#classic Huntress though?
mzminola · 2 years
As far as I can tell, Batman is the kind of vigilante who makes sense for a Gotham that has a mafia and corruption problem.
Whereas Clownhunter is a vigilante who makes sense for a Gotham that has a Supervillains & their acolytes problem.
And now after reading a bunch of posts about Bao Pham I really want a crossover with his era of comics and the Preboot era because I want him teaming up with 1990′s Helena Bertinelli Huntress.
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Prof. Rose AU Concept
To be clear this isn't the only Au/ comic I'll put the model in but it is the one that comes to mind for me most often.
All of team RWBY are born into the previous generation.
Ruby would've never thought of herself as the teaching type of Huntress and yet here she was in Beacon showing students how to Huntress with the best of them.
So yeah she was a bit late to the classes she taught, and liked to dress... Um, a bit messily BUT THAT WAS HER METHOD GOSH DANGIT!
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Besides she was a adult, and a awesome one at that. Heck Gynda barely ever scolded her... Anymore.
Today was no different either as she walked to the auditorium. Near the launch pad, watching as new students came flocking out looking around with stars in their eyes and hope in their hearts.
She remembered being like that back then... Okay, maybe not like that one blonde blowing chunks into the garbage can but still.
A bunch of Weiss's Dust packed, she was Enough reminiscing she had stuff to do like being a awesome partner, moving her friend's Dust to their room. Now she didn't need to pay extra for them to navigate Beacon and, and, ACHOO!!!
What Was This Place Cursed!? Really? the same spot she blew up I on her first day her all those years ago!
At least she didn't have a fuming Weiss to deal with this time again... Right now.
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She sat there sulking remembering back then to. That'd nearly broken her back in the day. But she knew better now, nobody would come to help he-
"You okay?" She blinked, looking up and meeting gazes with a boy.
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"Aren't you the guy who blew chunks in the trash?" And like that she'd instantly insulted one of her students and a nice cute one too... Wait, cute?
"Hey I have motion sickness! It's a common problem that a lot of people have." They walked through the school, him quick to follow her lead. The boys name was Jaune, obviously he was a first year.
And he wielded a classic bastard sword with a mecha-shifting sheath/ shield. Nothing fancy but the metal was like freakishly durable and seemed immune to rust! She'd admit to drooling over the thought of what she could make with a alloy like that.
Oh And Jaune Was A Arc!
A Actual Arc! To most people that wouldn't mean much, heck to hear even just a few years ago it wouldn't mean much. But now that she and her team were Part of Ozpins super secret decret circle she knew better.
Jaune came from a long line of heroes, heroes who fought against Salem and in just about every war you could look up. Heck one of the two people exemplified on the statue were a Arc!
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Yep Jaune was gonne do great, awesome things, she just had a gut feeling about these sorta things. He even got that she was older then him! And with her baby face that was saying something!
Though admittedly he did only think she was a senior, but still. Jaune was hitting every box to being her favorite student this year. She was so excited she was gushing about her new friend to Glynda and the rest of the staff that night.
Still if Jaune was gonna be her new favorite student she wanted to know everything about him she could. Some research was in order... And he cheated his way into Beacon...
Cool, and here she was expecting worse like him being a former terrorist or bandit like Blake or her uncle Qrow. He just never went to combat school.
That wasn't so bad, he probably had the basics down and could he taught the rest. Yep, everything would be A-Okay!
EVERYTHING WAS NOT A-OKAY!!! Heck It wasn't even C-Okay! It was F-Bad! Real Bad! Jaune Didn't Have Aura! Nope Nadda! HOW!?
What Kinda Parents Didn't Unlock Thier Kids Auras When They Wanted To Fight Grimm!
Thank God Pyrrha There... Touching his chest, unlocking his aura... One of the most intimate acts you could share with another person...
Huh? She, she didn't like that... At all. Though there were some hiccups Jaune and his team managed to pass, with Jaune leading it... Yeah she was getting flashbacks to her first year.
The party started and his team was the center of attention or to be more accurate Pyrrha and very very much not normal knees. Good thing Jaune seemed to catch on quick cuz he quickly took the lead and acted like a buffer between her adoring fans. And now Pyrrha was blushing as she looked to him.
Did she like him... No.
No no no no NO!
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Okay, so maybe she had a few drinks, but she was a adult so it was fine... Besides the drinks just made Jaune look yummiest after all... Yummier?
She dragged him off for super secret team leaders advice that none of the other leaders needed. Why would they?
Nope Jaune was her friend and student, which meant she won, Pyrrha was just his partner.
So they talked, about how imitation went, about his family (And geez what a family) and what he wanted to be... Like her? Her?
"Yeah, I looked some videos up and figured out you were some kinda hero Craterfac-, I mean Ms. Rose.
Nope! She did not like that! And refused to let it stand. And when he dared to refuse her refusal she decided force was needed and tackled him down.
Pinning down her new friend/ student she threatened him to start calling her Ruby again like all her friends only to freeze up. Becaus something was pushing up against her. Something big and hard, and in Jaune's pants... Oh!
And like that he was off, rushing away with a absolutely tomato colored face. And she was left there, everything clicking in her head and tingling in her body... Oh, so she had a crush on Jaune...
And didn't that present a problem, Ruby Awesome Rose had butt tons of experience in a lot of stuff.
Fighting Grimm, Weapon Repair, Baking... But romance was very much not her field. And Weiss and Yang were nowhere in sight to ask for advice. Well, at least there was once source of study she had available on hand.
Thank Oum for Blake and her books, she was sure they'd make Great references material...
And great they did, especially with a drink or two... Yep Jaune could definitely be like these studs and... Heheh and do fun stuff to her.
Actually 'Hic' why did she never think about making babies? She was a grown woman, and Jaune she could chisel into a super hunky knight.
Yeah, the more she thought of it the better that idea got. And drinks made the plan all the sexier. utterly sloshed, she worked another orgasm off of watching a teacher student porno, and found herself quite annoyed.
Why was she using this? There was a cute dork who just passed Initiation AKA was totally and utterly legal.
Her mind made up she whipped out her Scroll and made her way down go JNPR's room. Knocking on it, waiting for someone to answer, for 'Him' to answer, the door opening her prize came half confused as and all flustered as he readied to speak. But she didn't let him, after all she wanted a taste really bad...
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Lips smacking she pulled back and found him landing flat on him ass face red as a tomato and pitching a new tent.
Her drunk mind worked a lightbulb and she smiled. .
That was just the sorta reaction she wanted, she would pressed on, already getting ready to pull down her top but she could hear the familiar sound of Glynda's heels as she made her way there.
Jaune was flustered, not sure how he was gonna face Prof. Rose, yep, Professor, Ruby as it turned out wasn't just some quirky fourth year student. Nope, his dumb butt went and made buddies with his teacher... He could already hear the bullies cracking their knuckles. That team CRDL group had been bugging him ever since, but somehow that wasn’t even the worst of it. Nope, the worst was Ruby herself, well… What she did while drunk…
 His cheeks pinked, still vaguely recalling the taste of strawberries… He really needed to clear the air, he knew asses who tried to take advantage of his sisters when they were drunk and he had no intention of falling in with that lot.
All he could do was try to clear the air with miss Rose and hope she would be understanding, she might’ve kissed him but he did lean into it instead of rejecting it. So even if others would argue it he felt guilty… Still he was in his first class here and she was gonna teach it, fingers crossed she wouldn’t hate his… His. Sexy… Wha!? No he meant what was she wearing!?
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One awesome thing about having a Drunkle Qrow was that Ruby Rose was a expert drinker, highly adapted and incredibly quick to bounce back. AKA no hang overs and a crystal clear memory… And oh did she make great memories last night!
Hehe, he tasted like honey, and his face got all red, she bit her lip thinking about it, okay so yep Ruby Rose had it bad. And usually she might hesitate, but Drunk Ruby had nailed the assist! And now Ruby knew Jaune was interested and that she wanted it!
Oh she panicked at first, but then looked up the rule book and yeppers it was all cool and legal! Heck her dating Jaune wasn’t nearly as bad as half the stuff her team got into back when they were students!
Maybe when she was a freshman she might’ve panicked, have second guessed herself… But that was then, she’d gone through to much, to many difficult experiences to be thwarted by romance… Mt. Glenn… Dr. Merlot and Salem’s sinister circle and the Hunters disappearing in Mistral. Ruby Rose had faced death and danger on scales most hunters would never know.
And from them she’d learned above all else the value in being decisive, and Ruby Decisive Rose had a new goal! And that goal was a blonde young knight husbando! Mark her words! Ruby Rose was Gonna get herself a man! And Jaune Arc didn’t stand a chance!
She would use all the knowledge and know how of Blake’s many smutty books, and years observing her big sis flirting to her full advantage! She was no longer a member of the itty bitty boobie club dangit, she had Ruboobies to match her Bubooty! And she was gonna use it to it’s full effect!
And Ozpin was all for her making some Silver Eyed Babies! Which meant Jaune Arc was as good as her’s! Ruby Rose had it going on and every student in the class had their eyes on her in her sexy dress including Jaune!
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Operation Lancaster Start!
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itsclydebitches · 9 months
CLYDE. I was thinking about the RWBY vs Ace Ops fight again because it's one my least favourite moments in the entire show and I realised that Qrow/Clover/Robyn weren't part of the conversation prior, nor were they ever acknowledged. Nothing of the effect that "Hey, maybe we should wait for Qrow/Robyn/Clover's opinion on this plan before moving onwards, considering their experience and leadership skills?" before being shut down that time is of the essence and they can't wait for them. It just feels illogical to have the Ace Ops leader, Mantle's primary representative and the leader of the Happy Huntresses and one of James' closest allies be completely absence from one the most impactful turning points of the Volume. It feels they were either purposely left out arbitrarily for the sake of two poorly conceived fights or the writers just forgot...which wouldn't be the first time. This show is very...frustrating to say the least.
YEAH. The other day I was thinking about RWBY and ludonarrative dissonance in video games. Specifically, the number of action/adventure games I've played that have a, "OMG COMPLETE THIS MISSION IMMEDIATELY TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE SOMEONE IS GONNA DIE!!" narrative paired with a "Look at all these fun side quests populating the map, you should totally spend a month of in-game time leisurely exploring them" gameplay. RWBY feels similar to me (minus the interactive elements, obviously). The narrative continually pushes the urgency of the situation, but what the characters do don't align with that. Waiting in the mansion is the classic, go-to example of this, but it's also seen in questions like, "If the group is so concerned with the safety of the Relic why don't they.... put it in the vault?" and "If Qrow needs to speak to Ironwood so badly, why doesn't he just... go to Ironwood in handcuffs rather than starting a fight that, unforeseen airship crash or not, is gonna SUPER delay him getting there." Importantly, these moments go beyond the characters simply making impulsive, fallible, human decisions. It always feels like the writers haven't thought through the situation, or are so focused on one (badly chosen) outcome that they'll ignore all logic to get there.
So, same idea with this fight. I completely understand Ironwood's position because there is a clear line of logic here. Salem is about to attack, the group has consistently lied/undermined him, ergo he is removing a potential threat by locking them up until this battle/escape is complete. No one has to agree with him, but I think the reasoning makes sense both in general and for his specific character. (Which is also one of the reasons why I think some fans are willing to hear consider his side: his writing, however messy in other places, is leagues beyond the group's, particularly in the first half of the Atlas arc.) The girls though? They're all over the place. They don't want secrets but they're going to keep them from Ironwood. But they're also going to spill them all to Robyn, someone they don't know and shouldn't trust. They want to save everyone but have no idea how and can't/won't troubleshoot an answer. They're determined to unite the people but are simultaneously determined to solve their problems with a fight. They start said fight and then Ruby immediately tries to talk her way out of it again. And, as you say, they ignore that unity/experience/help available to them by not looping the others in because, supposedly, there's just no time... but then we have long scenes where they just sit around the mansion, tearfully bemoaning the fact that they don't know what to do and getting angry that no one has magically shown up to help.
I can EASILY picture a better-if-not-perfect scenario where the girls' decisions in that fight actually follow their proclaimed intentions AND the not-actually-very-critical timeline they have (because remember, even after all this Salem just sits there for an extended time.) What if Ruby ordered the team to let themselves get arrested and then we got a cool break out of jail scene? (I mean... Ruby blasts through Ironwood's steel doors that are meant to keep people in + they sneak into Atlas HQ. Clearly this would not have been difficult for them.) What if they ran into Qrow and Robyn while in their cells? Or what if they escaped, realized they needed their uncle, and started a help Mantle/find Qrow dual mission? What if instead of broadcasting a horrifying and near incomprehensible message to the whole world, they spoke to all their allies in Atlas about the plan they'd come up with, calling them together? Maybe coded so Cinder wouldn't understand. Maybe bluntly honest like a gauntlet throw-down: we know you're here, but we're ready for you this time.
Instead Ruby forgets she exists...
There are just SO many things you can do with that fight/the aftermath that don't completely undermine the themes, the tension, the proclaimed desires, and the narrative expectations. If there has to be a battle of ally vs. ally when Salem is on her way and half our villains are roaming the streets (god I can't emphasize that enough), why is everyone with the wrong person? Why isn't Robyn fighting the Ace Ops, her political enemy long before the girls showed up? Why isn't Qrow fighting Ironwood, the guy he (stupidly) blames for Clover's death? Why isn't Clover with his team? Why isn't Ruby facing Salem? Why the hell would you have Qrow team up with Tyrian?
As a side note, I've seen a resurgence of discussion about Ruby's breakdown in Volume 9 and everything above re-emphasizes for me just how much she HAS demanded this power and responsibility. "Hey, maybe we should wait for Qrow/Robyn/Clover's opinion on this plan before moving onwards, considering their experience and leadership skills?" is one of MANY considerations when weighing the question of whether Ruby has truly been burdened with the unwanted expectations of others... because they've never been unwanted and she has never down a thing to lessen that burden. She doesn't wait. She doesn't ask. She doesn't lean on others' experience and leadership. And this goes all the way back to Ruby responding, "Yes, I want to attend Beacon and take on all the responsibilities of that despite not being old enough," but there is also a LOT in the Atlas arc - right before her Volume 9 breakdown, literal hours in-world - where Ruby stood her ground and said, "No, we're doing this my way and my team, whether they've disagreed with this decision, or suggested this course of action in the first place, will ultimately follow me because I am the leader." She told Qrow to stand down and let her continue fighting Cordovin. She made the decision to lie to Ironwood and talked the others out of coming clean. She made the call to attack the Ace Ops instead of submitting to arrest. Using the Relic and dropping Atlas was a group suggestion, but Ruby sanctioned it. Based on literally 8 Volumes of content, if anyone HAD said no to her Ruby would not have listened to them. That is an overt, consistent characterization of hers.
And then Volume 9 expects me to feel bad because she's going, "Everyone expects me to take the lead"??? Like sure, in a very general, "That's indeed stressful no matter who's at the helm" sense, but Ruby has spent years at this point loudly yelling, "I'M THE PERSON YOU SHOULD LOOK TO AND I'LL FIX IT. IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY PLAN I'LL FIGHT YOU :)" Not roping Qrow and the others in is a part of all that. Not overtly on screen - we don't have a scene where Ruby goes, "We don't need to talk to them" - but the story doesn't think their input is important. We get the closeup on her smiling face when she thinks of using the Relic and then the others just inform Winter of what is happening when she happens to call. Major decisions in RWBY have often been collaborative when it comes to suggestions, but the final call is always Ruby. Whether we're talking about "This is my fight too!" when Qrow warns her to stay back, or using the Lamp's question when Ozpin is begging her not to, or shrugging off Yang's concern that she lied to Ironwood, or telling the whole damn world about Salem when numerous people with more experience than her have said, "That's a terrible idea" for generations, Ruby forcibly takes the lead and will not back down no matter who is asking that of her, or how they're asking. In fact, I'd say that is the most OVERT and CONSISTENT way in which she displays agency in this show (which, ugh).
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deconstructthesoup · 8 months
Some Adventure Time characters in D&D, 'cause why not:
Finn: I think he would start out as a Champion fighter, but then eventually switch to a College of Valor bard---fitting his more musical side while also keeping in line with his desire to be a hero and not making it all about violence---and maybe take a few levels of a Monster Slayer ranger for good measure. That last one is mostly due to the growth he goes through in Hall of Egress and him learning from Huntress Wizard, but I think it works. Also, he's still obviously a human.
Jake: Astral Self monk, Swashbuckler rogue. His whole deal as a stretchy, half-alien dog is very difficult to translate into D&D terms, but I think it'd make sense for him to be a changeling and a werewolf, keeping the whole canine aspect while also adding in the shapeshifting and the, uh... well, the whole "we have a kid who is definitely from somewhere else but we're keeping him anyway" thing.
Bonnie: I think her whole deal speaks to her being a textbook Alchemist artificer, and her princess nature, long lifespan, and a somewhat loose grasp on the concept of morality absolutely reminds me of high elves (no shade meant to PB, I love her and her emotional growth). However, just making her a high elf isn't enough---the fact that she was literally born from a mutagenic gum formed in the wreckage of a ruined world can easily translate to her also being a Reborn. Fitting, for a mad scientist.
Marceline: She's quite clearly a bard, and I think College of Spirits suits her the best---she's got a lot of connections to ghosts and undead things in AT canon, after all, and seeing as she survived an apocalypse, I think it's fitting that her college of choice would be one that's all about singing the songs of the departed. And, well... tiefling vampires are probably a thing in D&D, so. Yep.
BMO: He's an Inquisitor rogue and a lil' autognome. 'Nuff said.
Flame Princess: Circle of Wildfire druid, for reasons that are kind of obvious. And a Fire genasi. For reasons that are... also obvious.
Huntress Wizard: Um... a Hunter ranger. Probably an Eladrin due to the forest-like appearance, though I have no idea what her season is.
The Ice King/The Ice Thing/Simon: So, the Ice King, to me, is an eeeeeeeexcellent portrayal of a Great Old One warlock---specifically, a Pact of the Talisman warlock---gone horribly wrong. While the crown might not seem very classic GOO at first, the fact that using it literally gambles away your sanity is pretty in-line with the risks of that patron.
Gunther, pre-fusing with the crown, is really just a Great Old One on his own, albeit one that's been stuffed into a safe and squishy container. After fusing with the crown, and likely losing his memories of his time as Orgalorg for good, I think he probably became a Storm Sorcerer, as what powered his ice magic was now (almost) irremovable.
And Simon... honestly, between his nerdiness and his low constitution, he's just your classic wizard, really. Probably Chronomancy, due to his penchant for bouncing through time and multiverses.
Betty/Magic Betty/Golbetty: Order of Scribes wizard, who eventually became a Wild Magic sorcerer, who eventually became the Greatest Great Old One that there ever is. And yes, that makes Magic Man a Wild Magic sorcerer, because of course he is.
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knightbeng · 1 year
RWBY and Neurodiversity
Ive been thinking about this for a while but resisted posting until Volume 9 ended. Mainly to see how Ruby’s ascension would resolve, because I knew it would impact how I felt about this. 
Also this is long. Like seriously long. Once I started it got out of hand. But I feel it is all Important. 
I will start by saying that I am autistic, and I have friends and family who are both autistic and or neurodiverse. I also understand that a lot of this maybe subtext or head cannon, and at times deeply personal. I also get that this will never be made cannon or had ever even be intended by CRWBY. But, I cannot escape some of the connections I have made or how I relate to some characters. 
Right with that out of the way
RUBY IS AUTISTIC, or at least somewhere on the spectrum.
From the first volume I could see some of the traits coming through. From the use of headphones and music separating her from the world around her. Her over exuberance when is excited or interested in something. Right up to her passion/special interest in weapons and being a huntresses. This is not to lessen the other characters interests or passions, but Ruby’s is very much all consuming. She speaks about how she went over board on Crescent Rose’s design, and about how much she likes others designs. Including Jaune’s classic Crocea Mors. I cannot help but see my own love of history. That took me to university and beyond. Like Ruby with any weapon, I love any history. 
Then there is her abilities in the classroom. Ruby is clearly a natural talent, but she is never shown to be a savant. She has issues keeping her attention in class and with the work load. Although I do understand that this can be put down to being jumped ahead and that Port n Oobleck’s class seem to have a similar effect on others. Much like me and some of my friends we had classes we loved but struggled to show it though other academic difficulties. 
The early volumes also cover her struggles to connect with people. Such as wanting to be with Yang, instead of meeting new people. Or with Weiss and hers rocky relationship, early on. Countered with the open acceptance by Jaune, who sees a fellow outsider. Although for different reasons. Her own comment of wanting “normal knees” is something I think everyone one with autism can relate too. The wish to be just like everyone else and not stand out. That, at times, can be the greatest wish living in a world you struggle with. 
Then there’s the events post Beacon. They show a defining personality trait so common in autism. Her unshakeable moral centre. It can be hard to describe but it is well documented the autistic people have a very strong sense of justice and morals. Although obliviously not all the same morals. We are all have a different in outlook, just like everybody else. Ruby’s is based around helping people and making the world a better place. 
This is shown most strongly in her mission to walk to Haven. Even if most would say she is too young and it is too dangerous, for 4 unqualified huntsmen/huntress. They went and got hurt and burnt out along the way. Yes others went with her but would they have gone without her taking the lead. It shows a lack of self awareness that can be common as autistic people. To the point that they burn themselves out pushing to achieve things, without taking time for themselves. 
The other massive tell is her reaction to Ironwood. She has no dislike for him and shares his goal. But, his actions and plans go against her moral code. So again she sticks to her morals and works to stop him, while rescuing Atlas, at the same time. Yes others agreed that he was in the wrong, but would the likes of Winter changed their allegiance, without someone like Ruby offering an alternative.
Then we get to the biggest thing for me and the reason I felt I had to put my feelings down. Volume 9. While Ruby’s mental state and issues during this volume are very much based in trauma, lose and depression. That a lot of people can relate too, not just the autistic community. I cannot help but think about what she says before she drinks the tea. “I don’t want to be me anymore.” I have never related to a character more. Or be triggered more, for that matter. When I spoke to some of my autistic friends about it, it was something all of us had felt at one moment or another, to varying degrees. See we all know we cannot separate autism from the rest of our person. Most of us don’t even know what is an autistic trait and what is just us. But, I need to make this clear, none of us want a cure or to be changed. More the reaction was things I have felt at times when at your lowest a small voice screams that would it be easier if you weren’t you. 
Then there is Ruby’s ascension. After episode 9 when it was put to her she could change to be someone else, and people where discussing how she might change, if you see Ruby though the lens I’ve described it can be harmful.
Now I don’t want it to sound like I’m accusing CRWBY of not thinking about this. Thousands of people watch RWBY and can be effected by it in ways they would not think, not having that person’s experience. They are telling a story, and that story includes these real moments. 
Back to the point. Telling someone with autism or that person thinking they have to change to achieve or be accepted is a horrible experience. And it is something almost all autistic people experience. It is the reason we learn to mask and hide who we are. The world tells you that it is what’s expected of you. So when in episode 10 Ruby chooses herself and is then reminded that her friends accept her for being herself. It is powerful. Again I understand that this can relate to a lot of things; imposter syndrome, being gay or race issues. But, as someone who is autistic this is how I saw it. I personally have only had 2 people truly accept me like this. 
PENNY is the only other character I see as on the spectrum. Obviously a lot of her character traits are put down to her being a robot. But as Ruby says to her does that make her any less a real person. In fact the relationship between Penny and Ruby is a massive indicator for me of them being on the spectrum. When they first team Ruby asks if she was just like Penny to Weiss. It is not uncommon for autistic people to spot each other quickly, whether they realise it or not. Then when they meet up at the tournament, both feel no need to hide who they are. Ruby is openly dorky in asking Penny about Ciel’s knowledge and Penny doesn’t hide her excitement to see her friend. 
This is repeated multiple times when Penny returns in Atlas. Each time they see each other they share and communicate in away that they don’t with others. Such as hugging Ruby first and asking do all hugs feel like this, before hugging others. She knows that Ruby will be honest and non-judge mental. In fact we can see how non autistic people react when Penny is her over excited, unmasked, self in front of them. Winter stopping Penny bouncing is a typical action from neurotypicals. Even if it comes from a place of care and concern, with no wish to harm, as I believe Winters was. But it is something neither Penny or Ruby would do to the other. 
Then there is Penny’s morals. She is clearly guided to help her friends, people and world. At great detriment to herself. She becomes the hero of Mantel, protecting those who can not protect themselves, and when others will not. Much like Ruby she will risk it all for her sense of justice. 
One of the most impactful parts of Penny’s story is that of virus. I didn’t even think of this, my friend pointed it out when I spoke to her about it. But her Penny is controlled by the virus, she felt it worked as a metaphor for Applied Behaviour Analysis or ABA. Which if you haven’t heard of it, is a horrible thing to experience as someone with autism. Much like conversion therapy for the LGBTQ+ community this works by trying to train you out of being autistic and make you more accepting for others. Penny is pushed towards things she doesn’t want to do and most horribly to do harm. She becomes a tool to the villains, which can also mirror how some savant autistics are treated. There skills used for a “greater good” instead of them being in control of their own destiny. 
Now I want to move on to discuss Ships. These are all Ruby related and while I’m not saying these should be cannon or that they are over other ships, cannon or otherwise, but I feel they work at different points in Ruby’s story when viewed as discussed above. 
LADYBUG is the first ship I gravitated towards in the show. For me Blake was the first character to simply accept Ruby as who she was. This does stem from Blake’s own wish to be accepted for who is she and not what she is, but it is still important to outwardly show it to others as well. I understand that a lot of people find this to be a boring ship, I think that’s because it lacks drama, but for me the idea of someone new accepting you without question or concern is powerful. That is why I like the ship. It is comforting and has little interpersonal drama between the two. More mutually assured care and concern. In fact that is why they talk so little in the show. They understand and trust each other. One of the many reasons people have Blake as a deputy team leader, during and after the events of Volume 9, is this mutual trust. 
NUTS AND DOLTS maybe the most loved ship these days. Outside of Bumblebee, that is. As I have already gone into Penny and Ruby’s relationship as being very neurodiverse. They are themselves with each other, and communicate more easily with the other. Although I would add this is the only one I see as asexual, but I think both characters can be seen as both asexual and not. Just when they are together, they are asexual. Plus after events in Volumes 8 & 9 I think we can call it as close to cannon as possible. 
WHITEROSE i find the most interesting. At the start of the series I never got it. Weiss was mean and uncaring to Ruby. Why would Ruby ever being interested romantically in Weiss. But then as the show progress I understood it. Weiss is just as bigger dork as Ruby but due to reasons outside of autism, she had to mask this. Seeing Ruby act as she wishes and not be punished for it, as she might have been, lets her drop the mask. Two big things outside of the main show solidified this for me. The first is Ice Queendom. We see inside Weiss’ mind and how she has locked away her childish side for protection. Going as far as to do the same thing to Ruby. The second is that I was recently introduced to The Owl House. Luz and Amity’s relationship has a lot of similarities to Weiss and Ruby. Both start with a cold and unforgiving person who is thawed by the loveable dolt. Bringing out there more natural playful side, originally hidden away to protect themselves. Now after the loss of Penny and Weiss being so accepting of Ruby in the ever after. She is the first to call her name when she returns and doesn’t ask any questions, after all. I can see it becoming cannon. If there is time. 
Thank you for reading this I know it is long but I felt I never saw much discussion about RWBY from this perspective. 
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Camilla’s Appearance and Name Origin
Okay but to be serious about Richard’s description of Camilla for a sec— when he says she’s mannish and medieval, I think he’s just trying to describe her looking classical like the pictures at the bottoms here. These statues are appealing, symmetrical, and toned but different from how modern women do themselves up? It’s an older kind of beauty that’s definitely womanly but not hyper girly or delicate, if that makes sense? To further this point, these are statues of Diana/Artemis, and early on Bunny says Camilla looks like a statue of Diana (in the scene when he’s at lunch with Richard).
And to add on MORE, Tartt got Camilla’s name from The Aeneid (this is mentioned in this interview where the interviewer makes a connection to Charles and Camilla of the British Royal Family, then Tartt explains Camilla’s name. Charles was a weird coincidence.). In The Aeneid, Camilla was a female warrior and hunter. When she was a baby, father saved her from death by binding and hurling her on a spear. He dedicated her to Diana. She grew up to be as skilled as the male heroes around her. This all makes sense to me because of, again, Bunny’s comment about Camilla being like Diana. But also because the characters are “deerslayers,” making Diana the Huntress— who is associated with stags— pretty good symbolism. The coin on the cover of some editions of the book kind of looks like Diana and a deer too (though I can’t find confirmation).
All I can say is that Dionysus/Bacchus comes up a lot, obviously, but so does Artemis/Diana. Richard, Henry, and Julian are all somewhat associated with Dionysus. And Camilla is associated with Artemis based on her namesake being a warrior servant of the goddess. There are also lots of panther (same thing as a mountain lion) and deer mentions in this book, and those animals connect to Dionysus and Artemis.
EDIT: Somehow forgot to cover Camilla’s obvious twin brother as more Diana evidence but did in this post.
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havendance · 1 year
Okay, I'm finally returning to the AU where Jason and Barbara are swapped so that she dies in a Killing Joker and Jason is paralyzed in A death in the family.
The simplest way to set up this AU (and why over-complicate things yet?) is to have it so that when Barbara Gordon opens the door, the Joker shoots to kill. However long later, when Jason is beaten half to death by the Joker, he survives the bomb, but he’s left paralyzed from the waist down. The Doctors say he’ll never walk again.
For now, Barbara Gordon is dead and we shall leave her there. She doesn’t haunt the narrative in the same way that Jason did. She was an adult when she died, removed from her former mantle. She wasn’t Bruce’s daughter. Her death weighs on Gordon, but then Sarah Essen returns to his life and his dead daughter fades into the background. Bruce, Dick, and Jason remember her, but there is no Batgirl memorial in the cave. She is just another symbol of the dangers they face. She comes up in vague aborted references and heavy silences.
(Now that I think about it, in a world where Barbara Gordon’s dead, I bet Helena ends up as Dick’s second primary love interest…)
Meanwhile, with Jason, we have a fairly standard Jason Lives!AU with the slight caveat that he’s in a wheelchair and can never become Robin again.
We’re not going to spend long on that because it could go any number of ways and I don’t want to be here all day, but to his some major points:
A Lonely Place of Dying doesn’t get triggered. Batman without Robin when Jason is paralyzed is worse, but not bad enough for Tim to feel the need to interfere. His parents probably still die in Rites of Passage because Batman is highly unlikely to leave Gotham to chase after some random kidnapping for ransom when he’s being overprotective of his recently paralyzed son. Or just have the Drakes die in a plane crash and skip the racism.
Jason as Robin is a character who doesn’t have many ties outside of Batman. Stuck in a wheelchair, he struggles even more with dilation. Barbara’s dead. Dick’s around more, but he still spends most of his time with the titans. He can’t be Robin and that means that he feels like he can’t be part of that community, losing the few connections he had there. On the civilian front, his injuries lead him to being held back a year. He doesn’t know any of his classmates, and stuck in the hormonal battleground of high school, he acutely feels the way that being stuck in a wheelchair makes him different.
I still need to read Oracle: Year One, but Jason is initially attracted to computers because of the anonymity the internet offers. On it, he can pretend to be normal; people don’t see the chair before they see him. From there, it expands into a way he can still help Bruce and be involved in the mission. Bruce says he doesn’t need to do anything, but with so much of their relationship tied up in being Batman and Robin, Jason wants to.
There is another Robin eventually. Dealer’s choice as to who. You can make an argument for Tim (the classic option), Steph (Girl power + Steph & Jason friendship) or, I don’t know, Lonnie ( I know he has fans, though, in full disclosure, I am ambivalent towards him). Whoever the choice, it’s alternatively important that they have the approval of both Dick, who originated the mantle, and Jason, who left it vacant.
But that’s enough about Jason. You want to know who I really want to talk about in this AU? You guessed it! Helena Bertinelli and Cassandra Cain.
It’s time for No Man’s Land baby~ (absolutely no one is surprised.)
Bruce leaves on an international guilt trip and brings his son with him, much to Jason’s annoyance. It’s over three months before he’s able to convince Bruce to return, and even then it’s only on the condition that Jason enrolls in a boarding school where it’s safe. (Jason is so looking forward to turning 18 when he can finally prove to Bruce that he can take care of himself.)
Meanwhile, Huntress is the sole vigilante presence in No Man's Land. It isn’t long before she recognizes the limits of her own mantle and takes on the mantle of the Bat. In this universe, she is called Batwoman.
It is as Batwoman that she runs into Cassandra, who has been living on the streets of Gotham.
No wait, better idea. Headcanon time: In between acting as two separate vigilantes, Helena also somehow finds the time to run a makeshift classroom for some of the kids stranded in No Man's Land. She recruits them to do odd jobs and in exchange,, she shares some of the food she has stashed wavy and tries to make sure they have at least some education. 
Cassandra is curious and comes first for the food and then for the stories and the reading/writing lessons she doesn’t understand. When she sees Batwoman for the first time and makes the connection, she becomes even more intrigued.
When Batman enters and starts working with Helena, Cassandra saves them both in a handmade costume and ends up as the new Batgirl.
Helena remains as Batwoman after the end of No Man’s Land in this AU. She misses being the Huntress, at the end, but she has Cass to look after now. They grew close in the chaos of No Man’s Land and now the girl’s moved in with her. Helena needs to be better for Cass. She can’t go back to killing because, on one level, Cass wouldn’t let her. On another, she doesn’t want to betray her trust. So she holds the line. She stops her more self-destructive tendencies and tries to do the best for Cass despite the fact that she doesn’t understand her on a fundamental level.
This all leads to her being a more integrated part of the batfam. She's featured in more Bat comics and plays a major supporting role in Batgirl.
Post-No Man’s Land, Jason turns 18, moves off to college, and starts his own Birds of Prey type team. Bruce stalks him, Jason yells at him for it, etc etc.
And now, we’ve arrived at the moment you’ve all been waiting for: Red Hood!Barbara Gordon!
Barbara Gordon’s Under the Red Hood arc is a narrative commentary on fridging and is ideally written by a female author. In this universe, Barbara Gordon was a character who was killed off and vanishes from the narrative. She was a thing pre-crisis but never really a presence post. She is a tombstone next to Sarah Essen. A name mentioned when arguing about the Joker, quickly forgotten to focus on his paralyzing of Jason.
She comes back loud and angry, insisting on being remembered. Look at me, she shouts. Look at my pain. My story should be about me. She sets up a series of circumstances and clues all point to her. To the terrible things that happened to her. Bruce and Gordon have made her death about them, she’s taking it back. Reclaiming it for herself.
She also torments and antagonizes Helena and Cass. They replaced her, they took her place. They don't even know what they've done. They are the first to see her face and they don’t even recognize her. They don’t know the legacy they have claimed. Barbara Gordon rages.
And then, of course, future writers ruin that shining star of an arc by making her ~evil~ and ~crazy~. It’s probably all because coming back from the dead made her infertile and she can’t ever be a mother. Women, am I right? (eyeroll)
Anyway, I want a Red Hood!Barbara Gordon arc now.
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rezonan · 1 year
Red Hood, other Anti-Heroes/Villians and the issue with killing in comics.
First here's the thing before you read this, I just wanna say this isn't a post complaining about if killing is good or not, far from it so don't worry.
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I also wanna say really like Jason Todd. One of my favorite Robins though I like him more as Red Hood. My only issue with him is that DC is stuck with his direction as a character(Not as much as Tim at least). For a lot of reasons
One of those things is that anti-Heroes don't work in main superhero universes at least in DC, in Marvel killing isn't looked down on much unless you do it like the Punisher(Consistently, no exceptions and extreme)
When I'm talking about Anti-Heroes I mean who don't hesitate to kill, because the definition of Anti-Heroes even include guys like Batman, Spider-Man, Iron man and Daredevil (Classical Anti-Heroes,Disney Anti Hero,) talking about the types like Huntress and Red Hood(Unscrupulous Hero) and Punisher (Nominal Hero).
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/AntiHero if you wanna know what I'm talking about.
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An issue they have is that they kill criminals consistently, and those criminals include supervillains but in comic books, villians in comics are kinda a commodity. Villians are what makes the heroes. So DC obviously will never let Jason kill the Joker or Riddler or Poison Ivy or Bane, or let Frank Castle kill Green Goblin or Kingpin. That's getting rid of a commodity that writers need for stories.
It's why I laugh when people say why doesn't Batman kill the Joker or something, they won't let him guys. Joker is too popular to kill same with the rest of his rouges, the writers need the villians to continue writing more stories and if time has taught us anything is that new villians don't even catch on most of the time to replenish the old popular ones.
So Frank and Jason and left to keep offing mooks, looking stupid and incompetent for not taking out the actual threats or just offing D-listers, it then brings up the question of why doesn't JASON kill the Joker since he's always talking about how willing to kill he is. yeah sure they'll write Batman like the biggest dick to fight him not too but there has been times when nothing has been stopping Jason to do it, see what I mean?
There's also another thing that DC and Marvel just won't let chracters less popular than the big no kill rule big heroes be more effective (and this is coming from a guy whofor the most part is anti killing). You really think Marvel is gonna let Red Hood have the moral high ground with Batman or Punisher with Spider-Man or Captain America?
But yeah I don't wanna get into the whole 'should heroes kill debate' here just making a point.
This is why they honestly work in outside comic universes like the games or movies. See the 'Superhero Movie Villains Die' trope
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Basically they just don't mesh well with the status quo nature of comics.
So now we have heroes/villians(yes I consider frank a borderline villian) who are known for killing but can't kill anyone significant for multiple reasons, like how Red Hood by the New 52 had like 83 kills but no one in there was anyone actually important.
This is why Punishers best run was in an entire different universe where heroes didn't exist so he could kill Kingpin without issues. With Punisher they can always stick with that or just do what they usually do and make him take out mooks and barely developed rouges. They recently made him the head of the hand and gave him superpowers, it's actually interesting in my opinion.
With Jason it's more complicated. There's two sides, he drops guns and killing and joins up with the bat family as a kind of character development or he unrepentantly leaves the bat family behind and starts killing people and using guns then runs into all the issues I mentioned above. The latter side believes that hum dropping killing and guns removes everything that makes him interesting while the former believes it's good character progression for him to drop it. I think both have good points.
Personally I think they should lean into the supernatural side of him, like go all in and make him the dude in the Batfamily that handles supernatural threats, his the only one in the family that has straight up superpowers (Edit: forgot Duke, forgive me but he got them before him so point stands I guess) with his All blades so take those and have him to team up with Zatanna or Constantine, fighting vampires and zombies. (Happy to see they are doing this with Cass kinda I haven't read Spirit World)
Or they lean into the Task Force Z/Outlaws/DCeased aspect of him leading other Mistfits, Anti-Heroes and Villians into becoming better people like with the thunderbolts from Marvel. Maybe hook him up with some kinda of government connection so people he kills aren't illegal during this redemption quests or something.
Well I've got nothing else to ramble about.
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kadencrafter78 · 1 year
A fic I might actually write someday
Tim woke up to the sound of an alarm he didn't remember setting in a room he didn't remember falling asleep in. He didn't remember falling asleep fully at all, but the rooms of the house he shared with his dad, and the rooms of Wayne Manor, were all much larger than this one. This room was cramped, the size of one in an apartment. There was a poster on the wall, and a stack of newspapers, all turned to articles about Batman and Robin sat in the corner. That was odd, Tim thought. The Gotham news circuits stopped publishing as many articles about Batman after Jason's death.
When he got up and out of bed, the feeling that something was wrong filled him even more. He was already somewhat dressed; he had on a t-shirt and shorts, and it was Saturday so he really didn't need to put on anything else.
He stepped out of the room, and as soon as he did, he realized why the apartment seemed vaguely familiar. This was Huntress's apartment. That ruled out kidnapping for why he was here, then. She looked to be asleep right now, so he snuck out through the window. He didn't remember the phone he now had in his hands, though he still remembered the passcode - 2739 - and looked through it. There were a lot of photos on it, but none of his friends were there, at least not the friends he made as Robin. It seemed like every piece of evidence that he was ever Robin was scrubbed away by the universe.
Not knowing how to get to Wayne Manor without parkouring over roofs meant that Tim had to just walk around and wait for someone to find him. So Tim went to the spot they had agreed on in case Tim ever had to escape a kidnapper and couldn't get home, the main Gotham library. He stood around inside of it, aimlessly looking at books until he saw Bruce.
But as he walked past the classics section, he saw a face that made him do a double take. Of course, that double take had to make him fall flat on the ground, with the mysterious boy coming to Tim. Tim froze up. "Are you alright?" the boy asked Tim. "You look like you just saw a ghost."
As Tim took in his features, his mind only confirmed what he already thought. The black hair that was clearly dyed, his little smirk that Tim had only seen in pictures, and an ethnicity he couldn't place. Tim figured out what was wrong with the world.
Jason Todd was alive.
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novankenn · 10 months
J/C - the Idols of Beacon
--==(Table of Contents) ==--
(Chapter One - the Beginning) Jaune was a nervous wreck. His breathing rushed, and his heart crashing against his rib cage. He was convinced this was it. That his dreams would be shattered... but deep inside he knew it was his just reward for his actions. Images of what his family would do, and echoes of what they would say, caused Jaune's legs to start shaking.
Cardin glowered, he wasn't not the least bit impressed at being called out by Professor Goodwitch. So what. He picked on other students, he was a equal opportunist when it came to tormenting people. Male, female. Human, faunus. It's didn't matter to him. If you couldn't stand up for yourself, then why were you even training to face grimm.
Professor Goodwitch hadn't specified why she had sent Jaune and Cardin to the Headmaster, she just called them out at the beginning of combat class and ordered them to the Headmaster's Office. the man of the hour sat in his chair behind his desk, studying the two young men.
"Mr Winchester. Mr Arc. I has been brought to my attention that both of you have been acting in ways that contravene what is expected of a trainee huntsmen or huntress in attendance here at Beacon." Ozpin leaned forward, clasping his hands before him, "Do either of you have anything to say in your defense?"
"Defense for what?" Cardin snorted. "I've done..."
"Blackmail is a serious offense Mr Winchester... one that requires expulsion, not to mention the nearly endless complaints about your negative behavior and blatant harassment of other students."
"If they can't stand up for themselves, they they can't stand up for people when they are..."
"Interesting sentiment, Mr Winchester, but you have readily showcased your complete lack of regard to values that a huntsman or huntress should ascribe to."
"Whatever. Kick me out. I can..."
"No you can't. Once you are expelled, you will be blacklisted, and thereby unable to seek any training through one of the Academies, though it possibly wouldn't prevent you from finding a licensed huntsman or huntress who could take you on as an apprentice."
"We can, Mr. Winchester, and we will." Ozpin stated flatly. "Now Mr Arc..."
"With your permission, I'll go and pack my things." Jaune offered, knowing full well he had no defense for his crimes.
"Unfortunately, Mr Arc... your actions while commendable for your intentions... however are far from legal. You I am afraid will be facing criminal charges."
"But... but..."
"You purposefully used falsified documentations to gain admittance to what legally is a governmental facility. That is a crime." Ozpin informed the completely panicked young man.
Ozpin regarded both young men before him with a practiced eye. Taking a sip from his mug, he prepared to give his counter offer to the young gentlemen.
"Beacon currently has a public relations issue that requires addressing. You will probably be unaware of it, but it is there and it needs to be rectified."
"What's this have to do with us." Cardin growled.
"I have done some digging into both of your backgrounds, much further and more in depth than what we traditionally do for applicants to the huntsmen and Huntress programs." Ozpin let his words sink in, before continuing. "Both of you have... skills and talents that would be perfectly suited to the task I have in mind."
"Skills? Talents?" Jaune looked at the Headmaster with pure confusion. "You already know I'm a fraud... I have no..."
"On the contrary Mr Arc, you do have training, just not in combat. Twelve years of ballet, classical and contemporary dance training to be specific."
"What does that...? I don't understand."
"As for you... Mr Winchester..." Cardin's smirk was erased as soon as Ozpin started speaking to him. "You have about eight years of dance training, some vocal coaching, and musical instruction... for what six years?"
"I have my ways. Now to be honest I saw potential in both of you, which is why I was being lenient in regard to your behaviors and actions... however you pushed the boundaries too far with Professor Goodwitch, and as such you are now... my problem."
"So... so what's going to happen to me?"
"You Mr Arc will be give a change to stay, and avoid prosecution, however it will NOT be in the huntsman/huntress program."
"My team?"
"Unfortunately as of this moment both you and Mr Winchester are no longer team leaders, or even members of any team."
"You can't!" Cardin growled.
"I assure you I can, and have." Ozpin responded to Cardin's outburst with a flat voice and stern look. "So here is the offer, you will sign a contract with Beacon and join our Public Relations initiative, for a term of four years less the time you have already been enrolled as a students."
"And if we don't?"
"Yo, Mr Arc will face criminal prosecution, and Mr Winchester will be black listed and expelled." Ozpin picked up two almost book thick stacks of paper and placed one before each of them. "This is the agreement. Please read it. Ask questions if you have them. If you wish we can provide access to legal representation, and if you accep..."
"Do you have a pen?" Jaune asked.
"Aren't you even going to read it?" Cardin asked a little shocked at Jaune's rather uncharacteristic decisive action.
"Why? I agree or I possibly end up in jail. I'm too pretty to be in jail... I'd end up becoming someone's wife!" Jaune replied, before taking the pen Ozpin offered him.
"Please sign on the indicates lines on the first and last pages, and initial the bottom right hand corner of all other pages." Ozpin turned his gaze to Cardin. "So Mr Winchester will you at least consider the offer, or should I arrange for security to escort you and your possessions from Beacon's grounds?"
"This straight up coercion." Cardin commented as he idly flipped the pages of the document. "It's no better than blackmailing us. We either agree or we get punished... not much of a choice, especially for Jauney-boy."
"I don't care." Jaune countered, "It's like a plea deal. I do something for them, they do something for me, and if it keeps me from having forced prostate exams... all the better."
"You are correct Mr Winchester, this is very similar to, no it is exactly that... but it is also much like Mr Arc has described. It's a plea deal. You are admitting your mistakes, and we are taking the action NOT to punish you to full extent we are capable of."
"I'm still..."
"You can take some time to review the document... but I do need an answer before Friday."
"So two days?"
"Unfortunately, yes. With the Vytal festival being hosted by Vale, and the recent dust robberies... I have other constraints on my valuable time... your situation is not as pressing or as complex so... short deadline."
"Don't know why you're not signing." Jaune commented. "I mean it's not like they're going to more from us."
"Keep your advice to yourself Arc."
"I can provide temporary lodgings for you while you consider your decision, Mr Winchester." Ozpin informed the burly young man.
"Fuck it. Give me that pen." Cardin scanned the documents sporadically as he went through the required actions. Once done he tossed the pen down on the desk and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Signed. Now what?"
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mermaidsirennikita · 24 days
Hello! I hope September is treating you kindly!
Any recs for the fall? Thank you!
Hi! It is, thank you. I'm very excited about it :D
I do have some autumnal recommendations.
The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath. Historical. This book does take place in autumn and winter, I think—and I'm pretty sure my feeling there is right because the stepback is soooo autumnal. I also think it has this historical vibe that really gives "grab some some coffee and a sweater and watch the leaves fall". Not all historicals have this, but to me these very dramatic, emotional, insular ones (Lorraine's specialty) absolutely GIVE it. Waking Up with the Duke also gives me this vibe—I want to say that the later chunk of the book does take place over winter, which would logically mean the earlier chunk takes place over fall.
You, Again by Kate Goldbeck. Contemporary. This is gender-flipped When Harry Met Sally, essentially (they meet each other, it's dislike at first sight, she's wild and he's uptight; they meet a few more times, then finally again when she's going through a divorce and they become best friends, but there's obviously more) and WHMS is one of the most autumnal movies OF ALL TIME. I mean. Google that cover. Look at that cover.
The Ex Hex and The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling. Paranormal. These are very LIGHTLY paranormal. Basically, they're set in this very fun, spooky little town where witches live right underneath everyone's nose. They're romantic, they're whimsical, they're sexy. Very "Halloween Eve". Plus, The Wedding Witch, the last(?) book in the series is coming out soon! That adds in a bit of time travel and light Christmas, too.
Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert. Paranormal. Another light Halloween Eve paranormal. The heroine comes from a long line of werewolf hunters, but her family doesn't want her to do it... However, she decides to jump on the opportunity when she meets a werewolf in the wild. The problem? He's actually very sweet, and he DOES recognize her as his mate lol.
Aurelia by S.M. LaViolette. Historical. This one has a very Gothic vibe, which to me is very autumnal. It's set on this remote island, where the heroine goes to paint these specimens the hero, a naturalist, has collected. He has this big estate, he's scarred, he's actually quite flirty lol. You get a sort of eerie sensibility, but it's not overwhelming—kinda on the Bronte side of things.
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas. Historical. BUT OF COURSE! Obviously, one must read IHOA during autumn.
The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. Historical. Another one that's very Gothic and therefore very autumnal to me, the classic "Jane Eyre vibes but make it super sexy and way less children-adjacent" setup.
Bride by Ali Hazelwood. Paranormal. This is perfect for those dipping their toes into the water for paranormal; the light, but sexy "vampire and werewolf arranged marriage" book. Totally gives me fall vibes.
Kingdom of the Wicked Trilogy Kerri Maniscalco. Paranormal/fantasy. The spookiest series in the best possible way! Witches, devils, werewolves, ALLLL of it, and with a historical vibe (set in 1800s Italy, I think Sicily specifically). Advertised as YA, but it's really not. The first book doesn't have sex, but the trilogy is sequential and uhhhh the next two books are................. very hot.
The Darkest London Series by Kristen Callihan. Historical paranormal. This Victorian series has everything you want—heat, supernatural creatures, running around in big skirts. I would definitely recommend reading these in order though they're each about different couples, but they're all good so it's fine. Not all set in autumn (lol one is called Winterblaze ffs) but they all give you that SENSE.
The Thornchapel Series by Sierra Simon. Contemporary but with magic. Again, very Gothic, very literally so. Spooky as fuck. Rituals, blood oaths, curses, all the like. Verrrrry sexy. The books actually progress with the seasons—each one has a feast/holiday.ritual corresponding to the season. But you get ALL the vibes.
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thal-chandra · 7 months
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I technically already postes Klara but I though I would put them all together now <3
In order :
Klara, huntress, she is very cool (NPC)
Pelagia, bard, she's a classic flirt (NPC)
Yavana, inquisitor, has to run to heal people (My PC)
Irena, sword dancer, has issues (my sibling's PC)
Sigismund, ex-barbarian, the dad™ (NPC)
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starstormbackup · 1 year
Baby Ghosts and Baby Birds part 6 (Bats POV)
So unfortunately tumblr terminated my old blog and has not done anything to help me get it back. So if you want to read the previous chapters you need to go to my AO3.
This is also why I'm not doing tag lists anymore.
Dick and Duke stood patiently as they waited for Jazz to explain what had just happened between her and the green glowing guy that vanished into thin air.
“Um… explain what?”
Dick raised an eyebrow, not quite as effective as Bruce’s or Alfred’s, but it still got their disbelief across.
“Maybe who that guy was, or why you threatened him with a glowing knife?”
Jazz looked away and the two vigilantes could see the calculations she was making in her eyes.
She obviously wasn’t going to give them the full truth, but hopefully she’d give them enough to work on without having to pry.
“Right. Uh, his name is Technus and he’s a… well he's a ghost.”
She seemed to tense at her own words as if in anticipation of not being believed. To which Dick and Duke remained silent and waited for her to finish.
Sure, ghosts weren’t something they really dealt with, but they’ve experienced far stranger stuff before.
This seemed to be a shock for Jazz.
“Wait you believe me?”
Dick gave her one of his disarming smiles.
“Why wouldn't we? One of the Justice League members is a ghost, and many others use magic or have fought demons. There are a lot weirder explanations you could have given.”
“Not to mention we are at a ghost hunters convention. So, it fits.”
Duke motioned around them at the slightly intact booths to emphasize his point.
Jazz gave a slow nod before continuing.
“Oh… ok. So Technus is one of the ghostly rogues that attack my town. “
Dick shared a glance with Duke, both of them filing away the information that a town was attacked by ghostly rogues for later.
Dick then turned back to Jazz.
“And you regularly threaten your town's rogues at knifepoint?”
Jazz looked back at the knife with an uncomfortable look on her face. She clearly wasn’t familiar with the weapon, so it must have come from a different booth than hers.
“Well not really but my parents are ghost hunters, so I've had to defend myself and Danny a few times.”
Sounded a lot like a classic case of kids getting sucked into their parents’ hero work.
“Danny, your brother, right? You acted like you expected that Technus guy to know if he was ok. Does he or the other rogues often go after him? Is it to get to your parents?”
Jazz hesitated slightly on her next answer, making it clear she was hiding something.
“Uh no, not to get to our parents but he does get caught up in the fights.”
Yeah, that was about as clear as it could get that, at least Danny, was far more involved in fighting off the ghosts than Jazz was willing to say.
Still, it was best to not let her know they were catching on to keep her explanation going.
“What makes your brother such a target then?”
There was another pause as they watched Jazz clearly trying to figure out what to say without giving away something she didn’t want them to know.
“Well even though my parents are good at making devices for fighting hostile ghosts they're not very good at the actual fighting part. They try but it's really the other heroes that keep the town safe, Red Huntress and Phantom.”
She took a breath.
“Huntress, as far as anyone knows, is human and has her own tech to subdue and catch ghosts, but Phantom is a ghost, and while he has powers to fight, he still needs a way to capture the other ghosts. Unfortunately, even though he’s a hero, our parents have an extreme hatred of all ghosts. So, he needs help accessing the tech he needs.”
Well, that was certainly a lot of information which probably gave away a lot more than Jazz had wanted it to.
It was pretty obvious that either she was the Red Huntress or that Danny was involved with Phantom in more than just his tech supplier.
They’d still go along with the story Jazz was telling them though, to not scare her off.
“That’s where your brother comes in, right?”
Jazz nodded.
“He and his friends have been sneaking our parents’ tech to Phantom and sabotaging the more… ethically unsound weapons for around a year now. I found out a few months in, and help out when I can, but Danny’s really the one who does most of it.”
 She then looked at them pleadingly and they suddenly remembered that this was a worried sister in front of them. They could focus on her and her brother’s secret vigilantism later.
“Please you can’t let anyone know. If my parents found out they’d try to stop us, which will only put Phantom and the town in danger.”
Both Dick and Duke put up their hands to assure her they weren’t going to reveal her secrets.
However, it was best to tell her that they’d have to tell Bat Man and the rest of the Justus League about the attacks on the town. Especially since it seemed the only heroes there were teenagers, with no competent adults to help.
“Don’t worry we won’t tell your parents, but we might have to discuss this with the League when we give our report about the ghosts in your town. Someplace being attacked by anything shouldn’t have gone unnoticed.”
Unfortunately, Jazz didn’t seem to agree with this and looked ready to argue.
Thankfully Duke stepped in before she could start.
“No one will do anything without more information but it’s important to know how this slipped by.”
This seemed to be enough for Jazz to agree but she still didn’t seem happy about it.
Not that they could blame her. If what she said about the attacks going on for at least a year now were true, and it’d really only been her and her brother all this time, they could understand the reluctance of other people coming in
They could focus on that later though. Right now, there was a kid missing and possibly kidnapped.
“Anyway, your brother often assists your town hero that your parents are prejudice against, which makes him a target of the rogues that attack your town. Your brother is currently missing and one of those rogues showed up, so you think he’s in trouble.”
“Oh, I know he’s in trouble.”
The way she said it sounded like this was a normal occurrence for them, and she was more exacerbated than fearful.
Another point for the teen hero theory.
So that was how they decided to let Jazz give a description of Danny as they lead her over to the others loading Clayface into the back of an armored police car.
However, once they were close enough for Clayface to hear his eyes widened in recognition of the description.
This of course got all of their attention, including Jazz’s, turned on him.
Damian gave one of his assassin glares that had many of Gotham’s criminals running.
“Care to share what you know?”
Clayface was one such criminal and told them the events of fighting Jason in an alley, with the kid Jazz described, when a mass of flying, glowing people appeared out of nowhere and abducted them, forcing Clayface to find a hostage elsewhere.
It was a moment later they all realized that Jazz had left to go back to the booths with the ghost hunting equipment.
By the time they all caught up to her she had several strange devices in her arms, all made of a metallic silver material inlaid with glowing green lines across them.
Before they could question her, she turned to them with a determined steal in her eyes.
“I know how to get to Red Hood and Danny.”
Dick smiled with relief. They were going to be able to find Jason and Danny without having to waste time figuring out what that portal was or where it went.
“Great, if you tell us where to go, we can…”
He shut his mouth immediately at the glare Jazz gave him.
“I said I know where to find them. I also know how to get there and how to stay safe while there. And since we don’t have time for me to tell you all of that now, I’m going.”
If there was any doubt about her being involved in heroism it was gone after that.
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plangentia · 4 months
KN Fp (1) 13
.1 ra-pa-to ‘me-no’ , *47-ku-to-de OLE V 1 pi-pi-tu-na V 1
.2 au-ri-mo-de OLE V 4 pa-si-te-o-i S 1 qe-ra-si-ja S 1
.3 a-ne-mo-i-je-re-ja OLE 1 u-ta-no , 'a-ne-mo-i-je-re-ja' S 1 Ṿ 3
In the month of Lapatos: to *47-ku-to OLIVE OIL V 1, to Pi-pi-tu-na V 1. To Au-ri-mo OLIVE OIL V 4. To all the gods: S 1. To The Huntress S 1. To the priestess of the winds OLIVE OIL 1. At U-ta-no, the priestess of the winds: S 1 V 3.
ra-pa-to – Lapatos. A month name paralleled in Arcadian μηνὸς λαπάτω. This is not an o-stem genitive, but instead seems to be a nominative of rubric?
‘me-no’ – menos – “month.” Genitive of month – Classical Greek μήν (< *mens). Unclear why this would be in the genitive and not ra-pa-to. The squeezed in nature of this word may suggest that it was forgotten and thus not conjugated properly, or perhaps it took on an adverbial meaning.
*47-ku-to-de – an accusative singular with the allative suffix -de. This allative suffix may imply that this is for a shrine rather than necessarily a person.
pi-pi-tu-na – the name of goddess presumably? The u-na ending is also seen in the name of the later Cretan goddess Δικτύννα. This could be in the dative singular, or perhaps the nominative of rubric.
au-ri-mo-de – accusative singular with the allative suffix -de.
pa-si-te-o-i – pansi thehoihi – “to all the gods.” Dative plural. pa-si < *pant-si.
qe-ra-si-ja – Kwherasiai – “The Huntress?” From the same root as θήρ, meaning wild animal. This has been suggested as an epithet for, or the name of, Artemis. Cf. Homeric πότνια θηρῶν.
a-ne-mo-i-je-re-ja – anemone hiereiai – “Priestess of the winds.” Spelt as if there was a word break between the two components of the compound. Dative singular.
u-ta-no – a place name. Perhaps Utanos? Could be Itanos, but that’s too far East. This is certainly a different priestess of the winds though – Utanos, doesn’t appear to be close to Knossos.
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cookiesandcosplay · 5 months
Character: Alexandra Hunter
Name: Alexandra Hunter.
Age: 28
A.KA: Huntress, Lex, Lexie.
Origin: Human, with mutations.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Face Claim: Emma Watson
Power/Skill Set: Able to take on catlike mannerisms and appearance, however the fullest extent of her change makes her look like an ‘anthro’ lioness/puma. She is a skilled boxer, with mild working in taekwondo after. Excellent hearing and sight. Rather good on reconnaissance due to her heightened stealth.. Has been known to roar once.
Skin: Pale, pinkish cheeks. Or has tanned fur when in animal form with a white muzzle and rear paws.
Eyes: Deep blue, almost silver sparkle. Thick black eyelashes.
Hair: Chocolate brown, short with a long fringe, worn on the right - which is still present even in her animal form.
Height: 5’ 5 (in human form) or 5’ 6 (in animal form - including ears)
Personality: Intelligent - can come across as a know it all, abrupt, not afraid to speak her mind, loyal, big reader, sarcastic. However, if you are rude/mean/hurtful about her animal form, she can get rather sensitive - style of response can vary from tears to physically tearing you a new one.
Smoker: No, but likes the smell of tobacco
Drinks alcohol: Yes, she enjoys spirits when at parties - and enjoys a good white wine now and again. Tequila is her favourite! Though it does loosen her tongue.
Tolerance for alcohol consumption: Can hold her drink moderately well.
Medical Problems: Suffers from altered DNA, resulting in her hybrid cat form. She has dealt with self harm in the past - usually by starvation. Food is her one vice, so she felt it was the best way to punish herself.
Likes: Chocolate, reading - mostly fantasy and classic literature but is a sucker for Stephen King. Adores music and is a skilled pianist. Singing, most genres. Has an odd love of heavy metal music. Eating… Lots! For her size, she has an amazing appetite! Cooking, but doesn’t like doing the washing up afterwards.
Notes: Under distress or emotional excess she will turn “animal”, it can be controlled usually, but under extremes she can remain in animal form for days at a time. Certain poisons, chemicals or general illness can also effect her state of appearance.
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serregon · 1 year
🩷 💚 for the game!
🩷 a ship that you like, even though it could never work in canon
idk how the timeline works out but Haleth and Aredhel would be a neat duo, classic sapphic huntresses and all
💚 a ship that you think deserves more love
Nienor/Mablung! girl deserved so much better. Mabs spent three years searching for her only to arrive in Brethil the day she died. mr tolkien the tragic love story is right there!
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