grandbabies."
"MOM! DAD!" Peeta exclaimed. His face was red.
Muriel smiled and waved the plate in front of her face. "He made them from scratch."
Peeta gave his mother that please-stop-look before saying, "I wanted to have something to eat on the flight. I was nervous about the trip."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Katniss felt guilty. "I'm eating your food."
"No don't worry, I don't mind," Peeta grinned, taking one from her hand. "Just save me one or two."
"Don't worry Everdeen…you can keep your name if you want…I just want a grandbaby, in return."
"MOM!" Peeta exclaimed.
Peeta turned to her his hand rubbing his neck, his face red, "Don't…listen…unless you know… that forever thing…that's still on the table."
Katniss grinned. "If you promised to make me cheese buns, I'll take it into consideration."
Muriel laughed. "I told you she's a keeper from the get-go, I don't know what you're waiting for."
"Mom, please…"
Katniss couldn't help chuckling. Peeta and his family were always this way. His mother was right, though about the women his brothers married. Those women were only interested in the money, that's why they were not invited.
Peeta was going to head for the cockpit when his mother winked at Katniss but addressed Peeta. "Son, why don't I fly with your father? You come back here and get to know this lovely girl, entertained."
"Are you sure?'
"I don't mind, besides this'll be a bonding time for your father and me, and your dad gets a thrill when I fly." His mother saucily said.
"I think I need my ears checked. Do you know if it's possible for that memory to be erased?"
Katniss laughed. As Peeta leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "I've been dying to do that all morning."
"Mmmm…" Katniss hummed contentedly.
"Sorry about my mom and her pushing for a wedding and a grandbaby."
"No need, she's just trying to take care of you."
"I just wish they'd let me woo you on my own," Peeta said.
"You're doing just fine, wooing me," Katniss said.
"I am?" He grinned.
"You are, and if you keep me feeding me I won't even notice the wedding."
Peeta laughed. "Alright duly noted. Just remember this moment when I propose. Because forever is on the table for us."
Katniss settled back with her plate, like a dragon hoarding a golden treasure. Her swan story was a beautiful one.
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twstbookclub · 1 year
Cinderella’s Bet [Part 1]
Summary: A bet of challenge POV: 2nd person Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Pronouns: Gender Neutral Tags: Fluff, Romance, Comedy, Vil Schoenheit Word count: 1,194 Part 2 - Part 3
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The pair of freshmen yelled out your name as they caught up to you through the halls of the Pomefiore dorm, laughing and smiling while making sure their dormitory uniforms stayed intact. You stopped in your tracks and turned around.
“Oh, hey guys! Good to see you made it in time for Vil’s birthday party,” you spoke in a cheery tone, waiting for them.
Deuce started talking after catching his breath for a few seconds. “Good thing we got here with you. I didn’t think we’d be on time, but for once we—”
Ace, clearing his throat, interrupts Deuce and gives him a cocky side look. “Only because Trey made sure we had everything for our uniforms handed to us.”
Deuce slowly turned his head towards Ace with his mouth slightly agape from previously talking. There was deadpan silence along with visible change into a scary expression from him, but not for too long. It was soon followed by, “Says the one who lost their hat even after the entire outfit was handed to him. Shut. Your. Trap.”
Ace stayed silent with his eyes wide, almost popping out of their sockets. His head moved to look at you again, smiling nervously and visible sweat soon appearing on his face.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought,” Deuce spoke then cleared his throat. He turned to look at you and a cheery smile replaced the scary expression on his face from earlier. “We should head inside or we’ll be late! Let’s go!”
And there you went, dragged by Deuce as Ace was left to stand there. “H-hey wait!’ Ace said, once coming back to reality and going into the dormitory lounge. 
Greeted by views of the decorated lounge, balloons and streamers, chandelier glistening as always. Purple and magenta flowers covering the floor of the room, complimenting each other so beautifully. 
Your admiration for the details was put on pause when you heard a familiar voice call out for you and the two other boys. Epel hurried towards your small group with a few pins and small flower tiaras. “Thanks for being here. Vil hasn’t arrived yet, but he wants everyone to wear these.”
“I don’t see many people here. I thought Vil would’ve wanted the biggest crowd?” Deuce asked as he looked around, seeing the ones who they all usually hang out with excluding students from the Diasomnia dorm.
“He wanted to keep this one smaller. More of a closer group as a thank you to the ones who’ve helped him the most.” While talking, your group followed Epel who walked over to an area where everyone else was. He ushered the three to open chairs before going over to Rook quietly.
You watched as they conversed with each other. You tilted your head, but then paid attention elsewhere due to the sudden noise of a door opening.
“Everyone is here. Welcome, and thank you for coming,” Vil said as he walked to the center of the so-called circle. The chairs had been set up in a semi circle, letting the housewarden stand in between your chair and Rook’s. “I invited the people in this specific group because you all have helped each other under different circumstances before. Not to mention that some of you are friends of mine.”
Everyone patiently listened to Vil, knowing he doesn’t speak this much. You look around, feeling that something is off. Your eyes went to Leona, who sat across from Vil, and noticed his mischievous grin. You raised an eyebrow at this. Noticing something from the corner of your eye, you turned and caught Rook looking at you, but his eyes shifted to his housewarden when you noticed him.
“So I ask you all, as a token of my own gratitude, if you want anything from me, don’t hesitate to ask. Even if the favor is asked for right now. A one-time thing, anything.” Vil stopped talking and looked at everyone, waiting for any responses.
How could there be a response? Everyone was mostly surprised, yet the Pomefiore trio still acted like their usual selves. Ace’s jaw could hit the floor, while Deuce was so surprised that his face was devoid of any emotion. 
Leona suddenly stood up and cleared his throat, “I have something to ask from you in that case.”
He slowly made his way to Vil. The housewarden had a slightly raised eyebrow, glancing at his vice housewarden and Epel to see if they knew anything. The two stayed silent, looking just as confused as the senior.
“What will that be?” Vil asked, being cautious with his words. He was more concerned about Leona's next words than the fact that Leona wanted to ask him something.
Leona grinned and nodded his head a few times before speaking, as if getting ready to drop some bomb on everyone. "I'll give you a bet. A bet to make them—" he paused. "Make the lovely Ramshackle Prefect fall in love with you."
His arm raised and his finger pointed towards you, making you yelp in surprise and stand up.
"... What?!" Vil said with widened eyes, shocked to his core.
"Repeat that!?" Deuce exclaimed while Ace freaked out with a small scream.
"Come on, what's the harm? You said if there was anything, just ask. Don't tell me you're going back on your word, aren't you?" Leona laughed and took hair out of his face, then suddenly Rook stood up and placed his hand on his chest.
"Rui de Poison! We discussed what to do about these matters! There is no harm in trying something unique! Fresh!" Rook spoke as he gestured for Vil to calm down.
You looked around, trying to say something, but nothing would come out. All you could say was, "Why me?! Why would you ask for something like that?"
"Tch. Your deadline is tomorrow midnight. Good luck, pretty boy." Leona said and turned around to leave, yawning in the process. 
"Leona!" Vil yelled, held back by Rook and Epel, who were trying to keep their smiles under wraps.
“Vil, it’s fine. It's only one dang—ahem.. It’s only a small bet. How hard could it be?” Epel said and sat the housewarden down in a seat.
You stood there in shock, a shiver going down your spine and bringing you back to reality.
“Prefect.” You heard Vil say, making you jump and turn to face him. Rook and Epel had let him go, since he was completely calm, and he stood from the chair while fixing himself.
“Yes?” You responded and watched as he walked closer. Tension settled in the room as everyone wondered what would happen next. Silence filled the room. You could hear your heart nervously beating hard against your chest, as if it could burst right through. You watched as Vil took a deep breath. Was he nervous too? For what, is all you can question.
“I’ll come get you at your dorm at 10 am on the dot. Go ahead and head home to rest. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Vil gestured for Ace and Deuce to take you home, ending the party there. What in the hell was going to happen tomorrow?
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There are so many magical reasons to visit the Walt Disney World® Resort! Let me share a few of my favorites with you. First and foremost, the enchanting theme parks! From the iconic Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom® Park to the thrilling attractions in Disney's Hollywood Studios™, there's something for everyone. You can go on unforgettable adventures, meet beloved Disney characters, and immerse yourself in captivating shows and parades. It's a world of pure imagination! Next, don't miss out on the incredible dining experiences. Whether you're craving a delectable Mickey-shaped treat or an exquisite meal at one of the signature restaurants, the food at Walt Disney World® Resort is sure to delight your taste buds. And who knows, you might even spot a few Disney characters while you dine! If you're a nature lover, you'll be thrilled to explore Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park. It's a breathtaking blend of entertainment and conservation, where you can encounter exotic animals, embark on thrilling safaris, and even take a journey to the awe-inspiring world of Pandora – The World of Avatar. And let's not forget about the magical resorts! 
A dad shoots a son in Florida
A Florida man was arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder and domestic violence aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after his son Nicholas Jones crashed into his home's garage door over the weekend. The incident occurred in Cocoa, where Byron, 62, and his son Nicholas, 38, drove their white Nissan pickup truck into the garage door, causing about $1,800 in damage. Nicholas left the scene before deputies arrived, and Byron told deputies that his son tried to run him over. However, surveillance footage from a neighbor's house contradicts Byron's story. The video shows the pickup truck pulling into Byron's driveway and stopping at the end of it. The father can be seen walking toward him, yelling, "Come here!" As Nicholas backs out of the driveway, Byron fires off four shots. Nicholas' truck stops in front of his father's house, and Byron is heard firing his gun twice. Read more. 
Link to maps
Disney's Polynesian Village Resort 1600 Seven Seas Drive, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32836, United States Get on I-4 E from World Dr and Epcot Center Dr 10 min (7.6 mi) Continue on I-4 E. Take I-4 Express to E Anderson St in Orlando. Take exit 12A from FL-408 E/State Rte 408 E 17 min (17.2 mi) Continue on E Anderson St. Take S Crystal Lake Dr and Maguire Blvd to Lake Baldwin Ln 10 min (3.3 mi) Orlando Hypnosis Center 1440 Lake Baldwin Ln, Orlando, FL 32814, United States
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
ASK FRIDAY - CREATE A SCENARIO: roommates trope with Kylo
Due to some last minute room swapping and late registering Reader and Kylo end up in the same dorm but they're mad about it and hate each other (cue intense sexual tension)
Dorm room, Snowed in, evening time like 6
The heater/power has just gone out and Kylo knows a few ways to get warm...only if Readers up for it...
been working on this for FOREVER ANON. 
I loved it! 
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TW: NSFW, dirty talk, dom/sub vibes, exhibitionism, kinda fluff, Kylos not that nice and is an entitled man.
Oh yeah, you fuckin’ slut. 
‘M gonna cum all over your fucking tits.
You slapped the wall next to your bed, hard. 
“Can you guys keep it down! It’s 1 in the morning!” 
Muffled voices came through the paper-thin wall, sounding like bodies moving to the floor. Good, you thought, at least he will get rug burn from the shitty carpet, might keep him from fucking everything that moves. 
A hard knock on the wall pulled you from that thought. 
“Go read your fucking Bible! I’m trying to get my dick wet!” 
“Why don’t you go get fucked!?” 
Some giggled came through next, followed by more muffled whispering. You whined loudly, trying to ignore the sounds of him fucking whatever bimbo your dormmate had in his lair. Shoving your face into your pillow, muffling your tears and wails. 
You turned on your TV, drowning out the final act of his performance. Fingers poised over your keyboard to file another noise complaint with the RA… not like they ever helped you. The last time they intervened they left with a black eye and broken nose, shrugging for you to sort it out yourselves. 
A door slammed shut, you let out a sigh of relief. 
At least he wasn’t a cuddler. 
You climbed out of bed, tip-toeing to your door to take a peek of whatever slut found her way into his room this evening. The special lady was a new cinderella every fucking week, he didn’t even try to know their names. You heard him admit it once in class to his friends, saying he called them all ‘baby’ so he wouldn’t have to learn. 
You peeked out the door, blinking from the harsh fluorescent lighting of your dingy dorm halls. The walls were a screaming white, yellowing from years of shoddy cleaning. You tried to clean your room when you first came to school, but it was too disgusting. 
A non-smoking dorm, ha. Everyone smoked, especially your neighbor. 
“Shouldn’t you be in bed creeper?” 
You jumped at his voice, exhaling harshly through your nose. You steeled your features, caught red-handed looking for his latest prey. Crossing your arms defensively, not that there was anything to hide. You were in your ratty pj’s, they were on sale at Old Navy a few years ago and you never threw them away even though they barely fit anymore. 
“If you’re so interested in being a cuck,” he grinned at you, flashing his crooked teeth, “I would love to have you over for an encore, I’m sure you’d love to watch me in action.” 
“Buzz off, Ren.” 
“Ooo, angry tonight,” he smirked, now stepping out of his door frame. You choked a little at his appearance, no shirt on, basketball shorts barely hanging off his hips. Dangerously low, seriously, if he took one wrong move they would be on the floor. His chest was covered in fresh scratch marks, no doubt from his latest victim, a sheen of sweat glistening under the lights. 
Fuck, he was good-looking. 
But he was terrible. 
“Ahem,” he cleared his throat, daring you to stare back at him. 
You gulped, caught again. You were better than that, you were just tired from being kept up since ten with his version of ‘love-making’. 
“My eyes are up here cupcake,” he stepped forward. Pushing you back into your doorframe, almost inside your sanctuary. “If you ever decide you want to break your vow of chastity, I’m right next door.” 
“Step away from me, Kylo.” 
He cocked his brow, “I love when you’re mean, come on. Let’s see if kitty has claws.” 
You bared your teeth, fists balling under your underarms, “Not even if you were the last man on Earth.” 
He shrugged, backing away from you. 
“Deal, bitch.” 
You moved to shut your door on him, “Go away.” 
“See you in class, bright and early.” 
When you imagined leaving for college, it was different. 
Saying goodbye to your parents, packing your car with whatever small valuables you owned. Determined to make a name for yourself all the way across the country, no friends or family, truly on your own. You imagined everything would be different, the dorm would be filled with new and friendly faces. 
RA’s greeting you as you parked outside, giving you a tour and maybe a group lunch with all your floormates. Getting to know each other, maybe even going to some new-student orientation event they planned for the newbies. 
Classes were smooth, acing all your major requirements. Professors were kind and ready to help you at any moment, letting your artistic vision flow through your body every morning with your 8 AM yoga class. 
But no. 
Instead, you registered late. 
Your classes all at the worst times, bright and early. 
Second rate dorm, COED even… smelly dudes between your single bedroom which would be better defined as a broom closet. Burping and fucking on both sides of you while you tried to study. Your major requirement classes were boring and filled with pretentious art students who thought they were the next Picasso. 
Professors didn’t care if you lived or died, only focusing on the bell schedule because they couldn’t control what the freshmen did in their classes. 
Your options for clubs were limited, either join a sport or a cult. 
And worst of all. 
Kylo Ren. 
He was your neighbor, signed up late just like you. You actually arrived at the same time, he pushed you down on your ass in the lobby so he could be checked in first. Calling you a clumsy bitch, only for you both to be handed keys to the same floor. Right next to each other, sharing a flimsy wall. 
On top of that, he was an art major like you. 
And since he registered late, he was in almost every class. 
Even yoga! 
He took your mat the first day, leaving you in tears in the hallway. He apologized afterward, handing it back to you before storming off to be with his beefy upper-class friends. Any moment he could, Ren would humiliate you. Trying to push your buttons, whistling at you when you had to cross the hallway to the showers. Tripping you when you had your hands full, making fun of you for hanging out with your sparse group of friends. 
And when he found out you were annoyed with him making noise, he latched onto it. 
One week he decided to recite the entire Phantom of the Opera, just because you mentioned in class that you loved that play. 
He did every part, even the musical scores, you could’ve sworn he did it with a megaphone on the wall, just to spite you. 
Your parents told you ‘he just likes you, he’s a boy.’ 
That’s not how people express feelings, at least not healthy people. 
Your alarm clock blared on your nightstand, you didn’t sleep so it didn’t bother you. Letting out a heavy sigh of defeat, Ren ruined another night for you, a night you’d never get back. Of precious, precious sleep that you desperately deserved. 
Slipping on some plum leggings and a sports bra. No one gave a fuck about your outfit in your early morning class, as long as you went with clothes on. You popped on your headphones, trying to drone out the noise of Ren’s music through the wall. He liked to blast some god-awful music every morning. 
Today, it was an old Black Veil Brides album! 
You made it out of the dining hall, snatching a muffin for breakfast. Smiling at some guys you knew, waving at your friend Rose as you stormed off to the gym. The cold chill of Winter biting at your nose, it was too cold to not wear a full outfit. But there was no time, with Ren keeping you up all night and classes back to back, you didn’t have time to fuck around with dressing up. 
Ren ran in after you, laughing with his friends. Big nose all red from the frost, his hair looked frozen to his scalp, probably showered beforehand. You rolled out your mat, trying to stretch while he bragged about the pussy he got last night. Making a big show of your complaining, saying you were desperate to fuck him based on your whining. 
You rolled your eyes when he planted next to you, “Good morning, you ran out in a hurry.” 
“I didn’t want to be late,” you sneered, not giving him the time of day, still stretching your back into child's-pose. 
“How are we supposed to walk together if you run away from me, cupcake?” 
You scoffed, shooting him an icy glare. Despite him grinning at you like the happiest man on Earth, god, you needed to stop giving him a reaction. That would shut him up if you didn’t give him the attention he is clearly lacking from his parental figures. 
“Good morning class,” your teacher greeted you calmly, “I hope you’re all doing well. As you all know, this next week is finals week, I’m offering makeup classes to those of you who need to make up some credit hours. We are also hosting some meditation if you need time to relax between classes.” 
Next to you, Ren leaned towards your mat, setting his hand right behind your back. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know he was hovering. Ready to devour you like a piece of meat.
“Hey,” he chuckled. 
You stayed quiet, pushing back into his arm so he would move. Ren stayed put, purring in your ear, “Did you sleep well?” 
“Move off my mat, Ren.” 
He smirked down at you, “You seem stressed, do you want me to help by fucking your brains out.” 
You shot off your mat, effectively knocking him onto his back. Laughing loudly in a relatively silent room of students trying to center themselves. He grinned from the floor, hands up in the air in defense, “I’m just offering to help you, Jesus!” 
“Just,” you pointed in his face, hair falling out of your ponytail. Everyone was staring at you, even your instructor. Shocked you were yelling, you barely spoke in class, at the scariest person in your class. 
“Just, leave me alone.” 
Ren avoided you for the rest of the week, mostly. 
Still had his nightly fuck-more subdued though, you had on noise-canceling headphones to try and focus on studying. There were still so many classes to get to, and you wouldn’t be finished until the day before Winter break… you were desperate to get this over with. 
You missed your family, the plane ticket itself cost you a whole month of meals. 
Of course, you would do fine in your classes, it was just the motivation to get there. Every morning you glared at Ren when he greeted you in yoga, still standing next to you like a menacing shadow. 
This morning was no different, only you skipped class to study in the library. Bundled up in your winter coat, long black scarf, hair in a lazy braid, and thermal leggings on. The wind had picked up last night, bringing on an ice storm that wasn’t expected until late next week. You walked on treacherous sidewalks, dodging all the other students who were seeking the warmth of the library. 
You settled inside, sprawling your books and laptop on an old desk. Grabbing out a few sketch pads so you could finish up some pieces that were due in a couple hours. Most of your finals in art were ‘unconventional’ which meant the professor wanted to see what you were motivated to work on during the year. 
For yours, you had decided to draw the people you saw on campus. 
Studying their faces, mannerisms, languages while they were in an organic environment. It was a great piece, and one of your professors was very interested in showcasing it in a show. You were proud, it wasn’t large but it was important for you and you wanted it to be perfect before turning it in. 
Your pastels were spread out, fingertips smudged and stained from charcoal, a few lines on your face and brow from forgetting about the streaks. There was this one person you couldn’t finish, it was one of your friends from last week. She was laughing and holding a drink, the expression wide and full of emotion but it was hard for you to capture without her being there. 
But you steeled yourself, you weren’t leaving this spot until you finished her. 
“You smudged that dude's face,” a low voice rumbled behind you. A finger pointing down at the top left corner, “Stop-don’t touch it.” 
You moved to swat the hand away, not wanting some random guy to ruin your piece with their grubby fingers. Recentering yourself, he wasn’t smudged, he was just in the corner so it looked like it wasn’t finished… what did he know, anyway? 
“You didn’t draw me?” 
Now you stopped, why you didn’t recognize the timbre of his voice was ridiculous. 
You let out a long sigh, “Please, don’t touch the canvas, Kylo. It’s not ready, yet.” 
The chair that housed your backpack slid out next to you, your things tossed on the ground carelessly before Ren sat. You scooted away from him, he smelled like he just showered. Judging by his wet hair you were probably right… “What are you doing?” 
He shrugged, fiddling with one of your notebooks. Flipping through pages carelessly, “I don’t know-you weren’t in yoga so.” 
“So,” you gave him a weird look, “You stalked me to the library?” 
“There’s no reason to go to yoga if I can’t bother you,” he flashed a smile, dropping it slightly when he saw you weren’t playing back with him. 
Silence fell over you both, the only noises the heat kicking in around the scuffling of boots and shoes to face the weather again. 
“I like your piece,” he gestured to your work, “For drawing, right?” 
You nodded stiffly, not enjoying his friendly tone. Like he wasn’t your demon neighbor who made it his job to annoy you and had for the past four months of your life. Ren shifted again, now leaning on the table with his cheek resting on his forearm. Looking at you with wide eyes, you never took the time to look at his face. 
He had very large eyes that betrayed his emotions. Swimming with flecks of auburn, gold, and some streaks of green, blinking slowly as he studied your canvas. You looked away from him, trying to ignore the urge to draw them, how his long lashes rivaled your own. How his skin was freckled with beauty marks, creases from frowning lined his forehead and nose. You could even make out his stubble, some pieces he must’ve missed the last time he shaved. 
You went back to drawing, no longer focusing on it. Just trying to understand what was happening, your tormentor was a foot away from you. Breathing calmly like a cat laying in a patch of sun. Hunched over the edge, torso too long to rest like a normally proportioned human being, had he always been this big? 
“Wanna get coffee before class?” 
You blinked slowly, not registering that he spoke to you. 
Ren leaned off, letting out a big yawn and scratching the back of his neck. 
Yes, definitely a cat. 
“Do you want to get coffee,” he stared blankly, “Before we head to English?” 
You looked down at your mess, then back up at him. Shaking your head softly, voice quiet as a mouse, “No-thank you.” 
He exhaled harshly, “I’m not gonna burn you with it, it’s just coffee.” 
“No, I’m fine,” you said firmer, “I wanna work on this some more.” 
Ren stayed still, probably trying to think of a way to get you to agree with him. You had known him long enough to know he doesn’t like people disagreeing with him. Didn’t have to be a college graduate to see that the man had issues with control, hence terrorizing you all semester. You didn’t want to offer him an olive branch, because he was just doing it as a joke. Probably, waiting until you were calm around him to do something cruel. 
You went back to drawing, listening to him get up and leave you. Mumbling something under his breath about ‘trying to be nice’ before walking out. You shook off the awkwardness, not willing to break down and let him do something nice for you, just because he didn’t ruin your final piece didn’t mean he wouldn’t do something in the future. 
The day was still young. 
Oddly enough, Ren didn’t bother you that evening. 
Not even a door slam! 
You almost thought he was dead, but you saw him in the hallway when you were walking to the bathroom. Wrapped in your robe, caddy in hand, he didn’t whistle or try to touch your ass like he normally did. Just a stale smile before closing himself back in his room. 
Not to waste the precious quiet, you went to work packing your bags for your trip tomorrow. Deciding to do a quick load of laundry, your hall was almost empty, so no one would be down there while you waited. 
Piling up your hamper, you threw your pj's and slippers on. Remembering to grab a blanket and your laptop so you could hang out down there while you waited. 
Your friends back home were all excited to see you, ready to hear all about your time away. The boys you met, friends you made, classes, all that. So excited to get home and see your cat, Gremlin, he was all alone without you. Your mom sent you pictures earlier of him curled in your blankets, saying that he knew you were coming home soon. 
Maybe next Fall you could get an apartment, you didn’t want to leave him for another year. 
A washing machine door slammed shut next to you, causing you to jump from your perch atop your own. Faced with Ren, who was doing his laundry in his pjs, or his version of pjs. Giving you another tight-lipped smile before leaning against the far wall. Yawning loudly before sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. 
You ignored him, turning back to your laptop that was playing a crime documentary. Texting some friends to keep your mind from wandering to Ren and why he was in such a mood. 
“Are you leaving tomorrow?” Ren called from his wall. 
You pretended to not hear him, refocusing on the documentary, there was something very interesting happening and you weren’t about to miss how they found the killer's shoe prints in the mud just because Ren was trying to talk to you. 
Then something was thrown at you, and it smelled awful. 
You shot off the washing machine, throwing down the offending garment. Ren was laughing loudly, “Chill out! It was just an old shirt!” 
“How old was it?!” 
He smiled at you from the ground, propping an elbow on his kneecap. One leg stretched out on the tile, you tried to regain a sense of calm, he was just messing with you again. Just take some deep breaths… in-out-in
“Are you leaving tomorrow, after our final?” 
You let out your deep breath, sitting back on the washer. “Yeah,” you paused your show since mister meanie wanted to have a tea party. “I have to get to the airport right after.” 
He hummed, “Same.” 
The washer beeped loudly, echoing in the otherwise empty room. Ren watched you hop off, fixing your shorts which definitely rode up too much. Trying to not flash him your underwear as you bent to move your clothes to a dryer. You cursed when a sock fell from your pile, great.  
“How come we’ve never fucked?” 
Now all your clothes were on the floor. 
Along with Ren, who was staring at you like you were an art exhibit. 
You dragged your clothes back to the washer. There was no way you were finishing now that they touched the dirty floor, no one cleaned down here and just because it looked clean didn’t mean-
A whistle, “You good over there?” 
“Okay,” you heard him stretch, popping his joints as he lifted off the floor. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck as he closed in. Almost touching you, no escape, “As I was saying, how come you’ve never let me steal your virginity?” 
You scoffed, “I am not a virgin.” 
Ren pressed into you, pushing you against the washer now. Grinding his hips into your own, you squirmed, trying to dispel every fantasy flooding your brain. Every night you spent listening to him through the wall, imagining just once that it was you. If he weren’t such a monster, you would have gladly laid on your back and let him do whatever he wanted. 
You took a deep breath, placing both palms on the top of the washer. Biting your lip as you silently pleaded for him to let you go, but also continue. You could smell his cologne from this close, how it complimented him so well. Mixing in with his dark aura, you wanted nothing more than to spin around and…
Soon you were doing just that, but not on your own violation. 
Ren had his hands grasping your hips, thumbs slipping under the fabric of your t-shirt to caress your soft skin. Lips capturing your own, you froze in his hold. Unsure of what to do, a part of you wanted to scream and smack him, but the other part loved the smell of his toothpaste. 
He relaxed when you relaxed, your lips still awkwardly locked together. Not opening and allowing for more, but not moving away either. You stared at him, startled to see him looking back at you. Pulling back slightly, you watched his face chase yours. Bringing your lips together a few more times, kissing at the seam. 
You felt his tongue flick for entry, trying to pry your mouth open so he could explore. When you didn’t move he finally huffed in annoyance, “I know it’s your first kiss, but you’re supposed to open your mouth.” 
You groaned, bringing both hands to cradle his cheeks. There was no way he was going to make fun of you, he initiated this so. 
Ren made a muffled noise when you pressed your lips back together. Probably of shock and surprise, because, no. This was not your first kiss, not even your fourth or fifth kiss. Working your tongue skillfully into his mouth, you moaned softly at his taste. Just like you imagined… not that you put much stock into this but… it was wonderful. 
Bringing your fingers to the nape of his neck, tugging on his dark brown hair. Just like you always wanted to, whenever he walked past you with it tied in a bun you dreamt of tearing through it. Ren returned your affection in kind, his left hand moving to the small of your back. Fingers dancing under the waistband of your pajama bottoms. 
You heard him swear when he felt the lace underneath, nestled between your cheeks. Ren slid a hand over the globes of your ass, moving his hips in time with his tongue. Tasting every inch of your mouth, even growling in approval when you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip. 
Petting and groping each other against the washing machines, the sound of you swapping spit barely heard over the rumble of your clothes. Ren had gotten sick of grinding against your hip bone, pulling away from you for a moment. Shushing your pathetic whimpers, he hooked the hand not cupping your ass behind your left knee. 
Hiking it over his hip, opening your legs up. Allowing him to assault your center with his straining erection, oh you could picture it now. How easy it would be to just let him slip inside you. 
Right here, in the laundry room. 
You pulled back roughly, barely able to unsuction your lips from Rens' own. A string of spit connecting your kiss-bitten lips, he looked at you with pleading eyes. Grinding himself against you harder, pulling a few soft mewls from your throat. 
“I need to switch my clothes,” you croaked.
He nodded, shakily setting your limb back on the floor and backing away. You watched through your own lust-filled state as he trembled. Walking back to his far wall, a hand cupping his cock through his sweats. Your throat clicked as you took in a much-needed breath, doing what you said you would. 
Setting them in the dryer, all the more aware of his eyes watching your every move. 
Not sparing him a glance when you sat back on the washer. 
Turning on your laptop once again to watch your crime documentary. 
Ignoring the throbbing between your legs, his deep breaths, and your shaking limbs. 
The TV’s at the airport all said the same thing, “Record snowfall this winter, right before the holidays! Experts say that we will be lucky to keep power until it passes. Our friends on the west coast are enjoying a white Christmas, while we’re stuck in the North Pole.” 
All flights have been grounded until further notice. 
You could barely make it back to your dorm without crashing. 
Bursting into tears several times when you realized you wouldn’t be home until it was over. Wouldn't be able to safely leave your dorm room until it passed, leaving you utterly alone. 
You had emailed your RA letting him know your bad luck, he let the staff know you’d be there so they would have food and water running still. 
But other than that, this was your holiday. 
You slipped on the walk up to your room, sobbing loudly in the halls as you clutched your luggage. No going home, no seeing your friends or family, no Christmas dinner, no personal shower, no Gremlin to sleep on your face. 
Collapsing on your bed, curling yourself in the multitude of pillows and blankets that adorned it. The room had shitty heating, the entire building had shitty heating. The entire month of December you’d been freezing, and no amount of personal heaters could fix this kind of cold. 
You drifted off to sleep after crying for a few hours, letting your parents know what was happening. Setting alerts for earlier flights, anything you could do to get home. You were so tired in fact, that you slept through a power outage. Leaving the entire building to shut down, no backup generators. 
And no heat. 
It wasn’t until you felt yourself being lifted that you woke up to the commotion. 
Squirming in the kidnappers' arms, limbs aching from freezing for a time in your bedroom. The window must’ve cracked open because it was much colder than when you arrived. Your attacker didn’t let you go, growling in your ear to be still. 
Dragging you out of the building, towards a car you didn’t notice when you pulled in. With the snow swirling all around, it was a miracle they could see their own vehicle. You were thrown in the front seat, followed by your luggage tossed in the back. You stayed still, every time you moved it hurt, hypothermia. Common in the New England storms if you were foolish enough to be outside… 
You about passed out when the driver's side door opened, Ren climbed in. Looking just as frozen as you, slamming the door shut and mumbling something as he started his car. You could’ve cried when the engine turned, heat blasting between the both of you. 
“Hands,” his teeth chattered, holding his own out. He nodded for you to do the same, grasping your pink fingers between his own and blowing on them. “Power went out,” Ren took a shallow breath, “I was leaving and I saw your car. You were almost frozen to your bed, the window broke.” 
“Th-thank you-u-u.” 
Ren cringed at your fingers, slowly gaining back their normal color. “I tried to grab everything I could, like your backpack and luggage. But we can’t stay there, we’ll fucking freeze.” 
You nodded, tugging your hands away to curl into your chest. Thankful that Ren had enough sense to grab blankets, stuffing them in your lap from the backseat. You thought about grabbing your phone, but you could barely make a fist so it would do you no good. 
“My plane g-g-got ground-d-ed.” 
Ren shivered, nodding sharply, “Mine too, my mom got me a hotel room not far from here to stay until the storm passes. So, I’m taking us there.” 
You didn’t say anything else, not wanting to distract him from the treacherous roads. Thank god he had a Jeep, or else you would’ve died. You couldn’t see more than ten feet ahead, less than that when you were on the highway out of the city. 
Ren kept mumbling things like it’s okay, I’m sorry, I know it's cold, whenever you shivered and took in sharp breaths. You must’ve been out for a while, to get this bad. A quick look at the clock in his car said you’d been asleep for three hours, who knows what would’ve happened if he hadn’t noticed your car… 
He helped you out, more carried you, towards the check-in desk. Too worried you would pass out in the car if he left you for too long, the front desk lady was quick and sweet. Making sure to send up extra blankets and pillows to your suite. Ren had you walk up with him, so he wouldn’t have to carry you and the luggage on separate trips. 
You clutched his hand like a child, tight enough for his knuckles to turn white. But he was so warm, it’s all you could think about. All you wanted was to be warm, nodding blindly to whatever Ren said to do. 
Plug your phone in, check. 
Let him talk to your mom, check. 
Draw a bath for you, check. 
Climb in the bath with you, double-check. 
It wasn’t until you were defrosted in the clawfoot tub that you realized you were naked with him. 
Rens chest against your back, holding you like his life depended on it. Judging by his shaking, you both were probably suffering from acute hypothermia. You had been silent for so long your voice spooked him a little, “Thank you.” 
He hummed into your hair, which was sitting on top of your head in a messy bun. “Are you okay?” 
You nodded slowly, “Can we go lay down?” 
“Yeah,” Ren hastily got out of the tub, draining it and wrapping you in plush towels. You were still too cold to blush from your nakedness, not how you pictured this going. You imagined you would finally give into him on some drunken party night, barely remembering his reaction to seeing you nude. 
But now he had seen you half-frozen, forced to cradle you back to life. 
You squinted from your cocoon, greeted by a dimly lit room. 
One spare lamp on a dingy-looking nightstand, well it wasn’t terrible. It was better than your nightstand in your dorm room… where was your dorm room anyway? 
Something vibrated behind you, followed by a heavyweight sprawling against your back. 
You held your breath, you were in a hotel. 
With a stranger. 
“Shit,” you whispered. 
Okay, you could wiggle out of here. You took a moment to study the room, there was the lamp from before, and some curtains on a metal rod in the far corner. If you managed to get out without being detected you could knock out the assailant. 
“You smell so good.” 
More weight settled on you, now you were trapped. This bear was closing in, who knows what happened while you were asleep! All you could remember was falling asleep at your dorm after the upsetting trip to the airport, then being dragged away. 
Your fingers burning when you tried to use them, being shoved in a car… 
You threw your arms up, successfully throwing him off you and the covers. Your limbs screaming at the sudden movement, you were still suffering from the cold. Next to you, curled in a ball, totally catlike, was Ren. 
A sleepy smile gracing his lips, hands curled under his cheek, and legs moving towards his chest, Like a child under a blanket. You gasped when you saw he was naked, “Fuck!” 
You were too. 
“What the fuck, Ren!?” 
“Stop yelling,” you watched his hand bat his nose like an animal, “Come back, you were warm.” 
You huffed, flailing off the bed in search of your bags. 
Memories flooding back to you, he took you here after saving your life. 
The bath. 
Ugh, bad time to remember your kiss the night before. 
Ren sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and blinking slowly. You flushed red when you looked between his legs, shit. How does he walk around with that? Is that why he has bad posture? You choked on your spit when he spread his legs out. 
Sprawling completely on the mattress like he wasn’t in a room with a stranger. 
“Snow hasn’t stopped,” Ren yawned, snapping a hand and pointing between his legs, “Come back.” 
“I’m not doing anything until you have clothes on.” 
He rolled his eyes, now looking you up and down. Focusing on your bare tits, swinging around with your erratic movements. You watched him lick his lips, wagging his eyebrows, “Come on, don’t you want to sit back on the bed?”
You shook your head, crouching down to your bag. Trying to not flash him more of your goods, but that didn’t work. Not with him leaning to the side of the bed to make a show of him peeping on you. 
A wolfish grin splitting his face, “You have a nice ass.” 
“Can you stop,” you huffed, tugging on some sweats you found. 
Ren made a pouting noise when you stood, pushing his bottom lip out while you threaded your arms through a t-shirt. You shivered a little-it was still freezing in the room. Probably from the weather, it sounded like it got worse… hopefully this place would keep power. 
You looked back at the bed, Ren was still manspreading. One of his large paws crawling towards his cock, watching you with the same smirk. He let out a soft sigh when he touched himself, eyes momentarily shutting in bliss. 
“Do you have to do that with me here?” 
He cracked an eye open, “Do you have to be that far away?” 
You scoffed, moving to the corner of the room. Shivering since you were near the window, you plopped down in the cheap armchair. Ignoring the sounds of his fist gliding along his cock, you tucked your feet under your body. Humming a tune to ignore the arousal growing between your legs, there was no way you were caving to him. 
What kind of man does that with a complete stranger present!? 
More importantly, why was it turning you on? 
“Come here,” he whistled, you spared a glance at him. Blushing profusely at the sight, his cock was now fully erect. Standing tall and proud, tip flushed almost purple from want. You quickly looked away, trying to swallow down the drool that gathered in your mouth. 
What would happen if you gave in? 
Not like it would hurt you… he looked so delicious. 
“If I come over there, what's gonna happen,” you whispered, determined to stay put.
With a deep breath, the mattress groaned under his weight, probably leaning back to get comfortable. He seemed to love you being there, watching him, or trying not to. Ren made a small non-committal scoff, “Whatever you want to happen, baby.” 
“Don’t call me that, you know my name.” 
Your head snapped towards him, met with his grin. “Come on-you really want me to do this by myself?” he waved his cock, fist tight around the base. You rolled your eyes, training your eyes to focus on the least attractive part about him. 
You were coming up empty, all you could stare at was his cock. 
The prominent vein along the underside thrumming in time with his heartbeat. You could practically feel it along your tongue, rigid and stiff. Slowly, you stood from the chair, met with a soft whine from Ren. Eying your hungrily as you sauntered over, you planted a knee in the mattress. 
Between his legs, which were spread obscenely wide, he licked his lips in anticipation. 
“If I help you, are you going to be nicer to me?” 
He nodded, chest taking in sharp breaths. You slowly leaned back on your heels, stripping your top off, despite him seeing you naked earlier. Surprised when he bit his bottom lip, watching you play with your tits, rolling them in the palm of your hand. Just to make him squirm a bit, “I’ll be nicer, whatever you want.” 
“I’m really cold still,” you spoke softly, making sure to lean in close enough to graze his lips with your own before pulling away, “Can you help warm me up?” 
“Yes,” Ren's hands shot out, kneading your flesh a few times. Debating to grasp your tits or the small of your waist, like a kid in a candy store. So many options, but you didn’t want to wait. If you were doing this, it would be about you.
“Eat me out.” 
He stilled, cocking a brow, “Excuse me?” 
“You heard me,” you exhaled on his neck, being sure to drag your kitty claws along his chest. Briefly grazing his nipples, savoring the way he gasped. “Eat me out, if you make me cum, I’ll let you fuck me. Like the desperate slut you are.” 
Ren scowled for a moment, nudging your face from his neck. Eyes dancing across your face before capturing your lips, moaning softly in your mouth, “I can make you cum so hard you’ll never want another man again.” 
You placed a soft kiss, rolling onto your back dramatically. Splaying your legs wide, “If that's true, why do you fuck a different girl every week?” 
He growled at you, actually growled. 
Hands no longer soft in their quest to memorize your skin, instead Ren pinned your legs hard enough for them to pop. Making you squeal from the stretch, “How fast do you think I can make you cum? Hm?” 
Before you could answer, he dove in. 
Lips wrapping around your clit and suckling fast, tongue flicking out every few seconds. You were already bucking up to meet him, but his firm hold kept you flush. While his tongue began to lap thick stripes along the seam of your pussy. Briefly hooking the tip into your entrance, both of you moaning when he tasted your wetness. 
“Mm,” his voice vibrated against your clit, continuing his assault until you choked on your spit. You buried your fingers in his hair, keeping him in that right spot. “I’m so fucking close,” you cried out, pleading his name over and over and over. 
“You know,” he popped off, smacking his lips that were glistening with your cum, “I’d rather you cum on my cock.” 
Ren flipped you onto your chest, yanking your hips into the air. You barely had time to take a breath before he shoved his cock inside you. His breath hitched as he sank to the hilt, you groaned at the stretch. Now this, this you could get used to.
He pulled out slowly, you heard him swear under his breath. Leaving just the tip of his cock inside and ramming his hips into yours. Pulling a loud scream from your lungs, Ren chuckled at that. Pumping his cock at a rough pace, “Shh-you’re going to upset our neighbors.” 
You huffed, cheap shot, angling your hips a little so his cock would rub up against your front wall. Moaning when he picked up the pace, skin slapping skin. Ren leaned over your form, planting a hand on the headboard to keep it from knocking. You weakly lifted your head, clenching at the sight of his knuckles turning white. 
All you could do was sit and take it, revealing in the bliss you’d denied yourself for four months. 
Ren dropped you both off at the airport two days later. 
You spent three days together, fucking each other's brains out. 
Choking on his cock while he was brushing his teeth, eating you out while you read through your newsfeed. Bouncing on his cock while he fed you breakfast, you didn’t need to change clothes the entire vacation. 
But you wanted to go home and were thankful for the storm ending so you could head home. It was a little awkward, Ren wasn’t very excited about the snow stopping. It felt like he was trying to stall you leaving but reluctantly listened to your desire to fly home. 
“Got everything?” he mumbled, hitching his backpack over his shoulder. The two of you were waiting in the TSA line, about to part ways to head home. You nodded, giving him a tight smile before stepping up on your own. 
Ignoring the feeling of his eyes on the back of your head. 
Both of you stood awkwardly after making it through, “Well-my gates over here,” you pointed behind you. Ren hummed in acknowledgment, kicking at the ground instead of looking at you. 
“Thanks for letting me crash with you,” you tried again, still nothing. 
You groaned, spinning on your heel. Back to being an asshole, you were kicking yourself for thinking he would be nicer. All he wanted was some pussy, and you willingly gave into him when you should’ve remained strong. 
Your parents picked you up back at home, lots of tears and laughs were shared. Thankful that you made it home without freezing, your mom was grateful for your friend who saved your life. She wanted to call him and tell him how much she appreciated it but you shrugged it off, he was just being nice. He wasn’t your boyfriend or anything, you left out the part that he was the neighbor you always complained about. 
Collapsing on your bed felt surreal like you would wake up and be back in the hotel room at any moment. It was odd not sleeping next to him, you had grown accustomed to his clingy arms. Circling you in the middle of the night when he thought you were dead asleep, smelling your hair before tucking you into his naked chest. 
You tossed and turned all night, groaning when you were woken by your siblings to get up the next morning. Barely sleeping a wink, you resolved to take a nap later to try and not spoil your trip back home. 
At breakfast, your mom yelled at you from the kitchen. 
“Hey hon, someone’s calling you!” 
“Just answer it,” you groaned through a mouthful of cereal. Briefly hearing your mother answer in a typical chipper tone, stalling mid-sentence before she yelled again, “It’s someone named Kyle?” 
Shit, you shot to the kitchen. 
Snatching the phone and escaping to the living room where no one was hiding. 
Hey, didn’t think you’d answer.
“How’d you get my number?” 
Took it while you were napping the other day, I knew you wouldn’t give it to me willingly.
You rolled your eyes, “Alright creeper, what’s up?” 
Just wanted to talk or whatever, felt weird not to. 
Are you gonna let me buy you coffee when we are back?
“You were being serious about that?” 
A scoff. 
Yeah-or we could just fuck again if that’s all you want from this. 
“Coffee sounds good.” 
Cool. Cool. 
It’s a date. 
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @onlykyloscenes @candycanes19 @historyandfandoms50 @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @ghoulian13 @mrs-kylo-ren @millenialcatlady @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes @wayward-rose  @contesa-lui-alucard @daydreamsofren @insufferablelust @ohdamnadamm @mariesackler @caillea @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars @shesakillerkween @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch @jynzandtonic @roanniom @celestiasin @glassbxttless @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @blowthatpieceofjunk
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twordytings · 3 years
When It Comes to You
(Bucky x Reader)
Summary: You get drunk at a party that Steve has no idea about. Somehow, Bucky is always there to keep your worries at bay.
Word Count: 1,582
A/N: okay this was actually a sentence starter prompt from an anon, but I’ve had this in my drafts for a while now so I just decided to incorporate that prompt into this. Hope this is okay!!
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You probably should’ve thought this one over. Well, going to a high school party seemed like a good idea in the moment, but now you weren’t too sure. And right now, you were drunk; drunk would be putting it lightly, actually. You told Steve you were going to a friend’s house, which, technically, you did. You just didn’t say why for obvious reasons. Mentioning the kegs of beer that would be available didn’t seem like a very important detail to add.
In all fairness, you were pretty good for a sixteen year old. This was your first party and all you wanted to do was enjoy being young while it lasted, no matter the obstacle; that obstacle being Steve, of course. Steve was your older brother, your best friend, but he definitely had his downsides, one of them being his brutal overprotectiveness. He would die before he’d let you go to a party, let alone one with alcohol.
Once you had arrived, one drink led to another, even though it tasted absolutely horrible, and that was that; there was quite literally no going back. It felt as though your head was spinning in every direction possible. The friend you came with decided it was time to take you home, so they helped you up from wherever you were - you couldn’t remember - and you had both started to walk home. Driving wasn’t an option, since you were both unfortunately drunk, and by the time you got home, it was midnight; not necessarily the Cinderella story you had dreamed of when you were younger.
As you stumbled toward the front door, you clumsily found your house key to unlock the door, almost tripping as you stepped inside. You squinted to see a worried Steve and even more worried Bucky look up from their seats on the couch, only to get up and walk straight toward you. This was gonna be bad.
“Heyyyyyy guyyyysssss.” You smiled cheekily as you looked up at the two. To put it plainly, they weren’t smiling.
“Where have you been. It’s midnight, y/n.” Steve said with the most serious look on his face, but you not being in control of yourself, found it oddly funny.
“Hahaha! Lighten up.” You said as you brought your hands up to squeeze his cheeks into a smile. “There ya goooo Mr. Grumpyface.”
He pulled your hands from his face and looked at Bucky in disbelief.
“Are yo- are you drunk?!” Bucky asked.
“Whaaaat? Psh no way!” You said as you waved your hand away from your face to show how crazy that idea was. It wasn’t.
“How much?” Steve asked.
“Uhhhh maybe uhhhh one...... orrrr two....... actually maybe 4 I dunno. Not that much though that’s for sure.” Nailed it.
“Not that much? Do you know how worried I was? How worried we were? You lied to me y/n, and got wasted with god knows who... I- I cant believe you right now!”
You had royally screwed up this time. You were also way too drunk to comprehend half of what Steve was even saying, so you stood there looking practically brain dead.
“- are you even listening to me right now?” Not one bit, you thought to yourself as a stood in front of the two men.
Your blank gaze made Steve realize he was probably being a little too much right now, considering the condition you were in, so he let it go for the time being. He sighed, “Forget it, just go to bed.”
Bucky offered to help you upstairs, which you desperately needed since you couldn’t tell your left from your right at the moment. As he was walking you he quietly said, “Just so you know, I’m not mad at you.” You smiled at that, but you also felt a gurgling in your stomach that told you you needed a toilet immediately.
You sprinted to the closest bathroom you could find, and that’s when everything, like, everything came out. It honestly felt really good to throw up, but Bucky definitely wasn’t appealed. He winced but came quickly to hold you hair back. As you finished with the disaster that was now inside of the toilet, you felt a bit more like yourself. “Ugh. Gross.” You said as you flushed the toilet. You then went over to the sink to splash some water on your face and was met with a sudden feeling of regret. “What have I done. Steve is so mad at me.” You said as you threw your face into your palms. Bucky was unconsciously rubbing your back the entire time.
“Hey. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just think of it as a learning lesson. I’m sure you were just trying to have fun... and then things happened to take their own course.” You nodded, but not understandably.
“No! That’s exactly where your wrong, Buck. I cant stand it when Steve is upset with me,” you huffed, placing your head back in your hands. You were just as disappointed with yourself as Steve was. There was a reason why you hadn’t done anything like this before: Steve taught you. The fact that what you had just done probably completely diminished any and all trust you had with him, was slowly beginning to creep over you. “He probably hates me now,” you uttered through your hands.
“Hey hey hey! Don’t say something like that!” Bucky scolded, holding you up a bit and walking you over to your bed to then sit down beside you. “Listen,” he said sharply, pulling you by your chin so you were looking at him, “the only reason why he acted the way he did was because he cares about you. Bug, he loves you more than anything... even more than me, and I’ve been his best friend since high school!” You furrowed your eyebrows at that; Bucky has been best friends with Steve for so long; how could he love you more?
“Really?” you said skeptically.
“Yes. I know I’ve been his best bud for a while, but time doesn’t mean anything to him when it comes to you. He could never, ever hate you. I need you to understand that,” he said to you with a serious, yet tender smile. You were taken aback by that. You knew Steve loved you, but you didn’t know it was to such a large extent. He was pretty hard on you most of the time, which made sense as to why you had never really figured it out.
You hummed in response, just barely moving one side of your mouth to show him you understood.
“Can you smile for me?” he said, having to move his head down to look at you in the eye.
“Not now Bucky...” you spoke as you looked all the way down, fiddling with your fingers.
“Guess I’ll have to do it for you,” he said casually, pushing you down on the bed and clawing his digits into your stomach.
“BUHUHUHUCK! NOHOHO!” you squealed, bubbly giggles spurting from you like hiccups.
“All you gotta do is smile...,” he sang as he grinned widely from ear to ear. You knew he was probably only doing this to cheer you up after just being yelled at, but the alcohol in you wasn’t going to let him have it too easily, so you tried your hardest to suck in your lips, keeping them tightly pressed between your teeth.
“Wooow, you want it that bad huh?” Bucky grinned evilly, knowing that you had just given him the opportunity to go in for the kill. He then pulled you towards him so he could sprawl his legs across yours, shaking his hands into your ribs in a flash. You felt like you were about to explode, given the fact that you were practically screaming through your nose as to not crack a smile. “Still nothing? Okay...,” he said as he cracked his neck and knuckles, then pulling your shirt up and blowing a huge raspberry right in the center of your stomach.
“Smile,” he threatened as he hovered over your limp form. You followed with an all too exaggerated smile.
“There,” you said as you switched to a straight face, “ya happy now?” you rolled your eyes as you yawned widely.
“I’m only happy if you’re happy doll. Now get some rest, you’re probably gonna have to hear what I said all over again from Steve tomorrow.” You groaned at that as you slipped under your covers.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” he sympathized, walking over to the door of your bedroom to shut off the lights.
“Wait! Can you- maybe... sleep here?” you asked hesitantly. Neither Steve or Bucky had slept in your bed with you for a while now, so you were afraid he might think it was odd considering you were now a teenager.
“Who said I was leaving?” he said almost offendedly, running up to your bed and throwing himself beside you, pulling you towards him as he snuggled you tightly, making you giggle a bit. “G’night bug,” Bucky said softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“Night Buck.” He just barely heard you over the weight of tiredness that quickly overtook you; you weren’t excited about what tomorrow might bring with Steve and all, but you were satisfied with the fact that you had Bucky’s support, and for that reason, it made no sense to be worried.
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imasallstars · 1 year
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SSR/SSR+ 【Lady Wisdom】Mizuki Kawashima
“Hehe. I’ll always be one step ahead of you, producer-kun”
FOCUS STAT     9282 VOCAL at max Level, Max Bond, 0 Potential
TOTAL APPEAL     15 703
Skill:「Brilliant Scarlet」    (Tricolor Symphony) When all the three types are available in a unit, for every 7 seconds, there is a 40~60% chance that skills activating in the same time will be boosted, for 3~4.5 seconds.
Center Skill:「Cinderella Yell」    When you clear a LIVE, you will gain an increase of 50% boost in terms of EXP, Money, and Friend Points.
※ this card is limited through scouting in CINDERELLA FESTIVAL BLANC starting 30.03.2023
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emixion · 3 years
Wait! - Day 29 - Maribat March 2021
Here’s a Cinderella Au for today! Another late upload due to birthday, sorry guys. @maribatmarch-2k21 ao3 link “Wait!”
Her fairy godmother, Tikki, called out to her. The redhead with the magic wand quickly ran up to Marinette, now adorned in a gorgeous blue gown and glass slippers.
“My magic only lasts so long. At midnight, the spell will be undone.” Tikki told her, her voice stern.”Make sure you’re out of there by then.”
Marinette nodded. “Midnight. Got it.” And with that she climbed into the shiny new carriage and she was off to the ball.
“Thank you so much!” Marinette called as she waved goodbye to her fairy godmother. Tikki waved back, with a knowing smile. She had a plan for Marinette, and it involved those glass slippers.
Marinette arrived at the ball without a moment to delay. She was already late after all and she wanted to make the most of her time before midnight.
Climbing out of the carriage and walking up the stairs to the front door, she curtsied at the footman as they opened the large doors for her, revealing the festivities inside.
Marinette smiled in awe at the sight of the grand ball. It was so lively and colorful. Everyone looked cheerful and happy. And oh, was it fancy. Marinette had never seen such wealth in her life. It was completely new to her.
Her entrance had drawn the attention of quite a number of guests, including a green eyed boy at the other side of the ballroom with slicked black hair. He looked to be about her age.
Marinette smiled sheepishly at the stares, momentarily locking eyes with the boy, but looking away quickly. She felt quite shy. She’d never been admired before and all the attention was overwhelming. She was planning on going to the side of the room to shake it off, but before she could, the crowd parted and the green eyed boy stepped forward and approached her.
She couldn’t quite put her finger on why, but the boy seemed familiar.
“Excuse me?” He said, bowing before her. The crowd whispered amongst themselves. “I’m not normally one to talk to strangers, but may I accompany you for a dance?”
Marinette stared at him a moment, completely caught off guard by the question. Slowly she nodded and took his extended hand, allowing the boy to lead her to the center of the dance floor.
The music played, and they danced.
The night had been going so well. She’d spent the evening dancing the night away with her mystery boy, who she’d learned was named Damian, talking and laughing with him. He was a very good dancer, twirling her about and even dipping her a few times, never missing a beat when he caught her.
They’d talked about their interests. She told him about her passion for sewing and he’d told her about his love of animals. She was tempted to tell him about the mice that helped her sew, but figured that might scare him away, so she kept that to herself.
At some point in the evening they made their way to the balcony, a secluded spot free of noise and the perfect place to gaze at the stars.
“What a view.” Marinette mused.
“Yes, a beautiful view.” Damian said, but his gaze was on her.
“I’ve always loved the stars.” She said, her hand tracing the railing in front of them. “They make me feel closer to my family.”
“Are they far?” Damian asked.
Marinette smiled sadly. “Very far, I’m afraid.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He said. “I’m sure they’re thinking of you.”
She turned to look at him, and her smile turned a bit less sad. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
“You’re very welcome.” He said, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to it. Marinette blushed.
“You’re quite the gentlemen.” She giggled. “I’m lucky to have found you tonight.”
“Believe me, I’m the lucky one.” Damian assured, pulling another laugh from Marinette.
Suddenly, the door to the balcony swung open, one of the guards standing in the doorway.
“Prince Damian, I apologize for the interruption.”
“Prince Damian?!” Marinette sputtered, her eyes widening. Damian glared at the guard, before glancing back at her.
“I guess the secret is out.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Prince Damian, it’s nearly midnight. Your father wants-“
“Midnight?!” Marinette exclaimed, turning to look at the clocktower nearby. “Oh no, I have to go.”
“Go?” Damian’s brow furrowed as she quickly fled the balcony. He followed her out. “Why so suddenly?”
“Oh, I just do.” She said as she made her way to the front of the ballroom, stepping around various other guests.
“Will I see you again?” He asked, as they reached the door. She stopped for a moment, looking back at him with a face full of remorse.
“I don’t know.” She answered honestly. And with that, she fled, running down the stairs as quickly as her heels would let her.
“Wait!” Damian yelled to her. “I didn’t even get your name!” He began following her down the stairs but faltered when he saw something shiny on one of the steps.
Marinette cursed under her breath as she climbed into the carriage, one of her shoes missing. Once she was seated the carriage immediately took off into the night, leaving behind a very confused Prince.
Damian picked up the glass slipper, examining it.
“She left her shoe.” He murmured to himself. His moment of defeat was quickly replaced with determination. If she left her shoe, he could find her. He would find her.
Even if he had to search the whole kingdom.
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undercoveravenger · 3 years
Glass Ceilings
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Pairing: Actor!Hamish Duke x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Original Request: “Hi for the fairy tale au could you do a Cinderella kinda story where he has a bad family but then against their wishes he goes to a party and meets the famous actor and singer hamish duke and they fall for each other”
Hamish Duke hated parties.
Well, that wasn’t really true; he didn’t hate all parties, just the galas his mother threw to raise money for one charity or another. Hamish really didn’t mind that the parties benefitted charities, but he didn’t like the way that the wealthy people who attended them used them as an excuse to show off just how much better than everyone else they thought they were.
He would avoid them if he could, but with his newly-found fame brought on by a lucky break in the entertainment industry, his mother had started dragging him along to all of her over-the-top events since she thought that her son’s fame would drive up attendance.
Of course, she had been right about that, but that also meant that Hamish spent the duration of each of the grand balls hosted in his family’s manor being mobbed by people that were far too old and had been married far too long for him to feel comfortable dancing with them.
It was one such night and Hamish had only narrowly escaped the clutches of Mrs. Smith, a wizened old woman with beady green eyes who always dug her overly-manicured nails into his shoulder when he danced with her the way an alley cat might sink its claws into a mouse, when he ran directly into one of the servers. The waiter’s tray tipped at the sudden impact, spilling champagne over them both.
(E/c) eyes widened almost comically behind the uniform black mask that all of the staff were wearing as he realized what he’d done. “I’m so sorry,” the waiter exclaimed, seeming torn between trying to wipe the champagne away with the decorative towel slung over his arm and being too nervous about ruining Hamish’s suit further to try. “Are you alright?”
Hamish chuckled, the first genuine laugh that had escaped him all night. He was nearly as surprised by the sound as the (h/c) that had accidentally assaulted him. “I’m fine. I’m tougher than I look,” he teased.
“Well,” The (h/c) started, “That’s good to hea-”
He was interrupted by the sound of an older woman shrieking, calling out loudly for someone to help her in the kitchen.
The server winced, panic flooding his otherwise beautiful (e/c) eyes, and Hamish felt the sudden urge to intervene. He peered over the crowd in an effort to track down the disgruntled woman before he reached out, taking the stranger’s wrist in his hand and gently tugging him along behind him until they’d made it out of the ballroom.
“Where are we going?” Hamish’s new companion asked, clearly confused. “I should really be getting back to work before my manager has a conniption.”
“Your manager, huh? Was that the lady that was yelling for you?” Hamish asked, curious what could possibly make someone work for someone who seemed so mean. “Why do you put up with her?”
The stranger nodded slowly, like he was afraid he’d give too much away. “I don’t really have a choice.”
“Really? Surely there’s better options out there,” Hamish protested, thinking back to the way the woman’s face had flushed red as she bellowed at her employees before the event had started.
He shrugged, tugging awkwardly at the sleeves of his jacket as he tried to focus on anything but the conversation. “She’s also my mother.”
Hamish stopped in his tracks, stunned. He turned to look at the former server with wide eyes, “Your mother…? How is someone as nice as you related to someone like that?!”
His companion huffed a light laugh and Hamish felt pleased that he’d been able to brighten his mood, “Well, technically she’s my step-mother, but she’s all I’ve got left and I can’t really pay for college without a job so…” He shrugged again, brows furrowing as a thought hit him, “Hey, you never said where we’re going?”
The blond grinned, tugging a fraying tapestry out of the way to reveal a hidden hallway. “Do you trust me?”
“I don’t even know your name,” he retorted, crossing his arms over his chest protectively.
“Well, that’s easy enough to fix,” Hamish grinned. “My name’s Hamish Duke. What’s yours?”
“(M/N),” he answered reflexively, eyes widening as he recognized the name. “Wait, Hamish Duke? Like the actor? Like the son of the lady hosting the party?”
Hamish laughed, nodding. “Yes, just like that.”
“I’m dead.” (M/N) said resolutely. “I’m dead because my mom’s going to kill me when she realizes that I spilled champagne all over one of the most famous people in the state.”
The blond rolled his eyes, cocking his head toward the tunnel again, “You coming with me or are you on your way to the graveyard?”
“Very funny,” he started, cutting himself off as his step-mother’s voice echoed down the hallway. “I’m right behind you.” Hamish grinned, taking (M/N)’s hand in his and tugging him along the hidden path behind him.
Moments passed in almost complete darkness and companionable silence as Hamish led you through the twists and turns of the hidden tunnel, until finally the two of you emerged out into a dimly lit room with the furniture pushed back and out of the way, leaving the center of the room bare.
“What is this place?” You asked quietly as Hamish released your hand and made his way to the center of the room.
He hummed his acknowledgement softly as he started to unbutton his suit jacket, tossing the wet garment aside and sprawling out on his back to look up at the ceiling. “Come join me?” he asked quietly.
You followed his gaze upward, breath catching in your throat as you realized what this room was meant to be. Instead of finding an ordinary ceiling the way any other room might have, the ceiling here towered above you in an arching dome made out of crystal clear glass, allowing the two of you a flawless view of the stars.
“Wow,” you breathed, edging forward to lay down beside him. “This is incredible.” “Yeah.” Hamish agreed, “Breathtaking.” You couldn’t bring yourself to check, but the weight of his gaze had you suspecting that he wasn’t talking about the stars. He remained quiet for a long moment before letting out a quiet sigh and beginning to speak, “I used to come here a lot when I was a kid. When my problems always felt so big and it seemed like that was all there was, I’d sneak up here and look up at the sky and it would remind me that there’s more to life than the moments you feel trapped.”
You hummed softly as you pondered his words. “It’s hard to imagine that someone like you could ever feel trapped,” you mused.
Hamish laughed, tipping his head toward you so he could look at you, “I wasn’t always an actor. I am a law-school dropout, y’know?”
Your brows furrowed incredulously as you turned to meet his eyes, “Really?”
Hamish nodded solemnly, ocean blue eyes glimmering in amusement, “Oh, definitely. I spent a lot of time up here after my father found out about that decision.”
You hesitated as you realized just how personal this observatory was to him, eventually forcing yourself to ask the question that had been weighing on you, “Why did you bring me here?”
“I’m not sure,” he said after a moment of thought. “Does it sound crazy if I say that it felt like I was meant to know you?”
You shook your head, turning back to face the glimmering stars. “No. I think things are meant to happen for a reason.” You huffed when your phone chimed in your pocket, wincing when you noticed your step-mom’s name as the contact before reading the text. “I have to go; the party’s ended and the staff has to leave. I’ll be lucky if I’m not fired when I get home.”
“Everything happens for a reason, huh?” Hamish murmured under his breath, eyes fixing on you determinedly as you pushed yourself back to your feet. “Hey, you said you only work for her to pay for college, right? What if I offered you a better job?”
Your brows furrowed as you turned back to look at Hamish, “What are you talking about?”
“Your stepmother? You only let her treat you like that because you need the money?” Hamish prompted, getting to his feet and moving to stand before you, “What if I make you a better offer?”
You smile but shake your head, getting ready to refute his questions.
Hamish pressed on, interrupting your line of thought, “I’ll give you ten thousand dollars if you agree to go on a date with me.”
Your heart stopped in your chest as you struggled to comprehend what Hamish had just told you, “Hamish, no. I can’t accept that-”
“Please,” he said, taking your hand gently in his. “You deserve so much better; give me a chance to give you that.”
As the clock began to chime midnight and the stars glimmered merrily through the shining glass ceiling, you leaned forward to kiss Hamish, resolving to yourself that, even though you weren’t going to take the money from him, this would not be the last time you saw him.
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
End of Summer Cook Out
It was finally the end of summer cookout at Belle’s castle. Beast still hadn’t shown face since Dale showed his. Dale did a lot of soothing over the woman considering he felt a little responsible for her losing her job and destroying her reputation. She lost half of her friends over it. She was trying to salvage what she could. However, Dale had always been up front as he told his father. He never hid his intentions of them being for fun. There’s always that gal who says she’s in it to have a good time and then gets swept away and expects more. That was Belle. 
Is Belle. 
This was the day Belle gets the shock of her life as Dale shows up with a Plus 1 from camp named Justine - He said he’d help plan it and make sure the grills got manned and the weed was stocked (Thank you Wulf.) Dale will claim he never said he’d be Belle’s date. There will be a public argument front and center for anyone who showed up early. Belle would be yelling, “But, your name is on the damn invitations, Dale!” 
Where he would again say, “Yeah, because I helped plan it and invited my friends to your yard, for your food, and my weed. Our cookout. Plus 1.” 
Flotsam would get to witness this because they’d want to get there early to find the best out of the way place to set themselves up and still get to people watch and hopefully see Tree. They’d find a nice shady spot under a willow tree not far from the house in case they had to get inside for the bathroom or air conditioner. 
The other guests would come paired as: 
Chip & Brigitte
River & Elsa
Scout & Dedra
Summer & Fig
The Dads 
Delta & Frank & Tree
Mr. Kenny & Professor Dana (drama)
Agnes & Bastien
Pierre & Ellie (Seven will consider crashing later, but he won’t come with Pierre & Ellie) 
Piper & Willem
Kuzco & Clopin
Wulf & a Sherwood actress of random until I name her :P
Little John and some other merry men
Eeyore & Soren
Robin & Marian
Arthur & Lance come as buds
Koda & Mulan because somehow Koda thought he’d still try
Zero & Victor
Madame Medusa & Cap’n Hook (Willem will have no idea)
Taryn & Declan
Iain & ?
A few of the Beagle family Dale knows
Triton and Sally
This was still Beast Castle so if you weren’t on the list you weren’t getting in. Belle had one Magisterium keeper to help with the door and play bouncer just in case. When Dale sees it’s Xigbar he’s going to be very happy he came with someone and pissed her off because that crossed a line for him. 
The drama starts there. Dale would come over to Flotsam and Thomas under the willow waiting for things to get started when Xig showed up. 
“Can you believe this shit? Fucking Fuckbar.” 
Dale’s grudge was a thousand miles wide over his mother telling him to go to Xigbar for answers back when the school was closed down. 
“When I suggested some of her pals from school to see who’s true I didn’t fucking mean Fuckbar.” 
Flotsam sat back with their IV and first bottle of suds and grinned over at Thomas. This was why they had to come. All the drama, it wasn’t going to be theirs for once, and they could just sit back and enjoy the show. Flo couldn’t even be mad anymore. They had Thomas. The Cinderella grudge felt long gone even if it was alive and well for Dale right now. Flo was almost home free in New Zealand. They didn’t have to get wrapped up in any of this shit. Now this was the life. 
“I don’t know what to tell you, babe.” Flo would say to Dale. “Enjoy your party and cut the cunt off? Or don’t?” 
Flotsam was still half giggling over seeing Belle upset over Justine from camp. But, when Flo waved to say their hellos to her they found it highly interesting all they kept asking about was, “When is River getting here?” Later in the conversation she’d say, “Have you seen River yet?” Three times in a 5 minute conversation she would ask if any of them knew when River could get there. 
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While Dale was bitching about Xigbar and Belle and even eventually went off to help Wulf and his girl over by the grill his won plus 1 only seemed to be there to see someone else. People should be knocking at the door any time now. 
As she toddled off to ask someone else if they knew when River was going to be there Flo leaned into Thomas, “You caught that right? This whole BBQ is going to combust and none of them know it yet and we’ve got front row seats.” 
Flotsam was already high as a kite despite Jesula’s warnings not to push it when they’re finally getting better. But, Flo was Flo and it was a party. They busted out laughing about that girl’s eyes being all over that damn yard, but at Dale. Belle’s eyes were unable to focus on anything but Dale while trying to make him jealous of Xigbar while it was clear Dale was refusing to even bat an eye in either of their directions. 
Wulf was already manning the grill and showing off for a girl the Laveau’s didn’t know, probably from Sherwood, helping out. He was one of the early birds since he stocked Dale in green. 
Zero and Victor would roll in and so would Little John and some of the other merry men. The back courtyard was about to start filling in, so Dale flipped up some music as Zero talked Victor into an awkward looking game of tether ball. Zero would keep doing all this all night, luring Victor into yard games like croquet and badminton because it was funny to watch him try, and Victor would do anything to make Zero happy. The merry men would be discussing spits and open fire pits for roasting having fun with teasing the modern grills. 
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
we’re just like kevin bacon!
prompt: for @bricksatanakinswindow​ ‘s halloween writing challenge! this was initially inspired by "mortal enemies accidentally showing up in matching costumes every fucking year" but once i started writing it kind of snowballed from there and i ended up with this lmao
ship: jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 4.6k+ (i think this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written lol)
warnings n stuff: childhood enemies to lovers, swearing, mention of underage drinking, halloween shenanigans, makin' out, smut (not too explicit but i still think it's spicy enough to need an 18+ warning), jj and the reader being cute lil nerds and quoting movies back and forth, the author blatantly using some of her personal favorite movies/shows as inspiration for costumes, the author also making her opinions on ghostbusters clear (instead of the human trash can peter venkman, stan the adorable dork known as ray stantz for clear skin)
a/n: this was hella fun to write and i already have so many more halloween fic ideas bouncing around in my head (it's spoopy season, y'all!). title of this fic comes from guardians of the galaxy 😊
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Of three things in life you were certain.
One, you loved Halloween more than any other holiday of the year; after all, you and your twin brother Mason were born just after one AM on October 31st so you could say a penchant for all things spooky was in your blood.
Two, Sarah Cameron was your best friend. Being neighbors your whole lives, the two of you were thick as thieves and spent almost every day together, much to the annoyance of both your brother and hers; as much as you loved Mason, sometimes you wished Sarah was your twin instead of him and you knew without question the blonde girl would trade Rafe for you in a heartbeat (with little to no guilt, in fact.). 
And three, you absolutely hated JJ Maybank. You'd been at the top of each other's shit lists ever since you were both six years old, when he made fun of you for the stutter you'd had back then and you dumped a full milkshake over his head as payback, and even as time passed and you grew out of your stutter, your disdain for the blond pogue only grew stronger. He was infuriating, plain and simple, and the mere mention of his name made steam come out of your ears. 
The boy was just good at being annoying and seemed to love pushing everyone's buttons, yours especially, and always found ways to get under your skin without fail every single time your paths crossed (which was way too often for your liking, but running in the same friend group made it hard to avoid each other). It became an unspoken thing, the great Y/L/N-Maybank feud, with both of you trying your hardest to piss the other off until one of your mutual friends or your brother broke it up and pulled you to opposite corners of the metaphorical ring to take a breather before the next round.
You'd never admit it but deep down you kind of liked it. You liked being at the center of his attention (granted, it was antagonistic in nature but it was attention all the same), his bright blue eyes following your every move whenever you were within his sights and you liked that you were in his thoughts even when you weren't around, a fact proven to you by the tiny notebook Kiara carried around in her pocket recording how many times he mentioned your name. Knowing you lived rent free in his mind brought you an embarrassingly high level of satisfaction that you'd absolutely deny feeling if anyone ever asked, just as you'd deny the fact that he lived rent free in your mind, too.
...At least for most of the year. Everyone, including JJ, knew that to you Halloween was a damn-near sacred time. He knew never to mess with you during the weeks leading up to the holiday and definitely never on the day itself, lest he want yet another milkshake dumped over his blond head. He knew that, the whole damn island knew he did and yet...somehow, some way, he managed to get your blood boiling every. single. year. And you, like a masochistic idiot, let him. 
It all started when you were twelve.
You, Mason, and your friends were finally old enough to go to the annual youth party held on the sprawling lawn of the Island Club, an event you'd been looking forward to attending every Halloween since you were eight. Of course, you were excited for the dancing and games and food but the thing you couldn't wait the most for was the costume contest, a chance to show off your skills and prove to everyone on the island that Y/N Y/L/N was the undisputed queen of Halloween.
So what if your hopes were a little too high (considering you were only twelve and going up against kids ranging from your age to fifteen), you were still gonna give it your all; you spent weeks perfecting not only your costume but your brother's as well with your mom, helping her cut fabric and sew zippers, styling wigs and painting props until everything was perfect. 
"Oh my God, Y/N!" Sarah, dressed as Cinderella, yelled from the passenger seat of her dad's SUV when they swung by to pick you up. "You look amazing!"
"So do you!" You said, slipping into the back seat in between a miserable-looking Rafe as Sarah Sanderson ("I lost a bet," he explained with a scowl) and Mason, holding your mini R2-D2 on your lap. Was it kind of cheesy, dressing up as the most iconic twins in movie history? Probably, but you really didn't care because Leia Organa was a total boss bitch and Mason was practically over the moon that he got to be his ultimate silver screen hero and swing around his very own lightsaber as Luke Skywalker.
"The Force is strong with you two." Ward joked, earning an eye roll from both of his children as he drove to the Island Club to drop you off. Rafe immediately disappeared into the crowd to meet up with Topper and Kelce and the three of you went off to find your own friends, skirting around the edge of the party toward the snack tables, also known as the most likely place for them to be.  
You spotted Kiara first, looking like an actual princess in her Tiana costume and waved, smiling when she waved back and beckoned you over as she said something to Pope, dressed as Albert Einstein, that made him start laughing hysterically.
"What's so funny?" You asked, reaching between them to grab two handfuls of pretzels and immediately dropping one into your brother's outstretched palm, careful to keep the sleeve of your white dress away from the bright orange-iced cupcakes on the table. 
The two of them exchanged a look that instantly made you realize something was Up™ but before either of them could answer, Mason asked around a mouthful of pretzels, "Where're Tweedledee and Tweedledum?"
"J, why didn't we think of that?" John B's voice came from somewhere over your shoulder and when you turned to face him, you nearly dropped both the droid cradled in the crook of your elbow and the snacks in your hand. Not because of John B and his hilarious Chewbacca costume but because of the fact that JJ Maybank, the one person you hated the most on the whole entire island, was dressed as Han freakin' Solo. 
"Yikes." Someone muttered behind you -it sounded like Sarah but you weren't really sure- and Mason nearly choked on his pretzels as he tried and failed miserably to keep himself from laughing. 
"You've gotta be kidding me." You huffed, rolling your eyes as JJ crossed his arms and glared in your direction, blaster hanging from the holster on his hip.
"Listen, Princess, I'm not too happy about this, either."
"Oh, shut up, you nerfherder."
"Who you calling-" Mason and John B cut in and pulled you both in opposite directions before either of you could turn it into a shouting match, your brother physically grabbing you around the waist and carrying you off while the latter caught the back of JJ's vest and dragged him away. Despite their best efforts to keep you apart, you ran into each other more times than you could count and spent a minute or two squabbling like cats and dogs each time until one of them intervened once again. It was childish, it was immature, and it was fun, even though you'd never, ever admit it. Ever.
You didn't win the costume contest that year in the way you'd imagined at all. Still, first place in the group category was a win in your book and it felt good, even if one of the members of your unintentional Star Wars posse was someone who tested every bit of patience you had. The four of you split the cash prize and you went home 25 bucks richer, stashing it away for next year's costume and pushing the thought of accidentally matching with your mortal enemy from your mind. 
You had no idea this thing was only just beginning.
The next year, you let Sarah and Kiara convince you to match with them and the three of you rolled up to the party as the Pink Ladies -you as Rizzo, Sarah as Sandy, Kiara as Frenchy- only to run right into the boys, your brother included, dressed as the T-Birds. John B, perfectly in character as Danny, immediately whisked Sarah off to dance while Pope, the most adorably awkward Doody you'd ever seen, went to grab some snacks with Kiara, leaving you stuck with the bane of your existence as, of course, fucking Kenickie (Mason, as Sonny, dipped sometime before then without you noticing). The two of you spent the whole evening glaring at each other and hurling insults back and forth at breakneck speed, more in character than either of you'd ever want to acknowledge and for the second year in a row, you won first place in the group costume category.
At fourteen, you went as Princess Buttercup and JJ showed up as Westley, fake sword in hand as he followed you around all night like an annoying fly, sarcastically drawling "as you wish" every time you so much as glanced in his direction. Your brother, dressed as Inigo Montoya, nearly pissed himself laughing and you wanted to snatch both of their prop swords and shove them up their asses. You came in first again in the group costume contest and begrudgingly split the prize three ways. 
At fifteen, you worked hard on a Dr. Ellie Sattler costume from Jurassic Park, he strolled in as a disheveled Dr. Alan Grant with mud splattered boots and tattered clothes, and you really regretted not taking the offer to be the Tai to Sarah's Cher and Kiara's Dionne. Once again, Mason laughed so hard his face turned red and you were tempted to grab the sword he was holding and beat him over the head with it, not just for laughing at you but also for the completely atrocious Jack Sparrow costume he wore. To your absolute horror, you and JJ won the contest in the duo category and you wanted to melt into the ground when they called you onto the makeshift stage to collect your reward. 
When you were sixteen, you and your friends "graduated" to the party held for the older teens inside the club itself. With costume rules a little more lax than they were for the younger kids, you decided to go as (an only slightly sexy) Janine Melnitz, complete with a prop telephone you answered every so often with a loud "Ghostbusters, whaddya want?!" much to the embarrassment of Mason, who was once again dressed as Luke Skywalker, this time in the fatigues he wore while training on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.
You strutted into the party in your heels and pencil skirt only to nearly fall flat on your face when you caught sight of JJ in a terrible black wig and glasses, proton pack strapped to his back and 'Spengler' printed on the front of his jumpsuit. Your brother winced when you all but screeched "Again?!" right into his ear and grabbed your elbow, dragging you over to an empty table and depositing you into an open chair.
"There's no way this is a coincidence anymore! He could've picked Venkman, with all the womanizing and lowkey being a creep and thinking he's God's gift to mankind? It would've been the perfect choice! He's not nearly adorable or dorky enough to be Stantz or sassy enough to be Winston-"
"Jesus, you have a lot of feelings about Ghostbusters," Mason muttered, rolling his eyes when you shot him a withering glare.
"Shut up! Listen to me, there's no way in hell Maybank randomly decided to be, out of alllll the 'Busters, Egon fuckin' Spengler, okay? He had to have somehow known I was coming as Janine and did it just to piss me off!"
Your brother heaved a deep, heavy sigh that made you want to smack him and fixed you with a deadpan stare. "Or, have you pulled your head out of your own ass long enough to think that maybe you're just becoming...predictable?"
You really did smack him then, hard on his exposed shoulder and he yelped, scowling as he rubbed at the red mark you left behind. "Ow! What the hell, bitch?!"
"Don't you dare call me predictable, you dickhead! I pride myself on my costumes being very unique and unexpected -you know, out of the box!"
"Hate to break it to you but they're not really out of the box if Maybank shows up in a matching one every single year." He said with an infuriating, shit-eating grin, patting your shoulder before straightening the plush Yoda strapped to his back. "I'm gonna go get some food, wanna come with?"
Still miffed at his comment, you shoved his arm away and glanced down at your lap, ignoring your brother's sassy "your loss" as he headed toward the snack tables. Not even a minute passed by before his empty seat was taken and you groaned when you looked up to see who it was, your eyes meeting a pair of bright blues behind tacky, oversized glasses. 
"Hi, Janine."
The two of you sat in silence after that, watching the dancing crowd under the flashing neon lights and sparkling disco ball until you saw him turn to face you out of the corner of your eye.
"Why Janine?" 
"Huh?" You turned to face him, too, one eyebrow raised in a perfect arch as he gestured toward your costume.
"Why did you dress up as Janine, Y/L/N?"
"I've always liked her sassiness and 'I like to play racquetball.'" You offered a casual shrug of your shoulders and carefully stuck a finger under your wig to scratch an annoying itch above your ear. "Why'd you pick Egon, Maybank?"
"He's my favorite." He answered simply with his own shrug, shooting you a genuine, real smile that you, for who knows what reason, found yourself returning without a second thought. "Smart, hilarious -plus, 'I like to collect spores, mold, and fungus.'"
For the first time in your life, your eyes rolled out of amusement and not annoyance at something that JJ Maybank said and, to your complete surprise, it kind of felt...right. "Really? I'd have pegged you for a Venkman stan."
"Are you kidding? He's the worst!" 
Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you'd sit across from your hated enemy, not only having a civil -hell, downright enjoyable- conversation but actually smiling right along with him, laughing at his jokes and doing your best to ignore the sudden flutter in your stomach each time you caught sight of his slightly crooked teeth when he grinned. You didn't even notice when your brother returned with Kiara, dressed as Moana, at his side and two heaping plates of snacks in his hands until his chair scraped gratingly across the hardwood floor. 
"Kie, are you seeing this? Pigs must be flying 'cause they're actually smiling at each other." Mason said, cackling as Kiara turned to squint out the window.
"Yeah, I think I see one or two soaring around out there." She giggled and sent a mischievous wink in your direction. With your face feeling like it was on fire, you flipped them both the bird and took off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving all your traitorous, confusing thoughts about JJ behind with the boy himself; it was Rafe's last party at the Club and he owed you a dance anyway, but even as your best friend's older brother, cute as hell in his Thor costume, playfully twirled you around the floor to the Ghostbusters theme song, you felt more than your partner's blue eyes on you.
To no one's surprise, you and JJ won the duo category for the second year in a row and when you joined him onstage to collect your prize and didn't feel like you'd rather die than be up there by his side, you suddenly realized you were only certain about two things in life instead of three. 
At seventeen, you were confident you and JJ wouldn't be matching for once (after last year, though, you were kind of thinking it wouldn't be that bad of a thing). You'd gone cult classic for your costume, pulling inspiration from your mom's favorite move, 1999's The Mummy, and put together a screen-accurate Evelyn Carnahan in her iconic black dress, including a handmade Book of the Dead and matching key. You blackmailed Mason with pictures of him, drunk as a skunk and dressed in your Janine costume from the previous year, and got him to go as Jonathan, complete with a pith helmet and prop bottle of The Glenlivet.  
But, as always, JJ managed to surprise you. You literally ran right into his chest and if it wasn't for his arms instantly wrapping tight around your waist, you would've bit it hard.
"Whoa, careful there," He said, one hand keeping you close while the other moved to help you hold the book in your arms. "'The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you wanna be messing around with this thing?'"
Of course he'd make the perfect Rick O'Connell, you thought as you playfully raised one eyebrow and curled your fingers around the strap of the gun holster draped over his shoulder. "'It's just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book.'"
Mason was a little too in character as well as he dramatically rolled his eyes and wandered off, muttering "puh-lease" under his breath and shooting Sarah a conspiratorial wink that you didn't see. The blonde girl glanced between the two of you -arms still around each other and identical smiles on your faces- and grinned. The party flew by in a blur of movie quotes, laughs, and more dances than you could count and by the time you made it home, 50 bucks in the pocket of your dress and another group costume win under your belt, you were almost positive you never actually hated JJ Maybank in the first place.
Now at eighteen, you pulled out all the stops for your last party at the Island Club. You'd spent the last few months slaving over your costume, sewing custom pieces, hand-crafting your prop, and spending way too much money on body makeup and a wig but when you saw the final product in the mirror, you knew it was all worth it. You were ready to slay the competition this year and take home first place for the final time.
Mason, indifferent as always about the contest but willing to do anything to keep those pictures from seeing the light of day, didn't protest one bit when you forced him into the matching costume you'd made for him -in typical Mason fashion, he liked that he didn't have to wear a shirt and could show off his muscles- and spent a few hours perfecting his makeup.
You felt on top of the world when you walked into the party that night as Gamora, a replica of her Godslayer sword in hand and skin painted a perfect shade of green, followed by your brother as Drax, already flexing for anyone and everyone looking his way. The rest of your friends came to win as well: John B and Sarah as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, Kiara as Eleven, Pope as T'Challa, and, of course, JJ as Peter Quill, Baby Groot perched on his shoulder and twin blasters at his hips. 
"Lookin' good, Gamora!" He called over the music, shimmying his way over to you with some dance moves that would impress Star-Lord himself.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Quill." You replied in a sing-song voice, even as you took his outstretched hand and let him pull you into the crowd of bodies hopping up and down to some terrible EDM beat under the twirling disco ball.
"It got you out here with me, didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes and hooked the sword to your belt before stepping closer and draping your arms around his neck, twirling your painted fingers in his hair. "Just remember, 'I know who you are, Peter Quill. And I'm not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery.'"
You should've known you spoke too soon the second you saw the spark in JJ's eyes that all but screamed 'wanna bet?'
And that's how you found yourself in the middle of the single hottest make out session you'd ever had the pleasure of participating in an hour later: back pressed against the locked door of someone's deserted office, legs wrapped tight around his waist and his hands hooked under your ass, both your sword and his blasters abandoned on the floor at his feet, and he was either a sinfully good kisser or trying really, really hard to blow your mind.  
"I'm not gonna end up green after this, am I?" He mumbled against your mouth before trailing his lips along your jaw and you breathed a laugh, tightening your grip on his hair.
"This is professional makeup, dumbass. It's gonna take more than some kissing to smudge it."
"I'm down for some smudging if you are." 
You pulled him back for another kiss in response and gasped into his mouth when he walked across the room, one strong arm reaching out to sweep whatever was on the desk to the floor before setting you down on it.
"Confident, are we?" 
JJ smirked at your breathless question and the way you hooked your ankles around the backs of his thighs to pull him closer. "So is that a yes to the smudging?"
"Just shut up and kiss me." 
He did -very well, you might add- and you kissed him back, untangling your hands from his hair to slide them under his jacket instead; you helped him push it off his shoulders and it had barely hit the ground along with poor Baby Groot before your fingers were tugging his shirt from the waistband of his pants.  
"Someone's impatient." He teased, leaning back just far enough to let you pull it over his head and toss it somewhere behind you.
"Someone doesn't know how to stop talking." You whispered your reply low in his ear and then trailed your lips down his neck, smiling in satisfaction at the tremble in his voice when you kissed the purple mark you'd left behind earlier.
"N-never was very good at that." 
"'You should've learned.'"
"'I don't learn, it's one of my issues.'"
One of his hands gripped your wig, pulling your head back a little roughly -you'd have so been into that if it had been your real hair he pulled- and you winced at the way the bobby pins holding it it place tugged painfully at your roots. "Ow, not so hard!"
"Wait, what the fuck? I thought you were wearing a wig!" 
"I am but it's still pinned to my actual hair!"
"Sorry, but how the hell was I supposed to know that?"
The sight of JJ's face slowly turning red made the butterflies in your stomach go haywire and so you just shook your head, mumbling "don't worry about it," before pressing your lips to his once again. He was gentler this time with the pulling and you dug your nails into his bare shoulders at the thrill of his mouth against the exposed column of your throat, leaning back further and further until you laid flat on the desk.
His fingers had just unbuttoned your pants when your phone started to ring from your pocket, blaring the Star Wars theme you had set as your twin's ringtone. 
"Mason's timing is impeccable," JJ said sarcastically, chuckling as you clamped a palm over his mouth and answered the call.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Jesus, no need to be pissy!" Mason loudly replied over the applause crackling through the phone's speaker. "I just thought you'd like to know that we just won best group costume with Maybank. Again." 
The blond winked at the mention of his last name and pulled your hand away from his mouth, pinning it to the desk beside you with one of his while the other started tugging your pants down over your hips.
"Oh, that's cool, Mase-" You inhaled sharply when his lips touched the edge of your underwear, so close to where you wanted him most but at the same time so far away, and your fingers held your phone in a white-knuckled grip. "But I-I'm kind of in the middle of doing someone -something!- right now."
"Smooth," JJ said, not even trying to be quiet as he released your pinned hand to finish pulling your boots off, along with your tight leather pants that he casually tossed aside. "And I knew you weren't green under these!" 
Your laugh quickly turned into a gasp when his fingers hooked under your panties and pulled those off, too, and the touch of his tongue against the skin of your inner thigh sent white-hot lightning racing through your veins; the phone slipped from your grip, falling with a clunk onto the desk as your fingers tangled in his hair and he lifted one of your knees over his shoulder.
"Okay, I'm hanging up now! I already know you're getting laid but I don't need to hear it." Mason's loud grumble drifted up through the speaker and if you weren't so preoccupied with the boy between your thighs doing some downright wicked things to you with his mouth, you might've noticed that your brother didn't actually sound that grumpy before he ended the call and your phone's screen went dark, right as you lost control of your voice.
"Fuck me."
"Funny, I thought that's what I was doing?" You felt more than heard his response against you and a shiver ran down your spine when his bright blue eyes flicked up to met yours in the dim light of the office.
"You know what I meant, Maybank."
"Trust me, Y/L/N, I know. Question is: where do you want me?"
You tugged on his hair, grinning wolfishly at the way his eyes fluttered closed and a low moan rose from his throat. "Everywhere in this damn room, starting right here."
"I was hoping you’d say that.”
- Back at the party, Mason looked up and met Sarah's gaze, both of her eyebrows raised expectantly as she asked, "Well?"
He took his time slipping his phone back into his pocket before giving her a quick nod, grinning triumphantly when she immediately burst into gleeful giggles.  
"Yes! I just knew they had a thing for each other! Mortal enemies, my ass."
"I think that was the very first time in my sister's life that she didn't give a shit about the contest." Mason said and reached over to snag a cookie from her plate, chuckling when she pushed his hand away from the chocolate chip ones and toward the peanut butter. "We couldn't have pulled this off without you. I mean, making sure they showed up in matching costumes every year? Genius, Sarah. Absolutely genius." 
The blonde girl grabbed her own cookie with a wink. "Think they'll ever figure it out?"
Your brother just threw his head back and laughed. "I hope not! I wanna save that story for my best man speech at their wedding."
taglist: @sinkbeneathwaves @cordeliascrown @maysbanks @jjpogueprincess @jiaraendgame @alexa-playafricabytoto @sexualparkour @agirlwholovescoffee​ 
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missjanjie · 3 years
Somewhere in the Crowd There's You | Rosnali
Summary: Denali and Rosé were best friends all through middle and high school, but had to part ways after graduating in 1998. But even years later, the one thing that always connected them were the mixtapes Rosé would make. Ship: Rosnali Word Count: 2174 Rating: T
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Bonus: Denali's Playlist for Rosé
“Denali, so help me god if you’re late to graduation you will not make it to college!” her mother shouted up the stairs.
Denali groaned and rolled her eyes. “I’m coming!” she yelled back down to her. She pressed ‘stop’ on her CD player and popped the cover open, taking the disk out and putting it into its correct sleeve in her CD book. It was a smaller one, as it only contained her most precious ones - the mixtapes Rosé had given her over the years.
The two of them had been best friends since they had both transferred to the same Manhattan school in sixth grade, Denali coming from Alaska and Rosé from Scotland. Both of them had felt out of place and immediately sought refuge in each other and had been inseparable ever since. And one thing that had always been consistent in their friendship was Rosé’s love of burning CDs and giving them to her, whether it was for a special occasion or just because she thought Denali would like it, and she always did.
“And don’t even think about trying to take your walkman!”
She huffed, looking at it waiting for her on her bed. “Fine,” she threw her gown over her dress and grabbed her cap before hustling out the door.
Any attitude she might have had disappeared the second she got out of the car and saw Rosé. she sprinted towards the taller girl, launching herself into her arms. “Rosie!”
Rosé scooped Denali up without hesitation, one arm wrapped around her waist and the opposite hand holding her thigh. “Hi Dee,” she cooed, spinning around with her before eventually setting her back down. “I got something for you.”
Denali giggled as Rosé reached up under her gown because of course, she would manage to get away with wearing pants at graduation. She beamed from ear to ear as Rosé placed a CD in her hand. Written in pink glitter gel pen over masking tape was ‘Denali + Rosé: Class of ‘98’, with a heart over the ‘i’. She looked at the tracklist and smiled when she saw one was highlighted - that meant Rosé had recorded herself singing, and that was her favorite part. “Super Trouper?” she tilted her head, noting it was the only song on the list that hadn’t come out during their time in high school.
She shrugged, a tinge of pink ghosting her cheeks. “I like ABBA and the song made me think of you.”
“I love it,” she quickly assured, hugging her tightly before sliding the mixtape into her macrame crossbody bag. “Come on, we better go take our seats so we can say goodbye to our childhood.”
Rosé arched her brow. “Bit grim when you put it that way, but let’s go.”
After graduation Rosé and Denali went to dinner together with their families, then back to Denali’s house for a sleepover, likely one of the last ones they would have before college. But they didn’t want to think about that, instead focusing on enjoying the time they had together.
It wasn’t easy for either of them, and Denali was left with a difficult decision. When she was twelve, she acknowledged the fact that she was attracted to girls, but decided it was best to not do anything about it. At sixteen, she realized that it wasn’t just girls in general, that would be too easy to ignore. For the past two years, she had accepted the fact that she was in love with Rosé, but too paralyzed with fear to do anything about it.
So, she made a mixtape. Each song one declaration of love after another. And it had been sitting in her closet for a week now while she tried to talk herself into giving it to her best friend. She knew it was now or never, tonight had to be the night.
“Something on your mind?” Rosé gently prompted.
Denali hesitated, then shook her head. “I’m just gonna miss you,” she told her, sitting next to her cross-legged on the bed. “We’re gonna stay in touch, right?”
“Of course,” Rosé assured. “We can call each other and talk on AIM when we can get to the campus libraries,” she suggested, resting her hand on Denali’s thigh and squeezing gently. “I think we can make it work.”
She chewed on her lip and nodded. “If you think so, then I do too.” She glanced back at her closet, thinking, her heart racing. Rosé cared enough about her to want to make their friendship work. Maybe there was a chance…
“Hey,” Rosé prompted to change the subject, “I rented Cinderella with Brandi from Blockbuster, you wanna watch?”
Denali nodded, letting her fear quell her desire to give her the disk. “Yeah, I’ll go make some popcorn.”
Six Years Later
Manhattan felt almost as foreign to Denali as it did when she first moved there. Despite the nostalgia that filled her when she walked past Broadway, recalling seeing RENT there with Rosé for her eighteenth birthday, or the other little things that brought her back to her teenage years, she felt odd, out of place. It made her stomach churn with the way everything seemed to change.
It didn’t help that, despite all of the promises they had made to each other, she had lost touch with Rosé sometime after the start of her sophomore year. Their lives had gotten so busy, so involved, it just dissipated and she had to try her best to move on.
And most days Denali was able to go about her life as normal. She returned to her apartment with lunch for herself and her roommate. Her new normal. “Liv! Come eat!”
Olivia promptly emerged from her room, a piece of paper in her hand. “Check out this flyer I snagged from the café a few blocks over. They’re having a karaoke night tonight, we should go,” at Denali’s hesitation, she jutted out her bottom lip and batted her lashes. “C’mon, please? They’re gonna have alcohol.”
With a jokingly dramatic sigh, she acquiesced. “Okay, fine, but don’t even think about trying to drag me on stage before I’ve had at least three drinks.”
After lunch, the two of them got ready for the night, doing their hair and makeup and picking out just the right outfits for the modern y2k-era nightlife. The walk to the café was about ten minutes and they were able to get a table before the room started to fill up. Her attention faded in and out as people started to perform, nursing her drink and picking at the chips on the table.
“Alright, who’s next?” the event host prompted, scanning the room. “You, in the pink, right this way!” There were some scattered cheers as a woman took the stage, but Denali didn’t look up until she started singing.
Olivia noticed the sudden alertness in her friend. “What, you’re an ABBA fan?”
“No, no I know that voice,” she insisted, shushing her to focus on the stage better. There was no way, it couldn’t be…
“But I won’t feel blue like I always do. ‘Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s-” Rosé looked into the audience, her eyes meeting Denali’s and her breath hitching in her throat, nearly missing the last word, but when she got it out, it was as if she were singing to her once again, “...you.”
Before Denali could decide what to do, Rosé was making a beeline for her, then she was standing right in front of her, looking more beautiful than Denali could’ve ever anticipated. “Rosie?” she asked softly, afraid it was too good to be true.
A broad smile stretched across Rosé’s face as if she were wondering the same thing until that moment. “Denali!” She yanked the smaller woman to her feet and pulled her into a tight embrace, one that neither of them ever wanted to end. “When did you move back to New York?”
“Couple weeks ago officially. My parents moved out to Long Island, so I was staying with them while I was trying to find a place. That’s how I met Olivia, my roommate,” Denali explained, gesturing to the girl still sitting at the table.
Olivia offered a polite wave and smile in response. “It seems like you guys have some catching up to do, I’m gonna go on stage next then, um, keep myself busy,” she decided and scurried off.
“Let’s go outside,” Rosé suggested, the two of them leaving the café and sitting on a bench in front of it. “I’ve missed you so much. What have you been up to?”
Denali shrugged. “Got my BFA in dance, worked with a few different companies either performing or choreographic. And last year I was in Zumanity, which was quite the experience,” she blushed a bit as she recalled that, unsure if Rosé was familiar with the type of show it was, “and now I’m here as a full-time dance teacher and choreographer. What about you?”
Rosé’s eyes did widen at the name, feeling her face start to redden as her mind started to wander, wondering what sort of things Denali had performed on stage. While she hadn’t seen the show, she had seen commercials when watching TV late at night. She’d nearly missed her question, clearing her throat and centering herself. “Oh, well, my life hasn’t been as interesting as yours, I got my BFA in musical theatre, did various off-Broadway gigs, and… you’re going to laugh… I’m the understudy for the lead role in Mamma Mia here on Broadway.”
“Mamma Mia… the ABBA jukebox musical?” She covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh, a bit of giggling slipping through. “A little on the nose, isn’t it Rosie? But I’m very happy for you.”
“Maybe so, but I’m much more interested in this Zumanity stint. I mean, I always knew you had that skill level but that’s a… unique setting,” Rosé retorted, her interest, and perhaps something more, very piqued.
Denali looked down and grinned. “It was. Everyone there was incredibly talented too, it was so freeing, so queer,” she said, then hesitantly looked back up to reaffirm, “which I also am, you know, gay.”
Rosé chuckled softly and nodded. “I kind of suspected as much, just with the way you reacted when we saw RENT,” she recalled, then quickly followed up with, “I am too.”
An eight-year-long weight lifted from Denali’s chest at the confession. “Do you wanna come back to my place? It’s just a couple of blocks over, we can have a sleepover like we used to,” she suggested.
“I’d love that,” she grinned, and as they walked back to the apartment, she had her arm slung around Denali’s shoulders, not passing up the first opportunity in years to keep her close. Even though it was an apartment she’d never been in before, the fact that it was Denali’s made it feel familiar.
Denali toed out of her shoes and set her purse down. “I have something for you,” she said suddenly, disappearing into her bedroom before Rosé to question her. She rifled through her closet, pulling out a box tucked away and grinning when she found the items she was looking for. It was still a risk, but this time she knew it was one worth taking. She took a deep breath, then rejoined Rosé in the living room. “I kept every mixtape you gave me, still listen to them sometimes,” she said, holding up the CD book in one hand.
“You did?” Rosé put her hand over her chest, beaming warmly. “Dee, that’s so sweet.”
She smiled, biting her lip and looking down, trying to fight away the nerves that crept back up. “I, um, I made you one too. I was going to give it to you after graduation but I chickened out,” she confessed as she handed the mixtape she had hidden among her possessions all these years to the woman she made it for. “I think the tracklist will explain why.”
Rosé’s lips parted in surprise as she gently took it from her. “To Rosie, with love,” she read the title before turning it over to see where Denali had written the songs in silver sharpie. And, sure enough, it was one love song after another, songs she knew well, that she knew the shorter woman spent her time carefully picking out each one. “Oh, Dee, this is beautiful. Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you gave it to me back then.”
Denali swallowed thickly. “I guess more importantly, what are you gonna do now?”
There was only a half-beat of silence before Rosé smirked, setting the disk on the dining room table before cupping Denali’s face and kissing her deeply, moving one hand from her face to wrap her arm around her body and pull her close. “I’ve always loved you, Denali. I’d just resigned myself to seeing you as the one that got away.”
Denali relaxed, arms looping around Rosé’s neck. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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heyovivi · 4 years
Okay! I just finished A Court of Silver Flames and absolutely love Nesta’s journey and this is coming from a person who didn’t really like Nesta from the beginning. Her journey of healing and finding herself was beautiful and her journey with Cassian was heart-wrenching and sexy and I just loved it all! But anyways, more on that later, I have some predictions for the next book. 
So I usually don’t go into anything without spoiling myself so before I even picked up ACOSF from a bookshelf at Target (don’t worry I was able to read both bonus chapters; meaning Azriel’s and the Feyre and Rhys’ chapters) I knew a little about ACOSF already. Now, ACOSF wasn’t deeply plotted and there wasn’t any world building like there was when we read the first three book--although it didn’t really matter to me I still enjoyed the book. ACOSF was all about Nesta and her journey and an insight to her thoughts and why she is the way she is and although I felt that at some points I hated Nesta I could still understand her frustrations and I could understand that she was deeply flawed as a character--which is fine. 
Now, even if ACOSF didn’t have a huge plot there were some key elements that will probably be very important in the next book such as Koschei, the remaining Mortal Queens, the Band of Exiles, Azriel’s journey, and Elain’s journey. But one key thing I noticed was Eris. Now he didn’t appear that much in the book and if he did it was during moments where his presence was essential to the plot (such as being kidnapped by Queen Brialynn and Koschei), but in that last chapter he appeared in it seemed like there was more to the story, to his story specifically. I think that maybe we might be getting a book on Eris. 
A lot of people say that ACOSF is reminiscent of Tower of Dawn from the Throne of Glass series, where instead of following Aelin in her quest to free her kingdom and stop Maeve, we instead venture into a Chaol-centered book where we kind of try to understand his point of view and character growth. So maybe, and this is just a theory or prediction, maybe we’ll get a similar thing with Eris. 
From that one little conversation we get with Cassian and Eris, it appears that Eris is kind’ve jealous of the Night Court and it’s relationships with the other courts in Prythian. A lot of people have already pointed how much Eris could be a lot like Rhys in the manner that Eris wants the Autumn Court to be seen not as the fiery court of rage and misery, but instead wants to be a beacon for those who dwell there. And you do see some parallels between Rhys and Eris and their upbringing with their fathers being very strict figures in their lives but with Eris there was an emphasize of abuse somewhere along the line. 
Now I’m not saying that Eris is getting a book or that his book even next, but I think that we have not heard the full story of what happened between both him and Mor, and I really want to know the entire story of what had happened in Eris’ life to make him seem like such a conniving person. But if I’m being honest I would much rather read a book about Eris’ efforts to lift the Autumn Court than a book about Mor--just my preference you don’t have to agree with me. 
Now here are my runner ups for who could be the possible voice of ACOTAR 6. 
No, not Azriel and Elain, but Azriel or Elain. Now there were a lot of people saying that the book is either about Elain and Azriel, or Azriel and Gwyn, or Elain and Lucien--and I’m not going to shut down anyone’s theories but I’m going to share my own. Again, if you feel peeved about what sides or ships I support then stop reading when you get pissed because I can live with the fact that not everyone is going to agree with my theories.
First off, Azriel. 
I’m going to be honest, from what I read on Tumblr mainly I thought Azriel’s role in ACOSF was going to be way bigger, but I still enjoyed his dry humor and presence when he was there. Though when it comes to Miss Sarah J Mass we have to pay attention to every little detail in her books and if you caught onto his distance from Mor during the Solstice party or his reluctance to hold baby Nyx because of his scarred hands then I think it’s pretty telling that the next book could be about Azriel and his journey with coming face to face with his trauma, his past, and maybe his unsteady relationship with the Illyrians; not to mention his five century one-sided love with Mor. 
If you know me, or looked at any of my content, you should know that I am a hardcore Gwynriel shipper. I love Gwyn and fell in love with the ship almost immediately so much so that I’m embarrassed that I entertained the idea of shipping Azriel with Emerie or Clotho. I think that she might play a pivotal role in his journey to healing and that he might also play a large role in hers as well. Through his bonus chapter we can kind of see the sparks of something starting between them, I’m guessing it’s tied to theories that they are mates or to the theory that Gwyn could be a possibly lightsinger. All I know for sure right now is that Gwyn’s story is definitely not over with and I except see more of her in the future along with the other Valkyries as well. 
Finally, Elain. 
Now I don’t think the next book is about Elain but I do feel that out of all of the other characters her story is in the making? I’ve been told numerous times that Elain will be getting a book of her own, but we don’t know when and we don’t know what it is going to be about. Now, I’m not the hugest fan of Elain and it all goes back to her and Nesta just sitting around when Feyre was in the woods fighting for her life and there's as well. I know that she apologized and felt guilty afterwards but her excuse was “we gave up and she didn’t” just did not do it for me. 
It was in this passage from A Court of Thorns and Roses, where my distaste for Elain blossomed: 
The mercenary transferred the coins to my waiting palm, and I tucked them into my pocket, their weight as heavy as milestone. There was no possible chance that my sisters hadn’t spotted the money--no chance they weren’t already wondering how they might persuade me to give them some. 
...I felt my sisters sweep closer, like vultures circling a carcass. 
Like at least we knew Nesta was the “wolf” as she described herself. We knew she had a sharp-tongue and we knew she could be a bitch with her words. But Elain, she was described as innocent and nice, and yes when you paint her in a garden with flowers and frilly dresses she does just seem like some Cinderella-like character but after five books, especially after ACOSF my hate for Elain has just grown. Like after ACOWAR, I just thought she was boring--yes, she had a hand in killing the king of Hybern but that hype was kind’ve stolen away when Nesta ripped his head from his body. 
Since then, we haven’t really, really got a full look through with Elain and a large part of that is because we haven’t gotten her point of view, like not even in A Court of Frost and Starlight. From what we know about her, canonically, no theories or anything, she likes to garden, she likes to cook, her friends are Cerridwen and Nuala, she doesn’t want to confront that bond she has with Lucien, and she has an attraction to Azriel. But beyond that we don’t know anything--there were things that I kept out even though they were mentioned in ACOSF but there is also a lot of mystery around the things she said and claimed to do--even Cassian questioned them but didn’t approach her about the topic. 
I don’t think we have enough of a story to build up on Elain. For the most part I feel like her presence in ACOSF was mostly there to just piss Nesta off. Literally, in every scene she has with Nesta, she is pissing her off, setting her off, making her yell or scream, or making the silver flames ignite. And this is extremely out of character for Elain. Yes, we don’t get enough of her, but from what we can gather, Elain usually is not one to push buttons but I wonder why she did with Nesta. 
Here are a few passages that I just found beguiling while reading Nesta’s interactions with Elain: 
Elain stepped closer, brown eyes wide. Undoubtedly wholly convinced of her own innocence, her innate goodness. “It’s the truth. We did this because we love you, and we worry for you, and if Father were here--”
“Don’t ever mention him.” Nesta bared her teeth, but kept her voice low. “Never fucking mention him again.” 
Mentioning their father? A very taboo subject for Nesta. And Elain stans like to argue that Elain is quiet and docile because she is an observer. She takes things in and she tucks them away in her memory, but if she’d paid so much attention then why would she mention their father to Nesta? Feyre noted Nesta’s relationship with their father in book one, so there is no way that Elain herself didn’t know about it. 
Here is  another line from their conversation I thought were very weird to read about and I’ll explain why: 
Elain crossed her arms and said calmly, sadly, “Feyre warned me this might happen.” 
Bullseye. Nesta doesn’t like to be talked about, to be judged. We learned that in ACOSF and again if Elain was this person who sees and pays attention she should’ve known this or caught on. 
I think in this scene, Elain was purposely trying to set off Nesta. 
Nesta cleared her throat. “Cassian said it might be good if I came.”
Elain’s eyes flickered. “Did Feyre pay you, like last year?” 
“No,” shame washed over her. 
Elain sighed, glancing over Nesta’s shoulder to the open doorway across the entry. The party within, only for their small inner circle. “Please don’t upset Feyre. It’s her birthday, first of all. And in her state--”
“Oh, fuck you,” Nesta snapped, and then choked. 
Nesta was actually trying to get better at this point. She even risked going to a party despite not feeling welcomed just because Cassian told her it might be good for her to be surrounded by her family and for her not be alone on the holiday. You could even tell how by the way Nesta is keeping herself away she is still uncomfortable but the thing is she still showed up which is a sure sign she is improving. 
I don’t know why Elain started talking about the year before or about upsetting Feyre--literally wanted to slap the bitch in this scene. Like I just want to know why Elain pressed so hard. Then afterwards she waved it off as if she hadn’t just said what she said and acted normally. I can not tell you how mad I was at this--like especially for a sensitive character like Nesta who is ALWAYS In her thoughts and always takes things to a deep level. Like what Elain said could’ve just broken a vital part of Nesta and caused her to relapse. 
Anyways, I think Elain’s behavior in ACOSF could hint at the Evil Elain theory. Although I don’t think it’s going to come in the next book--it might build in the next book but at most I think Elain’s story will come to fruition in ACOTAR 7 or 8 and isn’t going to be about her journey or soul searching but maybe we’ll be getting the point of view of a villain. Like there were many mysterious hints dropped in ACOSF and the way I interpreted them is that Elain is planning something and if her behavior matches her actions, it’s something that could possibly affect her sisters. 
Plus, you have to wonder how Brialynn and Koschei knew everything. They knew all the IC’s moves and all of Nesta’s moves...but how? A lot of the time when Nesta was given a mission by Rhys it was in the River House and we also know that Elain has been getting better at sneaking around without being detected so it’s not too farfetched that Elain could be the spy. You don’t have to agree with me but I think it’s a pretty solid theory as far as they go. 
But do tell me your thoughts I would love to hear them. I’m sorry if I offended anyone in the end but we all have to just respect everyone’s opinion so no fights or slander, especially in my comment section. 
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