#chex quest 2
m39 · 3 months
Beyond the WADs’ Roulette - Part 10: Chex Quest 2
#10: Chex Quest 2
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Main author(s): Digital Café
Release date: 1997
Version(s) played: CQ3 1.4
Required port compatibility: Vanilla (original version)
Levels: 5 (E1M1-M5 in the original version, E2M1-M5 in Chex Quest 3)
After the success of the original Chex Quest, it was rather inevitable for Chex Quest 2 to happen. Released around a year later, in 1997, and requiring the original game to launch, this add-on continues the adventures of Chex Warrior, with five new maps and (technically) new enemies.
Right after the events of the first game, Chex Warrior returns to his home planet. And although Bazoik is now safe from Flemoids, the same could not be said about the Chex City. I believe you can guess what happens next.
Just like the first part of the Chex Quest trilogy, this game was played on the unofficial GZDoom version of Chex Quest 3 which has all of the previous games along with the new episode.
With that out of the way, let’s take care of the remaining slime filth.
Somehow, despite being rushed, Chex Quest 2 looks better than its predecessor. There is a bigger variety of locations rather than just different parts of the facility next to mines and mines themselves. It kind of feels like people could live here, with a diner next to the spaceport, a cinema that plays homages to the black and white movies/cartoons, a museum with skeletons, paintings, and a hedge maze, and there is also even Civvie’s delight - sewers.
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Sure the map where you explore the regular buildings and streets looks lackluster but like I said, this game was rushed. If the developers were given a proper time limit, they would’ve come out with something better.
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Even the music sounds better. There are fewer parts where it sounds juvenile and cacophonic. My favorite track might be Museum... from the map called Chex Museum... ORIGINAL TITLE PEOPLE!
Map design is somewhere on the level of the first game. It’s still easy to not get lost on these maps, although I feel like it has more annoying moments with excessive backtracking (like going from red key to red door in Sewer System).
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It still has some memorable moments like when go through each theatre in the cinema to get behind it and the annoying hedge in Chex Museum (at least you can see it this time).
Chex Quest 2 is noticeably harder than the first game. There are more enemies, more tougher variants, and Flemoids seem to start using cheap tricks to actually slime you. It’s still an easy game, though, where you barely get hit and you can beat it without saving without any problems.
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There are new types of Flemoids but none of them feel like a completely new enemy. Quadrumpus Larva and Maximus are just reskins of Armored Bipedicus, Cycloptis, and Flembrane (but at least in Chex Quest 3, the second one has 2/3 of its original health and the latter can now move).
I think Chex Quest 2 is as good as Chex Quest 1, if not slightly better than that game. In spite of being rushed, it looks better and is slightly more fun to play due to enemies slowly starting to be dangerous instead of being walking targets to zorch.
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After the second game, there was supposed to be the third Chex Quest. Unfortunately, it didn’t materialize. There were fans who tried to make it a reality, but it all ended up either as abandoned projects or rip-offs of other WADs with a different coat of paint. It looks like the official Chex Quest 3 ceased to exist...
To be continued in Chex Quest 3.
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skyllion-uwu · 10 months
Man I need to actually play Doom
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irradiatedsnakes · 1 year
I've ran out of current vods from my favourite streamer, do you have any recommendations for fun rtvs vods to watch? I've really been meaning to check some out
oh yes absolutely!!
i don't watch every rtvs member stream, so if anybody wants to chime in with vods from other folks, please feel free! i pretty much just watch wayne, holly, and scorpy's streams, so:
from wayneradiotv:
looking through wayne's catalogue i'm running into the problem that most of my favorites (like the among us, jackbox, & 420 streams) are best enjoyed when you're already pretty familiar with the crew, so maybe save those for later if you end up enjoying rtvs' stuff. all of the proximity chat among us videos are fantastic (and i like watching the same one from multiple peoples perspectives, holly's in particular are great). RTVS congress, a stream by baaulp, is also great and worth watching once familiar with the crew
i think my best wayne (well, on wayne's channel, all of these feature multiple members of the crew) recommendation though is gonna be I.M. MEEN, which is a completely normal playthrough of a regular copy of 90's kids' edutainment game i.m. meen, which has nothing wrong with it. for some of the other "rtvs brand of weirdness" sort of streams, check out waynekenstein's lab (fun with ai generated faces) and chex quest hd (just.. watch this one)
wayne does a lot of "grand tour" streams (technically the im meen one is one of these but), where he goes through older/weirder/obscurer games. fin fin on teo the magic planet is a FANTASTIC one (fin fin needs no introduction, but in case he does, odd 90's virtual pet with a great theme song), plus the echs bachs catalogue (a bizarre collection of pretty awful games made by one dude called Echs Bachs), and club penguin rewritten (it's club penguin, bro).
if you like seeing a game played over many hours and multiple streams, i'd check out chulip, lisa: the painful, minecraft 24 hour charity stream, and moon rpg: remix. lisa and moon remain unfortunately unfinished, but the streams are still absolutely worth checking out.
from hollowtones:
most of my favorite holly vods are biiiig long streams of a playthrough of a whole game. her stuff tends to be pretty chill and i find them nice and relaxing. sometimes there's friends joining her, sometimes it's just her. of these, i really like bugsnax (adore these ones. idk how to succinctly explain bugsnaz. is bugs, is snax, are you a jokester?), hypnospace outlaw (PLEASE watch these ones especially if you havent played/watched hypnospace before), and moonglow bay (really sweet fishing game).
holly also does a number of wikipedia streams, where she (and friends) read and discuss wikipedia articles about food for upwards of 6 hours a piece. it's really good. it's really good. i like the soup one.
another favorite holly stream is GO-FISH DELUXE FOR SUPER PLAYERS, where holly and a friend play a custom game of go fish for 7 and a half hours. i love this one.
and i would be remiss to leave out, of course, the pigmas in july peppa pig stream. which is where holly, joined by her sister if i remember correctly it's been a minute since i watched, plays the peppa pig video game for nintendo switch. this one is very worth watching to the very end.
from socpens:
my #1 recommendation from scorpy's catalogue is going to be every single one of the VHS VIEWINGZ streams. scorpy obtains and plays a bunch of vhs tapes on stream with friends, it's always always always a good time. my favorite of all of them is probably this one, which among other things, includes a tape about learning to be a clown. make sure to watch to the end for a t-bone tickler! this one, featuring Escalator Safety and VOLTON THE ELECTRITY DEMON is also great. i'm having a hard time choosing just a few, they're all really good, so i'm just gonna link the eye palming one and be done with it.
for gameplay with scorpy, i really like a way out with wayne (unintentionally hilarious 2 player narrative game about escaping from jail), any of the david cage game vods but here's detroit become human, and not for broadcast (a FMV game about running a tv station- censoring stuff, monitoring broadcasts, that sort of thing. has a very interesting narrative)
and a couple other things
ok so these aren't like, the typical stream vods, while they are technically livestreamed stuff they're not quite in the same category. but they're all really fucking good.
of course, half life VR but the ai is self aware. there's full stream vods available for these, but if you haven't watched before i highly recommend watching the edited versions on wayne's main channel linked above. in case you haven't heard of hlvrai before, basic concept is that it's an in-character playthrough (wayne roleplaying as gordon freeman) of half life 1 in VR with a cast of self-aware ai NPCs (played by other members of the rtvs crew) accompanying him through the game. no prior knowledge of half life necessary. just fantastic.
next up, GAMECLAM. a yearly e3-style gaming conference about the best video games console that doesn't exist. here's the first one, there's currently 3 in total. there's also a commentary video on scorpy's vod channel. PLEASE experience the gameclam. PLEASE experience the gameclam
lastly, half life: alyx but the gnome is TOO AWARE. wayne does a gnome run challenge of HL:A with a mod that gives the gnome a biiiit more personality. (due to some references, best watched after hlvrai, but they're not part of the same series/continuity). not all the way finished at the moment- the finale's been streamed (and you can find a 3rd party upload of the finale stream on youtube (thank you youtube user sawsily for everything you do)) but the edited version of the finale should be coming out pretty soon.
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doomguy · 8 months
Lastly, where do you rank Chex Quest,
I adore chex quest, but its barely a game so i'm not sure where i'd actually rank it. chex quest 2's ost is fuckin' amazing tho
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chazraps · 6 months
My 2023 Christmas charity single with J57 is here! Behold "Yule Intentions" featuring special celebrity guests!
As always, 100% of the money from this single will be split evenly between RAINN & Wigs For Kids
Twas a week before Christmas, or two, maybe three, man I tell you at Christmas that time has no meaning An early Thanksgiving gives us an extention as sugarplum visions all dance for attention the mention of Christmas, retention of wishlists suspension your island of calm is an isthmus forgivenessness flourishes - yeah that's a positive even if holidays aren't your prerogative Some shut their eyes and just wait til it's over but they have the kindness to drive us home sober the warmth in their heart should be truly adored so give them gas money and Charcuterie boards the feeling's absorbed, it pleases the lord I heard he's in David's new Honda Accord Home for the holidays, truly we're blessed it's time for some special celebrity guests!
(Celebrity Christmas Cameo #1) (Celebrity Christmas Cameo #2)
Trying to gleam some serene in the solstice when it seems to cold and it screams halitosis it deems the prognosis is holiday stress the pressure for pleasing all those we love best the quest for perfection is riddled with danger remember the first one took place in a manger and here we are now some 2,000 years later with snowfall and bowls of Chex Mix to cater Decatur to Davenport, Denmark to Dover there's glossy on cards and a lot to gloss over it's tempting to rush and do it all at once but traditions you miss are still good in 12 months Alone at Home or Lost in New York or stoking a fire and popping a cork consort with the spirits that give you a reason and go make the most of your holiday season
(Celebrity Christmas Cameo #3)
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fpsprotag-poll · 1 year
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krissiefox · 10 months
Krissie's Big List of DRM-Free Games!
(This is an ongoing project that I will continuously update as I find more DRM-Free games to recommend) Update: It sadly seems I may not be able to add any more links, I may have reached the limit for one post.
What do I consider "DRM-Free"?
I've seen people argue and nitpick over what they consider DRM-Free on reddit, so I wanted to be sure to clarify. I consider a modern PC game DRM Free if I don't need to be connected to the internet or log into anything to play the game. I don't necessarily mind the older PC games where you have to enter a CD key during installation, even though this could also be considered DRM. WUUUUGHALGBORK! WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT DRM?! JUST CONFORM!
I can speak from personal experiences of situations in which case I've been fucked over by DRM: - My steam copy of Cities XL is impossible to play now because it requires a log in account from a site that doesn't exist anymore.
Not too long ago Epic games delisted all the Unreal games from digital store fronts, making them all harder to get a hold of. Unreal Tournament 4 never even got a physical release so it's only even still around thanks to fans saving and fixing up the game files before Epic cut off all access to them.
I was once locked out of playing my own copy of Minecraft for an extended period of time because something got messed up with my login.
Internet died and I was unable to run some of my games because they require constant internet connection to fully function (or function at all). This includes titles such as Killing Floor 2, or Red Dead Redemption 2, or Quake Champions.
A list of helpful links:
These sites and groups are part of what inspired me to start keeping track of and seeking to support DRM Free PC games. I've found their info to be very helpful at times, but there have also been times on the wikis where I would find info to be out of date as sometimes companies will decide to be mega-douchey and patch DRM into games that previously didn't have it.
https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games_on_Epic_Games_Store https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_big_list_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/list_of_drmfree_games_on_steam/page1 And now, the games!
Amnesia Rebirth
DRM-Free on Epic Game Store and GOG.
Amnesia The Dark Descent & Machine for Pigs
The steam version of both game has an executable called "Amnesia_NoSteam" which allows you to play without steam or internet. https://store.steampowered.com/app/57300/Amnesia_The_Dark_Descent/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/239200/Amnesia_A_Machine_for_Pigs/
You can also get the games DRM-Free on GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/amnesia_the_dark_descent https://www.gog.com/en/game/amnesia_a_machine_for_pigs
DRM-Free on the humble store and GOG.
Bioshock 2
DRM-Free on GOG.
Blood:One Unit Whole Blood
The steam version uses Dosbox, so it should be usable with a source port. Unfortunately, this version of the game was delisted on steam so this is only available to people who already have it in their library. Thanks, assholes! Luckily, it is also available DRM-Free on GOG
Bubsy Two-Fur
This compilation of the SNES versions of Bubsy 1 & 2 are DRM Free on steam. PC Gaming Wiki reports otherwise, but I tested it myself and atleast as of 10-8-2023 the game will run without steam open.
Cave Story+
DRM-Free on Epic Game Store and GOG.
Chex Quest HD
DRM-Free on Steam. And it's free, too!
Codename Gordon (Half-Life flash game)
This Half-Life 2d flash game is hidden within steam can be accessed by using the instructions here to open steam and download the game. And yes, it's DRM free!
Coffee Talk
Available DRM-Free at GOG.
Costume Quest 2
DRM-Free on epic game store.
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Physical disc copy is listed as DRM-Free on the pc gaming wiki.
Dead Space
Available DRM Free on GOG.
Dear Esther
The original steam version of Dear Esther is DRM Free, but apparently no longer available for purchase there. (this is why physical media is better...) You can get the Landmark Edition of the game DRM Free on GOG.
Descent Trilogy
All three of these games can be found DRM-Free at GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/descent https://www.gog.com/en/game/descent_2 https://www.gog.com/en/game/descent_3_expansion
Physical copies also exist. I cannot vouch for Descent 3 as I don't have a disc copy, but the disc versions of 1 and 2seem to be DRM Free.
Doom (1993)/Ultimate Doom
DRM Free on steam, GOG and in the physical cd-rom format.
Doom 2
The steam version of Doom 2 should be usable with source ports like zdoom. You can also launch the game from the DOOM II executable inside the game's "re-release" folder.
Doom 3 BFG Edition & Resurrection of Evil
Steam version is DRM-Free. Also includes Doom 1 and 2! Also available on gog.
Doom 64
A modern PC port of the originally Nintendo 64 exclusive Doom game. Available DRM-Free on the Epic game Store.
DRM-Free on GOG and Steam.
Escape Goat 1 & 2
DRM-Free on GOG, The Humble Store, and the game's own homepage.
Same goes for the sequel! http://www.escapegoat2.com/ https://www.gog.com/game/escape_goat_2?utm_campaign=adtraction&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=adtraction https://www.humblebundle.com/store/escape-goat-2?partner=pcgw
DRM-Free on the humble bundle store.
Fallout 1 & 2
DRM-Free on the Epic Game Store. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/fallout?epic_affiliate=pcgamingwiki https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/fallout-2?epic_affiliate=pcgamingwiki
Fallout Tactics
DRM-Free on the Epic Game Store.
Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition
This game is available DRM-Free on GOG.
Fallout New Vegas
DRM-Free on Epic Game Store when make a command line argument of "-EpicPortal" . Instructions on how to do this can be read here. Also available on GOG.
According to the PC Gaming wiki, it is DRM Free on both the Epic Game Store and GOG.
Flatout 2
According to the PC Gaming wiki, it is DRM Free on The Epic Game Store, GOG and also from the publisher's own home page!
Final Doom
DRM-Free on steam (it's bundled with Doom II), but will need dosbox (which is included) or a source port to run on modern Windows.
This game can be found DRM-Free at GOG.
Grim Fandango Remastered
Available DRM Free at GOG, Itch io and even steam!
Half-Life 1 & 2, (Most) Expansions, Episodes
I was pleasantly surprised to find that these wonderful games are actually DRM Free on steam! Glad to see sometimes Valve isn't being a dick. https://store.steampowered.com/app/70/HalfLife/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/220/HalfLife_2/ Episode 1, Episode 2, Lost Coast, and Half-Life Source can also be made DRM-Free by making command line shortcuts. Look for instructions here on the PC Gaming Wiki for each game respectively. Feel free to message if you need help with these.
Half-Life Opposing Force
Only the retail disc version is DRM Free with later updates. Disc is still needed for the music.
Heretic & Hexen
DRM-Free on GOG.
Hotline Miami Games
Available on The Humble Store DRM-Free.
Available DRM-Free on the Epic Game Store (now if only those wankers would bring back the Unreal games)
Killing Floor
Killing Floor on steam is somewhat DRM-Free. You can actually run the game without steam for solo play, but you won't be able to change your character model or access your perks. Mods may provide workarounds, such as ones that introduce custom perk classes. I recommend getting a used physical copy or waiting for a humble bundle as I don't recommend giving tripwire money.
DRM Free on The Humble Store and GOG.
Master Levels for Doom II
DRM-Free on steam (it's bundled with Doom II), but will need dosbox (which is included) or a source port to run on modern Windows.
Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom
DRM-Free on GOG:
The steam version of this game can be played DRM-Free by going within the "exe" folder and opening the UDK.exe file.
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
DRM-Free on GOG and Epic Game Store.
Oddworld: Soulstorm
DRM-Free on Epic game store and GOG.
DRM-Free on GOG and The Humble Store.
Penumbra Trilogy
Available DRM-Free as physical disc copies, and digitally on GOG.
Portal on steam can be made DRM-Free by following the instructions here. The wiki shows you how to add the command line here.
Project Zomboid
Available DRM Free on GOG.
Rayman Forever
Available DRM Free on GOG
Red Faction 1 & 2
Both games are available DRM-Free on GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/red_faction https://www.gog.com/en/game/red_faction_2
Re-Loaded (PC Port Version)
This one can be a little confusing, as Steam has two versions of this game with the same title. According to the PC Gaming Wiki, the 10 dollar version of the game that has compatibility with Mac and Linux is the one that is a DRM Free PC port.
The steam version of Quake can be played DRM-Free using the executable "glquake" inside the game's main directory. This version of the game uses an interface more akin to the original, you won't get all the modern bethesda stuff that shows up when you launch the game through steam, so sadly this one is only partially DRM free.
Thankfully the modern version of the game is also available on GOG.
Quake 2
DRM Free on GOG.
Quake 3
DRM Free on GOG.
SCP 087
This short horror title is available DRM Free here
SCP Containment Breach
Available DRM Free here
SEGA Genesis Classics
DRM Free on Steam when you use the SEGAGenesisClassics.exe launcher. As a bonus, you can also find lots more games to add to it on the steam workshop (I haven't yet checked how to carry them over to a DRM Free installation but hopefully it isn't too complicated)!
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
This title is available DRM Free on gog. You can also get the original DOS version for free here!
Slayaway Camp
DRM-Free on steam.
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut
The steam version can be made DRM Free by following the instructions here.
Sonic CD (1995) / Sonic & Knuckles
The Sonic & Knuckles Collection is a physical collection from the 90s that contains both a modified version of Sonic & Knuckles and a PC port of Sonic CD. According to the PC Gaming wiki, the only form of DRM should be a disc check, which won't require internet. The newer steam version, (which was delisted in a slimey move by Sega to bully people into buying the newer Sonic Origins) is no longer available for purchase, but if you already have a copy, The PC Gaming Wiki has some instructions on ways to remove the DRM.
Thanks for being assholes, SEGA!
Sonic Mania
The PC Gaming Wiki has instructions on how to remove the DRM from the steam version.
Sonic Nebulous
A DRM free Sonic fan game. Can be downloaded here on mod db.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series
The first 3 games in the series are available DRM-Free on GOG here:
https://www.gog.com/en/game/stalker_call_of_pripyat https://www.gog.com/en/game/stalker_clear_sky
Available DRM Free on gog here:
On The Humble Bundle store, for some reason, only the 4 pack is listed as DRM-Free. :
Super Meat Boy
DRM Free at the Epic Game Store, Steam, and Humble Store.
DRM- Free on GOG.
The Binding of Isaac
This one is drm-free on steam.
The 3D Adventures Of Sailor Moon
A very old and obscure pc game that seems to be abandonware. Physical copies can be found online but are very expensive and may take a lot of work to get running on modern hardware. You can get a fixed up version of the game here
To The Moon
DRM-Free on both the Humble Store and GOG.
Turok 2 Seeds Of Evil
The steam version can be made DRM-Free by following these instructions on the PC Gaming Wiki. The game can also be found on GOG.
UnderTale is available DRM-Free on GOG.
Unreal II The Awakening
Thanks to the wankers at epic games, this can't be found on digital store fronts but you can still physical copies on ebay. Digital copies are also available on the internet archive which should be DRM-Free (not tested yet).
Unreal Gold
Physical copies of this game can be found on ebay, and a digital copy can be found here on the internet archive. (not tested yet)
Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition
Physical copies can be found on ebay, and a digital copy can be found here on the internet archive.
Unreal Tournament 2004
The game can be purchased as a physical copy on sites like ebay, or you can get a digital copy here on the internet archive. The physical copies require a cd key during installation, but should run just fine off of your hard drive afterwards.
Unreal Tournament 3
If you were able to get a steam copy before it was de-listed, the game is DRM Free after you get it all set up and enter your CD key. Otherwise, it's also available on the internet archive here. (I haven't tested this version yet)
When The Past Was Around
This title is available DRM-Free on GOG. There's also a DRM Free demo on itch.io.
Wolfenstein 3D & Spear of Destiny
Available DRM Free on GOG.
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unusedcactus · 4 months
found out recently (yesterday) while playing through the forbidden chex quest levels that chex quest didn't just include the last 2/3rds of Doom, it also includes Thy Flesh Consumed. chex quest was built on top of Ultimate Doom and not some version of base Doom like I thought
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
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My attempt at analyzing references, mechanics, designs etc present in the mod MetaDoom, check this tag to catch up.
A mod that takes/combines features accross the Doom series, from main titles to spin-offs to even obscure corners of the series' history.
It has a lot of fun features and can even serve as a way to explore Doom history.
(I also wrote a post about D16/E based mods for old Doom)
This post itself is flawed because i'm not a huge Doom export but it could still give the idea of how complex/fun it is:
Random stuff/Part 1:
Logo shows Doom 1, 64, 3 (BFG lost edition image) and Eternal, integrated in the DOOM leters
Background represents first levels/early areas of 1, 2, 64, 3, DRPG, D2RPG, 4 and Eternal
Main theme is a remix based off D4 and game over theme from ultra nightmare mode is a piano cover of E1M8
Texts in TITLEPIC, Quit messages and even game over texts are lines related to/from Doom games, manuals, characters dialogues, lore related shit, even stuff like Repercussions of Evil and a Chex Quest reference (Martian Buddy and SnapMap are referenced, for example)
Difficulty setting menu uses Doomguy's face in a "Wolfenstein 3D-esque" way
Ultra-Nightmare being the hardest and most unfair setting uses the classic NIGHTMARE font for some text in the GAME OVER and it describes how you died
In the difficulty setting menu, going down a bit more shows a secret setting with Doomguy’s face replaced by a skull and the text “The Slayer’s time is now”, which is based off the UV plus setting in the Unity ports that uses fast monsters and co-op based enemy/gun/item placement
Ultra Nightmare is supported by co-op, which also uses some announcer sounds from Eternal’s Battlemode and if a player dies, they have to wait for their partner to finish a level before they respawn or else it’s game over, if they die
Doomguy has voice sounds related to beta Doom 3
Generally, a lot of thing may have beta Doom 3 sounds, but also assets from games that aren't even id related
HUD has some tiny ammo icons depending on weapons used
If gibbed, his face literally explodes, using an animation from PSX Doom
Doomguy has unique player sprites based off a mixed up Doomguy (Noticeable elements from Doom 64 and 2016)(Also, his visor may be based off Doom 2 RPG Java version)
Female gender option replaces Doomguy with Kira Morgan from D2RPG/Other gender options replaces him with Dr Peters from Doom VFR
Optional content like breakable props, secret enemies, optional bosses and more
There’s some proper Dehacked enemies support, where some enemies from the mod are replaced with the ones from certain mapsets for proper compatibility (eventually, the same kind of happened with props)
Dead marine corpses have randomized variants based off D64, 3, RPG, 4 and even some cut Doom sprites
Some gib sprites come from DRPG
Sound of doors/crushers crushing bodies may come from Duke Nukem 3D
Mod normally has a progress based randomization system, but an option makes everything actually randomized: Either for testing, a single map playthrough or to just drop balance
Options for performance based stuff like preventing some monsters from jumping or vanishing blood effects (Or to make gameplay less chaotic)
Wolfenstein SS have variants staring SNES port soldier, Mac port Officer, Apple stealth Wolfenstein game enemy and Wolfenstein RPG green soldier with RTCW sounds
Commander Keen has Dangeround Dave, Rescue Rover, Shadow Knights ninja, Catabombs 3D skeleton and a Hovertank 3D citizen
Keycards have randomized skins based off D64, 3, D2RPG and 4, along with a D4 sound (That one where you take a chip from the dead red armored marines)
Skullkeys get randomized skins from D64 and D4, along with a D4 sound
With default keybind being N, there's a codex inspired by 2016, in which info gets filled up with picked up items/guns and killed enemies, along with random lore objects with history about the franchise and sometimes outside of it
Codex info references ingame lore, text from game manuals, Doom media like the movies (RRTS) and novels (Robotic lost soul, sphere coating someone with a liquid) and even Impse
Some codex entries may not show up depending on settings affecting enemy spawns
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
1/29 - Week In Review
#JakeReviewsItch Week In Review Archives
This week's reviews: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 2000:1: A Space Felony 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 a completely normal dating simulation that is definitely sweet, innocent and normal 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 A Dance of Fire and Ice 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 A Mortician's Tale 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 A Day In the Woods 🧡🤍🤍🤍🤍 A e r o c r a f t 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 A Forgetful Loop
Game of the Week
Video games. Space. How many times have we seen this chocolate-and-peanut-butter combo? We've piloted and landed spacecraft, and lord knows we've zapped an alien or two, but you know what you don't see very often beyond the digital atmosphere? Due process of law.
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Oh, you know what? Frog Fractions. I almost forgot about the courtroom scene on Bug Mars. Fine, so 2000:1: A Space Felony or How I Came to Value My Life and MURDER Mercilessly. isn't the first or the best game to remind us that law and order are the bedrock of society, even beyond the confines of national and planetary borders, but it is a game about gathering evidence and presenting a solid argument in the case of Fake HAL 9000 v. An Entire Spaceship's Dead Crew. Give it a try. It's short, it's free, and it's easily the best Itch game I played this week.
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The early days of Nintendo Switch were the best. See, the best way to get visibility on the eShop was for a game to sell a lot of units, and the best way to sell—short of making a good, well-marketed game that people wanted play—was to put a game on sale for a couple cents. The sale would end, and the game would still be on the best-seller list alongside the big-budget blockbuster. Additionally, depending on one's system settings, owning a game from a publisher might enable that publisher to push advertisements to the owner's Switch News section. Shady tactics, but for those of us who kept up with sales, those were great times. Sure, most of the games I downloaded were trash, but the prices were so low, and there were enough pleasant surprises, that it was usually worth rolling the dice. Nintendo got wise, though, and quietly implemented some policy changes. Now, you'll rarely see prices dip below $1.99. And that's why the latest QubicGames sale is a big deal. Now through the middle of February, most of their lineup is available for just 50¢ a pop. (You won't see the sales prices in the eShop unless you own at least one Qubic release. Fortunately, Coloring Book is currently free. Claim it, and then watch the prices melt.) Qubic is actually really cool about breaking the $1.99 barrier. I snagged several games for 99¢ just a few weeks ago, which felt like a smokin' hot deal. If only I'd known. They also have a history of briefly making a handful of games free in December.
I'd love to tell you a little bit about all the games I recommend, but there's a problem: We're not talking about the kind of cheap eShop garbage described above. I have player 39 Qubic games, and most of them are pretty good. Some of them are all-time classics at any price.
The most efficient purchasing advice I could offer is a ranked list.
A Ranked List of the 39 QubicGames Games I Own
Pocket Pool
Pocket Mini Golf 2
One Strike
REKT! High Octane Stunts
Puzzle Book
Good Night, Knight!
Pudding Monsters
Dungeon Top
Zombie Blast Crew
Space Pioneer
Door Kickers
Chex Quest HD
Rimelands: Hammer of Thor
Akuto: Showdown
UTOPIA 9 - A Volatile Vacation
Coffee Crisis
Warlocks 2: God Slayers
Gravity Rider Zero
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest
Coloring Book
Escape Doodland
Mini Trains
Pocket Mini Golf
Mana Spark
Wreckin’ Ball Adventure
Eyes: The Horror Game
I'd be happy to talk about any of these in more detail, but they're so cheap! I keep futzing with the order of this list, but all you need to know is that the top 11 are fantastic. You can safely skip 29-39, although the only one that's outright bad is Eyes: The Horror Game. The rest deliver at least $0.49 of entertainment. Peep the store pages and see what matches your interests. There are still a few gaps in my Qubic knowledge, so take a look at the sale page if you're into, I dunno, boxing and sausage. (Ugh. Do I need to buy the sausage games?) Yuck, I sound like such a shill. To be clear, I'm not getting paid for this, nor do I have any other incentive to promote these products. I just really love those BIT.TRIP games.
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m39 · 3 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2008): Chex Quest 3
Well, folks... This is it... This is the reason why I reviewed both Chex Quest 1 and 2 before tackling this one.
After over a decade since the last Chex Quest game, people thought there was no Chex Quest 3...
They were proven wrong.
G8: Chex Quest 3
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Main author(s): Charles Jacobi (Chukker)
Release date: 2008
Version(s) played: 1.4
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 5 (E3M1-M5)
Out of the ashes of Digital Cafe comes the official Chex Quest 3, and sweeps out one of the Cacowards.
But first things first – how did this game come to fruition? Well, back in 2003, one of the WAD makers, Boingo the Clown, asked one of the Digital Café employees, Charles Jacobi, if the latter could do some artwork for the WAD project called Ultimate Chex Quest. Charles, after playing what was made of that WAD at the time, has resparked the interest in this franchise in himself. In late 2007, he showed a sketch of a new Flemoid that would later become one of the new enemies in Chex Quest 3, and people enjoyed it.
The lead artist of Digital Café eventually wanted to make a new episode instead of a new set of maps. And with the help of a couple more guys who worked in the same company + others, Chex Quest 3 was released in 2008.
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it has been a decade since the invasion of Flemoids. Everything seems to be at peace. Unfortunately, those alien bastards want that damn, A+ quality food Federation has so they launch a complete invasion on the planet Ralston (that’s either the capital planet of the Federation, or probably where Chextropolis is, or maybe even both, I don’t know). Chex Warrior, while stationed at the central command station that’s overrun by Flemoids, jumps into the ship and flies to the planet, trying to save his people from these slime bastards one last time.
If you didn’t read my two previous reviews, I will be playing the GZDoom port of Chex Quest 3, simply for better performance.
Let’s take a look at this episode, and see the conclusion of Chex Quest.
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When compared to the previous Chex Quest games, this one is on a whole other level. It’s a gigantic leap in quality. Sure, it’s mostly due to the fact that over a decade passed since the second game so the standards and/or experience in WAD making has increased, but take a look at the locations in this game. It’s not just one overall area like the base on a mining planet or metropolis with few landmarks; it feels like you are traveling all over the world and then some before even reaching the planet.
You start at a space station, then respectively land on a command base, use the metro system to get into the Italy-inspired town (with an orchard that you find upon reaching half of the map), and even visit a national park with a couple of log cabins; and it all ends with a mothership meteor that you get inside and teleport every last Flemoid out of it.
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The music in CQ3 also peaked as well. Andrew Benon who created music for the previous games came back for the final time, now with help from Sabrina DiDuro, who made four tracks for this game. I feel like almost all of it sounds engaging and epic, with Chancer being the best one out of the last batch of tracks.
It’s not really worth talking much about the levels’ design. It’s basically similar to what was in the previous games, with some annoying backtracking and one section with a maze (this time at least you are looking for a key).
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Here is also something that I didn’t mention in my last two reviews – all of the Chex Quest games don’t show you the amount of ammo to the rest of the guns that you don’t use at the moment. It gets kind of annoying that in order to actually see the ammo amount, you have to switch to another weapon. It might be a nitpick, but it’s frustrating for me.
Chex Quest 3 is harder than Chex Quest 2, there is no doubt. I wouldn’t call it hard per say, you can still finish it without saving or getting hit, but the chance for that is much smaller compared to the previous installments.
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The only actual hard moment in this game is when you reach the motherbase meteor in the fourth map and you fight lost soul replacements. It’s more annoying than legitimately hard since you think you are done and you suddenly get rammed by another one of those buggers (and there are 37 of these on this map).
What this game has compared to the previous one is actual new enemies that are not just reskins of the old ones. And while Super Cycloptis, Flem Mine, and Lord Snotfolus are basically replacements for Cacos, the aforementioned lost souls, and the cyberdemon, Stridicus is a faster Pinky with 1.5 of its health, and Flembomination is a boss monster that constantly shoots a volley of two slime balls until it flinches.
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While I do recommend trying the GZDoom version of this game, it makes the last map unplayable due to the bug that makes it so it doesn’t register the picked-up keys; both the new flemkeys, and the regular ones. Thankfully, the give keys command seems to work and allows you to finish this map. Like I said just a moment ago, it might be the effect of the GZDoom port since from some of the footage I saw, I don’t think it affects the original version.
Ignoring the key bug in the GZDoom port, Chex Quest 3 is a great conclusion to the trilogy, offering the hardest, and prettiest episode from the original developers.
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As for the entire trilogy, Chex Quest as a whole is a lot of fun that starts relatively good, and it gets better as you go further with installments. Like I said in the past, CQ3 has all games in one WAD file, so you don’t have to check what the original versions were (although I won’t stop you from checking them out).
If you are interested in more of the stuff dedicated to Chex Quest, check some YouTube videos (especially the one from AVGN for the fun factor).
And that, folks, marks the end of the journey through the world of Chex Quest. I’ll see you next time.
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bmogtoys · 5 years
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New in the Shapeways store, the Chex Warrior from Chex Quest!
These 1.75″ Keshi/MUSCLE-style figures are available individually or a set, in your choice of material, including REAL METAL!
Our other 1.75″ figures are available here!
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doomguy-suggestion · 5 years
The DOOM block of Awesome Games Done Quick is coming up in the next few minutes!
Come watch, and make a $30 donation for a chance to win a replica of my Classic helmet!
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doomwads · 3 years
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Assault on Chextropolis
Game: Chex Quest 3 Year: 2018 Source Port: ZDoom Specs: E1M1 Gameplay Mods: None Author: "Vordakk” aka “Stormwalker” idgames | onemandoom
Oh no! Another Flemoid spaceship is headed toward Chextropolis!
This is a very large single level that basically plays like a re-envisioning of Chex Quest with a modern eye toward detailing and architecture. The simplicity of the textures is still hard to work with but you get a sort-of “good parts” incorporation of the city parts of Chex Quest 2 as well as wilderness, the internals of the Flemoid meteor ship, and even a peek at the planetary defense organization.
Click here if you’d like to read my full review.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
“The C Survey” by joybucket
Do you have a cat? Nope. Are you creative? I have like no creativity or artistic skills. What's your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow. List five things you like about carnivals. I’m not a carnival person, but if I were to go I’d just look forward to the food. Who is your favorite cousin? I don’t have one.
List five places on the map that start with C. California, Connecticut, Colorado, Columbia, Caribbean. What color was your first car? I’ve never owned a car because I don’t drive. What are five things you care about? God, my family, health related things, figuring out my life, my hobbies/things I’m into. Have you ever stood on the edge of a cliff? Nooo. Just reading this made me anxious. Which of these names do you like best: Cheyenne, Crystal, Carlotta, Christina, or Cora? Cheyenne. Do you know how to crochet? Nope. Do you know how to play chess? No. What is your favorite candle scent? Bath & Body Works’ autumnal scents. Do you have any children, and if not, do you want children? Nope. Which of these names do you like best: Carly, Cassidy, Cecilia, Concetta, or Cescily? Cescily. List five words you associate with the word "crystal." Stone, jewelry, shiny, pretty, clear. Do you know anyone named Chloe? No. Do you enjoy doing crafts? I’m not a crafty person. List ten words that rhyme with "cat." Bat, fat, hat, gnat, pat, rat, sat, that, mat, flat. How many chairs do you have in your home? I’m not going to think about that and try to count them right now. Have you ever fallen over backward out of a chair? A few times. Not fun. Have you ever painted a chair? No. Do you like craisins (aka dried cranberries)? No. Section 2: Which of these foods do you like? cranberry sauce cheddar cheese Chex Mix curry croutons chips corn on the cob cheese dip chocolate chip cookies cinnamon corn chowder crab dip clams coconut cheesecake chocolate cake clementines fish and chips pie crust apple cider chia seeds cauliflower cream cheese whip cream cranberry scones More Q's What color is your winter coat? Black. Have you had coronavirus? No. Have you had the coronavirus vaccine? No. When was the last time you had a cold? It’s been a couple years. What is your favorite flavor of cough drops? The minty ones. Have you ever been to California? I live there. List five critters or creatures your find interesting. Dogs, giraffes... I don’t know, animals are pretty fascinating in general. Have you taken a chemistry class? Yes. What was your favorite class in high school? English. What is your favorite type of cheese? I like a lot of different types of cheese.  What is your favorite type of chocolate? White. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover? Yes. List ten words that rhyme with "chest." Best, pest, quest, rest, test, vest, west, zest, blessed, guest. Which of these words would you say best describes you: chatty, creative, caring, cold, or crabby? Crabby. Do you like crabapple trees? I don’t have an opinion on this. I don’t know anything about them. Do you have a lot of cords in your home? Yes. How old were you when you first used a computer? I was in kindergarten. How old were you when you got your first computer of your own? I was 14. Have you ever purchased a computer on your own? Yes. 
What is your favorite type of cake? I’m simple, just a funfetti with buttercream frosting is good with me. Do you like classical music? Sure. Do you like old cars? I’m not into cars.
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