#character realtions
dilucofdawn · 4 months
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current relationships as of now! Also btw the crushing on everyone BUT ayaka and diluc is a "uaaahh anime girl come to life pretty" for lily, any questions can be answered. She doesnt know people in fontaine until later in the uhh timeline btw. I kinda rushed this so if you have any questions about a particular character let me know. She also doesnt know anyone besides people in mondstadt unless i decide she does further down the lore, but she does know of them because well shes played the game duh. Also she dislikes Bennett bc of "you have to build him" meta fans, not because she dislikes him but he reminds her off it lol.
This is very rushed and i probably didnt think all of them through, also note lilys feelings are very heavily based on "now im in teyvat, how do i cope with being in a story and interacting with these characters" lol
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boopboops22 · 16 days
hello!❕heads up this isn’t a draw request bc ik you have a lot of those rn❕i saw you request chronic pain gon art on twitter and was wondering if you had any thoughts on that au? do you think you’d ever incorporate it in your post canon hxh lore? as someone who is realizing they might have chronic pain i just love the idea of gon having chronic pain after canon. i especially love him having a great support system for it :)
Oh my gosh I'm so happy to hear you also like the hc! I do have a lot of ideas for it actually
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Ramblings about the hc below :-)
These are some doodles I did for the idea a little while back. This idea started from me projecting onto Gon losing his nen and seeing it as similar to the disabled experience.
I feel that Gon would have a huge complex about his pain and deny any aid for a while. When he does seek out assistance he treats it like an episodic thing, rather then somthing that is constant. Like, pushing through the pain and his limits for a while until he breaks down, then once he recovers from the break he goes back to pushing himself. In his head his disability is only present in these break downs allowing him to ignore it until it becomes too much. Over time though he would learn better habits and how to not push himself to a breaking point.
For his support system he definitely has so many people there for him!!
When on Whale Island Abe and Mito are the first to encourage him to slow down and be there for him when he's dealing with coming to terms with his pain. I especially think Abe would get on his case for internalized abelism and be the most understanding with him, Mito would be very supportive in caring for him but she wouldn't really understand imo. I feel like she was the one to instill hard working habits into him which can be an unhealthy mindset to keep when disabled.
When it comes to Killua I think that Gon has a bit of a complex over his pain in realtion to Killua. He'd likely wish he could tolerate pain to the extent Killua can and feel inadequate or weak for being bothered to the extent he is by the pain. Also Killua would likely feel even more compelled to protect Gon and Gon the prideful creature he is would feel insulted if Killua got overly protective.
In the end despite those issues and emotional complications, Killua is definitely who Gon would be the most soothed by when in pain and Killua would want to be there to support Gon. I think there's a lot of opportunity for softness between them because of it. Killua catching onto Gon's pain when he's trying to hide it, Gon seeking out Killua as a distraction when it gets bad, there's many cute scenarios.
Gon would absolutely be the worst at dealing with his chronic pain and with it being a side effect after being healed in this au, I think be would feel that he deserved the pain as well. Despite feeling like he deserved it he would hate being less capable from it and cause a lot of issues with his self worth. I think him accepting it with time and then learning how to work with his pain, knowing his limits and when to push them, and actually seeking aid, he would develop a much healthier relationship with his pain. I really love the idea of his character growth being reflected in him learning to take care of his condition!
I'm a person with fibromyalgia and migraines so when I picture what his pain is like and how he goes through it I'm imagining what I experience but in the future for any chronic pain Gon stuff I make I think I might make the pain a little vague so people with different kinds of chronic pain can relate!! As for incorporating this hc into my hxh lore, I'm kinda treating it as it's own au separate from most of my post canon hxh stuff. I have a pretty thorough outline worked out for my post canon lore and I don't want to shoehorn this hc into that so I'm treating it as it's own thing
I hope you gain some comfort in Gon suffering the same as you and getting enviable support from his loved ones, I love living vicariously through fictional characters 🫶
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acidic-vagabond · 2 months
partly in realtion to this post but why DOESNT the professor get a day? des has sundays luke mondays no one has tuesday obvi emmy wemmysday no one has thursday and then flora fridays and no one has saturdays, is it bc hes the main character?? /gen
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starrclownshazbinblog · 7 months
Lucifer backstory what do you have about him? Lucifer definitely is better father than stolas but i'm just tired how moother character are being treated by viv. So i appreciated when fandom explore more about why is lucifer is so harsh toward charlie
Lucifer (I seriously have to come up with a new name for him) was one of the original angels along with Sera. He was a very influential figure when he stood in heaven. He was extremely loved by all. He was assigned to help Sera (a close friend of his) to make a new creation. People. Lucifer and Sera, along with the options of other high ranking angels created the first 2 humans ever, Adam (renamed) and Abhishree. Adam was his personal creation, Abhishree was Sera's. After observing the 2 humans and checking their progress, continued to make more humans. 4 more humans would be made, all with not realtion to each other or the angels.
Lucifer over time saw the flaws in humanity. He saw how the people were changing. How the humans developed their own thoughts, feelings, basic human emotions. This bothered him. Him and other angels came together to creat humanity and they decide to have their own ideas of how society should be. It was wrong. No one listened to his concerns. So he'll do something about it himself.
Let's talk about Lucifers relationship with both Charlie and Abhishree (Lilith, his wife)
Abhishree and Lucifer surprisingly have a good marriage. They fight sometimes but they have a healthy dynamic. The love each other and wouldn't give up anything about the predicament their in now. One thing they do disagree on though is Charlie's hotel. Lucifer was furious when he found out that Lilith bought Charlie the hotel. This ended up in a huge fight between the two. Currently at the beginning of the story I think that they would be healing from the fight. Lucifer is remorsefuland trying to make it up to his wife while Lilith is still upset at his rash behavior and actions.
Lucifer and Charlie's relationship is alot rougher. They don't get along well at all, about almost everything. It also doesn't help that Lucifer can litteraly dismantle Charlie whenever he feels like it. This leads her to want to fight against her dad but she's scared because of the fear of having her life force ripped out of her. She also knows that Lucifer didn't want her. Lilith was the one that wanted a baby. Lucifer only made Charlie to keep his wife happy, not because he wanted a daughter. He didn't start to connect with Charlie till she was about 6. Currently their relationship is horrible. They don't speak unless they have too. Secretly, because Charlie would never admit this out loud, she wants to be able to redeem sinners so that maybe she can get up there too, so she can be a BETTER angel then her father ever was. She'll show him.
Hope this is satisfactory :)
Asks are always open, art is always here, commissions are open, be nice to your dolls.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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Saw this:
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And my mind immediately went:
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There are some similarities between all these three lovely gentlemans: incredible talent, dream about being the best and close realation with one of their teammates (codependent realtion someone may say). But I'm not here today for that kind of analysis.
I think Mick's story is a warning to all players in blue lock (not only to Nagi and Kaiser and their partners) especially those with a very clear dream like winning the world cup together or hmm... becoming a football superhero. Their dream might be destroyed *cough* Kunigami *cough*. They may be forced to put it aside. They may loose someone close if they continue to mindlessly follow the path they've chosen. They can destroy themselves so easily, they just need a little push. Streak of lost matches, a lot of missed shots, their teammates distancing from them...
They all can burn themselves to the ground with their own fire that shines oh soo brightly when they do imposible things. They need to be careful, they need other options. I think someone like Chigiri or Yukimiya who is dealing with real risk of becoming unable to play forever has some alternatives in mind but let's take Bachira or Rin - football is their life, it's something that gets them going. What will be left if we take this away from them?
Maybe Mick's story has hitted me too close to home but it leaves a very important message both to us the readers and to characters like Barou. Marc Snuffy is amazing coach in my humble opinion (sorry Loki but I doubt you will shock us more), he has in mind not only the tactics and physical capabilities of his players but also their mental health. Snuffy, you are the best in my eyes.
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chewwypepsicola · 2 years
can i ask for any color gang + purple specific headcanons? ALSO what did u think of episode 30 :)
RAAAHHH i love sharing hcs okay here we go, ill limit myself to 6 per character so this doesnt get overwhelming or boring heheheh
General stuff, oldest to youngest i see them like this: green, purple, blue, yellow, red, second. i HC that stickfiguresfighting.dotcom is actually a job they all had and that was the way they met (before second), Yellow wanted independence, Green overall just needed to start making money, Red wanted to really fight other people and he dragged Blue along Following up, Blue and Red are siblings, Blue being the oldest and often looking after Red when they were small.
GREEN: - AUTISM - Oldest of the group but actually a middle child in a very loud household, he loves his family but he's very likely to have wished for a more comfortable space so thats why he moved out rather quickly and got that job - Noise cancelling earphones yesyes - genderfluid any prns pansexual icon - He HATES PDA (public displays of affection) this is a running joke i have that has developed into a proper HC haha, he always makes faces and gagging noises when YellowBlue are being gay in his general field of vision -Following up, despite hating PDA, he's super super affectionate in private when in a relationship, when in public or out of the confiness of his room he's more subtle like knees bumping against eachother under the table or soft looks across a room, THIS IS OF COURSE ALL IN REALTION TO PURPLE, SORRY, I AM A GREENPURPLE ENJOYER.
PURPLE: - My baby my baby youre my baby say it to meeee, thats not HC thats just my honest to go reaction to anything purple avm - Boy might be dog shit at fighting but he's so good at everything else i swear to god, he's super flexible and has a great amount of body strenght since we see him doing all sorts of stunt and gymnatics plus we see him being reasonably good at parkour, which in turn i have decided to take as "oh okay so he kicks ass at parkour he's the best and no one would ever be able to beat him noted." - I think he's decent at cooking but terrible at baking. Not even minecraft cakes come out right when he makes them. - They/he transmasc ourple sorry woa who said that?!?! (also mlm)
BLUE: - ELDEST DAUGHTER SYNDROME woa who said that?!?! what! - These are just canon but stoner epic skater girlfriend material she's so cool and epic - she/him bigender lesbian WOAH! - Alright you got me i'll elaborate on the eldest daughter stuff. SO BASICALLY. in my mind palace since i have decided that he and red are siblings Blue ends up being the oldest of the two, they have a singular parent so this makes Blue go thru the epic /s experience of having to take care of his little brother and their parent, giving up on childhood and dealing w responsabilities she shouldn't have. You might ask where the fuck did this come from and ill reply I HAVE NO CLUE THEY WRITE THEMSELVES OKAY!? - Blue is doing better now if you wanna know how fucked up that syndrome is just google it real quick you will be hit with the force of three trucks, shes an epic stoner gamer girl that likes to now play pranks on his little brother and be a menace. he's still a caretaker at heart and thats why he mostly tasks herself with doing most of the cooking. - THIS ONE IS BASICALLY STOLEN FROM THAT OTHER TUMBLR USER BUT UHH chronic pains after the lava incident yes brilliant send tweet
YELLOW: - Youngest child in a normal nuclear family, has an oldest sibling, relationships w family are not terrible but he always wished he would get more attention and always felt left aside when he tried to talk about his passions and interests - this guy is autism for sure! - he/him transmasc lesbian sorrey bleh - insomniac i share this hc w everyone else in the fandom this guy is just crasy insane and needs blue to remind him to take his sleeping pills and go to bed - after the LAVA incident and blue struggling to walk down the stairs of their house i think everyone agreed to rearrange the rooms and let blue have the bottom one, those two since they are a couple decided to just share a room and yellow made his old room a sort of study or overall "work" room so that he would not bother blue at night
RED: - ADHD (EXPLOSION GIF) - not a single thought behind those eyes but somehow still so smart and just as capable as everyone else OUGH - fisically strongest, not saying he's the best at combat he simply can pack the hardest punch but he might not be doing it the right way and thus hurting himself in the process - SPEAKING OF, ISNT IT FUCKED UP HOW FAR HE PUSHES HIMSELF?! now that we bring up 30 and everything that came before it i just could Not help but notice the way red passed out like three times during that whole battle, that boy had multiple broken bones and was running on pure adrenaline fighting w his own body to not give up, despite being the one more battered and bruised he kept standing back up and throwing himself right in the line of fire he makes me so sad OUGH -he/him transman realness mlm PHEW - i think that second and he passed out on the couch they moment they all realize they were out of danger you could not wake up those two up for a week they needed the rest SECOND: -trying my best to not run out of ideas here cause i know i have many hcs relating to them but also ive already wrote down a phew a while ago let me think uhhh - youngest. baby of the group, but for some fucked up reason he has decided to take on the "im the more responsible one here i need to look after all of you" role like a DUMMY - it makes very sad to think of him worrying himself so much w the safety of the others cause he has seen first hand that they are way more fragile than him, he doesnt know WHY he endured so many of Dark's attacks in ShowDown but he knows he did and he remembers vividly seeing his friends fight for their lives right in front of his eyes, of course he is going to be burdened with that weight. - Second has terrible separation anxiety that's not even a HC thats basically canon he can not be at ease until everyone is together and he is reasssured that they are okay OUGH (sounds of crying) - Little guy has awful nightterrors that leave him just sitting at the edge of his bed staring off at nothing until he falls asleep again, Green caught him one night and was like "hey you good why are you sleeping sitting like that?" and Second had to explain and Green offered to sleep w him so he would be more comfortable, Second now tends to ask green or red to keep him company when it happens smiles
OKAY THATS ALL!!! as usual i shall share a doodle, please forgive any grammar and spelling mistakes english isnt my first language we are doing the best we can over here hahah, here's the doodle! with my family headcanons for the colors and an extra "family photo" for the hollowheads haha
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hl-obsessed · 4 months
Hi Shay, im not one to pass up an ask game…
How about: 14, 47 & 77?
Wishing you a good night!
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
i would want to live somewhere close to the sea or the ocean. not too hot that i would want to crawl out of my skin but just warm enough. i also love winters so snow would be appreciated. Town, just like i'm leaving in now is perfect: 30/40 thousand people, not too small so i have most of the places and shops i need for everyday life, not to big so i'm not overwhelmed, and big enough so i can stay pretty anonymous most of the time. would be perfect if i could i just take it and move up north to the sea ✨👌🏻 and not too much creepy crawlies!!
47. what type of house do you leave in? (big, small, etc)
for standards around here it one of the bigger ones. 350m² - 5 rooms, 2 living rooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dinning room, garage for 2 cars.
(for justification i was growing up in the flat in the city, i'm not too spoiled xD also we moved coz my dad was on wheelchair and my parents made a project of the house so he would have a lot of space on the ground floor. up floor is like big attic, a lot of slants, but you can stand comfortably in the most of the space).
77. do you miss anyone right now?
oh god yeah.
love of my live that i hadn't meet yet. obviously.
few of my old friends - some with who i lost contact after moving, some with who our relationship fall out 2/3 years ago
my fwb with who actually i ended relation (before we even got to the standard benefits of the realtion, so it was just lot of cuddling for a few months - i don't trust people easily) coz our characters was clashing too much. and i'll tell you all - don't go into that relationship being touch starved coz god going through sudden touch deprivation after everything ends is so much fucking worse. took me more than a year to get over it. and i didn't even liked the guy that much.
my brother that i've never met (i'm adopted)
thank you for the ask and sorry it took so long! 🙈
that was lot of personal shit right here, sorry if i over-fucking-shared 😂🙈🤫
also any particular liking for the number 7 or is it just coincidence?
ask me!
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sokkastyles · 2 years
Hello do you know any fics that have a good Azula redemption arc? I hate the trope of making Zuko (or any other character actually) be a some sort of caretacker for Azula. Like, I saw a few fics that literally just made Zuko be like "No, she totally changed and is good, promise" and Azula didn't rally change, she is still abusive and cruel, she just isn't trying to physicaly harm everyone around her and that's it. Perfect redemption arc. Sorry if i'm a bit confusing, but i don't really know how to describe my frustration at those Azula redemption fics. I just really want to read a fic where the redemption is actually good and Azula works for it herself. Yes, she can get help from other people, but at the end, other people (most of who where hurt [or even abused!!!] by her before) shouldn't be forced to help Azula. And being honest, I can't see Azula actually accepting help from anyone from the show, because in her eyes they are below her. Zuko? Weak failure who got banished (also someone who should not be responsible for helping his abuser when he still needs to heal and is vulnerable to her manipulation and gaslight). Ty Lee and Mai? Even if we ignore the fact that both of them were emotionally abused by her, i do think there is a reason why both of her closest "friends" were non-benders, powerful ones, but still non-benders (maybe because she wanted someone who could keep up with her but at the same time was "below" her so she felt like she could easily defeat them?). Anyone from the Gaang? She literally tried to kill them and unlike Zuko never even tried to do better, so I don't think any of them would even think of helping her when she didn't show them any form of change. Iroh? He actually maybe would be a good person to help her (both were the golden children of their parents) but she has no respect for him so she wouldn't accept. At the end of the day, no one owns her anything, especially the fire nation kids. You are justifed in ignoring your abuser, you are justifed in never talking to them, you are justifed in not coming near them! Even if your abuser is a kid or your sister or anyone, you don't own them anything and you aren't resposible for them geting better. It's their choice and their resposibility. Anyways, I'm just really frustrated at this fandom for the fact that they can't accept the characters when they don't fit in their little boxes. Azula is a victim and was abused by her father but she also abused Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee. Her trauma doesn't make her actions okay. You can like her, she is a cool character and villian but you need to accept the fact that there was no "rivaly" between her and Zuko. She was the one with all the power in her realtion with Zuko, she could be cruel and abusive, but if he has done the same, he would be punished. The first time I watched the show I was so amazed by the bravery of portraing an abusive relationship between sibling with the younger sister who is the abuser (And you know that if Azula was the older brother there would be no questions about if Azula is abusing Zuko). I don't undestand how this fandom can see her character and decide that she is either an abuser or a victim. She is both and it's important to her character! I do belive that she can change but it should be her choice to change. She should be the one to put all the work, not someone else for her.
Anyways, this started as me asking for fics and developed into me ranting about how this fandom is ruining a fascinating character (and by doing so is also draging other characters along). Honestly, it felt good to write this, I still think I can be a bit confusing at times (sorry for that, i still learn english) but I'm happy to finally put at least a bit of my thoughts into words.
Have a nice day/night!
I haven't read any fics that focus on Azula's redemption, sorry. Mostly because I haven't gone looking for them, and when I read fic, I'm very selective about what I read. Most of the fics that I read that have Azula in them do work with an already "redeemed" Azula or at least have her playing a non-villainous role, and I have similar frustrations as you with even the fics I've read like this that I've thought were really well done in other aspects. Even in a universe where she's not written as an antagonist for Zuko, she's still often cruel and nasty to him and manipulative, and my frustration is that most of the time, like you said, she still acts abusive, it's just that the writer doesn't write it as abuse, which leads me to believe the writer doesn't realize that it's abuse, and that's a problem. These fics also often focus on Zuko being responsible for repairing his relationship with her. And while I can appreciate the well-written ones as AU stories, they don't resemble Zuko and Azula's canon dynamic.
The fic I actually read that jumps out at me as one that was refreshing because it didn't soften Azula or her dynamic with Zuko was a zutara fic where Zuko was hospitalized because Azula had stabbed him, and he told everyone that she didn't actually mean to kill him so it was fine. This is actually very in character especially for a Zuko who is still making excuses for his family, and I thought the fic did a good job of portraying how abuse victims sometimes defend their abusers. The fic I was, I think, only one chapter, but I wished it had dug more into Zuko and Azula's relationship because it took such a different angle than what I usually see, and acknowledged something I rarely see about their relationship amid all the victim blaming being directed at Zuko or literally anyone else for Azula's behavior.
And the thing is, a lot of the "redemption" scenarios proposed by the fandom read exactly like Zuko's mindset in this fic, or like Zuko's canon mindset about his father in the early episodes. They want Azula to be redeemed but they don't want to acknowledge her bad actions and in some cases want those actions to be allowed to continue, but never acknowledge that they are abusive or harmful in any way.
I agree that less people would defend her if she was an older brother rather than a younger sister, but I've also seen Azula fans stan the likes of Billy Hargrove and say the same things about him, that he was somehow treated unfairly by the narrative or the characters. This despite season four of Stranger Things spending a great deal of time exploring Max's guilt over his death! Guilt that the show also acknowledges that Max should not have to feel because abuse victims don't owe their abusers anything, and it was also clear how traumatized she was after his death by those guilty feelings BECAUSE of what he put her through. The way that the show allowed Max to ALSO voice that she hated her brother and was afraid of him because he terrorized her and made her life miserable was one of the best things about that season. Of course she feels sad about his death, because she's a good person, but I'm not here for crap about how the show or characters were "unfair" to him just because you liked his greasy mullet. People need to realize how this kind of rhetoric is often what retraumatizes victims even after they're able to leave, because they're told how much sympathy they owe to their abusers, or how their perception of events is false and the abuse wasn't as bad as they thought. I've said the same thing about Zuko and Azula.
I still have yet to write the remaining chapters of "KIng Rat," - life is pretty busy right now! - but I will say that the Zuko and Azula interactions in that story were one of the things that inspired me to write it and I've had them in my head for a while, and one of the things I wanted to do with that story was explore how things that aren't typically recognized as abuse are traumatizing. Zuko in that story will have PTSD from being kidnapped but will realize that he already had it long before that from living with Ozai and Azula, and it will take him a while to realize why he's not fine now that he's been rescued. 
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Actually the Ambrosia vs Pierrot thing is really funny to think about from the other characters' perspectives 'cause like, one of the nicest, most outgoing guys they know randomly has beef with a teenager he just met.
Because when they first heard the news, and Ambrosia went with Queen Melody and Nimbus to greet Pierrot, he was over the moon! He was really excited to meet another jester, and of a kingdom they have great realtions with no less!
Except they get there and just. Something is so off about Pierrot to him. He hates it, there's just something about her, and his expression just sours before he reluctantly bows and introduces himself.
Nimbus is extremely confused when they get back and he decides then and there he'll never want to work with Pierrot, and he'd rather throw himself into the ocean.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YFGDJrT by Vivendel Words: 3337, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Shinsou Hitoshi Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto & Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki & Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Polyamory, Romantic Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Multiple Partners, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy, Romance, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, soulmate at first sight.. or is it?, Feelings, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Porn with Feelings, but later.. it is a slow burn guys, Friendship/Love, Polyamorous Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), polyamorous realtions between soulmates, Both Platonic and Romantic, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Todoroki Shouto Being an Idiot, Todoroki Shoto Being Angsty, focus on everyone but most on todo/baku, class 1-A is on college, Happy Ending read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YFGDJrT
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
i will say even as a semi q!Forever fan...I can say with his lore ending up at a stopping point due to his already planned hiatus, it does to me seem actually pretty easy to write him out. Yes, he had more lore/a planned return, but it could have been 20x more jarring. As it is...he was corrupted in the lore and then...suddenly no one talks about him. Could have been worse.
Though I admit I only watch VODs 12 weeks behind and recap/clip vids. Work + adulting not very good for streams.
I actually appreciate a reset/deletion of things if lots of the server members are uncomfortable talking about him/or uncomfortable with the drama it could cause, Q made it a lot easier for them not to. Even if behind the scenes some are still friends, even if behind the scenes, some keep in touch--no one wants to be forced to have to explain themselves. It's their personal lives.
I also think admins like fanfic writers/artists, did have their own grief about plots they had to abandon, but likely at least they had each other to talk to about it and maybe a few of the streamers.
In the history of SMPs...unfortunately having to abandon plots and having BTS extreme drama is...par for the course. One SMP I watched featured a writer for it flipping tf out causing big lore changes because the streamer didn't go along with the romance he showed no interest in the whole time.
I don't agree with you on most points but I will say I've seen the argument that the mare existence of things in the server in realtions to him can trigger bad feelings for people who aren't comfortably around him.
Makes me wonder how cc Philza will feel when he eventually goes through his ablum again like he usually does even 15 or so streams is he gonna avoid it entirely, go though it and not say anything?
If he remove all Forver related images, it'll leave a heavy dent in his album.
And the creators that do want to acknowledge (as a pervious anon stated) but can't what about them?
Like I get the agurment it will make things easier for people who don't want to think about him, I know bagi and Antonio (I'm not sure how to spell his name you know who I'm talking about) activitly disowned him but that's 2% of his friend group publicity stating disinterest while the rest seem to just silently unfollow.
But I'll give the benefit of a doubt it's more than we think, is it worth it?
No like actually is it worth it? erasing changing the story confusing new viewers, to avoid walking past a building you don't have to acknowledge or interact with in anyway?
Is it worth removing half you lore and leaving a gapping hole in your story?
Also I don't consider the admin on the same level of fan artist, they are above us let's be honest. They help create the lore we love so much, they are responsible for so many of the characters we enjoy.
I feel like them watching their work get remove would hurt a lot more for them than someone us who can just choice to draw the character anyways no matter what out belief about them is.
Also there is a possibility of just doing the removal for damage control over the comfortability of players; I want you to think of what happens when you make a complaint to HR about a worker.
They may suspend that worker or move you to a different department away from that worker, but that doesn't necessarily mean they believe you over that worker.
Simply put even if they think you're lying if they don't act after you've made your complaint they could be liable for reputation damage if you decide to publicity bash them, so they may remove the worker not because they believe you but to protect the company.
So it's honestly up in the air why it's being done but how much can they really remove, without ruining everything?
Also while I get not wanting to be force to make a statement these people make content creator their job, you would want your company to make a statement about something as important as such.
they are human beings with emotions yes but at the very least the owner/boss of the server should make a statement to clear the "companies" progression.
Using corporate speak but you get the point I'm Trying to make, when you invited the guys it'd your responsibility.
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ramshacklexprefect · 11 months
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@huiyins : [sends rollo for the meme for yuu to talk about him]
Send a character to my ask box and my Muse will talk about their relationship with them.
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This one is hard, cause right now he has two different realtions with Rollo. There's your Rollo ( @huiyins ) he's skittish around him. Hearing him able to rattle off all the info that many dorm heads like to keep private. His quiet controlled approach, all set Yuu on edge a bit. He's warming up to him and does want to form a sort of penpal relationship with him. Then there's Rollo (@fire-darkfire ) oh lord..... Yuu is trying his best with this version of Rollo. He openly tires to get him to see Malleus isn't a bad person. He is active friend, leaning into flirting and possible romance. Yuu also took the time to learn how to make him croissants as a "WELCOME TO NRC" gift. So the general thought is, well... He wants to be friends with Rollo.
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rand0m-c0splay3r · 2 years
Here's the list of Sanders Sides characters that are in my College!AU (also some couples and family realtions<3)
-Eventually the Orange Side, when ever he is revealed
<Patton is Janus' little brother> <Roman and Remus are step-siblings> <Roman and Janus and engaged> <Thomas and Nico are married, both teachers at the college> <Patton ends up with Remus> <Logan and Virgil are both only children and they also end up dating> <Remy and Emile are dating>
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viridescenttemple · 4 years
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Barry: We have a big problem.
Cisco: Evil meta?
Joe: Eobard Thawne?
Caitlin: Zoom is back?
Iris: Savitar?
Ralph: Is it DeVoe?
Nora: Maybe Cicada?
Barry: No, were out of oreos
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I'm probably going to hell for this but it seemed funny at 2am last night
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