#chaotic blog needed organizing
thoughtfulchaos773 · 4 months
Meta Masterlist
In No Particular Order...
What is the thing? What is a good thing?
A show about a self-hatred, love, and connection.
True Intimacy for Carmy...
Carmy the Artist
Never apologize
Season 2 & episode titles gives us a glimpse into Syd x Carmy’s love story.
Season 2 and Strange Currencies
Syd x Carmy: The creation of Eros
Syd + Carmy- Labels
Carmy and the walk in
Carmy + Amends
Seven Fishes and The Timer Part One
Seven Fishes and The Timer Part Two
Where's That Phone Call?
Season 3 and The lay of the land
Syd, Carmy, + Anhedonia
Sydney's Search for Connection
The Muse Theory
The Bear and Corresponding Episode Moments
the Vow
Sydney and The Focal Point Part One
Sydney and The Focal Point Part 2
Fak and Richie's Roles
Richie + Carmy-Kin
Being Shitty
Concept of Time
Clock is Ticking
Sorry Sign
Refire the Sets
The use of the word thought
Syd and Carmy- A Lover's Quarrel
The Meaning of Pop
Fixing and Empathy
Sydney's Reactions
Sydney and Carmy Certain of Nothing
Sydney and The Sense of Urgency
The Subconscious and Cinematography
The Hues in Carmy's Mind
Syd and Carmy- Romantic Beats
Mars and Venus
I wasn't Jealous or Anything
Jeff's Friend
The Painting
Sydney and Carmy Timeline
Fishes Opening Scene Analysis
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oddclan-askblog · 8 days
Ocean Expedition
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Raaf regarded his peer in horror,"You said we were only gonna fish a little."
"We are, we are,"Huemmo gave him a shy smile as he tossed a massive bait bag overboard,"uh we're gonna fish for wale anyway."
"The pack is moving in."Klem stood at the front of the boat, spear in tallon, eyeing a dark set of fins in the distance. They spliced through the churning water with alarming speed headed strait for the boat.
Raaf scrambled for the rope tethering them to certain death. He pulled to no avail, the bait bag was as heavy as he was. Raaf turned to the drone furious,"You told me you found a sardine shawl we could hunt! We're not prepared for large game, Vitur will be furious with me when we get back!"
Huemmo gently nudged him aside and shrugged,"Look it was only a little white lie to get your dad off my back." The drone handed Raaf a bronze trident and a brown robe,"Klem and I have done this a dozen times, it's fun you'll see."
Taking the spear in one talon and throwing the coarse fabric over himself with the other Raaf still felt cold. The cloak did little to take the edge off of the brisk morning air as the sun broke the horizon.
"Get ready." Klemok joined the two of them on the starboard side. He also had a trident though its blade was iron and its oak handle ornately decorated...with sark scales.
Raaf fussed arround with his feathers trying to take his mind off of Huemmo,"Why do drones have to be so frustrating?" He grumbled to himself.
"Being headstrong is good most of the time." Klemok chimed making his older brother jump,"Huem says determination is part of what makes him attractive, perdorming acts of strength show off his bravado and leadership potential...or something like that."
"Huh. Doesnt seem very attractive, Asi and Vitur are both determined but their not reckless about it." Raaf fiddled absentmindedly with his hoop earring,"Vitur is too cautious if anything and Asi doesnt do much besides cook I dont think."
"Ya but their old though, they couldnt wrestle a baby Elum if they wanted."
"Youd be surprised. How many sark have you killed? You both hunt big fish often?" Raaf tapped at the scale, its sharp edge bit into his finger and he yelped.
"Careful, they're sharp."
"No kidding," it was a mild scratch but annoying all the same.
"I've only nabbed the three I got these scales from." The younger mud puffed up with pride," The first one was hard but the other two were pretty easy. This'll be my first time taking on a wale, Huemmo thinks me ready for it." He shrugged.
"I hope you are cause I'm not." Raaf's feathers stood on end as he realized the wales were nearly on top of them. Huemo stepped on the spool of roap and locked both of his massive paws arround the bait line. A shadow slithered from the depths towards the boat. Pink stained fangs long as a mudokon forearm broke the surface entrapping the fishnet. Huemmo lurched forward catching himself against the rim of their boat as he strained to keep the line.
Klem struck first, aiming over the ravinouse fangs, Raaf thought he missed. Until the fish spat the meat out and lurched backwards in pain. It's giant bulbous eye struck through by the iron blade. He took aim to finish the thrashing beast off and released his spear.
Black and white blubber smacked the side of their boat as the wale shoved them away with its tail. Raaf and Klem fell backwards as they were sent spinning away from the pack. Several minutes passed before the vessel steadied out. Raaf pulled himself up into a sitting position and peered unsteadily over the rim. Two Kill'r Wale's were floating lifeless among the still waters, abandoned by their pack. His blade pierced the eye of a small pup, Raaf swore under his breath, it was too young to die. He felt numb as Klemek's cries shattered the stillness of the moment. The bait and line were long gone in the ruddy water. Huemmo nowhere to be found, they had lost their drone.
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originalitysquared · 4 months
Morning tumblr: arguments, zingers, insults. This is [redacted]™. She is funny and smart and witty and a little angry. Ideal perception.
2am tumblr: ramblings about love and desire, the concept of wanting someone or something, life, rotting, death. These are certified sadgurl hours, steam venting.
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eisthenameofme · 5 months
So the issue is i have several different blogs and it's resulting in my posting a disproportionate number of text posts to images on here. Is that actually a problem? No. Is it annoying me anyway? Maybe
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
The Writer's Guide to Authentic Wounds and Fatalities
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Writing fatal injuries in a story requires a delicate balance between realism and narrative impact. The portrayal of these life-altering events can evoke strong emotions in readers and shape the trajectory of your characters' journeys. In this blog, I will explore the intricacies of depicting fatal injuries in a manner that feels authentic, engaging, and respectful to the gravity of such circumstances. By understanding the nuances of fatal injuries, you will be equipped to craft compelling narratives that resonate with your readers.
Writing Fatal Injuries
When it comes to writing fatal injuries, it is crucial to approach the subject with care and accuracy. Fatal injuries carry immense consequences for your characters and can shape the trajectory of your story. By delving into the intricacies of portraying fatal injuries authentically, you can ensure that the gravity and impact of such events are effectively conveyed to your readers.
Choosing the right injuries for your story
Selecting the appropriate fatal injuries for your narrative involves considering various factors. Ask yourself: What purpose does this injury serve within the story? How does it affect the characters and the overall plot? Conduct thorough research to identify injuries that align with your story's context and resonate with the emotional journey of your characters.
For example, in a historical drama, you may research common fatal injuries during a particular era, such as battlefield injuries, diseases, or accidents prevalent at the time. In a crime thriller, you might explore the portrayal of fatal gunshot wounds or traumatic injuries resulting from violent encounters. By aligning the injuries with the context and themes of your story, you create a more immersive and believable experience for your readers.
Researching the mechanics of fatal injuries
To portray fatal injuries convincingly, it is essential to delve into the mechanics behind them. Understand the specific anatomical structures and systems involved, as well as the forces or mechanisms that can lead to fatal outcomes. Explore medical resources, consult experts if possible, and gather insights into the physiological and psychological implications of such injuries.
For instance, if your character suffers a fatal stab wound, research the anatomy involved, the potential organs affected, and the potential consequences such as internal bleeding or organ failure. By understanding the specific details and implications of the injury, you can describe the physical and emotional toll it takes on the character with greater accuracy and depth.
Depicting the immediate aftermath
When writing about fatal injuries, vividly describe the immediate aftermath to capture the intense emotions and physical realities. Consider the sensory details, the shock and disbelief experienced by characters, and the chaotic environment that often surrounds such events. Balancing realism with the needs of your story, create a scene that immerses readers and evokes empathy.
For example, if a character experiences a fatal car accident, you can depict the chaos at the scene, the character's disorientation, and the reactions of witnesses. Emphasize the sensory details such as the sound of screeching tires or the smell of burning rubber, creating a visceral experience for your readers.
Emotional and dramatic impact on the narrative
The impact of fatal injuries extends beyond the immediate moment. Explore the ripple effects on other characters, relationships, and the overall plot. Delve into the emotional responses, grief, guilt, anger, or determination that arises in the aftermath of loss. Utilize these emotional arcs to deepen character development and drive the narrative forward.
For instance, the loss of a loved one due to a fatal illness might lead to grief and strained relationships among the remaining family members. The emotional journey of a character grappling with guilt and seeking redemption after causing a fatal accident can become a central theme in your story. By delving into these emotional arcs and their consequences, you add depth and resonance to your narrative.
Writing Minor Injuries
While fatal injuries may capture our attention with their dramatic impact, it is equally important to pay attention to the portrayal of minor injuries in your writing. Minor injuries, though less severe, can still significantly affect your characters and contribute to the authenticity of your story. In this section, we will explore the art of depicting minor injuries, ensuring that they are not overlooked or trivialized. By delving into the nuances of minor injuries, you can add depth and realism to your characters' experiences.
Types of minor injuries to consider
When crafting your story, it is essential to consider a range of minor injuries that can occur. These injuries can include cuts, bruises, sprains, minor burns, or even minor fractures. Each type of injury carries its own unique characteristics, associated pain levels, and recovery processes. By understanding these distinctions, you can create accurate and believable depictions that resonate with your readers.
For example, a character who sustains a cut on their hand may experience sharp pain, the sight of blood, and the need for immediate first aid. On the other hand, a character with a sprained ankle may struggle with mobility, experience swelling, and require rest and care for a few days. By paying attention to these specific details, you can enhance the realism of your storytelling.
Conveying pain and discomfort
When writing about minor injuries, it is important to effectively convey the pain and discomfort experienced by your characters. Consider describing the sensation of pain, the throbbing or stinging feeling, and how it affects their daily activities or interactions. Showcasing the emotional impact of pain, such as frustration, irritation, or vulnerability, can deepen the readers' connection to the character's experience.
For instance, if a character suffers from a sprained wrist, you can describe the dull ache that persists, making simple tasks like typing or holding objects challenging. By capturing these small but significant moments, you immerse readers in the character's struggle and create a more realistic portrayal.
Balancing realism with narrative pace
While it is important to depict minor injuries realistically, it is also crucial to strike a balance with the overall pace and momentum of your story. Consider the significance of the injury within the larger context of your narrative. Some injuries may require more detailed attention and impact the plot, while others may serve as background elements. Adjust the level of detail and focus accordingly, ensuring that the portrayal of minor injuries aligns with the narrative's flow.
For example, a small cut on a character's finger may not require an extensive description unless it becomes infected or triggers an unexpected consequence. By aligning the portrayal of minor injuries with their narrative relevance, you maintain a consistent pace while still acknowledging their impact on your characters' lives.
Writing Bloodshed And Realistic Blood Loss
When writing about wounds and injuries, it is essential to consider the amount of blood loss your characters may experience. Realistic portrayal of bloodshed can enhance the authenticity of your scenes and immerse readers in the gravity of the situation. In this section, we will explore the factors influencing blood loss and techniques for accurately depicting it in your writing.
Understanding blood loss and its impact on the body
To authentically portray blood loss, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of how the human body responds to injury. Research the circulatory system and the role of blood in transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Consider the different types of blood vessels and their potential for bleeding when injured. This knowledge will help you create realistic scenarios and determine the appropriate level of blood loss for specific injuries.
Factors influencing blood loss in different injury scenarios
The amount of blood loss can vary depending on the severity and location of the injury. Factors such as the size of blood vessels, the rate of bleeding, and the body's ability to clot play a significant role. For example, a deep laceration in an artery will result in more substantial blood loss compared to a superficial cut on the skin. Consider these factors when describing injuries and their resulting bloodshed.
Techniques for accurately portraying blood loss in writing
There are several techniques you can use to convey the realistic impact of blood loss in your writing. Describing the color, consistency, and flow of blood can provide vivid imagery. You can also include physical symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, or fainting that may accompany significant blood loss. Additionally, consider the emotional response of your characters and how they react to the sight of blood or their own injuries.
By incorporating these techniques, you can create scenes that evoke a visceral response in readers and enhance the authenticity of your writing.
Bruises: Colors, Progression, and Pain
Bruises are a common result of injuries, and understanding how they form, change in color, and cause discomfort can greatly enhance the realism of your writing. By accurately describing bruises, you can bring depth to your characters' injuries and portray their healing process convincingly.
Understanding the stages and colors of bruises
Bruises go through distinct stages of color as they heal. Initially, they may appear red or purple due to the broken blood vessels beneath the skin. Over time, the color changes to blue, green, yellow, and eventually fades to a brown or yellowish hue. Understanding this color progression can help you accurately describe the age of a bruise and the healing process.
For example, a fresh bruise might be vivid purple, indicating recent trauma, while a fading bruise may have a yellowish tinge, suggesting that healing has begun. By incorporating these color details, you can add realism to your characters' injuries and track the passage of time within your narrative.
Depicting the progression of bruises over time
As bruises heal, they often change in appearance and size. Initially, a bruise may be small and localized, but it can gradually spread and become more extensive. Describing this progression can provide a sense of the healing process and the passage of time within your story.
For instance, a character who sustains a significant blow to the face may develop a bruise that starts as a small spot near the eye but expands to cover a larger area over the next few days. By accurately portraying the progression of bruises, you enhance the authenticity of your characters' injuries and their recovery.
Conveying the pain and sensitivity associated with bruises
Bruises can be painful, sensitive to touch, and affect a character's movement and daily activities. Describing the pain and discomfort experienced by your characters can create empathy and immerse readers in their physical ordeals.
Consider conveying the tenderness of a bruise when pressure is applied, the throbbing sensation, or the limitation of movement due to the pain.
Remember The Side Effects
Injuries, whether minor or severe, often come with a range of side effects that can significantly impact your characters' lives. These side effects can extend beyond the physical realm and encompass emotional, psychological, and social aspects.
Physical side effects
Injuries can have profound physical side effects that go beyond the immediate pain and discomfort. Consider the potential consequences such as limited mobility, impaired coordination, chronic pain, or the need for assistive devices like crutches or braces. Describing these physical side effects can add depth to your characters' struggles and provide a realistic portrayal of their healing journey.
For example, a character who sustains a leg injury may experience difficulty walking, require physical therapy, or have long-term complications that affect their day-to-day activities. By addressing these physical side effects, you create a more nuanced depiction of the aftermath of injuries.
Emotional and psychological side effects
Injuries can have a profound emotional and psychological impact on characters. They may experience fear, anxiety, trauma, or a loss of confidence. Consider how the injury affects their self-image, relationships, or mental well-being. Explore the emotional journey your characters undergo as they navigate the aftermath of their injuries.
For instance, a character who survives a near-fatal accident may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and struggle with recurring nightmares or panic attacks. By incorporating these emotional and psychological side effects, you can deepen the complexity of your characters and their responses to traumatic experiences.
Social implications and changes
Injuries can also lead to significant social changes for your characters. They may face challenges in their personal relationships, encounter stigma or discrimination, or experience changes in their roles or identities. Explore how the injury affects their interactions with others and their sense of belonging in the world.
For example, a character who sustains a facial injury may encounter judgment or stares from others, leading to self-consciousness or isolation. By addressing the social implications and changes resulting from injuries, you can create multi-dimensional characters and explore the impact of their injuries on their social dynamics.
By incorporating these various side effects into your writing, you bring depth and authenticity to your characters' experiences and showcase the wide-ranging impact of injuries.
Writing authentic wounds and fatalities requires attention to detail and a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects involved. By following the guidelines and exploring the subheadings discussed in this guide, you can create compelling and realistic portrayals of injuries in your writing.
Remember to conduct thorough research on the specific injuries you want to depict, understanding their mechanics, symptoms, and potential outcomes. Consider the immediate and long-term effects on your characters, both physically and emotionally. Incorporate sensory details to immerse readers in the experience, describing the pain, bloodshed, colors of bruises, and the progression of healing.
Additionally, don't forget to address the side effects that injuries can have on your characters' lives. Explore the physical limitations, emotional struggles, and social implications that arise from their injuries. By delving into these aspects, you can create well-rounded characters and compelling narratives that resonate with readers.
I hope this blog on forging epic battles will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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Hi maggots, it's Asmi!
It seems we have arrived at That Point again, when I need a new intro post. So here we are! The Official (kidnapped) Good Omens Mascot and uh Maggot Prince has returned with a fresh post.
First, before I talk about myself, here are some important links that people ask me for and I want to make sure they're accessible:
The Official Maggots Server of Doom on Discord: The server of kindness and chaos and brainrot where we just vibe (I promise you'll be welcome there, whoever you are, maggot, so many people who were shy are now screeching at me and I love that). Link here.
Weirdly-Specific-But-Ok The Youtube Channel: Yes, thanks to the 10khaos post, I made a Youtube channel. I intend to cause a lot of chaos on it, I have already begun. Hehe. Link here.
My Ko-fi: Ummmm this exists? Wahoo a Ko-fi. No pressure and I appreciate you all whether you're a silent lurker, causing chaos, supporting me with words or supporting me on Ko-fi. I love you. Link here.
The Good Omens Ad: A lot of you ask me what Good Omens is about. Never fear! I wrote an advertisement for it ages ago, and @1800ineedshelp edited it fabulously. Link here.
Okay I think that's the important parts, I'll edit it later, and now... uh HELLO!
I'm Asmi, I'm 20 years old, he/him, very queer and probably napping at any given moment of the day. Because of a chaotic post, I now have a fandom. My fans, such as they are, are known as maggots. There is a lot of significance behind that (accidentally, I just picked it because it looked like mascot kind of).
I am the Official Good Omens Mascot, because I was kidnapped by the fandom in January after I made a summary post of Good Omens without watching it, just by what I saw on my tumblr dash. I have grown very fond of this title and the fandom, and have since watched the show (some episodes twice).
Also, this blog is a safe space for all queer people, and yes that includes aroace-spec people, trans people, all queer people. If you don't agree with that, there's the door *points to a pit of boiling sulphur*.
[if you see talk of spare organs, the Wibbles Incident, Fae kidnapping, Red Bull-induced madness, me thirsting over Crowley etc, don't worry about it, it's normal here. just be careful when gardening and/or fishing is mentioned, it's a trap.]
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absolutebl · 4 months
This Week in BL - Well... at lease we have Wandee & Stand-in?
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 4 of 12 - The geept is strong with this one AKA Yak CAN flirt. Wandee now knows he isn’t the only one with a crush on someone else. AND YET they are SO DAMN CUTE together. I do wonder sometime if Yak is running a counter con with Dee pretending to have a crush on Taem. Meanwhile, mad props on the HPV vax public service! Good for them!!! Now that's my kind of product placement. I do have a feeling the sad bit with these two is gonna be VERY sad and last longer than we like. 
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 eps - It’s a riveting show. Pleasant? No. Riveting? Yes. Tiny crumbs for Ming’s assistant. Joe is best boy. That is all. I LOVE this show.
We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 8 of 16 - TOO MANY SOUND EFFECTS. Omg get your fingers off those buttons you computer wanking sound dude (you know it’s a dude) what tf do you think this is? Lovely Writer? Also, they left ALL their drinks! Can you not walk and drink at the same time in a BL? Meanwhile not much happened that hadn’t already happened AKA bit of a filler ep. That said, the friendship group stuff is glorious!!! Also this brand of super gentle flirting suits PondPhuwin better than any of their prior rolls. It reminds me of how much I think they suit a historical. There is a gentle dignity to these two. 
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 7 of 12 - I love how kindly the turn down was. But most of the dancing stuff was dull. I don’t know I just find the actor playing Kang pretty vacant of appeal I guess. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - As is not uncommon with JBL I’m being to get frustrated with Yuki the Uke. Sigh. I’m probably gonna stay that way for several episodes given the pacing of this show. 
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - Also frustrating. Willful misunderstanding. We got us some running of the gays but boy is this drawn out. 
Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 3-4 of 6 - The puppy is a bit too much sunshine innocent for me. And the professor is a bit creepy. I don't know, I'm not loving this one like I want to.
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It's airing but...
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard.
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS. How?
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 2 of 10 - yeah I can't find it.
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In case you missed it
Crossing my fandoms moment, major Kpop blog ran the following: OMEGA X Hangyeom Talks Jazz For Two, Brotherhood, And More With KpopStarz
Tis the season of remakes? Both Addicted Heroin (August, my love!) and My Love Mix-Up (G4!) are coming from Thailand. I am very excited to see both. I love a Thai remake, often more than the original.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
May Releases
VBL (Taiwan) is releasing 4 'Special Episode' epilogues to their 4 2023 shows every Friday this month on Gagaoolala, Viki & Viu. Not sure on search terms or how to find these. (Or, frankly, if we need them.)
5/10 – You Are Mine
5/17 – VIP Only
5/24 – Stay By My Side
5/31 – Anti Reset
5/28 My Biker 2 (Thai movie YT?) - trailer
5/30 Knock Knock Boys (Thai Thurs WeTV & Gaga) - I do love Best and I'm interested in seeing him in a new pairing. That said, I'm not wild about Seng. Still, this looks like a chaotic pulpy mess, I'm looking forward to wallowing in it one way or another.
5/31 The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) - May not be BL
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All Wandee Gooday.
Icky no longer allows screen shots or there would have been a bunch from Stand-in.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity
@rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinate wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember:
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wordbunch · 1 year
SFW Alphabet: Pippin
a/n: whichever big brain anon requested this was absolutely right to do so! he is BABEY and this blog is gradually turning into a Pippin stan account? ALSO I've changed up the template for the alphabet a little bit, so you will see some new categories, yayy <3 i hope you enjoy, please be so kind to reblog and i'm looking forward to any comments <3
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A = AFFECTION (how affectionate are they and how do they show affection?) He is literally if affection was a person and he isn't particularly concerned with the notion of personal space. He will show you affection in any and every way possible – endless hugs, always being physically close, giving you little gifts, and most importantly making you laugh as much as he can on the daily basis.
B = BEST FRIEND (what would they be like as a best friend and how would the friendship start?) Very loyal, and of course chaotic and fun, always with some crazy ideas. There is never a dull moment, he likes to just randomly drop by and go on a little adventure with you. However, sometimes you need to be the person who balances out his craziness and energy, so that you don't end up getting into too much trouble.
C = CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle & how?) He absolutely LOVES to cuddle, and he would never stop if he didn't have to. There is no particular favorite cuddling position – they're all equally valid because he gets to hold and be held by his favorite person in the whole world. Some days he will wrap around you as much as possible, other days he wants to be the little spoon, it constantly varies.
D = DOMESTIC (do they want to settle down; how are they at cooking/cleaning?) Quite frankly, he didn't think about any of that before you – he is fairly young after all – but the second he fell in love with you (and you reciprocated it) he was like THIS is what I want for the rest of time!!! He can be a specifically organized mess, but he is very enthusiastic about helping you and learning how to do things around the house, it's really sweet.
E = ENCHANTED (what was their first opinion/feeling about you when you just met?) He was amazed and sort of fascinated by you. It wasn't love at first sight at all, it was just some kind of instant fascination and he knew he wanted to befriend you and get to know you immediately. Very soon, however, he would start feeling a bit too giddy if he ran into you somewhere, and mention you a bit too often to his friends.
F = FIANCE(E) (how do they feel about commitment; how quickly would they want to get married?) Once he is in love with you, he is all yours, with literally no interest in anyone else. Your relationship is basically best friends in love, so he doesn't feel limited in doing anything fun – you will probably just join in anyway. It would be pretty much the same if you got married, and it means having sleepovers with your best friend every single night! So he's totally on board with that, whenever you're up for it. Maybe really fast, actually. Impulse control who?
G = GENTLE (how gentle are they, physically and emotionally?) He is a BABY. Okay yes, he can be a little shit too, but first and foremost he is a baby. He takes too many things to heart and then overthinks them; and while he can admittedly be a little bit impulsive and rash in some decisions, he would never ever act harshly towards you in any way. He literally showers you with love constantly, it's just who he is.
H = HUGS (do they like hugs, how often, what are they like?) Loves loves loves hugs, and your hugs feel like the safest, warmest place in the world. Loves giving and receiving surprise hugs from behind, quick hugs in passing, long hugs to forget about any problems… Depending on the height difference, he'd be a big fan of giving you a side hug and then walking like that – holding hands is just too basic sometimes.
I = I LOVE YOU (how fast they say the L-word) Really quickly and maybe on accident, because he can talk a lot, and it wouldn't be the first time he spoke without thinking. When his own words reach his brain, his facial expression is absolutely priceless, all wide eyes and blushing cheeks.
J = JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get and how they act then) It's extremely rare that he gets jealous, he trusts you with his life and more. If he sees someone getting a little too friendly with you, his first thought would be something among the lines of 'oh nice, they're making new friends!' but if it goes on a little too long, he will feel a bit insecure rather than jealous, and go sulk in a corner somewhere until you find him; you thought it was worrisome how suddenly you couldn't hear him talking someone's ears of or singing on a table. Just go and find him and remind him that he is your favorite person and you would never ditch him for someone else, and the cheerful mood will return.
K = KISSES (what are their kisses like, where do they like to kiss you/be kissed?) Chaotic and cute and plenty! Like previously established, he is the biggest fan of physical affection, but sometimes he still hesitates a little bit when it comes to kissing you in public. Over time he gets more confident about it, and he will just dot a bunch of kisses all over your face until you're a giggling mess. If you kiss him on the forehead or the top of his head, he will melt into a puddle of love because it makes him feel like you're proud to have him.
L = LOVE LANGUAGE (what is their love language and how they show you love) I think his main two love languages, out of the five, would be physical affection and gift giving; but not any necessarily fancy gifts: more like a pretty flower he saw by the road and thought you would appreciate, or a silly little written poem. I know it's not among the five love languages, but MAKING YOU LAUGH is his absolute favorite thing to do, and you have more inside jokes than you can count.
M = MORNINGS (how are mornings spent with them) He loves to sleep in if he can, but once he's awake, he's awake, even if somehow he woke up at 5 am. You always wake up in a tangled mess of limbs and blankets, and in the mornings is when he is quietest, until you start making breakfast together and wake up half the neighborhood with singing, laughing, doing silly voices or accidentally dropping things.
N = NICKNAMES (do they like to use cute nicknames for you/you for them?) He will use every possible existent nickname, and he is partial to coming up with silly ones, just for you. He will most definitely blush if you give him one, it makes him feel super special.
O = OPEN (when would they start revealing things about themselves; everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He is talkative and trusting, so a lot of things might come out accidentally; and besides, he is quite easy to read anyway. However, when it comes to more emotional matters, or something serious that is bothering him, he might act a little more closed off. All you need to do is remind him once that you'll listen and try to help, no matter what it is, for him to tell you almost everything.
P = PATIENCE (how easily angered are they?) Literally never?? You've never met anyone so chill with the most 'it is what it is' attitude. The only exception is if someone else is in any way rude or threatening to you, then he won't hesitate to give them a piece of his mind.
Q = QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you – every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget most things?) It's very arbitrary, sometimes he will remember something very small and almost insignificant, but forget something more important, or the other way round. He certainly doesn't remember everything, but that's not to say he doesn't try. And it's really okay if he needs you to remind him of something every now and then.
R = REMEMBER (favorite moment in your relationship) The first time when you two spent his birthday together – you actually threw him a surprise party with the biggest homemade cake, a bunch of little presents, and of course, fireworks! There was music and delicious food, and all his friends, and you – it was one of his favorite days of all time, and it spoke volumes on how you felt about him and the things that you'd do.
S = SECURITY (how protective are they; how they'd like to be protected and how they protect you) It's a mixed bag – he is often scared of something happening to you, but also he knows you're perfectly capable of defending yourself and he likes to watch you being all tough and independent. Maybe just for the sake of his confidence, sometimes let him step in and be a little protective, it's cute. If you stand up for him when he is being criticized, he will blush profusely, and give you a shy 'thanks', but he will keep thinking about it for a while.
T = TRY (how much effort do they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, everyday stuff) He thinks you're too special and too wonderful not to be treated accordingly, and he will try to show you that through a bunch of little things. He loves to surprise you in small ways on at least a weekly basis, but for your birthday or anniversary or something „bigger“ like that, a huge bouquet of flowers is a must (seriously, it's so big that he barely carries it without stumbling), and he will try to make your favorite dessert for you too.
U = UGLY (some bad habits of theirs) Sometimes he unnecessarily doubts himself and even questions whether he is good enough for you, but luckily you can tell when he's overthinking those things almost immediately, and then you reassure him in more ways than one.
V = VACATION (how you spend lazy days and free time) The two of you always get up to something and it’s not that common that you’re just lying around, but in case you are, it’s most likely somewhere outside under the shade of a beautiful tree, catching some sun, talking each other’s ears off and sharing some delicious snacks!!!
W = WISH (something that they really want to do/experience with you?) He wants to do every single thing imaginable with you, because you make everything better and more enjoyable just by being there – the bucket list is endless!
X = XTRA (a random headcanon for them) He is organized but in a chaotic way: while his things might sometimes look like a mess, he always knows where everything is. And he really loves taking baths with obligatory singing.
Y = YUCK (what are some things they dislike generally or in a partner?) People who are mean and/or negative, because he is the exact opposite of those things, always tries to be nice to everyone and look for something positive in every situation.
Z = ZZZ (a sleep habit of theirs) For somebody that small, he takes up an astonishing amount of space in a bed – you have no idea how someone can be so sprawled, yet sleep without a care in the world.
taglist my beloved @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @founder-of-imladris @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-placee @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorin-painter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3 @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @moth-makay
@bubbleyukismile @kitexvi @herstudios
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lovifie · 6 months
A little update for everybody for my current and future updates 🩷: (please read it ❤️)
Her Royal Highness: Hiatus. Trust me, I am the saddest about it. It is the first thing I wrote and what made me want to start the blog, but I have kind of lost the vision I had for it and I can't write anything without hating it. Don't worry too much about it because I am really dramatic and might just keep it going on a month 🩷.
Lift me off my feet: Around 4 chapters left. It would make it a 13 chapter series, taking in consideration I started because of a fanart I'm quite impressed with. Still, the little plot that it has is starting to run out and I feel like it is just unnecessarily stretching it, especially since there are other series I want to work on and I can't until this one is finished. I wanted to ask, would you rather have me finish this one “fast” or alternate it with other posts? Fast would be as in focusing on writing only this fic until I finished, and I believe I could have it done next week most likely.
Switch Bodies: Plot wise, around 2 chapters. After that, it would just be random scenarios that I would think of or that you could want me to write. Still, this one doesn't really have a schedule as it is mostly jokes so I can't tell when I'll update.
Spidey: This one will have a slower than usual post schedule since it is going to be interactive and I'll need to leave time between chapters to let everyone vote their favorites. So I'll be a bit more relaxed rhythm of updates.
Poll Fic: Whichever wins the poll (I can't see the results until Monday unless I vote and I'm edging myself like a moron), I won't probably write anything until I finish Lift Me Off My Feet, plus I want to organize a bit the plot so the thing that happens with Her Royal Highness doesn't happens again and I have something to support myself on to finish it. So I'll be a bit of time still.
Those are the series, I'm also working on oneshots and just silly stuff that genuinely I'll post randomly.
Aswell, I wanted to let people know that the on taglist form I removed the option to choose on which fic to me tagged because I was getting everyone mixed and it was becoming too chaotic so now there will be one single taglist. I hope you guys don't mind too much and thank you for understanding. If you would prefer me to remove you from it you can also tell me on the taglist form without a problem. 🩷🩷
There are going to be a couple of days without updates because I'm going to work on tidying everything up a bit so it is easier to navigate the blog. And I'm also going to slow down a bit as well, because I don't understand why I have pressured myself into uploading as soon as possible to the point I'm burning myself out instead of enjoying writing like I should.
That being said, I'm done rambling and complaining. I'd love any kind of feedback, as comments, asks or DM, I always love to read you guys opinion and ideas so feel free to do so ❤️❤️
Sorry for the disappointment of this not being an update let me know what you would rather have happening on the Lift me off my feet fic 🩷
Back to Masterlist - Taglist Form
TagList (1): @1-800-choke-that-ho @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @anirok2 @arbesa-mind @avaleigh16 @blckbrrybasket @bunnysdaydreams @cassiecasluciluce @cheomain @cmbghost @cod-z @coldpaperwonderland @contractedcriteria @cringeycookies @crinoid90 @darkangel4121 @dilara-del @dontworryboutitokie @dukeofjjune @dumb12bvtch1212 @dumybitch @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @evolutionarry @fraserbraw @ghostlythots @ghosts-hoe @glocuseguardian3rd @grenkiesworld @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @hatterripper31 @herefor-tojis-tits @howlove @itsberrydreemurstuff @jaguarthecat @jupiternighties @justyourfriendlyneighbourhood1 @kayden666 @keiraslayz @keiva1000 @kristalhi @l0velifehatey0u @ladyxtiger @lilliumrorum @lolliepopsicle @lolly145 @lotionlamp @lunamoonbby @lunari0 @marymustdie @missmidnight-writes
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guideoftime · 1 month
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Listen, okay, listen I do love all of you I follow. I didn't get enough of those positive vibe asks so here:
@regnantlight / @fragmentedlegends: I have quietly stalked them on the dash since I followed them and eagerly watch the things they do. They, as I have said before, have an incredible interpritation of BOTW/TOTK Zelda and it gives her character such a more pleasing personality and beautifully written headcanons. Organized headcanons! They have a master post to find their headcanons. I will never have that kind of organization haha! ADHD will not let me.
@devotedsheikah is another one I stalk on the dash, I find their view of HW's Impa absolutely adorable and facinating! Their blog is also so very pretty, I love their graphics!
@mightiestbanana I have said this before and many, many times, but Daddy Kohga is absolutely brilliant and I will never think of Kohga and not think of Al and their amazing art. They're absolutely beautiful with their art and their headcanons of the Yiga, bringing to life what I am fairly certain nin-tendo only made as a joke. The depth they have given to their entire world has certainly changed my view of the Yiga. I really hope Al knows how incredible and talented they are as an artist and a writer.
@dutifulsilence Salem! Salem is precious and has drawn my son on a sticky note before and I adore them so much. The little chaotic world we have built with geeky librarian Sheik and Silent Knight crushing on the geeky librarian is an absolute beautiful thing to me. Their Link is adorable and Salem has perfectly balanced that hero trauma must work through everything Link with the fun loving adorable knight that really just wants to have some fun and be loved too.
@vigilantdesert Marie is my go to for literally anything I want to know about the Gerudo! She has a very depthful, well thought out, thoroughly researched to perhaps the point of insanity understanding of the Gerudo. A lot of the things I know / go to for the Gerudo themselves comes from headcanons that Marie has posted before that I've read. On top of all of that though her portrayal of the Gerudo Women themselves (especially Nabs and Urbosa since I've interacted with them the most) is 200% on point and incredible. I love writing with Marie or reading what she posts!
@anyacommissions made all of my graphics, icons, and such and suchs. If you see something pretty on my blog, they made it. Anya is an incredible graphics worker, patient and kind. If you need help with your blog I do recommend them! They handle my chaotic screaming in their DM's when I come running to them crying for help because PS hates me!
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 6 months
Hi there! How are you doing? I have some questions, well, a rant *plus* some questions.
I feel... safer with allo allies than I do with aro/ace communities (online). Does that make me aphobic/bad? I don't go by labels because for me, they're not necessary. If I *were* to label myself based purely on definitions, I would be aroace, specifically, demiromantic asexual. I used to go by this a while back.
I don't fit the stereotype of being aroace at all. I'll talk about the aromantic side. Unlike most arospecs i've seen online, I LOVE Valentine's day! I LOVE shipping! I LOVE consuming romance fiction. I LOVE romance et cetera et cetera and yet I don't experience it like allos do. I need a strong bond with someone in order to fall in love and it takes me really, really, long to do so. But once it happens, my love is not 'weak'. It makes me pass really well as allo because of this, but it makes a lot of people in the aro community mad because I'm 'stealing' a label to 'feel special'. I was always told I was not aroace, that I couldn't be aroace by definition. That I was alloromantic asexual pretending to be on the arospec. That I was too scared to be 'basic'.
On that topic, and I think this is unintentional, but... why is nobody batting an eye when an aro or an ace person shames an allo or calls them weird or basic? Because they're doing exactly what allo aphobes are doing to them. I had this conversation with a friend and he said, 'that doesn't happen, allo people don't get shamed especially by aspec people', yet, I keep seeing things like 'I fucking hate allos so much' and 'To all my aces, we're not like allos, we're better' or something along those lines.
Whenever I enter an aspec online space, I'm made to feel like an intruder because, as I said, my experiences are very similar to the allo experience EXCEPT for the fact that I don't feel romantic attraction unless a strong bond has been formed. I'm not saying the aroace community is bad in any way, don't get my wrong, I'm saying that there is a massive gatekeeping problem going around and so much bubbling hatred and separation, and I don't understand any of it. In a prefect world, I'd happily identify as aroace, but I feel ashamed to do so now.
The gatekeeping... the infighting, I don't want to hate the online community of which I'm supposed to belong but this... this isn't right. The allo allies don't do things like this. They don't make me feel insecure about myself. And yes, while I don't experience romance like an allo would, I feel safe around them. I need to ask, have you seen this too? Have you experienced this? Is this truly all in my head? What do you think?
I apologize for the vent or if I seem aphobic, I just really need answers and I'm tired of the constant hatred... How are you? Did you drink enough water? Did you sleep well today? Did you eat? Again, I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable with this!
Vents are totally welcome, Anon. Don't worry.
I'm really sorry you ran into gatekeeping, Anon. I feel like that's something that's really been on the rise especially over the last couple of years. It's a real issue and it causes a lot of harm. This should go without saying, but demiromantic people are aro, and have just as much right to be here as anyone else on the aro spectrum.
I do think at least part of the problem is social media in general and how things are set up these days. We don't have community spaces as much anymore, in particular we've lost moderated spaces where gatekeepers can be properly dealt with. And there's very little curation or organization. Things are chaotic and fragmented, and one person's experience and what kind of posts they say see may vary wildly from someone else's. There's also a competing needs issue, where one aro may need to vent about romance, another may need their romantic side validated and there's no way to organize so each can find the space they each need.
If finding aro spaces/blogs that are more accepting is important to you, Anon (and it's OK both if it is or isn't), my big advice would be seek out demiromantic blogs and posters specifically. There's some very good ones around and they'll be posting about aro things that are relevant to you, and even more importantly won't be gatekeeping demi identities.
For more aro-general blogs, there are ones out there that are also inclusive and anti-gatekeeping, but it may take a bit of work to find them. Be very liberal with your unfollow and block buttons. If someone is gatekeeping block on sight, but also if they're not posting the type of aro content that you need or want to see, you're allowed to organize things so you don't see their posts. Sometimes unfollowing is enough, but blocking also doesn't necessarily mean the other person has done anything wrong, it's just a tool to make sure you're not seeing a blog you don't want to see.
For the shaming allos question, I do think it's a complex topic. For me it depends on context. I definitely do not believe in any kind of ace/aro superiority, being ace and/or aro, or being allo are both neutral. Nobody's smarter or more moral or more pure or anything like that. But sometimes people say things as a vent in the moment and are reacting to a difficult situation they've been in. So for example someone may say 'allos suck' but it comes from a place where they've been very badly treated by allos for being ace or aro but they're referring more to the societal systems that are in place that privilege allo people and make life more difficult for ace/aro people, they don't actually believe being allo makes someone a bad person. (It can be hard to tell what's going on just from a post, again it's OK to unfollow and block, especially if it's just not what you personally need to see in the moment).
Personally I don't come across a lot of this type of stuff, but this is what I mean about things being fragmented, the blogs I follow just aren't posting about the infighting or gatekeeping and I don't happen to see it in the tags when I go in there. But I do hear about it second hand, and it seems like it's a problem on other social media sites I'm not on as well.
I'm sorry you've had a hard time, Anon. But I am glad you've found people you can be comfortable with and be yourself around. That's really important too. And thanks for the reminder that I really should drink more water today.
Hopefully at least some of this is helpful, but if you have more questions or want to discuss anything in more detail, feel free to send in another ask.
All the best!
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Big Healer, Little Nurse
Every so often I remember I made this to be a writing blog. I made this to fit a prompt of "incompetent rescuer", which is one of my favorite tropes. When they WANT to be better but can't and know this will have consequences?
Anyway, this might have a part 2 bc I can't keep anything short.
He was big, her healer.
It scared people, his size. They were used to healers being meek women, driven to healing magic to save their children or to make some money on the side to support their homes. No one expected a man over 2 meters tall to have such a gentle way with healing wounds and calming pains.
Joan herself had been rescued by him two years prior. She didn't remember much about her previous life - and what she did was painful and scary to recall. She had been found in the wood, half frozen to death, body full of bruises. Thaddeus had nursed her back to health painfully slow. Back then she felt like she would never fully come back, but he never gave up on her.
Once she was better, she made herself useful, hoping that would mean she got to stay. She cleaned and organized his chaotic home and office. He had been surprised, as if he didn't expect someone to notice he had a hard time with his own messy habits, let alone help him with it. She cooked and took food for him when he was out on house calls because he often forgot to eat. She stood by him and helped with his tools and ingredients when he needed.
So he let her stay. He taught her what he could, but she really had no way with magic. She learned about human medicine, about how a body works and what it needs to be balanced and healthy.
Two years from the day he found her in the woods to the day she found him.
He had been travelling to the next village over the entire week, leaving her in charge of their own village. After making the usual rounds making sure no one was in need of help, she had gone to the woods to gather herbs. That was when she saw him, lying face down on the road. She didn't need to see his face to know. He looked like a mountain had just fallen over.
Joan rushed to his side, calling his name, turning him over to his back. His tanned skin was pale, his lips bluish, a low gurgling coming up from his throat each time he breathed. Little droplets of foam were hanging from the sides of his mouth. She tapped his face, trying to get him to rouse. When he didn't, she undid the ties on his shirt, exposing the top part of his chest and rubbing his sternum. Still nothing.
She opened his mouth. A foul smell came out and his gums were clearly discolored. He had been poisoned. He was probably on his way to this wood, where a lot of antidotes grew. Why would anyone do such a thing to him? He had never done anything but help...
Worried about his bluish lips, she touched her mouth to his and sent a few breaths of air down his throat. He coughed and gagged and she pulled away, moving his head to the side so the foam and saliva could drain out.
"Tad..." She called, rubbing his chest again. "What's the poison? I can't administer the antidote if I don't know..."
His eyes fluttered, but didn't open, only the whites showing inside. She opened one eyelid, and saw his pupils still react to the sunlight above. Good.
She pushed her fingers against his carotid to feel for his pulse. It was weak and erratic, a terrible combination.
Joan took a deep breath. She couldn't do anything in the middle of the road. She had to bring him home, to their tools and their medicine. But leaving to get someone seemed impossible. He couldn't be left alone in this state. She had to do it herself.
Bracing, she pushed his shoulder upward to sit him down. Even this effort got her sweating. He was out cold, his head lolling back. There was no way she was going to be able to lift him over the shoulder like he had taught her to do with someone larger than her.
"You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay."
She told herself even if her eyes were filling up with tears. She got up and held him under his armpits, starting to drag him back through the road. His troubled breathing was a constant in her ears as she sweated and sweated under the sun to pull him centimeter by gods damned centimeter.
Joan hadn't even gotten halfway home when he gagged, heaving. Foam had consistently been dripping through his mouth thorough the process, but it had stopped now. Moaning in distress, Joan placed him down again and kneeled at his back, holding him around the waist. She needed to clear his lungs or he wouldn't make it to the house.
Remembering his strong hands showing her the placement, she found the spot just above his belly button to push upwards. Nothing came out the first few tries, her arms too puny to make enough pressure. But on the third try, a spurt of foam came out and Thaddeus gasped, his entire body shaking. He was warm now and she suspected it wasn't the sun above.
Joan helped him breathe a couple more times since they had stopped. He looked like death now, his pallor growing lighter and lighter and his lips bluer.
"We're almost there." She assured him (or herself) before closing her arms around him and starting to pull him back to their cottage again.
But his breathing didn't get better and neither did his shaking. Eventually, he started gasping loudly, no sound of air coming out. They were only about twenty steps from the house, but her arms gave out as she put him down on the dirt floor.
"Please, breathe." She begged, pressing more air down his throat. His chest lifted but needed help falling. She had to press on it for the air to come rushing out, along with more viscous saliva and darkened foam. "That's not good."
The noise kept coming from his throat, not matter her efforts. She was about to keep breathing for him when she had half a mind to look for his pulse again.
"But they were breathing," she remembered saying after a particuarly bad night where they had lost a patient.
"No. Their body was trying to breathe, but the air wasn't sticking to the lungs." Tad had said, shaking his head.
No beat pressed against her fingers. She pressed harder and harder, sure she was wrong. He was just big, maybe his heart was taking longer. She laid her head on his chest. Nothing.
"No, no, no!"
She put her hands to his chest and started pressing down. Her arms were already shaking from dragging him there and almost buckled when she pushed down not nearly enough. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead and tried again. Each time, she got a little further, but she knew it wasn't enough.
"Damn it, Tad!" She straddled him. That made it easier, but not less challenging. She either didn't press hard enough or kept the wrong rhythm. Tears were streaming down her face as she gave it her all. This couldn't happen, not like this.
She stopped at 30 like had instructed and delivered a trio of breaths. Agonal sounds escaped him as she pushed his chest so the air could escape. Taking advantage of her position, she laid his head to the side and pushed on his abdomen, trying to clear his lungs. The popping of bubbles in the foam would haunt her dreams and the stench of the dark liquid would never allow her to feel clean again.
Another cycle. Another failure to keep the minimum. She couldn't keep this for long. She used to let him do this, they only traded placed on in a while in very long resuscitations... she really should have been better at this.
She had lost track of how many cycles she had done when he gasped again. Her hand went to his neck. His heartrate was too fast, but was there. That was all she needed. A chance.
Joan rushed into the cottage, grabbing all of the antidote shelf. She had had time to catalog his symptoms enough to have an idea of what this could be. The bad smell, affecting the lungs, the darkening of his saliva... Running to him again, she opened his mouth and rubbed a couple of leaves of ancient berry bush in his gums as he gasped and heaved. She delivered a few more breaths to him. The antidote wasn't a quick one, but it would work. She just needed time.
Since his heart was still unwell, she tried her hand at pacing him again, pushing his chest another two rounds of half assed compressions. As her arms shook with exhaustion and she herself felt a pang in her own chest, she gave up. She was probably doing more harm than good.
The smell in his mouth was better, but foam kept coming up, his lungs probably too overtaken.
Still straddling him, she crushed the antidote eaves until they let out their goop and dilluted it in salline. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She couldn't miss and she couldn't hold back. This could be his only chance of making the next hour.
So she touched his chest, looking for the right placenent, took a deep breath and insirted the syringe right into this heart, releasing the liquid directly in there before pulling the syringe out.
Joan took the last of her strenght to give a few compressions more to get the antidote running. She rolled off of him, lying on the dirt. He was still gasping, still shaking from his fever, but she could feel his heartbeat on his wrist when she held it between her fingers.
5 seconds and she would drag him inside and wait for him to recover. Just... 5 more seconds.
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sonicasura · 29 days
Rafflesia Woes
This is basically the UnderDogs/Hoshikaf prompt from my story based side blog and Skyscraper Softie AU combined. I couldn't resist the temptation for chaos, lol. Now let's get started.
Soshiro and Kafka have been happily married for 4 years. Both came across each at a lone bar. Kafka and his fellow coworkers were celebrating a job well done when the himbo notices a certain bowlcut man at the bar.
He seems down in the dumps about something. Noticing where Kafka was looking, his coworkers encouraged him to go talk to the man. A decision that would soon spitball into a happy albeit chaotic married life with the Vice Captain of the 3rd Division.
Neither were exactly happy when their 5th year anniversary was ruined by a Spider Yoju. Soshiro obviously visits his lover in the hospital with some lovely flowers to hopefully salvage part of the special occasion. A noble effort that is swiftly ruined when he barely catches Kafka shout 'Kaiju'.
Soshiro sees the small monstrosity forcefully go down his husband's threat. He barely held back a scream as his fingers brushed against Kafka's wrist before the man jump out the window. The Vice Captain could only stare in horror when a 69'11 ft kaiju took the place of his lover.
Soshiro didn't have fun helping guide Kafka out of the city, much less call Mina to organize a special rendezvous. Yet it was the only safe option he had to keep his husband alive. Even if Soshiro has to watch the man get heavily sedated.
The only relief he had was that Mina and Okonogi were on his side about keeping Kafka alive. A kaiju type that could convert others already made it difficult to fight off the more unsavory Higher Ups. Especially since Soshiro's personal married life is dragged into this whole fiasco.
It took quite some time for both men to find some sort of domestic routine again. Wasn't uncommon to find Soshiro sleeping in Kafka's grasp, for a small lizard avatar to always accompany him, or take advantage over the time his lover could stay in his more human sized forms. Hunting kaiju soon became the Hoshina man's way to keep his husband fed than just his duty and family tradition.
Obviously Kafka is gonna poke his big scaly head into things. Man feels awful about the rough spot he put Soshiro in as what kind of husband causes trouble for their lover by turning themselves into a kaiju!? (None obviously but Kafka would treat the situation like it could've been avoidable when it really wasn't.)
He tries to help in whatever way he can. Although Mina often has to step her foot in should Kafka's attempts become intertwined with the Science Department. Some members of that group didn't think restraint was needed since the Vice Captain's husband is a kaiju. (They already tried to dig into their bedroom life upon the results in Kafka's biological exams.)
It was definitely awkward for the Rookies when they notice the big kaiju near base and find out that's their Vice Captain's husband. You can blame some gossiping officers for the latter bit. Soshiro didn't hesitate to threaten them about it either. (Kikoru doesn't blame him since Kafka did save her.)
I can say that No.9 is gonna be extra fucking creepy about the married couple. The Mushroom Man knows no boundaries so a interspecies relationship between a human and a kaiju will garner his interest. He doesn't have any knowledge about Kafka being human once yet since this information requires very high clearance but also kept separate from the main database. Extra security measures to put it simply.
Should No.9 find out... Well Soshiro is gonna have to be extra careful around him. The Mushroom Man will want to see if he can replicate the kaijufication done to Kafka on the Vice Captain.
Soshiro rather not deal with the results.
(Didn't know what to put at the bottom so here's two Sandhill Cranes that like to raid my bird feeder.)
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@oxandthorn @drmarune @discoknack @renard-dartigue @driokrine @terra-sketches @nightfal1n @omniithe-deer @aries-m0rningstar
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Miles wants attention!
Like every couple, the one that get showered with love carves for attention. It's fine, it's normal to want undesirable love and cuddles to their significant other. It's how love languages are build, and a special bond is form.
However, there's a specific couple that often spoils their lover a bit too much. Hobie Brown, Spider-Punk from Earth 138b showers his Sunflower with love, cuddles, and snuggles wherever they are at and whenever. It's his only love language he ever shown to his darling Miles Morales, Spider-man from Earth 1610.
Anyone from Spider Society will tell you that Hobie will do whatever to give his Sunflower everything and anything, no matter what! If his Miles wants hot chocolate, he's there to give it to him. If his Sunflower needs blanket when he's cold, he is there with a jacket for his luv. If Miles ever so much carves for sweets or sodas, Hobie is there with a basket of candy.
Yes, the tall Spider-punk loves to give his all to show his dedication to their love, and he only ever does it with Miles. Gwen always say they are meant to be, since she never saw Hobie so caring. The punker loves to carry around his darling just because. It's one of those things when people do when their in love.
For Miles absolutely loves Hobie's affections, the way his boyfriend would appeared out of no where to be with him gets his heart fluttered. In the beginning of their relationship, he was too shy of all of Hobie's love languages, the gifts, the cuddles even the kisses! Miles felt due to his lack of experiences he didn't deserve it, but over time he comes to love it. He loves the way Hobie spoils him, not by material items! That's only a bit part of it.
He loves how Hobie is always there for him. To listen and have deep conversations about anything that pop in their minds. They rant together, share similar bonds, and yet be so different. They share their differences trying to understand each other point of views, never disregarding or hurting each other's feelings. It's like they were the perfect pair.
Now, they do have their ups and downs at times. All couples tends to, it's normal for relationships to talk about their problems and build on it. That's how it can better. The same goes for Miles and Hobie, they fought for small things like Hobie leaving a muddy mess in Miles room floor and through the window. Miles told him many times to always clean up afterwards or have his boots clean. Or the time Hobie didn't like Miles' organizing his vinyl records in order, because he prefers his chaotic style. He has it in a way where it's based on the feel or rhythm of the music. Small things that ends in calmly talks.
When it's large problems, that's where things get a little rocky. Hobie's jealousy use to be a small thing until recently his outburst about Miles and Miguel. It's a terrible issue that Miles always tried to calm him down for. The two had a very deep long discussion like always Hobie showers Miles with gifts and apologize.
Same with Miles being a people pleaser, Hobie hates to see his baby getting taken advantage off. He always had to remind him to say no. One time Miles ended up saying yes to a lot of missions because he didn't want to disappoint his friends, and colleagues, which causes him to overwork himself, almost injuring himself in the process. That really ticked off Hobie, they had a heated argument. Luckily, they were able to talk it out, and Miles promised to speak up.
In the end, they are the cutest couple around. They hold hands, snuggle and kiss whenever they can to show it. The two are what inspired other Spider-heroes to find love even through the worst of times. They show how they made it happen, and been going on strong. There's nothing wrong with them! We should try to be more like them! 💖
"Nothing wrong with them? We should try to be more like them?" Miles read the blog from his tablet that is from Spider Society's technology, "What the hell is Pav writing us on his Spydr So-city blog!"
Recently Miguel had a group of Spider-heroes create an app with the help of Lyla, of course, to share blogs, videos, or anything social media related. Its a way to keep Spider-heroes make new friends, or date. A lot of lonely spider-heroes started to get more active in talking through online chats or share similar bonds. It's an amazing app, for sure. Miles ended up finding out there's more variants of him, which got him super pumped.
"Heh, you know the lad, he's our number one fan." Hobie chuckles being next to his lover while playing his guitar.
The two were in Hobie's boat house tailored into his punk aesthetics spending some quality time together. By together, they ended up doing the nasty. Miles in on his boyfriend's bed being naked with parts of their sheets covering his lower part of his body. Hobie is laying on Miles' left side with his naked bared chest out showing off his two pierced nipples, being move covered from his mid-west to his feet. His hands diddling his guitar strings having to play a certain tune in his head for his next song.
"It's just weird... how did he know about me being a people pleaser! Pav is being very creepy, man!" Miles sat up to show Hobie the blog, "Literally, this dude started making a fan page... we're called Punkflower?"
"Mm, makes sense, luv. You're my Sunflower and I'm a punk, thought I don't agree with the label," Hobie nodded with agreement, "It's a perfect name for us. You don't like it?"
"I think it's kinda weird for him to write about us knowing he's our closest friends." Miles said, "Now, I gotta make sure he's not watching us so intensely with his fangirling."
"Oh darling, you'll get use to the spotlight. The attention is great." Hobie didn't mind it, he knew Pav means no harm. "Besides, Pav is just making that blog because a Spider-man said something about us not lasting."
"I'm not good being on the spotlight, but I'm fine with your attention, bae. Also, that's crazy! Are there Spider-people praying for our down fall." Miles snickers in amusement as he went to read the comments. "Look, 'cute couple need to know if Hobie is top or vice versa!' From an anon! Why they want to know that?"
Hobie saw how shy his boyfriend gets about their private sex life, they rarely talk about for it. It's only them that share this special moment together. No one else need to know. "Luv, it's fine. As long no one actually knows."
"But it obvious! Your a top!"
"but your a power bottom." He pointed out making his boyfriend flustered, "Sunflower, come here. Come me, it's fine." He pulls Miles close to kiss him on the lips.
"I just like your attention, which you should be giving me, now." He pouts, seeing how his Hobie is busy playing with his guitar. "You been on that guitar all day!"
"Not all day, luv. We did have some fun a couple moments ago." Hobie grins widely, "I just need to finish this bloody tune, it's not working when I do this." He plays a bit to see if it would work with the lyrics he's making up in his head.
Miles merely pouted, "Take a break, bae. This week I rarely got to see you and the only time I get the chance, your busy with your guitar."
"Just a second, Sunflower. I'm almost there. Read more of Pav's blog." Hobie said while having his focus on his guitar still trying to play his song.
Miles sighs feeling a bit upset about it, but he couldn't force him to pay attention. Or can he? "I'm not that sexy with flirting... at least I don't think. Fuck it, let's try it." He went back to snuggle against his boyfriend, letting his hand rub his chest.
"What is it, luv?" Hobie asked thinking this is weird. Miles was never confident with his flirting or being sexy- well not on purpose. Naturally he can be sexy without to overthink or flirt casually. Sometimes his Sunflower view himself not as attractive or handsome, which is bonkers, Miles is a cute guy!
"Nothing I just want to feel you, baby." His voice soft almost whisper like, his plump lips gently graze against Hobie's ear.
Is Hobie attracted to this method? Hmmm.
"Luv, as much as I would love to hold you right now! I really like to-" Miles hands on his right shoulder, then he blew in Hobie's ear giving him tingles. The shudder felt delightful it made him turned pink. "But baby," Miles's whispers then in Spanish, "Te deseo tanto ahora mismo, mi amor."
Ohhh, when Miles' speak Spanish like that, Hobie likey.
"Sunflower, you know what Spanish does to me," He turns his head to make out with his partner then pulled away, "I need to work on this song. My concert is coming up."
Miles kisses him again, then licks Hobie's ear lobe with another blow to the ear. "Okay, recordaré eso, mi vida." Before going back to his tablet.
The punker bites his bottom lip thinking about this. His band are waiting for him to finish this stupid song, but his Sunflower needs me, now. But the song! But his Sunflower! "Ah, fuck it! They can wait on this bloody crap." Hobie finally said, a small grin spread on Miles' face as he hear him.
The nineteen year old placed his guitar to his side of the bed, then quickly turned to Miles. He tackles his boyfriend to tongue kissed, causing him to squeal out loud.
"Hobie! That tickles." Miles giggles, loving the attention his punker is giving him.
"You wanted this, darling." Hobie purrs.
"I know! I love you, baby!"
"I love you, too Sunflower!"
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slenderofthejoker · 22 days
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UPDATED INTRO THINGY MA JIGGER!!!! Ace is helping with making it not look like shit like my last one! I'm simply here to keep things organized so Wildcard doesn't get distracted, apologies for the intrusion.
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=General information=
Aliases: Wildcard, idiot, dumbass, Wc, ne m'oublie pas fleur (BY ACE!), eldest sib. I don't think the insults need to be included. THEY'RE ENDEARMENTS ACE!
NEVER USE: Joker, don't use that name anymore f!@#ers! Slurs should also be avoided please.
Pronouns: She/he/they, card/cards, dice/dice's, luck/luck's, chaotic/chaotic's. Whatever the f!@# else no preference any and all these are just the main shit.
A 9ft tall (MINUS HEELS) land shark based slenderbeing with a cool as shit fashion sense! Please get more clothes dear....you can not just wear that once outfit. Watch me!
Trans masc, pangender, aroace (maybe cupio f@#$ if I know and apothi) demi-queerplatonic and grayplatonic. Platonic partners with Ace! (I am generally referred to as Pink, but hello.) and eldest sibling to the suits!
I F@#$ING LOVE GIFTS AND TRINKETS GIVE EM HERE!!! Cards and dice and shiny shit! I will take anything you f!@#ers give me!
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Hey f!@#ers! I'm the f!@#ing WILDCARD!!
Mess with the sibs or those I give a shit about, you mess with me.
Former dealer at THE suits casino, I like to shake it up every now and again, everything in life's a f@#$ing gamble, all in the cards.
So....what d'ya say?
Wanna make a bet with a Wildcard Doll?
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OOC Mod status: SLOW.
OOC under cut.
This blog is a slendlr roleplay blog.
General rules and info:
Mod is not a minor but would appreciate asks be nothing more then suggestive, flirting is allowed with Wildcard but luck is as dense as a rock.
Mod uses xey/xem/xeir/xemself and xe/xem/xyr/xemself pronouns.
Magic anons are allowed. General rule of thumb, be nice, don't be bigoted and any hate will be deleted
(You are allowed to be mean to Wildcard and to bother them within reason as long as it's clear its for in character and not just to be a jerk to people like Mod or others. It is in fact encouraged you snark Wildcard its amusing.)
Shipping is also allowed.
If something is said or done in character that makes you uncomfortable or is too much during an interaction PLEASE let me know.
Blog may sometimes cover topics such as violence, death, cannibalism, threats, biting, and censored swearing (and probably other things...). Things will be tagged as needed.
Fun stuff and mentioned Characters above outside this blog:
100 faces meme list (For doodles, Wildcard and Pink are both options for this)
A03 where mod sometimes puts slendlr oneshots and lore snippets
Ace/Pink - @/pinkslenderman
Hearts - (who is not available anymore I believe) @/slenderofhearts
Diamond - @/slenderofdiamonds
Spade - @/slenderofspades
Club - @/slenderofclubs
Tags list:
slendlr - general fandom tag
the wildcard - general tag
friend of the wildcard (used for an interlude when Pink was a messenger for Wildcard and anytime ey post on here) - general tag
make a bet - ask tag
ooc post/mod post - out of character posting by mod
mod answers - out of character ask answered by mod
(Additional tags for when Mod remembers to use them....will be edited in later for older posts))
ace - tag for asks/start of interactions with Pink in chara
the suits - tags for asks/start of interactions with wildcards sibs in chara
Lore events are sometimes also tagged with set tags but i do not remember them all (usually under the influence of magic anons ex. cheesed wildcard, etc)
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foster-the-world · 8 months
New blog names. Former Foster daughter's Mom = Kenya
Former Foster daughter's Grandma (who is raising her) = Nene*
*I'm currently working my way through all 15 seasons of Real Housewives of Atlanta. These are characters names.
Last night we heard from Nene that her daughter Paige was in the hospital because she was having seizures. All three kids (6,2, and 1yo) were with the Paternal Grandma of the 6yo. The 2 and 1 year old have a different father. The paternal Grandma said she would call ACS if she didn't come get them.
This morning Kenya called to ask if could take all of the kids until she gets out of the hospital. No timeline for leaving. No answers for why she is having seizures but after two high risk pregnancy she's had a lot of medical issues. She's maybe 28yo. I said no. I found some safe family/safe haven organizations she could call. But no luck with them. Due to all of her recent troubles, before the hospital, I've been expecting this call.
I feel shitty because we could take them for a few days. Or until Sunday as I start my new job on Monday. Adding three kids, even for a few days, would be a lot of work but we could do it. We don't have extra cribs but we could do packnplays. I think if that was all they needed we would have said yes. If she had a job/home to return to we could step in as a support system. The need is clearly much more than that. Due to her current circumstances it feels like she needs an idealized version of foster care. A great family who has space for three kids while the Mom gets her life together. Again, in a ideal world the family would be willing to adopt all three if she does not get her life together. Everybody knows the foster care system is not ideal. There will be overreach. There will be racism. There are certainly plenty of good foster families but I think there are just as many bad ones. Its doubtful anyone will take all three kids. The system is overwhelmed. If you get a strong case worker (=doubtful) you can assume they are super overworked.
Anyway my minds been on the kids all day. We all know many kids live chaotic lives that are not fair to them. Its another thing when you know there are three specific kids that are going through it right now. Paige herself grew up in a chaotic life. It all feels hopeless.
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