#chapter 1 and chapter 47 were the worst to write
staytinyville · 9 months
Stay Alive Masterlist
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" Came like a Miracle, Look like a miracle, Just like Miracle, Those few words...."
Synopsis: When you started working at a pharmaceutical company, you didn’t realize where it was your life was heading. After getting a patient mix up, you meet seven men who would didn’t seem to want any other nurse that wasn’t you. When you start to know them, you notice things that made you question if they were really human. No matter what excuse they would give though, you would always go home with a heavy heart. The day the truth is revealed to you, things take a turn for the worst.
Pairings: BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Genre: Mystical Creatures AU, Fluff, Romance, Angst, Fantasy
Warnings: Smut in future chapters, toxic work environment, abuse
Taglist: I have decided to write smut chapters. However it’s just one per member. Maybe some things here and there. With that being said. I will not have a taglist on those chapters for fear of having minors tagged. My books are mostly for a general audience because smut isn’t my main writing. However with the very small number of chapters I will probably do, it’s best to not tag anyone. I understand some of you have ages but I don’t want to struggle with picking out each adult blog. Thank you for understanding.
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(1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (4) -- (5)
(6) -- (7) -- (8) -- (9) -- (10)
(11) -- (12) -- (13) -- (14) -- (15)
(16) -- (17) -- (18) -- (19) -- (20)
(21) -- (22) -- (23) -- (24) -- (25)
(26) -- (27) -- (28) -- (29) -- (30)
(31) -- (32) -- (33) -- (34) -- (35)
(36) -- (37) -- (38) -- (39) -- (40)
(41) -- (42) -- (43) -- (44) -- (45)
(46) -- (47) -- (48) -- (49) -- (50)
" Those few words that saved me I'll be by your side after many nights..."
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Taglist is officially closed!
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adventuretolkienlover · 10 months
*drops pile of questions like a stack of heavy books* I COME BEARING INSPIRATION! (feel free to skip some if you get overwhelmed)
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
33. Do you want to be published some day? (As the author of an original work)
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
38. Would you ever write commissions?
39. Share a snippet from a WIP.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
48. What do you look for in a beta?
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
75. What scene in your current fic took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of your current fic?
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from your current fic?
*GASP* 😱🤩😁
Awesome! Thanks! Wow, okay. You know what? I'm gonna be a mad woman and answer ALL OF THEM. Eheheheheheh. Let's go! Under the cut since this thing is LOOOOOOOOOONG.
1. Do I prefer one-shots or multiple chapter fic's? Hm. Hard to say. Although, I do enjoy connecting plots and references in multiple chapter fics. So I'm gonna go with that one.
3) Describe the writing process. Well, first I make a scene map. It's a jist of what will happen of the course of the story as a whole. It keeps everything inline and easy to rearrange if something doesn't work or won't make sense. Then I just wing it and add the action and dialogue. I've found that it works really well!
4) Where do I find inspo? EVERYWHERE! Disney movies and life experience especially. I love classic adventure films/comedies. But for the more emotional bits I sometimes struggle. So then I'll turn to book and movies with more emotional plots. Or I'll just try my best to imagine the emotions the characters are going through. I especially like writing about domestic family life and love. And I find a lot of inspiration from those kinds of stories. Especially since my fic is basically the Brotherhood and Vat7k merged. I haven't got to those parts yet, but I will!
6) Do I beta my work? Nope. Haha. Well, sometimes. My little brother actually enjoys hearing my stories. So I'll read him a chapter sometimes. And my mom likes to listen too. So that counts I guess. They give me good feedback. And I have a friend that reads it after I published it and they give me good feedback as well.
7) Everyone's it seems! You get to hear all their thoughts. It just depends on which one is talking at the moment. Or what's going on.
8) Do I enjoy the beginning, middle, or end of a story? End! Because that's were everything is wrapped up and makes sense! Although, if the ending is poorly done, it will irk me to no end.
10) Er, yeah. I'm writing this on my phone. I don't think it can do that. Sorry.
12) Well, I makes me a little sad when I don't. But it makes sense too since I don't have a very well known fic and since it takes me a while to update. So I understand.
13) NONE OF THEM!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lol. Yeah, I figured that actually when I write, that it I focused too much on the rules and tips, it actually caused me writers block and became less fun for me.. So I just throw caution to the wind and run with whatever idea I got!
14) How do I write emotional scene? With lot of crying. From me... And preferably with some tissues beside me. Haha. Anyway, jokes aside. I'm not to sure. It seems to be a hit and miss for me. Sometimes I've got big moving scenes that will make you ball. And other times it's like "He was sad." :/
16) Ooh! I do have one actually! It will probably be in the distant future. But it's a modern version of my fic and it involves aliens, unstable government projects, an awesome foster family, and a ranch! It's super cool! In case your wondering, SPOILER ALERT! The aliens are where Varian got his Moon powers and how Ulla disappeared.
17) When does writing become difficult. Writer's block is definitely one. But burnout? Burnout is the worst! *Insert Ben Schwartz yelling "THE WOOOORST!"*
18) That's interesting actually because sometimes I do and I'll leave them to write later. I have a bunch like that! I helps me keep track of everything I want to write. But I don't lable them too far into the fic. It's mostly one shots I do this with.
19) I don't have ao3. But most used tag here is Alchemy Bros!
20) There's a lot of sadness. I know that sounds bad, but I'm writing a continuation of a role play I followed and that eventually ended on a cliffhanger. Before that, the characters went through lot of trauma and the story I'm writing is basically the whole family healing together. Which is very sweet I think. Of course there will be action though! And fun!
21) Would I ever collaborate? Not sure how to do that. But, I usually prefer to work on my own. I like being able to adjust things to how I like it. And while I'm sure a collaboration would be fun, I like to keep the story mostly in my hands. So I don't think it would be a good idea.
22) Anything heavily adult. Never ever. I hate heavy gore, smut, and swearing. Nothing like that will ever be in my fics. Even if a character gets a severe injury, it will only be vaguely mentioned.
23) Best writing advice? If you need a break, take a gosh dang break! I have to learn this myself. But it is effective. If you tired and you body telling you rest, do it!
24) I can't think of anytime I've actually got bad writing advice. At least, nothing comes to mind.
25) Any of them really.
27) Writing romance. That is the hardest thing ever! I'm way better at platonic relationships and family bonds. Romance can sometimes be just to cringy to me.😅
29) I pretty much just read it through and if I see something I don't like, I just fix it. If it's a big thing though, it off to the scene map to switch things around again! Or cut things out if necessary.
31) Characters or plot? Hm... That's an interesting one. I can't really say because the thing is when I get a really good idea, it just kind explodes in my mind! I know what characters are going to be what and what will happen. But maybe when it's not like that, I guess you could say it's the Characters. Like, if I'm coming up with an Au, I'll usually figure out who I want where and then I'll figure out the plot. I'm not sure if this all makes sense. I'm flying by the seat of my pants right now.😂
33) Do I want my work published? YES YES YES YES!!! AJAJSHSHDGDHDKAKA! I planning on becoming a script writer someday! I love writing scripts for TV shows and movies! Book writing is fun too though and I might do that as well.
34) Hopefully happy with plenty of work published. And having made lots of people's lives better and more exciting.😁
35) Don't forget what type of villain you have. It's so easy it seems for people to forget. Do you want one that we will sympathize with? Make them sympathetic. Don't make him a horrible person and then expect us to feel bad for them. You want us to hate them? Then don't make the likeable! It's crazy how many times I've seen this.
38) Nope! Don't take commissions. Don't take requests. I got a very busy life and that would probably send me straight over the edge! Haha!
39) WIP snippet? Of course! Here! Not the best, but I've got one!
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40) Oh gosh. Nobody's done that. I would be thrilled! But thanks to burnout, I'm only two chapters into the fic so there wouldn't be much to draw. Lol! But I would love to see art of future chapters I have planned. Lots of family fluff and action scenes! I guess if I had to choose a scene from a chapter I already have, then maybe the one we're Ulla has finally been taken outside the library by Varian and his friends and they're all looking out over Corona from the grassy base of the mountain. It's a very peaceful scene. Not too much happens, but it's calm.
41) I reread constantly! I several favorites that I like to read all the time!
46) Definitely emotional and action driven. There's no in-between. Either we're sobbing or diving head long in the fray!
47) My process. Number 1. Write fic. Number 2. Proof read. Number 3. Post. Number 4. Edit because I realized that I was so tired out that misspelled ten words, completely looked over a gaping plot hole, and forgot to add the chapter links. In short, I'm pretty chaotic!
48) Don't know. Never looked into one.
49) Nobody reads my stuff enough to warrant a bad review. 🤣🥲 But yeah. I'd probably handle it pretty well though!
51) Don't have an account! Probably won't ever either! I prefer it here. On cozy Tumblr.😊
52) I always respond to comments! Why? Well, sometimes I leave comments and people don't answer. I understand of course. People get busy, or are to tired. Everyone deals with that. But of course, it always makes me just a bit sad because I like talking to people. I don't want anyone to feel that way! Everyone is welcome! I'll be happy to talk to you. No matter what!
54) Writing practice! It helps for someday when I'll be publishing my stuff!
55) Definitely Hugo! I love him and connect with him a lot too. I especially like the version of him from the roleplay I followed. In my opinion, he was one of the best versions I've seen of him. Not overly sexualized or vulgar. And much more empathetic. That's why I'm continuing his story!
56) I love the fact I can use symbolism or deeper meaning's in my writing. Little things that seem un-important. But really mean everything. And I hope that as more people read my work, they'll get to see it more.
57) I prefer editing as I write. But sometimes I go over the top and tire myself out. So I need to learn to rein it in and relax. Gotta to remember to not sweat the small stuff.
58) The brainstorming! Coming up with world building and epic action movie style scenes to take place is my jam!
60) I do actually! My friend @cassandrium360 is amazing and read their stuff before befriending them! Afterwards, they told me to let them know when I new chapter was coming out so I could show them everytime! I was ecstatic! And it's been that way ever since! I love them to pieces!
61) Because I like sharing with people! That's it really.
62) Cliffhangers? Hate them. I hate them with a passion. It's one of my pet peeves. So many good shows and movies are ruined by the them. They're almost as bad as a sloppy ending.
65) The finale of my story should epic! And I also look forward to maybe doing some animatics based on certain chapters. I'm not too good yet. But I'm gonna get there!
67) I like prompts sometimes. I prefer to find them myself. But I will ask every once in a while. If I'm particular uninspired.
68) Listen to music. I can imagine whole movies and animations to one song. It's something I've been able to do since I was little. And it helped me in the long run with my writing!
70) I get a little embarrassed. But I think that's because I'm shy. I'm much more comfortable on here actually!
71) Once again, the scene map saves lives! If you want to know how to do one, just send my message and I'll show you!
72) Beginning to end! Start to finish. I hate writing things out of order.
73) It's definitely different from most Varian and the Seven Kingdoms fics. The most notable thing is that there's no Varigo. Varian and Hugo are in a healthy brotherly relationship. And in fact, Hugo is practically adopted by Ulla and Quirin. Also, instead of Nuru and Yong, I have two characters from the roleplay Jacky and Belle in their place. Nuru and Yong weren't included in the roleplay very much, so I decided not to use them. And instead say that they left earlier in the journey to go home. Since they had found whatever they were looking for. Jacky and Belle are super fun actually and I love them. Great characters!
75) The chapter I'm on now. It's been almost a whole fricken year! And it's 95% finished! And YET, I'm still struggling.😭 Oh well.🤷 I'll get there!
76) I remember one thing I thought about this one thing were Hugo's birth dad Alec*, who is a horrible person and tried to to take him out, tried to kidnap him and Varian and the family would have to rescue him! It didn't make the cut though and now I have a new villain. Alec will still be there, but not as the kidnapper. *Alec is another character from the roleplay*
77) Yes! The one we're Ulla finally get out of library! It's in the first chapter and it's very sweet. Plenty of hugs and comfort.
I did it! Alright. Time to pass out. Thanks for the ask! Bye! *faints*🤣
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sunnys567 · 1 year
Friends in Strange Places Ch. 4 Pt 1
What if Vlad was good instead of evil? Link to chapter 1:
"...And these ghost candies have been in your pocket for how long?" Sam asked.
"Well, I got them in Colorado..."
"So, for about two weeks." Tucker raised an eyebrow. Him and Sam were looking at the green candies in Danny's hand like they were dead bugs.
"They seem fine to me." Danny shrugged. He decided Sam and Tucker didn't need to know that they'd probably been through the wash at least twice.
"Danny they're glowing."
"And you got them from a ghost, dude."
"Her name was Bernie, and she was very nice. C'mon, aren't you guys at least a little curious?"
"This seems like a bad idea," Tucker said, taking a candy "But I'll admit I am."
"Welp, we might as well all die together." Sam shrugged, taking a candy herself.
The three of them unwrapped the candies and popped them into their mouth.
Sam and Tucker immediately began spluttering and spit their candies out.
"That was the worst thing I've ever tasted!" Sam said.
"Agreed." Tucker nodded. "And the bar for stuff I'll eat is real low."
"How was it bitter and sour at the same time?"
"Maybe you guys are tasting the ectoplasm." Danny said. "I guess they are ghost candies."
"Danny, how are you eating that?" Sam gaped.
"Dude, those things taste like they hate you."
"It tastes kinda sweet." Danny shrugged. "It's not really a specific flavour, but it tastes like something I can't really describe. Kind of reminds me of Amity Park Park on a sunny day?"
"Ectoplasm tastes sweet to you?" Tucker asked, his face a mix of intrigue and disgust.
"Huh? Oh no, I think I just started noticing the taste of ectoplasm less when I became half-ghost."
"Danny." Sam put her hands together. "Why do you know what ectoplasm tastes like before and after the accident."
"I get blasted in the face with ecto-based attacks on a regular basis. Some of it ends up in my mouth." Danny raised his hands defensively.
"And before?" Tucker asked.
"Sometimes you're seven, and you dare your sister to eat some, but she'll only do it if you do too. Or you're three, and it a bright colour, and three-year-olds like putting bright colours in their mouth, or..." Danny trailed off when he noticed Tucker and Sam's horrified expressions. "Look, I was raised by two ghost hunters. It happens."
"How are you not dead?" Sam asked.
"I probably should be dead for, like, twenty different reasons, but eating ectoplasm isn't one of them. It's not poisonous, turns out."
"On that note," Tucker stood up "I have to go home and eat literally anything that isn't ectoplasm."
"What time is it?" Sam checked her watch. "5:47? Already? Jeez, it's almost my supper time too."
"Aw, why do you guys eat so early?" Danny winded as he followed them out of his room and down the stairs.
"Danny, most people have supper before 8:00. You're the weirdo here." Tucker said.
"Okay, first off, we eat before 8:00-"
"7:30's not much better dude."
"And second, I'm not weird!"
"Danny," Sam said, opening the door "You eat ectoplasm."
"You're misconstruing what I said! I do not eat-"
The door shut before Danny could finish his sentence. Danny grumbled to himself before sitting down on the living room couch.
Danny rolled the candy around with his tongue. He still hadn't figured out what the weird flavour was.
Whatever it was, it was bringing up old memories; like going fishing with Dad, Mom taking him to the park, and daring Jazz to eat ectoplasm.
As Danny got lost in his memories, the candy steadily got smaller and smaller. Eventually it disappeared entirely, leaving Danny with a strange empty feeling.
Danny was suddenly filled with the urge to go to the kitchen. His mind had drifted there a lot while he was sucking on the candy.
He hoped someone would be sitting there.
Sure enough, Dad and Jazz were both sitting at the table. Jazz was writing on a some papers, surrounded by a small pile of books. His dad had gutted some small device and was examining some of the wires.
Danny just stood in the doorframe and watched them for a bit. It was kind of nice how normal the scene looked. Well, Danny supposed most people's parents didn't wear neon jumpsuits at the kitchen table, but it was normal for the Fentons. There was a comfort in their special kind of normal that Danny hadn't really thought about much.
"Danny!" Jack beamed once he'd noticed Danny's arrival. "You're just in time! I need some help with this."
"Oh." Danny immediately tensed. "Um, what exactly is 'this'?"
Danny prepared for his father to tell him in great detail what horrors this new device could potentially afflict on him.
"He's just fixing the toaster." Jazz said. "No dangerous weapons, or anything that's designed to cause any harm to humans or ghosts in any way whatsoever. Theoretically, anyway."
Danny felt himself relax again. It would be nice to not tense up every time his parents were working on something new. Especially since, being professional inventors, they were working on something new very often.
It would be a huge relief, a voice in his head said.
Then again, the only way to remedy that situation might cause his parents to start making new things specifically to destroy him, which would not be a huge relief.  
"I need you to go to the basement and get me a screwdriver." His dad's voice snapped Danny out of his thoughts. "The one I had earlier is missing."
"Why can't Jazz do it?"
"Because Jazz is working on an important essay on the long term effects of suppression." Jazz turned a page in the book she was reading. "While Danny is standing there not doing anything particularly important right now."
Danny stuck his tongue out at Jazz.
"Love you too little brother." she said, not looking up from her book.
"That's the third misplaced screwdriver this week!" Danny said, turning back to his dad. "How do you keep losing them?"
"I'm not losing them, they're being taken."
"By who?"
"The rats!"
"Why would rats-"
"Ghost rats!"
"Ah, there we go."
"I don't know what those little creeps are up to," Jack narrowed his eyes at some point in the distance "But I just know it's something nefarious!"
"Right, right. I'm going to the lab now."
Danny grumbled as he dug through piles of tools and machine scraps. This lab was a  absolute disaster! His parents could have made an effort to keep things at least semi-organized, but nope! The tables and shelves were filled with piles that all held new surprises every time you looked through them. Some of those surprises bit, too.
Finally, after at least ten minutes of searching (and no biting, luckily), Danny found a pile that contained a screwdriver.
"Ah hah!" he cried, triumphantly thrusting it over his head.
That was when his ghost sense went off.
Danny quickly turned turned towards the portal, transformed, and floated into a battle position.
A familiar bird head popped out of the portal.
"Hey fellas!" He cried "It vorked!"
Two more bird heads popped out beside him.
"Really?" the one with the glasses said.
"Amazing!" the raspy voiced one said "Ve can finally get out of da stupid Ghost Zone!"
The vultures suddenly noticed Danny.
"Ay, ghost kid!" The leader greeted him as the birds entered the lab the rest of the way.
"How on earth did you three get here?"
"Good to see you too kid, tanks for asking."
"Ve've been vorking on finding your portal for months." The raspy-voiced vulture said.
"Oh yeah," Danny had completely forgotten about Vlad saying that he'd try to find a route. "Does that mean Vlad's with you?"
"Sorry kid, he's off on a business trip."
"Oh." That meant Vlad wouldn't even be at his house. That was a shame becasue Danny really wanted to talk about their conversation at the cabin. He still felt bad about that.
"If you see him, do you think you could tell Vlad I'm sorry about what happened at the cabin?"
"Eh, I don't tink you got anything to apologize for." the lead vulture said. "In my opinion, you seem to have done some good for Plasmius. He's finally dragged himself out of the lab and back to terapy like I've been telling him to do for veeks."
"Wait, he's gone back to therapy? What for?"
"For da whole friendship situation." the leader turned to the other two "Not the brightest, dis one, eh?"
"So, has the therapist been helping?" Danny asked, deciding to ignore that comment.
"It's a process." the lead vulture shrugged. "He seems to tink Vlad should stop hiding and just tell his friends vhat's going on. Of course, he doesn't know exactly vhat it is Vlad's hiding, but Vlad seems to think that he's talking sense."
"Wait, you mean Vlad's thinking about telling my parents he's half-ghost?"
"Aie," the vulture with the glasses frowned "You probably shouldn't have mentioned dat. You know Vlad's still figuring things out."  
"Eh, da kid vas going to find out anyvay."
"Danny!" his father called down from the top of the stairs. "Did you find that screwdriver, son?"
"Sounds like dat's our cue." the lead vulture said as the three of them turned towards the portal. "Don't forget to change before you go up, yea?"
With that the birds flew back into the portal and Danny was left alone in the lab.
Vlad was going to tell them.
Danny stood there staring at the portal. After a few seconds, a wave of anger rose up in Danny.
For twenty years, Vlad had been too much of a coward to even speak to his parents, and now he was just going to risk it all and tell them everything?
Vlad had spent his time as a ghost hidden safely away in his stupid mansion. Danny was the one who'd risked his neck living under the roof of ghost hunters every day. What right did Vlad have to put them at risk like that? How could he-
"Yup!" Danny transformed out of his ghost form. "I'm coming Dad!"
"I found a screwdriver." Danny said as he emerged from the basement. He hoped it wasn't obvious how perturbed he was.
"Excellent!" his father said, taking the screwdriver.
Good, it wasn't obvious. Or maybe his dad just didn't notice.
"When I'm done, this baby'll work better than ever before!"
Danny glared at the toaster. For the past few months he'd had to tiptoe around countless of his parent's rogue inventions. Vlad had been to their house one time and decided that was all just too hard, apparently.
"You okay, Danno? You seem kind of off."
Jazz's eyes flicked up from her textbook at Jack's words.
"Oh, I'm fine, I just, uh..." Danny forgot how unreliable his dad's denseness could be. He needed to switch the topic to anything. "What are you doing to the toaster anyway?"
Jazz did something weird with her lips, then went back to reading.
"Well son, your mother was complaining about it not working properly earlier. I'm fixing it up to surprise her. Done!" Jack held up the toaster triumphantly. "Not only is it fixed, but I've implemented our new experimental ecto-based energy generator, so the toaster creates its own power! You don't even need to plug it in anymore! Now we just need to test it out."
Jack slid two sliced of bread into the toaster and pushed the handle down.
"Uh, are you sure that's a good id-"
The toaster began shaking violently.
"-and that's how I spent my evening fighting an evil toaster." Danny concluded.
Tucker was trying very hard not to choke on his sloppy joe. Sam was barely hiding a grin.
"And how long did it take you to subdue the toaster?" she asked.
"About an hour." Danny grumbled. He didn't think the situation was that funny.
"So it was just you, your dad, and Jazz running around your house for an hour trying to subdue a sentient toaster?" Sam covered her mouth with her hand "Because that is a very entertaining image."
"Pretty much."
Tucker and Sam burst out laughing.
It could've been faster if Dad and Jazz knew about your powers. A voice in Danny's head said. He pushed the thought away.
He'd had thoughts like that ever since the accident but, after Colorado, they were becoming increasingly hard to ignore.
Luckily, Danny's ghost sense going off provided a convenient distraction.
Danny stood up, but a flash of red out the window made him sit back down.
"Huntress on this one?" Sam asked.
"Yup." Danny said.
"You don't have to look so grumpy." Tucker said. "She's kind of doing you a favour."
"No, she's just moving the problem down the line." Danny said. "For some reason she doesn't capture the ghosts she fights, so that just means I have and deal with them later."
"At least they're not bothering you in school." Sam said. "I'm not sure your grades could take that."
"Hey! I'm making mostly A's these days."
"Your last report card was mostly B's, Danny."
"There were some A's on there!"
"You know, it might be worth just trying to talk to her." Tucker said. "Maybe she's friendly."
"And just how many ghost hunters have we met that have been willing to give a ghost a chance?" Sam raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, but it's not like we know that many ghost hunters." Tucker pointed out.
"Even so, I'm with Sam." Danny said. "The odds on 'friendly ghost hunter' are not great, and I have enough trouble in my life as it is, so I'd like to keep off of her radar for as long as possible."
The lunch bell rang. Danny realized he'd gotten distracted by The Red Huntress and had forgotten to tell Sam and Tucker about his conversation with the vultures.
He'd just have to tell them after school.
Valerie waited around the corner. She'd bumped into Tucker alone here after lunch on another Thursday, so maybe that would happen again.
"Bingo." she smiled as she saw him walking down the hall by himself, absorbed in his PDA.
"Hey Foley." she said, stepping around the corner.
"Oh, hey Valerie." Tucker looked up from his device. "What's up?"
"You're good with weird tech stuff, right?"
"The very best." Tucker beamed proudly.
"Right. And how good are you at keeping secrets?"
"I am also pretty good at that. Why?"
"I need a favour."
"What kind of a favour?"
"First," Valerie swung her backpack around and grabbed the zipper "You've got to swear you won't tell anyone about this."
Valerie narrowed her eyes at Tucker in a way that made his skin crawl.
"Y-yeah, sure. No problem. My lips are sealed."
"Good." Valerie's face morphed back into a smile as she unzipped and dug through her bag. "So is there anyway you'd be able to make this part of a glove?" Valerie pulled out a small green device.
"A Fenton Hand shield?" Tucker took the device from Valerie's hand. "Where'd you get one of these?"
"Where do you think?" Valerie raised an eyebrow. "Not like it was hard. The Fentons will literally just give them out to anyone who shows up at their door. I didn't even ask them for it."
"That's...not actually that surprising. But what were you doing at their door in the first place?"
"Yeah...now's not really the best time for questions. Fourth period starting soon and all." Valerie said, glancing at her watch. "Wanna meet up after school?"
Tucker looked at the hand shield. Something about this whole situation seemed kind of off. Then again, there was only one way to find out more about what was going on.
Besides, it was just Valerie. How much trouble could she possibly be getting into?
"Yeah, alright. I'll meet you out front after school."
"Great!" Valerie beamed.
Tucker didn't know how, but Valerie seemed to mould the environment around her with her facial expression. The world scarier wen she was mad at you, but also brighter when she smiled.
"See you then! Don't want to be late." Valerie waved, heading off to her next class.
"See ya!" Tucker waved back as she disappeared around the corner.
Tucker looked at the hand shield. He'd never wired electronics into clothing before, but the hand shield was a pretty simple device, so it'd probably be doable with a little online help...
The sound of the bell snapped Tucker out of his thoughts.
"Right! Class!" Tucker stuffed the hand shield into his pocket and sprinted off to class.
"Welp, see you guys later." Tucker waved to Danny and Sam as they exited the school building.
"Wait, where are you going?" Sam asked.
"I'm meeting up with Valerie. We're going to my house to, uh... work on a bio project."
Sam narrowed her eyes at Tucker.
"Oh, okay." Danny said. "See you later then."
"See ya!" Tucker waved.
Sam kept her eyes on Tucker as he walked away.
"He's hiding something." She said to Danny as they began walking home.
"Yeah?" Danny asked distractedly.
Sam raised an eyebrow at Danny.
"Clearly he's not the only one."
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon Danny, I've been your friend for long enough to be able to tell that something's on your mind."
Danny sighed.
"I was talking to Vlad's vultures yesterday, and-"
"Wait, his what?"
"I didn't tell you about the vultures?"
"No. No you did not."
"Well, anyway, he has these three vultures that work for him, and-"
"Vlad has ghosts that work for him? Does he pay them? And why vultures? I have so many questions about this situation."
"Right, sorry, what were you saying?"
"They said that Vlad might be planning on telling my parents he's half-ghost."
Sam's eyes briefly widened before narrowing in anger.
"Seriously? I hope you told them what a stupid idea that is. Ugh, that's so selfish of him. Doesn't he care about the danger that puts himself and you in?"
"Yeah, it's just that, I've been thinking...maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if my parents knew."
Sam stopped walking and gawked at Danny.
"Okay," she pinched the bridge of her nose and resumed walking "Is there some kind of brain-scrambling disease going around that only affects half-ghosts or something?"
"I know it sound crazy, Sam. It's just...sometimes it feels like there's this gap between me and my family. Not to mention there's a lot of situations where it would have been really convienent if they knew."
"Danny, keeping your ghost powers a secret is the best option. Best case scenario, your parents turn into pests that fuss over you every time you fight a ghost. And worst case scenario, they try to tear you apart molecule by molecule."
They stopped walking as they reached Fenton Works.
"I get having to tiptoe around them is annoying, but if you tell them, they probably wouldn't really get it, and it'd just be a huge hassle for you to deal with. It's just not worth it."
"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Danny said as he ascended the steps. "It was a stupid idea. I'll see you tomorrow."
He shut the door before he Sam could reply.
"Hello?" Danny called. No one answered. His parents were probably in the basement, and Jazz had probably decided to stop at the library before coming home.
Danny wished he could talk to Jazz about, well, everything. As much as he hated to admit it, Jazz understood his feelings better than even he did sometimes.
But if he told Jazz everything, she might think there was something wrong with him. She meant well, but Danny couldn't risk her worrying and going to Mom and Dad.
And...maybe it would hurt a little if his sister thought he was a messed up freak. Danny never really felt like a freak, but it would still hurt if the people he loved thought of him that way.
Danny sighed to himself and swung his backpack off of his shoulder. It had barely touched the ground before he felt his ghost sense go off.
"Seriously?" He groaned before transforming. He grabbed The Fenton Thermos out of his backpack and flew through the door. He floated above the house and looked around.
"Oh come on!" Danny shouted at the sky as the ghost flew up to his level.
"Alright," Danny's fists lit up green "Let's just get this over with."
Before Danny could do anything, a pink beam blasted the box ghost from the side.
Danny looked over and saw the Red Huntress a few meters away on her hoverboard. She looked ready to shoot the box ghost again, but then she turned to look at Danny.
Uh oh.
"Don't shoot!" Danny raised his hands in the air. "I'm not with him! I swear!"
The Huntress laughed.
"Relax." she said. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
"You're not?" Danny cautiously lowered his arms. "But aren't you a ghost hunter?"
"Yeah, but I know you're one of the good ones. Danny Phantom, right?"
"You know me?"
Without looking way from The Huntress, Danny raised his Fenton Thermos and sucked The Box Ghost into it.
"Woah!" The Huntress exclaimed "What on earth is that?"
"Hey, wait a minute," The Huntress's visor almost seemed to squint "Is that The Fenton Works logo?"
"Um..." Danny instincitively his the thermos behind his back. "No?"
"Do you steal the Fenton's ghost hunting equipment?"
"Hey! Why are you jumping right to 'steal'?"
"Please. Like those two would willingly help a ghost in any way."
"Okay, fair point, but I need this to catch ghosts. It's the only way to contain them and get them back to The Ghost Zone."
"Contain them, eh? You know, I could use something like that."
"Something to contain ghosts. At this point I've just been scaring them away, hoping that that deters them from messing with anyone."
"Wait, you don't actually have a way to contain ghosts?" Danny rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Oh my gosh. You clearly aren't prepared for this at all. What made you think hunting ghosts was a good idea in the first place?"
"You, actually."
"Yeah. I wanted to fight evil ghosts and keep people safe, like you do. You kind of inspired me when you saved me from Axiom."
"Yeah. When that ghost dog showed up, I lost everything. I was angry and scared for a while, but now I can channel those things into something useful. My life may have been destroyed that day, but I've been given the chance to build a better one, and I'm going to take it!"
Oh no.
Danny knew that voice.
"Didn't know you knew my name." Valerie casually remarked. "I'm flattered you remember me. Hey, I know technically I owe you one for saving me and my dad's life, but any chance you could hook me up with one of those thermoses? It would really be-"
"No way! This is the only one, and I need it."
"Oh. Well, maybe we could-"
"Sorry, I gotta go." Danny's head was swimming from the discovery he'd just made. "See ya."
"But, wait! I just-"
But Danny had already turned invisible and zoomed off.
"Man," Valerie said to herself "He was certainly in a hurry."
She checked the screen of her ghost radar, but there was no ecto-signature on it.
"Weird..." Valerie muttered to herself.
Maybe Phantom had just flown off really fast? He'd have to be going pretty fast to get out of her radar's range that quickly, but-
"Oh no!" Valerie was suddenly snapped from her musings "Tucker!"
Danny flew through his window and stopped above his bed. He transformed and let himself drop out of the air onto his mattress.
Valerie was The Red Huntress.
Danny pulled his pillow over his face and groaned.
Why'd it to be Valerie. Why couldn't it have been someone he didn't see in school everyday?
Danny reached for his cell phone, but changed his mind halfway through dialing Tucker's number. Tucker was studying with Valerie tonight.
"You could've picked anyone to be your bio partner, Tuck." Danny rubbed his face.
He thought about calling Sam but...
Yeah, Danny didn't really want to talk with Sam alone right now. He'd just have to tell them tomorrow. This would be a better conversation to have in person anyway.
Of course that left Danny all on his own to ruminate on this new information. As well as the whole Vlad situation. And the voice in his head telling him how much easier it would be if he just told his parents-
Danny tossed his cell phone back on his night stand. Why was his life so complicated?
He dug his Game Boy out of his nightstand. He just a break from drama and ghosts.
There was already a game cartridge in the slot. Danny pulled it out. It was Pac-Man Collection, his go-to game since elementary school.
Danny reopened his nightstand drawer. He was more in the mood for Tetris right now.
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subject-2-change · 10 months
*drops pile of questions like a stack of heavy books* I BRING YOU QUESTIONS! 😄 (If you get overwhelmed, don't feel obligated to answer all of these!)
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
5. Do you like constructive criticism?
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
33. Do you want to be published some day? (As the author of an original work)
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
38. Would you ever write commissions?
39. Share a snippet from a WIP.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
48. What do you look for in a beta?
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
75. What scene in your current fic took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of your current fic?
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from your current fic?
Holy hell this is a lot! I think I saw you drop this heavy piles of books in someone else's ask box as well. I am ready. Sorry for being weeks late to this. I wanted to give it time to respond to everything I want to.
Putting it under a read more because it is a lot of answers
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics? My ideas are predominantly multi-chapter, and I love the spice of having threaded themes reappear in later chapters. But, one-shots are nice to bang out and upload and feel accomplished for getting something done.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic. I sit down with some music (a playlist I've made that inspires me for certain characters, or the World Building playlist from Tale Foundry), usually have an alcoholic beverage (drink responsibly) and vibe.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas? I talk a lot. Sometimes it is taking things I like and making them kiss. Sometimes it is obsessive conspiracy theories. Sometimes it is a headcanon that sticks like a parasite. My biggest inspiration right now is writing out my D&D campaign. It comes from my friends and their rp and collective storytelling. I just write it down all pretty.
5. Do you like constructive criticism? You can give it to me. Whether or not I take it depends on my mood. Occasionally a friend will say, "love that but I think your use of this word doesn't fit, try this other one," and I'll say, "absolutely not. I used that word for x y z reasons. So, while your word fits better by definition, mine fits better for the character or connotation or because I like how it sounds." I know I'm not a perfect writer, but some of the things I do wrong are intentional because I like it. But I'm open to criticism because it can have good insight. Not looking for it, though.
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process? Not beta'd per se. But I do give dramatic readings to my friends and get their opinions. They (and I) prefer me reading it out loud because I do voices and dramatic flourishes.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from? However I feel is the most interesting way to hear the story. I lean towards 3rd person limited present tense. Occasionally past tense and/or omniscient. Rarely first person. I have dabbled in 2nd person, which was a lot of fun and ominous.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story? Ooooooh, the middle. Prime character development and relations. Rising actions. Climax! It is when a reader can be fully immersed, but the story isn't over. Also, it is the majority of the story. One of the reasons I often write in medias res.
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up. Apparently no one in my stories blink. Here's the closest one from a published chapter of EEEE: "Before Dagger can blink, Entyre has a gun point blank between his eyes. 'Back. Up.'"
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you? Most of my feedback comes from my close friends irl. Online feedback/support is always appreciated! But it isn't devastating to not receive, and I'll keep doing what I want regardless.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow? You don't have to write in order. If there is a scene speaking to you that you are inspired to write, do it! You can insert that chronologically later, but it is worth getting something down.
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences? I feel them so deeply. I get waaaay into character headspace. I draw from personal experience to the best of my ability, but I'll also reach out to people with more relevant experience and draw from that.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them? Bah, just ideas? 1, 2, 3, 4... about 7? Not all of them will be written. I'll share two. One is "A Working Title" which is fully outlined. Multi-chapter crossover of TTS and Epithet Erased (tts with ee magic system). One that I've never mentioned and has no title is... well it's just "what if Zhan Tiri was a warlock of mother nature and an eco terrorist and was kinda right actually?"
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block) Honestly? I don't write. I don't have great advice to get over this, especially because I don't take my fanfic writing particularly seriously. I just let it be until I feel like it again. Or write something else if it is just a matter of flow.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles? Usually during. How do I come up with them? Usually silly references, a play on words. My best friend is my title guy. I call her up and go "help. Here's the context." If you like my titles, thank her.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? My sense of humor. I also frequently use unabashedly evil villains with sympathetic motivations. I love describing things using senses other than sight and sound, which I feel are most frequently used.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story? I wouldn't be opposed necessarily. Could lighten the work. But I also like to write how I write and when I want. That wouldn't mesh with trying to be mutually accountable. But throwing ideas or scenes, dialogue, etc? Sounds like fun.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc) I'm not gonna do a coffee shop au.
23. Best writing advice for other writers? 1) Kill your darlings. If a thing does not forward the story or develop a character, get rid of it. Don't neglect small character moments, those can be just as important as major plot forwarding moments. 2) Use "said" more. Not every sequence of dialogue has to have flavorful tags. In fact, it can sometimes break flow of the conversation.
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? Revision revision revision. It doesn't need to be perfect. Don't obsess over it. Write what you want, how you want. Make grammatical errors for flavor. Write for vibes. You should enjoy what you write more than anyone else.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on? "Exquisitely Evil Eberron Escapades". It is my D&D game and it is ongoing and long. But damn I love these guys and the themes and story unfolding are wild. Mostly I wish it got more attention because it is a collaborative story with my friends, not just mine.
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing? Most? Reading it because I'm a goddamn delight. Least? Writing it because writing is hard.
29. What’s your revision or editing process like? Shit, I'm supposed to edit these things?
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing? Depends on what it is. I've written a whole story based on one character I made and liked, but typically plot I think.
33. Do you want to be published some day? (As the author of an original work) Not really. Sounds like a lot.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer? Sitting on my couch with a drink and music and writing fanfic and D&D stories in my slippers.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?  Make them fun. Fun to like, fun to hate. They don't have to be sympathetic anti-heroes. But they do need to be a character the audience gets invested in for one reason or another.
38. Would you ever write commissions? I'd take requests maybe...but a commission? No. I write when I want and I don't think the pressure of accountability due to money being exchanged would be conducive to my writing.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP. Much later chapter for Exquisitely Evil Eberron Escapades [context: Cainan (14) spikes the punch bowl at a social mixer for the early acceptance students at Ivy League wizard college. His tutor, Smilodeus (60) remedies the situation and escorts Cainan out. Dio is Cainan's adoptive father, who was expelled from this school.]
Smilodeus pinches the bridge of his nose, “please be more careful.” Cainan shrugs a bit playfully, “‘Careful’s my middle name…'' His tutor gives him a stern look, “I told you not to lie to me.” Cainan lowers his cup from his lips. “I’m serious. I don’t want to see you end up like Dio.” Fed up, Cainan drops the dish down on the desk, the teacup clattering on the saucer as he does. “You keep saying that, but no one will tell me why! I deserve to know!” 
Gently, Smilodeus sets his teacup next to Cainan’s. His cup sits pristine in the divot, not a spill on the saucer. Cainan’s is tilted haphazardly, some tea dripping from where he sipped, and the dish speckled with drops from the impact of setting it down. “Well,” Smilodeus utters trepidatiously, “there was a gnomish girl we were close with. One night, they went out alone together drinking. She never returned. He was the last to see her alive. Diogenes was too inebriated to even remember what happened.” Every word he says is calculated, and Cainan can tell that there is more he isn’t sharing. 
As Smilodeus continues, Cainan clenches his fists at his sides and grits his teeth, holding his tongue. “That is why I am worried. And why I want to help you with your drinking problem. It can be dangerous for you and others. You can be so reckless. You need to let go of this anger--” 
“I have a right to be angry!” Cainan barks.
“Everyone has a right to be angry, Cainan!” Smilodeus bites.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? I would be thrilled and confused about fanart of anything I've done.
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person? Mostly one-and-done, but there are some I revisit.
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person? If you hurt them, I would kill everyone and then myself...but I can hurt them though. Oh God do I love to hurt them.
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh? Both. Be confused. Laugh through the tears.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc) Vibes driven? Typically focused on character emotion. My descriptions are based on how a character is perceiving the situation. Language I use is influenced by the character in focus. Dialogue tag styles change based on who is talking.
48. What do you look for in a beta? I just read out loud to my friends. I don't do beta.
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? No, but I'd ignore them. I write for me. You get to read it as a treat.
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Almost always because I love interacting with people. Writing or otherwise.
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? Writer more than reader, but tbh not enough of either. My time is lost elsewhere and I wish I got to visit everyone in their silly little worlds.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones? I've loved writing Eugene (tts), but, as I've written more D&D stuff, my friends' characters have been the most fun. Specifically the rogue in EEEE, Dagger Loppen. He's such a sassy jackass with inappropriate one-liners and delusions of grandeur. He is a narcissist with an identity crisis.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? I'm funny as hell. I also paint a scene well. I'm great at writing fucked up content in a way you want to read but are repulsed by. Like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?  As I write when I can. If I re-read later, I might make some changes. Otherwise it goes up raw.
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like? Yes! Bex commented on my Dead or Alive fic and complimented my use of the cast of characters. I about lost my mind.
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers? They can be tastefully done. Examples: "He reaches for the door and pushes it open, breath hitching as he sees who is on the other side." (bad) "He opens the door and sees her standing there, leaning on the desk. 'Hello again. Long time no see.'" (good) At the end of the chapter, there still needs to be some sort of resolution, some gratification for the reader. Forced cliffhangers upset me. But leaving something next time is totally understandable. Don't leave the reader on opening the door. Leave the reader on seeing what's on the other side.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project. Angst.
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? Prompts and challenges are fun for inspiration. Limitations are good for creativity. But I never publish those when I do them.
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.? I make outlines in a separate document. Maps if needed. Very loose outlines that look like nonsense to anyone but me.
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else? Chronological usually, but I jump to favorite scenes if I'm stuck. I'll write dialogue and come back for tags and descriptions if there is a heated conversation idea.
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? I'm silly. I have fun playing around with words an imagery more than I care about the writing being traditionally good. I wrote an interlude that is a series of limericks for funsies. I wrote a whole chapter where each thing in a scene was described using a different sense based on what character was experiencing it.
75. What scene in your current fic took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?  The first combat scene in EEEE. I'd never written combat and I'm not very good. I have a hard time verbalizing the physical actions without it getting repetitive. It just goes stab stab.
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from your current fic? Everything from the tavern, King's Ransom, from chapter 4 of EEEE, but specifically the scene where Entyre and Dagger are outside talking alone. Just some great character moments, fun dialogue, an angsty rogue. (It is about 1/3 of the way down if you are interested in reading just that short scene)
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
100 Followers Celebration | Get to Know Me & Fic Prompts
First, I want to say thank you guys so much for 100 followers! I am still working on requests right now, but I also wanted to celebrate, so I have linked prompts as well as questions to ask to get to know me both related to fic writing and not.
Fic Prompts
Fluff Prompts 1 Fluff Prompts 2 Angst Prompts 1 Angst Prompts 2 Smut Prompts 1 (18+ only) Smut Prompts 2 (18+ only) 
Fic Writing Questions (From: @aylithewriting)
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Share one of your strengths.
Share one of your weaknesses.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Describe your perfect writing conditions.
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
What do you look for in a beta?
Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
How do you feel about collaborations?
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Do you accept prompts?
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
How do you feel about smut?
How do you feel about crack?
What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Which is your favorite site to post fic?
Talk about your current wips.
Talk about a review that made your day.
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one)
Non Fic Writing Questions
41. What are your hobbies? 42. What are you passionate about?  43. What is your most prized possession? 44. What is on your bucket list?  45. What is your favorite recent memory? 46. What is your favorite childhood memory? 47. What is your favorite holiday? 48. Who knows you best? 49. Which family member are you closest to? 50. What skill would you most like to learn?  51. Where is the coolest place you have traveled? 52. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? 53. Who is your hero? 54. What music are you into? 55. Where is one place you’d like to travel to? 56. What was your favorite age growing up? 57. What was the last show you binge-watched? 58. What was the last book you read?  59. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?  60. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? 61. Do you prefer going to the movies or watching at home? 62. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you?  63. What is your favorite season?  64. What is your favorite content genre? (Ex: Horror, Sci-Fi, Rom-Com, etc.) 65. Do you like doing group activities or prefer doing things alone?  66. Are you better at talking or listening?  67. Where do you see yourself in five years?  68. What is your favorite number? 69. At which age did you have your favorite birthday? 70. Who is your favorite music artist?  71. What is one thing you will never do again?  72. Do you have any pets?  73. How many languages do you know?  74. What is your favorite animal? 75. Who was your first crush and how did it turn out?  76. What is your favorite flower? 77. What are your thoughts on horror movies? 78. Who is your favorite actor/actress? 79. Which song describes you best? 80. What is your favorite day of the week?    
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I posted 10,681 times in 2022
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I tagged 1,438 of my posts in 2022
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#kurt hummel - 67 posts
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#klaine - 50 posts
#blaine anderson - 49 posts
#glee - 47 posts
#klaine fanfic - 42 posts
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#when my high school did this for our musical in my sophomore year one of my besties and i just sobbed through slipping through my fingers
My Top Posts in 2022:
My Writing List
hope these aren't literally the worst things you've ever read or whatever
izwordsoup on ao3
Home for the Holidays | ao3 link
Pure fluff, holiday-inspired Klaine one-shot, ~1,550 words
The Name of the Game | ao3 link
I got inspired after listening to ABBA's The Name of the Game one day and started writing this Klaine one-shot featuring badboy!Blaine, the song which inspired the fic, and Kurt and Blaine both being idiots who haven't admitted they like each other yet despite the current nature of their relationship, ~2,650 words
A "Safe" Choice | ao3
A self-indulgent Klaine one-shot inspired by a weekly event at my work place in which an armored service technician from the cash-handling company comes to check the safe every Wednesday, and there are a couple technicians that everyone at work agrees are attractive, ~1,500 words
3 a.m. | ao3
He's a mess. God, he's a fucking mess. Kurt didn't expect to find himself literally stumbling out of a bar at 3 a.m. but here he was. Drunk and lonely and sad under a streetlight on a New York City sidewalk outside of a bar at 3 a.m. How did he let himself get here?
~3,800 words
New Adventures Summer Camp | ao3
Kurt doesn't know why he agreed to be a camp counselor with Finn for the summer, he doesn't even like camping. In other words, Kurt is pretty sure this summer is going to suck. Enter cute fellow camp counselor Blaine Anderson.
Written for Klaine Word Scramble 2022
Completed, 14 chapters, ~26,400 words
Running in Circles, Coming up Tails:
Running in Circles, Coming up Tails | ao3
Kurt and Adam are married with a seven-year-old daughter, Ellie. "Happily married" is another question.
Ellie takes piano lessons from none other than Blaine Anderson, who also happens to be a good friend of Kurt's since college.
What happens to them when Adam goes to England to star in a West End musical, leaving Kurt and Ellie in New York? What happens when Blaine becomes a more frequently-seen figure in Kurt and Ellie's lives due to Ellie's piano schedule?
Completed, 10 chapters, starts Kadam, eventually ends Klaine, ~15,500 words
"Just Friends" | ao3
Kurt had promised him many times that he and Blaine Anderson were just friends. But Adam knew from experience what could happen with "just friends." He knew what could happen if "just friends" got too close. He was wary of "just friends."
A one-shot, from Adam's perspective, exploring what might cause someone to cheat on their partner; and indirectly, how that might affect a relationship; and even more indirectly, why Adam might view Blaine as a threat.
Things I Didn't Tell You | ao3
A collection of cut scenes and conversations from within the Running in Circles, Coming up Tails universe/timeline
See the full post
16 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
thinking about food as a love language. how we share food with and make food for people we care about, people we love. how there are recipes for friendship bread and how i've baked breads and desserts for friends simply because i care about them, because i love them. how we invite people into our homes and cook meals for them. how every sunday night in my house, we have family and friends over for dinner. how on holidays, my whole family gathers and we share food. how we share food in celebration of events or achievements. but also how we share food when someone is grieving. thinking about how we use food to care for others, how sharing food is really just saying "i made this for you, i care about you, i love you."
22 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
A "Safe" Choice
So...this is just a self-indulgent little one-shot inspired by something that happens weekly where I work. Basically, every Wednesday, an armored service technician from the cash handling company comes to check the safe, and there's a couple guys that everyone at my workplace agrees are attractive, so I took that and made a one-shot out of it, featuring Blaine as the cute armored service technician and barista!Kurt (Tina and Santana are baristas too just for fun). So yeah, here's that, hope it's not literally the worst thing you've ever read or whatever:
also on ao3!
Wednesdays are Kurt's favorite day of the week to work. Every Wednesday, the safe technicians come to the coffee shop to do routine safe checks, but that fact isn't that important. However, the fact that is important is that every Wednesday when the safe technicians come in, the very cute, curly-haired technician is almost always the one who comes to check their safe, and has been for months. And, okay, maybe Kurt has a bit of a crush on the cute, curly-haired technician, and maybe he always makes sure he works on Wednesdays so he can see him.
Wednesdays have always been safe check days, but Wednesdays didn't become Kurt's favorite day of the work week until around a month after the first appearance of 'Hot Safe Guy,' as the curly-haired technician had so lovingly become known amongst the coffee shop employees. Speaking of the first appearance of 'Hot Safe Guy,' when Kurt and his coworkers had seen him for the first time, they'd all agreed that yes, the curly-haired technician was very attractive with his dark curls and cute smile and very nicely toned arms and there was just something about the armored vest; and yes, they'd all secretly hoped that he'd be back the following Wednesday. And when he unfortunately wasn't, it may have brought their spirits down a tiny bit. But when the technician returned the following week, their work day suddenly got a little better. And then it was the same cute, curly-haired technician the following couple weeks, and suddenly, he had been nicknamed Hot Safe Guy amongst the coffee shop crew, and suddenly, Wednesdays had been dubbed Hot Safe Guy days, and a few of the crew members, Kurt included, were doing their best to make sure they always worked on Hot Safe Guy days.
When Hot Safe Guy started appearing more frequently, Kurt and his coworkers may have started spending just a little too much of their time trying to figure out if any of them had a chance with Hot Safe Guy. They may have started attempting to catch the attention of Hot Safe Guy. For instance, as on one Wednesday when Tina decided to wear a mini skirt that could have been dubbed questionable work attire.
"Isn't that skirt a little short for work, T?" Kurt had asked her.
"It's Wednesday," Tina started in response, "It's Hot Safe Guy day, let me have this."
"Okay…" Kurt added with some disbelief in his voice.
"What?" Tina continued, "You don't think I have a chance, do you?"
"Let's just say I think you're trying to attract a guy who is unavailable to you…"
"...You think he's taken?"
"Not that kind of unavailable…"
"You think he's gay?! Wait, why?"
"Uh, have you seen his ass? No straight guy has an ass that nice."
"It does look like it was baked to perfection by some master baker… But that doesn't mean he's gay!"
"We'll see..."
"You ladies wanna stop swooning over the safe guy for a couple minutes and actually help me open this place?" Santana quipped at them.
Kurt would test his guess the following week when he showed up to work in some very tight jeans that also could have been dubbed questionable work attire.
"Aren't those pants a little tight for work, Kurt?" Tina had teased him.
"It's Wednesday," he remarked back at her.
"You still have no proof of him being gay," Tina added.
"I might later. Still upset that he didn't pay attention to you last week, huh?"
"Sure, T. Suuure…"
So over the next few weeks, namely Kurt and Tina's, but also a couple other coworkers', attempts to catch Hot Safe Guy's attention continued, and "it's Wednesday" became a very commonly used excuse for their choices in work attire. And though Santana didn't participate in what she had dubbed the "slutty work wear competition," she did keep track of if and when Hot Safe Guy seemed to pay some attention to any of them, and it was eventually discovered that he noticed Kurt much more often than anyone else. That discovery then discouraged most of the girls who had attempted to get Hot Safe Guy's attention, except for Tina, who was still not convinced that Hot Safe Guy might not be attracted to women. That then led to Kurt and Tina both starting to outright flirt with Hot Safe Guy when he came in on Wednesdays, and Santana continuing to keep track of this to see what happened.
After a few weeks of the flirting phase, Kurt and Santana were both pretty sure that the guy had no interest in Tina. Tina, however, was still not convinced.
"Seriously, Tina, give it up, he's not into you," Santana attempted to convince her.
"We don't know that for sure," Tina asserted, "Hot Safe Guy could still be interested in me."
"He's not," Kurt added, "And he does have a name, you know."
See the full post
42 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
The Name of the Game
So basically, I was listening to ABBA while driving one day and The Name of the Game came on and I got ~inspired~ and started writing this Klaine fic (with badboy!Blaine) in which they're friends with benefits and have both caught feelings for each other but they're also idiots and haven't admitted it yet
Anyways, yeah, here's that, hope it's not literally the worst thing you've ever read or whatever:
also on ao3!
The only reason Blaine's at this stupid glee club party at Rachel Berry's house is because Puck told him there would be alcohol. Which thankfully there is because Blaine's not so sure he can sit through this all sober. He'd rather not be spending his night listening to Rachel Berry hog a karaoke machine and ruin some perfectly good songs for him and have to watch all the glee couples make out and dry hump seven thousand times during the night. But here he was with nothing else better to do. At least there was alcohol. And Kurt.
The only reason he even joined this stupid glee club in the first place is because the school had forced him into joining a club so he wouldn't get kicked out of yet another school and glee club had seemed slightly less terrible than others. That , and glee club had Kurt Hummel. Fashionable, snarky, sometimes aloof Kurt Hummel. The boy who held his head high through any obstacle and who couldn't help but pull focus when he walked into a room. Kurt Hummel, who was destined for things much bigger and much more fabulous than Middle-of-Shitsville Lima, Ohio. The boy who caught Blaine's eye the moment he saw him the first day he was at this damn school and who hadn't left his mind since. 
Honestly, at first he just thought Kurt was hot. A bit of a bitch, but hot. And Blaine had wanted in his incredibly tight pants. So he'd pursued him. He'd flirted with him constantly. Occasionally it was a little too risque for school property. Eventually Kurt started flirting back. Then Blaine ended up getting stuck in glee club. More flirting. But also just talking sometimes. Eventually he and Kurt had formed a rather unlikely friendship. A rather unlikely friendship that eventually developed into one with benefits. And that was how they'd existed with each other for the past couple months. They'd talk, they'd flirt, they'd hang out sometimes, they'd fuck. They didn't date or do any couple-y shit cuz they weren't a couple, just friends with benefits. That was all they were and all Blaine needed them to be. 
Except that it really wasn't. Kurt was different from any other guys he'd been with. Kurt actually seemed to care about him. Actually wanted to talk with him after most nights. Seemed to want him for at least a little more than just a quick fuck. Seemed to not mind being his friend too much at least. Sometimes seemed like he wanted them to be more than what they were. But maybe that was just Blaine making shit up. 
Blaine knows that Kurt wants romance. And that Kurt deserves some epic romantic love story. And he can't give him that-- he doesn't do romance. He doesn't do the whole falling in love thing. He's a bad boy who fucks around, no feelings involved, and doesn't let his heart want more. Except when he's with Kurt. 
Fuck, he shouldn't be getting almost sentimental like this at a party full of the sappiest people on the planet. What he should be doing is getting so wasted that he doesn't remember any of this emotional bullshit he's thinking in the morning. So that's what he sets out to do until his plan is quickly dashed by Kurt Hummel himself. 
"Hey, sunshine," Kurt teases, plopping down on the couch next to him. 
"Hey" is all Blaine utters in response, short and admittedly ruder than it should have sounded. 
"Having fun brooding over here all by yourself?" 
"Something got you down?" 
"Are you seeing all of them?" Blaine starts, referring to the glee club couples. "It's sickening." 
"While I'll admit that this is a little...intense, I still don't get what it is you have against love." 
"I've told you, it's not for me. I'm a badass, I don't do romance." 
"I think you could if you wanted to…" 
"Nope. Not my thing." 
"Boo. But suit yourself I guess." 
"I will." 
"Well, someone's exceptionally moody tonight. Seriously, what's going on with you?" 
"None of your business." 
"Actually, I think that as your b-- um, as your friend, it is my business. So what's up?" 
"Look, I'm just not in the mood to be here right now, okay?" 
"Oh. Okay… sorry. Anything I can do to make your night here a little better?" 
"I can't convince you to come sing or anything?" 
"Not tonight." 
See the full post
49 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i can and will continue to stand by my totally correct opinion that the princess bride is the most perfect movie, no you can't change my mind <3
109 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 1
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A chill had descended over the moor, cold enough to make the hardiest cat shiver. The waving grass and heather was quickly becoming stiff, brittle, and brown, weighed down with a shell of ice. When dawn broke, it revealed a thin downy layer of dazzling white draped around the WindClan camp. The first snow that had stuck that leafbare. It set the warriors on edge, but the kits took no notice, instead choosing to be distracted by the new world of sparkling white around them.
Long tendrils of grass were weaved around the cozy entrance into the WindClan nursery. Two dark brown tom kits with their kitten fluff puffed around them had already gone streaking out of the small den dug into the base of a hillside, with their mother quick to follow suit. 
Tallkit remained behind, sitting alone inside the dimly lit nursery, impatiently shifting from side to side as tiny white flakes of snow danced in the air outside the warm burrow. Well, not completely alone. His mother was curled up behind him, but she was so soundly and quietly asleep, Tallkit felt he may as well be alone. Palebird was usually tired this time of day, but her kit was having trouble curling back up. Quietly as his wobbly paws would allow, he stepped tentatively over Palebird’s tail and padded closer to the den entrance. His thin black and white fur was ruffled and sticking up at funny angles but he couldn’t be bothered to smooth it down. Peeking outside, he had to flatten his large ears so they didn’t scrape against the grassy tendrils hanging down over the entrance, which were quickly turning into sharp icicles.
The world was so much different looking then the last time he’d ventured out, and his wide amber eyes narrowed against the bright glare of snow. His denmates Shrewkit and Briarkit were already out of view exploring the far side of camp, but although Tallkit looked after their tracks with longing to follow them, he had made a promise to stay close by until his father returned. A promise he was now starting to regret as his paws itched to dart across the expanse of camp and stretch his cramped legs. But as he caught sight of the sun's placement at nearly the highest point in the sky, a bright circle behind the misty white cloud cover, he knew he couldn’t go off running around the camp now. They’d be back any moment, and then Sandstone would come to fetch him. Until then, he just had to entertain himself somehow. As a kit born to be a tunneler, he probably wouldn’t be good at Shrewkit’s racing games anyway. It didn’t make the waiting any less boring, or the quiet of the nursery any less lonely in the meantime. Tallkit looked back to his mother, who slept with her back to him, a small pale white and black patched ball hidden deep amongst the soft mossy bedding. He thought about waking her and asking if she wanted to play, but Palebird wouldn’t want to be disturbed.
Despite his best efforts, Tallkit’s determination to keep his promise was quickly outweighed by his restless impatience. Surely he could step just outside, if he didn’t go too far. The positive side of being alone more often was that Tallkit was used to playing games by himself.
When he set his paws in the snow, he couldn’t stop the squeak of surprise as the cold hit him. The soft white cold went half way up his legs, and he backed up again closer to the nursery entrance where it had been padded down. But the uncomfortable cold aside, Tallkit looked around him in wonder at the dazzling brightness around him. When he had finally adjusted to the light, a soft fluttering object in the corner of his vision caught his eye. A familiar tattered red-brown chaffinch feather flitted invitingly in the cold wind, hooked onto a tangle of moor grass sticking out of the snow.
“You brought it back to me!” he purred, leaping after it. It was unmistakably the same feather he’d found the morning before. Brackenwing had asked him to put it back outside when he wouldn’t settle down to sleep, but now it danced playfully up and down, sparkling with flecks of frozen dew and the way it moved in the gentle breeze let Tallkit imagine it was being batted by an invisible paw.
Tallkit grasped it in his teeth. “Ok, try and catch me!” he squeaked to no one before bouncing away, clumsily sinking into the snow with each step in the divots where it was unexpectedly deep. When he fumbled, a soft breeze pulled the feather from his mouth and he turned to hook it again in his tiny claws, batting it to the side to an unseen waiting paw. He was so absorbed in his game he hardly noticed the soft brown lump he’d trodden over.
“Tallkit?” a stern but gentle voice said, “Should you be out without your mother in this weather?”
He turned to meet the molly’s soft blue eyes, looking at him with curiosity and amusement. Her cream and brown fur was a little damp with melted snow, and fluffed up against the cold. He’d nearly tripped over her crooked hind leg, which was stretched out limply in the grass.
“Hi Lilywhisker” he ducked his head “I wasn’t going to go far.”
She blinked at the feather under his paw “Who were you talking to just now?”
“I was talking to Finchkit.” Tallkit replied simply.
She frowned and looked at him with a mixture of concern and confusion. “Finchkit? Who’s Finchkit?”
“My littermate.” He mewed.
“You...don’t have a littermate, do you?”
Tallkit batted absentmindedly at the feather pinned under his paws. 
“Well, I did, she's just not here now. But I went to see Fennelpelt before, and he told me stories about StarClan--the cats that live in the lights in the sky when it gets dark. He said all the cats who aren’t here anymore live up there in the sky and they come down and watch over us, even if we can’t see them. Finchkit comes down and plays with me. She’s invisible, but Fennelpelt says it’s just like that. This is her favorite toy, she brought it back after I lost it yesterday.” He eagerly lifted up the tattered feather in his mouth for her to see.
Lilywhisker blinked “Oh! Oh I see…”
“Finchkit said hello to you!”
Lilywhisker twitched her whiskers as if she were considering her words, but then she simply smiled softly and replied, “Well, hello to her as well.”
 “Tallkit! Hey, you’ve come out!” Tallkit turned to see his nursery mates bounding towards him. Briarkit, a red-brown tabby with dark stripes curled around his face, waved his short fluffy tail in greeting as he trotted up in front of him, flecks of white dotting his ruddy fur. 
“Well would you look at that!” Came the second voice as Shrewkit skidded to a stop, kicking snow into Tallkit’s face and making him sneeze. He was a shorter tom with messy dark brown fur and a wild mischievous spark in his kitten-blue eyes, “The nursery mouse has finally come out of hiding!”
“I’m not a mouse!” Tallkit tried to growl, but his voice squeaked. 
Shrewkit snorted. 
Briarkit shoved his brother. “Don’t be mean!”
“I’m not being mean.” Shrewkit retorted, rolling his eyes.
Tallkit tried to pounce at him, but he couldn’t manage to bound over the snow like the bigger kits without tripping. A wrong pawstep into the snow, and he found himself buried in a drift. He tried to sneeze as icy water got into his nose, and  mewled in frustration as he flailed for a way out. Tiny teeth at his scruff made him squeak in alarm, and he immediately flattened his ears in embarrassment. Tallkit wished he didn’t squeak so much when he spoke, Shrewkit always made fun of him. He could hear him laughing now. 
Briarkit was pawing snow off of his head. “Are you ok Tallkit?” The question was concerning but Tallkit could hear he was stifling a purr of laughter. 
“He got lost in a mouse length of snow.” Shrewkit scoffed. 
“I was just trying to take a short cut,” Tallkit said, followed by another sneeze.
“Shouldn’t you have been able to tunnel out of that like a worm?” Shrewkit continued “You don’t have to be as fast as moor runners, but you tunnelers ought to be good at that!”
“I could have if I got the chance!”
“Settle down Shrewkit,” Lilywhisker scolded, as she pulled Tallkit closer to lick the snow from his pelt. “I don’t want to have to talk to your mother again about prodding Tallkit.”
“I wasn’t doing anything!” Shrewkit mewed indignantly.
Tallkit grumbled to himself, “At least Finchkit doesn’t make fun of me.”
“Who’s Finchkit?” Shrewkit had heard him,
“You know, the other one.” Briarkit whispered, “Tallkit’s told us about her before.”
“Oh, the dead one.”
Lilywhisker hissed, “For StarClan’s sake Shrewkit! Don’t speak like that.”
“What!?” he cried “That’s what mother told us!”
Tallkit sniffed, “Just because she’s dead now doesn’t mean she can’t still be around. That’s what StarClan is, right Lilywhisker?”
Lilywhisker blinked at him and got that look again like she didn’t quite know what she wanted to say.  “Well, yes, StarClan cats are still with us in a way, but it’s complicated.”
“Hawkheart sees StarClan cats,” Briarkit pointed out eagerly, “and he said sometimes clan cats see things from StarClan, because we’re special and we listen better than other cats. I thought I saw a StarClan cat once too-”
“No you just had a weird dream,” Shrewkit scoffed, “That’s not the same as seeing a StarClan cat in broad daylight.”
“Well I don’t actually see her…” Tallkit mumbled, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious, “I just feel like she’s here anyway. Why wouldn’t my littermate want to play with me?”
“I’m sure Finchkit is watching over you and your mother, Tallkit.” Lilywhisker said gently. But she didn’t sound like she really understood, it sounded like she just said what she thought he wanted to hear. Grown up cats always thought he couldn’t notice.
“You can come play with us too,” Briarkit offered. “We have less cats since Mistmouse’s kits are so close to their apprentice ceremony. Mother says Fallowkit and Fawnkit are too big to play with us. She’s looking for them now”
“Oh speaking of those furballs…” Lilywhisker sighed and stood up on her three good legs. “I’d better go help Brackenwing gather them up before Whitetooth finds them first and bites their noses off. You three go back inside if you start feeling cold, especially you Tallkit.”
When she’d limped away, Shrewkit leaned in and whispered, “I actually know where Fallowkit and Fawnkit are. They’re hiding out in the long grass behind the warriors' den. Fawnkit said they were going to pull a prank on Cloudrunner. Want to go watch?”
“I can’t go anywhere,’ Tallkit said. “I’m waiting for my father to come back.”
Shrewkit gave an exasperated groan, “Again? That’s always your excuse! Is he going to get mad at you if you have fun? Sandstone gets mad about everything.”
“That’s not true,” Tallkit said defensively, “He just doesn’t like you, because you’re a mouse-brain.”
Shrewkit promptly shoved Tallkit right back into the snow drift he’d just clambered out of.
“Don’t think I didn’t see that Shrewkit!” Brackenwing’s voice called out. The tall earthy brown tabby queen was there in an instant to lift Tallkit back out of the snow pile, who immediately spit cold water pointedly into Shrewkit’s face.
Brackenwing gave Shrewkit a stern look as she set the now very damp Tallkit down. “I can’t take my eyes off you two for a moment!”
Tallkit suppressed a shiver as a cold breeze blew through camp and quickly ducked back inside the nursery as Brackenwing scolded her son.  He perked his ears at the faint stirring from the back of the nursery and saw the white tipped outline of his mothers ears as she groggily lifted her head. Tallkit forgot about his chill and damp fur and trotted up to her with an excited bounce in his step.
“Mother,” he mewed, “it’s snowing for the first time today, come and see!”
Her tired pale eyes blinked slowly, as they focused blearily on her kit. “Tallkit, sweetheart, I’ve only just shut my eyes, why would you want to go out now?”
“Nu-uh the sun's up now, see? It’s been up for ages.”
She blinked again at the milky white daylight pouring into the nursery entrance, clearly surprised to see it. “So it is…” she murmured.  Palebird flinched and hissed when Tallkit went to nuzzle her chin. “Tallkit! You’re soaking wet!”
“Sorry,” he said, quickly stepping back.
“Oh Palebird are you up, dear?” Brackenwing poked her head inside “I hope my little one's scuffling didn’t wake you.”
“No it’s alright Brackenwing, I promised to be up by now,” she stiffly stretched out her legs and yawned again. “Tallkit didn’t sneak outside alone did he?”
“Shrewkit and Briarkit are big enough to go out in the cold I thought that meant I could too.” Tallkit argued.
“Briarkit and Shrewkit are more than a moon older than you, Tallkit.” Palebird pointed out, her voice still thick and heavy with sleep. She still sounded as if she were still half dreaming.
Brackenwing purred down at the little scrap of fur. “Tallkit will be alright, it’s much warmer during the day, and the snow has been melting fast since the sun came up. Besides, me or Lilywhisker are always around to look after him too.”
Palebird shifted uncomfortably and looked down, as if she were ashamed. “I don’t want to ask that of you both so often”
“It’s nothing to worry about love, that’s why we’re all here after all. You should stretch your legs with me for a while.” Brackenwing purred.
“I won’t get in any trouble, promise.” Tallkit pleaded.
Palebird looked doubtfully at her small kit, who tried to stand tall on shivering twig thin legs. “Alright but...You don’t want to be out too long, and stay where the snow padded down or melted. You remember what Hawkheart said about the cold not being good for you.”
Tallkit nodded, keeping his irritation at the mention of the medicine cat to himself.  Hawkheart had been to visit him plenty of times. When Tallkit woke up racked with coughing fits that frightened his mother, the bad tempered old tom always came in and made him swallow bitter leaves. It was hard to like Hawkheart, and Tallkit didn’t think Hawkheart liked him much either, but he’d been very firm that Tallkit needed to stay in as much as he could. Something about ‘bad luck having so many kits born in the cold.’ He hadn’t been out of the nursery very often until recently.
“You know, father’s patrol is coming back soon,” Tallkit mewed hopefully to his mother. “You could come out and meet him with me?” 
Palebird gazed out for a minute, still looking distant. “You go on ahead, Tallkit. I’ll catch up later.”
Tallkit swallowed his disappointment and didn’t press further. Maybe she didn’t want to sit still in the cold snow. It was certainly true that none of the warriors were as excited about it as he and the other kits were. Briarkit and Shrewkit had already run off again when he got back outside. Remembering what his mother said, he didn’t stray more than a few steps from the entrance, but to his immense relief, before the boredom could set in again he heard heavy pawsteps making their way down the slope into the camp, and a familiar booming voice loudly announcing their arrival. They were back at last! 
Sandstone was a big and very intimidating tom, at least the other kits thought so. He had a wide noble face, broad well muscled shoulders, and patchy scars through his short pelt as testaments both to past battles and seasons of hard tunnel work. He radiated confidence and surety, and every cat around him felt it. Tallkit couldn’t imagine a more impressive warrior existing in all of the clans, and he was beyond proud to be his kit.
He saw his father plowed through the frosty grass with his tunneler patrol following close behind him as always. Sunlight lit his pale ginger fur in brilliant gold, almost glowing where melted snowdrops clung to him. Tallkit leaped to his paws, hardly able to contain his excitement as he bounded towards him.
 Sandstone stopped his conversation with a large stocky gray-and-white tom when he heard his kit, and his dark amber eyes smiled warmly at him.
“Well look who it is! If it isn’t Tallkit, out and about on his own already?” He purred as he trotted forward to meet his son. Tallkit bumped his head on Sandstone’s legs as his father pressed his muzzle briefly to his in greeting, a warm purr in his throat that rumbled throughout Tallkit’s small body. He forgot the cold in an instant when he greeted him, as if Sandstone had finally brought newleaf warmth back with him.
“Hope it’s not too cold out for the little scamp.” The big tom beside his father meowed in concern.
“I-I’m not cold.” Tallkit insisted through chattering teeth.
“‘Course you're not cold! Takes more than a little leaf-bare chill to keep my son down.” Sandstone playfully ruffled Tallkit’s ears with his big paw. “So Tallkit, now that we all have the moment, it’s about time I formally introduced you to your future tunnel-mates!”
Sandstone talked of them all often enough, but Tallkit was confined to the nursery so often he’d never seen them up close. His father’s two companions were, like Sandstone, similarly stocky and broad. Muscles were visible beneath their dusty pelts from moons of working their forelegs to steadily carve out the burrows and tunnels that crossed under WindClan territory, a stark contrast compared to many of their sleeker and leaner moor-runner clanmates. 
Sandstone gestured to the dark gray molly and big gray-and-white tom in turn. “That there’s Plumclaw, and here of course is Woollycloud!”
 Tallkit dipped his head respectfully as he had been taught to do, but ended up getting kicked up snow in his nose.. Plumclaw he knew was his father’s old apprentice, who he often praised for her bravery, and Woollycloud his lifelong tunneling partner. The big tom was one of the best tunnelers in the clan. Except for my father of course. Tallkit thought to himself. Standing right next to them, Tallkit felt suddenly rather self conscious of his own scrawny, lanky frame, accentuated more than usual by his wet fur plastered to his sides.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you young one,” Woollycloud purred. “I hope to work with you in the near future. Your father tells me you’ve already got the makings of a great tunneler!”
Tallkit perked up a bit at the praise, and Sandstone nudged him playfully. “And he’ll grow bigger and tougher than ever, won’t you Tallkit?” he leaned down to speak softer to him, like he was telling a secret. “Between us, I’ve got plans to make sure Woollycloud here gets chosen as your mentor someday.” 
Tallkit looked up wide eyed at the stout tom. He was bigger than any cat he’d seen, even bigger than his father and Hawkheart, but his face was so kind and sincere as he smiled down at him that Tallkit didn’t find him scary at all. 
“If it all works out, I’ll greatly look forward to it!” Woollycloud said. 
Tallkit felt a rush of excitement. His apprentice ceremony felt so far off, but his paws were itching with anticipation. “Can’t I start being an apprentice now?” He asked.
 Plumclaw purred loudly in laughter “You’re nowhere near six moons, kit! We all had to wait our turn.” 
Woollycloud nodded in agreement. “All good things to those who are patient, little one. Your time will come before you know it.”
 The two cats then turned and started towards the prey heap. 
Sandstone nudged him. “Your enthusiasm is just another sign of what a great tunneler you're going to be. In fact, I’d say you’re right. You may not be a full apprentice, but no time at all like the present to start learning.” He paused for a moment and looked around “Where’s your mother at? Did she come out with you?”
“She just woke up.” Tallkit replied, “I think Brackenwing said they were going to go out for a walk soon.”
He looked towards the nursery with an unreadable expression and then gave a dismissive flick of his tail. “I see...Ah, I suppose it can’t be helped. Well, follow me then Tallkit. You’ve got a lot to learn today.”
chapter list / previous / next
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 years
Just Some Proof I'm Writing This Fic:
The Fic has turned into a fucking Monster now, but I have the Tentative Chapter Titles for all of The Power Of Friendship (And This Gun I Found!)!! It's a Long Post, so the whole list is under the cut, but the Seasons are called:
Season One: Channel Island Caper
Season Two: Battle Royale With Cheese
Season Three: Make Lovecraft, Not Warcraft
Season Four: The Height Of Idiocy Is About The Same As This Tower
Season Five: Santorini Dreamin'
Season Six: It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Season One: Channel Island Caper
Episode 1: It's Not Like Any Of Us Were Going To College Anyway
Episode 2: There Was Definitely Room For Both Of Them On That Door
Episode 3: Parks And Desolation
Episode 4: A Very Particular Set Of Skills
Episode 5: How to Mine For Phish
Episode 6: We Can Have A Little Murder. As A Treat.
Episode 7: The Clown Pagliacci
Episode 8: Kink Shaming Is My Kink
Episode 9: Monster Mash (ed peas)
Episode 10: Does Anyone Know Where The Mountain Dew Is?
Episode 11: The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known
Episode 12: Friendship Speech
Episode 13: The Theological Implications Of Bugs Bunny
Episde 14: There's No Business Like Show Business
Episode 15: When Did Mötley Crüe Become Classic Rock?
Episode 16: Noodle Incident
Episode 17: This Episode Contains The Worst Joke You've Ever Heard
Episode 18: Dante's Disco Inferno
Episde 19: Ancient Egyptian Large Hadron Collider
Episode 20: That Belongs In A Museum!
Episode 21: My Husband With An Economics And Finance Degree Helped Me Write This Chapter
Episode 22: The Gods Have No Fury Like A Parent Scorned
Season 2: Battle Royale With Cheese
Episode 23: Maybe Next Time Use LoJack?
Episdoe 24: Ancient Egyptian Large Hadron Collider, Now With Pictures Because I Heard Y'all Were Stupid
Episode 25: Having Fun Ain't Hard, When You Have A Library Card!
Episode 26: Terms And Conditions Apply
Episode 27: Foresight is 50/50
Episode 28: Do You Do Children's Parties?
Episode 29: Ivermectin
Episode 30: Clown College Dropout
Episode 31: In Which You All Get To Learn About My Special Interest
Episode 32: IntricateRituals.meme
Episode 33: Ride Of the Valkyries
Episode 34: Math Problem
Episode 35: Because Things Went So Well With the Hindenberg
Episode 36: It's Like A Seder With Vincent Price
Episode 37: Feature Creep
Episode 38: Man's Best Friend
Episode 39: Above All, To Thine Own Self Be True
Episode 40: So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
Episode 41: Midnight Bender At Bernie's
Season Three: Make Lovecraft, not Warcraft:
Episode 42: Breakfast Club
Episode 43: Monster Factory
Episode 44: Beautiful And Terrible As The Dawn
Episode 45: One Is A Genius, the Other's Insane
Episode 46: Mine Will Be The Shiniest Empire
Episode 47: He'll Kick Himself When He Remembers The Rocket Boots
Episode 48: Deus Vult, Motherfuckers
Episode 49: Frankenstein Has Some Regrets
Episode 50: Scooby Doo Hall Scene
Season Four: The Height Of Idiocy Is About The Same As This Tower
Episode 51: Who's on First, What's on Second-
Episode 52: Chess With A Pigeon
Episode 53: Master Of Ceremonies
Episode 54: The Steaks Are High
Episode 55: Fuck Around-
Episode 56: -And Find Out
Episode 57: Beach Episode
Episode 58: An Old Priest And A Young Priest
Episode 59: Nobody's-Getting-Any-Slumber Party
Season 5: Santorini Dreamin'
Episode 60: Ignoring The Most Important Dungeons And Dragons Rule
Episode 61: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Thefts Do!
Episode 62: (in)Human After All
Episode 63: Destroy Your Local Golf Course
Episode 64: GIRL'S NIGHT!!
Episode 65: You Can Keep Your El Dorado, And To Hell With Burgundy!
Episode 66: It's Constantinople, Not Istanbul
Episode 67: The Most Dangerous Game
Episode 68: 'What I Did On My Summer Vacation' Essay
Season Six: It's The End Of The World As We Know It :)
Episode 69 (nice): It's Just A Jump To The Left!
Episode 70: At Least David Bowie Isn't In Here, Fondling His Balls?
Episode 71: All According To Keikaku
Episode 72: A Stranger In Paradise
Episode 73: Oh Mama I'm In Fear For My Life From The Long Arm Of The Law
Episode 74: That Left Turn At Albaquerque
Episode 75: The Power Of Friendship (+4 ATK/+10DMG)
Episode 76: Ammemoarpigi
Episode 77: I Hate Ending Stories, So I'm Not Going To.
I seem to be clocking an average of 5K per chapter so this beast will probably be... 385,000 words (72% of a Le Miserables) when I'm done?
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adiwriting · 2 years
I don't think anyone but me cares about such things, but I'm posting this so that I can remember, later on, that I once was capable of more than I gave myself credit for.
So here we go. In 2021, I gave myself a goal of writing an average of 1k a day. I wanted to get better at writing and read that writing 1k a day would push me to really improve my craft. Well... I did it. Somehow, I did it. Some days I did less than 1k, some days, I did way more. But somehow, I managed to hit my goal and then some.
Details below for anyone that cares <3
Special shout out to everyone that's held my hand as I wrote these and/or read my work. You guys kept me going most days when I wanted to quit! Especially during the fall when words weren't easy and depression was at it's worst.
tl;dr: I wrote 388,995 words this year.
Invisible String Chapter 10: 6069
Heal it or break it all apart: 7610
Falling Like the Stars Ch 4: 9988
Falling Like the Stars Ch 5: 7371
Michael + Maria 1174
Alex allergies 452
Alex + Rosa 1126
Isn’t it beautiful? 520
Can I call you? 793
Falling Like the Stars Ch. 6: 5238
Michael has a nightmare 590
January Total: 40,931
11% of the way to end of year goal
Falling Like the Stars Ch. 7 8,524
And the road not taken looks real good now 1,495
Alien Princess Encounter 1,492
Something so flawed and free 6,988
Settled 1,673
Seeds 1,757
All too well 2,525
Going for the title (got hit by the tidal wave) 3,665
February Total: 28,119
Yearly Total: 69,050
19% of the way to end of year goal
the more that you say (the less I know) 3,137
the aftermath 2,085
Building Something 8,453
Heartbeat 3,436
quiet moments, promises, and a name 909
Small steps forward and back 6,113
Going Home 1,048
pieces of a clock that lie broken 9,471
March Total: 31,652
Yearly Total: 103,702
28% of the way to end of year goal
Am I more than you bargained for 1,923
This time is different (I mean I really think you like me) 5,146
I know where I want to go 2,228
breathe for a minute 2,854
One hand, one heart pt. 1 2,701
One hand, one heart pt. 2 8,693
One hand, one heart pt. 3 4,229
Invisible String Ch 11 4,077
April Total: 31,851
Yearly Total: 135,553
37% of the way to end of year goal
Chaos and Entropy. 5,483
from chaos to cosmos (or the corny shit alex manes says when high) 4,892
A feeling of home 7,252
Invisible Strings Ch 12 7,483
The moment the world starts to crack 4,107
We were built to fall apart (then fall back together) 6,984
May Total: 36,201
Yearly Total: 171,754
47% of the way to end of year goal
in screaming color 6,667
Every day (you save my life) 5,802
To be found 11,213
Through the fire and smoke 1 9,106
Through the fire and smoke 2. 13,331
June Total: 46,119
Yearly Total: 217,873
60% of the way to end of year goal
Alex Manes is a Bad Boyfriend. 2,901
What stays and what fades away 1 6,055
Alex Manes it the Worst Boyfriend. 2,302
What stays and what fades away 2. 5,784
I don’t have many and I don’t have much 2,889
One Day. Someday. 2,383
A Place To Begin 5,089
A Tale of 8 Tequilas and Truth Exercises 4,265
July Total: 31,668
Yearly Total: 249,541
68% of the way to end of year goal
Dirty, Broken, and Bleeding. 3,771
Alex Manes is a Terrible Boyfriend 6,544
Love’s a game, wanna play? 12,319
‘Don’t You Wanna Be a Family?’ 1,668
Complicated questions and simple answers 3,628
Meet me in the morning pt. 1. 3,378
August Total: 31,308
Yearly Total: 280,849
77% of the way to end of year goal
Watch us ignite 5,641
June 15, 1997. 1,202
Meet me in the morning pt. 2. 6,780
Things will change (and it’s okay). 4,092
Guitar Lessons 3688
September Total: 21,403
Yearly Total: 302,252
83% of the way to end of year goal
Invisible Strings 13. 6,805
Untitled Tumblr Flash fic (3.12 coda) 197
the one left behind 7,350
Bodyguard 3,253
207A. 4,693
In Repair 5,402
October Total: 27,700
Yearly Total: 329,952
90% of the way to end of year goal
What’s left to do? 5,475
How to begin again 4,711
All I’ve Ever wanted. 1,374
I just want to do better than I did before 1,064
…but I don’t know how 2,732
…and I feel like I’m failing 1,202
…But this is me trying 5,006
November Total: 21,564
Yearly Total: 351,516
96% of the way to end of year goal
Alex Manes is a Horrible Boyfriend pt 1. 9,268
Alex Manes is a Horrible Boyfriend pt 2. 7,610
Beware of Santa. 2,497
Days of Christmas Past (2008) 714
Days of Christmas Past (2009) 1,782
Days of Christmas Past (2010) 1,666
Days of Christmas Past (2011) 1,051
Days of Christmas Past (2012) 5,980
Days of Christmas Past (2013) 2,611
Days of Christmas Past (2014) 2,611
Days of Christmas Past (2015) 1,689
December Total: 37,479
Yearly Total: 388,995
107% of the way to end of year goal
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Weird Asks: 15, 47, 58, 68, 98
Hi! :D
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
This one is tricky because our literature classes never indicated full books; we'd read and write commentary upon fragments, sections or chapters, unless they were poems or short stories (so we'd read the first chant of the Illiad, chants 1, 3 and 5 of the Inferno of Dante's Commedia, a psalm and Luke 15 for Bible, a few scenes from the first act of Macbeth or Peribáñez, and so forth). For the test you needed to memorize the whole thing or the most important bits in order to write a full commentary of the section. If that counts, Dante's Commedia was my favorite reading by far, and the only time a teacher had to forcibly take the sheets from my hands at the end of the test because I HAD MORE STUFF TO SAY, MISS CABRERA.
The one book I remember reading in full because it was assigned was N. Gregory Mankiw's 10 Principles of Economics for senior year Economy and I remember enjoying the read and learning a lot from it.
47. favorite type of cheese?
Mozzarella. Hands down.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Being able to speak English fluently (though carelessly, I acknowledge) is one of those, it opened the world to me in many ways. A second one would be sewing, as it has become a sanity saver and given me a lot of serotonin in the past few years XD Third... ever since I was a teenager people have been telling me that I'm good at explaining difficult things on an easily understandable way and I love that. Fourth... I'm usually good at oiling social situations for others. Haven't practiced it for a while, sadly.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
This one is really hard, I tend to forget this kind of thing easily, my mind really dislikes remembering unpleasant experiences. Pumpkin stuff in savory dishes makes me nauseous but not because I hate the flavor, I just don't know why, it's a gut reaction. I cannot think of anything closer to a proper answer to this question.
98. favorite historical era?
I love both the late middle ages and the late 1940s. They both seem to me to be times filled with promise after very hard times of disease and war. I like the color and the simplicity of the late middle ages and the sober, no nonsense elegance of the 40s.
Thank you!
From this ask game
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feather-dancer · 3 years
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I posted 274 times in 2021
223 posts created (81%)
51 posts reblogged (19%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 500 tags in 2021
#writing - 84 posts
#art - 73 posts
#fanart - 67 posts
#tales of arcadia - 60 posts
#wizards - 47 posts
#trollhunters - 46 posts
#toawizards - 46 posts
#3below - 31 posts
#stars - 28 posts
#heart of glass - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 105 characters
#gestures because i fucking love this au and for some strange reason i've got a little corner i've dug out
My Top Posts in 2021
The Tales of Arcadia Archive is very serious I say when I keep remembering this I discovered over an hour ago and start laughing again:
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84 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 12:24:07 GMT
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To ensure that the balance of this world would be maintained, an Order of three was formed who maintain an eternal vigil whilst wielding the power of the arcane.
I might have gone on a slightly mad binge and coloured this.
92 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 02:30:42 GMT
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No thoughts, only fluff.
100 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 22:51:37 GMT
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The accidental shipping binge continued and I have relearned I absolutely hate drawing motorbikes! An off camera scene that happens in Stars chapter 2 just because.
117 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 01:30:59 GMT
Tales of Arcadia fanfic recommendations part 7
It’s time for yet another round of recommendations! In this batch is the 80+ Rise of the Titans fics I read as part of the fanfic analysis which have their own section with Tales of Arcadia (Aka the TV part of the franchise) merged into one for ease sake. I’m currently on a bit of an older content binge on behest of someone which is giving me a break from RotT burnout, a few of which are on this list and the rest is already spilling into part 8 sitting in my drafts.
Hope you see something of interest!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
If at all interested in my own writing you can find it here!
Tales of Arcadia
A Thousand Years - A series of oneshots following the lives of Douxie and Zoe through the ages including some good old Zouxie fluff.
A Night Off; Comfort Zoe Night - Exactly as it says this is a bout of shameless Zouxie fluff because sometimes you have a bad day and there’s somebody who can treat you to a much nicer evening.
of poison, forest floors, and terrified wizards - It was just a simple errand for Merlin, one he’d done hundreds of times before so there was no reason to wake Archie from his nap and thus Hisirdoux Casperan went off alone. Even in his worst nightmares he couldn’t have expected being struck with poison designed to take out magic users.
Primordial Awakenings - We build our creations from the dead, give them names, offer them power then put them amongst the stars until we forget there was ever a before because the stories have already made them eternal. A delightful take on how the Order as we know might have come to be because sometimes you wonder what if they were birthed in the prehistoric?
Primordial Awakenings — Deleted Scenes - In case you need more content from the above :) This does contain Order ships of various directions.
Already Seen - Easy peasy, lemon squeezy Douxie is caught in the D'aja Vu as well and tries to figure out what the heck is causing it. Contains a little bit of Zouxie fluff.
Mama Bear - It is after Jim’s battle with Draal when Barbara catches sight of numerous bruises covering her son and along with all the other out of character incidents totting up of late naturally she thinks the worst.
Across the Stars - With Zadra now on earth and far away from home, she and Izita snatch the moments they can to to talk to one another. Zadita? Izadra? Genuinely no idea what the shorthand for the ship is.
Reading Wingman - Even the most experienced trolls can get caught out sometimes and in this case AAARRRGGHH shelters in the library. Adorable ensues.
Happy Birthday - Post Trollhunters season 3, everyone deserves a special treat on the anniversary of one of the worst days of your life and that includes Trollhunters.
heavy - Jim might have escaped the Darklands in body but the trauma continues to pursue through not only nightmares but all the way into the waking world too.
from now on - Post Trollhunters season 3, it was hard for Toby he and AAARRGGHH had been left behind but they try to struggle on anyway all the while counting down the days until their friends to come home.
Rise of the Titans
Unbecoming 2 Electric Boogaloo - There are always prices to pay and consequences for wanting to do the right thing if you choose to embrace selfishness instead of logic. You went too far back Jim Lake Jr., you were warned and the cold rush of reality is watching just out of sight to show you why.
Unlikely Places - They managed to stop the Titans with no losses despite it being very close leaving the Order in the very odd position of wrapping their heads around the After. For one former resident of Durio he’s about to find out just how they’re handling things first hand.
Tales of Arcadia: In Search of Home- After using diplomacy with a chance to right the wrongs of the world to bring Skrael on board he and Nari in turn offer the same to Bellroc . This leaves one Hisirdoux Casperan with two additional roommates, trying to make everyone comfortable as they experience new and fancy human things like pasta, earning your keep and the wonders of freezers.
A Better World - After jumping back in time Jim uses his prior knowledge to help nudge things in this timeline for the better with advice and jokes but always keeps the most precious (And painful) close to his chest. Sitting on the roof together one night Toby muses about this strange yet incredible life he’s led so far and what his best friend might have been through in his old one.
Time is a Fickle Thing... - When Jim used the time stone to go back he expected to wake up in his bed on the very same day he’d become the Trollhunter. Instead he awoke in the middle of the nearby woods little more than an observer of his 15 year old self armed with knowledge of the future and the determination to nudge the timeline for the better. This is of course assuming the second hand embarrassment doesn’t kill him first.
Minds are Troubled By The Emptiness - An epilogue for Nancy “Nana” Domzalski in a timeline that was not reset.
Tales of Arcadia: The Final Becoming - A complete rewrite of Rise of the Titans lets fucking go.
Lifting Atlas - It would be unwise to go back in time without a plan so one is cobbled together involving contacting Douxie as soon as possible, bring him on board and try to right the mistakes of the past to save everyone they lost. The trouble is you can’t run from the trauma that led to your best friend dying before your eyes, not even with time travel.
Content warning for the first chapter: There is mention of previous sexual assault and suicide that does not have an in fic warning nor is it tagged. It is mentioned during Jim’s conversation with Douxie and a second time in a vague way after the time jump when they meet up.
Without you there is no world - A oneshot series for Stricklake month following a range of themes from excellent sci-fi worldbuilding, dabbling in one of the author’s AUs, the perils of gravesand and closing with a rather well deserved dig at THAT scene from RotT.
stricklake month...2!!! - Do you want Stricklake that borders on domestic in a range of circumstances including big brother Jim? WELL.
Darling Play Your Violin - There is a saying that history repeats it’s self and it is certainly true for those who live long enough to feel it’s echoes. Sometimes you are given a second chance which turns bittersweet while another will be met with mirth but at least at the end of it all you can say you tried.
To family - Seeking to propose to Barbara, Strickler decides to ask someone dear to them both for permission due to their incredibly complicated background. A trio of toddlers act as witnesses oblivious to their big brother’s sass and plotting.
Parent conference day - Set post RotT, some memories are lingering in the form of dreams that once were, it just takes a chance encounter to start bringing sense to them.
Stricklake Baggage Babeyyyyyy - Walter Strickler is not an innocent changeling which is something Barbara is well aware of. The problem is sooner or later the question has to be asked no matter how scared you are of the reply: Did you kill Principal Levit?
Alternate Universe
"I'll Still be Here." - Once more falling into the “This isn’t technically AU but it doesn’t feel right to put it elsewhere somehow??” issue. Well before two boys will find an Amulet in the canals this is a reminder of how loved ones can be the best thing when anxiety brain gets ideas. Autistic Toby with a side order of Joby/Hammerhunter.
Daddy Issues - So Bular accidentally ended up adopting teeny Jim and it’s adorable.
The End Is the Beginning Is the End - After what should have been a fatal car accident Barbara is offered a choice: Perish or live by trading whatever her saviour decides. She might have thought it was the delusions of a dying mind but the consequences do not agree.
A Brief Reliving of Troll Lore - Camelot has gained unexpected time travelers darkening their doors except this is set in the 7th century and the journey home is going to be a whole lot rougher with survival just as important as preventing history being screwed up. This is a Jim centric fic.
118 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 02:00:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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fancyfade · 3 years
Preview dialogue
Dick can't help but brace for the worst, ready for it to be some cruel taunt from Ra's –
But Damian's voice just comes through, clear and calm: “Dami – er, Robin to Batcave. Reporting in.”
“Damian?” Dick asks, and he knows that Damian would hate it because he's pretty sure he can't hide how relieved he feels –
There's an awkward silence on Damian's end.
Right. Dick can't force the responsibility of being the level-headed one on a freaking ten-year-old. He has to take control. To let Damian know everything's going to be fine.
“Give me the situation, Robin,” Dick says. “We're receiving your coordinates.”
keep reading
okay so extremely long list of decisions under cut
This chapter definitely felt like pulling teeth and two parts were the sheer amount of fight scenes in it and how exactly I wanted to portray Tim.
I didn’t want to be unfair to Tim but I also didn’t want to brush over his flaws. Tim is feeling extremely isolated at this point in canon and pushing away the people who are trying to help him away
and also like
canonically refers to damian as spoiled
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[image: internal monologue from red robin reading “sure there were signs. Batman being dead (he’s not), Dick choosing a spoiled, vicious and homicidal little punk to wear the Robin costume, my friends turning on me...” end image]
so I don’t think that him calling Damian spoiled in my fanfic is like. Out of character at this time.
I also did some light canon massaging
1) Ra’s is no longer as OOCly stupid as he was in Red Robin (he initially didn’t give tim all his information and files and then leave him alone long enough for him to hack them)
2) tam gets rescued earlier. Her still being in ra’s’ base is not necessary for the plot, and it would be kind of really OOC if the batfam just left her there because she’s in red robin’s plot
NGL I had a hard time writing tam. she seemed mostly like a pretty normal person in a really rough situation.
with dick, it was kind of fun to write him getting to take charge and command people and doing things he hasn’t gotten to do a ton in my fic before (like when he’s teaming up with damian he’s normally in charge, but that’s also like a two person team). There is also an instance where he refers to Damian in his internal monologue as “robin” and that is NOT an error :)
I think dick is at an interesting point here in canon because he so clearly wants to both be able to just do what he does best and take care of himself and work with his peers or alone, but he also wants to help out his family who often rebuff his attempts to help them (especially tim and damian at this time). he’s just got so much on his plate.
couldn’t tell if it was slighlty OOC for him to voice his feelings. I feel like he deserves a chance to say them and has been trying to not (it’d definitely be OOC if he went straight to feelings dump) but also he is like “we can’t let people know i sometimes require emotional understanding” often.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| good in bed |     [chapter 4]     FINAL
pairing; non-idol!chan x reader
this chapter’s notes; some angst, soft🥺chan, overstimulation, kind of mirror fucking, squirting 😳 A BIG ‘OL THANK YOU!! For all of my readers that were stickin’ with me through GIB!! it was a short short series but I had so much fun writing it! 💕 I can’t wait to put out more content later on~ 🥴💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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Chan doesn’t send any more messages after the last.
And when you reply again, scared that something’s happened to him, he leaves you on read. Chan reads all of your messages and rejects all of your calls for a few days after and you eventually figure it’s time to cut your losses if he didn’t even want to talk to you. But you take the time to ask Soonyoung and Minghao; just in case they have any idea on why Chan would ignore you after he basically admitted he felt the same way you did. But in doing that, you had to explain the entire situation to them before you could even get to asking why he was ignoring you in the first place.
“I dunno, I mean, he still comes to practice? He’s not, like, missing.” Soonyoung takes a bite of his bagel after, pondering the situation. “Are you sure he feels the same way?” Sighing, you stare at the coffee in front of you.
“I mean, I showed you the text, right? So… I don’t know. I thought he did but he was drunk so I guess I don’t really know?” Minghao places a friendly hand on your shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance.
“Chan might just be… confused. I mean, you, yourself, said you had a crush on him before the two of you even entered this whole friends with benefits situation. We don’t know if he liked you before or if he just started to, right?” You nod at Minghao’s comment; Chan had said he had liked you ‘the entire time’ but that either meant the entire time he’d been your friend or the entire time the two of you were physical.
“Yeah that’s… true. I guess I never thought to ask.”
“Why would you have though? Wasn’t your relationship purely physical?” Damn, Soonyoung got you there.
“That’s… also true.”
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1:47 PM
You can’t help but fidget in your seat the entire time you wait for Chan to show up. Various different thoughts run through your head as the clock ticks closer to the allotted time you had told him to meet you at. Maybe he wouldn’t and you’d be safe from having to talk to him? Or maybe you could leave now and tell him to not show up?
The bell above the door jingles and you can’t help but avoid looking at whoever it is that walks in, hoping that it’s not Chan.
Sure, you had been the one to ask him to show up. But part of you was genuinely scared what would even come of the talk, should things go in the absolute worst direction. In theory, the worst that could happen is that your friendship with him would be completely over and the thought alone sends your heart racing; palms sweaty in your lap.
You’d been so deep into your thoughts you didn’t even notice that Chan had actually shown up and was standing in front of your table. “Can I… sit down?” You nod slowly, avoiding his eyes as he sits across from you. “I didn’t know if you… um, were gonna show up so I didn’t order you anything.” Chan chuckles awkwardly, music to your ears as you mentally curse at yourself for finding him so cute even when he was the source of all your problems recently.
“It’s okay, I… I didn’t expect you to.”
The air is awkward and tense, the both of you too scared to be the first one to talk. “So…” You both start. This time you and Chan make eye contact, a blush on your faces when your eyes meet. “You first.” Chan lets you speak first; the nervousness in your body bubbling up. This was it.
“I… just want to know what happened? I--I am just so confused. You confessed, kind of? And then just disappeared so...” He frowns at your furrowed eyebrows, knowing the damage he’d caused.
“I know I could apologize to you a thousand times and it’d never be enough for how I acted. But I want you to know I’m genuinely sorry. I--I didn’t… I don’t know, I guess I didn’t really know what to do.”
“What do you mean?” He clears his throat, leg jittery underneath the table.
“I just… I guess I wanted to confess to you at some point but not like that.” A blush blooms on your cheeks almost immediately. “Oh…”
“Yeah.. I, um, I dunno… I wasn’t expecting… I mean, I liked you before but I thought I’d gotten over it at some point? And when I suggested we--we start getting physical since we were both just… in weird places, that it would just be physical. But… I dunno, at some point I felt like it changed and I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it.” You nod along, taking in his words slowly. “And I guess I just got confused with myself. Because I wanted to be more than friends but I wasn’t sure if I was ready for a whole relationship, y’know?”
Chan pauses, letting you and himself take a breather. You take this time to mull over some questions you’d had for him. “So… what were all those weird jealous moments about? Did you already… um, like me then?”
“I… I don’t know. It was just a weird visceral feeling? I don’t know when things changed for me, but it’s possible. I wouldn’t doubt it at this point.”
“And the--the picnic?”
He bites his lip, the blush on his cheeks intensifying. “I---I was fully prepared to tell you that night. Or at least ask you. But I was scared. I could see that you seemed to reciprocate how I felt but I guess I was just scared that maybe I was reading you all wrong.”
“So you knew I liked you?”
“Well, yes and no? You seemed to catch on to my weird moments and… I dunno, I guess I kind of felt like you felt the same way but maybe I should’ve asked instead of just assuming? Fuck, I dunno. I’m stupid.” He laughs at his own words, running a hand through his hair as he looks you over. “How about you?”
This time it’s you that clears your throat, ready to let out everything you’d felt. “I--Well, if I’m being completely honest with you, I liked you too.”
“Did you want to be physical with me because of it?”
“I mean, kind of yes but also I thought maybe I’d be able to keep it together and not let things get out of hand. And then maybe I could find someone else and then just end things with you eventually, assuming we’d probably get tired of just fucking or something. But then I saw how you were acting and the times you’d get jealous and I guess I just assumed too. And then you confessed and I was ready to just spill my guts then but then you kind of just ghosted me instead.” The two of you are silent afterwards, simmering in your thoughts and feelings about each other.
“I guess we’re both really fuckin’ stupid, huh.”
You snort at his comment, eyes rolling jokingly at it. “I knew us getting physical would be a problem. I just didn’t think it’d end up like this. I thought I was pretty good at keeping my shit together but the more I saw you lose it, I kind of did too.”
“So where do we go from here?”
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The two of you decide to try dating properly this time; finally accepting that the two of you were idiots but felt the same way towards each other. He doesn’t make any moves to get physical with you immediately, which you appreciate, letting yourselves build up the relationship again. And Chan makes an effort to take you on dates quite often even if Soonyoung kicks his ass twice as hard at practice each time he skips.
“Chan I swear you’re not gonna be able to make it to the dance comp at the end of the year if you keep pissing Soonyoung off.”
“He can’t do that to me, I’m his favorite!” He kisses you on the forehead once he walks you to your door. He’d taken you out for ice cream and then the two of you had strolled through the park until sunset before he walked you home.
“I have practice tonight though, as per hyung’s request, but I’ll see you tomorrow?” You nod, pulling him into a hug and nuzzling into his chest.
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When you wake up the next morning, you feel like shit though. That’s for sure. Your throat hurts and your head feels fuzzy as you turn in bed, trying to find your phone through sleepy eyes. You text Chan that you’re most likely sick and that it’s probably best he doesn’t show up, not waiting for a reply before the sleep overtakes you once more.
You can vaguely register the sound of the door opening, a few hours later.
Chan stands in your doorway, a bouquet of flowers in his left hand with a ‘get well soon’ balloon in his right. “Wow, you look… sick.” You raise a brow at his comment.
“I… am sick.”
He walks over, setting the flowers down on the nightstand next to your bed before he ties the balloon to the headboard. “I know you said not to come but I should take care of my sick baby, y’know? Like a good boyfriend?” You laugh, tugging your bed sheets over you as you get comfortable again. “What exactly are you gonna do, Chan? Last I checked you can cook the bare minimum.”
“Yeah, but I can order food too. I’m really good at ordering in~” He sets his things down onto your vanity before he turns to you with a scheming smile as he walks closer towards you.
“Ugh, Chan, what are you doing?” He peels your bedsheets from over you, tossing them to the floor before joining you on the bed.
“Um, you said you weren’t feeling well so I thought… Well, I don’t know what I was thinking, I think? Well, what I mean to say is that I thought maybe I’d fuck the sick out of you?”
“I said I had a head cold…”
“So you don’t want to fuck?”
“Well, I never said that.” You groan as he massages your legs. “But I feel so gross too…”
“I read on the internet that it’s good for you to sweat out a cold though. What better way than to fuck it all out?”
“That’s probably true but I feel gross… Don’t I look gross?” Chan smiles down at you, spreading your legs before slotting himself between them. “No, not really. You’ll always be pretty to me… even if you’re sick and probably real snotty right now.”
“Wow, thanks, that did incredible things for my self confidence.”
“You know I’m kidding, beautiful!!” He massages your thighs, dragging his hands up into your shirt until he cups your breasts in his hands. You moan at the feeling, arching up into his touch as he pinches your nipples underneath the material of your shirt. “Ngh, Chan, I dunno if it’s just because I’m sick but my body is so sensitive right now…”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Maybe? All I know is that I kind of want a shower though.”
“... I’ve got just the idea.”
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Chan peels your clothes off of you, kissing every inch of skin that gets revealed. He has you sitting on the countertop in the bathroom, waiting for the shower to heat up.
“If you don’t feel up to it, just let me know, okay? I’ll stop if it’s too much. I know how tired you probably are.” Nodding, you watch as he finally takes his clothes off, tossing them into the pile of your clothes on the floor.
“Don’t you wanna fuck the sick out of me?”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to push you too far. I don’t want you fainting in the shower, y’know?” You nod, swinging your legs slightly as you sit on top of the countertop. “Doesn’t this just remind you of… that other time.” Chan spreads your legs, standing in between them as he rests his palms on your thighs.
“Oh, you mean the time I--I got jealous because of Soonyoung-hyung?”
“Yeah… It was also the time you left before saying anything. And you said you weren’t jealous.” Chan slowly drops to his knees, prying your legs open more until your wet folds are exposed to his face. “Huh… yeah, guess I was lying.” He leans in, licking a stripe of your wetness before he moans. “Fuck, you’re already so wet. And you taste so good.” You tangle a hand in his hair, your head tilting back until it meets the mirror behind you. “Mmh, Chan…”
He continues to lap at your folds, dipping his tongue into your pussy and prodding at your clit until you’re mewling above him. “P-please use your fingers too…” Chan brings a hand to your folds, coating them in your wetness before he positions one at your entrance, tongue on your clit when he eases it in.
The shower steams up the whole bathroom, coating your skin in a slight sheen. You feel a little lightheaded as well, although you can’t tell if it’s your head cold or if it’s Chan. He thrusts his finger in, arching it inside of you continuously. And it feels good but you want more. And Chan, almost like he can read your mind, adds another finger in, scissoring them inside of you before arching them into your g-spot. He sucks your clit into his mouth, wiggling his fingers until you cum all over them.
“Fu----Fuck, Chan!!!” You can’t help but whimper, hand tugging on his hair for dear life until he moans against you. He works you through your orgasm, only slowing down when you beg him to.
“Wow, guess you really are sensitive.”
“I--I tol--told you… my body’s sensitive right now…” You feel boneless when he pulls his fingers out, a moan on your lips as you watch him bring his wet fingers to his cock as he stands. “Yeah, but damn, I think that was the quickest I’ve ever gotten you to cum before.” Your legs are shaking as the remnants of your orgasm fade away but the longer you watch Chan spread your wetness all over his cock, the more impatient you get for him to just fuck you. “Can you just… fuck me here?”
“Can you take me already?” He shoots you a smirk, eyes glancing into the mirror behind you. “Actually, I have an idea, sweetheart.” You tilt your head in confusion, letting him help you off of the countertop before he spins you around, hand on your spine as he presses your front into the cold marble. In this position, you can see your own reflection in the mirror as Chan stands behind you.
“I want you to watch yourself while I fuck you. I want you to see how pretty you are when you’re coming apart on my cock.”
You can’t help but gulp, watching as your cheeks flare up at the thought of having to watch yourself. There’s condensation all over the mirror, but you wipe it away just enough to see yourself and Chan. “O-okay…” You watch Chan’s expressions as he stands behind you, lining up his cock at your entrance. His brows furrow in focus, tongue peeking out as he starts to inch himself inside of you. There’s a bit of a sting as he pushes in; it had been a while since the two of you had fucked after all. But the stretch also feels immensely good, a moan spilling out of your lips as your eyes watch your pleasured expression in the mirror.
“Chan, you feel so g-good…”
It takes a moment before he’s completely seated inside your warmth; giving you a minute to adjust before he starts to slowly fuck you from behind. His hands are on your hips, urging you to meet his thrusts.
“God, you’re so beautiful, baby.” You can’t help but tighten around him, moans spilling from your lips and fogging the mirror back up. The steam makes it harder to breathe but you don’t even care at this point, too focused on how good he was making you feel.
But Chan is Chan, and he can be a tease when he wants. So he pulls out until only the head of his cock is inside of you, only shallowly thrusting it in. You whine, wiggling your hips at him but he doesn’t do anything but change his pace, thrusting into your quicker. And the feeling of only his cock head inside of you is a little weird at first, but you can’t deny the way your lower abdomen tightens up as your orgasm builds.
“Wuh--wait, Chan, I’m--ah, I’m gonna c-cum…” You sob, teeth clenching. “Yeah? Okay, go ahead. Cum for me.” He can feel you get tighter around his cock head, cries spilling from your lips the entire time. Chan’s close too, but he puts your pleasure before his, finally thrusting in all the way when he feels your orgasm cresting.
The feeling of him bottoming out inside of you the second you cum is euphoric, incoherent babbles on your lips as you feel yourself getting lightheaded at the feeling. Shapes dance behind your eyelids as you shut your eyes in pleasure, a faint ringing in your ears at how intense your orgasm was. 
And everything just feels so much wetter than usual.
Chan chases his own orgasm in the midst of yours, his thrusts becoming erratic as he groans, only a second of warning before he’s spilling inside of you.
You can feel the wetness trickling down your legs already and you vaguely remember the shower’s still going when you start to come down from your high.
“Ch--Chan the s-shower…” There’s a groan behind you, Chan’s nails digging into your skin before he begins to pull out. “Fuck, you--you squirted all over me.” Oh. That actually explained a lot.
“Why are you apologizing, that was fuckin’ hot.” Chan laughs behind you, watching as the cum trickles down your thighs. “Well, if we didn’t need a shower before, we definitely need it now.” You groan at his comment, unable to even stand up straight. “Chan I--I’m gonna need some help...” 
He helps you into the shower, holding you upright as he pampers your body in light touches and kisses. 
But Chan also fucks you once more in the shower, arms holding you up against the wall as he fucks into you, your tears mixing in with the water as you cum on his cock for the third time.
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When you finally get cleaned up, Chan carries you to bed, tugging the bedsheets over you and him as the two of you settle into each others’ arms. Shockingly, you did feel better.
“You know I realized something, Chan...”
“Mm?” He spoons you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Aren’t you gonna get sick from me?” He sputters into your skin, a hot blush covering his cheeks. “I mean... probably, but then you can take care of me and then you can fuck the sick out of me when it’s my turn?” 
“Ooh... is that when I can tie you up to the bedpost then?” Chan goes rigid for a second before he kisses the shell of your ear. 
“Anything for my cute girlfriend.” 
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354 notes · View notes
yyh4ever · 3 years
Togashi’s Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
WSJ #44 (1993) to WSJ #1 (1994)
Volume 16: Chapters 139 to 148
ᐊ Volume 15: Chapters 129 to 138     Volume 17: Chapters 149 to 158 ᐅ
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°44 (October 18, 1993)
★ Chapter 139. "The Factors for Fascination!!" (魅きつける理由!! の巻, Hi Kitsukeru Wake!!)
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*Togashi-sensei is the judge of this month’s Hop Step Award. In Part 1, he talks about Gag Manga. Translation here.*
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Table of Contents:
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"The change of seasons. A change in my physical condition for the worse...I continue to write while fighting the pain." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 季節の移り変わり。体調に悪い方向の変化が・・・。 苦痛と戦いながらの執筆はつづく。 〈義博〉
T/N: Togashi has complained in some past TOC that the cold intensifies his lower back pain. With the arrival of the fall, his physical condition probably got worse.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°45 (October 25, 1993)
★ Chapter 140. "Reasons He Can't Win, Nos. 1-3!!" (勝てない理由 その1~3!! の巻, Katenai Riyū - Sono 1~3!!)
*Togashi-sensei is the judge of this month’s Hop Step Award. In Part 2, he talks about Romantic Comedy. Translation here.*
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Table of Contents:
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"A new "Yu Yu" project is underway behind the scenes. It will be announced soon, so please look forward to it..." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 『 幽遊 』 の新企画が水面下で進行中。近々発表するので、楽しみにしていて欲しい…。〈義博〉
T/N: Togashi is talking about the second Yu Yu Hakusho movie: "The Poltergeist Report", released in spring 1994.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°46 (November 1, 1993)
★ Chapter 141. "They Were Seven!!" (七人いる!! の巻, Nana-nin Iru!!)
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*Togashi-sensei is the judge of this month’s Hop Step Award. In Part 3, he talks about Sports Manga. Translation here.*
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Table of Contents:
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"I tried the Super Famicom Jinsei Gekijou Dokidoki Seishun-Hen with "Yusuke". He became a splendid thief..." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 SF/C人生劇場ドキドキ青春編を“幽助”でやってみた。見事立派な泥棒になった…。〈義博〉
T/N: "Daibakushou: Jinsei Gekijou - Dokidoki Seishun Hen" (Great Burst of Laughter Theater Life: The Heart-Pounding Adolescence Chapter) is a competitive multiplayer board game released by Disco on July 1993. It is possible for the player to set their character's name. The purpose of the game is to earn "life experience" through various experiences in the six years of Life Academy (an integrated middle and high school) in Life Village. One of the worst endings for the protagonist is "Thief" (no good abilities and low morals).
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°47 (November 8, 1993)
★ Chapter 142. "Koenma Gets Serious!!" (コエンマの本気!! の巻, Koenma no Honki!!)
*Togashi-sensei is the judge of this month’s Hop Step Award. In this final Part 4, he talks about Fantasy Manga. Translation here. The winners were announced in the WSJ N°2, 1994.*
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Table of Contents:
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"A mantis barged into my workplace. It's been about 15 years since I've seen a real one. It probably escaped from a female..." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 仕事場にカマキリ乱入。実物は約15年ぶり。多分メスから逃げてきたのであろう・・・。 〈義博〉
T/N: Female praying mantises are famous for attacking and cannibalizing their mates during or after a sexual encounter. 
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°48 (November 15, 1993)
★ Chapter 143. "The Ultimate Aura!!" (究極の闘気!! の巻, Kyūkyoku no Tōki!!)
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Table of Contents:
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"I went out to buy some ink and bought just books. This time, I left the house to buy the ink for sure, and ended up buying a game." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 インクを買いに出て、本だけ買ってきた。今度こそと家を出てゲーム買ってしまった〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°49 (November 22, 1993)
★ Chapter 144. "Unstoppable!!" (止められない!! の巻, Tomerarenai!!)
Table of Contents:
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"My physical condition is still the same. I think I'm going to take the plunge and get a full body checkup. What will become of the results...?" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 相変わらずの体調。思いきって、体全体をチェックしようと思う。結果はいかに…。 〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°50 (November 29, 1993)
★ Chapter 145. "When Everything Stood Still!!" (全てが止まった瞬間!! の巻, Subete ga Tomatta Toki!!)
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Table of Contents:
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"I impulsively purchased a study-aid book for Upper Elementary students. Ehehe, I really was such an idiot." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 衝動的に小学生高学年用の学習参考書を購入した。えへへオレってバカだったのだ。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°51 (December 6, 1993)
★ Chapter 146. "Into the Demon Plane!!" (魔界への突入!! の巻, Makai e no Totsunyū!!)
Table of Contents:
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"Volume 15 of "Yu Yu Hakusho" is scheduled to be released on December 3rd (Friday). The main content is the first half of the current series." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 12月3日(金)にJC「幽☆遊☆白書」⑮巻が発売予定。現シリーズ前半部が主な内容。〈義博〉
T/N: Current series: "The Black Chapter Arc". According to the Shueisha's Official site, volume 15 was released on December 2nd 1993.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°52 (December 13, 1993)
★ Chapter 147. "The Despair Continues...!!" (絶望の続き・・・!! の巻, Zetsubō no Tsudzuki...!!)
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Table of Contents:
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"There is a store on the tier of a road I often walk that is always closed. Actually, I don't know what this store is. Let me in." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 よく通る道の一段にいつも休業中の店がある。実は何の店かもわからん。入れてくれ。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°1 (January 1, 1994)
★ Chapter 148. "Moment of Awakening!!" (覚醒の瞬間!! の巻, Kakusei no Toki!!)
Table of Contents:
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"I am 27 years old now. Nobunaga was that age in the Battle of Okehazama, and I'm enjoying playing a game about it..." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 今27歳である。信長はその年に桶狭間で戦い、オレはそれをゲームで楽しんでいる…。〈義博〉
T/N: The Battle of Okehazama was a battle between Oda Nobunaga and Imagawa Yoshimoto in 1560. It took place in Okehazama, Owari Province, located in today's Aichi Prefecture. Nobunaga defeated Yoshimoto and established himself as one of the front-running warlords in the Sengoku period. Nobunaga was born in 1534, so he was about Togashi's age when he fought in Okehazama.
*On March 4, 1994, Volume 16 (Chapters 139 to 148) was published!*
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▼ Togashi’s comment from the dust jacket of volume 16. Translation by VIZ Media. 
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ᐊ Volume 15: Chapters 129 to 138     Volume 17: Chapters 149 to 158 ᐅ
13 notes · View notes
thegingerjedi · 3 years
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I posted 2,571 times in 2021
32 posts created (1%)
2539 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 79.3 posts.
I added 871 tags in 2021
#mass effect - 190 posts
#dragon age - 142 posts
#cat - 133 posts
#cow - 93 posts
#dorian pavus - 80 posts
#thane krios - 75 posts
#puppy! - 47 posts
#star wars - 46 posts
#art - 34 posts
#nature - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#i did definitely have to watch this twice though because i couldn't process both of them speaking at the same time lmfaoooo
My Top Posts in 2021
Hello I am here to apologize to the three people who read my fics about not posting anything in seventeen years.
I had a whole bunch of Ellior/Dorian fics sitting in my google docs, and as an apology to everyone who has asked me about fic and tagged me in fic-related posts, I decided to post them all.
A Kind of Magic - Dorian’s recruitment to the Inquisition, but with more homosexuality
Under Pressure - Dorian worrying incessantly about Ellior’s injuries after Haven
I Want to Break Free - post-Last Resort of Good Men because what kind of writer would I be if I didn’t write it. Anyway, there’s kisses.
Save Me - Dorian’s drunk and hurting, Ellior is sober and comforting him
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - The boys declare love for each other, and there’s a LOT of fluff in there along the way. A little bit of Cole at the end that I’m pretty proud of.
Anyway, now there are 9 fics in the Dorian/Ellior series, so that’s pretty respectable! Have fun!
17 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 20:20:39 GMT
19 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 01:30:58 GMT
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Male Inquisitor/Dorian Pavus Characters: Male Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Male Adaar (Dragon Age), Dorian Pavus Additional Tags: With brief appearances by sera and iron bull, Art Trade, soft and gentle Summary:
It’s easy for Dorian to find the worst in every new place he’s dragged to. But it’s just as easy for Arn to find something to love about them. So when Dorian starts grumbling about everything, Arn is there to remind him of the good. Except one time when their roles get reversed.
This is my half of a trade with @hoiist!! But we thought others might like to read it too so here we are!
19 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 23:37:31 GMT
Here’s your yearly reminder that the person who gave birth to you doesn’t inherently deserve your love and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you don’t have a great relationship with your mom.
People are complicated and even when they have good intentions, they fuck up sometimes. And sometimes they flat out don’t have good intentions. Just because you share DNA or were raised by them doesn’t mean you are them, and it doesn’t mean you can’t impose healthy boundaries on your relationship with them.
And sometimes our best moms aren’t the people who birthed us. And that’s okay too! That’s good! Celebrate the people who make your life better today. The people who encourage you, support you, love you for you who you are.
And if you need a new mom, or an additional mom to tell you how proud they are of you - I gotchyu. I’m your mom now. And I am so, so incredibly proud of you. Of how far you’ve come. Of who you are. Of the goodness in your heart and the kindnesses you perform every day. I love you. 💜
33 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 16:22:44 GMT
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18323 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 15:39:47 GMT
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mirrorthoughts · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021 Finished!
@penny-anna gave me the idea to make a summary post for my NaNo, because, yeah, I FINISHED IT!!! Yay me! XD
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For the curious, there is a longer explanation of my NaNo and slight spoilers for what I actually wrote in the end below the cut ;D
First: Yes, I stopped counting yesterday as soon as I hit the 50k (and finished the sentence), because I actually didn't care to know how much more I had written after it, since it was the last day 😂
I got almost all badges except the "1667 written each day" (you 'll see why in a second).
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Daily Wordcount
I tried writing regularly and well, it didn't work that well. I had very bad days where I didn't even get 500 or 1000 words and on my worst day I actually only wrote 47 words. That's the only day I didn't write at least more than 100 words.
On the other end of the spectrum were the first saturday of November and the last. On both days I wanted to catch up from bad days - on the first Saturday I wrote 6453 words to catch up the last three days and on the last Saturday I managed a indblowing 10945 words. I still don't know how I did that, but... yeah 😂 I actually am pretty proud of me! Without that day me actually writing on par the last three days I wouldn't have won!
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So yeah, my NaNo was rather wonky 😅 about half the days I got around 1667 words, half the days I didn't and then there were my two spikes where I caught up to par.
And now the last but probably most interesting thing:
What did I actually write?
Those who follow my series on AO3 know a bit more, but here are the (rough) numbers for the in total 4 and a bit projects I wrote in:
1. Feenherz/Fae Heart:
One of my goals this NaNo was finishing a story I had started during NaNo 2020 and yes, I did. And I had an epiphany on how I had to edit this darling, which is: a lot.
Not only because of the way NaNo worked (for me) this year, which means that I have a lot of ideas on the page which sadly need a lot of polishing, but also because I realised that I have to change the plot structure and timeline of the piece.
To the already existing around 12k I wrote another roughly 7k. Which means, yes, that at the moment the story is 1.5 times as long as Wolfsherz/Wolf Heart. But I don't know if that'll keep until after editing :)
This will be my number 2 project during December since my goal is to be able to at least post one chapter of this story for christmas/new year (the christmas one will probably be the german chapter, since I did write all of it in german first and it still needs to be translated as usual ;D)
2. Sorry, not Sorry
Around not quite the middle of November I had an idea for the start of another Steter story. It now got the title "Sorry, not Sorry" and it's about 9,5k long.
Here the actual idea/scene/prompt my mind threw at me:
„Why am I doing this again?“ Peter asked, eying the lecture hall full of Students, talking to each other. The noise alone was reason enough to turn and leave, never mind that he had better things to do with his time.
Talia looked over to him, raising an eyebrow.
„Because I asked you to.“
„That doesn‘t sound like me,“ he snorted, shaking his head. When he looked up, Talia‘s eyes were glowing red. „Ah, right. You didn’t ‚ask‘ the nice way.“
This time she grinned.
„That wouldn’t have worked on you anyway“
He looked over the horde of students he had to entertain in less than a minute.
I will post it eventually, but I don't know when yet. Though I did write it in english, so at least translating won't be an issue xD (Though I do want to translate it back to german eventually but I think that will be a lot easier than the other way round)
3. Blue Moon
Another idea that kinda slipped into the last week of NaNo where I had a slight writers block. This one helped me to get out of it and is actually most of the 11k I wrote last saturday.
Unedited it got a bit more than 10k in total and it's another Steter fic about a magical Stiles running a café that's open at night in a street full of discos and bars for the nightowls, insomniacs and tired partygoers.
(Inspiration for this was the game "Coffee Talk" and a Hobbit fanfiction called Violet Nights by FunkyinFishnet)
Again, I will post this eventually but dunno when yet :3 (This is also in english so same as Sorry, not Sorry applies here)
4. + 4.5 Come Back With Me
The second goal for NaNo was to write more for my Crossover Come Back With Me. And I did. And I also, similarly to Feenherz/Fae Heart had some ideas for it's structure.
This story will actually turn into a series. I kind of finished part one (though, as everything else, it needs a lot of editing. And maybe even filling up some scenes. I'm not as happy with it as I'd like) and started on part two with a total of roughly 13.5k for both.
I'm not yet sure when/how I'll post the next chapter since editing, etc. but this one will probably go up after/parallel to Feenherz/Fae Heart.
5. Living, Learning, Loving
This is the 'bit' part xD It kinda falls out of the line since I just decided to start it the last couple of days because it's part of my advent calendar for @luzineko xD
It's a prompt she gave me for Shadowhunters, Malec, and I don't know if, how or when I'll post it.
So, yeah, those are the stories I wrote during NaNo! Hope you found this interesting! :D If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!
And if you ask yourself 'hey, the numbers you gave are only about 40k, what's with the last 10?' I have to say two things to you:
First: I didn't tell you about everything, just the stuff that I think is interesting for you.
Second: It's none of your business how I wrote my NaNo other than what I'm wanting to share. So fuck off ❤💕
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