#circuit weight loss
screaming--agony · 2 years
Dear Diary,
Lately, I’ve been getting triggered like a short circuit, immense sadness with a river full of tears, agitated crawling skin, hopelessness of self-destruction, rage inducing fist to a hard surface. It’s wholeheartedly overwhelming. Phrases, words, actions, visual cues, sounds. When I try to restrain, my hands tremble, my chin quivers, my voice breaks, struggle to hold back tears. I am so self-aware of my surroundings. I don’t know why my subconscious is in panic mode. I don’t know what’s going on. But it needs to stop. 
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has anyone made a comprehensive list of non fatphobic exercise resources? if not I’m fuckin about to
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Colorado vacation 7/22/22
It is so easy to easy healthfully here!
I can purchase ice tea- unsweetened! Woo!
I had a Saddle up salad which was cold grains and fruit/veg mixed on greens, healthy breakfast, avo toast on greens... mixed in with some pizza/soup & salad bar and dessert (shared).
Got a workout in today at the small hotel gym, and walked 5 miles yesterday around red rocks.
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robertasgym · 2 months
No-Repetition Full Body Burn: 30-Minute Weight Loss Circuit
Get ready to feel the burn and shake off those extra pounds with our No-Repetition Full Body Burn: 30-Minute Weight Loss Circuit! This workout is like your trusty sidekick, always there to help you smash your fitness goals and leave you feeling energized and accomplished. Forget about counting reps or doing the same old routine - we're here to keep things exciting and effective.
In just half an hour, you'll be working up a sweat and giving every muscle in your body a good ol' workout. We've packed this circuit with a mix of exercises that'll have you feeling the burn from head to toe. Think squats, lunges, and more - all designed to torch calories and sculpt those muscles. Whether you're a workout newbie or a seasoned pro, this circuit is your ticket to a fitter, stronger you. So grab your water bottle, put on your favorite workout gear, and let's do this together!
Don't forget to warm up before diving into your workout - it'll help prevent injury and get your muscles ready to rock and roll. You're setting yourself up for success! Good luck and have fun!❤️💪
**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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healthmonastery · 11 months
Unleash Your Inner Strength with Kettlebell Workouts: Swing into Action!
Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and curious minds alike! If you’re on the lookout for a workout that’s more exciting than a morning coffee and packs a punch like a superhero, then it’s time to dive into the exhilarating world of kettlebell workouts. Hold onto your imaginary capes as we take you on a journey through the dynamic realm of kettlebell swings, snatches, and squats that promise to…
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allpleasuer · 1 year
Circuit Training for Beginners: A Beginner's Guide, Exercise Routines
Circuit Training for Beginners: A Beginner’s Guide, Exercise Routines ALL PLEASUER I. Introduction Circuit Training for Beginners: A Beginner’s Guide, Exercise Routines What is Circuit Training? Circuit training, ever heard of it? It’s a form of body conditioning or resistance training. It’s high-intensity aerobics, and it targets strength building as well as muscular endurance. An exercise…
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scientia-rex · 30 days
More people continue to be upset that smoking is bad for you and you should try to quit again, starting now, if at all possible. They believe that this is “judgy.”
Like Jesus Christ, how many more times do I have to mention that I smoked? I smoked and I quit. I quit before a lot of these infants were born. I do not think you’re a bad person if you smoke, I think you’re at a higher risk of dying. I smoked those fucking clove cigarettes that we thought were so cool and goth in 2002. I have anxiety; smoking made me feel a little bit better, but you know what made me feel a LOT better? 10mg of Lexapro daily. The right medicine, instead of an expensive, ineffective band-aid.
I get SO many vibes on this of the same stuff I got when I innocently posted to be like “so everything you hear about weight is wrong, actually, exercise doesn’t lead to large-scale long-term sustainable weight loss but it’s beneficial anyway, and dieting also doesn’t lead to large-scale long-term weight loss, but exercising and eating lots of plants will help you live longer and be healthier anyway” and it was like I poured butane on a circuit board and lit it with a laser. People BROKE.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
Not A Verstappen: A New World {3}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: just a short smut scene to keep you fed while I’m away 😊 Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, p in v & a, cumplay WC: 800~ F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two || Three || Four
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The alarm to get ready for media day was promptly ignored and for the first time in his life Lando was the first one awake. You were semi-conscious, half asleep and caught in the peripherals of a dream that left you hot and needy. Your body sought out the source of hardness behind you and Lando kissed your shoulder as his morning wood pressed to your ass.
“Seven days, baby,” he murmured in your ear. The relevance was lost on you in your state as his hand lifted your leg up so his cock could tease your entrance. You were in a trance as his tip penetrated you and your eyes burst open as you felt the warmth of his cock for the first time and Charles grinned at the sight.
“Seven days,” you breathed unevenly as you realised the significance and Lando echoed the sound as his cock was coated in your wetness.
“Fuck, Charles,” Lando moaned in your ear. “She feels like heaven.”
Without the latex barrier it was like you could feel every ridge and every vein on his shaft as it dragged along your walls. With nothing coming between you, you felt everything.
You whimpered at the loss as Lando pulled out but it was momentary as Charles replaced him. You could feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest as he grabbed your knee and pulled it over his hip, deepening the angle of his lazy thrusts as he sealed his lips over yours. Charles stole the moan that would have filled the hotel room as Lando’s finger teased your ass, using your own arousal to prep it for him.
“Putain, you’re so tight, chérie,” Charles gasped as your walls clenched around his cock and he rolled onto his back, keeping your bodies joined as you settled on top.
“Relax, baby,” Lando cooed as he knelt behind you, spreading your cheeks as he watched you ride Charles for a moment. He was almost undone by the sight of his boyfriend’s cock, bare and glistening with your juices, pumping in and out of your pretty pussy. Sense came back to him when your head fell back with a cry and your body shuddered with your orgasm and the urge to feel that for himself spurred him forward.
Light danced around your vision as Lando inched himself into you, the fullness seeming to chase the very air from your lungs as your body stretched to fit them both. Lando stilled behind you as his chest pressed to your back and he breathed with the counted marks of a man barely holding on to his sanity.
“Best decision ever,” you purred as you tortured them, slowly fucking yourself against them to see who would lose patience first.
“Agreed,” Lando chuckled in your ear. “I can feel Charles inside you, love.”
“Moi aussi,” Charles groaned, snapping his hips up and leaving you breathless.
You could feel another orgasm approaching, the feeling of weightlessness and tightening causing a short circuit in your brain.
“Holy shit,” Lando moaned as he felt your body clench around him. “Gonna cum, baby. Gonna fill you up so good.”
“Je vais te remplir la chatte.”
Your cunt clenched at the dirty words and you lost yourself to the feeling of their cocks filling your holes and the heat that flooded you as they came inside you.
You collapsed into a sweaty pile of tangled limbs, but Charles was strong enough to handle the added weight as his arms encompassed both you and Lando.
“Hmm,” he hummed happily behind you as he pulled out and watched his cum leak from your ass. You peeked over your shoulder to see the possessive look in his eyes before yours fluttered shut as he pushed it back in with his finger. “Pretty.”
You were happy to take the fine for being late to the media pit, nothing could bring you down from the high you were on.
Click here for the next part.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 29 days
Eddie should feel...blissful. He's been dating Chrissy for the last few weeks and he's well on his way to graduating (it's six months away but he's enthusiastic)
His latest dnd campaign is his best one yet if he does say so himself and he feels like he should be on top of the world.
So yeah life should be great. There's that word again should.
Instead he's left with this feeling that something is missing and that's ridiculous because he has his dream girl and he's doing well in most aspects of life.
But it doesn't stop this ache in his chest.
It's only been the last few days that he's came out of his happy bubble and realised that things aren't as good as he thought they were.
Mostly with Chrissy. It's not like she's awful or anything, no. She's one of the sweetest girls he's ever met, she's kind and they get on really well.
It's just there's this feeling of wrongness. He can't quite put his finger on it. When they kiss it's nice and he does adore her friendship but there's no... romantic spark?
He's mulling over this while he and Chrissy sit in easy silence at the table in the woods.
"Eddie" Chrissy begins and he startles out of his musings and finds Chrissy staring at him, she's biting her bottom lip nervously and she's obviously stressing about something.
"Mmm?" She takes a few seconds to speak again and when she does Eddie feels like a weight has lifted off him.
"Do you feel like this is working out? It's just that I've noticed that this... We... It feels weird" Eddie clutches her hand and tries to think how to put his response into words. He's never been so careful to think before he speaks, he usually says whatever is on his mind.
"Shit, uh yeah, I thought it was just me. I thought you were everything I wanted but it just doesn't feel right" she nods understanding and squeezes his hand.
"I get it. It's like I adore hanging out with you, I feel comfortable around you but that's it. I love our friendship but that's all" he breathes out of sigh of relief and grins at her.
"Maybe that's just what it is. We're only meant to be friends" she relaxes, the tension going out of her shoulders and she lets out a bubble of laughter.
"Well thank god for that" she giggles and he snorts, yeah that could have been majorly awkward.
"I just don't know what's meant to be missing" he shrugs feeling at a loss. Chrissy pats his hand soothingly and he feels like she knows something or maybe senses something that he hasn't figured out yet.
"Don't worry, I don't think it will take you that long to figure it out" she leans over to kiss his cheek and leaves him to his thoughts.
"Can you give me a hint" he calls after her and she softens before speaking again.
"The answer has been in front of you all along Eddie, you just need to realise it" well that was helpful, he pouts and slumps back onto the table.
Eddie lets himself into the drama room to get ready for Hellfire. He startles for a second when he notices he's not alone. You're at the table, quietly painting one of the figures and humming to yourself quietly.
He finds himself staring at you for a few seconds and there's a fluttering in his stomach. Fuck.
You really were beautiful, eager to learn about dnd when you first started and didn't know much about it. You were a quick learner and got on well with the rest of Hellfire, sweet but hilariously sarcastic.
He wouldn't admit it but you were his favourite and Henderson, the little butthead.
Eddie figures he should say something, it wasn't often Eddie was speechless but while he was looking at you, he struggled to form words.
Then you look up and catch his eye, look away flustered at his dumbass self gawking at you. He clears his throat and takes a seat beside you. Heart hammering and stomach still in knots, he smiles at your neatly painted figures.
"That's good sweetheart" your answering smile nearly short circuits his brain and you continue painting. Eddie feels like he could watch you forever, when your fingers graze against his the tension around the two of you heightens.
Despite all of that being with you just feels right. His racing thoughts calm and he's content just to sit with you.
Wait a minute... being with you feels right, like it's always meant to be like this. His mind races to realise what his heart already does.
Oh. It's you. It's always been you. He doesn't realise he's said the oh part out loud and you peer at him confused.
"It's you. You're the missing piece" you're staring at him confused and he takes your hand. There's a ping in his stomach but he carries on with explaining to you what he means.
"I felt like life should feel perfect for the last few weeks, being with my supposed dream girl should have felt amazing right? But it's like something has been missing. Chrissy and I decided to just be friends because we realised that's what we should have been"
You're listening intently and squeeze his hand softly in a comforting manner, silently encouraging him to go on.
"I felt like something has been missing and nothing feels complete, right. Until I'm with you" you still and your eyes meet his, there's something akin to hope in your eyes.
"What are you saying Eddie?" he takes a deep breath and just decides to go for it. Tell you how he feels.
"That I'm in love with you and I really want to kiss you right now princess" he blurts out the last part in a rush and you stand up, he panics that you're going to bolt. But you don't, you wrap your arms around him and tug him close to you.
"I love you Eddie, I think I fell for you the minute we met and maybe instead of thinking about kissing me, you should just do it"
Well he doesn't need to be told twice. His lips meet yours, fireworks explode behind his eyes and this is it. You're what he's aching for 💞
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sunny44 · 7 months
What about us? (Part 2)
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of the 2021 season and retirement
Summary: You and Lewis decide the future of yours relationship.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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Days passed since Harley's birthday and she was still ecstatic even after several days. Lewis and I navigated the delicate balance of co-parenting, silently grappling with the underlying currents of our shared history.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the Monaco horizon, I found Lewis standing on the balcony of my apartment, gazing into the distance. The weight of his unspoken struggles hung in the air.
"Mind if I join you?" I asked, stepping outside. He turned to me, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes.
We stood in companionable silence, appreciating the illuminated city below us. Finally, he broke the quietude.
"I've been thinking a lot about what Angela said, about missing having a family." I nodded, sensing the vulnerability in his words.
"Lewis, we've been through a lot and whatever decision you make about your career or life, Harley and I will be here for you." He sighed, shoulders relaxing a fraction.
"I appreciate that. It's just... Formula 1 has been my world for so long, and I'm at a point where I question if it's still where I belong." I placed a hand on his arm, offering comfort.
"Sometimes change is necessary. If you decide to step away, we'll support you. What matters for us is your well-being." He nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes.
"I'm so lucky to have you both."
“Harley and I are lucky to have you in our lives.”
The following weeks brought more heart-to-heart conversations, a tentative exploration of what the future might hold. As the Monaco Grand Prix approached, Lewis faced the track with a newfound perspective.
Race day arrived and I found myself watching from the stands, Harley's eyes gleaming with excitement. She was passionate about this world, and her favorite part was watching her father on the tracks. Lewis's car roared down the circuit, and she cheered excitedly, pointing to the black Mercedes and then to Uncle Max’s Redbull car.
In an unexpected turn of events, Lewis clinched victory, reclaiming his place on the podium. The cheers of the crowd echoed through the principality.
After the race, Lewis joined us, a mix of exhaustion and elation on his face. Harley hugged him tightly, and he looked at me with a genuine smile. Perhaps, in that moment, he found a piece of the joy that had been missing since that championship in 2021.
As the celebrations unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder where our journey would lead. I had thought a lot about us since Harley's birthday, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him, because I did, a lot.
I missed waking up, and he was the first person I saw in the morning, sharing the small victories of our lives and being the three of us together as a family.
"She's asleep," he said, appearing in his apartment's kitchen. We came here after the race.
"She didn't take an afternoon nap, so it was expected," I said, handing him a cup of tea. "I've been thinking."
"About?" he asks after taking a sip of his tea.
"About us." Immediately, he puts the cup on the counter, and I do the same.
"I know it's been a while since we broke up, and I believe the reason we ended things was genuine, and I truly think we needed to step back then, but..." I took a deep breath.
"But I never wanted us to end things that way."
"Me neither; that was certainly a year of losses for me, and Harley definitely saved me."
"I know, but I don't want to live like this anymore."
"Like what?"
"Separated." I could see his eyes light up. "I want her to have stability, to know that we'll always be here for her, and I also need you here whenever you can."
"You want to get back together with me?"
"Yes. Unless you don't want to."
"That's what I want the most since you told me you were pregnant." He says getting closer. "I love you, I never stopped loving you and I want to spend the rest of our lives together."
"That's good because I love you too." He smiles, and we kiss.
And it was exactly as if we were kissing for the first time again, the feeling of butterflies and happiness was the same.
"Come on, let's finish our tea in bed." We grabbed our cups and went to his bedroom.
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Bonus scene!
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“Monaco days in family”
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Tag list: @ironmaiden1313 @myloverjk-blog @leoramage @magicalfundragon
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breakfastteatime · 1 month
Today's Fallen Order request is "Don't move" for @highbrasshighkass:
The sorry sound of BD’s warble tugs at Cal’s heart. “Don’t move, BD,” he says, trying to contain his own panic. “It’s going to be okay.”
BD believes in him with every single circuit in his frame, however he’d also really, really like Cal to figure this out a little quicker, because BD’s boosters are dead and the ground beneath him is very, very shaky, and if he falls into the river, he’ll be washed away into the sea, lost forever in the depths.
“That’s not happening.” Cal carefully works his way down the tree trunk, testing each limb before transferring all his weight. Unlike the trees on Kashyyyk, their Zeffo counterparts are scraggly and thin-limbed, and Cal doesn’t trust them to hold him, especially as he works his way down the cliff. But if he doesn’t get BD off that crumbling ledge soon, his friend really will be lost forever. Cal hasn’t felt the loss of his abilities this keenly in a while. If only he could pull BD to him. And if wishes were Venators, they’d all fly. “I’m nearly there.”
BD beeps apologetically. It’s enough to send some more clumps of soil tumbling into the river.
“Don’t move, and don’t talk,” Cal advises. “It’s okay. The stormtrooper who hurt you is history.”
BD stays still and silent.
Closer. Closer… Cal places his boot on a branch poking out the cliff and feels it dip, hears it crack. He curses under his breath. If BD falls, he can slow him –
Just like Prauf
– and then he’d just have to dive, grab him, and hope he can fight the current enough to get them back to dry land. He really doesn’t relish the idea of such icy waters, but he’ll do it for BD. They’ll just have to make a fire, dry out, then carry onto the next tomb.
Finally, he’s close enough to reach out and pluck BD off the crumbling ledge. He leans, leans, leans –
The root he’s clinging to gives. Cal cries out as he drops, only for his fall to stop when the root catches. He doesn’t hesitate, grabbing BD and pulling him close, just as the ledge crumbles to nothing, rocks falling into the racing river below. Cal pulls BD close. “I got you, buddy,” he says, swallowing hard against the crush of emotion. If anyone asks, it’s the icy wind making his eyes tear up. “Can you hold on?”
Another sorry beep from BD. That shock baton the trooper caught him with mid-scan really fried his systems.
“Not a problem.” One-handed climb it is. He tucks BD against his chest with his left arm and carefully scrambles his way up the cliff. By the time they’re on solid land, Cal’s right shoulder burns. He says nothing as he sits down, BD in his lap. “Will a system reboot help?”
It will, but it will take some time.
“Okay, I’ll get us someplace safe.” Cal looks around. They’re too far from the Mantis to go back, but they could take shelter in that crashed Venator, out of the weather and away from any patrols, before carrying on. “Let’s go.”
BD whistles with joy. And then, calmer, he thanks Cal for saving him.
“Anytime, buddy,” Cal says. “You’ve done the same for me so many times.”
And please don’t scare me like that again, Cal wants to say but instead settles for giving BD a pat on the head while holding him just that little bit tighter.
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Falling Apart Part 1 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
Warnings: lots of angst… pregnancy loss (but don't hate me! Part 2 is coming!!)
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Charlotte shifted uncomfortably in bed, her hand going to wipe a thin layer of sweat from her forehead. The heat in their bedroom was sweltering, a rare and odd occurrence as she and her husband were a rare couple who liked the thermostat at the same temperature: ice cold. She glanced down, unsurprised to find him fast asleep on top of her, his light snores filling her ears.
She was his favorite spot in bed. It did not matter if he went to bed first and was sound asleep when she slid in, he always found his way to her and slept with half of his body draped over hers and his head on her chest. Even on the rarest occasion they went to bed upset, they still found their way into each other’s arms to sleep. Charlotte usually had no complaints though, he was her personal weighted blanket. She missed their sleeping arrangement when one of them was traveling. His weight provided comfort, his touch soothed her, and his body temperature provided the perfect warmth for sleep. 
However, tonight she only felt suffocated, literally. Her body felt disgusting, covered in the tacky uncomfortable feeling of sweat from head to toe despite dozing off in nothing but a pair of Michael’s briefs when she got out of the shower. 
She pushed against his heavy upper half, hoping to move him so she could cool down for a minute. However, when he did not budge an inch, all she could do was let out a disgruntled huff. Their return to the set of Creed meant her husband was at the peak of his physical strength. He still enjoyed the residual weight of Erik Killmonger and perfected his training for the sequel. However, that meant he was far too heavy for Charlotte’s weak arms to move. 
Despite how uncomfortable she felt, she did not have the heart to wake him either. Neither of the pair had been this tired in a long time. 2018 had been a hectic and wild ride for the Jordans, both of them enjoying historic but exhausting accomplishments. While Charlotte started the year deep into the award season circuit, which was fun in some ways but she found it more emotionally and physically draining than anything else, Michael started it with an intense international press tour. And they both only had a week at home together before they packed up to move to Philly for filming. And though Charlotte’s days on set had not started yet as they worked on the boxing choreography and filmed the training montages first, she found that she still could not get enough rest. She felt as if she slept all night and most of the day in between studying her lines and writing Bianca’s songs while Michael was gone and still was exhausted when he got home. It did not help that she was fighting a mysterious stomach bug for the last week either. 
And the only thing Michael cared to do when he came home from set was fall into a deep sleep until his early call time the next morning. And it was only week one. However, she knew this was their last stretch. Their entire relationship and marriage had been one project after the other for both of them. Once they wrapped filming, they both would get a break and they could rest. She couldn’t wait. 
As she reached for her phone to turn the temperature down in their temporary apartment, a wave of nausea hit her. Within minutes, she felt the very familiar and unfortunate churn in her stomach. 
This time, she decided, he would have to forgive her for waking him up. This was now an emergency. She combined her pushes with loud calls directly into his ear to force him out of his deep sleep.
“Babe! Babe! Get off me! Off, off, off! ” She practically yelled at him, part of her feeling guilty for ripping him from sleep so rudely. But she was in a race to beat her internal ticking time bomb and make it to the bathroom or any trash can before it went off. To his credit, despite the jarring wake up call, he rolled off her immediately. 
Charlotte ignored his groggy “W-what’s wrong?” his gruff, sexy, sleepy baritone not having its usual effect as she darted out of their bed, barely making it to the bathroom before her dinner was staring back at her. 
She groaned as her stomach forced any and all substances out of her body, her side cramping with the pain of each heave. She was so distracted by the pain of each heave that she did not even notice Michael behind her. He wrapped her robe around her nude body and held a wet towel to her forehead as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. 
“G-go b-back to bed, love. You gotta be up in two hours,” she whispered as she leaned her head into her hand, the other going to massage the sharp pain growing in her side. “I’m sorry. I’ll b-be ok.” 
“Els. Please.” While he appreciated his wife being concerned about his schedule, the idea that he could ever just roll over and fall back to sleep knowing she was sick ten feet away was preposterous. “What happened? Something you ate?” He grabbed a hair tie from the bathroom counter and pulled her hair back, knowing she would not get to bed anytime soon if she had to spend the rest of the night washing her hair. 
“W-we ate the same thing yesterday and you s-seem totally…” Her words were cut off as she was forced to bury her head in the toilet again. However, Michael understood what she was intending to say. And despite his exhaustion, he did feel totally fine. 
“This is the third time this week, Els. This and the fatigue… You gotta go to the doctor.” 
She leaned on the toilet seat, her body sinking in slightly with defeat. She was trying to avoid the doctor at all costs, her usual MO. But when Michael insisted, she knew better than to fight him on it. He was relentlessly cautious when it came to her health, because to his frustration, Charlotte was not. 
“I’m fine, babe.” 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You promised we wouldn’t do this anymore, Els.” He reminded her of the promise they both made to make their health more of a priority.
Charlotte was no stranger to pushing her body to its physical limitations. It was Michael’s biggest pet peeve. He thought he was a workaholic but his wife often made him feel lazy. And like most people overly committed to their work, her health often took a backseat to everything else. And it was not just work, Charlotte would prioritize Michael, both of their families, and her friends over her health, often to her own detriment.  It was not that she did not take her health seriously, she did. However, she took the mantra “the show must go on” to heart. Unless she was unconscious or on a stretcher, she would always find a way to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. Was it a toxic way to think? Maybe. But had it guided her for her entire career and life? Yes. Which meant, try as she might, it was not a switch she could just turn off because her husband did not like it. She performed and worked through countless injuries and illnesses that should have landed her in the hospital or doctor’s office but her mental will to perform outweighed the physical pain. And after one long and scary night in the hospital while they were dating, Michael did not allow concerning changes in her health or behavior to go unchecked for very long anymore.
“Fine. But it’s probably just a stomach bug or something.” 
“Then the doctor can give you medicine to help you feel better faster. But I’d rather know it’s just that than watch you suffer like this.” 
She was thankful for Michael’s assistance in standing as her legs had fallen asleep beneath her. 
“I know, I know. I’ll go to the doctor, promise.” 
“Thank you. Wanna get in the shower first? You’re drenched. Can’t get back into bed like this.” 
“T-Thanks, babe. I’m sorry, I-I know you have a long day tomorrow.”
Michael chuckled. “Can’t control getting sick, honeybee. Don’t worry about it. Brush your teeth, I’ll start the shower and grab you some medicine. Get some rest and I’ll make an appointment with the studio doctor in the morning.”
A soft smile formed as she watched him leave to find her medicine. She had truly found the most attentive and perfect partner. Most of her friends’ complained about how their husbands were utterly useless when they were sick. But Michael was the exact opposite. His protective nature meant he also took amazing care of her when she wasn’t feeling well. Though he could also be overbearing at times, it was a sign he cared and she loved it. 
She showered quickly and slid into one of Michael’s sweatshirts before he helped her get situated back in bed with medicine and a trash can by her side. She drifted back off to sleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow.  
Despite having to get up in two hours, Michael stayed awake and watched to make sure she was comfortable and resting. He could tell that her sleep was not particularly restful in how she shifted in their king bed uncomfortably. Occasionally, he reached over and dapped her forehead with a towel, noticing the beads of sweat reforming. 
He hated that he had to leave her all day the next day, knowing his wife was unlikely to actually rest and relax to fully recover. But he knew he did not have much of a choice. He studied her for about half an hour before he drifted off to sleep for a quick nap, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. 
Charlotte paced back and forth in their apartment, waiting with bated breath for the sound of Michael opening their door. He finished training just a bit ago and should have been walking in the door at any moment. Every minute she waited felt like a new emotion, a rollercoaster between excitement, anxiety, joy, and more anxiety. She continued pacing, giving herself a pep talk to increase her courage until she heard his key turn the lock.
“Hey baby,” she offered brightly. 
He threw his bag down and wrapped an arm around her waist, one hand going to cup her face as he examined her. 
“How are you feeling? You didn’t call me after your appointment. What did the doctor say?” 
“Yea, sorry about that. I didn’t call because I didn’t think it was news to give over the phone. First and most importantly, I’m fine.” She assured him, his entire body visibly relaxing at her words. “Doc said I’ll be fine to go to set on Monday, no issues.” 
Michael could not hide his confusion. He was happy there was nothing serious but that did not explain why she was sick. “Ok, did he figure out what was wrong?” 
“Yes. But there’s nothing he can do. Said it should clear up in the next month or so.” 
“What?? Nah, give me his number. Ain’t no way you can deal with whatever the hell this is for another month. And if he knows it’ll clear up, why can’t he prescribe some medicine or some shit?” Michael ranted as he walked to his bag to grab his cell phone. “I’m calling your doctor back home, babe. That’s fuckin ridiculous.” 
If he had not been so angry, Charlotte would have laughed at his agitated mumblings about a doctor he did not even know. She supposed she should not keep the vague answers going and tell him outright. She knew there was a cuter way to do so but she also knew Michael would not let a vague diagnosis stand for long enough to put together a true surprise. The lack of fanfare surrounding this momentous occasion would have to be forgiven. 
“Put the phone down, babe.” 
“Nah fuck that. Was the doctor white?? Cause they’ve been comin’ out with more and more articles about doctors ignoring Black women’s pain. I’ll fuckin sue his whole practice. And I’m gonna tell Steven tomorrow. The studio needs to vet these people be-” 
“Babe!” She grabbed his arm to stop him from firing off a million texts that could ruin a man’s career. She pulled the phone out of his hand and locked it, throwing it on the counter. “He can’t prescribe me anything or do anything because there’s nothing to do for morning sickness. But it should go away in the next trimester.” 
Her big eyes bored into his expectantly, waiting for the words to catch up with him. She teetered on her heels as she waited, Michael mouthing the words quietly back as if he had not heard them correctly. 
“Morning sickness… but that’s…” he scratched his head, his eyes growing wide with shock as he glanced down to Charlotte’s stomach. 
She offered him a teary-eyed smile, one of her hands resting on her stomach. “Surprise?” She chewed on her lip as she waited for him to say something, literally anything. “Michael or Michaela C. Jordan’ll be here in 8 months or so.”
“Y-You’re pregnant?” 
She nodded. “7 weeks.” She let out a yelp and a giggle as Michael grabbed her and swept her off her feet, spinning her around. 
“We’re gonna have a baby?? That’s why you’ve been sick?” 
“Y-Yea. Of course now it seems obvious. But I only got through half the symptoms before he told me I needed to take a pregnancy test. Given the timing, pretty sure it was the Black Panther premiere or your birthday,” she laughed. She eyed him anxiously, her hands clutching his forearms as she braced herself for an answer. “Y-You’re excited?” 
“Of course I’m excited. I’m fuckin’ ecstatic. I-I’m gonna be a dad.  I fuckin’ love you so much, baby.” Charlotte giggled as he peppered her face with kisses and his hand went to her stomach. 
“You still gonna love me when I’m hormonal a-and fat with swollen feet?” She laughed, wiping away her tears.
“I’ll give you all the foot rubs you want, baby girl. God, I love you so much.” 
Her head rested on his chest as he held her. However, after a moment he pulled back and lifted her chin to his eyes. 
“H-How do you feel?” He asked, so wrapped up in his own emotions that he did not even know if Charlotte was happy. He assumed she was but he also knew it was different for women, they had to sacrifice so much for almost a year to have a baby. And their lives were just about to slow down, he could not fault her if she was not pleased with the timing. 
“I’m excited. Nervous,” she laughed. “But I think it would be weird as hell if I wasn’t. W-we talked about this so much. The timing is a bit earlier than we planned,” she admitted. “But I’ve always wanted to be a mom and I couldn’t have picked a better man to knock me up,” he chuckled. “So yea, I’m really happy.” She covered her mouth and her eyes fell closed as she yawned. 
“Why don’t you go lay down while I figure out dinner? Cool with takeout? You gotta rest while you grow the next greatest actor of a generation anyway?” 
“You’re already choosing their career for them??” she asked as she headed toward their bedroom.
“Definitely. They’re gonna wanna follow in mom and dad’s footsteps, of course.” 
Charlotte threw back the covers and climbed into their bed, laughing at her husband’s antics. She flopped down dramatically on the pillow, the beast of sleep already coming to claim her again. 
Michael sat on the bed next to her, his hand going to her belly as soft snores filled his ears. He just held his hand there, mesmerized by his wife and the life they created together. 
“You know, I woulda gotten pregnant longgggg ago if I knew it would get me these pancakes on a regular,” Charlotte teased as her husband moved around their kitchen and cleaned up from breakfast. The sweet taste of apples and cinnamon filled her mouth as she took another bite, a soft moan escaping her lips. “It’s like a taste orgasm.” She wiggled her hips and shoulders as if to do a dance in her seat that signified her pleasure. 
All Michael could do was laugh at her antics. He had made her those pancakes before going to set almost every day that he had a late call time. It was extra effort, but worth it to see the smile on her face and ensure she was eating. 
“Anything for you.” 
She eyed him for a minute, her manicured hand letting the fork fall to her plate. “You know you don’t have to do this? I love it and they are delicious but you’re gonna spoil me… and I’ll be bigger than our house by the end if you keep this up.”  
Bakari shrugged as he picked up his cup of coffee after starting their dishwasher. He slid over to her side of the counter and into a bar stool next to her. His free hand went to her stomach. Though there was no visible bump yet, his hands seemed to gravitate toward her stomach these days. 
“I just like to see you eating so if I gotta make pancakes every meal to make sure you eat, that’s aight with me.” 
While the pair were happy about the pregnancy, Michael found it difficult to witness the toll it already took on his wife’s body. She could barely keep food down, which did not make her want to eat at all, and despite sleeping every chance she got, she still felt fatigued all the time. Michael was the only person who could coax food into her these days. And right now, his baby’s food of choice were his world famous pancakes. He knew the taxing schedule on set was not helping, though Steven tried his best to ensure Charlie had enough breaks and time to rest. She was not very good at taking them and using them to actually rest though, despite his urges to do so. He hoped that as soon as they wrapped, he could convince her to take it easy. 
“I’m good. Just a couple more weeks, baby.” At his raised eyebrow, she nodded to reassure him. “Seriously, I’m fine. I’ve gotten used to it. It’s fucking miserable and they don’t tell you that morning sickness is a fucking lie. It’s all-damn-day sickness. But,” she concluded her mini rant. “The worst’ll be behind us in no time.” 
Michael leaned over and whispered to her stomach, “Go easy on mama today, ok? She’s working really hard to keep you healthy.” 
He peppered her stomach with kisses, causing Charlotte to giggle. She playfully smacked his arm to get him to stop, her hand lingering against the taunt muscles straining against his shirt. Her nails dragged against the length of his bicep, Michael immediately registering the look of lust in her eyes. He would say he and his wife’s appetite was generally in sync. However, her doctor warned that hers could diminish or skyrocket due to the hormones. Lately, it seemed like only the latter was true. Not that he was complaining. 
He shook his head. “Honeybee… We gotta go. You know Steven’ll fine us both if we’re late.” 
Charlotte’s lips curled up into a sly smile, deciding that his words were a mere challenge. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him as she sucked on his neck, teasing his most sensitive spot.
“You ain’t playing fair, Els,” he whispered in her ear. 
“Like you ever do?” She gently bit his skin before continuing her teasing. “Now, let me finish and I’ll make that fine worth it for both of us.”  
This girl…, Michael thought to himself. He knew they both should be heading out the door to work. But when it came to his wife, he lacked all self control.
She continued to suck on his ear and gently bit his neck as her hand slid into the waistband of his joggers, his member already straining against his boxers. Her touch immediately pushed the thoughts of a fine out of his mind, immediately picking her up and whisking her away to their bedroom for a late morning quickie before set because he knew she would make it worth it.
“And cut!” Steven called out, Michael immediately pulling on her arms to help her sit up off the bed.  “That was good, that was good. But Charlie… I need a lot more energy. Feels like it’s dragging a bit. I think we need a couple more takes to sharpen it up a bit and then I’ll cue straight into the intimate part of the scene. We probably only need to do that one once or twice. We’ll take 10 to reset and then we’ll start from you coming into the hotel room straight through the engagement and kiss. Sounds good?” 
The couple nodded, Charlotte letting out a groan of frustration at herself as soon as Steven walked away. She was trying her best today, but she was pulling from a well that had run completely dry. She was giving it every ounce of energy she had and she did not feel like there was much else to offer her director and scene partner. And she despised knowing that her all was still not enough. 
Michael’s hand cupped her head, avoiding her face to not disturb her makeup, his fingers gently massaging the base of her skull. Her eyes fell closed at the soothing and relaxing touch. “You ok?” 
“Yea, yea. Just tired.” Her words were emphasized by a long yawn she could not stifle. 
“I can ask him to take a longer break?” 
“No, no. I’m good.” 
“You wanna eat something? Did you drink water today? Always forgettin’ to drink water,” he mumbled under his breath. He glanced around until his eyes landed on a PA. “Aye, can you grab a bottle of water for her?”
“Right away, sir.”  
“I already ate and yes, I drank water today, dad.” She huffed with annoyance. “I’m good, Bakari. I promise. Just tired and a bit uncomfortable. If it makes you feel better, I’ll call the doctor as soon as we finish up this scene.” 
Though he did not press the issue farther, she could feel his eyes on her from that moment forward, following her every movement, examining every action for signs of pain, discomfort, or exhaustion.  
She pushed herself off the bed as she saw Steven coming back to the director’s chair, a sign she needed to return to her starting spot in the bathroom. However, she only made it a step before a searing pain rippled through her lower back. 
“Oof,” she whispered, sitting back down, her hand gently massaging it irritably as she waited for it to subside. 
“Places!” She heard Steven call. 
This time, she was able to get up with no pain and make her way to the bathroom  and closed the door to start the scene.
“Annddd action!” 
However, as soon as she went to open the door, the cue to start their proposal scene, she doubled over, her legs almost giving out as another cramp,  this one far worse than the last, hit her. She audibly and instinctually groaned in pain, a sound that immediately caught her husband’s ear.
She did not have to say a word or call for help as she braced herself over the sink, Michael having almost ripped the door off it’s hinges to be at her side in superhuman speed.. 
“S-something’s wrong,” she whimpered, doubled over in pain, her arm wrapped tightly around her stomach.. 
“Aye! Call an ambulance!” Michael called out, the entire set jumping into action as he cradled her against his chest.
“F-fuck… fuck, it h-hurts.” 
“Ok, Charlotte, baby. You gotta breathe for me. We’re gonna get you to a hospital, aight? It’s gonna be ok.” 
She merely let out a sad whimper of acknowledgement, tears springing to her eyes as she knew in her heart what was happening. She did not need a doctor to tell her. She did not even look at Michael, fear that he would be able to see it in her eyes. 
His fingers interlaced with hers as they rode to the hospital, he did not let her go until the doctor came in to examine her and ushered him out, an action he did reluctantly.
He paced up and down the visitor’s lounge, occasionally sitting to answer a text from folks on set or their families as they reached out to check on her. His constant refrain, “no news yet,” got harder and harder to type as the time ticked by. He wished he had more to give, and had answers himself. In between staring at the ugly patterns littering the chairs of the waiting room and burning a hole in their carpet from his incessant pacing, he tried to google her symptoms to determine what could be wrong. However, he only got through one result before he could not read any further. He prayed his suspicions and crude google searching were not correct, that this dream they had created, built, and made a reality was not being torn from their hands just as they had started to cling to it. But he knew God’s plan rarely aligned with their own. 
“Mr. Jordan?” A nurse came up to him, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
He almost jumped out of his seat. 
“C-can I see her?” 
“Of course, I’ll take you back now.” 
He followed after the nurse, his body finding it hard to put one foot in front of the other for the first time. It was as if he was approaching the gallows but no one had told him yet. He just knew it. He hated that, that feeling of dread that followed him down the winding halls of the hospital like a ghost. It felt like deja-vu, this feeling, this scene was all too familiar, a dreaded walk down a sterile hospital hallway to his wife, a walk he had once prayed he would never have to do again. That instance had a happy ending, however, he did not think he would be so lucky this time. 
He took a deep breath before pushing open her door, finding her alone staring up at the tiled ceiling. Her bloodshot eyes shifted toward the door at the sound of it opening, the young woman immediately sitting up at the sight of her husband.
Her eyes immediately welled up with tears. 
“I-I a-am s-so sorry.” 
Michael had certainly experienced heartbreak before in his life. But he was not sure if he had ever felt it shatter quite like this as he heard the brokenness in his wife’s voice. He could see her guilt and shame so clearly, two emotions she did not earn or deserve to carry. 
He sniffled, a tear escaping before he wiped it quickly. Despite the pain he felt, he knew hers was tenfold emotionally and physically. He could process his emotions later. Right now he had to be here for her. He wrapped her in a tight hug, her body sagging into his and her fingers clutching him as if releasing him would mean losing the last bit of composure she had. He placed a lingering kiss on the top of her head and held her as she sobbed, the couple grieving the loss of a life and their dream.  
When Charlotte finally stopped crying and the doctor returned to give them her prescription and all the after care information they needed, Michael took copious notes. He could tell that Charlotte was not fully there, her despondent and unmoving gaze at the wall across from the doctor gave away the fact that her mind was far from the small room in the ER. 
She did not cry or even shed another tear after he entered, her eyes the only sign that she had cried at all. Her face was neutral, wholly unshaken and unmoved by the doctor’s explanation of the next week or two of their lives and the pain she was likely to be in. The only comfort he could offer was a prescription to speed up the process. But he still recommended she take a week to rest. Everytime he asked her if she had any questions, the shake of her head was miniscule and she spoke no words except the apology she uttered when Michael first entered the room. 
And that trend continued well into the evening when they returned home and into the next day. She merely existed, moving through the motions like a robot, mechanical and unfeeling. She accepted his help without protest, offered no rebuttal to his suggestion for dinner, which she barely ate, and gave him only clipped one word answers when he asked about her pain levels or offered her medicine. Even his “I love you,” when he got her settled in bed went unanswered, though he knew she heard him, felt her whole body tense and stiffen at the words before she turned away from him to go to sleep without uttering them back. Her icy actions did not improve the next day either, Michael having far too many one-sided conversations as he tried to care for his wife. Her actions were cold, colder than he ever knew them to be. And when all he wanted to do was cling to her and mourn their loss together, it only compounded his pain to feel that rejection and be forced to contend with it alone.
“Alright, thanks Mike. Charlie is in hair and make up and then we’ll do two scenes in the apartment before calling it a day.” 
Michael did a double take when he heard his wife’s name, figuring that Steven had merely misspoken. He glanced up from his cell phone where he was taking notes.. “Nah, Els is at home till next week.” 
Steven glanced down at his call sheet. “Nah, she is here.” Michael nearly ripped the clipboard out of the man’s hands, his eyes scanning it until he found her name with a call time of an hour prior. “She’s been in hair and make up for a bit. She said whatever was wrong cleared up and confirmed her schedule with me last night.” 
Michael turned away from Steven and expelled a deep breath of rage. His hands balled into a fist for a moment as he tried to not blow up at his director and lose his job. However, he did not know who he was more upset with, Steven for not checking with him or his wife for pulling this type of shit in the first place.  
“Why didn’t you mention that shit to me?” 
Steven seemed totally unphased by Michael’s anger. He was a husband, he understood. But work was work and he would not apologize or feel bad for doing his job. “She’s your wife but here she’s a peer, just like anyone else. She said she was good to go. I can’t ignore that just because you disagree. She’s her own person, Mike. If she said she’s good, I gotta respect that.”
As if on cue, Charlotte walked onto the set. She had her script in hand and engaged in a lively conversation with one of the PAs. Her laughter filled the quiet set, Michael not understanding how she could seem so bubbly and energetic when he knew she was still in pain and grieving. Her body was still reeling from the miscarriage. Even if she would not share the details with him, he knew she was still in pain. No one on set knew the real story, the pair lying about what was wrong since no one knew she was pregnant. So Charlotte made sure to put on a show, even if she did not feel like it and even though it was incredibly difficult as she played a new mom in the movie. Even though it was hard to push through the walls of both physical and emotional pain surrounding her, she knew she had to.   
“Aye Charlie!” Steven waved her over. 
Charlotte sighed and excused herself from the conversation before making her way to Michael and Steven. She knew this was not going to be a good conversation. When Michael left the house this morning, she had been in bed resting. She had purposely asked Steven to make her call time later so she could leave without the watchful eye of her warden. 
It had been four days and though Michael and the doctors’ said she should rest for about a week, she just could not sit in the house by herself and wallow in their loss any longer. Besides, being at home felt like it’s own form of torture for the last four days, she and Michael existed like repelling magnets, orbiting around each other but unable to be close.
Charlotte knew it was her fault, she was doing the repelling this time around, not him. But she could not help it. Her guilt and shame ate her alive every moment of the day. That coupled with the physical pain she was in and grief she felt was a dangerous combination. And while Michael was dotting on her and wanted to talk through their feelings, she just could not. Every time she tried to find the words to speak to him, she couldn’t, the shame stealing the words right from her mouth. She could not even truly look him in the eye, terrified of what she would see in his usually compassionate eyes when she did and terrified of what he would say if they talked. He would blame her for not taking care of herself and his child and he would see her as the failure she was. It was a long time coming, she supposed, a fear she had suppressed but lived with since she met Michael. But she feared this was the final nail in her coffin, the disappointment he could not live with. And it would be a completely fair assessment, that was the truth in her mind. However, she just could not bear to hear those words from him, not on top of everything else. It was easier, better, to just avoid him. She needed an escape from all those feelings that plagued her so she decided to return to work. She needed that now more than ever. 
“Hey!” She offered brightly, ignoring Michael’s furrowed eyebrows and tense jaw, telltale signs that he was angry. “What’s up?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to set today? The doc said you need to be in bed for a week, Charlotte.” 
“Yea if you need a few more days, that’s totally fine. There’s still a lot to shoot with Mike and Florian that we can work through.” 
“No, this is the filming schedule so I’m here. I feel fine.” Her tone was short, hoping to leave no room for debate or conversation. However, she knew her husband was too protective for that. Her words might have been enough for Steven but they certainly weren’t enough for Michael.
Michael shook his head. “You are not fine, Charlotte. You need to go home.” 
Her tone was not rude but the word settled in Michael’s ear and immediately angered him. They never told each other no without explanation or compromise. 
“I’m gonna go and check in with the AD while yall work this out.” Steven immediately excused himself, not desiring to be caught in a marital squabble. 
Michael gestured for Charlotte to follow him outside, the pair offering polite nods to people they passed as they walked to his trailer, the only spot on set where they could have privacy. His door slammed shut behind him loudly, an audible representation of his anger.
“Fuck you mean, no?” 
“No is a complete sentence, Bakari. I’m good. And now I’m gonna go do my job. It’s not a big deal.”
“‘It’s not a big deal??’ You just had a miscarriage, Charlotte!” He noted how her whole body seemed to flinch as he said the word. “Look me in my eye and tell me you aren’t in pain.” 
As much as she wanted to, she could not. The bleeding and cramping still had not stopped, even several days later. The doctor had warned her but knowing it could last a week or more did not make it any less torturous. But that did not seem reason enough for her to return to their home. She would rather work through every cramp than lay in her bed alone analyzing what happened and what she could have done differently, and obsessing over whether her husband might leave her.  
“Exactly. I’ll call you a car but you need to go home. And if you’re worried, I can tell Steven what happened. He’ll understand why you need the days, especially considering the contents of the movie. You don't gotta do this.” 
The thought of telling their director what happened only enraged her more. “Absolutely not! We aren’t telling him or anyone else!” 
“Why not??” 
“Because he already saw me sick a-and I don’t need the entire set, and because people fucking gossip, the whole world to know my body is fucking failing at its one job!”
She turned away from him, letting out a groan of frustration at letting her thoughts slip out. Michael had a way about him, of demanding honesty and vulnerability even when she fought so hard to keep it to herself. That is why she avoided long conversations with him lately. Something in him always demanded she fall, and she was not prepared to do that and face his rejection. However, she did not notice how his eyes immediately softened as her words settled in the air, the word failure hitting him harder than Florian’s punches. 
“Baby, is that what you th-” Michael’s hand went to the small of her back to turn her around but she flinched away from him. She could not hear lies to placate her or make her feel better about what happened. They would not work. She was a failure, she knew it and so did he. 
“I said no, Michael,” she cut him off, sliding on a cold exterior to hide the one that wanted to do nothing other than crumble into a thousand pieces. “And I mean it. I’m working until the day’s over.  And that’s that.” She knew her words and actions bordered on irrational and he was not in the wrong for fighting him on it. But work, the bustle of set, was the only place she could retreat to where she knew she would not fall apart, where she could feel something other than the harsh sting of failure and shame. So she could not leave. This set was her life raft and she would cling to the flimsy sides of it tightly to avoid drowning in her own sea of despair. 
“Charlotte. I ain't askin’,” Michael's voice got low, the tone he only reserved for when her stubbornness reached untenable levels, when he was done debating or arguing. She always acquiesced to his wishes at that point because he pulled out this tactic rarely, only to convey how serious he felt. But her need for self-preservation outweighed her desire to avoid a fight with her husband. So she clung to her stubbornness, an ironclad refusal to yield even an inch. She squared her shoulders and took a step toward him, his body blocking the door. 
“And I wasn’t negotiating. Unless you’re gonna have Steven kick me off set or close the set altogether, I am not leaving. And I know you aren’t gonna do either of those things.” She gestured toward the front of the trailer. “Move, Michael.” 
The pair stared each other down for a moment, their first true stalemate in their marriage where neither of them would concede. Michael knew he would have to be the one to bend this time, there was no other option. He could pick her up and force her into a car but that was not his way. If she would not leave on her own, he very well would not force her physically or by embarrassing her on set. He knew his wife’s coping mechanisms were unhealthy and that a day on set playing a mom would only amplify their pain but he also knew when her walls were up. She had stacked them higher than could be broken down or through today, it was a waste of both of their energy. 
He sucked his teeth and nodded, sliding to the side to let her pass. She marched by him, only stopping when he grabbed her arm, his touch was cautious and gentle, his grip loose enough that she could remove her arm the moment she wanted to. But she lingered, made no attempts to rip her arm from his touch before he could offer a final word in their argument. His finger went to her chin to force her eyes toward his. He could see her trying to look anywhere but at him. But he could see the thinnest mist cast over her eyes as he held her there for a moment. 
“I know you better than anyone, Charlotte. And I know you’re hurting. Lying and avoiding that doesn’t do shit for either of us. I love you and I just want to help. You’re gonna have to talk to me eventually.” 
She sniffled and forced her eyes to the ceiling to stop tears from falling. 
“I just want to work, Michael. I don’t want to talk, I don’t want help, I don’t want to wallow in it. I j-just…” her voice broke as she hastily wiped a fallen tear. “I just want to go do my job. It’s all I have right now and that is what I want to focus on. I just want to go do that. Now please, let me go.”  
He immediately dropped her arm, the young woman taking a deep breath before she wiped a stray tear from her face and stepped out of his trailer without a second glance. Michael watched her retreat until the door to his trailer swung closed again.
Tag list: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings
A/N: So we got a one shot of Michael pushing Charlotte away, seemed only fitting that we get a parallel situation with Charlotte pushing him away. Drop a comment and let me know what you thought and if you want to be tagged! Thanks for reading :)
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Symbiote | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Shortly after joining the Avengers, Wanda meets another member of the team who has an interesting superpower
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut (minors dni), language
Word Count: 3.7K
A/N: This was an anon request.  Enjoy!
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“So, got any questions?”
Wanda glanced around the hallway, taking in her new surroundings.  During the Battle of Sokovia, she’d taken Clint up on his offer to become an Avenger when she decided to fight with them against Ultron.  So after the city was destroyed, she returned back to the Compound with the rest of the team.  It had taken her some time to settle in.  While she was adjusting to a new life in a new country, she was also mourning the loss of her brother.  Pietro was killed protecting Clint and a young Sokovian boy during the battle.  His death left an indelible void in her soul, the grief crashing over her again and again.  She felt like she was drowning in sorrow.  The team had given her space for a few days, allowing her to mourn, but after a week Natasha had taken matters into her own hands.  She dragged Wanda from her room, unshowered and still in her pajamas, to give her a tour of the base.  They’d worked their way through every room, down every hallway, and around every corner.  Nat paused momentarily, giving Wanda some time to take in the sheer size of the Compound.
“No,” she shook her head.
“Good.  Come on, we’ll head to the gym next.  You’re gonna love it.  We spar twice a week and most of us spend the other three days lifting or doing some other training.  Steve’s the freak, he’s here every day, sometimes even twice a day!  But you don’t have…” 
Wanda droned out Nat’s overenthusiastic speech on the importance of variety in her physical training.  She was lost in her thoughts.  The Avengers Compound reminded her of the HYDRA facility she’d spent the last few years at.  She trembled each time Nat opened another door, fearing that she’d see the rooms that haunted her nightmares.  But the widow’s jokes and anecdotes reassured her that she was safe.
“...and that was the last time we let Tony use his suits in a basketball game.”  Wanda looked up, squinting against the bright overhead lights.  She had no idea what Nat was talking about.  “Come on, the weight room is that way,” she said, motioning to a door across the court.  Their shoes squeaked as they walked across the court.  
When Natasha pushed the door to the weight room open, it wasn’t the rows of cardio machines or the brand new circuit machines that caught Wanda’s eye: it was the man in the squat rack.  He was shirtless, his back muscles glistening with sweat as the bar rested across his shoulders.  She watched as he squatted down, taking the full weight of the bar down with him.  His thighs strained against his olive green shorts as he pushed back up, handling the plates on either side with relative ease.  The way he moved mesmerized her.  Her eyes were glued to the way his tight shorts hugged his ass.  
God, he’s hot, she thought.  She bit her lower lip as she watched him strain against his last rep, shakily pushing the weight back up before re-racking it and stepping away from the bar.  He leaned against the rack as he grabbed his phone, scrolling through it as he ignored the women behind him.
“That’s Y/N L/N.  He’s one of us.  Spent four in the Corps, one tour to Afghanistan, countless classified missions doing something he can’t tell us yet.  He’s quiet.  Only really talks to Bucky and that’s when he feels like talking.  I don’t know much, but from what I can gather he’s a little messed up from some shit he’s seen,” Nat explained.  “He spends a lot of time in the gym.  I think it helps him relax.”
Wanda watched as Y/N noticed Natasha in the mirror.  He glanced up from his phone, nodding his head in acknowledgement as she waved back.  
“New recruit,” she mouthed, pointing to Wanda.  Her legs turned to jelly as he locked eyes with her, his Y/E/C eyes searing themselves into her soul.  He shot her a quick smile before throwing his phone back on the mat and lining himself up under the bar again.  She stared unabashedly while he began his repetitive pattern of movement under the bend of the strained bar.  A warmth spread throughout her entire body as she felt a pang of arousal blossom in her stomach. “Alright, stop drooling.  Let’s go.”  Natasha practically dragged Wanda out of the weight room.  She would’ve watched him for the rest of the day had she been given the chance.  For the first time since Pietro died she was able to distract herself from her sorrows.  “He’s a cutie, isn’t he?”
“I guess,” Wanda shrugged.
“Oh please, I watched you mentally undress him back there,” she teased.  Wanda blushed, knowing what Nat said was true.  He was built like Adonis, a Greek god in his own right.  
“He is cute,” Wanda relented.  “Does he really not talk to anyone?”
“Basically.  He really only shows up for required training and missions.  I think I’ve seen him at maybe one party-?”
“Why wasn’t he with us in Sokovia?”
“He was off on another mission.  Fury needed his skills somewhere else.” “What are his skills?” Wanda wanted to know what brought him to the Avengers.
“Oh, you’ll see,” Natasha smirked.  “It’s tough to explain.”
Wanda wracked her brain trying to think of what Y/N’s skillset could possibly be.  Nat would’ve told her if he was a telepath like her.  It had to be more complicated than being a Super Soldier like Captain America or an assassin like Nat had been.  But the mystery of it all made him that much more enticing to her.  At that moment, she told herself that she was going to do whatever it took to talk to him.
They were in the midst of a fight in Paris of all places.  Justin Hammer had moved his base of operations there after breaking out of prison.  Now his Hammer suits were flying rogue and terrorizing the city.  They reminded her of the Ultron bots.  Strong and innumerable, the team was struggling to put them all down.  
“Wanda, incoming bogeys on your right,” Steve’s voice crackled through Wanda’s earpiece.  She whipped around, scanning the sky for the flying time bombs.  The suits were aimed straight at her, their arms outstretched as they primed their missiles.  Wanda’s hands shot up in front of her.  Her fingers moved smoothly as the robots plummeted to the earth with her magic.  
“Got them,” she reported back.  A whizzing noise behind her caused her to throw up a protective shield.  It defended her from the rockets that exploded inches from her head.
Wanda looked up as Steve, Clint, and Natasha ran towards her.  Clint was bent over, hands on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath.  Natasha had blood running down her face and was pacing with her hands on her head.  Steve’s brows furrowed as he looked helplessly around at the scene before him.  Things were not going well.
“Hey Tony,” Steve pushed his earpiece in while his other hand held his battered shield by his side.  “I think we need some backup.”
“Roger that, Cap.  Okay, kid, we’re gonna need you,” Tony called through their comms.
Who’s he talking to? Wanda thought.  We didn’t bring any backup.
Before she had a chance to ask, she saw Y/N running through the dust.  As he ran, his face twisted in concentration, Wanda noticed what looked like a dark shadow following him only it wasn’t a shadow and it wasn’t following him.  Much to her surprise Y/N was being encompassed by a dark goo-like material.  The goo covered him completely, but while it covered him he started to change.  He grew taller, his muscles larger, and his eyes grew big and white while his tongue grew long and his teeth sharp.  He was totally unrecognizable by the time the transformation was complete.
“What the hell?” she said out loud.  “That’s his skillset?!”  She glared over at Nat, who chuckled weakly.
“Yeah, that’s it.”
“What the hell is that thing?”
“We’re not exactly sure.  Most of Tony and Bruce’s research points to an alien symbiote who uses Y/N as a host.  So right now he’s in charge, not Y/N.”
“We call him Venom,” Clint added.  “He’s a little out there, but he’s decent so long as you stay on his good side.”
Wanda stared in amazement as she watched Venom attack the Hammer suits.  He lept into the air, grabbing one and throwing it down to the ground.  As suits flew in from all directions, he fought them off one by one, shooting what looked like webs from his wrists as he pulled them down.  His tongue flew excitedly in all directions as he laughed at the carnage he was creating.  The suits didn’t stand a chance: he was virtually indestructible.  
“He’s taken the bulk of them down, let’s get back there and finish the job,” Steve said, tightening the grips on his shield as he ran towards the chaos.  Clint notched an arrow and Natasha pulled the pistols out of her holsters.  They charged towards the oncoming suits, shooting in every direction while Venom stomped and smashed and slashed his way through the metal menaces one by one.  Wanda shook her head, clearing the images of Y/N somewhere inside the alien as she ran to join her team.  She managed to tear two suits apart as she jogged toward Venom, catching his oversized menacing eyes.
“So you’re the one Y/N’s been telling me about,” a raspy voice realized.  Wanda looked up at the looming figure.  
“You can talk?”  Her mind was being blown by the second.
“Sure.  He talks to me all the time, sometimes I talk back.  And has he told me all about you.”  The alien looked her up and down.  
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Wanda asked, tilting her head.  She dodged the torso of a robot Venom had just ripped apart with his claws.
“I think you’re downright sexy.  Nothing more attractive than a woman who can kick some ass.”  He shot a gooey web towards another group that was charging toward Wanda.  “That’s what he thinks, too.”
“Really?” Wanda felt her cheeks redden.  It wasn’t from the heat of battle.
“Oh yeah.  You wouldn’t believe the things he’s told me about you, sweetheart.  Things that he wants to do to you.” “Like?” she asked.  Venom’s tongue shot out of his mouth, wrapping around the neck of a suit, pulling it close, and crushing it.
“That’s not the only thing this tongue can do,” he teased as he spit the decapitated head off.  Wanda felt herself swooning at the alien’s words.  “And trust me, that’s one of the tamer things he’s talked about.”
Filthy images of what that tongue could do to her filled Wanda’s mind, distracting her from the battle.  Luckily Clint was able to shoot a net arrow at one of the final groups of flying suits, trapping them as Venom smashed them all into broken chunks of iron.  “Wanda, let’s go!” Clint yelled as he ran towards the Quinjet.
“If you’re not interested in him, I can always show you a good time,” Venom said as he jogged his way back to the ship.  “Pretty thing like you shouldn’t have to be alone.”
“Thanks, but I think I’ll try my luck,” Wanda smirked as she flew up the ramp.
She couldn’t sleep.  Fantasies of Venom's tongue violating her in all the right ways looped through her mind, sending her into a state of flustered arousal as opposed to restful sleep.  She tossed and turned in her bed.  After a couple of restless hours, she gave up on trying to get to sleep. Wanda sat on the edge of her bed, unsure of what to do next.  She knew nothing would be able to calm her mind.  So, in an act of desperation, she decided to wander down to the gym.  Maybe Y/N would be there.
The clatter of weights being re-racked reached Wanda long before the sterile lights as she walked across the dark basketball court.  Y/N had already been in there for a while. His white t-shirt clung to his bulging muscles.  He was sitting on the end of the bench, the weights waiting for him to start his next set of bench presses as he scrolled on his phone, a bottle of Gatorade sitting next to him.
Wanda made no attempt to hide as she watched him.  The discovery of his alter ego made him that much more mysterious in her mind.  She wondered what he was like as opposed to the symbiote.  Venom was straightforward and flirtatious while Y/N was not.  What was really going on in his mind, she wondered.  As she rotated through different scenarios in her mind, he looked up from his phone and caught her eye.
“Oh, hi.  Sorry, I don’t mean to disturb you.”  Wanda felt her cheeks burn as she tried to disappear into herself.  He made her so anxious.
“Wanda, hey,” he replied slightly out-of-breath.  “Can’t sleep?”
She shook her head.  “Thought I’d come down here to clear my mind.”
He looked her up and down.  “You don’t look dressed for it,” he mused.  Wanda realized she was still in her pajamas and slippers.  “So what’s up?  Why can’t you sleep?”  
“Well I, uhh, I met your….friend earlier.”
“Oh, him?” Y/N chuckled.  Wanda nodded, her heart pounding in her chest.  “I know.  He told me about it.”” “You’re telling me you talk to that thing?!”
“I mean yeah, we share the same body.  Kinda hard not to if you know what I mean,” he said with a slight smirk.  “But yeah, he told me he actually talked to you earlier.  Said the two of you had a pleasant conversation.”  Y/N threw his phone on the ground and laid back on the bench.  He gripped the barbell overhead.  Wanda watched as he braced his body in preparation to take the heavy weight in his hand.
“I can’t say it was a pleasant conversation,” Wanda told him.  She watched as he struggled to push the barbell up from his chest, his arms shaking under the strain.  It was absolutely mesmerizing to her, the way his entire body worked to move the straining bar up and down.  “Your friend’s not afraid to speak his mind.”
Y/N groaned as he re-racked the weight, feeling the tension release from his body.  “And my mind too, right?”  Wanda stared at him.  She truly had no idea what to say.  “They were pretty filthy things from what he told me.”  The air in the room felt thick as Wanda struggled to breathe.  Memories of Venom’s words echoed in her ears in tandem with Y/N’s.  “And you know what?” he asked rhetorically, pushing himself off the bench and walking toward Wanda.  “He was right about all of it,” he whispered in her ear.
Before Wanda had a moment to respond she found herself swept up in Y/N’s arms as he crushed her to him, slamming his lips against hers.  The sensation of his lips against hers was ecstasy, a feeling driven by pure unadulterated lust.  Her body melted into the feeling of his arms trailing up and down her back.  He gripped her tightly, guiding her backwards until she felt herself bump into a bench.  As she stopped his hands drew down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up.
“Here?  Won’t someone see us?” She was the new one on the team and the last thing she wanted was to be caught hooking up with another team member in the gym.
“It’s well after midnight, we’re fine,” he told her as he continued to pull her shirt off.  The room was cool.  A chill ran down Wanda’s spine as Y/N threw her shirt over his shoulder and exposed her bare chest.  “These too,” he coaxed, slipping his fingers into the waistband of her pajama pants and sliding them down.  Wanda stepped out of them, feeling totally exposed as she stood nude in front of him.  He eyed her greedily, examining each and every inch of her exposed flesh as he ripped off his own shorts and t-shirt.  “Come on,” he said, sitting on an adjustable bench across from where Wanda stood and raising the back of it up.  “Or am I gonna have to do all the work myself?”
The dryness in her mouth stopped any words from coming out.  She watched Y/N sit back on the bench, fully exposed, massaging his throbbing erection as wetness pooled around her inner thighs.  She walked over to him, not taking her eyes off the way his face subtly contorted under his self-induced pleasure.  “Are you ready?” she asked as she straddled his lap, her entrance hovering over him.
“If you don’t hurry up I’m gonna throw you over the bench and have my way with you that way,” he replied through gritted teeth.  Without warning he grabbed Wanda’s hips and slammed her down onto him.  Her eyes widened in shock at the sudden intrusion.  She collapsed forward, resting her head in the crook of his neck, as she adjusted to the feeling of his cock within her.  
“Fuck,” Wanda whimpered.  Her breath was hot against his skin as she whined into his neck.  She grabbed his sides, bracing herself against him and the floor as she adjusted to his size.  He was big, there was no denying that.  But the initial pain gave way to pleasure as her walls stretched around him.
“Come on, Wanda.  Don’t tell me you’re just going to sit there.”  She lifted her head from his neck, looking him in the eye as she firmly grasped his shoulders.  As she sat up straighter, her feet bracing against the floor, she began to rock back and forth.  Y/N dug his nails into her hips.  The sudden jolt of pain threw her off her steady rhythm.
“Oh god,” she moaned as Y/N pushed her hips back and forth at a tempo faster than the one she started.  She followed his movements, eventually regaining control as she used her legs to help her momentum.
“That’s it, Wanda.  You’re doing such a good job.”  His words made her moan.  She picked up the pace, bouncing up and down on his cock as he started to roll his hips in time with her movements.  As they moved in time, Wanda felt the familiar coil building in her belly as he filled her.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she chanted as he thrusted upward and hit just the right spot.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Y/N moaned as Wanda’s walls fluttered around him.  She leaned forward, resting her forehead on his.  They stared intently into each other’s eyes, their soft moans echoing throughout the room.  Y/N reached up to capture her lips in his.  He was rough, biting her bottom lip while she gasped into his mouth.  She’d never been with anyone who’d ever been that rough with her before.  She loved it, the way he’d used her to satisfy himself.  It made her feel alive in a way she’d never been.
Wanda continued to ride him, the tension building inside her as she neared her climax.  Her movements became sloppy as she strained to feel him fill all of her.  “I’m close,” she whimpered.  She felt him exhale at her words, his hot breath hitting her face.  Y/N grunted as he drove his hips up harder into her.  Her jaw dropped as involuntary moans escaped her.  In a matter of seconds Wanda felt herself cum on his cock, her walls squeezing around him as her own arousal dripped down her thighs.  She let out a string of Sokovia expletives as she dug her nails into Y/N’s shoulders, pressing her head harder against his.
Y/N groaned as he came inside Wanda, his cock twitching as he released deep within her.  Wanda shuddered at the sensation of being filled.  She felt his cum spurt coat her walls as it dripped down her pussy.  She slowed her hips while the two of them came down from their highs.  “Oh god, that was better than I imagined,” he breathed, cupping her face.  Wanda chuckled, her chest still heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.
“That was fun,” she whispered as she wrapped her hands around his neck.  She stared deep into his Y/E/C eyes, basking in their warmth as they shared an intimate moment together.  A strand of his hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat.  Wanda giggled as she brushed it back into place.  
“You know, he’s going to want in on the action now,” Y/N remarked.
“He said he’s pretty good with his tongue,” Wanda joked.
“I can’t confirm anything, but he has a big mouth in more than one way.  But he’s never going to let-”
He was interrupted by the sound of footsteps pounding across the floor.  Natasha walked into the gym, completely oblivious to the fact that Wanda was sitting on Y/N’s lap, both of them completely naked, a few meters ahead of her.  Y/N slammed his hand over Wanda’s mouth as she opened it in horror.  His hand muffled her scream as Natasha walked closer to them totally engrossed in her phone.  Wanda frantically looked at Y/N, her eyes wide with fear.  Y/N’s expression was equally as terrified.  Suddenly Wanda raised a hand off his shoulder, red tendrils dancing around her svelte fingers as her eyes began to glow red.  As fast as Natasha had walked into the gym, she turned around and walked back out under a state of hypnosis.
“That was close,” Y/N breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Natasha was safely out of earshot, dropping his hand from her mouth.  Wanda exhaled, dropping her head onto his shoulder.
“You’re not kidding,” she responded.  “I told you we shouldn’t have done it here.”
“There’s a shower in the locker room,” he growled seductively in her ear.
“Oh really?” Wanda asked rhetorically.  “Why don’t we go check it out?”   
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robertasgym · 4 months
No-Repetition Circuit Workout for a 24-Minute Full Body Burn
Welcome to the ultimate sweat session: the No-Repetition Circuit Workout! This workout is like a dance for your muscles, keeping things fresh and exciting every step of the way. Say goodbye to boring reps and hello to a full-body burn that'll leave you feeling alive and energized.
In just 24 minutes, you'll work every inch of your body without ever repeating the same move twice. It's like a whirlwind tour for your muscles, hitting them from every angle and keeping them guessing what's next. With a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises, you'll be sweating, smiling, and feeling stronger with each passing minute. So grab your workout gear, crank up the tunes, and get ready to crush it with this No-Repetition Circuit Workout! Your body will thank you, and you'll thank yourself. Let's do this!
Don't compare your journey to anyone else's – your path is unique to you. Stay true to yourself and your goals, and you'll reach them in your own time. Good luck and have fun embracing your individuality! ❤️💪
**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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growingstories · 1 year
The greatest wrestler
Once upon a time in the small town of Oakwood, there lived a promising young wrestler named Ethan Turner.
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At the age of 18, Ethan had already established himself as a formidable force in the high school wrestling circuit. Despite his relatively small size of 180 pounds, his determination to become the biggest wrestler in the world knew no bounds.
Ethan's dream was to double his weight within the next five years, from 180 pounds to a staggering 360 pounds. This audacious goal seemed impossible to many, but Ethan was nothing short of a resilient dreamer. He knew that achieving such a feat would require immense sacrifices and hardships, but he was ready to face them head-on.
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The journey to becoming the biggest wrestler began at Ethan's kitchen table, where forced he himself to consume massive amounts of food each day. He meticulously crafted a diet plan that consisted of six meals, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Every bite was a challenge, as his body struggled to adapt to the sudden increase in calorie intake. Force-feeding himself wasn't just physically strenuous but also emotionally draining; he often felt nauseous and overwhelmed.
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As his weight began to climb steadily, Ethan battled not only with the constant discomfort of a stuffed stomach, but also with various health issues. His joints creaked and ached under his growing mass, and he frequently found himself in unbearable pain after intense training sessions. The loneliness he experienced grew with each passing day, as his demanding training routine and dietary restrictions kept him apart from his friends and classmates. Ethan's dedication to his goals often isolated him from the pleasures of the teenage years, but he believed it was all worth it.
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Ethan spent endless hours at gym, the lifting weights, working on his agility, and conditioning himself to become an unstoppable force in the wrestling ring. Each day, he pushed his limits, motivated by the vivid image in his mind of the future he aspired to While. his muscles grew stronger and more defined, the abs he once possessed began to disappear beneath layers of fat. It was a sign of his progress, a necessary sacrifice on the path to achieving greatness.
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Throughout his journey, Ethan had an unwavering admiration for his wrestling coach, Coach Thompson. Under his guidance, Ethan felt empowered to break his limits and pursue his goals with renewed vigor. As time went on, Ethan's admiration for Coach Thompson developed into something deeper, something that resembled love. The mentor-student relationship transformed into an emotional attachment that Ethan found solace in.
Determined to please Coach Thompson, Ethan followed every instruction and demand, no matter how difficult or unconventional they seemed. He blindly trusted his coach, that believing he held the key to unlocking his true potential. Though the love was one-sided, Ethan's dedication to his coach amplified, serving as a both blessing and a curse.
As Ethan plowed through his training regimen, his body transformed rapidly. His once lean and athletic frame steadily expanded, filling out with thick layers of muscle and fat. While the changes were remarkable, the sight of his once-enviable physique now lost within his newfound girth filled Ethan with mixed emotions. The prospect of being the biggest wrestler thrilled him, but the loss his of prized six-pack reminded him of the sacrifices he had made along the way.
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Five years flew by, and day the of the final high school wrestling match arrived. Ethan stepped onto the wrestling mat, a colossus compared to his opponents. His massive figure dwarfed everyone else, and his sheer size became a legend in its own right. Spectators marveled at the dedication and sacrifice that brought Ethan to this point.
In the end, Ethan emerged victorious from his final wresting match, claiming the state championship as his own. The cheers of the crowd filled his ears, but beneath the surface, a mix of emotions swirled within him. As he stood atop the victory podium, weighing a mighty 360 pounds, he realized the true cost of his dreams.
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While Ethan's journey had transformed him physically and allowed him to achieve greatness as the biggest wrestler in the world, it had come at a great price. The joints that had once ached now screamed with agony; his body struggled to carry the weight that once defined him. The loneliness he experienced throughout the years left a wound that continued to throb.
Ethan's story teaches us that the pursuit of one's dreams carries with it both triumphs and tribulations. It shines a light on the importance of balance, reminding us that sacrificing too much for a single goal may cost us more than we bargained for. Although Ethan forged his path with determination and dedication, his journey to become the biggest wrestler in the world ultimately left him questioning the price he paid.
As the cheers faded and the lights dimmed, Ethan contemplated what lay ahead for him. The weight of his dreams had brought him this far, but now it was time to decide if the sacrifices were worth the cost. He wondered if he could balance his love for wrestling with the desire for a healthier and more fulfilling life—one where he could find companionship, happiness, and prosperity outside the ring.
And so, as the curtain closes on Ethan's remarkable journey, we are left with a lingering question: can he find sol andace contentment amidst the struggles he faced, or will his ambition continue to drive him towards a singular goal, regardless of the consequences? Only time will tell in this tale of sacrifice, dedication, and the pursuit of greatness.
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odxrilove · 1 year
☆ 10:47PM
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pairing: hoshi (kwon soonyoung) x reader
genre: fluff, comfort, established relationship
warnings: mentions about body, weight and losing weight, insecurities, insecure reader
wc: ~1k
a/n: wrote this at 1am 'cause i couldn't sleep! enjoy :D
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the room was filled by screams and yells coming from the anime that was currently playing on the tv, a concentrated hoshi not diverting his eyes from the screen. he suddenly gasped in shock at a random scene, his breath hitting your bare skin as he was laying comfortably with his head in your lap, his cheek squished against your thigh.
while hoshi was still immersed in the show, you had long lost focus and instead had spent the last thirty minutes daydreaming, not paying attention to your boyfriend’s exaggerated reactions.
something had been bothering you for a while now and knowing hoshi, he was probably too invested in the story line to even realize hours had passed so you decided to attract his attention by passing your fingers through his hair, grazing his skin at the nape of his neck.
your boyfriend slowly leaned his head into your palm and wriggled on your shared bed until he was looking at you, his other cheek now being squished against your thigh. he looked up at you with stars in his eyes and a pout on his lips and you couldn’t help but shy away a bit.
when hoshi felt your hand leave his hair, he groaned slightly and slid further on the bed towards you, fully intending to force you to play with his hair. you could only blush and let out a short giggle, making hoshi smile in contentment in return.
a few more minutes passed by, comfortable silence filling the room beside the occasional dialogue of the still ongoing anime. your boyfriend soon turned around to continue watching the show, not without leaving a kiss on your clothed stomach to thank you for the attention.
biting your lip in frustration, you looked down at your lap. you didn’t know how to bring up what was bothering you without feeling like a complete loser. you knew hoshi would listen attentively but you were still quite scared of his reaction.
you hadn’t even realized the episode was over and that another one was starting, your boyfriend turning towards you with a big smile on his face at the first few notes of the catchy opening song, knowing you liked this specific opening. but his smile soon faded and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw you picking at your nails in a nervous manner, your eyes not leaving your lap.
a soft call of your name brought you back to earth and you came face to face with a worried hoshi. you reassured him quickly and pushed his head back down where it originally was. you knew your boyfriend wasn’t a hundred percent convinced so you just stroked his free cheek.
maybe it was the sudden boldness or the way hoshi’s eyes seemed to plead but you opened your mouth, the words leaving as fast as possible.
“do you think i could, maybe, accompany you and woozi to the gym next time?”
a smile took over his face and he immediately relaxed before nodding enthusiastically. “of course you can! it will be fun, you will see!” his body seemed to further bury itself into the covers as he closed his eyes peacefully.
your breath hitched in your throat. it was now or never.
“don’t you think i should lose a bit of weight?”
hoshi shot up from his comfortable position, eyes wide open. he muttered a small “what?” in disbelief. did he really just hear that?
“don’t you think i should lose some weight?” you repeated again, fingers trembling in nervousness.
hoshi was unable to even function correctly, his brain short-circuiting at your words. his mouth widened even more and he sat up straighter when your words started settling in. he inspected your face for any signs that might tell him you were currently joking but hoshi couldn’t find one, realizing you were indeed dead serious.
“what are you even talking about? “you look great!” he was at loss of words, he didn’t believe you just asked him that.
you nodded a bit, not convinced, “you're just saying that to make me happy.”
the look on hoshi’s face was comical, you surely would have laughed if your heart wasn’t threatening to run out of your chest right now. he rapidly turned his whole body towards you, sitting on his knees as a frown took over on his face. “how could you even think that?” he pouted, “i would never lie to you, especially not about this.”
you could feel his eyes burning holes into your skin and took a deep breath, lifting your head to look him in the eyes. hoshi was visibly upset. he thought he had made it very clear he loved the way looked.
when you didn’t reply, he placed a hand on your knee, his thumb running circles on your skin. “yn, baby, i think you look perfect. there’s nothing wrong with your weight, you’re healthy and that’s all that matters.”
he glared at you when a sigh left your mouth, “but i gained a bit of weight recently, doesn’t that bother you?”
you almost whimpered at his hard stare but his eyes soon softened. “it doesn’t matter if you gain or lose weight, i don’t care unless it affects your health. i just want you to feel and be okay, that’s all.” he tilted his head a bit, placing both his hands on your knees and leaning his chin on them. “plus, as long as you’re comfortable and huggable, i’m not complaining.”
the last sentence brought a smile to your face and you hit his arm lightly, hiding your blushing face, “phfff, dumbass.”
hoshi only leaned towards you, placing a wet kiss on your forehead before wrapping you in his arms and throwing a leg over yours, effectively trapping you against him and the covers.
“your dumbass.” he wiggled his eyebrows in a seductive manner and you snorted, hiding your face in his neck and rolling you both over until your head was on his chest.
you exhaled, gripping your boyfriend tighter.
but the calm didn’t last for long as he giggled under you, muttering a quick “attack of the tiger!” before his teeth were on your shoulder.
you could only fight back, screaming and yelling out pleas of help in between laughter as hoshi did his best to keep you trapped against him, wrapping his two legs around your waist and clinging onto you.
“we said no biting, babe!”
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perm. taglist: @0x1lovebot @fairybinie @blaqpinksthetic @odetoyeonjun @pockyandme @soobin-chois @soobisms @junityy @kaimal @laylasbunbunny @jaeyunverse @bibinnieposts @raevyng @yoonzin0 @hoeforcheol @hykai
please do not copy, repost or steal any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove
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